Network Rail By Email : Freedom of Information The Quadrant Elder Gate Milton Keynes MK9 1EN T 01908 782405 E
[email protected] 8th June 2018 Dear Information request Reference number: FOI2018/0602 & FOI2018/00603 Thank you for your emails of 16th May 2018, in which you requested the following information: FOI201800602 Please may I request the following Level Crossing Narrative Risk Assessment’s 1. Yapton Automatic Half Barrier (AHB) Level Crossing 2. Woodgate MCB-CCTV Level Crossing 3. Woodhorn AHB Level Crossing 4. Park Lane Occupational Crossing 5. Decoy Farm Occupational Crossing 6. Lake Lane Occupational Crossing And FOI201800603 Please may I request the following Level Crossing Narrative Risk Assessment: Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Registered Office: Network Rail, 2nd Floor, One Eversholt Street, London, NW1 2DN Registered in England and Wales No. 2904587 uk 7. Kemps Farm Crossing 8. Southerham User Worked Crossing (UWC) 9. Asheham No.1 UWC 10. Itford UWC 11. Stoor UWC 12. Durham Farm UWC 13. Tarring Neville No.1 UWC 14. Tarring Neville No. 2 UWC 15. Parsons UWC 16. Tide Mills UWC 17. Courthouse Farm UWC I have processed your requests under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). I confirm we hold the information you have requested. I have combined the requests into one response for your convenience. Please see attached the latest risk assessments as requested labelled “” and “”. I have withheld the names, phone numbers and email addresses of members of staff from each of these documents under section 40(2) of the FOIA.