Weatlier MIDDLFrOWN; Fair today, tonight and to- BED BANK morrow. High both days In the BAYSHORE EDITION 20s. Increasing cloudiness to- * * * morrow. Low tonight, 0. See MONDAY THROUGH rRWAY-lST JOT tides and weather page 2. Distribution Today 16,650

Issued dally. Monday through Friday, enured >• Second Clan Matter it the Po* MIDDLETOWN, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1960 7c PER COPY 35c PER WEEK /OL. 83, NO. 124 Olllce at Ulddletown. New Jtrjoy. under additional entry permit dated Aug. 20. 1857. BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Snowstorm Cost Parkway $100,000 Eight Crewmen Still NEW SHREWSBURY — The director, later said vehicle rev- snowstorm which roared in on enue totalling $50,000 was lost the eastern section of the country luring and immediately after the Dec. 12 cost tthe New Jersey torm. Highway Authority a cool $100,- To this was added $9,000 in 000. jverime paid to parkway main Mrs. Katharine Elkus White, :enance workers; $26,000 to out- chairman of the authority which side contractors who are hired Missing in Atlantic operates the Garden State Park- :o help with snow removal, and way, praised employees and (15,000 for salt spread on the state police for the "magnificant •oadway to prevent icing. job" in keeping the parkway open Mr, Levy said 9,000 trucks to traffic when other roads were most of which usually use th»l snowed under. New Jersey Turnpike, took ad One Man Milton Levy, public relations vantage of a "grace" period sot by the authority to use the park way to travel north. Cloudy, Cold Lifted Ban Aboard Trucks are allowed to use the parkway only as far north as Christmas Lakewood. Because other high- Tanker ON THE LINE — Voting in last night's election for a ways and the turnpike were closed to travel, the authority junior-senior Henry Hudson Regional High School are Forecast lifted its ban on trucks north of NORFOLK (AP) — A Councilman and Mrs. Russell Morgan, right, as teller, Mrs. Slightly cloudy and cold weatlv Lakewood temporarily. destroyer sped most of the Henry Knochel, records their signatures on voting rec- er was forecast today for Christ- Trucks traveling north of Lake- 29 survivors of the storm- ords at Atlantic Highlands fire house. mas. wood were allowed to pay pas- There was no respite in sight senger car rates. broken tanker Pine Ridge rom the bitter cold which has Mrs. White said an announce- toward shore today while gripped the eastern sector of the ment is expected at the author- the Coast Guard prepared nation for several days. ity's Jan. 5 meeting of the re- For today, William D. Martin, sults of a study concerning the another search of the angry School OKd use of the parkway by motor- Atlantic for eight crewmen still U.S. weather observer in Long Branch, said the mercury will cycles. missing. Plan Wins by 312 Votes hover around the 20 mark. The study was started some And, for tonight, he said, zero months ago to determine if mo- Still aboard the bobbing stern ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—The majority of the combined vote in will be the reading. torcycle traffic is compatible section is Chief Engineer John Henry Hudson Regional Board of both boroughs to approve the is- Zero Tonight with other vehicular traffic. It Richart, 36, of Wilminpton, Del. Education's $1.3 million bond is- sue. Thousands of travelers headed was pointed out at the time that He may be joined today — if sue plan for a junior-senior high Speaking for the school board, for family reunions were already the fatality rate of motorcycles weather permits—by volunteers school was approved yesterday Samuel P. Brown, president, said taking to the highways, airports, on the parkway is higher than from the crew who would assist by 312 votes, The vote was 991 to the board w'as "extremely railroad stations and bus ter- that of other vehicles, n salvage operations. 679. pleased with the results. The minals. Renew Contracti •Coast Guard planes were set HELPLESS — Stern section of the American tanker Pine Ridge, which was broken in It took a 3-1 plurality in High- board wants to take this time to Christmas day falls on Sunday Contracts for the operation of to take off at dawn to search lands, however, to push the pro- thank the people who worked for this year,, but almost all schools several service areas were re- two during raging storm southeast of Norfolk, Va., floats helplessly in high seas.and for.those still missing. The com- posal through. and supported the bond issue." and places of business will be newed. Atlantic Refinery will op- gale winds. Some crew members are visible standing on the deck. At top right js mercial tug Lamberts Point stood closed Monday, Dec. 26. erate the Cheesequake and Vaux- There, 775 voters turned out to Draft Specifications by to take the ship into tow for The National Safety Counci hall areas until Jan. 31, 1965, at tip of wing pontoon of U.S. Coast Guard plane from which picture was made. Norfolk. okay the bond issue 547 to 178. He said the board would meet predicted 10 traffic deaths in the an annual cost of $85,000 each. (APWirephoto from U.S. Coast Guardl This tremendous majority was with Mickelwright and Mount- Garden State between 6 o'clock Cities Service had its contract Survivors were transferred more than enough to offset the ford,, architects, after the first tonight and midnight Monday. to operate the Manasquan and from the aircraft carrier Val- defeat of the referendum in ,At of the year to begin drafting The Jersey Central and Penn- Forked River areas renewed until No Register ley Forge to the destroyer Con- lantic Highlands "by 80 votes. plans and specifications for the sylvania railroads announced ex- Jan; 31, 1967, at an annual price way for the run to Norfolk. The new school. The Red Bank Register will Conway is expected to arrive A total of 910 votes were cast tra trains would be put' on to of $112,000 each. not be published Monday, Dec. Reliable Man there with the final tally .415 The board hopes to be able to handle the Christmas rush. Atlantic Refinery also received about 4 p.m. today. 26, or Monday, Jan. 2, and The WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) - ping Co., owner of the vessel, votes in favor of the proposal award building contracts in the Spokesmen for Trans World Air- a contract to supply gasoline for The Pine Ridge was ripped early part of the year so con- Register business office will be "He's a good man . . . You to protect the firm's salvage and 495 against it. lines and United Air Lines said (See PARKWAY, pg. 2) closed both days. apart Wednesday in 100-mile Thirty-five absentee ballots struction can start during favor- last week's air crash over New can rely on him . . ." rights surprised his wife. So spoke Mrs. Edith Richart. winds that churned waters 100 were cast with 29 in favor of the able weather. York had had no effect on Christ- "I didn't, think he would do miles east of Cape Hatteras, N. itchool plan and six opposed. Target date for completion oi mas business, which was reported wife of John Richart, 36, of it," she said. "I'd just thought Since the regional district at the school is September, 1962. to be 20 per cent above last Whites Village, a suburb of he had enough of it all day (See TANKER, Pg. 3) Economic Chief Wilmington, Del., who is keep- yesterday and all last night." ready is formed, it took only a (See SCHOOL, Pg. 2) year's volume. ing a vigil aboard the stern Council Head to be Picked Today half of the storm-broken tank- Mrs. Richart said she first er Pine Ridge. heard of the tanker's distress on her car radio about A p.m. PALM BEACH (AP) — Presi- ment in the university's School Richart is the chief engineer of the Pine Ridge which ripped Wednesday as she was driving dent-elect John "F. Kennedy to- of Business Administration. home from a visit with Ric- day may choose a chairman for apart Wednesday in 100-mile Kennedy kept at the task of winds that1 churned waters 100 hart's mother, Mrs. Natalie his Council of Economic Advis- job-filling in the midst of fam- Reczek, of Chester, Pa. ers in the new administration. miles east of Cape Hatteras, ily preparations for Christmas N. C. "I've been sitting right here And the man will have his work and after announcing yesterday (in her home) since then," she cut out for him in this time of Richart's decision to remain his resignation from the U.S. aboard the Pine Ridge at the said. She added that she the business* dip. Senate, effective immediately. planned to maintain her vigil Reportedly in line for the key request of the Keystone Ship- To his Massachusetts seat Gov. "until my husband comes job is Dr. Walter H. Heller, 45, Foster Furcolo is appointing a home." of the University of Minnesota. successor suggested by Kenne- Richart is a veteran of 16 He heads the Economics Depart- dy, his old friend Benjamin A. Money Loss years at sea. He attended the Smith 2d, former mayor of Glou- Coast Guard Academy at New cester. Too Much London, Conn., before turning MacArthur, Letter of Resignation to the Merchant Marine. The President-elect cent his let- NEWARK (AP) — Louis Rollo ter of resignation to Furcolo and testified yesterday that it is im Truman Feud also notified Vice President Rich- possible for his bus company, the ard M. Nixon, presiding officer Rollo Transit Corp. of Keyport, of the Senate and his Republi- to continue running because of Is Renewed can opponent in the presidential financial losses. election. He said that Rollo is willing to NEW YORK (AP) _ Former surrender its franchises without President Harry S. Truman says Heller, who conferred with Kennedy last week, is regarded charge to anyone who wants that Gen. Douglas MacArthur them. The bus line serves nine wanted to A-bomb China and as an authority on public nance. He has served for six municipalities in the Bayshore eastern Russia during the Korean rea. conflict. MacArthur terms Tru- years as tax adviser to Minne- sota Gov. Orville L. Freeman, Rollo testified at a final hear- man's assertion "completely ing before the Public Utility IN THE EAST, A STAR —Mrs..Philip M. Dreyfus, Jr., 15 Homestead Dr., New Shrews- false." picked by Kennedy to be secre- tary of agriculture. Commission on the company's bury, holds a picture of her son, Philip M. Dreyfus, 3d, stationed with the Air Force Both men are in New York. request to end the bus service MacArthur resides here, and (See KENNEDY, Pg. 3) by Dec. 31. in the Philippines and spending his first Christmas away.from home. MARS and the Truman arrived on Wednesday ARRL network have kept him in touch with his family. Flanking Mrs. Dreyfus are to spend the holidays with his Philip's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mann, Westfield. At the rear are his sis- daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Daniel. ten, Suzanne, right, and Mrs. Theodore Westrick, 556 Sherman Ave., Belford, with An official at the hotel where OK Proposal their father. the former President is staying said Truman would accept no calls until morning. To Make Room for Racetrack The controversy was touched FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP-The The ordinance rezones both, off by Truman during a television Township Committee, at a spe- GIFT ROBE — A carriage robs to cover the tiny ion The Christmas Message interview last Saturday night in sides of Rt. 537, from the Free- cial meeting last night, approved . hold borough line to Stillwell's of President-elect John F. Kennedy has been made in an amendment to a zoning or- Corner-Wemrock Rd., from resi- , a Sun-Times re- Red Bank. Displaying it here s Robert Banta, an ex- dinance that will permit construc- dential A to commercial D. Words the Same, But Communication Different porter, moderator of the pro- ecutive, of Curvon Corp., 42 West St., the manufacturer. tion o,f race a track on the 90- Tho boundary on the northerly gram, had asked Truman if, acre tract of land owned by By ROBERT GALLAGHER the fluorescent radar screen aboard when he was President, he had side of Rt. 537 is 1,600 feet deep In the center of tho robe is the proud monogram, JFK, Walter, Homer and Jurien Lott and runs along the property line Originally it was a star that a ship near Formosa—for these men • been under pressure, to unleash Rt. 537. Jr. the atomic bomb during the Kor- of the Lott farm. broadcast the Christmas message to Christmas is tomorrow, home is an ean War. He said Truman re- The boundary on tho southerly mankind—a message of unity that address and a memory. plied: INDEX side is bordered by Schanck Rd. spanned distance and time. Message 2,000 Years Old "Yes, McArthur wanted to do 60-Day Option For Kennedy, Jr. just that. He wanted to bomb Page The ordinance! requires that The words remain unchanged Between these modern shep- China and Eastern Russia and Amusements 12-13 houses built In a commercial D everything else." Births 2 zone must comply with residen- Carriage Robe Made in Red Bank today; the methods of communica- herds of the West and their families Jim Bishop 6 MacArlhur issued a statement tial A requirements of 20,000 tion are different. in New Shrewsbury and Belford and Hal Boyle 5 RF.D BANK - The gift Is "The blue-on-blue colors had last night saying in part: square font lots, Bridge 14 for the new son of tho next to be just right and the mono- Relatives and friends are warm Sea Bright and Oakhurst is a net- "Any statement such as that A GO-clay option taken on the Classified 2B-77 President of the United States. gram had to fit, just so," he work of antennae, equipment and attributed to Mr. Truman that I Lott property by Freehold Race- fingertips apart by mail or telephone. Comics 23 It was made in Red Hank. said. advocated the use of atomic way officials, whoso stable area 1 Improved transportation makes hu- men who will work into the early It is woolly nnd soft ami car- This mark ; the first time bombs in the Korean War is Crossword Punic 14, 20 adjoins this land, expired Dec. 5 ries the monogram JFK, Jr. Hut tlie firm has made a robo man communion ever more immedi- hours of Christmas Day moving a completely false, Editorials 6 and was not renewed. Kilty Kelly ; 8 It is a carriage rube, numu- for use at the Whltn I louse, al- message 2,000 years old. Hut n spokesman for the track 1 ate. Dally Consignments Movie Tlmelnblo 12 fiu'lured for New York friend ; though its business Is nation- officials said, however, that this ; But unity, like peace, Is still Long after the tree has been The finest In china, porcelains, Obitunrlcs 7, did not mean that negotiations for of the family of John I it/ger- wide. .Some of its robes have Incomplete. trimmed and dimmed, while chil- crystals, objects of nrt, furniture Sylvia Porter 6 the property would not continue. illd Kennedv and his wife. been turned out in furs, in- (iudinj: mink, dren toss in anxious sleep and par- and Oriental rugs. Coats Galler- Radio-Television 12 The raceway previously had It's siiini'thiiig for Christina'; The airman standing guard in ies, Inc., 288 Norwood Avc,, Deal. Religious Services 10-11 announced plnns In purchase the John G. llanta, president of UI'Mititv of the friends who the Philippines, the GI walking a ents sink into the exhaustive slumber Open daily except Sunday, 9 a.m. Social 8-9 land and tnovc- Its radm; ovnl tin; Curvon Corp , 12 West St , pul in this order for the Ken- solitary outpost in the Korean de- that comes inevitably at the end of to 9 p.m. Christmas presents George Sokolsky 0 nnil grandstand from tin- present spent many limiri before he nedy!-, was ii"l difii'lo ."d, (See TOGETHER, Pg. 2) that are different. Phono KE 1- Sports ...24-25 Ijnroiij'Ji location between Kts. il finished his design of tile mono- Hut Christmas delivery is militarized zone, the sailor scanning 3461.—Advertisement. Stock Market 3 gram, i nssuri.il. HEP BAXK •EflSTOt D*t. 21, t*O Borough Schedules Repairs School ••'-I J : - To Dock at Lafayette St/ To^ethei-kt Yuleitide If the prvpoM) h*d bet* beat- en, Die board not only would OBITUARIES, (Continued) On the other /side of the Seoul {have faced * delay in Jwving w RUMSON—A contract for re-j ~" " I i frenzied preparation, the airwaves radio room, another operator is revise its building plans but pair of the municipal dock at the \7 ... iR,**./!!! nh i would have been faced with start- will hum with last-minute holiday rapidly taking incoming ARL's from foot of Lafayette St. was awarded I\ CM? DOTOUQIl i ing' from scratch and finding a D. P. Olmstead DONNA M. BANNON last night to the P&M Construe- *•- ' "traffic"; Okinawa. new school site. , HOWELL TOWNSHIP — Don- tion Co., Rumson, for $2,300. Wednesday night the board was na Marie Bannon, two-month-old Mayor Peter Cartmeil said the /Cop Stands The results of this "traffic" Net programming is always a" Dies at 89 daughter of John A. and Janet two-way street. advised by its attorney' that Ben- dock had been damaged during reach literally around the world. jamin Trask, owner ofthe26-acre PERTH AMBOY (AP) — TheSpringfield Bannon, Fort Plains Hurricane Donna. The P&M firm 6 Feel, 6 In, Somewhere in France or Ger- Pl'c. Bonduranl has turned to school site in Highlands, would funeral for Daniel P. Olmstead, Rd., was found dead in her crib will replace a number of strin a founder and former president yesterday by her parents. geis on the poling. UNION BEACH - Carl Kowal- many a soldier will be summoned by MARS—which is free to all service- not renew the board's option on the property which expires next of the Perth Amboy Evening Howell state police summoned Below Estimate ski, 24, of 333 Lorillard Ave., men—because the mails are heavy stands six fee' six inches lall and! a jangling field telephone to hear | month. News, will be held at 10:30 a.m. Dr, Joseph W. Schauer, Jr., Mayor Cartmeil said the bid, weighs in at a lean 245 pounds. that his family in Keansburg misses and sometimes uncertain. ! Thus a defeat yesterday would tomorrow at the Koyen Funeral Farmingdale, who pronounced which was the onlv one submit- Home. the infant dead at the scene. He's a cop's cop. him; a woman in Avon-by-the-Sca | have set the board's building ted, was "well within the esti- Message Rotitc j plans back many months. Mr. Olmstead died Wednesday Pr. Herbert A. Knapp, assist- mate for the repairs.". Mr. Kowal?ki has been a special; policeman since August. ' will be awakened by a phone mes- I Picturesque Site in Perth Amboy General Hospital ant county physician, said the Council sent a word of warning Now his message is winging its Last nigh*, the mayor and| sage of yuletide greetings from her The board hopes to erect the after an illness of about three baby died of natural causes. . .. -f LdM Ill^ir, NIL* llld\U[ d way from Okinawa to Hawaii to San as I new school on 'the Trask site weeks. He was 8D. Besides her parents, she is sur- to three property owners that ,f; appointed him brother in Arizona; a Marine on y a Francisco, constantly toward the overlooking Sandy Hook Bay and He organized the daily news- vived by her maternal grandpar- propertiesthey dont , cuhte th joeb weed «••!s! boen donelh«r!;a n^T mJ»M r ep|acing Okinawa will sit on the edge af his pp j Andrew KKuh.akh k . whh o resigned|! east, always on predetermined sched- i the Atlantic Ocean. paper in 1903 with a friend, J. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard by the street department and .lil e weeks apo.i bunk rereading the affirmation that I The proposal calls for 15 regu- Logan Clevenger, and was its Springfield of Jamesburg, and her ules. ; lar classrooms, two science labs, president until his retirement in paternal grandparents, Mr. and cos. charged to the owners. f jd hf Hved^^his girl in Englishtown is also couiu- f dj f If Chicago can raise Fort Mon- I music, room, two shops, two 1929. Mrs. John D. Bannon of Oak- ^^r--" " i ing the days. j home economics rooms, art Mr. Clevenger resides at 215 hurst. r>r r>edr Si mouth, the local MARS unit will hv Frank Fossetta.Dominick and- , , . .. ,fc ' Dedicated Operations room, library, partitioned gym, Pinckney Rd., Little Silver. Services will be held at 10 unload directly into New Jersey net. combination cafeteria-auditorium, a.m. tomorrow in Higgins Me- Anpdine Cemma and Mr.. Anna. ^"-.Md £ C These and tens of thousands of Mr. Olmstead was active in B n If not, then Chicago MARS passes and administrative offices. civic and fraternal organizations morial Home, Freehold, with Rev. ^' '°" ' .Co.. Middletown, for seven years,, other messages will move because The exterior of the building Edgdr L. Bunch, pastor of Mill- the message to Central Area net, and was a member and former I-ire Hazard iand recently has been working! of a corps of dedicated civilian and will be a combination of brick, president of the New Jersey bridge Baptist Church, Old A resolution was adopted cilinp with his fatncr ,„ thc iandscapinsi midpoint in the civilian transconti- glass and metal paneling. Press Association. Bridge, officiating. Burial will these three parcels as a "fire: business, C. Kowalski and Son ! military amateur radio operators nental relay. The cafetorium will seat 250 He was born in St. Albans, Vt,, be in Maplewood Cemetery. hazard" because of the high;inc 'j who make up the vast networks of wrcc s and the library 65. and came here in 1898. He lived ' - • Married, he has one daughter,' Whichever way, the message the American Radio Relay League Yesterday's approval of the at 165 Kearney Ave. JOSEPH R. MC COY In answer lo a question from j Caroline, 2. I eventually reaches New Jersey net school plan came a little over 15 and the Military Affiliated Radio The only survivors are his UNION BEACH — Joseph R. Franano k byMcKenn swimmina gabou poot l compliowners- posHt e waby sPolic recommendee Chief d Johfonr theF.i and the state controller points it in months after the regional board wife, Mrs. Frances Olmstead, McCoy, 59, of Rt. 36, died Wed- to an ordinance requiring fencing Conroy. System. was appointed. nesday in Cumberland Hospital, the direction of an official relay stat- and a sister, Mrs. Edith Gates and other regulations, Borough! Mr. Kowalski will not he eli- Reaching out around the world of Swanton, Vt. Brooklyn. Clerk A. Arthur Kerr said all but- gible under Civil Service until Ihei tion in the Red Bank area. He was a U. S. Army veteran three of the 37 poo] owners have octopus-fashion, the network is a next exams are given, about five There are four: Frank Hayes, State Revokes MRS. MARGARET McGILL of World War II. complied. Summonses will be is-months from now. i highly complicated, smoothly oper- Surviving are his wife, Mrs. sued to those who do not com- K2VVL, of Middletown, Joseph Clay- LONG BRANCH — Mrs. Mar- ating system composed of numerous garet McGill, 92, of 83 Woodrow Margaret Tierney . McCoy; two ply with the requirements of the ton, Jr., W2REH, of Shrewsbury, Nine Licenses ordinance. Mayor Cartmeil said. minor "nets" and thousands of Wilson Homes, died yesterday in sons, Joseph McCoy of this place, Mayor Cartmeil told Edward Parkway Joseph O. Eschelbach, WA2GQZ, TRENTON—Acting Motor Ve- Bayshore Nursing Home, Key- and Martin McCoy of Matawan: amateur or "ham" operators. a brother, James H. McCoy of Sherman that the borough ice of Red Bank, and his son, Arthur hicle Director Ned J. Parsekian port. skating rink is not in operation »' The hallmark of this massive today announced the following She was born in County Leitrim, this place, and two grandchildren. l Eschelbach, WA2GQI. A high requiem mass will be because it needs repairs. He said communications arrangement is co license revocations of county resi- Ireland, daughter of the late a pond across from the borough The Bondurant message is taken dents under the 60-70 speed pro- James and Bridgette Dolan, and offered tomorrow at 9 a.m. in operation, a vital ingredient when Holy Family Catholic Church by nail had been cleared and lighted Christmas by Joe Eschelbach. He telephones gram. lived here 16 years. She was a member of Star of the Sea Catho- Rev. Joseph G. Fox, pastor. Bur- as a substitute for the ice skating| NEW SHREWSBURY — The about 2,000 messages per month are Richard F. Rietzke, Pease Rd., ik \ Arline. Time elapsed: A little over lic Church. ial will be in the U.S. National rink. \Ne\v\e Jersey Highway Authority racing across the continent at speeds iKnglishlown, 30 days; Frances Present Surviving are two nieces, Mrs: Cemetery, Beverly, under thc di- In answer to another question]yesterday put on its Santa Glaus 24 hours. I Eve Sollogub, 33 Broadway, Free- ] up to 30 words a minute. Rose Hallam and Mrs. James rection of the Day Funeral Home, from Mr. ShermanSherman,, the mayor] j Because of the International i hold. 30 days; Edward L. Mont- su t Rimo. both of this city, and twoKeyport. said the governing body is "giv-| authority, which operates The system is easier to demon- jsn.v.cry. 2 Valley P!., Hazlet, 30 The Dateline, she received the message 'days; Richardo J. Dellera, 41 great-nephews. serious consideration" the Garden State Parkway, voted strate than describe: DONALD J. WHITE to eliminating the personal prop- almost the same day it was sent by Pocono Ave., Oceanport, .10 days; The John W. Flock Funeral pay raises for 490 employees. Private first class Robert O. Fred Gadsden, 1003 Sewel! Ave.,Home is in charge of arrange- NEW MONMOUTH - Donald erty tax in the borough by 1962 her husband 15,000 miles away. This covers all hourly wage Bondurant is stationed with the Asbury Park, 30 days: Shirley ments. J. White, two-day-old son of Capt. Raymond and Isabel Kirk White, Another Purpose W. Burdge, 42 Barkalow Ave., 226th Signal Company, 4th Army 148 Invin PI., died Wednesday in cause there is "no urgency" to ployees with the exception of, Freehold, 30 days, and Oleksa MRS. CHARLES A. MANGAN scrap the tax. executives. Missile Command at Seoul, Korea. Men like the Eschelbach, Clay- Krupnicka, 4 Rt. 9, Freehold, 60 WEST HOLLYWOOD, Fla. - Patterson Army Hospital, Fort Monmouth. Harlier. council had written off Taking the Lead He wants to send a Christmas ton and Hayes know they are doing I days. Mrs. Esther Frank Mangan. of Mrs. Katharine Elkus White, Survivors, besides the parents, as uncollectible $228.23 in per- greeting to his wife, Mrs. Arline more than providing a necessary the following licenses were re- 4230 Southwest 31st Dr., died sonal property taxes. chairman, said the raises were 'voked under the point system. Tuesday at her home. are a twin brother, David, and In other business, council: approved after intensive study, Bondurant, 99 South Clinton PL, service. A secondary purpose of the I Domcnico Sacco, 254 Morris Mrs. Mangan was a former four other brothers, Raymond, Held for study a letter from and added that the move will New Shrewsbury. networks is to train and maintain a Ave., Long Branch, 'our months, resident of Belmar, N. J. Kenneth, Thomas and Richard give the authority "the leadership White; a sister, Joan Ann White, Mrs. Louis Ambrette, Osprey La., Married Five Years ready source of experienced opera- land Isadore Hollis, 209 Shrews- Surviving are her husband, requesting a street light on the in this field with any other com- I bury Ave., Red Bank, three Charles A. Mangan; a son and the maternal grandparents. road as an accident prevention parable road." The Bondurants have been mar- tors—for emergency or disaster. months. George P. Mangan of this place; Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Kirk of Long Island. measure. She said the authority was ried five years. This is the first There are few tangible rewards. four daughters, Mrs. Robert Heard Councilman Charles S. Begerow of N,ew Shrewsbury, Rev. Robert T. Bulman, pastor "happy to announce t^e raises Christmas they have been separated. One of these is admission to an ex- Callman announce that garbage at Christmas time." i Weather N. J., Mrs. Neil Lynch and Mrso.f St. Mary's Catholic Church, collections will be made Dec. 26 At the MARS station in Seoul, clusive organization, the Brass j NEW JERSEY - Very cold John Snowdcn, both of North Mi- gave the blessing this morning in Mrs. White said the increases! the Pfleger Funeral Home. Inter- and Jan. 2. will total about $130,000 for the Pfc. Bondurant selects one of five Pounders League. j through Saturday with high to- ami, and Mrs. William Collins of [ day and Saturday in the teens in Madison, N. J., and nine grand- ment was in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Told Mr. Sherman (here is no year. standardized holiday messages, de- When the eastern net opens to- ordinance requiring the removal Also included in the Christ- Ithe north and'20s in the south. children. IN MI'.MUIUVM of snow from sidewalks. signated ARL58 for faster transmis- morrow night, Eschelbach and his Low tonight zero to 10 in the Services were held today at the In loviiifr memory o( our mother. Mrs. mas stocking for straight-time Unnnnll Hlirlfv. who •lepnrlp.l life I >r Announced the borough hall will employees was a provision to sion, to which he adds a few person- fellow "hams" will be waiting by south and zero to 10 below in Wallington Funeral Home, Holly- cembpr 1R, 10M, and our father llnwnn! the northwest. Fair today and to-wood. F. Hurlpv. Sr . wlin ileparteil life IV be closed tomorrow and Dec. 31. pay time and one-half for over- al words. their keys. ceniber 22. 1952. "Wf loved you hul Praised the street department night, but with chance of a few Gnri loved JJiee best." time in the future. At present At 0300 the next morning, the Your dauslitei? for its work in removing snow employees receive equal time Loud and clear will come the snow flurries in the' northwest ERNEST M. TOWLER late today or this evening. 'Satur- T?sl week, and lauded the fire de- off if they work beyond the Seoul operator raps out a few coded starting signal, "QTC. . .QTC KEYPORT— Ernest M. Tow- partment for the job done in day some cloudiness and chance ler, 67, of 241 Osborn St., died scheduled 40 hours a week. friendly words to his scheduled con- . .1 have messages." of snow flurries late in the day wiir.-* a fire at the Hoboken Hourly workers already receive Wednesday in Bayview Nursing Club Dec. 11. tact at MARS Okinawa, an 80-meter In the morning the phones will in the northwest portions. time and one-half for overtime. Home, Middletown.' Recessed until Dec. 23 when a "buddy" he has never met. Cape May to Block Island — Mr. Towler was born here, the The raises and overtime policy' begin ringing. final meeting will be held to con- MARINE son of the late William and *'•'•"• late bills owed by the bor-will go into effect Jan. 1. West to southwest winds today, Laura Brown Towler. ough. More for Study becoming northwest tonight, 10 Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. An additional $1,000 appropria- to 15 knots. Southwest winds Mabel Carter of New York City No problem finding tenants tion was approved to continue a Saturday picking up to about 15 and Mrs. Stella Young of this when you advertise The Register traffic study to see if an inter- to 20 knots. Visibility five miles place. wav.—Advertisement, change should be constructed in or inure. Sume cloudiness late Tne funeral will be tomorrow dedicated to the Red Hill area of Middle- today and this evening. Increas- at 1 p.m. in the Bedle Funeral town. ing cloudiness Saturday. Home. Burial will be in Union INTEGRITY D. Louis Tonti, executive di- Prospect Cemetery, Matawan. To terve reverently . . . rector, explained that the study with dignity and beauty has been going on for about 15 Probe Continues months. He said the s'.udy takes always, and offering the into consideration what will be In PX Robbery utmost in consideration. the impact of industrial growth FORT MONMOUTH—Army of- Births At no time does croed or in the area, such as new Bell ficials reported today there were price make any difference Telephone, Bendix, Lily-Tulip Rivervlew no new developments in the hunt in the high standards we plants. for the lone bandit who held up a Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Danza, We almys carry a vide stttc- manager of the main post ex !42 Broad St., Keyport, daugh- have upheld and shall con- two of nonuoeak wdMrkers Mercury at 4 Above change and his assistant Tuesday :er, yesterday. tinue to uphold in our p night. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Harvey, 539 service "and responsibility erpertlj caned. M ire fmm- In Freehold Area River Rd., Fair Haven, daugh- ted Consult in without «Wit* The bandit made off with $11, to the community. tion. FREEHOLD—The temperature 115.84, of which $10,326.26 was inter/yesterday. dipped to four degre6s above cash and the balance in checks. Mr. and Mrs. John Weatherly, "The hwttwtf of /"•* zero here today, matching the Officials said authorities were 2 Taryj Ter.,. Middletown, k simple." VMC*. mark of Dec. 13. still hunting for the man who,laughter, this morning. John E. Day U.S. Co-operative Weather Ob- armed and partially disguised, Monmouth Medical Center BABRE MMUfBlS server Frank Moreau said the held up the employees and looted Mr. and Mrs. George Rosse, thermometer reading was not the the exchange's safe. 245 Overbrook Ave., Oakhurst, Funeral Home lowest for this date, however. An artists's conception of the daughter, this morning. •, 85 ftivcriidt Avtnua The record was set a year ago bandit, furnished by Harry Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sommers, JOHN VAN KIRK & SON Keyport Branch 85 Cooper r

ROBERT A. BRAUN BEAUTIFUL MONUMENTS FROM ROCK OF AGES QUARRIES "HOME FOR FUNERALS" In addition to th« bonded wiarantc* behind hath then* Main, y»u will now find sicheel Into tha utone nnd alio Ihi bail for your doubli protection against th« competition of lesser proilucls. One of the county's most modern funeral W» also upeclaliza in duplicating all tytiei of monuinenli und homes with a completely home-like atmosphere. markers. VISIT OUR INDOOR DISPLAY 106 BROAD STREET EATONTOWN PERPETUAL MONUMENT CO., Inc. lit Hwy. II LIBERTY 2-0383 I* H II I mile So, Aabury Park Circle Neptwu OPIiN TO SEUVK YOU To I e till one Formerly ol East Orange Dally 0:30 A. tl, . 9 P. M. PR 9-2447 SKIH. 9 A. M. tn 6 P. M. For nn Appointment Suns. I I A. M. In 0 P. M. In Vour Own l|nm»

Worden Funeral Home The Adams Memorial Home 60 E. FRONT STREET RED BANK

Successor to Mount Memorial Home SHadysidc 7-0557

A modern, noiisretniinii funeral home, with n home- FUNERAL.DIRECTORS . . , VIA . . . — Two of tho numerous "ham" radio oper- ators voluntarily moving mossflgos over tho ARRL not- like nlniu»|ilirrc nnd memorial rlinpcl, dcilienld to llie . . . TO BELFORD —Slightly moro than 24 hours lator, work arc Joseph O. Escholbach, 9 Pearl St., Rod Bank, coiiliiiiintioii o( liiiililioiiiil rc|iiitalion fur ilistinquislicd Mu. Loon S, Zimmcr rmids lior husband's Christmas and liis son, Arthur, 17. Tho Escholbachs work sovoral 310 Broad Street Rod Bank, N. J. radiogram, rnovod through Iho focilitios of MARS nnd ni'iviiT mill quid digiiily. notworks sovon days a wook, relaying mossagos from (ho ARRL nHwork, to tlinir children, Virgini.i Lor-, I, rtiid fcimilios and soivicurnen in tho aion. KiriiflIWICI, 6, -it tior home, 32!) liflsl Rd,, Bolford, N.J. HARRY C. K JAMES A. ROBERT F. FirapenPkk Wrong Number [Woodland P.rk Yacht dub , TraOer Park RED REGISTER/ rrifcy, P*. », 1960-3 HALIFAX;*, f, (AF)-A*MI •lectf Malec turn to liuoch ter firrt * CM of ItoWu. N J,, aamni Tanker by «:« »,m, yetterdty and com- 1 Wadington As when Mi telephone ~—''- Promotion RAfifTAN TOWNfHIf - Tnt Has Parties Ordinance pleted the htinrdwt job by 4 y Woodland P«rk Homeowner* Civ- (Continued) p,m, ') "Who's Ms speaWng?" the ic Actociition, Representing the KEVPOBT - More (ton « 1961 Prexy For Carroll members of the Yacht Club at- Adopted ; C—the storied grayeyard of the One by one the hel'copters caller asked. largest housing development in tended the recent Christmas Atlantic. hovered into position ,->ver the HAZLET — John P. Wadington, "It's Al Cox." NEW YORK CITY — Martin J. this township, has elected Donald arty. Mrs. Carleton Poling, Mrs. MARLBORO — Township Com- Twenty-eighyg t survivorrss werere bobbing stern to scoop up the Peer Crest Dr. and Parkway PI., "Al Cox ... Where are y6u?" arrpll of 260 Harding Rd., Red . Malec as president. lobert Lenning and Mrs. Martha mittee adopted an ordinance last plucked from the tossing stern waiting seamen. One of the pi- Holmde), has been elected presi "Ten Green St." 3ank, formerly budget director Named to serve with Mr. Malec Brown were hostesses for the night that would increase the section yesterday by Navy heli- dent for 1961 of Hazlet Fire Com- or Moran Towing & Transporta- lots, lit. (JG) John D. Hausman "Where's that?' luring 1961 were: Robert Mokler, cocktail hour. number of trailers allowed in the copters from the Valley Forge. of Monroe, Mich., said it was pany No. 1. 'Halifax.' I :ion Co., has been appointed ice president; Richard Parks, three trailer parks here. The party for children was held B k Cpt a l0n0 Ru; rd Also elected were: "Halifax. Where's that? I'm in nanager of industrial relations "' . . 'y | | treacherous keeping the 'cop/ers orresponding secretary; Mrs iunday afternoon with Santa The number will jump from 35 j aboard the stern to protect his ffre e off thhe whiplashilhh of thth e stert n Charles M. Cokelet, first vice a manhole in Philadelphia testing For. the firm. ^gnes Schlatmann, recording sec- Claus on hand to present gifts. to 50. wners' rights to salvage. as 10-foot waves swept it rapid- president; Martin J. Ford, second a line cable." etary; William Sheehan, treas- Committeeman Lindsey Mrs. Bernard Delaney, Mrs. Rob- ly up and down. vice president; John J. Warnock; The two men exchanged com- irer; James Murray and William LeMoine objected to the proposal. Christmas Gift ert Kofoed and Mrs. William Meanwhile in Kearny, N. J., Everett Bell of Jacksonville, recording secretary; H a r v ey pliments of the season and hung rtacWilliams, trustees, and Rich- Ormerod made the arrange- Mr. LeMoine said it was unfair up. /Irs. Veronica Coggins got an Fla., assistant third engineer, Walling, financial secretary; Les ird Lambert, sergeant-at-arms. ments. to restrict a trailer park owner ter W. Bahrenburg, treasurer, nexpected Christmas present appeared lo be the only survivor The group will hold its next Music will be furnished by the to the amount of business he could and William P. Titus, trustee. meeting Jan. 10, the place to be do. •esterday — the news that her Seriously hurt, He had severe Baby Sitting Club facht Club Boys for the annual irother was rescued from the uts on his right upper arm. Also, Frank Siano, Raritan announced. Year's Eve dance. On the Committeeman Joseph Lanzarn Township, chief; Eugene Testino, Has New Member said he, too, had some reserva- tricken tanker. |p and several others with lesser •eservations committee are Mrs. "Thank God," she exclaimed. ijuries were all reported in good foreman; William J. Weigand, NEW MONMOUTH — The Mfred Manville, Mrs. Forrest tion in limiting trailer parks to first assistant foreman; Freder- Baby Sitting Club welcomed Mrs. the 50 figure—but added the com- I didn't even know he was in ondition. arrison, Mrs. Harry Ross, Mrs. ick Hussmann, second assistant James Haynes as a new member Stocks Lose mittee may consider increasing !anger." Irwin Morse and Mrs. Robert foreman; Dominick Davino, chief at its meeting in the home of this number early next year. Her brother is Patrick Dillon, Pryor. engineer; Stephen D. Lambert- Mrs. William Rooney, Evergreen Early Gains Owner Comments •ho was suffering from abra- son, first assistant engineer; Jen- Ter. Mrs. Bernard Yemc, Henry Thomas Walsh, a Rt. 9 trailer ions of the left ankle when lifted Kennedy >ff the stricken craft by a heli- sen Mason, second assistant en- Dr., a member of the club, is park owner, said: (Continued) gineer; Ernest Mocci, third the mother of a son, born Dec. 13. In Active Day Reports "A trailer park owner needs opter. assistant engineer, and Elmer A A dinner was held recently in 75 to 100 trailers to make a good Dillon is 64. Mrs. Coggins said, The President-elect's headquar- NEW YORK (AP) - The stock :ers said he expects to fill an Bahrenburg, janitor. the Crystal Brook Inn, Eaton- market failed to hold a slight Benefit Event living." and "he's followed :he sea since iown, by the members. Mrs He added that although his park World War I." mportant position during the arly gain and dipped irregu Jay, hut declined to specify the William Benning, Evergreen Ter. larly yesterday in active trading. Was Success an hold 24 trailers, he raised an Asked if he's had any close will be hostess at the meeting bjection because he was "just :alls before, Mrs. Coggins re- ob in advance. Belford Rails and oils advanced against The chairmanship of the three- an. 10. Also present were Mrs. he general downtrend. Steels, WEST KEANSBURG - At a :ooking to the future." ilied: , Betty Jayne Payne, daughter of William Hemberger, Mrs. Her- recent meeting of the executive In other business, the committe- "Yes, during World War II. He man Council of Economic Ad- mtos, rubbers, aircrafts, airlines held in the outgoing Mr. and Mrs. Felton Payne, Tur- bert Fish, Mrs. Eric Bosler and nd building materials were board of the West Keansburg ee adopted an ordinance ex- vas on a merchant marine ship n hat was torpedoed .iff the coast Eisenhower administration by Dr. ner Dr., celebrated her seventh Mrs. Graham Brimm. mostly lower. arent-Teacher Association, Mrs. mpting personal property tax Martin J. Carroll )f Africa. But somehow he made Raymond J. Saulnier. The coun- birthday Saturday. Attending American Telephone, which lharles Geisler, ways and means on household goods. It will be- come effective in 1962. t to a life boat and wasn't in- :il keeps the President posted were Maryanne and Allen Suhr, soared to a new all-time high committee chairman, announced Diane Akelites, Diane Stack- A member of the family thai The committee awarded a con- ured.' on business conditions and trends Keansburg or many years operated Ambo yesterday on news of a dividend hat the first fund-raising affair house, Brian and Terry Beddell, of the year, a fashion show and ract to the Manzo Contracting Mrs. Coggins said she hadn't —and to hoist a warning flag 'owboats. Inc., a New Jersey oost and stock rights offering Co., Matawan, on a low bid of whenever recession threatens or Thomas Baksa and James, Thom- Margaret Preston, daughter of was clipped back V/ in active card party, was a financial and seen her brother since last Christ as and Susan Payne. Mr. and Mrs. George Preston company, Mr. Carroll joinet 2 $4,178 for paving and straighten- mas. unemployment shows signs of Moran in April, 19S6, and was rofit taking. social success. celebrated her 12th birthday Dec. ng a section of Montrose Rd. mounting to a dangerous level. assigned to the accounting depart- The Dow Jones industrial av- Mrs. George Weber, president, "He's not one to hang around Four bids were received. As Kennedy prepares to take Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thomp- 3 at a party. Her sister, Irene ment. Later he succeeded Johr rage declined 2.11 to 613.31. stated that a second civil defense much," she said. "He likes to ver the presidency Jan. 20, the son, Campbell Ave., have re- elebrated her 10th birthday J. Gallagher as head of the budg- As most active stock, Standard course will begin in January and be aboard ship, out r>n the sea. turned from a three-week vaca- Tuesday with members of her He doesn't talk much about what 5overnment's latest figures show t operation. Oil (New Jersey) rose '/i to 41 is open to all interested persons. tion in St. Petersburg and Miami, family. in 84,100 shares. AT&T, second The teen-age dances held on Water Witch he does and he isn't much of a Tiore than four million out of In his new position, he will be ,vork. Ahd both the Eisenhower Fla. They visited Mr. and Mrs. most active, dropped l'/j to 101 alternate Saturday nights at the writer." Secret pals will be revealed by n charge of labor negotiations idministration and the incoming Alton White and family and Mrs. n 58,100 shares. American Mo- fire house were reported well at- Dillon is unmarried. He grew the Women's Guild of St. Mark's or the tug operating firm, oni Kennedy regime consider the Ann O'Neill, former residents of ors was third, losing Y* at 17>4 tended. Chairman is Mrs. Alex Club Parties up and attended schools in the Episcopal Church Wednesday In if the leaders in the industry. :urrcnt business slump a worri- Belford. >n 55,300 shares. Next came Welsh. HIGHLANDS — The Christmas Harrison-Kearny area. Crystal Brook Inn, Eatontown iome development. "airbanks Whitney, up Y* at 8 Mrs. William J. Moran, parent party of the Water Witch Socia Eight Missing A Christmas party was held in They will have a dinner and ex- md Certain-Teed up V/4 at 19'4 education chairman, stated that Club was held Saturday in Char- Eight men were missing and A Huge Job The Oaks, Middletown, by the change gifts lie and Eddie's. American Can was active and up a series of educational programs ipparently lost, but the search Kennedy still has a huge job Ladies' Auxiliary of the In- Agnes i point. will be presented during 1961, Attending were Mr. and Mrs. went on. Among those feared A Christmas play, "Christmas I his hands in picking ap- dependent Fire Company. Secret As oils moved forward. Tide starting in January. Charles Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-drowned is the master, 44-year- pals exchanged gifts. Friends of Eve with Sy Perkins," was given pointees for policy-making fed- vater gained %, Cities Service Mrs. Weber announced Mrs. ward J. Bunting, Sr., Mr. and ild Capt. Clark Snyder of Have the members attended. The next by members of the Women's So- Triduum Mrs. Wade Davis, Mr. and Mrs own, Pa. eral jobs. ciety of Christian Service, in the V2, Gulf Oil %, Texaco >/4, and William Cahill will be delegate to business meeting will be Jan. 10. Peter Diamond, Mr. and Mrs Snyder is no stranger to peri That was the word yesterday Methodist Church Tuesday. A Royal Dutch Yi. the Parent-Teacher Council. She Charles Gardner, Mr. and Mrs at sea. He had two ships tor- rom a Kennedy aide, Kenneth solo was sung by Mrs. Lois Under Way Yesterday's closing prices: is also recording secretary of the The 16th birthday of Clifford Joseph Grzelka, Mr. and Mrs. pedoed from under him on Carib- >. O'Donnell, after the President- White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay iullivan. A trumpet duet was ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - ACF Ind 37'4 Int Tel 4 Tel 46 oint council, representing West lect had met for nearly four Adams Ex 23", I-T-E Ckt Brk 20 Keansburg. Charles Gowers, Mr. and Mrs bean runs in World War II. White, Oakes Avc., was cele- played by Misses Jill Andrews . triduum in preparation for Air Rrduc 79 Johns Man 56 Harry E. Sampson, Mr. and Mrs. hours with a team of talent and Karen Foley, and a trio from Christmas began yesterday an' Alles Cp 10't Jones & Li 54 Mrs. George Pichard, a den Richart's vigil aboard the stern brated at a family dinner Sunday. Allpg Lufl 34'i Joy MfR • .16% William Pels, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- scouts searching out likely can- Allied Ch Kaiser Al mother of Cub Pack 149, spon- half of the Pine Ridge may paral the Junior choir also sang. A will continue today and tomorrov neth Grover, Mrs. Edward F. didates. Allied Sirs Kennecott 74 sored by the PTA, announced lei the feat of Capt. Kurt Carl Members of the Sewing Club contribution was made for needy at St. Agnes Catholic Church. AIII.1 Chal Koppcra 37 LaMarr, Mrs. Walter Monahan, The key jobs still open are all families for Christmas gifts. Rfr It is conducted by Rev. Christo Alcoa Kreage SS 28 hat the Cubs had nearly sen of Woodbridge, N. J., who held their dinner party in >m Alrlln Lehlgh C4N 1(1 Mrs. Esther Dennis, Mrs. Made- policy-making positions, O'Don- Lch Port C completed their project of clean stayed aboard the American Joseph's Restaurant Wednesday. freshments were served after the iher Coyne. Evening services art Am Brk Sh 37», 27: ine Kester, Mrs. Charles O'Con- nell said. These include most of entertainment. at 8 o'clock. Masses will be sail Am Can 3414 Leh Val Inrl i'i ng and repairing toys for needy freighter Flying Enterprise for They met later in Mrs. Edgar Am Cyan <3' Leh Val RR 4'i nor, Mrs. Lydia Schmitz, Mrs. Iwo weeks before it sank. the sub-cabinet positions. Olsen's home, Rumson. today and tomorrow at 7, m M&Fdy I.OP Glass 51) children and planned to present Am Motors 17'i Lib McNfttj ins Jack O'Donnell, Miss Mary Ris- Should the engineer leave the "We ranged over the whole A midnight service will be held and 9 a.m. m Smelt S4»i I.lRS & My 81 '<• hem to the police department Am Sid 12'/, Lukens Stl sett and Gene LaMarr. decks, the hulk becomes fai area of government with the Robert Harnett, U. S. Army, tomorrow night from 11 o'clock Confessions will be heard aftei Mack Trk 52 N tor distribution. Am TelftTel 101 The next meeting will be salvage prize for anyone daring names (of possible appointees) ison of Mr. and Mrs. William until midnight in the Methodis the evening services and Satu Am Tob 65!i Mnrtln Co 61 Mrs. Leo Redmond, refresh- Am Viscose 42 Merck Wednesday, Jan. 4, at Charlie enough to board her. In the past and the suggested places," Harnett, Garfield Ave., is spend- Church. The annual Sunday day from 10:30 to noon, from AMP Inc 65 Metro GM a ments chairman, announced that and Eddie's, when new secre O'Donnell added. school entertainment was held 4 to 5:30 p.m. and from 7 to Anaconda 43T4 Minn M&M. 44',4 mothers of third grade children two years two ships in American ing 13 days with his parents and Armco Stl 67 Mo Pac A 75 pals will be chosen. will leave Christmas eve for Fort last Sunday in the church. Monter Oil will be hostesses at the Christ- waters have been salvaged by O'Donnell reported thera were Armour A Co 40'.; Mont Ward 39 V wildcat crews, one not far from Knox, Kentucky. Armst Ck 52\ Nat Blsc 27 (i mas party. no final decisions at yesterday's Ashl Oil 20^ Nat nalry 71 the stricken Pine Ridge and th conference, but he said some Mr. and Mrs. Michael Motsek Atchlson 21 Nat Distill fiO'i The next executive meeting wil Atl Relln 40»; Nat Gyps 24' be Jan. 3. The next regular meet- Parkway other off the Louisiana coast i selections will be made and an- entertained Sunday after their LOCAL SECURITIES Avco Corp !3\ Nat steel 54 \ the Gulf of Mexico. nounced within the next few days. Bahcock ft W 3,Vi NY Central 82 ing will be Jan. 10, which wil (Continued) ton Gary was confirmed in St. The following bid and asked quotations, from the National Assc Bald Lima 12',4 IS1!! Believed to be on the ship' Kennedy also conferred yester- Clement's Episcopal Church. Bait & Oh 27'4 Nla M Piv 38' be Fathers' Night. parkway vehicles for 1961 at elation of Securities Dealers, Inc., do not represent actual transac Bayuk Clg No Am Av crew and feared lost are: day with Rep. Frank Thompson, Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ar- tions. They are a guide to the range within which these securities Bendlx 63 ' Nor Pac 40V cost of $66,700. Atlantic's bid wa D'-N.J., a member of the House thur Williams and family, Ro- could have been sold (indicated by the "bid") or bought (indicatec Beth Slfel 38", Nwst Alrlln 16 the lowest of five received. Joseph Marine of Marcus Hook Boeing Air 35'4 Norwich Ph 4S' Pa., chief steward. Committee on Education and La- chelle Park; Mr. and Mrs. John by the "asked") at the time of compilation. Border) 59 Ohio Oil .16 A Hero 'Reluctant' Action Borg Warn bor. O'Donnell said the luncheon Motsek and Mrs. Ann Hoffman BANKS 3.V Outh Mar 24'' LOS ANGELES (AP) — Oscar, The authority voted to "reluc Allen H. Branch of Baltimon Rrunswk New 46'i Oweni III Gl .94' Md. table talk dealt with federal aid Port Monmouth, and Mr. and Div. Bid Asked Buckeye PI 30 Vi Pan A W Air 17 a 2-year-old Dachshund, is being antly" renew its contract wit! Bucy Eric ,J Param Plct 63V Joseph D. Courson of Nasf for education. Mrs. Donald Spivey and family, Allenhurst Nat'l .50 80 Budd Co tt Penney, JC AV' acclaimed ar a hero whose bark- the state Division of Law an Asbury Pk.-Manasquan Nat'l 1.30 36 Bulova 71 Pa Pw4U 26 ing saved four persons in a {200,< ville, Ga. O'Donnell was questioned at a this place. Rurl Jnc! Public Safety for coverage b) 55Ex. Div. n Pa RR II Raymond Brazner of Odenton The first birthday of Chery Asbury Pk., Ocean Grove 2.50 ase, JI 16!', Phil El 50 000 fire. parkway state police of state news conference about published Egeland, daughter of Mr. and Belmar-Wall Nat'l 2.00 58 'ater Trae 30T4 Phill Pet 6J\ Barking, licking the cheeks ol owned sections of the superhigh Md., radio operator. reports that President Eisenhow- 17 18 lelanese Pll Steel II Central Jersey Bank .60 Ches * Oh Lucile Ramirez, 12, and her sis Harry Davis of Savannah, Ga er advised Douglas Dillon, picked Mrs. Bruce Egeland, Morris Farmers & Merchants 1.00 48 Pub Sv E4G 42 way. Ave., was celebrated Tuesday Chrysler Publlck Ind 8>{ ter, Connie, 15, he awakened them It costs about $970,000 a yea Edward Gulden of Houston, by Kennedy to be secretary of First Nafl, Bradley Beach 1.25 50 Cities Svc Pullman 31 Tex. Present were Mrs. Dora Tarnow, 13 Cole Palm Pure Oil 31 to flames leaping outside their for state police coverage, and the treasury, not to loin the new First Nat'l. Freehold (xx) RCA 54 « Eugene Larry of Seabrook, Mrs. Thnmas Mazzaroppi, Mrs Keansburg-Middletown 12.00 375 Ooml Solv n Reading Co bedroom window yesterday. the state picks up about $122,00: Cabinet—or, if he did, to get a Con Edls 22IJ Repub Stl 52' Tex., chief mate. written commitment he would Thomas Starnick and son Rich- Long Branch Trust 18.00 525 Cont Can 65", Reyn Met They awakened their mother of the tab. This equals 18 pe ard, and Mrs. Joseph Munch and Matawan Bank .30 9 Cont Mot 3514 Rcy Tob Jit and brother and the family fled cent of the costs. When the Pine Ridge began have a free hand on fiscal policy. Merchants Trust .70 22 Corn Pd i Rob Fulton 36 The four lived in an apartment breaking up Wednesday, distres Dillon, a Republican, now is daughter Debbie, this place; Mrs. Crown Bell 52't St Jos Lead 26 Mrs. White termed the state's Philip Egeland, Freehold; Mrs Monmouth County Nat'l .12 Cnie Stl "'i St Ref Pap .14! above one of two machine works share "not realistic." The au signals summoned the Valle; undersecretary of state in the New Jersey Trust 1.00 42 'urtlss Wr 15«« Sears Roeb 56 William McPhee and son Donald, Pel * Hud Shell oil buildings that were destroyed. thority would like the state to Forge from Florida waters. Ear- Eisenhower administration. 70 "'•' 3S«J Middletown, and Mrs. William Peoplep s Nat'l, Keyport 3.00 Dont Sup 28'i Sinclair 37 ier in the week the carrier had Asked whether Dillon came In- 48 Doug Air Smith. AO 31 assume at least 25 per cent o Sea Bright Nat'l .75 Dow Chem 74 \ fished a missile capsule out of to the Kennedy Cabinet on con- Liebehenz and sons Brett and Sea Bright Nat'l INDUSTRIAL 185 Socony 38'j It adds up! More and more the cost. Glenn, Tinton Falls. Du Pont 25»i Sou Pac Ifll the south Atlantic. dition he would have a blank Brockway Glass 2514 26 Duq U Snu Ry 49»: people use The Register ads each There are about 20-miles of Kant Kod Hperry Ril ; check on policy-making, O'Don- Electronics Associates (xxx) 291/j 30'^Ex. Di End John '»« 22 issue because results come fas- state-owned roadway included in Launch Helicopter 4 Erie Lack 5 Std Rrand 55 The Valley Forge was in posi- nell replied. Hanson VW-M Firestone Std Oil Cal 45T, ter.—Advertisement. the Parkway's 173-mile length. Last Long Haydu Industries 1/16 3/ Kord Mot 3.1>1 Std Oil NJ 41 OW BW Oen Accept 64 U Stud Pack GRAND RAPIDS. Mich. (AP)- Laird & Company Gen Cigar 1« 14 Texaco Monmouth Park .45 9' 32 »i Tei o Prod 20 U Ever wonder how long a police- 8'4 Gen Dynam 40N, N. J. Natural Gas .90 29 Gen Elec Textron 21 man's night stick lasts? 27'/2 n Kda 74-\ Tldewat Oil 20'i N. J. Natural Gas Pfd. 1.20 20'/ 21 Gfn Moton 10V, Transamer 27 H Inspector William Dangl has Trad Electronics 2 .03 Gen Pub lit 40'.1 Un Carbide 12.1 .01 r, Tel * El 2S>i III) Pac 26 \ made out an order for 240 new U. S. Homes and Development Corp. BW Glen Aid 26», Unit Alrn 36'i billy clubs to replace worn ou Plus stock dividend, (xxx) 2 percent stock divO. W1958; Goodrich »'i United Cp 7!i Goodyear US Lines 27 ones purchased 27 years ago. (xx) 6.7 percent stock div. 1958. Gt A 4 P S3" US Plywd 44«i Gt No R.y US Run 44' i Greyhound Si. US Smelt »* Gult Oil 20 IIS Steel Hammer Pap 3227 Van AI St 30'.$ Here Pdr 81) Walworth BIG VALUE! III Cent SI'S Warn n Pie West Un Tel 1961 Int Bus Mch 581 Weslc Kl Int Harv 4'."; While Mot Your Choice of Int Nick 58'i Woolworth CHRISTMAS CLUB Int Paper 91U Yngst Sh*T 20 Delicious Flavors —One of New Jersey's Favorites! League Has NOW OPEN Yule Party KEANSBURG —The Independ- AND PAYING PER ANNUM ent Women's League held a BROOKDALE Christmas party last week in the 1% American Legion Hall. Mrs. Fred Sefick was chair- ON COMPLETED CLUBS man. A short play, "Reminisc- ing," was presented by Mrs. Se- fick and her committee, Mrs. Thomas E. Smith, Mrs. Virginia SODA START YOUR 1961 CHRISTMAS CLUB Kellogg, Mrs, Thomas Lopes, Mrs. Warren Young and Mrs. It's true! Hert is trut dtllcioui flavor that has mndt TODAY FOR ANY AMOUNT YOU WISH Donald Thomas. A cold dinner was served and Brookdalt one of tha most popular brands in New Jersey! Santa distributed gifts. Secret pals were revealed and gifts were And only at ^Monmouth Liquors can you buy this fine AT THE SAME TIME INQUIRE ABOUT OUR exchanged in a candlelight cere- mony. soda for such a low price. Come in and stock up for REGULAR SAVINGS WHICH PAY Thank Public the holidays. For Assistance LORD DANIEL LORD DANIEL • LARGE BOTTLE! 3%% PORT MONMOUTH — The • NO LIMIT! Port Monmouth Fire Co., today WHISKEY SCOTCH publicly thanked the unit's auxil- • Sold exclusively in Monmourh and Main Office AT 33 FIRST AVENUE iary and residents of the area 86 Proof IMPORTED for their assistance during and A AQ Ocean Counties by Monmouth 874 HIGHWAY 35 ATLANTIC Quart 86 Proof Fifth EITHER after the fire which damaged the Liquors (Five Corners) HIGHLANDS fire house early Sunday. MIDDLETOWN OFFICE (AT I-0100) Officers of the company said many helped supply coffee and ALL BRANDS WINE, LIQUOR, BEER sandwiches and gave other assist- ance to the firemen who fought the blaze. MARINE VIEW SAVINGS The fire damaged the upper floor of the building and scorched the paint off the company's three MONMOUTH LIQUORS trucks, Hose nnd othor equipment nlso was lost In the fire. Dnmngi; and LOAN ASSOCIATION to the building, trucks nnd equip- T68 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK ment has been estimated nt well over $30,000, IIM ton Speaker* titled 4—FrMay. P«% 23, I960 BED BAXK REGISTER I New ! m will be held Fr«Uy, Dec, ». tZiiger and Mrs, Oscar Key/man Cdndlelipht Monmouth in the Sunday school rooms of WASHINGTON r?an. Poitrinal. birthday Sunday with her father itor of the Christian Science Mon- Members of the senior choir, in New York City. Later a family itor; Joseph A. Beirne, president are Mrs. William Pliifer. Mrs. In search of squid, ils favorite The government of Communist party was held for her at home. China has abolished the old-time of the Communications Workers Helen Carnie, Mrs. Dal ton food, a sperm whale dives 3,200 of America, and Thomas H. Car- Hurd.se, Mrs. Helen Rik-r, Mrs.' ' , , . ,., f c THE SPIRIT OF GIVING —Several members in the junior department of the West- ricksha on the ground that a man H |(m lhp 0C( n sur aC Frank Benson, airman second degrades himself by pulling an- roll 3d, vice president of the Ford Charles Pomannwski, Mrs. -sure is 1.400 pounds minster Presbyterian Church, Middietown, view Christmas presents they wrapped for class, of Maplewood Dr., who is Foundation. George Teller. Mrs. Gl.-nn Apple- Khm other. Matches, m the square inch. II oflen re- distribution to needy children in Monmouth County. Standing, left to right, are Janet stationed in Norfolk, Va., is yard. Mrs. Robert spending two weeks with his wife. Mrs. homas Hmesev. Mrs, i mains submerged for an hour. Blomquist, Gail Valentin, Robert Ruisi, Karen Zielstorff, Mike Noyes, Gail Burlchardt and Mary Ann Moore. Gifts were donated by all departments in the Church School. The fourth hirthday of Rae Linda Eckert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Eckert, Key- RUMSON READING INSTITUTE port Rd., was celebrated Dec, .15 Leonardo Courtney Baker New by relatives, and again Saturday after-school supplementary classes in An investiture ceremony was night at another family gather- held for Brownie Troop 75 recent- Named Winner Monmouth ing. READING - ENGLISH • MATH but NOT EXPENSIVE! ly in the Community fire house. , The luxurious LLOYD MANOR Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Judge, Invested were Peggy Capencgro, William Van Zandt, son of Mr. 1st grade through college i;,irdm apartments are the "dream Patty Bottina, Clare Farrington, Of Science Prize Maplewood Dr., are entertainin.. g.land Mrs. . William VaVann Zandt, i'onie. true" for modern day living. Mr. and Mrs.' John Vicki Engler, Jill llefferman, RUMSON In announcing smim or wj]son Ave _ ceiebrated nis third LLOYD MANOR features a new • Shiela Gutlnrmsen, Judy Gamble, Union this week-end. concept in contemporary architec- Courtney Baker as the 1961 win- birthday Dec. 13. Present were THE RANNEY SCHOOL ture including large living room, Leslie Lassik, Barbara Zentar. Joan Boesch, George Leach, Participating in the flag cere- ner, of the Bausch and Lomb William Oberdick, son of Mr. dining room, spacious bedrooms, Frank Do Fillippe, Maureen and Full-time elementary school scientific kitchen, 1V4 baths, on-site mony were Ellen Bottino, Rose- Award, John F. Kinncy, Jr., and Mrs. William Oberdick, Sr., Boesch and Stephen Van who is a student in St. Charles ^""j'j" parking and many other up-to-date marie Mglloy, Beverly Carver, superintendent of Rumson-Fair conveniences. Seminary, Catonsville, Md., is Joyce Crawford and Mary Pat Haven Regional High School said, Russell G. Ranney, Director West. Troop members attending spending the holidays with his The 12th birthday of Loring 2 Bedrooms • T/2 Baths SI 25 per month were Mary Murphy, Kathi Eigen- "These Awards are especially parents. Norris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Send for bulletin • rauch, Pally Olson, and Ellen j significant. Today, everyone Clark Norris, was celebrated with 3 Bedrooms - IV] Baths $150 per month Mr. and Mrs. Winston Williams, Scholler. Mrs. Alfred Carver isjreali7.es the importance of the; friends by bowling in Middietown. Maplewood Dr., recently enter- Ave. of Two Rivers, Rumson RU 1-1650 • VISIT OUR MODEL APARTMENT • the leader of the troop. Refresh-j study of science in our secondary tained the Maplewood Bridge Charles Levinthal, Port Mon- ments were served to the parents; schools. The Bausch & Lomb Club at a party. Members ex-.| land friends attending. OPEN 9 A. M. TO 9 P. M. Honorary Science Award pro- changed gifts. Attending were| 7 DAYS A WEEK vides appropriate recognition to Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson, Tin' 12th hirthday of Kathy Van Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Barradale, Ness, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. isenior students with the highest Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Judge, Mr. Carl Van Ness, Brookside Dr.,(scholastic standing in science and Mrs. William Oberdick, Mr. Saturday. subjects." and Mrs. Roger O'Connor, Mr. LLOYD MANOR and Mrs. Joseph Spadora and Mr. A Christmas party was held APARTMENTS and Mrs. John Pfleger. CA 2-2140 Monday in Cedar Inn, Highlands, 376 WEST END AVE. LONG BRANCH by the Legion's auxiliary. Secret Jack Williams, Chanceville PL, CHRISTMAS pals were revealed and gifts ex- who is studying at Springfield changed. The next meeting will College, Springfield. Mass., is vis- be held Wednesday, Jan. II. iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Max Whitman, Washington Ave., have as their Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCall, guests for several weeks Mr. and Maplewood D:\, were hosts after j Mrs. John Whitman of Fort a Christmas caroling group sang j Dodge, Iowa. in the development. A party was held in their home. Mrs. Donald Merker, Atlantic • I I Highlands, entertained members Theodore Bremekamp, son of I of the Cinderella Club recently Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Breme- A Christmas party was held in kamp, Sr., who is a student at the home of Mrs. John Hollweg. Belmont Abbey, N. C, and Roger Woodside Ave., Keansburg, Bremekamp, a student in St. Wednesday. Michael's College, Winooski, Vt., are spending the holidays with Beliord their parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Hayes, A progressive dinner was held Courtney Baker Lone Oak Rd., held open house Saturday by the Fantastic Eight. Sunday for thirty friends. Courses were served at the home Throughout the United States, of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hover, Port educators recognize the annual Miss Roberta Hockin, Chance- Monmouth; Mr. and Mrs. George Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science ville PL, a student at Seton Hill I Green. Middietown: Mr. and Mrs. Award as evidence of superior in fflBH/meMSHMS. College, Pa., is home for the holi- • Walter Boyd. New Monmouth and scientific aptitude. The award - days. Mr. and^Irs. Donald Kelleher. a nandsome bronze medal - is| ALL-NEW 1961 Morris Ave., who served the presented at graduation in more Home Decorating main course. The members will than 7,000 schools. Since its in- meet in the home of Mr. andtroduction in 1933, there have Judging Postponed Mrs. Robert McDermotl, Hopping been 140,000 winners. Surveys Rd.. for the next meeting. EATONTOWN — Judging for FROM ALL have revealed that more than 12-ib. the Eatontown Christmas home OF US! A Christmas party was held decorating contest has been post- for Cub Pack 141 in Bayview poned to Tuesday night, because School. Santa Claus presented to follow scientific careers. of heavy week-end snows which Winners are eligible to compete delayed many contestants. FILTER-FLO : i gifts. It was announced by Ray :: :;l":-:~ «.»~iUi;.iiL3'&>»>. Kopf, etibmaster, that the pack for science scholarships, spon- The Borough Improvement Exclusive GENERAL ELECTRIC received the 50th anniversary sored bv Bausch & Lomb In- League announced that more than President's citation. Carols were corporated, at the University of | $100 in cash prizes will be Development — Most Efficient, sung and games played. Rochester. Three or more awarded to the winners. Most Dependable Evert scholarships are provided an- Dennis Duym, son of Mr. and nually. Stipends are based on The fastest animal in America Mrs. Wade Duym, celebrated his!need and have a total combinedI'S the pronghorn, an antelope with WASHES A GIANT fourth birthday Monday. Attend-jvalue of $21,600. The award win-|bursts of speed up to 40 or 50 The ing were Carol and Neil Schmidt, ner is usually selected early in miles an hour. 121b. LOAD- Jackie Sprouls, Janet Woods, El-January, so that the application 50% More than Most WKhm in len Mehler, Terry Schultz and for the scholarship competition Use Today! Amy Trost. can be filled out and returned to the university before the March 1 ._lI// FITS LIKE A MONMOUTH COUNTY YULE PARTIES 9 deadline. KEANSBURG - The First Aid Why four Monmouth Mffl* KITCHEN BUILT-IN Squad Auxiliary sponsored The Bausch & Lomb Science award and scholarship programs County young men • Counter High'.. . Counter Deep... Christmas parties last week- Flat Against the Wall! end — one Saturday for adults, have been officially approved by want to be NATIONAL BANK the National Association of the other Sunday for children. engineers. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. Mrs. Louis Becker and MrsSecondar. y School Principals. 2 1 ^/IMPROVED John Klein were in charge. NCR' FILTER-FLO SYSTEM List Projects > In the ¥ Asbury Park * Operates at Any Water Level! Removes NEWARK (AP) - Archbishop Lint, Sand, Soap Scum! for the Discriminating Thomas A. Boland says seven % Sunday Press high schools, four homes for the ^/IMPROVEA D aged and a philosophy building will he erected in the four-county ACTIVATOR WASHING area covered by his archdiocese. Smoother! Quieter! Gets Clothes Cleaner! Shopper The project will cost more than S3G million. HVi rtm C-E fenfires: Automatic Bleach In an announcement yesterday, 70 Weekly Dispenser; Water Saver for Small Loads; Archbishop Bnland said the ac- Automatic Cycle Selector; Cold Water DONALD'S Wash; Illuminated Controls; All Porcelain tual construction sites have not ONLY 2 Cover, Lid, Washbasket, Tub; Mlx-or-Match been settled. The sites will be an- Colors; 5-Year Warranty, nounced early next year, he said. AFTER SMALL The school projects will provide COIN-0-MATIC fUU YEAR SERVICE AT NO EXTRA COST space for 10,000 additional second- . DOWN PAYMENT by Stnifit Ekctrie Factor* Strain Eiptrtsl FLORIST : arv school students in Essex, Bergen, Hudson and Union coun- No Waiting OR TRADE-IN 101 Ave. of Two Rivers ties. RUMSON 51 MACHINES Cul) Uniforms Ask for the Volumatic V12 1050 RU 1-0674 or 0675 \vv Inspected Immediate FLOWERS WIRED EATONTOWN - Cub Pack 57 held a uniform inspection nt Mon- Free Parking ANYWHERE day night's mcetint: in the Mnr- on the premises garet L. Vetter School, Grant GEO. C. KOEPPEL A full selection of choice Ave. Supervising were Charles • Kautz and Clnrence Ingledue, den pltinrs, cut flowers and one; Joseph Bnrhcrl, den two; and SON other Christmas decora- Sgt. David Roebuck, den three, Open 24 Hours and .lark Knncy, den four. The tions. results will he annnimced nt the 7 Days per Weed Plmnhiiif! and Appliance* .Inminry pack meeting. (Uinlntctor I'ainl and Hardware APPLIANCE Both tho usual and tho un- ''iihinasler Kiuitz presented ' FROM A usual in cenferpiocos, rnan- awards to .lack Kiincy. Kenneth DONALD'S Itau, Alan (iunrirm, Knhi'rl and DEALER...) Ilr; arrangonv.'nfs and any Thomas Slralton, Robert Sever- 1411st AVE., ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS WILL COMPLETELY-li ; other dt'conitions flint ino, Hilly Zebmwskl nml ( rnnk INSTALL 0 SERVICE Zclirowskl. COIN-0-MATIC AIR CONDITIONER you rmiy noed. PHONE DAY CR NIGHT The Chn.ilMiii'i parly featured SfOR THE LIFE OF Ihn iirriviil of Simla Clans lii'nr- 54 N. BRIDGE AVE. in;; ;:ifls lor the rubs mid candy* and RECTOR PL., AT 1-0890 LOTS OF PARKING SPACE filled :,l

If he has a hankering for hunt- -ADVERTISEMENT ng or a "gift" for golf, the sportsman will find it "open sea- son" for surprises when he un- MANUFACTURERS' FREE wraps your Christmas gift this year. LIFE APPOINTMENT At ease and at play, men and leather go together. Ruggedness, durability and quality are the hallmarks of leather gifts now BUS RIDES available for every holiday budget. For the outdoor man, leather directly to is a constant companion. Hunter and golfer alike protect their treasured guns and clubs* in stur- dy but lightweight leather cases. Stalking his game in all weathers, leather jacket—lined in wool shearling — gives the hunter warmth. Deep pockets help hold compass, cigarettes, lighter and extra shells. Present for Par When he gets out on the links, shopping center he'll tee off in good style, with a leather golf bag, a set of mit- WILLIAM Q. MEEKER, C.LIU. tens—small leather bags that from slip over his woods for protection Manufacturers Life Insurance Com- against scratch, scar and splin- pany lias announced llie ap- tering and a perforated leather pointment of William Q Meeker. Asbury Park - Red Bank - Long Branch nlove to protect his left hand C.L.U. ai Brokerage Manager in its from friction burns. Newark Branch Office. Mr. Meeker brings • wide background of life Oceanport - Shrewsbury - Eatontown The bowler will be more com- insurance experience to his new fortable—and freer of foot trou- position. After graduating from NEW 1066 SCHICK 3 SPEED bles with his own shoes.'To make Princeton In 1948 he began his certain that his sports footwear career as a life underwriter in a —bowline shoes, golf shoes or Ice New York City branch of the Pru- skates—fit perfectly, borrow a dential Life Insurance Co. In 1952, he was appointed a Brokerage rjalr of leather shoes from his mightiest shaving instrument ever invented! TODAY SAT. Assistant in New York hy his for closet and take them along when 7 to 9 p.m. and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. mer company and in 1954 was pro- 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. you go shopping. moted to Brokerage Manager. He Shift the speed... set the mighty head ... get the fastest, closest shave of your was awarded the C.L.U. designa- Shutter Bags tion in 1955. Ills tcrhnlcal knnwl- life—without irritation! It's like shaving with a fresh blade every morning. Once you Get Your Free Bus Ride From A prizewinner for the camera edge and his ability to help brokers and surplus writers solve fan at Christmas -Is a flexible try it, you'll never be satisfied with any other razor, blade or electric! Handsomest Red Bank Asbury Park Long Branch leather gadget bag, with zippered special problems have earned for side pockets and self-leather hnn- him the confidence of a large Rnllrnnd Station Casino Bus Terminal Broadway and Ocean die. Tuck In a few rolls of color group of insurance men. carrying case of them all, too. Come in and ask for a free home trial! Monmouth and Brand Ocean and Cnn'"-'nn Broadway to Second liroiid anil Route 35 Cnnkmnn to Main Oceanport Ave. film or a wanted accessory to Shrewsbury on Mnin to Asbury Occanport to make the gift more complete. Manufacturers Life hns more than Koulc 35 Asbury to Route 35 Wyckoff Road , When It's your move, you'll $3,4 billions of insurance in force be one up on the gamesman 'f and ranks among the top twenty- five companies In North America you proscnt him with a luxurious in terms of ordinary business. The Watch for the Boro Bus That Says leather case for his Ivorv chess Company It widely known for III . men. Beautifully tooled Morocco propreiiiive practices in substand- "FREE BUS RIDE TO MONMOUTH lenther boxes nlso hold chock ard underwriting and for ll» low and backgammon counters. A premium life Insurance and nn- traveling dnrt-nncl-cnrd case In milly plant. Mr. Meeker will be SHOPPING CENTER" smooth cowhide holds an evening aiioriutcd with llranrh Manager J, Stanley Dry In bringing llirir .»,;•.< i. of fun nt home or nway. outstanding facilities to a rapidly Christmas Shop Friday 'til 10 P.M.; imwiiig brokerage clientele in APPLIANCE SUPERAMA WALL PAPER WRAPPING Northern New Jenny. Saturday, Christmas Eve, 'til 6 P. M. Tlrli'lit colored wnllpnpcr makes n different wrapping for Inrpc SHREWSBURY AVE. af ROUTE 35 NEW SHREWSBURY Christinas gift nnd Is attractive fyistcr AND POOP Will TOWARD WIN J JIM BISHOfc ., 11 H.i. n *r Mm H, ft* ni H**y Ctoy , Reporter THOMAS IRVING BROWN, Publisher ItM-llSI JAMES J. HOGAN, Editor M. HAROLD KELLY, General Mana»er To Say 'Merry Christmas' W. HARRY PENNINGTON, Production Manager Sometimes, I wish I was magic. At Christmastime, I Member of Iht Associated Press T6t Aiiocutid Preil 11 antmed eiclunvelt to tht nit for rtDilbiit there are so many people I'd like to see. I'd hop la thla Bew»»»oer »• wtll »a nil AP news rilapalcncfc. , Member Audit Bureau o( Circulation around the country, pausing here and there at a house, lilt Red Banli Rctclstar asvjmn no (nanclll reipo^iipuitin foi tYPOjra.pn.ctl errora in adv«rtl»a- just to say "Merry Christmas!" and "I've been think- menu but »rill reprint without chirc*. that nan ol in advertisement in »hlcll t,Ta lysograpmca] error oc- eura. ' Advtrt'.atra will D>are nntlfv till mana£em«nt Immediately or any error which may occur. ing of you more often than you know." Thli newapaptr tisumra no reaponsibihttei for statementi of opinion! In letten from lla readera. I'd start here in Miami and visit SubKcriptien Prltea In Advanri One year flVOO: Rn months IS.00 •Ingle copy at counter. 7 cents sine:* cop? by mail. 9 centi Tom Ferris and a nameless blonde lady FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1960 who has had a lot of hard luck; then I'd stop by to say bello to Frank Mackle of General Development and across to And It Came to Pass the beach to Hank Meyer's beautiful home and maybe kiss Lenore; then off in those days that there went out j For unto you is born this day in to Bill Kofoed's and a greeting to Roger a decree from Caesar Augustus, that\the city of David a Saviour, which Wolin of Pan-American and more than all the world should be taxed. j is Christ the Lord. BISHOP a moment with Ted Baker and Irma, And this taxing was first made And this shall be a sign unto you; and a special good wish for Joe Tanenbaum and Lew Price and Lee Evans. when Cyrenius wan governor of Ye shall find the babe wrapped in Syria. swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Happy huzzahs to all the gang at the Miami Her- ald except the one who cuts my column, and a kiss And all went to be taxed, every And suddenly there was with the on the cheek to Theresa Mackle, who says she's 74 one into his own city. angel a multitude 0/ the heavenly I and refuses to permit me to date her, and a big smile And Joseph also went up from host praising God, and saying, for Ray Metcalf and another for my pool-hustling Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth Glory to God in the highest, and into Judea, unto the city of David, friend, Bob Brumby and on up to Port St. Lucie to on earth peace, good will toward that premier house salesman, Ray Stone. which is called Bethlehem; (because men. he was of the house and lineage of Larry Spivak too, if he's still in Florida and George And it came to pass, as the angels jBeebe. Bob Neale and Turree have so many friends David). were gone away from them into that I'd have to wait in line. The phone operators at To be taxed with Mary, his heaven, the shepherds said one to These the Key Biscayne—Effie Towers, Ha Ayars, Mildred espoused wife, being great with another, Let us now go even unto EDITORIAL VIEWS Youpe, Elaine Burke and Marie Barno deserve to have child. Bethlehem, and see this thing which Who Is He? Santa to themselves. And so it was, that, while they is come to pass, which the Lord hath By GEORGE E. SOKOLSKY OF OTHER PAPERS Second at Bel Aire were there, the days were accom- made known unto us. I'd stop for a second in Bel Aire just to look at plished that she should be delivered. And they came with haste, and The anti-Castro Cubans have been telling me for more than six months that an official of the State hn Sothern (speech isn't necessary), and swap jokes And she brought forth her first found Mary, and Joseph, and the Department, William Arthur Montenegro, is responsi- would avoid starting personal law with Al Horwits, a dear friend; and a hug for Louella born son, and wrapped him in babe lying in a manger. ble for the success of Fidel Castro. suits in which they have little Parsons, who has remained on top longer than any- swaddling clothes, and laid.him in And when they had seen it, they But the State Department records do not show chance for success. But often this tu ,™i™,r,,rmt nf Q u/iiiiim Arthur is the case' And oftcn lhe news" body in the newspaper business; a wink for Kim Novak a manger; because there was no the employment ot a William Aitnui paper js ti,e subject of the suit. made known abroad the saying and a moment room for them in the inn. which was told them concerning Montenegro. Is this a personality with! Dr. Frederick s. Siebert of the I alone with Jayne Mansfield Hargitay; two names? Does a person who has an University of Illinois made some I greetings to Liza Wilson and a trip south to see Ann And there were in the same coun- this child. ,, ,. . , , . . . • interesting comments on this phe- v Witwer. I'd ask a question of Jack Webb, whom I ad- try shepherds abiding in the field, And all they that heard it won- effective voice in determining American: nomenon*reccntlyi mire, and stop in to hear Frankie Carle play "Sunrise keeping watch over their flock by dered about those things which were policy in Latin America go by twoj He pointed out: names? Latin American Communistsj "A number of libel suits against Serenade." night. told them by the shepherds. know Of two men by the name Of newspapertorneys whs o arfrequentle broughy tar bey can at- There are so many people and places. A brotherly And, lo, the angel of the Lord But Mary kept all these things, Montenegro, one who is actually a didates for public office or hold came upon them, and the glory of Communist Party member; another who public office. These suits are sel- embrace for Allan Witwer in San Francisco; some old and pondered them in her heart. SOKOLSKY dom won by the attorneys. They the Lord shone round about them: was very sympathetic to the party. touches to be cut up with Ralph Walter in Rumson, And the shepherds returned,JBoth were journalists. make the mistake of assuming and they were sore afraid. that a newspaper has no more N. J.; a laugh with Bob Costello of United Air Lines; glorying and praising God for all the This is a case for Robert Kennedy, the on-coming right to criticfee their public acts Tommy Thompson of King Features And, the angel said unto them, a thank you for things that they had heard and seen, attorney general, a very tough "Mick" who is not likely than it has to criticize their pro-| * Fear not: for, behold, I bring you fessional competence. for keeping me on the rails; a debate with John Willey as it was told unto them. to look on a cover-up very kindly. His book, "The En- "Whereas it would be a serious good tidings of great joy, which shall emy Within," establishes that he regards the Depart of the Toledo Blade about Santa; a formal bow to Jack —St.-Luke: 2:1-20. mistake for a newspaper to pub- be to all people. ment of Justice with a jaundiced eye because it has lish a statement that a local at- Kriendler and Charlie Berns; a kiss for Ruth Trewhella torney was fleecing his clients lost too many cases in the courts which adequate and in such a case the attorney and another for Agnes Westphal and some mad jokes Play It Safe preparation should have won. Searching for Monte might win a suit against the with Morris Napolitano. newspaper. But it is altogether negro ought not to be difficult. No matter what name A turkey leg with Evan Thomas of Harper; a Yuletide is upon us. It is time for another case when a newspaper The governor urged "moderationjhe employs, the record of how things were made easy prints a statement that a public schottische with Hal LeRoy; a spot of philosophy with happiness, not sorrow. People must in the use of alcoholic beverages be-lfor Castro by the government of the United States will officer who is also an attorney Brand of Fox; a gallon of men's cologne for take this time to remember other cause of the high incidence of theilead directly to a case which, if properly piepared, is fleecing the public. In the lat- ter case the newspaper has a Sherman Billingsley; bright smiles for Elinor Sullivan, people. If they do, really do, there alcohol factor in traffic accidents will make previous cases look very mild, indeed. wide latitude for criticism." Eve Siegal and Sister Maria Alacoque; In old pari- will be no need to worry about need- during this festive season." To make William Arthur Montenegro under that name and Here is the key to much of the under another name wrote for the "Havana Pest" from friction between officeholders and mutuel ticket for Charlie Sheehan of the N. J. Racing less accidents and troubles. sure that this appeal is not given newspapers. Officeholders forget 1933 to 1937. That is a good place to start if anyone Commission; greetings to Bob Meyner; a wild evening Gov. Robert B. Meyner has is- in vain he has appealed to "all coun- quite often that judgments must needs,a tip. There are articles in that newspaper which be made on their performances, with Jack and Dorothy Sullivan and some reminis- sued his personal call for "a holiday- ty and municipal officials to join were contributed by such a person. judgments much more severe forces with state agencies in the than the judgment passed on cences with Joan Sullivan; a kiss for Mary Sentner, season with safety for all." In do- The Technique whether a man runs a good gro- ing so, he has urged sincere "official strictest possible enforcement pro- The State Department has a technique for cover- cery store or not, is an honest none for. Dave. ing up and for evading scandals. When a State De- engineer or not, or even is a A talk about the future with Richard Nixon; a leadership and public co-operation" gram for those individuals who will dependable citizen. When a man word wlth Jai as required "to keep every New Jer- not comply voluntarily with the partment official goes wrong or is caught with bloody takes public office his activities "es Hagerty; a pleasant moment with hands, the trick is to send him to other parts of the become public. And a man, long sey community free from serious traffic safety regulations." Father Joseph A.' Sullivan and a chat with Monsignor world, far from news centers until those who are in- used to private life, who is in public office and finds his per- LeRoy McWilliams; some old-time conversation with accidents" throughout the holiday Have a good holiday. But let S terested forget about h-im, get interested in something formance found wanting by the Fanny Schulein; more than a moment with Bill and season. play it safe. (else, or die. Then the career official who went awry newspaper, frequently forgets may return to Washington. that this is a part of the arena Amanda Scanlon and an evening with Toots and Baby of. public service. Shor; hello to Tom Rogers and Marvin Fowler; a tooth low Money's Worth* But the Cuban story will not die down. Too many We feel it might be wise for a Cubans have been robbed of their homes. Tco many newspaper to remind its readers for a tooth with Dr. Milton Ross; a rack of pool with I Americans have lost their businesses. Too many Latin of these facts of life frequently. Billy Rose; some precious moments listening to Bernard Need Sensible Financing en School Bus Cost It makes for a freer relation- Americans fear the Communist menace. ship between the officeholder and Baruch. By SYLVIA PORTER They are after William Arthur Montenegro, by the paper and it reminds the Music with Alma Ross; a toast to Joe Sage; hello gerously antiquated and inade- whatever name he has gone in the State Department. newspaper's readers that the pa- tack of school busei is 1 erit 40 should not carry SO passen- per is acting in the public inter- leal bottleneck to pupil safety gers. Yet many across the coun- quate. jThey know who he is and they will not rest, no mat- to Brook Palmer; a Christmas drink with Vic Perotti Q. Porter: The safety problem est, not persecuting a man hold- —and sensible financing is the try are chronically overcrowded. ing office.—The Outlook (Golden, ill many insist that, simply i merely aggravates schools' trans- ter to what embassy in Europe the State Department and Tom Farrell; a coat of tan from Lucia Perrigo's key. Nor will Colo.) Before taking off on my an- because a bus is built to be able portation dilemma. What can sends him. smile; much time for Bill and Bootsie Hearst; out to to run. for 30 years, it should. I schools do about it If they can- nual vacation. Were there such a committee as Sen. McCarran WHAT'S WRONG WITH WORK? Reno for a fast gab with Al Porter; fun in Florida with I interviewed Still, many jchool buses are dan- not afford more buses? or Sen. Joseph McCarthy headed, there would be an a select group" A. Glekel: They can take a tip Pardon the cliche, but some- Jack Paar and Miriam; a rooting interest in Gert and of America's from private industry on long investigation of major magnitude and it would be out one just hit the nail squarely onL. , ,, , ,, leading indus- term financing. Last year in Pin- in the open. Sen. Fulbright is insistent that the State the head. jMark Hanna, the gallant ones. trialists 0 n conning, Mich,, for example, the Department depend upon especially-trained men, ca- It was Dr. Edward H. I.itch-| problems which local school board did a full scale field, Permit me to interrupt Otto Preminger and listen economic survey of its equipment reer men, those who prepare themselves for the For- are frontpage sitv i Ben Pollack of the Justice Dept.; greetings to Jack in many com- needj and developed a program eign Service and stay in it as a life work. Therefore, munities. To- for meeting them. .Just as most 65th National Association ofjO'Corinell and Frank Coniff, not to mention Tom Dodd schools do with building pro- it is up to Sen. Fulbright to investigate William Arthur Manufacturers Congress in New day's interview York: and Frank Osmers and Pat O'Brien and Walter O'Keefe; grams. Pinconning laid out a Montenegro by whatever name he has gone in the PORTER is with New- ton G I e k e 1, time payment program to get all State Department for nearly two decades. Also they "I ask you the question of a long stay with the Dan Healys; blessings on C. B. president of Divco-Wayne Corp., the buses it needed immediately, whether a culture of working less Lindeman in Seattle; same to George Tracy of the and budgeted payments over sue- would want to know precisely what incompleted edu- and less, preaching rtie social largest U.S. producer of specialty oal nf lcs vehicles. Including more than ceeding years as the money be- cational preparation this person had for a State De- 8 s and less work, has Milwaukee Sentinel; hello to Lee Ettleson and Sam one-third of all school buses. comes available' - - - . I' partmen t career. much prospect nf victory in a competition for survival?" Day; a jig with Eddie Mahar and Paul Schoenstein; Q. Porter: The National Safety Q. Porter: Is thi<; an unusual| How Come? Council reports there were more solution for schools? This was not an attack on such admiration for Burris Jenkins and Georgia; gratitude than 7,000 school bun accidents A. r.iekel: in many places It! How is it possible for a person to enter upon a goals as a shorter work week, to Bob Matell; Merry Christmas to Nick Nnpoli and last year, an average ol nearly is, indeed. It can be vcrv effec-j state Department career without training, with a record wider use of automation, etc. It 50 every school day. More than hvlivep, hilbult lhith>e rnmnlnxitcomolexitv nf erlinnschooll a was a call io recognize that the Ccle Nolte and Sonny Moyse, J,0OO students were injured; on financing law ind the lack of uni- freeing of manpower from long of only one year in college and an incompleted pre- hours on the assembly line or The best New Year's wishes to Mack Millar; average more Ihun one a wcc!i formity between state medical course? What goes on in that very choice were killed. As a leader in the tions, much less local restrictions department of government? behind the desk offers an op- Blanche Maki; Barker Seely and Bob Morrill; let's not nortunlly for channeling energies •chool buj manufacturing field, made this an enormouslv diffi- On this subject, there ought to be a public hear- how do you view this? cult undertaking. If state legis- In ever more useful endeavors. forget Judge John Murtagh and Judge Irving Kaufman; A. Glekel: The dilemma facing latures made a real effort to pro- ing and the first three men who ought to testify in What is leisure, after all, but affectionate greetings to Phyllis Jackson and Ned tducators Is that all are desper- vide realistic ind uniform regu- public should be Robert Hill, American ambassador to dlsensjaRcmcnt from the march lations on lonq term financing of Brown; the Jack Mehlers; Gene Murphys and Tom ately in need of immediate assist- iciiooT equipment!"many^mami'- Mexico, Arthur Gardner, American ambassador to of events. Admirable though II Is ance. Teachers do deserve bet- for periods nf mental and pliysl- Meany; Maxie Lewis, my friend; Ella Logan; Miriam ter salaries. We really must farturcrs could make it easier for|Cuba, Earl E. T. Smith, American ambassador to Cubn. cnl refreshment, leisure Is a de- have more school buildings. We schools to mcrl "thei 'r need's" fo'"r" These men should be required to tell publicly, under lusivo and unsatisfying end in Lynch; Joe Le Tourncau of Alitalia; Milt Kaplan; Dr. all kinds of equipment, not only Itself. need better teaching methods and, b onth, what their personal experience has been in the Charles Kelly; Dr. Bernard Krull; Molly Kirvvan; Al more effective teaching aids. As John } a bus manufacturer, hownver, I Castro matter and what their experience has been °>^ ™» »°»to ^«y Hackett; NO TROUBLE AT AM. the am acutely aware of a llfc-and- with the Stnte Department, and what reports they mentality bent nt once uoon the Jackie Gleason; Gladyj Glad; Randy Hearst; Roy How- death urgency about the trans- CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP)- When rinttanooga police were sent to the department warning of the perils in Latin pursuit nf leisure nnd the out- portation problem thai makes II flnnklns of Communist economic lard; Mary McCloud; Emll and Kny Herman; the Sidney more critical than others, asked to help find a car «tolm America, and how their warnings were ignored. In Nashville, thry gave quick It would be interesting to know if such reports and Decause many schools have siM-vlcr. Tliev foiinfl the ear In "We been forced to neglect pupil front of the police station. reached higher officials, particularly President Liisen-.cnnnoi nnushiil the strniKth of lie Carr; Tom Bly; Nels Benedict; San1 Boal; Al Armi- transposition in favor of other 'IV rar and foiu fcn-nfie oral- hower, Also, such an open, public hearing mi^ht nskln ailluro hv r>"st"lllllnB tngc; Bill Judk'ns and all those with whom I'd like necessities, many school trans- hnd l>ecn brought to police port* are rolling death trap*. No rimllne Herbe,. M.,uliew., of -1-hP New York Times" to identifyp,^ l^'Zl^i"^!." to spend a few minutes. nut will deny that buses built lor i|m\v „„„,„,,, William Arthur Montenegro. ... rhl.i;ilinn s,.ll,Iirr Mnn|,or I have a belter iden. All of you come to sec me .. , cr« (he famWvnrd>wn m fie fif-j Friday,. Dec/ 23, 1960-7 Water Company icc mr* (•Ifanfo Beegle uA Physician To Reactivate tire control needed for/hiis «e»-j Frcnk M$n for M yetn of y »on'« silhouette. idplions, will visit the store Tuee- Fete* Workers jKrvice »wJ DeJbert Uyton for Group Mies Prert, Umg-time consultan'tfday tn Saturday, according to C. 25 year* of ttrvice. House OCEANPORT—Ptens for reao for the t\nn:'t Carol Brr-nt !oun store manager. OCEAN TQWN5HJP -The The following retired employees Buys itivation of the Oeeanport Busi' annual Monmouth Consolidated were present: Jacob O. Heir, jnessmen's Association were dis- Water Company employee Christ- John Cremeans, Charles Clark, In Borough jcussed Sunday. mas dinner party was held Sat- Fred Plew, Fred Sturm, Joseph A dozen businessmen and mcr urday in the Georgian House. Cavalier, Dominick Panetti and SHREWSBURY — Walker andi of Oeeanport attended lhe Oscar A. Newquist, manager, Harry Hotchkiss. Walker, Realtors, announce the j recent sale of a split-level house j p the items discussed it 920 Sycamore Ave., New the appointment of a Shrewsbury, for Mr. and MrsJj rcprcscn,ative of thc Business- COMPLETE HOLIDAY PARTY Douglas McElhinney to Dr. and ( * .s Association to mcet pcri. TRAVEL AGENCY INC. Mrs. Richard Hamilton 'odicallv with the Mavor and Coun- Dr. Ham.lton received his de- • h , - alion grees a Princeton and Cornell; „ f h ^ , f 10 RECKLESS PL. «••"»«» 316 COOKMAN AVE. Universities, served his intern-.snow d'urinf! storms; a pr0Rram RED BANK ASBURY PARK (BTERII1C ship in surgery at Roosevelt and,of christraas lifhts for ,ofil; and Bronx VA Hospitals. He Mw.ac-:ft appoin,mcn'; of a ub,ic re. >ve military service and holds; ,atjons cemmiUec< SH 1-5080 PR 5-5080 We cqter to all type* cf parties, big or small . . . U. S Navy rank of lieutenant, j The nrn mecU wi|, be )]eld For four years he conducted h,S: wSth expert service. in FebrJorv in thc firc housCi practice^ limited to surgery, in a( whjch ,ime a ncw slate of nf. We prepare beautifully >oulh Orange, and recently re-;ficcrs and comnlittcC;. for thc You can reserve and pick up airline, steamship, decorated and exquisite "I've got it in reverse. It saves emptying the bag!" turned from Jamestown, N. Dak.,; wil, be appoirited where he was a member of the bus and tour tickets, hotel and resort area • FOOD PLATTERS Medical Arts Clinic. ; r- s employed by Singer Sewing Dr. Hamilton plans to open Jiis; rigure reservations at our offictt. • Choice of Sandwiches Agency Lists Machine Co, New York. new office in the near future for Expert at Ward's or Hors d'Oeuvres Mrs. Mary Kosopod, 9 Rose the practice of general medicine. er., West Keansburg, sold her For Oak Hill Builders, Inc., ai EATONTOWN — Foundation IT COSTS NO MORE TO BOOK Recent Sales iouse to Mr. and Mrs. William T. two-story colonial home at 142 j expert Maude Prest will be at HENRY'S DELICATESSEN HAZLET — The branch office Zomay of Keyport. Mr. Conway Bamm Hollow Rd., Oak Hill sec- j Montgomery Ward's store in Mon- THROUGH YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT I of Walker and Walker, realtors, s employed at International Fla ion of Middletown, was sold to]mouth Shopping Center next week -TWO STORES TO SERVE YOU— has announced 13 recent sales. tors and Fragrances, Inc, Union Mr. and Mrs. John P. Cowie of! to give Monmouth county distaff- 3each. 141 Broad St., Red Bank Monmouth Shopping Center A split-level house at 39 Cora' Clarendon Hills, III. Mr. Cowie is' SH 1-2083 LI 20440 Dr., Coralwood Manor, was sold Mr. and Mrs. Jack Berhang an engineer with Linde Co., New- A TABLE SERVICE by Mr. and Mrs. James Bledsoe ;old their split-level house at 30 ark. They are occupying the new to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Van Dartmouth Dr., Fleetwood Park home. To AH Monmouth County Homemakers! Note of Middletown. o Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hines Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schmuhl, SEASON GREETINGS )f Brooklyn. Sycamore Ave., Shrewsbury, are Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Wil having a ranch style home built HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE $$$ TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS kenbach, 24 Calt Dr., Hidden Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tanquay purchased .a split-level house a by Sam Kleiner at Shadowbrook Hills West, sold their split-leve Gardens, Shrewsbury. house to Mr. and Mrs. Rex L 5G Mackey Dr., Belford from Mr. and Mrs.' Thomas Jamieson Mr. Schmuhl is a retired phar- AN ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT OFF Moyer of Hampton, Va. Mr, macist. Moyer is employed at Fort Mon Mr. Tanquay is district salesman 5% mouth. For Stanley Tools, Inc., o The sales were negotiated by OUR ALREADY LOW, LOW WHITE SALE F Connecticut. Mrs. Mildred Liming of Walker .S! THE Appreciated Gifts for Your A three-bedroom ranch at 202 and Walker. Favorite Stamp or Coin Collector Summit Ave., Belford, was sold Mr. and Mrs. William Jackman by William Verbist to Mr. and sold their colonial house at 3 JUST CLIP COUPON ON AD #3 AND TAKE TO All Hems in Stock of All Leading Lines of Mrs. Salvatore Fasula of Rich Fleetwood Dr., Fleetwood Park, Confirmation Held to Mr. and Mrs. Thurlow Gray Albums - Catalogs - Accessories - Packets - Magnifiers field. Mr. Verbist is planning re- At St. Clement's MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER tirement to Florida. f Stamford, Conn. WARDS Scott Publications Coins-Albums-Catalogs Mr. and Mrs. August Zeitzmann BELFORD — A confirmation EATONTOWN CIRCLE International Albums, Pt. I, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Enders Whitman Coin Folders 12 Fairmont Rd., Old Manor Es- if New York purchased a housi ceremony was held in St. Clem- Pt. II, Pt. Ill, ea. 13.50 ca. .35 iwned by Mr. and Mrs. Harry E ent's Episcopal Church Sunday Pt. IV 15.00 Popular Coin Al. .75, 1,50 tates, Holmdel, sold their ranch SALE STARTS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27th home to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Collins at 11 Carriage Dr., during the worship service for Nat'I Album for U. S. 12.00 Library of Coins 1.95-3.95 Handbook U. S. Coins 1.00 King. Mr. King is employed by The sales were negotiated b; Betty Scheckenberger, Leslie Amer. Album for U. S. 5.00 Guidebook U. S. Coins 1.75 the Jersey Central Power and oseph J. Howard, Matawan, ani Fink, Richard Smithson, Richard Stamp Catalogs, Pt. 1 6.00 10 Indian Head Cents 1.25 Light Co., South Amboy. Edward McFceley, Asbury Park and Howard Meginley, Linda Thrall, Richard Santala, Joanne Part II 8.00 Roman Coins, Identified A split-level house at 37 Miller Combined 12.00 from 1.00 Cerqua, Bernice Lange, Gary Ave., Holmdel, was sold to Mr. Motsek, George - Boyce, Joanna U. S. Specialized 5.00 All Albums by .White Ace, and Mrs. Kenneth H. Taylor ol tsek, Grleorge Boyce, Joanna Belleville. Mr. Taylor is super- Taylor Wants Good For Maximum Discount on Any Minkus Publications Elbe, Grossman, Harris and Jane Erickson, Bonnie and c •- In Stock intendent of shops at Anheuser- Donald Heineck, Donna Villars, New World-Wide Al. 4.05 Busch, Inc., Newark. Taxi Permit Robert Paul Krueger and Robert SINGLE TRANSACTION DURING Comprehensive Album 9.95 Finest Stock at the Shore John Farrell's Colonial hous Master Global Al. 18.05 Of Swift & Anderson P. Krueger, Sr. Rev. John Crumb WARD'S WHITE SALE BEGINNING DECEMBER 27 Supreme Global Al. 39.50 Magnifiers of All Tyes at 84 Fleetwood Dr., Fleetwood conducted the service. Park, was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Reissued All-American Album 3.95 50c to $7.00 MONTGOMERY WARD WHITE SALE COUPON #3 My First Stamp Al. 1.50 William Whitacre of Keyport. Mr. FREEHOLD — Arnold Taylor, PROOF SETS AND GOLD Whitacre is employed by the Bell South St., Eatontown,, filed suit More and more PLATE BLOCK PAGES COINS AVAILABLE Research Laboratories, Holmdel in Superior Court yesterday people use The Register ads each issue because results come fas Pts, 1, 2, 3 ea. 2.00 against the Eatontown Mayor STAMP PACKETS by Mr. and Mrs. George Nist, 1 Rosemary Dr., Norgate Manor, and Council in an attempt to get All Individual Country Countries and up to the borough to reissue a taxi cab Albums In Stock 5,000 Diff. World Hazelt, sold their split-level hous license to him. to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson EXTENSIVE STOCK OF BETTER U.S. STAMPS AND of Elizabeth. Mr. Peterson i According . to Attorney David Resnikoff, Long Branch, who filed COINS MOST WANTED BY THE COLLECTOR employed at General Aanaline, Linden. the suit for Mr. Taylor, his.client Mail and phone orders filled had a license issued by the bor- A two-family house at 38 Lowe ough in 1959 that was not re- Main St., Matawan Township wa newed. MONMOUTH STAMP & COIN SHOP sold by Charles Miller to Mr. an 60 Monmouth St. Red Bank SH 1-0626 Mr. Resnikoff stated that Mr. Mrs. Robert Savage. Mr. Savagi Taylor had applied for renewal of the license Jan. 23, 1960. On March 10, Mr. Resnikoff added, Mr. Taylor was advised by Borough Clerk Andrew G Becker that the license had been turned down by Mayor and Coun- cil, at its Feb. 24 meeting. Now you're through shaving Named in the suit as defend- ants were Mayor F. Bliss Price and Councilmen Ralph Lewis, Carley Garafalo, Howard Meyer, Joseph Kellenyi, Leon B. Smock, before most men begin! Jr., and Herbert E, Werner. No problem finding tenants when you advertise The Register way.—Advertisement. -LEGAL NOTICE

MONMOUTH COUNTY SURROGATE'S COUItT Notice tn Creditors tn I'rrnent Claim* AK»IIHI Estate KSTATE OF JOHN B. DOLAN, DE. :EASEI>. Pursuant to the order of EDWARD C. HltOEGE, Surrognte of the County of Monmoulh, tills day made, on the application of thc undersigned, Kdwani Dolan, Administrator of the estate of thp said John H. Dolan, rtccpasrd. notice Is herehy given to the creditors of said deceased to present to thp Jiald Administrator their claims under oath Within six months from this date. Dated: Decemher 2nd, 3960. EDWARD DOLAN, 3226 Bruncr Ave,, Bronx lift. Now York. Administrator, Dec. 9-1G-23-3I) 115.75

NOTICK OP TAX SALE BOROUUII <>»• SEA BRIGHT, N. I. Notice of salo of property for non. payment nf taxes, assessments and other municipal liens In the Borough of Soa Brlfiht, N. J. rubiic Notice Is hereby given that I, Joan Axelsen, Collector of taxing district of the Borough of Sea Bright, County of Monmouth, New Jersey, pursuant to tlie authority of the Statutes In such case made nmt pro- vided, will sell at public auction on th« 28th flay nf December. 1960. al the office of Collector, Borough Hal] Sea Bright. N. J., at 2 p.m., the lands and real estate hereinafter lie scrlhed: Tnxes are [or the year Ifl59 NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Arthur Axelsen. HI. '.', Lot 15 ...J33D.29 Arthur A Betty Axelsen, Bl. 3. I,ol 15 Arthur O. Axelsen, Bl. 3, Lot 10 2O0.O3 Arthur O. Axelsen, El. 2, Lot MA 381.89 Arthur & Betty Axelsen, Bl. 40- 2. Lot 15 18.23 Arthur O, Axelsen, Bl. 40-2, Lot 10 3H.5: Ella P. Smack, Bl. 6. Lot 19 0X42 Viola KIcMer. Bl. 7. Lot IS 45.32 NEW 1066 SCHICK 3 SPEED Waller Covert. Bl. II, lx>t 31 ".1.42 Theresa Russell, Bl. 11. Lot 23A 432.10 Theresa a. Russell, Bl. 40-17, Lot 2.1A 2(1.4.1 Alvln O. Jaekel, Bl. 17, Lot Ml) 415.80 mightiest shaving instrument ever invented! Alvln O. Jaekel, HI. 40-17, Lot 23B 15.86 Henry Leary Est., Bl, 17, Lot 111-15 140.14 Henry Leary Est., Bl. 17. Lot Shifl-the speedVr? set the mighty head.-.-. get the fastest, closest shave of your 1I0.1B 4(1.71 O'llrlen's Lunch, Equipment mm* Henry I.. Chrlstcnson Est,, Bl. 3. life-without irritation! It's like shaving with a fresh blade every morning, Once you Lnl 20 018.05 Katherlne L, Chrlstpnsen, Bl. 40- 5, l-ol 20 40.88 Kalherlne !,. Chrlslenicn, Bl. 40- try it,Hyou'll never be satisfied with any other razor, blade or electric! Handsomest 2, I«t 10 46.7 Henry U Chrlstonsen Est., Bl. There when you need it most 3, Lot 30 202.7B carrying case of them all, too. Come in and ask for a free home trial! Henry L. Chrlttensen Est., Bl. 3, Lot 13 Ml.9« Henry L, (Jlirlalemen Kst., III. 1, Lot in 403 M Making your phone service reliable under all conditions is a job your telephone Tliu said lands ant) real rntate will he sold to make the Amount of the Municipal Hens chargeable nicilns company never lets up on. A convenience every day—phone service is never same on the. first day nt July, 1M0, a computed In thn foregoing list, to. Rethfr wllh Inlerest on salil amount more appreciated than when Mother Nature gets out ol' hand. Last week's from the first day of July to the date of slilo mid fonts of such snip. Raid properly will ho sold In th snow storm is a good case in point. Though dial tone was ;i little slow at fee to such person ai will purchimn th s.iine. siltijert tn rnleinptlnn »t th luweot rule of Interest, hut In tut ra* limes, on Tuesday, the day alter the storm, we handled an all-tinu- record In excess nf H",. per minimi. The liny inrnl fnr Ihii sale shnll bo mnde 1 turn Ih" riiiii'liiilnn cil Iho sale or t number of calls —over 22,000,1)1)0. A tribute in part to modern-day advances in lini|ierty will he n'Miild. Al nny tlrnn liefnri' Hie ssle. the tin technology—hut mostly to the "spirit ol'service" of telephone people who dlTAlHIM'tl vlll receive pnynient nf tin1 APPLIANCE SUPERAMA iiinoiitil iliii* on any property, with thr Inlirrit mid <•".!< Im'inreil up In tli provide you with today's dependable phuneservice. NliWJliRSliY JJI'JLL time nf linyillPllt. JOAN AXK.LHKN. (\illcft'ir of Tnnri SHREWSBURY AVE. at ROUTE 35 NEW SHREWSBURY llntPil llei'Pinhe-r I, Illid 23, I960 RED BANK RECISTER 17 Employees/Who Represent•/''• Machanic Street School Pupils 384 Years of Service Are Feted LONG BRANCH — Ralph D. Lenard Garforth, 31; Harry J. Twenty-fivp year men were Wheelock, president of Wheelock Sundermeyer, 26; Joseph Yunker, resented with diamond studded Present Yule Program for PTA Signals, Inc., honored 17 em- Hugh Cypser and Fred Hum- dns. Ten year men received ployees at the company's annual phries, 25; Seymour Tripodi, 21 apphire studded pins. In addi- RED BANK — Pupils and Susan Kane, James Beldher and Cutro, Ricky Blasi, Rhonda Sil- years; Thomas Maziola, 19; Wal- teachers of Mechanic Street berstein, Fawn Nordum, Jewel Christmas dinner party last ;ion, Mr, Gould presented Mr. Betsy Avati. week. ter Pierce, 18; Ed Fitch, 17; Wheelock a pin -for his 24 School presented a Christmas Christmas elves: (Grade three, Wheeler, Anita Mosca, Abbe program for the Parent-Teacher Representing 384 years of John Grotto, Fred McGuinness fears' service. Mrs. Frances Stern and Mrs. Richmond, Cheryl Foley, Susan and B. Roy Schilllnger, 12; Frank Association Monday in the audi- Knoll, Louise Alatsas, Patricia service, those honored were J. The dinner, held at the Foun- torium. Ruth Morris) Robert Kane, Kevin McKenna and Louis Libutti, 11 Fordham and Joanne Taylor Eric Gould, 31 years; Al Soltile, ains, Ocean Ave., was attended The play written by Mrs. Joan Kreutzborg, David Browne. An- 33 years; Louis Favalora and years. ,j drew Crockett, David Beadle, by 176 employees and guests. En- Smith, a first grade teacher in Santa Claus: (Grade two, Miss ertainment was provided by the school, was directed by Mrs. David Wilkinson, Debbie Rosen- Irene Klatsky), Tom Kovaleski, Myrtle Cook and Mrs, Margaret feld, Sharon Brautif;an, Roberta ean Reed and Grace Lang. Ed Nancy Lee, Lucille Porcelli, Ron- Fuschetti was. master of cere- Mann. Friedman, Bruce Keefer, Craig nie Carter, Tony O'Shea, Jeff On- Junior Woman's Club Children who took part in the Johnston, Paulette Silver, Steven monies. uschak, Geoffrey Dates, Jerry He Introduced Mr. Wheelock, program were: Snowmen: (Kin- Sloan, Cindy Warren, Dale Pat- Houtkin, Jimmy Golson, Valerie dergarten, Mrs. Bernadine Wei- terson, Linda Mclntyre, Lynn Has Holiday Buffet Supper who commended members of the gand) Hughes, Karen Riskamm, An- :ommittee for their efforts In thony Ciaglia and David Gavin. main, planning the event. On the com- Lollipops: (Grade one, Mrs. LITTLE SILVER - The Junior Guests included Mrs. Donald mittee were Miss Anne Wyckoff, Joan Smith), Bonnie Ryder, Mi- Woman's Club held a buffet sup- White, Mrs. William Wikoff, «nd chael Fernandez, Robert Emmer, per at the Union House, Red Mrs. Frank Williams, Jr., Little Herman Willms, Gerald Levine Party Tonight Fetes Charles King. Penna Piper, Bank, for its Christmas party Silver, and Mrs. Lawrence Min- and Miss Helen M. Engel, chair- Mary Golson, Stanley Moore and Monday. ion, Mrs. Joseph Salmon, Mm. man. David Edwards. Mrs. Jack Skakandy, president, Kenneth De Groot, and Mrs. How- Attending were Mr. and Mrs. presented Mrs. Marshall R. ard Cohen, Red Bank. William Kinney, Mr. and Mrs. Carousel: (Grade one, Miss The next meeting is scheduled An Engaged Couple Judy Ouzy), Sharon Lipper, Jef- Stoecker, senior club president, Samuel Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Christmas corsage and gifts to for Monday, Jan. 9, 8 p.m. in the Rocco Juliano, Mr, and Mrs. Jo- frey Carhart, Carol Ranson, Mi- clubhouse. The executive board SOUTH ORANGE - Mrs. Myr chael Brown, Linda Miller and help complete furnishing the new seph Valencio, Mr. and Mrs. tie J. Fauria of 88 Riggs PI. clubhouse. will meet Wednesday, Jan. 4, at Herbert Lang, Miss Ida Recan- Edward Russel. S p.m. in Mrs. Bennett's home. announces the engagement of he Angels: (Kindergarten, Mrs. Seventy-four gift bags for the zone, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Dolin- daughter, Miss Linda Ann Fauria Peggy Jordan), Cathleen Carroll, children at the Farmingdale Pre- sky, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coles, to Lance Cpl. Dennis A. Spelker Marion Festa, Deborah Grayzel, ventorium have been delivered Miss Edith Dandoy, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Marine Corps, son of Mr Sharon GriRor, Colleen Keegan, for the holiday. Mrs. Robert Gun- Robert Herplch, Mr. and Mrs. ther, welfare chairman, was in Aid Squad's Joseph Henry, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. William M. Spelker o: Janice Vitaco and Robin Wood- MR. AND MRS WILLIAM FOLSCHER of Robert.vill., 50 Hillside St., River Plaza. ruff. charge. Roger Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- who were married Saturday, art in Florida on their wed- An interior decorating contest Auxiliary ter Zober. The engaged couple will Clocks: (Grade one, Miss 'will be held for members during honored at a party to be held Joyce Hall) Kathy Kovaleski, ding trip. The bride is the former Mist Diane Either Mr. and Mrs. John Van W»g- the Christmas holidays, it wai ner, Mr. and Mrs. Martin J, tonight for their family an' Cathy Smeriglio, Kenny Howitt, Lamberton, daughter of Mr. and Mr«. Walter N. Lamber- announced by Mrs. Herbert Has Party friends. Patty Brenner and Susan Cutro. Fath, Miss Carol Dlxon, Richard lon of Rt. 9, Robertsville. The bridegroom it the ion of Swanson, garden department Cero, Mr. and Mrs. Clement Miss Fauria also is the daugh T'was the Night Before Christ- chairman. Prizes will be awarded HIGHLANDS - The auxiliary Mr. and Mrt. Raymond Price. of the First Aid Squad held its Agresta, Mr. and Mrs. J. j. ter of the late Frederick C mas: (Grade two, Mrs. Margaret for the most attractively decor- Schilthius, Mr. and Mrs. i. Mann and Miss Catherine Gah- Christmas party last Thursday in Fauria. She is employed as i ated home. Thomas Lowing, Mrs. Madeline ler), Debbie O'Kane, Diane Cow- the First Aid building. secretary in South Orange. Cp The drama and music depart- Froslil, Mrs. Frances Alessi, den, Rebecca Ritter, Cecil Can- Kitty Kelly: ment, headed by Mrs. John Ant- A Chinese dinner was served, Spelker is stationed at the Ma- David Ottenberg, Mr. and Mrs. non, William Kane, Cynthia Pica, liff, arranged the evening's en- and secret pals were revealed, rine Corps Air Facilities at New Frank Aschettino, Mr*. Mathilda River, N. C. Donald Czok, Robert Tiedeman, tertainment. Caroling was led by Mrs. Charles Kinney "polIy- Karen Withey, Paul Albrecht, Her Boy Wants to Know Mrs. Antliff, to the piano accom- anna" chairman, was in charge Parkinson, Mrs. Margaret Carol Beasley, Richard West- paniment of Mrs. George Curch- of the secret pals. New secret Campbell, Miss Jo Ann Camp- moreland, Allen Fisher, Ruth in. pals were chosen with Mrs. Kin- bell, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bovn, 10-Year Hatton, Brad Sergeant, Steven If There Is a Santa Claus Special awards were presented ney serving at chairman. Mn. Wilbur Martin. Lang, Richard Bloom, Donzella to Mrs. Stoecker, Mrs. Frank Wil- John J. McConnell wai in charge Vincent _ Renio, Miss Delorcs Miss Linda A. Fauria Jones, Joseph Yacapraro, James Dear Kitty: dancing, he asked a girl to dance. liams, Mrs. G. Donald Apgar, of dinner arrangements. Ravaschieri, Miss Barbara M. Pin For Windham, Daniel Katsin, Dwight How do you tell a 7-year-old This girl was a friend of my Mrs. Eugene Nagle, Mrs. Donald Attending were Mrs. Hubert E. iifford, William Gilman, Mr. Perry, Karen Peterson, Michael boy that there is no Santa Claus? dancing partner. I Telt my hus- White and Mrs. Kenneth de Ryan, new president, Mrs. Harry and Mrs. Scott Sauer, Mr. and Mrs. Aufieri Swanson, Karen Schindler, Brit- My boy has been told the truth band should not have asked her Groot. V. Tompkins, Mrs. Michael J. Mrs. Robert Everdell, Mr. and ScoutLeader ton Hay, Craig Newman, Brenda about everything except this from since they weren't introduced. Other members attending were Monahan, Jr., Mrs. Luke Penta, Mrs. Orville Burseth, Mr. and SHREWSBURY - Mrs. Georg> Johnson, Sarah Boardman and the time he asked his first ques- He said, "Why should I sit Mrs. Patrick J. D'AIoia, Mrs. Mrs. Roy Maxson, Mrs. David E. Mrs. Alfred B o k e r, Frank Koenig, leader, was awarded a Entertains For Michael Southcott. tion. How can I explain so that around while you are dancing?" Kenneth L. Walker, Jr., and Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. George Armstrong Kirschner, Mr. and Mrs. Ray. 10-year pin at Monday afternoon' his disappointment won't be too Do you think he was right? Anthony F. Trufolo, Shrewsbury; Mrs. Kinney, Mrs. William E, mond Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Mi- Carolers: (Grade four, Miss great? He has believed until now I might add that our marriage court of awards and Christma: Elisebeth Ernst), Holly Wilson, Mrs. Frank Palaia, Mrs. E. S. Kohlenbush, Mrs. McConnel, chael Giordano, Mrs. Hazel Lnr- party of-Girl Scout Troop 253 in Church Auxiliary that there is a Santa Claus. has been shaky lately, I'm hop- von Gehren, Mrs. Joseph .Ulan, Mrs. Walter'Mewes, Mrs. Orris son, Mr. and Mrs, John Grotto. Judy Brenner, Audrey McKnight, ing for better days ahead.—A. R. the school. Robert Raynor, Janet Berk and With Christmas coming, I want Mrs. Marshall Stuart, Mrs. Ar- D. Steelman, Mrs. Gilbert Venti Mrs. Louise Favalora, Mrs. Al HIGHLANDS - The Women's migilia, Mrs. Sivert M. Walstrom Mrs. Lyle Daggett, assistan Nancy Katsin. to prepare him in advance. I am Dear A. R.: If you want thur Wade, Mrs. Robert Nelson, Soltile, Mrs. Lenard Garforth, Auxiliary of St. Andrews Episco- expecting again and would like Mrs. F. A. De Gennaro, Mrs. and Miss Florence Kohlenbush Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kitting, Mr. leader, and her daughter, Mau Christmas cards: (Grade four, those better days to come, pal Church held its Christmas your opinion as to whether chil- Robert Fouratt, and Mrs. Oliver A card party will be held and Mrs. Richard Smith, Mr. and reen, were awarded five-yea Miss Louise McCue) Joan Ran- don't split hairs. It was en- parly and meeting recently in the dren should ever be taught to D. Bennett, Little Silver; Mrs. Thursday, Jan. 19, with Mrs. Da pins. All girls received member son, Patty Brink, Drucilla War- tirely proper for your husband Mrs. Charles Hancher, Mrs. home of Mrs. Emiel Aufieri on believe in Santa Claus. — Rose Michael P. Bivona, Rumson; Mrs. vid Patterson, chairman, and ship pins for having completed ren and Carl Hofer. to ask your partner's girl Helen Roger, Art Bauman, Gene Cornwall St., president. Marie Wilson. A. D. Field and Mrs. Bruce Mrs. Ryan and Miss Kohlenbush Fitzgerald, Mrs. Frank McKenna, another year of scouting. Mrs. Aufieri conducted a short The Nativity: (Grade five, friend to dance, without being Badges were presented to Terry Dear Mrs. Wilson: Children introduced. The English, who Feiring, Fair Haven, and Mrs. assisting/ The next meeting will Mrs. Louis Libutti. business meeting, with Mrs. Gil- Miss Dorothy Metzgar), Beverly should be taught tD believe Robert Richael, Lincroft. be Monday, Jan. 23. Sam Davies, John Pascale, Jo- Blair, Judy Clark, Linda Daggett bert B. Parker, devotional sec- are sticklers for good form, Murphy, Patrick Wehrung, Ricky that there is, and always will seph Cazella, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Maureen Daggett, Pamela Koe retary, delivering the opening believe that being under the Avati, James Mottine, Peter Ga- be, a Santa Claus. To tell your Fulginitl, Mr, and Mrs. Ted nig, Diane Oddo and Mary Ru prayer and reading a "Christmas latro, John O'Shea, Leroy Biddle, same roof is sufficient intro- bens. little boy otherwise is to duction. Brown, Jerry Karp, Mrs. Thom- Prayer." Edward Foley and Julie Board- destroy his faith, in the belief Around Monmouth Other troop members include With Christmas around the as Mazzoia, Mr. and. Mrs. Ed- It was reported the interior of nan. of good to come. But explain Nancy White, Sandra Reeves, corner, why don't you and your ward Hayes, Mrs. Fred Hum- the church has been redecorated to him that Santa :s not a With Mill! Jacqueline Morris and Doris Family characters: (Grade husband practice the philoso- phries, Mr. and Mrs. Jhmes by several of the men of the flesh-and-blood man, but is the Ivins. five, Mrs. Myrtle Cook), Jill Pat- phy it advocates, "Peace on Russo, Jack Vitola, Miss Mary parish, under the direction of spirit of giving and helping By Mn. Albert J. Hrutka Refreshments were prepared terson, Ed O'Reilly, Evelyn Sie- Earth, Good Will Toward All." Perry, Mr. and Mrs. George Frederick Voorhees, church war gel, Kevin Knecht, Betsy Sickels, others. and served by the girls. Gifts den. Wouldn't it be wonderful if ty Homes Tour, will be the sub- Grossman, Mr». Joseph Ynnker, Peter Noble, David Allen and St. Paul defined faith as the were exchanged. Christmas gifts were given to Dear Kitty: Christmas for everyone could ject of a feature article in the Octavio Madeira, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Herbert. substance of things toped for, The troop meets weekly Mon- patients at the Ocean View Nurs- be as enchanted and as beautiful January issue of a national mag' David Nelson. Cover Design: Evelyn Siegel. the evidence of things not seen. Is it possible for a woman to day afternoons in the school. ing Home, here, and to the pa- be in love with two men at the as very young children think it azlne. Mr. and Mrs. Richard! Kay tients at Villa Rest, Elizabeth Members of the choir were: same time? Please print the is? But Christmas is still the Mrs. Norton is a free-lance in- Smith, Miss Mildred Pogozel- Dear Kitty: Drennan's Home for the Aged. Cathy Crabtree, Linda Leighty, answer.—Mixed Up. most exciting time of the year, terior decorator and has super ski, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1. En- The next meeting will be held Peter DePonti, Thomas Doremus, At a wedding party, a man we even for the disenchanted. vised the decor and remodeling gel, William Mazza, Miss Joan Garden Club both knew asked my husband if Dear Mixed Up: Possible Thursday, Jan. 5, at the home of Susan Rumack, Larry Brooks, though not probable, for wom- It is bauble, bangle and bell- of several other housea that have Desheplo, Harold Marshall, Miss Mr. and Mrs. William Pels, Peyton Wheeler, Catherine Case, he could dance with me. My decked trees twinkling with been included on the annual Virginia Lang, Mr. and Mrs. husband said yes. While we were en are normally monogamous. Has Bazar Lighthouse Rd. Teresa Clark, Nancy Ewald, Rob- It's all a question of what you,; lights, holly wreaths and mistle- spring tours of outstandingly Kenneth Leff, Thomas Lyons. Refreshments were served by in Hoffman, Paul Spencer, Nancy call love. A woman may love toe, pine logs burning in the fire- beautiful homes, as well as sev Mrs. Ed Fitch, Misses Mary and ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Mrs. Aufieri, assisted by Mrs. Goldberg, Clarince Harding, JO' Jubilee Square one man as she would a fa- place, hot mulled wine, flaming eral that will be included on fu Norma Kizer, Mr, and Mrs. Sil- The Garden Club held its second William Rauscher. Mrs. Gilbert anne Gibadlo, Judy Ryder, Sarah ther, another may attract her plum puddings, candy canes and ;ure tours. vio Tucciarone, Mrs. Mac Man- annual Christmas bazar Saturday B. Parker and Mrs. George M. Finneran, Robert Porcelli, Deb- Club Has Party as a lover. But, when it comes jingle bells. It is the season for ning, Art Shanon and Mr. and at Republican headquarters, First Anderson. bie English, Frank Walter Glenn to really loving with all her love and peace and giving. Soon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Quinn Mrs. Peter deDusinberre. ;and Mount Aves. Mrs. Orris D, Smith, Leslie Morris, Ellyn Roth, The room was decorated in the RED BANK — Members of St. heart, soul and body, there is gone, and too soon returned. of Lakeside Ave., Tinton Falls, Guests of the company in- Steelman was chairman. Christmas motif, and gifts were Delta Albano, Billy McCue Mar- Rose's Troop of the Juniorettes only one man in this world, were hosts recently at a cock Others assisting at the booths ion Smeriglio, Steven Jones, Joy cluded Mayor Paul Kiernan of exchanged. Rev, Donald Mac- of St. James Catholic Church held as far as she is concerned. The Amory L. Haskells' plans :ail party. Their guests include Long Branch, Charles Kreamer. were glamour table, Mrs. Charles Leod, vicar, was a guest. Carhart, Carl Forino, Gerard their Christmas party this week Dr. and Mrs. K. W. Glander, Mr, Johnson and Mrs. Jack Weiler Roussell, and Margaret Levinson. are for a family gathering at Miss Barbara Gardyne, Nick Others present' were Mrs in the home of the counselor, Send your problem to Kitty Woodland Farm for an old- and Mrs. Walter Grampp, an Vlosavich, Mrs. Jean Reed, John home made goodies, Mrs. Frank George Anderson, Mrs. Walter E. Mrs. Joseph Presti on Monmouth Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Smith, Groener and Mrs. Henry Rieth; Also, Jo Ann Yyberg, Linda Kelly. Be sure to enclose a fashioned Christmas Eve and Bocchlo, Michael Douajtc, Fred Behrefts, Sr., Mrs. Edward Cath Madusky, Ruth Albrecht, John St. stamped, self-addressed envelope Christmas" Day. Jr., all of Lincroft, and Mr. and gifts for all, Mrs. Waldron P, arine, Mrs. John L. Opfermann, Firehock, Robert Raviteh, Mr. Giorno, Royyn Grayiel, Martie The girls played games, sang and address her care of The Red Mr. and Mrs. Haskell will be Mrs. William C. Rue, of Fai Smith; jewelry and posters, Mrs Mrs. Alton Parker, Mrs. Hubbard and Mrs. Thomas Barnbam, Mr. Rickamm, Larry Roussel, Waver carols and exchanged gifts. Bank Register. Helpful leaflets hosts to the second Hunt Tea Haven. Richard Flatley; white elephan Stiles, Mrs. Frederick Voorhees, and Mrs. Joe Beym, Mr. anri ly Schindler, David Stern, Linda During the party, Patricia HOW' available. Write for "Are You Jan. 2. They will attend the table, Mrs. Ralph Martin and Mrs. Robert O. Weiss, Mrs. Mad Mrs. Stanley Nelson, Mr. ant' James, Nancy Walker, Christine ley and Denlse Presti entertained Sure It's Love?" third and last Hunt Tea at the Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Emmon Mrs. Paul Joy; Christmas wrap- eline Stelnhagen, Miss Mary Ris- Mrs. James Coughlln, Mr. and Wopat, Peter MacDonald, with piano solos. Refreshments Rumson Country Club Jan. 14, of Red Bank Manor were hosts pings and cards, Mrs. Ella Kirch sett and Miss Emily Johnson. Mrs. Jack Morris and Mr. and Charles Carter, Linda Lover- were served by the hostess. and will leave for Palm Beach on to the Conrad Sebolts of Deal, ner; children's Christmas grab Mr. and Mn. Carroll Pierce of Mrs. James Raper. .bag, Mrs, Elbert J. Mason, and sidge, Craig Farley, Gary Serge- Members present were Denise the 15th. ant, Susan Schindler, Darlene and Lenore Corbishley, Patricia Girls Friendly Hope Haskell of Woodland Fair Haven, and Mr. and Mrt publicity, Mrs. Steelman. Mrs. Crane Charles Muldaur of River Plaza Mrs. Paul Joy, chairman of the Sayles, John Jiannine, Pam Gale, Howley, Denise Presti, Judith Farm, and Isobel Haskell de Democratic Club Christmas luncheon, was assisted Suzanne Southcott, David Henry, Christman, Joan Hessler, Mary- Tomaso (Mrs. Alejandro de To- Heads Council Christiane Axt, Patricia Brown, ann Connors and Peggy Ka Sponsors Have maso) of Modem, Italy, daugh- Dixie Hoey of New York, who Has Annual Party by Mrs. William Cullman, Mrs spent her sixtieth summer at the Ralph Martin and Mrs. Grandin LEONARDO - Mrs. Jane Carol DiFiore, Kathy Kachel and Ieski. Barbara Presti was a ters of Amory Haskell, will join KEYPORT — The Matawan Crane was elected councilor ol Todd Knecht. guest. them at "Aneamo," the Haskell Peniniula House in Sea Brighi Democratic Club held its Christ- •Chapman. The luncheon was held this year, will spend 10 days in- Wednesday in Cedar Inn, High- the Beacon Light Council, Daugh' Holiday Party residence in Palm Beach in time mas party last week here in the ters of America, at a meeting in cluding New Year's Eve, in Rum Knights of Columbus Hafli, Rt. 35. lands. HIGHLANDS - Member of the to prepare for Hope's wedding to son. . The first meeting of the year the First Aid building. Girls Friendly Sponsors of St. Charles Hill Jones, Jr., of New Mrs. Henry Ahlers was chairman will be held Thursday, Jan. 5, at Mrs. Albert Hampton was elect' Andrews Episcopal church held York and Bluemont, Va., on the of the affair featuring a buffet The luncheon and Christma 1:30 p.m. at the Sea Scout build- ed associate councilor; Mrs, their Christmas party in Alpine 28th. Polly (Mn; W. W.) Gam- supper, dancing and a visit from party at the Beacon Hill Golf Ing Municipal Yacht Harbor. A Francis Baker, outside sentinel; Manor last Friday. well -of NuUwimp Rd., Middle- Santa. Club attracted a very good at film, "Sterling Forest Gardens," Miss Susan McKenzie, inside Secret pals were revealed, each town, will be one of the teveral tendance yesterday after being will be shown. Mrs. Thomas guard; Mrs. Beulah Sanderson pal received a gift. New pals other bridesmaidi. Could is president. warden; Mrs. Elaine Eia, conduc- were chosen for the new year. snowed out last week. STEPHEN :or; Mrs. Ronald Tarnow, asso- Members attending were Miss Kendall H. Lee, city manager Mrs. Alma La Fore of Cleve- HAIRDRESSERS land, Ohio, who spent most o ciate vice councilor; Mrs. Joseph Violette Murray, president, Mrs. of Asbury Park, arranged the u ;ltl nr u 11 limit uppo nlincnl G. Froeherer, recording secre- John P. Adair, Mrs. Emiel Auf- Christmas party for the city last summer here, wiM arrive in HAIR PROBLEMS! Rumson this week-end for an ex Monmouth Shopping Center Come to Mld'i Hair Clinic :ary; Mrs. Archie Black, finan^ ieri, Mrs. George M. Anderson, staff at the Rumion Hotel early cial secretary; Mrs. Ruth Chris- tended stay. She will spend mosi PERMANENT WAVE Mrs. Millie Blair, Mrs. Harry this week. 'Among those present Phone LI 2-3444 ianson, treasurer; Mrs. Rene Dllger, Mrs. Alvlna King, Mrs. were Mayor Thomas F. Shebell, of her time visiting her daugh' GUARANTEED :er and son-in-law, the J. H, Gil Horn, 18-month trustee; Mrs. Andrew J. Kornek, Mrs. Richard Councilmen Joseph F. Mattice Campbell's Junction, Bclford 90 W. Front St., Red Bank George Black, 12-month trustee; Lucas, Mrs. Earl Morse, Mrs. berts, of Ward Ave. Mr. Gilberi and James M. Coleman, City PHonc 787-0655 Phone SH 1-9800 Mrs. Florence Miller, six-month Paul Muir, Mrs. Helen J. Shea, Clerk, Mrs. Mary V. Martin, City is a professor at Monmouth Col- rustee; Mrs. Mabel Walling, rep- Mrs. Hubbard Stiles, Mrs. Fred- Attorney Jerry (Asenzio) Albar- lege. resentative to state council for erick Voorhees, Mrs. Alfred W. elli, City Auditor Samuel Sicili- wo years; Mrs. Ruth Christian- Wright and Mrs. Adena Donnelly. ano and Personal Tax Collector son, one-year representative; Guests were Rev. Donald Mac- Jack Wolkenfeld. SOMETHING HAPPENS... Mrs. Stanley Cowan, two-year al- Leod, vicar of the church, Mrs. SHERMAN'S ;ernate; Mrs, Archie Black, one- Edward A. Finlay, Mrs. William Mildred Newton Norton Is In year alternate; Mrs. Charles Hodge and Miss Gertrude Lim- New York shopping and partying Hoplar, state deputy, and Mrs. ing. for a few days before Christmas Mabel Walling, district deputy. Mrs. Alfred Wright or Radian after being snowbound at her and Naveslnk Aves., Hilton Park, apartment at Cobble Close Farm will entertain the group at the in Mlddletown last week. Her • Draperies 60 Teenaqers meeting Jan. 6. apartment, one of the ilx home* • Slipcovers on last Spring's Monmouth Coun- I Go Caroling .... when r»u "•• _...„_ uwu. I ORATOR. Oood taite, fin. rt«il«l and a • Bedspreads IIOI.MDF.L — Sixty hifch school ' beautifully furnloheil hnm* need nAt ba Woman's Club IRXPBNBIVB. It you do not know of a • Upholstering students attended the Holmdel ' Dicoralor, phone ui al—THAT hae biien IURC Canteen Christmas party our builnen for over FORTY YBARS. • Window Shades Saturday in the elementary About Doctor Our deilfneri ara graduetea of wett known Has Luncheon •ohsoli and an at your nrvloe without chnol. GETTING READY for the annual Christmai party for tho James W. Parker, Sr. chine. • Table Pads Furnlihlnr a liome can, and ahojJld bf, In appreciation for the help workort at the Monmouth Workshop, the training center MATAWAN - The Woman's Shop-at-llumc Service Riven by the canteen recently in Club held its Chrlslmns party and of Red Bank— an anlnyahle exparlenr.e, I'hnno SH 1-8345 for tho handicapped on Bridge Avo., Red Bank, «ro mom- Iconnrctinn with tho Muscular covered dish luncheon Monday In physician and We promise you it will be with us ... Sherman's Dystrophy Drive, George Reck, bori of tho Gardon Club of Littlo Silver picturod trim- Trinity Episcopal Church hall. public servant. lornl chairman, nhlninrd tho Homo Decornlors Mrs. Thurmnn Ncalls, presi- services nf the Highlights, n ming a troo flt tho Workshop, Tho party for tho workors dent, offered [he prayer and rend i68 Broad St. Shrewsbury 1 In the nlnn-plrci. , ha rid (or tlir parly. wai hold yostorday at tho Workshop. The treo was part a Chrlstmns verse. Mrs, Peter )SII 1-2B4C IKICK I'arklnR On Tuesday, Dec, 27, thp inrn- M. Silberstein of the Yulotido docorationi club mombori made for tho Rend, pnst president, redd Christ- Asbury Park iiKcrs will (jo carolini! throughout mas poems. Interior Designs [tlio township l>y Inn. 'Mir first occasion. Standing, loft to right, aro Mrs. W. Gordon Gifts were exchanged, nnd E Sunday Press S i M'ip will he nl ll'ilindrl's two Pagdin, Mrs. William Lou, Mrs. Albort S. Diolrnan and members song enrols. MTB. Nenl- Furniture - Draperies • Slipcovers nurslii)' homes 'I'l'i'iiii;:!'!.", wish- Mrs, Goorgn W, Browno, Knooling in front of tho troo is Is nccompnnlfd on the plnno. Colebratlng Our 40th Year inj: In piii'tii'ipali' ini' In mi'i'l ;il Mrs, Johnson Carton wn.i hospl- ,7 |».in. al llii' rli'iiHiil.iiy MIIOOI, Mrs. John SHvns. Inllty chnlnmin, 25 MECHANIC STREET SH .-1762 160 Youngsters of Jewish Reform Mr$. Mason •ED BANK KCISTK Friibr/Dec 23, 19W-V Temples Conduct a Convocation Entertains Magic Moments of Christmas ELBERON — More than 160 Temple* attended a youth eonvo- youngsters representing the youth cation last week in Temple^ Beth For Auxiliary groups of five Jewish Reform Miriam. / ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - To Be Brought to Neighborhood The fire department auxiliary The Elberon Temple was host held its Christmas party this to temples from Lakewood, River RIVER PLAZA — The magic will stroll door to door keeping and Mrs. Elwood F. Searles of week in the home of Mrs. El Edge, Red Bank area and West- moments of Christmas Eve will up a tradition set 15 years ago Orchard Rd., thought it a good Demo Social bert J. Mason on 27 Mount Ave field. The youth groups comisted by four River Plaza grade school idea to carol Christmas Eve of auxiliary president. • be augmented here tomorrow by of boys and girls, seventh grade girls. 1945 at each other's front door— the voices of carolers. Club Dines and up. Secret pals were revealed and Margaret and Cathie Ring, the first two houses in the Alex- refreshments were served by daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Doug- ander development. Following a welcome and in- In the Alexander Dr. area of Mrs. Mason. las H. Ring of Sunrise PI., and troduction by Rabbi Jack Rosoff, Shadow Lake, a group of young- In • subsequent years, new In Mayer's Attending were Mrs. Catherine Dolores and Mary Elizabeth youth co-ordinator for the temple sters — high school, college, and houses have brought more chil- HIGHLANDS - The Christmas Balmer, Mrs. George Curtis, Mrs here, a series of workshops was younger gradp school children—I "Boo" Searles, daughters of Mr. dren to look forward to the party of the Ladies' Democratic Algie Drink water, Mrs. Raymond held. neighborhood custom, which has Social Club was held at Mayer's Dwight, Mrs. James J. Egidio, continued uninterrupted through- Inn, Avenue of Two Rivers, Rum- "Judaism and Dating" was led Mrs. Elmer Gawler» Mrs. Charles Peter Koelsch Elected out the years — changed only by son. by Rabbi Henry Bamberger, Hull, Mrs. Donald Merker, Mrs. the number of voices. Attending were Mrs. Alton V. Monmouth Reform i Temple; Paul Muir, Mrs. William H Margaret and Dolores, now Parker, president, Mrs. Frank "Why We Remain Jews," by Posten, Mrs. Nelson Roberts, married, and Cathie and Mary Horan, Mrs. Peter Sigmund, Mrs, Rabbi Aaron Lefkowitz, Temple Mrs. Kenneth Smith, Mrs. Calvin President of Lochslea Club Elizabeth, college graduates, Arthur McMahon, Mrs. Clarence Beth Miriam; "Do Young People Steltl, Mrs. William McLaughlin, have since joined the groups of MATAWAN - Peter Koelsch There was a tie vote cast for Burdge, Mrs. Emiel Aufieri, Mrs. Need Their Own Religion?" by Mrs. John Reiher and Mrs. Mas adult listeners at home. Rabbi Stanley Yedway, Lake- was elected president of the Mrs. John Falco and Mrs. Donald Walter E. Behrens, Sr., Mrs. Har- on. Mn. Harry Oswald of Flor- Some 25 children in the neigh- wood; "Judaism and the Outlook Lochslea Club at a meeting Mon- Lewis as recording secretary. ry E. Beyer, Mrs. Joseph Belle- ida, an honorary member, also borhood are warming up to to- of Teenagers," by Rabbi Jack day in the Matawan Recreation This" will be resolved at next vance, Sr., Mrs. Edward Catha- was present. morrow's caroling. The jingle Stern, Westfield, and Mrs. Morris Center. month's meeting. Installation of rine, Mrs. Edith Dooley, Mrs. Feb. 20 was the tentative dat bells are out of the attics and Also elected were Mrs. John new officers will take place next Harry V. Duncan, Mrs. Charles Chotin, also of Temple Beth Mir- set for a card party. The nexl Caley, vice president; Ernest month. the flashlights rejuvenated with Hatzenbuehler, Mrs. John King, iam, taught Israeli dancea. meeting will be held Tuesday Weigel treasurer, and Mrs. Ger- batteries. Mrs. Marge McCorry, Mrs. John Dinner was served by members Jan. 24, at the fire house. Donald Day, lake front chair- trude Rlegert, corresponding sec- The groups are also aware of Motowylak, Mrs. John L. Opfer- of Sisterhood Temple Beth Miri- To Mark 100th Birthday man, announced that ice skating retary. the fact that there will be hot mann, Mrs. Bertram Perry, am. Religious services concluded safety devices have been placed chocolate and accompanying re- Mrs. Frederick Voorhees, Mrs. with a candlelight service led by at the dock area of the Heights, freshments "At the Burgers." Charles H. Wecker, Jr., Mrs. the officers of the participating Amico Bible On Christmas Day ncluded are life rings, a ladder Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Burg- Ernest Worth and Miss Elizabeth youth groups. Gift Wrap and rope. er and their two children, Donna RED BANK - Mrs. Elizabeth to live with family friends. Widow V. Drennan. A musical skit presented by the William Chatman is in charge and Richard of Orchard Rd., will Class and Guild F. Aul will mark her 100th birth- of John C. Aul, who for many Mrs. Peter T. Sigmund will en- host temple and dincing to a of the carol singing tonight at mark their seventh year as hosts day Christmas Day. years conducted a custom tailor- tertain the group at its next meet- live band completed the social Booth Takes 8 p.m. to the carolers at the end of the A Red Bank resident most of ing shop in P.ed Bank, Mrs. Aul Ing, Wednesday, Jan. 4. part of the evening. Mn. Flor- Combine Parties The club's annual Christmas evening, completing once again a her life, Mrs. Aul resides at the also has a daughter, Mrs. Maur- ence Gottdenker was chairman NEW MONMOUTH - A com- decorating contest for houses in neighborhood tradition that small- home of her daughter, Mrs. Julia ice Hollywood of Peters PI.-, six UNITY STUDY of the Friendship Circle, which bined Christmas parry and cover- First Prize Lochslea Heights will be judged fry left at home dream of. To M. Keough, 92 Maple Ave., a for- grandchildren and seven great ITHACA, N.Y. (AP) — A $10,- concluded the event. ed dish supper was held by th Monday. grow up to be old enough- to go mer Red Bank tax collector. grandchildren. KEYPORT - The Parent- 000 Cornell University study of Attending were Patty Heyman, Amlco Bible Class and Mar) Teacher Association of St, Jo- On Jan. 1, the club will sponsor out into the night, carry a flash- 1 Mrs. Aul was born in Brooklyn Her third daughter was the late the movement toward unity with- Kenneth Heyman, John Maslow, Elizabeth Sutphln Guild Tuesday, seph's Catholic Church named a family skating party. Lighting light and join the singing. Dec. 25,1860, daughter of the late Mrs. John Giblon, Sr. in the Christain church has been Larry Lenox, Rod Kuterfas, felii- Members exchanged gifts. the "gift wrap" booth as winner will be provided and refreshments Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Domerque. As is the custom, there will be launched under direction of the abeth Steiner and Amy Edelstein Each member introduced them- of a prize for the best decorated served. The club is investigating Her parents died when she was a family gathering to observe the We Are Famous For Our Rev. Ewell J. Reagin, a Presby- of the junior group of Monmouth selves, told where they were born booth at it3 recent bazar. the possibility of obtaining snow a child and she came to Red Bank day with her. terian, and the Rev. Richard T, Reform Temple, and Donald Da- and how long they resided in Chairmen of this booth were removal equipment. Tormey, a Catholic priest. vid, Jeffrey Ruda, Charles Middletown Township. One guesi Mrs. Edward Grazlano and Mrs. Warren Messerschmidt and Mr. HALF SIZE The study is entitled "The Ecu Clarke, Vlcki Gruber, Carl Miller, was bom in British Vest Indies, Edward Rosengren. Chatman presented the treasur- "SAMPLE" menical Movement: The Search Joan Temko and Margery Yanko, one in Nagasaki, Japan, one i Greens Tea Past Presidents Honorable mentions went to the er's report and audit. for Unity in Christendom." the senior group. Algiers, North Africa, one i plant booth, with Mrs. Robert La- Retiring president Foster Las- Georgetown, South America, an Mura, chairman, and the apron :en thanked the group for its another in Canada'. Party Held Club rk Party booth, Mrs. Anton Till, chairman. co-operation during his term of A Christmas program was pre- SCOBEYVILLE — Kathy and HIGHLANDS — Members of Judges were Mrs. Dorothy office. DRESSES sented, "Christmas Symbols." Helen Schindler of New Shrews- the Past Presidents Club of the 'olverton, art teacher at Mata- Harold Cromwell and Mr. Day Size, 14V2 lo 24VS Taking part were Mrs. Leroj bury provided' entertainment at Ladies' Auxiliary of Twinlight mn Grammar School; Mrs. Sar- reported on their conference with Martin, Mrs. Charles Levlnthal, Tuesday afternoon's "greens tea" 'ost, American Legion, held their h Ellison, art teacher at Mata- the club's attorney, Robert La- Mrs. Mary Baker, Mrs. William at the home of Mrs. Charles F. H. Christmas party in Cedar Inn an High School, and -Edward Mura, concerning legal aspects of Barnard, Mrs. Arthur Williams, Johnson, Bernadotte Farms. Wednesday. )alberg, fourth grade teacher in projects on the lake front. Mr. Mrs. Gene Gullno, Mrs. Charlei Chatman reported on the sewer RED BANK F Her Gift ^ The event benefited the Wom- Secret pals received gifts and Miffwood Elementary School. RED BANK-MV, Broad St. 86V2 Broad St. |£ W»tt « Eye Dlffenderfer, Mrs. Howard Cham- en's Association of the Shrews- revealed their identities. New se- problem. berlain, Mn. Wilbur Roberts bury Presbyterian Church. cret pals were chosen. Christmas BIBLE READINGS FAVORED 0 Mrs. Thomas Roberts and Mis> LAS. PARK-718 Cookman Ave..-' Thrift! In a ceremonial celebration, the carols were sung. Rebecca North. Carols were sun, CHICAGO (AP) - Nearly three FREEHOLD-22 W. Main St.( ichindler girls donned crowns Attending were Mrs. Andrew by all and candles lighted. t of four public school superin- EVERYBODY at our house wishes and performed the passing of the Homiak, Sr., president; Mrs. Ste- ndents polled by an education >?Kfc phen H. Faller, vice president; Swedish Lussekatt, special magazine say they favor Bible everybody at your house a ... ft/*" cake. A carol sing followed, to Mrs. Elizabeth Heliker, secre- ladings in the classroom. Duplicate Bridge Kathy's violin accompaniment. ary; Mrs. Harry E. Beyer, The Nation's Schools, a pro- Co-hostesses with Mrs. Johnson reasurer; Mrs. Claudia" France, ssional journal, asked the su- were Mrs. Hugh Boyd and Mrs. historian, and Mrs. James P. Me- erintendents: "Do you believe Merry Christmas Winners Named John Montgomery. Grail, Mrs. Henrietta Kinney, at reading from the Bible (any BUY RIGHT! SAVE MONEY! RED BANK — A six-table Mrs. Lawton Cox, Mrs. Charles Mrs. Cora Des Biens, and Mrs. hristian version) —without in Howell game was played Wednes- Thorne and Mrs. Jacques Schind- Robert P. Caplinger, members. erpretation or comment— should Al AM'C FURNITURE SHOWROOMS day at the weekly session of the ler, New Shrewsbury, and Mrs. Also attending were Hubbard w permitted in the public school ALAN J South 7th Avi. Long Branch Red Bank Duplicate Bridge As- James Wolcott, Eatontown, in- Stiles, Mrs. Stella Jones, Mrs, :lassrooms? Open Dally t (o • • Wed. anrf'Frl. 'til 9 • CA 9-0350 ,*** sociation in the Woman's Club. coming president,'presided at the John L. Dedrick, Mrs. Mary Favorable replies totaled 72 per Placing first were Mrs. Iren tea tables. More than 60 members Amend, Mrs. Frank A. Wright :ent, Opposed: 28 per cent. Novograd and her daughter, Mis: and guests attended. and Mrs. Stella Lynn. Louise Novograd, both of Asburj Mrs. Harry Beyer, 31 Shrews- Park; second, Mrs. Bernard bury Ave., will entertain the Natelson and Mrs. Kenneth Hey group at the first meeting of the man. Little Silver, and third, Mrs Juniorettes Hold year, Monday, Jan. 24. Malcolm Ford and Mrs. Joseph Farrell, New Shrewsbury. Christmas Party tO The games, open to duplicat Flower Game EATONTOWN - The Jubilee bridge players, are under the di- Square Dance Club held its rection of E. Grant Scheck, Al- For S&D LOOK SUMMER Christmas party last week in the lenhurst. Margaret L. Vetter School. Bob EATONTOWN — A "flower Fellman was caller. game" was featured at Monday Jan. 9 Set Frank DiDonato, in the role of night's meeting of Pride of Cres- IN SECONDS! Santa, presented Mr. Fellman a cent Council, Sons and Daugh For Legion Part check, a Christmas gift from the ters of Libery, in borough hall. Awards were presented to Mrs. LAURENCE HARBOR - Th club. Dona Heightsman, round Arlene Cain and Walter Dangler. Ladies' Auxiliary of the Ameri dance instructor, received a box Miss Jill Miller and Miss Sara can Legion will hold its annu of candy from the club. Bowater were in charge of ar- party Jan. 9 at 8 p.m. in th Mr. and Mrs. Louis DILello, rangements. Legion home. Eatontown, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Attending-were Mr. and Mrs. Members attended a Chrlstma: Neil, Neptune, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dangler, Mrs. Cora Wag- party Wednesday at Menlo Parl Burkart, Eatontown, served on ner, Mrs. Florence Knight, Mrs. Veterans Home, sponsored by th< the refreshment committee. Each Ralph L. Lewis, Mrs. James Rid- Middlesex County American Le member received a gift from the dle, Mrs. Andrew Boice, Mrs. gion Auxiliary. grab bag. Cain, Miss Henrietta Herrmann, Christmas parties planned bj Miss Bowater and Miss Miller. SMOOTH the unit were cancelled due Weekly meetings will resume ,NS1DE AND OUT the storm. Canteen Dance Tuesday Monday, Jan. 9. GIRDLE or PANTY RED BANK — The Senior River Club High Canteen of the Presbyterian "No Room for Him" Church will hold a holiday dance Has Dinner Tuesday night in Westminster —inspiring Christmas RUMSON — The 26th annual l0NG GIRDLE »r House for members and their Christmas dinner of the River story by LONG LEG ANT guests, and for college students Club was held Saturday at Taylor Caldwell home for the Christmas holidays. Mayer's Inn. (Family Weekly). Ed Urion's Starlighters will Attending were Charles 8498 U. play for dancing. Muegge, president, and Mrs. JH|U In the Charles E. Autenreith, director Muegge, Mr. and Mrs. Robert of Christian education at the Zerr and Mr. and Mrs. William church, and Charles Pettit, can- Zerr, Rumson, and Mr. and Mrs. teen coordinator, are chairmen, Charles Anthony and Mr. and • Ba modorn-woar assisted by the canteen advisers, Mrs. Orris D. Steelman, High- tho newest latox Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C, Burger, lands. girdle. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Ferguson and After dinner, a Christmas party Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hendrlck- was held In the home of Mr. • Trimi away inch*** son and Mrs. William Zerr. • Made of smooth NEVER BEFORE tricot covared latox hot there been a molding miracle like Angel ...that feals likr Touch...the one girdle that makes you look part of you. slimmer immediately. OUR BUSINESS OFFICES WILL IE • Will not rip, toar Angel Touch is IO comfortable because it's made of or split. pttU( latex covered with silky smooth rayon tricot so CLOSED • Will never irrltat* rovitaliting because it's scientifically contoured your skin. Slz«« to deep you feeling wonderfully alive! There s never 46. 34 to been anything like Angel Tevch-r-e thrilling new • Wearing Angol DECEMBER discovery in (If we beauty. Touch It on experience) you'll never forget. Gfff th

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M-frfay, Dee, 73, I960 RED BANK REGISTER

REFORMED CONGREGATION BNAI ISRAEL METHODIST FIRST CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN BAPTIST TRINITY EPISCOPAL EMBURY METHODIST CONSERVATIVE New Shrewsbury Red Bank OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Red Bank Red Bank Red Bank Little Silver Rumson "God Gave" will be the topic A Christmas Eve Communion Red Bank The Christmas Eve service Rev. Stanley E. Mugridge, pas- The candlelight and carol serv- The annual Christmas Eve can- Late services will be he'd to- of the Christmas Day sermon to lervice will be he'.d tomorrow at "Christian Science" will be the will be held tomorrow at 11 p.m., tor, will speak on the topic ce will be held Christmas Eve dlelight service will be held in night at 8:30. This will be fam- be delivered by Rev. Isaac C. 10 p.m. The meditation by Rev. subject of the lesson-sermon Sun- with Rev. Dr. Charles S. Web- "Christmas Realities" Sunday at t 5 p.m. The traditional mid- the sanctuary tomorrow at 11 p.m. ily Sabbath and pupils of the 3A Rottenberg Sunday at 10 a.m. Iversori Graham, Jr., will be on day at 11 a.m. ster preaching and Rev. James 11 a.m. Stanley Scheer, organist, ight service ar?d celebration of Mrs. L. C. Tatem, organist and class will assist in conducting the Music will include "Songs of the subject, "The Meaning of the Scripture readings will include L. Ewalt assisting. Dr. Webster's will play "Carol Rhapsody" by he Holy Eucharist will be at 11 choirmaster, will play, Mrs. Ar- service. Rabbi Gilbert S. Rosen- Christmas" by Wilson, and the Incarnation." the following, from Matthew 2: sermonette will be entitled "Let's Purvis as his prelude. The chan- p.m. hur Sass, soprano, willsing. The thai will discuss the new prize- ostlude "Christmas Morn," by On Christmas Sunday Rev. W. "Now when Jesus was born in Keep Christmas in Our Hearts!" cel choir will sing "O, ,Come All Eucharist will be senior choir anthem will be "The The Holy winning novel, "The Last of the tasley. The senior choir will sing Gordon Lowden will preach at Bethlehem of Judaea in the days Dr. Carl F. Mueller's organ med- Ye Faithful" and "Christmas celebrated Sunday at 9 a.m. Coventry Carol." Just," by Andrea Schwartz-Bart. The City of Angles" by Peery 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. on the sub- of Herod the king, behold, there itation will be "Christmas Eve- Day" by Hoist, under the direc- The church school Christmas Rev. Ralph L. Barrett, pastor, Cantor Sidney Scharff will chant id "Earth's Weary Waiting ject, "Heavenly Wisdom for came wise men from the East ning," Mauro-Cottone and his post tion of a guest director, Sherman pageant will be held in the church will preach on the subject, "Nine the liturgy. Candle lighting time one" by Holton. Earth's Afflication." The music to Jerusalem, saying, Where is lude will be "Gloria in Exelsis," Philips, a graduate a Westminster Monday at 7 p.m. Christmas Gifts to You." will be 4:13 p.m. Mrs. Joseph There will be no Sunday school, directed by Herbert Burtis, will He that is born King of the Jews? Harrison. The Tower Hill Choir Choir College. The Holy Eucharist will be There will be no Sunday school Weinstein will recite the blessing mt children and parents are include: "0 Hail This Blessed For we have,seen His star in the will sing the anthems "Every- celebrated Wednesday at 8 and on Christmas morning; neither Ushers will be Charles Miller, of the candle. The floral dona- Day of Days" and "From Heav East, and are come to worship where Christmas Tonight," Dr. 10 a.m. The service of healing will there be a nursery during ;rged to attend the family wor- Tillman Lane, John Crawford, tion will be made by Mr. and en Came the Angel Band"—Bach. Him." Muller and "O Holy Night," with will be held at 8:30 and 10:30 the morning worship hour. The hip at 10 a.m. and Roland Duncan. The greeting Mrs Joseph Weinstein. An Oneg Donors of altar flowers for Sun Mrs. B. W. Farley as soprano a.m. , Christmas morning service, be- The Junior Youth Fellowship Sunday school will also meet committee will be deacons Ken- Shabbat will follow the services. day are Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. at 11 a.m. soloist. neth Mauger, Walter Whitaker Alcoholics Anonymous and the ginning at 11 o'clock, will be for ill have its Christmas party in Co'ddington, in memory of daugh Wednesday evening testimony Edward H. Urion will be in and Francis Swartz, and the dea- Alanon Group will meet Monday the entire family. There will be Sabbath morning services will 'hite Hall tonight from 7 to 9 ter, Lea; Fred Boyd and children, meeting will be at 8:15. charge of the ushers, assisted by conesses. There will be no provi- at 9 p.m. a time for the children to "show be at 10. Rabbi Rosenthal will clock. in memory of Mrs. Elizabeth George F. Baine, Everett H. Ehr- sion for kindergarten or middler and tell" something about the gift -preach on the portion of the A Christmas Eve song and week. Cantor Scharff will chant :andlelight service will be held in Boyd; Mr. William L. Bennett and LUTHERAN MEMORIAL hart, Ward D. Ferguson, Gordon children at 11 a.m. Crib room UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP they received and have brought the service. children in memory of Mrs. Ruth New Shrewsbury Forsyth, Jr., Henry G. Harley, facilities will be available, under Red Bank to the service with them. Mrs. he sanctuary tomorrow at 7:30 Sunday morning services will C. Bennett; and Frank B. Heiser Christmas Eve services will be A. Jackson Lindsley and Doug- the direction of Mrs. Jesse Cook. Rev. Harold Dean of North Tatem will be at the console. m. The senior choir will present be at 9:15 followed by the Tal- and daughters, in memory of Mrs. held at 9:30 p.m. in the Tinton las W. McCrum. Church school will meet as usual Brunswick will speak Sunday at Fred Wright will be the head Christmas cantata, "The Music mud Class. Grace M. Heiser. Falls School. Rev. Daniel D. Rein- Christmas Day services will be at 9:45 a.m., preceded by the 5 p.m. at the YMCA. His topic usher with Ken VanPelt assist f Bethlehem" by Fred Holton, The church school will convene heimer, pastor, will speak of the held at 9:15 and 11 a.m. with pre-service prayer circle in the for this special service will be ing. The Junior high Youth Fel- There will be no Sunday school, nder the direction of the organ- at 9:30 and 11 a.m. for nursery "Greatest Gift." Mrs. Earle Dr. Webster preaching on the Clayton Room. "The Meaning of Christmas." lowship will not meet for the next Hebrew school or adult classes it, Mrs. Thomas Brcreton. and kindergarten children only. Fischer will sing "Cantique de theme "Some Never Know He The program for the candlelight two weeks. The senior M.Y.F. during the mid-winter recess. Mrs. James Jenkins and Mr. There will be a familv Christ- will not meet until Jan. 8. School will resume Tuesday, Jan. Christmas bulletins will be the Noel." Came!" Dr. Mueller's organ med- mas Eve Service Saturday at 7 service will include carols by the ind Mrs. James Woods were wel- children, a Christmas tableau, Sunday school sessions will re- 3. Daily services will be at 7:30 :omed into membership during gift of Grace M. Allen, in mem Christmas festival services will itation will be "Noel Basque, p.m. Dom P. Benoit, and his postlude, and the presentation of gifts to sume Jan. 1, at the regular 9:45 p.m. vorship last Sunday. ory of her parents. be held Sunday at 10:45 a.m. The hour of renewal will meet "March of the Wise Men," Gaul- he Family and Children's Society a.m. hour, with the nursery de- The executive meeting of the "Exchanging Gifts" will be the Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Black. of Monmouth County. partment meeting at 11 a.m. PRESBYTERIAN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Woman's Society, scheduled for topic of the sermon by Pastor Poinsettias last Sunday were Rev. Dr. Bush will assist a There will be no Sunday morn Jan. 1 will be the Sunday for Shrewsbury Atlantic Highlands Monday, has been cancelled. Reinheimer. The children's choir given by Mrs. Harold Rinehart, ; A Christmas party will be held 9:15 a.m., and Rev. Mr. Ewal ng meeting of the fellowship or Holy Communion in this church A candlelight service will be On Christmas Sunday, there will sing "Gloria in Excelsis." in memory of her mother, Mrs the church school until Jan. 8 The covenant service prepared by held tomorrow at 11 p.m. •ill be one service, at 10 a.m. ; by the Senior-Hi Youth Fellow- A special Sunday school pro- will assist at 11 a.m. Joseph Werner; Harold Rinehart, John Wesley in the year 1735 wil "The Heart of Christmas" will he junior and senior choirs will ' ship Tuesday at 8 p.m. in Fel gram is planned for .9:30 a.m. At 9:15 and 11 a.m. nursery for his mother, Mrs. M. E. Rine- WESTMINSTER be.used at this time, concluding be the sermon theme of Rev. ng. The junior choir will be '. lowship Hall. Christmas Day. There will be no care will be provided for infants hart, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles PRESBYTERIAN with the sacrament of Holy Com John R. Collins, pastor, Sunday earing new gold gowns and are meetings this week of any church and pre-church school children in Earle, Jr., for their grandparents. Middletown munion. at 11 a-.m. he gift of the trustees, the Sun- CHURCH OF CHRIST committees. the Education Building. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Me Queen Christmas Eve service will be | At the Christmas Eve service lay school and the U.P.W. Rev. Red Bank The congregation will usher in At 9.15 and II a.m. duplicate sessions of the church school for held in the Bayview Elementary ST. GEORGE'S-BY-THE-RIVER the senior choir and the Choris- rederick Bronkema, Jr., will Bible classes will be conducted the new year with a service of CHRIST EPISCOPAL nursery through 12th grade stu School, Leonardville Rd., Satur- • EPISCOPAL ters will present both classica reach. for all ages beginning at 10 a.m thanksgiving and prayer Satur- Shrewsbury Sunday. Morning worship starts dents will be held in the educa- day at 6:30 p.m. The Senior choir Rumson carols by Bach and European On Wednesday the trustees will day, Dec. 31, at 7:30 p.m. at the The first mass of Christmas at II. Rev, Charles L. Brown tion building under the direction will present the Christmas can- Tomorrow at 5 p.m. the candle- carols in the Christmas tradi ave their first meeting of the Tinton Falls School. will be the anticipated special theme, "Love." James Elliott wil of Charles E. Autenrieth. tata entitled "The Choir of Beth- light service for the young peo- tion. In addition to the choirs ,ew year in the church. eucharistic celebration beginning direct the congregational singing Tuesday from 9 p.m. to lehem." ple of St. George's will be held. Mary Elizabeth Collins and Lu An executive committee meet- HOLY COMMUNION at H:30 p.m. tomorrow. "The Each first day at this time the midnight, the Westminster Senior There will be two services Sun- A Nativity pageant, put on by cius E. Harris will present harp ing of the United Presbyterian EPISCOPAL irand Hotel at Bethlehem" will Lord's Supper is served. High Fellowship will sponsor a day, at 9:15 and 10:45 a.m. At the members pf the middle school and organ music. IVomen will be held Jan. 2 at the Fair Haven be the title of the sermon by Sunday evening worship starts holiday dance for college and both times Rev. Harlan C. Dur- of the church school will be fea- At the Christmas Day service :hurch. Mrs. Marie Fielding will The church school Christmas Rev. Anselm Broburg. During the it 6:30. preparatory school students in fee's sermon will be entitled tured, together with familiar car- Mr. Harris will play the prelude ireside. pageant will be presented tomor- offertory there will be a proces- Mid-week Bible study is con Westminster Hall. 'Glorifying and Praising God." ols, sung by the girls' choir and and postlude, the senior choir wil row at 4 p.m. sion to the altar with gifts of sing the offertory anthem and the ducted each Thursday evening al Tuesday at 8 p.m. the weekly Nursery facilities will be avail- the carol choir, under the direc- JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES The Holy Eucharist will be bread and wine and money, the Choristers will sing an old Frencl 7:30. A study of the Book of Acts adult bible class, taught by Dr. able. Ushers will be Thomas Bar- tion of Marshall C. Bush, organ- Red Bank celebrated tomorrow at 11:30 rector being assisted by Wayne carol. Is now in progress. Bush, will meet in the church par- nard and John Marshall. ist and choirmaster. "What Is Your Future In The p.m. The rector, Rev. Charles A. Edmunds, Gregory Gwyn-Wil- The Senior Westminster Fellow lor. The family service for Christ- 5pace Age?" will be the title of Lawrence, will preach. A period liams, Foster Beeuwkes, and Wai ship will be caroling tomorrow FIRST BAPTIST Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. indoc FAITH REFORMED mas Eve will be held at 10:30 he sermon to be given Sunday of Christmas music, at 11:15 :er Deiss, Jr. even, starting from the churcl Middletown rination for college students Hazlet p.m. The men and boys choir will it 3 p.m. by Ralph Mitchell, as- p.m., will precede the service. Only one service will take place house at 6 o'clock. A Christmas Eve candlelight wishing to unite with the church Rev. Theodore C. Muller, pas- sing traditional carols and will be istant presiding minister. The Holy Eucharist will be will be conducted by Or. Web- on Christmas morning, the family and carol service will be held tor, will preach Sunday at 11 joined in the chancel by former Tuesday at 8:15 p.m. Bible stud- celebrated Sunday at 8 and 11 ster and Rev. Mr. Ewalt in the Eucharist at 10 a.m. It will mark a.m. on the topic, "Are You Miss- ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL tomorrow at 7:30. Rev. John E choristers who are now away at es will be held at 54 Broad St., a.m. There will be no church church parlor. the 258th anniversary of the ng God's Gift For You?" The schools and colleges. Red Bank Bates will speak on the topic !20 Pearl St., and 10 St. Marys "Love Came Down." school Christmas Day. 'ounding of Christ Church by Rev-. service will be held in the North Holy Communion will be ad There will be a celebration of I., Red Bank; Red Bank; 82 On Christmas Day the pastor Monday, St. Stephen's Day; 3eorge Keith on Christmas Day Centerville fire house. Nursery ministered every Sunday at HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN the Holy Communion tomorrow at ear St., New Shrewsbury, and 69 will speak at 10:45 a.m. on the Tuesday. St. John's Day, and in 1702. On one of the few times care will be provided at the home 11:45 p.m. a. m. Red Bank Lincoln St., Fairview. topic, "The Light That No Dark- Wednesday, Holy, Innocents Day, in recent church history, the fam- of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Spag- On Christmas Day, at 11 o'clock A Sung mass and sermon by The junior choir will present Thursday at 7:25 p.m., the ness Can Put Out." The senior the Holy Eucharist will be cele- ous Queen Anne chalice will be noli, 7 Colby La. there will be a service of morning the vicar, Rev E. V. Kitson- the mystery play, "The Nativity,' Theocratic Ministry school will be choir will present the cantata, brated at 9:30 a.m. used in celebrating Holy Commun Sunday school will be held at prayer with address by the rec- Walters, will be held every Sun- at the church tomorrow at 4:30 held. At 8:30 p.m. will be the "Prince of Peace" by Asfhord un Private communion will be tak- ion. There will be no 8 or 11 a.m. the Middle Road School at 9:30 tor, Rev. Canon George A. Rob- day at 9:30 a. m., except the p.m. r money SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25 Evening service at 7:30. tor, will conduct the Sunday Prayer meeting Wednesday at day at II a.m. will prove how order. at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. service at 11 a. m. and evan 7:30 p. m. Christmas music will be di- eaiy it is to Rdistlc service at 7 p. m. Sun rected by Mrs, Mnrinnna Clowes day-school wl'. meet nt 9:45 n. m. SHAKER-QUAKER and Mrs, William Flock. play a Christian Science First Presbyterian Church of Rumson Wcok-day services for young Elder Franklin C. Moynn, pcoplo will be Thursday at C:4!i RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF Hammond READING If chnr, will conduct n service East Rivor Road at Park Avonue p. m, and prayer nnd Bible study of Instruction and guidance at 10 FRIENDS (Quakers) Chord Organ ROOM for adults, Thursday nt 7:45 p, m. Shrewsbury Rev. Harvey C. Douie, Jr., Th.M,, Paitor m. Sunday at tho church, IS Special prnycr services will he North firldgo Avc. The society meets every Sun- Cull 1'R 5-9300 Wednesday nt 1 p. in. clay at 11 n. in. fo. worship, The for Communion will be adminis- I'lU'.SIIYTEIUAN First-day school meets at 10 a. m Mon. thru Knt. )2- Religious News Rev, M»- VM Dyke win alto be ferated tomorrow at II;M p.m. Ave,, celebrated her IWi Wrth-j / the celebrant « ttw Holy EudWr- Sunday terviief will be; Holy Date Was Once day lift wteH H tht home ef\ SIMMON MEMORIAL ftt «t ft ».m, Chrfitmai D»y, (Communion, I «,m,; Holy Com' M«, Stantey Werner, Present! Bumson j METHODIST The Senior Young churchmen'munion a«4 ««rn*on by rhe were Mrs. Alfred Zilly, Misses' Christmas Day services will bej Long Branch will meet Monday at 7: JO p.m. rector, Rev. A. Allen Atten- Barbara Seely, Verna Salmon and held at 9:30 and 11 a.m. in the| Christmas Eve candlelight The vestry meets Wednesday at borough, S.T.M., 10 a.m.; and A Source of Controversy others. auditorium of Fellowship Hall, j |ng service will be conducted to-j7-45pnl church school 10 a.m. I The sermon topic, by Rev. Har- morrow at 11 p.m. bv Rev. Sher- '_. ' ' . Holy Communion will be cele- p.m. The cSenior Young Churchmen By JULES LOH ament ordained that Christmas Christmas celebrations) werei Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krueger.vey C. Douie, Jr., will be "The S. Robinson, pastor. Wil- brated at 10 a.m. on the follow- Su fo Mr nd ing Holy Days: Dec. 26, St. AP NewtftaturM Writer celebrations be banished from the forbidden in Puritan colonies, andi^'^ "f * r, - * Gifts of the Wise Men." Schultz will serve as 17 p.m. Wednesday to go to St. Mrs llliam ! er M ses In choir. direct-; (Stephen's day: Dec. 27, St. John's land, and there were punish- Dec. 25 was a common workday I -* . V*y 'I J? ," At both services John H. Wat- usher. The senior chc Peter's Church, Freehold. Plainly the birth of Christ was ments for violators. in Boston's public schools. ,nes Meyer and Mary-Jo Meyer of j^ 3d minister of musjCi wi|,iod by Mrs. Harold N. West and nd Dec 3S Holy one of the most significant events Fair Haven after the confirma- The choir rehearses Thursday^: ? ' '"• Like in Jerusalem ages earlier, But immigrants from other; accompanied by the orjanist. •• t „ nocents Day. 10 play "Traditional Christmas Me! r. ~ -7, • at 8 p.m. in the history of the world. the new rule was not well re- countries came to America too.!' " °< Robert hruegerJr.. and; d;, bv „ h Variations on I Mrs. Marion B. Green, will sin"«e' The vestry will meet in the It brought lordly kings to a low- ceived. _ . . . . - . ! hihisa fathefafharr iinn StSt. Clement'P lorn An rse EpiPntc.s . - ' Guilmant; and the anthems "Glorv to God parish house Tuesday at 8 p.m. and brought not only the feast | jTwo Noels," by : ly stable; it caused Herod of Ju- "The mob mauled the mayor but most of the Christmas cus-jc°Pal church i"The First Nowell," by Gray. the Highest," "The F rst Christ-i AME ZION dea to commit one of the cruelist of Canterbury, broke all his win- toms we since have come to re-' At 9:3 a m the uest Red Bank Mrs. Andrew v iiv M.in hLipht t ooff j Rev. Charles E. Bourne will de- and Mrs. Stella Patterson, Union, gave the world a new date of put fire to his doorsteps," said a And one group, from Obern-i sing "Sweet Little Jesus Boy." the World ls Jesus." will be:liver the Christmas message Sun- reckoning—Anno Domini. are spending two weeks! London magazine recalling the dorf, Austria, brought with themi ...... -,,.-. bv Robert MacGinsey. The sung bv Mrs. Anne Herrlein.lday at 11 a.m. Yet no one knows precisely wlth frlends ln Miaml incident 10 years later. simple song penned by their j ' Chancel Choir will sing at 11 Mrs. Carl Schumacher, Sr.t andj Sunday school will meet at when it happened. The Puritans fell from power parish priest on Christmas Eve ja.m. and the two anthems will Mrs. Harold N. West. 9:30 a.m. Christmas was not one of the in 1660 and Christmas returned 1818. He wrote it after the church Gail Cichino, daughter of Mr. Morning worship will be con-1 A Christmas carol service will and Mrs. Carmen Cichino, cele- be "Break Forth Into Joy," by earliest Christian festivals, and to merry England; but the zeal organ broke down and he con-con-! "-" simper, and "Lo. How a Rose ducted Sunday at II a.m. by the;be presented by the Sunday before the fifth century there was of Puritan immigrants to Amer- templated midnight mass without^ he, at . ^ ^.^ fay Praetorius^ . pastor. The junior choir will sinqischool at 5 p.m. party Saturday. Present were n no general agreement when to|jca persisted to the latter part of Sunday church school will not "Echo Carol." The s nior choirj Prayer meeting and Bible study celebrate it. I the last century. It began, "Silent Night Debbie Krueger, Debbie Peter- will sins "The Birthdav of aiwill be conducted Wednesday at sen"•=""•', . "•"•;&•-'. -«—VJ. ibe held Children are 'nroura-ed will sinR "The Birthdav or a will be conducted Wednesday at Various chronologists suggested Zna'tod KalhvThler JoTn to attend? h wor7h!pT vfces Kin,," »v William H. NVidlinSer. 8 p.m. by Mrs.Mary G. Harrison. May 20, April 19, Nov. 17 and ^n^^°°nJ^h^Ier^°^ with their parents. However, and "That Glorious Christmas. Watchnight services will be ether dates, but most churches Religion Today: Sinclair, Bonnie Lane, Diane Morn," by Lester Price. TV nas-jheld Saturday, Dec. 31, at 10:30 Schmidt, Shari Mehler, Rose- nursery care will be provided for resolved the problem simply by children of kindergarten age and tor will preach on "The Shorn p.m. in the Pilgrim Baptist Including the birth celebration in marie Stanker, Vicky Jakes and |herd's Story." The organist willjChurch. Rev. H. L. Morgan. Rev. Donna Akerlund. under. the baptismal feast of Jan. C. The prayer fellowship will meet nlay "Christmas Chimes" by W. T. Hawks, Rev. J. R. Gilchristi Meanwhile, the chief pagan fes- What to Give in the lounge at 10 a.m. Tuesday. Ritter, "What Child Is This" ar- and Rev. Charles E. Bourne will tival of the day was "Natalis In- Mrs. Sophie Williamson, Clin- ranged by Thomas, and "Bethle- give sermDnettcs. . victi Soils"—the Birthday of the By GEORGE W. CORNELL Christmas. You may be his only ton Ave., who has been a medi- hem" by Landon. DEWAL Unconquerable Sun. It was cele- Associated Press caller during the whole season. cal patient in Fitkin Memorial CHURCH OF CHRIST There will be no r^.sular Sun-1 It adds up! More and more CONSTRUCTION brated throughout the Roman 3. Invite someone to Christmas Hospital, Neptune, is recuperat- Eatontown dav school hour Christmas. The|people 1 se The Register ads ach Call LI 2-0851 KE 6-0628 dinner with you, a foreign stu- ing at the home of her son-in-law Empire on Dec. 25, during the In this gift-giving season, the William N. Scott, minister, will classes will meet briefly at 10:30 issue because results come fas- dent, perhaps, who csnnot repay and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Deal Direct—No Salesmen winter solstice and the month of livers often are bothered, baf- speak Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on a.m. and will join parents and ter.—Advertisement. you in kind. Richter of Oakhurst. Yule. fled and bewildered about what the subject, "For Unto Us." friends to attend the special j It was logical in the Christian' to give. The Lord's supper is served Christmas service at II a.m. The executive board meeting of tzing efforts of church leaders to Some rather classic sugges- each Lord's day at this time. the Parent-Teacher Association of There will be no e\'3ning serv- •upplant the pagan celebration tions, revived in a recent issue! New Bible classes will begin at 9:30 ice on Christmas. with one in honor of the birth of of Christianity Today, come from Church St. School was cancelled Separating the Monday night. The PTA meeting a.m. Classes for those five years Christ—the "Sun of Righteous- he famous 19th century Ameri- through junior hijsh school TRINITY EPISCOPAL can essayist, poet and philoso- will be held Jan. 9. Tentative old ness," as Malachi had written. Monmouth be conducted in the newly Matawan pher, Ralph Waldo Emerson, plans have been made to have iwill Logical, maybe, but not easy. Peggy Meisinger, daughter of acquired property next door to The Christmas Eve celebration a treatise on "Gifts" he of- members of the Board of Educa- The transition began about the In Mr. and Mrs. William Meisinger, the present meeting house. these ideas classified in a tion speak at a meeting this win- of the Feast of the Nativity of Wheat year 354 and took nearly two cen- 'ers Frost Circle, who will be 11 j Our Loard will sort of staircase fashion accord- Sunday at 6:30 p.m., the sub start at il: 15 turies. Though all aspects of pag- years old today, celebrated her ter. iect will be "The Fruit of the o'clock. Rev. Canon Edwin W. anism were gone from the Chris- ng to the relationship and needjbirthday recently. Present were The Christian Couples Club of Spirit—Meekness and Temper- Tucker will be the celebrant. From the tian application of the feast, Syri- of the recipient: | Ellen and Alicia Roemmele, Anna Matins will be read at 7:45 a.m. ans, Armenians and others who On the first level, when you Marie Casseleggi, Nancy Os- the Methodist Church held a clung to Jan. 6 accused the Ro- just don't know what to give, borne, Cheryl Odell, Patricia No- Christmas party in the church' hall Monday. Members ex- (or: How ta Understand a Financial Stitement) man Christians of sun worship; give flowers or fruit. lan, Midge Coioman, Kathy John- and when Bishop Juvenal intro- changed gifts and played games. As evidence of the wisdom of 1 son, Joan Grandenetti, Susan If you've waded through bewildering sets of duced the new date in Jerusalem Refreshments were served. such a choice, it is noted that a Schaefer, Melodle Stambough, figures without grasping their full significance, it caused riots. .vife is far more delighted by a Janet Tindall and Patricia Thom- you'll welcome this new Booklet. Written clearly As Christianity spread, accep- cluster of carnations from her son. Jane Boyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boyce, Lenison and concisely, it tells you what to look for and how tance of Dec. 25 as the Lord's husband, than by a new broom, The Young People of the Bap- Ave. celebrated her 13th birthday to interpret your findings. birthday gradually came flbout. even though the broom has great- tist Church were given a Christ- Tuesday with members of her Soon circus games—one of the er usefulness. mas party last week at the "How to Understand Financial Statements" family. chief diversions of the Ro- home of Mr. and Mrs. William will prove invaluable to you in determining the On the first step above flowers potentialities of any Security in which you are man tun festival—were forbidden and fruit, Emerson lists the "gifts Roberts, Roberts La. They sang on the feast, and in 529 Emperor carols and played games. The Mr, and Mrs. Donald Ball of interested. A Frc« copy is waiting for you st of necessity," such as shoes for Jacksonville, Fla., are spending your nearby Spear, Lteds 4 Kellogg office. Drop Justinian declared the day a civ- a man who needs shoes. Obvious- group will go caroling on Christ- ic holiday. mas Eve for those who are shut the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. in at your convenience. Or, if you prefer, fill out ly, you shouldn't give him a I Charles Ball, seventh St. and mail the coupon today. In the years that followed paintbox. in. Christmas gained increasing im- On the level above meeting a Marsha Bakerman, daughter of Miss Maryanne Ball, seventh Scott Prlntlnr Ornnliatton Just say the word and we'll put you on our mail- portance in the Christian world. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bakerman, ing list to receive informative literature such as Traditions' sprang up, and the person's need is the gift person- St., celebrates her 15th birthday ally associated with the recipient; recently celebrated her eighth today with a few friends and this regularly. This is only one of the many ser- 13th century gave birth to a new birthday. Present were Kathy vices available to you through Spear, Leeds A type of joyful hymn called the that is, a gift recognizing the re- members of her family. ceiver's hobby, interest or avoca- and Bob Oberdick, Robert Routh, Kellogg. Our full time research department is on Christmas carol. Linda Norris, Amy and Susan tap to help you with your investment problems. But the struggle wasn't over. tion, such as a composer's biog- A* gift of records is a gift that raphy to a musician, a saddle Leahrer, Renee Bakerman, Louis A,n experienced Registered Representative will Puritans in England held that and Phillip Kaplan, Carol Coffey, promises hours of pleasure for WILD-BIRD-SEED five you full details. blanket for a horseman. years to come. no feast of human orig'n should Kenneth Rogers and Henry Reid. v S lbs .51 outrank the Sabbath, and did not On the highest level of giving, Happily, today records are celebrate Christmas. When they Emerson places the gift repre- A Christmas party for the chil- made for every age and every, io ib«. : •... 1.00 Spear, Leeds & Kellogg dren in the Locust Wood develop- came into power in 1644 Parli- senting part of the giver's own musical taste. There are even Etlabliahtd 1S31 craftsmanship or creativity—the ment was held Saturday in the records for tots, though not all 2S lbs 2.50 recreation room of Mr. and Mrs. fcin tf M* Niw Yofk ant Amirlcm poet bringing his poem, the shep- are musical; some are the telling 100 Ibt ».00 free to herd his sheep, the farmer his Anthony Mayo. Santa Claus of stories. ROBERT D. VISCOUNT, Manager BUSINESSMEN produce, the painter his painting. presented gifts. Herbert Coffey The reading of poetry and SUN-FLOWER SEED These are worthy gifts, Emer- was chairman. On his committee many classics in literature now 5 Ibt 1.00 30 Linden Ploee, Red lank and INVESTORS. son says, offering a part of the were Fred Whittles. Mrs. Law- appear on record. giver himself to the recipient. He rence Vernol and Anthony Mayo. For that matter, it is possible SH 1-ttOO disdains the buying of baubles Mrs. Thomas Kedersha enter- to learn a foreign language, im- BIRD FEEDERS THE 1961 and trinkets from mass produc- tained the Nibble and Quibble prove your golf game or study Club Tuesday. Members ex- f Itti* ttnd • copy of ''How ta Understand Financial Slata-9 ers as meaningless sorts of gifts. other subjects by record. mints" to FORECAST Another set of suggestions for changed gits. A covered dish There have been vast improve- infusing your gift-giving with the supper was served. ments in the. quality of recordings HANCE & DAVIS Nama special spirit of Christmas gen- within just the past few years Addras*— 2* SHREWSBURY AVENUE. RED IANK • »J InaWrb erosity comes from Rev. Graham MONMOUTH , . the new stereophonic rec- R. Hodges, of Emanual Congre- REFORM TEMPLE • NMIK* ords are something our parents PHONE SHadyiide 7-0103 PhonaL. • SMtk Marint gational Church. Watertown, N.Y. Shrewsbury scarcely hoped to dream about. In the Methodist magazine, To- Rabbi Henry Bamberger will gether, he gives this advice: present the sermon, "Come '. r.r.n. WF.VTON a SON. INC. I tit BnUnr, Lo

Don't Miss this Series... CHOOSE ONE OF THESE CLASSES: Deposit Receive in Weekly 50 weeks Did you know Ocean Grove uas once a borough, though only for % .51 $ 25.00 a year? Did you know Ocean Grove residents don't, oun the land !••• 50.00 2.H . 100.00 on which their hornet are located? And did you know it was once 3.N InO.OO against the law for a railroad train to atop within a mile of Ocean 5.00 .... 230.00 10.0* J. 500.00 Grove? For the. story of the unique community, read Camp Meet- 20.0* 1000.00 ing, beginning Tuesday in the Asbury Park Press. No Penalty Charge for Non-Completion

Officials of the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, have asked Neptune Township officials to provide the same municipal services ajjorded other township residents. The association now pays for its own police department and street service. Yet Ocean Grove tax- payers pay nearly one-third of the township taxes. 1 ' A gangster gun fight on Broadway, Ocean Grove? Sounds impos- the iible, but in. the early 1930's it really happened. And how and when did the Camp Meeting community between Asbury Park and Bradley Reach get to be called Ocean Grove anyway? Why is traffic barred from, the streets on. Sundays? MONMOUTH COUNTY In This Tuesday's PRESS NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Reserve Your Copy Now

or RED BANK Have It Delivered to Your Home LITTLE SILVER CALL PRospect 4-7000 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NEW SHREWSBURY ASBURY PARK PRESS KEYPORT ENGLISHTOWN i2-friJ»y. RED BAtft REGISTER WAK-TV MOVIE TIMETABLE WOKTwraV TELEVISION WNTA-TV RED BANK CarHon-North To Alaska 2;.-i. (7) Flintstones 10:00— (2) Captain Kangaroo have-nots, he says, "On just one Kiddie Matinee 2:00; Journey (4) From These Roots 10:00 — (Ch. 4) — Washington WCBS I.unny Uosn 8:30—WCBS Eil .lovco To A Lost City 6:-10; 9:30; Ray- (11) Basketball (4) Shari Lewis Christmas. . .I'd like to see the H:20—WHTG County Acent WOR Sports: (3) Doorway To Destiny (13) Play of the Week (7) Animaland Cathedral Services — A candle- 12:30 WCBS Allen Cray Mi-fulloucli & I-:llnt mie 8:20. (7) Who Do You Trust? meek inherit the earth!" Get the WHTC News: 8:55—WABC New- l.ur.ll Smith 9:00— (4) Bell Telephone Hour (13) New Nations Seminar picture? light music festival will be tele- Kel.ixinK Music 9:00—WNfJC New-: llnh ll.-iymes KEYPORT (!>) Movie (5) Award Theater 10:20— (9) News and Weather cast from the nation's capital. lj:55 WABC News: Pick Shcpard WOR News: I'N i:evi,.w 4:00— (2) Brighter Day Ri hi Rcv An WNBC Kmphasis WCBS Nri. .: W.,,-1,1 (If Strand—North To Alaska 7:00; (7) 77 Sunset Strip 10:25— (9) Almanac Newsreel 7:30 - (Ch 4) - Dan Raven " - £"s Dun, Episcopal 1:00—WCBS Ni-w 9:17. SAT. — North To Alaska (4) Make Room for (9) Jean Shepherd 10:30— (1) Kins Leonardo - Since this series «oes down bishnP of Washington, will be WHTG iliadlinp;. 1'KB O:l»—WOR M.-C'ullomrh ,t F.Iiot Daddy Trices, Music 9:55—WABC News: K,l Jor.lnn 1:'!5 — One Showing Only — 9:30— (2) Garlund Touch (7) Hopalong Cassidy the drain in another week, celebrant for (he Communion, WNBC News; Jim l.ow« 10:00—WCBS News; Closed Christmas Eve. SUN. — (5) Douglas Fairbanks (5) Pony Express (9) OffToAdventure they're running repeats. This waslThe Cathedral Choir of men and WOR Kelts WNSC Ni-ws: l!ol> ll.iymes (7) American Bandstand | WOR News, l.es Smith North To Alaska 2:19; 4:32; (9) Playboy's Penthouse (13) Working Press boys are featured in "A festival j-10—WC11S Man Ami \\if« (11) Abbott and Costello the first episode of the season 1:15—WCBS Hub liix'in 'lOMS—WOn M.Cull.v,:-),,<; Kliot j 6: T)ixon 12:00—WNBC X™.;; All NivM In 7:55. SUN. — GI Blues 2:00; (4) Movie (7) Law and Mr. Jones (7) Mickey Rooney in the Christmas spirit will make y vicar general and 2:30—WHTG News: N. Y. 4:00: 6:00: S:00; 10:00. MON. (5) Dateline Europe Krl.isinn Music WOR Long John (9) Movie—Adventure (13) Crossroads urt the full-hour colorcast of iau\iliary bishop of the Arch- 2:S5 WABC New: .l:i.-k C:\rr.ty MORNING PROGRAMS — Kiddie Show — 1001 Arabian (7) Tree Lighting "Blackboard the -|"Twas the Night Before," with diocese of NewYork, will cele- WMBC Eini.hnFiK 7:00—WAI1C News. Al l.nhman Nights 2:00; Gl Blues 3:50; 5:- Ceremony Pirate" 1952 FOR FARM OR HOME j ^'.''P'"1 °J!ara ™ hoslcrs- ...ate the midnight mass from ,:00—WCBS N.-w: Marilia WCBS .luck Sterling 50; 7:50; 9:50. (9) Mischief Makers Wriitht WHTG Mnnniouth-Oeean (11) Mr. Adams and Eve Give Dad a bre,ik this Christ- ncludes Rise Stevens, Jolin:Npw York. "Missa Pontifical's" WHTG Hi'a'lliii , Mn?Ic New? Summary (ID Bozo the Clown !FREEHOLD (13) Playback Rant. Igor Youskevitch, Roberta |wji| |,e sung by the choir and WNBC Nr»;: .'i:u l.»» F::s I'riroa (13) Cowboy G-Men mas—give him something that WOn News: Lylo Von ' WOR NOWJ: 10:35—(13) Movie—Draina 1957 makes shoveling snow from the Lubell, the Columbus Bnvs ChoirIolirristci's J.15—WOR Arlenn Trnncia Strand—FRI. & SAT. — Sword John Cinmhlintr 5:23-(U) Clutch Cargo "God is my Partner" cind the American Ballet Theater.' -- 3:30—WHTG New: And The Dragon; Stop, Look sidewalks and driveways a cinch. WNBC News; Bill Pullcn 5:30- (2) Movie 11:00- (2) News •< Just for this night. WALTER READE Relaxing M-lsic 7:30—WHTG NMKS: And Laugh. SUN. & MON. - (5) Big Beat There will be no winter wor- j:r;r; WABC New: -lack Caine Wako up to Mm ic Nonii To Alaska; Boy And The (4) News ries this year with a 19G1 snow WNBC Fmphnsi* 7:45—WHTG Civil Sevvicp News (7) Rin Tin Tin (5) News 10:00 - (Ch. 7) — The Detec- ASBURY PARK 4:00—WCBS Sc«-: li Pirates. thrower, says Moto-Mower, Inc. Centml 0:00—WABC News: Al Lnhman (!)) Movie tives — It's business as usual WHTG Unmllincs; (7) News The machines pick up snow and WHTG : Stock ASBURY PARK (11) Three Stooges -iround Detective Cam. Matt Hoi- THEATRES T'.eport: Music Waka UpTn Music (11) News slush and hurl it up to 1G feet WNBC News: Art Ford WCBS News: Jack Sterling (13) Studio 9914 'irnok's domain. Holbrnnk (Rob- Lyric—I'm All Right Jack 7:- 11:05— (5) Movie—Drama 1D-1G away to the right or left through WOR N'ow=. -lotm Wiripnte WOR Ne'ws' "Humorseque" ert Taylor) is confronted with a 4:15—WCBS Kenneth Unimhiirt WNBC News: Bill Cull*,, 25; 9:35. SAT., SUN. & MON. a reversible chute. Uuliborn witness who refuses to 4:20 WHTG Monmnuth-Oreon 8:1S—Won Tlornthy ami Dick — I'm All Right Jack 2:00; 11:10— (2) Weather News ^unimnv*' 8:30— WHTG NVws: (4) Weather It pays to advertise in The dentify one of the criminals in- (Siaii Of( 1:">n p.m.) F.olaxintr Musiu 4:00; 5:50; 8:00; 10:00. volved in a robbery-murder. As 4:SS—WABC S'i.«<: .lack f.ii nry 8:55—WABC News Kcports (7) Weather Register.—Advertisement. WNBC Rmphnsi* 9:00—WA3C R.enkfast Huh Mayfair—Cinderfeller 3:00; 7:- 11:13— (2) Movie-Musical 1912 5:00—WEDS News: Si<]e]iL-h',s WCSS News: Jack SlcrllnB V.'NOC N'cwa, Art Fnnl WHTG Monilllnes: 30: 9:35. SAT. — Kiddie Show "I Married an Angel" WOP News. John Scott Strictly for Women 2:00; Cinderfeller 2:30; 4:15; 5:15—WCBS Kenneth Bnn>,'h,irt WNBC News: Tlill Cullen 6:00; 8:00: 10:00. SUN. & MON. SPP1N(5 LflKE'.V. J. S:S5 WABO New WOR News: Galon Prak« EVENING 9:30—WHTG Np\vs: —Cinderfeller 2:00; 4:00; 5:55; Rplnsintr Muilc «:00—WABC .Tack Carney S:00; 10:00. SEASON'S GREETINGS! fl:SS—WNBC F.mrihn^Is WCBS News AT THE 10:00—WARC Hick Slu-pnr.l St. James—FRI. & SAT. — WHBC Now;, Sno-M WCES Vi.»s: Arthur Wni News. Lvlo Van Closed. SUN. & MON. The Sun- finilfrey GilS—WABC News. Ed SHvermnn WHTG Headlines. Music downers 2:15; 4:40; 7:20; 9:40. THE^TR MAYFAIR Wen? Fj.nrt-'. Hoh Cookc AL KENNY WNRC NVws: Art Fnrd WEEKDAYS OPEN 6:30_MOVIES AT 7 00 GALA WNBC Art Ford : WOR N'ews Reporls Sensational Pianist SUNDAYS ONLY-OPEN 5:30-MOVIES AT 6 00 WOR News: John Wingate 10:15—WOR Martha Di-ano The Caspian Sea, the largest tliitiMUlil • Hill III., !ll i!iSSV-IIIS!!*O»OtlT SPECIAL KIDDIE SHOW AT 8:30—WCBS NOT-: Pr:rir.crr. i0:30—WHTG Vow*. lake in the world, is 8fi feet be- Appearing Nitcly 2 P. IW. Sat.—Prizes and Tieals WftBC .Tnhn Daly rtclaxint: Music IOHN SK»m ERKIC CHRISTMAS WOR News. WOR Interviews. low sea level. SANTA IN PERSON Henry fllnilstono Martha Tlcnnf Accommodations for WAYNE-GRANGER - KOVACS 6:40—WCBS Paul Marvev 10:55—WABC News; Pick Shopan! •k NOW SHOWING • WCBS Financial News WNBC Emphasis Luncheon • Dinner ,;;•• \ FABIAN • CAPUCINE • COLOR SHOWS! WNBC Financial News 11:00—WCSS News: IIousi-Party ms) «:45—V/AEC Howard Cosell WHTG Meatllin-s: Music GENE FOLCI'S Weddings • Parlies HORTHJO WCBS Lowell Thomns WMBC NVws: Art Ford Anniversaries ALASKA ALL THEATRES RUNNING WOr> Snorts. Stan I.nmtl WOn News. 'FIRSTMAN INTO SPACE' CONTINUOUS SAT.-SUN.-MON. WMRC Three Star Extra 11:15—WOR Medium Mt Hnm« PRIVATE ROOM «:55—WCBS Sports Time WCBS fiiirrv Mnnre CAFE CHILDREN UNDER 12 Ffiil T:OO—V'flnr F-lwanl P Morcnn WHTG nerl Eanh Rerlsler Gibson .9-9000 OUR CHRISTMAS GIFT TO YOU! WCBS News: Interviews News. Pete Hoffman WN>X News: Wayno llowell WOP r'cr.ini" al Homo WOn Fulton Lewi. 11:30—WCBS <1;irr\- Moore DE LA PAIX Free Admission Today and Tomorrow T:15—WABC Farrell Smith Show TO EVERY PATRON PURCHASING A WOR Utisiness: News 11:55—WMRf; N,,,VH Ocean and West End Ave. 7:30—WCBS N.nvs; Fi>. .Tovco WMBC Kmphasm GREETINGS WNBC Morgan lieatty 11:5B—V/HTG MMtlay S^ock Report West End, N. J. MOVIE DISCOUNT BOOK Formerly Club San Remo Good At Any Walter Reade Theatre ' ED WYNN- JUDITH ANDERSON A $3.00 VALUE FOR ONLY 52-50 ANNA MARIA ALBERGHETTI New' Year's Eve as "The Princess" 9 Celebration A *,,«,«„ Kciu« • TECHNICOLOR AT THE Jimmy Cook ST. JAMES and ORCHESTRA GRASSO'S LUNCHEONETTE Sll 1-1181)0 I.1NCROFT SHOPPING CENTER Filet Mignon OPENS CHRISTMAS * Dinner 7.50 TODAY THRU TUESDAY AT BOTH THEATRES Centrally located in Ealonlown—New Shrewsbury DEBORAH KERR Per Person f.icnmoufii-Ocean News Summaries at Gak New Year's Eve Party ROBERT 7 A.M., 12 Noon, 4:20 P.M. Reservations: Tlic World MITCHUM It Pays to Advertise in The Register Call CA 9-1202 INK SPOTS! PETER • Dinner • 2 Shows USTINOV • Dancing • Reservations Only

$5.00 Cover Also—Dec. 26 thru No Minimum Jillt. 1. Dinner, DnncinR I Hats • Nolscnmkcrs to the Ink Spoil—5 Pc. SEA BRIGHT, NEW JERSEY • Favors Orch , plus 2 shows nite- •y- No cover—No mini. For Reservations mum except New Venr's MW$7i [JOIIHIIfllDSHM Call CA 9-1000 Eve. ClNB)uiAS<=ope>COLOr'.COLORt by DE LUXE c—,.... imaEaMniiniil-.»»—...... PLUS AT EATONTOV7N OMLY!. HOOK VOUIt NIOW YHAU'S .'AHTV NOW THE ADVENTURER 2nd Hit! AT THE Donh Miss The Big OCEAN & BATH AVES., LONG BRANCH, N. J. EXTRA! CARTOON CARNIVAL * LATE HOKKOR SHOW LYRIC FREE IN-CAR HEATERS •,',- CHILDREN FREE CELEBRATION NOW •k NOW SHOWING • "IIS A • WINING • DINING • DANCING OPEN! Free! :; CC-y.JC Vi Ih. jar nf MASTER- The Driftwood — with IIONF.Y JI2KHY LliWIS Ol'HNS SUNUAY its new look — will pro- with every $2..11) purchase El) WYNN IHiiiriili Ken- KoliliL IMHcluini ' vide all the party ex- hecilHiway 3 "ONDERFELLA" 'Tllli .SUNDOWNI'.US" SPECIALTY CENTRE •>'•:•?• tras to make your New " I'enlurliiK sti({iir live, low caloric, sail free [nods, Year's Eve the greatest. vllamliis nnd foml MinplcmcnU • Nnlural nnil nr- i;anic foods • SpuL-ial diet foods, llcmy I iinila ri.us—ii:iruA HIT HILAIUOUS COaiKDY! •$''< Complete Sirloin Steak Dinner $15 «'::,, "MR. UOIll'UIS" "DAY OF THE PAINTER". "I'm All KIKIU, .liicli" rjf'.vij "OiK'i'alliiti IMiiclliiill*' , ^ CONTINUOUS rKOM 2 Reserve your tab!o n* the DRIFTWOOD MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER y SAT. . SUN. & MON. OCEAN AVENUE SE 2-9839 SEA BRIGHT Enlonlown Ciiclv—r.iliiriliiwn l.lliirly MU4 Oppotlli. Cuuil l,,lr AM. TIII'.AI'KDS CONTINIKKIS SAT.-HUN.-MON. IN ALL THEATRES MIX TBLCPHONB HOUR PRESENTS RED BASK REGISTER friby, Dec 23,

What They Celebrate CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY By BOB THOMAS were baby bees, chocolate cov- j Dinner servVd from HOLLYWOOD (AP)—Twas the ered ants, buffalo meat, quail 11 t.'JO a.m. 'til 0:00 p.m. night before the night before eggs, rattlesnake (diamondback, ntgfjt htimt Christmas, and all through the of course), alligator soup, fried town the visitor could find no in-grasshoppers, whale meat. MAUREEN O'MM: Your Hostess dication of what the celebratior The visitor wandered into the HOWARD starring was about. drug store at the Beverly Wil- He walked along the marbl shire Hotel. It was also equipped RISE STEVENS • AMERICAN BALLET THEATER fronted buildings of Beverly Hills for the outpouring of dollars. Five JOHIHOlij COLUMBUS BOYCHOIR • ROBEDM IUBELL • IGOR YOUSKEYIICH their windows ablaze with sabli hundred of them could buy a and Special Guest JOHN RAITT and silver. The street lamps o man's hair brush (satinwood, wild with DONALD VOORHEES and the BELL TELEPHONE ORCHESTRA Wilshire Blvd. were brightl; boar bristle), $450 a solid gold lighted with pictures of chori compact. , TONIGHT 9-10 p.m. CHANNEL 4 ters, reindeer and a fat man ii "We don't sell many compacts LIVE and IN COLOR on NBC-TV a chimney. Judging from thesi because they're too heavy," ex-

Presented by the Bell Telephona System the season might mark some pag> plained a salesgirl. "But we do an fete. sell some of the brushes; they're TV cowboys just off the rangi a nice gift for the man who has IN CHRISTMAS CLASSIC — "Amahl and the Night Visi- were filling their sports cars witl everything." "Landmark for Hungry Americans" gifts. The choice was vast. J The visitor journeyed east- tors," Gian Carlo Menotti's widely acclaimed opera, Uncle Bernie's Toy Menageri ward, stopping at a wayside inn will be seen again on the NBC-TV Network on Christmas parents could buy their kiddies on the Sunset Strip. There he Day, Sunday, Dec. 25, in a repeat showing with the six-foot stuffed dinosaur for $35 found celebrators, but no hit of Rt. 35, MIDDLETOWN same familiar cast as in recent seasons, left to right, 7 Gala New Year's Eve Party! or some singing toy birds fo what they celebrated. Some SUNDAY thru THURSDAY $408, including cage. gained cheer with a wassail Leon Lisbner, Andrew McKinley and David Aiken as 9:00 A.M. (o 12:00 P.M. ...IN PERSON... At the Gourmet, late shopper called the Santa Baby cocktail- the Three Kings, Kirk Jordan as Amahl and Rosemary could pick up fresh Iranian ca' cranberry juice and vodka. FRIDAY and SATURDAY the world renowned iar at $45 the pound or a met Onward to Hollywood Blvd. he Kuhlmann as AmahPs mother. This will be the I Ith pre- 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 A.M. uselah (20S oz.) of French cham went, there to be greeted by end- sentation of "Amahl" by the NBC Opera Company. pagne for $75 ("the bigger th< less repetition overhead of Ru- bottle, the better the wine.") O dolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer for those with jaded tastes, then wreathed in gold tinsel. The vis- INK SPOTS itor contemplated what Dancer, Many thanks for Reserve NOW For Yon- • Dinner Prancer and the other black- 2 Shows nosed veterans would say about giving us the • Dancing TV Highlights this reindeer-come-lately. opportunity to serve New Year's Eve By CYNTHIA LOWRY Two sailors far from home you in MGO. • Reservations only! sought Yuletide friendship by NEW YORK (AP) - Holida: Hope we continue themes continue to dominate thi wandering into the "My Desire" .. . Alio—Dec. at television screens for the rest o cocktail lounge. The tinkling of a to be so favored °t THE thru Jan. lit • Dinner Salvation Army lass' bell was $5 Cover the Christmas-New Year perioi in 1961. No Minimum • Dancing to the INK scarcely heard by shoppers rush- SPOTS — 5-pc. orch, NBC's Telephone Hour tonigh • Noiscmakers jumps the gun by 24 hours witf ing in and out of stores. The win- Plus X shows nltely. dows featured overstuffed dum- • Hats No cover—no min. cx> a musical hour (9-10 EST) bui cept New Year't Eve. mies in red velvet suits that FOUNTAINS • Favors for All around the title "T'was the Nig! Before," with the help of Mau bowed mechanically; automation BURNON UPHOLSTERY SHOP of Long Branch Book Your New Year's Party Now eon O'Hara, Rise Stevens anc had struck the Santa industry, 42 WEST ST. RED BANK Phone CA 9-1000 John Raitt. And then on CBS too. SH 7-2683 • HATS "Twilight Zone" there's Art Ca A brass quartet of Salvation Ar- my musicians was playing carols • NOISEMAKERS ney playing a sad departmen tf store Santa in "Night of thi at Hollywood and Vine, and beat- Meek" (10-10:30). niks in beards and T-shirts and^ • FUN FOR ALL! The ADVENTURER blue jeans listened amusedly. |]f Highlights of Saturday are, At the other end of the boule-|;* course, the Protestant and Ro An the festive season bows OCEAN & BATH AVES., vard, the season was being cele-j'j in, we take the occasion to man Catholic Church service: brated with a fanfare of strum-i]1' LONG BRANCH wish yea a Yuletide rich in DANCING ALL NITE which all three major networks pets. Theaters on opposite sides '''{• will televise during the later parl of the street were brightly ad-'jj! gnod cheer and high happi- To The Four Stylists of Christmas Eve. vertising "The World* of Simeon On the holiday itself, CBA wil Wong" and "Butterfield 8," about;e featuring Nancy Smith, Songstress have a special "Christmas, girls whose charms were not giv-.ff U.S.A." program at ID a.m. Sunen away, even at Christmas. .£ day morning, showing, how var- The visitor failed in his quest:};, ious communities are celebra * FREE BREAKFAST * until he left the brilliant lights HI-HENRY INN ing. There's a repeat of las behind and started over the Ca- Limited Reservations for Your Convenience year's "Christmas Startime" oi huenga Pass. High on a hill above ITALIAN - AMERICAN RESTAURANT £1A Minimum (Can be used for CBS (5-6 p m.) with Leonarc the Pilgrimage Theater he dis- 336 BRANCHPORT AVE. LONG BRANCH Bernstein with Marian Anderson 3> I U per Person food or drink) covered a white neon cross that John DeLuca, Proprietor And Dinah Shore on her NB gave him a hint of what the cele- Complete Facilities for Banquets and Parties up to 200 Ocean & Morris Ave.. Long Branch CA 2-7200 program (9-10 p.m.) will picl bration was for. up and expand the morning' theme with "Christmas Aroun' the World." Monday night's "CBS Reports (8-9) is "The Great Holida; Massacre," a sober account of traff/c accident last Labor Pay "The Cheaters" is the name o Tuesday's NBC Thriller episodi (9-10 p.m.), followed immediat ly by a rebro^dcast of last sea son's comedy, "After Hours,' with Christopher Plummer am Sally Ann Howes. "Operation Northstar" is thi spy drama on Wednesday's CB; Steel Hour (10-11 p".m.) with Ba CLOSED ON CHRISTMAS ry Sullivan and Mona Freemai the leading players. On Thursday night (9:30-11 there is a 90-minute condensatioi of the 1952 TV series, "Victory a Sua" complete with Richard Roi Peter's Piping Rock gers' memorable score. It con flicts with CBS' annual year-end round table of its far-flung cor- respondents with Edward R. Mur- Restaurant row presiding and called "Years of Crisis" (10-11). 129 RIVER ROAD RUMSON KEEP KIDDIES CALM The suspense and excitemen OPEN YEAR-ROUND of Christmas can be too mucl for young children. To avoi this, be sure your child has plen ty of sleep, exercise and gooc Open House New Year's Eve food. Another good idea . . Steak of Filet Mignon Dinner — $6.00 per person might be advisable to give child a very small gift each da; Phone Rumson 1-9813 For Reservations for several days before the holi day. S Nineteen-sixty draws to a close, and people throughout A the world look forward to their various holiday RCA VICTOR 21 celebrations, all of us at McDonald*s feel doubly blessed. COLOR TV First, that we live in a country such as ours, where there is room for all of us to build our lives in freedom and peace. Secondly, that we have been fortunate enough to live and work in a community such as this, where so very, very many of you have honored us with your patronage. May we take this opportunity to extend the greetings of the season, and to say thank you, while we wish you the very best for the future. IASY m TtRMSl RCA VICTOR NEW COLOR n Years AS PERFECT N0W (', AS THEATER COLOR MOVIES f the drive-in with the arches to li Oil YOUR M0HEY BACK! \f Pay/ FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED! HURRY IN and SAVE I \L EATONTOWN TV & APPLIANCE CO. Monmourh County's Largest Sales and Sorvico Organization 50 HIGHWAY 35, EATONTOWN, N. J. 508 MAIN STREET, ASBURY PARK CLOSED CHRISTMAS EVE HIGHWAY 35 MIDDLETOWN From 7 P.M. and All Day Christmas Day LI 2-0400 or PR 4-0400 Opening Monday Morning 11 A.M. as Usual OPEN DAILY 'TIL 10:00 P.M. (JUST NORTH OF FIVE CORNERS) +*mmth* H-Fri&?. Dee, 23.1960 RED BANK REGISTER Sur« Slit Wants Jtwtlry • m* gh* Ma «t ftrCM * mm, W*re mmmyMfi m* «M* "A CROSSWORD PUZZLE t« •ratteM»-yw'll w/cfjr fin* dm *•«! ACftOff To Complement Her Wcrdrobe Mlioy of t'44 $- Aroma. The season it right the tim-The gift which trill 6-One uf Columbus'* }»->SJ)«£t Of 'ssaataa saaciQia ing and tempo right, the this holiday tenon is jewelry. fhips Academic aaaaa mas clothes are right for a new look There is an exciting, fresh look 9-Kesort subjects BQHH ana anaa i:-Mu(! linrn tmasaB QHS tana in jewelry fashion. And thtso the latest clothes and wit i.VMau'a name -Quiet newness, diversity and bril this look goes the need for dif H-Vchlde -Star in ESS QHiu @HH as 15-Smooth the Draconfs •IB Baa aasaa liance of the jewelry collections ferent jewelry, and a woman feathers of -Mountain! of sirjaa HQE soas provide some important gift can never have all the jewelry 17-Gift Kurope lS-Al^oiiquian •Learning runs saaaa clues this Christmas, points she needs, therefore any add Indian -Animated BHaas@ out the Fashion Coordination tions to her collection are a 21-Under- •Upright pround ex- •Swiftly Institute. marvelous Christmas gift. rava Units flowing streams Daytime clothes are easy am IM-Greenlnnd A continent 4O-Revelrlc» fluid — a very different loo settlement (abbr.) 48-The caama 27-Arrny officer Narrow, flat 42-Pronoun 60-Before from the tight, shaped, sheat 49 BROAD ST. RED BANK r.5-\VherI track and amount of jewelry from fifi-Sea t-iiRla 32 33 fiR-WitherPd what she would normally wea by-l'riutfir's 35 36 for the street. J. and good wishes I measure It is fun and colorful t< fiO-Transactlon 38 3? spark a hostess gown or fanci 61-Grfat Lake 40 42 43 pants and tops with the long DOWN ornate bibs, the gypsy hoops, 1-AnipPio 46 48 the big, big pin and multiple (abbr.) 2-Title of bracelets. rospect 52 After - dark clothes feature S-Go bfiforo 4-Prophot 56 57 the extremely simple black 5-A rnntinent dresses which relate so well to (abbr.) bold, dramatic jewelry acces 6-Demon sories without any fear of over- "-Conjunction Distr. by United Feature Syndicate, Inc. 23 NEWEST ADDITION to career building toy kits is this peg dressing. RED BANK set slanted toward (raining the The mixed bead and stone budding landscape architect, pieces, massed bracelets, big, according to the Toy Guidance beautiful stone pins set off the SAUSAGE KITCHEN Council. It contains everything very plain or beautifulty ornate 134 MONMOUTH ST. SH 1-4456 RED BANK Bridge Column fabrics designed for colorful the child needs to "plant" a jewelry emphasis. According to the fortunetellers, Jewelry provides the color an the four of clubs is a card of New Jersey ranks third among sparkle of the holiday in a per- warning. If there is no four of THE HANDS the states in the amount of con-fect gift idea for every gal on clubs in your deck, you have a West dealer tracts awarded by the military. your list. legitimate complaint, but don't Neither side vulnerable scream until you're sure that the WORTH fault lies with the deck. • K3Q10 4 West opened the king of dia- • 7 5 monds, continued with the ace, • A Q 10 7 3 and then shifted to a spade. De- . KAST clarer won in dummy with the 6 5 4 •> king of spades, cashed the ace ol Ever new, ever clubs and then led a low club rom dummy. 4 SOUTH*"985 glorious, East assumed that South was * A J 9 8 3 going to ruff, so he played low. »K972 Christmas comes South won the trick with the jack • Q 4 of clubs and returned a low heart. + J 2 West North E«sf South (S\ with all its He could well afford to give up 1 • 2 • 2 • wo hearts since he was not going 3 0 . 3 A All Pass 0 lose a club trick. Opening lead — • K blessings. May it Strange Play bring joy What was the explanation of Why didn't he take the normal We earnestly hope iouth's strange play in clubs? finesse? that you may enjoy South reasoned that he could afford to lose a club trick to all of the spiritual West, but not to East. If East gladness that comts won a club, he would return a with the Christmas heart, and this might enable the season. opponents to take two hearts and defeat the contract at once. If West won a club trick, however, We've but one wish for you he could take only one heart Ohis Christmas — that it be better than any you've ever trick; after that dummy's clubs had before. would be ready for discards. The best chance to stop East from winning a club trick was to act like a man with a single- J. H. KELLY COMPANY ton deuce. As we have seen, this maneuver swindled East out of Cor. Broad St. and Harding Road his club trick. Well, then what was all this hullabaloo about the four of MINER SUPPLY CO RED BANK —Tel. SH 7-3900 . clubs? Very simple: it didn't ap- Mtn'i A loyt' Apparel pear on (he first club trick. When JIIDDLKTOWN dummy's ace of clubs was led, SHOPPING CENTER Mlddletown OS 1-0718 West carefully played the six of 115 BROAD ST. RED BANK t Pays to Advertise in The Register clubs to begin a high-low. If East had looked at the trick carefully, he wquld have seen the absence of the four of clubs staring him in the face. Who could have the missing card? If South had it, he would have taken the normal club finesse. If West 'B dmitttga had it, his play of the six of clubs was an obvious doubleton sig- nal. In shc^ft the four of clubs is a card of warning even when it isn't played—provided that you're alert enough to be looking for it. DAILY QUESTION As dealer, you hold: Spades— A J 9 8 3, hearts—K 9 7 2, dia- monds—Q 4, clubs—J 2. What do you say? Answer: Pass. Don't rely on doubleton queens and jacks for a borderline opening bid. If the queen were a spade, and the jack were a heart, with two small doubletons in clubs and dia- monds, you would have a sound opening bid. Selma Club Has Dinner Party EATONTOWN - The Selma Club, which is made up of past matrons and past councilors of the 'oca! chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, held a din- ner party Tuesday night at the Old Orchard Country Club. Entertainment was furnished by Frank del Vecchio of Long Branch, who played Christmas carjls on the accordion. Mrs. .lames 0. Karl, Ocean- port, president, was in charge of arrangements. A Christmas party and covered dish supper for members of the local chapter, Order of the East- ern Star, took plnce last week in the Masonic Temple, Broad St. Featured worn an exchnngc of Merry. Christmas and Happy New Year fjifls, revealing of secret pals, and iind a Santa Clnus. 'Mrs Walter The-warmth of this «ns light reflects our warm Bunncll was general chairman. From Your Water System Employees... Working Together to Assure Good Water Service, A short business meeting was' wishes for II'Joyous Holiday Season for nil. conducted by Miss Jennie Van Kirl of Oceanport, worthy matron. Every Day of the Year TREK SALES ARE (JOOD KATONTOWN - A Christmas Irce sale is being conducted by Hit! locnl Lions Club nt the Wooden Soldier in the Monniouth Monmouth Consolidated Water Co. ihnpplnj! Center, New Jersey Tlahvicd $a& Co. Vntcr is now in itr. final week. Donald Kaufman, prrsidcnl, snid Ihc .'iiilc tins lici'ii Micceysful in iliilc. Proceeds will benefit Ihc yjiiiMiNil fund, llmii.i of flic ) a.m. to 10 p.m. I ^£^*fc*%f£^;^ nut BED BANK REGISTER Fri*y, D^. 23, I960 f» • • j • • •' " " '" ' MEDICAL iChriftflUThe bicfetf itt thfeUiae briug treme fofirr, (pruce, Virginia pine, whit* fir,! The meaning of the word Beth- lf« AM Md caty (o nuke your which comec from New Norway §pruee, hemlock, cypres*'leb«n, (he city where Christ w*« own Dell* Bobbi* wretjb. You 'and the United'«xl jwiper. jborn, is home of bread. Although can buy evergreen roping, in the MEMOS ; States, jBeth resembles our word bread length you desire. Form * cirlce ! Douglas (ir is the second choice,: ,. , and tehem is close in sound to •y H. I. Htnchcmotin, M.D. :ach of (he ifu reC( ived by home , . . actually the transla- with it. Then with wire attach 'followed by spruces (the Black, < (he Infant Je£US from th(, llirec fruit and nuts that have been j cedar and white). tion is reversed: Buth is home; ! Wise Men had a symbolic mean- lehem is bread! dipped in white shellac. Good to I Combined, these five trees con- ing: gold expressed the royalty use are crab apples, Seckel pears, 'stitute about two-thirds of all : of the Babe; frankincense for limes, lemons, tangerines, kum- sales. His priesthood; myrrh for No problem finding tenants quats, grapes and cranberries. The other popular trees are.Christ's entombment. |when you advertise The Register Wash the fruit before you shellac Scotch pine, Southern pine, red1 way.—Advertisement. them. PHOTOGRAPHER'S DELIGHT! This is the new automatic It pays to advertise in The slide projector with push but- Register.—Advertisement. Physical therapy gets remark-' able results but it often requires ingenuity to keep it from becom-; ing monotnous and frustrating, i A woman who had a shoulder; disability which required consid-i erable exercise got tired of doing the exercise confined to the fouri walls of her room. She found that; she got consderable movement of the shoulder when she took a walk in the neighborhood park, swinging her arm as far as pos- sible with each step. She got fur-' thur pleasant exercise of the houlder by throwing bread crumbs to Ihe swans in the lake. WOULONt SPEND • 12,<3>8 ON DENNIS.'* A young man did similar ex- rcises for his shoulder by pitch- ing balls. A middle aged man was given KRESGE'S Wise Men's Gifts :xercises to help restore the func- MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER tion of his injured fingers which were becoming stiff. After weeks f montonous motions he decid- Were Precious Then d that it would be more fun to Editor's Note — Two thousand frankincense and myrrh in pre-exercise his fingers on the piano. years ago, a scientist estimates,paring their scents and incenses. He did very simple exercises at the frankincense the wise men Among some primitive Chris- first but was soon able to play brought to a humble family in tians, the aroma of burning more intricate piano exercises. Bethlehem would have cost al- frankincense pervades church A high school boy thought of most $200. On today's market, it services. But by and large the exercising his elbow, which would bring only a fraction of demand for these two commodi- was injured in a football game, that. But while the value of theties is slight today, even in by studying the trombone. It was famous gift has changed, the spir- the Arab world. much more fun than moving the it motivating it reamins eternal- Frankincense and myrrh are elbow back and forth aimlessly. ly the same. aromatic gums taken from thorny CATHOLICS, PROTESTANTS By WILTON WYNN desert shrubs and trees which grow only on the arid steppes of MEET CAIRO (AP) — When wise men Southern Arabia and the Somali- from the East visited the new-lands. Tribesmen in Arabia still COLLEGEV1LLE, Minn. (AP) born Christ in Bethlehem, "they tap the trees and eke out a mea- — Ten Catholic and Protestant presented unto him gifts; gold, ger income from selling the religious leaders discussed issues and frankincense, and myrrh." gums. dividing and uniting the two faiths at a theological colloquy recently In bearing gifts as they paid Tradition says the Three Wise at St. John's Abbey. homage, the Three Kings of theMen came from Persia, but their Orient followed an age-old cus- precious gifts undoubtedly came Participants of both groups ac- tom that still lives in the Middle from Southern Arabia. Long be- cepted invitations to attend in East. It is a rule among Arabs fore the time of Christ, camel private capacities, not as repre- today that you "can't go empty- caravans were plodding the en-sentatives of their respective in- handed" when paying a formal tire length of the Arabian desert, stitutions. visit. And when visiting a royalcarrying priceless cargoes of the The meeting was organized by personage, the gifts must be ofaromatic gums to Palestine, Syr-[he American Benedictine Acad- LI 2-0615 great value. ia, Mesopotamia, the Persian emy and held under auspices of If the wise men visited a new- Gulf and Egypt. Ihe Most Rev. Peter W. Bartho- MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER EATONTOWN, N. J. born king today, they probably Writing in the "The Biblical lome, bishop of St. Cloud, Minn. would bring gifts of gold, but Archaeologist," American ar- isn't likely they would bring chaeologist Gus Van Beek reports frankincense and myrrh. These that exports of frankincense and two items were precious in an-myrrh brought immense wealth tiquity. Today they are worth lit- to kingdoms of Southern Arabia. JOY TO ALL tle. One of those kingodms was ruled Perfume merchants in the ba- x by the legendary Queen of She- zaars of Cairo sometimes use ba, who displayed her vast THIS CHRISTMAS wealth by making the long des- ert journey with a huge camel caravan laden with valuable SEASON • gifts. Ships from these South Arabian kingdoms traveled back and forth May the meaning of Christmas from the Somalilands to bring in more of the precious gums. From be deeper and its hopes brighter South Arabia, these valuable car- MEBRT goes were shipped either by cam- as it comes to you this year. el caravan or sea to points north, CBRISTMIS east and west. Why was there such a great demand Tor' frankincense and VINCENTS BEAUTY SALON myrrh in antiquity? The answer lies in the way of MR. VINCENT MISS LOUISE MISS ROSE life of the ancient Near East, MISS GRACE MISS DOTTIE MISS DEE when religious rites played a MISS SEPPE MISS MARIE much bigger role than today. if ME Carpet t Upholstery These rituals usually were elab- 32 LINDEN PLACE RED IANK AvPIC Cleaning Co. orate spectacles and enormous quantities of incense were TEL. SH 7-3620 Oakland St., Rtd lank burned. The ancient Egyptians even ex- pected to burn frankincense in their life after death. Balls of frankincense were found in the tomb of Tutankhamon, apparent- ly to be used as incense in the Pierce & Kimmerle Paint Pharaoh's immortel abode. Inscriptions on walls of ancient Egyptian temples speak of the fragrance of myrrh in the tem- ples, an indication that myrrh was used also' as incense. The temple of Queen Hatshepsut near Luxor has wall paintings showing myrrh trees in the Somalilands; this gives an idea of the import- ance of myrrh to the Pharaohs. There was an ancient tradi- tion that frankincense was espe- cially appealing to the gods. This may explain why it often was burned during cremations. Both frankincense and myrrh were widely used as medicines by the ancients, to cure every- thing from paralysis to eye dis- eases. The fragrant gums also were used in cosmetics and per- funies, lotions and ointments, mummification and embalming. Since it was in great demand, bo'h frankincense and myrrh bro^jht high prices in antiq- uity. It is hard to get an exact idea of costs so long ago, but Van Beek estimates that a pound of frankincense would have Cost up to $175 in terms of modern purchasing power. It isn't worth a fraction of that today. riisfies What use did IPSIIS makp of these precious gifts? The Bible doesn't say. Perhaps his mother • With sincere appreciation hi used them in perfumes, or in burning incense on festive occas- ions in their home in Nazareth. your loyalty and patronage during this past Whatever the use, the Rifts brought by the Three Wise Men year... we extend (o you our undoubtedly were the most lux- urious items ever placed at the feet of this humble carpenter's heartiest wishes /or a very Merry Christmas/ family.

NEW BIBLE TRANSLATION j> KIMMERLE NEW YORK (AP) — A com- pletely new translation of the Bi- ble from its original languages ltBD BANK will be published jointly next March 14 by the Oxford Univer- S FAIR HAVIN PAINT & WALLPAPER CO sity Press nnd Cambridge Unlvcr- sily Press. <

On that night many years ago, as white stars glittered and angels'voices rang out triumpliantly to proclaim his coming, there was born unto mankind, a Saviour. Humble sfiepherds, gathered in the fields tending their flocks, heard tlie message and came in haste to visit tlie babe lying in a manger, and they were filled with joy.

Far to the East, the Wise Men saw the great Star of Bethlehem and they followed it to wliere tlie Young Child was, bringing rare and precious gifts in their adoration.

Across the ages, the ever-wonderful story of the birth of Christ inspires mankind with a feeling of new hope. Today, in the spirit oftlie Holy Season, it is for us to rededicate ourselves to His teachings and humbly pray that tlie ideal of brotherhood will light tlie way to a lasting peace in tlus troubled world*

Let us rejoice in the true meaning of Christmas with sincere reverence and liarken to the words of the angcl,etGlory to God in the higliest, and on earth

THE STAFF and MANAGEMENT The RED BANK REGISTER Vie Our Want Ads Homt Dtlivtry For RED BANK 35* '"Week Quick Results MONDAY THItOUCH nUDAY-tST. /»»

Section Two MIDDLETOWN, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1960 7c PER COPY Union Beach Okays Raritan Posts Told $25,000 Beach Aid New Road Department Job Planned UNION BEACH — Borough 1,800-foot long beach abutting RARITAN TOWNSHIP —. H. Committeemen James G. Brady lartment, including maintenance ;ouncil last night voted to accept ront St. off Florence Ave. Thomas Carr, Perth Amboy, will and Philip J. Blanda, Jr. ind service of all township 125,000 in state aid from the state Councilman John Mclnnes said be reappointed as township en- At the present time, Robert G. iquipment and vehicles (includ- Department of Conservation and st night he would prefer to see gineer at the governing body's Weigand is township superin- ng the police car), and admin- conomic Developments on a le Pebble Beach area improved reorganization meeting Jan. 2. tendent of roads. stration of a new "trip ticket" latching fund basis. istead. Committeeman - elec'. Marvin Administrative ystem to keep detailed ac- The money probably will be The governing body has 90 days Olinsky will be named head of Mr. Olinsky told The Register :ounts of all work assignments. sed in a beach improvement i which to decide how to spend the street committee and a new that the new post in the road Mr. Carr took over as engineer iroject. ie money. full-time post, that of service department will be an adminis- lere Jan. I of this year. Mayor Harvey C. Eriksen has mechanic, will be created in the trative position. Beach Group In addition to his post in Rari- iroposed a $150,000 project for road department. He said the person named to To this end, Mr. Eriksen an- m, he is planning director of the post will be in direct charge D ounced that at the next meeting, The announcements were made erth Amboy, planning consult- of several phases of the de- an. 2, he wil! appoint a beach esterday by Mr. Olinsky and »nt in South Amboy, member and New Jersey tudy commission. secretary of the state Planning Councilman William J Langan, -ommission, and a member ..of ecreation chairman, reported "lov. Meyner's advisory commit- News Briefs at he is attempting to get a Delay Tax Sale 2e on sewage disposal problems. COLLEGE SPIRIT —More than 20 members of Monmouth College Chapter, Tau Kap- 'op Warner football program un- Rutgers and Columbia pa Beta, visited the wards of the Monmouth Medical Center singing carols and dis- ASSOCIATED PRESS [er way in the '•orough. He re- Of Garden State Parkway Land He holds bachelor of science tributing gifts. Santa Claus Anthony Tramontane of Long Branch presents gift to NEW PROVIDENCE—The New uested that any local resident 'rovidence Borough Council early riio may have time to devote to md master of science degrees in patient as carolers, left to right, George Bundy of Keansburg, president of TKB; oday dropped three of its 44 NEW SHREWSBURY - James >hen Grossman, Deal Park, Oak- civil engineering from Rutgers he project get in touch with him. '. Casey, real estate supervisor hurst, has declined to take title accordionist Chester Paff of Oakhurst and Bob Lawson of Long Branch sing. iharges against Police Chief Carl University and a master of sci- • Mr. Mclnnes reminded resi- of the New Jersey Highway Au- to the land until the question of \. Ehnis for lack of evidence. lents that entries for the "con- ence degree in city planning from Ihnis was suspended Nov. 15 and thority, yesterday said a sched- back taxes is settled. Columbia University. est" for a water tower emblem uled borough tax sale of author- Mr. Casey said the agreement :harged with approving the pay- ire still being accepted. Mr. Carr is listed in "Who's Cites Keuper nent "of nearly $570 for equip ity-owned lands today will be to postpone the tax sale again "The prize for the best em postponed. Who In the East," and was rcent and services not received was reached at a meeting named "Young Man of the Continue Probe >lem," he said, "is the fact that The borough claims the author- Wednesday with borough offi- In Connection jy the borough. On the advice of he winner will see it painted on Year" in Perth Amboy in 1956. special Borough Counsel Russell ity, which operates the Garden cials. He is 35. he tower." State Parkway, owes $7,716 in T, Kerby, Jr., of Summit, the In the meantime, work is go He is a member of the National In other business, M & O Dis back land taxes from 1954-1959. With Census :ouncil dismissed two charges in ng ahead in Woodbridge Town Society of Professional Engi- Msal, Inc., Cliffwood Beach, was The authority claims its lands ship on the authority's new Of Carrier Fire :onnection with the purchases of warded a three-year garbage neers, the New Jersey Society TRENTON (AP) — It would naterial from Art's Camera Shop are tax-exempt under the 1952 building lo house all its adminis cause turmoil to make the 1960 ollection contract, on low bid of Professional Engineers, the NEW YORK (AP) — A naval and Adm. R. K. James, chief ol Summit, and a charge that Ehnis Highway Authority Act. trative offices. The scheduled census figures official for New if $62,965. The bid was $19,000 American Society of Civil Engi- court of inquiry has heard con- the Navy's bureau of ships. conduct "adversely affected the date for completion is Sept. 1 Jersey now, Gov. Robert B. Mey :ss than the one submitted by Talking Long Time neers and the American Institute flicting testimony on who was "The people who died here," morale of the police departmen! 1961. responsible for spilling the diesel ner said yesterday. he present collector, Joseph Mr. Casey said, "We've been of Planners. said Burke, "helped build a pow- and tended to destroy public re fetro. talking with these people for Married, Mr. Carr has four fuel that led to the disastrous fire erful ship and they gave their Meyner told a news conference spect for municipal employees.' •board the aircraft carrier Con. he is having a study made to Pistol Practice years" concerning the tax prob- :hildren. lives that the United States may Ehnis said the cameras and film: lem. 16-Year-Old Two months ago, he completed itellation. check all the effects of promul Councilman Frank Raccioppi continue free, powerful and purchased from the Summit store Mrs. Katharine Elkus White, i comprehensive master plan The multimillion-dollar blaze strong." ;ation of the census figures. A vas used by Patrolman Martin announced that members of the multitude of state laws on county authority chairman, said this was drainage study for the township Monday gutted the giant flattop, A tablet honoring the memory ol Marshall in his capacity as police police department will start pistol Dies of Auto which will be used during the and municipal government, jud- target practice next month at the the first year New Shrewsbury under construction at the Brook- the victims will be placed aboard photographer. The council wil had listed the parkway's lands next several years'for drainage lyn Navy Yard, and killed 49 ges and salaries are pegged to meet Tuesday to determine wha Keyport police range. the carrier when it finally is com- population ranges. for the tax sale. Crash Injuries improvements. civilian workers. missioned, the Navy said. action to take on the charges. Councilman William F. Rod- Once all the effects have been Originally the land was sup NEPTUNE — One of the fiv He also prepared plans and The court convenes again today. gers urged residents who have not According to one theory present- uncovered, Meyner said, he will made their coin-card contributions posed to have been put up for teenage boys injured in an auti specifications, for the Garden Testimony yesterday at the sec- ed to the court the diesel fuel on discuss them with legislators to NEWARK-Burglars used a sale along with more than 200 accident at Freehold Dec. 1 Parkway sewer project. ond day of the open hearings at power saw to slice a hole to the Fire Department to do so which the flames fed spewed out see what changes in the laws an is soon as possible. He thanked other properties Dec. 16, but died yesterday at Fitkin Hospital Conflict Issue the Navy Yard dealt primarily when — needed. through the wall of a dress Mrs. Ruth B. Crawford, tax col as three others continued in seri shop and then hauled out more hose who have already donated Mr. Weigand has been under with the whereabouts of the oper- As an instance of the problem lector, postponed the sale until ous condition. The fifth has re A fork lift, in removing a large than 300 dresses valued at $10,- Mr. Langan submitted a mas fire this year for what some ator of the fork lift truck that involved, Meyner cited the case today. turned home. trash container on the carrier's 000 Wednesday. Police said the ;r plan for improvement o members of the Township Com- apparently contributed to the of Monmouth County Prosecutor Mrs. Crawford lists back taxes hangar deck, perhaps nudged a thieves cut the hole into the streets, prepared by Borough Dead is Lawrence S. Burdge, mittee labeled "possible con- cause of the accident. Vincent P. Keuper. The state law of $7,350 against the 24-acre for- heavy steel plate which sheared Nettle Nusbaum Shop at 435 Engineer Frank A. Foss. It was 16, of Rt. 9, R.D. Freehold. Dr. flicts of interest." Twelve thousand military and on prosecutor salaries is based on mer Roberts Estate on Tinton off a valve from a tank of diesel Chancellor Ave. through the held for study. Herbert A. Knapp, assistant Mon- In May, Mr. Weigand accepted, civilian personnel yesterday at population ranges. But there is Ave., where the parkway execu fuel. The flammable liquid gushed wall of an adjoining shop. Mrs. Councilmen Robert Holland and mouth County physician, said h on low bid, a $6,296,92 contract tended memorial services for the gap in the ranges, and Mon tive offices are located, and $366 out to lower decks and caught Nusbaum said the burglary was Bernard T. Marciniak and Coun- succumbed to brain injuries. from the Board of Education for workmen who perished on the mouth's new population falls i against a small parcel on Way- Constellation. fire. the third in six years. cilman-elect Paul J. Smith were The driver in the one-car ac- construction of an access road that category. named as a committee to investi- side Rd. cident has been identified as for the new high school. Burke Speaks Away From Truck Meyner said he understands the gate the possibility of purchase The Wayside Rd. tract has Roger Hand, 16, of Schiverei Subsequently, the governing Among those addressing the But the fork lift operator, Le- ELIZABETH-Dr. Thomas F. federal government will not pro- or lease of the former Congrega- been sold as surplus land, but Ave., Freehold, who after havinj body conducied an investigation gathering at a parking lot at the roy Davis, 46, of Brooklyn, test! Higgins, Jr., attending physician mulgate the figures until he re tional Church building, Central the authority has retained title. been on the critical list since and public hearing on the "con- Navy Yard were Adm. Arleigh fied yesterday that he was away to the Elizabeth police force, diec quests it. The governor said h< Ave., for municipal offices or rec- Mr. Casey said the man who the crash was reported fair to flict" question but failed to agree Burke, chief of naval operations, from his truck for about 15 or 20 in Elizabeth General Hospital las will wait, although the final cen reational purposes. purchased the surplus land, Ste- day. on any verdict and no action was minutes at the time when this sus tallies were announced twe night of injuries suffered in could have happened. hit-and-run accident. He was 47 The boy was driving a car taken against the road superin- weeks ago. Meanwhile, New Jer- owned by his father, William tendent. Good Year He swore that he had left hi sey will continue to use the 195C Dr. Higgins was struck by a cai last Friday. He served as polici Hand, who police said, was not During the recent November PARIS (AP) — French crooks lift parked, with the ignition off, census for legal purposes. aware his car was being usec election campaign, however,, Mr. 10 to 15 feet from the trash bin physician for 20 years, followini Budget Is Up had a prosperous 1960. in the footsteps of his fathe by his son. Olinsky took the stand that if With returns from the holidays When he returned he said h The other three were Kennet elected he would press for new saw liquid spreading along the who held the post before him (till to come in, French gangland School Bus Police are still looking for tht At Freehold Regional School Miraglia, 16, of 31 Spring St., legislation which would prohibit almost quadrupled last year's rob- deck. He added: Freehold, who is in critical con any township employee from "I thought it might be water, driver of the cream-colored ca: bery take of 2.5 million francs that sped from the scene of thi FREEHOLD - The- Freehold . Another item on the ballot wil dition; Theodore Fariello, 18, ol bidding on any municipal job ($500,000). Only one of the nine put my finger in It and smelled it Kills Girl, 6 accident without stopping. Regional High School Board of be a $38,005 capital outlay ap- 14 Union Ave., Freehold, who is contract. biggest robberies, each netting Then I knew it was gasoline o MOUNT HOPE (AP) — Lo fair, and Jerold Miraglia, 18, Education approved a tentative propriation. This is an increase Mr. Weigand was not avail- more than 100,000 francs ($20,000). kerosene." Doyle, 6, daughter of Mr. am of $M,040. another passenger in the car, able for comment yesterday as to was solved. Another witness, William Brown NEW YORK—A small private budget at a special meeting last Mrs. Raymond Doyle was killec plane, standing motionless on The board said this increase who was released from the hos- whether he will retain his post French- police attribute the rise Jr., a.rigger, said he had seen yesterday when she fell undei night that showed an increase pital last week. Th'e Miragli as road superintendent in light of the fork lift "5 to 10 feet, maybe the ground, became a victim of can be attributed to the needed In criminal success to the decline the rear wheels of a school bus if $119,929 to be raised by local acquisition of four new schoo brothers are sons of John Mirag the new administrative position of the stool pigeon anil,refine more," from the trash bin when the jet age last night. A big for which she had been waiting jet airliner taxiing out from a axation. buses made necessary by the ex- lia, chief Monmouth Countj to be created in the road depart- tnents in criminal methods. he noticed the spreading liquid. Rockaway Township police saic Court Clerk. ment. loading platform at Idlewild The •total budget for 1961-62, pected increased enrollment. the driver of the bus was Mrs He has civil service status. Airport to its takeoff point, which will have its public hear- Board President Douglas T. Lawrence Burdge is survivec Malafada Enslin, 28, of Rock Newbold of Atlantic Township swept by the light craft. Caught ing Jan. 12, totals $1,589,686 - by his mother, Mrs. Shirlej away. ;aid he "feels this is a tigh Burdge, and two brothers and Lincoln in Trenton? in the tornado-like turbulence in increase of $124,570 over the Mrs. Enslin was making a turn of the jet wash, the little plane budget." sister, Dennis, Kevin am Master Plan on Richard Mine Rd. at Coburin swayed, lifted and then over :urrent spending schedule. Maureen Burdge. The amount to be raised by local Frank L. Whitman of Freehold He was There in February 1861 Rd., a mile west of this com turned. Its pilot, Bruce Fraser, borough, Howard L. Woodward A mass of requiem will be of munity, when the accident oc 30, of Denville, N. J., was taken axation is $1,181,225, against the He said, 'It may be neces- of Manalapan Township, and Jo fered tomorrow at 9 a.m. in St Is Adopted TRENTON (AP) - Abe Lin- curred, police said. to St. Joseph's Hospital for resent figure of $1,061,296. sary to put the foot down seph Delatush of Howell Town Rose of Lima Catholic Church; coln in Trenton? treatment of severe face and The difference between the firmly" in dealing with South- ship, whose terms expire in Freehold, by the Rev. Paul S. It happened once before — MORRISTOWN (AP)-A thin head cuts. Two unidentified amount to be raised by local In Raritan ern secessionists. The commis- February, stated they expect to Hammond. Burial will be in S on Feb. 21, 1861. grade student who had misse passengers were shaken up, but taxation and the total budget sion said the statement was the seek re-election. Rose's cemetery. RARITAN TOWNSHIP — The And the'N. J. Civil War Cen- his school bus and was walkin did not require treatment. The will be made up from state aid. tennial Commission would like first hint of Lincoln's approach Planning Board last night home on Rt. • 24, was criticall; small plane suffered fuselage, Superintendent of Schools Ken- to have an actor dressed like to the problem. adopted the township's master injured Wednesday when he wa wing and tail damage. neth M. Frisbie explained that Lincoln appear this coming plan. The commission also set struck by a hit-and-run drive largest item in the new budget Feb. 21 to commemorate the Police said Nathan Caldwell, I Reformatory System The public hearing on the plan Feb. 25 to rededicate a battle DANVILLE, Ind. - Two Ne is an $825,510 item for salaries— event. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Call was held last week. monument to the 23d N. J. Jersey residents escaped injur; an increase over the present It asked the state Legisla- well of Madison, had walked si: No objections were raised by Volunteer Regiment at last night when a loss of fue budget. ture yesterday to hold a spe- of the seven miles between h the some 10 persons who attended Salem Church, Va. Governor! pressure forced them to Ian cial joint session on that date, home and Trinity Luthera Mr. Frisbie said the increase Plan Partially OKd the hearing. their light plane in a field on a Tuesday. The Legislature of New Jersey, Virginia and Church School in Morris Plain ncluded the hiring of an addi The plan was prepared by mile east of Coatsville. John w usually meets on Monday. Alabama will take part. The when he was injured. tionai 11 teachers and three staff TRENTON (AP) — The New the Home for Boys at James Community Planning Associates, Olcott, 24, Short Hills, was pilo Jersey Institutions Board has burg. Lincoln spoke to the Assem- 1907 monument lauds the Ala The boy suffered a broken righ' members, as well as a salary in Inc., West Trenton, In co-opera- bly on his way to Washington bama opponents of the New ing the Beechcraft Bonanza. Hi crement to each member of the approved at least part of a Some members of the loca tion with the Planning Board, at leg as well as head and interna passenger was Dr. R. A. Kuhn o for his first inauguration. Jersey Civil War troops. injuries. present staff. sweeping revision of the state's boards have opposed the.idea. a cost of $15,000. Morristown. State police said thi male reformatory system—a new Wescott said: Half of that amount was paid plane was slightly damaged. Teachers Necessary $17 million dollar reformatory. "I see it as a program on by the township, and half through The additional teachers, the The board yesterday included which there may be differences state aid. ELIZABETH - Gilbert I superintendent said, would be $7.5 million for a start on the of opinion. There will be a great The plan will serve as a guide Their Finest Hour Browne, 47, of 1015 Emma St., necessary as the student enroll new' institution in its plans to deal of discussion and there maj for future development of the has been identified as one of ment is expected to increase by spend $42 million on new mental be modifications. I do not see municipality. The Pennsylvania Dutch Mark Christmas the 49 men who died in a fire 200 to a total of 2,200 next year. and penal facilities. The money as controversial." Cites Board that erupted aboard the Air- This will be, he added, a 10 would come from a penny in- The measures setting up the fi It presents an estimate of craft Carrier Constellation Mon- per cent increase in enrollment crease in the cigarette tax and a nancing of new mental and pena growth and needs of the com- LANCASTER, Pa (AP) - In the animal sounds take on special Iy true in the sects known as pla day. He was employed by the the still of the last hour of Christ- meaning and are comprehensible people. and an 8 per cent increase in proposed $30 million bond issue. facilities appropriated the monoj munity during the next 20 years Navy as a supervisor of sheet taxes. from the tax hike and bond is and takes in virtually all phases mas Eve a man and his wife to human beings, this being a The Amish, just about the stric metal workers and had gone to Lloyd B. Wescott, board presi- iteal out to the stables and go good omen for the new year. est of all, give presents only t The board could not estimate sue to projects according to tin of community development, with work on the shin for the first dent, told a news conference it board's list of priorities. projections up to 1975. toftly inside, alert for the slight- Farmer's Dew the children, and even these ar time last Monday. yet what effect the increase would start awarding architec est sound. would have on the tax rate of the The Pennsylvania Dutch farm- merely token gifts. They do n tural contracts as soon as money "Hear anything yet, Martha," have Christmas trees nor ligh eight municipalities that make up from the added tax begins com- er builds many of his Christ- BOSTON—A rormer Plainfiek the regional district. the man says after a while, mas Eve hopes around the barns nor decorations. Often they c N. J., man is in Suffolk Count ing into the state treasury. "Not yet, Paul, she.. replied, their shopping after Christina: Board members said they hone Tells Plans and the farm stock. Great store jail awaiting grand jury actlo The increase, raising the cig- "but soon. Yes, we shall hear is set by what is called farmer's when prices are lower. The Mei on a charge of burglarizing to have the figures before the arette levy to six cents a pack, is •hem soon." dew, a kind of rustic elixir. Its nonitcs arc nearly as austere. drug store. The suspect, Can Feb. 7 school election. due to take eflcct Jan. 6, It is After Leaving Office Jan. 20 They stay until midnight, the mystic property is thought to be To these people Christmas Noel Tyler, 24, was returne On the ballot will be a $1,353, expected to produce $12 million dawn of Christmas itself, listen- so beneficial that farmers haul fundamentally a religious ho from Kansas City, Mo., by Bo 294 current expense item In in 18 months, when it would lapse WASHINGTON (AP) - Secrc- Ing to the converse of the farm hay into barnyards on Christmas day, The most sacred in the yea ton police after receipt of a t which the teacher salaries are in- if the bond Issue were approved tary of Labor James P. Mitchell animals who serve them through- Eve so that it may. be moistened not to be marred by fripper he was in that city. Police sa cluded. at a referendum in November of Little Silver, N. J., who re- out the year. by the dew. If that hay is fed to Their lone indulgence is the ba he admitted robbing a store ow 1961. tires from office Jan. 20, will re- This is one of the finest hours The increase In salaries ac the stock the next morning, so the Ing distributing of cookies, man er in Plainfield Dec. K counts for most of the $114,480 sume his position as a privato In the lives of the Pennsylvania story goes, none of the animals kinds and shapes, some remarl The tax increase and bond is- consultant on labor-management Dutch. addition from last year's curren sue referendum were pushed will be lost In the new year. able for the intricacies of the WILLIAMSTOWN — James expense item—with the balance relations. For the farmers in particular design. The sprlngerle cookie through the Legislature Monday. The charm works in other ways Gilmorc, 85, died yesterday as to go for books and supplies. Gov, Robert B, Meyner Is ex- Mitchell announced yesterday believe that anyone who keeps as well, For example, many a a real classic specimen. It fe he plans to open an office in vigil in barn or stable between 11 fire iwent his home ,n Monroe pected to sign the program Into mother puts pieces of bread out- tures figures of animals, shcj Township and he vainly at. Notice New York City about Feb. 15 to and 12 o'clock on Christmas Eve herds, Magi and angels in ba law next week. doors, beyond reach of snooping tempted lo draw water from The Tax Assessor of the Bor advise industrial and business will gain thn gift of understand- creatures, and after the dew has relief. Citizen! Group concerns. ing nnlmnl talk. well lo fight the (lames. Hit ough of Konnsburg, N. J., wil! moistened the bread it is given to ' What plum pudding is lo t body was found In n shed nd Wescott said the board did nol Mitchell was in this field before So Martha and Paul, like many IJritlsh the cookies are to tr sit at the Tnx Office in the Mu the children, that assures no harm joining his house, his hnn niclpnl Building, Church St, discuss a study group's recom- entering the Cabinet. More them and many on this will befall'them In the coming Pennsylvania Dutch. on a well handlo. Dr. Wllllnn mendations for changing the ad same night, are living up to the Kcansburn, N. J., on Thursday, Mitchell said his consulting ac- year. Notice R. llnfcr, Gloucester Count mlnistrntlon of the reformator Pennsylvania Dutch belief that Dec. 2!)lh, 1960, between the tivities will be in addition to'liis Horn of superstition, and per- ' All bills against the BorniiR coroner, said death was cause hours of 0:00 n.m. nnd 4:00 p.m. system, The group proposed put- chalrpinnshlp of the presidential Garbage Collection petuated by custom, these folk- of Sen Bright for the year 196 by third dcitrec burns. A neigh nt which time, the 1961 Tax Du- tiiiK all three existing male re commission to investigate the The Borough of Rumsnii will ways arc among the quaintest In should be In the hands of t bor anw flnmcs before dnw plicate will be open for public formntorles and the new institu- rnilwny industry's dispute over have regular garbage- collection the country, Borough Clerk not later tha and summoned the Williams- Inspection. All person's Interested tion under n single executive mil work rules and practices. Dec. 26 nml Jan, 2, Anilsh Customs Monday, Dec. 2Gth, 19(10. town Fire Co, Fire Chief Mel nre Invited to Inspect the snme, a single citizens' group, cloinj Mitchell has been mentioned Albert A. Kcrr Simplicity rules Christmas ob- Signed: JOAN AXELSEN, vln I In her sulcl (he blnie start- nwny with the separate boards ol as a possible choice for the Re- ed In n defective kcroscn FREDERICK W. KALKIIOI", Ilormifih Administrator servances In most Pennsylvania Borough Cler mnnuKcrs for AmiiiiKlale ami publican gubernatorial nomina- healer. Assessor, —Advertisement Dutch households. This is especial -Adv. •-Adv. llordentown reformatories nm James V. Mitchell tion in Now Jersey, IB Friibv, D«v 23, RED BANK REGISTER tMUMPfMIDYMff Europe's afMte may be takiaf fa the Latfft (ituatioa. Red-Inspired Troubles For The meeting, M$ month «l*c attracted delegate! from Cuba, T fttin AmnvtI'ft AniiOtYMitt>n iArgentina, Brazil,,Uruguay, Peru, L/flllfl /liner ICU /I»IMCl|#UM^U'!colornbia, Bolivia, Chile and :. licuador. By JOSE MARIA ORLANDO ' They see this as the likely re-' Workers' Meeting i MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (APj suit of a meeting here of Com- The conference was called as —Government officials and dip-'muniM union leaders and agi-a "meeting of Latin American lomats express belief that a new tatnrs from 11 countries. Kspe-'workers of the building indus- wave of strikes and violence may nally noted was the presence of try." But Uruguayan authorities, I break out soon in Latin America, delegates from East Germany;including Montevideo's chief of police, Col. Mario Aguerrondo, called it a "Communist confer- ence of foreign agitators." He said those attending the meeting AND were well known in their coun- tries as Red agents. Guillermo Cooligham, head o[ the police investigations division,; said the meeting was "undoubted-' ly linked with the Red subversive! campaign spreading all over Latin America." I A final communique issued byl the delegates pointed out the! eosons meeting's aim in a call for aj "determined fight against Amer-| ican imperialism, which is the TO OUR MANY FRIENDS AND PATRONS j main aggressor." The Conference also called for the "strengthen-'_ ing of solidarity and co-ordination among Latin American workers' Although Uruguay has a Small metal trumpets that often FROM . ] organizations " staunchly democratic, anti-Coin- trim Christmas trees began with a Danish custom. They used to g, The Same Pattern ; munist ^'eminent, the country's laws allow Communists to spread play four hymns on them at Yule Sv These words bring lo mind the the Red gospel to neighboring —symbolizing the four corners of |J Rolston Waterbury & Staff j wave of simultaneous general the world. .g strikes that shook Argentina. j countries. Brazil, Chile and Uruguay last , President Benito Nardone, head month. of Uruguay's ruling government It pays to advertise in The! 16 West Front St. RED BANK Tel. SH 7-3500 \ ; Government officials are spec- ! council. , say..s it . is obviou. , s the Register.—Advertisement. W lulating whether the conference'; .Russian misslon here ls fomcnt- I may have planned a new set ol disturbances all over Latin 'similar disturbances as part of• America. . i an over-all Red campaign to .,„„_„..,, ,.AIJI-O !kecp Latin America in unrest. SOMEONE CARES jThe officials gave this picture: BALTIMORE (AP) - A six- The Communists' ultimate goal. V^ S2 mystery is still going is to throw the poorer workers,' strong at the Baltimore office of as well as leftist students iritoi CARR (Co-operative for Amer- | massive riots that may topple1 ican Reli(>f Everywhere.) established governments and! Every week slnce lhe fa" ot 'open the way for Red-line, Cuba- 195'1' as regularly as clockwork, stvle regimes .an envelope without return ad- ' " Becoming Headquarters Mress lias arrived containing two S1 llIs bUt dentlflcatl on Some officials said the fact that I T^ "? ' , - ,the meeting was held here em-L II s "^""'rr °r." L°7 1 C AR E flcials ar l klck iphasizes that Montevideo is in- *" Q f °f ™ . " creasingly becoming the lead-'1"^ So far, the anonymous donor ihas paid f SM packasCS f quarter.;.,:,:_ s •„o f, uRed subversiv,i ,,e ac-• ! food—13,728 °ixiund' s of it—for dis° - tivities- in th e cSouthern Homis-u •<. L- . ., J „,,„„„ t> • • i tnbution to the needy overseas, phere. Russia keeps here an! over-sized legation with some 80j n • I \A/ JI "V,, listed diplomats. \ onde-Worthy CHRISTMAS GREETINGS

MONMOUTH DRUGS LEON'S 117 E. Newman Sprgs. Rd. CLEANERS Shrewsbury (adj. to A&P) SH 1-5352 64 - 76 WHITE ST. RED BANK AMPLE FREE PARKING Prescriptions picked up and delivered free. SH 7-2800 Open Sunday, December 25 and Monday, Dec. 26

Turn your linen closet into a bower of flowers! Easy, a be- ginner can embroider these! Lavish towels, scarves, bed sets with lazy-daisy flowers in Warmer than ever ami tones of garden of colors. Pat- tern 636: one 8x21-inch motif; cheerier too. arc lhe holiday two 6x13; color schemes. wishes we're sciuJing to you. Send 35 cents (coins) for this pattern—add 10 cents for each pattern for lst-class mailing. Send to the Red Bank Register, Needlecraft Dept., P. O. Box 101,' Old Chelsea Station, New York NEW JERSEY SHORE BUILDERS ASSO. II, N. Y. Print plainly pattern number, name, address and zone, i JUST OFF THE PRESS! Sendi MONMOUTH-OCEAN COUNTIES low for our exciting, new I!)(il | \'eedlecraft Catalog. Over 125j AFFILIATE OF NATIONAL 'esigns to crochet, knit, sew, 'mbroider, quilt, weave — fash- ASSOCIATION OF HOME BUILDERS ins, home furnishings, toys, lifts, bazar hits. Plus FREE- 191 Main Street, Manasquan, N. J. CAstle 3-0502 lstructiohs for six smart veil! .•aps. Hurry, send 25c now! To our many friends, both old and new, we hope that you have a very Merry Christ- mas and may your New Year be filled with all the good things in life —good health, peace prosperity.

What better time than the merry Yuletidc to express deep appreciation to our custome, IEABOARD for their loyal patronage throughout the year , , . We SERVICE greet you one ami all! "SERVING THE SHORE"

CA 2-5151 PR.3,-2620 SH 10248

HOME DECORATORS 468 Broad St. Shrewsbury f i 1ED lANK IGCISTEt Frit?, tto

PVQfWV fOM S IMW C0P0VKI With Kenny, fc* Kit hopes K«*»y aatf Dentf cr«Mc fetders to the otter « "HC« lifce/tfar otter leaden Meynejr & counties will join with him ii Each one f»« bit favorite Good Sideline backing one candidate for gover date," Mey»er Mid, / TRENTON »y CYNTHIA UWIV the sponsor wants U> get aerote. TRENTON (AP)-Gov. Robert nor next year, After a meeting with party lead- B. Meyner said yesterday he has NEW YORK (AP) - One of Never forget the importance of Kenny has announced he i ers last week, Meyner listed 26 the more lucrative sidelines of a your "off-camera" performance possibilities for the nomination —it's your company in private Grogan was included. television "personality" is mak- ng an occasional commercial. life as well as public. Meyner said he is sure Hudson Just this week the agent for a Simplicity is the highest form has its own problems, as the other nationally known broadcasting of art—in personal appearance, counties do. One, he said, is that igure asked—and jot—$10,000 gestures, expression and clothes Jersey City has an important for his client in exchange for one as background for the product. mayoralty election in Jersey City short commercial, plus additional Check Props in May, a month after the guber- payments for each re-use of the Be confident — viewers' confi natorial primary. film. / dence in you will be in direct "They would be less than smart Among the biggest money- proportion to your confidence in if they didn't consider one in yourself. terms of the other," Meyner said, makers in television are the com- paratively few professional sales- Be prepared—rehearse, check The mayoralty election is ex- your props. men with contracts to repre- pected to play a crucial role in Make the other guy look good determining the future leadership sent a few large companies. One —agency people, writers, behind- of Hudson. pleasant - faced, smooth - voiced the-camera people, and make young man earns $75,090 a year sure they get full credit. "Of course, they should also just as the spokesman for a consider November, as well as Stick to your style—stay with ;asoline company, and he has April and May," Meyner said. an approach that's right for you. two or three similar contracts. You're not an actor portraying It's easy to make "snow" with Pioneer Member different roles but a specific in soap flakes and water. Here's Rex Marshall, an easy-man- dividual visiting people's homes. how: For every 4 cups of soap, nered, poised man, is a pioneer Plan your career—it can last add 2 cups of water. Make thick member of this charmed circle. a lot longer that a 13-week cycle suds with a beater or electric He has been a top TV salesman or a six month residual period. mixer. Spoon soap-suds onto the 'or 12 years, and is on his ninth As a matter of fact, it's not tree. They'll dry quickly and cling year as spokesman for two non- a bad list of suggestions for any indefinitely. Then sprinkle extra competitive companies, his sec- ambitious business man. soap flakes liberally on the ond year with a third. "snow" before it sets. The effect To Marshall, being a com- NBC's Project 21 "The Com- is charming. pany spokesman is a career. ing of Christ" was a magnifi- He attends conventions and cent spectacle with films of all sales meetings of his com- those art treasures for the panies, tour* their factories, lucky thousands with color sets, meets their employees and but visually it lost a great May deal In black-and-white. considers himself the com- pany's representative on a George Gobel, only an occa We round-the-clock and • calendar sional TV visitor this season, is basis. planning a musical motion pic He has such definite Ideas ture re-make of the comedy, on his Job, In fact, that he "Three Men on a Horse," and lives by a list he calls his will start the new year right off "ten commandments.*' These Jan. 1 starring in.an NBC spe- include: cial ... Apparently all actresses Understand what vou are say- adore playing nuns. Barbara ing—really know what message Stanwyck gets her cahnce Jan. 2 in her series—she plays a nun making like an amateur deter Gleaners Install tive. ( Dick Haymts has made such New Officers a successful comeback team- ing up with his wife, Fran It's good to greet our friends and customers at EATONTOWN—The final meet- Jeffries, that the singing MERRY ng of the Gleaners for 1960 was this happy holiday season. And it's good lo know that we have so many couple has been signed (or an held in the Presbyterian Church, Ed Sullivan Show on New loyal friends and patrons. We value your good will, Broad St., Tuesday night. The Year's Day ... CBS" Jan. 15 CHRISTMAS nstallation of officers for 1961 M-mlnute special, "The Gersh- and cherish the privilege, o/ serving you. Sincere thanks. ivas held in conjuction with a win Years," has had rough go- Christmas service of worship en- Ing In the assembly stages. TOfll itlcd "Candle of the Lord." First Moss Hart had to with- Mrs. Walter Manns was in draw from the host spot for charge, with Mrs. Arthur Pierce, health reasons, then soprano Mrs. Ray Tupper, Mrs. Harold Eileen Farrell withdrew in a You've been such wonderful Morgan, Mrs. Wayne Nice. Mrs- difference over billing. Latest N.J. WAREHOUSE Vivien Bennett and Miss Elizabeth addition to the cast, however, 3 FABULOUS CENTERS customers and we take this Higginson participating. is Maurice Chevalier, to Newly elected to office are Mrs. things arelooking up. opportunity to say Ralph Keevil, president; Mrs. ROUTE 35 at OAKHURST - 2 MILES SOUTH OF EATONTOWN CIRCLE "Thank You!" Harold Morgan, vice president; Mrs. Edward Emmons, treasurer; Recommended tonight: "Twi- Mrs. Eustace White, recording light Zone," CBS, 10:30-11—Art secretary, and Mrs. Joseph Carney plays a department store It Pays to Advertise in The Register Ayers, corresponding secretary Santa in "Night of the Meek." JEWELERS EAT ¥ DONUTS Department chairmen include Mrs. James White, Jr., program; LI 2-4232 Mrs. George Smith, spiritual life 72 BROAD ST. 214 BROADWAY Highway 35, Eotontewn and stewardship; Mrs. Benjamin Just North of Van Keuren, world service na- RED BANK LONG BRANCH tional and ecumenical missions; Eatontown Circle Mrs. Morgan, sewing and sup- plies; and Mrs. Robert Reed, ellowship. Circle 1 will be led by Mrs. Kenneth Smith; Circle 2 by Mrs. Clarence Meks, and Circle 3 by Mrs. Thomas Erb. Mrs Augustus Smith, Mrs. Harold Francis, and Mrs. Van Keuren will serve on he nominating committee. After the installation, a Christ- mas party was held in the chapel. Gifts were exchanged and refresh- ments served by the fellowship committee. Appointment Of Dillon Praised TRENTON (AP)-Gov. Robert _. Meyner yesterday praised ap- pointment of C. Douglas Dillon of Bedminister as secretary of the treasury in President-elect John F. Kennedy's Democratic cabinet. Meyner, ft Democrat, called Dillon, a Republican, "a fine, able public servant." "More power to President-elect Kennedy for recognizing him,'" Meyner told his news conference Meyner said he did not think there would be any difficulty in i Republican serving in a Demo- cratic Cabinet. He said he has had none with Republicans serv- ing in his Cabinet. Perhaps You Say . • • Urge Change Buon ISatalc In Government CAMDEN (AP) — The Camden or )ity Charter Study .Commission yesterday recommended the city change its government from the Joyeux Noel commission form to a strong mayor-council plan. or It also recommended a referen- lum on the question be conducted Feb. 21. Frochliche Weihnachten The commission, .consisting of Five members, was elected last Nov. 8. It suggested seven non- or partisan councilmen at large be ilected on staggered terms and je paid salaries of $2.5OO-$3,OOO Feliz Navidad for the part-time position. No .alary recommendation was rec- immended for the mayor. But We Say .. • Three councilmen would serve happy, hearty holiday wishes to all our friends rour-year terms and four two-year rms. A mayor, who would be and patrons. We hope you enjoy many festive hours, ted upon independently, would ierve four years. and many quiet ones, too, in the company of your dear Merry Christmas to All INDIANTAINT? ones. It's a pleasure to serve people like you, and we ROME (AP) — Kateri Tekak- witha, born three centuries ago in most sincerelythank you foryour loyalty and good will. an Indian village at present day Aurlesvllle, N.Y., may be beati- fied soon. ' The second of two miracles needed prior to beatification by the Roman Catholic Church is now under examination at the' BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP Vatican. Further study remains, however, before final canonlra- th 46 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK tlon. OUR 90 YEAR TEL. SH 1-4310 The girl is described In articles written about her as "Th» Lily AilUKY PARK 4(0 IANIC o( the Mohawks." BA5K REGISTER mm cOon; • pbto ft*fi r »* Vi-9tlHf, Mfc H. Give *SWefiter'PI)u$' for that tern Ity IK****, f A ftrtac of pmh f§ • Mtml petiog were the SS chapter* is the tionate Btuketo with the deep

SEASONS GREETINGS We hope you have a wonderful Christmas A GRIM REMINDER — Above cartoon made available to newspapers by Monmouth County Prosecutor Vincent P. Keuper and Traffic Co-ordinator W. Robert Warwick reminds drivers in the Yuletide season to keep their eyes and minds on the road. £xiv "Dont let the joys of Christmas become tears and heartaches for a lifetime, for •c yourself or others, by heedless and negligent driving," Mr. Keuper urged. Police have been urged to intensify highway patrols and to be severe, rather than lenient, Laundering RUSCILS FURNITURE with violators. Tavern owners have been counseled against permitting too much 25 EAST FRONT STREET , Our wish is simple but sincere ... imbibing, and police have been directed to keep close watch on places where li- Dry Cleaning RED BANK SH 1-1693 quor is sold to apprehend drunken drivers. ijou enjoq a Merri* Christmas CROSSWORD PUZZLE Answer t0 Y"ttrda>'g Pu"" -LEGAL N0TICE- TAX SALE .NOTICE CARPET AND ACROSS Of Heal IMnt.' In Dm ItornuKh of 7-1'nker slake Uttte Silver for Non-i'ayni^nt of •S-Pronolm Taxes nnd AisM'ssnu'nK, LINOLEUM 1-Prillr.l Into 0-l'miiuun Public notice in hereby given til.. l»-i'vlinilrical I, Calvin A. Kowe, Collector of Taxe 71-lSrlef of tlie Boruuph of Little Silver. MOJ 428 BROAD ST. SH 1-1610 SHREWSBURY 13-I.'ertainins to mouth County, New Jersey, will aell 111* I'hcok ut public auction on the. -Sth day of ll-l.'liaiirau IC-Suuthwcst- Deci-mher, 19l!0. at 2:00 P.M. at the JTi-Coiiliilcriro orn lmllan Uoruufili Hall, Prospect Avenue, Little K-1'eiiort of 15-A larco class Silver. N. J.. tho following hereinafter of edestintf de.scrJbeii Jani].*. .njtin structures The snl.l lands will be sold to make 19-t:nnJuncUoii ID-Kostasy the amount of municipal liens charge, Si-Spanish able against tlie same on tlie first day 23-Trlnls of July, l!icn, as computed in the tnx nrtielo "G-.la]ianpso ::-.NYm. list, together with Interest on sfiiil nffsprfllK it mount from tlie first day at July. network ifiG'l, to the date of sale, and tlie costs :M:IVCT in hi.ni in C.S. of sale m public vanillin, to such per- \Y tiles :s-(;nnfoiloralo .ions as will purchase the same sub- 25-rilastpr 37-TJeBins 49-l'nit of ject to redemption at the lowest rate 27-Threefuld KL'neral of Interest, but In no case in excess ni-Ventilato oS-Taut Siamese :n-.s»-oi,i 4i.i*nit nt currency of elfih! per cent per annum. .11-Petition 33-Trito Thl." sale is made under tlie pro- » 32-1'nssossivs 31-Joina enerp> 53-Kymbol for visions of Article 4. Chapter 5. Title'* pronoun "5-Utimor 4.»-Withoiit end tantalum 51 of the Revised Statutes of Naw '• 4G-Ooveririff for 55-A state Jersey, I!M7, cntillcil "Sale of Kcal!{ 33-.M.-1I,; Ijulise 3C-Theatrlcal Property io Enforce Urns." attendant Sroup face (ahbr.) Tiie said }ntuia to he sold and the .IC-MoM i-xact names of persons acainst wlmni said I .ID-Han,lie 1 ii 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 taxPS have been lain on account of j 4l)-\Vlthoiit enj each parcel for unpaid taxes are as fpoft.t follows: 42-Cerc;nony II 12 13 1959 13-Symhol /or 'ames V. GalHtro. Block 30, Lot nickel 14 15 16 17 22, White Rrf $143.50 i 41-Kepnmnnd antes V. r.alntro. Elock 39, Lot I 47-Indpfinito 91, Woodland St 10.0D ... To you, our friends and patrons, we extend every good wish for a happy holiday article 18 19 20 21 /hen the sale takes place, payment! season, with our sincere thanks for the privilege of serving you over the years. «-linlnm-!60. We will be open the following Wednesdays: Dec. 28th and Jan. 4th. 39 40 41 42 CALVIN A, ROWE, Collector. DOWN & $ 43 44 45 46 47 1-Carrier 5-Wnrthloss 48 4V 50 51 leaving $ 3-Xote of scale S2 J83£ 54 5i 4-IIi.ralilry: prafted J6 57 5-Mock 6-PriitecllyB Distr. by United Feature Syndicate. Inc. At this Yuletide A ring season, I want to thank All Kinds of Gift Items frvs everyone whose kindness and patronage has made possible the success of the Wolcott Shop For Photography Enthusiast

through the years. One sure way to put "snap" doesn't want to "get into the into your Christmas gift list is picture," and the nice part is Mary Summer, owner by giving a camera. Photog- you needn't be afraid of giving raphy is a hobby that belongs a beginner one of the current 1 to every age group; and, foradvance- d models. WOLCOTT S tunately, it now belongs to every However, to play it safe, you can buy any number of cam- 43 BROAD ST. RED BANK income group. There's hardly anyone whoeras in the inexpensive group that are ideal for the amateur They come boxed, including al ( the essentials—batteries, flash at- tachment, film, bulbs—and, in some cases, a slide projector and screen. Another nice feature about giv- ing a camera is that a second, or even a third, one isn't "over- doing it." A person interested in shooting pictures actually wants several cameras, as each type (and there's a large variety; does a special job. If you're buying a gift fo: someone who already owns sev- eral cameras, your local photo- graphic shop can advise you on supplementary items which an favorites with a "camera bug.' Inquire about the 35 mm cam era which takes both prints and slides, filter kits, exposure me- ters, range finders, dark room supplies, and film. And don't overlook an album or a leather carrying case. Good pictures look even better when they're kept in the proper set ting. Another idea, particularly cur- rent, is audio-visual material and equipment. And, in the luxury class, for the person who special- izes in "home movies," a projec tor and screen. If your favorite photographer already owns everything but a movie studio, you can thrill him with something exceptionally unique—equipment for editing developing and printing film He'll find it fun-derful. Maybe Christmas does conv but once n year, but the enjoy menl. of the day, captured or TT lietlmr Santa arrives liy reindeer or jet, we liope film, can bring year-round pleas ures. . FROM THE BOARD

lie hrinps yim, imr Aseociiilrs imil jVei^liliorc, n liappy holiday peiison CHURCH CONFORMITY HIT OF ...with (;(]i)(l liiiillli .inil |ini>[»rily lliroiighout tlic New Year! OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - "/ cnllectivist siren call has lure fror men into a I rust in govern CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS ment rather than God," Or. I'erry !•'.. (ircslmm, president nf liethnnj College in West Virginia, told i OF church convention here. "A flight fi'inn freedom," h said, "has invited the huinni ELECTRONIC ASSOCIATES, INC. auditorily of church, .state, us MONMOUTH COUNTY y,f/n/; Hmiirli, A no Jcr.;ry sociati'in or union tn replace th firm .'.land of our free ninscii'MC answering (inly In (iod," MOtt M d»» Ml? tn»» bnbndd Ciw*, fSED BANK REGISTER Friday, Dec, 23, 1960—21 /ANK AMOK, Midi. (it?) - CCimm* Hiidd « • ttMm*M r «f the EHCM*. an early Jew** Mfchfeu temuur. ByC—n Flowers Are Always Welcomed ! tect wfcom »me credit wife He Mid the sect "did not fton fer Safari** Ottmkv M compiling the Dead S4i Scroll*, entirely ftbm doctrinal differ- (ought to reform Judaism, po ence?, but was engaged to a Prettnt—for You and As Christmastime Present cording to Harvard University struggle for power," professor Frank Moore Cross Jr. Yours' < / This is the big nigbl America's - favorite Christmas i in combination with holly, pine "The Essenes were a radical I —Christmas Eve! Galber friends bloom is the brilliant poinsettia. j sprays and berry clusters in _._, ..^,v. „ itujitoii It pays to advertise in The The scarlet blooms, which have {charming, individualized arranse- regarded themselves 'Register—Advertisement. and family around you for an old-fashioned' good lime, but become the very symbol of thejmenls for mantels, tables and don't forget what -we're celebrat- Yule season, ranked number one door adornments. ing. Don't Jet the children get n a recent survey uy Florists' Don't forget that children love; 1 too tired as they have an even Telegraph Delivery Association to to receive Christmas flower ar- discover the most popular Christ- rangements designed especially bigger day ahead tomorrow. Uc- mas floral decorations. SEASONS GREETINGS nefic radiations denote that there for them. You can order a child's Named for Joel R. Poinsett of size tree fashioned of boxwood; very should be nothing to mar the ac- South Carolina, the magnificent and garlanded with carnations, lit our friends tivities. plant is surrounded by legend. and silver beads, or even a flow- best One describes a'poor child whojering lollipop bush created to be and jialions Past • . . The 10-story Home Future . . • More and more wished to give a gift to the Vir-j eaten as well as sniffed, wishes nsurance Building, completed new homes will have steel gin and was heartbroken because And if you're in doubt, you'll n Chicago in 1S85, is generally frames: With steel, ureas ot a she had nothing of value or beau- never go wrong by remembering: to everyone considered to be the forerunner home can be cantilevered into ty to present. As she approached The gift that invariably pleases Colonial Restaurant of all skyscrapers. It was one of space. Interior steel panel walls, the Mother of Jesus, in desper- young and old is the poinsettia 3 BROAD ST. RED BANK he lirst "high buildings to use which arc movable, will permit ation she plucked some of the —the brilliant bloom of Christ- steel beams. the size of rooms to be changed. scrawny flowers at her feel. As (OPEN MONDAY, JANUARY 2) she did so, the flowers were! The Day Under Your Sign transfigured into the scarlet bril-! liance of the poinsettia. ARIES (Born March 21 to April 19) LICRA (Sept. 23 lo Ocl. 221 When someone wires you an ar- Dnn't MINII >D iniutl iliuinir.tlH- day.liut l.li-i'ilL- r.\nlriiRM v"'" stiil liave to you (all a*l.ct-j! during It;^t i i it i*.'Jt tonight; ttti.l in lui*iii(^s lur a li*1 IIUIIK rangement of greens and holly, George Lu Restaurant TAURUS (April 20 lo May 201 SCORPIO (Oct. 23 (o Nov. 21) you may take pleasure in re- flecting that the wreath still Steak or Filet Mignon Dinner — $6.00 per person means, as it did in Roman days, GEMINI (May 21 (o June 21) """"• A j:;,l,i r.uiiiu: k«is,.l.ca.j. s-. cub a SAGITTARIUS (No*. 22 (o Dec.21) that good wishes and esteem are I,-.- «,t,W „< J,,-., 1,,-fo,,- ,,,fl,ll.,ll. ,,. „,,,;,..,. , i,,,,1,,,^ ,.,, ;,„ ,.„!)• -,,,,t enlwined in the leaves. CANCER (Juno 2Z to July 21) ' ' '; - " ' Holly, which has grown in Amer-j rm,v.,< il.ai .mA.'-.K at- CAPRICORH (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) ..pin ica for hundreds of years is con- 'I. J l«H li IIU lllllf I(l| (I ..tt'n, t r ti ;..,.|ii inlP< ,ni'.,,.l[ ,.,.,,.h|,,,. s ,,,,1 hi, •""•• llic ol.l-iaOiu.iii-d I .01..!,. sidered a universal herald of the rEOrlum*2r»|l'llli"r9'»l!.! cannot C.I AQUARIUS (Jan. 2 I lo Feb. 19) holidays. a',..,,!!1.!. V..u cm'.lo ....ui, lo U.«r I*. —i:.-l.fuli.^-5 is.m-.-cs.iry as a ill! When you send blooms for i ,;„,„, I.I-I.-IIIE S.11...1..J.I iinsi-j. Christmas, consider a flowering VIRGO (Aug. 22 lo Sepl. 22) PISCES I Feb. 20 to March 20) IYw.:ial i..iil.itl< ».<• (.-!>«. i-.l -in.! be. -n.cM- .l.iy, aic l.ai.l wi ll.r rx. lu-.|iitr, plant. Gaining in- seasonal popu- nclic a.-|'Ccli |.inlitl a K.H liuli'U.v. but ll.nc aic ainpic lompciisiilioii.-. larity during the last few years, fe) l'lliO. In I.I U:itt'P.;-ri. \lK. according to the FTD survey, are azaleas, Christmas begonias, ka- lenchoe, cyclamen, and pepper plants (also called cherry plants). These blooms add to the festive j Give Extra Thought When air and endure beyond the holi- days to brighten any room in the home. Selecting Men's Toiletries In cut flower arrangements for the Yuletide holidays, there is This Christmas, when you buyman who'll receive them. For little doubt that the leader in the gift toiletries for the man in your example, don't buy pie-shave U> dazzling array of red blooms is life, show that you put thought tion for a man who uses a safety the Happiness Rose. into the purchase. razor; it's only for men with electric shavers. The survey also reveals that red Un warm appreciation for Men prefer simple, workable de- and white carnations and vari- signs jn packages, according to Your choice of toiletries will colored chrysanthemums are J. Gold, director of Citation tell a man whether you are in- great American favorites. your good will and confidence we greetings and House Grooming Institute for terested primarily in his comfort, Florists now group cut flowers Men. They shy away from ex- his appearance or his appeal. For I travagant - looking, ostentation example, deodorant and talc are extend to you most cordial heartfelt good products. A woman who gives a used to give a well-groomed ap- gaudy set of toiletries shows that pearance. Woodman! Don't she either doesn't know the pref- Pre-shave and after-shave lo- wishes for the. Holiday Season. We welcome wishes, we send erence of the man who's to re- tions show that you care about ceive the gift, or else, that she his comfort. Pre-shave makes de- Spaie Those I I : doesn't care. whiskering easier with an electric this opportunity of telling you our Christmas When you shop for toiletries, shaver, and after-shave is design- Chrismas Trees ed to refresh the skin, while heal- Mr. Gold suggests, look for qual- Some people think the cutting ing any tiny cuts or scrapes. just how much we enjoy serving you! ity—not glitter. Select the flask and selling of trees and ever-| type of container, which is ele- A good cologne will give a man greens at Christmas is a waste- \ gant-looking yet extremely easy a refreshing aroma. As a gift it ful practice. Forestry experts, to handle. Such a flask should indicates your interest in his per-however, disagree. sonal appeal. have a large cap that won't roll Sales of Christmas trees put; down the drain of sink, if drop- Be certain your toiletry gifts millions of extra dollars into cir- ped. are tailor-made for the man culation each year, and do not Show your tlioughtfulness by you have in mind. If they are, deplete our natural forests. Most selecting items that you are it's a flattering sign that you've of these trees are grown on farms certain can be used by the given him a lot of thought. especially for tlie seasonal pur- pose. '5 PHOTO SHOP The others are trees which Toyland Is New Wonderland have been thinned out of logging Everything for the Camera Fan stands. Their growth there takes up space that the larger trees SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT need. And, these small trees 30 BROAC STREET, RED BANK For All the Youngsters would probably be eliminated in 150 Wallace St., Red Bank Tel-s " 7-2273 Buying toys deserves priority ing. There should be no loose the struggle for earth and breath- or SH 7-2274 on your Christmas list, even if parts, and eges should be smooth. ing space anyway. you are only a cousin once re- Lightweight toys are best for the moved or a casual family friend. crib and play pen crowd whose Time invested in the"selection of muscles are just beginning to de- suitable toys can yield lifetime velop. dividends of value lo a child. A1 new category of toys—from This advice comes from Dr. the land of science—should ease Philip Lewis of the Chicago Board your gift selection for teenagers. of Education and Toy Guidance It includes lab equipment on a ouncil's Advisory Committee, home scale . . . even group view- who also suggests a preliminary er microscopes for family par- reconnaisance of Toyland before ticipation. buying. Balance is important in a toy Because of the air of excite- just as it is in nourishment. From ment surrounding a toy depart- babyhood on, children require ment during the holidays, it's a varied play activities; so, in mak- smart idea to list the ages and ing up your gift list, consult leaf- habits of the children you want lets at good stores or get advice gifts for, and outline the basic from parents with children in play interest^ at each age level. similar age groups. Then look for toys that fit them By scheduling this important individually.. part of your Christmas shopping You'll find it rewarding, in your early, you will find a broader se- role,of Assistant Santa Claus, to lection of "correct" toys and a study the information on toy pack- store personnel with time to be aging. Read leaflets like "Learn- helpful. ing Through Play"—Toy Guid- ance Council's outline on toy se- The first president to proclaim lection which gives special play a nationwide Thanksgiving was needs of each age of childhood. George Washington. That was in Toys designed for very young 1789 when he set aside the last children should be labelled as Thursday in November for the to whether they are safe for suck- celebration.


/v. o •^'itf/iV istmas There's a warm spot in our hearts for all the wonderful people EVE Til We have been privileged to serve througlioiit the year. Along with our thanks Greetings! Just a friendly note to say we send you our heartfelt Christinas wishes. We wish you the merriest Christmas Day! 1897—FRED D. WIKOFF CO.—1960 RED BAN si Office and Store Store, Warehouse and Yard I!) West Front St. Cor. Mnplc Avc. and Bergen PI. LOAN fe ASSOCIATION Tel. SH 7-0552 Tel. SH 1-0554 %he Door iiff RED BANK 10 BROAD ST. RLO BANK NLW JtRSLY Dw. 33, RED BANK BEGtSTER End* 30th U ladia. a Hiadu aatiaa. the j gut or eyelids of a tfyuf iaaa it ttm •* anajai sir Lawnact RED MMK - A>Ufc» af Gauge* tiver hat been colder-'«*''ev«» W cleawe/rtw of w». Year With Otvfer to a aaacfaj ijajutfm at jwcial CMfMaa E« BfapiaM DfrtM't "CWataiaa Cai*" •d ho)/ for centuriei. A fiflgle ft p,y# ^ gdnfm m ^ hat IMM idicdutod by radio da- The final hour feature* Han- drop of Gingec utter on the ton- Register,—Advertisement, JCP&LCo. tio«i WFHA-FM here, M't "MeMltb," iuaf by th* KEYPORT - Alfred EcfcmM Johfl J, McGuire, acting pro- choir of the Reorganized Church 313 Broad St., marked his 30th gram director, said the programs of Jesus Christ of the Utter-Day year at service with Jersey Cen- 'will b* broadcast for two hours Saints, Independence, Mo. tral Power & Light Company starting at 11 p.m. tomorrow. Dec. 10. The station, at 106.3 mega- cycles, usually ends its broad- For a sick friend, or one who casting day at 11 pm can't get around easily, try giv- The first half-hour will consist ing a package of post cards and of "Music From Many Lands," stamps. The amount you spend collection of familiar carols s mg can be big or little, and it's one in many tongues and prepared by gift ANY one can surely use.

KEANSBURG-MIDDLETOWN NATIONAL BANK Our Very KEANSBURG MIDDLETOWN LINCROFT Best Wishes Church & Carr Ave. Kings Hwy. L nCr° Alfred Eckman To Everyone KE 6-0100 OS 1-280O SH 7-090* Mr. Eckman is operating »u- CHRISTMAS CHEER —Patientt «t Water Edge Nuning Home, Keyport, Mrs. Helen pervisor at the E. H. Werner Generating Station at South Am- SHELDON CARD SHOP Sleiak, left, and Mrs. Sarah Schanck receive gifts from Mrs. Leo Trolian, standing boy, a position he has held since 65 BROAD ST. RED BANK left, vice president of the Bayshore Woman's Club, Keyport, and Mrs. William Fred- 1957. Mr. Eckman has also SH 1-42(2 erick club publicity chairman, at unit's Christmas party last night for nursing home served as a watch engineer and residents. as a shift foreman. In World Wars 1 and II, Mr.; .. . , Eckman was an engineering of-' b ,t to what we would have spent |ficer ,n the us Ma ritime Serv.' Guess Who on Christmas cards—but in the ice. For his efforts in the 1955 meantime, let's go for broke when ammunition ship explosion on the the spirit hits. (I'm still mad South Amboy water front, Mr. f about what they did to the of- Eckman was awarded the Claude fice party.) L, Mathews Award of Valor. Sorry, Average American: But j He is married to the former (Let Sideways Thinking solve I take a back seat to no one in:Miss Anna Reynolds of Asbury your problems! How? See? being average. 'Park,j- - . —The y -have one daughter. You've already got a brand-new Confidential to "Bootsie and| problem—write to George, in care Joe." We just mailed your card of this newspaper, the only ad- for the seventh straight year vice columnist in the business Yours was beautiful. But who in Three Recent who has trouble answering his the blazes are you???? OWN questions.) Sales Told JV\CK*^ vmv k«*v«C<» • »\ Leads Lively Life RUMSON - The Ellen S. What • Joy to graat Dear George: Hazelton Agency has announced I don't think the average Amer- the sale of a ranch house owned ican would ever care if he never Printed Pattern by Miss Marion Huber in the ourfrianda atYulatldal saw another Christmas card. It's Auldwood fection here to Mr. and a bunch of malarkey, kept going Mrs. Edward M. Crane, Jr., of Baat wlahaato all.., by people who think it's good for Locust. business plus a bunch of people . . couldn't find a The Crane's former house was who are afraid not to send cards sold by Mrs. William Bry to Dr. UNION-IMPERIAL parking space. because people send them to and Mrs. Lionel A. Walford of itlinm And a lot of people do it Alexandria, Va. Dr. Walford is LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANING '"because it's the thing to do." director of the Atlantic Marine I wish you would put in your Laboratory at Sandy Hook. 500 BROAD ST. SHREWSBURY column that it would be better if A house owned by Mr. and Mrs. we all quit this foolishness and H. Wenner Spoerl, 176 Fox Hill put the money we spend on cards Dr., Little Silver, was sold by GEORGE C. KOEPPEL SH 1-2228 into some fund for the needy, Mrs. Katharine Dionisi to Mr. don't you agree with that? and Mrs. John W. Thaycr of Wil- Plumbing and Heating Contractor — Appliances Paint and Hardware Average American mington, Del AND Dear Average American: Mr. Thayer is with the Metro 141 1st Avenue Atlantic Highlands Glass Division of National Dairy I sure don't (I don't even agree BEST Products Corp., Jersey City. AT 1-0890 there's an "average" American.) WISHES In all due respect to your good- hearted suggestion, I think there has been enough damper put on holiday fun now. The group you left out includes the millions who enjoy sending and receiving cards. We need more sentiment, not less; less cal- KITCHENS culation, not more; more heart, FOR HWY. 35, MIDDLETOWN less reason—and Christmas is no time for logic. SH 7.2552 Let's have other days to help You've been such wonderful the needy, and let's not confine customers and we take this opportunity to say "Thank you!" GOLDEN TOUCH DECORATORS Hwy. 35 Middlttown SH 7-0652 5 Blocks North Of Navesink River

Freshly detailed and casual— Season's i For your valued patronage, many thanks! And may the ideal dress for your lively i you reap a rich harvest of happiness for the holiday?. Winter-to-Spring schedule. Make this wide-collar step-in shirt- dress in cotton checks, broad- cloth, jersey, or sheer wool. SINCE 1896 Printed Pattern 9313: Misses'! 1 Sizes, 10. 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16: takes 3% yards 39-inch. ! CONSTRUCTION Send thirty-five cents (coins) j Of*" for this pattern—add 10 cents for COMPANY each pattern for first-class mail- J.F.KIELY RED BANK..N. J. ing. Send to Marian Martin, Red: 700 MeCLELLAN ST. LONG BRANCH MERRJTT Bank Register, Pattern Dept., 2321 West 18th St., New York 11, J N. Y. Print plainly name, ad-j IAWI\TM0W£R dress with zone, size and style number. j New! Send now for our 1960 E.M.HEWDRICKS JR. Fall and Winter Pattern Catalog Miy your holiday season —every page in exciting color! 24 MECHANIC ST, RED BANK Over 100 styles for all sizes, all be bright with SH 7-1352 occasions plus school . , , 35c. Growing... happiness, ~TWC 6eot \M/ Laum, rich in lovi and with New Jersey

friendship. all Sladkus Shoes Times change and we with time, but not in ways of friendship. For your patronage and friendly good will please accept our sincere thanks and best wishes for a Merry Christ- mas and a Healthy and Happy New Ycnr. greetings )

been sucri •Season wonderful customers and Sladkus Family we take this opportunity and their personnel to say, "Thank you!"

BUSTER BROWN - Red Bank ladkus SHOES JOHN'S Beauty Salon 17 WHITE ST. RED BANK THOMAS PROCTER el,. Monmoufh Shopping Cenror H. H, GREEN-WALD, Mgr. GENERAL CONTRACTORS 10 MONMOUTH SI, 1-1515 RED BANK Efltontown, N.J. 218 N. 5th Avenue Long Branch TAlf AWHFNHM




I didn't think we'd My father si ill Maybe your imaginary Fairy —Her«'i your manage it, John. doesn't know hh Godfather DID get him for But Barnaby fiat presenfrrom present is down you,Barnaby. Hesunhai Ellin. I'll bring no idta that hit me. MERRY A herejone— gof a tig enough apptlito— in fhi pup, and gift is down her* CHRISFMAS! in the baiemeni. surprise him—










If i la. Ice boat Racing k-En Ice Near Perfect for Pilots; 5A Boatp Expected to Race

RED BANK—The ice is here.' "It's the most marvelous ice Class A boats (the largest of the The racing is coming next, ! that we've had in a long, long racers) out on the ice and today Commodore C. Douglas Hoyt j time," stated Commodore Hoyt. another will make its appear- of the North Shrewsbury Ice-1 „ . , , ., Years !ance for a I1)lal of livc- This boat and Yacht Club, yesterday ' y |number also is the largest j-roup said there'll be racing this week- George Blair; owner of the Icejof A boats on the ice in several end, but very light activity due '• Skeeter and an ardent iceboat j years. to the Christmas holiday. ] fan, also said, "This is the best i Pete Wingerter, who built his With the possibility of holiday j ice we've had in many, many j Class A Vanguard, has another racing, Commodore" Hoyt said years. The rain this week fol-j Class A boat on the ice. Skipper there will be a couple of races i lowed by the cold snap made | Pete was out on the ice yester-

Saturday and Sunday. These condition"' 's near perfec..,-•-t for ice- - day j,jvjn}, t|ie |)oal a workout races will be held at 12 and 2'boaters." but was not doing any racing. pm- ! Yesterdays there were four! Rides 100 MPH Boh Kofoed, who was out with a Class E boat, claimed the con- Paul Kiernan to MC Second ditions were right for racing anil lie had another claim of doing about 100 miles per hour. Annual Raritan Boxing Show Two veterans of the iceboat sport were Del Fisher and Rube WEST KEANSBURG — Mayor with his name and "The Town- White. Fisher wasn't iceboating, Paul Kiernan of Long Branch ship of Raritan Youth Boxingjbut he had his skates sharp and will be master .of ceremonies at Show 1SG0." The loser of each!gave the long blades a workout. the second annual boxing show!fight also will receive a prize.i Rube White, another of the * of Raritan Township youth to hej James G. Brady, township com-joldtime famous racers who has held next Wednesday at 7 p.m. jmitteeinan and chairman of thc loads of racing experience, says in Ee-Moe-Ki Hall, Palmer Ave.,; recreation department, will pre- he'll be out in a boat before the here. .[sen[ t the prizep s in the ringg after week-end is over. Serving as judges will be Coun-'eac'h h bbout . CommitteemaCi n BradBdy Comodore Hoyt, a Fair Haven cilman Louis Collichio, Keans-j will also present a special trophy resident, has his boat on the ice burg; William Lloyd, Keansburgto the boxer selected as the most near his property and says he'll attorney and magistrate, and| outstandin""'g of the show. take time out between patients Chester' E Johnson" member of I The seconds for each fighter j today and sail the boat up to the Raritan Township Athletic;will be the instructors of the box-jReri' Bank for Ihe races this Association Time keeper will be'ing classes. They are John Cahill, week-end. GETTING READY — Iceboaters of the North Shrewsbury Ice Boat and Yacht Club took time off from work yesterday to get their craft on the Fred F. Iverson, secretary of.Frank O'Brien, Roy Hilton, On Ice at 8 a.m. ice for what might be a busy week-end of racing. With yesterday's cold snap, the ice skippers are hoping that there'll be racing in ail classes. the Zoning Board. ' j Henry Springsteen, Bill Sparks.| Yesterday morning had skip- They hope all typ,es of boats will be out for action including the Class A yachts. The A boats are the largest of the ice racing craft. Commo- Scheduled to referee will be Sonny Gormerley, Rod Guntner pers on Ihe ice at 8 a.m. Some former world champions and out- j and .foe Kuhl. look sick leave, while others dore C. Douglas Hoyt of the Norrh Shrewsbury club said last night racing might be curtailed because of the Christmas holiday. However, standing boxing contenders in-' Proceeds from the show will be|ju5| dj(|n.t bmhc|. (o lg uork several will be scheduled tomorrow and Sunday. If they are scheduled, they'll be at noon and 2 p.m. eluding Tony Galento, Ike Wil-jused to purchase boxmg equip-' cnl| jn_ Thc R:as(m was liams Patsy Parrone, Teddy|ment for the boys. At the con-i,,GOOD ]CH „ Loder, Freddie Archer and Les-elusion of the bouts, hot dogs and I A u; dan f iceboa, IADSIES DAY serving as a rudder. He added a jib to riie earlier ter Smith. «>da W1" be sCrVed to the Partlcl'owners getting readv and doing sail equipment, and this model was so successful that 12 Bouts i^'li!," , . , . ,, isome sailing vestcrdav were: it remains in its principal features, as the standard There will be a total of 12| Ihe show w being sponsored by)D and c^ster ^ ,fa unto today. bouts. The mailain event of the Dayton Wilson, a member of tli<--jMn,eri Dr Mickcy w{Ct Don evening will match Salvatore and the IHubbard, Jim Smith and Lou "In 1890, while Shrewsbury believed it housed "Tuttie" Cassaro of Fleetwood Youth Guidance Council of Rari' Davison. Most of (hem were E the fastest iceboats, word came from Wisconsin Park, against fast stepping Jan I'an Township, boat owners, while the Apy . concerning a new type craft capable of running Holup, also of Fleehvood Park. brothers sport a B boat, and| Both boys are noted for throwing Davison an A craft. By Hy Cunningham - away from the swiftest of the Shrewsbury cham- leather from the sound of the bell Tropical Defies Irwin Gets Ready pions; faster even than the Scud-Kitty, with its to the end of each round. Also on the ice were Free- Two of the youngest fighters MAN, ITS COLD OUTSIDE — When that word 107 miles an hour performance. The statement holder Joseph C. Irwin, gettingj ever to enter a boxing show will Revenue Dept. his Pirate, an A boat, ready: gets around, so does the iceboat word get around. Andj was found to be true. also trade punches. Ray O'Brien, after the early ice, followed by this week's vain, and1 "This boat was a revolutionary one for its time. age A at 40 pounds, from Upper In Rich Double I Tony Mancini, Alan Conklin and; Raritan, will meet Ray Healy, jothurs. again followed by the cold snap, we have ice— and;she was turned with end forward, the rudder being . tige 5, also at 40 pounds, of MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — Tropi- Last year the club pot good ice—on the Navesink River. cal Park's daily double paid a several davs of racing and with in the bow. Her fore-and-aft, instead of being plank, Garden Parkwav Homes. y p ______^ In the past 10 years Monmouth County has was a long, slim hull—like an aeroplane. The pilot and Other bouts will match Henry rich $2,347.20 for $2 yesterday I a good start in closing out ("Well I didn't see a single and the park defied the Inter Springsteen, 6, of Haslet, against "-1 "" —'• J-"-J the latter part of I960, and aj . ^ ,, _ grown tremendously, and still is growing. With passenger—if any—sat in a deep cockpit, instead of on nal Revenue Bureau in refusing f but John Tittel of Fleetwood Park; better start'in bringing in 19Cl,j olar Dear Icl to demand the names of the better start "in brinninn in 19GI. PI met Sant> a Clausl. ..". this growth we have numerous residents in the a plank. The runners were straight on the bottom, Gary Iverson, 6, of Chestnut skippers of the Navesink hope winning tickctholders. county that have heard, but never seen iceboats Hill"against Jerry Corbett, 6, of racing will be as yood as the ice. whereas the old type had been rockercd. An Internal Revenue direc- Raritan Ridge; Brian Bradv. 8, in action. It has only been in the past couple of "The entire stress in creation of this boat had tive says that winners of $600 of Fleetwood Park, against Rich or more on a ticket must give years that that the ice skippers can safely claim been upon lightness. Aluminum was used as a ard Ricci, S, of Garden Parkway their names. But the track an- 3-Point Plays at Buzzer that they got in more than two weekends of racing, Homes; Patrick Ricci, 8, substitute for heavy metals; the wood was cf the nouncer told the patrons their Ricci's twin brother, against Cur- We turned to Encyclopedia of Sports for a quick lightest, consistent with durability. This was a tickets would be cashed wheth- tis Hart, 8, of Chestnut Hill; er or not names were revealed. Time Defeat Middletown review of the sport and found that in the days of ice- stream-lined craft, built for the ultimate in speed Jimmy Redmond, 7, of Garden Parkway Homes against Richard Saul Silberman, track presi- boat racing the sport was confined chiefly to the over the ice—and its accomplishments were mag- Schrang, 7, of Fleetwood Park. dent, acted under a ruling of Shrewsbury River (now the Navesink) region, in New nificent. It caused a complete revolution in the Also Al Ammerman, 10, against the Florida State Attorney's r'ght down <° ^ wire lastjwith a four-point margin. Jersey; the Hudson River vicinity of Poughkeepsie; on building of big iceboats. David Weeks, 11, both of Fleet- office that it did not have to request names. |nigl" but couldn't get ahead of) in the final period, the closestj few of the larger inland Wisconsin lakes, and at vari-' wood Park; Gerard Guntner, 6, a "Now there are two major classes of the big ice In the first 5>/2 hours after JAsbury Park as the Bishopsjthe Lions could «et to the lead; . , ,. ~ , nf Fnxwnod, against Greg Roth oUb ulntb alon lne boats: the large class, with a sail spread of 750 feet, the race, six of the 21 ticket- edged the Lions, 42-38, on the!was two points back. Then, withl P & "real Jus of Garden Parkway; Gregory victor's court. time running out fast, Asbury The Encyclopedia says: operated by a skipper and a main-sheet man; the Kret, 8, of Fleetwood Park, holders cashed them. Only one The big fly in the ointment for,scored on two layups to ice the against Greg St. John, 8, of Haz gave his name. "In the year before the advent of the automo- smaller with a 450-foot spread manned only by a Middletown was Jimmy O'Keefe, game. let; Richard O'Brien, 8, of Upper Patricia's Shoe, $181.90 win- Wirlh's club led, 9-7, at the bile, the motorcycle and the aeroplane, the iceboat skipper. In addition there are the Class A boats, with Raritan, against David Funk, 8, ner of the first race.'and Regal who scored over half of Asbury Park's total with a 23-point per-i^nd of the first and trailed at the was the fastest thing guided by man. One of the 350 feet of sail, the Class B with 250 and Class C with of Fleetwood Park; Patrick Hen- Rythm, $20.90 winner of the f O'Kf dkd i'half 1^-11^17 Asbury ParParkk out- veym, 8, of Hidden Hills, against second, tormed thc big double formance. O'Keefe dunked chief sports of the colony of iceboaters which has 175 feet. Class D has a spread of 175, and E i.s at 75." deuces and five charity pegs. He;SC0l'«l "'e visitors, 14-12 in the Jimmy Baumann, 10, of Raritan payoff. ,also scored a layup in'the closing; 'hire! and both clubs scored nine dwelled for so long in the vicinity of Poughkeepsie, The 750 and 450 feet spreads are not around this Ridge, and Patrick Gill, 9, of minutes which helped Asbury get!points in the fourth. West Keansburg against Gary N. Y., was to wait for a favoring wind, when ice neck of the wcTods anymore., Oscar Steward paced the Lionsi Cormack, II, of Raritan Ridge. Hawks Win the triumph. was on the Hudson River, then race the New York So thsre is 'the story of iceboaling. And it with 12 markers, while Rogeri ( Each bout will be three one- Middletown's main trouble Barry was next in line with 7 Central trains as they roared along the shores. appears as if iceboating had a lot to do with minute rounds with a minute rest seemed to arise at the buzzer. At Seventh Tilt the close of the half, Asburyipoints. I between rounds. Each winner wil It usually wasn't much of a contest; the trains streamlining for speed on the land, on the sea and receive a 10-inch trophy engraved ASBURY PARK (AP)-Unde- Park scored a three-point play! Asbury also won the JV game, quickly were distanced, some of the bigger and in the air. feated Monmouth College won its COMPLETE seventh basketball game of the| for fc season last night, walloping After the Lions caught up in the Lions withj an hour. BATTERY SERVICE Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, the third chapter, Asbury Park 13, with Bob Scharlach hitting! "The fastest boat of an earlier day in iceboating] | Gigantic New—Rentals—Recharge 101-E0. jdid it again at Ihe buzzer and it Brooklyn led only in the first j was another three-point play that r, K I-. ran. iI;J. ! was the famous Scud, owned by Commodore James B Weav On Jan 2 I885 !t Genera! Tire Sale DOUGLAS ELECTRIC CO. four minutes. Monmouth tied the J gave the home club a 33-29 ad- '.' n i : ^Hj - ci"- - °. > whipped along a mile 35 EAST FRONT STREET to n o n i r. « i2 RED BANK Tel. SH 7-0118 game at 10-10, and then wont .vantage carry over in the II II n o |and a quarter straightaway of the Shrewsbury River, ahead to stay. At halftime Mon-jimportant fourth period, :; n r.' i mouth led 53-36. j The game was close all the I I :< fin New Jersey, at 107 miles an hour-r-the highest rate 1 2 I Bruce Beckman of Monmouth.way with Coach Dave Wirth's't , ! V- 1 1 1 of speed attained up to then by anything excapt a few Mvg's Lisf Price plus tax and exchange was high scorer with Tj points. club loading in the first half un- r, o c i Ti;Tn«!species of bird. Weaver renamed the boat Kitty, and Teammate Jack Reardon notched 22. Monmouth's Walt Mischler the Lions held their own in the 7 12 ii a— I? on Feb. 9, 1888, under that name, she entered a chal- fvkMANUS & RSK, Inc. copped 23 rebounds to lead both lenge race of 20 miles over an 8-lap triangular course 1724 ASBURY AVENUE ASBURY PARK teams in that department. and negotiated it in 31 minutes and 35 seconds, cany Stu Nagler paced Brooklyn with 1G points. Brooklyn now has ing 440 feet of sail. a 1-4 record. "Streamlining the construction in the late 30s 6.70-19 and early 40s, produced greater speed, and the rec- Black 7.50-14 Plut tax and two ord stood at 143 miles an hour on the straightaway, racappabf* tlras Applied on »oun« LIS, 61-62 with unofficial runs at better than 160 an iioiu. lir« bodiet or on lour own llrti NEW. YORK (AP) — New It is easily possible for an iceboat to maintain an York University wasted a lO- average around 100 miles an hour, with a favoi- ooint lead, then bounced back ing 40-mile wind. for a G4-G2 basketball victory over Long Island University last "Iceboating, of course, Is a sport exclusive w •light on Al Barden's two free those who live in climes where thick ice gathers on "hrows with 11 seconds left. Trailing, 50-10, with 15 minutes rivers, or lakes, But there is one peculiarity: ice -cmaininfi, I-IU fought into a 5S- boating, that is, with big boats, has never really caught '.11 tie al 1:50 and again at 62-all on to any extent in New England, nor along the fui in Frank McCarthy's jump shot with 22 seconds left. Barden's western American frontier." Iwo free throws followed to put Skipping around the article we'll go hack to Ffre$fott* it away for the Violets, who the Shrewsbury angle. STORES evened their record at 3-3. LIU Maple Ave. at White St., has a 5-2 mark. "Inhabitants of Shrewsbury and Poughkeepsu RED BANK Sophomore Tom Boose of NYU argued over a generation or so as to which coinmumlv SHadyside 7-5700 and LIU's Alan Hernandez shared j introduced iceboating in this country, with PouyhKecp 1000 Asbury Avenue scoring honors with 17 points Asbury Park I'll 5-8700 each. sic the ultimate winner. Shrewsbury had no documen lary proof as to the existence of iceboats before aboul 1850, but Poughkeepsie proved, by the old iccoids that it had iceboats as far back as 1790. "But to Shrewsbury goes the credit for revolu- tionizing the structure of the boat—and improving it immensely, so far as speed was concerned. One WHERE'S THE BALL?— Poto Graham, No. 22, Middle of its residents wasn't satisfied with the double town Township High School cogor, souks b,iskofbcill which runner idea, and, in 1850, he made a radical change is woll hidden by Bishops' V.indorsloof iind Potorson. in his 'sailing box' as the boats then were eallml. 1 wo w.uni, pioml woids llul li.ivr nit.nil. Coming \o ,\ suddon sfop on tho iiction is Rich Joilin, "Hi.1 .succeeded in producing the first ,'i-coi nereti SfiiL'Ta m's 7 (Irow'ii to so many, ..lor so lon^ 1 RENT A LUGGAGE TRAILER rirjlit. Asbury P.irk odrjocl thr: Lions, 42-38, in <) fhriller. iceboat, willi runner. ; on each of Ihe iwo forward cor- SAY SKACUAM'S AND UK SURF, I .M I -1 i.Vn. I),.. ::;. i%u ill D i: \\K i;i;i.lsi I-.I; ners and a Iliinl lit I lie; rear apex of Ihe lriaii;',h\ s III Mil I -j J!IJH(M .".him;! !.!

w i. T I'll. Montreal ....21) H 4 14 Toronto „ 1(1 in II 3D Ili'lrolt • M II n 31 rhinifn II n H .1(1 New York - !> in r. RnMnn „ 7 17 n 23 WAIT BEFORE 'Merry Chri.tnW ,.. in thene two YOU BUY! GREETINGS About Thomas ay wo extend to you wordt we with to for Christmas, with our thanks Largoy of East See Our our very test wishes ciprol our appre-> to you for your patronage. Have for a Holiday Season rich in elation for your ^j KennslnirK and his Reduced Prices unwavering good- ancient taxi. a wonderful holiday season! happiness and joy. will and friendelilp. v FRANK PORTER'S In the BUFFIA BOTCH'S CAR WASH Asbury Park Sunday Press Motor Co., Inc. "A CLEAN CAR LASTS LONGER" OIL DELIVERY INC. 57-65 HWY. 35 RED BANK TIRE CO. 3 HERBERT ST. RED BANK NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK LI 2-1020 SHREWSBURY AVE. SHREWSBURY I1ETWEEN BROAD ST, A IHnEWtDURY AVI. SH 1-0610 EATONTOWN (One Mill! Snulli of Airport) MU 36-Fri*>. D«v RED BANK ftfKTSTT* *OTD» umvaxa •OATS* uncut* •UY WHICT «0M TMJCK* LMT - »•«»( turn*. frmvtt, tirawnl **' Otr Htm ~ti* •* MM «* w* •»« Pr fUuiri • f»** niniipsm<. 7HI M««Mt hr w.t. c*J*rf *t- cwi STORAGE WAREHOUSE AND FAY «r.1 Haiti-* %,-MtM Helton. Cbtl'A IMO four-doer lul told wtttter •»&>» t-f* «)•<"« IN 1-ifM for irrlft frt. (V WSH11- I gallfiBt, »od •»•>»*» »er Corwm.f ,,.„_„ , fiOtifl BALANCE DUE BOAT AND SKI CENTER - - 'fhtitur. f Uud and C#«c#H«d ' PJ.VMO1TH four-door, ,;i pa 76 ft'lill* «.-SH t-IIIil-Red Hani ....„ BSTATB SAWSBMAfi lor «(lv* 3 BOOM 0UTFIT5! I'la/.a. Mt'mify unii rl.iirn. I office with god location. KeaJ B»ta.t» _ MI 7-llnli i IFI..7 PI.YMOITH llini- lum.srnjsrr OlTKOAItl) o5 lip Johnson. 15' Old experience not necessary, but you must Outfit #76443 LOST - T(K>f-'f«y nrtr.no I!'"*! I-OK1I n.!if p!ls«P!lprr town Inpslralif. with ID-in ".-> lip ("I'M..,. know how to tell. Write particular! to ID.)B PORIi iTimntry Squire JoMriAun. Eolli excellent condition. 8HI "Estate' Box 511. Red Bunk N J Fort MuMuutulU Hrx:ti:»" 1!I."I."I KOHI) Ilanrh WaRon. I-1R6S. or Sll 7-:;(l97. • 9-pc. Living Room Group tier, kins lull, small"pnJlur1 -s- TEN MEN • 8-pc. Bedroom Outfit ' Maurice Schwartz I UAI'.INE SUPPLIES • 5-pc. Dinette • '•nil III :;•":» alter i;. i Everything I'or The BOHlinan. New Meclianically inclined to start inl'mcdl I.O'T Msn's hmvlinc Jin y itirpest marine supply liouse. j utcly S2.40 per boiir to (tart. Cal and family size renewed refrigerator Hsi ninny I.:in...s & Sons Evinrude Sales and Service SH l-4Uia. r.i :..-,ii K Unpaid Balance $173. 1 »' BOATMAN'S SHOP I LUST Mai,, •i'iaii»: ,Jt .| , . rted Bank: ACCOUNTANT - Mature man with pay $2 weekly r.nn.ll DPKN N 1 fi il T S n lar AVI! ; sji |.f.v80 ; Ijrua'l e.'cperlrnce, volume <>[ work nf ',. ,v ,,.,m ,"rll[,k n it h-ick loin — -— - _-! smallll, bbu t \ari'Mll iin tmturp. KHII or po-i- " Outfit #84772 ««r.l. Sll 71"; .Iv-IN Mel. > til Lh. ,1.it ii,iCK I.M. njKAL cillllSTMAS .!1PT-Flbcrgla» sll'lv l'»" ""»•• I'l'om during business ,.L ii i nI ,iii T-iTi . .r ciVr Inuasy. ilncron nails, cowl conili- hours, fill 1-244D. (Never out of warehouse—NEW!) -.___— "rr__ __'__.. -.Jtlon. only two years olri. J900. Call 1MIESSMAN — For Sltehle vertical and s • 8-pc. Living Room Suite PUBLIC NOTICE IT.INZ - ll'Ml. ciinviTtlhle roof, raiWo.'RV l-uZl!i. 10x15 HeirtWtiUTH. 10:i fu • :»/',•.• li'iur s.lliill ir.llrs. Call after 7 p.m. ; — week. Ajiply Mr. Hipijensteel. Jordon >• 10-pc. Modern Bedroom Outfit IVM'.TY ll.M.I. lor hire Amrr Printinp Service Inc.. 901 Broadway. • 5-pc. Dinette frinn llnll. Front St . I'nion WVel hung Branch. K'iti Mm. ti.ir ai.il .'jincinc l;u-iliB.™c.,|i^Tnnrs^-ffi^.>,ST.l . | BUSINESS NOTICES _ and n\ allnlilr. Capacity ."IW. $75 CO 4*3743-; NAn rn i;;ira I,III,.(. «sn tnlu's it. $U l-iiS'JT. (jXhl'ENTRV and munon work. Attic, Bzura -ilnc. Ctarh St. and Broad Blond Emerson TV recreation ruuins. addi(tons, cabinet way, Keyport. isork, storm doors, windows. LO ti-4574. $284 BOATS & ACCESSORIES C'BII flay or night (or Irce rstimaie. KLKCTIIOLL'X COnPOJIATJON Take over balance $3 weekly AUTOMOTIVE K WOKK. C&O irei service MKN wunteil. Sales and service. Me- prtferirm:c'ATc5ir~OI!. COJIl'ANY has service PIANO HOUSE board and salarv Call ination for leojc It) KeJ Bank. Jloilerale $10.95 HO* 2.6558 investment necesparj for sotck ami Rent A Piano 1 equipment only. Good opportunity for LOOK WHAT YOU GET! :W()MAN fnr Reneral housecleaning. One sales inlmleil person. Call Ml ;l-01uo table consisting of Homa $12 per Month liny per week. Phone. 3-5 p.m.. or nil 8-O38S after 7 p.m. Sll I-SIII4 sote top. ennugb him K.NA15K. MASON-HAML1N. SOHMER, CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS MODERN — Two bay service station l»cr to form a sturdy under carriage CABIJJNELSON. EVERE'lT, STECK. il'.EDARLhZ WOiMAiN to WHtch children and parking lot. iteHsonartle rental and four legs, elpht leg brackets, wood I before and after school. Ages "'•; and II. Cookmsn Avt t A W»!n St.St.,, Aibuij PkPk, DICK and BOB MATTHEWS low initial inventmrnt. PR 5-3188. scrc.ws, nails and directions, O dl ill S St 325 MAPLE AVE. RED BANK jAlmnt five linnrn. Atlantic Highlands Open dally till S • Sit. till 1:30 : area. Call LI "MOO0, Kxt. RlflS.1. SAVE t>5c BY CASH AND CARRY Renault • Volvo • Peugeot • Triumph BORROW OUR AUTO CARRIERS PR 5-9301 SH 1-3130 INSTRUCTION —FUEE ^VB BUY AND SELL anything and HELP WANTED—MALE everylliinB. Olv« !he highest prlcci. 119 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK VIOLIN INSTRUCTION — AT YDIJR (TABLE ON DISPLAY AT STORE) Call William LcH FurnlturB, Inc., Hwy. BOAT REPAIRER for major repair HOME CALL TRAINBOARDS IN STOCK 35, Mldillctown. SH 1-3212. Op«n tu- work. A'l year round position. Phone VAlley K-024S nings till 9 p. m. SH 1-5886 OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 III 3-1450. PLASTIC COVERS SACRIFICE—Squirrel and mink HOIM, SEASONS GREETINGS For Model Railroads, size four only. Manufacturer1! cloitout. In- AUTOS AND TRUCKS MERCHANDISE 9'xl2' — f2.I6 each. quire at once. Leon'i Fur Salon, Whtti St. SH 7-2800^ FOR SALE RED BANK LUMBER CHICAGO HOLLEK S1CATES — Olrl'l, size i'.i, pxcellcnt rondltlon. |10. Boyi & SUPPLY CO. size 7'.j, ». OS 1-0628. • HAMMOND 9 Wall St. Red Bank ELKCT1UC KITCHEN ItANOE, two ov- Sum SifH of Value- SH 1-5000 ens. General Electric dryer, both A-l condition. Eight metal kitchen closets. ORGAN STUDIO Perfect condition. Wicker baby CHT- WINDOW SHADES rlnge, very reasonable, one box-sprlns of ASBURY PARK mmuptis »'lth frame. Phone after 5 USED All Models on Display 98c P.m. Sll 1-7773. IIAMMD.NI.> BXTBAVOICE S6i>5 Si7.es to 36". white or eggshell. On FORMICA IVURL1TZER SPINET. BLOND * your roller. Bring them in. Shades Counter top» CV ORGAN" WITH JR 20 SPEAKER made while you wall. Now at new CERAMIC JU9.', temporary (ocatlon. PliOWN'S Wall Tile - CARS SALK3 AND SERVICE Broad St., SH 1-7500. Call Today. Sold ami installed by RENTAL AND INSTRUCTION RAYNTON'S TRADE IN your old furniture witli no 6 W. Front St. Red Bank Open Daily Till a - Saturday rill 5:11O down payment and get a new parlor For estimate call SH 7-:i»7li or dining room set at sale prices. Wil- COOKMAN AVB AND MAIN ST. liam Lett furniture Inc.. Hwy 33. LIONEL TRAINS — Complete sets. A-1 SAFE BUYS Mlddlctown. sil 1-3213, open evenlnga Call SH 7-2:68 or 8H 7-1756 alter PR 5-9300 till 9 p. in. 5 p.m. CASH REGISTERS - Ne» and used TiUDSON SEAJTCOAT — SIzTViTej- YEAR-END CLEARANCE many models, reasonable. We sell, RECONDITIONED TV'S ci'lleut condition. l!cst offer. Call LO 6- rent, repair TaJco Cash Rerislei Co 30 ilaj's guarantee, $29.l>5 up. Now '55 NASH Rambler 4-dr. Sedan, R &H 595. CA 2-01H. TV's. No money down. High trade- 2'J CAI.IBEU KIFI.E. Eicellcnt condi- '55 PONTIAC Hard Top, Hydramatic 595. in, t'ay next year. TV, ratlio, record tion. Used twice, Call TYPEWRITERS. ADDING machines. player repaint. 8H 1*7008. "Rain '55 MERCURY Cus. Sta. Wagon, Full Power 595. All makes new or used. Guaranteed. how" TV & Hardware lacro.ia Acme \MW as 1-5 Serpicu s, 101 Monmnuth lot." Broad. Hod Hank. SINGLE FOUR POSTER bed. one '56 FORD Fairlane Fordor, Full Power 650. jt Next to theater SH 7: u ish \o '59 RENAULT Dauphin 4-dr. Sedan 795. STOP IN and see the fabulous new FOUR COCKTAIL DRESSES — One iiRAN'r) NE\V unused~14 carat~j;oid'. '57 FORD Custom 300 Tudor, Fordomatic 895. Kinsman Electronic Orj;an at our Fur- red chiffon, one American Bvnuty Peau 7 jewel womiin'a Gruen watch. Kxpan- extend our sincercst wishes for a happy niture show rooms. BURDOK & SON itc sofe, one ROM silk shantung, one slnn band with snfMv cnlcli. |T9.Sa will '58 EDSEL 2-dr. Hard Top, MOM, P. Steer. 950. (next to Stelnbach's parking lot), 24 l)lacl( lace. Value of dresses ?235, will sell for $.15. SH 7-1202. holiday! We lliank you for llir n|iporlunily Clay St.. Red Bank. Open ilally 9-1'J. aell for $35. Sizn 12. Four pair shoes. '58 FORD Fairlane Tudor, Fordomatic 1050. 1-5. Wednesday and Friday evcnlngH 7-9 7AA. three pair never worn. Value ?63, TlAY ?'OR SAI.E: >iIdiTletbrooiTTiriw- will sell 425. Phone WH G-4ST0. Peal Hoad, to 5n\r yon with i our auloinutivr IICPIIS and '57 RAMBLER Custom Station Wagon, Auto. 1095. PIANOS — Save $200 or more oft list Wayside. price on brand new ss note Spinet BINOCUULRS — 20x60; prisms, coated '57 CHEVROLET 6-pass. Sta. Wagon, P-GI. 1150. pianos. Ten year guarantee. Come see lenses, center focua. leather case and 21" GE TABLE MODEL TV. }70. In- iu?h you a my pro^pi-rnus ami rnjuyaldf and save. We service what we sell. iiraps. Clamp and 44" telescoping trl- quire Service Department. Earn,-town '57 MERCURY T'Pke. Cruiser, Con., Sporty 1250. Tenzer's Music Store, 306 Main SL. pod. New. never used, ?55. (List TV. Hwy 35. Eatontown. LI 2-0100. i\cw Year. '59 STUDEBAKER Lark 2-dr. Hard Top, only 1250. Lakewood. FO 3-21'lu. 5179.50). nil 1-0697. HO TRAINS AND TRACK A RMSTnONG—Woolen mill rarpcllns- CROSLEY refrigerator — UaiM tturfnc CALL '58 MERCURY Monterey 2-dr. H T, MOM 1250. New, in original wrapping. Solid and summer months only. Very Rood con- SH 1-570S '57 FORD Country Squire, FOM, P. Steer. 1295. tweed, with non-skid foam rubber dition. SK '-M759-W. STILL TIME to find that nomethtiiR back!", room sizes, and wall-to-wall. LIONEL TRAINS Will aelt com- for yourself. Moving: house on market '58 CHEVROLET "Brookwood" Station Wagon 1395. Private home. SE 2-fljtP. etc set or parts. Like new. must offer for ciiilck SHIU: Console wild SH 7-2D07. 21" TV. AM-FM radio, three iprei '59 FORD Fordor Ranch Wagon, FOM 1695. TALK PILLOW TALK phonograph, many rorords. All 5'JU. KOAMART Thermostat electric heater, ?20. Air-con '59 FORD Convertible Coupe, Fordomatic 1795. BATONTOWN PORCH ENCLOSURES dttloners. ?!W each, or two for |170. Power mower, $15. typewriter and desk '59 MERCURY Montclair Hard Top, Full Power 1895. VENETIAN BLINDS low us $2.29 per week .ttfl, More. Come, Teit, browse, mak« |fiff*r.« M 2.W2?>. '60 FORD Fairlane "500" Fordor, FOM, P. S. 1950. Jaiuuaie CiUUU5 Kl \ B yti.i an extra '60 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 4-dr. Hardtop 2850. 2 FOR $5 temporary location, FROWN'S. ALUM1HUM DOORS All sizes to 36". wlilte. Broad St. SH 1-7500, Call Today! MANY MORE ONE-OWNER CARS Now at new temporary location. ANTIQUES - Make an unusual lastlnc $25! 1'HOWNS » BP.OAU ST h'lft for that special person. Our alock READY TO HANO '60 FORD, MERCURY, LINCOLN EXECUTIVE CARS RED BANK Sll 1-7500 has never been inure selective and NOTHING EXTRA TO BUTT Inti-.restlnR. COPI'EIl KETTLE AS- NOW AT NEW TEMPORARY NEVER USED. 0x12, ?30. TiqUES. Gl Monmnuth Rd.. Oakhurst. LOCATION r.uos Open Friday evenings. 9x13, S3S. Oilier sizes. CJE vacuum. PKOWN'S I BROAD «T. 100 Newman Springs Rd. SH 1-0910 Red Bank .TEST DRIVE A 1961 520. CA 2-4775. CONSIGN YOUR ANTIQUES. Objects RED BANK SH 1-7500 "j of Art. Household Goods and Fur- SLENDEP.IZING EQUIPMENT — For • FALCON • COMET AUTOS AND TRUCKS nishings to Cont.1 Galleries. Inc.. IBS rent or sale; free delivery. South Jtr- • FORD (Norwood Ave.. Deal. N. J. Next to spy SUP.GICAL SH 7-2GH. • MERCURY A&P Auctioneers-Liquidators-Appraisers • THUNDERBIRD • LINCOLN. -Estate Agents. Open dally 9 a.m. to (More Classified Ads MERCEDES 5 p.m. Sunday at appointment. Phone Salesman Dick Kroll • TRUCK CONTINENTAL KEIIOCK 1-3181. On The Next Page) BENZ AUTOS AND TRUCKS AUTOS AND TRUCKS

Says, A LARGE SELECTION OF Sales Service "OUR PRICES ARE GUARANTEED ENGLISH USED CARS AT YOUR AUTHORIZED JAMES DAVISON & SON SO LOW, YOU'LL AGENCIES T/A Murphy Davison, Inc. DODGE, DART, AND Selling Ford Products Since 1904 State Hwy. 9 Freehold Open Weekdays 'til Nine (At The Circlet HAVE TO REACH UP MONMOUTH ST. and MAPLE AVE. (HY. No. 351 HO 2-5300 COMPACT LANCER DEALER TO SET IN SH 1-6000 RED BANK SH 7-4545 LET EVERYONE BE HAPPY FRANK VAN SYCKLE, Inc. THE CAR" Over 50 Yean Selling Automobilei CHRISTMAS MORNING 149 W. Front St. Red Bank SH 1-1296 10 Center St. Freehold HO 2-0570 TAKE A LOOK AT OUR FINE | '58 PLYMOUTH '60 FORD '53 PLYMOUTH SELECTION OF QUALITY IMPORTED Co,iv*r!ib>. *IJ:O:YU!:C, f cylin- "ngf r station der, mint rnndlllo-) LiXe l>rn.nd nrw. USED CARS NOT FOR SALE-AT ANY PRICE \ $1171 $1671 $99 • Unibody construction | '60 CHEVROLET '57 FORD '59 PLYMOUTH FOR A REAL TREAT, SEE OUR •' Built in protection against the elements < muttc, radio' A hea'»' Six p,vi*«"tupr Country RMnn. Fury, * ul r • Torsion-air suspension Grf en an-) whllf, auloinaltc. • Freih, new styling 1 $1971 $891 $1271 CHRISTMAS • Jumbo-sized .interiors 1 '56 CHEVROLET '57 FORD • Eight times stronger glass SPECIAL hllh'hTt.Uft ruim-ititilf Wli,lc ri'.'iM !• HKII radio A neater, automatic. SPECIALS! • Total contact brakos r.KAi, Sll A I'. I' $471 • From 10 to 60 more horsepower that $191 $1691 deliver better gas mileage 'CO AUSTIN IIIiALEY. 4-scntcr ,S26!)j '57 MGA ROADSTER (Red) $in;> '59 PORSCHE COUPE . .. $2895 '57 DKW SPORTS COUPE .. $ 495 • Alternator electrical system '59 TR-.t ROADSTER (2) ...$18:10 '57 FORD ANGLIA $ 523 LEASING THRU EASTERN STATES '59 MGA ROADSTER (Red) ...$1893 '59 AUSTIN HEALEY, 4-seatcr ...... $2095 '56 FORD VICTORIA $ 5m The above list is a combination of just a few items LEASING CO.—LEASING ANY '51? PORSCHE COUPE . $2-150 '55 MGTF 1500 $1150 that are standard on a 1961 Dodge Dart—'that are '58 MERCEDES BENZ—.100D, 4-dr, $5100 •53 JAGUAR MARK 7 SEDAN $ !)!» NEW CAR OR TRUCK. '58 AUSTIN HEALEY . . $1950 'S3 MGTD $1095 NOT FOR SALE AT ANY PRICE on any of the lead- PLUS '58 MGA ROADSTER (White) (2) $1750 '53 MGTD (Red) $1095 ing low priced cars. Reasons why a Dart gives you PRICES INCLUDE ALL LICENSING, •58 IIILLMAN MINX CONV. $1105 '52 JAGUAR XKI20 COUPE . $ 700 that big car ride at compact savings. You owe it to '58 FORD CONV., full power $1450 '52 MGTD (Excellent condition) $ 995 INSURANCE AND MAINTENANCE '58 PEUGEOT -10.1 SEDAN $11,95 '51 MGTD $ 900 yourself to see, drive and compare the *I96I Dodge- SHORE'S LARGEST GROWING AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF INEXPENSIVE AMERICAN CARS Dart at: •DoflBn-Unrt prlend In line with l-'nrd nml Chnvrnlnl. CONTINENTAL CARS, Inc. F&H MOTORS, INC. ONLY QUALITY IMPORTED AUTOMOBILES KROLL MOTORS 1,1 Jilix phirr In ilo I>IMI.'II\I;II | 671 BROADWAY CApital 2-3600 LONG BRANCH I? E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD, RED DANK SH 7-4500 - OPEN EVENINGS TIL 9 Routo 35 LI 2-11 11 Efltontown, N. J. -. 7* MIC NftMU BED Bi\K REGISTER Fri, D«. V., W-27 T LUMfER SPECIALS! g»*.JWNM niiumn --, 9U HOLIDAY GREETINGS *»•-* mm**, m MAUDE P. SPARKES AGENCY rgm IN Sl'ltKdfrATK'K 1'OL'ltT dition. $10. Call with living quartrrs, ana storage space REALTORS >KHM( E (lit I'AIII.MS IN Vl.l' Notlrf 1» ( rrdltnrh In f'rrspnt Must he reasonable. Write "M 1. •• Brick-Front Call today. (lalnn ARBln%t K^tJitf _ 55J±!L! COMMERCIAL RENTALS Box 611. P.ert Bank. WISH ALL ] IIIKIIl IIKI.A'I'IVKS AMI HIIKNII* KSTATK f»K A N TOINETTE WHITE Shoe Jcp fikHti'jt *iZR~~7 banljy | II you aie in the ulllilHry si'ivU'P DVVhfHT, DKt'KASKf>. used. Girl's red chinchilla coal size 14 FACTORY LOFT Georgian Colonial ROLSTON I in a:f a intttfiil in a \t;lprynB' bun Gill's other clnthlnR from 12' to sub- i*t(r/rurtfit to thf. or MUf, nr it yuu Hfe '". lSP.l)Kt;K. Surrogate nf Ihe fouti- 12.M0 sq. ft. Call SH 7-1100. room, dining room, kitchen. 'J'5 baths WATERBURY Iru-IKI lv of Mini mouth. Ii;i3 i!ay HIJUI*-, f,n STORE FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS family room, two-car garage. Fire- 1h^ uliUry si- the «ri|.licatmn of Hit* ur.ijfrsLRticd. Ar- TRAIN TRANSFORMERS On White SL •Call place, built-in oven, cooking unit, dish And a Happy and REALTOR INSURER !'.,!• hospital v thur Cililt, Sol-? KxccMor nf the fstnlt Call SH 7-1100 SH 7-2G0!) washer, decorating screens, shades.! tU \'tl« Hi •f Hi* mini Anlrnru'ltf hwiCht. piit LIONEL 190 watH, IIS wnttj and Fully air-conditioned office. Consisting able. Reasonable rate. Garn^c Gen I'-'J watts, 50;,. off. tlcmen preferred. 92 Wallace SL SH 1 turn ll si'l VILC li.Hlut lu i) KIP s.ti'1 Snip K JUT; it or their cl.nms of reception room and private offic 1".T Blnsbam Avenue. F.umson I ML'ST~~SE'LL — Four-bcifruoin ~»nllt t-Olnni lo b« for- ruh within mi innnthi (rom TOY DISCOUNTS active colonial building, separate un- bet. r.idge A Kumson Roaoi Joseph J. Howard level. I'aneleil HvinR-dinltlK room, niuil- i.t- votot in fiftUi i-leu are Iti the mill tin trance, all utilities included plenty of ROUM A.VIl HOAT.D for rlilrrly'frprsori !crn kitchen, recreation room, JiUouBied wariiiiii lo you, if yuu "Rninhmv' TV A Hardware 'aciuss parking. Ideal for lawyer, accountant, All liHulfrn roiivenitincca phis exi-ollt.nl Guy DiGennaro pnrcti. patio, two hatiis, mi w'i.t- Sru ACTKL'R Acme lot), Broad, Tied Bank. architect or engineer. 5150 PIT month. care. SH 7-,it;:;o. JOHN W. POST half acif. (;iose tn achools. BliuiMitiiR, \ i-ti'tiiiiH' lnuii'iLil, Ma V. K I). N 1. One or two year lease. HARRY Edgar V, V. Close ;i|;e, serial IIUIIIIXT, hi me "Buiidrra (or 32 years" triiiiKjiortalion. Owner tionsfprreil. Osi tin* ailiirpss at -Alui'li , KEARNEY & CO. RT. 35. MIDDLE. Lola A. Hahn l-'jjs;. or can be fnumt. or if y sire tilt Snip Exprulor. TOWN. OS 1-0000. 29 Wardell Ave. Rumion r militiiry .ifi-nre liallnl I rflfttlvt* ilMir*. Ileuxsjllp. Cnniwtll, MERCHANDISE WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Edward W. McFeely silKBWSUi:llY ^HeciltlVf~fiiiiiH'~Flve MaiisniT & Carotftisito. SHOP for rent" Hwy 35. two iiillea liciiroonts. liuttilers iacrlffce. VurcUile or fnenil ilifii makr mi aiipllcutlun PIANOS — Highest prices paldTk. Ten- RU 1-0476 uniier rotitrnct with small down pay- uiuhT imtli d)r a military urna'K hnl- north Red Bank. 3O'x60'. Ideal for iniiii- HOUSES FOR SALE Clementine Walsh Kcri Rank. N. J. Mr. 306 Main St., Lakewood or FOx. ufacturlnp, repair shop or HtoroRe fal ment. 1.10.9011 Rll l-?2:i^. lot to )>i' fui wurdcil in him. staling eroft 3-219(1. ities. Large parking area. Double over- in your ni>]il!cn sta- estates. Furniture, antiques, Oriental tha Tuller Building. Both on first Family. This cozy two-bed- tioned or r.in i)f fnunil. rugs, paintings, etc FRIEDMAN GAL- floor, river side of buildlnc. One of REALTORS room Cape Cod has full din- Sincere good wishes for a Forms of nppllcatlnn can be oMiUn-rri N< crwrv LERIES. PR 4-3143, Evenings CA 2-74S2 three rooms. Tha other four room GREETINGS fnmi the iiinliTstj;ncii. SI ItKOiiAlK'S 4 IIIHT ANTIQUES — Paintings. N. J.Atlan'7 SH 7-:no. ing room, living room, kitch- bright and happy Christmas. Dated HecciutHT ':3. IMiQ Notlrt> to CreilltnrR In I'ri'iPnl Estates purchased ami appraised S}1 SANTA BUILT THIS From All of Us at the UKAIIUCK WKRIV ('lalrm AK>ln Inc., 511 en, enclosed patio with bar- Secretary nf Ho;iiil of tMuratinn KSTATK OF WILLIAM LOGAN, liroad St.. Shrewsbury. New three-bedroom ranch, with becue and one-car garage. It ELLA WILTSHIRE • Ruiiisiiti-Fair llavt'ti Ili-^kniiil DKCEASKD. I'tirnunnt to tb* ordrr of EDWARP HOUSES FOR RENT l'/2 baths, eat-in kitchen with is located on corner land- Ulsti School, Kunison, H. J. OU~Fi;RNITlJRE — Antlquei7~ctMna REDDEN AGENCY AGENCY UPC. 23 J7.74 H. !li:OK(JK. StirroBHle Of thft County Klosswnre. art. objects ar.rl brlc-a- FOfR-P.OOM BITNnA"LOW~w'lth nlUm- wall oven, spacious living and scaped lot enclosed with cy- of Monmoulb. tins dav made, on th* brae. Immediate cash for anything and provemems flfi Clinton PI., Shrewsbury. dining rooms, bascnient, attached Evelyn Redden clone fence. Holiday priced 1480 Ocean Avenue Sea Bright • application of the. undesigned. Allan everi'tliing. Ruscll'i. 25 East Front St.. call SE •j-niu MUH'K OF SALK: HflBKPr. Administrator of the eatatc of Sll M6!>3. garage. Convenient location Harral Redden, Jr. at $14,300. TUB HOME KUIl YOU AT }19.9im. On Wi-dnestlay. Jan. \. llHil. *t 10;00 1)1? snid William U>jja», Aeceasui nn- split level. Three becf amidst far more expensive Lovely tliree-hedrooin tiuin« just lime A.M. 1 will sell at public auction nn tice in hereby Riven to Ihe creditor* rooms, den, baths. U65. Unfur- Faifh Poitrinal yearn old. -5" icrnird porch, paiio, boli4l[ of lbe ScacnaM Finance t?n. st of Jiahl ileceased to present to th* PETS AND LIVESTOCK nlshedlhd , two bedroom Sllfl. 'ManM y fur- homes. Pick your own color two-car garuge. I-arpp family rmnn. Hnuid St.. Ht'd Hank, N. .!. one J!tS!) 5HI-I A.ltnlnhtniHir their claims utMrr nished rentals. Ella Wiltshire, Apency. scheme. $20,000. WALKER & WALKER Alum in u m ntorni and ia\nh comlmmtlon. ChevmlcL 4-dr.. sf.iiin. 210.1 Si-rial oath wiihin sli months from this date. HWl Ocean Ave, Sea Bright. SB S- Flavia Borchardf rJipju ronilinon. Immediate occu* No. l'55'i'lfJI.'J.'W for ilWauJt in * Cnn- Dated: November ISth, lOiVl COLUE I'UPS -- AKC. 11 weeks, 0004. mules. Wormed, Inoculated. Will hoM REALTORS cy^ SH7-O697. ilitumal salon Contract nindf by II AL1.AX RAGGER. fur Chnalina.H, Reasonable. Ll »'-;!56^. Mary Ella Gaunt I Milkman. Snid car may b« nei-n at V. (). Rnx 1«, WIDE SELECTION OP RATALS - SANTA'S HELPER Irving t-'riincis Co., !»0l Main Ht., Ai- Heal, N. J. Furnished and unfurnished. Imincd- Edmund H. Gaunt Highway 35 Hazlet, N. J. room ranch attached Kara go, ]arf*e liury Park, N. J. Afessru. Hotierts, 1'illsbury THTiyiwi ate occupancy. Samuel Telchcr Agency. That's Us kttclKn. finlilwil hnaemem. ["'ul) srs- pi, i l servicee. . HHerlchpe r ken< Oceanj>ort Ave., OreiinporL Cal) or diaj K, W. LOVEKIS, Auctioneer. A Ciirtoi], r f 5 What finer present can you givej CO 4-5212 • ion artinnls. Price Jifi.500. rail 7K7*6h4u. 35 First Avfliiue. ntM. SM 7-5Et!t,) after 5 p.m. LI 2-.*.10O or LI 2-350L Walter S. Overton Pec. 2.1 M-M your family than this attractive! Open 7 Days Atlantic Highlands. N. J, champion stock. Call a fter 5. HUMSON — Finn location. Four rooms George A. Injnan Attorneys phis" large screened porch. Call RU 1- split level home with a 4V2% REAL ESTATE WANTED Dec. 2-9-HMM |17.fit <\\ n-1720. Ki:i2. after t> p, in. G.I. mortgage assumption, $95.00 S( HOOL IMSlltlCT (IK 1IIK JMCHJ-iHl'NDS — AKC! Ready now, Gordon D. Donald LISTINGS WANTED — I'romiecU wait MO.NMOITII ItKtilONAI. IIKill MON'MOVTII ' SIX-ROOM house. Three hodratmis, nil per month; recreation room, wall TO ALL ng for their drenm home. Knlen anil M 1IOIH. ItMAItl) Ol' K»l* AT1ON SliHKOfiATK'S < (H:ilT OS 1-.TJ71* heat. Red Hunk residential. Near bus to wall carpet in living room andj REALTORS INSURORS •entail. Prompt service. M, Blalne nml i'OLM'V <>*•' .IJO.N.MOIHI, \mi ur« a irl- Heck 11111. Sole Kxerutrlx n( the estate HOOD IIOMH wanti>d for I -!- year old Immediate occupancy. J2I10 monlh. Insurance, open 7 days. Shrewsbury alive or frlt-nd of a person who li In male Labrador retriever, papers, house- AND A office. 811 1-.VJ12. Ilarilan office. CO 4. the military service ur is a imtietil tn of the said Oicar F. Hill, deceased, broken, woni(erftil with chlMren Our Jlolston Waterliury, l'.ealtor, 16 West "IT'S THE SEASON" S2V! notice Is hereby given tr> tbe creditors house imt bit; enoiiph. Call KH 1*4234. From St.. Red Hank. SH 7-3500. Season's a. veterans' honpUnl wliu. you biMiuve. of SBId deceased to present to Die To inspect this Christmas Red HAPPY NEW YEAR INCOMK I'KOPEKTY In lied tinnli will deaire tn vole m the Monumull said Sole Kxeculrix their cl»lmi un- OAKHL'RST. fmir bedrooms, two baths. Prefer .1 to fi apartments with or with- al Hit;h Kchoul annual achool EaraRe. NEPTUNE, eight-room split, Colonial, 26' living and dining i iu he In-ill on February 1. der oath within six months from thi-s REAL ESTATE FOR RENT l>aths._U 2-l3 Kim P)., OAF.UBN APARTMENTS AVAILABLE Available Immediately, -JOl^I-O 6-1fi2G. home of your dreams. REALTOR - INSUROR are In the military service or are B Ked Hnnh, N, J. 1 '/i acre. Well landscaped. Mod- piitletit in a veterans' hosjnta). atntiiifi KxenutrU "- -. 4i,*t. atul & rooms. Molly Pitcher. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, newly decorated. MONMOUTII COIINTV Vlllasc. Inquire Apartment Z\. Mr. Cnal furnace. 15 Marion St., Red Bank. ern conveniences and old world 8 West River Road your name, aRe, serial number, home Alston Bppknun, Jr., Es^., O'Nell. SH 1-!>II5. JOSEPH F. HUNTER MUKKUfiATK'S COUHT ;iddrn*!-i and tin- adit ret* at winch you 10 Broad St,. $75 monthly. 81! 7-O2f)!l. are stationed or can be found, or If charm. $17,000. RAY VAN HORN Rumson, New Jersey N'ottro lo rrfdltors t- JUimsiui. N. .1. Dec. 23 f?.« credltora of said deceased to prpsi'nl Lawrence J. Schilling 87 Maple Avenue Red Bank Sole Executrix, lo the aald Hole Exneutor Ihelr claim** HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE from REALTOR Messrs. Reu?sille, Cornweil, under oath within all months (rom this Margaret G. Schilling Mausner & Carotenuto, SCHOOL IHSI ltl( T OF THK date. Charles L. Waddell 34 Broad StrciM. THE STAFF OF Ked Bank. New Jersey MO.N.MOITII KKOIO.VAL IIMiH Dated: November 28th. 1M0. Ellen S. Hazelton Frank G, Jose, Sr. Sl'HODL HOARIt OF Kl>l ( ATION VINCENT J. .McCI'E, Attorneys i:!nce Jii your district on Monmoulh Regional High School annu Application of the undersigned, John JULE C. KEYSER JOSEPHINE S. LENCH diate occupancy, low down payment. To our many, many friends said dale, and you desire to vale tn al school election to be held on Febrii E\ Day, floJe Executor of .the estate NEW TWO-HRDROOM HOME Seven rooms. I'i nalh, enclosed jalou- the annual school election to bi> held nry 7. 1961, kindly write or apply in of the said Maria Cloxaey, deceased, Sin.onn sie porch, attached carage. Phone OP on February 7, Ifl61 kindly write or person to the und'ersifjned at once re- notice la hereby given lo the creditor* Call Sll 7-13H injHin EL WOOD A. apply In imraori to the under Alined at questing thnt n civilian absentee bal- of aald deceased to present to the once requesting that a civilian ahfinn- lot be forwurflfd to you. Ruch rrquest 30.1ft Sole Executor their claim* under Armstrong Agency tee hnllnt b« forwarded to yon. Such must st.itp your lionie addresi. nm\ Iho oath within nix months {mm thii date. retjue^t must state your hutne atldrcss. nddress tn which said ballot whonld 555 Prospect Ave. Little Silver ami thp adtlreig \Q which s»Ui ballot be sent, and must be BlRned with your DA ted; November I'Stft. 1060. should hi> sent, and must be nlgtifd isituri1, and statp the r-pason why JOHN E. PAY. with your signature, and state the rea- you win not r.* able to vote at your 101 Riverside Avenu*. son why you will rot be able to vote usual pnUinu place. No clvlllnn abien- P.fid Rank, N. J. SEASONS GREETINGS at your usual, polling place, Sn ci- tpe ballot wilt he furnished or forwarded Alston Bppkman, Jr. Esq. K. A. OehJhau* vilian absentee bnllut will tip furnished o any applicant unles* reqiifst tli^rB- 10 Rrond Street, Real Kstate or for wanted to any applicant unless for in received not IPKS than R dnyg Red Bank. N. J. For Excellent Service request therefor is received not less prior to the rlrction. and contains the Attorney. And Better Homei In than R days prior to the election, ireROinE information. Due. 2-3-16-23 Leonarrtn. Belford, Port Monmrtul and cont.iliiii thu forpsolnp information. Dnt" rrrnent Claim* Kenlals Rtima'on-Falr Haven Reptonnl •' T- Tbrockmorton AVDUP, Against K-ttntc Mt Hwy. Leonardo HiRh School, Rumson, a. J. Katontown, New Jersey, ESTATE OK GRAYDON JOHNSTON. AT 1-0*89 Dec. 23 VT3S Pursuant to the order of EDWARD C. KKOKfiK, Surrogate of the County ijf Monniouth, this day mad*, on the i application of the umlerfllKned. Fatnc'K J. McGann. Jr., Administrator nf UIR i estate of liiH .said Graydnn Johnston. !»cleaned, notlcn in hereby given to Ihe CTfiltOTS o! said dec^as-Pd to pr-p- Gifts for Christmas Gifts for the Gifts for Mom Gifts for Her CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY . sfnt to the said Administrator their claims limit*r oath within nix months Whole Family A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! 1 from this dale. SU.NHEAiM APPI.IAN'CKS — Hairdry- HI FI STEREO PLAYERS DatPd: rvomher flth 1!«"A GIVE A TYPEWRITER ers, mixers, toasters. From $11.5(1 up. PATItlfK J. McGANN, JR . FOK CHRISTMAS HAD — Why not simp the easy way. Allen Electric. IS White St.. Red Rank, fl Wwuilanrt Dr.. All Malif-s — Lowest Prices ftive tlie ideal Christmas to the entire KITCHENS KOIl SALE BIS DISCOUNTS I'.tMl Bank, N. J. family. PENN YAN lapstrake boat K1TCHKNS—H' Ions, complcti- xvllh fin- POItTARI.ES, TABLES. CONSOLES Adding Machines—Typewriters China and Glass Repair Painting and Decorating Administrator $39.50 to $79.50 and Evinnide motor. Some 1960 mod-ished cabinet*, fotmlca top, built-in 3-SPEEI) PORTABLE. J21.95, Rp'Jiiillp. rornw Mausner A "Uny Them Whore Thi'y els left at Vflrt. discount. Also larj-o oven range nnd sink. 5405. ADDING MACHINE!! — Typewriters PINE~fNTKliT?K and eilerlor nalMT Carotemit.i. ntnr.k of nautical gift", and ski equip, NOW $15.05. BXPBUT MKNDING—China, elasa. Service Them" aold. rented, repaired. Blrolco't, un allver reflnlshlng: and plating, fherm- Ing. decorattnf;. and paper banglnc. 3i Broad St. menl. Navnsand, Marine Sale* Co., CROWN KITCHEN CENTER RECORD PLAYERS REPAIRED Honmouth St.. Red Bank. SH 7-Oltt E.stlmatP.s cficprfulljr given. IV. IV. Ile7-4fi77 I). I'ecoraro, Snlft Executor ol Ihe »»(•, ('nil us WIJIMI sclllnjj. Til allr.pti UmuUmgn. wnlMa. key chain* estale rif the said Anllinny .1. I'ei'nraro, Matthew*, 115 Hroailway. Key port. etc. Van Winkle Marine. fiO White St. Auto and Truck Reolil Radio-Television Repair deceased, rntlce Is herel'V fiiven tn CO 4-Hlfi. OIVK TDK GIFT THAT LASTS Fuel Oil—Heating ttm rrrditors tit s.ild deceased to pre- Tl"5AMET-tA~OIKT~SAYa -- "OperTSi AVIS—nent • new car or tr,uc]c. Low A.C. ItADIO * TELEVISION CO- sent lo the said Hole Executor their JJINETTB HETS First." Don't mips Ihnse Chrlntniit 'FOP HIP true sjilrit n[ ("hrlstmas." rates Maple Ave.. lied Bank. 811 7. 1211 Shrewsbury Ave. Sll I-476& Scvcntl bountiful new modflH nn sale, Hrpjith takiiiR selection nf Hounries. Ft;EL OIL * IIBATINO—Call SH claims nniler oath within six months picture*. Tage Photo Service. n Gifts for Boys 030). PR 4-J214. Dally 7 a.m.-10 p.m 0610 Oil Uellvery, Inc., Servlcs SERVICE WHILB YOU WAIT. from this dute. Monmnuth St. SH 7-028H. Missals. Hihle.i, Medals, Stntues. A ritov.;; KITCHEN CENTER price to satisfy alt, Sales, 3 Herbert St., Red Bank. Dated: lu-ci-mlicr 6th. 1960 WILLIAM li. PBConAP.O. Hwy ;<-'i SH T-'JASJ MlrfiUflnw TUB PBHFKCT CHRISTMAS nIKT ! (UtANT'S SANTA SPECIAL Awnlnp — Canopies Roofing, Siding and Insulation THE 8I1KINE WaKon Train Cowboy outfit, Kenular lSf H'psi Front Street, "~ STOCKINGSTUFFERS"" A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION White St, KM Rank S1DS nnw Jl.fll. See Santa dally from AWNINGS-CANOPIES made to order. Home Improvements Insulation & Siding Corp. Certified I'.i'd Hank. N. J. l.hiuora - Wines •- (Tnriliiili Free estimate!, standard Awning <7o.. Johns-MnnvtliB contractor I*H ft-8407 Kxt'CUtur, tn tile 7 to !) p. m. W. T. flrant. Llltle Silver. IV I'UIMBItANO "Tha Carpenter." or Adam Llntmayet AT I.QW2. Messrs. P.eussille. t!ornwell, Fn-r Delivery -•• Free (lilt Wrnnpln 615 River Rd.. Fair Haven. HI! 1-06MI. Kxpsrlenucil alterations, repair work, Mausner te Ciirotenulo, RED BANK REGISTER TIMI.VHOARDS by Vpton. Soiiml out-lttsMi*. fill 1-4191. Nil 7-.1I91. 01,80N~CO FNC.—Roofing. Slillng t .11 liroad Strepl, THE WINE BARREL ilpadeulnR, Rruss Kreen finished, llRht 4 Mniiintiilth SI. Sll 7-lllin Itnl Ban l.ncal, Natlnnal, Inlernatlonul News, 7Yees & Trim Insulation. Installed and guaranteed Iteil Hunt. N. J. Sports, Coniics, flynillrnti'il r'nliimnlsts, wplRlit. stronp;. SX8, H.B9, 4x8, Jllill. Boating Supplies WOUKI.MI MAN'S contractor—Alter- for 10 years Pit ft-OTM— AT 1-0540 Atlfirneys. *1 MOAN'S (fir lienutirul ('iirlNtl)lll IIADKKTriAI.l, SET, n.ivc 17.00. Ollicl atlons. addition*!, painting, masonrr. piii'iln. •prlBliiiil nrrniiKiMMi'Ms nf crecn ntnl Special Features. TKKES - - Poodle, alumiiuiiti, potted, NEVER SINK with NAVKSAND: Dec, n-1H--J3-:<0 ?-» I" MAIL SI'HSnitlPTlDN al slwipnr , SIKP, bounnp. UoKularly all those little Jobs. LO 6-1714. ufiil cijl floivpr/t. Loi'nl itellvery o One year Jl.V 8lx Montlu >», nt. Decorations, corsages, hliinket*. »lfl.9, ,. NOW JI5.(I5. I.ltlle Silver I.um- Nfcveiand Marine Saiea Co.. Oceao Tel. Answering Service MIIN.MOI Til (III Ml ilt'llverv anywhere In Ihe frro world, Three Monlhi II.SS Muscle's Watermelon Unr. Uwy lift, bpr, Kycatnorp Ave., Llttlo Silver. Av».. Bra Hrliht. SE 2-1101. M Itlttll.AI I-s lilt III' HKAN'8 •• mtie UlRlitnmts. AT 1-Ufii:i Insurance .\o(h'p (11 < redlfnrs lit IVpsent HOMB I1KI.1VEIIV 3.1c PER WEEK TIED TO S'OL'H tf lephone ? Let us Claims AsuliiHt hstnte 2ii IlitKiil Kl . Iteil liank SH t-7 N^foP ilBAl«|AirTErt.S(Jir; answer for you I 24 hour lorvtcs. Tele- Bookkeeping Service ALLSTATE INSL'ItANCB CO.—Auto, ESTATE OK LESTER C. I.OVETT, I.illk HIIVIT S|{ 1-iKVi CALL SH 1-0010 :ut trepH, ('pntcrpli'ces, Artificial Trpps., phone Answering Service. BH 1-4700. det'enseil. and nsk for Unlly Wrenths, Iioor HprHys, (Uavp BLAINI Clerical Service— Any cleri- acclilflnt, tiume, fire Insurance. Iy^w Illclniny :ir>, Mlitillelmvn Illnnkrlii. JI'LIK'S FA KM MARKET. rates, rail John P, Mcllugh, Alent. Piirausnt to Ilia order of BDWAP.D Holiday Food cal Job: typing, payroll, mall bllli, nu 1.1001. ' ('. HI'.OBliK, Surroxilli' 0! the I'ounty llollil.iy Bid" liir hiiimi'linlil nnil fnnilly. CIRCULATION Iwy M, Mlilillrtnwn. Mil MH.1I. enter ledaeri, elc. LI 2-llftR. Tile Ceramic 1 ViTtiiiint L'her.si', nyrujn, wnnilenwiirp, FOR FAMILY Fl.'N ! nf Monmouth. this day tna'U , on lbs linens, A wliln choice of uiuifiii The Fntnnuii S. S. PRICK (lirrs -- Fruit cakei, REMOULIN'l.ltKI'AII'.a-ADDri'IONS appllc.itlnn nf HIP u-ulpr-lfinc'l. Tlicn- tiling uii'hT $|0. Pet II fours, clincolBlf le,\vps, Building Contractor Kitchen Remodeling —New wnrk. enclosures, all accessor- dnre D. Parsons, Theodore A. Ofr- ALCORT SAILFISH PEKRY'R NATI.'P.ALLY. 21 Whltt St. ies, floors, walls, celling. Decorallve I'lntis. Alan D. 1'it'M. Jr., atl'l Li-sltT 'f'Ts'l 1 ~l <' ».\Tl~TATlLK!ir~iw«~i'nirn Knjoy Ihi* iifllJi'ifi pli'nsurp of thi* Ball- Gifts for Dad SH Tir.fM). O * C UU1LUKHH K tiles to your nrder. Taiil's Tiling ('. I, Klelil Executors nf tin' p«tate llmlirlliall Imcli huaril >rln. Alnerlcnli " h. I'ontoiin-lyiift Imll lunkrn Hnllflnh ilpeclallilna in aluminum aiding plu» t«[i.», bullt'lri ofnns an'l rao/jei, com- Hi-rvlrp CO 4-.HH uf tin* siii-l l.tMler I' Lnvett. dci'i'ineil. l.iimlier * IlinlillliK Supply, llwy 35, nlnUdiilr mnl lin|*o*i*illili> to swnmti. HHSHAV HAMS - Fully runko.l, r.'j.fy complete buililmi aarvica and remod- plete rerriddfllriK. Financing ar- niitii'e Is herphy Kl\en In tin* cri'illtnis Mlflilli'tiiwn. MM Mill 1IFT IIIEAS - For lli.d ! (llnvps. nf said ili'CFUSi"! tn prespllt to the* fs'd Ni-otld DO flunk nr inuorliiK space nml In put. Ti'tiiliT IMIM anil riellclnus. ellni. CO 4-ie7« or CO 411:17 ranged. HDKII Klli'heni. 7S7lll)7fi. v i:l..VI-t7.rifl, Prince rlnnlnir wnlll Kxi'i'iitors tlit'lr claims uridi'r o.il i TOI'-HIDWIl 1KIAT HIIOKfl r;ui lip Inuticiied nnywhrn*. Frqm An unln'llevnlilp ta*lp c.iponi lur- Tree Service 52117. in.M-irj.511. Sllpppr SHL'IIS Mi' . Alitii'V kvys l.nne's Meal .Market, 10 Wliltf ALL TYPE Improvement! and new within sn iivmllis frutn tills date. The llnntnmlt'n 8hn|>. :( Whart Av«. work Guaranteed, Kltchem. itormers. Iti-.l Iliinli. III! I ,'IJMI. K.N'OC'KKnnOU'.N KITH At-Sr> Moil's Hhup, ltriw,l St., llcil H/mk. ' St. HII iniT.V Odd Jobs Ul'T TREK SKIIVICK-Insureil. Oen Halt; November 'JMh, Illfm AVAlLAIlMii J L'nilwiiHailer, Hlnce ID3!>, RU 1.U4M, eraf cant of trees l?4 flelihaiv Avt.. T)li:i)lKIUK li. I'Ar.BONM. I'MATK'H I.IIJIIOIIH HE PKItFKCT LAST MINITK lilFT ilaBTUirANO CONBTilUCrlON-Niw OMLLAItS, (KrnRUS uleant-d. Tires K«lnn!i,.7n. 1.1 2.2427 Sli\ lly. Htuni'li Ave, We itlll Wrnp nml lipllvor, BOAT AND SKI CENTER - (ihp him a r,'rltfIivi11- fnr rin An- nurnri. mteralliinH fepalrn tlm« pay- remnved. llaulliig. Appliances. Little Hllv,':, S. J J« N, Ilr1>lRi< Mr, Kll ?I|SS li While HI. __HII MUM llml Iliinh nn Pisrlii'll Tynilr;IM hnt, .I1.1!) HIIIH'I'H menu. Plume LI 'J-OUI— l»7-'i«1Jt. fnrnltuie inuved CA 1-71S7 TIIKnlKiliK A. IHlllKMl S, II Ilerklesi I'l MI'iuKIT"Tn ri:i(iir~HANW~iiVi'iunii li's Apimri'l. 'J(l llninil HI., I'.M ILink NDW IIOMUH, alUrstmni. repaita. V. fl ii I'l'"* 11A L'LI Ni'F~~ y U'11 ."n g • ~» n d Vacuum Cleaner Ucpalr Gifts for Baby weekends, lleasnnahle rates. Call It'-il 11:111k. N -I flill iViiiiirnlK (IN!,Y 11,1. 1»7 Ilroml illM'IHT !><•• f inn., liiilllca Il.':."i linml IIIKhest qusllt.v work. Kor estltnatrs •M.AN l>. IIKI.H, JII, HI., llrcl ll/ml(. HII IfiMH. Mil t'ryMtil n*U Irnyn Sll.fm. Tin* l'ii|i call Herbert Klarnrauch nil 1 •KM (lenrge llnripn. HII 1-7777 ui.Mrruui.vx v.'i llullimwon'l I"*.. nUi'n DiMiinlcr )Ki. Mu.lrn' ilntirhiK IlKdlNNlNfJ l!»r»l .talss Service -Siiptulea f.nr HIUPII. N. 1 •mllilK Invirlry nnnra H'J 111. Ulihlnl liKTTiiANK AiTiHSTStTM~piltJTJrTri'B r:i) Mnlllson Ave , AslnirT I'ark. lor I.H.STEIt '• I.. HKI.I) •BKIITIIIII Si:., Gifts for Him Htnrm windows, sldlnt, awnings, Painting and Dccorotlng prompt linliie snr\tct nr free rherkup lli.lniilel ltd . J. YAN'lil) LAYETTE-DRESS. SUIT HII T-;ilSl or HII MH.'.H tin yum Uleclrriius. rail I'll ft (lOrtl llnliniU'l '• J. Gifts for Girls :»l llninil HI l!r,l Mini; .IKN'H IH'III'lillAN I'llA'I'H, Milun CLUB PLANS papprhanK9i 'J.> ytnrn fxprtlmrt <:i | Al.l, HI'M' Kllll I'MKIHTMAK I f.'ll |n >.'.', nnw , ! y 'lucr mnntln nlil liuniilfttr.l "nrrn '•••'. In iiur nun r.l. 1..r•. l:."l Il-iu Aik nlntut llirni t'i'hiv ! ! HWI"l'lo"'l ANK'H~"iir"y~wii ,'/ Hi.(. Sillllti

Exotic Fragrances! Sequin Trimmed The gift that echoes WORLD RENOWNED Ink Spots, under the direction of Billy,Bowon, will be appear- O verblouse with Hood ing at the Adventurer Motel, Ocean Ave., Long Branch, Monday through Jan. I. throughout the year! Ullioil Has Visit Hit, Run H .ne 10.98 NO SllCCeSS ft o 8 Driver Is J RUMSON — A Rroup of choir jpirls from St. George's-by-the- Captured 111 Election I River sang carols for various Overbloute of arnel and nylon crepe WASHINGTON (AP) - The'nursing Iiomc.-. in Monmouth NEW YORK (AP)-An off-duty International Brotherhood of County last Saturday afternoon. patrolman early today captured with a twinkling tequin trimmed hood! Teamsters did little financially -jho homes visited were Ivy, a hit-run driver of a car which in its unsuccessful attempt to de- uniiop, Rivercrest, Shrewsbury had been stolen from an Asbury Cap sleeves. In white or black. Siies feat three New Jersey House , d Mary Lee. They also!1 ark- NJ Manor an 10-16. members in last month's elec- sang al Monmouth Medical Con- The officer. Clement Ercolano saw an allt0 h a taxlcab at tion, ;kT. Those caroling were Pamclal " '""' The three Republicans-Reps.iBrewstcr, Nelsia Everett, Gloria st- Ninth Ave., then speed awa Florence P. Dwypr, Milton W..prc(|crick Marv nUntcr, May - , „ . , ., . , car an lho flccln vehlclc devel Glenn and George M. Wallhauscr|Gay Kl,dak, Walk- Kudak. Linda! d K - —had been tagged for defeat by.Langhammer. Betsy McKee, opened a flat tire at 33d St. and Teamster President James R.jNancy Morgan, I.ea Olson, Sandy Ninth Ave. STEINBACH'S BETTER BLOUSES Hoffa because of their votes Ercolano and the driver grap- ot i Robinson, Carol Tucker and Gail Street Floor and Asbury Park labor reform legislation. Iwilson. pled, the latter broke free, but A check of House records Ercolano caught up with him and showed that the Teamsters In- i felled the man with a blow to the ternational Union spent only $500 head with his service revolver. in New Jersey to back up its Erik Arrested was Vincent Curreri, campaipn. isen 23. of Brooklyn, who was charged This went lo Jack B. Dunn, with grand larceny and leaving Westfickl Democrat, who said the scene of an accident. before the election that he had To Langan: Police said the car belonged to returned the pift. Rita Ferrnlo of 835 Dunleavy St., The report filed by Demo- Well Done Asbury Park. cratic - Republican Independent' UNION BEACH - To say that Voter Education listed contribu- Mayor Harvey C. Eriksen and tions to 15 candidates only Councilman William J. Langan through Nov. 2 The group, j have not always found themselves Port called DRIVE listed Hoffa as itsjon the same side of the fence president. this year would be an understate- Monmouth Neither Dunn, John A. Miller ment. nor Robert R. Peacock listed! night, the final povernin; The auxiliary of Port Mon any contributions from any team- body meeting of 1960,"the ending;!mouth Fire Company held i ster source. was on a cordial note. (Christmas party in Buck Smith's Miller, Norlhfield Democrat, Mayor Eriksen told Mr. Langan | Restaurant. The state auxiliary 8.98 to 13.98 Famous was defeated by Glenn, while that he and his street department;"''11 meet Jan. 19. Peacock, Livingston Democrat, had done a "magnificent job" in was beaten bv Wallhauser. removing snow during the recent Mrs. Kenneth Thompson was Sport Shirts storm. chairman for the Ladies' Auxil- He noted that all the streets in iary of the First Aid Squad at a borough had been opened with- dinner party in the first aid build- $9* Calls Conference in 24 hours and they were kept ing Monday. Secret pals were re- KEYPORT—An organizational open, vealed and gifts presented. A 2 for conference lias been scheduled! "I traveled throughout the state birthday party will be held Jan. for next Tuesday by Milton Gale, during those two or three days, 17th in Buck Smith's Restaurant president-eleci of the KiwanisjMr. Eriksen said, "and I can tell for the benefit of the squad, Heure Club. Interclub representatives you there were very few towns Tables representing the months for the month are Melvin Philo, that were not in real trouble." of"the year will be set up. Bulky and regular knit sweaters in Car- Malcolm Bahrenberg, John Goetzj "Thank you," replied Mr. Lan- Perfume : flnd George Search. 'san. \!r. and Mrs. Leonard Moon digan, pullover, ski, shawl and H-V entertained last week-end for Mr. $10* to $18* and Mrs. William Westington, styles. Some 100% wool, others fin* Kenville; Mr. and Mrs. George Cologne Laurel and Miss Karen Bonner, wool blends. Sizes 38 • 46. Flanders; Mr. and Mrs. John $5* and 8.50* Zawislak and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zawislak, Dover; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moon, Point Pleasant, LANVIN ArPe9e- Mv Sin * Crescendo STEINBACH'S MEN'S SPORTSWEAR and -Mr. and Mrs. Ocrald Nor- com, Arlington. Perfumes $4* tO $25* Street Floor and Asbury Park

The Knilenoc Club met recent- Eau de Lanvin $6* tO 17.50* ly in Shore Point Inn, Keyport, and held a Christmas party. The CARON Fleurs de Rocaille, Bellodgia, group also met later at the home of Mrs. Edward Bryk, Port Mon- Nuit de Noel mouth. Present were Mrs. Rob- ert Beam, Mrs. Fred Beam, Mrs. Perfumes $11* tO $30* William Harnett, Mrs. Ann Tar- THANKS now and .Mrs. Norman Sickles. Eau de Toilette $5* and 6.50*

US SERVE YOU Mr. and Mrs. John O'Neill, CARVEN Ma Griffe, Robe d'un Soir, Michigan Ave., spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Vert et Blanc John Fessler of Virginia. MANY HAPPY RETURNS Perfumes $4* fO 22.50* A bus trip to Radio City, New Eau de Cologne $5* tO $10* York, and Patricia Murphy Gar- Famous Make TO US. . .AND dens, Yonkers, N. Y,, was held Tuesday for a group of Middle- SORTILEGE Plumes $4* tO $26* °LEASANT EXCHANGES town Township residents. Mrs. Martha Runge sponsored the trip. Eau de Sortilege 2.25* tO $6* Corduroy Jacket

FOR YOU DURING Mr. and Mrs. Leo Yundzel and son Lee of Rutherford spent Sun- CORDAY Toujours Moio. day with Mrs. John Bennett of Perfumes 3.50* tO $12* Main St. $10 Eau de Toilette $2 tO $6* Mr. and Mrs. Ted Thomas and children of Summit spent Sunday e day with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Li'l- CHRISTIAN DIOR A real action jacket! Zipper front, lis of Crawford PI. Perfumes $3* fa 22.50* slack pocket, convertible knit collar Jack MacKenn, Wilson Ave., Eau de Toilette $4* tO 9.50* who has been stationed at Great and snug knit cuffs. Lined in 100% Lakes, III,, is spending the holi- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27th days with his parents, Mr. and D'ORSAY wool plaid. Sizes S - M - L. Mrs. Emil MacKenn. lie will And Wednesday December 28th leave Wednesday for his new Vouloz-vous Perfume $4* »Q 12.50* assignment in New London. Conn., where he will attend Eau de Toilette 3.50* and $6* RING OUT THE OLD CHRISTMAS SPIRIT school. Cre e WITH NEW DELIGHT BY EXCHANGING THE MILLOT P do Chine The 10th birthday of Belli Han- cock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Perfume $4* f0 $25* STEINBACII'S MEN'S FURNISHINCS WRONG-CHOICE GIFTS FOR THE RIGHT Street Floor, Red Bank Only Urban Hancock, Campbell Ave. Eau de Cologno $5* an(] $g* was celebrated Dec. 10, Attend- It happens every year! You receive a du- ing were Paulcttc Murphy 'prices plus tax plicate gift, perhaps a wrong size or color. Martha Nelson, Jean Koch, Jo anne Johnson, Hetty Ann Thau Whatever the case, sometimes the best- STEINHACII'S COSMETICS Linda Flock, Jacqueline Coos intentioned Christmas gift must be returned. Linda :ind Cindy Dniley, Karcr Struct Floor and Anbury I'nrk In keeping with our policy of customer sat- Magraw, Linda Morrell, Patricia Wenz and Barbara Schnellncr. isfaction, we have set aside a special day to assist you in exchanging the "gift you Miss Dana Green, d.-iughler of Hear the received" for Ihe "gift you want". Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green, wlu Give the Easiest. attends I he College of New Christmas Carols UCICIK'HP. will spend Ihe Christ Gijt i,f All ... mas ami New Year's with her Tonight at 7 p.m. parents. A STKINBAOl'S first Methodist Church You can iiiuke a Irailitliiniil jKisMiir. Hull liy pokin;: sprlcs of Choir of R«d Bank, S MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER li.'vi'i'iiri'rii into ,i fiiam hiill. Tuck <;ilT CKHTIHCATIv ;i liil (if 1111s11• • to(• >'ll llli' hiitlnm: Horbort Burtit, Director. \ EATONTOWN CIRCLE iiltarh ii liij: huw ill Ihr Inp, It',1, rrady ID hanj: from Ihr ccilini:.

Open Tuti., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. It'1: llic |ii';il. of lllMliy: II ullili Sat'urday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ji'i mill'' i ,!inr;'>|'' IVMIM •• in ,i lull .'J.ill'd IIIII' .nil- i Vi iiiti;; (In.-.1.:.! SHOP STEINBACH'S TONIGHT 'til 10