Then Jesus cried out again with a loud voice

From The Passion of Christ According to St. Matthew By William Kurelek

n 1956, eighteen years ago, I arrived at the idea of doing the series of paintings presented in this book. I was an unhappy pupil in the one-room schoolhouse which I attended during Ithe period my father farmed at Stonewall, Manitoba. I did not mix well with the rough, tough school gang. The only things in which I excelled were my school work and art work. → So when our teacher, Mrs. Houghton, asked me to do a series of 1956, вісімнадцять років тому, я drawings on Canadian history for her uncle, her request gave задумав цю серію картин, яка на- me a happy boost in morale. I believe it was then that I con- ходиться в цій книзі. Наро­дження ceived the idea of someday illustrating the whole of Canadian В цього задуму є саме по собі незвичайною history. історією, і, коли глядіти на це очима ві­ри, — A few years later, when my father sent us to to at- чудовою. Амбіція створи­ти якийсь епічний tend high school and also Ukrainian night school, I fell under the монументаль­ний твір народилася в мене influence of my teacher, Father Mayevsky, a dedicated Ukrainian на­справді раніше в запальніші й більш світ- nationalist. I was a starry-eyed idealist then, and vowed that the ські дні пізнього юнацтва й вищого навчан- subject of my epic illustrations would be the history of Ukraine. ня у Він­ніпегу. Я був нещасливою дитиною­ Nothing came of either… в однокімнатній школі, що її відвідував за It was only after plumbing the depths of despair in England, часу фармування мого батька в Стонволі, where I had entered a psychiat­ric hospital to rid myself of chron- Манітоба. В мене не складалось співжиття ic depression and acute eye pains, that a totally new and un­ із безоглядними шкільними завадіяками. expected project presented it­self—illustrating the Bible. Тож, коли вчителька п. Гуґтон попро­сила Had someone told me a few years previously that I would be зробити серію рисунків із канадської істо- doing paintings dealing with religious subject matter, I would рії для її дядька, це завдання сталось для have said he was out of his mind. Religion nauseated me for I мене великим моральним поштовхом. was a practising atheist. Yet sorrow sometimes remarries a per- Декілька років згодом, коли батько ви- son to God. Willy nilly (so it seemed at the time), I re-examined слав мене до середньої й української вечір- Christ­ianity; it took me three long years, so determined was I ньої школи у Вінніпегу, я попав під вплив that no one would pull the wool over my eyes. Finally, about the мого учителя, о. Маєвського, відданого time I did see the light, it also dawned on me that this was what українського націона­ліста. Тоді я був за- the prompting to do a monumental series of illustrations had пеклим ідеа­лістом і присягався, що темою been leading up to! What better story in the whole wide world to моїх епічних ілюстрацій буде історія Укра- illustrate than the Word of God itself? їни. Але ніщо не ви­йшло з жодної із двох аспірацій, бо після пів дюжини років мій націоналізм (канадський й укра­їнський) And God even arranged that заник. ❝ І щойно після сягнення глибин розпуки I accomplish my earlier dreams of a в Англії, де я вступив до психіятричної лі- Ukrainian and Canadian epic. In what карні, щоб вилікуватись із хронічної депре­ other light can the amazing success of сії та дошкульного болю очей, народився в мені абсолютно но­вий і несподіваний про- my il­lustrations of the Ukrainian pioneer ект — ілюструвати Святе Письмо. settlement in Western Canada be seen? Коли б декілька років раніше хтось ска- зав був, що малюва­тиму релігійні теми, я б назвав його божевільним. Релігія чи­ нила мене хворим, бо я був практикуючим Toronto’s Ukrainian Art Gallery dealers, Olha and Mykola атеїстом. Але терпіння привертає інколи Kolankiwsky, had not been impressed when I had first shown лю­дині Бога. Хоч-не-хоч (так тоді здава- them individual pieces from the series. But when the Art Dir- лось) я повернувся, щоб наново простуді- ector of St. Vladi­mir’s Institute, Gloria Ochitva, displayed the ювати христи­янство. Це зайняло мені три Passion series there in its entirety, the Kolankiwskys attended роки часу, настільки я був обе­режний, щоб the show. And there it hit them… they wanted to buy it in its ніхто не замилив мені очей. Врешті, коли entirety and house it in the Art Gallery and Museum they were я поба­чив світло, то воно й осінило ме­не planning to build in Niagara Falls. думкою, щоб почати мону­ментальну серію There are 160 paintings which, at one painting a week, took ілюстрацій, яка давно мріялась. Яка ж іс- me more than three years to produce. Almost all of them are торія у всьому світі краще підходила для gouache water colour. The format of the paintings is standard: ілюстрації, як Слово самого Бога? → 20” x 22”, a size designed specifically for television screens.

Nasha Doroha  spring/2011 3 Звичайно, я знав, що впро­довж майже 2,000 ро- деякі мої обсесії, що народи­лись у позбав- ків христи­янства жодну книгу не зобра­жено в ма- леному ласки дитинстві,­ перетворюють- люнках стільки разів, як Біблію. Її, насправді, аж ся в пози­тивні прикмети. Наприклад, моя надуживано, ­— бо фаміліярність породжує легко- завзята працьовитість дала мені можли- важність. “Але ж” запитав я себе, “чи хтось будь- вість виконувати по одній картині кожного коли проілюстрував її як історію актуальних по- тижня впро­довж трьох років, які громи не дій? І чи хто-небудь зробив цілу Євангелію, рядок били б. І те, що я мав важке життя в часі за рядком?” Мабуть, ні. Найближчим цього був ще мого зростання на прерії, також вийшло Жак Тіссо, відомий французький мистець на пере- мені на добре. Добрий приклад дбайли­ ломі останнього століття. Книга його малюнків, що вості, ощадності й витривалості моїх бать- ілюструють окремі події життя Христа та вибрані ків позначився й на мені. Але в мене не свобідно з усіх чотирьох євангелистів, появилась було ве­ликої надії на продаж, бо я знав, що також друком під заголовком “Життя Христа”. Для релігійна тематика не надто популярна в своїх картин він провів на місці 10 років студій. нашу похристиянську епоху. Тож я мало не Я вибрав св. Матвія тому, що він дає найповні- зомлів,­ коли появився купець. шу розповідь Христово­го життя. Навіть ще перед Тут є 160 картин, які — по картині на прийняттям­ до католицької Церкви я почав попе- тиждень — зайняли мені три роки часу. редні рисунки для ілюстрацій, намагаючись вико­ Майже всі вони є ґуашові акварелі. Я на- нати їх певне число кожного тижня. Я зробив біля магався робити кожну картину так близь- 800 впро­довж двох років. Вони були мені потріб- кою до історії, як тільки можливе. ні, щоб знати, яких ще відомостей­ мені засягти, Є також багато таких, хто сприймає, як відвідавши­ Святу землю. і я, Христа як особистого Спасителя, але не На те, щоб відчути реальність історії Нового За- належить до віровизнання, яко­го я є чле- повіту, я зосе­редився на відвіданні всіх місць, які ном. Цих я хотів би за­певнити, що ця серія є згадуються у св. Матвія. Я ходив дорогами, що ними моїм власним задумом і в своїй кон­цепції, і ходив Христос. На моє розчарування, єдине, що я у виконанні. Моя церква ні не підтримувала скористав із цієї подорожі — це була географічна мене фі­нансово, ні не давала мені вказі­вок. орієнтація, відчуття відстаней, напрямків і клімату. Та правдою є, що моя ін­терпретація різних Після 2000 років будов і перебудов більшість місць, текстів є частинне наслідком мого читан­ня де відбулися важливі події в Хри­стовому житті, по- католицької літератури. старілись так, що годі їх пізнати. Тож на кінці­ дове- лось мені звернутись по детальні довідки до книги Василь Курилик William Kurelek Тіссо. На 12 апостолів я вибрав довіль­но 12 типів із пресових фото­графій, що їх купив у Тель Авіві. William Kurelek’s art and excerpts of his text are taken from The Passion of Christ, Niagara Falls Art and Museum, Повернувшись до Канади в червні того [1959] 1st edition, 1975, and used with permission. року, я плянував по­чати бізнес рамування кар­тин і при тому працювати над ілюстраціями Євангелії від св. Матвія. In 2001, The Passion of Christ was turned Маючи вдосталь часу, я почав­ ілюстрування into a film. Here are but two testimonials: Страстей у дні Нового Року 1960. І враз стали за- рисовуватись щілини у до того непрохідній стіні “No one in the history of painting… ever переді мною. Перше, я одержав ча­стинну працю в essayed a project of such epic proportions. крамниці раму­вання Ава Айзака. За цим сліду­вала Now that effort has been captured on одноосібна виставка в бе­резні 1960 р. в його ґале- film… this fine film makes a very fitting реї. Це був повний успіх. complement to Kurelek’s paintings.” Біблійна порада “Давайте й вам буде дано — — Gerald T. Campbell, Cinema Canada добра мірка, набита, що переливатиметься” — май- “… The Passion of Christ, in the general же буквально справдила­ся на моєму досвіді. З того opinion, is a masterpiece.” часу я йшов від одного неймовірного вершка успі- — Fr. Pierre Paul, OVM ху до другого. Я ба­чив навіть, що в Божій мудрості

4 Íàøà Äîðîãà  âåñíà/2011 Велика П’ятниця “Благородний Йосиф, з дерева знявши Пречисте Тіло Твоє, плащаницею чистою обвив і, пахощами покривши, у гробі новім положив”. огослужіння Великої П’ятниці відзначають- Бся дивовижними обрядами, зворушливими наспівами і глибокими за змістом стихирами. Голов­на їх тема — муки і смерть Ісуса Христа. У центрі величних відправ і зворушливих обря- дів — свята Плащаниця. Ця свята Ікона Христа в гробі стала складо- вою частиною обрядів вечірні Великої П’ятниці Микола Пимоненко. «Пасхальне заутрення» й утрені Великої Суботи. Під час тих відправ ми віддаємо святій Плащаниці особливе вселюдне вшанування і поклоніння. А це тому, що на іко- Велика Субота ні св. Плащаниці кривавими літерами виписана історія спасіння людського роду. огослужінням цього дня є побожна відпра- Бва над Гробом Господнім. На ранній службі після шестипсалмія і наступної великої єктенії відчиняються Царські врата, і священнослу- жителі, звершивши кадіння довкола Плаща- ниці, стають перед Нею. Хор розпочинає похо- ронні піснеспіви над Божественним Мертвим… Після похоронних піснеспівів відправляється канон, який відображає страх і тремтіння неба та землі при вигляді Господа, який лежить у Гро- бі. Божественна Літургія у Велику Суботу звер- шується дещо пізніше, ніж в інші дні року. Вона з’єднується з вечірнею. Після входу на вечірні читаються 15 паремій, у яких зібрані усі найваж- Свята Плащаниця говорить нам і про стро- ливіші пророцтва і події, що прообразують ви- гу Божу справедливість, і про безконечну Божу куплення роду людського смертю Сина Божого. любов, і незглибиме милосердя до нас, грішних. Після цього перед Плащаницею співається Вона — ніщо інше, як те простирадло чи обрус, стих: “Встань, Боже, суди землю, тому, що Ти на- у яке було завите мертве Тіло Христа Господа, слідуєш усі народи” (Пс. 81,8). коли його клали до Гроба. Обряд виносу й по- Під час співу цього стиха священнослужите- кладення Плащаниці звершувався на вечірні Ве- лі змінюють свої траурні, постові ризи на світлі, ликої П’ятниці, під час співу стихири на стиховні святкові; змінюють також убранство всього хра- “Тебе, що зодягаєшся світлом, наче ризою…” від- му. Диякон у святковій світлій ризі, наче ангел, бувається обхід довкола храму з Плащаницею. з’являється на середині храму з Євангелієм — благовіствувати про Воскресіння Христове (Мф. 28,1-20). Замість Херувимської пісні співається The cross was two pieces of dead наступна: “Нехай мовчить всяка плоть людська,

wood; and a helpless, unresisting Man і нехай стоїть із страхом і трепетом, і ні про що

was nailed to it; yet it was mightier  than the world, and triumphed, земне в собі не помишляє, Цар-бо над царями and will ever triumph over it. і Господь над володарями приходить у жертву — Augustus William Hare Себе принести і дати Себе на поживу вірним…” →

Nasha Doroha  spring/2011 5 Світле Свято Великодня усіх великих свят нашого церковного року Знайбільш давнє, урочисте і радісне — це Світле Свято Христового Воскресіння. Воно, як каже ірмос 8-ї пісні пасхального канону ранньої відправи, — “Цар і Господь, празників празник і торжество торжеств”. Св. Отці Церкви Христової в особливий спосіб підкреслюють значення і велич цього свята. “Пасха в нас, — каже св. Григорій Бого- слов у своєму пасхальному слові, — це пра­ зників празник і торжество торжеств, яке настільки перевищує всі інші торжества, не тільки людські, але і Христові, що на Його честь відбуваються, наскільки сонце переви- щує зорі”. А св. Іоан Златоуст у своїй проповіді на Пасху так звеличує Христове Воскресіння: “Де твоє, смертне, жало? Де твоя, аде, перемо- га? Воскрес Христос і ти провалився. Воскрес Христос і впали демони. Воскрес Христос і радіють ангели. Воскрес Христос і життя па- нує. Воскрес Христос і немає жодного мерця в гробі, бо Христос Воскрес із мертвих і став первістком померлих”. Тому у світлому і радісному дні Христо- вого Воскресіння св. Церква взиває небо і Пасхальне землю до святої, Божої радості: “Хай небеса достойно веселяться, хай радіє земля, хай О, Святе Пасхальне торжество, празнує увесь світ видимий і невидимий, бо Миті ці — завжди неповторимі. Христос устав, радість вічна” (Тропар 1-ї пісні Між людей стоїть Христос незримо, канону). Воскрешає людське єство. Релігійний Календар, Київ, 2003 р. … Кошиків не раз, напевне, сто Кроплю я, в руках хреста знамено. Не чекайте святості від мене, — Паску вашу Сам святить Христос. Підійде до кожного коша І дитячі голови погладить. Всіх благословить і всім порадить — Ласками щасливиться душа. … Кропить святість торжество небесне, Хай святішим зробиться життя Tomb, thou shalt not hold Him longer; З Ним вступаймо в наше майбуття, Death is strong, but Life is stronger; У Христову нескінченну весну. Stronger than the dark, the light; Іван Швець, священик Stronger than the wrong, the right… — Phillips Brooks, ‘An Easter Carol’

6 Íàøà Äîðîãà  âåñíà/2011 Âiä Кðàéîâî¿ ãîëîâè From the National President Христос Воскрес! Во³стину Воскрес!

есна може бути більш сприятливішою цього pring may be more appreciated this year on ac- Вроку, враховуючи бурхливу і холодну зиму, яку Scount of the stormy and cold winter we experienced ми пережили по всій Канаді. Організація ЛУКЖК під- across Canada. The UCWLC organization approaches ходить до цього часу в році з відновленою надією і this time of year with renewed hope and joy, eager to радістю і прагне вирішити завдання, які стоять перед attack the challenges it faces with energy and optimism. нею, з енергією і оптимізмом. Крайова Управа готу- The National Executive is preparing for its first Plenary ється до свого першого пленарного засідання, яке to be held in Moose Jaw on June 3, 4 and 5, 2011. відбудеться 3, 4 і 5 червня 2011 року в Мус Джо. As we prepare ourselves spiritually during these Готуючи себе духовно протягом цих 40 днів 40 days before the Great and Holy Feast of Easter, we Посту перед святом Великодня, ми будемо зайняті will be concerned about keeping the fast and giving up зберіганням посту, адже піст — це особливий час для things to sacrifice in the Lenten spirit. Lent is a special благодаті Божої, щоб увійти в наші душі, просвітити time for God’s grace to enter our souls, enlighten our наші уми і зміцнити нашу волю. В цей час труднощів minds and strengthen our wills. At this time of difficulty і безнадії в усьому світі давайте помолимось: and hopelessness throughout the world, let us pray: • За тих, хто втратив надію і живе в безнадії, що їхня • For those who have lost hope and live in hopeless- віра і надія може бути відновлена. ness, that their faith and hope may be restored. • За тих, хто вірить в культуру примусу, що Бог може • For those who believe in the culture of coercion, that змінити їхні серця настільки, що вони можуть по- God may change their hearts so that they may be- вірити в культуру переговорів і діалогу. lieve in a culture of negotiation and dialogue. • За народ України, в той час, як він бореться зі стра- • For the people of Ukraine as they struggle with fear хом і невпевненістю. and insecurity. • За наших єпископів, святих отців, духовних до- • For our , Reverend clergy, UCWLC Spiritual радників ЛУКЖК і за всіх членів релігійної гро- Advisors, and all members of the Religious com- мади, оскільки вони продовжують бути свідками munity as they continue to be witnesses of Christ’s Воскресіння Христового. Resurrection. • За нашу молодь, яка є збита з пантелику, заплута- • For our youth who are bewildered, confused and are на і протестує проти всього світу. Давайте допомо- protestors against a world they are reluctant to in- жемо їм наблизитися до істини. herit. Let us reach out to them! • Відкриймо наші серця і нехай Святий Дух опіку- • To open our hearts and let the Spirit guide us. ється нами. May the Resurrected Christ bless all the UCWLC Нехай Воскреслий Ісус поблагословить усіх членів members, our clergy, and members of the religious ЛУКЖК, наше духовенство,членів релігійної громади, community, with Spiritual peace and love during this духовним миром і любов’ю в цю святкову пору. festive season. Christ is Risen!

Голова Крайової Управи ЛУКЖК, Ґлорія Ленюк Gloria L. Leniuk, UCWLC National President

Nasha Doroha  spring/2011 7 Easter Contemplations from the UCWLC Spiritual Advisors n from Rev. Michael Kowalchyk n о. Михайло Ковальчик n from Sister Theodosia of Edmonton Капелян Едмонтонської Єпархії Eparchy of Saskatoon

The Feast of Velykden, the Великдень у нашому наро- The life here on earth of Jesus great Feast of Resurrection, carries ді і церкві має щось дуже винят- Christ, God’s Son made man—called something special in our hearts and кового. Свято Великодня – Свято to withstand the trials, tribulations our Church. It’s a Feast of victory: перемоги Ісуса Христа над самою and torture at the hands of His crit- Jesus Christ conquered death! At смертю, а заразом це також Свято ics and non-believers—stood fast in the same time it’s a victory celebra- перемоги над усім, що принижує defence of His tion over everything that lowers our людину. Father and the human dignity. В моїй родині я відчував вели- truth. And, it In my family I grew up with a ку повагу до свята Воскресіння. З is the promise great respect to the Feast of Resur- дружиною Любою ми хотіли і ста- of life eternal rection. Our desire was to continue рались передати цей скарб нашої for those who the admiration with our children поваги і традиції нашим дітям і faithfully fol- and grandchildren. Today I wish oнукам. А нині бажаю поділитись low Him, the to share it with all of you and your з вами усіма та вашими родинами supreme exem- families what this “feast of feasts” про це Свято над усіма святами. plar, and with- means to all of us. Свячення пасхального коши- stand the temptations of time and The blessing of the Paskha ка – це лише мала частина нашо- dedicate their lives to God. Pascha basket is a small part of the whole го духового багатства. is life through the cross. mystery of our spiritual richness. По Великій п’ятниці та After Holy Friday and Saturday, суботі, де ми переживаємо where our attention is concentrated страсті нашого Спасителя, on the suffering of our Lord, on the саме у світлий день Воскре- Easter’s Cross Day of Resurrection we all together сіння з глибини душі та од- On the peak of Calvary’s barren hill, from the bottom of our hearts and ним голосом сповіщаємо сві- In fulfillment of our needs, and God’s will, with one voice are proclaiming: тові: “Христос Воскрес!” An empty cross stands out against the sky, Khrystos Voskres! Christ is risen! Стало наш нарід у Христо- Where three days past a man did die. Our people always had a great вому воскресінні вірив у силу Jesus the Christ, at once, God and man, faith in the power of good ver- перемоги добра над злом, ві- Nailed to that cross by foot and hand, sus evil and in the power of our рив у силу свого християн- Taunted and tortured for hours on end, Christian spirit to be free, to over- ського духа, щоб звільнитися Until His tired head, in death, did bend. come the injustice and live among з оков, перемогти неправду і free people. жити у народів вільнім колі. While critics jeer, and followers moan, Already for the last 120 years Вже понад 120 років у Ка- He is respectfully buried behind a stone. here in Canada, first on the farms наді як на фермах, так і у міс- But, death’s sting is conquered in three short days, and now in the cities, we hear loudly тах лунає “Христос Воскрес!”, With a glorious resurrection amid brilliant white rays. “Khrystos Voskres! Christ is risen!” знак св. Віри, що у хвилини He trampled evil, restoring justice and peace, as a symbol of our faith that even in безнадії, смутку і поневі- And, those once held captive He did release. moments of despair, insecurity and рянь ми переможно йдемо з Heaven is now accessible with gates open wide, sadness, with Jesus Christ we will Христом. Beckoning all men of goodwill to come inside. be victorious. Я вам усім бажаю саме I wish you all a strong perse- це, щоб ви не здавались, а The empty cross, Christianity’s great plus sign, verance to walk together as ONE зав­жди йшли разом, як одна A reminder of all that is good and divine. Church and as ONE God’s nation Церква, як один Божий нарід Given at Easter (Pascha) for use every day, in Canada with the ONE who con- на Канадській землі з Тим, Symbolic of Christ Jesus, the truth and the way. quered the world. хто переміг світ і неправду.

8 Íàøà Äîðîãà  âåñíà/2011 n from Rev. Richard S. Soo, S.J. and her Companion Women. We Archeparchy of Winnipeg are there with the Noble Joseph of Eparchy Easter Greetings Arimathea and St. Nikodim taking In these days of Great Week Jesus down from the Cross, wrap- Великодні Привітання and Bright Week, we are not merely ping His most pure body in sweet від Єпархій commemorating historical events spices, and burying Him in a new of long ago—not just remembering tomb. On the Great and Holy Pas- Христос Воскрес! them. In the liturgical ceremonies— cha, we are not at Church because processions and venerations of the it’s a tradition. In the liturgical Pro- Christ is Risen! Plashchanytsia—we are not merely cession we are actually—spiritually, re-enacting the Saving Events of not just symbolically—walking with On behalf times past. No! Our Faith is not a the Holy Myrrh-bearing Women to of all the UCWLC religion comprised of mere ancient the Holy Sepulchre and with them, members I would memories. we discover the Resurrection! We like to send Eas- Ours is a LIVING Faith! Here that hear the message of the Archangel ter greetings to means we are LIVING and participat- Gabriel that the Lord is Risen! our sister mem- ing in these historical events of Sal- Jesus rose 2,000 years ago! And bers throughout vation—not just remembering them. we were there! We have seen it! This Canada. We are is how we can say that we are wit- extremely fortunate to be a part of nesses to these things (as the Bible our beloved Church, where we can tells us, Lk. 24:48). We are the mes- be of service through leadership sengers of the Good News to our and volunteerism to enhance our world, not just because we read it lives and the lives of others spiritu- or heard it or because Baba told us, ally, culturally and socially. but because we ourselves SAW and May the peace of Christ be with believed—albeit in a sacramental all of you as we travel in our spirit- way, but in a way no less real than ual journey during this time of that of the Myrrh-bearing Women Christ’s death and Resurrection. In sacramental-liturgical wor- themselves. As we have seen, so we Eileen Yaworski ship, we transcend our present mo- proclaim: Христос Воскрес! Christ Eparchial UCWLC President ment in the historical continuum is Risen! Eparchy of Saskatoon and become spiritually—really— present at the historic events of brings the Gospel. In the liturgy of Great Easter or a stalk to grow with it the joy of Thursday, we are not only standing or a flower to open renewal, of new in some parish temple in Canada, F there must be time that beginnings and but transcend to 1st century Jerusa- a new hope. Our lem to actually accompany the Lord cannot be forced; nine whole faith rests Jesus at the events of the Mystical months must go by for on the Resurrec- Supper, the night-time interroga- the birth of a human tion of Christ. In tion, the torture, and imprisonment. child; to write a book His Resurrection we can hope that We are there! or compose music often some day we, too, will attain the On Great Friday, by the sacra- years must be dedicated promise of Eternal Life. mental power of the liturgy, we are to patient research… As we celebrate Easter, may you there standing at the Cross with the and your family be blessed with Theotokos and the other women To find the mystery peace and happiness. disciples. At Jerusalem Matins, we there must be patience, are not just singing haunting fu- interior purification, Olesia Kalinowich neral melodies, but we are fellow silence, waiting… UCWLC Archeparchial President mourners, weeping and keen- — Pope John Paul II Winnipeg Archeparchy ing with the holy Godbearing-One

Nasha Doroha  spring/2011 9 Наша Contents  Зміст Дорога Великодня частина  Easter Section XLI – 1(40)/2011 Nasha 2 The Passion of Christ by William Kurelek Doroha 5 Велика П'ятниця, Велика Субота, Світле Свято Великодня Квартальний журнал Ліґи Українських Католицьких Жінок Канади 7 Easter Greetings from the National President Quarterly publication of the  Великодні привітання від Крайової Голови Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada La Journal de la Ligue des Femmes 8 Easter contemplations from the UCWLC Spiritual Advisors Catholiques Ukrainiennes du Canada National Executive mailing address: 9 Eparchy Easter Greetings Gloria Leniuk, President 970 Warner Street, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5S4  Великодні привітання від Єпархій Phone: 306-692-1550 [email protected]

We welcome your letters and written contributions. Спеціальні статті  Special Features Вітаємо співучасть. Просимо пересилати дописи, листи до редакції. Please send to: 11 our Spirituality  Наша духовність р е д а к т о р • e d i t o r о к с а н а б а ш у к г е п б у р н • o k s a n a b a s h u k h e p b u r n The Ukrainian Greek has a new Head 1360 ch. d’Aylmer Rd, Gatineau, QC J9H 7L3 Phone: 613-769-5996  Новий Глава УГКЦ єпископ Святослав (Шевчук)  Вибрані осяги [email protected]  May: the Month of Mary by Karen Lemiski, Ph.D. т е х н і ч н а о б р о б к а • t e c h n i c a l p r o d u c t i o n Ігор Кодак • Ihor Kodak 234 Cochin Cres, Saskatoon, SK S7K 4T2 14 a Memorial to Victims of Totalitarianism: Why in Canada? Phone: 306-934-7125 by Carolyn Foster [email protected] україномовний к о р е к т о р • u k r a i n i a n l a n g u a g e proofreader 15 Мами і діти  Mothers & Children Люба Андріїва • Luba Andriyiv Boost your child's spirituality  Messages to UCWLC Members м а р к е т и н г т а адміністрація • m a r k e t i n g & administration  Дж. Князь • Joyce Kniaz by Fr. Mykhaylo Khomitskyy We are God's Family by Very Rev. Bill Hupalo 374 Myrtle Ave, Yorkton, SK S3N 1R9  Grandmothers  Бабуні  Camp Tiger Mother, maybe by Mark Rutledge Phone: 306-783-4142 [email protected] Єлизавета Загайко • Elizabeth Zahayko 387 Betts Ave, Yorkton, SK S3N 1N3  Phone: 306-783-6232 Організаційні справи Organizational Items [email protected] Висловлені погляди не конечно відповідають Редакції. 19 From sea to sea  Від моря до моря Матеріали не повертаються. Opinions of authors are not necessarily those of the Editorial Board. Material will not be returned. 25 uCWLC Scholarship Recipients 2010 People in photographs are identified left to right. 26 наша молодь  Our Youth Copyright © UCWLC. All rights reserved. return undeliverable canadian addresses to 28 dealing with loss and grief by Marion Barszczyk nasha doroha 387 betts ave  yorkton sk s3n 1n3 29 Eternal Peace Вічная пам’ять

ISBN 1-894022-75-0 Closing Features  На кінець Printed by PrintWest Communications 1111 8th Avenue, Regina, SK S4R 1E1 31 Protect your estate Phone: 306-525-2304 Fax: 306-757-2439

Верхня обкладинка / Front cover 32 Здоров’я жінок  Women’s Health Pysanka Mosaic by David Wasylyshen. Further information about the artist on page 34. 33 arts and Entertainment  Культура і розвага В середині верхньої обкладинки, Where the Star Fell by Helen Pretulak задня обкладинка /  Про катастрофу Чорнобиля  Nasha Doroha Cover Artist Inside front cover, back cover Text and art from The Passion of Christ. 36 Чи важко бути жінкою в Канаді? Марина Гримич William Kurelek, Niagara Falls Art and Museum, 1st edition, 1975. Used with permission. 38 last Word  Останнє слово

10 Íàøà Äîðîãà  âåñíà/2011 Íàøà Äóõîâíiñòü  Spirituality

The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church has a new Head The Holy See approved theologian is one of the youngest The enthronement of the new , formerly bishops in the entire Catholic head of the UGCC was held March apostolic administrator of the Church. He is fluent in six lan- 27 in the Patriarchal Cathedral of Diocese of the Protection of the guages, including English. the Resurrection of Christ in Kyiv. Blessed Mary in Buenos Aires, as The largest Eastern Catholic the new head of the Ukrainian Greek Church in the world, the Ukrainian Catholic Church. Greek Catholic Church, comprises The UGCC Synod, attended by 40 7.5 million faithful in 10 bishops, elected him on March 23 in Ukraine plus 15 others in West- after two days of deliberation. Born ern Europe, USA, Canada, Brazil, May 5, 1970, in Stryi, Lviv region, Argentina and Australia, including the well-known Ukrainian moral five in Canada.

Íîâèé Ãëàâà ÓÃÊÖ ºïèñêîï Ñâÿòîñëàâ (Øåâ÷óê) Навчання: 1991-1999 рр. — Центр ЛДС Святого Духа; Львівської філософсько-богословських сту- духовної семінарії Святого Духа; дій «Дон Боско», Буенос-Айрес; віце-декан богословського фа- Львівська духовна семінарія; культету Львівської богословської Папський університет св. Томи академії (відтак Українського ка- Аквінського, Рим, Богословський толицького університету); Голова факультет. Ступенi бакалавра та секретаріату та особистий секре- Докторат з відзнакою summa cum тар Блаженнішого Любомира, помічником єпархії Покрова Пре- laude в галузі богословської ан- керівник Патріаршої курії у святої Богородиці в Буенос-Айресі тропології та основ морального Львові; ректор ЛДС Святого Духа. (Аргентина). богослов’я візантійської богослов- 2009 року Папа Бенедикт XVI Владика Святослав вільно во- ської традиції. Доктор богослов’я. поблагословив рішення Синоду лодіє українською, англійською, Пастирська діяльність: 1999- єпископів про призначення отця італійською, іспанською, поль- 2007 рр. — префект та віце-ректор Святослава Шевчука єпископом- ською та російською.

Did you know? Чи Ви знали? in Ukraine the UGCC has На Україні УГКЦ має parishes. . . . 3,597. . . .парафій priests. . . . 2,347. . . .священиків monasteries ...... 105. . . . монастирів nuns and monks. . . . 1,248. . . .монахів та монахинь academic institutions ...... 15...... навчальних закладів Did you buy a gift students. . . . 1,600. . . .студентiв Sunday schools. . . . 1138...... недільних шкіл subscription or two of periodicals. . . . .27...... періодичних видань Nasha Doroha publishing houses. . . . . 3. . . . .видавництва for your favourite people? For their birthday or anniversary? Nasha Doroha  spring/2011 11 Please see page 27. Íàøà Äóõîâíiñòü  Spirituality

Patriarch Lubomyr Huzar will John Paul II; the beatification of be remembered for serving the Ukrainian martyrs of the faith; 7.5 million Ukrainian Catholics overcoming ongoing obstacles during Ukraine’s transition from Moscow’s Patriarch, who from a Communist dictatorship ordered the re‑ of controlled by the Kremlin to a church lands stepped on by the European country wrought with Pope; the inauguration of the complexities. Ukrainian Catholic University; His achievements, chronicled moving the seat of the UGCC to by Rev. , Rector of its ancestral seat in Kyiv; and, the Ukrainian Catholic University, the consolidation of the universal are excerpted below. Briefly, these Ukrainian Catholic Church around include the visit of the Holy Father the world. Âèáðàí³ îñÿãè Патріарх Української греко-католицької церкви Блаженніший Любомир Гузар по десятиліттю свого патріаршества вирішив залишити престол глави УГКЦ (вибране).

Отець Борис Ґудзяк ректор Українського католицького університету

■ … Коли були беатифіковані пересвячувалася земля, де консолідуючи Синод УГКЦ. нові мученики, на ступала нога Івана Павла ІІ. Церква має глобальний початку Папської літургії статус і різноманітність перед Богом, перед ■ У 2002 році Блаженніший єпархій і екзархатів Вселенським Архієреєм очолював інавгурацію (у Бразилії, Аргентині, (Блаженніший — Ред.) Українського католицького Австралії, дев’ять у приніс слово-вибачення за університету і став його Північній Америці й два всі гріхи Української греко- великим канцлером. Цією в Західній Європі, разом з католицької церкви, які символічною посадою він є душпастирськими точками могли були бути в історії. гарантом місії цього першого в різних країнах Азії і навіть Щоб таким чином нове Католицького університету у Африці). Своїми візитами тисячоліття, яке починалося, на теренах колишнього на різних континентах розпочати з цих двох Радянського Союзу. Блаженніший об’єднував жестів: покаяння, прохання церкву й з кращого боку прощення, з одного боку, з ■ 2005 рік – центральний представляв Україну. другого – євхаристії, тобто для патріаршества вдячності… Блаженнішого не лише ■ Уже з 2009 року Патріарх хронологічно, а й ще тому, публічно оголосив ■ […] Провести цей візит що в тому ж році на свято підготовку всієї Церкви до було досить непросто, тим Преображення Господнього моменту його відходу від більше, що проти нього він офіційно переїхав до верховного управління, категорично виступав Києва, перевозячи сюди висловлюючи своє бажання Московський патріархат. головний престол УГКЦ. передати «теплою рукою» У Києві після цього патріарший жезл. візиту настоятелями ■ Велику працю провів — OBH with files from Києво-Печерської лаври Блаженніший, UNIAN and

12 Íàøà Äîðîãà  âåñíà/2011 ■ the Eleusa (Virgin of Tenderness), Theotokos, there are: Mary holding which portrays Mary with the Div- the Child on her right arm, or on her May ine Child in a more personal and af- left, or in both hands; Mary holding fectionate manner. Often, the Child in her free hand a flower (a rose or the places His arms around Mary’s neck a lily, symbolic of her purity), some Month as she leans down to touch her fruit (apple, pear, grapes, or pom- cheek to His head. In some varia- egranate, all symbolic of Christ’s Maryof tions of this icon, Mary and Child Passion and the Redemption of ori- wear crowns. This type of icon de- ginal sin), or a sceptre (as the Queen By Karen Lemiski, Ph.D. notes the sacrifice of Christ as the of Heaven). The Divine Child may be utmost sign of God’s love for us. raising His right hand in blessing, or ■ the Orans (Virgin of the Sign), holding in His hands a bird (symbol which shows Mary holding her of the salvation of souls), a fruit, or arms outwardly in prayer. One fam- an orb (as the Ruler of the World). iliar Orans variety is the Protection The five largest icons in the of the Theotokos (Pokrov, Покровъ). exhibit are from local Ukrain- The icon illustrates the Theotokos ian churches. Three of these were in prayer, bearing a veil in her out- painted by renowned artists/icon- stretched arms. This stance signi- ographers Julian Buchmaniuk, Peter fies protection by her intercession. Lipinski, and Modest Sosenko. The ■ Theotokos Enthroned, which in- smaller prints on display are mostly cludes depictions of other events in donations from pioneer families. Mary’s life. In the vertical Throne Several of the images are Western of Wisdom arrangement, Mary is in style, reflecting the influence of the shown with St. Anne, with one ap- Roman Catholic Church on the early pearing to be in front of the other. Ukrainian pioneers. Examples in- ary is venerated in the In traditional Eastern iconog- clude the Immaculate Heart of Mary, MUkrainian Church more raphy, Mary wears a cape-like veil Our Lady of the Rosary, and Our than any other saint. The Third Ecu- (maphorion) that covers her upper Lady of Mount Carmel. Although not menical Council, held in 431 A.D., forehead and all of her hair. This is in typically found in Ukrainian church- declared Mary as the Theotokos contrast to Western religious art in es, the pioneers became acquainted (Bohorodytsia, Богородиця), from which Mary’s hair frequently shows with these depictions through their Greek, meaning the “bearer of God.” beneath the veil or is sometimes com- contact with the Roman Catholic As the mother of Christ, Mary is pletely uncovered. Most often, Mary’s priests before the Ukrainian Cath- also the mother of the Church. This robe is blue and her maphorion red, olic Church was firmly established status accounts for the numerous colours representing, respectively, in east central Alberta. representations we have of her on humanity and divinity. Usually, there The Basilian Fathers Museum icons and religious images. are three stars on Mary’s maphor- was established in 1953 and was of- In 2010, the Basilian Fathers Mu- ion: one on her forehead and one on ficially opened in 1957. In 1991, to seum (Mundare, AB) unveiled a new each shoulder. These stars symbol- commemorate the one hundredth exhibit consisting of thirty icons and ize her virginity before, during, and anniversary of Ukrainian settlement religious prints devoted to Mary. after Christ’s birth. in Canada, the Basilian Fathers built Titled “Images of Mary,” the dis- Although there are many styles a new museum to house its collection play includes representations of the of icons of the Theotokos, most por- of religious and Ukrainian artifacts. Mother of God in the four primary tray Mary holding the Divine Child A special evening viewing of the ex- poses of traditional iconography: in her arms; the image usually de- hibit was held for members of the lo- ■ the Hodegetria (She Who Shows picts Christ as an infant or young cal Mundare and Vegreville UCWLC the Way), which depicts Mary hold- boy, although other variations show chapters in summer 2010. ing the Divine Child at her side while Him as a grown man, in the size of Karen Lemiski, Ph.D. is the Curator and gesturing to Him as our source of an infant. To list only a few varia- Associate Director of the Basilian Fathers salvation. tions in the representation of the Museum in Mundare, Alberta.

Nasha Doroha  spring/2011 13 A Memorial to Victims of Totalitarian Communism Why in Canada? By Carolyn Foster

In 2007, as part of the international For example, in Ottawa there is current of commemorating those a memorial commemorating the Site for memorial in Ottawa who suffered under Communist wave of Hungarian immigrants to regimes, various community lead- Canada following the 1956 uprising provide leadership in realizing the ers, government officials and for- against Communism in Hungary; a construction of a memorial. Its Board eign diplomats in Canada suggested memorial commemorating the es- proposed that the memorial be built building a monument in the nation- cape to Canada of the Vietnamese on federal land in the nation’s capital. al capital region to recognize these boat people in the late 1970s; a Can- After nearly a year of negotiations, victims, and the contribution Can- adian memorial commemorating the National Capital Commission ada made in coming to their aid. Katyn—mass slaughter of Polish of- agreed to build the memorial in Ot- Why is Tribute to Liberty doing ficers by the Communists in 1940; tawa on federal land. The name of the what it is doing? Why is a memorial and several for the victims of the memorial, A Memorial to Victims of to victims of Communism import- Holodomor, the Communist-forced Totalitarian Communism—Canada, ant, and why should there be such a famine in Ukraine in 1932-33. a Land of Refuge, both commemor- memorial in Canada? The word “Communism” does not ates the victims and speaks of Can- In Canada, over eight-million appear on the plaques of these me- ada as a country welcoming refugees people trace their roots to countries morials; however, all commemorate from Communist oppression. that suffered or still suffer under Communist crimes. The Canadian In the March 2010 Speech from Communism. Since the beginning of memorial to victims of Communism the Throne, the Governor General of the first Communist regime in 1917 will show the crimes of Communism. Canada read that the Government Russia, immigrants from Commun- This will ensure they are not relegat- “Supports the establishment of a Na- ist countries have flocked to Canada ed to isolated incidents but will be re- tional Monument to the Victims of in search of freedom and safety. membered as the systemic evil ma- Communism” and in August the NCC Refugees from Communist coun- chine of Communism; a worldwide, allocated a parcel of land in the Gar- tries and their descendants live all nearly century-old scourge against den of the Provinces and Territories in over Canada—the Czechs in Alberta, humanity and freedom. downtown Ottawa for the memorial. Romanians in Montreal, and Men- The 20th century was deeply The next step is a design com- nonites in Manitoba, Ukrainians marked by Communism. The great- petition to be initiated once signifi- across the prairies. Suffering of the er part of the century (more than 80 cant funds have been raised to cov- victims cuts across cultural lines; years) saw Communism oppressing er costs. Tribute to Liberty has an Cambodians under Pol-Pot, Chinese the lives of about one-third of hu- online fundraising campaign, Path- under Mao, or Ukrainians under manity on four continents. It is yet way to Liberty, a virtual buy-a-brick Stalin share the common experience to be seen how Communism will campaign. It allows donors to tell a of being a victim of Communism. fare in the 21st century, though it story of a victim of Communism, in- History commentators tend to is certain that acknowledging the clude a message, and be recognized separate different Communist re- truth about the suffering caused by with each $100 brick donated. gimes from each other as if such Communist regimes is something a To find out more about Tribute linking did not exist. Likewise, there democratic, freedom-loving nation to Liberty or to make a donation to is a failure to group together all that like Canada should embrace to pre- the memorial project, visit www. suffering under one umbrella: Com- vent a repeat of such horrors. or mail Tribute munism’s victims. Commemora- In the fall 2008, the Tribute to to Liberty, PO Box 84558, 2336 Bloor tions have followed suit. Liberty organization was created to Street West, Toronto, ON, M6S 4Z7. Carolyn Foster is the … the systemic evil machine of Communism; a worldwide, ❝ Director of Communications, nearly century-old scourge against humanity and freedom. ~ Tribute to Liberty Foundation. 14 Íàøà Äîðîãà  âåñíà/2011 ÌÀÌÈ i ÄIÒÈ o t Boost your child’s spirituality h Helping your children receive the Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky, author • Replay and savour life’s mood-boosting benefits of spirit- of The How of Happiness: A New joys: Pay close attention, take e uality can involve adopting some Approach to Getting the Life You delight, and go over life’s r very simple approaches to life. Want, suggests encouraging your momentary pleasures and Psychology professor Mark Holder children to: wonders—through thinking, s recommends three ways you can writing, drawing, or sharing help your children get started: • Count their blessings: Either with another. & on paper or out loud, making 1. Encourage them to volunteer lists of things they’re grateful • Learn to forgive: Ask your c for a cause that matters for helps children get the big child to choose one person to them. picture. who they believe has wronged h them and work toward finding 2. Plan acts of kindness, • Cultivate optimism: Practise a way to let go of the anger i which adds to personal and finding one positive aspect in and hurt. l communal meaning. each negative circumstance, no matter how small. d 3. Encourage them to increase • Create regular rituals their awe and appreciation • Practise acts of kindness: that remind your child that r of beauty. One way is to help Studies show there is an there is a higher purpose to e them create a photo album instant and lasting good life and about the things they of things they find special feeling to be gained from share with every being on n or beautiful. helping others. Earth.

Messages to UCWLC Members by Fr. Mykhaylo Khomitskyy 

“God is the unifying force—the spiritual glue that keeps a man and a woman faithful to one another despite the many storms that will batter against their married life together.” “Let us ask Christ our God to be the spiritual glue that will keep our family together despite the challenges of the world around us.” “In a true and lasting marriage, God is the unifying force helping the two to become one.” “Instead of embracing God’s gift of life of children, some choose to abort and terminate this gift because the pregnancy was unexpected and an unpleasant surprise.” “I have seen families bury their parents without a “A stable and loving relationship, which the Sacrament of proper Christian funeral from the Church. The younger Marriage creates both for the couple and their children, generation is not so much concerned with doing ‘what is requires effort and self-sacrifice.” right’ as much as they are in doing what is most cost- “Everything begins with the family. Upset the stability of effective. Simply put: they do not know any better.” the family and you upset the whole of society.” “In the true Catholic Christian sense, we are not strangers “The greatest advice or sermon you can give your family to one another. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. is the way you live your lives. You teach by example, not We, the Church, are one big family.” necessarily by word.” — from a homily at the Winnipeg Archeparchy Convention   Nasha Doroha  spring/2011 15 ÌÀÌÈ i ÄIÒÈ o t h We are God’s Family e r By Very Rev. Bill Hupalo s here would be no need to have a special Family Day if our governments & Thad not agreed in the 1980s to allow for Sunday shopping, ignoring God’s c third commandment: “Remember to keep Holy the Lord’s day.” h i Sunday was meant to be an of us are constantly challenged l unordinary day, a day when the to assess ourselves, review our d normal work and pressures of life contribution, to celebrate the Common threads of r are put on the back burners. Sun- overwhelming importance of the a caring family e n day is meant to remind us that family, to review how well we are ► Expressing appreciation for others by we do not live to work, but, rath- doing in making a difference in letting them know that they are special er, work in order to live and love improving the relationships in and not taking them for granted. God and each other. On Sunday our families. ► Sharing values on what is important, we are to eat our best meal with In what ways can we be more particularly in applying the principles the family, wear our best clothes, loving towards each other? of forgiveness and patience. to rest and enjoy one another’s What values are being taught by company. Sunday is meant to be what we do? What kinds of ac- ► Laughing and having fun together, daily. a time for reconciliation, of giv- tions can we take to improve our ► Giving the family prime time and priority, ing up grudges, to live in peace relationships? less focus on the job and self interests. and harmony. Throughout his life Jesus fre- ► Being heard and understood With human beings tamper- quently had to deal with natural without criticism. ing or ignoring God’s command- and normal family needs and ► Reaching out to those who need help ments by not turning to Jesus problems. In Matthew 17:14, and bringing out the best in them. for the nourishment of our souls Jesus rebuked the evil spirit and with His love, we are seeing the cured the boy. He performed ► Remembering that a family that family unit and society becoming numerous miracles and saved prays together, stays together. weaker. Yet, in all spheres of hu- many. Jesus wants to share His man activities, it is charity, love, graces of love, peace and other the desire to have good relation- virtues with each of us. We must Life without meaning and ships and strong bonding that is ask and believe in Him. We must despair can only be overcome longed for. Many who break soci- fix our gaze on Jesus and His through the discovery of the ety’s laws blame their problems graciousness to us sinners and fundamental vocation of hu- on the lack of love and support less on the weaknesses of the man beings–to love others as we from their families, especially people. love ourselves and to love God. when they were young. Our Lord Jesus Christ does It is in the family that a “civiliza- The late Pope John Paul II not dwell on weaknesses, but in tion of love” is born. It is in the made the following appeal: His mercy, love and compassion family that we learn our pray- “Family, become what you are shares His graces with us to bring ers, are introduced into the life of meant to be! Family, realize the out the best in all of us. He wants the Church and schooled on the original sin of your Creator and us to welcome Him spiritually goodness of life. answer His Divine call: ‘Become and allow His divine presence to Let us ask the Holy Spirit and a community of Love.’ In living come into our lives. the Blessed Mother of God to as a family forged by the mutual God not only called the family help us and to make us strong in exchange of Love, you are a true into existence specifically as a our commitment to God and one image of the inner life of the Holy community of love, but chose another. Trinity.” Jesus to reveal Himself to the Very Rev. Bill Hupalo is the The strength of families makes world first as a member of a Vicar General of the Ukrainian a difference in a community. All family. Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton.

16 Íàøà Äîðîãà  âåñíà/2011 Grandmothers Бабунi

Mummies are special Мами є надзвичайні, Things  but grannies have а бабуні тим більше to think about… more practice • Children seldom misquote you. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what “If the very old will remember, you shouldn’t have said. the very young will listen.” I — Chief Dan George • People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one. “My nanny is like a treasure to me • Children are a great comfort and I keep her in a safe place in my in your old age—and they help heart. Nanny has me under a type M you reach it faster, too! of spell to keep me good. It cannot be broken.” • Grandchildren are God’s — Victoria Graham, age 8 reward for not killing your “… everyone needs to have own children. “Бабці багато люблять, access both to grandparents and • Families are like fudge… а мало сварять.” grandchildren in order to be a full mostly sweet, with a few nuts. Б Ehuman being.” “Never lift your grandma’s eyelids — Margaret Mead • Growing old is mandatory; to see if she’s awake.” growing up is optional. “Коли бабця є grumpy, я прошу її N • A baby is God’s opinion that “When grandparents enter the телефонувати до Папа Кен.” the world should go on. door, discipline flies out the К — Оксана Вікерс, 9 window.” — Ogden Nash • It’s such a grand thing to W “º… I look at my daughter and be the mother of a mother “Бабуні та діди — це жива історія; think that perhaps I was so busy or a father of a father. oнуки — це продовження життя.” Itaking care of all those practical That’s why the world calls Б things without slowing down us grandmothers and “Grandmother and grandchild enough to love her the way I do my grandfathers. discussing a common interest are granddaughter.” Fifty-Five Plus Magazine, Gexactly the same age.” — Mary Jane Sterne November 2007. — Duane Birch and Peggy Edwards

Nasha Doroha  spring/2011 17 ÌÀÌÈ i ÄIÒÈ o t h e A somewhat flippant treatment r of successful parenting by Asians. s What is a Ukrainian Catholic З нагоди ювілею матері: mother’s approach to child-rearing? & Discuss this important subject at Ми раді, матусю, вас привітати, c a UCWLC meeting. Share the views Щастя й здоров’я в житті побажати, h with ND readers. Мирного неба й ясного сонця, i Хай воно світить у ваше віконце, l Хай в хаті у вас будуть злагода й мир, d Camp Tiger А лихо нехай обминає поріг! r Хай діти й онуки шанують завжди, e Mother, maybe Щоб ви зоставались такі ж молоді. n І то не біда, що давно сивина, By Mark Rutledge Тільки б усмішка частіше цвіла… Reading an excerpt from Amy Незнаний автор Chua’s best-selling book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, gave me a cramp in my forehead. No one should hold up his eyebrows for that long. Crawford seem like June Cleaver. A month with the Tiger If you don’t know her, Chua But what goes around very often Mother might not transform our is the Yale Law School professor comes around. three daughters into straight-A who has graciously shared with My hope for Chua is that her students, but they might never “Western parents” the methods daughters will give her at least again whine about being “bored” by which “Asian parents” are able two grandchildren: one who or “never getting to do anything.” to raise such high-achieving stu- takes up the accordion and the Because if they did, their dents and musical prodigies. other the banjo. Should this hap- mother and I could then remind Aside from the general rule of pen, I can see Chua as a bitter them about the sleepovers, play- relentlessly pushing hard work old woman who spends most of dates, school plays, television, and discipline, Chua says that her remaining days thinking up computer games, extracurricular much of her parenting success new insults to hurl at her defiant activities of their own choosing, lies in never allowing her two grandchildren. equal praise for A’s or B’s, never daughters to: “So you think you know being pressured to be No. 1 in • Attend a sleepover. music,” she might bark at them. their class, and the freedom to • Have a playdate. “Tell me, what is the definition of play virtually any musical instru- • Be in a school play. perfect pitch?” ment they want. • Complain about not being in “We don’t know, grandmother,” “Or perhaps you girls would a school play. they will politely defer. “What is rather be sitting around the • Watch TV or play computer perfect pitch?” campfire at Camp Tiger Moth- games. “Someone throws an accor- er recalling every fifth note of • Choose their own extra- dion onto a pile of garbage,” Tchaikovsky’s First Piano Con- curricular activities. grandma snarls. “And, it hits a certo,” we could suggest. • Get any grade less than an A. banjo! Baaa hahahahaha!” Yes, I believe that would do • Not be the No. 1 student in Aside from that evil thought, it. They might even stop com- every subject except gym and however, I also find myself wish- plaining about having to practise drama. ing that Chua would start a their kazoos for at least 30 min- • Play any instrument other summer camp for lost Western utes a week. than the piano or violin. children whose lives are being Mark Rutledge writes for • Not play the piano or violin. ruined by their lazy, overly indul- The Daily Reflectorin Greenville, NC. Wow. This woman makes Joan gent parents. E-mail: [email protected]

18 Íàøà Äîðîãà  âåñíà/2011 Від моря до моря  From sea to sea

Колишня Голова Крайової Управи ЛУКЖК Люба Ковальчик, ПДЧ, була вибрана до the Board of the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations (WUCWO) elected UCWLC’s Past National President Luba Kowalchyk, HLM, as member. More, in the next ND.

Kully — Secretary; membership Throughout 60 years as member, Edmonton Eparchy was $1.00. The ladies held monthly Ellen has lived the UCWLC mission, meetings and encouraged others to realizing her own vocation and liv- join. In 1962 the Branch member- ing an authentic Christian life as a Not just an organization, ship was 102. contributing member to the Church but a way of life Ellen served as Treasurer for 23 and society. The League is not just consecutive years. In 1975, after the an organization to Ellen; it is her Ellen Kucey was a founding mem- family moved to Sherwood Park, way of life. ber of the UCWLC in Myrnam, a she joined the UCWLC at St. Nicho- Eleanor Busko small farming community in north las Parish in Edmonton. central Alberta. Their inaugural meeting was Саскатунська Епархія held on November 20, 1949 after parish priest Fr. O.E. Melnychuk sug- Support for Mental Health gested at Sunday Lit- Sunday, November 7, 2010, St. Bas- urgy that the women of il’s Parish Centre in Regina was the the church start a ladies scene of the UCWLC’s fourth Moth- league. That evening, 12 er/Daughter Banquet, supporting women gathered at Leona health issues. This year it was men- Kully’s home, including tal health. Ellen, attending with her Denise Batters addressed the mother-in-law Nancy sell-out event with strength and

Kucey. Ann Cholod was Father Myron Pyszcz, Mrs. Ellen Kucey and conviction and tender, personal elected President, Leona Mrs. Joyce Chrunik‑Rudiak, President St. Nicholas UCWLC. emotion as she described the battle

St. Basil’s UCWLC Mother/Daughter organizing committee presenting cheque to the Canadian Mental Health Association (Sask Division): Oksanna Zwarych, Deanna Kaminski, Mary Vogel, Mental Health Executive Director Dave Nelson, Shirley Stadnyk, Jean Orenchuk, Anne Krenosky, Nadia Bursey.

Nasha Doroha  spring/2011 19 her late husband, Dave Batters, MP Historic sod-turning for a over half a million dollars towards, had with depression that ultimately construction. She commented that caused him to take his own life. Ukrainian museum in Saskatoon our history, however painful it might Director of the Friends for Life have been, helps to guide the future. Program Donna Bowyer spoke Approximately 100 people wit- Patricia Mialkowsky, President of about the services and support nessed a historic event on a the Board, felt the day was a tribute mechanisms that are available in 29-below December afternoon: the to our pioneers who began work on the community. first steps of the construction of a museum concept some 55 years Master of Ceremonies Terry the new Musée Ukraina Museum ago. She broke the ground with a Zwarych narrated a whimsical building on 222 Avenue M South in rushnyk-tied shovel. Attached to the fashion show in which the commit- Saskatoon which had been bless- shovel were ribbons held by a num- tee members modelled unique, self- ed by Bishop ber of dignitaries (please see photo). designed creations, bringing much some years earlier. Diane Boyko, As the crowd watched the pile driller laughter and applause from those member of the Board of Directors made the first marking, the construc- in attendance. and Vice President, welcomed the tion of the new Museum building St. Peter’s World Youth Day Pil- crowd. A bus load of students from had begun! A big cheer arose from grims, on a fundraising mission of Bishop Filevich Ukrainian Bilingual the crowd as the machine stopped. their own to attend World Youth in School proudly stood together and At the reception which followed, Spain, entertained with a variety of sang Otche Nash (Our Father) in Martin Hryniuk’s informative and songs. Ukrainian and O Canada in three colourful display representing some The UCWLC presented $6,936 languages—English, Ukrainian and of the Museum’s accomplishments to the Canadian Mental Health As- French. was viewed and discussed. Dr. Law- sociation (Saskatchewan Division) Wynne Young, Deputy Minister rence Worobetz made a presenta- to assist the Friends for Life Aware- of Tourism, Parks, Culture and Sport, tion of $75,000 to the Dr. Stephen ness Program. brought greetings from the provin- and Michelene Worobetz En- Anne Krenosky cial government, which contributed dowment. He reminisced about his Uncle Stephen and Aunt Mick- ey and said he knew that they would be most approving of the important undertaking. Board members Ernie and Jayne Paluck from Regina took the opportunity to make their presentation to the Museum to bring their endowment to $10,000 and invited others to consider making their dona- tions to this very worthy cause. Patricia Mialkowsky

Deadline for summer issue submissions

•• Наша Дорога •• Ground breaking ceremony: Maurice Soulodre (Architect), Morris and Ann Korpan (representing all the donors), Eileen Yaworski (Eparchial UCWLC President), Patricia Mialkowsky (President, Board 15.V.2011 of Directors), Jayne Paluck (1st President of the Board of Directors), Angeline Chrusch (representing all the volunteers), Dr. Lawrence Worobetz (representing the Dr. Stephen and Michelene Worobetz Річенець дописів Foundation), Wynne Young (Deputy Minister of Tourism, Parks, Culture and Sport), Paul Machibroda (representing the Museum Building Advisory Committee) and James Chrusch (Bayda Kozaks). на літній номер

20 Íàøà Äîðîãà  âåñíà/2011 UCWLC Members: Olga (Popik) Stefaniuk, Sas- Help Centre, Inc., a self‑help pro- katoon, received her award posthu- gram that provides assistance for nation builder award recipients mously for her those with cancer who wish to take contributions an active role in regaining their Two long-time UCWLC members of in the area of health. When she was stricken with the Saskatoon Eparchy were hon- Creativity and cancer again, she wrote and pub- oured with Community Recogni- Innovation. As lished A Rose Grows: Fighting Can- tion Awards at the recent Ukrainian a breast can- cer, Finding Me. In this story of her Canadian Congress – Saskatch- cer survivor life, Olga teaches how important it ewan Provincial Council Nation she co-founded is to stay positive and hopeful. She Builders and Community Recog- HOPE Cancer passed away in 2010. nition Awards annual luncheon in Saskatoon. Patricia (Keyowski) Marchin- Eileen Evangeline Yaworski, President Saskatoon eparchy ko of Canora, SK received a Com- munity Recog- was born in 1940 to Helen Retirement brought nition Award (Harbuz) and Mike Starycki on involvement with her be- for meritorious a farm near the village of Red- loved Ukrainian Catholic contributions field, SK. After the unfortunate Church volunteering as for Volunteer- passing of her mother in 1944, Treasurer, then President ism and Cultur- she grew up in her grandpar- of her UCWLC Branch al Preservation ent’s home. She attended as well as with the Sas- and Develop- Teacher’s College in Saskatoon and katoon Victim Services, the Ukrain- ment. Patricia’s taught 19 students—grades 1 to 9—in ian Canadian Congress and Musée numerous and diversified contri- a rural town. In 1975 she graduated Ukraina Museum. butions to church and community with a Bachelor of Education degree. In October 2007, she became the is a testament to her belief that life She was with the Catholic School Vice-President and then President of is one of continuous studying and Board, Saskatoon, for 29 years while the Saskatoon Eparchy where, over learning. She is grateful for all the raising with husband Steve their four the past four years, she has loved get- good things she has received in life children. Today she loves and cherish- ting to know the UCWLC and making and feels that volunteerism is a way es an additional nine grandchildren. friends who have enriched her life. of giving back to society.

Highlights: Eparchy of Saskatoon ■ Our biannual Convention was held in Oc- ■ New term focus: to reach out more ef- and Churches throughout the province. tober 2009 in Saskatoon. The theme was fectively to the Branches by holding Execu- This continues to the present day. Space the Church Family. We discussed ways of tive meeting four times a year in the four to house these artefacts was given by the attracting and retaining members. We lis- deaneries Eparchy and by St. George’s Cathedral in tened as a panel presented their thoughts ■ Major 10-year project: the UCWLC in the Saskatoon. In December 2010, the Mu- on what has attracted them to our or- Eparchy history (1980 to 2000) edited by seum Board commenced construction of a ganization. A new Eparchial Executive was Gloria Leniuk. Blessed Endeavour II was new museum which will house over 7,000 elected as well as Standing Committee printed in 2010. This is the second book artefacts. These artefacts will honour our Chairs that our Eparchy has published Ukrainian culture and history ■ Past and present Eparchial Executive at- ■ The UCWLC has supported Musée ■ We have 14 UCWLC Branches with a total tended retreat led by Sister Theodosia; Ukraina Museum in Saskatoon since 1954 of 1026 members a transition meeting and meal was hosted when Bishop re- Eileen Yaworski, President, by the Sisters of St. Joseph quested a collection of artefacts in homes UCWLC Eparchy of Saskatoon

Nasha Doroha  spring/2011 21 floor, is being built to provide Winnipeg Archeparchy more rooms for immigrant and refugee women in transition. She expressed her gratitude to the Annual Prayer Breakfast UCWLC for the $10,425 donated attracts generous donors towards furnishing the rooms. Sister Theresa Matwe, SSMI, UCWLC Winnipeg Archeparchy guest speaker, emphasized that held the annual Prayer Breakfast all Christians are called to be Guest speaker Sr. Theresa Matwe, SSMI in conjunction with a fundraiser lamplighters. (left), and Elsie Liwiski, who spoke for two orphanages in Ukraine in “You are lamplighters, punch- about International Hope and about January at Sts. Peter & Paul Par- ing holes in the darkness.” the orphanages in Ukraine ish Centre. Some 190 members She listed ways in which the and guests attended. Knights of Columbus and UCWLC past few years she visited many Shirley Lisowski, spiritual are involved in service and out- orphanages in Ukraine and was chairperson, extended the wel- reach that are heroic and in this always startled to see the deplor- come; Fr. John Mostivsky, par- we shine in the darkness and are able conditions that exist there. ish pastor, led in prayer. Pat lamplighters. As she spoke about With a PowerPoint presentation Sirski, Vice-President of the the orphanages, she emphasized she took us to the orphanage in UCWLC Winnipeg Archeparchy, that Christ appears before each Bukiv, administered by the state, brought greetings and empha- one of us as one who is cold and and Nadvirna, administered by sized how “togetherness” results hungry and now He asks us to the Sister Servants of Mary Im- in a common good. Four Knights see Him in the orphans. maculate. The monies raised will of Columbus councils prepared “Our actions speak louder be distributed between both to and served breakfast under than our words. Love and Prayer buy kitchen appliances, beds, the leadership of Lorne Woy- go together.” bedding, and materials for ex- chyshyn. Sister Leslie Sacou- Elsie Liwiski, Ukrainian Char- tensive renovations within the mon, of the Holy Names House ities Chair, presented a Power- buildings. of Peace, informed that the pro- Point follow-up on our 2008 To end the program, Elsie ject “Onward and Upward,” com- charitable project to a hospital in read a poem, “The Prayer of prising an addition of a third Borschiv, western Ukraine. In the an Orphan,” followed by Rose- marie Todoschuk, a famed local Ukrainian and jazz singer who captivated the audience with a very moving song, “The Orphan’s Prayer.” After an enjoyable morning all those present sang De Zhoda v Rodyni. To date, some $18,000 has been raised. Those wishing to make a contribution may do so by sending a cheque to Sister Servants of Mary Immaculate. To learn more about the needs and priorities of orphan- ages administered by the Sisters in Ukraine, please contact Sis- ter Frances Byblow at 416-924- 7422. The people in attendance at the breakfast. Marilyn Krochak

22 Íàøà Äîðîãà  âåñíà/2011 Archeparchy Convention, Service Pins were presented with their children. She said that by Lil Stebeleski and Katherine families need to make tough North West Region Wilk; 40 years to Sylvia Shwaluk choices about life, priorities and and Eleanor Mackedenski; 20 behaviours. Christians have an was held in Oakburn last Octo- years—Steffie Manduke. Win- important role to play. Family ber with 46 members from Bran- nipeg Archeparchial President is the first school of social life. don, Dauphin, Ethelbert, Oakburn, Olesia Kalinowich gave a presen- Family prayer gives glory to Portage la Prairie and Rossburn tation stressing that “the UCWLC God and strengthens family attending as well as Archeparch- has been called to be the pillar of through joys, sorrows, hopes ial Executive members President the church and to preserve the and disappointments. Olesia Kalinowich, Frances Ukrainian language, culture and Elsie Liwiski, Chairperson of Gingera and Elsie Liwiski, guests history.” She reported support for Ukrainian Charities Archeparch- Sister Theresa Matwe, SSMI and the Holy Names House of Peace, ial Executive, reported—with Marcella Fostey. Fr. Mykhaylo safe and affordable housing in slides—on orphanages visited in Khomitskyy celebrated mass and Winnipeg for women in transi- Bukiv and Nadvirna, and a video Panakhyda and gave an inspiring tion, with a UCWLC donation of on the packing and receiving spiritual homily on the role of the $10,452. of medical supplies to Borschiv family (please see page 15 “Mes- Sister Theresa encouraged Communal Hospital. sages to UCWLC Members”). families to spend more time Sylvia Shwaluk, Oakburn dez in e


og r aph y t pho /KI T KO S i t ko a Ke n dr a Archeparchy Convention (North West Region) participants

Highlights: archEparchy of Winnipeg ■ With donations from UCWLC Branches ■ Portage la Prairie UCWLC Branch 65th ■ Vigil held at Health Science Centre and for the “International Hope” project, the Anniversary celebrations members participated Winnipeg Archeparchy sent a large con- ■ Donation to Alpha House in Winnipeg ■ Donation toward Mater Care tainer of medical supplies and equipment ■ Nadvirna orphanage in Ukraine was in International to a hospital in Borschiv dire need of new shower stall donations ■ Held Prayer Breakfast. All funds from ■ Helped “House of Peace” to repair ■ Awards to students at the Immaculate this breakfast were sent to support and furnish a home for women who have Heart of Mary School the Nadvirna and Bukiv orphanages in been abused by husbands, fathers or ■ Participated in the Annual Pilgrimage Ukraine relatives at Cooks Greek, attended XXIII Congress in ■ Support League for Life ■ Donated funds towards the purchase of Edmonton, North West Regional Conven- ■ Donations made toward Mary Dyma items and for workshops for the Ukrainian tion held in Oakburn, MB and Vera Bu­czynska Funds Catholic Religious Education Centre ■ Invited by Joy Smith, MP to participate ■ Have attended CWL conventions ■ The executive went carolling for at the Legislative Building for the Hon- Olesia Kalinowich, President, Metropolitan ouring Heroes ceremony UCWLC Archeparchy of Winnipeg

Nasha Doroha  spring/2011 23 Торонтонська Епархія

Congratulations to UCWLC anniversary celebrations at…

■ St. George the Great Martyr, Oshawa 65th Anniversary ■ Sts. Cyril and Methodius in St. Catharines, 60th Anniversary ■ St. Nicholas the Wonderworker St. George the Great Martyr 65th Anniversary Celebrations in Oshawa Ukrainian Catholic Parish in Ken- Exemplary in contributing to the these prominent accomplishments ora, 50th Anniversary (2009) development of parish communities, of these Branches speak to the im- ■ Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in practising our Ukrainian Catholic portance of UCWLC’s foundational Scarborough, 50th Anniversary rite and promoting our Ukrainian work of all Branches at the grass- (2009) heritage with youth in the parish, roots levels.

Highlights: Eparchy of Toronto Forty-three Eparchial delegates from 16 neighbouring Branches. The Eparchy contribute to the spiritual growth of our Branches participated actively at the Na- hosted its annual Tea for the Sister Ser- Eparchy and the maintenance of our cul- tional Congress in July 2010 supported vants of Mary Immaculate at their Toronto tural heritage. After a busy Christmas sea- by the Eparchial Spiritual Advisor and our Convent and for all Branches at St. Nicho- son with three groups carolling, we are long-serving past Spiritual Advisor. Toron- las parish in Toronto. There we cele- pleased to report that we will be fiscally to Eparchy highlighted the stellar charit- brated the 40‑year accomplishments of supporting Toronto Eparchy’s initiative of able contributions of the Branches over Nasha Doroha with a display youth ministry as well as other charitable the past term: $569,602 in Canada and and special greetings from the editor, endeavours in Canada and abroad. $72,001.50 abroad. The Congress provided Oksana Bashuk Hepburn; proud recog- In the future, with the cooperation the opportunity to communicate with our nition of the UCWLC Membership Trophy of our clergy and religious, we hope to sisters across Canada regarding matters awarded to the Eparchy at the National enjoy more single-day retreats, increased we consider paramount in our work: to be Congress for attracting over 150 new participation in our annual silent retreats charitable in our communities, to be active members; and, honouring the new Honor- and at the annual Eparchial pilgrimage at in social justice advocacy, to be faithful to ary Life Member Tamara Woloschuk. Mount Mary. We pray that we will be able our heritage and to develop our individual Thirty-seven members from 11 Branch- to continue to support the annual March spiritual growth. es participated in our Regional Meeting at Break for Jesus. Fall and winter activities includ- St. Mary’s Parish, Mississauga. Key issues Marion Barszczyk, President, ed socializing at tea socials among facing home parishes focus on how to UCWLC Eparchy of Toronto

Члени Крайової Управи ЛУКЖК 

Father Yurij Lazurko Gloria Leniuk, h l m Luba Kowalchyk, h l m Gayle Lockert Elizabeth Zahayko Marlene Bodnar Dorothy Lazurko Spiritual Advisor President Past President Recording Secretary Treasurer & Constitution Spiritual Development English Financial Administrator Chair Chair for ND Publishing 24 Íàøà Äîðîãà  âåñíà/2011 UCWLC Scholarship Recipients 2010 Vera Buczynsky Scholarship Mary Dyma Scholarship Alexander Laschuk (Ottawa, ON) Bernadette Mandrusiak (Sher- has a Bachelor of Theology de- wood Park, AB), a speech/language gree from the Metropolitan An- pathologist, is taking classes at New- drei Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern man College with a goal to attaining Christian Studies. Currently, he is a Master’s of Divinity degree. Pres- pursuing a Master’s degree in Can- ently studying Christology, she uses on Law as it relates to the Ukrain- her advanced learning to support ian Catholic Church. His thesis is fo- education and spiritual growth in cused on infant communion. the Church. One such initiative is In January 2011 he is embarking on a doctorate where her involvement with the Generations of Faith Program he will be examining the issue of married clergy in the in the Eparchy. Christian East which will attempt to answer challenges Bernadette is a member of the UCWLC and expressed by the Roman Catholics attacking the practice of al- her appreciation for a scholarship program that sup- lowing married clergy to be ordained to the priesthood. ports and encourages women of faith to continue their We congratulate Alexander in his achievements, wish education. him well in his continued studies and thank him for his contributions for the benefit of the Ukrainian Catholic The Scholarship Committee congratulates the winners, Church. (Please see his message “Небувале літо завдя- thanks them for their contributions, and wishes them ки УКОФ” on page 26.) well in their ongoing studies.

Mission statement Заява місії The Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada Ліґа Українських Католицьких Жінок Канади in its ongoing commitment to the mission of the у своїй тривалій відданості Місії Церкви Church, and to nurturing of our cultural heritage з посвятою надавати засоби, які is dedicated to providing the resources that help уможливлять її членкам сповнити їхнє its members to realize their own true vocation, правдиве покликання та жити and live an authentic Christian life as contributing дійсним християнським життям жертвенно members to the Church and society. діючих членів Церкви і суспільства.

 UCWLC National Executive Members

Lena Bihun Deanna Kaminski Josie Vantour Stephanie Bilyj, h l m Jean Sherman, h l m Yvonne Chorney Angeline Chrusch, h l m Social Development/ Cultural/Educational Organizational Archivist Archivist Auditor Committee Auditor Committee Charitable Chair Chair Chair Chair Nasha Doroha  spring/2011 25 our Youth our Youth our Youth наша Молодь наша Молодь наша

State-of-the-art cardiac research he highest research into cardiovascular Her future professional Tscholastic physiology in heart failure. interests include emergency standing of- Having received her Mas- medicine and family prac- fered by the ter’s Degree in Physiology from tice in Winnipeg, where her University of the University of Manitoba in father, Dr. Taras Babick, is the Manitoba was 2004, Andrea opted to pursue Deputy Registrar of the Mani- awarded to a Ph.D. and an M.D. simultan- toba College of Physicians and Andrea Babick in August 2010. eously. In 2006, she enrolled in Surgeons and also a family The Faculty of Graduate Stud- the Faculty of Medicine at Trin- physician. ies of the University of Mani- ity College (Dublin, Ireland), To gratify her lifelong toba conferred the degree of a medical school over three love of dance, an art form at Doctor of Physiology upon her hundred years old and rated which she so gracefully ex- successful defence of her Ph.D. as being among the top fifty in cels, Andrea plans to continue thesis, titled “Reversal of Car- the world. She secured special performing with the Orlan diac and Sarcoplasmic Reticu- permission from both Deans, Ukrainian Folk Ensemble, a lum Remodelling in Congest- rarely given, to be registered group with deep roots in the ive Heart Failure by Blockade at both the University of Mani- Ukrainian community and sig- of Catecholamine and Angio- toba to complete her require- nificant contributions to the tensin Receptors.” Under the ments for her Ph.D., and at rich, cultural tapestry of Win- mentorship of Dr. Naranjan Trinity College for her studies nipeg. Andrea and her family Dhalla, Andrea’s research in the M.D. program. She ex- are members of the Sts. Vladi- was a pioneering endeavour pects to graduate with an M.D. mir & Olga Cathedral in Win- to demonstrate reversal of from Trinity College in May nipeg. heart failure; it is deemed to 2011, and to enter a residency With thanks to Elsie Marykuca, be “state-of-the-art” cardiac program in Manitoba. Dr. Babick’s proud aunt.

Небувале літо завдяки Українській Католицькій Освітній Фундації

Піддиякон Александер Лащук

инулого літа я прийняв рі- не було фінансування для здій- на землю, яку мої дід і бабця Мшення вивчати українську снення цієї навчальної поїздки, лишили сімдесят років тому. мову в Українському Католиць- і Українська Католицька Освіт- Після прибуття та зустрічі на кому Університеті. Навчаю- ня Фундація великодушно до- летовищі з родиною я поселив- чись у Семінарії Святого Духа в помогла мені у цьому. ся в Духовній Семінарії Свято- Оттаві, я усвідомив, що це буде Я мав можливість протя- го Духа у Львові. Це було над- для мене надзвичайною мож- гом шести тижнів навчатися у звичайним досвідом — жити ливістю підсилити програму Львові. 18 червня я відправив- в семінарії, в якій навчається священичої формації. У мене ся у подорож, щоб повернутися 180 семінаристів, у порівнянні

26 Íàøà Äîðîãà  âåñíà/2011 з моєю семінарією в Оттаві, яка по різних регіонах України. Про- фінансову підтримку та молитву, тепер налічує менше ніж п’ять тягом більше ніж шести тижнів я які уможливили здійснення цієї семінаристів! мав можливість відвідати Карпа- подорожі. Програма вивчення україн- ти, Кам’янець-Подільський, Поча- Піддиякон Александер Лащук студіює ської мови та культури щодня їв, Коломию та Івано-Франківськ. в Семінарії Святого Духа в Оттаві. включала три години навчання Я також зміг відвідати Київ завдя- зранку, післяобіднє навчання з ки особистої щедрості директора репетитором та вечірню екскур- УКОФ о. Михайла Квятковсько- сію до історичного Львова тричі го, який показав мені найстаріші Until one is committed there is hesi- на тиждень. Студенти були різно- церкви та монастирі України. tancy, the chance to draw back… Con- манітного походження, двоє з них Для мене, семінариста з Кана- cerning all acts of initiative and cre- семінаристи з Вашингтону, інший ди, було захоплююче бачити пе- ation there is one elementary truth, студент — священик з Сейлему, реповнені церкви, довгі черги до the ignorance of which kills countless Массачусетс. Багато студентів сповіді та чути спів професійних ideas and splendid plans: that the mo- були українцями за походженням; церковних хорів. Пустота завжди ment one definitely commits oneself, декотрі одружилися з українками людних вулиць центральної час- then Providence moves, too. All sorts і вчили мову, якою розмовляє їхня тини Львова в неділю рано була of things occur to help one that would пара. Однак інші були просто за- свідченням віри міста. Це був never otherwise have occurred. A whole цікавлені Україною чи її мовою. чудовий досвід — стати свідком stream of events issue from the deci- Сама програма була дуже кори­ вражаючої праці Українського sion raising in one’s favour all manner сною, і я, звичайно, вдосконалив Католицького Університету, яка є of unforeseen incidents and meetings свої мовні здібності. Всього нас можливою у великій мірі завдяки and material assistance, which no man було приблизно 50 студентів, що жертводавцям УКОФ. could have dreamed would have come пройшли навчання першої або Я хочу висловити слова особли- his way. Whatever you can do or dream, другої сесії, з них 15 закінчили вої вдячності ЛУКЖК, Лізі Україн- you can begin it. Boldness has genius, обидві сесії навчання. ських Жінок Канади, Українській power and magic in it. — Goethe’s ‘Faust’ Під час вихідних нам були за- Католицькій Освітній Фундації та пропоновані екскурсії на наш вибір п. Гаррі Мандзюкові (Ошава) за

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Nasha Doroha  spring/2011 27 Dealing with loss and grief

By Marion Barszczyk

The death of extended family and friends—sudden or an- ticipated—are part of the cycle of life and death for all. When we grieve a great loss, there is a period of time when no amount of insight, no therapy, helps to take away the pain or console us. When, on our knees, ex- periencing intense pain of sorrow with no option but to Five Guidelines bear it, can we pray our way through it to the Lord that to help you support those struggling with loss and grief: allowed this separation from our loved one to happen? For those of us who have experienced the death of 1. Be quiet—wait 60-90 seconds before responding to the bereaved’s emotional outpouring. their baby through ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth or early infant death, we have had to journey 2. Maintain eye contact—sit at a 45 degree angle through the sense of being abandoned because family to allow the bereaved to look away when they choose. and friends have told us that there will be other babies 3. Display openness to what the bereaved is and the lost baby likely was “not normal.” In their effort saying/experiencing—keep arms uncrossed, sit alert. to extend their sympathy they, sometimes, deny us the 4. Listen with a “non-verbal” response—accept emotional situation reality of our loss and thus actually intensify our pain. of bereaved for what it is without criticism or judgment. For those of us who bury adult children—before The bereaved is entitled to the reality of their emotions their time—anger and intense sadness overcome us at even if it seems like over-reacting or out of touch with reality. the thought of incomplete dreams. We ask family and 5. Non-verbally acknowledge to the bereaved that you are interested in friends at the funeral, “Why not us?” Remembering the what they are sharing with you. Don’t watch the clock or turn away. life we shared with them can intensify our anger and sense of loss. The Word was the source of life, and this Life brought Burying a spouse reminds us of the limitation of our Light to humankind. The Light shines in the darkness marriage vows—“till death do us part.” We are still ex- and the darkness has never put it out. (John 1:4-5) pected to live full lives after our spouse dies, but how A natural healing process for bereaved individuals do we do that when there are unrealized plans? Can we allows the UCWLC member to: carry on? Or can we make new ones? • be “present” without giving advice There is also the struggle to find meaning and hope • offer options of what you can do and when you can be in caring for those loved ones who are coping with in- present creased cognitive or physical impairment. They are eas- • listen—to expressions of hurt, loss, anger and fear for ily stigmatized and devalued as persons because they the future cannot respond in a normal fashion. Yet our faith teach- • help the bereaved to seek out support services avail- es us that they are not a burden of our love for they have able in the community or in the parish intrinsic dignity and identity as human beings. • believe in the ability of the bereaved to recover; get However, no matter how God-centred we try to be, professional counsel for yourself so that you can be help- the reality of loss and grief is that we miss our dead ful and not destructive in your efforts to be supportive. babies, children, spouses, extended family and friends. Through our organizational goals, UCWLC members Our arms ache to hold them. But they are dead–whether are naturally called to the work of support with the in- by abortion, disease, vehicle accidents, war or natural firm, the sick, the dying and the bereaved. Never forget causes. Or they cannot answer us due to physical/men- to start your “active presence” with those who need con- tal deterioration. Platitudes are not consoling even if solation by praying with them. That is always helpful, they may be traditional. regardless of the circumstances. The journey through loss and grief takes each Marion Barszczyk, MSW, RSW is the of us through valleys of darkness. Be assured that: President of the UCWLC, Toronto Eparchy.

28 Íàøà Äîðîãà  âåñíà/2011 Вічная пам’ять Прийдіть, браття, попрощаймося з померлою, і подякуємо Богові, вона бо відійшла від рідні своєї і до гробу спішить. Вже не журиться про суєту світу і про многострасне тіло. Come, Brothers and Sisters, let us bid a last farewell to her who has passed away, and also let us thank God. She is leaving her relatives and is hastening to the grave. No longer is she concerned about the vanity of the world and her human passions. Where are her relatives and friends? Behold we are parting now. Let us pray to the Lord for her repose. Eternal Peace

 Jean Kolmatycki  Mary Jane adopted four orphans, then ten 29.XII.1913–26.VIII.2010 (Yarmish) Wozney grandchildren. 25.I.1945–5.II.2011 A hands-on member of the UCWLC Vancouver Branch for 32 years, she served as president in 2006 and served two terms as vice- president, in 2005 and 2011, lead- ing the UCWLC’s popular fundrais- ing Easter bake sales. She served as Chair of the parish council and was the president, New Westmin- ster Eparchy (1996-1998) and sec- retary (1988-1990). She attended many UCWLC National and Ep- was born in Innisfree, AB, and archial conventions as a delegate. moved to Vernon in 1947 with was born in Vancouver and passed Mary gave her all to church her husband, John, and son, Ted. away after a long illness. Her par- affairs while holding a full-time She was one of the founding ents and grandparents were active job as a secretary for one of BC’s members of the UCWLC Vernon in the Ukrainian Catholic commun- largest Roman Catholic parishes, Branch in 1948. ity and helped build the Church of St. Paul’s in Richmond, raising a Jean was predeceased the Assumption of the Blessed Vir- granddaughter and being involved by husband John in 1997 and gin Mary in Richmond. For years with her other grandchildren. son Ted in 2008, sisters Pauline the Yarmishes hosted visiting Basil- Her house was always busy Skoropad and husband Nick, ian Fathers who ministered to the with creative projects—her pat- and Ollie Leslie and husband Vancouver area parishes in those io full of her love of garden- Cliff, brother Ed Dulaba and early days. This greatly shaped ing. Always fashionably dressed wife Kay, and sister-in-law Dee Mary and she followed her par- and cheerful, her flair for de- Dee Dulaba. ents’ footsteps to become an active sign were evident in the hall and Prayers were recited on Au- member of the church community. church decorations, especially in gust 30, followed by the Divine In 1965, she was the Prefect of the beautiful Christmas tree she Liturgy and funeral, celebrated the Sodality at the Protection of helped decorate every year. by Rev. Fr. Andrzej Wasylinko the Blessed Virgin Mary, then a Her passionate ideas and input on August 31 at St. Josaphat’s Catechism and Ukrainian school to improve our parish were felt Ukrainian Catholic Church in teacher. even in the days of illness. Vernon. She married Alfred Wozney in Sophia Trylowsky 1963. They had two children and 

Nasha Doroha  spring/2011 29  Ann Watson 1944, where Anne worked as a three sons, five grandchildren 22.VII.1931–10.VII.2010 nurse’s assistant in the hospital and ten great grandchildren. until 1975. She was a member Anne Krenosky of Sacred Heart Church and  held the position of treasurer in the Ladies Club in 1948. She  Julia Bielak was a charter member of the 11.VII.1931–19.XII.2011 UCWLC in 1968 and was treas- urer from 1973-1974. She gave of her time to cross-stitch altar linens, which adorned the al- tars at her funeral. Anne Lalach, Wynyard Branch will be fondly remembered by  all who knew her as a kind and generous person. Among her  Katherine many hobbies was crocheting (Atamanchuk) Soroka slippers and blankets for any- 17.XII.1907–3.XI.2010 one who needed them. Ann was a member of St. Athanasius UCWLC (Regina, SK) for eight was born in Winnipeg to Peter years. She was always willing and Justyna Matyszewski. Her to help out with fundraising love of music and the Ukrainian activities, especially food servi- community began as a young ces. She will be missed. girl while attending St. An-  drew’s Church. In 1951 she married Nicholas and togeth-  Anne Bodnarchuk er began their lifelong devo- tion to family and the church 24.III.1914–30.X.2010 community. Julia joined the UCWLC in Born in Fort River, MB, she met 1959. An active and dedicated and married Dmetro in 1928 member, she held executive in Regina. Being widowed very and fundraising positions at the young, she supported her family Branch, Archeparchial Execu- as a short-order cook. Upon re- tive and the Winnipeg Regional tirement she volunteered her levels. Julia taught Catechism cooking services for many years was a Children of Mary Lead- at St. Basil’s Parish Centre. She er and looked after Altar Boys’ also knitted and donated count- Dalmatics. In 2009 she received less winter wear to orphans in her 50-year service pin. Ukraine. Katherine was award- She will be remembered as was born to Alex and Lena ed a UCWLC 50-year member- a gentle soul of great strength Urichen of Wynyard, SK. In ship pin in 2002. In 2007, on the and unwavering faith. Julia is 1933 she married John Bod­ occasion of her 100th birthday, survived by her husband Nick, narchuk in Krasne Church. St. Basil’s UCWLC donated an two daughters, two married They were blessed with two arrangement of wicker fur- sons and four grandchildren. sons and two daughters. Moved niture to St. Basil’s Manor in Stephanie Bilyj from the farm to Wynyard in her honour. She is survived by 

30 Íàøà Äîðîãà  âåñíà/2011 Protect your estate Фонд Нашої Дороги Some strategies to keeping  ►►► Увага! wealth in the family Nasha Doroha Fund ■ Look into setting up assets Call for manuscripts! such as buildings, cottages or Sacred Heart UCWLC, Wynyard, SK. . . . $150 other non-primary-residence Hafford UCWLC, SK...... $100 Anne Sahadaik, Moose Jaw, SK . . . . .$100 120 років історії property as trusts (family or tes- St. Athanasius UCWLC, Regina, SK. . . .$75 українців Канади tamentary, for example) or cor- St. Basil’s UCWLC, Regina, SK...... $75 porations, to minimize capital Sts Peter & Paul UCWLC, Canora, SK. . .$75 gains and other taxes, as well as Elizabeth Hnylycia, Kelowna, BC. . . . .$50 Final120-year Days! other costs that might otherwise UCWLC Edmonton Eparchy...... $50 Anniversary of come out of the estate. Elizabeth Chomniak, Thunder Bay, ON . . $10 Ukrainian Canada ■ Leave behind enough liquid Submissions (UCWLC Branches) Річенець! assets (such as cash, stocks, All Saints, North Battleford, SK. . . . .$110 Next year the 1.2 million bonds, insurance) that can be Sts. Peter & Paul, Saskatoon, SK. . . . $105 Ukrainian community of Canada used to pay taxes that might Christ the Good Shepherd, Toronto, ON. . $75 will be celebrating its otherwise shrink the estate. St. Basil’s, Regina, SK...... $75 Sacred Heart, Wynyard, SK...... $55 120th birthday. To mark this event ■ Look into investments that are St. Athanasius, Regina, SK...... $55 ND hopes to publish especially estate-friendly, such T. Kohut, Montreal, QC...... $50 as segregated funds, deemed Musée Ukraina Museum, Saskatoon, SK. . $50 The 2nd under the Income Tax Act as a St. Mary’s, Yorkton, SK ...... $50 Nasha Doroha Anthology sort of trust for tax purposes. St. Nicholas, Kenora, ON...... $50 Sophie Trylowsky, Burnaby, BC...... $50 with your stories and poems ■ Register assets in joint owner- representing the different ship, which is a simple way to Mary Dyma Religious Studies experiences of the four transfer assets. (Although use- Scholarship Fund ful for avoiding probate taxes, St. Athanasius UCWLC, Regina, SK. . . .$75 immigration waves from there may be other tax and legal Helen Kushner, Moose Jaw, SK...... $50 Ukraine. The deadline is Canada Day, July 1, 2011. complications.) Vera Buczynsky Ukrainian Studies ■ Create a separate account Scholarship Fund Start writing now! from your partner, to avoid “co- St. Athanasius UCWLC, Regina, SK. . . .$75 Щоб гідно відзначити 120-літнє mingling” everything that is Emergency Relief Fund існування українців в Канаді owned, protecting inheritances St. Athanasius UCWLC, Regina, SK. . . $75 and other assets from divorce, в 2011 р., Наша Дорога breakups and lawsuits. Ùèðà ïîäÿêà óñ³ì. заохочує всіх до писання Marlene Habib, Thank you to all donors. споминів, оповідань, віршів Globe & Mail November 6, 2009 з пережиття 4-ох імміграційних хвиль, які опинилися в Канаді Дарія Козак-Кунанець з України. Твори помістимо в (З нагоди дня Народження, мойому мужові — Миронові) 2-ій Антології Нашої Дороги. Повертаюсь у думках… Річенець День Канади, Весна, весна... і травень тут, Гаї зелені, старий дуб, 1-го липня, 2011 р. Тюльпани в парках вже цвітуть Під дубом дідусь спочиває, І повів вітру запашний На Баштовій годинник б’є у дзвін, Оксана Башук Гепбурн, Вливається у мою грудь. Годину полудневу вибиває. редактор [email protected] Я ходжу ранком в самоті, І в’ється стрічкою наш Сян, Лиш думкою з тобою, рідний Краю… Ніжні фіалки синню розцвітають, Перемишль — місто, мені дороге, Моє дитинство та безжурні дні Моє дитинство все перед очами. Лиш у думках моїх все повертають… Nasha Doroha  spring/2011 31 Монреаль, травень, 2005 р. Do boring things. This varies from person to Women’s Health  Здоров’я жінок 3 person. Do a boring thing to make you feel sleepy. Shut out light. Keep the bedroom completely 4 dark or use minimal light. How Create a comfortable sleeping environment. 5 Put your favourite pictures on the walls of your to find bedroom and use a spongy mattress to make you feel pampered.

sleep Follow a routine. Sleep at a particular time every There’s only one right thing to do before bed: wind down day to make your body get used to the rhythm. and transition from the woman-who-can-do-everything 6 into the woman-who-can-sleep. Most women don’t. Read. Reading makes time go by extremely fast According to the 2007 National Sleep Foundation and before you know it, you will be sleeping. poll, during the hour before bed, around 60% do house- 7 hold chores, 37% care for children, 36% do activities with Relax: Help your body relax while lying in your other family members, 36% are on the Internet, and 21% 8 bed by imagining you’re on a big, soft cloud. Then, do work-related jobs. through your mind’s eye, go to you toes and Try these to fall asleep: imagine a warm feeling that releases all your joints, and stretches and relaxes all of your toe muscles. Drink milk. Drinking lukewarm milk soothes the Go up your body until you feel sleepy and your 1 mind and makes it easier to fall asleep. body is heavy. Your chest and head will be harder to relax; once you’ve reached your chest, imagine it Exercise. Do a little warm-up exercise to make breathing on its own, like it just comes naturally. At 2 you feel tired which helps in going to sleep. your head, act like your mind is warm and numb.

Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada National Executive

The Vera Buczynsky The Mary Dyma Ukrainian Studies Scholarship Religious Studies Scholarship The National UCWLC is offering one scholarship The National UCWLC is offering one scholarship of $500 to a person of Ukrainian Catholic descent of $1000 to a lay woman of Ukrainian Catholic who is planning to enroll in Ukrainian Studies descent who is planning to enroll in Religious at the post-secondary level. Applications are Studies at the graduate level. Applications are available from and should be submitted to available from and should be submitted to The Vera Buczynsky Ukrainian Studies The Mary Dyma Religious Studies Scholarship Committee Scholarship Committee Geraldine Koban, Chair Geraldine Koban, Chair 160 Sunset Drive South 160 Sunset Drive South Yorkton, SK S3N 3R9 Yorkton, SK S3N 3R9

Deadline for receipt of complete applications is November 1

32 Íàøà Äîðîãà  âåñíà/2011 entertainment Культураірозвага arts&entertainment Культура Readingviewingplayingкнигифільмигри Огляд книжок, фільмів, радіо, телебачення, концертів, виставок та музики з українським змістом A review of books, films, radio, TV, concerts, exhibits, music and theatre dealing with Ukrainian themes

At 1:23 a.m. on April 26, 1986, Chornobyl nuclear reactor four exploded. The following excerpts are from the novel manuscript Where the Star Fell by Helen Pretulak. It is a story about a Canadian attending university in Kyiv and falling in love with a student from Chornobyl, and how the disaster changed their and their families’ lives. The appended scenes follow a chapter on the events in the control room some seven hours earlier.

Where the Star Fell (excerpt) By Helen Pretulak

awn creeps over the Ural Mountains, waking up Mos- ÊÀÒÀÑÒÐÎÔÀ Dcow. Nothing can stop the sunlight as it fans towards Ukraine— ибух на Чорнобильській АЕС no official, no army, not even Gor- В26 квітня 1986 року став най- bachev. How quiet Prypyat and більшою катастрофою мирного Chornobyl appear, the apartment атома в історії людства. blocks and cottages still asleep Десятки людей загинули, under an ashen sky. The birds are отримавши високі дози радіації, а silent. There is only the sound of the ще сотні захворіли на променеву wind as it curves around the globe. хворобу. In Prypyat, Gregori, along with Просто неймовірно, як швидко the morning shift, waits on a corner екосистема змогла адаптуватися for the bus that will take them to the до радіоактивного середовища. nuclear plant. The men smoke, and Мартін Гайдух, argue halfheartedly. Словацька академія наук “Did anyone else hear a noise last night?” оді чимало вчених вважали, “I thought it was thunder.” Тщо впродовж багатьох поко- “I heard nothing. But I know I лінь Чорнобильська зона буде по- drank too much samohonka last збавлена будь-якого життя. Із 1986 року Прип’ять і далі за- night.” The World’s Worst Nuclear “The driver is probably hung- лишається містом-привидом. Але over. Should we walk?” Disaster April 26, 1986 земля залишається життєдайною. They pick up their lunch pails and start the forty-five minute walk through the forest. Pine trees cast “Do you smell something burn- stands, pointing. There is a gaping shadows on the path of needles ing? There are chunks of something hole in the machine room of re- and twigs, the leaves of acacia trees black on the ground, some too big, actor four, and flames are spiral- shudder, and a haze hangs in the some too flat to be coal.” ling from the roof. The image is un- poplars. They stroll on, in silence now. conceivable, makes no sense. They “Strange the bus didn’t come. Gregori reaches the edge of the approach the gate. An army jeep He’s done his trip when he’s had too forest first. “Am I seeing things?” speeds and bumps toward them, a much to drink before.” The others rush up to where he supervisor waves and shouts, “Just

Nasha Doroha  spring/2011 33 a fire. Come back tomorrow.” be sucked into reservoirs—drinking eyes. In the distance the rising sun is The men are so dazed they can- water for millions… now level with the collective barns. not speak. Too late. Gregori wanted At least, Gregori spots tanks roll- But the roofs look more rusty than to know about the workers on the ing past the end of the street churn- sunny. There is a smell in the air midnight shift, the men they were ing up dust. He relaxes. If anything of something she doesn’t like. She meant to replace. Were they bom- serious had happened, the Soviet scrambles up, eager to get off for the barded with radiation? Would it army would be here to protect them. start of a weekend camping vaca- travel? But later that afternoon, he is back tion, but an officer jumps on board, Back in his apartment on the at the window. When at last his son, pushing children back in their seats. ninth floor, he peers out the win- Slavko, comes through the door, Now there is fear in Hania’s eyes, dow. Who else knows? Mothers are Gregori embraces him. though she does not know that her wheeling babies in prams; a woman Slavko squirms away from his thyroid gland is assimilating iodine, is hanging laundry on her balcony. father’s arms, excited. “Tatu, my and that radioactive dust is settling Across the street, Orest, a man he friends and I went to see the glow on her head. She feels caged in the knows from the decontamination over the reactor, we saw guards on stifling train, and begins to cry. room, is climbing to the roof of his the main road, guards never there building. He removes his shirt and before, so we biked through the for- adioactive clouds head toward shakes out a towel. Crazy Orest and est. And the trees were red already! RMoscow. Colonel Nikolai Ivan- his obsession with tanning. It is Sat- It is spring not fall, how could they ovich Konev, aviation division, is or- urday; Gregori knows that the young be red?” dered to send planes to seed them. woman next door is getting married. Invisible poison rains down on the What about those who will later ride train pulls into the Chornobyl farms in Eastern Ukraine, on the on the Ferris wheel at the fair? Astation, the squeal of rusty cucumbers, beets and potatoes ger- Two men in green suits are brakes shattering the morning quiet. minating in the fertile soil. Colonel hosing down the streets, splash- No one dares to send it back without Konev is a hero. ing some children on their way to an official order; no one would dare school; Gregori’s own son, Slavko, suggest that a catastrophic event Helen Pretulak, a recipient of the Taras Shevchenko Foundation writers has already left. The manholes has occurred in the Soviet Union. In scholarship, is completing the Chornobyl swallow the foam and he imagines the train, startled by the stop, nine- disaster novel Where the Star Fell it gushing into the Dnipro River to year-old Hania opens her sleepy in Prince Edward Island.

Nasha Doroha Cover Artist David Wasylyshyn is a third-generation Canadian of The Pysanka Mosaics concept came from the art- Ukrainian descent from Winnipeg who has been exhib- ist’s father, Ted. “Before passing away in 1995, Dad iting The Pysanka Mosaic art works in private art collec- took hundreds of hours to create one small Mosaic. tions across Canada, USA, Singapore, Japan and Hong In fact, he completed only four—one for each family Kong. member. The last one was purchased and exhibited in The beauty and intricate design of the Ukrainian the Canadian National Museum of Civilization in Gati- pysanka has long been recognized as a contribution to neau, Quebec.” Over the years, through trial and error, world culture and art. But the young David Wasylyshyn David has perfected the process making it less labour- has moved to a new level by creating incredible fusions intensive than his father’s original creations. However, of hundreds of pieces of pysanky—chicken and goose it is still a very lengthy process requiring a high level eggshells—into three-dimensional, one-of-a-kind mo- of patience. saic pictures. The Pysanka Mosaic is the result of a very Each Pysanka piece in the Mosaics is an original art long and unique process. Once composed, each Pysanka piece—a new way of displaying the ancient Ukrainian Mosaic is covered with a thick layer of clear acrylic resin Easter egg. achieved through 55 coatings of varnish, which looks To view more of David Wasylyshyn’s art, please visit and feels like a glass cover.

34 Íàøà Äîðîãà  âåñíà/2011 “An arresting thriller is a timely window on The Way Back is a beauti- Russia’s century-old suppression of the ful cinematographic true-life Ukrainian national spirit.” — Daily Telegraph story of the overpowering call “Russian agents, Ukrainian suppression and of freedom. a strange bequest are the ingredients for After WW II, several men this tasty debut.” — Independent, 50 Best escape from a Russian Gu- Summer Reads lag to walk some 4,000 miles to India across incredible but Bequest by Anna beautifully haunting terrain. Shevchenko is a pol- Ed Harris plays an engineer itical thriller hinging building the Moscow subway on the legend of the in the 1930s; Collin Farrel—the lost Cossack gold, al- macho hood. See it for a raw legedly deposited in portrayal of the Gulag day-to- the Bank of England day existence, the daunting in the 18th century by journey, and the power of de- Hetman Polubotok. His will bequeaths termination. part of the treasure—in the trillions of dollars—to a future independent Ukraine. Andriy Polobutko, present- day descendant of Hetman Polubo- tok, tries to claim the family inherit- Настільна гра «За Волю!» ance, and instructs Kate, an English Могутній ворог завойовує Європу та підкорює народи solicitor with Ukrainian ancestry, to під своєю жорстокою владою… help with the legal aspects of recover- Таємно по лісах, горах і під- позитивних відгуків, що гру ing the gold. Born in Kyiv, the auth- валах організовуються вій- було перероблено на профе- or studied at the National University ська хоробрих добровольців, сійний рівень для продажу по there and at Cambridge University. що готові обороняти свій на- Північній Америці і по світу. She now lives in the U.K. рід або загинути за нього… Ким ти будеш командувати? Timothy Snyder’s Bloodlands, Eur- «За Волю!» — це настіль- ope Between Hitler and Stalin is на стратегічна карткова гра, Wehrmacht a must read for those що грається між двома осо- командуй Blitzkriеg фашист- interested in a bal- бами. Кожний гравець грає ської Німеччини, щоб ото- anced presentation of одною колодою карток, що чити ворога і знищити його the two dictators and представляє одну з держав танками і літаками. Не да- their heinous geno- Другої Світової Війни. Кожна вай, щоб милосердя стрима- cides. Keep in mind картка має свої особливос- ло твою перемогу… that the author has ті — чи помагати в нападі на Українська Повстанська held negative views противника, чи обороняти Армія about the role of Ukraine’s independ- перед його нападами. командуй повстанцями УПА ence struggles. Offer him your point “Painted Fox Productions” у рейдах і саботажах, щоб of view when possible. Mine is that заснував Андрій Водослав- стримати ворога. Не дай за- the fight for independence may have ський в 2010 році у Торонто, войовникові знищити бать- casualties but there is a difference Канаді. ківщину та забрати волю!” between collateral damage and policy Коріння фірми сягають до designed to commit crimes against літа 2005 року, коли Андрій Гру можна купити через humanity. And before it’s too late, talk створив карткову настіль- www.paintedfoxproductions. to family members who were in OUN ну гру для дітей на пласто- com або в крамницях “Koota and UPA for their story. вому таборі. Було стільки Ooma” і “Буква” в Торонто.

Nasha Doroha  spring/2011 35 A lighthearted, yet accurate, look at the Ось тут ситуація з незалежністю жінки зовсім different lives of women in Ukraine and Canada. інакша. Я настійно раджу молодим дівчатам з Укра- Plus, a marriage recommendation! їни виходити заміж за канадських хлопців: кращих для сімейного життя не знайдеш. Не знаю, як це вдалося канадським жінкам вибороти такі де-факто права: в суспільстві панують залізні правила гендер- Чи важко ної рівності. Тут не існує поняття «жіноча» робота по дому. Є потреба готувати їсти, виховувати дітей і т.д.? Будь ласка: все це розподіляється раціонально, як у бути жінкою бізнесі. Натомість українським чоловікам одружува- тися на канадках не раджу: без кількарічного суво- рого автотренінгу («я люблю хатню роботу», «я хочу в Канаді? сидіти замість жінки в декретній відпустці», «жінка Марина Гримич МОЖЕ заробляти більше, і це для мене не ганьба») тут не обійтися.

❝ «я люблю хатню роботу», «я хочу сидіти замість жінки в декретній відпустці», «жінка МОЖЕ заробляти більше, і це для мене не ганьба»

фото: Ольга самборська / Immigrada: magazine of Ukrainians abroad Подобаються мені канадські жінки. В них менше павиної пристрасті до одягу, менше зацикленості на р о українських ж і н о к к а ж у т ь , щ о в о н и — «бабському» і більше чоловічих інтересів: спорт, ма- Пвинятково незалежні. І ті, про яких це шина, робота, громадське життя. говорять, свято в це вірять. Не знаю. Мож- Канадська жінка за кермом — це окрема історія. Якось мені треба було дістатися з Оттави до Торонто ливо, ми самі, українки, придумали це, аби (а це 5 годин поїздки машиною при добрій погоді), якось підбадьорити себе в щоденному житті: а точніше до аеропорту, щоб летіти на батьківщину. Сталося так, що в цей день була снігова буря. Але адже нам до сьогодні переважно доводиться робити рейс ніхто в Канаді через «такі дрібниці» не відміняє. все одночасно і самим: влаштовувати кар’єру, пиль- Словом, мені потрібно було дістатися до Торонто нувати дім і виховувати дітей. І при цьому ми б’ємо конче. Чоловік мене вже чекав там разом з нашим себе в груди: які ми незалежні! А тим часом пред- другом Богданом Грабовецьким, родом з України, ставниці інших культур, яких ми вважаємо «дуже по- який був дуже занепокоєний хурделицею і моїм ціл- неволеними», так не надриваються. ком можливим «непотраплянням» на рейс до Украї- Якось ми зі студентами поїхали в експедицію до ни. Між двома чоловіками відбулася приблизно така кримських татар, народу також землеробського, як і розмова: ми. Але що нас шокувало: на полі і в городі працюють Богдан: Напевно, Марина не приїде? лише чоловіки! Якщо жінка хоче допомогти чолові- Ігор (з «олімпійським спокоєм»): Та ні, вона буде кові на полі, вона робить це пізно ввечері, коли вже вчасно. майже стемніло, і дуже обережно, щоб не побачили Богдан (шоковано): Як – вчасно? А хто її везе? сусіди. Бо це ганьба для неї та її чоловіка. Ну так що? Ігор: Одна жіночка з громади. Хто з нас дискримінованіший? Богдан: Вона – що, Nikita? (Пам’ятаєте серіал- Однак сьогодні мова не про це, а про жінок канад- бойовик про безстрашну молоду жінку? До речі, цей ських, в тому числі про українок. фільм був зроблений в Канаді – La Femme Nikita).

36 Íàøà Äîðîãà  âåñíà/2011 Мій чоловік лише засміявся. Бо «Нікітою» ви- хранительками не лише домашнього вогнища, а й явилася мама нашого оттавського приятеля Андрія етнічного. Савчука — пані Леся, одна з найулюбленіших наших За час мого перебування в Канаді я зробила два канадських приятельок. Всю дорогу з Оттави до То- висновки. По-перше, бути жінкою в Канаді легше, ронто вона їхала повільно і дуже акуратно, абсолют- ніж в Україні. А по-друге, бути жінкою в Канаді важ- но не панікуючи з приводу того, що видимість – ну- че, ніж в Україні. льова, що поняття «роздільна смуга» на хайвеї в цей день не існує, і що таких, як ми, екстремалів на доро- зі – обмаль. Дорогою вона розповіла мені про те, як колись учителювала і як їй доводилося не раз їздити на роботу в таку погоду. Минулої осені ми з чоловіком (вже вкотре!) по- бували на околиці Стрий (Альберта) разом з деле- гацією з українського Стрия. І родзинкою нашого перебування там була розмова поміж українським фермером (членом делегації) і канадською власни- цею кількох ферм Керен з милозвучним українським прізвищем Тхір. Виявилося, що в обох приблизно однакова кількість землі (кількасот гектарів), однак кількість людей, що працюють на цій землі, «трошки» інша: в українського фермера штат складає 25 чоло- ❝ По-перше, бути жінкою вік, а у родини Тхорів – 4 (Керен, її чоловік і двоє си- в Канаді легше, ніж в Україні. нів). Природно, що у кожного з українсько-канадської А по-друге, бути жінкою в родини не один обов’язок: так, Керен – оператор зер- нозбирального комбайну та іншої сільськогосподар- Канаді важче, ніж в Україні. ської техніки, бухгалтер і голова домашнього госпо- — Марина Гримич дарства. При цьому вона головна опікунка місцевої української католицької церкви. Церква вже спорож- Канадській жінці легше в побутовому плані: ніхто ніла, служба правиться раз на півроку, але хтось має не засуджуватиме, якщо приймете рішення не уби- її доглядати, хтось має її ремонтувати. Ось це «три- вати своє життя на кухні. Адже тут є стільки ресто- має» в руках Керен, якій близько 50 років. ранів, кав’ярень; врешті-решт, існує величезна інду- І ще один приклад, тепер з міської українсько- стрія заморожених напівфабрикатів і «кулінарних канадської культури. Мені довелося не раз стикатися відділень» у супермаркетах! Тут тобі не треба уби- з такою сентенцією, що вже стала часткою українсько- ватися питанням: як же доїхати до мами в село чи канадського фольклору: «Українські церкви в Кана- на дачу цією чортовою маршруткою? Ти просто сіда- ді побудовані на варениках». Уявляєте, скільки було єш в авто і їдеш, куди хочеш… Тут тобі не потрібно наліплено в Канаді вареників за всю історію україн- плакатися всім на світі, який в тебе поганий чоловік, ської імміграції? Якби їх можна було зібрати докупи, який не допомагає тобі по дому і не займається діть­ вони б покрили площу всієї Канади. ми. Варто сказати йому чарівні слова «гендерна не- Адже вареник (на місцевій говірці пиріг або рівність!», і він стає як шовковий. Бо в Канаді з цим pierogi) – загальноканадський символ української ет- не жартують. нічності. Тобто з чим асоціюють українців у Канаді? Але важче бути в Канаді українською жінкою. Тут З вареником, з писанкою, з голубцями… Не помітили відносини між чоловіком і жінкою відрізняються від гендерної закономірності? Всі ці символи пов’язані з наших. Вони дещо стриманіші. Якщо в Україні лю- жінкою. Тобто українська присутність в Канаді знач­ бов – це «Сміються й плачуть солов’ї і б’ють піснями ною мірою маркується жіночим внеском. Звичайно, в груди», то в Канаді – це передусім бізнес-проект. є ще танці. Але навіть там чоловіки є великим дефі- І мені це в принципі подобається. цитом. І справа не в тому, що українсько-канадські Dr. Maryna Hrymych is a novelist and academician, Editor in Chief чоловіки гірші від жінок. Просто завжди в усіх на- of the Publishing House Duliby. She is a member of the Writers родів функція трансмісії етнічної культури мінімум Union of Ukraine and of the Canadian Union of Ethnology. Her на 75% лежить на жінках. Тобто вони в усі часи є husband, Dr. Ihor Ostash, is the Ambassador of Ukraine to Canada.

Nasha Doroha  spring/2011 37 Останнє слово

… last word RZE I M YR ON PA Dear Friends, Дорогі читачі, It has been a busy time for Ukrainians in Canada. Українська католицька церква має нового Главу. Владика Свя- The demand for fair treatment of Holodomor тослав Шевчук перебирає кермо над 7,5 мільйонами вір­них, in the Canadian Museum for Human Rights is які знаходяться від моря до моря чи не на кожному конти- in full flight. Apparently, the Museum has al- ненті світу. Патріарх Любомир відійшов по 10-літній службі lotted only one photo in its electronic presenta- українським католицьким вірним.­ Ми Йому дякуємо за це. tion to represent some 10 million starved by the Для молодого провідника це велике завдання, а в той са- Soviet regime. A more extensive treatment of the мий час велике майбутнє для Церкви. В Канаді нам особливо Ukrainian genocide is to take place on a rotating цікаві будуть підходи до пристосування християнських засад basis; it is not clear how much space, how often or в матеріальному оточенні, збагачення наших обрядів у не­ for how long. The Holocaust is to have a perma- українському середовищі та дружба з Україною. В ЛУКЖК ми nent exhibit. This is wrong and un-Canadian. It будемо зосереджуватися над вказівками відносно родинного discredits Canada’s reputation as a global human життя та над працею з дітьми.­ Маючи сильну організацію, яка rights leader. Many Canadians agree and the Mu- роками допомагає Церкві та найбіднішим в Україні, Ліґа при- seum needs to change its mind. слуховуватиметься до слів Блаженнійшого відносно простяг- Not since the Bilingual and Bicultural Com- нення рук до українських католицьких жінок. Вибір колиш- mission has there been such an important issue ньої голови ЛУКЖК Люби Ковальчик до світової організації for Ukrainian Canadians on the national agenda. католицьких жінок може вцільно допомогти нам у цьому. Then, Prof. Jaroslav Rudnyckyj wrote a dissent- Я найбільше люблю Великодні свята: весна, ing report that led to Canada’s Multiculturalism лози, діти в вишиванках з кошичками свяче- Act, the first in the world. Now we have an op- ного і духовне “Христос Воскрес!” діє на мене portunity to make Canada’s Museum for Human чарівно. Хочеться випростати плечі і віднови- Rights fair and inclusive, which treats evils of a ти спосіб життя, яке б воно не було—духовне Communist dictator as fairly as that of the Nazis збагачення у відпустці, руханка та дієта, чи, на- and other evildoers. решті, закінчення родинної історії. Весна більше, Elections are a good time to ask your candi- ніж Новий Рік, мотивує мене до відновлення. А як у вас? date about whether s/he supports equal treat- Отже, не забувайте про Антологію, річенець і зафіксуй- ment of Holodomor at the Museum. Numerous те пережиття ваші та вашої родини в Канаді, які б вони не politicians already do. If there is no clear “yes”, були — милі чи гіркі. На жаль, в цей час повоєнна імміграція don’t vote for that individual. Remember, your та четверта хвиля не дає багато знати про себе. taxes are paying for the Museum. And it’s your Вірю, що дозволите мені від імені всіх читачів скласти vote! найсердечніші побажання новому Главі нашої Церкви. Хай Why are we dealing with political issues in Йому Бог допомагає! ND? Because of “Thou shall not kill”; because А Вам, дорогі читачі, гарної паски та приємних свят. Communist brutes like Joseph Stalin and his Христос Воскрес! commissar, Lazar Kaganovich, perpetrated this God’s grace and our best wishes to the new leader of crime against humanity, then tried to cover it our Ukrainian Catholic Church His Beatitude, Most Rev. up, and because those who fail to deal fairly with Sviatoslav Shevchuk. And to you, dear readers, a wonderful Holodomor support the crime. And if it happened Easter. Chrystos Voskres! once, it can happen again; we can forgive, but we must never forget. We are the consequence of politics and history, and we must learn to influ- ence governments to consider our views or be overrun by the agenda of others.

38 Íàøà Äîðîãà  âåñíà/2011 “риӡдумйся…”

Твоє власне життя дякуватиме Тобі за це.

Тепер ми маємо вищі будинки і ширші дороги, але меншу довговічність і вужчі обрії.

Більше витрачаємо, але менше радіємо.

Маємо більші хати, але менші родини.

Маємо більше зручностей, але значно менше часу.

Більше знаємо, але менше розуміємо.

Маємо більше ліків, але менше здоров’я. Зросло те, чим володіємо, Тому пропоную, уже від сьогодні: але змізерніли наші вартості. Не чекай на якусь особливу нагоду, Говоримо багато, кохаємо мало, бо кожен день є тією винятковою оказією. зате ненавидимо надто часто. Прагни знань, читай більше, сиди перед будинком і Ми полетіли на Місяць і назад, милуйся краєвидом, не думаючи про свої потреби. але нам важко перейти на той бік вулиці, аби познайомитись з нашими сусідами. Проводь більше часу з родиною і друзями, їж те, що любиш, відвідуй улюблені міста. Здобуваємо космос, але трудно нам сягнути власного єства. Життя — ланцюг моментів приємности, а не тільки боротьби за виживання. Маємо вищі зарібки, але менші моральні цінності. Користуйся кришталевими чарками. Живемо в час більшої свободи, Не бережи улюблені парфуми на ліпшу оказію. але меншої приємности. Вживай їх, коли тільки закортить.

Маємо багато їжі, але мало поживних речовин. Викинь зі свого словника такі вирази, Живемо у часи, коли треба мати дві платні для як “колись” або “якогось дня”. утримання родини, але число розлучень зростає. Напиши того листа, якого мав ще “колись” написати.

Живемо в часи прегарних домів, Скажи своїй родині і друзям, як сильно їх любиш. але… чимраз більше домів розбиті. Не відкладай нічого, що може принести усміх і задоволення.

Кожен день, кожна година, кожна мить є винятковими.

І не помічатимеш цього, поки не прийде Твоя остання година. arpe ԃim! — Лơви момент! Author Unknown

From the Internet with thanks to Vera Bodnaruk, Venice, Florida. From the essay about William Kurelek, cover artist, “Is Genius Abnormal” (excerpts) by Dr. Donald DeMarco

here are great artists liv- ing in Canada today… TI am thinking in particu- lar of the Canadian-born painter William Kurelek. Kurelek is an art- ist who, like Mozart, brings light from another world. He is un­usual inasmuch as he has willed that light to penetrate his heart where suffering mixes the divine with the human and genius un­derstands them as one; but he is not ab- normal. True, Kurelek’s period of coming to terms with his own hu- manity and his own unique way of But the angel said openly to the women, you need not expressing that humanity to others be afraid; I know well that you have come to look for was ardu­ous and threatened to Jesus of Nazareth the man who was crucified. He is not plunge him into psychic despair. here; He has risen, as He told you. But Kurelek suffered his way into normalcy and the eminently hu­ Kurelek has been cleansed autobiography: “There is Someone man quality of his paintings amply through suffering and his paint­ with me. And he has asked me to attests to that normalcy. Kurelek ings reflect his life in miniature: get up be­cause there is work to be is not abnormal as it is sometimes “the tranquil blossom on the tor­ done.” Kurelek is convinced beyond suggested; nor is it fair to say that tured stem,” the outer simplicity doubt that his life’s artistic work is he is obsessed with his work sim- that opens to a world of inner in- divinely commissioned. It is hard ply because he some­times paints tensity, the innocence of eye that for me to believe that anyone who for sixteen hours at a stretch. The discovers the suffering Christ be- has studied Kurelek’s works and naive cultural attitude regards neath the surface of every earthly viewed the films on his art and his work as a necessary­ evil, extended object. Kurelek is real and normal life that are at the museum, and weekends of doing nothing a vir- and that is enough to repel his talked about Kurelek with his good tue, and full-time unemployment superficial observers. friends, the Kolankiw­skys, could an ideal. The normal person, the At one point in Kurelek’s life, walk away from such experienc­es divinely humanized person, sees while he was hitchhiking to Mex- without taking with him that same work as the expression of his love; ico in search of a master-teacher, conviction. his labour is not an obsession but a he awoke from sleeping under a Dr. Donald DeMarco prayer. “Why do you seek rest? You bridge to see an ap­parition—a man From The Passion of Christ by William were only created to labour.” (Dag clad in a white robe. Regarding Kurelek, Niagara Falls Art and Museum, Hammarskjold quoting Thomas this experience, Kurelek wrote 1st edition, 1975. Text and art used with Aquinas in Markings.) these words at the close of his permission.