PUBUC UBRARY II:. . -- ...... ~ 12054 .Primary 18119 10-08-2008 BE1HIEHEM PUBLIC LIBRARY ~l DELAWARE AVE • wrap-up . DELMAR NY 12054-3042 See Page 3 1.. ,"' .r.~n .... r, t .. r.. r•.• 11 .n .... t ..r .. •• t

( Area News Serving the 1bwns of . Bethlehem & New Scotland

Rail trail gets Town green light· appoints The Albany County Legisla­ ture gave its approval Monday, . new· . Sept. 8, to the proposed 9.2- • mile Helderberg-Hudson Rail comptroller . Trail from Voorheesville to the Port of Albany by unanimously Suzanne Traylor named supporting the request to enter into a contract to purchase the new. fiscal watchdog; still former railway in Bethlehem. no court clerk I See story on Page 5. I l . By JARRETI CARROLL 1 Spotlight Newspapers [email protected] 0 Let the number crunching be- gin. . . Bethlehem has a new comp­ troller to replace outgoing Judi Kehoe, who has moved on to a post with the Bethlehem Central School District. The town board . ·_ ~-·- unanimously appointed Suzanne .time last year in the Capit3l District, with an E. Traylor during its Wednesday, u•u:r ...... seem like a· memo- average price of $3.97 per gallon (still a dime Sept. 10, meeting at Town Hall. · • ~is:ri~~·~~~uoie. but like every•year better than the state average).' · Altliough there has been some' ~i,~ . Irish 2000 . · · w to the temper- . Propane's cost rose 35 percent over the controversy over the town's ap- ~· ""; Tlie ·Irish 2000 Music and . atures will continue to drop, and every family past 12·months locally. Kerosene went up over .poiriting practice as of late, espe, '·-- i . Arts Festival. fnc., is hosting its in the Capital District will be faced with the 51 percent to $4.43 per. gallon." Althoi.tgb natu­ dally following the departure of :··~ ·.1 annual festival at the Altamont proposition of turning on their heat. · ral gas has not seen·such a dramatic change, court clerk Patricia Parsons af-' ' :- . Fairgrounds on Friday, Sept. ·19, In a continuing trend, many will be consid­ it is still costly at a· May 2008 price of $1.876 ter less then two monthS on the ·•. ' ering the financial aspect of per thermal unit job, Traylor's appointment was a and Saturday, Sept.lO. keeping warm this winter. smooth and celebrated affair. Though the details vary - A ~ 107 million homes in the The town board hailed Ke- · .Irish 2000 boasts an average 1$i!jrYlUI!: About 8.1 million of the attendance of 14,000 attendees, a bit depending on whom ~~~a~!~~;~~ United States use· heating . ho-e's friend and successor's · you ask, it is agreed that all '1ft.Oitfjifm¥£$'Uh!:hh4i .. oil aS their main sOurce long and impressive resiune as a · ranking it in the top five Irish manner of home heating fu­ V.iDlJ~"Ut.fJitW1letf.jj3tiul of heat, and ~ofe than 80 perfect fit for the town, especial­ festivals in the United States. els have increased in price ------· percent of those homes are ly in the midst of budget season. See story on Page 25. since last year, and will con- grouped in the Northeast The town has retained Kehoe . tinue to do so into the winter months. The forecast is causing· many residing in to work some hours during the . The most recent numbers from the New colder climes to rethink their heating options busy transition period. York State Energy Research and Develop­ for the winter, and that i_s driving up the sales Councilman Sam Messina, ment Authority show a more than 50 percent of alternative methods for heating the honie. who previously put forth a de­ increase in the cost of heating· oil from this "We've definitely seen an increase in peo' feated proposal to implement 0 Cold.Page 17 appointment guidelines, said he was pleased with the open and I th.orough selection process by the town to nominate Traylor. Noise task force expanded Traylor is a professionally li­ censed certified public accoun­ New nine-member board member and three resi­ .be providing the rest of the board tant with inore than 20 years of dents, as· expected.. Councilman all e-mails, public comm~nts and accounting and educational ex­ Cross country panel to begin Mark Hennessey confirmed he documents pertaining to the pro­ perience. She holds a master's would be workirtg 'with the task posed new law. degree in accounting from the The Bethlehem boys cross drafting local law force, which is headed by Coun­ "I think this is very consistent University at Albany, where she . • country program is rebuilding its cilman Sam Messina. with what were talking about," is an accounting instructor, and reputation one step at a tiine. By JARRETI CARROLL The other three residents. Messina said about the task force a bachelor's degree in business have yet to be named, Hennessey expansion. 'We will be ramping. and French from the University After a couple~~ down years, Spotlight Newspapers . [email protected] said. up our meetings." of Colorado. the Eagles are looking· to be­ "Titis is something that ·is Councilman Kyle Kotary, who Some of her work experience come a factor in the Suburban As · recommended at the very important," said Hennessey. recommended the expansi9n at includes working for the state Council again. Wednesday, Sept 10, Bethlehem 'This will be a new local law." the previous meeting, said he Dormitory Authority, Pricewa- See story on 40. Town Board meeting, the Noise Tiie current task force in­ thinks it was the right choice. Ordinance. Task Force has been cludes Deputy Police Chief Tun "I think this is great to expand 0 Town Page 17 expanded from five members to Beebe, chief code enforcer Gil and havefour more members on nine as the group prepares to be­ Boucher, and residents Robert. the [task force]," Kotary said fol­ Comments invited gin drafting a new local noise Jaw Jasinski and Jennifer DeFranco. lowing the vote. "I'm very sup­ 11111111 for the town. . Messina said he planned to portive of this." on building size cap 6. . The board unanimously ap­ increase the number of meetings ·see Page 18 THE SPOTUGHT$.75 proved the addition of one town the task force holds and would 0 Noise Page 18

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Oba·ma ·supporter· a_ll.egedly· ~ssaulted . . . . Awomen claims she was attacked on Saturday, Sept. 6, at 1:35 p.m. 140 pounds. • vehicle with a BAC of.08 percent or Police said she was scheduled to ' after leaving a Barack Obama by Richard Reeves-Ellington, who "We need to get the word out. greater; aggravated DWI, operating appear in town court on Tuesday, . fundraisingeventatBeffsrestaurant is listed on the site as living in Delmar/Bethlehem is considered . a motor vehicle with a BAC o(.18 Sept. 2, and she was released to inDelmar,andsaysherattackerused Delmar. a very safe neighborhood. Some_ percent or greater; and driving on the custody of her mother without a racial Sl\11' before assaulting her. "Our 'neighbor reported the locals think this is the work'of the shoulder. . incident.' • 1 Bethlehem Police have confirmed incident to the police that night She· an outsider. I rather suspect that Police said a patrol car saw Maki •Craig S. Dragun, 25, of Ravena, , to the media that an incident did . carne to tell us yesterday. We cidled this thug lives among us," wrote driving south on Route 9W and was arrested on Saturday, Aug. 30 on occur outside ofSt Thomas'sChirrch the local Obama office and Jack ReeveorEllington. "You should all be stopP,ed her after she was seen Route 9W for DWI; operating a motor on Delaware Avenue and that an Cunningham,' the Bethlehem Town careful, particularlyifyou.arewomen driving on the shoulder of the vehicle with a BAC of .08 percent - investigation is currently underway: Supervisor," ReeveorEllington wrote. wearing Obarna buttons. This was a roadway. Police smelled alcohol of greater; a muffler violation; a Allegedly happening just before "He stopped_by last nigh_t ~d went ·race-and-gender-based h~te crime." and saw signs of intoxication when visibility infraction, broken glass; 1 midnight on Friday, Sept. 5, the t~seeourne1ghbor. She1~n!'~ally.;, To report information, call interviewing her, according to the and operating a motor vehicle with victim was wearing· an Obama frightened and wants to wrutuntil she -Bethlehem Police at 439-9973. arrest report an unsafe tire. · :- . . campaign button when she says she can think more clearly before she . Maki was transported to the Bethlehem Police said they ~~ . was assaulted from behind, verbally decides what el~~ she might do.and · · · - ' • Bethlehem Police Department where · Dragun driving south on 9W near _accosted, and then hit in face once how much publioty she wants. . Other arrests she submitted to a chemical test and Maple Avenue in the northbound falling to the ground. Police said they are looking •Amy F. Maki, 28, of Ravena, was it was discovered that she had a BAC lane while "rapidly accelerating," The incident was first reported for the suspect, describing him as ·arrested -by Bethlehe~ Police on nearly triple the legalliinit, the report which resulted'in ·a loud noise on the Obarna campaign Web site a white male in his 40s, 5 foot, ~ Aug. 25 for DWI; operating a motor states.· · · coming from his muffler. inches tall, and weighing around When Dragun ,was stopped, officers could smell alcohol when interviewing him and observed ·him display signs of intoxication, ~-The~ Parisian Cottage according to the arrest report. ,, . ~ nWllllll. hllk!J®~ ?ifts for the Home, Garden, and Dragun failed a field-sobriety -~ ~oul -test and tested positive for alcohol 0 before being taken into custody arid Ink Stimulus Program Summer Bl"w"ut Salel transported to the Bethlehem Police ' . Save & Recycle 0 • . Up to 75% Off Select Items, featuring: Department, the report states. - Do the math -this "saves" big-time by a refiller you can trust. Police discovered an open 24- . Jew~lry, Garden, Tabletop, Floral, Rustics, Handbags, .ounce can of beer in the center Refill any 3 or more Inkjet cartridges to!\lether: . - Bath & Body, Gourmet · · console of Dragon's vehicle, "" -..... ~ . . ' • $ 8.50 - Black print-heads Giit ajump start on Holiday Gift Giving Save! • according to the arrest report, and a All Toner· .d!: 100% • $11.50- Tri-Color chemical test revealed that his BAC Satisfaction discounted: was nearly double the legal limit. Guarantee • $5.50- Single Color ~ ":ause ShoppingOin Really C:heer A Girl Up:·· .. '10% His grandmother was contacted o 1 O'" Refill - FREE Thes. ~Thurs. 11~ Fri.' 11-5 Sat. 10-4 Closed S . and Mon. 00 and she transported Dragun back to 'Delmar Four Corners·on/y- 478-0140 .. 5 Maple Rd/ Rt 85A • Voorheesville his home from the police station, the ' (Next to l:lannaford) 765-4045 report states. r• • . '

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--·- -· -----··-- ··-· •· --·.· -· --·- The Spotlight September 17,2008 ·Page 3 Primary results Tonko, Buhrmaster to face off in 21st ' Crowded field narrows interested to after primary vote s e e w h o·m he would Staff reports challenge in_ Spotlight Newspapers the race, but [email protected] he was not concerned. The field of seven candidat~s "We will in the 21st Congressional be ready for District narrowed to two at the w h 0 eve r, " .Tuesday, Sept 9, primary, with Buhrmaster Buhrmaster Vasquez Brooks Shahinlar Steck Sullivan Tonko Pau!TonkoandJimBuhrmaster said, _which ··Democrati~ race. I'm proud in Albany'County where the County legislator during set to face off in the general willbeTonkoontheDemocratic of our team who did such a voters had to choose between their ·monthly meeting. More elec.tion Tuesday, Nov. 4. and Working Families lines. great job." Brooks said. "Paul the otherfourlocal Democratic than 40 supporters,. who Former assemblyman "I am a people person an

his victory and thanked his congressman. 1 conse'rvati~e Democrat and . anme county, Montgomery someone who lives in their she fought hard out is ·now Schenectady; Mo':'tgome.ry, Buhrmaster arriv~d at his County, whe~e Steck garnered district and miderstands their ready to put her support behind . ·Fulton, and Schoharie co.unties, headquarters 1n Scoba shortly the second-h1ghest vote tally. issues." Tonko. · · and was also happy w1th h1s after 9 p.m., after he upheld B.u.hrmaster said he was "It was a long, hard-fought votes from particular wards his duties as a Schenectady Breslin, Voel-ker to face off~~in~gener~l election and Voelker, who also is running unchang~d. ·I will work to reduce assistance possible." Incumbent soundly takes . r the 46th Senate district on the conservative line, will face your tax~s. by :ji_artnering with For the general election, he Gotnews? in_ primary off again next month. businesses and·; bring jobs back said, his personal platform has Board .of Elections figures to the are:. I will work full time not changed, and· he plans on Spotlight Newspapers . - By DAN SABBATINO show Breslin having·garnered to ensure that each citizel) has continuing to push for universal welcomes announ~ements Spotlight Newspapers 15,796votes,Weisswith2,750and · a safe place ~olive an~ a quality . health care, oetter educational of programs or events [email protected] Voelker with 2,310. .education. 'Fmally, I will work to '• opportunities and. for sound occurring in ·our coverage . 'T-m delighted with the reduce government spending," he , econmnic development · area. · . Polling numbers show that numbers. It shows that I have said in a written statement. J: ''My .IJOSitions are acceP,ted All announcements incumbent state Sen. Neil Breslin represented the best interests of Breslin, D-Delmai-, said that in by the Democratic Party, he ' should include the date, of the 46th Senate District beat out thevotersofAlbany,"Breslinsaid. addition to focusing on his own added. time, location and cost (if opponents Charlie Voelker and "Ifoughtbacktwocandidateswho campaign, he is going to lend David Weiss, who finished any) of the event, along David Weiss in the Democratic ran purely on a negative basis." support to any other Democratic second in the primary, said he. ; with contact information. prim~y; and as a result, Breslin Voe lk er congratu Ia tedB . res lin [· candidatesrunningfortheSenate· · • · · · • · ·expected' some_ of the difficulties 1 Announce·ments are and'Weiss'for'n.iillting a "terrific in the general e1 ection. · ' 'of ruiming against a long-time J published space and time race," and said he is ,looking · "I'm going to try to help other incumbent, but did not foresee permitting. . forwardtorunninginthegeneral ·Democraticsenatorstogetelected. what he described as . Submissions can ~i'"media 1 election as the conservative in the fall, to take the majority in blackout" ) be e-mailed to news@ representative. the Senate," Breslin said. "I want Weiss said. he had eight 1·,_ faxed 1 Editorial .Pages ...... , .... 6-7 "My platform remains to make sure give them every P.eople al)d spent $14,000 on · to 439-0609. or mailed to Sports'... : ...... 38-40 .his carilpaign;and considering Spotlight, P.O. Box 100, Obituaries ...... 2 2 ---~------, the amount of votes he got, was Delmar 12054. Neighborhood News r--· For fhe latest news on your community, visit· satisfieduiW! thlediedlectio:::. d . The dead I in e for Voorheesville ...... 11 j • . · - "Iwo say apre.,.., amn all announcements is Family Entertainment...... 25 Calendar of Events ...... 26-27 prior to Classified ...... 30-31 www.Spotligiitnews:com:·_ •i<>~j~~~~=~~li~~~aspirations ~~~~c~~~~sday Crossword ...... 26 I - 1 - ,_.,.... .~ , ·are not over, and he is going to Legals ...... 32-37 - .work toward getting a community- The Spotlight (USPS 396-630) is published each Wednesday by Spotlight.. ~LC, ·12~ :"'dams Sl., based energy bill passed in the . Real Estate .. : ...... 31 Delmar, N.Y. 12054. Periodicals postage paid at Delmar, N.Y., and nt additional mruhng offi~ ... Weddings: ...... 23 Postmaster: sehd address changes to The Sporlighl. P.O. Box 100. Delmar, N.Y. 12054. SubscnptiOn Senate, SOmething he WOU}d have ·At Your Service ...... 28-29 rates: Albany County, one year S26. two years $50, elsewhe~. one year ~35. worked foj- if elected. Subscriptiom are not refUndable. ' ·

..... - ... , ...... Tire Page4• September 17,2008 Spotlight ~ ...... One -fi,sli,~two~fish, -dead~fish, ... - ' ......

seaweed, and no·,.; he's seen two adulthtunaiJs con::.:x:t an elaborate hoax to convince lheir son that a new fish is, in fact, another fish entirely. He must be going crazy. As no one will know Orange's true fate, -considering we are treating his death like that of a· Cold War spy, fd Ike to share with you the obituary that my son will never see: Orange DeVoe ,.. Orange DeVoe, 3 weeks old, . died suddenly in his aquarium the I night of Sunday, ~ptl4. ·· , Orange was b~m in what was probably a crowded fish farm somewhere in Me."'leumjellyon :wifu both of the us iilsideofthe· nervously r ~r:;;~~~~~~~f lookingoatrorourooniillthewhile, sucking catfish, Sucko; and'an even though we lmew he wouldh't unnamed plastic bobble-bloWing be home until we picked him up diver.' Atraniemer;t3 were b{the ' fioin ~~ pare_ii~' house. ·t DeVoe family. Servkes were by.i:h'e .. , . 1bis little fiasco may put a black toilet bowl. Visiting hours will be nmkon111yconscienceforthenext rightafterdinnerar,C.probablyfirst . cc·uple ol weeks, but you !mow thing in the morning, depending on . w;,a·s reilly distraught over the how much I drink. ', • who:e affiir? The one remaining In all honesty, he will be missed. . firn of the original four. Just not by my son who, hopefully, will never realize th<:t we replaced L...-L___!i:::il..~_.:':l L_;...... :,;,l:::t;:;::::.:!:J He's seen shrimpeatingshrirrip, L--""'~'----~_]liJL..J L_!oiild~--,-~J:::IL~..J - shrimp and molly dying in the Orange. ·. '".• h • , 1 . WEEKLY WEATHER ~TIME WARNER Chief Meteorologist Mike Bono ~CABLE _ . l Albany Almanac Rivers & Recreation .


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.. ·-.~! The Spotlight September 17, 2008·· Page 5 Around the County Rail-trail plan moves full steam ahead County approves J:ontract to have r~ached this milestone in providing a recreational trail for to buy railway that forms making the trail a reality," Albany individuals and families to use." Helderberg-Hudson link County Legislator Charles Dawson, There is a viable commuting D-Glenmont, wrote in a letter to the potential with the project, too, said By JARRED CARROLL editor to Spotlight Newspapers. Cotrofeld. Spotlight Newspapers "Many of our town's citizens "It also will provide alternate [email protected] have long wanted access to access to businesses along the this recreational gem and non­ route and allow for commuting to The Albany County Legislature motorized transportation corridor," workfqrthose who embrace the use gave its approval Monday, Sept. Dawson continued. "We. have ·ofh!lfl1!lll-powered transportation," 8, to .the proposed 9.2-mile worked so ljard for :so long with he said. "Folks will be able to Helderberg-Hudson Rail Trail County Executive Mike Breslin to commute from Voorheesville to from Voorheesville to the Port of make this happen." the Port of Albany without concern Albany by unanimously supporting Albany 'County Legislator with" mbtoi• vehicle traffic." the request to enter into a contract Thomas· Cotrofeld, D-Delmar, Other local politicians .such to purchase the former railway in . said it would not only benefit his as· Voorheesville Mayor Robert Bethlehem. community, but the Capital District Coi)~and Bethlehem Supervisor · Albany County Executive at large. Jack Cunningham have also vocally Michael Breslin asked the county "It was very fu!fil!.ing to see the suppor.ted the project. to purchase the right-of-way from resolution that I sponsored pass · "Although this is the first CimadianPacificRailwayfor$70,000 · unanimously. I fully supported step in the· process, there are lhe site of the proposed Helderberg-Hudson Rail Trail behind the - funds that were given to the this effort because I believe the environmental assessments· American legion hall in Delmar. This 9.2-mile stretch will connect county by the state's Department preservation of the rail bed for use that need to be satisfied before pedestrians from Voorhees.ville to downtown Albany. of Parks and Recreation and by as a rail-trail is a great asset to all the construction can start," Cotrofeld · Jarreff Carroll/Spotlight Scenic Hudson, a not-for-profit communities it touches, especially conchtded. "lam totally enthusiastic organization that helps preserve the Town ofBethlehem," Cotrofeld about this project, and I can't wait Concerned about your child's land and access ways in Hudson said. "This project provides for for the trail to open so that I can River communities. use by pedestrians, and those enjoy this resource along with all performance on the PSAT, SAT,.ACT, The plans have been in the who use bicycles, roller blades, my constituents." works for several years and were etc. It preserves open space while -. or high school exams? stalled multiple times but finally moved forward after the county TestTracker holds the secret to unlocking 5th ANNUAL WAREHOUSE-OVERSTOCK got financial support and received a student's test-taking potential! a purchasing price from Canadian AUCTION Pacific.· Sat,n~~P.!-, 2,[!~.,!,!;2.9 AM Our 40-minute online· assessment provides a research-based Even with the train tracks lbng 0 profile of test-taking strengths. and weaknesses along with"· gone, final costs for conversion to Bennington House of Tile and Carpet personalized recommendptions that raise exam scores and grades. a trail are unknown at this time, , 1267 Harwood Hill, Bennington, VT - ( t and the county has to conduct Here is a very small partial listing: First quality hardwood flooring in various species, such as oak, cherry and maple from top Canadian wood mills, _laminate flooring, thousands of an environmental study of the high quality hand painted decorative tiles in various lots, also porcelain & ceramic floor and· ~~ proposed site before the purchase wall ti!~· tile bo~~rs. trim etc. Large rolls of carpeting, outdoor stonewor1<. and more! can go.,through. According to Visit: To View Photos & Additional Info. Breslin's office, as long as there are . Collar. City Auctions Realty & MGMT, Inc. ~~ no major environmental hazards or •1 (51 895-8150 X 101 . No. 057-00023101 www. TestTracker. com toxicants found along the old rail line, the purchase will. go through· ,--_:_------~------., ~:~;~~~pwilltra~sferto Your "honey· -do" list can't wa. i.t .••. There are also talks of what type of pathway. will ultimately ~~~s~:~:t~~~~~~hb~~~~; but your payments will until 2009! a soft-surface trail, like crushed stone, or both. . Use your home's equi(y for all the things you need right now-home Local lawmakers all enthusiastically supported the improvement, summer vacation ~d more-and make no payments initiative. until February 2009~. With SEFCU's great home equity line of credit "As chair of the county rates and quick approval, there's no reason to wait. AJ)ply today! legislature's conservation and improvement committee and lead Home Equity Line of Credit • sponsor of the resolution we passed unanimously last Monday night, I as low as am both exhilarated and relieved Prime Minus 1% ViSES! ·The First Year Thereafter Not a member yet? Joining is easy, just stop by any new FACULTY! branch, or apply at Whatever future you've got planned, we'll get you there.

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' ~' lbl1Wm11e~e.ID1 ~~a~ mma~es teDll~s Control without caps A Ufe ' ' "Smart growth" is a popular phrase these days, particu­ . By DAN SABBATINO A conversation I had not Spotlight Newspapers • too long ago went something larly in the town ofNewSq>tland, where many residents are [email protected] like this:' · hoping to block a 137 ,000-square-footTarget department [Imfilttcdl~l . ~ \ "~ey, Lys, how was your store with the implementation of proposed development The writer covers the· towm of . cap of50,000 square feet New Scotland and Guilderland/or of popping the· question. Let's day," I asked. · Spotlight Newspapers. leave it at this: I choked. "It was OK. I think we need I.efs take a moment and put those numbers in per­ To make a long story short, more·cat food and an ice cube spective. If you take she said, "Yes." God .knows tray," she said. into consideration that There was a time when w h y, and I fe 1t pretty sil 1y ''We don't have an 1·ce cube i f you to ld me t h at I wou ld afterwards. tray? Isn't that like 18 cents or have a full-time job, part-time something? ~a:;ex~~tl~~i~~~~gf~~~-. I._.. fm.IM_I l_l.JfiDJl_ ~ ~- master's courses, a fiancee Being engaged is great, and zones, is -57,600 square _ ~ _ and my own apartment at 21, it comes with a strong sense · "It's more like $3; and I feet, a 50,000-square-foot I probab-ly would not have of responsibility. There are used all my cash for laundry cap seems adequate. believed you. P I en ty · of s t ressors, th oug h , quarters." · Who really needs to shop in a store where the shampoo The daily grind of all that, and I can only hope to choke. "I used all my cash on an .is fourth-and-20 from the toiletpaper? · though, sometimes get to be less on them. English muffin," I told her. Now step onto the playing field of competitive retail. .a bit much, and the_struggles I think it is safe tq say that "That's sad, but isn't it The average Wai-Mart comes in at 107,000 square feet, of being right out of college the No. 1 stressor for me _great how we can share in and a Wai-Mart Super Center usually comes in at 185,000· and on my own can be ·a bit these days is cash. Food, gas, our poverty. I love you! You're square feet Taken in those terms, a 50,000-square-footcap overwhelming. · clothes, cat-box filler (I forgot great'and ama?ing!" is a project killer, as the New Scotland officials intend it to . Everything 1. thought 1 to mention the two cats we "I Jo~e you, too!" be in the case ofSyracuse-based Sphere Development's . knewaboutbeinganadulthas got), electricity, televis_iori, Well, maybe I "am been fractured and replaced· the Internet, movies, water exaggerating a little, but I proposed Target on the 179-acre plot tliat was formerly with a new, raw and less an"d even a packet of sweet think the point is· some of the the Bender melon farm along Route 85A idealistic perception. and sour sauce at Wendy's best times families can recall But such a cap may 'be more stringent than intended. that used to be free before are wheri they had riothing ,' I was born downstate, in the economy started to tank, ' ,, By UlOSt accounts, the largest businesses in New Scotland New York City, and Jived in all cost money. · .except the company of their run around 30,000 square feet But a business owner may Staten Isl'and, the forgotten partner. decide he or she wants to expand, to increase the goods cir . borough if you will, !lntil I was The dilemma 1 face goes I feel like I am Jiving the servic~s provided to the communitY; or, ifSphere;s proposal · 17. I moved to Albany to go to so~ething like thi~: 1 have . same story I have heard from .. falls through, perhaps another type of commercial develop­ college, get some real world an mcome, lets calli! X, and 1 couple after couple. . ,ment, say, a medical facility, that needs a largerfootprintthan experience and see if I can'. have expenses, lets call them I can recall one couple, hack it without mom's home-· Yand Z. 1. also want to save for Umily' friends, who told town zoning law would all0w, is proposed. What happens then? Does this arduous process begin anew? · cooked meals. This summer, my weddmg and honeymoon, ·me how happy they were .r . , _. • I moved to Latham with my also known as Wand_ H. 1 also when they first got eng~ged . , There are a number of ways to control growth other · ·fiancee, and I got engaged w~uld hke to have .a httle for_a Tney'had didn't have much . than· arbitrary square-footage caps. Feasibility, traffic and about two months ago, right 1 ramy day,_ somethmg to treat money b4t were a very close . 1 • environmentalimpactstudieswillguidethelargestprojects; after graduating with a degree myself With whel) the daJly family With three kids.' One discretion and reasonable town.and planning boards will in political science from the gn_nd gets to be too much and promotion eventually led to · · ·Alb a httle extra to treat the lady . . guide the smaller ones. · Umvers1ty at , any. . ht A B d C .another and they wound up WeatSpotlightN~wspapersunderstand thatamo.ratorium ' ' I chose a financially modest, ng_ ' ' · an . · · in' the· upper middle class. ' extension is in the works and that the current proposed career path - that of ;news The problem IS A, B, C, H,. ·They're separated riow, each ~ writing: . W, Y_and z do not equal X. In with a nice h9me and plenty to . . si7~ cap is a temporary means to control growth during the S I h h d d fact, 11 makes my mcome seem keep· occupied l:iut 1 wonder moratorium, but we still feel an arbitrary development size ure, ave un re s . l'k1 " "· d t 0 · ' o f_ d o ll ars (I use d t o · h ave 'morethe expenses e• x, ·compare if. things . would. . . have 'been . cap is l:he wrong way to go for a number of reasons, one of thousands) in the'stock ...· . d1fferent1ftheystayedahttle which is that a more in-depth study of an appropriate cap . market, and a pretty good 1 thm_kltwlll be OK, though, closer to the bottom of the is needed before a number can be generated. knack·for hitting the long and I Wl_ll tell you why. economic food chain. ~•··· It can also send a strong anti-Commercial development mes­ shot when I bet the ponies My f1ancee, Alyssa, who I am not saying it was the sage to jmsiness owners and developers, and that's the town's but that's no way to make ~ recently received her master's money that -split them up, living. · degree f~om Union Gr_aduate and I am not saying that it's prerogative. We're sure Sphere sees it that way; but let's hope 1 that other businesses don't see it that way or, if they do, .that . I would start out with• my ' C~llege, IS starting ~er JOb as a . bad to be financially secure. theirmemoriesaremercifullyshort, becausetheremaycomea engagement story, but I think . m~ddle-scho?l E?~hsh teacher What I am saying is that I time when the town of New Scotland will need the tax revenue I would prefer the reader not 1 this fa_ll. I thm~ II s great, and like the situation' I am 'in that commercial development of this' type would create: know exactly h·ow much· I s_~e Wl_ll be dom~ pre.tty well because I like who I am in it choked under the pressure' fl?anclally, consldenn-\( ~he with, and I do enjoy, for the ' · still has to payoffherex1stmg first time in my life, being student' loans. financially· independent from One of our favorite things my parents. to do is,play: "How can we I do think material spend less. than last week?" possessions can get in the way­ I ]2J~[]i I Presiden,t and CEO- Richard K Keene Aiyssa is a real pro and much of genuine happiness, and I Vice President and COO-John A Mcintyre Jr. better at it then .. ! am. I will hope to have learned from our chalk that up to the fact that. fainily friends. It is exciting [)Otliu~ Executive Editor-Tun Mulligan she has been financially on and scary to be an adult and S •t her own for·a long time, while even more exciting and scary I was pampered by my parents to he· doing it without a real right up until the day I took safety net. • Managing Editor-William R. DeVoe Advertising Coordinator- Theresa Hans the job at Spotlight Newspapers For now, 1 do not' see myself Copy Editor- Kristen Roberts . Advertising Representatives-Kim McKee, John in late June. having to worry about letting I think that is actually all of my money go to my Editorial P!Iginator- Brady Chapman, Jackie Domill Salvione, Carol Sheldon, Jacqueline Thorp prettygoodforourrelationship liead, so I guess I will have Editorial Staff-Jarrett Carroll, Betsy Glath Cir~ulation -Jennifer Deforge to put our heads together to cross that bridge when I Sports Editor- Rob Jonas Classijieds/Business Directory -Marla Hughes to try to figure out how to get there. · Art Director- David Abbott Legals/Reception -,-Jennifer Deforge make ends meet. I think it's a · Until then 1 will certainly Graphic Design-,- Ken Cioffi II, great way to bond and share be content eating Ramen something we, now, both have dl ·d d · k Martha Eriksen in common . .I like tel think it noo es an nn ing warm juice and. soda . . helps our r.elationship grow. ~ (518) 439-4949 • FAX (518) 439-0609 • WWW.SPOTLIGHTNEWS.COM . . ·. P.O. Box 100, 125 Adams St., Delmar 12054 .. The mission of Spotlight Newspapers, LLC is to be a vibram, trustworthy and indispensable OFFICE HOURS: 8:3.0 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday . source Of news connecting and strengthening our readers in the unique communities we_serve. . . We adhere to a philosophy that high-quality community newspapers, spedalty publications and online products will build valu7 for our readers, clients, shareholderS; and employees. NEWS: [email protected] ApVERTISING: [email protected] I The Spotlight (Bethlehem and New Scotland) • Scotia-Glenville Spotlight Colonie Spotlight Burnt Hills Spotlight SPORTS: [email protected] CIASSIFIEDS: cl;:[email protected] Loudonville Spotlight Clifton Park-Halfmoon Spotlight SUBSCRIPilONS circulati" @ '",;;h Guilderland Spotlight Malta Spotlight MILESTONES: milesiones® : on SJX>w,o Niskayun11 Spotlight Milton Spr!!.light "======:::!• C11piullRotterdllm District SpotlightPan!nt Pages Sarntog!_lSenior Springs Spotlight Spotlight ' . , 'The Spotlight. •:September 17, 2008 • Page_ 7 Your 0 inion :sPQtngm· ;ThCJnk~ 'o~ supporting Organization t~anks. good n-ighbors . Editor, The Spotlight: The Bethlehem Food ·year for food, help with 'Freedom Walk On behalf of the board of Pantry, one of over 42 food prescription costs and other 4.' • · · . Bethlehem Senior· P~ojects pantries within. Albany non:food items, the Garden Editor, The Spotlight: bigger cro;;._,d next year. Inc, many thanks to Delmar County, is loc.ated at the Bounty produce program, .. 'I would like to thank our .. S~eciai thanks go "to the Florist and other local Bethlehem Town Hall: It is the Lunch Is In.The Bag . Bethlehem community for Selki~k No.2 Fire Company, sponsors: The Bethlehem stocked and coordinated ·by · surnmer program, the school - the strong support of our the town of Bethlehem, and Chamber of Commerce, commun\ty volunteers. supply drive and' holiday. . secondAmericaSupportsYou the Bethlehem Memorial Jerry Pit:):z of-Edward Jones Through the coo.perative baskets. It is through the· Freedom Walk. This Sept. 11 VFw Post 3185 for providing Investments, TD Bankno.rth efforts of Bethlehem continued support of the ·remembrance was not only us with a picnic. so we could and Spotlight Newspapers Senior Projects Inc and tli.e community that we are able held here in Bethlehem but reflect on lives lost o.n for naming the Bethlehem Bethlehem Se'llior Services to help those in need. We are in Washington, D.C., in 330 Sept. 11, as well as honor Food Pantry as the recipient Department;the paritry is very appreciative. other communities in all 50 our firefighters, EMS, law of the annual FTD Good· able to provide information,. Karen Pellettier · states, and in 24 locations enforcement, and milita_ry . Neighbor Day.· referrals to services and Bethlehem Senior Projects Inc. . ~ ;"'.:~ overseas. · past and present. Thanks to Delmar Florist's a supply of food goods to · We tripled the number Kay B. Moody efforts, $604 and· a wide those in need. . ' ·of ·participants from last 1president, Capital Region variety of canned goods ;-vere Over 900 persons utilized ·Got news?' year and anticipate an even . Blue Star Mothers of America .collected for the pantry. 'our pantry during the_past Call Spotlight at 439-4949. Supportfo~backpack prog~am appreciated · Editor, The Spotlight: ·great stuffing party. We would like .to thank Thanks again. everyone in the community Elemetzt~ry Sch'Ool who donated school supplies Supply Drive co_mmittee and/ or backpacks to the Bethleh.em· ·elementary Bethlehem school PTAs' collection drive. Thanks to your generosity, we :were able to give supply-filled backpacks to 137 children in Bethlehem and Albany. _ We also wanted to thank those who helped make this drive possible: staff at Town Hall, Town pool and Bethlehem Public Library, who allowed us to leave donation bins; tJle Elementary Schoois and the Spotlight for publiCizing the drive; all the parents and chil.dren who .oaycare stuffed the backpacks; and Mr. K, who kept Hamagreal Elementary open for our Openings For Small Breeds Advertise Your Business Main Square Shoppes -with- · · 316 Delaware Avenue ! . . 518.439.3670 Spotlight Newspapers Tuesday· Friday 7:30am-9:30pm Give us a call at 439~4949 ·Saturday 9:00am·5:00pm , • Were_lrNe frrJflU ...... , . m s1clmess and m health.· . . . Whe~ you choose Internal Medicitie Associ~i:es, you're choosing . ~ .. ~ a healthcare pirtner c<;>mmitted to keeping you healthy. ·

What's more, you're joining the Northeast Health •BA!iEMENT WATERPROOFING. Eunily ... and can rely on this region's most. • liARA&E fLDOR!i • !iJDEWALK!i comprehensive network of health and long-term care services. . • BASEMENT WINDOW§ . • JACKING OF. HOU!iE!i, Offering a full range of primary care services, including PoRcHE!i AND· UMP!i women's health. • ·!itoNE FouNDATION .REPAIR!i To schedule an appointment, . ·. • STRUCTURAL REPAIR!i . please call us at449-5352 .. " No middle man. I do the work.··

Call John Gulnick • Small Jobs Office: 695-5£!54 Welcome . cell: 461-1617 MiJ11Y References Repairing Basements . . • ~ully Insured Since 1990 Page 8 ·September 17,2008 . The Spotlight SAFE program iQtroduced in Bethlehem Welcoming workers Sports Are For Everyone · administrator, Jason Gallow. . Town Councilman Sam •th- d• ·· ·b •1•1• · helps local kids with Starting on Saturday, Sept ~essina he brought the WI . I Sa I I I es 20, and then continuing on tdea to the Town Board after disabiht1es• • to p1 ay F. ld' · Saturdays on Sept 27 and Oct seeing ttzgera s program m Program_offers training and Executive Director Andrew By JARRI;TI CARI;!OLL 4, 18, and 25, soccer will be Clifton Park. hope to participants _ McKenzie, it gives people hope Spotlight Newspapers offered at Elm Avenue Park "My wife and I were up when they might h;tve thought [email protected] Fields in Delmar from noon there supporting a youngster By ARIANA COHN they could never work in the until1:15 p.m. Fitzgerald will who had Cerebral Palsy," Spotlight Newspapers communities in which they A community thaf cares be on hand to serve as a coach, Messina said. "I didn't know cohna@spotlightnews. com live. may sound good on paper or a and registration is open to all what to· expect, but what ''These people, with just a town sign, but wnen it actually .who are interes.ted. we discovered was a great· Employers are increasingly dose of support, can become happens, it's Mthing short of· Registration cost $60 and program." · reaching out to people with contributing, meaningful people pure inspiration. includes aT-shirt and a trophy, Messina said the program disabilities when it co·mes to .in everyday. life," McKenzie . A program called Sports and the meets wilr take place is not only great for the kids, looking for new workers. said. Are For.Everyone, or SAFE, is near the office building at the but ·for the athletes and the A program, which has been The support is part of ~ making its debut in Bethlehem park. parents. in operation since 1991, places package deal that employers after being successful in "We are offering and have ''To me it was much more young adults with disabilities receive when they decide to Clifton Park. The .program started registration," Gallow ·about participation and into employment oppor-tunities, hire an employee from New allows kids with special needs said. "This is the first time engagingintothecommunity," and is called Supported Visions. As part of the program, in grades 2 through 12 to play we're really trying it here in. Messina said. "I think the Community Employment It all training associated with the a non-competitive seasonal Bethlehem."· · ·athletes got as much out of is· offered, along with many job the individual is to perform sport with the help of local Gallows said the town this program as the kids. other disability programs, is completed by New Vision: In high school and middle school is working with the school ... And it allows parents to by New Visions of Albany; a addition, New Visions offers the athletes. district and have distributed sit back in the stands and branch of the Arc. Its purpose employee on-the-job coaching Launched by James 1,000 fliers about SAFE. The· have a hotdog and enjoy their is to place individuals with services, career counseling, Fitzgerald in Clifton Park, plan is to offer other sports children playing." oevel

E. Scatt MaaJmbet; MD Steven Lynch, MD .kJhn Nootun, MD Wi11lam De/..J.Jca. Jr., MD ~ ltupmve, MD Jeffrey Rtxl

1 along with contact information. Announcements are published ; • space and time permitting. 1 · Submissions can be e-mailed to [email protected], I I. faxed to 439-0609, or mailed to Spotlight; P.O. Box 100, 125Adams I St, Delmar 12054. · j The, deadline for all announcements is noon Thursday prior t to publication. . . ·

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an a secure, beautiful 30-acre woodlan~ setting, the future of re~rement living_ is .1 taking shape. And maybe yours, too. . . ' Welcome to Shaker Pointe at Carondelet, a new community sponsored by the Society of the-Sisters of St. Joseph at Carondelet Featuring spacious apartment . homes and cottages. A unique Commons that combines a fitness center with indoor pool, a variety of dining venues and so much more. Activities that are empowering and involving. And a full-service health clinic, for added convenience. It's all available with flexible entrance fee plans that let you cho6se the level of ;efundability you want- up to 100%! · •

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This advertisement is not an offering. No offering an be made until an offering p/J.n has been filed with the Depdrtmcnt of l~w of the State of New \ilrk. 'The advertisement is made purs:am to Cooper.~ live Pblicy Statement No. I issued by the New York SldteAnomey Gcner.~l; CP 08.()()26 ~ OPPORIY!!ITY·~~ . , - ... ""''.- .- . ~ .... ., ·~· ~-...... Page 10 •.September 17,2008 TIJe Spotlight . -· IN -BRIEF' -:-;::..::::-- - - ·_ -....._. ,.,.. .• . '. """r--. ~ - - ~ Church to hold­ -craft and book fair St. Thomas School's fourth annual 'Shop Til You Drop' craft . and Scholastic Book fair will be held on Saturday, Nov. 1 from 10 a.m. to 4 p,m., at St. Thomas the Apostle School, 35 Adams Place, Delmar. · Start your holiday shopping early. Crafts include jewelry,

\ ·,...... ,·~ '.! 't' - -- "'-~- i,, linda Burrows of Miami, a breast cancer survivor, lends her signature to ! a specially badged BMW-for the 12th annual BMW Ultimate Drive. · , Submitted photo thls cause, and ifs helped raise a lifestyle items that BMW donates lot of money." - .. ·so percent of the proceeds of to Public relations specialist at the cause .. Got news? BMW of North America Amy This year's test drive will feature Call Spotlight at 439-4949. Quarmby said that in the past 11 a fleet of 25 cars, including the years, the event has raised more BMW X6 model, which BMW than_$1-1 million, and has set a goal labels "the world's first sports to raise another $1 million during activity coupe," before it premiers thls year's event, which will take in dealerships in May 2009. place on Wednesday, Sept 17, at Those who show up at the Keeler Motor Car Company and dealership will have the opportunity to drive whichever vehicles are· Instant Cash Paid!' ~~:J·~~1s,atcapitaJCities available, however, there is an Gold, Sil~er, J.>latinum and.Diamo~dJe~elr., 'Weofferthelegaldrivingpublic option to reserve a specific vehicle ~ l . the opportunity to take a test drive by calling 1-877-4-A-DRIVE or Even ifit's broken · · . and we donate $1 for ever"y mile registeJjng at­ . Diamonds by appointment driven," Quarmby said. theultimatedrive. 211 DelawareAve. Delmar•944-7223 In addition to the test drives, -Ariilila Cohn UiJ:=L~--~Mo:n;;,.·F!;lni:;·.~.10~-~6.:,• i!!:~~~~=::..--lJblJ. ,Qllarmby_ sai,d_~~ ~Us sPecial

..., . 14TH ANNUAL NEW YORK STATE - FREE DAILY PARKING RECREATIONAL VEHICLE· SHOW 1~~dMJ~ N.'I:S. FAIRGROUNDS, SYRACUSE - N.'l: THRUWAY EXIT 39 Fri. Sept. 26th -Sat. Sept. 27th - Sun., Sept. 28th '"'~l,i,kf lOam to 9pm - JOam to 9pm - lOam to 6pm Friday, Sep,ember 19 ·Moto·r Homes- Travel Trailers, 5th Wheels Schenectady Art Night Vans - Tow Vehi~les - New ~nd _Pre-Owned Enjoy the art, music and.cultural scene growing in Schenectady. Shops, cafes, restaurants and galleries invite you in. 5 - 9 pm 1000 Location: Throughout downtown. Check website for map. RU's and Exhibits Inside and Outside Rock It In the Circle -Accessories • ca·mpgrounds . Free show by The Big Smoothies! Beer, soft drinks and financiM :Resorts - SuPPlies food available on the street and at local businesses. Admission $8 • 2 Oall Pass $12 Location: Cprner of Jay and State Streets Under 16 Free w/Adult · Spontaneous Broadway ~:----s-2-~0FF . Audience members invent song titles for Broadway ___ _ musicals on the fly for performers to improvise. Location: 440 State·Street

Want mor~? INFO HOTLINE I . I ADMISSION 800-542-60 11 I WEBSITE With This Ad • 1 Ad Per Adult Admission This _Ad May Be Reproduced ~- - The Spolfight Sep\ember17, 1008 • Page·t r . (;.. , I

Greyhounds are called "the ·• Applesauc_e will be . best kept secret in the pet served at Family Storytime world." Calm, sweet, loving Voorheesville a•· on Wednesday, Sept 24, at 6:30 personalities are the trademark p.m. to accompany :'Har.vest of these dogs, affectionately Public Library 1!!1111! Time" stories. known as the "40 mph couch • Second and third -graders potatoes." · ]1.1ass. MoCa has been added to will talk about "Gooney Bird Each year tens of thousands thelistofgalleriesandmusetims Greene" by.Lois Lowry on of racing greyhounds are put to that you can see free with a pass Friday, Oct 3, at 7 p.m. Receive death by an industry that cannot from VPL. The list includes a copy of the book at signup. place as many dogs as it breeds. the world famous Sterling and Parents are always welcome Many end their careers at less Francine Clark Art Institute in to ·attend. " than 2 years of age and need nearby Williamstown, Mass., •Adult Fiction Book to find loving homes for their the beloved Norman Rockwell Discussion me'ets at 7,1 p.m. retirement They generally are Museum in Stockbridge and· on ,Wednesday, Oct 1. .Sign well socialized with humans and the Massachusetts Hancock · up and receive a copy of the The water table lig attraction lor the preschoolers who attended the I irs! other dogs and are eager to Shaker Village, known as the book "The Shadow Catcher" session ollhe six week Parent-Child Wortcshop at the Voorheesville Library. please and grateful for positive City of Peace. These passes and by Marianne Wiggins •. $ubmitted photo attention. others,foruptofourpeople,are •Lapsits for Babies will If- you are· considering available to anyone with a valid be on Thursday, Sept 18, at adopting a dog and can open library card on a first come, 10:15 a.m. your home to one of these good first serve basis. To· find out Barbara Vink natured animals, please come if a pass is available, you may to our adoption clinic and meet call ahead and ask. Passes are All library programming the dog of your dreams here at checkedoutforthreedayswith is free (unless otherwise . BE~T TEACHERS IN THE CAPITAL REGION! the library on Saturday, Sept no renewals, and there is a late noted) and open to the public. 20, from noon to 3 p.m. fee if they are not returned on Voorheesville Public Library' Private instruction in 3 Reasons to time.· is located at 51 School Road, choose our studio Visit the rescue Pia no • ViOlin • Viola Voorheesville. For information, • Guitar • Voice • Flute • Professional music organization's Web site at www. school envlroitment call 765-2791 or visit· www. • Sax • Clarinet • Trumpet Other programs voorheesvillelibrary. org. • Highly qualified teachers for information. • Trombone • Drums • Private lessons Group Classes Combine foliage • Kids 'n' Keyboards with Mass MoCa • F•n Music Circle The time for autumn leaf .. Mayor's, Ci!P Run peeping will.soon be upon us I~ ~nnu~l ~rcmgh•,. and if you are going to take a Cook-Park in the Village· of Colonie is drive through the Berkshires to admire the foliage, how about .J)chedu/ed forSI!Qday October 5, 2008. stopping at the Massachusetts ~ "' "" --- _:_____/ . j Museum of Contemporary Art, n The, Fun Run is at 1:00pm, and begins at. the largest center for visual and \.) _tz.Woon, forms are a'1flaqle ef!her ~(ihe 1 performing arts in the country. Village Hall~ Thun1elii1~Q~d,_Aibany;i NY . 12205, Famtly Centlt:;,@onlme; ·; 1· • ' Which Spotlight www.colonievillage:ll_ti_~1 \ . \, , do you read? . . ' -r . \ ., , Th~ Spotlight, Colonie Spotlight, Loudo~ville Completed forms and'eJJ,!rY fees "tay,.~e'; ' Spotlight, Guilderland Spotlight, Niskayuna

Spotlight, Scotia-Glenville Spotlight, -..mailed to Linda Murphy, 14 Ben-jam__ in~ 1\J. I Rotterdam Spotlight, Burnt Hills Spotlight, 1 Clifton Park-Halfmoon Spotlight, Lane, Albany, NY 12205. For moreV Malta Spotlight, Milton Spotlight. Saratoga Spotlight information, contact Linda Murphy at .. . 869-9638. r Call 439-4949 ' RoMosme7J/ Ann ' '· 439-2888 Need Health Care Coverage for Your Uninsured Children and Teens? With Child Health Plus or Medicaid, your children and teens can not only • 49·m ANNUAL 49th.annual event go to the doctor but get prescriptions. hospital care and more. No family hosted STOCKADE WALKABOUT feature earns too much to qualify for this low- or no~cost health insurance. . & Call1-800-698-4543 or visit WATERFRONT FAJRE ~r;(;;""";;:":"":;;:::l:t;::::;;~,~~~:;~:·,buildings that span three centuries .~ ..•• of arcliilecture and •• American history. • Tours of private homes • Guided tours of the old Erie Canal · • Arts and Crafts vendors · • Family activities

' ' : • Live music . . ''\ . · • AntiqUe car exhibit ,·),,·J ·. • II ' ' September 27 _.. __._/ ..;, . ' _' I t ..J' ~J ., I llamtoSpm •- ...... ,~-...; >I To purchase advance - .,_.. .. ] tickets call 518-374-0263 . ..._ ___ ~~- ~' L ' - .--, ~·~~!..~~~ ~-=--...... -~ ~--~-, J \ ; \ l 1L-----~1~r------~~~~------~·..., ""'····\ .~~~----~·~~ "'"' Child Health Plus I Medicaid You love them. We'll cover them. NEW YORI:.. STA,Tf DEPARUIENT OF tiULTH Page 12 • Sep)ember 17,2098. Th.e .Spotlight IN BRIEF ., Villag~ 2006. Before that, he was a social R_CS to send three to It is the irst time in more RCS taps administrator studies teacher in Bethlehem · than 25 years that a RCS to fill principal post schools from 1996 to 2006 and m All-State competition instrumentalist was selected to Board The Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Orchard Park HighSchool, outside RCS high school students the All-State Symphonic Band, Board of Education recently Buffalo, from 1995 to 1996. continue to hit all' the right Johnson said. appointed an Ichabod Crane "I am pleased to have Brett notes musically. Additionally, a fourth student, administrator to· fill the grades Miller join the district as the Interim Superintendent . Erika Frati, was selected as an to meet 9/10 principal post 9/10 principal at the high school. Michael Johnson ann"ounced alternate for the all-stafe mixed The next meeting for the Brett Miller, of Clifton Park, will He is a wonderful addition to recently that three high school chorus for the conference, start work at RCS as soon as he the administrative team as · students will take part in the which takes place from Dec. 4 Voorheesville Village Board has completed his obligations to he brings in recent building New York State School Music to 7 in Rochester will be held on Tuesday; September 23, at 7 p.m. in the lchabod Crane. In the meantime, administrative experience as well Association (NYSSMA) All-State Albano and Frati are seniors, Village Hall. · ' interim Principal Steven Black as significant time as a master Conference in December. while Cowan and Graham ·will continue t(l fill the post classroom teacher," said Greg Rachel Albano and Elizabeth Bastian are in 11th grade. Miller· haS served as assistant Chase, administrator for human Cowan will sing in the in the The RCS students were Thacher Nature Center high school principal at Ichabod re_sources and a former grades all-state mixed choru.s and · selected for· the all-state plans 'Walks in. the Woods' C~e, Columbia County, since 9/10 ' RCS.· · Graham Bastian earned the event from thousands· of their Thacher Nature Center honor of playing the tuba in counterparts who auditioned has -scheduled· ·:walks in the the All-Stat~ Symphonic" Band, last spring, high school music Woods" for Thursdays, Sept Johnson sa1d. teacher Scott Andrews said. 18 and 25. Participants sh_ould meet at the Paint Mine Picnic shelter parking lot at 9 a.m.

Voorheesville · Betsy Glath· 765-4415

The ·walks are easy to moderate and will begin at 9 a.m. and will last until approximately Drive in now open Friday & Saturday only. 11 a.m. Participants may wish This "week our featUres are... to bring a snack, beverage, sunscreen and insect repellent In the event of inclement WALL-E weather, the walks will be RATEDG rescheduled to the following SHOWTIME 7:30 Friday, _from 9 a.m. to 11 & rf?_:.~~ (approximate). THE DARK KNIGHT ...J"t ,, For information, call the' RATED· PG-13 ------­...... park office at 872-1237. " SHOWTIME 9:20 ... ,: 11 1 ... '~h . •. - -~--~~·'"-::-;---, Voorheesville schools to hold open house " Twirl Iefl Cr6gro ~h~pp6. Voorheesv"ille Central , Coache~ !jpecial... ~1. Located at the Jericho Drive-In School·IDistricrwill be holdifig bring the'tea.m _in"' 21 Jericho Road. Gfenmont its open house for:tl]e :middle: · uniform get 10% off"! ·' school Tuesday,.Sept. 23·; at Fall Hours total purchase and a. 7 p.m. and parents/guardians 11:00 A.M. to. 9:00P.M Seven days a week free i~e cream C~ne~ should meet in the-Performing· . ' hIll ._., Flavor of the week... PISTACHIO NUT f or coac .... h Arts Center. . ·.: ; · · , . . -t_ . . ·~. :."" '"'~';1'·;·~-'t "'r r Flavor of the· week beginning The high school open house will be held on Thursday,,Septc Friday, September 19 ... LIME . . Mini Hot Dogs stll· 25, an~ parents/guardians Order your Ice ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-C---·-·, 2 New Fall Flavors ... · . served-11:00am-. should also meet at 6:45p.m. in Cream Cake the Performing Arts Center. I Pumpkin & Southern Apple Pie j Here!!! Hard Ice Cream 7,oop~ AND - -~ Library planning .~ - - ' · 1______· Try our Apple Cobbler Sundae . J· · · for fall concert . "' . An annual fall concerf will be held· at the Voorheesville Public Library on Sunday, Oct. 26, from 2 to 4 p.m.· The Dixieland Jazz with Skip Parsons' will be playing. This is a free and handica'pped accessible event. For a great rate1 information, c·an 765-2791: Don't wait to take advantage of this offer. : . Middle School teen night ·There will be a middle Open a 13-month CD with as little as '~-~- ~---­ . scho.oJ teen night held in the $1,000. This is a limited time offer..• middle school gym at the ' < • ., ' ''; • "' L io .,open your·account today!_ Vo'orheesville ] unior /Senior High School on Friday, Sept. 26, from 7 to 10 p~m. Reach for your.Star: . Schools in the district closed for Rosh Hashanah Schools in the Voorheesville Central District will be closed . on Tuesday, Sept. 30, for the Rosh Hashanah holiday. 1-800-NBT-BANK •

*Funds to open this account cannot presently be on deposit with NBT Bank. Got news? Must have a new or existing NBT Bank checking account to qualify for Annual . Call Spotlight at 439-4949 Percentage Yield (APY). APY is aCOJrate as of 9/8/2008 and is subject to change without notice. A penalty will be assessed for early withdrawal. or . • Member FDIC e-mail [email protected]

::...... ·.,.4 -\.- ·', ·.J~ .... ~..... • .... The Spotlight September 17,2008 ·Page 13 '2 Broa~s' open up· fall. ;'.Meals ... Music' ·program The''Meals ... MusicandMore!" to help fund materials for these Delmar, and Bethlehem Senior Friday, September 26 progral!lisbackforthefallseason, classes·that are scheduled for transportation will depart at 10:15 •Seniors i.n Motion - (see and you will surely wish to join in : ~~·..-:.<~.~- . every Tuesqay through Oct 28. am. Home pick-up is available on · Tuesday's activities for details) the fun on Wednesday, Sept 24, $$~ To sign up, call Karen Harmon at a pr.;arranged basis. (Suggested • Seniors grocery shopping at the First Reformed Church ~ 439-1505. Program is supported vandonationis$3) For information for residents of Good Samaritan of Bethlehem, 38 Church Road, . bySfARS!J;ltergenCorp.,Albany ·and reservations, can 439-4955, Senior Hou·sing and Van Selkirk. County Dept for Aging, state ext 1176. Allen Senior Apartments. For . Lunch is ser\red from 1 to 1:30 Sept. 20 lo'26 ' Office for the Aging and the U.S. · • Bethlehem Senior Citizens reservations, call439-5770. . p.m., followed by a performance Administration on Aging. . Club - for. an· enjoyable social· For information on the above by "2 BroadswithAlottaSound," 3J.1 • · • ' afternoon ·of games. and other or a list of additional activities, call Ethel Merman sound-alike on the is -limited, Bethlehem Senior ,.: w· dnesday Sept 24.''' entertainment, Bethlehem-Town the· Bethlehem Senior Services keyboard singing_. old favorites. transpor~tion is recorrimended • c!emvers Support Gro~p . . Hall _auditorium, 445 Delawar~ Office at 439-4955, ext. 1176. · andleavesTownHallat9:15 to9:30 ' ' ,.. ' ' A D 1mar 1130 ' • The lunch menu is roast ·a:m., ~th home-pick-up available. Bethlehem Town Hall,' 445 ve., e •, : ":!"· .....· . -Doris Davis . chicken With rice pilaf and dessert DelaWilre Ave Delmar 10·30 am . . .• Seniors grocery shoppilig for Be'h/ehem. Sen · r n. ,;ects lnc. A contribution of $2.50 for seniors (Van ~onation is $3) · limited to 10 to· 'n'oon. Car~:nvers of a.sp'ous~ reSidents of Glenmon~ se!kifk and ' 10bo'a:'d'member0 and $5 for thos.e under 60 is parti'cipants,socallforreservations. or loved one,.. diagnosed with So uthBethleh em. Forreservations, · · " · · suggestedforthe.meal Voluntary as possible at 439-4955• Alzheimer's disease and other. call439-5770. ext 1176.. contributions for the musical dementias are welcome to share performance are welcome and concerns, successes, difficul):ies will allow for future expansion TUesday,. Sept, 23 and experiences With others in in the number of performances • Senior Chorus, Bethlehem similar caregiving situations. Call scheduled. Town Hall auditorium, 445 JaneSanders,439-4955; ext 1174, · .LOU AlLTlEIU Reservations are necessary and Delaware Ave., Delmar, 10:30 for information.· limited transportation is available. a.m. to noon. To add your name to • Seniors grocery shopping Please contact 439-4955, ext 1176, the list ofinterested participants, for residents of Elsmere, Delmar, RESTAURANT' if you are interested in being part call439-4955, ext 1176. Slingerlands, North Bethlehem ' · Delaware Plaza. of an upbeat afternoon. , •SeniorsinMotion-alow-level and Marie Rose Manor. For 'ehr~ting 62.Years in Busi.o aerobic ·exercise class to music, reservations, call439-5770. C el . . . ess Program Highlights Bethlehem Town Hall auditorium, 445 Delaware Ave., Delmar, 9-10 Thursday, September 25 Open for Lunch Saturday, Sept. 20 a.m. No registration necessary. $3 Wed., Thurs., Fri., II :30- 3:00 • "Noises Off' at the historic fee per class. • Weekday Walkers, atone of the area's nature pteserves, 10:30 am Cohoes Music Hall, 3 p.m. ($23) •Weather permitting, go Dinner Bethlehem Seiuor transportation to noon. Wear comfortable walking . shopping at the Farmers Market, shoes and bring a bagged lunch. At will leave Town Hall at 1:30 p.m. First United Methodist Church ~ednesday-Sunday 4:00-9:00 with home pick-up available on a 10am.meetthegroupatBethlehem parking lot, 428 Kenwood Ave., Town Hall, 445 Delaware Ave., pre-arranged basis (suggested van Delmar. Bethlehem Senior 180 Delaware Ave. 43-·-·" donation $5). For reservations, call transportation leaves Town Hall 439-4955, ext i176. . at approximately 2 p.m. with • Guided Wildflower Hike at home pick-up available on a pre­ Edmund Niles Huyck Preserve, arranged basis. (Suggested van Rensselearville. Moderate difficulty. donation is $2) For reservations, Wear comfortable walking shoes. caii 439-4955, ext. 1176. I· Meet at Bethlehem Town Hall, 445 • Watercolor Class "it the Frrst DelawareAve., Delmar, at9:15 am. Reformed Church of Bethlehem, Guided nature hike from 10 am to 38 Church Road, Selkirk, 9:30 noon. Chris Sciralli, staff educator, to 11:30 a.m. Instructor: Susan will· give a talk on fall wildflowers Wooster Pace. Supplies provided prior to the hike. Cost $5-hike/talk and program is free, 'althougli a for nonmembers. Because parking voluntary dqnation is welcome

.E"::)\., Ji 'l1 /('lve~ &~' "Quality Always Shows" liM.Llf\J ~ .-:;r. WE SELL U.S. PRIME BEEF PRIME BUTCHER SHOP ·~J Nat Responsible'" lVPDQraphlcal Errors

10 lBS. OR MORE$ 99 GROUND CHUCK·------1 ~ GROUNO ROUND ____S2 79 ~ 99 GROUND_ !(iiRLOIN.&tra Lean--,.-:-$2 a... • Page 14' September 17,2008 The Spotlight ·slingerlands .resident redefines re.t.iremeni·vo,unteering . . . . . ' . . . Slingerlancls resident Barbara never·before imagined." · your home energy bills in "Save · Traynor retired in 2005 and Don't miss this opportunity to Energy, Save Dollars" at the library began another life - a series of rethin!< your retirement "tcxlo" Monday, Sept 22, at 6:30p.m. This fascinating and diverse volunteer list · /check ·It Out Cooperative Extension workshop jobs that haye crisscrossed the Bethlehem Public Library. will also provide infonnation about country, from the Totem Walk in programs that provide energy- Sitka, Alaska, to a wildlife rehab College application tips efficiency improvements through center in Okeechobee, Fla., to We're offering two programs .p.m. She will also discuss the subsidies, low-interest loans, Heifer International in Perryville, this fall designed to ease the merits of early decision and other. or free services to qualifying · Ark. She. retraces her steps in college application process. application plans. households. Participants will . "Second Career Volunteer" at • In "Conquering tlie College founder· of College· ·receive a·free energy kit. The the library on Monday, Sept.' Admissions Essay" Thursday, Options in Delmar and a member . workshop is presented as part of 29, at 7 p.m. A slide show of her Sept25,at7:30p.m.,AlanGelbwill of the Independent Educational the EmPower New York program, · adventures accompahies her talk. · introduce essay-writing tools and Consultants Association. She has with funding from NYSERDA Traynor redefines retirement techniques that lead to success. guided several hundred stUdents volunteering: "Offering business Gelb is author of. "C:onquering through this complex process and and hobby skills to an increasingly Adm•ss•ons Essay has visited nearly 400 colleges in Other programs ~e Colleg~ •Teen Time, Friday, Oct. needyworldhasopenedawindow m 10 Steps ."The 29 states. ~d Comple~ 3, from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. DDR, of travel and adventure to many Student: Ach1evmg ~.ucce~s m Barbara Traynor and friend at Both programs are free and Guitar Hero, Wii, games and older and talented individuals. College and Beyond. He IS an Heifer International in Perryville, open to high school students and snacks for grade 6 and up. Accrued expertise, combined with independentmarke~g ~~nsultant their parents. Arkansas. . • Fall stqrytime sign up, Submiffed photo compassion, is providing options for colleges and .uruvers1ties. • Jill Rifkin helps take away the begirming Monday, Oct. 6, from pain in "Step By Step Through Energy tips 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. BCSD residents the Co)lege Application Process" Learn aboutlowrostand n

Ro ond Ann ore The Pertert Fit for Your Move. Don't hesilote! ConiOct lhem IOday 10 armnge a camplimeniOry consuiiOtian. Mosmen & Manning deliver IWice September 12th -November 2nd lhe resources, 'IWice lhe savvy and IWice lhe energy 10 lheir dienls. Come· on out to the Election o8 Visil Corn Maze.. the Capital Region's original for 29. Essenti~ Homeselling Tips! and largest cornfield maze! . . . Young and old, ages 4 to 94: everyone gets to cast a ballot for the party.of their choice ...

'Vote With Your Feet!' in our 12 acre corn maze featuring the Rep'ublican Elephant. the Democrat Donkey, and Troy's own Uncle Sam inviting you tO vote.

Join Us For Our Special Weekend ·Events: -7th Annual Corn Fest: Sept. 20-21 Family Fun Farm Olympics: Oct: 11-13 . Pumpkin Fest: Oct. 18-19

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Plus ... }~ ]wrv~alt~!

Brad's ~arnyard a Trolley Ride • Pig Races • Farm Ani~als Lil' Farmersville • Pumpkin Patch • Cow Train • Patriot Maze Farm Fresh Food • Country Store and more! · Tbe Spotlight September 17,2008 ·Page 15 Real Estate spOtlight


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" . . · Bethlehem's Newest Community . Glenmont Woods . - - " . . 7,9' Custom Homes on"Treed Cul-De-Sac Lots Bordered by a 27 Acre Nature Preserve Betlilehem Schools 3 Other Bethlehem Locations Available Voo'rh"":viille, one floor, mainrenance-free ~ I We also build on your lot! I condominium communi£)' is designed for carefree ; independent senior living, 62 ·and older. lDWIFT BUILDERS 439 4663 "A Family rraditlon Since 1.834" - j_ FoR M_o~~~~m_RM~TION GO .r?__w_ww:C~IFOX~~~LE~:_~~~M. j

REPRESENTING FINE HOMES AND :THE FINEST PEOPLE IN THE CAPITAL REGION FOR YEARS. ·Starting in the.280's In Glenmont, N;...Y::....______, 17 • Great Family Community in Glenmont Visit our II Dt~lmar -Walden Fields • Ravena Schools d'esigner model! • J)istinctive & Spa~~ous Home De~igns Open Thu~day 2BA, Ranch. $329,900 • Superb Craftsmanship CATHY COOLEY • Great Sbopping Nearby to Monday LICENSED AS--SOCIAT_E BH..OKER II Colo•nie - 2 Family with 12-Sm. 3/2BR, 2C gar $275,000 • • 10 Minu~es to DOwntown Albany • Minutes frorD Elm Avenue Park & Recreation Areas Delmar - 2BR, 1BA, 1 Car 518 Gar. Maint. free. $134,900 Take Route 9 W to Wemple Road. West on Wemple Road and Milltowne 448.6121 . Pia~ is a 112 mile on tbe.left Schodack - Building lots [email protected] 1AC+. Public Water. East IIGreer1bu:sh Sch. from $109K (]JuiUfing" Q]uzfity Jfomes d. ~TechValley H!>Jnes "!Neigh.6orh.ootfs . " ~ Real Estate "TII•IOI.-o

~- Clarksville Elementary School held its annual Patriot Day ob5ervCHI£e on Thursday, Sept. 11, which was a -t41-. . -~-l:n.aiDDA"fi"@[;l~[]G!]@,;: brief, simple and solemn ceremony devoted to respect, remembrance an~ peacemaking. Above, Principal . , . · . Dorothy McDonald gathers the students at the scheol's Peace Garden, telling them that on Sept. 11, 2001, a · O. Petsontl & Proflsslonll Full StM!:e & Rtplir . ~roup of people chose to express their anger through viol~n£e, an-tha~ t.he decision led. to the loss o! many · · . . lwes that should always be remembered. The ceremony mcludes a ra1smg of the Hag, moment ot silence, Air Conditioning • Cooling·Systems recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, siliging of the Star-Spangle~ Banner, and recogniti~n oi the school's you WunL .. Brakes & Suspension • Tune-Ups Peace Pole, which features a call for peace in Spanish, Arabic, Japanese and English. . ~-...... _ Someo11e you · Computer Diagnostics Submllted photo ': ca11 trust... Qutdity wOrk. .. lire Sales & Service 1 Fair pric':s." NYS Inspections • Towing Available Colonie church's Halloween party open to community - • ·-; wS,;, a·~ -~ _[.!:... ; Blessed Virgin Mary Church, kicking offat7 p.m. Kids up tothe can be assembled and detailed. 90 Adams Street 250 Maxwell Road, Colonie, will age of 16 (in costume) and d!eir Music and videos will play Call Us First! Delmar host a community Halloween parents (whomayalsodressup) continu.ously; there will be Monday - Friday: partyonFriday,Oct17,from6to willbewelcome.Mrnissionand pumpkins for painting and 439-0311 8:00am to. 5:30pm 9:30p.m., with a costumed parade refreshments are free ofchrurge, cookies for decorating. Garnes as part of ou Wish of all kinds will be featured, with youth ministry. Enjoy ]iilza, hot prizes to be given. Attendees will dqgs, beverages, fresh!y-made leave with. a "goody bag" and popcorn and cottoo candy with their fill of food and fun. Join Us For Our your family and friends. For information, call the : PartY-goers can take Pru-t churchat453-2258.Reservations in a number of aclivities. appreciated, but not required. Gingerbread "haunted houses" . •

~®~. ,&ooouoo~D-- --~ ©GiltiDrnm~r~~·. .. ..· ~ ...... ·•· @®Dil. ©Doo@@D® · < 'I • .. Thursday, October .2nd • Rain or Shine

-This is an OPEN EVENT Members and non-members welcome! Register with a friend, relative or co-worker Registration Fills Quick/y-Do11't Wait!! A (· ! - '"-~· I'_ ... Become a sponsor., . Pleasereserve by Donate a Prize September 19, 2008 Your sponsorship donation spells success for this event! For more information go to Visit: For a Corporate Sponsor Form We can design a gift certificate for you! Other prizes can be picked up by the committee

Vo lleneftt llethDehem IFoocll Pcntry

~Reliant ~.., ~L....u \'\,\ Energy. """· · ' 1~\r\\";Ufl( ~tf; . '8% ~:\~--~li':fhl':"f .. )lj ',f"'uft\ The Spotlight September 17,2008 • Page 17

-""" I . •' ~ ster food, the pellets are easy to of the fire a simple twist of the coming the problem," said De­ York Home Energy Asststance store and are also fairly efficient. dial. Palma. ''We do have a ready sup­ Program (HEAP) provides assis­ Since they are made from recy­ At Countryside, a ton of pel­ ply of them, but we're hearing tance for households with "vul­ cled materials, they are a more lets sells for $280, and a family from some of the manufacturers nerable individuals," aged below (From Page 1) . environmentally friendly option can generally get through a win­ that they can't get them out until 6 or above 60, that make less pie looking towards wood stoves that allow for better heat control ter with three or four tons. They January." than $1,963 per month ($450 is and pellet stoves, • said Tom De- than straight cord wood. were out of stock when this story Wood and pellet stoves at CR added to the limit for the house­ Palma, administrator of CR Gas, . "They're not as high mainte­ was written, however. ruri from under $1,000 to $2;500 . hold's occupants). Applications • . Logs and Frreplaces in Voor- nance as wood, and you can con­ "They're very hard to get and. beyond, depending on. the for the program are accepted at heesville. "This year, in particu- trol your heat better," said Jodi right now, •. said Crouse. design and options. Though the start of October for furnace · Jar, people are seeing the value." Crouse, owner of Countryside The popularity of the stoves the operation will likely be less· repairs, and November for emer- Pellet stoves in particular are Stove and Chimney in Burnt means production has been lag-. expensive in ·the long run, De­ gency benefits. · seeing a surge in popularity. A Hills. A pellet stove burns its fuel · ging behind demand. The same Paula warned that wood or pel· Gov. · David Paterson has fuel of compacted sawdust that using an electric heat source, is true of the stoves themselves. let stoves also include added vowed to work With state agen- bears a striking similarity to ham- making controlling the strength .:It's the stoves. that are !)e-. work and maintenance, as r- ...,-· they must be loaded and "It's the stoves.that are ~---..._-. .. cleaned often. t ~ ~·- t Rising home, heating becoming the problem. We costs haven't escaped the - notice of politicians vying do have a ready supply of for office in the current them, but we're hearing from election cycle, just as es­ calating costs l!t the pump some of the manufacturers have become a major issue that they can't get them out forvoters.ln the state's 20"' Congressionai District, for until January. " · ·example, both incumbent Tom DePalma · Kirsten .Gillibrand, D· Greenport, and challenger Sandy Treadwell,- R·Lake Placid, cies to come up with more mon­ have both been promoting plans , ey to help New Yorkers with gas to help families cope with heat- bills this coming winter, but he ing bills. has not announced any solidified Treadwell is calling for a. plans as of press time. Paterson home heating oil rebate of up to is currently in the midst of a con­ $1,000 for families who use that· certed effort to trim the state fuel "ln our region heating your budget. home is a necessity, not a lilliury There are state incentives and too many people can't keep already in place for low-income

saidpace Treadwell with soaring in aenergy statement. costs," familiesupgi'ade whoto an wishEnergy-Star to build level or ~j;j;~~~;;;~~;-;;;;;;~-;;j'~fun;l~~;;~~~To;~~;;;;;tl;;~~~~~ Gillib~and is giving ·her sui). •' 'home. For a one-income house- tCR Gas, Logs and Fireplaces has a number of options those searching for a new method of home .port to the Home Energy As- hold in Albany County, for ex· at their showroom in Vo.orheesville. ' . ~ •. sistance Tax Relief Act, which ample, anyone making ·under ,I , : ·; Charles Witt/Spotlight would provide a $500 tax rebate $39,550 a year would be eligible ,-· ' .. th h • b •11 Jo households that pay more· for a.$500 cash iricentive to help "~' ays to cut e· eating· I . than $1,500 in heating Cj)Sts this with the upgrade. • ~ • . . ' I W J'.J ,~, ... •· • 1 · . '· winter. . '' "' o For informationon the HEAP ,, .. J\ftll'".. o:' -;:,..- o:.b!•; ... r i:r. >. tf;..L ·IV GHI\•It.•UtOG ll/U !II J ihq ~6 . " . ·-- - ·-• ·• ~ ·'r"·Accorcling to the U.S. Depart- percen~;savmgs over !!me. That not only includes ypur There are already provisions program or Energy-Star mcen- fn~!'t·ll'M; ~n~rgy,'~on" average, · $iJili!;\r)Y.$!:tingthe t}lermo; home's·walls, but wrapping up in place ·to help low-income tives,gotowww.getenergysm'!i-t heatirig and cooling a house ac- stat lower· altogether. will· save ·hot water pipes and your water families pay their bills. The New org. counts for 56 p~rcent of its Iolli! money:'iJepending.;on how you heater with insulation blankets .;·~...4·"";;;, ___.._ ___!"'"~-....;------""l elieriAf'us~"Wj'th''th~' cost of heat your home·· a ·single' dt::. .is a quick and effective way· toY·, U ~'; ' { ,J ''. h'e'4:trhVf!i;e·~~futt<~ill:\ag/ip;\% k\:~MsWsllri~~t4'P.t'i)i:d~'l.o,5 'save money. Once again, the G f AI ft . . ing the oest use of the fuel you percent'deqease. m. the heating idea is. to keep h~t trapped to • 0 •• ews r . 0 . use is paramount. Here are just. bi1!.' "" "~"'-;::·" '~ f... • ,.,, f ·where·tt·benefits you~ v-..-. ("':''I . .• .., 't . ' ' . ' ' : 1 a few.tiP.s on how to shrink the ·. • ,Make ,sure-your .heating \ ~\.;. )I' U !! •l " ! -~->i '1 ,S.P_otlight N;,;sp.dpers welcomes aru;ouncements 'ot programs billi i -~~,-._,,~c_,.,, · ·. ',. e~~jji'imo:':ltJ~eee.-_:.~us~.ra- · Taking these measures b~ oreventsoccurringinourcoveragearea. '•.-, · .. \ . . ·· .:J';::)'.;tr.,~; diator coils are far less etfictent fore th~ weather turns nasty _ts All events must be .open to .the public.and announcements (i"• .U~e ne"'er;.Energy Star- ·..-thari.~lean oneS:' The ~aine'goes a good tdea. Though mos! fixes: should contain the date, time,. location and cost (if any) of the certifiea 'appliances. These can. for' your furnace.' Replace or are easy, those who aren'.t up to' ·event, along with contact information. Announcements are pub- cut overaii en'ergy experlses up. clean. furnac~ filters regularly the work themselves can hire a lished space and.time permitting. · to 30 percent, and that includes during operational months to contractor to do a full home wm- Submissions can be e-mailed to [email protected], the heating bill, if you get an ef- keep it at peak efficiency. . terization. J - • faxed to 439-0609, or mailed to Spotlight, P.O. Box 100, Delmar ficient furnace. - • Take measures to winterize It's possible that making 12054; • A programmable· ther- your house. Using caulk around a home energy efficient will The deadline for all announcements is noon Thursday·prior inostat can be set to drop the leaky windows is a great way to qualify your household for tax 'to publication. temperature during the night · keep heat from simply escaping incentives. The New York En- · · cir wheri you're not around. Ac- the !J.ouse. On thin, older win- ergy Smart program has a list of :,.._,;..._____ ,;... ______. cording to the U.S. Department dows, using a plastic insulation accredited home performance of Energy, dialing-back the ther- sheet can keep heat from. seep- contractors on the Web site at mostat 10 to 15 degrees for eight ing to the outside. hours a day can add up to a 10 • Insulate wherever possible.

., meeting, Councilman Kyle Ko­ est qualification," Cunningham D.. tary said he, too, was pleased said. liown with Traylor's appointment. As an active Bethlehem com­ (From Page 1) "l was very happy with the munity member, including the terhoJJseCoopers and the IRS. decision to choose Suzanne," 20/20 Advisory Committee co­ · "As you can see from my re- Kotary said. "She was recom­ chaired by forme.r supervisors surne, my accounting skills are mended by Judi, and I think . Theresa ·Eagan and Ken Ring­ very broad and unique," Tray- she11 do a great job for us here ler, Traylor described herself lor ·wrote in the cover letter of in town." as a friend and a colleague of application to the town: "Not Traylor stood up with her Kehoe's and said she learned that! would be able to fill Judi's family at her side as ·a crowd ·about the comptroller opening shoes, but 1 do believe 1 would at Town Hall cheered and ap­ from her. · be able to account for town fi- plauded after she got the full ''When Judi stepped down, nances and work well with you · support of th~ board. to begin she told me about the open­ as well as the town board." working as the new comptrol- ing,': Traylor said. "''m looking Messina referenced Tray- ler. . · . forward to starting tomorrow lor's letter while praising her Cunning~ am thanked Kehoe [Sept. 11]." appointment. for her ~ervtce to the town :md The town has already held "Judi is leaving big shoes, · for helpmg. out on a part-time some budget workshops and but you only ,have to fill your hourly basts dunng the cur­ are continuing to prepare next own shoes.. •. Your own style r~nt budget process: He also year's budget. will be.fine;" Messina said. WI she~ Traylor well m he~ new "Her resume was sUperb, • Addressing Supervisor Jack post With the town and srud he and we're all excited to work Cunningham, Messina said, was looking forw- He cited language in the commercial building is no more the Voorheesville High' School Scotlanders for Sounil Economic lie use of the !and.. . ,. · town's comprehensive. plan-that..,-.than 10,000 feet.~ to allow residents to weigh in on Development, has been vocal in · Th_~-letter supports a cap.of indicates t)le pui]Jose of the com'· ..• ... While_ :the toWr! hammers possible plans for a size cap on its support of a size cap on retail 50,000?square feet for buildings· mercia! zone under.inoratoritfm • j)ut·comprehensi~plan details, new development for a 600-acre stores, and said ir "advocates a and.10Q,OOO square'feetfor entiie is to develop retail for "autoincr. · Superyisor Tom 'Dolin said a commercial zone that lies along . size cap on retail stores of no proje'Cfs: ..- : ...... :·. ; ., bile" customers arid, have large . meeting to discuss;ructending the the northern portion of the town more than 50,000 square feet per - Representatives of Sph~re parking areas to accomm6date ·~moratorium has·oeen officially of New Sootland. store." Dev~lopment, the company that . them. . planned. The workshop will allow resi­ "NS4SED welcomes non-retail would like to develop a 200-acre According to language in the 'The town· board voted .at its dents to comment on the prog­ development in the commercial si~e in New Scotland's i:ommer- town's comprehensive plan, 'The •Sept 10 meeting to have a public ress the ·Commercial Zone Advi­ zone such as offices, residential ·cia! zone, said they do not feel pur]:JOseofthecommercialareais ·hearing on Nov. 12, to entertain sory Committee has made and and institutional buildings on the town is giving their proposal toprovideareasforthelocationof comment on a proposed exten­ · offer. suggestions as the group a single parcel," according to a a fair chance. . businesses, whi~li.are dependent sion to the moratorium," Dolin moves forward. statement from the organization. · "A feasibility study needs ·to on automobile borne customers said. A moratorium on new build­ "It is NS4SED:s position that a be conducted. No su'th study has 'and which 'require large parking- He said_the board is going to' ings over 30,000 square feet was well-designed, walkable, hamlet- been conducted," Greg Widrick, areas to be successful."· need at least two months to re- put in place since May to allow style development linked to the a. managing partner at Sphere Widrick said he. is unsure if view the recommended actions the town time to address its zon­ existing commun:ity by sidewalks Development LLC.. Sphere will atiend the worksllop of the CZAC, before making any ing laws to make them fit better could enhance New Scotland's Widrick said that by setting a on Sept 17. decisions on the zon:ing law, mak­ with the Town's Comprehensive character and keep our commer- size cap at 50,000 square feet, the ''We bring ·a lot of attention. I ing the need for an extension Plan. The move was made in re­ cia! development viable and suS- town's message to its residents .. don't think we want to do that likely. sponse to a proposed commercial · tainable." • is, ''We don't want any commer- This is the landowners' time," he The recommendations of the development that would include CZAC member, Liz Kormos cia! development." .said. · CZAC will be shown to the town a 137,000-square-foot "anchor" said she·is not in favor of a large Widrick said a Best Buy, Mar- Widrick said Saratoga Associ- and Albany County planning store. The moratorium is set to commerCial development, and shalls and Bed, Bath and Be- ates has advised Sphere on the boards before final ;!pproval from exPire Nov. 12. research she has done indicates yond, generally are about 20,000 matter, and said the proposed de- the Town Board, Dolin said. Roz Robinson, chairwoman of the town could not' support such to 30,000 square feet Widrick ·velopment is appropriate for New "I'm hoping, ultimately, that. the advisory committee, said the a large retail store. said; though, that those retail- Scotland's rural setting. the CZAC recommends a cap of workshop is going to allow the 'Thafs too big. lfs too big ers would not be able to sustain According to a memo from 50,000 square feel\ with a pos- group, "to get the input from the for the town, and too big for the th.emselyes. ·in New-.Scotland ..- ~aratoga·Associates;iHs··"gen- sible extension to that of 70,000 public on what we have done so· market," she said. 'The project wi.tll

headquarters for all your t " ' . ' •l ' '" 1

~ ;~~.i§~.~; 'q ~ ·. ! " .. . f· :-'~ \ >~ ~.rtro~~~e_,V·~~!,.; ··7L &ru~r./1-·~=.,...-o- ~plies I , Durmg a well-attended pul>- , ~ ~- lie h~hg earlier in~the ­ The board doesn't have an of- sity rural areas. lic .. ficial time frame put into place, Both Boucher and Beebe said Hennessey said the board is although Kotary said he would . that additional manpower would required by law to hold a public like to see something that . not be necessary to enforce a P<=f\SONII-l: •· -~ ... · . hearing before any local law is the board can review by next • new noise law ancj that only two ~ . t.o~ Newton Plaza voted. on or adopted.· Messina • :.;'"~ . -. spring. Boucher told Spotlight . decibel-reading d'evices would 588 touaon Rd .• Rt. 9, Latham· said he believes the added mem­ Newspapers earlier in the year· be needed for the:town. lEI IE 1~1- (518) 783-.12)2 bers will help to draft a complex that drafting a law as complex "lfs time to move forward on law that will have different lay­ as a noise ordinance could eas- this and start the' drafting prcr ers in terms of exemptions, ily take eight months or more. cess," Messina said. Always Free Monogramming and Gift Wrapping decibel level and enforcement Currently, Bethlehem is one . However, he added, the task of the few municipalities in AI- The Spotlight September 17,2008 ·Page 19 .IN BRIEF Colorful display · Coeymans auxiliary VFW Post to host group slates craft fair anniversary dinner ' ' ~- . The Coeymans Fire The Robert L. Weininger Company Ladies Auxiliary is VFW Post No. 869? is having holding its third annual craft a 60th anniversary dinner and and vendor fair Saturday, dance Friday, Sept. 26, from 6 Oct. 4, at the Coeymans to 11 p.m. at the West Albany Fire House Church Street, IBS Hall, 50 Exchange St., Coeymans. Albany. The event will feature Cost is $20 per person. children's activities, clowns, For informa.tion, call 452- crafts, vendors, baked goods, 1395. homemade soup, a harvest booth, fire prevention demonstrations and a magic show. · Got news? For information or to· set up a E-mail: news@ booth, e-mail kms81458@yahoo. com or call 756-3314. Delmar Carpet Care ·QUALITY CARPET CLEANING ·WALL TO WALL ·UPHOLSTERY 439-0409 · Close to 150 people came out lor the Capital Region Chapter No. 2 Blue Star Mothers' second 'Freedom Walk' at Henry Hudson Park Sunday, Sept. 14. The event featured a.1.4 mile walk, speakers representing military past ·ORIENTALS AND AREA RUGS TimBomn and present, firefighters and EMS personell, officers from law enforcement, as well as patriotic music. According to Kay Moody, p·resident of Chapter No.2 Blue Star Moth~rs. the event gave participants not only lime to reflect on military lives lost, but the strength of our country today and the value of freedom we hold dear. Tom Heffernan Sr./Spotlight Invitations &Announcements S.C.R.U.F.F. group slates adoption day S.C.RU.F.F. (Spaying Capi~ -Region Unowned Feral Felines) is holding an adoption and bake sale on Saturday, ·Sept. 27, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the L.C. Smith Pet Center, 154a·Delaware Ave., Delmar. For information, visit scruffcats. org or call 526-3372. Pearl ~anLR.ichma . . . . - High school to host Stuyvesant Plaza, Albany, NY 518-438-8409 dog-training classes Two 10-week dog-training classes, conducted by John 0'1::\anlon and Marge Newkirk, will be held in the RCS High School cafeteria beginning Wednesday, Sept. 24. The first class will be held Wednesdays from 7 to 8 p.m. The second class will be held Wednesdays from 8 to 9 p.m. Cost is $40. All participants must attend first class; 7 to 8 p.m. without their dog. All breeds and problem dogs are welcome. All dogs must have their current vaccinations. Class size is limited to 12 dogs. For information, call 767- ·TiffiOill ~IWi lT£U. What's the REAL reason 9719. THE CAPITAL DISTRICT'S TALK you don't go to temple?

There are a lot of reasons why people lose touch with their heritage. We forgive you in1advance for every. one of them. Life is too short to live without . family, connection, community and growth.

You're welcome to come home anytime. Why not today? Dougias Schulz-Primary Agent ,(Ext. 14). [email protected] Marleia Main-Associate Agent (Ext. 13) Get connected. Stay connected. n"'.i~" fRE:belmhKapczynski-Licensed Representative (Ext. 12) Call518-436-9761 or visit Jamie Reinemann-Licensed Representative (Ext. I I) jcarinctte Sheehy-CSR (ExL 10) 163 Delaware Ave. Delmar 439-2600 Evening and Weekend Hours Ameri~'s 4th Oldest )ewlsh. Reform Congregation "Nationwide is ori your side®"· 100 Academy Road, Albany Page 20'• September 17,2008 The' Spotlight ' . I Finance spOtlight t a·et smart about your child's education: 529 pl~ns are an-attractive savings option . '

By Anthony J. Lanzillo habits and behaviors, and it invites other bills. you've kept in your budget, think Senior Vice.President us to take stock of our values and . Unfortunately, the longer you twice about it. It could be the fimanc1a · I pnor1· -'t' 1es. I n s h or t , 1't d tsmiss· your 1ong- dif'erence1' between your cht'ld Two 529 what ifs · • KeyBank demands that we ask ourselves: termneeds,thehigher graduating college A 529 College Savings Plan. f you're like most people "What do we need today? What the likelihood that you debt free or: being is a state-sponsored investment today, your financial life do we need tomorrow?" And if you won't be able to meet burdened by interest- programtohelpparentSoraccount I is like passing escalators. have ldds, providing opportunities them.· For example, bearing loans. o\vners save money fot>a child's Going up ... your cost of living. for them to be successfi)l,is a the projeCted cost of The benefits of (oranyone's)education.However, Going down ... your wealth. large and budget-busting part of a college education in- early planning ther~ar:afewco~onu{uestions The fact. is, the things we "tomorniw,"especiallyifyouplan 2020isnearly$86,000 Compounding peope averegar g e",I:_, · need in Iife.:_food, shelter and to help theni finance their college for a public school !'-lld interestis the principle 1. How can 529 money: be transportation-are straining e<\ucation. $226,500 for a private that you earn money used? ·~ our finances more than they did · . Short-term pain vs. college. So if you have on both your money In most states there is not an age just months ago. Discretionary long-term gain · · · a six-year-old and and the interest your or time limit, but the money must moriey, or. money to put away That tough times call for tough saving today, you'll money earns. It's like · be used for qua]jfied education for the future, is harder to come choices is nota surprise to anyone.· need to put away more a snowball rolling costs (for example, tuition, books, -I ·by. And ifwe:re honest with It'safactoflife.Whatmanypeopl!! ·than $7,000 a year _Anthony Lanzillo. downthehill,growing ·room, board, transportation and ourselves,ifwelookatAmerica's .gloss over, though, is that the for the no;xt 12 years . larger and gathering computers)atanyprivateorpublic ··' i negative savings rate, we can more distant the consideration, to ~ake tt happen. Thts figure force with each passing year. two-year or four-year progl-am .. admit that most of us weren't suchasretirementand/orcoUege obvwusly does not account for So the earlier you begin saving 2. Whatifmychilddoesn'tgoto' putting too much away for the savings, the more it gets dismissed financial aid, which is diminishing for your ch~ld's education, _the • coUege or gets a scholarship? future to begin with. for "today's': needs-heating your at mos_t schools, but it does mak_e more time your money can·earn Hthe child the account was set However, a down economy can home and putting gas in your car the pomt that the longer you watt "fre~" money. It also me!!"~ -you up for does not need the funds, have a silver lining. Itforces us to and food on your table, as well as to save, the harder the saving can mvest more conservatively; the account can be rolled over to take a closerlook at our spending paying ~our mortgage, taxes and gets. So the daily trip to Starbuc~s leaving more room·in your wallet another child within the family. H for life's little pleasures ... yes, the there is no one to roll the account · o~casionallatte. . over to, or if you prefer, it can be 'On the reverse side, the eashed out There is no penalty Not a teaser rate! · c more money you_ or your child other than being taxed on the ne-eds to -borrow to· fina·nce account's earnings.·...,., • <. _ their education, ·the more · .. " · interest will work against you, tacking 9n additional payments withdrawals. This means that. to the principal. This, too, is like parents can ensure that the money ·RENOVATE AT a snowball rolling do'wri the hill, is released only to support their and the debt that comes with it child's educational expenses. r _ 1 ' .._,...--.-I· cat_l c?nsume ?oth,you anp_-y?ur. • 'Anyone may contribute, A ;LOWER RAT:E. -chtld s financtal future, costing regardless of income or· state 1 -lr ~~- - you a lot_ of a~ditional money ~s residency. 1 ; I - , ...... ~ KEY .HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT we~ as hmd~rmg what money ts . The 529 college savings plan • ~vailable to ,you to make future offers investment options that ,. mvestments·J 4-.. ,t..., .. ,u:: J.....J~---·''·~d'b-.1 ·~-r--. · fi 'd' -~ """ . : . f "'" !ll." mtx_an . a ance eqmty, xe -1 . 0-~ An addttional benefit t6 early. iiicome and cash funds based on l ~Ianning is that you c:m, se_alillessly an investor's growth ~eeds and: 1·-~-----~- mtegratecollegesavmgsmtoyour tolerance for risk. Also annual ii'· -~- :"}.-... . 1. ?veraU ~an_cial plan, leveraging gifts and growth attribubtble to a· tt t?. m.~!l!\1'e t!'~-~epefits"~nd 529 -~!Jllege savings plan are not~ 1 ·' mamtain the htghest degree of included in an individual's taxable flexibility ~bout how arid where estate, thereby~reducing taxe·s- Prime minus .51o/o the money ts used. while accruing tax-free earnings for the life ofthe line• An overview of the 529 for the recipients. -i · CoUege Savings Plan . Benefits and advantages of 529 The 529 college savings plan college savings plans are uniform With a home equity line of credit_ from KeyBank you can: is exactly what its nrune implies, under the IRS code, but each state • Gil(e your current home a new feel, through home imp~ovements a simple and benefit-heavy way may provide differeni approved and renovations ' · to save money for a child's (or portfolio managers. Consult a any individual's) education. It is qualified and licensed investment • Consolidate your high-interest debt and possibly reduce your rate also more flexible than traditional professional for information on and monthly payments state-sponsored plans, such as 529 college savi!Jgs plans. _ _ · • Avoid appliCation fees other banks charge• education savings accounts (al~o · Securing your child's future • Your-interest may be tax deductible; -ccnsult your tax advisor known as E~ucation IRAs), and . . For generations, part of the ~llows contrtbutors to save and American dream has been for Looking to relocate or refinance? mvest on a tax-deferred basts ·parents to see their children KeyBank Mortgage's ccmpetitive rates and _long history of reliability m. professwnally '?anaged, tax- "do better," ·financially and. give you peace of mind no other lender can match. advantag~d P_ortfolios. professionally. Many experts ~ontrtbutions to 529 colleg~ predict that this is going to be • In the market for a move? Maximize your purchase power with a savmgs plans are treated as more of a challenge for today's KeyBank mortgage ' completed gifts for. federal tax parents, and all experts agree that I • Want a lower monthly payment on your current home? Consider purposes; and contlibutors may if it's going to happen, education I refinancing lor a lower rate •. save up to $11,000 annually per is-the vehicle that's going to take beneficiary, or $22,000 for married us there. ' couples, ~ithout _exceed!ng the However, how that education is .. fed~~al gtft ta;x exclusiOn .. In financed is too often leftoutofthe Visit your local bra~ch . key.corn/homeborTOwing ] addttwn, contnbutors c~n gtve discussion, and it can't be. Because [ 1-sn-527-6330 up to $55,000 per b~nefictary, ?r · the more information parents and $110,000 for a marned coup~e. ~ kids have about the importance the first year of a five-year penod if f · 1 · dditi a! gifts d d . o savmg ear y and makmg no a on . are rna e urmg smart loan decisions, the ·more that satne penod. prepared and financially secure· .______.._ __ ..;·~· ..1 . • These ~ey features of 529 kids will be to take advantage of J 'Subject tocredn approwl Rates for the home equity line of credo are based on the'tniet ..OOmaJPrtme {Piime) and are as k7N as Plime -.51'11. (4.49%APRas of college savtn~s plans make them. the opportunities their educatiq_n · 04fJOIOB). Your actual rate wiD bede\efmlnedjlyproduct andcrednqualificatlons. The promOiklnal rate and rnetimeannualteewal-..r~avallalllev.itha row Key Equity · a very attractive option: will provide for theni ... !he better Options accountof$25,000or greater, v.ith a $20,0001nitiat drawthatremairooutstandlng for180 day.;, amallimum 85'11. loan-to-wloo ratio, and use of the i

- .... . ' ' . The Spotlight - September 17, 2008 • Page 21


945 WATERVLIET-SHAKER ROAD parn-• - "''"''cOi(/iui • 869-3662 . , : ·· .• AND.MARKET .,, . at the intersection ofSan~ Creek Road Col.i'nie's Oldest Business since 1870 Pies • Baked Goods • Crafts Country Gifts • Bouquets Mums MUMs - CoRN STALKS Pumpkins • Fresh Produce··~ Amish _Furniture PiiMPKINs - CIDER DoNUTs Homegrown Vegetables • Homemade Pies & Baked Goods Serving < U@flii'iuh!'tli@ttTftU§ ) eakl'ast & Lunch Voted#} Farm Stand/or the Capital Region (by Capital Region Living)_ Albany Shaker Rd. 869. 5653 E IS 9am-3pm Mon.-Sat. ~· (Opposite the Desmond Hotel) • Open Dally !Hi Mon.-8a1.; Sun. 9--4 , ~:-O..;;,p=e=n=E~ve.. ry;;....d..;ay;....,_= ___E_a_t_i_n_o_r_T_a_k_e_o_u...Jt f~~:~ .. :~ ~-~; .;}· . y ~F .... ::-.. - ,.~~~, '~

The Pearce Family's . 'Rr &.%. ~m)~·,rrttmurrnlllli'~~ ~~~~ . Eagle Mills Countrya1m Store & 0::::::::::0 Open 7 Days 7:30- 6 0::::::::::0 Restaurant The Apple Bam . ~resh _ . ~~~~~~-CRAFT SHOWS· . IS OPEN!() Apple cider • • Gala & Apple Cider • Paula Red • Cortland Doughnuts •Honey Crisp 120 CRAFTSMEN () Lots ofFamily Fun! ~~'\l, j Water Powered Cider Mill ,. "eld Under C Country Bakery 1 0 -y:.0 · 9:00am '- Gem Mine - Diro Dig <,; to 5:00pm "" Kidsville On Site Parking $5.00 EAGLE MILLs CIDER Co. ·CorVette off Rt. 29 on County Highway 138 Cruise-In Broadalbin, NY (5 miles east of Rt. 29 & 30) PHONE: 518-883-8700 . Sunday October 5 For MAP/DIRECTIONS: Live Music, Great Food Rain Date October 12 Page 22 ·September 17,2008 . The Spotlight, · Obituaries spOtlight 12, at the Good Samaritan Lutheran burial was in the Chestnut Lawn . Services were from the Daniel ll:r.ank1 E M.art1"n Mr. Martin was a communicant • Keenan Funeral Home in Albany r Frank Edward Martin, 82, of of the Delmar Reformed Church Health Care Center. Cemetery in New Baltimore. Delmar, died on Monday, Sept 8, at · for over 50 years, where he served Born in Dormansville, he was Contributions may be made to and interment was in Memory's Albany Medical Center Hospital. in many capacities, particularly as the son of the late Lewis and Grace CommunitY Hospice of Albany, 445 Garden Cemetery in Colonie. elder, deacon and on the property . Wisenburn ·Sr. A lifelong area New Karner ~oad, Albany 12205. Contributions may be made to Growing up on a farm ir1 Feura committee. Bush, he was the son of the late resident, he was raised in Selkirk First United Methodist Church, Grace Shanks and William J. Survivorsincludehiswifeof55 and was a graduate of CoeYJllanS 428 Kenwood Ave:, Albany 12054. Martin. Mr. Martin served as a years, Shirley (Freise) Martin; a High School. . Dorothy M." Kellv corporiu in theArmy's40th Infailtry daughter, Deborah (Rex) Grimes Mr. Wisenburn served in the Dorothy (Miller).Kel[y, 87, of m As · of Redwood; sons, Douglas Pacific Theater with the 34th Delmar, died on Friday, Sept.-12, Lawrence J. Pauly : Division during th e Korean nar.· ·(Kristine) of Guilderland, Daniel at the Hunterdon Medical Center Lawrence]. Pauly III, 61, "of a member of the local Carpenter's Reconnaissance Squadron with Union·, Local 370, for over 50 (Rachel) of Mount Vernon, Wash., the Army during World War II and in Flemington, NJ. Ravena, died Saturday, Sept. 13. · d · and David Oulie) ofDelmar; seven received several commendations. Born in Albany and a graduate Mr. Pauly was a truck mechaniC years, he retire as superVIsor at grandchildren; a sister, Catherine J.J . Keenan Construction Corp. A retired sheet metal worker of Philip Schuyler High School, at Albany Dodge and was a car Hinckley of Ithaca; a brother, from Loeal 83 in Albany, he had she was the daughter of the late en!husiastandamemberofCapital in .1998. . Jl;enneth of Selkirk; and several worked for a number of years on Henry "Dewey" and Helen (Van Area Mopars. nieces and nephews. . .the· construction of the Empire Slyke) Miller. . Survivors include his wife, Arrangements were by State Plaza. · · Mrs. Kelly. had worked Jean M. Pauly of Ravena; four APplebee Funeral Home in Delmar He enjoyed the outdoors and as an administrator for Butler daughters, Lauren (Nicholas) and services were from the Delmar loved to fish and hunt in his more Brown insurance in Delmar "Pauly-Klercker of Ravena, Susan Reformed Church in Delmar.· active years. and had previously worked for· Pauly of Albany, Joanne Pauly ·Contributions may be made He was the husband of the late Construction Sales of Albany. of Ravena, al)~ Katelyn Pauly of to the Delmar Reformed Church, Edna (Russo) Wisenburn. She was a communicant of the Brooklyn; three sons, Gregory 386 Delaware Ave., Delmar 12054 Survivors include a son, First United Methodist Church Pauly ·of Troy, Jeffrey Pauly of or the Delmar Rescue Squad, 145 David (Donna) Wisenburn; a in Delmar. Clifton Park, Christopher Pauly· Adams st.; .Delmar 12054. granddaughter; a -sister, Mildred She was the widow of Charles .of Ravena; six grandchildren; a Elmore of Selkirk; and several E. Kelly. · · • · brcitlier, David Pauly'; two sisters, · nieces and nephews. Survivors include two sons, Tom Christine Caraher and Celeste Lewis Jr. Wisenburn (Hedy) Kelly of Hillsborough, NJ., Wells, and several nieces and Lewis Wisenburn Jr., 89, of Services were from theAPplebee · nephews. · · Funeral Home in Delmar and and Jim (ferri) Kelly of Columbus. ·Hannacroix, died on Friday, Sept. Ind.; five giandi:hildren; a brother, Services were from the Babcock George (Kate) Miller of Delmar; · Funeral in Ravena. PROJECT Dwrant Funeral Hom.e be. and several nieces and nephews. Funerals designed to me~r your needs .. · • Traditional or Cremation .Your story ~s • Full Handicap AccessibilitY • Pre-Arranged Trusts waiting to be told.- Michael A. Durant~ Owner, Director r -- ... 741 Delaware Ave., Delmar . 455-9155

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r· ·-- . --~ "When To Start Taking Social Securi!f" 'Delmar" Dental Medicine A general practice with emphasis on comprehensive treatment; Monday, September 22n3 frio:n 6:30-7:30 p.m. oral surgery., implantS, co~m.ctic & sedation dentistry. ~t the Niskayuna Branch Library 2400 Knott Street, Niskayuna Should I take Social Security at age 62 or wait unti165 or 70 ;ears o: age? Can I nke Social Security based on my ex-spouse's or deceased. spouse's Social Secucty? This class is intended to provide a guide for making an informed decision about when to begin ooUecting Se>cal Se:urity. "Do's and Don'ts of401(k) and IRA Planning" Tuesday, September 30th frc·".' 6:30-7:30 p.m.· at the William K. Sanford Town Library · · 629 Albany-Shaker Road, Lc-udonville Accumulate wealth for retirement and make positive decis'ons. 1l:is class will provide a guide for making informed decisions with regard to retirement income elections, dist:ibution of death'benefits to heirs, taxes, beneficiary designations, spousal rollovers, me of trusts to receive IRA distributions for heirs, and creating a Stretched-Out IRA. These decisions will a'fect yo> for the rest of your life. Mistakes can result in substantial losses of retirement incorr.e and c.eath benefits to heirs. · THEWbRksHOPSAREFREEANDOPENTOTHEPUBLIC } ;. No Reservations Req!lired . " The workshops will be taught by Robert Wolff, an Elder L~..,. Attorney and Ch.rtered Retirement Planning Counselor. For more information about these workshops, you c:on cor, tact Robert Wolff at (518) 271-0801 or toll free at (866) 309-1515 or the Brandl Lib:ary at (518) 386- 2249 or the William K. Sanford 810-0312. 1'\ ,)r,,..,C: • <:,f!llf ~ f ,o~:m•~fHp> '":I'! i,i~lr.\{? a~~ Page 24· September 17,2008 .. _..,. __ .,.. --. Jbe Spotlight "\ --~ ·.mifes les . . spotlight Suit up for tailgating season Ask the Travel Guy is a light-hearted look· at travel questions. Send your questions to: askthetravelguy@ spotlightnews. com. Ask the Travel·6uy ... "Dear Travel GuY: The sunmier blew right by me. I had . Bill6iering all kinds of plans to get away, but life got in the way· and I never found the time to sneak off and do something fun. My wife and two sons all love the outdoors. We are all sports Eph is some kind of purple cow, which doesn't matter, ifs just fai, funs and .love good meals. We don't want to travel too simplyabadname.Otherthanthat,itsaneasy~eastoverthe but we want to see something different for a change. And colorful mountain and a great place to tailgate, watch people and please. don't suggest we go apple-picking or leaf-peeping; enjoy a college ball game. www,williamsfootballcom we have been there, done that We need a little action and . excitement in our days. · - Summer Procrastinator Ithaca College, Ithaca Nowwhowouidn:twanttobealthacaBiueBombers?1hat's Spect~tors pack Anny's Michie Stadium lor a football game. a nickname you can be proud oflt doesn~ matter who Ithaca is Dear Procrastinator: You sat around all summer and never · · playing, you just have to root for the Blue Bombers. took your family anywhere. Now you want to make up for it Ithaca is a pretty. little college town that sits below two hills; before the snow flies. You want some magical and exciting bip the stadium watching the game on someone's 1V or listening . that everyone isgoingto·love;And you want to be the hero of to theplay-by-playonradio. onehillisthehomeofCornellandtheother,lthacaCollege.They your family who steps in and saves the day. You are lucky you Now buclde up your hehnet and consider some of these both overlook a pretty lake and may·have the most interesting contacted The Travel Guy, because Ihavejustthe idea to save terrifictailgatingoptionsourareahastoofferthisfall. Here are walking trails and parks in the state. But in the fall, football is you befor:e you end up outside in the doghouse all falL_ my Top 4 Favorite Tailgating Party Picks. king and tailgating is honed to a T. The epicenter is Butterfield Stadhun where the Blue Bombers play and the tailgating funs Imagine-a brisk fall morning with the chill on your face, trytodigesttheirpregametreats. Ticketsaieusuallyavailabl~ .m the air is the faint sound of a drum line marching closer Anny, West Point but get to the parking areas early for the best tailgating views imd closer- the sound of the snare drums getting louder and Ifs about an hour and·half drive south of cl\lbany on the of the local terrain. louder, clearer and sharper. Soon the rhythm is joined by the Thruway, just below Kingston. The pictur"eiJerfect rtle ends · • · v big brassy sound of the hom section and then the full sound of withtl)emagicalfightofacollegefootballgamecverlookingthe · ': ' ·" a college marching band is filling the clear fall air with pulsing Hudson River. Jus~ being around the young men and women · · . What to wear lin a tailgating road trip excitenlentand anticipation. You can hear Jati&hterandgreetings c;tdets will restore your faith in tl)e future of America. You have Tailgatiniroad trips usually start early on cool fall mornings, being shared, the smell barbecue and kielbasa, hot and sweet th early find lace . th ~~""'~~ . . '"'"~~~~ and they last through the high hot sun of an active afternoon and sausageswaftthroughairamidthefriendly8oundsofhigh-fives toget ere · to ap m e""'~"" 1otit•s<4U6='6 finallycometorestafterthesunsetsandthecooleveningsettles and chest bumps. . heaven. Don~miss the~et:;' parade tbreehours before ~ckoff,. in. So like any busy outdoor activity this tim.e of year, 'Ye3rii1g . or the cadets parachuting mto the football stadium With the layeredclothesisamust,youwillbetakingthemoffaitdputting Yes, my procrastinating friend College football season has game ball TKXets are pretty~ to getfor m~ gam~. WWW. . ·them back on all day long. • : · ~ • kicked off and you and your familY are Smack in the middle . . • .• • • . • . . . , ~rl• ,•.• of the best season of the-year- Tailgating Season. Ifs tinie · · • · · . . ·• · · Before and during the,Ql!ysQu.will see a lot oftearri colors .for more wonderful times of helmet-bashing, nacho-eating,' -· - . · ' ·. ~. .;--· 7-. .._ • • .~:miiwnberefrschool~wherev!!l"youlook.-U!]i$mQ.J}'! mustard spilling, no-hold&barred, the-best foods of the year, ~ . Colgate Univelsjly,_~llton .- : ....._ peoplecheckputTheWeatherChanru~J~otegoingjoafootball ~e-tailgating parti~ So put on.your-teamjersey, wear ,If~ ., , -~~ Y?'!.~) an"d snpw,;I·~ oome research and found out it was the LL: might6ke &ling and i:lrinkinioutoftliebackofa"picRuptrUck n_ot 01' a lll?-'"e ~as~~ llJT;!te,ct,_~ ':"m lll) art. Be3fi: Weathei- C!i3nenge: 34frl J'!Cket, which is~~ just a with outside speakers or y0u may chao~ to turn tailgatil)g here. r:or ~cket mfonnation ?? ~ ~g?CO~d':"'com __ ~reathab!e nylon shell thafsW3teiPTOOtiorW3inlerw~(Wj;;lth~i afiii~' art frOm the back o~ ii"Vintage vehicle, -With1.ffue Crystal ,/:and checl{.outthe ColgateSpmtVIdeoteafured 00 this site for a • It has ii relhbvable inner layer inade of polY,eSterf!eere, whic!:! withsiM:rcahdelabras,tniSb-<:utfloWei'swithatabl""'oth·al\(i , ~na!VIewofgameda}' . .. ' · '-;'r ·, ·: , ; _iSgfeatfur'Cillllerdryweatber. Ifyou"wear.tJ:tembOth:y,Quare ilapkin~aeSignedWitlttherolori;bfYQurfavqriteteam Yoilrstyle' ·'· • . · · • c '"• !···o-f, '-':'"- f1 " .,.... "i'eady(oraityt!iing. • · ..• doesn~. matier, for ifs all aboUt the·comfort fOOds your family . .. \ Williams College, Willianis, MaSs. ;.. . If you have additional question~ you'ffiax also ~t~ ch~ enjoys and getting into the sPirit ofthe d3y.' . ' · · Ilovethetown. Ilovethecampus. Ilove Weston Field Ilove outWww.tailgating.oom, whichisafunnysne~moietailgating According to the NF1., 'niore thall35 .,¢ of the visitors the drive 'over. Williams maybe one of the most historically . information that you will ever need. . .. . to the Super Bowleachyeardon'tevenhavetickets. They come romantic spatE in Ne\v England, but !just hate the name of the · · GoandenjOytheexcitemen~ the foods, thethrmofbeingpart anyway just to enjoy the atmoSPhere and to tailgate outside of teams. The ''V'illiamsEphs, vfuatkindofnameisEph?Ifilinkan ofAmericaslastneigbborhood-tbetailgatingparty. . ,.\. . . .

l COM~NG SOO .{( Terry Fator October 2 7 . . {{Alice Co~ per October 2 8 Ed Roland-November 6 {{ Blue Oyster Cult November 13



Disco Dance Party Beatlemania Now Charlie Prose j., Collin Raye fecnrl"ll s-llnjH!Ion. L.tida. .i. M"'H October 4 Odobe' B, 9 & 10 .• Jpm· ,.... October 20 October 24

0 ~ 0 ~ D %§\?lli!ieAef£a,iJ.iei§W3e!eU AU. SCHEOUUO EVENTS AND PROMOTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TICKETS ARE NOft.REFUNOABLE!. September 17,2008 ·Page 2S

By DAN SABBATINO Spotlight Newspapers [email protected]

-~-~[-·~he Irish 2000 Music 'rc"· '·'·and Arts Festival Inc. is ' hosting its annual festival at lire Altamont Fairgrounds on Friday, Sept. 19, and Saturday, Sept 20 . . Irish 2000 boasts an average atte·ndance of 14,000 attendees, ranking it in the top five Irish festivals in the United States. "It's been a big part of my life. It's important to me on a personal level," said Matt Nelligan, president of the festival. He said the chartable nature of the· organization allows him to "try to be a good citizen," by participating in the eyent Nelligan said the event was run through the Ancient Order of the Hibernians until2000, after which it became its own entity. He joked that there is going to be a good deal of Italian food at - the festival since the Irish are not known for their cooking ·prowess. Friday's events begin at 5 p.m. arid end at 11 p.m., and Saturday's events begin at 11 a.m. and end at 11p.m. It is the 12th annual festival, and severai Irish artists are featured, including Greenwich Meantime, Neck, Carbon Leaf, Enter the Haggis; the Tossers and Barrage on Friday; and Great Big Sea, . Gaelic Storm, Seven Nations and Hair of the Dog performing Saturday. The festival will feature more . .. . •rJ . than 30 performances on two -~ stages Friday, and· four stages on· . . · . · · · Sa~:r-alsofeatureaCelticKids ·Event celebrates· country,s music and culture Family Fun Area, where children pass,pur~hasedinadvance,is$25., cabs at both. locations to bring hailsfromNewfoundland,primarily Since it has started, the festival Will be able to play games and go The parking feeis $3. passengers to their homes. plays pop music with traditional. has made dO"nations close to on ri(l'es, Nelligan said. ·· ... A f~~~··b~~ s~·rvice will be 'Thefestival'sboardofdirectorsis foTh: music uistrumentsp $300,000 to charities including the He added that there are going made available on both Friday urginganyonewhodrinksalcoholic He said they take· L"lspiration Albany Irish-American Center, the tobeclowns"iindmagicians,aswell and Saturday ~om 9 to 11 p.m. beverages at the event to use this from'the Irish,· Scottish, English Irish-American Heritage Museum vendors selling Irish and Celtic The bus is going to leave from the free service," said Nelligan. and French folk music traditions. and all of the schools of Irish dance goods. Fairgrounds FrontmanforHairoftheDog, The not-for-profit Irish 2000 in the Capital District Tickets for "It's one ofthe best {Irish} and make two Rick Bedrosian, said playing the MusicandArtsFestivallnc.,_with The year, the Regional Food. Friday are $15 festivals in the WOrld and stops, one at festival is ohe of the highlights of ·headquartersattheAlbanyAncient Bank of Northeastern New York if Purchased in . • the Howard the year for the band. O:derofHibernians, Irish Cultural and the national charities of the advance, and alwayS One Of OUr best Jo~sonlnnand "It's one of the best (Irish] Center in Albany, organizes the Ancient Order of Hibernians :will $20 at the gate. SbOWS of the vear. , Su1tes at 1614 festivals in the world, and alway~ annual festival .. be the beneficiaries of the event 1 · Saturday;s ' Central Avenue,. one of our best shows of the year,' ~t;;[!:;;:;=;:::::::;:::::=:t:::==-=:::-::-~-;_z=::'"=-:=::::J tickets are $15 - Rick Bedrosian Colonie, and said Bedrosian, who plays bass in advance and 0 n e at t h e and sings the lead vocals for the $18 at the gate. Children under 10 Albany Irish-American Center band. will be admitted free, and a two-day at 375 Ontario St. There will be Bob Hallett, the lead singer ar!d instrumentalist of Great Big Sea, said playing the festival allows the band to take its music to a higher level. ©&~liJ C'~@~~ "Any band that strives to. succeed in the world wants to FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, play bigger shows,", Hallet said. ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS ''We never intended to just be a backyard band." Jrish 2000 boasts an ·average anendance of 14,000 aHendees, ranking it (BOO} 794•7310 Ha!Jet said Great Big Sea, which ir. the top live Irish festivals in the United States. As·seen • J.G. Wentworth on T.V. means CASH NOW for Stn~ctured Settlements! .. Page 26 • Sepiember 17,2008 •. .- - 71Je Spotlight -. . Arts &Eiitettainment ·· TIMEAmRTIME p.m .. Emaci< and Bolio's, 366 Delaware reoovery eftort, New York state history and Oct. 19: ·"Through the Seasons: Japanese • month, at 7:15 p.f!l., town hall, Route 9,. Theater Suspenseful story abriut.Jack the Ripper Ave .. Albany, free. Information, 512·5100. geagraphy, Empire S~le Plaza, Madison Min Nature." through Oct. 13: 225 South Newto~~me. lnlor!"'lion, !83-27~~: • :: f · stealing H.G. Wells' lime machine to leap_ · Avenue.lnlormalinn, 474-5877. · • .St.. Wtllrarnslown, Mass .. InformatiOn, . . SUBURBAN SOUNDS . _ -'\ . " IRISH 2000 FESTIVAL 5 GREATER TUNA into the future, presented by Albany Civic ALBANY INSTITUTE OF ART 1413) 458-9S4 . COMMUNllY CHORUS Theater, 235 Seoond Ave .. Albany, Sept. Featuring Barrage, Enter the Haggis, Car­ Presented by Lake George Dinner The­ TANG TEACHING. MUSEUM Openings in mixed chorus,· rehearsals 19-21 and 2o-2B, $15. Information, 462• bon leal, Great Big Sea, Gaelic Storm, "The Folk Spirit of Albany: Folk Art from atre, Holiday IQn Turt, Lake George, AND GALLERY Sundays at 7 p.m. at lynnwood Reformed 1297. Seven Nations and more, Sept. 19, 4:30 the Colletcion of the Albany Institute of through Qct. .18, ·.Tuesdays· through p.m.; and Sejlt.' 20. 10 a.m., Altamont History and Art" and exhibits on Hudson "Elevator Music 12: · Jessica Rylan," Church, Route 146, Guilderland. lnlorrna- · Saturdays wi[h matinees Tuesdays and Fairgrounds, Route 146; Altamont, $15 River SchoQI painting, American sculpture through Sept. 20: "Amy Sillman: Third lion, 861-8000. ""· Wednesdays, $56 ~inner. show, $48 lun­ advance, r$20 at 'gate. ln!ormation, (688) and the history ol Albany, 125 Washington Person Singulaf; through Jan. 4; Skid­ cheon matinee. ·lnlormation, 668-5762, Music 414-3378. , Ave. Information, 463-4478. more College, 815 North Broadway, Sara­ FRIENDSHIP SINGERS ext.411.'.': .. : • · toga Springs.lnlormati9n. 58(),8()80, Openings in women's sing[ng group, 'ftr ~ITH:PRAY'S·B!G ~OUL EN~E_!4BtE '}': LARKFEST • ·-: S~HENECTADY MUSEUM' ctising on 'cild favorites and show tunes, .. ·LYING IN STATE. I . Capi~t·Djslricl big band; Sept 18, 8 pm., ': Featuring The Nighlwatchman, Eric "Covering the Bases: The Science .of Base-. ARKELL MUSEUM rehearsals TueSday mornings at Delmar A David C.Hyer oomedy skewering today's · WAMC Pertoimtng Arts.Studio, 339 Cen- Hutchinson; Oppenheimer, and several ball," exploring the Capital District's base- "Wyeth Family Paintings: From the Farn­ Reformed Church, Delaware Avenue, Del- politicians and their advisors, presented Ira! Ave,. Albany, $1_5. Information, 465- Capital Dislri~ musicians, Sept. 20, 10 • ball history, through Sept. 28, plus Spirit· sworth Art Museum," through Sept. 21: mar. lnlorriiatfon, 439-2360: · by Curtain Call Theatre. 210 Old Loudon 5233, ext. 4. a.m.: Lark Street, Albany, tree. lnlorma- of Schenec~dy, collection highlights and "'INinslow watercolors from .the A CAPPELLA · Road, Latham, through 0~. 4, $20. Infor­ lion, 434-3861. · planetarium. Non Terrace Heights. lnlor- Permanent Colle~ion," ·.through Oct. 12; '· "soL.AS mation, 877,7529. . FLOOD ROAD malion, 382·7890. plus "Arkell's Inspiration: the Marketing of New, informal, coed a cappella group in : . Cellic band, Sept. 18, 8 .. The Egg, Delmar, lor adults and teens 16 and older. NOISES OFF Beech-Nut and Art lor the People," ongo­ Empire State Plaza, Albany. $24. informa­ Folk/bluegrass aoouslic band, Sept. 20, MABEE FARM'HISTORIC SITE ing: Canajoharie. Information, 673-2314. Information. 439-0130. Farcical musical, presented by C-R Pro­ tion, ·473-1845. 7 p.m .. Emack and Bolio's, 366 Delaware "Stoneware: ·Crocks, Jugs and Pots," ductions, Cohoes Music Hall, 58 Remsen Ave., Albany, free. Information, 512·5100. through Sept. 27, 1080 Main St .. Roller· SIENA CHAMBER St .. Cohoes, through Sept. 21, $23-$32. ED SALVO dam Junction. Information, 877-5073. Call for Artists ORCHESTRA AND CHOIR Information, 237-5858. Scilo acoustic rQCk guilarisl, Sept. 19, 7 ALL-STAR ACOUSTIC JAM 2 · Rehearsals Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. lor or­ Benefit concert lor the American Cancer ALBANY AIRPORT GALLERY chestra, Wednesdays at 6 p.m. lor choir, HISTORIC AL'BANY FOUNDATION Society with 28N, John Brodeur, Bryan "Repetitive Nature.· in Concourse Agal­ Siena College, Route 9, loudonville. In­ Thomas. Sumac; Rob Jonas and more, lery: "Air Craft," photos by Jeffrey Mil­ Seeking entries lor "BUILT: Albany's Archi· formation. 763-2325 . Sept. 21, 3 p.m., Tess' Lark Tavern, 453 stein; plus slle-specllic inslallations by . lecture Through Artists' Eyes,· an art ex­ Madison Ave., Albany. Information, 463- Larry Kagan and cara Nigro, as well as hibit and silent auction in November, par­ THE ORCHESTRA 9779. . installations by ~thony Garner, Baris ticipating artists receive 50 percent of the ·oN THE COMMON Karayazgan, Paul Katt, Nancy Klep~ and proceeds, and two judges will be awarding Openings in the string section; also need PAID LARKIN Victoria Palermo. Information, 242-2243. prizes, entry deadline is Sept. 18. Informa­ French horn •. trombone, flute and bass tion, 465-0876, e~. 10. CHANGE THE FIRST WOtRD Folk singer-songwriter; Sept. 21, 7 p.m .. drum players, rehearsals Friday at 9 a.m .. Calle lena, 47 Phila St., Saratoga Springs, LOCAL COLOR ART GALLERY MENDELSSOHN CLUB OF ALBANY Shenendehowa Senior Center, Clifton INTO THE LAST WORD BY $24-$25: Information, 563-0022. "Harvest Moon,· leaturing paintings by Common, Clifion Park. Information, 372· · CHANGING JUST ONE Colonie Art league artists, through Oct. Auditioning tenors and basses for 2008- 5146. ' . ' LETTER AT ATIME. EACH 31: 961 Troy Schenectady Road, Latham. 09 season Wednesday nights through the Comedy · Information, 786-6557. end of September, New Covenant Presby­ ELECTRIC em CHORUS STEP NEED NOT BE A terian Church, 91 QWestern Ave .. Albany. Male Singing group, training provided, re-­ MIMOSA GALLERY REAL WORD. WRITE . MOP & BUCKET COMPANY Information, hearsals at Faith United Methodist Church, • • "Branch: The Friday Series," l<:aluring YOUR ANSWERS ON EACH TANGO FUSION DANCE COMPANY Brandywine Avenue and Eastern Parkway, RUNG OF THE LADDER. :resen~ Spo~laneous Broadway, an paintings of local artist Elisa Sheehan, Schenec~dy. Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m: lnlor· tmprovrsed musrcal oomedy, Sept. 19-21 through Nov. 2, Saratoga Springs. lnlor- Auditioning professional dancers by ap­ mation, 399-1846. EACH WORD CONTAINS ·and 2&-28,440 Upstarrs at Proctors, 440. mation 563-l163 pointment at Arthur Murray liance Studio, FOUR LETTERS. State St., Schenectady, $15. Information, ' • · 75 WoIS OI~S 01\fS 'NOilnlOS plus permanent oolleclions on the 9/11 and the Art ·of' Painting SoftlY," through . on lirsiJ!lursday and lli!d. Tuesday of the ... f • •· I · · · Weekly Crossword· SESQUIPEDALIAN ACROSS 52 Word before last item of . ~2 Kind Of needle some lists 23 Golf group 1 Petty off. 55 Cap.ek's arldrciid 24 Synchronous lamps 5 Belly laughs 56 Bench 25 Polynesian word oJ 10 Locate pf the: Gobi Desert 57 Key foe. farewell 14 Treatirig nonhuman beings · 60 Original 26 Nathaniel Hawthorne's as humans 64 1993, to Elizabeth birthplace 17. Word division 65 Breathing space 27 Move furtively 18 Prefix with sptiere or skele- 66 Wind 28 Aerie ton 67 Choice vehicle 30 No toadstool, this 19 TV actress _ Ray Hutton 31 Kennedy's. pick for 20 Zilch DOWN. Interior t 21 Slapstick missile 32 Certain mentality 22 'Double helix material, for 1 Wicked' 35 SalvadOr, the surrealist short 2 Form of chalcedony 38 Coerces 23 Tolls 3 WW/1 battle Site in 40 Slips and teddies 25 Gauging ore Frahce 43 Forenoon stretches 29 Kind of paper or test 4 Umbrella !JrQ. of !he 46 Rustlings, as of aspens 33 Retreat Blues and i=lyers 48 Mogu! vicero!( 34 X-ray stopper · 5 Clodhopper feature 50 Aerosol propellant, 36 Crumble 6 Eyesight: suffix formerty 37 Antiquity 7 Cooperstown or Canton 52 Remotely 39 Aqueduct trailer draw: abbr. 53 Singer Martini 41 Spiral 8 Kipling PQem Mother 54 An 007 .antagonist 42 Anklebones • 56 Exec. privilege 44 Cin~ 9 Gregario~s · 57 Save methodically 4'5· WillOw-borne h~rbirlgers of 10 Quick on the uptake Sa Kind of cloth spring 11 Monitor or Merrimac 59 Apri~t varieiy . 47 Liza or Vincente '. 12 MCI, in ArabiC 61 Dim : Chinese 49 Boo--boos 13 Zit parade? duin'Piings. 51 50 Down, when not com-~ 15 Pluvial 62 Gun~ntrol opp. pressed 16 Comebacks . 63 Afflicted Cratchit ~------~~ ~~------,----,------:c-c-::-::-;::-:-:------... •...... ;'t;:~..-- ~-

.... _,- - .... - 11Je Spotlight Calendar of Events

Mountainvi~ Evangeticai.Free Church, St. ThomasTheApostleChurch,35Adams AA MEEnNG · call765-7962: Route 155, 7:30 p.m. lnlormation, 765- Saturday, Sept. 20 Wednesda}; Sept. 17 Place, Delmar, 439-4951. B thl h. Luth Ch ch 65 El A ~ 3390. • U 't I F 'th Ch . r F II h' e e em eran ur , m ve., ... ,_ 15 830 DELMAR ROTARY .. BETHLEHEM 4;?~mk~: Road~ N~~h· :el~~~e~:. ' p.m. . DELMAR ROTARY~ Normanside Country Club, 7:30 a.m. NEW S~OTLAND SENIORS Normanside Country Club, 7:30 a.m. 438-mo. · · NEW• SCOTLAND· lnlormalion, 767-2930. Information. 767-2930. Wyman Osterhout Community Center, SPORts ARE FOR EVERYONE MEET New Salem, call for time: Information, NEW SCOTLAND Sports Are For Everyone (SAFE) is holding QUARTET REHEARSAL .. PLAYGROUP MErnNG DELMAR KIWANIS . 765-2109. - its first meeting at the Elm Avemre Park • United Pantei:ostal Church, Route 65, New . Fi.rst United Methodist Church ptaygroups Norrnanside Country Club, end of Salisbury Fields (near the office building) from noon AAMEEnNG WORSHIP INFORMATION Salem, 7:15 p.m.lnfomtation, 765-4410. '.wlllmeet~om10:30tonoomnthenursery. Road, at 6:15 p.m.lnfonmdion, call Chr~ until1:15 p.m. SAFE isa program where All Nation's Baptist Church, 2558 Western . · · · · · · Playgroup prov1des opportumty tor ch1ld at 439-3026 or Gary at 439-9629. Meets First United Methodist Church of Voor- children with special challenges learn how Ave .. Guilderland, 47S.9086, ESL and, caretakersandpre-nurseryschoolagechil-. every first and third Wednesday. heesville, 68 Maple s~o. 8 p.m. - •• to play sports in a norH:Ompetitive and Bitile classes, 9 a.m.; Worship Services, dren to socialim in a relaxed atmosphere. • Wyman Osterhout Community Center. safe environment. ~r is being offered 10 a.m. Information, call439-9976, ext. 228. PLAYGROUP MEEnNG New Salem, call for time. Information. this fall arid basketball during the winter. Clarksville Community Church, Route 765-2109. Soccer meets )Viii be held on Sept. 20, 27 443, 768-2916 .. DELMAR_ First United Methodist Church playgroups .. 'MOTHERS OF PRESCHOOLERS aJ]d Oct. 4, 18, and 25. Registration lor will meet from 10:30 to noon in the nurs­ Fami~WorshipCenter, 92LowerCopeland . (MOPS) children in grades 2-12 cost $60, which WEIGHT WATCHER ery. Playgroup provides opportunity for AA MEEnNG Hill Road, Feura Bush, 768-2021. First United Methodist Church ol Voor- includes a T-shirt and Trophy. For into ·Faith Temple, New Salem, 765-2670. DELMAR MEEnNGS Chnstian fellowship group lor mothers ol childcaretakers and pre-nursery school preschool children, at the Delmar Relorrned age children to socialize in a relaxed h 'II · 68 M 1 St 8 and registration call !he town's Park oHice First United Methodist Church, 66 Maple The local chapter ol Weight Watchers eesvl e, ap e ., p.m. at 439-4955, option 3. Ave., Voorheesville, 765-2695. Church, 386 Delaware Ave .. nursery care atmosphere. Information. call 439-9976, meets today at 12:15 p.m. at St. Stephen's provided, 9:30a.m. until 11:30 a.m., ext. 226. Jerusalem Relorrned Church, Route 32, Church, Delmar. Thursday, Sept. 18 ' AA MEEnNG Feura Bush, 439-0548. • lnlormation, call Jenniler at 439-9929 or Mountainview Evangelical Free Church, e-mail, [email protected]. MOTHERS OF PRESCHOOLERS First Relormed Church ol Bethlehem, Route BETHLEHEM DELMAR 9W, 7:30 p.m. Route 155, Voorheesville, 765-3390. (MOPS) · Onesquethaw RelcirrnedChurcll, Tarrytown BETHLEHEM LIONS CLUB Christian lellowship group lor mothers ol · Road, Feura Bush, 76&.2133. FARMERS MARKET Normanside Country Club, Delmar, 7 p.m. CHABAD CENTER , Preschool children, at the Delmar Reformed WEIGHT WATCHERS New Scotland Presbyterian Church, Route (SPRING, ~UMMER, FALL) lnlormation, 439-4857. Church, 386 Delaware Ave .. nursery care ·The local chapter ol Weight Watchers Friday services, discussion and kiddush • 65, 439-6454. Market and Chicken Barbeque, provided, 9:30 a.m. until 11 :30 a.m., meetS tonight at 6 p.m. at St. Stephen's at sunset,'109 Elsmere Ave. Information, St. Mallhew's Church, Mountain View Road, 2:30p.m.to6p.m. riinorshine, First United . ALZHEIMER'S SUPPORT GROUP 439-B260. lnlormation, call Jenniler at 439-9929 or Church, Delmar. Voorheesville, 765-2605. · Method~! Church, 428 Kenwood Ave. Northeast NY Alzheimer's Association e-mail, [email protected]. Unionville Reformed Church, Delaware NEW SCOTLAND meetings for lamilies, caregivers: and .BETHLEHEM Turnpi~e. 439-5001. TREASURE COVE THRIFT SHOP lriends; Delmar Presbyterian Church, 565 United Pentecostal Church, Route65, New BETHLEHEM UONS CLUB First United Methodist Church, 426 Ken­ Delaware Ave .. 7 p.m. Salem, 765-4410.0AY- · (NOT IN JULY OR AUGUST) BETHLEHEM SENIOR CITTZENS PIONEER CLUBS wood Ave., 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Gently used Normanside Country Club, Delmar.7 p.m. Bethlehem Town Hall, 445 Delaware Ave., For children grades 11hrough junior high; brand name clothing and accessories at SOLID ROCK CHURCH Information. 439-4657. 12:30 p.m.lnlormation, 439-4955. Mountainview Evangelical Free Church, Monday, Sept. 22 very low prices. 1 Kenwood Ave .• evening prayer and Bible Route 155, 3:45 - 5 p.m. lnlormation, study, 7 p.m.lnlorrnation, 439-4314. ALZHEIMER'S SUPPORY'GROUP 765-3390. CHURCH LUNC~ ·BETHLEHEM SUNGERLANDS Northeast NY Alzheimer's Association ART ASSOCIATION (JUNE, JULY, AUGUST) CHENREZIG PRAmCE AND meetings for families, caregivers. and YOUTH GROUP MEETINGS Adamsville Ancients File and Drum Corps Sponsored by the South Bethlehem United OelmarPresbyterianChurch,5850elaw.ire ~ MEDITATION freinds; Delmar Presbyterian Church, 585' offer lessons for begmner fife, snare drum M lh d' Church Willowbrook Aven e 1 · United Pentecostal Church, Route 65. New 0 15 1 Meditation on the Bodhisattva of Compas­ Delaware Ave., 7 p.m. Ave., 7:30p.m., In ormahon, 439-394B. Salem, 7 p.m. Information, 765-4410. and bass drum at7 p.m.; rehearsal at7:30. . e • u • Call439-87271 ·10 10 rmation weekly on Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. sion, at the KTC Buddhist Center, Doane or · Information, 767-9953. YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Stuart School, Route 9W, Albany, 7 p.m., ' SOLID ROCK CHURCH GLENMONT lnlormation, 374-1792. Parks and Recreation Office, Elm Avenue BETHLEHEM 1 Kenwood Ave., evening prayer and Bible BINGO Park, 12:30-4:30 p.m. lnlormation, 439- Story Hour at Tea and Tattered Pages Used study, 7 p.m.lnlormation, 439-4314. Books. 329 Gt.enmont Road, Glenmont, at the Bethlehem Elks Lodge, Route 144, ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 0503. PEACE VIGIL 10:30a.m.. 7:30p.m. Bethlehem Town Hall, 445 Delaware CHENREZIG PRAmCE AND Bethleh·em Neighbors For Peace, weekly ADULT BIBLE STUDY Ave., Delmar, 7:30 p.m. Information, ~ MEDITATION peace vigil,· Four Corners intersection, NEW SCOTLAND First Reformed Church of Bethlehem, 439-4955: Sunday, Sept. 21 Delmar, S.S p.m., lnlorrnation, 439-1968. J Meditation on the Bodhisallva ol Compas­ 7 p'm .. Route 9W,' Selkirk. lnlorrnalion, + ' sion, allhe KTC Buddhist Center, Doane 767-2243. . PRESCHOOL STORY TIME .;_ BINGO- • BETHLEHEM DELMAR KIWANIS ~~~~tt,~j ~~~i~iw, Albany, 7 p.m., Weekly at Voorheesville Public Library, BlanchardAmericanlegionPosL 16Poplar 7 BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN Tool's Family Restaurant. Delaware Avenue, · 51 School Road, lO:l5 a.m. Information, .. Drive, 7:30p.m. Information. 439-9819. WORSHIP INFORMATION 6:15 p.m. lnlormation, call Chris at 439- 65- ~ , - (SEPTEMBER THRU MAY) . 7 2791.- J • .. • ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 3026 G 439-9629 children's choir, 6:15.p.m., senior choir, B thl h C . Ch 01 El or ary at BOY SCOUT TROOP 58· Bethlehem Town .. Hati.' 445 Delaware e e em ommumty urch, 2 m • First United, Methodist Church 428' - , Elsmere'Etemen.tarySchool, 247Delaware 7 p.m., 85 Elm Ave. Information, 439- Ave.: 439-3135· ". ·,~. .. • , Kenwood Ave. Meets 10:30 a:m. to noon i 'NIMBLEFINGERS/QUILTERS Ave., Delmar, 7:30 p.m. Information, 4326. • •.• Bethlehem Congregation ol Jehovah s in the nursery. The playgroup provides • (SEPTEMBER-JUNE ONLY) Ave., 7:30 to 9 p.m. 439-4955. .. Witnesses. Elm Avenue. and Feura Bush opporturiilies for child care takers and Voorheesville Public library, 51 School AA MEETINGS Road, 439-0358. . pre-nurseryschoolagechildrentosocialize Road, 1 to 3 p.m .. lnlormation, 765- BC SCHOOL BOARD EVENINGS ON THE GREEN (JULY)· Bethlehem lutheran, Church, 85 Elm Ave., in a relaxed atmosphere, fnformation, call 2791. Slingerlands Community 'church, 1499 diStriCt office, 90 Adams Place. 7 p.m. Bethlehem Public Library's Free Sum­ 439-4328. 439-9976 ext 228 New Scotland Road:' noon,,and.Oelmar lnlorrnation, 439-7098. mer Concert Series, 7 p.m. Information, Delmar Full Gospel Church, 292 Elsmere · Relormed Church, 366 Delaware Ave .. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 439-9341. Ave., 439-4407. -- · B:30 p.m. Delmar Presbyterian Church, 585 Delaware YOUTH EMPLOYMENT New Scotland Town Hall, Roule65, 7 p.m. BETHLEHEM ELKS LODGE 2233 Ave., 439-9252. SERVICES lnlormation, 765-3356. · BINGO 1016 River Road (Route 144), Cedar Hill, • NEW SCOTLAND Delmar Relorrned Church, 386 Delaware Parks and Recreation Office, Elm Avenue . 8 p.m. Information, 76!-2886. Blanchard American legion Post, 16 Poplar Ave., 439-9929. Park. 12:30-4:30 p.m. Also Wed. 12:3D- V'VILLE VILLAGE BOARD Drive, 7:30 p.m.lnlormalion, 439-9619. NEW SCOTLAND KIWANIS CLUB Fami~. ol God Nazarene Church, Krumkill 4:30 p.m. lnlormation, 439-0503. · Village Hall, 29 Voorheesville Ave., 7 p.m. HEAUNG TESTIMONY MEffiNG Road at Blessing Road, North Bethlehem, (6 p.m. workshop meeting). lnlormation, BOY SCOUT TROOP 58 New Scotland Presbyterian Church, Route 53-9953. CLASS IN JEWISH MYSTIOSM First Church ol Christ, Scientist, 555 4 765-2692. Delaware Ave .• 7:30 p.m. Information, (WHEN SCHOOL IS IN SESSION) 7 65, p.m. First Church ol Christ, Scientist, 555 Delmar Chabad Cenier, 109 Elsmere Ave., 439-2512. Elsmere Elementary School, 247 Delaware Delaware Ave., 439-2512. 7 p.m.lnloimation, 439-8260. Fir~ Relormed Churchol Bethlehem, Route Ave., 7:30 to 9 p.m. Friday, Sept. 19 Wednesday, Sept. 24 NEW SCOTLAND 9W, Selkirk, 767-2243. INDOOR PISTOL SHOOTING BC SCHOOL BOARD First United Methodist Church ol Delmar, BETHLEHEM . AA MEETING 428 Kenwood Ave., 439-9976. Albany County Pistol Club, Winne Place, FAITH TEMPLE 7 to 9 p.m. Also Tuesday. Information, district ollice, 90 Adams Place, 7 p.m. FirstRelorrnedChurchoiBethlehem,Route Glenmont Community Church, 1 Chapel Biblestudy:NewSalem, 7:30 p.m.lnlorma­ 439-0057. lnlormalion, 439-7098. . 9W,7:30 p.m. Lane. Glenmont, 436-7710. ALBANY AREA RETIRED lion, 765-2870. - Gospel Fellowship, 10 Rockeleller Road, TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION BETHLEHEM ELKS LODGE 2233 CHABAD CENTER Delmar, 462-2132. DELMAR COMM. ORCHESTRA The Albany Area Retired Teachers' Associa- PRAYER MEEnNG 1016 River Road (Route 144),'Cedar Hill.' Friday services discussion and kiddush King's Chapel, 434 Route 9W, Glenmont, Rehearsal, Bethlehem Town Hall, 445 .lion (AARTA) will hold a general meeting evening prayer meeting end Bible study, Bp.m. lnlormation, 767:2866. 'Et A · 42&.9955. Delaw.ire Ave., 7:30 p.m. Information, at sunset, 109 smere ve. 1n 1 ormation, KTC B ddh' tC t St rtSch 1 at the Bethlehem Library lrom 1 pm untll3 Mountainvi ..EvangelicaiF""CiiJrch,Route 439-8280 . • u IS en er, 0oane ua oo , 439-7749. pm. LocalteleviSIOnanchormanJohn Gray • 155 7,30 p.m. Information 765-3390. HEAUNG TESTIMONY MEETING · Route 9W, Albany,lO a.m. meditation, Will betheguestsp~er. For mformat1on, • • · 11 a.m. tea, 11:30 a.m. study course, First Church ol Christ, Scientist, 555 NEW SCOTLAND Delaware Ave., 7:30 p.m. Information, 374-1792. 439-2512. Mount Moriah Ministries, Route 9W, . PIONEER CLUBS Glenmont, 426-4510. NEW SCOTLAND For children grades 1 through junior high; Slingerlands Community UMC, 1499 New Mountainview Evangeticitl Free Church, Scotland Road, 439-1766. 'Volunteer Route 155, 3:45 - 5 p.m. lnlorrnalion, Solid Rock Church, 1 Kenwood Ave., FAITH TEMPLE· 765-3390. G~nmont, 439-4314. to drive cancer Biblestudy, New Salem, 7:30 p.m.lnlorma­ South Bethlehem United Methodist Church, tion, 765-2670. YOUTH GROUP M~EnNGS 65 Willowbrook Ave., 767-9953. patients. St. Michael's Shrine, Beacon Road at Route United Pentecostal Church, Route 85, New 'iJW, Glenmont, 462-2016. PRAYER MEEnNG Salem •. 7 p.m. Information, 7f5-4410. evening prayer meeting and Bible study, St. Step_hen's Episcopal Church, Poplar Drive and Elsmere Avenue. Delmar, 1.800.ACS.2345 439-3265; Your Spotlight Calendar is sponsored- SABIC 4000, .I I I I • Innovative • • and SflKIRK I Plastics·!lbic.. . ''Corpo;ale " neifjhbor3 ,commifte~fq :'luru,··.n.a. lhe c_o'!'-m~_n_H'I ~ ,·',. .- Page 28 ·September 17,2008 rJre Spotlight . a guide to services for your home Services SPOtlight

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SSNY shall mat! : Notice of Forinatiorl of P & LD-19393 copy of process to the LLC, NOTICE OF F,ORMATION against it may be served. · LEGAL NOTICE a copy of process to T Realty Group LLC. l)rts Of ·(September t 7, 2008) 880 3rd Avenue;16th Floor, OF A DOMESTIC LIMIT- SSNY shall mail a copy of the LlC, P.O. Box 1727, New Org. filed with Secy. Of State New York, New York 10022. Notice of Formation of EU­ Purpose: For any lawful ED LIABILITY COMPANY process to the LLC, 468 York, NewFYork 10159-1727. of NY (SSNY) on 07/25/08. LEGAL NOTICE (LLC). • West 153rd Street, Suite RODIM HOLDING LLC. Arts. purpose. of Org. was filed with SSNY P~ose. or any Office location: Albany Coun- .LD-19400 l~ame: 594 DELAWAREAV- 3A - . la ul purpqse. ty.SSNYdesignatedasagent NOTICE OF FORMATION ENUE, DELMAR, NY. LLC. Ne~York New York 10031. on 7/25/08. Office location: (Septembe! 17. 2008) Albany County. SSNY des­ LD-1937? of LLC upon whom process OF LIMITED LIABILITY Articles of Organization filed Purpose~ For any lawful (September 17, 2008) against ot may be served. COMPANY.NAME:274JEF- with NY Secretaoy of State, purpose. ignated as agent of LLC August 5, 2008. Purpose: LD-19357 whom process against maY. SSNY shall mail process to FERSON ST., LLC. Articles LEGAL NOTICE to en~age in any l~wful act (September 17, 2008) be served. SSNY shall mall LEGAL NOTICE Allstate Corp. Svcs., 1 Com- of Organization were filed . "' or acttvity. Off1ce: 1n Albany . process to: c/o The LLC, 46 merce Plaza, 99 Washington with tne Secretaoy of State NOTICE. OF FORMATION County. Secretary of State State Street- 3rd Floor, Alba­ NOTICE OF FORMATION Ave., Ste. 1008, Albany, NY of New York (SSNY) on OF LIMITED LIABI.LITY ny, NY 12207. The registered OF LIMITED LIABILITY 12260. Registered Agent 07/08/08. Office location: COMPANY. NAME: 31 MT. is agent for process against LEGAL NOTICE LLC and shall mail copy to agent is: USA Corporate COMPANY NAME CHIEF upon whom process may Albany County. SSNY has HOPE; LLC: Articles of Or- Services Inc. at the- same . POWER· : be served: Allstate Corp. been designated as agent of ~ano'zato'on were fo'le'd with the 60 Axbridge Lane, Delmar, NOTICE-. OF FORMA· GAS AND Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaza, NY 12054. TION OF LIMITED LIABIL­ address. Purpose: all lawful LLC.ArticlesofOrganization Washington.Ave., Ste. thellCuponwhomprocess ecreta~ of State of New activities. • were filed with the Secretaoy 99 • Albany. NY _ against it may. be served. York (S NY) on 07/28/08. Sec. 206 •· · • .. . 'ITY COMPANY. NAME: 457 1008 12260 1 LD-19352 COMM REALTY LLC. · LD-19363 of State of New· SSNY shall mail a copy of Office l~tion: Albany Coon- (September 17, 2008) -Articles of Organization were (September 17. 2008) York (SSNY) on 08/06/08. Purpose: any lawful activity. process to the LLC, Post ty. SSNY has been desig- • filed with the Secretary of Officelocation:AibanyCoun-- LD-19387 Office Box 650194, Fresh nate.ME: BUROK tamont, NY 12009. Purpose. of State (SOS) is designated originally filed with the Sec- Westchester Avenue,· Port LLC. Articles .... Notice of Formation of Rap- .for any lawful purpose. as agent. of LLC for service retary o State of Delaware Chester, New York 10573. of Organization were filed LEGAL NOTICE id Realty Franchise LLC. LD-19390 of process. SOS shall mail on 06/17/08. Office location: Purpose: For any lawful with the Secretaoy of State . . . . ·. • Arts Of Org. filed wtth Secy. (September 17, 2008) copy of process to 1730 · Albany County. SSNY has purpose. of New York (SSNY) on Not1c_~ of Ouah_flcatlon of Of State of NY {SSNY) on _ Central Avenue, Albany, NY been designated as agent of LD-19354 07/22/08. Office location: , CognitiVe Op_e~~ons ~roup, 05/23/08. Office ·location: • ,rr "' · .. --t,. "'*·'· 12205: Purpose: Any lawful ttie LLC upon whom· process (September 17, 2008) Albany County. SSNY.has .LLC. AuthorityfoledwothNY Albany County. SSNY des- LEGAL NOTICE' ' ·actor activity.· against it may be served. been designated as agent.. De~t. of Stat~ 0 ~ ?/25/08. ignated as agent of LLC · ' LD-19397 • .." ·sSNY shall mail a copy of ·of the -LLC ·upon ,whom Office location· Al,bany upon whom process against Notice of Qualification of Bill- (September 17, 2008) •1 process-to the LLC,-25 Cen,. ... LEGAL NOTICE process against it may be County. LLC formed 1n. NV it may be served. SSNY back Systems, LLC. Author· tral Park West; Suite .15F, ~~~-- ~< "'' ,.. • served. SSNY shall mail. Sent t12d/3tq7. ~tNdY ,sec. otf shall mail process to: Allstate' ity filed with Secy. of State of New York, New York. 10023. NOTICE OF· FORMATION a copy • , , . ·, a e esogna e as agen Corp. Svcs Corp., 41 State N.Y. (SSNY) on 6128108· 01- :LEGAL NOTICE • Purpose:· For. any lawful ·OF-'LIMITED LIABILITY ·ofprocesstotheLLC,1234 ofL~C!fponwhomprocess St.; Ste. 415~ Albany,• NY ficelocati6n:Aibi:uiy'County. . ~purpose:·.f?Yr"'.'jl;J~.,...;_· COMPANY. NAME: THE , BushwickAvenue, Brooklyn, agaonstn may be served and 12207. Registered Agent t~g ~~r~t\eg~of Jlse~~":J~~~ NOTICE OF FORMATION LD-19403. . p -~," BITACHON GROUP, New York 11221. . shall maol process to: lnCorp . upon whom process may be ignated as agent of LLC OF LIMITED LIABILITY (September 17•'2008) ,_,. "'' LLC.ArticlesofOrganization Purpose: For any lawful" Serv1ces. Inc., One _Com- .served: Allstate Corp. Svcs COMPANY.NAME:CLARED .~ _,_, • eo- :' ., ~- .. ' were filed with the Secretary purpose. . . merce Plaza, 99 Washmgton Corp.; 41 State St., Ste. 415, upon whom process against 150, ·LLC. Articles of Orga- ._ .. · of State of New LD-19360 Ave., Ste. 805-A, Albany, Albany,NY12207.Purpose: itmaybeserved.SSNYshall nization were filed with the • LE,GALNOTICE ' York (SSNY) on 07/31/08. (September 17 2008) NY 12260. NV address of any lawful activtty. mail process to: 8000 Miller Secretaoy of State of·New ' . Officelocation:AibanyCoun- ' LLC: c/o JnCorp Servoces, LD-19383 Fann Lane, Centervolle, OH York(SSNY)on07/24/08.0f- NOTICE OF FORMATION ty. SSNY has been Inc., 375 N. Stephanie St., (September 17 2008) 45458. DE address ~f L_LC. · lice location: Albany County. OF LIMITED LIABILITY designated as agent of the . LEGAL NOTICE Ste. 1411, Henderson, NV ' 1209 Orange St., -~llmtng- SSNY has been designated COMPANY. NAME: BLUE LLC upon whom process 89014. Arts. of Org. filed· ton, DE 19801. Arts. of Org. as agent of the LLC upon SCREEN CREATIVE MEDIA >· against nmay be served. NOTICE OF FORMATION with NV Sec: of State, 202 LEGAL NOTICE . flied woth DE Sec~. of State, whom process against nmay. LLC. Articles of Organization SSNY shall mail a copy of OF LIMil'ED LIABILITY N. Ca,.on Si., Ca,.on City, , 401 Federal St., te.4, Do- beserved.SSNYshallmaila werefiledwiththeSecretaoy· process to the LLC, 337 R COMPANY. NAME: MAR- NV 89701. Purpose: any Notice of Formation of Rapid ver, DE 19901. Purpose:. all copy of process to the LLC, of State of New York (SSNY) Central Avenue, Lawrence, BAR PROPERTIES lawful activity. · Realty NYC 600 Franklin lawful purposes. 150 Remsen Street, Cohoes, on 08/07/08. Office location: New York 11559. Purpose: LLC.ArticlesofOrganization LD-19368 Avenue LLC. Arts Of Org. LD-19391 New York 12047. Purpose: Albany County. SSNY has For any lawful purpose. were filed with the Secretary {September 17, 2008) filed with Secy. Of State of {September 17, 2008) For any lawful purpose. been designated as agent of LD-19355 of State of New NY (SSNy) on 05/07/08. Of- LD-19398 the LLC upon whom process (September 17, 2008) York (SSNY) on 07/28/08. lice locati9n: Albany County. LEGAL NOTICE (September 17, 2008) · against it may be served. Office location: Albany Coun- LEGAL NOTICE · SSNY designated as agent . ---.,.------SSNY shall mail a copy of ty. SSNY has been NOTICE OF FORMATION of L~C UP.On whom process Notice of Formation of Sam process to the LLC, 609 LEGAL NOTICE designated as agent of the aga1nst 1t may ~e served. . C LEGAL NOTICE Lenox Road, Baldwin, New LLC upon whom process OF LIMITED LIABILITY SSNYshallmailj:lrocessto: Worldwide_ LL ·.Arts. of York 11510. Purpose: For NOTICE OF FORMATION. ag_ainst it mity be served. COMPANY. NAME: SOFIA Allstate Coip Svcs'Corp 41 Org. was flied. With S8_NY NOTICE OF FORMATION any lawful purpose.· OF LIMITED LIABILITY SSNY shall mail a copy of PIZZA . State St., Ste. 415, Albany, on 8108108· Offoce locatoon: OF LIMITED LIABILITY LD-19404 . COMPAN~ NAME: EAST process to the LLC, c/o Mur- RESTAURANTLLC.Artocles NY 12207. Registered'Agent Albany County. SSNY des-. COMPANY. NAME: C.E. (September 17, 2008) COAST SALON ·phy,33-315Bronxville of_ Orgamzatlon were flied uponwhomprocessmilybe lgnated as agent_ of LLC GRIFFIN, LLC. Articles of SUPPLY, LLC. Articles of Glen Drive, Bronxville, New with the Secretary of served: Allstate Co'rP. SVcs · whom process ~atnst maY. Organization were filed with Organization were filed with York 10708. Purpose: For State of New Y~rk (SSNY) Corp.,41 State St., Ste. 415, be served.SSN shall maol the Secretaoyof State of New LEGAL NOTICE the Secretary of State any lawful purpose. on 08/04/08. Offoce locatoon: Albany, NY 12207. Purpose: process to. c/o The LLC, 46 York (SSNY) on 07/03/08. of New York (SSNY) on LD-19361 . Albany County. SSNY any lawful activity ' State Street- 3rd Floo~, _Alba- The latest date of dissolution NOTICE OF FORMATION 07/31/08. Office location: (September 17, 2008) .. has been designated as LD-19385 · ny, NY 12207. The regostered is 12/31/2107. Office loca- ·OF LIMITED LIABILIT~ Albany County: SSNY has . agent of the LLC upon whom · 17 agen_t is: USA Corporate t'on·1 Alban co nty SSNY COMPANY. NAME: J.J.C. 18 been - ----,.----- process a~ainst o·t may be (September • 2008) Serv1_ces Inc. at the sa. me has· been Ydesignated u · as WEST 36th STREET L.L.C .. designated as agent of the LEGAL NOTICE served. S NY shall mail a address. Purpose: all lawful agent of the LLC upon Articles of Organization were LLC upon whom process copy of process to the LLC, LEGAL NOTICE activities. whom process against it may filed with the Secretary of against it may be served. NOTICE OF FORMATION c/o Alicia Rivera, 2043 LD~ 19392·~ be served. SSNY shall mail a State of New York (SSNY) on SSNY ·shall mail a copy of OF LIMITED LIABILITY West 4th Street, Brooklyn, Notice of FormatioO of Rev- {September... 17, 2008) copy of process to the LLC, 08/06/08. The latest date of process to the LLC, 337 R COMPANY. NAME: END­ New York 11223. Purpose: ich LLC. Arts Of Org. filed -----''":-____ c/o Charles Eubanks. 76 dissolution is 12/31/2107. Of­ Central Avenue, Lawrence, TRIA WINE IMPORTS For any lawful purpose. · with Secy. Of State of NY West 86th Street, New York, fice location: Albany County. New York 11559. Purpose: LLC. Articles of Organization LD-19376 (SSNY) on 06/25/08. Office LEGAL NOTICE New York 10024. Purpose: SSNY has been designated For any )awful purpose. were filed with the S.ecretary {September 17, 2008) location: Albany County. "k For any lawful purpose. as agent of the LLG upon LD-19356 of State of New SSNY designated as agent Notice of FormatiorrQf Sea- LD-19399 whom process against it may (September 17; 2008) York (SSNY) on 07/30/08. of LLC upon whom process no, LLC. Arts Of Org, filed (September 17, 2008) be served. SSNY shall mail a The latests date of dissolu­ LEGAL NOTICE against it may be served. ·with Secy. Of State oL_NY copy of process to the LLC, .-:; tion is 12/31/2075 .. SSNY shall mail process to (SSNY) on 08/01/08. Office c/o Newmark Knight Frank, LEGAL NOTICE Office location: Albany Coun­ NOTICE OF FORMATION Allstate Corp. Svcs., 1 Com- location: Albany CountY: LEGAL NOTICE 125 Park Avenue, New York, OF LIMITEI'l LIABILITY merce Plaza, 99 Washington SSNY designated as agent ty. SSNY has been desig­ •NOTICE OF F.O"MATION New York 10017. Purpose: NOTICE OF FORMATION nated as· agent of the· LLC COMPANY. NAME: OPTI- of LLC upon whom process n For any lawful purpose. OF LIMITED LIABILITY Ave .. Ste. 1008, Albany; NY against it may be served. upon whom process against FORM <;;RYSTALS, . . 12260. Registered Agent SSNY shall mail process to OF LIMITED LIABILITY . LD-19405 eOMPANY. NAME: WEST it may be served. SSNY shall LLC. ~rllcle~ of Orgamzat1on upon whom process may I c s c COMPANY. NAME:.HALF (September 17, 2008) FORK CAPITAL . mail a copy of process were f1led w1th the Secretary be served: Allstate Corp. A !state orp. vcs., 1 om­ THE SKY, LLC. Articles of EQ!JITIES.LLC. Articles of to the LLC. c/o Fassone 599. of State of New Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaza, merce Plaza, 99 Washington Organization were filed with Organization were filed with Hancock Street, Brooklyn, York (SSNY) on 07/29/08. 99 waShington Ave., Ste. Ave., Ste. 1008, Albany, NY the Secretary of State of New L.EGAL NOTICE the Secretary of State New Yoi'k 11233 The latest date of d1ssolubon 1008, Albany, NY 122 . 12260. Registered Agent York (SSNY) on 07/21/08. Of­ . 60 upon whom process -may of Ne"!f. York (SSNY) on Purpose: For 8ny lawful is 121~1/2107. Office P urpose: any Ia wf.ul activity. be served: Allstate Corp. fice location: Albany County. NOTICE OF FORMATION 07/31108. Office location: purpose location: Albany County. SSNY has been designated OF LIMITED LIABILITY Albany County. SSNY has LD-193S2 SSNY has been designated LD-19386 · Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaza, (September 2008) gg Washington Ave., Ste. as agent of the [LC upon COMPANY. NAME: TRUW· been • (September 17, 200 ) as agent of the LLC upon 1~. whom process against it may STORY, LLC. Articles of Or- 8 1008 Alban NY 12260.

I'· The Spotlight September 17,2008 ·Page 33 LEGAL NOTICE. LEGAL NOTICE • .. . . LEGAL NOTICE ·-··- LEGAL NOl:ICE r .,-·:-· -· LEGAL NOTICE ~ ,,-_-_-. lEGAL NOTICE --.-- LEGAL NQTICE;.~ •• ,..,..,­ :.. ganization were filed with the filed with Secy. of State· of ERINARY SERVICES, PLLC. of LLC uP.on whom process 99 Washington Ave., Ste. SSN)''shall mail Process to (September 17, 2008) Secretary of State of New NY (SSNY) on 07/25/08. Of· Articles of Organization filed against 11 may be served. 1 008, Albany, NY 12260. Allstate Corp. Svcs., 1 Com· York (SSNY) on 07/03/08. ficelocation:AibanyCounty. with NY Secretary of State, SSNY shall mail process to Purpose: any lawful activity. merce Plaza, 99 Washington Office location: Albany Coun- LLC formed in Delaware . August 7, 2008. Purpose: Allstate Corp. Svcs., 1 Com­ LD-19432 Ave., Ste. 1008, Albany, NY LEGAL NOTICE ty. SSNY has been desig· (DE) on 08/25/04. SSNY to enQage in any lawful act merce Plaza, 99 Washington (September -17, 2008) 12260._ Registered Agent nated as agent of the LLC · designated as agent of LLC ·or actiVity. Office: in Albany Ave·., Ste. 1008, Albany, NY upon whom process may Notice of Formation of SAIM upon whom process against upon whom process against County. Secretary ·at State 12260. Registered Agent be served: Allstate Corp. LLC. Arts. oi Org. was filed it may be served. SSNV shall it may be served. SSNY shall is agent for process against upon whom process may LEGAL NOTICE Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaza, with SSNY on 8/5/08. 01· mail a copy of process to the mail process to: do Corpora- LLC and shall mail copy to be served: Allstate Corp. ' 99 Washington Ave., Ste. fice location: Albany Coun­ LLC, c/o Martin Weinberg, · lion Service Company, 80 223. River Road, Glenmont. Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaza, Notice of Formation of 330 1008, Albany, NY 12260. ty. SSNY designated as c/o Matthews & Co., LLP, State Street, Albany, NY NY 12077. · 99 Washington Ave., Ste. Empire, LLC. Arts 01 Org. Purpose: any lawful activity. agent of LLC whom pro­ 270 Madison Avenue, New 12207. Arts.ofOrg. filed with LD-19422 1008, Albany; NY 12260. filed with Secy. Of-State ol LD·19438 cess against may be served. Vorl<, New·Yorl< 10016. The Secretary of State, Division (September 17 2008) Purpose: any lawful activity. NY (SSNY) on 06/25/08. Of· (September 17, 2008) SSNY shall mail process to: latest date of dissolution·is of Corporations, John G. · ' L0-19427 fice location: Albany County. c/o the LLC, 46 State Street, 12/31/2060. Purpose: For Townsend81dg.,401 Federal (September 17, 2008) SSNY designated as agent 3rd Floor, Albany, NY 12207. any lawful purpose. St., Dover, DE 19901. Pur· LEGAL NOTICE ------·-.._,:..... of LLC upon whom process LEGAL NOTICE The registered agent is: USA LD·19406 pose: Any lawful activity. - against it may be served. Corporate Services, Inc. at (September 17, 2008) LD-19417 · NOTICE OF FORMATION LEGAL NOTICE SSNY shall mail process to Notice of Formation of Res­ the same address. Pu1p9se: · (September 17, 2008) . OF A DOMESTIC LIMITED Allstate Corp. Svcs., 1 Com- mil Management, LLC. Arts all lawful activities. LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC) Notice of Formation of Tur­ merce Plaza, 99 Washington Of Org. filed with Secy. Of LD·19444 LEGAL NOTICE The name of the LLC is quoise Restaurant Group Ave., Ste. 1008, Albany, NY State ol NY (SSNY) on (September 17, 2008)' LEGAL NOTICE PRIME ORANGE COM· LLC. Arts Of Org. filed with 12260. Registered Agent 08/06/08. Office location: NOTICE OF FORMATION MONS, LLC. The Articles Secy. Of State of NY (SSNY) upon whom process may Alb~ny County: SSNY des· • OF LIMITED LIABILITY Notice of Qualification of So­ of Organization of the LLC on 08/08/08. Office loca· be served: Allstate Corp. 1gnated as agent ol· LLC LEGAL NOTICE COMPANY. NAME: BROOK· dexhoMagic, LLC. Authority were filed with the NY Sec· lion: Albany County. SSNY Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaza, upon who"'! process against . . LYN FOOD AND DRINK filed with Secy. of State of NY retary of State on March· 7, designated as agent of LLC 99 Washington.Ave., Ste. it 'may be served. SSNY . Notrce of Formatron of LON­ LLC. Articles of Organization (SSNY) on 07/21108. Office 2007. The purpose of the upon whom process against 1008, Albany, NY 12260. shaff mail process to All· SDALE HOLDINGS LLC. were filed with the Secretary location: Albany County. LLC LLC is to enga~e in any law­ it may be served. SSNY Purpose: any laWful activity. state Corp. Svcs., 1 Com- Arts. of Org. was fi~ed with of Stale of New Vorl< (SSNY) formed in Delaware (OE) on ful act or activity. The office shall mail process to All­ LD·19433 merce Plaza 99 Washington SSNY on Bn/08. Offrce loca­ on 08/11/08. Office location: 05/10/06. Principal office of of the LLC is to be located state Corp. Svcs.,· 1 Com­ (Septel)1ber 17, 2008) Ave., Ste. 1008, Albany, NY lion; Albany County. SSNY Albany County. SSNY has LLC: 9801 Washingtonian in Albany County. The Sec· merce Plaza,, 99 Washington 12260. Registered Agent designated as agent of LLC been designated as agent of Blvd., #1245D, Ga~hersburg, retary of State is designated Ave., Ste. 1008, Albany, NY upon whom process may whom process against may the LLC upon whom process MD 20878. SSNY desig· as the agent of the LLC upon 12260. Registered Agent LEGAL NOTICE be served: Allstate Corp. be served. SSNY shall mall against it may be served. nated as agent of LL:.C upon whom process against the upon whom process may Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaza, process to: do the LLC, 46 SSNY shall mail a copy of whom proceSs against it mar. LLC may be served. The ad­ be served:. Allstate Corp. Notice of Formation of G & 99 Washington Ave., Ste.. State Street, 3rd Floor, Alba- process to the LLC, 111 be served. SSNY shall ma11 dress to whic!l the Secretary Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaza, V Realty Properties LLC. 1 008, Albany, NY 12260. ny, NY 12207. The registered Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, proc~ss to: c/o Gorporation of State shall mail a copy of 99 Washington Ave., Ste. Arts Of Org. filed with Secy. Purpose: ·anv.lawful activity. age~t 1s: USA Corporate New York 11201. Purpose: Serv1ce Company, 80 State any process against the LLC 1008, Albany, NY 12260. 01 State of NY (SSNY).on LD-19439 · Servrces, Inc. at the same ForanylaYnulpurpose. Street, Albany, NY 12207. is c/o Dean DeVito, 621 Co­ Purpose: any lawful activity. 01/17/08. Office location: (September 17 2008) ad~r~~s. Purpose:. all lawful LD-19407 Arts. of Org. filed with Dela­ lumbia Street, Cohoes, New LD·19428 Albany County. SSNY des· ' act1vrlles. (September 17, 2008) ware Secretary bf State, Di· Vorl< 12047. (September 17, 2008) ignated as agent of LLC LD·19445 vision of Corporations, John LD·19423 upon whom process against LEGAL NOTICE (September 17, 2008) G. Townsend Building, 401 (September 17, 2008) it may be served. SSNY LEGAL.NOTICE Federal Street, Dover, DE LEGAL NOTICE shall mail process to Allstate Notice of Formation of Pass· 19901. Purpose: Any lawful Corp. Svcs Corp., 41 State ing Film LLC. Arts' Of Org. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FORMATION activity. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation·ot 100 St., Ste. 415, Albany, NY filed with Secy. Of State of OF LIMITED LIABILITY LD-19418 Kosciusko LLC. Arts OfOrg. 12207: Registered Agent NY (SSNY) on 08/07/08. Of· Notice of Formation of COMPANY. NAME: JAMAl· (September 17, 2008) NOTICE OF FORMATION filed with Secy. Of State of uponwhomprocessmaybe ficelocation:AibanyCounty. GANTSHILL LLC. Arts. of .CA·88th AVE., LLC. Ar· OF LLC Green Sleeves By ' NY \SSNY) on 07/02108. Of· seJVed: Allstate Corp. Svcs SSNY designated as agent Org. Was filed with SSNY on ticles of Organizatia·n were Leah, LLC, filed Article'S of lice ocation: Albany County. Corp., 41 State St., Ste. 415, of LLC UP.On whom process 8/5/08. Office location: Alba­ filed with the Secretary of LEGAL NOTI~E Organization with the New SSNY designated as agent Albany, NY 12207. Purpose: against 1t may be served. ny County. SSNY designated State ol New York (SSNY) York Secretary of State on of LLC uP.on whom process any lawful activity. . SSNY shall mail process to as agent of LLC whom Pro­ ori 06/30/08. Office location: Notice of Qualification of August 7, 2008. Its office against 11 may be served. · LD·19434 Allstate Corp. Svcs., 1 Com- cess against may be served. Albany County. SSNY has T5 Unison Site Manage- is located in Albany County. SSNY shall mail process to (September 17, 2008) merce Plaza, 99 Washington SSNY shall mail process to: been designated as agent of ment LLC. Authority filed The Secretary of State has Allstate Corp. Svcs., 1 Com- .Ave., Ste. 1008, Albany, NY c/o the LLC, 46 State Street, th~ LLC upon whom process with Secy. of State of NY been designated as agent merce Plaza, 99 Washington 12260. Registered Agent 3rd Floor, Albany, NY 12207. against it may be served. (SSNY) on 08/11/08. Office upon whom process may Ave., Ste. 1008, Albany, NY LEGAL,NOTICE upon whom process may The registered agent is: USA SSNY .shall mail a coPy of location: Albany County. LLC be served and shall .mail·a ~ 12260. Registered Agent be served: Allstate Corp.. Corporate Services; Inc. at process to the LLC, 296 4th formed in Delaware (OE) on copy of any process seJVed upon whom-prOcess mciy Notice of Formation of 187 Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaza, the same address. Purpose: Avenue, Brooktyn, New York 05/19/08. SSNY designated on him or her to the LLC, at be served: Allstate Corp. Cook St. LLC. Arts Of Org. 99 Washington Ave., Ste. all lawful activities. 11215." Purpose: For any asagentofLLCuponwhom LLC, McNamee, Lochner, Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaza, filed with Secy. Of State of 1008, Albany, NY 12260. LD·19446 lawful purpose.· proc.ess against it may be Titus &.. Williams, P.C:, 6n · 99 Was.hington Ave., Ste. NY (SSNY) on 05/08/08. Of- Purpose: any lawful activity. . (September 17, 2008) LD-19408 ·' served. SSNY shall mail Broadway, Albany, New Vorl< 1008, Albany, f\IY 12.260. lice location: Albany County. LD-19440 • (September 17; 2008) • 'process. to c/o Corporation ,12207 .. The stry;!et ~temb8r 17, 2008) . do the LLC:46 State Street, aga1nst 1t may ~e §l~cved . o. ..' • · · 1 been.designated as agent of LEGAL NOTICE ~ LEGAL NOTICE ... .uponwhomprocessagainst 3rdFioor,Aibany,NY.12207. ·SSNY shall marl.copy of the LLC upon whom process ·'l·"~~ .... "' ..... ":;' ·:· ...... -~>#-, "it'• may De served. SSNY Theregisteredagentis:USA :process to: 401 ':'Jew Kamer against it may be· served. NotiCe·'of Qu8.1ific8tion of Notice of Formation of Eyes shall mail process to All· · ·:l.EGAL NOTICE Corporate Services, Inc. at Road, Br~ndon Place, AI- SSNY.;shal{ ·.l"!lail a copy of Assurance Brokerage lnt'l, On Che!sea Optometry, state Corp. Svcs., 1 Com· J' the same address. Purpose: bany,_ NY 12205; Putyose: process to th~ LLC... ?01 0 LLC. Authority filed .with PLLC. Arts·Of Org. filed mercePiaza,99Washington Notice of Formation of NY all lawful activities. 'pra<:t1ce.the profession of Bruckner BouleVard, Bronx, Secy. of State ol NY (SSNY) with Secy. Of State of NY Ave., Ste. 10.08, Albany, NY State Refinery LLC. Arts Of LD-19441 engtneenng. New Vorl< 10473, ATTN: An· on 08/11/08. Office location: (SSNY) on 08/05/08. Office 12260. Registered Agent Org. filed with Secy. Of State (September 17, 2008) LD·19447 thony Torres. Purpose: For Albany County. LLC fonned location: Albany County. upon whom process may of NY (SSNY) on OB/04/08. · (September 17, 2008) any lawful purpose. in New Jersey (NJ) on SSNY designated as agent be served: Allstate Gorp ..Officelocation:AibaliyCoun­ LD·19409. 02/07/06. LLC agrees to of PLLC upon whom process Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaza, ty.SSNYdesignatedasagent LEGAL NOTICE (September 17, 2008) use fictitious rtame of ABIIn­ against it ·may be served. 99 Washington Ave., Ste. of.LLC upon whom process LEGAL NOTICE surance Services LLC while SSNY shall mail process to 1008, 'Albany, NY 12260. against it may be served. Notice of Qualification of En NOTICE OF FORMATION conducting business in NY. Allstate Corp. Svcs., 1 Com- Purpose: any lawful activity. SSNY shall mail process to Pointe Global Services, LLC. merce Plaza, 99 washington LD-19430 · Allstate Corp. Svcs.. 1 Com- Authority filed with Secy. OF LLC Pinewest On'e LLC, . LEGAL NOTICE SSNY designated as agent filed Articles of Organization of LLC upon whom process Ave., Ste. 1008, Albany, NY (September 17, 2008) J' merce Plaza, 99 Washington ol State ol NY (SSNY) on with the New York Secretary NOTICE OF FORMATION against 11 may be served. 12~60. Reg1stered Agent , Ave., Ste. 1008, Albany, NY 07/15/08. Office location: AI· OF LIMITED LIABILITY SSNY shall.mail process upon whom process may 12260. Registered Agent bany County. LLC formed in of State on August 13, 2008. 1 Its office is located in Albany COMPANY. NAME: 100% to c/o Corporation Service be served: Allstate· Corp. LEGAL NOTICE upon whom process may Delaware (OE) on 07/02/08. County. The Secretary of ALL NATURAL, LLC. Ar· Company, 80 State Street, Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaza, 1 be served: Allstate Corp. SSNY designated as agent ticles of Organization were Albany, NY 122(}7. Arts. ol 99 Washington Ave., Ste. Noti~ofFormationofMike& Svcs., 1 Commerc~ Plaza, of LLC upon whom process State has been designated filed with the Secretary of Org. filed with Department 1008, Albany, NY 12260. SonsP&H,LLC:ArtsOtOrg. 99 Washington Ave., Ste. against it may be served. as agent upon whom process may be seNed and shall mail State of New York (SSNY) of Treasury, Division 'of Re· ·Purpose: profession of op- filed with S~pY. Of State of 1008, Albany, NY 12260. SSNY shall mail· process a copy of any process served on 11114/07. Office loca· vuenue, Business Services tometry. NY (SSNY) on 07/30/08. Of· Purpose: any lawful activity. to c/o Corporation Service on him or her to the LLC, at tion: Schenectady County. Bureau, PO Box 300, Tren· LD·19426 lice location: Albany County. LD·19436' • COmpany, 80 State Stre'et, SSNY has been designated (September 17, 2008) SSNY designated as agent (September 17, 2008) Albany, NY 12207. Arts. of LLC, do Touhey AsSociates; ton, NJ 08625·0300. Pur· Pine West Plaza, Building as agent of the LLC upon pose: Insurance Agent. of LLC upon whom process Org. filed with Secretary of #2, Washington Averiue Ex­ whom process against it LD-19420 against it may be served. State of Delaware, Division tension, Albany, New York may be served. SSNY shall (September 17, 2008) LEGAL NOTICE SS~Y shall mail process to ·LEGAL NOTICE of Corporations, P.O Box mail a copy of process to Allstate Corp. Svcs., 1 Com­ 898, Dover, DE 19903. Pur· 12205. The street address the LLC, 992 Grooms Road, Levy & Obstarczyk, PLLC l)'lerce Plaza, 99 Washington Notice of Formation of 26 pose: Computer Services. of the principal business location is c/o Touhey As­ Rexford, New LEGAL NOTICE filed articles of incorporation Ave., Ste. 1008, Albany, NY Scotts Landing LLC. Arts Of LD·19442 York 12148. Purpose: For with the Secretary of State 12260. Registered Agent Org. filed with Secy. Of State (September 17, 2008) sociates, Pine West Plaza, any lawful purpose: NOTICE OF FORMATION on July 24, 2008. Its office upon whom process may o( NY (SSNY) on 06/11/08. Building #2, Washington LD·19410 OF . is in Albany County,· New .be served: Allstate Corp. Office location: Albany Coun· Avenue Extension, Albany, New York 12205. Its busi· (September 17, 2008) LIMITED LIABILITY COM· York. The Secretary of .State Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaza, ty. SSNY designated as agent LEGAL NOTICE PANY Name: Pamela Howe of the State of New Y-Ork has 99 Washington Ave., Ste. of LLC UP.On whom process ness iS to engage in any Brown, LLC (LLC). Articles been designated as agent 1008, Albany, NY 12260. against 11 may be served. Notice of Qualification of lawful activity for which lim· LEGAL NOTICE of Organization filed with NY upon whom serviCe of pro· Purpose: any lawful activi!)t. SSNY shall mail process to EP Barrier Coatings, LLC. ited liability companies may -· Dept. of State on July 30, cess against the PLLC may LD·19431 Allstate Corp. Svcs Corp., 41 Authority filed with Secy. be organized under Section Notice of Formation of CKR 2008. Office location:Aibany be served.' The Secretary (September 17, 2008) State St., Ste. 415, Albany, of State of NY (SSNY) on 203 ol the New Vorl< Limited ol NY, LLC. Arts. of Org. County. Address of principal of State shall mail a copy NY 12207. Registered Agent 05/30/08. Office location: AI- Liability Company Act. filed with NY Dept. of State. business location is 321 of process· in any action or. upon whom process may be bany County. LLC formed in LD-19448 on 8/6/08. Office location: State Street. Albany, NY. NY proceeding a·gainst the PLLC LEGAL NOTICE served: Allstate Corp. Svcs ,Delaware (OE) on 04/07/08. · (September 17, 2008) Schenectady County. Sec. Secretary of State (SOS) is to David J. levy, Esq., 42 Corp., 41 State St., Ste. 415, Principal office oi.LLC: 155 ------­ of State designated as ageQt designated as agent of LLC Cloverfield Drive, Loudon­ Notice of Formation of 2834 Albany, NY 12207. Purpose: Rano Street, Suite 300, of LLC upon whom process for service of process. SOS ville, New York. The purpose Church, LLC. Arts . .01 Org. any lawful activity Buffalo, NY 14207. SSNY LEGAL NOTICE against it may be ·seryed shall mail copy of process to of the PLLC is to practice the filed with Secy. 01 Stale· of LD-19437 designated as agent of LLC NOTICE OF FORMATION and shall mail process to the profession of Law. NY (SSNY) on 06/25/08. Of· (September 17, 2008) upon whom process against 321 State Street, Albany, NY OP PROFESSIONAL SER· principal business address: 12210. Purpose: Any lawful LD·19426 fice location: Albany County. it maybe served. SSNY shall· VICE LIMITED LIABILITY 1619 Main St., Tewksbury, act or activity. SSNY designated as agent mail process to c/o Corpora­ ·(September 17, 2008) COMPANY. NAME: MAY· MA 0~ 876. Purpose: any LD-19421 . •' of LLC upo~ whom process LEGAL NOTICE tion Service Company, 80 RICH ENGINEERING, lawful activity. (September 17 •. 2008)> against it may be served. State Street, Albany, NY LD-19416 • SSNY shall mail process to · Notice of ,Formation of 77 12207.Arts.of0rg.filedwith .PLLC. Articles of Organiza­ LEGAL NOTICE tion we're filed with the sec· (September 17, 2008) Allstate Corp. Svcs., 1 Com­ Warr~n Foc;>ds LLC. Arts Of Delaware Secretary of State, retary of State of New .York LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of Band· merce Plaza, 99 Washington Org. fried wrth Secy. Of State· Division of Corporations, kphotoworld LLC. Arts Of Ave., Ste. 1008, Albany, NY of NY (SSNY) on 08/06/08 .. John G. Townsend Bldg., (SSNY) on OB/11/08.,0ffice LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FORMATION Org. filed with Secy. Of State 12260. Registered Agent Offrce locaiiO_n:AibanyCoun- 401 Federal Street, Suite 4, location: Albany County. OF A DOMESTIC LIMITED ·of NY (SSNY) on 08/11/08. upon whom process may ty.SSNYdes1gnatedasagent Dover, DE 1.9901. Purpose: SSNY ,has been d~Signated Notice of dualification .of LIABILilY COMPANY (LLC). Office location: Albany Coun· be served: Allstate Corp. of LLC upon whom process Any lawful activity. as agent of the P,CLC upon TANDUS US, LLC. Authority Name:. GUNDERSEN VET· ty. SSNYdesignatedasagent Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaza, against it. may be served.- LD-19443 whom process against it 'Page 34 ·September 17,2008 The Spotlight ·

LEGAL NOTICE.'---·-·- .LEGAL NOTICE·· .~ LEGAL NOTICE·• ···~ LEGAL NOTICE ·-·-·- LEGAL N~TICE LEGAL NOTICE .., -- LEGAL NOTICE · ·-·-- maY. be serve.d. SSNY shall LEGAL NOTICE (September t 7, 2008) Arts Of Org. filed with Secy. Dr., Ste. t021', Dover, DE of State of New York (SSNY) LEGAL NOTICE Of State of NY (SSNY) on t 9904. Arts ..of Org. filed on 08/2t/08. Office location: ma1l a copy of process to Notice of Fonnation of Das­ the PLLC, t t 4 t Oak Point NOTICE OF'FILING .ARTI- ·~------­ 08/05/08. Office location: with· DE Secy. Of State, 40t Albany County. SSNY has CLES OF ORGANIZATION Albany County. SSNY des­ Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, been designated as agent of er Wappingers Falls, LLC. Avenue, Bronx, New York LEGAL NOTICE Arts Of Org. filed with Secy. 10474. Purpose: For the OF Integrated Vision Skills, ignated as agent of PLLC DE t 9901. · Purpose: any the LLC upon whom process LLC t) The name of the NOTICE OF FORMATION upon whom process against lawful activities. against it may be served .. Of State of NY (SSNY) on practice of the profession of 07/22/08. Office location: Engineering. · Lim.ited Liability Company OF LIMITED LIABILITY it may be served. SSNY shall LD-t9488 SSNY shall mail a copy of is Integrated Vision Skills, COMPANY. NAME: WIL­ mail process to Allstate Corp. process to the LLC, 25 Broad Albany County. SSNY des­ LD-t9449 (September t 7, 2008) ignated. as agent of LLC I (September t 7, 2008) LLC(the"Company").2)The LIAM GREY LLC. Articles Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaza, 99 Street, #7K, New York, New Articles of Orgamzation of of Organization were filed Washington Ave., Ste. t008, York 10004. Purpose: For upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall Integrated Vision Skills, LLC with the Secretary of State Albany, NY t2260. Regis­ LEGAL NOTICE · anyla~ulpu~se. LEGAL NOTICE were filed with the Secretary of New York (SSNY) on tered Agent upon whom LD-t9496 mail prooe5s to Allstate Corp. of State of the State of New 05/08/08. Office location: process inay be serVed: NOTICE OF FORMATION (September 11; 2008) Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaia, 99 NOTICE OF FORMATION York on August 13, 2008 3) Albany County. SSNY has Allstate Corp. Svcs., 1 Com­ OF LIMITED LIABILITY. WashingtoOAve:, Ste.1008, . OF LIMITED LIABILITY The County of'Aibany is the been designated as agent of merce Plaza, 99 WashingtOn COMPANY. NAME: TURK· Albany, NY t 2260. Regis­ COMPANY. NAME:. DIA- ·county within the State of the LLC upon whom process· Ave .. Ste. t008, Albany, NY BAY LLC. Articles of Orga­ LEGAL NOTICE tered Agent upon wt)om • MONO APARTMENT, LLC. New York in which the office· against it may be served. 12260.-Purpose: profession nization were filed with the process may be served: ' ArticlesofOrganizationwere ofthecompanyistobelocat- SSNY shall mail a copy of medicine. Secretary of State of New NOTICE OF. FORMATION Allstate Corp. Svcs., t Com­ filed with the Secretary of ed. 4) The Secretary of State of process to the LLC, c/o LD-t9483 Vorl< (SSNY) on 081t 8108. Of­ OF LLC JT TS Road Prop­ merce Plaza, 99 Washington Ave., Ste. 1098, Albany, NY State of New of the State of New York is Franklin, Gringer & Cohen, (September 17, 2008) fice location: Albany County. erty. LLC, filed Articles of j York(SSNY)on08105/08.0f- designated as the agent of P.C.,66601dCountryRoad, SSNY has been designated Organization wittl the New 12260. Purpose: any lawful fice location: Albany County. Integrated Vision Skills, LLC Suite 202, Garden City, New as agent of the LLC upon York Secretary of State ·on activity. · LD-19505 SSNY has been designated upon whom. process against York 11530-2013. Purpose: LEGAL NOTICE whom process against it August t 5, 2008. Its office as agent of the LLC upon the Qompany maybe served. For any lawful purpose. maY. be served. SSNY shall is located in Albany County. (September t 7, 2008) whom process against it The post office address to LD-19471 -Notice of Formation of matl a copy of process to the The Secretary of State has maY. be served. SSNY shall which the Secretary of State (September t 7, 2008) Roama LLC. Arts Of Org. LLC, c/o Haker & Ozisik LLP, been designated as agent matl a copy of process to the of the State of New York shall filed with Secy. Of State of 29 Broadway, Suite 1500, upon whom process may LEGAL NOTICE LLC, c/o Ronald H. Gitter, mail a copy of any process NY (SSNY) on 08/t1/08. Of· New York, New York 10006. be served and shall mail a . . Esq., 110 againsttheCompanyserved LEGAL NOTICE lice location: Albany County. Purpose: F~r any lawful co'py of any process served Nottce of Fonnatton of Epla.n­ East 59th Street, 23rd Floor, upo~ the· Secretary of State purpose. on him or her to the LLC, at e;t Ewa.ste LLC. Arts Of qrg. New York, New York 10022. · is: Integrated Vision. Skills, Notice of Fo(matioo of 608 ~fs~L~ ~~s~~n;~e:ma~;g:~~ LD-t9491 . LLC, c/o Touhey Associates, ftled With Secy. Of State of Purpose: For any lawful LLC, 37.Giade Drive, Niska- Delaware Avenue, LLC, Art. against it may be served. (September t 7, 2008) Pine West Plaza, Building . NY \SSNY) on 08120/08. Of­ purpose. Yl:lna, New York 12309 5) The of Org. filed Sec'y of State SSNY shall mail process to #2, Washington Avenue Ex- ftce ocatto~: Albany County. LD-19450 . purpose of the Company is (SSNY) t2/27/06: Office lo- Allstate Corp. Svcs., 1 Com­ tension, Albany, New York SSNY destgnated as agent catioh_: AlbanY County. SSNY merce Plaza, 99 Washington LEGAL NOTICE 12205. The street address of L~C upon whom process _(September 17, 2008) for such lawful acts or activi------· ties for which limited liability designated as agent of LLC Ave., Ste. t 008, Albany, NY of the principal business agamst tt may_ be served. companies may. be orga­ upon whom process against 12260. Registered Agent NOTICE OF ·FORMATION location iS c/o Touhey As- SSNY shall mall process to sociates ·Pine West Plaza Allstate Corp. Svcs., 1 Com­ LEGAL NOTICE nized under the LLC; Snyder, it may be served. SSNY upon whom process may OF LIMITED LIABILITY Kiley, Toohey, Corbett & Cox, shall mail copy of process to be served: Allstate Corp. COMPANY.. NAME: VIVA LA BuildinQ #2, · washingtorl merce Plaza, 99 Washington NOTICE OF FORMATION LLP, Attorneys. clo Bond Schoe~eck & King Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaza, RESISTANCE, LLC. Articles Avenue Extension, Albany, Ave., Ste. 10~8. Albany, NY OF LIMITED LIABILITY LD-t9456 PLLC, 111 WashtngtonAve., 99 Washington Ave., Ste. Of Organization were filed New York .t 2205. Its busi- 12260. Reg1stered Agent COMPAN~ NAME: HUN­ (September 17, 2008) Albany, NY t2207. Purpose: t008, Albany, NY 12260. with the Secretary of State ness. is to engage in any upon whom process may GER PRESS, LLC. Articles any lawful activittes. · Purpose: any lawful activity. of New York (SSNY) on lawful activity forwhich lim- be served: Allstate Corp. of Organization were filed LD-t9474 . LD-t9464 . , . 08(t1/08. Office location: ited liability companies may Svcs., 1 ~ommerce Plaza, with the Secretary of State LEGAL NOTICE (September 17,'2008) (September t7, 2008) Albany County. SSNY has be organized under Section 99 Washmgton Ave., Ste. of New York (SSNY) on been designated as agent of 203 of the New York Limited t 008, Albany, NY t 2260. 08/12/08. Office location: NOTICE OF FORMATION . t~e LLC upon whom process Liability Company Act. Purpose: any lawful activity. Albany County. SSNY has OF A DOMESTIC LIMIT­ LE.GAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE against it may be served. LD- t 9498 LD-19506 been designated as agent of ED LIABILITY COMPANY SSNY shall mail a copy (September 17, 2008) (September 17. 2008) the LLC upon whom process (UC). Name:'WATERFORD . NOTICE OF FORMATION Notice of Formation of Co­ of process to the LLC, c/o against it may be served. 'LASER, LLC. Articles of OFLLC lucci Group LLC. Arts Of Org. Miguel Francisco, 37 Vermi­ SSNY shall mail a copy of Organization filed with NY Articles of Organization (as filed with Secy. Of State of tyea Avenue, New York, New LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Secretary of State, August amended by Certificate of NY (SSNY) oo 08/07/08. Of­ York· 10034. Purpose: For process to the LLC, 185 Notice of Formation of Nesa­ Franklin Street, 5th Floor, 1, ;20~8. Purpose: to en­ Amendment filed on August fice location: Albany County. any lawful purpose. · NOTICE OF FOFJMATION gaQe m any lawful act or 6, 2008) for WORD COMMU­ SSNY designated as agent LD-t9492 OF LLC VT TS Road Prop­ nel & Feigy, LLC. Arts Of Org. New York, New York t00t3. filed with. Secy. Of State of Purpose: For any lawful acttvity. Office: in Albany NICATIONS, LLC were filed of LLC upon whom process (September 17, 2008) erty LLC, filed Articles of purpose. County. Secretary of State with the Secretary of State of against it may be served. Organization with the New NY \SSNY) on 08/t 9/08. Of­ . is agent for process against New York on July 23, 2008 . SSNY shall mail process to .York Secretary of State on fice ocation: Albany County. LD-t9452 SSNY designated aS agent (September t 7, 2008) LLC and shall mail copy to 9 The office of the company Allstate Corp. Svcs., 1 Com­ LEGAL NOTICE August 15, ?008. Its office Washington Square, Albany, is located in Albany Courity. merce Plaza, 99 Washington is located in Al_bany County. of LLC upon whom process NY 12205. . . The Secretary of State has· Ave., Ste. t008. Albany, NY NOTICE OF FORMATION The Secretary of State has against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to LEGAL NOTICE LD-t9457 been designated as agent 12260. Registered Agent OF LIMITED LIABILITY been designated as agent !September t 7, 2008) upon which process may be upon whom process may COMPANY. NAME:· 34-t4 upon whom process may Allstate' Corp. Svcs., 1 Com­ NOTICE OF FORMATION served and a copy of pro­ be served: Allstate Corp. 42nd STREET LLC. Articles be served and shall mail a merce Plaza, 99 Washington OF PROFESSIONAL SER­ cess shall be mailed by the Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaza, of Organization were filed ·copy· of any process served Ave., Ste. t 008, Albany, NY VICE LIMITED LIABILITY LEGAL NOTICE Secretary of State to the LLC 99 Washington Ave., Ste. with the Secretary of State on him or her to the LLC, at t 2260. Registered Agent COMPANY. NAME: DR. at Lombardi, Walsh~ Wake·. t 008, Albany, NY t 2260. of New York. (SSNY). on LLC, c/o Touhey Associates, upon whom process may WENDY ELIAS WOLFSON Notice of Qualification of man, Harrison, Amodeo & PurPose: any lawful activity. 08119/08. Offtce locatton: . Pine West Plaza, Building be served: Allstate Corp. DO, PLLC. Articles of Orga- BRMN, LLC. Authority filed Davenport, P.C., Ill Winners LD-t9485 Albany qounty. SSNY has #2, Washington Avenue Ex­ Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaza, nization were filed with the with Secy. of State of NY Circle,- Albany, New York (September 17, 2008) been destgnated as agent of tension, Albany, New York 99 Washington Ave., Ste. Secretary of State of New (SSNY) on 081t4/08. Office 12205. Purpose: for any the LLC upon whom process 12205. The street address 1008, Albany, NY 12260. York(SSNY)on07/tt/08.0f- location: Albany County. 13.wful activity for which lim­ against it may be served. of the principal business Purpose: any lawful activity. LD-t9507 ; lice location: Albany County. - LLC formed in Delaware ited liability companies may LEGAL NOTICE SSNY shall mail a copy of location is c/o Touhey As­ SSNY has been designated (DE) on 08/t2/08. Principal be formed under the law .. process to the LLC, 577 sociates Pine West Plaza (September t 7, 2008) · as agent of the PLLC upon office of LLC: One Home LD-t9475 ~·. Notice of Formation of MC?or- Prospect Avenue, Brooklyn, BuildinQ #2, Washirlgtorl whom proCess against it may Campus, MAC# x2401-o49, (Septe111ber·11, 2008) sky, LLC. Arts Of Org. ftled New York 11215. Purpose: Avenue Extension, Albany, .. · ... be served. SSNY shall mail a Des Moines, lA 50328-001. ---"------.with Secy. Of State of NY For any lawful purpose. 'New York 12205. ·Its busi- LEGAL NOTICE copY of process to the PLLC, SSNY designated as agent (SSNY) on 06/03/08. Office ·LD-t9493 · , • _ ness. is to engage in any 137 East 38th Street, Apart- of LLC upon whom process LEGAL NOTICE locatton: ~lbany County. (September 17, 2008)··~-t! lawful activity for which lim- NOtiCe of Fonnation of.Anaba Realty, LLC. Arts Of Org. ment PHC, New York, New against it may be s_erved. NotiCe of Qualification of SSNY destgnated as agent iteO liability companies may York 10016. Purpose: For the SSNY shall mail process of LLC upon whom process be organized under Section filed with Secy. Of 1State of practice of the profession of to c/o Corporation Service Cole LO Chester NY, LLC. against 11 may ~e served. LEGAL NOTICE 203 of the New York Limited NY (SSNY) on 08/i t /08. Of­ Medicine. Company, 80 State Street, Authority filed with NY Dept. SSNY shall mat\ process Liability Company Act. fice location: Albany County. LD-19453 Albany, NY 12207-2543. of State on 8/t4/08. Office to Allstate Corporate Svcs NOTICE. OF FORMATION LD-t9499 • SSNY designated as agent (September t 7, 2008) Arts. of Org. filed with Sec- location: Albany County. Corp.,4t StateSt.,Ste.4t5, OF LIMITED LIABILITY (September17,2008) ' gf LLC upon whom process retary of State of Delaware, Principal busin.ess address: Albany, NY t2207. Purpose: COMPANY. NAME: ONE against tt may be served. Federal ;:tnd Duke of York 2555 E. Camelback Rd., Ste. any lawful·activity. WESTERN TRIANGLE RE- SSNY shall mail process to 400, Phoenix, AZ 85016. LD-19486 ALTY LLC. Artic!es of Orga- Allstate Corp. Svcs., 1 Com­ LEGAL NOTICE Streets,· Dover, DE 19901. LEGA~ NOTICE Purpose: To provide residen­ LLCfonnedinDEonB/11/08. (September 17, 20oa) nization were filed with the merce Plaza, 99 Washington NOTICE OF FORMATION tial mortgage lending. NY Sec. of State designated Secretary of State of New New York State, Department Ave., Ste . .1008, Albany, NY ·•.. OF tiMITED LIABILITY LD-t9458 as agent of LLC upon whom York (SSNY) on 06/t6/08. of State, Division of Corpo- 12260. Registered Agent COMPANY. NAME: CEL­ (September t 7, 2008) process against it may be· LEGAL-NOTICE Office location: Albany rations, Stafe Records and upon whom process may EBRATION CARDS II, LLC. served and shall mail pro- • • County.. SSN'( has been UCC, Albany,. NY 1223t, be served: Allstate Corp. Articles of Organization were cess .to: c/o CT Corporation Notice of Formation of No- designated as. agent of the Under Section 203 of the Svcs., 1 Commerce Plaza, filed with the Secreta_ry of LEGAL NOTICE System, 111 8th Ave., NY, mold 4 Me LLC. Arts Of Org. LLC upon whom process Limited Liability Company 99 Washington Ave., Ste. State of New Vorl< (SSNY) on . NY10011,registeredagent.. filed with Secy. Of State of against it may be served. Law, Name: ROUTE 85 t 008, Albany, NY t 2260. 08/t 3/08. The latest date .of NOTICE OF FORMATION uponwhomprocessmaybe NY(SSNY)on06/t9/08.0f- SSNY shall mail a copy of ENTERP.RISES, LLC. The Purpose: any lawful activity. dissolution is t2/3t/2107. Of­ OF LIMITED LIABILITY served. DE address of LLC: lice location: Albany County. process to the LLC, 149 county 1s: Albany. The SOS LD-19508 fice location: Albany County. COMPA~Y. NAME: BIG EN- 1209 Orange St., Wil,ming- SSNY designated as agent South Main Avenue, Albany, is designated as agent of (September t 7, 2008) SSNY has been designated VELOPE LLC. Articles of ton, DE 19801. Arts. of Org. of LLC upon whom process New York 12208. Purpose: the LLC upon whom process as agent of the LLC upon Organization were filed with filed with DE Sec. of State, against it may be served. For any lawful purpose. agairist it may be served. The whom process against it theSecretaryofStateofNew 401 Federal St., Dover, DE SSNY shall mail process to LD-19494 ·. addresswithinorwithoutthis LEGAL NOTiCE • maY. be served. SSNY shall York (S~NY) on 08/tt/08. Of- t9901. Purpose: any lawful Allstate Corp. Svcs., t Com- (September 17, 2008) state to which the SOS shall matl a copy o_f the flee location: Albany County. activity. · merce Plaza, 99 WaShington mail a copy of any process Notice of Qualification of LLC, t53-75 Cross Island SSNY has been designated LD-19476 . Ave., Ste. "1008, Albany, NY ·against the LLC served: The Cramer Taos L.L.C. Author­ Parkway, Whitestone, New as agent of the LLC upon (September t7, 2008) t2260. Registered Agent LEGAL NOTICE LLC, 18 Darnley Greene, ity filed with Secy. of State of York 11357. Purpose: For whom process against it upon whom process may Delmar, NY, 12054. For any NY (SSNY) on 81t 4/08. Of­ any lawful purpose. maY. be served. SSNY shall be served: Allstate Corp. NOTICE OF FORMATION lawful purpose. fice location: Albany CounJ:y. LD-19454 ma1l a copy of process to the LEGAL NOTICE Svcs., t Commerce Plaza, OF LIMITED LIABILITY .. LD-t9503 LLC formed in Delawa're (September t 7, 2008) 0 (DE) o.n 7/30/08. 'SSNY ~~~· ri~~t ~~c~~r~~~ ~~ Notice of Formation of Uni- ~5o~a~~~~~7,n N~~·2 2SJ5: • g~~pt~~~tif~E~L~~~: (September t 7, 2008) designated as agent of LLC 11021. Purpose: For any lied's Dance Studio LLC. Purpose:anylawfulactivity.· ticles of Organization were upon whom proceSs against LEGAL NOTICE lawful purpose. · • Arts Of Org. filed with Secy. LD-19487 filed with the Secretary of LEGAL NOTICE it may be served. SSNY shall 1 0 7 2008 mail process to: c/o National NOTICE OF FORMATION ~~~~t~~~er t 7, 2008) . ~~~g~~~8° tnic~SI~~~{;o n~ (September t • ) ~~a~a7~o~5-:. i;'~c~Sf~~~ Notice of Formation of The Registered Agents, Inc., 875 OF LIMITED LIABILITY Albany County. SSNY des- tion: Albany County. SSNY Shade Store 989, LLC. Arts Avenue of the Americas, Ste. COMPANY. NAME: KELLY ignated as agent of LLC LEGAL NOTICE has been designated as Of Org. filed with Secy. Of 50t. NY, NY t OOOt. Address & JAMES, LLC. Articles LEGAL NOTICE upon whom process against agent of the LLC upon whom State o·f NY (~SNY) on to be maintained in DE: 160 of Organization were filed . it may be served. SSNY Notice of Qualification of AI- process against it may be 05/27/08. Office location: Greentree Dr., Ste. 101, Do­ ·with the Secretary of State· NOTICE OF FORMATION shall mail ,process to All- liance Global Services, LLC. ·served. SSNY shall mail a Albany County. SSNY des- • ver, DE 1.9904. Arts. of .Org. of New York (SSNY) on OF LIMITED LIABILITY state Corp. Svcs., t Com- Authority filed with Secy. copy of process to'the LLC, ignated as aQent of LLC filed wtth DE Secy. Of State, 08/14/08. Office location: COMPANY. NAME: LEI- merce Plaia, 99Washington of State of"NY (SSN'Y) on c/o Berlin & Blau, AHorneyS upOn whom process against 401 Federal St., Ste 4., Do­ ·Albany County. SSNY has SURE 8 GROUP, LLC. Ar- Ave .. Ste. t008, Albany, NY 8/t2/08. Office location: at Law, 444 Merrick Road, it may be served.: SSNY ver, DE 1990_1 ... Purpose: been designated as agent of ticle~ of Organization were· 12260. Registered Agent Albany County. LLC fanned SUite 102, Lynbrook, New shall mail process to Allstate any lawful acttvtltes. the LLC upon whom process filed with the Secretary of upon whom process may in Delaware (DE) on 7/28/08. York 11563. Purpose: For Ccirporate.Svcs Corp., .41 LD-1951t against it may be served. · State of New York (SSNY) be served: Allstate Corp. SSNY designated as agent any lawful purpose. State St., Ste. 4t5, Albany, (September 17, 2008) SSNY shall mail'a copy of on 08/01/08. Office lOcation: Svcs., 1 c_:;ommerce Plaza, -of LLC upon whom process LD-19495 NY 12207. Registered Agent process to the LLC, c/o The Albany ~ounty. SSNY has 99 Wash1ngton Ave., Ste. against it may be served. (September 17, 2008) upon whom process may be Law Office of Thalia Feilen, been destgnated as agent of 1008, Albany, NY 12?~0. SSNY shall mail process served: Allstate Corporate LEGAL NOTICE 928 Broadway, Suite 1000, the ~LC ~pon whom process Purpose: any lawful acttvity. _ to: cfo National Registered SvcsCorp.,4t State St., Ste. New York, New York 10010·. agamst tt may be served. LD-19482 Agents, Inc., 875 Avenue of LEGAL NOTICE 4t5, Albany, NY t2207. Pur­ Notice of Formation of F.P.S. Purpose: For any lawful SSNY shall mail a copy of, (September 17, 2008) the Americas, Ste. 501, NY, pose: any lawful activity. Premier Servites-LLC. Arts. purpose. process to the LLC, 49 West NY 10001. Address of the NOTICE OF FORMATION LD-19504 · of Org. filed with Secy. of LD-19455 44th Street, ~ew York, New principi:ll office: SiX Tower OF LIMITED LIABILITY (September t 7, 2008) · State of NY (SSNY) on, (September 17, 2008) York t0036. Purpose: Fo( LEGAL NOTICE Bridge, t8t Washington St .. COMPANY. NAME: GRAV-. 8/18/08. Off1ce location: Al­ any lawful purpose. Ste. 350; Conshohocken, PA lTV HILL PRODUCTIONS bany Co. SSNY designated LD-194 70 · Notice of Formation of Dr. 19428. Address to be main­ LLC. Articles of Organization as agent of LLC upon whom Joan MOnaco, MD PLLC. tajngrtjODE· 160Greentree were filed with the Secretary process against it may be ...... __ The Spotlight ...-._...... ~. -- · September 17,2008 ·Page 35 - ...... - LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ' - LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE - .r. '--"-:.. LEGAL NOTICE"' ·-- LEGAL NOTICE •..,.._. -- - LEGAL NOTICE.:.-:...:::...._ served. · SSNY sh·au mail upon the Secretary of State . c/o The Resnick Druckman SCHOOL DISTRICT • nated as agent of LLC upon Lasing, Ml48909 .. Purpose: ant to Section 206 of the New process to: c/o National is:lnlegrated Vision Skills,_ GroupLLP;469SevenlhAv- LEGAL NOTICE TAX NO­ whom process against it maY. any lawful activities. York limited Liability Law. Registered Agents, Inc., 875 LLC,37 Glde Drive, Niska- enue,·surte 1300, New York, TICE Notice is hereby given be served. SSNY shall mad LD-19549 a. The name of the limited Avenue of The Americas, yuna, New Vorl< t2309 The New Vorl< t 00t8. Purpose: ,.lhall, lhe undersigned, have process to Allstate Corpo­ (September t7, 2008) Liability Company is TPB purpose of the company is For any lawful purpose. received the Tax Rolls and rate Svcs Corp., 1 .Com­ ·____ _:______·Property Mannagmt?nt LLC. · ~;is~~~e~~g~~~~ ~~~~!~~ for such lawful acts or activi· LD-19532 Warrant for the collection of merce Plaza, 99 Washington b. The Article of Org?nization any lawful activities. ties for which limited liability ·(S6ptember 17, 2008) School Taxes for the Town Ave., Ste. t 008, Albany, NY LEGAL NOTICE Were filed with the Secretary LD-t95t3 companies may be orga- of New Scotland properties 12260. Registered Agent of State on April 30, 2008. (September t7, 2008) nized under the LLC; Snyder, in and for the Bethleh8m u pan whom process rna y NOTICE OF FORMATION c. The office of-the Limited· Kiley, Toohey, Corbett & Cox, . LEGAL NOTICE Central School District, and be served: Allstate Corpo­ OF A DOMESTIC LIMIT­ Liability Company will be LLP, Attorneys will receive payments as foi- rate Svcs Corp., 1 Com­ ED LIABILITY COMPANY located in Albany County. LEGAL NOTICE LD-.19522 Notice of Qualification of lows: Tax payments are to merce Plaza, 99 Washington (LLC). d. The Secretary of State 1s (September 17, 2008) TOPSOURCE ENERGY be mailed to Tax Collector, Ave., Ste. t008, Albany, NY Name: COLUMBIA BUR­ designated as- agent of the De"Signs hi life Insurance LLC. Authority filed with P.O. Box .18t, Delmar, NY t2260. Purpose: any lawful DETT GROUP, LLC. Ar­ Limited Liability Company Marl

; .. ~

The Spotlight September 17,2008 ·Page 37 . ------~.-~ •r·d-s "Iactuallythoughthethrewa .w.eek.~nd: Saratoga shut out led-the VoorheesVille ~giris ·team D Bl lot of good balls.'' said Sapie.nza Bethlehem 41-0 in a Class AA on its home course. Uttle placed "He threw them to spots where . Empire Division game, while o Said second in a time of 21:01, while (From Page 40) only his receivers cou!d get to the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk edged (Fro.m Page.40) Giampaglia finished third in a against Watervliet's defense ball. I think that the guys have to Broadalbin-Perth'12-6 in a Class Suburban Council meet. against time of 21:29. Morrison was fifth until a scoring drive late in the just gett9 them." . B game. Mohona.sen and Averill Park. in a time of 21:45. fourth quarter. Meanwhile, the Meanwhile, Watervliet kept Tony DeLoatch rushed for 118 Zoe Edmunds placed ninth Cannoneers (1-1) found plenty of racking up yards on the ground yards and two touchdowns, and Blackbirds sweep in a time of 22:39, and Sawyer holes in Voorheesville's defense with a balanced running game. · Leejay Pollacchi added a pair of own invitational Cresap finished 15'h a time of as they amassed 266 total yards Six Cannoneers gained at least touchdown runs for Saratoga In other cross coimtry action 23:20 to round out the Blackbirds' of offense. 10yards, withAhkiemThompson (2-0). The Blue·Streaks limited Saturday, Voorheesville took the top five. · "When you're starting three leading the way with 70yards·on Bethlehem (1-1) to 172 yards of boys and girls team titles at the C o n o r C.a s h i n w a s sophomores and a freshman, nine carries. total offense. Blackbird Invitational atSwift Voorheesville' inale runner at you're up against it," said Cale.b Gleason provided a The~e ~as less offense .in Road Park the Blackbird Invitational. Cashin Voorheesville coach Joe Sapienza significant portion ofWatervliet's last Fnday s R-C-S-~roadalbm­ · The girls team cruised to the. placed-fifth in a time of 17:31. "And Watervliet is always a points. He intercepted a Duncan. Perth gam~, a~ nerthe~ team title with 33 points after placing Ian Powell followed in 13'h talented team. I think. they have pass in the first quarter and co~d get gomg m ~e 1111?· The four runners in the top 10, while place with a time of 18:23, with 17 seniors on this year's team,· returned it 20 yards for the· Indrans (1-1) got therr pomts on the boys team placed four runners Taylor Treadgold (17'h place, so they have veteran experience, Cannoneers' second ·touchdown a 12-yard touchdown pass from in the top 20 to take first place 18:44), Nathan Bub (20th, 18:58) When you combine all of those of. the game. Then, he caught Keith Hoyt to CJ. Murray an~ a with 78 points. and Dylan Parry (23'', 19:09) factors, it's a recipe for disaster." a 40-yard scoring strike from 12-yard to~chdown run from Nrck Michelyn Little, Grace rounding out the Bllickbirds' first It didn't heip Voorheesville quarterback Chris Hughes early LaMountain. Gi_ampaglia and Casey Morrison five runners. when starting fullback 1as on in the second quarter to make the r---:---.--:-;;;:-~-:------...,---,----,-----'--___:._-,-: _____, Slingerland injured his foot in the score 27-0. Gleason also kicked first half. Without Siingerland, four extra points. . .. Sapienza had to change his other Voorheesville finally 'put points ruruiing backs' roles to make up on the scoreboard late in the for his absence.' fourth quarter. Duncan completed "See-you at my place." "We're not deep to begin with, a series of passes including a four- and Jason is a two-way starterfor' yard. touchdown strike to james .. , us," said Sapienza. "So, I had to Currier with 2~ seco~ds left. It switch a tailback (Max Shuster) was the .first time thrs season to a fullback." · that the Blackbirds entered· the · It hardly mattered who carried end zone. · . the ball for Voorheesville, though. "Our kids definitely needed Watervliet's.defense stopped .sometl\ing positive to gain any Blackbird in his tracks, as con~d.en~e from, and I think fin\lp~L¥~~ Voorheesville only gained 28 that s an rssue for us because Assisted-Living Residence . tJ!ZJ • . -~ v yards on the ground. I don't_think we've played with Without. an effective running much confidence this season," game, quarterback Ryan Duncan said Sapienza. did' what he could through the air The Blackl;>irds will try to build to get Voorheesville moving. But some more momentum Saturday Duncan's receivers had a hard when they host Fonda-Fultonville tinie catcbing"hls passes, which in a Class C South Division game C

your ho~e with a flawlessly-paved. ''"-high·quality asphalt diiveway tha(s built to last ...... Contact u·s today for 8 free e.stimate. 'Beginning this fall, Delmar Volunteer Afnbulance and ·Bethlehem Volunteer AJ'flbulance will begiri accepting 518.479.1400 payment from insurance companies. A 2nd Generation Paving Company Your ambulance service will not change - the community will still be served by the volunteer Emergency Heated Power Paver ~L::8Rowe MediciJ Technicians (E~s), ambulance· drivers, and firefighters-of· D~lmar and Bethlehem EMS .ind our ASPHALT SERVICES Free EstimateS v partners at the Albany County Sherriff's Department.. However, you will be 'asked to provide health insurance Driveways &.Parking Lots- FuiJy Insured- All Guaranteed info~3tion, if you are insured. . Residential & Commercial MucurCard/VISA accepted MEMOGR Senor 811Sine~ Bureau www.browEas Th~ agencies will be8,in ~Ccepting insurance pa)rments so that we may enhance the level of ambulance service available to the community, without raising the cost to taxpayers. }he number of ambulance calls in the Town of Beth1ehem increa,s~ by 10 to 15% each year. To keep up with increasing needs, both Delmar Volunteer Ambulance and_ Bethlehem Volunteer Ambulance have beg!Jn hiring p<:lld responders to ensure that we have t::nough personnel available to put more ambulances on the ro~d during the hours when many· of our volunteers Meltz Lumber are at work:. Rather than relying·on the ambulance tax to fund these programs, the ambulance services, with support from Logging &Landclearing the Town Supervisor and the Town Board, are accessing the health insurance benefits that are available to many Town residents. This will mean faster responses to emergencies in our comrimnity. If you are transporte~ to the h~pital by ambulance, you will be asked to sign a billing authorization form. You PROFESSIONAl LANDCUARING will receive an invoice, or one will be sent directly to your insurance company. If you aie a resident of the Town of Bethlehem, the current tax funds will be used to cover out of pocket costs that are not pciid by insurance, such Homesile~ Developments, Driveway~ Views, as copayments or deductibles. Therefore, the ambulance squads will liot ask you to pay costs in excess of the coverage Provided by your insurer. Walking &Horne Riding 'l'iili~ · . . r The residents of our community benefit every day from the skill and commitment of our EMS volunteers who dedicate thousands of Unpaid ·hoUrs each )rear to respond to the emergency needs of their neighbors. That will Highest Prtces Paid not change. However, with the demarids of careers and .family and the extensive training required to be an EMT, there are not enough voluriteers to keep up with the rising 'CaJI volume. The collection of insurance payments will allow the ambulance services in_ the Town of Betl!lehem to grow with our community, continue enhancing for your Standing Timber! services, and keep on sound financial footing: fUllY IHSUR!n EXCD.l!HT REIIREHCES AVAilABlL We invite .you to join both ambulance squad$ and Town officials for an open meeting on ambulance billing. on Wednesday, October 1'1, at 7:00p.m. at Town Hall. At the meeting, we would be glad to answer any questions. 1X 6 OAK HORSEFENCE BOARDS You can also find answers to frequently asked 'questions about ambulance billing on the internet at http://www. in the Calendar of Events section of the main page. Alternatively, you can direct questions ROUGH CUT OAK BOARDS to Steven Kroll of Delmar at [email protected] or 475-7310 or Wenda Raynor of Bethlehem a! 767-2301 or [email protected]. Sincerely, 483 Rl~ 117 Hudson. NY Steven Kroll, Assistant Chief for EMS & Rod Raynor, Captain Director of Operations · Linda Schacht, ChairpersOn & President · David Scoons, Chairperson & President 518.672. Delmar Fire and EMS and Bethlehem Volunteer Ambulance Service Delmar Volunt~er Ambulance Service Providing mnbulance·service fdr the Providing ambulance service for the communitieS ofGlefiniolll, Selkirk,·and_ communities of De.Jmar, Elsmere, and Slingerlands South B{!thlehem The Spotlight Page 38 ·September 17,2008 Varsity results for the week of Sept. 8-14 Fourth quarter 138, Berlin 16S, H,oosic Valley Wednesday, Sept. 10 R-C-S 3, Mechanicville 0 GIRlS VOLLEYBALL 17S, Stillwater 197, Unatego 22S, S~r - Hunter Hinds S7yard run BOYS SOCCER R-C-S leaders: Baleigh Marrow . Bethlehem 3, Columbia 0 (Daley kick) Cohoes 226, Albany 243, Maple 30 service points, 19 aceS; Kartie Bethlehem leader: Christianne R-C-S 12, Hill 306, Schoharie 314, Ravena­ Bethlehem I, Niskayuna 0 Haack II kills Ludwick IS kills Coeymans-Selkirk 349, Mayfield . Bethlehem scoring: Kevin Wendth . 'T''h · Broadalbin-Perth 6 380, Canajoharie/Fort Plain 388, 1-0 · - .I< ursday, Sept. 11 Friday, Sept. 12 · : ' · Second quarter ·Mechanicville 439 GIRlS· SOCCER · BOYS SOCCER FIELD HOCKEY R,C-~- C.J. Murray 12-yard pass Top Voorheesville runner: Michelyn from Keith Hoyt (kick failed) Voorheesville 5, ·saratoga 1, Bethlehem 0 Little (second place, 21:01) R-C-S.10,,Watervliet 0 BP-Cody Menge 3~yard run (kick Top R-C-S runner: Summer .Mechanicville 0 R-C-S, Ashley Wilson Bethlehem saves: Devon Keir II failed) · - Broeckx-Simth (34" place, 24:32) Voorheesville scoring: Ryan Gatt 2- 3-0, Sam~ntha Cesare 2-0, Brynn FoOTBALL . Third quarter: Springstead Invitational 0, Drew Altieri 1-1, Fillipo Lao 1-1, Freeney 2-0, Liz Cowim 1-0, Catlin Saratoga Bethlehem Nick LaMountain 12-yard Boys team scores: Queensbury Joe Cillis 1-0, Ryan Dimmitt 0-1 41, ·o · R~C-S- Posinewslti 1-0, Chrissy Shepard First quarter . run (conversion run failed) 3S, Sufferil46, Shenendehowa 99, 1-0; Ashley TenEyck' 0-4, Alaina . Voorheesville saves: Lee Fenner I . Shaker 136, Colonie 144, Niskayuna Krugei,'O~ 1.. Erin Reith 0-1 Sar -Tony DeLoatch '20-yard run' GoLF lSI, LaSalle 202, lchabod Crane GIRlS SOCCER (Nick Daley lUck) · · -·, -Bethlehem 233, GIRlS. sWiMMING . 224, Bethlehem 229, Columbia Bethlehem 3, Niskayuna 0 .Sar - Leejay Pollacchi r-yard run Guilderland 255 246, South Glens Falls 330 Albariy 92, R-C-~ 86 . Bethlehem scoring: Kristina (~aley kick) · Bethlehem' leader: Ryan Prinzo 36 Top Bethlehem runner: YousefSaid R-C-S in"iiividual winners: Rachel Maksuti 2-0, Meg Olsen 1-0, Second quarter·.: ... BoYS SOCCER (sixth place, 16:42.19). William~ (diving), Jessica Cooper·· Maryana Maksuti 0-1. · · Sar - Pollacchi 3-yard run (Daley Bethlehem 4, C!)lumbia 0 Girls team ·scores: Queensbury 26, (100-y'!Is\ breaststroke) GIRlS SWIMMING kick) Bethlehem scoring: Mike Mulhall Shenendehowa S8,.,Holy Names 81, Colonie 119, Bethlehem 127, GIRlS VOLLEYBALL Third quarter : ' · ' · 2-0, Tommy Klim 1-1, Steve Russo Saratoga 104, Guildei-ville 82 (:o, Cody Kessler 0-1, Harrison Niskayuna ISO, Shaker IS4, Schalmont 3, Voorheesville 0 Guilderville individual winners: Sar- Collin Muiholland·33-yard Lane 0-1 · · · Columbia 213, South Glens Falls Voorhe·i;ville leaders: Arielle Smith Efi'n Dewey (200-yard individual run (Daley kick) Bethlehem saves: Dan Maddock 4 264 . 8 kills, 8 digs; Mollee Barone 8 medley), Jenna Bickel (100 Sar - DeLoatch I 0-yard run (lUck . Top· Bethlehem runner: Shannon service p()in!S, 17 assists . freestyle, 100 backstroke) failed) · · . . . · · GIRlS SOCCER ·McCartan (14" place, 20: 11.80) R~C-S 3, Schafmont i R-C-S scoring: Ashley Wilson FoOTBALL •I ••••. 2-1, Chrissy Shepard 1-0, Brynn W!itervliet 54, Your day doesn't end at 5PM.' Freeney 0-1, Ashley TenEyck 0-.1 Voorheesville 7 R-C-S s~ves: Teegan Waddington First quarter IS Wat- Dom Diaz 2-yard run (Chris .. BOYS VOLLEYBALL· Hughes conversion fun) Fevers and broken bones don't make .. '.. Bethlehem 3, Columbia 1 Wat - Caleb Gleason· 20-y'ard ~ppointmen_r~~~vith th17 doctor;. T_hafs why Bethlehem leaders: Jed Kubisch H interception return (conversion .... ~ Cmnl!luni!Y.'~Carc Physiciqns is_ opening ' kills; Alex Nye 28 assists run failed) .~vtll<;niF· th · 't . ,,.#I 0: nclb1tluG Ill-tO. ,ACIA ,3':JIJT3M oqq AHDIO ,l&tnsO GtlsO 1·186, Schenectady Christian 187, w.our qTuhacer...... li h:f'i . . •B 1· 21 o R ,. · n at - As. ompson, II'yard riih ~ er, 1n . ;•. ·a.~enar\4-oeyl)l~n.. s .. ~\.J(G_i .. n-~'-1\'k' k, .. -. -r . J . I! ~elkirk ~.)1,, Canajoharie/.Eort, ., -~~.?-, IC 1-?,1~ · Q II Plain 2S3, Catsltill 281,-Mayfield _V?or- James Cur.nert~lW~P•.s.s ~303, Cghoes'·319,'Maple Hill331_, from Ryan._~!\~S~!li· :ee_ enn'er ·CBA 3SO, Bishop· Gibbons 366, k•c~)., •. ; .... ·• •··.. ._ .,. . • ~ -. ., __ .. .,:,!_ ..... ··. ·Sch_oharie 3,8_1Jtijlw~t~fS6( • :~-~~Gnu.s socc_ER<:"t -- I : Top:Yoorhees.v•lle runner: Con or ... Bethlehem 6, Columbia_O ., ·save the· Date ... )Cashm(fifth place, 17:31) .. Bethlehem scoring: Kristina ~To~,R'C-S runner: Chris Roger~;:¥aksuti 3-0, Taylor ~eal 1-0, ..(22 place, 19:07) .. Lorrame Breen 1-0 Melissa Saxe R~ql·tyU SA is .. .. scores:· Voore:-·6~\ille I :0, Meg Olsen o'-3, Stephanie )3>:,:~~£i~glburlgh II O,;P.~anesourg S1ca 0-1 . ~~ . .., . 4th Annu·ar u·sed Bo.o.k .. SaJe.":: ; . ·. . .~ : ~ .·· j .... ·:. ·. ·. ;'~ ... ~<- ·_-·.,-:~·. EHEM · All proceeds to benefit·~. . . > ~ ·: "· •· .... -. ~-·. The Alzheim·er's: As·s6ciation;".·.-. lfClUB. • lEA CUES , september zot.~:&'?; TIIJN :::,.9:00 a~.~. 2:0.§!.~~;;:; .,~. Now Accepting B.ook ,pq~ation{.... at:RealtyUSA, 231 Delawar'e Ave\~=-b.~Jrlr(l'r .;:' ··· .· .·: ··:_4: 3 9 2 s a··_a_.,f.;~:.~;t:·,~/:~_ \:; _, . . ~ ..·· ~ . . . .. -~~- ~-;~~.;:, : -~~~~-;~,~ lnfllrmation about Travel Program .· . .. ' ,. . '~:~. t. :. \~\t -.. .. J.~ wi'll be available at . . : '·: ~-- · . ;~. QUISTIONS? - . ... ~- nw; . . . ·~:.: \ .. '· . . . .DR CAll . . RIID SPIRiiill 439-&&35 .IRIC NIIHAUS i 'I The Spotlight. September 17,2008 ·Page 39 than the Mets right now. Tell pull out a 14-13 vietory over.a Class ll -The Indians recovered-- from them about the time PhiJJycloser ··:·quality opponent (CBA) gets my . 1. Hudson Falls- A blocked the hurting McMurry put·on · · D Mets Brad Lidge choked time and vote. At least, for this week. · ·extra point was all that stood them in' Week 1 by shutting down (From Page 40) time again when he pitched for Class A between a victory and overtime Broadalbin-Perth in. the rain. Oliver Perez is no longer wildly Houston three years ago. Point to 1. Burnt Hills _- 1 know 1 had ror the Tigers last week against Expect similar defensive efforts incon~istent and Mike Pelfrey is Ryan Howard's ~s.cule batting Troy in this position last week, but Albany Academy. And given in the .near future. living up to the expectations of average and say, He s no Carlos anyone who saw last Friday's 60-14 how well· Schalmont played last 4. Schalmont.:. The Sabres are a former first-round. draft·pick. Delgado." . ' rompqverLan.singburgh coul.dn't week against· Hud.son (more feeling good ·about themselves Heck even Pedro Martinez has Just be ready to hand a Mets help but think the Spartans are on that later), Joe McMurry after an impressive borne win been 'pretty good, even if he is_ fan a beer, a handkerc~ief or now.clearly the team to beat and Co~pany ought to brace against Hudson last weekend. If a shell of his former dominant rosary beads the II)Oment the 2. Troy_ The Flying Horses themselves for another tough they beat Hudson Fills, though, self. · • bullpen door npens. , also looked impressive in beating game Friday in Rotterdam. they should start feeling really But it's that bullpen that's High school football Amsterdam 34-6 on the road last 2. Cohoes - Shutting out good abouqhemselves and their driving Mets fans io all kinds power ran kings- Week 2 week.· I just think Burnt Hills Cobleskill 26-0 is another sign ·chances for a West Division title. of desperate acts. The moment ClasS· AA · · looked. more impressive. that these Tige~s are ill~o f?r 5. Albany Academy - Head the bullpen door opens, Mets 1. Schenectady-The Patriots '3.cBishopMaginn-Twotough .real_. The.only thmg standing m. coachTonyFrusciohastheCadets fans start ordering beers, scored every which way possible victories over Amsterdam and their way from_ an u_ndef~ated ~pointed in the rig)lfdir~ction. clench their teeth, bite their (offense, defense and special Gloversville has me believing . re.~Iar season IS the_lr Reinfurt Then again, should anyone have fingernails, say prayers or even teams) to beat Colonie 52-14 last thafthe Golden Griffins are going· DIVISIOn showd?wn wtth Ravena- expected anything else from the wail uncontrollably. It's that bad. week. Expect more of the same to provide a serious challenge Coeymans-Selkirk.. man who guided Troy to so many And don't even get near a Mets the rest of the season. to Troy and Lansingburgh in 3. Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Winning seasons? •.· .:_ fan once Aaron "He blew another Division 1 , · 2. Saratoga-The Blue Streaks. · · one" Heilman enters the game left little doubt who is the best 4 · Lan. smg· b' urgh -Th e Knights unless you want to be hauled up· team in the Empire Division WI'II · re b oun d f rom tb e1r· I oss by your neck and thrown across t B t H'll b t b t BBC slates sign-up session after dispatching Bethlehem 41- o · urn I s, u you ave o . ' room. Tony DeLoatch is turning into won_der if they are capable of ~e o. The Bethlehem Basketball Club is holding a registration · A,t least, area Yan~ee fa!'s oneofthepremierrunningbacks beating a quality opponent.this don t have to worry hke th1s. in Class AA year. · . · " · · ' .- session for the 2008-09 recreational league season Sunday, Sept. Their team has been out of'the · . . 5. Gloversville -The Huskies 21, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Bethlehem Town Park offices on playoff bunt for a month. And 3· LaSalle - Still liking the have a' tough challenge coming , · Elm Avenue in Delmar. area Red Sox fans are feeling. C~dets after a 28-12 victory over up Friday when tliey host Burnt 'The league runs 'through the Winter.and includes co-ed fairly confident that their team Niskayuna, but not convtnced Hills. How they respond will programs for children in grades three through 12. · Will make the playoffs, although they are as good .as Scbenec;tady determine whether they stay iil For information, visit they're not taking anything for or Saratoga. At ~east, there s ~o . the to five next week. - granted. . doubt abou~ ta1lback ~arqu1s P · But Mets fans are in a panic. Terrell, w~o 1s wen on h1s way to They know the Philadelphi·a. another big season.. . . Phillies are breathing down their 4. Ballston Spa -The Scotties necks and the moment that could be a dangerous team, but bullpe~ blows aiwtger lead, it they have to learn to bold on to could mean blowing the division the football. A fourth quarter lead and a possible playoff fumbleaUowedShakertoscoreto berth-. make last week's game close, but. - So, please he!p your Met fan Ballston Spa held on for a 25-19 neighbors through this difficult victory in tough conditions. · time. Reassure them tbat·tbe . 5. Guilderland-Any team that Pbillies pitching staff is no better can be'outgained 329-182 andstill NEW PATIENTS WELCOME • Cos'!letic/hnplant Dentistry • Periodontal Therapy • Digital X-Ray -• ' -Fall Classes- • Preventive Care • Bonding/Porcelain Veneers • Orthodontics/lnvisalign • Patients Seen On .Time oi ··- THE ARTIST STUDIO .. •; . • Crowns Without Impressions (Digital-ltero) ·art. classes for adults· Participating With: Delta Dental, CIGNA PPO METLiFE, APA, GHI, Guardian • > ' lntro to Drawing (Sians September 23rd) I' Dental Payment Plan, Interest Free Financing ~vailable invisalign Call o; s~C website for more informati~n Iii! 74 Delaware Ave. • DELMAR · · I VISA 1118 '329 Ave. [email protected] '478-0645

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: Page 40 ·September 17,2008 The Spotlight • sp~tlight Young Varsity­ •- schedule Birds ' Wednesday, Sept. 17 Fml.D HOCKEY Bethlehem at Columbia, 6 p.m. ·falter GoLF Bethlehem, 4 p.m. By ROB JONAS R·C-S at Mechanicville, 4 p.m. [email protected]. Voorheesville at Waterford, Experience is· a valuable 4p.m. commodity in high school football. BOYS SOCCER Thatpointwas hammered horrie ·Lansingburgh at Voorheesville, in Watervliet last Saturday, where 4:15p.m. the veteran-laden Cannoneers 'Mechanicville at Ravena­ dominated an inexperienced Coeymans-Selkirk, 4:15p.m. ·Voorheesville team 54-7. GIRLS SOCCER The Blackbirds (0-2) Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake at couldn't get anything started Bethlehem, 4 p.m. Voorheesville quarterback Nick Duncan (14) eludes a· watervliet defender during last Saturday's Class C South Division game.· · · · . • - Rob JonaS/Spotlight 0 Birds Page 37 GIRLS TENNIS .~ ..... Bethlehem at Averill Park, 4 p.m. BOYS VOlLEYBALL

·Shaker at Bethlehem, 4 p.m: Said leads. BC in,~ first~ meet- ·GIRLS ·volLEYBALL Girls team places -' T%e next-fastest runner was Cobleskill at R-C-S, 4 p.m. Cliris Collier, who placed 45•• fifth at Springstead overall .with a time of 18:18.41. Voorheesville at Albany' Dan Lee (51" place, 18:37.62), Academy, 5 p.m. Invitational Ari·Rodriguez (6::1'', 19:19.17) Thursday, Sept. 18 and Lucas Martin (64"', 19:31.91) By ROB JONAS rounded out Bethlehem's tep GoLF [email protected] . ' . ' : ' ~ _ Bethlehem at Suburb"!' Council . .... The Bethlehem. boys cross Bethlehem be-more Tournament, 3:30p.m. country program is rebuilding its competitive at large meets as BoYS SOCCER reputation one step at a time: · the season goes on. Ayers said he expects Spencer Gyory, who Bethlehem at Burnt Hills­ After a couple of down years, didn't run at the Springstead the Eagles are looking to become Ballston Lake, 4 p.m. · "- Invitational;·to join Said as a a factor in the Suburban Council SOCCER consistent top-20 finisher at GIRLS again. ~ ··· I'f • invitational meets. '" Voorheesville at R-C-S, 4 p.m. ; "Hopefully, there will be a • '! '- . Bethlehem's girls cross G~ SWIMMING . lot of improvement. That's what country team also had a promising Bethlehem at Burnt Hi'lls­ we're .looking for," said first­ performance at the Springstead Ballston Lake, 4:30p.m. . year head coach Adam Aye~s. Invitational. The L3,dy--'Eag\es "Hopefully, _we'll peak at the end finished fifth,out·of nine teams GIRLS TENNIS I <0 of the season." Albany Academy at Voorhees­ t:"li~_,'li\1:-~ . with-'12Tpoints. Beihlehem turned in a decent 'Shannon McCartan and Amy ville, 4 p.m. performance in its first invitational Luke placed in the top 25 for Bethlehem at Mohonasen. 4 p.m. of 2008; last Saturday's Ed Bethlehem. McCartan finished· .Springstead Invitational at Colonie ' GIRLS VOlLEYBALL ~:c .....,:~r>i",; ~ ""~~_,,.... · 14"' with a time of 20:11.80, while Tovin Park in Latham. Though·: Luke took 21" place in a time of Mechanicville at Voorheesville, the Eagles placed ninth out of 11 4p.m. 20:26.16. ' . boys teams with 229 points, they "I think she's a little Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake at received a boost from newcomer Bethlehem, 5 p.m. disappointed," Bethlehem girls Yousef Said, who finished sixth in coach Jack Rightmyer said of Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk at a time of 16:42.19. McCartan. "I think she was Lansingburgh, 5:30p.m. "It's a pretty big performance hoping for a top-10 finish, but it's · Friday, Sept. 19 for him," Ayers said of Said, who ·a long season." joined the cross country team Kim Kenney· (26'• place, .... ' ~w-:-uocKEY . after not making the boys soccer 20:41.41), Marie! Doyle (30"', Shen at Bethlehem, 4. p.m. team. 'That's a pretty good time. 20:57.66) and Kate Thomas Itwasonly30 seconds off the lead (~6'\ 21;22.06) rounded out FoOTBALL rUllller." · . Bethlehem's top five. Bethlehem at Columbia, 7 p.m. · The spread between Said and Bethlehem traveled to Hudson at R-C-S, 7 p.m. his Bethlehem teammates was Rotterdam Tuesday for a the only issue for the Eagles GoLF. at the Springstead Invitational. Ed Springstead Invitational in la!ham. 0 Said .Page 37 R-C-S, Voorheesville at Colonial Council Tournament, 8:30a.m. Averill Park, Mohonasen at Bethlehem, 4 p.m. Be kind to suffering Mets supporters . . BoYS soccER If you see any New York Mets title. They've gotten into· a nasty did any hope he had of playing. R-C-S at Schalmont, 4:15p.m. fans walking around the Capital habit of blowing leads in the Now, he needs Tommy Johri Voorheesville at Cohoes, District over the next two weeks; eighth and ninth fnnings, and surgery to repair the tendon and 4:15p.m. please be kind to them. Offer no matter what.their.managers .ligament dam~ge in his_throwing have tried (first Willie Raridolph, SOCCER.· them a sympathetic pat on the arm. Chances are.that at the age GIRLS back and some comforting words then Jerry Mru.mel), they are still of 37, he won't make a Tommy Guilderland at Bethlehem, 4 p.m. such as "hang in there" or ~'it'~ blowing leads. John-Eisque comeback. GIRLS TENNIS OK" A knowing nod will suffice. Ofcourse, itdoesn't help when At least, the offense is working Wat~rvliet at R-C-S, 4 p.m. You see, Mets fans are your closer (in this case, Billy better. than it did during last year's The starting pitching has also worried about their team- more Wagner) has an arm injury that collapse. Jose Reyes is getting on BOYS VOlLEYBALL I be~n pretty good. Johan Santana I specifically, their bullpen. It just will keep him .out until 2010. base, Carlos Beltran and Carlos has delivered every time he's Bethlehem at Saratoga Springs, ·: hasn't been the same since last Wagner thought he could pitch Delgado are hitting, and David taken to the pitcher's mound, 4p.m. i year's colossal collapse that cost through the pain, but once his Wright is on another ,late--season them tlie National League East control went out the wmdow, so tear. 0 Mets Page 39 ' . · ...... ,"'• ... ·; .... ,...... • "'.r. •'"·~· ... -:•.- '" ...... - .. . ,' . -3ETHL!::Ht:M PUBLIC LlERAiiY

• Add warmth to hardwood floors _ ------. Ptlge~2 . ' . -\ ·~ • It's not the same-old rodf : -· · · · < ' ·;.. _/.- · . ·Pa;i:w 1 ...... -. ~-.• . "' - ....: . . .- .. .,;: : ~---•Froln-comffion ·focust6mized-

... ' ·. ' - ' • . ,• o/ Put the 'family' back into yourJamily room

ince families first moved to forget you bought, you'll latest family portrait, pictures r out of caves and into hous­ need to get the junk out before from your favorite vacation, I Ses, people have been look­ you can reclaim the room for even your oldest's bronzed ing to create the ideal room to your family. · Likewise, if the baby shoes. If you really want bring family members together room is· crammed with sou­ to make a family-oriented for quality time. venirs and memorabilia from statement, consider convert­ In the beginning, there was family trips, it will be visually ing a favorite family photo into the living room, and families overwhelming - and not feel a wallpaper mural and making - unaware of the coming joys welcoming to family members. it a central piece in the room's of television - gathered there 3. Be sure the room includes decor. At www.muralsyourway. in the evening to spend time com, you can have an easy-to­ together. Then, the rec room install wallpaper mural made evolved, but it was often in the from your personal photos, and basement 'or away from the you can customize the size to home's main living area, and fit in your room. inhabitants felt isolated. And so 5. Families that dine together the family room arose, to satis­ . '' regularly are closer than those fy the need for a place where · who don't, studies show. Many families could gather, play and · of us use our family rooms for enjoy one another while still informal meals or just to share being in the main part of the a fun S!Jack time ·together. If you make house. the kitchen isn't close to your an easy-to-im;all wallpaper mural from Sadly, it's easy· for your fam­ family room, you might .want your pers/J:'Icl photos, and you can size it ily room's purpose to get lost to find a spot in the room for a to f. t in your room. in the hectic pace and clutter microwave, small refrigerator of everyday life. If it's time for or even a bar sink. times when we watch DVDs player. If music is your family's your family to rise up and re­ 6. For all the colloquial wis- together C•n our large-screen, passion, a surround-sound ste­ claim this room·, here are some· dom that says technology dep­ hig!J.-definition plasma TVs. Be reo system might be in order. tips for putting the "fainily" something for every age group ersonalizes interactions, fami­ sure the preEence of technol­ It's also a good idea to locate back into "family room." ·· ,:, represented in your core fam­ lies have always used it to draw ogy in your faffiily room match­ the family desktop computer in ' 1. Really think about how ily. Small children won't feel at closer together- from the days es the level ofits importance in this room, where parents will I you and your family will use home in a room with sophisti­ when families sat around the your lives. If you erijoy watch­ find it easier to monitor kids' the room. Will it just be a place cated grown-up decor and furni­ radio listening to news reports ing a lot oo movies, you'll want computer and Internet time. where you all gather to watch ture that they can't sit (or play) or comedy shows, to modern to invest in a good TV and DVD TV? Or will you be playing on. Likewise, parents will feel games there, holding family left out in a family room filled meetings, hosting kids' play to bursting with kids toys and Add warmth with hardwood floors over radiant heat dates, ·etc.? Make a list of all not much else. To make a room ardwood flool]l add beauty, constructicn U.ere. maple, hickory, walnut and oth­ the activities you ·expect will truly functional for the entire Hwarmth·and lasting value to More aad more Americans er fine hardwood flooring over take place in your family room family, you'll need to choose any home. Combine that beauty are opting fur ndiant heat in new ·radiant heat." on a : regular basis. Knowing furniture and decor that can be and durability with the comfort, construction and retro-fit instal­ how the rooin is really. used useful aiid comfortable for" ev­ decorating freeoom and the low­ lations, Ac•:crding to the Ameri­ Lower operating costs and will help in the steps ahead. ery member of the family. er cost benefits of radiant heat, can. Hardwood Information decorating freedom 2. Cut the clutter. If your fam­ 4. It's your family room, so and you have· a great combina­ Center . (www.Hardwoodinfo. .Instead of warming th'e air ily rc:fom has become a storage don't be afraid to show off your tion. Add the overall environ­ com) and Gil Thurm, executive and circulating it throughout space for furniture that doesn't beautiful family in the room's mental benefits and it is .win-win vice presicknt <>f the Hardwood · the home, radiant heat· is em- . ..,. __ ' ·, '··· fit anywhere else in' the house, decor. This is the spot where all around." · ' '' ' · · Manufacturers AssoCiation, bedded under the floor anq uses o"r the treadmill that you'd like it's appropriate to display the The concept of radiant heat­ "Not so long ago, some ·home electricity or hot water to warm ing is not new.. AS' early as 60 builders would ·discourage the Q>e floor and to evenly distribute A:D., the Roman.s heated bath use of hardwood over radiant low-temperature heat. ,, Hom­ houses from a· heat source be­ heat becatJSe of concerns about eowners. report '-loweririg' their low the floor surface and let it ra­ hardwood'~ natUral' expansion thermostats from 72 degrees to diate upward into the. structure. and contraction. : But newer 65 degrees due to the. constant .sanitiliri* Europeans have long embraced building materials and installa­ 85 to 90 degree temperature of "radiant heating,' which is used tion techniques allow faultless the floor, often cutting energy THE ·cHOICE .OF. THE PROFESSIONALS in 50 to 80 percent of new home installations ~f oak, ash, cherry, biDs by 20 to 40 percent: Since the heating source is below the floor, there are no visible heating outlets . .Without -Buy this registers-, radiators or baseboard .~ ~ .. one••. . , .... tlanifin heaters, furniture can be placed anywhere in· the room without • Power ~ >· •· llomenuild.ers • Performan~e· CustOm llomes And Adclit.ions BuiE On Your Lot continued on next page • Durability ... get this one • Convenience *Variable FREE*. Warranties to ·- 6 Pc. Tool Set 10 Years on Motor • Great For Stairs • Furniture • Cars -~~ •Sanitaire · - ~ SYSTEM

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_, I Professional home decor tips for selling, staying and going green

espite a slumping econo­ of home sellers said kitchen de­ regions and styles. my, home improvements sign is very or extremely impor­ Dremain .a popular invest­ tant to their purchase decision. Tip: "Eclectic interior design ment for homeowners. With is difficult to achieve," says La­ paint rollers and hammers in Tip: According to LaPorta, Porta. "Claiming mix-master hand, they're getting the most the kitchen the most used, style is not an excuse to com· out of their home-improvement equipment-heavy and expensive­ bine furniture and deeor that dollar with do-it-yourself proj­ to-renovate room in the home, has nothing in common. Instead, ects that make a dramatic differ- · but it is invaluable to a house's try clustering various elements ence. selling potential. "When it comes into cohesive groups. !'md a Thre.e-quarters of Americans to selling, new appliances have· common element, like color or· and Canadians ·plan to renovate the greatest impact on kitchen pattern, to create a well-blended this year, even though only one appeal," ·says LaPorta. "If you're match." · in 10 homeowners plan to sell not able to make a large invest· their homes, according to the ment, achieve a similar effect by Going Green fourth edition of the annual updating cabinetry with fresh Finding: Seventy-nine percent KILZ Roller Report. The report coats of primer and paint. This, of homeowners don't know what offers insight on the housing along with new cabinet· hard­ low VOC paint or primer is, and market, green design and reno­ ware, will make a kitchen ap­ 82 percent don't know where to vation plans from more than pear brand new at a fraction of buy it. . . 1,000 American and Canadian the cost of a full renovation." homeowners ·and 300 American Tip: ''Vohitile organic com· professional painters and con­ Staying pounds, or VOCs, are chemical tractors. Usa LaPorta, designer Finding:. Three quarters of compounds in .many traditional and host of HGTV's "Designed homeowners (75 percent) plan· building products, including to Sell," interprets the survey ning to stay in their current resi· paint, adhesives and colorants. results and helps homeowners dence will complete a renovation They can vaporiZe into the atmo­ make good design decisions - in the next year. sphere, affecting indoor and out­ whether they're selling, staying door air quality," says LaPorta. or going green. Tip: According to LaPorta, 'The term 'low VOC' means the homeowners can quickly and P.aint may have less of an impact Selling . inexpensively transform their on air quality and the environ· · -Finding: More than half of ho­ . hammers are getting the homes with paint. "Applying a ment than traditional formulas." meowners (56 percent) planning most out oftheir home-improvement dollar with do-it-yourself projects fresh coat of primer and paint "Water·based paint and prim­ to sell in the next year will com­ , , that make a dramatic differ~nce. "' is the easiest way to, transform ers, often referred, to as !at~ · plete minor to moderate renova· · a space with minimal time ,and coatings, are generally.lower, in tions like painting the exterior an American colonial house with remain neutral· on the interior, financial investment," she says. VOCs than• oil-based pain is and of their house or touching up Tuscan orange P.aint," she says. but you can do so in riclf tones. Homeowners can elevate the primers," says LaPor.ta. :'Choos­ interior walls to enhance their "Save bold colors for trim, shut­ "Neutral. doesn't' alway!;' meari exterior appeal of; their .. home ing, them. over oil, based , paint home's market value.··· "' ters and the front door. Bhick, beige," says LaPorta~ "TrY pain't! by paying attention to details. is an easy way to be ·more eco­ red or'hunter',green high gloss ing iJ1terior walls with shades 'The exterior of a house makes friendly." " . Tip: LaPorta ·emphasizes the paint oit these· areas adds polish of deep taupe, warm grey or the first impression and details LaPorta doesn't see green ·itnportance ofShiYing trUe tfra 'th:a hoffie." ~ ··-- '· · __. ' "' · soft liro\Vn.' All ate 'trend'right make- a world· of .difference,1 building as a trend, but as the honie's'architectui-al style when and make an impact without says -LaPorta. "Add a fresh coat next evolution in home design. Pl)i~l\'."i its exterior. "Don't J?aint When. seliing,. . it's' safer. to over\vhelming interior design. of primer and paint to trim ar- "Going green doesn't need to Regardless of p_aint color, start ·eas;store trash· bins out ofsight feel·overwhelming," she says. .. 0 '• I! HARDyYOOD ~ with a high quality water-based 'and invest in a quality landscap- fStart small by sWitching tc:i • Envir

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CertainTeedl:-1 September 17,2008 • Page S3

.' ·..... ·· . : . :· . : . •. •, It's .not t h e~ ·. r- r = = same old roof or almost a century now, Interlock Permanent Roof / asphalt shingles have System from New York's Best Fbeen the choice of most Roof. , homeowners and builders. The Interlock roof is not Why? Well, they're cheap, new- more than 100,000 have they're easy to install, and been installed over the past . they do the job ..: for a: while three decades - but it is new J. anyway (The Capital District to the Capital District area. Yellow Pages has 12 pages of And' it's not your run-of-the­ mill standing seam steel roof •t...... - roofing contractors listed - a ... ·1 lot of roofs must continually either. In fact, it's not steel, ..• t' need replacing!). On his Web · it's not standing seam, it's not site, www., the es­ shiny, and it definitelY is not teemed Bob Vila says: "Buyer noisy when it rains. What it is, beware. When if comes to is an aluminum shingle. pattern shingles, the drawbacks cen­ or slate design roof that pres­ ter on service life. While as­ ents an extremely elegant and phalt shingles coine with war­ aesthetically pleasing look, a ranties from 20 to as 10ng as roof that can be brea~taking 45 years, roofers apd builders ' remain. skeptical of those war­ • One of the easiest ways for homeowners to limit their environmental impact is to consider replacing the ranties. Since warranties are lighting inside their home. a marketing device, they are . ·not a reliable' predictor of lifes­ pan. In the past decade, there Be with LED lights have· been many complaints ec·o~_wise of asphalt shingle failure long ith :more and more longer fhan a traditional incan­ so long, fhere is less waste going before warranties expired. people concerned descent bulb and five times lon­ into landfills. Unlike compact flu­ Many homeowners have been Wabout fhe environ­ ger fhan a compact fluorescent orescent bulbs, these lights do dissatisfied with warranty pay­ ment, building and decorating bulb (CFL). You may never have not contain dangerous mercury. outs that didn't cover the costs green has never been more pop. to change your bulb again be­ You won't have to worry about of repair or replacement." ular. One of the easiest ways for cause' each light is·estimated to disposing of fhe bulbs properly Drive around any city or homeowners to limit fheir envi- last 50,000 hours. or having toxins in your home. mature .suburban area and 'A'' • • J' '.I'' look up at all those beautiful ~ ron~en~lHJi~act is· to:'c

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Page S4 • September 17, 2008 HomeDecorating&Remodeling•SpotlightNewspapers

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Fashion forward: Managing modern decor in your home ant to incorporate mod­ touch. Wern decor into your home, Another way to make your but not sure where to start? move toward modern is to re­ Make your home more fashion place faucets in the kitchen and forward with a few fresh ideas bathroom with more geomet­ that will help create a look that ric, clean styles. The new Level is modern, yet comfortable and kitchen and bath collections livable. from Moen meet the need for minimalist home styling. Sleek,­ / Keep it siri:tple, not cold contemporary lines and high­ / Modern decorating can often arc spouts coordinate beautifully •// ' ' challenge homeowners. The· with today's modern interiors. ;. clean lines, polished surfaces, In the kitch!"n, the Level pull­ strong geometric shapes and down faucetmakes performing everyday tasks · such as filling large pots, pitchers and vases in and around the sink~ si'mple. In addition, new finishes such as the UfeShine Classic Stainless finish. a cool-grey hue. provide 'a warmer take on the contempo­ rary design and also coordinate with stainless steel kitch~n ap­ -r------· r -· · ·sew_::,. h;~~~~~~~:=.~_..... ___ ,_.~[!!!!~~!!!!l=::o:~ pliances, sinks and hardware. · The Level bath collection also . New Level kitchen faucets from Moen feature minimalist styling and enhanced pulldown [u11ctionality. makes a bold, modern state­ ment with its . tubular-shaped customizable shelving froin Shed Some light designs. Or try wall sconces handle available in both a single­ IKEA:s IAXVIK system, wJ:tich Ughting is extremely impor- with sharp lines in boxy pat- i) handle, single-Iiole mount (both features,geometric styling and a . tant . in contemporary design, , terns and shapes; you11 increase 7-inch and 12-inch to accommo­ cool metallic finish. and is often seen as the key to · the-modern feel of the room and date vessel sink applications) as As a contrast to stark, metal illuminating the room's design. add soft lighting to complement asymmetry can sometimes ap­ well as a two-handle widespread accents, utilize more rugged When choosing lighting for the strong designs· throughout pear <;old and uninviting. But style. wood in accessoii!!S such as your home, there are many new the space. · that doesn't mean you should photo and art frames or bar options available that provide-in- ,Getting .your home into the stay away from modern pieces Ifs in the details stools. When it comes to modern teresting, clean lines. modern miX doesn't have to be altogether. Incorporating key pieces and wood surfaces, contemporary Track lighting or floor lamps hard. Use these ideas to make Avoid going too over-the top paying close attentiun to detail designs bring out the extremes, are popular in contemporary . your move toward modern to-

and "slowly incorporate mod~rn will make your modern designs featuring very light or very dark design and often employ met- day. · , " · _ 1 ~l~pients to ~eep yourde_cor;;e­ feel cohesive. Use metal accents tones, so look for shades that als or bold colors to reinforce ··;,.For information ori the Level l. fined and elegant. You can start throughout your home, like complement the rest. of your · the other metal accessori{!s or . collection or other: Moeri proil- with a few room basics, such as chrome, nickel or stainless steel, ' deeor. As 'an 'ideal background splashes 'of color incorpor,ated ''ucts, visit wwW.'' or minimalist chairs or tables, and to add a co-ntemporary touch. for your modern elequihts, paint into the room. Peridarit,ligl)iing . call (800)BUY-MOEN (800-289- then move on to accessories To make any room in your home , ~ooms _iri rie\'tral c?lor'S to _high- ,_is another great "!'ay to bri~hten · ;,~63~): ·.,~ •. ~-:,;". i.w . such as paintings for a fr";sh more modern; con~ider addirlg lig~tyo_ur~P.d.~~~~·.,~.~~ .. ~·~- ,~) ~y~:mr ~pace an~ sQoVfcase: Y~lUr :11 ,1 • ., l t•~•q -d, w··r:f·,, ~:::: ,,- ... ,H.Q.Y(~Jo J.rn.ptQY~ ::yo·~_r:;h_P.Jn·e.'s_ io.d_oQr,_a ir _q .'"-'P_Uty "There's beeri a lot of atten- New homes have been· built · common i~do.or irritants and sh~rtness of breath, dizziness, . Install and use. fans vented to · · tion focused lately on the · incn!asingly'. · air-tight during how _to deal wjth them: lethargy, fever. and digestive outdoors in kitchens and bath- · ,. '-'role indoor air pollution 'the past 15''years! Remodel- •problems. Can cause asthma, rooms. plays in our-ability to live··a ers are tightening th~m tip' as ._'~Pollu~t: ~W~~-~~or. "·~~lst "humidifier fever, influenza and 9· ,., '1' Wll ·•rl'l healthy life sty' le. In fact; over well with new windows, caulk- walls,. ceilings, . carpets 1and other infectious'diseases,'lh ;• • •Pollutant: Cigarefte smoke the last several years,-a grow- ing and" insulation to prevent furniture, _poorly, maintained Solution: Empty water trays · ,, ··• : q ·n.• !. ,. " • , ing body of scientific evidence cool air from leaking out in humidifiers, , dehumidifiers in air conditioners, dehumidi- •!ill Health .Effects: 'Can 'cause has indicated that the air with- the summertime and warm air and air conditioners. tiers·, and refrigerators:· fre- eye, nose, and throat irritation, in homes and other buildings from escaping during winter. Health Effects- in chide eye, quently. Clean and dry or re- ·· " ' continued on page S7 can be more seriously pollut- Synthetic. building• materials nose and throat· _irritation, move water-damaged carpets. ed than the outdoor air in even used in green building can re­ the largest. and most industri- lease harmful chemicals into alized cities. :the air. Dust and mold, and· The problem is so. signifi- fumes from common house­ cant, the Environmental Pro- hc;>ld items like air fresheners tection Agency currently lists and scented candles add to poor indoor air quality as the the problem. fourth largest environmental The result' is an increase threat in the United States. in the number ·of indoor pol­ EPA studies show that lev- lutants that release gases or els of air pollution inside the particles into the air. They are home are often. two to five making thousands of people times higher than outdoor lev- sick every year. But there are els. · some simple steps you can The 'problem is due in a take to protect yourself and large part _to efforts to make your family. . homes more energy-efficient. Here are some of the most -WINDOWS

lr~l: I :1!1 MEt1l1. ROORRG IWJlJKE • THERMA TRU • JELDWEN SIGNIFICANT SAVINGS TO HOMEOWNERS FOR HELP IN CREATING MARKET AWARENESS VIA • PEACHTREE • MASONITE PRODUCT EXPOSURE IN THEIR COMMUNITY ~ FIBERGlASS • STEEL • WOOD • VINYL, 1~888-695-2787 From common to customized • ether' you're selling in every design_ style from intri­ above the breakfast bar or table. trim around doors for elegant or elliptical dome. A dome will our home or planning cate Victorian gables to modern Wheth~r simple or elegantly casings and add a chair rail at allow for a· larger, more drainatic o live there for years ·clean-lined ceiling domes. embellished, a medallion will mid-wall height. For .a look fea­ light fixture while adding depth W: enhance any light fixture and tured in four-star hotels, paint like a tray ceiling. to cpme, you can add interest and value using architectural el­ Here are a few easy design create a focal point the wall below the chair rail a ements. Customizing your kitch­ tips that use architectural ele­ muted, relaxing color and use Master bedroom - en, bath or master bedroom is ments to bring your kitchen, • Build an "oven nook." Us­ a slightly lighter shade of the From routine to relaxing " a simple way to set your home bath or master bedroom from ing a shelf or fireplace mantel same color above the chair rail. • Trimming the bedroom apart and increase the "wow fac­ ordinary to extraordinary. and some decorative corbels, with crown moulding shows tor" of those particular rooms, you can create the look of a • Add a decorative shelf or attention to detail and comple­ which real estate agents say sell Kitchen- · custom built-in cooking station mantel for display of art, plants ments rooms of any style. houses. From la~kluster to luxury found in model homes. or. your favorite fragrance bot­ Architectural elements· are • Stock cabinets can be plain tles. • Add a niche to your wall for the unique details that· form the and boring. Add decorative Bathroom­ dramatic display space. High­ architectunil siyle of houses corbels (an architectural sup­ From So-so to Spa· • Add to the height of the continued 011 page· SB and buildings. Th.ese include port bracket). panel and crown • Switch out the simple wood bathroom by installing a round anything from stairways . and mouldings to create a high-end, fireplace mantels to columns · customized appearance. and ornaments. Examples of ·T as.te-test your styl_e desires architectural details ·are found • Add a ceiling medallion . ust as you get your fashion ideas from the pages of top Jglamour magazines, so do home decor manufacturers. That's right. from paint colors and textile patterns to fixture fin- _ ishes - what. accessorizes our outfits is stunningly similar to what accessorizes our homes. But while you ·may have pe­ rused the style m'agazines and been tempted by the unique de­ signs - it's often a daring step to implement them. So, why not start small? Your powder room is likely the smallest room in your _y home - and could have the po­ tential for your biggest style im­ --.( pact. With a few .small changes Y,ou can go from drab to glam with some new styles and bold H updates.

Bright ideas , Colors hqve made it back into .f our wardrobes after years of ' ,' .. ·. ·' gray. days .. Today, runways are ...... ~---, packed with models showing off the year's hottest hues - bright, Create a focal point and a beautiful framing effect for your mi'rr"'ors vibrant blues and greens and with new Mirrorscapes Mirror Frames from Inspirations by Moen.- signature jewel topes. Incorpo­ ti~~· and ~~~es in· a' wide varie~ ~o~d while addi~~ some un~x­ rate more· color irito your'powder of metallic and. wood finishes. pected whimsy and charm into r.oom with paint that ·makes a The · innov~tive . system is easy the bath. statement. Pantone Inc., the glob­ enough for. a DIY~r to install in .' ' al authority on color, has selected minutes and can turn most any . Modern-mania , Blue Iris - a bold and balanced wall-mounted, .Plate-glass mirror , Just as .today's fashions, are ' Add a ··wow factor" to your bath or master bedroom using blue-purple· hue :.. as its "Color into a beautifully coordinated, · sleek, simple and shiny -.faucet architectural elemetzls. of the Year" for 2008. Other·"it" custom-designed look.' . · manufacturer Moen incorporat­ colors that the company expects ... ed these cues into the new Level .. will be on walls everywhere this Lighten up . bath suite. This sleek, modern year include its Rococco Red and Today's trendsetters are in­ collection features a geometric Daiquiri Green. stalling chandeliers in unexpect­ single-handle single-hole mount 30'- 75°/o OFF ed places, like the powder rooin; faucet in a contemporary chrome . ' Pidure ~erfect The Calais Chandelier from· Z finish. Paired with a black, white NAME BRAND Now, ffilmmalist metals are · Gallerie features· a modern vin­ or clear glass vessel sink, the hot for the home. Why not spruce !age-inspired design, with its faucet can punch up your pow­ . WINDOW up ~our bathroom walls With me- sweeping curves and dramatic der room with an extra modern tal~c-framed vmtage ?lack and black finish. Or, for an earthy edge. TREATMENTS; wh1te photos or advertisement:>? twist on: the overhead lighting, • BLIND~ .•l And, to c~eate a focal pomt !"Y a chandelier made of Capiz; Ac"essorize ·in style ' . •SHADES an d a bea~tiful franung effe_ct a flat semi-transparent shell with No powder room update is for your rmr_rors try new M•r- a pearlescent appearance, such . complete without stylish acces­ •DRAPERIES rors?'p~s Mrrror Frames fro~ as World Market's Coffee Soinch . sories to pull it all together. It's . • TOP TREATMENTS !nsprrations by M~en. l_be Mrr- Hanging Pendant For the per: the little details that make a big •SHADINGS ~orscapes collection mclud~s· feet amount of light no matter difference and many options five different sty!es of custo~- what style lighting you choose', are available to ~eet any design ., able frames rangmg from c_la~.s•c install a dimmer. You can set the tastes. Fo~ a clean, sophisticated ...... o.v· sPiciAL­ elegance to modern soph1stica- · look in the bath, the !so bath ac­ cessory collection from Inspira- · lions by Moen offers sleek styling ADDITioNAL 10°/o OFF I and .a contemporary chrome fin­ ish. It includes a variety of unique our already discounted prices accessories such as a robe hook, I when you measure and instail I pivoting paper holder, towel ring, single and double towel bars, THROUGH 12/31/08 OTTERBECK ... pivoting .decorative mirror and - - ~. BUILDERS INC. a glass .shelf. An attractive wall­ ---- mounted toothbrush/tumbler Blinds, Shades & More ~ Remodeling & .Renovations holder and wall-mounted soap 518-477-1438 .• Fax 518-477-2572 ·dish round out the offering. 1602 VanVranken Avenue If you're looking to taste-test your style desires, look no fur­ Schenectady, NY ther than the nearest fashion • Additions, Dormers • Decks, Sunrooms magazine for inspiration. They 518-374-9871 ·offer a host of hot ·style ideas - • Kitchens, Baths • Windows/Siding not oQiy for your wardrobe, but M-F 8:30-:- 5:00 • Basement Remodel also to _pump up your powder . ' room. •.1:- • .,. 1: 11: HomeDecorating&Remodeling•SpotlightNewspapers ! . ~ Secrets of successftJI collectors rom Star 'Nars stamps to set in every color, except Sap­ Pez dispensers, collectors ~~~- phire," she says. While shelving Fall' over the world scour or cabinets are ideal, some col­ everything from auctions to lectors designate entire rooms antique festivals searching for to their collections. "It really de­ pieces equal to the "holy grail" pends on the size of your items, in their collectible categories. and overall collection," adds What drives. them? For some, English; it's the thrill of the hunt. For others, it's having the most Don't settle prized possession in the palm . Settling for a specific piece of their hands. For all, however, that is less than perfect is a big it's the camaraderie amongst mistake. For instance, don't· like. collectors looking for that purchase the sugar bowl sans same big find. lid - it will surely disappoint. For the avid collector or am­ Most collectors buy an item ateur, the world's most devout thinking they'll find the missing - fanatics of Fiesta Dinnerware lid or accessory, which is rarely - share their secrets to build- the case. Purchase only intact, ing a collection that will make well:maintained pieces for the · your c.ollecting comrades green best return oii investment. with envy. Look for "numbered" items Determine your goals ·or limited editions ·There are two goals in col­ Unn collects for quality, not lecting: buying what you love quantity. "I used to pick up odds and buying what will resell at a and ends," he says. "Now, I only higher price. First, determine if For-some collectors, it's the thrill of the hunt that drives them. For others, it's having the most prized buy numbered or special edi­ you love to collect this item or posoession in the palm of their ha11ds. tion items." if you plan to buy, sell or even personal. He ate off of a Fiesta rare they are compared to oth­ trade. Then collect accordingly, plate (always Cobalt blue) at ers and what conditions are ac­ Display the prize Shop "secondary" markets says Wendy English of Arizona. his grandmother's house in the ceptable for resale, especially if Don't make the mistake of Unn looks to the ·Internet, English is literally "driven" 'by mid 1960s. With her passing in you plan to sell or trade. storing items in a cardboard box online shopping sites and even her love of Fiesta. Vanity plates 1986, he found that same, now in the garage. Maintain them by blogs for hard-to-find pieces. "I on both her vehicles are: FIES­ vintage, plate and became a col­ · Make friends keeping them out where you look for items made in a year TA! and LVDISHES. lector of his grandmother's be­ What better way to find the and others can enjoy them. And ending in five or zero," he says. loved dinnerware. latest and greatest informa­ what better way to keep inven- This year, Fiesta collectors are Pick your passion tion about your collectables toryofwhatyou have and need? buzzing about the first of three People start coliections for Do your homework than from your peers? Join a However, be sure to keep frag- anniversary collections. Con­ as many reasons as there are Ifyou don'tknowmuch about club-dedicated to your desires. He and extremely rare items sidered an Am~rican ic?n, the items to collect - nostalgia, as the category you're collecting, You11 find everything you want behind glass or in cases to keep brand _turns. 7~ m 2011. 'When a means of investment and car­ you might be duped when pur­ to know about the category and them from being broken or , there IS a lim1ted color collec- rying on a tradition. For Har­ chasing a coveted item. Know you'll ·make friends that share soiled lion with special back-stamp, it vey Linn of North Carolina, it's the 1/alUe of certain items, how your passion. · makes the collecting community Display by theme, very happy," he says. Today, the logical goals to its three-year 'tons. style or time period 75th anniversary mixing bowls AIR business plan that completes To create an eye-catchirig are available at retail stores, -· --··I! .... -~- . • . . ··but next· year the item ·retires from page 85 in March 2010. • o· Panasonic employees are disp"\ay, look for commonalities encouraged to spread environ­ like color or time period. Eng­ and says Unn, ''will trickle into headaches and lung cancer, o Panasonic will accelerate mental activities throughout lish collects only vintage pieces secondary markets and become and may contribute to heart the development and adoption the world. .•. . ··· and displays them by the place the newest must-have." disease. Homes with. one or of energy-saving technologies . WhisperGree!'. ventilation setting jn her kitchen. "I have a more smokers may have parti­ while eliminating products fans are available . througn cle levels several times higher wi'th poor energy-efficiency. plumbing and HVAC than outdoor levels. distribution throughout the Solution: Do not smoke in • Panasonic will reduce country. Log. on to www.Pana­ your home or permit others C02 emissions from all its ac­ for a store to ilo so. If smoking indoors tivities worldwide by 300,000 locator. can't be avoided, increase ventilation in the area where SII!Oking takes place. Open windows or use an exhaust fan. In the past, many people were reluctant to install vent faris because they were noisy and annoying, but technol­ ogy has come a long way. The PanasoniC Home and Environ­ ment Company; for example, "'* Quality Cabinets now offers the WhisperGreen line of ventilation fans that are "'* Computer Layout & Design design· illuminate • enjoy not only quiet, but up to 460 Cast aluminum . Cast aluminum percent more energy efficient "'* Direct Ship & Installation and solid brass in -,in Regency than minimum Energy Star Regency Bronze · Bronze finish wilh 4lllilll!l6 finish with etched • clear seedy sand-,.""4... -­ requirements. They have· a Stay at Home... . seedy glass blasted glass revolutionary DC motor rated for continuous run, and are We'll Bring the Showroom to YOU! equipped with a Smart Ac­ (Showroom visits by appointment only) Save Energy tion . motion sensor that acti­ vates when someone enters Use CFL's · the room they are installed in. Some models are even DWM KITCHENS equipped with night lights. Kitchen & Bath Cabinetry - "By using simple, ·afford­ ·- able solutions, consumers can For Builders, Remodelers & Homeowners contribute. to environmentally Wagner Rd., Altamont, NY 12009 'ij conscious building and, more tJ 56233 importantly, protecting them­ Office & Fax 861-0070 o Cell 505-7071 56236 selves from harmful indoor air Energy Star products use less energy, save money on electric bills, pollutants," says Victor Flynn, and help protect the environmi!nt. the company's National Mar­ Personalized Service keting Manager. 32 Years Experience In addition to offering prod­ 2020 Central Ave., Colonie ucts people can feel good ·OUR PRICES WON'T BE BEAT BY Hours: Mon. -Fri. 10-6, Sat. 9-4 ·about, The Panasonic Home and Environment Company BIG CHAIN STORES! recently added some new eco- 862-1651 Winterizing: EasY ste-p$ to help save ·money ·and the environment

old weather is on the ho­ 'That fact, combined with the insulate efficiently. Replacing di· , threatening to leak new sense of practicality about lapidated doors can help lower Cinto your home and send home improvement, shows that heating and cooling costs. a chill up your spine. With sky­ many consumers are truly look­ rocketing energy costs· and a ing for ways to reduce their Energy-saving solutions . global movement to "go green," monthly utility bills and home "As a leader in environmental now's the time to help keep pre­ upkeep." · . stewardship, Pella is focused on cious energy from going right According to the Kelton delivering innovative designs I out the window. study, 49 percent of homeown­ that enhance energy efficien­ For many energy-conscious ers reported that their utility cy and create better views for home and business o:wners, bills went down after a window homes and businesses," said "draft dodging" starts by replac-' replacement project They also Kathy Krafka Harkema, Pella ing weathered doors and win­ Windows & Doors spokesper­ dows with more carefully crafted son. energy-efficient designs, like Pella earned the Energy those earning the Energy Star­ Star Partner of the Year .in the · which denotes the most energy­ windows category in 2007 and efficient products. 2008. The U.S. Environmental Protection ·Agency (EPA) and Winterizing for a Department of Energy (DOE) warmer home commended Pella for its in­ Regardless of the climate you dustry. leadership in reducing · live in, one way to ephance your greenhouse gas emissions· by way to your energy emc.ency home's comfort and energy ef­ manufacturing and educating year-round is through a window and door replacement. ficiency year-round is through a consumers about energy-effi­ window and door replacement cient products. Pella is also an Older windows and doors can EPA SmartWay partner, striving ·Cvindow and door repiacement shift and warp over time, leaving to transport goods efficiently to :ll... ~- . ~..._·· cracks that invite cold winter air help reduce transportation-re­ and sizzling suinmer heat into found their homes to be more lated emissions. an otherwise cozy home. When' comfortable (48 percent) and For information on winteriz­ • replacing, choose efficient rna- . valuable (38 percent), and their ing measures that include ener­ ., terials, like vinyl, wood or fiber- new windows to be more ·aes­ gy-efficient windows and doors, "'' ., ·~' ·.. . '. \ \ 'l . ' . . ' . glass ·that can greatly reduce thetically pleasing (48 percent). or to schedule an in-home con­ ' ',.,:;; .-., the flow of heat and cold ip and Another step in making a sultation, contact a local Pella around window~ compared with home more energy-efficient is Window & Door Showroom ex­ the energy loss of old, cold metal installing new exterior .doors. pert by calling (888) 84-PEUA frames. . . ,., . Newer wood and fiberglass mod­ or logging on to ·soe . When it comes to saving en- els are designed to fit snugly and ergy, most Aniericans kn9w they ____...::..______:;...:... ______~.( can and should do more, starting CU STQ M decorative swags. A custom I. $1 0.0 Jl." ' at home. · · · headboard allows· you to "A majority 9f AniE;rican hom- from page S6 show your style and offers l' eowners (51 percent) said their · '· an elegant space to frame the DISCOUNT windows aren't 'green' or ener.- light special photos, keepsakes room •s 1arges t ·p1ece · of fu rm-· ~- .. ., . ..., .. gy.-efficie~t'enoiigh.'".said Elaine or apiece~of art. . ttire:' . . ' PER DEsiGNER SERIES"' Sagers, vice rire~ident of market­ · . • ·Create a custoin head­ ... •- .--:- ~ , ... I ing, ·Pella Windows & Doors, . Adding architectural el­ board using · architectural ements to customize the . ' OR ~CHRECT i~ERiE~"' quoting a recent. national. study plaques, orriate corbels and conducted by ·Kelton Research. • ~r' i spaces in your home doesn't . (WINDOW•~ ;;-· ·. i• •. · ' ' . -! \' t . . have to be difficult or expen­ sive. LightWeight, decorative arage Ll ...... pener. mouldings and other ele­ ments are available through Completely Installed companies like Focal P()int [iiiNMaster. 00 Architectural Products, which • ;a .••• #M gw;-w;...... ' w.w. From $344 Taxlncl. specializes in closed-cell poly­ ';:,:_,-,,,.;"'~:::-';.<-~ .•. R"\""-."~--0::· ~--~'+.--"';._-.~~..;,J'!,'""'"-I\..:'"-1_...... ;F~~-;'!oii·~~~~;,;.. r---.------.. urethane products that won't ------rot or mildew. The pieces look Free Lube & Adjustment of gooJt~; window worri~s Is&I a. v I Overhead Door W/lnstallation I1 like plaster ·and wood; but of­ a ue fer a cost-effective and time­ . of New Opener. . ·1 and:budget blues. saving alternative to tradition­ I MURPHY OVERHEAD ODORS •1148 Central Ave., Albany, NY.12205 • 459-3610 I • Pella$ replac9merlt wlrido~S and doors are on sale NOW. al materials. • Shop at home with Pella professional. ·For .information or design a.. ~------~ inspiration, visit www.Focal­ • Relax. we InstalL : or call • Wlae range of choices - Pella fits your style and budget. MURPHY (800) 662-5550 to find a dealer OVERHEAD DOORS near you. Call Pella now or visit 1148 Central Ave., Albany. N.Y. 12205 459~3610 to schedule your FREE in-home consultation. . ' 1-800-875.:8701 .. 518 446·0600

THE PELLA WINDOW & DOOR STORE'" STRICT RE.MODELERS ALBANY .'QUEENSBURY 5 Metro Park Rd. "ttB Quaker Rd. Albany, NY 12205 Queensbury, NY 12804 {Wolf Road Shopper's Park) (Quaker Plaza at Glenwood Avenue) (518)489-3780 (518)793-7349 BASEMENT CONVERSIONS

ALL ADDITIONS ROOFING ~ VIEWED TO BE'OiE BFsr. WINDOWS All of our construction Incorporates the latest PARTNER OF THE YEAR DORMERS IBchnologlcal adva"""" in conlllructlonal sciences. SIDING allowing you !he mosl com1011able1Mng slyle wllh EXTENSIONS the grealest savings In energy consumptiori' avaiJ.. CALL, CLICK OR COME IN TODAY! DECKS. able using loday'o culling-edge IBchnology. All BUILD TO SUIT lhlo al a cosllha! is genaraUy no greater lhan lhal • Pella Designer Series windows and patio doors with triple-pane glass have superior NFRC U-values is offered by standard construction tecfl.. I and SHGC ratings. Does not appty to Prolinee or Pella lmpervia® products. Must receive deliverY I/ BATHS INTERIOJR REDESIGN · . As a matter of fact. no matter whal we do by 12101/08. Discount applies to retail list price. Offer applies to first five windows, minimum of ' · your home, our prices are almost eight windows installed. Other restrictions may apply. See store for details. Must be installed by' Pella professionals. Not valid with any other offer or promotion. Valid for replacement projects' only. KITCHENS SERVICES than you can find with competing Prior sales exduded. Financing may no_i be combined with product discounts. Financing available to qualified customers only. Offer ends f1101f08. 1. . C 2008 Pella Corporation FULLY INSURED MAJOR CREDIT CARDS FINANCING AVAILABLE

Page S8 • September 17, 2008 HomeDe['orating&Remodeling•SpotlightNewspapers