Random Praise for the Flogmaster’s Writing

This was very deep and dark. If the girl wants to demoralize herself for the sake of a stupid sorority group, so be it. BENDOVER

I have never read a story this intense before this moment. Whew! I can barely catch my breath. What a magnificent piece! ISLANDCAROL

Very good. Exciting read. LIZZYHAYES

This is well thought out and written. LITTLEJEFF

This was well done, brief to the point of terse, with no back story to entertain us we had to concentrate on the issue in front of us: that of those perfect buttocks being thrashed. Lovely. OPB

This is such a naughty, inappropriate story, but it was also fun to read. ;) SARAH89

Worth reading! GUY Selected Excerpts

From A Wicked Game: If you aren’t familiar with Chutes and Ladders, your goal is to move your piece from square one to square 100. Some squares have chutes (slides) that send you backwards, while others have ladders that let you take a shortcut forward. There’s no skill at all: it’s pure dumb luck. Which is why it makes a fantastic game.

From Fully Deserved 1: As Ben flexed the rod she dove over lithely, fingertips brushing the tops of her toes. The proud buttocks rounded and broadened, the black fabric of the swimsuit disappearing further into the cheeky divide. The bared globes thrust outward impressively, curving into tanned thigh.

From DisASSter: Kira’s bottom was a good one. It jutted out a full eight inches from the back of her thighs, and it was as tight as a miser’s fist over a coin. The teen had fun all morning flaunting her rear. Wearing pants was against school policy, but it was her first offense and they’d go light on her.

From Rinse, Lather, Repeat: Why do I keep doing this to myself? she wondered. It was her last coherent thought for a while. The board slammed into her big left cheek, flattening it, and the familiar hot sting flowed through her. As always, it seemed much worse than she remembered, and yet she knew from experience that this was just the beginning and in ten minutes she’d be begging to die it would be so bad. Disclaimer

This book contains explicit material of an adult nature. Read at your own risk! Anything offensive is your own problem. The content of this book is for entertainment purposes only, and it does not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the author or the publisher. All characters are fictional—any resemblance to any real person is purely coincidental.


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©2016 by the Flogmaster (Frank Marsh). All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical without the express written permission of the author. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.

About the Warning labels

Because spanking stories often involve extreme topics (S&M, sex acts, etc.), the Flogmaster labels his stories to give readers an idea of what might be included. Here’s a sample:

Paul Bunyan and the Great Lakes (★ ★ ★ ★ , M/Ffff—Absurdly Severe, nc ole fashion paddlin’) A strange new twist on the ole yarn about how Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox created the Great Lakes. (Approximately 1,758 words.)

The stars are the Flogmaster’s own ratings of his stories. They indicate writing quality, not necessarily eroticism. Five star stories are my very best. Stories are marked with mFmf labels to indicate who is spanking whom. Capital letters represent adults and lower case are minors (under 18), and of course, M refers to males and F to females. Under this system, anything to the left of the slash indicate a Spanker and anything to the right a Spankee. Therefore in the above example an adult male is spanking three girls and a woman. If there are a lot of people involved, sometimes this is abbreviated with a number, such as F6/f24, implying that 6 women spank 24 girls. Keep in mind that the label refers to the primary participants—sometimes, especially in longer stories—there may be minor of a different type included. I try to indicate the overall severity level (Mild, Serious, Intense, Severe, or Edgy), as well as what types of spankings are included (i.e. , , hairbrush spanking, etc.). Stories may also contain other warnings and explanations. These are usually self-explanatory words like “sex” or “anal” (to indicate types of sexual activity). You may also see references to cons or non-cons (or nc). Those abbreviations refer to consensual and non- consensual spankings. (Punishment spankings, especially those of children, are usually nc.) Some stories are labeled semi-cons, meaning it’s partially consensual (e.g. a reluctant wife submitting to her husband’s discipline because she knows she deserves punishment). The second line contains a brief description of the story. I try not to include any “spoilers” that would ruin the plot for you. The description should intrigue if you are interested in the subject matter, and warn you away if you are not. As always, read at your own risk. There’s also an approximate word count of the story. Contents

Mommy Spanks Hard

, F/f—Severe, non-consensual spanking A foolish girl doesn’t think her mother can spank very hard.

Round 1

, F/F—Severe, non-consensual hairbrush spanking A girl’s in three-spanking trouble.

Round 2

, M/F—Severe, non-consensual A girl’s in three-spanking trouble.

Round 3

, MF/F—Severe, non-consensual switching A girl’s in three-spanking trouble.

A Busy Girl

, M/F—Severe, non-consensual paddling A pretty girl has a lot of punishments on her schedule.

A Camping Tale

, F/Ffx10—Mild, semi-consensual hairbrush spanking A scary camping story about a lost Girl Scout troop.

A Half Spanking

, F/ff—Severe, non-consensual paddling Two girls are each half to blame.

A Paddling , M/f—Severe, non-consensual paddling A teacher loves to a particular girl.

A Wicked Game

, M/F, F/M—Intense, consensual spanking, paddling A devious husband twists a children’s game.

Accosted at the Mall

, M/f—Mild, non-consensual spanking, rulering A girl tries to con a security guard.

Administrator of Justice 01

, M/f—Severe, non-consensual spanking and paddling An investigator spanks a girl that needs it.

Administrator of Justice 02

, M/f—Severe, non-consensual paddling An investigator spanks a girl that needs it.

Administrator of Justice 03

, M/f—Severe, non-consensual and caning An investigator punishes a girl that needs it.

All Warmed Up

, F/F—Severe, non-consensual paddling A girl in a halfway house gets a more severe punishment than she expected.


, Fx30/Fx13—Severe, consensual paddling A girl tries to join an exclusive sorority.

Best of Both Worlds , MF/f—Severe, non-consensual paddling, caning The mixing of traditions means a sore butt for Irena.


, MMF/F—Severe, consensual implied paddling, caning, spanking, strapping A hot woman contemplates a hot-bottomed evening.

A Christmas Present

, M/ff—Intense, non-consensual paddling, bath brush spanking The Millers have an unusual Christmas tradition.


, fffff/f—Severe, non-consensual caning Classmates punish the smart girl.


, F/fff—Severe, non-consensual paddling, caning A student gets a demonstration of the punishment she’ll soon experience.

Detecting the Difference

, M/F—Edgy, consensual caning, flogging A love slave’s master figures out how to make her truly feel pain.


, M/f—Severe, non-consensual caning A schoolgirl collides with school policy.

Don’t Spare Her

, M/f—Severe, non-consensual caning A girl gets a harder caning than she deserves. Flashback

, M/F—Intense, non-consensual hairbrush spanking A women remembers.

Form-fitting Skirt

, M/F—Serious, consensual paddling An office worker loves tight skirts.

Fully Deserved 1

, M/F—Intense, non-consensual caning A man disciplines his cheeky niece.

Fully Deserved 2

, M/F—Severe, non-consensual paddling An uncle paddles his niece for wasting electricity.

Fully Deserved 3

, M/F—Severe, non-consensual hairbrush spanking Neglecting laundry is bad for your bottom.

Fully Deserved 4

, M/F—Severe, non-consensual caning Doing all your laundry can lead to trouble.

Fully Deserved 5

, M/F—Severe, non-consensual bath brush, nudity Trish gets spanked in the shower.

Fully Deserved 6

, M/F—Severe, non-consensual strapping Trish is caught without panties. Fully Deserved 7

, M/F—Severe, non-consensual outdoor switching Trish swims naked and pays the price.

Fully Deserved 8

, M/F—Severe, non-consensual hand spanking Even a spanking can hurt.

Fully Deserved 9

, M/F—Severe, consensual paddling, caning Trish joins a sorority.

Graduation Caning

, M/Fx15—Severe, non-consensual caning Graduating students are caned.

How I Lost My Job

, M/f—Intense, non-consensual spanking, paddling, caning A principal loses his head.


, FM/f—Mild, non-consensual paddling, strapping, switching How a daily spanking routine came about.


, M/F—Intense, non-consensual spanking A girl discovers a cure for sleeplessness.

No Doze

, M/F—Intense, non-consensual paddling A girl discovers way to stay awake all night for a cram session. It’s Better After 1

, F/f—Intense, consensual paddling A cheerleader is late for practice.

It’s Better After 2

, M/F—Intense, consensual paddling A college girl needs a favor from her professor.

It’s Better After 3

, M/F—Severe, consensual caning An office girl gets the cane.


, F/f—Mild, non-consensual paddling A boy lusts after a hot cheerleader.

Let-Off At School

, M/f—Severe, non-consensual caning The headmaster lets the naughty girl off… or does he?

Let-Off At home

, F/f—Severe, non-consensual hairbrush spanking Will Amanda’s parents let her off?

Let-Off With Detention

, M/fffff—Severe, non-consensual paddling The headmaster lets the naughty girl off… or does he?

Let-Off At the Mall

, M/f—Severe, non-consensual paddling Amanda’s let off for shoplifting. Let-Off At the Neighbor’s

, M/ff—Severe, non-consensual paddling Amanda’s neighbor lets her off for breaking his camera.

Let-Off In Canada

, M/f—Severe, non-consensual strapping Amanda gets in trouble in Canada.

Let-Off at College

, M/f—Severe, non-consensual paddled Amanda visits a college.

Like Daughter, Like Mother

, FF/fF—Intense, non-consensual paddling, strapping A mother gets punished like her daughter.

Long and Hard

, MM/FF—Serious, consensual implied spanking Two girls discuss sexual matters.

Mama Butt

, M/F—Intense, consensual spanking, paddling A man argues in favor of the mature bottom.


, M/F—Severe, consensual paddling, whipping, pussy strapping A successful woman gets what she needs.

New Car

, M/F—Mild, non-consensual implied spanking A wife buys a new car without consulting with her husband. Not Again!

, F/f—Severe, non-consensual caning A gymnast tumbles into trouble.

Not Nude

, M/ff—Severe, non-consensual hairbrush spanking, paddling, switching A father discovers his daughters’ illicit photo shoot.

Not Too Bad

, M/f—Mild, non-consensual spanking A tutor punishes a girl softly.

Now That’s a Paddling!

, MM/ff—Severe, non-consensual paddling Two schoolgirls are paddled in different ways.

Plain Pants

, M/F—Severe, non-consensual paddling, caning, strapping An employee screws up.


, M/f—Serious, non-consensual paddling, caning A headmaster learns to like his school’s ugly uniforms.


, M/f—Intense, consensual leather paddling A girl experiences the highs and lows of a terrific spanking.


, M/F—Severe, consensual caning, sex A girl is caned hard and fucked. Retroday

, F/f—Severe, non-consensual caning A schoolgirl’s plot to escape backfires.

Rinse, Lather, Repeat

, M/F—Severe, consensual paddling A woman reflects on her life choices while being spanked.

Risky Business

, F/f—Severe, non-consensual caning A schoolgirl tempts fate.


, M/f—Severe, non-consensual birch, cane An old-fashioned alternative to medication.


, M/F—Severe, non-consensual paddling, caning A mean guy severely paddles and canes a reluctant woman.

Slow Roasted

, M/F—Severe, non-consensual caning, strapping A bastard severely straps and canes a reluctant woman.


, M/ff—Severe, semi-consensual spanking, paddling A man takes on two teen wards.

Russell County

, MMMM/fffF—Intense, implied non-consensual hairbrush spanking, paddling, stropping, switching Naughty girls wait for their spankings. Saying Goodbye

, M/F—Absurdly Severe, non-consensual paddling A woman loses a bet. Badly.


, M/F—Intense, semi-consensual caning, sex A college professor canes young ladies.

Selecting a Man

, M/F—Intense, semi-consensual strapping, paddling A girl seeks a mate.


, M/F—Severe, semi-consensual paddling A sorority pledge picks a guy to paddle her.

So Wrong

, M/F—Intense, semi-consensual spanking, sex A guy punishes his girl.

Sorority Discipline

, Fx33/F—Severe, consensual implied paddling A sorority punishes one of their own.

Spank Pants

, M/f—Intense, non-consensual paddling A girl argues fashion with her mother.


, M/F—Severe, non-consensual paddling, caning A schoolgirl won’t cooperate. Such a Good Girl

, M/f—Severe, non-consensual caning A headmaster canes a pretty student.

The Befuddled Headmaster

, M/fff—Severe, non-consensual caning A headmaster canes a new girl three times on her first day.

The Bench

, M/mf—Serious, implied non-consensual paddling, caning Naughty pupils await punishment.

The Bribe

, M/F—Severe, non-consensual caning, anal sex A woman bribes a judicial official.

The Choice

, M/f—Intense, consensual caning A good girl is caned in front of the class.

The Feather Test

, F/f—Intense, non-consensual paddling A teacher finds a student who fails ‘the feather test.’

The Fitness Trainer

, M/F—Severe, consensual cropping A man starts a new fitness program.

The Honeypot

, M/F—Serious, paddling A girl asks to be paddled instead of suspended. The Opposite Twins

, M/FF—Severe, consensual paddling, caning Twins ask a professor for regular discipline.

The Secret to a Great Spanking

, M/F—Severe, semi-consensual paddling A spanking expert reveals his secret.


, M/F—Severe, non-consensual judicial flogging A maid can’t stop stealing.

Three In One Day

, MMF/f—Intense, semi-consensual caning A girl takes on a challenge to join a club.

Three In One Day II

, M/f—Severe, semi-consensual caning A girl takes on a challenge to join a club.

Tighty Tights

, M/f—Intense, non-consensual caning A special punishment outfit.

Two Different Spankings

, FM/ff—Severe, non-consensual hairbrush spanking, caning Two girls are spanked in different ways.


, F/F—Intense, semi-consensual implied spanking, paddling, caning, whipping A dom describes her job.


, M/f—Intense, non-consensual paddling, caning A school administrator talks about punishing female pupils.

Westgate Prison

, machine/F—Edgy, non-consensual judicial paddling A new prisoner learns the CP routine.

When is a Spanking Done?

, M/F—Absurdly Severe, non-consensual spanking, paddling, cropping, switching, titty whipping, stropping, pussy strapping A guy can’t get enough.


, M/Ff—Severe, non-consensual paddling A husband and father confuses his wife and daughter’s spankings.

Wrong Information

, MM/f—Severe, consensual paddling, caning A girl tries to join a club. Super-Short Stories: Volume 3 Flogmaster

Mommy Spanks Hard

( , F/f—Severe, non-consensual spanking)

A foolish girl doesn’t think her mother can spank very hard. (Approximately 518 words.)

Catharine felt her back creak as she hefted the heavy laundry basket up the steep stairs. She set it down and paused for breath, wondering if she was getting old or there were more dirty clothes these days. Absently, she heard voices from her daughter’s room, but didn’t pay attention until she heard Madison say, “Your mom spanked you?” “With a big wooden paddle.” Madison laughed. “My mom can’t spank. She leaves all the discipline to my dad. He’s so soft-hearted. He doesn’t even take down my pants! I shed a few tears and he stops. It’s great.”

20 Super-Short Stories: Volume 3 Flogmaster

Catharine had heard enough. She burst into Madison’s room, depositing the laundry basket. “Kelli, it’s time for you to go. Madison has chores to do.” “Mom, come on! Kelli just got here!” “Uh, I’d better go,” whispered the slim brunette. She slipped past the clearly irritated Mrs. Duncan and was gone. Petite Madison, her pretty face twisted in outrage, glared at her mother. “That’s was totally rude!” “Would you rather she stayed to watch your spanking?” said Catharine. “I thought I was being kind.” “Spank— What are you talking about? I haven’t done anything wrong.” “Except for exaggerating your suffering so your father went easier on you. How long has that been going on?” “You were spying on us? How dare you!” “Apparently you think Mommy can’t spank. I’m going to show you that isn’t true.” Catharine plopped herself on the bed and pulled the squirming girl across her lap. The fourteen-year-old was becoming quite mature, with a broadening base and richly pronounced buttocks. The summer shorts she wore were brief and snug, showing off white thighs. A hard palm slap to one meaty orb had the little blond squealing. Another and another, and Madison knew she was getting a spanking. She also realized this was not an ordinary punishment. Her mother was pissed. “Please, mom, I was just making stuff up. Daddy’s spankings really hurt!” “Ha!” laughed Catharine, delivering a long series of solid

21 Super-Short Stories: Volume 3 Flogmaster

slaps. When she paused, it was only to drag the shorts down, exposing the thong panties. “I never said you could buy thongs! That’s another spanking tomorrow night. But first….” The hand was a blur, the naked bubble butt bouncing as Catharine delivered spank after spank. The pale flesh went pink, then glowed magenta. Still the woman spanked, only stopping so that she could grab a nearby hairbrush and resume the paddling with even more vigor. Madison’s shrieks hit a new volume as white blisters cropped up across her purple hinds. She sobbed, kicking tiny feet. Her round butt was flattened by the smashing brush, rebounding impudently. On and on and on the spanking went, seemingly forever. Catharine was suddenly filled with boundless energy. She paused, petting her daughter’s lavender rump with the flat-backed brush. “Guess what, honey? We’re only halfway done!” “Noooo!” howled Madison. A smiling Catharine shifted the girl across her lap for a better grip and raised the brush….

To continue reading, buy the full book at The Flogmaster Bookstore

22 Also by The Flogmaster Purchase these books in print or PDF at the Flogmaster’s Bookstore: http://stores.lulu.com/flogmaster


Erin’s Adventures

(mostly F/f) The Flogmaster’s first complete novel, this follows the life of a girl from teen to adult as she discovers

caning. 89,000 words.

The Power of the Clipboard (mostly M/f)

A monk arrives to judge a convent school’s disciplinary methods. 38,000 words. The Absent-Minded Professor (mostly M/f) A crazy old coot of a teacher punishes his pupils ruthlessly. But is he really as crazy as he seems? 50,000 words.

C.J.’s Grandma (mostly F/f and f/f)

A strict grandmother moves in with her granddaughter and teaches her discipline. 71,000 words.

The Island

(mostly M/F) A woman discovers a forbidden paradise when she visits an old friend on a remote island and learns the society’s unusual lifestyle. 72,000 words. Returning Home (mostly M/f) A college graduate returns home and discovers a new career in correcting naughty young ladies. 53,000 words.

The Plan (mostly MF/f) In the 1950s, divorce is a rarity, yet it is happening to Debbie, as her parents are separating. So she comes up with a daring plan to misbehave to reuinite them—a plan that seems to be failing when her father hires a strict tutor. 34,000 words.

Propensity for Paddling (mostly M/f) A rich girl gets caught shoplifting and ends up with a life-changing punishment. 36,000 words. Cutiepie (MF/f) A spoiled beauty has the tables turned on her when a witch curses her. 28,000 words.

Spankings All Over Town (M/Ff, F/M, F/F, f/f) A lonely spankophile in a small town thinks there’s no spanking in his area. He is very, very, wrong! A bit of every every type of spanking. 61,000 words.

Stacy Goes to College (M/F) A girl goes off to college thinking she’s too grown- up for spankings and learns the hard way that’s not the case. 46,000 words.

Novella Collections Volume 1— Justice: (F/F) A female servant’s new mistress turns out not only to be extremely strict, but to have a mysterious secret in her past. The Pirate’s Wife: (M/F) A kidnapped young woman falls in love with the cruel, mysterious pirate captain.

Volume 2— Child’s Play: (Mmf/fm) A man remembers an eventful summer of his childhood.

Nymphet Juliett: (M/f) An homage to Rosewood, in honor of his amazing ‘Emma’ series. A Scarlet

Visit: (f/m) A boy endures the beautiful babysitter from hell. The Babysitting Job: (MF/f) A girl’s babysitting gig comes with unexpected consequences.

Volume 3— Cause and Effect: (MF/Ff) A package of cigarettes causes a chain reaction of discipline. Philosophy of Discipline: (M/f) A headmaster explains his discipline philosophy. Substituting for Dad: (m/Ff) A boy services his father’s clients. The

Ultimate Revenge: (MF/Ff) A girl plots to get a teacher who caned her caned. Volume 4— Esther: (F/ff) A jealous girl schemes revenge. Prepared: (m/f) A girl has her boyfriend to train her for her new school. The Stepmother:

(F/m, MF/FF) A Victorian love story about a man’s unusual upbringing. The Deciding Factor: (F/fx6) A Headmistress has an unusual approach to selecting a new prefect.

Volume 5— Double Dose: (MF/FFF) Twin beauties visit a dom for extreme punishment.

Moving In: (F/FM) A couple meets a shockingly strict widow next door. The Schoolroom: (F/Fx5,

Mx12) Two friends visit a schoolroom re- enactment. The Find: (MFx8/Fx7) A sorority group finds an empty house and plays naughty games. Volume 6— Nonsense: (M/mf) Two children endure fierce beatings to protect a puppy. The

Godfather: (F/Mf) A man has himself beaten for lusting after his lovely ward. The Teacher’s Assistant: (F/fm) A good girl discovers a hidden longing for correction.

Volume 7— A New Daddy: (M/Ff) A teen manipulates her mother and her mother’s boyfriend. Old Friends: (mf/fm) A man reunites with the childhood friend with whom he played spanking games. Steffie’s Secret: (M/f) A German family hides a Jewish boy during WWII. The Way: (m/f) A boy is trained to cane.

Volume 8— Helpful Head: (M/F) A description of the story goes here. No Uniform Day: (F/ffff) A schoolgirl hates her mandatory uniform. Room

604: (F/f) A good girl is repeatedly sent to the disciplinarian. Thirteen Bottoms: (M/Ffx15) A large group of girls are punished. Volume 9— Corporate Maneuvers: (M/F) An

executive abuses a lower-level employee. The Proxy: (M/F) A girl goes to her late best friend’s

parents for severe spankings. Sad, tender

moments. How I Met Your Mother : (F/FFFFM) A man reveals he met his future wife as part of a

sorority punishment.

Volume 10— Fond Memories: (F/FFFF) Four

women remember their strict schooling. Stranded:

(F/MF) An unhappy couple finds strange comfort in a grandmother who punishes them. The Math

Pervert: (M/F) A student needs her grade increased. The Wrong Path: (M/FF) Two pretty

hikers go where they shouldn’t go.

Short Story Collections

Twelve of the Best: Volumes 1-24

Over 290 stories divided in books focusing on the punishment of adults or children. Super-Short Stories: Volume 1-3

Short and sweet: nearly 500 500-word stories. (Mostly /f or /F)

Real-Life Spankings: Volume 1-5 Spanking stories dramatized from real-life experiences. (Mostly /f or /F)

Sorority Collection: Volume 1 All of the Flogmaster’s published sorority stories, plus four new exclusives to this book. (Mostly /F) Ultimate Archive: Volumes 1-4 The Flogmaster’s free story website in four huge books!

Purchase these in print or PDF at the Flogmaster’s Bookstore: http://stores.lulu.com/flogmaster