St. thomas Sunday april 11, 2021

Please pre-register to attend Sunday Liturgies through the parish office. Xpиcтoc Bocкpec! Christ is Risen! Воїстину Воскрес! Indeed He is Risen!

LITURGY INTENTIONS Sun. Apr. 11 St. Thomas Sunday Acts 5:12-20 – John 20:19-31 5:00 P.M. (Sat.) For Our Parishioners (this Divine Liturgy will be recorded and posted on YouTube) 9:00 A.M. Health & God’s Blessings for all UCWLC Members 11:00 A.M. For Residents & Staff in Care Homes Mon. Apr. 12 Venerable Basil Acts 3:19-26 – John 2:1-11 8:00 A.M. †Isadore Huchkowski………………………………………………….Mary & Family Tues. Apr. 13 Priest Martyr Artemon Acts 4:1-10 – John 3:16-21 8:00 A.M. †Dmytro Werezak………………………………………….Michael, Zenya & Family Wed. Apr. 14 Pope Martin Acts 4:13-22 – John 5:17-24 8:00 A.M. God’s Blessings Lisa…………………………………………………………….Grace Thurs. Apr. 15 Apostle Aristarchus Acts 4:23-31 – John 5:24-30 8:00 A.M. †Metro & †Brent Zazula…………………………………………..Winnichyn Family Fri. Apr. 16 Martyr Agapia Acts 5:1-11 – John 5:30-6:2 8:00 A.M. †Brenda Hounjet……………………………………………………….Dennis & Vicki Sat. Apr. 17 Venerable Simeon Acts 5:21-33 – John 6:14-27 9:00 A.M. †Rose Tratch……………………………………………………………Tratch Family Sun. Apr. 18 Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women Acts 6:1-7 – Mark 15:43-16:8 5:00 P.M. (Sat.) For Our Parishioners (this Divine Liturgy will be recorded and posted on YouTube) 9:00 A.M. Birthday Blessings Sheila Werezak……………………...Zenya, Michael & Family 11:00 A.M. God’s Blessings Guy…………………………………………………………….Grace


You can request the Fathers to celebrate Liturgies for your intentions. Please contact the parish office to book a Liturgy. Cheques are payable to “Redemptorist Fathers’ Liturgy Account.” The suggested stipend for a Divine Liturgy is $20.

Please pray for: Fr. Vladimir Kolpakov, C.Ss.R. Zenon Derkach Wendy Friedrich

Martha Greschuk Deb Larmour Pat Lendzyk Iris Pidperyhora Verna Rawlyk

Mary Sapieha Patricia Trischuk Sofia Werezak

NOTICE TO THOSE WHO HAVE TRAVELLED OUTSIDE OF SASKATCHEWAN If you have travelled outside of Saskatchewan, we ask that you not come to church or to the office for 14 days from the time you have arrived back in Saskatchewan to protect everyone’s health and safety. Also, anyone, ie) family members, who are coming into Saskatchewan from another province or from international travel are asked not to come to church or the office for 14 days after arriving in Saskatchewan. - Fr. Ray


Confessions are held in the church hall and will follow COVID protocols and restrictions.

Saturday 5:00 p.m.– Confessions begin at the start of Liturgy until no one is in line. Sunday 9:00 a.m. – Confessions begin at the start of Liturgy until no one is in line. Sunday 11:00 a.m. – Confessions begin after the sermon until no one is in line. ]

We ask that you line up by the confessionals in the church and one person goes down to the hall. When that person is finished and returns to the church it would nice to let the next person know that they can go down to the hall.

THANK YOU Once again, our UCWLC members, in the spirit of prayer and sharing, are grateful to be able to have provided our parish family and our community friends with traditional Ukrainian Easter foods. An appreciative thank you to those who organized, made, arranged for COVID- safe sales and pickups, and helped in anyway where needed. Also, a heartfelt thank you to those who supported us with donations of prizes or made generous monetary donations to our UCWLC to help support our charitable obligations.

May your generosity be given back to you ten-fold and may God’s Blessings always be upon you! Rita Smysnuik


 EFFECTIVE MARCH 19, 2021, THE ATTENDANCE LIMIT AT EACH SERVICE AT SAINTS PETER AND PAUL IS 33 HOUSEHOLDS TO A MAXIMUM OF 150 PEOPLE ACCORDING TO NEW PROVINCIAL REGULATIONS.  Those wishing to attend Divine Liturgy on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings must pre- register with the parish office. To make a reservation, please contact the parish office either by email ([email protected]) by Friday at 4:00pm or by phone (306-343-6516) during office hours. No walk-ins are allowed.  Sit together with members of your household or your 10-person bubble only. Please sit only at the places with a cross made out of tape on the pew backrest.  MASKS – All children age 2 and older and all adults are required to wear a mask during the entire service even if you are vaccinated. Only children under the age of 2 are not required to wear a mask. Masks will not be provided so it is necessary to bring your own. Please put your mask on in your car or outside. If you are not able to wear a mask then we ask that you do not attend Liturgy.  The church only opens 15 minutes before the start of Liturgy. An orange pylon is placed outside one of the doors to let everyone know when the doors are open.  At a Liturgy without preregistration, please sign in with the usher at the door when you get to church. This is necessary in case contact tracing is required.  Divine Liturgy books are available at the back of the church to borrow and take home or return after.  Please do not move around the church. Remain at your seat for the entire service except if you have to use the washroom. Please enter and exit the pew from the same aisle (i.e., do not walk across the empty pews).  At the end of Liturgy, please lower the kneeler, because this helps to indicate where sanitization is required after the Liturgy.  Eucharist is given in the hand with a dry host only. Eucharist will be given at the end of Liturgy. Please practice physical distancing in the communion line.  Those who are medically vulnerable and at high risk should consider not attending Divine Liturgy at this time. Liturgies on Sundays and major feast days will continue to be posted on YouTube. The obligation to attend Liturgy on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation is still dispensed by Bryan.  Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.


Saints Peter & Paul Ukrainian Sunday, April 25th at 2:00 p.m.

The 2020 Annual Report is ready and available for pick up at the Rectory during office hours or at the church for those that have registered to attend Divine Liturgies. If you would like a copy of the Annual Report and are unable to pick one up please call or email the office 306-343-6516 or [email protected] to make other arrangements.

Due to Covid restrictions the Annual General Meeting will be different this year as we will have to have internet participation as well as personal participation in the church. Details of how this will happen will be communicated as the date for the Annual Meeting approaches – probably after Easter sometime.


Since the beginning of the pandemic, a good number of parishioners have started to make their donations to Saints Peter and Paul via e-transfer. Making e-transfers might work for you too. This method can be used for parish, eparchial, and other collections for which the parish issues tax receipts.

Make a donation to Saints Peter & Paul Parish directly from your bank account using your online banking or your banking app on your smartphone. Make “Saints Peter and Paul Church” the recipient and use the parish email address, [email protected]. The parish is set up for autodeposit so no secret questions and answers are required even though you may be asked to set that up. Call or email Theresa in the parish office if you need more information or help. ------The Redemptorists are also set up for e-transfers. Use “Ukrainian Catholic Mission” as the recipient and the email address, [email protected]. The Redemptorists are set up for auto-deposit so no secret questions and answers are required even though you may be asked to set that up. This method can be used for Christmas or Easter gifts to the clergy and bishop as well as Sorokousty offerings. The Redemptorists do NOT accept e-transfers for Liturgy stipends.

2021 ANNUAL EPARCHIAL APPEAL “GIVE & it will be GIVEN unto YOU (Luke 6:38)

This weekend marks the kick-off to our 2021 and 6thAnnual Eparchial Appeal. The Appeal will run April 10th/11th to May 23rd/24th.

Our theme for this year is “GIVE & it will be GIVEN unto YOU”. We already know that our Ukrainian Catholic Faithful in our indeed give generously in all aspects of their life. We are humbly and respectfully asking you to share a small portion of the fruits of your labor to help promote our Faith and our Ukrainian Catholic Church in Saskatchewan. As in past years, the funds raised in the 2021 Annual Eparchial Appeal will go towards funding the costs of the programs offered through our Eparchial Ministries, St. Matthews Clergy Society and the Bishop Roborecki Foundation

Over the next few weeks, you will have the opportunity to learn more about our Eparchial Ministries and how they contribute to create Vibrant Parishes as a place to encounter the Living Christ. Next week the 2021 Annual Eparchial Appeal Video will demonstrate just how important it will be to earn your support of the Appeal and the Eparchial Ministries programs.

In the next week or so, you will be receiving your Annual Eparchial Appeal Letter Package in the mail, which will contain detailed information on the various Eparchial ministries and programs supported by the 2021 Appeal. As it has in the last five years, your gift to the 2021 Appeal will make a significant difference and will serve as a powerful witness of God’s love and mercy.

The 2021 Annual Eparchial Goal is set at $250,000. Each Parish in the Eparchy is assigned an Eparchial Appeal goal based on the number of parish families in the Parish. This may seem like a big number, however, when broken down to an amount per each Parish Family in the Eparchy, it amounts to approximately $100 per each Parish Family.

With gratitude and appreciation, we ask you to please find it in your heart to support the 2021 Annual Eparchial Appeal.

Please call the Foundation Office at 306-653-0183, ext 223 if you have any questions, or refer to our website at for more information.

Interested in your child learning a second language? Looking for Kindergarten for your young child?

Bishop Filevich Ukrainian Bilingual School is hosting a Virtual Open House on April 22nd, 7-8pm. Please call the school to sign up for the Zoom link.

The Kindergarten registration form is online:

Students will achieve functional fluency in both English and Ukrainian, while deepening their knowledge about Ukrainian tradition and culture, enriched by the Byzantine Rite in all of their learning.

Benefits of a bilingual education:

 bi- or multi-lingual students tend to have a better memory,  better problem-solving skills,  and are generally better at switching between tasks

About Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools:

Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools provides Catholic education from pre-kindergarten through Grade 12, rooting students in their faith, helping them grow in knowledge, and encouraging them to reach out and transform the world.

FOR SALE: Cabbage rolls - $20.00/3 dozen bag * Available 9:00-4:00 P.M. in the Parish Rectory *


* DEVOTIONS TO BLESSED VASYL VELYCHKOVSKY, C.Ss.R. – live-streamed from the Shrine in , MB. Every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. (SK time) the Redemptorists and Partners in Mission of the Yorkton Region will be live streaming the Blessed Vasyl Velychkovsky Devotional Services from the Shrine Chapel. This will continue during the pandemic. Please join us in prayer. Here is the broadcast link:

* QUEEN’S HOUSE RETREAT AND RENEWAL CENTRE – For and update on programs and spiritual direction opportunities, please visit

NEW 2021 Easter CD: “Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! Христос Воскрес! Воiстину Воскрес!”

St. Athanasius Parish, Regina, SK, is very pleased to offer a new CD of traditional Easter songs and hymns, in both English and Ukrainian! This recording was recently completed by several members of our Parish Choir, while following the 2021 pandemic protocols, including wearing masks and physical distancing. This was an intensive labour of love, and the music that resulted is a heartfelt expression of the Joy of the Resurrection that we wish to share with you! If a digital download is your preference, please contact Father Vasyl at [email protected] and a link will be sent to you for a download. Words to these songs are on St. Athanasius website: Here is a sample of the kind of hymns you can expect to hear on this Easter CD The CD’s are available by contacting us at [email protected] or by calling our parish office at 306-543-8008 (Tuesday-Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.) We wish you Peace and Joy this Easter Season and beyond! Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! Христос Воскрес! Воiстину Воскрес!

With Paschal Joy, Singers & Father Vasyl


To the Very Reverend Clergy, Monastics and Religious Sisters and Brothers, Seminarians and Laity of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada:

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24) Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The Easter event is filled with much dramatic activity! The women go to the tomb where Jesus’ body was placed. We are told that there was a great earthquake. An angel appears to the women telling them not to be afraid. Jesus is not there. Jesus has been raised. The angel then tells the women, “Go quickly and tell his disciples, He has been raised from the dead, and indeed He is going ahead of you in Galilee. There you will see him” (Mt 28:7). The women began to run from the tomb. They suddenly meet the Risen Christ who tells them not to be afraid. Jesus tells them to “go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me” (Mt 28:10). That same message to go and tell others of what you have seen and heard, that Jesus, the Messiah, our Saviour, has risen from the dead is repeated again and again in our Easter Sunday Divine Liturgy. When the eleven disciples went to Galilee, the Risen Christ greets them and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Mt 28:16-20). This great commandment is directed not only at the disciples. It is directed to all of us, to the followers of Jesus Christ. All of us share in the duty and privilege to announce the Gospel. All of us share in the mission to preach the Good News to all people. Our nature as Church, as the people of God is always missionary. We are all called to evangelize and to give witness to Christ’s presence in the world through action and love. This is why the Gospel message is read in so many languages during the Easter Divine Liturgy. Let us begin by telling our family members of God’s love. Many of our family members experience God’s presence through the light of a dimly lit candle. Sometimes this happens through one’s own choice. At other times, it can happen through circumstances beyond one’s control. Yet, even with a dimly lit candle, there is always hope. Jesus Christ is the Light of the world. Christ can fan the light of that dimly lit candle into a light that burns brightly and is inextinguishable. With confidence and courage, let each of us share our faith with others. Our faith is a precious gift that has been given to us by Jesus Christ to be shared. It should not be kept to ourselves but shared with others, beginning with our family members whom we love. Together, we are on a mission. May we find hope and courage to go out and preach the Good News. Take as an inspiring example the creativity of many who have provided online sharing of worship and prayer as we responded to the challenges of this pandemic. While the light from gathering in our parishes was dimmed, the light of sharing our faith was illuminated through the internet. Remember, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, that we do not walk alone in this mission. Jesus Christ promises, “I am with you always until the end of the age” (Mt 28:20). May your hearts be aflame with passion to know the Risen Christ. May you be inspired to share your faith in Jesus Christ with others. May your hearts be filled with overflowing joy on realizing the presence of the Risen Christ within you. May you know the peace of the Risen Christ. May your Easter celebrations be filled with much joy, inner peace, and heartfelt love shared with your family and with all whom you love and meet in the exciting journey of life. God’s choicest blessings be upon you, because Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! Sincerely Yours in Christ, + , OSBM, Metropolitan Archbishop of Winnipeg + , Eparchial Bishop of Edmonton; Apostolic Administrator of New Westminster + , CSsR, Eparchial Bishop of Saskatoon; Apostolic Administrator of Toronto + , CSsR, Bishop Emeritus of Saskatoon + , OSBM, Bishop Emeritus of New Westminster + , Bishop Emeritus of Toronto Saints Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church Served by the Ukrainian Catholic Redemptorists

Church Location: 10th Street East and Munroe Avenue

Office & Mailing Address: 1202 - 11th Street East, Saskatoon, SK S7H 0G3

Office: 306-343-6516 Auditorium: 306-343-0033 Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Parish Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The parish office is now open to in-person visits. Please practice physical distancing and wear a mask when visiting in person.

Pastor: Fr. Raymond Lukie, C.Ss.R.

Associate Pastor: Fr. Michael Smolinski, C.Ss.R.

Deacon Thomas Nahachewsky

Administrative Assistant: Theresa Gogol President, Parish Council: Andrea Wasylow [email protected] Children’s Coordinator: Andrea Swann [email protected] Bulletin Editor: Michelle Alexandrovich [email protected] Submission Deadline: Wednesday 12 Noon

Divine Liturgy Schedule

Sunday Feast Days Daily 5:00 p.m. (Saturday evening) 9:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. (Ukrainian) & 11:00 a.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m.

Sacraments of Baptism/Chrismation Sacrament of Anointing-Visitation of the Sick Contact the parish office Contact the parish office – Emergency please call anytime Sacrament of Marriage Sacrament of Reconciliation - Confession Contact the parish office a minimum of six months in advance During Divine Liturgy/By appointment

The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon Covenant of Care Abuse and Misconduct Protocol is designed to ensure that all allegations of physical and sexual abuse and other misconduct are handled responsibly, transparently and with all due care and attention. To speak to someone about a concern please contact your Pastor, Parish Coordinators of Care (PCC) Theresa Gogol or Andrea Swann, at 306-343-6516 or Deb Larmour, Eparchial Coordinator of Care, at 306-653-0138 (Ext. 228) or email: [email protected] More information is available on the Eparchial Website.

Saints Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church Pre-recorded Liturgies on YouTube channel

Saints Peter & Paul will be posting a pre-recorded Liturgy for major Feast Days & Sundays on our YouTube channel.