'.' , w ..... ". o o )\11the News o of All the Pointes * * * Every Thursd"y rosse Morning ews- Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes " flome ot tbe News VOLUME 23-NO. 32 Entered as Seeond Class Matter at the PM OUice at Detroit, Mich, GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN, AUGUST 9. 1962 '1c Per Copy M.OO Per Year" 16 PAGES-THREE SECTIONS-SECTION I c ---:----------;---------------'--------------------------.:..----------:-------------------------c~ '. .-------------------. HEADLINES Babe ,Ruth, Champs of City, Park, farmsd oj the . ~"""',-............. Records AgaIn Set Me~tally I~ ,,' :J - Youth Adnnts \VEEK ~ As Compi!ed by the Grosse Pointe News At Summer School MaonyThef~ 17-Year-Old Stc!r+ed Steal .. Thursday, August 2 i[19 at 13;, Now Con .. A CONDEMNED KILLER Attended by 1,508 fined to Institution Was spared his life yesterday by the governor of Illinois. A 17-year-old Shores boy, Paul C l' Um P. a 32-year-old Six Weeks Session Just Concluded Called Most Suc~ whose crime career began Negro convicted of slaying an unarmed guard in a Chicago cessful; All Public Schools and 16 Local Private and at the age of 13 years, con- holdup in 1953, had fought a Parochial Ones Represented fessed to a number of .bur- legal battle with authorities -------- glaries and larcenies in the ever since convicted and had Summer School enrollments continued this year Pointe and other cornmuni- managed to stay his 'execution at the same high level established in 1961. when all ties in the Detroit'area, Still 14 times. By his action Wednes- records were smashed. A total of 1,508 students were Dther burglaries he admit. day, Gov. Otto K ern e r, of recorded in attendance for the session just closed, a ted, are still being investi. Illinois, commuted the death six-weeks session which began June 18. <} gated. s e n ten c e of Crump to 199 'Classes were held for all(,.- Park Det. Lt. Stanley Enders years in prison without chance of parole. The ruling came less grades, third through twelfth, Gl-b Bland Det. James LaPratt, said than 35 hours before Crump in most silbject matter ar~as. t urg ar that the youth's confession was to have died in Chicago's The trend established in recent cleared burglaries and larcenies electric chair. years of more and more pupils Fails to Fool ih all five Pointes, Detroit, St,' The Governor's decision '..'as enrolling, to enrich their educa- ',' Clair Shores, East Detroit, Claw- based on the judgment that tional diet and to master sub- P 1 Of son, aI:!dMarshall, Mich. Several Cnunp had become "a changed jects or .skills for which they 0' ice ficer unreported attempted breakings man" in his nine years in pri- might n'ot otherwise have op- and enterings have also been son. Crump's plea for life sen- portunity continued unabated. cleared, the detectives said, as tence was unprecedented as he Typing classes were filled to Suspect Picks Wrong Fam- well as a theft of a car and overflowing and no n-c l' e d i t 'I T Ik Ab A 'f attempted car -thefts. did not deny <:ommitt!ng the ~ science {loursescontinued to en-' I Y to a out; wal ~o murder. The equally unprece- " ,joy great popularity. in9 Trial for Breaking The name of the youth was dented commutation on grounds In addition to these students, d E \vithheld becaus"e he is men- of a rehabilitation could have another 640 pupils enrolled for an ntering "11....~ y 1'11, and has been for somei a profound effect on criminal driver t r a i n i n g courses this I H time, it w~s said. and penal practices throughout summer. Instruction in this I enry C. Ode~l, 6~, of Now in Institution the country. skill will continue the rest of 910 Kerby, DetrOIt, pIcked The young man, who has since Since entering prison in 1953I the summer so that all possible the wrung family to talk been committed to an institu- Crump has embraced Roman The 'Cleveland Indians of the American League will have the opportunity to about on Sunday, August tion, was arrested with four C<ttholicism,furthered his edu- YON, JIM TURNER, BILL BIGHAM and Coach TOM defeated the Phillies of the National League in two complete this training. when he was stopped other teenagers, on Wednesday. cation. written a book to be SCHERVISH. Front row, left. to right:-MICKEY 5, by pUblished next month, and won straight games to win the undisputed championship TUSA, ED MANNINO, ART SWINK, JAN KRAMER, .Staff Is Im~ressed a Woods police officer who August 1, by Park police oW. the respect of prison doctors, of the City, Farms, Park Babe Ruth League for the TOM BRECHT and TOM PRICE., Absent 'when the ASSIstant Supermtendent of was suspicious of Odell's eel'S, Cpl. H'enry Coonce and chaplains, guards, and even the 1962 season. The first game went 11 irmings and was Instructiqn H. Leroy Selmeier actions Patrolman Henry Wilson, on picture was taken were Catches Heston 'Swink and reported that members of the . ' . I complaint of a Park resident jail warden. When he received won by a 1-0 score. Standing, left to right:-Coach Joe Price and players Bob Vi'et, Bruce Fox and Rick summer staff were favorably 0<;lell end:d up by bemg I who reported a suspicious car in the news of his sparing, Crump AL BEAUPRE, Manager BOB SWINK, DAVE RIT':' Beaupre. impressed with the scholastic arraIgned belOre Woods Ju~ge his driveway wilh five -boys in said, "1 thank God, Gov, Ker- TER, FRANK, KAHLICH, 'PHIL, :REM, BOB KEN- success attending their efforts Don Goodrow, Monday ev~nmg, , 't ' ner and all the many, many on a charge of breaking and I. people who worked to bring it this year. A better distribution entering in the nighttime. He ,The ,Gfficer~went to.the home to the attention of t'he Gov- - , :,' , ~ of students allowed more suit- stood mute and waived exami- of the complamllnt, OtIs Walker. ernor." Fish'Rodeo Option,. Renew~CLto~~p.y.. R,._.e,:p,ort .. ~Work~~~~,.1d,a::l__.-S,_i~,~,pt~r:~~~~~~~:~nation and was bound over to ,688 _Balfour, ~ilnd_ arrived in * * * - - the Wayne County Circuit Court time to see, the 17-year-old Friday. August 3 t ' ",.-,'Sc'~ho" 'o'l:s";:::'r : ;~~,\:~:,~il_C:J~t,ti~~,e.,~~arng~~:'.to await tria(: when ".hE; " could.. l?~Qn~gc gas: from Walke!Z"s To Be Held Clinton Township' 'Site On , not post it bond:'of $5;000 'lm- car Jnct0"the tank of a car own. A TEAMSTERUNIONLEAD- eral calibre of the student body posed by the judge, ed by the boy's father;. ER who was scheduled to appear p '0'. e, , , was better, more of the pupils Odell is accused of breaking In the boy':; car, Coonce and before a Federal grand jury Septe'mber 1 For ,Disposal Authol-ity ' ro~,reSStng , ~eiii'g hi.ghly motivated -to do int~ the home of the Wiliam Wilson found three empty gas ThurSday afternoon was mys- , , " . bO~~ew~;ukcientbody represented Althansons 941 Sunningdale cans the boy admitted stealing teriously called less than two Farms 'Pier Be Sc;ene of Farms Deposits $10,250 Toward Cust of $205,000 for Addl't'lons to Brown"e'II'and f frhm whe~e he took a valuabl~ from garages in the area. The Will all 0 the public -schoolsin the v • hours before he was to enter 75-Acre Plot; Park_and City Will Pay Shares 'Ri~hard and Changes. at Grosse Pointe system as well coin collection, watches and youth also confessed to stealmg the grand jury room and told to Annual Event; More Than Kids Fished Last Year as ,16 local parochial and pri- jewelry,' articls of clothing, a gas from a car parked at Har- ' forget about it until the day 90 The Farms has renewed an option to purchase the Hig h, Sc h00',I Going vate schools, SixtY-11inestudents portable vacuUJIllcleaner and v:trd and Esex, shortly before after next Tuesday's Demo- Hartman property in Clinton Township, proposed site SatisfaetQrjly, ' represented a number of other transistor radio. He ,also took he was arrested. cratic primary election. The Grosse Pointe area for the Clinton-Pointes Refuse Disposal Authority private, parochial and public an address book and a passport CO'mpanionsKnew Plans Robert Holmes was called be- has again been invited to incinerator. ~>------------- fore the grand jury to tell them Work is progressing schools in a d j 0 i n i n g com- from the house, police said. The young man said that his join in the Girls and Boys The Farms Council met at I the purchase of the land. munities. Had List of Targets I four companions knew what he about the union's $11,000 cam- steadily on 't,he three' addi- National Bet t e r Fishing a speGial'meeting in the Muni- Farms City Attorney George In the elementary grades stu- Det. Sgt. Walter O'Dell and was intending to do and went paign contribution to Wayne ti01).S' to 'bu,ildings in' the Program. This is sponsored cipal Building to discuss and McKean said that the property dents.in grades 3-6 had the op- Det. Leroy Tobian said that along with him while he com- County Prosecutor Samuel H. Grosse Pointe" School Sys- Olsen in the 1958 election. by Better Fishing Inc., a renew the option which was to can be purchased 'on a 90-day portunity to strengthen their the accused man, who has a miUed the larceny.
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