Only Anglo-Jewi1h Newspaper in Rhode Island VOL. xxxm. NO . 49 FRIDAY, FEBRARY 11 . 1949 PROVIDENCE, R. I . SIXTEEN PAGES 7 CENTS THE COPY Dr. Berger, Darman Join ZOA Revolt Letter Scores Emanuel Speaker Abdullah Ratifies Baseball Comedian Strikes Familiar Pose ~ ,::.-: ->.~ Silver's Policies Talks With Israel Dr. Ilie Berger of P rovidence and R HO DES- Trans J ordan's Arthur Darman of Woonsocket forma.l acceptance,, of th e in vita­ have joined forces with the dis­ tion to hold armistice talks with sident group which opposes th e Israel on Rhodes reached the present lea dership and policies Acting Mediator. Dr. Ralph J . ~ ­ of the Zionist Organization of America. Dr. Berger said t h is Bunche. this week through his ~~ ~~ . week. Both men a t t e n de d a representath·e in Amman. I ~ . ' special meetin g in New York last The date for starting the talks ~ --~· 7 week called by leadin g Zionists has not Yet been fixed an d th e ~ . who oppose the ZOA a dministra­ question · of whether an effort I tion. should be made w combine th em with the current Egyptian-Israeli I Dr . Berger announced his and t a I ks rests with the interested I Dannan 's participation, at the parties. same time explaining th e stand taken by the group of which they Dr . Bunche's person al emissary, are now a part. in a Jetter to th e Constantin Stanopou.Jos. returned Al Schacht, the Clown Prince of Baseball, is shown here in H erald. The letter is r eprinted from a flying u·ip to J erusalem , a characteristic pose. Schacht, the noted baseball comedian and here in fu.1.1. as follows : Damascus an d Beirut but details pantomimist, will be guest speaker at the Father and Son Sports of his trip were n ot released. On " On m y way to Florida, I stop­ Night of Roger Williams Lodge, B'nai B'rith on February 21. ped oYer at New Yor k last Satur­ t he basis of unofficial reports Syria Story on Page 5. a nd Lebanon are expected to be­ day to attend a specia.J m eeting at CAPT. HARRY SPERBER gin armistice talks with Israel the Biltm ore H otel to find out Capta in Harry &Perber, no~ soon. but n o official inform ation why so many of the leadin g Zions traveler and lecturer, will speak is yet available. ists are opposed to the presen t on ·'From Buch enwald t-0 Tel­ King Abdu.J la h of Trans-Jordan administration. When sLx former Aviv" a t the n ext meeting of announced as soon as the invits.­ presiden ts and community leaders the Temple Emanuel i\len's Club, tion was delivered J an . 31. that from all over th e country unite Thursday night in the Temple he wou.Jd take part in the armis­ ~CHARITY---- against the present Zionist a d­ ,·estry. · tice talks. but the first official in­ m inistration , it is time to take timation came today. It is learned notice. " I listened to the accounts f rom that he had con siuered that h e B y SYD COHEN i u n i t _e d States _was l~_beled of Nachim G oldm an. H arold J . G old­ British Jews to Ask had __ a ccep ted the invit~tion by ; 1Thi s is the second in a series of ·; question a ble legitimacy by Is­ enberg. Louis Lipsky an d Meyer m a king his_ statem ent 'I\ hile the articles written exclush·ely for the raeli Consul-General Arthur Lou- Weisgal. I left early in t.he after­ was Herald on a subject of major im- ' Unned Nat10ns m 1SS1on h ere rie who stated that the campaign, noon. so I did n ot attend the f u.11 a waiting J:1.1:. formal rep ly. 1 portance to the reading public. •·purportedly for the benefit of meeting. UN Return Orphans T he _ acu, 1t1es on R hodes re- , It is hoped that these articles will schools and hosp ita.Js in Israel' ', st Mr. a nd Mrs. Arth ur Darman m a in ID the. atus of . carefu.JJy I be of assista.nce in h elping expose had been undertaken without th e were present. It seem s they were LONDON-A group of British guarded meetings on which no m- th O s e who solicit funds nefar- knowledge or approval of the Gov­ Jews agreed last week to ask t he formation 1s arn_1lable. The s1tua- ioush. in the name of charity. Ed.) ernmen t oi Israel. impressed by what took place. as evidenced by their response to an United Nations t-0 demand that t10n lS snll considered covered by 1 • ____ ___ There is the story in a nuts:-tell. Christian families and monaster ­ Dr. B unche·s statemen t t h at wrapped up in a live example of a ppeal made for funds to bring tContinued on Pace Zl ies re,·eal the n ames and where­ agreement m ight be reach ed in How Charity h ow cha rity r ackets a re operated abouts of J ewish war orph ans one or two days or two weeks-- and how they can be com batted. theY sheltered. a nd to allow the or not at all. The on.Jy footnote Rackets Operate It serves as the finest illustra tion Brita in Lets Down chiid ren to return t-0 the Jewish to be appended to t h at statem ent obta ina ble t-0 p oint up these arti- community. is t hat it does not take into ac- On the front page of last week's cles. Al M B count the possible insistence o f H era Id there appeared a s to ry ID· The words ··charity for P ales- I igration ors T he decision was t.aken at a the Western powers th at som e which an ··Israel Intern ation al tine .. alwa_,,s h ave h a d an irresis- meeting of the Jewish Commis­ b h S\ k .. · · th LONDON- Britain will permit sion on the Status of Jewis h War settlement e reac ed . ,·eepsta · es campaign in e tible a ppeal for the public. T he J ews in its zon e of Germ a ny, in Orphans in Europe. a fter some e,·ents of t h e past few years have Tripoli and in other territories debate . Morgenthau, Montor to Mobilize Capital put a n ew emphasis on P a leSt ine. under its control to migrate to Dr. I. Grunfield said it was his 1 or Israel. a nd. of course. the Am-Israel reoardless of whether thev 1 intent ion to place the issue before erican J ewish public h as responded are of m ilitary age or not. Under·­ the UN a iter P asso,·er when th e according l_y. That h as been fin e ' Secretary Christoph er Mayhew Palestine situation might be m ore for the people a nd _induS!rY of this week a nnounced in Commons. stable. But Dr. P . Riebenfeld op ­ : Israel. the UJA. which w O r k s H e declared that following the posed a ny such delay a nd urged la rgely to,:·ard that end. an d other decision to release the Cyprus that the m atter be brought be- , a gen cies m at are deY oted to_se nd- J e w s. the British G overnment fore the UN immediately . I in g_ funds o,·erseas _to a id in the also decided to a pply U1e same rebi rth of__ the_ J ewish state a n d policy to a ll other areas under Debate a lso de,·eJoped on the the rehabilttatton of hundreds of Brit ish control. · promise mde by Pope Pius to Chief thousands of person s. There is Rabbi Herzog of Israel that h e only one drawback to this situa- would call on -the Ca tholic Church 1 tion- it pla ys righ t into the hands to decla re the J ewish orphan s. 1 of dish onest ch arity seekers. Rabbi Braude Rabbi Harris Swi.ft. reporting on Is He A Fake '? an in,·estigation in F ran ce. said A m a n comes to the h ouse and that the mon asteries were r efus­ I asks for a don ation for a n ew In Radio Program ing t-0 off er inform ation about 1 , 1Continued on Page 10 ) A n ew rad io program "Ask J ewis h orph a ns in their care. the Rabbi". in whieh Rabbi ' l" R GES QuOT.-\ FOR I S RAEL William G. Bra ude of Temple I WASHINGTO N E tablish­ Beth El will a n swer question s T he Home News on a il aspects of the Jewish A nati o nwide t· ffor t to m o bili ze America n ea pi tal for l.:t rge-;;_.s lP irn e:- t· m en t of an immigrat io n quota for Israel wa called for this week religion . writings a nd history, The monthly page devote<! ments in 1:- rad ha:- bt"t" n inaugura lt·d und t:.· r tl 1t· leaJ t:.·~ hip uf Herlr) ~torgc n- w i I I beg-in tomorrov.· at 6 : 30 1hau, J r., ( left l for111 er ~crl'lary of 11 1<· Trt•a, u r), "' h o ha, ju,t bn ·n d cetcd by Rep .
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