HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, March 11, 1992 the House Met at 2 P.M
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4986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE March 11, 1992 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, March 11, 1992 The House met at 2 p.m. S. 792. An act to reauthorize the Indoor charity. We are talking about our na The Chaplain, Reverend James David Radon Abatement Act of 1988 and for other tional interest. We are talking about Ford, D.D., offered the following pray purposes. putting America first. er: Let us pray, using the words of Psalm SUPPORT FOR ECONOMIC AND 106: DEMOCRATIC DEVELOPMENT IN CONGRATULATING THE TEXAS Praise the Lord! 0 give thanks to the THE FORMER SOVIET REPUBLICS TECH UNIVERSITY LADY RAIDER Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love BASKETBALL TEAM ON THEIR (Mr. BERMAN asked and was given endures for ever! FIRST SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE permission to address the House for 1 CHAMPIONSHIP Who can utter the mighty doings of the minute and to revise and extend his re Lord, or show forth all his praise? marks.) (Mr. COMBEST asked and was given Blessed are they who observe justice, Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, the ad permission to address the House for 1 who do righteousness at all times! ministration's lack of response to criti minute and to revise and extend his re Amen. cal needs in the former Soviet Union marks.) constitutes nothing less than criminal Mr. COMBEST. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to congratulate the Texas Tech THE JOURNAL neglect of the United States' foreign policy and national security objectives. University women's basketball pro The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam It also ignores the fact that the secu gram on their Southwest Conference ined the Journal of the last day's pro rity, heal th, and prosperity of our championship. The 23 and 4 Lady Raid: ceedings and announces to the House grandchildren cannot be isolated from ers captured their first championship his approval thereof. events there. at home last week before the largest Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour We have heard a lot of talk from this crowd in Tech women's basketball his nal stands approved. administration about the new world tory at the municipal coliseum in Lub order and a vindication of past and bock, TX. present policy toward the Soviet Union The Lady Raiders not only captured PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE in terms of winning the cold war and their first conference basketball cham The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman bringing the states of. the former So pionship, but it was Tech's first wom from California [Mr. BERMAN] please viet Union into the fold of Western de en's conference championship in any come forward and lead the House in the mocracies. We have seen a lot of public sport. Talented Head Coach Marsha Pledge of Allegiance. relations gimmicks-telegenic Wash Sharp, who has been named Southwest Mr. BERMAN led the Pledge of Alle ington conferences and airlifts of a few Conference Coach of the Year, led her giance as follows: days' worth of food and medicine. team to a perfect 10 and 0 home record I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Unit What we are missing is substance. this season, and extended its school ed States of America, and to the Republic for President Bush riot only has trouble record to 16 straight wins at home. In which it stands, one nation under God, indi with the vision thing. He also has trou Coach Sharp's 10 seasons at Texas visible, with liberty and justice for all. ble with the leadership thing. Tech, she has guided the Lady Raiders No one has been fooled into thinking to 7 20-victory campaigns and 5 NCAA that our feeble Russian aid effort is on tournament invitations. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE a par with Operation Desert Storm. Tonight, the Lady Raiders will play A message from the Senate by Mr. This is no Berlin airlift, no Marshall Texas Christian University in the first Hallen, one of its clerks, announced Plan. Our aid so far consists of round of the Southwest Conference that the Senate had passed with an grandstanding ploys, which pay lip tournament in Dallas, TX. I commend amendment, in which the concurrence service to the importance of the task, Coach Sharp and the Lady Raiders on of the House is requested, a bill of the while providing none of the new re their record-setting achievements this House of the following title: sources needed to accomplish it. season, and I wish them the best of R.R. 3337. An act to require the Secretary Have President Bush and Secretary luck through the Southwest Con of the Treasury to mint coins in commemo Baker stopped to consider the con ference tournament and on to the ration of the 200th anniversary of the White sequences of what is sure to be known NCAA tournament. House, and for other purposes. as the grand failure of the modern era? The message also announced that the If reform efforts fail and new authori Senate insists upon its amendment to tarian governments emerge out of the DEMOCRATS' TIRESOME POLITICS the bill (H.R. 3337), "An act to require wreckage of the Soviet Union, the OF ENVY the Secretary of the Treasury to mint United States will pay for the failure (Mr. BALLENGER asked and was coins in commemoration of the 200th for decades. Moreover, only in the ab given permission to address the House anniversary of the White House, and sence of international instability can for 1 minute and to revise and extend for other purposes," disagreed to by we truly devote our attention and re his remarks.) the House, and agrees to the conference sources to our domestic economic and Mr. BALLENGER. Mr. Speaker, asked by the House on the disagreeing social recovery-and the American peo there are now only 9 more days before votes of the two Houses thereon, and ple know this. the March 20 deadline for the liberals appoints Mr. RIEGLE, Mr. CRANSTON, I urge the President and his advisers in Congress to finally get a jobs cre and Mr. D'AMATO, to be the conferees to heed Mr. Nixon's advice to provide ation bill on the President's desk. It on the part of the Senate. real, dramatic, and immediate aid to doesn't look like they will make it. The message also announced that the transform the political and economic First, last month the House passed yet Senate had passed a bill of the follow systems of the former Soviet Union. another huge tax increase following ing title, in which the concurrence of When we talk about aid to the former their outrageous tax increase in 1990 the House is requested: Soviet Union, we are not talking about which doomed the economy. DThis symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. March 11, 1992 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4987 Then the House last week passed a ern is to choose. And though the Amer gress allows a policy that is so mis $1.5 trillion budget which will increase ican people have called for help, the directed that we could throw it at the the bloated Federal bureaucracy even President remains stubbornly silent. ground and it would probably miss. more. The Democrats are still the tax I am saying this today: Shame on the and-spend party they have been for the Congress for turning its back on the past five decades. In fact, the leading 0 1410 American worker and the American Democrat Presidential candidate FULL DISCLOSURE OF MEMBERS people and the national security of our bashes the Democrat candidate who WHO BOUNCED CHECKS ON great Nation. wants to create jobs. The projobs Dem HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE ocrat candidate talks about incentives BANK for business, including a capital gains CONGRESS OWES ITS tax cut. He scorns the Democrat estab (Mr. SANTORUM asked and was CONSTITUENTS FULL DISCLOSURE lishment's tiresome politics of envy. given permission to address the House (Mr. ZIMMER asked and was given The leading Democrat candidate ea for 1 minute and to revise and extend permission to address the House for 1 gerly leaps into class warfare. He his remarks.) minute and to revise and extend his re wants to increase taxes on the job-pro Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. Speaker, I am marks.) ducers in America. This is what his here today because tomorrow I under Mr. ZIMMER. Mr. Speaker, we are party did with the so-called 1uxury tax stand we are going to be debating kidding ourselves if we think that any in 1990. Their tax increase resulted in whether we are going to disclose the thing less than full disclosure of the the loss of tens of thousands of jobs in people who bounced checks in the names of all the Members of Congress the boat industry and other industries. · House of Representatives bank. I un who kited checks at the House bank I urge my sensible colleagues on the derstand there is a lot of pressure being will satisfy the American people. other side of the aisle to join us in put on Members, especially on the Perhaps at an earlier time the public working toward passing a real growth other side of the aisle, to not disclose would have trusted our judgment if we and jobs creation package. That is the the names, to go along with the Ethics disclosed the names of only the 24 least which the unemployed and other Committee report to cover up and only worst offenders.