*Consuming raw or undercooked food of animal origin such as meat, poultry, shellfish, or egg may increase the risk of foodborne illnesses ASIAN SPECIALS 亞洲小吃

Pan- Pot Stickers (6) 生煎雞鍋貼 ...... $8.95

Steamed Shanghainese Pork Dumplings (6) 上海小籠包 ...... $9.95

Crispy-Fried Vegetable (4) 脆皮素春卷 ...... $7.95

Steamed Shrimp (4) 星級蝦餃皇 ...... $6.95

Steamed Pork & Shrimp Siu Mai (4) 星級燒賣皇 ...... $6.95

Steamed in Black Bean Sauce 豉汁蒸鳳爪 ...... $6.95

Steamed BBQ Pork Bun (3) 蠔皇叉燒飽 ...... $7.95

Chilled Jelly Fish 湛江冰海蜇 ...... $10.95

Chilled Spicy Cucumber 麻辣小黃瓜 ...... $7.95

Crispy-Fried Shrimp (4) 鮮蝦天婦籮 ...... $11.95

Edamame with Sea 海鹽小毛豆 ...... $7.95

Crispy-Fried Chicken Wings (6) 蒜香炸雞翼 ...... $11.95

Fried with Curry (12) 港式咖哩鱼蛋 ...... $8.95

Crispy-Fried Crabmeat with Cream Cheese (6) 芝士蟹肉雲吞...... $8.95

Appetizer Sampler (2pc each of Pot Stickers, Siu Mai, Vegetable Spring Roll & Shrimp Tempura) 頭抬拼盤 ...... $17.95


Oven-Roasted Duck 明 爐 燒 鴨 ...... $16.95

Honey-Glazed Barbecue Pork 蜜汁叉燒 ...... $16.95

Macau-Style Roasted Pork Belly 澳門燒 腩仔 ...... $17.95

Poached Chicken with Sauce 秘製貴妃雞 ...... $15.95

Chiu Chow-Style Spiced Tofu 潮州鹵豆腐 ...... $8.95

BBQ & Roasted Combination (3 Choices) 燒 味三拼 ...... $32.00

Vegetarian Item / Item can be made Vegetarian Dish Spicy Items

Vegetarian Item / Item can be made Vegetarian Dish Spicy Items *Consuming raw or undercooked food of animal origin such as meat, poultry, shellfish, or egg may increase the risk of foodborne illnesses SOUP 湯- 每位 VIETNAMESE SPECIALS 越式美食

Egg White & Minced Beef Cilantro Soup (Cup) 西 湖 牛 肉 羹 .... $8.95 Rare Filet Mignon & Noodle Soup 生牛肉 、牛丸粉 Phở Taí Bò Viện ...... $17.95 Hot & Sour Soup with Shredded Pork (Cup) 京 都 酸 辣 湯 ...... $8.95 Rare Filet Mignon, Beef Ball & Tendon Noodle Soup 港 式 雲 吞 湯 Shrimp & Pork Wonton Soup (Cup) ...... $8.95 牛肉牛丸牛筋粉 Phở Taí Bò Viên & Gân ...... $17.95 King Seafood Vietnamese Noodle Soup 特 別 海 鮮 湯 瀨 粉 Bánh Canh Đặc Biệt ...... $18.95 VIETNAMESE SPECIALS 越式美食 Filet Mignon Vietnamese Noodle Soup (Spicy) 沙 爹 牛 肉 湯 粉 Phở Saté Taí ...... $18.95 Vietnamese Grilled Lemongrass-Flavored Pork Chop with Steamed Rice 越 式 炸 春 卷 Chao Giò ...... $7.95 越 式 燒 豬 排 飯 Còm Sủòng ...... $18.95 Rare Filet Mignon Noodle Soup 生 切 牛 柳 肉 粉 PhởTaí ...... $16.95

Vegetarian Item / Item can be made Vegetarian Dish Spicy Items *Consuming raw or undercooked food of animal origin such as meat, poultry, shellfish, or egg may increase the risk of foodborne illnesses CHEF S SPECIAL 廚師推薦 / 主菜

Classic Sweet & Sour Chicken 甜酸菠蘿雞 ...... $24.95

Kung Pao Chicken 宮保炒雞片...... $24.95

Pan-Seared Scallop in Szechuan Pepper Sauce 川味鮮帶子 ...... $29.95

Honey-Glazed Walnut Prawn 核桃明蝦球 ...... $29.95

Pepper-Crusted Beef Tenderloin with Golden Garlic Flakes 蒜片黑椒牛柳 ...... $32.00

Mongolian Beef (with American Broccoli, Mushroom & Scallions) 蒙古炒牛肉 ...... $27.95

Ma Po Tofu (with Minced Beef) 麻婆滑豆腐 ...... $19.95

Dried-Fried String Beans with Minced Pork & Preserved Jar-Choy 干扁四季豆 ...... $16.95

Chinese Broccoli with Ginger in Special Rice Wine Sauce 糖酒炒芥蘭 ...... $16.95

Poached Baby Bok Choy in Fish-Stock 魚湯白菜苗 ...... $18.95

Baked Chilean Sea Bass 日式焗雪魚 ...... $32.00


Pan-Fried Egg Noodle with Shredded Pork, Mushroom & Bean Sprouts 肉 絲 两 面 黄 ...... $16.95

Pan-Fried Egg Noodle with Seafood 海 鮮两面黄 ...... $18.95

Beef Chow Fun 乾炒牛河 ...... $16.95

Singapore-Style Curry Rice Vermicelli 星州炒米粉 ...... $16.95

Braised Rice Vermicelli with Shredded Duck & Pickled Cabbage 雪菜鴨絲炆米 ...... $18.95

Pan-Fried Chow Fun Noodle with Prawns in Egg Sauce 滑蛋蝦球炒河 ...... $18.95

Braised E-Fu Noodle with Crabmeat 蟹肉干燒伊麵 ...... $18.95

Vegetarian Item / Item can be made Vegetarian Dish Spicy Items

*ConsumingVegetarian Item raw or/ Item undercooked can be made food Vegetarian of animal Dishorigin such as meat, poultry,Spicy Items *Consuming raw or undercooked food of animal origin such as meat, poultry, shellfish, or egg may increase the risk of foodborne illnesses shellfish, or egg may increase the risk of foodborne illnesses NOODLE SOUP 湯 麵 RICE 炒飯/拼 飯

Shrimp & Pork Wonton Noodle Soup (Bowl) 港式雲吞湯麵 ...... $15.95 Yang Chow Fried Rice 揚州炒飯 ...... $17.95

Szechuan-Style Beef & Tendon Noodle Soup (Bowl) Fu Chow Fried Rice 福建炒飯 ...... $18.95 四川牛肉湯麵 ...... $16.95 Seafood Fried Rice with Crispy Garlic 蒜茸海鮮炒飯 ...... $18.95 Shredded Pork & Jar Choy Noodle Soup (Bowl) 榨菜肉絲湯麵 $15.95 Minced Chicken & Salted Fish Fried Rice 鹹魚雞粒炒飯 ...... $17.95 Shredded Chicken Noodle Soup (Bowl) 港式雞絲煨麵 ...... $17.95 Steamed White Rice with Barbecue Pork 蜜汁叉燒拼飯 ...... $17.95 Singapore Seafood Laksa Lemak (Bowl) 星洲喇沙米线 ...... $16.95 Steamed White Rice with Oven Roasted Duck 明爐燒鴨拼飯 $17.95

Hainanese-Style Steamed Chicken with Rice 秘製海南雞飯 ...... $17.95

Vegetarian Item / Item can be made Vegetarian Dish Spicy Items *Consuming raw or undercooked food of animal origin such as meat, poultry, shellfish, or egg may increase the risk of foodborne illnesses CLAY POT RICE 煲仔飯 - 限堂食 -STYLE MENU 港式西餐 For Dine-in ONLY - Clay pot serves two people with wait time of 30 minutes Ham & Two Eggs Special with Toast 火腿煎雙蛋 ...... $12.95

Chinese Sausage, Preserved Pork Belly Ham & Egg Macaroni in Soup 火腿蛋通粉 ...... $12.95 over Steamed White Rice in Clay Pot 腊味煲仔飯 ...... $22.95 Spam & Egg with Instant Noodle Soup 餐蛋公仔面 ...... $12.95 Minced Pork & Salted Fish over Steamed White Rice in Clay Pot 咸魚肉餅煲仔飯 ...... $22.95 Satay Beef with Instant Noodle Soup 沙爹牛肉公仔面 ...... $12.95

House Special Tomato Soup (Cup) 港式羅宋湯 ...... $8.95

Minced Chicken with Sweet Corn Soup (Cup) 雞茸粟米羹 ...... $8.95

Vegetarian Item / Item can be made Vegetarian Dish Spicy Items *Consuming raw or undercooked food of animal origin such as meat, poultry, shellfish, or egg may increase the risk of foodborne illnesses SANDWICHES 三文治 Sandwiches served with

Club Sandwich 公司三文治 ...... $15.95

Ham & Egg Sandwich 火腿蛋三文治 ...... $13.95

Macau-Style Crispy Pork Chop Sandwich 澳門猪扒包 ...... $15.95

Hong Kong-Style French Toast (2) 港式西多士 ...... $8.95

Pineapple Bun with Iced Butter (2) 酥皮波蘿油 ...... $6.95

Crispy Toast with Butter & Condensed Milk (2) 奶油多士 ...... $6.95


Shredded Pork & Thousand-Year Egg 皮蛋瘦肉粥 ...... $16.95

Minced Beef Congee 生滾牛肉粥 ...... $16.95

Fish Filet Congee 鮮味魚片粥 ...... $18.95

Sliced Abalone & Chicken Congee 鲍鱼雞粥 ...... $38.95

Plain Congee 明火白粥 ...... $7.95

Crispy-Fried Chinese Donut 脆皮炸油條 ...... $3.95


Rice Roll with Shrimp (3) 鲜蝦腸粉 ...... $8.95

Rice Roll with Barbecue Pork (3) 叉燒腸粉 ...... $8.95

Rice Roll with House Special Sauce (3) 特色腸粉 ...... $8.95

Rice Roll with XO Sauce (3) XO炒腸粉 ...... $8.95

Vegetarian Item / Item can be made Vegetarian Dish Spicy Items *Consuming raw or undercooked food of animal origin such as meat, poultry, shellfish, or egg may increase the risk of foodborne illnesses OVEN BAKED RICE / SPAGHETTI 港式焗飯/焗意粉 CURRY RICE / SPAGHETTI 港式咖喱飯/意粉 With choice of Black Pepper Sauce, Creamy White Sauce or Tomato Sauce Seafood Curry with Steamed White Rice or Spaghetti 咖 喱 海 鲜 ...... $18.95 Baked Pork Loin (Served with choice of Steamed White Rice, Fried Rice or Spaghetti) 焗猪扒(意粉/飯) ...... $17.95 Curry Beef Tongue with Steamed White Rice or Spaghetti 咖 喱 牛 脷 ...... $18.95 Baked Beef Tongue (Served with choice of Steamed White Rice, Fried Rice or Spaghetti) 焗牛脷(意粉/飯) ...... $18.95 Curry Beef Stew with Steamed White Rice or Spaghetti 咖 喱 牛 腩 ...... $17.95 Baked Chicken Breast (Served with choice of Steamed White Rice, Fried Rice or Spaghetti) 焗雞扒(意粉/飯) ...... $17.95 Curry Chicken with Steamed White Rice or Spaghetti 咖喱 雞柳 ...... $17.95 Baked Spinach & Sole Filet (Served with choice of Steamed White Rice, Fried Rice or Spaghetti) 焗魚柳(意粉/飯) ...... $17.95

Baked Seafood (Served with choice of Steamed White Rice, Fried Rice or Spaghetti) 焗海鲜(意粉/飯) ...... $18.95

Oven Baked Spaghetti with Meat Sauce 焗 肉 酱 意 粉 ...... $17.95

Oven Baked Spaghetti with Black Truffle & Chicken 黑松露焗雞扒意粉 ...... $26.95

Vegetarian Item / Item can be made Vegetarian Dish Spicy Items *Consuming raw or undercooked food of animal origin such as meat, poultry, shellfish, or egg may increase the risk of foodborne illnesses SIDE ORDERS 配菜 DESSERT 甜點

Steamed White Rice 白米飯 ...... $3.00 Tropical Fantasy 楊枝甘露 ...... $7.95

Steamed Brown Rice 糙米飯 ...... $5.00 Crispy-Fried Sweet Sesame Ball (4) 脆炸芝蔴球 ...... $6.95

Pan-Fried Egg 荷包蛋 ...... $3.00 “Mochi” Ice Cream (Strawberry, Mango & Chocolate) 雪糕糯米糍 ...... $7.95 Steamed Mix Vegetables 蔬菜 ...... $10.00 Oven Baked (3) 酥皮蛋撻仔 ...... $7.95 Plain 淨捞面 ...... $10.00 Oven Baked Durian Pastry (3) 飄香榴蓮酥 ...... $7.95 Plain Soup Noodle 淨湯面 ...... $10.00

Jar Choy 榨 菜 ...... $8.00

Kimchi 韩式泡菜 ...... $8.00

Honey-Glazed Walnut核桃 ...... $10.00

Oven Roasted Peanut 花生 ...... $5.00

XO Sauce XO 醬 ...... $10.00

Vegetarian Item / Item can be made Vegetarian Dish Spicy Items *Consuming raw or undercooked food of animal origin such as meat, poultry, shellfish, or egg may increase the risk of foodborne illnesses BEVERAGE 飲料

Hong Kong-Style Milk Tea 港式奶茶 ...... $5.95

Hong Kong-Style Milk Tea with Boba 珍珠奶茶 ...... $6.95

Taro Milk Tea with Boba 香芋奶茶 ...... $6.95

Jasmine Green Milk Tea 茉 莉奶綠 ...... $6.95

Iced Citrus Honey Tea 凍 柚 子 蜜 ...... $5.95

Soybean Milk 特 濃 豆 奶 ...... $4.95

Soft Drink (Coke, Diet Coke & Sprite) 各式凍饮 ...... $4.95

Chinese Tea (Per Person) 中國茗茶(每位) ...... $2.95

Fresh Orange Juice 鮮 榨 柳 橙 汁 ...... $6.95

Fresh Watermelon Juice 鮮 榨 西 瓜 汁 ...... $6.95

Fresh Carrot Juice 鮮 榨 甘 筍 汁 ...... $6.95

Vietnamese Iced Coffee 越 式 凍 咖 啡 ...... $5.95

Thai Iced Tea 泰 式 凍 奶 茶 ...... $4.95

Espresso 特濃咖啡 ...... $4.95

Americano 美式咖啡 ...... $4.95

Café Latte 拿鐵咖啡 ...... $4.95

Mocha 摩卡咖啡 ...... $4.95

Cappuccino 意大利泡沫咖啡 ...... $4.95

Chai Tea 印 度 奶 茶 ...... $3.95

Hot Chocolate 熱巧克力 ...... $3.95

Coffee 咖啡 ...... $3.95

Iced Tea (Unsweetened) 冰茶(無糖) ...... $4.95

Vegetarian Item / Item can be made Vegetarian Dish Spicy Items

*ConsumingVegetarian Item raw or/ Item undercooked can be made food Vegetarian of animal Dishorigin such as meat, poultry,Spicy Items *Consuming raw or undercooked food of animal origin such as meat, poultry, shellfish, or egg may increase the risk of foodborne illnesses shellfish, or egg may increase the risk of foodborne illnesses FOR RESERVATIONS, CALL 702.607.2220 or extension 7.2220 from your in-suite telephone.


Vegetarian Item / ItemExecutive can be made Chef Vegetarian Simon Dish To Spicy Items Chef de Cuisine Danny Choi