Schweiker Tom Ridge Republican Nominee for Governor
This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas Page 1 of 79 10108/1992 83 :2~ This703323834~ document is from the collections at theKARL Dole GALLANT Archives, University of Kansas PAGE El2 TO 70332~345 1994. 10-07 H:EMORAND'C'M TO : Lcf.\.l.:c:·le Simrnone FROM: Charles G. Kopp DA.Ti: October 7, l~~4 RF.: De1P. Event Cha~lee G. Kopp, Oo-Chairman WOLF , H~OCK 1 SCHORR and SOLIS•COHEN 1r;th and ~eetnut Strcote 12~0 Paokard Bldg. ihil&., fA 19l02 :215/~77-:2158 Dr. Pa~l :!3~cko?:r, : Pre•id.ent T~O~ JEFFERSON UNIVEKS1T¥ 641 Scott St~eet P~ila., PA 19107 215/,$$•6617 Daniel 'J. Keating, II! / :s>residenc K~At!NO SUI~DING ¢0RPORATlON Ct"l~ 'Ral a A.venue .B .; Cynwyd 1 :PA 1~004 315/ 668·4100 Michael 1<arp 1 Pr••id~nt ATX TJ:;LJECO!rl.MUNICATIO?t.S SS~VIC!:S 5 a Mon1,1,."l\ent Road i~la ~~d, P~ 19004 ~15/3!6-4,00 Manny seamataki•, Freside:•t CAPITAL MA.NAGEMEN't' ENTEJRP~. I~EA 1111 w. De~alb ii~e Wf.yne, PA l~Oe7 21S/2S5-9600 Eoh Ash•~, Praaident ASHER'$ CHO~OLAtES 14$ x~y•e~~- Drivo M~ntgomerYv"ille, ~A l8936 .215/628··4420 Page 2 of 79 PAGE El4 KARL GALLAMT 18108/1532 ~3;2G 7El3323834GThis document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas FROM I TO 7~3::!:1;,o .:i .
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