Second Contact Day JEWISH STUDIES ON THE LOW COUNTRIES 20 May 2009, University of Antwerp Abstracts Instituut voor Joodse Studies Postadres: Instituut voor Joodse Studies Universiteit Antwerpen Prinsstraat 13, L.400 BE-2000 Antwerpen Bezoekersadres: Lange Winkelstraat 40-42, 4de verdieping BE-2000 Antwerpen T +32 (0)3 265 52 43 F +32 (0)3 265 52 41
[email protected] SESSION I: INSTITUTIONS, RELIGION, EMANCIPATION AND SECULARISATION Chair: Peter Tammes (Universiteit Leiden) STATE, RELIGION AND JEWISH IDENTITY IN THE PHILOSOPHICAL AND POLITICAL THOUGHT OF SIMONE LUZZATTO, JOHN TOLAND AND MENASSEH BEN ISRAEL Rosa Reicher The proposed research undertakes a comparative reading of several pamphlets on Jewish Toleration and Emancipation set in Italy, the Netherlands and Great Britain at the beginning of 17th and 18th century. In addition the research project explores the influence of the text on German- Jewish Emancipation. Venice was the first municipality in Europe to establish a special Jewish quarter. Walled off in 1516, it eventually took its name from the foundry, or ghetto, which was situated nearby. Nevertheless, the Jewish community played an important role in the city and produced such figures as Simone (Simha) Luzzatto (1583-1663) – scholar, rabbi, mathematician, and supporter of religious toleration. The principal text is Simone Luzatto's “Discorso circa il stato de gli Ebrei et in particolar dimoranti nell'inclita Città di Venezia” (“Discourse on the Condition of the Jews and, in Particular, those Dwelling in the Glorious City of Venice”). Luzzato was one of the most prominent representatives of the Jewish political thought of Early Modern Venice.