Only Anglo-Jewi1h Newspaper in Rhode Island

VOL. xxxm. NO . 49 FRIDAY, FEBRARY 11 . 1949 PROVIDENCE, R. I . SIXTEEN PAGES 7 CENTS THE COPY Dr. Berger, Darman Join ZOA Revolt Letter Scores Emanuel Speaker Abdullah Ratifies Baseball Comedian Strikes Familiar Pose ~ ,::.-: ->.~ Silver's Policies Talks With Israel Dr. Ilie Berger of P rovidence and R HO DES- Trans J ordan's Arthur Darman of Woonsocket forma.l acceptance,, of th e in vita­ have joined forces with the dis­ tion to hold armistice talks with sident group which opposes th e Israel on Rhodes reached the present lea dership and policies Acting Mediator. Dr. Ralph J . ~ ­ of the Zionist Organization of America. Dr. Berger said t h is Bunche. this week through his ~~ ~~ . week. Both men a t t e n de d a representath·e in Amman. I ~ . ' special meetin g in New York last The date for starting the talks ~ --~· 7 week called by leadin g Zionists has not Yet been fixed an d th e ~ . who oppose the ZOA a dministra­ question · of whether an effort I tion. should be made w combine th em with the current Egyptian-Israeli I Dr . Berger announced his and t a I ks rests with the interested I Dannan 's participation, at the parties. same time explaining th e stand taken by the group of which they Dr . Bunche's person al emissary, are now a part. in a Jetter to th e Constantin Stanopou.Jos. returned Al Schacht, the Clown Prince of Baseball, is shown here in H erald. The letter is r eprinted from a flying u·ip to J erusalem , a characteristic pose. Schacht, the noted baseball comedian and here in fu.1.1. as follows : Damascus an d Beirut but details pantomimist, will be guest speaker at the Father and Son Sports of his trip were n ot released. On " On m y way to Florida, I stop­ Night of Roger Williams Lodge, B'nai B'rith on February 21. ped oYer at New Yor k last Satur­ t he basis of unofficial reports Syria Story on Page 5. a nd Lebanon are expected to be­ day to attend a specia.J m eeting at CAPT. HARRY SPERBER gin armistice talks with Israel the Biltm ore H otel to find out Capta in Harry &Perber, no~ soon. but n o official inform ation why so many of the leadin g Zions traveler and lecturer, will speak is yet available. ists are opposed to the presen t on ·'From Buch enwald t-0 Tel­ King Abdu.J la h of Trans-Jordan administration. When sLx former Aviv" a t the n ext meeting of announced as soon as the invits.­ presiden ts and community leaders the Temple Emanuel i\len's Club, tion was delivered J an . 31. that from all over th e country unite Thursday night in the Temple he wou.Jd take part in the armis­ ~CHARITY---- against the present Zionist a d­ ,·estry. · tice talks. but the first official in­ m inistration , it is time to take timation came today. It is learned notice. " I listened to the accounts f rom that he had con siuered that h e B y SYD COHEN i u n i t _e d States _was l~_beled of Nachim G oldm an. H arold J . G old­ British Jews to Ask had __ a ccep ted the invit~tion by ; 1Thi s is the second in a series of ·; question a ble legitimacy by Is­ enberg. Louis Lipsky an d Meyer m a king his_ statem ent 'I\ hile the articles written exclush·ely for the raeli Consul-General Arthur Lou- Weisgal. I left early in t.he after­ was Herald on a subject of major im- ' Unned Nat10ns m 1SS1on h ere rie who stated that the campaign, noon. so I did n ot attend the f u.11 a waiting J:1.1:. formal rep ly. 1 portance to the reading public. •·purportedly for the benefit of meeting. UN Return Orphans T he _ acu, 1t1es on R hodes re- , It is hoped that these articles will schools and hosp ita.Js in Israel' ', st Mr. a nd Mrs. Arth ur Darman m a in ID the. atus of . carefu.JJy I be of assista.nce in h elping expose had been undertaken without th e were present. It seem s they were LONDON-A group of British guarded meetings on which no m- th O s e who solicit funds nefar- knowledge or approval of the Gov­ Jews agreed last week to ask t he formation 1s arn_1lable. The s1tua- ioush. in the name of charity. Ed.) ernmen t oi Israel. impressed by what took place. as evidenced by their response to an United Nations t-0 demand that t10n lS snll considered covered by 1 • ______There is the story in a nuts:-tell. Christian families and monaster ­ Dr. B unche·s statemen t t h at wrapped up in a live example of a ppeal made for funds to bring tContinued on Pace Zl ies re,·eal the n ames and where­ agreement m ight be reach ed in How Charity h ow cha rity r ackets a re operated abouts of J ewish war orph ans one or two days or two weeks-- and how they can be com batted. theY sheltered. a nd to allow the or not at all. The on.Jy footnote Rackets Operate It serves as the finest illustra tion Brita in Lets Down chiid ren to return t-0 the Jewish to be appended to t h at statem ent obta ina ble t-0 p oint up these arti- community. is t hat it does not take into ac- On the front page of last week's cles. Al M B count the possible insistence o f H era Id there appeared a s to ry ID· The words ··charity for P ales- I igration ors T he decision was t.aken at a the Western powers th at som e which an ··Israel Intern ation al tine .. alwa_,,s h ave h a d an irresis- meeting of the Jewish Commis­ b h S\ k .. · · th LONDON- Britain will permit sion on the Status of Jewis h War settlement e reac ed . ,·eepsta · es campaign in e tible a ppeal for the public. T he J ews in its zon e of Germ a ny, in Orphans in Europe. a fter some e,·ents of t h e past few years have Tripoli and in other territories debate . Morgenthau, Montor to Mobilize Capital put a n ew emphasis on P a leSt ine. under its control to migrate to Dr. I. Grunfield said it was his 1 or Israel. a nd. of course. the Am-Israel reoardless of whether thev 1 intent ion to place the issue before erican J ewish public h as responded are of m ilitary age or not. Under·­ the UN a iter P asso,·er when th e according l_y. That h as been fin e ' Secretary Christoph er Mayhew Palestine situation might be m ore for the people a nd _induS!rY of this week a nnounced in Commons. stable. But Dr. P . Riebenfeld op ­ : Israel. the UJA. which w O r k s H e declared that following the posed a ny such delay a nd urged la rgely to,:·ard that end. an d other decision to release the Cyprus that the m atter be brought be- , a gen cies m at are deY oted to_se nd- J e w s. the British G overnment fore the UN immediately . I in g_ funds o,·erseas _to a id in the also decided to a pply U1e same rebi rth of__ the_ J ewish state a n d policy to a ll other areas under Debate a lso de,·eJoped on the the rehabilttatton of hundreds of Brit ish control. · promise mde by Pope Pius to Chief thousands of person s. There is Rabbi Herzog of Israel that h e only one drawback to this situa- would call on -the Ca tholic Church 1 tion- it pla ys righ t into the hands to decla re the J ewish orphan s. 1 of dish onest ch arity seekers. Rabbi Braude Rabbi Harris Swi.ft. reporting on Is He A Fake '? an in,·estigation in F ran ce. said A m a n comes to the h ouse and that the mon asteries were r efus­ I asks for a don ation for a n ew In Radio Program ing t-0 off er inform ation about 1 , 1Continued on Page 10 ) A n ew rad io program "Ask J ewis h orph a ns in their care. the Rabbi". in whieh Rabbi ' l" R GES QuOT.-\ FOR I S RAEL William G. Bra ude of Temple I WASHINGTO N E tablish­ Beth El will a n swer question s T he Home News on a il aspects of the Jewish A nati o nwide t· ffor t to m o bili ze America n ea pi tal for l.:t rge-;;_.s lP irn e:- t· m en t of an immigrat io n quota for Israel wa called for this week religion . writings a nd history, The monthly page devote Ben P ari I'<' ord : SJ .25 minimum. C a ll has p l!i.~·ed a.- e t.h e Sportin_ Club . M ont.e C arlo. Fra n ce: Alvear T h, s r roll h ir aJ)f'#'RN- It- G Asr>er 4::1 2. neadlinr Tu~a ~ Pa.lae.e Hor.e . Bu£>nos Aires. ArE? a . Cop a n a C asino . Rio th <' H om ,, Nr u-~. or. P a .J?"< 1 ~ ;, nig-h l 111 5 P . M . de Jan eiro. B ra.z1 . Hot.el N ac1onale. H C uba : and Elbo w re r orlno llo o f e 1'rc:ol11Liot­ & Hor.e . Ber m uda. h on orln;: t.h,• m r mo:-:, o l Mr,­ Won·t "OU s pend " An "',·enin_C! wit.h P a.r is" at you r n ext ~-= h l'l R.osi-n on,, o f t.h,- fo unt: T'E~MF,. T W A:","TF,T>-4 to 6 H AVF O TT R OR.ESSES.. ;:nil. nn affai, 0 ('1'~ o f th, .l ('wi;. Born, Fo!" rooms. Man. wifr and two r hild - l!Ou•n . don r b~ ,. [Jlf'rl Fr,-n r /\L"'"("n n n,1 prr~n~n t.< t :­ ;,.; BEN PARIS ORCHESTRAS 140 0 TARIO ST . rrn. G ood rrfrrf'n('.,-s. M a ximum dr,-,s.«mRkf'r . Worl.. a l its t-,,.s run'l it, thi, ' l"f".f"k b ) th( Jlf\fflf' < WIiiiams 2222 Prov. 7 , R. I. rrni S38. Call PL 0978. R :{44:i -.J . u rr T h , «rroll , ·a- lr.«('r ihM b , I. f. M ilr, o f M r lt,t · r, i-t.nrli,, ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::------======------ROOM FOR R.E~T- '•forth E n d . ROOM 2 F OR C lf'a n . warm, oom fortahlP. Call wood. Evl't, r.omfor . l!S<> o f • n E 1485 For appointmt-nt. c•~ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · •· o " · 'Rusin~ Pf'~ pr,-­ Alii n t a k ..i. Fi-rrt-d . C n ll H O 45R:l. THE EW APARTME. :T WAJ\T F,O b ) Fami!. i.;. o r fou r . Flv,- r(\(\m r.ot,,,.i:-,. or Annrve ~. apR.rtm,-ni. Flr,;;t floor . R,,f,-rt-n­ MTnn .F - AGED M A. an d a u g h ­ r.,-;.. C a ll C E 11 46 - W or CE B91. tl"r woul likr r ,-fini- J,-wis o' N P =. 0 • w oman to SUJ\f'TViSf' horn('. Pl11.I C' J'H ~t·rp i.n:--~ o. t.hc ,TP\\ ?::-:l N s:- =. 11011;1 nl" kr ;·~ Alli n .c il ht Pollack's ar e • BABY-STTTNG b ) d eJ)f'nda.hlr <' Ookln . LiJ;:h l honS<> orl... N o ~.i.;. wom a n . Available i'v,-ning,.. C all .aundr:- . f,oo h o m r For rig h t n r n,•!nn Sl1Pf! ke: itt I.he P o " · ~. PL 9763. Ro>. cir-n ~c c h,:i,nl:.rP ·:- ..c. .St.l. R..t111 1'\·rr:.:;R ~ . i.;.., f"'l',-lOn W rit.I" 2219. . 222 W illard Avenue • C'.P lehrn tior 1-0 hr h f'l . 11· /'.Ot1i1in . ~• • lio1 wit.I Pllrlm 01 MR1"<'.l , ., n • sh<' I'R t.o -.Silt.more Hot.e, s. OFFERS TH ESE SPEC IALS! • Communit C len a 7 h r n.nnunl p"J'r«rn:.a.l,iot o! r ~· c.{> r tlf1c0t~ ln.«<'ribln1- r, m Pm til":·•, • R E:EC'H:-.TT ..,sn HE:~2 • nAm< Ir. t.lw poldrn bool; o : t.h 1 ~.e: • ,Ip ·i;:11 NAtion,i F'11nr' ili 11-I. bf • T h e .Ji'wish H t-rain is <'O -oprr atin with t h f' R . A"S,l!"U<' o f .... ALL KT:-.'DS ft ff'n l.u < 0 1 I.h r ('t·pntni; M fl.}, STRAINED BABY FOOD 3 for 25c l .Jewish Wom f'n's Org-ani:r.a tion , in t h f' pnhlirnlion o f t h r C om­ R r-rtnn1, lo m rn J ,ia ht.?Yt r itn munit) Calr nda r . s•!-- • St:\:\1· R OSE Hnr:-, C h A.f'i Rl'< Ir ,'hAl'lrf o ~ n R t..f"~ a nrl r le- ~r-an f'f"S for omP '~ or iZa nizn tion m~f"' Un~ .«Plf', 1.!nr r nRmc ro- t.hc lnsc'l'!r-­ • BLUE BACK SALMON ½ should hr d Pnrrrl t h rough Mr,. Alrrr n !'-t.PinN . HOpkin. 95Hl lio1, • lb. 49c. Monda~ . FPbruar; 14 7hr c.omm!t.t.P.f fo· I.h r c e> lf\hi-n- • Miriam H osp La.dies A;:sn - M e m bershl . 1.lor !ncl11 t.t Hot.el .offee Hour I - ~ p m • NIBLET CORN 2 tall cans for 37 c • Ladie-~ Aux B ' nR1 B ',ith- P 0 id -up m Pmbershlp Affair - • " H i,$ Rnd B i,,<· Rt Churchill H o u;se F.;venlnc u 10 hippi • Prov. H Pb rev. Dny Schoo R.eE?Ula r M et>tln r,.n futffi( • • Guest S pe0l;ers M1 and M rs &sq uet.t.e of ettt-ks el Snea ' e • WEEK END SPEC IAL • Child's G u ld nnC'.f o f R. I E venlnr • T hursda y. F,-hr u a r; 1~ ,lh."'in.1 Whionic nrt"~icif'n 1 • R. I Fou n d ers for T 11b Pr,11 IR1 PRt.ient.c- o ' f; Colie()'( o ; F.011,~n.t.ior, b • 1 lb. Cottage Cheese R.e!!Ul Rr MePt.ini: Aft.Prnoo1 1 h e {l llf'~i snf" RkP: o ! t.h c nnnu • Frida~. F l'h r u a r~ 18 R rot h rrhnoc ~r-,·kr o . 'T'Pn.nlc C R0 t1 r~rR.Pi n(,,'X 1 !i'rioa, .fl''\J ntnc • T Le1wu r o f ,Tpwisr. Wornrr.'s ()r B onr n f. ~:" ( ·~...,l(\C:.l, . • and 1 pint Sour Cream 5 Rt t h e B ilt.m orr H o t.el ~ P n , • Pro, &>r.tlon C0uncil o f ,Tewisl. Wom e n--St.ud, Grour Fl.Ahh M 0r;-i, S.-h1:sshf' ln- i o f Mrs Pot.t.e a t t.he h o m e o ~ Mrs . R; · <".0nri11c;, ~P:-\.·i~e::-. R.~~i~t.pc- b~ R~ \ • J ,..., -.:n 1:- Pn n p-bon R~" <· :-.. ( 10 ~ ~, rr. • f . WE CARRY A FULL LI NE OF FROZE FOODS D~i n ,( R .f'\ R !,-h A $(>.{>hOri( fl.n • t.11<'1 c.on c;o-R t ioio, ('.f'> RI"(' o : IITPA t.('~ im po ;.Rn('.( • Tel. MAnning 2834 Open A ll Doy Sundo : D r. Berger, Dorman I- mnskn nro 1· rr ·il I:>{ p • '" 7 Jir fR ult i~ n o t ·it.h t.hc 01 · ~()n b ' ~n n t.o· T~Tfl.,~ R it.h • Closed Mondays • Join ZOA Revolt position h11 t mos t.!, I.he n P . n Rf'.,',Ol11n niPr b' .,, R.ohr W f'is., • leAr put In t.hC' h Ackirro11 nr, (")J"(l"i-1? () nnd the u nde m ocrn t.i c udr o f ':"°h < 0 n-i1"'1 I.h r 7.;H v,.n :-:.c- \ \'R.._ fn~ :;() '-"PA r:-- m n r t.h e p resen t lr ad£> n o f t.h e ZClA n 11:, h { O t"\C' T'1 PC {.( >ll'l' ll":fl'tll ~ 1hr eniin ·orl lookp · u t.(, H r o 1111 7.. - i, ':'he. mns k-i-e i , ), "" T h £> N P" PRlest.ine Lhr Z() \ b om o f t h e C' IO"l'"I rr iC' ncl, n nlR .. t wh('r-c th , ,--nr r~it'P;."' t"-...... ~' puhll.:--nt1on. b C" l0S:f'ri t.c -nn:von t th( n P t1l(\("JA fl( !"'A r \ SH 'lf I h t nn ). •· f i,--if•:-,. ,' " ·h o ha-, opposlnl ,·ipw~ 1 h r OPENING FEBRUARY 16 P rr;:irtPnt H 1.i tnr- .. n o n c·-~1,iPc, '":""h ~- hff,·t ,' n loofn es, o f t.llr ZClA rrom th e ,., !1 ;«er !1 lh na-s t, 01v1 th f'l ~: Wor l Zionist A!!P n c, i, nist.u r t- - " T h rl'f ,, o n!, o n , .0111 , l .!r- sl;, Rn tllrrr n rvr' \ ·ii. h e 111 · r.ti 11 n1 n - 1.r r h t oon(1$.i I hi1, ~~ In 01Jw: orn Hr wR - l'1t1lrtp· o ''7h r oonc:,iricn n~:--!n, l _ "' R.nbb1 S1 lvN h nckf' · ;ovrrn ol BERLINSKY & DA ' Z1on1;:n, It lh< Ti i, nit !r1 f11n1 0 ~:~ .:-., 0 ()(11 f11 l'1illf"H I icn , s ), rwc, d11 r inc th< re,,<'nl PleC' t10 1 nrc ~~kf'r t.(, r.ont r {h Jt.;i. ~ ~00( t-<' ser m r u:h o h nv<' inst com, ): r.11mpn l1m . Rnn enYf 011 1 n . i.Rt.f·- l.f Ill< 7,t lA >1n whr rto1 ·t p,·~, r, Oil Drov!nrnc( ·oon - ,'k h '• KOSHER MEAT MARKET \ m Pnt () Ill( f'\T O'. th( PIPC' ,, l:no\\ whn t it b 11! n h0111 cih' i.111, >1 :·"'cn 1.r-r 1 0 11n 1-, o :,..;.:-..()( )ln n vor i n L [)pwc, 11 n . comlTn t.11 in t - 1 )in , I.< h t >l\ ·u ithc,u , ., ''-~f" k :-. ) , polt/'1r, nn t.Rk< 11 lritrt r1·.sh!t 011 ,, In, th< R.c p11hltrf111 Pnr t~ on th t>l l ,, ot nl n ·op o r tio1 t.r thpl• m Prl; W0\11 fl0l"liP,"'1Hl.r 'f\\! ff" t.Uni. CHOICE FANCY vlC' t.o?·, In vif'v. o f t.hi~ it •0 ul Ill?~ '-' r h t n l t.f"n t 111t c1 01 r ll.c· h HV[' h ppn nllJ(' h PI.U'l hnd R.nbbl 'N e o n e C'r11 rt pn , 1hn t 011 • nrf'·· Deli ery ,' ~- 1 MU.TS PO UL TR ,' S1 )vp1 rpsir•n p lb C' l1nlrmn o f lrt f'nt Npwmn11 1, h n llinnt !pn · j F, T, ,I! t.h r F.mprr<'n c, .oun, i an rd f' l h11 t h r 11nr' S1lrp• Hr< no, h To All Sections of the City ,: ,,' ]OW(' A m n n \\"h ( I~ r ]OS('l u Lh t , \ n pr t 1 , wilh W Pi7.m 11n1 , [)prnoC'rn t.H ndmln1strntlon t-< h ( r0111 c ht "P<' t h "-'ri:r.mnm ·, h lr- ~: \lvpi1.1nnnn 60 BURLINGTON ST. ,' C' hulrmnn ~· ·nnh, rtoi-, n n ug m · T h e -r ol 11t lon, nrtopt.N b ~ r,·rt Tl1 f' lllin 1 N f'\ \.' t11n11 nnc 011! .\ ro11n rl thr C orn rr of Horr ~: tllf' r·xPrtll ivr, o f thr 7, , con n111kr, J'"\A(;,lllf rrtnnrk, n h 0 11t ~1· nc a l Oml' \"f' 1 Wf c:r IJdnl, n 111,1 h1n ·r lrn,· FEATUR ING THE CHOICEST OF rt Prnntn, H r n n Mqnt.01 for mt" :: pJ· :-- wh< n ·c \"' lnc:r · 1.c I h f \.' 1C" W · ,, l,.JA nntlonnl on1rc•1 e pr<'S<'ll llni l'nt I '1\f ,' lh< n1·r-,irfr•n1 0' T<.. r n r lhn1 1n c 1 l 1\fl'" MEATS AND POULTR ,' the lJPA h nvc rtom m orr hnrn )' 1h11 11 1111 ,·1111111 rl<:t It ''f'Hr, l t \\·h e, h n\'( ~: l !l?O opr 0,tnr (' W Pl7m 11111 w h r 1 "Th , •un~rn ,: 1hr K rrrr 1 Tlr1,·rvlf' """' ortrnnl? T h r prr <:r 11 1 7.,-l/l i<'Hcirr- " \ f? flnr-. NI T h e•, htl\"f n ,,,.,.. f0rpot t.<'1 1 Tf 1101 r, tr n 11, t~ 1h r fl 1 ! Art 1111 1111 wr rto11·1 cir, <:n tnrlhlnr rtrn <: ltc lrncir1·· 11 h11 !trtln, r,r- RP , .T,,in,,,. 11 0 •1 • ' 1"111, 1' no, wr •Ill re1r Pl It l11t.f'1 Tl lHR\ fl f'llP t , fnrtnr1 prp trtP11 ' o thr R ,1. i'li..., tF h rpr,I, lhc 7,()A \\'h O<:( 1111it.p fol' 7, ' >A hR' r<'"iu 11 N h t• m r mhp•· r. The Jewish Herald The Jewish Home Newspaper of Rhode Island. Publlshed Every ~~one Man's Opinion" Week in the Year by t he Jewish Press Publishing Company, 76 Dorrance St.. Tel. GAspee 4312, Case-Mead Building. How They Ate "I:! Subscription Rates: Seven Cents the Copy; By Mail, $3.00 per ~ Annum. ...< Bulk subscription rates on request. By BERNARD SEGAL i::, Walter Rutman. Managing Editor: Syd Cohen. News Editor. tll Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post Office, Providence, H e was the son -of a Protestant and I found seven cnapters de­ The Runyon Committee e m - Z R. I., Under the Act of March 3. 1879. minister-in- a New England town, voted to the rules and the man­ braces the remarkable talent that ~ The Jewish Herald invites correspondence on subjects of interest and this was his first meal at the ners at the table. Emily Post. could enriched the Fund in M i am i ~ to the J ewish people but disclaims responsibility for an in­ home of Max, his J ewish class­ not have attended to so many de­ Beach-ditto all the Roney Plaza tll dorsement of the views expressed by the writers. mate at the University. Five years tails of proper conduct. staff, t he Jr. Chamber of Com- ~ later, as he was telling me about Since I suspect that many sons m erce and the Copa City night ; it across the table in the small of Abraham are just as innocent club. The latter closed down to = Looking for the Yankee Doi la' dining room, he was as excited of observing these table manners p u t on the rained-out show- = scheduled at the Roney's out- tll A few seasons ago one of the most popular tunes in the about it as if it happened only of the Jewish law as were the son United Stat~s was a Calypso song which promoted the philosophy yesterday. of the Protestant minister and door gardens. ~ "D-n it, my father was an his class-mates at the University, that some people would do nearly anything within reason-and Henry Luce, the Time-Life pro- .!=' some beyond that-for "the Yankee dolla'." It was a tricky tune, idealist. He knew of the world and I will mention here some high­ lustily sung, but soon forgotten. The lyrics return to mind, about people as they appeared in lights of these chapters. prietor, is said to have started '!l his own loyalty check among all ~ however, with the current headline news that various ex-Nazis !lis books, and not as they really 1. Washing of the hands before staffers . . . William S. SchJamm, are -king to cash in on their artistic and athletic abilities to were. Ever since I was old enough each. meal. · 9 a member of the board of editors i> invade American spheres of music and sports in order to obtain to understand, he would talk to A full chapter of twenty-two of Luce's Fortune staff (he con- that Yankee loot which swims so temptingly before their eyes. me about Jews, and to him they ~ were always the People of the Holy sections describes in detail the tributes editorials occasionally to '!l Walter Gieseking, the notable pianist; Dr. Wilhelm Furt­ manner of this ritual, washing of waengler, the famous conductor; and two sports personaliiies, Bible,, the children of the Pro­ Luce's Life), was a Communist gJ phets, the sons of Abraham. I the hands, You are told how to 1 e a d e r in Austria in the '20s. ~ Hein Ten Hoff, heavyweight boxing champion of Germany and hol·d the ve=l containing the Hans Schwarz, Germany's wrestling king, have recently won would hear him talk with admira­ Schlamm was one of Austria's top ~ tion in his sermons and in the water, what type of a vessel is Communist writers when he was ~ the headlines because of their visits or planned trips to the United suit ab I e for the purpose, how States. Their individual stories make interesting reading for privacy of the home, about the 28 years old. Since then, it is said, ~ old religion of the Jews, and of many times to pour the water, he has been strongly anti-Com­ more than one reason. One wonders how they all manage to and how to get at the dirt be­ make contact with eager promoters in the United States; one is the great precepts by which they munist. He came to the U. S. in :::: live. hind the finger nails. You are 1938, was naturalized in 19'4. His :,. equally puzzled as to how they '!\'-in a clean bill of health from told what to do when you are on the State Department; and one becomes depressed over some of "So here I am, for the first time official position with Luce is "as- : in my life away from home in a the road, how you can use the sistant to the editor-in-chief of • the sideline supporters of these men. roadside brook, or the snow in It is also worth noting that in the clash involving the prin­ big city, and the student sitting Time, Life and Fortune" . . . He next to m e in English and again winter; or, in the absence of these has written articles for the Na­ ciple of the boycott of artists· and entertainers, the lines cannot sources of water, how you can be clearly drawn. That a Yehudi Menuhin and an Artur Rubin­ in History as well as in Psychology tion, the Saturday .Review of Lit­ is a Jewish fellow named Max. use wine or another beverage. You erature and other macs. stein should be on opposite sides; that a Harry Markson and a are warned not to eat on the road Sol Strauss should utiliu a Ten Hoff to develop their own rivalry We became so friendly that on my first Sunday away from my if you are only four miles away Mrs. Byron Foy is teddibly mi!I­ for promotional power, is an ugly and depressing sight. from a settlement where water ed over. not being included in the Matters would be so much simpler if promoters of culture ( father's table, I was invited to is to be obtained. zest Dre=d List-for the first and sports could recognize the difference between America's dinner at his home. 2. Benediction over bread. time. (Things to worry about) .. . and America's enemies. " I remembered all the things my father told me about Jewish You are not to speak or to al- Max Schmeling is up to here in customs, and was praying that I low any interruptions between trouble· with the &d gendarmes might n ot commit any blunders. washing of the hands, and break- in Germany. Spent several nights The Israeli Elections I was ready to see and to hear ing of the bread. You are told how in t he jug and was beaten worse Israel's first general elections ha,•e given Mapai, the moder­ things m y eyes have never seen to hold your hands over the bread than he got from J . Louis .. , ate labor party headed by Prime Minister Da'l-id ben Gurion, a before and my ears have never made of the five kinds of grain, Virginia Hill's Mexico City body­ substantial plurality but no majority. As a result the new Go,·ern­ heard before. and how to saj the blessing, the guard is an over-6 ft. amazon .. . ment is expected to be based on a coalition of the leading parties Hamotzi, for all to hear and to Big excitement Eve (on Never Told Father although not on as broad a base as the present Provisional say Amen. Directions are given P ark Avenool when a gallant mil­ Government. "Now, I never told my father h ow to cut the slice of bread, how lionaire serenaded his estrangea The elections marked a defeat for the extreme right and the about it. The poor man would have small and how thick it is to be, wife with a banjo under her 1st extreme left, and none of the smaller parties emerged from the been terribly disappointed. I found and how to eat it. You are to dip floor window. Her boy friend end­ "splinter" category. The three strongest parties are Mapai, nothing t h at savored of the Pro­ the slice of bread in salt, and to ed the show by breaking the banjo k Mapam (which is left wing) and the united Religious Bloc (con­ phets or of Holiness at the table distribute slires of the blessed on t he husband's conk . . . Ice sisting of four Orthodox parties and which showed more strength of my friend Max. We had a cou­ bread to those with you at the skater Gretchen Merrill is making than had been expected). Whether Mapai will form a coalition ple of drinks before going to the table. Bud Weeks even weeker. table, and then, before I knew it, I with either of the two nmners-up or with the General Zionists 3. Conduct at the Table. I --- or Progressives which ran fifth and sixth respectively is a moot we were at the first course, and Tv:o entire chapters, rather long Headline in the N. Y. Times: question. at the second, and we talked and ones. are devoted to table man- "Unusually High Level of Busi­ Now that the elections are over, debate will be resumed on we laughed, and Max's father told ners. How to eat, how much to ness is Forecast by Economists for the constitution for the new state. The Mapam is striving to a couple of good ones about a take in one spoonful. and who is '49" When this newscaster make the draft constitution a more socialist document, while salesman a nd hls girl friends, and to eat first. What to talk about, kept saying it

SELECTION Li~ to "The Eternal Light" A program series drawn from the ri,h storehouse of J,wish ; literature, history, and music. EVERY SUNDAY i 12:30 to 1 P. M. .,Ill llil SU~"DAY, FEBRUARY13 z0 [ili1 "The Physician - Q and the Sorcerer" > Mail and Plione orden pro111ptly ille4 MlL A.lliID MRS. ELI KOl"fIG.SBERG were m.arrkd Ja.nuary ~ _'-_-_::-_-_-_---~----_-_-_-_-_-_::_-_-_-_-.:::.:::_-.:::.:::_-.:::_-_-_-_-_-_-.:::_-.:::_-_-~~------~~­ 18 at Miami Beach, Florida, Before her mania.Ke, Mrs. Konigs­ WJAR :. ~~ berg- was Miss Jacqueline Phyllis Burke, formerly of Lauriston St. ~ . ~ = >

KAPLAN'S '1 c :'lU, Ime now, as the remaining books ing at seven o'clock.. To meet expense, they use good sense, have to be returned in one week. And borrow m

L ------


\ VOL. 3 NO. 2 DANIEL JACOBS, Editor MAX ALEXANDER, Executive Director Aid to AiJing Limbs ~"--i \ 5\-I ~ ~.,,.._> ) for th,:._ - i'J'('~ AGED of RHODE ISL'\ND ci,,v 1,,~r, IN 11EMORJAiVI . was opened in September, 1947. have a Seder. On Purim and the IGifts There are, on the average, from other Holidays they have parties. t" Commemoration Fund 25 to 28 handicapped and chroni­ While at the Home I h ad a cally ill patients in the infirmary. lovely chat with two ladies who In memory of beloved wife . Rosen . from Mrs. Samuel N. Next I visited the second floor, are founders of the Home. Mrs. Jennie Polofsky, from Louis Pol­ Deutch. Mrs. Rosalind Gorin, and Home to Dedicate where there is a recreation room Rose Goldstein and Mrs. Sarah ofsky. Mrs. Joseph Schlossberg. on each wing. In ,one of these Silverstein. They told me about In memory of Mrs. Annie Smira, In memory or beloved mother, Building Addition rooms the men amuse themselves the Home and its founding, and from Mrs. Samuel N. Deutch and Dora Kamaras, from Sara Kam­ by playing cards, reading, or just about the original Home which Mr. and Mrs. William Smira. aras. Jacob I. Felder, President of the relaxing. The women also have was on 191 Orms Street . I asked In memory of Max Schleifer, J ewish Home for the Aged, has a recreation room. On the same them if they thought the new from Mrs. Estelle Schleifer. Donations, Speeial and Synagogue appointed a committee to make floor there are private and semi­ Home was in any way different In memory of beloved husband, David Yan.Im, Peter J . Woolf, plans for the dedication cere- private rooms in which the old from the Old Home, and to my Jacob D. Newman, from Mrs. Re­ Eugene Freeman, Irving Chandler, mony. Max Winograd was named people have their belongings and surprise they both told me exactly becca Newman. Mrs. B. Lisker and Abraham J . chairman of the committee, which things of that sort. Here they the same thing: IIi memory of Mrs. R a chel Marcowitz. held its first organizational meet- sleep and have privacy to do what 'This Home is like paradise" . r------.-----.-.-.---.---.-.-.---.-.-.-.-----.-.-.-.-.-.-_-_-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-----.-.---.-.-.-.-.-.-.~.-.---.-.-..- ing on Sunday, January 16. Ten- they feel like doing. I , · too, think that from what I tatlve plans include open house, ·on the first floor there is a have seen of the Home I can agree JEWISH HOME FOR THE AGED a speaker's program, and dedica- s;,rnagogue, a pavillion, a_ large with them. OF RHODE ISLAND tion ceremonies for the third I dinmg room, and two kitchens The old people have every com­ floor addition. the new pavillion. in which the food is prepared. One fort they possibly could want. I the fence and the grounds. am looking forward to making Several sub-committees are be- an other trip to the J ewish Home COMMEMORATION FUND ing formed to take care of the Lt'st Age Groups for the Aged and have more chats There is double satisfaction in giving this way. Give to planning, publicity, refreshments. with the old people there. the Living Remember the Departed . . . The Commemora­ testimonials. etc. The names of tion Fund of th e Jewish Home for the Aged offers an opportunity the sub-committees will be given Ages of persons under care to combine remembrance with charity. later. The dedication ceremonies at the Jewish Home for the In sympathy or in mem ory of a departed friend or loved Aged as January 1, 1949 are Start Occupational are scheduled to be held som etime of one. the sincere expression is your contribution to the Com­ in June. as follows: memoration Fund. 1. 60 through 64 1 Therapy Classes 2. 65 through 69 8 Last Monday, February 7th, the Jewish Home for the Aged of R. I. 3. 70 through 74 13 first Occupational T herapy class 99 Hillside Avenue Coming Events 4. 75 through 79 28 was held in the new pavilion of 5. 80 through 84 16 the J ewish Home for the Aged Providence, R. I. 6. 85 through 89 11 Sunday, February 13 under the leadership of Mrs. Mit­ In memory of ...... Chamisha Asar B"shevat 7. 90 and over 1 chell Sack. chairman of Occupa­ Party. sponsored by the 8. Total-1-1-49 78 tional Therapy. assisted by Mrs. Please place the enclosed amount to the Ladies· Association . at 7 p. m. Fred S. Pinkney. Classes will be credit of the Wednesday. February 16 held every Monday from two to COMMEMORATION FUND Film Night. 7 p. m . Bids Received four o'clock. In addition to Mrs. Sunday. February 20 Sack and Mrs. Pinkney. Mrs. Geo­ and inform Admissions Committee rge Ludman and Mrs. David Litch­ Meeting. 11 a . m . On Alterations man are participating in this vol­ residing at Thursday. February 24 untee.r program. of this loving tribute. Regular Board Meeting. The Building Committee. under The purpose of the classes is to Amount Enclosed. $ ... Date • 8 p . m . the cha irm anship or Mr. J acob stimula te useful activities among Wednesday, March 2 Licht. is now receiving bids on the the old fo lks at the Home. includ­ Name Straw Bonnet Festival­ proposed alterations on the first ing the handicapped and infirm. Add.ress Ladies Association. floor. The matter will be decided These activities will not only help < ~ 0 For available dates call BURROWE~ .. PErry 0813-W Aluminum Combination r..~ The "Center" Orchestra SCREEN & c""------' STORM SASH ~ ;:======; "For QUALITY and SERVICE" WINDOWS - DOORS ='"' PORCHES =..00 E. S. CRANDALL Metal ::: DAI-RY ...,'"' Weather Strips '"' Properly Pasteurized All Type Windows and Doors ~ Milk and ·Cream '"' BURROWES ~ A Friend to the 0 Jewish People SCREENS ~ Cl,, 12 Lowell Ave. EL 0700 SINCE 1873 Iii 75 Westminster St. ~'------Mrs. William W. Meyers, president of the Roger Williams UNion 0560 - 0561 Chapter B'nal B'rith Women opened her home recently for the FREE ESTII\IATES first meeting of the 1949 Quota Dinner Committee, which will be held at the Narragansett Hotel, April 26. JEN JEWELRY CO. Standing left to right: Mes­ dames Bertram Bernhardt, trea- DIAMONDS - WATCHES surer; Benjamin Goldenberg, chairman of donors; Milton V. PLATINUM - GOLD MOUNTINGS Kessler, co-chairman of donors; Albert Weinberg, chairman of KELLER'S Kosher Meat Market souvenir book; William Meyers, & president; David Meyers, chair­ Prices man of sponsors, and Lionel Rabb, general chairman of the ~ Quota Dinner, who is pouring. ARE THE SAME LOW PRICES Mrs. Samuel Greene, co-chair­ man of the souvenir book, is Whether You Call at 1841/2 Willard Avenue Quality Jewelry - Original Styles not shown. Photo by Fred Kelman Or You Call JA 0960 for Delivery Pricea to Save You Money North, East, West or South of Providence J. KENNER, Prop. Sisterhood to Hear Room 203 76 Dorrance Street Rabbi Carol Klein Providence. Rhode Island Mr. Rhode Island Business Man : Rabbi Carol Klein will be prin­ cipal speaker at the celebration It is our aim to serve you with integrity and acumen, and of Chamisho Ossor B'Shevat thereby to place at your disposal men and women of excellent Dutch Supper of the Sisterhood standing and background for openings in the Executive. Office, of Congregation Sons of Jacob, Technical, Sales and Professional fields. We furnish (without :J'Ae C)utfet ~ ) Sunday evening at seven o'clock charge or obligation) qualified and investigated personnel for IIIHODC ISL4ND'S LARCEST STORE .. . CASPEE -rOOO __;------in the vestry of the synagogue. local, out-of-state and foreign positions. The Israeli films. "Birthday of The AAMES Staff - cLOSED MOM~\'s a Prophecy" and " Israel in Ac­ Aames Employment Service Qt L tion", will be shown by Philip Suite 305-307 • Blazer. · 93 Eddy Street. Providence, R. I. In charge of the program are Telephone: JAckson 4666 Mesdames Morris Licht. chair­ " The thorough comprehensive SERVICE-Serving America!" For Really man : H . B . Stone, president; Louis Sweet and J . Bilsky, tickets; Healthy E . Gladstein. Jack Glantz, B. Sleep Cohen. C. Klein, L . Kortick, J . Pressman, M. Snow, Philip Gold­ MICHEL berg. D. Einstein and B. Glantz. LOSHAKOFF Sons of -Jacob • e~ S/:wliu Women to Install o1e~ Mrs. Hyman B . Stone will be in­ stalled as president of the Sister­ p~ °# ~uf4·,.c1,- hood of Congr egation Sons of Jacob, Wednesd ay afternoon at I UNion •5509 dlttade in 1..Jou1 cJlom£ the syn agogue. DExte r 3985 Others to be installed by Mrs. J o s e p h Strauss are Mesdames Jacob Bilskey. M . S now. and E. Gladstein. vice-presiden ts: Jacob Restwell" BED BOARDS Glantz, correspondin g secretary: EDWIN SOFORENKO and MORTON SMITH of Louis Sweet, financial secretary: Doctors Call Them "Fracture Boards" Morris Lcch t, rccordint~ secre tary. Louis M . Kortick, treasurer: Harry Ever try a bed-board under your mattress? You'll see how suddenly firm your mattress becomes and that firm­ Koµit. F . Markowitz. S . Ludman INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS, INC. and G. Zaidmun, trustees. ness Is what you need for r eally h ealthrul sleep. • Refreshme nts will be served. COMMERCIAL and One Side of Double Bed 24x60 Inches ...... 3. 95 MAllK BlllTIIDAY Single or Twin Bed 30x60 Inches ...... · · · · · · · 4. 9 5 • PERSONAL ANALYSIS The 12 :30 Knife and Fork Club Three-Quarter Bed 36x60 Inches ...... 5. 95 celebrated Its third birthday F eb­ 93 Eddy Etreet UNlon 1928 ruary 1. A birthday cake was cut New York Offlce-26 Platt Str eet , N. Y. Whitehall 3-5770 O N SALE-DOWNSTAffiS STORE and gifts were presented to a ll the members. ~----~-

The Herald is New England's Unl·o Le Elects New England Jewish Tubercular ... most modern newspaper. Are your Zionists Announce Program for Meeting n ague Sanatorium in Rutland, Maine. .,, friends and family reading it reg­ Mrs. Gussie Nelson ularly? "' Tovi Ronni, interpreter of the songs and folklore of Israel, and Mrs. Gussie Nelson was elected Jacques Torczyner, prominent in president of the Ladies Union Lea­ American Zionism, will be fea­ Rev. tured at the meeting of the Provi­ gue for Consumptives at a meeting dence Zionist District, February held Tuesday in the Hebrew Shel­ 20, at eight o'clock in the vestry tering Home. Jacob of Temple Emanuel, it was an­ Others elected were Mesdames nounced this week by Aaron Klein, Harry Goodman, honorary vice SWEATERS, HOSIERY, program chairman. A movie short, president: Louis Spader, first vice Baron KANDBAGS, ZIPPERS, ,:Israel Reborn", and a talk on president; Eugene Kornfield, sec­ JEWELRY, CLOCKS-- "Brief Reflections on Chamisha ond vice president; Samuel Sond­ Surgeon In fact, almost anything. Asar B'Shvat" by Mr. Klein are ler, third vice president; Harry _.Mail or bring it in.'' also included in the program. Malin, treasurer; Morris Kelman, Miss Ronni, who has appeared financial secretary; Frank Young­ Mohel MOTH HOLES--TEARS in villages and s e t t I e ·m e n t s stein. recording secretary, and INVISIBLY REWOVEN throughout Palestine and in the C h a r 1 es Bograd, corresponding Accredited in Providence internment camps of Cyprus, is secretary. Hospitals making her second appearance in Recommended by Local At the same m'eeting $1000 in Doctors .Providence. U. S. savings bonds was pledged '!j Mr. Torczyner, a member of the Iby the League to the building References. Furnished el 212 Union Street Zionist Organization of America. fund of a hospital for tubercular 168 Prairie Ave. DE 0788 ~ is regarded ,as one of the most Providence patients to be built in Israel, and responsible officers in the move­ $1000 in bonds was given to the JAckson 2805 I ment today. TOVA RONNI ' ------· !<'!j ('ll OUR 43rd YEAR =~ Beth El Bowling Beth Israel Bowling >~ By JACK APPELBAUM By SAUL HODOSH Freddie Sends. ~... Aided and abetted by the very The crying room was put to !"" accurate left arm of Le.fty Goral­ good use this week by the Max's, nick, Saul Lerman's team knocked Sussman and Levy, as Phiguring off the Weissmans, 3-1. Not de­ Philbert Sussman still couldn't PRICES DOWN AGAIN! tracting one iota from the excel­ add up to a point as his Army lent work done by the rest of the team blew four points to Sam , team as a whole, it's still a mighty Segal's Browns. The other half 0f I YOU NEVER OVER PAY AT comfortable feeling having Lefty the Max's couldn't find the handle there at anchor. He is imperturb­ on a ball ar.d then blew hi:; top FREDDIE SPIGEL1 S ably calm and unruffled, and if on a final 67. Of course, one should he chops, he simply digs his way not make capital of another's mis­ out with a nine or ten. fortune, but one must report the Comparable to his bowling in truth much as it hurts my charit­ his quiet, easy charm. Lefty able heart. Princeton took four VEAL CHOPS flashes that dazzling smile, and games from Connecticut by shel­ 'it becomes infectious. He puts lacking them · to the tune of 211 everybody around him in a bright­ pins. LAMB CHOPS er, cheerier humor. His person­ On the brighter side, Sam Segal ality just won't be denied, and our turned in three good strings and league is a better one because he took high three with 364, fol­ RIB STEAK is in it. lowed by M. Levitt---331, and P. Also among the more even-dis­ Glaµsteip-326. STEER TONGUES positioned members of the league High single went to Milt Levitt, 1585 NORTH MAIN ST. is quiet, unassuming Capt. Leo who seems to . be suddenly pin Kouffman. With unexcclled loy- mad as he hit 140. Sam Segal and CHUCK _alty, enthusiasm and zest, Leo P. Gladstein turned in good strings KORB BAKING PRODUCTS faithfully shows up every week of 138 and 126. and plugs along helping every­ May be Obtained at body have a good time. His acti­ FLANKEN vity in the Brotherhood is equally lb. 59c Chase1 s valuable, and he can always be depended upon to carry out his Emanuel -Bowling Delic.atessen assignments and help make all I By JACK PLATKIN Saturday Night Special! 416 NO. MAIN STREET the Brotherhood affairs success- ' ------• ful. In exactly nine weeks h ence one of the first seven teams on the CORNED BEEF . lb. 69c roster will be the winner and champion of our league, but not Single or Double Brisket BROADWAY AUTO SALES until after some capable compe­ tition, because here is how they The Hou,e orFriendly Service line up. The Cards head the standing by four points, in second NET WEIGHT place are Wintman's White Sox, CHICKENS lb. 46c SEAT COVERS Kramer's Athletics and Zach's Cubs are tied for third, one point NO Half Pound Added back. F1:,iedman's Yankees rest one point further down the stand­ SEAT COVERS ing, and Blackman's Dodgers and Lavine's Indians are in 6th and Fancy Steer-Boneless 7th place respectively, but only 7 SEAT COVERS points behind the leaders. Plaatic - Nylon - Satin - Straw There were some good three RIB ROAST ROLL 1b. 74c strin·g totals last Monday night, ...... -...... and we find heading the list some Beautilul Tailored Cover• at of the old time reliables. such as SINGED KOSHERED Abe Press- 350, Henry Markoff- Price& Unhead 01 347, Paynor- 358, Sam Chase- STEER FEET lb. 25c 340, Lou Chase- 346. Blackman - 320, and H arold Robinson- 327. Now is the time to obtain those covers you were thinking The highlight of next Monday's MEAT ti POULTRY of using this Spring to dress up your car. bowling, will be the match be­ (t~sp½Jtl'ti tween Dwares' Cjircls and Kramer's Athletics, but the odds are on these aged bowlers who presently Broadway Auto Sales, Inc. a ppear to have hit t heir stride. CHARLES STEJNGOLD. President- Treasurer 0t"Soto Plymouth B. & I'. IIADASSAII DIHE(T BLACK; STONE VALLEY'S FACTORY Aaron Klein. director of reli ­ OE SOTO - PLYMOUTH DEALEH gious cd(1cation at Temple Emanu­ C' l, will be the guest speaker at ThP Red u,,.,1 r:nr, Arorinrl nt tlrr /,m vr,t Pr;,.,., the meeting of the Business a nd 766 lroodwoy Open Evenings till 8 :30 Ilk. 2045 Professional Division of Hadassah, Wednesday evening at e i g h t IJ1111°1 Miu "/fil 1h r Jnrkpul" '-T11,·., r/11 _n 11I /II f'. M,- 11 '/'f((} o'clock at the Sheraton-Biltmore 190 \VILLARD A VENUE GA11pee 1555 Hotel. .., reminds me that they have a very PLAN PURIM PARTY ... neat team average of 102, com­ Tentative plans for a Purim Olympic Bowling posed by Rodyn-112, Cofman- Imade at a recent meeting of the party to be held in March were ~ By SIDNEY GREEN 104, Chernack-100, I . Zatloff- 99, and Kadsivitz-94 ... Talking SYD COHEN: • I Glantz Family Circle. ~ Abe Lobel and his boys had a of averages-the following had • hot nite and rolled 1623 for top good three string scores: B. Cohen : honors-and this with one man -326, J . Hochman-321, I. Levine Deploring Gym Facilities ;,. absent ... The- Cohens, however, THE VESTRY -314, Zatloff-313, and N. Sch- ~ still managed to roll the top mark wartz--304. of the ~ of 555 for team single, and Capt. ~ Howie tied Joe Schwartz for t he CQ personal single string score with is a heck of a time, right our present set-up is growing Sons of Abraham !: 132, while Joe's 368 was best for Hebrew Union Aid in the middle of the indoor sea- steadily sm aller and more re­ • total pinfall. son. to lodge a complaint about stricted . Synagogue existing conditions. Yet, since What are we to do about it? "' The Rodyns 3-1 win over the Give Oneg Shabbat Is Now Available for ~ Schwartzes enabled them to retain this is a complaint about t he lack Any comments? Showers, Weddings, Mrs. Samuel Sheffres. president of facilities available for t he win- • their two point lead over the Le­ Bar Mitzvahs, Banquets ca of the Ladies Hebrew Union ter months. this is as appropriate A Fruitful Campaign '"' vines who took three points from and Parties Association, assisted by Mrs. ~ a time as any to get t h e thing off Softball. baseball and football • the Avens in a match that saw Ample Kitchen Facilities Schachter. presented an One g m y chest. Furthermore. I dare to enthusiasts will be interested in 9 anchor man, Irv Levine, perform I For Information and Rates -e brilliantly for the losers. Shabbat Saturday at the Jewish predict t hat it will meet with fav- the news that an effective one­ Home for the Aged . Portions of t orable response, especially among man campaign to force enactment Call WI 6429 ~ Mention of the Leading Rodyns the Torah and ·stories by Sholom the m en folks. of a law legalizing the iss uance of Asch were read. To get to the point-we need permits for fields before 12 o'clock = 16 l\lM SOUND & SILENT Hostesses were Mesdames Sam- more and larger gymnasium ·facil- noon is bein g carried on by Harold FILMS and uel Resnick. Rose Gottlieb and B . ities for the boys and men and Hersch. the originator of the idea. PROJECTORS Carleton. Refreshments were girls who want to participate in Harold first traced the law to ==- Get FOR RENT served. athletic activity from late fall to I its source at the State House . and - early spring. spoke to several influential per- - BY DAY, WEEK or SEASON B'NAI B'RITH PARTY Greater Results Ideal for Homes. Right now. we h ave one { ll sons. to see if there would be any - Clubs, Organizations, etc. B 'nai B 'rith Young Women gave gym. at the Center. It is small. objection to repealing t he pre- = from Complete Sound a party at the Jewish Home for and n arrow. It can accommodate Isent law. Finding none. he a p­ the Aged February 2. Miss Jac­ Film Program. only one game of basketball at a proached Senator McCabe, t he = Feature and shorts up queline Kortick and Mrs. Lorraine time. All other activity must wait m ajority leader. and that legisla- = Your Advertising Allen were chairmen. Hostesses while ten men are on t h e floor. tor promptly had an amendment ~ SAMSON'S T~~~- M. were Mesdames Jay Field. Elaine At its best. it could be used for to the law prepared a nd eubmitted = Hoffman and Thelma Ross, and 35 PORTLA.1\/D ST. more than one activity only in to the Senate. Many •small and large busi- the Misses Beverly Granoff. Thel­ * (Cor. Pine St.) this hypothetical regard : there Assuming t he Senate agrees, the ma Kauffman. Ruth Stone and could be a volley ball game in amendment will go to the House. = ness firma use the services of GA 4846 E vel:,-.i Moverman. progress near the center of the and that is where H ersch will this advertising agency to get floor. and possibly a game of need assistance. Every Represen- _ ~~~~w, handball at one end. At the other tative we know must be contacted _ greater returns from their ad- ~ FOl TME~ IM ~~ end. someone might be practicing and impressed with the need and ~ - vertising investment. We can ~? FOR ~G ELECTRl~AL! ~ foul shooting. At his level best. the reason for the bill. so th~t it = help you too. • ii ~ 1 Athletic Director Abe Lobel can- may be successfully car r 1 e d ?; EAST SIDE ELECTRIC ~ not hope to satisfy all those who through the lower chamber and _ * ~~ · . ~~ I want to use the floor. simply be- passed into law. = ~- ; & APPLIANCE CO. $ I cause the gym isn't big enough. Remember-if the bill is passed. ,~ ..,, Other Gyms Available any _athletic group may obtam JOSEPH MAXFIELD CO. ,, ; 6...,. ,! permits to use the state fields as 8 ~ - 77 Burlington Street DE:xter o.a :i That will raise t he argument early at 10 o'clock on Sunday IJ7 Weybosset St.. Providence. B. L ,~ RUiDtNTIAI.WtJJNO ..,, that the Center does have other mornings. _ Joseph Fin1cle ~ C§§§~~=l Licensed Electrical Contractors '~ facilitieS-the junior high schools Note to those who would like Archie Finkle ,.. I= -~ of the city. That is true. but it ~~ !, ' m us t be remembered that the to see a new Center gym: The • INDUSTRUL above should be proof that you --- ~ COMMERCIAL wI RI NG ', availability of these gyms for Cen- get nothing without working for '('- RESIDENTIAL ): ter use is extremely limited. After it. Get it? t~ IE~'===~~!!J 'i all. we are not the only ones who ,, Prompt Repair. Service :, want to use them. Second. it is ~ L;;.:::1:::t::I:E;::~ All Work Guaranteed ,, not at all like having our own ~~ 111ousn1AL w,a,11~ ~~ facilities. that we know are our ',)~.,....,~~~~' ' own. t h at we may apportion. to ,,/,,o~r, -n ;,.- -~; lliJ?,: r u:;.- A HOP, SKIP, ,. _,""' .,.. suit our own needs. ~, ~...,_...,_~...,_l"""!"""l~l--<1::::Q:•:1::::'J::::(t="i.J I The ideal situation, of course, and JUMP U is a gym that has baskets on the f mfPIT/ILITY a•d l J J J · ,U side walls as well as the far walls, from Downtown, IN VI TA TION • • • lJ. i so that two or three games of lJ , basketball could be played at one ,.~ ~ooo Fooo ,.. Try it 1 "•t.., • \\t.~'& E S EE D RI V E iJ \ time, so that other gymnasium ,C.~ ,, ,.-,_,.lli,}4Q .-t 1JOCl'T'1t' ' · ! CO M '• '• ' • •' ' ' ll ' activity might be caried on, even • • ij while a game ( or games) is in 1 n THE NEW __ NEW LOOKING progress. Most modern gyms are n ! constructed that way. THE SILVER TOP fi ac~!ire~~~Y- ~i~~t~itth:eg~ ! Junction of Harris AIR Opposite Brown ll 1949 HUDSON 11 m ore to the winter season t han 1 and Kinsley .-\Yenues CONDITIONED And Sharpe H ij ~~~t f~~~~~J::1;h;:e;es~;~;i~~a~; Open E very Day and E very Night Except Sunday D D I On Most Models u' forced to close shop on every- I I ll Prompt e ivery thing else and concentrate on :;i~ U basket ball Now. before you h op I ~ ~~~ all over m e. you hoop adherents, ALL Hthat 1s not m eant as a slap at the ~ MODELS court game. It is merely a regret ' For Fun, Excitement and Prizes :--~ J:! that our inadequate facilities limit I 1 ., ....___ , ALL )1 the number of persons who parti- \\. . ~ MAKES UI cipate in our program-who might 1 PLAN TO ATTEND 'D'sl D CARS lJ I like to take part in som e activity other than basket ball. It is a "-- complain_t that we don't have room I Completely Reconditioned and Guaranteed enough to stretch. THE ANNUAL By Our Factory-Trained Mechanics IJ A Useless Complaint? I A useless complaint. you may SAM STEINGOLD IRVING BLUM ~ say. We are stuck with this gym I and we are going to be stuck with it for a long time. Why tease BETH-DAVID CARNIVAL Open Blackstone us with a vision of a gym t h at ls Till 2426 Imaginary ? 8 :30 Here is why. As long as we are March 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 13 content to go along with this set­ I up, we-that is. the J ewish popula- ~ tion of Pro\'idence and vicinity­ at the Synagogue 1 will get nothing better. Until we I rise in protest. get out and work. 145 OAKLAND AVENUE 1 a n d carry our complaints far I enough. strong enough, and often enough. we will never get addi­ You'll Have a Grand Time' tional or improYed Indoor facili- 1 ties. That ls for s ure. There's Plenty Doing for All Members of the 400 DEXTER STREET CENTRAL FALLS, R. I. The popula tion is g r o w i n g • I steadily. which means t h at our Family-Poppo, Momma and All the Kids. need for new and more gyms Is I ~;;:;;t~~~~~~A~~~~~A~~~~~~A~~:u;;~~~ Ialso Inc reasing steadily, and t hat

L I I Ladies Prepare for Straw Bonnet Festival Stamford Rabbi ------.wELIZABETH MAGUIRE • ' Beth-David Speaker GAFFNEY 996 Hope Street PL 4392 1-3 Henry Brill, president of Beth will resume ;; David Congregation, announced PIANO TEACHING this week that Rabbi Isaac J . children : intermediates ;g T eicher of Stamford, Conn., will and adults O conduct ser vices Friday at 4 : 30 Graduate of the American < o'clock, a special service in Eng­ Institute of Normal Methods, 0 lish at 8 o'clock, on Saturday Boston , Massachusetts ~ morning at 8 o'clock and a special ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~ (.") sermon Saturday afternoon at 4 t'.'l o'clock. Western Electric SOUND SYSTEMS INCOME TAX CONSULTANT Efficient Service SOUND SYSTEMS Days and Evenings FURNISHED Any Occasion Herman Wenkart -Recordings Made Anywhere ACCOUNTANT E. M. MONAHAN WI 4823 Bayview 0669 - 0356


..I party, the Pulners sailed on the "' Beth-El Speaker S. S. De Grasse for a cruise to Swartz Installed the West Indies and South Am- erica. ~ Don 't forget that your n ews and = views are weJi:orge too.___ l:!l As Loan President ":I ~ David Swartz was installed as 0 president of the Hebrew Free Loan ~::::::::::::::::=::: With ARLENE SUMMER. z:===:===:===: <... Association of Providence at a freshman at Clarke University, 0 meeting held Wednesday at the Double Engagement !:'!l Nice things h appen in two's­ who made Dean 's list. z Orms Street Synagogue. INVEST IN n at least for the Bermans ! Last Over 21 I !:'!l Also installed were George La­ Thursday Seymour Golden gave Florence Grossm an was feted bush. first vice-president; Aaron Arlene Berman an engagement J anuary 25 at Club 65 by a group NEW ENGLAND S. Helford. second· vice-president; ring and the same nigh t sister of her friends who, headed by Elsie Benjamin Weiner. secretary; Ir­ Ruth Berman promised to m arry Gorman. presented h er with a ELECTRIC SYSTEM win Priest, treasurer, and Rubin Al Woolf. of Worcester. Loads of birthday cake with 21 candles. (Listed .New York Stock Sugarman. custodian. luck to all of you. Double Celebration Exchange) Installed as directors were Harry All In the Family The Dick Sondlers have a dou­ Con trails some 46 subsidiaries, Chorney, Nathan Dwares, Samuel Twenty years ago Rabbi Morris ble celebration this week. They'll in most of New England, in ­ Weiner, Philip Gitman, Harry Schussh eim officiated at the mar­ be married one year Tuesday and cluding Narragansett Electric K atz, Irving Loeber, Barnett Pic­ riage of Mr. and Mrs. A I f r e d Dick graduated from Br y an t Co. Goodwin, so it was an added plea­ Thursday. .., kar, Herman J. Rekant. Charles A Return over 8 1/2 % at Rosenfield, Morris A. Schwartz, sure for him to officiate at th e Hail and Farewell ~ Harry Stairman, Jack K. Stall­ m arriage of their daughter . J ean . Mrs. Jack Queler and Mr s . the current market who became Mrs. Joseph Silver­ man, Nathan Temkin, J acob moff, Shepley Gray left Wednesday to For further information phone ~ Sol Wald, David Weintraub, J os­ REV. S. D. PROCTOR stein on January 16. The n ewly­ spend a m ont h in Florida The or send this ad with your name eph Wuraftic and Isadore Zaid­ Rev. Samuel D . Proctor, of weds are living in New Bedford. B. Butlers. the J acob Millers, the and address, to- man. the Pond Street Baptist Church, New Home Charles Lishners, and the Harry ~ will speak on "Priesthood and Best of luck to the Morris Res­ Greenbergs are all in Florida Prophecy" at Temple Beth El nicks, formerly of 48 Eaton Street. Welcome home to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Investment ~ Income Tax this evening at 8: 15 o'clock, in who moved into their new home David Land, Mrs. Harvey Stone Co., Inc. ~ observance of Racial Relations at 137 Oakland Avenue. and son Billy, and Mrs. Nathan \M. M. SOFORENKO) Consultant Week. Combination Party Stein who return today from Flor­ ~ Prompt Efficient Service Sandy Paster was hostess at a ida The Benjamin Pulners 17 Exchange St. Providence :: double celebration party held at (Phenix Bank Bldg.) BERNARD LABUSH were guests of honor at a Bon ...., her home January 29. The party Voyage party held in t he Glass DExter 0688 ... Accountant Clown Prince Schacht was in honor of Mo"rt Gleckrnan's Hat Room of the Belmont Plaza Member Nat. Assoc. Security "' Dexter 5560 - Dexter 0655 birthday and the inauguration of Hotel in New York City. After the Dealers Bernie Buckler, n ewly-installed president of Pawtucket AZA. Listed by B' nai B' rith Anniversary Congratulations to the Hy Le­ He h as traveled m ore than 525,- vines who are celebrating their 000 miles in th e last ten years 15th wedding anniversary today. CAMP PEMBROKE just to m ake appearances before Visiting ZIONIST YOUTH CAMP FOR GIRLS the baseball public. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohen and I He has entertained at 23 World their year-old daughter, Francine, on beautiful Cape Cod Series and in 40 minor leagues. were visiting friends and relatives HAS A FEW OPENINGS FOR GIRLS 7-14 as well as at m any special baseball in Providence last week. The j functions. Cohen's (she's the former Eleanor Zionist program, leade rship training, kosher food, He was a winning southpaw pit- Greenstein) are living in Mount I water a nd fiel d sports, horseback riding, dramatics, cher with t he Wash ington Sena- Vernon. N . Y . , arts and crafts. tors, and a capable coach after "Sweetheart" i his playing career ended. Shirley Bigney was c h o s e n Resident doctor and nurse He is a baseball legend. , ··sweetheart of AZA" at the An- That brief summary doesn't be- 1 nual Win~r Conclave held last Tuition $375 per season gin to describe Al Schach t, who ; weekend in F all River. will be featured speaker and come- Proud Parents For catalogue and full particulars, call- Mrs. Jacob Hohenemser, 441 Morris Avenue, DExter 6420 dian at the annual Father and Son I The Charles Steingolds are Sports Night to be sponsored by ' proud of their son , Kenny, a Roger Williams Lodge. B'n ai B'rith I on Monday evening, February 21 at the Plantations Auditorium. ;~~~;o/Y,-';,";.';"',"',',"'~,'n"',~~,::.;...v-,_, ' .._ ~! I Sch acht will h ead an array of I (~~ z~ leading sports fi gures, led by War- ,, _ ,' ren Walden. WEAN sportscaster. ~~ :~ Also included on the program are ,' ,, approximately 75 gifts of all kinds ,' ,' that will be given away to th e boys i' ,, who attend the affair. '~ E }~ Gov. John 0. Pastore and Mayor Z~ us ~~ Dennis J . Roberts. each of whom ~~ has accepted an invitation to at- ~<,' N HO ,~ tend, will be introduced by Bert- ,' ram L. Bernhardt. presiden t of the ,, 0 w ,, Lodge. Bernhardt also will intro- '~ t ..l i duce Schacht. Benjamin Rutten- ~~ Ll \ \ \ RoOU $ berg is chairman of the even ing , \ ..--c\ , 1 , and the program committee. ~- \:)et' 0•' :~ The Clown Prince of Baseball, ~~ 909 Cuf0 o . \ . ~~ as Al Schacht is known. has a ,, Le\ I" ,~ record unparalleled by most en - ~:~. , k I oo\'"\ soc~, ~:~.- tertainers. During his career, • 'l'I . which dates back some 40 years. ~~ 'r~ Schacht has played in practically ,, :~ every park in the country. More :~ 'r~ than 60 million persons h ave ,, ~~ watched his antics. including two I ,' 'r> an d a ha If million GI's in New .' ","~ G uinea. Dutch East Indies, Sicily, ,,~~ ,, the Philippines and Japan during ~~ •! the war years. No audience has ,,,., ~...... i b een too small for the touthpaw ,, ,, comic. no village too remote. He ,' ,, has right ly become a baseball ,,,.... ,,,,,,. legend. ______I ,, ,, I .....~ ...,~ DAY SCHOOL MEETING ,...... , A rame-drawing will be held I ~~ • ehaic,e lf/..ood euul, .e~ ~~ at the meeting or t he Ladies Asso- I ,' ,, ciation or the Providence Hebrew ,' ,, Elliot F. Slack Day School Wednesday evening ~~ ?~ in the school building o u es t ~~ Reservations Woon. 3345 ~~ 1019 Indus trial Trust Bldr. speRkers will be Mr. and Mrs. ,, ,, DE 2422 - UN 1430 Kennison T. Bosquet. psycholo- ,, ,, gists. who will discuss "Through ," ,, Children ·s Eyes". j ~,' ,,~ Refreshmen ts will be served and -},~~~, ~~""'"'" ' , ~~~~~l the public ls invited to attend. I '•


Pasteurized and Can Be Used 2 LB For Every LOAF Cheese Use CLOVERDALE LB Margarine Fortified With Vitamin A 2LB 83 Velveeta or Chateau LOAF C Bruce Jeffrey Biller, one year old, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Biller of Miller Avenue. Photo by Michel LoshakofI WHOLE MILK Mild Cheese CHEDDAR LB 51C Bristol Synagogue I Hersch Asks Support Tomato Ketchup FINAST 2 ~6'i-'s 35c

Installs Officers Of Playground Bill PURE VEGETABLE LB SHORTENING Rabbi Eli A. Bohnen was guest An appeal to all Representa­ Crisco or Spry CAN 37c speaker at installation ceremonies tives in the Gener al Assembly to of Chevra Agudas Achim Syna­ support a bill permitting the is­ gogue in Bristol Sunday, it was LB suance of permits for the city's MIRABEL RASPBERRY JAR an'nounced this week by Ben Ha­ play-grounds and fields as early Preserve 29c zen , secr etary. as 10 o'clock on Sunday morn­ 19 0% STANDARD RED RIPE Those installed by Max Phenes ings instead of the present starting Tomatoes 2 CANS 25c were Dr. Leo Jacobson, president; time of 12 noon was made this Joseph Feinberg, vice president; FINAST GOLDEN 20 0% week by Harold Hersch, sponsor CREAM STYLE CANS Ben Hazen, secretary, and Her­ of a drive to effect the change. Maine Corn 2 33c bert Eisenstadt, treasurer. Hersch urged all the legislators A gift to the retiring president, to back the bill, which would dir­ VEGETABLE 3 LB LB Ira Stone, was presented by Dr. ectly benefit Jewish and other CAN 93c CAN Jacobson on behalf of the congre­ Marvo SHORTENING 33t athletic groups that are able to gation. play only on SUnday mornings, Refreshments were served by a FINAST 29oz when it is brought up in the Fruit Cocktail CAN 38c committee headed by Miss Shirley lower chamber. Senate approval Meyerson. The program was ar­ is expected shortly. RICHMOND 29oz ranged by the program commit­ Hersch, who originated the idea Peaches SLICED OR HALVES CAN 25c tee, consisting of Ben Hazen , and persuaded Senator Raymond J o s e p h Feinberg and Herbert FLORIDA 18 0% A. McCabe to introduce the bill Orange Juice CAN Eisenstadt. in the Senate, also suggested that 10c all those interested in the matter call or write their Representatives FINAST Daughterhood Bowling to explain the reason and need PT FRES~ JAR By RUTH TANENBAUM for the revision. and to gain their Mayonnaise MADE B,i 69c • 39c Good starts and poor finishes support. featured last week's sessions. Hel­ In directing his appeal to the ene Preblud began it. After a fast lower ch amber, Hersch pointed start, she bogged down and won out th a t the bill h as already been 'M.EAT ,DEPT~ VALUES f 'FRUITS··and VEGETABLES referred to the judiciary com­ .I I I ' the first pool with a m ere 87. mittee headed by Sen. McCabe, Doris Graubart won in her division ~eavy Western Steer Beef- Well Trimmed Babiju1ce Florida 8 LB M ..h Ba g Good Siu with 101. Doris was wound up for and that approval there is virtual­ ly certain. The Senate is expected the second string, rolling a classy DOZ 29c 109. EI Jacobson tried to keep up to go along with t he committee's LB 55c Oranges 49c recommendation. Rib Roast with her but settled for 100. Juicy Florida Thin Skinned The third string developed into Bone in - Popular Oven or Pot Roast FOR another tight battle. Harri et Comets to Name Grapefruit 4 29c Keller took one with 100, while LB Dee Chorney looked like the other Chuck Roast 49c Fancy N. E. McIntosh winner with 107, until the sm oke "Miss, Valentine" cleared away and it was found Whole or Either ~alf - Mild Sugar Cured Apples 2 LBS 25( that Doris Levin had compiled Selection of "Miss Valentine for FrHh Crisp Puca. 108. '49" will be the highlight of the LB 59c annual Valentine Dance of th o Cooked Hams LGE Comet Club tomorrow evening at Celery BUNCH 29c Ball, Chain Club the J ewish Community Center SMOKED - Lean Short Shank Fancy Sweet Green a uditorium. Every girl present at 2 LBS 25C Valentine Party the dance will be given equal op­ LB 43c Peppers portunity to win the award. Shoulders Firm R•d Ripe Mr. find Mrs. Sydney Rfifeal Dave Cohen heads a three-man Tender Light Soft Meat CELLO and Mr. and Mrs. John Fishman committee that will select "Miss Tomatoes PKG 29c were guests for the evening of Va lentine". The j udges will base FrHh Young Tender the Bfi ll and Chfiin Club at their their selection on the poise. grace Lamb Legs LB 65c Vfi lentine Party held Sunday at a nd personality, as well as beauty BCHS the J ewish Community Center. of t he girls. T he winning contes­ We ll T 11tm med ~ eavy Tender Steer Beef Carrots 2 19c Entertainment for the evening tant wi ll receive a gift from the Firm Gre•n - No, Crop was provided by Mr. and Mrs. Comets. Porterhouse or Eugene Troherman. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Nadelberl( is chairman Steaks N. Y. Sirloin LB 69c Cabbage LB 6c Murray Haler. Mr. find Mrs. Pin­ of the anr111 1;cmcnls committee. cus Pearl and Mrs. Lottie Arblts­ He is assisted by Jacob Chaiken . n,.,. PricH Elf•ctiv• at First Notional Sell-S• rv•ce Sup•r Mark•h in Thi, Vicinity -Subject to Marlt•t Chang., man . decorntions; Sanford P hi 11 i p s . All marr ied couples are invited checking; Lenny Lerner, tickets; to t he next meeting, February Harold Luctman. refreshmen ts, F I R 5 T r ~~~ A T I o N A L ~l 5 T O R E 5 20 at the J ewish Community and Dave Goldmfin. Fred Fishman Center. and Nat Luctman. publicity.

• .. 1 Here's YOUR Chance .•J / ~«-"IDOJ{OQ Dr. A. Nemtzow ~ I • e-: to ... ~ ~~ -,v ~ '~ .~,f;1\\-. -~ NE w,s :f R,0 ~- ~ ~ l,1 ~ .wJJlflJ- 29 AB~:!os7.etr:s: 7172 ~

HOLLYWOOD--In a landBy where LEO?iN~iG~U~T~~T=~EiRJMANJ~i:=!-fe:Q-=re~-::reic..-..e:.rt=ie_}_iI-JiI-Ji~~Ji~~I~~I~~i~~~frt:_~ - -...~9 fabulous personalities abound, Ed- die Cantor is one of the most in- t!l credible and one of the best loved. ~ Ask Eddie how he keeps his Th K M k l!!l boundless pep after 40 years of e orner ar et ._, ~~~!e~e~ ~~t~l;{ ~ft Y~~o~e ~~!; ; on laughter, the joy of bringing 120 ORMS STREET MA 5888 oo pleasure to others. = (or Shares!) At a time when others might W k E d S = think of retiring he was busy with ee - n pecials! ; 1n P RO V I D E NC E 0 1 0 BASEBALL! and~~:i!~s the~n~frah~~ enterta inment~::ek of: nt:~~:~ wounded FRUIT COCKTAIL No. 1Tall Can 23c -~ • The· new Providence GRAYS (formerly the ChieIS) will w a r veterans. But that wasn't "'l represent Rhode Island's capitol city in the New England enough so he became a movie pro- HUNT'S PEACHES :; Professional Baseball League--opening April 30. ducer. " If You Knew Susie," in SMALL SLICED 10 C ~ • To secure outstanding managerial and player talent-so which he also starred, was the ~ that Providence will be represented by a hustling colorful second picture which he produced; • outfit-finances must be rail!ed! For the first time, public­ ~~~o~st~fie::..~ very successful spirited citizens of the co=unity are being offered the op­ GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Lge. Can 19c i portunity to become part owners of our local ball club! Eddie lives on nervous energy, := • Stock is now available for subscription at $10 per share. eats vitamin pills like candy and WE DELIVER ~ FIVE OR MORE SHARES ENTITLES YOU TO A SEASON'S smokes denicotined cigars. He haS := TICKET TO ALL 53 EVENING HOME GAMES! a gift for organizing his daily life When You Call Your Order In Ask for Sam or Lester. ~ • Let's revive the glorious days when Providence was one and an amazing p:iemory for de- "" of the nation's greatest baseball cities-the days when Babe tails. He dislikes loud clothes and They'll Be Glad to Offer Suggestions on How to Save! !'" Ruth, Carl Mays and other immortals wore a Providence uni­ noisy people; dresses conserva- :; form! IT CAN BE DONE-IT WILL BE DONE AGAIN-WITH tively in neat blues and grays. He ~ YOUR SUPPORT' MAIL COUPON BELOW TODAY! eats often but sparingly, likes hot CHARLES W. PINE UGO GASBARRO LOUIS FAIN dogs, malted milk and cold show- President Treasurer Vice-President ers. He works tirelessly for charity if the cause is worthy, regardless ~~e 'a a Sts issu ed durinl' the year : lywood Cemetery: "Have Gone to premium o n a S un L ife Retire­ SJ74,6SZ,S47 J oin My Teeth, Kidneys, Appen­ ment polic,·. Last October he A ssurance-s in force : dix, Gallstones. Hair, Tonsils a nd made his final bminess trip and $4.0S9.ZJ4. ISZ Adenoids.·· Vi siting an old character actor, known locall y as the Sage of Hol­ lywood, on his 98 th birthday, I asked him the secret of his long SUN LIFE OF CANADA and happy life. "Well," said the Sage medita­ tively. "every morning I get up ERNEST E. CODERE, Branch Manager Open Mondays for Your Convenience out of bed and go o\'Cr to the 10th Floor, Industrial Trust Bulldln&' Wednesday and Friday evenJn gs tut 9 P. M. window. There I take a look out and I say to myself, 'This Is Jus t Providence 3, Rhode Island the kind of day that I wanted'!" :a: TO SHOW MOVIE MD Q,~-rrY Kozy Korne r Klub Marks Second Anniversary A InOTI£: about Ai:Jraru.m Linroln A.i-gentinian Je..-s h2.te d:::c:id.ed .w be fea=-ea m me ]J!'ogram lD estabfuh a C-Q<;'T in tile nallli: I ~ CZ 1b: ~ B d l I " - De.:, d. t.::lf: Arg1=nri:r:!_e ::-ql"".ID!ic a ~ th= I =Scbool's O=g Sn:aboo.· ~:,. -=

WEDDING­ F or .-\ CD-TI:

7. ::- DA I E JA C OBS

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Pioneer Women C-o:.c..: ~:) G..L.d. ~ ~~ e cam.Ir!:: :6't, G .-\ ~ w--= Ge t.= !.C ::r. :!:-£: -;-e::,--::-y . 56 >\ ash.in_gto D SL A ~~ - Be-rr.arC ~~ :.S ch.a...:..-n:.a.n R-e:51.d-e.nee . D E.rter 1539 Announce Program : c;: ti'!£ ~ tf.:71:.0C::-

.jc,;;t;:i:-. Sc~. = · ;r~ by Ir.. Phi£:-: We!<-< ,;;,]] E a:roJ)E:2.n Cosv,rn T ailon for Ladies an.d GentJern~ Statement of Fact! ;:r.esc--n: c. ;r. c,g:---c:..m .J: song:.s a: t.3£: P i O :J E: E: ~ 7i O:Z:.f!l 0:--g.a:i.:..z.a :i!m c_,,..~~ k -!:.o ();or B"5°"!::!7G t CE:.£::Cf:"G ­ EHRMANN & co. ::.a:? "';ii"i:.:.c:-h ~ tE: r...:--:.a 2.: rb~ l3 ~O"° STREET :-.-ear W~on SL i T el. DErta 8:9"15 0--__eg ~:12..oba: :omo-:-:-'"'vi. a: _ : 30 P"G:" :i.::: 17,""==~ 0:-esscc W c rr.-=:: ~!.: C""'t::T.. :lt:m.£:"!: FRESH MEAT AND POULTRY SOLD o · c:..OC.k b :h-t G. J..CU :.0:-:um oi - err. - Pi£ ~:m ,, - tl.f:·. cr s To :i,1 T. -\.Il.-O RED srn-s an!l e-0 A r s Tr-..c p:c,g;--G.!.il.. G.....rr-~cd 0-y li-s. Lar;;e StlI:~tion r;f Cbc.ia: F a b ries--1.ates:t Sty!~ AT 02..rry Beet~ prc,g:-G.ID c~ ~n's :..:::crt:C~ a •cl.o:cr..:ng speech try ~-lli- 5.a.."7': D:css. ~£..en: : grc:et­ Suits $75--85 ir.. g.:s cry P..a..::;oi E"_i _.!._ _ Bohn...~ : a L.-\DITS: F O R ~ YOl" }f..-\Y H.-\TI t...2..2 ~ -Tc=:- s: .gn=.:::: c"<=nec .:. Oneg 1/Jf)', .-\LI. "OOL G .-\B.-\RD L'"ES J::-; Sr:tliba:- i:Jy ~!:s. Berr=-d ~ : Bh.ek - }l.aroon - & ;.ge - B loce · S p:: ~ ­ c:.-:a rr ~ _ Sc:: ;:r.-ec !:!£:"!'" . ncspi~ :Y · Irving Abrams AND IS c:-r :;:; 2..SST~--C(! by li-s. &n­ ~-r,, - - ?~:.a~k:;. ~!..-5 . ~ at.h:2.~ Slashes Kosher Meat Prices B'noi B'rith Women Purchased From Sources That Are Under FIRST- To Present Skits the Supervision of the Providence By Reducing the Le-vel of All Prices ·· :f,49 i:i1:.s a::.d 3 !t.s c: a ·r:.2..i 3 ":-:::-. -. G. g:-o:__-;:, o: 5..k::l :.s ...-:,::en For All Cuts of Meot-s Wood Hocoshruth, Inc. .::..::.C r ·-t1:.:E.-C ":i: ~: :::Sd.a r.--- ~ C-::0:-~e­ P..c:.zc:::.._ --.-..r. Cv7: a...r.d /-., G :- O n SECOND-- C-e~t...ko:f. -;;;-...:_: be ;r:-~:::.C-C G: We a bide by the Hebre,.. La,..s and th e Civil Lcvs . :,..;. ;:YG-!..ri ;j:) n:~'l'T'C)o::--r-::"r- · p n::._~- .. - :;; By Trimming Fat and Bone fr-om All of the State Regarding Ko~he r Meat ~-~- ~ :!"".= ?.r;ge~ -v; 1 -~i·2-;;s en~;;; B · ~ B ·:--: ~b -;r; ~ ec.r..esc_a-; Meat BEFORE WEIGHING c-.·~g a: &· i.:J o·c ock: :r: ;, h£: ~.; ove: -:--...£:- · P~ ...... J~:l do,es :10: S:.a:.c :32.t •e n.crt C:::i..- c::Ll E o:I..Sc . AND NOW- k0c-.....£:::--c~y &...::: -..t a:t ::.0: u::ci::-: : h.£::.r s ....~ Tni.s nt:: cas:: ! ::! C: U.CfS ~ Lesc2..r::£:S Irving Abrams Offer-s Free Delivery :..s fr£::C: e-;-:d=ce v-..a: -..e ca.--:-:;- on:::; .Stnetl::; Ko:;;her ?-a.:,.-m.o:1rl C~!'":.e-r: ~)!..:... :o K.e::53:.e-:- . , 1 mta: and ;y:,u~ i.:Y. C-e-:r.-ge P...e :.zen In-:c. Co~ .-'ca:" , Service to All Sections of the City Ge~r~ ~ . H.a...-:ic-: v:mnt:-n::.a..,. ~~1:w.. Ja.coh s. .!..J:)ff:r:, v;e:.::be7~ CALL DE 5225 FOR SPEEDY SERVlCE U:-On.arc Sa:rnar::son, &.Ill f: Sch · r:t:dt':- .-\:ch.:£: P:_"1.__:e ~..; a :h.2..o ~:-s:e-::1:>:...a.:: . ~t!:ch.£:!1 ~ J OC---e p h Se<.: '. er . I!-, n;; W a : • Sa:n• e:!.a~: Sam e 1 1 C!'...a.5P :'.,! ·-1:..,a,· H a:;:>':-:. Sam I Irving Abrams Gn:-e;s. e S,c.ney P---..c:crr A be-:­ Ccr .. en Jam Llp-;> , . :'.,fax &nde-:-. Leor.ard Rabb :O- o rma Fembe:--g Kosher Meat Market Miller's Delicatessen, Inc. and &;ymo,_;r Le..,- A soctaJ h '"111 f ol a-- and 2 1 DOUGLAS AVENUE 77 6 H ope Street PL 8682 r