Fords?...\Pprovai of Bond Issue Sought
EDISON JPORDS BEACON Woodbridge, Avenel, Colonia, Fords, Hopelavm, Iselin, Keasbey, Port Reading, Sewaren and Edison Publlibsd Weekly Woodbridgp, N. J., Thursday, April 4, 1963 taunt u lnd Glut Man I,V — NO- 8 On Thursday At P 0,, Woodbrldf*. N. J. Price Ten Centi ... Radio?.... Fords?.... un,)imHII>0E - A public fate-to-face debate In "Prlvate political debatet are no lonfer enough. Ton NewRecreationProgram auditorium suoh M Woodbridge Senior and I should meet In the moat public and adequate facility ,,, ,r nvtt Radio Station WCTC, New Brumwlck,, available so that alt the people of Woocrbrldte can make a ",tl • final" conrtltlona Outlined by Mayor Walter Zlr- judgment at to our respective capabilitieii to be mayor. ,',', \\ .1. Warren, hi* opponent In the April 16 The two previoUi 'debates' which you talk about were . , li, primaries. closed to the general public and thus many Interested per- i ,„ ni;iy«r hmt accepted the April 10 date »ubmltted tom Old not have an opportunity to hear from either of us. , w.irn'ii who ha? inildted that the debate be held "I am anxious to be heard and I am equally anxlou* to Have people hear you, Mr. Warren, and the only plan- |lir,h junior Hl»h School Mid include a third Drmo- Includes Girls, Adults, ,,'.' ,M.iuiMHy candkUte, Edward Kopper. In which this can properly be done Is In an auditorium, •i Warren said that both he and Mr. Kopper *U1 be wch aa Woodbridge High School which can *eat 1,200 peopl» instead of the less than 400 which can be seated , ,.„„!, school, April 10.
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