Weatlier MIDDLFrOWN; Fair today, tonight and to- BED BANK morrow. High both days In the BAYSHORE EDITION 20s. Increasing cloudiness to- * * * morrow. Low tonight, 0. See MONDAY THROUGH rRWAY-lST JOT tides and weather page 2. Distribution Today 16,650 Issued dally. Monday through Friday, enured >• Second Clan Matter it the Po* MIDDLETOWN, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1960 7c PER COPY 35c PER WEEK /OL. 83, NO. 124 Olllce at Ulddletown. New Jtrjoy. under additional entry permit dated Aug. 20. 1857. BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Snowstorm Cost Parkway $100,000 Eight Crewmen Still NEW SHREWSBURY — The director, later said vehicle rev- snowstorm which roared in on enue totalling $50,000 was lost the eastern section of the country luring and immediately after the Dec. 12 cost tthe New Jersey torm. Highway Authority a cool $100,- To this was added $9,000 in 000. jverime paid to parkway main Mrs. Katharine Elkus White, :enance workers; $26,000 to out- chairman of the authority which side contractors who are hired Missing in Atlantic operates the Garden State Park- :o help with snow removal, and way, praised employees and (15,000 for salt spread on the state police for the "magnificant •oadway to prevent icing. job" in keeping the parkway open Mr, Levy said 9,000 trucks to traffic when other roads were most of which usually use th»l snowed under. New Jersey Turnpike, took ad One Man Milton Levy, public relations vantage of a "grace" period sot by the authority to use the park way to travel north. Cloudy, Cold Lifted Ban Aboard Trucks are allowed to use the parkway only as far north as Christmas Lakewood. Because other high- Tanker ON THE LINE — Voting in last night's election for a ways and the turnpike were closed to travel, the authority junior-senior Henry Hudson Regional High School are Forecast lifted its ban on trucks north of NORFOLK (AP) — A Councilman and Mrs. Russell Morgan, right, as teller, Mrs. Slightly cloudy and cold weatlv Lakewood temporarily. destroyer sped most of the Henry Knochel, records their signatures on voting rec- er was forecast today for Christ- Trucks traveling north of Lake- 29 survivors of the storm- ords at Atlantic Highlands fire house. mas. wood were allowed to pay pas- There was no respite in sight senger car rates. broken tanker Pine Ridge rom the bitter cold which has Mrs. White said an announce- toward shore today while gripped the eastern sector of the ment is expected at the author- the Coast Guard prepared nation for several days. ity's Jan. 5 meeting of the re- For today, William D. Martin, sults of a study concerning the another search of the angry School OKd use of the parkway by motor- Atlantic for eight crewmen still U.S. weather observer in Long Branch, said the mercury will cycles. missing. Plan Wins by 312 Votes hover around the 20 mark. The study was started some And, for tonight, he said, zero months ago to determine if mo- Still aboard the bobbing stern ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—The majority of the combined vote in will be the reading. torcycle traffic is compatible section is Chief Engineer John Henry Hudson Regional Board of both boroughs to approve the is- Zero Tonight with other vehicular traffic. It Richart, 36, of Wilminpton, Del. Education's $1.3 million bond is- sue. Thousands of travelers headed was pointed out at the time that He may be joined today — if sue plan for a junior-senior high Speaking for the school board, for family reunions were already the fatality rate of motorcycles weather permits—by volunteers school was approved yesterday Samuel P. Brown, president, said taking to the highways, airports, on the parkway is higher than from the crew who would assist by 312 votes, The vote was 991 to the board w'as "extremely railroad stations and bus ter- that of other vehicles, n salvage operations. 679. pleased with the results. The minals. Renew Contracti •Coast Guard planes were set HELPLESS — Stern section of the American tanker Pine Ridge, which was broken in It took a 3-1 plurality in High- board wants to take this time to Christmas day falls on Sunday Contracts for the operation of to take off at dawn to search lands, however, to push the pro- thank the people who worked for this year,, but almost all schools several service areas were re- two during raging storm southeast of Norfolk, Va., floats helplessly in high seas.and for.those still missing. The com- posal through. and supported the bond issue." and places of business will be newed. Atlantic Refinery will op- gale winds. Some crew members are visible standing on the deck. At top right js mercial tug Lamberts Point stood closed Monday, Dec. 26. erate the Cheesequake and Vaux- There, 775 voters turned out to Draft Specifications by to take the ship into tow for The National Safety Counci hall areas until Jan. 31, 1965, at tip of wing pontoon of U.S. Coast Guard plane from which picture was made. Norfolk. okay the bond issue 547 to 178. He said the board would meet predicted 10 traffic deaths in the an annual cost of $85,000 each. (APWirephoto from U.S. Coast Guardl This tremendous majority was with Mickelwright and Mount- Garden State between 6 o'clock Cities Service had its contract Survivors were transferred more than enough to offset the ford,, architects, after the first tonight and midnight Monday. to operate the Manasquan and from the aircraft carrier Val- defeat of the referendum in ,At of the year to begin drafting The Jersey Central and Penn- Forked River areas renewed until No Register ley Forge to the destroyer Con- lantic Highlands "by 80 votes. plans and specifications for the sylvania railroads announced ex- Jan; 31, 1967, at an annual price way for the run to Norfolk. The new school. The Red Bank Register will Conway is expected to arrive A total of 910 votes were cast tra trains would be put' on to of $112,000 each. not be published Monday, Dec. Reliable Man there with the final tally .415 The board hopes to be able to handle the Christmas rush. Atlantic Refinery also received about 4 p.m. today. 26, or Monday, Jan. 2, and The WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) - ping Co., owner of the vessel, votes in favor of the proposal award building contracts in the Spokesmen for Trans World Air- a contract to supply gasoline for The Pine Ridge was ripped early part of the year so con- Register business office will be "He's a good man . You to protect the firm's salvage and 495 against it. lines and United Air Lines said (See PARKWAY, pg. 2) closed both days. apart Wednesday in 100-mile Thirty-five absentee ballots struction can start during favor- last week's air crash over New can rely on him . ." rights surprised his wife. So spoke Mrs. Edith Richart. winds that churned waters 100 were cast with 29 in favor of the able weather. York had had no effect on Christ- "I didn't, think he would do miles east of Cape Hatteras, N. itchool plan and six opposed. Target date for completion oi mas business, which was reported wife of John Richart, 36, of it," she said. "I'd just thought Since the regional district at the school is September, 1962. to be 20 per cent above last Whites Village, a suburb of he had enough of it all day (See TANKER, Pg. 3) Economic Chief Wilmington, Del., who is keep- yesterday and all last night." ready is formed, it took only a (See SCHOOL, Pg. 2) year's volume. ing a vigil aboard the stern Council Head to be Picked Today half of the storm-broken tank- Mrs. Richart said she first er Pine Ridge. heard of the tanker's distress on her car radio about A p.m. PALM BEACH (AP) — Presi- ment in the university's School Richart is the chief engineer of the Pine Ridge which ripped Wednesday as she was driving dent-elect John "F. Kennedy to- of Business Administration. home from a visit with Ric- day may choose a chairman for apart Wednesday in 100-mile Kennedy kept at the task of winds that1 churned waters 100 hart's mother, Mrs. Natalie his Council of Economic Advis- job-filling in the midst of fam- Reczek, of Chester, Pa. ers in the new administration. miles east of Cape Hatteras, ily preparations for Christmas N. C. "I've been sitting right here And the man will have his work and after announcing yesterday (in her home) since then," she cut out for him in this time of Richart's decision to remain his resignation from the U.S. aboard the Pine Ridge at the said. She added that she the business* dip. Senate, effective immediately. planned to maintain her vigil Reportedly in line for the key request of the Keystone Ship- To his Massachusetts seat Gov. "until my husband comes job is Dr. Walter H. Heller, 45, Foster Furcolo is appointing a home." of the University of Minnesota. successor suggested by Kenne- Richart is a veteran of 16 He heads the Economics Depart- dy, his old friend Benjamin A. Money Loss years at sea. He attended the Smith 2d, former mayor of Glou- Coast Guard Academy at New cester. Too Much London, Conn., before turning MacArthur, Letter of Resignation to the Merchant Marine. The President-elect cent his let- NEWARK (AP) — Louis Rollo ter of resignation to Furcolo and testified yesterday that it is im Truman Feud also notified Vice President Rich- possible for his bus company, the ard M.
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