. . • ^ 1 , , ^ i , ‘ -, ‘ •n'-V-''

NET PRESS RUN THE WEATHER AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Forecast by C. S. Weather Bureau, for the Month of October, 1939 Hartford.

5 , 5 2 2 Cloudy and colder tonight and H e m b e n ot the Andlt Bnrean of Saturday, probably rain tonight. Clrcnlatlons Conn. State Library— Corup,

PRICE THREE CEN’T3 VOL. XLIV., NO. 40. (Classified Advertising on Page 18) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1929. TWENTY PAGES 1 They Gave Freddie Big Scare MARRIED. SKIPS Wouldn’t Trade Love for Millions $300,000 WORTH 2>- -<8> PRICE RECOVERIES OF GEMS TAKEN WITH ANOTHER GAIN MOMENTUM INAJOLD-UP BUT LOSES HER AS TRADERS BUY Seven Masked Bandits Linej I Joseph Wiley, Former Bank Up Guests at House Party | j Clerk, Leaves Wife for CRISIS NEAR Steady Demand for Stocks and Strip Them of Their ■ I Rockville Girl Who Quits IN JAPAN ON Boosts Price from 2 to Valuables. I Him for Her “ Steady.” 20 Points on Many Is­

Three weeks ago yesterday Joseph NAVMARLEY sues; Call Money Renew­ Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 15.— (AP) — Mrs. Philip Metz, daughter of Nor­ Wiley, recently discharged as clerk man E. Mack, Democratic national at the Home Bank ^ d Trust Com­ al Rate Drops to 5 1 -2 committeeman, who was stripped pany, and married for nearly two WiH Not Withdraw from of jewels worth nearly $60,000 last years to the former Miss Jennie Per Cent. night at the John L. Carson, Jr.’s Schaller, left town with . Melania Conference But Predicts party in Snyder, described her ex­ Pictured' above are Thomas G. Kwang, alias Woo Fong, and Nora Roszezewski of 22 Ellington avenue, periences under highly dangerous Gorter, the two colorful individuals whose presence in Manchester last Rockville, but who, during her em­ . Nov. 15.— (A P )—The circumstances in the holdup in ployment at A1 GrezeTs store here , . , ______; night frightened Freddie Kwan, Oak street laundryraan, out of his place No Agreement Will Be recovery in stock prices, which which $300,000 worth of gems are ; business when he feared Woo’s visit was made for no good reason, was known as Molly Rogers. Today said- to have been stolen. ■ j “Molly -Rogers” is at her home in started yesterday, gained consider­ Asked if she w-as afraid when the j Rockville while Wiley’'is believed to Reached on Cruisers. able momentum today from a series seven masked bandits entered the I be still in New York. Ui^usual cir­ of constructive financial develop­ dining room and ordered the guests j cumstances surroimd her* return in to throw up their hands, she said j that she was brought back to Rock­ ments. Trading failed to maintain' all the party thought it was a joke ! Sight Seeing Caller ville by her “steady” of the past four Tokyo, Nov. 15.— (AP)—Although the pace set yesterday or the da-,’ and felt no fear. ! years. official comment was withheld, before, but there was a steady de­ “They weren’t so mean about it,’’ j Wouldn’t Return authoritative quarters today inti­ mand for the seasoned dividend pay­ she said, “just business like.” j Since the couple left town October mated a critical stage has been ing issues, scores rf which were car­ Thought it Joke. i Gives Kwan A Scare 24 they have lived in New York and reached in conversations with Great ried up 2 to 20 points. A few spe­ “I was seated at a table nearest! despite the attempts of both of the cialties recorded even larger gains. the door,” she continued. "At first j immediate families have refused to Britain and America preliminary to 1 thought it was being done for fun, j return home. Then when both fami­ The reduction from 5 to 4 to per A $26,000,000 fortune didn’t make any difference when love was at the London naval reduction confer­ but when the intruders started to ; Then Presence of Lady of Color from the South lies had about decided to let the cent, in New York Federal Reserve stake. For pictured here—happ3’' together in a dingy $5-a-week room at ence in January. tear off my pearls, I knew it was j matter slide the Rockville girl came rediscount rate, which acqompanied Gets Woo Fong of Middletown Oyster Bay, Long Island—are William W. Willock, Jr., son of the steel serious business. i home, brought back by the young Premier Hamaguchi, foreign a further decrease of $710,000,000 in “They grabbed a three-strand magnate, and his comely Swedish bride, who as a chambermaid in his minister Shidehara, Naval Minister brokers’ loans, was foiiovv-ed today Arrested Here. man she was known to have been father’s household, was Adelaide Ingebregysen. Once heir to town pearl necklace valued at $35,000 keeping company with. He had gone Takarabe, and M. Wakatsuki, who by a lowering of acceptance an-1 and then my other jewelry. houses, broad acres, j^achts, stables, kennels and fleets of high-priced cars, will be first delegate at London, con­ time money rates and a drop in the to New York and had . taken, her the 22-year-old youth now is supporting his flaxen-haired wife on his sal­ “When they had taken everything With the memory of Tong war ^failed to bring to light a weapon of from Wiley. ferred lengthily after which the call money renewal rate to 5 I3 j:er ary as a garage mechanic. j naval minister reported the situa­ of value Mrs. Metz said that, feel­ tragedies vivid in his mind and fear­ any sort. How They Met cent., the lowest level since August ing as though they couldn’t rob ful that he was to be the victim of According to Freddie Kwan, The Herald was in possession of tion in detail to the Cabinet. 1928. Little business was being deno her of anything more, she might as death at the hands of a fellow Thomas, or Woo Fong, walked into all the facts of the affair the day It was believed their conference in the time money market because well laugh as cry about it. .. ( Chinaman, who entered his place the laundry about 7 o’clock and after it took place but withheld took up the discouraging reception of the recent rapid changes in rates. “I said to them jokingly men , night, inquired as to business started a conversation. Freddie them to give yoimg Wiley a chance which is reported to have been given Business News. that they had taken everjrthing but made sure the other man kept out­ to return and redeem himself. Wiley in Washington and London to conditions and made an attempt to CRUISER AND FREIGHTER The day’s business news was my clothes, and asked if they would side of the railing that runs across made the acquaintemce of the Japan’s proposals for a 10-10-7 reach the rear of the building, Fred­ rather mixed in character, Young­ like them,” she recalled. the front of the room. Waxing Rogers girl when she brought the eight-inch gim cruiser ratio with die Kwan, proprietor of the Golden stown dispatches reported a lower­ One of them picked up my pocket- friendly, Thomas recalled how he daily deposits from GrezeTs store to Great Britain and the United States. Gate Laundry on Oak street, dash- ing of steel operations in Mahoning book anaand took out nvefive aouarsdollars whichwmtu , jj Green- had met Freddie in Hartford and the bank. She had been employed by COLUDE OFF NANTUCKET Reports of Ambassadors Debuchi and Shenango Valleys, due, in part, he dropped on the table, telling me j berg, adjoining, and asked that the like any old friend wished to look Grezel for about a month. Wiley’s and Matsudaria on conversations ------— ■— ■ ' I I ^ to a reduced demand from automo­ I had better take it, as I looked as | police be called. They were. over his laundry. He walked down wife knew nothing of it until the with Secretary Stimson and Premier Ihough I needed it.” This morning in police court a the center of the room gnd turned night before he left, when one of her MacDonald were understood to be tive manufacturers. Directors of “But they got away with the five Chinese whom the police booked to the right where Freddie’s sleep­ brothers decided it was for the best Meet in Fog— Neither Ship!RANKERS CO. LOSS at hand. Prairie Pipe Line and Prairie Oil dollars and the purse after all,” •ater as Thomas G. Kwang, alias ing quarters are located. to tell her. Enthusiasm D jing Out Companies declared extra dividends Mrs. Metz said there was seven Woo Fohg, of 91 Collins street, Mid­ At this junction Freddie became After their marriage the Wileys out of large profits piled up ear;y yoimg men in the gang, and that Inquiries in official and non­ in the year. dletown, and Mrs. Nora Gorter of panicky and ran over to Jake Green­ had been housekeeping on ’ West Seriously Damaged and OVER 6 MILLIONS official quarters gave reason to be­ all were masked with handker­ Charlotte, North Carolina, were berg’s. Center street. However they were Arthur Reynolds, chairman of the chiefs, she thought she might be lieve Japanese enthusiasm toward charged with breach of peace and Calls In Hickey about to move into- a n^w rent on No One Hurt— Warship; ___ the London naval conference is Continental-Illinoic Band and Trust able to identify two of them. had their case continued until next Captain Schendal, on the night Griswold street and imtil such time Company was quoted a- stating The other guestn at the party. diminishing as the prospect of pre- Monday under bonds of $200 each. desk at the station, called in Chief as it was finished were living with I liminary ratio understandings with that “ the slump in the stock market Woo Fong said in effect that he was Gordon who in turn called County Mrs. Wiley’s parents at 626 Center has had some effect on business anti (Continned on Page Three.) Makes PorL Books of Connecticut Com­ Great Britain and America have just showing a friend from the south Detective Edward J. Hickey, who street. lessened. Japan has considered this will be further felt over the ne::t how Connecticut looked. came to Manchester with an inter­ Seek Funds preliminary understanding of vital few months” although he expressed When Kwan dashed Into Green­ preter. Each of the prisoners was ,Both of the Rogers girls parents Boston, Nov. 15 — (A P )— The pany Seized by Invests importance. the opinion that 1930 should be a questioned separately. berg’s he spoke incoherently, under in Rockville and Wiley’s parents, United State Cruiser Marblehead good business year. Woo Fong said that when a young All authoritative quarters denied NO INDEPENDENCE great excitement, so there v.'as some Mr. and Mrs. William Wiley of 27 that Japan would withdraw from delay before the call for the police boy he had lived near Charlotte, N. Lilac street, received telegrams ask- the the steam freighter Evansville gators of New York Firm the conference, but gloomy forecasts was made. When Patrolman Pren­ C., and at that time had knpwn in ^ for money. Through one of these were in collision in a fog about 25 New York, Nov. 15.— (AP) — Mrs. Gorter. In his travels he heard as to its probable failure to reach Heavy profit taking swept over the FOR ISUNDS SEEN tice arrived he met Greenberg on his messages the couple were located miles off Nantucket early today. a cruiser agreement were plentiful. way to Main street. The latter told that she had lost her husband and and the older brother of the run­ Neither ship was,seriously damaged New York, Nov. 15.—(AP) — There was discussion whether the New York Stock Exchange in the Prentice that he had seen the was left with four children. He wrote away husband’s bride accompanied and no one injured. , Lqsses to customers of the Bankers conference might not, however, last half hour of trading today and Chinese walking towards Main and advised her to come North, by Wiley’s parents went to New Capital Corporation and its affili­ carried scores of issues $1 to $10 be­ which she did. Fong met her in New The Marblehead was en route lo reach an agreement for a further street. York and asked him to return which ated corporations, now under in- holiday _ on capital ______ships if a cruiser low their earlier high levels, which Filipino Leaders Say There A Lady In Waiting York Thursday noon and they came he refused to do. its base here after a cruise, and the Evansville bound for New York, vestigation for fraud for selling j a^l-eement is Yackiig.' ran as high as $35 a siiare above to Manchester as Woo wished to William Roszezewski, father of stock securities, will run between ■ mr If e C 2 Thinking that the strange China- having left here yesterday in bal­ yesterday’s final quotations. k INO n O P 6 t o r dpOCuV j man might have gone to the laundry meet some old friends. the girl, is employed as janitor at $6,000,000 and $10.q00,000, it was I Pessimism Closing prices of some of the lead­ the Rockville post office, and is last. She carries a crew of 36 and announced today by Deputy Attor-1 In less authoritative quarters ^ I on Birch street, officer Prentice went Mrs. Gorter told a similar story. was due there tomorrow. The ing shares traded on the Curb Mar­ /tnGnn kir rn n fT v a cc there. Objections were raised when She had left her home on Wednes­ assisted by his wife. ney General W. H. Milholland. there was more open pessimism and ket were: Marblehead arrived in Boston har­ some asserted they saw no way out ACllOn Dy vOugrCoo. | be started to search the room but day after receiving Woo’s letter ad­ bor about 12:30 p. m. approximately Mr. Milholland and Assistant A t­ Associated Gas A, $47, up $9; ! the policeman insisted. No trace of vising her to come North. They came torney General Watson Washburn of the impasse which has arisen an hour and a half behind schedule. and hlnted^ Japan might withdraw 1 ^ ^ r lc a n |3uperpj>wer $21.37, up j tbe man was found and Prentice re- to Hartford by train and after eat­ Eal'ly Reports today, examined W. C. Hopkins, $1.12; Blue Ridge, $8, up $1.87; from the conference if her demands Manila, Nov. 1 5 . — (AP) —The i turned to Main street. ing there continued to Manchester. Early radio messages to the local comptroller of the couioration and I Cities Service, $30, up $2; Electric TEN TO 15 YEARS are refused. At the curb on the corner stood a While walking along the street her navy yard indicated that although will question Howard H. Gunder, Bond and Share $68.50, up $4.50; Times today said that Filipino | Press comment so far as naval I colored woman in an attitude of Chinese friend asked to be excused the bow of the Evansville was “bent chairman of the board, again on Central States Electric, $21.50, up political leaders see no prospect of Tuesday. matters are concerned was confined I w'aiting. Then along came the for a few minutes. A t no time did in” she was not in need of assist- ! $1.50; and Lehman Corp. $74, up $3. independence or anything approxi­ FOR BOMB PLOHER largely to the Singapore naval base Chinese stranger with his-hands in she go near the laundries, Mrs. Gor­ j ance and able to proceed, under her The $21 dividend which the cor­ Total sales on the New York mating it during the next regular and President Hoover’s armistice his pockets. Prentice immediately ter said. ' own power. poration declared last January, and Stock Exchange v/ere 4,339,980 as session of Congress in Washington. Day speech. The newspaper asserted the lead­ nabbed him and learned that the The fingerprints of both Mrs. Gor­ Shortly afterward, the M. & J. which led stockholders to expect compared to 5,579,360 yesterday and ers refused to be quoted but pri­ woman was his companion. He took ter and Woo Fong were taken by Tracy Steamship Company, owners dividends of 42 per cent a yea^,. was 7,761,450 the day before. Detective Hickey who took them of the Evansville reported that they paid out of capital and at a ;time vately had admitted there was no both to the police station. Torrington Man and Pals The committee on arrangements with him to look up the records. had received radio messages from when the corporation was .not mak- \ prospect for independence in , the A search of the man and woman of the Stock Elxchange ruled that the ship saying she was proceeding ing mo'pey, United States A ttorney' immediate future. It pointed out WORLD PEACE NEAR although their market will be closed that Manuel Quezon, president of Get Stiff Sentences for to new York. Charles H. Tuttle said tpday. No details of the accident ,vere The corporation, which had cli­ nilTYFTn lOOrnTO trading tomorrow, members the Senate, and Manuel Roxas, ll/ll«lri \ llWrK IN ' must be open from 10 a. m., Speaker of the House, had warned immediately available and it was ents in many states, was petitioned MELLON’S TAX CUT SENATE APPROVES Setting Off Blast. reported at the Navy Yard that they into receivership Nov. 4, and a to 1 p. m., for the purpose of clear- the Filipino people against undue ; ing up hangover business which exceptations. probably would not be available un­ week later creditors filed a petition in involuntary bankruptcy. A check ------] could not be completed during the ‘"There is the belief that perhaps Nov. 15.— (AP.) — til Captain Ralph A. Kock, com­ Winsted, mander of the Marblehead, had re­ of the company’s books,, the United I week's ruse of trading. independence might be voted by the TO BE SPEEDED UP RATES ON CHERRIES Joseph Costa of Torrington wa.s United States Senate,” said the' ported to Rear Admiral Philip States attorney’s office sajd- last Ex-Secretary of Navy De- Times, “but no survey has shown j found guilty this morning in Su­ Andrews', commandant cl the Navy night, indicated that patro.ns of the j CLOSING QUOT.4TIONS. any possibility that the House of perior Court of d3Tiamiting the Yard. corporation and its 12 affiliated! cornpanies stood to lose $6;g60,000. ! Representatives would agree with a home of Thomas J. Wall, former dares U. S, is Approach- Rep. Tilson Says It WiU Be Duty Ranges from One to Connecticut Bankers.; | Senate vote on independence, and Torrington prosecuting attorney. . T\ C 1 i changes compared with the previ- there is unanimity in the belief 13 YEAR OLD CHARGE Book? and records of thh cor- > in£[ Door ot L e a g u e . l ous dose of about fifty leading is- that president Hoover would veto Passed hy House Before! Over 209 Per Cent on He was sentenced to from 10 to 15 poration, including some of the j ® ~ I sues on the New York Stock Ex- independence. years in state prison. Bankers Capital. Company of Con- I ------j change are given below. When Not to Visit U. S. Frank Rocco of Torrington and Keene, N. H., Nov. 15.— (AP.) — necticut, of which E. J. Sturges, j ; trading ceased at 1:00 p. m., the former Connecticut state banking : So strong is this conviction in Christmas Holidays. the Fruit. Pasquale Bruni of Stamford who William Demico, contractor, a mar­ Detroit, Nov. 15.— (AP)—Jo-i stock ticker was approximately political circles that neither Senate ried man and the father of several commissioner, was head have been | sephus Daniels, secretary of the j one hour and a half behind in re­ had previously pleaded guilty to seiz^. Mr! Tuttle said that when ' President Quezon, nor Senator the same charge were each sen­ children, who has liyed here for navy in the Wilson Cabinet, today! Partin? transactions. Total sales Osmena (majority leader in the nearly 10 years, wais in epurt tpday deputies attempted to serve sub­ Washington, Nov. 15.— (AP)— ; Washington, Nov. 15.— (AP)—In­ tenced to from 7 to 12 years. The poenas at offices of tbe company in expressed the belief that America - Upper House) will accompany the sentences were imposed by Judge on a fugitive from justice warrant (Continued on Page Three.) independence mission to the United Representative Tilson of Connecti­ creases in the tariff rates on cherries Hartford, Bridgeport, Waterbury has discarded its traditional policy I Edwin C. Dickenson. and two Cambridge, Mass., police­ States. The advance guard will cut, Republican House leader, pre­ ranging from one to over 200 per and New Haven, Conn., today they of “alliances with none,” and by Arguments by counsel of both men were ready to return him to found the offices closed. The sub- consist of Speaker Roxas, Senator dicted after a call at the White cent were approved today by the that , city on a charge involving an XUUJIU uuc ; successive steps is approaching the Pumulong and Representative Gil. sides preceded the imposition of poenas called for the production of [ ■ ^ ® ARTHUR WILSON PAGE House today that the Treasury tax Senate. the sentences. The state and de­ assault on a girl there 13 years other records and papers. I Qoor of the Leagfue of Nations. Later other political and business old. Demico had been arrested here leaders may make the trip. reduction proposal would be passed Finance committee amendments fense had rested their cases yester­ Mr. Sturges is in New York and Although official leaders have “This is the ‘low down,’ of politi­ recommending increases over pres­ day. some time ago and Cambridge au­ was questioned by Mr. Tuttle to­ felt committed since 1920 not to STIMSON’S ASSISTANT by the House before the Christmas thorities expected he would be cal comment and observers say the holidays. ent rates on cherries, sulphured or One of Party Dead day. He was not taken before the reurge entry into the League, he point is obvious. If there were to in brine, and on the smaller varieties The Wall residence was bombed turned over to them today. It was Grand Jury. said in an address prepared for de­ Tilson said he canvassed the pos­ discovered, however, that extradi­ be granted independence, the two sibility of early passage of a tax imported from Italy and used exten­ on Jthe morning of March 18, 1925. Speeding up Work. livery before the Civic Club here, tion papers had not yet come Son of Late Ambassador to great political leaders, Quezon and bill with, the President, and was con­ sively by eastern manufacturers, Besides the men convicted a fourth Additicmal postoffice inspectors America has been constantly asso­ through and the matter was con­ Osmena, would want to be in on the fident no objection would be inter­ were rejected and the higher House and accountants have beep asked ciated with all international efforts Aid Secretary During Lon­ ‘kill.’ Since the mission will get posed in the House to this course. rates adopted. (Continued on Page Three.) tinued until November 26. from Washington to . sp^ed' , the to achieve the goal of the League, don’s Arms Conference. nothing, the two leaders will be One Per Cent Cnt The House provided a duty of five checking of records already seized. permanent peace. spectators rather than participants The Treasury proposal is for a and one half cents a pound on these Arthur T. Connor, prominent in Nearer the Goal. in the failure.” onq„ per cent reduction in the in­ with stems and pits as against two Connecticut politics and, presideut “ Let us thank God and take Washington, Nov. 15.—(AP) — courage,’ dividual and corporation rates. cents in existing law and a rate of of the American: Fiduciary Corpora­ he said, “ that two recent j Arthur Wilson Page, son of the late This Negro Prisoner tion, a Bankers Capital subsidiary, events advance us toward the goal! waiter Hines Page, has been ap- The House leader said he had held nine and one half cents a pound on that has always been AUTO MEN KILLED conferences with various groups in cherries with stems and pits remov­ also is in town, Mr. Tuttle said, and near our | pointed as a personal aide to Seciv- would appear today for questioning. the Senate and felt little difficulty ed, as compared with three cents hearts.” j stimson at the forthcoming Is A Regular Houdini Discussing the financial struc­ These, he said, were ratification | arms conference, Plainville, Mass., Nov. 15.— (AP) would be met there. now in effect. “ The plan of the secretary of ture of the corporatian, Mr. Tuttle of the Kellogg-Briand treaty for thej White House, in announcing — Edward D. Hogan, 35, a vice pres­ Approval was given the committee characterized the thirteen affiliated renunciation of war, ^ d ^ e per-i pg^gg.g selection, stated specificaJry ident of the Willys-Overland Com­ treasury is .simple and involves no proposal to increase the levy on concerns as “a mutual appreciation material changes in the revenue Salem, Mass., Nov. 15— (A P ()— fseven saw blades. He had all but ^nal discussions of President | reports that Page would be pany of Boston and Providence, R. maraschino cherries and cherries society of high finanqe.” He said Hoover and Prime Minister Ramsay , distant secretary of state laws and should be passed quickly,” preserved or frozen with sugar add- The next time Byron Jenes, some­ taken the cell apart when interrupt­ I., was fatally injured today when ed Monday. He was moved-to a he bad no evidence of ; ‘‘washed” MacDonald of Great Britain. I grronious. he said. ed from 40 per cent ad valorem to times Byron Beaucaire, plays with “ The fact that the mind of the an Ice truck skidded and struck his new cell—without the saw blades. sales, that although the stock* of any The latter post,, made vacant by He added a resolution to carry out 5 1-2 cents a pound and 40 per cent matches in his cell at tbe Salem jail British Pacifist and the Quaker automobile. His skull was fractur­ So Byron turned his attention to one concern would be passed along the appointment a few days ago of the reduction would be referred to j the same as the House bill, he is going to get all wet. the line to others at an increased peace lover seem to gun together ed and he died while being taken to the ways and means committee as His jailors today mounted a fire conflagrations in a small way. As Nelson T. Johnson as Minister to a North Attleboro hospital. Grape Rates ^ often as he could gather enough price, it was not sold back to the and in the right direction, hsus heart­ soon as the December session con- | hose outside Byron’s cell. Byron Issuing corp'oration. ened and cheered lovers of peace all China, is regarded by the adminu- Hogan, who lived in Boston, was vened. I The finance committee had pro­ could look right into its menacing paper and other waste together tration as involving much important travelling towards Providence, the posed lower duties on sulphured there was a fire. No one seems to In stating that the corporation over the world,” he continued. “It nozzle. It seems that time had been Is the best augury of the closing work and it was said a successor to ice truck, driven by Reginlad Zalno, cherries making over 900 to the gal­ hanging heavily on the New York know where he-got his matches. was not making money when the $21 dividend - was declared • last | year that the^ two English speak- Johnson doubtlessly would be made of North Attleboro, was moving In TREASURY BALANCE lon and higher tariffs on those negro's hands while ne has been Today the jailors grew weary of in the near future. the game apd refused to play fire­ January, Mr. Tuttle called attention ing nations, through their executive an opposite direction. The truck counting less than 900. awaiting trial for the $115,000 jewel Page is the son of the late Walter men any more. Next time they will to a statement of R. J. Randall, epr- j spokesmen are seeing eye to eye, was owned by Nels E. Hoffman, of Washington, Nov. 15.—(AP) — An increase to five cents a pound robbery at the Beverly farms sum­ Hines Page, who was ambassador to Treasury receipts for Noveniber 13, in the tariff on grapes also was re- mer home of Sydney Hutchinson. simply turn a valve down at the poration president; Issued at that i both ready to submerge national North Attleboro. State police of ------pre-eminence to the weal of man- Loqdon in the Wilson administ'*''* • Wrentham barracks began an inves­ were $5,655,779.72; expenditures $8,- First, Byron amused himself by end of the hall and if Byron gets (Conllnued on Page 2.) kind.” tion. tigation. 569,225.22; balance $131,611,878.41, (Coiitinaed on page 2) working on the bars of his cell with wet—well that’s his lookout. \ ’f >

;L; T&V'

IX- PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVETvIBER 15, 1929. PPSHING SCHOONER SENATE PROBERS SECRETARY'S CONDITION BRITAIN RECOGNIZES JEWELERS’ REPORT State Briefs OBITUARY IS SUGHTLY IMPROVED Wall Street NEW KING OF AFGHAN New York, Nov. 15.—(AP)—The y^E C K E D ON ROCKS llaa QUIZ SUGAR MAN National Jewelers Publicity Associa­ I N. G. PROMOTIONS But He Is Still in Critical Con­ Briefs , London, Nov. 15.—(AP)—The tion announced today that returns British government has telegraphed from a questionnaire sent by several f P T I i I* Hartford, Nov. 15.—(AP)—The I Washington, Nov. 15.—(AP) - dition — Doctors Fearing DEATHS Pneumonia Now. ^ —■"* the Afghan foreign office in Kabul thousand jewelers show that ..l/TCW 01 JCVCn lEKO to 1 following promotions and assign- 1 Edwin P. Shattuck, representative extending recognition in behalf ot trade throughout the country had 'fi ! ments have been announced by the of the United States Sugar Assoc.a- New York, Nov. 15.—Engineering Washington, Nov. 15.— (AP.)— the British government of Nadir experienced no unfavorable reac­ State adjutant general’s office. I tion, asserted before the Senate lob- John W. Johnson. News-Record reports that the vftlue j Khan. In the telegram the latter tion from the recent disturbance in -Boats and Reach Shore; Second Lieut. Wm. Hoffman, Com­ i by committee today that sugar in­ John W. Johnson, a native of j For the first time since Secretary of heavy construction and engineer­ is referred to as Nadir Shah. Good was taken ill, his physicians ing contracts lei in the past week j the Stock Market. pany M 102d Infantry promoted to terests in Cuba and the United Sweden, but a resident of Manches- | Detailed reports reveal that busi­ first lieutenant. He will continue States had been disturbed recently tir for the past thirty-nine years, j announced today they had noticed indicates building activity is not suf­ Another Ship Aground. with his present unit, signs indicating a slight improve­ fering froni any depression, but Nadir Khan was elected King of ness is normal for November .us succeeding : “possible Interventlori” in Cuna died at his home, 33 Sunset! Afghanistan last month after he compared with previous years, ad­ Lieut. Reffelt, resigned. i by the United States growing out of street yesterday afternoon. Death ment in his condition. seems to be holding to a normal nad driven out the usurper Bac.ha Sergeant Walter G. Mitton, Com­ • The secretary’s physicians said rate of operations. Although the vertising of jewelry is slightly abo'/e [what he termed attacks by "Irre- was due to anemia. Soon after com­ Sakao, “son of the water boy” who normal volume, an' collections are ; Glouchester, Mass., Nov. 15.— pany M 102d Infantry promoted to f sponsible persons" against the ic- ing to Manchester he entered the they hoped the improvement might total of awards for the week, $66,- had himself up as king almost a second lieutenant, succeeding Lieut. employ of Cheney Birothers and re- continue without complications, but 384,000, is lower than the pteceding satisfactory. •■^(AP)—One of two Glouchester fish- ■ gime of President Machado. j year ago. A large volume of business at ?' ing schooners which went aground Hoffman, promoted. [ He testified that John H. Carroll, mined with them until two years' it was said Good was still in a week’s figure, $77,217,00(J, and below First Lieut. Charles E. Sickles, is ago when he was retired on a pen­ critical condition. that for the corresponding week of Bacha Sakao, at the head of 5,- present is transacted on the instal­ ■ 'in a fog today was believed to be a [Washington attorney, had been em- 000 followers, captured the govern­ ment plan, say the association and : total loss. transferred from Troop A 122d I ployed by H. C. Lakin, president of sion. Early today he seemed to have 1928, $108,944,000, the aggregate for Cavalry to the National Guard Re­ He is survived by three sons, regained. strength to some extent. the year to date continues substan­ ment at Kabul early in the year this condition has a steady effect . Only the masts of the auxiliary ! the* Cuba corporation, sugar in#- driving out King Amanullah woo since buyers will not imperil goods '^schooner Alice and Wilson remained serve upon his own request. porters, for consultation in order to Charles J., Clarence W. and Elof The principal danger at the pres­ tially higher thanjfor the same Johnson, all of South Manchester 1 period of time last i^ar. ' had lost much of his popularity .xf- partially paid for. Cancellations of above water. She struck a rock off establish a firmer friendship be­ ent, his physicians said, was from I ter a tour of Europe in which he orders are slight and the cancell.u- bass rocks as she was returning MORE TAXPAYERS .A PPE.^ tween Cub and the United States. and one daughter, Mrs. C. G. N y-) complications and added he would quist of , N. Y., and a sis-1 The Atlantic Refining Company I and Queen Souriya had displayed in tions reported are among the hig.h from the fishing grounds with a East Hampton, Nov. 15.—(AP)— The witness, a New York attor­ be watched closely to ward off I the opinion of the tribesmen to>: priced jewels. : fiare of mackerel. The vessel filled “Deliquent” tax payers today con­ ney, said the principal complainant ter in Sweden. He was oge of. the j pneumonia. has reduced gasoline one cent a gal­ oldest members of the Swedish j lon in Pennsylvania and Delaware, great enthusiasm for European ^cus­ ■ quickly and Captain John Dion and tinued to pour into the Town Hall against the Machado administration The vitality and resisting power toms. ' Ifis crew of six men were forced to with old receipts, cancelled checks was Joseph Barlow who has claims Lutberaq church and bis funeral | which the secretary has shown has making the service station price 17 - take to the dories. The Alice and will be held Simday afternoon at 2 cents a gallon. Bacha Sakao set himself up .as and other papers to have claims against the Cuban government. been a source of amazement to his HabibuUah Khan, but his rule was FEAR SHERIFF SLAIN Wilson is owned by the firm of against them adjusted; The crowd of Wislied Lower Dutj’. o’clock at his home on Sunset physicians. .;lJangsford & Pine, Captain Ben Pine, street with interment ia^the East ^ New bond offerings for the week ! not accepted by Nadir Khan wh ) , , • V, which appeared yesterday is ex- Shattuck told the committee he It was said an operation such as had been minister of war in Ama- • rioted racing fisherman skipper be- j pg^ted to be exceeded during today's cemetery. his ordinarily would have proved ending today totaled $45,761,000, j appeared before the Senate finance nullah’s government. The usurper Chicago, Nov. 15—(AP)—Fears ing one of the partners. She w-as I session. committee and added all his effoi ts immediately fatal and they were I compared with $16,866,000 a week pounding heavily and there was little Mrs. Mary S. Quinn. | I rigo, and $85,765,000 a year ago. j finally was captured in Kabul and were expressed toijay by no-them H. N. Alexander of New London were toward having the duty ojj Mrs. Mary Skeffington Quinn, very hopeful that Mr. Good would I was executed by tribesmen who hud Indiana officials t h ^ Deputy Sheriff prospect of salvage. Her loss was during the course of an audit which Continue to show his resisting qual­ sugar lowered. widow of Frank Quinn, who died at 1 demanded that he be turned over to O. D. Jarman of Rome, Georgia, had placed at $11,000. i he was authorized to make after the He clashed with Chairman Cara­ ities. The Ayiatlott Corporation an­ .Another Ship Aground her home in Fitchburg, Mass., will nounced today that it had made a i them. been slain by companions 6 i Eliza­ d'sappearance of Herbert D. Wat- way several times, objecting ot the be. brought here for burial in S t.! j AmdhuUah who had taken refuge beth Brooks, alias “Honey” Sulli­ At about the time the Alice and , rous, former tax collector, sent bills latter’s questioning methods, at ouc temporary investment of part of W’ilson struck, the auxiliary schoon- | 2300 person for “unpaid" taxes Bridget’s cemetery tomorrow. Mrs. its $20,000,000 cash surplus in in Rome apparently has accepted van, alleged “bandit queen” wfltrin time appesding to the Senator to Qiiizm was 89 years old and lived Nadir Khan’s elevation to t‘.e he was taking back to Georgia. & Newcastle went aground on Milk i (jating back to 1913. be courteous, adding “you asked me TOUGH TARIFF TANGLE “high grade, dividend- paying se­ , Ikland, she was also returning with : ^ check at the conclusion of yes- for many years in Manchester. curities outside of the aeronautic throne without opposition and last Jarman—or a man purporting to to come here.'’ field. month sent congratulatioqs and a be him— presented extradition , a. fare of mackerel. The NewcasUe j terday’s session showed that $10,000 “Just a minute,” Caraway shot :was able to work herself off the i “unpaid” taxes had actually been Laconia, N. H., Nov. 15-t^(AP)— promise of loyalty to the new papers, signed by Governor Harry ■ island w’ith her engine, but she im- } ^'ettled many years ago. back. “I’m tired of your lecturing. President Hoover’s statesmanship Afghan king. G. Leslife of Indiana to sheriff Lyle . rnediately began to fill and it w'as | _____ Answer the question." OUR OCTOBER EXPORTS wall be put to a severe test before of Lake county Tuesday for the .* only with the assistance of two j In addition to the United States Congress produces a satisfactory TOWNSEND CHAIRMAN young woman. She was wanted in other fishing boats that she was able i CHAIN STORES MERGE Sugar Association, Shattuck said he ARE ON THE INCREASE tariff bill but it will be equal to the REDS GIVE WARNING Rome with two male companions in to reach Rockport. Bridgeport, Nov. 15.—(AP.) — 'represented the American Associa- occasion, Congressman Fletcher connection with $12,000 payroll rob- The merger of the Davey Brothers ' tion of Mill owners in Cuba, and trie Hale, Republican, predicted today in OF SENATE PROBERS berj'. Chain Stores Inc., with the First American Chamber of Commerce cf an interview at his home on af­ Moscow, Nov. 15.—(AP)—Echoes Since Tuesday nothing definite National Stores Inc., of Boston was Cuba and expected to receive $2.">,- , Washington, Nov. 15.— (AP)— fairs in Washington. of the exile which befell Leon Trot- has been heard of either Jarman of PILGRIMS CONTINUE announced today by Peter M. 000 or more" for his work this year. Exports of merchandise from the “The Senate tariff'bill will not be Washington, Nov. 15—(AP)— A zky, former head of the Red army, Miss Brooks. Davey, president of the former Shattuck testified he was in the United States during October satisfactory to the House,” Hale Senate agriculture subcommittee were aw'akened today by Pravda, TO VISIT CEMETERY : concern. Negotiations for the employ of the government wit.a amounted to $530,000,000 an in­ said. “I have hope that during the ordered to investigate the New official mouthpiece of the Com­ i merger, Mr. Davey said, were com- the sugar equalization board from crease of $98,000,000 over the pre­ regular session of Congress a rea­ York, Chicago and New Orleans munist Party w'hich warns Nikolai i pleted yesterday in Boston be­ 1917 imtil its affairs were liquidated vious month. sonably satisfactory tariff bill will Cotton Exchanges organized today Bucharin and other members of the Malden, Nov. 15.—(AP)—A heavy “about two years ago." With the exception of October and be evolved. The views of the Sen­ by electing Senator Townsend, Re­ Right Wing opposition, that those tween him and Charles H. Farms- ate and House are radically differ­ 'downpour which throughout the w'orth, president of the National Caraway then commented that he November 1928, when exports total­ publican, Delaware, chairman, anff in power will not tolerate their ■night had drenched Holy Cross ed $550,014,000 and $544,912,000 re­ ent. Unless they can be reconciled adjourned until Tuesday. . activities. Stores. W'as curious to know why so many to produce a reasonably satisfactory cemetery and hundreds of pilgrims The Davey Brothers Chain Stores persons employed by the govern­ spectively, October exports exceed­ At the next meeting, Townsend Unless the opposition disavows ■whp were hardly enough or zealous ed those of any previous month since bill the House will agree to none. said definite plans would be made its policies and , activities in time, Inc., has 120 stores scattered in 27 ment were later employed by inter­ ‘.‘The proposed cut on one per­ enemgh to remain within the gates, Connecticut communities. Accord­ ests seeking government favors. January 1921 when the total was and vatnesses summoned. and honestly and openly reject its today reduced materially the crowds $654,300,000. cent, in taxps on 1929 incomes will It was probable, he added that anti-Lenin anti-Party views and Which have been thronging here to ing to its last annual report the In making public the-figures the meet with General approval, will presidents of the three exchanges repudiate its present attitude to­ seek relief from bodily ills at the firm did business totalling $4,000,- Department of Commerce also an­ stimulate business, stabilize econo- would be among the first called. ward the general aims of the p^ty, grave of Rev. Patrick J. Pow'er. 000. Its first store was established SENATE APPROVES ' nounced that, imports of merchan­ inic conditions and ought speedily to the Communist Party itself '^11 Hundreds of thousands of persons 15 years ago. The First National dise during October amounted to be enacted without substantial op­ carry the fight against the opposi­ from all quarters of New England Stores ■ Inc., had 2,000 stores in $392,000,000, an increase of $39,000,- position." tion to the bitter end, making all and Canada, the majority of them New England. RATES ON CHERRIES 000 compared with the previous NEW CZECHO PACT the necessary conclusions.” Saturday and Sunday suffering physical afflictions have month and a gain over all months WOULD REGL'LATE COSMETICS This last declaration is construed 25TH ANNIVERSARY. since last May. as a threat to expel opposition visited the shrine in the last 19 days j Concord, N. H., Nov. 15.— (AP)'— Rome, Nov. 1,5—(AP)—The news­ to seek relief in its reputedly cura­ Thompsonville, Nov. 15.— (AP)--! (Continued from Page 1) The increase in exports was at­ paper Messaggero today printed a members from ' the Communist tive qualities. More than fifty thou­ Walter P. Schwab has been named! tributed largely to the movement of The prospects of obtaining legisla­ Party if they do not capitulate to TOM MIX general chairman of a committee Ii jected,leciea, thus leaving the rate at tion in the near future for the regu­ dispatch from Prague, Czecho sand have been filing past the grave raw cotton, flour, meats, electrical Slovakia, saying negotiations for a the central committee. AND TONY in a single day and thousands have which will make arrangements tor I twenty five cents a cubic foot. and agricultural machinery, mineral lation of cosmetics were charac­ treaty between Bulgaria and Temained to pray throughout the the celebration next summer of tu^ Copeland opposed the increa.se on oils and automobiles. terized today as “gloomy” by Dr. Czecho Slovakia were near comple­ rnOMINENT JIASGN HURT —In— -night. 25 th anniversary of Town of En­ the ground that grapes from Argen­ Increased imports during Septem­ Charles D. Howard, state chemist, tion. field. The.appointment of the com­ tina, which he,described as one of in an address before a group of ‘^THE DRIFTER” - Today at noon approximately 5000 ber were accounted for principally nurses assembled here for a public Political circles in Prague report New Britain, Nov. 15—(AP)—The had visited the shrine but the crowd mittee consisting of 25 members America’s best customers, entered by heavier receipts of rubber, sugar, that a similar treaty between Bul­ condition of William W. P ^ se aged —and— increased in size as the afternoon I authorized recently at the an- at a season when they were not com­ raw silk, copper and newsprint. health institute. garia and Jugo Slavia will follow. 79, one of the most prominent Ma­ advanced in spite of the rain. nual town meeting. petitive. For the ten months ending A “spokesman” for the cosmetic Negotiations between Sofia and Bel­ sons in Connecticut, who was struck LEILA HYAMS The celebration will be held the industry Dr. Howard has “announc­ grade are in progress. and knocked down by an automo­ Among the maimed and crippled Reaching the fish paragraphs, the October exports amounted to $4,- ed the intention, to spend any sums who arrived in the downpour of the latter part of June. Senate rejected an amendment for 374,000,000, an increase of $265,000,- The Bulgarian government has bile yesterday is reported as s'ight- —^in— night was a 16-year-old boy who said a seasonal rate of one half cent a 000 over the corresponding period that may be necessary to prevent been w'orking for some time on a ly improved today by his physician. that in spite of the fact he was part­ L. Officel-s. pound on fish not specially pro­ of 1928, and in excess of any similar the achievement of legislation.” Dr. plan for an understanding with Dr. Frank Zwick, states however, period since 1920. « Howard is widely known as a pro­ Jugo Salvia. The most difficult that the aged man is suffering Wonder of Women ly crippled he managed to hitch­ Ansonia, Nov. 1.5.—(AP)—Aider- vided for applicable between Octo­ claimant of • cosmetic legislation hike approximately 95 miles from man Arthur C. Dubois of Water- ber 1 and May 1. This leaves the Import ; for the first ten months question between the two countries severely from shock and is not yet SEBLYL COMEDY Danbury, Conn. After remaining at existing one cent duty in effect the were valued at $3,752,000,000 an in­ which would require standardizat^n is the extent of their interest in out of dafiger. Mr. Pease is in the bury, a member of Corporal CoyJe of the products of that industry. Macedonia. the grave for a while he went to the Post, American Legion, of that city, year around. crease of $327,000,000 over the simi­ New Britain General hospital. chapel to sleep. This morning he had was appointed county chairmanf cf An amendment to restore the lar period of last year. This also was disappeared. the Legion Americanism Committee present one and one-quarter cents a an increase over any corresponding by Captain Neils I. Poulsen of this pound duty on dried and unsalted period since 1920. city. Captain Poulsen today added fish was rejected, leaving the the name of Major William Carroll, House rate of two and one-half BANKERS CO. LOSS chef de gare of Voiture 321 of tlic cents in the bill. Approval was SHORT MARKET SESSIONS Forty and Eight to the membership given the committee amendments WELCOME committee for New Haven county. making the rate on cod, haddock, OVER 6 MILLIONW hake, pollock and cusk, neither COMMUNITY CHEST PLAN. skinned nor boned, one and one- New York, Nov. 15.— (AP.) — ? (Conlinued from 1‘age i.) quarter cents a pound as against Governors of the New York Stock Hartford, Nov. 15.— (AP)—The one and three-quart6r cents in the Exchange today voted to continue Hartford Community chest launchevl time which predicted that the earn­ House bill and one and one-quarter the abbreviated trading schedule ings of the concern for the next six its sixth annual campaign today, cents in existing law. next week in order to permit mem­ asking for $590,564.72, the minimum ber firms to catch up with the months were likely to be higher required for the relief and welfaie When such fish contained more TODAY than those of the preceding six than forty-three per cent moisture large accumulation of work piled AND months. work of twenty-five participating by weight the rate approved was up this week. / Mr. Tuttle said that in recent agencies next year. This sum is three-quarters of a cent as com­ • The Exchange will be open from SATURDAY months the corporation had doubled $23,000 more than was asked la.=.t pared with one and one-quarter 10:00 a. m., to 1:00 p. m., from :its sales force, from 40 men to 80. fall, but it is the smallest increase cents in the House bill, and existing Monday to Friday, inclusive, and in the five year history of the che.5t, law. closed all day Saturday. NEWFIELD B.VNK SOUND one of only of 4 per cent, as com­ These fish, skinned or boned, Hartford, Nov. 15—(AP)—Bank pared with average increase of 15 were given a rate of two cents a DIPLOiMATIC EXCHANGES. Commissioner Lester J. Shippee an­ per cent, in previous campaigns. pound as against two and one-half nounced this afternoon that there is in the House bill and one and one- Rome. Nov. 15.— (AP)—Several no need for apprehension as to the SKIP DRIVER MCTIM quarter cents as at present. diplomatic exchanges were .an­ stability of the Newfleld Bank and Middletown. Nov, 15.—(AP.)- nounced by the Italian governmeul i1 Trust Company of Bridgefield, of Coroner Loundes A. Smith in MOVIE STAR BETTER. today. Count Emilio Cagllano, min­ ■ which Arthur F. Connor, Republican finding issued today attributed the ister at Helsingfors, Finland, has \A ^ -.leader, iq president. Mr. Shippee death of Patrick Kelly of this city been named director general of po­ • h^d just returned from Bridgeport, to injuries caused by either a hit- Los Angeles, Nov. 15.— (AP) — where he checked up on the New- Alma Reubens, film actress, may be litical and commercial arfairs .iii and-run driver or a blow on the America, Asia and Australia. He field Bank and found it to be in head from some blunt instrument released wiUiln a week from the ;,Satisfactory condition. Patton State hospital, wjiere succeeds Baron De Valentino, who I in the hands of an unknown per- has been sent to Lisbon. Command.') • Because of Mr. Connor’s affilia- [ son. Kelly was found lying in the has been confined for four months ' tion with the Bankers Capital Cor­ undergoing treatment for narcotic tore Giuseppi Bastianini, minister at ' car track on Rapallo avenue on Lisbon, has been transferred to poration, which has just gone into j November 2. He died the next day. addiction. Plans for her release were ' bankruptcy, there has been a little I announced yesterday in word re­ Athens. -uneasiness among the depositors of i ceived here from Early Jensen, di­ the Bridgeport bank. This was, Mr. I COW POISONER AT WORK. 21 HURT IN CRASH. I Hartford, Nov. 15.—(AP)—Louis rector of state institutions at Sacrc- _Shippee’s investigation shows, vnth- ! mento. ■out foundation. ' Ellingberg of Hebron has asked the Liverpool, Nov. 15.—(AP) — ' assistance of the state police i.i Twenty-one person.^ were injure'l, locating the person or persons re­ BYRD SENDS MESSAGE seven seriously, in a collision ne- A SNAPPY STORY OF sponsible for what appears to have tween the ferry steamer Marlowe ABOUT TOWN been a deliberate attempt to poison COLLEGE LIFE WITH THE his cows. Montreal, Que. Nov. 15.—(AP)— and a local vessel laden with aut.3- A radiogram from Commander mobiles today. There were 2,000 Walter Glamann, of Spruce street, passengers on the.ferry. GREATEST FOOTBALL GAME ^ 'Avas before the Manchester town TO ENTER W EST POINT Richard Byrd, leader of the expedi­ court thi^ morning charged with New London, Nov. 15—(APi — tion to Antarctica, has been received The crash took place about forty YOU HAVE EVER ENJOYED! 'breach of the peace growing out of by Sir Arthur Currie, principal of yards from the landing stage. The A complaint registered with the po­ fourth member of headquarters bat sound of the impact and the screams lice by a local girl. The case was tery, 192d Field Artillery, C. N. G., from the party and w’ords of praise of those aboard the ferry could 'oe . continued until Monday. to enter West Point in the last five for the work of Frank Davies, of the heard all along the waterfront. years. His appointment w’as an­ Department of Physics at McGill, SHIP .YRRUVALS nounced today wdth the publication who is on the expedition. Sir Arthur LAWYER SENTENCED of results of a competitive examina­ Immediately radioed a reply. Arrived: tion held recently for members of Boston, Nov. 15.—(AP.)—Fran­ SOYHOMore . Providence, New York, Nov. 15, the Connecticut National Guard. cis Comerford, disbarred Boston at­ u-ifrom Lisbon. torney today was sentenced by ' u Rochambeau, New York, Nov. 15, DIES OF HEART DISEASE Judge Williams in Superior Crimi­ Fkdiei Rctur* Harve. Wolcott, Conn., Nov. 15.—(AP.) Before the redding its nal Court, to the state prison for Vulcanit, Trieste, Nov. 15, New —Apparently the victim of heart five to seven years,on a charge of York. disease Jack Claire, 40, was found i kisses by the bushel;— defrauding a client. In addition, be i President McKinley, Shanghai, dead today in a shack of a friend ' afterwards it’s pecks • was sentenced to from three to five ■;-vNov. 15, San Francisco. here. Claire did hot appear w ell, years for the larceny of $2,800 (Berengaria, due tonight). last night but declined medical a t- ! from the Exchange Trust Company Sailed: tention when his friend offered to ' and the theft of $3,500 from Wil­ EDDIE QUILLAN . Bremen, New York, Nov. 15, for summon a physician. | liam Nelson. These sentences will SALLY O'NEIL ,"i^remen. Medical Examiner E. H. Kirsch- > be served concurrently. f'f- American Trader, London, Nov., JEANETTE LOFF 'Vis, New York. baum of Waterbury has been noti­ -?■' Newfoundland, Liverpool, Nov. ced and wdll come here to investi­ CHEERS! 14, Boston. gate the death. Big Saturday Dance THRILLS! \ Minnedosa, Liverpool, Nov. 14, Claire has been employed by Wol­ LAUGHS! ;.r-Montreal. cott families for the past 15 years —at— as a woodchopper. He is believed TO PROBE DEATH to have relatives in Waterburj*. THE RAINBOW -J Bridgeport, Nov. 15— (AP) — CASES CONTINUED BOLTON , Francis B. Treadwell of Southport New Haven. Nov. 15.— (AP. ) — ^is being held today under bond, The cases of. Philip Lipson, 60. an'J Saturday Evening, ^pending Coroner Phelan’s inquiry his two sons Charles 25, and Sam­ ThB W T o u b iyYnto the death of Steve Swartz, 45 of uel 23, arrested last night as ticket Nov. 16th .’,»Southport, which occurred today at scalpers were continued today in 6LA$S ■^t- Vincent’s hospital, Bridgeport. City Court until Nov. 20. The po­ (g>)EA ; Swartz was struck yesterday in lice charge they offered eight tick­ .•-05B66R- , Music by ‘ Fairfield by an automobile operat'i ets for the Yale-Princeton game TMAvlKl To 'eoSS NBhT f'by Trehdwell. for $85. The Commanders I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD/SOUTH MANCHEST^R,'G0NN^ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1929. PACE'rUREE^. ------Natl Cash Reg A ...... 71% MOVING nCTDRES AT Natl Dairy Prod ...... 49% DANCE Natl Pow and Lt ...... ------32% $300,000 WORTH Given by' the GUESSING CONTEST Local Stocks Nev Con Cop ...... 30% NORTH CONGREGATIONAL N'Y Cent x d ...... 170 S. fj. A. “Jaunoliu” Branch 207 Saturday Special... N>Y N H and H ...... 104% Turn EkUl, North ;^t. ON BIG GAME HERE (Furnished by Putnam. & Co.); N or Am er ...... 84% OF GEMS TAKEN SATURDAY, NOV. 16 Central Row, Hartford, Conn. Rac Gas and El ...... 50% Blue ■ Jay’s . Orchestra 1 P. M. Stocks. Admission 35 Cents. Will Be Features of Sunday Bank Stocks. Packard Motor ...... '15% Magazine Racks Evening . Services During Pan Amer Pet B ...... 60% Five Dollars Awaits the Per­ Bankers Trust Co .... 325 —^ Par Fam Lasky ...... 47% IN A HOLD-UP the Winter Months. City B ank and T rust . — 600 Penn ...... 81% do, rts ...... — 110 Phil and Ddg C and IR ...... 13 (Continued from Page 1) ABOUT TOWN son Who Comes Closest starting Sunday evening, Noy. 24, Cap Nat B&T ...... — 460 P)ib Serv N J ...... 68 and Extending through March, a Conn River ...... 425 — Radio Corp ...... 33 % which was being given int honor of series of five monthly motion pic­ Fir^t Bond and Mtg . — 47 Rndio Keith ...... 18 the engagement of Courtland" Van The local American Legion Auxil­ to Right Answers. ture services ■vrill be given at the H tfd Conn. T rust . . . — 170 Reading ...... 112% Clef and Miss Eleanor Cameron, of iary Unit has been inviteij by the Second Congregational church to F irst N at H tfd ...... 240 260 Remington Rand ...... 295 % Waco, Texas, behaved wonderfylly auxilia,ry of Rau-Lpeke Post of which the people of the town will Land Mtg and Title . 40 50 Rep I and Stl ...... 77% well, Mrs. Metz said, and were calm Hartford to attend a joint installa­ be welcome. These novel services Mutual B&T ...... 240 — tion Tuesday evening, November 19 A five dollar cash prize will be Sears Roebuck ...... 92 throughout the ordeal. will be held in the auditorium of the New Brit Trust ...... — 200 Sipimons ...... 73% Seems Like Dream. at the Business and Professional awarded to the winner of a guessing church and the organist, F. A. Wil­ Riverside T rust ...... 625 — Women’s Club, 86 Pratt street, contest in connection with the town Sinclair Con Oil ...... 24% “It seems like a dream now,” she bur of Wethersfield, long experienc­ West Htfd Trust ----- 425 — Skelly Oil ...... 31% said. “I don’t know how we stood Hartford, at 8 o’clock. ' championship football series be­ ed in playing for motion pictures, Bonds tween the Cubs and the Majors. In Sou Pac ...... it so well. The robbers ordered us will play. Special hymns \ will be Htfd & Conn West .... 95 — Sou Rwy ...... 126% to stand up and throw up our hands A daughter was born this morn­ tonight’s issue of The Herald on thrown upon the'screen. Rev. F. C. East Conn Pow 5s ... 100 103 pages ten and eleven will be found Stand Brands ...... 28 while they went through 6ur ing at the Manchester Memorial Allen, the pastor, will give a brief Conn L P 7s ...... 116 118 clothes and stripped off our jewelry. hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Merton H. a special football section of adver­ address at each meeting. The mo­ S''^0 N J ...... 59% Conn L P 5%s ...... 105 108 ...... 35 Then they made us all lie flaf on Strickland of Lancaster* Road. tisements by Manchester business tion picture committee (rf the church Conn LP4%s ...... 98 100 S 'O N Y men together with 32 questions re­ Stewart Warner ...... 35% the floor until they made their has been at work for some time on Htfd Hyd 5s ...... 102 105 getaway. A live native turkey wiU be garding the first games of the series these programs. A collection will be Tex Corp ...... 54% Insurance Stocks Timken Det Axle ...... 15 ^ “A maid in a house next door awarded the high man in setback to be played at Mt. Nebo Sunday received to cover expenses of the Aetna Casualty ...... 140 160 afternoon. 'Transcont t)il ...... 7% had' seen what was going on and at the weekly party tomorrow night films, which are obtained through A etna Insurance ...... 520 550 at the Masonic Temple. All of the questions pertain to the Church Film Company of Bos­ Union Carb ...... '. • • • 72% telephoned to the police in Wil- things w'hich will happen during the Aetna Life ...... 93 98 United Aircraft ...... 42 liamsville. They arrived about five opening game such as which team ton. Automobile ...... 43 48 United Corp ...... 26% minutes after the bandits left. I be­ Mrs. Robert Denton who has The first picture will be “The Sky Conn. General ...... 1700 1900 been quite ill at her home on Mid­ will score first, make the most first Pilot,” from the well known story by United Gas and Imp ...... 28% lieve it is just as well that they downs, be penalized the most, use do, rts ...... 50 60 U. S Freight ...... 105 v; didn’t come sooner, as there would dle Turnpike West, is somewhat Ralph Connor, starring Colleen Hartford Fire ...... 690 730 I. Here’s an opportunity to get started with the most players and so forth. Moore and a strong supporting cast. U S Realty and Imp ...... 59% surely have been a fearful row, and improved. Persons wising to try for the do, rts ...... 9 12 U S Rubber ...... 24% as it was, we were lucky to get out your Christmas shopping for these magazine Its seven-reds will run for an hour do, new, W. 1...... 71 77 prize should remove the double and a quarter. Its setting in the U S Steel ...... 164% of it without being shot.” racks make splendid gifts. They are 26 truck section from the issue, write National Fire ...... 67 72 Util Pow and Lt A ...... 30 The robbers, Mrs. Metz said, con­ NEW PASTOR APPOINTED Canadian Northwest. For December H tfd Steam Boiler . . . — 700 inches high, 14 inches wide and are offered in in their answers neatly and mail the 29 an outstanding reli^ous picture Warner Pic ...... ■ 39% centrated only on the three women decorated Walnut, Mahogany, Green or double page to the Football Contest Phoenix Fire ...... 695 720 ■Westing Air ...... 44% who were wearing the costliest Barre, Vt., Nov. 15— (AP) —The has been chosen entitled, “The do, new, W. 1...... 70 75 appointment of the Rev. Charles C. Editor of The Herald immediately. Stream of Life,” in six^reels.. ‘ Tim­ W esting El and M fg ...... 124% jewelry. Those who wore imitation Maple finishes. Specially priced for Satur­ The neatest and nearest to correct Travelers ...... 1225 1275 Woolworth ...... 66 pearls were not molested. The Chayer, superintendent- of the St. day only. Cash and carry. othy’s Quest,” Jan. 26, is from the Johnsbury district of the Vermont will be declared the winner. And book by Kate Douglas Wiggin It i Public Utility Stocks. Yellow Truck ...... 10% heaviest losers were Mrs. Ray Van not easy to read will be discarded. Conn. Elec Sve...... 85 95 Clief, Miss Eleanor Cameron and Methodist conference, as pastor of has seven reels. “The Country Doc- | Hedding Methodist Episcopal church The winner’s name will not be an­ tor” will be the offering on February | Conn. Power ...... 100 110 herself. nounced until next Weonesday to do, pfd ...... 113 — ‘Tt looks as though we 'were in this city was announced today by 23. and “Martin Luther” for March i Bishop William F. Anderson of Bos­ allow ample time to check over lie 23. These are eight-reel films. ! do, rts ...... • 18 21 lucky to get home even if we had KEIXH’X list. Answers reachimg the office Hartford El Lt ...... 98 105 PUBLIC RECORDS to wear our husbands’ overcoats,” ton. later than tomorrow will not be con­ do, vtc ...... 85 100 Mrs. Metz concluded. Rev. Chayer will begin his pas­ ,^}C)lieye you can ajfoyd to Ltty j^ood Jitynduyc^ sidered. PRICE RECOVERIES Greenwich W&G pfd . — 96 toral duties next Sundfiy. He. suc­ H tfd Gas ...... — 85 Warrantee Deeds. ceeds Rev. Charles M. .Charlton, who The jimson weed when exposed resigned to accept a Providence, R. do, pfd ...... — 60 M orris Elm an to Allen R. Coe, GAIN MOMENTUM S N E T Co ...... 160 170 to the rays of radium for as short I., Rectorship. Rev. B. G. Lipsky, ■’|o decide as to the use of the under the terms of their orders even Gen Gas and Elec A...... 74 Gen Motors ...... 39% Center School building which may though the association had beSn Are very successfully combined in a beautiful Are beautifully and skillfully matched in one of be used for town offices. Acting obliged to pay it or to bind itself to Graham Paige ...... 9% Tovwi Clerk, H erbert Lathrop, s ta t­ pay it. Hershey (Choc ...... • • 62 straight line coat with a luxurious'collar and the ever-popular ra(jcoon coats that are so de­ Inter Combust ...... '• • • 11 % lightful on cold winter days. Wool lined. ed this morning that his office may .731/8 smart cuffs. Silk lined. $249.00. be located in said building if a Inter Harv ...... $295.00. favorable vote is passed Saturday. ENGINEER KILLED Inter Hydro Elec 30% There is talk of using the Old Inter Match Ptc pf 59 .M-i Academy building for a town library Inter Nick (Can ...... 31% as the present location in the Corel Inter Tel and Tel 69% ■Willmat, Minn,; Nov. 15.— (A P.)— Johns Mansville ...... 115% block on Hebron avenue is badly George Rothwell, 62, of Sloiox City, A Beautiful Seal Coat congested. Kan (City Sou ...... 70% The Popular Beaver Iowa, engineer, was killed today Kennecott ...... 63 when two Great Northern passen- Kreuger and Toll ...... 25 HOLD THREE SUSPECTS , ger trains sideswiped at an inter- Lehigh Valley ...... 68% Chooses the ever popular fitch for its collar and Designed on tailored lines with the Johnny col­ I section he.re. He was crushed un- M^y Dept Stores ...... 59%' cuffs.and follows the strmght-line silhouette, so lar or lovely dressy models combined with other 1 der the locomotive which left. the Miami Cop .., ...... 21% favored in the fur coat. $139.00. furs. $100.00 up. rails and’tinned over. Mo Kan and Tex ...... 34 %, Paw tucket, R. I., Nov. 15.— (AP» Mont "Ward ...... 59 -—Three men were held today in NOTED HEBREW DIES. connection with the hold-up and robbery last night of Thomas New York, Nov. 15.—(AP)— YES! Muskrats, Russian P(mies, Caraculs and other fine Muscrats, Russian Ponies, Caraculs and other fine Moran, Pawtucket shoe dealer. Isadore Wise of (Cincinnati died to­ coats all very moderately priced. Moran was set upon as he was day at the Medical (Center after a We Can Charge about to enter his home and robbed short Ulneps. i ■. ,,He, wa^ 74 years of Your Storage Battery of a ?1,500 diamond , ring. age. Ne was'theiMsofciate-ieditor of • IP ■William A. Lessard, 35, of 12 the American Israelite of Cinoinnati. in 8 Hours. Purchasing your coat tomorrow means (obtain­ ClarJC.«street, Lawrence, Maas., was Mr. Wise was a son of Rabbi Bring it in the morning and get Convenient Term PaJ^ments held "Without bail for the Grand IsEiac M. Wise, founder of the He­ it at night. Save 50c on rental. Get ing not only smart fashion, but qualify thpt is Jury on a highway robbery charge. brew Union (College, and a brother a peppier, longer lived charge. absolutely dependable and the fin^t of'y^ork- will he arranged to suit your nee(te. One year His brother, John J. Lessard, 45 and of Mrs. Adolph S. Ochs, Mrs. Albert Batteries called for and delivered. manship—^in short, the fur coat value free storage with every coat purchased tomor­ George Rowan, 36, both of whom J. M ay and Rabbi Jonah B. Wise of there is for the amount you wish to invest. row. gave Lochmere, N. H., as their ad- this city. 'The intermeat will be on VAN WAGNER’S idre«i,twere held for investigation. Sunday In the Wise family plot. , The;three men were taken into cus­ Walnut Hill Jewish cemetery,. (Cin­ SERVICE STATION ( tody after registration of an auto- cinnati. - PHONE 6691 811 MAIN ST.


—“I am greatly troubled with vari­ Breen and his wife were throwm were frightened by the detonation. cose veins, especially in * one leg, from bed by the blast but were not Breen said he had received no t -- which aches a great deal. My doc­ hurt. Several patients in the Evan­ threats and was unable to account tor advised me to have a medicine gelical Deaconess hospital near by for the attack. ! MENUS injected into these veins which wdll gradually destroy them. The pro­ For Good Health cess is very slow, and he tells me it wdll take me off my feet. What is your advice? Answer:—There is a definite haz­ A Week’s Supply ard with injection treatment for Recommended By varicose veins because of the danger m yea r HARTFORD of embolism, which means the lodg­ Dr. Frank B. McCoy ment of a blood clot obstructing cir­ SATURDAY SPECIAD-FULL COURSE TURKEY DINNER, 60c.—TOP FLOOR culation. I would suggest the ice treatment—that is, rubbing ice on Dr. McCoy’s menus suggested for the veins s e v e ^ times daily for a VO L IMEED T H IS the week begfinning Sunday, Novem­ long as five minutes at a time. This ber 17th: is especially beneficial if taken with Models That Are Fashion Successes Sunday the limbs elevated so that the blood jPERFECT REFRIGERATION Breakfast—Grapfniit, all desired. will empty from the veins when tne Lunch—Baked eggplant and to- ice is applied. motoes, stuffed celery. Now— Special Fall Dinner—Roast veal with Melba toast dressing, McCoy salad. Ice CARELESS ADDRESSES Cream. Deferred Monday Breakfast— Coddled eggs, re­ CAUSE BIG LOSSES Payment Plan toasted Shredded Wheat Biscuits, A Richly Furred stewed raisins. On Any Model Limch—Lettuce soup, baked pars- nis, salad of chopped cabbage. I Washington, Nov. 15— (A P )—The Post Office Department lost ap­ Dinner— Salisbury steak, small ONLY 10% DOWN green peas (canned). escaUoped proximately $5,000,000 last year on celery, salad of shredded lettuce, carelessly addressed mail, a large START BUDGET PLAN part being the direct recult of busi­ pear sauce. IN MARCH, 1930 Tuesday ness firms having an .exagerated Breakfast— Wholewheat muffins idea of their own prominence. Just What You’ve Wanted with peanut butter, stewed prunes. Many firms doing a large adver­ Lunch — Combination salad of tising business haVe labored under COATS cooked and raw vegetables, such as the impression that not having a Act Now! Limited celery, tomatoes and string beans, street address indicated great im­ 1 Individually Selected— and Superior, We Believe, to glass of milk. portance in the hometown and im­ Dinner —Roast mutton, grated pressed customers with the fact that Time Only turnips and carrots baked, salad of “ even in New York and Chicago we More than 350,000 users Any YouVe Seen Thus Far This Season. I raw' spinach leaves, Jello or jell-well are so well known the postman today of General Electric needs no help in finding us.’’ JUST THINK ■ with cream. Wednesday The result has been, millions of You Enjoy the Benefits of Refrigeration and not Breakfast—French omelet, waf- letters delayed for “directory ser­ one has ever paid out a ■ Be, stewed apricots. vice.” Electric Refrigeration Now Lunch—Baked potato, celery, ripe Last year approximately 200,000,- single dollar for service. Pay Next Year olives. 000 letters had to be especially Dinner—*Vegetable soup, broiled handled by clerks hired to fill out steak, baked tomatoes, salad of j inadequate addresses, the service ■ shredded raw spinach and parsley, I in New York City alone costs $500 a GENERAL @ ELECTRIC ; prune w’hip. day. Of the 200,000,000 inadequate­ Thursday ly addressed letters 25,000,000 found a final resting place in the dead let­ AL

Even the poorest can well afford a good range, for cheap ones are costly in material COFFEE TRICOLATORS FOR THE and time wasted. Jewels hre lifetime investments and cheapest in the end — have air wall insulated ovens —that bottle and hold the heat inside the oven—and protect their beautiful lus­ ; WEEK-END trous porcelain from the intense heat— The gas range with dual 'flue oven, so scientifically created that your cake will not fall when you open the door—in fact WORK PANTS you can even “ bake with the oven'door wide-open.” Make This YOUR Holiday

|L95 to $3.59 Pair Install a DETROIT JEWEL Automatic Girls’ Wash Frocks that “ Cooks without watching” and enjoy the day w’ith the family. 6-cup slze*^ 9-cup size 9-cup size i DRESSPANTS A small deposit delivers' this strive to your home, Newly Styled— ^Thrift Priced $2.89 $4.49 $7c49 SPECIAL THANKSGIVING SALE 85c $4.00 to $6.95 Pair The tricolator gives you French drip coffee. Coffee with a flavor distinctly different STARTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14 from any other coffee. Made easily, quickly and economically. An expert demonstrator, Piles of them___ fresh, colorful, crisp­ from the factory will show you just how It’s done with the improved Tricolator. ly tailored ___ and priced at savings! And will Lait Until Thanksgiving. Open evenings. Actual $1 values! 6-cup T ricolator...... $2.89 9-cup Tricolator— Electric, with un­ Good quality prints, bright plain, color 9-cup Tricolator ...... $4.49 limited guarantee . / ...... $9.98 All are finished in Blue, Green, Brown broadcloths, and crisp ginghamS' in 9-cup Tricolator, with T ile ___ $7.49 and Old Rose. youthful colors. Nicely made, well trlmoied, smartly styled, in sizes 7 to SYMINGTON JOHNSON & LITTLE 1 lb. “Union Club” Coffee with every Tricolator. 14. PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR Downstairs New Locstion—Foorlk Floor ' • ^ SHOP 13 Chestnut Street, South Manchester AT THE CENTER- ■ . ■ - y ; V j :■ ■' PAGE F tV l' y tikxsCHBBTiSK bvisjniNG HEKAID, SOOTH MANCHBSIKE, C»NI<, TBOTAY, NOVElfeiat 15* 1929. • ■ ... 7.—------4 . been licensed to make and sell sec­ opened, where a searchlight was I like best, and when we are doing it SUITS SETTIfD tions imder the Bethlehem patents tolerably well.”—Dean Inge. installed in 1905. , for the remainder of their terms, A THOUGHT MILK PRODUCTION The peak is 14,108 feet above 1 or from 12 to 16 years. ------sea level and it commands a mag- j “It is not easy to determine Behold that which I have W' nificent and widely extended view | New York, Nov, 12.—(AP)—Set­ it is good and comeiy for one SHOWS SLIGHT DROP whether lack of intelligence is due of the great plains and of a “DEAD” MAN AlIVE. to congenital causes or to want of tlement of suits recently brought by eat aqd to drink, and to enjoy rugged mountainous coimtry. good of all his labour that :VV early training, but in either in­ Conifer forests cover the slopes tbe Bethlehem Steel company Medford, Mass., Nov. 15.—(AP) stance th e factor is present—and taketh under the sun all the t Boston, Nov. 14.— (AP) — The to a height of 11,700 feet, abovO, against .the United States Steel Cor­ —Police and firemen waded and of his life.—^Ecclesiastes 5:18. average daily milk production per this factor is characteristic of the PIKE’S PEAK DISCOVERED which the moimtain consists of poration for alleged Infringements swam in the cold waters of the great majority of prison inmates.” bare granite rocks. of patents w ^ announced today. Mystic river here for more than an BOY(!&COUTS cow for all cows as reported by New —Clarence Darrow. (Forum.) hour early to'day in search for Pleasure has'its tlfne; so too jhas .OF ^ On Nov. 15. 1806, Pike’s Peak was Today also is the anniversary Discontinuance of the actions was wisdom. Make love in they yohth, England dairymen on Nov. 1, was of the opening of the l€wt session made impwh in a joint statement bodies or occupants of a motor car only .3 per cent below that reported “What the drama needs are men first seen and named by members of which had plunged into the water and in old age attend to they salva­ of the Continental Congress in by James A. Farrell, president of U. tion.—Voltaire. 1 a month ago, the New England and women of some romantic Lieutenant Zebulon Pike's exploring New York in 1787. S. Step! smd Eugene G. Grace, xmtil Daniel J. Cullen, owner and '■ t TROOP NINE Crop Reporting Service report on ■■■■ ■ ny™ warmth and beauty and not these party of the United States army. And on Nov.. 15. 1777, Congress president of the Bethlehem Steel driver, appeared on the bank. He fall milk production revealed today. common, swearing, wisecracking, Corporation. The patents involved said he had climbed out of the Troop Nine held a meeting Tues­ This was 6.7 , per cent above the I The famous peak is located adopted the Articles of Confeder­ bawdy rats that today clutter up ation. cover the manufacture and sale of machine, swam ashore, and gone to A LUCKY BREAK day evening at the Community Club average of a , ear ago and 4.3 per I about six miles west of Colorado his nearby home to get into some its stage.”—George Jean Nathan. I Springs, Colo. broad flange sections. The an­ is an absolutely yawn-pcoof vuith an attendance* of sixteen. Aft­ cent above the five-year average nouncement said an arrangement dry clothes. 1924-1928. i It was successfully scaled by a money-back guarantee for two er the formal opening, Richard La ' party led by Major S. H. Long jn An earthquake travels at a rate had been effected whereby U. S. The report said that “from July to , More than 1,000,000 tons of peat Steel and its subsidiaries, some of A stitch in time makes a little and a half hours of solid en­ Chappelle was appointed Senior Pa­ September the per cow production ! ' 1819, and in 1891 a rack and of between 470 feet and 530 feet are produced annually in the Neth­ a second. which were named In the suits, had money for tlie doctor. joyment. . trol Leader of the troop, and his curve followed a normal course but erlands. pinion railroad to the summit was duties were outlined. Then, while since September it has held steady the other patrols retired to their in contrast to the usual seasonal de­ comers for Handbook study, the cline. The sustained high production Beaver Patrol elected John Bran- this season is attributed to the in­ Qick as Patrol Leader to succeed creased new milk prices stimulating La Chappelle, and Don Harrtogton better care and feeding of cows, the as Assistant Patrol Leader. mild fall weather and a large supply After a study period, Scoutmast­ of extra good quality hay. The in­ er Ronald Brown of Hartford led troduction of the modified surplus Buy Now! When Prices Are Lower! the Troop in a fast, exciting game. plan of payment for milk has also Assistant Scoutmaster Abom next led many dairymen to increase the took the Troop for a short drill pe­ production of their feeds during the riod, w’hich the Troop needs to get, fall months. in prejaration for parades, exhibi­ “As compared with the October HERRUP’S ANNIVERSARY SALE tions, etc. average milk production, decreases When this period was completed, in Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode all boys not Scouts, and also three Island, and Connecticut were partly recruits, were excused and the offset by-increases in Vermont and Troop practiced the investiture Massachusetts. The average produc­ m\ ceremony to be used next week tion for New England as a whole on when Richard Brannick will be ad­ November 1 was reported at 14.95 mitted. Scoutmaster WiUiams gave poimds compared with 15.00 pounds a very interesting talk to the troop, last month, 14.01 pounds last year comparing the present Troop with and 14.3 pounds the 1924-1928 aver­ his own, of Wilson Station in Hart­ age. Increases from the average of ford, and pointing out some needed a year ago of 11.5 per cent in Maine, improvements. 10.4 per cent in Vermont, 4.8 per The meeting closed with some cent in Massachusetts, 7.7 per cent ' songs and yells. Sixteen boys en- in Rhode Island and 5.7 per cent in ■ joyed a svrtm at the “Rec” Wed­ Connecticut were partly offset by a nesday night. decrease of 4.8 per cent in New ' Scoutmasters Bro^A-n and Williams Hampshire.” of Hartford were very welcome vis- ■ itors. The Patrol Leaders have been invited to meet with the Pa­ trol Leaders of Troop 28 of Hart- fort soon. Fred McUrry of. the Silver Fox UOTAIIONS Patrol has been elected cheer lead- ^ er. Fine Suites in Jacquard! 3 Pieces 3-Pc. Bed-Davenport Suites There is always a time when you can -use a "I am inclined to believe that A very substantial Suite and always a pop- p g m PROTEST NOMINATION very few who reach mature years ular style. Upholstered in serviceable Jac- C £ / spare bedroom to good advantage! With this ^ A . are harassed by any thoughts of fu­ quard with reversible cushions! The Divan ^ m M suite you have a living room in the daytime and C j ^ ture pimishment.” a comfortable bedroom at night! And just V B —Clarence Darrow. —the Wing Chair and Club Chair are includ- ® • Washington, Nov. 14.—(AP)— g(jr $1.50 Weekly think! It is yours for only $125! All thre^ ^ Protest against the nomination of “Be not solitary. Be not idle. pieces, too! The Bed-Davenport, the Club $l.o0 Weekly Alf Ofzedal, former assistant pro­ Fear not that which can be avoided. Chair and the Wing Chair! hibition commissioner, as collector Grieve not for that which can never of internal revenue at San Francisco return. Try to forget slights.” was made to the Senate finance —Lord Darynton. commission today by Senator John- . ■ son, of California, and representa­ “The fact that the amateur spirit tives of labor. no longer prevails in the major Senator Shortridge of California sports of many colleges should be ii defended the appointment and in the recognized and dealt with as a contest over the nomination vvas reality.” seen a sharp difference of opinion —Clarence E. Cason. (The Nation.) I ■ between President Hoover and Sena­ tor Johnson. “Every town of respectable siz§ The latter described the nominee should have its subsidized theater as as a “protection detective” and as- it has its library.” , serted he had not been identified —Jane Cowl, actress. ' with the district in which he was to =, serve. In reply, Shortridge read let- ; “If by ‘fun’ one means quiet en­ ters to the committee, including one [ joyment, I think that when youth l i f t e d 'rom the Anti-Saloon League, en- j is over the best part of life is Jorsing the nomination of Oftedal. iwhen we are doing the work we Card Tables Fold easily and compactly— rigid when in use. One ^X^TGRANTCO. to a customer. A Buy Now! 5-Pc. Decorated Breakfast Sets Charminglv designed sets consisting’ of the Exceptional Bedroom Value! 3 Pieces Drop-Leaf Table and Four Chairs to match. R'.,- This is a Bedroom Suite you would be proud to have. idly constructed—special at this low Anniversary 24-75 $ During Herrup’s Anniversary Sale you can purchase it dtO R A N T S price! $1.00 Weekly at a big saving. Suite consists of the Bed, Chest of Drawers and fine Dresser! If you desire the vanity, . A “stylist” helps select all merchandise. This yoimg $1.50 Weekljj woman’s knowledge of what is, and what is going also, aU four pieces may be purchased for only $98. to be smart, helps our buyers obtain goods that meet your style demand. Walnut Finished for Christmas Cedar Chest the charm of silk Protection against moths at half the cost! may be had at a vei^ low ^ 1 O Q C l New Rayon price!

I Vests 79® I Closely woven rayon in all the charming pastel shades that are just as lovely after they have been washed many times. New Pillow-Arm Suite- -3 Pieces A most comfortable and beautiful suite. Up­ 9-Piece Suite in Walnut Venssr holstered in fine Jacquard with reversible cush­ 9xl2yelvet This Dining Room Suite is actually a sacrifice _ Bloomers ions and pillows. The large Divan, Wing Chau $ Yct-at Ujis low price, but we want you to see for your- ^ and Club Chair are included at this extremely low self the>plendid values Herrup’s offers during the g ^ Full cut, well reinforced and $1.50 Weekly Beautiful patterns-, and price. AnnWersary Sale! Suite consists of tho_ in.blp. beautifully finished bloomers colors in: these service­ China Cabinet, Buffet, Hoct Chair and 5 Side $1.50 Weekly in a fine guage rayon. Buy able rugs. $29.85 Chairs! now for Christmas gifts. Men’s OakChiffeiiier Broaitcloth Shirts Circulator They look like the shirts you usually pay twice this pr--- nricc for.__ ___ Fine broadcloth. 95 collar attached or neck band style with guaranteed pre-shrunk Heater collar bands. Boys’ Percale Blouses $ A whole supply at this price costs little. 37-50 Full cut on yoke in styles that Sturdily built Chiffoniers, boys like. Blankets A compact, efficient circulator of extra­ ordinary heating quality. In design and finished golden oak! Give spa­ Size 66x80 in choice of col­ Christmas shopping is easy at Grant*s! ors! Warm, part wool construction this is the last word in heat- blankets specially priced ters—cast iron type inner unit with steel Porto Rican Bridge Sets $ cious drawer space at a very at ash pit, ample fire pot, with new style 36 inch square with four napkins attractively embroidered. only $4.95 combination shaker and roller grate. A big value and such a charming gift low price!

Toys I Dolls dishes, trucks, trains, blocks, books, mechanical toys, all are here, ready! Santa's favorite playthings for all the children, and the nicest surprise is the low prices. Now is the time to do your Christmas shopping easily.

VISIT OUR RADIO DEPT. WT.GRANTOO. Showing Nationally Famous Radios 815 MAIN ST. -.T- r;-.' F t


open house will be kept wntil 10 .messenger, 'Walter Edwards; chap­ which opened in Hartford today. adores Joe Collins and who hMretly o’clock. lain, Howard Hewitt; inside sentinel, Mrs. White is president of the club. BIG FOOTBALL GAME pays his tuition so that he CtUl stsy DEAD SEA DISTRICT A. O. H. Ladies Elect John Alley; outside sentinel, John Thorton W., Burgess, author, at the University nnd be-near-^her, At the last regular meeting of the Hewitt. naturalist and lecturer, well known Miss O’Neil is tremenoihdy ROCKVILLE Ladies Auxiliary A. O. H., held in Parents’ Night to radio fans» will give an illustrat­ FEATURES ‘SOPHOMORE’ ing. Equally as flpe 8 charaeteriss^ Forester’s hall, initiation of a class Parents Night will be observed ed lecture at the Ellington .Town tion is given by Eddie Qtdllan lA lA TREASURE STORE of members took place, followed by at the Rockville High School Friday Hall on Saturday afternoon at 2:30. college youth who hhs eyss o i ^ for election of officers for the ensuing night. Classes will be in session One half of the proceeds over ex­ . V Picture at State Is One of the the aristocratic Barbai^ uii£Q iiie McKenna Off Ticket year as follows: President, Miss from 7 until 8:15 after which a penses will be for the dental clinic eyes are finally opened and- he dto- It was announced yesterday that Margaret McGuane; vice president? program will be presented at the for Ellington children. Best of the College Group coyers what Marj^e really means to laluable Mineral Deposits John J. McKenna, who was nomin­ Mrs. Mary Burns; recording secre­ Sykes Auditorium. Parents of High The prize winners of Hope Sewing Yet Presented. him. ated for alderman of the Third ward tary, Miss Mary E. Phillips; finan­ School pupils received tickets with Club card party held recently in the at the recent ward caucus of the cial secretary, Mrs. Rose Schuey; the quarterly report this week. Fitch Block meeting rooms follows: Today’s Choice King football comes inta his own The football game in “The S6plK>- Democratic Party, has withdrawn High School Notes Mrs. Flora Green, Mrs. Hilda Bron­ more” is different from any yet pUs- ► and Oil is Being Found by treasurer. Miss Margaret Ronan; at the State theater tonight. Eddie from the ticket as the result of mistress -at-arms, Miss Mary Mc­ The Rock'ville High School Athle­ son, Mrs. Amy Prichard. The host­ by Qxaillan and Sally O’Neil in “The tured on the screen. The hero. g i ^ ^ The present alderman from the the Clerks Friday, November 22, Davis avenue- are spending several scrimmage and carried off the fle|& Third, Thomas Larkin, had indicat­ of Irisch History, Miss Mary Mc­ Governor of members of the Cubs and Majors ^rJerusalem— (AP)—The Dead Sea Guane. The following members will followed by a dance. The High days in Lexington, Ky. The latter football teams will be present as A few moments lafer, however, he ed that he was through with poli­ School ■will play the Courtney team, part of the month they will go to New York ^ ea is proving a treasure trove of tics and did not attend the Ward assist the chairman of the standing guests of the management to wit­ saves the game in'a sensational valuable mineral deposits for the committee: Mrs. Nellie Ileffernan, November 29. New York, where Mr. Martin will ness this picture, which revolves scene. ’This dimax is one that will caucus Monday night. McKenna, Men’s Corner Speaker attend the annual horse sale. J^glo-Palestine S3mdicate that ob- the present councilman, was present Mrs. Alice Mahr, Mrs. Alice Chap­ around one of the greatest football bring a gasp'from any audience and ti^ed the concession for the salt man, Mrs. Julia Bolger and Mrs. A. V. Galbraith, principal of Wil- Arthur Wheeler and family have games ever shown on the screen. start every football fan in the city at the head of about 15 men, enough liston Academy, East Hampton, moved from 48 Mountain street to (^posits. to easily control all nominations. Annie Willeke. THE BEATirUDES In addition to a whale of a football discussing the. play. iCPreliminary Experiments have Mrs. Butler Hostess Mass., will address the Men’s Comer the Blatter sister’s block on School game, “The Sophomore’’ embodies a The program wlU also iiidude McKenna was named aiuerman. of the Rock'ville Methodist Church street. — Matthew 5:82-12. almost been completed and an ex­ Mrs. Edwin G. Butler of Park Compiled by the Bible Guild, f hunoan and charming romance, capi­ Lupino Lane in the all-talking pansion is now being planned. Pro­ Dissatisfaction in the party at street was hostess to the members at 9:15 a. m., Sunday. The address comedy riot "Shipmates’’, the iatfst will be open to the public, both men An average of 3,000,000 persons tally played by Eddie Quillan and duction for the eastern market is to once arose and the city committee of Sabra Trumbull Chapter, D. A. Sally O’Nell. As Margie Callahan, news events and the Vltaphohe acts’; appointed a sub-committee to wait and women. The Older Girls Class are ill every day in the United Saturday: Guy D. Goff, S. bfgin in 1930. R., on ■Wednesday afternoon. The senator from West Virginia. the little soda fountain clerk, who “Bob Nelson’’ and Eerm and MayerJ’ • The experiments now being made on Mr. Larkin and Mr. McKenna. regular routine of business was fol­ of the Sunday School is to meet the States. In the latoratories at the Dead Sea The latter was given to understand lowed by disposition of the budget. men on this occasion. atm at acceftrating the process of that unless he withdrew his name It was voted to contribute $10 to The Rockville Athletic Associa­ aporation. The heat of the sun from the ticket. Mayor George For­ the Rockville High School Athletic tion rooms on East Main street me is responsible for 75 percent ster would quit as a candidate for Association Fund. Miss Fannie were the scene of a public whist on f the actual production at present, re-election and that other men on Thompson, chairman of the Ellis Wednesday night, there being fif­ .'f Discover Oil the ticket would also withdraw. Mr. Island committee asked that the teen tables. Prizes were awarded as ■'•The Palestine Mining Syndicate, McKenna decided yesterday to with­ Ellis Island gifts be brought to the follows:'Men’s first, C. R. Blinn; For Thanksgiving For Thanksgiving the research department of the con­ draw. next mieeting, which will be held at second, Harry Libby; consolation, Walter Edwards; women’s first. cessionaries, has also extended its It was reported that Larkin, w I the home of Mrs. David Sykes. Mrs. operations to the minerals that lie Walter H. Skiimer reported on the Miss Julia Zinker; second, Mrs. be named by the city committee to Margaret Finley; consolation, Mrs. in the land about the sea. Petroleum fill the vacancy. State D. A. R.-meeting held in Nor­ deposits have been discovered, but wich' in October. Annie Willeke. The next public tSeir value and extent have not been It is claimed by McKenna’s The speaker of the afternoon was whist will be held in the East Main determined. It is not known friends that he went to Larkin be­ Mrs. Clarence J. Wickham of Man­ street rooms next week, Wednesday Dresses •vBhether the petroleum is deposited fore the caucus, asking him if he C oats chester, who was introduced by Mrs. night. permeable layers or in basins, was to stand for renomination, that Arthur R. Newell. The talk was Emblem Club y; Boring operations are very costly, the latter said he was not in the very interesting, covering the work At the regular meeting of the for Dinner and of the better type e§ch trial bore costing £20,000 or race, and that not till then did Mc­ the daughters are* doing along Emblem Qub held at the Elk’s home 35,000. Kenna go after the nomination. Mc­ patriotic and educational lines. Fol­ on Wednesday afternoon, plans were Dance W ear ‘■'The potash deposits along the Kenna, they say, offered his support lowing her formal address, Mrs. made to hold a charity whist some for Sport or Dress Weair siiore are also being investigated to to Larkin if the latter wished to be^ Wickham gave an informal talk on time during the month, the date to determine their value. renominated. India. be announced later. A social meet­ It is the intention of the mining Golden Wedding Mrs. (Raymond Hunt and Robert ing of the Club will be held next syndicate to set up separate com- Prutting furnished a much enjoyed Wednesday afternoon. The most important pimies for the exploitation of each Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Salzburger Public Whist Friday of Hammond street celebrated their musical program, with piano and Remarkable of the various minerals. flute selections. A public whist under the auspices Coat event for The climatic difficulties that may golden wedding anniversary today. Refreshments were served by the of Kiowa Council, No. 26, will be Interfere with the work in the sum­ The festivities commenced with a hostess, Mrs. Edwin Butler and the held in Red Men’s Hall on Friday mer time might be met by trans- dinner for the immediate family. following committee: Mrs. Arthur evening, November 15. Prizes will November .^ rin g the living quarters o^ the During the afternoon there was R. Newell, Mrs. Tho:nas F. Rock­ be waarded, including a door prize, Values \yjorkers during the hottest mbnths open house from 2 until 5 o’clock, well, Mrs. George G. Smith, Miss and refreshments will be served. ttt a cooler place and driving the at which time many neighbors and Marion Butler, Mrs. Earl C. North­ Notes, I^en in cars to the site of work. friends called to extend congratula­ rop, Miss Kimball, Mrs. David Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dimock of tions. The home w'as attractively Hondlow and Miss Gladys Keeney. King street attended the funeral of decorated with cut flowers. Mrs. a friend in Brooklyn, N. Y., on Wed- Geot-ge Sunderland, of Hartford Joseph Grist Honored At the last regular meeting of nesday. ^N T IA C POWER - . onIV daughter of the couple, assisted Mrs. Elizabeth Gerich is ill at her in receiving tb- large numiber of General Kitchener Lodge, American Order of St. George, the following home on Union street. Stunning STEADILY INCREASES '’I'csts, wiio presented the couple Mrs. Luther A. White of Moun­ wMh iniuiy gifts. Mr. ana Mrs. officers were chosen: Junior past- p.esident, Ernest Boothroyd; tain street has entered several cats :'alzburgcr a'so received many in the first independent cat show cards ami I'evcra! lelograms. worthy past-president, Joseph Grist; I'All motorists are txiay ■•ntci^.- Led Hefreshment- wore served to the vice-president, Fred Kent; secretary, iA power and speed. They der uid :'ianv callers, and the couple are Ea:l Elliott; t:-eas:irer. Joseph Moss; A LUCKY BREAK j^n ty of both. Every car owner is J laaniii meet many more of messenger, Fred Nutland; assistant ei&titled to power and speed and their friends during the evening, as secretary, Sydney Little; assistant The latest thing out. YouH| G ow ns n0eds them. ' Albert C. Hine. president of The be a back number at bridge C. Hine company, state distribu- table conversations if you don’t C oats t(fr of the Oakland and' Pontiac, see it at Cheney Hall, Nov. 22 of Chiffon, Moire, Taffeta, cills attention to the fact that the change in road conditions makes it Crepe, Satin of One imported and domes­ imperative that a car have plenty tic woolens. Actual $09.50 ofi speed, not that it may be employ­ Look A t This Collection! ed! for racing purposes but in the HUNTERS V values. change that haa taken place the Smart Dresses that stores carrying slower cars are in the way. TAKE NOTICE! this type of gannents usually seU !,^Iigher speed Mr. Hine emphasizes at $25 to $29.50. Special i^ perfectly all right provided the Hunters are forbidden tO; brakes are good. More speed and OVERCOATS bitter brakes, he says, have been trespass on our property at nicely worked out in the Pontiac six. Highland Park for the purpose i '’rom the first model Pontiac of shooting game. Special $ 4 9 . 7 5 there has been a steady increase in That Have Any persons violating the order power. This has not been accomp­ lished at the sacrifice of weight, nor, will be prosecuted to the full extent has the engine speed itself been in- of the law. $ 1 6 . 7 5 r cmased as has so often been the STYLE LAWRENCE W. CASE, etpe with other cars on the market. Case Brothers. The change rather has come about Tonica Springs Co. \ OTHER COATS through refinement in the engine WARMTH and throughout the car, the entire c&ssis in fact being much better WE URGE YOU TO COME AT ONCE balanced today than in the first model. QUALITY $ 8 . 9 5 With this increase in power has FOR BEST CHOICE. naturally come the increase in speed so that the owmer of a Pontiac does PLAID BACKS— BLUES- SHEET MUSIC $ 7 9 . 5 0 not have to feel that he -will be in the way, on the contrary he will be BROWNS—GRAYS with the best of them and not feel ALL MODELS— ALL WOOL the least hurried in the proposi- WONDERFUL FABRICS ti(|n- At no time does the Pontiac 4 copies $1.00 eujgdne give the impression that it SILK TRIMMED AND,-^ is trying to perform an impossible FINELY TAILORED task. Red Cross Pontiac and Oakland are repre- SIZES UP TO 50 KEMP’S, Inc. 2gL s^ted here by Kemp Brothers, asso­ Sopth Manchester, Conn. ciate dealers of The A. C. Hine com­ Every man should be interested pany. in such a great variety. Coats most stores sell at $30 to TOLLAND $35.

i^iss Bernice A. Hall and Alice A t Just 2 Prices E.l'Hall attended the football game ^nsj5 ived {nine " a^'storrs last Saturday. A meeting of the Federated S:m- .50 d ^ school board was held at the .50 Lucky Indeed- hOTie of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Simp- a n d sop, Thursday evening. Several im­ portant matters of business pertain­ itiim iiiiiiiitiim iiiiiiim iiiiiiiu are the children whose mothers ing to the school was transacted. Mrs. Hiram Loverin of Vernon w is a recent guest of relatives. One or Two Pant provide jMiss Rose Charches daughter of Mri and Mrs. Jacob Charches of Tolnad and Louis Albert Gold were married in Hartford Saturday eve­ SUITS opd, (?ot\tv. ning. They left for Detroit, Michigan Manchester Dairy Ice Cream where Mr. Gold is employed. The Newest Fall Shades The large elm tree situated at the northern end of the Tolland Green Hard twisted—long wearing has been undergoing treatment by worsteds— blue serges — che­ a tree specialist. It is an old land­ viots— stripes — fancy cassi- Lace and Chiffon For Them mark. It was treated several years meres. ago, and was found recently in poor It is a healthful, tasty food dessert that they coffdition. Every New Model! DRESSES all enjoy. It keeps them well and strongs and you Visa Helen Hawkins closed her Expertly Tailored! summer home Wednesday and will don’t have to coax them to eat it. spiiid the winter in Boston. All sizes up to 52 in afternoon and semi-formal ^ven members of Tolland Grange Clothes Purchased Here Your neighborhood store and favorite soda attended the meeting of East Cen­ Pressed Free of Charge, types. tral Pomona Grange held at Bolton fountain carry it. Take home a quart tonight Center, Wednesday. Alterations Free The meeting of the Home Econo- i m i^ department of the Tolland $ 1 5 $ 1 6 . 5 0 CoPnty Farm Bureau, under the | supervision of Mrs. Sarah White ^ 2 2 — - ^ 2 7 — DilPock was held Wednesday at the The Manchester Dairy ■a MowcMUTtli oaw* hoipie of Mrs. Howard Crandall. •ff Thjlrteen ladies were present, inter­ e s t most in the millinery demon- One Lot of '"f'''i sti^tion. Open Satmday Evenings Till 9 :30 p. m. Ice Cream Company A s s Minnie Hicks and Miss Eliza- ■DAIRY^ bem Hicks have closed their sum- ^7 ‘d DIAL 5250 m® home here and returned to their A. winter residence in New York City. m DRESSES Always Obtainable at Your Neighborhood Store dr Favorite Soda Fountain in the newest styles and fabrics.. f HOSPITAL NOTES Values to $19.50 ...... $ 1 2 . 5 0 i t PARK CLOTHES j^tients reported admitted to the Medborial hospital today were Mr.s. Not Coroected With Any Other Store in This State. Our DRESSES A T ...... Richardson of 115 Main street, 822 ASYl.UM ST., HARTFORD ang Mrs. Annie Chambers of 21 are very popular nnd include all shades $10 ICnte street. George McCp:igi:c. - ■ f FORMERLY HOLLANDER’S street was discharged as in georgette, flat crepes and chiffons. wepB Mrs. Robert Turkingjpn and Herald Advertising Pays in^ut son of 22 Center street.

s i liT'V- -I-1 *,<; ,V'


^ ------YOU GET SURPASSING IN THIS STORE YOU CAN VALUE AT WARD’S PURCHASE More Customers Every Day Shop at Nothing is left to guesswork. Each item of A lum inum H a rd w a re Itcady - to - wear K itc h ­ for Women and en W are H o *lery to r AVo- Children merchandise meets rigid tests before it comes Auto Acceaaorlc" men and Chil­ DInnketa; Bed- dren Shoe* for the En­ to the store. Ward’s experts pass on the style fUuK Infant*' Wear tire Family and quality of garments, for lines, color and Children'* Ap­ parel Je w e lr y Sporting; Good* WARD’S AND SAVE DOLLARS tailoring. Cream Separator* Kitchen Knnce* Silk* and Cotton D rnperic* Piece Good* Electrical Appll- Ward’s experts see that years of dependable M en’* C loth ln K Toilet------Article* nncea Ward’s time payment plan is an unusual special in­ service are built into your home furnishings Knshlon’* A o c e s - Alen'* FnrnUhInK* Vnciiiim Cleaner* Now the time to prepare your home and your ward­ norleii Paint* and Var- ^ M ot robe for winter days.. The items on this page are but a few ducement for making purchases now. It offers you facili­ and appliances. Where precision is necessary F u rn llu re n'"**®" chine* Ward’s experts calibrate and measure for per­ Heater*. t.a*. Hadio*. Snpplle* suggestions . - • representative of the many values we are ties for owning furniture and furnishings, paying for them Wood.W o o d c Coal o a l llo o lln K " ’«rk ClotliliiK fection. Tests prove the merchandise’s worth. out of your income over a period of time in small weekly And hundreds of other staple and seasonable items. offering. Every Ward Customer knows the great range of This is Ward’s way of giving you surpassing U c Mill gladly help you order any merchandise not or monthly payments. Come in now and let us explain our carried In stoe.U In this store. merchandise we carry . . . and knows its consistent HIGH value at low prices. q u a l i t y , coupled with its LOW PRICE. If you have easy payment plan to you. \VF l*\V POSTAGE AND FREIGHT ON ALL CHANDISE ORDERED FROiM OUR CATALOGUES never shopped at Ward’s, come in now— and be convinced.

For Comfort, Health and Economy Ward’s Presentation Of Styles That Are Leaders DOMESTIC RUGS AT WARD’S WEAR WARD’S In the New Fall and Winter Colors Hats Franis Ward’s presents at this time the choice of rug makers' art . . . Oriental, floral and conven­ the Face WOMEN’S COATS tional designs woven in glowing or subdued UNDERWEAR colors . . enchanting backgrounds for all Stress Rich Furs rooms. Large domestic rugs and small odd gi2es—a superior quality—and excellei^ v am ^ Silky Piled Fabrics Priced from ...... $12*50 $24.75 Velvet stunning models, just arrived Rugs .... $19.85 to $59 from New York, use lovely 9x12 ft. Size .soft woolens that adapt then;- selve.s ideally to the long-lind>- Wilton . ed cut of the Fall silhouette Rugs .... $47.50 to $89 to fur fabrics, tweeds, smooth ■9x12 ft. Size $3.98 broadcloth. Great collars of $1,98 luxurious fur trim them . . • Small Axminster Hats that arc not only Manchurian Wolf. Marniink. Rugs ...... $2.79 smart but becoming as well. French Beaver, Natural and 27X54 inch size. Long side lines, .softly Dyed Opossum. \'cry unusual­ Oval Braided draped crowns, youthful olf- ly priced. the-facc mmles distingui.sh Rugs ...... $1.2/.i the new • models. F'clts and 37x54 Inches velvets in manv chic styles. Specially Priced .Mexantlcr Smith & Sons, I Sanford, Mohawks. & H art­ Roadster Coats ford Bigelow Maker.s. $24 75 ''I

hair Alpaca, warm-hued tweeds. Some are fur trimmed, others plain tailored. Tans and Browns are favored. Shirts and Shorts Athletic Union Suits Guaranteed 7 Q P OTHER COATS .$14.75 to .$39.75 25c 39c Not a Rip ...... I Unsurpassed for strength and long service! Pullover undershirt in Swiss ribbed knit, pop­ Best checked nainsook . . . reinforced across ular style. Athletic shorts of figured mercer­ back. Bar-tacked at strain points. Reinforced ized broadcloth. Three-button yoke. Roomy crotch. Sizes 30-44. seat. Sizes 28-44. Silken Frocks Favor ¥ Men’s Union Suits Boys’ Union Suits Graceful Princess Lines Extra Heavy Weight • Small Amount Wool ’ The Utmost In Rest and Comfort! For Added Grace Dressy and Superior ^ f /I O Support Your Tailored Models Quality V * » 30-52 The Most Economical in Value Figure! $9 75 Pine ribbed knit . . . extra weight cotton, 59c ” 92c m o t t l e d -tan. Well fitting cuffs on sleeves And Gray mottled only. Good cotton yarns, rib SIALMONS Combinations The new frocks have an allur­ ankles. Collarette neck. Wide lapped seat. knit, with small amount of wool. ^ A bar­ ing feminine grace with their P’ull cut sizes. Superior quality. gain priced suit. Long sleeve, ankle length Mattress 9Sc higher waist lines, fitted hi[V'. style. Military shoulders. Flat-locked seams; Springs Firm support prevents po.s- and low-placed flares. ■ Skirts are ribbed cuffs. 4 to 16 years. turc slump! Light boning in a bit longer and neck lines often Men’s Union Suits boa.st a frill of lace or an un­ $7.95 the front . . . elastic inserts Small Amount Wool $ 19.95 . . . rayon striped poplin. usual jabot. There arc any num­ ber of both dres.sy and tailored Men’s Broadcloth and Flannel models in our new collection. For 54-inch Bed Size For Straight Find Mood or Metal Beds 89c A mattress you’ll enjoy! Built up layer This double deck spring promises luxuri­ Flat Crepes. Cantons. Satins and PAJAMAS Dainty Girdles Georgettes. Favorite colors are Good quality cotton mixed with small amount upon layer of all felted cotton. Umable art ous ease! Flat steel center bands . . . 99 Castilian Red. English Green. of w'ool. Lightly fleeced on inside Reinforce­ Warm— Durable— Comfortable ticking: uniform machine tufting; neat double cone coil springs insure resilience $1.49 New Rust, Brown Sugar and ments at shoulders . . • ribbed cuffs and roll edges; rounded corners. WARU-BILT and comfort . . • Adjustable .side brack­ Rayon crepe de chine, ba­ ankles. Neck and front trimmed with rayon EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. From $7.95 to ets permit use on either wood or metal Black. wide lapped, one-button seat. Fleeced beds. Finished in green enamel. A Dollar tiste lined; light front bon­ $45.00. on inside. Sizes 30-44. $1.39‘”$1.98 Saving Value. ing, rayon striped clastic. Flesh and pink. Hook siiie. Woolen Sport Imported Kid Blankets and Modern Stoves Are Attractive Gloves $2.98 Dresses $4.95 In cuffs or slip-on styles are Splemlid for school, street or of­ In Gay Color Combinations washable. Smart, inconspic­ fice wear. Ncwe.st styles. All uous beiges to blend with sizes. Comfortables every costume. Styled for Beauty The Du-All Windsor A 1930 Model Radio! Now is the time to prepare for winter! You can be comfy and warm under these blankets for ALL ELECTRIC 9 TUBE which Ward’s is famous among thrifty-wise SCREEN GRID housewives. Cash Price $99.95 c Staple Cotton Blankets “Old Home” quality. Woven with a firm body and a good, . This attractive range, finished in Ivory Tan with thick nap. Two full-length blankets woven in d*o O C white panels, burns coal, wood or gas! It is Airline - 0 one and doubled to make a pair. 70x80 Inches. really two ranges in one. It is big enough to prepare large meals, yet economical enough to cook a lunch for one or two! There is a separate All Wool Blankets - gas cooking top and coal cooking top, and there Colorful block plaids. Live, springy wool with satecn-bound / are two distinct ovens also. Each part is ready ends . . . soft texture. Made in pairs— two Q 7 Q ' for instant use . . no parts f;o change. blankets in one continuous length. 66x80 ins. x P O * I $ 123-50 Smart Single Blankets ^ , Also Sold on Easy Payment Plan—.$5.00 Down. Part Wool Novelty Plaid, Part Wool Reversible and Part The new Airline-9 comes out of the Wool Indian Blankets in a variety of plain colors and com­ laboratory the achievement of radios % ' ■ binations. You'll be in vogue •with one of these d * 0 Q O greatest ideal—the perfect set, pneed gay new blankets. 66x80 inches...... so low everyone can enjoy it. Cheerful Days Ahead With the Fleecydown Cotton Blankets r* ' Every advanced principle in radio de- Lovely plaids in harmonizing colors. Firm close-woven tex­ s*.‘-a sign—Screen Grid—4 perfectly match­ ture of best American long-staple cotton. d* 1 ed tuned circuits—Volume control Fireside Windsor Push-pull amplification—New type 215 power tubes. Cash Satin Finish Special Comforters Price Walnut Model Sm art insert design. Filled with soft, new cotton, covered $75.85 The sweetest, clearest, most lifelike with fine cotton challie with lustrous sateen for Q R tone you’ve ever heard—newer, greater the double insert border. 70x80 Inches...... Also on Easy Payment— $7.00 Down, $6.50 Monthly distance range— the kind of selectivity Your friends will be surprised'to learn that the that gets you the program you want FIRESID E WINDSOR is not a beautifully toned free from interference. radio in a rich walnut cabinet. Different, but with the .welcome glow of an open fireplace. No polish­ And here's news! Airlinc-9 is priced We have a C omplete Idnc ing—as easy to keep clean as a china dish. Will of Blankets for from $25.00 to $75.00 lower than any bum hard or soft coal, coke or %vood. A FIRESIDE set approaching it in performance and Baby Cribs— WINDSOR will banish the dread of cold winter bealitv. You owe it to yourself to see Autos— Homes. days. Air changed every few minutes in each room. and hear the Alrline-9 before you buy. Satin finish walnut enamel. Other Heaters—$26.95 to $95.85

Everready Prestone Non-Freeze Solution, $5.00 a Gallon c q MONTGOMERYWABD u 29x4.40,16,000 Mile Guar.---- $5.75 PHONE 3306 Gives complete protection in coldest weather. Does 824-828 MAIN STREET, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. not boil away, heat up or damage motor. Retains ef­ 30x4.50,30,000 Mile Guar. .. .$11.35 fectiveness year after year. Store Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Except Thursday and Saturday 9 a. ni. to 9 p. m. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, GONN^ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1929. FAUB EIGHl! T

policy on the tax is occasioned by nances such operations as those of ilanriiMtK a desire to show its confidence in Wall street in the last five years the stability of business in the face to pretend to be shocked over a Canting 3HrraU> of the stock market collapse. Chinese fantan game, a poker party or a pool is just funny. PUBLISHED BY THE Some people appear to have a HERALD PRINTING COMPANY, INC. ,!?ocd deal of difficulty in realizing IS Blssell Street UNCHANGING For Thanksgiving or Christmas- South Manchester, Conn. that there are statesmen who be­ THOMAS FERGUSON lieve in telling the truth—in open Commenting on the unfortunate BY RODNEY BUTCHER General Manager frankness: who do not see the nec- episode where a Presbyterian NEA Service Writer Founded October 1, 1881 essity of always veiling the rea-1 clergyman was invited to conduct Washington Nov. 15. — The de­ Watkins Furnishings You Will Be Published Every Evening sons for their acts. Perhaps in the communion service at St. George’s Bishop Cannon in Virginia Sundays and Holldaya Entered at the and the rise of Norman Thomas in Post Office at South Manchester. course of time it may dawn on Episcopal church, New York, only York, by common consent the Conn., as Second Class Mail Matter. these folks that one such states­ to have the invitation quashed by , tY^ro most sigfnificant phases of the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Justly Proud Of! One Year, by mail ...... man is Herbert Hoover. Mr. Mel­ Bishop Manning, the Herald-Trib- recent elections, provide excellent Per Month, by mall ...... ♦ lon speaks for President Hoover une of that city regrets that the ; "material for political speculaUon as Delivered, one y e a r ...... uiie uj. mcLw j b , mortems. Single copies ...... * and certainly with his knowledge bishop, when conforming thus to | defeat of Bishop Cannon’s candl- m e m b e r o f t h e ASSOCIATED and consent when he specifically i the law of his church, could not (j^te for governor, who carried the PRESS states that the income tax reduc-! have written a different kind of let- I banner for both anti-Smith Demo­ The Associated Press is entitled to the use for '•epubUcallon tion was in the planning before j ter and to remove from it the crats and regular R^ublicans in of all news dispatches credited to t „ . , ' Virginia, was in effect a sound or not otherwise credited In this there was any such thing as a superficial appearance of pharisa-, gf America’s most paper and also the local news pub­ stock market crisis. That ought to | ism.” The Herald-Tribune appar- | prominent churchmen who went in­ lished herein. , All rights of republlcatlon of completely dispose of the idea that | ently permitted itself to forget, for j to politics up to his neck and risked special dispatches herein are also re­ the proposed cot In taxes Is a ges-; a moment that Bishop M ^ »'n s:; served. kDVEUTlsiNG uepk" ^ ^ure m support of the paper values must at all times and in all relu- the state SPEOIAL* - __ SENTATIVe’:* Hamilton - DaLlsser.. . . ------created by Wall street. tionships be Bishop Manning. The result indicates — for the Inc.. 2S5 Madison Ave.. New yora. n. Reduction of the income tax j Democratic majority was record- Y., and 612 North Michigan Ave.. I breaking—that if the Republicans ' Chicago, Ills^______rates as opportunity affords is , a SPONGES The young women of Antioch' retain any of the south- The Herald is on sal 7 dally at all cardinal business principle which ' eru states in 1932 they will have Schultz and Hoalllng news stands In has been adopted by both political j college, Ohio, ancient co-ed institu- j gg^^ ^j^g Democrats to nominate \ ‘y\ New York City. parties. There is especial reason j tion, have come out exceedingly I another wet Catholic, Full service client of N E A Service. why there should be a reduction ^ strong for absolute equality of the | Cannon Is Finished ^"Member. Audit Bureau of Circula­ this year. Mr. Hoover of course' sexes. They insist it as right and , It also indicates t h a t Bishop tions. ______^ ______knows full well that one of the ^ proper for a girl to invite -a man to ^ j^^^g ° ^ y important^ polftical* 'in­ The Herald Printing Company, Inc., worst possible obstacles to naval! show or dinner and tq pay the shot j flygnee m his own state. Thanks .assumes no llr.anctal respons bill y kfor typographical errors appearing m arms reduction at this time would I as a matter of course, to his own error in deserting wet- advertlsments In the ^Ianchesler lie in the existence of a big sur- j Det Antioch prepare now to re­ dry and religious battles for a .Evening H e ra ld . ______campaigfn in which neither of plus. A better way of getting rid ! pel next year’s invasion of impecu- those issues was Involved, the na­ FRIDAY, NOV. 15, 1929 of such a surplus than spending it nious wet smacks. The roads to tional prestige which he gained Yellow Springs are sure to be clut­ last fall is now fast on the wane, SOURCES OF INFORMATION on armament would be to leave the tered with ten thousand hitch­ and it is rather to be feared that For a hundred years the news­ money in the pockets of the people. his voice wdll be found losing hikers. paper has been universally regard­ So there is a particular as well as some of its old power in the coun­ a general reason for the proposed cils of the drys at Washington. ed in this country as a practically Norman Thomas, who polled Queen Anne furniture gains in popularity indispensible element in the daily cut in tax rates. Queen Anne furniture is taking its rightful place 175,000 votes in the New York along with that of Sheraton, Hepplewhite, Colonial and life of the people. Whether it is still And having decided to ask Con­ i mayoralty election, may not live gress for a fiat reduction, it is an IN NEW YORK Early English. In its graceful simplicity it is a delight so regarded and whether it is to I long enough to be elected to any- to live with. A new dining suite, fashioned In beauti­ I thing. But the unprecedented size be permitted to continue to func­ excellent expression of the faith of fully grained, butt walnut, plain walnut and gumwood, the President and the Treasury De­ New York, Nov. 15.—The k a-1 his Socialist vote suggests tion are questions about which , Ithe likelihood that In municipal Includes table, buffet, china, arm and 5 side chairs. partment in the stability of the there may just possibly be some leidoscope of the w^eek in Manhat- j^^gg^g ig^st the Socialists country’s finances that they are tan— j will before many years become a question. We take it, at all events, Nine The that the indispensibility of news­ going ahead with their program in The soup-and-fish film openings; factor which must be taken into Pieces $ . complete indifference to the wild are wdth us again. First it was account. That is not because 242 papers has been attacked by the Gloria Swanson’s “The Tresspass-1 there Is any marked popular 'CHRISTMAS Supreme Court of the District of fiurry among the speculators. It ers,” and the street crowds gave an ; trend toward Socialist doctrines, Columbia in the matter of the shows that neither the President or indication of having gone into train- | but because in many cities voters CLUB the Treasury regards the pricking ing in Hollywood during the sum-1 are now forced to choose between three reporters of the Washington of the speculative bubble as of any mer. They appeared, and with 1 two more or less corrupt ma- Times who are in jail for contempt sound. When they had finished | chines. Democratic and Repuh- The Christmas Club makes it real Importance. •f court in refusing to divulge the fighting for a glimpse at people Mean. easy to have new things for the In our view the fact that busi­ The gateleg table opens up to names of the guides who helped who “ must be celebrities because | That kind of a set-up was one home at Christmas time. Se­ ness proceeds as usual, even the they wear silk hats," the mounted _ of the main factors which piled a large table, or closes to half ^ lect whatever you want now. them to get a story on liquor law size or less, depending upon the\[ business of cutting tax rates, in se­ police were in the theater and Miss ’ up the 175,000 Thomas voters in We’ll store it away until Christ- enforcement in the national capi­ Swanson was being rescued from ‘ New York. Another factor was place you will use it. This imas. Pay only a small sum rene disregard of the Wall street one, made of solid mahogany, tal. a flag pole by steeplejacks. This the general admiration for teach week, yet secure the low mess, is the best possible evidence is one of Hollywood’s major sports,! Thomas himself. Thomas has run has eight full legs n Cash Prices! Here are the Back of the refusal of the re­ that the doings of the gamblers are but threatens to become popular | for mayor, governor and presi payments— porters to divulge the sources of a small matter with' w'hich the here. I dent and in most of these contests he has been the best man among Gjfts to $25 . .$1 weakly t,heir information lay, of course, a j average citizen need concern him­ Then came Samuel ------$22.50 principle absolutely vital to the i “Condemned.” And Sam got a lit- the candidates. The Socialists are Gifts to $50 . .$2 weekly self not at all. tie better 'break because he staged . lucky to have him. The fact that Gifts to $100 .$3 weekly conduct of newspapers if they are his premiere on a Sunday night— \ he had the support of such papers as the New York Telegram and the Gifts to $150 .$4 weekly to be of any real value. All experi- j MORE STAY-AT-HOMES and a rainy one at that. All the ; ence proves the futility of attempt­ theater folk who were working on New York World in the New York Gifts to $200 .$5 weekly The fact that the Aquitania sail­ campaign despite his Socialism was ing to make a newspaper worth its the night of Gloria’s “first night” ed for Europe on Wednesday with appeared in what finery they had a remarkable tribute. salt unless its sources of informa­ more stewards than passengers be­ left after the Wall Street crash. The possibility of the rise of a strong third party in such graft- tion are protected. So widely is tween her decks suggests that One notices particularly the Eng- ; ridden cities as Philadelphia and this fact recognized, even outside quite probably one of the few lines of newspaper offices, that law offi­ lish invasion. Those who haven’t | 4T'' of business that will suffer from I actually arrived from London have ’ cers, courts and the general public the collapse of the stock have long granted to the papers may be the one so extensively en I S r ^ ^ e o ^ p T w?o° haJ^E^ s S ' “ "ead^geufng^'aS well un': Smart living room ensembles and their employes tacit immunity gaged in by winners in ;ecent | accents | fad If you would have your new liA/ing room furnishings from any attempts to compel dis­ years, seeing the world. closure. The course of the District distinctively different from any other you have ever seen, ? r Literally thousands of Ameri­ tile start with a tuxedo sofa, like this, and group unmatched of Columbia court is, then, some­ cans have financed European trips in town for the third swanky eve- j council. chairs to harmonize with it. This sofa has down seats what in the nature of being revolu­ ning of the week—the production visors voted to accept the state o and is covered in tapette. and extensive tours here, there and of his musical show "Bitter Sweet,” i age P^asions law. o-rv.rom tionary: establishing a precedent everywhere by being “in” on some which seems to have made Boston The St^ialist municipal go e - which, if commonly followed and of the boom stocks. Sometimes forget the Watch and Ward So- ; ^ent of Reading about two years The ciety. And with him was Evelyn ’ old, is distinguishing itself by re If you’re refurnishing a bed­ successful would put an end to the they actually took their profits and This Watkins reproduction of Sofa $ . Laye the English bcalTty imported duemg the cost of public improve- a Chippendale lowboy ia cer­ 143 room for Thanksgiving . . . or institution of the newspaper as it L,a,ye, luc ^ - ments and public works and has spent them on travel. Sometimes by M. Ziegfield, who seems to have . ^ ^ »,oii tainly a versatile piece. Use Christmas . . .this poster bed ban existed in America for a cen­ will help you. It is correctly they used their cash surpluses to glorified all the American girls Jast built a_new $75M It in the hallway, the living A Windsor chair, like the one sketched, makes an ideal tury and more. and now has to go to London. Miss which it contends would ’nave cost room, bedroom, breakfast or turned with graceful head- pay for the steamship tickets and two or three times as much under “fill-in” piece for living room, study or bedroom. It is board. Mahoganjr and gum- It is not greatly to be feared foreign hotel bills, being supported Laye is blond in an important way! dining room. Solid mahog­ made of New England birch, finished mahogany. its predecessors. The outstanding any wood that there will be frequent repeti­ But she shouldn’t have been in by a serene faith in paper profits the same party as Billie Burke. personality there is James H. tions of the act of the Washington not yet cashed in. In any event it Miss Burke (otherwise Mrs. Zieg- Maurer, public works commissioner, who ran for vice president on the Windsor judge. But the new'spapers are con­ is probable that at least five out of feld) remains one of the mysteries Chair $ of perennial youth, so far as I am Socialist ticket vrith Thomas last $49.50 12.60 $20.25 fronted by such a possibility, even every ten of the swarms of Ameri­ year. Mauref was president of the though it be remote. Incidentally concerned. cans who have been “abroad” in If she gets older, only the calen­ Pennsylvania State Federation of the American people are confront­ recent years bought their travel dar knows it. Gertrude Lawrence Labor and the only Socialist mem­ ed by a possibility, though equally of also appeared to be with the Brit­ ber of the legislature. experience under the impulse Nationally, the growth of the remote, that they may eventually ish delegation. profits derived or expected from But since five New York women Socialist party v,ill be slow unless WATKINS BROTHERS, be deprived of that service on the speculation and not deliberately were wearing monocles and half the the country is let in for hard times. The domestic conditions jiart of the press to which they are with money earned and saved from | swanky folks were trying the Duch­ '55 YEARS AT SOUTH MANCHESTER ess of Something I’m not quite which drove England into the as habituated as they are to their their regular occupations or busi­ arms of the Socialists are not sure who was who. fJeoCRo^ meals or to the breathing of air. nesses. likely to be duplicated over here Unless a definite thing is done That the number of such tourists about it. will be greatly reduced in the next w a T u r f h f uk"e?; .n p - p e 7 a n r m output. Barely thirty, | a Soc alist cohsressmaa and pos- In just one state, Maryland, so few years would seem to be inevi­ he has written half a dozen plays— I siBiy w o. far as we know, are the newspa­ table. The billions of money spent three of them excellent-and has' pers secure against the kind of at­ in foreign countries since, say, acted splendidly in one of them., of which has nothing to do tack made by the Washington 1924, were not by any means all Last season he wrote the cleverest '^th his health and figure for many years You must be careful not to take court. In that state this law stands musical revue of the year, com -! nf longer than the average. sudden exercises, and avoid displac­ the result of the unexampled pros­ posed the songs, arranged the stag— i r __ , If -Thia aroar &tor Carter Glass for re-election HEALTH«>DIETA0VICE If you wish to avoid physical and ing, as every displacement weakens on the statute books: “No person perity of the nation. They were mg and appeared in it. This year | mieht nosslblv mental decay, you should make the ligaments still more. engaged in, connected with or em­ just winnings. Nov/, vrithwiLii theLiic game he’s back with what appears to be : ™ ^ O r FlMinK . ^ tA-x X? 'lose m the primaries, but it wont yourself a specialis’: in health pro­ Breathing Dust ployed on a newspaper or journal shut down and most of the stakes ^‘Bitte? Sweet’" ’ i^ the ' on Cannon’s account. It was ducing habits. Question: K. H. W. writes:— “I am shall be compelled to disclose, in I am sometimes astounded to ob­ in the hands of hard faced profes­ ranking success of London. I a mistake on Cannon's part to go by trade a driller, at present doing after Glass so bitterly in the last serve the remarkal)le changes that concrete work. This is naturally a any legal proceeding or trial or be­ sionals, there are not likely to be m ____ patients undergo while following the fore any committee of the Legisla­ anywhere near so many Americans ' MAMOtUS- tUL. very dusty job, and this fine con­ right diet, exercise and hygenic crete dust envelopes me when at ture or elsewhere, the source of wandering over the face of the HEALTH BRINGS BEAUTY ^conducive to beauty. One who sits at methods. Many of them blossom out work. Is there any danger of this a ! O. H e n ? y short p r tz 7 th "' « " " when after into astounding beauties, even In any information procured or ob­ earth, distributing cash with both his stock market dealings had been a desk all day certainly has some dust getting into the lungs? If I year. And Sidney Hov/ard,' the disadvantage phyhsically compared cases that looked exceeding hope­ tained by him for and published in hands, as has been the case for Theater Guild playwright, will be disclosed, the bishop blamed Glass Many people consider themselves keep this work up for a long time for the disclosures. Glass hadn’t as being “unfortunately” not beauti­ with the legendary golden Age when less in the beginning. A email thorax will it have any effect on my health? the newspaper on and in which he some little time. the “runner-up.” . . . 'The “Book- will enlarge to normal if one prac­ wise.” . . . And M. Woolworth has had anything to do with It. After ful. Have they ever considered the all that, was necessary was playing Answer:—If you breathe too large is engaged, connec^d with or em­ More of this nation’s capital is that, however. Glass devoted his fact that many of them would be leap frog under the trees from which tices deep breathing .'teveral times some of the magazine boys worried daily. Though your back be crooked, a quantity of rock dust it could lead ployed.” likely to stay at home and be em­ with his ten-cent publications. . . . enthusiastic attention to Cannon. much easier on the eyes if they had lucious and nourishing fruits fell to a coating of the lungs which is Before long he had the bishop on to eat I you can improve it by the right kind In many other states, to be sure, ployed in bona fide development Walter Hackett, who wrote "It received the best dietetic and cul­ just when one was ready termed “silicosis” but usually much the run, answering charges of war­ them. of exercises. there are wise legal decisions on and upbuilding of legitimate indus­ Pays to Advertise” and a number tural care when they were children ? dust must be breathtd before this time flour hoarding, mysterious Any disease if long continued will I believe that our civilization is Don’t think this is hopeless with occurs. Various occupations where record establishing, insofar as such try and business. Which, when you of other hits, came back the other day after a 15-year self-imposed campaign contributions and other result in ugliness. Any case of long an Improvement over any past age yourself. Everyone is capable of im­ dust is breathed may lead to a decisions can establish, similar come to think it all over, may not exile in England. . . . Theda Bara matters which seemed to need ex­ continued naalnutritlon, improperly within history. I would rather have provement unless he is at death’s fibrosis of the Rings. Those who ab­ Immunity from inquisition for the be such a very bad thing for the —don’t you remember her?—is to planation. balanced feedings, or gluttony will an automobile and a radio, a home door. So throw out your chest and sorb too much silica or stone dust Camion was kept on the de­ pull your bead back and resolve to newspapers. But only Maryland, little old U. S. be seen about Manhattan, and destroy the proportions of our fig­ with hot and cold running water, may be incapacitated in from two fensive for many months, right up ures that are supposed to be model­ electric lights and convenient sew­ day by day become bette. and bet­ to eight years. Coal miners or dwell­ we believe, has written this protec­ seemingly more alluring than ever. . . . But somehow the films seem to the time he left the country ed after the image of God. age disposal than to live in a palace ter. The time to start is NOW! ers in cities where there is dust and tion of the press into statutory eu; GAMBLING willing to get along without her. some two or three weeks before with the filth and ignorance of the soot may gpradually have the lungs the election. Cannon doubtless If one were describing the symp­ actment. One of our state contemporaries The next biography of an im toms of ugliness, he would be de­ middle ages. We have not reached QUESTIONS AND .ANSWERS carbonized. The first symptoms are; portant American figure will con- | f w the handwriting on the waU A similar law ought to be passed gasps and almost chokes over the scribing disease symptdms as well. perfection, and we can always look those of coughing and failing health- cem Clarence Mackey, but I wond- neither he nor anyone else forward to better things. l^'eak Ligaments and if this begins to occur it would ~ by every state in the Union. The in­ ' forsaw the size of the landslide It would be Impossible to imagine discovery thatr “$4:000,000,000 er if it will tell who did the family Hercules afflicted with tuberculosis, One of the drawbacks of a civiliz­ Question: R. F. writes:—“I am 16 be well for you to change your oc­ stitution of the newspaper ought changes hands annually in the washing in those old days when under which the Cannon candi­ ed community is that it tends to cupation. Much of the dust wlU" date was about to be burled. Diana with gout, Appollo with years old and am troubled with not to be subject to complete de United States through commercial­ gold was being dug from the Cali­ biliousness, or Juno with mucous specialization. An individual must be weak ligaments. I have a knee which gradually be eliminated through ex-') fornia hills, or explain his attitude ' able to do something uncommonly pectoration. struction, nor yet its workers sub­ ized gambling” and quotes the fig­ RELIGIOUS DISPUTES colitis. Just imagine Robin Hood frequently slips out of joint, and I toward the marriage of his daugh­ running off with his fair maid, well or he is very likely to be drag­ ject to persecution, at the whim of have this trouble with my elbows ures—$500,000,000 in baseball ter to Irving Berlin? Maron, if she bad weighed two hun­ ged into the mire of failure. This likewise. What, if anything, can be a prosecuting officer or a judge. pools, $1,000,000,000 in race track Warsaw, Poland, NoV. 15.— (AP) specializing permits us to use some Mr. Youngqulst, who succeed^' —Fristion between Christian and dred and sixty-five pounds! done to correct this condition? betting, and so on. muscles but neglects others. We Would any special diet help these Mabel Walker Wlllebrandt, sayS: Jewish students at the University of The alterations produced by dis­ he is not a fanatic. Well, who satC ATTRIBUTING MOTIVES To be sure these figures are Cracow has aroused the minister of ease ore so pronounced that any may be compelled to occupy a limit­ weak joints?” he was ? ' FLOBENCE IN REGISTER ed number of positions during many AnsweY:—There Is no special diet Much erudite comment is being largely gruesswork and probably education to inform the rector that competent diagnostician can dis­ tinguish a healthy person from a hours. This interferes with our to correct weak joints. The best jXMlde on the Treasury Depart exaggerated plenty. But even if the university will be closed for six Boston, Nov. 15.— (AP)—Through months if the incidents continue. sick one simply by the general ap­ health and beauty unless we take method of overcoming this condition xnent’s announcement of a recom­ true, what ice do these varieties of her marriage to John Coolidge, the pearance. In many cases. It is even special care of our exercise and play. is to take exercises so that you can A LUCKY BREAK • mendation of a one per cent de- gambling cut in comparison with former Miss Florence Trumbull, Too much sleep is a •vicious possible to recognize the principle Each person should develop a hob­ strengthen the muscles. Not much can be done to strengthen the liga­ It only lasts two hours ettose In the income tax rates, the flops of as many billions a day daughter of the governor of Connor- habit, says a University of Pitts­ disease with just a general Inspec­ by that- will correct his one-sided ticut, fentered the Boston Social tion. work.,If he also will eat a correctly ments except to strengthen the in the stock market of late? burgh professor. It certainly is, but you’ll remember it aome of it under the assumption Register for the first time according professor, the way folks go about I know that many of the condi­ balanced diet, such as I outlined in neighboring muscles and Improve that of^course the administration’s For a country which counte- to the new 1930 edition. the Job with a snarl. tions under which we Uve are not mv weeklv menus, he mav nreaerve the circulation around the .loints. the rest of your lif<^- PAGE NINl! MANCHESTER EVENING HEKALG, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CO(7Nn FRIDA;Y, NOVEMBER 15, 1929. ------^ ------socially obliged to serve bootleg another plane that his craft was like a cat; it comes back. John ul.-LJiolism by State Attorney Law-1 liquor in their homes. ' afire, he thought he did not have Bishop, present owner and grand­ reoce C. Jones. iGERMAN SCIENTIST i Princeton, N. J.—The Tiger has time to take to a parachute. He son of the founder, .stiU ovims a third DETECTS FRAUDS New Haven.—Dr. Eugene Kahn, | Queer Twists been kept hungry in the hope that made for Selfrldge Field 1,000 feet of it after an, auction.. Sundry at­ Overnight Munich, Germany, appointed pro- he’ll chaw up the Bulldog. A stu­ below, landed safely, leaped from the tempts of his forbears to.^ell it ' fessor of pscychitry Md mental dent mass meeting at Princeton to flaming cockpit and put out the Are failed. This trouble' Mth thb latest hygiene in the Yale School of Medi- j FINDS ODD TRIBESi OF OLD MASTERS In Day^s News stir up things prior to tomorrow’s with his extinguisher. effort was mud, muddy roads due to A , P. News cine. ; game with Yale was cancelled at the i New Haven.—Chas. J. Shute, 91, Eliza, 111.—The town of Eliza is rain. team's request. It has had a poor last survivor of the U. S. S. Cum­ season and hopes to provide reason berland sunk by the Merrimac dur^ West Palm Beach—Mrs, Cora L. New York—Stocks rise 2 to 20 ------.. Announces Discovery of Ferguson has been receiving 3,000 for a bonfire and other demonstra­ Argentina’s Ambassador to points: Federal Reserve cuts redis- ling the Civil War, dies. pennies a week as alimony. She has tions by what it does in the Yale count rate from 5 to 4 1-2 per cent; New Haven.—Phillip Llspon, 60, and his two sons arrested charged cited her divorced husband to court Bowl. T brokers loans drop $710,000,000. Primitive Peoples Resid­ to explain why he is not in contempt New York—Whatever happens to Italy Has Queer Hobby; Washington — Senate increases with Yale-Princeton ticket specula­ tion. for his method of remitting. Exhibit stocks there will be a Santa Claus tariff on agricultural products; re­ A is 6,000 pennies, cess proposal defeated. Meriden.—Dr. J. Henry Mason of ing in North Manchuria. Christmas Clubs of the nation short­ Fingerprint Expert. New York —Body of Mortimer Waterbury hospital, elected presi­ Berkeley, Calif.—Helen Wills feels ly will distribute a total of $600,- Schubert, racketeer, found in park­ dent of the Connecticut Hospital as- j certain that the omission of her 000,000 which members have saved ed automobile on upper Broadway. sociation. Dresden.— (AP)—Professor Wal- name from the Social Register will up during the year. The average Rome— (AP)—The recent resig-1 Washington — Department of | laitviueTaftville.—Alfred.—ajucu Llnderson of , j lhuther* Stoetzner, famous German not affect her tennis, and she is not check will be $59.50 and payments, Red Cross nation of Argentina’s ambassador | Labor reports indicate business this town elected president of East- ] orientalist, v/ho recently returned to hurry her marriage just because will range as high as $1,000. her fiance, Frederick S. Moody, Jr., Iowa City—Bobbie Farr, 12, is to Italy, Dr. Hernando Perez, has | fimdamentally sound. ; ern Connecticut Mills association | expedition to Kores and Buffalo, N. Y. -S even robber.-;! Danbury.-M ayo^ Anthony Sun- is among the elect.' mighty proud of his hew seven-tube lerved to reveal the fact that Dr. | North Manchuria, has reported thei Lo„don-The Prince or Wales has radio. He once shook hands with the Perez has developed into a kind of | hold up society engagement party ; derland, serving fifth term and re- and get jewels valued by victims at ; cently married, given public recep- discovery of an heretofore unknown J private front door for the first President. Then he wrote Mr. Hoo­ scientific detective in a highly spe- j ver that he had heard one of his cialized field—that of art. |$400,000. 1 tion. primitive religion, a native Man-,| time. Alterations at York House, The ambassador has nothing to ■ Washington-^Secretary Good r:;- ] New Britain.—^^Harry Collins, 20, churlan Shamanlatic cult resemblluq: | Ws reaidence adjototag St. Jamea speeches over a neighbor’s set. The President replied that “a friend” was Jo with the working out of mur- covers slightly after relapse. steeple jack, seriously injured in the Shamanism of the Ural-AltahilPalac. Mve p r o ^ en- ders and felonies. His detection | Norfolk, Va.—Gas fumes on bp‘ - two mishaps, trance for his secretarial staff. sending Bobble a set of his own. tleship New York overcome ni , ' Hartford.—D. J. Burke, 57, en- peoples and Tartars of Siberia. Berlin—“Hitchhiking” is the rage. concerns only the finding out whe-1 The last si.x months of his two Albany, N. Y.—Maurice E. Camp­ ther old paintings of the masters , two of whom die. i gineer at local store critically in- bell, Federal prohibition administra­ That’s what an American word Washington—Chairman Caraway. , jured when hit on the head with and a half years of wandering hc; are really paintings of the masters tor for New York City, is virtually adopted by enthusiastic German of Senate lobby committee, assails heavy instrument by holdup man. spent on the Korean island of Sa; walkers is to the ear, although it and therefore immensely valuable, Shuto, reported tc have been un- ostracised from the homes of his or merely imitations and frauds. ^lobbyists in radio address. i The thief secured no money and es- many friends. He cannot visit them retains its American form in print. Birmingham. Ala.—Hundred fam- i caped. visited by Europeans for 1,000 yea/s. without embarrassing them and Mt. Clemens, Mich.—If a plane But the reason the ambassador is From here and from Manchuria Madam, yoii a kind of detective is that he pre-. ilies assisted from homes as flood New Haven.—New Haven s 1929 himself, he told the State Federation gets afire aloft Lieutenant William sweeps city. I Community Chest campaign goes he brought back ethnological ajid ceeds just as a detective does—he of Women’s Clubs. Many distin­ R. Morgan, reserve officer, seems to Coshocton, Oo.—Police chief says ■ “over the top.” . geological specimens and data, much guished hostesses, he added, feel know what to do. Signalled by searches for fingerprints. | I of which he has presented to the never had By discovering fingerprints of the , two admit electrocuting miner in | j Dresden museum. masters on their paintings and j prank which proved fatal. comparing them with the finger-. London— General Jan C. Smuts I Wife With Him. prints on a painting called into ques-1 tells League of Nations Union he LONDON’S MARKETS Style - Shoes doubts practicability of Hoover plan i His wife, the first European wo­ tion, Dr. Perez is able scientificially I man explorer to enter the valleys of to tell whether the painting is < for immunity of food ships in war. Tientsin, China—Seven men ar- ^ tur n the Amur and Nonni rivers, accom­ that fit you genuine or not. rested as suspects in kidnaping of i London, Nov. 15.— (AP)—Wall panied him throughout his journey. Invents Instruments Aaron Brenner, American fur deal- street’s recovery and announcement Together they traversed a w'lid The ambassador is not the dis­ ei-_ of a prospective income tax slarh North-Manchurian region some 600 like these cover of this new approach toward Bagdad, Irak — Premier Muhsin g more cheerful tone to the miles wide, of which little has the elimination of fraud in the leaves letter saying he killed hirnself ( Exchange at opening today hitherto been known to westerners: turnover of highpriced objects of because< ______people1 Av Vv/>1 believedifr*nitnT'- he traitor and _ _ i softened___rtf rtrtnfiTi

Which Team Will Complete the Most Passes? What Will Be the Final Score of Ihe Game? W it h Y o u ______^ ______DON’T FAIL TO ATTEND THE CUBS VS. MAJORS FOOTBALL GAME NOV. 17th. To Enjoy The Game Also Dress Warmly in one of Cash A w ard- You Must Be Comfortable GLENNEY^S for most nearly correct, neatest set of answers to questions asked in each ad Smart Overcoats, Suits, Gloves and Shoes regarding first game of series. One Of Our Clothing with outstanding styling, fabrics and patterns. We aie showing the very best line of Overcoats from the factories of RULES HICKEY-FREEMAN, FASHION PARK AND FORD Overcoats or Jackets Fill out blank sentences in each ad, making predictions to best Money invested in good clothes always pays the largest dividend. of your ability, and bring or send these entire pages to The Man­ You can safely look to us for the correct style and proper fitting in every will make this possible. ( chester Herald on or before 1 p. m. Saturday, November 16th— Addiess detail. Jackets of Leather or Heavy Cloth.' OVERCOATS ...... ?25 to $65 FOOTBALL CONTEST, HERALD SUITS ...... $25 to $49.50 GEORGE H. WILLIAMS, INC. CLENNEY’S First Game-—Mt. Nebo-^Nov. 17 JOHNSON BLOCK MAIN STREET

Which Team Will Score First? What Will Be the Score at the End of the First Half? Which Team Will Make the Most Fumbles? Which Team Will Call in the Most Substitutes? TH£ SA Y lu e s AMD DO!MSS BF SPESBD'DAY OF


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Which Team Will Win the Game? Which Eleven’s Kick Will Average the Most Yards? What Will Be the Total Points Scored by Both Teams?! In Which Quarter Will the Most Scoring Be DooqI ...... • dl

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How Many Points Will Be Scored in the Send Half? Which Team Will Complete the Longest Pass? Which Team Will Make the Most Field Goals? Which Team Will Make the Most First Downs?

« BUY YOUR CANDY SPORTING — Greenberg’s — Look Well at the Game Men’s Fancy Shirts $2 and $2.50, Ide Brand OR YOUR SMOKES GOODS Dollar Men’s White Broadcloth Shirts $2, $2.50, $3 .r Before the Game REACH Arrow, Hanover and Ide Brands. WRIGHT & DITSON’S Dyers & Cleaners Men’s Tan and Black Oxfords .... $5 to $9 28 Oak Street. Phone 4928 Football Accessories New Neckwear, Caps, Soft Hats, Gloves, FARR BROS. We Call for and Deliver Hose, Collars and Handkerchiefs 981 Main Street GUNS — RIFLES CLEAN, PRESS, REPAIR W C at REASONABLE PRICES For Real Football See the Cubs-Major Game. AFTER THE GAME AMMUNITION For Real Value and Quality Clothes See Look Your Best at the Game. STOP AT FARR’S Buy Your Hunting Supplies NOTICE For a Hot Chocolate, The Blish Hardware Co. To the man scoring the most points in the first A. L. BROWN & CO. Sundae or a Milk Shake Tinker Building game we will clean and press two suits free of-charge.


WIU the Cubs Double Majors’ What Player Will Make Which Team will the Star of the Will Brunig Moske Make a Touchdown? Will Cub or Major Player Make the Longest Run? Will Anyone Be Put Out of the Game Be a Member of? Score? Most Yardage? Game for Fighting?

To Introduce ... Today and Saturday Don’t Miss the Football Classic Before and After the DUNHILL’S and Game Stop Don’t Forget Complete Line of Clothing at YOUR foot is n o t hard- FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY THE GREAT to-fit...not in Wilbur Coon Shoes. Special AND OUR ORIGIN.YL The Measurements^ve the 20-WEEK PAYMENT PLAN fambusS-pointnt. Heels Backward don’t slip. The whole WE WILL GIVE AWAY South Manchester shoe fits comfortably FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20th EDDIE QUILLAN Wear One of Our snug, with ease where Seeison Sale Candy Kitchen you need it. .\T 8:30 r. M., .ABSOLUTELY SALLY O'NEIL TAMS or Close-fit­ Many novel styles, in FREE FREE JEANETTE LOFF Tremendous Next to Glenncy’s ting Jersey Turbans leathers and fabrics. Sizes 1 to 12, AAAA to THE BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC RADIO Tkfh6®Rcture T\‘ Bargains! for EEE. Try on a pair. to the game. Complete as displayed in our store to the holder of the Save on Everything. Delicious Luncheon lucky number. Come in person. See the manager. Numbers AFTER THE GAME SUNDAY Give Your Purse New assortment in vaiious NAVEN’S uTll be drawn until the winner answers from the audience in our VTSIT THE STATE AND SEE a Treat. materials, just arrived. store. RUTH CHATTERTON Fountain Service AND 59c to $1.98 LEWIS STONE HYMAN’S or MEN’S STORE NELLEGS Pure Home Made Manchester’s MADAME Between Dunhllls’ and Colonial Millinery Headquarters X Lunch. Open Evenings. Candies South Manchester, Conn* THE MOST STIRRING DRAM.4TIC PICTURE 695 MAIN ST. State Theater Building EVER p r o d u c e d :

Will Jack Stratton Kick a Feild Goal? Will Majors Use More Than 25 Players?, Which Team Will Throw the Longest Forward? The “ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW” State Theater Building ...... Thanksgiving Day What Quarterbacks Will Start the Game? TOMORROW—SATURDAY W e Have For Sale Greeting Cards Our Second Last Day Of Our Cheap Production Send your friends a Thanksgiving Day Card. To anyone who lias been in the manufacturing busi­ They will appreciate it. ANNIVERSARY ness—whether on a large or small scale—this statement is as great as the Cubs-Majors is obvious. football classic. 5 c “25c Thrift Week Sale Power is an item in all manufacturing costs. la Go to the game for thrills mass production it is a small item. In highly special­ ized production, with a limited output, it is a large item* Come Here for Values! SAVE MONEY ON DEPENDABLE We offer the cheapest, most flexible power the in­ fo r The dustrial world has ever known. From the point of vieW of the manufacturer we recognize no competitors. MERCHANDISE Thanksgiving Party DRESSES SPORTS If you are not using central station power, see us. Values to $12.95 FROCKS We can cut your production costs and at the same time Napkins, Table Cloths, Tweed, Flaimel create better workincr conditions for your employees. Canton Crepe Jersey COME TO ^ Tallys, Place Cards, Seals, etc. Flat Crepe, etc. Beg. $6.95 $7.95 $3.95 The M A R L O W ’S Manchester Electric Co. The Dewey-Richman Co. MATRONS’ DRESSES 773 Main St. Phone 5181 Jewelers Stationers Opticians Values to $9.95. $5.95 IV J . pQR VALUES

Will Brunig Moske Start the Game? Will the Majors Score? Which Team Will Be Penalized the Most Yards? Will Moske Outgain Meikle?

PLAYING THE GAME! Buy Your Thanksgiving Silverware Out of the High Rent District. Sample of Values Obtainable at Our Specials for Thanksgiving A t Jaffe^s and You*ll Know Gigantic Shoe Sale Now Offering To Our Customers Ws Paid For Men’s High Grade Greater Values Than Ever Before Whitman and Apollo Don^t Buy On Margin! RADIOS ROGERS’ 26 PIECE SET Calfskin Philco, Bosch RCA, Zenith, Spartan, Lyric, Grebe and Chocolates In Serving Tray or Box Silver. Arrange for demonstration today. A wonderful assortment in 1, 2 and 5 lb. boxes. $15.00 STOVES Glace Fruits...... $1.00 to $2.00 Oxfords Full Enamel Sterling Combination Ranges $200 installed Golden Glow Salted Nuts in bulk ROGERS’ 34 PIECE SET Values to $6.00 Full Enamel Kitchenette Combination . Stainless Steel Blades in Serving Tray or Box and packages. Going out at Ranges...... $125 installed Free Turkey With Every Sterling Range and WE ARE NOW SHOWING THE NEW $17.75 Lyric Radio Till Xmas. STREBOR CHOCOLATES, per l b ...... $3.88 A .T 1 1 Silent Blue Flame Burners Grape Juice Ginger Ale Teaspoons...... $3.50 dozen Nokol Special S50 InstaUed K e lV in a t O P Pie Server...... $2.40 each ONE LOT OF MEN’S FELT SLIPPERS fiO/% Plumbing, Heating, Metal Work, Plumbing Supplies. Mineral Waters 1-2 dozen Knives and Forks...... $7.50 Going out at, a p a i r ...... OJ/C Lowest Prices in Town. Phone 7167 Cigars and Cigarettes MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS S.ELECTIONS ALFRED A. GREZEL Diamond Shoe Stores New Location Just a Step from Main St. QUINN’S PHARMACY JAFFE'S 1013 Main Street, South Manchester Purnell Place. ^ 891 Main Street

Will Majors Use Their Triple Pass Play? Will More Than 2,500 Persons Pay Admission? Will the Cubs Score Tavo Touchdowns? Who Will be the Star of the Game? Cubs-Majors Game for Football For Football Go to Mt. Nebo Sunday — WIOR’S FOR JEWELRY — CLORENGE'S For Special Values and Quality Specials For Thanksgiving “The store that holds faith with the people” Merchandise COLD MEAT FORK TOMATO SERVER Corner Main and Maple Streets Telephone 8258 GRAVY LADLE BERRY SPOON F. Kelley, Prop. Sporting Regular $1.50 each, now $1.00 each Go To The With Sterling Silver Handles A large assortment of Home Cooked Foods with spe­ cials changing daily. Silver Plated Salt and Pepper Shakers Large assortment of Otto Stahl’s Smoked and Cooked Regular $1.75, now $1.00 Meats and Our Own Baked Ham. Puritan Market In French Grey Finish. Caps are made of hard met- New Sauerkraut £alas-Sill Corner of Main and Eldridge St. tal, non-corrosive, size ^Vz inches high. Swedish Salt Herring Frockost-Sill Wm. Rogers & Sons Fresh Lingon Appetitsild LOOK BUY Imported and Domestic Anchovies 26 Piece Silver Sets Health Bread Swedish Caviar in the latest patterns. Cinnamon and Sugar Rusks Pickled Lamb’s Tongues $7.95 and up Potato Flour Pickled Pigs’ Feet SUGAR 5^ lb. Complete Line of Silverware, Jewelry, Yellow Peas Potato Chips in bulk. Pretzels Limit 10 lbs. to a customer. American and Swiss Watches Brown Beans

0 A small deposit will hold any article till Christmas. Pickles, Olives, Onions and Relishes. Manchester Plumbing k Supply Cb. For Other Specials Read Our Adv. ImpiH’ted and Domestic Beverages. “If It’s Hardware We Have It.” on Page 17 MATHEW WIOR, Jeweler Store Open Every Evening Until 9 O’Clock. Phone 4425, For Service. Use It. Next to the Post Office

r > r 'T i 7

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRH)AY, NOVEMBER 15, 1929. J 'i»AGE TWELVE Daily Health -YDUR- Service S y Arm© Aus tin, author of. by World Earned Authority © 1929 by N E A . CHILDREN Hints On How To Keep Well \Ihe Black Pigeon;''Rivalvrives:etc I , I I I I I , « ' S e iTVice. Inc.«.

ONLY A PHYSICIAN bj/ Ojive/^berts Barton THIS HAS HAPPEXED CAN TELL IF A CHILD MRS. HOGARTH, said to keep “Did you ever notice,” it was a IS REALLY NORMAL / © 1^28 bi) NEA Servicfejna a hoard of money in her room on , smart looking but by no means A mother said to me the other'? treatment is bbvious? Doesn’t it the second floor of MRS. RHODES’ | handsome woman who put the ques­ BY DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN day; “ You have given so many rea- . begin, not with the child, hilt tion to me, “ that usually girls who boaring house, .is .strangied. to i Editor Journal of the American sons for children lying, but you with the parent? are not pretty make better mar­ death. B O NNIE DUNDEE, “ cub” | Medical Association and of 1 don’t tell how to cure it.” Punishment to End? riages than the beauties?” detective, assisting LIEUT. Hygeia, the Health Magazine I had only one answer to that. “ But w6 must punish! W e can’ t I had not noticed it, so she went STRAWN, attaches significance to j 1 “ Lying is like sickness. The best let things go! We can’t say things the utterance “ Bad Penny!” made on. The average parent IS not jg prevention. If you allow a are all right when they are not.” “A pretty girl’s looks become her by CAP'N, Mrs. Hogarth’s parrot. child to get into the habit of lying, ^ Very well! If we reason that handicap, unless she has a hard, Suspicion faiis at once on E M IL i + i there is no magic cure. The harm way, then we have made our de- shrewd brain—which she usually SEA'IER, former boarder whom, ^ !h a s been done. The thing to do is cision and there is no argument, Mrs. Hogarth has accused of try- I does not have, because they blind children come within the group | mischief that But all I have to say is that when ing to rob her, and who left town j her to those unpleasant facts that Known as normal. caused the story-teUing in the first things reach that chronic stage. hurriedly. Dimdee, behind a screen | a girl who is no beauty faces. However, there is seldom a nor- I » • , that a child persistently has to de- “You see, a pretty girl doesn’t takes notes as StrawTi quizzes | mal child who is perfect. Invest!-| ^ f course we all know the com- fend himself for fear of punish- DOWD, newcomer out of work, i have to worry about beaux—un­ gations made of applicants for the' Of the truth goes far. far who insists he was asleep in his ! less she is a moron—because she army during the World W ar indi- ^ ® further back than the lie, and room next to Mrs. Hogarth s j attracts them as naturally as flow­ cated that a high percentage had j pumsn . behind the misbehavior. It CORA BARKER, theater pianist, ers attract-bees. all sorts of minor disturbances,! I f 8, child w on t tell the truth to gggg ^he cause of misbehavior, tells of her date with another board- ; “ She does not have to worry varying from flat feet and e n -i his parents in the first place, the misbehavior in the er, BERT 3L\GNUS, amateur about dates, or bids to proms, or larged tonsils to defects of the j thing I’d do immediately womd be pjg^gg or just something that scenario writer, of his failure to what not— she does not have to | heart action and of the abdominal | to ask myself if I were the kind of child knew we would call mis- appear, and of her return to the worry about being brilliant or j organs. parent my child was afraid of. , ^gjiavior ? In the eyes of the child, house to hear him tjp in g in his sparkling, if she is pretty enough I “Am I too severe with him. Am ^ 3,3 it a wrong act ? — and consequently she does not I Besides the factors known as room at 12:10. She denies bdng physical factors, there are the I too quick to punish him? Is he rj, ggj. ^jjg child to tell you Sevier’s accomplice. NORMA look ahead to the day when her |- afraid of me?” everything. A t any cost, . I ’d teach. — looks fade. ■ mental traits of the child. The PAIG E, latest heiress under Mrs. term “insanity” has practically I f the answers are “ yes. him truth. Hocarth’s uill, admits calling on Homely Wisdom Suppose the lie is caused by in­ "Not so wdth the girl who isn’t disappeared from the considera­ her iate that night and of arous- tions of experts in mental dis­ feriority complex, as is sometimes ine her anger by confessing her so easy to look at. Unless she is the case, in an effort to set himself extraordinary talented or en­ eases, but they recognize all de­ Evening Wrap eniagement to WALTER STIXES, grees of mental capacity from up in the eyes of his friends! Sup­ another boarder. ^ ^ dowed with unusual social graces, pose he says, “I have a dollar at she takes the jolts that come along. complete idiocy or imbecility to Styles corroborates Norma s home,” when he hasn’t a cent. “ She knows what it means to the extraordinary eccentricities as­ admission that she came to his sociated not infrequently v.ith great This really is a pitiful form of stand aside and let the pretty, girl I room to tell him of the mter^ew lying. It is too bad that children grab off the men. She knows the geniuses. and confesses he was angry. M ag­ should be allowed to get so low in bitterness of wondering whether Before one can be certain that nus says he typed until 12:lo. the child is a normal child, it is their own estimation that they DAISY SHEPHERD explains her she is going to be a wall flower, have to resort to subterfuge and or who, if any, is going to cut in necessary to find the capacity of assence from Sor. room at the / deceit to swell that small ego to on her dances. She knows what the child physically and mentally murder hour by sajing she was in \ accountable proportions. it is to need an escort, occasion­ and to find whether it falls within the kitchen robbing the ice box. the limits that are generally con­ Swell His Ego! ally. Dundee finds .in Mrs. Hogarth sidered normal. This means that A child like this should be en­ diary reference to a mysteriims “ And, if she is smart, she knows the necessity of wading right in the normal child is one like most couraged to feel his importance “ D,” of whom she lived in dread. and picking herself a husband, 787 other children. and assured that he really amounts NO W GO ON W IT H TH E STORY while the picking is good. She is In order to find out whether a I to something: indeed it takes a CHAPTER XIX not blinded by her own light. She child is normal physically, it is long campaign of encouragement necessary to consult a competent “ Good morning, , is not over-confldent from con- SNUG H IPS to conquer that complex of his. physician and he can make his de­ Am I the first one xo his startied amazement, the girl’s hands flinched from him, as quest. She keeps her head— and Show him that he only makes him­ you know any woman can get the A novelty printed Rayon silk in cision only on the basis of a physi- self something to be disliked by fully as he entered the dining room, j ------man she goes after, if she wants tweed pattern in soft cocoa brown ' cal examination, telling what isn’t true. him bad enough. She selects a tones that can be worn so nicely | The examination of the mind Study the form of his lying. hour?°sS ^\h?% oui ^detective! last two or three years, but when j come from one of the ^d er inhabi- man she wants instead of the kind for all-day occasions. | does not necessarily require a The Tie that' stands side by side lived UD eloriously to his nickname. 11 said something to her once about ^ tants of the Rhodes Hohse. ^ of a man who is out offering him-i The hips are fitted with yoke | specialist in diseases of the mind, with stealing: how about it? That He waJ Connie” certainly, with his beine oblisfed to raise the price, the . be brief, folks: I reahze it will not self to a pretty girl. with scallop at front with button | It is possible for teachers who is another matter altogether. shining black hair, still damp cost of living being what it is, she ■ be very pleasant for any of us th go “Using her head all of the time,! trim through center to lengthen j have had some training in the ex- i Stealing is the problem to deal the shower, and his brilliant blue carried on something dreadful, so j on living in this house of tragedy, as she has to, she keeps her judg- i line. I amination of children, ^ with here. The lie is merely a by- eyes, and the fresh color of youth I dropped it. I was mighty fond of | but I, personally, intend to stay, ment fairly clear, is a better judge ! The skirt shows youthful all- I clans who have some knowledge of A RECENTLY imported evening nroduct. and health in his cheeks. her, pe^culiar though she was. B u t; I ’ve paid two weeks board in ad- of men than the pretty woman around flare. 1 psychologists to deterniine whether ensemble includes a short black vel­ Mrs. Rhodes’ haggardLiu eyes bright -^^---jwhat I started out to tell you was j vance and I can t afford to lose it who always sees them in a flatter- ■ The collarless neckline is hecom-1 or not the reactions of the child s vet wrap to accentuate the length The University of Paris was cnoH nt the siaht of him. “You look 1 ghe always gave me a $50 | and I wouldn t have the nerve ing- mood. - ing and comfortable fashions to | mind are normal reactions. of the gown, It is trimmed with founded by King Philip II about I f if VO? s fe S 1?L a baby,” she ! U , and I gave her the change in | ask Mrs. Rhodes to refund any part “ I know it is stupid to general- wear beneath the Winter coat. 1 Should these reactions be found white lapin. '1200. told him as she poured his coffee gmall bills. She spent n e x f to l of it. I imagine most of you have ize but it is true that most beau- The shoulders with pin tucks are t defective, it may be necessary to and then’ offered him cream for his | nothing on herself, outside of the i pato in advance. T-Plnrtant tiful women develop a great taste decorative. Sleeves are fitted with : consult a psychiatrist to deterimne raspberries “ T didn’t sleep a vin------kI |lew eiL/Lxico clothes she needed. —— Being o — con-. I He *paused, £11 noted u_ the r> A reluctantfVian for fidnlRtinn and tVip.v arG aut to ’ darts bGlow thG elbows. The slig’ht j the nature of the mental defect or myself, what with waiting on that I fined pracU^^^^ akoSer ^ judge men by the compUments ; blou^ng of bodm^ emphasizes the ! disturbance. no-account Dusty— sick as _ ---- , — ---- can sling. And you know that snugness of hips. ,ifp I HUI i angle to be considered. I hate like they ( Style No. 787 can be had in sizes he was, when he finally woke up—| received a $50 biH it out but I’m is a poor test.” A cable dispatch says a baby 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 and worrying over what happened ^ g., she managed m y S too, you know, born without a brain in Prague here last night.” j to live on it,” Dundee suggested jncluding mys® - ’^/inj^ate of Room for Illustration inches bust. It is equally smart in feather lived two months. For some rea­ We were dining in a public son the cable editor seemed to I t was the "weight tw'eed in new Spanish red less under suspicion, since the pO' hotel as she spoke, think it was news. Rhodes?’* coloring or navy blue wool crepe. . .^llice have undoubtedly decided upon hour before theater, so the room Black satin crepe is decidedly vier “I don't know where she got it • g^g the motive for the murder was filled. Many of the tables “ No, but I hope ^ the hut I do remember when she Hogarth — and ser-yiceable for it can be worn for were small ones with only a man shopping or afternoon bridge party do. Mrs, Rhodes sighed. “ ^ , Qt It. It came by express as a every one of us could use more and a woman seated together. inwitco rivt MiNUiD thing isn't cleared up m a h ry , present the first year she “ Now look around,” she urged. or theater. to FORTY THEATRES n y business will be ruined. the , money. In view of these circum- Bottle green sheer velvet or a stanefes, I move that we all stick “ Thele women'women inm herenexe aren’ta.cx. c beau transparent velvet in black AND ALL SHOPS, toe houle^ 1924. I was curious about the ties. Most of them look about like ^ break., taking pictures of the house ; by Mrs. Rhodes, and show the po­ TTie Cold parrot, but when I went down and trying to interview me I lice that we have nothing to run you and me. Go to the theater, ^j^ective for more dressy wear for / / / ' i r \ \ \ tvipm’” she added i cellar to look at the crate it had away from.” go to the opera go anj^here. gf|.gj.gQQgg informal evenings. comfort I gave them, sne aaaea, i come___ in, ^I found -rvnofxrDusty viq hadH n pli-a.sp al­ you withinterrupted just the same _ apologetically, ! Pressed dressed in n a a light g summer silk en- self and the wife.” Walter Styles, of possibly 20, with what, if it 109-I3w»st4)'^S7 topped-with a modish little pg^^g gg^^. “ All right,” wasn’t natural beauty, passed for low ttvo

KANE'S 1092 MAIN STREET CANE OUR GIFT TO YOU! Pays For 9eaturtiuj the lleu^ 1930 This Beautiful Any Radio! ‘ Electric INCLUDING all the nationally advertised radios “^^ a ia d h e Percolator at nationally advertised prices. Set 100% Eleetric ^ad io GIVEN 4 With Every ROOM $75 Purchase or Over! HOME OUTFIT ^S^WEEHLY Excluding Radios If You Want to See One of the Your Greatest Values in New England — Look at Our Own Terms New Paradise Outfit Within Reason— 4 Rooms $ * Of Course COMPLETE

An outfit creation that will stand as a challenge for all time to come! A value produced by combining the resources oi our 17 great stores! Dedicated to the brides of today and yes­ terday. Contains EVERYTHING under the eun you wan? for your home—Parlor, Bedroom, Dining Room and Kitchen —carefully planned and COMPLETE to the last detail! New design furniture throughout! Your Own Terms—Within Reason. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiifeili . ‘ » M l.>' 'H i / 1.-.2 “ Paradics” Living Room 16 Wonderful Pieces with Mohair Suite (Outside ^nds and backs In relour) VALUE-GIVINO that nnr 17-Storc Biiylnrr Power mahes poisl- Sold ssiiEi-ately for ble. A livinp room cor.tainin;; EVERYTHING you could wont— priced so law cuybody can have It! The ovcrsfifT’ d Throne COMPLETE Chair. Arm Ch.air and Safa upholstered in 103G Mo'.vi: (out­ side ends and backs in veloun superbly built and eas.ly wart.i $137 alone—yet in addition you receive WITH TUllS All Thece Ex’.raj at No E:;ira Cost ’ 'I Huiifo riodt, Diivptiporr T.-iIila. Kii:l TpIjIp. Floor Lamp and Sliado. 1! I'i'’! lire . Tiiii'i’ l J Konlc Laiib. Scnri, FoiTiorj'i i:\SV TKRMS ' SPECIAL ^‘Jiist Plug In’’ 35 DOWN Open •> . . at. Saturday ?('^y m Evening 1 Till 9 The Mew AII®Eleeti?ic \ (* BttViRoJlio

The “ Paradise” Bedroom i The Bride’s Boudoir— 14 Pcs. Complete

Furnish the bedroom in the smartest manner! Walnut vcnc>2 r and ^umwood. Chest Drawers, Poster Style Bed, Buy it separately for r " choice of cither Dresser or nollywood V’anity and All Those Extras at No Extra Tost—Sprlrg, Mattress, 2 'iOMdoir Lamp.s. Bed Liph*. » i i f The “ Paradise” Dining Roerri 2 Pictures, Bench, Chair, 3 Decorated Suite— 12 Pcs. Ccmplete Pillows. TEEMS at this for value—stately pieces elaborately carv*" The “P-ici^dlsc'’ Klfelien inut veneers and gumwood. Tail China cesian Table. Host Chair, .b Side Cb Breakfast Set — Refrigerator ras at No Extra Cost—2b-Pc. Set Mirror. 42-Fc. Uinn wwar Gas Range— Congoleum Rug Buy it Sold separately for separately Buy Any Room Separately If You Wish! Drop-Leaf Table and 4 Windsor Chairs $I1S ready 1 lacquer, 3-dsor llefrifrerator— tor t; A Select Now! Delivery Later Oas Ranpe— Congoleuni R ue:— oil included. e a s y .terais If You Want It! : ______i

Phrac or Blail Orders For Saturday Morning Only 9x12 FELT BASE RUGS

An extraordinary achievement both in Radio improve­ 5 Patterns to ment and cabinet design. Kane’s purchased a large quantify of these highly advanced Radio receivers to sup­ Choose From ply a large demand for a thoroughly satisfactory ^ Radio at a low price, g Casseroles No Phene or Mail Orders Hear it— See it. You’ll .lust 40— Complete Casseroles— Less in highly pc’ ished nickel silver be amazed at the value of Tubes c None Sold to Dealers this famous “Earl” frames. All Metal Radio for $99.50.

This Is the V/rong High Chairs Smoke W e Feature the Time to Sell Following Nationally Advertised Porch Rockers Golden Oak Finished Stands CIRCULATING HEATERS Special for But we have them and Assorted Colors. must get rid of them. To-morrow Finished in lustrous Mahogany in a de­ RADIOS Natural finish, split Removable, reed seats. Unbreakable sign to match your furnishings; substan­ MAJESTIC—ATWATER - KENT Ash Tray tially constructed throughout. PHILCO—BOSCH .19 $1 BALKEIT—RADIOLA

No Phone Or­ BRUNSWICK—EARL No Phone ders No Mail Orders e a s y t e r m s or None Sold to AND Mail Orders Dealers Cash and Carry "c^efebvated TEMPLE RADIO KANE’S TERMS Y O U R O W N WITHIN REASON OF COURSE -T--

\ V s-'t 1092 MAIN STREET a • 1092 MAIN STREET V OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 | OPEN TILL 9 R M. SATURDAY MANUHESTEK EVENIING ilEKAIJJ, SUUIH MANCHESTER, CONN^ ^FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1929. t'AGE fou rteen M R S. SUGHT FAVORITE OVER WINDHAM Victory Needed To Square. Notre Dame Favorite BONE CRUSHING SERIES TRIO To Beat California Stqnding With Arch Rival M. H. S. NEEDS W IN TO CATCH RIVAL Better Record Seems to Indicate Triumph for Red and DID YOU KNOW THAT—

Pittsburgh, Yale, Purdue,' One of the new National Here are the scores of the foot­ White But Close Score Is Probable; Meikle Big Noise I League umpires is Ted McGrew ball games played between Man­ i from the A. A. . . . the next chester and W'illimantic High Tennessee Also Picked to i scene, we hope, will not be the schools during the five years they • for Thread City Eleven; Big Crowd Expected to I shooting of Ted McGrew . . . have been meeting on the grid­ Win Important College j he hails from the Ownie Bush iron. Watch Traditional Rivals In Sixth Annual Meeting. (neighborhood i n Indianapolis 1924— Manchester 0, Will. 14 ip 1925— Manchester 0, Will. 7 j and in his kid days was bat boy 1926— Manchester 0, Will. 12 jfor the team. . . . Tommy W il- Games Tomorrow— 78,- 1927— Manchester 19, Will. 6 'liams, former champ, is 60 now Manchester High rules a slight favorite to defeat its tradi­ 1928— Manchester 12, Will. 0 tional rival, Windham High of Willimantic, in the sixth annual i but he wants to fight again . . . M il OOO at . I he’s physical culturing at French 5 Yrs. Manchester 31, Will, 39 meeting of the two schoolboy elevens on the West Side gridiron Lick Springs, Indiana . . . says ------ tomorrow afternoon because of its more impressive record. , he can put up as good a battle b y A LLAN J. GOULD ------—— ------The game is the most important ! as some of the modem pugs W i . . . and maybe he’s right about m RECORDS OF RIVALS York, Nov. 15.— (AP) The , that, too. . . . For years Jack Town Series odds are with the home forces in Quinn was believed to be a Pole score will probably be low and also . . . and somebody called him a W IN D H AM ’S RECORD the big conflicts of the gridiron to­ close. Windham has been pointing Welshman . . . but he’s Rus­ Grid Talk morrow, if Soldier Field is consider­ 6, -Chapman Tech...... 6 sian, and his real name is Paj- Tommy Meikle Brunig Moskc "Cody” Donnelly for this game all season long and ed as “home” for Notre Dame in its kosz . . . which is probably the ■BY TOM STOWE. 0, -Westerly, R. I. 6 Coach Tommy Callahan’s blue and The Cubs and Majors respectively are going to have their hands full and then some trying 19, Stonington ...... 0 clash with the Trojans of Southern Volga for spitball pitcher. . . . That everybody at thhe south end warriors are coming down Harry Beecher, 140-pound quar­ to keep the above trio under control in the rapidly approaching town football championship 7,------N. L. Bulkeley...... 7 white California. doesn’t feel so sure the Cubs will 6^ Norwich Free ...... Ot here chuck full of determination ter who played for Yale about In the five games of most signifi­ series which gets under way at Mt. Nebo day after tomorrow. They were the best ground beat the Majors can be seen from Manchester will be fighting two 40 years ago, was regarded as 0,- -Bristol Hight . . . : ...... 13 cance so far as the championship o-ainers in the series a year ago and their work this season seems to indicate a repetition. All enemies, Windham and Old Man I great as Albie Booth, though the following excerpt of a letter re­ situation is concerned, nationally, 38 31 Over-confidence. One is as strong ' not quite as large . . . he was have a world of fight and are hard to bring down once hitting on all six. The Majors’ chances ceived today by the writer from a the Hoosiers figure to start with an as the other in games of such major a grandson of Henry Ward to a o-reat extent depend upon the work of Moske, who without fear of contradiction, is one of former south end player now living advantage over Southern California, j Manchester’s Record importance. Beecher. out of town: Pittsburgh appears to have the edge the b"est football players ^lanchester has produced in years. Comparative Scores. “With the coming “ World Grid -East Hartford .0 over Carnegie Tech, Tennessee is a 0,- Manchester and Willimantic have Series,” no doubt the town is quite 6,- -Middletown ...... 0 slight favorite over Vanderbilt in the on two occasions played the same “het up.” It’s really too bad botn 0,- -Bristol High ...... 0 oustanding southern fray, Purdue opponent this season. AJthougtl seems primed to stop Iowa, and Yale clubs cannot win. I think howeve.-, 7,- MAJORS’ RECORD -W est Hartford' ! 9 Bristol beat Windham 13 to 0. Man- looks too strong for the Tiger. BOWLING old Jack Dwyer will have a few 3 2 p ^ u th in g te n “ .'.'.'.! ‘. '.'.'.'.'. 0 j Chester, too, was unable to srara on It will take tomorrow’s fray to Separate Cubs^ Majors tricks up his sleeve, and the Cuds determine whether the bearish will have it pretty hard breaking 12,------N. L. Bulkeley ...... 6 ! the BeU City outfit and had to be FIREM EN ’S LEAGLTE __ __■ content with a scoreless deadlock movement among ■ the favorites is IS BEST NORTH through a Dwyer-coached line. 40' although outplaying the visitors. still on, with the underdogs again 71 ' Bulkeley High of New London held enjoying a field day such as they had i Team No. 4 took two games at Arthur “Lefty” St. John is the EVER COMPILED the Hose House alleys last night Windham to a tie score, 7-7,* while last week. At State Theater Show oldest player on the Cubs. He is 28, ! Manchester was victorious in tha Big Crowds retaining its lead with plenty to two more than Captain Walter j Whaling G ty 12 to 6. Anything can One of the contrasting features of 1 spare. High single for the year these outstanding games, tomorrow, I “Red” Harrison. The rest of the ; happen tomorrow which means that players are all 25 or save possibly is that while less than fifty thousand was rolled by Heinie Freiheit in the ^ a Windham victory will be far from Team Has Scored 149 “Jumbo” Belgrade whose exact aga spectators will witness the Ten- Members of Both Teams O’GOOFTY SELECTS first game. Fred Johnson got rid 1 impossible if not entirely probable, we are not aware at present. It is Manchester High’s 1929 edition nessee-Vanderbilt and Purdue-Iowa j of his big game for the season with j hard enough work keeping track of — - while in the act of completing a games, because of the limited facili­ Points Against 6 in 8 117 in the first and ended up not so ties, approximately 250,000 will see Guests of Management HIS ALL'AMERICA Jumber’s pounds let alone his mUc- n 'highly successful season is a d ^ t - good in his regular form. He insists the other three games. Close to stones. I tedly inferior to its great combina^ 120,000 are expected to pack Soldier Games; 1926 Record in throwing the third ball away in Tonight But Each Group ---- GOLF S W lA TER PRIZES. . , opposition to win its first Field for the Notre Dame-Southern spite of all the coaching he receives. The State theater silver loving California contest, with 78,000 in the Next Tuesday team No. 1, Montie trophy being donated by the State Winter walks alone across tbeth e |: championship. Even Yale Bowl and more than 60,000 in Went for Naught. Is Kept on Own Side cf Stonehraker, Steele, Kick- captain, will try to take three theater to the winner of the town courses and links in the north, but i Towners were unable to roU up any . straight for the leaders team No. 4, series, is now on exhibition at The lowa-Purdue battle with the Ray Bidwell captain. Some of the Murphy’s Drug Store at the north golf, like birds, has gone south a n d : great score, winning 12 to 0. This Big Tenxeu aspirations c,.at stake, would------I The Majors enter the town series ham aed Block Expected Rockville Fire boys came down to end. The Majors say there will oe west. The professionals have start- j year Windham is stronger which just about pack any arena in the year with tne next best record watch the match and arrange for an no need of bringing it back soutn ed their flight after more than would tend to make the outcome a inter-city series last night. middlewest but the capacity'■■■ of the they have ever been able to compile, again unless they want to give the 8125,000 in prizes offered in a score bit more conjectural. In order to maintain his neutral to Bear Brunt of Attack. Ross-Ade Stadium at Lafayette is if not actually the very best. The Hose and Ladder Co. No. 1 Cubs one more last look, at the of places where the winds blow School Deserves Support. attitude and also help emphasize the not much over 20,000. The same north end eleven has scored 119 Team No. 2 theater party tonight. For several years Los Angeles sectional rivalry between the north Although it has been definitely things is true of the Tennessee-Van­ points against only six for the op­ Lorch ...... 77 80 85 led in the size of the purse offered decided to stage the game at the derbilt contest, which involves the and the south thus eliminating any Just in order to get the jump on 78 76 position. Back in 1926, the year the F. Robinson...... 95 The gold wrist watch which the visiting brassie swingers, with West Side Playgrounds, Faculty Southern Conference title hopes of possible chance of the players be­ 93 93 north and south were unable to his legion of enemies who will be C. L ashinski...... 80 May Jewelry Company is giving to •810,000. This year Agua Caliente, Manager Edson M. Bailey had each team. coming too chummy on the eve of 94 101 agree and there was no town series, picking their All-America teams H a n se n ...... 97 the “most valuable” player on the the new resort across the Mexican j under consideration a plan whereby V/ith the season’s end at hand to­ the town series (there is no danger 98 96 the north end outfit tallied IhO the latter part of this month, Ex­ Freiheit ...... 124 border, has set a record with a | contest would have besen playeil morrow for many of the smaller i of that). Manager Hugh J. Camp­ Cubs team has been turned over to points against none for its oppon­ pert Joe O’Goofty announces his the officials of the south end team. 825.000 prize. Miami Beach also | East Hartford Velodrome, eastern elevens and for Princeton j bell of the State Theater has re- T o ta ls ...... 473 443 451 ents. selections today. Here ’tis; The selection will be made by a passed the Los Angeles offer with , considerable discussion is was among the larger teams, climatic j The Majors are a combination of served two blocks of forty seats Team No. 4 Stonehraker ....L. E. ...Bucknell committee of five persons. Secretary 815.000 for the 1^ C^rce tourna- i decided to respect the wishes ot games all through the Atlantic sea- j apiece on each side of the theater Robinson...... 87 66 77 the Cloverleaves and the Nortii Kickham ...... L. T ...... Alfred ment. Los Angeles, however, h a s; game with- board sector will be fought with the ; for the members of the Cubs and F. Johnson ...... H 7 89 75 A. E. St. John said last night. Tne Ends and their personnel is not Steele ...... L. G...... Florida two sizeable purses, the $10,000 the town limits FootbaU never fury peculiar to such engagements. ; Majors football teams for tonight s Wohllebe ...... 83 97 95 men will be Coach T. F. Kelley, IJ. much different from that of the Block ...... C...... Knox open and the professional golfers i financial returns It de- Princeton men could forget defeats j performance. Wisotski ...... 106 101 102 J. Lupien, R. V. Treat, H. H. Bisseil .Cloverleaves in years gone by. Tho Law ...... R. G ....N o tr e Dame by Broum, Cornell and Chicago if the The Cubs will be seated on the R. D id w ell...... 100 96 86 and T. W. Stowe, it was stated by ^ servis at Manchester High and this Cloverleaves won the town cha.m- j . .R. T. ...Minnesota Orange and Black should bottle south side of the theater, while the | Munn . .. St. John. ■ ______* was why a change was contemplat- pionship in 1925 but their record tor | ,. .R. E ...... Army Albie Booth in the Bowl at New j^gljQi' 3 will be on the north side. The , Messinger Totals 493 449 435 Good News for Flat Wallets School authorities hope that t > that year is not available. Dve: ,. .Q. B. . . W. Reserve ■ Haven and send Ed Wittmer scurry­ gridsters are to be the guests of Saxe . . The Majors have accepted an invi­ Horton Smith, who came back ; s attendance will be ^ i c i - scores starting with 1926 and bring- . . .L. H. B Penn ing into the Blue ranks of Yale for ^ Manager Campbell and the State Gentle MACHINE SHOP LEAGUE. tation by Professor Jay E. Rand of from the winter wars last year | to warrant keeping tha classic . . .F . B...... U. S. C. the wanning touchdown. Such a re- | “ ^ ______Theater which has also donated a Mu sick vTith an apoplectic pocketbook, has i fi^re in future years. .Tulane the Orford Soap Company to dress handsome big silver loving cup to Banker . . .R. H. B Every player on the Meincliester suit is considered improbable but f o r d s . for the series games at the factory gone with Tommy Armour, Gene 1928 RECORD. the winner of the town football title. 'rths Tiger against Yale always is a T h e substitutes are Sleight, 115 83 7S on Hilliard street. It is understood Sarazen and others to try for the team iz in fine fettle for the big different animal from the one which Manager Campbell also plans to 86000 Hawaiian open at Waialae, battle and with Squatrito back m Won 9; Lost 0; Tied 0, Purdue, tackle: Cannon. Notre 84 82 75 that Mr. Rand personally wishes to attacks earlier opponents. have some prominent person present near Waikiki. They’ll be back on the good graces of Coach Tom Kei- 12, Derby Falcons Dame, tackle; Pharmcr. Minnesota, 87 98 109 scrub the Major’s headgears witii Roper sent the Tigers through a tonight to make an appropriate ad- the mainland November 28 for the ley, the red and white is all set and 45, N. B. Holy Cross of D a r t- S3 105 85 bon ami so that they won’t scratch :defensive drill against the scrubs at dress. It is suggested that whoever j fullback; Longnecker 84000 tournament at Berkeley, rarin’ to go. The kick-pff wiU be 20, Waterbury Bear Cats the Cubs. fi^rinceton yesterday as Yale polish- the speaker may be that he avoid ] Button of Knox, Branch of Calif. Then comes the P. G. A. at i promptly at 2 o’clock with Johnny 6, Hartford Ramblers 379 371 348 ■ ed up its attack. New Haven advices discussing the chances of either j Carolina and Chasey of Pur- Los Angeles, followed by the Cata- - McGrath of East Hartford High as 7, Hartford Ramblers RED. Johnny Groman, injured Cub play­ Were that Both would start, but team in the coming series. Other j quarterbacks, and the follow- lina Island open for 875(30. • referee, Wilfred Hall of Meriden as 111 77 120 er, is very seriously considering some believed he would be held for 45, N. H. Lafayettes angles of the sport and the series j |_,g. men; Yunevich, Purdue; Perine ...... A pro-amateur event at San umpire and Ray Oostering of Trin- 108 87 94 12, Hartford Broad A. C. are much safer. Lubratovich, Wisconsin; Stepano­ Gibbon ...... playing in the series despite advices *’ad im ax. 93 72 Gabriel December 17 and 18 is fo l-' college in Hartford as headhnes- 26, Midletown Tuft? The Majors will score first tonight vich, Southern California; A n- Pop Holland ...... 92 to the contrary. lowed two days later by a three-; Pennsylvania had a long dummy 84 98 j i,,. Four fifteen minute periods scrimmage and prepared to move in­ 7, N. L. Westerns at the theater party as they are due drewievich, Villanova, and Razevich, Morse ...... day tournament at Pasadena^ lorfor j be played. to New York for a limbering up drill , to arrive in a body at 7:30. The North Central College. Coach Jack Dwyer last night re­ 84000. The troupe will go to Long i 423 341 384 Manchester and Willimantic have today in preparation for its game 1180 Opponents Cubs, however, like many a cham­ O’Goofty chose Stonehraker to ceived a telegram from Harold Ford, Beach January 3 to 5 where 85000 is awaiting some n ice"d riV ;s'^''a n d I beeji_ baW^^^^^ against Columbia. pion, will try to get their opponents mash up that forward wall. Kick- colored tackle who played with the is awaiting: some nice drives and' „ - -i,. Williams Favored 1927 RECORD. unnerved by a late arrival. 'They are ham was picked because of his ; CHEVROLET. Cloverleaves last season. Ford wir­ p u tt," TPe Aure.es open, Williams has outshone Amherst to practice from 7 to 8 and will 103 as ed Dwyer good luck. He is out in and the Agua Caliente tournament ability in jumping up and down on j p^ugbui ...... 75 first three decisions and Manchester somewhat on the season but the Won 3; Lost 3: Tied 3. come to the theater very shortly 94 90 Detroit now. Dwyer was also in re­ follow soon after. a pile bodies. Steele is supposed to j q-ugLer ...... the last two. Tomorrow’s game Lord Jeffs would consider victory 6, All Meriden afterward. This is the first time in 97 96 ceipt of a telephone call from Syl­ A t El Paso January 24 to 26, the hold for dear old Florida or what | pjehards ...... 91 either deadlocks the stand or gives over the Purple tomorrow ample 7, N. L. Coast Guard the football history of the town 96 90 vester “Babe” Chartier at Harris­ golfers will divide 83000 and be on have you. Block is to be an o b -; L^J.fge ...... 81 Windham a substantial, advantage. recompense for earlier reverses. 6, Wallingford Eagles that such a courtesy has been stacle in the path of the visiting | burg, Pa., also wishing the Majors their way to San Antonio for the Manchester finished in a tie for Williams how'ever is the favorite. . Q, New Haven Boys’ Club shown by the management of a local tackles (block and tackle, ha, h a !).! 329 390 359 the best of luck. Incidentally, Char- 87500 Texas open. Then to Waco third place in the C. C. I. L. this Syracuse brushed up its defense 9, Wallingford Eagles theater, unless memory serves us Law was selected because he’s hard ESSEX. tier was one of the best ends to ever for 83500 more. wrongs and the members and offcials Then a hop over to Pensacola' season while Windham Was second for the invasion of Archbold Sta­ 20, Hartford St. Anthony to circumvent in the long run. Von H o n e ...... H 9 94 81 wear a Manchester uniform. He dium by the sturdy Colgate eleven 0, N. B. Pawnees of both teams can well afford to say Munn was picked because he’s the used to pastime with the origins 1 February 13 to 15 for 83000; then in the Eastern Connecticut-Western Anderson ...... 109 97 119 to Savannah February 20 to 22 for: Rhode Island Interscholastic Con- tomorrow. 0, Cubs ■ a word of thanks. favorite of every one’ of the team’s PQfv, ...... I l l 97 113 Major eleven. Chartier said he wa.s 85000 more, and back to Jackson- ; ference which was won by Westerly, Cornell had a light workout at 6, Cubs Manager Campbell has booked treasurers. W e have to have Mes­ going to try to come home for the Robinson ...... ^2 100 126 ville February 27 to March 1 for i a team that beat Windham 6 to 0. Ithaca before entraining with 33 0, Bridgeport Mohicans a most appropriate all-talking pic­ singer even if he does mess up traf­ series but wasn’t certain whether or another five grand. East Hartford, winner of the C. C. line troops for the invasion of Han­ ture for tonight, “The Sophomore” fic a little with his bicycle. Saxe 412 318 439 not he would be able to make tne featuring Eddie Quillan and Sally ------I. L., only topped Manchester 6 to 0, over, N. H., where Dartmouth 54 Opponents 51 at quarter is a man of note. Gen­ trip. .stands as a menace to the big Red ' O’Neill. Listen to what some of the tle is to be used as a smoke screen Back to the North Meikle Is Praised. critics say about this splendid Rathe HUDSON. In Florida in Mar^h thereare the i ^ team’s perfect record of six wins. 1928 RECORD. for Kickman’s tactics. Musick 79 80 With Jim Douglas back in action production: was really chosen because after the Dion ...... Phaneuf ...... 79 84 104 onen for 8 1 5 ^ 0 . -rhe i the WillimanUc Chronicle, writes Arnold Horween will be able to start W'on 6; Lost 2 ; Tied 0. “Remember Harold Lloyd in “The game we’ll have to have a little Gleeson ...... 95 109 100 La Govee o p L for 815.000. The j that Coach Calahan has done a fine his regular Harvard eleven against 12, N. B. Pawnees 0 Freshman” ? Well, that was a trage­ slow Musick and candles. Banker MBurphy ...... 86 95 98 legions WiU start northward, stop-I job this season. Holy Cross and the best that Har­ 0 dy compared to “The Sophomore.” your best friend: try to get Football 19, Meriden Mohicans IS ping the last of March at Pinehurst | He really has whipped together an vard has doubtless will be required 0 “Remember Richard Dix in “The something out of him. 19, Putnam Blues i 359 368 382 for 85650 in prizes. i efficient machme. A t the opening if the Crimson is to break last year’s 0 Quarterback” ? A dud alongside 6, Bridgeport Sokols ! Toward the end. of his task DODGE. Briefs ______; practice session, he had av£|ilaoie scoreless deadlock wdth the purple. •> “The Sophomore.” 13, Springfield Merricks ; O’Goofty grew so weary that he 95 79 Who Did Beat Harvard? j practically aU green material and Brown, Army and Navy had light r, “Remember William Haines in Burke ...... ®1 7, Pawtuxett picked Lubratovich, Yunevich, 88 96 Just after the unexpected victory: Meikle was his only finished player, work in preparation for their re­ “Brown of Harvard” ? Mr. Haines Stevenson ...... 97 6, Cubs i ; i Stepanovich, Andrewievich a n d 106 83 New Haven—Whether or not Mai that Michigan scored over the The latter is reaUy a natural grid- spective games against Norwich, was an upstart beginner, if you’ve Nelson ...... 91 0, Cubs 6 Razevich at random, a n d he 79 80 Stevens is in earnest with his an­ hosts of Harvard recently, com- ; der. SmaU but powerful, he has all Dickinson and Wake Forest. Ford- seen and heard Ed(jie Quillan in Dummy ...... 79 doesn’t know which is the nouncement that Albie Booth will mentators printed tidings to the | the requisites for a leader. He has ham brushed up a bit for Thiel, “The Sophomore.” 82 Opponents 27 whicher. 348 368 338 start the Princeton game at quar­ effect that just before the game j fight aplenty, and is good on the of- which is to be met at the Polo “But “The Sophomore” suggests terback, Yale is sure to have a light­ Old Man Yost had leaped in and fense and defense. WhUe his broth- Grounds. these three pictures only indirectly. 1929 RECORD. weight signal caller. Bob Hall, not taken an active hand in whipping er will always be my ideal of what a Pittsburgh and Carnegie Tech are It is no more like them than John NOZZLES VICTORIOUS CONSTRUCTION LEAGUE. Barrymore is like Rod LaRoeque, much bigger than Booth is the other the Wolverines into shape for the high school football player ^ould on edge, hard work finished, for Games Played to Date. than Chevis Regal is like bootleg, A bowling league was started last candidate. game. Thus it was a team coached be, “Artie,” I think, is the best their game at the Panther Stadium. 7, Springfield Brightwoods u CARPENTERS. than talking pictures are like silent Pittsburgh— Secret practice at by Yost personally, the comment back that I have seen this year with West Virginia prays for an upset 0 night at the headquarters of the C. Casperson ...... 103 108 100 7, Chicopee Rovers pictures. It is a college story, it has Carnegie is secret and there’s no indicated, which beat Harvard. the possible exception of “Ben” to aid the mountaineer eleven 0 W . Flavel ...... 112 110 90 14, Middletown So. Ends a football game, and there the like­ Manchester Fire Department with doubt about it. The Tarlans had a Defending football coaches after Allaire of Bristol. against Georgetown and Penn State 6 W . Knofla ...... 96 120 132 13, Spg. Irish-Americans ness ends. For the college is kidded, the Hydrants and Nozzles meeting squad of R. O. T. C. members in uni­ their teams lose games is an empty A rt Meikle is brother of Tommy is prepared to meet a vigorous in^ y J. Schiebenpflug .'...1 0 2 94 ■JG 18, Bristol Maple Ends the football game is kidded to death, on Conran’s alleys. Both teams are form patrolling the field yesterday endeavor at most, but the comment j Meikle, former Windham High sen- vasion by Bucknell. 0 J. Wennergren ...... 101 103 106 20, Chicopee Marmons 1 and the hero isn’t a hero at all. fro-m Hose Company No. 1. The as ,they, went through their final above seems misleading, to say the | gation, now pastiming with the toum 45, Springfield Mohawks 0 1 Nozzles were victorious but the 514 535 504 workout under cover. least. When the season started , champion Cubs here. He is the scor- 25, Willimansett 01 j Hydrants naturally made that possi- Worcester— Two new names are Yost said he intended giving Kipke , blue and white and Last Night’s Fights ? ? , Cubs 7 V BRICKLAYERS. BRADDOCK UNDERDOG ! hie. Without their presence there due to appear in the Holy Cross a free hand as head coach. From | promises to give Manchester plenty ? ? , Cubs P. Nucco ...... 98 101 95 j would have been no water— or op- starting lineup against Harvard. time to time, however, he has been j trouble. Ferriner who started the S. Quish ...... 103 97 106 assisting, as Kipke called for aid. Kansas City.— Eddie Anderson, ! position. Tony Manfreda ahd Hank Garrity season at quarterback, wiU be out 149 Opponents S. Thier ...... 107 113 11 He has given individual attention Casper, Wyo., outpointed Steve IN TONlGHrS BATTLE Hydrants who have not started a major game of the lineup with a knee cartilage C. Gustafson ...... H 6 126 96 to some of the backs and just before Smith, Bridgeport, 10. I I Char tier ...... 104 120 104— 328 this year, are due to fill the halfback injury suffered in the Bristol game Duluth.— Sergeant Sammy Baker, E. K n o fla ...... 101 93 86 the Purdue game he helped coach New York, Nov. 15.— (A P )— Once W . G riffin ...... 65 63 96— 223 posts. Both have seen plenty of ser­ last Saturday. Stemmons will take New York, knocked out Angelo GAMES ON RADIO 77— 227 the line. He gave no more help again J. J. Braddock the heavy C olem an...... 71 89 vice in previous contests. his place. Puglisi, Diiluth, 7. 527 530 400 before the Harvard game than he punching Jersey City fighter enters Apel ...... 78 60 65— 203 Princeton— Bill Roper evidently Pasadena. — Tommy Hughes, 89 76— 247 has been giving all season, which Yale-Princeton, NBC, 1:45 p. m. the ring at Waddell ...... 82 found a lineup to his liking when Manchester Wimmantic Cleveland, and Ernie- Hood, Pasa­ 94 93— 287 has consisted of an Occasional lift Notre Dame-Southem California, tonight an vmder dog in the betting, Keeney ...... 100 BRIT.-AMER. LEAGUE. Princeton tackled Lehigh last week. Hansen .... ------le ... ; . Misevetb dena, drew, 10. when Kipke asked. . . Bergeron NBS, 2:45 p. m., and CBS, 3 p. m., this time against Maxie Rosen- He intends to start the same eleven Kipke is a nice, hard-working Spencer ...... It ... Anderson.— Joey Thomas, out­ 500 505 511 1511 .... Twerdy and K Y W — W M AQ — W GN, 2:45 bloom, veteran New York light- How They Stand. against Yale. young man trying to get along. George ------..., Ig .. pointed Charley Lupico, ten. Nozzles ...... Sroka- p. m. heavyweight. W. L. Pts. Hanover-—Cornell has been quite And he needs a little hand. Davis ...... c ... Tennessee-Vanderbilt, WSM, 3 Braddock’s most sensational vic­ P. G riffin ...... 80 89 81— 250 \Tn7:7:pr ...... T it ...... Rosa 108— 321 England .3 0 8 successful with forward passes this p. m. tories have been scored when he was Peterson ...... 114 109 W est ...... ------rt ...... Jordan 89— 274 .2 1 2 year but Dartmouth may surprise DE MOLAY PR.YCnCE A LUCKY BREAK Alabama-Gaorgia Tech, WAPI, 3 bn the short end of the betting. Sehoemski .... 95 90 Lupien^.... ____ re ...... Slowi.k 82— 247 .1 2 1 the. Red team with some of its own p. m. Rosenbloom, provided he can keep Scott ...... 82 83 Dowd T.*...... qb ., . steinmona A riot!.. A knockout! A 68— 258 .0 3 0 mediciiie Saturday. Coach Jack Can- The De Molay basketball team Washington-Califomia, KFRC, 5 Jimmy from tagging him on the Coseo ...... 101 89 ____Ihb ...... Chase wow]’! Adjectives fail but don’t High for the night: nell had his team busy with a hurl- will practice at the Rec tomorrow p. m. chin with that deadly right, figures Starkweather ..113 90 110— 313 ____Lucianl Morrison, 326; Brennan, 349. ng drill yesterday and it did Very afternoon and will open its season Squatrito ., ...... rhb . you fail to it (Friday night, Note:— Time is E.S.T. and time of to outspeed, outsmart and outbox ..... Meikif Next games Monday, Nov. 18. veil. next Wednesday night. Murphey .. ••••• •* Nov. 22 at Cheney Hall). broadcast not tims of «rama. i Ka JftraAvxnflJi, 585 547 -558 1663 PACE KIFIEEN r MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1929.

obliyion. As a nation builder, second j HEAR OF FORGOHEN only to Washington, this great j STORMS SWEEP SPAIN ISHORT SKIRT TALK Now With Kamber’s patriot lies in a forgotten grave in j • DAILY RAblO PROGRAM the old Arch street burying ground, 548.6— V.'.«iCC.. ML-.'/ VO. t-'.sO . ' Lcr ding DX Stations. GOLONIAL PATRIOT Philadelphia, beside his son-in-l.law I Madrid, Nov. 15.— (A P )—J3^pg Friday, November 15. 6:30— Paul Spec'il's di chc.-t. ... John Perit. One slab covers both! i rainstorms swept noil^rn 7:00—Henry and G*-n:gc, tca.'.i. 405.2— WSB. ATLAN TA—740, IS NOT YET ENDED The sloii ot ugly duckling who 9:00—WJZ programs 'S'i hrs.) there being an inscription for Perit 1 Spain today, uprooting tree% ^ e- blossomed Into a woman beautilu 7:30— Old Timers night with Harojd Van Stedan’s orchestra, 11:45— Kalohi’s Hawaiiun ensemble. but none for Webster. | straying chimneys, and wasbii^ ,^ut enough to eaDtlvaio a great king, wiu 13:00— Pianist and soloist. Colchester D. A. R. Meeting be dramaiiztsd' during the presentation 8:00— Football program, blues singer; Among those wbo met at his office j railroad and trolley lines. Negro team, male duo. 293.9— KYW , CHICAGO— 1020. Told About Pelatiah Web­ of the ‘'Famous Loves" senes to be 8 :3 0 -WJZ programs (2 hrs.) in Philadelphia were such men as Communications were intemj|lJ^d broadcast by W JZ and associated sta­ 8:30— Feature music hour. 9:00— True story drama. 10:30—W E A F music hour. ster, of Lebanon. Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jeffer- j at Santander where the electric tions at 8:46 Friday Light. The story 11:15— Dance music to 3:00. Miss Hill of Redding to Bring concerns the romance of Marie Mancini 10:00— Radio court of appeals. 389.4—WBBM. CHICAGO—770. son, James Madison, 'Alexander light plant was destroyed and t^e and Louis X4.V, Her famous g o ^ bye 10:30— Daguerreotypes concert. , 9:00—Harmony team: gills. (Special to The Herald) city plunged in darkness. 1 1 :0 0 -Herl>ert’s entertainers. v Hamilton, Oliver Ellsworth and t6 the young monarch has made her 9'30— Dance orchestra; coiicerL Santander, Bilbao and San uamortsd. It is brief; "is**'®; J'®'* 11:30— Abe Lyman's orchestra. \ lO’ la—Three dance orchestras. Subject Before National Hebron, Nov 15.—At a meeting others. Webster was imprisoned by king, i'ou weak. 1 depart. A pot­ 12:00— Midnight organ melodies. I- 45—Coffee Dan’s entertainment. of the Colonel Henry Champion the British during the Revolution tian ports were closed and coa pourri of iJoulhern tunes Introduces 302.8—W BZ, NEW ENGLAND— 900. 254.1— WJJD, CHICAGO—1180. for helping American prisoners. The shipping .suspended. There w^s a series of musical sketches of life be­ 6:30— Singing the blues. Chapter, D. A. R., held in Colchester 7:00— symphony orchestra: talk. Woman s Party. j low the Mason and Dixon Line which 7:00—World Aggie night. g.QO—Mooseheart children’s hour. Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 13, at grave stone of Pelatiah first, father , tensive material damage but -n Lilly Artz and his orchestra with the 7:30— W JZ programs (3?i hrs.) 416.4— WGN. CHICAGO—720. the home of the Misses Susan and of the patriot may be seen in the I casualties. 11:20— Bert I.owe’s orchestra. Halleluiah Singers will broadcast oyer 9'30— Dance band, troupers. Elizabeth Day, a historical address old burying ground in Lebanon. The The fishing smaclc Rita was sunk thO 'W K AF cliain at 10. Two spirit­ 454.3— W E A F, NEW YORK—660. 11: 10— Hungry Five male quinteL uals, reflecting the religious fervor ol 6:00— Ludwig Laurier’a orchestra. 11-oO— Arlisls; dance orchestra. Hartford, Nov. 15.— (AP)—Elsie j was given by James W. Cartwright quaint inscription reads as follows: near Palmeira during the storm and 6:30—Harr>hny twins, tenor. the American Negro, will be sung in I2';00—Dream ship; orchestras. Hill of Redding, a leader in the Na- j ot Hampton on the life of “A For- “The body of Mr. Pelatiah three members of the crew were characteristic st>le by the quartet. 7:00—"Eternal Questions." sketch. I UO_Two d.ance orchestras. Webster lies buried here. He drowned. The bodies were washed They are "Don' Touch Ma Garment" 7:30—Murial Pollack, pianist: Wel­ 344.6—VfLS, CHICAGO—870. tional Woman’s Party, predicted to- | i gotten Colonial Patriot,” Pelatiah and "D e Band O Gideon." come Lewis, contralto crooner. 9:30—Studio singers: dance. Webster, who was bom in Lebanon, married Joanna Smith, by her ashore. 7:45—Music talk, Pierre Key. lU;(jy— b'eature nmsical programs. day that the fight against long ; 1726. Mr. Cartwright said that he had eight children. He gave h is. Wave lengths in meters on left ol 8:00— Concert orchestra with Cava­ 11*311—Show lioal broadcast. skirts and tight waists unsuccessful- ! eldest son a liberal education. station title, kilocycles on the tighl. liers male quartet, pianist. 447.5— WMAQ, CHICAGO—670. came across the data given, almost Times are all Lasteru Standard. Black 9:0<)—The Stars of Melody. 8;3u_ vvaBC programs (2'a hrs.) ly launched herd yesterday at the j by accident while engaged in re­ The rest he brought up respect­ face type imlicales best features. 9:30—Schradertown band program. 11:00— WJZ Amos ’ n’ Andy. search work at the library of Con­ ably. He was a pious and pru­ 10:00— Planters Picker’s Negro hour. convention of the Connecticut j A ttention! 11:30— Musical pottiourri. gress, Washington, D. C. dent man. I 10:30— Meiodrama. "Mystery House." 12'00—Two dance orchestras. League of Women Voters by Mrs. i Leading East Stations. 11:00—Two dance orchestras. ■ 283.3— W FAA, DALLAS— 1040. The address brought out the fact Born 7 November 1702 272.&-^VVPG, A TLA N TIC ch 'Y —1100. 333.5—WJZ, NEW YORK—760. 7:00—.Studio exercises. Ruth M. Dadourian, wife of Prof. H. that Webster was a descendant of Died 15 Feb. 1756.’’ 6:0o— Baliew’a dar.oe orchestra. S:Ua—ileiry Mermaids; baritone. 11:00- Boy and tiis bo.\s. M. Dadourian of Trinity college J. M. Nelligan John W. Webster, who came to 0:00— Felton’s dance music. 6:45— Pauline Haggard, contralto. 299.8— w o e . D A V E N P O R T —1000. Many Manchester men will be Price Change 9:30— Oriole glee club. 7:0^C am p u s Carollers male, octet 8:011— WEAK piogiams (3 hrs ) would probably be taken up by the Hartford in 1636, his bouse being lu:0u— Felton's dance orchestra. with Buck O’ Neill, sports writer II - 15— Hawke.\e ensemUe. tenor. National Woman’s Party at its con- pleased to kno'// that J. M. Nelligan, j jocated south of Little River, near 7:30—Circus program. Uncle Bob OFFER 170,000 REWARD 10:oU— Contralto, tenor, baritone. 361.2— KOA. DENVER—830. vention in Washington which opens : formerly with Arro’w Clothes is now Governor street,...... and about halfway li:UU—Midnight organ recital. .Sherwood, clown: music. 11:15—Studio pi-ogiain; new songs. I associated with Kamber’s Park 283— WBAL, BALTIMORE—1060. 8:00—Comedy sketch, orchestra. 12:U0-^Concert; stage cOache's. December 7. between Charter Oak avenue and 5:10—'J’ea lime tunea 8:30—Curt Peterson, baritone. 1:00— I’arlor program; nomads. Miss Hill, wife of Professor Albert ■ Clothes, Asylum street, Hartford. 8:45— Drama. "Marie Mancinl.” Wyllys streets, as they now are. FOR BANDITS’ CAPTURE •;UU—Tenor and soprano. 374.a—W BAP. ' FORT W ORTH —800. Levitt of the Brooklyn, N. Y. law ! He is a popular salesman, knows John Webster was the fifth gover- 6:30—The Romany trail. 9:00—Ernie Hare and Hilly Jones. lu;30—Orchestra concert. I the business and has built up a wide J H f ije s U c 243.8—W NAC, BOSTON—1230. 9330— Memories of "Mile Modiste. 11:00—Show boat; organist. school said she agrees with Mrs. j nor of Connecticut. In a direct line 7:30—urgan interlude; addresses. 10:00— Quaker male quartet, sploisis. 11:30—Musical programs (315 hrs.) Dadourian that something ought to circle of friands. ! from Governor Webster, through Buffalo N. Y., Nov. 15.- -(AP)— a : 8:00—W a BC programs hrs.) 10:30— Koestner's orchestra with bred 491.5— W D AF. KANSAS CITY—610. be done to combat the attempt to reward of $355x)00 if taken alive and! li:3U—Gallagher's dance orchestra. Waldner. tenor; male trio. 9:00— Dance music: concert. I Thomas, George, Pelatiah, first, 13:oo—iMiUnig'lit leveries. 11:00—Amos 'n' Andy, comedians. 11:00-WJZ .Amos 'n' Andy. force women into long skirts and I comes the subject of the address, $70,000 if dead were offered today 545.1—WGR, BUFFALO—550. 1 1 :1 5 -Slumber music. 1 1 : 1.5— Pioneers; dance program. tight waists and has proposed a boy­ i Pelatiah second, Educated at Yale for seven men, who armed and G:30— Dinner dance music. 491.5— WIP. PHILADELPHIA—610. 12:4.5—.N'ighthav.k frolic. cott by all women against the style WAPPING masked, raided the suburban home 7;UU—Feature studio progiam. 7 :30— Instrumental quartet. 463.5— KFI. LOS ANGELES—640. I for the ministry he became a clergy- 8:UU—W LA F programs (3 hrs.) 8 :00—Orchestra: musical shower. 11:00—Artists feature nour. changes. Vvapping Grange,inge, No.XMO. ou,^R. 30,.P. or of ri. H. ■ Greenwich, but engaged in of John L. Carson, Jr., last night, 333.1—W M AK. BUFFALO—900. •);ii0—.Musical ensemble; trio. 12:00— Sludio musical program. Suggests Boycott held their tv/enty-first regiJar, trade in Philadelphia in 1750 or during a prenuptial dinner party in 6:30—Dinner dance music. 10:110—Ttiree dance orchestras. 1:00—Parlor program; nomads. 535.4— WLIT. PHILADELPHIA—560. “ I think a boycott by individual meeting at the Center school hall | about that time. He took an active honor of a prominent young society 7;UU—W.iVBC programs (4 hrs.) 238—WJAX, JACKSONVILLE—1260. last Tuesday evening, it being 428.3—WLW. CINCINNATI—700. 7 :;;0—Oppenheim's concert orchestra. 7:30—Orchestra, artists. women against buying dresses with i part in financial and government af- couple. 7:30—WJZ programs 13 hrs.) 8:00— WE.\F programs (2li hrs.) 8:45— NBC entertainment. long skirts would be more effective annual e.ection of officers. The-kjgjj.g members of Congress Lining the 18 guests and half ai U:30—Band; music entertainment. 10:30—Three dance orchestras. 10:00— Institute of Musical Art. than anything else’’ Miss Hill said. following persons were elected: discuss the affairs 10:30— WJZ programs (?i Ur.) 13-0II—Business Men's Club. 10:30—5VJZ cicliestra, artists. dozen servants against a wall the) ll;lo —Scrap book; Slumber music. 305.5— KDKA, PITTSBURGH—cgO. II ;00— Exchange Club entertainment. "Women will take to the style that Worthy Master Ivan West; over- j published robbers stripped them of jewelry] 13:00— Gibson dance music. C:30—Symphony players: barmpnizers. 365.6— WHAS, LOUISVILLE—820. most becomes them. That may mean seer, Sherw,ood Bowers, lect^ e^ j Discourse on the Political Union 7:30—WJZ programs (3®4 hrs.) valued by the guests at about $400,-! 13:30— Sweet and low down. 9:01)— WE.AK programs (3 hrs.) ip some cases a dkirt ^three inches Mrs. Hattie Lane; steward, Alfred! and Constitution of the Thirteen 000. ! 1:00—Nation’s all night party. 11 1.5—Bcstor’.s dance music. 370.2—WCCO. MINN., ST. PAUL—810 Stone: assistant steward, Roger! 280.2—WTAM, CLEVELAND—1070. 245.8—W CAE. PITTSBURGH—1220. 7:39— When ties male quartet. longer than what has been the pre­ United States of America.’’ The most valuable item in the list! 8:00— W E A F orchestra, quartet. 0 :00—W EAF dinner orchestra. 8:00—W.ABG programs (3 hrs.) vailing length but we have gone too Spencer: chaplain, Mrs. Lillian E. \ It is conceded that all the clauses of stolen jewels is a triple string of | 9:30— Friday frolic: players. 0:30—Twins feature hour. 11:110— Radio traffic coirrl. Grant; treasurer, Levi T. Dewey; ! 7 :00—'I'racy-Brown's orchestra. far from the days when I was in contained in this remarkable paper matched pearls, owned by Mrs. Ra^^l 11:00— Billboard; dance orchestra. ll:2h— Two dance orcliestta.s. secretary, Walden V. Collins; gate j 12:00— Slumber music; show boat. 8:00—WE.\F programs (3 hrs.) 461.3— WSM. NASHVILLE—650. Va*ssar 23 years ago when we made j were used by James Madison in his Van Clief. said to be worth between 260.7— W HAM . ROCH ESTER—1150. j 399.8— VVJR. DETROIT—750. 8:00— ih-aig’s dance music. ourselves conspicuous because we | keeper. William Foster; ceres, Mary |j draft of the United States Constitu- $250,000 and $300,000. ; 8:30—WJZ pregrams il hr.) 7:30— .Minstrel men’s frolic. 9:00—WJZ programs t:i hrs.J didn’t follow the styles and wear ; Bancroft; poraona, Grace Kerkins;' iu:0U— Harmony piano twins.. 8:ii0—WJZ vocalist, orchestra. 11:00—Feature studio program. I tion. This fact, so well known at 8:30—Bass and cellist. ■gowns that trailed in the dust.’’ j flora, Dorothy Cotton; lady assist-^ speaker said, has 10:30—W JZ recording artists. 379.5— KGO, OAKLAND—790. The umbrella, we read, i~, 179! 283—WTIC, HARTFORD—1060. S:4.“>—V.’JZ programs (S’ i hrs.) “ Women enjoy draperies’’ she con- , ant steward, Lillian L. Burger, j 379.5_WGY, SCHENECTADY—790. 12:30—Los Artgeles feature Iroirr. years old. The figure must be I 8:00— W EAK programs (3',i hrs.) 1:00—Parlor program: nomads. eluded “ but the place for them is as ; pianist, Dorothy Frmk. '^ e execu- j pgiatiah Webster, greatest of the 11:30—Pleasant dream hour. 11:5.1—Time: weather; markets. wrong, as several people have left I 6::j0-W EAF programs (1 hr.) 2:00— Halstead’s dance orche.stra. curtains or as hangings and not as . tive committee is ^ a l^ r N Fo^er, Websters, Noah, Daniel 422.3— WOR, NEW ARK—710. 508.2—W O W . OMAHA—590. older umbrellas than that at our i 7:30— Hilton’s feature Jubileers. 7:o0—Educational talks. West and-Mrs. 7:30—Minstrel men’s frolic. 11:00— Musical, vocal recital. goivns.” _ ...... has dropped into houses. 8:00— Canzonetta, Valcnica trio. 12:00—.Ar-ti.sis musical program. The Connecticut League of Wo- | Burnham. Worthy Deputy Harold | 9:00—Four diisty travellers. 8:00— Studio, concert orchestra. 9:00— W E.'iF programs (1 hr.) 370.1— W RVA, RICHMOND— 1110. men Voters yesterday defeated Mrs. iN. Hanson was present as well as ^ 9:30— Studio dance orchestra. 7:45—Chippewa band; musicale. 10:00—Lone Star Rangers. 10:00—Studio concert orchestra. Dadourian’s resolution asking it “to | the Worthy Master and wife from | 10:30— Did )ou know’/ 9:00—WJZ pr-ogrants <2 hrs.) 10:30- Two dance orcnesiras. 11:00—WE.AE ci;mce orchestras. ll:0n—Strrdio dattcp orihr'Sli;i. use its innuenceinfluence agamsagaipst the dicta- - Derby Grange, and Miss ^erm ce j 11:30—Moonbeams music hour. Secondary DX Stations. tion of the new style.'’ The League Wheeler from Manchester Grange. 1 Model 91 Secondary Eastern Stations. The committee of six held a meet- j 410.7—CFCF, MONTREAL—730. 202.6— WORD, BATAVIA—1480. regarded the subject as outside its Now $137 Complete 508.2—W EEI, BOSTON—590. 8:00—Musical enteilaiiimciil. 8:00—Concert; agricultural talk. province. ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ] g;3n_Vacatioii club: ensemble. 9:00— Musical p'rngr-am: artists ! George A. Collins last Tuesday eve- [ fi;3n_Minute men feature. 10:00— Deunv’s dance orclicstra. 325.o_wWJ. DETROIT—920. 344.6— WENR', CHICAGO—870. ! ning. • ' Model 92 7:00— Big Brother club. 8:00—W EAF programs (3 hrs.) 8:15—Farmer Rusk’s talk. ‘7:30—Merrvmakers’ concert. 12:30—Orchestra: comedy sketches. ! There were fifteea members of 8:00—W E A F programs (2 hrs ) 11:;10—Hollywood frivolities. y 13':;n—Sludio organ recital. 1:00— D.\ vaudeville hour. j Wapning Grange who motored to I Now $167 Complete 10:00— Fur trappers concert. NEW INSURANCE BILL 272.6—V7LWL. NEW YORK—1100. 202.6— W H T, CHICAGO— 1480. - I Bolton Grange, Wednesday and at- ! 374.8—WSAI, CINCINNATI—£00. f,;00_Orcticslra. sopr.ano. violinist. 12:00— Vour hour league, 7 :30—Memories: organist; talk. : tended the sessions of East Central j NEW 45 TUBES C,:3n—Irisli music. Iraritcr.c. 2S5.5— KNX, HOLLYWOOD—1050. ' 8:30—Studio artists hour. r,:4.",—flood will court: contralto. T TVn-- 17 — (AP 1 —Til ’ Pomona Grange, No. 3, which was ; 9:O0—W E A F programs (1 hr.) 11 ;(ro—Opiimistic order hour. London, No,. 17. (A ) g^lton Grange. There, i g E C R E A M 7-20—Talk; musical hits. 12:00— Liotr Tamer’s program. Improved Majestic 10:00— Artists music hour. 526—WNYC, NEW YORK—570. 12:43—Legion Stadium evenis. .new employed insurance bill, spon-. nearly two hundred Grangers, 10:30—W E A F programs (1 hr.) g;()0— Bass: Fi-ench lessons. Super-Dynamic Speaker 215.7—W H K , CLEVELAND— 1390. 7 :0 0 -Welfare Council talk. 374.8— KTHS, HOT SPRINGS—800. sored by Miss Margaret Bondfield,' pi-escnt. Quite a large class was ; 319—WeSH. PORTLAND—940. Oi.lU-Orchestra; classics. E.vtra Sturdy Power fi:45_Winton’s dinner music. 11 :.’!0—iitirdio darree music. minister of labor, and modelled to | initiated in the fifth degree at the j SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK 7:00—W.-VBC programs <4 hrs.) 9:30— .Artists entertainment. Pack-Positive Voltage 10:00—Studio concert. 12:00—Studio entertainmenU assist households and ease burdens , morniug session.- Bolton Grange , iJL;00-Five dance orchestras. . furnished dinner at noon. l American Walnut Cabinet of wives and families of unemployed , Following are some of the names , MACAROON ICE CREAM AND I Freckle*s; Honeysuckle Rose; Lit- Miss Marcia Zabriskie is the teacher men, was issued today. I of the new books recently added to ' CALL 3820 i tie by Little: Dance Away the | of the grammar room and Mrs. R. Increases, in insurance called f'^r the Sadd Memorial Library; The I g STRAWBERRY MOUSSE W T 1 C j Night; Liza; So Are You; Do I F. Porter of the Prim.ary room. Both in the measure involve a direct'Story of'Iron,” by Samuels; “The ^ ' For Home Demonstration! rooms were visited. Also Bulk Ice Cream and Fancy Shapes. PKOLKAMS ! What You Do; How Am 1 to ; treasury contribution costing £12,- Box Book,’ by Showaltcr; 'The j 1 Know?; Jungle Shant; Painting I Mrs. Gertrude Hough entertained son nnn anniiallv Secret Stair,” by Gmther; ‘ Tracks) Travelers, Hartford the Clouds With Sunshine. | the Women’s Bridge club at her ' The bill provides for increasing and Tracking,” by Brunner; ^ h a t , For sale by the following local dealers: ; S ;3 0 Dickinson Corn Program. | home Wednesday evening. Several the weekly allowance for wives of, to do the Whole Ye^ Throu^, by j 500 m. 600 K. C. 8:45 Famous Loves. I new members have recently been from seven shib-' Reba Stevens; The Story of Colum- Farr Brothers Packaid’s Pharmacy j 9:00 Interwoven Pair. [added to the club. Mrs. Loren M. unemployed men bus,” by Bassett; “Beginning to ings (about $1.75) to nine shillings] 981 Main Street At the Center Program for Friday I 9:30 Philco Theater Memories. | Lord was winner for the evening. Fly,” by Hamburg: “The Boyhoods Eastern Stand Time 10:00 Armstrong Quakers—Manhat- Mrs. Mary E. Cummings substi- (about $2.25), and increasing up to, PAGANI of the Presidents,” by Bessie Smith; Edward J. Murphy tan Mary; Les Filles de Cadiz, tuted as teacher in the grammar four shillings in weekly rates tao j “What to See in America,’’ by Clif­ Duffy and Robinson 7:00 p. m. Columbia Cycle Children's Delibes; I’ll See Y'ou Again from ] room Tuesday afternoon, while Miss benefits for young persons, aged 17. ton Johnson; “ Our Holidays in 111 Center Street X Depot Square Party—N. B. C. Feature. “Bitter Sweet,” Coward; In Fland-j Zabriskie, the teacher, attended a 18 and 19. The insurance age is: Poetry: “Napoleon,” by Emil Lud­ I 7:30 Benrus Correct Time. ers Field, Hofman; Chanson,, meeting of teachers in Willimantic lowered to 15. wig; “Blair’s Attic,” by Lincoln; CROSBY’S PHARMACY, BLUEFIELDS BROS. 7:31 Hartford Courant News Bulle­ I Friml; Hey Danube, Russian; My to elect a delegate to attend the The bill proposes the repeal of tne j ..g" j.^ing Beauty,” by Temple tins; Weather Report; Industrial Hero from “Chocolate Soldier,” assembly meeting to be held in “not genuinely seeking work conih-; "Rhoda Fair,” by Killand; Depot Square - Alcohol Institute Announcement. j Strauss: Joli Bleuet, Deppen; No- New Haven in December. tion.” There are new provisions r.> | people of This Tov/n,” by 7:35 Fast Steppers—Program of I body But You, Gershwin. A Red Cross drive for the town quiring administrative authorities to, Hueston; “The House of Ad- Sports Music. I 10:30 Armour Program. I is being planned. Mrs. Edwin T. prove before the claimant is dis­ venture.” by Deeping; “The Meri- 7:45 “Speaking of Sports”—Arthur 11:00 Amos ‘n’ Andy. ! Smith has the matter in charge and qualified that suitable work w.as vales,” by McCutcheon; “ Guarded B. McGinley, Sports Editor, The 11:15 Longines time, j is appointing collectors? available. Halo,” by Margaret Pedler; “Spruce i 11:16 Champion Weatherman. Hartford Times. 1 Miss Victoria Hilding and Mrs. Political observers predicted con­ Valley,” by Frank Pierce; “The 11:17 Temperature. 8:00 Cities Service Concert—Cava­ ! Della Porter Hills attended a siderable criticism when the bill fin­ Prodigal ciirl,’’ by Grace Hill. T H E 1950 liers Quartet; Fraink Banta, pian­ 111:18 Republican News bulletins. meeting of ihe Eastern Star in ally is debated in Parliament from [11:23 Bert Lowe’s Statler Orches- Franklyri Benjamin, who for­ ist; concert orchestra directed by Colchester Wednesday evening. It some labor quarters which have nd- merly lived at the home of Mr. Rosario Bourdon—N. B. C. Fea­ I tra. being Obligation night the Mont- and Mrs. Henry Preston of Wap- 12:00 Telechron time. vocated higher rates. ture. ville and Bellville Chapters were ping, passed away at the Masons’ 9:00 Stars of Melody — Judson represented. A supper was served Home at Manchester. New Hamp­ House, tenor; Erva Giles, so­ in the remodeled basement of the shire, last week Thursday. He prano; and JOrchestra directed by Congregational church. READY FOR BREAK was 75 years old. He was a Harry Horlick—N. B. C. Feature. HEBRON Recent guests at the home of brother of Mrs. Janes M. Preston of 9:30 Schraderto'wn Sketch — Band Mr. and Mrs. George F. Kibbe were Manchester. The funeral was held directed by Arthur Pryor; Arthur Morgan B. Lord of South Manches­ last Sunda;/ at Alstead, N. H., and Allen and Louis Mason as “ Gus ter, and Professor and Mrs. J. C. Canon City, Colo., Nov. 15.— (AP) ; The birth of a son, D=vid Living­ the burial was there also. and Louie”—N. B. C. Feature. stone, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith and daughter, of East Hart­ —An imposing array of improvised 10:00 Planters Pickers—Hallelujah Fredericks, of Hopevale, on Mon­ ford. • weapons, apparency manufactured j Singers: Billy Artz and His Or- day, Nov. 4, at the home of Mrs. chestra—N. B C. Feature. , g^own in Madison, has been by convicts at the state prison here j •h o l d p o v e r t y p a r t y . against the time when an organize.11 EADACHE7 10:30 p. ra. -Weather Report and At- reported. Mr. Fredericks, who has^ Instead of dangerous heart de­ lantic Coast Marine Forecast; In- ppcentlv been employed at Madison, ------T . „ prison break would be possible, bus ! been discovered by guards working pressants take safe, mild, purely dustrial Alcohol Institute An-1 through a > New York, Nov. 15.—(AP)—Wuh vegetable NATUBE’S BEMEDT nouncement. [ I®,. - j^g^ gig^^g He suf- [ the Stock Market collapse as their under the direction of Warden Fran­ and get rid of the bo-svel poisons 10:31 Studio Party — WTIC Staff | gnd a cracked inspiration a group of Park avenue cis E. Crawford. that cause the trouble. Noth­ Members in Variety Program; i ^ i social folk held “poverty party” at Dakkers, metal blackjacks, pieces ing like N? for biliousness, sick Tom McCray, master of cere- [ g Pendleton and ; the Club Plaza last night at whitvi of pipe and other weapons, w eigh-! headache and constipation. Acts , r-iifflthree guests attended the reading j guests wore old clothes and ate ing in the aggregate more than 300 i pfeasantly. Never gripes. pounds, were removed from hiding | Mild, safe, purely vegetable I Hartford Poetry club at the Center Their clothing however, merely plapes in the prison by guards and [ At druggists— only 25c. Make the test tonight, FEEL U KE A MILLION J TAKE ganist. ' church house, Hartford, Tuesday was “old” in a relative way. Dowag­ last night Warden Crawford an-1 12:00 Midn. Benrus Correct Time; ■ evening, by Leonora Speyer, recent ers appeared in gowns of a year nounced the search would be contiii- j Hartford Courant News Bulletin. , winner of tlie Pulitzer prize. Lady ago; the younger women in gowns ued until every possibility of finding j kp TD-NICHT 1 Speyer read from her book of of last month and men who appar­ other weapons had been exhausted. TOMORROW ALRIGHT Stars of Melody, 9 P. M. I poems, “The Fiddler’s Farewell,” ently had no old clothing wore ev?r°wriL^J^fo?the**mo“ « wm“ be ‘ for which the above mentioned prize ! ordinary business suits instead featured by Judson House, popular : was awarded in 192(i^ radio tenor^^who composed- it, during ', Among those members of the , the “ Stars of Melody” broadcast I local League of Womeh Voters who , BREWERS DISBAND. ^ . ■ $ ------*~- slated for 9 o’clock through Station j were i WTIC. House wrote the song some ! tion of the o^anization held at the Milwaukee. Nov. 15.— (A P )—Dis­ Rockville Furniture House ^ years ago for Norma Talmadge’s [ Hotel Bond, Hartford, on Wednes- solution notice today sounded the knell for the Milwaukee Brewers 124 West Main Street ^ ^picture, -— “The — Eternal ■ - —Flame.” •• With I day of this week, were Mrs. John the “ talkies” , the theme song be- ' Deeter, Mrs. Carroll W. Hutchin- | Benevolent Society and the pictur- Opposite U. S. Envelope Factory, Rockville 5 came almost as indispensable to the : .son, Mrs. Ruby Gibson, Mrs. Della j esque brewers ball once such an out- HE most wonderful cor I ever have driven.Experienced moving pictures as the camera it­ ! Porter Hills, Mrs. Edward A. Smith, ; standing event in Milwaukee’s so- self. Erva Giles will be co-starred and others. j cial life. with Judson House, and both will be ' Mr. and Mrs. Edw’ard A. Smith Because the 5,000 members in motorists everywhere ore .unanimous in their praise of the new .supported by an orchestra under the and children, Mrs. Smith’s brother, . preprohibition days when this city direction of Harrry Horlick. Charles Palmer and Mrs. Palmer of , ^ygg famous for its manufacture of Columbia, motored to West Haven beer, have dropped to 126 it was Nosh Twin-Ignition Eight, recognizing It os a cor which lifts motor­ WBZ— WBZ.\ ; recently where they spent part of j fg disband the organization. Program for Friday a day as guests of Mrs. Elford C. [______^______ing to 0 higher level of satisfaction than heretofore attained. It 4:00 p. m. Statler Organ —Doris Russell, a relative. Twenty-two visitors, including Tirrcll. i 4:30 Thirty Musical Moments—Clif- ; parents anS friends, were present at ; is the only cor of its type, the'only eight of its character, in the ford Kemp trio. the ‘ program given by pupils c and 5:00 Final closing stock markets. [ teacher of the Center gram m ar, 5:25 Government bulletins. j room Wednesday afternoon. The I world today. When you drive it, you will know it. It will convince 5:30 Lost and found; positions want­ ' program, which was given in ob- [ ed. ~ j servance of Educational Week, gave | you instantly that a new, difFerent, finer Straight Eight ha^arrived! 5:45 Junior Aviation League. I saiffple lessons in reading, geog- 5:59 Temperature. I raphy, etc., and showed work of pu- MONEY SAVED, IS MONEY EARNED 6:00 Telechron time I pils in both rooms. Ar “Moving 6:01 Champion Weatherman., I Picture” constructed by the pupils, Y’'ou can earn money by taking a ride out to Rockville 6:02 Agriculture Market reports. gave pictures of books read, and and vou can save money by purchases at the ROCK- Twin.Ignition Eight Twin-Ignition Six Single Six 6:15 The World Bookman. j pupils told the story of the books. VLLLE FURNITURE HOUSE. Household furnishings priced «O M *1415 TO $M60 PRICED FROM *1895 Tp *1495 PRICED FROM *915 TO *1075 6:20 Dinner music. of every description including Stoves, Heaters and Floor Lo.b. factory l.o .k. factory Lo.k. factory 6:30 “ Singing the Blues. ” Low Down Payment and Convenient Extended Term* If Desired b:45 Smith Scott Investors RADIO Coverings of just the style, comfort and durability that 6- 59 Sessions chimes. SALES AND SERVICE You are sura of 7-Second you are looking for. 7:00 World Aggie Night Prompt Attention to Phone Calls Action... No Hum... Long Life Our method of eliminating high, selling cost and high 7- 30 Dixies Circus —Jolly Robbers, whan you uso 'Suppe; Tally Ho Gallop, Bern­ DIAL 4949 rent, reduces the price, on all our stock and is well worth stein; Do’wn the Field; Cannon Standard Accessories. ■your while to examine. We are open every evening un­ Song’ March: Uncle Nicodemu.s; .Atwater Kent, Stromlierg-Carlsoii til 10 o’clock, and we make easy payment terms. Come Virginia Sheedaddle, Rosenfield; Majestic, Bosch, Philco. i . MADDEN BROTHERS ARCTURUSDLUB A*C LONG LIH tonight before other matters engage your attention. . .Where Has My Little Dog Gone?; Corner Main St. & Brainard Place So. Manchester California Exposition March. VVM. E. KRAH 8:00 The Triadors—Red Hair and 689 Tolland Turnpikt. RADIO TUBES i

J^^ w r y _ riH . ■ »■ • n •' '»* - .


3CXXXX5CXX3«X5SXXX^^ % Saturday Specials i * Quality Meats at Reduced Prices GO OD THINGS TO CAT Prime Rib Roast Boneless Rolled Roast Beef PLEASE NOTICE that we will have telephone ser\ice until B e ^ f...... 35c lb. for oven roast.., 45c lb. nine tonight—if you want your order on the special early Satur­ Shoulder Pot Roast Top Round Roast Beef, all le ^ solid m eat.. 49b Ib. day delivery, won’t you please dial 4151 tonight. Friday night B e e f...... 35c Ib. t ' ''' orders help us to get to you early. Best Top Round Lean Fresh Shoulder 19c lb. S te a k ...... 49c lb. Liean Smoked Boneless Rolled Roast Shoulder ...... 19c lb. V ea l...... 39c lb. Fancy Fresh Killed Fow ls...... 42c lb. Boneless Rolled R o^t Fresh Killed Chickens of L am b ...... 35c lb. 3 1-2 lbs. each .. 42c lb. 4 ] Nice Lamb for Large Native Chickens T i n : Stew ing...... 20c lb. 5 to 6 lbs. each .. 55c lb. J ' 4 ' f , y.j.v.4- PORK SPECIAL /// < I 5 i ' ^ ' i Rib End Roast of | Best Center-Cut Pork ''^ ^ '4 .1 P o rk ...... 23c lb. Chops 39c lb., 2 lbs. 75c Loin End Roast. . . . 28c lb. Try our Home Made Sau­ Small Lean Native Fresh Hams, whole or half sage Meat from Native t ^ Pork ...... 30c lb...... 25c lb. CORNED BEEF SALE i Lean Rib Corned Fancy Broilers' Brisket B eef'...... 12 l-2c lb. Corned B e ef...... 30c lb. Sirloin Flank Corned Beef We are going to have plenty of selected Milk fed fresh Fowl Lean Navel Pieces for fricassee and selected plump ROASTING CHICKENS. Any (whole) 5 to'6 lbs, size YOU WMt from 4 to 5 1-2 lbs. in either the fowl or chickens. Corned Beef . 12 l-2c lb. e a c h ...... 25c lb. An Important Announcement FRESH EGGS...... 55c dozen GROCERY SPECIALS Information having reached us through our Store Managers that all our patrons have not Large White Meadowbrook eggs. had sufficient opportunity to avail themselves of the benefits of Gold Dust, large pkg. .. 23c Brookfield Roll Butter Kirkman’s Cleanser, l b ...... 49c 4 c a n s ...... 19c Sperry and Banies Pure CAMPBELL’S TOMATO SOUP Maxwell House Coffee Lard, 2 lbs...... 25c Per can 10c, 6 cans 49c Ib. c a n ...... 47c Irish Tea, 1-2 lb. pkg... 43c OUR ANNUAL Save 11c. Virginiadare Vanilla Ext. Ken-L-Ration Dog or Cat B ottle...... 29c Food, 7 cans f o r ...... 89c In the Meat Department we suggest Boneless Roasts of Foss Vanilla Ext., bot. 29c Finest Bulk Molasses Native Veal, or fancy Veal Chops nice to bread. We will have Monarch Salmon Steak, CANNED FOODS WEEKt Fresh Hams, Fresh Shoulders (boned and rolled or boned to stuff qt...... 29c if you wish) and fresh Spare Ribs from Sinclair of Cedar Rdpids, finest packed, lb. can 45c Bon Ton Molasses, No. Iowa—the famous pork center. Cream of Malt and Hops, We Have Decided to Extend It for One WeekUntil Saturday, Nov. 16th Special, 2 cans for $1.09 2 size, 2 cans for ., 25c Edgemont Crackers, Bon Ton Peas, 2 cans . .25c SLICED BACON 39c lb. pkg...... 19c Oysters, p in t...... 40c This Cedar Rapids Bacon, freshly sliced with rind off Is A Discount ofi T/2% building a large bacon business for us. BAKERY SPECIALS \ FRESH MUSHROOMS BRUSSEL SPROUTS Stuffed and Baked Chitjkens will be allowed on case or dozen lots with g ra v y ...... $1.50 each MATCHES ICEBERG LETTUCE This Discount to be deducted from our regular current prices. o boxes 10c 10c A golden opportunity for you to stock your pantry for the winter with ECONOMY HIGHEST QUALITY Manchester Public Market ■4 i'iNEMLRST ROUND STEAK (freshly s’icund) ...... 49c lb. Dial 5139 CANNED FOODS at substantial savings ALL CANNED GOODS—Fruits, \ cgetables, Fish are short packed and cannot bs replaced’ except at much 4iigher prices. KID DOASTS OF FRESH SINCLAIR 2Sc to 33c lb. VVe urge our patrons to take advantage cf our offerings as this SALE must positively be withdrawn after SATUR­ DAY, NOVEiMBER 16th. i eaii r, juicy Pot Roasts, Rib Roasts of Beef, boned and ro i; •! ; I ci.'. sfiort. Shoulders of Lamb, boned and rolled 25c to Our manager will bo more than pleased to assist you in making your selection. X!L- !b Lc;;s of Lamb, Shank or Butt Ends of Ham. SMITH'S GROCERY The special discount applies on the following items: New Dill Pickles ' TEL. 5114 NORTH SCHOOL ST. TEL. 5114 1 fan Uji liaspberiics 89 c Chicken Ravioli 15c can CANNED FRUITS CANNED YEGETARLES 1 ca l Ll;:cLber;lc3 Munster Cheese 5 WEEK-END SPECIALS Peaches Pineapple Peas Corn Fruits for Salad Florida Oranges 42c and 40c 5 Apple Sauce Tomatoes Succotash Gc'j :; VcSlo’.v Turnips Pears Suc:’i Potalocs dozen S Apples Spinach Beans • f tie r y California Oranges ^ Meats Apricots Berries Sauer Kraut fauiiil'.i'.vrr Grape Fruit, 3 for 25c 5 Ham Ends 20c-25c lb Fresh Shoulders Cherries Prunes Squash Dccts FRESH ROWE OYSTERS ^ Grapefruit Blueberries Beets Pumpkin $ Roast Pork.. 27c lb...... 20c lb. Asparagus Cranberry Sauce Legs Lamb .. 39c lb. Roast Veal .. 38c lb. CANNED FISH Pot Roasts .. 35c lb. Rib Roast Veal RAINBOW DANCES Lamb Stew .. 20c lb...... 30c-40c lb. Salmon Shrimp CANNED MEATS Sausage .... 33c lb. Sausage Meat 33c lb. Tuna Fish Clams . It is seldom that two enjoyable C ab Meat Lobster Chicken Corned Beef events are featured at the same time Sardines Kippered Herring and at the same place but it so hap­ Sliced Beef (in glass) Corned Beef Hash pens that George Balds is having a Groceries Fruits Vegetables grand opening at The Rainbow Inn - .3 'and Charles Pinney is featuring the Sugar, 10 lbs.... 57c Purity Oats ...... 8c MISCELLANEOUS Commanders at a big dancr in the Pancake Flour dance palace, so there will be op­ Turnips ... 18c peck Orange Marmalade Soups portunity to enjoy a few hours at 2 pkgs...... 25c Plum Pudding Chicken Broth the inn before or after the dance to- Spinach... 18c peck inorrow evening. The Commanders, Tomato Soup Mushrooms Tomato Sauce who are appearing regularly every pClasses io O e 3 cans ...... 25c Celery... 15c bunch Clam Chowder Tomato Paste Saturday at The Rainbow are now Canned Milk listed by the National Orchestra At- Evaporated Milk Vpples, 6 lbs.... 33c tractibns of Boston, Mass., and will bottle Preserves and Jellies (in glass) be backed by this celebrated or­ 3 ca n s...... 27c Cranberries .... 196 ganization. . Tomorrow evening will offer the PowelPs Lettuce ...... 10c In addition to the usual items offered during our Can’.led Foods Week, we are making an additional, special public an unusual opportunity to concession by including all the items in our enjoy a complete evening of frivol­ ity /and fun with unusual pleasing programs at both the dance palace and the Inn now under the manage­ lOc DEPARTMENT ment of George Bakis who has leased the place for a modernistic N V We do this with the idea of encouraging our customers to become better acquainted with the high quality night club. Several parties hav’e of these convenient small family packages. * already been booked for banquets ' ’"-^'■^-rwMOLCSOtn.v at the Inn and a schedule of high class dance attractions have been booked for the dance palace all of which will afford ample opporunity i for dining and dancing at this popu­ WEEK END SPECIALS lar Bolton resort. Kibbe’s Quality i ■ n i l i LAND O’ LAKES SWEET CREAM FANCY TABLE HOLLYWOOD t MARKET Coffee ; Butter 1 u>. roll 47c Grapes 3 ibs. 25c S81 East Center St., Cor. Parker St. Dial 4233 i FINE GRANULATED FINEST H03IE DRESSED ^ FOWLS, e a c h ...... ^ 1 • 1 7 Roasted and Packed in Hartford " T From W hite’s Farm Sugar 10 lb s.. 55'C C elery 2 bunchos 15« ftlb Pork R oasts...... 25c lb. Small Native Fresh Shoulders...... 22c lb. by F^C Y SELECTED FANCY YELLOW Lamb for Stew ...... 18c lb. $'ore Legs Spring Lamb___32c lb. Bib Boasts Beef ...... 35c Potatoes 15 lb. pk. 4 5 c Onions 10 ibs. 2 5c Lean Tender Pot Boasts 29c-35c lb. Shoulder Steak Ground___35c lb. Pork and Beef Hamburg .. 25c lb. pative Pork from Rockville The E. S. Kibbe Co. J ...... 29C-35C lb. Ipnk S au sage...... 35c lb. i onr money can buy no finer Fresh Beef L iv er...... i9c Jb. ginger ale . . . to the best of our > C 3 I 1 knowledge, there is no other at Roasters of Pine Coffees EXTRA SPECI.VL any price actually blended with DIVISION OF equal care from such choice in­ feetionery Sugar ; ...... ^ c pkg. gredients. Pure—healthful—far ory F la k e s...... 7c pkg. more ^ delicious—endorsed by Since 1878 B t Baldwin Apples, 3 lbs. for 25c physicians everywhere. Insist Fresh Eggs ...... 69c dozen on VALUE. H i s r L a rd ...... 15c lb. m rnm m few Paper Shell Almonds .. 39c lb. | y-- -r ■


The Best Places to Shop MARKET PAGE Advertise rii«>ianT^i-Mn^ T T iwi^a aram a o8ao6< irfcrTM artr^ oaMoc30CK8fifW ig^*^"^‘^n^"^"^‘^ w fificiritiaM8i r i*ar>i*i* f fr^r> tit%^^ r>nr%^ ^ INSURANCE MAN DIES I company until he retired two years state’s general motor vehicle laws of $5,000 in the event of fatal in- ' ago. He was a prominent Presby­ JERSEY’S AUTO LAW would bring the operator and owne.r jju ry to one person, cr $10,000 for terian layman and a member of the of an automobile under the opera­ more than one. Philadelphia, Nov. 15.— (AP.) — tion of the new act, attorneys point U Richard Hooke Wallace, one of Union League. Surviving are two sons and two Newark, N. J., Nov. 15.— (A P)— out that the violator will be unable Join Your Neighbors an d Friends the founders of the Girard Life In­ A law designed to remove the care­ to resort to the subterfuge of plac­ America is said to have spent i surance Co., died last night a t his daughters. less automobile driver from t::e ing a car in his wife’s name. $140,000,000 on chewing gum last home here. He was 75. He served j road, or make him prove financial The motorist becoming Involved year. The figure must be low, for | as vice-presideht of the insurance Sand eels never leave the water. in any of the infractions will be at HALE'S SELF-SERVE and responsibility, went into effect in we’ve picked up that much on our i New Jersey today. obliged to produce a certificate One hundred violations of the showing he is able to pay damages shoes. I Sj^C5tXX«V«VV^:ViCV^VV^'^7^'-tWCV«»J«?41C?£XN^£3£XNXXX^^ HEALTH MARKET Tomorrow G R a C E R 24,000,000 Cans Of Be like thousands of other thrifty housewives and JT P A Y S start this week to purchase your foodstuffs and meats Puritan Market at Hale’s Self-Serve and Health Market. We guaran­ SALMON TO WAIT ON tee our prices to be as low for which quality foodstuff's WE INVITE COMPARISON Last year, A & P customers purchased 24,000,000 can be s(rfd. Learn like thousands of other houseswives Located at the Cornei of Main and Eldridge St. YOURSELF that Not from a price viewpoint entirely as we have found cans of salmon in A & P food stores. In order to be sure that the people of Manchester when shopping make of the highest quality at a reasonable price, A & P es­ quality their first consideration. Therefore compare quality first—then price. Shoppers will find we offer tablished canneries in Alaska. Here, within twelve “It Pays to Wait on Yourself’ greater values and merchandise of equal if not superior qualitv. hours of the time it leaves the water, the salmon is PROOF OF OUR GREATER VALUES. prepared and packed. A SPECIAL SALE AND DEMONSTRA-nON OF

!? icr? S c lb. Cudahy's **Puritan" Sugar Cured Ham Su SULTANA RED IONA PINK ,d lbs. to a customer. 2 5 c lb. Come In and get a real ham sandwich free. Cndahy’s ham is freshly cured and smoked. VEAL SALMON SALMON All skinned. Cut large or small, in fact, cut any size you wish. Veal Chops . Reduced for At a special JACK FROST’S. can low price cans Roast Veal . 2 8 < = «> this week ^ r SI Confectionery and Powered Sugar Leg of Veal 3 pkgs. 21c HEAVY STEER BEEF Specials At Our Meat Markets (3 bars to Palmolive Soap a customer) b a r 5c Short Steak . RIB ROAST BJEEF, Fancy Steer, lb...... 29c, 35c NEW LOW PRICE ON HALE’S Sirloin Steak lb. Round Steak OVEN ROAST, Best Boneless, lb...... 42c Morning Luxury Coffee lb. 39c GR.ANDMOTHER’S Rib Roasts of Beef .. 28c lb. 32c lb., 35c lb. BEST PORTERHOUSE STEAK, large tenderloin, lb...... 69c Pot R oasts...... 25c lb. Pure Orange Marmalade BEST Top Round or Face Rump STEAK, lb...... 49c HAMS 2 15 oz. bottles 45c FRESH RIB ROAST PORK, lb...... *... 25c Puritan ...... A. new, appetizing topping and sandwich filling S ta r ...... FRESH PORK SHOLJLDERS, well trimmed, lean, lb...... 19c Campfire Mal-O-Whip large can 19e Swift Premium 1C lb. Honey Brand .. LEGS OF GENUINE SPRING LAMB, lb...... 35c ROLLED LAMB ROULETTES, lb...... 31c ^ Fresh and Smoked Shoulders ... 17c lb. | J SUNLIGHT ROASTING CHICKENS I FANCY FRESH KILLED FOWL, 3 1.2-4 lb. average, Ib...... 39c i 3 1 / 2 lbs. average...... 32c lb. | FANCY FRESH KILLED CHICKEN, 3 1-2-4 lb. average, lb. .. 39c J 4 lbs. average...... 35c lb. ^ i Nov England Dressed F ork...... 23c lb. | ? Genuine Spring Lamb, 4 lbs. ave. 32c lb. g MORE SPECIAL i Cloverbloom Butter R olls...... 46c lb. Other Week-End Specials # j: Fresh Fruit and Vegetables SVVANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR, pkg...... 2'Jc REDUCTIONS PILLSBUBY’S PAN C.AKE FLOUR, pkg...... 11c ^ SA\ E MONEY AND BUY THE BEST JUMBO GEORGIA PE.ANUTS, 2 qts...... 23c C BY TRADING AT Pillsbury’s, Gold Medal and Ceresota Flour, 24 1-2 lb. bag . .$1.05 SHREDDED WHOLE WHE.AT, 2 pkgs...... 19c GOODLUCK PIE CRUST, 3 pkgs...... 83c GOOD LUCK PIE FILLING AND DESSERT, 3 pkgs...... 23c Fine Granulated Sugar...... 10 lbs. 55c CHIPSO, Ig. pkg...... 19o IVORY SOAP FL.AKES, 3 pkgs...... 25c WHITEHOUSE—rich, pure evaporated milk! BURT OLNEY’S M.ARROW SQUASH, 2 cans ...... 33c BURT OLNEY’S GOLDEN PUMPKIN, 2 cans ...... 32c FIN EST YORK STATE PEA BEANS, 2 lbs...... 23c tall cans (Four baking) Evap. Milk % 23c GRANDMOTHER’S MINCE MEAT, pkg...... lOo GUEST IVORY SOAP, carton ...... 47c j Puritan Market Large and medium sized prunes—sweet and.meaty! (12 bars in a o.arton) FRIEND’S PREPARED MINCE MEAT, famUy can ...... 25c FR IEN D ’S BAKED BEANS, family can ...... 2So ^ * .■'lain and Eldridge St. Prunes 40-50, Size 2 lbs. 2 7 c Halves of standard peaches . . . at a low price! F resh

WaCSC3CKNV«VCXV^J\'VVW%^CV^XXV^C1CV1CVtXNX%XN\N3CWCSSX3«5^^ Fruits and Peaches Iona Halves No. 2V2 can 21^ V egetables CAMPBELL'S Rich suds that loosens all the dirt easily! Extra Fancy large package iP c Winesap Apples QUALITY GROCERY Chipso 4 qts. Phones 4169 or 4160 30 Depot Square Quickly and easily prepared . . an A & P product! 49c Meat Savings Gelatine Dessert 4 packages 25« California Sunkist MEATS Oranges FRESH KILLED RIB ROAST B E E F ...... 32c to 38c Ib. POT ROAST B E E F ...... 30c to 38c lb ... Packed fresh at A & P canneries! 2 Dozen NATIVE VEAL ROAST ...... 38c lb. FANCY FOWL ea. 84c RIB ROAST PORK ...... 27c lb. A

W’liiii Ad Inrormatlon LOST AND FOUND BUILDING- AFAR I'M ENTS— FLAl'S— AP AR I'M fi NTS— K U ATS— CONTRACTING .14 TENEMENTS 63 TKNKMKNTS 63 REDS FIND IMPORTANT LOST—SUM OF money in Hale’s Manchester store, or between store and State STONE MASON—Stone and cobble FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement FOR RENT—6 ROOMs, fire place, Evening Herald Theater. Call 7509. Reward. Chimneys, also fireplaces, piers and with all improvements at 146 Bls- steam heat, garage, new house, MILITARY DOCUMENTS foundations. Mason work of any sell street. Inquire on premises or west side; also 7 rooms, fire place, CLASSIFIED LOST — WEDNESDAY afternoon i kind done by day or contract. telephone 4980. steam heat, garage, centrally locat­ advertisements pearl and crystal necklace, between Charles Anderson, 1016 Middle ed. Manchester Green section, 6 Officials Say They Would Have Couiu six average .orda to a line. Oak and Maple streets. Valued as a Turnpike East. So. Manchester, TWO ROOM SUITE in Johnson rooms, steam heat and fire place. Played Great Role in Gov­ Initials, numbers and abbreviations gift. Reward if returned 60 Norman When You Need BIock, facing Main street, suitable each count as a word and compound Conn. Tel. 4978. Inquire Stuart J. Wasley, Real Es­ ernment Affairs. words as two words. Minimum cost Is street. Telephone 5640. for light housekeeping. Phone tate and Insurance, 815 Main nrlce of three lines. CARPENTER WORK, porch and Aaron Johnson 3726 or 9635. ^ • LOST — WEDNESDAY evening, street. Telephone 6648. Leningrad, Russia, Nov. 15— (AP) storm enclosures, alternations, re­ —Government officials affirmed to­ Line ralAE per day for transient large brooch, with green stone, in pairs, roofing, and garages. T. Niel­ To Have FOR RENT—4 ROOM flat, on Divi­ FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement on ads. or near State Theater. Finder sion street, all improvements. In­ day that secret military documents ICircrtlve March 17, I9S7 son, telephone 4823. Edgerton street, all modern Im­ of the highest importance had been Cash Charge please return to Mrs. Quimby, tele­ quire 46 Walnut street. Telephone provements; also five room Hat on phone 6114 and receive reward. 6472. discovered in the archives of Rus­ 6 Consecutive Days .. ^ ctsl 9 cts Something Done Newman. Inquire 147 East Center sia’s famous Academy of Sciences 3 Consecutive Days .. 9 cts 11 cts FLORISTS— n u r s e r i e s 15 street. Tel. 7864. 1 oay ...... II LOST — WEDNESDAY afternoon FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, gas, here. All orders for Irregular Insertions sum of money. Finder please re­ FOR SALE—CUT FLOWERS, car­ lights, to adults only. Apply to 28 Professor Sergius Oldenburg, who will be charged at the one Ime rate. turn to 38 Wells street or telephone I nations, chrysanthemums, pom­ Mt. Nebo Place. FOR RENT—FOUR room tenement, was recently dismissed as secretary Special rates for long term every with all improvements and garage day advertising given upon request. 3023. poms all colors, also potted plants. PHONE 5121 of the Academy after thirty years Ads ordered for three or s : days 621 Hartford Road. Tel. 8962. FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement at at 5 Ridgewood street. Rent $23 at the post, is charged with having and stopped before the third or ntth LOST—2 YEAR OLD heifer, mostly 52 Bissell street. Inquire at 47 Cot­ month. Inquire 178 Parker street. failed to notify the authorities of the day will be charged only for the ac­ black, missing from pasture about tage street. Dial 5623. tual number ot times the ad appear­ presence of these documents, which five weeks. Reward for information. I MOVING—TRUCKING— date from Czarist days. Officials ed. charging at the rate earned, but FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement, no allowances or refunds can be made Call C. W. Johnson, Wapping, Rose- s t o k a e Ask for a Want-Ad FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement said they “could have played a great after the (; 20 lower floor, all modern improve­ on six time ads stopped dale 11-12. with garage and improvements, at role in the strategy of the govern­ fifth day. MERCHANDISE ordered by you to­ 52 Spruce street. Inquire Thomas ments, available December 1st. C. ment.” No ‘'till forbids ; display lines not Taker and Tell Her E. Lewis, 44 Cambridge street. FOUND—ON ST. JAMES street, day in New York, or to be sent to Hopper, 125 Center street. Tele­ Three cases of secret douements, sold. . phone 8623. Telephonfe 7269. The Herald will not be responsible diamond ring. Returned if property New York, picked yp by us to­ deposited by. the Czar’s viceroy of for more than one incorrect Insertion proven and adv. paid. Call 4863. What You Want. night and delivered the next TO RENT—FIVE ROOM flat a t"^ , Poland and bearing the Academy’s of any advertisement ordered for morning via Manchester and New more than one time. She’ll take care of Cooper street, all improvements. FARMS AND LAND FOR I seals, were among the finds. They The Inadvertent om.sslon of incor­ ANNOUNCEMENTS York Motor Despatch. Daily ser­ Apply to Christopher Glenney, 789 SALE 71 I were labelled “In case of fire, flood rect j)Ubllcatlon ot advertising will be vice and reasonable rates. Call Main street. j or revolution these cases most be rectified only by cancellation of the 3063, 8860 or 8864. you and it’s ten to I saved.’’ charge made tor the service rendered. FOR SALE BUILDING SITES in SEE WHAT FOR RENT—4 ROOM upstairs flat every section of the town, , The government today appointed All advertisements must conf^rn NEW YORK SENT PEKRETT & GLENNEY—Express one that you’ll get on Ridge street, steam heat. In­ prices and easy terms. Nnvv de­ 1 a special committee to reorganize In style, copy and ty p og ra p b y ^ tb us in Felts and Velvets for Miss and and freight service: local and quire 79 Ridge street, upstairs. j the Academy and fix the responsi- regulalior •• enfL«ced by the publish­ veloping ‘‘Clearview.’’ Arthur A. Madame. All headsizes. long distance. Expert furniture the result you want. ers and they reserve the right to Knofla. 875 Main street. Tei. 5440. I bility for withholding the documerfts. edit, revise or reject any py con­ $1.59 to $5.95 moving. Service any time by call­ FOR RENT—6 ROOM lift on I Soviet authorities declared the pres- sidered objectionable. NELLEGS MILLINERY ing 3063. Spruce street, near East Center. __ ent membership and staff of the CLOSING HOURS—Classified ads to Inquire at 25 Spruce street. be published same day must be re- Stat-5 Theater Bldg. WANTED —RETURN load from HOUSES FOK SALE ■jv I Academy include many elements Saturdays celved by 12 o’clock no< Batavia, N. Y.. Rochester, Syra­ FOR RENT—MODERN tenement of __1 hostile to the Soviet regime- and 10:30 p.in _ FOR SALE—SINGLE 6 room house. ! even persons previously sentenced to Our Second cuse, Utica, Albany or enroute, be­ CLASSIFIED DOES ALL TASKS five rooms, 37 Main street. Apply TELEPHONE YOUR tween Nov. 18th and 21st. Perrett 16 Lydall street, with all modern ! death for espionage. ANNIVERSARY SALE at 35 Main street. Telephone 6733. improvements $500 down will buy ■ — ------' - WANT ADS. & Glenney. Phone 3063. Ads are accepted over the telephone it. Must be sold as soon as possible. | ARTIST DIVORCED. Great Bargains! Fall Dresses, values FOR RENT—5 ROOM lower flat, at the CHARGE RATE given above s^am heat and garage, Eldridge Inquire at 106 1-2 Spruce street. 1 ------as a convenience to advertisers, hut to $12.95. Special $7.95. Sport REl’AlRING 33 street. See James J. Rohan. Tele­ PRO^PT.'OT' t j f I c 1 Paris, Nov. 15. (A P )—Mrs, EJ!a the CASH RATES will bo accepted as Frocks, regular $6.95. Special $3.95. f u l l p a y m e n t If paid at the busi­ VACUUM CLEANER, phonographs, phone 7433. RpTiiHfni nn [Behoer Forkum was granted a di- ness office on or before the seventh Other big reductions. clock, gun repairing, key fitting. well arranp-pH -5 home. 6 | yorce today from Ralph Leroy For- day following the first THE SMART SHOP FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement, all room, j kum, widely knowm commercial art- each ad otherwise the CHARGL Braithwaite, 52 Pearl street. breakfast State Theater Building improvements, 67 Norman street. nook, hot water heat, -I jgt They were married in St. RATE will be collected. No responsi­ fireplace, tile bath with shower, bility tor errors In telephoned ads Inquire 214 McKee street or phone Charles, Mo., March 15, 1913. The ANNOUNCEMENT.—Large stock SITUATIONS WANTED— GARDEN—LAWN- brass plumbing throughout, at­ will be assumed and their accuracy COURSES AND CLASSES 27 6470. divorce was granted on grounds of of antique furniture, also first class MALE 3‘J DAIRY FRUDUCTS 50 tached heated garage. Price attrac­ cannot be guaranteed.____ abandonment. repairing and refinishing. V. BARBER TRADE taught in day FOR RENT—FIVE room flat, steam tive. Terms can be arranged. Call INDEX OF HONEST, RELIABLE man of Walter Rummel, pianist and Hedeen, Dial 4498. The Old Wood and evening classes. Low tuition FOR SALE — YELLOW GLOBE heat, second floor, large rooms. In­ 4522. CLASSIFICATIONS mature years with wide experience ! grandson of Samuel F. B. Morse. Shop, 15 Pitkin street. rate. Vaughn Barber School, 14 turnips, 75c a bushel delivered. B. quire 219 Summit street or tele­ Births ...... o in the commercial field desires posi­ FOR SALE—$800 DOWN buys new inventor of the telegraph, filed suit Engagements ...... p Market street, Hartford. R. Keeney, 596 Keeney street. Tele­ phone 5495. Marriages ...... tion with local concern. Life time phone 3321, days or 4691 after 6:30. colonial home. Six rooms, tile bath. for * divorce"" against Sara Hethering- Deaths ...... ^ automobiles f o r s a l e 4 resident of Manchester. Best of FOR RENT—4 ROOMS, all modern oak floors, fireplace. Mortgages ar­ ton Rummel. Card ot Thanks ...... ^ references. W. E. K. 24 Locust FOR SALE — GREEN Mountain MACKLEY’S USED CARS COURSES AND CLASSES 27 improvements, including steam ranged. Arthur A. Knofla. 875 Main In Memorlam ...... ^ street. Dial 6995. potatoes, $2.00 bushel, delivered. street. Tel. 5440. 1929 Chevrolet Coach. heat, at 14 Arch street. Little Willie may have to hang Announcements ...... f DORIS HAPGOOD Thomas Burgess, Wapping, Conn. Personals ...... 1929 Chevrolet Sedan. Teacher of Piano—Beginners only. YOUNG MARRIED man would like Tel. Rosedale 60-2. FOR RENT—FOUR room tenement, FOR SALE—NEW BEAUTIFUL up a gunnysack this Christmas; Antoniohlles 1928 Chevrolet Coach. 598 Center S t —Tel. 8304 work evenings, college education. on Lake street, $15 with electricity. English type home. 6 rooms, fire­ j there probably won’t be a stocking Automobiles for Sale ...... J 1928 Chevrolet Coupe. Call 6962. Phone 6970. place, steam heat. Small amount j on the place. Automobiles for Exchange...... » 1927 Essex Coach. Auto Accessories—Tires ...... " HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 down. Terms. Price only $7500. Auto Repairing— Painting 1924 Buick Touring. PROFESSIONAL FOR RENT—VERY DESIRABLE 4 "-A Arthur A. Knofla, 875 Main street. Auto Schools 1926 Ford Sedan. SERVICES 22 do g s— BIRDS— PETS 41 OAK LIBRARY table $6. Royal and 5 rooms, near Cheney mills, Tel. 5440. Autos—Ship by Truck ...... » 1926 Ford Roadster. Easy chair $8. Brunswick phono­ white enamel plumbing, very rea­ m o r t e m Autos— For Hire ...... ® "With OK’s That Count!’’ PIANO TUNING FOR SALE—COLLIE puppy, 6 i Garages—Service— Storage ...... months old, child’s pet. Price $5.00. graph and records $20. Good elevat­ sonable. Inquire Tailor Shop, 5 Wal­ Motorcycles— Bicycle ...... MACKLEY CHEVROLET CO. nut street."Telephone 5030, LOTS FOK SALE 73 Call 7690. ed gas range $15. Wanted Autos—Motorcycles ... Used car display at the corner of John Cockerham Watkins Furniture Exchange Invest your money liUMliicsH nnd Profeeslonnl Ser^-lces Main and Pearl. 6 Orchard St. Tel. 4219 FOR RENT—3 & 4 room flat, all im­ HOME BUILDERS.—A few choice Business Services Offered ...... building lots on Prospect street, Household Services OITeied ...... Open Evenings LIVE STOCK— VEHICLES 42 TEN LB. TURKEY given free with provements. including hot water in first and Building—Coni racling ...... a combination bungalow range, or heat. 170 Oak street. Inquire close to bus service, convenient to Florists-Nurseries ...... 1928 CHEVROLET SEDAN. REPAIRING FOR SALE—3 GOOD work horses. a Lyric Radio, between now and 164 Oak street or call 8'241. mills, high elevation. Price low. Funeral Directors ...... second mortgages 1929 NASH SEDAN. Cheap if taken at once. Call Thanksgiving. Benson Furniture CaU 6185. Heat Ing— Plumbing— Roofing .. W MATTRESSES, box springs, pil­ FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement at Insurance ...... 1928 NASH SEDAN. Thomas Hickey, telephone Rosedale Co., Main street. Millinery— Dressmaking ...... t-J 1925 NASH COACH. lows and cushions made' over, 162 Center street. Phone 8737 be­ on Manchester equal to new. I day service. Phone 57-5. Moving—Trucking—Storage .... 1927 DODGE SEDAN. FOR SALE—HOUSEHOLD furni­ tween 5:30 and 7 p. m. about 8 points, and Case Threshing Painting— Papering ...... 6448 Manchester Upholstering Co., 1927 OAKLAND SEDAN. ture, stove, bed room set, chairs, 10. Missouri Pacific Preferred, real estate. Prolessional Services ...... f ' 331 Center street. Established FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement at 1927 ESSEX COACH. POULTRY AND rugs, dresser, 39 Strickland street, Texas Gulf, American Tobacco B, Reiiairing ...... 79 Wells street, all modern im­ Tailoring —Dyeing—Cleaning ... 24 1925 NASH SEDAN. since 1922. SUPPLIES 43 Manchester. Eastman Kodak, and North Amer­ W e have a few places Toilet floods and Service ...... -•> 1926 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. provements, furnace. Call at 81 ican sold 6 points or more higher, Wanted — Business Service ...... 26 CHIMNEYS CLEANED and repair­ FOR SALE—EASY washing ma­ Wells street. Tel. 7617. KiliieiitlonnI MADDEN BROS. FOR SALE—50 R. I. Red roasting and General Electric soon increased ed, key fitting, safes opened, saw chine $40, also child's desk, both in where you can Courses nnd Classes ...... 27 681 Main St. Tel. 5500 filing and grinding. Work called chickens. Carmelo Lombardo, 104 FOR KENT—4, 5, AND 6 ROOM its gain to points. Shares Private Instruction ...... 23 Homestead street, Manchester. A-1 condition. Mrs. F. J. Wilkie, 79 showing early gains of 2 or 3 points Dancing ...... 2S-A for. Harold Clemscn, 108 North rents. Apply Edward J. Holl, 865 loan your money 1927 Oldsmobile Sedan. East Middle Turnpike. included General Motors, American j Musical— Dramatic ...... 2J 1927 Dodge Coupe. Elm street. Tel. 3648. FOR SALE—"’IS WHITE Leghorn Main street. Telephone 4642. Wanted—Ins'ruction ...... 39 Can, Texas Corp., Columbia Gas, FinnneinI 1927 Chevrolet Cabriolet. Pullets. Call after 5 p. m. at 44 FOR SALE—HOME MADE braid­ now. SEWING MACHINE repairing of ed rugs. Call 418 Center street. Tel. FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, all im­ National Cash Register, Chicago Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages ...... 31 1925 Cadillac Sedan. Griswold street. Northwestern and Illinois Central. I Business Opportunities ...... 3'2 all makes, oils, needles, and sup­ 5061. provements, and garage. Inquire 1925 Big Six Studebaker Sedan. plies. R. W. Garrard, 37 Edward 150 Summit street or telephone Money to Loan ...... 33 10 other good used cars. FOlR SALE—R. I. RED Pullets, American Telephone, after open­ Help and Situntiona street. Tel. 4301. 8617. ing 6 points lower, soon showed a Crawford Auto Supply Co. » ready to lay. Telepnone Rosedale WANTED—TO BUY 58 Robert J. Smith Help Wanted — Fem a le...... 35 gain of 1^4 points, and U. S. Steel Help Wanted—Male ...... 36 Center &.Trotter Sts. 41-5 Manchester. WILL PAY HIGHEST cash prices extended its gain to 3 Is points. Help Wanted —Male or Female .. 37 Telephone 6495 or 8063 MONEY TO LOAN •3? Phones 3450 and 5756 Agents Wanted ...... 37-A for rags, paper, magazines and Sterling cables opened firm at Situations Wanted—Female .... 38 ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 metals. Also buy all cCinds ot Situations Wanted — Male ...... 39 1925 HUDSON BROUGHAM OPENING STOCKS $4.87 31-32. 1000 Main Employment Agencies ...... 40 1928 DODGE COUPE NO TIME IS WASTED chickens. Morris H. Lessner. Dial I.lve Stock— Peta— Poultry— Velilclca 6389 or 3886. Terms—Trades Considered FOR SALE—KITCHEN range; also Dogs— Birds— Pets ...... BE'TTS GARAGE Live Stock — Vehicles ...... 4‘2 Our service Is quick, courtesy and shot gun. Inquire at 86 Main street. New York, Nov. 15.— (A P )—The Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 Hudson-Essex Dealer 129 Spruce private on all JUNK W'anted — Pets— Poultry—Stock 44 rally on the Stock Market was re­ For Sale— MlaCellnneuus FOR SALE—FORD TOWN Sedan, LOANS UP TO $300 FUEL AND FEED 49-A Highest prices for anything saleable, sumed at the opening today, as Articles for Sale ...... 45 Model A, recently purchased new, particularly copper, brass, rags, trading slackened up notably. Boats and Accessories ...... ifl 4 Building Materials ...... 47 fully equipped, cost $850, run 750 Come in—Phone or Write! FOR SALE!—HARD WOOD and magazines. Call 5879. Wm. Ostrin- General Electric, Union Carbide, Diamonds— Watches— Jewelry .. 48 miles, perfect condition. Will sell hard slabs, stove length $6 and $9 sky, 91 Clinton. Prompt attention. United Aircraft and Timken roller Electrical Appliances— Radio .. 4'J for $600. Telephone Manchester “The only charge three and one- per load. A. Flrpo, 116 Wells street. Bearing rose 4 to 4 3-4 points. U. S. Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A 3604 or write Herald Box C. Garden — Farm— Dairy Products 50 half per cent per month on unpaid Dial 6148. ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 Steel and St. Joseph lead mounted Household Goods ...... 51 1928 Nash 4 Pass. Advance Coupe. amount of loan.’’ 2 points and General Foods, Interna­ Machinery and Tools ...... 52 FOR SALE—THE FOLLOWING tional Nickel, Paramount Famous Musical Instruments ...... 53 1926 Studebaker Commander Sedan. FURNISHED—WELL heated room, kinds of wood, sawed to order; and Consolidated Gas, rose 1 to 1 Office and Store Equipment .... 54 CONKEY AUTO CO. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. hickory, hard, white bifeh, slab and will accommodate two gentlemen p e d a ls at the Stores ...... 56 Room 2, Second Floor, 1-2 points. 20 E. Center Studebaker Dealer chestnut. L. T. Wood Co. 55 Bis- or two ladies. Apply 16 Church Wearing Apparel — Furs ...... 57 State Theater Building, Few large blocks appeared on the Wanted—To Buy ...... 58 sell street. Dial 4496. street. Phone 3525. Kooma— Board— Hotels— Rcaorta 753 Main St. South Manchester tape, although some transactions _ ' 'M/A V > Heatnurnnta Licensed by the State Phone 3430 ran from 5,000 to 10,000 shares. 1 KNOW IT. GARAGES—SERVICE- FOR SALE — SEASONED hard JU S T t h i n k . Rooms Without Board ...... 59 wood, sawed to order, chunks $6.50 FOR RENT—FURNISHED room, Strong buying poured into the Boarders Wanted ...... 59-A STORAGE 10 THAT OLD - LISTEN TO . Country Board— Resorts ...... 60 load, split $7.25. Fred Giesecke. centrally located. Telephone 7605. market during the first half hour, Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 WANTED—USED cars, old cars SITUATIONS WANTED— with initial gains running from 1 CANNON W AS — THAT CADET Phone Rosedale 36-12. FOR RENT—PLEASANT HOME, Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... 62 moved from yards etc. General FEMALE 38 to 10 points. The wyd short cover­ USED AT THE BLOWiNcr Real Eatnte For Rent Auto Repairing. Abel’s, 26 Cooper FOR SALE— 1000 CORD hard wood two furnished rooms, light house­ ing movement evident at the open­ Apartments, Flats, Tenements .. 63 WANTED—OFFICES and stores to keeping privileges if desired. For B A T T L E o r t a p s .' Business Locations for Rent .... 64 street. Dial 5520. and slabs. Price $10 cord for slabs, ing j^esterday was absent, and the Houses for Ren* ...... 65 clean, or housework of any kind. $11 for wood. Slabs extra fine inspection call 19 Autumn street. buying was therefore of an even GETTYSBUR(r ir~V ” ' Suburban for Rent ...... 66 Minnie Reinke. Tel. 7453. ' . quality. Call 6991. more impressive character. Summer Homes for Rent ...... 67 Wanted to Rent ...... 68 BUSINESS SERVICES The reduction in the New York Real Eatnte For Sole OFFERED 13 HARD WOOD $6 per load. Hard 11 MINERS KILLED. rediscount rate to 4^ from 5 per Apartment Building for Sale ... 69 TO DEPORT PRINCESS. slab wood $5.00 load. Wm. J. Mc­ cent and the drop in brokers loans Business Property for Sale ...... 70 WELDING, bracing, carbon burn­ Kinney. Phone Rosedale 28-2. Farms and Land for Sale ...... 71 of $710,000,000, carrying the total Houses for Sale ...... 72 ing and blacksinlthing. Chas. O. W. Zokngouldak, Turkey, Nov. 15.— to the lowest level since June, 1928, Lots For Sale ...... 73 Nelson, 277 East Middle Turnpike. Constantinople, Nov. 15.— (A P )-- (A P )—Eleven miners were found together with further assurances Resort Property for Sale ...... 74 when she tried to return to Turkey dead today in a coal mine here after from Washington of an income tax Suburban for Sale ...... 75 Turkish police today arrested the Real Estate for Exchange ...... 76 with her three children. Her divorc­ an e.xplosion yesterday, four injur­ cut, were prime factors inspiring re­ "Wanted—Real Estate ...... 77 The wings of the penguin serve as homesick Princess Chadie, niece uf ed husband in Paris denounced her ed miners were saved but rescuers newed confidence. Auction— Legal N'otlcea efficient paddles in swimming, but the late Sultan who with others of to the authorities, who will send were hunting twelve more buried in Missouri Pacific Common, R. H. Legal Notices ...... 79 are useless for flying purposes. Legal Notices ...... 78 the imperial family had been exiled, her back to France. the debris. Macy and Safeway Stores « rose


A POOL GAMES OP CHANCE! 1 REJOICE TO PIND VOU’RE IN ^ HERE’S VER p a r l o r , EH ! f%WHV OPFICER------MV SVMPATHV WITH OUR CRUSADE^ , SAWBUCK , BOSS. NO WA»AL , SOLE PURPOSE IN WHV NOT JOIN FORCES THAT WE USE GIVIN’ OAT OL’ 1AMONO UNDERSTAND OPENING THIS PARLOR MAV BATTLE SHOULDER TO HICK DOUGH . HE AIN'T ^ c r o e ’ s "WE DON’T, IS IS TO TAKE IN THE SHOULDER. VOU COULD REMAIN use T* IT. IT*D FELL PAL.ACE TOLERATEf N01 VOUNQ MEN OP OUTSIDE AND SEND IN VOUNO MEN OUTA HIS POCKET OP ifw.* "m R._ G A M B L I N ’ UTOPIA AND WHO SEEM INCLINED TOWARDS IP 1 ,HADN’T pleasure K.ELLV. TEACH THEM t e m p t a ;MON. ACCEPT THIS TOKEN COPPED IT IS ABOUT ^THAT GAMBLING OP THANKS FOR VOUR READV >o e s n ’t PAV CO-OPERATION . TO START SHEARING % u t o p ia ' s € IDdSaflllL.TlLlNlElE SHEEP. H e ’^ either fir ^ or iedond. Ol-D SI , THE v/ILL_A<3E There are at least four mistakes in the above picture. They may CONSTABLE, pertain to grammar, history, etiquette, drawing or whatnot. See If you DROPS can find them. Then look at the sc rambled word below—and unscram­ IIM ble it, by switching the letters around. Grade yourself 20 for eacli of POR A the mistakes you find, and 20 for the word if you ^mscramble. It PRE-VIEW. CORRECTIONS (1) When the American flag is being lowered the bugler should blow retreat, not taps. (2) The cadet should be saluting toe flag, with hat on. (S) A t no time should the flag be allowed to d r ^ on .the^ ground. (4) The cannon is a m odem one, and not of O vfl War days. Cggyrlgjjg jg jtr ^ n k H Deck. Trad* % Pn. (5) The scrambled word Is LIEUTENANT. i^AGE NiNErrEE2:»i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, NOVE^IBER 1 d,_1929. By Percy L. Crosby Sk ip p y SENSE aod NONSENSE C0R\TER tSAi'T A ' CAUSE. A TALE Jweu.oNCLt Louie 6/Kve t’r.Yo A L I T SAYS A FLAPPER’S PRAYER. COMES OOT OF Hts LOOK FOR O Lord, may he be tall and hand­ AU>, t h a t 's 1 we Fo« A 0IRTHPAV paesENT, some. May he ha,ve money and VA SSif, IF. j tsn o'clock cars galore. May he dance divinely WHAT Y A S A ID a n ' w h a t it SAVS goes- tOITH and love me better than life. And, YA PONT > ALL RIGHT, Bur O Lord, may I divorce him easily j HALF AN HOUR T£N O C C O C k .j S IT AIMT m 6 and find another. i BSLievS M 6 . A G O . r ------—^ RUNiHiM . We got a kick but of the follow­ ing from a Texas paper knd you / probably will, too: 7 Card of Thanks. I wish to thank ^ all of those who helped in getting iny divorce, espe­ cially those who testified to the meaimess and cussedness of my late husband. Sincerely, Ursula Pernman.

We halfway expect the dodo to [ ______come back some time, but W'e are j — T ' w certain the cotton stocking never! nerve with you to look at one will. i long enough to feel acquainted. /^ /5 j Percy L. Crosby, Great BriUin rights reserved. The Valet: “ Please ma’am, come A lot of troubles might not come J Features Syndicate. Inc.______quickly. Master has bitten himself.” if we didn’t go after them. 1. OUR BOARDING HOUSE The Mrs. “What do you mean?” The Valet: “He has sat on your The Bureau Standards at The Toonerville Trolley That Meets All the Trains By Fontaine Foa By Gene .Ahern false teeth.” I Washingtpn is working on a “non- I wrinkle” cotton. There Is a much According to the cynic, modem i more general demand, however, says ' -THE S k i p p e r PRACT|CAL,I.V w o n UAST w e e k s F0OT6At.L. Aa m e f o b , ® politeness consists in doing some­ ! Jack Harris for a non-apple-in-the- U jeiL , UAi-flL vM*(JOOP______LlJCK,-CrAKB , FALieSM f thing unpleasant to people every ' knees wool suiting. THE HOME BOYS BEFORE THE ViSiTINS TEAM REACHEP THE FIELD - five minutes and saying “I’m ■ ' MoAiPAY, VOU T=AU5B- tFAC£S! M ’--V o U HAv/^NiV W B Saokie Wi-Tbl Teacher (to new pupil): “What sorry!” ! ’'(/& 'REMt'eP "ThIiS AkW VOooPEiO PECOYS P vgOR BRACOikie; is your father’s name, dear?” OliST' VOAPE QO-r / EOAP, ' a It was their first airplane ride, New Pupil: “Daddy.” i ■ueaAuiA, AM" I'm Goi^ica oa-r Yes, dear. But what does your j . Ui -TU’ lake lq-C You KkAouj and the yoimg woman of the party O) /\Ki’ POUiN!) A SHo\AieR felt quite nervous. mother call him?” ; 0(0 lY v o o r He a p ABoU-r POCK 1 “ She don’t call him anything. She ■, OF PDCkS { — So , OIL OP “You will bring us back safely, HoOT'ikiG3; won’t you?” she said to the pilot, likes him.” i VoOR. ■JAui BEARIaAOS Fo’R SHi^vlIS! r p with a rather faint smile, as they GO UllTVl YoO 7 UiHA-r A Poke \f 'What has become of the old-fash- A BIO FE&P o f MALLARPSf were about to start. 1 J X COOLP BE Iki “Of course I will, miss, he as­ I ioned bathing Suit that was des- ■ V. 1 AlkiV -H’ MA-J-OR -- BU-f Wqu ’ r E T oo ! cribed as “darling?” j FT t h e BLIkiP MEKT' sured her, touching his leather hel­ He (3o E 5 OO'T' fIUOT'iOo F6R much FOBi Okie met, ‘Tve never left anybody up G "To VoLi TP there yet.” VILLLYNS WERE NOT BORN, j (SAMBy Aki’’ COMES BACK MAki "To CARRY MADE j a 7 t Hromi f e a t h e r UlKel A B E P P & R MOSE, Ho m e “Faint heart never won fair : To be unduly elated if you win,. pOS-fERS Iki t h e lady,” said the ready-made philos­ ' or unduly depressed when you lose, i Aki" A ■RoO^IP » /> - opher. ^ ,, i is a sign that you are carrying too | A\'R. AMP I much sail and not- enough ballast. | S T E A K ; “That’s right,” answered the 'Y0Li"P BAM6 bashful man. “The way the ladies ' ------• ' dress sometimes you’ve got to have “jj^mong the most interesting AWAY A-r relics of the mound builders, that t h e m { ! we discovered.” said the returned e.xplorer, “was a mummy in a per- : ' r ' T L A WA E R WEO . U.f S. a yAT.^OFF. n n y SAYS:' ' feet state of preservation \vith a i skull measuring forty-three inches j in circumstance.” 1 “My gracous!” ejaculated his 0 0 I hearer. “I had no idea there were ' movie leading men in those days.” \ I _____ * The hardest thing in the world j is to find a $10,000 job for a $4,500 man. ! NOTHING FAILS LIKE SOME k in d o f s u c c e s s I English Mother—Now Bobby, if iyou don’t behave. I’ll get Mayor I Thompson after you. i Melissa (at the bridge party): I “Well, Gertie, I believe you are about to lose your prowess.” I Geraldine; "Sh-h-not so loud! CAlJ LlUfilfi I Give me a pin!” AMYTHikica I < I All the lemons that are handed j ■Birr A i f o B I out do not have fine tissue paper i hLA SERVICE, INC. ' around them. i (^Fontaine Fox. 1929 NO CHANCE FOR THE HEART TO BE RIGHT IF THE LIVER Captured By Crane ISN’T. WASHINGTON TUBBS II When a girl with fancy shoes, Friends just naturally gravita^ , V\lT YOO> SCRATCHED SHOULDER------r enters a shoe parlor, the shiner is j to the person who has no need of ^ ^CCARTY?, m'lVER DREAMED t h e LITTLEy ,, them. sure to get a small tip. FlKP , VIILP CAT WOULD SH O O E^-^^jy^V X', m m p L ^ c E . i K£1 V4iTt4ESS OF J lAURDER m CHEAP ROOK\mO HOUSE.

threatehs to shoot AS POLICE CRASH POOR.

nta. u. s."PAT7oFr. O !»*• w* tcRviet m* iC- By Blosser FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Hitting’ the Nail on the Head V£AU-VoO VN£LV,,\NEL\.-SAVi TUAT’S VTUlHW X'M IT VWASMT SOAAETWlliS SMELV.SUFS COfiE'-'- U'L\jO AMIV-MICE DAY = cam tell tvat FTf3E - ’Mcrr BSI)^' MOSEY CRAZ.V? Vcx)'D ABOUT 6 UIM6A PWS, VWUEH T U ^ 6ET THAT ESSAY UO'-N’S Y30R FOLV'S? VNAS \T?? CeONoO OF SISSIES OC ANYTWIMS UliE TWAT, s t e a l m y OF AAIHE -• ’'WELL, TUtUE /aa'liia’ a l e t t e r ^Y ESSAY YoO kMOYJ IT \S.... STUFF IF X vnoh’t b e ahytuihg to To s o m e b o d y ?'? IH TAE IT— TAA PRACTIOALCV TUAT YOO'ME SEMT MAIL'.'. |^^ waewmotom h i IT IM VOO COOLDM'T ONE /MO'W '1 L A FELLA A UTTLE IMW.1M6 VWHAT it Y0A% COULD ------F,-' v>v.^ T'

y,- '

MM. u. •. MT. err. _ J'i eiMVlY .NU acnvice. me By Small Gone, But Not Forgotten (RE.VD THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) SALESMAN SAM _____ f viH eei CtoT oMe,'TH’ e\R.ST The big man finally had his fill wake me. Don’t you let n e hear XT ML jf food and sat up very still. At you peep. When 1 w-ake up I’ll Heae's ft &W40--UP PLNC& T in h u fit, i VF''— .. SHOT*. gladly do what e’er I can for all last he said, “I'm sleepy and I . ;ould pave the way for us to take I my great big husky hands to use.” » I He grabbed some bark and held it Ua. i trip that’s different than the ii .. LC*' •est. It’s true that we have been ; tight. Then came a rather startling ’4 ^ , •eal bad, but that has made us all 1 sight. The big man gave the bark feel sad. From now on we'll do i a jerk and pulled the big piece mr best.” loose. V , “That’s fair enough,*’ the big 7.C ®V NLA SCRVfCC INC. vis- nec. u PAT. opr ------y ' nan said. “But now I’m going (The big man makes - queer use o rest my head. Don’t anybody of the bark in the next story.). 'S

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1929. PAGE TWENTY i^anrl|^0tFr Itiraing

the collection of $59,274.61 during FOOTBALL RALLY the year and uncollected taxes due HOHENTHAL TAKES of $3,023.77. As usual, his work has DANCE been very well done. Duo-Dollar certificates Free parking space In “Six new hydrants have been in­ are given out with rear of store. En­ RlaneheBter-Wlndham Football stalled during the year, the total cash sales and pay­ trances at Oak and Game OFFICE OF FATHER j number now being 285. The com- ments on accounts. Maple Streets. *. FRroAY NIGHT 1 missioners will continue to authorize DEPARTM ENT STORE SO. MAMCHESTEI^,CONN. Orange Hall ! further installations as fast as con- Music by M ery’s Serenaders I ditions warrant. Junior Named S. M. Fire “The acting Treasurer of the Dis­ trict reports the net expenditures of the district for the past year have ABOUT TOWN District Treasurer at An­ been $33,791.65 as against $37,- j 007.77 for the year 1928; the de­ Presenting---- crease being due to a considerable Mrs. William C. Semple has re­ nual Meeting. : expenditure for new fire alarm turned to her home in Norwich ' boxes and fire house in 1928. The Correct after visiting her sister, Mrs. M. J. i “At the opening of the fiscal year, The Smartest Modes of the Moment Donahue of Henry street. An unexpected development at the district had a net debt of $12,- the annual meeting of the South 366.81 and a t the end of the year, Accessories The Federated Workers of Wap- Manchester Fire District last eve­ a net cash credit of $13,110.05. Vt ping will serve a baked bean supper ning resulted in the election of E. L. one time during the year the Dis­ this evening at the Wapping school G. Hohenthal, Jr., as treasurer of trict had a debt of $29,500. but the • The Smartest Dress Coats hall, and follow it with a bridge the district in succession to his cash received from the tax laid a party at 8 o’clock. The price for father, the late E. L. G. Hohenthal, year ago has made the change. each is very low and patrons may where as it had been generally "During the coming year, we Are Lavishly Fur Trimmed take in one of both attractions. taken for granted for some time estimate expenses as follows: that the office would fall to Louis Regular E x p e n se s...... $35,000. Members of the Hartford Luther Marte, assistant treasurer of .he New hose and extinguish­ The smartest dress League will be guests and furnish Manchester Trust Company, whose ers, painting and new the program at the meeting of the name was the only one openly sug­ tires ...... 2,000. coats are lavishly Luther League of the Swedish Luth­ gested for the place. Mr. Marte’s i Possible expenditures on furred in a variety eran church tonight at 8 o’clock. name was not even presented to the I East Center street and The slip-on glove is out­ meeting. Mr. Hohenthal was nom­ Main street ...... 5,000. of new ways. Stun­ standing this season and it Mr. and Mrs. Stuart G. Segar of inated by Thomas Trotter and O.xford street left this afternoon for James H. Johnston by Charles j T o t a l ...... $42,000. ning coats tailored is worn carelessly ■wrinkled Hanover, N. H. They will take in Rogers, but before the tellers could j Department Officers at the wrist. We are fea­ the Dartmouth- Cornell football get ballots prepared Mr. Johnston Those officers of the South Man- on the newest lines. I Chester Fire Department which are turing an imported, fine game and week-end festivities at withdrew and Mr. Hohenthal was The fabrics and suede glove with picoted Dartmouth, which Mr. Segar at­ elected unanimously. Mr. Marte j filled by vote of the district meeting tended after graduation from the had been doing the w'ork of the dis­ ! were supplied by the retention of all trimmings are ex­ edge and stitched back in Manchester High school. trict treasurer since the death of their incumbents as the result of a Ne-w Imported mode and beaver. Washable Mr. Hohenthal. I unanimous blanket vote. They are: ceptionally fine and Pair The Good Will Community club Less Than 50 There First assistant chief, Daniel Hag­ will run a whist and dance this eve- Less than 50 district voters at­ gerty; second assistant chief, Joseph are the last word in Felt Hats That 2.25 ing at the City View Dance hall on tended the meeting. District Presi­ Chambers: assistant superintendent style-r i g h t n e s s . Keeney street. The usual number dent Frank Cheney, Jr., has another of fire alarm, James O. McCaw; of prizes will be given. Refre.sh- year to serve, and District Secretary auditors, Robert V. Treat and E. G. Black, blue, brown ments and dancing will follow the William Crockett has two years, so Seaman. Feature Brims Immediately after the meeting | card games. that the only official to be voted for and green. Imported felt hats that are the was the district treasurer, these the commissioners met and reap­ very latest. These new models fea­ Miss Helen Comstock left today three constituting the district’s pointed Albert J. Foy as chief of for Brockport, N. Y., where she will Board of Commissioners. The busi­ the department, Lewis N. Heebner ture brims! As soon as you see remain until after Thanksgiving ness, outside of the choice of a as superintendent of fire alarm and these new, simple felts you will want with her sister's family. treasurer, consisted of the accept­ ■William Taylor as tax collector. ance of reports and the authoriza­ to a new hat. Chic, unadorned models The assessors are now engaged tion of a loan not to exceed $45,000. in black, monet blue, capucine, wine, in placing values on land on streets The commissioners reported a HALSTED TO DO STUNTS brown, beige and red. that have been opened up during cash balance of more than $13,000, with probable regular expense , for the year and w'hich last year W'ent the year of $35,000 and possible ' AT CHAMBER’S ANNUAL in as acreage. The valuations they extra expenditures of $7,000 more. v.Hale’s Coats—]\Iain to are putting on the front-footage of Because of the money on hand and lots purchased or offered for sale the power granted to borrow $30,000 Not wishing to make the annual Floor, Rear. is not as large as in some sections more it was not considered neces­ meeting of the Chamber of Com­ of the town bu: figmes are being sary to lay any tax. Last year a merce a purely business one, the Hale’s MiHinery—Main Floor, Rear “Sable”—one of the applied that will make a consider­ tax of one and one-half mills was committee in charge have obtained as entertainer William B. Halsted, smartest Autumn shades in able difference in the grand list. laid. The report which was read Gotliam Gold Stripe chiffon included the following: manager of the Manchester and L. T. Wood, local ice dealer at­ "During the year the activities of Rockville telephone exchanges, who hose. A subdued, neutial tended the national convention of the District have progre.ssed in a is rapidly gaining popularity locally tan tone that goes well the National Association of Ice In­ satisfactory manner. The chief as a past master of sleight-of-hand. Snug-Fitting Slips He will appear on the program be­ Youthful Silk Frocks In New with brown, green and dustries held in the Hotel Statler, responsibility of the District is to wine. Featured in Gotham Boston, Wednesday. reduce losses by fire and the report tween the two speakers, Henr'’ of the Chief of Fire Departments Trumbull, president of the Connec­ To Wear Under pure silk, chiffon hose with Mrs. Mary Pattenson of New shows fire losses of only $2,900. ticut Chamber of Commerce and E. Feminine Models French and pointed heNs. Britain and her staff will be the which, in the face of a large number 1,. Taylor, industrial manager of the Silk from top-to-toe. Paii', guests of Mary Thompson of 203 of alarms, is an indication of effic­ N. Y., N. H. and H. R. R. Center ttreet during their stay in ient work by our Fire Department. l eading the group singing will be Your Silhousette Stunning silk frocks town. Mrs. Patterson as grand de­ “Chief Foy reports the apparatus Helge Pearson, with Harold Turk- 1.95 puty of the Daughters of Scotia will in good order and recommends only ington as accompanist. With their that embody all the out­ install the officers elect of Helen small additions and replacements of acquisition to the program a jolly Davidson lodge of this town at fire hose and fire extinguishers. evening is assured. Frocks standing themes of the meeting in Tinker hall this evening. “Superintendent Heebner of the Reports from the various ticket Mrs. Pattenson and her associate of­ alarm system reports the apparatus captains, in charge of the distribu­ new mode — slightly 1 ^ igi ficers are members of Lady Wallace 1 in good order with no additions ">f tion of tickets, support the expecta- longer skirts, regular UoE that a large percentage of the ■ yJL*’’ Li dge of New Britain. I importance in prospect. It may be Crepe de chine j that the prospective rebuilding of morr.bership of the Chamber will be and irregular hemlines, Stuffed dates filled with delicious j East Center street will require a present. costume slips : _____\ pecans. They’re a real treat! 39c I considerable expenditure to re-locate ! I'he W.-,ranoke Hotel, which has fashioned 0 n normal waistlines and Ay ^ catered to the Lion and Kiwanis ' 'H ‘ ‘ ’ lb. Princess Candy Shfip, Main and I wires underground, smooth, tiofht- moulded hips— signify­ ^ W-- - ^ 1 i “The collector of Taxes reports Clubs f.-r the past few weeks, will ayX*'. - . - ' W - ^7------w m \ .Pearl. — Adv. cater Monday evening. fitting lines. Choice of tailored ing the new trend to­ i*miimMFMii!!mii:niiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiini'iiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiii!iniiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiin clan'gor^ installs embroidered, and wards stateliness and lace trimmed femininity. Tiers, pleats Every detail of the ex­ models. Shadow- pensive Pai'is imports ha-ve ITS NEW OFFICERS proof hem. Tail­ and flares add to their been reproduced in '.hese ored top. White attractiveness. Crepes, leather and suede bags. VW Jl I Clan Gordon, O. S. C.. will seat and flesh. satins and velvets in rich Shell frames, unusual locks i its new officers at a meeting in and ornaments. Choice of fart/oTd/*3 loppir^ (Sm M j 'Finker hall this evening at eight shades. I o’clock. The work will be in charge dressy vaga-pouches as of Royal Deputy James Alexander well as the popula'r back- and his staff from Clan Gordon of strap pouches. Hartford. A social period with re­ to Women’s and freshments will follow the meeting. 2.98 to 4.98 The officers-elect are as follows Hale’s Frocks—Main Floor, and it is urged that every one of Rear them be present tonight for instal­ Hale’s Slips—Main Floor, Rear lation: Chief clansman, James Findlay: past chief clansman, Misses’ Youthful I Charles Garrow; tanist, Thomas Smith; secretary, John G. Smith; financial secretary, George Find­ lay; treasurer, Samuel Mason; Nemoflex Corsets chaplain, James Munsie; senior Tweed Ensembles Are Popular henchman, Alexander Ferguson; Daytime Modes junior henchman, Robert Cham­ In The New bers; warden, James Prentice; sen­ tinel, James Barr; trustees, Alex­ ander McBride, Sr., James Findlay In The New Mode Silhouette and Charles Garrow. f In Smart New Smart tweed ensem­ The proper bles with straightline fitting corset skirt, tuck-in silk is essential if blouse, three-quarter you are go­ or short coat are both ing to wear The new neckwear has FROCKS the new style gone feminine. Your last chic and practical for season’s frocks will look sports and business frocks. The up-to-the-minute when one wear. Fur or furless new Nemo- of these sets are worn with Specialized at flex step-in it. Satin, lace, and geor­ models tailored on gette fashion the new sets youthfully feminine girdles are which are shown in a vari­ lines. Soft brown, tan fitted at the ety of stunning styles. and blue mixtures. waist. Choice 99c to 2.98 $16.50 of step-in or NATIVE semi- step-in Accessories—Main Floor I Frocks that dare to be different in the new | to models. I yet modified silhouette for smartly dressed | to I women. Frocks of canton crepe and | Hale’s Suits—Main Floor, Rear TURKEYS TURKEYS Hale’s Corsets—Main Floor, Rear I crepe Elizabeth and the newest models of | will make your Thanksgiving an old fashioned New England I prints. Choice of beautiful shades as Dah- | feast. 60o LB. LIVE WEIGHT I lia.... Old Gold.. Rust.. Red.. new Blue | Dressed 50c extra per bird. SCHALLER’S Bring Your Drawing and Delivery SUNDAY DINNER I . .bright green as well as the ever popu- | 25c extra per bird. CIDER MILL FOOT TROUBLES, .WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. KARL MARKS Poultry Yards, 186 Summer St. Open for Business to a a t th e I lar black, brown and dark green. | Tel. 7280 PURE SWEET CIDER SPECIALIST Funeral Directors ESTABLISHED 55 YEARS i Misses' sizes 14 to 20 i FOR SALE H O m SHERIDAN mm DELMAR D. AUSTIN Prices reasonable. Deliver­ CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST. I Women's sizes 36 to 44 | SHOE REPAIRINO Foot Correction Specialist Turkey, Duck or Chicken Ladies’ Flexible Sole* and ed anywhere in town, Cider Rubber Heels a Speclaltjri made Saturday and grapes 865 Main St., So. Manchester | with all the fixings $1 Robert K. Anderson Phones: Office 5171 I 'r Funeral Director (Second Floor SAM YULYES pressed by appointment. CcHtsultation Free Residence 7494 701 Main St., So. Manobester Evenings 7 to 9 p. m. Uiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiuiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; 352 Woodland St.. Tel. 6432 Read The Herald Advs.
