FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1968 PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT ATcrage Dafly Net Press Rm The Weather lEtt^ n in g For the Week Ended Forecast of U. 9. Weather- November 16, 1S6S Cloudy. contlanod wtaRr cold tonlflit with ocattcrod flnrrtee. I.ew bi SOo. 9a 13,891 partly cloudy, wtady aad MeeAer ot the Andit Hlyh la SOe. Bnrew, e< OtfoalsttaB MancheHttr—^ City o f Village Charm

C-OOD/r^EARj 'X, (ClaaeifMI Advertlotar oa Pafo ») TONIGHT VOL. L xxxm , NO. 52 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTBiC C0NN„ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1963 PRICE SEVEN CENTS HOUR Caracas’ Citizens Defy FANTASTIC I DG8 Jet Airliner Falls ONLY! Challenge of Terrorists V-A-L-U-E-S ■ CARACAS, V w iezu ela f police brake dut in<^tal of fuerrilla-plafued Falcon (AP)—Castroite terrorists slum districts but traffic In the State. Folice reported only downtown area of Caracas slight damages. It was on the Imagine! Famous brands of ap­ wounded five pedestrians, seemed only slightly less than Paraguana peninsula In Falcon burned three buses, scat­ normal. State that the government P.M. till Street cleaning vehicles claimed to have found a large Near Montreal, 118 Die tered tacks in the streets pliances at their LOWEST PRICES SALE! roamed about the city scooping cache of Cuban arms. Because and blew up a gas line to­ up tacKs thrown down by ter­ of this, the United States has day in their effort to scare rorists In an attempt to keep joined Venezuela In seeking EVER! TV for os LIHLE AS «98! voters away from Sunday’s motorists at home. tougher measures against Cuba. presidential election. Workmen restored power to Canada's AUTOMATIC DRYERS as LOW Leaflets strewn about Caracas the southern edge o T h e city f^ L N thousands Veneme- by the Armed Forces for Na­ where saboteurs bombed two followed campaign electrical subsUtions Friday v*^,**?^** tional Liberation — FALN — an day In defiance, of the threats of AS ^128! Many others too numer­ underground terrorist organUa- W orst Air tlon, warned the city’e popula­ policeman In a patrol car violmce. tion of 1.6 million to stay In­ was w6unded by snlpeVs. , T*»e seven p resid w ^ l candl- ous to list in this ad. ON SALE 5 doors until Monday or face the Elsewhere, M boihbs explod- “ P possiblUty of being shot. ed or were detected during the <*“ ««*"«• One of Disaster Oun battles between FALN ,j,*t to th.« « .« o.™, »pi.. gSuto B .uSsir’ HOURS ONLY — DOORS OPEN The FALN Is trying to fright- STE. THERESE DE an the population from voting BLAINVILLE, Que. (AP) and thus gain a legal basis for —Workers toiled in cling­ AT 7 P.M. declaring the election invalid. Johnson Names Panel Commxmlsts and Castroltes are ing mud over a quarter- NRST COME— FIRST SERVED! All sqIm final at b(wcotUng the polls. mile area today to recover flMM lew, low prices. BUY NOVY— SAVE Thousands of dollars worth of General Electric Televisions, Stereos, Washers, However, the Venezuelans the bodies of 118 persons paid little attention to the killed in Canada’s worst NOW! MAKE YOUR FIRST PAYMENT IN FEB­ On Kennedy Slaying threats. Dryers and Refrigerators! Demonstrators, floor models. One and few of a kind, Fireworks lit up the skies ear­ aviation disaster, the crash RUARY 1964. . . ly today, and It was their booms of a Trans-Canada Air etc. BE HERE EARLY FOR BEST PICKIN'S! WASHINGTON (AP)—President Johnson has named Lines DCS jet. a top-level panel to investigate the assassination of (See Page Five) The big U.S,-built plane. In President John F. Kennedy so that the nation, the world ■ervlce only 10 months, caught fire and plunged to earth-Fri­ and history will know the facts. day night just four minutes af­ 1 s t That was Johnson’s mandate^ Storm Slams ter taking off In heavy rain and NO MONEY DOWN! PAYMENT February 1964! armament negotiator John J. to the special preaidential com high wind from Montreal’s Dot- mission named Friday nM t. He McCloy. val Airport for a 300-mlle flight ehoae Chief Justice Earl War-' The ’ Preaident signed an ex- ecutive order authorixlng authorizing the Region, Tides to Toronto. ran to head it. There were no survivors.' G-E "Filter-Flo" commission to subpoena wit­ Johnson was understood to be It was the world’s second G-E Automatic 1 nesses and granting it other determined to avoid multiple In- High in State worst single plane tragedy. powers It might need to Inves- ELECTRIC 12 lb. Dryer quiriea that could cloud the Witnesses said the plane ex­ 3-Cycle, 2-Speed facta about the murder of Ken­ Johnson talked with each By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ploded, but disagreed as to nedy In Dallas a week ago Fri­ whether the blast came while It 16” TV day’ and the shooting two days member of the commission be- j x snow storm hit the North- ese, Que., Friday with 111 passengers and crew of was ztill airborne or after it » WASHER later of the man poUc This is a stock picture of a Douglas DC-8 jet air­ a plowed into the ground outside Full Guarantee with kUllng the r e s id e n t 1 - ^ liner similar to the one that crashed near Ste. Ther- seven. (AP Photofax.) _ Brand N*w '64 Modrt—3 CyciM Blankets and WWte House sources said baweled blast of wintry fare- Ste. Therese de Blalnville, a WASHER The new President said be factory town SO miles north of bad choaen the commlssimi "to Worren will decide when the well to November. commission will go to work. A major storm centers in Montreal. study and rMKtrt upon all facts The plane dug a crater 90-feet and circumsUncnces relating to A White House announcement N ew Jereeyw W ppedpreclplta- said: "The President la Instruct- tlon from toe C e n ^ l, A p p ly ­ wide and 6-feet deep. The rain the assassination of the late quickly filled the huge hole with President J (^ F. Kennedy and ing the special commission to ■ chlans and North C artym Ineludod the silbeequent violent death of satisfy■ - itself■ ...... that toe truth Is through toe lower lakes region water. toe man charged with toe assas- known as far as It can be dis- onaprtsing northern Ohio, Troops were called out to ■inaUon.” i covered, and to report Its flnd- ortowestem Pennsylvania and guard the wreckage. Hastily That man was Lee Harvey i Ings and conclusione to him, to toe Lake Ontario afea into New erebted lightk gave an eerie as­ 9.77 *99 Oswald. 34, a self-styled Marx- toe American people, and to toe England. pect through the night to shat­ *189 Six Inches of snow piled up in tered bodies, half-buried person­ *214 1st. Oswald, accused of shoot-! world." Ing the president from ambush I Johnson’s aim waa reported to western Pennsylvania. ’Three al possessions and broken tochee were reoovded in Pitta- temains of toe airliner. N Kennedy motored torough ] be to make w n tii»t ovsrlap' downtown Dallas,- - was ■himsef • * ping------Inquiries------do do not devdop, burgh. Roads were reported in Dawn broke gray and rainy. GE Portable 132 Automatic Defrost producing. a situatliih In which treacherous Mndltions. Two of the victims appeared 23” GE 5 TUBE 1 GE 4 Speaker gunned down in toe city police station last Sunday as he waa one Investigation might get to i Soutoera Nc t En^ynd was to be Americana. about to be transferred to toe toe way of- another, soaked with downpoUN, Provl- An official casualty list County Jail. Bogta hnd proposed a bin to dehce, R.L, ww p90ndM by named R. Kerne, Brooklyn, A night-club operator named set up a Houae-Senate commit- 3.11 inches. In MasMChusettg N,Y.. and Mrs.- 8. Hankovarity, 1 CONSOLE TV DISHWASHER REFRIGERATOR Jack Ruby has indicted for tM to investigate toe slaying. It Boston reported 1.40 inches and Box 72, Port Washington, N.Y. Console STEREO Bedford 1.5S. Ckmcord, N.H., RADIOS One man N. Master, was re­ toe point-blank shooting of Os­ was one ot a handful of mean- I wald. urea calling for special commit­ was soaked with' ^.06. puted to have connections in In addition to Warren, John- tee Inquiries into toe assasstna- In Maine Portland had 1.6B Bombay, India. son named these six to toe com- tlon of Kennedy and this dioot- All of the seven-member crew mission; Sen. Richard B. RUS' of Oswald. (See Page Eleven) and toe rest of the passengers sell, D-Oa.j Sen. John Sherman vwever Friday night Sen. were Canadians. The pilot was Cooper, R-Ky.; Rro.Rep. Hale James O. Eastland, D-Mlas., (^pt. Jack D. Snider, 47, Toron­ Boggs, D-La.; Rep.J). G (ierald t R. chairman of toe Senate Judlqi- Girl in Viet Nam to, a veteran of World Wsu* II Ford, R-Mich.; former Ontral ary Committee which had made service with the Royal Canadian Intelligence Agency Director A1 A Flame Suicide Air Force. *188 *128 7.77 *128 len W. Dulles,les, and onetime, dls- (Bee Page Eleven) Among toe Canadians killed *199 was Don Hudson, supervising 1 * ** By MALCOLM BROWNE producer of light entertainment G.E. AUTOMATIC TIMER SAIGON, South Viet Nam lor the Canadian Broadcasting (AP)—A 20-year-old girl burned Oorp. ‘ V 12 CiL R . Upright G-E 18 PIECE herself to death today, reported­ Hudson, 46, joined the net- 19" GE TV Navy Secretary Nitze ly to protest toe conflict be­ ELECTRIC GE 19” TV tween Vietnamese. (8ee Page Five) The suicide was toe first since UHF-VHF UHF and VHF A McNamara Disciple the self-immolations by six Bud­ FREEZER dhist monks and a nun that marited toe reign of the over­ Tool Sets and crew of seven. Crater in foreground was form­ RANGE REPOSSESSED thrown government of President This is a s’eneral view of crash scene where a By ELTON O. FAY ^slonals, it still leaves open toe Ngo Dinh Diem. They commit­ Trans-Canada jet airliner fell last night in a field ed when plane crashed. (AP Photofax.) Bulletins question of exactly how Nitze AP Military Writer ted suicide to protest what they 20 miles north of Montreal killing 111 passengers Culled from AP Wires WASHINGTON (AP) — The stands on a particular Issue of called religious prosecution by Navy has welcomed aboard sea power: toe nuclear aircraft the late Roman (Tathollc presi­ Paul H. Nitze as its new civilian carrier and nuclear-powered dent against the Buddhists. chief. With belief—or hope— Navy ships in general. The girl, identified as Miss PROTEST FIZZLES that he knows and understands McNamara turned down toe Tran Bath Nga, set fire to her PARIS (AP)—A scheduled sea power. Navy’s proposal to build a sec­ gasoline-soaked clothes at a student demonstration to I 1.00 Nitze, sworn in Friday as sec­ ond atomic-powered carrier now main traffic Intersection facing back demands for more class­ *139 but in doing so said this did not C A U fiU M I *149 *179 retary of toe Navy, has no naval villas occupied by the Indian, rooms and other educational *149 background. Moreover, he is a prejudice toe matter of whether Canadian and Polish delegates facilities flssled today. The ENTERTAINMENT CENTER: disciple of Secretary ot Defense future ships should be atomic to toe International Omtrol demonstration was called for Robert S. McNamara, some of powered. He told toe Navy to Cjommisslon. suburban Nanterre, at toe G-E 12 Cu. R . CKest VACUUM G-E "Filfar-Flo" whose decisions ride strongly go ahead with building a txm- ’This three-nation commission site of a proposed faculty o< agsdnst toe tide of Navy aspira­ ventionally powered flattop. Is a toothless agency assigned letters building. Several GE 11” TV tions. truckloads of police showed STEREO AM-FM But Nitze has developed a (See Page Eleven) (See Page Eleven) up, but only a handful ot stu­ familiarity with strategy and lU dents were there. Hundr^s Cleaners UHF and YHF implementation by military of students and riot police FREEZER WASHER forces during almost tores clashed Friday in Paris’ Left 19” TVTHr UPR10HT|M0DEL years as assistant secretary of Bank Latin Quarter, as an ee- defense for national security af­ Crowds in Rain See Grave. tlnsated 10,000 students at­ fairs—foreign military aid—and tempted to march through before that in other government the streets. About 800 stu­ and advisory capacities. Wreaths Cover Dallas Spot dents were arrested. Most Adm. Claude V. Ricketts, vice were relessed during the chief of naval operations. Is one night. of toe professionals who be­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Somefdiacussed with him some pos­ 40,000 persons moved in a long sible designs for a tomb. He lieves Nitze will be good for toe d e a t h TOLL M4 line under dark skies Friday to wouldn’t comment on them. Navy. The main current of life In the Johnson Seen By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS *179 liiy* Ricketts, who has seen sever­ view John F. Kennedy's grave *399 24“ *169 —and toe fulfillment of a pro­ capital Is resuming its normal The number of deaths in al changes In toe Navy’d lead­ phetic wish. flow. But little whirls and ed­ traffic accidents during Ilia ership, measures Nitze this Jack Metzler, director of Ar­ dies still formed around toe More Ardent extended Thaitosglvlng holi­ way: " I have talked with Mr. lington National Cemetery, said events touched off by Kennedy's day moved steadily upward G .L 3-SPEEO Nitze frequently on naval sub­ G-E Fully Automatic the line had formed before toe assassination a week ago Fri­ today. Nearing the time when Columbia 24” 30” GAS jects and maritime power. Of On Medicare gates swung open. And though day. travelers will be returning to nil civilians, I have fotmd that CHRISTMAS it was a cloudy, wet day, toe House leaders announced that their homes from visits during none understands and appreci­ line remained almost until dusk a bill will be offered Monday to WASHINGTON (AP) — Capi­ the holiday, the number of ates the potentials of sea power when n harsh, raw wind swept provide Mrs. Kennedy with an tol Hill speculated today that deaths in tnsfflo aeoidents on as much as Mr. Nitze.” HAIR DRYER In. office and '$60,0(X) for personnel President Johnson may support highways reached 384 at 11 DRYER While this comprehension of BICYCLES RANGE Just a few months ago tos for six months, plus free mall the hard-fought proposal for a.m. The National Safety Record No. 3 toe broad picture of naval pow­ late president stood near toe privileges for life. As a widow health care of the aged even Oounell made no prehoUday er encourages toe Navy profes- spot where he is now buried. of a president (toe alrisady Is more actively than President eetfahate of traffic deaths be­ Paul Fuqua, 38, a guide at toe eligible for a yearly pension of John F. Kennedy did. cause fewer persons travel Cu6tis-Lee mansion which sits $ 10,000. Johnson’s first speech td Con­ Anxious relatives await word at Toronto International Airport of relatives during this h ^ d a y. i99 ■ Churchill Marks on h i| h ground surrounded by A move was afoot to designate gress as President emphasized aboard the fallen airliner. (AP Photofax.) 00 the priority Kennedy had given toe sprawling cemetery, re toe planned national cultural SAYS KURDS BEATEN His 89th Birthday called Kennedy’s unexpected vis- center here as a memorial to to two other measures: civil DAMABCUS, Syria (AP)— it Iftst March 8. Kennedy and to provide funds rights and a tax cut. But he also A oommander o f Syriaw to assurs its construction. mentioned "care tor our elder­ LONDON (AP) — Sir Winston "It was a really beautiful day forces in Iraq claimed today just one of toose days,” Fuqua ly” as one of the late pres­ 163 ChurchlU is 80 tod^y. Ms troops sueoaaafnlly oom- ident’s alms which "must and said. "W e were walking around, By C8UATT6N mOKERSON LBJ Adept at Meeting Press pleted two mopping up op- 139 Britain’s former prime minis­ and I told toe president If I DALLAS, Tex. (AP) — Dallas will be translated into effective eratioiia against Kurdish tel>- ter marked toe start of his 90th lived In the White House, I’d appeared today to be trying, al­ action." els In Iraq’s northern moun­ year at a small family dinner move toe White House out here, most frantlcallv, to get back to Proponents and opponents of By W. B. RAGSDALE Jr. <»from a coup in Viet Nam to arm ors step In an evolutionary tains. Hto claim osnie on tbs NO MONEY DOWN! MAKE 1st PAYMENT IN FEBRUARY! 3 YEARS TQ PAY! growth that began more than 60 party. toe view is so beautiful. normal eight days after an asr toe pending bill to provide hos- WASHINGTON (A P)—Within dam in South Dakota. years ago with President Wood- hecto of an appeal by Iraqi For dessert there was a large "The president said yes and sassin here bad shot to death pital and nursing' g care benefits Although there have been crit­ PrealdMit Abdel Salem Aref a few days, President Johnson row Wilson, who held the first cake Inscribed with a tribute■ > by added: “ ‘I could stay up here President John F. Kennedy. imder Social Security agreed ics who protest that the news for the Kurds to surrendor. forever.’ ” probably will announce his first presidential news conference. the late President John F. Ken­ Downtown department stores Johnson would mobilize White conference has grown unwieldy, CM. FaM Miaer, commanrt- A White House source eald news conference. nedy from « Washington cere­ aad neighborhood shcq^tping cen- House resources for a drive to it isn’t likely that’Johnson will The youthful Kennedy ap­ er of two Syrian brigades of Friday that Jacqueline Kenne­ White'House sources say no mony earlier this year confer­ ten were Jammed. Ttafflc was enact toe meastire next year. pass up toe chance to appear peared to relish his jousts with 5,(M)0 men eaoli, raturaed iin- ring honorary UA. citizenship dy, learning of the former pres­ bumper to bumper in downtown One opponent who would not decision has been made yet as regularly before toe voters on reporters. He would lecture on ident’s statement, approved toe to when it will be or whether to oxpeotatty to Syria wltb tWo on Britain's wartime leader. business seotlom, and tireeway be quotM by name said polltl- radio and television with elec­ economics, foreign policy, tos rsport. Syrian troops went ta s t o r e spot for hla grave idn. traffle waa heavy and fast. continue toe Innovation of toe f.n o n /V g A P SERVICE The cake waa designed before eal realities would force John­ presidency, and sometimes quip tion year just around the bend. Iraq soon after the two ooun- toe president’s assassination. It At present toe cniy maiker is President Kennedy, after a son, as toe prospective 1964 late President John F. Kennedy with reporters. toe eternal flame lighted by —the live radio-television news As a seasoned professional tries announoed the merger cu rled even his signature. triumphant motorcade through Democratic candidate for toe politician, Johnson has no fear He could rattle off tacts and of their armed forces epriy In The inscription: "Never In toe Mrs. Ksnnedy during toe grave- toe city, waa killed by two i3 e conference. I SORRY, NO PHONE ORDERS— I presidency, to an even more of reporters’ questions. He has figures on an amazing assort­ Ooteber- The Syrians joined ^ side rites' Monday, a mound of shots fired by a sniper on tte However, the American peo­ field of human endeavor has so vlgorouB eupport of medical been fielding them tor more ment of subjecta as easily as he Imqnla In the battle against, much been owed by all man­ flewsrs aad a naat, wMta iSt slxto floor e< a butt( _ ‘ care than Kennedy’s. ple have become accustomed to ALL SALES ARE FINAL! fence. toe sight of their president than a quarter of a century. parried tricky political ques­ tiie rehela af Mullah M m taf 713 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER kind to one man.” ^ e of too bueiBMk "Kennedy's strragtb was in tions. It «aa XSntody’a paraglRrasa John. Om I (MV. Jolm B. tte big eltlee where medtoafa standing befors 800 or so report­ President Kennedy’s use bf Barmnl. whs eaeiDi aatf-i radio and tslevtolon m his meet- In the nortt af gm m ' i i ' ' - arcUtoet' ers and replyl^ off toe ctfff to 'fm m i Xkn. • f (Bee Page Five) queations on subjects ranging Ings^tb newsmen ws| only one (See Fags Elevea)

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Lt - • -■H .

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONK., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 80, 1963 PAGE THRF.E P A O B TWC aiANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 80,19«8 Her^dinj^ Homes EvenU Rockville^V ernon HEATH CAPSULES Cov^try ky Mlckael A. PeM, MB. Sheinwold on Bridge Sykes Lists CAN YOU ACTUALLY STOP A First Period In W o rld NOSESLCEP WITH A House Transformed CLOTHESPIN » IMPATIENT PLAY < West dsstar TOKTO (API—Japan protent- Honor Rolls Honor Rolls RUINS DEFENSE Mekbsc side 8TOEY By DORIS BEUMNO and taxes murt be paid to both bowl and unusual ale pitcher In ad to the Soviet Union today a NORTH a cradle is displayed on top of Sovlat decision to una a section By ALFRED SHEINWOLD ^ PICTURES BY the rideboard. of the Pacific to enable them to Sykes Junior High School Announced The difference between a s y l v i a n OFIARA Larger than most living conduct booster rocket te.sts. ba.<) released its high honors good and a bad contract is of­ "It ia much more exciting, I rooms, the master bedroom is Exquisite Dresden figurines f--* - - The Japanese Forelpi Minis­ and general honors lists tdr the ten just the difference between fornished luxuriously. It looks as and other rare poroelsin and first quarter marking period. The honor rolla for the flrat think, to transform a a on ^ - try handed Soviet Mini.ster A. an eight and nine. And even if W IST KAKt If Jt might have been co id ^ china are on tables and shelves A. Rozanov a note saying the High honors. Grade 8: Laura marking period at Coventry you have the wrong card, the 4KJ74 AA851 script house into a ahowplace, than to design and build a * rornn in a Cecil B- throughout the hoaise. In s typ- Japanese had reserved « right Almon, Roger Alsbaugh, Barry high School have been announc­ opponents may come to your (7J10S 9 9 7 * to seek compensations for any OA972 053 new home," Mra. George Pearl grandmotherly manner,' Berman, Madeleine Blfolck, ed by Principal Milton WUde. rescue, sj ^ y ^ A k ln g -slie te d lsco y - y^asted, ,"I have 10.S.SCS of damages incurred by Mark Cadman. Mary Ann Ca- West dealer «42 4 1 1 0 8 7 of Rockville aaya, and her hus­ Only the full credit course marks band agrees with her. Their ered with a gold, quilted aatin .U., «... as s result of the sadei. Eileen Clark. Frank Co- Neither side vulnerable .SOUTH spread. A satin darnfask Empire h«ve Vnv M tests. langelo, Pamela Drahos, Karen are usenie R.IV, Ronald E. Haid«- mer Chancellor Konrad Aden­ mondatta, Brian Smith and APPLY rr OVER THE NOSE. low 74. been better if he had held K-9, is softly tllumlnsted by a crystal kitchen were removed open- Btuv perpetual deacon of St. auer has urged his country to Jack O’Leary of Springfield, (Catherine Williams. but South couldn’t see this at heart You bold: Spades, K-J. Its foirner 'Victorian decor on rhandeller and lamp. ^ it up to a d«i, made from ______^ kelpM High honors: Grade 13, Jan 7-4; Heorii. l-lO-St Dlanieiids, Jtlarv's ^Jipopal C3iurch, \^nll help heal the rift between the Ma-ss., will be guest caller at Grade 7: Robert Alliaon, Blambera, Suzanne Cleverdon, the time. the exterior. It originally had / a fowner laundry rtxim, and United States and France. Declarer won the first trick A-9-7-8t Otabe, 4-8. seven rooms and two baths, and .peaii at a breakfast tomorrow the open dance sponsored by James Anestia. Steven Bien- Louise Crowley and Kathleen Furnlshlngik In the formal Kv- I*'* !t will be Adenauer .said Friday such in dummy with the queen of Wbat do yon e » r now boasts ten rooms, four kowski, Susan Biron, John RavUn; Grade 11, Ronald Answer: Pass. It la very dan­ ing room are in shades of beige, served after a corporate Oom- an understanding is “ urgently the Manchester Square Dance Hudak; Grade 10, Kathleen clubs and immediately returned baths, Slid a complete kitchen­ off-whtte, dull green velvet and Unusual maple chairs are Campbell, Cynthia Carpenter, Coventry gerous to overcall on a weak mudon for men and boya at desirable" because “ the world Club tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Deborah Carter, Martha Cls- Crane; Grade 9, Diane Bus- the king of diamonds. West took ette In an upstairs suite. gold. The bright green leaves around Bhe dining table. They has become somewhat disjoii.t- Waddell School. the ace, and that was that Four suit when your partner posses of the many foliage plants add ore reproductions of chairs u=ed 7:30 a.m. oon, Susan Dow, Bradford caglia, Kathleen Oleeecke, Ann and both opponents Wd. (The The metomorphoais came ed” with President John F. O'Leary, a comparative new- hearts bid and made. a bright accent. Draped win- by male vieivera at cockfights Episoopailien men and boys Dtigga, Alicia Dunn, Lynn Er- Hub Sale Buys Roy and Salley Scovell; Grade actual bid of one spade was about gradually In tbe six years Kennedy's assa.ssinatlon. oomer to square dance calling, 8, Anne Robinson and Mary The defenders could take two dows, sans panes, open to the -n Bkigland, centuries ago. The ItBvi^lKJUt ttie oountr>’ will tel. Fern F'ortlfr, Soott Grant, made in a match in Europe, but that the Pearls have owned the participate in Oommimion aerv- was a protege o< the well- Deborah Hess, Wendy Hollister, Welles; Grade 7, Alan Abo spades, but nothing else. De­ family room. Ori^nally on the men straddled the back of the Library Books clarer could ruff a third spade is not recommended.) house. Mrs. Pearl planned the tomorrow, the first Sun­ WINNIPEG (AP) — The gov­ known Red Bates. He is the Calvin Hughes, Collin Hughes, Deborah Brink, Lawrenoe Dlns- reaovatlons, redecorations and outer wall of the house, the chairs and leaned ttietr anus »egular caller for the "Square In duiqmy if the opponents led day ki Advent. ernment of Prime Minister Les­ Kevin Jones, Jean Kaiser, more, Lynne Howland, Ellen furnishings, without benefit of epminga were left when the on the back rest. A sliding The Coventry 4-H Deeigns the suit a third thne. In any For Sheinwold's 86-page book­ ter B. Pearson is planning a Heart C8ub of Springfield" and Theresa Kulaiwy, Donald Kuna. Kelleher, Eileen Safranek and professional assistance. This is wihg was added. Hanging lamps shelf con be pulled out from The Rev. Mr. Haldeman came case, he could draw trumps and let, “A Pocket Otode to full investigation to determine also calls for the "Rocldng Also, Janet Landeen, Pa- and Desserts CMb bea com­ Dennis Sherman. the eighth house In Rockville placed behind them give a three beneath the chair hack. It has to St. Mary’a Oiurdi last yeew. Squares of Enfield,’* a teen­ run off enough tricks in dia­ Bridge,” send 80 oehts to .dimensional look to the room. an indented piece for a glass how ground glass got into. 3 triria Lentocha, Molly Light, pleted 38 Santa Gtous candy Honors: Grade 131. Robert Bridge Book, Manoheeter Eve. that she has changed for the In addition to hia clerical du- million bushels of wheat age chib. Abbey, Carol Howman, DonM monds and clubs to make the and arti tray. tlea he teache. Sunday School Oheryt MrtMran, D erm Mar- dkhea The deooewted gtoea Hermd, Box 8818, Grand Cantral better. diipped to the Soviet Union. The dance Is open to aS area qi^, Linda McHugh, Brlen Ooughlln, Tytor Devine, Doro- contract. The family room is fornished and acta aa advisor to a Senior sqtMTe dance cMbs, and re­ tumM«r containers have been Should Walt Station, New York 17, N.T. Juet a rtiade lees formally than The table and chairs are in The wheat was part of the 238 Meehan, Linda MitcheU, Carol tby DUbord, Gtoiia Dubord, Omyright 1988 "It is not always easy,” she Tounft P a o p 1 a s FelkywaNp million bushels sold to the So­ freshments wUl be served. made to seh at 76 oente each. Nancy Baton, Geoige Eberie, West should watt to let his says, “to get carpenters and the rest of the house. Some front of a multi-paned picture Oroup. Nickerson, Mark Phillips, Geaeral Feoturea Carp. viet Union by Canada In s rec­ Members in charge of the Charles Plader, Linda Powers, About one-half the sale price Jane FTmch, Donna Gould, ace of diamonds grow riper. In­ painters to follow out my In­ contemporary pieces have been wVudow with ledges that hold ord 3600-miUion transaction ear­ eventog’a activities wW be Mr. Bonnie Ormger, Donald Griffin. stead of taking the first dia­ structions. More than once I iMXiught in and blend well with poire of Bristol vases, colored James Racine, Joseph Ramon- wiU be used to buy new fiction a s k s a f e t y s e t u p lier this year. and Mrs. Rdbert Roya on door Carol Mcking, William Hoff­ mond, West should wait for the the rest of the room. A built-in cut glass, porcelain figurines detta, Frank Robinson, Joan books for the Coventry High HARTFORD (AP) — "We was certain that they consider­ Howard A. Mann, Oinadian duty, and Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Sizer, Debra Spellman, Jeanne man , Sandra HotohMae, Joel second diamond trick. ed my ideas impractical and com er seat extends In foont of and plants. Bullt-'.n shelves are Yacht Sinks^ Russell refreshment chairmen, School library. Irvine, Stephen Jamaitus, Law­ Then West leads a third dia- oaonot aoo«|>t ttw ttMOry that radical. I was lucky I guess, a mahogany paneled fireplace filled with interesting pieces of Harbors Board chairman, said Teraiia. Mrs. WUMsm KriMiar is Wad­ tralflc deaths ore mmlgr a assisted by Mr. Snd Mrs. John rence Jarvis, Lee Beth Karaain- m(md, and East ruffs with the that when the work was finish­ with a raised hearth. A floor to braes, denii-tesee cups and de<’- Friday night Soviet reports of General horxin in Grade 8: er of the group which meefs part a t modem kfe," saU.ataite the glass are “somewhat exag­ Ryan and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Rdbert Andersen, Gail Ashland, akl, James Luft, Deborah Mc- nine of hearts. If South over- ed they all approved of the re­ celling window gives a wide orative plate*, Four Perish Schimmel. weekly Ttiursday afternoons at Kuifick, Robert Mason, Bison ruffs, West will get a trump POHoe Oommlasloner Leo J. sults.” gerated” ,hut that there is Keith Belyea, David Berube, the Ketteber home. About 30 of view of the grounds at the j Deadline for dUb members to Potter, Carol Shirahac, Daniel trick. If South falls to over-ruff, Muloaby oa he ordered a pear- “some cvlilence that fragments Lea BoricowriU, Sharon A xw n , end htobway enforcement set­ north ride of the property. ^ CHARLBBTON, B.C. (AP) — make reserwUcna for the New the oontainen ore at the old Stom, Diana Wahmann, Val­ the defenders get a trump trick Some df the Interior walls of owner of the Pearl Oil Co., like of bottle glass have been found Bette Burgess, Warren daric, oountry stare cn Miain S t The Year’s Eve buffet supper dance erie Wenner and Patricia Za- then and there in addition to up. IRnoeliiy ordend troopers the first floor were removed to The Pearls have collected end have ample A Navy rtilp reported by radio in grain exported this year Louise Dsnaney, Chris Ctaanvttla, remainder are to be dlH*teied of yesterday to Increaae epoi make the rooms more spacious. to be held oit (toe WaddeU gorskL their diamond and two spades. rare pieces o f ohlna, porcelain early today that only one of the from several Canadian ports to (>ux)l lOric, D eM Klotar, Mar­ by tbe chib membeia. ohecka and otiier patrol teoh- A family room was added on the Mrs. Pearls decorating .skill is shown to perfection in the beautifully furnishtki formal liviiVg r(H>m. various countries.’’ School is Dec. 7. A fter this sha Kuliok, Ckwgoty LarChoi- Grads U , Rose Ana Bilodeau. South cannot avoid this fate and silver for many years. A the second floor fire persona aboard the SB - foot date reservations will be opened Legion Notes JudMh Buckley, Linda Doggmrt, by drawing trumps, since then nfiqusi to bold dam (ba 1963 north side and a master bed­ peUe, B atboia lisrcfa, Thomas dining room cabinet Is filled to ip a i 'la iit f w y e ^— 818 M lite> i Green - Obobot - Rtobardfoii Lois Gcigler, Forster Grant, the defenders can take three M glrray death tott. 'n w eount room on the south side. The ad­ yacht Judy had survived when ’TOKYO (AP) — Prime Minis­ to all area dubs. Karl John­ Luddedoe, Michael Lusa, Lanr- werfl.w'ing urith i^ver ]^e<^ ^ S r e ^ o’ne^’dbe^ Mra. Peer! sAnHs the yacht aank 100 miles east of s o n wlM be caUer for this Foat, American Legion, and its Linda HllL James Hughes, spade tricks and the ace of dia­ stood St 398 yesterday, five ditions are a step lower than the ter Hayato Ikeda’s OsUnet will rence Miuran, Jamas Masker, more than at tbs other iDoms on the first floor. hlve'i ktijehen- to* ki anxious to find another Savannah, Ga., Friday. submit their resignations Dec. dance. AuxQlsiy beU a joint meeting Geoige Jacquemln, Atoert Lan­ monds. Frank Mason, Barbara Mays, Monday evening for a iqieclal Daily Qoeetioo y « r •€». w irt ^ *»^ve »ne to tronirform. "liMcrio. dec- The minesweeper US8 Petrel 4 in a formality to pave the way Peter Mloulln, Richard Moeser, dry. Rkdiard Lawton, Paidine The Pearls found that their memorial servtoe for ex-Fresl- LRUe, June Locke, Chariee As dealer yon have paoeed. ^ qijsrters orating is to me a satisf>-ing . notified the Charleston Navy for the appointment of a new Donna Munroa tax rate increased after the oooANion oc tn^lr 2J>tJi wvddin^ hobby lha< I nover Lire of.” jihe d « t Jcbn FUagerold Kennedy. Lowrey, Susan Maheu, Benltta Tte next player bids one dlo- ^ Base that Robert Stanton, government, a government master bedroom was ccanpleted. anniversary. A server ie filled soys, and her hil.sband doee n « Also, M m tiyn Nsupeit, Her­ A iwitarj wffi ocnclade its Plaster, Chariee Popple, Rus- mond, yonr partner passes, Jifauine mechanic wfaoae wife spokesman said today. Events bert Ornrald, WUCsm fMphant, Half ofthe room Is in Ellington with other pieces of silver, and Now' that she bos oomplcted mind In the least ch-anging ad- annual fund raising program at seU Scora, Rktaard Sills, (Cath­ the oilier opponent bids llvee in Kastman, Oa., had been Ikeda and most of his present John Paebnoo, Craig Parker, FRI.-SAT.-SUN. and the other half in Rockville. 9 pjn. Dec. 7 at m Legion erine Solenald, John Smith, a tea and coffee service, punch the renova’ lcns to her present dresses to keen his wife happy. plucked alive from the rough Cabinet, however, are expected John Purnell, Berverly Rodran, hema on WoU St. with tbe spe­ Beatrice Srams, Paula TtUing- Atlantic. The yacht was sailing to be renamed. In Nation Malvsen Schtatz, ’Thomas Sci- cial prize aiwaitled at the time. bast Marcus Tilton and Judith ANSFIELDCh from Norfolk, Va., to Miami TTie resignation follows toe bek, AnJthorxy Shea, Dale Snaps, when she started taking on wa­ There wiU be a denoe after TVeachuk. Nov. 21 general elections in WASHINGTON (AP)—In the WBllam Spivey, Deborah Thom­ ter through leaks in the hull and word for members and gueeta which Ikeda’s Liberal Dem­ news from Washington: as, MicheUe Touchette, Craig Grade 10, Robert Adamcik, also through a broken hatch. Ftons ere being made to e the ocratic party won 288 seats hi FALLS SHORT: The Kxplor- Waitaon, JeOrey Weber, Koth- Dentee Benoit, Judith ChappelL Sources in Norfolk identifled axuBl Ghrirtmoa party for the 487-seat lower house. er X Vm satellite is expected to >aeB Welto. Robert Chase, Michael Oanc, Last Times Tonight two of those aboard as Cmdr. chSdren a t roenfbera to be held fall some 16,000 miles short of Otade 7: Terry ABaid, Bur­ Sheryl Gray, PriaclUa Heck, Elizabeth Taylor" and Mrs. Amader Ooberg of at 3 p m . Dec. 14 at tbe Le- Bazbara HekM, Michael Hunt, .TOKYO (AP) — A Japanese its Intended distance in space, ton Ames, linda Brewster, Deb­ Robert Burton Lakewood, Calif. college mountain climber died but space officials say its orbit gton home. Christine Jamattus, Thomas orah Bnwe, EBugh Carnpbell, V. L P.’e The message from the USS and six others were still miss­ will produce the expected data Christmas gtfta to be sent to Koiodzlej, Helen Libby, ?Ved- Edward Clack, Susan C3ork, in color Petrti also said: “Survey re­ ing today in freezing snow­ on radiation dangers on the path ’Terry DeiBene, Valerie Diahaw, the Mjanofleld State Training erick MintouocL Andrea MuUen, ports Mrs. Ooberg and radio storms which have been butoing toward the moon. Douglas BOeknan, (JyntMa Ek- School and Hoepltel program Richard Papanoo, Robin Potter. 8:16 and 10:00 operator went down with yacht J^wnese mountains the past The National Aeronautics and kmd, Oregory IVeernan, Pam­ must be brought in to tbe unit ChrWtopher Rose, Marilyn Also, "Hie Rnnalng Biaa" and that Mr. Coberg, owner, few days. Space Administration said Fri­ ela Oarthier, Peter Green, MOry the Dec. 9 meeting at 8 pm. Bean, Sharon Sfanmons, Janet In color drowned and drifted away. An Four parties of students total­ day the satellite, launched Tues­ Heubner, Catherine Humphry, 5 the Legion home. Tbeoe are SolenskL David S to m , Donald With Laorenoe Harvey ______,7PJL other man. David, last name ing 22 persons were at first day from Cape Canaveral — Paul Jobs, Louise ^Kssevlc^ to be dsttveced by Dec. 16. ^ o r r * andSuoan Writoo. 8:16 Associate Feetorm anknoam, hrought on board dead feared lost Friday, but search- now Cape Kennedy—wrould at­ Jianet Kayon, John KeBy, Her- Tbe euxafeury baa am t ite M Grade 9, ’rend Andm nn, VM.-Sat. 7 pjB-—Son. 9 p jo . did not respond to reeusclta- era discovered 16 of them. tain a distance of 122,800 miles (#1 Klotar, Sboron LoPorte, gifts to reterana’ hnspitaie at Carol Gonkling, Bartxwa Garri­ SUNDAY Kon.” Instead of the intended 187,000 Rocky HiA, Nenrisigton I son, K ifn 1 e y HIH, NataUe "TWO FOR THE Marataa Ltnnon, Goifleid Lig­ A Doable Thrill Show The laAo operator was aot miles foom earth. gett, Barry Linton. W>aat Haven. Unfit msmbera wiB Hladky, Btarcla HoneymreiL SEE-SAW" Identifled. The explorer will be in an or­ AJeo, Linda ’MaeDonoM, Ste­ St at the Ctaririinni g t t Jbhn Bkitriand, Edward M ag, “ DEMENTIA IS" Shirley Mecl.atoe. nM yacht sent out a distress People in News bit that win take four days to phanie Miartooll, Thomas Mas­ sbo^ Monday and Thmifiy’ Ut Vae£M. linderaoh, Thomka Low 8:38, 8:86 and 9:80 Bobert antclTO •all Friday morning, and complete and that will b r W It ker, Gory Matbs, Denise Mur­ Newlqgtcn and Dec. 5 and 8 at ecy. Kathleen Mahr, Patricia Phis "THE TERROR” In rogwot for ear iate Free- search craft located her by MOSCOW (AP)—Urko Kekko- within 130 miles of the earth. phy, Srhelly Numrycta, Col­ Rooky HiU. A partial list of MlnicuoaL Donald Perldna, Dor­ In color homing in on her radio trans­ nen, president of Finland, has leen om en, Patricia Porio, those helping tochidea Mka. VI- othy Purvis, CynUda Squires^ With Boris Karloff missions. Rescue equipment and Merrayn Slwek, Terrance Tre- arrived in Moscow at the invi­ WHEAT DEAL STALLED: Marjorie PeMgrinln, Lucinda nol Btigga, Mra. Lnwmnce 8:00, 4:66 and 7:60 pumps could not he dropped be' tation of Premier Khrushchev, Negotiations for the sale of |250 P u n ^ , Mtottoel ()i)iim, Donald P eriy , Mr. and Mra. Henky schuk and Frederldc Young. cause, the Coast Guard said, the who met him at the railroad sta­ million of American wheat to the RedtMd, Wayne Root, David Kdiher. Also, Grade 8, David Adam yacht’s captain radioed that the tion. Soviet Unloo have stalled, and Roth, Ntohdos BtiUbach, Char- Tbe Fourth DiaMct Past elk, Sharon Benoit, CJynthla sea was too rough to recover the The two embraced in the Rus­ the chief Soviet n^ttahn* has iea e ’Taylor, Patricia Turner, President’s Parley is sohadided Brant, Janette Boisvert, George rescue devices. sian manner and then drove off gone home. Baiph '^er. Mock Wheeler, at 7:30 p.m. D m 13 at the (Jour, Carolyn Crane, Peter Norfolk sources described Oo­ in automobiles. They are ex­ Despite the return to the So­ Jefht^ Whaight Amerioon Legion bocne on WeJl Cunningham, Sherrie D ining, berg aa a master mariner. They pected to go hunting together. viet Union Wednesday of Sergei S t, stairting whh a pothrek, David Dichau, Randall Glen- MANCHESTER CIVIC ORCHESTRil said he bought the vessel from A. Borisov,'head of the Soviet Several peat end unit membere ney, James Greenleaf, Maurice the Berkeley Coast Guard Sta­ LTOCHBURG, Va. (AP) — group, State Department offi­ South Windsor wfin attend the next ilrtiicit laserman, Alice Jacquemln, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 4, 19*3, A T 8:15 P.M. tion in Virginia about dx weeks Former Vice President Richard cials said Friday they knew of meeting et 3 pm. Dec. 8 In Elizabeth Jean, Shirley Kuchy, ago. It had been checked by the M. Nixon, his wife and their no indication the talks had been Wahmentilo. Marsha LeDoyt, Christine Norfolk Shipbuilding A Dry BAILEY AUDITORIUM, daughter Patricia, 17, visited broken off. Book Sale Slated Mn. James Breen, Mra Al­ Melody, Kathleen Moriarty, Dock Oo. after its purchase. Sweet Briar (JoUege near Lynch­ Leonid Matveyev, head of a bert Meyera Jr. emd Mra. Har­ Joan Murdock, William Mor­ The Coast Guard station at burg, Va., Friday. second Soviet group that nego­ To Benefit Schoo' old Doody oaoiated with the gan, Darlene Palmer, William MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL Jacksonville Beach, Fla., re­ Nixon said he had heard it tiated directly wlto Amsri«ui plseees o f the South Coventry Peracchlo, Mary Phllbrick, Ro­ ceived the first distress call was a good school and that his dealers, has gone to Canada, berto Pierce, Robert Purvis, Tickets On Sals At Ray Bauer’s Music Vhap, Watkins from the yacht. daughter thought she might like apparently either to supervise The Pleesant Valley Elemen­ Cooperative Nuraery and Kin­ \ dergarten this week at Kings­ Wayne Schnefi, Carolyn Usher, to enter next year.. She Is a sen­ the shipping of (Canadian wheat tary School will aponsor a book Linda 'Wheeler and Gloria Wil­ Brothers, Potterton’s, Keith’s Variety Store. ior in the Chapin School in New bought earlier by the Russians sale Monday and Tuesday from bury House. The next votor-mtklng see- kinson. RockviU»W »mon York City. or to try to make a new deal. 7 to 9 pan. During the FTA Grade 7, Deborah Barth, ADULTS |2—STUDENTS $1 Nixon declined to talk politics meeting Tuesday evening par­ eten will be beU from 10 am . Beverly Beaix», Jajme Beaudet, out of respect for the late Pres­ CHURCHILL: A statue of Sir ents wtll be able to pwohase to noon Dec. 7 at the town William Boardman, Joanne Hunter of Wood ident John F. Kennedy. He said Winston Churchill is going to be books. These books are on an clerk’s offioe in the town office Bouchard. Mary Brandt, Patty he had called off all political en­ set up in Washington. intsreat level for Gradee building on Main St Rums, Outilyn Carison, George Subject of Hunt gagements for more than a The Washington branch of the tbrough 8, and eome wUl be of Carpenter, Kathleen Cooper, month. English Speaking Union said interest to adults. Manchester Evening Herald Deborah Crane, Mary Cun- S T JU m Coventry correepondent, F. An ll-year-old Boy Scout Friday on the day before thq The book sole is open to the n Ingham, Rita Faulklngham, Paidine little, teL 742-623L gnem Hariford, camping out PENN8BURG, Pa. (AP) — British statesman's 89th birth­ entire town. The proceede o f the Janet Fuller, Pamela Green, ______T w n m i Frank B. Dietz of Pennsburg, day that the statue, showing sole w(^ be used for the benefit LoTaine Heck. Charles Hill, STATE wkh Hartford Troop 24 off Pa., has voluntarily turned In MBa HW Rd. in Vernon, be- Churchill making his V-for-vlc- of tile echooL Funds have been Gregory Hladky, Joan Huck- 2 DAYS ONLY TOMORROW and HONDAT lUs driver’s licenae, saying Jiis oasne loot while oearohiag-for tory sign with the right hanri used in -the past to porebase Andover in>. Barbara Hughs, Clifford reflexes “ just aren't what they and holding a cigar in the left, such things os opaque projec Matthews, Robin Messier, msiir wnod Iset night, and became the used to be.’’ object o i a search himself. will be placed In front of the tons, drapee, and other items Thomas Moran, Linda Nelson, Dietz is 02 years old. He said British Embassy. needed by the school. Family Reunions Linda Olson. Linda Schmidt, State Pottoe coordinated the he has driven 80 years without nltS S ^ i /i ^ tiiivrininti search party for Geiy HiKk- Americans will be asked to Elementaiy Mmhm Ann Simmons and Edward an accident. Treschuk. togs, 7g Shiuon SC, Hartford. contribute toward the cost of the 'M onday — frankfurt on roll Holiday Feature Y O V r o iT K statue. The .statue of Franklin buttered green and yellow Participating were the Vernon NEW YORK (AP)—Sybil Bur­ M M FY IM D. Roosevelt In London’s Gros- beans, poUto chips, fruit; The environe o f AUentown, Manchester Evening Herald oarwitabulsry and volunteers ton’s attorney says she and her Coventry correspondent, F. vener Square was paid for by Tuesday — l|>aghetti and meat Pa., were the magnet for a num­ EXPEHENCE fkntu neighboring fire oom- actor-husband, Richard Burton Pauline Little, telephone small contributions from -his SMioe, cabbage aalad, wtteat ber o f Andover fiunUiee for the have reached a financial settle­ British admirers. 748-8831. ^’"ocM tsble John Marahall of ment but that no divorce is in bread and butter, cookies dfaservenoe of Thankogivlng Temon finally found the boy the works. Wednesday — tomsto aotq> and with oioae relatlvee Uving there. at the junettion of Rt. 30 and AMERICAN MORAUTY: FBI crackera, tuna fish salad sand­ Mr. and Mrs. John H. Yeo­ Aaron Frosch, the attorney, Director J. Edgar Hoover has Couple Suicide Mile Hill Rd., and returned him wich, cake; Thuraday—chicken mans, thedr daughter Kath­ said in New York that the set­ called for a prompt and thor­ to ttve State FoUoe, who in turn alaklpg on blscuita cranberry erine Yi ■ Hutchinson and son tlement is complicated hut ough examination and overhaul LE3BANON (A P )—State Po­ teamed him to camp. eauce, buttered wheath apparently ac- LOS ANGELES (AP)—“ The cowardice on the part of oiir ity OoUege, then attended curred about 6 a.m., he said assassination of President Ken- LOS ANGELES (AP)—Arthur society. We do not have the Meucheefer Evening Herald Wharton School of Finance In The bodies were found In the nedy will have as great an ef- Lowe, former stepfather of the courage to stand in conflict with South WtakUor oorremondent, Philadelphia. Not long after garage of their home on Card fact on the civil rights move-1 late actor Tyrone Power's son. the mad rush for material Lnuni Kata, telephone M4-1768. graduation he passed the Cer­ St. yesterday. The garage was lo d c ^ from the Inside, a rug ment aa did the aasassination of i wants the boy, 4, also named wealth. Indulgence and social tified Fubhe AocounUnt ex- President Lincoln 100 years Tyrone Power, to keep Loew as prestige.” aminattnns and has prootload and cardboard had been uaed to stop afir leeks around fKe door ago,’’ says James H. Meredith.' his last name. Hoover’s article was written that profession for wMut 10 Meredith, first Negro to grad- Loew, a wealthy man-about- LecuoBta Dies, years. and windows, and the car was before the assassination of Pres­ started creating poisonous ex­ note from the University of Mis- - town, married Powers’ widow in ident John F. Kennedy. Mrs. Raymond Stoner of OU sissippi, told newsmen on his ar- and adopted her child,'who Wrote ‘Siboney’ State Rd. journeyed with her haust fumes, state police said. A note left'at the hous3 said TONIGHT rival here that he feels the civil wa.s born after Power had died ! MRS. JOHNSON: Mrs. Lyn­ four ohlldren to Emaus, Pa., to "look in the garage," they said. rights program will proceed in Spain. don B. Johnson has taken the SANTA CRUZ DE TENER­ share Thankagivlng festivltiea ENDS SUNDAY more slowly under President I--ast year Uie boy’s mother dl- wMh her parents. State' police said Mrs. Adame first step to turn over to trustees IFE; Canary Islands (AP) — had experienced serious Ubiess. Lyndon B. Johpson than It would vorced L«ew, and he now com- her controlling interest in a A t Home Not A OhUdraa’s H im plains in Los Angeles Superior Cuban composer-pianist Ernesto have under Kennedy. Texas radio and television sta­ Lecuona, 68, who came here re­ Tanuay Boimaau, son o f Mr. Court that she wants to drop his “ I think the President (John­ tion. cently to recuperate from a lung and Mra Norman Benneau who son) is a good man," Meredith surname from little Tyrone The First Lady owns SIS reside In tha old poat office Power Loew. ailment, died at a heart attoa said, “ but that is less important shares, or 62.8 per cent of the Friday night bulldiag. Is MwnuMng his achool SMMgfliiNf Womdertmit a H lR U E Y M a o L A IN E T H E ______Loew said he has the “same than the fact he is a Southern- stock In the LBJ Co. which owns Among Lecuona’s composi­ boUda(y with them. Tonany •JAMES GARNER OHItDRBWB loye and regard” for his adopt- graduated from Rham last June 4th and operates Station KTBC, an tions were “ Malaguena" and THEATRE HOUR TWs, he said, cannot help but i so" lor his natural child AM and FM radio and television "Siboney." and now attenda Teachers Col­ retard the program. He predict He asked the court to enjoin his station in Austin. lege of Connecticut in New ex-wlfe from changing the boy’s The composer, bora in Hava­ Weak! •d Congress will now a Mrs. Johnson’s attorney filed Britain. Ha plana to be a THEHMS( OB being entirely equal, and A. W. Mouraond and J. W. He graduated from lbs Havana south o f tow n aa the navsr- f think tbat’s where the fight is Bullion of Johnson City, Tax., fafiUqg HanOd newa bow tor k id C3ALAHAP National Conservatory e t Musle a u R .KlUXE rtmi UNITtO ARntTO going to begin all over," he Garden Reconetructed who already hold 184 sharee in at 16. aerveni years batore bsR toR. added. trust for "the President’s two After Fidel Castro come to Aa to the caae of the poatman, ^Jinimoij Meredith said the Negroes BERLIN—After seven years' daughters, Lyndfi Bird and Lucy power in Cuba, Lecuona went neither rain, "aleet nor hairdly •tichniooioks had loot a great champion in raconstruotion, Berlin's Botanic Baines Johnson.. anything else could keep him into exile and Uved In the ^ oday 18-8:16-4:80-8:&0- Kennedy. Garden has reopened. Among The application said Mrs. United States, Malaga, Spain, from making' U s ..appointed BRIGITTE BARDOT "In my opinion. President displays is an UlumkuUed leaf Johnson aireadv had resigned as and the Canaries. tounda. Sunday 8-4:15-8:80-8:50 MARCELLO MASTROIANNI Kennedy was the first and only board. Spectaitoni press a but­ chairman of the board of the (Sastro’s government, howev­ prosMsnt who has placed hlm- ton ooqnresponding wtth is leaf company and would have no er, bonored him wtth a A VLRY PRIVATE AI \ AIR' orif behind the Idea of h u n ^ and tafontnaitton about tti« i|>s- further volea hi hs auiiage- In U s BB e q r n m r r be sold. oknea flsshai on a poasL m aat C r AGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 80.1988 PAGE FIVE lIANCHES'l’ER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 80,1968 oCfloial to avoSt, /mtmn ha eaa, gradient wMdi wlU tasto good aagr crucial daoiaian in an araa to certain m^croorganhans Area Giurches Tippit Fund Sonthtg l|(raUk o f Ma oam paat aaaooiaiUan. which will eat It up agd pre­ DCS Jet Airliner Crashes Gale Delays Events Ih U particular daetaion olt tha vent it dogging our disposal a - ‘ . RaekvtUe Baptist Church Bt FMaols of An IM CHhreh TFX oontradt could, no < ^ b t, systems the way the current 69.EnHNi S t SeoMi Wiadsar Boosted b y M u EIl to* INC. Churches Launching of hava bMn mada aomabo«r with­ chemical ingredient of deter­ Bev. Wlnthrop W, Farnsworth, Bev. Gordon B. Wadhama, Near MontreaL 118 Perish In State out tha participation o t tha of- gents has been doing. The new Pastor Pastor South Methodist Cbnroh »L BrtdgsPa Chuieh 1 Han Rav. Edward J. Badaleli, Town Gifts flolal wboae old law firm had detergent ingredient, which (Oontin a ed from Page One) M isM e Ship IhMIsbM Bev. t . Msaley Shaw. D.D. Rev. John F. Delaaey, Pastor Bter S t "9 a.m., Church school for all Aaslstont Pastor said there Yfas no question of baen ratainad by cna of tha ocn- should keep our detergents from Seat Belt Ignored The grief of a jwWcsman’a f^DaBd«4 0 « o W 1. UU Rev. Ray C. HoUla Jr. Rev. glanley E. HastUle ages. work in 1963 and until thU sea­ sabotage. SOMERS (AP) - State po­ Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10:19 and BETH, Maine (A P )—A storm widow in DaUaz, ^TMc, has mUMMd Brti a n UramiBa ICxeapt taating bidden. continuing their present alarm­ Rev. Deonls R. Hme^ 10:30 a.m., Breaking Bread. 11 a.m.. Worship and Com­ son had produced the popular Prime Minister Lester D. t and 10;IS a.m.. Morning 11:80 a.m. packing gale-force winds forced lice said today a youth who touched toe hearts of Manches­ iMdajra aad B- 4 p.m.. Policy committee. Sacred, Heart Ohnreii Also killed was Charlie Stone cluded Capt. Jack D. Snider, 47, Sunday, said officials at the of Wllllngton, has no driver’s Mtttlad to tho OM at fapaty- parking space for the post of­ at 7, t , t, 10:15 and Wednesday, 7:80 p.m., Pray-, of Montreal, a former co-owner moments after Preafdent Ken­ 7 p.m., Junior High Fellow­ R t 80, Vornoa 1st Officer Harry J. Dyck, 36, Bath Iron Works where the license, state police said. ot■ all - ’ DOW. dtm - patSkea i _ fice at the Center. 11:30 a.m. er and Fellowship. of the Montreal Alouettes in The car went out of coptrol nedy was asea-sainated. tM to It or aot otBonrlM Yankee ship, Cooper Hall. Thursday, 7:30 p.m.. Board Rev. Ralph Kelly, Pastor and 2nd Officer Edward B, Bax­ frigate was built. KeUy asked for 91 contribu­ aroditod to tbia paper and- also - o M The latest letter from postal Senior High Fellowehlp, Wes­ Canada’s Eastern Football Con­ ter, 29, all of Toronto, Gale warnings were up along on Turnpike Rd. and slde- local oflWB publiabed boro St Bartoolemew’s CIraroh of Deacons. tions. Within three hotffs ha authorities rules out, at least ley Hall. Mise Phyllis Porter Polly’s Pointers ference. An account executive The plane hit the ground 800 the Maine today, accom­ sivlped two trees. Although All ri^ts of repabllcatioo o( By A.H.O. Rev. Philip Hussey. Pastor Meases at 7:80, 8;80i, M and tor a Montreal brokerage house, Barna wa.s not using his .seat had recedved almost 8100. Y e»- special dlspatebaa barelo are also will speak on “ Alcohol.” St, Peters Episcopal Church feet from a row of houses along panied In -some areas by rain for the foreseeable future, any Rev. Rtohard C. BoOea, 11:16 am . he held an interest In the club belt either, he differed only terday he collected more dollars rasarrad, 7:80 p.m.. Membership eemin- Wapplng S^ool Highway 11, crashing midway expected to change to snow. poaaiblllty that the government One k e ^ trying to remem­ Aselstaat Pastor RABTOS ACROSS THE SEA in the early 1960s. minor injuries, state police as people dug into their pockets full sarrloa eUaot of N B. a. ar at Susannah Wesley Hall. By POLLY CRAMER Rev. Jamee A. BIrdsall, Vicar S t Bernard’s Chnrcli between the road and an ex­ The 7.900-ton vessel was to at the mention of Mra. Tippit. ■errics loc. _ will buy land for parking, and ber, in this game o< public af­ 8 p.m.. Twenties and Thirties Another sports figure who per­ have two g^randdaughters of said. Meases at 7, S, 9, 10:16 and Newspaper Enterprise Assn. SC. BsrnanTs Ter., ReckvUle pressway to the Laurentian ”A lot of people have been Pobllsbars napraaeotatires — The fairs and politics, how uncer­ will meet at the home of Miss ished was Joseph C. King, a Daniels as coeponaors. They are lUHus Katbows Special Aaencr — thus, unless the town takes 11:16 SAn. DEAR IK)LLY — 1 recently 10 a.m., Womhlp and Com- Rev. Fatrlok P. Maleoagr, Mountains, a resort area north hurt in thia thing," Kelly said, tain and unpredictable aU the Charlotte Keeney, 2S Pioneer football star at the University of Vav Torfc. Cbleairo Detroit aod steps, the central post office had the pleasure of enjoying a munion. ' Pastor of Montreal. Mrs. Robert Woronoff of Larch- State Hunter Sought referring to the Dallas tragedy. affairs of men can be. Circle. The Rev. Eugene F. Tor Western Ontario in the early mont. N.Y., and Mrs. a y d e Rich AUGUSTA. Maine (APt — KKMBER Ain>IT BUREAU OF will continue to provide limited S t James* Church three months’ friendship wiUi a Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Teacher 1940s and a top hockey player. One of the first persons to "I Just thought this was a good But one never succeeds. The ^ y of St. James' Church will training session at St. Mary’s Jr. of New York. The .search continued today for circuLationb R t Rev, Msgr. Edward J. charming viaitor from Ger­ at 7, 8, 9, 10 I 11 King was sales manager for In­ reach the wreckage was a local thing to do.” service In this automobile age. unpredictable, whidi should guest speaker. Episcopal Church, Manchester. Z: Daniels, secretary of the Navy Stanley White. 50, of North Reardou, Pastor many. During this tone she am . ternational Business Machines constable, Noel Aubertin, who Like dorons of other people in Tha Barald Prlnttna Compaay Manchester citizens who are really be toe one standing pre­ Saturday, 10 a.m. td 4 p.m., from 191S to 1921, was educated Stonington. Conn., a hunter hic. sssiimsa no Rnaodali resTMO' Rev. Eugene F. Torpey taught me German and I taught in Toronto. had Just stopped his car to talk town. Kelly Yrill send a check diction, alwaye manages to out S t Mary's Episcopal ChBrok Christmas Bazaar, Wapping to a boy and girl. as a lawyer but turned to news­ lost in northern Maine since sIMiity for typographical errors ap- annoyed by the inconvenience of Rev. J o e ^ H. MoOaaa her English. When I went with First Lutoeraa Chnreh One of the atewardesses, to the J. D. Tippit Fund, c /o psarlm la adrsraaeniaot a ^ otbar acroae a whole clutch of pat Church and Park Sta. her to the plane for the long Community Hall. Auction at 2 :80 paper work. He became editor Thursday afternoon. matter la The ifsnrhester having a main post office which Rev. John D. Regan ReolcvUle, Conn Kathleen Patricia Creighton, 28, “ I heard this Immense explo­ ■me Dallas Police Department, and rigid assumptions which are The Rev. George F. Nostrand, trip home, I gave her a package p.m. of The State Chronicle and later Four game wardens searched jssatiniianlng Herald. is virtually inaccessible may then suddenly transferred into Pastor Rev. O. Henry Andersotv served on the flight as a re­ sion,” he said. ” It sounded like merged three Raleigh. N.C.. Dallas. Tex. Masses at 6, 7, t, and a letter I had written in near flrat Musquacook I.,ake Dallas police say that Tippit a set of ridiouloua confusions. The Rev. John D. Hughes 9, 10:15 Vice Pastor placement for another girl who an atomic bomb. I ttiought it DlMlayadrartlslac______, cloainf hours; draw comfort from the knowU and 11:30 a.m. German. The letter told her United Methodist Chnreh was the end of the world. My newspapers Into the News and , yesterday and two others flew was shot down as he intercepted >r alooday—1 p.m Frldar So it is with almost every The Rev. WlUlani F. Gender in M ra Harold R. Sehelbe, YYas unable to report for duty. Ob.server. _>r lUasdar—1 p.m Monday. edge that they are apparently when to open the package and Rt 44A, Bolton car radio went, out Of commis­ back and fourth over the area President Kennedy's accused R poUtioal aasumptkxi that used The Rev. Ronald E. HaMemaa Organtot-Dtreetor In Montreal, a dozen persons His son, Jonathan, editor of Fw Wednooday—1 p.m Tuesday. no worse off than citizens of Concordia Lntheran Gbarch inalda she found 20 tiny pack­ Rev. Ahrmra W. Sangrey sion, and my first reaction was White’s companlonz Said he assassin. Lee Harvey Oswald. 3 missed the flight because of For“ 'nnirsday—1~ p.m ~Wedoei * esday to be taken for granted in Oon- Ralph DneK, Sunday School the News and Ob.sen-er and the was dressed warmly, was in An eyewitness Identified Os­ For Flidar—1 Pin Tbursday The Rev. Paul C. Knieer. Paster ages, all wrapped and marked BOnlster traffic congestion. Gall Mc> to Jump on the two children and other large and congested com­ necticut. 7:30 a.m., Holy Communion. with the times to open them. In Sopt. associated Times, will be on good health, and had matches wald as Tippifs killer For Baturday^l p.m Friday Eachern, 26, an employe at Mc­ shield them. hand Yrith other family members Claaalflsd deadline: daaditne: 10:110;n a.i munities. Actually, moat of the big re- Advent Corporate Communion the 20th package were snap­ 9:16 am., Sunday School but no compaaa. Tippit’a death left three chil­ 8 a.m.. Holy Communion. 9 am ., Stmday Boliool aisaaes Gill University, said she would ”I don't remember seeing the for the ceremonlee. aarti day of publication According to the letter of re­ veraal of attitude, thought and for men and boys. Breakfast Church School and NUrmry. shots of h ir taken at varioua tor Gradea 1 through 9. dren fatherless, two boys, tha Saturday — t pno. for all ages. AduK BlMs date. never again complain about plane at all. I Just heard the The Josephus Daniels will be poHticai situation which haa follows. 10:80 a.m.. Holy Communion, places she had visited while Child oare. youngest five-years-old, and a fusal, the General Services Ad­ 10:18 am., Church worship. Montreal’s traffic problem. loud crash. 1 ran to the scene, armed with the Terrier-Asrock Doctor Rohhed Saturday, November SO begun taking pkusa in Connec­ 9 am.. Morning Praysr with Church School and Nnnery. here. She had not known these 9:16 and 10:45 am., Miornk« i 10-year-old girl. ministration will not provide instruction by toe Rev. Mr. Lighting cf the Advent't Wirsatn. Rescuers began searching for and ail I could see was a mass missile, which has a range of BRIDGEPORT (AP) — Dr. ticut and which wiU affect Obn- Lighting of toe Advent Wrsath had baen taken. A letter from Worship. Lighting of the first bodies this morning after more of fire. Maiirtce Levlnaky was robbed [ funds for parking faclUUea at neotiout parties and petmioi- Hughes. Classes. Nursery and her told how quickly toe long Nursery. more than 10 miles. HAMDEN (AP) — Otonncotl- The Ethical Line at both services. Advent Candle. Semvon; “Fhom than 300 soldiers had spent the "I knew there were no sur­ The ship also will carry con­ of 84,000 yesterday, police said. | Kindergarten in toe Children’s flight passed as she looked for­ 6:30 pm., LuttuT League c.ut’s Isrw enforcement offi<'cre existing post offices “imlese itiee, is not tied to any of the 7:80 p.m. Adult Blbla class. DaOae to Boltan — How Much night guarding the area against vivors.” ventional -3-inch. 50-caliber guns,___ _ by'three men who forced their' Chapel. ward to opening the packages. mesta have donated 8331 ao far foe TVhat Senator John I-. Mc- land la already available and direct consequences of a change can We Cliai^T” At first much of the plane’s RBI a 6Vs-lnch, 54-callber gun and i wav Into hla office and living 11 a.m.. Holy Communion Zion -M R S . J, M. K. Monday, 7:30 pm.. Entire crowds. OleBan has been doing to of Presidents at Washington, sHeal Lrrtberaa 6:30 pm.. Senior High Youth Bodies and wreckage were raud-splattered fuselage ap­ torpedo tubes, plus a host of quarters at 1426 Noble Ave the wriidoiw of J. D. Tippit the unless the (postal) department with sermon by toe Rev. Mr. GIRLS — This is Joining Sunday school e t ^ meetu, DoUas poJicetnan who was Wiled Deputy Secretory of Defense consequences like the possibly Group.' strewn over at least a quarter of peared intact, but it was quickly electronic seafeh and ahidy Before leaving, police said, can assure the General Serv­ improved position for Tom Nostrand. Baby-sitting nursery (Missouri Synod) "hands across the sea” with a Thursday, 7:30 pm., Lu­ when he stopped Lee Harv ey Roawell I-. Oapatric ki the In the Children’s Chapel. theran Church Women. Pro- a mile. Floodlights and flares il­ consumed In fire. Identification That Would Have Been a Lot of Snotvf aids. the three men— all armed and ices Administration that It is Dodd, or toe poeaihly dwindleo Cooper and m gh Sts. Arm grip. How many of us First Oongregattonal Church of the plane remained uncertain wearing maaka— put handcuffs Oswald to queetiDn him about 7 p.m.. Litany followed by toe are so thoughtful of those who gnun topic; “A Christmea Med­ luminated the macabre scene. Rain rain, go away; come again another d a y .. David E. Watkins. 3, the son of Mr. and Mra. heattaga on the award cf the operationally neceasary." position of John Bailey. The Bev. Panl O. Ptriropy, United Chnrrii of Christ After viewing the wreckage, until a rescuer had found a life on Dr. Levlnsky and a patient. Pretedent Kennedy’s aasasein- “November to Easter Series.” are visiting here in a land for­ R t 6, Andover itation,’’ Uluatnated by ehdte. R Bruce Watkina, 234 S. Main St., altting on daddy’a ahoulders. wants to turn on the Christ­ ation. Haanden Detective John T FX oontnet to the Oeneral It is difficult to imagine Such involvements may lead airline officials expressed doubt Jacket with the airline’s mono­ Michael Horvack. to delay them to interesting Oonneotiout spec- Subject: “The Ways and Teach­ eign to them? Mrs. J. M. K. is Bev. Raymond H. Bradlegr Jr. mas lights that will decorate Manchester's Main St. this year, while Santa Claus (Fred Hospital Notes Anibrogio, in charge of tha Dynandoa Oorporation haa been parking facilitlea being opera­ ings of toe Church.” Vernon MelbodiBt C hun* about determining the cause of gram on it. Peck) and Dr Theodore Powell, a town director, watch. The problem seems to be, from In spreading the alarm. ulatlona and devriopments, la­ 8 a.m., Sunday School for all right; such a friendship works Pastor The worst single civilian plane fund, said yesterday donations deauifbed aa a “ pufeUc vendet­ Wednesday, 6 and 10 a.m.. ages. both ways. —POLLY R t so toe crash by the usual plece-by- the apprehension In David’s face, getting up to that switch, which has been temporarily tionally unnecessary in a sub­ ter on. piece reconstruction of the crash occurred in Paris in June, Visiting hours are 3 to 8 p.m. are atfil being received from Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m.. Adult Bible tone. Rev. Robert Flrliy mounted on a telephone pole at Main and St. James Sts. David made it as any Main St. Siren Teat Delayed ta.” urban community. toit the biggeat of ah the 9:46 am., Ohurch School. plane. The government immedi­ 1960, when an Air France Jet In all areas, except maternity lo c a l police departments and frequenter braving the rain to shop last night will tell you. But rain or shine, day or night. HARTFORD (AP) - 5 - The What M has oonaUted of, changes Mkeiy hi OonneoUcut 10 a.m., Divine Worship with DEAR POLLY—My husband 11 am., Morning Worship. went down, killing 180 persons, where they are 2 to 4 p. m, and state polhse. So Manchester now haa its punched four rows of holes 9 and 10 am ., Woeehlp. Oom- ately ordered an investigation. Christmas lights or no, you’re always welcome on Main St., like the sign -says, (Herald sUtewtde teat o f Civil Defense desoMXIs from s very simple Community Baptist Ohurch Communion. Text; Luke 19: Sermon: “Our Longing for 121 of them Americana. 6:.10 to 8 p.m. and private rooms however, baa been Senator Mc- chotcea It can forget the whole along the side, opposite the muMon meditation: “How Much A Tfans-Canada spokesman sirens scheduled for Dec. 7 thing which has happened sH 585 E. Center S t 28-44. Theme; "Blessed be the L ight” photo by Oflara). CleSan’a peniatent and aonie- bualneas and Ita dtlsena can Rev. Alex H. Eleeseer, Mlaleter King that CJometo in the Name handle, of a half-gallon plastic Do I Love the Lord|” Child torcMgh the nation. bleach bottle. He fosten^ the oare. p.m. \jsltors am r ^ e s t e d not 30-dav period of mourning Munson Hurt tlntaa angry refuaal to taka continue to puzzle over where of toe Lord!" Nursery in toe Union Oongregatioaal Church Oionfriddo. Bom m Oanlcattinl- What has happened is that pariah house. Jug onto the garden hose and 9 am.. Church achooL Nurs- to smoke in patients’ rooms. No u u President Kennedy. general protoatatlona o f inno- to put their c m when they hop Republicans think their 1064 9:30 am.. Church School for Rockville Bagni, province of * Siracusa, more than two visitors at one Wednesday, 7:80 p.m., Ladies' It makes a marvelous lawn Bev. Paul J. Bowman, Paator ary through elementary Grades Johnson Seen "It ia Intended to test our oenee fhom OMpatric am a ootn- Presidential nomhiation is a ah agea. CSaenes through Grade 1 and 3 and Senior High. Caracas’ Voters Defy O b it u a r y Italy, she Hved in Hartford for time per patient. In Accident into toe post office on an er­ 4 wtU have expanded eeaaion Aid. sprinkler. Do try it! sirens at a later date,” said Idetely aattoHaotoey anerwer to toing o f increased value. 10 am., Chufoh sch ^ . Nurs­ 47 years. Patienta Today: 200. State Civil Defense Director rand. It can patiently wait un through woinhip serrioa. Thursday. 8:80, Adult infor­ A large plastic Jug cut in 9 am , Ohurch school for Other survivors are another They may, of course, be mation hour. half, with toe edges scalloped, ery through Junior U g h and More Ardent William L Schatwnan. But he David O. Munson. 31, of 268 aS the cireumatantial avidenoa 10:30 am.. Morning Wor- Gradea 6 through high school. son. a daughter, eight grand­ ADMITTED YESTERDAY: tU toe General Services Ad- wrong. Oonceivahily, it oouid can be combined with a smaller adult riaee. Mrs. Perry Alexaader did not announce when the tete Porter SL, la reported bi fair hivolved. riilp. Communion. Reception of Prlday, 8 p.m., Annual Chrlat- 10:80 am , Ohurch school for Terrorists’ Challenge children and seven greaf-grand­ Catherine Noonan, 12 Jensen minlatratlon brings its policy up be argued that their ohanoea at mas aala and social. one to make a cute bird bouse. 7 to 9 p.m., Senior High would be held. oondltlon at Manchester Me­ members Sermon: “Tte Full- Mhnts through Grade 4. Mra. Hetta Brannan Alexan­ St.: Mrs. Dorelle Bennett, 16 IMa oiroumetontial evidence to date. Or it can try to find the poUa in November next year Cut off toe top and make a Methodtet T w to Feliowriii:> der, 61, of Bloomfield, sister of children. On Medicare morial Hospital with head In­ nees of Thne.” Nursery. 10:46 am ., Miorning W onhip. The funeral wlM be held Mon­ Henry St.’„ Ronald Wrubel, 45 involv ad Gilpatxic’a own aaaoci- have not really been enhanced The Preebyteriaa Church door in the smaller one and set (OoatlnBad from Page One) DBMPSKY WARNS TRUANTS juries he received in an early aome economical way to make Sennon: “The Answer to the Mrs. Marguerite Bradley Of day at 8:16 ajn. from the EMmond St.; Mrs. Gladys Han­ at aH. 4 pm., AduK church mem 48 Spmoe St. It down in the bottom of toe St George’s Eplsoopal Church HARTFORD (AP) — Gov. morning headoa collision today •tton aa.attocney for General a small number of stalls avail RkMe of Life.’’ Damage Caused Vernon, died yesterday at (Oonttnned from Page One) sen. Hampton; Mrs. Dorothy Tbe important thing, how­ bership ewnlnar In the Youth Rev. Jamee L. Ranaom, Mlalster large bottle, with the scalloped R t *44A, “Bottea and whooshes that filled the air D'Esopo Funeral Cl)apeil, 235 Jiohn N. Dempsey has repeated at Spencer St. and Hartford Dynamiioa in the daya b e fo n B ulidi^. 4 p m , JXmlor Pilgrim Fellow- Hartford Hospital. She was Wethersfield Ave„ Hartford, Helm. Coventry; Frank Jeffers, able for parking near toe post ever, la that inevitably and hi' edges up. Set toe upper part of Bev. Edward W. Johason, Vtear bom in Unionville on April 8, hie woirAng to membera of Rd. Blip. rather than the threatened By Rains, Winds with a Maas of requiem in St. is most popular,” this source 29 Davis Ave., Rockville; Linda OOpatrte came to ptMic offloa; office, on-street or off. sUnoUvely they feel toe way 6 pm.. Mission Fandly Night 9:80 a.m., Sunday School with the large bottle, with the scal­ 1902 and lived in Bloomfield state boards and conunissions The accident was one of in FeUowehlp HaU. d p m . Senior Pltgrim Fellow- ■harp cracks of terrorist rifles Luke’s Church at 9. Burial will said. "He had those votes any­ Bilverstone, 34 Durant St.; Mrs. the aifbaequcnt retention o f his they do. Christian education classes for loped edges down, on the top as 8 a.m.. Holy Communion and for seven years. way. But these are the very that theij,' Should attend meet­ three investigated by police aMp. Breakfast ar the rattle of machine guns. Last nlght’a torrential rain, be tn Rote HIH Memorial Park, Katherine John.son, Andover; «vm eratwhtie law fbtn by Oen- The fact that they feel t ^ all. Registration of new stu­ a roof for the house. Glue the She is also survived by her. areas where Johnson has to sell Aaron Cohen. 90 Seaman Circle: ings falt)rfuUy. Dempsey said since 4 p.m. yesterday in which dents. pieces together. This is very Wednesday, 10 am . to 8 p m . 10:15 a.m.. Holy Communion eatimated by town water de- Rocky Hill. aral Dynunios; and, after Gtl- Traveler way — RspubUoaiM everywhere First Church of Chrtet, Scteotlst 8U11 ringing in toe crowd’s husband, Perry Alexander: her himself. Donna Booth, 31 Charter Oak yesterday he is examining at­ three motorists were cited and Masonic Temple 10:46 a.m.. Morning Worship. nice to hang in the patio. — Women's Fellowship Chriabnee and Church School. ears was Betancourt’s charge piartment personnel to measure Friends may call at the fo- conalderable vehicular damage — WiU double the amount of ■tore. father, a daughter, two broth­ "Kennedy could support and St.; Timothy Guard, 89 Schal- tendance records and ivouid paitric bad gone to W aM ngton, gathering Uke that o t toe Sermon topic: “Man’s Future MRS. J. O. P. 7 p.m., Yung People's Fellow­ over two Inches, resulted In neral chapel todgy from 7 to 9 A reidly steamed-up ambition toat Fidel Castro’s Cuba had ers and another siteer. work for medicare but still not ler Rd.; Morris Federman. New oontiniue to drop in on meetings has been reported. varloua oonauMatlona between 11 sun. Sunday Service, Sun­ in Death," by the pesttnr. Nura­ ship. committed aggression against numerous calls to toe Man­ pjn. and tomorrosv from 2 to 5 Munson required eight stitch­ American PubUc Health Asso­ they have for the Preeldential Rockville Methodist Church be too badly hurt If Congress London; Mrs. Mary ScKmWt. to check on truants. "Appro­ N DEAR POLLY Some years Monday, 8 p.m., Brotherhood chester Police Station. Private funeral services will and 7 to 9 p.m. GeiMnil Dynamice otfldala and nomination, and double the day SclKXd and nuraery. “An­ ery and Children's Church. Venezuela by supplying the didn’t approve It. Johnson al­ Glastonbury; Walter Ringrpse, priate action” wll'1 be talcen in es to close a scalp laceration ciation out at Kansas Oty ago, on my 18th birthday, I 148 Grove St of St. Andrews. Most of the complaints r e -; be held Monday at the Taylor OMpatric, aS o f wMch, GSp«t- ■mount of interest and oare cient and Modem Necromancy, 7 p.m., Evening Service. FALN with over three tons of most has to put It through.” 258 Hackmatack St.; George oases of serious absenteeism, prior to his admittance from seemed to in^iire all khids of was given a box of beautltul Bev. Laurence M. HUl, Pastor Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Executive ported tree branches and elec- and Modeen Funeral Home F. G. Geromlller with which they themeelvea wlU aliae Mieenerism and Hyimo- Hymn sing and Bible mesaage: arms. Supporters of the meewure cit­ . nwell. 185 N. Main St.; Mrs. Dempsey saW. the hospital’s emergency room. rtc oontended, bad nothing to "The Spirit of Unity." birthday chrda with the follow­ committee meeting. trical wires down, although with the Rev. Hilliard Griffin Frederick G. Geromiyor of startling inqulriee as to Just award that nomination. tiam. Denounced” wUl be the The arms were discovered ed speeches Johnson had made Jane o"»'evnv. French Rd.. Bol­ He had been taken to toe hos­ do with the TFX contract or Monday, 7:45 p.m,, Sunday ing note. enclosed, “ If this gift 8:10 a.m.. Church School for some callers were concerned officiating. Burial will be in Broad Brook, father of George i how reliable man’s oontrcl over Nobody la going to give this eubjeot o f the T sesnn-Sermon. all ages. buried in a beach near Caracas as vice president, including a ton: Raymond Green. South pital by police. Tfie Golden Text la from James School board meeting. gives you pleasure, share It by with the many potholes and Greenwood Cemetery, Union- Gerooniller of Coventry, died Today’s crash occurred ehort- with influencing hia idle in the hhnsrif and his environment nomination away beoauae it 10:46 a.m.. Nursery through Motor Idea Teala*s Nov. 2. number during the I960 cam­ Wind.sor; Mrs. Alicia Sterry. Hebron 4: 7, 8. Scriptural aelectioMi will remembering your friends on Cuba and its Soviet allies cracks in roads caused by the vllle. There will be no calling yesterday. paign and one last year at a ral­ ly after 2:30 a.m. when Albert government’s decision on that can become. One of toe more might be a good idea to let Grade 8. Holy Communion. Wllllngton; Robert Ward, 116 toolude: I John 6: 4. Oorrelatlve Chlvary Church their birthdays." I have had NEW YORK — Nikola Teria claim the charge was a provo­ driving rain. hours. Bom in Broad Brook, Mr. ly for the mea.sure, as evidence R, King. 24, Ehwt Hartford, eontraot. somebody eiee run and take the many birthdays and received Meditation: "Have a Christian This morning, a power line In S. Adams St.; Donald Bouchard, toought - provoking disclosures 1864 Uckii«. peeaagae from *iSeience and (AseembUes of God) when only 26 conceived the idea cation against Cuba, but the Geromlller had lived there all he strongly supports the princi­ East Hartford: Patrick Lausler, No One Injured driving weat on Hartford Rd., Becauae Senator McCSeilan many lovely gifto but I always Christmas." the vicinity of Broad SL and Ernest L. Jurs at the meeting came from Dr. Health with Key to the Scrip- M7 E. Middle Tpke. of toe rotating magnetic field United States and most of the hia Hfe. He retired 10 years ago ple of health care of the aged South Windsor: Clarence Ban­ swerved into the left lane when, OoneequenUy, nobody k go­ The Rev. Kenneth L. GnatafMn, remember this particular one as 6:80 p.m., Methodist Youth Latin American nations are sid­ W. Middle Tpke., snapped, refuses to sweep aJ9 this oir- tuthw I* Terry, Surgeon Gen­ turea” by Mary Baker Skldy, in- Fellowship. and developed toe piaotlcal Ernest L. Jurs, 79, of Hart­ from the Broad Brook Co. financed by Social Security. ning, RFD 2, Manchester: Mrs. In 2 Accidents he said, his windshield fogged ing to give the Connecticut del­ Pastor the beat becauae It taiuht me a ing with Betancourt. causing toe traffic lights at ford, brother of Mrs. Cornelius cumstantial evidence under the olude: p. 450: 19-22. alternating-current motor and where he had been a weaver. Johnson's efforts on behalf of Judy Carson, ThompsonvUle; and he was trying to avoid hit­ eral o f toe United States PubHc egatee to the Republican Na- 8 p.m., Wednesday meeting. lesson. —MRS. R. F. Monday, 7:16 p.m., Praysr Betancourt called for “ defini­ toat Intersection to be Inoper­ Dougherty of Manchester, died and discussion time. generator. He w«nt on to invent He is also survived by an- ; the bill may provide the first in- Mary Krause, 76 West St.: EJd- ting a atop sign. His car then mg, he la accused of waging Health Service, oonoeming the tionail Convention away or let Reculing Room houre at 749 1:45 a.m., Sunday School tive measures” against Castro, ative. Thursday at Hartford Hospital. A 16-year-old Andover youth them be spirited away, either. Tueday ,7:80 p.m.. Commis­ the arc light before BtUeon and other son, Fred Geromiller ot dicatlons whether Johnson com­ w’ard Koblalka, Wapplng: Eliza­ collided headon with the Mun­ a vendetta, and the three other spread of DDT. Main St., excepting legal holi­ classes for all ages. DEAR POLLY—I accidentally and Foreig;n Minister Marcos Power company repair crews He was bom In New York City mands more Influence tn the escaped without injury yester­ Some of ue had been around sion on stewardship and finance. toe radio before Maroont Our Broad Brook; four grandchil­ beth Lauks, Staten Island. N. son-driven vehicle. BMmbera o f his auboommittee days, Monday through Satur­ 11 a.m.. Worship Service. The dropped a bottle of flavoring on Falccm Briceno said this meant were able to repair all reported on June 23, 1884, and lived in dren and two greet-grainkmiF South than did his New England day morning when t)ie car he King was charged with reck­ Thla is an insectlolde which long enough to feel that some toe floor t 8 p.m., Commission on educa­ riectriclty uystem as we know Y.; Susan Hasting. Lakewood, day, 11 a.m. to 4 pjn .; Thurs­ Rev. Cltoord A. Browne of between my dryer and it today la largely the result of armed intervention. " electrical stoppages as rapidly Hartford for 51 years. dren. predecessor. was driving, skidded out of con­ less driving and vdll be present­ who have been standing with has only been in use for some moment of realiam was going stove. Not having enough space tion meeting. Ohio: Mrs. Jane Starling, 61 day, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Northeast Bible College, Green his fertile mind. Despite the prevailing car­ as the calls came in. Other survivors are his The funeral will be held Mon­ The bill has been stuck fast ed in Manchester’s Circuit him are aocoaed o f aoihe ape- 30 years. Only recently, how-> to arrive, sooner or later, and Lane, Pa., guest speaker. between them to reach In after Wednesday, 7:80 p.m., Metho­ nival air, national authorities widow, Agnes M. LAngham Durant St. trol cm Hope Valley Rd.' In He­ dist Men. Last night’s strong wind day at 8 :40 a.m. from the Ahem In the House Ways and Means ADMnTED TODAY; David Court 12 on Dec. 16. Both cars elal motivation too. And the end whkt had been a kind of 8:80 p.m.. Prayer Service . it I put some chewed gum on were taking no chances. Inter-: loosened many business signs Jurs; two sons and a grand- bron and flipped over. ever, have we begun to pay Emanuel Lutheran Church Funeral Home, 180 Farmington Committee because enough Muson, 268 Porter St. had extensive damage and were Ulurionary preliminary phase Rev. O. Henry Anderson, Pnetor 7 p.m., Family Goepel Serv­ the end of my yardstick, pushed lor Minister Manuel Mantilla ■ around town, including the one son. The youth. David Pfanstiehl of New Toric Herald Tribune, in much attention to the fact that TsloottvUte Oougregstional Ave., Hartford, with a solemn Southern Democratic votes have BIRTHS YT^TEniDAy: A towed from the scene. of the 1964 campaign. Bev. M el^ T. Peterson ice. The Rev. Mr. Browne will it down hard on top of the bottle said special election security at the Chamber of Commerce Funeral services will be held combined with the Republican Rt. 87 was driving north when an editorial titled “Good Men Church Mass o f requiem In St. An- aon to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Padroimon Charles MotrrMau it haa an unusual resistance to Predictably, however, no one Aseistnat Pastor speak. and then quickly raised the Notice forces had moved into prear­ offices on E. Center St. Monday at 2 p.m. at the Rose minority to deny it a favorable the car skidded on wet pave­ V ^ aUn inveetigiatinK. Deserve To Be Truated,” puts over knows bow horrible the yardstick. —M l^. O. W. Rev. Robert K. Shlmoda, thony-St. Patrick Church at 9. Farange, 67 Summer St.; a thastriution and deoompoaltksi. Wednesday, 8 p.m., Service of ranged positions throughout Ca­ Hill Funeral Home, Elm St., report. ment and turned over. Two Arthur Oolby, 34, of 404 Sum­ one aspect of the ease very event which reverses a whole Bible study and prayer. Minister Burial will be in ML St. Bene­ daughter to Mr. and Mra. James Since then, we have been hav­ 9 a.m., Divine Worship and WE HAVE DAXY racas. Rocky HIU, with the Rev. Rob­ To6d. RFD 1. Manchester; a I>as.sengers in the car were also mit at, yestendBy at 4 p m . trend of events is going to be. 11 asn., Mdrnk^ service and These are understood to in­ dict (Jemetery. foroefhlfy. It will be no wonder ing steadily mounting alatms Ohurch School. Nuiaery Glass Atuaiea View BBC ert Samuelson officiating. Buri­ uninjured. w«s ebu )^ wMih making on Church ot toe Naaarene Sunday schocl. Sermon: "When clude regular army units as Household Hints Friends may call at the fu­ Dies After Crash eon to Mr. and Mrs. Donald If government haa increasing for three-year-olds. al will be In Rose Hill Memo­ The accident Is under InvesO- Inproper left turn and was oav about tfas degree to which H 886 Main S t Ohangee Come." Greeten, Mr. DELIVERY TO m E well as the National Guard, po­ neral home today from 7 to 9 Berrv, Ameton. 10:45 8-m., Divine Worship Melbourne — Talks about long- rial Park. BIRTHS TODAY: A son to gatiem by Trooper Armand dered to appear In Circuit Court trouble getting real talent to may be accumulating tat waya and Church School. At both Rev. Robert J. Shoff, Pastor and Mrs. CHfrord H oU^d. Dea­ lice and special political police A girl applying for an office Friends may call at the fu­ p.m. and tomorrow from 2 to HARTFORD (AP) — Dennis Morasaini of the Colchester A Thought for Today range TV reception! During the Reardon, 28, of, died last Mr. and Mrs. Russell Upton, 12 on Dte. 16. work tor It if it la going to aub- and locations which pose injury services: Holy Communion will con of toe day, Robert Beebe. forces. Job should ahun anything in her neral home today from 7 to 9 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Trtxjp. Sponsored by the Manebse- height of sunspot activity in 7 pm.. Youth Fellowship. night in Hartford Hospital of Stafford Springs; a daughter to The on^t followed an ac­ jeot them to sunnaite; sprinkle with grat' West Hartford: a brother, Pam Shortly before 5 last night, a whose own law flrai, to which tic Itself. How it got there no two radio stations off the air. band, Joseph. Skinner; amd a Troop. pattern for the life of Ckiriei Monday, Pastor wUl visit in of Holy Oommunion. Oommun- ed mild C h e d d a r cheese. Serve lem a of Hartford; three sisters, •at-m ■ ■. c ■ two-car crash on E. Center SL, he himself would naturally re­ They continued holding (3ol. sister, Mrs. Norman A. Smith of Ireshena will appear in Cir­ one knows. Perhape H has A responsible response to the acne 9. 8 p.m., Wom*ui’s Society lon Mutation by the Rey. Mr. these open sandwiches with 'Mrs. Carmella Brunello, Mrs. Just east of Main' St., brought of Christian Service. James K. caienault, deputy chief Lexington, Mas.s. cuit Court 11, Willtmantlc, on turn some day, had become found ita way all around the Word opens the mtnds to pre- Davis. buttered brocoold and sliced Concatta Insalaco and Mrs. the arrest of Charles E. Ryan, Tuesday. 8 p.m., Methodist SOUTH of the U.8. military mission, and FYiends may call at the 1 Dec. 17. general counsel to the same world on air currents. Perfaa] 11:15 a.m.. Church School for threatened to harm him unless tomatoes for a delicious main Josephine Bendotti, all of New Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main 47. of 79 Vernon SL, on a Men’s cabinet Grades 7 through 12. Britain, and six grandchildren,. charge of improper lane change. firm—Buoh a government offi­ it has been moved a1 ( the government releases 71 ter­ course. Lots of flavors here, but St., tomorrow from 2 to 4 p.m. Wednesday, 10:30 a.m., Man­ 6 to 8 p.m., Pilgrim Youth Zltimkful Pivpk The funeral will be held Mon­ ' F ' . i He was ordered to appear in cial need not have oonaidered A U T V Ji b rorists, Including 8 that were ar­ all oompaUble! In lieu of flowers,' contributions through toe movement of plant chester Convalescent Hom e. Group will meet at toe ohurch day at 8 a.m. from the Benja­ Youths Found Circuit Court 12, Manchester, season, the time of pr^iaration You are sspscially invitsd rested after they had hijacked may be made to the Helen Page fJ: It his duty to alt In on the or animal life whirii contained for a Christian Ohrietmaa 8 pm.. Board of Trustees at with Mr. and Mrs. Mlarihall to share with us in an hour METHODIST min J. Callahan Fimeral Home. Dec. 16. 128 Henry St. a plane and flown to Trinidad You can oftm save time by Skinner Award Blind at Man­ •ward of a oontraot In which tt. ' *' Rev. Melvin T. Petereon. LEiytan. of Thanksgiving to Qod for Thursday. cooking potatoes ahead, but the 1692 Main St., Blast Hartford, chester High School. In New York Police said that Ryan, who His UnsxcellM Blssslngs- that firm was one of the rival Eknanuel Lutheran Church. 7 pm ., TIvs Mu Sigma CM The terrorists, who abdiicted spuds will lose some of their with a solemn Maae o f requiem had been parked on the north W e may get some olue aa to The Salvattou Army Group will meet with Mr. and physlcal, material, and .J bidders. He should not have splrlhnl. Chenault from outside his house vitamin C (ascorbic add) after at St. F i^ c is of Assist Church, Two 14-year-old M anchester side of E. Center St., pulled how DDT has traveled to the 661 Main S t Mra. Stanley MattsEon at the from the curb and across sev­ CHURCH Wednesday, originally promised 24 hours In the refrigerator. So South Windsor, at 9. Burial wilt youths, reifxirted mismng from been oourageouaiy willing to Arctic, so many thousands of Major E. Walter Lamls ohurch. Today8 Radio GIVE THANKS IN GOD'S HOUSE to release him unharmed today. when you serve oooked-ahead be in St. Mary’s Cemetery, East Tripl Proposed their homes since Thanksgiving eral lanes of traffic into tha accept his share of responslbU* Officer In charge 1326 MAIN STREET path of a westbound car driven miles away from its use by hu­ A telephone caller told The potatoes to youf family, make Hartford. day, last night were picked up Ity In the government decisloa, Trlnlty Covenant Ckiurch Associated Press that “ unless Friends may call at the fu­ For Dead Oswald by Thomas R. Mahoney, 19. of man belnga, when the PubUc 1 -nn r.1,1 8 am.. Teen-age p r a y e r Rev. J. Manley Shaw, D.D., Senior Minister extra sure that you also serve by New York City police foi T^ompion Haokmataok near Keeney St. our comrades are turned loose, neral home today from 7 to 9 121 Walker St., who was un­ or ao righteously convinced of Health Service oompletes a breakfast. Rev. Ray C. HoPis Jr., Associate Minister ne high-C foods such aa to- carrying three air-piatola - on I‘2? Bishop Rev. K. Ejnar Bask, Pastor we will not be responsible for 8toes, citrus fruita and green p m- and tomorrow from 2 to able to avoid a collision. Tha hie own abBlty to render a de- study of toe smplea from toe 8:00 Chip Thompson 9:30 a.m., Sunday Schocri for PALO ALTQ, Calif. (AP)—A their persons. ?‘2? 5*y»or Shines Mias Marjorie Williams, Director of Education the safety of the North Ameri­ cabbage. 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Mahoney car, with extensive ciaion which was impartial and l:0u News. Sign Off all ages. Presentaticn of ter­ 9:30 am., Sunday School newspaper proposed today that Det. Sgt. Joseph Sartor, front end damage, was towed region. Bach year has its own Jack B. Grove, Director of Music can.” head cf the Manchester depart­ intoAuenoed. Nor riiould he, 1C—leae ritorial award by Capt. Charles with rtesses for aS age groups, Shortly before Betancourt and the accused assassin of Presi­ away. The Ryan auto, with easily labeled layer of toe, orig­ 1:00 News Ikummcnd, Heutford. If you grind your own coffee, Robert Rhubeck ment’s detective bureau, said even now, even while he reeents klndetgarten through aduK. Falcon Briceno met with report­ don’t stock up on roasted dent John F. Kenpedy be given moderate left front side dam­ inally laid down as snow, and 8:§0 10:45 am., HoUneae meetirg. Robert Rhubeck, 73, of Sims­ thito morning that he has re­ 10:45 am., Morning Worahip. ers, the Foreign Ministry or­ beans. Coffee experts say toat age, was driveable. No one was the vendetta of Senator McClel­ Music by CItsdel band and song­ Invites You To Worship bury, step-brother of Mrs. Mar­ a regular trial even though ceived word that the youths had examination may tell when toe ?:8S Rhythms Sermon: “In toe FuUness of dered the Venezuelan ambassa­ freshly roasted beans that are hurt in the crash, police reports lan, be ao fiercely sure he did 7:30 Monitor sters. Sennon by Maj. Lasnie. garet Miner of Boltan, died he Is dead — to bring out all admit'tbd to members of the DDT began arriving In the Arc­ 10:M Just Jsss Time.” Nursery, dor to Washington. Enrique Te- freriily g;round produce the noted. 11:00 News 3 pm., Hospitai visitation by 9:00 A.M. Morning Worship yesterday. He was bom In facts in the case. 14th Squad Manhattan Youth not have aome human, imper- tic, if that was the. way It ar­ 5 pm., Evening Servloe with 10:45 A.M. Jera Paris, to lodge a formal most flavorsome brew. The afternoon Palo Alto ll:fo SUrfisht Serensds Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson and Mrs. South Deerfield, Maas, on Jan. Patrol to taking the pistols toot moment. 1:00 SIsn Off Catninunlon. Meditation by the 9:00 A.M. Church School « charge of aggression against Times noted In an editorial that rived, and how the accumula­ Tttomas MoCaim. 10:45 A.M. 18, 1890. from King’s Department Store ______WHAY—DM pastor. “TViumphaEit 'nianks- Cuba In the Organization erf Save those six-ounce cons Lee Harvey Oswald, accused qf Two Boys Admit The aearcb tor what la best tion has progressed. 1:00 Bob Slrtiin 6:30 pm.. Prayer ssrvlc*. giving.” American States. Other survivors are a sister, in. Manchester. 8:M S li^ Show Sermon—December 1 , from frozen fruit-juice concen­ shooting Kennedy, must be pre­ and proper and most ethical In It is always oonoelvable, of 7 -'.m., Evangelistic service. Wsdnealay, 7:80 pm , Flrte In Washlngtdh the OAS sched­ a step-brother, and several theft has been reported to 7:30 Dance Party trate and U M them as "packing nieces and nephews. sumed Innocent proved Slashihg Lines auoh poiHdble ooolllct of Inter­ 10:30 Toniriit at My Place Musis by Citadel band and song- in series of Advmt Ml'hvsak 9:30 AM. Advent Communion Service uled a debate on the charge for utensUa” for refrigerator Mwrtieater police. oourse, that we may sventual- The fimeral will be held Mon­ guilty. 13:00 Bhm Off tears. Sermon by MaJ. Lranie. Servtoea. - “It Came To Pass" Tuesday. ooolde dough. Both juveniles,- whose names est oases often miaaea the real -ly decide that the DDT stable . ™ WPOP—MIS Sunday School For All It added; "President Kennedy The youthful cut-ups who 1:00 Joel Cash day at 8:15 a.m. from the are being withheld due to theii tjuastlon. Sometimes the super- door will have to be looked, Dr. Shaw, Preaching Chairles H. Vincent and Sons the nation, Oswald and his fam­ slashed about a dozen clothes­ 8:00 Bin Hushes 10:45 A.M. US Tobacco Finer Use alook ss the liquid in ages, will be presented In Man­ flolal and legal divorce of in- 13:00 Olrard Funeral Home, 880 Hopmeadow ily all deserve to have the situ­ lines in the North End of Man­ since toe permanent damagf Because o f what has hap« curry sauce and then finiah off ation cleared up beyond reason­ hattan Family Court. Children’s WINr-4338 II St., Simsbury, with a Mass of chester earlier this week are tereeta may be complete, and done worid health in the first 1:(JU CBS Newi pened, a new sennon series WASHINGTON — H i g h- with a little — just a few taible- able doubt. We suggest, there­ Dlvlicion, on Monday. The 1:15 ShjhowcAiie requiem in St. MSary’a Ohurch, reported to have confessed. yet merely clear the way for in- YOUTH FELLOWSHIP qiHulity c'.gprettea in moat coun­ spoona — of undiluted evap­ fore, that Osward be tried In an youths, and evidence may be 20 years Is already more than 8:00 Newi, Weather sad Sports WOW" What Service on death and last things. Simsbury at 9. Burial wllj be in An 11 and a 12-year-old boy tries are mode solely of United orated milk. ’The curry powder American court. Our courts are returned to Manchester authos^ flucnca and faVorltlam. Some- we ehould take. 8:18 Showcase "Man’s Future In Death" Junior High—7:00 P.M. St. B m w rd’a Cemetery in hive admitted after question­ 7:30 CBS Dlmenslae PLACE ORDER-PICK IT UP IN 10 MINUTES BtattM triboccoe or of blends of will mask the evaporated miUc the place to determine guilt or iiUeq if action is brought against ttmaa tha dtvoroe of Interant 8:18 ^ e Line Senior High—7:00 P.M., TariffvUte. ing that they had cut clothes­ But tha greater ohaooe is Nnrsery and Junior Church ITS. tobSKXXM with domestic flavor. Innocence.” them here. and aaKXtiattyin may not be 8:80 &weaae of Jam DONT BELIEVE US? THEN TRY US! Young AdultsLdult —8:00 P.M. Friends may call at the fii- lines at about 12 homes with a that we wUl find, or adjust, or 13:80 liim on 7:00 PJtf. leaf. The Department of Agri- butcher knife they found, • "to oomplata at ah, l)Ut the paraon ouKure atitxihutes thie to the A hot oil treatment before neraJ home today foam 7 to 9 lavcnt ounelvas a way out of "The Spirit Of Unity" pan. aod toRnarrow foom 3 to 4 Turkeys Restored HoniM for Young see if it was sharp,” police con­ OR tha govamment end of su



1 NkVtR B6USVKO VOUft SD StkCrieB OF PROMOTION ARB Acaoss SOpa of tha Lo*r^yoo.'-m\B a l a b k a n out­ ■ 1 StMkMptirMii Oahara 5Top;y ASourr ewMo f i t MBR6LV T3RAAAAVIZEB MV 7 Always (eoolr.) Mit30LEYe«/AFTER AI.U, NO • MiMlHltipi 9 rroacn rain BUTtCAI'J <66E NOW FRENCN RESTAURANTWDULD tributary you TOOK A LOtOfi 12 MaaMrandum lOOtloaa BUSINESS SERVICES DIRECTORY ,5ERVe CONTINeFTTALCUtSINe llHepa’ kllna PONCW66 around IK »IPER NEON LIBWTS^ 13 Vint woman 19 Lubricant HCAO-— VOO'BE WEAR 14Taddlarf 20 Tranaaction INf FURS AND IT'6 15 ^AERt'S TME 6EU--... IS Madieal auffix 22 Warmth 5HAT MOST BTk THE ISSwIia rhrar ' IN H E R ^ ITIncliaa 23 Taf for 48 Notion 3UD<3EB/ Inatanoa 34 Bye flaid dyup rt-n' ■ ■■ .e r; emy jp v qf n ■ ISQuartar 24 Eraa 38Irlab atraana 4tPi«kiMl9 CUNLIFFE 20Remavei 28 Aparture 37 Erarlaathif 48Cup«li MANCHESTER HIGH GRADE 21 rally fort 28 Very (Tr.) (poet.) 48turopana 22 Pronoun 27 Italian 38 Snaad't MANCHESTEF MOTOR SALES 23 JudM’t laditl community 40 Weft em 47 City In Nml9 EXPERT AUTO BODY and PRINTING 3tPtaurart 28 Bract convayanat MWMiI AUTO PART 38 Old 29 Withered FENDER REPAIRS Job and Commercial 31 AUaUc Uka 81 Soldicra SEAFOOD .R lN & j 32 Obaarta 270 BR(.)AD ST. , ENAMEL and LACQUER Printing SSIUlaa CHOICE VARIITY REFINISHIN08 •4An«wanca for PRECISION Prompt and Efficient wuta MAOmNING • REASONABLE PRICES SSAatarlak • Cylinder Rends Quality FREE ESTIMATES Printing Of AU Kinds 38 Appradatea « Engine Blockn and 38 At that placo RT. 88—VERNON, CONN. 39 Scotland^ 'O ther Bnrfhcea On Seafood Joat Above the Traffle GommuRity Press larftat rlrtr ForeiKn and Amerlran Circle 40 Soar of water Cam and Tmrka 43 O AK ST. TEL. 648-0016 9 East Middle Tpke. 41 Italian alream Open Saturdays I'ntil S P.M. TEL. 649-9987 Telephone 643-5727 Kt*5] 44 Small ataamar w \s 43Habraw month & \ 3 ‘ 48Camart hair MOMtNTj cloth PortaMa TV RoBtab ALLY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN 81 Protubaranca Monehoitar 82 stata faundar CAR LEASING Motorola and Zenith Sales S3 Kaabraoa Rug Ckonlngi and Service GLASS OSCAR HE POeSNT StPrognoatie Company e For Auto WlndshleMa P0N m i« N K » « | lOOK ANY 88 CofMort and RENTALS We Service All Makes of TV, e For Store Fronts and aU ANY LAPY FW£NP / TOO HAPPY. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER 86 0oddaaa of 15 Hannaway St. Moving Firm Extends Service Radios and Phonographs sizes of windows . . M - - - * - a I L i e s 3 Infatuation •7 Renan amparar Flrat In Mancheater. New There has been a ateady In-* e For Table Tops Del Knowien, Prop. haa built a fine reputation ) DOWN cam, full maintenance, fully crease in the demands for serv MODERN OPEN 8 A.M. to 6 PM. Call 648-0012 ice and there is no better way through hla inalitence upon ICnekoe tnaured to reduce your prob- quality aervice—hla men are all SATURDAY 8 AM.-NOON Macfcbtrda ^ensorCi Noted for Service in which to gauge the popular­ TV SERVICE aBaDet lemn and worries. For full In- 3-DAY ity of any buainese, so It le easy experienced movera, no matter SAudltiary fomiatlon call WMh reaUy wuaflMr not* to see thst people value the fine what the presaure of work, he n SUMMER ST. 4 coddled SERVICE! too far off, B ow 'latte time to oar tunad up, have tha apark moving aervice offered by Man­ does not hire "extraa” to ffU In. J. A. WHITE 8DaillBsa have your car tomd iq> and plugs checked, polnta, battery, chester Moving k Trucking Oo. He feela, and rightly ao, that 2 Blocks From McKee St. Poul DodM Pontiac — aUo — have anti-fraese addefCweven- etc. ao lhait your car will operate only trained men can gtve the GLASS CO. INC. GTiey have extended their mov­ Tel. 648-2205 FL’RNITCRB CLEANING son's Ebao, 406 Main 8t„ h u efllotently when the ftrat oold ing service up into Canada, to kind of service hla company is 81 BtoeeU SL—TcL 648-7828 878 MAIN STKEITT a refwlrer’is Yoenae and t h ^ d&l^enap arrives. They win clean BY J. R. WILLIAMS Phone 849-2881 Tennessee, Ohio, Illinois and noted for, and thia haa reaulted OUT OUR WAY exceHcnt work at most reason­ Om engine, toaiaaKe the wheels. thro^rh into the central United In more and more demanda for Wo Vr(e You To Support able 4»lcea. Richard and Rob­ If they need repaoking, this will States as well as to Florida. movitrg aervlcea. ert Btevenaon have owned this be done,' check the brakes and The Lutz Jimlor Muneum They also have added a tractor- Beaide handling l a m Jobe, station for about two years— they can do g new brake Job U trailer to the fleet, and natural­ Mancheater Moving A 'Trucking PONTIAC MANCNESTER llm t&d Re/UrCUlA some people may remember this la needed. A^reaUy thorough ly the driver of this nuunmoth Oo. ia always.glad to handle AND tluit this atatlon was run by Job la youm w hel^y^u^^e your trailer truck Is a man of experi­ amall Jobs and whether the Job MEMORIAL GO. PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER ^ »mi Bt/tr MBIT x a rm u g w their father, Joseph Stevenson, car to Stevenson'i ence, offering the same careful be large or email, the aame 838 BI'KNSIDK AVB. some yeaire ago. No one wants to think of and safe service that has always careful attention la given. TEMPEST Opposite East Cemetery Berube's EAST HARTFORD At Stevcniion's Esso, you needing road aervice, but if you characterized Manchester Mov­ At thla time of year many TYPEWRITER SERVICE wiU find snocape, 100 plus, as should require it, Stevensori'e ing k Trucldng Co. famlliea are moving to Florida SALES NSM. STEVENSON’S If you have not become ac- ing advantage of this service. A tons for every need. Medical Manchait«7^ Moving A Truck Window Govoringi ing Oo. can'.pravide moving CUSTOM MADE quadnled w4Ui the swift and good coat of wax la a wonder­ auppUee are packed In epeclal PAINTS a Window Shadea courteous service offered by ful protection for your car and cartona aa are Inatnunenta; service all overHhe nation ESSO CANVAS AWNINGS Slervenson’s Elsso, stop in and If you want to save youmelf each Item la wrapped In white through their association with FOR REST RESULTS 405 MAIN ST. a Vertical and Venetian get acquainted. You will enjoy some really bard work, let Ste­ paper, everything clearly Buniham'a Van Service of Oeor- Blinds, Drapes and marked. What a relief It ia to TEL. 649-8290 BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL /AM Hardware dokig buelnen where c o u r t^ venson's Elsso do the Job for and service are outstanding. you. They do all the polishing walk out of your office Into a Want to store some fund * Tuno-ups Both Rlolwrd and Robert and waxing for one of Manoties- new one and find everything in lure? Manchester Moving A PAUL'S N *Td cut out thst wiMorack about baing against sin. FINDELL'S Stevenson gained experience in ter’a largest car dealers so you place! A busineas firm can en Trucking jC o . hes a new fire * Engina Ckonhig know that they do reaUy fin* Joy the same freedom from con pibof and vermin-proof storage FAINT SUPPLY S ta to r. Timas tra tough. Tha ainntr vota could maka 485 MIDDLE ;rptIE., EAST other pUcee before opening fusion, desks, files, chairs, ma their atatlon, Richard also at­ work. vault that wUl store h safely 645 M^in Street * Minor Rapoirs the diffaranca!” Phone 648-4885 Depend upon Stevenson's chines, office equipment all until you need It. V 'o r rates call tended the Ea-o retail school. transported to the new office Tel. 6^9^0.300 R. A. PEARL, Prop. The Humble Oil Oo. insists and Esso for fine service at aU 648-6663. * Stomps times, they carry a full line Of and placed exactly where you Whether you want the deluxe is Justly proud of the fact that specify. The cost? A most rea­ their Bsm stations are kept acceeixMies, polishes, outboard moving aG^ce (which means motor oils, fire lightem, head sonable one, and Walter Per­ you can walk out of your home BEN CASEY spotlessly clean.,and for those rett, owner of Manchester Mov­ j^J Upholstery SEE US FOR: what* n*a «m« am meeting their rigid standards lamps, spark plugs, ignition and find eveiydihlng in place In • Aluminum Roll Up ing A Trucking Oo„ will be hap­ your new home) or the regular and IVI Shop the Humble Top Rated Rest parts, condensom, rotors, py to give you an estimate. P VIC’S PIZZA SHOP I'V E MCl/Eff KIUED NEEtxaSSiy. Awninga Room sign la awarded and Stev­ points as well as those really moving service — and this Is RE-UFHOLSTERINa n 168 W. Middle Turnpike X A C fM R E A N IM A tS TOO MUCH. BUT a Venetian Bllnda enson's Esso station Is pleared dependable Atlas batteries. On You would not allow a total pretty special too — why not do Phone 649-8700 a Storm Doom top of all this, you get SAH stranger who was unused to busineas with a frm that takes * Modern FurnifHre a Combination Windows to have receive this award. At Stevenson's E.-so, moat Stamps with your purchases, so pstoking and moving to move a peraonal Interest in senmg and Antiquos PIZZA Manchester Awnini; Co. any repair Job on any make of make Uds year headquarters your oherlehed household goods you to the very best of their 195 WEST CENTER ST. ■apartf« O A U k would you? Naturally not, so ability? Call Manchester Mov­ e Store Stools and Booths SPAGHEHI car oon be made, and they have for all your oar needs and your • Custom Furniture Telephone 649-8091 a MOVINO car will appreciate the extra think of this whm ybu are con ing A Trucking Co. and you will RAVIOLI two bays to serve you. Before sidering moving. Walter Perrett enjoy the .best In m a v \H g . Slipcovers and Draperlea EatablUhed 1949 cold wearther, why not have your zip that only BUno gas give a WAONIMO Made to Order OPEN DAILY ^ B S S v Complete Selection of 7:30 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. BHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL while these changes may not based laboratory experiments Materials Wonders of the Universe- appear to be too significant In must bo performed to provide FREE ESTIMATES SUNDAYS an unstressed subject, they can the essential information neces­ Lower Level of the Parkade 4 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. V become highly critical during a sary to maintain the physical 649-6324 TuRnPIKE rapid and drastic change In the Integrity of our astronauts, it CLOSED MONDAYS Maintaining the Physical gravitational field. This type of would be tragic If we finally A U T O B O D Y Monchostar Maying change must occur after a long acquired the skills to undertake trip either to Mars or back to the trip to Mars without being and Trucking Ca. Well-Being of Astronauts the earth when tha vehicle sud­ able to safegaurd the men tak­ denly decelerates to initiate the ing the trip. DON WILLIS Ostrinsky By DR. I. M. LEMTT ^ indicate a substantial loss of fit' re-entry maneuver. He Indicates Copyright 1963 WRECKER Director, The Pels Planetarium ness and a general physical dC' that unfavorable stress of ac- General Features Corp. DEALER IN WASTE MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLl Of the Franklin Institute conditioning associated vdth Im^ celration on impeded circula­ GARAGE MATERIALS SERVICE Concern about the well being mobilization due to deterioration | tion could be the most Important 18 Main St., Tel. 649-4531 of astronauts on extended flights of the mujcles smd the blood single factor determining the in space Is being expressed by circulatory system. success of a manned mission. Ruth Millett RAGS, IRON scientists involved in maintain­ Experiments, with Volunteer The other serious effect which Specializing In ing their physical fitness. subjects, involving immobiliza­ accompanies immobilization is SGRAP METAL BU^Z SAWYER In August, 1964, an unmanned tion of six or seven weeks dura­ the change in the body metab­ SOFTENING UP A HUBBY BRAKE SERVICE probe will be launched on a tion show a dramatic decrease olism, that Is, the functioning of Saw In the paper when a in muscle strength with the the normal body processes. In end PAPER 250-day trip to the planet Mars. teen-age' bride was reported Front End Alignment It Is not inconceivable that strength of the shoulders and further studies made of volun­ arms declining 9 per cent, the teer subjects, it was found that missing by her husband when 781 PARKER ST. roughly t e n years later a General Repair Work Tel. 643-5785 or 643-6878 manned probe may undertake a strength of the extensor mus­ the muscles lost nitrogen and he came home from work and •AIRMG / trip of about two years' dura­ cles of the lower lege declining the bones lost calcium In this found a note from her saying; 21 per cent with girth dimen­ restricted state. In a seven-week r------u D tion to the planet and scientists “I got three trEdflc tickets to­ must be certain that during this sions of the extremities show­ study the average nitrogen loss day and that's when I decided period the astronauts will main- ing corresponding shrinkage. was almost four pounds of mus­ ABG APPLIANGE These changes became appar­ ics protoplasm while about 2 to leave." CAMPING tain their physical integrity and The poor kid evidently,hadn’t DUCO and DULUX REFINISHING well-being. ent within seven days after the per cent of the total bone calci­ experiment began. Additional um disappeared. There were been married long enough to REPAIRS EQUIPMENT In June, 1963, the American know that a husband can, be 166 MIDDLE TURNPIKE, WEST AstronauUcal Society held a teats indicated that coordina­ also losses of other vital min­ 19 MAPLE ST. Tents, Cots, Sleeping Bags, tion, strength, speed and endur­ erals like phoei^orus, sulfur, told any kind of blood-pressure MANCHESTER symposium on the Exploration raising news if his wife Just Air Mattresses, Stoves, of Mars and during these ses- ance of muscular effort re- sodium and potassium. Tel. 649-8879 Lanterns HAiaV MUU ' maled lower for several weeks follows the ag* - old rules for II sions the fate of the astronauts Lueses Gan Be Corrected broachlrg unpleasant subjects. on this long trip was explored. following the conclusion of the The significant point Is that REPAIRS ON— Suburbia experiments. Next time she puts a dent in MANCHESTER Dr. Donald R. Young, a re­ the nitrogen deficiency can be the fender of the car, or lets a Grills. Electric Irons, CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER momitToi 643-7043 search scientist at the Ames Blood Circulation Affected restored by a good quality pro­ , Toasters, Percolators, SURPLUS SALES CO. It has been determined that door-to-door salesman talk her Research Center of NASA in­ tein intake. However, these ex­ Into buyii^ an expensive set of Vacuum Cleaners. Heaters, 169 N. MAIN ST. dicates that many factors in the loss of muscle tone leads to an periments also showed that cal­ Fans, Sewing Machines a t Depot Square Today" accumulation fo blood in the books, or forgets to give her THAr 7 HE ff A» TACTFUUV MAKINS SUfte.THAT WA9 A 1 O H iIS A Y l long trip will affect the well be­ cium loss could not be restored husband art Importafit telephone Open DaUy to 9:00 P.M. MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD GUARP 1 lower extremities when the sub­ even with an intake of calcium B0WLIM6 BALL N TMB 8A6l ANVMla THBm 100KIN6 TOR ing of the mien. One of the most message from his boss she need All work guaranteed J. FARIji — 648-7111 0UT5IPB V POUBTFUL AlOtni E4teciALLy LEM/me tn» j •T O LiN TOR THE MAGAZINE OP serious effects may result from ject Is In a sitting or erect po­ In therapeutic amounts. This Is run away from home TRIBP OUT THeY CHBCKi^y--jj 5BCRer PlMSt Reuben Plen’s confinement and Immobiliza­ sition. It may be recalled that viewed aa serious for even after, , .7 , TF FIMftEB [«AMP ALL THAT PLEASANT PLACES ' tion, that Is, restricted motions this effect was evident In two' seven weeks of therapeutic cal ' She can stay at home and 'oteaiM of our astronauts' after a rela­ face the music — which won't ROT.BH?^ Texaco Station A m o n th ly f e a t u r e in the capsule. Studies to date cium nutrition there was an In WE6AU J tively short period during which biUty to re-establish the nor­ be too bad — If .she will man­ age the way most wives man­ WATKINS-WEST Call 644-1111 381 Main Street OF y o ur h o m e to w n Immobilization occurred. A con­ mal calcium balance. centration of blood In the legs To overcome this acute phys­ age uhder such circumstances. First, she'll spend a few FUNERAL FOR REPAIRS, Phene 643-9149 DAILY NEWSPAPER FQR THANKSGIVING reduces the blood to the heart iological hasard, it has been REPLACEMENT resulting in reduced cardiac suggested that exercise equip­ hours in the kitchen cooking SERVICE r f i s Hydramatic Transmission IMPORTED output and spells of dizziness. ment be carried along on the her husband's favorite dinner, ON ALL TYPES OF M l K- Repairing There is a lowering of the circu­ trips. However, .with the strin­ which she'll serve looking Just O j i i # lating blood volume and some as pretty and pert as possible. S t] . ■ : 7 r ■ All Work Guaranterd ilanrI|THt^r gent weights limitations imposed ORMAND J. WEST § A i . WINES evidence appeared IndlciLting >y the vehicle booster, hew During dinner she'll listen W A \ A Texaco Lubrication Service that It takes longer for the methods must be developed to with wide-eyed admiration to Director iE u T u tn ij blood to circulate through the Include some types of exercise everything he has to say (Just 0 We Give Green Stamps body. This In turn favors the gear. as she did during their court 142 E. CENTER ST. Fifth ^ 1 * 0 0 likelihood of blood clot forma­ Ing days.) t r ^ ■ It has been suggeeted that an tion in the large blood vessels. After dinner, she'll leave him ' Manchester’s Oldest WOODCOCK In addition, increased circula­ oscillating bed be used for sim­ ulation of movement. This has alone in his easy chair for With Finest Facilities REFRIGERATION CO. tion time diminishes-the rate of proven of considerable value, awhile until he ha.s had time to DAVY JONES BY LEFF and McWILLlAMS VICHI’S transport of nutrients to the read the evening paper. '.S heart,, kidney, brain and i ner for again experimental evidence MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES anti FRANK RIDGEWAY PACKAGE STORE shows that the calcium loss can Once she haa decided that he 20 BIS8ELL ST. vital organs. be reduced by 50 per cent and looke rested, well-fed, and more Dr. Young points out that the nitrogen loss also reduced than ordinarily content she’ll n slightly. Dynamic tension, which say, "Honey, there’s soijiething entails the controlled stretching I've got to tell you but first You Mijie ttiE,job... WE h«E )U5t the WPwl of muscle groups, could also you’ve got to promise me that Psint .. in colors to match snylhing! Have i Look In Your Painting By Having prove effective. Artlflcally In­ you won't get mad. Promise?" era today ijuestion on ulot?.,. what to use?... how to do it? duced activity through electrical Then In sweet but faltering sUfnulation. of muacles heui spe­ v^rde. ahe'U confess to her lAU US l« vpert IwlA on you nut paintini Job. Get That Finished, Professional cial merit since it elevates heiut "crime" and wait to see how rate, blood pressure and oxygen he la going to take it. Of 1 h a m b u r g e r s , - , conaumpUon, thiu reproducing couree, promise or no, he may f/fJoAnsooPAINTOQ Professionals Do It the phyelologlc effect of con get mad and start to yell but 723 MAIN ST.. MAN (HESTER—PHONE 649-4.501 ventlonal physical activity. It : he does, she will Just remind appears that we may succeed him that he gkve his word. It %# Y< s_ i rrtit rr—rr ,■ • / BUY THE PAINT THAT'S WORTH THE WORK in providing Ingenious exercise That usually puts him on the WM. DICKGON & SON devices to help mrestall physical defensive. From there on—it’s that TRA6B0Y WILL I deterioratlcii. easy SEdUng, much easier than look for the golden arches. . . McDonald $ Since man eUU represents one running away — aa any expert- PAINTING and DECO RATIN G CONTRACTOR of the ipost Important undeter­ enoed wife knows. 46 WEST CENTER STREH PAINTS Rear 77# Mata Street—Fully Insured—Phone 64tt-0tM mined factors, ,mpr9 ilcfig. term AU righto reserved, SILVER LANE EXTENSION \ epkee flights luid more ground- NewHpieiler Enterprtae Asen...... dn .1 mil MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 80,1968 PAGE NINB

Situations Wanted— PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN^ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 80,1968 Bonds—Stocka Pro Grid Notes Mortgages 31 Female 38 SECOND MORTOAOB8 - Un­ RELIABLE WOMAN will cars THE CLASSIFIED limited funds avaUsbla tor asc. for email child for ■ working end mortgsges, payments to mother, by day or week, to my Three-Way NFL Tie to Be Broken Sunday suit your budget. Bxpedlsnt home, South end, reasonable. servicS. J. D. Realty, 643-8129. Phone 646-9997. Herald Angle ADVERTISING A BirmcR ARRANOBMHNT ot your finances will make Dosrs— Birds— Pets 41 By CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS more of your tocomo avallablo PROF1M8IONAL Trlmmtoa EARL YOST 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. for personal use. Lump debt AFL Holds Draft, into one monthly payment of bstotos, all breeds. Poodli 8p«rU Editor Browns and Cardinals $22.25 (or each thousand dollars Bpeclalist. It costs no more to COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Including repayment over five have the beet to profsealonal condlUontog. 849-9793. 649-6600. NoIm from the Road Race Pad MONDAY Thrs ndD A T 10:M AJM.—8ATURDAY B A.M. year."Kear.s. Frank Burke. 246-8897, In Feature Attraction Connecticut Mortgage Ehe- 200 to Be Picked BEAUTIFUL AKC registered Weather, which was terrible a year ago with heavy ch u g e , IS Lewis St., Hartford, sliver miniature poodles, cham­ PLEASE READ YOUR AD (3onn. rain and below freezing temperature, was just the op­ pion bloodline, 8-weeks-old. 649- ST. LOUIS (A P )— Vengeful Cleveland brings Jimmy sr “Want Ads“ are taken over the phone as a NEW YORK (A P )— The Denver Broncos held the SBCXIND MORTOAOE8—Funds 0647. posite Thursday—just perfect, for an outdoor produc- Brown and company to St. Louis Sunday for a National When ssksd to oommsnt on eonvenlesoe. H m ndvarttssr should read his ad the FIRST No. 1 draft choice today as the available for second mort­ tkm such as the Five Mile Road Race. The temperature Football League game ^ t h the surprising Cardinals ■oms o f the NPTi stars playtog DAY IT A P P B A M aad REPORT ERRORS to time for the gages. For Individual attention was 60 degrees and the sun was shining brightly at which could help decide the Eastern Division champion­ League selected the top 200 prospects of the college in tbs lest January, ■ext laaortlOB. Tho Herald Is respooslhle for only ONE Inoor- call B A N Agency, Roger M. Articles For Sale 45 ferop in 25 rounds. Marlin MoKsarvsr, the Loa An­ rsot or omitted Insertion for any advertisement and then only 10:30 when the field of 137 runners got off the mark. ship. Negro. 64S-13-8727. MOTO MOWER snow throwers since the race was revived ln<»------Several of the top coUeglans gelas Rams’ middle linebsekar, to tho extent o f a “ mako good” Ineertion. Errors which do not The Browns, defeated 20-14 by said: "Tliose two t i ^ t anda,] lesoen tho value of ^ advertlaeraent wlU not be corrected by at McBride’s Sport 8ix>t. 4% J946. the weather on race day had been picked last year as h.p. to 6Vt h.p. 839 Center St. : at. Louis at Cleveland two weeks Persol Wins "futures” because their original Ron Kramer (Graen Bay) and “ make good" Insertion. has been good on 17 Thanksgiv­ ago. A-e In a three-way tie Rose Rookie Business Opportunities 32 949-8747. ings In 1» years, only 1946 and college class graduated last (CMosgo) aro two with the Cards and New York June. One of the prizes In that of toe most rugged football 1962 being the “bad” years, I for first place. Each has an 8-3 YOUR COOPERATION WILL H I A I T i l l YOUR YARN SHOP-Watklns N. L. Winner Over Thomas category was Don Trull, the players that ever lived. Both are BE APPRECIATED l/IMU I I Bros. C 1 o e 1 n g out-Stamped record. Baylor quarterback, who was good receivers and tremendous Winners of the two tutkeys For the Cardinals, It’s their CO-OWNERSHIP goods, needlepotot-other items. from Frank Harabnrda’s TuUp drafted by Houston In the AFL blockara." . . . WsU, some mid­ All reduced to cost, some be­ third straight clutch game. Aft- In TV Scrap and BalUmore In the National dle linebacker Just might be I Tree Tni;key Farm In Glaston­ \ er knocking off the Browns, 8t. In Balloting AVAILABLE low. Buy-aave. bury were John Saklus of Football League. .saying that a l^ t McKeever i Louis moved to New York and one of these days because Los SNOW BLOWERS - Artens, Georgetown I'nlverslty, w ho FT. KNOX, Ky. (AP) — Take NEW YORK (AP)—After only Denver was Interested primar­ Troyblt Rtaehing Our Advariistr? OUTSTANDING NA’HONAL (toppled the Giants 24-17, throw­ Angeles Coach Harland Svare MOTEL CHAIN PROVIDES Snow Bird, Toro, Moto Mow­ placed *0th. and I aitj- Seretto, ing the Eastern race Into a It from Pvt. Pete Rose, there’s 10 pro fights Johnny Persol Is ily In offensive linemen, quarter­ backs and flanker backs. With sent Marlin into toe game er, and Bolens tractors, parte a 16-year-oW Junior at Eas* triple tie. nothing like being told you’ve ready to step Into the light GUARANTEED ^and service. Capitol Equip­ Catholic High who came In 30th been named National League heavyweight division’s top ten. that In mind they had examined against Baltimore last Sunday H-Hour Answorlng Servieo 'Ihe Browns and Cards are In In the first half. And where did | MANAGEMENT SAI.ARY ment Co., 88 Mato St., Man­ place. Salcliis also won turkeys good physical shape for the Rookie of the Year to wipe The undefeated, 22-year-old carefully the credentials of men chester. Open dally 7-6, Thurs­ like Bob Brown, 269-pound Ne­ Marlin play? A t tight end . PLUS PROFIT SHARING AND the past two years. game which Is expected to away the memory of a long day Brooklyn shipping clerk served EQUITY ACCUMULA’nON day 7-9. Saturday 7-4. I of KP detail. notice on the other top-notchers braska guard; , 241- He caught the first past thrown I Froo to Herald Raadars draw a crowd In excess of 32,- to him for 26 yards and a first Fred Norris. fo«rmerly of Eng­ “ Great!” exclaimed the hus­ ^ whipping ninth-ranked Allen pound Minnesota tackle; Scott Approved applicant will have FOR SALE — Flat Stone 000. The Cardinals will have down on the Colt 22, and two land amd one of the world’s tling (Cincinnati second base- j \ Tmmas of in a televl- Appleton, fiery Texas tackle; Want Information on one of our claaeUled adverttaementa T No opportunity to earn $30,(X)0 to walls, fireplace, veneer tlieir crack defensive ends, Ed plays later toe Rama had their man, “ I thought I had a chance ; slon 10-rounder at Madison and Dick Evey, a 240-pound answer at the telephone Uotedf Simply call tbs $30,000 a year, or more, (includ­ paUos. Call 649-0617. gpeabeat dtetaonce runners, wnas Henke and Don Brumm, back In second TD of the day to a 17-lS a speotatXJT. His son. Ed, a stu­ action. Cleveland’s Flcht- at It." Square Garden Friday night. tacklfe from Tennessee. ing growth of capital) plus "And I don’t believe in all "I can hold my own with any Each of the eight teams in the victory . . . Said Svare, who has GUARANTEED $10,000 annual LOAM SALE - Regular $14 dent *t Brockton. Maas., was ner will return to the Browns’ been experimen-Ung with Me- Whd^s Excited Mac .Not the Players MANCHESTER - ROCKVILLE stone-free loam. $12.50; also, 16th, the aepcond best pjacement defen.slve backfield. that stuff about the sophomore of them," he said. AFL retains Its first round pick ? . management salary, rent free jinx. I’m going to try to bat .3

'i*. ' f Y ▲ /

i .


H o u s m For Sale 72 Apartmeitt»—Flats— THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW X By PA6ALT a»d SHORTEN HouflSa For SiJc 72 HooM«ForSfie 72 Houses For Sale 72 Tenements 63 SOUTH MANCHESTER — Johnson Names Panel EAST HARTTORD - mom VEHNON — 6 room ranch in DEimtAtiLB 8 bedroom ranch Navy Secretary Nitze srilt, 1% hatha, hulH-tas, fta- Charming 6% room ranch, excellent condltloti, many ex­ The rSU R ROOM FUkT, ^ iiecoiwl HeCTDR rtMlC. *r« TV STAR, T mATS KtCIOft W «R , -ME IV STAR. plastered Walls, cast iW>n avallabis in cholea location. tidied family room, J-caf ga-' tras, including new carpet anti Schools, churches, shopping CLASSIFIED floor. Ideal for ne'rl3rweda. I«0. HAS A MCMORT THATS tXALC/ A 8AlM TUI iMHOLE N iN ^ KM0M6 M» Only m.TOO. Hayes radiators, porch, garage, pic-: drapertts in living room, rag*. within walking distance. f [^H.A. On Kennedy Slaying n North St. u rs SURE 1D ASOGCT MiS UMfCEUA >116 J O B f TUX't- T0UfiUC6SEDn> Agency, MS-48M. turesque setting on high wood­ double oven range, triple Doctor Says MIXED DODBUBS— aM Bu- ed lot; Priced to eell. Hayes tlhanclM available. Only *700 A McNamara iMHeHEVeR rr lo o k s l ik e s a im ^ n e s 1ME KUOW-IT-AU.VRATHEQMAN/ storms, awnings, walk-out jaurius 143-898, Nfcfc T Aw dy THREE ROOM apartment, 1 Agency, 64M80S. down. OUl owner M9-4816. ond floor, heat and hot water. basement AU for $14,990. Prin­ 146-385, X l Bujaucius 881, Bill (Oostinned from Page Om ) HAUXIWEEN PRECAUTIONS ’DiursUm 137-368, Anne Twerdy ADVERTISING Phone 843-0868. TAXI! •»OUR 1MA8M FliOMT- MOVlMCr DRASTICALLY MANCHESTER — « bedroom L cipals only. OaU ownsr 641- MANCHESTER — 6 room ca] (Oontlaned from* Pago One) BfAKB NIOMT SATE. SANE 336. MTD TUI6 UlOU PRES6URE ranch, dining room, fireplace, 1279. one ear garage, oil hot wafer LBJ Adept prellifilnary plan.rlck catch on fences or other objects go ahead with construction of corded a 2-lneh rainfall at mld- Andy Lamoureaux 154-388, Lud­ hour day at the White House. 470 Main. 649-8229 , 9-8. shelter with half bath, outside Agency, M0-8464. vin Ooolldge, required that all 8622. 4 'i ROOM GARDEN type apart- place, 3-car garage, *34,000. for Cniristmas. and eauss a faU. Long dresses the oonventkmal carrier. sight. wig Hansen 136-378. Red Oak- The first was a new tribute FDITR ROOM apartment with Philbrick Agency. e49-8464. encloaed patio with flreplaca, or robes that a chUd could trip "And if I were secretary of elow-freeslng temperatures man 136-364, Sam Nelson 140- questions be written out In ad- t’o the fallen president. In it merfbavallable Dec. 1. Includes city utlUUei, minimum down Be 'vance. Herbert Hoover followed FOR SALE — U8»!d Gtenwood •stove, working couple prefer­ heat, hot water, stove, refrig­ SHorreM over are also to be avoided. the Navy, I would expect to ex­ prevailed in the Ohio Valley, 360, Phil Chase 135-380, Bill Johnson renamed the space Cabinet No. 4 coal or wood MANCHBISTBR — Immaculate $15,900 tinanclM. Asking *17,000. Law- V m L Y B STREET - 940 toot the same practice. red. No children Near Main erator. and parking. Centrally frontage, 641-7444. If a Halloween party is be­ ecute the decision with all pos­ the Great Lakes, upper Missis­ Carlin 368, John Aerto IM, Ike agency’s Florida space flights sto\’c. .Iiuat right for cool sum­ Strfet. 56 Wells Si. 6 room Cape, treed lot, quiet lo­ rencs F. Flano, Realtor, 648- ing held Indoors you should sible speed and continue stiidies sippi Valley, ,;!'northern plains Coleman 137, Al Ruibacha 354, In the early days, reporters center in honor of Kennedy. located. *115 monthly. Man-, cation, 3 bedrooma, oil hot 27M. Charles Nlcholaon, 742- couldn't quote the president di­ mer nlghU in that cabin or che.sler Garden Apartments, Includes garage, heated sun- dosely supervise any games that would bear upon a future i and the central and northern George Sullivan 351, Jack Vltt- Johnson said the late presi- shore cottage. In excellent con­ NEW CREST U.TXURTOUS Du­ Houses For Sale Houses For Sale 721 Houses For Sale 72 water heat, rec room, assume | 6864. or aotlvltlee ttiat require the carrier, as to whether it might Rockies and plateau regions. nor 357, Howie Hansen 850, rectly. Thivfesulted in the cre­ M3-7928. ' mortgage or minimum dorwni porch, guaranteed roof. 2- Wanted— Real Estate 77 ation of "high White House dent had "lighted the imagina­ dition. *20. .Tohn S. Wolcott. ISO plex Apartments. ,671 Hartford year-old furhare.'aluminum nse ot lighted oandlee. And, be nuclear propelled,” Nitze The mild 50e and 90s were re Ikim Turner 353, Ken Leslie 3 tion of our people when he set Main St. Phone 643 S697. Road 4 '; rooms. 1 baths, VERNON — Just over .Manches- BOLTON — 4 bedroom ranch, BBAUTtF^ Sian^RANCH — for new mortgage, *15,800. sources” as attribution in news patio, amgsite drive, tool shed, 6 rooms, 3 baths, beautiful windows and doors. For In­ whUe you're about It, flame­ added. ported along the coast and in 370, Frank Gburski 369, Joe the moon as our target and man modem conveniences. now ter line. Like new S’ j room Robert Wolverton Agency. BELLING YOUR HOUSE? CaU n ils seems to mean that Nitze storieo. FTVE ROOMS. floor. 49 ranch. 1’ 4 baths, built-in kitch­ *17.900. Owner 649-6270. heated rec room, Hreplaced dividual attentlan eall Roger Andover proof all oostumee aad deco- the North Atlantic states, cen­ Rivoea 366. as the means to reach It.” renting at rea.'onable rate. EIrn Street 643-9333. an Independent bndeer. Joseph rationa by dipping them In a isn’t going to take in» the battle tral and southern Florida and It waa Franklin D. Roosevelt .Musical Instruments .5.3 en with dinette, fireplace. living room, new wall-to-wall M. Negro. He added the nation's assault Agent on premises. Call eve­ Barth, 640-O89O. mixture of > quarts of water, of his pr^ecessor, sTed Korth, JUNIOR GIRLS — Rolane who was the old master of the Hayes Agency, 643-4603. BOLTON CENTER - 8 room' carpeting Including hallways, COOPER STREET — 3 family the far Southwest news conference. He once de on space “ should test the lim­ nings M.3-4362. Mr. Gill, own­ TO RENT — 4 rooms unheated, rambling ranch with 2-car ga­ EXPANSIVE NOT 7 ounoee of borax and 8 for building another atomic car­ Irish 126-343, Peggy Scott 123- dishwasher, -new aluminum duplex 5-6. Features 3 generous scribed it as " a specUl art all its of our ■youth and grace,.otir er. Open Sundays. *40. Also. 6 rooms, unheated rage plus small bam. Base-1 B 4 N AGENCY EXPENSIVE ounoea of boric add powder. rier now. WZNIDeOR LOCKS. Oof*. 396. UPRIGHT PIANO, good condi­ awnings. 2 blocks from Main bedrooms, enormous kitchen by Itself.” strength and wit. our vigor and tion. *36. 644-072S Inquire 1 Nelson Place ment two fireplaces, porch, St. Just move in—no remod­ with dining area, living room, BUYING OR SELLING ‘ You yourself should be espe- Ricketts and other admiraU (AP) — The U.a Weather 648-8727 clallv careful when driving in contend that the greater variety Reporters would crowd in perseverance — qualities fitting FOUR ROOMS, garage, beauti­ CUSTOM BUILT RANCH etc. Vacant. A .steal at *28.000. eling necessary. *19,900. Call utility room. Rusco comblna- Custom built 8 room ranch, Bureau issued this wind ad' MORNING GLORY — Betty around RooM'velt’s desk. He en' to the memory of John F. Ken­ MARTIN GUITARS In .stock. T J. Crockett. Realtor, 648- residential sections on Hallo­ of Navy weapons — carriers, YOU .Ought To ful grounds, heat and hot owner. 649-6661. tiona. spotleM condition. Un­ large living room with fire­ “Handling of Bolton Homea 'Vlsary and storm staitennenf. for Sardine 128-347, Joyed the give-and-take with Immediate delivery, Sheet I 1577. I ween. Children are unpredicta­ Polaris and attack submarines, nedy.” water, laundry room. $110 per usual floor plan pros’ides place, expandable attic, A Specialty” OonMOtlaut toda^y: newsmen and wound up having music. Open evenings Ward Two-years-old — excellent B o i^ R S SCHOOI- - Brick ble and don't always obey the cruisers, destroyers — the bet- •Hie Inibsnae and stow moving DUSTV-AUTO—Gene Parker Johnson also has ordered Live In month. No children. 649-2063. single family atmosphere w ith t i TNNEI, ROAD. Vernon. 10 basement garage, treed lot, an incredible total of 998 new* Cape Canaveral, where the Music Co., Hartford Road. condition- Owner being MANCHESTER - *34,000 ranch, j Cape, full shed dormer, fire­ double family Income. *22.400, rules they’ve been taught, so ter the chance of survivability storni that ooveni the North 461, Hal Jarvis 364, Dyke additional acres may be pur­ excellent location, priced at conferences in sUghtly more •space center stands, renamed tran.sferred. Aluminum sid­ 7 rooms plus finished recrea­ place, 6 rooms. 5 finished, ga­ Robert Wolverton Agenev, FREDERICK M. GAAL you can’t afford to take any and victory. AiQanfic coast was located at Pleasant 352, Stan Miruckl 166- Beautiful tion room in ba.sement, two full chased with this unusual S' 3 *14,900. CaU than 12 years. Cape Kennedy. DUPLEX. 6 ROOMS, oil heat, ing. oversize 2-car attached rage. Immediate occupancy. Realtor. 643-9.132. room ranch on_ high lit acre chances. This mix and diversity of 5 axn. this morning JuiA north 362. Wearing Apparel— ^Furs 57 garage, rer ox>m and wall- baths. 2-car garage, aluminum Out of town owner wants of­ BROKER If you are a homeowner you weapons complicates the driens' But even Roosevelt didn’t per­ The new President also Colonial all conveniences. 649-6646 lot, 2-car garage, cellar, fire­ o f New York City. mit direct quotations, except to-wall carpet are Just a few aiding. Built in 1960. Over 2,200 fers. Financing available, *15.- BOLTON — ROUTE 86. Tre-' CARLSON REAL can help to eliminate hazards by ive preparations a potential en­ QeJVe force winds o f 40 to 50 JUNIOR SINGLES — George pressed his efforts to win con­ MINK COLLARED leather coat, so ft. of finished living area. place, oil heat, *14,900. Rxjbcrt 648-2682 — 648-0281 when he specifically said so. THREE LARGE ROOMS, kitch­ of the extras. Can be youra 900. Philbrick Agency, 649- mendous buy, five room ex­ keeping your outdoor lights on. emy must make, Ricketts says. mph with gusts to 60 mph will Cohehran 131, Lin Vlgneault 126, gressional approval ot Kenne­ size 12, excellent condition Manor Philbrick Agency, 649-8464, Wolverton Agency, Realtor, Truman followed Roosevelt’s en, living, dining and bedroom, for Chri.rtmas. For lndi\'idii- 8464. pandable ranch with breeze- ESTATE This will make it less likely that Hie enemy must take steps to continue otong coastsi seettone Doug Zaccaro 127-127-361. dy's legislative program. Call 649-6S38. 643-9332. a child will trip or fall over pattern of news conferences, ex­ heated porch, centrally located. a1 attention call Roger M. wav and garage, basement, lot cope with KJBM attack, land- this morning ^ th tlides running He talked by telephone with Apartments I SO. WINDSOR — Lovely old~9 BOLTON — *1.500 assumes atepe, shrubs, bird batha or bued bombers, Polaris-missile cept that by now they were so *88 monthly. .1. D. Realtv, 643- Negro. 100x260, trees. Only *16.900 T. MANCHESTER and Vicinity. 742-7297 2 or more feet albove nontnal this SENIOR BOYS—Mark Dzam- House Speaker John W. McCor­ room Colonial, fireplaces. mortgage. *79 per month paya J. Crockett. Realtor, 643-1577. WANTED — B-soim lot Oan other objects. Keep your dog bombardment and invasion by big they had to be moved to the Wanted—^To Buy 58 5129. Dutch oven, garage, barn, 3 5'3 room ranch with garage, m on ili* with some coastal ba 145-368, Bob Byrnes 126126- mack. D-Mass., and Senate We will have available Dee. kll 4’ a room ranch home, ga­ 649-4291. inside. land forces. Indian Treaty Room of the old Democratic Leader Mike Mans­ acres, scenic view *17,990 *12,600. 6*3 room ranch, beauti­ flooding. 365, John Heinzman 188-844, Lou State-War-Navy Building, now WE BUY. 8E1LL or trade an­ 1, one 2-bedroom apart­ BIRCH STREET, second floor. RAN AGENCY rage, full basement, excellent A minor hazard and one that Nitze in his committee testi­ field of Montana on legislation Hayes Agency. 643-4803. location. Hurry - only *10,500. ful condition, *14,800. 6 room Hdee should quickly return Damato 135-338, Bruce Cappa tique and used furniture, china, ment featuring: Refrigera­ 4 rooms, redecorated furnace, will probably be hardest to con­ mony said: "I believe that the the Executive Office Building. now before Congress. Hayes Agency 643-4803. Manchester Cape, quiet street, quick occu- to normai as the wind shifts 180-131-368, Art PongraU 129-127- Former President Dwight D. glass, silver, {deture frames tor. Range. Disposal. Indi­ opposite Cottage Street. *90 643-8727 trol is that a child who finds detertence provided by our stra­ 870, Alex UrbanetU 164-378, Ron ■ He Is keeping in dally touch M9-5229. 9-5. I *13.900 — Clean i - bedroom p a n e y. *15.500 l-bedroom himself suddenly swamped with Into the northwest by midday. Elsenhower made the first con- and old coins, old dolls and vidual Ba.<;ement and Patio. -Ranch, walk-out eellar. large Crowds in Rain See Grare, tegic forces is not adequate by Anderson 180-181-888. with these legislative leaders,” MANCHESTER — 30 Waranoke Ranch, kitchen with bullt-lns. fruit, popcorn and candy will •n»e extremely mttd atr that cessloa to radio and television guns, hobby collections, attic Heat. Hot Water. lot. view, near school, a real Road. Executive contemporary WIDOW SAYS “SELL” *14,000. 7 room Ranch, 2 full itself to restrain all forms of said Andrew T. Hatcher, assist­ contents or whole estates. Fur­ FTVE ROOM modem apart-! eat too much. But an upset now oerverB our area wUl be re- to use conference film after buy. Carlton W. Hutchins. ranch home, 7'^ rooms, 2’^ baths, double garage. *21,900 conventional military attack by JUNIOR GIRLS — Cindy An- ant White House press secro- niture Repair Service Talcott- ment. 8 bedrooms, kitchen, llv- GARRISON CXJLONIAL — 3 Wreaths Cover Dallas Spot stomach is not so serious, arid the Communist bloc and that de­ Iriaoed by cold O n sdion air White House screening. Realtor, 849-5132 i bath.s, custom designed, stone her “too large” aluminum Ellsworth Mitten Agency, Real­ during the day with the winds lello 129, Carolyn LaRoae 127, vUle, Conn. Tel. 643-7449. Call Ing room, garage, centrally lo­ rooms. First floor consists of It may teach him a lesson he terrence of such conventional at­ He also would permit direct Johnson also called in Roy E. ' and frame. Call owner 648-0973. sided Colonial with patio tors. 643-6930. eMftihg into the northweet 25 Joan UrbanetU 128-129-S70. cated. *105 monthly. J. p. large family room with half COLONIAL 6'j rooms, cus­ will have to learn tor himself tack can best be achieved by uedation* after the tnmscrlpt of Wilkins, executive secretary of WANTED — ABOUT 100 good Realtv, 848-6129. and attached garage. The (Contlmied from Page One) to 36 mph and conhuilng this 649-4436 — 649-6544 bath, modem kitchen with tom built for family living, 4 VERNON Cma^E Area - B’i who reported the totals to news­ anyway. maintaining adequate nonstra- Sle news conference had been the National Association for the used tobacco posts to be de­ four large bedrooms, formal IXICATED in Mancheeter la thi.s afternoon, tonight end Sunday. SNOW WHITE—Irene Debskl checked for any phrases open to built-ins. including Tappain 400 bedrooma. 2'^ baths, formal room ranch, basement garage, one bullet from the sniper’s gun men, M d most of the letters Q — My 6-year-old daugfater teglc military forces and over 146126867, Mary Bonham 387, Advancement of Colored People, livered in Manchester. Call ANDOVER — 5 room.s. heet, hot range, dining room, living dining room. 24 ft living beautiful 6 room Cape In­ The rain will change to enow misinterpretation. dining room modem kitchen fireplace, combinations, built- last Frittey and was critically and wires were for Mrs. Ken­ la loelng oil her hair. Could seas bases. This, in turn, makes Bridget Marceau, new high for a 46-mlnute conference on AX 5-61S8 after 4 p.m. w^ter, stove, fireplace, large room with fireplace. Second room, fireplace. 1'.* batha cluding living room with fire­ flunriee with aocumulatiora of with large dining area, family ins. very clean. Early occupan- injured. He is recovering in nedy, but some were addressed this be due to a fever of 103 it imperative that the U.8. Navy single, no mark of 94. civil rights. bath. *115. 742-6726 floor — 4 bedrooma. plus full are in “ ready-to-move-into place, formal dining room, to President and Mrs. Johnson. she had with a recent cold? 1 to 2 tociMB eoopeobed over in- THREE ROOM apartment. 118 room off kitchen with fireplace, I cy. Tongren Agency.»643-6321. extra large kitchen, rec room. Parkland Hospital here. and Marine Corps have the tools When it was over, Wilkins told bath Immediate occupancy. 2-car garage, covered patio, condition." Ijftw 20's. Call A—Your daughter could lose iand eseas. Rooms Without Board 59 Main, *95. 840-6229. 9-5 2-car garage and attached Where crowds were silent and “ They all pertain to the tragic to maintain the control of the COMMERCIAL TEN PEN — New Hearing Set reporters: "The Negroes have a *22.500. Philbrick Agency. 649- treed lot. walkout basement. m o d e r n "S BEDROOM ranclv Ann Hunter today 649-5306. all her hair temporarily after a FIVE ROOM coM flat available breezewav. Asking *19,000. J. reverent tor the first few days death of President Kennedy,” seas necessary to bring theoe Ray Bjorkman 218-680, Ron kind of confidence in Mr. John­ 8464 *31.600. Philbrick Agency, 649- 100 yards from Bowers School, 649-3695. Hatcher added. fever of 104 or 106 which per­ GiROTON (A P) — <3roton ROOMS FOR gentlemen, one FIVE ROOM FLAT, aecond Call 643-6563 D Realty. 643-5129. after the tragedy, opinions were nonstrategic forces to bear.” Custer 212-679, John Hockle 653, son’s ability and understanding floor. Inquire 300 North Main on quiet street, garage, full sisted tor eight to 10 days. This was hit hard t v today’s coestal For Preston Cobb block from Main Street, kltch-1 NON-DEVELOPMENT "^N C H ______L— ------being expressed more frequent­ Al Townsend 211-662, Steve . . . I have great faith in Mr. en prtvllegea, parking. 643-5127, i St. VERNON — B large room mod­ basement. Bel Air Real Estate Open 8:30 a m to 9 p.m. daily HYANNI8 PORT, Mass. (AP) is hardly likely with a cold even stonn. Many pleasura boate 8 bedrooms. 28- living room s e v e N ROOM spacious home SO WINDSOR — 614 Fonter ly little more than a week after Turklngton 560, Dave Hennequin Jo^ a on ’s intentions on this 643-9828 i em apartment, central heat 643-9332. —A Mil of sorrow hung over though severe. Too much vita­ were sunk and beach arecM bat­ 214, Joe Krepcio 212, Don Berry BRUNSWICK, Oa. (AP) — A with fireplace, completed rec­ in Manchester on quiet street, Street, 6 room Split. Large liv­ the shooting. min A in the diet has been matter.” FIVE ROOMS, second floor, with heated garage on bus this Cape Cod seaside resort to­ Girl in Viet Nam tered by title ■wave*, eleotrlc 210, Charlie Williams 206, 17-year-old Negro, sentenced Wilkins said they had dis­ reation room, excellent con­ 4 bedrooms, enclosed porch. 2- MODERN CAPE on quiet ing room with fireplace. Dining known to cause loss of hair but FURNISHED ROOMS - Com- partially furnished, very con­ line. *95 monthly. Tel. 675-2600 BARROWS & WALLACE Obviously, however, most Dal­ day where Jacqueline Ketmedy, power waa knocked out here George Jarrle 205, Bob Farrand tour times in the last two years cussed voter registration, em­ lete light housekeeping facili- venient, adults or retired only. dition. recently redecorated. car garage, asking *19.500. Out street, one block to bus, shop­ Manchester Parked# room, kitchen with bullt-lna. 3 this is associated with other las residents were saddened by widow of the assassinated pres­ A Flame Suicide and there by the downpour 203, .Stan Kirka 208, C^uu-lie to die in the electric chair, will ployment opportunities, and oth­ N *16.900. Pfliilbrlck Agency, 649- ping, schools. Di.shwasher. dis­ bedrooms. lot 100x400. Not in S,es, centrally located. Mra. 648-8097. TALCOTTVILLE — NEAR Golf of state owner wants offers. Manchester the chain of events that saw the ident, remains secluded with her signs and symptoms of acute two inches foU in three hours be given another hearing Tues­ 8464. Philbrick Agency, 649-8464. posal, 114 baths. Bel Air Real development. Asking *18.500. Knybel, Bud Lassen 200, Ray er civil rl^ts matters. Dorsey, 14 Arch St., Manches­ Ijand. reflnlshed apartment. 4 416 Main St , E Htfd. president killed and his accused pareents-ln-law and other mem- illness. In any case, the child’s last night — and the area was day. "* SECOND FLOOR. 6 room rooms, stove and hot water, Estate. 643-9382. Owner transferred Offers con­ hair is almost sure to grow out (Contlsned from Page One) Gough 200, Len Lsuiders 200. ter. EAST HARTFORD - Oversized assassin shot to death by a bersirs ot the bereaved Kennedy l)uff«ted by winds up to 60 This is just three day* before NEW YORK (AP) — Security apartment, conveniently lo­ convenient, children. *85 . 643- VERNON—Older 6-room Cape, sidered. Madeline Smith, Real­ strip-tease Joint operator about again soon. EXCEPTIONALLY nice clean cated. off West Center St.. *106 7 room Cape, shed dormer. I’ i porch, garage, dining room. BUCKLEY SCHOOL Area - An tor. 649-1842, Mabel Sheridan. family. to watch over Vietnamese since mUes an hour. NITE OWLS — Mary Lourie Preston Oobb Jr. is scheduled to measures aimed at safeguard­ 2463. 643-5778 BOLTON — Brookfield Road. . 48 hours later. be executed at Reldsvllle State bedrooms In attractive home monthly. Call 649-0333, batha. recreation room, study, Early occupancy. Asking *11 older home just restored. Huge 643-8139. The Keimedys stayed close to the naUoo was spilt between the New London, on the west 183—483 Mary Lou Small 182— ing the lives of governors were very clean. Carlton W. Hutch­ bright family room, modern Deadend, high up and wooded, Kennedy waa shot where Elm the compound N d a y as a driv­ Communist NorOi and the inde­ bank of the 'Ihames River, waa 475, Jan Waytashek 180, Naomi Prison. . tightened in some states in the for gentlemen. Best location. 900. Tongren Agency, 643- Street plunged downward on the TDC Will Study 21 Church St. 649-4966. WEST CENTER St. — 4 rooms, f t v e ROOMS and garage 378 ins. Realtor. 649-6182 6321. kitchen, dining and living room 3 bedroom ranch, dining room, ing rain, whipped by a couth- pendent South imder the Ge­ not bit aa hard, since the pound­ Goiiaky 452. U.S. District Judge Frank M. wake of President John F. Ken­ first floor, furnace, *75. 649- Hartford Rd down and four large bcdroom.s fireplace, garage, newly paint­ western outskirts of the down­ east gale, lashed Cape Cod. neva setUement of 19M. ing waves were sweeping in Scarlett set the latest hearing nedy's assassination last week, ROOM FOR RENT, all new fa­ 5229. 9-6. MANCHESTER — Looking tor $i2,200 — MANCHESTER At- up Big lot. plenty of trees. ed and decorated. Ray 8. Hol­ town section toward a three- T ran sit D istrict from the southwest. KAFFE KLATCHERB—Rena for Dec. 8 in Augusta. an Associated Press survey street underpass. Green grass The rain forced cancellation The girl was reported to have cilities, private entrance, park­ FOUR ROOMS, first floor, im­ •space. country atmosphere? | tractive 6 room Cape, large Worth looking at. isn’t H ' Ask­ combe. Realtor. 644-1285. The dock at the Griswold Ho­ Benton 173, Lly Burnett 179, The action was taken Friday ilhowed today. SIX Room Then see this 8-room Raised i kitchen, plenty of cabinets. WHY covered the banks of the street of a plan to take a dozen or so left behind a note saying she ing, gentleman preferred, on MANCHESTER - mediate occuoanev. Call after ing price is only *17,500. T. J. Hie Town Devetopmet^ Com- tel waa demoUshod by the Millie Denley 183— 481, Anita after (Jobb’s attorney, Donald Many other slates aecUned to duplex, 8 large bedrooms, one Ranch. 3 l»drooms, living ceramic bath, garage. 128x165. on norto and south the day of grandchildren of former Ambas­ was committing suicide to pro­ bu.s line, centrally located 4 p.m . 643-7758, Crockett. Realtor, 643-1677. sador and Mrs. Joseph P. Ken­ miaston (TDC) will meet test “ Vietnamese fighting Viet­ waves and there waa consider­ Glrardln 478. L. Hollowell of Atlanta, filed a beef up their security details, 648-6013. car garage, central heating. ------— _ i room with fireplace, kitchen Carlton W. Hutchins, Realtor, PAY RENT? the tragedy. Today only floral able flooding in kwlytng coast­ petition contending that Cobb however, In the belief that their 876-7362. with built-ins. dining room. I 643.5132. ROCKLEDGE—80 Arnott Road offerings to the late president's nedy to the town’s Memori­ Wedneaday night at 8 in the namese.” al areas. Ho m e e n g i n e e r s — Ruth was under duress when he ad­ chief executive already was well Lower level family room, den . ' ’______6 large rooms, garage, wooded memory can be seen. Flowers al Skating Rink. The Kennedy Probate Court Hearing Room A pollUcal observer said it Famishei] Apartments fi.l-A Invesf In The beach area bi East Hav­ Wright 212-530, Eleanor B oyer mitted the slaying of his elder­ enough guarded. ROOM FOR RENT, gentleman FOUR ROOM FT.,AT. first floor.! or office, utility room and ga­ lot, *20.900. Owner 648-1470. are stacked high on each bank Foundation gave the rink aa a of the MXmlcipal Building to was possible she had committed FOREST STREET — Large 10- plan a study of a proposed en was placed on a emergency 184, Doris O’Hara 184, Gdnny ly white employer. Some states reported studies only. Call 643-2893. central location, heat and hot' THREE and four-room heated rage. Oil hot water heat, alum­ of the street, and each day the memorial to the Kennedys’ old­ suicide on behalf of the Commu­ room house. 5 bedrooms 4>4 rT.virvmRV A Home tranait district for the capltol basis about 9 a.m. after resi­ Clark 176-183-520, Mariya Dvo­ Cobb was 16 when he was sen­ under way to determine if tight­ ------— ------water furnished, one vear apartments, furnished, children inum combinations. I’ b baths. baths, excellent condition, ideal LOVLNTKY LARGE execu- stack of wreaths grows. est son, Joseph P. Jr., kUIed in nists. World War n In a naval bomb- region. dents reported a number of rak 179, Jackie Faahan 184-170- tenced to die in August, 1961, in er security should be adopted. ROOM FOR RENT, genOeman.| lease Call 649-5048, between welcome G/.rfield 9-9923. Call now Robert Wolverton location. Owner 84?-7444. tive ranch. * rooms. 2 fira- She worked as a Mrvant in Motorists drive slowly by the er flight over the English Chan­ General Manager Richanl 170-524, iiarie Boils 176-471, Lu the slaying of Frank C. Dumas. A few states reported their private entrance. 119 Cooper 6-8:30 p.m. Agency. Realtor, 648-9332. ____! places. 7 acres, river running Sedgon and her former employ­ water and gas lines had been The case attracted Interna- Hill Street. 649-0695. site. Many take photographs of nel. Martin, tn suggesting the study, Gustofson 170-464, Mary Sproui governors went about everyday APARTMENT NICELY fur­ Ma n c h e s t e r —six-room split-' er told police «hc had initially ruptured. national attention because of NEW 6 ROOM apartment, sec­ *8,600 - WELL KEPT 5>4> roomrrViTTi - . ' Ki^vMA MViall haiw T/I a o I the banked flowers. Many say lias aaked .tbe TDC to come up 456, Ruth Wlecek 456, HUdur chores with no security protec­ nished. including all utilities, Level, deep, landscaped lot. home, small barn. Ideal for The mother ot the late presi­ wanted to burn to death for the Some inhabitants in lowlands Cobb’s ago. It was appealed to ond floor, loaded with extra.', ranch, S bedrooms, attractive horses. etc. Maximum of a silent prayer. Some stare 'With an opinion on Manchester’s ZaMtdatoelki 456, Martha Mof- tion and said the practice would ample parking. 114 rooms. 272 garage, utility room, rec room, dent drove to Boston to see her Buddhist cause. were evacuated from high WU' lx)th the Georgia and U.S. Su­ V Apartments— Flats— ahead as if the flowers were not garage and parking. *125 Main. dining area, suburbim Owner privacy. T. J, Crockett, Real­ m o^er, Mrs. John F. Fitzger­ poastt>le membefsliip and par- ter sectlora, but this happens fltt 170, Audrey Richards 177, continue. 2 full baths, fireplace, oil hot there. And frequently a wreath Then she "started worrying premo Courts. A motion for a Tenements 63 monthly. J. D. Realtv, 643- anxious. Carlton W. Hutchlni). tor, 643-1577. ald, 94. The latter has not been tlripaiUon in the pro^am . frequently there In stormy Wanda Kaselauskaa 454. In a few Instances officials in­ water heat. *19.500. Robert is thrown from a car to add to about the war" police quoted new trial was denied and this 5129. BEDROOM AND Kitchen, fur­ Realtor. 649-5182. told of the assassination of her Existing state laws permit creased gubernatorial security DELUXE '■ LARGE 3^4 room Wolverton Agency. Realtor, her employer as saying. She weater. decision was upheld by the nished. for two adult.', includes the floral profusion. grandson president a week , ago the creation of a transit dis­ The U5. 'Weather Bureau Y—D i i« Farr 166-142-402 measures for a day or two aft­ duplex apartment, heat, hot VERNON — LARGE custom 6 648-9332. Five traffic policemen at mid­ disappeared from the house a Georgia Supremo Court SIX ROOM DUPLEX, oil heat, gas. electricity, private bath, BVlday. trict, empowered with the au Andy Lamoureaiut 142-400, Ed er the president’s death, then water, appliance.s, parking. room Ranch, huge recreation afternoon Friday were trying to week ago leaving several letters at Bradley Field recorded a garage, central, available De- heat and hpt water. Call 643- LEGAL thorlty to buy or leaae exlatlng Bujaucius 140-392, Jim Ruone, dropped back to the normal Adults. Immediate occupancy. room, cast iron radiation 2- VERNON - Mitchell Exchange. keep traffic moving briskly past Condolences continued to pour saying that she would take her barometric pressure reading of ce m ^ r 1. Tel. 643-7069 or 649- 7636. . Hoim Coleraiiia bus linea 160-384, Larry Bates 144-376, complement of security person­ 649-6760. 3212. car garage, hillside setting. 5 room ranch built 1959. Size the assassination site, but to lit­ into the Kennedy home from all life, police said. 28.68 inches at 8 a-m. today, the 26x42*,^. Walk-out basement, 8 NOTICE The transit district, with the B4U Chapman 887, Nick Tweirdy JFK Picked Site nel. ATTRACTIVE 3 room furnished Hayes Agency, 643-4803 See our 50 homes in color tle avail. From central express­ parts of the world. It was not known whether or lowest in 21 years and the fifth Most attention focused on tha bedrooms, 14x19 living room, approval o f the Public UtlUtiea lowest since the bureau was 363, John Rleders 362, Charley apartment. Private entrances. _ __ _ . Notice Is' hereby given of the displayed nightly on our way to the midtown was a half- Postal officials reported they Oommlaslon (PUC), would then not Mlse Nga was a Buddhist. guard assigned to Texas Gov. Parking. Adults. Apply 299 Au- RANCH - MODERN kitchen, aluminum combination.', sohdol certification of party-endorsed hour trip. Usually, oven in rush had handled more uian 160,000 eetaUlahed in 1905. Varrick 136-356, Joe Twaronlte For His Papers bus at door. Robert Wolverton outside screen—6 to 6 have the right to set bus routes John B. Connally. wounded by tumn, 1 p.m. - 7:30. large Hiring room with fire-, candidates on the slate of the periods, the distance can be letters, and Western Union said After 8 o ’clock, the pressure 139-354, Al Bujaucius 361. place, extra large bedrooms, | Agency. Realtor, 643-9332. p.m. Shown anytime dur­ SEE throAigh towns of members and gxinfire as he rode with Presi­ ' Republican Party in the Fourth made by automobile in 10 min­ that thousands of telegrams had non-members alike. The advan­ began to rise swiftly as the NEW YORK (AP) — Before dent Kennedy. TWO ROOMS furnished, second 114 baths, basement finished, Senatorial District in the towns ing the day on our inside YOUR REALTOR been received. T h rea t o f D eath storm center moved past into PABK.ADE PINNETTES —• his death. President John F. off into office and beautiful rec I utes. tage o f being a member o f the Col. Homer L. Garrison, direc­ floor, business block. Depot of Manchester. East Hartford. northern New England. Lee Pope 177-486, Toni Fogarty Kennedy picked a site at Har­ Square, adults. Free parking room, large lot with trees $19.- 1 screen. - In Dallas County Jail one of Flags are at half staff, and district la in having a voice in tor of the Texas Department of Wethersfield, South Windsor, C ancels A ddress The lowest barometric read 172, Dot Roberts 186-467, Ed vard University tor a library Tel. Mr. Keith, 649-8191. 900 Philbrick Agency. 649-8464 LEGAL the principals of the tragedy black crepe drapes public build­ setting the routes, and in mak­ Public Safety, declined to speci­ Glastonbury, Ne'wington, Marl- was held. He is Jack Ruby, 62, ing in the town. But arches of ing certain that a bus line ex­ ing ever taken by the Connect!' MoCauIey 476, Ginny Lind 454 and museum for his personal fy how many guards had been I borough and Rocky Hill for WoiTM E. Hewicmd the night-club operator who colored CHiristmas lights were ists. The only dlaadvantage, PITTSBURGH (AP)—Attorney out Bureau 'was 28.04 inches June Stutz 490, Mary Quey 477, and official papers, the New assigned to the hospital in Dal­ SPRING STREET - Beautiful NOTICE Oreasa Bartor 456, Alice Huey Business Locations 9-room ranch. 100-200 lot. 2-car. ' election aa DISTRICT DELE- ReiUtor . . . gunned dbwii Lee Harvey Os­ turned on Friday night in the considered to date, would result James P. McArdle of Pittsburgh during the hurrioane of 1988. York T lm « said today. las where Connally Is recuperat­ ...... „ Notice is hereby given of the GATES to the convention of wald, 24, the president’s ac­ business section of nearby Hy- from haidng no vodoe in sug­ Today's reading was the 468, Lori Jones 451. Tha newspaper said Kennedy For Rent 51 garage, built-in G.E. kitchen. 3 was unable to speak at a me- ing. bedrooms,"l^4 btttbs. ajurnlniiin certification of party-endorsed said Party specified below. A 860 MAIN ST. ' cused killer, Oswald was killed annls, the largest shopping cen' gested routes or operation. lowest since 1942, when the on Oct. 19 was accompanied to “ Adequate security Is provid­ combinations. *21.400. Robert candidates on the slate of the list of the persona so endorsed Oorner of Haynes as police attempted to transfer ter on Cape Cod. Ihe diatrict would be gov morlstl service for* the late Pres­ pressure dipped to 28.50 inches. e a r l y b i r d s —Betty Rich­ his alma mater by John Carl ed for the governor and will BUILDING 60x40 suitable for Warnecke, California architect storage. B-1 zone. Burkland Wolverton Agency. Realtor. Republican Party in the Town as candidates is on file in my him from City Jail to the county At the homes of former Am^ emed 1^ a transit authority, ident John F. Kennedy Friday > Another ettoat o f 'the violent ardson 183-495, Barb Algren continued to be provided in the section. 649-3458 643-9332. of Manchester for election as office, being the office of the Phone 64S-U08 prison, a block from where the bassador Kennedy and in front similar to the New York Au­ because of a telephoned threat oosstal storm that dampened 190-494. who is designing Kennedy’s future,” he said. DELEGA’TES to. the convention Town Clerk, 41 Center Street, president was assassinated. of the late president’s own homo thority, operated by the states on his life. and buffeted (Xmnecticut this tomb, and that Kennedy had In­ Prior to the assassination, DESIRABLE OFFICES. 10094 of said party specified below. A Manchester. Connecticut, and One of Ruby’s attorneys, Tom in the compound flags flew at of New York and New Jersey. Police said Louis Funarl, 60 morning was unusually high m e r c h a n t s — Joe Vin- spected several locations of­ Connally reportedly had one fered by the Cambridge, Mass., location, heat janitor, parking list of the persons so endorsed copies thereof are available for Howard, talked with Ruby in his half staff through the daylight For its January meeting, the had made the call. Detectives t-ides. The Weather Bureau Isko rolled a new league record g;uard asslgnicd to him and Will remodel for tenant 983 as candidates is on file in my public distribution. Jail cell Friday. He quoted his hours. TDC has Iwvtted Mra. Dorothy arrested him later in the down­ said high tides at mid-onoming single of 196 en route to a 437 unlvorslty. many times went out without The site he picked is next to Main 649-5334. 643-7175. office, being the office of the ’THE SPECIAL REPUBLI­ client as saying be h ^ entered In Hyannis about 60 persons Jaoobaon, chairman of the Capi­ town post office. a p p ro a ^ e d 'the height o f those triple. Other top scores were him. CAN STA’TE CONVEN­ the City Hall basement, where tol Region Plano:iilng Commis­ Pete Spelas 136, Red Giles 372, the Graduate School of Busi­ SURPRISE Town Clerk, 41 Center Street, appeared by ones and twos Fri­ McArdle, who was advised by 'Whipped up by Hurricane Don' About 25 members of the De­ TION TO BE HELD IN Oswald was shot, by "simply sion, who will diacuas and ex­ Bob Cuneo 358, Guy D o y o n ness Administration and faces partment of Public Safety have S'TORE. 460 Mam Manchester. Connecticut, and day at St. Francis Xavier police to cancel his appearance, na in 1960. Street. 649 copies thereof are. available for HARTFORD ON JANU- walking past two officers who plain the development of the 152-300, Walt TelUer 138-370, the Charles River, the newspa­ been seen taking turns on .■>229 , 9-6 Church, which the late chief ex­ said Funarl had threatened his per said in a Washington dis- public distribution. - ARY 14 AND 15. 1964 were guarding a ramp.” ecutive attended during his district to date. Lee Courtney 140-353, RoUie aroimd-the-clock guard at the A snrpnse awaits you .Sun­ “Ruby told me he remembers life in 1951, claiming he was patch. OFFICE SPACE for rent Route ITHE'SPECIAL REPUBLI­ Notice is also hereby given OPEN for INSPECTION weekends here as president and improperly represented by MC' Treasures Card Irish 383, Ray Bean 364, Dallas hospital. day afternoon. Five fine entering the basement Sunday •ITie building is expected to 83, Vernon. McCarthy Enter- CAN STATE CONVEN­ that a primarj’ will be held in previously for years as a sum­ Ardle in a legal proceeding. Since the Kemiedy a.'fsassina- (our bedroom Colonials were said* Senatorial district on Jan­ morning,” Howard related. "He SPOKANE, Wash. (A P)—Jen cost more than *4 million, to be Uon, Indiana has assigned a, 649-5391. TION TO BE HELD IN mer resident. Flags Returned The attorney said that in 1962 K. of C. — Joe Schuster 200, built by- the Nowak Con­ uary 6, 1964, if'a slate of can­ said two officers assigned to nie D. Bassett turned 105 TueS' raised by public and private plainclothes stale police guard HARTFORD ON JANU­ Many of them lit vigil candles Funarl had told several public Jock Lappeti 214, Heri) Oarvey struction Company in the didates for any or all conven­ Sunday — 2 P.M. to f:30 P.M. guard the main street entrance day, and relatives say she got subscription. to . Gov. Matthew E. Welsh ARY 14 and 15. 1964. some' put knelt a few momenta To Half Staff officials he was going to “ kill 2ia, Stan HlMnakl Jr. 210-5(78, Houses For Rent 6.5 Manche.'ter area. Four are Notice is also hereby - given tions Is filed In accordance with * were engaged in a conversation “lots and lots” of cards, cakes in addition to his regular um- .sold. and he simply walked past in prayer. Several were asked McArdle and Price.” and flowers. Mjarto FraiWaroil 202, Al La- that a primary will be held on Sec. 9-408 o f the Gen. Statutes, if their church visits, Just a Plaait 205, K m Heaford 209-666, Second Church Tiny tormed state police chauffeur. VERNON — 6 room ranch, bus them.” MOBILE, Ala. (AP) — Amer- As a result, the late Russell But one of Mrs. Bassett’s Another armed state police­ ’THE LAST ONE January 6, 1964 if a slate of can- Revision ‘of 1958, revised to 20 ELRO ST., MANCHESTER week after the assassination, Rudi.,Wlttike 208-213-679. , line, .^shopping. 3 bedrooms. didates for . any or all conven- 1964. Howard said that Ruby, who Icem flags were back at half-1 price, who was then office man' most treasured remembrances man was assigned to guard the ,is open for your inspection had been preplanned. staff today in front of Mobile VATICAN CITY—St. Anne’S Tongren Agency. 643-6321 >• tions is filed in accordance with Forma for petitions for filing is expected to plead temporary rer for McArdle’s law firm. is a birthday card from the executive mansion whenever In­ Sunday between 2:30 and Insanity at his murder trial, "N o,” one woman explained, fire stations. - filed suit and had Funari com- White House signed by the late eXHTN’raV CLUB—Paul Ball- is the only cliurch in Vatican FIVE ROOM SINGLE auto­ 5 :00 p m. Sections 9-382 to 9-450. inclu- such candidacies for district Here is a modem Cape centrally located, con­ “ he was not just the president. siepar 135-357, Stan Hlllnskl d t y except huge St. Peter's diana’s chief executive is in res­ stated he does not recall shoot­ The flags were raised to full mltted to Mayvlew State Hospi- President John F. Kennedy. It idence. All doors, except tha matic heat, fireplace. East Sive, of Gen. Statutes, Rev. of delegates by or on behalf of a I He also waa a friend and neigh­ staff Friday, promptlhg a flur­ 149-394, Harry Elch 146, Fi-ed And, lihoug'h It serves 22 Fleming Street 19.58 revised to 1964. slate, of enrolled Republican ing Oswald. tal. He remained there until was postmarked in Washington, one to the governor's offlca Hartford, convenient to Pratt venient to bus, shopping and schools. "Ruby told me his mind went bor to people in this town.” ry of telephone calls. September, 1962. * I D.C., Brtday, Nov. 22, the day Baker 149, Morrill Anderson 1.500 people who work in Vat­ near Broad and Woodland Forms for petitions for filing party members of other than Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, suite, now are kept locked at all A Whitney. Phone 844-0849. blank u ter he had entered the Fire Chief C. Dan Slrmon ex­ The memorial service was the president was assassinated 351, Ray DelWFera 352, Vln ican CSty, St. Anne’s aeota only You'll be surprised at what such candidacies by or on behalf party-endorsed candidates may brother of the late president, about 100. times. you ran get for a very lit­ basement,” .. the lawyer said. plained that he had ordered the held. in Dallas. Bogginl 380. The number of guards regu­ SIX ROOM - ranch with stove of a slate of enrolled Republi- be obtained from the Republi­ This house has a large kitchen with dish­ said his father intends to leave colors flown at normal positions and refrigerator, *150 monthly. tle. Four bedrooms, big "He said he doesn’t remember larly assigned to the executive can Party members of other can Registrar of Voters of any next week to spend the winter after reading a news story Will also rent furnished to family room, fireplace, dish­ a thing that happened until offi­ mansion of Oregon’s Gov. Mark than party-endorsed candidates town in the district. Instruc- washer and disposal, a fireplace, dining room, in Plam Beach, Fla.^ . which he Interpreted as mean adults. 8185. Call 644-8491 washer, and other attractive may be obtained from Frederick tions for filing such a slate of cers were quesUoning him.” O. Hatfield has been increased. Sheriff Bill Decker said Ruby Jacqueline Keimedy has asked | jng .a so-day period of mourning features. E. Peck, Republican Registrar candidates are contained in 11,’^ batha and enclosed rear porch and basement New Jersey state police as­ SPLIT LEVEL, new condition, appears to be In good spirits. tor designs for her hustond a | ^^e late President John F. 2614-N of Voters, 41 Center Street, Part I, instruction Page, of the tomb in Arlington National Cem- Kennedy applied oijjy to federal signed plainclothes detectives to 8 bedrooms, combination No Offer Re­ "H e realizes he Is in a jam ,” Gov. Richard J. Hughes. Only Bveij' member oS Uie Manchester. Connecticut. In- petition form, cop'es of which garage. etery. She visited the grave- site agencies. Here Comes The Storyteller- ' kitchen and dining room, tiled fused. We'll tfke your pres­ said the veteran officer, “ but I one uniformed state trooper — a can arid .to the festive occa-ilon ent home in trade. structions for filing such a are available in said Regis- would say his morale is good. with architect John Carl War- Slrmon said he did not realize bath, fireplace. 643-0980. slate of candidates are contain- trars' offlqes. Prior to obtain­ chauffeur—previously had been by making any of thoise glitter­ Owner is very anxious to sell before the snow He appears to have made A neoke, a Kennedy-appointed that Gov. George Wallace also ing decorations! A saucy i ed in Part 1, Instruction Page, ing the petition form, the con- member of the govenunent’s assigned to the governor. A cletver young pleated-skirt F ball point pen for good adjustment to jail life. He had ordered a 80-day mourning with the exciting Christm as story Christmas reindeer. crepe-papC'- of the petition form, copies of sent of each candidate to be Commloaion of foie arte in Two state policemen were as­ frock that’s as gay as the holi­ FOUR ROOM HOUSE, central e\ ^ niother visiting the falls. has been eating his meals and period in Alabama. > stockings and gold-fotl trim- which are available In said Reg- proposed therein plus a deposit Washington. signed to Illinois Gov. Otto K er- day season. Note the becoming location. Call 649-0726. ■hou.-ie Sunday. IjOlUpops for apparently sleeping well.” "It was an oversight on my ming.s for the tree »o much the children. Is'trar’s Office. Prior to obtain- of *16.00 for each such candl­ part," the fire chief said. n er' soon alter the Kennedy neckline; the choice otf short Decker said Ruby began writ­ shooting, and they remain with ' fun to make and use! ANI^VBR I.ARGE 4~ bed­ ing the petition form, the con- date must be filed with said Come in and browse around. You’ll be most ing his memoirs after he had Oeeves, or none. room Colonial, furni.shed or un-■ sent of each candidate to be Registrar. A petition for an op- him at all times, stationing Pattern No. 2614-N has ^ COME AND SEE been jailed. ”1 haven’t read Churchill Marks No. 8214 with PA'TT-O-RAMA trace-off patterriB; full malting furnished, 4 or 5 men or large proposed therein plus a deposit posing slate containing the re- To Hire Negro Police Santa and ihe H^uWd TipuSe themselves in his residence >■* welcome. what he has written,” Decker la in size* 10, 12, 14,’'16, 18, 20. amd fini.sihing di.rectlone; dia­ family. 527-2834 ■of $15.00 for each such candl- qulred number of signatures of even as the governor sleeps. Bust 31 to 40. Size 12. 32 bust, Glenn Roberts Agency, said. “ I understand it involves His 89th Birthday Alabama Gov. George C. Wal­ grams. dale must be filed with said enrolled Republican Party his early days in Chicago. I as­ MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP)— inch aloevaleas. 4'.i yards. To order, send 35c in coins to; MODERN RAJ4CH style, *95 up. , Realtors Registrar. A petition for an op- members in the town or dis­ The Montramery police depart­ lace's protection also waa Alfred D. Heckler, 742-8619. be­ sume that, because o t the noto­ Inch; alteveless, 4^ yards. Anne Cabiot, The Manchester posing slate containing the re- trlct, as the case may be, must (Ooottniied from Page Om )^ ment will accept appUcathHis beefed up with additional state TV) order, send 50c in coins to: tween 6:80-6 p.m. 644-1521 riety which resulted from the_ Evening Herald. 1160 AVE OF quired number of slgnaturea of be filed with the Republican' /Z. ■ Him Hal nuHnn , , , U# bellCVM he immediately for a Negro police troopers assigned to his office •oa Biuivett, The Mancheoter and executive mansion. AMERICAS, NEW’ YORK 80. enrolled Republican membera in Regiatrar of Votera in the'town can seU the memoin tor a good o t CSnirahlU’s own wartima reserve. Evening Herald, 1150 AVE. OF N, Y. said town must be filed with words about the Royal Air PoUoe Chief W. M.' Stanley (California officials acknowl­ Rouses For Sale 72 in which caid petition has been | price." * . AMERICAS, NEW YORK S8. For let-class mailing arid lOo aaid Regiatrar o f Voters not lat­ ctrculkted not later than 4:00 i REALTOR Force firtitsi^ pilots after the sold Friday that the imlt would edged the guard had been N.Y. be composed ef 86 Negroes strengthened at their governor’s for each pattern. Print Nenve, m.OOO — ANOTHER GOOD er than 4:00 P.M. on December P.M. on December, 16, 1963,1 WASHHIOTOfN (AP) — More Battle ofBrltaln in 1940 — "nev­ For lat-dasB mealing add 10c “ trained in police fundamentals maftslon, but no specific num­ Addraas Zone amd Pattern BUY. Lenox Street Six rooms 16, 1963. being the 21st day-pre- being the 21st day preceding •EL AIR REAL ESTATE CO. than 186,000 letters and 80,000 er has so much been owed by for each patent. Print Name, Number. plus encloaed ' rear porch. L ot' CONCORD RD — Beautiful ceding the day o f the' Primary, the day of the primary. 'telegram s of condolence have so many to so feiV.” in order that they might be pre­ Don't miss a chapter as these children fight to save Christmas! ^ ber was given. Address wi'th Bone, Style No. Juet 50c tor the new ’68 Al­ affords absolute maximum of ranch, large living room, form Dated at Manchester, Con: Dated at Manchester, Con­ poured into the White House Although age has left its mark pared for active duty assign- State police in Maine said and Site. ' bum! Many lovely deedgns! Dl- privacy, with shrubbery and | al dining room, cabinet kitchen, necticut, this 27th day of No- necticut, thia 27th day o f No- ‘ 4 4 3 - 9 3 3 2 oinoe the assassination of Presi­ on the old statesman, a family mente tn the event that clrcum- they had tightened security Send 60c today tor the new necUons for .<*ult and afghan In trues. Cloaa to everything. Just 2 bedrooms, recreation room, vember 1968, | vembmr 1968. dent John F. Kennedy in Daliaa spokesman said Ur R ^ ten w m stanoea stiould require.” measures to guard ihsir gdregw •■U A winter ’63 Beeic Faehion. I knit; doily, edgings and M ippen eall and start packing. T. J. landseapsd yard. Marian I. Edward TomkM. Edward Tomkiet, l u l WvMu. " leeltng very fit, better than in j t a po Negroea on tba Starfs Tustdoy in The ManchBttetf Evsnin^ Hstaid a awimlete paittem meguHto In ensolMg! Ckoekott, Hanifor. #tt-lfTT. ' Robertwni. ftsattor,* M M M . Town Clerk ‘ Town Ctailt dde Andrefir Hatebcr. a k o g tim a .^ gATURDAY, NOVEMBER 80, PAGE TWELVE

About Town H it Scored T «n p l« CSiaptw, Order o< Announce Engagements Star, wUI ha^have a Vesper By Player^ Business Bodies larvlee tomorrow at 4 p.m. at Am ICaeonic Temple. The public la inylted. By ED BABINEAU CONSULTANT v ert M. Kteman otf M aoodwtefpiesktont otf Ihe It’s a rather adriescent ver- St, son of the lato Rob»l B. A Trust Co.. M sne*^ sicn of Will She or Won’t She— John A. OagieneHe o f 86 Oflioe, waa one o f 72 ftfitor otf Kaman dase A atock and lOipah-Spencer Circle of South Creshwodd Dr. haa been ap­ Kieman, who tounded the flrni new division wUl oapplenant Methodist Church will meet Does She or Doesn't She—but In 1964. level ooanmerctol bank eotecM- done with the amazing vitality pointed an insurance conauUant tlvee from around the country work of Kaman’a Nucleer Dlvi- Tueaday at 12:S0 p.ih. at Susan­ affiliated with the Metropolitan Kieman, who has had several Bion in Colorado Springe, Oolo. nah Wesley Hall. Mrs. J. Man- and showmanship of The Man­ aictendlng the Nov. 10-16 fifth chester Community Flayers, Life Insurance Oo. office at yeara expWlenoe In bicycle aalee AvlDyne will continue wortc In ley Shaw wUl present a program 364 W. Mtd(Me TpkA, R. C. and service, said today that he annual aeoalon otf CohanlKa Unl- eeiobpaoe atrurtural dyym loe, of Christmas music and stories. "Under The Yum Yum Tree'' is veralty's Oommerctel Bank a rib tickUng contribution to Dampf, manager, reported this will maintain the Aop on a weapons efforts aendfiomo- Mim. John Von Deck, Miss Ethel week. fuB-tkne tmsU with the aasoe Management Program. Ooslee, Miss Pearl Eble and the local artistic endeaivors. edeaboMy and otrsos oew lyrii. This comparatively small' Hie hew duties ivill r^ te to high standard of repairs and M r» Margaret McConkey will sales Itmt his father had beU. asrrs as hostesses. group of amateur Theaterttes meitters of estate planning, per­ Some BOO oortltfled public on- The board otf (Uraotote otf continues, with this show, to The cy«Sa idlop hamles all oountants from Manchester and United SUtea Btovriopa haa de­ produce comedies of such a typea of blcyclea, including tri­ towns and cltie* throughout clared a quarterly added greatly to manv deli­ Preston Dr., has Joined the tion with ottier brokerg and de­ Sprin^eld, Mass., sales staff of period of 8829,809. Based on 1,- formance for adults of the parish The engagement of Miss The engagement of Miss Bon­ cate scenes. Another added notes a Blight indreaee In 'Vol­ touch to the set that this re­ Consolidated FVelghtways. Mc­ 177,547 ah a re a outstanding, win be presented Saturday, Dec. Marion Ann Creamer of Man­ nie Mary Smith of Manchester earnings were equal to 31 cents ume ever September. The firm T at 8:15 p.m. at the school viewer and other members of Carthy Joins CF from the Crowf has a new Mancheeter area of­ to Ronald Lee Girard of West A Co. of Waterbury where he a ahare for the recent quarter auditorium. There will be danc­ chester to Stephen Oeypuk of Hartford has been announced by the audience enjoyed was thr fice in the Manchester Shepptog Brlet<^ has been announced by use of original paintings by was affiliated with that firm's compared to X cents last year. ing after the show. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. sales department. Farkade. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Darcy Smith of 206 Oakland St. Jeanette Bioh—a very pleasing V m PVIentMiip d r c ie a t the Oam er of X l Spring St. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and professional touch indeed: ! NBJW PRODUCTS: A gift to By the way, I hear that this George J. Vlncek otf X Green­ gladden the heart otf a little Datratton Army will meetllf on- Itor fiance la the son of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Girard wood Dr., an employe at the day ait 7 pan. at ttte church tor and Mrs. Paul Oaypuk of Bris­ of West Hartford. small auditorium Is used by the girl to the new, two-q)eed, hand- Another Break Flayers because the rental of Kraft Foods Hartford Sales Of­ operated food mixing machine a aandne program. Mn. Ool. tol. MiSb Smith, a graduate of fice, has been honored for ten WUUam SUMtig wifi be ttw hoet- Mias Creamer, a 1960 gradu­ Manchester High School and local school halls Is too high called “My Mixer," and offerrd At Country Oub priced tor a charity group—too years service with the firm. He ate of Mancheeter High School, Central Connecticut State Col­ John A. Oagianello has received a gold tie bar bear­ by A. C. Gilbert Oo., New Ha­ lege, is employed a.s an instruc­ bad—where there are m many ven . . . For gag gifts' around la a senior at Central Oonnecti- good school halls not often used, ing the Kraft emblam, as part Four bottlea otf eootioh wtrioey Tfaa ottloa n and ooaichea a t cut Ocdlege, New Britain. She tor by the Lewis Mills Regional sonol and businea) life Insur­ the holiday season, one to "Very one would feel Just coverinif ex­ of the firm’s award program es­ tost night were token in a braok UMle Mtos Softball wW meet la majoring in elementary edu­ High School in Burlington. ance, personal health insur­ tablished in 1946. Important Person (VIP) Desk penses of their use would be ance, or to any phase of a Diary 1964," which to filled M o the Manchestor Country at 7:90 p.m. Monday at the cation and la a member of Mr. Girard, a graduate of enough to ask when they add bomn o< Vbm. Oeorge MMney, Theta Sigma Delta sorority. She William Hall High School, West group insurance and retirement Brent F. Anderson of 286 wtth humorous appointment en­ Cluh bar room lounge, the so to the cultural life of a program. tries; and another to "L ittle 96 & Alton 8t. Kleotlon a t a t- la employed on a part-time ba- Hartford, and the University of town. Spruce St., sales representative second such break into the dub I by Friendly Ice Cream, Man­ Oagianello, a graduate of l um&onm From History, ’ a cal­ ttoens wifi be held. Hartford, is employed as office But on with the Show! ! The in Connecticut and Western reported within the week. chester. manager of Lessere-Wertheim, East Hartford High School, at­ Massachusetts for Ludens, Inc., ender 'With beautiful iUustra- coincidence of the movie ap­ tended the University of Con­ Uens accompanied by mad cap FnUoe reported that someone The Xkidioott Junior OoBege Mr. Oeypuk, a 1968 graduate professional insurance brokers pearing in the area at the same of Reading Pa., recently finish­ of Bristol H i^ School, is an of Hartford. He served with the necticut and h at present sec­ ed a five-day sales seminar in 'titles. Both are puMished by eppeirently put hie foot through Alumnae Aanociatiion a t H ait- time ae the play will not de­ Price, Stem, Skian, Los An­ fcnd wiH bold Ms annual In- airman first deae in the United United States Army, and is an retary of. the Manchester Zon­ Miami, Fla. Ludens to famous four panee otf glass to an etfght- tract from its enjoyment. Of ing Board of Appeals, he is geles, Caiif. pane 'window on the east aide lwisssl|) Tea a t the home o f States Air Force and le serving alumni of Lambda Fhi Alpha the movie, a reviewer stated— for Luden Cough Drops and a Mra Richard Ranney, 1709 as a teofanlcal Inetructor at Cha- fraternity of the University of exalted ruler of Manchester line of candies and dwcolates. otf the bullding. The thelf eriitod “Jack Lemmon’s lecher is hilar­ Ixxlge of Elks. Frank u Manaril, vtoe presl through the same window wtth MMn St, Shut Harttord, at 8 nuts Air Force Base, 111. Hartford. ious—partly because he looks psn. Wedneaday. Thoae pian- The wedding la planned for The wedding is planned for Robert W. Sherman, former dent and a director otf the to- the liquor, token from the bar, like a boy ecout playing Blue­ NEW QUARTERS 'veatment banking firm otf EByth ntag to attend oafi Mra. Ran­ the sununer o f 1664. June 1964. beard.’’ Vernon resident, sales engineer police said. ney tor raaervattona, Beszini Bros. Wayside Furni­ in the Plastics Divisian of Union A Co. Inc., New York City, has Rick Oentilcora as Hogan, been named to the board a t di­ the lecherous landlord, can have ture Co., formerly at 368 E. Carbide Corp., Chicago, haa __ Center St., last week opened been elected vice president, ad­ rectors otf Stanley Works in Sdw aid M. n d era , son o f Mk. the aame said of him. He again New Britain to succeed the late and Mra. Edward D. EMera Jr., to "a c;:A ca tor;‘ o re v e ‘r5r j^ung ministration, of the Society at Plastics Btottoeera for 1964. PhlUp B. SUnley. U Brookfield St, w«l be M- goat who can’t aay naaaaa.’’ Jd - J®;^***?** OPEN m . DAY tlated into FM Kappa FM, a Green, in the former CSiambers ways able to bring fine subtle- John H. Wright at Bridgeport, national honor a od ^ tp r afi tiea to a com^c role, this char­ Warehouse. Stop A Shop, Inc., Boston, SUNDAY The new headquarters of the a X-year veteran in the cutting which haa an outlet in Manches aoadecnio fields, Theaday at the acterisation seems meat and tool field,'has been named sales Untverslty of Oonneoticut firm was purchased by Beszini ter, reports sales up 18.6 per spice to him. Bros, in January 1962. Com- manager of Brubaker North­ riNE PHARMACY < Lorraine Champeau plays cant for the first quarter, ended 684 Center 8L—648-9814 ” plete renovations have since eastern, Inc., Bolton, new af­ O ct 19, with sales ctf 8113,696, n d k ets tor **Under the Turn the blase aunt, Iiwe, who al' been done in the 60,000 square filiate of Brubaker To(d Corp. Turn Tree’* will be awaiWble nt Iowa her real lonelineea and past 096 compared to 896,8M,900 for feet , of floor area for furniture of Millersburg, Pa. the sfanllar period tost year. five door of WNton AudMnrlum heart break to surface occa­ display and sales. tcsfight prior to curtain time sionally to benefit the young Beszini Bros, has been mer­ Miss Lim a K. MoBur, a nalive wMch la 8:80. The play, pro- couple. Lorraine had britf mo­ chandising furniture in Manches­ otf Manchnater, has been ap- Kaman Aircraft Oorp., duoed by the Mlanobeaber Oom- menta of difficulty with linea, ter for 14 years. The firm has potnted a mVcrobiologtot wtth Bloomfield, has announced for' Car Rams immity Ftayere, la being ^xm- but handled it so capably the a furniture manufacturing plant Parke, Davis A Oo. otf Detroit, maticn of a new divtoloa KA aorad by the Manchester Regis- audience waa unaware of any at the old Hilllardville MUls Mkh. Mtos Mazur attended MAN AvlDyne, by recent ac­ School Bos; tared Nunses’ Assocfatton, problem. She gives the pact the complex at Adams and Hilliard Tutfla University, and in June quisition otf aoaets otf AvlDyne poise and surface-calmness it Sts. The parent company, form­ otf this ysor received her B.S. There wifi be an executive should have, with its down to erly the Old Colony Mfg. Co. degree to aoolpgy from SyitKuee Hart boaitd nwetlng cf the Wbnven’a earth, dry humor intact ’with outlets in Hartford, East U nlventty. 4 AuxUasy of Manchester Me- Robin Austin, the young in­ Hartford and Blast Glastonbury, )nriag Friday’s rainttom, 1968 , jnooisl Hbepital cn Monday at iM tellectual, who finds that trying was consolidated in Manchester RofMld Seavey a t Vernon re­ e 1 pm. to the Auxihaiy Room. to put love on a logical basis in­ by the Bezzini family, which has Fallot ^ oto^ The cngagennent a t Miss Bar­ cently received a gold key chain WESTOWN Mina Dorothy Btolle, chief The engagement of Miss Jean I, evitably leads to total confu­ been in the business for some 80 bearing a replica a t the Kraft dtatioiBn of the hoepital, will Marilyn Clbroski of Manches­ bara SdMi Caleen to Dr. Joeefiii sion, to played delightfully by years. TV cameraman, a symbol otf PHARMACY apeak o f hnUdsy nsenus. WlQiain Whllke, both of Los Jean Allen—and with such real­ ter to Joseph A. Fetrucci of Kraft on television, t o t hto 15 459 Hartford Rd^-849-9948 Meriden has been announced by Angeles, OaUf., haa been an­ ism as only one of the same ex­ OIT13> BY ALLSTATE yeara aervioe with the national The boaad of directors of the act age group could give the her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Ches­ nounced by her parents, Mr. Jdm Ekio otf (12 Oekwood Dr., food Alt'll. Te BMlatoln our oaattonlty Manchester W ATms wUl nseet ter Clbroski o f 44 Lyndale St. part Her pixie prettiness helps, South 'Windsor, district man­ Monday at 8 pm. at the home Her fiance la the son of Mr. and Mrs. Reynold L. Caileen of as does the impatience and per­ ager of sales of Allstate Insur­ 'Geoige W. Tkepp Jr,, vl etf medloal serviee we ara o f Mim Tvon Mldiaud, 340 and Mrs. Joseph Cibroski of Palm Beach, Fla., formerly of plexity with feminine logic that ance auto, home end business HHb St, Bast Barttord. Meriden. Mancheeter. Gerry Bourret depicts as Da'vid policies, has been ncuned one a t Miss Cibroski, a 1961 gradu­ Her fiance is the son of Mr. Manning, her erstwhile mate. Allstate Life Insurance Com­ OpGR^AII Day Mna Roger Begley, president ate of Manchester High School, and Mis . Anthony F. Wadke of Gerry's acting continues to pany’s outstanding district Bath. N.T. of the Mancheeter Republican is employed as an engineering gather scope and feeling, and, SUNDAY 176 E. Center Woraafe Chib, hea announced computist by Fratt and Whit­ Misa Oaleen attended Man- as a favored protege, the play­ Stfeet that the woricabop and luncheon ney, division of United Air­ cheater schools. She wHl grad­ ers can well be proud of his meeting of the Connecticut craft Corp., East Hartford. uate from the Unlveraity of willingness to listen and learn. Oouncll which wee scheduled Mr. Fetrucci, a 1956 gradu­ CaiUtomia ait Los Angsles in There was only one scene NOYe t a t Tueeday has been poetponed ate of Meriden High School, January 1964 with a B.S. degree where Gerry should be a little tmtft Jen 7, 1964. This poetpone- was graduated in 1959 with a from the UOLA School of Nurs­ more alert—this waa the very m«nt Is in reocgnition of. the B.S. degree from the Univer­ ing. She was recendy chosen by difficult love scene on the sofa SPECIALS period of mourning tor the Mte sity of Hartford where he was the faculty and her classmates where he has the tendency to Reekke* John F, Kennedy. a member of the EpsUon Alpha as one of the “Twenty Out- get out of character—but he OR ALUMINUM Zeta honorary fraternity. He is tanding Seniors’’ in her claas makes an immediate recovery The Mountain Laurel Chapter employed as a systems analyst of 4,700 students. She is a mem­ on his hasty exit from the of Sweet Axlrilnee, Inc., will sing by Fratt and Whitney, division ber of Kappa Alpha Theta apartm ent • DOORS tor the BuabMas and Frofee- of United Aircraft Corp., East ■orority. Mortar Boe^, Chimes, The' director, 'Vincent Lamo, • WINDOWS Bkmal Women’s d u b at the Hartford. Spurs, nattional honoraries, and has given us a g^ood ahow, which Wlndeor House, Windsor, on The wedding la planned for Alpha Lambda Delta, a naitional through his apparent efforts, • CANOPIES Wednesday a t 7 p m May 9,1964. scholastic henomry society. seems far above usual local • JALOUSIES Dr. Wahke, a graduate of levels. Flaudits should be given FREE ESTIMATES UOLA and the University of here to the stage crew which EAST TERMS Oalbfomla Medical School, San deftly handled the many diffi­ Police Arrests Hkancisoo, interned at Orar^^ cult scene changes and light CALL TOUR FRIEND*— County Hospital, Oallf. He la and abund cues— all very Im­ BILL TUNSKY a resident surgeon at the Uni­ portant to a well balanced pro­ James Daley, 44, no certain versity of Oahfomla Medical duction. 649-9095 address, last night was Center and a member of Alpha Flaying again tonight, with Kappa Alpha Medical fraternity. some tickets available at the charged with intoxication. He The wedding will take place door, I am told. If last night’s John Eno PLUMBING is being detained at the State April 4, 1964, at the First Fres- capacity audience is any Indies* Jail at Hartford while await­ b}rteriain Chunah o f Elndino, tion of tonight’s house—this re- managera to New England dur­ ARE YOU IN Water Heaten ing appearance Monday in Cir­ Calif. 'Viewer 'warns present ticket ing a recent Qfe tosurance tx - HEATINO cuit cou rt 12, Manchester. holders to arrive early to ob­ pension program. Hamidifiera John J. Brainard, 26, o f 77 tain the beat seats available. lino’s district, comprising or ouf of N. S<^ool St., yesterday after­ central Oonneeticut, compiled Dehninidifiers AIR OONDITIONINO noon was chiuged with intoxi­ one of the beet reoorda In the HOT WATER? cation after being found stag­ I W eddings Brock Completes special sales program that put Air Cleaners gering at the rear of Chorches the firm over the btUicn dol­ Just 9f Glas­ time for anly 9%c* a day. Bath Rooms tonbury has been announced by Glaatonbury. merit of the Institutes foe Or Known for Quality Prodneta necticut state librarian effec­ Mr. Sandare to the son of ganiaatlcn Management. Think of It—only 9%c* a and Service tive Jan. 9. Brahm, who will re­ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ The institutes are Chatnber day! ert F. Campbell o f 191 McKee 'Mr. and Mhs. Henry Sanders ceive 114,400 a year, succeeds Sr. o f Eivanaton. He to a lan­ otf Commerce sponsored, uni'ver- Yes, thanks to Mobllheat 841 Brood S t, Manchester—849-4S48 Robert C. Sale, who has resign­ St. slty administered study ses­ —and an oil-fired hot water Her fiance is the aon of Mr. guage major at Columbia Uhl- ed to work ofr a publishing vorsity, Netw Yorit. The couple sions for Chamber executive, heater of correct capacity— firm. The announcement was and Mrs. Leonard E. Wilson of and emphasize the develop­ your family can take care Glastonbury. will ll've in New York City while REMODEL made yesterday by Raymond E. he oontinues his education. ment otf the skills necessary of all their washing needs Baldwin, chairman of the state Mias Campbell, a 1959 gradu­ for the management otf cham­ at one time. library committee. The state li­ ate of Manchester High School, Mom can do ' the family graduated from Bay Fath Jun­ bers of commerce and similar brary la in Hartford. associations. YOUR OLD wash, 8to can do the dishes ior College, Longmeadow, Soroptimi8t8 Set The advanced course to of­ FUR COAT at the same time Junior Mass., in 1962 and is employed INTO A takes his bath, and you en­ by the law firm of Stoner, fered in yearly one week sea- NEW Kennedy Tribute alone over a three-year period. joy a shower. Groaa, Kline and Ziff. Hart­ Don’t delay—phone us to­ tord. •CAPE day. Find out how easy It to "In Memoriam," a tribute to FREE DELIVERY Mr^ Wllaon, a graduate of • STOLE to switch to a .MobUheat- 9 A.M . to 9 P.M. Wllbraham Academy, Wllbra our laite Fresidenit John F. Ken­ fired water heat. ham. Mass., is attending Bry­ nedy, will be the program theme • JACKET *Average family of four. ALL ALL ant College, Frovldence, R. I., Monday at 7:S0 p.m. at the MAKES ARTHUR DRUe where he is president of his MODELS class. He is a marketing major. meeting of the Soroptimtot Club 1.95 A sununer wedding la plan­ of Manchester, The club will meet at the home a t Mna Grace MORIARTY ned. Fraser otf 192 H artford Rd. Mrs. Xiharlotte Gray, music AND UP BROTHERS Electric Shaver instructor, and her pupils will J \ ( n )\i \ I l( CASH FUEL MANCHESTER present the program. Tliose par­ ticipating will Inriude James ( ^ ‘ )\l I « )l :'l 6 4 3 -5 1 3 5 Repair Headquarters SERVICE CYCLE SHOP Scluelber, pianist; Rolane Ii'uih, piaadat; Patricia Lyona oo- Ml CHESTER 301-315 C M ttr St. WE STOCK A U PARTS Sm s D84fl Ob M8 OaOoM l a Middle Tpke. Weet prano; PhyUto Mdave, plantot; OP POPULAR IRANDS 84-Boiir Batanr Servlea Catherine Vendetta, ptonlat; Ar­ W E GIVE Phone 649-2098 lene LaFenta, pianist; Margaret FURRIERS O o A ii GREEN STAMPS Don't throw your old electrical shaver away. Let oe check It BOB KIEBNAN, Prop. Browne, soprano; Jeemnette ROCKVILLE and put It In tip top conditton. All work done in tline fer Fraser, soprano. Jeannette and Christmas. McKinney hgr mother, Mrs. Grace Fraser, lieyelfi Rfipairlnq for fuel oils, torvlcoy 24«.2473 Imnher aM Supply Co. will perform a piano and organ Mobilhaat j;, All Typea—Expert duet. Mrs. Gray will play an heating equipment TR 5-5929 organ solo. . M a t 1»47—Bolton Guaranteed Workmanship STATE BARBER SHOP Members otf the dub may phone 522-81S1 or>Cdi CoRfCt IS ItWtSWJi ST. een^ flit P869 TeL <43-2141 Pick-up and Delivery bring gueats, and letflmtenonU n o niABL BTBEBT OpaiiTeee.-Wed.-8a4. 8sA.-1'pjB. FW. 8 eju.-l pm , 8-8pm- 1 ■■■ ...... rnmk 1 wm be llervail HAKDOBD. CONN. ifll.l...... -bw ook u d iptanMnt tar Dtvl- Pk Oolo. work In ruMnlca,

9tdn o t 1 hM BO EVERT W E K —AUU RIGHTS RESERVED. H. X. DICKINSON * OO., Iiio. il adoa month o f •pproxi* "W ORLD'S SREATEST" ooopeni- Miss Colbert Recalls ^ and da- I In Tol- Rw firm Era of C. B. DeMille By DICK KLEINEE a n a o f- Newspaper Enterprise As m . ShofipfaiC NEW YORK (NEai — The n r ECTH E. THOMTSON < alMUt the ooatume, New FhU SHvera Show R a Onoa \ipon a tinva there waa a added a jewdled belt which at good deal like the old HR ■Marla feniua Who made a apec* Rart covered my naveL Before SUvara ahow. The orMca Unow taeular about an Egyptian you Rtiew R I waa slinking on R. ITie audience knows It. And i k guean that made a fortune. a oouch, stroking DeMltla’e pet FhU lonows M. N aturally, Ua nam e wew “ O eo- leopard, Bcky, with a peacock ‘Sure, Grafton R Bilko," PMI - - « — •« Q i i b POTnk* m a waa OacH B. De- aaya, That’a the hurdR I hwra SOBe. She aRo appeared R one of to ovarcome. But Rt’a faoa It— "HR picturea uaualy did the few "non-typical DeMUIe I waa pRyRg that oharaotar h ' rngke money, you know," aaid pioturee — ‘Four Frightened long bafore Bilko waa avac In­ 1 atxw k DidORa’a aweet>voloed Serpent People.' U Juat w asn't hR dRh." vented. It’a my styR of oomady. Oountry of the Nile, the perpetually 0n> She conclude# that not only did If Grafton R BUko, than BUIw alumthRr Olaudetta Odbert he handR the huge canvas and R BUvera — and G rafton R uic«> the Whona a Weat Ooaat orWe. cast of thousands "like no eRe," SUvara, too. Wa’re aH tha aama tha ohib aibar comparing both varakma. he eJso needed It He believed R guy. Rot weak wrote, "A batter Oeo- buUdiiR eoenae and then mUk- niatm for her day than Lie Rg~ them. ; through ^ytor R in hen." "But he ahaped the times **Oormtn'y" I wad to taU an e ^ t - wry muoh, too. Henry WUook- him . . . but he knew what R’ b rugged featuree were not aw t aMa he waa doing. And you alwwya slf edited atandard for heroee at the time, Jo>w with did thinga hR way. BUU, I'm but they became ao." (WUooxin, gblnr to be a UUR afraid to tha bar, who oontRued to star R De- wahm the program for fear MiSa Epics unUi the day after Ihajr’l be wing aequenoea that Pearl Hartror whan he became may prove pretty dated In the first Hollywood figure to atyea” enlist turned to produoi^ after ‘The Program" R the apedal the w a r ... but atiU under the lAY nhwty-mlnute color documen­ DeMUR batmar. WUooxR, R- tary on DeMille Utled, "The oidentally R oo-ptoduoer of Wotid'a Oreateet Showman," "The World's Greateat Show wMoh R pre-empting every- man,” \^oh also marka hR thRg between 8:90 and 10 pm. televRton dabut). k C Y on SBC Sunday (Dec. 1). Our Interview waa interrupt­ I-M 14 MRa Colbert —- who’s totally committed this season to daa- ed twice, the first for a ba^- aling Broadway with eight per- atage vRIt from Mias Colbert'a formanoee a week of the hit high school English teacher, comedy "Irregular Veit> to Mrs. Avery. (The ParR-bom ac- traaa grew up R New York I mt»" will be repreaented on the NBC apeoial only by vintage City), then, still bubbMng and graoioua. She apologiaed for ohpa. However, a number of Hw ahiqM coraar of prodacar-diracter CacO other big namea who atarred patterRg off for a glaas of wa­ ter—not to (bink, but R which Ds: for DeMille will be on "live," t . DeMiOa (1919-1956) it ^atcribad b f tanw Including. OlcHia S w a n a o n to soak a palnfuUy aquaahed hand. I waa all for cutting the itiRo, er, Grafton Charlton Heaton, Jamea Stew­ s f hit RHar-doir tton oad iiluttralad by art and Betty Hutton. Appear­ interview abort when I realized “1 realise there will be oom- ing, too, will be evangellat Dr. what an extra ordeal it posed, dipa from bis bbteiy-wiokieg filsM R T b a partaona. Like Stafford Reppv BKtar Graham, who’ll oomment but Rm was all for carrying on GLORIA SWANSON R who pRya my boas, will be com­ eeiDaMaUe’s BMSe spioa. and she did. "M oR oad FaaiBla** World't Graafett Sbowmon," d 90 mRato pared with Paul Ford, who uoed Ramamberlng that Jamea DeMiUe, as ahe suma him up, to pRy my oolonel. But I hope, Stewart and Betty Hutton oon- left hR mark on motion pic­ NIC-TV coRr ipacRI, Dacambar 1. Early after the audtanoe has seen tha akSered it auch a privilege "to tures because he threw hinvselt ahow for six or eight weekst work for C. B.'^ that they wtMleheartedly Rto hR work. DaMiNa ttan are tfcatebad at left, above. they'll forget it and juat en|agr staged promotion atunta to get He waa not “so st^hlsticatea R.” Into "G ^teat Show on’Earth” about speotacle that he patron- Fhlt aaya i( took a loitg tRM (In which he waa not reoognia- Red It, and he insRted, ‘You've I walked away from the the-1 ful of roses for the sometime- to fRd the eight vehioR iar aMa and aha had to raiRS her got to apeU thRga out.' ” atre in the raR straight Rto a] Cleopatra who's 1 all-time ahouidar sockets swinging fTom And talk about leaving marks stage door johnny with an arm' graat lady. (See Page Fear) a trapaae), I wondered how on motion picturea, who can top ORudetto Csibert gut her fleet Claudette Colbert? Equally DeMille job. facile with light comedy and ' "Could hardly have been heavy drama one wishes she'd SATURDAY Television PROGRAM aiRRr," she laid, curHeig up R. fRd a part she likes, and be A gulited flowery rdbe R her talked Rto making some new I I t) Tha Caer Show IZd) The Late Shew dkeeaRg room at the Ethri Baf- ones. (St-M) 8#l. YrMtMl #r R# I t) Laagki Far Bate (M) The Late Shaw rymoce Theater. *^Ie juat asked "Ob, I love movies, but I do Yaksa' ISO) FUm I 8) News. WeajNwr a ( S4S> Bass Baaay 140) Wanted Dsad sr AUva m f If i wanted to be Fofppea In like the stage, too. While I was (M) Caadlepia B#wUm I I S) Jaekle UleBsaa Skaw Saturday Edittea TI m Sign of the Ckoas'.'‘ She rebuilding ouf new-old house R 11 :M ( t) B.F.D. Na. 1 ‘The American Scene Maga- I t) B ^ Moyle thought it would be great to '<« Barbados (the termites, thmuh (It) Ballwlakle Shaw (Oalar) sine. Comedy-variety featur- "Not This BAith.' Cartoon, series.. ii| g Frank. Fontana. Barbara Birch. ertiskad, biit was ao m iKh'‘R de- we d lto 't Know it, had gotten I S-W) Maslo L sM at SOa- H^ler, Tlte June ' Taylor I I 8) The Big Mevte^ m R id s h e could work on ’’Sigh" there flrst) I kept reading kaaam Dancers. "Eiefore I Hang.’ ' Borta scripts. There was nothing that (11) Mllllea Dollar Mavl# (tt^> The Ueateaaa4 loff. only on alternate days. (If-I'm 1:M ( 1) N.O.A.A. FeothaH Gary Lockwood. Robert (48) The Lord’s Prayer m t mistaken, it was George M. wouldn’t bore me to death (or Army vs. Navy Vaughn. Lt. Rice fall* In love I I Z) News aad Weather Oahan’a only movies "VanRhRg film opportunities and I have to (t^M> Bxplarias (Cater) but the glrfa father doesn't I I I) Saa FraaeUce, Beat Dr. Albert R. Hfbba, boat. want her to marry a military I I 8) Newscope aa4 Maa Presideht," that had ousto(ty of like what I’m doing. Then “ The Theme Is medic#! pisneerina man. Of Comfort bar tha rest of the week.) Irregular Verb To Love" came or Dr. Walter Reed. GeoTfrey I S-4#-t0> Haalaanbay Z:l ) ( 8) Good Night Hysaa "Than each of ua got a Jolt along as a Broadway poesibility Holder, dsneere, RItta Pup- Jack Llnkletter boat. Guests: and Cyril Ritchard wanted to di­ The Tarrtbre. Elan Stuart, Z waantt used to stripping.’ • < a t*) My , Friead ^ FIteka Josh White, Brother* Four, Theru will be a dkRkmct (H r oostuma aewns w have rect it. But that wasn't enough (M) Sfcerlffriff a( Coeklaa others. From U of Pittsburgh. French oooent to Use ‘‘Bell Tel- covered leas territory, tonao- for me, and I finally agreed 1:M ( S-lt-M) Anerioaa Baad • -J0 I SI The Deteaders opitone Hour’* whan MastrRa edsa, than our current bSUnR.) lor hroadesat;' 10-11 pjiw new era . . atreamUned and and fRd out what real actors Don Herbert conducts scien­ IZZ.W) Jaey mshap Shaw tific eioierlmenta. Today: (O ^ r ) .. BST). caA do with their rolls. Her rich "Llvlna Foaalla." A "person-to-person” type Than ‘ the Hayes office did voice R so beautifully . placed 411) Satarday Aftenwaa Fan- show with Joey Jr. turps into ahe seems to be talkRg in a tare a free-for-all. "Johnny Guitar." Joan Craw­ I 8-tO-40> Lawreoce Walk conveiMtlonal tone, but it pro- ford, Sterllna Hayden. Skew - i JecR to the very last row. (SRce |;N ( S) Movie, . Musical hour of songs.' dano- : "B est o f the Badmen. Rob­ ing and Instrumental > soIq|l she's R "The Hall of Fame of ert Ryan, Claire Trevor. from Hollywood. » | JOHN L lENNEY (IS-M) ChaiMteSehIp Boarlias the World’s Best Dressed Wom­ t:0a (ZZ-M) Saturday Night at the en” her wardrobe and chic are (M> Daace Farty S:M '(40) Champtenalilp Itewlia# Movies . I AGENCY something else :to inspire 3:M,.I»» Film (Color) "Count Your Bless­ fledgling actresses.” ) (It) WreaiUns Ckampteas ings.'' Deborah Keir. Rossano | IM) Caacera Brassl. Maurice Chevalier. An ' ime She’s living now R a Manhat­ 4:M I 1) Scorebaard Bngliah girl marries # French­ ELECTRONICS tan penthouse. "We sold our big I O-ZS-40) Wide WorU s( man wUh a roving eye • ;W ( 3) The Row Phil SUvers Hollywood house, moved half Show LABORATORIES the furniture to Barbados and K T " hour apeclkl: Canadian Back from vacation, Harry Pro ChamptonaMp Cup Game, fears Nick has been too ef­ half to the smaller rented house live from Vancouver. Jim Mo- ficient In replacing him. the doctor is using.” Her hus­ Kay, cower. (M) Wild m u Hlekaek 8-Z#^) Tko Jerry Lewis 277 BROAD O. UCROV NORRIS band, noted surgeon Dr. Joel 4:18 I S) Newe ■ President Comedy-variety , with guest Pressmen, R also head of ^ e 4:M I 3) Oar Mlsa Braeks stars. Live from Hollywood. laattraaoe of All KRda Department of Head and Neck m -N) 10 Fla Bowliar lADia 8:0a Itt-M) NFL HlshUskls U:M I S> OuBsmoke . Bonds at the University of California, Jim Learning comments on James Aeness. Dennis Weav­ makes flyRg visits whenever he the previous week's seven Na­ er. Matt Is suspected as an ex- NY E. Center S t—648-4117 tional Football Leanie games Convlct when he is found with, DISPATCHED can. < t) Wally Gator (Ceter) a body In a deserted cabin. 110) Top Star Bawling U :M I S) News, Sparta aad Weath- 5:M (M> Captain OalUnl AVTOBdATIO I S) Brad Davit Sh«w (Sd) News aad Weather SERVICE ATLANTIC FURNACE OIL DELIVERY (tZ) Bare sf the Waek (ZZ) Satarday Night Bepert • :0a (ZZ) BUI Dana , _ ^ <4«> Satarday Kdittea (SO) High Sckoel SpafR lt :lg (ZZ) Curtain Time 24 HOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE — 649-3701 Bonadap • "I Wanted Wings.'' Ray Mil- GARS -449-4M 8 • ;U (SO) Around Tsum land. I S) Newt U :U I Z) Saturday Speetacular «:U.(S0) Wathiagtea RepaH ' With A Bong In My H eart" S:ia I S) Broken Arraw Susan Hayward. Rory GM- TV-Bodlo, Soles and Serrloa L T. WOOD CO.


able to spot dittoulty before It siisne TUESDAY TelevM on PROGRAM Television m o t o r o l a TV Personalities Leeiie, single, llvae with her SUNDAY PROGRAM perante in a new apartment Tim. Chaaael (8198) Btoluwd,B^ ( 8-88-48) Travsto ef Jamie W iig in New Totfc cloee to June Harding. Lloyd OkBuel 8:8 8) Sid Caaaar A pregnant unwed college ( 8) Baore4 iMurt 8) M.F.L. Fastball McPheeiara Leeiie Uggams the hub of things, so that she JI8} l\ »- girl frightens har parents irith ( S> Immffei mt Aaterlos slants at DaUlaa Dan O'Herlihy. Kurt Russell. VtsUlte can travel with aaee to re­ Today 8h iw (M-I8> TTraT ( 8) ManitocMariilac SeaalmarSeaalaar I(48) m a a la g Flas Jaimle Is held prisoner In an ?{?s 4 :| | (3 m > HewHews threats of abortion er orphanage. In Msy of (Me year, Ijaelie hearsals, to school, to acting suicide. _ ■iM ( 8 8)) Tke 'CBTlate^era 8:88 ( I) Dngaat :8S ( 8) Friends W Mr. On ( 8-8898) Griatoat Show an ( 8)■ Davej“ ‘ OaiUa______(18) Oar Faith 8 :H ( f) Ed SnUlvaa Skew clock radloB UersRia resMbed bar Mth biath- and dancing olasaeo costume M ( 8) le l’B Talk Absat .... fw Daddy (88) Afi^BlIara •> r»nU U Guests; Obrataov Russian :89 < 8) Ciillahi Basgaivs jl9) MlOtoa Dollar Movlo (88) News Raears (Gator) Puppet ‘Theater. (Only teto- fittings. She sUU finds time for D e ^ ^tockvrell. Dennis Hop­ ( 8) OsTcy M d OallMh David Brinkloy visits the five diy but (Um k t ooaninoad that -** Fronttess af Setoaao per. Two man Join a oirous < 8) on to Adyeatara smallest countries In Europe. vUnon performanee during an active social Ufe and one of “ “ U ( 8) Tal«a af the Btrerttoik New York visit). evagytHM hi Amecicai w h o her favorite activities is read­ (B) Wttm with tbe motive of atealtnc an (R) A t a M •waMnt elaptiant < 8) Thia la the Ufa ( 8-88-48) A.F.L. Fastball 8:88 (88A8) World’s Greatest . WMtohee ‘Whig Along with ing her large amount of mall. mea < ») dibit DaBB Sehaal Mewmaa (Color) ti88 (8) Jaek Benu^Fiegraaa Boston vs. Houston ‘The legendaryegendary oeuwerceu___ of Oeoil____ FeiUurod are Dennis Day. (St) The ChiSeyheiB (U ) iBsight Mtteh" (NBC-TV color broad- t:U ( 8) DehbtoDnke Bkmw Don Wilson, Biddie (Roohea- (M) Sacred Heart B._. DellUle.ellUle seen throughthroi^ the 8:88 ( 9) iM va H To Boa'ror R DO. eyes of his stars. (Jus: oaat sertaa) tbtnka Mm M 13 ter) Anderson Bob Blaaaer, (48) The Ohrlataphera Boot of Oroado _ Boas Elliott, BIvta Allmaa. ( 8) Saarlie Semaator JSuik~Biyr. host. News de­ Clnarlton Heston. Bob Hope, b is aad Odio H m> velopments in world affairs, Qlorto Swanson. Tul Bryn- yeara old. M98 (8) Garry Moore ®ww ( 8) The ABawer ( 9 ) Kw— Featuring Durward Ktoto. (88) ThIa la the U fa music, art, sdenoa, sports, ner. Dr. Billy Graham. "They raf thw to let me grow Coming Shows ( t t ^ 8iW Tfhoa 8:88 ( 8) Hows aad Wodhsr (48) Oral Babeito theatre. ( 8-88-48) Arrest aM Trial . (48) News Quests: Alan King. (IS) The Big Ftetare u p r LesHe wsEb. 'T gueBi tt’e I 1) G lrtT a lk _ Csstle. Mel Torme. Dorothy ( 8) Lamp Uato My Feel Everett Sloane, Michael tieoauae aranyme reanenilbera 88) Moralas MotIo (88) M s Flotaro Reltcious aerlea with Dr. 8:88 ( 8) Saaday Sparta Bpae Parka. Judge's career la ChekHaiHo M:88 9) Boaooaiahors Kovlo 8:18 ( 9) Byo^to, Haws and WaaMk- Loudon. . . George Crolhers. tECElEP threatened ^ e n hla Uleglti- DM whdh I w«e t b t years old Dr. KOdsee (fUchard Obam- M-l9L.Flar Yoar Haaeh (88) Tetophaae Bear (Ootor) noate son goes on trial for with iMMalamt* 8tl8 ( 9) Haws Stairtaur Maurice Chevalier, ( 8) aewlah Mewa Vlawa Finals of the m en's and wom­ and they ttiWk sunly not mora bertafat) asmile the dladpiodie flTwlto Do Toe TrsotT Janet Pavek. Theodor Upp- (88) Chalice a( SalratiaB en’s divisions of ‘‘World's In­ vandalism. yisUMa softly IlghU clook less k s a U!#8 nm > Ooneoatratioa ( I) Oatlaw (88) Baerlfloe af the Maaa vitational Bowling Tourna­ I ( 8) Judy Gariaad Shew MMnd-yeu can Miliy tsH 9ms la than alx yeara have goike by ‘toctanAque of avgenersl prao- T if^ ) Tho Frim.Io Bj|tM (8999) BnHsy-BihAtar (48) Thia la the U fe ment” from Chicago. MtuicaLvarlety. Guests: Peg­ Ihs dark. Latalarm lots you snosh ataioe than.” It may be a peradty Utlctiar, Dr. H a^ey OniioUt U:88 (MM) Ml■Uerias (89) ladastry m J P om li gy Lee. Jack Carter. (89) AdToatareo la Ttaae NeB. n-M ( 8) Look Up aad Ure (M) Wild n ^ a m (Color) Is Bsigs eetor, shoek-faslslanl, an axha 40 wjnki. Aviim i# I" 9 aU- of growing up on-oagnera, but (guest star Kevin MoCartby) h> )) Savea Keys sen. After witnessing aeddsn- Part I of a three-part aeries Marlin Peridu. h^; Jim I 7 8) Caadld Camera sMT-irtsIslsnt pelyslyreee ease ilfKitva colon. iMm (, I) I«TO of Ufo 8 :U (99) Howa ‘"Hiree Views of Chiistmaa. 8\>wler. A visit to moimtain Durward Kirby, host, and Leaike has found the ad< "The BaohalMer” on NBCTVIs 9M 8) Yr«w ~Flrat 7:98 ( I) To Toll Ih a.ft^ ^ tal killing, Kimble M as to Rev. Sidney Lanier, narrator. Allen Funt. ventaMS Sar outweigh the dis (88) For Yoar latoraaattoa save aa Innocent maa from a* lions In the wlldemeaa of ■Dr. KOdara” ssrisB Thuradgy, I Taaae murder charge. ( 8) HoBr af 81. Fraacla Westem U.S.A. (8F88) Shaw of the Week •dvBEitag'esi lt(W \ i)*ttoych tor T o...... (88) Weather ^ Itooal He— .(48) Faith far Taday Deo. 6 (S:«0-9:80 psn. SBT). 89.M) T n th ar OraaesaaaMa (I_____I) ----- Weather U ;88 ( 9-8-9898) Hews. Weather (88) TTalea of the VUOaga LeaHe finit met the TV pub- aad 8perti| U;M ( 8) Camera Three 8:88 ( 8) I’ve Get A Secret Twelve subway ridpra are ter­ J 8-ie^) Father Kaewa Beat 7:ie (88) Soeetal Beport _ _ Bxperlninnlal aerlea coveiing rorised on an early Sunday M a r O R O L A Uo wtien die played a btt paat I m t l (Bhiiiley Booth) maloM 19:88 (89) Bawa 7:18 (88) Westora IL mm HlehMshto (IS) Big News drama. literature. dance, (88-88) Cellege Bawl (Cotor) morning by hoppcd-up thrill- (88) l^ r t o Cam era (98) News aad W eattM Robert Etorle. moderator. on the ‘Reulah” ahow dntvlng teal to clothe hundreds of 1:1 I) Beat Boiler U :18 (9 ) Taesday Starlight muaic and art James Ifaeaii- Challengers va. Georgia Insti­ seeking punks. BXhd Waters. Shd then ap­ 89898) Oeaaral HotpM (48) ^ r o ^ ^ ‘ ‘Beachhesd.” ‘Tony Curths. drew, host ( 8-88^ ) Laaghs For Sale Oanaidian sheep in ksig under­ A-iat At Homo with D m Yi88 ( 9) W W la the^Worid ( 8) Cammeata A Feapia tute of Technology. Hal March, emcee. Panel peased on (Mveral chHdren’a (8998) Hr. Novak (48) Stove'Altoa Shew T A R T A N W T V wear and turtleneck Mveaten Barhara Beraard Bhow (18) Sperte Beandep (88) Mahalla Jacksaa 8:88 ( 8) Tweatlelh Ceatary show featuring top comedians. ahowa, but H waa aa a oontest- too Worid Tarao Janrameo F ru iciso u , Doaa Jac- U:I8 (88) Ktcraal U (h t "The Plots Against Hitler” 18:88 ( 8) What’s My Line so that they won’t ftreene, in iiti a pret- U:86 ( 8) Bpertevlew iL vnvnAf •rM) ant on A ijuls sertea that Mitch ( i) Gale Btorax Shaw (999« Teaight Shew (O) (48) Westem Jaabaree (Part H) Bye witnesses In­ John Daly, moderator. Pwel- YSaU M« Hm v«” cti NBC-TV’s (88) Harvey Olooa Show ty 'instructor aooepts the at- 11:88 11:88 ( 8) From C allen Oampna terviewed on location by Ists' Dorothy Kllmllen, Ben­ P u th b u U o n MSUer fbat spotted her.' (Lafer, tentiona ot a student ( 8) Big Movie _ ( 8) lateraattaBaf Zaae Daniel Schorr. nett Cerf. Arlene Francis. with full year guarantaa* Hand" odor series Thursday, (48) Howe _ ^ ( 8-9898) C o a iM _ ^ •'CtoseAgalnet Brooklya." IX C h ek Ratllo ahe wen $35,000 on that quia 1:18 (48) Barhara Beraard MoGavin. (88) Dfea fata Space (88-88) Meet tke Press (Cator) ( 8-88-48) News Beperts Dee. 5 (9:80 p.m. EBT). 1:18 (98) Beoelal B ofort lUek Jason. Mariaa_ Pavm (88) Jewish Life Interview program. An In-depth look at top n ^ s Vlalllto softly llghtt the clock’s dM. ahow, and donated the witukings IYene)i riri Mamas O.La for 18:48 (88) Lord’s P w e r (18) PerspcctlTe an Greataass (19) M ob of Deitiay U:68 ( 9) Nows A Weather (48) RvaBrel Hear stories. Bob Young, anchor­ Radio lulls you to •Im p and wskoo to a parordtial school hi Tegcaa.) Si88 ( 9) Faoow ord___ „ permlttinfT neighbors to^oxe- ( 8) lBsi|thts (48) Probe man. Jack Patanoe stars tei the dual (I cute lier Tnther as a oollabora. 18:88 ( 8) Measeat ef Maditaltoa you. Thoro'a alto a huimr atana. OarriPidly supervhasd by MKch (8t-9» Foosle WW TaBi 1:88 ( 8) Newsoope. Momeate of ( 8) Dnckpin Derby ( 8-88A8) Scoreboard 11:88 ( 8) News _ ^ rde of a ocnvlcfed murderer ( I) Qboob (or a Day tor. _ (88) Champianahip Bridge ( 8-88-88) Nep^ aad Weather And Laxalann lala you tnMk an as- MMer, who took over her ca­ 8:88 (8) The Bod B ka^ Boer Oemlort I ( 8) Mister Ed Ira 48 winks. laoy-te-uto push* and Ms reepeoted>Ie lode-aliloe (98) Fttm (88) News (88) Wild BUI Blekack Alan Young. Connie Hines. (48) Saaday EdUlea reer on records, Leslie sppeared brother in "House of Numbers,” (88) The B oat-el Graael Oomody-varlety. Quooto. 18:18 (88) The Uviag Ward 11:18 ( S) Mevie Maslerpleeea buiton clack, and radio, enip- 8:88 (88-88) Dedigo _ __ __ Wilbur tries to tsdic a bla^- ‘ ‘’Tulsa," Susan Hayward, on "H m Jank Paar 6how,” "The penae drama on BO-TV’S 1:88 ( 8-98-48) D u la Ooart U :St ( 8) We Believe smith into giving Ed elevator ■) Boaae rarty Richard Egan, B u Danton. A btkto-todto, doBorbed af (88) Discovery ’88 horseshoes so he can be taller Robert Preston. ' Ed SuMven Show” and various ^Monday Night at the Movded* Jim hires a parotee- only to ‘‘Visit to London” (Part II) (.8) Chaaglag ‘Times 277 BROAD ST. 8*98) The Doetors aMar, tgjflfeni emotional od- than a pretty black mare. STANEK ottier TV programs. He Qaeea for tte Day Jon Provost. June Lockhart. for which ahe wsa not prepared. (18) I fU b a Dollar M .vto fidence with the ladles. l,BO-TV’a "Tlie Bleventth Hour*’ (88) Blag Araaad Saadav (48) Lerd’e Prayer I a touitag opera skiger who 8:88 (8) Fettioeat JahMte ^ 18:68 8) Yoar CaaBTessmaa from To keep a crop from spoiling. ( 8) News and Weathe Lefdie’a parenhs (her flather h 9:99 ( 9) T. Tell the Trato ■ertes, WeitoeBday, Doc. 4 (JO- Timmie and Lassie try to osytuns the heart of Judge Bm Benaderet Edgar Bu. CoBBectlent ( 8) Naa to Maa a former member of the Hall chanan. m pm. EBT). 1:88 ( 8) PercepUsB find the source of gypsy moth ( 8) Momeate of Cemfart, Ckmth (sorlBB star Lne J. CkiU>) (88-48) Tfhe Do To ( 8) Football Hlghlighta cocoons. Ooodslght Hyma JiolMiaon Choir and har nkother when he defends her against (88-48) Directiaas *84 ( 8) Sobrama was a dancer ait the Cotton minder charge in “A Thne Re- Documentary on the NaUonal (88-38) BUI Daaa Show CM>) enthittastlotUy endoteed Council of Churches. Gary Crosby. Jose daydreams A quiet "a t home” televhBcn memherad," 90-minute dreimn Television (88) Hnnday Matiaee he la a spaceman when a real this slow-but-sure approach and on NBC-TV’s "The Vfegtolan' WEDNESDAY PROGRAM ‘‘New Orleans After Dark." astronaut checks Into the interview with the Barnes fam- saw to It that die broke into Stacy Harris. hotel. Hy—Joey, Saiie and Joey Jr. oolar BMto s , Wednesday, Deo. 4 JUted bride-to-bs suffers an (48) Wanted: Dead or AUve the ntghtclub fW d by alow (7:80-9 pjn. EBT). 8:86 (8*98) News (88) Schine Tea Fta Bawliag (Joey BWhop, Ahby X>alton and atages and fdtowed MMch’s ad­ 4:88 ( *98) Mevto _ emoUonal collapse. 1:88 ( 8) Yoar Caagresamaa fram 7:8 1 ( 8) My Faverito Martian 8:48 ( 8) Newsoope (98) Make Boom For Daddy ( *9898) Chaaalsg CoBaectlcBt Ray 'Walston. A crisis Is Miatthew Da'vid Smith) —l>e- vice in her recording oeweer. (18) MUUoa Denar Mevto Leslie Parrisb, Rip Torn. 1:88 ( 8) Year Commaalty caused when a junkman un­ (ximen more Hke a Qinnd Cen- Harry (sei4es star Im n y B ty - 7:|C (8*98). Tedu Bhow Graduate atudent complicates Iswt summer, she made her den) tnes to g tv » a former (stiir 7itt (8*) Weather ___ . 8:88 ( 8) The Blflemaa ( 8-88-48) Isaaes aad Aaawers knowingly hauls away Uncle traJ Station event, in the "Joey "M g time” nightclub debut at 7:88 ( 8) Friends ef Mr. Oreehes (88) Film life by refusing to t u e the Howard K. Smith Interviews a Martini space vehicle. a neiw obanoe In “The Bunker” 7MB ( •> Let’s Tatt Abeat (98) The Three Btoegee worid. noted personality. (88-88) WoBderfal World of Jr.’B TV IMbut’’ eg)4eode a t the Flamingo in Las Vegas, for G8> The Admiral aad Bsrabby U98 ( *9-9898) News, Weathsr 1:U ( 8) Time Oat for gpaato Co’-* 'Color) "The Joey Bishop Show” Sat­ on NBO-'TV’a "H en yh GMite” 8:88 ( 8) Cutata Kaamm aad Sperte wliioh period liOtch released Friday. Dee. 9 (9:80 pm . EBT) 8:18 (88) Freallore Wlehsme Shew 8:88 ( 8) Featare Bay ' Mills. Richard Egan. urday, Nov. 30 (NBC-TV color A paint job in or outsiae your home, is not how cheap you can get It—bat her from har duties on "Bing file ( 8) Hap Biehards __ BilS Early (to) Big Newe (88) Featare (Part I) Pollyanna goes to 8) Jadi La Laaae Bhow “riame of New Orisans " M. (88) Newe aad Weather (88) Saaday Aftorsaaa Mavis stay with her stem aunt. broadocuit, 8:30 p.m. OST). how long you want it to laat! If you like a good j*8 ( 9) Nesre —T h e Vigilante R 8:48 ( 8) Newseape (48) News (88) News ing, eoruhicting, composing and the Ohrysfier Theater” odor (88) Maialag Mevto ( 9) Trails West Blllott. 7:88 (88-88) Today Shew 8:18 ( 8) Sporia, News and Wealb- arrangiiig- AUie is not working ser4en Friday, Dec. 9 (MBC-TV, 88:88 ( 9) ■emessakers Mevie (98) Film 7:U (88) Weather towai^ a degrss, but intends to News A iMtdDigie look af toMMi ( 8) Best af Gieache (22) Weather, Local News steetdem who refuse to defend Oar SPEEDY S| (1*98) Tram sr i 7tM ( S) Okroatole 8:48 (48) Klag aad Odie Shew FRIENDLY AND HELPFUL TltANSAOnONS HAMDUBD ON riee Thenday, Deo. I (8:30 notsg mrd-danoe lORiri thaf w e re (88^8) News and Weathsr themselves against vlctous at­ TRULY DEUaOUS pm . EST), ( 9-1898) Father A portrait of r 18:88 ( 8) News 7:18 (88) Special Bcpert ALL EXCHANGES LISTED AND mNLUTED—MUTUAL FUNWS ; (99) Nesre Kessinger, one-time bom to the Twentika, onlogMd (88-88) Say THma tacks by young cattlemm in I ( 1) Beet Seller world uavelar, editor, pnll 7:16 (88) Western Mass. HtghUghta “ Seventy Times Seven” on MAIN STREET MS-UM mora than a deoasla a t maooem ( 8) Girl Talk ' Spa: ■ “ CHICKEN ttoyd 'Bodmer and JUne ( 89898) Oeaeial — Aer, dvle leader. and then faded into peief9we oh- (48) Moraiag Mevie (48) Nev NBC-TV's "Temple Houston,” (9*98) At Hense W M (8*98) The Ylrgialaa (O ^ ) 18:M ( 3) Hememakers Mevie Brawn in 6 Minnies Hanfing star to "l>on’t OsH M)e : (48) Bariiata Beraard Lee J. Oobb, Yvonne DeOsrlo. souflty to tho Foifiea, wHB ba (88-88) P b » Tear Haaeh 7:88 (28-38) Monday Night At The Thursday, Dec, 6 (7:80-8:10 Dhty Niasnet," a drama of a I (1) As The Werid Judge Garth defends a tmrr- taken fay NBO-TV’a '^iolKwooia ( 8) W h e ^ Yea TraatT McvIm p.m. EST). fsthech search for Ms preg- Gals Storm — , Ing <^>era singer sgaiMt a 11:88 (88-88) CaaceBtistiaa "House of Numbers.” Jack The weriPe "fineei eatin’ Barrey Oleoa I murder charge. and tone SRam” Mtonday, Dan 3 ( 8-88-48) The Price Is Bight Palanoe plays the dual role of IT D O ES Make A Dtffereaes Wk« T e a S m fA ehiebea” wHh iaeomperaMe nasit unwed daughter, on “ Ih s ‘ Nesre ( 8-*8-88) AAveatares ef Omto (•:ao p m . EBT). 11:18 (88-88) Mlssiag Liahs ( C ^ r ) look-alike brothers, one re­ (Jarl Schell, brother of Maxi­ Mcbard Boone fibo(w” Thesday, liW Barham Besaai a ^ Harriet ( 8-88A8) Sevea Keys spectable. one a murderer. Speeial Bepsri om o oan’t tsU about sriaate < 8-88-48) Oater Limits milian and Marla Schell, makes Dec. 3 ONBOTV, 9-19 pm . 1:68 LriMera toom aE oimr Hm U:88 ( 8) Lavs af Ufe his first Bbiglish-speaking tele­ IN ORDER ¥ Mm Sf Itoellm a bowling trophy because he (81A8) Year First ImBresstoa Ken Smith, Scott Marlow. A ' i t i t EBT). *>88 I l ) Faaswsrd rraaswora - reneged on a promise to Har­ world—krv« lefatora,.ai poBtoarsli ft«m Itoppor tosmato 18:88 ( 8) Search far Temarrow food. life is altered by a 10-year-old Tired of being lonely, Oatby and «v«n a note m f aiiMft to a (88-88) Trath or CoBsegaeaces 8:88 ( 8-28-48) Wages Trals (Color) vS A V 1 M G S 4% DEOI’S DRIVE-M WE SELL and INSTALL (M) Ths Best af Oroane srrltes Aunt Jane a lovelorn ( S-8A48) Father Kaawa Best. John Mclntlre. Rhonda Flem­ girl in "The Light of a Friendly *>■ ( $ 9 ^ ) D » to Oeaot oolumnist on how te get over bcffle Aram A deoert Wland — 18:88 (88) News ing Chief scout cooper dis­ Star” on “ Espionage” Wednes­ cl/IU I-,- O A i\ 433 CENTER ST.— 8U 3690 < i ) Bsiase Paito belug a wallftower. are muaioal themea tor liliich 1:88 ( 8) Best Setter plays a shocking new facet of day, Dec. 4 tO-10 p.m. EST). RESIDENTIAL |M8^ The Deetoee ii88 <_9> CHyais ( 8-88-t8) Oeaersl Hospital character. 9:18 — News ' it Andes, (llynls Joins MHler and (he Gtoy Atong: Gaac (88A8) At Bsme With Kitty 8:88 ( 8) Danay Thomas Shew «ARA«E DOOR f>88 ( 9) “ on NIB&TV’a "CBng’ Along: wtoh 1:85 (48) Barbara Beraard Show Barbara Mullen, ‘The Clancy Deborah Kerr, Ross a no <8*9.. Miboh’’ oohMr (show Monday, Zhao. 1:88 ( 8) ^ The World Taraa Brothers. Kathy's Aunt Molly ( 9) and her sons pay a surprise Bramd and Mauiioe Chrsvstfer r tfciur jg^iiAk irwiiuu OPERATORS (88-48) Qaeea F te T to Day Daughter 3 (10 to 11 p.m. EST). ( 8) (Sale Storm Show visit from Ireland. (It) Hmea DeOu Mevto (88) Harvey Olsea Show start In "Oount Tour TUessIngH," •i88 ( *) Beverly HIHMIhlHtor (48) News 8:88 ( 8) An8y Griffith Show a soplttatioated comedy about MFI MAIM BT., MANOHEeXEB • BOUTR M , OOVENTET ( I) To Tea The Trath Ronny Howard, Don Knotts. ■ay eperated (8*98) Yea Doa’t Bu Buddy mieen, BH IDaaiA’a faiia wfao iHMsa 1:88 (48) Barbara Beraard Andy has misgivings when his an English wife unabte to aic- trolled from ei (II99> BsplOBage toughed af hia iwoordtog: oK 1:88 (38) Special Bcpert deputy starts to make the (• * *• 1) I to a M i (88) M ea.ef Destiay oept her French husband's OsU- NsL "The ABtronaut” wUi hawa an hack office “just like home.” <8*90> m Sm Game Vincent Edwards, 1:88 ( 8) Password (88-88) Hollywood and the Hc view a t marriagif, on NBO- ( 8) Admiral Jaek son. A phystolan Is both cppoolunHy to aae him aoMKf (88-38) People WUI TsM Stars TV’s ‘iSaturdaiy Night ait tlw (8898) Trallraaster srith multiple soil Mid a acme of tta ftBrnteto paafas on ( 8) Gaeea For A Day Joseph Gotten host. A nostal­ Movies” in Saturday, Nov. feiUeg marriage. (88) n im gic looks at the lavish film o S» o t 8:88 ( sTlMek Yarn Dyka Shew "Tbe AatoonaMit” epwode of (48) The Best ef Greaehe SO (0 pm . EST to ootwhMttoik). 18:88 I *) ------NBCVTV’a "The Bill Dnna 1:88 ( 8-88-48) Day Is Ceart musicals of the 1980‘s. ( 8) Hoase Party M:88 I 8) ‘The Detectives S tra w *’ Ctondeqr, Don 1 (V pan. (88-88) The Dectois (98) Slag Atoag With MItoh ' ‘Twelve New Yorioers find 1:88 128-88) News (Color) Oaetouiaed Seat Oeveea Lealle Uggams. Sandy Stew­ ttMsnselves at the metoy of two Oastomleed Ante Tops 8:88 ( 8) The Edge af Night art. Bob McGrath, Keith thrUI-seekk^ hoodlums on a (82-88) Loretta Yosag Booth. Musical theme “Let­ ( 8) TraUmaster ters from All Over the subway train in the early hours (88-48) Qaeca for tho Day Worid.” of a Sunday morning in "R8da TURNPIKE AUTO (18) MUIloa Dsitor Mavie ( 8-88-48) The Breaking Point with Terror,” a drama on NBC* 768 MAIN STREBT-^TKi. 646-1191 WILSON S;88 ( 8) To Tell The Trath Paul Richards Ruth Roman. MANCHESTER (88-38) Yea Doa’t Say Fan club founder Uvea vicari­ ‘TVs "Du Pont Show pf tto SEAT COVERS ELECTRICAL CO. (28-t8) Whs Do Y ob TrastT ously through fading film star. Week” Sunday, Dec. 1 (lO-Oil Residential-Ooniin.-Ind. 8:88 ( 8) Ranger Andy Sbmr DID YOU KNOW 199 W . Middle Tphew BEST (82-88) lA teh Game U:88 ( 3-8-88-48) News, Weather and pm . EST) in ook>r. 94S-9S9S 849-4817 948-1888 OLOSMOBILE ( 8) Admiral Jack Sports (88-M) TraUmaster (88) Big News Tkot Some Bifoeob Are Wraof Per ‘ "Yosw OMmaoMto D oaIcv* (88) News aad Weather Ute legendary Holly wood ca­ 4:88 (82-38) News WOrfQIII rrDWTipfiQIIMf CAR, 4:88 ( 8-88) MovL U:18 ( 8) Monday Storilght reer o f ih « late Cecil B. DeMUds glad to show yan A ‘‘The Lady is Willing.” Mar­ W ell be (88) Make Room far Daddy —4u seen thoOugh the eyes of oiAtolileaA aeleolloB of MohAWk 112 WEST CENTER ST. (U ) MUIloa Dollar Movie lene Dietrich, Fred MacMui^ A proper segment is one that has neatraUeed algebrakalliL 1:88 ( 8) The Blflemaa many of Ms leadkig stag* asid Den W ILUS or Bigelow oArpet right fat year 6 4 6 - l « « l (88) Matt Order Market (4^ Shaw IDustrated by axoerpta from Ms the distant portion with tM reading portion to minimise ohfeoi 8PECTALUTS DT mm home. Mtoke year h o n e (88) Three Stooges 11:88 (88) Sports ItoBBdiqt famous movies — wUl be la- displacement, image jump and subject diMppearanoe. WHEEL ALIGNMENT AMD OArpet oemfortAble! (48) The Admiral sad Swabby 11:28 ( 8) Sports View mtaKh BHBVKE! Show U:S8 ( 8) n g Mevie oounted in ‘"nte Workl’s Qreat When an improper segment k osed It woinS eanee • :U (SO) Early Show " I Aim at the Stars.” Curt eat Showman,” OO-aalsiute ootor In climbing stidrs, curbs and alightiitg from autmobiles. g e n e r a l a u t o BEPAIB Mowc htouf r Corpot NEW or USED “Breealn' H<»ne," William Jurgens, V. Shaw. * 848 M8i—18 MAIN ST„ MANOHBSTEE Oargan. (28-88) ‘Tonight (Catori special on NBC-TV Sundack 1 S41 IBato M. — B4»9MHB MtM ( S> Yogi Bea* U:88 (48> Lard’s Praje* Deo. 1 (S:30-M> p m . EOB>. PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER li^klNG rtER SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 90,196S TH U R SD A Y Television P (*a«S> TraSataMer • ) » (tM »> Basal (Oalar) ' • :M ( |> MeeiMita •f< OMdMt «:M News Shirley Booth. Hasel makes ?;W ( I) Mewieea* «:M < AM) Mavb deal to ■ clothe a flook m (Xt-H)(n A i) TeSar ShewI (li> Maha Baaes far Daddy , sheared sheep ao they woa'I (n> WaaUMr (1*> MSIIaa Deilar Mavie freeie. ■ ' , ( •> rrteade at Mr. Q eehw C M < •> The Binemaa M :*i . Tho Msrsaa ( •)' liSt’e Talk dkesl (N> rtim ^ rt Omway, Howard Dtk* < |> Caeiela Kaaaaree (•*) Three Steeces Silva. Drama of a doctor srha (M) FreaHere el Scleaee Early Shaw (SM*> Snsyenee Theatre Maws aad Weather < *-*M i) BdU Adams Shew ; ISrSa fewe CAS <*•> Aaricaaieat Vydarwaiar On sets 1 Sammy Davis Jr«; Sav Wbea • :1* ( M Syana, News aM WaeM CMariie Brill aad Mitai Mto H TaSi Call. Mevie f M ( t) Mawi MtM Tee T rw ir I I 3) Lse Marvta leaeemakers Mevie (tcWlHaaltoy^BriBhlay Ba- (*•> Fsatars J> nay Year BaeA I < M-SM*> Mesia. Weatksf i v •> OeaeeatraMee TSo Adveatarea la TIaea aad Sparta*’. ' >) The rrlee la MaM ve el Life (*•)m n m -----’■Wltaa^_laas To M u r d e f M Year HrM _ ^ Maws aad Weather Stanwyck. j^SjW ^) Teaaeeee Drele <**■*•) Maws aad Weather (*•) Sisvs AUaa Show : TiU (**>~wa frastera Haaa MishHrhts (*•) Syotto Baaadny I (S>-M) Traill »r Oaaeraaaae icn(CM SaarSyarts Camera ii;8 I ■) Syarts Flaw < tl Search far Teaearrew M> Toalybt Skew (Oelsr) ( a s a ii) Yatber Kaewa Be 7:M ( I) Paaaward (n> Maws Game show. AUea Luddsa, Wave.” Sedaae Hafa ( a > ^ > Oeaeral Bupaal boat Quest celebrities. akawa. < •> Beat SaUar Temyle Beastaa (taM> At Bane WUh EMy Jeff Hunter Jack Blam. llt ii (to) Laid’e Prayer («•> Barbara Baraard Shaw ( The PHatsteass IM 1 •> Mrwsasya, Mamaata (Oaiar) Oemfsrt aad Hyma Fred must overcome obstadsa (*•) Mews (M> Marvey OIm s Shaw to enter PebMea m a beauty <«> Maws ooateat. Sarhara BeraarS • di ( S) BawbMc Aiaw Fmneia and Oary Map* (tS> Seetilal Bayer* b Hc P'eminc. Faireat Tuck­ < Maws I t-*M *) My Three Seas Jra iiM tic n I^ ^ kar 12 SiW ( •) The Edre sf Mlykt Fred MacMurray, Don Orady. (MM> Larem Teaas Steve finds squlrinc a yonad U. BUI 1 ^ ^Ctory Look- < i> TraSmaster tody to pretty tirins. wood) ia asaignad aa dePensa •ha gaa*H aa ‘T k a Graat- ns-iS) Qaaaa far the Bay • :*• < I) Ferry Msssa oounael for a feUow Marine of- aar Shaw aa Earth,** (tar- (U ) Milliaa Dalte Raymond Burr. Bartmra Hals, S:W ( «) Ta Tell the T ^ Ferry defenda a tean-acer ao- fioer aocueed of bH-and-niti riaa Jack Faiaaca. Laqr, (Xt-M) Tea Dea’t Say euaed of slaylOE a hoodlum driving ki “FaU from a WMta a^a alajfs a laaaljr a^aaa* _ (SS-tS) Whe Da YaW Ttaatf to avoid blackmail. Harm” on NBC-TVa “Ilia id s < t) Baacar Aady Shew ' M M i) The dhamy Daaa Lieutenaat" SaiturdAy, N ov. 3V I riaawa, Mak« ta adaft aa (*M *) Mateb Oaasa US ( •) Admiral Jack Musical-vartoty. Oaesla. (7:30-8:80 p.m. BBT). • rphaaad circaa la •ava haa fiaai tra fa d y . Tk a a a iia d a , which air* DW . I f aa A K -T V , it F R ID A Y Televia ton PROGRAM aaNad "Ladir ia Liaito.*’ Tlaw CBS seal ( 3) Mew Bread 1B4 ( 3) Nowee a, Memeals af S:*a ( S) Mamaats af OsaatsH (**M> Maattey-Brtohlay Oomfori d :ii ( •> Mswseaya . (ii> Snyeraum (Sit Mewe 7:«a (SM *) Today Bdaw i m ( S> Death Talley Days 1:U tSt) Weather (MI MaH Order Market 7:W < •> Prieads at Mr. Qtasksr (Ml Weatker, Laaal Maws alntaad decided to piadr a p«*h- 7:M ( I) L afs Talk Abaet Aids (I3> Maws •M ( I) Csytoto gaaiwraa lioMy (M d i) Mews aad Weatkar "Ehit X Mt,** he says, **11^ S:M (id) F iaatima af Sateaaa 7:13 (31) Westers Msssaefcssstts PAINTING TV Notebook the- pubUo aroand country < i) M^p Blefcarla Michtlyhto Imtaator, Uxtariar wouki’nit understand aipidtlicRy ( •> Jack I4 Itimaa Skew (M) Syarts Camera W aUg*^ BMkg guy's proldaRva W h e n the flac- ed tt. A lifMtory Is untvar- yim 'lfefUn. Barrator. Jos P a k i30« mm4 RallBlalMH sal— ever^Mdy eweryvdiere can • :N ( 3) Laava li Te Baavar Backetl story of a aua's ss- lito ourrant tolavlahm entrant. underahaid it." ( 3) Beat a t Ctoseeka * ysrisace aa school teach or la WwrkBMiMlite OwbnuttMi AtMar tha BUko ahoar ended it* Phil admits, quite openly, that 3:iS (43) Mias aad Odiy 3btw Ootorado in MTX. niw^Etoereg M iW ( 3) Mawa - hucatr auooaaatul run. he oaait this show is M s “big push" ft- (13) latoraaManal Miwtims nanoially. Ha owns It, ooi (33-33) Bay irhsB Don Ameche', host. Tonight alkatit for aaweral yaaaa toe aiv- < 3) CM ri TaM “Tba 'Mongartoa S U U Olp- UO PEUitlER platsly. (id) Maralas Mavis ' adhai^ Mea. Ii\ir a thne h e "I dkhi*t haws the money,** ha own." M:S3 ( 3) Bamsmahaia Myvia ( Ala-M) n Saasat Strly saya “to make the fUrns m ysM . . Flay . Tear Baaek So I b o m n r e d p n m y rwaidiiala Bfrem ZImbaltot Jr. Spi to “ • T*a TVaatT hired by a distraught husband M y h o p e is thaA H w l U g o three 11:33 (taM ) Caaeeatratlsa - to check oa his wife's doubts yaeaa, arid leave m e Indepen* n a Prtoa to Bifhl U':S3 ( 1 ^ ) Mtoatoy Liaks (Cator) ■life. d e n t T h a t will take care of mgr ( a-M-M) Saves Kays (34) Bavs Oaa ipill Travel wife and famUy (four daugb- If.-dt ( 3) Lava Naked City tecs, eoqpieofUiig“ oae or t w o <*3M) Year First latpraeaiSi 3:M ( S) Beale M . SAVE more” in January). After thait, Teaseasaa Mrala <*(-••) Beb Meye Thsatoe w u r a r I ca n d o w h a t I entoy the m o a t 13:33 ( »*Baarek far Tassanaw Mlltoa Berie, Dina Merrill. A SMSSaal W HERE ^ ^ n e k — the Broadway ataga” CMM) Tratk as Oaasa veteiaa poliucian seems un­ fSSSl. YOU SEE aaaaess able to stop hia life’s dlsia- » m i Patfcar Knaws Beat tergrsUon. . THIS ■ » » ELECTRONICS TOmohee J o h n N o v a k (aeri U:*3 (XS) News (.S^iM i) Barka’a Law l:fS < 1) Bast SaBsr Janet Blair, Wally Cos, oth' SIGN mtae James FranciaciM) wooa a < S-XaM> Oeaeral HaayMal ars. Witch womaa predicts LABORATORIES pretty remedial reading hnatrue- , _ At Kama WBA^OMy bar death and lists possible tor, Ariel Wilder (gueat star 1:33 (43) Barbara Bernard Shew suspects. 1:13 ( i) As Tha WerM Tams 3:N I S> Twilight Zeas 277 BROAD Paitiicia Orowley) only to find < 3) Oals Storm Shaw R ^ r t Bray. Wayne Mallory. that one of her students is giv­ (Xi) Baryey Otoas Shaw Modem soldiers collide with ing hhn competition, in “L m e (to) News Custer's cavalry In a drama 1:3(.(M> Barbara Berssid of past and present. t i v i i h ' s In the Wrong Season,” NBO-' l : l i Harry’s Oiris T V ’s "Mr. Novak" drama, Tuea- (M) Xlea ef Desllay Larry Blyden. Mary's 7 30 8 :3 0 3:33 ( 3) Password temrn to help the x-stor in day; Den. X ( : - p m . (XX-M) People WUI TaHi London causes ci woe. BBT). ( 3) q^sees Per A Day .( S-MM) Xbe Price to Bight I I U M AIN BTRBBJT (Xf) film 14:44 ( X) Alfred Ultrhreck Hear (is) .The Beet at .Grsacbe James Gregory, diris Rc^ia- OUVA*8 K880 1:13 < B-XMi) Day to Osart son. A robber s loot Includes .( «) Jtoase Party a dead'y radioactive cobalt 411 HARTFORD RD. •xJ (XX-M) The Doctors capaule. PETS l : H (XX-M) News (KMto^ Jack Psar Frsgram S:M ( S> The Edre of Mieht SURWBUL’S TBXAOO (XX-M) L e re ^ Yesas G u ^ : Senor Wences, Buddy 1475 Silver Lgne, H. Hartford ( ■) TraUmasler Hackett, Genevieve, Eve Ga­ PET F O O D S (Xa-ti) Oases far the Day bor _ ^ (U ) MlUtoa DsUar Msvie ' RCDT’S SBRV. STATHHK L *-*!i*> 7L**“ •* Week SrV-«adlo, Salea Service S:M ( 3) Ta TsU The Trath Harrid Johnson vs. Henry 184 BL CENTER ST?. (Xt-M) Yea Daa’I Say Hank In a 10-round light PET ATTIRE . „ » • Faa Trasit hjavywelght match from w t m a n o i l c o „ r m . t m ( S> BaaWer Aady Shaw Blue Horison Arena. Phila­ 34 M AIN SX. Complete (tXM) ib^h OaBM delphia. GcMrduu SuppHos ( ’•> Admiral Jack M :a X Make TkjM Spare Beauty (X iM ) Trallmaeter bowlers compete f6r cash WM. FECK LHMBER, FuftiKSMTS i:M (XX-M) News at Itoramus Bowling 3 M AIN ST. Service 4:M ( t-Xl) Mavis „ „ ------New Jersey. Seeds, Shrubs (M ) Make Bsem tar Daddy J|:M ( M J 4.M) News. .Weather W e attend to . ^ (U » UUllan DalUr Mavis aad Syeris ELEN’S TEXACO! Lavfu Maintenance 3:M ( 8) The BUleauui (Ml Big News 881 MAIN ST. < every detail (M) Mail Older Market •• aa J*!? ? • • • •■3 Weather that k e e p a Lawn Mowers (M> Three Stoeyrs 11:13 ( *) America’s Oreateyt NASSIFF a r m s y o u looking (jjj^^Tke Admiral Swabhy Meviee W 1 M AIN S t. yo ur best. Repaired, Sharpened "Blood On The Sun." James 3:U (Ml'^Eariy Shew Cagney. • "Son of Rusty." T. Donald­ DICE’S GULF 8EBV. son. » .a o ’" Qameo Beauty LITTLE & 3:M ( •) Rot'ky ssd Prieads 478 HARTFORD R0. (4i) ShetW sf Cochise ui« { II gKJS Studio M cKi n n e y 3:M ( *) New, asd Weather UiS GARNER BCG (PLe An (M) News "City a “Fear." Ft Bdwards, 8 GRISWOLD STrl M »-2742 15 W O O D B R I D O B ST. i:M (it)(4 -Ysacy Derrlsysr P. Blair. 3:13.( 3) Hyerts...Mows sad Weatb- STATE 8ERV. STATTON iff Mata Bt., Maacheater Maachesten— S 4S-80M Jl'15 !*!} 1 < s '» / a! S * * " * Weather 770 MAIN ST. 3:33 (V) Mewa u :W ( I) Moment ef Meditation I

AT«ng« Daily Nat Praaa Ron The Weather PoraoMt of U. S. Weather Ipreau ^ W ach B ihM NovMBbar 16. IMS OhMee of m ow flurrlM or Uaht Hioit tonljtht. Low tonight ueor 13,891 SO. Tooodoj continued olondjr and Mnaber of tbo Audit lEuf ntn^ eold, hlfh In the SOo. B o r e u of OlrciilmtltMi Manehe9Mr^A City o f ViUogo tharm


Holiday Toll: Three Die in Big Leoni Lead Shows State Traffic

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Three traffic deaths in V enezuelans Anti-Cuba Connecticut during the long Thanksgiving week­ end brought the state’s 1963 highway death toll to an unofficial 299 today. I The toll from 6 p.m. Wednes­ He Leads day to midnight Sunday was low In comparison with some [ other weekend fatality lists this Top Rival year. The victims died Thursday j and Friday. They were: * ^ Sophie Klimaszewski, 63, of By 90,000 Waterbury. She was hit by a car In Waterbury Wednesday night and died Thursday. CARACAS, Venezuela Dennis Reardon, 23, of Essex. (A P )— Raul Leoni surged He was the driver of a car that struck a tree in Essex Thurs into a strong lead today in r -1 M day. He died Friday night. j the tabulations for the Ronald Newberry, 15, of presidential election. Stafford, He was thrown from with unofficial tabulations ( a car when It sideswlped two one-third completed. Leoni held trees In Somers Friday, a margin of nearly 90.000 votes ■ 1 The nation’s traffic deaths over his closest rival. during the Thanksgiving holi­ The mounting vote for Leoni day weekend topped the 600 appeared to Indicate resounding mark for the second consecutive popular support for the strong year. stand outgoing President Romu- The count during the 102-hour lo Betancourt has taken against period which started at 6 p.m. Prime Minister Fidel Castro’s (local time) Wednesday and CMban regime. ended at midnight Sunday In recent days, Betancourt’s showed 810 persons lost their government called for strong lives In motor vehicle accidents. measures against (Jastro, in­ The death toll during last cluding armed action if neces­ year's four-day Thanksgiving sary, by the United States and weekend was 514, the highest the nations of Latin America on since The Associated Press the ground that Cuba wa.s trj’- started the count for the holi­ ing to export its revolution to day period In 1968. The low toll the hemisphere. for the holiday is 442, set In A big victory by Leoni, candi­ 1060. date of Betancourt’s Democratic Venezuelan soldiers hold weapons in readiness against terrorist attacks at a poll­ Bumper to bumpw:, cars move north on Wilbur (]ro8s Parkway Sunday in Deaths appeared running at Action party, would hand the about the rate of a non-holiday Castroite terrorist underground ing place today in Caracas. (AP Photofax.) OwiffC u holiday weekend came to end. State Police report^ heavy traffic weekend until Sunday when with In Venezuela its second major also in upper reaches of parkway— on the Berlin Tpke. and Wilbur Cross High- setback since Sunday, when way (Rt. 16 north of Hartford.) (AP PhotofaxO______» (See Page Eleven) voters turned out In record num­ To Honor Oppenheimer bers despite threats of attacks Clues Sought by snipers. The unofficial results of the First Troops tabulation of S3 per cent of more In Strangling Events Connecticut River than three million votes: Leoni, Conferences Fill 293,332; Jovito Villalba of the Tomorrow to I Republican Democratic Union, Of TV Actress I 206,281; Arturo Uslar Pletrl, an In State : Independent, 189,812; Rafael HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Homi­ Said Health Threat Leave Saigon Caldera of the Social Demo­ President’s Day cide officers worked In teams crats, 176,178; Wolfgang Larra- today to question Karyn Kup- Phoenix Mutual SAIGON, South Viet Nam zabal of the Democratic Popu­ cinet'a .host of friends, hopeful HARTFORD (A P )— A U.S. Public Health Service (AP)—The United States will lar Force, 83,681. WASHINGTON (AP)— ^-oplng tbe bomb, the AEC had of finding some lead to th« Voided ballots W e i 's running study team today said the Connecticut River in Massa­ send 800 servicemen home Tues­ selected him to receive the Fer- strangler of the. vivacious ac­ Drops Anchor about four per cent in the unof­ ’ President Johnson called ml award, one of science’s most tress. chusetts is so polluted it “ endangers the health and wel­ day in the first phase of the ficial tabulatipns. two Cabinet officers and coveted honors. Miss Kupcinet, 22, a petite In City Plaasa fare of persons in Connecticut and . . . is subject to withd):awal •( 1,000 American The Castroite terrorists had his budget director to the Johnson, his wife and two brunette who had appeared In abatement” under federal law. . .1 mihtary men from South Viet xalled..fQ); voters ..K) caet blank White House today for ■attended Sunday HARTStlRD (AP) — Top W-'."t ' Wris rtcSThmehdatlon ---- •wra.rj s s :- * ... -— IvfPWe ballots. There was no way of services at St. Mark’s Episcopal fletala of the Phoenbc Mutual contained in a report of a study Rudy Frank, chairman of the Gen. Paul D. Harkins, com ­ telling at this stage how many ferences on economic and church. *’ Then the Johnson fami­ Life Insurance Co. this morning of the Connecticut River given Clonnectincut Board of Fisher­ mander of U.S. forces In South of the voided votes were blanks. defense matters. ly drove to Arlington National dedicated their new home office by Francis W. Klttrell, In ies and Game. Viet Nam, siaid the other 700 The pro-Castro Armed Forces The sessions with Secretary of Cemetery where he placed a at One American Row. charge of water pollution evalu­ But Joseph C, Knox, execu­ servicemen will leave in the for National Llberatimi threat- Defense Robert S. McNamara, bouquet of red roses on the Standing in the windswept ation for the U.S. Department tive secretary of the New Eng-{next two or three weeljs. death to those who voted and Secretary o f Commerce Luther grave of his assassinated pre­ E bow of (he IS-story boat-shaped of Health, Education and Wel­ land Interstate Pollution Con­ The United States has about kept up the bombing, sniper fire H. Hodges and Budget Director decessor, John F. Kennedy. structure, Benjamhi L. Holland, fare’s Robert A. Taft Sanitary trol Commission said "Federal 17,(K)0 mllttary advisers and and sabotage with which It Kermlt Gordon follow hard on From the cemetery, the John­ chairman of the board, and Ehiglneering Center In Cincin­ enforcement action is entirely men in South Viet Nam to help sought during the campaign to the heels of a busy Sunday at sons drove to the t^ ite House. Lynne Batty, 10, of South Meri­ nati. unnecessary." All of these men fight Communist guerrillas. provoke a military overthrow of the White House for the new den, dnmped an anchor made The study began In late Sep­ spoke at a conference on pollu­ U.S. Secretary of Defense Betancourt. President. (See Page Eight) of blue and white carnations in­ tember and ended in early Octo­ tion of the Connecticut River Robert S. McNamara said earli­ Ther-voters were not Intlmi- At his desk Sunday. Johnson to the reflecting pool at the base ber. called by the U.S. Department er this year major U.S. involve­ drafted a letter to defense con­ of the tower. At least one Connecticut offi­ o f Health, Education and Wel­ ment in ' the anti-Communist (See Page Eight) tractors asking their coopera­ cia l lent support to the Idea bf fare at the request of U.S. Sen­ campsilgn is expected to end by tion in cutting defense costs, Union Wants A little over two years ago federal action to hasten the 1966. and the White House announced Holland and Miss Batty, at that ator Abraham A. Riblcoff. abatement of water pollution in William S. Wise, chairman of The first withdrawal will pri­ the dates when West German time the company's youngest the Connecticut River. He is marily affect supporting imits in Ex-Convict Kills Chancellor Ludwig Erhard, Ital­ policy holder, shared nound- the State Water Resources Railroads Up Qxnmlssion, challenged the re­ Saigon and will not immedi­ ian President Antonio Segni and breaklng ceremonies at me site. ately reduce the Army . section British Prime Minister Sir Alec Lyndes B. Stone, president, port on which KlttreU’s recom­ Wife, Preacher, mendation was based. Wise which handles most of the train­ Douglas-Home will visit him. Pay by 25% welcomed the employes to their Engineer Seized, ing of Vietnamese ground new building, and said the dedi­ said: Self in Church Johnson began his work day forces. with a morning visit from Whit' cation was one of the "really "It (the report) does not (XEVELAND (AP) — The Threatened LBJ (>)mmunist guerrilla activity ney Young, director of the Na­ sighiflcant" momenta in the his­ represent a balanced picture of continued at the st^ped-up ASHEVILLE, N.C. (AP) — An Brotherhood of Locomotive the river’s condition but pur­ tional Urban League. They dis­ Firemen and Enginemen — the tory of Phoenix. WASHINGTON (AP) — Rob­ tempo which has characterized ex-convict walked Into an Ashe­ cussed Negro unemployment. Stone cited the "radical de­ ports to tdiow it in' the most key operating union in the cur­ it since the overthrow- of Presi­ ville church Sunday night and Young said he urged Johnson ert A. Weatherington, 40, was to unfavorable light . . . rent railroad worlt rule.s dis­ parture from the beaten track dent Ngo Dlnh Diem a month killed his divorced wife, the to launch an emergency public be arraigned today In General "A formal hearing for the pute — has demanded a 25 per KAKY.N KIPCLNET of standard architecture for ago. minister and himself with blasts works program, and the Presi­ business offices" then revealed purpose of oonsiderlng the On a lonely road near Tlnh from a shotgun. cent wage increase from the na­ Sessims Court on a charge of dent asked for written sugges­ a number of top televl.slOn he was quoting from an article having made an oral threat pollution of this great river Dien, 116 miles southwest of Police said Walter H. Bailw, tion’s railroad. tions on the proposal. Other demand.s served Sun­ shows, was found Saturday written in 1926 after the com­ against the life of President . ■ . . and a report should not be Saigon, an American special 67, entered the West Asheviue Young said he has Worked pany had moved Into Its home Johnson. confined to only a few a-spects forces enlisted man was killed Assembly of God church just be­ day by the 78,000-member un­ night in her modest apartment \ylth Johnson on other civil near the famed Sunset Strip. office at 79 Elm S t Secret Service agents arrest­ of the conditions.” and another soldier wounded in fore the Rev. Lester (Dobb, 44, ion were for supplemental pen­ rights projects and didn’t "re ­ sions and company-paid health The body was nude and lay face Mrs. Laura Caya, president of ed Weatherington at his home Worthen H. Taylor, chief an ambush. The ambush was staVted the sermon and demand­ gard him as any Johnny-come- ed to see his ex-wlfe, Ruby coverage. The Brotherhood of down on a couch. the Phoenix Mutual Club, pre­ Saturday night. sanitary engineer for the touched off when a truck carry­ I lately in the field of cl^il sented an engraved silver tray Police said Weatherington has Massachusetts Department of ing the twp Americans and Viet­ Bailey, 50. Locomotive Engineers previous­ The actress was the only : rights.” daughter of , a Chi­ as a gift from the employes’ a record of erratic behavior. He Public Health, joined in argu­ namese soldiers ran over a As Mrs. Bailey huddled on the ly had asked the railroads for I In late afternoon, Johnson cago new.spaper columnist and club to the company’s new wan identified as a former fed­ ing against federal action. He mine. Nine Vietnamese soldiers floor between pews, hidden un­ pay increases. I presents the 156,000 Enrico Fer­ television moderator. cafeteria. eral construction engineer. stated: were wounded. der the coats of other members, In Washington, a spokesman the Rev. Mr. Cobb pleaded with mi award to controversial nu­ The ceremonies were carried The agents, said weathering­ "The department (In Massa­ The American fatality brought clear physicist J. Robert Oppen­ for the American Association of Bailey to leave. (See Page Eight) over from Nov. 26, when It was ton complained that he had been chusetts) does not believe that to 80 the number of Americans heimer. Railroads said the organization would have no immediate com­ (See Page Eleven) Oppenheimer directed the Los (See Page Eight) (See Page Five) (See Page Five) (See Page Nine) Alamos laboratory where the ment. atom bomb was developed dur­ An arbitration board issued ing World War H. In 1964 he recommendations last Tuesday was declared a security risk by that could involve the elimina­ Bulletins the Atomic Energy Commission. tion of up to 33,000 firemen’s The commission did not ques­ jobs. Culled from AP Wires ’The 4-Day Ordeal of Jacqueline Kennedy tion his loyalty, but by a 4-1 vote The five operating unions and •barred him from further access the railroads were to settle to atom secrets. > wages and other Issues between FIAiE E.AST UKR.>LANy JI^ABHINOTON (A P ) — Last April, the White House themselves under the emergen- ESCHWEGE. Germany The ■grave of PreeMent announced that In recognition of (AP)—An East German .-^John F. Kennedy was vislt- his contribution toward devel- (8ee Page Thirteen) army officer shot his way to •d Snnday by an estimated West Germany early today, 45,000 persons, among them police reported. youth PreeMent Johnson and his from the tierman prov­ family. Johnson placed a ince of Thuringia also reach­ banquet of red roses on the Contradictions Filled ed West Germany during the gravck Tbe Une of vtsltors weekend, police said. In formed before the gates of northern Germany, four East ArUngten National Ceme­ German workers fled to West tery were opened at 8 a.m. Mind, Acts of Oswald Germany over the weekend n o s e within the cemetery without incident. Re
