INFORMATION AT A GLANCE SOUTH METROPOLITAN REGION - Edition 2011 INFORMATION AT A GLANCE / EDITION 2011 1 i DIRECTORY City of Cockburn South West Group 9 Coleville Crescent, Spearwood The South West Group, formed in PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC WA 6965 November 1983, is a Voluntary Regional T (08) 9411 3444 F (08) 9411 3333 Organisation of Councils (VROC). It E
[email protected] comprises the Cities of Cockburn, Fremantle, Melville, and Rockingham, and the Towns of East Fremantle and Town of East Fremantle Kwinana. The South West Group is managed by a Board consisting of the 135 Canning Highway, Mayors and CEOs of its member local East Fremantle WA 6158 governments. PO Box 1097 Fremantle 6959 T (08) 9339 9339 F (08) 9339 3399 The South West Group seeks to work with E
[email protected] these six local governments and through cooperation with industry, community and the other spheres of government City of Fremantle to capture a wide range of opportunities to enhance economic growth as well as Town Hall Centre, 8 William Street, supporting a diversity of quality lifestyles Fremantle WA 6160 whilst servicing and sustaining cohesive, PO BOX 807, Fremantle WA 6959 productive communities in an enviable T (08) 9432 9999 F (08) 9430 4634 environmental setting. E
[email protected] Registered Office 10 Almondbury Road Town of Kwinana Booragoon WA 6154 Cnr Gilmore Avenue and Sulphur Road, T (08) 9364 0631 Kwinana WA 6167