PUBUC UBRARY II:. -- .......................~ 12054 .Primary 18119 10-08-2008 BE1HIEHEM PUBLIC LIBRARY ~l DELAWARE AVE • wrap-up . DELMAR NY 12054-3042 See Page 3 1.. ,"' .r.~n .... r, t .. r.. r•.• 11 .n .... t ..r .. •• t ( Area News Serving the 1bwns of . Bethlehem & New Scotland Rail trail gets Town green light· appoints The Albany County Legisla ture gave its approval Monday, . new·. Sept. 8, to the proposed 9.2- • mile Helderberg-Hudson Rail comptroller . Trail from Voorheesville to the Port of Albany by unanimously Suzanne Traylor named supporting the request to enter into a contract to purchase the new. fiscal watchdog; still former railway in Bethlehem. no court clerk I See story on Page 5. I l . By JARRETI CARROLL 1 Spotlight Newspapers
[email protected] 0 Let the number crunching be- gin. Bethlehem has a new comp troller to replace outgoing Judi Kehoe, who has moved on to a post with the Bethlehem Central School District. The town board . ·_ ~-·- unanimously appointed Suzanne .time last year in the Capit3l District, with an E. Traylor during its Wednesday, u•u:r ...... seem like a· memo- average price of $3.97 per gallon (still a dime Sept. 10, meeting at Town Hall. · • ~is:ri~~·~~~uoie. but like every•year better than the state average).' · Altliough there has been some' ~i,~ . Irish 2000 . · · w to the temper- . Propane's cost rose 35 percent over the controversy over the town's ap- ~· ""; Tlie ·Irish 2000 Music and . atures will continue to drop, and every family past 12·months locally. Kerosene went up over .poiriting practice as of late, espe, '·-- i .