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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-12-1914 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 08-12-1914 Journal Publishing Company

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Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 08-12-1914." (1914). abq_mj_news/1020

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. THIRTY.SIXTH YEAR. vm (.vxxviii. n. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1914, Dully bj Carrier or Mall, to Month. Kinglet Cople. 6 HOIIES PLANTED III CARBAJAL TURNS I War Bulletins. FYTFfJSIVF FHRfiRFMFHT . I I London, Mir. II. diatch to llic bfl LIIUI I L UIIUIIUL.IIILII GOVERNMENT OF I ai linage Telegraph company from IIIIPC Pari ni thul (In- - E leant from a reliable hoiiiii- - dial llic BETWEEN HOSTILE ARMIES OPMERS vlc-tor- Itusslan hate valued liiipiirlnnl ! IT MEXICO OVER 10 titer lln iiKirlHii". capturing 1E11M ninny prisoner ami war material, TO VESSELS ENGAGED IN llic mi'Mi-- of (ho battle art- - not ill-- ., IN BELGIUM BELIEVED closed. 10 BE Liken Result to Weissenburg CARRAfiZA MEN! Home. ug. II (tla I 'ail- -. 1:1:115 a. i,c:h vvun CARRYING NEUTRAL CARGOES Aiiif; vviiiiani in.) Italy lias cancelled lier pinllcl-imtlo- u First Victory Over French In in the I'liiiaiiut-I'ii- i Iflc mi. MATTER OF FEW DAYS ONLY Brazilian Minister Holds Inter- lion at Sail In IH.". on ac- War of 1870, I'ranrlwo count of the gratify of the olltialloti. i view With General Obre-go- n,

r UOBNIHJ Nearest Constitution- Pari, ut. It. 'IImtc lias lit GREAT BRITAIN GIVES FORMAL . JOUHL (MClAt LIAIIO illll "RESPECTIVE POSITIONS BEFORE Merlin, via Copenhagen to l.oiidii. alist Commander, undue excitement in pari otcr An. 12 (l::iu a. m.l The Lolia! An- - rt'isirti'tl losso or in Crcmli' xelger. WARNING TO UNITED STATES In an article dealing; with arms. 'I'll ere hate been painful! one German victory at Muelhausen LIEGE UNCHANGED SINCE CITY Alsace, say: VILLA'S FORCES NOT TO scent's, hottcM'r. around the iulnlirv nf war tin news ol cngagi'ini'iil. DANGERS IN NORTH SEA "The silence of the western iron- - OF tier following the brief but swift en ENTER NATIONAL CAPITAL lit'cat crowd of relalivcK of llic mil-- 1 WAS OCCUPIED BY GERMANS try of small forces of French Into tilers hate Ih'cii cokliif uanics of Altklroh has been broken by the bril- llio killed tir wounded No list liant news of our first oaitie i Jluci- - Itinerary of Cruisers Tennessee and North Carolina, Carry- Federal Armies Wait for Am- publl-lici- l. hausen. the Welssetiburg of 1914 liate Istti British Bureau of Information Says There Is Reason to Be Americans, Hut this fight was much more Inv nesty in Ab- ing Cargoes of Gold for Relief of Marooned Proclamation, Aug. Ml p. in.) In licve Kaiser's Warships portam than was that of Welssen- Paris. II (II;. Gocbcn and Breslau Have Taken Which connection with llic rcsrt of t hold a May Be Changed; Tourists Stranded Because of Great burs In 1870 (when the Germans sence of Another Refuge in the Dardnellcs and Probably Will Be Interned won their first important battle of ainoinr lltt Servian and Austrian of in Franco-Prussia- n Revolt Is Sure. troops was miitlc ttality War Not Now in Immediate Need Succor; Those the war), consider aniiouitit nicnt by Turkish Government During Continuance of War; In- In the number of combatants en to a medical Insllltiilou tluil shIih of Be I Northern Country Probably Must Seek Southern Ports gaged. thorium Imtc pioteil in lican cl'feclkvc vading Cavalry Is Spreading Out Over Belgian Country They Can Embark for Home; Estimates of Number "We understand the Freneh had cure. The preparation will he put ale fore three divisions of about 55,000 men the llHoMii tif the Hod ( rtiss. Trying to Locate Main Armies of Defenders; Many Minor P WITH of Citizens of This Country Caught in Europe Given Out Two ditision belonged to the Sev Fights Are Reported but None of enth army corps and also contained llrnsHcIs, Aug. II (ila I'arN.) nt Considerable Magnitude. by Department. u portion of the Bensacon corps, forces of German catalry vWih War City. Aug. 1 whose members are among the elite Mexico The galling gnus attacked on Tuestla.V representatives lira-- I of the army. We do not in Mexico of t rtglmciits of lancers near 1 Irlciiiool. rruih and Getman troops are fdcina each oilier lo lhe north of Verdun. . French 1ST MORNINC JOURNAL ' xll, Great Britain, and I IMCIAL l(AID WIRI1 $ know the extent of the artillery and twelve mile momiIi of l.ouvitlne. Tim j here have been numerous clashes of a minor nature, probably preliminary to Washington. 11. Mining t Guatemala and General Ituriilde, Auk. "'whatever. Personal telegram from civllry engaged, but we believe that hitler routed tin enemy al flr- -t hut governor of district, an rxtenie engagement in lhe near future. th North sea us part of the plan of !,,. ui,.m. if ,,.,, of the French in Muelhausen have now the federal later retired liefore strong reltr may t today met General ('arranxa. The mo European war not oniy close tht, form(.r Mated that a new idea of the value of Krupp forceiiicnls. rrpeclive positions of the German and Belgians before Liege ap- - of European ports , . . chief nf the constitutionalists at most the northern S'C.ravehage In Sran- - nuns. I'inlillnit hu hcen rcMimetl on llic parcnllv are uiuhanged. navigation, me goia Teoloyucan, according to advices ' to out lauen dinavia. Senator Oliver of Penn-- 1 "Naturally the French would nsve frontier from St. Tro.i.l lo .l,lolae. (.mixers Tennessee anil North Caro- receh ed here. Cmnan forcM are nial, C((rcful 1eu,nMmMcri n ,ie tllslitf 0f Hc,. sylvanla. cabled he weil in 'fortified the positions at Muelhausen . . . that wis it The at rhA mo.'tim' u The t.cnnaii cavalry attemptetl to ...... , ,t lina and neutral passenger vessels w at but an army like ui "m-- ' to mean vvtu London unit ould return the first with earthworks, l'-- ".' li) iTiirvru mji vjcrniany take the onensive north ol bearing Europe will to arrange, details for the pro- - .i"lK" " toicd l""'r' Americans from opportunity. tho German army which takes for Urge. be new danger. tection of forelKners and their ! j clBlans. confronted with Tho ,,r i.-r-- At Hnnnncton Ureases by assault, would find them The government was on- - property duriii the entry Into j According lo I rench reports lhe Germans have been unsuccessful in their American his wife, who were reported ar- w vpi It e trout) ed t'V sucn formally advised during the day ly and rested as spies In Nurenheig, Is still stacles." British embassy here that Inas- the In nv l...n.ld nl (lia Cufmlin forrOlTn I be- t'an-anz- - ;inatle he British war office information bureau layt tliete is reason to - much as Germany had been "scat- which' STOHY Ol' ATTACK BY GKH.M W ask General to estab- lonixlit: office bus made no answers as l tering mines indiscriminately," Great () CKIISKHS Hfh a neutral xone In the capital. "Tlie tiermans liate etaciiaifti the 1PV(. ,lat t,f German cruisers Gocben and Breslau. for which British and vet to the stnie deiiartment'a inuuiry SI BMAItlNIX r- , from In Kraalllan minis- - fttrls al l.lcKe and It has . i f t- .11 Britain could nut burner refrain j addition the : .1 . . - .. wiiu.tHi-nr- own ports. through Ambassador Gerard. 4 N..HH.I ,1 hv Hit- It. lain us. ' ,lMl" "on.... uc tucii iriuBr in nil planting mines near her 1 L i,. i, Edinburgh, Auk. The Scotsman ""'!' In War Bulletin. i. (ernians apa ar to hate retreated Clashes between the Austrians and Russians so far have been of minor Is believed t- from the state dpartment at The It that Americans today prints the story of an eye-wi- northern ports will remain there for Mayor Mitchel of New York, todav Washington, will refiiest guar- - al other Hlnt. importance. to Washington, w uamu-m,omarin- a 11 teen - army the present or make their Tt ay south sent in for ths safety of tho resl- "The condition of the llclulan A Shanghai dispatch says Japanese soldiers have Mar- 45.000 embarked on and to such ports as ton, Jr.. special representative ui l-- dents of Mexico City. Is ood. There was no fiuhtliitf southeast " .ubmarlne l waa loat. seilles or Lisbon to obtuin passage the mayor's "committee for the re- - W Handits lust ntxht held tip und transHirts and are awaiting orders. for United States. lief of New Yorkers In Europe, wr)0S !Ue cruiser me"'"' robbed the express car of the dispatch the story runs, suaoeniy umiuir f j A Copenhagen announces that Russian mobilization will be opened headquarters In Washington. 'the Mexico-Pachnc- a oh- - May Change Itinerary. . suo- - train. Thv (11:2(1 p. m.) ti- -; . . .. . nunrn of-- - the nvuroach of the Paris. Auk. II complcle on August 21. j ne war ueparimeni uinay tssueu - - tallied 123,000. As a resull of An itinerary for the cruiser Ten- ... ., marine, flotilla. The enemy was sub- loiiioliili'M ullli the 111crlcHi1 ambits- - . . . I 111 I - j ... lie lOUOYI UlUlfllll HIIUU1 AUK robbery, .Several warships have th tsrilisli squadron ill Last nessee and North Carolina bearing inerged. only the periscopes snowing the all traffic has been jMJMor'B r,.i,.f eoiruiilitcc started fori Australian Joined runs in Europe; . stopped on f millions in sold for the relief of; !v u uni.r.,r-i- nf thi w.iter. The the lllldaa'o branch of Swlici binil IimIuv. The comtiilltce Asiatic waters. Tn olspatcue. from August 4 down the Natloiisl railway,- , Americans has never been announced) 'uitrtp of lhe British in the, face of will nishur fuiHls to Americans Recruiting in London for ' Itelatltes of Helizario goes on over seas service. tmt us both Great iirltain and Ger-- ! this attack was cool and the enemy Senator ,ne Dominiruea. who ills- - The Cunard liner Lusitunia, in her dash across the Atlantic, has rcach- - many have given warning of the ' ,"'" """r,"H' was utterly misled, when suddenly msterloulv sea, Doing " at appeared Just prior to the dis- - Mersey in safely. ilanscrs in the Aortn it is (.rui!er Birmingham, steamina l.on.lou. A mt. 12 a. m.) rd taken for Kiunled neither 1" """ rB- 1 " first This t solution of conm'ess last October (: here that "" "l full n..ed fired the shot. CoM'ithiiteii dispulch lit the Ihtily Mall of the American wurships will yen-- j heard from every place, ana me, carefully aimed, not at the by President lltierln, claims to says iravclciH from Hcrlln assert thai j r ture into those waters. After touch- must submerged body of a submarine, but have exhumed the body of the l:i l A Ft FFT ROTTI Fl) UP AND It must , serious rioist lire (HfiirruiK' nicer tinny ing at Falmouth, England, the treas- be taken into account. also thin line of the periscope senator in Coyoucan, a nearby NORTH TRAFFIC IS RESUMED much of this is at the ! in of lhe grout rise in Slwi ure ships probably will land at some tie remembered that "The gunnery was superbly accur suburb. Doi.ilnKuea made a ctinsetiicnce i and actual count. j speech - prices of food. I 'l ull, bread, potatoes port In France and then head for estimated, not ate and shattered the periscope Just1 before his dlsappear- ltil-l- a. n - are the fooiMufrs. llic Special the .Mediterranean, endeavoring, it Is Tlioe SI ra tided in Thereuuon the submarine, now unce, in which he attacked Pres- and sail aiiiouir (3y Morning Journal leased Wire.) - lilt- -' ident His char- price of which has bounded up F 1 thought to reach Americans in both "Willi these oiialificHtinns, the t.tin.Ioii thinir. rushed along under Hueila. friends lie ON DON. Amr 2 (3:10 A. M.), Two salient. nointi, cineiae from he was mcmloiixly. a 1....!...... l.... ' ' Germany and Austria from points In est is that Americans ln!WHt,.r jn danger of self ed that later arrested and " 1.1 . . .1 ... . 1 Information imminent me news 01 trie great war. he. first and most sinking is what is d? the Adriatic. are as follows: collision with the taken to Coyoancan and they are keeiiers tiave hcen arrested and lln lr laieM jstruction from (shops .Neutral Ports llliH'kailcd. "In St. Petersburg. Yladivostock. f.....iH(1.- - Hboye. endeavoring to have the persons closed hy the police. Paper is scribed here as "lhe silent victory." j they accuse the shooting ar-- M'I.. foo l r arjM)1ul One diplomatist pointed out today Moscow and lliga, between 200 and sightless submarine whs then f of refused etcrswhere and y Q ,,R. ffm mn wlit, am05, - j where-llon- j.sila- Iks iiil'i'liiawitil iritlil illlil na-30- France. 200; IJersen, U) to surface, tested. '.... that the ports of .our neutral Dlnard. forfe(j come the silence has brooded so long, is now open to shipping without serious danger. Norway. Sw eden, Denmark anil j Norway, 30: Venice, 500: Lisbon, --'!: U,on the Ulrminnham's Munner tired dcr. to. the Netherlands, as well as one ofSweden, between SO" and TTiO: Home 4ne gP,ond shot of the fight. This 'The steamship smite from Dcninaik to London and from New - IV MOSWIN JOURNAL the beHiueivnts 'BelHium were and vicinity, l,u"w: iienevu. struck at the oase or me cou- PICItl. LtAftlQ Willi Hriixw'K Aug. II (ila Norway is being resumed, while the steamship service between the Hook of Washington. Aug. 11. peace 200: wnote or The l,...ting jracticalb' blockaded through the,Gull, Switzerland. nini tower, ripping the ine l:5 a. ... attempt , , , , , ; , 5 ful of govern- h ff nQ il(,mlpion promiscuous lilanting of mines in the Prance, 300; Barcelona, upper structure clean and the transfer the reins of hy Holland j j j 3i. - Germany lo enter from j sev-jer- ment at Mexico City from Carha- North sea. "in Havre, France, there were sank like a stone. the the north by clewing Ihifeh Limbing, I hese facts, in lhe opinion ol lhe authorities here, imply that the Uernian - on jal Administration to the The llamie 'which re- hundred, but many have left "The remainder of the submarine constitution which would oblige lhe Hclgiiiii to!fl...f tl1P U safely held in check, he second point is that French convehlion alists actually began today, according lar i,me ,e,ia. l iilutes use mines, ships. In the three German wnterlnn fled." on . , .. , , the of the contact flotilla to cover llic rronucr inni sine, ine;. m..u .i . , :,;..... ,;, .tiiiKioiou tii..f t,(ii.r.rcntu uhu nincps of Carlslind. Marianbad and official ud vices to the state depart- Belgian government has usketl Hot- - nave Deen ooiiyru 10 cvacuinc iYiununu.M ii miu uhucj m iniuuiin uvoimv iu ment. to do utmost "to Frazenbad, there was an estimate of THtMJPS OX to assurances of her Inten the town. ' undertake their i.'ukxch troops land glte render these harmless within 1,000, but we have no definite lnror GKHMAXS The federal evacuated the in event Dutch neutrality Is the of the. mines ITtOXT IIGHTING capital, city tions tin' According to German reports this was first important bailie a limited time, and should they cease niatlon leaving the in churge of Violated. municipal police, who, by the French, who had 53,000 men, suffered a serious check. to be under surveillance, to notify Many Arc In Italy. Paris. Aiijf. 12 (I2:S0 a. m.) The agreement, campaign and has front were to be regarded as neutral. The position shows little change. great battle is expected as to ditiiKer zones as soon as mili "In Italy, the total estimate French troops along the entire London. Aug. 12. The Times In Belgium, the A tary exigencies (i,500, in part as fol- in Germans. At federals withdrew from the city to a permit." been distributed are contact with the iinlill-li- i! a dispatch from Purls lhe line between Thionvillc and Liege between the Germans erflun, tn nearby point, there to await an an- somewhere on Formal Notice of Danjter. lows: Manglennes, northeast of says that lhe report Unit Mon- 300; Milan, Freneh fort nouncement of amnesty from General which and the French and Belgians and it is thought probable it will occur within a Naval believe, how- "Genoa, 500; Naples, Germans attacked the occupy Mount Taialxscli. observers here c a- - Carranza. Should guarantees be re tenegrin" 2,000; Florence, 700; Venice, ooo: Monday evening, few days. ever, that in view of the titanic fused, officials here do not doubt that dominating Scutari. Is confirmed. tanift. 150. Tho French reinforced bV reserves, I lo struggle this article in the convention a counter-revolutio- n will be imme- The Germans have occupied ongres, and are repoiled have captured ".No given repulsed 1 . . will bo of little moment. definite number 'romjthen took the offensive and diately i.oiiiioii. iiia. i 11:111 n, in. r ns set in motion. twenty-fou- r link's tro.n Liege. Norway. Only guesses are omainaoie rip-ma- with considerable losses, A a a railway station The formal memorandum present- Interview Ohregon. .Sews received here from ih as to London and suburbs. The last j A 0(,rni8n battery was destroyed by iiiarchiiig Into lhe ... ttnlmnm no pieat ball e is ike v lor some time lo come as the ed by the British charge d'affaires The Brazilian minister to Mexico Sen Inn troops are r,...i was delivered to state department guess was 10,000; In Denmark aooiu,the Fl.en(.h artillery fire, and anoth Interior of Bosnia. They are at pres engaged behind frontier points covering actions in the to whole ' who Is caring for the interests there respective armies are so neutral fla?s 500. A general estimate as W((g ,ap,ureji ith three gattllng ent liefore SHrayevo. Tint Servian le- that ships under of the United States, and Governor concentration. might be back. of Switzerland, auout s,u. guni and ammunition. gation here uat lhe source of tills the work of turned specified ttiirbiele. of the Mexican federal dis- the elusive Ger In only one or two places in Eur- places have not been minis. A ,m),nt of Gel.mun cavalry suf Information anil it wart mlilcil inert In the naval sphere there is no news except a report that they are included In this general ypar trict and a commission of two others, hcen ope, notably at Genoa In Italy, and list .,.,,... Moncel. a Her left that the Montenegrins had and Breslau have reached the Dardanelles, where, in ac- edti'mate during the day for Tulu. north lhe man cruisers Goeben in Sweden, does the financial em- maft battalion with artilteary was re - in lutliiiallii, capturing' al 120: In of Mexico City, where General obre- - will be dismantled and interned until "In Nice. France, about are said bayonet xliit the towns of II lo- cordance with law, they barrassment of Americans continue, to The German losses gon, commander of one of the three today London, 600: nothing specific as heavy. and Spetsoe. according to reports received estimate to have been big divisions of the constitutionalist veoii the war is eiitled. by Secretary Nearly of Paris and suburbs; latest in the Cologne Garrison. all The village of I.agarde. German army, has headquarters. General Car- In the political spline are two interesting items. According lo the be- was 7,000. by Biiksc: (tin ParK Aug. II.) The European movernments are territory, was taken the French ranza is expected to go there once. will invade Servia. It is Tin Marooned in Spain. at Briewel papers state that, the Invad- Rumania has joined the triple aliiame and lieved to lie desirous of establishing at th point of the. bayonet. The commission Is trying to arrange Gaetle. heavy 'In Spain, outside of Barcelona, under tin- - pretext, that Belgian Servian and Montenegrin arms have cflected a credits with America to draw the details of the entry of the consti- ers reported from Celtinje that the upon quan 50 are reported at Madrid and 23 at soldiers hud fired from house, hurtl- In payment for the vast ARBITRATION WILL tutionalist forces. No definite word ( Tashhji). 157 miles from Novibazar. where they a.e of San Sebastian. ed a, number of homes at London, junction at Plrvlje tities of food and supplies other ha been received here up to to- - they hope j late propaganda in Bosnia, which kinds which they must have during "One hundred and fifty Americans BIG STRIKE seven inlli-- s soul Invest of Tlrlctnoiil, awaiting the result ol the revolutionary 9 by PREVENT the and for left St. Petersburg on August ((nnllnuril u 1'iure Two.) In the protiuce of l imhurg. of that country. continuance of hostilities Ameri- will facilitate their occupation long time afterward. way of Finland. About 500 cans In Sweden have been gathered mv MORNiNa jousnm. c.iai. iuiid wish Credit for Americans. Chicago, Aug. 11. Plana for the ar ed as a prelude to a German offensivn Secretary thinks, there- at Esbjerg." ISV MONIN JCiUHKAL CIL ltA0 ,! Garrison wage demands of the 11 London, fi.lfl nioveineiit to the north of Liege. It Is panicky A total of $740,000 had been bitration of the Brussels. Aug. (via fore, that as soon as the first n .engine crews of western railroads to Associated Press Finds It p. lieKiin Monday thought that they may foreshadow feeling Is condi- at the treasury and m.j Hostilities over and financial lir-1- - tt big day had progressed to the point where ,,, i :iv:ill- and the more important fishling and tions have been readjusted, the mere up to the opening of business individ- the opinion was expressed that hear Difficult to Get News outposts in the llestinye battle in two or three days. Announcement that the I'nited States hours today for the relief of gian cavalry who want to ings would begin within two weeks. distri.-- Is to the wist or any has deposited spe-el- e ual Americans abroad district. This individual money depositee! general managers' committee has Mciise and :it.M s ii:i i:Ti.i In an American bank, subject to come home. The Is The XKW YOP.K, Aug. II. Advices to the Press rioin 'of Liege and north of the by theirjnot yet its representatives, es of LicK'-- (iu: mi J IIACSKV the European countries. on this side of the Atlantic announced London slate that an iiicMeaaingly rigid censerhi is heing lmKscd tin forms pert of tin- prot no nil draft from AV. HI warrants drawn by the. treas- but A. Trenholm, chairman of all matters ri om Binssels. delay on jl. und Nam nr. be sufficient to establish credit friends, This increases lhe such dlsiatches as im burg Paris. Auk. 11 (via London, S p. 111. i Every- ury corresponding amounts paid that organization, said thnt the names allowed lo come through. begun a system-- I for Americans In Europe. and ait' j The Germans have According to late advices tho Ger- orders from the state probably would be published Thurs The, Cable in or-d- where on the continent Americans under cabled coiiiuinv. which, except Ihosc vtltii terminals a it; reconnriltcrinK of llesbiiye mans made a determined attempt to ar- day In the British mis, Is v of re gathered at the seaports and department. ila the direct line lo Kurnpe notv to discover the positions the take the positions occupied by th The men have named F. A. Burgess, in operation, has given congestion on . avnlry ranging for transportation notice Hint tlie its lines is such Helglsn- field army. Their Freni h outside M ui'lhaiisen, but HAS assistant chief engineer of the Broth- that all MtcsMiitch are subject delay -- dc-- I GERMAN STEAMER to a minimum of fort) eight patrols are followed by iiifantry failed. The Germans did not de- erhood of Locomotive Engineers and hour, fu an crfort to tills of As- Official reports to the state avoid delay direct tllsiiaichc Hie tiiehmenis. the town. partment PRECARIOUS VOYAGE Timothy Shea, assistant vice preelJent sociated Press rrom ParU being through from Hamburg today are routed loudoii hut the (in Sunday German cavalry passed cleared of the Brotherhood of Locomotive delay I also tery great. llsMtlche which left Paris early up the last apprehension for nc. ithe outskirts of l.lxlie, followiim a TWO GLISMW t Itl 'IM US MY he In Ger- WISH Enginemen. They will tcrday are lielng received with delay from fifteen lo safety of Americans the 'V MORNIN9 JOUSNAL MCIAL L(IIO Firemen and a of iseveiileen of th- - province of III: IM I liM I BY Tl'IIK man men by the or more hours, ami oilier siitTereel even route 10 the soiilli empire, with the exception of Boston, Aug. 11. The Herman confer with two selected Paris dispatches hate greater Tongr.'s und Trond. those Brit- to agree upon two neu- tlelay In transmission. There is absolutely no direct Limbing to .t. special cases which have been steamer Koln. after eluding four roads and try communication proci'eillng London, Am;. 11 11' .30 p. 111.) today. with Germany or Austria hy any A few 'and evidently taken up hy Gerard. trals to complete the board. Falling routing. censored dispatches cav-jTh- Ambassador ish cruisers, made port here Mesbave. Two hundred German e adiiiiralty and war office Infor 29 pas- agree, part of are coming through via London and these are for tran-mtsKl- Tourists Are Comfortable. She left Bremen on July with to they will turn this have already mation iiureau gave out trie following The ac- of out or Lngland. Tin-- Associated Prcwt has Iteen making airy with 'fui' little colony In Hamburg, sengers for Texas and freight for this their task over to the federal board etery miles to tonight cording effort to com m unit a I with Germany through the wireless companies rcuched Hiumiii. seventeen to consular dispatches, is not port and New Orleans. mediation. "Tin-r- Is good reuson In only from Xew York. On Sunday a message was sent tit Ber- the northwest of Liege. in comfortable circumstances, On August 4 she was within four Both sides will be represented by oenited the German Breslau and but lin bureau of lhe Associated IVew wirelcsn company Engagement taken place the cruisers cheerful and disposed to regard miles of the British cruiser Drake, but counsel at the hearings. and the notified hae Goeben have taken refuge In the the any danger os It liael lwcit received In Germany, but since I lieu only frag- principally along the line between situation as free from fog saved her from capture. The next that Dardanelles and will be dealt with mentary signals have been exchanged over that system. Tlrleroont and St. Trond and half way day Bhe passed near the Venerable Kleaincr Sails for UverlMml. according to international usage. , Inability to secure wireless communication Willi Germany slnco between Ezcmael and lussenhaven. two days later was within ten Boston, Aug. 11. The steamer "There also Is good reason to be- FORECAST. and lhe 011111119 of tlss'tlirent German cable at lhe out break of lhe war (There have been other engagements WEATHER Suffolk. The steamer's Arabic, line, uail- - lieve that the mas of German troop miles of the of the White Star and the Increasing rigor of the Jjondon censorship sllll further Tongtes. course was altered three days ago in sailod today for Liverpool. Among her near on the western German frontier nro Washington, Aug. 11. New what has actually transpired within thei military xone. cavalry is reported to .order to avoid the Essex, whi"h was passengers were a number who had MKiAiLLi; six)m:, The German distributed between Thlonvllle, a for- Fair Wednesday, except local by for Leyland k hav been everywhere repulsed with tified town in Lorratne, seventeen j heard asking Halifax wireless Intended to sail on the liner Asocla(e'd howerg southeast; Thursday, fair. General Manager, The lres. engagement regard- - news of Gennaa vessels. Canadian. - ...... (loss. These are miles north of Metis, and Liege, and TWO ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 12. 1914.

.cations but (he Germ. an i barged with j release in 13" till hta capture In XARABAJAL TURNS GOV- - I..) iMirti nod dcstn cd everything. I Ik FILIPIIJDS BULL MOOSERS Stone Jars, 15c per gallon 1hv i. n were ptil to flight ME l' li an! hi fu'ilowera collected ERNMENT OF MEXICO at imdonlng arm in gnat twenty a ween from numbers. each of OVER TO CARRANZA Stone Churns Stone Milk Pans he tie hired. hia fulluwrera und fn-u- t ntly by furce MEN i ne Herman and 1 r tl govirr.. from all the penple In their locality. men's have reout I (he American TERRORIZED Th,ae who refimed tit wy woud bt OF ILLINOIS IN ( nll. I nn face Oae.) ,, I All Sizes viiiliiwy intervene with the pur-Pw- e made au exam (.It-- of wheu We Have a Good Stock of mnie nitfht day a. to Provlcionitl n of fixing a time the mrr. Itaat on their xu.ird. The diffi. uity Ireid t'arln. fr Jill lint It wua he ,.,. ctiantmcn of ih,. fM,i to .put f Keliie to a num- - unilirntood PHONE 74 countries lai'turink' u due leave the for mu, the Port i.f hostile one epltul Vera i'rut ounlt of facia. After t hia taiuH CAMPAIGN n;-x- i. BLOOD n ns hr HOT the t twer.ty-fou- r hnura. Thursday morning ull Amen, an had i onimitteU i'line utrinity they - With the entry of lh- c,nt itutu,B. desiring t,. depart f..r the United would itinti'Iy diaaolve, the men kuIiik & MAUGER almt folic In Mexico City, the (UM. RAABE I 115-11- were mile the embinwy to to their humii und hiillnu auch arm 7 North First Stri-i- l l. turn of r'eonltlon of the new giiveri,. be enrolled. ( they might When tha etin-C!fli- i ment will confront Waahlncton Thrii The firm i.f m fight- Cap- -' marched for then, there wa Colonel and Miss ht I,.,, the StateS Officials Roosevelt Is every reaaon to lirlirva that rvioj. ing Waa published today. It . '"'"filly t to tx founj. Alao contained j r i Ind in nitlon would he withheld until there inly sixty-fou- r name. lUre UU'iil'V u'iU LXt'tUtC! hui f.Uown r ao f.inatic that they Jane Addams Will Join pin making i in all i' ruiwB .n. in,itt on vfn .. nr. the Manr rumnr wMili not b, tray him while the other :( ! are in rii,ti!atin tipra4on of the BLAKEMORE ol .me. i'i ncn Him for Njnerous Crimes petiple living Whirlwind Ficht to Make: i"h THOS. I'r-i- : here. Among in th country were o Firm h In that part thrm are statements i pie fcw.ird' lb Kwvernm. nt ra It, I urn. h in him n. fTr-Kl- . PIHI.CTOI. AND f !'. u: Kit. ,.g"l w tl III d Xamur. Ikiiiiii. an. Hefrt, France, Against Order. terror of thai they did Good Sno'.Mng, i oiitaine.1. rts ad not dure Rive any Information of hi IMI.ALMUt have Men captured. There In no t rtimiuietitur advices lire bk.uh (m, l l 1 t J H'uveiiietn or the movi of ' CkmiSBrrvtal Clb lUtl Opp. t.l ItM l.opl AM ui the reiati are believed metiti n(f from relinhle aourcca thnt t;,.,,. .n r h, r,. ! Ik-- w ill r. o. mtoi iiw in shots iru. Manila II -- I. July. lVI.!f . . , iviciu cMmmMaci i. mmiim jwmiu I't.iI Villa not march folllh i i I ne urnuni oiiin uny oi ail waa I'hl. Auk. 11. With Mate and i hia men ordered Ly hut assistant ,- I mi the rr,.. in. e of ...... , . .... , ., aK. I'arrana. Mcxk . uuc iw i I., i iii ii fi.ts wen evi- . ntfreiwional headquarter now open. ; will remain In the north and d mIIK AJbuejorrtjue n. Sal-- I r I m- i - l'amiHni:a h ui mi. d Felipe In every a. m i(. if., n here hh- HI I dent oulhrak of thia kind and the ilatel prlinarl, harely u 'a convention of repreaentativej ,,f n, KM l o II TI I I , , l n h y ii. .m thil .i rm hi h, ruil.ine f ador. r wanted the throuKhout the rhilippine Ulunda, month awny, the prosreeaive cam-'arm- an acreed to In the Tortcm inn. "" r a that the politician habitually j la , i. i..n lm..n. mt. it it: in a. m.) A S"vernmnt u he waa the leader uatie paian in lll noi tiwlay in full awing. ference. Should thia if refused hy i i the f.r, th.- f :m i .rt. Maa-tr- i. n ! )i. Mcretly tied u,h Kind a thone tf.l,-lil- tate chairman, a new revolution in lrraine i held ( uat .f Ii.t.h to the Standard from of hand ui the n une i.f l Mit'ormi.k. 'farranza th f tin- i. hnie, ti J ';', ta in in uninjured l n Kdiite Salvador to act ompiixh predicted of a 'north would not he aurprlfina In Pghtly further uth h the kIioL mI. i rrnin-tio- erty, f.-- r I many their the election progreaaive mnt : t- r- i, had ommute. - 'he f i.l, t . n own enda. maw he per-- , t'nlt-- d 'There in rxrry ind,. ,ti..n li..t th- ( r. of bo.lien of ;.rn-,.- .litn-- r ennu-- This a mere to the State senate, thia fall 'hiuh official here. t hi(i )t l and otne of the A ! . . N .St .ir.j ,(nti.m l!l I l aonal end u..h Ketlini; even in. in lllinoi propreaaive The attention of Secretary lirjsn Austrian hate entered l! tr,.j., at tuiil y fumlivrs , wrlhjsn r'a.e the r, m I K Lut 'ai lm ijii.l .f !i of J'ttt'd, a the i!;'ti I I.i;on, the enemy ! iA by gm. the fort ut IJ. h- I ft es- - aoine or forcine the lower delegation the house of reprewnta-- I wu t.wlav drawn the Japanese 'xhctrd .It lot i jnrruiiitf th,rt. Ituniii; three auc ,.f I.,, k- - l f ,i !ar,T,t n t j I w been .'t l..p.. train r j and linpoi'ant of the ciaaar to obey them. It may be the live of from three to even, and the hasailor to a report hich ha, rem!). taken. .. jne u'htii aft. r the fuhliiii; at l.i, ire, - (r They r I tn in .(i.l the , J more try to honor, ' The mi.t illLiliim of the rit..r.'i! :the i,.!l.(t.d lr-.- t in1 l'hl!ii,ime i'i tole. For a n.any much dangerous end of ing ele. tion of lenty more nsembtr to.ed him the eirect that the r ! t.t , in il,i.!r,.l the i to Japanese ice Mania- - force ta at the point f tnptt tion. hi of thirty. hanged. The "a-- i convince Amerhaa official and the lllinoi legislature. iarv ronaul ut , 'Mti,.n. r r id.--, m ain Hi ,.f f hn-,- iin.ved the lroe r Arnerican to! en-- nl'.lo. a Mexican, had been am-n- t Some of the units the .foe held and military aal'.itea wer f ired r ,,,' i of importance, a that the disorder la due Colonel lltHwevelt la expected to ! Kit I'- - i Th- - .,i!i ne.-- t accepted liability to nette its. a, riry i . h w i 11 h t hua nothing more than a atritic people jter I!!, no: after the pti-!- '' eonflltulionalsai. secfeUrjr 1 '"ct hcaii. liMii .i "'"at rate happened .. !!.. ere'H t turn on foot then Icing Ki".l f.. vatl-iBr'"- ,,,r I j ulji-rju- nuo me Volunteer are l! t"lt II different j.aria f the I on lt' u,r,r jence. neee mat ie tu tour the state in behalf i""'"'" i"o caf Tir:t nii'iii. - caudi-ia- Immeiitaiety a message 14 their rx.tmt, men oua o.'c.iaionn a .d what may well hap- - 'end are caaily ac ompliahej by fur- Kavrnond lioliins, proKleaaive d etn Ai l.i f .;,( fr.,: l..tilonl '"" 'l'hiitn,l t.i the Hil r . h .,." ordii'it """'f 'iiifthing uch a leader aa Felipe with 1,1,,.,- - f.,r a. J. Hever- - 'Inquiry to American Conaul unat "Kitrlirtirra rra) f t '- -" pen again. the nate. Allert the ; nimi s I m.ny lllm-H.'"- '" IT.v.i.t the te,-rui- t . . r iii t,r,' money, j re, cpeech-- ln lhe waa an B. t,j, t,n the fr,,t" e i information and hatevtr idge only ntly completed a si int; u h i 't.i -- l ''""'" l'""'i"K liono to the Feli. In the pno ince of ' ' ; the n' h.oif f..r hit'iin. will t ! f n h.'f help he may happen to need. .making in behalf of Kobin. and ''" " w ore the gafely of lb, al t, lir IliKht. Th. i fore., were ,,n ,i i,.i, a a hoy he had re-ei- e, ;"" m...i it a,,;"- 1- ' lir City .iexni) S. N..i'!nn. "'"' VIIm I ;inry J Allen, progreaive candi late .'(' Jap.m'fe in the of ttna. ..tth. hi, I f. .1 I tn o h. no lnt' ("'' Mruae. to float aa. a certain amount of education CaiKnml. an,l I t't t.ii.'.i.l.a ciina !"""" of may he!l the i list itllt.onallsts lh( ttaterr. Ut,tn l .ir,. in the Maui:, ln.ol. Ijitt-- r lie be- - ln IS' and the early part of 1910 for goeitior Kuiiki, assi.--t in "A- - or.-lii- .i it i.. .1 i capital. int. rr . bull r w n ame a mm-town- practically no could be found the move aieaking campaign if ; ,Mirvin official in hi native trace of tm In timf of ,ir tin dn! i:r here. The of 1 III. 1.1. hhare the -; 'ii siidw i ii .1 i:m Th.s 1011 brought him into. leli,. Vuiii. d in liavie.t 1 1.1. v 1. t.iW n r. fiii- - in ' nun: wi.i mv - smi im; Hr!au h.n,' th ivamo l'l; M'ei.ktn-,- however, will fall I i.. I - con tat t ith ignor-- party reported that he had gone to 1 11 r.-i- i !! m: l INTO 1 fie Mir and ! CAItTIUIHil.S l) IHlKDITt tin fil 'i Alt i Iari!n 1 U xog. i . . i . i. . . . un, in ahouldern of nio-- l ma oii.Ihi, Ii, li:.Vj ant people up ma- -' vapan uy 01 , lex- -: r the lllinoia j I t titi f..'ir Jim whah make the m.i) iioiifinoiiK inai to,. .j h..iir,r.t , - I - j Ml ) A. l.lilg to an of ft, la ft it, i , , , SreuMvc orator Jlis Jane, K, Im- - I t .1 Ioii.i.hi. ug. j:ii,-- , ru I Jonty of the population of the Philip-- tera had h.en receded from him in raw Tcx Auff n. While Car. ml ,i a, ii rm writ 'I - j The hi tw r I Al,tlal""' n el II .ti,.itt..n at th .it of pine II,- . hfe l'harl,' Merriam. j were utl tin- - war. 1 Ii- - - t . i ,J iih Cbrorh le mihtarv expert at- - iland. took part in the in. h il waa ctated that he wa being '''"' rant;, f(,rcei pressing the ft ins wa 1; n, tiaiik l - , '.' . of aganmt given j irom tonsil.- city lhe villa troop tx.f-te.- Athena hen the highcut in:M, 11.111. e the aurreetion (wiin, excellent treatment and had P'oisienca iu)MfXf0 en ie f frm p. . e The .p n l ull that during I'liliah preaa i:n compbte been that the day would come ed ina. the and the nprthern lea.ifr muiKltni; aonthern exminity i.f . bureau' announ. failure an toll lie for fol.liit 0 .t the h. Id ennui senate llglil M..r ji, '.re . e. at full thi frnt. that "' ierman troon are to officer. Wh.n Aguinalli) organiited wheu the Japanem would help the tlM. icontinued his recruiting; and attempt. the . h - rn..rted in M At.ten.. hur. al l.i l,u- Af-- The se campaign, largely auoceiwful, In amuKghng murriniit la hat l;rntii.n th 'be entrenching along the ;,ne if rFV,dutl.n in 1S5 Felipe joined Filipino to gain Independence. j Itobin natorial nfin viere. a of a eniali the,'" ' ,n, mas .t " i"hrlrri. f nver Ai.-ne-." He comment-- . follow !lh Iwurgenf and waa given Ihe rank ter Felipe returned in 1910 and before anl fltht to fleet a progressive over the border here, f'arranza nt .1 a hw fmirl- n in file c.,ii panic, n n - in county, j a having today j "Thia m... r.s j of captain. l. n In the iiii.l.M of the hi capture he gathered a consider- idminitraiion Coolt of reported 1 that the orm..:ia in women ami iris were kicej and mi cr w hi, Ii flip Is 1 I AN HITS Alii'. 11 . metant r rpe-- in j ago the aeat, overhad-- hU headquarters at Queret:tro, l: ll II force have penetrated for i.sid. r.i-- 1 Jird and aluiM in ; ble band together the neightiorhood jift u.;iir..) - - AUW TO Mill's !Me into trated by Ag i.nildo ,.ldier on the 01 Mount Ararat. It waa reported by " the other battle of progressive in;mile northwedt of th- national capl- til'IMh French territory; ' .Filipino people, Felipe's thm tune that Jap- - Illinois thia ar. In Ihe Male prima- - j ta.. while troops under ..eneral I ifio,i the llelaian front h r. Th: mva- - lommaiid di. native at three .1 1 1 p,-r- I'MMIIHIT T i Law-Ko- n a, iitit.irlo, A The VbU.IMlAT 1 He-i- f w ' September S. Were reported almost on the 'ttaa ''on of far greater Import in. e from tinguivhed by the abuee- hich anee. iti.M... to be officer, who ; 'f Senator w,-r- 1 V l ' if omii.,1 111 I OK. I S - I. j Y. w til akirta of the nty. Canada ag:i.n hli mini in 1 military point of view than the, they onmiitt- going over the route from the rt nfe Sherman undoubtedly be p,-li- t i f An failed b Villa ag. nt Order lo the ll)..ciinut 'Flench in. umi.iii into AK.oe. The I,-,- l AgaiuM Aguliiaklo. Fort of liagnpan on the China aea to nominated on the republnan ticket.: attemid l 1 l.jr irlcllKlil. lUl.iiiin tU IoimIoii. - take fnia across the border rhlpping out of Montreal, mi lanil-i- . had visited this camp and had j s"ivan. gaa magnate i.nd 1 I .teim.m til ls! lul,' IMnetlalel in the ; A pr,ininii:t ! g. I 2. 12 a. HI. it'ht nig o, characterwtic of Fe dem.K-rati- c w Halifax were IbmioI )(-- nhty for :i r. , r,.r t- -.i i '"fan of a ir. cable strung o. r the r. up-;li- - ,,r,.i tim ....- former national commit, - - . ir of the h bn ns the l' waa .111 feeling. am. i iIh-i- i x l !t urn il is. tr h, i.- t.i P, tn- n intent- rehgiou i (Jrande Kl Paso. ream-i- uih pia iik lii. e .1 Ijmrc n.-- Ilio Just w,st of Tday I r re.u-h- of Aim:, iiu, iuh ..r ti,.. e.oie.ev- i.e teeman. and Concrewman - .,, I the The undoubtedly most onb-- M 1I10- t' .!t.,ui ,.iilr Piven, ri.rr Miicere but never Troops of the American border patml develnd that Ihe 10, I men. IE. Stringer, are the leading candidate fe-- re f o l of r,. n;i,--t t ; liiie i !eigi.n wete l a w i enin ing he preventing fr in resort ing to any t:i!iV Ih tiichting of a w.ihij in the In 'I kiia ..und. . ,tKa" a lr0 c;"'le '' tl pre of a strong t.o 'y , f infan- - j nece-fcir- y Fehoe Salvador' la an . the democrat nomination. Itobina "'r Ijiwrem e. t It reported that I ' " ft .Ierman' ean 10 accomplish his ureer Isi eii crossed. It waa aid that of ft. . hds lhe i'Vided upporl of the pro- - hu r- n- - lie!-gta- lrv. greatest d,ff:- -' '"' Wishing th - 111 the h) ..tti. ...d but the jend. The rehg.o.i eii(niiMasii) oper-11- 1 client exami.Ie of the part of aliipmeiit were arriving of a t.i lake no hnc on i e.-- give- F, hp,- - cultv whi, h we have to in gr.ssivc. li.,-- ti e lo h.i'.e th. ale. to idea a to his encounter .consignment otOeM uni.l. nt fa d a intiiat.on in. I Sulll-- j of nfb if. ,1m I IV M I l. Mo Importance The progreanivea believe that 1,i ord- d port-clie,- l. hted. an.) th, town l pif. t'y l'ltitl.l ni: winch waa not concurred by Viila In the United States. Tot craft, the auihontie th" van will win the democratic nomina-;ti.'i- i. t h, re a lo. e.Kfi Mil I II I (IK KM NS in y the principal insutg. r.t leaders. faae with whi.h any ch.irlatan, fake ;arins of a formerly k)' T.lay word re .isd Alio, I.l in of the fact that Soictary ale tpe usd r. th- v r- - A patriot, work- ti:tc ar-hi- ma nu-e- - eneti epi f..r ;.t it pi uie a resuii Felipe on one occasion or oriental conspirator !the United State army. the a 1'riitsh jol State Ilryan, Governor lHinne. Sen- - Thia ended the acire and u.i.ifi; hi. h fi, w r the Mat on. A hat.-- t lleriin. Aug ii (via l.or!.,n, 12 40 c, nspired to overthrow Aguinildo. A ing against v.the white man .an pcr- - i - at or J. Hamilton Lewia and Mayor !s.t .' !.. f r- I it m i Th- - Aofg- - ,..,.--ex....,....-. ... RiiadA the linn ere Inloii n.M.r llona were KtiCi l pertu.t Ihe tree of l: m at but Nofil.. ptirt of the ,oi oinau- - cnnrmi UM F.ltl.Nt TJi WITH o-- Chicago ! .'. .le. l! lir, tt or the. Fill, .i- -f llama. " of have endorsed movement of (hipping n heretofore eff t. . metn Zeiiung '.ire that .lermany ixe.1 what aiied the Holy church, nho rtiii Irta ' AMI 1'KOHAItl.V t'AHK.WZl - Stringer. If Sullivan is nominated The In question I on of hi mif.siifuiiy ,ut;,juered the finan- with himself a the leader. He used nos. to commit anv crime or atrocity crt!tr 1:1 l V 1 I lhe predict the tlei tion of - Ihe liri'l.d ipe, prolncty the 1'ruV.e Mol.ll TIOV .a! diffi. ulty whit h fol owed her legerdemain as a mean of performing which may advance their own Inter- - l'rreive Mexico City, Anir 11 The clejr- I lUtbins, basing their claim on the be-- ; I Ml I HUM I t)MI' ITT mot.i 'lain n whnh were readily acupted est. The hardest fact for any Amer-- P inie m' ,.mUv Mni, ,i,.,,i,id ; lief that thousand of progrewive (IIH AII M stU Ih K. n risi-an- . the newupjiper by the ism-ran- t people. He claimed an to realize even though he may re.,)(H.n lhe 1anK8 ,vhlrn W t,rc pI,,r. I . demm will vote for bull moose . TIHM SM OF WiHMU H tiba, n. ug. it la leoihrti. i l ls, "came up to th. dpn taiion to be a grebt dinciole of Christ and have been in the island for some rai the ;t(l rk)sld Thi tep wi I S , o, nummee. a. hi.) n lU, an ...,;,.,:.,. in.l .i'.l the gre,,t banking institutions abb- - to ape ,g with him whenever he ! Umf l ,he complete unnuestioning taken in view of the fact that I ( Lewlon. Aug 11 t ? -- Kil be i d a nt in Itt-rl.- more na ! Sherman' liamt Small. i ess failed tu disawive and Preaidtnt H Jolll Ausi.l :i. and th foiiowed It. wiehed. He would ret, re fr.nn time i ,'"n'r"' hich the educated Claikni of ( hit ago, a r a, , on In th" public interest no moratorium i to time tu the woods, There, while ,lv i" able to exercise over hi own If Sfiiiger i nominated. they he-- ; C'arlij.-i-l had not decided lo r'iso, 1 1 ' ttu,-..i- : II - i:l ss v i i i:4 - Iieve Ilobins d on gmxt authority who left on t si in its .1,.1 table or The pet- pret. n l. ns to be alone but in reality l"l'le. will have an excellent lit is report, t. b.-n- : Si ' day ft moon and rco In .1 li l TIC MA loi; i sitting, 0 m e hance, though admittedly not a gruxl night that the P.razilian mini:i-r- I'l.l.l of 1.,.A irk" nil ler the hidden E f many of hi vay of Osieiid, ki) the H'.ri!i-,- r I ic a one a If Sullivan were to he i on-- 1 "ho together with the ministers of about wil taken i follower who ha I been as-- 1 , I.IM(I, n. ug. .S3 a HI,! A IT.;.0.eli allowed to 1' I H (2 f A i j ponent Se and .;sU.maU ami the wound., ii rt. fears are unfounded that certain where he int. tided to go,, They do not concede nator j';''e:it Urttain -- t ti , E P. d o c. - j the Ail th" hi spitaU at I'riiMO b tl. f or to the l' ih.- mot-sot- t:on GERMANY NTERS ha a 'he French charge duffaire, b ft wiil mltrfere with j would AI-- 1 Sherman chance of ; t pr' t.nd lo talk with the and otlu r he on, ful an t thc I. f t ai :l ; Through j " today on a special tram to viit iitiis, ar' the harvest.'' i mighty and frequently w,.iiUI alao per- - a wide spl.t in the Cook fa toii,i mid ei iiieiii!, are leici U',i- - the !(:- na Twenn i't ;ir, d i.ountv reouiiliran i' n, ral Obregon, the constitutionalist ' jf-rt- some rank, the nroirre. l t hi m.ra ,!li fame! y Sied of v r, hate be. i 1 n to le. - aI n nea.l iuarters at leioyu-Jont- for the ,e.iion tic 1. I HI.I'Nr IIMjl I'OIS sf read rapidly and he soon had under) sites see their chance to eleU a ma- l(,'r ed. r st I lT can- - ,aJ " " o't lli fr f.' many of the new county administra- - B,ne ""t "" Kill llirss s pppil s itr,. tliou.,n.U of wn-r- e Mr. Clark on f id he a vel to Oie Hit I ior as p thei I A. A. M, point not mane public, ne u . , tion. I'resident Cormick of! W.Mlltdeel insurgent lass that Acuinaldo ill meet chief of Italll full of soiillis uri t county General Carranci. sh lo Ai.g. 11. Jalarm, .1 the board, who was elected as l:..a ...... a toH-l..- 1 Mrow. I The e,.t,n;!-- Aiulsair and aent an off.cer with a. I. 1"' i ago. ' II. fro k lay labl.d to the st..te ib- - .i. t.,hle force to . ' a republican two years accepted i1"1 " men r- larried through rutks o i;m mi .mms c arret FcIiik-- t51"" minister win spenu ,..e u.,,.i-.- o. i.l w movi nt patino i t an tiigert on U-- ,' He. howm-r- C Ih nrocrewite. nomination th, nt- - ; aped to the sSO h:m the w. wh- pron d us th. . i : i north. , .' , Carranza discussing with Idler. alios Putin i i n i f i.. i, - .,!,. ,r i wi.i in half tr Amen, an hospital at I I iuv.,,,...... e iruuviiiaup iiatiteu pilkwd. While erod of people ink ' Vliio t aptunxl. L -- - v. icapitulatn of the capital. Pal is, (or a .at tU,tt titv of hooplt-'i- i,,. o.i.,t ttw ed on In silence. ',:e 1 Later in 1SW0 - 'n hi return here lotuorrew Cross ft II M ; r ii 1 k w .1 he returne i t Pam- (Cormick. tl P si, and .und. An insurgent element in President When the prisoner i. in..--Te- n v- - a oils:,), minister will lay ihocs.uid Fr. v-- h ! re I ens'. with rable for.e. the republican party in Cook county tfore . -- i confe- brought to Carbajal of the Antwetp from thr :v w:th galling guti ai'.l foi 1 by 1 oi, n wa ry the resulta M t M i chair-'.- . neieaie. tne American I an,Jther placed I t ifl...rdn.ari. Kpnrp.,pr1i,"it'on; tO United named s'at. and large row, gathered s. Ihe.r ar f ,' T-- n- t wa ! rence. .s.!r are twtw. "li t trm.p. Felipe captured, brought M i, k t th of th w t (loan of national relief board of: rfnrm prep- lltitl. I'.il ho utt. llipt i made . t . - to Cif i 1 Despite the active military s .in St. Trotid Tliis s. to tn- IU-- ; Manili. confined for seven Pr.Usif '..; ...t. t. Jthe Ait., r; 1 lontght month, States Aea'i ISt I 1 iiie.ii a1W...H.. state- ' aii fiosF. - UllVf UI aration the tludest them. a the I t., t ,c and r.l- ised on taking made last night and ...le in the .iiii.i.s.-.,,i.- .r because, the oath of I Representatives Copley. Hinebaugh of The rierio.iti a r .1 m 4 t titled that I'.'l ; V. ment i f General Vclasco. minister :.l j, tiirnifig hiov. no nt t.. the jof lltK.ttd spa, e allegiance to the United States. Great B I liaill iiulGn ISO", Mr nppeaitd to I on the Hed Cro and Thnmpen, progrewive member we wil! fight until the list "l:itkoii. ( t ' n In P.ulu-'a- n war that !. r s. n At-- -. release he returned to congress - un- - oiid:ti"n. steam t start a. ross the lates Kaiser's Country, of from Illinois, will b re- man dies oei'oic we will evacuate ' , and re.Mgani.eil his Holy i. The men looked d, jeeted. bill th. ;t i.tntu .1.1 art of the shipment, church. I M ln The mpi '.....' I be at thi time. organization continued to spread firmly believe, on i still off H era wore a ptond ari l tl,efi..nt nir i:i: Willi rt l:uct, the records they Th,e nersons well informed I IX M S W I 1 l "nt.! it from ;,-- . IFliE i's III. h I e were ree f it embraced i;,rfni to - . Antwerp, Mr. 'for hiui'i! r.ppl ais v..- -.. ...-- .. i have so far made. - .... - c The bunk nt "J ...... i r tuat i I . ' e, ,je, all of poor dens-e-- uie iiidiriu 'ed from several American, Ihe ami l ! w Clark. n. were p.ting i't i t Washington. Aug. 1 1 Secretary wi" el,et four ""'ml'er. but will0f the city is probable. Aug, Cop.-;- , w I : . I'.tl.ii, .via clOen e! - in work in U!,..rnt While ihe prv-ir- ! ,ne di!rtri-- c, t:t of the )! p,itt iilol I. f d to l:d Hryan to n,,t name t in huh the) - l.otub-n- . - - transmitted Great P.ritaiu , i An-- i. I!, t ." a rail. es of pmlanga. PuU. an an l .u-'- " tlu-s- e holier p,ii.t. formal reprewntatioti by Ger-- 1 victorit. , r W i i made "Jct ... t f t t (f l i'Mtii eel were prin ipal strong- - Alllerl. se tl I. ft I 0 t,l.,t Mb. ,i iinn.i'int that the H ig nrt fe Tet t,,Ht ,h" ,,u" wire ttiele . 'many on the subject of nioose kV, Aie-t,- . i lit. he-- i cable and! 11 x el J the s. 1,1 i.g inoncv or soppll s bis thi organisation, it of foods Wclc hi th wi ii'i.ird. reai j wireless to l ! full""'" is depending a great deal on j ALMOST CRAZY Fi;!- ; communication an from a I Ml ttle p.el.t. e ..11.1 r. mi-'- hl designate' north through Tarluo into I'angasiiian authorities .i ii. inn sl r.'.r. p..ti of country, United!" "'ioer' vote for the progres. j bii-.- i w neutral such as the h'a' I .!-..- ! with at Th.- tr ir. ho h tht Wanted and soii'ii through J:, province ed t'lltlEht OK hill r ittK. W,l art st. the State to belligerent 'vp 'l'h ' iieid of south-- , With Itching-Cur- by i I be iri a ft l..ed n tlii, h w Man, countries. While crossing the are t.i la. ndo La Laguna ern bee ause fri.-nilli- - j ilum. j Germany sought p. Illinois of the Saxo Salve i whi-- : o t onfi.l. nt. He p.d anl t'avite. rtnisaiou to send j s. am. on Mr I'i.ok. tl bill t'u neis of the progressive can- - ! N.Y.,-- V i ; code messages through Lr.ndon to senatorial EmJicott, "I (niffered fram I vel, d. bugged lit.' i tl 11. il ,o.- rapture i..f I. lege, w here it. - 'he WITNFI s IH.IIT like all Filipmo e.,.er of United jdldate towarls union latmr. vere skin fttTection so I couW not p. v - sh--- !l Mil, I Ib'lgi.lll - 'the Stale. As the American 1 near I'liiilirk, lot- she ';e'llta ti' "5 l.ll'.MW i HUirtMl would br.a.fc no oppo- ISO Jl- - r. ' gov- - Of the member of the last I was almost craiyw-ithitchint- . MIll.''iTfU as a com lm4 lM,-r- Mi- i'l.nk-..- n I i h- He niniciit act chancel of to s.i id iioiit i. iinei a ..!' ''i"ii enforced his will and linoi legislature, twenty-si- x - ! dtpk-mati- were pro- cratch and almost tear myself to f- I ' 1 A . ,n, I miinicatiotf in the Ucaluig thiee large ship" and -c he (obled, wet.- Mil. ..s' oil A'lg II batilc al ".aii.ta himself by using hi fol- - ! tans, , gressives. State Chairman M Cortr,ick I tried a great many remedies wri'Wt a Ger-- l! ,"of one wi;h anothe-r- the h cruiser and a ' of whom were armed at today predicted that by reason i relief, but one tobe of Saxo Salve curj i , "''t'. wa of bull I an I - ,s-.- - .:, mitt north least u,th Nd,c lo n.esmiri' transmitted to the licit. go." of. terrorize and ;.! . 1 IllOVUe gBUl no party will have more me. I recommend it wherever I r. ,; , 111 t, I n Sahad-- was n ported by Captain make obedient the peacefully .h to.,A,u vti.ic ".ii.oui ...i irilt sixty-fiv- e : A. 1 Y. Summcr Colds In One Uay inclined than nor ies than forty-fiv- e Morgan, Endicott, N. Cured ; th- - Norwegian good Secretary Itryan. Should Great 1, !.- .f fruit) native. example of hi nieih-i- s member of the new It .shiture. j If we can't cure your skin trouhi !. v I to- - tain continue to prevent Gernfany prevalent all and si, all! !. which arrived , hi capture in June, lili, of I with our Saxo Salve and Saxo Soap arc during the summer are harder ! se'mling messages COLDS Mght fr.. n I . , s. ft. ha The the lours of fabtao. Xueva Kci.ia, by from cable through wilt bay back the empty tube. rr.-in- s - off than Bromo p n , f a London to the United States, it is be- I at any other season. Laxative tr.m f. ady was forced lo t'er badlv armed for, ,.f ii.A FflflnKFRIflSFS Put Fa, Incorporated, Albuqacmi frcm ih, rl side ,,f the liriush men whi.h he led. He wa captured l.eved Germany will make a vigorous iJiew Mexico. Quinine removes the cause of all colds. It acts as a tonic ' ( tiix r. j i r.g to Captain Terje-ve- r in li- t before his trial could be eitort to have the I nned states re-- j laxative and '"relieves feverish conditions and Headache ' move on .' the n. r... shut fell near compb t. 1 managed to eiape and to ita censorship German owned J bich his !,.. return t . hi old life Wireless sUtiCBS. are usually associated with colds." and methods. ' . i IV, That the state department con-- After reading the accompanying label from the box of Tl'.e ' . he r'pertr4, ( is i TO HARDING IN ;' T i - si'l? ring w ire-- 1 tht. August S. in ap- lis j he attempted i g un the relation between the i Urorao Ol longi--- t ,, I less and table as af-- j . Laxative ..-i north, ills i 1 a communications ;i a. iumnie supplie of the tonstabti-"- tf,!ea: feme !. Cm.jh. l CnMt ttte ; w , feted by the! ,,, f, ktii.tet telling fi'. and heavy fu. tig wa in lary hnttnt in one f the Isvrri., the neutral position of (Ceaitt an.) Quinine, , ih, cfititmoot . i t ninn nniMinu Iftub ad Helcfc I i s.s r oi-- utte.i m me present war was 11 : r mat)-- l cr. Sisif an hour. When the I. village of a of fen-- , i nil ,,o,,.,,t The o w docs and ' town! ii n in n k i hat it how ' nr., n w ,r- - , ,, (admitted today by Secretary Uryan. j I ilot4at ,ll f ct.vgh d He1chf will us. r moved away the ej Tarfei. by getting one of hi uiiiu mi, mill - , ' ! - 1 fiee-in- f. i,.-- The Hague .. the .r'l ui, in s 0r h urt. whee tht cold it docs it, you can e shelling the "s who lived in the arriu It convention exire8lyi be i ; 1, c 1 1 1 !,. ite.i.t it it errinrwillllitl understand w hy this t. lo r f, rw;trel gum. htie tie constabulary soldier. stale tha'. it i nyt obligatory upon iiU eh:,! o,o. ei! e.s.v a.,r Th i VS tssl lhe ...TIl. i r rt d ' . ;a iicuirsa power to tt,f gea:ir rrerrtio us after batteries, had a. d his exercise censorship, .mv.,,,1 t;niag an.t thf h.-i- ' . iovt-- r , iinitn remedy is used so n i j rr.,r, f eitSer in mmu mem umu (ail tiltt.t V to (ion PifecC.oBt ship was seriously Sowers In the town were to wireless r ,able conunun-- j khm aim h.t ,evrei,Kt f - Adattt ; l olumba, ., Aug, 1J. P.eturns re- - l UMfti fialtt,,.- -. d iiid n.-- t be learned I - i alloc. nyjw .houid !e uira tnimel effectively by so :. arm and supplies. Fortu- Iceived up to 1 a. tn gave Lieu- - 4 : former "! iHeT, 1 n.tte iy ... " Vf per t a till ten of the soldier drank 'tenant Governor Warren G. Harding' ""'"t'"'' ..ftoea. r. which had been poisoned ,. AVERICAN FORCE TO a lead of about S.Ova over Sen- -' " im i&t vSfrZrlton ii lire , wt mt cotigk aa4 Whcncvc; former . MAKE; ta- - The Day in Congress o.-,-- . . a a i s v of a native fru;t called Jtaseph CM telie,-- !.,ti. tats ht t ih. ,!oe tut fee. Sc. i St ator tt. Foraker, for the rluu-- j PEACE ! u Jt CkildreawHeai sat to. !: 9ft iKr you feel a cold com- Mean nomination far United State; UWet be huVi-t- in T1IK SKXATK ti toi !s'!.ht'l ml eea lo tr.Hriie Fe ru.try, li'ii, ume of Felipe's . ; senator. j la e TjiI ...- - o.- -, . -,i -- i...... ing on think cf the Met i - -.k..' . e, at tatit e with Te men, attacked the; at ncKn. 1 ne nomtnat.on of .. t.t lG,e j.,tlHt. Attorney i tt, ; e ii.m.t Boiii I;,,-.- General n, tAa regi-;'"- r, Jowe. ij-- The bill to brine h.o .t,f name Laxative Vahi!.it-- Aug. u A fud ti "f San .ueva K' t. and iw ilium stales senator on Why Bacfc t;i j un-- . jos" Should You Hang (I i.t t American marine In addt ight guns and a Urge jiun-',oe- r ....Amp"fn register was again tne oemocraiK' tn ket 'I ol l I u e a.i,ra Itael 1 wimki-- i, Ibraim cju.bum Bromo Quinine. r, ' . I hi t - ttty f , der . to the guu and Man- munition from tho ror.siitH- - detate. Governor Cox bj. rt- , -- , ... boats Castme i . . - ...., i v b.w- - i . . nt ul-r- v -- t r - etta wiil b,. ort hand t lend w eight nc.. I here, tn... . to aanilt t American . . i . U'huae-- - t- - . ..t "ur menus coiim but Inn...... tal tll c je-- TMunn tor toe iutirrilt--i rcmcmbc." there Is Only One t . h! r. T.s,.!ri,t W'ilse.n plan j f force ratotv.Kn les five years , iace Fellrse'a attacked the .'st't than lortal nomination oa the democratic their bread and cake? Our bre h: h a special eommlWm. n. en j tow r, !' Jam. Xueva K IJa, and car-',l- wUh amendment by Senator Cum-(sid- e. The race for the republican ' . ;e he-:m- req-ui- ' wiU uit 11 aw ro.,te to L,mmi) City, is to U r.t.i ihe arms sr.d 'ammunition American ownership nomination for governor i in doubt. J"ou tways fresh Quinine" 'ef-r- ' .g "Bromo e , ' the liotr.inieitn republic t the municipal rsulii e. In of majority in corporations ow n former Slate Senator David Todd , , ... .M . 'aiii To f.:. t;or. Ihe next day or j Ai-nr- : kt-t- l : iri vesjKls. leading Get Tho GENUINE, Call For Tho Full Nam !r,f w.thin they attai Mak!, ,uh ln the cities. hil Congress-- 1 t o. former: :y one of Aguinaid.) s capital. KeeeseJ at :li p.. m. to II a. m. I man Frank Will i lett.iir- ,- in .w. least aosntetofi ap adf nn'.eU t.wUy ord-re- d the! kil'.fd i"ire c.ritbul.iry soldiers, Wednesday. rurl districts. i traii-,i,.r- t - finess. Can couple Laxative Bromo Quinine liancwtk with the Fifth i a cumber of other and be kept i OStO IHE WOHUJ TO CVRK A !'ne res merit ; QVin COLO IH Om OAT f'om t5utiUnm. I'lred r.fie and !. THE HOI SI i0 ATrk""ns- - drying up. Give our r,., ,,,.. - v . . -TT,- - wi'ot uha. t. Kanlo iHimias City, where .'I anuntinttiiMi. MSije a Met at s . - two Amen-- i Bonn c (Ma she sh. .d arrive fnio,v-- . , ssa&un,rv ..l,be fal'tvk'a Ki ,r i'ia- steam yacht were lmB ..,ji oread a trial and vou will be Lk l.. Banker and planters from the k . 7"B at tfavaa. t ..E'.ta.tM sjready re thre. exru,, i k - im,. . "ul ' l ,ne (as Viaa ..m- south were before the, ' "V 'r of Its superiority. T e j ir. eommimttBers, Minister m Jure. Jjla. Beside these orscioali committee urging means to ! lorn-u- sic'.'ivaii, hort. oi,a.f;,ir were a long ncV?"lZlLt" a"r,aa- - o.terti.r Sher series efithe cotton crop due the F.urin,. . "1" '"f New Jersey, I . f Aillna, (,y and bariea t saiiin. l.scaruaoces wt-umn- all otertcTisis. ilar oii,i TTioma F. Cole, Pioneer Bakery xeett-rda- otiser of ll,t,m. left i - r I Itne tne Columbia 11 e.. t ILutii if: dory in which s fjUow- - AJxcirned Tl fr, t.t I .. , t..j ' . Bowtb nm sc. 11.. ti IvUiiuso CI tit Ask&uagu. 1 j New York tj lf" ':'i "r tit htm bis Wedae!. iMtner mercUnu c


- What's New- in New Mexico!"" m ..

Willi tJULL MUIJ'dL j SCHOOL BOARDS Hi MEXICANS LECTURER SAYS REPUBLICANS OF FOR NOMINATION ui ck IE SAY AS 10 ARE AUTHORS OF NEWSPAPERS GET SANDOVAL COUNT! IRRIOAL 0,t...,. T. jour. .11 S.inu I'e, Aug. It The fix t that ' .,! m SCHOOL DEPOSITS NEW BOOK sslimil Itei nal d S. II. TEH AHEAD OF PACTS HOLD CONVENTION ' i : ce bus been i loseleil With pre gl os Ridd a a in Santa Fe mine i sic I day noon, ha"! given tine to tile leluclt Ihllt be b1 seeking the endorsement of the crcc-- j Attorney General Holds That History and Civics, by Frank Dope on Eugenics Is Some- Uninstructed Delegation Is gresstve oi ka ii i.utiioi for mi ndc-- . pendent lace for congress. Treasurer Is Not Allowed H, H, Roberts and Ralph E, times Too Swift, Declares Named for State Gather- if FOUR WEEKS INSTITUTE 1 I Any Discretion in Handling Twitchell, Adopted by the Professor Humbert in Ad- ing at Santa Re; Layba Is e WORK RECOMMENDED FOR S Such Funds, State Board, dress to Summer School, Nominated For Legislature. THIRD GRADE TEACHERS For Thursday, Friday and Saturday rtPICtAL DlfRAfCM TO HONNtN JOURNAL! it JOURNAL! lartruki DittftTCM fa huccniki jou40 I reus, 11 History 1 M Hnntil Fe, Auk. 11. That city Santa Fe. Aug "A and Paula Fe, Aug. - The law of the I.crnallllo, N. , Aim. The re- Sanla Fe. Aug. It 'lea.lois hold- Civics urers muHt deposit school money of New Mexico," by I'r. Frank survival of the fittest to a certain publicans of Sandoval county met In ing tbilcl glade ccl'tltl '.itc n U IMt In where t lie board of education directs, II. II. Huberts and Col. Ralph - l nt, is not dominant the hu-t- o convention here today ami elected del- the future attend institute lour 'ct,. Great Sacrifice of Women's Rcady-to-Wc- ar was the opinion hunliil down today elson Twitchell has Just come from man race, according Prof. R. P. egates to the stale convention to be If the I ecumiiiendat ions cf the press (du.n. by Assistant Attui lu-- General Hurry nnd today the department of Humbert, of the State college. W ho ad held at Santa I'e. x instruction (local conference today ale pin education. In pursuance of u S. Clancy, the matter being brought resolu dressed the summer school this fore- were given the delegation a to how through. Assistant Superintendent I Garments. Our entire stock of up In the town of (lallup. Thl.i Ih tion of the state board of education, noon. Mr. Humbert decried the ten- they rluill vole either us to the con- I'm a and other education city livus-ure- r accepted It as an official book dency get rather anomalous, as the text of the newspapers to ahead gressional nomination or thut for made a strong plea for greater iifi-clet- give n for the higher grades of the public of In eu- , onimlysloner. Women's and Misses' Coats, Suits must bond for the wife scientific facts speaking of state corporation v of tin' teachers and after a and schools. genics keplng of the school funds and can or euthenics but admitted that Sandoval county delegation In spliltcd lisi ussioli, the four wee ks' The bonk happily combines a civic? more Is breeding Tl' deposit the city funds where he tare exercised in the Santa Fe convention will be com- Institute idem was I'li'loiscd cilor Dresses (all from last season), to be sold pleum-- us county with a history, thus linking the two horses than I umnn beings. at Just the treasurer posed of R. A. Mieia, i". M. Sandoval. I I tqieesil bens for bettering the insll-tllle- s may exercise hi discretion In the mat. subjects which are naturally correlat- It was an Intensdy Interesting lec- Montoya. K. Miguel C. Alfredo i.aybn, Wele also adopted after clls.lis-siu- n The opinion, which is addressed ed. The plan of the book Is In gome ture thut gave a survey of eugenics C. ter. de Jlaca, M. Mention, II. urtlx und The i oiifet etice w ill remain In F. Asplund, respects unique and was Pis! sag-lan- d dwelt upon Its application to the to Chief Clerk llu pert Manuel llaru. session unlll Friday or SaUH'elu To- geslcd by Dr. Roberts, after much human race. The speaker emphtisiaed says: , K. I.ayba, of Pino ltlanca, was nomi- luol low and the day the question thought und study in a similar Work three negative to prevent after Lowest collides the Prices '1 have not been al)le until this nated fi r the lower house of tile ol county superintendent' on Wyoming. The constitution of icpnid action of undesirables: Stricter saluiiis morning to find time t" consider your Is Xew Mexico, for Instance, Is printed inspection and duties to come up. f 2Kt h Inst., euclcising cor- of Immigrants, which letter th' In parallel with of the begin The executive committee of the New respondence with reference to the columns that should in the foreimi country v.m. umyiv soi. like being by pros- i:tiA in Mexico Kducatioiial association met in in the history of ihe Aore fo school pur- I'nited States, sublets tracing the ancestry of the n milking of a tnx levy placed AtiAiNsr i:i rmo c connection wilh the conference this llnllup. us to aside of each other. This shows pective Immigrant; by scientific mar- poses in the town of closely New afternoon. The program for the A- at a glance how the riage laws und by sterilization of un- N. M., e re which you say the question Is whether Los I.unas, Aug, 11. lbuquerque Mexico constitution follows the na- desirables. Among positive meus-ure- s convenilon during Thanks- WATCH WINDOWS for VALUES town trustees have the right to the publican primaries for Valencia coun- the tional constitution, that priceless he urged encouragement of giving week was om lined. Speaker to disapprove or amend the the ty, whi h weifr held yesterday und to- right of liberties, which u Chump t'laik. Vice President Thomas l'.V charter American men of Renins and the Netting of day, resulted In a crushing defeat school levies recommended the R, Marshall, Mailin Urumbaugh id Chapter 61 thinkers the world over have declared premium upon desirables to prnpn-ka- t for F.lfcgo Tinea's candidacy for con- board of educntlon under the greatest state document ever the Philadelphia schools, Stlalton 11. or their kind. gress and an equally strong victory of the laws 1912. drafted. upon i'rookti ami Helen Keller will be legislation However, he laid the stress for llariy P. Owen in his race for dis- "A brief review of the A of l.ov universal peace as a great eugenic among the speakeis If they acc ept the Reduced Prices on All may in reuchiuR labor trict attorney, on this subject assist Similarly, a force present one Invitation extendi' I ihem. The musi- of triple parallel column as war such as the In Helen, the home of M. C. Splcer, a conclusion as to the intention enumerates legislative, executive in F.urope kills off the young and vl- - cal features will be in charge of Stan- last statutory the who la opposing Mr. Owen, a combi- the legislature in Its and Judicial powers, a double column rile und leaves the Inferior und crip ley Seder and Miss Cal'i'ftt, Sunday on subject. nation was mude between Splcer und expression this ad-- 1 pled However, preceding is to lie I'd in at liuull clay In contrac ts the scope, powers nnd to propagate the race. Racii. but the combination was only Blankets and Comforts Law tliunged in pow-'eve- n a may times Albiiquei i the 17. ministration of these different eugenic court at able to poll eight vote, as ugalnst 112 the iue hurdle and compiled o c "Ry Section 1677 of the ers In the federal and state govern-g- astray and Professor Humbert di- for the opposition. dm all. mill counc il, with I'r. P. II. H originally a of It Is surprising to note Tuttle, wife of Jon-thl- s is to meet on the Saturday laws, which whs luents and init'd Klizibeth first The liacii forces undertook to Inject Roberts providedl't analogies Kdwards, whose In- - The meeting will the statute of 1897, it Was manner how close the athan descendants the race Issue Into the campaign, lot: pieceding. M'ltlon board of education should run. The student will there In one dude an abnormally large number be held In the forenoons and the that the the SpanlH.h-Amerlca- n population of support of the effort study civil government of of college governors, i nil-- 1 meetings and levy a tax for the the president, the county, which is largely in the general afternoon c town the us well as of the common ed senators, scholars and other J II. Wagner re- u,.h,mi of tho tv or tor ine nation Stales majority, to be 1ml Into sup- eienlngs. Professor exceed wealth. nun of great yet she refused fiscal vear next ensuing not attainments and porting the candidate on this Issue, signed as chairman ef the oratorical on dollar which was immoral in the strict sense of F. Weis imr five mllis the The historical part was written by and is us n de- section and Rupert Asplund by city would be us the result construed lew should lie approved th Col. ftalph E. Twitchell, who, of the word and condemned to In chosen In his place. when so cided rebuke him for bringing council or town trustees and covrse, was qualified an undesirable. question. Prc-Ato- this to tne Hob-- 1 i. npproved was to be certified for the task, Roth he and Dr, The The convention which will nomi- on the tax it F.dgar L. !ed his audi- county clerk to be placed erts made it a labor of love and It Dr. llewett nate delegates to (lie Mate republican county, because they gave free ence into Mexico and showed them by DEMOCRATS 0T roll of the their services convention w ill be held here on We "The law appears to have remained of charge to the state, that a book of means of lantern slides the great by well-printe- well-boun- s, In this condition until 1907 when, almost 3!A pages, d monuments of the known 25 Chapter 97 of the laws of and interestingly Illustrated, as "Toltecs," that is the builders. Section of MIMBRES VALLEY TO BE that year, It was made the duty of can be placed In the hands of stu- Science has not yet clearly estab- towns HARMON OUS boards of education of cities, dents nt a nominal figure. It is also lished who these people, were but Dr. FILMED FOR SAN DIEGO Dry Goods Company nnd villages, to'make on estimate for a ready reference book, containing as llewett again emphasized that all the a levy and they were empowered It does, the federal and state consti- races of the Americas or whom sci- I tnx H levy a tax not to exceed five mills, tutions. Declaration of Independence, ence has any knowledge, were Indians. ItPtCIAL HcBPA-C- TO MORNIN JOUHNALl to Deming, N. M., Aug. 11. The ar- levy should be certified to the Articles of Confederation, a list of Cholula, Mitla and other famous GE which of ('. Kelt, nun ing picture board of county commissioners, thus state governors from Onate to spots were visited and their great rival the entirely eliminating an action on the and other Important data. The monuments studied: In conclusion, photographer who is taking pictures y for in New Mexico part of city council or board of volume, It may be said In truth, tills types of the present-da- inhabitants, exhibition the the Diego exposition, trustees. The Banie section contains a long felt want. direct descendants of the Aztecs, were building at Ihe San prcpara- - IBV DORNiNf JOUANAL FICCA,. llAfND WA BETTER COOKING provisions as to levy of special taxes shown. wan the occasion for active El Paso, Tex., Aug. II. After a upon a vote Bt an election and that IMPORTANT AMENDMENT In tracing the causes of the French tions on the part of the people of,' t brief session, Ihe deuioci atic state Is to be certified to Hie revolution, Dr. Frank II. II. Roberts Deming mid lie Mimbres valley tit levy also which met here today, county and if TO COMMERCE ACT IS brought out that a game of tennis Nee that an mlequiite representation convention AT LESS COST board of commissioners a message decided the elec- was one of the causes of the upheaval of the resources of this section is se- - sent of sympathy to Presi- the commissioners dent Wilson und adjourned to- legal tax was also to SUGGESTED BY OWEN and that the making of a lock led to cured. i unlll tion to be that morrow, out oT respect to the mem- the death of the kink, showing that Together with Sam T. Clurk, Wil- - be collected. ory of Mrs. Windrow Wilson. "Chapter 51 of the luws of 1912, IRRfCIAl COARRRRONORWCR TO MOSNcKO JOURNAL) even the most trivial event may have lard E. Holt and o. E. liuiley, Mr, It was stated tonight that tin effort by Section 7 thereof, makes It the Santa Fe, Aug. 11. State Corpora mighty consequences. He described Hell proc eeded to the trac t of I he probably would be made tomorrow rwi-'BcSr-i duty of boards of education to make tion Commissioner o. I . Owen has In detail the system of taxation under Mimbres Valley Alfalfa Farms com- to have ,he go on record certify to boards of county com- written Robert R. Prentls, chairman which France groaned at the time, pany, where some of best films convention and the with regard to national woman suf- iJ missioners, an estimate of the amount of the executive committee of the especially the onerous road tax, akin yet were secured. 4 that hnve been made frage Mild prohibition. Spirited oppo- of funds necessary for the ensuing National Association of Hallway com- to that levied in New Mexico, the ex- An agricultural parade mile t .', j.J.-- i i v m I LtJ-- i a half sition is anticipated. year, and by Section 8 it is made the missioners in reference to an amend- emption from taxation ot the church lonif, with tractors, ganir plows and oc- iictlon dulv of county commissioners to levy ment to the Interstate commerce act and nobles, the salt und actrol or more eighly mule pulling nth"r mutter f"r convenilon than loams conwres- - which, together , suggested by Judge S. H, Cowan, of cupation nnd of rev. are ratification of stale and n special school tax, taxes other forms every c oiicelvuble of farm almost kind SlOlllel llomllleVOB dUCKl'll III tllC 1'CCTnt with other revenues, will be sutneient sort Worth Tex., who was New enue, indirect taxation being farmed Implement, was a feature of the film. In re- primary end the adoption of a to produce the amount required for Mexico's special attorney the out to favorites. The follies of Queen Pictures were also made of some of Is to such purposes, but the board is given cent rate cas.r This amendment Antoinette, the degeneracy of the the large pumping plants, showing the a disclosed by the recent of the na- power to disapprove the estimate and cure defect church, the establishment vast developed! under wuy in the It may deem decision of lTnlted States supreme all passed In review to levy such tax as the tional assembly, Mimbres Mil ley. FATHER RABEYROLLE proper. court In the Shreveport so Interestingly that the audience In case. dur Jleoommeiulsj Court Action. sisted hat Dr. Roberts continue FORCED INTO FRENCH ''. . e' r a pro- INDIAN AGENT DIES "The only thing that creutes any Mr. Owen writes that "such ing the period allotted Dr. D. R. Royd, 51 doubt on this subject is to be found In viso Is absolutely necessary to secure whoi was delayed by washouts on the ARMY WHILE ON VISIT right to OF BRIGHT'S DISEASE Section 21 of Chapter 84 of the laws to the state authorities the Santa Fe. city public policy which a of 1913. That section directs the exercise that fSMCIAL OIRRATCH TO MORNINd JOURNAt) Use only With necessary, own tftMCIAL DISPATCH TO MORNIN4 JOURNAL the amount of heat you need. a council or board of trustees of any state may deem to Its JUDGE ABBOTT SIGNS Santa Fe, Aug. 11. Sad Is the people. The; Santa Fe. Aug;. 11. Word was re- cltv town or village, to make and Industries and lis own plight of Father A. Rahc mile, for It ceived In S'anta Ke, this morning "f a levy of tuxes nil municipal supreme court may be great, hut ORDER ALLOWING CLAIM several ycar:4 pimtor of Guadalupe order fr people, the sudden tlciilh of K. O. Orel n, su- lBtergctioit purposes, including the support and Is not greater than the nnd chiircir In this city, holm? transferred .Met purpose AGAINST N. M. CENTRAL perintendent of the Indian school maintenance of the public school and so In organizations for the ; to I. as Vegas from here. each or- und Indian agent nt Dulce, on the county of determining that policy, A weeks he left on certify the same to the Apache in Rio few hko lslti some in- ganization has a right to determine (PICIAh. DIIPATCN TO MONNINa JOURNALl Jlenilllu reservation cook with four, low (lama or high, misKloners, thus restoring by to his former home in France. Lust you cm one burner or n thej Vrrlba county. Death was caused (ifi on the part of the board for given, state. I believe thut Sunta Fe, Aug. It. District week he was Impressed for service low or hot. No watte of heat or furl. tervention states signed Brlglit's disease, nnd occurred while of trustees of a town between the commissions of the various Judge E. C. Abbott today an In the French iiliny despite Ills pro- licllcr f.x.,1 nt linlf tlifl expense and lialf tlif time. county ought to call a meeting to consider older in Ihe Independent Steel & Mrs. Green was in Ihe east. board of education and the tests and Is now a private In one of No ciiit fiom col orailitM. Bums Icmtciw- -a cheap, clean cer- nnd T "suggest therefore Wire Co.' Pittsburgh Trust com- Green was a native of Iowa and No absolutely the matter and the French regiments that is being fur) - u amly enrnd I, 2, 4 commissioners. nt Denver was 2 years (eld. He came to Dulce r fur us a lamp. i and burner Is to my mind, that a meeting be called pany vs. the , New Mexico Central hurried to the frontier. Father tain conclusion clear an Indian reservation In t'tuh All legislation together, with a view that an nntendment to Railroad company, et al, case, In from had an application for citizen- hardttate unci general Horrt. but taking all the - years ago. was the law be formulated to the end- of whlidt W, S, Hopewell and Thomas P. three In Ihe New .Mex- I nm of opinion that the intention ' ship papers pending commissions be- CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY f x u. securine to the state fiuble were intervenors, tho order ico courts, having been in Ihe I'nited THE to leave the ne of ins amuuni Taxes Itcccivcil by Tri'iiurcr. (!ci..orl)OIAIr.l Co!.)M.i-- to exercise of that ing part 'of the compromise agree- d in tax with the board of education, sub- nnd the states the Aug. 11. Slates considerably nbove the reciilr-e- nnwop. which rluhtfhllv belongs to ment yesterday. .Santa Fe, Slate Treasurer Denver Pueblj Altiuciuerqii ject to possible revision by the county reached today $.l,r,7H.2l time and has cabled to the state Ctrrfnn authority them." The order directs Receiver C. C. O. N, Murron received Cbittcf ' Dolta Salt Laka City commissioners, and that the Treasurer Celso Lopez of Sant.i department and to District Jutb'e ordering a Murray to Issue a receiver's certifi- from J. Leahy so steps might of the board of trustees In Fe county; :.'l8.4f from Treasurer Iiavid that cate foV $5,.1!i0 in , favor of Hopewell mlll-;.ii-- v WCWt.-iAC'W- .: levy of taxes must be considered as ICE: MAN HAVING THE county, be taken to release him from WJ unci Cable to be made a preferred Sylvestre Mirabal, of Valencia limited by what has been previously from Salome Sanchez of dulv in Franco. education, t TIME OF HIS LIFE IN claim against the company. The and 11,314.40 done by the board of Guadalupe county. Otero county re- greatly preferable, ' judgment with interest and costs had .Much Distress. think it would be VALLEY traveling Jl.r.O;'..-0- 2 War Chiisch N. M. 19 sub- THE PECOS run up to $10,iO0, which Ouhle and ported to the auditor ST. VINCENT ACADEMY, ALBUQUERQUE, could r. .1 11. Fe however, if this matter it 1 a jT 4 . 7 of Santa Fe, August Santa some Hopewell had to pay because they of t taxes collected; mitted to the district court for ! 1 1 county has been hard hit, too, by the to mon. coumU had gone sureties on a supersedeas 1912, IIIUiK of I nnd $5.'!. 71 of deflnte decision and this could be fe,L eo'oeotNC nr in Europe, for orders were Cnrlshnd v M . Aue 11. The ice bond to enable the railroad company 1910 and prior taxes collected. Santa done with but little delay or expense, yesterday to close down man is having his inning In the Tecoi to stay judgment while the Harry S, Fe county repented $14,128.9.1 of 1913, reived in ample time.'fts the county com- and smelter of the Sunln Fc and valley just now. It Is cnntalniipe ship- Friday damage case was taken to a $1,044.SS of IHI2, .M61. 51 of mil. mines have HQ authority to levy Gold Copper Co., at San Pedro, In missioners shipped higher court. and $44. 2U of 1910 and 'prior taxes any taxes until after;, receiving the. ping time. Pecos, Texas, has part of the county,; ten. Artesia collected: San Juan county reported the southern certificate from, the state auditor as twelve cars, Lake wood throwing out of work several hundred ,, i. .'..,', Roswell Is IMPORTANT CASE $3,221.07 of 191 .1 tuxes collected, the,-lev- levy ten Summer six. IS - to fctate , taxes and that and Fort men. The company Is owned by Frit- of 1912, $29.01 1 1 " - - made shipnlntr begins next $167.80 of of taxes i - . ' , , . by The state, auditor cannot he and Portnles Isli shareholders. In Urant county; I i i nt least fifty BY COURT collected in July; and Torrance coun- until after board of equali- week. Portales will have over cine thousand men have been dls-- i thestate ty $3.3r.8.S.'I of 19U, $:,417.94 of 1H12, v; to 12 ears. Then Phelps-Dodge- 1 j ' zation has finished its duties as the cars and Fort .Summer charged by the Chluo, - '111 mi to- RACIAL OISRATCH TO MORNINd JOURNAL $3.40.97 of 1911 anl $0,917.74 of I fa . t w. revision and correction of assessment Lakewood Is Just starting the a Feghty-flv- e enmpenie hiHiis of! Santa Fe, Aug. It. The state su- 1910 and prior tuxes collected. n,i (i books. mato. At least a hundred cars of the war curtailing the demand for J fresh tomatoes wilPb loaded at Lake-woo- preme court today granted the rmlcrjsi-oiiiu- l copper. . , , t Visitors; at Muwiiin. to reinstate and vacated the or To Investigate Waters. ' In case of Ro.v J. Santa Fe, Aue. 11. C. T. Kirk, pro- 1. Santa Fe, Aug. 11. A fellow of the Claude 3. Cravens, traveling freight der to dismiss the Crichton, plafntiff, the I'nited States fessor of geology at the 1'nlverslty of - t, ,c i Ttnvnl OeoeraDhlrnl society of Great agent, A. A. Scott, of the rerrlg-erat- t ! and t Co., al., intervenors, New Mexico will leave tomorrow for 'i seww., llrltaln KViflirlnlr Htllhbs. of RnrOrUU. service, ar spending much Rank and Trust et ".Vt;"''' H.t Tt, a to appellants, vs. Andy J. Storz et ux, Morlarty to bet;in Investigations of un- New Zealand, was visitor the time In the valley and cauie here from " Wood-Davi- s ,'lardware derground waters In the Kstnncin val- ;,,.t" Museum today on a trip around the Pecos this evening. Mr. Cravens says defendi,nts, company, al., plaintiffs tippel- - ley on slate Ian Is. He will take the world. Others who registered were that he will the big apple crop et and new have lees. had been dismissed logs of existing wells, observe the O. C. Zingg, of Las Vegas, the to look after very sorim The estimnle The cause the Spanish-Ame- r Upljn motion of appellee for the fail- formations) and mrutiflcatioti superintendent of is. a thousujid cars of apples. mL. ican Normal school at El Rlto; Mrs. ure of appellant to file and s rye and seek to locate well sites at the J. H. Kelly, F.nst Las Vegas; Mr. and briefs as provided by Rule XIII. most promising points. The-- Kstnncin. NOTICE.- - Mrs. R. D. Jackson, Ballinger, Tex.; .Certain provisions of subdivision t valley was very much dissatisfied with HOARD! AND DAY SOI IOOL FOR GIRLS. IT. E. Adams, Crookston, Minn.; Ed- I have In mv' possession a rone of Rule Xlir. adopted by this court the Investigations of the federal gov- Goat further than Oibbs, underground PaiittliiK-- , Attention, ward Smith, Arizona; Frank horse, loaned to me by Ofimiuno Marc h 22, 1912. are inconsistent with ernment Into the water green te end mor Mtwlc Pnimtlf A, VsmK Sdiiioo, Scj,l Mrs. Myrtle Wean and Eva Cooke, Oultcrles!. Owner may have. this horse secHon 21, chapter 5", Session Laws, supply of thut section und looks for- refrething, txx ('HHq HI Hill V SflAPTI MTiKU 1st, 1911. Vegas. much Inves- East Las by identifying the brands. 1907, and where an appeal has been ward with interest to the Complete Coiirx", T'roptirtor)' nnd Act " "J. PEDRO JARAM1LLO dismissed, for a failure to comply with tigations of Professor Kirk, who was -- WlfTK St,' 1 U Ace4cmy, Heal estate problems purchases. Alameda, N". M. statute, the dismissing the in consultation this forenoon with Tor particulars addrciH Sirpi;nion, wtes easily by .... the order AlhtupieruiM?, S. M, of trade nr solved appeal will be set aside und the cause Land Commissioner R. p. Krvlen and Journal want ads. Road them; use h,N bemtiiw 4urnsl want hrlnir miiltt Blato cnglneer'a office, ( them. Do it today. verriKxljr nwU U i Journal. reinstated." the ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1914. FOUR

in mulct mIocmI i,i rxnii'iit later will have m lartie monument elected. GOVERNMENT AND One Day most brilliant writers Ai ih president i" bis I1'1"; Cured in NyMfm relumed Wy War Vlnl- r- nl Bln,lle. THE America -t- artists vale car, h liusxrd between l.n lif Of Sclculllle l)(ll"'t i rwHiuoili he nix of niilloniil aimrd.-'iiieii- . Several whose cartoons and "comics" jnTHE inf Mm. Wilson former - houlmales VARICOCELE laugh WORLD sport a 'lr' NEW RAVEN NOW make the nation are of 'were greeted liy Mi. Vli.""ll Hydrocele, Rupture (Kerala) Klmid exclusively for Imreheiidi.d null'l'' I'll or working iul iwnj No lirlriillnn from llnlnea lline miei iruln lert h ir a inlini'e ir K i ii knotty, twuti'i . j tuiriM tl wit a lifter n'rl.H'k nd m iil'ieranl.-- Mnnii-lli,- e of the nJl11- - lllil Mlrh :i nelilnif utiu imin. the ineHld.'iit retired f": em-rK- "'! IN AGREEMEN T n. . ilrliilliy, Im-- "f him Hlejit . .M- i- died.! rnnini little nln W'l"n I iiiiiiillluii. A imin H.if iiiK from ; I ARE BEATEN MORTAL REMAINS Htld IH "( li "iliw-- 'i. Hie . tinny. Khntted the effi'. Vurleoielr iiinanl enter .. IPS i few iiini-'I1- Wr III ene men! f h fill lKil. cure trenl . No i:iln. No dimmer. No Inei.n-l- lileti'-e- America's Cleverest Weekly TlliiS MoaiiNa joiirnai ikcial. wnaii U fi isr ll.K illstreiiliiir KALAMAZOO OPENING lcrd iniiKiil il.'iill''H. New York, A 'm. II.-'.- it :ireeinent reiii!ilnir cvierl A SCORE TWICE BY CHICAGO OF MRS. WILSON off Hie fluid - nlv Everybody Loves WITHOUT - j Iirimliiir Puck - CARD IS A SUCCESS n, lieen rem In il het ween the Rovern- If you lire n miffi-rc- freai II 1 well t" I'lfeail-ifii- t litnl Nev,' York. New v.mi will Just for Fun nient the ll.ivenj ..tir MKTIUiU ' THKAT.MC.S T vottiNa jounl rrni nto !! ll.n tr.ii-'- t i'u for lhe willed curcK uiul'llenteil raen III For 40 years this paper Ai ,11 Wit I) ;i llllllll An-- I LAID Kiiluinuziiu, Mich., Its position IS TO REST i I IMirefcU'il retained HhiiIc I mil Mclii- - In i:icliic4ii Imilnu Tailclidcrw :n ef nl dlHMolntioii of the New Haven! til P I C UK IIKItM l has Itiavci mill world'H rerord eiiiiili. iml Hie tiiick l Uvea. A d lll -- "f ei iiiiiay as the best li i Kui'ture lix I'riMlui a Whlli i ord announepment lull MM Ik.til Dlliir llilng Ahli' lo liable In r Itim record IhhI.wi the iiunl irruil tii, uei nir to IIbIii nrnln. eiiiie. I'V iie'liiir r periodical in the - r humorous . I.I-m- 4oli Cnniiilli- a Hihcc nf tmliiy nl I' n n ..ii.hIiIiik. Ufilnir li-r- the Plaltcr; iiiNkr)' ineeliu oie,tcd uiy alt' in k nf the road's director country. It is better now a Man un.'e lii. k V, mil v e nlpe lli'Ki i'lIt of tile - l li Si'lonw, In ut of nnd in miii oiiw Hoili Sliili- mi Down. Tain- In ii' 'f Two lierreiitlon nirk. In tt rnl hen- lute today. In Si iniiiiiiliiMoa than at any time its AT t We ROME, n I'te-iilin- nil ..ier.iili'ii. enie nf the Tim l the Horsemen and Spn HiM'h resigned n di- - - career. an me III rent men!. Nil llli oll- ,,l nl.l tlili el H. "lie Ifuluilly for three H i tor i f the New Haven, an on Sntur-- venlenee. No detent Inn from litilue. AMI M( AN I Ml.l K aTiNIHNO. ' 10 cenls a copy UTAMUMO. lAllnil rillllf.,1.1 ;i n lie in In- ATHAI. IKAorr. I. M. i;,,e. dny lo lieoorne iirc-ideti- t of the! A Small w. I.. ' A Sure Cure For Fee I'lillH'trllH la .14 hi. I 4, W filch eiiinl i l.e on! for M.ilne, Howard! . 41 Ilo.'ion rhairmiiit Your Newsdealer ,.ar Y'l 4 Ask M' n , i l,y Mis Meat . . three. ve,ii iild fllln . mule Kill, .It W.IS lerte,l president of the ai W 4,' Amid Rain , , . . i,lilnal,' Pouring Interment , In I HI I. ll'dtliifl .'. I of l.exitiuH K.v Haven. :.),.ll iefoirct New The resiKniition of John' and t htewa-- . ' - :.H4 i:u c, I 4T rliinilri in Cemetery ,,h- final heiit ol the I.. lU'.l.iid win accepted. - - - I'llllat'lripli Id "IK Takes Place WW HI l,"'M . , 4 W Hitei'tilliata. 4ym4y4p AAAAAAAaat444aM4Aww I . . .. . ochlllo nillde lilt' iliMllFlec ini t int iiinit .44.' itvt 4 -- k )li.,iki)n ., Almost in bight ot birlhood :0.' Th fi.nncr tr.n reenrd I . Ifi.laini li; tiK lilssoH'TK)V riitlui(li i whh i .nz iimde ly Mlnoiheir in ll" 5 i (bV I .T.iAelUa j No li it to i'io,sl-- "I'Tloxs! .1 Praetlca Hudson for Signs llama l.atnea Tndio. Home, IH'iS. vl TU. I KB". al I'lillartalphl. I1V l lllllll M 'III. Plll.l,inh lie.'ttH uml! i nrrlrnie. HI Ito.l'.n The 2:0 trot Went four A'.ili n nt xi, AtiK. 11. The decision: ,'inniinall 11. .IB Hi Hrn.nijn Ik. WH.XI iouaaai aead.l lltl ivna carried over tini.l tomorrow. M.iy of Ihe New Haven Kevao Vanra I I ( railroad director: '!' ChlcaKo, . 'hlriiKii Mint - ML, l.nula HI New r. Auk Miii k look nv.. mi l look.- l peiiceful of! In M I . Wall Paper Hip In PRESIDENT SPEEDS the firl to iitree to u dissolution mil Cleveland hv same win. J w II to have the rncf won, Iml ntniir won I lie syHleui will not affect criminal; rat oni jeuaaai aeaciai. iiaata game a double bender today, On- each nf BACK TO WHITE HOUSE l.y cilen-ili- d r IHiloina, erliflenlea and Koatnn, A nd. 11. IliiHun and K the third and fonrtii In.ns prn.iecii.lon of the road's directors, nr i rti'itr Klmt aiiia- ft It Itf ltralinnN, in lie aren In to (i 4 flniHheH in Ihe jitri li of department of meat innatl played thirteen InnlnK Cleveland ooo nno ono l. olfi'lnii the Justice! lit I On., .re ua tu I" tlm HUDSON for Picture Mar-jfal- ' ore lea tie loiliiy. Ichlcagi noil lux 2 7 2 In Ihe 2 24 trot, $2,0IH), d tonight. 010 niie ,.erl in Kl I'aan. j Frames rra: Hutu-lien- : and As Train Bearing Casket li.uet Iirneln. fnwinie, lout the firnl oo ooo o(io o it"HE6 i Mitchell. Cnllamore iiiwtun ....(inn "K-- i O'Neill. Wolf nil UK uml Mayer. lo McCI in... k thr.e OTHER BASEBALL RESULTS Give Up A Visit Will Tell 000 000 000 OHO 0 0 10 o Are!,, ni Don't SI. and Copper Cincinnati oral ,nii Tt II E Steams Into City Bells row. tiv the Intent nnd hest Fourth Ae. A i.or. We nlvi ntre Patterle; Tyler and dowdy; him ..ono ooo (inn 3 2 t i'ul-o- n, Kkin liiaeaara. Cleveland .. Throngi Thp 2:04 pace went to Waller Co- - AMFrtlfAX ASHIiriATIOS. nu Inula lllmid a a and C'I'irk. Chicago too oi o mix 2 3 0 Tolled and Vast KlieionullKiii. I alarrll, N.i anil Thrual aovvaa4a4iaa4aa chain in xtraiKht heats. Trollltlra. fHr.y, Nrruu lle,llli. nnd ll.iw They hlnn.l. -- 1'ntleriea: Motion, Coumhn in Silence, Wciliiexday's in the heav- rrvniianra. Iiilnrreil I'rnalale. ilOOOOOOOOOOOuuOOOOOOOOOOO IHhIhit J; Culm 2. Gathers pioKinm V. Kl.lnev. Illsililrr Pipm; nnd n Otrlelnrel, Cleolte financially ivi n on n Mi' I Prooklyn. II. Prooklyn won iest ever anil I rlnarv lli"enr. I'llea and all Au. MH.inl.-i.- . r.f .:..;' i . BUY YOUR a track. The Paper Mill slake tor ' Kra tal minora, uii.l all apr'ial tllaraara f i mil Chicago In the ruin today, to No i d In Amer- - I l. vi'Llllil .. .Ml olher Kiimea hedul' a nl Mra ami Women. H Moaoixa iouaaai. aaaciat Liaaio wail 2:11 trottefa, purse Jin.nnii; lloi Kciinn . , . '. 1 ' I' 4 I, T I ION, Mil U K AMI ;i i liIlD lenRU4. II- .r.1.11 (lH C'lllrURO 2"0 000 000 J k Itonie, (in,, Aiik. Mra. and Spirit of the Times futurity for'.ni. KAV IA HN I KKK. Lumber, Glass, Paints - i t l'll : pre- Ihree-year-ol- l'.te-'- llv .,n of town, write. . SKI (mix 3 i Wilson, wife of the nation' d $10, dull; If out Prooklyn . . 000 the i: .4ia: ildi at Myr-Itl- e Putlerlca; Humphries, Vauhn uml nl, was buried here today Horsemen and Spirit of the Times fu- SI. I'uul .. ,41 ;.i .s.-a- INTERNATIONAL SPECIALISTS and Cement I tor- Presnahun, Archer; Humm ami Mil- - DONORS EVEN WITH Hill cemetery. Ham fell in turity for I trotlela, $:i,lliin, low- rent while the casket wn beitiK 2: IT. p,n e $2,000 comprise 1T nnminett-".'- l'lnrk, r lir. and the for nT n u r 1 I, SlTOIlll rnrni AT THE la Inside . Ave., HI Tex. ered Into the Kluve, which the cntd. K iitiH m ( iiv Ht. Texas l'llo, Iu I mi r.i m i 1'- Me' n Ave. ft; I 'I 4. Mra. Wilson'a fnlher and Vilwiiuk'' :: Mintici.ifli ' -' " llillllea rate" Ithoae of II n. lo I in 3 In p. 111. lllf '..limi!'U k tun p't-- (nvnc'l. Hour" in. l, SUPERIOR LUMBER Philadelphia, Aim. 1 1 Philadelphia 'mother, almost within sIkIi! of the ponce r.cTC FED LEAGUE TEAMS r) UL.nilll VIIUOO ULIU won toduv'a name from Pltl diurnh, 6 house in which she lived a p. il ir t tisj 1 1 & MILL CO. ;ToiilKht the president Was specililIK DECISION OVER RIVERS to 4, l.y hard httllnH. How TIlrT Miiml, K ' , WnshliiK-- I c..r.: II H eiistward on hla reltirn to V. 000 (100 4 10 0 AT END OF TWENTIETH; . . 6 T ooooooooooonnnoooooooooooa Plltal.lirKh ....103 t n. . . S PILLS nnn (i;ix S 12 1 lioiilile-hcndc- ri In Two mi CHICHESTER Phlliidehihiu ..002 'Split Touiik j Allhoiikh of visitors ciiine ' thoiiaands rain- Ml l:l(AM. A Halierlea: d'Toole, Cfinselmnn and( mi Hie Clti'iill; i ( inch ThHr Mo Iliiiiii. today to do honor to Ihe lav HoaaiNa jounl aaiciAL Liaaio wial) l.ailiral AMb ya.,r AiiKil. 4 I 1 - iil.fljeaa.'ra Jh"an.lYV - Los AliKeles, Leach 1:11 Cllmon; Alexander and Kllllfer. Mold Itciili; Mordccal memory of Wilson, a Snhbath- Auk. 'rns, ."ii. tiimi no I'llla lit ll.d ami (nulil M'tjiliAV BALDRIDGE mi Cellar Mr. - III!. Kii.l.,,a. of New York, was awarded Ihe dci'i- j i Mkl iml l:l u,.r. irslnl with y llroun'a Teum ( oiillniies to Clliiili, like iiuiet prevailed, j T.Lm nn ll,rr. Ili.v nf vonp LUMBER COMPANY VtnU S; f.laiitn 2. slon over Joe lilveis of l.os Anneles, Krkiilta. a in. i iikh rrR 4 I It wh exactly 2:30 p. m. when the Y..ItiIiiv' Vf lilAMH-V- nnA Ma 1'll.l.a, lifi : lilt fi de- ' tonlisht at the of twenty rounds V, raii'iHi-.i 15-ye- ar New York, Au II. Kt. I.ouIh i,,,.ul.ln . i, I u..u,.i,,l I... I il f.'W leik'it'il s:ni O llet. idlest. AUei PAROID ROOFING with s e II At K '.' , , Cross had every .in Ancvli 1. York today by a acore of I hDKR AI. I KAdl STAMI1NG. l'",'n , ... Inf hard fiKhtiiiir. BV DRUGGISTS feated New casK.-,- I' Tilaml :i: S i niuentu SOLD LVIMHLRS hy w, I,. ri.t,imuiu.ea ,e Ih(. ,(.th r I lo t. Thi same waa lnokni up ''"' - rllm, guarantee. i lii.mi ., . . h:i 4.. .(.i.i Kiey nroiiin nun aim oeui nm n nm k j lip was in fifth thiiiuln-atorm- II llm flint tiitn 44 Rivers:' uit the S4HTHHHN I.KAf.lK. a lialtimore .. ''" wreath of flowers, was lifted from Hie iliiriiis,'! i Huf-fere- d llniMHlvn .. :.l 41 round and gave much trouble this awaann that Muthewaon hail by Mrs. Wll-- ! Hon- They flunrl. InillunHpiilta . .'.1 47 'funeral ear elghl of two consecullva defeat, fiame the latter part of the mutest. W. t,. Pel. , . . :,1 4lt Bowling Alley llllirl.. ,:.i:. son's i oiisins and borne to the hearse. I', Drummer ' (it 4 of sixth Innlnn HI 1 t,H ,44-.- - Nov rirvana CITY whm at end the l.nllla J.lJt' DUKE called slu- As Ihe train aleamed Into the Mi. lulu .. .. 411 Y. GOIJ) n I I '1 a u at l 4! RICHIE MITCHELL TO 205 on account of i In. 'a it y j .'.11 a, kHiiana 44 4 i linn, church hells throimhoiit the t Illr'nii'illn.m : It M ('liy ,.- - Cleaners-Hatte- rs Sera were tolled. A wide spare had been' A hull:! . DiKkliln.", the Ideal Summer Sport BOX AUG. . .:,i:: rt. I.mii 012 000 i " tlamea Today. CHAVEB 17 io.ii tile Irleared iihotil the alution and the :, i'2( 4IA York 011 4 2 i nl Kilhaaa ( liy. FOCK ALLEYS W. Cold. Phone New 0002 llallltli'irr M."TI.lllF ,47 ,41' ny , tlilffalu at 1ililiHnunMlH. thousand of people, assembled there. HiHlerlea: lioak, flrlner and I'.ichie Mitchell, ;i last feaihei Welnht Mull! ri.ltir-l-- .42 74 ( Pliiai'innh t ftileincn. isiood back respectfully. Those who der; Muthewaon and Meyeia. I i llrnoklyn at at. l.oula. of Milwaukee, Win., will finht Henn j COMPANY (bore the casket were: P.dward !'. YrvtiTilnv'a Crsnlla. The WM. FARR In on 17. A: piirehtiseg I iChavex Denver Aumist the: v iv in p.'s''.n rain. Peal eHtale Wholesale and Retail Dealer la Moaaiaa jouaaaL aaiaiai i Hiown, Atlantic Hubert M. llnyl. laio nal to twenty ...(, ' 'I I: MICATS 1 I contest he!nn schciluied ro riiniinn 'V,,'T easily b AND SALT DENVER BEARS DROP 1. 7 dale or lij.le are mdved FKDSII Aim. Wade l lloyl and Nathan lloyl, 1 i,v..ininl boy --' I At':iicn '.ell; Mi'iipnm ", i.'llllie,' sspu'lnlty , rounds. The will wlirh Suiisime a !itrlri.ra It H Pan-,- , IfMut.i .11,1i l; o i n fame: II. P. Axson, Savannah: i KivinMi: 'in f want Head thfin; ! H Jiltoine; ,t Journal ad. Hogs tha Elwreai GAME TO TAILENDERS llrnoklyn 000 000 01 1 2 pounds at o'clock on the afternoon t.ri,ilKlniii '; MontKomery (Fifteen For Cattle and ., dolph Axson and Kdwurd T. llrown. - . Do It todaT. Market Prioca Ara Paid iChlniR.i 000 000 0(100 of the match. ii- 'hem. ,.nt j C. (l. hi eath, Atlanta, WHILE LEADERS WIN I i J'' and r'rnnk Halierlea; Seaton find .find; re-- r j president, followed by Sei 'dtlx It. The and nine ry and Mrs. McAdoo, Mr. and Mrs. M TI.HN I liAlil K KTAMUNfl. rnra Haronil game: ft W I.. llmoklvn OHO 020 010 3 y tilSavre. MIsh Wilson, Professor Axson flout 'HV 4., 001 10J (Mix 5 and other near relative ana meiiihers, I nv, 41 iChlniKo li r ('hup of nil v. iiulikly left the train audi si, 4K Hiillerle: llluejacket. llotiek. the it r.; (entered prnees-- l li-- Mi.una lelle nnd Land. Johnson and lib" k. Ihelr larrliiKes. The l.iliriilii r.T .41H sion then moved throukh blai k- -! !. ,4 (iinjhtt . Preshy-leria- n .4011 llnffalo 5; Kaiisaa II) (Imped streets into the First T'tn li,i , W idnin ,. Kama Clly, Aim. 1 church. Hi, or t! II K son (ill mra Tmiilt. 5 S More than relatives and friends Jluffjlo 000 201 020 2, al- T"o.k ai i.lni-iil- (HIO 2 II 4 of the Wilson and Axson families (iiiialm Kansas Clly . .002 OiUl rnv at Allen; ' ready were nullified III the Utile fl Jia.-tii- in I'.a M"l llallerie. SchnU li ml lllalr; i used to at- w hlt nl liMivrr Adams, stone and Hruwn. hutch where Mis. Wilson tend when her lather, the llev. d jnuasAL aaaeiat e anaai ia Moaam iiat lliilliniore liullamipolls " I. S. Axson, whh pastor there. The At In- - lienver i In et H K Indlaiiupolia, Aug. II. bun h was drn.ied black, with Hi ,.ra E of white flowers, Wichita .... OnO 104 210-- K 14 0, rtral aunia: 1 teilwined wreaths mo ooo a 12 4 ii tab- Denver H 021 :mo J 14 4 Hultlnioie 101 (in one wall was while marble 001! 12x 7 11 1 li Ijimberl, and ImlaiunpoliH ...301 let lo the memory of Mis, Wilson'.! Hultei a: Slaale Jai'klltj'i h; C.i hiim Molter. Hchrelher and 8pulir. lltnieriea: (jnlnit and father. Kluwrrx were piled liinh about Knlai'tliiig tind Hatideu. the ratnfaliiue. S.Hoa gama: R tt P liie ) a Mollies II. i followliiK SI. lltillillioie 20) (U0 010 5 5 2 Aa tbe president niered, I I 4 march A les Mnllie liidluliapidl ...200 000 0204 9 the uisket, Chopin's 'funeral tVi.ra; no'1 wa played on Ihe orKan. A simple, (illfl-St- . Hntterlen; Connelly, Siikks Tie Moines. . 0i0 000 lUisscll; Dlllurd, McConnaiiKhey "ml short service was conducted by the Joseph , . U' 010 20 llev. (1. (J. Sydnor, the local paslor. 11a- - Warren. Halteilea Turner. Puffy I. lid The president, bis duikhter, Secre- ley, Thoniiia nnd Schaim. si. limit I: Pltlshiiruli 2. tary McAdoo and Mr, Sayte occupied - St l.ou's, Aim. the front pew In the center and back ioiiv ( It j It: Omaha . IP Hii.r.. I'" of them wete other members of the At I imaha ooo ono R l( U rutsburith 1102 SI. 010 20 OOx 4 . i, 3 ( 010 -i- 12 2 Louis Tumiilly. Tw o oi l hymns, girlhood h'loux City. l Perry; Prown Omaha nnn nun 0 a 4 lialleries: Harger and favorites of Mrs. Wilson, were HtinH Piiltel While and M in I'hv and Simon. by the church choir. The Itev. Dr.1 and K uner. j Sydnor then read briefly from the A BUSINESS AS CAREER ; scriptures and spoke of the beauty k double deader! V Lincoln k; Topi ka A. land charity of Mis. Wilson' lite. Jw At Lincoln-- - As soon as the church service ended n It V -- How Efficiency Earns Success.;, Journey to Myrtle Hill ceme- - ;' Prince Albert tobacco works both ways. It's king- - I the Ahull I Lincoln HO 002 iix-- X ' - V4 Mix Tbis is the btislnes an, and tbci1(.ry V(H bemun. Sihooluirls, dressed ' Pfv Topeka nnn nnn 122 6 li pins rolled into a makin's cigarette or jammed into a meat rich world (if business demands j w,it,. and hobliiiK laurel branches J&'&r j llaii.-iie- Hcniialna and lilackburn; "Hnsiiiesa Uriutis" mid Is w illiiiK I'M which the )immy Pi?1' No matter how you handle P. A., it just P.eisiKl and ltappa. lined the slreets throiikh sM$$&m pay handsomely for that article. procession passed. Peside them were M punches smoke joy and smoke satisfaction right into your ivU1 Do our universities prepare for thousands of people, w ith bured H i system. home run in the tenth with the bases . vCf Puslnes? Apply for a Munition and !..,,, t)oWp,i, silent and sorrowfiil. I Fi It's a regular Among the Bowlers you will be liiuiibed at. no matter Tm, (,01.u.Kl. r)oht. to the ceme- - chock-- Catch the idea? you had, 1 1 l ij&bM what literary traliiintt have ,(( rv wh(-- H,Ran , (ail, The Mf !2!S Standing of Teams. If you know nclhliiR f the technloue ,,;. ,,. b,c.um0 torrential. A tent if Men, get into the know that Prince Albert can't bite your tongue, course, all edu, alien pZ.!" V. L. Pi t of H.islness. of , .Rritvl Klivf partial j W can't your It is made by a patented process (M I world l i:TuJ.i'..c0.Wlfc, parch throat. that Cults 1! dcslrnble. only the """ hptPr , tht. nmiy ,.,,, hut the f M P.. slot fi, I i. il .714 ,u,v j that's some fad-tal-k I j for that which "'; .i,h0usands of persons who came to cuts out the bite. And Ilnbiis 13 s The buslnes world;"''is a I'tactlcaP nro- - .Hi " wl,h,.t Xfe i.imu Co m It 4h"!'oi,e. It doesn't nsk "What do yon,""" P It. It 7 a .4; iknow '" I,,,, "AVha, can V- ' - worp hTie and Forester 4 14 2 2 l.tllciem to. ,he If von have Pusmess ty Ti e resl. f'litar Co 4 It : Impressive stinplu sell, .he world is your market there t e .21111 bend bowed a Plummets 3 12 are no bounds to your Held: no I' lent stood wh Ifl,ml p" " V " A in your ambition. Mr. powron-'iri- s no place in the J,u uon ; slood there with his daiiKhtera, iciit "Pull" llnds concetti sr. M pi.At i: i i i At.i i: of business. "Kiri'leiuy Is the unit; Wilson made no effort to voice of the !f Vltlu jhisRiief. As the hushed 1 the Py wipnli'.K one game from ihe Hut the bualiieaa world Is exclu-- preacher read the burial aervice uu-- visibly I I Utah last night the Postofflce team isive; It makes no place for the ' resident' form was shaken streamed the national joy smoke I III ttie Duck pin leaijiii? i un tied see-oi- (trained. It can't use them: but it is:,y emotion and the tears S place in the race for the pen- lin constant need and offer rich re- - j dow u his heeks. other of the parly - nant. The lltihba won two out of .numeration to the sk Hied Hie em- wept silently and Koniy. i hit your favor first time you come to bat, because'today it is the Ihe three name played ais.iinst the ru nt Afier the final benediction wn wll P. (I. trio. i llusiness efficiency may be best hc- - pronounced the president slowly re-- i natural choice of men who have found tobacco satisfaction for the first eyes The score: Uiiired in nn Institution conducted by turned to his carriage. Hi fil ! ; you'll - ? Bl ' time! They like it; like it! You get right into the game and prove t MjV P. IL 1 3 Tol, practical business men who leach Wrre (liose of one duxed. but his In yourself P. A. is real and true man-tobacc- o, bully in flavor and Dry Oil H4 101 24 btislnes buainea la done theij.jpp irm anj nill fa,. was atern for that Jusf-brand- s, . . 7K na- S6 26 'office and countink room. Phi ker jnndael. bully in fragrance. It's a mile away from the and "--I 74 TJxre is only one best: there is. A(u.t enaket was lowered and Howe si - 0 jonly one National Accredited Cow- th,, K,avP was filled, heap of flowers, You sure have some high times coming if youll sport a bit and lay a 4 . aouthwest ; 2L3 2m merclal h".d in the (hp ,rjlul, nution, were piled mnpplle I dims against a tidy red tin of P. A. Go to it like it was your middle name. I' Mliere is one institution that hl)(h n T u ,pmi,. 1 prints 3 business-traine- d brain than all' j1-S- f Del.otimer . .107 !1 jiiiiire tn,n four nfUr!l from the tin.:si In New Mexico. Mnllma 122 s 3a r. lether schools P!,lm, ,he funeral train arrived, the are aticcessful and are once Buy Prince Albert everywhere. Toppy red bag, Sc t y r . . HO 7 crniiualea nresident and hi partv were Pin ion ' 2231 in (handy everywhere in demand. Let line more on board their special car ana for cigarette smokers); tidy red tins, 10c; at of the, fall term. al$o half-poun- 309 24k ,24 the hcitlnninK the return Journey was begun. handsome pound and d humidors, Catalogue on request. President ' Wilson remained by the A LIU y VK. PQP I - Pt W KeiS ''iifi-,- grave until the casket had beeai cov- 4 'ff obb Hiitna Contract. COLLK.C.n. 4 Detroit, Midi., Aug. 11 Tyrua ered with concrete and Meel. At the R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Sale- N. C. "The Special School by Specialist.'' , f'tl,t. tfi Iietroil American leaau head of the RMve there stands a plain MP le .i'i, loilav Viani J1 Vrtnlract play fhoi Hit is ,iit",,.i,titiv. l)tM'iai ehe nara",(.il


own supply of tattle and hog and at 32 CHILDREN AT H. SC01I KNIGH PHONE COMPANY WAR PRICES FOP. the 'in... M. wants t . buy FLOTSAM CAST from u, being unable . jet to Im- PROJECTS , BRl port from Smith America und Alls-- ' trallii. Ski I. lull I'lifli. t'fltlllll. ORPHA! -- PIONEER CITIZEN CALLED UPON TO FOODSTUFFS ARE "Tinned and liaiitletl iuii I '. y UP BY SEA IS AGAINST UNFAIR IE polk, adapt. it. if ale esiMa' to in my li f. I'lrniK niaiiiifai tin UK tlicse i onijno.ltt i.'h ait' not wivnii; .inf- ALBUQUERQUE DIES SUDDENLY REDUCE RATES NOW QN US lations on them, sto'ks in Ibis conn-t- i FROM WARSHIP v ate too limit, il. We cannot inaiot- - BRITISH ORDER factoi.- - g Is fast t tioiikh f"t the clc- - nianil. We were .anglil with h' ito. I.i win 11 means ikv-hiv- pi n Boys and Girls From All Sec- Fail- (BetCIAC (MATCH TO MoeNIN iOueHAU Up by oil tlle" WO. ills.' ii Severe Attack of Heart Aug. Meat Goes Leaps and British Cruiser Either Cleared Kuniu Fe, 11. The state cor- Retail meit deali r are Incline, i to Washington. til.- - R'Sil.Mls that tions of State Being Cared ure Claims One of Best poration coinniishlon today notified Bounds and Hid) Cost of blame the wholesalers and a medim; Hastily for Action or Was Hk jI Hi ll. tin hns it I'll'lf it th land-l- n the t - Mountain States Telephone of III I nitial M is,.- pmcheis' asso- of iJ .toi.g1it)-- .tin' shores for at Splendid Institu- Known Residents of Albu- Telegraph Co. of the c hanges in rates Living Is Likely Soon to ciation has been culled for Thin s.l.iy Wrecked hy Internal Explo cause. secretin liiy.m tonight to ca- In San Juan county and at Silver ble ,inliass..,,iir 1'nKe lusiriif lions to tion, querque; Funeral Thursday, City, in response to informul com- Stagger the Consumer, tlNt.ltl M() I'ltOlli: sion, Is niveau ale ami b,. find, tile report plaints of citizens. As to Altec und l'IH Mil. II ritH I S IMil ll true, to luucc an mgent pt'edest with Fin mingtnn, It wan recommended the !l u.,i f, r, .,u office. UOMNIMO JOCINNAU Auk, r -- St. Anthony' orphanage, located In Henry Scott Knight, a resident of that the company proceed lit once to tV IMnu hvm pi in Ibspat. Ins Mm imitiil rcprcsfti-tat'Ve- s Huurgude i'lticc, adjoining the United Albuquerque since 1KH!, wan claimed .adjust the matter by reducing the Chic ago, Aug. a r for for food III the I'llited Slates called ('.in Francisco, Aug. 1 Flotsam at Chi isiianla, Norway unci .'exchange to ...pread ih.- In of StulfH Indian school, north of Albu- hv death at 3:30 o'clock yrsterda) service feci to all mutual food continued i forth four Invt stigation leholiititiiu cast up today on the shore soiilh Havre, ran.,, said, il was nildetslood west lociay, out- s., querque, recently const rutted it t an morning, following a severe nttnek of lines operated through the Aztec und central the bouse today. All of the measures' the Hidden Hate and Ihe presence at tin plac s thai Hreat Hrltain was mm-r-i piopoM-.- l reasons u lion-'- . - expenditure of approximately $(,'. (Mm, heurt failure. Death came In the Kiitniliigton exchanges to a basis of Four proposed vslonal in- hiiiuiies into the side the heads of Herman cl niscr eXtllltluig all ili- h subjects, .'i why, bumper on, U now earing for thirty-tw- o children, rooms crcupied hy the Knight family cents per month per phone where quiries to determine wlu prices should when American ci"p encoding off noil proved either of Ho ir liatlcoilllltv. - the hy own-- j e tlepi ived of iheir forenjn tint i - in v Seven uf the- thirty-tw- o youngsteri In the New Armljo hulldliiR and im lines are maintained the go up in the fin of the ti eonb break- are that ii Fritish warship bad iliared Seciet.ii in van in bis cablegram K ers and revise toll charge unci tin- Uets, the price ol food"! lifts should had ., t u to Ambassador '.li;i, rmpha'tixeil are girls, the lent are bns. 'I' he In-- sudden an( unlooked for. Mr. ninlii the ing harvest einting otf of baste for notion oi that she the ik-- go up In domestic tuition is primarily und principally won In fair heulth Monday morning A2tee and Kui tnlngton I F.ttropeiin markets tailed to check the the urtiM't im n b alt explosion .opinion that naliotiiils of friendly changes u 10 ltepreseir.l.l IV t Moore, Keby and In. for orphan hoys. The girls now ut and became III during Monday after- to basis of cents for advance. I'rass door platen stamped "thin- liovveis should not ileiiied permis- 15 party called on Hie to In noon. A phys-icln- was summoned number call and cents for One of the causes givi n tor the ad- I'arr, if ner" mil "Navigation uifict-r'- proved sion laud Knglaud, paitlculally the orphanage were admitted because clc exec utiv e tmeiit tn mak" the In , llllt-is- li pronouncea senoux. call. The letter of the commission vance was that fat mil a stock pal that Hie dcllls bail nine tii in a at thia tun their brother were taken in und the condition and liona-hue- , ! says: vestlg itlcm uti, Repieseiilattve ship. The badly Such a prohibition would serious y were i becoming gradually worse during the raisers are ho'.dinu tln h products in wai splintered Krandscnn sisters reluctant Iv Hopos.-.- l Washing-lol- "H'e have further to recommend e, of iinia. the ' the plans of the l separate brothers and jnifht - A' 0,1 '"'"V nour the hope thut the demand from minion of flotsam Hoodwink, unit coinilcille sisters. V'dai that all free service between ex- creation of a special home comin.ttce government for the relief of Hullillmi u Miulfl. morning sir. ivnigni uj if it can be lill.d, wib tend the twisted and tangled metal fillings changes Kariiiington, for the task. ac- l Idly A. M. Mandulari, S. J., of Aster and a lev to it, together with the fact Americans Hinuihd abiond on The orphanage bijildlng is a mold and Rev. prices to new biuli .1. attached Iwas culled, administering the last 'and vice versu, be discontinued. We nowhere could be loillld the count of the Kiiiopeaii war. Thou- kind, well designed con- An Increase In wholesale meat I5 l ( 1. that of lis und !ure convinced, ufter Investigation of Sl'ti I'ltK IIM IM , sands of touri-l- s who bnve been scat- rites of the Komun Catholic church, prices the ti n days shows maiks of hummer, bise! or tiowl.ur, structed of the best materia Is and by is a most during lat TO UK. Ill It M over 111' to which the deceased was a convert. jthis matter, that this In following: soH made those who Viewed it positive tered continent arc now the best workmen. The ground arc can be the way F.nglaiul. came were Mrs. basis that arrived at It tciiti loose by an ex- 'nuking Ibt ir lo extensive, covering fifty acres. Present when death oiiiwii Imiii for Ten Da vs. New York, Aug. 11. The sugar that had been Knight sons, Scott, Jr. at this time., In view of the conditions there to board ships f..,- home und Hdwin and Auiiiisi I 10 to sour lotbiy in.d plosion. considerable work bus been that exist at those places. August matket continued i It was suggested tonight that unv $1.'. 41 new high In both i ill the other batnl t ame word from done In tilling the ground. Crops Funeral Thursday. Pork loin in lis records were made issued by iiinhoil-tic- s "We would further recommend i. 'ortler the llritlsli Short ribs raw and refined. Sales of CiiIms the Canadian naval station at I'.s.pii-ii- were plained in trie spring and The funeral will be held Thursday j that your operators at the Aztec and In nil probability Would not be HI.'.iO J I 4'i, basis, H1 centri- mil the Rainbow was known to corn, oats und wheat are now morning with requiem nittas In the Karmlngton exchanges be Instructed Septumber , 2.70 nt to 4',; eiifotcecl ai'iiinst neutral foidgueis $11.37 fugal test. Cellllifllgill eiU.lllei $5.14 havf i leal el for action. Caplalo reudy for harvesting. Twelve acres Church of the Inimticulute Conception, to give to the patrons of those October $r.'.ri2'n desiring to land temporarily lo await January $la.3fl 111. 4a unci $5 20, duly paid. Flue granulat- Hlotibecli, of the station of garden is being raised this year at 9 o'clock. Ilurlnl will hejehangea the best and most expeditious the Sailing of it vessel for their own Ijiinb $1.1 2 K by some near which the fragments were found, plunned In cemetery. The body possible to $13.92 ed was iid.aii. el to cents country. and it is to cultivate the land Huntil llarbara service do. 2 i Ueef 115.1(1 1 li. at) to by others, remembered thai about In the morn- energetically, tinder the direction of will lie In state all day today In Strong "These recommendations nro In no cuts rellncis and ti'j tents A comparison of retail meat prices wJth sales of tin, into bags reported to ing the Italubovv bad hud to onisidt-ih- e ugrleulturiil exuerts with u view to ltrothers' chapel and friends may j wise, to be Interpreted or construed STRIKERS RENDERED shows nn nince t'nited Kingdom. The donicsti. harbor, Just after passing out. making it provide sufficient vegetables view the remains. .as n precedent to be established In Increase last week: the Today Saturday tleinand Is also laite and w II hclia w a Is She might have been stripping her BY FIRE an 1 gtalns to support the institution Mr. Knight was nn mem- - other communities or on other lines HOMELESS Insurance Round steal; 25c 22c re very heavy with s,.ine of i be bull ,.f inflammable wood wink lion. u few years, of of of Columbus und operating In this state, but are simp- - within k'lundreds her the Knlchts 2Sc LTn iilreiulv on orders xplosion was, it iinil.l ly to meet the exigencies at the Sirloin steak behind the If nil there ft tilt trees lire to be set out und fruit members of the Albuquerque council Porterhouse ateak ..;i5c 30(i(:i2f not have been on hoard the Rainbow, Nanaiiiio, It. C, Aug. II Smth a of af- In chapel last even-- j pointa In question." raising made source revenue gathered Strongs' Iiil roust 2"c L'.'.c Hong Mck ii Wins. for she was sighted today off Vnn-- . Wellington, six miles from Niinalmo begin to beHr Ing, intending brief services conducted ; giving the of the 1'ai lflc Coa-- t ter the trees fruit. I'ork chops llOc 2 2 l 2 4 1? Santa Fc, Auk II After ouver Island, ucc circling to Ottawa, and fcinl Arrangement. hy Father Mundalari. : DEMOCRATS OF EDDY clelll. ela- company, was wiped tint bv fire .,, Interior Lamb chops .10.' 2"ie the .ase much thoiiLlil and lint., dispatches. Those who i lung to of orphanage is j Judge II Fop" lo.luy. The interior the Here Many Tears. COUNTY NOMINATE DOW of lamb 24c 22c tion, Federal William the explosion theory argued that Ihe ixtreniely attractive. Thrre are many IpMl today decided that I'mig Sic k Vow, a Tint e hundred ami fifty people, Mr. Knight spent the bent part ofi Veul steak 35c :!2i slc.oim of war Sbeamati r or Alget ine building, I In urn honiel.sH toniuht. Sisty homes rooms In the which has h AND SKEEN FOR HOUSE Veil hops 2 So 25c Chinaman, is entitled to be this bad been In trouble. The Algetine his life In Albuquerque. Horn In'j vv nl.-- o one or- y ii revoked the of lit" t re deslroved, three stores, the cbpttcity for hundred and fifty Knight Similar advances have been made count! ml order was last rep, lite, I lit Mniillalt. The Durham, Me., In 1862. Mr. in posloffice and the Wellciley I, limber phans. The orphans are kepi out of In the prices of other foodstuffs within p'irtiitioii. Ooiig Si'k Vow wh left San lilcgo. August 3 was educated In the public s hools (lICIl, COSMWlHDIHCt TO MONIN JOUSNACI Shearwater company's rawmlll. daytime much us j II- - custody at Ileniing and one of the fea. doors during the as rttti-Vin- N. M., Aug. 11. The ten days as follows: The Herman cruiser siaiidliig off I r1 anil later continued his Carlsbad, Will be 150,11111) il.i ,. 1 a The loss liver Willi ,,.,,,., ,,.,o .1...... a,...... pri- - August 10 Autust turrs of the case was comparison was today by i0(u(.a(m in Huston. When a mere; mil returns lrom the democratic this harbor bblitlflel vel-- e. uisagree-ubl- e. Flour-Fl- our, of Imiiik Sick Vow's photograph with blile Insurant The homeless inem wnen me vvcainer is and held In Kddy county last e Americ an bnrk R V. Rilhet as the hoy, Mr. Knight left the cast maries so the people are noisily striking miners night - . . 50 4i that of his father, as to establish At the youngsters are to west, fettling- first In unlay have not yet been obtained. The bbl.. lii.OOiti 7.0a $5 5.75 I.eip.ig. the far y . who have been out or work for oyer . ,N5 his ill ii cared in large, airy dormitories, 1 en-- 24 lit. sock .75 for Trinidad, Colo., in 878, where he j Queen precinct Is still missing, The bark passed near enough to a year. (ii of which there are several. Two are gaged in grocery business. Me was Judge G. A. Itichurdson is noml-Inte- r Sugar, lb OC .07 .05 4 make the name clearly legible. The) the ( ox Santii IV I'rlmailes Today. In use at the present time, one for the distric t Judge without oppo-an- d Helms, lb 07 .05 repotted made city marshal In Trinidad nated for Santa Fe, Aug. 11 County Clerk captain of the bark also that boys und the other for the girls. In M. P. SUeen, of Artesla, F.ggs, doz 30 .211 served with distinction as an Dr. Marcclimi A. Ortiz went to Cerrlllos he had pfthscd u mass of wreckage the boys' dormitories there are one of the Lemons, doz. .35 'it .40 .25 ificer in the davs when the west wa;is nominated as one member today on business In coniiectlon with floatlmr several milts off the harbor white beds, with en- - &3u Nadine hundred enamel nfested with gunmen. Fearless and house from this district with Invotigatlon Orclci.'d. tomorrow evening's primaries. These entranc e new furnishings. wu- - 394, Flor-te- r tlrely Running efficient, Mr. Knight made a splendid votes; Robert C. Dow has An investigation as to w hether these will be held throughout the Face Powder In 359. lirimaries Is furnished euch dormitory and record as marshal In Trinidad. Afterence Iove, 372, W. T. Matklns prices are justified will be begun by at 7:30 o'i lot k. The four city r ii n ( ri isi:it IS wash-;resignl- county ure a dozen Individual d Guy A. 102. As the vote is mar- KNOWN' I there as marshal he was made Reed the council Committee on public precincts will elect forty-eigh- t dele- 'It in: nut. (In Croon Bom Only) hot und cold Ismail Mr. Dow will be the stands, with water, inLmtant postmaster In Trinidad. In In Queen. kets which, according to Alderman gates und the outside precincts seven- boys' n dozen - Recond member of Ottawa, (nit , Aug. The Ca- the dormitory, and half 1889, Mr. Knight came to Albuquer- (candidate for the James A. I.awlev', lis chairman, will ty-four deb gates. II. Th in the girls' dormitory, with all other que, brought here primarily for the the house. meet with state officials, heads of civic, nadian cruiser Rainbow was sighted Complexion Beautiful Al-- is very and not due Vancouver Island, il Was modern conveniences known to the purpose of training a hose team. I The vote small organizations, expert economists and "A wise man b arns soniel hing t very to'lav off Suft and volvotr. Monty back If not - Thc con- Interest, It is likely that bent homes. bathrooms are. buquerque at that time, in common! to lack of representatives of the vvhol'sale and fine n fool blunders," says a philos- stated here tonight. This confirms Nadlnt ii pun and harm-Io- n, pri-mu- veniently situated. There is no limit with other southwest towns, made many remained away from the retail dealers. opher. It is fool blunders that make the view held by naval officials that Adlnrot until waahod olt. Provanta legisla-souther- n aunburn and to the number of baths the young- of volunteer fire companies. ln,inary with the hope that other prices are golnn up no fas- most men wise but it takes a hut',' Ihe wreckage thought to be that of return of dlacoloratlona. '"Retail A million dollghlod mora prova ita valua. sters may take in a week. Some of Colorado Mr. Knight haditlve materia might appear before the " it British warship cast asboru on the ter than the cort of raw material time. Macon Telegraph. Tlntai Ploah, Pink, Hrunotto, Whita. a record train- - Is the orphans voluntarily take a bath imade as a sprinter and 'election. said V. K. White, a director of Armour California coast not from the Rain- Br ToiUl Coynfr, or Afo,7, 50c. every day. However. It is eommil - ier of athletes. As a young man he it Co., today. When a man culls himself n fool lie bow. It may be from Ihe Rrllish gun- Nalioiul Toilol Companr. Paria, Tatan. sory to take a real bath once u week, jwas an all round athlete, being a ten-Th- e All classes of meat are advancing sees no shaking heads, hears no dis- boat Shearwater, or the gunboat Al-- i hundred-yar- d orphans take their meuls In n ; second runner In a dash COPIES In price, this Is only natural because senting voice; In fai t he announces n gerln, which hail been on the west Sold hy Wllllums Drug Co., ana general dining room and the older and ft Rood ball piayer. Albuquerque j 12.000 we ure now called on to live oft our unilllillioll.'l Verdic t. Ileselet News. const of Mexico. 'other toilet countora. hoys and Rirls are taught to assist inhumed out winning hook and ladder! clearing away the tables un.l wash- - '" ,l0se leam '"f earH ,1"r the inir n ,tiuiw,o r n.n mouiu direction of Trainer Knight. He he- - .. . jearne active In politics here and held OF A. B. C. PER lour Utile lots. i various public offices, being In turn There ure ut the present time in identity cnuntv assessor, t'nlted States ine orpminnge lour bames, ranging i,epUty marshal, and reading clerk In from 15 to 20 months old. These lit- - :the territorial legislature. Uter Mr. ARE PUBLISHED tie tots sit up in high chairs ut the; Knight became nn auctioneer and t'ol-- t table at meul and of course iowe,i tl,jH huiness for muny year i sleep fi-- ut night in a special room fietilp ,,)!j0 ,,vas for u noore of years of 1 upuii tor me names. j,. announcpr at the iiuiiiial terrlto- - Infirmary I'rovlclcil. rial and state fair ntid for scverul j Pmi-nin- r lnstitu-- t i t;i i Commercial There Is nn lnl'lrmarv at tiie took n fair advertising cur on iiui i plumage u large, airy room, where trips through the southwest. tion of Southwest Gets Out; the orphans are sent when ill. Only llud .Many Friends. one Is In ut Bright and Snappy Quarter-- patient the informurv Recause long residence In j Ihe of his this present limit. section, Scott Knight had muny! One little fondling, who Is called ly, Finely Illustrated, friends and uctiuflintanccs. He was Anthony, however, is a prospective one of the ri-- of Albu- - patient. The is yet a little fellow not querqtic, generous and of year old. He was brought to the or "Ruslnefs Ffflcioncy," published jn happy and optimistic disposition, phanage when a very smiill bubyandl quarterly by the Albuquerque liusl-nes- s 4.H. CO. and his pasting will be sincerely re-- j at that time was suffering from tu-- l College, is off the .Morning Jour, berculotfis. Is expected ul within u few summer is ideal the seashore in mountains between within reach It not that Knight two young sons,Tin have i"h JIIERE at the or midway the two, easy of both. Literature will live. and jdays 12,000V"'copies of the publication the sympathy of the community In of the various hotels and resorts those whose advertisements appear below may h had by prospective visitors to southern Stcliool Regius will be sent through mails luam- - Soon. sorrow. the School will begin for the orphans their Ihltious young men and women California this summer by writing direct to the advertisers, or by calling at the free information bureau maintained at the office of on 8. throughout The quar- September There ure three j the southwest. this newspaper. school rooms In the orphanage, all terly will be a revelation to those of them equipped with new desks and AP FOR who are In doubt ns to whnt to make other furniture, und three teachers j of their time and talentsIt will point have arrived from the east to edu- the way out of a dilemna as to whnt cate the boys and girls. One of the to .do in life, Profusely and contain- Rheumatism school rooms is for backward pupils, U illustrated the other two sre for pupils in the 0 C E ing dozens of splendid nrticles spur- I ring nnd describing, the STOMACH TKOI'ltMCtl primary and grammar grades. ambition ion it no ms tso KID.NtV AILMIwNT of study at nATim. linen Ki lower Planned. courses offered the its Hraro Morlrrn tat Cumfort of tluatta. Albuquerque Iiusiness college, "Pusl-nes- s The orphiiriuge la much In need of Hcioma Without tin III Hind, .no, tt 0 Rheets, pillow slips for Kfflclency" will ttndnbtedly be KcMimn Willi Until l $i IMl. .'..',, IJ.tta and blankets BY ROOSEVELT Wookly Monllilo !, the beds, towels, the means of convincing many pros- und ltnloa Apiillratloo. Fay wood nlso napkins and Splendid ar- pective students of the desirability of Vlilt Our Cata. Popular Prlcaa. other like nrticles. It has been rinan to siorea, 1 bcatora and lo-ai- Car Mnea. ranged to have u linen shower at the a commercial education. LIB IKIf.l AtlAV. GM. A. COI.MNl. A part paper Is Institution on September 3, when nil large of the taken i'realtloat. gtxi'jr at Traaa. Hot Springs the ladies of Albuquerque will hnjHarVGy D, Hinman Insists up with photographs of successful graduates of the Albuquerque Ttusl- - iiiviico to visit ine orpnnnage lino u It cur a, ami you remala cured. possible" donate some articles of linen. That if Elected GOVCmOr j nr'SH College, of the splendid positions aoa you you try -l vtll if Maintenance I'roblcin. itl'hloh flint ttnU' riniiril In n cm loo, HiS Not Be Used LOS AYCia, OIL, lu Xow that the orphanage hns boon Office Will lines of commercial endeavor, with P tna raateat Long I Ma Con.:drd f Kliliir fine opportunities for advancement Beach Blf Ctinrrfte built and equipped, the problem of Water co earth. for Colonel's Ambitions, and promotion. AIISOI.I TI.I.V FINM'KOOr maintenance is a serious one and (liwni-t-l Wh not VU4 FA HOT IVom WFLL MKV.T YOU AT TIIK l.aa. WOOD ways und rnoans are being con- Fifteen Counties. TH1V. 151 Ruonn, nil wuri jinvule batla. SI'IUM.' fnat, ainca you ttiil sidered. One Interesting article In the quar to all is.lnia. ventuaiiy go tttr aoyT . (ay Karopriin 1'lun. Ilitlra frtim M . r,n monim jousal aptcii i.iaio wiati terly tells of tthe representation of A representative of with otherg II l Tk this office will meet mother children and A I .art:, modern J"trftK-- V, Phittshiirgh, X. Y., Aug. Km Hill SI. lift fill tilh. kutel. ,11 counties of New Mexico nnd various IilM.MIi'K, 1,i'm-- . Clluiate. """"""; ";v needing assistance and see, they nro safely established In unliable F M. Mnar. bkxk;t. Phatic denial that there had been any thnt H et is a statewide institution, lead., ,,,,.. ,,. southwest states. For instance, last FHFK AITO 1U MI'KTS AI.LTKAINH T. Mc inJiMorr, ..tradei dckpr or b),twepn year, there were A. quarters. This service Is entirely free. Long Reach hotels, apartments, " icc-t'iv- orpnans irom un.v pun in students at the "Ttue J ) ood. self and Colonel or that he 15. x the state, creed Itoosevelt C. from fifteen out of the twenty-si- regardless of race or wiiild use public office lo further cottages nntl lent city are to he found for every varied taste and purse. Citizens of Albuquerque contributed counties of this tut. Other stu- MINNEWASKA HOTEL Mr. Roosevelt's nomination for presi- 1 some $8,000 to help In the construc- dents were from all parts of the We will make reservations for you. Rooklet free. It. ItlSltY, See. dent In 1916, was made hy Harvey southwest, Indicating Iiusi- Ay it AI'AHTMKNTS. tion. The Institution is the only one that the Chamber Commerce, 100 Are., Long Beach, Cullf. D. Hinman of lilnghamton, candidate ness College is no longer strictly an of Ocean No acu. 4uM; pura air, ynt nnlr three of its kind In New Mexico. There Isj tennie for the republican nominutlon for Albuquerque or a New Mexico Inst- florae AkiiOH Ml nn orphanage for girls in Sunta Fe, eeurt, ' and reaaunatila ratee. governor, in an before the - nn home- address itution, but is rapidly becoming nn se .v Cm. lnd Orarnt, l.oa A?r 4'i f,. iVtt- hut place In the state where republican county convention In k.4 less boys ore cared for, except the important Institution with the entire Ar.f)a- Oa t. Pittsburgh late this afternoon. southwest as a field. orphanage In Albuquerque. k ..' i: n i r r "Mr. Roosevelt's support of my Ton of Paper. Sisters In Charge. ' I? 5 'i'.).Vt?i Tiurchases, candidacy," said Mr. Hinman, was One ton of paper' was used In print- .etuiv. The of St. Francis, of La ; '. '. u: by Sisters vfl i uf m.j, ;t eolved i 9 R tifci" rii-r- t '1 given by him voluntarily, without the ing the "Ruslness Efficiency," quar- ; Fayette, lnd.,- are in charge of the , iis .'tsj.i.4; ut w orphannge. ten now slightest solicitation from me und terly. It Is a magazine of a dozen There are sisters polit- nt the orphanage, all of whom are carries with It no personal or large pages, with many half tone en- kind on my experienced orphnn-nge- s ical obligation of any gravings nnd is really a bright nnd in conducting implied. und homes for the poor and part, either expressed or snappy book. Principal J. E. Goodell HOTKL. nged. The sister In Immediate charge "Some fear thnt my nominntion will be glad to send copies to pros- AlTDITORIiUM of the orphans has done nothing else nnd election as governor would pective students. A post card to the W;m AND OU LCS- WC;:- nomination for Albuquerque Iiusiness College. Albu- for a dor.en years, but look after mean Mr. Roosevelt's Cvljvii;int; JieauJifu! Centii Pt: ? homeless boys and girls. president In 1916. I have no Informa- querque, N. M will bring one. tion of any kind that Mr. Roosevelt A fmwfv!ilmrr; turwshed tor 5'1 ' A great trouble with getting into TRADE - Weds Santa, Fe Chauffeur, has any ambition for 1916. If he has UL 3LEARN r--J pfiviitf iparkws. 5 very r Fe, Aug. 11. A marriage li- such an umbltlon the people of this the "swim" is that one Is so npt - Santa i r- Ukmm at tha anry pawtirai Mi S B. F. r- cense was issued today to Charles stute can rest assured, and I prom- to get in beyond one's depth. Deseret mliin I I I 1 CMonm. Aatiwa.tiJi waaat tt aM Hesch, a well known local chauffeur, ise them thnt If I he elected governor News. lmbam H I aaartncai tara" aaajm . and Miss Mamie Lnmbertson. The thnt office will not be used to further ieaivav4ai nig August 19 any political ambition of "Foolhardy to Defy Wife." Wedding will take place on personal or t,-.- a !an II !u4 m a .A - .i ..a fnfa h aaHtonnaa, j I d Fathtr of Guadalupe Mr. Roosevelt or any other mun, my A philosopher spoke there.- tUa., Bset, - . Sun, oh.urvhwtH.vf folate.1 ' v; f iwlf bicluad.'f - lmor i ALBUQUERQUE WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 12, 1914. SIX MORNING JOURNAL,

we putt Celebrates End of value t the war map are Where Belfjium and Holland Were Invaded by German Forces Foochow, China, the Hailing from time In lim the Opium Traffic in Fukien Province mllltaiy and naval maneuver! de- - the lo. A careful study of those maps ii m em y lopedia In utmii It malce morning Journal and irovellBH In China. Rpv. Dwlght Omldard of Cleveland. I (! American It ioahle for n poison of of of pobM.h.4 r () A O., ypndain In the Amerann board the followltiK account the celebration even Ml Him distance, ti 2GErTMAf() perception, 4 the elimination of Hip front Kuklen province.) 4,, JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. understand nun h of the possibilities .'y anticipate In Jf May wan a red letter piltn gui'His arrived they were tnketi of the wr itml to The first of p A. Ma. CPU "KAON. reception roolna offered . day Koochow, China, for on thut to the and W. T. Mr'RUIMr ... Bufln.H Manaa.r most important movement. fe)Al at N.-- a UMiief t.-- and In iiie hull the JL U l MpAI.I.IRTKK. TWERP day w:i cUcbraied the ending of the rakea. rala.d cur Krfimr H a atarfe wn A. N. MOHOAN w V-V-'- opium tralfic in the Fukli-- province. room tiaed rrowdea KSdiu.r !.im)h or Tin: tit. L M. U FOX England had aureed to Hive up her with notiiblea. The gallery wna filled Wwtera aWw"'"11' treaty rlnht to market her Indian "P-lu- m wllh ladiea and othera were on the AM.MW1, Km h nr Limim r enforce Hi auc-cee- C. J In Much province aa should d floor near the Mage. Kvery little while ItaUdlx. I klr.f, Dt proves the hilt Napa" own lessons t'i In abai'lute'y endiHK ilomp.stlc a bum of musk' would uaher in aotna teater .i--pt- what ahead)' hul been demonstrated produt'tion. an exceedingly care, new colb ge or boya' 0. hool. The Kon-cho- I I ' After H. Ml ' a, AI.PH l.y war In Hotith Afruu nml the hy F.nKllHh commls-loner- college of the 'American board M .w I",lark. the fill Investigation U, : brigntlejSOft, n call-tai- n l'' war In Manchuria, (hut wild modern i. . . who vlHited personally every sent a uUfng, with I He SJL daaa niaiiar el a corpa ot.r4 '" of ii I range climbing high hllla to on horaeback and of .f AltuUfHUa. " arms inln. h' diatrlct. evn fflr. - no poppy trumpetera. The boya were dnsued . 0 Mr- 1. III! nfle. Ih machine K'ni iiihI aiientiric U? aee for iheniBelvea that "'Mir ' T wan in einht. they acknowl- in apotlea white, with uniform (up -- JOIHNAI, IS TIIK i.llv sighted eiiiilery mi mta.klng fwvV-- riowor ..a. MoltNINll edged province had met and many flaga and bannera, nnd :n f..r.-- to defenae. that Fukien , m, fur Infeilor the J ai'PI't.HTINH TUB IHtVi-J- condltloiiH. ordera were lueued for- made a very pleasing ImpreHslon by L.llill It been tril ! that the , TUB 11 KIM IIIJOAN PAHI T Al l. Nor haa Importation and Iheir amart appearance and good din. -- huv bidding all further Tllta NI. IMS ""''".''J T!'t"Pl lie uiul the iliriKihli' providing that all unsoid alocka were clpline. FAkTI - In- - ill-- fi ih, in- i ii iii h iiiinl I'Ijo lii I province The hall was far (00 amall to hold HHIMT - to be removed from the nm- on miyllilni: lik nn i iiiul foul. nchnola, a apace wna cleared - rimiiatl" ihan anr uthae pipi within ten tlaya,. all the to lrt- - eigh- la N.v Mnica, Da WW iliK with tin- ilrfeiihP, Kuklen la the eleventh of the and one ai hool after another marched ! In 'Ilia M.tlao laau4 ! inf. Aln inly It In rlnir Hint iillllliiry PX-l- teen province to fulfil conditiona. in, aang Ita song and filed out. In giva - ago T K H at UK HI IIHI UIPTION. rtu mi- rlnlil In i onli'iiilliiK Hint ii It la a modern miracle. Ten yeara place to the next. After the mnsle .Mo leadi-r- Lr ur anail. na in.mih. - of came apeechea three by of Dally, carriar tuition fortlfli-i- l n Krnmi- Ih vir- the opium habit had a full tenth l. population in Its ciutchea: Ita the aorli'ty, two by foreigners one by NliTIl TO m'HHl'KIUKH!!. tually iinrniHiiH-iulili- ' War In mich the ukacfll..ra to ! h r1lln production wan a most profitable President Heard of our Koochow col- ' i li iiii hiih ImiK ii Kt'n. ts pap.r " t'iimt!inrH crop; aale a profitable buni-m-a- lege being especially well received. a. iva iha i.l. artilwa - the muat ba aura in luiillia, lioii- iitwiiiilia ! rM forlorn the curie was alowiy but aurely Then there wire address a l.y woin-'n- Tha M..rnln Journal liaa a hiahr clrru. lillvilll Ii)' lllnl for till' ruining the nation, und It took a This, of all things. In China! line la acconl.d lu anr mhr railnc lhaa tnoHt luii'l unaviilliiiK valor. revolution to give them the women speukera was the head Z.' , n."-T- ha Am.iuan (lyminui .of the h..patr lnrarlrf. All honor l th HiIkuiiin who courage to attempt Its destruction. of the jgovernment gin normal ht-l- a liuw n t I nn InvuHlon ami Xot a foreigner believed that It could school. Another waa granddaugh- I V. I IX KK A V A N' ilXT IJ, 1M - W an nitiiy unlll tin- ihf'-iiilii- of tlipj be done. Hut It has been done and ter of Lin and the third , an W ,y jit been not by. the fiat of nn was the widow of American board an.iiiliil i mini i x. I ii n miriTln-- h.n done I . government, but by the pastor. Mrrit i: TO It till IIS. li iiulil Kiitlur In to riaiHt. I'm at arbitrary V i fheer force of public aentlment com- - The addresses were forceful, Intcn ithp IIiiip mlmlriition hops nut j fc& aniiin mm C pe.llng official action. eating nnd prophetic. The audience - rn tin- of tin- Urrniiin youth !ii IP BCtGtAN I In the morning nt the wharf of the appreciated specially the references to Journnl mil nl ..tKnil"" tin- - LIpkci Thf who clri-i- (In1 Iom- of 'Chinese cusioma noma $5fl,uon worth the fact that In excluding opium the bv hmvi-r- r hunt t Hip iiniioiiiin in. iit Ini lirtf Iforlii. (iiiiinr of confiscated opium waa publicly real work was only Just begun. Theie iln--i- i illMilayt-i- l In Mm iriit or ininli-r- j o s ia to 90 turned, f ; At 8 o'clock the imiign of whs still th.i task to It out and V.. Ktone, itmniiMiT t lrlvlllr K'i"tl tlinra. MAP SMOWlN ADVANCE THROIJAH P3L&4UM HMD WO t LAN P. the late "Governor n was taken to 0etx-- and to banish also the eiiially co I'r-ax- , Hip Vli-we- - tli of the Lin substitute, morphine, of h AwMM-liltr- of riRlJ l.y tin- olil, military w. , from ancestral hall harmful family, placed In a aplendld aedan caine and alcoholic drinks. I'nder-nent- h - 2.'..ti0o. or now Mi.ooii men urfj tin- iviii . I . r . ' i, .. ceremony was sober MiM..lshli of ii'" - ' .,!.., ..t his) carried with the rejoicing felt a to., hlidi a to lor ' ti " poniu a. .n... r enough to wear firm trousera they chair and itiot lira luv IJif to heudquar-ter- a of responsibility for a .' -n With Scissors and Paste will be given to him free. According through the streets the undercurrent il.f.n-- . Hut from '""f''" that our iik:iiI. uiul Ita Anti-opiu- m in 11 of acniety. Here further advance In the moral better- can not .jo Justlcp to a genius, I to member of the firm In iiueation, the ' IIITillH on iliinilM.llit of fMiilnillii-tli- ' h ii mil nils. sinii W I I Tl,.,r- - nr. liiK HllllKa M KK Ililt IlKIVK. j about "(I per cent of Hi letters and it wna visited by thousands of people, ment of the nation that was prophetic hUPhIIIiiR iiiiiJ I'""'- - but we can iasa the buck In Kditor th aairlflif la (II. lietmera, 111 Magazine.) ex- before the afternoon of new China that is to be. 1 pants sent out are returned and until Just the - i onilu. nl, uim j ;l.aiolnt, who has always nt command lh- Kiiroi'iuri inn lh military mi "I found early in my experience changed fur the free pair. speeches, when with much firing of Koochow, the city In which this of it the exact adjectives In tit am h ex- - ..,..!.. u coiiie thioiiKh In detail Ihorlllia take the aaine view that aa a general rule there are firecrackers It wna returned in stale celebration took place. Is the center of - aae. I' that waa taken bv the Japanese gen- j' iceptlona of course a regular con-- 1 TU11.K.IIT HOm. to its home. Thin Governor Lin was one of the American board's largest them to be j Im- when the poWera permit during Hie w ur w itll Ituasla. sinner of fruit was not u very good I Madeline T. Long.) the official who, sixty years aso, aa missions and Is also the seat of customer In my luisinesa (saloon-- 1 c 'onie, twilight hour, ahad'wyj special commissioner nt Canton, portant union theological, medical out. Xow and then it na believed liecea. Ol II (.1 KM V. MI l!l( S. thou KlVen 1. Hi- - typl-- in 1",-no- il keeper (in other hand, a l hour of Urea 111s, seined burned many thousands of and normal schools whose control siny to throw att.'iV the lives of and aa Hip ceiiauiahlp icul 'bnogeflghter' seldom touches' And tii-- t now the t'.iici'oblng pulse of of opium belonging to English the American board Joins with Mth-odl- Till audi lime laj men agaiiit a pohIIioii where The clll.enHlii of cheats the I'nlted fruit. I always kept some npplcs be-- j clnv; merchants, who had continued to Im- - and Episcopalian societies.. Tha will have M be waa In. hope of oilier am cess Slates, Hie relaxed, our leader, llierp like the poiuliiloii of bind the bar for my own use, and I .Tome shield us from the setting sun 'port after China had forbidden It. His city has about 625, UOO inhabitants, la Ihiin to hold Hip attention of the New Jerusalem, as in the A labui often evperlmeiilally offered on" to that gleam resulted In the opium picturesquely located near the mouth j, all. nl. j action enemy until Hip main attack could u,f Kt. John t,n the Hand of ratmoa. a 'star customer,' who almost Invari- In tired eyes that probe weary war with Kngland. of the famous Min river nnd ia give Hie llf's The Assoclalpd I'reaa will lie delivered eleewhcie. iconics out of every nation, and even ably refused. The more I looked into way. Ity 2 o'clock the society's hall was In the "Voyages of Marco 1 for- - now be-- j Von Kmmli h him not carried tribe, and of every tongue. In this Ihia matter, the more firmly became With ahadow fingers sooth the brow packed As fast as notables or I'olo" under the nam? of Fujin. fiMt reliable newa. Utorle - mi Llege In time. The failure baa defined time of great wars it Is natural and convinced that then- two habits clash. of care; correapon-- j I lug sent by alleged war battle-pivo- t Xot curing to have my boys ucipilre Arid wrap the world within 'thy sacred Hint alronghold as the right that these adopted people in were on. up 8 step J with nUflh igetfulness, some twelve hours taken Pat moved j the one inoculated them the w In llelglan border ehould hark back to land free-bor- n time, but next atop he gut merely fakes." ritten and has marked the their native 1 ..n-- whic h it and at each at the tenia are other, and have found that the fruit ... in, .1,., .1... .! felt Itself - area of war for a time at least, wiih a feeling of sympathy and kin- - ihninrhi :mad and he yelled back at the con- newspaper1 aa the ha Ml early acquired acts na a perfect 'libertv to do that which it; I l,l ... rl,l Il Xew York and Chicago I. lege i.u.l,,,l Met na in isshlp. That Is wholly of soul-weari- Whut lTll. outside their antidote Ui the ll'iimr And give us rest from life's best without regard to th preference ;you me n wa,k a), the wy offleea. j likely to bee nine In 1914. The really undoubted loyalty to this nation "I mean apples especially because rush. of the benevolent despot. This w'nome7" Chicago New;.. of the Kranco-I'rus-'shoul- d the call to anna ever be they something like bread, one grim election day. The benefactor luidi decisive bailie are The realities of life enshroud , i;.I.AM ON THK. MvH. aiun war were fought around Met., sounded. never tires of Ihein. which is more With sofi'iung shadows, phantom-- 1 caused word to he pnnteu .n tne .0-- Masted Kffort. c er- - girl, Kuiope. j foreign-bor- n be said of peaches, pears al newspaper that he favored a Miss Dixon, a charming society 1 hen the first foitress of Tl attitude of these than can like nnd gray. ; had spent the entire summer in trying-proud- 1 oranges. And apples, to Rring to candidate for mayoralty. The In the wtir now raging between i,.gp now, aa Mela then, la acting cllir.eiis ia well staled in a resolution and thanks dreams alike to humble and tain cold storage, ran be had every day of and "ish thoughts .town elected another even tuitions. Kuglulid comma nda ,ls It.deslonc o iliaw the opposing inn,,i nt a inass meeting of the . . . liKely the a'hool year.. of sorrows nnd of day. And that was where benevolent h lite scaa unless the German navy juriniea, so that about it are tOjGi-rina- citizens of Chicago, held "Why bhotililrt't the apple habit be. Come, bring the fragrance of the despotism went to pieces.. The light; .Oooilby. Mr. Ingeraoll. I hope my o or ao lucky as ,, funned soon Immense contending ; ently under the niisplcen of the Her-t- o be akillful in the public sc hools pub. ed flower, I so kindly over the com-- ; here" been entirely with- - ' decide at that shone visit hasn't win a German Trafalgar. Uut imtita (hut "ill ek to the mania ciuli: llc expense? KcluH.l could ad- - ghost played, - 'munity was off. The wing of out good I trustees The of music sweet twl turned results." Kiiglutid comiiianda the aeUa not only ar m a aeries of pitc hed battles, U l, American citizens by birth or vcrlise for bids to supply the school. lijjht hour. the "angel" was withdrawn. Hudson, " in not. rep.iea me oiu rarm-wa- s by I i;"you've a heap you can take no active by means unas-l- ; learnt since l.v reuaon of her aiioiion. Then of a told that it must run Itself you - In struggle. Our allegiance, aa at - ...... If rst come: but. by heck, was I, of peculiar con- TIip llsll celislla unl it run 'nto this contrivance, placed at the boys' and WAIt VKItNKS OK .VNOTIIKIt CKX- rinci own money tor lit also because; the belongs (,Hteci, its aoout lhe greenest one we ever had occu- - , The national bureau 'all limes, to the liiitcd girls' exits each child could get his TIHV. its own pock- - figuration of the coasta and her ,,) minis llgurcs. States, our own country, for which improvements, gr into our hands." National Monthly, po four apple as he marched out to play at ,. , pallon of Hie two most strategic ot fisheries last year distributed now, as 111 the past, vvp are ready to eta for teachers' salaries. time. apples a day would The Hat tic of Illciihcim. billion spawn In the lakes and rivers Kiicrifice 1, or iiiixscsfeiiin unit oar recess Two The experiment, we think, has been Motive Mistaken. lli'ilis thereupon. work, a vcri-- ! "Hut what good came of It at lust?" I big Come what may. we are b.yal,uo h enlldii'ti have j While. It has taught that nt Get many lover I her ate all of the "ones (lives. worth Francis Ouimet, at a luncheon In the war against and now forev'er. table craving for fruit. 1 have often Quoth Utile Peterkin. to GI-- , home, by the Americans, and ' despotism is tender as Paillard's in Paris, began a toast on I aa important to Kngland as is seen," but not brought "Why I We declare, however, that our hive; heard our vb lima beg another for the that cannot tell," said he. j likely to prove a vaca- , . sensibilities and is golf with a golf story: brallar, unci Hover has been lisbeiiiien on their slimmer for and our attachment to our adopi-- ,rorp Am f jt ,apptns that I have "Hut 'twas a famous victory." ., Jpoor loser. Ii has taught, further, "A half dozen golfers," he said, l ;ed country does not prevent us from ,.-- , u ,,.,, y liniisf.iiincd. It said, during the tions. ...rt in. fruit habit still re- - to! . .. . that even a pampered town were returning in the smoker man aen-fo- iextendinu nvnmuthv and affection 1 I a i Iress tn 1 Know mat The let real loscow. 1 , pnst twenty years Into jibe people of Germany und Austria- - offsets ilriiiK nanit. tains something of independence. he a victorious match, and in their of Gibraltar. MMIM.HiTV IThl lK. two apples a day will hp a valued in- - Then tame the mad retreat; the - lis menacing that Hungary, with whom we are allien hhould be useful purtic- .lX it,n silver poc ket flask whs on good temper,! whirlwind anowa small Moivover, w ith modern giH" both by ties of blood and fellowship. fluence the health, ularly to sons who come home any Sweeping around as merciless as native ,ni? pnssed from hand to hand. il in noted Ihej "We pledge ourselves, one and nil; and morals of child. them ! foitrcMiea 1110 fur more extend It has often been that bearing gifts. "A clergyman as the flusk went by they i n human l"f those who have come here, that to "Please understand I have no ax to man; their area of domination than greatest achievements f u,i1U(.H w.p ,vi !him smiled reproachfully and said: - grind. I eh. not ow n a single apple The stiffening hand, the pulseless even fif- - liable cniei- ,,, SWF.KT IS CHILDHOOD. ' (Fcntlemen. I weie twenty Jeara ago, or pi ogress havn been rental ,,.,,,, iievtnte the siirtciinga nfi tree. heart and eye, 'Ho von know. have simplicity. When who In our lands nre (Jean lngelow.) never drop in all teen ly for their extreme those mother "1 have never claimed to have dis- The frozen and palsied tasted a of whisky - - 01 wandard the over I ..l.servei eu- i burdened Wltn lite noirors war Sweet is childhood childhood's my i..,,,i wil l turn crn artillery, sip nc .Newton i".- covered that fruit Juices act as a li- arm; life.' German-American- like Afherl Kiss and part. " 'Well,' said one of the golfers, torpedoes full from lhe tree and deduced; The quor although I have talked j mines, nearchlliibts. and,, antidote, The unfreiiuent wntchflres rising like is youth; but youth's a rover , gruv Sweet mistaking motives of clergy- Gibraltar literally closes herefrom the law of utiioti. cans or tuner nationalities, reKrecit for twenty-fiv- e years. red sparks the the submarines, So's my heart. ye goin' to won.ter War, wnn in ago ap- - j man's remark 'well, ain't lhe entrance of the Mediterranean, there was doiibtlesa general this ami .Miieinai. .ome three years an article Antid the illimitable snows; the by all showing - Sweet is rest; but begin now, neither.' " may be sunt of I ov cr's , nobudy luid ever thought of It j viewpoint he will admit the needless- nenre.l which claimed a Nebraska j .crowds. and the same hllt I Toll ia night. ..-- ; .1 ...n discoverer of the the , ..,,., I ,,r th. entrance to HP l, The tendency or toe nuinan ness 01 me siaosiuei. uuj jj r spectral myriads snuddcnnsjw mUf.( AlllS. The going. The good and 1 will never; Hidden Virtues. dehplse what isjthe crime of for these nulions jury. doctor nround ll.em, "Eood-bv.- .North wen. immd to Ignore and Si.v " Apropos of discussion on George And quarrel over it. He can have the glory.! by red , , the Those who study our War maps will ,Ui,.,Urentlv trivial, has perhaps iloiiejto fight f.i.vcr existing issues. Frozen to statue; scathed the -- .11 do not net J it. 1 am only too glad V. Perkina and his Harvester Trust from I lover, vise to ret, Itil when the war Is over the German flames see that across nn re Ihan anytliing to see that mv views have gained some' savages; are they both divinely good or Infer Calais civilization Americans, li ther with the peoples Or speared by howling until Storytellers (unless.' of and;,!,,. mvnnce of 1 The has the (scientific hacking, Winter less merciless than they,1 nally bad? Representative Quinn Houlogne. Allied with Kngland. Ihej (bis. of cuiiiae, is platitudinous, or other nationalities living In this, "If you remove the desire for drink, Isaid: will threw o'er them Colli). virtual-- true, Attention is country of their adoption, The j hia Frenc h lottresseM a nd Dover ,t ni,n,. the less the the liquor question Will solve itself, Her winding sheets of snow, deep "If George W, is to be believed - (alien to Impossi - Works was talking about a la iv bar the way through which near- ,lircctcd to II by the action unite In all effort make and while poverty may not be ban- burying Senator trust is of a goodness such as peo-no- w piece of "high sea C'liomc rce ,,,,. ngo by the republican ble such a struggle in the future as ished the general welfare of the very remarkable scarcely seen nn this poor earth of ly all of Germany's time Armies whose presence vanished like ' vv by seven pie will be Improved; and even finance." oust, -- It must must flow. The alralta bottle up both ,.,.,, il committee of HertKililli is being aiied nations much u dream. flnee George W. says it i; if my .scheme la never adopted I will looks marvelous," he said, "but While, h..p her fleet. : In voting to continue itself in of liii obe it ;he so. The trust, like old Wash cooitnerce and j a repaid for my! is nothing really marvelous Ger-,,- ,. j feel thousand times 011 Philip. there undoubtedly has hidden virtues. Kv. ti great victor) by the r two years beyond the time Ilingcn the a pains If I can only convince the moth- - j It. AH that such a Job requires young fr As ex-- j I trembling voice grew nnd about "Old Washington White and man licet hi the North would not whlih II was chosen. an jt wuld be nice to get a little lis faint unscrupulousness. fr jers of our country, those who have hoarse his grasp was childish is perfect Calhoun Clay entered, you know, a ..pen Hie to G. rmaiiv. The j Hiyt. ,,f that simpHcitv which stirring news from Nlsh because it was a straits 'the means to do so, that to implant "In that it la like Jones. Jones j age was de-!.,- weak, dancing competition. But . It out as hardly It j:i,j iih hui.oel still would be to genius. stands alwoud seem that there could he fruit habit In their children Is the: millworker, and one day he came to a of - His eyes put on a dying look he against Wash, and his boots, pair the open seas e. 'be more I two Ways of ironoiinc- best a temperate life." any milk In his coffee. lucd to her. To gain mnsterplec hall assurance for sighed and ceased to speak; work without cow hides six or seven sizes too large, ve-se- ls he compelled; 111 name of all that name of town. Put the hand, had a pail Gcimun would vVhv, the is;n! the that His bent to lift him, but the Smith, on the other were against him, too. The prize was thought to Till: COWKT. omrade was golden ric h to round the northern tip of :0;1!,i, iit nobody ever name Liege sounds simple uiuu life fled of coffee thai, all with awarded to the younger man. ' c William K. Kirk.) spark of had they must of politics before ileiirn Kremli ..ill U Lya:'.h, milk. " 'Look-- a t'n-cl- e laud. That is to s i) that pjy this principle thai the One The soldier of the Legion In a foreign yere, Mlsto Kmpire,' his l.nt-tlc- The dead are his playthings. lunch go northwards almost on a parallel It inner President Tuft had had lhe Germans tall it and the 1.....I ! ,ln,l' "Just before hour the Wash growled, whaffor yo' give y by one sto- - It he could pronounce it t.oik. The French ! mllkless Jones began to tell Smith with the southernmost point of attention called to ilmtin He greets them, clings to them and And the great moon rose up slowly, de prize toe him?' pro-the- r the strange thefts, n you I !i nl and. have issued an executive dectei Ms the iniernaiional. therefore And calmly she looked down ries about 'Kase he done mo' beats lets them go, "'Some of these thievesil take the The tun Ho rn seas at best never longing his term of office for all- KtiKlish way. For other days wall in a grisly row in the red san.I ot the battle field. done.' .1 off your head w ithout your know-i- n' " Wash, Hi are pen1- -' f lolling in by by no: with bloody corses strewn; hat 'Go long, man,' sai l Vncle nre balmv In wn.ter (our years, and instead Cooled no breeze, illumined said. Y d It.' he a in yere hi? hip stormv. To shades of a a d mem-decide- sun. Yes, calmly on that dreadful scene 'I done lot o' steps dese oils. In Oc'.ober thev the inconapicuoii H is said that the mocratlc " 'No!' aaid Smith. " now in the pass But days lo curse, followed hy nights her pale light seemed to shine, boots what yo' never see.' gain the Atlantic trade routes, the professorship would her of congress have to 'Some of 'emil take the coat off really to i As it shone on distant Hingen fair Gri man steamers not only will have very thick of things There is a resolution that they will hold their shun. while you're shepin' on c.- your back the average man believe j - Hingen on the Khine. The will not seas, hut nc d democrats to w.nry I'.Hii. pre- - to wmK. i .ci to i,i tit. Hi. uoithern mi for the seats unul Thev find their train.' that he snores even when his snoring - llp southward, possitilllty of bwing their ,..r- - they mux! hiet- l.u a b. .lit the cedent III lhe Co ntentlon of tne U) hell CODDI.KD TOWN KKHF.LI.ED. " 'No!' has just waked him up. Albany Jour- r'ucli irtp alone Would i far toward n.:iority in congress. Let pass; nalillo county republican central p.b.w j The town of Hudson, some twenty "The mllkless Jones, as the noon nal. supply. The they will hold over1 blew, then sent Smith off on vh.iiiHtlug their toai resolution that committee. (In 5 oath's long days he watched miles south of Cleveland, is little nnd whistle it in A quick manip- German ships have been biuli with to" ..cot her two years, enter due, j brooklet run. 'obscure and has nver coddled an am- - some trifling errand. followed, and poor Smith said an eve to Mviug In rnnl iitpacitv. and leua! form on the mlnuies. niulj The National league haa taken out Jbition lo be (he metropolis of Ohio, ulation li.. I, like lhe Kniilish, to niiu'i' tl list.,: the Ihing Is done. Accident There no hone. The years must j Nevertheless, Hudson deserves to he on his return: Bel Quality Fresh Insurance for the umpire. " guess right you was j j classed with most important com- - 'I it's what We trust that the committee wiilj or life? come and flee the j I world j fr.r-- me about them thieves, for Tomatoes, lb. : . , . . 5c Some German cruisers aie loose bVmuke known the name of the ntiul-- Without one glimmer of the nmnilles of theeountry. U has I tellin' ' one 'em gone and simple I mm. nisiird an example of benevolent des- - blamed if of ain't the Atlantic and tor a lime iloublless est ien'ma who originated this i.r my " 7 large best Cantaloupe. .!: ! 2"c j Why should righteous care? Why pntism at xpeiirnent, in full work-- ; swiped the milk outen coffee.' will menace the snipping of Great and effective plan. It ouhi hardiy! the Best quality Watermelon. Ih Ibj should they see j im; order and then worked out. Hiiialn, France and It.igmm. Put l been Mayor Uoauinht. for he, A Itoy. J ltw. best quality Peachc 2'e ive I The fooh-- h tears that keep his poor, t seems that Hudson was the place Different soon will 11111 short ami fast. It looks a! Dot quality Sugar Corn their supplies doesn't think that i eye dim? of birlh of one James V. Kl'swor'.h, An interesting event occurred In the (,H Chad- - :l fancy Cucumbers St' they will tind themselves Iroui a iilile hke the work of Charles jThey mlpht cause pity if re- - household of a scientific gentleman find for theyjwno wrn( f,,rth a poor boy and 10 S.'h HUpplicB. ic k is tempera-- 1 of one of Uncle Ib.s. all wound Apples base of wick, but Mr. Chadw woind. turned with money In every pocket who Is a member "' j -- ..If ..ft ...Itl-- w ' in Best ferccn Chili, lb Knglaud bait not only mentally ao modest and j Put hy, pn.y, pity him? He is not (j a desire to do things for Hudson. Sam's chemical bureaus Washing- - Coffee, Sugar, Flour going up: Willed lhe Dover straits, bin has cs jthut we hesitate to believe that he ( good. gave it a sewage system much ton. arc ile buy low. sup - a j gentleman himself was hard nt while the prices are labllehed a great naval b.ise ol j would have been the author of needed. He set up a municipal elec The TKOVSKK FltFF, ; laboratory Crlsco 2oe and .W at Km h would j lighting plant at his own cost. He work in his home when the plu s tar to the north the n casiire by whlih he himself tric All l,k ' (New York Times) j was brought to him. lall cans Milk ... - it.ul- r;. news 1. 1 1 I.',,.lh h. f fl..,,l ... 'ri... whilom candidate t"i put in waterworks, conditioning it iiiiii i". ,'. .10- j I A vve i known southern clothing j We Women' - - upon dry. "It's a hoy," quietly announced the are closing; out all will guard tlx Pa'.ttc whose expansive and Incan- : Hudson voting herself Year - lliere jcongresa, (firm has a novel scheme for Increas-- as stopped on Hat-4- , Shoos Ox- to forth, after year, gifts trickled along a Physician, he the.t'ndcrwear, Straw and .leseeiit smilp waa woni break ing its hevness. The birth recordsl fords, less - parsonage for one of the churches, a threshold. at than wlxilesalc. Germany has on!) one offset for hke of the golden sun tin- j si ann. newspapers every' the luster jare d in the clubhouse, a new school building and "All right, all right," muttered the Girls' Hustcr Itrown Oxfords possesseil iv !ei county pnni.irics idiy,and U of the birth; these advantages i.reatU nalillo record made helping pay- absent-minde- d chemist as he bent - an endowment for the Were I.8r. to $.." Prlialn, lhe Kaiser Wilhclm canal ,..,,,. ng and the smile off of each child. A congratulatory work. oh i'J ment of teachers' salaries. Naturally, over his "Er ask him $l-2- harmoii-elur- y of, Now fMc 10 with busy letter is then sent to the parents Lippin-cott'- a. which connects Kiel harbor the! hit face, haa been too this son of .Hudson and Good Fortune what he wants, won't you?" l ! ele- - each new b,,v, wishing him long life of the Kibe whereby she tztrvK and pacifying the warring had very much bis own way in the lorn dollar nrYs moke at is j e.-- and prosperity, with the letter in bled to concentrate her whole meiits of his parly to devote hia en- and said waa listened to sent 14 mm,.,tup at hov'a nants. tewn. What he or In Hie strategy. " ile- - Wasn't Daylng to Walk. power either In the liable ergies to such - ..r about four or with more than respect. What he dis- I Pat got on the rear end of a crowd- The canal agony of suspense should d North sea at will. The :five in. hes walaH-an- to knee.ired cai :e about as affairs fall out obliged DOLDE'S from' ed street car and was to know w expresaea ALL DKIjrVKRKD. penses with the Jutland peninsula ended. The world should the jln the h t. r lt said that if the letter hen nn absolute monarch steady himself against the door GOODS ..r her, name of the man who invented and liiti.l the Mm.. i....t nre returned tola wis' . "Move up!" shouted the conductor S10-21- 3 South Second S4reel. period of for- - W' have previously refemd to the suggested this iimpl )et daling ICapiriABt, lk'Clr ifm4iUi) the firm W,en the baby ia large' T Hudson haj its at every street, u more passengers! I'lioue ML ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1914. SEVEN

Bringing Up Copyright 1914 Father IntcrnaUnimi N,.wa Servlca. By George McManus rrjp HUNT WVjMuty CKXrb-nr'- b uV ONf0O JOINING CObTUME- Or ,. MAXIMA V II OOWN in -- Vni III UTTLfc PV40II ...... THE HE ION4-CiU.- ... I ru" . I" C"MS OF THE tOWE THir, inc. ILL roRC,lve HIM don't Jr;?B rVFtouT IMS A'-- ruk'OPt . KNOW HOW INTteS-tlN- i -- wITuATiOt IF NOU jjM AT A " J ,M1lil s ""VUCaJT IT L'VrCN WUL tli,-- .. , TMO'jE ".MART TO V4 W H. , ME N Them .'Ll . C Hic,rri im rl(E I WMT MUiT DC ON 7 H "jC y UPMai ro ' ) 1 Tup a, ' I liMPi Of I KtAT 'jnuATIOM,: WHAT I 21spr .. Jl?T WiNlrr ) f LIVTf e", TOTM - " 7 ABOUT Tur -- v i -- eu n mi the PcX.0 TO tHAT C'J 1 , lV blond roc Ki --- .0 a, lA "1 f

Tel 1 THhtidiS ttlo RHALCLAI

FOK SALE T n iif Ttn In Hif:ilfi 3 milt nni th xtt l i H tl J ;nt or. UIPU ripiiDfC ADr ,009 frame; two K"'iitli mi'i'i " f W ANTKt I'lanna, fimda, ale., iirprccA modern Fivo-i- - huhild dv rr run. h, 4 ritTlli, largo porches, good outbuilding. inth t lorrt tarn? at raaonabla ralra. Fhnna Tha Sreurltr Warahnuaa a nt IIIDII riDUIILd HIIL IILULJdHIM;. fHity iii wuiu. ici a. in. F. IT. TKOTTER HA k; A INS, ('. Hprlniar Tramfar Co., luccaa-or- KM 00 frame; uam. koi lit (loia At a. K"Vstl5,0; fiiifl hade, good out-- ; M"li-- In I.nan. l'lne rooming house for sale or TOM :. Hum I'hnns tulldiiiKS. ward. LOTS rhoiic M'HW exchange for leal entitle. $11,5(10. Difficulty of Delivery to Euro-jNe- w Tax Expected to Be 11000. frame, bath, fine PROFESSIONAL CARDS We lotn ot Kiint-- ! good fin lo- have if in thi Splendidly located rooming house, ahade, outlmlldlnga, ATTOtVHICYa pcan Markets btops heck-- Placed on Malt and Spir cation; N. 11th St. rrn AtMUfon ut ithth imt hip riKlit. ill) rooms, doing good business, j $." $10 down and . per month taken JOHN W. HON . i. i i i 13,000 brick, modern, well nil newly furnished. llaigain. H II less Purchase of Grain for nous Liquors; nigncr Im- aleeplnn porch, good Ihem. If you want it lot near the Altornar-at-La- built, cellar, lT-l- I. IFir 11 1 Rrtnmi (Yomwall W. Bllver Avenue, new nlio it will pay you to Sik l'n i i 11 modern, new lu ll k It HM, outbuildlnga; Nra. Plena 1S!1W Ulrica I'hnn. 1171 Nations at War, ports and Other Measures, cloae In. wu U8. house, I 'nut Mi ward, coi ner, laisy S terms. $.',:! :.'t. IIKNTINTH frame, modern, 1 ,1 $5,000.00 No. Hakctv and l(cl.i hi ill . porch, mod- 4, K, room frame; alccping In : . II . X. M. I 111 lK. KHArr MOPNIN JOUNNAt MICUL ,.. -- -.. localeil I'otii'-roo- f tirnielieil house. lV IffABIS WIB O.H.H. JO.N.L .P.C..I t.- ,.., ern, and houee In rear, all Itaalal SaraeaB. 'hii'UU((, A UK. 11. good biiHlniMH. iiwncr niiinl $L't). TunililiiiR pl lTB WithhliiKlon, A II. A.IiniuiKlia-- 1 ftirnlahed, a Kourtli ward. Ronma uk. lenvp you II, riarnelt Hlcl. rhna Ut tmlity nn 'cIihiiko riivc evlilfiiio that tlon leailei'M have I'uiicluiled that IS, 200 bungalow, modern for liealih. If are Appnlnlmonla Maiia B Mall Iteal Iinlate : Fire Insurance Loanf ItalgaliiH III rciililcit ce IoIh. ti'mimlary rmlmrKO Willi h the war icveniie IrRinlatiun pvenl imlly Highland, cloae In. call In. Veiy Ii;ih . easy terms. 'IIYHiriAMa AM) HI'KIIKONS put on oiruii Hhijiiicit from thv w III lie neeiled to fill the gap in the 216 CIJ A. FLEHSCE1EE A. U. 1'nltfd slutcH U8 nut to Ik IkiioitiI. KovcrniiM'Dt eiiffcrH caiiKcd by HIIOKTI K, M. It. loss of JviEiiihi WU'-wr- There u u iutvouh clcmc In wheat ut l.oang 1'lre IiiHuranet (LdDttiiiill'iaiiiiiW M. Eicailllljr Cw. t'raellra l.lmlled to Tuharruloila. revenue on Importx cut off hy (lie Ku- - mm Ilnura 1 in 11 to under lant niKht. The out-- 1 111 Sou Hi roil rill St. Pinna lltl 2c r)rnn wur Jt Mtlrn.(.,, ,IM,V .'Mi West (iold. Alliuipieilie, mSDlfSAKOE. IU W. r.nlral Ira was Alhuqm-rqu- a come for corn uiiHettled innRiiiK that legislation would lie framed New Mexico Sanllarluin. Phnna 141 from Tb c decline to a like advance. IIKI.P WANTKI). which would contemplate a War tax MCIE ElEIDlOfCJElD . Til I. IIAkKR lata, gained to c net. Froi-lalo- ' " . of approximately $100. lion. lino. 11 s Mala. rou sai.i: iiouM-a- ITarllra MmllMl (a Kya, Ear, Naaa In the end were 12',4 to 83c down. new In Throat. expected that the tax will UVP1CB ci.itago It was plain a tart today that take the EMPLOYMENT m ' ' " HfAta U..b 1ia from shape of n stamp Import on 810 W. Bllvrr. P. O. Bo 71. ;4lh ward with extra large lot (50x300 lull hALK- -l rllnf poiia. I'llolw lb,iW. S.IIIlM malt and - lmyliiK wheat blindly on war news Wanted Mexican iHlinrem. M.75 per da l AI.K-i- ii llpolt, I'lleiip, K 'O.I tIB . spirituous liquors, in- feet), some fruit trees, iKequia water ull il'ii l'"ill HAI.IO N. ..IIHKI-- til foot I NK Ml lll llt SAN ATOUIl M although nn ll'i'iil oman i'n..k. I'hune 3T.4. Hew. phoii,. nij.i. bad come to a sudden halt. Holders Import land an ideal garden spotir city chick. lot. !,li. Only YM iah. Ailillfl I 1'lark, Tiiliereuliiala of Ihr Thruat anil l,inm. creased duty on leather and WA NT KD Waller. Call for diet. Hole' AI,M- - IliKll anitli, jiliillo. TTrle.pri .Pmrniil. City with profits who heretofore would not may !en ranch. Owner needs money and clieiilt Offlea. Ui4 Weal fVnlrill Aveliua. - coffee be considered. 'noiln caf t..'0 South lliKll llfrien llouia: to 11 a, m.; 3 to 4 p. m. slop t0 connldcr the lack of any pres- j lias just reduced the price to $1,700.00 sAir-n.- ni i Phone R"jr accumulat- The house today w rote into a spe-- 1 FemalA. run S AI.K llolB lilililiv uiul hall rou iie. Hanalorlmn IMtona 4U1 ent outlet for the rapidly and it is a bargain. f.mi HikIi. IHH4. W. T. Murphey M. 1).. ill lllrnelor...... - Soiiih Phone HA I, hi MiirplUH in were H'giMii WA.NTKJi-W- mtr i h, f. About aerea Impnivaii land ing the t'nlted States .uikohiiiiii Call ll.iit.l eil hlork Inaehlno, to were quickly inin preceoenop.ii clause exempting 'mi enfn. I.ATKST tilinov eineiil ailjolnlna Lnekhan llaneh. at baraaln. M, uiixIouh unload, and new ill II f pit PI e pec. nrnry i,i.eanarr. imnna lll.ip W. SHERIDAN, M, D. revenue legislation. Iteniililicaiis in WANTKIi lilrl fur Keneriil made aware that sentiment in the housework a'Oll HAI.K l'lliierwi.Ht lipawrller. uud 4tr. , Prastloa Limited the house fn'der-woo- d Wt t'oill flvefllle. trade had been largely revcred. I'.ear-If- Ii have notified" Mr. tinier, IJO til Weal 'J"' '4. TM'TEWIIITEHS. that while they reserve Real Kstate and Loans. Iii'iku iirillii-- r 'Genito Urinary Diseases feeling was further uuKineuted by the right WAVTIII I'oNlllons. Poll KAI.Ka" olhl oiik API. KINDS), koth new and aaoond baud. tnl to 211 W. Oold. cheap. I'llll Went l . knowledge that eaboard exporters criticise any revenue legislation of- tahle. l:i houft-ht- told, rented and repaired. Al fered they will not to WANTKU w.irk by ilia hour hy A merle n Fllll SA I.K tielll le po.ty. hllKK.V llll'l buquarqna Typawrllar lutnbanga. Fkont Diseases cf the Skin. had renold eonnideralle iiuantlties of resort obstructi- linly. dime klml of work iil..j I'OK 1(1 HiH.mia. ami imld. ,T till III Hooil eollltttloii. Ninth 144 III w (lol.l I he Waaeertnann and Nogunht Teal a wheat to Chicago handlein, and that ve methods. Ainirena II. eare .loiirnal. (jgj. Norlh. llluh. varaan "tn" Admlnlalerad. wuy W AN J..I, l,y there not even approximate K,l Mii keiinari r'HIl . a a; .la. kswil hoi .. .,W I'l filtian llank illda elKhl yenra' experience, w. T W'ylle. ha: 'oil K NT Plirnlahed r' for man, Itef- 'al. of when interior terminals ATTENDANCE ' In u od I otlilltlotl. lull at AlbnnuerniM New Mails RECORDS U ewt MlO-hl- A en nec MC Weal I eould obtain relief. What little reac- lu'emie, HiUipiel ipie. PP"r. Vtilrnl WANTHII Kainlly hiihIiIiik; fll foil 11 KNT Oooi" modern furnlahail place BROKEN BY nl elans Full sai.i-- llluli cla i. new tut nil urn for Vin'ERI RY COLLEGER. tion toolt from the day's bottom NORTHERN work, 11I1.0 mena rooma at 12 It par week. 1 W. resoiuilile; aoft alilila, It four ri" 011 lloliHe, lakea II nil. tin. In to re- nlral. S. F. V KTKIt I N A It Y begins prices wheat appeared duo H cone I'Ol.l.KOB Sept. ARIZONA 14. ItKXt-iiiH- . iic.dein d No profession offera agual npportunltf. ports that some Kantas shipments I'oli fiirnlnhi front SA t 10 -- ATCHISON, TOfKHA A M INSTITUTIONirofS, It putt I'licap. Mountain waumiN, SANTA BAIL Catalog free. C. Praa., y room; no uli need upply. but North Keane, Markal were being made to Canada, premim-nbl- for children, hy a niatiiri! woman with and mirrlca. Ilauaet a llarueaa ahop, WAV CO. Itll 4. St., Han Franclacn. oyof fall or aililrrna, Y. W. (' A, fourth. W.-a- WeatlMiund. on export billing. It was said iaracM.L oipatch to MoaNiaa jouaNAU hy tl: fopper. WANTHII Poalllon-- I'Olt lllvVI' Two roiiina funii-l- ii d for No. Ouab. Flagstaff, Ariz., Aug. lieallhy. eapulile htAI.K Oil THAIH-- -l- Indian Arrives Depart, that auch wheat would be milled In 11. The houuekeepuiif, with acree porch, 4i; Full iil.l Tuln I P.ipreaa experleneeit aalesman In ihy Rooila anil niotoccycle. In repair. What California 7:0iip t:I0 to northern Arizona Normal school North Slxih, 7 California F.xpreaa lOMup Eswdlll'Ciirrisirjx9 Liiisio bond and the product be exported Ken Is' furnlahliiKa. Address W. O. H., 4u5 have you? PHI South Second, H ost Mai Kuglund. was nald to opened here yesterday for the regu- h Seventh. 1U0N T - I o lodern riMitiiH. funii)lied fal Fast Mall II16IID l:4kB Dally passeiignr service leaving HoawaU There aluo sui 'till KOK K AT.TfTirea" litoiief 3 iTnoiypa 1914-191- 5 for lloliMekeeiill(l; alau mm alecpliiK room. I fallfoinla l.lmlled and farrlxoao at 1:00 a. m. been milling lar session. WANTKlJ PoKillon for restaurant or ho- In flrat-claa- a have an active demand 1J6 condition. tna or l:iiAil)oiinil, tel hy a "fcood experienced Japanem' North Fourth. - Wealbound. Ar. Ar. Baalhoun Minneapolis. to The for rook all at a bamnlii. Mornlnf Journal, Alhu- 0 TCxpres, nt At the extreme enrollment the first year , Overland f :15a rtoawell..., 4 45 p. m. Aildreaa Harry lnhlda. New Hotel, Kirat COIt RENT I rooma for light houarkaap-Inar- ipiarnua. N. M. llli 3 was 161, 3 Kastern Kipresa lir.p I Up 11:00 a. . . . , . day, wheat here was down He, com breaking uli attendance rec- "ireet and Tl.lera'a. I'll. me n1 In bath, aletplnf pnrch, m.... Pleaeho. .. 1:40 p.m. prlii lama KAI.E My fine diivliK leain; allhnr 4 California Limited :40p 7:00t 3i)a m , . . . 1 pared with yesterday's close. Corn ords for the first day of session n flrat floor. 1028 W. antral Foil tl ... .Tlnnle It p. m. the mm will work (Jouhla or ainale, or under K. C. A flil. K f Hp 11 iir, n. m...... Hondo ,,, p. m. KOK l:4tf ...13:60 weakened with wheat and as a re and exceeding the total enrollment for JiUNTSleepIng porch, also barn ndille; ( wagon, aurrey, mountain hiiKity, Koiilli bound. 1 no p. m ...... Lincoln .. ...11:10 a. m. SITUATION WANTKI) HY hoi-A- loorRy or auto- - Hi-lni- 1 sult of beneficial rains in the chief last session. New students are IJVK aultable for and inn farm waaon, apring 0 Pit I'nan Mex. ICip... II ! 9:00 p. m ...... Ft. Si anion ...10:10 a.m. arriv clone lii, fiil7 ft 1 Capable of mohlle: North Fourth jviiKon. V alnKla liuiftrlea, doiihla and ainula Pecos Valley Kip at ii p...... producing elates. Shipping demand ing dally it Is expected by SHOE SALKSMAN T:l in. fapltan ...10:01 a. m. and that UF -- I. a me. harneiiB, (Jennie K. Nwher, 4tiJ Norlh Boa- - MB KI Pasn Passenger I 10. 1.15 p. 111...... ' Inlying and managing dept.; one Full NT cool, nicely fiiriiiAlieil ..... Nngill. .. :00 a.m. continued active, however, and finally the end of the week there wil he u room In good location anil prlalo lam- - mid aireel, Northbound. 4:45 p. m ...... Carrlioao who knows game. I'est of ref- , taused a decided upturn In the Sep- total enrollment in the four courses the ly; balll, lltllits. .hade, lit West New M From Mai Ki Paso ..Till, Through fare. one way .... ,..I0 tl erences. Will be open Aug. 18th. York. KI,E ICntiflieai. Bit Prom 101 Paso .1 Itp Intermediate polniB, per mile ... .11 tember option. of ut least 175, with the strong proh-- 1 Val fill-Of- f K. K. K., cure b, b. line location lol lit Veeai 10 Iba. haggsga free Kicess oarrlad. Oats had a surprising recovery near 200 Journal. IJouth. rain anility that it will exceed for the sheep or i utile, f.ois of free liingc. Ad- HOHW KI I, AUTO CO., the close. It was Bald the movement session. fQH RBNT lipoma, 414 dress owner. Journal. Journiil want ana bring quick resulla. Owners and Oparatora. Phona III from the farms was not nearly no The school is equipped to do the rOH KSNT Furnished rooma; modern, ao WANTED Mlsccllaneoiin. Blck. Apply liOII W. ('antral free ua had been expected, best work of Its history and Is fac- - "'OK 11KNT 1 nicely 1'rovlnions fell on account of a intr unUHiiallv In tu C'AKPKT CI.PIANINH. furniture and Hot, furnished modern 0OOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOO0O0000 0 00000000000000 000000000000000000000 ooooo lohi imimici f.,r rooms housekeeping, CI re- rpalrln:. w A. OofT. phona Mil for oo sick. ill break in the hog market, duo to the future. V, Silver. o WANTED We buy old (old and all Tel 5 ceipts greatly exceeding the estimates. FOK ft KNT two house- - lfla.Bl.1. I. I .' I C a B..,nl desirable light 0 ft IK K MTU K r? Packers did not support prices till "iml, keeping rooms, centrally located, price 0 Li .'si(, ",I,;,IUI" Anted in tr.ue. uc.i l,i .aJiiu reasonable; no sick. 41K West Hold, O the drop amounted to nearly a dollar at 'V'TfJaffu's, Maloy's, Hawkins. horaa. Addreaa I'. O. n.u 6H5. fall lfiO. In some cases. Notwithstanding the FOIl It KNT -- Two- furnished r,"ins fr 2 CLAssionncioi MmAmsriCMJLi Wanted floan, cut tun raga at tho ' light housekeeping, large sleeping porch, X way suffered, the amount Jour W, Sa r values total nal office. TED Icsmcli. modern, nim West Iron, phone pi w of unusually 10 M. CHARLES L. KEI'I'ELEK & SON transactions was not WANTI-;t- Foil HKNT - l'in nlshed rooms, w iih o John M. Moore, John Whlto, I'lKiir aiiteMtnan to aell clmit'K. 10 Mgr. JEWELER AND OITICIAN (litrge. clRarcllea, pitiHcco to dealel-M- IHIIl.llll per without llpht housekeeping, all Improve 0 I'res. Makers uf awnings, porch curtains, 414 211 Wiwt Central Avenue Closing prices: m:;m, notices. month; fri.00 per day iravellnir expenaea tneiita. auinmer lutes. West Hold. o AMUIQI'EROI'K ARKTRACT J(. tenia mill nnylhlng In canvas. Arnher 'I'ohaeeo i'o., KoHlon, MaaA, i2 Eslifb. 1KKII. Iricorp, 1897. I ImiHcliolil giinil.s liiitiKhl anil ttolil. Wheat Sept., Pec, $1.00. Highlands. O , S. T. VANN Vic; NOTICE OE ADMIMVIHITOR'S Atistntcla, Certificates, Escrow-- (inoil line of now furniture. Sleep- Corn Sept., 7814c; Dec, 6!lc. 1 ) R ESS M A IW N( J. foH Ri;N Furniahad roomed 0 S.U.E. f Ill lO Conveyancing. ing porches our specially, l'lions New Mexico's I'lnnst Art Jeweler. Oats Sept., 41 e Dec, 4 4'4c. Walter. I'hone 20J. 10 PropoAHla for Ilia ptirchaMO of from L'tto l':xPl;lilH.M('i:i (IreHAinaker will nut 0 214 W. Oohl Ave. rhona !Mi7. 401 Sniitli Flint street. Jewelry ami Watch Repairing. I'ork-rSe- pt., $21. 5. k l) FOIt ft rooms Willi $2I.Ur; Jan.. to :':. head and year's calvoA the day. IL'IISJ. furnished Albuquerque, N, M. Sotting. of cowh thla Phone Bleeping porch's. CIDVi K. fenlral, J'. 1701. IHamond L.Rrd Sept., $9.55; Oct., $.72. either of (ho folio wlnir hrunda: ( Applet I iTTT ... ,i.,f ..Li,- ,- .... o FOIt RKNT-tn- g Two aouth rooms wlih slcep-:- o llibs Sept., $12.50; Oct., $12.17. Jaaale .109 Mirth Sixth. In fluid Uoherla. porch. Rotiih Walter. Phone 178. 0 hramlK to thn number of not to ex GREENHOUSES ELECTRIC l li CONTHACTORS Mann fuel u ring Conf t Itinera cel! J 00 head, will he received by thn un- - FOIt RENT 2 nicely furnished front ronma, 0 AliBCQCEIlQtTE LIVESTOCK MAKKIvT. denilgned I'Olt RENT Rooms With Hoard. 0 at the office of Marion Wood. with or without board. !l H. Broadway a. SHAW, Trop. Supply Company. Scliutt Davl.l Cnntly Co. rooma a to C. Slate National bank btilldlnit. JS Nash Elecltle up Norlh. (ienprnl. contractors and engi- Chicago UvFHttM'k, lo in u'clock a. m., of the 17th day of 0 FIXmiSTS, DESIfiNERS AND Electrical Wholesale and retail chocolates, 11114, - HKN'T-Heslra- - generators. Chicago, Aug. 11. Cattle Receipts uitua;, ton ittiNT- Hoard, room and aleeplna FOIt hlo i ms for house- o DECORATORS neers. Motors and lion linns, taffies, pan goods, lee Hnld entile belnir the cattle owned by porrh. 4 22 Weat Marquette. keeping. In modern home. Iteferences Everything electrical curried in steady, $7.25 now creams and slid Lots. 222 Writ 4.500. Market l'.eeves, the late II. K. Adamn anil are ruuglhif Bleep- Hick persons will please not upply. IS 50(1 Avenue. o Kofi ttKNT Hoard und room with 17th Street and West Central slock. West Central Central 70. o i10.40; steers, $.50(i7'9.10; stockers al Suanee, New Mexico. ing porch or tent cottage for convales- Phone MIO. 2. acnuo. I'hone Illddera will please Slate the price they I'hone 46( I'hone No. o and feeders, $5.50 iv 8.00; cows ami cents. Lots of shade, fruit, fresh eggs and o will (ilvo for each clans of caitl" delivered milk. Prop conveyance. Phone lr.!0W. TOR RENT lwellln:.n. heifers. $3.80'.4U; calves, $8.50 al Sua nee, J. II. 11 10 UN DON. o I! UNT 'o ((111.50. Administrator of I he Fsl.ile of II. E. Ad- - I'Olt llooma or coltagea with hoard Nortk o o amw, ut Mrs. Heed's snullarluui for convales- lUTTf.Elt AUTO COMI'ANT NEW MEXICO 19,000. lleecnsleil, o ERWOOR RAKERY MARKET Sheep Receipts, Market cents. Home milk, cream, eggs, fruila and FOIt lilCN'l' modern flat, Norlh 0 s MONITION'. flowers. I.ockhart l'lrtll. The l' tileady. Sheep, $5.1 OtKB.15; yearlings, Knnch. Phonn Fifth street. 110.00 per month; water O for. Rth St. Copper Ave. 222 R Heeoinl street. French PaH-terj- r, Itomero, Crop, l.'resh and salt In Ihe Cnltei Rlatea Dlalrlct Court, for the paid. First HnidiigsHsnk Trust 10 0 largest and best equipped gnrago meats. Oaino in season. We buy $8.10 7.25; lantlis, $6.75fi'8.85. District of New Mexico, Highlands finest, I -- FTuirl It" r'nrl, o DO ciciiin purf'i nnd tho of 21,000. w. FOIt it?;.T I'iil. North st In the state. Ktorage capoelly thn highest priced beef, mill ton Hogs Receipts, Market No. s:i9 1.8 FOit ItF.NT Ui rooms and board, Bleep o a Furty-rlsh- iimdern i brick coIIhrm, sleep- cars, linn of and cuke" (ivory day, Klgola lircitd a ami pork, EicmIi ovslerg lit sea- 2o cents lower Rulk of sales, $9.20 Culled HtaleB of America, va. l lug porches. Houlh o full accessories o one cans of ttdllh. ing porch, porches, range.. Ilnofoum, slmdci Goodyear son. X'hoiift 765. 819 $9.- - cases, each containing dosen o supplies at all times. specialty. I'hone 977. 8. Elrat St. o light, $9. 0it'9.90; mixed, tomato catsup. FOIl HUNT Hoard and rooms, rata l.l! lots of shads Ireea. garuge, water paid o &'.; per day. 611 Hnllth Broadway per mouth; garage, $;': .oo. 0 tires. OOt(i)9.85; heavy, $8.li57 9.70; rough, In obedience to it warrant of seizure, lo Kent with a Apply Tilioii Hugh, 414 or o $S.S3&8.10; pigs, $8,00f 9.70. me directed, in the above elilltleil cause. I Foil HUNT Uood luble board and rooms Mrs. Houlh Third 0 o have seized anil taken Into my possession excellent sleeping porch, home comforts. Hruno 0 OITICIAN o Ihe following deacrlhed properly lo lt: Mrs, fatty, 417 Hon III Arno, phone l.liaw. Boath o cofitei.d nnr cleaning co. rnr.K bkwino machinh aoicncv. o KaiiMiM City Korly-iw- o i"-- 110 Uvcstock. cases, euch containing "e bXCKi.l.KN'f BOAHO nlcel) 0 Let us demonstrate the many good South Second Slrcct. o - 'i'ABl.B with FOR F'Mir-roo- brick, modarn, ga, o Kausag City, Aug'.' Cattle Re- cans of tomato catsup. ronma RENT 0 We clean hats nd plume, rniin'i Hewing ll. now furnished and nice location. Undel range, close In, new furnishings, corner qualities nf Ihs Fre Machine. O. (J. Ill Ultl R o ceipts,. 10,000, ,. Market lower. For the causea act forth In the libel new management. 210 South Walter. o women'a clothes, ruga, draper- pending In the t'nlted States district court house. Inquire 70s South Hevenlh. o and The machine for the discriminating Everything Optical. Lens Grind- o Sheep Re.celjtts, 8,000. Market .Mexico, at Sanlu o for the district of New I Hlghlaaas 0 ies and curtains. Also do dyeing. houaewife. ing Done on the 1'remises. Work 1 person, Oil RENT Ranches. o o steady. Vr. hereby give notice to all CIIARLICS 15, rtOI.DT, - or Foil JIF.NT Nhely furnished a or Promptness and good work our Guaranteed First Clitsa In Every o Calming- the said deacrlhed properly, HUNT on long 0 say why lull chicken ranch aparlment. PU South Walter, o W. Gold Avs. Respect. o knowing or having anything lo or V. O. motto. 115 S. th St. Phone 107. Phons Ol. Ill condemned and short term to ault renter. Hx - 0 o NEUTRAL ZONE WANTED he name ahould not be .US. Clly. FOIt It KNT Furnished collage. large o forfeited, and Ihe proceeds thereof dis- screened porch, ircea and vines. 11.1. 1'ot 0 o tributed according to the prayer of tho Rotuh Kdllh. 0 UAKERY IN CHINESE WATERS before Un- I 'OR SAI.I MvcsKK k anil Poultry riONEEIt o libel, that they be and appeal' 10 N T T w" - room .tinge. dis- Foil It furnished c Q COAL AND WOOD V.m. C. SCIIEER, ITIlNITl'ltH o i court, lo be held in and for Ihe j Everything in baking line that said S ol Jersey cow. fresh on with aleejilng porch, 110 per monlh. w ater o the o of New Mexico, at Ihe 1'nltcd States Eel-low- s' tav moMnin, jouaNAL aaaciAL LlAaeo wiaa) trict West Atlantic avc paid. Apply II". Weat (inld. 814-1- 6 R Second Street, "Odd Is good, and everything good that o court room. In the city of Santa Ka. oi fall via 0 smithing coat. de- o Wiiehlngton, Aug. 11. ques- ttue. Three-roo- house, 0 Lime, kindling and Is lu the baking line, l'rompt The the '.'Mil day of August. 1HI4. at 9:30 o'clock ''OH KENT furnished building." Welter's Superb o sleeping porch. 112. r,0 per water 0 liveries and pleased customer our tion as to the establishment of a neu- on the fiironoon of that day. If the aaine THBY thay win. ihy pay. Woi monlh. Iarge stock of best fuel carried at medi- UI, oald. Inquire 1301 South Waller. Phone 91. 0 Stoves nnd Itangea. Tho best slogan. S. N. Riii ling. Crop. 207 o tral zone in Chinese waters, w hich has shall be a day of jurisdiction, otherwise four flrat, on aeeond, at state fair, Itll 0 all times. J'rompt dcllverlea, I'hone o on Ihe next day of Jurisdiction thereafter, all flrat. two aeconda. 1112: five first, Foil KKNT -- i'oiir-l m house with sleep um-priced lino. South First street. o been occupying of offi- cup 0 6. the attention then and there to Interpose a claim for four aeoundt and On. McDonald ing porch furnished. fonvenlenl. to 0 4 and J. 8. Heaven. o cials here since the declaration of hos- the aaine. and to make their allegations In 1911. R. C. R. I. Red,, Mottled Anonnaa hop,. II I. no per month. Ilia Houlh Arno o o behalf. A H. III'DSPKTH, 8. C. Whlta Orplngtnna, Duff Orpington! I'hone 1.11.1. o tilities in Europe, Is as yet unsettled. that agga chicki 0 IV 8. Marshal, Disl. uf New Mexico. and I. R. Ducka, Block and o ALL, NEWS THAT'S FIT o AUrntion was called today to the for as la. U K. Thomaa, f. O. Bos 111 MH RENT MlwellHneout. o (;ener.u, repairing THE o fact that at the reguest of the Euro- TIT B. Raaaldln o TO I'U INT o FOIl KKNT Ihe moat desirable offic Try Tin and sheet metal works. Eight o pean powers Japan had refrained rooms In thn city. Apply to tleorga F. 0 tha o Foundry BUSINESS CHANCES. 410. o kinds. In the from active hostilities during the Chinese- Albuquerque anl Albright. Phone 0 and heavy repairing of all o -Japanese war in or around the Foil Restaurant and hotel; cheap FOIl RKNT Horses and riga. bought, S"id o JOURNAL WANT COLUMNS Katlsfactlnn guaranteed. Phone MORNING JOURNAL o Machine Works gmre- - o E. Marl. J15 Houth Flrat street. and eichanfd at my twist o Cop-p- er port of Shanghai, where there was a North Arno Hlmnn Oarela 0 943. T. E. Reed, 315 V Weat o large colony; during Knglneers Foanderf Machinist Rest Rceo 0 centa Ihe month a International and Casting In Iron. B ran, Bronaa. IjOST. For It. avenue. V the Russo-Japane- war Shanghai OU roil RI'T Annrirneiita. 3 Aluminum. Electrlo Motors, I.i m i pair evglasaes 11 itfliocr iiptical also was held by two warring powers tinea. Pumps and Irrigation. Co. case. Reward. Joa Valo, lit Houth FOR RKNT and (lata for light Bs tlrtually neutral ground, Works and Ogle IbuauariMs Second. housekeeping. 40t North Second, O0O009O0000O0000000006000000000000000QO00O0Q00000Q0O0000O0000000000O0oe0000000Oii Itfll M)..ll' I:.. - -. . It-


I Albuquerque yesterday- - T H Co. E general nupcrlnten lent of the ..ith-Kva- GENERAL MANAGER Crescent Hardware ALBUOUERflU trn ds'ricl, f .marju y J aupi nnt. ndcnt d FarnWdn Good. tilWf, Tools, lro ripe. of the v tort. Range. Iloaae of Clovls. C. H. gen-r- aj super- - Heating, Tin aad Copper Work. Bristol, Tahrea and titling, ninblni, Intendent. of La i: II Ti.tHe, TEI.KPHONE Juiii. It W. CENTRAL AVE. til. GETS BIGGEST ji.f Wimdow, superintend, nt "f 1'"" Al- - FOX CELEBRATES buMUerque i i vision of th' nwrt lines. P I.. Myers, of L Vit i", siiperin-tTiIi't- it of Jimm the New Mr division: Bottled Where the Dcst WhalaDiff erence STOREHOUSE F. K. H'lmmcts. of Jn Mar a! super- ANN VERSARY intendent of th rii le !. visum: 1 1 Crapes Crow filar mmMltinw I l t! w I ttvLii be ecu r i i, ,(in mm mad. lit home A. Iiimh. of Amiirillo. nn' Iniiuel su- iS with hnlil ial. or in..) MtmiEtrs perintendent for the southern .lmtriit. Hugo Si (,f i rain otiiaiiiid i r.m.! it nil lnrxpen- - SANTA barfer. i;,a ,. Iiv.sion THE FE master me, Official ;i'i) Try me haul. Prominent Santa Fe Mr. Sears, general s;i,-r,n- ' ndrrtt. i i.n. e ih old w ill . Thirty-fiv- e nm anl fleeter to of Amiirillo, am W. A. super-- ! With Road tn r ! The Drink l'n"" the Hull lijinri, glint ham Nn Intendent of shop In Aihu,( 'jerque, are Years Yesterday; Began Hum '7 '""'I iiii-- . hoine in i ri i .i II .'! B. friends of long stall '. having; ui "iSl I'lU.ll Vice President W. Storey i ...... 1...... 1. , J h.n.ll.. ...I ',CEKJ IjJ, M nth r in flavor, whole- - Career in New Mexico, Links 1IHItts and General Manager F, C. Southern railway rnanv ago. TV That my. yi somen! ?. liiXiiion Trip. Fox .Announce Important Mr. Storey e rived je.terday on here i Fled '. I'nv. general maiiager of Health With a liwln train trip in aftr an inp'tioit the Santa Fe, m Albu-4uern'- j Change Shop Plans. r irlebrated ovi-- the rut-uf- f. Mr rirln l hla I h!i ty-f- lf ih an hy Mr. Fox inul wyrrul iiilvrisary as a S.inia Ke employe, Sociability e i.thrr offlcialii Mr. yimrv i ! Mr Fi x went tn Work for the Santa NINETY THOUSAND TO on a 'pr-iia- l for t ovi-- the If,. n I.jiined. Kan . on AaRUst 11,1 fount Ilnm thin Mr. FoXliw-- o y,.. ever! lb: BE mornuiK ll l.,.n nlih the Wing" BUILDING COST ifavi-- "Red at T.30 on a iul for the year in iin'e. After working fur a The Grape Juice With a north. Mr? virit mhh K- - ami IjiimiI and other nearby stations, u Better Flavor iai M'Kiim amj thon lont.nuf on to teleuraph opeialor. Mr. Fox was sent Expcndi - ,,h f"r cation. I west tu Wallace Hlatiou. now l'omln. HALL Officials Authorize HUNTINGTON , (go, foity mil.s north of Allni(iier-,i- t Hoarding and liay n IiimiI for (ilrls, Oni-oiil- a Tark. Simtli rasadr-tm- t al. of Fifty Thousand Dol ,.i ,n. eiiv ndvaiitace. New buildings; ateam heat; ture e And it was in New Mexico that Suburban si In room; sleeping 4 I.Mr. F"X his career an of. all rooms with pri .iniuih adioinlnir or running water in TO MT.SChlltl.lM Over Original Sum Ap- !ST. VINCENT'S ai ew.iriasiuni. of games throughout the year. lars Trial His rise In the Santa Fe nr-i- l porches: open air Out door f f ill to Kit our M..inina v. vw...i iiiiii " iii'res. m nooi nas n own unuj " 'u e has In en a remarkable one, pro- ...i Universities, Journal. 4, propriated. garden Accredited to Fastern Collegea and California ..!! motion following promotion until to- - Kxpres.lon Aesthe' l0 ; , eo'urs'c girH t.ot going to college. Mumc, Art. ITKI! I'MuX ;. ),- . t his word Is law for thousands of fr J10MH. Single room without hath moo. (liMI-ANY- Danolng Single room wilh bath I We Have Today OUAI'H ACADEMY OPENS operating thousands of bath 50 Keferenew - rnip!oes. Double room with ba.h 9o0. Double room without riiotif Aluiui-!'(iii- ' i to liuvi- the bifcKCKt Principal. inilis of railwav west of Newtun, e on request. Florence Houst. i - l exchanged. sent Mia A lot Of Hiwill I II itiilll- It utort Iioiikf on the Santa ayatcm, Al-- i Kan., to I'afu, and east from i pi'nrt,,.. cotly than the atore- - I I lurgrr ami mole u ri ii i' Into Texas panhandle .wan iiiii .the H I II. .' H . hoiown in Topeka or Hernar Jino land allied lines Old time friends of - SEPTEMBER tin- SjiiU anil as far I on l, l,iir. Mr. Fox know that h Ik the. same; tI Stronpr Brothers la known, than any other raituay Fred ('. Fox as general manager that Undertakers atorehoUHe In the country. he was a quarter of a century aiioj A n no n ii' emi nt of the "liixK' at (When h wna a minor official on the Lyric cven-Iii- k Theater w i ii.ot ri.s PROMPT RKKVICE. FIIOSE utoreliotme" plan was made lat Applications Fiont Vat'iniJK H' Oiande division, south of Albu-- i m. lint k v tn Up an) tifllur . Ml MONO WJl, CXJITtK by KreiJ t.V Kux, (teneral manafrr i.iiiiiwinii u hen hltt vruli'.l ainbition AM) hKCO.VD. tlllll KIH-Mi- than licht IIOW. gf the Santa Fe, hu together with Points of Southwest (Or was not to become general manager gf-g- Trey o' Hearts" Today 2T lii cliarge bring up "The; M. V. H. Htnrey, vlet prenlilent of the Santa Fe. but to from ll of operation, and a number of other Resident Accommodations San Man ial a baseball tram thai o'.d .Mbuguer'iue offi. lala hpent neveral houta at the At Popular School, ould beat the yeaterilay a ft noun Hrowns. j Starling Friday. August 14th. itoi i it im i;t it Kanta Fn ahopa ft ii rri LOCAL ITEMS liiNperting new builllnKH whhh "We could beat Albuquer-- 1 .iiii tn nt"' k to'l.iy the !ieer are being erei ted there. It la Diinoiinied that St. Vincent' iue." Mr Fox has remarked many 5C 10 ILL I II.. 3V : 3 I. II.. or - 1tTcnEsr Originally the atorehnuse, one build- 'aemlemy, renldent and day arhool for times. "They gnga bad ten men- ADMISSION HKTORT. ing of a group Included In the plana Iglrh and young ladiee, wilt opf-- for nine playera inul the umpire." for nhop improve menu inning ap - the fall term on September 1. inatead Horn In Marysville. o.. on Oeto-- J Kor (ha twrnty-fou- r 9. Mr, is 51 years oi l tiotirt roiling at proximately a million and i hrflf dot - of September 11, an previously an- - her ItfS, Fox I oYluc k yraterjay enjoys health, being In WARD'S rvenlnif: lurx. to coat 132, 00". Tho plana nounced. The aculr-m- will doubtless and excellent STORE tnlnl-iiiuii- M.n i, inn in 7; were changed and begin the term with large enrol! - i prime of life. He entered ; Qa3X" .'if. ruiiKi'. 21. TciniMTMtiirc jfor the slorehouao '' HAH N COAL CO at uu- - mailt. Practically of year's la Fe service at I.arneil. Kan., in C-r-WM tump Orrtlloi U"f Mi- - Ian appropriation of 119. dOu was all last 213 Mm rimnm 6 h'i Iim k yoNtenliiy of lei iichmi. "J. 1KT9. a year left Kansas ized. students have signified their Intention and after Houthint inln. piirlly cliiudy. thoi New Mexico. n New Mex- HtJMI.It II. W AIM. M8r. Mr. Storey, Mr. Fox and other of- 'to return. while numerous applica for the ANTIinACnK. AI L H7T., 8TK.M COAL. ico and ltlo Grande divisions. he Ilerboth, painting, papering. 14tfJ. ficials, after a conference here yester- tion fur resident accommodations Wood, Cord Wood, NrntWe KlndUng. Urn. lhave been received from many parts was respectively operator, agent, dis- Oikei. Mill Wood, fctoii That good cold root beer at 1 day, approved late plans submitted chief dispatcher, "' I !of Is an patcher, trainmaster candy More, 6e. for a still larger atorehnuse, an.! au the. Routhweat. St. Vincent's (Ideal place for the education of girls, and division superintendent. Pro- Mies Alice Turner, bend waitress at thorized the announcement that it had uk Is evidenced by the many years the moted to be superintendent of the iiHti.isr ri,A(i: ix Tin; the A Kara lo hotel, tias from been decide ! to expend an adill returned institution hus auccessf ully been en - i"'idd:e division. .Mr. rox was two FOR RENT Furnished nrv. a month a vacation in the east. Itlonal 1 50, 000 on the atorehouae "US .. l . . I r in i.n.,1.. utmet'iil tne worn; ano necause - Us cost up to 190,000. oi,. CRYSTAL THEATRE house, very desirable, on Itigular meeting of M. V. A at running total w superintend, nt of the Western MKH.IXr IHllNhS IX Till, the success hich the graduates of o'clock tonight. , f attendance oft Indotriiillble lliiihliitjr. .h ,.. v,i.-,.,- i i,. ri,. i, division, and again promoted to the car line. Inquire on prem- fITV. Fast-year- s ineintii is Is ilislrcil and Visiting Wood-- i The storehouse, as now planned, tines of endeavor. general siiperintendency of the Licensed Motion Pictures ises. Mrs. George H. Frost, nu n are Invited. i,p Indeslrui tible. It will The academy offers a curriculum tern Oram! division. Some two anil II oo'li you no more a,ost - pri- i.igo Mr. Fox nas made general man- Day-- 302 West Iron. iImhIhtc, Mis hvelyn Snyder left for I.os An- be fireproof and built to withstand which Includes Instruction In the Pictures hauge I '.very ' tlian geles mary, school agcr of western lines. lust night after a visit litre wlih any possible wear and tear. Concrete intermediate and high ' I A 1ST A for Albuquer-'qiie- , IF. her brother, lieiman Snyder, of the and steel will lie used in construction. grades, with special courses in art. consistent booster which he claims as his real M l II, I'MTOIIIM. IV First National bank. ti will be far and away the most literature and other branches l DKKAMS Grimshaw's home, Mr. Fox has a host of friends 'I UK M i l' TIIVT Another Big Reduction in bull ling on the ays. !of th,. arts and . iem es. Hradualea BitoikI anj ( rntrid There will be a regular meeting of em storehouse 'here ho will share with him the M!i: M IK OF" to- will be of th" academy ure admitted without llur-IcMi'- the Order of Itajlway Fimiloyca tem mid In dimensions titanic., experi-leni- e A 'Iwo-riH-'l l ilinn "Simitallon our Kierul I'i IIkIiI." to college gratification he cannot fall to t.rcat Kodak Work It o i U i k In Th,. Hint forms, for instance, will be examination the and normal A night at Woodmen s hull rounding out thirty-fiv- e years Mcloilraina. running on each UchooJ departments of the University on on West Central avenue. All mem- 1,'J50 feet in length, ;of service with the Santa Fe. Mr. Fox in Lory Turn of the bers U.ged side building. Jof New Mexico and a number of other (rank. ale to attend. of the j warmly congratulated yesterday We develop any size roll film for Institutions in the state and elsew here. !as I C. II. Iloyd, MiKiiiley Kfrlclcncy lcslreil. an- - M i PI'KltV M IM S llll MMV with the Parents or guardians who In 'by Close who were aware of the 10c; film pa'ks, I'Oc. AImo reduction yes- "In planning t spend Jno.ooO for a d"ire S anil . County hank In tiallup, whs here i Wanted .formation regarding the i nurses 0f niveisary, on priniiug. . terday, being shoiv n the town by F. i. .iiu.. ui.. olunninir lit the a special morning Air. 5 loly or grntli'inan crliool ' 1,1 On train this MILIUII N. OATS. I.. MoMic Mr, Iloyd Is on his way to same lime to get a building that will lnnl V'ave for east. Intending All films received by noon fin- Hpan-IkI- i Fox wilt the HVE-I'IM- tern lu r. Miifl ni'ak - to cot resi.ond w Ith the Mother OKCIII'.M'RA Hi pkinsvllle, Ky , for a vacation. b worth the money not only- in ttal "I" spend weeks at his hoy-- , !::f0 sn,l Last ished by six o'clock, including mall utiil lCnitlii-li- . fc.iliity '.0 Superior, St. Vincent's Academy, A.Uo several Matinee si :.(; lr .Mis Jnbii g.... otpro and children, ..t ...ii.lrimlfi.n " aiuiil CanPlliI XlullH hood home !n Ohio. Forty mile' Show t MKlit llriilns :iit. inont h tilni' tiionthn' tirm. 'Miierque. Smith SihhhkI street. orders. of 7o:l West Lead avenue, ger Fox last night, "but we intend lo (north of Albuquerque there is a lit- -' KlMt-- Hcpti inlii r IM Apply A returned 2t yesterday a stay get a building which will promote ef- - red Domingo no", but' Minn, hi, Iti lni, N. M. from two months' tie station. THE GRAY STUDIO in l ong IliHch oiher l, li.n, t. mill tl ill K.ive lime mill labor. 'CL0UDCR0FT FILM IS I Wallace t'lirty-fou- r y iars ago. It i and southern 219 W. Central Albuquerque, N. M. .California brailles. While at lamg and of course, save money. We plan was here that Mr I' ox really began; BEAUTY, SAYS K0EHLER PKACIIKS lli iii b the litems ,ipi nt several days lo make the building modern to auch to lay the foundation for his future. it be unlike a And when he passes Doiiiinuo today Alton 1'eai lies now ripe. Fine A MAN win, Mr Solomon I, una. Mrs. Luna's mi extent that will nt LET US SEND i A. F. r. c manager's apei Ial, Mr. end preserving peach. father. II l Men., w ho has bu n department at ore. When a storehouse Koehli Jr., om mlsaloner of on the general eating Position and Success In Ipubliclty will look from the ob- a. Water Canon, N. M., To Itrplajf. Hint llrukrn U'liulo i. I lon-l- ; is slightly Improved In employe wishes to find an article fur the state board of fox doubtless Crown (.Ins and of T. ::) feet. Demand Await you after completing an A. heallh. slock be w ill not have to stop to think managers, who returned last servation platform of his mr nt altitude '. 'night lu- - was night' your grocer. Ii. C. training. Courses, Biisineas, Ai.iu go itoi lumni It Is and thus lose time, but from a week's slay In (Hero Ihinl; of the time when this variety ak CUMI'AXY where Ac- II county Oiinity, getting motion operator In the dingy little station Stenography, Court Reporting, 42 N. IV-- will know Just where to locate and riione I BRIEF SESSION OF countant y. Civil Service tlank-in- s. Itl Thi fmilitit-- for jplcturiS for the use of the board at! and had nothing to do but pound, and 1 S! only 1 San T'ligo next year, last night ehnl-- copy 13 and orders. The Nalional Accredited THE PROBATE 1 .1 H I In, n llln sbiiimcnls will be as com brass atid WALLACE HESSELDEN cencorshlp again piodiued; " Commercial School in the South- Iileie Hint uuviiiiatf as It win l,t,ieil the and j Ocncral Coiitraclors Catalogue experts to design. in lortg statement of results attained UhT) LUNG TROUBLE west. on request. i - possible for Figures workmanship .I'mIi.'i- John llaloi, Hiirg held n brii f (Hi trip. Mr. Was enthusi-jastl- c and counl The Albuquerque Business College l"rogrcs I'lcaMim. his Koehler more for your money "iiioii of the probate court eMer-- j over the pictures obtained mid AND EXPECTED TO - i.m vi Fitot i:. x. m. Mr. Storey, vice president of the i DIEIVr'- other contracting firm ir tilac ait loorninv until lii'Kt Tllcsdl i that county w ould system, with absolute .harge asserted Otero The many t.rrmaht liout 1v i Albuquerqtie. Offlrs at r.,.,1, i.v..,...roin B..M...n f I.,,,,- - entire 'surely have her full tdiare of space Alterativervrlingr attract int? il- - of the road, was - St'PEHIOIl PUMVH MHJ Wanted Clean, cotton rags at tha Merloni, a beiu ficiai v under I! of the operating end :ln ttcnUun. !tai about thin (; 817. tl. - the movies and the lectures at the Phone ; Journal office. 'Melton! (Mate, asked until Momluy much pleased with the progress be- exposition. 33 B SI, W Vu, "opntjompn ? nu k in No- - j I.... l.,.,A lo rr.llu ril.'l rill III- IMP , tttkn to nav m cr certain moneys nciongiiig "a ",u'lr r We got the best lot of funis We veiiiliev, HM'K. I urew ntu1ily worm-- i com- - 'lo coting I'.ertonl. The request w..slnew hhoii buildings, which when have yet taken,'' Mr. Koehler said, Hail two Th veflit wm ntv hi ami ttiHt gi I pleled will cost a million ami a nan tit fever hud aftctol antcil KHslen o. bin was named with ft sidelong glance to see that my rune wirn tjutH'lrM; "illy itnv me tw Glass-Pai- nt administratrix of the estate of I dollui s. Mr. Storey, Mr. Fox and the guardians of the public prints ' months to My )hficiuii (ia-- trifi man II deccaseil, a bond iim other officials were shown about huil tl.ll I'UllL'lll llll u llh him "Not me" khuls ft t int nt and nin dul ; Cement-Plaste- llein. and j ttny i hf my ii !( LUMBER r me kiih, atht'l nufouiul of l,oiio asked. September 7 w.t- - fh new buildings by Superintendent only were the opportunities oiierea ny i oajei-uv- ti m rviun a pi "prifi ary mem- - the!, Shopn W, A. (leorge. oinv, I hffm n Altpr tive wdi In set as the the homing on if legion, seeniciilly and Industrially y dale for the bed from Nuvpmbcf 30. 1 Jt"S. until Felr-ar- Albuquerque Lumber Company way now ' piobate of the will of Arthur W. How.! "We seem, to be on our worth a great deal of space, but the "". l!u!, and wa !li'U(tltt dying 423 North First Street mail. il..ant,l. The hearing of (lie! with the shops now after n number people aided us In every way possi- ral tinie'fl I urn hewithttr und than ever." ( A in ted i - we're tront'r tdr' final ii port of W. C. Thaxton, execu- jof delays," said Mr. Fox. "We changed ble. As you doubtless know, we (Signdt MRS II K HltH.EV j itor of the iust will of itutherford plans many limes, following aided by the F.I Paso Southwestern jthe ihroticMHl and audi up (ioiut-crof- t, catarrh iwvere throat llliks was si for Monday. September of various officials, and of to get a film of lite run to Munir afTtvtltna and upbuilding the svhutu 7. The final report of l'etra Can in. course each change meant delay. The bin this was only a hpecimen. ('on(ain no liarrnrul or hahit - Tonntn of Kilns 'buildings The peopln out in hundreds drug, Aft-rp- no ultitut. Small itf, $ ailiiiiiiislnitrix of the estate are going forward rapidly turned regular size. IJ. Hold bjr Illfrhlund Pharm- - -- O Curcia, ileceascd, was approved now and we expeet that the carpenter to make crowds for the films, they acy and leading dniRKiata. Write Kckmaii a n. discharged viewed by Phtladelplna, Pa., for booklet ' Mid the administratrix jahop and wheel shop will be finished decorated the places the Summer everything The settlement of the l.aiela case has i to such an extent w ithin a short timu camera, and Ihey did elsej"" rcuvn. I" en pemiiiiK for two years, being de- the heavv machinerv can be ihey could think of or we could ask layed because of litigation. ' for.' 0. II. CONNER, M. !., I. O. installed The walls of the buildings , 'a-- Osieopatblc ' now under way can be seen over the Office On motion plaintiff Judge treat all curable diseases. Blanket Sale of the shop fence." DEATHS AND FUNERALS Building. CSS n1 125. llaynolils yester- Stern Phone In the district court Itoundlion-- e lians. Blankets out of Season for day dismissed the cases of Mrs. I'ran- - Wise The contract for the new round- Mrs. A. C. Keen. dsi o I.tio ro vs. the Hartford and I. house, which Is lo cost over $0,000 Mrs. A. C. 1). Keen, of A. aslnte til,. Insurance companies. U mother THE MANZANII COMPANY Purchasers "as let several weeks ago. Mr. Fox A. Keen, of AJbuquerqiie, passed Ii iiinleintoiMl an adjustment was Is nut nukinit s.ula i'p ur l"t said yesterday that the contractors away al the family home in Uoslon hul (ins tins uf r. P.HONATBlj reached outside of court. - Al! kinds of in bad been assured that they could he- on Monday at n advanced age. Mr. W'ATEH of mi f h v i r s ginjef alo Blankets all the materials Cotton, Cot- Hist will tin. iiiitmried srtleU. ens I gin work on the roundhouse on Keen was called to her bedside nov- TWENTY-FIV- belter, mill a r.".l t thst will mako E PATENT I ton and Wool, and all WOOL, "0. In orJer to permit the el's days ago. in ulil instil lonk swet't unit h nw linr at one kind of price " oik on the roundhouse to get under i,f R..,ip- -a puri, liisi ii.i.Kn VvATKIl VOLUMES ARE LEFT rarbiinsleil. Tills l way. II necessary uown The Knights of Columbus have no, naier parttrulsrly the lowest, The best ones will will be to tear r,m tH itii naturally go first, so connection with and ure not Identified vttluatil.s shire troubled New Suits the old wheclhouse, the carpenter calistipali'in. Take a slass or two wtih yester- in any manner the a IIUli: is Ciider Sheriff Dick Lewis simp and the putnt snop. i with frilil Juice half an loan' time important, : i day nave away 100 of patent "benefit ilanoc." to be given in Odd breakfast anil y iir ti .iuiea mil eml. . Wo ave a vary tomnlctc volumes Money Is Available. ali- ' at ail leaihiiK ilrug stereo chII-e- d Fellows' August IS, according to j ami machine reports lo men who Mr. I'ox authorized the statement hall, and at t lie factory, lltj South Walnut lino Dc pen'dublo .Suits county an yester-- 1 ft tor them at the curt j night be no stop, announcement authorized iren. Special last that there wilt - Prices from August 12th house. There ure still twenty-fiv- e vo-.ii- day by officers of Albuquerque Coun- for Boys You Men jpage of work on the Santa Fe shop THE MANZANO CHMI'A.VT. ai iu; to be given nwa and the first I Improvements. ell No Ml of the organization, Phone I5;W. Aliamuerque, N. M i ill. in today will get them. Improvements Hoys "The miuicy for the FOR SAI.K stiidebaker automobile, To August 19th Suits is having been appropriated Hums' Imilglit al obanbo Paining available, self-starte- electric lighting, every- with before any depression in business Corporation, IrrUratlon, Mining Extia UiM.lS ondimv. ItooMcr ois'licolra. thing complete, Half price. 1015 Lwi On account of said Mr Fox. West Tijeraa. and l'onns to 18H. "warmth without weight" Wool Batts I'puartlx The Santa Fe, with all other rail- New Mexico l4iws on Corporations, $5 and TANGO DANCE. Han L. Ill.1a . 1 roads throughout the country, I be- Inan Tna..M.. are being used more each season, Our cm m ipitACTORs. Min-T- T rZnAir . V spe- A benefit dunce will be given on ginning to, feel keenly the results of s" .,? ' Vr. and Mrs. M. V. Ilaltendorf. U. U Railroads. Taxation. Rules Young Vo, I and Vorm. cial Men's IS ,it odd Fellows" hull. The tlit Fuiopean war, according to Mr. Located at 420 Gold. filing papers.1 at $1,50, large enough for a Comfort, be I'."..,. W. Phone 1IJIW. for drawing and above can't I. r will supply trans-Atlanti- c Is orchestra the Fox The shipping j Long Pant Suits ' C. F. KANEN. Santa Fe. N. M. 111 US Admission eO cents. ladles pHinlyned and the port of Galveston, B. M. WII UAMS beat. Other weights and qualities up to $3,50, to flee which i an important one for the Dentin $12 $15 Simla Fe, is praitically closed to traf- Rooms 1 i od S, Whiting Building, j I hi m e m DaiK-in- lonivbt oloinlsi fic, many ships lying Idle In port, fear- Corner Second and Gold. Aemlemy. IliHstier on lie-Ir- a. Phone 114. j Mail Orders Delivered ing to take on cargoes. No. The war has resulted in a deplora- Saddle Barn Free hnrice. Trimble's Rd j ble condition of affairs for the rail- "TELMO" ways an. I indirectly for all other en- Henry's Delivery and Mes-- j SPRINGER terprises." said Mr. Fox "The war BCY THIS BRAN D of CAN NED L Washburn is to be deeply regretted." sengers. Phone 939. GOODS AND TOP HAVE THE t TRANSFER OiriciaK Here. BEST "Besides Mr, Storey and Mr. Fox. the 313-31- 5 W. Central ' Company Have Competent Men Paiuv loniln M( C'oiomho Osilcin Phone 283 following Snu Fe officials came to Acadiwy. Ibavsier irch.tra,