State Level Expert Appraisal Committee (SEACI, Jharkhand, Nurserv Complex, Near Dhurwa Bus Stand
State Level Expert Appraisal Committee (SEACI, Jharkhand, Nurserv Complex, Near Dhurwa Bus Stand. Dhurwa. Ranchi, Jharkhand 6TthMeetinE Asenda points Date -25,02.19 Time - 10 :30 AM A. Discussion on matter related to : i. SEIAA letter no. 36, dated 22.01.19 regarding distance of housing projects from pF / RF land (copy enclosed). ii. SEIAA email dated 30.01.19 regarding scheme for Accreditation of EtA Consultant organi2ations i Version 3(copy enclosed). iii. Deptt. of Forest, Environment & Climate Change, Go\,t. oflharkhand letter no. 2982, dated 16.07.18 (copy enclosed). iv. Letter dated 21.01.19 of M/s Balmukund Sponge & tron p\n, Ltd seeking cancellation of ToR appli.ation (proposat No,StA/JHltND/$7a8/2Of7). v. Letter dated 17.01.19 of M/s Ashtana Housing Ltd seeking withdrawal of EC application. vi. Proposal No. StA /H/NCP/75825/2018 (,Ashiana Aditya,, of M/s Ashiana Housing Ltd at Asanga, Adityapur, Saraikela-Kharsawan) regardinB the distance of notified forest is 08 m from proposed project site. Time - 3.0O PM B. Tentative List of Proponent for Appearance M/s Cosnizanace Research lndia pvt. ltd. proiect 1. Khokha Sand Mining of M/s Ganga KaveJi Construction P\d. Ltd at Vill. Khokha, (haraundhi, Garhwa (23.00 Ha). 2. Simariya Stone Deposit of M/s pawanputra Stone Work at Vill.-simariya, Jirwabari, Sahibganj, {6.07 Ha). project 3. Pahartoli Sand Mining of Sri Anil Kumar Gupta at Vill. pahartoli, Thana _ Basia, Dist.- Gumla (5.66 Ha). 4. Moradlh, Loyadih & pelkera Balu Ghat of M/s S.G.
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