Arxiv:2007.11027V2 [Cond-Mat.Mtrl-Sci] 14 Sep 2020 Kamal and Ezawa [10] and Kou Et Al

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Arxiv:2007.11027V2 [Cond-Mat.Mtrl-Sci] 14 Sep 2020 Kamal and Ezawa [10] and Kou Et Al Blue phosphorene bilayer is a two-dimensional metal - and an unambiguous classification scheme for buckled hexagonal bilayers Jessica Arcudia,1 Roman Kempt,2 Miguel Eduardo Cifuentes-Quintal,1 Thomas Heine,2, 3, 4, ∗ and Gabriel Merino1, y 1Departamento de Fsica Aplicada, Centro de Investigacin y de Estudios Avanzados, Unidad Mrida, Mrida, Yucatn, Mxico 2Technische Universitt Dresden, Fakultt fr Chemie und Lebensmittelchemie, Bergstrae 66c, 01062 Dresden, Germany 3Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Leipzig Research Branch, Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany 4Department of Chemistry, Yonsei University, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-749, Republic of Korea (Dated: September 15, 2020) High-level first-principles computations predict blue phosphorene bilayer to be a two-dimensional metal. This structure has not been considered before and was identified by employing a block- diagram scheme that yields the complete set of five high-symmetry stacking configurations of buckled honeycomb layers, and allows their unambiguous classification. We show that all of these stacking configurations are stable or at least metastable configurations both for blue phosphorene and gray arsenene bilayers. For blue phosphorene, the most stable stacking configuration has not yet been reported, and surprisingly it is metallic, while all other arrangements are indirect band gap semicon- ductors. As it is impossible to interchange the stacking configurations by translations, all of them should be experimentally accessible via the transfer of monolayers. The metallic character of blue phosphorene bilayer is caused by its short interlayer distance of 3.01 A˚ and offers the exceptional possibility to design single elemental all-phosphorus transistors. INTRODUCTION grAs could be used for transistors or mechanical sensors, due to its indirect-direct band gap transitions [11, 14], Since the first exfoliation of graphene and the discovery semiconductor-metal transitions [8, 10], and topological of its remarkable properties [1], many other 2D materials phase transitions under strain [15, 16]. came in the focus of interest, including its isoelectronic It is well-known that interlayer interactions can signif- hexagonal congener boron nitride [2], and the wide vari- icantly alter the properties of 2D materials, most strik- ety of transition metal dichalcogenides [3{5]. However, it ingly discussed recently for superconductivity in bilayer was not before the exfoliation black phosphorus [6, 7], (BL) graphene [17, 18], but also for band gap nature that the attention for 2D pnictogens emerged. Black and valleytronics in transition-metal dichalcogenides (for phosphorus is the most stable allotrope of phosphorus a review, see Ref. [19]), or for metal-insulator transitions and crystallizes in an orthorhombic structure. But a sin- in noble metal chalcogenides (for a review, see Ref. [20]). gle layer of phosphorus, so-called phosphorene, can also The properties crucially depend on the stacking type and crystallize in other forms. The honeycomb structure pre- twist angle, which can be controlled using various trans- dicted by Zhu and Tomnek [8] is just 2 meV/atom higher fer techniques [21]. in energy than the black counterpart, and given that its Only a few studies addressed interlayer effects in bluP band gap value is slightly above the photon energy of and grAs, and no details on the stacking order have been visible blue light, it was named blue phosphorene (in the reported experimentally up to now [9, 12]. Given the cor- following bluP). This prediction was materialized just a rugation of the monolayer, more than the high-symmetry couple of years later by Zhang et al., who successfully AA and AB stacking orders are expected. In how many synthesized monolayer (ML) bluP by epitaxial growth on ways is it possible to stack them? Even for the simplest an Au(111) substrate [9]. The next pnictogen of interest case of two buckled honeycomb layers, this question has is arsenic, mostly found in its bulk form as gray arsenic, not been answered yet. Herein, we suggest a new ap- and whose layered rhombohedral structure makes it an proach based on a simple graphical analysis, which we excellent candidate for exfoliation. The first studies on will call a `block diagram' to ascertain it. the stability and the properties of a single arsenic layer, Using block diagrams, we identify all possible high- i.e., gray arsenene (in the following grAs), predicted by symmetry stacking configurations of BL buckled honey- arXiv:2007.11027v2 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 14 Sep 2020 Kamal and Ezawa [10] and Kou et al. [11], encouraged comb lattices, which are expected to yield all low-energy experimental groups to exfoliate few-layers arsenic [12]. forms for bluP and grAs bilayers. Both bluP and its arsenic congener grAs have a struc- Employing first principles calculations (density- ture similar to graphene, which is a hexagonal lattice with functional theory (DFT), the Random Phase Approxi- their atoms alternatingly being displaced out of the 2D mation (RPA), and single-particle Green's function ap- plane (Figure 1a). These monolayers show exciting elec- proach G0W0), we calculated their structures, thermody- tronic properties with an indirect band gap in the range namic and kinetic stabilities, and explore their electronic of 1.5-2.0 eV [8{10, 12]. BluP is a p-type semiconduc- structures. We discovered that the lowest-energy bluP tor with high carrier mobility [13]. On the other hand, BL was not yet reported to date and, surprisingly, it is 2 FIG. 1. (a) Front and side view of a buckled honeycomb monolayer. The unit cell with its lattice vectors and high symmetry sites 1a, 1b, and 1c. (b) Top: Four different rep- resentations of a unit cell (arrows indicate the out of plane displacement of the atoms), bottom: block diagrams to rep- resent each monolayer. FIG. 2. Top view of an AA-type bilayer. The block diagram, atomistic structure, and phonon and electronic band struc- tures of its two configurations: A1A1, and A1A−1 metallic. of the arrows is related to the buckling. So, to build a RESULTS AND DISCUSSION bilayer, one puts another block on the top. In this way, we identify the total number of different high-symmetry Because both bluP and grAs crystallize in the trigonal forms of corrugated honeycomb bilayer as five, where the lattice, we can describe a single layer in the subperiodic stacking sequence of two of them is of AA-type, and for layer group P3 (#65) with the unique sites 1a = (0; 0; z), the remaining three it is AB-type (see block diagrams in 1b = (1=3; 2=3; z1) and 1c = (2=3; 1=3; z2), where two Figure 2 and 3). These five stacking configurations are sites are occupied with z1 = −z2 [22]. reported for silicene, whose layers are covalently bound The lattice vectors (~a and ~a ) delimiting the two- 1 2 p [23] . 1 3 dimensional lattice are defined as ~a1 = ax^ − ay^, For BL bluP, only four different stacking configurations p 2 2 1 3 have been studied to date [24, 25]. First principles calcu- ~a2 = 2 ax^ + 2 ay^, where a is the lattice constant. Then the unit cells of any trigonal monolayer with a buck- lations indicated the A1A1 configuration to be the most ling can be represented as in Figure 1b, where the ar- stable one, followed by A1B1,A−1B1, and A1A−1. For rows indicate the out-of-plane displacements. We con- grAs, there is an on-going debate whether the A1B−1 or veniently label these forms as A1,A−1,B1, and B−1, the A1A1 form is the most stable one [25{28]. where the negative sign in the subscripts denotes a dis- For all stable and metastable stacking configura- placement change of the atoms with respect to the plane tions discussed in this work, full geometry optimizations (up or down). These four configurations are symmetry- yield similar structural parameters, independent on the equivalent and can be used for the construction of the density-functional, the choice of London dispersion cor- BL forms. For a better understanding, we design a sim- rection scheme, the orbital representation (local basis ple graphical method, which we call `block diagram' to functions vs. plane waves), or the underlying code (see facilitate the visualization. Methods for details). In all but one case a single lo- This block diagram is divided into three parts, and cal minimum per stacking configuration is found. Only each of them specifies a site of the unit cell (1a, 1b, or 1c). for the A1B−1 configuration of bluP we found two local The atoms occupy two of the three sites and the direction minima: one minimum corresponds to a structure where 3 TABLE I. The lattice constant (a), buckling height (∆z), and interlayer distance (d), computed at the PBE+MBD level for blue phosphorene (bluP) and gray arsenene (grAs) bilayers. bluP BL grAs BL System a (A)˚ ∆z (A)˚ d (A)˚ a (A)˚ ∆z (A)˚ d (A)˚ A1B−1 3.36 1.17 3.01 3.69 1.35 3.66 A1A1 3.26 1.24 4.66 3.60 1.40 4.58 A1B1 3.27 1.24 4.68 3.61 1.40 4.38 2-A1B−1 3.27 1.24 4.93 - - - A−1B1 3.26 1.24 5.36 3.59 1.40 5.43 A1A−1 3.26 1.24 5.42 3.59 1.40 5.48 Monolayer 3.26 1.24 - 3.60 1.40 - tures has almost identical lattice constants and buckling heights as the monolayer (a=3.26 A˚ and ∆z=1.24 A,˚ Table I) [9, 29]. Structural parameters for all stacking configurations of BL bluP and grAs are summarized in Table I. All investigated BL systems are significantly more sta- ble than their ML counterparts and are unlikely to exfo- liate without severe intrusion.
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