Term 3.0 # 1 2014 -

Term #04 Term #01 Editor: K.Editor: Attwood and Mr Murat Dizdar Executive Director Public Schools NSW Director Public Executive Dizdar and Mr Murat HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH BOYS SCHOOL HOMEBUSH Bridge Road, Homebush 2140 Phone: 02 97643611 Fax: 02 97463614 www.homebushbo-h.schools.nsw.edu.au 02 97463614 www.homebushbo-h.schools.nsw.edu.au Fax: 02 97643611 2140 Phone: Homebush Bridge Road, HOMEBUSH BHS EMBRACES MULTICULTURISM BHS EMBRACES HOMEBUSH BUSH BULLETIN

The Official Ms The party for Reid, Member Federal performers student amongst are Community MrCraig Laundy Services, Mia Mr Principal Tim Jurd Mr Strathfield, for Member State Casuscelli Charles Mr Schools Kapsimali Strathfield, DirectorVicki Public The day was a great insight into the rich diversity of the many different cultures we have in we have cultures different of the many the rich diversity into insight a great was day The both in our school the lo and in works multiculturalism how to our school and is a testimony The day continued with multicultural performances held in the hall where the atmosphere performances the atmosphere in the hall where held with multicultural continued day The grade every from Students riveting. absolutely electric performanceswas were as the cultural classical western eastern, from ranged Performances the performances. view had a turn to Indian dancing cultural battles, boxing to beat Indianclassical and flutes drums piano pieces, had the opportu everyone During- the lunch break school. our very own and also bands from teachers and to students on sale were culinary cultural dishes that nity sample the different to alike. The 3rd annual Multicultural day celebration was held on the 7th of June at Homebush BHS Homebush held on the 7th of June at was celebration day annual Multicultural 3rd The an assembly was there the beginning of the day At success. roaring again another and was We corp. drum by the school’s led flag march international the iconic opened by which was the political the DEC and from from guest speakers distinguished of inviting had the honour by performances and dance of music cultural fantastic with some concluded which was arena very of high standards. GHS items Strathfield our school and also from both from students in the spirit of a Multicultural soaked everyone where the SRC by organised was day This school community. cal community. cal community. - - through the bush and beaches of the Central Coast the bush and beaches of the Central through Ms Adams and Mr students Curry of Edinburgh Ms Adams led the Duke for the Duke of Edinburgh program of Edinburgh the Duke for Patrick Bolin receiving his Silver award award his Silver Bolin receiving Patrick SPORT ACHIEVEMENTS The knock state out competitions. and Football Volleyball rm 2 our school participated the end of te in both At - eventu were They 16 and quarter their final won final games. and successfully Minto to travelled team volleyball was a This State! come 4th in the to to Kelso Rooty semi-final to Hill and then lost fought ally knocked out in a hard to retirement up his Pearson gave because was only possible but it Mr John to go this far, effort the boys by great GROUND IMPROVEMENTS and Now the trip hazards area. tree assembly was asphalting the fig staff Works our Public During the holidys planter In 2 tree addition, years. many asphalt should last for new and the all been removed have pavement broken will term new The the students. for seating increased for much larger ones are and the new removed were boxes in these beds. plants of native see plantings ity. Our school was the main focus for the movie set of ‘Alex and Eve’. The students saw the equipment, movie stars stars movie the equipment, saw students The and Eve’. ‘Alex set of the movie for the main focus Our school was ity. in a Hall 100 of our lads featured 15 times! Approximately up to took “Some takes Mr Khurshedand directors. said, should we is called Homebush High. Maybe school in the movie The other scenes. for chosen and some were scene entrance.” carpet in the front a red have DUKE OF EDINBURGH Adams of Ms Linda due the selfless dedication success again an amazing once was excursion of Edinburgh Duke and Gold of Edinburgh Duke Silver with the Bronze, walked 2 they of term On the last 2 days with Mr Curry. Alan the Sat for continued Silvers The Coast. and the Central between the wilds of the forests through students ush is gaining a reputation as a good school at which to film blockbusters. Thanks go to Ms Lidia Budanovic Ms Lidia Budanovic to go Thanks film blockbusters. which to a good school at as a reputation Homebush is gaining part was This Australian of the of 7A. students involving Safety Filming Cyber of the organisation her excellent for use persons safe young showed that parents for of resources developing and Media Authority Communications Mr thanks to Also inside and outside the classroom. both the internet access mobiles or tablets to of computers, This in our school buildings. holidays happened in the filming that of more his organisation Kamie Khurshed for activ creative in this be involved and to of the process opportunity see the complexity to students a great was for Principal’s Report Principal’s and happy. well are community all in our learning and I hope Homebush 3 at term to Welcome HOMEBUSH AT FILM STARS urday and the Golds went on to the Sunday. All the troops were safe and happy and again I thank Ms Adams and and again I thank Ms Adams and happy safe were the troops All the Sunday. on to and the Golds went urday Mr looking Curry for after this wonderful program.

Term 3.0 # 2 2014 Term 3.0 # 3 2014 - Maths facultyMaths colleagues Gas being farewelled by his beloved his beloved by Gas being farewelled Gas speaks to the students on his Gas the students speaks to of Maths Teacher as Head last day PLAYGROUND CLEANLINESS PLAYGROUND This in the playground. litter drop and good practice ignore continually some students that I am disappointed use the bins is sensible and rewarding to and that is pointless I will be starting littering term that again the mantra (war WAR message e.g. will send a positive that an acronym invent to the students I asked help me. Please all. for came up with great students the playground into this on assembly and as soon as I went on rubbish) I mentioned it? isn’t Neat up rubbish, garbage everyday). (Pick “PURGE Homebush!” best one was The ideas. Facilities for staff continue to be improved with Mr Ecky Mani installing a bright , shiny staff with in the Bridge Ecky kitchen Mr , shiny Mani installing a bright to be improved continue staff for Facilities all staff boon to will be a great Road GalleryThis under the support Mr of chief architect Khurshed. and guidance community space. used staff and of this well and renovation work hard Mr Khurshed’s and continues and parents STAFF FACILITIES STAFF The staff wished Gas all the best for his retirement at a retirement dinner. Organisers Ms Joanna Chan and Chan and Ms Joanna Chris Mr Organisers dinner. retirement at a retirement for his staff wished Gas all the best The and popular career punctuated a very successful PowerPoint Ms Chan’s wishes. 80 well over joined by Halkidis were from Mr speech by Halkidis heard poignant a family man. After we and loving colleague valued as a superb teacher, that happy but are all wished Gas the very best in retirement We teaching. of 37 years about the highlights Gaspare our school. Gas at is still casual teaching FAREWELL TO MR GASPARE CARROZZA GASPARE MR TO FAREWELL sentatives provided on Thursday in week 1. Year 10s will hand in their Subject 10s will hand Mr Halkidis. to Chris Selection Form Year 1. in week Thursday on provided sentatives Their final round’. ‘second in the offered will be courses which and determines of Interest Expression is their This 5. about week will be made in choices Year 10 subject selection the start was and this is the night 10 students subject of the the year by selection process Year the from benefited students The this time. 10s is critical at Year start Subject of the 2015 timetable. selection the for repre by faculty presentation term 2 and the meeting in evening at the Teachers Head specific subject information CURRICULUM reports received should have and all parents reporting academic process mid-year the school has completed The collect to them or for parents waiting office the front reports at Many remain not the case. this is but unfortunately teacher new The mother or father. from genuine letter their sons collect the report handing in a signed, by have to technical after a few well work seemed to appointments, for moodle interview using the student booking system, sorted out. were matters - Alston to the way all travelled team football mercurial our Also, athletes. these young and coach back, train come of the good use extra time showing 2-1 in won school the local Unfortunately of 16 playoff. round the play to ville away to travel efforts. their tough call for It is a Mr Belgre and to Scott the boys to Thanks advantage. home ground come. have far you of how proud are we and win and - - The Yr9 boys that volunteered volunteered that boys Yr9 The ’‘Dream for DREAM CRICKETDREAM 24 Thursday headed off on 9 boys Year of a group with our Community In 5 theme of engaging tune with our Stage in conjunction with Foundation Don Bradman The by sponsored an initiative Cricket” “Dream participateJuly to in assist boys of our consisted day The Year 12. from Club members byInteract was first done This Rotary. Strathfield CAPA NIGHT CAPA crowd An enthusiastic success. great was a which evening their presentation for organising staff the CAPA to Thanks on dis- were Yr11 to Yr7 Artworks the end of last term. Night from at the Capa and their families attended of parents our of our of the talents again showcased annual event This performances. musical along with some excellent play budding artists and musicians. Thanks to Careers Adviser Ms Georgia Anton and the staff who supported her at the careers expo. According to feed- to According expo. and the staff who supported at the careers Anton her Ms Georgia Adviser Careers to Thanks will support future This for their choices enhanced. was info career students and success a great was back the expo success. CAREERS EXPO Smith, a familiar name Mr Peter a disability. ing and participating who have skills with children in various of cricket had a ball and of boys-they group great “a are about our boys the following stated as the chief coordinator HBHS, to their school and families.” to a] credit are kids. [they 30 disadvantaged to a lot of smiles and laughter brought Thanks to Mr Pete Wilson for organising the year 10 NAIDOC presentation. These performers provided a very performers upliftThese provided presentation. 10 NAIDOC the year organising for Wilson Mr to Pete Thanks NAIDOC WEEK It is important that parents notify the school whenever their son is absent so that no text message is sent out. If out. a message is sent no text so that their son is absent It notify the school whenever is important parents that the absence. for as soon as possible with a reason reply home can you is sent text I am very pleased that the following graph shows attendance trends for the first semester of 2014 compared to compared 2014 of the first semester for trends attendance shows graph I am very the following that pleased improved have practices policies and attendance the strengthened that evidence is clear There 2013. during trends See the trends. a similar success will show attainment student can only hope that We engagement. the student below: graph aboriginal in authentic and counting up dancing 10 students year which had many workshop ing and celebratory and habits of the oldest civili- the culture It into is important insights language. gain valuable sign our students that on this continent. sation ATTENDANCE Term 3.0 # 4 2014 Term 3.0 # 5 2014 - Darshan cut the ribbon to open the new lifts open the new Darshan cut the ribbon to Mr Ms Kapsimali and Mr and Jurd Laundy help Suran Students, staff and families attend the Iftar celebrations in the school hall the attend Iftar and families celebrations staff Students, Yr 12 Students focused with trial exams focused 12 Students Yr of the new school lifts school of the new Suran and Darshan speak about the benefit and Darshan speak about the benefit Suran Year 12 Trial HSC has started on the 30 August. Trial 12 Year all the students. Good luck to GOOD LUCK TO YEAR 12 IN ASSESSMENTS YEAR TO GOOD LUCK OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE LIFTS OFFICIAL OPENING OF opening of our lifts the with a wonderful and ramps ceremo celebrated We Week? Education doing for we are What ny. Read more about this day later in the bulletin but I am thrilled to have these wonderful lifts enabling have and ramps but I am thrilled to in the bulletin later about this day Read more ny. the school. throughout the learning spaces to community with mobility staff and disabilityto gain access students, The Homebush Iftar was a success again with a record attendance. This is a magnificent show of support show for the is a magnificent This attendance. with a record again Homebush IftarThe a success was See the report students. in this bul- which respects of Homebush their fellow of the spiritualityculture and beliefs local member Mr by be joined to It great was night. of the the experience the picturesletin and which demonstrate Staff his apologies. Member) gave Kapsimali (Federal Laundy and Mr Craig Veronica Director Ms Casuscelli, Charles were committees Our parents to join us. Hombush came West and Homebush Girls , Burwood Strathfield Girls, from team. Mr and the magnificent Ms Bolbol, Abbou to Thanks Lea. Scanlan Catherine and Ms Ms Cathy by represented IFTAR

v Trivia (made up of P&C members). to school office on 9764 3611 to school office

HBHS P&C HBHS Sept, 2014 at 7pm 2014 Sept, Sept, 2014 Sept, th rd or email [email protected] Please join us and support your school. or join a table. Get a group of friends together Live band – Silverhair BYO snacks/supper. Drinks available at the bar. playground seaIng All funds raised will go towards old school gym. and the rejuvenaIon of the DonaIons welcome. AucIons Games v Raffles v RSVP by 3 Sat 6 Concord Bowling Club Concord Bowling Concord Ave, Clermont only – Adults Cost: $20 entry

Term 3.0 # 6 2014 HBHS NEWHBHS SCARF BEANIE AND Luke, Ananth, Arnav and Adam wearing our new winter beanie’s and scarf’s beanie’s winter our new wearing and Adam Arnav Ananth, Luke, Head Teacher Teaching & Teaching Learning Head Teacher Ms Suzi Milovanovic Thank you to all staff and students involved in the designing and consultation process. Thank you to you Mrs Thank process. consultation and in the designing involved all staff and students to you Thank their time and effort the manufacturing for in organising of the scarf and Ms Milovanovic Kumaralingam and it. job in producing who has done a magnificent the company to and most importantly, beanie, Our Principal Mr Jurd was the first to model the new school scarf and beanie. He was in strong competition with school scarfto model the new was in strong the first He was MrOur Jurd Principal and beanie. the magnificent for and Adam Arnav Ananth, Luke, to you Thank models. next top High School’s Homebush Boys pride with the school uniform wearing for and most importantly, shoot, done in our modelling photo have job they on a daily basis. Staff and students at Homebush Boys High School were delighted this term with the arrival of the new school scarf of the new with the arrival term this delighted were High School at Homebush Boys students and Staff collection A year. last process consultation and Individual engaged in the design staff and students and beanie. The the scarfkeeping and the final decision of was made. and beanie simple in style, considered, were of designs scarf placed, school this term. the was arriving at and beanie order The beanie will cost $5 and the scarf will cost $10. If you wish to purchase both the scarf scarf $5 and the purchase beanie will cost wish to $10. IfThe it will beanie as a set, and you will cost scarf new The part or is now and beanie design No other scarf of the school uniform. any of $12. or beanie, cost office. the front from purchase scarf for new The available are and beanie be worn. is to colour, Students at Homebush Boys High School wear their school uniform with pride. The school’s Head Teacher Teaching Teaching Teacher Head school’s The with pride. school uniform their High School wear Boys Homebush at Students pieces new two introduced this year, have Mrs Kumaralingam, and SRC Coordinator, Ms Milovanovic, and Learning, is a school scarf school uniform polished the already to as partof clothing and beanie. Added of the school uniform. season. being further winter needs are the upcoming wellbeing for met student that has ensured This Term 3.0 # 7 2014 Term 3.0 # 8 2014 - Ms P Vine Ms P HT Administration/Librarian HT Administration Office Matters Office HT Administration ID Card is already out of your wallet, ready to hand to Ms Vine or Mrs Shadwick; Vine Ms hand to to ready wallet, of your out already is ID Card the office; enter to invited the door until quietly at wait Students left (not in the doorway);Bags are outside the office Doctor’s appointments will need to have proof (a letter or appointment notice) when you apply for leave. If leave. apply for when you notice) or appointment (a letter proof have will need to appointments Doctor’s go. to will not be allowed one you do not have you phone number provided. and parent/guardian be fully explained will need to family commitments for Leave the sick room go to to will be asked you , etc., unwell leg or feel a sore have because you leave to want If you go home. permission to be given and NOT sport Mr or their Grade by Belgre passes signed coaches, will need their early leave sport grade All players be granted. will leave before responsibilityto see the for the season, it is the student’s finished playing or have a bye If have teams go to not allowed are They other activities games. or friendly such as training who will organize coaches home during sport time. They must do this before Roll Call and NOT during class time, recess or lunch time. or lunch recess during class time, and NOT Roll Call this before must do They during should not be scheduled family reasons for medical and leave non urgent that reminded are Parents normal school hours. by the can be filled out and signed passes that early leave for Diary School forms Homework The contains or guardian. parent · · · - - - - - · · · HT Administration/LOTE Mrs M Shadwick Thank you for your co-operation with these matters. your for you Thank Students wishing to travel overseas must see Mrs Shadwick and fill out an Exemption form. A letter from home and from form. A letter must see Mrs and fill out an Exemption Shadwick overseas travel wishing to Students form MUST be The Exemption form. details or an itineraryto the Exemption of flight attached must also be a copy departure. your prior to weeks least two Mrs at to Shadwick submitted Overseas Travel Overseas - visiting the HT Ad When Administration. the HTs speak to need to may students why some of the reasons are These courtesies: following please observe the Office, ministration There seems to be an increase in the number of students with early leave passes on Wednesday Sport Day. The Policy Policy The Sport Day. Wednesday on passes with early leave in the number of students be an increase seems to There passes is as follows afternoon Early Leave Wednesday for - Wednesday sport afternoon is still normal class time. Do not make appointments at this time. Students Students this time. at sport appointments Do not make afternoon is still normal class time. Wednesday - note Please pass on this day. and get a leave can come they see Mr before will need to Belgre ent or guardian to request a pass be issued. a pass be issued. request to or guardian ent Early Leave Passes Leave Early from their par must bring in a note Students Office. the HT Administration passes can be obtained from Early leave - - SCIENCE REPORT HOMEBUSH BOYS’ STAFF SUPPORT SUPPORT STAFF BOYS’ HOMEBUSH Linda and Laura with all the raffle prizes for the ‘Biggest Morning Tea’ ‘Biggest Morning for the prizes with all the raffle Linda and Laura AUSTRALIA’S BIGGEST MORNING TEA MORNING BIGGEST AUSTRALIA’S Alan Everett (HT/Science) Everett Alan - organ is being still more And World. the of Feed theme Week on the Science special lessons Junior classes will have the term. over be alert and information need to notes and parents for ised! Students We also have activities booked to inspire years 7, 8 and 9 from the CSIRO’s education unit. Ms Brown and Mr Everett and Mr Everett Ms Brown unit. education the CSIRO’s 7, 8 and 9 from years activities inspire to booked also have We presentation. week Science Museum’s the Australian to 8 students of year will be taking a group Our favourite term is beginning and not because we have trial HSC and preliminary HSC exams, but because we run but because we trial HSC and preliminaryexams, HSC have we and not because is beginning term Our favourite a bus load of select 7 and take year Dr BalanMs Catalano and In August the term. WEEK activities over our SCIENCE Canberra. and fun at of Science days three to 8 students year Thanks goes to Laura Donohue and her band of helpers, who have coordinated this event since 2005. With tax de tax With 2005. since this event coordinated have who and her band of helpers, Donohue Laura to goes Thanks Over 120,000 people were diagnosed with cancer last year and contributions made by The Biggest Morning Tea go Tea Biggest Morning The made by and contributions year last with cancer diagnosed people were 120,000 Over the causes of explain will one day that research into invest they $15 million that Council’s Cancer directly towards sup of research, the forefront of NSW is at Council Cancer The treatments. and improved new and provide cancer can bring. diagnosis a cancer that the devastation eliminate will one day that port programs services and prevention is ‘cup’ our proud that are We over $1,200.00. raised the morning the raffle, from ductableand proceeds donations against cancer. fight in the count really does every as cup difference, a make helping to Homebush Boys High School staff once again came together to support Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea for 2014. for 2014. Tea Biggest Morning supportto together Australia’s High again came School staff once Boys Homebush a delicious spread enjoy to staff for event social a into was transformed meeting morning staff Monday Our regular an important Staff to cause. donate and to faculties by had been supplied which treats and savoury of sweet from our local vouchers offer including on prizes for the many tickets raffle and bought their generosity showed winners. happy many were there that ensured raffle’ ‘monster Our businesses. Term 3.0 # 9 2014 Term 3.0 # 10 2014 - Ramadan Iftar By Yousef Iqbal By Yousef Afterwards we had Lewis Meucci, of year 11; give a touching recount of his experience of fasting and going to a of fasting and going to of his experience recount a touching 11; give of year Meucci, had Lewis Afterwards we year This get their hands on it. eager to the boys were oh my And came the food. this of course After local Mosque. and thirty hundred two had estimated students An out of chicken. still ran we yet and multiplied, was the food of Middle primarily consisted food The attended. also that teachers guests and not including the many attended, plus as the typical salads, tabouli and other as well of chicken variants several and such as kefta, rice food, Eastern connecting humans the sound of their chatter, by tell could and you themselves, enjoyed really Everyone more. to was… of the night the purpose what is really That and backgrounds. religions various from with one another, each other. for and be there the school community unite and to this month people about both inform tion to their organisation and encouraged the audience to take home with them a piggy bank, which they would home with them a piggy bank, would take which they to the audience and encouraged their organisation tion to to use in the Appeal, to Human then go back would This piggy bank to school. home and bring back at fill up their speech, we of the conclusion with. At involved are they that zones disaster variety of charity natural cases and the sake sales (all for the ticket from raised were thousand dollars that two over cheque for them with a presented of charity). This was followed up by some words from our sponsors for the night, Human appeal, which gave a brief introduc which gave appeal, Human the night, our sponsors for from some words up by followed was This The night began with an introduction from Ibrahim Talha and myself, Yousef Iqbal, with a brief outline about the with a brief outline about the Iqbal, Yousef and myself, Talha Ibrahim began with an introduction from night The by pertaining al Baqarah, of fasting, of Surah the month to recitation a Qur’anic Next was of the month. value Sheikhby our guest speech minute a five up by followed was This Isik. Yunus by and translated Muhammad Abbou, sheikh, and respected one should about the beauty a lawyer and how of the month who talked Hasem al Farasche, both within and outside of this month. conduct themselves Mrs Fattouh originally started this concept of inviting the school community, some four years ago, to encourage encourage to ago, years some four the school community, of inviting started originally this concept Mrs Fattouh Iftarfast with them at and break (when the sun with the Muslim students, the experience fast and share them to under the supervision one of the finest planned, Iftar of ever dinners have and we the track, down years sets). Four others. many and Mr Abbou, Mrs Mrthe diligent; Bolbol, Achmad, On Friday the 18th of July a team of students embarked on the Muslim occasion of Ramadan, to forge one of the one of Ramadan, forge occasion on the Muslim to embarked of students a team the 18th of July On Friday There combined. variety of a of faiths consisted team The finest Ramadan seen. Iftarever has dinners the school Ramadan of month is This month. this commemorate to together who came and Muslim’s atheists Christians, were is the month month This sunset. to sunrise from water and food thirtya period of from which Muslims fast in days in which the be upon him, and blessings peace Muhammad, the prophet to also revealed was Quran in which the great of of the reading Quran also holds the this month Hence “Read!” “Read!” “Read!” were revealed words first violence backbiting, from swearing, but also from and water, food from just about fasting isn’t month The value. friends and family and reflect upon between the ties It in which one strengthens is also a month and all other sins. themselves. try and their lives improve to Term 3.0 # 11 2014 On the March , Hannah , Callum , Zac Jones Sandakan Remembrance ServiceSandakan Remembrance Homebush BHS is proud of the dedicated and passionate students of our Drum Corps students and passionate of the dedicated Homebush BHS is proud Chris Kadamani, Younis Yogesan, Zac Foster Yogesan, Constanti (Drum Major) (Drum Constanti Ansari Amaan Ye, Edward Kumaralingham, Kumuralingham (Bass) Kumuralingham Sarah Brown Sarah Drum Corps Coordinator Drum Corps Jathusanan Drums Ananth Panayioti Our Drum Corps did a wonderful job at the 21st Sandakan Remembrance Service at Burwood Park today. Year 12 were 12 were Year did a wonderfulOur Corps Drum the 21st Sandakan job at Service Remembrance today. at Burwood Park wonderful find some able to replacements: were but we trials, due to absent Khan Milligan’s entire family attended, including his grandfather who is an ex-serviceman, so that was pretty special. who is an ex-serviceman, special. pretty was so that including his grandfather family attended, entire Khan Milligan’s Many parents came to watch the boys and Mr Kumaralingham and Mr Constanti helped me a great deal transporting helped me a great and Mr and Mr Kumaralingham Constanti the boys watch came to parents Many worth It’s deal with that. to there and his mum were during the service fainted John’s Cullum but St etc. equipment quickly pretty his feet to end the service and participated regained a march in the final Callum (what that mentioning kid). Khan Milligan Oscar Verelli Patel, Sharmik Patel, Flags Jayanth Hello and nice to meet you. to and nice Hello LOTE FACULTY REPORT FACULTY LOTE an-nyeong-ha-se-yo, ban-gap seum-ni-da! an-nyeong-ha-se-yo, How much does it cost? : eol-ma-im-ni-ka much does it cost? How Excuse me : je-song-ham-ni-daExcuse or shilae?ham-ni-da understand : jal mo-reu-get-sum-ni-da or mul-ay-oh (don?t know)I don’t this in [English]? : i-geo-seul say meo-ra-go do you [yeong-eo]-ro How ham-ni-ka mal-hal-su it-seum-ni-ka speak [English]? : [yeong-eo]-ro you Can : hul-ryung-hanWonderful : a-sa Awesome Thank you : kam-sa-ham-ni-da you Thank very much : tae-dan-hi you Thank kam-sa-ham-ni-da : cheon-ma-ne-yo welcome are You Please : je-bal Please help me : jom do-wa-ju-se-yo -reu-mi mu-eo-sim-ni-ka name? : -reu-mi is your What : ban-kap-seum-ni-da meet you to Nice : eo-teo-ke you? are ji-nae-sim-ni-kaHow eo-di : hwa-jang-sil-i (toilet)? i-sum-ni-ka is the bathroom Where sorry : mi-yan-ham-ni-da I’m Please be quiet : cho-yong-ee-hae (close mouths) hudge-ii : do that mar Don’t Here are a few greetings I have mastered so far: mastered I have greetings a few are Here With population of over 74 million and a land area of 219,140 km², of 219,140 see and do. to is a lot 74 million and a land area there of over population With will always be considered as one of the world’s most renowned martial most renowned the artists for nicely and sets the tone as one of the world’s be considered will always Lee Bruce greetings, Basic Korea. first in “fist” landed Year 7 students spirits “fighting” true With adventures. 7 Korean Year current their 7 had Year be very students. to popular with our young all proved experiences and cultural number recognition virtual by the stamps in the students’ as seen and adventures paths roads, different open as they travelled ears and eyes hospitable how the land is, and traditional diverse how place-the discovered an interesting passports. boys was Korea student. old Korean 12-13 year the average to can all relate we and how the people are Term 3.0 # 12 2014 Term 3.0 # 13 2014 - -

ing and ventilation, a comfortable chair and appropriate desk. a comfortable chair and appropriate ing and ventilation, Set a timetable time for appropriate allotting the subjects way, all your in an organised cover can plan to a timetable you With overwhelmed. each without becoming afterLook yourself Establish a routine it. and stick to Set aside a particular study and revision for time each day a study environment Create light is adequate there Ensure television. such as the and household noise, interruptions from should be away This 3. 4. 1. 2. Make studying a part of your everyday school routine and don’t be limited to ‘cramming’ for exams and tests. exams for ‘cramming’ to be limited Make studying a part and don’t school routine everyday of your ports are very detailed and allow for a comprehensive account of student achievement, social development and areas and areas social development achievement, of student account ports a comprehensive very for are detailed and allow did students LOTE reported all the majority that Ms Su and Ms Lay Yu, of Mrs Gilchrist, Ms be identified. to of concern tips. study their performance can strengthen students with the following All very well. was the main focus area of concern during the recent Parent-Teacher interviews. Student re Student interviews. Parent-Teacher during the recent of concern area the main focus was engagement Student

What is it about technology that makes it so appealing to our clientele? Perhaps it’s one or more of the features below. of the features one or more it’s Perhaps clientele? our to makes it so appealing that is it about technology What Ipad Learning in Stage 4 and 5 continues to be popular as we relax into Semester 2 . Student engagement and moti- engagement Semester 2 . Student into relax be popular as we to 5 continues 4 and in Stage Ipad Learning work reportedto the students that discoveryIpad learning staff have has allowed and the LOTE has increased vation books and other 7 chrome Year of the the introduction With experiences. their travel and broaden explore ahead, software and working opportunities applications beyond opened the researching, enjoying are our students devices, for! been catered are students them. All to . Faculty LOTE of learning in the Era New The China is next on the agenda…so Let the new travel adventures begin !!! begin adventures the new travel China is next Let on the agenda…so Not bad for a first timer!! Not bad for What is this? : i-go-seun is this? What mu-eo-sim-na-ka it : i-go-seul buy I’ll sa-ge-seum-ni-da : neo-mu high.) is too (The price bi-ssa-yo expensive Too : jom kka-kka-ju-se-yo please.) me a discount, (Give the price? lower you Could Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Year 9 Year Year 10 Year Lee, Minkyu Lee, Ahn, Jeongguk Ahn, Chu, Seungmin Chu, Choi, Yeongwon Lee, Lee, Chan Young Ye, Zhou Ye, Yoon, Sang Woung Yoon, Lee, Hojun Lee, Kim, Beomsu Choi, Yihyeon Lee, Jinhyung Lee, Ngo, Nicholas Ngo, Choi, Juyoung Duong, Vi Vi Duong, Kien Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, and eat healthy foods. Keep sugary foods to a minimum. Make sure you get you get Keep sugary to a minimum. foods. Make sure foods healthy and eat water, especially Drinkplenty of fluids, So relax. you and helps energy your boosts great, feel makes you exercise Regular physical each night. sleep enough you can. try as often as sporting regular keep up to exercise regular activities in some least fit or at studying for yourself Reward sport the park and play to walk friends, throughout spend time with your program, television favourite your Watch the week. study program in your variety Have study session. revision in each work and types of subjects and do different each day different Study concentration your interrupting Avoid start you minimise distractions. a session of study to before you with materials all the appropriate Have studied have you on what yourself Test past as- books, use draft learnt, questions from have you on what quiz you members to or family parents your Ask papers. or major exam sessments time exam panic at Don’t Try worry. should be no need to class work, there your been revising and have a study routine followed If have you and confident. calm, positive keep yourself to guidance for teachers your Ask learnt or understanding something you a new concept grasping - whether it’s trouble having Especially if you’re help. to will be happy They earlier year. in the 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Recognising student achievement is always a pleasure for LOTE staff and worthy of mention in such publications. Con- worthy in such publications. staff and of mention LOTE for a pleasure is always achievement student Recognising the whole cohort across than 80% in their greater a score who achieved 8-10 students Year the following to gratulations Semester 1 reports. Term 3.0 # 14 2014 Term 3.0 # 15 2014 Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Continuers Chinese Continuers Chinese Continuers Chinese Background Speakers Background Chinese Speakers Chinese Background Speakers Chinese Background Speakers Chinese Background Speakers Chinese Background Speakers Chinese Background Year 8 Year Lee, Jun Lee, Ye, Zhou Ye, Li, Zehao Wu, Zane Wu, An, Junoh An, Rai, Ranak Hong, Ren Hong, Hui, Jeffrey Raja, Akash Tenges, Joji Tenges, Duong, Eric Duong, Kang, MInki Chen, Kevin Huang, Nick Huang, Gock, Stuart Jeon, Hamin Vuong, John Vuong, Guo, Yuchen Guo, Davis, Daniel Davis, Zeng, Jeremy Zeng, Jeremy Zeng, Guan, Warren Fan, Yuan Wei Yuan Fan, Chen, Samuel Ngo, Nicholas Ngo, Bethi, Ruthvik Wang, Yuchen Wang, Seok, Minwoo Kim, Hyuk Joo Duong, Kieren Duong, Duong, Vi Vi Duong, Kien Tang, Yue Feng Yue Tang, Cho, Hyungjun Cho, Malhotra, Bhav Ryu, Seung Jun Sham, Siu Ming Leung, Anthony Leung, Ali, Adeel Abbas Adeel Ali, Ryu, Seunghyun Elilvathanan, Shiran Elilvathanan, Hague, Muhammad Hague, Choi, Yeonghun Alex Choi, Yeonghun Xu, Michael Zheyuan Xu,

Date 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Class 9 Chinese 9 Chinese 9 Chinese 9 Chinese 11 Chinese 11 Chinese TERM 2 2014 8 Chinese H 8 Chinese H 8 Chinese 8 Chinese H 8 Chinese 7 Language E 7 Language E 7 Language E 7 Language E 7 Language E 7 Language E 7 Language E 7 Language A 7 Language A 7 Language A 7 Language A 7 Language A 7 Language A 7 Language A 7 Language A 7 Language A 7 Language A HT LOTE AWARDS HT LOTE Li, Shihan Tran, Kevin Tran, Sun, Daniel Zeybek, Ali Jiang, Danny Jiang, Sarker, Oliver Sarker, Mant, Joseph Mant, Wong, Keegan Wong, Hong, Xing Hui Hong, Kodali, Dasaradh Student Student Zhou Ye Yue Cao Yue Win Lynn Win Lam-Nguyen, Nathan Lam-Nguyen, Tianli Guo Tianli Aryan Jani Lionel Kha Keith Chan Keith Akash Raja Ben Strode Brendan Su Brendan Santa Hothi Felix Knight Felix Marcus Ngo Marcus Reilly Winch James Smith James Jeremy Zeng Jeremy Zayan Hague Zayan Nicholas Ngo Kieran Duong Kieran Daniel Dutton Michael Lopes Neeraj Mirashi Neeraj Lawrence Hew Lawrence Tobias Buckley Tobias Charles McLean Charles Term certificates during HT LOTE awarded been who have students LOTE the following to congratulations Additionally, in class and towards attitude positive academic progress, studies, their Language to commitment their continued 2, for or services classwork to the Faculty. contribution to excellent their studies, Term 3.0 # 16 2014 Term 3.0 # 17 2014 - 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 6.6.14 13.6.14 13.6.14 13.6.14 13.6.14 13.6.14 13.6.14 13.6.14 13.6.14 13.6.14 13.6.14 13.6.14 13.6.14 13.6.14 13.6.14 13.6.14 9 Korean 9 Korean Speakers Speakers 10 Korean 10 Korean 10 Korean 10 Korean 12 Korean 8 Korean F 8 Korean F 8 Korean 8 Korean C 8 Korean 8 Korean C 8 Korean 11 Chinese 11 Chinese 11 Chinese 11 Chinese 12 Chinese 12 Chinese 11 Chinese 11 Chinese 11 Chinese 7 Language D 7 Language D 11 Heritage Korean 11 Heritage Korean 11 Korean Background Background 11 Korean 11 Korean Background Background 11 Korean Yu Shen Yu Jay park Jay Yu Zhou Yu John Xia Jack Luo Jack Chi Chen Chi Justin Na Jue Wang Bowen Yu Bowen Rocky Lau Ali Zeybak Ali Jason Park Jason Nick Huang Yeunsu Kim Yeunsu Beomsu Kim Addel Abbas Addel Edmond KimEdmond QiuyuHuang Min Yong Lee Min Yong Hah Neul Lim Bhav Malhotra Bhav Seongwon Kim Seongwon Sean Mansfield Jonghyeon Choi Jonghyeon est was the playing of traditional Indonesian musical instruments and learning to harmonise! The boys were also keen were boys The Indonesian harmonise! of traditional and learning to musical instruments the playing est was please we “Can the modern world. and its links to context its grammatical the language, on the study of Japanese, as consider in the future to something Definitely, the excursion. following the request HBHS?” was at study Japanese excursion Lee’s read Please Miss will meet the needs of its students. Languages that offering looks at Faculty the LOTE included in this publication. photos the and enjoy recount On the 11th June, the Year 9 Chinese students attended an Asian languages workshop at the University of New South the University at languages workshop an Asian attended 9 Chinese students Year the On the 11th June, the enjoyed the boys teacher), (a pre-servive Ms Su and Miss Lee LOTE teacher, with their regular Together Wales.. of hearing importance about the experience of knowing and abroad, and speaking languages both in Australia Asian Of particular cultures. Asian inter many to exposed other schools as they were from and spending time with students Working beyond the Classroom………LOTE Excursions. the Classroom………LOTE beyond Working - - - for spectators only. for French, Italian, Chinese Korean, French, Speakers and Heritage Korean-Background Chinese- Speakers and Heritage Background Italian-Beginners and Continuers French-Beginners essary tasks. homework NOT classes are Chinese or Korean Italian, in all language classes. French, Participate projects class work, tasks, homework, assessment incomplete record to DIARY using your are you Make sure other reminders and any rules classroom Faculty the LOTE by Abide of Conduct and Code the HBHS Student by Abide Respect the learning in ALL classes. Yourself, Be Challenge Bold, Fun, Have Just do It, says, Australia) Virgin of (Founder Branson Richard As Respect! Have & Family, Friends Value the Moment, Live Feet, two own on your Stand Come prepared for every lesson. Make sure you are punctual, have all resources and have completed all nec completed and have all resources punctual, have every are you for lesson. Make sure prepared Come · · · · · · · Year 9 ,2015 Year Year 11, 2015 Year For Parents of LOTE students of LOTE Parents For As always, for all LOTE students- our faculty classroom practices and requirements remain the same. remain and requirements practices our faculty classroom students- all LOTE for always, As Students can also apply to do many different Saturday school courses or study at the Open High School. If any student at the Open student courses or study High school School. If any Saturday different do many can also apply to Students - also wel are please see Mrs further Gilchrist language. Parents for in studying an alternate information. is interested have. may they concerns clarify any Dept. to ring the LOTE to come Year 8 and Year 10 students have been through Subject Selection Evenings and Market Days where information was was Subject information through been where Selection and Market Days have Evenings 10 students Year 8 and Year for “on offer” published as been courses have following The Faculty. LOTE in the on offer about the courses presented 2015. Year 9 2015 and Year 11 2015 LOTE courses 11 2015 LOTE Year 9 2015 and Year Homebush Boys High School was recently chosen to showcase its Asian teaching programs to a group of 20 teaching of 20 teaching a group to programs teaching its Asian showcase chosen to HighHomebush Boys School recently was best “our opportunity put an excellent was to This 18th June 2014. Wednesday on Australia around from delegates learning 5 and 6 Chinese and in the Stage methods investigative and interactive on-line, our and display forward” foot Class- Teachers, Head Deputy Principals, did!! Principals, Yu is exactly that Ms Su and Ms And what classes. Korean the country and Chinese lessons, witnessed both Korean all over from Delegates Educational and even Teachers room officially were Our visitors as well. and Chinse phrases Korean a few learnt and even students with our interacted the study of Asian foster the need to HBHS and at clientele of the changing who spoke our Principal by welcomed our expose on the need to which focussed Statement, Curriculum Australian in the recent languages as also indicated impact with the in the modern Languages of Asian “keeping up” of Languages as a way the study of Asian to students of the their participation .Photos and Ms Su for in this event Yu take this opportunity like to I would thank Ms world. to included in this publication. are day LOTE Faculty showcased in the recent Asia Education Foundation School Walk. School Foundation Education Asia in the recent showcased Faculty LOTE On the 12th June, the Year 12 Chinese students were given the opportunity to attend intense workshops at the Univer the opportunity at workshops given intense attend to were 12 Chinese students Year the June, On the 12th Year 12 Chinese students attend the HSC Study Day at the University of Sydney. University the at Day Study the HSC attend students 12 Chinese Year espe received well supported in class and were adequately workshops completed the modules The sity Sydney. of cially given the timely Trial HSC examinations. The students were very grateful for the experience to study and receive study and receive to the experience for very grateful were students The HSC examinations. Trial the timely cially given behalf of On expectations questions about exam and ask and the marking process. model requirements helpful hints, the very students of luck in the best 12 LOTE Year wish like to would I Faculty, and the whole LOTE Yu, Ms Su and Ms they have that realising their ability”, the best of “to tackle them to and urge the questions exams Trial HSC upcoming and good luck! boys looking hard Study wonderful are to forward results. We been very prepared. well Term 3.0 # 18 2014 Term 3.0 # 19 2014 Bollywood comes to Homebush!! to Bollywood comes Languages educators from around Australia visit HBHS Australia around from Languages educators Don’t give up your day job! day up your give Don’t New BollywoodNew Laundy? member Mr Craig Head of LOTE Faculty LOTE of Head Mrs Matina Shadwick Mrs Shadwick Matina Please feel free to contact me at school, if you have any queries and/or questions regarding your son’s language stud- language son’s your queries regarding questions and/or any have if you school, contact me at to free feel Please return to I will endeavour and addressed will be Everyconcern possible. way will try HBHS. I ies at in any you assist to calls ASAP. all phone - - - Hands on experiences on the Year 9 Chinese excursion at the UNSW. at excursion 9 Chinese Year on the Hands on experiences Year 9 Chinese students visit the University of NSW visit the University students 9 Chinese Year The students, together with Ms Su and Miss Lee found the excursion extremely meaningful and insightful. It extremely meaningful and insightful. satisfied the excursion found with Ms Su and Miss together Lee students, The Japanese teaching have our wish to It into also opened our eyes experiences. our curriculum cultural of Asian demands at teacher a Japanese have hoping to are We HBHS. learn Japanese at to want to a desire expressed HBHS. Students at our school sometime SOON!! Lastly, students learning Japanese at UNSW organized a fun activity for us. We enjoyed learning about Japan through learningabout Japan through enjoyed We a fun activity us. UNSW organized learning Japanese at students for Lastly, We again. prizes won game and surprisingly a team we also played We in Japan. anime characters and famous places UNSW campus. back home from and made our way Lunch Vietnamese with a delicious ended our excursion Our next session was the highlight of the excursion. A representative music teacher at the UNSW taught us how to to us how the UNSW taught at music teacher A representative Our nextof the excursion. the highlight was session of an every He placed in front Indonesian student traditional instruments. music Gamelanare which play instruments which making and building up beats, eventually harmony were We them individual instructions. and gave instrument in music and it unified we the teacher, very but with the help from the instruments new to were We sounded beautiful. moments. and unforgettable exciting one of the most definitely was Morning tea followed, and off we moved to our next session .We were put in a tutorial classroom and one guest speaker and one guest speaker classroom put in a tutorial were nextto our .We session we moved off and Morning followed, tea not same anymore, are Asians How ‘What Stream?’ Studies is the Asian She talked about us. lecture for a nice prepared was fun. which followed Quiz time its challenges. are rise and what Asia’s from benefit can we got rich, how Asia how High the prize! us! Homebush Boys School it was won And prize! get a to was winning team The portunity to interact with foreign people and most importantly, it gives them advantage in finding jobs. We had Q&A in finding jobs. them advantage it gives people and most importantly, portunity with foreign interact to Asian language. gain knowledge of to of the influence students helpful to extremely which was time with the 4 panels, June 2014 LOTE Pre-service teacher LOTE Miss Erica Lee All four people could speak more than one language which they find crucial in their careers as it gives them great op great them gives as it language which they find crucial in their careers than one speak more people could four All eign languages and how it affects their current career life. life. career their current it affects languages and how eign The workshop started off with an Introduction to Languages Studies at UNSW with focusing on the increasing number startedfocusing on the increasing workshop The with at UNSW Studies off with an to Languages Introduction There Japanese and Korean. primarily languages of Chinese, in the Asian takingof students every language course year, for in adapting experience reflecting their personal life by useful information us give to there were 4 panels that were We made our way to the UNSW early in the morning at 8 am via train and bus, as it was a long journey to the univer a long journey to was as it and bus, the UNSW early 8 am via train in the morning to at made our way We Valley Narara from with students Together start to being able with no delay. on time and were were we Thankfully, sity. short looked a reasonably , we distance) travelled we privileged that felt ( we High 2 hours away, which is about School, of learning socialising (with the girls!). and a day to forward Year 9 Chinese students went on an excursion on the 11th June Wednesday. The excursion was held at The University of University The held at was excursion The Wednesday. on the 11th June on an excursion went students 9 Chinese Year language workshop’. ‘Asian the attended students and Wales New South Term 3.0 # 20 2014 Term 3.0 # 21 2014 Sport Round 4 - 1,2,4,3 Sport Round 1 - 1,2,3,4 Sport Round 2 - 1,2,3,4 Sport Round 3 - 1,2,4,3 Preliminary Course Examination Period all week Period Examination Preliminary Course Summer Science week events in hall in hall events week Science P & C MEETING - 7.00PM - 1,2,3,4 Trials Summer Sport Science G&T camp, HSC Trial Examination All Week All Examination Trial HSC camp, G&T Science Test ICAS Mathematics camp, G&T Science G&T camp Science Trials-1,2,3,4 Summer Sport 8 Subject Yr vaccination, Pox Chicken dTpa, 7 Year Dwyer Sculthorpe, Selection hall 6pm Evening 10 Year presentation- Thrills Cheap 7 Year Roadshow Maths of Artworks in the Hall till Fiday Yr12 Exhibition of Summer Park - Strathfield KO Davidson Alan & History Excursion 9 Geography Year Park - Strathfield KO Davidson Alan Program Measles Vaccination Summer Preliminary Course Examination Period all week Period Examination Preliminary Course STALL DAY FATHERS 1950-4 visit from Old Boys STALL, DAY FATHERS Summer STRATHFIELD CITIZENSHIP CEREMONY - 6.00PM CITIZENSHIP CEREMONY STRATHFIELD 6pm Multimedia Presentation Battle of the Brains Rd 2, Hall Pds 1 - end of lunch. Rd 2, Hall Pds of the Brains Battle Park Luna to 9 Commerce Year 12 GRADUATION YEAR 3 of term Last day Official Yr12 CAPA Night Opening 5pm -7.30pm CAPA Yr12 Official Gym in Old 8 Incursion shows - Medieval Year Blue Mountains to Geog Excursion Yr7 Olympic Pk at CHS Athletics Olympic Pk at CHS Athletics 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 18 19 20 21 22 11 12 13 14 15 25 26 27 28 29 15 16 17 18 19 SUBMISSIONS TO BUSH BULLETIN TO SUBMISSIONS SCHOOL CALENDAR 2014 CALENDAR SCHOOL B B A A If you wish to submit a photograph or article the BB submit a photograph to wish to If you Mrplease send it to Kamie Khurshed email address: [email protected] Week 6 Week August Week 9 Week September A 10 Week September Week 7 Week August 8 Week September B Week 5 Week August excursion at the UNSW. at excursion Having fun on the Year 9 Chinese 9 Chinese Year fun on the Having future Asian studies at the UNSW! the studies at Asian future Year 9 Chinese students planning their students 9 Chinese Year to play traditional Indonesianinstruments. traditional play to Ms Su -always reminding Year 9 Chinese 9 Chinese Year reminding Ms Su -always while on excursions. of behaviour students The wait is nearly over. Year 9 students waiting waiting 9 students Year is nearly over. wait The their HSC study day lecture. their HSC study day students are NOT alarmed!! NOT are students Do we have know ALL of this!!!! Year 12Chinese 12Chinese Year know ALL of this!!!! have Do we Year 12 Chinese students attentively listen during listen attentively students 12 Chinese Year lecture at the University of Sydney lecture the University at Duke of Edinburgh students rewarded with a swim, the sun and a beautiful sunset rewarded students of Edinburgh Duke Year 12 Chinese students prepare for their HSC Study Study their HSC for prepare students 12 Chinese Year Familiar-yep! Year 12 Chinese students have seen this before! have students 12 Chinese Year Familiar-yep!

Term 3.0 # 22 2014 Term 3.0 # 23 2014 - Duke of Edinburgh- 2014 Edinburgh- of Duke Photos from the latest Duke of Edinburgh Adventure of Edinburgh Duke the latest from Photos Adventurous Journey- Bronze, Silver and Gold Silver Bronze, Journey- Adventurous The Great North Walk- Wondabyne to Woy Woy Woy Woy to Wondabyne North Walk- The Great The journey began with our train winding its way through the mountains and valleys of the Hawkesbury of Re River and valleys the mountains through its way winding train began with our journey The early and journey the adventurous concluded winds we force gale due to however 4 included a beach hike Day home. made their way weary travellers - Barren to hiked we there Beach. From Palm to Wharf a Ferry catch to 5kms Ferry the Ettalong to walked 3 we Day participants. the Silver for the adventure 3 concluded along the beach. Day Lighthouse joey By the end of the day we had covered a large area of Wodabyne Valley and returned to Umina where we set up camp we where Umina to and returned Valley Wodabyne of area a large had covered we By the end of the day Beach. On Pearl to peninsular the rocky Beach along Umina and a climb across 2 included a walk the beach. Day by participants award bronze the farewelled Umina we to return From a short break at the falls we climbed again up and over into the next valley. Here we stumbled across wildlife wildlife across stumbled we Here the next valley. into over climbed again up and a short the falls we at break From we had valleys the us before where Wondabyne of Mt to the pinnacle climbed again wildflowers.We and native Water the Brisbane miles across see for could we our lunch ate we As our feet. out beneath spread climbed through wetlands. and Gosford Woy Woy Beach, of Palm the bays to Park, National - Wond up the ascent began our Hawkesbury the end of the we River at a small station Wondabyne Itgion. at was we where the next valley into of sandstone, and walls rainforest us up through climb took steep The valley. abyne the waterfall. by rested Ms Legge, Mr Jurd, Ms Kapsimali, Mr Mr Laundy Jurd, Ms Legge, with Suran and Darshan outside the new library and Darshan outside the new with Suran lift SPEECH FOR THE OPENING OF THE LIFT THE OF THE OPENING FOR SPEECH Mr Tim Jurd and Mr Craig Laundy speak at the official opening of the new school lifts of the the official opening at Laundy speak and Mr Jurd Craig Tim Mr Thank you Darshan and Suran. Darshan and Suran. you Thank This also helps develop the school. When I say develop, I mean more people will choose Homebush Boys because we because we will choose Homebush Boys people more I mean develop, I say When the school. also helps develop This got all these facilities. have Another reason why we are lucky to have these facilities is lucky have to are we why reason Another these facilities. have because most other high school do not Earlier this year, I was unable to walk due to an operation on an operation due to walk unable to I was Earlier this year, - Achil legs because my both my around plaster I had legs. my so the lifts me, help to have I didn’t tight. too were les tendon I also needed the stairs. walking down up and I had trouble up and down carry bag while I went friends to my one of my the stairs. These facilities will also be handy for the janitor because if because the janitor will also be handy for facilities These cleaner upstairs or a vacuum example for take he needs to is also much safer This carry he will not need to downstairs it. carrybecause when they they cleaner up the stairs a vacuum is very and that painful. a wire trip over may The reason our school is very lucky to have these facilities is school is very our lucky reason have to The an injury or a disability have staff or students the if any that I get example lifts will be very them. For useful to and ramps stairs. up and down very when I go tired Good morning everyone. My name is Darshan and I would My and I would name is Darshan Good everyone. morning be presenting who will also Suran to you introduce to like the lifts how talk about will to like and I would Suran today. Before with a disability. and staff members help students the lifts the construction for that and announce I proudly that Some us might of complete. is now in Homebush Boys ramps these facilities. have to are lucky we how realized not have Term 3.0 # 24 2014 Term 3.0 # 25 2014 ‘Coraline’ Rap by Riley Tsingolis Riley Rap by ‘Coraline’ Man, I learnt my lesson. my Man, I learnt But, I love my original boring mother. original my I love But, Even though I was told to count windows, I think it’s Karma for being a little sober. Karma for I think it’s windows, count to told I was though Even I know it’s a letter with poetry, sorry be better. it would I thought with poetry, a letter I know it’s 8F Riley Tsingolis Garden made of living plants, cute but not clingy. cute made of living plants, Garden The house is pretty, pink and biggie. house is pretty, The It’s what you might assume? Nope! It was through a mirror, bigger than the average, but thinner bigger than the average, a mirror, assume? Nope! It through might was you what It’s than a cabbage. She took me to the ghost room through a door. through ghost room the me to took She Mother suddenly turns into a witch, with a cloak, the colour black …inhale…she finally let go. black …inhale…she cloak, with a a witch, the colour Mother suddenly turns into It’s like I’m drowning, but I’m not soaked. but I’m drowning, I’m like It’s Darkness rises, wraps around my throat, can’t breathe! breathe! can’t throat, my around Darkness wraps rises, This is the new place. What do you reckon? reckon? do you What place. is the new This Decline black buttons: so I start in a dozen…seconds. Decline black buttons: the world running around “Sleep time, Baby”, let me go back, wait Mummy’s gone! What’s up with that? What’s gone! let me go back, Mummy’s wait Baby”, time, “Sleep Man, I can see it. I think I want to be it. to I think I want Man, it. I can see What’s this? A hidden cellar door with presents, damn I want some more. damn I want door with presents, A hidden cellar this? What’s It’s a cold night, dewy day, in a dream, feel tight. But it’s alright. But it’s tight. feel a dream, in dewy night, day, cold a It’s Riley wrote a rap based on the experiences of the protagonist, Coraline, from the movie of the the movie from Coraline, the protagonist, of experiences based on the a rap Riley wrote same name. - Knockout Knockout

Outstanding Achievement by our Senior Boys Volleyball Team Volleyball Senior our Boys by Outstanding Achievement

John Pearson John Pearson The team has been excellent ambassadors for Homebush Boys High and great examples for the high skills for that examples High and great Homebush Boys ambassadors for has been excellent team The have they what for can hold their heads up high boys The a sport. to yourself dedicate when you can be achieved with work It to school and the sport their has been an honour and pleasure of volleyball. themselves, for achieved of athletes. group and dedicated such a talented In this Championship, Homebush’s first opponents was Caringbah High School, Homebush won the game 25/17, Caringbah Homebush High was School, first opponents Homebush’s In this Championship, High Bay against Batemans next game was The in NSW. 8 teams the top win put Homebush into This 25/16, 25/12. of NSW and therefore teams 4 the top win put Homebush into This 25/20. 25/17, 25/15. Homebush won School where In the semi final Homebush lost against Rooty veryHill the SemiHigh Finals. School 20/25, 26/24, 18/25 & 21/25. A on Rooty Hill High the pressure maintain not able to Homebush was game but unfortunately fought close and hard For the playoff Kelso to 1. High School 3 sets High School defeated Boys Sydney InSchool. the other semi final game but unfor game, fought a hard High again this was School, and Kelso Homebush between and 4th place 3rd for held which is Schools High Championships, the National School at Homebush Boys represent hoping to are boys The the these championships, attend to and unavailable retired Mr J Pearson their coach With in Melbourne in December. to giving up their time, on another staff member will depend in this tournament and competing of entering chances this goal. achieve to with the team work Volleyball Competition meet at a central venue to play off for the final placements or rankings for 2014. This year the year This rankings for 2014. or for the final placements off play to venue a central meet at Competition Volleyball Sydney. West in South Centre Indoor Minto Recreation held at championships were which has had so much team tough on a were results final two These the victors 25/19, 25/16. were Kelso tunately is an outstanding in the state 4th place achieving High but overall, School, Homebush Boys representing success achievement.

in the ‘Steve Birt Memorial Knockout Volleyball Series’, where the top 16 remaining teams left teams in the NSW 16 remaining the top where Series’, Volleyball Birt Memorial Knockout ‘Steve in the In the state KO Championships, Homebush Boys defeated Epping Boys 3/1, The Forest High School Senior 3/0, Ryde Forest The 3/1, Epping Boys defeated Homebush Boys Championships, KO In the state win This North Hills High School Final. 3/1 in the Sydney Pennant High School 3/0 and defeated Wadalba 3/1, College compete to in a row year the second High for be eligible School to Boys Homebush Hills allowed against Pennant In 2014, the team started its campaign by winning the local round robin competition undefeated, defeating Norman- defeating undefeated, competition robin startedIn winning the local round 2014, the team by campaign its was a year This Final 2/0. High School in the and defeating 2/0 in the semi final hurst Boys Team Grade and the Second team Years High School with the Under 15 Homebush Boys at volleyball time for great making the Final. it to Team Years and the Under 14 competitions also winning their respective This remarkable Homebush Boys team have been the Under 14 Years Champions, Under 15 Years Champions, run- Champions, Years Under 15 Champions, Years 14 been the Under have team remarkable Homebush Boys This Sport in Area Open Division being dominance Grade Open Division and Part Grade of the First the second ners up for North the Sydney School the Champion has been for Boys Homebush the last 4 years. School for Volleyball Champion Sport Grade Competition Volleyball the Summer has won Team Volleyball Senior Boys The & 2014. 2013 for Region high against the following competition robin a round playing involved tournament This in 2011, 2012, 2013 & 2014. High Boys NorthHigh School, Sydney High Ashfield Boys High Randwick School, School, Boys schools: Epping Boys finished an unlucky team (2013), the Year High Last School. High School Boys and Asquith Normanhurst Boys School, was unfortunate Itteam still an outstanding effortconsidering the was Championships. KO in the State 13th overall games during the first and second Jeyarasa, incur major ankleenough to Libee Sukirthan injuries to and Peraveenan of this tournament. This team has been playing volleyball together since Year 8, way back in 2010, when they were coached by Mr by Ha coached were 2010, when they back in 8, way Year since together volleyball been playing has team This had been selected in and all players junior championships various has won then, the team Since and Bob Konikov. and been a Sydney Years in Under 16 the State has represented Choi Willis teams. junior representative state various in & 2014. Libee Sukirthan in 2012, 2013 player North player North Representative has been a Sydney Representative North in 2013 and Sydney North Zhou represented in 2013 & 2014. Ian Sydney has represented Yin 2013 & 2014. Hao North in 2014. Sydney represented Jeyarasa Peraveenan - Jeyara Libee Sukirthan Peraveenan (Captain), Choi Maharasa, Krishnath (Vice Captain), Willis of consisted team The Mr was John Pearson. coach team The Niang. Toee & Ramanan Srirathan Yin, Hao Abayasingham, Arjun sa, Ian Zhou, Volleyball KO in the NSW overall coming 4th year, very finished a has team successful Volleyball Senior Boys The - representa this successful and winding for 2014 has been long this position in get to to road The Championships. and belief in themselves and dedication commitment, reportThis is story of boy’s a group about team. volleyball tive about. dream others only what achieved have boys these team, and as a each other,

Homebush BHS Volley Ball Coach Volley BHS Homebush Term 3.0 # 26 2014 Term 3.0 # 27 2014 Another hard earned point is won by the Homebush boys’ by is won earned point hard Another Libee Sukirthan with a perfect against Rooty block Hill High School Coach John Pearson with the 2014 Senior Volleyball Team Volleyball with the 2014 Senior John Pearson Coach Libee Sukirthan High with a back court School against Caringbah spike

Term 3.0 # 28 2014 Term 3.0 # 29 2014 - - - Year 8 Report Year Year 8 – Community involvement - New Beginnings Program - New involvement Community 8 – Year - I com enrolments. the new to 2, welcome term through well progressed 8 who all year to Congratulations - recom season and the winter throughout maintained have you of uniform standard on the high mend you warmth. extra providing for purchase for available now school scarvesmend the are that and beanies Ms Su Assistant Year 8 Adviser 8 Year Assistant Ms Su Ms Adams 8 Adviser Year Homework Club is available every Tuesday morning from 8:00 in room 32 all are welcome. The focus of the club of the club focus The welcome. 32 all are 8:00 in room morning from Tuesday every is available Club Homework projects assess- and can assist with homework, that and teachers senior mentors to access student allow is to tasks. ment As I am preparing a year 8 parent list for emails I encourage all parents to update their information such as email their information update to all parents emails I encourage list for parent 8 a year I am preparing As on for information And please look out office. the front at addresses and current phone numbers addresses, emails. which will be posed via your 8 events year upcoming Information Update Information Students identified issues that affected their community, and brainstormed ways of overcoming them. Included overcoming of ways brainstormed and community, their affected issues that identified Students work families and assisting the elderly and helping graffiti, crime, ideas of overcoming were in the discussions as- their school diaryIt is an important record and use it to have to part each student for of the school routine all par I encourage and excursions. such as homework as other commitments and in class task as well sessment select 9 and 10. I encourage will need to students their subjects the end of this term studies in year for Towards selecting at consider subjects with their son and to and do well these choices discuss enjoy they to all parents senior studies. lead onto which may Day one involved student’s leadership building skills training as well as equipping them with the knowledge as equipping of building skills leadership as well training student’s one involved Day that games played and discussed stormed, brain They involvement. community structure for submission to how and public speaking. teams and networking, on building effective focused team Each Strathfield. of shorta mayor the presenting to students the project proposal involved two Day - proj Their work. and team project their based on their research and presented a very high standard achieved and the confidence and for their creativity for and the organizers, the Mayor by highly commended ects were of the projects. the presentation through conveyed each team that strength Diary Use Subject Selections ment. ment. our district. for and harmonious future build a brighter to ing together in student’s being recorded which are comments their teacher’s their diaries weekly and read please sign to ents diaries. This two day program was aimed at building student leadership skills and also increasing community engage skills leadership community student building increasing also and at aimed was program day two This artworks at the CAPA night artworks the CAPA at Parents and friends view the students the students and friends view Parents Keyboard maestro Lion Robinson gets maestro Keyboard some help from one of our Yr 7 students Yr one of our some help from Creative & Performing Arts Performing & Creative Jun, Sam and Chris at the CAPA night the CAPA Jun, Sam at and Chris Master guitarist Terry Murray plays Murray Terry guitarist Master some rock and roll at the Yr8 concert Yr8 the at and roll some rock Matt Kurukchi accompanies Yr10 Music students Music students Yr10 accompanies Kurukchi Matt Mr. Kim Attwood Mr. CAPA Head Teacher On the 5th of June maestro Lion Robinson came to school to demonstrate his skills to year 7 students. Lionel’s show show Lionel’s 7 students. his skills year to demonstrate school to Lion Robinson came to On the 5th of June maestro and piano starting of the keyboard journey with the classical sounds through on a fast paced the students took were students During music and its electronic the concert counterparts. several today’s 60s and up to the swinging part take to in the entertainment. the front up to invited On the 7th April master guitarist Terry Murray visited our school to demonstrate his skills to year 8 students. Terry’s Terry’s 8 students. his skills year to demonstrate to our school visited Murray Terry guitarist master On the 7th April TV music. film and and roll, periods of rock various through on a musical journey the students took guitar workshop skill technical knowledge of music. and vast Terry’s with fascinated were students The Currently our Yr12 students are doing their Trial HSC exams as well as working towards completing their Body of completing towards as working as well HSC exams Trial doing their are students Yr12 our Currently Arts will be and Music students Visual for next big event The of their course. which is the practical components Work performing the Music students and their musical pieces which will feature 7 of this term in week night CAPA Yr12 the Arts students. Visual from Works the Body of of an exhibition The musical part of the evening started at 6.30 with a variety of solo and group performances that also showed part musical performances started also showed The that 6.30 with a variety of solo and group of the evening at an applause from enthusiastic brought This honed their musical skills. and developed have the students how success be a roaring to proved night again the Once and friends. teachers parents, of proud audience appreciative and performing arts creative within the in our school. have we that students talented the many highlights that The annual Music performance and Visual Arts exhibition was held on a chilly Thursday night at the end of term of term the end at night Thursday Arts held on a chilly was exhibition Visual annual Music performance and The a variety of ideas, showed that 11 7 to Years started artworks of student evening an exhibition with from The 2. The some stunning artworks. create to and experimented explored have students that materials and techniques and creatively them inspire that programs Arts with innovative the students challenge look to teachers Visual intilectually. Term 3.0 # 30 2014 Term 3.0 # 31 2014 Student artworks Student Action from the Finals of our Junior Football Teams Teams Football Junior of our Finals the Action from

Term 3.0 # 32 2014 Term 3.0 # 33 2014 with her winning 14B Football Team with her winning 14B Football

Mr Wilson with his winning 15C Football Team with his winning 15C Football Wilson Mr Ms Lutak Mr Achmad with his 14A Football Team that came second that Team with his 14A Football Mr Achmad services the Italian to community Ms Rita Zammit is congratulated by Mr Jurd on receiving Mr on receiving by Jurd Ms Rita Zammit is congratulated an Order of Australia Medal for being an educator and for and for being an educator Medal for of Australia an Order Assembly Photos Assembly that were generously purchased by Dr Balan. by purchased generously were that Dr Balan with the winning 14’s and13’s Indoor Football teams with their new football shirts football with their new teams Indoor Football and13’s Dr Balan with the winning 14’s the Multicultural Dayposter competition Dayposter the Multicultural Mr Jurd congratulates Benjamin winning Salib for Mr congratulates Jurd

Term 3.0 # 34 2014 Term 3.0 # 35 2014 and returned it to her. Well done, you know who you are. know who you you done, Well her. it to and returned The U/16’s Futsal team who came first in the region with their medals region who came first in the team Futsal U/16’s The Ms Jo Filopovic thanks the anonymous Homebush BHS student that found her phone found that Homebush BHS student thanks the anonymous Ms Jo Filopovic money for thebush fire appeal. thebush fire for money The school band is helping raise The Po Shen Wang speaks about how the speaks about how Wang Shen Po Global certificates Challenge of the ‘Refugee Week’ poem competition Week’ ‘Refugee of the Ms Sahay with students that were winners were that with students Ms Sahay Mr Innasi with Yr12 students and their students Yr12 Mr Innasi with for peer mentoring for Abdul Rahman Albarq with his certificate RahmanAbdul Albarq SRC issues at the assembly SRC issues at Dominic Yates speaks about Yates Dominic Simon speaks to the assembly about Simon speaks to being involved in the 40 hour famine being involved Ibrahim Taha talks about his experience in talks about his experience Taha Ibrahim attending the Walkforrespect program that that program Walkforrespect the attending focuses on diversity in our multicultural society in our multicultural on diversity focuses Term 3.0 # 36 2014 Term 3.0 # 37 2014 Yunis speaks to our school about what speaks to Yunis Ramadan the Muslim community means to of a very successful Mathematics textbook Mathematics of a very successful Mr Gas Carozza with his award as an author with his award Mr Gas Carozza with their Premiers Debating Challenge certificates Challenge Debating with their Premiers Ms Mirkova with Luke, Panayioti, Yunis, Arnav, Krishnath and Thomas Thomas and Krishnath Arnav, Yunis, Panayioti, with Luke, Ms Mirkova Students with their Certificates of Appreciation for school service Appreciation of with their Certificates Students the upcoming Iftarthe upcoming night. Ibrahim speaks to our school about our school speaks to Ibrahim Students with their Certificates of Appreciation for school service Appreciation of with their Certificates Students Mr Pisani with the students and their Geography Competition certificates Competition and their Geography the students with Mr Pisani The U/14 Futsal team who came second in the region with their runners’ up medals with their runners’ region in the who came second team U/14 Futsal The

Term 3.0 # 38 2014 Term 3.0 # 39 2014 A special performance from Strathfield GHS Strathfield A special performance from The boys crank it up with some good old fashioned rock and roll it up with some good old fashioned rock crank boys The 2014 MULTICULTURAL DAY CELEBRATION DAY MULTICULTURAL 2014 Official guests Mr Jurd, Mr Didzar and Mr Casuscelli address the assembly at our Multicultural day our Multicultural at the assembly Official address Mr guests Didzar and Casuscelli Mr Jurd, Mr Term 3.0 # 40 2014 Students ready to serve customers to new ready Students Yunis leads the boys with a traditional Turkish dance dance Turkish with a traditional the boys leads Yunis A variety of different cultural dishes were served up for all to tryfor all served were up dishes cultural A variety of different Yr 9 Visual Arts display students Visual 9 Yr artworks to celebrate Multicultural Day Multicultural artworks celebrate to