UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC NATIONAL SHRINE OF THE HOLY FAMILY 4250 Harewood Road NE Washington, DC 20017 Phone: 202-526-3737 Fax: 202-526-1327 Webpage: IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY PLEASE CALL: 202-262-5040 Pastoral Care entrusted to: Fr. Robert Hitchens email:
[email protected] Fr. Wasyl Kharuk email:
[email protected] Deacon Theophil Staruch email:
[email protected] Sunday – April 24, 2011 Христос Воскрес! – Воістину Воскрес! Christ is Risen! – Indeed He is Risen! SCHEDULE OF DIVINE SERVICES Saturday April 23 Vespers and Divine Liturgy (Easter Vigil) 1st Liturgy of Pascha 7:00 p.m. (Our Deceased Bishops and Priests) (Fulfills Easter Obligation) Blessing of Easter Food Baskets to follow Sunday April 24 Pascha – Easter 2011 8:00 a.m. Procession of Joy and Resurrection Matins 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy of Pascha (For the Parish) Blessing of Easter Food Baskets to follow Monday April 25 Bright Monday 7:00 p.m. (Health of Anna Drabyk from the Drabyk Family) Tuesday April 26 Bright Tuesday 7:00 p.m. (+Stephen Slota from Michalina Slota) Sunday May 1 Thomas Sunday - SVIACHENE-PARISH EASTER DINNER **10:30 a.m.** (For the Parish) Fr. R. (+Stephan Kurylas from the Olha Kurylas Family) Fr. W All the services of Bright Week are celebrated in Ukrainian and English EASTER BAZAAR 2011 – A FABULOUS SUCCESS! We inadvertently for got to thank the Mariyska Druzshyna for their help with the bazaar. Thank you to all who helped make this a wonderful day. So many of our parishioners (too many to name, even…) pulled together as One Holy Family to cook, serve, clean, and welcome guests and fellow parishioners, that many comments were made to Fr.