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.. THE DAILY NEWS. ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., SATUII.DAY, NOVE~m.E;R 2,1, 1962 [Price: 7 Cents)· , : ' ersons . I - . ,

: .' ane ras es TREEl By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS flane croshes in the United States, France and on a South Atlantic island off Africa . more than 50 persons Friday. A United Air Lines plane with 17 persons aboard crash-ed and burned in a forest near City, Md., about 10 miles west of Baltimore. State police said no one survived. I~ear Paris, a Hungarian airliner, approaching Le Bourget airport in a fog, was wrecked lugor beet field, killing all 21 persons aboard. Sev-eral of the victims were Hungarian officials. I \hortl)' after taldng off from St. Thomas Island in the South Atlantic, a Portuguese mili­ I trcnsporl exploded and crashed, killing 19 of the 32 persons aboard. Five of the victims i LONDON, England-Viewed from the oppollite bank of London's River Thames. Great Britain's Houses of Parliament and Big Ben clock, has a theatrical effect at night. The entire section resembles a paste­ lisbon showgirls returning home from entertaining Portuguese troops in Angola. __ . board cut-out associated with a stage setting, and the Thames looks like an illuminated sheet o[ glass. "., .::.:,,: .. :~, :lIld 13·' ... -.-..------.------... ~ ~.- .. --.. ~--- ... ~ .. - 1 0 -- ' •• __ •• _.- .--~_ •• _.~~-~- •••• - _. ._------_.- _ ----- :' .' ." " "·.I,h ,·r he heard explosions and saw' than 300 frct. There was no' p · ;', I '. :11 l\II'ho thick, black smoke rising. noise of cxplosion from Ihe plane repare I, . ,:. ,.. II \: I\'J~ In the Paris crash, the lIun- as it passcd. Thcn I heard a' . , I · : - t' 1.,::1' from garian airlhwl' plullged no~c. rumble. like thunder. I saw two I iNehru Sees No End . :" \:.i"":1. \,a .. first Ulr~)ugh fo)! inlo It. SIIOW- colunms of black smoke coming I' I · '.'':,>:: 1:::"11. fIPl'Ia'd field north of Pam Jnd up from the scene." :\1'1. 11.'111.\.' hilI'SI. i.llio flames. • The POl'luguc,c pl

r~nme 1111 111:;1 er ~Iefenhal\er: Saskatchewan to Ihe Supreme ,trllggle and a. Ih/llcull onc. :lIId tec look lIs ne.~al1'·e st;l1ld a/ler· . 1 . Frllln)' conferrcd With lIlayor: Court of Cannd;1 lI'a.' announced. I\'~ must not IOwglnc 111<11 Ihe IlleiJI:lI1~ tllo. LhJl1p.sl'. proposals . \,1';11' . R~:DFOn? ~Iass. '.\P' ennedy, Macmillan : :Je~n DI?pcan of~lon.treal ami I Fridny hy JlI~lil:e :llinistcr Flem.: stlugglc WIll hc. ol'cr :;oon b~. i oll.lltned };~' DCPl!ly LxI.?I't;;l1 Af· 1lte l:.S. Coas.1 Guard expa~dcd , ! I :'It IS. ""heve1.Qr~;ml~~tlono.l.lhc: iii'! . call.-e uf yannllS ~mlonw''':: brs ~1!nJsl"I' 1)11,0,1, :",,~h . Ihe a,'~n of I';. :;cardl I'n~JY I fair was discilssr.,".... i ." .' .~ . mO\'e5," : "\I'e ~haJI win tI,is ~trllg~Ir.. fOI' Ihe missinQ \rw Bcdlol',1 A'sociale Defcllce Minister is d F ' :-Iehru hilS not "nnouncrd hisi as we must," \ehnl ,,,id. "hy scallopcr :I!idni~ht SIIIl. missill~ Pierre Se~'igny, senior. federal I eawee orces pOSition on the. Chincsc. off~rldiscip.linc. hurd work nnd sarri·:for to da~'s with II mcn.aboard. May ·Mee"t reprcsentatll'e on the IOler-gol'-, • : to end the confhct but hIS lileS-I flce. The cuast gilaI'd said lhree Soon ernmental group which. 1I'0n np-I Ship To sage 10 the rally \\'~lS t!,C ~Ioscst. In P;,rliamrnt em·lier.. Xehru' aircI':lfl alld t·.IO cutlers - thc . ,prol'al of Canada as hosl for the. . he has come to rCJcctll1g It. I spoke of home·fmnl Jlllpro\c· ,\cuslltlct and \Iackmac - were with the cxccllth'e cOllll11itlee of· 1!167 fair. hope~ to hal'c dr:tlt! Alter Course I .Fceling in India was running Iments which. he snid. "ultim-' can'yin)! on Ihc scarch. Plalls the U.S. :-lillionnl Secllrily Coun. 'Iegislaliun reml, ill' Ihl' end orl hl~h against nccepling the Pc·: ~tcly will go to :hr W:L' ~ffort.·· \\'ore 10 spread the search oler cil and sal down with defence· nexl wee\;. . V;\:-;COUYER rcP) - When n \;in~ terms. fill' this would mean: Red Chinn. me:lII'.,hik. illdical· .1 wider men in hopes of finding a~HI Iludgct mcn 10 go ol'cr the: A meeting of ~lontreHI cil'ic. Finnish freighter mril'c~l herc n India would harc 10 ,gi.,·r ul~ claim I cd it \\'ankd Ito. st:d'in~ fl'OI11 some traee of the missin;; fbh­ , hlg C.S. militarv spcnding hud-: and Qllehec pl'Ul'incial aut hod- ,day latc thl! cn'\\' explamcd lI'Jt· 10 l2.OIlG sqnare miles 10 thr Ithe IlHh:ms on Its offor to end Ill;! ressl'!. ,. /~I:'~ ... ' get for next yc,ir. when it may· tics \\'ith federal I'epresentnlil'es' lhe reason \\'as seawl'ed-a Ladakh al'ca of l\""hmir on 'Ill', the fi;:htin;!. The :llirilli~ht SlIn has !101 hit an estimated S4B.300,OOO.00o: ! is IICinl: al'l'ntl,<:ed for next FI·i.· Whole Sl'a of it. norlll\l'csl cnd of the dispnted i A \'CIl' (,hin;] nrl':' :1~rl"'Y heen heard from sillce a I'iolenl Andrew 1'. Hatchel', assistant I day hcre. If no hitche); occ~r. i The crew of Ihc Vaasa Lcader. Ilimalayan Bor<\rrl:lOds. I ilrondca,t monitored in To];;:n storm s'.l'epl the ,\t\antic :\o\'. It While House press secretaI'\' the draft legislation probably said lhe seawced in the Sar-' ------...... ----.---~~-.. said it "is highh- probablc" thnt will he submitted 10 Ihem in: gaSSO Sea lying cast of Ihc Car-. Britain 'i the prcsident Ivill meet "some private fOI' theil' commenls an~ i ibbean II'nS so Ihick they fcarcd. time soon" with r.lacmillan. then introduced in lite Com- ; Iher~ would ~e consid~rahlc ;!C- --'" , , Halcher refused to be pinned 1110115. • •• I ~ny If they tncd to sml through 1

down on the Iialc 01' place 01' the Accordlllg to IOlernahnnal , It.. I , prolJable meeting. agreement. Ihe host cOllntry sets i Jl was drclded 10 alter course I Byelection ReSlllts lip a two-pronged organiwlion 10: and skll'l the huge ma!;s. eI i' :I London SOllrce); said ~Incmil· deal with inter-governmental lnd! Dic :-lil'ala, steward on Ille i, 1 : Ian will cross Ihe Atlantic snmc national ne~otiations, and wilh: ship. said the freightcr 1'uns in!o I I ..! I I 1'1lI~1E ~1I:';ISTER ~IAC~III.l,.\;I/ lime after Chl'istmas. J(cnnc~y the purely business asrect of palchcs of scnwced on cach Stagger Conservatives I .... has annllllOccri . he will spend holding a large international ex- j! voyage hut this time it 11',15 i i! , ~'lnT \I t , '"~... .. :1". '.\1" ,pecified. Doublles:;, however. n·1I·IS . Im

!l. 1962. i risk 10 credil sales of whcat to; ROlin: (AI') - Rome's firel11"-nl miniature depicting the descent 1 of the S a I' gas s o. phlO~inr, The minority I.. iheral party Prar,oll ,lcclisen China. : ~'I'iday called off a two·day stril;e of the !lilly Ghosl upon the 1through the SCHweed. nearly upset the gOlet'l1mcnt in G[ trYing 10 back Agriculture Minister liamiltonl sct for this wcekend. Even if' Allostlcs. --- -.------~--~ said he has only asked that -- .~ .. -~. USSR I ------. ~;~~ir:~:;r~~;~I%:~s~~ehi~fi~~~\''';·' ,," . Attacks' I ! I'Isk. " , : I MINUS EVERYTHING . External Affairs MlI1lster Grecn CllAl'IU)1. Ont.-(AP)-Police stoPlled Rlldol Bcl· 1 gm'c new assurances that a com­ winlder, 23, of LOlldon on a hi,<:hway for hal'ing only one ! mittee witl he allowed to debate I lhc Columbia River Ireaty. Iirenl'e plate 3nd fonnl\ liis t\'llck also hall: 'Imperialism' Xo mufflcr, no band brake. nn foot hrakes, no brake Frank Howard (NDP-Skeena) Ihlltts, no slOl1 li;:hts, no wiper, no horn. 110 floor on the . ar!(ued unsuccessfully for his pri. Rv .JOSEPII l\!HcSWEE!\' I under its domination." I vale bill 10 outlaw trading stamps drh'cl'" side, no effective means 01 holding the door shut in Canada. u;,;'Imn NATI~~S (~.P\ -; lilac uarrie said Ihal oinee. 011 thr dril'er's sill!', no tread 011 the lires and all fenders M!h Ma. I Monday, No,'. 2fi Canada charged 1, I'Iday ther~ 1939 1I1oscow has incorporalcd flappillg, NI~hl !Jay J The Commons meels at 2: 30 are. about ~6,OOO.OOO people undel morc lhan 260.000 square miles lie pleadrrl guilty hcre Thursrlay 10 ~ri\'il1g an unsafe · ..... 31 4t i p.m. to deoat~ a bill for an in­ Sovle~ rule who hav.e nevcr h.een of additional tcrrilory with a' \'c!licle and was fined SUi...... 311 permitted to excrclse the flghL I I' f 22000000 lerim money supply. The Senate of self-determination which the popu a 10n 0 , , • 0- ""." 31 1 is adjourned until Tuesday night. ,,' U.S.S.n. so loudly proclaims [or .. " ..... 40 4\ TURKEY DUNK others. " E;'I;FIELIl, COlln.-(AP)-Someoody with a turkey to · ...... 40 ·14 THE COUNTRY PARSON In one of the slrongest state· Illuck brought it WI!(Inesday night to a self·sen'ice laundry. """ 42 5~ ments yet made on Soviet im· Second It was one of those coin·operated places with automatic' perialism, Canadian dclegatc machines aml no attendants, so no one saw the mysterious Heath Macquarrie told the 17th plucker at his wor);, United Nations Gcncral Assem­ Emile Dllpont, the owner. said one of lIis machines was bly the Krcmlin cynically does Sponsor so full of feathers it took two llOlIrs to get thcm oul. one thing and says another lie said tilt' I'isit()r n\ljlarcntly inst'rted a coin ami then where imperialism is conccrned. Ihmkcu the hird rcpeatcIlIy in the lIot water to malle it easy Macquarrie, parliamentary ,15- .7:20 a.m. . sistant 10 External Affairs Min- OTTAWA (CP) - CBC r'resi­ 10 defcather, . ister Howard Green, accused dent Alphonse ouimet announced 5;14 a.m. Moscow of a "record of tyranny" Friday that a second sponsor­ and declared: the Imperial 1'ohacco Company FREE-fOR-ALL " 1'\01', 27 TOKYO-(AP)-I'When a waitress refused to serve two liar" to Ihe "It is a uilique and di~turbing Limited of C?n~da-has aeccpted Ihe ~I drunks in a slum district restaurant 'Fl'ielay. she got a cup i .. Olin is SANTIAGO Chile _ A Chilean soldier (right) fire's phenomenon aL this time in the corporali~n s proposal for, .. I. 'Id ff' . I f II courtesy credIts for the Dec. 11 of tca thrown in her face. Ilushing to her defence, a walter L't! Will be I'i" a 311.S, Y; len one 0 • le CBC G C I I splashed wllter over one of the drunks, '. . nfle mto crowd during.. pro-Communist demonstration ! highestI~OI asplratl[lns of mankmd rey up e eeast. I "-II ntorning sk), Then it started: Other workmen-enjoying the labor .. . ,,.! here late Nov. 19, whIle other soldIers try to hold back: is the peaceful and orderly evo. l~monlhs. thanksgiving holiday hcre-juined in the melee; I' . .' the .people. Police and troops sealed off this capital. lution to visible frecdum for. ~Il:. Fort Smitl~. Ar.k .. estahli5hel~: I Three hours latcr, 1,3011 helmeted policc and a fleet of Int .. 5'57 .. . after demonstrators rallied in a suburb heeding a! Mpcndenut pcoples, IhaL :!Jei In 1817, was bUilt fOl. Int . P.m. p~rtly armored cars \'cstored or[Ier-after 1,000 rioters smashed ., 11.50 p.m. , Terrible as nuclear weapons! '., " ... ! U.S.S.R. ~I:ould continue to deny i the purpose of kccplllg peace ,a:e, they on!y become destr~~'1 Com~umst call for gcnel'~1 stl'lke. ~he stnke faIled, i the righls of free c1ccPon and· betwecn the Cherokee and 05' 111' the restaurnnt. sloned the armored cars and tied up ---_-'1 tlve whoo mixed with hatred. but fIVe were reported kIlled and nine wounded. expression 10 subject nations' OIge llldl

. ': .. ' ,.: .;. bonjour Holy Cross School Skating Report by Thomas Horan During The Past 'tleek By "PAT" Each week there seems to he more people LOCAL TALENT (Continued) GRADUATION NIGHT CADETS skating than the week before. Hockey has noll' II Last wek's "Bonjour" aroused quite a lot of talk December 19th. Recently' the Holy Cross ed at the Stadium so that will cut (Jut a nU!l1b~,arti among our teen-agers and grown-ups alike, I receiv­ Last June a total of $7,OOC Cadet Corps, with Jerry Ennis, skating sessions, but the sk~tcrs willm,;ke up fOl':f~ ed several letters concerning the topic and two of worth of scholarships were won Cadel Major, CO. Terry IIIallay on Tuesday, Thursday, Fncla~'. and S~l1da)' nigh;~ b~' the Grade Ten and Eleven and 2LC Ted Downey, reccived those stood out above all the rest, one letter was very students of Holy Cross. Thesc the Strathcona Trust Shield for There has been hockey at the ;\rcn" [O!' :,I)tr:e t' much for the group and the other was very much awards along with the annu~l being the best Cadet Corps in now, as eVErybody knows. [or! he.I' mi,,' the ~In'::::'! report of the school year plus Newfoundland. They collected night skating."·'Y against the Western Gentlemen. The unknown per­ lake a hreak dl son who was for this group, instead of signing his the Holv Cross Jlf.!:ld and Glee the highest score (95.8) at their Club will be featured at the annual inspection last May· Col­ Theatre. l\Iem~ name, he signed "A very perturbed reader of the Graduation Night. The Band onel Price recently presented Slauium tonight. Director Is Daily News," the other signed "Frank". and Glee Club provide musical thc shield to the school. Tho5e at the Prince of Wale, T;\!j,~I' l'(';d!:: ~'Jli'!\'I'" .~ training for about 90 teenagers, BOWLING .• j.~ _ 1, Because I did not have the names of the writers Arena eluring the pa:~':. ·I~. please sign your name and address, If you do not tin. Ron Rossiter, noh Howell, ("ll'\- i{Jt' ", -'"I , • returnees Dave Wilson, Terry three teams ended in first place I •. 1,"' 1,.'1.;1. ,-;i"~;l~;'l~ wish it to be printed, we can arrange that, but wc lIialiay an'd Tom Horan, second, Canadiens, Black Hawks and Bob Ahhott. Bill Ro"iter. Brenda Kennedy Bernice Col­ 1:'('{', Jin} ~"if<:rr Hn~~;~ must have your name for certain reasons. lead and last year's skip re· Rangers. No playoff has been . ,.... r lins, Brenda :llurph)', .lim Wadc, )ji']d, P;tUl ('r1 ater--'" ~treet ... , Personal Manager: Ed E. Oh no, I don't believe I'll fall in lo\c todal'. · .. truck leakin i Miller. no damage. t ,. (Don't believe I'll fall in love la

Some Pentagon officials pro· , '., • • • 1 pose a continued on again, off I .. Iagain blockade-a spot air and ~

What worr.les our offlclals, sea check at Irregular Interl'als 'I' even more IS how ca.n the of all ships coming to Cuba . l United States be ce;talll th~t from Communist countries, 'I , j a~reempnt once home, the RUSSlans .w~1[l t Suspected ships would be ,( !!;,i:~ Sm':'1 "tcehni. find a way to ship the mlSSlles boarded. I ~: I:0i' \\'or\ on their and planes back again at a later , , 'I:~h:n, I','rl" which date, only with more sccrccy. ' This wDuld be combined with NOW PLAYING , I SOl'irl ~:Ibmarine For awhile, apparently. the continued air surveillance to U.S, will depend on an inter- spot any new missile bases that • il'! I\'O'I:'~ at one national Red Cross check on might appear. ACCLAIMED! THE GREATEST ADVENTURE t::I'I:t St,1"rl RU5sla's shipments to Cuba. But even , i' fiell-inrludin. her 1£ It works as planned, it's not I Thus far, however, It appears AND ROMANCE IN A THOUSAND YEARS! , IJ .... rl " I , ... , un N;C3, ~Quad. expectcd here that this che.ck Ithat no decision has heen made CHARLTON '" I Ilr Inor~ potent would cOtltinue for long. What by the Administration Gn what ' ,C'ncer •.1 t~! "mericRn coasts then? to do over the longer rim, HESTON, ..:,.. 'I :';;e d' . :\:\./d Red ,'ubmarin~ : I I :'r:,ult I, ' ~:~n. Ihr l'S. hlock- I' .' -.1 r ,:arch hat cnn\'lnced I, . , . , \. ,,;':I~t), men Ih~t Khr\l . .. - ,1 lOO" " . lilt.! IIror., need for I'! In Cuha. - \' ,r!POrt _ Hlhmar~,e ' "The Picture is .tl~ conltructed, I \'t .' , I .... ~,_ COLOSSAL!" ,.-: tnl\l13r~' and diplo. , ""'Ines; ow r Cuban I 1\ I .' ~'1 Ind intermediate I .' If 'w -.' es Continues too ·~-·te . ~;:';;, ,the thorou~h ',': I11; . .\.~! ,Phlr (1l\wage. h1 NEWFOUNDLAND'S FRIENDLY THEATRE , ,t· .. fltln PlRne~ fll'ing I' I 'lIn - 00 ' 1 ,i J. 0 fect ha\'e I " I: or the day to day i Ii · the known mI',. I TO-DAY .1 lau h . , trlil ~c cr". transport, I 1 Itt e.s, oXldller trail. - i Clors from th I I~ ," ems, ,nIp d~ek~. , ... ·,·c ,\rhll In, ha\'e reason .~~l:I'" Allan JbesTHEPIT . I e RUSsians are ,I the 42 medium I, ' PENDULUM SUIII TEtHHlWU TlClNlCatDl' l~w r3nge PRICE i n and count~d. M"m['OO1PJaU'r# IDJfF.~·~H(~~lI~'H~~JWHM:fImjQ 01 Defense has 10. ~"IOfr." L (I of at least Also-UP-TO-THE MINUTE NEWS, TIMES Of SHOWS nVAI ron red mis­ en ships ~alllng TIMES OF SHOWS 1JATINEE - 12 O'CLOCK PreSumably the ,~" .,Cluru f EVENING SHOWS: 7 O'CLOCK - 9.00 EVENING SHOWS - 5 O'CLOCK -:- 8.15 IlIllible 0 the rest. 1 ':!Ii tht to flke a mis­ MATINEE; 2 P,M. ADMISSION PRICES ~tln' prO]ler camou· It dilill IlIen think thil MATINEE CHILDREN-35c. ADUL TS-75, eu j t as . kl CARIBBEAN ''FISHING'' BOAT?: Heavily retoucbed photo Df ",bat was described IS \-oUld qUlc v .. rocket-firlng Soviet submarine appeared In March 1981 line of Red Star EVENING CHILDREN-50c, ADULTS-lJ ,ba\'~ had to perSistent daytime R,,;Jians are biding missiles i. Bul will Ihe Sovi,t Union all offeosive missiles, offensive NEXT ATTRACT!ON Cuban Clves, Department of send them all home..,.or just bombers and their associated Defense must be presumed tolhose Khrusbchev thinks we equipment Is In fact removed, DAVID McLEAN - CHARLES BRONSON - NEXT ATTRACTION , .kerf men be doing all In Its power to koow about? CutrD's Cuba has balked in· JAMES GREGORY in "X-I5" - ADVEN­ ::ere W'U check this out. Thuti far, the Soviet Union Ipection, TURE - THRILLS -' SUSPENSE - Also "LA DOLCE VITA" with - ANOUK ,'.I\/EF , an d WI in~Olhtr medium The homeward shipment of haB not said It will remove Military men believe that un· , 1 Ilrti· ~ Cubaflllediite rlllle "SECRET OF DEEP HARBOUR" with Ron - MARCELLO ~IASTROIANNJ - Tm cnC OJ • the 1L-28 jet bombers could the bomber. Cuba claims they less there Is realistic spot in, _Will1aJ!1 , WhiCh Ire 10 be traced the lime way if the are "Cuban property," spection by experts there can FOSTER - MERRY ANDERS - ADVEN­ ;\10ST TALKED ABOUT PICTURE JF TI-I1 Soviet did u the U.S, insists, We continue to insiBt, too, be no assur&lIlce that the Rus, TURE AND THRILLS, YEAR. been reporlJi MIld tJiNe l!~ml1e-r.dlus thlt there must be Inspection sians hive ipded removed all retuleea tblt the bombera back to RUlli.. on the .pot to determine if their strategic offensive wea, • THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD~ATFRDAY, ~O\'E\IBEn 11. l%~ ------,------~'II'IIIJiIlIIHlllltlllllll'IIII~I"'" 1',1111 •• ,'1,' ,," ~ , 1HEVA1LY NE\

-~ Baker-Kelloway Wedding -;;; We The Martin-Murphy Wedding Wonlen Line FORMULA FOR HAPPINESS By RUTH MILLETT

"Treat elderiy people as you would like to be treated when you become old." That·s ~he verhal prescription for getting along with the aged offered by the Professional Nursing Home Journal.

The aged in every community , ' would have a happier time Jr it if we all took that adl'ice to heart. But first We woulc! all need to figure out just how . ' we want to be treated when we i are old. We will want to maintain ollr own homes as long as possihle, won·t we? Why then should we urge the elderly person who i! capable of maintaining a home (0 mOl'e in with a son ~r daughter or givc up a hOll,e , . and yard to move into a hotel .. room or smaH apartment or home for the aged?

We will want to be useful !o others as long as we are able· bodied. Why then, aren't our elderl)' citizens encouraged to take a more active part in com· munity affairs?

We will want to hal'e rriends of all ages when we are old· cr. Why then are old citizens 50 often offered Golden 1\ g e Clubs instead of heing includ· ed in the social life or the community?

We 1I'0n't want 10 feI:. . snow at K. last for the dear molher: Bridal ~ttendants were Helen Cole and Rita ~a\\'ior. Tbc ,:;;':' ";~r\~:r ;:i: _ . ~ . ~ DEAR GIRLS - -Don't YOH .. ~., Keep thc children from pulling St, .John·s PI .. by KevlI1 SmIth and Peter Lawlor. The rc;cptlOl1 \\'~s h('1". ~1.: \, ,,,,.:\:.,I(j; th~' I a, towels off the rack by slippin~ agree that this might be a hel­ lI'ilhr all Jlroduct shower curtain hooks over the tel' world if more parents took ace, and the honeymoon was spent ilt h.anl·oncl en bill'. il,c \. . Out Crime" 'lheir ohligations as seriollsly a.1rt D ' towel bar. Sew a bone rinl( to now residing at 61 Gower Street. ~Royal Photo) Th ecember The wedding took place on August 23; 1962, of Patricia Byrne, daughter of the corncr of each towel and as the Vs do? eatre, lI!eml POLLY The story Mr, and Mrs. Robert Byrne, Topsail Ro ad, to Michael Martin, son of Mr. and snap the I'in~ 01' a towel thr· -----,._---- .. ------_. -_ .. " Mrs, James Martin, Cartwright, Lab rador, at the Mary Queen or the World ough the hook. Y?ung man \\ LOTTIE F. him and he Church. Rev, F, Kent officiated. The bride was attended by June Byrne CHILL CHASING With a niJ!ht ~d Helen Chafe, and the groom was attended by Robert Byrne and George DEAR POLLY-I find that ~ 10 the Wife ( Chafe. Reception was held at Barney's. The newlyweds are now residing at Por­ small piece of reflector tap ~ a ~er hUsband over the lock of a door -will the Jealous rage tugal Cove Road. (Royal Photo) save groping in the dark. Cut Yaunl( man .that fOllows Wilhelmina Warren; Second Into her OWn Committee: Sister Vivian, illI _ 1 ~' where we I Ch:.~tt; Fourth Committee: Sis· east are Del · . ~ L.O.B.A. Lodge Organized , SORE ter Hannah ,Jane Scott: Audi· Ifallltnond . , " tors: Sister Bernice Keeping. WOMEN'S and ' , . Paul Htl · At ,Ramea Sister Flora Crewe, Sister FIFTH AVENUE COCKTAIL B~OT~:!;l':~:' IS Allan Vanllt II THROAT Florence W?rren. of brushed nylon, Stain resistant. l\'~tcrrrnrl9 In . The Provincial Grand Mis­ ter Sara Crewe; Junior Deputy heel;. Black or BrOII'Il, SIZes. to . l! now on tress of the Ladies Orange Ben­ Mistress: Sister Elsie Colley; The Grand Mistress also vis· ant utton and evolent Association, Rt. Wor­ Recording . Secretary: Sister Ited Daughters or Channel $10·;5 Phoniember of shipful Sister Rachel Goulding, Blanche Pink; Financial Secre· Lodge No. 819 and ~onducted 90276 or organized a new Lodge of the tary: Sister Elizabeth Scott, the 'election or officers. L D01t1~IO, ••• Association at Ramea on No· Treasurer: Sister Emma Tibbo; • ------~~rSEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION Of. . ~ hack to; T vember 5th. Assisting the Chaplain: Sister Effie Hardy; A splendid address of wei· RUBBER FOOTWEAR FOR ALL 'fI{E F. .\~IlL\' a \' 871'1& Grand Mistress were members , Guardian: Sister Robena Mars­ come was read by the Worthy with tl)o altrad of Christian Endeavour Lodge den; Director of Ceeremonies: Mistress. Sisler Jennie Sheaves, collle a beauw No. 106\ of Burgeo. Sister Deborah Scott; Senior an da gift presented to the bt!cire\Ire. bad no . OFFICERS OF QUEEN ANNE Lecturer: Sister Grace Rose: Grand Mistress, who ''':pressed LODGE NO. 13'l2 Deputy Lecturer: Sister Fannie her sincere thanks and appreci­ non't~~ Worthy Mistress: Cister Mary Bell; Inner Guard: Sisteer Ida ation of the kindness extended Fiander; Deputy Mistress: Si .. Childs; Outer Guard: Sister to her.

• - , ~::£D.\ILY ~EWS, ST, JOHN'S, NF~SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1962

'J ;:) Linegar-Flynn Wedding

: :

- Twenty·four psychlatr'~ nursIng aMes anll attendants of thc Hospital for ;Ucnlal and Ncl'l-' -OtiS Diseases graduated here Thursday night. The 1962 graduating class are front row (I,r): PERSONAL Lorraine J, Gosse, Franccs Hallingham, Doreen Smith, amI lIIrs. Nellie Wicks. Sccomt row (\-r): Abraham French, Francis Furey, 1\Irs. Coffin, E'lzabeth W~lsh, Peggy V. lIarri,. Waite! Nngent amI Edmund Dunphy. Back row (I·r): RIl by Vivian, Dorothy Bennett, CatheritH~ ;'rencl\ CHIT .. CHAT Rose Mary Matthews, Loretta Gosse, 1'Iarie ta nc, Phyllis Smith and SOllhie !{e,lIl. (~Iax Mcw'\, Photu) , 7th. WEDnING . !, ANNIVEltSAny I Congratulations arc being ex· I~ tended to 1Iiaxine ,md I'aul I ' 'raylor of the city. who loday, November 24th arc celebrating their 7th_ Wedding Anniver· sary. Best wishes come from I , theil' lIlany friends, ::. :,:-j ~i:':,_ Peter Linegar follow ing their marriage at the Immaculate BlRTIIDAY GREE'l'lNGS ,-::, (,::,::,·h. Bell Island, on Nov. 3, 1962, The bride is fhe former Nora lIIany happy returns of the day arc being extended to Ron :.,,:_!~ter 1\'11'. of and Mrs. John Flynn of Bell Island, and the Hennebury of Freshwater Road, .~., ::,. _':':: .)i Captain p, J. and the late Margaret Linegar, who will be celebrating his > ::-_".::: 1-: h(lnoUt' was Bernadet te Flynn, with bridesmaids Agatha birthday on Sunday, November .....: _.. :.:-,::!-,': 25th. llest wishes come fronl ,Jackman. The best man was l!:dward Browne, with Jed all the boys, :, ,.:-:: :.l" Cnle as ushers. Flower girl was Genevieve Flynn, with

.... i::' .,.""l,oIJO\' ~ .' NOVEMUER 25th's UIRTllIlA Y ~, :_ ::,_. :.,1,(111 was spent touring Newfoundlancl, and the happy couple' Birthday greetings arc being ... :,,',:::< at 70A Mullock St. (Max Mercer Photo) extended tll Mrs. Blanche )Iur· .. .. phy of 68 Carter's Hill who will , ,. ,. ,.\. ------J .;-. " down the street. and be was .' '~. ,"' (Jut of gas, and he was broke, .. ~. could I give him 25c. f~~~~~:~~:!~:~:~~~:a:s\~:' ·~;,/_ .~ .. ,~ wishing her very best wishes, .,/" ... :,:. The Inside Track I know I should hm'e said :>l0 outl'ight, but I gave him the 20th, ANNIVERSARY benefit of the doubht although Congratulations and very bcsL By CASSIE BROWN I saw no car, and gave him the wishes are being extended from 25c. THEN he said, "Will you all thc family and friends of do me another favour?" 1111'. and Mrs. Edward Furlong of 16 Pine Bud Avenue, on the This floored me, Imt I was occasion of their 25th. Wedding curious too (the COl1rse of all Annivcrsary, which they cele· newspaper people) "It all de· brate Sunday, November 25th. pcnds" said 1. nIRTIIDAY GREETINGS "Would you drivc me down 10 Many hapllY returns of the SI. Clarc's Hospital?" day arc being extended to :'tlichael Reid of the city who .. ''-, (,~ "i,:, I,n thc celebrates his birthday today, Fourteen gralluate nurses 0' the Department or Healtll lIos llital (or J[cntal anll Ncrvous Diseases Thursllay nlg11! re-ccl\'c(; ,,:: ;t:,::d:,,~ (til the I said. "Certainly nol!" ·i· \...', . . tertlficates In the in·servlce training course, Three of the regis terell IIInses also l',':cived pl·izes. Thrs~ were EiI~ul lJingwelI' -. .: ..... I:: J. :J;ltL"i" wmd No\,. 24th. R.N .. winner of the gold medal for proficiency, donated by Dr, J. F. Walsh; Dar;,! Higgins, 11.:'1., wi:ul':r of thr ,iher'medal . :-:-'.~:h:~::: ! ('0 everv With 11 Shrll!!. he took off. ANNIVERSARY for theory, donated by l'fiss !'rl. Maloney, director of nurses; anll Doreen Swain, 11.:"I" winner of the book ,.riIe for Ilrofici,; t ::f "(-~h, "!!'! ! could ,:>:;; :::)~e ',I';]: :'liy clad, Was he a bum? He wasn't We extend congratulations eney, donated by the nursing education department. Shown, front row (I·r): John Fennessey. Emma IIrol'.'n, Darline King; dressed like one, Was hc genu· to Air. and Mrs. J. P. Fleming Eileen Dingwell, Charlotte Clarke, and lIazel Pittman. Back row (1.\,): 1\Iary lieating, ~Irs, I'auling ))eering, Dorecn Swain i inc? I don't think so. Was he of the city, on the occasion of Darnl lliggins, and JIbs, Kathleen Cumbie. tlliax Mercer Photo) :i trying some ~orl of sinister their Wedding Anniversary i game? which they celebrate today, Novembcr 24th. " [ 1\'s hard to lell. hut this may .. serve as a warning to other BIRTHDAY GREETINGS women who may be accosted Birthday greetings are being j: contracted while "chasin~" by this gentleman-or others extended to Roberta Jean

Tom Dower Armistice Day. like him. Clarke who is celebrating her ~t' ...... ' : Was incapacitated for a full birthday loday, Greetings come ,", weck, amI hy th~ time was ...... from all hcr (riends, , : I back on my feet, lhe show was ...... " I - < ~' I ' lilled and running ~moothly. Heard Oscar Levant on the 22nd. WEDDING , "~ CBC yesterday (with Al Jol­ ANNIVERSARY '. '. I, The sllow is pretty and gay sonl, and was reminded that I Congratulations arc extended and I was particularly impres­ had watched him on a recent to Mr. and Mrs. Graham Pike '. .' i, sed by Linda Case and Betty Jack Benny TV show. The un· of Main Street, Bell Island on o! , 1\lurphy, They showed lots of inhibited Oscar played a very the occasion of their 22nd. Ii bounce and energy, and their heavy composition brilliantly Wedding Anniversary which personalitiees came out over (to my mind), hut once, they celebrated Novcmber II the footlights. througbout the composition he 23rd. Greetings come from all must have made some sort or their family and friends. Ron Emery, Brinn Jalleman, error for lhe outspoken artist il I Alex Knlgbt lmd Roy Crannl· winced noticeably. NEW ARRIVAL , ' • I~ ~ ford were the funniest cleaning 'fhe great Oscar is notorious Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Wil· i "\Vomen" I have even seen, A liams of 70 Carters Hill are I for his brutal frankness when :,' dance by the "Hipsters" was rejoicing in the birth of a baby \ t • " bcing intervie\\led by panelist 5 .1 quite spectacular, ,I ~. J,}.... boy, born November 21st. at , : : (or was, as one tIme), however, . ',~' , .,::" s 1'1;]\'Cr" ready on Jack Benny's show he St, Clare's Mercy Hospital. We ~", P;oduction "~Iur­ Tbe Cabolerrs barber shop ,'J! obvIously sluek to his lines and join with their many friends "D_:r:me." :;ovcmb~r quartette (Cal, Alec, BlII and in extending congratulations. " "tmber 1 'It Ihn Don) as popular again this was quite tamc. l'.~~:~e \, . f • ,'" I[ -.. ,,~monal UI\I. veal' as thev san): several songs ',: ; • • • ON BUSINESS ~ . .. ,II".. '.e S'nr\'" rcvo I vcs Do love that bass voice of Mr. Ken Goodyear, business· ::.... 1E' man Whose wife Don's. man of Grand Falls', is at pre­ " , :1 --,~ 'nd h b '.I •• loth < , e ecomes sent in the city on a business -, .;!,a nl~ht c\~h sing. The st, Jobn's Motor Club trip and is a guest at the New· I:;, _ 'h ~ lie decides to holdin~ a ., _. avigator's Night· foundland Hotel. __ .l;~~"· I - , uSDand. the sing. mare" Tuesday, December 4. . .: ~" )€2·\~S r' . "Dun nZC tnes to The rally bellins at 8 p, m. at TODAY'S BIRTHDAY .:. .' ~ : "_ ~ man, In the Terra Nova Motors and partie· Mark O'Driscoll or the city is .'. I .. -- -- ~, . ~;t folloll's the knife ipants are asked to be at the today, November 24th.,· cele· . .. b:·';KIIiit) \_~er own hreast- Start by 7.30 o'clock. Noggin brating his birthday. We join '~?\n~ tal: re We leave yoU, and Nailer session will be helel with all his friends in wishing u_ are Den)' Ftny at Park Motel Churchill Sq\lare "111111 d ' him many happy returns of the Seven of 24 psychiatric nursing aides and attendants recelveit prizes at the gralll1ation exerclscs he1l1 at the Department Ilj p on. Jennifer after the finish. day. of Health Hospital for Mental and Nervous Diseases here Thu rsday night. The prize winners are, front row (1'1'): Dorothy OTS , ~ Alb alii Mershon. OJ. Bennett. Edmnnd Dunphy and Shirley Porter, aWl!rds for pra cHcal nursing. (lonated by the Caribou Grollp or SI. John's . ~"q";'l . a '·annon . ::: : ..... The rally will last only be­ FROM BELL ISLAND notary Club; baek row (l·r): Frances Hallingham. prize for the best essay, donated by Dr. E. O'B. Freeman, assistant superin· r,o\\, tween I1h to 2 hours-less than Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Lawton of tendent; Mrs, Nellie WickS, Francis Furey, prIzes for theory, donated by Departmcnt of Healtb; and Emeline iUorgan. also ft:Jtt on sale at 35 miles. Interested persons Bell Island were recent visitors on and Sons or can contact LIbby McDonald, winner of prize for practical nUrsing. (1Ilax Mercer Photo) . of the Play- to the city. They were guests ~lIlber 98249, Tom Freeman, 84121 or at the Newfoundland Hotel. • or 86051 91381 or Hartley Ayre, 80221 or • • • 111271. SUNDAY'S BIRTHDAl'S In a business trip, and is are· Two centuries ago, coffee de Pompadour. Later, he pour· Thursday night that he expeljts back to THE BOY. • • • gistered gnest at the Newfound· was of such importance that at ed his coffee for Madame du to meet with other African JiUjd. SYlvI. Keaned), Peter N. Outerlirldge, Dane Was entering a home on Squires, Tony Rockway, and land Hotel. least one famous king insisted Barry and a famous painting ers in a fcw days to discu"sa:a attractive young Blackmarsh Road the other RITA PUGH on brewing his own. He was of Louis the Fifteenth captures Pan· A f ric a n movement. ,:·Se l beautiful voice Mrs. Anna Downton, are all I evening, when I was approach· BIRTH King Louis the Fifteenth (If tbis scene. hinted he may be ,seeki~a:-:a ". had not heard of Mrs. John (RIta) Pugh, Jr., celebrating birthdays on Sun­ ed by a youna: man whD asked, day, November 25th. GreetingE Congratulations to Mr. and France who prepared his cof· federation wit h copper ·'.lIth I III entertainment "Would you do me a favour?" home again from the States to visit her mother, Mrs, F. W, come from friends. Mrs. Noel Veitch of the city on fee over a spirit lamp and serv­ Northcrn Rhodesia, at pr~t , YOUI' talents, the birth' of a daughter, Novem· ed it from a golden coffee-pol. SEEKS UNITED AFRICA a part of the white· ruled Cent~al III SlarUed by a IIlIch a request, Knight, Southslde Road. Rita is on the National Board of Di­ FROM GRAND FALLS ber 22nd. at st. Clare's Mercy When Louis' golden coffee·pol ELISABETHVILLE (AP) African Fcderation headed::~-ljy ~Ib! I heltltated then asked what Hospital. Mrs. Veitch is the filled a dainty cup, the cup was Katanga Pre sid e n t ;lIoi~e his friend Prime Minister Sir , ll rectors of the American Can· Mr, G. J. Bond of Grand fteca Klw • Kaper. kind of a favour, He told me former Mary Fitzgerald. often in the hand of Madame 'fshombe said in an interview Roy Welensky. lilt of the chill his car had broken down just c~ Society, Falls Is at present in the city TIlE DAILY NEWS, ST. J011N'S, :--iFLD S,\'ITHD.\ Y: ~()n:~ -....:..::.,~1. 196~ I . • As we. haH'---.­ IHII"IIC tll(" illla"c., of th!' carllil' • II'f' shall also lwar the illJa'J~ .ATTEND of the bca \·c IIh,' CHURCH -I Cor. 1:5:llJ.

------_.. _.'--' .... _.. ------...... --~~------..----~ .. ------~---- ...==~ ------ome ST -AlDAN'S Mormon Elders A Bird Welcomed In Nfld. Topsail Road at Commonwealtll Loved Hymn , Avenue Best BY RE\'. DR. FRED SASS I thc hcnrt nnci '''til 01 , . Harold S. Peters and Thomas: folk. "Thou hN ,'" Minister: Rev. W. M, Mon Exhortation · h' tl' I k I ' ma'e I Services I I) ' Bur Iell! 10 IClr )00' '.111 t IYSC\[ and 'JlIr he' • ';' , ' 'Sunday crieff. B,A .. Orl!anist; Mr, M\ I BEST LOVED HYMN COVETOUS:I;ESS . ,,"cwfoulldland birds dcscribl)s' less till lhl'I' lind tirt; 3rt . lister Drysdale. "Thou shalt not covct" (Exo·· Ibe ,,"c\:[ound~~nd \\·hitc·throat.:d' Peters and' nUI'\:i~~1 I~ ;.~:c " . I 2,30 p.m" Snnday Church Spirit Divine, altend our prayers, : t. • I Chmr Director, Mr. Douglas School; 7,00 p,m" Visitation I And make this house Thy home; diiS 20-17). "Col'el:" a Iittlc S'p~rrow as one of our .bene' i tl1drro·.\ :e~ 8.00 a,m., 1101\' Coml11Ul1lon: S tl R . 230 S nd 11,45 a,m" Directory Classe,,; Let our whole' soul an offering be : and mcn. 1 am persuaded th3t and \II: elg ave a lapp~ 'nae - : eompan)', ii, o".n kind • C ",au I am; , p,m" tt ay i most of thcm arise out a COI·C· f~r secm!! the good pomts m, man being,. In the (;'1' .00 a,m., H0 I\' ommnnlOn;, S I I 430 1\1 r f 2,30 pm" Sunday School; 3.00 r' 1 00 ~I r' d Sm' e 100; " p,m", ee mg or To our Redeemer's Name. 'I tous dcsirc to obtain some m1" b!rds, and Ihey are gcnerously I goll' Ihe Spmo',\, i< "i~;' . · a.m .•. a Ill; an er on,: the final repol't on visitation p.m" Bible Classes; 7.00 p,m" : terial thing or .to reap. some 3d· slle.nt [or rl the m.ost part abwlt. numerous binI. And il reacher: R{'\' C ,1. Abraham:: will be held in the Lecture Evangelistic Meeting, I 'h;, . : vantage to whIch he IS not en· thcu' less ~ood 'pomt~. .Jesu~ II'dS, noted that in Ihe 'IImrr.'· . .-15 p.m, Sllnda~' School and, ' Tuesday 8.15 p.m" Home Come as the dew: and sweetly bless 'bl "'1 .. 415 HI' B . I' Hall; 7.00 p,m., Evemng Wor· : titled, . hke that. He 1l1I'anably tned to when tired eily f I" ' "••. r. BIe" ass., 0 \ ap I . P h R R \V League. This consecrated hour; , . I h d' I' I . 0, ~H,'! d CI h' [\\; ",: Slip. reliC er: cv. , ' Thursday 8,00. p.m" Central 1 The Lord well knew t h ; s: Olle ~ome goo pom I~ a SOil. a [el\' \\'ee~, tn Ille the ·tory of Go,j ~!e:;i:'. 7 30 · ~m .. )1~t1Il': .Oll a,Ill., I B A., R.D.; ~!inister of Visi. Corps Officer~, The wings of peaceful love; lorel'5 of thclI' oll'n sel\'es. co\·e·. qUdli.lies, I\hlle all the hme th.. ;~ moll. "The S'in of ~Idn is ',' ~ol~. l OI~l1lunlO~: 4.3f1 p.m .• ' tation, ReI', F, G, Well'; Or. Sunday: 10.00 a.m" Televis· 1 And let Thv Church on earlh become tous, boasters. proud, hlasphcl1l': al'e In 110 sen,e to blame-and :. c 10 seck :Hld 10 ;)'T." T~ • onflr111allo.n ( lass t Bo),,; I: galoisl and Choit' Director. llr. ion Chapel. CJON: 11 a,m .. HOIi'1 ers, disobedicnt to parents, I:n,' [orget to str~ss the talen.ts t(~)' 1'0\1' Ihrile, be;\ ill It,;"· •30 p.l1l. brnson~. W. E 'an Whiteway. A.T,CJI. ness ~!eeting; 11.45 a.m .• Direc· Blest as the Church above, thankful. unholY, without natural do posse,s. The sparrow I; :nld hourhond o[ man. So to? . n . ur.dn:_ 30 . \1' tf. 45 ~,m., 1'h]c ,UntOI' B'III) l) Iory CI asses:,230 P.,' m Sun~oyU", af[ection, trucebreakers, [alse 10 he Ihl' lar~cst o[ all h I I'd the GO'prl ;JIH! the Ch"rcr ,.a.m" . ~tJns: ~.(l\l a.IIl., Class in the Primary Room; 11 School .Junior Soldiers' Re·; accusers, incontinent, ficrcc, ['.~. families, Ihere bein~ ol'er 'iOO slril'e II hell IhpI' "a: ' Come as the wind, with rushing sound . Tit S '''t I ' ,e . loly lomllluOlon.: 4.• 10 .pm" n,111" ~ursery in the Young newal 'Sunday: 700 p.m,. El'an'l~ And Pentecostal grace. spisers of those that. do ,good, speclcs. c,,' pal'l'?:" IS, ;1, 0 amol1~iI Ihe lOllll;lO~ 10'\ ~nftrll1atlo.n lla,s I (drls): . People's Room .•Junior Congre. )!elistic :-:cetin~. , traitors. heady, hlghmmded. comm.?I~ moll '. thc man I~ "lC, il1~ 10 ,;1\ C \I a ~O p.II1., ~.I((1song. gation ;n the Prima,'v and Be. Monda,': 8,00 p.m" Home I That all of woman born may see lorers of plcasUl'es more than I street III the bml world. 1 0 ~.~. seen ilillm' ml)pin~ 01 a .,' \ ~d~c'da~: • . ::inncrs 1'00 illS , ~lol'l1'i~ Wor· l.eague. i The glory of Thy face. 1I0l'CI'5 of God: HaYing a [o,'in ~ pi)' Abraham Lincoln's sal·in~. top. il i' either bee,::e : . r.: • 1.1 a.m, IInl)' .t l1l21~1llInll\n: ship: The prcachct' will hc ~!""'!.~... -----:",--­ 'or ~od1iness, hut rlcnyin~ I ,1 e • [ like ~linl1a In'ing's tribute to ,uflcrerl a brrc~' o[ 'Ii;~inn· Ibm: iO() r,111" EI'cning \\'or. Paslo,·. . was ri~ht-deal justly, man to \ sparrow: . . . ;wl lallll'lIl hr Ih; ;;.,' !'~. Illterer~;!On., ,,( ", .. ( I'" '" Ivl), Communion; 10.00 a,m.,. People's Fireside HOIII' in the a.m" The Sel'vicc-Dedicalion ther;. wouldn·t, he much, ~on· i fOllnd an .hou.se, an? t1~c .5I1'aIl0\1:: anee that (;r

.... ,.u~~.. ..,~_·_· ...... ,. ... " .....,. '.. ~ ..~ .. ". ::.' ~'. ::' .' ; ,

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Imaginative scene depicting unit of Princcss Patricia's Cana dian Light Infantry capturing troops of the Comml1nist Chines. People's Army in a Korean town during the Korean war. A refugce Korean family is shown in the fOJ'e'J(~unrl, B~' ,[ ohn :'f.op",ler, AOCA. The artist interviewed Newfoundlanders who sen'eel in the Princess Patricia's, ancl great a~> ::, 11 :(1S been '!;;\'cn to create authenticity of uniform) equipment and terrain. Casein l)ainting.

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wer of ...... : ...... ::,~:;.; ...... ,: , ~: ....: •.. : ...::. :. ve Study of lhe form of a resting cat, by Rae Perlin. Watel' colour.

A~ R ~llf('lal r~alllrr, we bave drfoled this week's .\I·ts page

to ~howing some work or our local arlists. Those representell

here were asked for theIr Clln· trlbutlons, and on this page we

are fortunate In having sllch II val'iety or subjects, It is this

which keel)S the art licltl COli' tinually Intrresting. in addition 10 Ihe lI1c.thod of the Iminler's \I'()I'k and his skill.

In the futul'e we hope to l'CI)· resent more local artists in pages t'Ompletely occupied with photographs' of their work.

~i.il:her Plant. the emblem flo weI' of Newfoundland. This is the work • lela Norris. and an interesting feature of this painting is the overhead An imaginary rugged seascape, Oil painting, by Ted Mill:;, TIll', Mills i~ a Commercial Art student of of jUniper, the plant is rare ly depicted in such a setting. Oil paint~ the Famous Artists School of the United\ Slales. TaB DAILY NE\~ 10 THE DAILY NEWS. ST. NFLD.SATURDAY ,- _~.-F.------:=--~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~J%: Billy uards · BOWLING Taylor MAKING IT BIG-TIME Council News Scores ockey , GUI~LPH. Ont. (CP1- A goal Guards will have (Third In A Series) i by Dann~' Grant of Fr~d~riclon . Junior Hocke, ,with a minute and six !'ecomls 111 at the Stadil (Third in a series I ., .... ,., .w'...... ,., .. ,., I remaining gal'c league-Icmling Standings have a chance j By ALBERT DOWNTON '''''''', : Peterhorough l'etes a 3·3 lic In lasl week's column I d~,llt . : with Inst-plaee Guelph HO~'als in f 5t position. with thc aims and ohjects of ,a [I·ce-wheelir.g Ontario Hocl.ey ~oing into die co the St. John's Bowling coundl. i . ' 1 Association .lunior A fixture here 4 i . Fridny night. C I I Gi.qt :llart "".""."."."" 2 18, many starts, wh I also ar.'.lounced that the an- . Itoyals came from hehinli I omm,erlca Merit Ins. ""."""""""". 24 18' a~ outing to date. nual meeting would take place twice til tie Prtcrborough aIHI J, B. Mitchell ""'''''''''''' 24 15' the other du on Thursds)', December 6th. went Into Ihe Iellli on nllly S1. Clare's " ...... "."." .. " .. 22 17 d lost a game. This week I would like to, __ .. Taylor's goal with four minll- Standl1ngs C.O,A.C. ".. ,,, ..... 22 17 an I' quote several sections of the .. .~•. tes Rnd eight seconds remain- C. R, Bell .... " .. "" ..... ".",21 24 Onl\' one meup constitution which I feel Sllre In" "I n Ih e game. Tay 1Ilr IS . n STANDINGS UP TO NOV. 18th D'Ial yews N . ""'-"""'''' 21 21 with Eric Moul 4 A 11 the Guards' :\~::y gi~:}·O~h:Dm~O~~~~1 o:u~~: ~~lyl~l~ O\:~ts~~~n's~c~!~· shot IT SECTION W L CityClayton Electric Const...... " ..... ".,,'". " , 21 215 rONst~ have el lions. with 24 seconds left in the Iil'st cam 81 Baine Johnston """"" .. ,, .. 20 22! wi1l Sections four-llembers. period gnve Petes the curly Avalon l\~CtlePhonc ,. ~~ 13 B, A. Oil " ..... " ... "".,,. 20 :.l2: Jim Drow~r The a'mual meetinlt o[ the I lead, Borden Smith tied it with Imporl j.O ors . . ," .. 28 14' Hoyal Gara,~e ... "" ..... " 20 19 i Ralph C-hancey a 'Council shal1 be held on the I i the only goal o[ the second pel'- Bennett Brewery 14 i Adelaide 110tor5 " .... "" 19 2(j; Jan Campbell, D second ;'t\onda" in September in : iod. Royal Stores ...... " .. , .. 2B R d S \" t ! 'I' 27 15 en, on. "a son. i :. ~ach year in the City of St. ; Ron Naml put Petes ahead Parker & Monroe .".. . ' 1 ' Jack Cn\l"~' Eric JV =_ J!llm's or at such other time as II again at 10:01i of the third Imt NfId. Tractor ...' 25 17 Lelt I ...... "",, .. 19 26 I 'T Fit' d -t .' 25 17 F.E,N,C.O ...... " ...... -...... 19 20! Dick Yabsley - -may be chosen by the Execu- I revor 'n ICy Ie I agam ,Hist Nt'd. Brew()I'Y ...... C JON 18 -1 I 'rwards in uniCc] ti\'e Committee of the Council. I 140 seconds latel·. Fahey of New Nfld. Light & Power .. ,,:l.4 IS "" ...... " ...... ".... ~ fo • , I Glasgow. assisted on Taylors' Harris & Hiscock ...... 24 IS Top Tone .. "", "" ...... " .. 17 25 i peter Harvey IS ;';otice of calling the Rtlnual or • go I k:l.4 IB Col. Garage " ...... "" ... 17 221 Parsons' Feildi other meetin~s of the Council T N a , C"!:lada Pac ers , .... """,, n a1 C 17 "8 I shall be ~ive~ to each membcr ALBEltT DOWN 0 .. ":_.; Purity Factorics """ .. " 23 19 G:oys D·r:l:~ry .. " .. " .... " 1(' ~3 i Dick Wisemal " '.. . 3 19 . . ~y e ...... """"... ) 2. I by 11'3)' of public announcement such powers as determined by:.~ I J. F. Perlm ...... "" .. " .. 2 13 F. W. Woolworth ...... ,,_ 16 26 7;;c$E 7JVO the defel1r.~ corps. at least one week before the I the executive committee.' .• I Brookfield ...... " .. " .. 23 Can GC>;J l' I EI t 14 28 ·/OP NO.'

the solicitor; To transact such I again remind readers that Job Bros...... "".. ,,'" 21 ~~ I Giant lIIart .....a~.npe .. 2749 1 other business as mar be prop- the present eonstitutiun has AC.N.I,B. k"'''''''''''''' 21 22 . High Team Single I erl), brought before the meet- heen drawn up and approved hy yrcs SIMaI' -et .. """,, .. 20 Giant ~I 1'1 10 I ing. Those entitled to I'ote at thc executive committee only. , ..... " ... " .. 19 ~3 > 'n~gh ·I;;.i.HSi~gi~~H 31 High C y 8 Ihe annual or :ltly special meet· and N.'.lnot be enforced or acted E, A_. HUTblel ,H'''''' 117 ~27 G. Chanccy " .... " ...... H...... 382 ! ing of the memb~rs shali he as upon until approved by a ma- , E I'cmng F B e cgram .. ".", 16 26~ G>" Daniels ...... ,. ..653 1 set up Ollt in Section one of jorit)· of the members of the ' '.'. arnes ...... ,,' p, Whittle , ...... H.. 358 ! lrese rules anrl ,-rr111ntio'1', council present at the annual ·.)1 Canadian 'Marconi .. " .... 15 21 lIigl Ind T - 1 ' ocke At al1 meetings of members, meeting on December 6th.':"! Bowring Bros. H. H.... """ 14 25 G CI I • riP e. I of the Council el'er), qne3tic',1 Next week: Honorary officers ..." ',....~13···' ''1 Burseys Trucking ...... " 14 22 C: ,~al'lnlcl'aeIYIIS" ,... ,.,..... ,','.'.H".' .. _.." ...... lIII8431 School hoekry Ollell <"all be decided by a of the council, and details of ,'. ··.,{,;i', Londun N.Y. &. Paris .... 13 26 B , thi; "flemoon. olthe\'otHprtheme~~thean~almeeliq..{A~C'JA.Han~&Co.maior.~y /~.I. ~"" ·.. 1323_·_·~[cLollgll·___ I_ln_ ... _... _... _ .• ~'.'~... ~...~,~.8=2:7 ______Siadilim the scniol the 1962·63 SI. J( \, .. "",.,13 26 each~hoarc~eH~tinpm~nn(II mcmber 5" pre~ent shall 1 is ~ek~~wlingTIp:Bnling.£r.'_1 excelent family sport, why h.",; ...\."1~ . to.. '1.. Uni~dTh~sGreat Eastern Oil .. " .... 11 28 l~~~~~;ii;;;;;;i~~;i~;~~i;ii;iii;;;~~;~~~ School Atl'lctir ht enlitled to ()~e I'ote. Inot try and arranrc a scsion- RILLY TAYLOIt Nafe!...... "H .. "H"'H'" 10 32 ' • will ,cc Prince . In tn~ CRse 'If an CQll:llil\' of it's fun. Steers Ltd. .."" .. 10 29 (ollc;c a nri B i, "~tl'S at ::>:"1y annual or special! ---- ,Standard ~lf". H' ... 14 22 mcclin~ ill d 2 on J:eneral meeting, ci:her UpOIl alp t· High Tcam Triple .holl' of hands or at a nool, the I Hie AA rae Ice Avalon Telephone. 2850 fhairman of the meetin~ ~hal1l 0y ross lIigh Team Single I ! he entitled to a second or cast- Canada Packers Ltd, .. 1111 ! C I !ng I'ote. I High Ind. Slugies THE DAILY NEWS i B I" L .orner ~ _ A hOl\'lin~ IC;I~lIe. rluh nr I OW ,ng eague .T_ Kielley ..... H...... 360 i, orgrllizutioll registered lI'ith the' B. O'Reilly...... , .357 learns into the be finals. rouncil ma~' by rcsolution of it~ 'J" lree IIOC k-'cy practlccs nrc 'I /I.. Breenlrgh .... I ..I . I .... 348 d:rcctors or other "ol'ernin~ schcduled for tIle St"dl'llm "n I Ill. Tnp es High School be bodl' authorize such a person SUNDAY'S GAMES SUllda". The Holy CrossU J'uniol's'"E Cas ey ." ...... " .... ".". 8",,6 !ee !lO playoffs lI'i n ! . ~IEN'S LEAGUE' A Bree 5 . on top after a as it thin1 ­ annual award dinfi *n be the advisory board for A/o/O-A··CI.OIJO- 2Sc C()PV Ba5ehall Leag ~- cOlmcil and shall have the 01'-1)(.1'5;1· PHA5e for tonight. I WITH Vtx-l"'''' ~er to make rules and regu· at 7,30 p.m. and \1 latIons for the council: to P~ER:?J..IKE NoR7l{W~TCKH at Barncy~ on 1 establish affiliation of other All players wi~hing -: -GOPH Tt7MMJI' co~ncils throughout the prov- to the affair . " ""ee_ /{YellS Ihc C.L.B, Armo l, . - -Regular monthly meetl.lgs of pm. 'the executh'e committee shall , . lake place on the second Mo,,­ ilay of each month and shall be' held at the call of the presi­ dent of the council. Six mem­ bers of the executive commit­ tee shall have power to call a special meeting of the council 'j at any time and at such place as may be stated i'll the notice setting forth such call. The notice of such meetings shall state the purpose or purposes ,. or thc proposed meeting. Such ,. special meetin~s shall have pow­ , er to deal with any other mat­ · , ters which may properly be ·• . brought before them. Six memo bers or the executIve commit­ tee shill form a quorum for , the transaction of business at , ' all .meetin-gs of the cxecutlve " tou!lcil, Notice of all meetings shall be given to each member of ) .•;Jr the executive commIttee at . ~ 1- leasl five days before the hold­ .: . inc of .ny meeting . II ' •• Section twelve-Committees. , .. Committee.: 12. Chairman of all commit­ I. i, , . leu sblll be appointed by the • executive committee and have COpy "· ORDER YOUR NOW ,• - • FROM YOUR C,6.RRIER - I:· . CHILL CHASING By "·i , .• DEALER OR DIRECT FROM US f I, " ,I II Copies mailed to all Provinces of Canada 30 cents per copYi ~ - PARK LANE COCKTAIL BOOT Smartly crafted cocktail boots of "Roydon" looks like England, U.S.A., and all other countries 35 cents per copy. leather, feels like leather, yet Is waterproof and stain re­ sistant, Illusiol! heels. Available In Black. Brown, Green and Tobacco. Sizes 4 to 9 ,," ." .. ,,$8.95


P. O. BOX 520 ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. ril f D.\ILY :\EWS, ST. IDI'IN'S, NFLD.SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1962 .11 ", -

ards· Feild In Gallivan Delayed; i ey Tonight Dinner Postponed I • d< wiJI have a chance to tak.'! over first il ~\la;u;lior Hockey to-night when they face Danny Gallivan, the hoekey voice of the , I In at th(' Stadium. Feildians on the other Is ullable to come to St. Ju'hn's on Tuesday and so the annual din· i: 1l,1r 'f a chance to pull into a four-way tie of the Feildian Athletic Association has been postponed until h, )1 po,ition . Monday, December 3. . ' • into the contest Guards hav,'! a victory Gullivan was to have been the guest speaker at the annual b,lll. h'l F 'ld' h I h' 1]\31;\' 5Iart~. w 1 e el lRns ave ost t elf affair but silm! a testimonial dinner honoring Jack Adams, former (I;. 10 date. Holy Cross and Canadian manager of the Detroit Red Wings, is being held in Detroit on roU olht'r clubs in the Loop, have both .' :h; Tuesday, the Montreal broadcaster is unable to be in St. John's on lay' ~I Oal'ley ~Irs H Pollard C " " • ,a e on y c u ey I'e eaten took their toll of the Beantowncrs n.r ~a1l1(, is st'l to start at 8 o'clock. Wednesday night's bons[}iel . .. I .., .' . Guards and fCIldlans kIck oif, this season. lhe once high·and·· in a i.j lickinn ------was won by E. Hickman skip. I\Irs. french F. D. Butt I 7,00-9,00 the,1962'63 season, , .' mighty ~lonlreal Canadiens, TRY TO TOP ~LEAFS Steve Herder mate. Joan Herder V. )lacDonald ~Iiss C. Whalcn I \\ Ith the ,start of the sent~l; It was back 11\ the fIrst game Tonight the Rangers will he second. and Don O'Driscoll lead. H. G, llay L. Davis 1 A. Lush J. lIerrlck Loop four mghls per '~'eek WIll for bolh clubs this se.l,on lh3t tryinn for their fourth consccu- It has been decided to gil'e Bally i M. Templeman J. ~lofgal1 ,Mrs. I. Bartlett ~Irs. :'1. ~ox I ~ee. hockc,Y at the Stad1l1m, T'le; Boslon sel the ~ationa,1 Hockey ti,'c ~'ictol'l', this lime against , I School I 0, 'Ia' Higll ,· t P. Burns Cormck jUlliors Will play douhleheaders League on its heels '11th a 5·0, TOI'onlo pi Lnafs II I I I ~!rs, ~Irs. a 'I cur 109 pillS or ercs s as 'I 1 R k II 'I A J I' h 'I d d Th d 'I ' ,I. e < , bons eil rizes and these will be 4.00-6.00 I" rs, '. oc 'we I> rs. , cans ea~ .• on ay an, I~rs ay mgH. I'Iclory over :>lontl·eal. 51llce I The St,mlev Cup chamDion~ '. p p .' . .' whIle smgle senior flxtlll'es wllI'then Boston has been runni~l6' . . I' 'd' 1 f·' . t gllcn to the lIiIl.nels 8! soon as G, Hurnell E, Brakcfield.~!oore!A, Foster H. ",he :he played on Tucsday and Sat. l - ______" . __ . ___ :a,e. III 1m p.acc. D\U pom~ they arc recClvcd Irom the N. Vinicomhe Mrs. C. W. ReId, B, ,leans W, )!o~rc Iurdny night. ill i: t5 p.m,

Congratulation5 to Mr, ~nrl THE f Mrs. Lorne Squir~1 of Victoria. , to whom a son was born at the ST Cat'honear Hospital on Sunday ~OM'E-BOD'I'S GO­ , last. ING 'fO as

I Mr, and ~lrs. Clayton Potlle \ ! arc r~joicing in the birth of I danghter, a sister for Renee. OUT OUR WAY J, R. Williams Radio Mr. William Hiscock, who spent SOIll~ time in the SI. An· thony Hospital during the past fishing season, was admitted to CBN the St. ,Tohn's Sanatorium duro I in,,: the past w~ek. He ha~ the i good wishes of his many friends HR GRACE - Young Can·: was planned to have "Open panled by their teacher, Mr. S., ces of the Gosling ~Iemorial here and on the Labrador for Newl,

ada Book Week is bcing fitting-' House" but the extremely bad Ryan. paid its weekly visit to I· Libl'ary from where books are. an early recovery. t,-)IU5ICal Clock 1,. obSl'rI'cd a\ the Harbour weather which brought first Ihe Library. The interest of supplied 10 the Regional librar- i - News and \ Grace \rar ~Iemorial Library. heal'~' snow anel later torrents this teacher and his class is to iI'S may limit thc supplv, yet i Congratulations to F. J. Tay­ T~e Librarian, :'III'S. John G. of rain, forced the postpone. be commended. The regular lone feeLs that many ~f the' I,or, John F. Earlc~ and G. F. r;.1~~:~~:;~~12CiOCk Devotiol Dal'is reports a I'ery husy weck i ment of this event until the weekly visit shows an interest I children's books have been on I Saunders on haVIng passed, Church ~ which commenced on Thursday' next afternoon. in the Library and there can i the shelves here for a consider. I another milcstone. Best wishes llit and conlinued until Thurs· I On Tucsday, visiting the Lib- be no doubt but that this re· able time and need replenish.· are extended to the trio for day, :"\ol'ember 22nd. : rary, one was impressed with gularity on Tuesday will slimn· ing if the interest of the young, many more happy returns of ·'fhe ~il~rarian had contacted. the many children who came late the reading habits of these readers is to be kept up. ' No\'ember 18th. of Hi ts the Pnnclpal and teachcrs of' from the Anglican Eelementary pupils. The Library is a most im·. r.l5-S0rlleU1ltng 10 Sh, . Cle sCI'cral schools to inl'ite! school accompanied by their While the Library is weil, porlant centre of our cultural: .. II'S. William Budden is, we :tA;em to bring theil' pupils to. teachers. These numbered 180 stocked, especially with adult! activities and it is good to sec i arc sorry to say, a patient 3t :t~ Lib.rary during the week. ! made up of grades from Kin·· reading material, there is need! that young rcaders are main.' the Carbonear Hospital. We . 'On Salurday. a IWY large dergarten to Grade VI. Later I of more children's books. One' taining a,l intcrest in it in spite' Wish her an early rcstorahon fJ'oup ,cJn~c from Ihe Presenta .. i~ the af.tcrn~on a class from Irealizes that all books c~st a of other attractions.-Photo by . to health. .~.S.cre!l Heart Pr lion lOlllent. On ~londay, It' SI. FranCis HIgh School accom- great deal and that the flOan· D. C. Bishop. . Mrs. George \V, Clarke was a ! visitor 10 town on Monday. She . lVas here when the news came Report :Young Canada • that her husband had been re­ farm P elected to the House of Assem­ Day Serena OO-DoYlc Bulletin Book Week bly. this time, fOI' the District TH!': ~OMeDI~tJ Conception Bay News 't ... .,.. Slamp Clu ~ SPANIARD'S BAY - Once of Carbonear instead of as ~.gain the attcntion of the young' formerly Carb~near • Bay' de· i "'ew. dnd i -_. ---_. ----- 1 IS focused on one of the great· ! Verde. We would like to con- ---- "'-"nm'" College C.NJ.B. Hr. Grace CI E. WIAI and cst foun~: of I k<.lowle~gte any! gratlulale' Mr. Clarke on being cncp. 15-.llu,jcal Rendezl I commUnI y can Je prou 0 say 1re·e ected and with such a large Br"lt"lsh Gu"lana - Conference I "The leadm of Ll I Obs. Collection I, Re-elects MaJ' or 'St. Catherine's it has, . - the Public Library. • majority. 'dclcgalions ;taled Ihll This week the vouth of th~: 0 dl k were unll'illing to IlIee HR. GRACE-The amount of I Claude Sh rd G 'Id F II S I community arc being encourag· We would also like 10 extend ea OC bilration by the Bri:ill 56018.29 has been collected for I' ed to read more, and to read I wnrmesl congratulations to S d tI C X I B d h b f eppa UI a a e ,ernment. ~!r. In )1, [~ Ie .•.. , an as een or· _ __. more of the right type of rna- Mayor W, P, Saunders, on his .. United' part, slated that tllht! warded to st. John's. This col· HR. GRACE _ Major Claude HR. GRACE _ On Wcdnes- I terial. election for the District of Bay. Ihe parhe~ In Brit.ish Guiana. and 1t seats; and the not prepared to acw.t lection I\'a d 11 h' A Sl d h bit d d Th d " . f d V d .. The Bl'ltIsh GUIana confer- Force (led by Mr. Peter . r S un er Ie c aIr· I . leppar as een re·e ec . ay an urs ay elcmngs 0 I h' . e· er e. ThiS IS Mr. Saunders t' I . D' d 1 'lIon h~ would not mamhip of ~Ir. Lem ~Ic~amara. I cd for the district of Harbour this week November 21st and C Ildren who hke books are first try in Provincial politics ence me 10 p cnary sessIOn on agular) secure 6.4 per cent· , h' , I' d d ft· t f tl d . Tu day (Nov b 6) f th . t d' t (Of appropmte al t I; Collectors are thanked for their Grace 10 the House of Assem. 22nd., the ladies of the C.E.; 10 ee or t'11a e or ley 0 I and we are happy to know that . es em er mo:n· : 0 e \ 0 es an • sea s. I o-e derision. I ain'l Record! effort and donors for their reo bly, and congratulations are ex- W.A. and St. Catherine's Guild 1 not have to be .encouraged; and i he was elected and we might I 109 at Lancaster House With I the 35 seats, th~ Peoples Pro-. ~s " of . the c g .. sponse to this verY worthy tended to him, The final count held their annual fall sale of I from our experience we can ob- ! add that since we know him' the Secretary of Slate for the, greSSlve Party dId not contesl' h' h h Id .. ' serve that the number is gro\v- well hl's' fl'rst eleet'lon I'S not! Colonies, Mr. Duncan Sandys.: six and the United Force did!~' IC Lf . II ~IJon:r rause. f or eae h 0 f th e can did at es was work • I • .' '. til I' Th f II' ',) III I he e~lS aliI'! . as follows: Osborne: 1078,' It was one of the most sue I 109 Far too many chlldrcn likelv to be his last I In eClaIr. e 0 owmg re· I not conlest one. I I . I . t h . . . I' fl' , ••. i t d b h f "I~" b 1961 th a ternatlrc \' 'Rams I e Th. e f0 II OWing IS a I~t 0 co - Sheppard, 1460, cessful evenls of its kind for' however clo not read as much POI' was agree y t e con er- n "OHm cr, , elf h . '. p . Prcl'ie leet.ors and some .rcccII'cd: The "Otl'llg, which wa- light . : Ih '. ht h t ' b . ence' . Lc"islature of British Guiana 0 t e Oppo-tIiOr. Irtl!1 ~iuooer Guest o some years nd athe largc 1as ey mig. ' or w a ls pro - Te ch M t ' ,,' . . .. h ' • • Itogether h3d polled I .. ' )\;orth Eastern Fish Ind. Ltd. during the morning, picked up crowds who gathered to have, ably worse, If they. read at all, A~ the British GUI~na can·. passed a. re~~luhon calhng ~n of I'otcs ,1 the lalt • l\'e\I's and a ers ee :. II-tll·m,n. of Prais, 5100.00; Canadian Legion Club i during the afternoon, but was teas and make purchases con.i they arc 1I0t readIn~ what is __ ! stttuhon~l ~onference. !n 1960" Her :'1~Jesty s. Government 10 1 . J31.30. !leSii than that usually recorded tributed largely to the finan.' generally considered to bc' CARBONEAR, Nov. 21-The' a co~stltutlOn prOViding lor. !hc Untted Kingdom !o gran.! I "Al" final m;IO! II. JUl'frhcad: I at previous Provincial elec. clal ~uccess of the Bazaar as it : ".good reading matter." I Carbonear Regional Branch of: full mternal self.goyer.nment mdc]lendence. \0 Bntlsh GUt· 1 emher 6 1962. iI ,'I! Ka' Heal' I tions, probably due 10 the ex- was known in the olden days, I . I the N.T.A. meet in the U.C was agreed and the prmclpl.e. of, a.na. On recetpt of tillS resolu· . with rr~reI Ihlt Ih' (~1r~. L. Peddle.) 1, I tremely bad weather condi'l These fali e,'ents are always! Parents Rncl teacncr~ can do I Academy on Nov, 8th" with ap .. tnd.ependence for Bntlsh hon, the Se.creta:, of State for should h~ adjollrnPd \l-.\'V •• lh •• For ~l: ~:.~e.~~n~C~~r:;dA~~:e6~a~;~:)·llions. ' looked forward to as not only I much to en~ou:age. c.h1Idrc~ to 'proximately fifty members in; G~!ana was accepted. the Colo~les. ,Informed Dr. for further di,cu;;tom c members of the congregation, develop their mqull'lng minds 1attendance ' In August, 1961, the new Jagan Of hIS wllhngness to hold' is my StOI'l 130.50. II K . ht f concerned but an inlerchange i by reco~lmcfldin:: the ser\'ices 1 The business period included constitution was brought into: a conference for the purpose' "In conclu;lon,lht Best of Di; Hr. Graef Southside: S 0 of each congregation attend and that a lIbrary offers. The lib·: a discussion on the holding of effect and a gcneral eleclion' of settlIng the form of the con· of St.', slrt,sed lill. National ~ nlg 1 Hockey C . CI' 'I 'I C IbN mingle In I social enjo"ment rary docs not distribute qucs·, an Ice Carnl','al for chl'ldren but II was held. The Peoples Progres· 1slitution and of fixing a date' contInued pollttcal ' ampalgn lalrman .• r.• ' ax· 0 um US ews together. - It·IOna bl e b oks; of that parents· •as there were several problems' sive. Parly led by Dr. Chedd1 '. f or tnuepen'.' dence, ' ml I's, IncI'tabl"'. Of(, 0 v.. ell Head, Olyrlle Nocl, Grace m I I J ) . d 4 '''l'h ft' L n SOCIal and The Quecn. Pike. ~Irs. Roy Taylor and ~Irs. I ay re y. to be ironed out before definite agan game 2.6 per cent of C con erence me In o· . I E t P ) $3000 'HR GRACE D It C _. Pare 'action could be taken, it was' the I'otcs cast and 20 scats in i don at Lancaster House on: of the countr), tUI't , 1'1' o\'embel rnes arsons " I' - a on oun· Cathedral Ladles' d . nts WOUld. do ",:ell ~o ,i lln"nl'mousl v decided to 3sk I the Legistative As,embll'; the, October 23, 1962, under the state of drain m., : : BrYaDl', Cove: I ~~~I~~~~~~, ~~v~Ol~t~:~~~e~a(~ lOp In at the hhrary III their "h h (t d Peoples National Con~ress (led I chairmanship Of tile Secretarl' allow,-d to lontmue XCIVS _~n.;" For Swe D h neighbourhood Rlld have a look I etatc. sCt OOth 0 sent sa retpreCsen- bl' "r Forbes BIII'n'ham') ob. I of state for the Colonies MI:.' ;:er. If alter In ( ap lie Stone, Olive Par· i the Council for the first time, T0 Serve Teas d S . h' a Ive 0 e nex por 5 om· • .n. , , I t' ould lot Serenld ,.' , sons Daph X tl G ' . . aroun '. om.e mIg t, lIke to ml'ltne meetl'n whcn the car. tained 41 per cent of the I'otes I' Duncan Sandys. It was attend·' agree'l iO U Ion ( n', I .• nc •. 0scII'or 1Y, cr· i a SIX-pOInt program to promote _ take their children WIth them' I I' Id bll'I th I ' cd by delegates from the thrce I th~ BntlSh Go,!rnInI . Serenad, tie Stonc. GlOrIa Janes, Phoebe: greater interest in the Council s that th t . ht b . I n va wou I' ur er exp or- I A' d f : ... . 'h 1 n'idH and Chari Stone 514.02. I and to incite new members. HR, GRACE - Next week j 0 cy 00 mIg eneM cd Date of the meeting will n I 0 i polIhcal partJes represented In' are 0 rQ - h Slx'point program consists of the Cathedral Ladies will hold ust One thing is be' made known soon. the Legislative Assembly of. !ett\cmcnt on I elr /';ews ~y visitill~. I bl ~\r..... and P Bear', Co\'e: - six committees at the head of their annual Christmas Tree certam; there IS bound to be at It was decided to send a let. UNICEF - .British Guiana, ! 01'1:,' ,0 a' 10 !nlrdtll I 0 (Joyce Parsons. Jennie Par· I which is a General Chairman. when another opportunity for least .one book in every library tcr to the executive of the ! "The opening session was. GUiao. In 11 lor'1 , . fons) 118.00. The General Chairman, along the enjoyment of a ~elieious tea to Slllt. the most exacting taste; N.TA expressing appreciation hcld in public. Speeches were I pendtT1(,p. (~!rs. A. Edwards) $11.25. 1with the Grand Knight, appoint and a pleasant SOCIal hour or i there IS sure to some to please 1of the soeech delivered over CARBONEAR, NOI·. 21-The • m~de by the Secretary IIf State I "Bulinct tlli! Mul! Hr. Grace 1 a member to each Committee so, will be looked forward to, readers ?,ith just ordinary laste ! tclev\sion" by President Hudson Explorers .Groups of the Car-I and by.the leaders of thr three mo,\ un:IIPP)' 'flY of 'I Collectors: and the head of each commit. by the many patrons. for readmg, and we venture to. Davis on the qUestion of teaCh-I bonear Untted Church gal'e up 1delr~ahons-Dr. Javan, Mr., 'n" the nelV nlllon. hI ~liss Ada Tapp and jlrs. Nan tee selccts his assistants. sa~ that there must be some.: er saial'ies. the. cust?mary "Trick or ~reat" ,Bl~:nham and Mr. Daguiar_ ,;h; thref lodeTl to Godden 561.00. Under the General Chair· thing of interest to t.hose who I The meeting was then divid- agam thlS Year, so that children I Thereafter they.made gen·, furtlm ,rriou! dlort II , , Personals I ~Irs. EileC'll and Key Shep. IIllltl, Bernard Foley are the do 1I0t. have any chOIce at all . ed into three groups, represent' served by ~he UNICEF may be i era~ .statements s~ttmg out ~he i agreement amongst . parel SI8.GO. following six committees and ~hen It comes to subject mat· : ing Primary. Intermcdiate, j made a bIt happier by being posl~lOns of their respcctl\'e, And A,5urcd thfm ef b:1 , i 10 ,. ~Lrs. Lydia Bral' 535,70 thcir chairman's: The Catholic BAY ROBERTS -Miss H. .cr, Elementary and Senior Depart. not qUIte so hun.gry or. clothed pa,~tl~s. . . nCiS help in ~nr '11 r ~I' HI' . Activity Group, Rev. W. S11al- Crossman SI. John's, is spend· A d b k' .' ments, to discllss school tests as they otherWIse mtght be. Eighteen sesslon~ of the I Ihel' nllghl COMIC!r I, '. , Ie; ~op:r e;2~~~grn and Shit·· iow; Council Activity Group. ing a few days here, the guest I ~oo 00 IS a good friend and public examinations, Each The members of the )'outh. conference were held. Anum- i • I , Dr Cyril Greene; Fraternal of Misses Emmie lind Essie ~ ways. group reporte(1 back to the' Organization made a house·to· I ber of constitutional points! . , ~Its Jean DOI'c and Ches Activity Group, Leonard Mc. Parsons, mceting and their findings dis· II hOlL5e collection and it brought Iwere settled. But it was found I 'OS pR , Par,;ons (~Irs.) 514.15. Namara, • .. • Ob't ' 'cussed. in fifty·one dollars, or six dol· I lhat no substantial progress I ,[)ISCl~' em' I·:' , ~!iss Angela Coati), and Miss The Mcmbership-Insurance Ccngratulations are being I uary ! The meeting closed with a liars more than last year. I could be made until decisions' \ ATl(.\ .. thoUc :' I Annie Hennessey 522.00, Group: Edward Coady; The cxtended to ~r. and Mrs. Chlr· PHILIP BENNETT ; social hour. We congratulate the Explor· were reached on three major Roman f ~;3' I, Walter Walsh and lilt'S, Youth Activity Group: James les Snow, who colebrated (Kelll/lrews) 'The next meeting will be' ers and their leaders on a true I questions: COllncl1 Mlscel !. ~Its. th~ir ~I th~t Kel'in Lawlor 552.75, Pendergast; Public Relations: 48th wedding anniversary on Passed away suddenly at held on Januarv 16th. 1963, in I Christian spirit and wish for (A) Should elections be a pro?O!~manfnl of the I. UP News :Iii,s An~ela llorial'itv and James O'Bricn. Sunday, November 17th. They Kelligrews on Sunday the 4th SI. .James School. them. increased membership foullht on the basis of sin:le· f . a P d form "",' ".~. :lliss Belt." L'arl'cll 516.00'. of November Ph'li B tt d d 'II b" t Olm an .. Report . . i 1 C The activity and the Frater· were married at the United ,I P enne. an goo -WI . mem er constituencies as a A k sman said • '" I' ~ ~liss Linda Blundon and :lliss nnl Committee began to put Church, Brillus, by Rev. R. H Born at Grand Bank in 1915, he C· i present, or on the basis of pro- . sP?n;luded in • -V:lnCOiCJVa~lI;s St. Ch! , r. I Hattie Stone $20.15, the program into operation 1m.' Maddock, was the son of the late Johll omlng Obituary I' portional representation? ::sS~ci"1 ~leaO§ of • .• . Mrs. Fran}! Sheppard and mediately. The Fraternal Com. • • • Bennett and Carrie Bennett.· __ I (B) Should the right to vote tion submitted to the i, ., . Mrs. Ro~' Janes $17.70, mittee held Memorial cere. Mr, and Mrs, Gerald French He went overseas in 1939 in CARBONEAR _ The three I -- be accorded .t the age of 21 as '1 fathers in st. ~I~s. Willi,am Okc $18.50.. monies for the. deceased' mem- are rejoicing in the birth of a the Royal Navy with the first C.GJ.T. Groups will be holding MARY ANN WAREHAM /1 at present or It the age, of 18? !~a Friday. The . I :\11~s Loraine PashR and MISS hers of Dalton Council and the baby boy at the Grice Hospital contingellt, and served from a Cake and Cookie Sale on I CARBONEAR, Nov. 21 - (C) Should fresh tlechons be I m the press, I Camela Thomey 51450, I Activity Committee organized Monday, November 19th, Con- 1939 to. 194.:;, He leaves to Saturday, December· 8th. There After a~ illness extending for r he.l,d before ind~pendence? ., I ci~ema and :." l"taL'IIlID~1

" Mrs. E~gar Wiseman $28.50 ,Bowling session to be held gratulations. mourn hiS wife ,royce, also one will be no need Of anyone from twenty-sIx years, there passed The People s ProgresslH I contracted while .M!ss .Iargar.et Taylor and: every Sunday night from 8 p,m. sister, Jea,n, Mrs. Alex Lawrence i the East End going to the West away at the Carbonear Hospital, Party. Idvo~ated single.member j' day of the .,.. /tlt. MISS, Row~na Pike S18.50. I to 11 p,m. at Bayview Lanes. of MIller s Passage, .'ortune I End or vice versa, because the on Friday last, Nov. 16. Mary constituencies, votmg at 18, and who hale gailer!. :.\ISS Rene Carroll !1i14.30: The chairman and his IlBistlnts ReS C C Bay, also one brother John and ule will be carried on at Pot· Ann Howell Wareham, beloved no elections before indtpen.,. (nothing like Illn Cameo Club (collection)' request all the Knights to I • • I • family at Harbour Breton and tie's Supermarket. at Moore's Iwife of Reuben Wareham. aged dence, The People~ National $1~·.i7., H t I (II t' ) avail themselves of this recrea· Beothl'e another brother Geoflle on the Supermarket and at Clarke's seventy·four years, . Congress and the Umted Force I e soc co ec ton tional period. Mainland, Supermarket, i Deceased lived I more or less asked for proportional repre.' ~. 2?. The Public Relations Com. "H'· As the proceeds will be Isheltered life, because of ill- senlation, voting at 21, and, M!s~. Collcchons at Theatr?, mittee will keep all Knights In. HR. GRACE _ Sea Cadets of e was a faIthful husband, donated to the Korean Refugee nss, and only those who visited fresh elections. I i Clarke s Supermarket, Ashe S formed about the proiram of RoC S C,C, Beothic will be call. He played life's battle SquB;C, Fund, it is hoped that aU those her in the room knew and "These iSlues were exhaus-/ I lj Grocery. Drug Store and Bank the other four committees, AI. inll on nouseholders on Satur. No matter When I. needed him concerned with helping the learned to love her. lively diseussed, but no agree·: ,:. I , of Nova ·Scotla $10.00. so any member who wllhes to day next (November 24th,) ask. I always found 'hlm there," poor and distressed will patro- Surviving are her husband, ment could be reached. 'I . , Total: $642.29. se~k Information concerninll Ing them to purchase First Aid nlze the sale. two daughters, Mrs. John Slade "The Secretary of State in· : the meetinls and the actlvltle. Klt~ at one dollar each, Tag Day to b of Salmon Cove, and Mrs. Wal· fonned the conference thlt he of the .Ix·polnt proiram wll1 Thi. collection Is being span· . . e "Kiwanis News" ter Snow, of this town; two had considered putting forward , receive information from the sored by the Harbour Grace Held in Dec. sons, George and Reuben, of compromise proposals with I t Personal Public RelaUolII COlnmittee 'by Branch of the Navy League of CARBONEAR, Nov. '21 - A this town, and three sisters, view to breaking the deldloek. I '. j eonlultin, the bulletin. boarell Canada, and I goodly response very interesting talk was given Mrs. Elizabeth Sherwood, Mrs. However. after exploratory HR. GRACF.- Attendln, the In the Knltbll of ColumbUi il anticipated. During the first week of by Rev. F, W. Bradbury, B.A" Arthur Marshal! and Mrs. talka with the three lelder., he Analican sale of work on Wed· rooms. December, a Tag Day will be B.D., lit the weekly meeting of Maud FIfield of Sydney, N.S" had reluctsntly come to the nel4ay evening were Mrs, H. held In aid of Library funds. th~ Kiwanis Club ot Carbonear to all of Whom we extend sym· conclusion that there was no F. Kirby and her dau,hter Dalton Councl~ Knllhts of This appeal is beln, sponsored on November 15th. last. Rev. pathy. formula which appeared to of· Mary, Mrs. R. Martin Ind Colum bus, Hlrbour Grice, held Annual Meeting by the Library Ladies AUxl.,' Mr, Bradbury chose for his sub- Following a short service at fer any prospect of agreement. daut:hter·in·law. Mra. Cyril its annUli memorial ceremonies BAY ROBERTS-The annual Iiary and It I.s hoped that those ject, "The Finding of the Dead her late home on LeMarchant, HIt Wall recognized that in Kir.y,. all from St. John's, for the deceased members of meeting of the Bay Roberh who have a real concern In the Sea Scrolls," lhe funeral cortege wended its the absence of agreement there the council on Sunday, Novem· Branch Canadian Red. Crosl good reading habits of their I Dr. A, T. Rowe informed the way to the S.A, Citadel on Sun· were only two possible courses: The Kirby familY received a ber 11th, 19t!2, and the memo­ wll! take place on ,Friday, No· children and themselves, will· Club that a Blood Clinic would day afternoon last, where Capt. (A) To lelve the British WlI1I1 welcome from their many rial· Mau wu Illd by Monsil vember 23rd at 8 p.m. in the meet the appeal with the usual I b. held. ncar the' end of the Stretton conducted a funeral Government to arbitrate lin the IrietJds who remember their nor J M. O'Brien on tne 101: public building. A good at· generosity giVen to all such Imonth, under the sponsorship service. Interment was in the questions.t isrut, or tea:years at the Rectory bere. lowln, ~turday. tendance is requested, worthy causes, . of the Club. S.A. cemetery, (B) To adjourn the confer· ', .. .;~~~.j .;~ .... 'H...




PRICE FROM ...... $125.95 ' ,



t It' ~~, t! t,fA. I·!. i' "1,4.,.,. f.lt.Ofl. ,'.-,::.' ~adio And TV Programmes L ~.~l ~f·.·c::,,:'.:Ec'= ______'__.~ JACOBY "lov. me, 'live my dog!" - i.:J6-BilJ Allen Show Hits 7,4l1-World of Sports 1O.OO-News Higblilhll. ON ~ BN 7.5a-News (Local) lO.OI-Hit Tune~ . , 8.00-RCAF Tower. Torhay I.OO-News CAPTAIN EASY '. BRIDGE i Bv LESLIE TURNER . I , IP'\l'. :I~'rmbtr 24th. CWrather Report) l.Oll-Weatber Forecast / 8.03-News (National) U5-News I J 8,OH-Bill Allen Show 1.3a-Edltorial. 8.la-Sports Capsule UIl-Spurts. TWO HEARTS I 8.25--News US-Art Baker's Notebook. }Iy STRATEGY 1 8.30-Hit Tune of the Day 2.00-News Hlghllgbts. 8,35--World of Sport~ 2.o1-Art Andrews Show By OSWALD JACOBY 8,ol0-Bill Allen Show 2.01--Art Andrews Shorn In the Pittsburgh regionals I g,55-New5 G.03-National News teamed with a young man 9,OO-:'lorning Meditation B.IO-Sports named John Lowenthal. John Weather 6.20-News has been playing bridge only a , I ~'." I 9.03-Bil! Allen Show 6,3U-Club 113 and N~w~ few years and he attained Life :.'C!! I 93l--Thc Big Six Show B.OO-Saturday Hit Parade !\laster status when we won the :- ."/: ilO,OO-News 9.45-New5. master's pail·s. "'--'=- 110.05-The Stork Club IO.OI-National News Here Is one of the hands that i' IO.l5-C. J. Corral contributed, East's opening ; 10.0B-The Jim Buller iihow I: I i N eli's Headlines and 1O.30-Nalional News. was a weak no·trump. It got 10.45-Sports and Messages John into the bidding at the , 1:!.45-- Flsherman's Forecast FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Bv ~1ERRILL BLOSSER HUrl Program I. 1~.55-Ncws 11.OO-Nc\Vs Highlights two level. West puJled a double I' l.OO-Blue Star News 11.01-Saturday Ni~ht House· oul of his hat and made the , killing opening lead of the 1.15-World of Sports party and News I ~ .. \r R(·~(lr~ I ' 1.30-News Headlines 2.01-Si~n Off. deuce of trumps f'mll Progr:un Fortunately for us, East's 1.31-Bill Allen Show : ~ D.) ~crrlladc. SUNDAY, November 25th. 1.45-Jim Butler Show piny was even weakcr than his ,':t Bllilelin A.M, no.trump and John gave him 2.00-News Headlines · ~!a:~p rluh 6.30-Sign On I every cha,lce to go wrong. 2.01-VOCM Road Show, News · \«1, dliU II c~th~r G.30-News John took East's jack of and Weather 5.35-Sunday Variety I hearts with the queen, cashed Collegc 5.0D-Supper Serenade 9.05-Sunday Serenade the ace of diamonds, ruffed a 5.30-New, 'Headllnes ., : ..;.,,: Rrnurzl'ous 9.15-When a Child Asks diamond, and played the jack '.Ib! Tune 5.31-Supper Serenade 9,30-Sunday Schllol of spades from dummy . 5.45--Fisberman'i Forecast IO.OO-Week in Review East ducked and John won ... 5.55-Nr.ws n.OO-News in a Minute with the king. He ruffed an, I ' , 6.0Q.-Bulletln Board ll.o1-Chapel for Shut-ins other diamond and led a sec· 6.lO-Movie GUide 12.0I-Sing it Again 6.l5-Sports Report l'it't1r, 12.30-News NORTH %11 , . TIme 6.25-Travel Guide 12.33-Party Line Ii 6.30-Early Evening News .J9652 ALLEY OOP Bv V. T. HA~IL!N Recold; in 12.45-Prol'. Roundup .974 i' Rllundup 1.00-News in a Minute .3 7.00-Canada at Work 1.01-Longines Symphonette .K832 WELL ... .., BlIT NO tvAT1ER.' I 715--Shellelagh Showtime THERE GOES COULDN'T EAT A 1.30-News WEST EAST (D) ! 8REAKFA5f! unLE OC KITTEN 7,30-News Headlines 1.50-ParliamCflt Hill .1083 .A74 CAT NOHOW! 7,3l-SheJlelagh Showlime 2.00-News In a Minute 102 ¥J3 \ l/0;;;1, I " 7,55-News "A.KJa • Q7 6 2 ,.\ 'I /' 2.01-Showcase ",J965 ? 8.DO-Cream of the Crop" • A.Q 104 ""- 3.01-Showcase ~ '. \!'.\; ,,,,,I Weatller : Np\I's and Weather SOUTH 4.00-NplVs .KQ i lO.OD-The Request Show 4.01-Showcase .. , lO.30-News Headlines .KQ865 I 5.00-News in a Minute • A 10984 ,it. . 1O.31-The Request Show 5.01-Children·s Storf Hour .7 i IMlI-World of Sports 5.30-Hour of Decision Both vulnerable I 1O,M-News 6.00-News Highlights Eall south Welt North 11.OO-RCAF Tower, Torba1 6.l5-Calling All Children 1 N.T. 2. Double Pass ( IV calh-r Report) 6.30-St. Thomas' Church Pass Pass I 11.U2-The Bi!;' Top Ten 7.45-Radio Looks at the Ei,,· Opening lead-¥ 2 \TI .,',... Uti '.! ~ 1l1.30-News Headlines ties Horkc)' : 11.31-The Request Show, 8.00-News In a Minute Off. 0 Canada,. News and Weather 9,45-Under "20" and spade. East ducked again, '., j,.! Q~(en 1.55-Ncws Summary, Weath. 1O.00-New. convinced that his partner held BUi1).lAI"5 NOT er Report and Time IO.OI-Family Bibl. Hour the queen. John bad put the . '. SO\rmhrr ~5Ch. 2.na-Sign Of{ AGAlN51111~ t..AW! · ~(\r~ 1O.30-News ace of spades to sleep. From this point on there was " , I , For ~\I (·",heal·ls 10.45--Voice IIf Prophecy , SUNDA Y, November 25th. nothing left but the mopping , Smnade 12.15-Pop Concert 6.~8-Slg11 On up. John lost a club, a diamond Stll'n,ilr I2.30-News 6.30-News and two trumps to wind up Ind Charlrs 1.00-News In I Minute , I B.3S-Morning Meditltion 1.01-Sign O::fl _____ making his contract, plus an · ~e\\'~ 6.38-Sunday Serenade overtrick, , ; and Program 6.55-News and Weather Of course, East could have 7.00-The Good Life VOWI taken the first spade. led a , 7.15-Sunday Serenade trump anrl beaten the hand. SUNDAY, November %~th. 7.55-News and Weather But East had bitten on the jack i i ROO-Back to the Bible play, hook, line and sinker. :: I ! 9.DO-News Headlines A.M. 9.01-0ral Roberts IO.OO-'rell UI a Story yCAH, MA».,.~W'~ I , 1 9.30-Sunday Serenade 10.1:;-5\ory Time wltb Nlnc1 CARD SENSE BEGINS MONDAY, NOV. 26 A S1~N:; ONE, DOG! :i I I 9,55-News and Weather Edwards Q-The bidding has been: \I,'IlAT WEIGLfT I ' lU.30-Hymns WI Love YOU FIGHT IN? AI.' 11O.01-The Old Old Story East South We!! N orlh lOo4·5-0rgan MUSic ; .1~rw ~ Presby· ,IO.30-The Peoples Gospel 1 + Double Pass Z + I I '. i 1l.OO-St. Thomas's Church Churrh Serl'ice Hour Pass 2 • Pass 3 ... Service ~tw;; Weat,hcr and 1I1.00-News Headlines Pass ? I 12.15-Mu5Ical Moments rellell I ll.ol-Church Service You, South, hold: ~l)' God 12.1S-Vistas of brael 12.30-V.O.W.R. Presents i 12.45-Hllh Adventur. .A Q 10 8 6 ¥K 9 8 7 +3 .K BEN CASEY I R~unrlup , 12.30-News I tOD-Close Down 32 ReCital 12.35-RCAF Report VVhat do you do? WATCH FOR OUR NEW STORY STRIP 12.40-SundRY Serenade 6.0D-Muslc of the Malten A-Bid lour clubs. You have a.30-HDspital Ind other R. IN THIS SPACE 112.45-P'lsherman'a Forecast club .upport. port5 I 1.00-News Headlines TODAY'S QUESTION 8.40-Dr. Ritchie F. Bell I 1.01-World of Sport Your partner continues with I 6.55--Daily Meditation l.l5-News Summary a bid of four diamonds. What I l.30-Scouting Trail 7.00-Re1ll1loul Service from Wesley United Chard do you do? 1.4l1-The Bible Speaks to Answer Tomorrow By WILSON SCHUGCS 8.QIl-Organ Music ~10RTY ~IEEKLE You ---,.-- .. - ...----- . 8.lll-Eventide Echoe. I 2.00-News Headlines 8.4l1-The Question Box LONDON (AP)-Prime Minis· I He'';SSEN 2,0] -ReVival, Time ter Macmillan was reported Fri· OH, BOY! TO(;¥,yi? 1HCRbA WHCle 8.30-The Searcb day considering an early meet. 2,30-VOCM Road Show, News D.OO-Sunday Cborale TIle; DAY WeGE:TCHIP5 WEB(. lH1NK Ii lng with President Kennedy to and Weather B.III-When a Child Asks Sf.Oo:'. R:?ov.11£ 1-18 leARNED : 4.30-The Lutheran Hour discuss major International is­ 03f'DleNCG Awr;FCf'? 9.30-The Protestant Hour sues. Government sources said ~.OO-News Headlines ,to.OO-Hospltal Illd otber Re , 0JiCOt.... the British leader is expected 5.01-Rible Talks ports to cross the Atlantic shortly lI.l5-Sunday Serenade 10. Ill-Weither Forecast 5.30-Lawrence Welk Show aller Christmas. --- 5.5S-News §.3O::Comment and SOtt--Ave Marie Hour CJON·CJOX TV Conviction MOve 6.30-VOCM Road Show, SATURDAY, November 2Uh. to.DO-TV Chapel ,. ~lliO\1l1 News News and Weather 1.30-Atlantic Bowl Game lO.30-Falth for Today 9.511-Nrwl and Weather Review and 4.tllI-Mllestonu of the IUD-The Chrlltopher. SPe.aker lO.DO-This is my Siory Century . lUD-Tbi! Is the Life Hall IO.3D-Outdoors in Nfld, UD-FUness Fortnlgllt 12.00-S1gn Off CaUda _ 10.4l1-World of SPDrt 1I.30-Talent Shown.e lr. 2.00-Country Calendar BUGS BUNNY By LEON SCHLESINGER IO.M-New. Edition 2.30-Herltale 11.00-Weather Forecan from G.OD-8Ugh BunllY ... 3.00-Speaklnl French. Torbay TDWer G.3D-Klngflsher', Cover 3.3D-Thr World of Sport 1l.02-The Big Top Trn 7;OII-All Stu lowlln, 8.00--8" LiwreDce Nortb 11.30-The Nllht Show a.OO-New. aD. Weather U7-CBC National News NovtlDber Uth.. 12.5I1-New.Weatb.r.Tlm. B.I5-Natlonal N~w. s.aG-Cltlzen'. Forum " .-" 1.05--Slln Off UD-The Beverly BIUbUlle. 7.0D-JlfU'erlck J--t.','"' D.DO-Whlplash 8.0B-Robln Hood 9,SO-Untoochabl" 1.3D-Huel Wealher CJON lo.BO-NHL Hoekey '" 9.0ll-Flashkek Show 9.3I1-Ed Sullivln Sbow MeclltatlOll1 SATtJIlDAY; November Uth. 1U5-Jullet&e 61 Sports IUS-TDA 10.30-Bonanza A.M. 12.3tt--Newl, 8portl' III' ·1l.SO-Closeup 8.aO-Tb. a.b Lewl. Sbow- . WelthfJr. 12.00-Quelit New., Sport" Sbippln, 12.45-8I(n Off. . 12.3D-CBC National News News and Wllatb.r, I SUNDAY, Novem'er·2~th. lUO-LoCl1 New., SPDrts and II.O~Mu.lc for MIlUIIIII . 9.10-01\'1131 and GOliath Wdlbllr I.3Il-Top TUIIII and ~olden '.lI-The Llvlq Wort !:l.55-Slgn Off 14 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD.. SATlJRDAY, XOVF'IBcJ\ I \ .. , L 24 , SELL

f W. U. KNOWLING LEARN TO DRIVE " w ~I Where To Buy or l Steamship INSURANCE LTD Female driver with 15 years I here To Stay:, ' • driving cxpericnce, now ac· I B I '!I Rent I?ower Tools I JM 0Jdlfl.4J. ~ Fire. Auto. Casualty cepting female pupils. wishing, a sam Hotel iii · to learn to dril'e. . I I·' jlJ CJtwna i1iu:IiIIt;Jmt J(RlIaJuJ Movements PH: 8·2902, 8-7811 Phone 854154 i ~ BARNES RO.\DI RcntaJs- CLARKE CABOT SERVICES 158 Water Street. St. John" I: Situatrd in the hear. of the I;; Floor Sanders KIN: S.S, Gulfport loading in :'Iont· !..!=e=pl:::3.=lm:::t:::h::::::::::::",,"",:~=-::: ~ Q 't C ICi1tY'b !I'I· Portable· Belt Sanders :.: 1___ ----- UJe , om or a Ie Almo-s·! '11 real Nov, 27th/30th for Corner -, --. -- •______, phere I.l! Saw~, Dn s, Conercte THE STORY: Ensconced in to Miss Green. Brook. BOY! I the motel which she In· "How many guests can-can' M.V, Sir John Crosbie load. ~m~- For r:fs~:~~~i~~~ and !I: Dnlls and Breakers. , I . herited. columbine Drugget We accommodate?" ing in Montreal Nov, 28th. for JII l discovers that she has gotten "A hundred and thirty," NeWspa "H ." SI. John's. I:!: IN STOCK- the "'rong luggage by mis· " ~w many ,room~. .:\tV. Dundee loading in ~ii~,> :>. Ii Dial 8-6336 take. In her bal( are anum· . Fl~~)'.two let smgles and I Montreal Nov, 27th/30th for st.1 I ;URS. JOliN FACJo:Y ':! I bpr of unusual Items includ· su~tes,. "I John's, SERII For WhlCh we charge I ·S.S. Novaport leaving Hali· Ing a gun and a bag full of i "From $20 a day for singles fax Dec, 18th Dec. 27th, ,Jan, , IRE S L~~i~~:_~:~~~g~r:s~,~:2J! i ~(:!.;'~o~ gems. • • • ~o $55 for three.bedroo~ suites, 14th, Jan. 14th: Jan, 23rd. Feb. \' lin the season, ~Ve remam open Itst, Feb. 11 th, Feb 20th, :\Iarch 'Plumber $1.00 WEEKLY SKIL I In thc mornin~ The Grol'c of , all summer. which most resorts i 1st, March 11th, ~Iarch :lht, 1 Up to 30 months Dapb~e secmed CI'(r] mo~e, here do not do, Through the and March 31st. I Applications are inl'ited for' Portable To()l~ G. alarmlD"h' enormous than lt I hot months our rates are about °Relrl'geratl'on p 'nt t ttl' t f' Free Insurance o • h If" ' • I a pm men ~ .r pos 0, 19 had in the glimpses she had a,,' ?" ,,' [' temporary Plumber at the Gen· ' All sizes KANGO 11 rau~ht of it at midnight. But' "H,ow. ~any. empl?),es, , GULF ANIl, NORTHERN ,eral Hospital. I 8 17 her apprehension w~s amelia· Flft)-fl~e, l~cludJng 10 mi. SIIlPPIN(: CO", LTD, 'I Applicants s~ollld ,hr.l'c a: CAR BATTERIES lJl' .LI 1 I:: ,(l, I , 23 rated hy the realIZation that alii the adnltlllstrahve staff. One to Fergus lea,~ Pictou, N.S, . .Journeyman's LIcence with at I I 10 $1.00 WEEKLY Q 16 Ihi; \\"a~ bcrs. The swimming I cl'cry two ami a half guests." November 22, Ical:e Cl:arlotte .. least three yean' e~perience I ~ ponl II'as hers. the palms and I .It was apparent that,. Colum· town Nov. 23, arm'e Nov. 26, and be able to rcad hlueprints! 15 25 th lawn' thc enclosing (.ot.,' bme was appalled. "\\ III I bp, leave same day. and mainiain maintrnancl' ree·1 ta~e~ so 'deanly painted and expected to minglc with the *Fergus leave Pictou, N.S, ords. I 9 in~itin~ all were hers. ~uests?". No:'. 29, Charlettetown Nov, 30,! Appl:c3tions or enquiric,l for I 3 18 Perforce ~he had to put on I :rha qUestlO,n told Bal'ba~a. arrive St. John's Dec, 3, leave; further. information shOUld be I FLOWER HILL 7 til!' dress in which she had, Gleen s?metllln.g ~bout thiS i S3n'1 e day. . : ~ddre"ed to·- PHONE 8-6 J27 traveled all the way from ;.Ie II' I dowdy InrI. !llIs MISS Drugget: 'Fergus Icave PIctou, N.S. I Secretary. York, Recollectk'l that her! w~s shy. afrmd of people. T~at : De~, 6th, Charl,oUetoIVn Dcc. 7, : General HIlSjlital,

ol\'n suitcase \"as missing came Il1l1ght account for, her offish' arrJve St. John 5 Dec. 10, leave I' I,'orest Road, to her with a shock as she re'l manner. same day. . ,St. John's. Phone 8·G3-!4 mcmhrred the chan~eling suit· "Your father," said JEss i "Fergus leave PIctou, N.S, LEONARD lUlLl,ER M D marl6,sats,tf p, I!~\", I ", "I:': .. ra,'e !hat Il'as in hel' possession, Green. "was ,'cry popular with ! De~, 13, le~ve Charlot,tetown Deputy IIlinister of H~aith, i WHY PAY ;t1"ill I I ."\. ~li' 'i':~~ and its strange contents. Thcre the gucsts. He lrnew bow to, Dec. 14, arrIve St. Johns Dcc. no\'!!4,27 Steve Manning CARLSON CLUETT lilli' d ti". ,.; , must hal'e hem two identical please pcople. His way with the 117, le~\'e sall)e day. ------6%., 7%./ or 9% pieces of ail'plane haggage guests accounted in no small FURNESS lUTHY. & CO. L!D Golden Ea~lc Oil TAXI ,\,11\\:1 :" !III' i, .".' when she ali;;ht~d from the measure foJ' the success of The Potar? leavlD,g LIVerpool Nu~ INTEREST RATES Distributor FRE:'I'Clm.A:'i'S C~)\,E I ('I,d "PII""'I'!' I train, This was n~t impos>ible.1 Grol'e of Daphne." '!, due St. ~ohn s Nov, 14, Lea\,· .. , j Lewesl • ilunn Penmsil"~!!(~d hi, : ,." (I)I Ili\ ' : ;I, Iherr mu,t he thousands of • • • mg for Hal!fax and Boston Nov. On your used car STOVE OIL and thn'!' I'elloll' casc; with the red: '" am ampl), capable of I 15, due ~ahfax Nov, 17: Leavlllg ~10X, "'.ED., l~RI. "!IJipll:~!I1I' i".t :,' CANADA purchases 1 ~tripl',' Eithl'r ,he had taken I maintaining di~cipline al11on~ I B,oston :'i.ov. 23 for Samt John, FURNACE OIL Leaves St. John s 11\ 11" I )i.lr,,1 thr \\'rnn~ ~ne ~r someone pre· , lOU 1!irls under 10 years of age, : NB .. Halifax and St. John's, TUES., TIIUnS., SAT, 1,,1,11, ',,:!:, ' cr!lin~ hrr had takC'l hers and i but I hal'e had no experience Nfld. At. Samt ~ohn, N.B. No~ at with automatic filling serl'ice. PIIO:>iE Consolation ket hi- 1'11'11 hrhind. ! i':l keeping ordrr among 130 24. Leal'l,nc Halifax NO:l~O. dt:ihll' un.. "Nonsense," Columbine ~aicl p,ool Nov. 21, .due St, ,John", Christmas is tbe season of and only at plra,,1n! hahi!s and char'acter, I sharply. "Unless Ihere is disci., Nol'. 28, ~avmg for Hal~fax happiness, a time for giving 17 SIIEA STREET i:~:'-:'-~-~:-=-'-~-=-~~~-~I 11 llIi~ht he most undesirahle pline there will he chaos. Hal'e ' and Boston ~ov, 29, due Hallfa~ , nOl'6,2mths alld Tlo!ll,il'1I1i. r-: if its oll'lwr ral11~ to knoll' that you no list of rules instructin~ IDec, 1. Leavmg Boston for Ha!l. and receiving gifts. Give the GREAT EASTERN . ~hr. (olumhine Pepper Drug· gUt'sts in decorum and be., fax, Dec, ~~, due .SI. John s, gift of health with your COIl­ OIL & IMPORT sl'I'I'ati'JII\ ['!calC rid get had thl' ea,c in her posses. hal'ior~" i Dcc, ~7. Salhng agaIn same day tribution to Christmas Seals. MUNN .' I I I . . d'l "WI . '!' 0" " ' for LII·crpool. w' ~Ion am la( rxamme 1 5 con· l~, no, .1 ISS ru!:"c!, no. NEWFOUNDLAND ('ANA CO" LTD. trllts, Shr plarc(l it i',l a corncr! "Then my first duty shall be ' ,DA Fight TB with Radio, Telel'lslOn, Washers g·5635 01 her rloset and cOI'cred it the preparation of such a code STEAJIISIIIPS LJ~UTED Ilcfrigerators, Deep Freezers ""~t:i.I:-;::h I Christmas Seals MOTORS Electric Ranges. with a :;pare blanket that she, and .its distribution." :.t.V. "Bedford II" sailing Floor Polishcrs. found 011 the ~helf. ! ~!Jss Green spoke with spirit. ,from Halifax NOl'embcr 23rd, I Gramophones Then, hal'lll~ hathed and: "Then," she said, "your sec. : due st. John's. November 25th. i ------. • " Public Adllress Systems :rire.,,,ed a", hest she COlild she ond duty. ~1iss Drugget will be! ~I,V, "Bedford II" sailing: ~osscss the mmd~ of the !J\mg, LTD. Tape Recordcrs \\ rn! dlfftdenll)' dOlI' 0 Ihe to bid goodby to your ·lluests." : llalifa)( l'\ol'cmber 30th. due' h: ~nnocents draws the .t YOU PAY ONLY REPAIRS A~D SERVICE I'l EV! Or USW ~tair, til Ihe lobby, (To Be Continued) St. John's December 2t1d, I Hewer mto a maze ?f unkno,"'n Associate 5 LINES "Good mnrnin~, )Ir, Simp·, -'t.V. "Bedford II" sailin" I fears and leaves hl~ gaspmg Dli\L K·3001 to 8·:1005 \I! ,I r" Ih kin .... ;,hr said. from Halifax Dec. 7th. due sl: ! fo]' bl:eath and ~os51bly doubt· .! .. Ce,l, :1O~ 01 mg Director of Th~ yOUll~ Illan. startled by John's, Dec. 9th. I hiS own ~amty. WATER STREET YC:lr hl'r suddcn appearalll'r, stam. ",II'''' ',""' .. 1""" "" ,,,''",",",., As an English governess car· Captl' 01 "."------__ .... ',., ing for two unusual children. I Nursing Service Jan2a,ly ~1·3 mrrrd a ~ood morni"'~ and 1111111111111111'11111111111"1111111111'1":1'11111111'"'11111' • 3% SERnCE starl'd at her, l\hss Kerr carries the only star· ring role and is on the screen ADD ON INTEREST Rentals "Breakfast," she said sharp· Today 90 of the film's 99 minutes. An Application, arc invitcd from I !I' ,II, ., , Paramount Registered Xurses for the posi· : -,--- -,-,------AVALON • .'Th d" " h , II,,:: "'1.'." , , , '11.1.,.,11:""""",," 'actress of great talents W\'th a (Thl's oLL.. good on tion of Associ,ate DI'l'CctOI' of.'It'd oor ",an ers, El e,It S3n de,rs, IVATER AT , ~ mlllg room, e an· list of memorable screen credits TTl! r P S EI tiD II "d t t'll "INCE",''T PRICE IN Nursing Service at the General. ower aws, 'cc rica n; s,I,\3.'e r.,e..d oes no open un I" T D that include "The King and I," t.c fi bl R t C II .. O "THE PIT AND 0- ay 161 Models Only) Hospital. ,e -' e::.sona e a es. a "Tea and Sv. mpath v ," "From 8 .. tl6 8 '352 "The d:nin~ room," he said, THE PESDULUltl" 01'"11,11""""", '1,"""'"""',,,,,,,,:1"''':'11'''''' Applicants should hal'e con, .~ ,./ . Hcrc to Eternity," "Separate 'd bl' tJ RENT "i~ undoubtedly for gUt'sts. The Edgar Allen Poe was born in I DEBORAH KERR IN Tables" and "The Sundowners," Sl era e experlcnce in Nul'S' - employcs must ~at earlier?" Boston on January 19, 1808, the i "THE INNOCENTS" WITH she considers tbis role' "the ing Administration and a uni·· 169 Water Str~et. SI. John's "YP.o. ~Ii;; Drug!!et. Ycs." beginning of a life which was I I\UCHAEL REDGR,\ VE most challenging of her versity po,tgnlliuatc coursc Div, IIarris & Hiscock Lt1I, • "I", she informed ,him, "am, as troubled .as tbe the~cs of career." ------:; would be an asset. in effect an empl?ye.' most of hiS .great hterary Jack Clayton, who did such Michael Redgrave the star of DIAL 95201 Salary for this position is on Insurance Somewhat duhIOusly he lcd, works, One of Ius most famous a masterful job of direction on the Broadwa pr~duction of MONA RY AN'S the scale of 3BiO·l0Q·4200 per I'rllJ 11 pt her to the emplo~'es' dining I ~orks: regarded as one of ~he the award·winning "Room At Graham Gre:ne's "The Com., annum. . C • ,TtllT 011. 1'00m. whl'rl' Barbara Grcen I II arid s great ter~or cl~SSICS, The Top," has taken Henry plaisant Lover," plays the Beauty Salon Applications 01' requests for J. J. I.A EY .'Flli\,\( r: OIL !at ol'cr roffee and eg~s and reaches . the mO~lOn picture James' classic of eerie suspense British uncle of the two child. InIPERIAI, OIL BUILDING furthcr information. should hr ,INSURANCE Ltd. • 1l.\t:1I 10.\1. " I toa~t. Columhinc went to her s~ree~ IV~th. A~erJcan ..Interl1~' "The Turn Of The Screw," and I ren placed in Miss Kcrr's care. ELIZABETII AVENUE addrcssed to the DIrector of, Dep d bl F' I u • ,lIl"r /(1 \I. table and seated l,lcrself with tlOnals fllmlZallon ,0, f The Pit fashioned a macabre chiller en. He wants nothl'ng to do WI.th ~~ocl27,lmth ______' cstNllr5e~, Road. General S1. ,John's, Hospital, for· ' Prompten a CI3Ime. Ire Selth'ments, ns rance, • 11:11\ I'mnl.l~ I I d th P d11 I I ~ m:,\TI\I; EllrtP)IE'1 rurt e"ood mommg•. , an'" e h en ' um now pay· titled , "The Innocents". The tl le youn .." st ers an d De b ora h ---- LEONARD :uIUER. ~T.D.. DI AL 8·7 035 'Good morning. ~IiS5 Drug· I In" at t e CapItol Theatre. 20th Century·Fox ghostly soon learns why. Ir"'------_\ let." answered the hostess, I Orphaned before he was drama stars Deborah Kerr and "The Innocents" are portray. Ilcputy ~linister of lIealth .• CROSBIE & CO" Ltd. "Why d!d you not ha\'e break· I three, Poe IV.as adopted ~y ~o~n is now playing today at the ed by screen newcomer n.year. n01'24.27 Agr.nts for fast ,en'ed in ~'ouJ' room?" Allan of Richmond, VlrglDla. Paramount Theatre. Iold Pamela Franklin, soon to UNDERWRITERS At n "I am not," she said. "acus. I k 1815, the A!lans moved to I Dealing with the intriguing appear with William Holden LLOYDS, tomed to pampcring mysel!." ,ngland. where the young man I question as to whether the and Trevor Howard in "The LOW RATES 'I I • • • lIas sent to school ~t Stoke New souls of the dead can return to L' " d 12. . Id t: enl'oy DIAL 8·'-031 mgton, Upon theIr return to IOn,. an year 0 ve er~n , u A facc abol'c a white coat America he went to a private cadet.ship at West Point, MartIn Stephens, last seen ID I shall endeavi appeared in tht door and ~liss school in Richmond. where, irked by the discipline, "Village of the Damned." , JOB BROTHER~ St. John's \Yes Green addressed it. "Curt, will I & COJ\IPANY, Ltd. 1 you sec what :'IIiss Drugget He entered the University of I he was soon summarily dismiss· A tuberculin test determines; 3' OFF Water Strct: wants for breakfast"," And Virginia at the age of seven· I' .ed, , h h t h I' teen, but was withdrawn within In 1834, his foster,father IV et er or no a person as DIAL 8·2658 - 8-4123 then, as lhe boy came to stand a year, in 1826. because of died, leaving Poe no provision becn infected by tuberculosis· luxury -tasting INSURANCE ------.------_. , beside the table, "Curt. this is gambling debts. Poe ran away in his will, Poe's only piece of germs, but It does not show if handy-quarters , your new boss, :'liss Drugget, to Boston and enlisted in the luck for the next few years was infection has advanced to dis· i REG. T. MORGAN • , , Curt is one of our bus Army. His first volume of poe. the winning of the Baltimore ease. Chest X·ray and other! INSURANCE Ltd. : Wm. boys." try, "Tamberlane" was publish. 'Saturday Visitor short-story tests are needed to determinc I Temple Bldg" r. O. !lox 168, : P,\SS('\CEII "Good morning, Curt, Just cd in 1827. prize with "!liS found in a Bot. the presence of disease, The I 3011 Duc~worlh ~!: i • , _ ,\!t.l~G orange juice and one egg and In 1829, Poe was bonorably tie," This brought him, in motor vessel Christmas Seal' DIAL 803,0 or 8·" a6 , ~l. \, " (I ~ l.l 'r "',:1 4 HOLDSWn --_. I )iI;,\I'\), \0,:. '. toast and coffee." discharged from the Army and 1835' a position with the has carried out more than 380 .. 1 CLOTHES Columbine became her stiff, his second volume of poems SO~lthern Literacy Messenger 000 examinations for tuhereu'l Beauty Parlours : :'LI'. \r".~ ~;,il"'::::: -.-- Brook ~fi'r:(f' ' .... , :'1 E IF CHAFE j iDclement self again, and spoke was published. He obtained a in Richmond. los is. • . " " \\ ' ,:. i·, GLADY'S BEAUTY SIIOPI'E Ihe Jlm:c \ ,'." ": _ ;-,~ I • ~...' if,11 cor. Bond and Prescott Sis, I :'IOlldi<;. :"",,:,: , .... ', . .fl" , CI' . .. . Phone 8·4951·8·7898. Speci· 'rO\\,TTlO\ \\,I~l.ll. , . . alizing m cold waving, hair j'L,Vr,n,1 r"I\" , ' .. styling, cutting and tillting, Tr;;ill "T:ll' ~f;"""",:", manicuring, facials etc., 14 ,:'1 .Jul:,,·.' )'::01 r::1 ",": operators. no waiting. '\I--i'i; l11ill", t""::'c(: ,r, ,,' , I ,,:,.. 3r.d _ I l'('TlI!a • iJllll"'" . r~"'e. ATIENTION BOYS! _ ....;';.;\';;;u;;to;;...;A,;;;c.;;.c;;.;e;.:s;.;;s..;;.o;:.;ri;.:e..;;.5__ ,wi!h th(' .,!o .... rn:' :; ;.( : I II'" J'''I' rl,ccr.·"'-· Nnd. l tie (,S. \ .. I, . If you are interested in makin~ money as a • I " Rl" OFFICE j Armature I (O:\\I:CTlO\ B'~I)' , ~ Daily News Carrier, please fill in the Applica­ Works! PI..\(·E\f':\ ... I,;;: I ST. JOHN' "1'11" 0 1."'[, • ., tion Form and mail to our office. If no route 38 'r raIl," " ~1;,· I 1"'U 1 Electrician • mb . .. , . ' I' ,,- " , I available in your area immediately, your !~=~!~ ua fiCA st. ,10,111' .-.' ,'," 1:1 ~ Strl!et Iwill mnke r0nncc:~" .. I application will be placed on file. Then should invited from I 11, Application~ Dial 8.7191. 0 'centia ,IU:lI;tI;n r::i:, fe:" ' ~ nj[' \L\ .. ' ,:] TEl ., an openinJ?; occur, we will get in touch with interested persons Cor the ap" 11,,'lll'- t;r I, • L •• r:l~~,'~ •. " Bids ar . you. pointmen Ito the post of tem· i tl'e. Ire't, . R:Il1· I .."" eE'_ B e lUvii porary Electrician at the Gen·: Urning in thf ~------l eral Hospital. I RADIO·TV REPAIRS FREIGHT \OT[ . ~l Applicants should have a Spe 'f' ' ;1 THE DAILY NEWS I GREAT EASTERt'l OIL Frei~'" is "(crple~,,~):i ' of CI Ications I Journeyman Electrician's Lic· I •. _\' Frc.;,': the Ril;"I." ","', the City El I P. O. :BOX 520, ST. JOHN'S ; ence and at least three years' A COMPANY, Ltd. I tl', !' .," , " experience. including repair of REPAIRS TO RADIOS, TV for port; on 'der te ' , Bids . WELCOME 'WAGON Sen'ice but m Dr\" th:S ~ ': 1I1 sealed I, ROUTE electric motors. Applicants AND ALL ELECTRICAL c' I APP~ICATION 'I ,;,tl ' should be able to interpret dia· ,HOSTESS Itee morcment b. Btty Clerk all " NA~IE ...... : APPLIA ~lrE-<; I II Bon,l, grams and maintain mainten· DIAL 8·3001 to 8·3005 I the :\., h Railll'JY Utning W· ance records. Will Knock at your Door must be at 1 e Tu€;ca:, be d 1" lUI Shed by 1 p.m. s' e lvered I ADDRESS ...... , ...... ~.... I Applications or enquiries for with Gifts and Greetings Elect. Applicances further information should be, f dl 27th. 19tJed not lat, addressed tl)- rom Frien y Business HEAP & PARTNERS I PHONE No...... I Secretary, Civic and Social Groups (NFLD.) Ltd. \\'EnNES] General Hospital, On the occasion of: . Wiring Maleri.ls, Wire ano ------Forest Road, 01 Cables, Moton, Starlers. ~west St. John's. New comer to the City, , ed, FOR HOME DELIVERY ...... PHONE 8·2177 Lamps. Switrhe~, l,jghtiD, LEONARD ~[J].LER, !U,D" The Birth of a Bah\'. Fixtur~', ~te Deputy Minister of Health. IWAREHOUSE: PlIJNl.'E'S ST. ! ~0v24,27 , ,PHONE 8-4664, 8-7682 DiAL 8·5088 I .. ~I~.Y....:\.;.;·E;;..'"_1S..;,.' _S_T.~_ .• ~"..:..N:.:..FLD., S~!~AY, NOV~_M_B_EI_'_2::.:.4,...:1:.:.96::.:2:.-..-______.______•______~ ___~l~_;


,I, : ' LeMarchant TORBAY AIRPORT I: I RESTAURANT OUT OF RESPECT FOIl THE LATE Lodge (White's Caterin!, Ltd.) KIYI ANIS KRAZY KAPERS ...... KINSMEN (Just east of Grace Hospital) SPECIAL Robert Burgess Single and double rooms, Week End Family Dinner. BOYS' CLUB with watcr and telephone. lChildrer. Half Price) 1962 EDITION BURGESS BROS. CABS service in each room. i Featuring:.- T·Bone Steaks, F I> t' D' 1 .• Tenderlom Steaks • Small Musical Revue and Variety Show WILL DE CLOSED or \eserva lOn la Steaks. BINGO 8-0341 - 8-0342 (,,:t v.ery reasonable price.s) Produced by Gerome H. Cargill TO-DAY, SATURDAY, NOV. 24th . We InVIte the general publIc to from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. try our service. Productions of New York SERIES No. 69 Manager 8- 0343 Open 8.30 am. to 1.30 a.m. daily " : oct31,lmth PHONE 9·4971 TO-NIGHT, SATURDAY Memorial University Theatre I N G 0 OUT OF RESPECT FOR THE LATE ONLY 2 MORE NIGHTS at 8 p.m. ,,- Robert Burgess ]lJ .)L) 52 72 TO VISIT Tickets $2.00 and $1.50 1';' ·1.1 55 6,1

" .) Available from -liuttons, varicus Drug ~ ·r' ·18 75 TILDEN RENT-A·CAR 11i 39 47 68 Stores and members of the St. John's ,- WILL DE CLOSED :"_1 38 60 73 TO-DAY, SATURDAY, NOV. 24th PARISH Kiwanis Club. 31 5,1 61 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. 36 IS7 71 18 .J.j 49 FAIR VELVET ~~ORN HIE OLD MILL IN HOLY CROSS AUDITORIUM . 51 OUT OF RESPECT FOR THE LATE NIGHT CLUB DANCE OPf'rl E.\CU ni:..:ht nt S p,m. Pah'ick Street On·ht.~tr:l; -- \\"l:t1nv~d:iYS _ Fri- , <1:1;.<; - Saturdays ~).-1:!. Tht:I-<.r!;I'·() to polisher~. --=-_h -. ".'1 Membership fees and issue of 1963 I rangettes, toaster;. electric a ., membership cards (Green) TO-MOR­ I razors, kettles. slt'am irons . ~ Q'11111'J'~1 \ , ' Expert W'atch Repairs ROW, SUNDAY, Nov. 25, 1962. HIT THE JACKPOT I i ~~:;~i::::x~~'~~'i~~c·calr°{.:I":~;;~ , .". III ~J~! Hannon. Holyroo'., Phone I.! .8,)-''''6 2:lF2. no\'21.1mth E. J. MOTTY, TO·JHY Secretary. FREE FREE FREE FREE RADIO and TELEYlSIO:'>I 1O::\il a.lII. repair scn-ice ... For all CHlLDl:E:':'S SI\,\TI;"O;G $50.00 WORTH OF GROCERIES your radio. t('lelision and 2 p.m. appliance rcpair dial 8·2G5fi, O!)('aill;( IIf High Schonl ,,1 $20.00 WORTH OF OIL for expert. fast. friendly S('lIi",' Hurlier. $20.00 CASH amI efficient serriee. Items called for and delivered. .s!mtjl1~ until ri p.m. :20 lb. TURKEY Ratcs reasonable-Serrice guarantecd. nov_HUm HisltllllS "S. P.W.C. This Jackpot to be drawn for Dec. 22nd 4'!1ildrclI. Game and BRENNA:-i'S Ilarhcr ShOll, Every customer huying oil between Nov. Skating" .. ,' .. " :1.; Cents'" m:nn: WITII A S:\UU AT Alcxander Street. now opel" Adults ,...... 3., Cenls ~ting four chair,;. Specializ. ~IEi\10mAI~ UNIVERSITY OF NFLD. 23rd and Dec. 21st inclusive will be AVAlON CREDIT JEWELLERS eligible to be drawn. All you have to do ing ill Flat TO:ls. BIWh H p.m.-Jr. HOCKEY Cuts, Crew C.'tlts, etl·. Gllards ,"s. Feildians I \\ .In:n ;\1 "nJll.AIDE, PIIONE 8·7829 EXTENSION SERVICE is order from Union Oil Co., Ltd., and IIours: 8.30 a.m. to 1i.:lU sa.ve your meter receipt. p.m. oet:101.mth - WA:.iTED: Comics. magazines, pockct I1m'els, guitars. ria· CARD SWIMMING COURSES UNION OIL CO./ LTD. lins,! radios, silvcrw:-:rc, OF THANKS di3mond rings. dishes. ek. Hcgistl'ation will hegin on Wednesday. 8-2822 8-2822 JOHN D. S:':OW, 9 :-ie"" I wish to thank all Novemher 28th at 9 o'clock, and will end nov24todec21 Gower Slrcet. ocll.1 n; Dr. B. J.. , . my fricnds and sup­ on Friday, November 30th at 6 o'clock, for ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~/ I NOW I~ STOCK anrl reason· porters who voted Beginners and Advanced swimming II I allly priced, \\' voilop. Rc· Yersiblc, All Wool and KENl'JEDY,., I: 1 :11. for me and assisted cOUl'ses. These classes are scheduled to Springfillcd ~!attresscs. All ··1· '1. hC,gin on the 9th and 11th of January, me in my campaign. I 10cnIIy mnde oluttresses f(,r has n'slIllled : , I wish to extend 1963. I Bunk Beds a speeinlty. I ,. ; Springs and Daybeds re-wir· practice 11 I; my congratulations FAMOUS , Registration must be by person. Only I cd. All Wool and Spring. to the other Sllccess­ those who have already applied by tele­ fillcd ~Iattrcsscs re·ccndi- 1'------~..-.-- .. --.. ----... ---""-.,'! ful candidates and phone or mail can be considered for the I lioned. Terms arranged. 1 Buy now-Pay latcr. I(cat~ also my good wishes beginners Swimming Course. As the i WANTED to the unsuccessful ! Mattress Factory, 16 ~H. i' number of applicants must be restricted SAYINGS I Royal Avenuc. Phone 92;53· JOB candidates. to the accommodation provided, a decision 8·2656. :ii' [,sklll ~llllp:1\'o\lr to serve the people of Real Estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be will have to he made in favour of those carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid Idly.tf . ____ , Ih' the (la\· 01' three llaVS" ; I '. 101m S \\ ('st to the hest of my ability. :, f who register first in person. for in full. and managed with reasonable care, it i REI'AIRS-Rangettes, scwmg a wcek 01' ('\-en night. [ , . THANK YOU is about the safest investment in the world. , and washing machines, pol. ' , . ishers, steam irons tonsters, wllrk, for earl' of BILL ADAMS. Fee: $12.00 Place: Physical Ed. Bldg. -Franklin D. Roosevelt. takil1~ a; ,. food mixers, elcctric razors, . sick person. For fu11 par~' I nov24,27 PROPERTIES FOR SALE kettles, radios, etc., expertly : titlllars .. I,. Building on Watcr Street, once known as Cash's repaired. RON CHAFE, 116 ii ,I Tobacco Store. Three storey, the ground floor is Bond St. Telephone 849073, [, Wm. L. CHAFE a Shop. The other two floors consists or an Apart· Free pickup and delivery. Phone 864304 I' ment. This property is situated in a good com· II TAILOR ,A,. mthly,!f ST. BON'S A. mercial section on Water Street, where there is I ----~_\~~~,~ S~I~-O~~'-~!! . jllOLDSWORTH ST. ST. JOHN'S big pedestrian traffic. Price reasonable. THE CENTRAL BARBEn \\.\TCII ,,",I JEWELHY IlEP.\ms·:· I II I CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN ILIlInEHI:-.'G 'If t\;lll1nllE5St."G , I .' Two storey dwelling hO\l~C on Pine Bud Avenue, SHOP-We are now operat­ Screen Tl'ilchinr.!. l"nemploymcnt In· I I i CHAFE QUART'ERLY MEETING consisting of seven rooms, oil heated, large back ing 10 chairs, you can be :;UI".ilnl'l' if (,Jj;::'ihle. Transporta.tlon·: " ~ MAKES THE CLOTHES. Mlrm:l.ncp. ~ntl other bcnrfits. ! ·}I \', garden. freehold property. In perfect state of reo " :.-~. assured of prompt, effict· ~: 'I' pair, can be purchased with a reasonable dow.n : cut, sanitary service. No CITY OF ST. JOHN'S 11:30 SUNDAY MORNING payment. Early possession can be arranged. :rhlS waiting problem, 24 New 6~ [n\::~~~:m4: i 11'1 is your chance to get a comfortable home, It Is Gower Street upposite Ado· seIling much under the market value. laide Motors Lt(1. R ~ L';I!l',;TIUES LTD,: ; II :: at the College Three dwelling houses, in a row, situated on Bond . ~lond.D, N.B.· j': II Street East. Consisting of six apartments, price SEWERS WANTED I~I~IEDI· ATELY-Work at home do· .: ' I most reasonable. This is a good investment. · ., ing simple sewing. We . ·I .' i Warehouse on George Street, one storey, construc­ supply materials, and pay I • I ' • .• I :1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK tion concrete blocks. it consists of three offices, shipping both ways. Make FOR RENT and toilet room, and large storage space, and base· up to $1.40 an hour. Piece : :! I !:I ST, JOlIN'S ~!UNICIPAL COUNCIL ment, freehold property, immediate possession. work. Apply Dept. D 93, ': :'., III Large piece of land situated on the South Side Box 7010, Adelaide Post : ·i BUNGALOW · Road. It has a frontage of 500 feet along by the Office, Toronto 1, Ontario. . 20 CASHIN AVENUE C.N .R. Railway Track, bas hundreds of feet in , - TENDERS depth. This is your chance to get a good commercial Bids ar . • d WELL DRILLING Bu . e lIl\'lte for Clear Cutting and Inspection this morning, 9 o'clock to noon. site. Ideal for warehouses etc. \ nlln~ hi the Windsor Lake Watershed. Building on Bay Bulls Highroad, consisting of o. V. Kennedy & Son Operation ·Pe<:ifi· t' . Phone 94222 kitchen, restaurant, beverage room, two toilets. LTD. ~! the tao 101\S are avaIlable at the office office and store room etc. Second floor lias six WELLS DRILLED Room Nurses .. . CIty Engineer. room; B\>artment. h~s all modern. convenienc~, oil Any Size. any Depth, Anywhere. . heated. Large parkmg space, thiS property IS in For information apply Applications are invilcd·froin·: Bids ill I d excellent state of repair, and produces good returns. P. O. Dox 845 St. Jolm's ! Registered. Nurses for .positions.: (ih' CI:ek e envelopes a~dressed to the Reason for selling the owner contemplates going Bum' , lof OperatIng Ro()m Nurses at r and marked Clearing and out of business. It may be purchased with a rea· the General Hospital. Salat)i lg sonable down payment. This is a good proposition or Phone 9-5597 i ~ dlil. , Windsor Lake Watershed" mnst Ma a er: PETER ROWLANDS depending. upon. ~ualificatio*: e IVe d h and is well worthy of your inspection. ~~d re at t e office of the under- v~5g1 th and cxpenence IS In the rang£' I no ,m of $2750.3010 per annum.· .. \\ not later than 9.00 a.m. Apply to - .. , Applications or requests fJr; :1, 'I\. 'EDNESDAY, December 5, 1962 . ~"> f ' . "information should be adtlresi t .,L: 'Ill! lowe t J. T. O'BRIEN ed to the Director of Nurses.: .,' (j ~Ied. s or any tender not necessarily ~~~'l;~f"'c...~'" r.cneral Hospital. Fores! Roa.),; REAL ESTATE AGENT & VALUATOR, ~t. John's. 1:1 E. B. FORAN, Reid Building, 261 Duckworth street LEONARD ~IlLLER, :W.D., i l City Clerk. DIAL 8·3330 or 8·2557 DIAL , Dcputy :lIlnister of Heallll.: 8·3212 1 nov24,27 '- ...' ",... ______'______TIlE DAILY i\E\YS. ST. JOlIN'S, i\FLD. SA TPRDA Y, :\O\'E\IBEn -I,~ 11)6) 963 F T. wo Fatalities 1 NOW 01 .~ .,..;--TH------E- \ I -- . GOOD NEWS! AJ. SPANIARD'S BAY - This I KODAK GIFTS SAY ••• SHOWROON The Daily /News communityFriday last whenwas insaddcned the fore- on I }1:s~~;::.~~~-----~~=~~~ 10 SIGN noon thc body of Herbert Bar· I ret!, ;5. was takm from the ANEWLOTOF water of Northern Cove Pond just a fclV feet from his house: erra Nova He was huried on Sunday after· TROPICAL noon. His widow. two ,grand· BnQUf C S~l 701~ Inl Sir): n9 I " FISH '~ Hal1k Mont 6~f.t8 11'1t Pall ~Ul. children, and a nephelV living' ~o, 2 1 , and , Hnque PC 46 Mass.Ff'r 11 ,'.0: I I i'll the United States are the I Bl'lI 'iO~ ~orarla 3()J.w: I Toronto Hra:dl JOO P'ilulla!ih l,t ~ i SUPPLIES only immediate relatives. C PI"Iet' :1tit l 1 t"emnt :n I ": I LIFE AT THE TOP Then on Monday morning , C Steann-hlp 49\1 QUe Pow ~2~' I , _, t.· i C Ok C DH.. Royal Blmk II about 9 o'clock, .\1r. -"ath Por· i !It 110) Imp I John Braine ..... $3·95 • u. Cdn Brew 103, ROJ-aWe U':, ' ter was fatally injured when he orn. Cltn lhe\\: pr .;:,)$14 Sha\\in 2''''; : Cdn eelan 34$, Steet 19 ~~ [POLITICS: Canada, was hit by a trul'k as he stepped " '1 R ..I I C In1 Pn"er 12 1'l'an~ r&n Pl. 2114 ~ ~~ fmm a bus to cross the strept ...., o\nk CPII ~4 \IS StOPI 5 1 : Heccnt Headings ,I , RL 461~ Walkf.'r 04~i. IEditcd bv Paul Fox 5.1 -~ ;) to his house. A baby, his llreat· , :, Crub 16 r'A~A[)IAS grand ehild. whom he was car· 19 A, A Mol) b 1~1 and • ,• : ~stonl HI. OUH LIVING rying in his arms was u'1inillr ,.'" 3D,~no PLANTS THADlTION cd. Although he was rushed by , 'Or. <195 1 ambulance to a SI. .John's I'" . £rl. I R. L. \leDou.gall . pital it was to no a,'ail and he - I lar New York BLACK MOLLIES KODAK Z~8 'or : TIlE SlIAillE A.'iD passed away shortly aftpr be· r.t • KODA~ I SMALL ANGLES ITHE GLORY- ing admitted. He was 74. Sur· t .. , ~CAM£RA ~I DIt~PPE viving him. are his widow, two ,. ';9~" I BElT AS • MOONS Model 2 ~~1lI m ",!1. i R be 6 5 sons and fll'C daughters. , \\11l , 1 Tcrence 0 rtson . 0 To those who mourn the loss CAMERA "~"$ I PLATES • SWORDS I Power zoom, . , electric , Lab I b ~I.I ~~,: ~1:\RGIN HE LEASED of 10l'ed (':les in hath tragk aeu -)ti~,II; I CATFISH • NEONS eye . .• f()cusing lens EII'Clri •. rl c rOllle . , ... , 1 happenings, we offer sincerc . nrence I KIP' : J. B. Priestley ." 6.50 ell',,\; l:i' -!:J P"" a button down ... Ihe lenl ••• Talll!t'[i"'[rr pre' . :,,,'11 'AlJ'fnOH! AU1;HOR! sympathy. , etSion 0"" G ALL TYPES Of looms automatically from wide­ )iSCC1\' Now - on aUlomor , P. G. Wodcho\lse 4.95 angle view, 10 lelephoto clo,e­ ' Ie ~Jpe!'" ."rrfl1'r FISH FOODS T-h-e-O-f-f-e-ring 35 mm COn;cro bLil! in j' K -t 1.111 up.. Press up, and Ih. len, • C e',' tartUJ WILD PLL'1\lS Rehna omero t,ad j' r, -.. l 100m, back. Vou view through I IOn of t lOiUI ~' 13RA~'DY Aunt Lizer was up to her e~fi craftsmanshio _ ot I" ~t 151rrtslJll Toronto l a reflex finder - see exaclly . I EI' nil I" IO:!lhrr TANKS 1,;, 49- ,in housecleanin~. Uncle .Jake. ' price eLfriC eye seh I what you're gelling. Fully aula· · 11 er,1 a I~ S.EU~ : Svlvia Boorman ., J ' however, says that she is mere· rna IICC y - lcds 0"1 J"~' ort)ld ~IOST ACTIn; TORONTO "TOCKS 5·7· 10 UP TO malic exposure conlrol. Supe,. ~ U~I,;~'u l&m.bll'r "1 The Ca,ud.an Prf'U i THE ISLA;\fD OF ly making work for hersclf. he· /0,1 //1.6 len, ho, scale focus· po.ur ••. P.ong.finder ard lil . lid: r"T' Torlll\le S'or" E).('hanl~-So,. %3 30 (:.t-" ,.. ... Ie; cause all that he can sec that lens for nC'N!le,s~orp p;ct~. & ·tlt'(tUr\ ::\'r.l E ing for extra.,harp movies. rut ~.lfll I1llh 1.tlft" Clol! Ch'lt THE FISHERWOM ~N shc does in this onslaught is to ' I 5huuer .peedl 113010 I/i:;' Shaw ISIIVSTRIAI.S REfLECTORS TO FIT F osco ~laraini ... 5.95 shift things around. In the fall, I CO'l\ 23000 Sl2~, 12 12h +- ". ~152')O " )"n 9ZJR $3 ill 1\ +'. THE TWO SUSAXS lie argue" sh~ mOl'e~ em)'- 1 ~n1 R3(iO $26)" ~~" 26 f11 + ~. PAY A VISIT TO thing back to the samr place 1\044 $29 14 :;!qJ" !!91, - ~, II kl 6895 $;~. 71 ~ 71':1, 'Vi iam Brill· cy 5.50 from whence it came in thc rSE OCR CO~\'E~I E\T U Y-.\ \\'.\ YPL.\~ OLS I 162550 S! 11'2; lO:"e tl~.l.-&,I I CAST BUT O~E i I;>ring. i 1~9525 jfi 49 ,H ,1 SHADO\" I understand perfcctly wllat, 07311 :J~ 3:: ,z --3 :U:;.CO 41 ~o 41 ~:1 S . 3 8~ Illc means 2fi2e3 191 1ft) 190 ~! i II. an . linn .. ;) "And what hoarders women :\1r,"r;1i;, TOOTON'S LTD. 44000 f,2 59 'THE WONDERFlTL 1 are." he sa)s. "Wh;·. I hct a 41200 "5 CLOCDS . darn that Lim has cartload- DlSTRIBUTon FOR 1\(1).\1\ 1\ :\FLD, '6800 31 "027 ';000 lfi ., 'S 3 ~,- of old stuff storcd In clo'ct, ' ,om 2' 26 F• rancOlS ,agan .. J atld drawers that she'll nevel', The .\\1 IlI~ PARADISE are not 'Iearl, as sentimcnt31' Deputy Premie II,. Th, C.n"dIAn Jl1f'U Uld '\lIk Paul Scott 3.95 as older one~. and the)' can cot. his talks II :.lfl !UR leet rl1bhi;;h too It is ycry Cuhan cri~i: .HIli 6.: I (:RII'FI~l'"S ,,'A'" , l' 1 much like thc weather; pyery· T~JE PASSING SCENf 7.6,; 11.34 back to the U :n.:!~ :l3.93 The Mature Frank Yerhv ,5.95 bod,· talks obout It. today, 4.62 S.foj Il 1'.0 HI.,:; DOCTOH IN THE "i'n het m,' bottom rlollar:' will fir into : 4(' Hi 4~.4R s\rnr SOlin rnde .lake, "that Liz"r By ERIC A. SEYMOilR many nays in ell .i. >6 (i,n I will not wanl to throw one talkcrl lIith Prrmi g, t1 ~.22 Parent 7 OJ 7 'jn Hiehanl Cordon ,'3.23 thing out thi, time. Ju,t you !he \\'ont 'li tlle c 969 10.59 .! f,~ :1,~8 1.ET THEM KSOI\' 'WilY' . A IIERD OF YAKS wait ami ;;cr." 17.l5 17,;}l "'r didn·t haH lc~g to wait. TRAFI'IC YIOI,ATORS "ene oil tho tr;f' c ,,:€! t':-: ~pokc'llwn 1l.71 16.02 BY MR, :'IURIEJ, LAWRENCE Eric ;\ficol " lit 1,21 3.95 for hardlv had the words cs· HoI\' can thc authorities pre· dri\'c \\ 1\11 , ,rme 0: .. llIkoyan will cnn' 4.;)1 " 94. PAST FAST FAST eaped hi"lips when Aunt tilC" : vent "lupid motorists. (and ,ibihly 'ho~lid I)C dinner II ith U); , 4 fll) ; ()q Last sprin~ Sharon enacled SQ7 I'.1R the role o[ the South Wind in HELIEF came into thc kitchen with an thesc seem to he growllIg III operate, rrr or Im~~, • ccner:ll U 1 :i.~~ 5.7:1 4 ~O armful o[ articles destinetl for; numhers) from hreaking thr is no room toila: or. OJI . inl'itation. i,Rl ~ 32 hcr school play-and made Pierre Berton . .,J j ~ 311 :t li7 quite a hit. thc garbag~ hcap. simple ,traffic rules now. in and hl~h\\'a:, for the IUI~ 6 ~~) rn~le .Jake couldn't belie\'e ,force Jwery day some untlllnk· dril'cr. r S. diplomat 1.P1 1.12 1 L~B 1:1,02 So yestet'day she was shock· hi, ~)'es. 'ing r1l1l'cr will get in the t;, pn tlw'r '"ho d,srr:,': it was prnbablr :1.4") l.77 Dicks & (0., Ltd. ~ill meet ~ome :;,1)2 s.t!) cd and dcpresl'cd to leam Ihat .Jusl as sIll' was about to II'rong lane at Queen's Road. parkiliC rr~Il[,·IIO~' ':>::: 10.11 11.01 another sixth grade girl had close the porch door hehind and King's Road and escape be· reprimonrirrl h:' nl"re I';' SOl'iet 'ources 1.'.i1} lUi, probably II ill 4,il .1,1.2 hel'n chosen to pcr[orm in thcir The Booksellers her. Uncle .rake teaped to his, ing eru,hcd h~ the sk~n of his sli~ht fin., bmll·e in I~; . i.74 8,41 school play. Certain that some feet. Someth:'11( that she \\'a, teeth hecau>c other drIvers arc spec[ Illere orr ron"a"l, Tuc,day. 4,~7 491 PHONE 8-5001 Rus>i;Jns said I T(l'.·" disappointing fault in her had I carrying caught his eye. watcntul a'.ld careful and even er' Il'e }die', Ihe ,n ,; ~O j .9 iN 6D caused the drama coach to give ----- "LiseI' come back here," he yirld. the right of way: in thpir pl,',nril o.r'lrr '0' to fintl out I J ~,hn 712 7.1' wault the part to the other child. she hcllowcd. It IS II hen some drIl'ers reo kcep tralf\(' IIOlllnc hole . has been said ~i.n tion that hel' drama coach harl 'U 37,:n couldn't get home quickly en­ , Aunt Li7,er came back as i( fuse to givc an inch that some, reason for c·I,\1.i~,": que', "n 110 enliid (.'1 you can see 20th. Rev. A. W. Fudge. lor parts in school plays and d B~R(;~~Sctas~edMaway :;Id. ' puttin~ in a quarter when the! thc colleclion bent 01 PI' to rc· : les'" rc~,rdtn~ lraff',' 21st. IIII'. ,I. D. Bourne. fnr icc cream. They think thllt ; 1· " 31sl. Rev. K. G. Goldsworthy involves disapproval of them, 1.45 p.m. today, Saturday. Nov. 'pic-ked lip thp coin 1II:·,elv had It'r·t'o',r, ... d· I" .1 j If IC we want 10 heIr Sbaron ont­ 24 from his late residence 296 ' he not h(,:lten m" to It. IIrc 1101 «I",pp·,d ,,': NOTE: you are not able , I I I I' , . r "~I I t', to fill your place on this list ~row her self·centered com'ie· Topsail Road, to St 11lichael's "I could hal'll)' lI'alt to get II",·, "I , . ill,' ,",,~ S1 1 will you please arrange. fnr ; Church. Interment will be in out of l'IllIrch to menllon It 10 1,1101\' ito" 10 it" 11" ",. . , I SUbstitute or contact Rev, R, MOllnt Plea~ant Cemetery. :llo'1 \',1 ( Braine, 24 Cornwall Hgts., I'P\V and \r I10 nlll",t I la\'e srcn tn ('one \\ 11'1 n l , .. This powerful characler ••• the (phone 934ti9), so that ""'orn· REPAIRS ELLIS - Passed peacefully what had happened, ir.! 'lw,ld. !'il"~, reor', lIIost talked·about tel.yisioll ing Devotions" may continue TV away at Ottawa Civic Hospital "],103e threw back his head walchl'ti it." ,1111 I' "I' ,.nOtlalit)' ..... ~rc.ful, unCDlllpromising, through the month of Decem· on Friday. Nov. 23, Isobel fOnd laugbed like a hyena. ,,',,'r:rnl·e. ..! I" ber without interruption, Thank REASONABLE' RATES Lucretia Ellis, in her 95!h "'And what did you expcct To thr,e who \~;. '''I idealistic ••• it the star of a gl'lClt new You. 0 year, widow of the late Edwin © him to do, shake your hand?' vcrEitr ~t nighl

------~-- .. ------.