![Ennedy, Macmillan May ·Mee"T](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
I ," l ,. (~ ;:r~o:n..J~~~ /\11 forms 01 PONTIAC Insurance NOW ON DISPLAY I~OWROOM OPEN UNTil 10 P.M. THEDAILYNE Water st. Nova Motors Ltd. Elliabelh Av. .. THE DAILY NEWS. ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., SATUII.DAY, NOVE~m.E;R 2,1, 1962 [Price: 7 Cents)· , : ' ersons . I - . , : .' ane ras es TREEl By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS flane croshes in the United States, France and on a South Atlantic island off Africa . more than 50 persons Friday. A United Air Lines plane with 17 persons aboard crash-ed and burned in a forest near City, Md., about 10 miles west of Baltimore. State police said no one survived. I~ear Paris, a Hungarian airliner, approaching Le Bourget airport in a fog, was wrecked lugor beet field, killing all 21 persons aboard. Sev-eral of the victims were Hungarian officials. I \hortl)' after taldng off from St. Thomas Island in the South Atlantic, a Portuguese mili­ I trcnsporl exploded and crashed, killing 19 of the 32 persons aboard. Five of the victims i LONDON, England-Viewed from the oppollite bank of London's River Thames. Great Britain's Houses of Parliament and Big Ben clock, has a theatrical effect at night. The entire section resembles a paste­ lisbon showgirls returning home from entertaining Portuguese troops in Angola. __ . board cut-out associated with a stage setting, and the Thames looks like an illuminated sheet o[ glass. "., .::.:,,: .. :~, :lIld 13·' ... -.-..-- -------.----------... ~ ~.- .. --.. ~--- ... ~ .. - 1 0 -- ' •• __ •• _.- .--~_ •• _.~~-~- •••• - _. ._------_.- _ ----- :' .' ." " "·.I,h ,·r he heard explosions and saw' than 300 frct. There was no' p · ;', I '. :11 l\II'ho thick, black smoke rising. noise of cxplosion from Ihe plane repare I, . ,:. ,.. II \: I\'J~ In the Paris crash, the lIun- as it passcd. Thcn I heard a' . , I · : - t' 1.,::1' from garian airlhwl' plullged no~c. rumble. like thunder. I saw two I iNehru Sees No End . :" \:.i"":1. \,a .. first Ulr~)ugh fo)! inlo It. SIIOW- colunms of black smoke coming I' I · '.'':,>:: 1:::"11. fIPl'Ia'd field north of Pam Jnd up from the scene." :\1'1. 11.'111.\.' hilI'SI. i.llio flames. • The POl'luguc,c pl<II1C leavin/(: ' .. ": '.' ;,' :.:·;~lJt ~JJ,I OffiCIals at FI',lIlkrurt, \I I'sl SI. 'I'hmll:lS was l'ilJpcd hv an For ITo Himalayan War ., : .. ,:.[. ,·'''I,llI'iI illl" Germany. wllcrc tile planc ~ad explosion shortly after tak~.uff. , ..: ;-..:. ::: i:,l'Iul.wd. made its last PI'CI'ioIlS stop on a I\·itncssl's ut the airllorl, wherc' I ' . ,::, .. ~; 'I' .. ~pln,i'ltl' f1i~ht .11'0111 BII~I'lJ1rst. sairl till' Ihe (:-:;4 had made a refuelling' :\i':W nELIlI f AP) - Prime 1bcliCI'p.~ fightill~ no\l' IwHrd hy' :oiOT A(TEPT.\IlLF. : qllilled [)~r"I,' T'rrmicr ~lId j--'Jr- ; .•. ,. p'."1" fplI 10 IIYltshllt·1H enrned 1~ I'IISSCI1~rl'.< stop on a f1ighl 10 Listwn. sai~. World~s I Mini~ter ~chl'll 1\'31'1W~ his PCI)' a COlllllluni);t ccn~e·fire will A 5t~lHlillg commitle Ilf \'oh- !'i~1I ~Iil\istrr ('hcll yi <IS sayin~ ; p!e rl'id.ny ni[.:ht not 10 eXlwet C/'llpt ~goin. ii'll', I'IIling Con;!rr:', porly dr· he hoped India \Iollid make a .: ... .,:' ": and a ['1'['11' of eighl. ·Ihrrc Wlls a violent explosion: Ihplomatlc mtlvp~- presllmahly. \'chru's I'cmark< Ilwe ;m·; cided Pcl;in;:'s prop()"d~ for ~ q1li,'" ~lIrl posili'r rc~,pons~ 10 · ,I,,,i :, ,'II ,p,,,,'. (·I~II.I:oiG U)W " shortly nllrr Ihe plane lifted. I . ' ..,"'" '·.r ,'1';1;11. Smnslaf SIII11. 11 f:tt'mcr IIIIIIJ! fmm the 1'Iltlll'nv : , Red China', peace orfer-Io hring Iloullced aflrl' lie h"lrl conler,'n-! cen~dire ami witl,drilll'al in Ill, ils trrm< for pr,wl' . : a quick en~ to the Himalayan ices wilh ,pecial United Sta:~s: umlcdarerl hordrr '.';;lr were 'H'! .-~-~---- .. -- _.. -.... ---- ... - ': . :!r:lrll\.·. 111',11' IJ),. "II(:. I "I Iwan I II Ie all".. St. Thomas 1,1<111[1--aI50. Itllo'.\·n·. Fair ~.: ~ ~~~ ;i:1;\( ,-1" 1i to ,Ii:.· l'raH cominl( in hilt I eould :1IIt· Il:; S;I!I Tome-is a I'olcanic P'lI'­ OTT.\ In ICI',I - The gOI'~rn-, h()~'~cr.\I~~: _~!~~~~~=a~~(l_ he i and Rritioh military "id. n:i,sio.ns i acceptable. t:ommil1er ,r'UleeS C . : :; '. 1:,' 'hr ':!t'olll'd. see. II IJrealts~ of Ihe f,,~. The, tugllcse posses'ion straddling thc lllent hopes 10 IIltrndllCC le1(lsln-: --: on ways 10 holster India s mlh-. reportcd. 01] ·tIllue : :-; (1;';' :' "i'pf1d, ttl!'l} t'('lhn~ couldll l hHI'c bepn II1nr~ eqnnlot'. lion c/II'ly Iwxl mnnlll selling liP: To Supreme Court tary strel1~lh agninsl Rr'l China's l It was nnted Ihat wllile thr • . ------.- _.... _---_._----... _-._--_._--_. IIle 'Hlminislrntirr. machincry lor i war' mncillne. ,commiticc's I'i('\\'~ h"\~e nn hind· I Canada'~ Worlel':; Fail', to he ' In il written me,sage 10 1I: inj( effect on j(olwnmCllt poli,·~·. S ] held. ill II10ntreal in Ihe 1%7 cen·1 OTT AW.\ (CP 1_ Appointmenl; youth rally. the. 7:l-ycar:.old In': ~lley are cOllsi:!cI'CCI ;1, rcprC!'ril!-. eaJ_"c _~l lenm.al yenr.. ! of Chicl ,Juslice Emmctt Hul! of dIan leader prcI~lc~ed a Jong IJOg party. fcellOg~ .. The com mil,· r~nme 1111 111:;1 er ~Iefenhal\er: Saskatchewan to Ihe Supreme ,trllggle and a. Ih/llcull onc. :lIId tec look lIs ne.~al1'·e st;l1ld a/ler· . 1 . Frllln)' conferrcd With lIlayor: Court of Cannd;1 lI'a.' announced. I\'~ must not IOwglnc 111<11 Ihe IlleiJI:lI1~ tllo. LhJl1p.sl'. proposals . \,1';11' . R~:DFOn? ~Iass. '.\P' ennedy, Macmillan : :Je~n DI?pcan of~lon.treal ami I Fridny hy JlI~lil:e :llinistcr Flem.: stlugglc WIll hc. ol'cr :;oon b~. i oll.lltned };~' DCPl!ly LxI.?I't;;l1 Af· 1lte l:.S. Coas.1 Guard expa~dcd , ! I :'It IS. ""heve1.Qr~;ml~~tlono.l.lhc: iii'! . call.-e uf yannllS ~mlonw''':: brs ~1!nJsl"I' 1)11,0,1, :",,~h . Ihe a,'~n of I';. :;cardl I'n~JY I fair was discilssr.,".... i ." .' .~ . mO\'e5," : "\I'e ~haJI win tI,is ~trllg~Ir.. fOI' Ihe missinQ \rw Bcdlol',1 A'sociale Defcllce Minister is d F ' :-Iehru hilS not "nnouncrd hisi as we must," \ehnl ,,,id. "hy scallopcr :I!idni~ht SIIIl. missill~ Pierre Se~'igny, senior. federal I eawee orces pOSition on the. Chincsc. off~rldiscip.linc. hurd work nnd sarri·:for to da~'s with II mcn.aboard. May ·Mee"t reprcsentatll'e on the IOler-gol'-, • : to end the confhct but hIS lileS-I flce. The cuast gilaI'd said lhree Soon ernmental group which. 1I'0n np-I Ship To sage 10 the rally \\'~lS t!,C ~Ioscst. In P;,rliamrnt em·lier.. Xehru' aircI':lfl alld t·.IO cutlers - thc . ,prol'al of Canada as hosl for the. he has come to rCJcctll1g It. I spoke of home·fmnl Jlllpro\c· ,\cuslltlct and \Iackmac - were with the cxccllth'e cOllll11itlee of· 1!167 fair. hope~ to hal'c dr:tlt! Alter Course I .Fceling in India was running Iments which. he snid. "ultim-' can'yin)! on Ihc scarch. Plalls the U.S. :-lillionnl Secllrily Coun. 'Iegislaliun reml, ill' Ihl' end orl hl~h against nccepling the Pc·: ~tcly will go to :hr W:L' ~ffort.·· \\'ore 10 spread the search oler cil and sal down with defence· nexl wee\;. V;\:-;COUYER rcP) - When n \;in~ terms. fill' this would mean: Red Chinn. me:lII'.,hik. illdical· .1 wider men in hopes of finding a~HI Iludgct mcn 10 go ol'cr the: A meeting of ~lontreHI cil'ic. Finnish freighter mril'c~l herc n India would harc 10 ,gi.,·r ul~ claim I cd it \\'ankd Ito. st:d'in~ fl'OI11 some traee of the missin;; fbh­ , hlg C.S. militarv spcnding hud-: and Qllehec pl'Ul'incial aut hod- ,day latc thl! cn'\\' explamcd lI'Jt· 10 l2.OIlG sqnare miles 10 thr Ithe IlHh:ms on Its offor to end Ill;! ressl'!. ,. /~I:'~ ... ' get for next yc,ir. when it may· tics \\'ith federal I'epresentnlil'es' lhe reason \\'as seawl'ed-a Ladakh al'ca of l\""hmir on 'Ill', the fi;:htin;!. The :llirilli~ht SlIn has !101 hit an estimated S4B.300,OOO.00o: ! is IICinl: al'l'ntl,<:ed for next FI·i.· Whole Sl'a of it. norlll\l'csl cnd of the dispnted i A \'CIl' (,hin;] nrl':' :1~rl"'Y heen heard from sillce a I'iolenl Andrew 1'. Hatchel', assistant I day hcre. If no hitche); occ~r. i The crew of Ihc Vaasa Lcader. Ilimalayan Bor<\rrl:lOds. I ilrondca,t monitored in To];;:n storm s'.l'epl the ,\t\antic :\o\'. It While House press secretaI'\' the draft legislation probably said lhe seawced in the Sar-' ----------... .. ----.---~~-.. said it "is highh- probablc" thnt will he submitted 10 Ihem in: gaSSO Sea lying cast of Ihc Car-. Britain 'i the prcsident Ivill meet "some private fOI' theil' commenls an~ i ibbean II'nS so Ihick they fcarcd. time soon" with r.lacmillan. then introduced in lite Com- ; Iher~ would ~e consid~rahlc ;!C- --'" , , Halcher refused to be pinned 1110115. • •• I ~ny If they tncd to sml through 1 down on the Iialc 01' place 01' the Accordlllg to IOlernahnnal , It.. I , prolJable meeting. agreement. Ihe host cOllntry sets i Jl was drclded 10 alter course I Byelection ReSlllts lip a two-pronged organiwlion 10: and skll'l the huge ma!;s.
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