W185 220 Superwash® Kangaroo Sweater

Designed by Amy Bahrt

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220 Superwash® Kangaroo Sweater Designed by Amy Bahrt

Skill Level: Intermediate

Size: 2 (4, 6) Materials: Cascade Yarns® 220 Superwash® 100% Superwash Wool 100 g (3.5 oz) / 220 yds (200 m) A - 2 skeins of color #813 (Blue Velvet) B - 2 skeins of color #821 (Daffodil) C - 1 skein of color #864 (Christmas Green) D - 1 skein of color #822 (Pumpkin) US 5 & 7 needles Crochet Hook G/6 Stitch Holders Needle 1 – 3/8” 4-hole Button Finished Measurements: Chest: 26 (28, 31)" Body Length 14 (15½, 17)" Sleeve Length 11½ (12, 12½)" Armhole Depth 5¾ (6¼, 6¾)" : 20 sts x 26 rows = 4" Abbreviations: BO = Bind Off CO = Cast On K = Knit P = Purl RS = Right Side St(s) = Stitch(es) WS = Wrong Side Stripe pattern: *(2 rows B, 2 rows D); repeat from* (4 rows) Back: With smaller needles and A CO 64 (70, 78)sts. Work in (K1, P1) Rib Pattern for 8 rows. Change to larger needles continue in Stockinette stitch until piece measures 14 (15½, 17)" from beginning. On WS, BO 19 (21, 25) sts for shoulder, work across 26 (28, 28) sts and place on holder, BO remaining sts for shoulder.

© 2013 Cascade Yarns® - All Rights Reserved.

Front: Work as back until piece measures 2¾ (4¼, 5¾)" from beginning. On RS and A, work 21(24, 28) sts, join B and work 22 sts of Kangaroo chart pattern row #1, end 21 (24, 28) sts A. When the chart is complete, continue in A until piece measures 11½ (13, 14½)" from beginning. Neck Shaping: On RS K 27(29, 33) sts, join 2nd ball of yarn and BO center 10 (12, 12) sts, work to end. Work both sides at once, BO 3 sts from each neck edge once, 2 sts once, then 1 st every other row twice. Work even until piece measures 14 (15½, 17)" from beginning. BO remaining 19 (21, 25) sts for each shoulder. Sleeves: With smaller needles and D CO 34 (36, 36) sts. Work in (K1, P1) Rib Pattern for 8 rows. Change to larger needles and B, continue in Stockinette stitch and stripe pattern; increase 4 sts evenly across row #1 - 38 (40, 40) sts. AT SAME TIME: increase 1 st at each side every 6th row until 58 (62, 66) sts are reached. Work even until piece measures 11½ (12, 12 ½)" from beginning. Finishing: Block pieces to measurements. Sew left shoulder seam. Neckband: With RS facing, with smaller needles and A, pick up and K72 (74, 74) sts evenly around neck. Work in (K1, P1) Rib Pattern for 7 rows. BO in Rib Pattern. Sew 2nd shoulder and neckband seam. Mark 5¾ (6¼, 6½)" down from shoulder at each armhole edge. Sew top of sleeve at armhole edge between markers. Sew remaining side and sleeve seams. Eye: With yellow thread attach button for eye as indicated on chart in "X" formation. Ears (2): With B and crochet hook, chain 12 sts, loop and sew center together and attach as indicated on chart. Arms (2): With B and larger needles, CO 6 sts. Work in Stockinette stitch for 7 rows. Cut strand, thread through remaining sts close seam lengthwise and attach as indicated on chart, leaving hand end loose. Pocket: With C and larger needles, CO 11sts. Working in Stockinette st, increase 1 st each end every other row until 19 sts are reached. Work even until piece measures 1¾" from beginning. Work in (K1, P1) Rib Pattern for 3 rows. BO in Rib Pattern. With strand of C, attach with Wip stitch as indicated on chart (allow for slight fullness).

© 2013 Cascade Yarns® - All Rights Reserved.

© 2013 Cascade Yarns® - All Rights Reserved.

© 2013 Cascade Yarns® - All Rights Reserved.