M NOVEMBER 1918. 11 Faculty at Princeton Gives Tigers Permission . to Play Service Eleven at . Next Saturday

REGULAR PRINCETON! well In practice, may start the game. Football Schedule A. K. MACOMBER TO N.Y.U. --WILL PLAY The Fordham probable lineup will be: ROBBIS ELECTED HIGH LIGHTS AND SHADOWS Uarvey. left end; Mnhony, left tackle; for This Afternoon O'Hare. left guard; ItalHgan, centre; TEAM TO PLAY HERE Van Wlc, right guard ; Harden, right TO-DA- Y REMAIN ON ; ; .Columbia ia. Union at Hmith Held. TURF IN ALL SPHERES OF SPORT FORDHAM tackle Corsello, right end Clllmsrtln COLUMBIA CAPTAIN iihli n(iinl,m"' or Barnes, i)uarterbsck; Hyan, left haf-lne- " ''"' - v-- Cant. Frlsch. rliht halfback. ' Mn,L Trnn.ports of i"" !?1 Lcldlnger or Brown, fullback. mettlt.v Lifts Ban So That pJlfW.'.! ?' Nl"und.. i Prospect of Peace Causes nv UANircr,. Violet and Maroon .Meet in Coach Mason j . night said he would Former Penn .Stater Will Leatl, Mny start the Violet eleven y with the Tlpcrs Help Wnr Fund: liutgen g. nn State at state College. OOTUALL. competition for the btnellt of tho United War Work fund following lineup: N)rar.iiae Ta. llrown nt Syracuse. SportHinan to Keep Horses First, GrMiron Duel Mile and White Kleven Drive nt Tolo EU"... "n,a rhlta- - will bo started this afternoon with six games In as many section Lawrence, left end ; Siepersteln, left Grotitids. at ; ; Konlgs-ber- Flags Equals Itccord. F of tho .country. Tho lrudlnir contest Is that between Kutgers and Since 1904. tacklo Powers, left gunnl Against lnion To-da- y. rlltauurc Washington and Jeffer- - centre ; Ginsberg, right guard ; " at t. Ponn State at Etato College. this locality activity for the war fund rltt.htirg. In right ; Ingrsssl, right end; Michigan vs. Chicago at Chicago. will not begin rJaturduy. will bo three Baker, tackle TO-DA- Y until next This afternoon there : Frledlande, OPPONENT NAMED Harvard tj. Tufls at' Cambridge. IptcUil Dttpatch fo Tin ncx. good Christopher, fruarterback Ian art Itadlo vs. Newport Barnes In this city. Columbia meeting Union at South field. For tho first tlmo since 1S04 New ; Adams, right halfback, iir n. u.vdkhwood. Natal at BAl.TiMong. VA.. Kov. A. K. left halfback i:oni: .Newport, t. university tackling Fordham nt Ohjo Field rind Camp Vail taking on i oik university and Fordlmm will meet and Ferguson, fullback. When Columbia skirmish- . will lie seen on throns out "'"lejap Hamilton at Clinton. raclnrt colors Charley Brlcklcy's Naval Transports from Hobokon at the Polo Clroiinas. ;on the gridiron at here tlfjs The game will start nt 2:10 o'clock. ing lines against Union on South Field i the race yearr I Nassau Prefers Onme Orono"' "ocktl"e !sv"1 "eserves nt tracks York next The last tinmnl nr nn Kn.ini f uthlntlo rutuU nt the oon- - afternoon. In preparation for this afternoon will .With nn me prospect of peace heforc the i, the Blue and White ('etlyaburg vs. Mount M. i nc led by Lieut. Chester Ilobb, for-,tn- er Mart's at or the year no nas cnanged nis , the Pi.v or Upton, but Other Emmllt.burg. lend u.n( ;each eleven through snappy signal CAPABLANCA SURE Penn Stato star. Itobb, ho dl- - Henauee hlfina fri .At U, Ho word to n,nl. y. M. Ixnila at t. Lout.. sent nailer "'ulr' idrllls yesterdnv Alnst nf llm Vlnlet vtcl the play In tlie Camp Merrill and Ilaterfard Delaware at Newark. Del. j.lentilngs, his trainer, to-d- not to roll j Columbia's task does not appear formidable. Union has played only WfCQ HnVORS Town Mny lie Engaged. ' i'iujei wmu iccciveti minor injuries in ilF encpo .as r,,09cl. Vo,r at ; any more horses. war over I one game, with Saturday, It was beaten by 2 to 0. Amhet .lmf. CB,n Troy " w,,r,'r With the that Hamilton last and uiu .iprrm game last naiuiasy Icrday at a meeting of the pl.iyers Just , Mr. ll.icomber will he liberty to de-- 1 Something 0 N. Y. U., bat- - Franklin ijr.il Marshall ta. fnlnus at nt like 30 to may be looked for this afternoon. have come around nil right, but N. Y. U. before they took the field for the llual ollegrtllle. " Kotttch Cinches Second, but I nuciiuuii iu ii" .mi. ni" ii uni mo ui nuviscu milieu witu camp aiorrut, is in no conuiuon ior will be without the services of Hurt-wie- k , timing up 1,'ntvrrslty yes- - J in for game. Princeton nnnounred YUlllama n. Sprintileld tvr J town, at William: ZnT..,V, ."le. Gyernment ,wl!' ,,1t!t I ii hard .contest and very likely will be beaten by Fordham. and Hickman. Others Are Open. Thorn W(1R no pandllUt,(, po,!,,.. ttniay mat sanction nan neen granted to I " - Y, Antherat v.. Trinity at fo?nia f j Tho ltutgers game nt State College promises to bring another victory N. t' 's practice yesterday was Bohb. He Is so eminently fitted by abll- -' ir woman team nr play nt tlje rolo Amlierit. won adjourned game e short and sweet. After sending the When he his ty, experience idul temperament to lend (Jrounils. Saturday, November 16, for-th- Macom-- Snftford's eleven. As it demonstrated so ably offilnst nrloklcys "I nm certainly glad that Mr. i ' eleven through n signal In with Oscar Chajes at the Manhattan j (ho l.enefU Cam-p- al leam Tuesday, up Is best drill. which eleven thnt he waa the unanimous of tho United War Work ber has decided to continue In racing Iait when It ran 40 points, ltutgers one of the .lose It. Capa-- . I particular attention was paid to the Chess Club yesterday choice. A brilliant Individual player, in. next yenr," said Trnlner Jennings, "and drilled and most powerful combinations In the country. I'enn State hud new of cure of win- - 1 formation. Conch Mason chased the blanca Havana made Bohb has a good football head. Is a The team, op- n 6 I which the Titers wilt BOXING know that racegoers will be elated hnrd tlmo holding the Wlssahlckon Ilarracks eleven to a tie last regulars to nlng first prize, having: made 10 points prlrllron strategellclan pose has not yet been 'selected. will PROGRAMME they nrtws, hla the dressing room. of pronounced It when hear the for colors Saturday. Pittsburg Vlll defend the championship of western Pennsylvania Coach Klsklnd, on of a possible 11. In tho final round , ability. Ih magnetic, possesses be announced W, secre-tar- y the other hand, and the by W. Xloper. always hav. been popular. But I'm sorry against Washington nnd Jefferson, nnd there Is no ground for believing this will mfeet Boris Kos- - qualities good loader, of the "sports committee, W, any Macomber s rushed the Maroon squad through nn afternoon he which mako n and 8. that I sold of Mr. tllat OIcnn Warner's men will not make their defence successfully. Syracuse hour and practice. tlch, Western champion, again. Kos-- 1 Despite the fact Dawson still is Langford. chairman of the football com- ARRANGED FOR FUND a halt's The entire Fred Mn?Mnit.e it' I wl" w,n from nrown. for last Saturday the Orange snowed tinder Dartmouth repertoire of plays was rehearsed until tlch also has not lost a game and with a very sick man the head coach was at mittee, The rrineeton 'authorit- Villi . . ... 2- ?'" hv ,.. .,... ,. ,,,, e,m the eleven worked with clockllkc regu 84to -i Is sure of second prlte. Third South Field for a short time yeterday. ies have specifically granted permission "I flldivt mindJ losing Motor cop ..,,'..'"f. sol, "' i,i an- - larity. given nnd fourth prizes rest between F. J. After giving Insttuetlnns to Assistant to the team to play a service eleven much, but I would have liked to keep ) "cvenf. Pennsylvania, beaten by Swarthmore last week, miy suffer Part nf the practice wns from j Marslinll, J. Chajes and u. .lanowsai. i onclt Tom Thorpe went home. cither Camp Dlx or Camp Upton, Wi,r War Pennant, as thev other beating to-d- from Lafayette. over to punting. Capt. Frlsch got off Dawson but a Stvtnon Xntnil l?! trlit ii ru Marvel and - aajournen game mougn nis nns mm latitude ling been Is AJ;lCCjMrp colt,j of the highest class nnd mopt several long spirals, Borne of them cover- lwo oiner noir pnysinan niivisen little asked and It' Michigan ( Ing JO C(r 'elded yesterday without further moves to keep Imlnori Insists he will bo 111 com-ptt- and hlcago Kcume Football Relations. nnd yardr Fred poHble tho Kncfnu players w c 'promising timber for next years ' in fllvn T1ii.Ii' HCSt hf- - Hvery w,,e" Janowskl resigned to Black and on hand to dlie t the eleven y against some other learn. Derbies." Mlchlgnn nnd Chicago will resume football relation!) utter a Mpse ot man on the npiad. with the possible exception of O'Hare left tackle .Morrison anil Chajts agrecO to a' draw. Columbia experts little trouble from The official announcement from Princet- ill The Macomber horses iirobibly will thirteen years. It was hi 1305 thnt the Wolverines Inst tackled tho Midways After thirteen completed lounds the Union. Since the Amherst game tho I? na forts Garden. winter at Mr. j.table Ilol Is fit for a hard struggle O'Hare's on follows: Maromber's at nnd Chicago by 2 (p 0. (laving stopped Hiring of defeats by Michigan , . i I wm the hip, which was bruised In the BMIUUIillj iuiiunn, j " " i 'i i n i I ihhkivhhu lllllll-- uui a meeting mont Park inrtead of at Hllverbrook It had Buffered In row Michigan on the St. John's strength-- . At a of the board of con- four a from every to.im which game, has been causing hint Pl.rer. W. L. ' W. L I tutelage, and tho line has been Stock Farm. New Jersey, as was trouble. IVrrl trol of the rrineeton University Ath- The programme boxing planned. great Willie Heston played Chicago dropped the Wolverines. Now they However, Coach Slslilnd Intends to have Capiblancs. .. 14 1 iJunon-tk- I enod by the addition of Tower, the 198 letic Association held Thursday eve- of bouts nt game, by Komicn i4 :,imii'K V .Vi pound tackle. The. former New Bochello Madison Square to- will meet again and Michigan once more hopes for victory. The him start tho game. He will most likely r, i.Morruon. ning In "Princeton In- Garden a week from Marshall. ... i II. S. lad will pUv of to the Princeton tho way,, will bo the celebration of Michigan's reentry Into the Conference. be shifted to guard, as CU&hony, Chfl-- s S 6 our the tarkten wan night In aid of the United War Work FlnBs F.uals Ilecord. real the day. Though Zychllnskl. deflplte formal team authorised to play a to-d- game a Campaign was completed last night at Harvard will reenter tho football arena at Cambridge In a Loyola and Fordham Prep star, Vlll take In the final round this afternoon tho may football Earns with a service team Flags never ran a better race In his enro of left tackle. pairings be as Chajes vs. bruised abdominal muscle, RUrt the an enthusiastic meeting at Jack Curley'si career ngainst Tufts. All tho Harvard military units' and the naval division have will follows: ira me in bacKfleld, from Camp Upton or Camp Dlx at tho office than he did in the Annapolis Another possible change Is full- Janowskl, Caps.blnnea vs. Kostlch, Black tho both Canaperry Polo (.rounds. Saturday, in the Flllgerald Building. Charley Handicap been combined and a representative eleven chosen. Harvard's Radio School at and Collins, tho former Cornell star, will November IS, Harvey, who charge at the Pimllco track back, --ildlnger, who 1ms been showing vs. Marshall, Morrison, a bye. for the benefit of the United War has of the enter He carried 129 pounds and was ham- teum will meet the Newport Naval Station at Newport for tho war fund. et a chance to display their wares un- tainment, was chairman of the meeting. pered In stages of race, The Uadlos arc not donating guarantee. der Are. Both of tho substitute backs Work Campaign. The board took this manager the early the their action at the earnest request the ana nearly every of boxers in but he managed to get up In tlmo to have been showing splendid form tn of this district was In attendance. sports committee of War r.lp Jock Bcott, the pacemaker, on the I ) Practice and Shaw and Zychllnskl will After n general discussion the follow- post hy n nose. was A: to Conjectures Regarding the Outlook. to work hard to their peti- Work Campaign, whose representat- ing The time, 1:11 ROD AND. GUN NEWS have retain ives Impressed upon the board the list of bouts was agreed on, the man- not only the fastest of the meeting, but With the approach of peace many conjectures nro being advanced regard- tions. agers of the boxers giving their asront Is see Is co- value thai the came would bear to equalled the track record. ing the resumption of major league baseball next spring. Let It be said HIOH frATEIt FOP. LOCAL, ANOI.EJ1S FOP. THE WEEK END. It difficult to how Union nnd promising to have their men In the Cop,1 scant next-Apri- l to stop the cross tackle- bucks of tha the drive. The board 'noted that rlncj Motor the favorite, had that the National League, for one, will get going again if the flDdjr Hook Princes Jsmslct njr tlorernors Wllleu New ins while the playing of this game Is con- opportunity to show his brilliant speed, war Is settled In Interim. Baseball Is bound to get a big lmpetua immedi- (The lloreethoe) Bj (Caniusle) Island Point lndon Columbia backs. OnVnslvely Columbia Benny lightweight the Date: P.M. A In trary to Its athletic policy, which hits Ionard, champion, as he was caught In a pocket at the ately and afford to by mid first A.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. M. P.M A.M P.M. A.M PM. playlne a groat came, but still shows vs., Jack Biitton, former welter cham- kept after the' war the majors cannot sit let thn November f..io:4S 1131 lo:.10 11 JO 11:30 12:i I0:M 1133 2 0.1 2:17 12:30 12:41 ncakneHS on tho defensive against th been against athletic exploitation, It start and there. big, taking Nm ember 10. 11:37 11:42 12:22 11:48 2:.W 3:T 1.29 1:37 pion. The Walden Stakcn for two year wave of reaction from war Hhoot onto tho flnnnclal sands without forward para and ruua from kick forma- would waive seen objection, owing to therefrom. Too many clubs have overhead charges which have to the nature of tho appeal and because .Johnny Dundee vs. Joe Welling, V. S.N. olds at a mile nnd the remount race King ot Krnslro I.ow Ills Throne. Long Island Caetera Meet Thursday. tion. If Union chirws Columbia's ffoal met, play or play, gag will not hold with the Ken-lc- o y the wished to give Its support Frankle Callahan vs. Barney Adair. for stallions eligible to become the prop- be no and tho warehouse The secret Is out nnd thn King of The' a'.nunl and election of offi- line It probably will he throuch board ' l netlna: to the splendid rause represented In Willie Jackson vs. Eddie Wallace. erty of the Government are the features war over. has lent his throne., No more he cers of the Long Mlnnd fasting Club will Ihc forward paps or a Columbia fumble. Knockout Kggers vs. Frankle Burns. of the Pimllco 'Billy suggested only seen service should b the only one to nUgger home under a be hld Thursday nt 8 .30 I'. M. at Tho Blue and White is handling the. ball the Campaign, card One critic, has that men who have 111 net United War Work Benny Volger vs. Leo load of buss ishlle rest of ui regaril Schmidt's, Zi2 Sixth avenue. well, plnyops promise Johnson. Kelly will carry 130 poundu In the lie permitted to play next season. He takes no cognisance of the mnny Iilm In emtous Mlrme, Th1 secret of however, nnd tho i Arrangements are betntr made for the Jtm Coffey vs. Clav Turner. Walden nnd If he can do this and win catching by Marre-- County Oterrun With Hunters. to no opcnlncs for Union to tako presence of 1.000 Princeton 'students who hive been' forced to stay home. He too Is doomed to disappointment. llnh. hitherto hold Artie, shall leae Joe Jcnnnetto vs. kid Norfolk. at the distance, the longest of the season snys effects of the war still will bo felt next summer he common property, anil all of us can ro UnLVIT)KltK, Warren County. N. J , advantage of. from the arrpy and navy units. They F.ach bout will be rounds, and two year olds, can be no dis- Another the and that nnd buy new and larger crcela and till Nov. 8. The deer hunting seaeon In New With the exception of Zychllnskl of sit for there give wrong guess. too. lll be accompanied to New York by there was a general understanding that puting his claim to the title of cham- the owners will want to the funs a rest. Another Base them Jersey raine to a closf vdneda Th Trainer Ous Petersen has tho boy in their military and navnl chiefs pa- ball will bo. back next April, nnd It will be back stronger than ever. Our We who have peen a baa spit out our woods and mountains In this vicinity and some each pair will fight hard as though pion. , , , - . . . I n fine fettle. The minor injuries of ad as i , , ...... , . . ,, . pms ann men nunue over to grau Arue-- near thn Delaware Water tJyp were oer-ru- rade through the city on the morning ly dis- thev were to receive a large purse. uiny jrar is iiiai ii win mui umi'uiki'u u. iiiv ui.tiij- mtii n''iiime been amazed, e.p-clal- so as the with hunters, but only three buck the players were yufforinif with have of the game. The suggestion wns made that each Itnce for Uncle ffatn. been emphasized so strongly. It must come back with interleague ani plttR were identic. , but no lonsr da wrre bap Red No accidents were reported. appeared under Petersen's careful nurs-n- ruh our brow ponder on the f A splendid military demonstration In boxer bo compelled to post a forfeit of The remount race Is offered at the mosities buried, a National Commission, an understanding as fevered and The season v rabMt, siulrrel, quail, 's game will bo started .it 3 event Is being reconstructed nature of this ma etc. ruff ml grouse, commonly (filled partridge. connection with the J1.000 to box strictly on his merits, request of remount division of the ring-nec- o'clock. The Columbia lineup will bo; but the to salaries and a revised impression'' of the kind of publicity that Is good for thf Mher nUht w ntol nflef Artl" Hungarian partridge and Hngllsh or k planned. This will give' New York Its some of the rnanngeis declared th War Department. The Maryland Jockey Into the barn and beheld Rtrance pheasant begins 10, Korsytho, left end ; Robipon or Tower, prog- that for the gamei there rocks November first opportunity to see the great boxing industry had not been prosperous ! Club has decided to purchase any or all 1kMs. Flrrt u afe nHR opened and thrie but Monday will be th? first day for hunt-in- left tackle; Ketmlnner, left guard; from Xrn.ngr utibstanCr, ress the Princeton students have made enough In recent times to warrant It. I of the contestants for Uncle. Sam. The wn extracted ti Fargo, centre; Parks, right guard; In military and naval training, The only was price estab Let There He Xo Kxtllbltlon, Even by Bempey. which wan carefully and loUncly rubbed Kraus or Tower, right tackle; Stevens, desirable match tint of each stallion Iirs been on AAch plug the kin of nit nn-l- r Ducks Off Sen ford, (treat South nay. In Thn ; quarterback ; Zycblln-sk- l, The Princeton students will nrrlve not made nas the one proposed between llshed nt $1,000. The summaries: There Is talk of having Jack Dempsey give an exhibition at the United toi forth Into the nlnht tu cret us Klectlon day gunners letvtns; from right end Itobb, New York In morning and attend a T)undee In morning a record-breakin- g Canaperry or ColllnC. left halfback; the and Jacki'on. Dundee's manager Flrt Race Per all sins maidens: claim-In- ; Wjr Work boxing show In the Carrion on November 16. It Is alleged that thn with strlnz of I. I., killed ducks as follows: .Tames great luncheon to be arranged especially said his man was pledged to flsht six nurse ii.ono; x turlonts, Irlih I.ady. l.an B. Little. 41S West lind n venue. 1 broad-bi- Shaw, right halfback, and Iloulahan, on Ire 1 for them. They will proceed to the times in a and he did not care 11! fKnori, stralzht J!l.l0. plse 1, show there Is no fit opponent for Dempsey. Putting an exhibition would Dut ilurlnft hln ahxence. with Alt the aklll brant. Fred Ilelner. 11 Broadway, fullback. wck. IS.; nrat; Oeorae Clarlt, Hi iKnmmer). of the original to have only real fights, and of a Sherlock Holmes m feloniously broke Klmhurst, X ducks; J Hfilein, Albany ave- In military formation and will to !n,contrnventlon determlnatlm ! 1 Same have him meet Jackson at tho close Place IS TO. show 1 1 SO. sorondt Court Gallant, anil entered thnt mfe andLhe regret out. nue, flushing, duck, and Onorgp M. leavp, city some time in the of so busy sjrslon. 10O (Sarnie). ST.D0. 1 :13 would create Impression that other beiuts on the card also were to be phcIi a Z the later a ahOw third. Time the Artie rubs and anoints plug with Slmonaon, Dank street, Klusblng, rrm-ir- ; he rleased." evening. However, he declared that Dundee P. 0. Klnir St Srbastlin, nahy Olrl. Cour-H'xhlbltlons, It would be better to excuses Dempey than to have him show hunk of UmbtirKer chees! ducks, The guides were Garry and I.onzo tiie ernes, -- cuy. -- Daw-to- New roi-T-. Verity. . I would probably be released from his Claris', 'capital jam contest. York. Nov. t. PLUU 'Drill Mailer, Caddie, Stammer Slfh. in other than a' real i fundaj last John Welnert of 111 COLONIAL LAI i engagement In Philadelphia Satur-- Good (.round. 0 FIRST HARVARD GAME TO-DA- next ! Pair and Squaie and Terascon also ran, As to the scarcity of opponents, what's tho matter with Jim Coffey? Gt at Fourteenth street, Hoboken, caught day night and would box Joe Welling Field We understand that he had volunteered to appear against Dempsey or IlAvIng hot a good bap of ducks and pounds of flounders of gnnd size at the Girden. Welllngfl manager con- second ttace To.yeir-olda- : sellfnr: ptirse lte?e two week ago, my hunting com- CHAItl.KS CONNELLY. B0ST0NTr.?ltH40 one 101 anybody else. Coffey been in training some time Tntta1 S.. A. T. C. Kleven Mnr sented to 135 ringside. Jl.mn: mile llround Swell. (Wsllal. Willard or has for and panion thought we ought to hfte another eaford. L. J.. November S. make 'Iralrht I77.v. place show tl.'O. first: fight six rounds. Coffey were knocked out try et It. prices ngreed on are 1 to 10. might, give Dempsey a for If Cod nt KaAtrm (irounds Off l.on- - Itench, PROVIDENCE DIRECT B0AT52.97 lirlie Crimson Mnkeahlfta. ' The J10. Sailor, Ifll ijohneonl. place t.ft. t'low So I tel'fd up 38-- iood Grrtuml, I. I. litre, mielie" Lire. 1C7 (Srhut-tlnte- r. he could charge It up to u worthy cause. Bill Brenrran, the sailor at Pelhnm On Thursday, on off All Outaldr hlatrrncaia, in to Ami mud an pnnnperHn' for Mundny and the Ilosabell II. 1 Cambridoe. Mass.. Nov. S. The Har- 'how t.l 19. third Time 1:11 Sweep-Jet- . Bay. is another likely opponent for Demffly. Then there Is Joe Jeannetle, TuimUv lant nfth lhnr Hunnlh. ruble Wreck Lead, twenty-eigh- t men boaled Aboce I'rices Include HdY 'Iaz vard service football team coached by HORSE SHOW STARS ARRIVE. Trlomnhant rmbala. Ceramic. Clean who has been matched with Kid Norfolk, and Billy Ml.tke, who lias expressed We had gTrat npnrt jhootlnn ilurkn and "'ghty cod nt the eastern k rounds off Long rut Information iccardlnf llm. mi Atm Pooch Donovan and fcddle Daley, for Gore and Antoinette al'o ran sefe Mn ilnnji, unil then to re- Ilearlt, Jnmea Wilson nnd Joe Pnrter parture Tltlrd Ilac the Jon'or real eagerneia to perform for tho fund. Why this sudden dearth of lioxers nr lltn duty's I'Miit ni Hill ii rwnci u Wprlng years varsity Dartmouth, : turn af'er tMcli pleanuro to Jiin nno.i TYim .411. four end at Out nf Town Here i:trlr slierlechrse: nurs tun mller Bell first big to Into print with offers to work tor the hoin( nd eat a hot cupper mMi hi caught four oJ. Other high hooks follow College 8. A. T C eleven, "I me Bea. 137 (niooii. atrantnt after the rush break ai I'hlilp and the Tufts 11 .. piae Nter Hutie run put you hap to Duran and John Hitch, each, tu Ilmlitr Freight J 111. U M to. sho fj.ra, Uerlaiw 1JJ (Chyiie). war drive? tefore be which has been drilled by Bush Pierottl, first' tried to 1m appreciated James MlUhell and Frrder.ck Hiniors. i former centre of Washington and Lee, Madison Square Oarden vs,erday Thl flniKheit mv llfth da trip to encb .John .mltli. Iatrick Wal'-h- . Oeorge WZJ'lr, Cttrtd int,mt H.iurm.iu and Siet .Mi j vr, 3 each, and tII1 to Art-h- Impartial- - T tlrounil during the thre earn, meet in the , saw the early birds of the 1.100 entries Burhouw, 'Cherryitore and 1 llenrv Mauser, '2 cod. - , ., . .. antl four times hare hot geeie and : 1 HI MIKE TIERNAN game HlhKI. ; mil. DIES morrow. It will be Harvard's first I l.liwmill.nn1.lw Itn: oiruir uui'l.--. .Ill;fl ,1101I... l. GOLFING COMBINE plunt of ducItM. rBOSTON1 and the result Is much In doubt. Tufts arrivals were the show Dorset of the nVeroe .11 r..- it,. i...hiil HhSlKK IOOLITTLE. noi ANt CICX. in nurK in piay n iuuu ujich game. du Fonts from Wilmington. Del., which Handicap; pure (v; rx iurlones Flats, TO AID WAR WORK SILENT TO THE LAST New r.orhfllo, N. V.t No. 8. W'orcraler ).1 iIpc illrp, t,$2 S., I on 1 (O'Hrien). IIS. 40. i -. 1 unil The only experienced men tne nar come In on Thursday. The rush yes slraliht rlaee t) .how Cotton Dine t. SAXII ASI) HUMID UOIl.MS. Ol'TilllK sTMKHlMm- S. .ick-- Threader on de- - I yard team are Daley, captain ; Levlne, terday began dis- w. nrt; scot, Alum1- - Tor Infnrnit r RtvrdlnK tlini. uf with horses from a to. show IT 40, second ;1Hu,n?? Newspaper Club Drops Gym Home Run Slugger of Giants The cevnth annual dinner of the t'otton cer & parture ihoni .60 Ufiktnan. who played for the Syracuse fresh- V). VS itr. end tance, as exhibitors had received notice peri 'how sn thirtl Ttme--l :IM.:, I.eo- - Plan. Tliread Klshlng Club of AmrUa. Inc. airoaW tTh MM """1 men fall, and Coleman, one e?fthe ship to freight con- chare'. I.ucilite. High Con. Nepn-rhs- n. U Dx, fnr III Few Weeks. be held at Trommer'a reftattrant. last to promptly avoid or 3rSl ZaffN. H'tai. t linemen on the Harvard informal outfit Motor Cop, Holllster. (Yhr.k. Pr Johnson Ftuh wtrk avenue and Conw ay street, Jtuit .Mhllll'III.ir.Ts LINE gestion. Uenlfaee and I'anaman clso ran. llrooklyn. Ball f'TR-g- tg"' ymnin; a year ago. Hunneman of is ex- York Newspaper. Oolf Club "Silent Mike" SI yearn old. Harvard Among the arrivals of Chicago Fifth rtac-T- wo and three year old; the The New Tlernan. an excellent kicker Coach Donovan will hibitors were the hunters of 'Mrs. ,neMieaKe ttirFe; ciaimiria; purse Il.con has decided to abandon Its Gymkhana fimoris home run hitter and outfielder Vermont Deer Seuflon Opriii Monday. Miu" or-- Ouaran- - ffn nn start the following; Levlne. left end; B. Peabody nnd Woodln Farm '''r,"n" Arrh.(?P 1n- '.'J tiny season wlndup programme In ; of the back In the The Vermont huntlnff aeaeon for deer Francis straight f Ia.49. place fj, VIA CAI'K CANAI. Daley, left tackle. Coleman, left guard; and the roadsters of John B. ThotrtP-- ; ", show tl'ti. flr": ler to cooperate with the United War early '90s, went to his death as silent hnvlnif bornf not W than three Inches ron llusso, centre; Brown, right guard; uniRn Mltw. ,7 (i,Un,!0rdi. nlsee !5; Campaign. According to present an.l as accepted In length opens on Monday next and closes n..nl.. lnoai. from Kloundfr aU to ClS Inrludln son, The Hastern contingent Included show liifie. second; Ruhahdar, us (Kummeri. Work reserved he the 20. Tlie is one deer The Am afka Vllr Tax ; Dennis, ' newspaper organization, November limit fniinah lc S(yZ!kmPJf right .tackle right the hacknevs of D. B. Hanna from ;how Ji.JO. third Tlrne--i t. Kairy Prince. the the visions of umpires which gained for him litenne for resident i l vty centf, hooka, 3 and , ply 2llr. I'tflnr Partial fo r fVntral drafl . Conley, Porter, left arx patronymic on a"nd T.rt end: quarterback. Lenox , Mass.. Mrs. Joseph S. Sylvester. ' i r,colB l ' iis the diamond. the $11 The Cndllah Hooka, all t T I - ln "V IIT9 halfhack; Goldstein, r'.gbt halfback ; j IC. Miss , T"'1' Club Mike died a victim of tuberculosis in owner of real etii- of the alue W'hlllna, Sa Ita.a and Illaflall r. SltlllT SKK1NCI A Ix)u,s Liggett and Eleonon, . pw,rJ; Cor.?andt $1 id l.iund 'x'ahU'r-oid-- forCCS ".V Van on a - of $1,010 m Vermont 300 ft lrMi linen lln. No. !t .4 9c Hunneman, fullback. Pears, k. 1.11.. ., I,i,n)e the Severn Pur'.- m,r tlCL .iii "ZT ward at Bellevue Hospital on Thurs- pai $1.1. Hall.rr Pl.r 10.3D. 2 10. T.l. llroail 1IIL ul. t. ?fa Hod. Hpi i.l aiui a qu-ri- Arrow. 1117 (t:nrori. sunoav. 11, itc Tork day night with his Hp, to ninner of firf Anglers I)p j die nor 1 h.ni.... Ainrau . isovemuer scaled the last Find 3 und 3 ihm 5110. .I..... i.a.iiixi """-- mrai.M H.eo. out for tilac .n.i .how nr.i- itr r'lnh will .1 roinnetltlon of Its as to At the. notel Navarrf the an- nir KVKRY Troy Evening Line REGULARS BACK. ponies. Woodtrap. (Sande). ' rim his truo Identitv. On the hospital TACKLE OI" DKSt'lllrTION. RUTGERS' ill out for place and ,"., m, from the nual dinner of he Association of .urf i X, V l? , that I f.M.. 43. It.. X Hprlne ihow. IMcHhoard (Keiaay), ow"' l,ut "V? P '.-- records wns written the name: "Joseph CUITriJC " n"r t'l.r Tl ms. lt out 'j i V w, AnKllng Club will be held LCIIILrl) St. "')S to anow iniru. urae ran, lUlliera, will uq milieu iiiiu ...u Egan. St, retired, of 2123 IJIghth ave- ,nn' ,rr. Mlroc liiHi.ii. - lex al'0 - ..ui.; Kelly o Piny BASKETBALL. Sevf- h Ilatrf ii nii nnwrnrri- FALL RIVER LINE U linker nntl 1 Amilnst GOBS TO PLAY IUIIU. nue." "WHITINGS liukl.tl.. hanllcap: ptirn nno PLENTY LINGS & To-Un- y. flaimin' tl,(tv; mile Is especially Inter ROD AND f!CN. t'ur lnfarm...ui) telMi.iun Cun mbu. nnd n ix1r-nt- 1W The newsnaner club None knew th.it it was "Silent Mike" 7 Penn State Srfiiet. rjnhnon. In- iMvea Saturday A M , . RtrillLht t9.X. Ill a 0 SJ 30. 14 ested because of Its men In service. l.ilil In the hospital A - ml ,7,,, ,;. Nov 9. Double Header for 'Wnr Drive In show flraf Tlcnan that since For the UKhlahlp Sunday M. HlarJi- DORA ! M ulhar ava. S A. M., n New BromswIck, Fosler ; (KfUny). r- - Bulger and rr...lM.ii u iiiin!.i.V i'.Vif ii' Airman, iw ts.w, nhow cluding Major Boieman October H patiently awaiting tho end. fiah. II ai anil L.ln,. . Dmir,.'. IIP, k -ail Ha n team Armory. ewcon-l- ; Polronia 1M fv ':, ford's Bulgers football left last lltttli llestlment iKimimrr nhow $l.7ft. Capt. Orantlaild Bice. In speaking of Mike entered the Institution on Octo- jaaar i Ipht State, they will Punday A ' 1.INH AND IIAKi:. AUTUMN ItEMHUS. for Penn where Play In tho Third Navnl District bas-- 1 '" n'enry .('iln1 jXV Silk the coming event last night Peter Camp- ber 11, giving the name of Kgnn, nnd it. meet college in wnai promises to . . ., ., F.S club, Slate .....t. mm, niuroorwin, finely esnpiex. 'nailast, bell, secretary" nf the newspaper few would realize how emaciated that nc,!u1d,n"E, ..""anii r 'a,7 ? A.M.SUNDAY--f. 2 P. M. SATURDAY iUI.INLJu Iiollna, ( i a harde1l by local service teams for the benefit x Head and Slallm also ran. stated thnt there woutd be an entrance once rugged structure of the athlete at j i 1. lli.tn urw nunna'a lion. rrnin lntliivriril nn.l tii Cliff ,V" Field. 'Ti. VnRKFR f'onraleitrcnt Pn.iimnnl.t ihedule. probable that rl.i... c....,i t fee nnd he hoped that all who have been looked. It was yesterday, I!v ivShrppahrad na.. f ...,'; not until late J ComplMe haalrn.il by Sra and Sun at akfrack1Ua,vheorbe "o"i , exWe dTn. 'the 8lx! frequenters of the public links this sea- when an undertaker sent by his wife i nwr udampu t. Ttu? FRESHLE HEADS even though uici. .luna. ! srar?eto!day, h Bcg.ment Armory. Two games WILLIAMS. son would forward a dollar, came to claim the body, his Identity on lteela. Itnd. OLD POINT COMFORT, VA .onnettkwin nothof'them person. that Whiting Are Very lYlUrihY im..i In Hlch Shot staged, j they could not be thero In wsn known. His death certificate WhltlnK Plentiful rraJn. tirade HOTEL CHAMDCRLIN weio suffering from minor Injurlesf and j I ,! read: I.lnir I.lnt Ara Very Plentiful ouna. Klflea and Hurt itoda. the opening clash the Mine Sweep-nance- s Iteesr Illckarila, Fiilllmck, Gela "Michael Tlernan, 51 years old, 2423 Long Hranrh, V I w a 8t. (Time, Sv.immfnx Pool llol o.vh Hanford did not want to Uko any I" Halt and taijle. liKuurn, :fc y.i fowl Culiiie Fverj t.'trop.an the eighth avenue. Denth due to tubercu- Hath and of hurting them still further, rav' nri1 ;'n' I'nuaunl Footlmll Honor. AND BEARD ILL. nlarUflali Cnualit Sunday 3D en. Treatment Wnlc 5? L0HR losis." Ml ( l''ench and Kull, who have proved such Federal Bendezvous while sec Special DetpalcK rienlr of lllarkflali audit Now. c A ai 2 P, M. SAT. 7 A. IW. SUN. CIO. f. 1D1HS, M.at.tr nl contest wlll bring together he quln- - to Tur Scv. "Silent Mike" wan one or the lending NOTICE. O n. f... ".plr. M.np... V... .p ..bio substitutes, will also probably get 9.r-!te- of Unt, Hake anil ll&oVleta r lliifTiiep H- Wn.l.lAMSTOWf. Nov. eso Blck-ard- s. rirntr Whltlnc ami InrorniHlimi ltertha h - State and Granite stale to rare inmp niii. sluggers of the old Giants. Many x Granite thance this afternoon. a tho K"-- AtvlEMICA Hotel lliiimu, Hotel Mi Aipin I ikiK . ij , member of freshman class, home run wallop made by him sent the The other players on the Butgers team the Brookjyn Armed Guard. With Three IleKulors Missing. Josephine 'riF,? - '" B'way, 161 l iflh Ate Mrtcr l'lfth Ale , I has been elected captain of the Williams I A. in nien,iiri nndltlnn. with the - ftube Marnuard and Burleigh Grlmeo. cheers of the Giant fans in thoo days SHl a Claaon Point rtaimoml Vrtl'lroliili "i5 l'lfth Ate Ak i to succeed th State eleven leaves leaca Sundai I I .v. Tu . prob-- former Dodger pitchers, will football eleven Ben Hoynton. When Orinlte echoing over nil Harlem. DI.OOl) AM MANIJ HOIIH8. "'or Mr u.lei iu lor '1tlon of Krancke, centre, who Is j Is City, where they will play Il rinlQr" Kloundera il Hobe- - play with the Mine Sweepers. Farrell, It the first time that a first year man for Garden Kliyl l.uncpuooil, Ureeuheart. Tom.oda and .Mackerel NEW JKllSEV At'lautio City. blv hid un for the season. Paul led one of the Purple's Major Clarke Tobln's Camp Mills eleven UUOrttc wwria.1 mraigiit grained, any Breck-e- v a former St. John's College star, will lias athletic BLAISDELL TIES SHEA. fAPT HMiKK on, the sensational end, and Joe tennis. Blcknnls Is playing fullback on St. Paul's Field this afternoon, three lenisiii "I'll. iiiouiifiiit. will tako'carb of the extreme; Cap- - play with the Granite State team.'Lowls Itnda Made...intinnd ltepalrnl.ni 1'LKSTV IIAKM. l.I.NO A Nil WIIITINK, Is a product of Drury High In of the regulars will be missing. Halfbacks - and North 1 Tel Orch nui. . o'elnL- mi m smrm mv m m i a .iner and George Mourt. tho and Davis, two former college players, and Lohr- and tackle Hlghtower Kiivli linn Tim Wlna In Strnluht ;0lilAv t87. niirmwia r will be In tho Qtinrd lineup. Adams. Beard lea.ea Murray'., WrecU Learra llainmer'a Dock. .Sheeun-liea- will be tha tackles: Armed Several athletes have left college to ell came down with Influensa sestefday Hull GE0RGIE M. eaa, liSO A. M. Tery ' m fiolllns, who have been IlllllnrUa. Sunday.. Ur schaefer and join the colors, among them being and nt practice) their positions were .... w tr.in. Kare, ba,t ar.d war tax. SI 63 TO-DA- J-t ny leclared by critics td be two of tho. best FOUR BOYS' GAMES ashburn, who had been putting up a filled by substitutes. t" li,sl ill Bill NIIKKS now runnlnir. luck ahnot-10- 0 . ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. , 111 lo 61 Hroa'. . Fiorn,t STANHOPE I hnemm III the country. Will be the game right Hammond and wncox, me former ."' I.awlor rimni In n.hinr tlreat Houth Bar Wrlta Dry Dock, Weehanken, c ! I strong at tackle anil who 111 u I. 1 Union 30 m cuvd jiiai-'l- years suosti-- j ni.vnH In .lm h.ifU Hrooklyn tho anlhteur ctrnlEht rail for date. Capt Davla, Seaford, m 7 Siluoted.planncd. and Dunham, last K1p Inlersclinlastlp flames has entered the officers' school nt Camp 7'h Hohoken, A .M.jlndaja. j . i c, othrr Sproule. the Riant Unlveralty MlHonl tournament, J. V. Hlaldell la l.'.tix. WhlllnK and Cod Hooka. managed to, glee Taylor. Both and Mason, two members field and ' niackfl Fl.Ot I)KUS AMI TO.MCODS. I j fur Ont of Town. j ' for drat plnre. Kach 20c. a Dor. of the varsity nine for two years, have of Wlevonnln lineman, played tackle In s', to iiuuaun .xew Ho. corrUbr arul KcaXtK. .... I .. ' anu one renalred and made order t II.J 111 ....n.... place. The. (Jranlte State loat im. NAVY READY FOR HARD GAME.' Although there are nine lnterscholastic aiSU I'HIUIiU U HIIIIUK ItllltlJB, u.lll31111 HlRhtower'a "" .Muuntlnc, Aral". Wood for Jlod. mtTSRJ.JBCZBr I football scheduled fnr tn.ilrvi- - athlete lost is Conk,lln, a veteran will throw out Pklrinlshlug llnea ngalnat ' "' "" l"iim m-- r K 3llh PI Murray Hill rallies nnlv another thirty 1'u""'1' ,, iH-y- i3-,,- it;;, four will be pl'iyed by local teams. Hum hockey pUyer. I'ainp Mills with Vlckery and Woodruff limine. ltl hlKl, run of so. lu)0 wonflSm COD AM) HI.Af.'KnN.r inspected to heat run waa 1... J Anval Opernllnir Base llton Institute and Commerce are the on the ends, Herrjd and Sproule tackles. Slieaa P.tU t uie of vary d.acrlptlon. Sink. n 0 A. Wlcken-T- , Levy j Hoorlinc STR. EVELYH - Prove Worthy Foe. only New York teams scheduled, as De Ilondi and Cook Kuarua. iiauciin tpiar' i isame, which ,ri Mould.. Ilelnrald'a tlooda PIMLIC0 ENTRIES. terback, Hammond and Wilcox lialfbneka was HChctluleil to bei played nt Oruhrm'a Mat. 104 Klhth Awnue. Cor. 15th stre.t. mXVS- CHARLES 8. signal Witt Clinton and Morris will be Idle. T.lephona Chela.-- Tu'1'- ANNwrous, Nov. A short romn wan iwstponed until Hunday - I m. cll,n Thura.. ON TMC will be and Dubuntuo fullback. after- CI OltT " A- OCAN FRONT formation drill this afternoon put The feature a double header at noon of Plenty Cod. Illarkn.h, l.lnc, Hake, Utiltlnt. aJd Sun. flounder. IV i"l Commercial Field, Brooklyn, Tlrat maiilem; alx because the abaence of Levy fcLoItt und Tomcoda. Plenty Mack- Je van ntnrtou of real ' .c In shapei for where Eras Gone. 110; Tom Fool, HO: ; anvi-'i-on;i- rt Naval Academy team furlong.: Clean l lie wore M. . erel, Halt on hoard. II, Zulle JLcomiorf. witharv mus Hall will play Brooklyn Prep and 110; ,lft7: Karnaron, THELMA tral, Waahlnston .is game against the eleven Uncla John, Donnallthl MERRITT OFF FOR BOSTON. Polnla. 11 11 Ave. ferry, Jeraey 7:11. I .In ofdiatuACtrrflrve-m- Marquand will take on N-c- 107; Doleful, 110; War Cry. 110; St. city, Codft.u, Itlackfl.h, a and Wtiltlnc of the Navnl Operating Base ot Itamp- - Utrecjit. 110; rollu. .1 T Bllladell 100 "0 1 10.10 fapt Qua 1.KIH.1IACH. leave. Sheep.head n w llhout extravagance 110; Romeo. 110: Candle IJchl. 110 : H 11 V strong-tea- m Commerce will play Flushing at Flush- Vrlo, J. M. Hhea 15 ; I 11 vAHIS. VtPtHM, ALWAYS OPEN n This Is believed to be the Malwoaa. lioj Mother-In-LaV- . A. M. VtLUll SA except Mon an! ing and Hamilton will Poly Vlrllanie. 1i: Jcraeynien to Plny Camp Deirtt Sl'NDAV Capt HI'I Stephen.. Capt Qua ITER. .TUnCMfcTCRetS MAI1CO. tho midshipmen opposed tackle Pren 107; Hohoklia, 110; W. Ward, 110. leavea uunno a iock, Frl. Itau. have a To-la- y. 3IACY VICTOIl CI'K. .Leech nt Itly Field, The schedule: Herond llmllco Ilemount llretallnr nt Ilrme-- WITH Doodle II. NIT1CB ANIT CODFIHlf 'Br wm.A. Li h rtatr Flrld season. pimI Yankee FOOTBALL Puraa; Ihree.y earohla upward; ona A. It. Mary last nlsht defeated H, I n III Sheepahaad Hay 7 jo Th.uigh backfleld men Camp Merrltt'a atron; eleven left here . II A several of his Valala. 113; Perrle.a Onf. 110; Don Conei-'a- I K I I D,,l- P'ind 7 - Flushing mile: Dlttinan, '200 to 125, D Lead, HI- - A. M Ji.im- Al Comtnercs vf. Fluahlnr. Won, 102; Tloeton, they will In the Claaa 1ITP '"vr" Wreck III. I. . I- been Injured this week Doble has vs. Jna. lor.; Trial hy Jury, 113: last nlRlit for where faccnl m.undera Sundny Capt. Wreite & I.ou.' urm At Commercial Field Krasmua Hall 113; lrry Eaarl, no; pocket billiard tournament In Osborn's nfcSULU ror li.o: !' stronger previously, due ("apt. liar, Creen meet tlie Camp Devena team nn Hravea It f attack than Brooklyn Prap. forty-tw- ."ring b.lt apt Herman con; Field Marquand vs. Leaend. 119; lYunea. 10!. With tile excep- room. Macy went out In o in- - . roi: coin the presence of Capt. Ingram and At Commercial Kprlnr 1 alley Steeple-chaa- e Field thla afternoon. I'IZ'S1 Dally Third n Own nines with an average I of t r"k "ad COMMODORE TKC LUDMl RUOni HOUtl OF THI WORLD infer In the game. The other backs at New Utrecht Hanillcap; fouryearolila and upward; tion of McDonald at rlsbt end the eleven I'""' At Poly Field Hamilton Institute vs. had a high of II. Dltt man', be"st c.ualer KOSabell C lie quarlrr Trumpator, 113; will he the name one aa triumphed over , - I.H,Kr'. Molltor'a. envater Sla i.ont n,ach.' ATLANTIC CITY. t,trt wllf be Benolst and Bawllngs, Poly Prep. two and mllef W.ol V?A. HEALTH N.J. 133: Jlelroae IJt; ,', V" HnlllVnti frac- was 16. "THI NATIONS SllOf ' Al New nochalle Port Chea:er vj. New Felrer, tnobrrt Ollrer. T. last Saturday. I'm ra I li .k Sunrln. I3iit Hi, I.lnr. Hake Whittnc Antlwpllc. W. T. M-- IB 1M; 10; Tradltloner. 13": In the N. Y. name - It ; . St . s JO faat HI.LTH IfflCUNCt Bnchelle, 153; tured his wrlft I. Ventura riKon Point HELEN Hat Sun .'Olh Si Ocrmicld. Climate and CUan Srrttta. At Cornwall Concordia Prep vs. New Knehelkamp. tSmllhflHd. 133; Tudor McDoiuJd will have to guard the MlXfc SWnKI'HHS' PIVK WISH. 7 40 for flouruW A- to mm A KIECKHEFER MAKES RECORD. Kin. 130. Hlhler. 110; Klniatoian I'ler. KS; and If. No Duif, No Dirt Innumcr.bla Out. ,0I? Pawling Hntchklss v. Pawling. lllttiT Sweet, V. tflocklon entry. rlsht flank in place of the former Col-Ka- te The basketball team of the Mine I . '"'i"" !iu"na' 11 c Aaor Recreation, and Indoor Entertainment. Tlare The Walden, 'r..i'nn 0 CAfl.JUtll.s,,. s CO. At Mount Vernon While Plains va. Fourh itar. s wwpers of Staten Island FVB VII D . , '".i "'" f,,,nia..j"" final JOUHWrtlTI40St l'liilahr rluur'lii I .IS Iunluus nnd - Tranalatr, 113; Wnr last nlnht J" 2n' .Toe L lalimniinM Mount Vernon.- ona mile: I"ennant. Jeraey aoldlera nro conddent of quintet , UH- MFLeeport. r.pt it, va, Mormon, tBIIly Kellv, Tho defeated the from the supply 'L Jerary City Barrlnger Dickinson. 157: Clrrua, m: ll; Rulll-van'- B i, ... - I n Keep Title. At downing Camp Dovens. Though un H ...'x. ill ii.iiii unaa, . 112; tMllkmald, llll Mad Hatter, 133; lirpuv ui llio latter COUTt anil Airto hire. Hiltiiiii.i..for .ale, unn tut 4It ATI.1N I'll C11V, X. j, soccfin. nbnence undoubtedly will be 4S l.iunehe. a Ciiicauo, Nov. S. Setting R new cce-"r,- l. Thunderatorm. 117; twar Marvel, 117; De felt by ii score of to The Hweepera 55 VmoV. I reporl Point. Tel. 817 Kreeport. Am.rlca Kamuu. All Voar lt..ort At Manual Erasmus vs. Manual, 113, rRoa4 entry. cloven came well tills week. AM. muuLtnim.y.. ' Auglo Klcckliefer, champion vs. Franlt. the alms ncia ino upper nana tnroughout i l nday S three At Mnrrla Huahwlck Morrl;. Itaee-- Southern Handicap; thre.year. l"'l" - '' ' A. il. siw jtit.tr.v utv.dood. ht Boya High va. Klflli Mheepahrod bllliardlst, retained his tlt,to At Ktander Chllda olda anl upward! one mile and a aliteeitth: F.UtLrVibnl froln Hav. Bvander Matlno 103: nt I.Int nnd Whiting. Jfixsns. ROSHR.II.H'?S"vS by defeating Chnrlet McCoutt of Childly Star Matter, 1:1: Idol. corn Ta. CLOSE OOLF MATCH EXPECTED. HE-PIN- 'Invel.-md-, In tHtroralmII.113: Ked Sox, 10IJ Aiirum, i IVIi-LI- NO I.INO. roiri"Hi.Nfj LAUREL-lfT- ES 1G0 to 83 in 132 Innings TO eel.lis; United Stalm Kallroad Administration Sunday t, rmr f JUAN nilUCK WBRSTI.K. 103; Salveatra, 10; in:,- Extermi- W 11. ... nircnlJll4l '" Dunne'al 'neir three night match. The scorn of t McAdon, DlnTtor General of IV) feep.he,d 5 nator. IK; Franklin, lie; tllexal Ijdje. in: Anderson nntl Cameron va. C'lnrk Kallroad. 3I1H riaaa.Mnrii..K fneepaneiin, EL AR Sundat block was SO to 40 in favor Bruce, tho shipyards champion -S- LAKEWOOD, N. Joan Mlnto II.. 10; lKrranl, loi tHIklreth entry. St, Long Ialand llallrnad PIER J. of who Is conceded to be the most Rare and upward! and Hotlieriliuhnm at Albans, TEEPLECHASE 1 Klcckhtfer. wrestler, Sixth Additional Train for fta wl opnn for th fMl. wlnttr Tho previous record was set by Al-"- formidable middleweight before the pub-li- elaimlm I mile and a alvteenth: Sunny Land, Ferguson wtllTlN'l' AMI 1.1X11 NOW nUNNIXO. 110; Moie. 103; Flrayailo, lOSi Carl Anderson and Cameron, and iprlnr ifaions years ago in meet Ignatz Polensky of Buss-Polan- d inn : Safroner, 1" A M Oaliorn Dot k. blieepa. do'Oro ot Cuba three wll nolater. vft J.axy jxiii, n. nmid iiamn, no: IllUHe pruirelilliuir, nnu nun rnu n iwi - nt the Crescent Theatre next Kilmer.' Kt, GARDEN CITY SUNanlWChead Cpt XKUMAX SATURDAY, NOV. 16, 1918. match wlllf Kieckhefer with a scoto 11: Hondo, ill! Vatansr. 19! Vn. hall of 73 In a four ball match at Ktuulay Nnemter lOih t UO points In IIS Innings, Tuesday night. cabtilary, 1M: Pandm"n I'DP Val. Alban'fl laHUSunilay, may meet with stiff Dolauradora I'itANK I'. hilLTK, .Mgr. ,,.,J. 103. fnaddlllrm to tralna khnwn on public AtVlPHION 8 A. M. Sunday let. imu! 'llroom I'eddler. opposition In another contest arranged Seventh ftace Olenmore Handicap: In re, lime table on the alKita date, an extra LUNDY 'I'huraday and f.iluril.o k AITIMIOHII.K, K.NCIIAMIK. 6IANTS PLAY KOli WAIl FUND. train will New York (I'enn. ;lie'.,:.l,"yUnd'.yoc"a R. C. A M T A W.DWUI.Ii BOX AGAI.V. year-okl- a upward! one mile and a fur-lon-r: tor the same course mis aiiernoon. live "ly Hunda). II I fS and comie.-tn- g IW; freer-le- be opposed Btallou) 12:43 l. M., at schemer M Dyckman Oval after- Mllteriold. The Deati. W: This lime they will to Jamaica tilth train leaving llrooklyn f'aldwell of tho Yankees- will pitch 'for One. 101 1 tHandman 10?; Thorribloorn, open Spot Waiting. York Glanta will play ll.. (ieorge Fotherlngham. erstwhile ia:.'U M , arriving City A Ca.li ic Tletien & Lang shipbuilders wHert noon the New 111; WecNltrap. 113: Oapiecoek, 109; rolroms, I. Uarden RELIABLE ear in telephone champion or Bvuth , Africa, ami Jack I SO 1' Al. U Hrlnr doiir. or write. Paterson Silk Sox nine for tho entry. Not Hall . i ney play the Lincoln Qlanta at Olympic: the 'tMclAin IIAtipON Will Until further ANNIE . .r"."1' .tii. JAMIOKI' ALTOMOIIII.K CO,., lt. claimed. Clark, the home professional. ir..A. c. ""zl'11. '.id in Harlem bencflt of the United Wn Fund drlv. 'Apprentice .allowance riotic Jl., vapl.Lagalpa. j 1T11 Hroadviay. T.ltpbooa Circle '.lit.