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o o )\11the News o of All the Pointes * * * Every Thursd"y rosse Morning ews- Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes " flome ot tbe News

VOLUME 23-NO. 32 Entered as Seeond Class Matter at the PM OUice at Detroit, Mich, GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN, AUGUST 9. 1962 '1c Per Copy M.OO Per Year" 16 PAGES-THREE SECTIONS-SECTION I c

---:------;------'------.:..------:------c~ '. .------. . HEADLINES Babe ,Ruth, Champs of City, Park, farmsd oj the . ~"""',-...... Records AgaIn Set Me~tally I~ ,,' :J - Youth Adnnts \VEEK ~ As Compi!ed by the Grosse Pointe News At Summer School MaonyThef~ 17-Year-Old Stc!r+ed Steal .. Thursday, August 2 i[19 at 13;, Now Con .. A CONDEMNED KILLER Attended by 1,508 fined to Institution Was spared his life yesterday by the governor of Illinois. A 17-year-old Shores boy, Paul C l' Um P. a 32-year-old Six Weeks Session Just Concluded Called Most Suc~ whose crime career began Negro convicted of slaying an unarmed guard in a Chicago cessful; All Public Schools and 16 Local Private and at the age of 13 years, con- holdup in 1953, had fought a Parochial Ones Represented fessed to a number of .bur- legal battle with authorities ------glaries and larcenies in the ever since convicted and had Summer School enrollments continued this year Pointe and other cornmuni- managed to stay his 'execution at the same high level established in 1961. when all ties in the Detroit'area, Still 14 times. By his action Wednes- records were smashed. A total of 1,508 students were Dther burglaries he admit. day, Gov. Otto K ern e r, of recorded in attendance for the session just closed, a ted, are still being investi. Illinois, commuted the death six-weeks session which began June 18. <} gated. s e n ten c e of Crump to 199 'Classes were held for all(,.- Park Det. Lt. Stanley Enders years in prison without chance of parole. The ruling came less grades, third through twelfth, Gl-b Bland Det. James LaPratt, said than 35 hours before Crump in most silbject matter ar~as. t urg ar that the youth's confession was to have died in Chicago's The trend established in recent cleared burglaries and larcenies electric chair. years of more and more pupils Fails to Fool ih all five Pointes, Detroit, St,' The Governor's decision '..'as enrolling, to enrich their educa- ',' Clair Shores, East Detroit, Claw- based on the judgment that tional diet and to master sub- P 1 Of son, aI:!dMarshall, Mich. Several Cnunp had become "a changed jects or .skills for which they 0' ice ficer unreported attempted breakings man" in his nine years in pri- might n'ot otherwise have op- and enterings have also been son. Crump's plea for life sen- portunity continued unabated. cleared, the detectives said, as tence was unprecedented as he Typing classes were filled to Suspect Picks Wrong Fam- well as a theft of a car and overflowing and no n-c l' e d i t 'I T Ik Ab A 'f attempted car -thefts. did not deny <:ommitt!ng the ~ science {loursescontinued to en-' I Y to a out; wal ~o murder. The equally unprece- " ,joy great popularity. in9 Trial for Breaking The name of the youth was dented commutation on grounds In addition to these students, d E \vithheld becaus"e he is men- of a rehabilitation could have another 640 pupils enrolled for an ntering "11....~ y 1'11, and has been for somei a profound effect on criminal driver t r a i n i n g courses this I H time, it w~s said. and penal practices throughout summer. Instruction in this I enry C. Ode~l, 6~, of Now in Institution the country. skill will continue the rest of 910 Kerby, DetrOIt, pIcked The young man, who has since Since entering prison in 1953I the summer so that all possible the wrung family to talk been committed to an institu- Crump has embraced Roman The 'Cleveland Indians of the American League will have the opportunity to about on Sunday, August tion, was arrested with four C------fore the grand jury to tell them Work is progressing schools in a d j 0 i n i n g com- from the house, police said. The young man said that his join in the Girls and Boys The Farms Council met at I the purchase of the land. munities. Had List of Targets I four companions knew what he about the union's $11,000 cam- steadily on 't,he three' addi- National Bet t e r Fishing a speGial'meeting in the Muni- Farms City Attorney George In the elementary grades stu- Det. Sgt. Walter O'Dell and was intending to do and went paign contribution to Wayne ti01).S' to 'bu,ildings in' the Program. This is sponsored cipal Building to discuss and McKean said that the property dents.in grades 3-6 had the op- Det. Leroy Tobian said that along with him while he com- County Prosecutor Samuel H. Grosse Pointe" School Sys- Olsen in the 1958 election. by Better Fishing Inc., a renew the option which was to can be purchased 'on a 90-day portunity to strengthen their the accused man, who has a miUed the larceny. One of the tem under constr:Uction The incumbent Olsen is run- non-profit organization of have expired on Tuesday, Aug- land contract, or through an this skills in arithmetic and read- dozen aliases, and who'has been boys, he said, sometimes drove ning against Joseph B. Sullivan sportsmen interested in the ust 7. initial bond issue within six suri1mer~ ing. ,Classes in instrumental arrested in almost every state the car while he committed.his music were also available for in the Union, had ~a list of crimes, which he said were 2nd other Democratic candidates enlightenment of today's According to an optiO'nagree- months. At B.r 0 W n e 11 Junior High in TuesJay's primary, youth. ment, the Farms deposited a He said that offici~ls frO'm interested pupils_at both schools homes that he was planning committed by himself llnd were School, all of :the ,footings ,and operating an elementary sum- to break into, gleaned from his own ideas. • Late Wednesday it was re- Last year over 90 kids were sum of $10,250, and will bill the" three Pointes and the reinforced concrete foUndation vealed that Holmes, president present to pull in a record 119 the Park and Gity for their Township are discussing the mer school program. Mason in newspapers and a cross index The boy said that his four walls have been completed,.The (CO'ntinuedon Page 2) in a public library. friends had nothing to do with of Teamster Local 337, and an- fish. Miss Laurie Roddis, a share of the option payment. best means to buy the prop- interior is ready for sand fill other official had been sub- seven-year-old champion, will ' The three Pointes had agreed erty. ' which is 'now being' installed. The detedives said tllat Odell the intent or the actual acts. penaed to appear before the be defending her title as catch- that the Farms will initially ex- Is Different PropositiO'n Foqting m:ains, a~,'e being in- has an extensive criminal Enders and LaPratt said that grand jury, Holmes was to ing the largest fish., ercise the option and deposit H . t d t th t th stalled adit.~will be' back-filled Two Bicyclists record for burglary and forgery, each of the crimes confessed to . h ' th e pom e 00. a e if bring with him "all records, cor- This event, as in the past will the money, after whIC e. 'ti I b d' t d th and he were to serve all the were checked out. and all are ' t .' will b IlU a on Issue. owar e as soonas~~ompl'ete.' respondence, minutes, notes or be called "Grosse Pointe Boys 0ther wo commum-ties e h" f th 1 d' n '.~ . Struck hy Car time imposed by the various definitely tied to the youth, ex- ,bil ' , purc ase 0 e an, IS e - memoranda. checks and vouch- and Girls Fishing Rodeo." It led ,for theIr pavment share, t" 1 diff t tl ' th The under.ground sewer work courts, t he would be put away cept those that are still being ers dealing w.ith donations, . ' Ire y eren Ian e pro- has been ,completed,' and the Two bicycl~sts were struck for about 60 years. investigated, w hie h number will be held at the Grosse The ~hree Pomtes ~nd, the posed sale of self-liquidating plumbers' and steamfitters are loans, or other expenditures" Pointe Farms Pier on' Septem- TG'Wl1shIpadopted ArtIcl~s o~ bOllds' for the construetion of down Thursday evening, August Patrolman: G1lylord Golding, (Continued on Page 2) starting to install. pipes in, the while on routine patrol at about for Olsen's campaigns in 1958- (Continued on Page 2) Incorp()ration for the forma- an incinerator building. 2, by a young motorist in the 60-6~. Both Olsen and the pipe trenches. The general con- process of making a turn. 5 a.m. Sunday morning, noticed tion of a disPO'sal autho~ity The' former the city at- Odell walking north O'nHoliday Teamsters acknOWledged four and the eveDJtualcons1Iructlon ..',. tractor is ready to install the Richard F. Haugh, 19, of 10 steel frame but steel will, not at Sunningdale, carrying a suit- Shores Traffic years ago that the union con- School Board of an mcmera" tor building on torney. .saId,.IS permItted,h smcef Radnor circle, and George ,Mof- 0 be delivered for .10,days, fatt III, also'19, of 741Harcourt, case and his pockets bulging. tributed $11,000 to the Prose- th H t rt It only entaIls the pure ,ase / e ar man pl'l}pe y, the land: whereas, the latter were' riding tbeir bikes west on The officer stopped the man Violators Pay cutor's first campaign. They Meets Aug. 13 Work at ,Richard claim there have been no fur- To Use As Land Fill - cannot be' done according to Kercheval next to tlie curb. and observed that he had a ther Teamster contributions The Pointe cities had agreed State law unle~s the popula- At Gabriel' Richard' Element- Michael' E. Tweddle, 17, of 825 flashlight tucked into his belt. Williard M. White of 8951 The next regular meeting of to exercise the option to pur- tion of a ~ommUnitylor a group Lakeland, driving edst on Ker- Golding asked Odell where he Fischer, Detroit, was fined $100 since that date. , The Grosse Pointe Board of ary School all the founaidhotly miles an hour on Lake Shore (Continued on Page 15) I However, he said, there ml:t] bike :rack: at Neff, Park. ' had eYe glasses. " 'pleted..", ' ",,:, blig~d:Cl!'~a!.:.Tl!X~s',ar:e,higb~r (C~~u~~,fromPale 1) • , , and paiti a fine of $15. /' Tnur;saay •. August 9 ] 962 Page Two G R 0.5 5 E POI N TEN EW,5 ThursClay. Au'gust 9. 1962 1 Irish Rodeo I,Fairford Rd. Amazing Crime Tale Told I.for. rou Clot. On IParkill Good strmmer 'School We're Tired Endsi (Contmued from Pale 1) I As is the custom, prizes and '(Continued on Pare 2) (Cc''ltl~ued from Pare 1) Tires Didn't Fit (Continued' from Pare 1) the high school. spokesmen , refreshmeIlits in the form of hot FORDS ber 1 at 8 0 clock in the morn. dogs also pop wi! be present "It'a terrible the way this th'ing about 17 unsolvedburglar~es That same night,. stole two the north, end of the distriet stated but a ninth grade draft. SEE 'But Happy A minor looks ... "We are ashamed to and larcenies" used tires from a J:ack.in a gas and Maire in' the south. ing course offered for the first Wednesday. lng. 3.?d will be und.er the su~Iin sufficient quantity. These Our semi-annual clearance pervislon of .an appomted com. prizes are very graciously do- have other people 'look at it." The detectives saId that they station at Nottingham' and~Jet- Special Course Popular time enjoyed only a small en- Dick Warner two motorisu mlttee. n~ted by local merchants. Another resident argued that questioned'the boy a day after ferson and 'took them hom~ but Grades 7-9: wer;", ho'used in rollment. liToI' Hatt.r" sale is overand our manu. parking plae the crab grass and dandelions he was taken into custody, and these would; n~t fit ~s <:~;SO;BrowJ!£)!I,_,Junior'High. :,School , Six tee n pupils completed -!acturersare be~jr.ningto the, youth 1irst admitted steal- he thtew th~m lOtOa'..vacantlot, again this 'summer.' Oourses in the requirements for gradua. Simms-DawlOn ireshen our stocks with Edward H wer~ allowed to grow till they tion 'from high school during Ford, Inc. cess of parki p------..Iloth Year of Serving Grosse Pointe went to seed and then cut so ing' gasoline' from cars, then ,next, to, his' house. Police, ie~",typing 'were well-received as &oodnewfall clothingand of 17150 Kel'l the seed "blows all over our talked of shoplifting items from covered the tir~s al?'~"returned was a science offeririg:featuring the' summer session. Thus. they 15401 Ealt Jeff.noll !urnishings. This gives us join' the 695 who graduated time Charles lawn." stores, b.urglarfes"stealing tires t.he~, to th!, gas station. microbiology., 'The < JaUer' was GrOll. Pointe a few days pauseto relax from Grosse Pointe High School ing to park il from a gas static'n,'stealing from At Eastland. the youth told ,~n-credit 'and' pl!l,np'e~ as' ~ VA 1.1000 R.I. TU 1-5251 and think about our fine Supporting his neighbor, Karl in June. Duke, 753 Fairford, reported, automobiles 'and,then confessed the Park d~tectives. he would sequel to last year's ..offering customers and the confj. There was CHET SAMPSON to theft, of a' car. plug uP, the" coin return slot of on radiation biology. "Last fall the weeds were eight dence they place in our to the cars. invites you to pick up your to ten inches high. I called in Other Offic£rs Quiz Him outside public telephones, where A number of local 'physicians Quality and goort ~te. issued. ~;c>:c.~~>::...-o~.-.:-~< ..--:~..~. and was told that the men were- Detectives from police de- phone users who got busY lOig- and scientists from industry We're happy that we have n't available, There are plenty partments from cities where the nals were not able to get their visited the junior high science The so manygoodfriends,and REPOR~ of men if you want to get them!" confessed crimes were com. money back because the return dasses to discuss and demon': we thank you all,for your , Carry TU he argued. Mr. Duke' went on to mltted, also' questioned the' was blocked. strate such things' as bacteria Woods continued palronar.e. Laurence ~Airlines Tickets-~ youth and were satisfied that The 17-year-old told ,the de- cu~~re, peer cultures (amoeba), Out 6.1330 I'~;_- ~ say that the dogs from other Grayton. rex:: ~::~::~~"O::.x::Y..+XX...~~;&"C.::::~.X}i:.c:.;~ areas have created a terrific he w~s resP'.lnsibletMl have teotlves that he would re~~rn, .fe~mentation of anti-b i 0 tic s. and Kitchen of a seven-u at 100 Kercheval Ave.-on ihe Hill problem. Residents are alm06t marked their' respeJftive cases to. the phones and, sometunes mlcro~?rganl?ms and more. Sev- WHALING'S afraid to let their children walk closed.,': ' collected from 80 cents t,o Ii eral 'fIeld-triPS~were ,taken by saw from tb Even though you may have mad. your r.servations to school. because of "the filth B 'us' f th .:. d do:lar in ehange when th~.plwgs the classes',to,Parke;,:Day'i~:'.9°. ?JIIJMuwt of his car, pc directly with the airlines. II...II". O 520 WOODWARD and dirt." E /C?- ed L Pe '~Ya?~c:s17st, were removed. This werit:on fot' and the NortheastcW~ter Sta110n way alongsid, ~~\tt.N SOt/. 1 ers .an a ra~d' ~o t~ mouths, he .said. in Detroit and elsewhere: A pr1~ A FAVORITE WITH GROSSE POINTERS 7 MILE at LIVERNOIS I The Council seemed to feel t: the night. p; fISHER BUILDING REPRESENTINGall airlines arid '~.~• • that the problem would work da~es~~~e:ec~~~~~ ~:m ~s th: The youth then told of other mary emphasis in. the ~'?!lrse' A Smart Restaurant with a secluded dining room the complai itself out next year. An amend. yo th I d hi ti larcenies including taking sets was on laboratory" techniques, August 4. the prices are standard. TU 5.151 0 ~ u unrave e 5 ac ons.' the instructo rt d" " USE WALK THRU FROM REAR PARKING GltOUNDS I"..V(LK~\~ ment to the dog ordinance has They are as follows: of spark plugs from a gas' sta- rs rep~ e" just gone into effect prohibit. tion in 8t Clair Shores at Nine Classes in Enghsh" mathe- ing dogs on any park or school En~ered a home at 9~ Maple- Mile road and Jeffers~n' ett matics, typing, reading im- l grounds, But no one was quite ton 10 July 1962: while occu. thefts from Sears, Gratiot an~ provement and, social studies sure whether the Fairford park- pants were sleepmg ~nd stole Van Dyke, Detroit, and then re- were held at Grosse Pointe All IVightl THREE WEEK SALE $70 fr~m a woman s purse; turning the stolen items to an- High School. So were Latin and way qualified as a "park". -p • IN AUGUST broke into 194 Stephens, during other Sears st f h French classes, in which some At this point the Council night t.lme, August 1962 and fund ore or a cas re-, of the "Brownell students joined~' '19261 MACK AVE. Ned to WOoc!JITheater-GrOllse Pointe seemed ready to drop the sub. stole magazines and flashlight: . Notehand proved'popular, at ject when MaImer asked a'ccus~ attempted to break into '339 Tells of Other Crlmei ' ---,------' _ CHAR-~ ingly. "Well, do you want to Grosse Pointe boulevard, about He told of stealing gas from built-in barbeCl hear our story or don't you? Are a year ago. numerous cars, using a' syphon- you going to give us a lawn as Attempted to break into 64 lng hose stolen. from a store at you have here 'at' City Hall? Moross in the summer of 1961' Eastland, stealmg a transistor' The Council ,then' intimated tried to break intO a home o~ radio from a sehool in Canada; that "dogs prohibited" signs a north..east corner of possibly taking a porllable tape recorder would be posted on the parkway Ridge road also:in the summer from his employer at Eastland, and that they would take better of 1961; N'one of the attempts and breaking into cars ~n park- care of the parkway next sum- were reported to police, it was ing lots and removing tubes mer. With that the discussion said. from radios. ceased and many residents ()f "Slept on Boat To add to hIs long :,'crime Fairford left not quite assured ~n 1960, the last time he ran spree, the boy was arrested by Van Lokeren Cllrpet Co. that their problem would be cleared up. away from home, he broke into Woods 'police last June, for a boat docked at the Shores stealing six park passes to the '15839 E. Warren, at Buckingham Call or write for free literature on Borbl FRACTURES LEG lakefront park, and slept there Woods lakefront park. Marchand Manuel, 76, of 440 for the night. Looked for some.' The young man went to the Morass, slipped and fell in his thing to steal, but found noth- Woods Municipal Hall to pay ing. a fine for a traffic ticket, and •.. cordially invites the public to visit its newly reno- home and fractured his right Woodsj Mantel• ~ OPEN STOCK leg on Tuesday, July 31. He Sometime in 1961 broke into when the attendant at the desk , vated showrooms and see Detroit's largest sel'ection • was treated at St. John Hos- 433 LinColn road. taking about was momentarily distracted, the COMPANY SERVING PIECES pital to where he was 'baken by $40: entered 738 Lochmoor and boy took the passes. Three of 'of beoutiful corpef on display. • Farms firemen . stole two pocket watches, a the passes were made out' to 21373 Parper 7 B~ocks N. of , pLACE' wrist watch and about $5; in Woods residents, and three were To celebrate the occasion, we ~re offering aA out- 1959, forced his way into a blanks. All passes were re- DRexel 1-1985 SETn~GS home at 1968 Hawthorne and covered. standing carpet value: took '$5. ------.------A Closely Woven. Beautjf~lIy Textured Open Monday and Friday 9 to In 1959, broke into a home in There are more than' 8,000 ' Tues., Wed., Thurs.. and Sat. 9 t Maxine. St. Clair Shores, and bridges on, Michigan,'s state took $20 from a coin bank; also highway system. !-.•':,.•...•• :; •.•.;. __.'."~' ...•• by ONEIDA SILVERSMITHS broke into 23019 Rosedale. St. ~.~ "';'=:; .., ' Clair Shores. stealing $5 in :-..... :: :::;':<.::;,:. ONE WEEK EARLIER' ..... These savings are for THREE WEEKS ONLY! .", .:':;' ".' pennies and nickels; occurred ~~~'!~~ri!:~!~n6!~ :...... ~ . , Newis your chance to start yourservice,to save in 1959 or 1960. r.' ~.\;~:.:~:i;::.:.,:.;::;:<., . MICHIGAN We repeat, this is an exceptional offer. , . but quantities are on those serving pieces you've always wanted. In Grosse Pointe Shores, in ", ,",",;::j!!:{:;::,:':lF:~:;%';~ or e replace missingpieces. Hereare examples:, the spring of 1960,took two sets STATE limited so we ~dvi5e shopping early! . 4-Pc, Place Setting iQ Younlilloye $ 3 of 1957 and 1958 assorted Mint 8 DON'T BE reg. $27.!50 •••••••••••• NOW ONLY' 20 coins from a home at 85 Duval. ~~ Terms to suit your budget ... and remember, your charge BA~HFUl;.::':;'::,;':~.:~:~'-~.::::\\~~~~ and was arrested by police of DETROIT'S CARPET SPECIALISTS GravY Ladle (eltherpattern) '1125 reg. $1:1.00 NOW ONLY that city, who wanted to finger- ~ __ ~o-/4aue. Jll'1.... b,cl.7ed.'J'a: print him to match prints found at the scene, but his TUxedo 1-6022 SALE ENOS AUG. 18th mother refused to allow this, and he was released. ~his took place abouJt four or five years ago, on a Fourth of July. , I Approximately two years ago, • when' his parents took him to '16835 Kercheval Marshall, for a dinner' at a well- -in the Village known restaurant, he told his parents he was not hungry and Grosse 'Pointe that he would stay in the car. While his parents were dining. TU 5-1232 the youth broke into a home a block away and stole a bank containing $15 in coins. This Open Thursday Evenings Till 9:00 occurred in the'daY'time. Sometime in 1960, in East Detroit, while he was supposed to be at a carnival, he entered a home in the 16700 block of Stricker, but could find noth- ing to steal; and at 21281 Kelly, MANUFACTURE also in the daytime, made an un- 35500 Grotiot at 15 Mile Rd. successful attempt to enter the house. Warren E. ot Three Mile Drive On August 4, 1961, tried to break into a home o~{i1046 Au. dubon, after smashIng the glass of two rear doors. "I D&N IDIVIDENDS Confesses ~ Others Complete Enders and LaPr8ltt said that ARE A GIRL'S the youth also confessed to other crimes, all of which were GARDEN checked and fDUOd true, T.hey BEST FRIEND" are: SHOP Stole, an automobile from. D& N hasn't Harvard road in 1960 from a side drive of a home after cross- missed paying ing ~he ignition wires, driving the vehicle around and then one in abandoning it in an alley in ORTI Detroit. Also on the same night, 78 gears tried to, steal two other cars in --_... the City, parked in the rear of stores on KerC'heval, but was unsuccessful because he couJ,d not jump the ignition wires. In July 1962, the youth said he went along either Philip or Manistique in Detroit. looking :i!ll f.or money left milk-chutes .".' for the milkman. In one, chute he found a check in the amount of $14 in a milk bottle, but

decided not to cash 'it. Instead . . " .. he tore up the check and burned Enjoy your summer meetings In air-conditioned, it. In ;ruIy 1962went along West- comfort ~t our, Hospitality Cent., bury drive, St. Clair Shores, .' looking into milk-chutes, but found nothing of value. Police stopped him tha,t night, and Grosse Pointers, be our gu~st$l: Visit Michigan Consolidrted's a,ir. scared him away from the area. conditioned Hospitality Center at 16~06,Kercheval irl the ViUage.Our cool.

EIf_eti". Aprill.l'B) ..' Whether you.re a secretary, stenographer or "9al .Gross~ spacious meeting room f~aturesa'gracious,' 'contempor;ary decor and, is Friday," you'll appr.ciat.p.ae.~of-mind saving available to the residents' of the.G,rosse ..Poi~t'e'a ..r.ea •••. c,omplimentary. of at Detroit and Nothern. Open an insured savings account today. Point~' N~ws course. Disc~ssion and chutch:gr~Qe.s'~.cl~bs.'and similar,orga'riiiatiolls •• ". BEFOREyOU BUILD OR BUY, S~E DETROIT AND . Published every 1'hul'Idk)' by all are welcome. We in.vite you to us.e'our Hospitality Center for your group. NORTHERN FOR LOW.COST HOME FINANCING Anieebo PubUalun... InC. Paid and 99 KereheTal Annue Phone TU 1.6906 for reservations. " - Savings insured fo $10,000 compounded, Groue 'Pednle '36. Michilm. by a US. Gov'i. Agency" Phon. TU 2.6900 QUARTERLY 't'nne Trunk L1ne& Enterei!i a, lecolld clall matter at lNamodem Detroit & Soyi"ts in by the 10th the POlt otllce, netroU;. MiehilaD, eorn from tht .Flrst! under tb. act of I.larch 3 1111. ~••for 1888 ••• SUbscrIption Mates ' •.00 l»er year by Mail ('~.OO 0 u tIt de Wayn. With4)SAS C()unty) AU .News and Adverttslng Northern (,:opyMust Be J.n '.l'heNnl Uwce , . your ntortlt D & N office by' 'ruelClay ,Nl)on to 1n5Ure lnItr- SAVINGS Uan. ",',' 1'3~7 'Mack~~orth of Moron Addrell ' all 'Ma11 UiublorlPUOU, Chan,e OfAI1t1rea, '!"orm.lI'lt) 10 19815 MACI( BOUl801Dce,lIaucock,ldlch. HOUriS ~ tllru ~hurs. 9;3~ to ... Frief.y 9;30 ~o 8 99 'Ke1'cheval Aveulle,' .GJ'OIIe PO:.nte ae. Jl41ch1IID. • .OJ "

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, Tliur,sday" August 9. ~1962 lay. August 9. 1962 G R 0 S S .E P 0 I.N T.E NEW 5 •• Page Three .. ./ Parking (:ontest j LUMBER STOLEN I afore You Clol. o. We're Tired Champion fndians Awar~ed Trophy. Ends in Tangle Nelson Galle of 15 Hamp.ton FORDS 'But Happy road, complained to Farms Announ~ement~ SEE A minor accident occurred police on Wednesday, August 1, Wedt!esday, August I, when Our semi'!!.onunlclearance that someOone stole 300' feet .of two motorists vied for the same Dick Warner sale is over and our manu. We are pleased to onnounce ''Top Hatter" parking place. lx3 wood strips, plus an' un- ..{acturers are be~inning to known amount of wood trim.~ th~)t we now hove on our stoff freshen our stocks with Edward Heglin was in pro~ Simms-DawlOn ming f'rom a new building he cess of parking his car in front .' good new fall clothing and is constructing at 18342 Mack Ford, Inc. of 17150 Kercheval. At the same .A furnishings. This gives us 15401 East Jefferson avenue. The lumber is valued George Bery • few days pause 'to relax time Charles Swenson was tl"'!. art $35. . Grosse Pointe ing to park in thc' same' spot. .. ~1..1000 Res. TU 1.5251 ind think about our fine qnd customers and the confi. There was only minor damage dence they place in our to the cars. No tickets were Quality and goOod tast.:. issued. - Ed Van Tiem We're happy that we have ,. so many good friends, and long-time employees of the REPORTS LARCENY we thank you all. for your recently closed Henri Market. continued patrona~e. TU Laurence K ell Y of 14140 Mr. Bery will serve in the 6.1330 Grayton, reported the larceny OPALBetw. 'Neff and St. Clair WHALING'S ':If a seven-inch blade electric meat department ond Mr. Van Tiem ?JlaIta WQZt saw from the unlocked trunk in theg rocery department. of his car,. parked in the drivc. Annual Summer, 520 WOODWARD OSSE POINTERS 7 MILE at LIVERNOIS way alongside his home during CLEARANCE FISHER BUILDING the night. Park 1J'Olicerecorded l.... 'eluded dining room the complaint on Saturday, August 4, .J,.',' Thurs., Fri., Sat. Only! H-AMLIN'S 'ARKING GROUNDS ,.i/ ", ~I,: English Ironstone " DINNERWARE MARKET Shown he'r'e are the c ham pi 0 n SPINDLER, and ROBBIE HAYES. In . J 89 Kercheval, on rhe Hill GAS, 'Indians of the Grosse Pointe Park the back row, in add H'i on. to 'Mr: maRIC OR 50 Pc. 1795 Ni9htl Little League as they were awarded Simms, are, JERRY GLoSS, OSCAR' Set TU.5.8400 • CHARCOAL' .the coveted trophy. EMMET SIMMS, Ids Theater-Grossl! Pointe AMORI, R ALP H SAN D T of the . president, of the Simms-Dawson Ford, Simms-Dawson organization' and GIL ' CHAR-GRiLL~ Inc., sponsors,. 'made the presentation. and FRED METRY, managers of the built4in barbecue grille.s In the first row kneeling are DAVID team. Four of the boys shown were WOODROW, BILL' EDMUNDS, picked as Indian all-stars in the LittUe ~ ds \ft~ ;ood ROBIN JACOBS, ROBERT BEHAN, Lea g u e, They are Elven Duvall, . Ii\ "'" ~ (ob\11fJts r and DONALD THOMPSON. In the Robbie Hayes, Tom Spindler and Don ot. toOt second row, left to right, are: B. Thompson.' The trophy was taken to I'{ fo' ntG!t0l'fY~oocs SCHOL, D. O'KEEFE, C. DONE, the Grosse Pointe Library where it' "'~ or ELVEN DUVALL, S. SANDT, J. will be on display. '. The last word in a SANDT, T. FRADENECK, TOM bui't-fn barbecue! Et>r steaks, chops~ {;. f'OOsts. fow', shish- Glib Burglar Na.bb,ed et Co. :Ce-bob. Come in! Renew Option . I (Continued from Page 1) Athanson residence. The items (Continued from Page 1) Call or write for free literatura on Barbeque Grills he had becn living with the he had stolen were found. in August 3, an agreement was family for six months, and that the suitcase- he was carrying cop c Iud e d whereupon the he was on his way to St. Clair and in his 'pockets.. Fa..-ms.seryed n'Otice of election ewly reno- Wood~ Mantel & Tile Beach to meet Mrs.' Calcaterra. O'Dell and Tobjan said that to exercise the option to pur- COMPANY This last statement made th~ the accused ~n's loot totaled chase, with Irene Jurgnsen of t selection officer mOoresuspicious than be~ about $500, possibiy more. 1211 BeclJford, ll"epreselllltJative 213/2 Parper fore because he knew the Cal- Arrested in Park of the heirs to the Hartman 7 Blocks N. of 8 Mile Rd. caterras, who were pe r son a I Park Police Chief Arthur property, friends, were at their cottage Louwers discl?sed that 10 years ' The Option Agreement slip- DRexel 1-1985 in Canada. He ordered O'Dell a.go, Odell was arres~ed by of- .ulates that the Farms dep.osit into the scout car and took him flcers of his department and $10,250 wiJth the Abstract and Open Monday and Fridoy 9 to 9 , to the stamon for questioning. charged with being'in possession Title Guaranty D ivis ion of d Tues., Wed., Thurs •.ond Sot. 9 to 6 I At the station, Odell finally of burglar tools. Lawyers Insurance Corporation. admitted breaking into the Odell was sentenced to one ~lust Show Clear Title ye~r prob~ion in Circuit Court The money will be conveyed 95 ~nd sent to a Veteran's H?sp~tal to' the representative by the In another state for hosPltahza- Corporation when the com- Sq. yd. mon. The sentencfug judge at 'pany delivers title ins~rance the ti.me was Ira ~ayne.. in the amount of, $205,000 to Chlef Louwers sald that his de- the ()ptionee whiCh indicates lantities ~re partment furnished a complete that the p~sons who have record of Odell to the Woods executed the option agreement department: : . as owners, hold clear title to your chorge At the time of his arrest lfl the property. . the Park. Odell was using the :.The Option Agreement also n~e o~ Logan J. Logan, the states that the FM-ms has the Chi:e:. saId. right to close the purchase . '... . ~ deal" eilther. --by _ paYment. ,in., , STA'rUE JUST MOVED cash of 29 percent of the pui':- do 1-6022 M S _. S . ,'. '~se price and the execution rs. usan.,.a dIe r,' '594 'of a land co- ...... a'ct WI'thrn', 90 Rivard, called City poliCe on 'llUl. Tuesday. July 31 to report that days, or by payrneIlit in. full ... during the night some'one had within six moI1lths after the removed a large wooden statue date of notice . • from her home. Police found The Farms and the City the statue in front of her home signed the Articles of Incor- and replaced it inside, poration and Agreement that for me d the Clintol1-Pointes I -~.o;:';-S.u':iQ;.iO~OOt;4:00-; Refuse Disposal Autilority on I Thurs. and Fri. Jill 9:00 P.M. I July 16; the Park, on July 23; and the Township; on July 25. I Now Dumping Nearby IT WILL BE.'WELL WORTH YOUR WHILE TO SHOP The Park, Farms and City I ~~M.?~~I~~.~I au! pr~ently dumping in a HERE AND SAVE- land-fill at Quinn and Four~ teen and a Half Mile road, be- Buy a Complete Set or Fill in the Rest of Your Own Set I ROSLYN I tween Gratiot and Harper, in ' Clinton Township. The land- At Our Low P,ices. A Deposit Will Hole! Your Purchases. MARKET i fill is jOin.t1y owned by the MANUFACTURERS ~~lFD@~~1b ~~~.~ Oldest in the Woads I Farms and Park, and comprises UNBELIEVABLE SAVINGS 21020 MACK at Roslyn Rd.• eight acres. 35500 Gratiot at 15 Mile Rd. Mock near Lochmoor The proposed incinerator HERE ARE A FEW PRICE COMPARISONS. . Warren E. at Three Mile Drive TU 4-9821 i site is directly opposite the OUR PRICE U.S. FUNDS MAKE USUAL U.S. PR.ICE Jefferson E. at Coplin ill _._II_tl_a_D'-.t'_D_a..-~ PER PLACE SETTING PER PLACE SETTING - --=-====-:-==--=------present land-fill, and was rec- en!Iy rezolle~d' by ~he Town- WEDGWOOD -ship from res\,Clential to heavy $28.58. Gold' Florentine $39.95 industry to cte

ATI SHAN,FIELD5.MEYERS• ., _ "- ~ • How To Make We have a Permanent Bridal Consultant on the Floor assisting Brides.to. Reg. $3.98 .qt. Be fa co-ordinat. their China, Crystal, Silver;. etc .. Ask Iter advice- it's Those Pesty Ants a Free Service.- . NOW S'pECIAL NOTE Customers ~ho_ previously purchased at Lord's, W.iD.dsor: Shanfields- Holler Uncle! ' Meyers are able to add'to or com~Iete any dinnerware or crystal patterp started at Lords.

> , Call the Rose Man! Call THE PRICES OF CHINAWARE ARE GOING' up":- him BEFORE those ants, WE GUARANTEE. DELlVER¥,'AT TODA Y'S LOW PRICES Quart Treats crickets, spiders, roaches 4000 Sq,.Ft. and other~"sumIner gUests" IF YOU CANNOT SHOJI DURING THE DAY YOU CAN MAKE AN EVENING have you on their visiting" A'PPOINTMENT FOR ANY EVENING WE ARE..NOT OPEN.• list. Then, enjoy your sum- .... mer! )n. his professional hands your."housepest" vior- GALLON, Reg~$9.98 "nes are 'over! . _ SHANFIELOS - MEYERS The Rose Man's modem PHONE s.cientific'equipment,. his :ex- . 2~~~~2' perierice arid .knolvledg~' of CHINA SHOP 253-6098 these pests ~s'your.assurance - 188.,'OUELLETTE A.VE., WINDSOR of carefrE:e, pest-free liviIig!.' OPPOSITE POST 'OFFICE 3 BLOCKS FROM RIYER 5 MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN DETROIT : Rose Home Servi~e' : I T _, ). , Open Thursday and Friday. Until 9 p.m. Call him today! _TE 4-9306. 19815MACK ~VE., at, Hunt~ng.to.n TU 1-6233 THE LARGEST SELECTION. OF El\lGLISH,BONE CHINA DINNERWARE S40t Chicago. Ave.; Detroit,' - IN ',NORTH A.'\IERICA . . . :Michigan~ '" .;'.",::. .e, • J '. • . .. .- ." Page FOur G R.O SSE POI N TEN E W S . Thursday. August 9, 1962 • Thursday, August 9, '1962

Tot tips very seldom come Young Pointer Dies J to the man who sits and waits. A Grosse Pointe High School Shortly senior was !tilled Tuesday Julv kinson a\ 31. after his car slammed into town. His a tree in. Montague, Mich. on the 01 T. Micha~l Atkinson, 18. of inside tJ 1409 Kensmgton, died ~n a struck a t t. dr •••• with.coat Muskegon Hospital of head in- Accordl juries received from the ac- lice Atkir Memorial en.embling for cident. He had been vacation- asleep at ing with friends at Montague , GROSSE POINTE taken to Church young fa.hionable. just north of Muskegon. Sev: never reg METHODIST CHURCH er-al of his friends had gone He is s' into town for the evening and 211 Moron.Road The dreu: Black Watch Mr. and r 10:00 a.m .. Worship and Sermon. had left a note for the sleep- son; two !:'lg Atkinson to jOin them when 10:00 a.m ..Church School t h r u Mary Jo; , 6th. Grade. p!oid orion-viscose, he awakened. Timothy, . TUxedo 1.7888 Ministers with red patent belt REV. JAMES O. NIXON and white collar. REV. ALFRED T. BAMSEY I The Curon foam Thinking About. laminated coat: with Car Insurance? Milium insulated lining for weightless comfort. GET MORE r Sizes 4 to 6x, 19.9. Sizes 7 to 14,22.98 LO\V CO

• Get consistently low r The Grosse Pointe • Get prompt, convenie CongreCJational satisfying claim servic' "THE HEALING .MISSION Church 240 Chalfonte at Lothrop Youth Center • Get broad, proven pro OF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" Grosse Pointe, ,Michigan Second Floor • Get Michigan's most pl is the subject of 0 free one hour lecture MINISTERS Marcus William Johnson car insurance by t Arnold Dahlquist Johnson NAOMI PRICE. C.S. Exchange-insured Auto eh Summer Worship Service know that their insurance of or London, England 9:30 a.m. - Worship Service. vantages of outstanding serv Church School for C rib Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother ChW'Ch. tection at a low cost. Ask th. The First Church of Christ. Scientist. in Boston. Massachusett5 Room through 2nd ~rade'. IDA CADIEUX DOWNER Sunday, August 19, 1962 Mrs. Downey, 94, of 521 Uni- SPECIAL Detroit ~"utomob First English versity place, died Saturday, Inter-Insurance Ex.. at 3:00 P.M. Al,lgust 4, at her residence. EVI' Lutheran A native of Grosse Pointe, at ~"utomobile Clnb of PARCELLS JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL she is survived by a brother, GIRLS' TASSELED LOAFERS Vernier Rood at Mack Avenue, Grosse POinte Woods, Michigan Victor; and a sister, Jeannette Church, VISIT OR PHONE YOUR NEAR Your friends and neighbors of Cadieux Goodenow. 5.88 Services were Tuesday, Aug- Vernier Road ot Weds.wood FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST, ust 7, at St. Paul's Church, and reg. 7.98 GROSSE POINTE Il Drive, Grosse Pointe Woods burial was in Holy Sepulchre 15415 E. Jeffersor GROSSE POINTE FARMS, MICHIGA~~ 9:30 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL Cemetery. . PHONE: 821-800c cordially invites you to attend 9:30 A.M•. * * * Specially priced for back-to-school George Measel, Mane I. JOSEPH FARLEY CHURCH WORSHIP t Mr. Farley, 79, of 230 McMil- ...sharp tasseled loafers of hand-sewn ALL ARE WELCOME INFANTS' ROOM AVAILABLE TUxedo 4.5862 lan, died Satwday, August 4, Se. first page of locai phone books for o! in Bon. Secours Hospital. leather. With cushioned arch pad to . Born in PhiladelphiJa, he is survived by his wife, Agnes; provide firm support for growing feet. Brown and four sons, Joseph W.; James only. 4-9 sizes, AA.B-C widths. Do You Prefer Price - - - ( L., John E., and J. Thomas. The largest highway contract Services were Mon-day, Aug- bid opening ever held by the VERBRUGGEM'ARKET' .ust ~, at St.' Pauu's Ohurch and c. .Michigan State: Highway De- Get Both burial was in Mt. Olivet Ceme- The Pointe's Oldesl Markel partment was held on Dec. 7, tery. 1960, with low bids totaling Youth Center TOrti Taylor Do HAZEL M. GUENTHER $42.3 million. 898 St. Clair Ave., near Mack TU 5-1565 TU 5-1566 Mrs. Guenther, 78, of 1100 Second Floor The Only Buick Dealer on the lit: 3 Mile, died Monday, Auiust 6, in Grace Hospital. and Mrs. Harvey A. Everett of 13033 GRATIOT She is survived by he-r son Arcadia, Calif., and Mrs. Estelle Edward 1'''. ' Tyree, of. Pheondx, Ariz.; and Services were Wednesday, his aunJt and uncle, Dr. and August 8, and burial was in Mrs. Robert <;::. Everett, 899 S. ~ Evergreen CE"Jl1etery. Brys drive. ~ FROZEN Memorials may be made to Services were Tuesday, Aug-I ~ ust 7, in P.eoria. ! Corn Souffle the Michigan l1eart Associatiqn. • * * ~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l1l1l1l1ll11ll1l1l1lf11ll1ll~ 12 Oz. c JOHN HARVEY EVERETT 39 John Everett, 6 years old WhystOl died Thursday, August. 2, i~ ~, Macaroni & Beef Peoria, Ill. U.S.D.A. Prime and ChQi~e He is survived by his parents, 11112 Oz. c Trash &Garb 45 Dr. and Mrs. Marcus J. Ever- ; Boneless Rolled ett, of Kimberly drive, Peoria, Pillar Rock. Fancy Red Sock-eye . formerly of Grosse Pointe; four Getan odori, brothers; his grandpare,:ts,. Mr. SALMO,N ,Beef Roasts 1 Lb. Tall Can St,' Paul Ev. INCINERAl Planter's (12-0z. Jar) -c Lutheran Ghurch ,=

Chalfonte and Lothrop l~ 95~ TU 1-6670 Peanut. Butter • • • We Invite You To Worship Home Made With Us Montgomery Butter...... 69c lb. 9:30 a.m.-Worship Ring B~logna 9:30 a.m.-Sunday School _ ~pecials for Thursday. Friday and Saturday (Ages 1-8) . = 49c lb. Rev. Charle. W. Sandrock August '.10.11 Pastor Mr. Monrad V. Mondsager Vicar DE~~::RY- You can always be sure of QUALITY FOODS al Verbrugge's DE~~~~Y , St, Jalles Lutheran Ohurch Ke:cheval ot McMillan YORKSHIRE. TU 4-0511 boys' cardigan.story. ,,' Summer Schedule Services - 9:30 a.m. told in three orion FOOD MARKET Nursery .for Small Children Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. back-to-school versions \ Rev. GeDrge E. Kurz, Pastor 16711.'v\ack Ave., at Yorkshire A. Front panel stripes. White or blue; sizes 4..7, 5.9. Bethany Complete Food Market Christian .Church White, black or blue; shes '- (DiscIples of Chrtlt') 5901 Cadieu~ Road I' , 6.98 White or' '. Prime Beef • Fancy Groceries At 'Linville Serving Grosse PoInte,. block; sizes 14.20r 8.9 • \ ,. . REV. KENNETH BRADY, ( PASTOR B..Solid color. Red or blue; 9:30 Church School' • Liquors • Wines • C.hampagnes 10:45 -Worship _. 6:30 Youth FelloWships sizes 4-7, 5.98 Blue, red or beige; 3izes B.12, 7.98 Beig. Daily Deliven'es TU 5.7140 or black; sizes 14-20, 8.9a . . C. Heather plaid. White or red; . 21001 MorolS RII. ..t RaJ1l8r , •• tor E, Arthur McA.h .:. siies 4-7~,5.91 'Blue, olive, biotic: ON SALE AT DEALER OR GAS COMPJ Charge Accounts 10:00 nom. Morning Worshtp. .,U:20 a;m. Sunday- School. aiz.es8-12, 6.9~ Olive 0; blac~; si2~es14-20, 8.9• 6:JO '.m.- 0,.". Air S.rvic. I" GAS Cot the Chapel.in.the. Trees. Yo~th Cent~r-Second FloC;~' Available All Welcome -== 'iwO ..HOURS,FR~,~~II~IN~Tlcket ~alid~"d when you make a pllrchase ..

I - - '.. ., ,- ... j. il .• r J- '" ..... I'. ~ . •• I' .:~ .. , "- .' • , : I"~ ~ ' .,

? 1962 . Thursday, August 9. '1962 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five I1Inl1ll1l1l11l1l11ll11ll11l11 Young Pointer Dies in Crash Credwon ,'was issued a ticket aoc1dent. A Grosse Pointe High School Shortly after midnight At- Metropolitan Club- ,Ho'lds,Picnic Boat Hits Car for towing a boat tral1er in an Damage to Whitty's car was senior was killed Tuesday July . , . unsafe manner and causing an estimated at about $200. 31. after his car slammed into kin~on awoke and I>tarted for town. HIs car went off the road On Lake Shore a tree in. Montague, Mich. A '25-foot Chris, Craft ut!ltty, on the Old Channel Trail, just ONE WeEK EARLIER I T. Michael Atkinson. 18, of inside the city limits, and boat crashed into an. autOmobile, at 1409 Kensington, died in a struck a tree. O'n Lake Shore road, on Satur-' ALUMINUM- , MICHIGAN Muskegon Hospital of head in- d.y, August 4. According to Montague po- juries received from the ac- DOOR or lice Atkinson must have fallen The' boat was being towed by STA!rE cident. He had been vacation- asleep at the, wheel. He was Clarence Crewdon, Jr., of 9940 1" ,Thick, ~ng with friends at Montague, 51795 taken to Mercy Hospital but Terry, Detroit, when it broke All Hdwe. Ii'~ .5 I Just north of Muskegon. Sev- loose from a hitch bar on Crew- O"TRQIT .• . I never regained consciousness. hicluded , _: \ eral of his friends had gone I. _. . i He is survived by his parents, , don's vehicle, that was going \ into town for the evening and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Atkin- east on Lake Shore. , 'EXTRA HEAVY DELUXE DOOR 'ch had left a note fot the sleep- son; two sisters, Patricia and The 'boat, "01' KiIljopps" on" OPEN DAILY 8:30 TO 5 ing Atkinson to jOin them when 'SAT, 8:30 TO, 4 P.M, se, he awakened. Mary Jo; and three brothers. a trailer, crossed the i'Sland at Timothy, Kelly, and Daniel. Provenoal road, struck a tree, - and proceeded mto the west elt bound traIffic l~ ' on Lake Shore and ,struck the left rear or. of 'It oar driven by William .,. Whitty of 28404 Harper, St. NEW 1962 Clair Shores., . 2m Thinking About, The bollit and trailer, owned by Mark. J. Phillips of 294 IMPERIALS ith Car Insurance? North Renaud, ended up on'the AND EXECUTIVE CARS lawn in front of 481 Lake Shore. NOW, AT 'TERRIFIC REDUCTIONS! "9 Your Opportunity to Buy America's ~ost C~refully Built Car. at Dealers Invoice Price, Plus $80. Stili AvaIlable. Good Selec- )rt. GET MORE THAN tions. - - - TANDEM KEN BROWN, INe 98 3131-3'1'Ll EAST JEFFERSON ,TIME! DETROIT 7 LO 8-04S0 98 I' . -Photo by Don Herbert LOW COST The Third Annual Picnic the BICYCl.E RENTALS of Farms Fire Department, as "Big Mike" Grosse Pointe Metropolitan Club,' Beaupre; "S coot e r" C amp bell ; / Bicycles Built'For Two Prescriptions I Filled • Get consistently low rates Spirit No, 20 \\fas held .recently:at the '~ScottyJJ MacIntosh; "Cannonball" Have fu',;! Rent one! Farms Municipal Pier. A good time 'Snep; and "Doc" Green. Shown here Ray.Ban Sun Glasses • Get prompt, convenient and , was had by all as the kiddies and large are HANK RIEGLER of the Farms by h~ur, day"weekend or satisfying claim service kids consumed 700 hot dogs and 20 Fire Department, left, ,and SGT. AL- week. Family outings, dates, I . , cases of pop. The chairman 0.£ the af- group outings, FRED, MARTINLofthe Farms Polil~e • Get broad, proven protections fair was Don Herbert who was assisted \ Department with MRS. MARTIN and ION OPTICIANS by such notables of the Grosse Pointe ',two of their children, Tim and Patty. 2 RENTAL OFFICES • Get Michigan's mcst popular Beaconsfield & Jefferson 2018,3 MACK AVENUE car insurance ' (Alter Collision and Service) B"tween 7 and 8 .Mile Roads DeGrimme Salon Y'oters' League Mack at 8 Mile I Exchange-insured Auto Club members Two Cars Tangle TUxedo 4-5770 know that their insurance offers the ad- 21 Years Old Offers Booklet In Minor Crash (Connolly Bros,' Standard Serv.) I ~~======~ vantages of outstanding service and prow ----- !!)llIlIlIIlIIllIIlUlIIlIlIlIIlJIlIlIIlIlllIIlllIlIIlIIlIlIIlllIIllIIlIlIIlIIlIIlllIIlIIlIRllllllllUlIlIlIlIlIlIlIIlIIlIlIIlIIlII1lllllllllllllllllllllUlJlnllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJllIIlIIlIlIIlIIlIlIIllIIl!lIIl1l11l1l11l1l1lJ1l1l1l1l11l11l1l1l11l11l1l1l11I1IU Mr. and Mrs. Joseph deGrlm- "Know Your Wayne County No tickets were issued in a fe M tection at a low cost. Ask them about it! me had an important anndvers- Government," a joint publica- m ino r accident on saturday, ~ OPEN THURSDAY,EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 P. , ary on August 3. It llUli'ked tion of all the Leagues of Wom- August 4, on Cadieux :road. ; CLOSED SATURDAYS THRU AUGUST 11TH the completion of 21 yeaJrSfor en Voters in Wayne County, is Mrs. Rebecca G. Roberts, 206 = , Detroit .t\utomobile the distinguished art salon now available to the public at W. 15th" Hopkinsville, Ky., ~ Inter-Insurance Exchange

at .t\utomobile £Iub of Michigan i==~====_,," 5 and~~:':ev'.::e;;v.:,':bi:'th~Judy Building on AugustP~:,~~~.tions :=b.:~yna.:t~:liC~~Chairman of the Grosse ~:'C~a~~:,k~:Christensen~ 31 Banr.er,~ f;;''::.iS.W., ~ 3, 1941. Pointe League. 'Grand Rapids. VISIT OR PHONE YOUR NEAR~ST OFFICE The Grosse- Pointe News was At present this is the only Mrs. Roberts, traveling north Vfm! young in those days. It publication available to laymen on cadieux, puil!ledto the side GROSSE ,POINTE DIVISION had published i15 first issue the and students giving clear, con- of the road to let southbound 15415 E. Jefferson previous November 7 and i15 cise information on the sub- traffic through. When she mink tail wig offices were on the second floor ject, : and has been recom- pulled out she hit Ohristen- 01 PHONE: 821.8000 of the same building. JoS€'ph mended by the Wayne County sen's car. George Measel, Manoger imd his charming wife, Hilde- Board of Supervisors as meet- Minor damage' was done' to cresting fall fashions. rn garde. Were among the very ing a long neglected need in both cars. early business clients of the this area. s•• fltSt page of local phon. books for offices In .tat. clt' .. 'U.S. Ranch and to News and thToughowt the years The booklet should be espe- Drl.ver Ticketed have been friends of all those cially valuable to Wayne Coun- Au'turn" Haze.* 'n who have worked on this news- ty 'Voters during the next After Accident ~

Do You Prefer Price - - - Or Service 7 paper,Their contribution to the monthsMichiganwhenconstitutionthe proposedis undernew ~=_=-======_'," 18.98 plus t~X. aesthetic life of the Pointe study. In order to assess the One driver was ticketed for community has been a large value of what is proposed in reckless driving causing an ac- Get, Both! one. The paintings they have regard to county government, cident" on Sunday, August 3; ~ Mimnery, Salon brought in from Europe and the it will be necessary to under- when she turned into traffic. == r, First Floor. TOlll Taylor BDiek~Ine. art centers of America ,have stand. how it works under the Marie ,L. Anderson~ 1683,0. 1= r add~ be8lUty and enjoYment pres"ent' constitution. Cranford 1a n e. was ticketed ',==_~_ The Only Buick Dealer on the East Side of Detro;t to myriad Pointe homes. Their To this, end, the present after she made a leH turn from ::.:. *Trade-mark MUTATION MINK expert advice had helped CO?nt- make-up and functions of the Mack to cadieux and pulled in ~ BREEDERS ASSOCIATiON -\ 13033 GRATIOT LA 6-3000 .~.. .."" less ~amilies in 1lhe~ selec~ons, Wayne Colmty Board of Supel"'ofront of a car. driven by Claire :g==== of plctures and ~bJects d art~ visors are thoroughly explained. H. Miller,' 1014 Balfour.' going _ in Hildegard is a fme artist There are also chapters on vot- east on Mack. Her car had to ~1 I her own right and has restored ing and elections., county fi- be towed from the scene.' I, I and conserved many works of nance, personnel, welfare serv-~=_"llllIIlIlIlIIlIIllIlIIlIlIIlIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllll~ 1 art for PoiIllte patrons. . ices publie works, law enforce- _ i Their gallery is recogxuzed me~t and the administration of ~ i as one of the fl,nest in the justice, ,other county agencies ~ I Mid-West and they are always such as the Wayne County ~ Whystore . eager to discuss art with all Board of Education, and inter- @ who stop in, whether they be governmental agenc~ such as ~ I customers or. n«. the Detroit Metropolitan Area ~ Joseph has been an active Regional Planning Commission. ~ j Trash &GarbageP member of the Grosse Pointe If the proposed new cOrlsti- ~ " Rotary Club sin,,-eshortly after tution is adopted next April; ~ I their arrival' here. Both have theopponunity for counties to '~ f Get an odorless been active in many commun- have County Home Rule will ~ f: ity affa!rs and their firiends be assured. This will undoubt- ~ r are l{!'gion. edly result in much public dis- ~ ~ INCINERAmR cussion and study of the prob- ~ lem, before action can be faken ~ on a revision of county govern- ~ ment. In any such stu~, "KD.ow g; DI!TROIT'S Your Wayne County" will be .OLDEST ROOf~RS of great value. ',;eP1L WO 2..0512 Cost of the bulletin is 50 cents.

THE PROBLEM The question thait always , comes before the house is ;; Vernor Hwy. • where to get the money to buy ~ D. W. Candler one. I

•a. ~ I REDUCED! I "', ..,-.. ~, ! . = '. i TR-i, $2365 f =, .n


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2 .2 2 S S eb p, • d r $. t • t c •• • S $ a. sarr Frs s s n.' 0 n • t $ •• $ t r rs. os 2 ••• 2 tn. ,-, 2 2 a_ .• - , ,

Thursday, August 9, 'I~ Page Six G R 0 '5 5 E' POI N TEN EW 5 Thursday, August-,9. 1962 Lochmoor Club Swimmers Babe' Ruth Champs of Woo~s-Shore~ League/ High School Footballers Swiss Teachers Fourteen Swiss teachers from ll Zurich, Switzerland, arrived in Defeated by Westel n Golf Must Use Tooth Prote'ctors Grosse Pointe July 30 and spent three busy days sight-seeing Michigan High School Foot-\ tecting the lips) portion. It is By Bill Bullard Jr. swimming, partying and having ball Rules makes it mandatory recommended that the protec- Lochmoor Club swimmers were narrowly defeated a good time generally. As they for all play~rs to wear some tor be: (1) constructed from a 1491h-14Ph last Thursday night by the once-defeated departed by station-wagon, one type of tooth and mouth pro~ model made from an impres- remarked that if she had to be Western ,Golf and County Club at the Lochmoor pool. tector this year )Yhile partici- sion of the individual's teeth, .' " stranded any place in the U.S. The Lochmoor team hopes.to pating in regulation games. In or (2) constructed and fitted to ." she would like it to be Grosse get back on the winning side'in Zosel (L); 4. K. Lees (W); an effort to encourage research, the individual by impressing Pointe! Another said that leav- the last meet of the season Time: 43.0. I a variety tooth protectors his teeth into the mouth and or ing was the hardest part of tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the Boys 50-meter backstroke (11- currently on the market, are tooth protector itself." each stop of the trip. Lochmoor pool against' Oakland 12 years old): 1. D. Wiebeck acceptable for use. Prices of The wording ,of this rule en~ Hills Country Club. This meet (W); 2. Jewell (W); 3. McNa- most mouthpieces range from abIes a free choice of protec- These young men and women will be the last competition for mara (~)... ; 4. Sh ea (L); T'Ime: around $2 to as high as $7. tor (selection on the part of the came on a trip sponsored by the the Lochmoor squad before it 44.6. Grosse Pointe High School coach or player). While the Na- Association for World Travel enters the Michigan Inter-Club ,Girls 50-meter breaststroke varsity players will have an tional Football Committee rec- Exchange, which has its headM Swimming Championships with (15-16 years old): 1. Leslie opportunity to purchase their ommends that the protectors be quarters in New York. They the 11 other members of the Beckenhauer (L); 2. Raven (L); tooth and mouth protector for of the "fitted" type, it is not chartered a plane to N.Y., along league on August 18-19 at Plum 3. C. Har ty (W); T'Ime: 37..0 around $2 when they report for mandatory to do so. The re- with about 100 other teachers Hollow Golf Club. Boys 5()..meter breaststroke their first practice session at quirement for 1962, in general, and students, and took off from With eight events to go in <15-16years old): 1. K. Wiebeck 9:30 a.m. on Monday, August legalizes all good dental guards New .York for New England, the meet against Western, Loch- (W): 2. D. BegUnger (W): 3. 27. However,' a player is at now available. M 0 n t rea I, Buffalo, Detro-it, moor held a 96.95 edge. But Nolan (L); 4. ROCJt(L); Time: liberty to purchase any accept- Penalty for failure to wear Pittsburgh, Washington, D.C., Lochmoo~ didn't have the swim- 29.0. able mouth protector he de- an ural guard in Michigan High Charleston, W. Va., and back to mers to hold the lead in the last Girls 50-meter backstroke (13- sires or may be fitted by his School football will call for the New'York. All Q£ this in four few events and the team '''as 14 years old): 1. K. Zosel (L); own dentist. offending player to be removed weeks beaten. 2. P. Curtis (W); 3. Oldham (W); , The wording of Rule -i, Sec- from play. A player may be ex- Mr. and Mrs. Watson Ford L e s 1i e Beckenhauer and 4. Brink (L); Time: 39.6. tion 5, Article 1, Item (c) is as empted from wearing a guard, of McKinley avenue acted as Jackie Raven were first and Boys 50-meter backstroke <13-- follows: only if a dentist or physician organizers of the Grosse Pointe second for Lochmoor in the 14 years old): 1. T. Lees (W); "Each player shaH wear an has certified that the player is stop. Their hosts for the teach- freestyle, b a c k s t r 0 k e, and 2. Konkle (W); 3. F. Zosel (L); intrao.()ral (within the mouth) unable to wear one. In such breaststroke events for 15-16 4. Hennessy (L): Time: 35.0. mouth and tooth protector situations the coach or, player We year old girls. Ken Wiebeck of Girls 100-meter medley relay which include~ an occlusal (pz:o-, will be expected to. repo~t thi~ Western, holder of two Michi- (10 years old and under): 1. tecting and separating the bIt- matter to the umpIre pnor tG gan class A high school swim- Lochmoor (L. Simon, Ambrose, The Yankees of the All-American ,Babe Ruth SHALL OC~LSKI, CRAIG SCOTT, ALAN ASH- ing surfaces) and a labial (pro- the kick-off. ming records. won the same Lisa Bcckenhauer, Duffy); 2. League,"beat the Cardinals in the playoff game to LEY, HUGH,CORTEVILLE OLIVER DURHAM. Top three events in the 15-16 year We s t ern C. Stoikey Bonnie become undisputed champs. Bottom row:~(left to row:-CARL A. NQLTE, manager; GEORGE KROGH, old bo~'s division. Ken's brother Black, Vallette. M. Harty); Time. right) P A U L LEA R Y, PHILLIP MORRISON, coach; JON NEWCOMB, JIM STOETZER, FRANK Dave won the freestyle and 1:15.4.' . ROBERT RUNSTADLER, ED D rEF RAN Z, JOE SAVERINO, GEORG~ ~OLTE, ROBERT SU'IT:SR, Inter-City Life' GUllrd backstroke races for 11-12 year Boy~ 100-meter medley relay FOJtMICOLA, BUDDY ISRAEL, Middle row:-MAR- MIKE SHANNIN, coach; RUSS SHULTZ, coach. Mock ot Somerset old boys. (10 years old and under): 1. - Meet. ~aptured by City Youngsters Star Again Lochmoor (Walters, Clarke, J. \------Outstanding e f for t s were I Godin, Heeho}): 2. Western (B. GPYC Tankers Defeat Dye Norbert P. Neff MemQriall J. Woods, B. Vorhes, M. Kroy- again given by Lochmoor's Pollack, Townsend. J. Curtis, Park was the scene of the sixth' er). 3. Woods (K. Olzmann, N. younger swimmers. Jim Godin Gage): Time: 1:19.2. The Grosse 'Pointe Ya c 11t Black, Bob Everett, Bo-b Cleary, annual Inter-City Life Guard Olzmann, P. Biglin, T. Biglin. touched out Jack Curtis of Girls' 5()..meter freestyle U5- Olub, displo,ying a well balanced Bruce Black) 1:14.4; 2. D.Y.C. Meet, held at 9 a.m. on Satur- ZOO-yd.free style Western in the 5()..meter free- 16 years old): 1. Leslie Becken- On Sunday afternoon, July walked and after one out John team effort, overcame a 15- (Joe Mathews, Dick Searlone, day, August 4, and the home 1. J. Johnson, City, 2:02.9; 2. style race for 9-10 year old haucr (L): 2. Raven (L); 3. C. 29, the Automotive League AlI- Reynolds walked scoring Wil- point handicap to defeat the John Weaver, ~cky Stead),. team, the City, went on to win B. Haynor, City; 3. S. Kinsley. Jefferson E. at Beaconsfield boys. Both their times were 34.2, Harty (W): Time: 32.2. Stars of the Woods-5hores Babe Iiams, and Mike Nolan sacri- Detroit Yacht Club 164 to 137. Girls 50M Freest)'le-I5 and the meet. Farms. VAlley 2-2870 over a second and a half under Boys ,50-meter freestyle <15- Ruth League, opened the state ficed scoring Johnson only to Kathy Cross, winning three 16: 1. Kathy Cross (G.P.l 29.2; An enthusiastic crowd had 50::-yd.free style the Inter-Club record set at 16 years' old): 1. K. Wiebeck tournament with the Upper have the rally fall short with events, was the individual star. 2. Linda Heller m.Y.c.) 3. gathered to cheer on thetr re- 1..B. Sherwood, Park, 2:44; 2. Starts Fri., Aug. 10-14 last year's championships. (W); 2. Schaltenbrand (L);, 3. Peninsula champs from Ish- Gross(> ~ointe the losers by a Others turning in creditable Helen Howe (G.P.l 4. Molenda spective parks in this highly' M. Irvine, City; 3. J. Woods, "The Counterfeit In the eight years old and (tie) Nolan (L); D. ,Beglinger peming after the opening day 7-6 margin. Grosse Pointe used performances were Jim Lozelle, Clark (D.Y.C.l. competitive swim meet. The Shores. under class, Lochmoor has two (W): Time: 26.6. . ceremonies 'at which Mayor three pitchers in their effort to Anne Whyte, Joan Couzens, Boys 50M Freestyle-I5 and City captured six first places 1100-Yd. individ~al, medley Traitor" o the r undefeated swimmers. Girls 50-meter frt:estyle 03- Harold Vanlerberghe of Escan- control Kalamazoo wi,th Dick Gail Hillger, Carol Nutter, Chip 16: 1. Jim Lozelle (G.P.l 24.4; in the nine events. S., Selander, CIty, 1:03.5; 2. Wlll1am Holden - Lllli Palmer Lisa Beckenhauer won her 25- 14 years old): 1. P. Curtis (W); aba and Carl Wheeler, District Keller taking the loss, and Dave Rohde, and Bob Cleary. ' 2. Don Demuelemeister m.Y.c.) Head J'udr$Afor the meet was L. Bowler, Farms; 3. B.o Koury, PLUS meter race in 16.8, .4 of a sec- 2. Gardner (L); 3. K. Zosel (L); II Director, and former Grosse Neil and Mike Johnson wo.:king Following are the results of 3. Bill Gehrke (G.PJ 4. Mike Eo.... Wood "Lonely Are The Brave" ond under the Inter-Club record 4. Meyer (W): Time: 33.6. Pointer, were ~he key speakers. in relief. the meet: Irvine m.Y.c.l. Paul Wheeler, Neff Park pool 50-yds'butterflY wlth Kirk Douglas she set last season. Tom Heholt Boys 50-meter freestyle (13-14 , director and former swimming . ,For the Woods team Dick Meet Fine Pitching Girls 100M l\!ledley Retl.ay - Girls 50M Freestyle-13 and coach for Grosse Pointe High 1. M. La Forest, Shores, 26.5; won the boys race of this age years old): 1. Bruce Black (W); 12 and under: 1. G.P.Y.C. Stricker was on the mound and 14: 1. Joan Couzens (G.P.) 30.3; School. He was' aided by five 2. John W~ds, S h 0 res; 3. J. group in 16.8 also which is .2 of 2. T. Lees (W); 3. F. Zosel (L); In Tuesday's game against (K a thy ZiII!1llerman, Mary Coming Wed., Aug. 15 he turned another fine per- 2. Patty Shaw (G.P.l 3. Mari- timekeepers chosen from the Teetaert, Clt)'. a second over the boys" record. 4. Schildhammcr (L); Time: Washington-A r mad a .Grosse Wood, Chris Everett, Fran Nut- formance as he' blanked Ish- anne White (D.Y.C.) 4. Ann various parks. Dave Cook did 'IOO-yd. free style. "SPARTACUS" Results 28.7. Pointe ~ame up against one of ter) 1:14.6. 2.\ D.Y.C. (Mickey peming allowing only five hits H~~;s (~oiiC~~eestyle-13 and the announcing while' Joanne 1. J. Johnson, CIty, 52.7; 2., B. Kirk DouglaE, La"ll'ence Olivier, Girls 10o-meter medley relay Girls 50-meter backstroke <15. the finest pitching performances Van, Chris Whitty, Robin Jac- Jean Simmons, Peter Ustinov and no walks as he struck out Phillips and Susan Hykes kept S~erwood, Park; 3. IVl, Irvme, (}2 years old and under): 1. 16 years old): 1. Leslie Becken- in the tournament as Ben Payne ques, Elis Clark). five batters. 14: 1. Chip Rohde (G.P.) 27.2: ICIty and SpecIal Short We s t ern (Bmette, K. Lees, hauer (L); 2. Raven (L); 3. C. of Washing.ton threw a two- Boys 100M Medley Relay _ 2. Tom Mertz (D.Y.CJ '3. John ~lose tabs on the running score 50 yd' breaststroke . T of the meet - . Hauck, K. Wilson); 2. Lochmoor Harty (W); Time: 40.7. The scoring began in the sec- hitter striking out twelve. Dick 12 and under: 1. G.P.Y.C. Uznis (D.Y.C.) 4. Klt ennyson '.' . , 'Kurt Olzmann, Woods, 33.8; "Day of the Painter" (P. Sinclair, !'ue Petz. A"Zosel, Boys 50-meter backstroke (15- ond as Mike Ballew walked, Stricker, who after -one day's (Jim Black, Pat Paddon, Bob (G.PJ. The fIrst event was ~he 200- 2. S. Selander, City, 3. B. Vor- Wilkins); Time: 1:15.0. 16 years old): 1. K. Wiebeck (W): stole second, moved to third on rest, was called UJPon to pitch Cleary, Bruce Black) 1:10.6. 2. Girls 50M Backstrok,e - 15 yard ~edley relay, which was hes, Shores. Boys 10()..meter medley relay 2. Schaltenbrand (L); 3. J. Beg- an error and scored on Doug for Grosse Pointe pitched a six (Disqualified) D.Y.C. (Jim Ma- and 16: 1. Kathy Cross (G.PJ a close contest .between t.he 50-yd. backstroke C12 years old and under): 1. linger (W); 4. Root (L,; Time: Wright's bunt single. RDn Irwin hitter which was good enough thews, D a I e DemueIemeister, 35.2; 2. Linda Jeller (D.Y.C.) 3. Shores and the CIty. The Clty 1..J. Teetaert, City, 28.0; 2. M: Western (D. Wiebeck, R. Pol- 31.3. then walked and when Wright to win most games. John Sliwin, Dan Cohan>' Krista Van Hamm (G.P.l 4. guards, Jack Teetaert, Steve La Forest, Shores, 3. B. Haynor. Announcement lock, J. Curtis, JewelD; 2. Loch- Girls 50-meter freestyle 01.12 stole third Irwin went to sec- Washington-Armada scored Girls 25M Freestyle-8 and Joy Jacobs (D.Y.C.l. S~lander,. John LeBlond, and City. moor (Wagner, Clarke, J. Godin, years old): 1. A. Zosel (L); 2. ond. Wright scored on Corky twice in the fourth inning on under: 1. Carol Nutter .(G.P.) ' Boys 50M Backstroke - 15 Mlke Irvme, touc~ed out the 200-yd. free style relay Stults): Time: 1:14.6. Hauck (W); 3. Buzette (W); 4. Williams bunt single with Irwin four singles but even this 19.0; 2. Holly Pierce (G.P.) 3. and 16: 1. Butch Tompkins Sh?res.guards to wm th~ event. 1. City ' Boys 200M' Medley Relay _ ey w eep untl ne year s 2. L 0 c h moo r (Hennessy, F. Charles R. Campbell, 23, of When Mike Johnson homered tives of the Grosse Pointe area. Girls 50M Freestyle-9 and meet. HER, counselor at Parcells Jun- Zosel. Schildhammer, T. Sin- 303 Moross, employed by the Total. age 56 years: 1. D.Y.C. Th ult f t t ior High School. Mr. Mosher was the score was 10-0 which was For the coaching staff of 10: 1. Baba Bartholomew (G.P.l (Butch Tompkins, John Sweg- e res s 0 be mee are clair): Time: 1:58.4. Farms as field supervisor at the final. Dave Marstiller, Stan Loeffler; 36.8; 2. Kathy Paddon rain drops. Alandt and John DeFoe, to say J P' ch J P rt J hn and 16: 1. JIm Lozelle (G.P.) and one of the_top students. He were disappointed to lose but P'~ - again in the fifth with two h!ts" ay 10 '. oe, ~ era, 0 28 O' 2 Bill G hrk (G.P.) 3. also, Was captain of the track when the children swim the DETROIT , ~ nothing of announcer J,o h n . : ,. . SATU~ The boat races were originally Reynolds, Dlck StrIcker, Corky .,' c: e .~• 0 Chase were mighty happy when a walk and'two fielder's choices, team and was on the varsity, best race they ever swam and scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. Williams, Doug Wright, Gary Don Demuel~melster (D.Y.C.l 4. .. '.Qo with Marv but Grosse Pointe rallied in the swimming and track team. lose, then the best team won, but it was 4:15 when the first the races finally ended at. 6:30 D bh' B tb D M tll Pete Alandt m.Y.c.). '" .. o. p.m: It had been 'a long rainy fifth when Bob LeBlond and o 'Ie, a oY: _avey a:s - Girls 50M Backstroke _ 13 All boys in the Grosse Pointe and that's what Red Run was." r. race got underway. When things John Reynolds walked, Mike ler, Mascot; Dave Marstiller, and 14: 1. Gail Hilger (G.P.l area are\ eligible ~for these" co.l- The Country Club swimmers FINE FOI finally got rolling those hard~' afternoon. Nolan singled LeBlond' home M.anager; .Stan Loef~l~~, Coach; 38.3; 2. Patty Shaw. 4. ed every year QY the Founda- winning ways when they met s tor m were rewarded with a the big' twist contest and dance, the: winners of last week's parade from where he scored on Doug qoac . Cuokie Salle (D.Y.CJ. tion.' Grosse ne oil August 8. ,,' Cocktai great show of speed on the ~.' of 'decorated bo~ts were an~ Wright's sacrifice squeeze bunt Players, parents and fans of. Boys 50M Backstroke - 13 ----- r- Midget water. to make the score 5-4., ORDINANCE REVISION :' nounced. the Woods-Shores League! Don't and 14: 1. Tom Me~ m.Y.c,) ...... ~ In the ciass "A" outboard The grand prize winner which Kalamazoo 'scored twice in forget the annual awards ban~ 32.5: 2. Steve MasQn (G.P.) 3. The Fa~,s coun~l, at a spe- ~ race Don Eckhardt was the carries with it the Commodore's the sixth on a home run, a quet to, be held Wednesday, Barrie Mathieson m.Y.C.l 4. cial meeting held on Wednes- easy winner followed by Jim ~ Bowl was Joe Meier for his walk and two' singles to make September 5, at the Gabriel Jim Rohde (G.P') day" August 1, approved a rec- ~'" Allor and Beth Bachman in that theme Noah's Ark., The Harry the score 7-4 in their favor, but Richard K. of C. Hall at 6:30. ' Girls 100M Medley R:!lay - ommendation from the Mayor's '" order.; Fred Renaud turned on Advisory: Plannn1g Committee, Instant ,'t A. Furton Bowl 'for top honors Grosse Pointe came fighting Good food, movies and awards 10 and under: 1 G.P.Y.C. (Kris the gas at the last moment in in the outboard class went to back it: their half Oofthe inning will be presented. Bring the' F rei t, Baba Bartholomew, and -authorized the empl'Oyment i' the class "B" outboard event of' Geer Associates to assist in Jim Allor lor his Mat "The as Corky Williams walked for family and' friends' as we want Kathy, Paddon, :Mary Van- .'t' ALUM to edge Blay Schoenherr and Flintstones" . the fourth straight time, Mike this to be the biggest and best Hamm) 1:23.5 2. D.Y.C~ (Cleo the revision, of the City- Zoning j' " his Boston Whaler for top hon- The Adelaide Lodge Bowl for J 0 h n son and Dick Stricker banquet -we've ever had.' Valavri, Marilyn, Roach, Mary Ordinanc~'. A cost--limit of' $2,- ors. ~ Beth RY,an, Cheron' Uznis). \ ' 000 was set. The sum' has been .Whiskey the best decorated boat in the . Windows The unlimited outboard race Sail Boat class went to Harry Boys 100 Medley Relay - 10 appropriate'd~' in the 1962-63 for the Ship Forcier Trophy was Tomlinson for his "Flag Ship", and under: 1. G.J>.Y.C. (Jim Budget. -' ' Ticket Driver After. Collision If you're in' a hurry. 9',;,e " a real classic with Barry Brink I" Les Roddis won th2 \~harles your secretary your liquor Screens narrow1y edgeing Scott Gregory Verheyden Bowl, an award new Harold A. Johnson, 18, or 488 and George Brackx were dis- for this coveted prize. this year, for the best sail fish, University, was -arrested by, patched :.to the University ad- Nearly a 'Half Ce~tury of' Dependable' Service order and have her- call us In the Class "A" inboard for his theme "Match Me." City police -on Saturday, August dress where they found JohnM before you leave the office. Awr race Tom Petrosky was first Other top prize winners were 4,..and released 'to Farms au- sOn's badly "damaged car. They We'll have your order ready with Al Ketzler and Ed Lauer Bill Heels for "Bill's Harem" thorities'who 'charged the youth arrested the' youth and turned OUTBOARDS and, waitinq - all set to be FREE Que taking second and third respec- and Carol Gundhish for "Pep- with leaving 'the scene 'ofl an' him' over to~Farms police., Johnson Motors Boston Whaler pic ked LIp 0"._ your way Thompson OMC 17 Dollrxe ,Summer Pril tivE'ly. The open powerboat race permint Lounge" who too k accident.' According to a pollce accident Grumman ' Sea Ray home. R,stricted' home de- was captured again this year by second and third respectively, in Farms police accused JobnM report. the impact of the col- Sailfisb.Sunfish Duratech !ivery. foe! Now is the ti Vic Verhaeghe with Barry Brink the inboard cl~s, Pete Holmes son of falling to, stop and iden- lision f.irced Scott's vehicle, and Scott Gregory trailing by a with "Pirate Pete" and Walter tify himself, after, he ran into over the curb and onto the Comp!ete, line ,of 'wines .. ,liqueurs, Storms for YOUI' • CHRIS-C-RAFT .' ROAMER brandies. Imported and, domestic narrow margin. , Collins. with "The Flintstones" a station wagon owned by lawns of, 330,arid 332 Ridgemont, beer. Glassware, bar supplies, gift Possibly the most entertain- were second and third in the Earl R. Scott, 39, of ~28 RidgeM' causing'damage.' • CAVALIER '. SEA SKIFF. BERTRAM hampers, porty ,fovors. Gift wrap- We Repair Storm outoo3l'd class to complete the mont. parked in front of the Johnson was given a, ticket ping Q spe~ialti.' Grosse Pointe's Most ing race of the day was the sail ) .complete Beverage fish event in which seven en- list of top prize winners. house. for not having his car under Centor tries battled for honors. The The dance followed the award- .A witness, who trailed John- control and:leaving the scene of winner by a narrow margin was ing of prizes and at midnight son to his home, stopped at the an accident.' ,GREGORY ,BOAT CO. village ,wine shop POINTE~~ Les Roddis who just beat Pam everyone dragged home wi~h the City police station and notified Damage to ScoWs vehicle' 9666 E. J.ff.rson' Phone 823~1900 fun of the 10th Annual Regatta officers of the accident. was estimated at $400. and to 17328 Mack Ave. 1 s 1e Y. last years defending , ti.xt to W.t.~orks Pork 15228 E. Jeffersoll (at •• aconsfield) VA 1..1177 Three Blocks ~ just a memory. Cit;v :Patrolmen mail' :Martin ,J~~'~ ~OO! • dlampion who was second. Third :1 ~~ JJ ~ .

, . ,;

-. co. • rt 7774 • cc--

Thursday, August 9, ]962 lJst 9, 1962 POINTE Page Seven' [lers Slviss Teachers Pointe Jl'isitors' Concert ~egins Policeman Dons College Players Giving Shows Fourteen Swiss teachers from Bank Displays Gold ",Coins Zurich. Switzerland, arrived in e'rs included the H. G. 'Hinck- At Belle Isle lIis Blues Aga~ The College Play-e-rs-i-s-a--n-i-n-g-O-f-entertainment. ~ectors Grosse Pointe July 30 and spent leys, the William Hulswits the •' . _ newly formed drama wOt"kshop three busy days slght-Se"3ing the R. H. Axsoms, the' H~bert The Detroit Symphony Or. , Robert P, Arman,'24, of 14717: with affection and enthusiasm "Virtue Rewarded," a rich .ps) portion. It is swimming, partying and havmg Goebels, the Perry TeWalts, the chestra Will open a three week. East' ,Vernor Highway, Detroit, for the tulu'Sual in drama pres- old-fashioned melodrama with that the protec- a good time generally. As they F. J. Welcenbachs, Mrs. Cyril series of nine free concerts .made another change" of, uni.. entation., 0 a silent movie piano cueing and :mstructed from a Barrett and Mrs. William Innes. Tuesday' evenIng, August 14, at departed by station-wagon, one form,. from kh aJU'-, to' blue• .on ' . .Produced by 'award.winning audience's hisses, boos, and from an impres- fcmarked that if she had to be Jurg Morl and his wife were 8:15, In:,the Jerome H. Remick, Monday, August 6, when he te. set designer and director, Ken. hurrahs. is' the curtain raiser. individual's tecth. ~tranded any place in the U.S. the leaders of. this group. Jurg Memorial Shell on' Belle Isle'. turned to duty with the Park neth Kurtz, Jr.~ 'their summer The second play, Edward Al- icted and fitted to ~h(' would like it to be G.rosse was in one of the very first Valter Poole will conduct. Police Department, production, "Something Old and bee's off.Broadway comedy of II by impressing pointe! Another said that leav- groups to Come to Grosse Pointe The :Co~erts will bepreserit::- Arman joined the Park force SOmething New," a tasteful mix- the unscnslble, "The American () the mouth and over five years ago. Since that ed' each Tuesday, Thursday and ing was the hardest part of on OCtober 4, 196'1, and'about tu;c of the flavor, of the. Gay Dream," provides a rare oppor- )r itself:' each stop of the trip. time, the Fords have had one' Sunday" through September 2, a month after was tapped for- 90 s and the biting humor of tunity for the Detroit Theatre- g of this rule en- or two grOUps each year. sponsored by The Department These yotmg men and women military service when Presd.dent, ?ff.beat avant-guarde comedy, goes to view -the radical Ameri-" choice of protec~ camc.on a trip sponsored by the A large group of college stu- of ParkS and Recreation.'WWJ on the part of the Kennedy called. up Army Re. IS a zesty and stimulating eve- can comedy. A~sociation for World Travel dents from 'many European will broadcast Tuesday pro., serves when a crisis developed I ------==== er). While the :Na- countries. who have been coun- grams from 9:05 to 10 p.m. and Exchange. which has its head- o~er Berlin in Europe. Il Committee rcc- quarters in New York. They selors in children's camps all WJR will carry the. first two : the protectors b£' chai"tered a plane to N.Y., along summer in the U.S.• will arrIve Thursday concerts from' 9 to The officer, wheis a member i" type. it is not with about 100 other teachers on September 12. If. anyone in 10 p.m .• of the a-ctive' reserve, served: l do so. The rc- and students. and took off from the ,locality of McKinley avenue The" opening concert next at Camp McCoy, Wis., and at. ~ 1962. in general. Concrete Work Xcw York for New England, would like to be a host to two Tuesday wlll feature Barbara Fort Deonard Woods, Mo., until " tood dental guards }l ant rea I, Buffalo. Detroit, students. please call Mrs. Sord FriedrIch, mezzo-soprano,' the his d~harge from active. duty. '. Pittsburgh, Washington, D.C., at TU 5-9169. ,Slle wiIi appre- first ])r~e. ,winner of the 1962 , . . Alva L. Greer & Sons willbe filling the r failure to wear Charleston, W. Va., and back to ciate any assistance'. 'Belle Isle Aud!l.tlons conducted Although Arman had no of- in l\Iichigan High :':rw York. All of this in four by the' Parks and Recreation ficial status as ~Iegw.a:r police, City~ontract for .replacemen! of II will call for the .. Department. officer at the time he was yer to be removed \\ eel...s The longest toll-free inter- called up, since he was' a pro: sidewalks in Grosse Pojnte Woods. :\lr, and Mrs. Watson Ford state highway in the nation is Miss Friedrich will sing ~'To 'player may be ex- of ~lcKinley avenue acted as bationary patrolman, Chief Lou-. wearing a guard in Michlgan-a 224~rnile super- This' We've Come" from Me- wers said that his position in We also do private concrete work. organizers of the Grosse Pointe notti's "The Consul" and the highway from downtown De- the department Was kept open mtist or physician ~top. Their hosts for the teach- that the player i,; troit to New Buffalo on the "Card Scene" from Bizet's for him. "Ca~..men." Bernard B. Laslr. ', Michigan-Indiana line. A,y,o 'ear one. In such -- __ . ' preSident of the Parks and Rec- FREE ESTIMATES e coach or player The chief said that Arman reation _ Commission, will be started work Monday;,''With one cted to report thl'; the: opening night speaker. Yard, TW 1-4288 e umpire prior t(} Like month to his credit as a pro. Next Thursday's concert will bationary officer. R~s. Lloyd Greer, PR 6.6110 feature violinist Gordon Staples Arman served with the Army R.ls. John Greer, 293-4614 playing Saint-Saens' "La De- from 1956 through: 1958, and luge." By popular request the was honorably discharged with ., . 'program will include the music the rating of spedallst fourth Mock at Somerset from Leonord Bernstein's "West class, the rank he retained as Side Story." a member of the aclive reserve. City of A native Detroiter and a NORMAN A. KOPPERSCHMIDT, manager of the graduate of Detroit's South- , Vorhes. ~I. Kroy~ Strike May Mar Grosse Pointe Woods Office of Manufacturers National eastern High Scllool, Arman is s (K. Ol:.:mann. ~. Bank, shows visitors DIANE and SPE GALDA the married to the former Phyllis aimse 'oinit lBOtthS Biglin. T. Biglin. GPYC EV'erits , special display of historic gold coins, valued. at over Bilbrey of 'Detroa,t. They have st~'le $60,000. The collection,' assembled by Kenneth Dance a child, Susan, who is two Michigan son. City. 2:02.9: 2. 'rhe Grosse Pointe Yacht Club Jefferson E. at BeacOnsfield of UI'iversity road" includes one of every gold coin years old. City; 3. S. Kinsley, VAlley 2.2870 will carry through its Commo- dore Review and Show. Boat that wa~ minted in the United States and win he on' f)'le Party this weekend, in spite of view during b~ing hours through August. 7. Seniors Plan c Proposed,Ordinance ood. Park, 2+i: 2. Starts Fri., Aug. 10-14 the strike ,by the club's em- City: 3, .J. Woods, "The Counterfeit ployes who are affiliated with Bretvery Vi:Sit_ 'AN. ORDINANCE TO CREATE THE POSITION OF Troitor" the Hotel and Restaurant Work- Bar Association' Honors Cooper DOG WARDEN IN t>THECITY OF GROSSE POINTE ddual medley Now Thru Tuesday ers Union, according to Man- William Holden - LUli Palmer Grosse Pointe's Senior Men's WOODS, MICHIGAN AND TO DEFINE THE cr. City. 1:03,5: 2. KiTk Douglas-Lawrence Ollvier ager, Fred Gebstadt. Frank E. Cooper, of Merri- pensation commissions, ltnd ;'arms: 3, B. Koury, PLUS weather road, was e"l e c t e"d other State agencies. Club will meet Tuesday, Aug- POWERS ANI:) DUTIES THEREOF. If the strike is still in effect Chairman of the American Bar ust 14 at the War Memorial at "Lonely Are The Brave" "Spartacus" On the basis of the survey, rOy Wlth Kirk Douglas by the end of the week, club Association's Section of Admini- 10 o'clock where they will board members will bring their own strative Law' at its meeting in recommendations will be made Forest. Shores. 26.5; Feature at 8 p.m., only week- a bus for a visit to the Stroh Proposed ods. S h are s; 3. J. c nights. sat. & Sun. at 2:00- dinners. "San Francisco this week. for changes hi procedure that Brewery. dl. Ordinance Coming Wed., Aug. 15 The Country Club of Detroit In accepting the chainnan- will be'tter protect the rights of . For those unable to make the lty, 5:30-9;00 p.m. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE CREA- . style "SPARTACUS" manager, E. N. Jordan, said that ship. Cooper said that this year individual citizens doIng busi. 10 o'clock trip, another bus will Starting Wednesday TION OF A CITIZENS TRAFFIC SAFETY COM- lson. City. 52.7: 2. B. Kirk Douglas, La"W1"enceOlivier. no, events are scheduled at the the activities of the Section will ness with the Government. With be available for a trip at 1 1\1. Jean Simmons. Pelter Ustinov' John Wayne club' during this time of the be broadened to cover the op~ the aid of local bar association o'clock. Those arriving before MiSSION AND' TO D'EFINE ITS POWERS AND Park; 3. Irvine, e and Special Short year, therefore,' there are no erations of government agencies committees in eacli ~State, an the afternoon departure time "Hatarill problems insofar as serving and within the States, as wcil as the attem.pt will be made to achieve will have an opportun~ty to play DUTIES. Itstroke "Day of the Painter" LEONA D. LIDDLE mann. Woods. 33.8; catering to guests. Federal agencies. th~r J reforms by legislation.- cards. W. F. LePla, manager of the Q City Clerk ler. City. 3. B. Vor~ Grosse Poi n t e Club (Little Cooper, who practices law Pub, G. P. News 8/9/62 with a Detroit firm and is also < Club), and Lochmoor Golf Club Professor of Law at the Univer- ;troke manager, Emile Campenhout, City of lert. City. 28.0; 2. l\1. \ were absent from their offices sity of Michigan, is currently ,hores. 3. B, Haynor, Announcement • • • at the time the NEWS went to directing a nationwide survey press, and were not available by the American Bar Founda- CITY OF ~sb'le rela~' for comment. tion. eimst foinlt lBOtthS ~. Haynor, M. Irvine, St. Clair River Country Club At the Yacht Club, each per- In this survey, an examination 'r. J. TeetaerU; 2. son who has a table reservation Is 'being made of the methods Michigarf IVoods. :\1. La Forest, (0 private club) ("wishes to onnounce the availability of a for the weekend, will have a of administrative adjudication r, B. Vorhes); 3. t3ro~St']?oint-elimns limited number of memberships. bottle of liquor on- their tables, within:' the framework of State Kinsley. J. Radloff, • l8-hole golf courso with WCltered fairways • and club members will do serv- government. The purpose is to No,lice. 'to . L. Bowler). ice behlDd the bars. discover meanS o-fimproving, • Heated swimming pool. In regard to the COmmodore the' procedwres of tax assessors, S:UMMARYOF MINUTES • Children's recreation room. Review, all power boats will zoning boards, workmen's com- Insurance 'Agents l cruise out into the harbor, head------AUGUST I r 1962 et Award , • lee skoting and parties throughout the winter The City Grosse Pointe Woods will receive bids for: ed by Fleet Capt. Harry J. the Show Boat Party. of • Completely new air conditioned clubhouse; dining, cocktoil end locker Pointe educator will 1 rooms. carpeted throughout. Chapman, who wUl lead the So that there will be contInu- Hazard Insurance The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. ~ose receiving aW

-Chain l.ink AII.Ste.~ Gild c Board of Appeals of the . Pointe's Most We Repair Storm Sash and Screens City of Groll. Pointe Woods ,Iete Beveroge Rultl~ Stylell, ". William F•.Conn'olly, ji-. Dawson F. tfacy Center LEO,I!IA D. L~DDLE ,Mayor City CierI( SCRIEN'and City Clerk .POINTE STORM. SASH, Inc. 1. "., ~ op . Pub, G,P.News 8.9.62'" ,Publlshedin tAe .~roS5C P~inte News, issue of August 9• 17328 Mack Ave..:. . T~xedo ,1..6130', ':MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. . ~ - . " . 1962.•. '_ . VA 1.1171 Three Ilocb lad O. C.... ux 10403 HARPER IISIDINTIAI.. INDUSTIIAL - ': ...... i J 'II' II • .,011 a ---~-~------_.--- ..----~--- --'---~:------~--'------"------""'.""."'-.III!;a~I • e"'.".".""o __ c a_ __ .a s.. _ _--~-_ ~

Page Eight GROSSE. POINTE NEWS Wendy Colby.Picks E,nily. Besimer To Be Married Whal~ on A family dinner party was nw August 25 for Rites held at the South Oxford road home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Will Wed William Brace Krag in Grosse Pointe Boy'd Besimer on Saturday. Aug~ Memorial Church; Parties for Pair Began in June ust 4, to. announce the engage- '"f..1E ..IIII ment of their daughter, Emily with Shower Given by Mrs. Henry Kohring 'Warne'r, to' James Seegert, son By Roberta of the William Seegerts. of 'Chi~ Wendy Colby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick cago. Ill. "May I help you?" ~.. familiar .qu~tiori '.•• a b~t .old Lee Colby Jr., of Merriweather road will be married fashioned, perhaps. But we stIll bke the tradItIo:!?, Emily graduated Iro m the. August to William Brace Krag, son of Mr. and ~rs. behind' that "May help you?" phrase. You hear It 25 Liggett School and attended the I W. Brace Grag, of Merriweather road, in Grosse Pointe University of M i chi g a nand wherever y~u go on the Hill. It's so personal and Memorial Church. ~nd Mrs. Raymond Leonard. 'robe-Coburn School in New explains the essence of each of the shops. York City. Mrs. Gari Stroh Jr. will Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mat. • • be her matron of honor and thews will entertain at a cock. Mr. Seegert received his mas- Quick and Pretty bridesmaids will be Mrs. tail party in their new home on ters at the University of Mich- is the attr'active name of a new dry shampoo in liquid Charles Matthews, Carole Hall Place. The following eve- igan and is W 0 r kin g on his William Anne Watermar. ning, .Mr. and ~rs. Gari .Stroh doctorate. form ••. just spray and brush. !t's quick and fun! s, , L : Jr. WIll entertaxn at a dxnner. Trail Apothecary Shop, or. the HIll. Penne 0 ~ara of,. ?~' Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Guen- Angeles, CalIf. arid P~trICla ther will have a brunch follow- New for fall • Colladay of Milton, Mass. I!d by an Oriental evening in Engaged Mr. Krag hHs ask e d his ,he John Mulfords garden on at Carl Sterr'~, Men's two-ply cotton raincoats with brother. Michael Krag, to serve ~'rovencal r 0 a d. Carole Wil~ maroon linings. Washable ..• handsome •• '. all a~ his best man. His ushers bams will entertain at the sizes available •.. tagged thirty-seven fifty. will be. Steve Sherer. Robert spinster dinner while Michael Reid, Andrew Barr. Edgar How- Krag will have the bachelor • bert. James Howbert. Thornton dinner at the University Club. In late September Colby. of Pasadena. Calif.. ll. Mr. and Mrs. WlIliam Black plan to attend the Exhibition of Candles at Vir~inia cousin of the bride. and NichlJ- will give a dinner for the weci- Williams Gift Shop by the handlers to th~ VatIcan. las Papin of SI.. Louis, Mo. ding party and a few friends. Parties started in June with Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Ivcs This will be the first showing of its kind in the a luncheon and Kitchen ~hower Jr. arc entertaining the young United States. These are truly works of art by a given by Mrs. Henry Kohring couple at a cocktail buffet. company that dates back to 1678. Watch for an an-_ at her home on Tourame road Mrs. Charles Dean Jr., the nouncement later. and a cocktail party given by bride's aunt, will give a dinner -photo by Eddie McGrath, Jr. SAL VITORE BOMMARITO, deco- Anne Waterman. dance at her home on Lewiston sea t ed, and MRS. JOSEPH A: . • Mr. and Mrs. Ed\\al'd Evans road. Mr, and Mrs. W. Brace rator and astist, left is creat~ng an KASPER, on the .committee' fot the Have you seen Jr. and their son anr1 daughter- Krag wiII give the rehearsal Egyptian scene worthy of Cleopatra Guild's September 29 dinner dance at the sparkling display of area rugs in the windows of in-law Mr. and Mrs. Edward dinner on August 24 at the for the Bon SecouI's Hospital Guild.' the Hillcrest Country Club to aid the the Wm. DenIer and Co.? You sho~ld. Evans III entertained at a DuI- Country Club. He shows sketches of the Nile back- . h 0 S pit a 1. Mrs. Charles Dawood is Let dinner in their garden. The day of the wedding the drop to MRS. FRANK GERMACK, chairman .of the party. • Mr. and Mrs. 0 sea r Buhr Edgar Galloways, the Bruce For all those brides entertained at cock :ails for the Chalmers and the John Garl- <. :.~t:.~ So cute ... so practical .•. a new line of ~inest stain- young couple. SattTday Steve inghouses are giving a lunch- .. ~~,}!~_;L . Runnells' Son less ... each piece a work of art. Discover how ele- Sherer was host at a buffet con for the wedding .party and f. Betrothed To Be Wed dinner around the r'oo1. A ber- the family. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel f::.~.'irE :.••::'.: To Claim B,"ide gant a table you can set with these accessory pieces muda short supper was given Quirk, are entertaining the out- from The Leag~le Shop. Can you put this beautiful -photo by H. A. Powell the following evel1~ng by Mr. of-town guests at a luncheon. holloware into the oven? Of course you can. Coming Mr. and Mrs. Eli James Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Fred RlunneI1s, soon. of Trombley road. announce the Jr., of Bradenton, Florida, for- engagement of their daughter, merly of Grosse Pointe, have SARAH BYRN; to Richard disclosed the engagement and It's never too late • \Vllat f;oes 01. James Rickman, son of the Ern- approaching wedding of the!..!" est B. Rickmans, of Detroit. son F red Runnells, III, to to have air-conditioning installed in your automobile. at The bride-elect is an alumna of Na,ncy Fernald, daughter of.Mr. They install air-conditioning in any make car at Vanderbilt University where and Mrs. J 0llD. Fernald, of Bra- Frank Adam's ... on the hill. she was a member of Kappa denton. Your Library' Delta and a former member of The prospective bridegroom Sign of the Mermaid • the Grosse Pointe News staff. moved to Bradenton in 1961. by Jean Taylor Her fiance attended Wayne where his father. for mer I y A collection made of the world's most exotic woods State University. sports editor of The Grosse . . . from the jungles of Nicaragua, Brazil, British Part of the joy of being a party is over the Queen clears Pointe News, is the city editor Honduras, and East Africa made up a beautiful dis- children's librarian lies in find- away all the gifts which she of the Bradenton Herald. He is play of cutting boards • . . ice buckets and salad an electrical engineer for the ing old friends who. though regards as "pantomime proper- Society Plans bowls, etc. Dansk has adapted the old fashioned A. E. Electric Com pan y in they have been out of sight for ties" into a disused attic. But butchers block and uses only the end pieces of teak. many years. pop into view in the cross old fairy wishes that Texas. He will fly to Bradenton 'Village' Shop This means that vou never cut across the grain of the new attire. These old friends the baby prince shall be "too for a short visit with his par- ents at their home at 2i9 22nd wood .. See this display at The Sign of ~he Merm~id are usually books read in child- I clever." And so Prigio grows up Christ Child Society members Street Court, East, Bradenton, •.. everyday and all day Saturdays. GIft wrappmg hood, and which in the course of "too clever by half" and earns are working hard to stock tl]e time have been forgotten, neg- everyone's dislike by being prior to the wedding. which without cost .•. always. TU 2-1610. lected. or arc out of print. And always right. By chance, Prigio new shop, "Top Drawer" which will be solemnized August 11 they will o-pen this fall in "The Mr. and Mrs. Calvin E. Ben- at the York Drive Presbyterian th,en through th? inscrutable stumbles On his fairy gifts. falls Mr. and Mrs. George Shef- ner, ()f Van K drive, announce Antoine's • Wisdom of a children's book in love with Lady Rosalind and Village," in Kercheval avenue. ferly of 'Hampton road an- Church. the engagement of their daugh- The couple will fly back. to editor. they are restored to new suddenly finds himself b~liev- nounce the engagement oj their Salon Shampoo plus . ~ >.with a built-in creme rinse Unusual gift items will be ter. ELAYNE C,\ROLYN, to Texas immediately after the life and vigor. Such friends are ing in fairy things. After many da'ughter, Susan Mary, to Peter is showing at Trail Apothecary Shop now. stocked like the whimsic hats H. Ray Barr, son of the James wedding where they w~ll resIde. the CHRONICLES OF PAN- assorted adventures common in which wel'e designed for a James Morrissey, son of Dr'. and Barrs. of Guiton, Ga. TOUFLIA by Annrew Lang. fairy tales. Prigio becomes a recent Christ Child Fair' and lVIrs. Paul Morrissey ef New Were you late • The first in the series, popular prince and th6n a be- were so popular. Rochelle, ~. Y. The bride.elect is attending PRINCE PRIGLIO, appeared in loved king. 'Purdue University. Mr. Barr is City Club,Plans last year in buying your Christma,> cards? Do it now. Proceeds from the shop will Miss SheHerly is in her 1889. as a little square green Prigio is a cleverly conceived on submarine service with the Do it beautifully,_ Do it here ~t_ ~he Dants. As, usu~l hook. printed in green type with cr.aracter and remains an in- support the new Christ Child senior year at University of U.S. Navy. They plan to be Florida PaJ"ty Detroit and is a member of the the 10j'o discount will be given ;through September. illustrations by Gordon Browne. teresting and attractIve person School for mentally retarded married in October. • . 0.=- ,:.' ~ • a popular and successful illus- even though at times he is most children which will also open Don Large Chorus.. Mr. Mor- The,"Women's City Club of trator of books in the later Vic- aggravating. Another character this fall. rissey is .a graduate of Uni- D.etr.oit. will carry out another versity of Detroit 'Nhere he was tori an and Edwardian periods. that is well portrayed is the . Mrs, J. V. L e m hag e n. of Cadets Training "firs tl , in its forty-three year affiliated with the St. Francis Thc second in the series, Queen who does not believe in North Oxford road, is chair- history' Thursday. August 23, Club, PRINCE RICARDO OF PAN- magic and fairies. And in spite man of the pro j e c t. 1\'1I"s. At Fort 'Riley when the social.affairs commit- tee will give a Michigan-FJ.orida TOUFLIA. appeared in 1893. of all the evidence for the ex- Eugene Freitas. of Lochmoor. Dinner. And in 1962. we have a new edi- istence of such things. she boulevard, is entel'taining this FORT RILEY. Kan. (AHTNC) Father Steiner Speaker The instigaters decided that tion of the two books in one stubbornly refuses to believe in Thursday at a benefi't coffee in - Six cad e t s from GTosse At Eastern Graduation .the out-of-town FlJ.orida mem- '3 volume with new illu;;trations such rubbish. Even when she is her home to aid the sh<>p. Pointe,. Mich., are scheduled to by D. J. Watkins-Pitchford. pub- transported to a distant castle bers, who cherish the City Club The Very Rev. Clestin - J. compoJete six weekl>. of training lished by E. P. Dutton. and by magic carpet, she refuses to so much that they .keep their Pink Party' To Aid Convent Steiner, S. J., chancellor of the at 'the Reserve Officer Train- memberships even when they " available in the children's rooms return by the same means whkh Detroit. with 25 miles of e~:- ing Cor p s (ROTC) summer University of Detroit, add.ressed live so far away. should be The theme, "Symphony' in Others lending their' assist- of the Public Library. she consider~ "childish and im- pressways. has more freeway camp at Fort Riley, Kan.. Au- the annual summer convocation given some opportunity to see Pink", is the title chosen for ance are Mrs. George Jaglo- In this series. Lang employs possible," and sets out in a mileage than any city in the gust 3. the methods used in old fairy carriage. U. S. with the exception of Los of Eastern Michigan University their friends in the Club at the the last of the summer series wicz, Mrs. Donald Cherry, Mrs. tales. As he says himself. "No- While Prigio has been kept Angeles. - at which several' Pointers re- Cadet Richard B. Kirsten. 20. time of year when they usually of luncheon bridge parties held C. Joseph Belanger, Mrs. body can write a new fairy tale; from a belief in fairies. his son ceived their rlegrees last week. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bru~e M. return "home" for visits. at St. Ann's Convent, 700 W. Joseph Bejin, and Mrs. L. 'J. Kirsten, 1191 Paget court,- is Mrs. Herman P. Sattler, of Boston Bouil.evard Wednesday. Jentsen. you can only mix up and dress Ricardo goes to the other ex- Among those to receive dip- active in the ROTC program at Weber Place. is taking time oLit August 22 at 12:30 o'clock. up the old, old stories, and put treme and spends all his time lomas were Albert Meyer, Sha- ORNAMENTAL Michigan State University in from her chairmanship of the Dominican Sister's Sick Poor the characters into new dresses.. dashing about the world on ron B. Wareing, Michele A. Quick. Dependable East Lansing. He was gradu- City Club's Christmas Fa i r rely on the p 1"0 C e e d s from The old. old fairy tales are the Shoes of Swiftness. killing mon- WATCH STAND, Yen c hi c k, Daniel' A. Ward, ated from Grosse. Pointe. High (Nov. 6, 7 and 8) to help' with these parties to care for the ill best; it is a vcry difficult thing sters and rescuing maidens in David 1;. Borland and Lawrence 'TV. RADIO indeed to write a good fairy distress. Priglo in an attempt to School fn 1959 and is a memb;er plans for the dinner. .'and needy regardless of creed Marco'. Delicious hot hors d'oeuvres or color. " story nowadays. but if I know teach him a lesson substitutes . ." THEIT'SNICESTBEAUTIfULWAY TO KEEP , of Psi Upsilon frat~rnity. SERVICE i A KEEPSAKE WATCH •• will be served at the cocktail The Auxiliary for this -Nurs- a . really ,good one. it is THE shams for the fairy properties, . Cadet Michael'W. Trader, 20, hour at 6 o'clock in the Club's ing Order of Dominican -Sick L. L. DACKEN ROSE AND THE RING." with the result that Ricardo .. IT'S USEFUL son of Mr. and Mrs. William I. Executive Suite, giving guests Poor hold these event's to as- But in reality. Lang goes still meets with defeat and failure. 20431 Mack TU 1-2791 MAKES AN IDEAL DESK CLOCK. Trader, 510 Lakeland, is ac- a chance to mingle and 'chat sist the S i s t e r s to, continue further than Thackeray.' by Aft ~ r numerous adventures, ": ~,.'\.Aa:ESIBLE, EASY TO WIND ORSET. "50c a tablet tivein 'the ROTC program at before' going to the auditormm their work among the poor in drawing incidents and citing au- Ricardo marries Jacqueline and Ripon (Wis.) College.' He was thorities far removed from the all ends well. PRINCE RICAR- . 'IT'S ADJUSTABLE for dinner that will feature the Metropolitan Detroit, ~n a nurs- can be,cheap!" graduated from St. John'lS Mili- Club's gourmet roast beef ten- ing capacity. simple traditional tales. It is DO is not as well written as , , FITS PRACTICALLY ALL SIZES WITH. OJT MN AlTERATIOHTO THE WATCIl. tary Acaderrip, Delafield, Wis., derloin with mushrooms. The chairman, Mrs. Stanley story-land .rather than fairy PRINCE PRIGIO, mainly be- W By Fred Kopp, R. Ph. APTITUDE TESTS in 1959 and is a member of .sig- The room will lose its formal, J. Jursek, and her' committee land in \\'hich Lang's tales are cause of the lack of plot, and ma Nu ft'aternity. Enable yen to learn the kiDd of No one likes to pay 50c for lecture-hall look that n i g h t will add to the title by wearing work in wblch you can best suc- set. PRINCE PRIGIO begins in the episodic nature of its inci- ceed. the studies best for you. the usual way with a King and dents. a single tablet - including Cadet Bruce E. Burnett, 21, with the ceiling draped in nets pink and a feature will be pink of glittery tropical fish. and' velvet bows. For men. women, boys and girls. Queen who have everything ex- The publication of the unsuc- us. Nevertheless, some of the son of Mr. md .Mrs. David S. Vocational Counseling Institute Burnett, 13910#ord'. road, is twinkly lights beame!i'put from For reservations c'a II , St. DANIEL L•. BECK. DIRECTOR cept children. At last. Prigio is cessful TALES OF A FAIRY VALENTE newer drugs cost that much. miniature jet s -just, a re- Ann's Convent, TO 8-4378; Mrs. born. The King is anxious to in- COURT, the last- in the series They seem expensive-yes.' active in the ROTC program at , 122 Fox ~heatre Bide. mindel' of the fun of' even' L. Verne Ansel. TU 4-4698; Ph:lne 961-4355 vite all the fairies to the chris- in 1907. was the end of Lang's only seem. Consider this: Loyola University. ~Ohicago, IlL He was graduated fro-m going South on 'one of tbeseMrs. Stanley J. Jursek. TU , 17 Years Serving Detroit tening. but the Queen does not adventures into the realm of Pneumonia used to mean 4 (Formerly in Maecaoees Bldg,) Austin High School, 'Detr.oit, in fast commuters. Luckily the 4-7577. believe in them. Nevertheless Fairyland. Only in the editing JEWElRY to 6 bedridden weeks .. Loss 1959. Floridians' will' 'find the com- the fairies turn up uninvited of th\) old. told tales did Lang Specialists in Fine Silver of pay. Often hospitalization. fort of air-conditioning here and leave Prigio a collection of carryon until the end of his Often death. Now, a few'dol- Cadet John J. Wenzel, 22. son just as they are accustomed to magic presents. but when the life. 16001 E. Warren lars' worth of one antibiotic of Dr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Wen- it everywhere at, home. zel 295 Cloverly, is active .in at Kcmington . will ,generally cure pneu- There'll .be a follow-up' after th~ ROTC program at Mar- the holidays when Detroiters TU 1-4800 monia in days. And this is (jros!~ Point~ N~wl quette University. Milwaukee .. are takin,g winter' vaca~ionS' at only one €;,:ample . . . there He was graduated from Grosse a Florida - Michigan' D inn e'r PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY are many others. When you Poillite High SChool in 195~. down there, consider what a few 50c pills ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, INC. Cadet Clifford R. Kuhl, 20, do for you, they seem- OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL will son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford TheWm:,R~lIamilton ~o. COMPLETE downright cheap. 'Mrs. Newberry to Visit GROSSE POINTE FARMS 36, MiCHIGAN P. Kuhl, 20045 Manford court, Over a Century-of Service ThtS Is the 974th of a series is 'a 1959 graduate of Grosse Children in Pennsylvania , I Entered as second-class matter at the post office. Detroit. of ~dltorial advertisements ap-. pearing in thIs paper each wee". Pointe High School. Michigan under the Act of March 3. 1897 NURSERY Mrs. Phelps, Newberry. of EUNERAL DIRECTORS Address all mail. subscriptions. change of address, (Forms 3579) Cadet Joseph B. Mason, 20, Cloverly road, is vacationirig NEEDS son. of l\'Irs. Martha ~. Mason, with friends in Hot. Springs, FULLY PAID CIRCULATION 19945 Norton court, 1.S a 1~59 Va Then she will go on a For now and ALCORT Phone TU 2-6900 graduate of G.rosse Pomte H~gh. 'ro~nd of visits with. her chil- after vacation SChool. He 1S a men:ber, of dren in Pennsylvania. ' . Serving. Membe: Michigan Press Association and NaUonaI Editorial Association i&11';,"~. Scabbard and Blade Soclety._ Sh~ will stay with, her son. GROSSE POINTE DETROIT NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE , Wayside Gardens' f The latter two are active:in in-law and daughter, the James AND SUBURBS . Weekly Newspaper RcpJ"~sentHUves.'lnc. the ROTC program at the Uni- D. Darlings n.-of !than; the 404 Filth Avenue. New York 19. New Yor" BRyant,9-7300 Agrico versity ()f Michigan...... junior Phelps Newberr,ys, fl~ CHICAGo' OFFICE 333 North Michlean Avenue Phone FInancial 6-2214 ,Greenfield Radnor, and the T. H~dy New. WILLIAM R. HAMIL'ro~. II DAVID :M.HAM Il.orON' ?Iants • Trees. Sod ,'. The Michigan State Highway berrys II, of Strafford.. Then C~AItE:NCE E. OTTER ROBERT B. EDGAR ,., .... EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER Department will spend' an esti- she will' go on stay -with Mrs. MATTHEW M. GOEBEL ..•..•••••. ADVERTISING MANAGER Staffed by Experienced mated: $2 billion for. construc- Allan Shelden, ,'Of Lakesh~e PATRICIA TALBOT •.•••••••••••. FEATURE PAGE SOCIETY Nurserymen tion"o'f new high\vl:&Ysand..main- road" at her summer.home. m .. CHA~ELS tenance of others during' a:' 10- Manchester-by-the-Sea •.Mass. ," J.~ES J. NJAIM ..•••••••••••••••..•.••..•...... NEWS We Deliver and Plant. year period ending in 1967. . I DETROIT .. JANET MUELLER ;., NEWS All Materials -'Guaranteed. BIRMINGHAM ..-"""I/A: 3975 'CAss AVENUE ' ARTHUR R. BLyLER ....•••.•••••.••••.••••. ADVERTISING * * * ConstructioI;l costs on .l\1khr .. , ,820'EAST MAPLE TE 1..2712 1>..ARY LORIMER ...... •••••••••.•...•.•.•.. ADVERTISING BOATS AND KITS The U.S. Bureau of Public gan's new state highway' 'sys- . . Ml 4-6000' - JOHN McKENZIE BUSINESS F & J NurserY: Roads reports Michigan led all teItl. range, from ~noo;ooo~per NORTHWEST ALBERTA WILKE ..•••••••••••. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 17017 E. WA!REN Gregory _Boat Co. states' during 1961 in. the award mile for new two-lane rural sec- of contracts for: con'struction _of tions 'to more than $1:5 million 18900' JAMES COUZENS - At Cadieux FE~ GItEIG.....•••••••••••••••...... C~SSIFIED '-9666 E.' Jefferson' intei$tate~ freewayg( Miclilgali jper mile for new eigh't~lane DI 1.1300 . JOANNE EASON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ; •. ACCOUNTS TU 1-0130' Phone 823.1900" ,: -started. construction",' on ; 182 ;sections of interstate freeways J'LORA HARDING •••••••••••••••••••••••••.•• CIRCULA'l'ION in ~es .of, inters~te ..hig~~ays. Detroit. ,. ,~, ' ::.

- -- ,. ~ - ~- ,. ~"' •• "* , Thursday, August 9, 1962 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine - Mrs. Donald Peter Brown Bo-ok Lee.' Hills At DAC Dinner Loylee Kearns Weds

The Detroit Athletic Club will stage a celebdty dinner next Wednesday, August 15, Donald Peter Brown presenting Lee Hills, executive editor of the Detroit Free ,Press, Dinn~r at ,Lochmoor Follows Saturday Ceremony in as' the celebTity sP/eaker. Grosse Pointe Memorial Church; Couple Will Live This will be the first of Mr., in Lorain, 0., after Puerto Rico Trip Hills' public appearan('es since his return from a trip through A home in Lorain, 0., awaits Mr. and Mrs. Donald the 'So\let Union and a per. Peter Brown when they return from a trip to Puerto sonal interview with Nikita Rico 'and ,the Virgin Islands. The couple were married Krushchev. Saturday in Grosse Pointe Memorial Church. So tremendous was the rush The bride is the former for res e r vat i 0 n..s, when the Loylee Elizabeth Kearns, Poinie and Vero Beach,- Fla., speaker and dinner were an. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. was maid of honor and the WOMEN'S PAGES nounced, th:at the original limit Leo Gast Kearns, of Fair- attendants were Mrs. Roger of 375 members and guests had ford road, and her hus- Hasty, of Ypsilanti; Mrs. Clyde to be scrap'ped. Result is the SUlton. and Kathy Wolf. addition of another adjoining band's par e n t s are the They wore short white silk room,' and extension of the Gordon S. Browns, of Bliss- organza frocks accented with public address system, for more field, Mich. pour roses with pink shoes and ihan 450. . She wore a princess gown of carried pink sweetheart roses silk organza over .taffeta with and ivy w h i c h also formed Mr. -Hills' topic is to be appliqued re-embroidered Alen- wreaths for, their hair. Short and "There Is No weaker Sex in con lace motifs on bodice, neck- Jack Ireland, of Ft. Lauder- F.-om Another Poillte Russia," and he will discuss line and skirt. Pouf roses added dale, Fla., was best man for his some of his most strIking im- back interest to the skirt which brother.in-law and the ushers to the Pointe pressions of Russian Women fell ihto' a chape~ train. were Ronald Clark, of Toledo; of-View and their family life, as well A short bouffant veil was BILL VOLKENS, of Meadow Jack Mergins. of New York, as their work which includ'es held by a wreath of seed pearls. lane, has just completed four and Robert Williams, of Wayne. the hard manual labOT of brick- -She carried stephanotis and ivY. By Patricia Talbot weeks of fun and adventure at A reception dinner at Loch~ laying, plO'Wing fields. p'aving Gretchen Short, of Grosse Camp Mohegomi for Boys at moor followed the ceremony. 'streets, ,.welding, and much Cass Lake, Minn. All land more. They also are dootors, A dedicated group of golfers made the long trek to sports, water activities, Cana- engineers, teachers; they com- St. Clair to play on the country club course even after dian' canoe trips. and canoe- Parties Honor Miss Lambrecht prize 48. percent of the total the clubhouse burned to the ground last season. Now horse pack trips were areas in work. force. S usa 0. Allene Lambrecht, the uncle and aunt of the bride, the new modern building is attracting more members. which he developed skills. daughter of the Edward F, Lam- Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Lam- " Beams from the old building have been used in the liv- * * * Among those with reserva- brechts. of Beacon hill, will be brecht. ing room of the new clubhouse, which is a stunning MR. and MRS. WAr.,.TER R. I tions (the dinner will start at married to David Clyde Siphron, Mrs. Harrison T. Watson and blend of wood and glass. CAVANAUGH, of Earl court, 6 p.m. and Mr. Hills will speak on August 31 in Christ Church. Mrs. William ~D. DenIer have Among the Pointers who drive up frequently to are enroute to the Seattle at 8:30) are the J. A. Mullens. The prospective i.>ridegroo.m"is planned a luncheon and Mrs. play golf and swim in the heated pool are the Thomas World's Fair with their chil- the John Cooleys, the Arnold the son of the Joseph W. Richard W. Bachmann will be dren, MICHAEL, THO MAS, Malows. the Frank W. Keysers, Siphrons, of Warrior's Mark, Pa. hostess at a tea honoring the Foxes, the Bill 0, Brinks, the Rex Brophys, the John ELEANOR, MAUREEN, and in Los Angeles and San Fran- currently working toward his the Frank Kuhns, the Frederick Mrs. Murray Dodge will be bride-elect. DenIers, the Joseph Caskeys ane the Calvin Gausses. DENNIS. They plan to be gone Codys. the H. D. Gumppers, the cisco, and sper..t' several days master of arts degree. matron of honor and Beverly Mrs. Frank Donovan and The Caskeys have recently come back from collect- a monih, taking in many places at the World's Fair, Seattle, H. S. Ellingtons. the AI Longs, The U. of D. Language Arts Chalmers, maid of honor, will Julie with Mrs. Robert T. B. ing daughter, Cynthia, at Arrowhead Ranch near Mio of interest across the country. Wash. the Harvey Fischers. where she spent several weeks with neighbor Judy Workshop provided intensive lead the, parade ,of seven bridal Peirce and Jane will give a * * * attendants. The bridesmaids will cocktail party and the Bruce Barrett and Ann Wilberding. A group of olel school chums >I< * * study of both the development or a daughter, MARGUERITE In the Curtis Hotel Pairs, and function of. the elementary be Jane. Peirce, Mary J ohn- Arriving from Hinsdale, Ill., this week-end are Mr. of MARY LUNDALE, of Haw- ELLEN, on July 31. Mrs. John- stone, Anne' Fisher, Aim Fink Chalmers and their daughter. thorne road, gathered at the with' 572, players, ROBERT H. reading program. The relation. son is the former ELLEN Mc- and Julie Donovan. Beverly will give a garden din- and Mrs. John H. Jacobs, Jr., who will join former ship of writing, spelling; vocabu- CLARTY. , nero golfer cronies on the 81. Clair links. home of JUDITH MITCHELL SNYDER~ of Balfour road, and lary building and both oral and of Barclay road last week !~bid Joseph R. 81phron will be his :Mrs. Alan P~ Beebe and her The Jacobses, who lived in the Pointe until two JOHN W. TEMPLE,' Detroit, written 1an g u age were con. * * * brother's best man. Ushering daughter, Mrs. John Anderson, bon voyage as Mary V.aS moving CLAIRE ANN EDWARDS, years ago, will be staying wth her mother, Mrs. Floyd won top score in their section. sidered. will be David Wight, Amos T. of Warren, 0" will give a lunch- to Florida last weekend. Guests daughter of MR. and MRS. E. 'Wilder, William T. Gross IV, Smith, of Lincoln road. at the farewell party included: This one-session championship ...... G. EDWARDS, of 'Kensington eon and Mrs. Murray Dodge MARILYN GOODROW, ANN game is a feature of the Sum- JOHN CHOWN. son of JOHN road, has been entJertaining Ed war d F. Lambrecht, Jr., will entertain at the spinster * * * Robert P. Lambrecht and John dinner. GRIEVE, PAT JONES, SHA- mer National Tournament of CHOWN of 1976 Fleetwood, MARY ANN MILLS, of Ro- Navy Wedding the Amerioan Contract Bridge FREDERICK HERMAN, son of W. Lambrecht. RON SCHOLLENBERGER, chester, 'Minn. The girls are Mrs. George A. Schemm gave The parents of the bridegroom League held last week in Min- RUDOLPH HERMAN- of 806 'When Lt. (jg) James B. Stockwell returned from his SUSAN SCHEFFERLY, SHA- classmates at Loretto Heights the first of the pre-wedding will give the rehearsal dinner neapolis. Ending on Sunday" Cadieux, and GEORGE HOW- leave to Coronado1 Calif., from the Pointe he discovered RON S M I T R, and SHARON College, Denver, Colo. parties, a luncheon and kitchen at the Country Club where the August 5, it a'ttracted thousands ELL, son of MAR GAR E.T that his orders had been changed and he would be re- STEERZER. shower in mid-July. On Wednes- reception will also be held. of players from all over the HOWELL of 663 Fisher road, * * * maining on the Coast until he is released by the Nav:v in day Mrs. Louis A. Fisher and' Mrs. Donald Woodruff and ~'Irs. * * * U.S. and Canada to compete are among the, more "tpan' 200 Off by jet on Saturday for WILLIAM J. PULASKI, air- Anne with Mrs. W. Gordon George R. Fink with Ann will November. for a score of titles. high school graduate's enrolled 'Europe are DR. and MRS. WIL": man apprentice, USN, son of Johnstone and Mary gave a be hostesses at a luncheon on So he immediately 'called his fianc~ and wedding at FelTis Institute in Big Rapids FRED S. NOLTING, of Emory MR. and MRS. JOSEPH W. '" * * luncheon. the day of the wedding. plans were finalized. On Saturday the officer claimed this summer in a special pro- court west. They will tour the PULASKI of Lakepointe ave. J. M. KLOCK, of Manor road, continent before attending the Parties yet to come for the 1\1r. and Mrs. J. Crawford Matilda Clarke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Clarke, nue, returned to San Diego, atiended the Small Arms Fir- gram of pre-college workshops designed to help the enrollees 10th International Pediatrics bridal pair include a co~ktail Frost, Jr., will give a party for of Magdalen Islands, Quebec, as his bride in North Calif., on July 25, aboard the ing School conducted by the Congress in Lisbon, Portugal. P3i'ty at the Country Club the couple ne".-t summer when Chapel, Naval Training Center, San Diego. aircraft carrier USS Bennington, United States Army at Camp succeed in the'lr quest for higher education...... given by Mr. and Mrs. William I they return from a ~7ear in following her six-month deploy- Perry, Ohio. He competed in A reception followed the ceremony at the Admiral ... Vacationing in the West are C. Rands, Jr., and a dinner by England. , ment with the Seventh Fleet in the national pistoi matches . .. Kidd Officers Club. Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin W. Stock- the Western ,Pacific. there. Klock is a member of MR. and MRS. HENRY E. MR. and MRS. JACK A., well of Lothrop road, expect their son and new £laugh- * * * the Grosse Pointe Pistol Club. BODMAN II, of Dean lane, an- TOMPKINS, of Merriweather Administration Course. rest of the sununer at her Cape ter-in-Iaw to make their home in the Pointe after he Fifty - seven students from nounce the birth of a daughter, road, and their children MARI- * *, *. Cod home, Her daughter FRAN .. completes his naval duties. ~, .Western Michigan University's ...... AMIE McMILLAN BODMAN; ANN and TOMMY. They flew MR. and MRS. SETH BID .. NY. who is working in New *, * supermarket distribution and JAl'viES WARNER FRANCIS born July 30. Paternal grand~ to San Francisco, will'mCttor to WELL, of Provencal road, an- York, will spend some time * and petroleum distribution pro- enlisted in the U.S. Coast Guard parents are' the HENRY T. BOD- the Seatle, World's Fair, and noun.ce the bir""..hof a son with her mother. Reunion at Culver grams are partiCipating in plant on July 31 and was then trans- MANS, of Vendome road. Ma- then fly to Alaska and to the 'CHARLES MACEY, born Aug~ * * * There was quite a showing of travel pictures in survey t rip s throughout the ferred to the U.S. Coast Guard ternal grandmother is MRS. ~leutia:n Islands for some fish-, Oust,1 at Bon Secours HospitaL. The J. LAWRENCE BUELLS .Culver, Ind., this past week-end during a family reunion. midwest, observing various types Receiving Center, Cape May, CORNELIUS PETZOLD . mg. ',* * * III, who moved to Newton New J,erscy for 12 .weeks 'basic' '...... , Mrs. Murray M. Hentgen, of McKinley avenue, was of 'operations in 'which they are . ." , , . *. , * * .' Th'e",".JOSE'~H~' L. COBANES, Square, Pa., last March arrived at the Culver Naval School to visit her son, John Alan interested. tr.ili~iri,g:,He is the son of MRS'., ' MRS., GEORGE B: DENNIS, MR. and, MRS. THOMAS, of Oxford road, are home from in town Saturday for a visit Among those particIpating in C4RMEN FRA~CIS, of 155.7 of Nort)J.'Brys' drive, who is WILLIAM SMITH, of Harvard 'a holiday in Harwich Port Cape with his parents, the J. LAW~ (Continued on Page 12) the' program is JOHN, E. DOH- Torre~ road. Seaman. Recru~t a sergeant' in the USMCR, has' rDad, announce the birth of, a cod, with, MICHAEL ' and RENCE BUELLS, JR., of Ven- ERTY, son of MR: and MRS. J. Fra~cls was a ~ad~ate of UDl- just finished an annual tour of daughter, TERRY' BLAKES- JULIA . dome road, who entertained for E. DOHERTY JR., of Bucking- v~rslty of DetrOlt. duty with the First Battalion LEE, on July 28. 'Mrs. Smith is * **. them Wednesday. ham road. He was a 1959 grad- * * " of 24 Marines, FoftrthDivision the former CAROLE ALBERT.' MRS. CHARLES C. 'MER- * * * uate of Austin Catholic. ElementarY ieacher, J 0 H N at Comp Geoger. Before return- >I< >I< *,- KEL, JR., of East Jefferson I TIie T. D'ARCY BROPHYS, * * * WALKER, 1211 Bishop, recently ing home she spent a"few days JOHN AFLRED SCHULTE, avenue" will be spending the (Continued on Page 10) KAT H LEE N K U R T Z, of participat~d ,in the University of with Adm. and Mrs. John Mil- son of ALFRED F. SCHULTES, ------~------_ "SERVICE' BEYOND THE CONTRACT" Harvard road, is amcmg the 19 Detroit Workshop in Language ler, of Washington, D.C., who of Buckingham road, will return students who are attending a Arts Teaching in the' Elemen- entertained for her at the home this week from six Summer Art Worksb.op at Fer. tary School. Walker, a sixth Army.Navy Club. months of training at ri., ris Institute. Enrollees in the grade teacher at the Forest Park * * * Leonard WOOd, Mo. He won' three-week workschop I.;ponsor-. Elementary School, received his MR. and MRS. FORMAN S. the highest over-all average.!n'.', a. very ed by the Fer r is Collegiate bachelor of arts degree from JOHNSTON, JR., of Notre Dame his class and was graduated special Technical Division are entering Wayne' State University. He is avenue, announce the adoption with honors by the Basic Army ARTHUR J. ROHDE freshmen who want a pre--col- A.l.~D OOMPANY, lege educational experience and non-college adults who have an avocational interest in art. INS.URANCE "AUGUST, ' SALE * * * MRS. DAVID ROLLER and daughter CAROL of Roslyn road and JANICE WITTIG of 2711 East Jefferson, Detroit 7, Mich. 107.6100 Kelly road have returned from for those a five weeks tour of the west coast. They visited with friends '",'"who have been away

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Page Ten GROSSE POINTE NEWS thursday, August 9, 1962 Thursday, August 9, 1962 Society News Gathered from All of' the Pointes. Woman' Deppong-Lehr Vows Mrs. JohnA. Deppong Mrs. James F. ales Miss Danna Weds Spaeth-Schw. SolemnizedSaturday James Francis ales Rites Observ! Couple Wed in Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church Joanne Josephine Danna, daughter ~f the Philip ~. Pair Speak Vows Saturday in Gr': Dannas of McKinley avenue, was mamed. Saturday 111 with Reception ut the Whittier: after Trip to Church; after a Two Week Tra Northern Michiga.n \-VillLive in Owosso St. Clare of Montefalco Church to James ~rancis ales, son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Oles, of DetroIt. . New England Will Live in In Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church Saturday The bride wore a classic-l . In Grosse Pointe Baptist Chu at a candlelight service Marjorie Jean Lehr, daughter of ally styled gown of cameo the bride, w~s mai~ of honor Ann Schweitzer, daughter of Mr. . ff t t d .th and the brIdesmaIds w ere Mrs. Dorothy Lehr, of Merriweather road; was married Scliweitzer, of Peachtree lane bl to John Andrew Deppong, son of the John F. Deppongs, Ivory ta.. e a accen e. WI Linda Boyer, Carol Danna and , pearls, Indescent pal1lette~ Lvnda Sepanek. . A of Attica, Mir"1. ------Ronald Arthur Spaeth, son of the and Alencon lace. A pear. -They wore pea c 0 c k blue Grand Rapids. The bride wore a Bianchi gown of silk peau de soie, crown cau~ht ~er. sh?rt mousseline de soie frocks with S'he wore a gown of hand i and reci ------fashioned with a sabrina bouffant veIl of sIlk IllusIon matching overskirts and carried clipped white Chantilly lace ,I parlors neckline embroidered in and she car r i e d white. cascades of white baby mums d. d' h . d an azUl pearls, a belled skirt and orchids, stephanotis and and blue carnations. . e ~I g n e WIt a fltte Spaeth, chapel train. A matching ivy. John .Joseph Oles Was hIS bodIce, a v neckline and a mothers BIRD - TALES pillbox caught her bouffant Marie DiGiovanni, cousin of

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,: • , J \

I ___ ~ __ ..J Thursday, August 9, 1962 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleyen ~U9ust 9, 1962

ntes. Woman's Page • >• • by, of, and for Pointe Women Neds Spaeth -Schweitzer Mrs. RonallA Spaeth Mrs. S. James Bellissi.mo III Bellissimos Travel ales Rites Observed East After Wedding lY er of the Philip J. Pair Speak Vows Saturday in Grosse Pointe Baptist Mr. and Mrs. S. James Bellissimo III traveled to the arried Saturday in Chur<;;h;after a Two Week Travelihg Through Adironda~k Mountains after their wedding Saturday lmes Francis Oles . New England Will Live in Roseville in the First English Evangelical Lutheran Church and a I>etroiL ' garden reception in the bride's home. In Gros.se Pointe Baptist Church Saturday Lois The former Ruth. Ilene ------un , was maid of honor ..~nn ~chweltzer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs .. Rudolph Wahl, daughter of the Hugo S, James Bellissimo, of Buf~ lte bridesmaids w ere SchweItzer, of Peachtree lane, became. the bride of Wahls, of Shelden road, falo, N. Y. Ushering were all ~'e-r,Carol Danna and Ronald Arthur Spaeth, son of the Leonard Spaeths of 'lk Hugh C. McLean, Peter J. Mar- Janek. Grand Rapids. ' I wore a gown of 51 organza tin, Philip V. Oppenheimer and ld 'ore peacock blue appliqued Alencon lace. A Edward H. Wahl. She wore a gown of hand and reception in the church 77 e de soie frocks with tiara of seed pearls caught clipped white Chantilly lace parlors Mrs. Schweitzer wore her illusion veil and she For her daughter's wedding overskirts and carried de si g n e d with a fitted an azure blue go w n. Mrs. Mrs. Wahl chose a _light rose of white baby mums, Spaeth was in pink and both carried white roses and chiffon and re-emhroidred, lace x- carnations. bodice, a v neckline and a mothers wore white orchids. stephantois centered with a gown. Mrs. Bellissimo was in oseph ales was his bustle back effect. A double When the newi,:'weds return white orchid. green lace over satin. Both inued on Page 15) crown of lace caught her from a trip through New Eng- Mary T. Bellissimo was maid mothers wore white orchids. elbow length illusion veil land they will live in Roseville. of honor and the bridesmaids and she carried phalaenop- were Marion M. Thieme and When the couple return from Sheila G. Knight. They wore their wedding trip they will sis orchids and ivy. Lusk-Baro Wedding blue taffeta and lace gowns and live in Buffalo. . :\lrs. Walter Cooke was ma- carried deep rose varigated car- tron of honor, Janet Papajani, Set for October b nations. GROUND SPEED :s e of Chicago. II!., maid of honor Hill Lt. Donald T. Johnson was Air travel will be a lot safer and the attendants were Har- Mrs. Martee Baro, of Balfour nest man for the bridegroom, when the ride to the airport has riet Anderson. Carol Drabant road, bas announced the engage- III who is the spn cf Mr. and Mrs. been eliminated. and' Winnie Dressel. ment of her daughter, Barbara, to John Lusk, of Duluth. Minn., 1.'hey wore soft turquoise y. " son of the Thomas Lusks, of satin faced silk organza gowns Detroit. !S. and carried sweetheart roses !S, and Fugi mums. The bride-elect is an alumna ;7_ of Western Michigan University Wayne Spaeth was his broth- where she was a member of photo by Paul each er's best man and the ushers LOIS ANN SCHWEITZER, d au g h t e r of the ! Delta Zeta sorority. Mr. Lusk , " I ,< .. , , I were P a u I Schweitzer, Tom was graduated from Hillsdale Rudolph Schweitzers, of Peachtree lime, became the f -photo by Eddie McGrath. :re. J Bieberle. MacFinch and Jerry College where he was affiliated bride of Mr. Spaeth Saturday in Grosse Pointe Baptist Hoag. In the First English Evangelical Lutheran Chu,rch S with Delta Tau Delta. An Church. Her bridegroom is the son of the Leonard r For her daughter's wedding Octobe_' 6 wedding is planned. Spaeths, of Grand Rapids, Mich. Saturday, RUTH ILENE WAHL, daughter of the I .... 2.50 Hugo Wahls, of Shelden road, was married to Mr. FROM OUR BUDGET SALON .... 2.00 Bellissimo, / son of the S. James Bellissimos, of ••.• 7.50 DuCharUles On . Buffalo, N. Y. . ••.. 10.00 Haircuts II a. I" ••• 2.00 ... . 10.00 Western T DIU • Hammonds Welcome Shampoo and Set 2.50 . . • Kenneth Kurtz The DuCharme family has Family from Bolivia Permanents (complete) ..••. 10.00, 12.50, 15,00 SALON taken to the road during August To Clailn Bride TU 5-2344 with several family trips. While Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Tint ...... •.•.•••... , '. :.6.50 )- Harold DuCharme, of Windmill Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. HCiSk- Hammond, Jr., of Hamilton Bleach and toner .• , •••••..•• , •...... 10.00 Pointe drive, is crusing the ing,. of Wilmette, Ill., announce court, have been entertaining lakes in his yacht, "Natoya," his the engagement of their daugh- their daughter, Mrs. Leonard sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles B. ter, Susan Jane, to Ken'ncth Fahrmeier, with Patricia and DuCharme. of Tryon, N.C., has 18546 Mack Ave. Open Thursday been occuping his house. Nord Kurtz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fred~ric~, who arrived I, ;veeney She left Saturday with her Kenneth W. Kurtz, of Bishop from Cochabamba, Bolivia. Grosse Pointe Farms • and Friday evenings son and daughter-in-law, the ) road. Mr. Fahrmeier has already I Cl1arles A. DuCharmes, II, of TU 2.4246 left for his next geologist post , University place, for a tour of Miss HOsking \vas graduated Lll Paris Conservatory in Libya where his family will the Sea,ttle World's Fair, Banff, from New Trier High School, .e. )1 Art join him shortly. The Ham- Lake Louise and Vancouver Winnetka, Illinois, and aUended 'U monds. are planning to move to lIIusic Island. Miami Un i vel' sit y, Oxford, an ap.artment lin Notre Dame Meanwhile Charles DuCharme Ohio. ~-0008 avenue. n- We are happy to announce that III and his cousin Tim Brannon Mr. Kurtz is an alumnus of o, have docked in New York after Grosse Pointe High School and " I te a European trip. They were met Miami University. In Septem- Free adVIce IS s~ldom wel- by Tim's parents, the George S. ber, he will begin graduate cnome-:--and us.uall~ those who Brannons, of Tryon, N. C. work in the theater at the Uni- eed 1t most llke It the least. er Chuck flew home last week' versity of Minnesota, where he I )0 and is n'ow off to the Huron has received an assistantship, Mountain Club for the rest of I the summer. The Brannons and Mr. Kurtz r e c e n t 1y was :k and 0.- Jing Tim drove I here Friday to oc~ awarded the grand prize for I cupy the Charles DuOharmes' theater set design in national '1- ronal University place home in their competition by the American Our Once - Only absence. Then they will drive Educational Theater Association I -. to Cheboygan. to board the and the Gothic Color Company 's, sf to us... HERa (Red) HUNTER "Natoya." of New York. n s. :k have been added to 'our mAat and fresh produce 7. e. departments respectively. They were formerly with P. Henri's Market in the Village, which, until it closed o- x:- last week end, served so many Grosse Puinte famil- :k ;e lies through the years. 16926 Kercheval- Ave. :So , Deliveries - TV 5-8900 li- CASH ONLY! 8- Deliveries - TU 2-5100 No Charges - No Approvals - 'No :d C.O.D's. te' ld No Returns or Exchanges ic d. JflJttrLd., DRESSES-COSTUMES'-BLOUSES 'R 355 FISHER ROAD 0, ALL ly p. GROSSE POINTE'S FlNEsq' GROCERY & MEAT MARKET SKIRTS-SLACKS-SHORTS SUMMER n, SWIM SUITS-SWEATERS FASHIONS ~r. Grosse Pointe 1'- ACCESSORIES-NO VELTIES 5. e, - All sale merchandise arranged on r. le id " our Second Floor for easy selection. r- rs 0,

'd- 5_ These two FINAL CLOSE-OUT 'P fine ~ OUR MATERNITY WEAR i.. hair stylists EXTRA - ~. are now SPEC~AL DRESSES • COSTUMES • SKIRTS ., BLOUSES - AIte'e pue, etUHe. 4lUIe! 5. SLIPS ." HALF SLIPS • PANTffiS e, members I SLACKS • SWEATERS L of our SUPER'. TONE d- talented g. Skin Condith)ner (All Fresh and D~sir~ble Fall and Winter Fashions) staff. New quick-as-a-wink cleanser that gives your All Sales Final ~ &COMPANY Antoine f?ce a brand new outlook on the world. Won- 'IIIMIT.' de~£ul way' to s~artthe day, it's even bett~r-as ~ .. a pre-party pick-up. 3;00,- ~:OO,8.00 'phis tax.) BOUlEVARD ~ WOodward 2-5158 pari3 Coil/ured ••• with Jean and Viviane,.. :OURS 10 9:30 to 5:00 20091 Mack Ave. Appointments, 881.~2882 fd Lg August TUxedo 1-7020 76 Kerc:heval D-t_ I:~------,- ' f. I I f .\ I ------_...... ------,.--- ~.~-~~--~-..------OQ--

Page Twelve GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, August 9, 1962- Thursday, August 9, 19

Society. News Gathered, from All of the Pointes Judith Huntington Mrs. Bennett.H. Litherland Mrs. William c. Shelton Sheltons Travel

Weds Mr. Litherland South After Rites YOUR AD CAN BE CHARi Motor to Smoky Mountains after Ceremony Saturday Bride Wears Cameo Ivory Duchesse Taffeta Gown for CLASSIFIED RATES in St. Philomena Church; Newlyweds Will Make Chargs Ads-12 words for $I.OC Rites Saturday in Christ Methodist Church; Pair Their Home in Utica Upon Their Return Cash Ads-12 words for 90c Travel to Colorado. Will Live in Ohio IOc each additional word Mr. and Mrs. William C. Shelton are touring the Judith Ann Huntington, daugbter .of the Alton R. Smoky Mountains after their marriage Saturday morn- Call Huntingtons, of McKinley avenue, was married Satur- ing in St. Phi.lomena's Church and a reception at Alca- TUXEDO 2-6900 day evening in Christ Methodist Church to Bennett H. roo's in St Clair Shores. ------3 Trunk lines Litherland, son of Dr. and Mrs. Herschel Litherland, of The bride is the former Warren WOOds,was her sister's L!NER STATIONS Bowling Green, 0.. ------Diane Theresa Staelens, honor attendant in a gown of CUNNINGHAM DRUGS For the rites the bride was junior attendant in a frock daughter of Mr. and Mrs. pink silk embroidered in a 1694l Kercheval at Notre Dame chose a gown of cameo of white organza. ' TU 5-9698 Albert J. Staelens, of Lake- d~per tone of pink. She car- ivory duchesse taffeta with HARKNESS PHARMACY John Weidner. of Cincinnati, land avenue, and her hus- ried royal princess orchids, 20313 Mack Ave, at Lochmoor a bodice of re-~mbroidered stephanotis and ivy. TU 4-3100 wa~ best man for his brother- band's par e n t s are the Alencon lace alid a square NEWS SALES STATIO~S in-law and the ushers were Joseph C. Sheltons, of The bridesmaids, dressed like DOWNTOWN AREA neckline. A lace and seed Michael A. Huntington, the Livernois avenue. the honor attendant in blue Grand Circus Park News ~tanet pearl flower caught her veil bride's brother, Rayn.ond V. silk, were Mrs. Donald Stump- MaJestic Bldg. News Stanet Beccio, Jeffrey Weidner, Don- For the rites she <:hose a E. JEFFERSON TO CITY LIMITS of silk, illusion and she gown of silk organza with a meier and Mrs. Gerard De- Alden .l"ark Manor. E. Jetlersor carried white roses and ald Cooke. of Bowling Green, bateau necJdine and appliques BoeveI'. and VanDYke 0., and John Bt:~kles, of Mau- Camerons Gift Shop. Wayburr carnations. of AIencon lace and seed pearls Donald Stumpmeier was his mee. O. & Jeff Mrs. Raymond V. Beccio on the bodice. A tiara of seed counsin's best man and the Park Drugs. CIty Lun.lts came from MIlan. Italy, to be For h~r daughter's wedding pearls caught her illusion veil ushers were Robert Owiesny GROSSE POINTE PARK Mrs. Huntington wore an Alice .MU.ler Pharmacy. Wayburn anc her sister's matron of honor in and she canied royal princess and Ernie Ozanach. Kercheval an aqua voile 'nd white lace blue organza sheath with white orchids, lilies of the valley anti The couple will make their SullIvan r'hannacy. Beaconsfield and biue embroidery. Her ac- ivY. ana Kercheval frock. Her hat was a circle of home in Utica when they re- LoU1a' Party Store on Charlevo\)t cessories were a deeper blue Mrs. Remy Van Ophem, of aqua with veiling and she car- turn fr'!..m their wedding trip. GROSSE POINTE CITY ried yellow Fugi mums and and her flower~, Amazon lilies. Kopp's r'harmacy, Cadieux anc carnations. Mrs. Litherland was _in a Kercheval Cunnlnghams Drugs. Notre !Jamf Mrs. Michael A. Huntington, powder blue taffeta sheath with Ann Preston Wed on Coast and KerCheVal the bride's sister-in-law. and white accessories and cymbidi- .Notre Dame Pharmacy. NotTf Dame and KercheVal :\lrs. Charles W. Burnham, of um orchids. Mr. and Mrs. David H. Pres- Grosse Pointe University School GROSSE POINTE FARMS Tacoma Park: Md.. wore dresses After a reception in the ton, of Vista, Calif., formerly of and received her bachelor's and Grosse Pointe, announce the • Trail Pharmacy. Kercheval on like the honor attendants. as church parlors the newlyweds In Christ Methodist Church Saturday evening the Hill . bridesmaids. ,In St. ,Philomena Church Sat ur day DIANE marriage' of their daughter, Ann master's degJ:ee from the Uni- Farms Drugs. FISher Rd. anc left for Colorado, They will JUDITH ANN HUNTINGTON, daughter of the Alton Kercheval J~lD Weidner. of Cincinnati, live in Wooster, O. THERESA STAELENS, daJlghter of Mr, and Mrs. Standish, to Kenneth Edsel vC'rSity of Michigan where she SchetUers Drugs. I'lsher Rd ana R. .Huntingtons, of McKinley avenue, was wed to Mr. Albert J. Staelen's, of Lakeland avenue, was married Davert, of Whittier, Calif., in was a member of Delta Gamma. Maumee KlnseL Drugs, Mack and 7~!>111E: Litherland, son of Dr. and Mrs, Herschel Litherland, to Mr. Shelton. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph the United Presbyterian Church She made. her debut at a lunch- Road of Bowling Green, '0. C. Sheltop, of Livernois avenue. in Whittier, Calif" on August 1. eon at the Detroit Boat Club WOOd's Drug Center. Mack ana From At:lother "poiD.t~"of View The bride is a alumna of in 1954. Bournemouth l7 M1le Rd.}. GROSSE POINTE WOODS friends at tea. Grosse POinte Phannacy. Mack . : (C&iltinued from .Page 9) Good Literature Leaders Feted and Hunungton Harkness Pharmacy. Mack anc. Also entertaining are Mr. and Mrs. John Keogh, of -._--' _ J.octunoor Thomas. who is a cadet there. She wa~ joined by his Dane lane, who will o'ive a cocktail party August 1 Mrs. Jacob F. W e ~ z e I of G. 'Ryan; Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Howard. Johnsons, Mack and 8- h 18 MIle ' d h M 1-. f M d M M'll d'd . Cloverly road entertamed the Mrs. Joseph A. Wagenlander, gran mot er,.,. r~. E. C. Tl~oIA~~.. Qf .Gre~nc"a.3t1e, Ind. or r. an rs. I ar BreI en who wIll be return- off. . b d f d' t d M F d Jhe St. Clair .Jnn Goronflo, Mack anet Anita . h' Ph'l d . lcers, oar 0 lrec ors an rs. re erick C. Weissel and Arnolds Drug, Mack and Haw. Mr. and .Mrs. Hentgen have just returned from a mg to,.t eIr ~ a elphIa home shortly after spending varioU's committee I3hairmen of Mrs. Clement G. McKevitz of thorne a year 111the POllltC. the Grosse Pointe. Council of Detroit. pr.ejen fJ Bob's Drugs, Mack and ROSlyn trip to France, Switzerland, Italy and Eneland. Mrs. F P . Better Literature for Youth at DETROIT AREA The hilarious Brtggs Drug Store. Mack anc Thomas is back from Norway, Denma:rk and Sweden. • ,ormer o111ters, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sutton, of luncheon on Friaay, August 3. Christensens Do Well 'l'OUXalne JupI.ter IsI~nd, FI~., have, be~n. toasted at a round of Mrs. Wenzel was guest speak- . . "Pixie from Dixie" Rands .Mec11cal ServIce Pharmacy Mack and. Moran * lit * partIes durmg theIr month S VISIt. er at a recent meeting of the In Bridge Tournament Blue ('"'ross Drugs, Mack and Neb. Blue Bill Pharmacy. Mack ana Parties for Stay-At ...Homes I *. * YOU1"1gAdult Club' of the Evan- MARIAN .Hlue H1J1 . . . . * gelical United Brethren S'hurch Loc~l bridge. play~rs scor.ed Devo.ll&b1re . Drugs. Mack anc Devonshlre Mrs. H. Allen Campbell, of Renaud read, will be Picnic For Seniors in Moross road. " well 10 the gigantic charity .' f -th C pairs event opening the nine-. L & L Pharmacy. Mack and Bea at home August 15 from 4 to 6 o'clock to entertain her 1:. > In ormer years, e oun-. . PAIGE consf1eld The H. Ripley Schemms, of Merriweather road will cil plans to join with other ?ay ?ummer NatlOnal. Champ- Colony Patent Medicine 1564 entertain the Senior Center members this Friday at an Now at the St. Clair In11 Mack • • communities in the observance lonshlp~ of the Am.erlC3;nCon- ST. CLAIR SHORES all day picnic at their summer home near Metamora. 't t W k tract brIdge League m Mmneap- of Bett er.. L 1 era ure ee Ulltil Labor Day ArnOld. Drugs. Marter Rd. an. which will be. held during the oUs on J~IY 28. Jefferson , Buses have been chartered to transport the seniors week of OctOber 15-21 inclusive I.n a. field of .1,068 players Dinners and Dancing I I till midnight Do you wont to sell from East Grand boulevard to the picnic site and on and mO'l'e details will be given which mclude.d General Alfred l-PUBLIC NOTICES hand to help with the hostessing will be Mrs. Marion when plans are fully confirmed. M. Gruenther, Charles Goren, I Your" Grosse. Pointe house Scott, Mrs. Allan Sweeney, Mrs. William R. Byron, ir., Oswald Jacoby and dozens of DUPLICATE BRIDGE, East, . A great d.eal of interest is be_ other stars. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. lhe Mrs. B. Courtney Rankin and Mrs. James Bulkley. I On Sf. land Auditorium, every Fri ? mg sh~wn m th~ Pup~et Show Christensen. 1018 Whittier road, day, 7:30 p.m. LAkeviev. for children WhiCh, w'lll. be. a took top score in their section Just 45 Minutes from Grosse Pointe 6-0731; * * part of t~e w'eek s activities and sixth place overall. August Vacationers For reservidions: phone on our' ~t the Neighborhood Club us- The gam.e in Minneapolis was Detroit Direct lin~. WO 3-5735 2A-MUSICAL mg hand made puppet.!!, some part of more than two hundred INSTRUCTION CALL A MAN Spending a month ill that famous water spa, Sara. of .the parts being taken by the' played simultaneously expected fi~m toga, N.Y., are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilson, Jr. children themselves. to raise _fifty thousand dollars PUNCH AND JUDY It. was announce? by the toward the year's goal: of a quar- MUSIC STIJDIOS MAXON BROTHERS, Inc. " Also vacationing, but nearer home, are Mr. and Mrs. preSident, Mrs. R~chard E. tel' of a million for the Ameri- Piano, guitar, classic guitar, Robert Megowan, who have returned from a Mackinac J one~, that a reVleW .board can Contract Bridge League's PElBLIC SALES- banjo, accordian. 'Iiolin. cruise with Mr. and Mrs. Warner Simonds and are now m,:etrng under the ch~lrman- Charity Fun d. A nationwide 15 Kercheval, spending some time at their cottage near Grayling s~p of El;lward A. Elchstedt winner will be announced later. Not An Auction - All Items Priced Grosse Pointe Farms with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Simonds as guests. Will take place at the Grosse TU 4-4440 Res. 372-8994 " . P6inte Public Library on Sep- Onderdonk-Ste'rn Settling down for a few weeks stay at lValloon Lake tember 14 at 8 p.m. The public Household Furnish~ngs 2-TUTORING is cordially~invited. . Troth Told on Coast He knows how to treat you. are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Guenther. . . PRIVATE TUTORING . It was most gratifying to the Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Stein. . IN He 'Ias learned the ethic;; of the business. members present to note that of Santa Fe, Calif., announce * * * YOUR OWN 'HOME He works full.time. In Seal Harbor since the formation of the the engagement of their daugh- Mr. & Mrs. John R. Somerville Grosse Pointe Council. many ter. ~Sandra Lucille, to John '. All subjects; all grades. Adultl: and children. .Certified teach. Spending the summer at her home in Seal. Harbor other communities have also Lawrence Onderdonk,. son of 14 Kemb~rton. Pleasant Ridge formed Better Liter"ature Coun- Mr. and Mrs. William G. Onder- ers. Me., is Mrs. Edsel Ford, who was joined this seaso~ ~2 bib. S. of 10 Mi. Ref•• !/z blk. W. of Ridge Rd') Call: by her son-in-law and daughter, the Walter Buhl Fords cils including Ann Arbor, Ypsi- donk of South Pasadena. Calif., lanti, Allen Park, Belleville, formerly of Grosse Pointe. DETROIT AND SUBURBAN who have just built a summer house in ~he Maine resOl::t: Ecorse, Garden City, Inkster, The bride-elect attended Des- Sat., Aug. 11, from 10 a.m. TUTORING SERVICE The Henry Fords II, with Charlotte and Anne in Lake Orion. Monroe-Lenawee, ert 'Sun School" in IdyllWild, KENWOOD 74653 Tuxedo 2-8000 Nankin Township. Roseville, Calif., 'and Stanford University. Europe, are at their Southampton summer home. Mr. River Rouge, St. Chiir Shores Her fiance was graduated COMMUNITY Ford. commutes back and forth from Detroit. Taylor Township, Utica, Tro~ fr~m the- ~ate School, Carpin- Mrs. Mary W. Bunting including Royal. Oak and Mad[.: teria, Calif., and attended Stan- TUTORING SERVICE' son Heights and the. MetropoU:' ford University, ,where he was MRS. LOUIS MARleK. DIREC- The cost of living is really 20 Elm Pa.k -.Pleasant Ridge TOR. Tutoring by degree teach- ton 1? e t r 0 i t Co-ol'dinating 'affiliated with Alpha Delta Phi.,! E high for the great nwnbei' 0'£ I . - ers a'Vailable in all subjects for COunCIl. 1 fraternity. " (4 blks. S. af 10 Mi. Rd., bet. Woodward & Ridge'Rd.) people who' have dignity to grades high school, college and support. Am~ng th! guests present at I A September 8 wedding is ~ the luncheon were: Mrs. Joseph planned.' I, Sun., Aug' 12, from 10 a.m. adult education. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;======---'------=:...---=-----_.:...-_---- ' 339 Merriweather ,. ~ Grosse Pointe Farms ,.r I ~ TUxedo 4-2820 Grosse Pointe ,- : Mrs. Yvonne Ross OPENINGS FOR TEACHERS 1421 I Lauder. Detroit 2C-CAMPS

(N. of 14800 Tireman, app. 7 blks. £. of Greenfield) MORNING PLAY GROUP 9:30 (bet. Grand River & Intervale) to 12. Se~tember thru M~. $25 per month. Mrs. Berrien i Thursday, Aug. 16, from 10 a.m. ,.' Eaton. TU 2-5360. 325 UnI- v-ersity PI.. : I,' 4 . ~. Estate of 2D-CONYALESCENT , HOMES BOARD, room and care for' pri- ~ Edward J. Ruelle vate person in my home for long or short periods of time. I ~ 780 Withington, Ferndale The Mary Margaret Home, i' (l blk. N. of 9 Mile, Turn. W.) 373 N. Main street, Plymouth, Micb. P h 0 n e GLenview ~ Sat., Aug. 18, from 10 a.m. T" d" : .~": $53,500 ].;...LOST.AND FOUND . niS' Istmctl'v.S Co"lo~ial is one of .the best built and maintained LOST: BO'w-knot pin, July 30 hom~s ~o ?e foun,d anywh~r.e in the Pointe, at any price. Only' 12 years. on . Kercheval or Food Fair old, It IS I~ perfect condition and has every convenience' and luxury . :!: ' Mrs. Carrie Gerson (Mack: Ave.>' Reward. TU one can~h,nk of. .' . 4~49. 2321 Oakman Blvd •• Detroit LOST, Austin High SChool class Accom~odations i~c1yde 4 large. b.edr~om"s, 3 bath? 9 pine t1 blk. W. of Dexter, ~or. Holmut) ~aneled FlOrida roc:':;.l.wlth,pegged plank fJoo~, pickled pine paneled ring, in Village. TU 2-1898. Sun., Aug. 19, from 10 a.m. library. powder r'oom~~and~pinepaneled ;recreation room. 4-HELP WANTED ~he entire .hous~~.isair conditi.oned, and si~ce the heating plant is MALE and FEMALE t~e, f,~est. oqtall}able., costs av~roge only- $195 '.0 year. The garage is DENTAL ASSISTANT, Attrac-, kmg-slze and of "2-car capacity with electrically operated, radio con- Mrs. John Holtorf tive position in Grosse Pointe I trolled doors. . area. S tat e qualifications. 15405 Piedmont - Detroit Wrte:-Dental Assistant, 4364 , . Built to last a .I)fetime, with virtually nofhing tq do but move in and H a r va r d Rd., Detroit 24, (N. of 19200 Kirkwood, 10 biles. W. of Southfield) Mich. enloy Its many luxurious f~atures-. We recommend:it unc~onditionall'yto (bet. Fenkell & Keeler) , anyone who wants}~~d deserves the fine"st obtainable. '. - REAL ESTATE SALES- Sat., Aug. 25, from 10 a.m' Realtor long. established in '. Grosse Pointe-will train a well educated man with exec- SALES CONDUCTED BY utive ability for a rewarding career in' the real estate business. Income potential H. O. MeNierne, David D.Stalker, Inc. limited . only. by your OWD •• • • L, T O. " • capabilities. YCiu must be a Appraisers 424 Book Building Grosse Pointe resident bek TUxedo 1.6300 I tween 25 and 50 years of age. WOodward 1.9085 Write Box' H.lOO, 'G ro sse I ~ointe News.

, I

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• t b 72 2 7 77 t 7 7 T7 E ? 777 t S 3 7 E 77777 77 ? t' 2m SO) ".tb'bObth ." ,,~ ...... - ~ - ~ ~-'~~- -....__m-, "._;"" .,,,. ._. ,,__, -- ...._--...... ;-_-_-_ ...-.----...--~~-'~~~------~ ~ ~ --- - - I

Thursday, August 9. 1962 G R 0 SSE POI N T E .N E W, S Page Thirteen • August 9. 1962 I - ! intes vel

Rites YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED Three Trunk Lines To 'Serve You Quickly CALL TUxedo 2-69,00 Three Trunk' Lines To Serve You 9uickly DEADLINE 3 P.M. TUESDAY a-ARTICLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES .FOR SALE '-ARTICLES WANTED Ceremony Saturday CLf.SSIFIED RATES 4-~~!fE ':~:~~~ALE S-SITiJATION WANTED .6-fOR RE~T 7-WANTED TO RENT Iyweds Will Make Chargs Ads-12 words for $1.00 ' MAN, 52, would, like steadY (Unfurnished) WANTED to rent, or option, a 'F RIG I D A IRE refrigerator, IRONRITE ironer and chair, GUNS WANTED. Any age, , Their Return Cash Ad~-12 words for 90c SWITCHBOARD operator for job, doing heavY housework •. ROOM,.FOR RENT: Large, com- 3-bedroom home' in St. Paul freezer top, 9 c.ubic feet, au~ seldom used. Perfed condi- make, condition. Top price. IDc each additional word evening and Saturday after- driving, landseapi'ng and gar- ,fortable" good -location. TU parish. A b 0 u t $150 per llomatic defrost .. 'Looks like tion. TUxedo 4-5273. Private party, 88q.7182 noons. Call VA 1-2000, M. dening. SW 4-371';'. ~:3545. Ev.~nings TU 1-4128. month. PR 8-~779. new. TUxedo 1-7599. elton are touring the Call Elward. ESTATES bougl:\t and sold.' HAVE YOU a garden fountain riage Saturday morn- Complete or odd pieces. An- that you are willing to donate TUXEDO 2-6900 EXPERIENCED YOWlglady de- HARCOURT, 776, 2 bedroom a-ARTICLES FOR SALE - GIRL'S dresses, coats size 6X; i a reception at Alco- EAST SIDE GIRLS sires receptionist position in lower. CarPeting. $180. misses dresses size 14; bCllth- tiques. silver, china, furni- to a worthwhile charity? Cell 3 Trunk Lines TEN PLACE settings of Lenox inette, high chaiT, tri~c1e, ture, Oriental rugs. Hugh C. VA 3-0385. PERSONNEL, will train East. Side doctor's office. TU JOHN S. GOODMAN LINER STATIONS 1-7650. TU 5-6063 LO 7-4706 ehina, wheat pattern, $150; trador, fire engine, rocket, Bolan, 10233 Woodward, TO n Woods. was her sister's girl age 19 to 25 Open 6-2500. WE BUY old gold, jewelry and attendant in a gown of CUNNINGHAM DRUGS . TUxedo 2-6818. . scooter, sand box playhouse, 16941 Kercheval at Notre Dame SEC'Y, Top Co. $400 HANDY MAN, wall washing "Or GROSSE POINTE,lowC[" flat 2 silver. Vogue Jewelers, 22377 silk embroidered in a ice skates. 1302 Hollywood. TU ~-96li8 SEC'Y, 1 girl office $368 .janitor. VA 1-6768. Hallis.,: large bedrooms" 11;2 baths, DETROIT JEWEL gas stove, B,OY'S RANCH. fruitwood • MoroS3 Road. . tone of pink. She car- HARKNESS PHARMACY SEC'Y, Personnel $335 fireplace, garage. adults. $160 $ 3 5.,. Excellent condition. GROUND covers: Myrtle, pac- matching bedroom set; double royal princess orchids. 20313 MacK Ave. at Lochmoor. KINDLY, experieneed, prac- WANTED: Golf iron No. 1. TUx- SEC'Y. Ad Agency $350 TU 4-6994. TUxedo 5-0033. hysandras. TU 5-u768. bed. complete; dresser and notis and ivy. TU 4-3100 tical nurse will care for your edo 2-9217. NEWS SALES STATIONS JR. STENO, variety $260 mirror; desk and chair. Ex- BRAIDED RUGS, wool, small, DINING SET, blond. modern, bridesmaids. dressed like DOWNTOWN AREA ASST. BOOKKEEPER, type $300 loved ones (c hi 1d r e n or cellent condition, $200. TU. Grand <;ircus Park News ~tand adults) while you are,oIl vaca": Gr~sse Pointe Manor -; hand made. TUxedo 2-7559. mahogiany,' eXICellent condi- onor attendant in blue PAYROLL CLERK, type $280 1-5663. WANTED MaJesUc Bldg. News Stand tion o,r at home. Can assume CADIEUX ROAD, BETWEEN, ..ere l\Irs. Donald Stump_ TYPISTS. like figures $325 tionr table,~ bulfet, ehina OLD CLOTHING E. JEFFERSON -ro CITY LIMITS responsibility. Day or nIght KERCHEVAL AND ST. PAUL AIR-CONDITIONER, Admiral, chest, pad, 4 chairs, $275. and Mrs. Gerard De- AJaen .t'ark Manor. E• .Jetterson RECEPTIONIST, PBX $300 1 H.P. Slim-line, ~4 JP.onths USED PIANO VALUES BEST PRICES PAID r. and VanDyke RECEPTIONIST, some nursing or. round the clock 3 DEDROOMS; 1Jh ,BATHS Eleotric range, Gibson, 40", l:amerons Gift Shop. Wayburn 01d.,. 886-2521."" modeling $280 child care. Brief periods or A beautiful~ spacious 6-room excelleIlit conditJion, $75. TU Reworked and Guaranteed. FOR MEN'S suns ald Stumpmeier was his & Jell . Delivery and Bench. n's best rr.an and the Park Drugs. <;uy Lunlts RECEPTIONIST, Clinic $240 penrolllnent. References. PR terrace apt. for the discriminat., LARGE MODE'ItN purple velvet 4-9188. TOPCOATS AND SHOES ; were Robert Owiesny GROSSE POINTE PARK RECEPTIG~IST, must type $280 9-1896. ing., Garage, garbage disposal chaja.-. no arms, $20. Tuxedo Heintzman-made console', wal- MUler Pharmacy, Wayburn and SIMMONS hidc-a-bed Formica TUlsa 3-1872 rnie Ozanach. RECEPTIONIST. Open . f and finest in schools, shopping 1-7698. f nut. Wonderful value. $495. Kercheval NURSE • P ..N Part .ti me or re 11e d t rt t. $175 d r 0 pIe a f table, 4 chairs. A telephone call will bring us Sullivan Pharmacy. Beaconsfield Birmingham store. couple will make their dut . VA 4-5378. ,an ran~po a lon, . LUXURIOUS sappbjre b I u e Honey maple twin, beds, com- . to you immediately and KerchevaJ JOY DOMAN y TU 5-1172 WO 2-4607 Grinnell walnut console. Excel- in Utica 'when they re- Louis' .l-'arty Store on CharleVOIx mink coat, full ien'~, cape p)ete. Lounge chair, contour SA-SITUATIONS WANTED lent styling, $595. Detroit store. BOOKS bought in any quantity " [rom their wedding trip. GROSSE POINTE CITY ST. CLAIR SHORES WHITTIER 9140 at Expressway. collar. Use d occamonaHy 2 lounger. Danish coffee and Kopp's Phannacy. Cadieux and 27530 Harper Ave. PR 2-5600 DOMESTIC step tables. Gibson, large Vose Grand, Mallog.my-Small Entire libraries, book cases. KerCh.eval Brand new luxurious apart- seasons. Size 16-18. Tuxedo 1- deep freeze. Lamps, pictures. size, refinished. Our price IS a art obJects. Mrs. B. C. Claes, Cunnlnghams Drugs. Notre Dame ,DEPENDABLE woman for day- ments. Huge closets. deluxe 5793 or Tuxedo 1-6733, and Kercheval DOWNTOWN Sewing machine with attach- fraction of new, $795. Birming- 1670 Leverette, WO 3-4267_ d on Coast 2627 David Stott Bldg. WO 2-7160 work; office. beauty s hop refrigerator, RDper gas range. Notre Dame Pharmacy. Notre DRAPERIES, liew custom made, ment. All in' excellent condi- ham store. Dame and KercheVal cleaning. References. Temple Open daily 1 to, 5. TU 2-6518. ~Pointe University School lined .. 1 pair floweT pattern, tion. VAlley 1-1905. Blond Consolette Melodygrand POSITIVELY HIGHEST GROSSE POINTE FARMS ADVERTISING. - We have 2-3651. ~C"eivedher bachelor's and Trall Pharmacy. Kercheval on opening for man .or lady NEFF. Elegant new off-white 48" long 54" wide; 1 p air only $395 with bench. Both PRICES PAID the Hill a qua, 45" long, 54 & aO'! MAHO GANY tip-top small under 40 With experience in RELIABLE woman wishes day decor. 3' bedrooms. baths. stores. r's degree from the Uni- Jfanns Drugs, Fisher Rd. ana width. Tuxedo 4-1063. dining room table. Beautiful For Furniture and Kercheval newspaper display advertising work. Ref~rence. Call after Owner. 885-2209. ' Baldwin Acrosonic _. Modern .. of :\lichigan where she ~chetUers Drugs. Fisher Rd and g'rain. Duncan Phyfe design. Appliances. dept. Must be alert anC\ have 6 p.m. .567-1141. styling. This is a steal, $695. De- Maumee 20935 VERNIER RD. BIG BOY Baa-beque. Um1:n'ella tdeal for apartments or member of Delta Gamma. Klnse! Drugs, Mack and 7-Ml1e ability to d;., layouts~and write troit store. "I Piece or a Houseful." Lade her debut at a lunch- Hood EXPERIENCED girl for day 1 Block East of X-Way with table, chairs. Floor 1amps. homes with sma1l dining advertising copy expeditious- Mehlin & - Sons Consolette t the Detroit Boat Club Wood's Drug Center. Mack and work, e 1 e ani n g. laundry; Now renting _ New luxurious BedroOm chairs. Drexel lamp areas. TUxedodward & Ridge'RdJ Lady' owner. $80 .: 'TuxEDO 1-9616 Unfurnish~d. Reply to Box C- USE:DGR'GAN VALUES' TUxedo 1-7434. table with figures.' a priceless new tires and battery, per- MORNING PLAY GROUP 9:30 .' , ,- ,,' SO"Grosse Pointe News. 7-3452. fect condition, no rust, $975. ,Iks. E. of Greenfie ld) to 12. Sep.,tember thi-u M~. .... ' part t 8300 Guar.' Complim....,tary Less' ons DUNCAN PHYFE dinilllg room original creation; these' are all Intervale> RELI' .RI y'E:&Fn0N:T a men • ATTRACTIVE cottage on Lake, ""'"' , collector I'terns. Louis C-" the 14th VA 3.1846. $25 per month. Mrs. Berrien ABLE butler. porter and". E.,...... efferson. Large, spacious t t bl' 6 l.,~' buff t E h - oJ Erie. Good beach, available BALDWIN De Luxe Spinet - se - a e, . CuaU"S e. x- commode,. six feet-, long with Eaton. TU 2-5360. 325 Uni- an dyman-ki tchen work .- 'livL~, room. ,private balcony, Sa $ 00 h al . ' rom 10 a.m. Good references. TY 7-5558 Ul.5 Aug. 18th'to Sept. 1st. Sleeps ve '5 on t is unusu 10- cellent cond.ition. $135. Call Dore bronze and, marble top (a VOLKSWAGEN conver t i b I e. versity PI. , • $2~0.. '1;'p~edo ~3606. 8. 30 minutes from tunnel. $75 strument. Detroit,store. 293-3230, fQr appointment. museum' piece), pair cif- match- J957. TU 1-5525. SECRETARIAL SERVICES NEFF. :LANE, .2 bedrooms, 21 per week. 884.174~'. HAMMOND Chord-Use(! very ST" td' t t in.g 'Sevres pedestalS 'without 1961 TEMPEST 4 cylinder 2D-CONVALESCENT TE little,- big bargain, $595. Bir- EXQUI I E ou oor sa uary al Id h' .th I t' ' - • LEPHONE ANSWERING feet. of' closet space. air-con- LAKE HURON 6 il ....\-0 f' "Infant, of'. p'ra'rh1e" l'n ca t equ ,go c ma WI p a mum cherry red, 16,000 miles, one f HOMES ' , m es nOJ.ULl0 'minghani Store...... s -10' serts' WI.th flatw' are, some sil- MIMEOGRAPHING ditioned, completely carpeted. p rt H 3 bedr ms f' t f' ish d t ble owner, deluxe trim inside and ,... . 0 uron. 00, ll'e- LOWERY-Hol1'day Frw'twood.. eemen, m e 0 res~'llCall' ver, 3':pl'ece Fren"h ballJ'o type BOARD, room and care for pri- PRINTING ' Private basement •.: gar age, J d kitc:h d b' hI' ce'l~'-" out, white'walls, pQwer steer- vate person in my home for PHOTO COPYING ' , p .ace, rno ~rn en an J' ","+ traded' m'' on larger '.10' stru- ," Ig ,g oss par .'.LU. wh1.te an'd".. blue. 'planter wI"th - 4 $15(t No' children, no pets. th $80 ek Port U<;L 293' 3230 . ing, radio. heater. No dealers Ruelle long or short periods of time. VILL AGE LETTER SHOP . ,TUxe'do'A-3'207., baH •n YU 24401per we. ment. Like 'new, save $120. De- -. matching' candelabra,' ,one R.C.A please. WOodward 2-5600. The Mary Margaret Home~ 643 NOTRE DAME TU 4 7064 .'...... , ' ., uro , . trait Store. GOLD FRAME mirror, 26" x walnut television screen fflike Ext. 223. Ferndale 373 N. Main street, Plymouth, - 'LOWElt.:S-bedi"6oni:' New fliat. 6~STORE FOR RENT: - THOMAS-2 Manual. This IS 38". Knapp Monarch blender. new, two end tables and co ee Turn. W.) Web. Ph 0 n e GLenview BABYSITTER, experienced high ,', '1il.aPge;:'.refrigerator: "disPQ~al; wonderfUl, starter organ. $495. TUxedo 2.4156. table, mahogany with leather '61 FALCON Wagon. Standard school senior, trustworthy.and". gas 'heat, garage. TU ,5-9407. GROSSE POINTE .Btrmingbam Store. , top and gold tooling. One oil transmission. VAlley 2-7365. n 10 a.m. 3-LOST,AND FOUND dependable. Good references. Mdt HAMMOND. C. V. _ Tone cabi- FREE use of piano or organ to lion den scene by O. L. Adler ------1154. NEFF, 515, 2-bedroom lower. Mack, 16115. , 0 ern sore, respons1'ble fa-ny 2293'3 d thr q . 'te m'atchm' g 1960 THUNDERBIRD Hardtop VA 4 "'-berati.'on. This one lUll., an ee ex UlSl LOST: Bow--knot pin, July 30 Adults. V a can t. TUxedo 18'x60'. Newly decora t ed, gas net and re v...... G tl t N' H 11 . - Power s tee r in g, power r ht for ad'v'anced student. Great ra 0 near me. ours framed prints by DIego Rivera. on . Kercheval or Food Fair LADY \W\nts light work or care 5-4100. . heat, tile floor, latest sty"el Ig to 9. No other objects or articles. All brakes. Exceptional condi- (Maek Ave.). Reward. TU of invalid or convalescent. TU TOLES REAL ESTATE fixtures. value, '1995. Birmingham Store. beiJig liquidated at fraction of t.ion. Original owner. $2.300. Gerson 4-0949. 4~3040. VAlley 2-2795 WURLITZER - Conn. Thomas; BARGAIN BASEMENT SALE original cost. A life.time col-, VAlley 3-1216. . Gro.ss-e Pte., 840 Har.cou,rt 6..1-' WANTED TO RENT Hammond. Spinets anthdShome' 5c to $~ ' lection. Home sold and must be VOLKSWAGEN 1959. $1075. I.- Detroit LOST, Austin High School class S !I.J. models from $495. Bo tores. Mirrors, glassware; boo k s, vacated Tuesday. Pur c has e G or. Holmur} ring, in Village. TU 2-1898. TRI-CITY CHILD CARE PaclOus 5 rooms-exceptiono y OFFICE'SPACE Your terms at 6%. lamps, mahOgany cheSt. Christ- prl'ces will include delivery. 1376 Bishop, rosse Pointe. State Licensed and Bonded large walk-in closets - plus ..... TU 5-3452. beautiful' pine Florida room. WANTED in Grosse Pointe area ., SM ILEY BROS.' mas tree lights and ornaments, 1665 Balmoi'al Drive


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Thursday. August 9,'1962 Page Fourteen G. R.0 SSE .P,0 I N TEN E W S Thursday, August 9, 1962 Classified Co

13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CORNBE Clair 861 WASHINGTON RD. Lane r. Grosse Pointe City, 3-bedroom Beach. Colonial, 11,,2 baths. Complete I G. E. kitchen, family room, 2- THRE:: ear garage. Reasonable. Three Trunlc: Lines To Serve You Quickly Three Trunk Lines To Serve You 9uickly DEADLINE 3 P.M. TUESDAY on Coo CALL TUxedo 2-6'900 .. TUxedo 2-7035 Cresce 13-REAL ESTATE cent L l1-AUTOS FOR SALE 13-REAL ESTATE, 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE . 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE foot. FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR, SALE' FOR SALE: ',FQR SALE. ANITA, 1398. Open Sunday. TR 3. 1957. White, excellent Near grades, markets, bus. A C condition. PRescott 7-015l. 39 N. Deeplands SIX ROOM ranch, automatic CADIEUX ROAD, 890 OPEN SUN. 2 t6 6' ~ _ First Offering LAKE LIVING f~ily s~e brick bung~ow, gas heat. New interior. Ex. HURRY, HURRY Enjoy living near the lake in full dining room, fireplace, CHEVROLET 1956 Wagon, 2- Four bedroom, 3 bath, 2 lav., cellent con d it ion, 40' let. Reduced to. below $20,0.00. Ex- COLONIAL ROAD" 57 T rrifi 287 l\1erriw:eather .to. see door stick, W.s.w.. $300. Pack- colonial. Provisions for two ad. cellent condition 3 bedro.om , .' e c Between .CharlevOlx and Beau- our lovely 3-bedroom Early giant third bedroom, on 60 $13,500. TU 4-1427. location, view' o.f. Lake. 4 bed- pre, white brick colonial, 3 1617 ROSLYN ard, 1947, Super Clipper, 4. ditional bedrooms. colonial with paneled den. AlSo. American ranch home. The ft. Low taxes, high privacy" 13B-C Looking ~or the ideal place to. door, motor w.s.W.. tires. large . terrace. On' 60 ft.. lot. room, 2 bath. home on exclusive ~ro.omy bedrooms.. New gas price of $18,500 includes a Jl,CW details, $18,900, 10% PI $69,500 bring up your children? Close paint new. R&H. Take them "Home for Large Family Shown any time. Mr. Dannecker, private lane, $32;500. furnace, 1;.2 baths up. Lavato.ry paneled family room, carpeting, _o_o_oN_n_._p_ar_k_e_r_,_T_U_5_._44_1_5_._ , ACACIA to Ferry Schoo.l, c 1e a n and both for $575. TU 5-5094. TUxedo 1-7242 agent. TU 1-3760. BERKS~HIRE 701' E ci' . . 1L do.wn. Paneled. de~. Screened all new storms and screens, , . x. usIve.1 )'~. porch. RecreatIon room' with pretty hungalow with 2 bednns., May b. Or Call Your Broker I RATHBONE PLACE,' n a t u r a I fireplace, screened sonabl,! 12-AUTOS WANTED S!LLOWA Y AND CO: story ranch at Windmill ~o.int~:' firep'lace~ Double car garage. bath down: 2 Bednns., lav. up. breezeway, and a 2-ear garage. 260 STEPHENS - 3 oedrooms, Screened po.rch, 2 car garage. Pointe 1-2985 GROSSE POINTE CITY Very large lot,. family room. Many pluS .features; dishwash- Grosse• I Large C' -er lot immaculately 1958 CHEVROLET 2 Deer. 6 21/2 baths. Fine "Farms" lo- Every conceivable appointment., er,"co.pper plumbing, sprinkler All this fer $16,500. Call owner for appointment landscaucd. The private street Shown By Appo;ntment jl4-RE cylinder, automatic. No rust. cation in Kerby and St. Paul FIRST OFFERING system, fully c;u:peted. Vacant. offers a private beach, boat Evenings. TUxedo 2-3784. TUxedo 6-1145 TAPPAN TU 4-6200 districts. Full y equipped. BEDFORD NEAR LAKE. Rea- EL'L' A RUTH' T udox e.1-5793 0.1' TUxedo 1- wells and a picnic area for year COLONIALS WJ sonably priced and ideally locat- 67 3 3 3round activities. By owner. LIGHT COLORED co.mpact. not Call TUxedo 2-5928. ~158,uOO CHALFONTE 427. Center hall_ ed. Four spacio.us bedro.o.ms, 2;.2 'and associates 930 Lakeshore older than 1960 modcl in of grosse pointe SHOREHAM;; 65. Co.lonial style PR 8-2092 754 Shelden 79,500 colonial. 3 bedro.Dms, 3;.2 baths on second floo.r: Library, TU 6-2050 go.od condition. VAlley 1-6000. TU 2-6293 WELLINGTON PLACE semi-rancp. 3 bedrooms. 2 1058 Audubon 53,500. FIRST OFFERINGS baths. Many fine features. powder r~om, breakfast room, extension 258. betwecn 10 Grosse Pointe's baths, library. 855 Harcaurt 52,000. BISHOP 1250 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 and 4. Shown by appointment. Own- new furnace, well landsca~$d 65 HAWTHORNE. -' 2-bedroom 712 Balfour 48,500 Newest Subdivision McKINLEY, 384. 3 twm sized This jewel needs lots of elbow cr, TV 5~4637. ft. lo.t.. OWNER TRANSFERRED ranch. Dining' room, .family 1175 Lochmoor 48,500. Between Jefferson; and the ,Lake bedrooms, large kitchen and 12A-BOATS AND grease and imagination to make AUDUBON 1250 - Center hall REASONABLE OFFER room, 'built-ins. $26,500. 753 Grand Marais 48.500. City of Grosse Pointe breakfast n oo.k, recreation MOTORS 'it sparkle. Wo.nderful neighbor- Colonial only 1ih blocks fro.m ACCEPTED I LAKESHORE LANE-pieasing 765 Trombley 41,800 rao.m. St. Paul parish. LOW GROSSE haad. At the unbelievable price NO. N:INE: 4 BEDROOMS ranch, 3 bedrooms, 2' baths, 19913 W. Doyle PI. 39,800. 16 it. THOMPSON mahogany 362 FISHER C,atho.li~school. 4 bedroo.~s, 2lh 155 Grosse Pte. Blvd. brick DOWN PA:-Yl,\1ENT. restaur, of $17.900. baths, lIbrary, modern kltchen, ' ' • , 21;2 baths. $5~,500 , library, dreamy kitchen. 1136 Three Mile 39.500. runabout, 35 h.p. Mer cur Y Center en tr an c e Co.lonial, 3 cellen~ oversized screene'd po l' C h, at-. 3 bedrooms, llh: baths. fire- NO. ELEVEN; 4 BEDROOMS 550 Lakepointe 39,500. mot 0 r , trailer, full skiing BRYS, 1773 large bedroo.ms, paneled den BERKSHIRE, 743-4 bedrooms, FOLLOWING BY APP'T. trade. : taehed .garage. 80' lot. Priced to place, at~ched gar~.ge. Newr St. '2 baths, 2 ha:lf baths. . 3 baths. Under $30,000. 1171 N. Oxford. 38,900 equipment. Tanks, life savers A frame 3 bedroom colonial. and kitchen, recreation ro.om, to ow 1 sell quiCkly.' Paul's, Grosse Pointe High.' $58,000 B R I ARC L IFF, off Lake- 704 Tro.mbley 38,900 and all other necessary eqnip- Excellent family home. 2 full Hi-Fi speakers thro.ugho.ut, 2 car BRYS, 1544-2-bedrocm semi- For fl:1 Choice locatio.n. . . shore - just past Grosse 771 Bedford 38,500. ment. Boat now in water and baths. S c h 0 0 I and shopping garage. Jalousie enclo.sed ter- FISHER 587 - Near schools. ranch. Living ro.om 21' with WALTER H. MAST CO.' Pointe Yacht Club. Fine Con- 1172 Whittier 36,500. PAUL '. can be fully tested, $650 for 'within walking distance. race. Underground sprinklers. Well built llh storY Colonial TUxedo 5-6530 fireplace. BILDOR TU 2~1400 temporary house, 3 attrac- 870 Bedford 34,900. complete outfit. Tuxedo 5. Gas furnace. $2:;,900. with 3 be'dro.oms, 2 baths, pan- HARCOURT. 792. Luxury flat 1 tive bedro.oms, 2 h baths, den, 1210 Kensington 34,000. 7972. T.uxedo 2-3294 eled den, recreation room, 50' . with Florida room. Re'duced. BY APPOINTMENT ! "dream" kitchen. Very large 43 Hawthorne 33,900. 16-PE'!' lot. KERBY-Hi story, 2 bedrooms 1930 30 FT. Hacker. 3 cock~ WASHINGTON, 837 552 UNIVERSITY-5 bedrooms BARRINGTON 823-3-bedroo.m family room with bar and 1318 Three Mile 33,700. in this home, just a minute and bath on first floor, two bed- GERMA:: pit speedboat. 225 hp. Will Beautiful custom built 3 LOCHMOOR 2G-Spacious Eng- English 'c 0 t tag e. Finished raised hearth fireplace. 19960 Norton Ct. 33,000. bed- away from both Kercheval rooms and bath up.' Family stand rigid survey. $2,000'1 ro.om ranch, nine years lish Tudor near the lake. Mo.d- basement. Make offer. 1366 Audubo.n 31,000. AKC, . old. GROSSE PTE, FLATS shopping areas. Well main- room with fireplace. Modern UNIVERSITY, 374 - Attrac- TU 4-4509. Large deep lot. . crn kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 3 SHOREHAM, 4P4 - Ranch, 2 887 S. Brys Dr. 29,500. 'w-ormel HARCOURT. RD.-2 bedrooms, tained and. features an up- kitchen. Gas heat, $24,800. tive Colo.nial, built 1955. 4 baths, maid's quarters, library; bedrooms, den. Tenns. 1771 Littlestone 2i,900. SAlLING SLOOP, 26 ft., C screened pOl' Ch e s, separate dated kitchen and newly MAXON BROTHERS, INC. bedrooms, 2lh baths. paneled Geno.n MT. VERNON, 350 Florida room, .air-eonditiu:ling, CHALFONTE, 324 - Custo.m 1440 Bisho.p 23,900. basement, copper plumbing, finished den. Reduced to TV ro.om, lo.vely enclosed boat in well 72, Grosse Fte. recently decarated. TU 2-6000 built, 2 bedroom ranch, li- . 431 Roland Ct. 23,500 SCRNA!.! Park, $1500. Valley 1-3149. You can.t beat this for livabil- ga~ furnaces. 3 car garage. $36,000. . garden. ity. Two bedrooms up and' two Like new. owner transferred. brary, dining room. Make 1581 Hollywood 21,900. teredo i PROVENCAL 306 - Near LAKELAND, 595 offer. NEAR LAKE - Spacious Colo- 1632 Hampto.n 20,500. $100. T 24 FT. CHRIS-CRAFT sedan down. A ]Dt of living in a com- schools and .ideal for family B17 N. RENAUD - Priced well TROMBLEY RD. near the nial, 4 bedrooms, 2lh baths, 1210 Hampton 19,800. cruiser. double planked hull, pact home. All this plus won- with children. Farm Colanial in' below other comparables in '4-bedroom Colonial, a1lached CRESTWOOD, 85 -' Ear I y , Lake. Two. bedrooms plus sleeping p 0 r c h, TV room. 1737 Hampton 18,500. Zo-PIA sleeps 4. Recent engine over- derful congenial neighbo.rs. excellent condition. 4 bedrooms, the neighborhpod. This sin- g!!rage, 26' living room, family American ranch, 2100 sq. ft. haul. Priced fo.r quick sale. Only $26,800. .family room each. Separate kitchen, 11;2 baths up, lh-)lath of living. Large bright fam- $32,500. basements, co.pper plumbing, 31;2 baths, maid's quarters, Ii- gle sto.ry 'ho.me should be RANCHES COMPL.E TUxedo 1-5615, after 7 p.m. brary, . activities room, large considered by anyone want- down. Screened terrace, fenced, ily kitchen, 2 large bedrooms GROSSE POINTE FARMS-1st ing, rl gas furnaces. Best buy on the 90.000. S. HIGBIE, 612 wooded lot. ing real quality in a home landscaped lot. Gas heat. Owner plus family room. Owner offering. Center hall colonial. 870 Lake Shore de-mo:.1 SAILBOAT-International 110. street. moving. $12,000 dawn to mort- 845 Lakeshore 64.000. Quality built 4.year-old ranch under $40,000. Boasts a li- anxio.us. 1 Large family room, living Technl. Good condition. dacron sails, 49,500. in choice lo.cation. Complete FINEST LOCATIONS IN THE LOTHROP 184. - Everything brary, family room, -2-car gage. • room with fireplace, dining 605 S. Higbie PI. 731-77(1 $490. Call TUxedo 1-1288. OPEN SUN. 2:30 - ;;, 46,000. kitchen built-ins, 3 spacio.us POINTE FOR OWNER TO yau could want in a ranch attached garage and com- TUxedo 1-2492 room, kite'hen, breakfast ro.o.m. 90 N. Edgewood BEDFORD, 737 - 5-bedroom. 44,000. 16~2 FT. CLINKER. 35 h.p. bedro.oms, large family room LIVE AND HAVE AN home; 'family room, library, 3 plete sprinkler system. library; powder room. 2nd 962 Lochmoor P R I V ATE lake J front park, I 3 bath ColoniaL fo.r growing 42,500. Evinrude electric. A-I. $695. with fireplace, 2 tile baths and INCOME. bedro.oms, 2;.2 baths, maid's floor, 6 bedrooms and 3 baths. 1050 N. Renaud swimming and boat dockage. family. Reduced. 39,500. DRexel 1-1981. lav. First flaor utility room. quarters, large, well landscaped 1311 CADIEUX,-Ma'ybe this is Recreation room in basement, 19745 Blossom Lane C-! 3-bedro.om brick ranch harne, BERKSHIRE, 716 - Well ar- 39,500. Priced under $55,000. lat. the ideal house' for your 2 furnaces. 1572 S. Renaud K JOHN C. STAUDT. Inc, family roo91, recreation roo.m, ranged 5 bedrooms, 3 baths. 38,500. ARKANSAS TRAVELER, 16 ft., family? A 4 bedroom home 628 N. Higbie Stai 1961 Olympic model, fiber- VA 2.0100 EVES. VA 2.6593 VENDOM~If location is im- carpeting and drapes, gas Can be seen anytime. BEDFORD, 737 - Center hall 641 Roslyn 37,500. FISHER,689 o.f c 0 Ion i a I architecture Ref'. portant to. you, inspect this' de- 36,900. glass boat with 40 h.p. John. which has that "modem heat, sto.rms and screens, 50x LAKEPOINTE, 524-A step to colonial, large living room, 19700 Blo.ssom Lane DON'T MIS S THIS ONE! luxe 3 bedroo.ms, 2 bath Colo.- 33,BOO. son outboard. TUxedo 5-5187 kichen" and a paneled den. 50 lot. In St. Clair Shores, the Park. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. dining room, kitchen, family 562 N. Rosedale Ct. Charming four bedroom colo- FIRST OFFERING nial today. Po.wder room, at- 26,000. or WO 5-7944. Just a block from school, near public and parochial $29,500. roam. 2nd floor, 4 bedroo.ms, 1423 Torrey nial. Exquisitelj' decorated. Per- tached garage, 100' lo.t co.ntain- 25,900. and ViII age shopping. schools, shopping and lake. BERKSHIRE, 1410. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, sleeping. porch. Bed- 1223 Anita CENTURY 18' Resorter. Folding fect condition. 1982 L1TTLESTON E ing 25 flowering trees. 22,500. Priced to sell at $27,300. $23,900. For &ppomtment call library, gas heat. Reduced room and bath on 3rd. $32,500. 1084 Vernier Rd. Subu~ top. V-8 power. Like new. Co.lonial, 3 bedrooms, 1~ owner, PR 5-0054. $3,500. 1298 Hawthon:e 21,500. $2,500. MAyfair 6-6040. ALINE,1214 baths, paneled den: carp- KARL DAVIES TU 5-3220 Price reduced on this roomy eting, draperies. $29,500. TOLES "TO PERFECTION" stuns up JOHN S. GOODMAN '1'12 STORY "No CAVALIER, 30 ft., 1961. 2- two-bedroom brick. Full dining Appointment. how this home will suit the , RIVARD, 472 TU 5-6063 LO 7-4706 74 KERCHEVAL TU 5-4100 24 Roslyn 45',000 One pI 195's. Push button co.ntrols. room, expansion attic, garage. couple ,that wants a smaller Beautiful condition. VAlley TUxedo 1-0254 hause with large interio.r OPEN SUN. 2 to 5 ELABORATE 791 Roslyn 28,900. maint~ Two bedrooms and bath down. 1087 Hawthorne 26,900. 1-5182. VENDOME,84 GROSSE POINTE CITY - 4 dimensions. Two bedroo.ms, CONTRf\CTOR'S HOME L Upstairs is air.conditioned and 1878 Allard .., 22.800. PRICE REDUCED bedrooms, carpeted. $23,500, 2 baths, living room, den Open Sun. 1 to 5 New Homes TU1-.l CAPTAIN'S GIG, new, 8 ft. sail- This delightful French Nor- has large bedro.om and bath. 1505 Brys 17,700 New 3-bedroo.m brick ranch, and seCluded patio. All this ing pram, fiberglass; retails mandy ho.use for a large family $3,000 down to FHA. TUxedo Screened, . covered porch. Lot Custom brick 'ranch near Our Grosse Po.inte Farms 2081 Hunt Club 17,500. G.E. kitchen, 11;2 baths, carpet- in one of the Poin"te's finest LICEN= $329, selling $185 complete. is located in St. Paul's Parish 1-4604. 60'x200'. Carpets, draperies, gas Lady Star of the Sea and public EARL COURT, 179; off Moro.ss 930 Beaconsfield 16,500. INTE ing, draperies,' tiled basement, locations. Before 3 p.m., PR 6-5852. on one of the finest streets in heat. $29,900. Call after 6 p.m. schoo.ls. Paneled study or 3rd - 3 bedrooms, 3lh baths. 2049 Anita 15,300. Carpent: the Farms. It is vacant and the gas heat, 2-car garage. Land- bedroom. 2 large bedrooms, 2 GROSSE POINTE WOODS DEVONSHIRE - What fo.).lrout for appointment. $.63,000 roof re,) o.wner is anxious to. sell. scaped. $23,000. Private sale by baths. Family room 20X20. (Solid 12C-TRAILERS FOk SALE of five of today's families TUxedo 2-7603 HOUSES OPEN able bie owner. PRescott 2~4B98. Hidden" Lane 875. Like pri. paneled and exposed beams). EARL COURT, 183: off Mo.rass desire - Center hall 'colon- i Sunday 2-5 for your inspection CAMPER, self contained on LEXINGTON, 470 vacy in your 3 bedroom luxury fireplaces. Many extras. 12Ox110 -2.bedro.oms, 2 baths. $45,000 ial style house with 4 gen- in surrounding areas. You are WA 2-71 brand new Dodge pick-Up ranch home? Family ro.o.m, 2 fenced and landscaped. (Corner Cox & Baker custom built cen- 387 MERRIWEATHER RD, erous sized bedro.oms, and McKINLEY ROAD cordially invited to call or stop truck. Sleeps 6, like a home car garage. Exclusive Lochmoor of To.rrey). TU 1-7069. ter entrance bungalaw. Excellent 3 baths. Impeccably deco- Custom built 3-bedroom hause , in our office fer a list. ') on wheels. $3.000. 4660 Bed- OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 Club area. Richard' 0h fo.rd. 882-2700. ruom sizes, deluxe reereation rated througho.ut. Plenty, of with 1st floor lav. LIBRARY, Custom built Coloriial on wide TU 1-4200 room. Out of town o.wner must GEORGE F. SHORT yard for privacy and play.' screened terrace, excellent car- 1260 ELFORD CT. sell. lot with 3 bedrooms,' 1Y2 baths, 12F-RESORT PROPERTY rec. rm. and attached garage. 19934 HARPER TU 1-2811 pets.' Convenient to Richard, $33,000 Kimbrough TU 4-0600 TU 1-6300 5 WHITTIER - One of the best Brownell and High School. St. fOR SALE LAKESHORE LANE Kerby and Brownell schools. St. Immediate occupancy. Terms. BUILDER TU 2-259,3 JOHNSTONE & Paul parish. Price' reduced. 3 bedroom 2~2 bath homes Paul parish. Vacant. LA 7-: Deluxe center hall ranch. 2 twin OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 ON LAKE HURON - 5-Room Vacant. offered en the market to- furnished ho.me. Large living size bedrooms, paneled den, day. Less than ten years old T. RAYMOND JEFFS GUIDE TO GOOD SERVICE JOHNSTONE 21D-1 room, natural fireplace, 2-car modern kitchen, be('utiful knot- T. RAYMOND JEFFS ~ 48 WILLOW TREE PL, and kept in like-new condi- 81 Kercheval TU 1-1100 ty pine recreation room, tel'~ 81 Kercheval TU 1-1100 GRqSSE PTE. SHORES garage. All modern co.nveni- tion, this house currently is CENTER c n t ran c e Colonial , race, new carpeting, 2-car at- ences. One acre landscaped NEAR GROSSE POINTE ~arried on: a 41/20/0- mort- three large bedrooms, 21;2 tached garage. A lovely home in GROSSE PTE. CITY gro.unds, 100 ft. sand beach. YACHT CLUB gage wliich may be assum- baths, knotty pine family :.K a prestige lo.cation. EARLY AlVIERICAN RANCH. ON THE LAKE Near Port Sanilac. Call TUx- TWQ bedroom. Fireplace, car- OFF LAKESHORE ROAD ed. Located in the :;ouch de- Jefferson (nr. Cadieux Rd') Electrical Repairs kitchen. Built-in appliances . ..A edo 1-7014 weekdays. pets, drapes, stove, refrigera- OPEN DAILY 1-5 sired first block off J effer- Near lake. Owner. $42,000 RIVARD,329 subgstantial older home with 5 . FREE : tor, new gas furnace, deep New. four bedro.om colo.nial. son. family bedrooms, 3 baths and Appliance Circuits TUxedo 1-7013. 13-REAL ESTATE Large reductio.n on this 4-bed- lot, St. Paul parish. Vacant. 2;.2 baths, family ro.om, study, maid quartf']"s. ApprDximately room. 3-bath terrace. Located GRAND MARAIS-Situated on PROMPT SERVICE FOR SALE $16,900, $3000 down. 544 St .. separate dining room. Complete 3 cho.ice acres with 135 ft. .lake 13A-LOTS FOR SALE H,:.l in Grosse Pointe City near new a deadend street which Clair. TUxedo. 5-8759. in every detail including land- frontage, sea wall. Attractive 17176 ~ MUST SELL. 2 bedroo.ms swimm~ng po.o.l, scho.o.ls and . - runs to the lake, this scaping, $53,800. subdivisio.npotintial. Please call Kra'usmann .Electric Co. ROSLYN ROAD, 84 ft. east of down, 1 bedroom up, bath transpo.rtation. Perfect Cundi- French colonial has been Serving the Grosse p.,1nte area fo.r details. TU 2-5900 1203. $7000. and a h~f, finished ree. rm. tion, delightful neighbors. Own- redone in the past year. for over 36 years GRO: BY .'~PPOINTMENT in basement. Frame, 2~car' er has already purchased o.ut of New Colonia Is" Kitchen alone is worth see- HUGH CHALMERS JOHN S. GOODMAN garage. 5093 Lakepointe. Det. town home. Anxious. 406 BAReLA Y RD, ,. ing. Backyard offers pri- TU 4-4040 TU 5.6063 LO 7-4706 Owner. TU. 5-5578 UNDER $20,000 GROSSE PTE. FARMS vacy and party 11a use. NORTH Deeplanes, last 120 ft FAC~ BARRINGTON, 912 1~ stories, 3 bedrooms-2 up, Priced in the low thirties. HAWTHORNE, Grosse Pointe 2045 Roslyn, Gro.sse Pte. Woods; 4 bedroom bungalow, Cho.ice location, near Lake- Older ho.use. 4 bedrooms, 11;2 Woods. 3 bedrooms, 1112 1 down. '2 baths, 2 fireplaces. GROSSE PTE. SHORES. HEAD AND shoulders above 2 down, 2 up, gas heat. Lot shore. TUxedo 6-1444. baths, mo.dernized kitchen. In baths, full basement, gas \ Family room with bar. Central PC the o.ther 3. bedroo.m 11;2 83x146. 40 Lakeshore Lane choice location, 60 ft. let. St. heat, copper plumbing. G.E. air-co.nditioning. Finished ~base- CARMEL LANE ment. Carpets and drapes. Re- bath homes in the area, this Luxurious -ranch home beauti. Ambro.se-Trombley schools. Park MANOR, Gro.sse p'ointe Farms, Choice lots nOO'x:65') lovely built-ins) colonial o.n'McKinley Road in fully situated just off Lake privileges. duced to $39,700. 3 bedroom home, 1 do.wn.and new subdivision off Lakeshore 21019 I, offers a spacio.us family Shore Drive. Contains 3 large 2 up, llh baths, 2 car garage: Read J:ear Crescent Sail Club TU.1-: CHALFONTE, 332 room and comes complete • Business Machines . bedrooms, 2 baths, plus 2 half- Albert G. / • Rubber Stamps KARL DAVIES TU 5-3220 baths; living room, formal din- Deluxe white brick ranch on % COX & with carpeting. BEACONSFIELD, near Jeffer. • Fine Printing Service , ning '~oo.m, large paneled fam- acre landscaped let. 2 bedroo.ms, COUVREUR, BLDR. son, 3 bedroom bungalow, gas MIDDLESEX BLVD. - BO'x200 ily room, kitchen with built.ins den Or 3rd bedroom, terrace. '. MARK THESE features against heat, llhgarage. $8500. • Wedding Invitotions for sale by owner. TUxedo FREE: TU :1'-3000 .. "BAKER the check list requirefi fo.r and spacious eating area. 2 nat- recreation room with fireplace, 4-7058 or TUxedo 5-2051. . NEW I 2-car attached garage. Excellent your next, home: .Two sec- mDDEN LANE - Center hall ADDING ural fireplaces. All on one floor. TU 5-7900 ranch, 3 bedrootns, 1a r g e Farms locatio.n. ond flo.or ba1lhs, first floM MACHINES Basement recreation ro.om area ROSLYN ROAD. By owner. At.:.. kitchen, 2% baths, T.V. room. with natural' fireplace, ~ bath, tractively priced 2 bedroom lav., large kitchen with ~at- TYPEWRITERS ing space fo.r everyo.l1e. 2 car attached garage. Copper MORAN, 437 Cape' Cod.' Many extras. Must ATTENTION SUNNINGDALE. - Charming , -and screened porch, J habitant eaves and plumbing. Large English brick. 3 twin size bed- sell. .TUxedo. 4-7023. briCkstlme Americim Colo.- VALU E .~EEKERS fenced yard, den, separate Sales spreading lot with complete rooms, 23 ft. living room, natut:- , nial with 3 bedrooms~ 'liJ:>rilry A Good, and, dirting roo.m. Almost impos': sprinkler system. Custo.m built. al fireplace, new lQtchen, new. PICK ONE TO SUIT YOUR and Florida' roo.m, .2 garage. . Service sible but true-all this in Wonderful floo.r plan. A fine ly decorated. Good value. GROSSE POINTE WOODS POCKETBOOK heme for the discriminating Blairmoor between Wedgewo.od AND THEN' SEE us the Farms for $28,500. WILLIA.'I\IS' CT., Grosse 'Po.inte Woods, 4 bectroom 1:th stOry, WOLVERINE' • Top Soil buyer. Call for complete de. HAMPTON, .1585 and River Road. Land contract 5 BEDROOMS' BARRINGTON - A fo.ur bed- . enclosed jalousie porch, at~ tails. acceptable. Builder's terms. Typewriter Service . Excellent colonial. 60 ft. lqt, 2 Ardmore, 23040 $69,900 room home with 2 full tached garage. Serving the Pointe Area car garage, modern kitchen with 942 N. Brys near Wedgewood. Berkshire, 912 $38,000 b'aths, and extra rooms on Our New Location • Peat Moss JOHN C. STAUDT, Inc. built-ins. Under $20,000. Spacious three bedroom brick Westchester, 701 $45,000 the first floor for sleeping, TORREY RD., 5 room bunga- 13131 ,E. JEFFERSON AVE. VA 2-0100 EVES, VA 2-6593 ranch reduced to. $30,500 for party or' study, So much lo.w with expansio~ attic. Next to the Savar1ne Hotel BELANGER. 346 I 4 BE'DROOMS quick sale. Attached two~ar house to. work with for only FORD CT., 3 bedroom brick .VA 2-3560 Ranch. 2 be drooms,L Florida' Chalfonte, 403 $32,900 • Manure, HUNTINGTON Blvd., n ear garage, large rear .yard, 22'x15' $21,900. bungalow, gas heat, kitchen Fisher'Rd.,282 . $22,500 m Mack, 2 bedroom face brick room, 2 car attached garage. living room,. fireplace, llh basement, 1:th garage. N. Oxford,1140 . . $39,500 1040 N•. OXFORD - A prize custom built ranch, Ideal Perfect co.nditio.n. Lovely land- baths, tiled basement, gas heat; location for working or re. scaped let. terrace. To.nnancour, 139 ' $125,000 colonial with all 'the. extras MARYLAND, brick flat 6-6,. 3 GROSSE POINTE' • Peat Humus Whittier, 1025 $3~,500 so many families ..want. 2 bedrooms ~ach, gas heat, 2 car tired couple. TUxedo 4-4861. 1343 Fairholme, Center en- . VAN ANTWERP, 20283 . I i lAtta h"'... Windmill Fte. Dr. $130,000 garage. trance co on a . C t:U ga., tile ba.ths on the .second Shoe Repair Grosse Pointe vicinity. Face 8rosse Poinle Cab 98 WEBBER, PLA~E: 4 bed. rage, three twin bedrooms,' 2 . 3 BEDROOMS 'floor, lavato.n-, I~mily ro'om, BEACONSFIELD, 8 year old brick ranch. 4 bedrooms, 2 full • Sand baths J,lp, large closets, cedar Hillcrest, 180 $37,700 brick, 5-5; income, large lot. 379 F,sher Rd.,Opp. High rooms on large let. Includes an. baths, large kitchen, 2 car ga- and large modern' kitchen. TU 2-5300 closet, fi~t floor .and. basement Hollywood, 560 ,. , $32,500 outstanding mas t e r bedroom rage. Owner transferred. FAlRFORD, Ranch,' face brick, lavs., remodeled kitchen, large Mt. Vernon, ,395" . $20,900 suite and 26 ft. family room. 8lh years old,. 3 bedrooms, • Crushed Stone, recreation room .and bar; Many N. Renaud, 959 . $39,900 Open dailY, 2--5. Tuxedo 2-1400. P.urdy. llh baths; large rooms. COMPLETE custom featureS. Nice deOOf;En- Roslyn 1617 $16,500 . I ------«, Walter H. Mast Co. INFORMATION ON ALL closed terrace. ASking $33;800. ,Verniei-,69 $26,500 .& RIDGEMONT, near .Chalfonte, ROAD," SERVICE TV SERVICE Ranch, 2 bedrOo.ms plus den, BY OWNER. 1014 Somerset ~ROSSE POINTE OTHER GROSSE POINTE 1552 ROSLYN, Homey brick ,Our Photo Files Will 2 fir~p1aces, gas heat, attached Road. 3 bedroom ranch, 2 bungalow. One large bedro.pm Edgar garage. .. Television Spec. Co. car attached garage, large PROPERTIES AVAILABLE and 1av. up, two bedrooms, bath . Save You Miles TU 1.98~3 '~8"A' Me. screened porch, gas heat, down. Fireplace, terrace, base •. 100 KERCHEVAL' TU 4-2228 TU4.3988~ Prompt, Courteous Service t •.In. " • p.ln. Mon. :. Sot. $35,000. Phone VA 1-6355 be- ment tiled, ga~ heat, ..garage, "The secret. 'Of .success in life is 'SELDON CO. 15306 E. Warren tween 9 and 11 a.m. or 5 'CHAMPION. , Park; privileges. Asking;'$17,400. l TAP PA N . Earl Richards. Service TU 4-6200 ,fer &; man ,to be ready for ~his TU.2-21oo 17921 .MACK ~, and '1 p.m. ShO\ln by ap- TU 4-6700 BOUTIN TU 4-'1733 93 Kercheval %0397 Made An ••. ta the WoodS TU"2-00S2 llomtment onl~. opportunity. when iN:omes." . .f , I • , j \ ! .. . . - ao.u 5&&225&2& saasa iSS ££ & 3 b 2 £ 5 sa 2 • - ust 9. 1962 Thursday, August 9. '1962 ' GROSSE page, Fifteen 21E-CUSTOM CORSETS Classified Continued SPENCER CORSETS Headlines. the' Wee,k .' . - . ': ..: i:; Individually des i g ned, light- ()f t w~ight fouudations and sur- 13-REAL ESTATE 13A-LO,TS, FOR SALE gleal g a I'm en ts. over 26 FOR SALE . 'years exPerience M au d e _------_.I~ORNE:R ~ro:ntage 95'x224', St.. Bannert, 368 McKinley, 861 WASHINGTON RD. Clair Drrive ,. and Memory. Gr.osse Pointe, TU 5-4027 or L~e near. Met r 0 pol ita n TOwnsend 9-3317 Grosse Pointe City. 3-bedroom 'Beach. 881-3704 aftcI:, 6 p.m> ' • Colonial. 11,2 baths. Complete G ('t. E', kitchen, family room, 2- TH 21 -ROOF SERVICE P.M. TUESDAY REE VACANT 74' lots car garage. Reasonable. on Cook Road between E. ROOF REPAIRING ~TATE TUxedo 2-7035 Crescent Lane and W. Cres~ E~pert on leaky roofs, gutters, cent Lane. $110 per front decks, caulking, VEnice 9-2220, LE foot. LAkeview 1-6427 A~lTA, 1398, Open Sunday. LIVING :\l'ar grades, markets, bus. A COX & BAKER Llmily size brick bungalow. EAVESTROUGHS CLEANED IPar the lake in TU 5-7900 full dining room, fireplace, AND PAINTED -bedroom Early ,;i:ll1t third bedroom, on 60 ch home. The VAlley 1-4127 ft. Low taxes, high privacy, 500 includes a 13B-CEMETERY Ul'W details, $18,900. 10% room. carpeting, PROPERTY CALL from 6 a,m. to 8 p.m. for (l v \\'0. Parker, TU 5-4415. gutte'r work .,md roof repairs. IlS and screens, ACACIA Cemetery. Six graves. 30 'years' experience, Fully ~place. screened May be subdivided~ Very rea~ l a 2-car garage. insured. Low priced. lot immaculately G rOS se Poi nte ~~;;:~~.Choice location. WA. RICHARD WILLERTZ Ie private street 1------TU 1-8170 or TU' 4.3930 ate beach. boai S10wn By Appointment 14-REAL ESTATE GUTTER and roof repairs. Do 'nic area for year WANTED es. By owner. COLONIALS my own work; 25 years ex- perience. Low prices. Don 8.2092 930 Lakeshore FROM OWNER. Five room $158,000 Seeger, 'rU 5-7460. 754 Shelden 79,500 house on Huntington, north of Mack. Will pay cash. IlJ53 Audubon 53,500. 21"-RUG CLEANING JNDAY 2-5 S;)5 Harcourt 52.000. TYler 6-8235. ,8.t 3 twin sized 71:! Balfour 48.500 RADKE CARPET CLEANERS ~rge kiichen and 1175 Lochmoor 48.500. 15-BUSINESS Carpets. rugs, tacked down or I 0 0 k. recreation 7;;;) Gl'and Marais 48,500. OPPORTUNITIES loose and up~olstered furniture aul parish. LOW 7(j.~Trombley 41,800 cleaned and moth proofed. in GROSSE POINTE short order :\lE~T. 1!'913 W. Doyle PI. 39,800. your home the modern way 1136 Three Mile 39,500. restaurant and dairy bar. ex- cellent' lOcation, established with the latest Rug Deteger, !G BY APPT. 550 Lakcpointe 39,500. dries overnight. F F. off Lake~ 11"71N. Oxford 38,900 trade. Here's ~ln opportunity to own your own business. Repairing, serge binding, throw 1St past G r 0 sse 7Ll4Trombley 38,900 rugs and runners, picked up t Club. Fine Con- 7,1 Bedford 38,500. For further information, call and delivered. house. 3 attrac- 11"72Whittier 36,500. PAUL W. ROWE & CO. 1S. 21:: baths. den. 8"70Bedford 34.900. TU 4--1002 Free est i mat e, reasonable chen. Very large 1~10 Kensington 34,000. prices. DR 1-3133. 11 with bar and -l~ Hawthorne 1_6-__ P_ET_S_F_O_R_S_A__LE TACKED DOWN CARPETS 1 fireplace. 1313 Three Mile ;~:~~g: 1 19960 Norton Ct. 33,000. GERMAN Shepherd puppies, AND FURNITURE 374 - AUrac- 1366 Audubon 31.000. AKC, nine weeks. Shots and il. built 1955. 4 83"7S. Brys Dr. 29.500. wormed. Gu.arante'ed. $150. ~,i baths. paneled CLEANED on 1771 Littlestone 27.900. Genon Kennels, Forest 6-2308•. lovely enclosed 1.HO Bishop 23,900. 431 Roland Ct. 23,500 SCHNAUZERS, AKC regis- LOCATION - Spacious Colo- 1581 Hollywood 21,900. teredo One male, one female. RUGS PICKED UP 1 1632 Hampton 20,500.. $100. TUxedo 1-4604. 'ooms. 2 i baths. AND DELIVERED ) r e h. TV room. 1210 Hampton 19,800.1------1737 Hampton 18,500. 2o-PIANO 'SERVICE 20% XTE FAR:\lS-lst RANCHES COMPLETE plano service. Tun. lng, reuuliding, refinishing, OFF CASH and CARRY nter hall colonial. 870 Lake Shore 90.000. de-mothing. Member Plano ly room. living R4;) Lakeshore 64.000. Technicians Guild. R. Zech, fireplace. dining 605 S. Higbie PI. 49.500. 731-7707, PRIDE 'n. breakfast room. 90 N. Edgewood 46.000. CARPET AND FURNITURE ",der room. 2nd 962 Lochmoor 44,000. 21A-GENERAL SERVICES 'ooms and 3 baths. 1050 N. Renaud 42,500. _ 'oom in basement, 19745 Blossom Lane 39,500. CARPET LAYING CLEANERS FREE ESTIMATES 1572 S. Renaud 39,500. NEW AND OLD 628 N. Higbie 10615 CADIUX :7 - Center hall 38.500. Stair Carpet Shifted rge living room, 641 Roslyn 37.500. Repairs of All Types TUXEDO 5~5700 19700 Blossom Lane 36.900. I. kitchen. family 0 BOB TRUDEL 'loor, 4 bedrooms. 562 N. Rosedale Ct. 33 80 26,000'1_', . TtJ 5-0703 _ BESTCARPET CLEANERS ~ping .porch. Bed- 1423 Torrey Ith on 3rd. $32,500. 1223 Anita 25,900. CLEANING, DYEING 1084 Vernier Rd. 22,500. Suburban Maintenance REPAIRING 1298 Hawthorne 21.500. A' + ES TU 5-3220 SSOCICl.es PRO:\1PT HOME SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES "No Job Is Too Small," '1'12 STORY INSURED ,ORATE 24 Roslyn 45'.000 One phone call for llll home 791 Roslyn 28,900. maintenance problems. TU 2~6556 1087 Hawthorne 26.900. Licensed Builders , Homes 1878 Allard 21I-PAINTING 22,800.17, , TU 1-8444 PR 6-3038 _. 'oime Farms 1505 Brys 700 AND DECORATING 2081 Hunt Club " 179; off Moross 17.500. LICENSED PAINTING CO. loms, 3h baths. 930 Beaconsfield 16,500. INTERIOR - EXTERIOR K&H For better painting and deco. $63.000 2049 Anita 15,300. Carpenter, gutters replaced and rating. exterior and interior. 20 " 183; off Moross HOUSES OPEN ~~~:~~:airs. Beat any reason. years experience. Free esti. IS. 2 baths. $45,000 Sunday 2-5 for your inspection MR. BOWIE mates. in surrounding areas. You are WA. 2-7150 'TY 8-2427 hard cordially invited to eall or stop 1------in our office for a list. DRYERS VENTED TU 1.4200 lrough $ 15 Complete TU 4-0600 TU 1-6300 TU 2-2593 5 Yrs. Experience JOHNSTONE & LA 7.0533 or TU 1-4162 :RVICE JOHNSTONE 21D-ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES CENTER e n t ran c f! Colonial, • three large bedrooms, 2:lh SINCE 1947 airs baths. knotty pine family HOOVER-EUREKA kitchen. Built~in appliances. ,.,AUTH. SERVICE Near lake. Owner. $42,000. cuils FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY TUxedo 1-7013. .' ALl, MAKES 13A-LOTS FOR SALE HARPER VACUUM E a.c h job receives our • 17176 E. Warren TU 1-1122 spa cia I attention . . . ., ROSLYN ROAD, 84 ft, east of ------CI S sur i n 9 you that we 1203. $7000. GROSSE POINTE'S ONLY ara working for YOU R JOHN S. GOODMAN best in t ere st in the ~ ...... ~ ...... TV 5-6063 LO 7-4706 • HOOVER evaluation of your own malic • NORTH Deeplands, last 120 ft. FACTORY AUTHORIZED spa cia I requirements. • • • Choice location, near Lake- , SERVICE • , ' • shore. TUxedo 6-1444. Issions • POINTE VACUUM •Repaired • CARMEL LANE anged : , TWO LOCATIONS KRAMER Choice lots (lOO'x:65') in lovely W. H. tvllLLER • new subdivision off Lakeshore 21019 MACK 15403 MACK PAINTER - DECORATOR PRINTERS 00 L.b~': Road r: ear Crescent Sail Club. TU. '1-1014 TU. 1.0647 PAPER HANGING • ;:'1""" P.. rh. : LITHOGRAPHERS KARL DAVIES TU 5-3220 • 12 years in Grosse Pte. "Good WO 1~3'969 d J '.\OI"'I"',:)~ : TU 4-4922 pc:!nting'doesn't cost-it pays." o M.!t'\ • MIDDLESEX BLVD. - SO'x200' FREE PICKUP 8: DELIVERY 432 Mechanic Street '"9 in ",d : for sale by owner. TUxedo 725-1772 d D"~tor' • 4-7058 or TUxedo 5-~051. NEW - REBUILT - PARTS Rotory Offset Printers o : NiEDED : missiOil Service: ....01 Q) Lokcpl)'ntt' •. P ..l"" P,5tlo : A Good, Safe Summer Ferli,.:::liz=-=-e=--r~~ ~ Get and Keep lawn Beauty With long~lasting • Top Soil. • Gravel ~ Pointe Area AGRICO GRAS~, FOOD • Seed i • Flower B~lbs • Shears • Peat Moss Rewaraing results will 600;0 organic nitrogen be yours when you feed with Urea~Form in Agri- ' • Tools • Grass Seed • Manure • Fertilizer your lawn with nOJ'!-burn-' co Grass' Food, supplies '. ing Agrico Grass Food. a steady~ .lon9 -,lasting The plant food in the feeding' that will 'sustain • Hose. • Insecticides • Sprays • Peat Humus .~ free .. flowing. nutrient this renewed grass vital- .~ packed granules encour- ity. ror maintainin'g. a Pointe Cab ~; • Rose Food • Patio Blocks • Sand • Weed Killers " ages deep root develop- thick, healthy lawn 'that !.5300 ment and provides grass will stay green' loJ1ger.' with an immediate pick .. apply Agri~o, Grass '. Water Cans • Fireplace Wood --,;;.• Crushed....__....Stone,_--. .• PlaX. Box Sand. up-eolor revives. The Food now. . RVICE iihWU.** E POINTE II Spec. Co. Irteous Service • • _ OJ. ; •• ~ ~ Trucking and Garden Sup.plies Meldrum , .m. Mon. - Sot. . ". ",. , E. Warren ~..OOS2 17921 MACK AVENUE' , A. CompleteLine of Ct!,den Supplies afjd.'. Tools PHONE:. TOXEDO'.4-2184

" , ~ ... __ .... _IIi-' ~,,,-.,,, • eo • .c o eo .aas assess 25 sa 2 222& & 2 D

" .. . . Page Sixteen 'GR O..S,SE POINTE NEWS' Thursday, August 9. 1962 , * * * * Feature Page * * * * Pointers of Interest """:rF.. ~ Good Taste 'tuh'en fhe POINTE Favorite Recipes '"WaS 9rowin9 up. + + of. .. .. People .in The Know ;J'{)tnte trt. ," _..~~. r-:.:i ~ it BRAISED LAMB' SHAN~S Contributed by , . CounterPoints Mrs. Henry A. Bokram by ~at Roussea.u By Pat 'l'albot 4 lamb shanks 2 Tb. dry wine When Autumn Leaves ... start to fall •.. be ready When General Charles Larned died heroically in the 1/ cup water to step into a beautiful country coat or suit by Bardley. cholera epidemic of 1834 Detroit lost one of her most 2 1/2. tsp. celery salt You'll find them in glowing golden tweeds at Walton- famous citizens and his eulogy was written by Charles 1J2 tsp. onion salt Pierce. Please note how Eardley's camel's hair is styled Trowbridge. Today few remember or know about the 1 Tb. shortening ••. an early fashion forecast for a fabulous Autumn! young New Englander who came to save Detroit from the British in 1812 and remained to become an, august Pierce lamb shanks. to the I * '" * attorney general of the Northwest Territory. bone with ~ointed p~ring knife No iHatter. W'hat ••• ,'ou.r fasbio1l pers01lality mav be, across gt.raln'hhaklf,IVnhchaPhart )'ot/. can flllfill it at Irvitlg, 82 Kerche.z;al oll./he.Hill. Everv Charles Larned was the son of Revolutionary War over en Ire s an. en t or- k . . colonel, Simeon Larned, ot Berkshire county, Massa- oughly pierced, dip in flour and smart woman 1toWS how she wa1z~s to look a1ut The lrt.t1tg chusetts. Young Charles grew up in New England and seasonings and brown in short- Shop has wonderful clothes to satlsh', was educated at \Villiams College, graduating in the ening. Add water and wine. * * * class of 1806. Cover and bake for 211".l hours R!ght Before Your Eyes you see your new ::\futschlet at 300 degrees. Serves four. Then he traveled to Lexington, K~'., to study law Kitchen take shape. From blue prints to a specially prepared with Henry Clay. It was in .,Kentucky he heard about the decorating brochure '.' • e,'erything is graphically prepared, You British capture of Detroit. One evening at a party choose from Colonial, C'ontemporary or French eabilletry ..• Larned and s&vcral young friends decided they' would 3 Cars Fig.ure l\1u~chler Decorator Ser,vice provides you with custom co. form a regiment to relieve the city: This was. the Ken- In City Crash ordinated.wall 'color, counter top, floor covering, drapery fabrlO tucky regiment which was massacred at River Raisin. . .. everything to make the ph-ture complete! Mutschler Kitchen.s Larned was among the young officers who escaped and Repf'ir work on the Bon Se- are located at ... 30489 Mack A,'enue. . after the war, during which he served as an aide to cours Hospital par kin g lot, * *' * General Harrison, he remained in Detroit and became a law:,'cr. . MRS. RICHARD FERRELL, MRS. VICTOR WERTZ, MRS. ROBERT SCHEFFING ::c;o~~:n:e~~ss~~:te~o~~~;~'~ Landmark ..• The Notre Dame Pharmacy is the He returned east to marry his childhood sweetheart, WITH MRS. TATSUKO NAKANISHI regular parking facilities, may oldest pharmacy in The Village with one of the finest Sylvia Colt, of PittsIield, Mass., and he and his bride By Patricia Talbot , . be indirectly .r~sponsible ~or a r~putations for fast, friendly service~ Prescriptions ar~ Russl~ns to .Watch.Game I thre.e-car colhslO-?at the mter- fIlled expertly and delivered promptly. made the long carriage journey to De~roit with another The TIger wives Will not be section of CarolIne and Notre ------_ newly married couple, the Austin Wings. Here they However the pennant race turns out this season the Detroit Tigers' wiyes will have no post-season blues for in every stadium where their Dame on Monday, July 23. I. were royally entertained by Gov. and Mrs. Lewis Casso husban~s play. They will prob- Hospital visi~ors, unable to VIctor A. Reynaud P",t. George Lapshan Larned was described at the height of his career as "a they are accompanying their husbands on a goodwill tour of the Orient. 1------ably mISS Gu~m and. Okinawa find off.street accommodation, Takinu Navy Training At Fort Gordon. Ga. tall elegant figure in black broadcloth, blue with brass where the Tigers will battle have been parking their cars e / buttons on dress occasions, high silk stock, ruffled'shirt, While the team is playing from the goodwill tour around service teams. But they do in- on both sides of Notre Dame SAN DIEGO, Calif. (FHTNC) curlv auburn hair." . exhibition games with the fine Thanksgiving they will go to tend to see the tea m play leaving only one lane open t~ FORT GORDON, GA. Triple A team in Honolulu or eleir perm an e n t home in -Victor A. Reynaud, son of (AHTNC)- Army Pvt. George lIe and his wife were prominent in the social affairs against a team in a stadium on traffic. the Japanese champions in Scottsdale, Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Reynaud of A. Lapshan, who s e mother, of the city as befitted his position as judge of the probate the Russian border, which they Shortly after noon on Mon- Tokyo the ladies will be tour- Mrs. Wertz Very Busy understand will also be ~een day, Emerson GeroJd Dierolf 845 Lake Shore drive, Grosse Mrs. Irene A. Siverly, lives at court, prosecuting attorney of Wayne county and finally ing flower festivals, buying Dark haired pert Mrs. Wertz by many Soviet citizens. They 13399 Ch-elsea, Detroit, pulled Poi n t e Shores, Mich., was 923 Rivard. G r 0 sse Pointe, attorney general of the Northwest Territory. The silks and wa,tching Kubuchi is the only native Detroiter in have learned a few important his '59 Oldsmobile out of Caro- scheduled to complete recruit Mich., recently completed the Larneds had four daughters and one son. One of the dancers. training, August 3, at the Naval IS-week manual central, office the c row d and community Japanese words, "y,'lkyu" which line onto Notre Dame, driectly girls, Harriet, married George Rumney, whose descend~ mea n s baseball, as well as into the path of a '58 Rambler Training Center, San Diego. repair course at the Southeast- In order to fit themselves for minded as she is will have to I Calif. ant was to become a mayor of Grosse Pointe and an- their journey, about 18 of the clear a lot of committee work sayonara and "ohaio" which is station wagon with MaD Fran- ern Signal School, Fort Gordon, other married General Alphel1s S. Williams. wives have been boning up on before she takes off with her ano~er saluta.tion. They plan ces Wade, 2540 Lake street, During the nine-week indoc- Ga. Catherine married another lawyer, Samuel G. Atter- Oriental culture, history and h usb and on the flight. The to Sightsee WIth a vengeance San Francisco, Calif., 3Jt the trination period, recruits are Lapshan received. instruction and shop for Oriental silks and wheel. bury, who must have been somewhat of a pompous geography at a. s em i n a I' at Wertzes have made their home trained in phj'sicai fit n e s s, in the. principles of the Army's souvenirs. As Mrs. Wertz says, Miss Wade had been travel- bas i c military law, military young swain. He was a member of the elite Brady. Wayne State University. in' Moross road for some years commumcatitons system and "Usually it's the Yank'~es who ing north on Notre Dame's one drill, customs and etiquette of' the installation. arid repair of Guards and president of the Young Men's Society in Mrs. Robert Scheffing, Tiger even when the home run hitter manager's wife, was discussing was playing with Baltimore, St. make the trip" and most of open lane and a car goind south the naval service, swimming' central office switchboards. Detroit but he had a Puritanical streak. He escorted the trip at a party with Dean Louis, Boston and Cleveland, these Tiger ,vives will be mak- on the same street had seen and survival, first aid and basic Catherine to one of the city's balls and was shocked to ing their first excursion abroad. her :md pulled into a no-park- shipboard routine. - The 24-year-old soldier enter- Victor Rapport and he suggest- befor~ being traded to Detroit ed the Army in December 1961 see her waltzing with Edmund A. Brush, the evening ed the ladies might like to take this last time. Japanese Big Fans ing zone to give her room to During the training, r'ecruits Baseball is a warm bond be- pass. Unfortunately; the car in and completed basic training at this new form of dancing was introduced. Later he wrote a peek behind the bamboo cur- Mrs. W. is chairman of the receive t est s and interviews Fort Leonard WOOd,Mo. letter to his prospective brother-in-law, Gen. Williams, tain before flying off with the White Christmas Ball this De- tween Japan and the U.S, and the n'o-parking zone obstructed' which determir~ future train- a there are no more devoted fans Dierolf's view. which was published in the newspaper and concerned team. The ladies rushed to take cember to aid St. John Hospital ing and assignments in the Lapshan, son of Albert Lap- advantage of the facilities of and will mastermind all' this of the game anY'vhere. Japan's Dierolf's Oldsmobile struck Navy. shan, 26797 Rosewood, Rose- his alarm about the waltz and the "sinfulness of round largest newspaper, with a cir- the Rambler in. the left side ville, is a 1956 graduate of dancing." Wayne State offered by the detail before she leaves. She is Dean and attended two a11- also working on the Cinderella cUlation of 4. million, Mainichi, pushing it sid e way s acro:>~ Grosse Pointe High School. The male line of the Larneds descended through afternoon seminars, instructed Ball for October 6, just a week is sponsoring the goodwill tour. Notre Dame,. into the rear of His wife. Beverly~ lives in their only son, Slyvester. The only Larned living in the by professors and four charm- before the flight. And she will The Tiger players were in- a parked '60 Falcon owned by C~ristian Science Augusta, Ga. vited to the seminar but their Katherine Martin 22841 Lake- Pointe today is Cortland K. Larned, Jr., who has a home ing Japanese-born wi v e s of be leaving the Detroit Sym- schedule prevented them from, shore, Saint Clau-'Shores. Lecture Scheduled in Brys drive. But the street which co.nu:nemorates his doctors studying iIi Detroit. phony's Women's. Association attending. The sponsors have No one was :>eriouslyinjured famous ancestor is one which leads most Pointers daily Pointe Tiger Wives without her services for the already fitted the wives for although all three cars were -How prayer brings true com- See Gray downtown to the inner city. Among the F0inters who will five-week tour. beautiful Japanese kimonas but damaged: the Rambler and the fort and joy will be the topic be making the trip with the Mrs. Ferrell's Problems the players have settled for Oldsmobile so severely t hat of a free public lecture on Tigers will be.. Mrs. V i c tor matching blazers with tour in- they had to be towed away. Christian Science to be deliver- •••a••d Play! Wertz, Mrs. Richard Ferrell, For Mrs. Ferrell there are signia which will make them Dierol! received a ticket for ed in Grosse Pointe Woods on who~where and whatnot wi f e of the Tiger's general additional problems. The soft appear like an Olympic team. reckless driving. Aug., 19 by Naomi' Price of manager, Mrs. Scheffing, and spoken Carolinian leaves be- London, England. . by whoozit Ail the Tiger wives are grate- Mrs. Harry M. Sisson, wife of hind four chi 1d r e n, Ricky, ful to' Wayne State for the A member of The Christian the Tiger's vice-president. Tommy, (who spends his spare time hitting left handed home opportunity to learn a little To Face Charges Science Board of Lectureship, Mrs. Scheffing will be clos- runs in a lot adjacent to. their bit about the Orient before Mrs. Price will speak under the On Tuesday Mrs. Robert E. Thibodeau opened her ing up the home they rent dur- Berkshire road home), Kerri they fly off as ambassadors For Shoplifting auspices of First Church' of fourth art show, this time at the Park Lane Hotel down- ing the baseball sea son in and Maureen. Before the Fer- with their husbands. They have Christ, Scientist, in- Parcells town .•. the talented artist's work includes many oils Edgemere I' 0 a cl and bidding rells moved their children north absorbed a great deal of culture Junior High School Auditorium, A young Pointe miss was from her European travels, some lithographs and a few goodbye to her son, Robert, they had "never been' out of and history but one custom 'sug- Mack at Vernier road at 3 p.m. who is a junior at Notre Dame Guilford County" in North gested to them by their in- caught shoplifting last week in Her subj~ct will be "The Heal- drawings. A member of the 'Artists Market and the a local supermarket. University. She is an experi- Carolina but they have settled structors met with a luke warm ing Mission of Christian Sci- Grosse Pointe Artists Association, Mrs. Thibodeau is a She was nabbed by Dave enced traveler,' with two trips down happily here for the past response. "Once you cross the ence." long time Pointe resident. White', assistant manager of ,~ to Europe and a jaunt to Africa three years. Mrs. Ferrell does international date line," say the Mrs. Price was born in Amer- * * Japanese wives, "women.sh!luld Kroger's 16919 Kercheval. She behind her. She decided that a a great deal of work for Memo- was taken to the City police sham, Buckinghamshire. A social * '" * little pre-travel reading at the rial Church, is on the gourmet walk four or five steps behind welfare worker at one time, she In artistic circles bouquets are in order for Joseph Pointe library would help with committee for the next Fair. their husbands." But Mrs. station. A list of items she is charged was educated in England. and deGrimme and his charming wife, Hildegarde, who her Japanese trip imd this has Wertz points out they 'will all Switzerland. -She has devoted been keeping her busy when This is an interest she shares with taking includes a chicken, 100% Wool celebrated 21 years at their gallery in Kerch2val avenue be crossing back again in five her full time to the public she's not at the ball .game. with Mrs. Sisson, who was out weeks',and this is one custom two jars of baby food, two on Saturday. " practice of. Christian Science When the Scheffings return of town when this picture of w hie h they can abandon to boxes of candy and a carton of ______I the Tiger wives and their pretty cigaretes. Total value of the' since 1945. She is. a frequent SHETLAND * '" * their Oriental friends. contributor to the Christian Sci- Remember 78 r.p.ro. records' .•. on Fisher road over I ins t r u c t res s was taken at groceries was $5.84. ence religious periodfcals. the week~end the Jack Stephensons pulled out their Wayne. Mrs. Sissor:.is also weU She was ordered to appear in SWEATERS record collection dating from Ohio State University days Talk traveled. but she hopes she will Thief Steals court on Tuesday, August 14. Imported from Scotland not be repeating some of her \ and played them tirelessly for their week-end reunion Choice of Colors, S. M. L. of the Town sagas abroad, when she flew Doctor's Bag guests, old college friends, the Don Reeds and the John ••• across the Atlantic with one 35th"ANNIVERSARY Sandbergs, of Kenilworth, Ill. While they were remi- motor missing on the jet plane Woods police are investigat- niscing, the sextet made up a reunion list for a big foot- . The amazing number of and had the same mishap on a ing the theft of a medical bag BARGAIN TOUR b,-ll week-end in Columbus, 0., this fall. recent flight to Hawaii. former Grosse Pointers from the car of.Dr. R. C. Chris- Never Before at This Rate * '" * , tensen of 1717 -Lochmo{)r.bou- Shetland Sox =Day Tour to Gay 577 Mrs. John A. Callaham, a lithe brunette beauty, , that. consider' an levard ,on Wednesday,: August Montreal ••• Only Sixes looked too chic for shopping last week in a stark white' 1. The bag contained. s o'm e 5 9 to 13 3.00 appointment at narcotics. . . .', Fabulous New Queen Elixabeth sharkskin shift accented at the jewel neckline and' ann~' 'Hotel .. S 'departures~ .' hole in red and white. Small red arid blue bows topped Dr. CItristensen told, authori- ties :that the' bag was. stolen Includes Round Trip Transporation Open Thursday • Deluxe Hotel. Accommodations • her white flat shoes and twined' about her hair was a MARIE BIRD'S- from the rear. of 19635 Mack Nights till 9:00 net sparkling with red, white and blue sequins. Pre-School Sightseeing Trips • Luncheon • Salon-on-the~HiII avenue, \V her e the car was Transfer * ,;: '" parked. Man trea I.;.-Quebec The effects of. advertising on the very young are He said inside the bag; made' $te. Anne De Beaupre often am;lzing. Recently a Pointe matron tried to assist a important part 'SHOE of black leather, were' ..miscel- very young miss, about two, with her sniffles, She drew laneous medicines, including 25 of" coming. home. " from her purse an exquisite lace edged handkerchief and cubic centimeters of demerol, Only $88~ a blood pressure measuring in- suggested the tot blow her nose. "Oh, what a lovely , Pleasant surprise •• .SALE , strument valued at $60, and an Kleenex" cooed the young lady as she obliged. Phone Now! a completely new .' optha1moscope,.valued. at.. $60. * * * now on He said the medication. was Sharon L.ynne O'Berski, daughter of Dr •. and Mrs~ concept of permanent worth about $80. ".PAUL HENRY Racquet & Sport Shop O'Berski, of Chalfonte road, is recounting her ad- E. W. TRAVEL SERVICE Grosse Pointe's. Own Sport Shop Mrs. Berres, 707 St. Clair, ventures and blessing her luck upon her returIi' from the waving to revitalize .234 STATE WO 1-7075' Orient. Sharon has just had a six weeks vacation in the hair with called City police on Saturday 106 KERCHEVAL Japan, Hong Kong, China and Hawaii. In Tokoyo she Save morning, August 4, to' report 10% that her daughter SUSaD~Sbi- on the Hill' was the house guest of Lt. Col. and Mrs. A. Mareydt and. pro.tein polypeptides cycle was taken. from the Neigh- TU 1.5262 TU 1-2262 was invited to a Japanese'home to watch the tradit.i.onal and enzymes giving borhood Club..The p.olicefqund tea ceremony. But 'she just missed a typho'on'in: the the bike that afternoon .on .the middle of the sea of Japan en route to .HongKong and the. hairlong-Iasti~'g" lawn in, front of 752 'Notre her courage was further tried when.her. return flight. b d d I' Dame•. COWBOYS,- COWGIRLS was delayed because of the plane crash 'in Honolulu 0 y an . cur ... '. RIfD""d OUT OF PRI~T" ~ International Airport. without using any ~ Kercheval near Cadieux DUDE RANCHDAYOAMP * * . * ":" Grosse Pointe Pack Your Grub and Spend Every Day- PILFERINGS heat or strong B.OOKS'~ at the' Circle "5'. Ranch Etiquette: 'What makes a.,man say, "I beg you par- 'ch~micals'! You name the' title, we fiiiil the: '- book •. Any sublec:t.i any' ..ag .... No : • Transportation Daily don?" when what he really means is "What's the big In the skilled han.ds obligation. Write. c:all (HO ,5.0041) : CO~. IN AND a•• TH. • Trail Rides or come in. Book 'Mark, .9.M': .,,' _ : idea?» _.' ' Macomb, Mt. Clemens, Mich.. : • "OSrON • Basic Training Instructions ..• Adult Supervision * * * of MARIE BIRD, a ...... ~.iiiiiiiiiiiiii ..... iiiiIii. :'WHALER" A sixth' grader was sh'owingher first workbook to ['~"I her uncle. He noticed that the grades at the front were Miracle of Modern G -& J Electric Oo~ More safety and sport fcir_ '.18' .per w.~ek better than the ones at the back and asked why. Science .••. regularly Railings. Columns. Room ~ D)ore people. Try our demon. She thought /a moment and said; "]: guess I was, . Dividers and Gates ': Jim Krousmann, Owner strator. All Day' Saturday or Sunday-$4 smarter when I didn't know anything. ' priced' at $35~OO .•• now FREE ESTIMATES E Eledricat Wiring'" W~£II';Y'. ~ * * * Qu~lIty ....ork since 1949 : ' and Repairing A four-year-old at-a-~hbDrho.£>1LdrugstQ;r_e_.~~k~_g... through August 3 J st Gregory Boat Co. CIRCLES .RANCH .for a soda, then politely said, "Charg~ it to Daddy, .. for" o'nly $25.00~ .-_ - - :Macomb Melal (raft t -_--.~TU'4.2138,- _'666 E. Jeff.~r!~~ i please," and started to leave. Then she turned back with ~50~ Sherwood, .Warr.en,' Mich. E I Phone 823.1900 --_.~ - ~. --.-._..--~~JlI,25 ~il. R., 1 Mile. E. of Gratiot ' 'G1'DSSB- For Information anif1[esiriGtions-'ciilt"TU' 5~112 -or 749-5179 a puzzled look and asked, "Don't I get any chan$e ?" ...~ I...... 51, 7-7037 - : .. Point. & Eitsl Side• , .. • Suburbia Today THE MA~AZINE OF PLEASANT PLACES I'.,It'is#ted Mon,hly

In This ......

Would You Flunk Today? ... page' 6 You'll be a better student with some years, or many years, of living under your "belt, than you were as an 'undergraduate, says Edward H. Litchfield, Chan- cellor of the University of Pittsburgh. In "The Boom in Adu!t Education" he points out that some 8,000,- 000 adults win enter or return to school next month in response to the new urge for a continuing educa- tion that pays dividends in job opportunities, bet- ter citizenship, and a more interesting life.

Melon Soup's on ••• page 10 Food Editor Melanie De Proft arranges a novel luncheon menu for a sweltering August day. She suggests crimson melon soup, ham mousse, asparagus vinaigrettc:--all colorful and refreshing treats that . will lift spirits and appetites for summertime eating.

"You've been trying to keep up with us! With page 12 On-sbs. an Old Ma.t.r. . . Why, we've been trying to keep up with you!" Famous actor Maurice Evans, currently starring SUIU •• U. TODAY with Helen Hayes in the Stratford, Connecticut, Shakespeare Festival, outlines 17 do's and don't's for amateurs slaving in local productions (which Mr. Evans thoroughly enjoys, by the way). Among his warnings-don't up-stage your fellow actor. He may plant crab grass on your lawn. GETTING AROUND , .. to Our Pleasant Places and People What's That You Say? ..• page 16 A new fad---


r------Heinz Red M•• lc Offer @- FREE! 2. cans of Heinz Tomato Soup Sex 28. D-24. PlttslulJ'lh 30, P•• \, J Gentlemen: Enclosed are 4 neckbands from Heinz V when you send us 4 neckbands from Heinz Ketchup. Heinz Hot Ketchup and/O\' Heinz Chili Sauce. Please send me by return mail one coupc;n Ketchup (l4.0z. or family size), Heinz Hot redeemable at my 100d store 10\' two free cans of Ketchup and/or Heinz Chili Sauce . Heinz Tomato Soup. , i. ~, " -- ..• NAME _ • Heinz is better-kuting tomato soup. It ADDRESS _ ,''.~~ ~ is deftly prepared from plump, juicy CITY ----"ZONE. " ,', .- 11 - ~,~ ~. .iff ~. tomatoes, the same specially grown pedi- • STATE greed tomatoes that give Heinz Ketchup ------" Off., ....id .m...... WtJlted. land, or othftwlw _\ri

t_~ .,... J*r:=T .. ,.. '-II ,ere 9 • • --~ 'GETTING AROUND C0n.tinued from page 2

Jack Fuller, a friend of ours who It would be a wonderful world, lives in MOl/roe County, New York, says James 'Sherman, of Sherman sent us the following information we Texas, if all men showed as much can't resist passing on to you. The patience while w!iting for their wives Riverside, California, City Council, as they do .while .they're waiting for For frequent. regular or heavy starch- a fish to bite. .. ing. Sta-Flo~ LIQUID Starch helps • • protect fabrics against soiling with There's a notice in the window of super-smoothness ... deepest pene- a Cook County, Illinois, wallpaper and paint store that reads: "Hus- tration. It's concentrated for economy. bands choosing coJors must have So easy. Just pour it into water. note from wives." it seems, recently decided to honor the last resident of the old China- • • town district by naming a street aft- During a tornado warning, an er him. The street is now called eight.year-oJd boy who lives near Wong Way. Nicilob Hills" Oklahoma, wrote a - note to say: "I leave everything • • I own to my friend Jimmy Riley, Jr., The three smaJl Ort boys of if he isn't blown away firSt." Cleveland Heights. Ohio, were play- ing with a set of chemicals one day • • while S-year-old David Wright was Sign in Bethesda, Maryland: "Main visiting. When they had mixed a highway open to traffic while detour great, big, potent brew, they handed is being repaired." it to David so that he might add the finishing touches. Instead, David • • drank it;-The first thing Mrs. Robin- It was easy for Dr. J. R. Schwartz, son Ort did was to call the loclil 7 l, to find a hobby when he retired, Poison Control Center for. the anti- rePorts Mrs. C. R. Covill, of Man- dote, which she administered while chester, Connecticut. The former waiting for the police to come to~ dentist merely held on to his dental take David to the hospital. Yo~ng drill~ and began using them to carve David survived because of Mrs. Ort's quick thinking. IncidentaJly, there are now Poison Control. Centers in '.">': - or near almost every community in the country., It's their job to catli-, logue and list the antidotes for every substance that can poison you. Some will answer your doctor's questions'

,; only, and some will'answer yours as '. well. If the Center nearest you will For light. touch up or in-between give information to the Jayman, why i' starching. Only Sta-Flo~ SPRAY not get its number and keep it handy i' Starch is designed 'especially with a inside your medi.cine chclst? " non-clogging push-button top, remov- able for easy cleaning. It gives smooth. even starching on everything from collars and cuffs to blouses and ~ I _ fJ dresses. Dampens as it starches. Just ~~ _J--- spray, then iron immediately. ~ ~l ~ &J (;; ~ ~ ~ i

Ita-Jlo I -, now in -2 forms especially I "Come in-whoever you are.". , -, . made for easy ironihg - , -- IUIU".'A. TOOA1 ~

• DeCATUR.ILLIN,OIB A. E. STALey MFG. COMPANY ; .. SlIburbia Today, August 1961

______.~------~ ._. __ ....-. ,_Y>. ._~ __ .~ __ R _. ~ • __ -_ ~t.- No Labor Day Traffic for Him!

HE MAN LALLYGAGI',G In the rolhng bathtub in the Tphotograph has the road to himself. as you can sec. Even though it was Labor Day, traffic snarls didn't bother him. But he wasn't the only onc free of such worries; the crowd along his route-some 30,000 or more of the popu- lations of Kettering, Oakwood. and Washington Township In Ohio--also enjoyed a traffic-Jess holiday. Come Sep- tember. while most of the rest of us arc out on the high- ways:, creeping along bumper-to-burnper, these suburban- ites wiD again be celebrating their Holiday at Home, the f•.)urth annual one they've had. each more popular than the year before. A parade, with bands and floats and clowns like the onc in the bathtub, takes at least an hour and a half to pass through Kettering during the morning. Last year 200 units marched. Later there are events like free amusement rides for the children, a talent contest, aD antique-automobile dis. play, hobby show, and races and games for the youngsters. A queen-Miss Hrtliday-is crowned. And in the evening there's a giant fireworks display and dancing in the streets until midnight The Keltcring.Oakwood Times publishes a program the Thursday beforc Labor Day so no one will miss any of the fun. The purpose? Robc,1 Eichenlaub, the telephone com- pany official who thought up Holiday at Home. says the idca was "to help build community spirit and keep our residents off the roads." Kcttcringitcs arc getting to be a bunch of old-fashioned stay-at-homes on Labor Day- and they love it!

Suburbia Today, Augusr }962 ; EDNESDAY EVENING is Mrs. Carmen DeSilva W Moore's "night out,,"After dinner she kisses her two children good-bye, says a few parting words to her husband, and, leaves home-in a pleasant suburb near Pittsburgh-with her books and papers under her arm: ' A few hours earlier, when Bryan H. Arveson finished up, the day as a_ sales executive of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass' Company, he packed his brief case, took his hat, and-riding across town instead of to his home in Allison Park, outside Pittsburgh-tried to rec8.n ai passage from a text- book he read at lunch. ' Diane Finan of suburban Brentwood works for the U.S. Steel CorPoration. At 20 •. she is a pri- vate secretary to"'an .industrial engineer, who de- scribes her as "bright and.attrac~ve." Local judges for the "Miss Universe" p,ageant will have an op- portunity to pass on her. ~ttractiveness when she appears before them asa .candidate for the title later this year," but on Weanesday night-as she "completes some last.minute tYPing and puts away a file-she's more concerned alX?ut being bright.

• Millions of s:uburban The Boom In men and women will be going back. to school again ilext Adult Education month, ~etterstudents

BY EDWARD H. LITCHFIELD than ever. Will you Chancellor, Univenity of Pittsburgh be among them?


What is it a young mother, a businessman, and a secretary have in cOlllD;l0n on an average Wednesd~Y evening? The answer is: for this one day of the week- at Jeast, a~Lare college stu- dents. Mrs. Moore is,studying education; Mr. p",r- veson, business administfcttion; and Miss Finan, English, at the University of Pittsburgh. , They arc typical of literallyJnillions of people beyond what we normally think of as school age who are devoting one, two,. or three evenings a week to going back to school.' , As never before in our history, adults today are delving into the spectrum of educati9n on a spare- time basis-from Karl Marx'.to quantum mechan. ics, from He-rman Melville to, home nursing. Adult educatiOn has'.become,"in fact,. the largest and fastest-growing 5ePtcnt::of 'American educa- tion. Recent estimates by the U.S:"Department of Education place the. total number who are in- volved in some form-of spare-time academic im- provement at. 8,OOO~OOO.~' One 'and one half million adults actually are

6 S~burbia Today, August 1962

.: -...... ~...... --... ~ ,.,Q.4.4'1; ------:-----:------~------~----~-,

enrolled in college-level courses at the 146 insti- earn a ,bachelor of arts or a bachelor of science evening school program, is particularly surprised- tutions that offer part';;time programs. Some col- degree: Many graduate programs are offered in to 'see women studying physics or. engineering. leges have more adult part~iime students than they, their entirety. at night. Special certi&atecourses have full-time undergraduates. have been established in everything from' hotel You CAN GET ABEAD IN YOU:! OWN FIELD. What has caused' this rush of adults back to the management' to ins!Jrance. And there are general Ask the -average man in engineering, scienCe, campus and classroom? courses in art, literature, great religious questions, technology, or industry what the tOughest part of In generai,it's' the fundamental pressure of our current political, problems, and' significant trends his job is these days and he's likcly to answer: jet-age society. As a 'nation, we have long recog- . in contemporary sOciety. ' "Keeping up with wbat's new'" nized that a person never stops learning. But the Another point:' Part-time doesn't necessarily, Almost everyone has seen this with missiles, need to keep on learning -has become e.ver more mean nighttime. Although the bulk of the adult aircraft, and ships" and in medicine, law, and busi- imperative, difficult, and in need of structure when programs are still given at night, colleges today are ness where findings/ are out of date almost before there is so,'much more -to know about and when accustomed' to, having older stude~ts in their day they are launcbed or ann,9unced. the world around !ls'is changing so rapidly. classes, and' many schedule some adult progr.lms American industry is moving into new world Higher education today is no longer something in the early afternoon. markets in the emerging nations of Asia and Af- that is undertaken in a. formal way between the rica and facing up to problems created by new ages of 17 and 21 and never again. It is a coiJtinu- You CAN FIND A NEW CAIlEEB. Itis a paradox economic blOCs in Europe .. This fact has necessi- ous experience involving young adults, people long , that, despite widespread industrial unemployment, tated the retraining of busiItessmen and' the re..; out of school, and those who are looking for a there is a crying need for teachers, for technically thinking of business problems. new career or preparing to retire from an old one. trained and,scientifically oriented workers, ~nd for Often it requires more than private study to What are some. of the satisfactions and benefits other skilled personnel in our society; and there is make sense out of a vast amount of unassimiliited you will obtain if _you decide to join this growing an insufficient supply of younger graduates to meet data. The stimulus of the. classroom and experi- throng? Here are a few: . this demand. The situation calls for_~e tapping of mentation in the laboratory are needed, and. con- other resources--tbe older student, for one. tact with men whose sole job is to think these You WILL BE A BETI'EIl STUDENT. Not bright- problems through: Thus, a principal motive for er, necessarily, but better. go~ng back to scbool is not necessarily making up A university profeSsor says; 41Je range of abil- for missed' fonnal education but .rather to keep ities of the adult evening student is about the Slstudent who received. Fortunately, more colleges now offer complete his baccalaureate degree this year had, in the undergraduate and graduate programs for adults course of n yem study, logged more than 100,- than ever before. And the student J1as a wider 000 miles of travel between the campus and his , choice of fields. In addition to the B.A., B.S., and home town sOme 72 miles away. Nor was he alone law degree, he may be able to get a diploma in in this: at one time, 0t another, he shared rides business administration, social work, publiC affairs, with 46 other adults.from his conlnumity who also s~ urban renewal, education, and many other subjects. . attended classes at the san1e university. _ -, "I can't relax when I know we should be taking adult-education courses." YOu"LL BE A BETI'ER qTlZEN. The distin- ADULT EDUCA:nON' HAS, CHANGED. Anyone sunll.A TOD.' guished' joUrnalist James Reston said re- who has l)ad no contact with it for the past few cently: "The intelligent individual American feels yearswoul~n't rec,ognize it today. overwhelmed by contemporary events •.. It is as The part-time curriculum is no longer an after- Consider the P9tential contribution of the Amer- if the thougptful citizen'regarded himself today as thought at American universities. They recognize ican woman. Wliat with early marriages and early a mere _spectator in a bewildering world of higher it as a necessary and' deSirable part of their edu- frimilies, the suburbiln bousewife' frequently finds mathematics, 'complicated technology, and mys- cational ' serviCe .to the community, and out- herself in her mid-40's with more than three dec- terious economies .... The need is for widespread standing teachers appear almost .as often' ~n ades of useful life ahead of her and fewer family. study." the adult program "as they do in the regular, day- responsibilities than she has. had in years; Often Viet Nam, Laos, Ruanda and Burundi-some time schedule, Evening classes tend to be more , she received some -or all of her college training of the names that pepper the headlines didn't even easygoing _and relaxed for both the pupil and the before she' was married~ but her iptellectual talents exist as political entities, much less as political piofessor~ The atmosphere often is that. of a' have not since been fully used. crises, just a short time ago. friendly diScuSSion'among equals. I know one man The American woman today. has many oppor- One can find out what is happening m the world who ha~ completely -elhEinated any inhibitions that tunities to embark on a "satisfying new career. In on a day-to-day basis through news reports and may be c1:\usC:dby,.theformal Student-teac,her rela- Washington: D.C:, -there is an exp;riment under' broadcasts. However, truly. to understand currerit tionship: He. ,holds his'-- nighttime seminar in his way to educate former housewive',) as psychiatp,c problems--to learn what has gone before, and to weigh issues in the light of 'history, sociology, psy- own living room. _' social workers. Pittsburgh has an evening program S:veral universities arrange to send teacherS to to train' executive secret

Suburbia T.oday, August 1962 7

.,. em __ ''1 •• 1£ I . ~., ...... • ., • ""'b..' a ... ------.---~~---_._------.:.:'~==_""<------,--Ili!I:::I!l.....:~=""""" ...... r-~------~------.-~-_~_M_ So delicious they're almost wicked!

Cordicl1s by Coi~ltrcau mak.e the delectable difler- enc~ in main dishes, des- serts, cock.t

,t , II ,I I ,: - M",.inlJde and Ba.'ing The : SaJu,e lor B.,.6eate: * cup melted butter 4 cups Sherry wine Swing Set 4 teaspoons powdered cloves ,I 112cup dry mustard • Crayon colGTSin wonderful I ,I 2 oz. Cointreau Liqueur new washable knits and , I I ¥4 cup brown sugar I dose-woven cottons-a firm I , 4 teaspoons paprika fit at the neck, a brief , :. Cpmbine S.IUce ingredients ,.. sweep to the hem-how could I ,I and marinate meat in mix- you dress better I , ture {or two hours, turnin,~ ,I for the first I I once. Broil to taste, turn- I day of school? ing frequentJy and basting with marinade ... For your free copy of ':Gounnet's Guide," write to Dept: 71

Cointreau Ltd., Pennington, N. J.

\ Children'. d,.. ... by Glen ",I Mld,IIDfl. at fine dore. th'''''lltout tho country.

Tartan stripes in heavy silky cot- ton with a crease-resistant finish. made with two pockets for stor- ing personal treasures. $9.95. Cordials by Cointreau, L 50 to 80 proof. ~ 8 Suburbia Today, August 1962

...... , .. ~ 4 ~ --..-, ...... -7 ...---._.-.' ...... ---...... -,: ,--'

.:.::~~~:;;::,~'.~'".:~::'~"~~/;:r~~(;:~:~fF:~~~~J.~*~?h~.::~..:tt: ..';~','"

" . . , -Child's Play


~ ~ ~~ # #; ,oil. ....-...- " / ,.. "" • I 4 ..... ,. -.--- __ .'-.\~\. ~'1 ~.=:...-::-=:::.:,' ......

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L:;':...'~:.~. ~ :~- ..'",--- ;->t~-, ~l.":':.....:...; ~~¥;~:'.~.".,.,- - ~~~;/:,:::.>.,Befo.re you, pack .for a _ 10~1t,,i!'to the.' ~~,~}~:~.,::-":,.;:.southern vacation, myst.ri~u.EUt.~-


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17 DAYS TO ISUEl, ITALY 17 DAYS TO THE HOLY LAND, 10 DAYS T{) SOUTHERN ITALY- GREECE, EGYPT, ITALY ROM£, NAPlES, CAPRI "Let me explain." AND GREECE An Alitlilia Super DC-8 Rolls- See the Bible brought to life - Five days in Rome (and five Royce Jet whisks you direct to the ancient setting of the Old nights!) to find out why this ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Italy, where you'll see Venice Testament and all the sacred city makes everyone so starry- or Naples: Then sail on a lux- places of the New: The Grotto eyed. Then relax in lovely urious Mediterranean Cruise of Nativity, Room of the La.t Naples and legendaJY citadels (via Athens and cyprus!) for a Supper, The Holy Sepulchre, of sun and sport lik.eCapri, Sor- whole week in Israel - exciting Place of Ascension, much more. rento, Amalfi. -Pompeii. Your Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa. And it's all topped off by a choice of three week.-long ex- Then the grlnd finale is Rome! relaxing Mediterranean Cruise. tensions at very nominal cost. .~ Jet and cruise fare,$865 Jet alld cruise fare, $867 Jet fare, '583 1sl class hotels, meals from 1st class hotels, meals from / sl class hotelf and meals

i._ •• _._-_ ••• ~•• --~------.*_...----._.._. FREE COLOR BOOKLETS with • complete descrip- tion of ellCl1 Sunny Europeen Holidey. Check the trips that Intrigue you most and fill In your neme .nd address. ALiTAlIA AIRLINES 666 Fifth Avenue; New York 19, N. Y., Dept. ST-8 o HOly Land ($867 min.) 0 London, Medrld, Canel')' Islands ($648) 0 Western Mediterranean ($759 min.) o Around the World ($1980 Grp.) 0 Southern 1~ly ($583) o Israel, lbilly, Greece ($865 min.)

NAM ...F _


CITY ~z,ONE...__STATE... _

"Will you ,drop me.iJD at my house? I'm lost." ..- • ,._._. __ .~------_...~-.~..-.-....._------~ Suburbia Today. August 1961 9 PRICES BASED ON 17 DAY ROUND.TRIP JET ECONOMYFARES FROM N. Y, EFF. OCT. 1. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEE YOUR TRAVELAGENT

____ ••• ~~ ~ __ ro. In tune with summer is this refreshingly cool menu ... Crimson Melon Soup, Ham Mousse, Asparagus Vinaigrette, Mace 'n' Cheese Biscuits, and iced tea. LUNCH ON THE Top oD the luncheon .vith a favorite dessert specialty.

HAM MOUSSE TO PREPARE: 35 MIN. TO CHILL: ADmIT 3 HRS. 1 eap YU'Y hot wate.. 1 3-oz. pk_. lemoQoft.YO~ .eIatia % teaspooa salt ¥.l ClIp ~Id water 2 tabJe.POOIl8 eider .ia~a .. 1 teaapooa .... ted OaiOA 2 tabJe.pooll8 wate.- Y.s cap ehopped sweet pickle 2 tablespoons dieecJ pimiento * cap chilled whippil\J CI'UDI. whipped Y.s cap mayo_aiK * teaspoon Wo~ "a~ 2 caps firmly packfll t'OU'IIdy pouad eooked ham (about lb.) % eap* sliced celery 1. Lightly oil a 5Y.1.cup ring mold with salad or cooking oil (not olive oil); set aside to drain. 2. Dissolve gelatin and salt in hot water. Stir in cold water, vinegar, and onion. Set aside. 3. Remove 1 cup of the mixture and mix in 2 tablespoons water; chill until mixture is slightly thicker than the <:on- sisteocy of thick, unbeaten egg white. If chilled in the refrigerator. stir 0c- casionally; if chilled over ice and water. stir frequently. 4. Blend pickle and pimiento into the slightly thickened gelatin. Turn into mold and chill in refrigerator until just set. but not firm. 5. Meanwhile. clull remaining gelatin over ice and water, stirring frequently, until slightly thicker than the consis- tency of thick, unbeaten egg white, then whip with ~otary beater until gelatin is fluffy. 6.. Fold a mixture of mayonnaise and Worccstershire sauce into whipped cream. Fold whipped cream mixture and remaining ingredients into whip. perl gelatin. 1. Turn into mold over pickle layer. (Both gelatin mixtures shC\u1d be of alm

MELANIE DE PROIT, FoodEditor 10 Suburbia Today. August 1962 - -.,;--

AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER OWNERS: New Improved Dishwasher aI/ ASPARAGUS CRIMSON MELON SOUP not only ends water spots ... but. VINAI(;RETfE For devotees of hot soups. serve this TO PREPAJtE: 10 MIN. one piping hot omitting the melon and TO CHILL: 2~3HRS. cucumber. Garnish - with miniature profiteroles or petite. rye croutons deli- I eIlY. herb-Savored oil , dissolves 7 of the YiDqar ..t.d mix ctlt~ly browned in butt~r. Tarr .. o..-s.yOftd white wioe TO PREPARE: IS.MIN. "mepr W.ter TO CHILL: ABOUT 4 HRS. most stubborn spots- S.lad ~iI 2% lbe~ Hpe tom~1Ues, pW'ftd i... 2 table-PooIU chopped parsley hle..der ... d .aniDed (aboDI I tablftpocm finely chopped 4~ CUlM) chiyetl. 1 aablapooll Jichl brow ...... 2 te•• pooIU capen 2 IeUpoo... wt I bard-eookedel', fillely ~8 te&lpooo fre.hlr ,rouad bl.~k ebopped pepper ,. IIrASY IPOTS Cooked uparqu .pears, % te8.pocm .... led le--. peel chilled 2 table.poo.. IeIDO. juiee - 1. Prepare salad d~g mix accord- ~ IeUpooa INled 0Ili0D ing to the package directions using 1 ~p fiaely chopped Ulltal-.pe ~ eap fhlely ebopped hoDeydew vinegar,-'water, and sa!ad oil. _Ion 2. Using '1 cup of the dressing, mix ~ eup finely mopped eDcuJDlier well with next four ingredients. Cbill 1. Blend into' the tomato puree the. thoroughly. . brown sUlar, a mixtur.e of the salt and 3. To serve, arranae chilled asparagus pepper, and the next three ingredients. '~\Ar in six bundles on a chilled serving Stir in remaining ingredients; '~'k' 1 plate lined with Boalon lettuce. Gar- 2. Refrigerate at least 4 hrs., or until 2. WSTJCI( II't1$ nish each bundle with a pimiento thoroughly chilled. 8triP. Complete platter 'with cuewn. 3. Serve in chiDed bowls and garnish her .lieu and radbh ~oeee. (See each serving with a lemon allee and photo.) Mix dressing well before a sprig of panley or water OeM. spoonina over asparaJUS. 6 servings fJass a tray with a cryUa1 shaker of 8eUOned .. It and a bowl of upt- " brown eupr so that guests may sea- MACE "N' CHEESE son soup to' individual tastes. BISCmTS 6. servings \ TO PREPARE: '10 MIN. ~~~~~. Note: To heighten .color. mix'ip red ,~..61!'"t' • .... .r. TO BAKE: ABOUT 8 MIN. food coloring one d:op at a time until I pk... refri.eraied flak,. baldD, desired color is achieved. I. LUfY VUETUlE powder biKDiti VICU 12 Ihm 1K-i... M(8a1'el .harp Cheddar cheese LEMON SIRUP 2 tabIespOou buller, IOllclled Offer an assortment of fruit and mint ~ IeUpooJI lJI'O_d m.ee ~ t~POOIl dry mlUlal"d sirups in small crystal pitcher:s so ~veryon~ may flavor h~r tea as desired. 1. Separate' biscuits into ~halves; put .... fUI bottom halves on ungreased baking TO PREPARE: 10 MIN. sheet. Top each biscuit half with a (allow time for chilling) square of cheese. I ~ CDIM ..... r 2. Bleod the butter, mace, and dry 1 cup water ~ustard together; spread on both sides 1 table.poon .... Ied lemoD peel 7.ITAIlaIY $POll of the remaining biscuit halves and % eup lemon juiee place onto cheese'squareS. 1. Combine sugar, water, and lemon peel in a saucepan. Set over low heat 3. Spnnkle tops with poppy 1Jf)~. and stir-until.sugar is ~issolved. Cover, 4. B!1ke at 400°F_about 8 miD., or Guarantees spot-free washing ... bring to boiling, and boil S min. ~ until bisc~iis are lighUy browned. . 2. Remove from heat and stir in the ~, 1 doz. biscuits the most spot-free glasses, silver, dishes lemon juice. Set aside to cool. Chill any dishwasher can wash! 1 . thoroughly. Store covered in refriger- , WATER CRESS BISCUlTS-Fol., . atoc. About 2 cups sirup New improved Dishwasher .11 not only ends water low J:Ccipe for Mace ',i' 'Chees~ Bis- spots but dissolves 7 other stubborn spots that cuits omitting maCe aild€fiY'mustard. ' .UME SffiUP-Follow recipe, for trouble every automatic dishwasher owner! Dish- Blend thoroughly: the bu~er, 1t8 tea. Lemon Sirup. Substitute two long washer .,,". super-penetrating sOlution gets in and spoon' around, albpiee, and ~ lea- . strips of lime peel and lime ",uiee for under these spots, lifts them off and- floats them spoon ~hervn., Mix -.in 1;3 <:up !indy the lemon. away. So d,ishwarecomes out sparkling Clean-even' ' chopped; water creu. Spread under- after being stacked for hours in your dishwasher. side of biscuit tops with the seasoned MINT SIRUP-Follow' recipe for butter; place;:: butter side' down, onto L~mon Sirup. Decrease sugar to 1'cup. And Dishwasher all is recommeitded by every cheese squares.' ~ruSh biscUit tOps with . Omit lemon peel and juice. Boil ~ leading automatic dishwasher manufacturer. Get melted butter and spri~k1e with pop- cup chopped fresh miDI with the sugar new improved Dishwasher all - new color, new fra- py'seed. and water. I . , grance. Remember Dishwasher all guarantees .the most spot-free glassware, dishes, silver any dish- washer can wash~or your money bacK.

Dishw.sher.1I protects fine chin. patterns best! Suburbia Today, August 1962 ,I Recommended by 'udina fine chin. manufKturers.

' .... ---:-=0-- ...... __ .... """"'-.:======------.-,'-__- __-:,--:::=.===- ...... ~_ Want to perform like a professional? ,,~ow... little theater companies wha~he' has learned A MOTHER-AND.TEACHER FRANKLY REVEALS Why Bright Children Sometimes Get Poor Grades in School by FRIEDA E. VAN ATTA Moth., of two. a pnacticillg t."ch., for 17 y_rs. Mrs. VGII"'1Ia hot hJught all grod •• alld Ivk.1I cou,. •• ill .ducatioll at •• ".ral unlversitl ••.

YOU DON'T have to be a "School Mar~" as I am, to know that many bright children get poor grades i~ school. This is something that puzzled me when I began teachlDg over 17 years ago. "Why~" I wondered, "do some of the brightest youngsters in this class turn in homework assignments and test papers that show less familiarit,. with the subject than those of pupils wnth much lower I.Q. ~s?'~ . The Key To Better Grades Then I made a startling dieooveJ')". In practicall}" all ca8e& where bright children were getting poor marks. most of their trouble stemmed directly from a laCK of understandin~ of the The author and costar Helen Hayes rehearse the Ameri- old-fashioned "3 R'8""-Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. ' The result is what I believe to be a very valuable handbook for can Shakespeare Festival's "Shakespeare Revisited." Now every ~nt who is worried about his child's schoolwork. I have in Stratford, Connecticut, they'll tour the country in the jail. caned It. simplv. How To Hel~ Your Child in Reading, Writing & Arithmetic. )n 384 pages, clearly illustrated, the three basic subjects are explaitied~ step by step. from kindergarten through • ALONG WITH THE BARBECUE, the tw)st, the discount' 8th grade. With my book at hand, you can pick out exaetly the store, and pizza, ~America ,has contributed the community subject and grade of work in which your child is weak-and theater, and ~ suburban, towns all over the country neigh- help him by me.os of tested teaching methods. bors have joined forces to offer their. skills in devotion to Worksheets For All Grades Thespis. A worshiper myself, I applaud all the theatri- At the end of each section in m~" book you')) find special cally inclined but. esPecially those who work with WORKSHEETS fo.- practice and review. You and your young- bare essentials and limited fundS. Suburban stal- ster can sit down together and work out these problem8. dis- cussing an," ~int8 on which the child may not be clear. By using warts, take heart in the knowl- the WORKSHEETS ,"oU will be able to see exactly where your edge, that we, professionals are child's difficultv lie8--:'and help him correct it on the spot. Here often similarly plagued by bun- 8t'e 80me of the WORKSHEETS you')) find: et into , glers 'and bound by • PICI'URE GAMES fo.- children in kindergarten. 10 make budgets, too! them aware of familiar things around them. My comments, bow- • READING GAMES to help children in ht grade learn new -the ever, concern the ac- word .. and phrases. . et • tor whose struggles arc particularly com- • ADDITION~ SUBTRACTION~ MULTIPLICATION and ' DIVISION EXAMPLES fo.- youngsters in 2nd, 3rd and , panion to mine. Young, 4th grades. BY MAURICE EVANS <;>ld, fledgling or vet- • FRACTIONS to practice in 5th grade. eran, every actor is • PUNCI'UATION EXERCISES for 6th graders to help them trying to give delight and excitement If he cares to be master the principles of English. gcided by some other -soul's trhils and errors, let him dine • SF..NTENCE DIAGRAMS for 7th graders to fill in, 80 they on these fruits of my labors: ' can better understand grammar. Preparl ... to Act • DECIMALS and PERCENTAGES for 8th grade stUdent8 of this tricky phase of mathematics. 1. Make the most of your voice for long speeches and Of course, these are only a small sampling of the WORKSHEETS projection. into the auditorium. A simple' exerci::>eto build in this ovemze (831 x 11%), hardbound volume. the diaphragm muscle is to take deep br~aths, letting the air out slowly. Another is to sing! It doesn't matter how r ' badly or where you do if, but sing! This' builds control I BASIC BOCI(S, INC., 151 No. Michigan Ave., Chicago 1, III. I and sends the voice over' the vocal chords and into the I I I EncloMd is $4.95 « 0 check or 0 -Y CH'der)for which plea •• s.nd •• po.tpaid HOW TO I head cavity, so that you may avoid throat irritation and HEl' YOUI CHILD IN lEADING. W.ITING & .... ITHMETIC by Frieda E. Van Alia. If '01' allY rMIS01I I achieve reSonanCe. . I I decide lIOIto keep it, I ... d.ntalld I May r.tllln it within 10 days and .y full poy •• nt of $4.95 I 2. Simple sit-up exercises at home or swimming or , wilt be ,,'unded. , tennis will loosen up your ,body. You may want to add -I' ------1 ballet for postur~ and attenuation as well; I ~- I 3. Study peopie, their facial :expresSions; their gest'"ll'es, t AIIdrnr ,--.------, II' their stance. The more' you know, and un~erstand human . I behavior, the better equipped you aie,for your job. I OtY.Z_. $iGt.------IPl_P,lnt ~~;:-l:;;-)------I ------~ 12 Suburbitl Today, Allgrut 1962 , .. -~ A fqrnous actor tells members of about putting a part across A Remarkable New

4. Good diction is' elementary in your acting equip- Eating Experience ment. H you are unable to take diction classes, do it your- <~Oneof the finest things we've self at liome by listening to radlo and television announcers ever tasted!" was the ~'Way one over and over again~. Stud{ their vowels and consonants American newspaper hailed a group of the world's legendary banquet and diphthongs~ These are the fellows to' emulate because dishes as they appeared in grocery they are devoid of any. regiona! accent. stores in ready. to heat and serve. 5. Keep your Jxxly as fleXible as pOssible. If you find form. But the St. Louis Globe- it difficult to move easily and naturally on the stage try Democrat writer was only one of -< t many critics, homemakers and hus- this: In the jtrivacy of your room, stand at'some distance bands who were heaping praise on from a chair. Look at that chair steadfastly until it says these Famous Foods of the World to you, "Come and sit in me/' 6nce you have succeeded in cans. in making that chair ....talk;t to yout you're halfway to solv- In describing Swedish Kottbullar ing all your moveJ!lent problems. the Oakland Tribune raved, "Each can serves three generously and is 6. Learn: to audition by doing so as often as possible. crowded to the brim with plump, Heret experience ~reigns the supreme instru.:tor. The mo~ tender meatballs-drenched in sour you fail, the less the fear of failure, thereby reducing the cream sauce, seasoned in dill." And possibility of fa~lure-if you know what I mean. the Washington, D.C., Evening Star recommended the "elegant 7.' Try to do as many varied roles as possible. Don't little meat balls" as a main' course get ~t. Nothing grows in this kiDd of rut but your with parsley potatc.es and red cab- limitations and your temper. bage, or as appetizers on cocktail picks. '. How to .... mV.. Part Indulge three people gloriously for less than a dollar with Kott- 8. No part is so small that is not worth taking pains. bullar, fabled Beef Stroganoff or When I saw "I Remember Mama." good friends of mine Italy's succulent Chicken Caccia- were playing leading roles. Nevertheless, it was the small tore. And try the two noble soups part of the 'young son that caught my attention. His name as well .. , authentic French Onion -Marlon 3rando. or hearty Spanish Garbanzo. Wonderful! 9. Don't trust .your memory., Treat it as a foe. Learn your lines well. ,Here, 'rehearsals help in that lines'become sec~d nat'Jee, and you may concentrate on emotion. Geo. A. Harmel & Co•• AlUltin. Minn. 10. For the be~nner, self-consciousness is the biggest hurdle. It'can be overCome only when you realize' your job as an actor .is to interpret. Get wider the skin of the character you are playing, forget entirely your own physi-. Heinekens cal appearance,' and believe fiercely that you ore Willie Loman (lr Sadie ThompsoD; ,or Blanche Dubois. 11. Work with your director. H a line does not feel Heinekens right, tell him. Take .him into your confidence and have" confidence in him. He wants you to be comfortable,. but Heinekens he also knows what is best for the scene. Remember that. A TREASURE OF PLEASUIE he is staging a pl~y, not a solo recital.,~ FROM HOLLAND TO HERE! 12. Experiment with make;up so that you may learn B'eer~ its complexities. -It is an art--not an.adornment. It doesn't. have to be elaborate to'be effective. YourJocal five-and- dime store has everything you need.

WlI"'-MlIt- ...... You',.. On..sta...... itlllAVELEI ...... "" in _ 13. Don't -u~tage your fellow actor. Remember how ...... ,MI. ftoitlofvlly-_loorfoI• you'll feel when he reciprocates.in kind-and be will! He. ""I. •....;"1,, .. wide -.1e=1IAWUI ...... wh •• fIAl...... 5"". may plant crilb grass on -your lawn, or, even worse, sneeze U1t$49.9~ on-stage in the.Diiddleof your big moment. . 14. Openmg-night nerves are.~ form of egotism. Re- . mind yourself thafyou -are opIy one' of, a team and the jitters will take care 'Of themselves. Broadway stars feel the same apprehension. You can't rea pro without a little Wa•• as it _ .... .,p la 50' 1WDtIo. ,,-tv! of it, but modesty about your own self-importance is the _ -chob of _ ...... fallows ..... - ----...... --.,. Soog. UIt S27.9~. best antidote-if taken, with aspirin. IOU'.1A11 15:Just because your. neighbors are your audience,. J.t-pow.'ec1 wove. SPECIAL OFFER Impul... p,lI,kl.,. FlJtlyaged. don't treat them' as caswl11y as you might in your living. Wate,. ony lawft Handsome Heineken's glasses (one ...... NalNrai carbontl/ion 0711". shown above), imported directly room. Be as disciplined and professional as possiblc~ ".... -_"';p. Soog. litt Breu,ed 10 Heineken'l from Holland. are now available at if S7.9~. 16. It Will give you.seH-assurance you will reason that ._SIooI.()f~. erell/live old-world a special price: 6 for $4.00. Allow your audiences came to, enjoy themselves, not deliberate~y H. I. SHlllUII .... CO. ~ fcrt1l1da. ~ 3 weeks for_delivery. Send check or ~".cr-k...wk...... moriey ordeT to S, M. D. Co., Dept. to criticize you. . . . -.- IMla()I~TI~I) T. P.O. Box 15~?,N.Y.l?, N.Y. 17. Have a good tiJi.je. Theater can, and should" be fun. . s.t .... "...... "".uM!I It it 'is for you, if will 'almost certainly be so for aft. ... IlIIUU ~------0,151* _ Heinek.en's HOLLAND BEER S"b"rbia Toiay, A.ugust 1961 13 GENERAL U. S. IMPORTERS,VAN MUNCHtNG & CO .• INC.. NEW YORK, N. Y.

.. .- _; _~_~~ ...... ~_ ••• ~r • ..,.- ••• ~--,J._ .. ~. 4- j ". --_--~---~---~--~,t'..,. -.,..- ~..-'.~. ----~-~------,------~-----:-----:".-."""":"_------=, ,~'.ri~~b"~. An ~vergreen

~"'.'7P~::"'-'i.~:..- ~ ' ..'.ITI., .er.'".,,' _~~...... lit S , III I •• fI.. . . ~;;:~.~ hold., y ... ~~~~~'1' to porb.1It the W.. ,~' ...... ,. :"t-.~ (31 ct.,.) or Nov:21to .... 7'":':)~."'" Brazil (27~). ::'.,' , . _ ' .....:~O;~f!I'Only. week ~ .. COIM ... to .. c-.... ~~- ...... Ywk Oct. 2, Oct. J4;.... ••• '•• 01&. .. ,~~ ",; frOM. FlOrida Nov. 11. NeW•• Dee. t. ... ,.. Is Forever Tmet ~nt Of' write diNe" to 2 ...... ~ ST. .... York 4, N. Y. So plan with care when you MOORE~~RIMCK " .: .:.~" ."~.'': landscape with these hardy trees

'. .' '\. '. "'. ';" . • ,' .. t •• '-:} ",

" BY JOHN BR~MER , VERGREENS are universally loved" and they can make E an enormous contribution to the ~erican garden- or, in the wrong spot, they can make more trouble with every year of growth. People who take . their time. aboUt buying a car-a ma- chine they'll turn in in a year or SO-:-Often rush out to buy -an evergreen for a lifetime with no forethought 'at all. Of course, it is. hard to suspect that an ir.nocent two- foot tree might in 10 to 15 years become a monster that blocks out windows and even scrapes shingles off the roof. Evergreens can be kept small by pruning,'- but it's hard and boring work; besides, it's unnecessary, if you plan your needs in advaDce. The choice among heights and 'haQits of growth is aston- ishing. Although forest evergreens often top a hundred feet or more at maturity, some dwarf types will grow only two .feet. Before you 'buy, it is vital to considc:! what your evergreen will look like in 10 years,.20'year~ra life- . time~ Most species are .reliably lUrrdy even out. of their native clioultes and will tolerate extremes of sun and.shade. Choose the.right ones for your space, and their color and beauty will be a year-round delight. .

-'OUR NURSERYMAN can tell you. which evergreen will Y pl~y Jack and the Beanstalk and which .will resemble Tom Thu'mb. You need not'wait until spring.to plant, 00- . cause late summer to early autumn is a good growing season. If evergreens are kept mo~st and given' a little wijt- ter protection, they will be- ahead on growth in the spring. For foundation p~antings,:concentrat~' tW() or three kinGs . of trees in a simple well':'grouped irrang.ement--and visu- " alize, before you make up your "mind, how house and Putnx Z...... Dlp kill. fie •• , planting will combine in years to come. Taller evergreens ticks, fice • • • stops summer may accent a doorway" or grace a corner, but ~ke' cer- eczem., "hot spots.., scaly eczema .•. cures sare;,ptlc tain that they will never .....go abOve the line of the' eaves~ manse. Easy to use _ •• mix Pointed .evergreens are exclamation Points in the lan,d- with .,.ter and sponS. on for scape and should be used sparingly, if at all. Most 'of the immediate relief. Upto3weeks protection. Money back suar. spruces, firs, pines, and hemlocks are -forest ,treeS that \ . . . ant ••• Send for fr.e dOlI car. are unsuitable for small home gardens. Nearly all ever- booklet: Pulvex, Dept. Z, 1911 'greens have smaller ~ditions, or dwarf varieties, however, N. Clifton, Chicago 14, III. Whether yom home is new or old, you ~i1171 ha'lc a and your nurseryman may have them, in stock or can order costly. messy back-up in yom septic tank or cess- them for you. Question him abOri(winte .. color, too, be": pool. RIl).xe works to keep your sewage system cause some varieties "winterburn'!.or .change. 'color and openting smoothly_ Helps prevent messy back-ups look drab in cold w~ather" Your nu~ryman is also'your and foul 0001$. RID-X can save you HUNDREDS of dollars on digi08. pumping. ~dscaping! FREE~=~' best source for what varieties will' grow rest. in your re- I' Faet.FIIJef hew III c.,. gion and for your purpose. EASY TO USE - juSt pour in toilet bowl and MIl ...... of Stptic THb. e;..,.. 81M )'- flush. That's aD.' RID-X can't harm porcelain, for IlMdNII' to: meuJ pipes. fittings. Rid-X, ([ lox 224. WllIt. ""N.Y. ,.. Suburbia To.day, August 1962 _: .._--_...... _-."..._----,- - -- ~- ~ .... "'-"--~' __ "'d •• ------"" ...... --4-.. - ...... _,._...... --- To plant your evergreen, dig a hole at least 50 per cent larger than ~'lOOt -_ba~lof your tree; being sure it is fa'c enough away, "fr~m ~uildings .or', other pemlanent, plants so that future development' won't be' hampered. Dig at, leas~ 18 iDChes~(two feet is" better), break up all clods, and ren;t0ve'rocks and deb~. Mix a handful of plant food with the, soiLfor-each~llole. If the earth is sandy or grav-' elly, inClude up to ,50 per cent peat moss wit~ the soil.you fill in, 'to, ai€J. in moistpre retention. One part peat moss to three parts of garden 'soif will help to improve the strue-" ture of most soils .. ' . Fill in the hole with enough earth to support the root ball aj: the same level it grew before-you'll see the soil line on the lrunk-and turn down the burlap wrappings., .. Then fill in, around the roots with soil, firming it 'lightly with your hands 'until the hole is half~filled. Soak it well with water, and when it has settled fill with soil to the top of the hole. and so8k agam. Finally, fill:up the earth to soil level and fimi. it gently. Build a low dam to make a "saucer" to hold water" around the evergreen. Apply a three-inch mulch of pine needles, salt hay, wood chips, 'or,other coarse'material that will allow water and rafu. to penctnlte easily; Peat moss may pack down and pn:vent penetration. Soak the plilDt once_ or more weekly, keeping the soil moist right up to the time. it f~eezes. In warmer c~ates, continue to water through the winter, tapering' eft as nature provides moisture.

ARLY NEXT SPRING, give a double handful of plant food E to your evergreel! so that when growth starts the food will be in pla~. A 10:-6-4 formula is ex~llent for most evergreens, but some other high nitrogen fertilizer will suf- fice if this: i:; not' available. Support summer growth with another appiication and give one more in late autumn so that the, nee~es ..will take up the fOod, stay gr~ener, ~nd resist wind and sunburn during the winter. Should .the position be expoSed to drying winds, you may need to give your evergreens' a windbreak of burlap or snow fence- the first. year. Better, still (or in addition), use one of the antidesiccant sprays that give a light coat- ing of ruQbery material t~prevent moistu!"e loss all winter but disintegrate and disappear when spring comes and new growth starts. Professional nurserymen swear by these ' sprays, and many now transplant at practically any time during the season.~The cost and -effort of application are negligible. compared with the benefits gained. So there you ha~e tlie keys to success in choosing "and planting' the .evergreens 1hat' will give you a lifetime of genuine pleasure. ' Ten times faster than raking The old "rake and basket" way of getting up fall leaves is tiring and time-consuming. ,Treat your lawn and yourself to a Pancer Sweeper. It's ten times faster than raking I And in -Parker spring and summer, your Parker's the ideal way to get up grass clippings, Sweeper clumps, twigs, other debris. It gives SPRINGFIELD, OHIO you a cleaner, healthier, more beauti- ~.- -.r;;vM~ fullawn all year 'round. Your lawn "Wait a,minute, George. SUIU •• IA TODAY needs a lift. 'Pick it up with 8 Parker. 12 models: manual, mOtorized and trailer.

Suburbia Today, AugUst 1962 15

------.... -_ ... ~ , "

ECTORAL * tablets, given regularly to your dog or cat. can rid your pet of fleas. lice. and even ticks. Tested two years by veterinarians for safety and effectivaness. Ectoral has been used by thousands of pet owners. It Now works by releasing small amounts of insecticide into the blood, for continuing protection. Ecto~~t1is as economical as weekly applications of potent sprays or powders- and is far more convenient. Ask your veterinarian about the control of fleas. lice, and ticks with ECTORAL You're" *'-..-


As A ONETIME permanent and always is to see that your husband occasionally has 1"l. semipermanent inhabitant of Sub- a chance to get to bat. But keep him in re- urbia, I have been not only an observer of, serve the way Ralph Houkof the Yankees but a participant in, the tribal customs of keeps Luis Arroyo in the bull pen (your Wes~hester, suburban Chicago, suburban husband will explain who these people are) . Los Angeles arid suburban Washington, and If you don't mind a, bit of name drop- during the past three years I have noticed ping, let me tell' how Mrs. Winston a change in, suburban habits. Know what Churchill passes the baU to her husband aft- they do now? They sit around the dinner er dinner. Once during the war I was asked table and talk, talk, talk. to Chequers (traditional !lome of Britain's .Conversation at the American table Prime Ministers) for dinner. Harry Hop- being in what might be called its infancy, kins, Robert E. SbelWood, the writer, Aver- it might help the Lady of the House to learn ell Harriman, and two'British generals were the ground rui~s, for traditionally it is she . the other guests.-It was early in 1942, and who mu."t start the conversational ball roll- ~gs ba4n't been going well for our, side. ing. It is not a responsibility to be taken Winston Churclilll was "not in a very happy lightly, and often one must ignore obvious mood. He glowered at and gmmbIed about temptations. Suppose your husband is in the food until his'loveiy wife said gently, the, ball-bearing business and be invi~ his "Rem~mber, Winston, theJ,"e'sa war on:", It boss to dinner. Naturally, you'n ask a few seems almost sacrilegious to say, but din- of your most presentable neighbors to join ner with, Wmston Churchill, was a rather you. You don~t have to worry while the dull event. That is, until the hostess thought main part of the dinner -is being seived-' of something to take her husband's mind you kDow your guests will be discussing off the sinking of Atlantic convoys and bad your fine food. FOod Can be an interesting news from the Libyan Desert. ' topic, but it usually exhausts itself by des- '.Winston," she finally' said, "I forgot to sert, and then you're on your .own, girl. tell you that they sent one of your favorite ".._" The obvious gambit would be to get the filmsto show tonight. It is the Marx Broth- BosS to open up on the subject of ball ers' 'Night 'at the Opera.''' bearings, but the chaJ1!:es are that he will I:AID PIT.AM-IIOOIU CO.PAIIY be '15 bored talking about them as your GREAT," Churchill beamed. ll:!i1J Division of Th. Dow Chemical Company. Indianapolis eo Ind. "GREAT ... guests will be hearing about them. After all, "Have you seen i~ Hopkiils?" When when you've; seen one ball bearing, yo.u;ve ,Harry Hopkins shook his head, Churchill seen them all. You-must remember that in -went 00, "I've seen it five times and always DOGSlet quick rei f LETS lIVE OUR addition to his business, every man has. find something new in it to laugh at. I don't SUllIE. ECZEMA BRAINPOWER A BREAK some outside interest or hobby he'd much often agree with George Bernard Shaw, but FU.US l_ellDIIS rather talk about. Your ever-Iovin; hus- I agree with him on acting. 'Someone once FUl II IIISECTBITES America's inftUCDCe amooa natiOns band can do some research to find out what asked him who he thought the world's four depcndsOD its brainpowcr.:8ut hiabcr with miracle the Boss does when he leaves the office. He best actors were and he answered, 'The education is cndanacrcd because col. , ' lcp:s faa: sbortaps. CoUqc js Amer. might, for instance, be a chess fiend, and Marx Brothers.' " ica's best friend. Give to the c:olIcac you might knoc~ him on his ball bearings Now, primed by his wife (although he HlloDIP of your choice. 8nd should you ask innocently, "Do you' think wasn't conscious of it), he discusSed films , ' For a free booklet on the coI1eae crisis IIDIlbtllIIiIbnent write to: HIGHER EDUCATION, Bobby Fischer's explosive temperament that he liked and some' he" didn't like with Hlio Dip quicklY kills tlcu. fila and Box 36. Tunes Square Station, New will prevent him from defeating R~ssians hearty gusto. He drew ShelWood out on IIn. wewu fastlr. morl Iffectlon'y. York 36, New York...... 11 0iMMHt *'" ~, like Botvinnik. in. futuIe. world: cham:- Hollywood Personalities,. and.tk cOnversa- briIlIs »0IIII111 relief as It rapidly_Ii and PI-ts r.lnfedkJnof SIIlIMMr Ie- pionship tournaments?" (You don't'have to' tion became an anunated free-for-all with _ ..... f..... InfKtiofll. fIeI _ iUIct 1tItn. Itc. know any more about chess than that.- !t's everyone 'having a gOod' time. Somewhere Hlio Dip. tile eriI .....~'-ous dip fGr a question all chess fans are discussing.) , out in the darkness' a hideous ,-war was' be- ~ ... IsIiricM f_ 3 •••• HlIo MIdI- caW ow-t f_ AalI1b1' at You have another responsibility. That ing fough~ but for an hour we, all forgot depaftJMM. druI- flit atom or writ. , DIfL ' .. THE HtlO COMPANY'.INC. ~h~ L I., N. Y. 16 Suburbia Today, August 1962 -" ILLUsuATiON IY loa iDoG ..

And making sense- Great the Vacation well-known author notes the , Idea! ~' Take a

, c~meback of conversation ", ~J:~~ O~:E it. We were lh'ing Hollywood experiences Relaxin' comes easily on a lazy how to keep dinner guests from nodcfmg steamboat river cruise. Feet up, with wittY Bob SherWood and reliving films over thei! coffee--Bennett and. Phyllis Ccrf eyes dosed, cool""breezes lei_It your cheek, and nothina: but of the past through" the, eyes of Winston are vet~ran suburbanites, known for their friendly voices to disturb you. Churchill. It, ,was an unforgettable . hour. amusing dinner parties, but even P;byllis How's this for a chance of pace? Throughout it, Mrs. Churchill remained Cerf occasionally has to think of something Or, roam all four deeka of the S.S.DELTAQUEEN, browain&, quiet, just smiling,gently, as though to say, to stimulate conversation. One evening her .dreaming, watching the ever- "Now, you're talking, Winston:" guest of honor wax Benoy Goodman, and cban&ing shore-lines. A thousand pictu:e Opportunities • • . sun- of course, she asked several offte neigh- tanned 'younpters riding the A RLENE FRANCIS is married to Martin bors to meet the Maestro. Benny is- a quiet breakers •.• the spray from the paddle-wheel • • .' pulling into .1"l. Gabel, a brilliant actor~tor-plo- chap at best, and when he meets, stnmgers more for a visit at a famoua ducer, and one of the most gifted ronversa-' he is apt to crawl mto a shell. It was like landmark or town .•. navieatine river locks. /" ,,/~, tionalists I've ev.er ,known. He has a vast that this eveD,ing.Several of, the guests had Every minutet~i. enjoya1:lle, store of 'knowledge,.an ~we-jnspiriiJ.g mem- tried to draw'1iim Quton musical subjects, memorable, divc:~iQg.' !(o'a:t' stateroom. have 'ba~ an\i: ~ ory, and he reads almost every book' that is but Benny only gave .noncommittal an- conditioning •.,Sy.~t~ern';; published. When Arlene can get away from swers. The; dinner party might have died style cuisine is CC'~ A sociaIf' hOlteas plana ~ eti~; her radio,and television chores~ and Martin before'the dessert arrived. if it hadn't been tainment. ' .~'~. ,.;: ' WIlDt rl BEADED FOR. YACADON for the resouiCetuIness of Phyllis Celi. . away from Broad\Vay-,theyfun for their Mt. 7-D&7 KiscO'(WestChCster) home, where they en- "We'll hurry through dessert, Benny," Uli'1'l1CIY tertain a great dCaI: A 'member of England's .' she said innocently, "because I knQ:w you UDCru1IeI NOTHING CTUiRtwo House of Lords ,waS' spending a week' with and Bennett' want to watch the Yankees." rivera (Ohio and neighbors. 'of ~. Gabels. The neighbor Tenneaee) plus "REALLY, PHYLLIS," Benny said.. "The beautWJ1 STOPS ME!. asked_if Martin and. Arlene woulc:t give a Kentucky Lake. Your diDinc ~ner, party for Lord 'Irelawven, a wealthy , Yauks don't play tonight. Tooy Plenty to Re and do. plcuureiaour If the car broke down, I'd grab a Shore ft:O~. Depart- chef". ddi&ht. mariufactuler"of:cheap"furiijtUie as well as played this afternoon and I was at the ing Aueust 11, 18, 25. scooter. I'd skate to get there! •.:. a peer~ They' lied pleasantly and said they Stadium. Whitey, Ford threw a two-hitter Fare, $115 up, plus tax. That's why I can't understand would be delighted., Dinner Was heavy and beat Cleveland 2 to I." ~Il&r 8'1'. PA'01" Cra1. girls who postpone plans, rearrange going. NO,onecoold find,a topic that seemed Bennett Ceif, knowing just why his wife Wonderful, colorful .. cenery, schc=dules,just because tjme-of-t~ exciting Ihore stops at historic month comes along. to interest the ~waJnis.;.mustached, seventy- ._,had brought, up -the subject, did his part. places like Hannibal, Mo., Mark We Ta_mpax. users take that in year-old guest ~('fhonor.--LOrd Trelawven ' "Are any of .the men in your band baseball Twain'. birthplace; LaCroae, Madison. Departinc September our stride. When you WC'arTampax.. had a rather' heavy brogue---he was an fans, Benny?" he asked. 8. Fare, $340 up, plus tax. you are hardly aware of allY differ- "We had a .recording'date this afternoon. ences in days of thc month! Irish peer. Finally, ~leDe threw bet hus- 2O.Dar OW OSIil.UfS Cru1IeI .. band a desperate look and said, "Dear, did I made the date myseli, forgetting that the Great fun, It0ing and cominc. .... you, know thete were Irishmen in the Yanks were back, in New York today." Ohio ar.d Miaaiaaippi Rivera. Tampax6 internal sanitary protec- Shore ItOPS at Oak Allee Planta- tion is invisible in place, unfelt in HouSe of Lords?" Goodman chuckled. "Yesterday three of tion, at Paducah, Memphil, placc-and a wonder to those who "As a matter of. fact, there 70 Irish my men said they, wouldn'uhow up to play. Natchez, other river porta. J)e.. are have never known its freedom. They were going to the ball game. I wanted parting September 29 and Octo- peers," Martin 'ans~ered. calmly. "Am. I 'her 20. Fare, $340 up, plus tax. Every normal activity' is, com- nOl correct, Lord.T.relawvenT' to go, too, So I cancelled our recording." Fares include all meals and berth. pletely I1Ilhampeml You can ~ The men at the table were enthusiastic. Special rates for children. All "Bless my soul," the delighted peer cruiaes originate from and return swim wearing Tampax. Thcrc's roared happily. "You're the only-man out- This was- a Benny Goodman they h8dn't to Cincinnati. nothing outside to. become clammy side of-Dublin' who would know that. Great known about-the dedicated bl!SCball fan. or irritating. And away from home, the easy fun it:is too,Jor us Irish to sit there. making Even the women present.became inteIeSted B ~>&.t disposabilityof Tampax is a real laws for the 'E~glish." , as Benny told stories of' past and present -r: __A A_-r blessing. ~ Tampax user finds it ballplayers he'd known. He was very proud '}!"'".,',."1If(IIIeC.~ And, i.n fascina.tiDg ,detail be told, a hun- far easier to be modest about wfiat .:- dred aneatotes of' the House of Lords in- that tour of the Yankee players were tak- " - for inform.atioft on all could be an embalnssing time. ing,their wives to his Carnegie Hall concert -- arui... , or m.ul coupon cluding sOlne,'ancient' but interesting ones I 1 Tampax comeS in your choice of...... the following week. Throughout, Phyllis 3 absorbencies (RcguJar, Super, about Disraeli,.:..Queen ViCtoria's favorite. ------7----.QlZUI LIn 1'fUDIS, me.' I Whenever be apPeared to be. slowing down, . Ce~ as Mrs. 'Churchill- had 'done" ,sat 384 Public LaDdixla;, ~lnciDMti 2. Ohio Junior) Wherever such products are o Pl_..:Dd full-ecklr folder l sold. Many uSers vary absorbencies Martin would toss, him. a deft question. quietly, and smiled gently as 'though saying d....."biD& all cruiML I on different days. One.more example-of a wife who knows to herself, "Now you're :talldng, kiddies." N...... I *SItJrt by DcJItI Addraa I ) ______City Zcne_Stat~1 .J , Suburbia Todoy, August 1962 17 TAMPAX:==.

;..... -" ~.~. ','" _" ~. •• 'p- •• '--,~-,,,,- -~---~'~-~-'--_'-~" .------~-." ---"'l1"'~.'. ------_ ...... --- --4 ~ ~ ~ • No wonder O~uble: ,Cross~Country Shopper' the English headef ••••••••••••••••••• Earn $750 to .. $1,000 monthly. .. keep so cool! Men urgently saMRI .. ' 1WIIs Oolr $2'5 needed. Car fur. ";111' "..... lIft fll .. - 40 allIlMe oilri.,'_ II nished. Business ... tI.. ,,"'t III! 110.. Ulq .. liIot (mix (Jordon'sqin in a ta/I, .. .,. eN JO Oar 0" BH_ c...... SeM Ae;. s.. S2. 95 _II .. expenses paid. C.O.D. 1:,0.0 tltra. ! j iced drink-and you will, tool) Pick own job -.u c..c:.., e-..Dt,tUl-,u I location. Investigate full time. O!' he English are not easily f~%ed, earn $6.« hour spare time:'Write '5,000 YIAR POSSIBU ••• even by summer heat. This for FREE Book. Universal, ST-8.. T R-,.Ing f1.hlNh In garlge, b.s'_nl. T,. 6801 Hi1Juest. Dallu S. Texu. national talent was given a cheer. menc!ou. proflta, fl'Y hobby •• nvana "'" ful accompaniment in 1769.when do III Our book leU) how to 'lIlt .,d Alexander Gordon introduced tel •. Rultl Orde".$3.00 ppd. Rer/oia(,. his remarkable gin. The Primitive Pine SheH WI ..... dl. lU-a White on"" 'alw.a-, Gordon's you drink today .... barks back to his original HELP formula, because one does PREVENT not tamper with gin of 1I005T FIRES such distinctive dryness and flavour. Try it soon in a tangy Gin 6: Tonic Your grandmolher would 10... It ••• you or Tom Collins. You'll ""III too. Authenlic e.. ly AmerlQna wIth see why, summer and • wlrm aplce hind rubbed flnl.h. l-Inch stock. 24" 101lQ, l6" high. 5lI!l" deep, winter, Gordon's Gin (omplele with 3 dre-.. U.. fOp or is the biggest seller in bottom. Ju.t $l3.95. ppd. /Mil check Or England, America, and moM)' order 10 "--INtI "-, ... Gl'IlIIti 11vef, •• MI.w.-. 'Day-n.Night Mailbox Marker $1.95 " . r""..... , indeed - the world! ..1 ," , I. Your DIme (or IDY wordlDIL up to 17 Iwen and • "1111 ~t I" ill' ",I} 1'1I", '. • ftumb8n) 11- 01\ bolll .Id .. of )'Our DAY-•. , • I I I, I,', I,. II .. ' NIGHT Merker in pef!1lam:nr robed /etlen dlsl There.s 50metill., for Jdla&:t.Jipt! FIlSany lIIllil""-t- ... y to imIaII. Rustpraor 1Ii1,min\IJII, bek«l .namol rmi>h; bIa


HOW TO STOP PIPE DRIP IN 3 EASY STEPS Great Summer, wasn't it? 'Your pool and garden treated rOll Go to any hardware. p1umbln. or buiJdin. nobly. Now you can extend their pleasures for all-year enJoy- 1 supply storL ment with Lord & Burnham's prefab SWIM-MOR pool en-. closures and ORLYT greenhouses. . 2 ASK FOR SWIM-MOR enclosures are prefab structures of 8;luIDlT~m and plastic - easy to erect and take do~ when. you. lIke. e~ fit most every size pool - will double your SWImmmg seaso NOJ.)~ TAPE even without heating. . . - ' d P1~bIe. cork-filltd tape tIlIt forms I sRltd pipe ORLYT greenhouses make hobby gar~ening a year-rou~l. lCket-stops cold water pipe swealin. perlblllllt. pleasure; your home more livable and salable. 106 .prefi!>.a d Y ilnd never needs maialenilnce. The OIlfynltion. "Iy ad\'ertised "l!o-it-JOUrselr' pipe ill3Ul'lion thlt aluminum models suit any homesite and home styhng. rIce is 100% moisture-proof! from $350 on no down payment terms. " Send Coupon today.

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;,r:~was II.::~~e:~d':~~Ilosicrucian. The Fall.Plantl .. I am en.:locring IOC for your ..,eclal offu of IriJ< 'llosicrucians (NOT a I' imported mixed Crocu. Bulk I UDden!tand rdigious organiulion) . , Gul•• BMk theBe will be IIeJlt at proper time for planting. ' Need ~E.lra~C.sh? first ame 10 America in FRE!Z; Full-<:olor Fall 169". Today, headquar. . Planting Guide. iUll&- telS of [be llosKru(ian' . YOUN6 THROITS fer: OLD tnIting many beauti- send. ont seven million .. Just. tia our amazing chamlcal pad on, ful tulips and other pieces of mail annually to 'all parts of the ond proceed with normal activity. Guar. imported spring-Bow. of worJd:WrireforYOUR. FJlEE COPY anteed safa and effectl ..... Us. ana (I) ering bulbs. Also "The Manuy of Life"-TODAY. No roses, perennials, obligMion. 'No salesmen.' A non.proic' hour a day for 30 days. lett., than organizMion.AdcUess: Scribe M.W .•• moat plastic surgary. Face .. ju....nating boule plant$.. • Infannatlon Induded with ordar. No ax- CiIy z-. St_ porta, no C.O.D.-s. Send a"Clctly $2.00 L o Ai«> -«Nl your f.-. (ull-oJlor Fall Plmtruw.Guide.~_~ \." Around check Dr mo ... y orda, for "Throat" Pad" ." tIN N.elr fJ1;i ROSICRUCIANS to: IJUf JOSE. (JUCOJlC) • CALlFOaNIA . AGE-WISE CaSMETICS MIRROR ~~ 50< ~. 9 #1 W..... sr., Son ~_ 14. CIII. If you write. and ask for our .r~~M~~---~----1IIND Tltli COUPON IThe ROSICRUCIANS IAMORC) I Samples On Approval S .. Jooe, Calircwai. 'I I Ple__ d me thaf ... book. 'I'''' MAoIlY7" I I Uk which'uplain. bow I "'.r.I.. ", 10 I&R Handieii ... -,.eIfp ... bodi ..... Yours IlilY faCUltiH and powers 01 ml ..it. I for onl)' .Ir __ n uk rexour I-.d ~ makina ...... 111..... wdI • __ IN.... . I IAddrnI, , I''''"" r.r landKapl.., or ChrI',mas n-. (OLOI'UllllUSTIlTID CATALOG'~ ICilJ: , l'OLORAno lILt'll: NI.ltl'("'1t •• :rr. trans. Featherlights See ~ 01" cuds. to)'a, lifts ud ..pl.n .... t... In. un. 10 rM w)" n ppd.'. u.. , Zone. .StatE I Made of full gnin leather in wee ~ IlIat all lMU atra JIIOMY relt )I0Il bl I ~ rar '4.' A...... ,..1&1: :to E''ll:II- spare time or fIaU Ii...... ~ below. OKEENS. 4 n. ttallAplall .... to 10 In. tall eyelet blumee style. Neoiile aepe flXfDU~ • ...... ,. ~ Io~' - ~ .. th; AID. ArhorYltae.1>IIu&1.. Fir. Rad soles and heels appt,ied by ]*mted I'lne. N..,..,. 8p~ - ror onl7 ... ppd'. ~a-._~ procas. Weight l~ per pAir. I---- PAINT YOUI OWN WALL MUIALI All T.... G...... D L1va. I.Wea, lit n.. ),II... Rh'et or ,",uUt .. -.ld 2lk- We recommend this shoe foe amp, ,...... N..... __ MI7 -- .... 1 Wilt T., Save More IIOI"? Enjoy .... bNuty, autl"" utisfacrlOtl of r ~ or...... I painting • lovely 5 to 14 fro wid. murlll pOT of1"'1 Df&Ior1pU.., ~ JI'Dldor ...... dub and boamg. Wen'.... 6 to 12, 111.m ... -. !lOt. S...d Ni ...... 1Id ...... , Write for new" ABC" Monay Planner Welt.... al.. F_ N~ c.. --1.--on _pprov.l. ..,.. directly on YOU' w.1Il New "p8lnt-by-nutn- .bole and half sizes. D width OII1y. to help ,you .ava for \location, .. tl... ben" method Is fun, Incredibly ."Y.' Takes O-.t •• 1'I2.A F~ •• al.. just 3 to 5 hour •. Am.ts charge up to $3501 Coloe, Deep Bto1m. Price 'lO.8S 1"------.-----1 ment, cOllege by sh';wlnll you when w.llpaper scenla cost $100 and more. Ou, poItpIid. . • IAdd __ • 1 comPle" . kits, 512.95 upt. Also fabulous ~ lloeS. With it you OlIn laY::: "81-ek Light". mu,al kits. M.ny exquisite S_ 1M' P,..,C--6 morel Send 25c to AK ...f'Ia~.,. modern, JIl'OYinclal,orient.l, ere. designs. A !~~..;,;-;;.-;..-=..;;~;.;.-~~-::.-==~! ''''nnlng prestige touchl Send for FREE Color ..0 "x 321 ...... ,. 3, Mllryt..l C.t.log. "How' to" details (.ncl. lOe for L L .... IIIC• post. handling).. PILVEII m MI. St.. ~ ... MHAL AIrs COMPANY, 1.. S...... DeM. H2178, .... An ..... It, Calif. M/r1.Pis},;", -.I ~I S"ewUiu ~ • KODAC LOR The Chd, IEEl Lawa Edger ?we ~dIJ. •••over 50,000 .Ii.. yillusel Specially delli&neCI roredl\neadewlolu. cIriw'n)'l, 8 E.-. "'~2---'" C\IJtlIna. Oul perfOl'lm ~ JIIIWft' looIs. Tool Plus FreIIl PlI1I free=Fr Ilol1.. Free JllIIl Steel Bed KnIf. J*:k II thaI reedl (Wft'- =.. 11M up hanginc IJUIlnto CUIUng reel. !' a1lling reel. ~$2.00 ='2.50 has 3 10 1 ralio whlc:h leaves a petfed edce on YOU' lawn. No JnOI.oT •.. No CordI. """ up to 100 , .... "Pulvex Worm cap. For .y IUCI& •• 12 ~ F1""oe.60- lJI'I" m1nul •• Only $14.915 paR,,1d. DonYft'. Cdo-- • ftiGpe4 & &II.,.. I'fuI radD- West. $15.95." . Worm Problems" nt Frw I8IIIIt FIInI •••••• - Specially h...... J\~ "I get worms now. and then, but you flltt CrHIt ...... PrttI ... 'rial .... f~ Silft 620.121).l:U. onCIAfT PIIODUCTS CO:, D.pt. ST-61. (a5Cllrids) ~n get rid of roundworms leturn tills ad wltlt ",posH 'II.. (I Trial 4102 - 41st~, •• ot."', .... .,:~ji~L;.i.,4ij,~,~~:~~:::-;,.~_.::.-.~_.; fOf' me ••. just mix PUlYEX WORM ROIl 0111)') MId ~ - .. HfId post. EncI

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-'" .~ Program

WE INVITE YOU TO ACCEPT These 3 Beginner Books Including the delightful DR. SEUSS story -GREEN EGGS .l.ND HAM- The #1 Children's Best-Seller of the Past Year -The New York Times

You'll know something special is happening the first time your youngster turns, wid~yed,from the zany cartoon creatures and tlieir hilarious antics to GREEN EGGS the words that tell the story. Word by word, phrase AND HAM _.- ..... t by phrase, he will followthe print. Excitementgrows By Dr. s.un- and grows until the secret cannot be kept a second U.IDC only ISO dillerent. ., P. D. batman longer. "Mommy! Daddy! Come and listen.- I can words. Dr. Seuaa tickles Wbat ehlJd ao.n't lon $ 49 YOUDC reader. with a ~ - eepeela]l)o wildl7 for only Tead it myself I" And so the great adventure begins Jlerfeetly ridiculous tale. colored do•• that .ld, WITH TRIAL. moving from page to page, book to book- until th~ But 1t8 meaace fa QDlte ddve car., .kat •• aaU words that were once hard to read become easy- sen.lble: even somethlnlr boatel J>. D. EAtman'. ENROLLMENT as untamlllar as creeD funny''Woyda and pic- understanding comesmare quickly-and voeabulary e&'lrB and balD I. worth ture. will della'bt YOUy grows by leaps and bounds. All because he has tr)'iDC -It may turn out chlld-nd at". 111m m .... - to be den.bUul. t.r7 of 'lI almple wont.. discovered reading is fun, when he CQn do it himself • • MAIL COUPON TODAY BOOKS OF ADVENTURE, HUMOR, KNOWLEDGE-WRITTEN IN WORDS HE ALREADY. KNOWS OR CAN QUICKLY LEAR~':::I The importance of the BEGINNI~G READERS' . member, your child will THE MADalI' PR08J1A11, ~ ST.l receive,a;'l' A of GNIin E1ot...,m- lfUl. PROGRA;M~oes far,?eyond the glonous illustratio!ls BEGINNER BOOK every mon~t-~ 575 A-. ....Vorll22, N. Y. and fal!lclDatmg s~rlCs. Each book makes reading and you will. be billed ,l.4~'plu~~( ~ore fun, and eaSIer than e:,er, because it is written a small mailing charge, in8tUd Pleue _1'0]) my dlUd in the BEGINNING UAD- ~.:'i!f£ ERS" PBOGJlAll •• d IIQd him IU; ODe- the tIuee In about 200 or fewer b~SICw~rds your child has the $1.95 retail price. Aft~~~%"", BEGlNNER BOOKS pictured here, for wbleh )'ou wiD hJll me ollly $1..(9 plus a .m.n matllq ehaqe. ~~eadYd~ellamted'todrbean~ulckly ~Ick up. All are writ- selectionB,youmaycancelany~~' If Dot deJi.hted. 1 I'U7 return theu boob within 10 an I us!"a e y gifted writers and artists wh '.' :,~~ '..- ~. and Q". Dothiq. Othuwiae. aeh mOl:1th u.- know 'where a child's heart is. There's a story 0: Our Introductory Trigl 0"" ~:... after. you will MIld 1ft)' dliJd •• other BJ:GINND BOOK for .. bleb I wiD PII7 $1•.(' plua a .man m.WJlK_ whales. the tale of a city boy who We invite you to prove the benefl_ ~ (iMteac1 of the recWar 'l.lIS rtttail PriM). becomesa.Cowboy,a little girl who . of the BEGINNING RE:A:D~. ~ tJde .. ~,,' U7 time aftGo.P1U'C.... fOlllr _dII:r ~ ' ,., flew an airplane .• :even a trip to PROGili :b7:acee..Ptina'ijle, three~bookssho~.' . ,.....---0;- - y themoon.No'wonderTVandeomie _ .8&.:._1.-~-,.