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HOUSTON WEEKEND WEATHER: Partly and hot with a 30% chance of afternoon showers Saturday. Day highs 95, night lows 75. Happy Independence Day.

~ JULY 3, 1987 ISSUE 349 [JIID I I Gay Pride in Montrose PHOTO SOUVENIR EDITION LATE NEWS ... * Scientists: 'No Evidence' Mosquitoes 'I'ransmit AID"SVirus * New AIDS Commiasion Chief Wants Independence" * Voters Stand by Gay Congressmen * AMA Almost Endorses Ban of TV Alcohol Ads * Gay Pride Across the U.S. FOR ALL THE BAR ADS, SEE ~~LiJE3~~LiJ IN THE BACK OF THE MONTROSE VOICE I JULY 3, 1987/ MONTROSE VOICE 3 I ill montrose Voters Stand by Gay Congr-essmen VOICE HOUSTON, TEXAS ISSUE 349 FRIDAY, JULY 3,1987 Published weekly By Andra Varin people living in the California city. FOR THE MONTROSE VOICE Kevin Poirier of North Attleboro also Community Publishing Company But Frank's constituents in Fall said Wing was off base. "If we are going FALL RIVER, Mass. (UP 1)-Voters in 408 Avondale River, an old mill town populated lar- to go after Barney Frank we should look southeastern Massachusetts, home to Houston, TX 77006 gely by descendants of Portuguese at his voting record as a member of Con- the nation's only two acknowledged gay Phone (713) 529-8490 immigrants, said they do not believe gress," he said. people in Congress, seem unfazed by a Contents copyright 1987 homosexuality will be an issue in the Frank said he decided to discuss his GOP leader's remark that "it is more Office hours: 8am-6pm 1988 elections. sexual orientation because of the appropriate that they be congressmen Henry McClurg/publisher-editor "I think he's right for here," resident media's scrutiny of Gary Hart's roman- from San Francisco." Linda Wyche/managing editor Hilda Silvia said of Frank. "I think he's tic relationships and the death in April Other top state Republicans also a good representative. That's his per- Donald Upchurch/office manager g of Rep. Stewart McKinney, R-Conn., James Lewis/production quickly distanced themselves from the sonallife." who died of complications from AIDS. remarks by Bristol County Republican Bi II.O'Rou rke/reviews all Frank's homosexuality "doesn't "There are more important issues to no. Committee President Frank Wing, say- bother me if he does the job," said resi- people than the sex life a middle-aged SUBSCR IPTI ONS ing he spoke only for himself and not dent William Brouillard. "If a guy does politician," Frank said after Wing's (713) 529-8490 ioo the party. im, a good job, that's what matters." remarks were published. ADVERTISING SALES DEPARTMENT In the fishing port of New Bedford Voters in Studds's fishing-port dis- (713) 529-8490 liet and on nearby Cape Cod, voters have trict obviously feel the same way about "My impression is that my constitu- Jerry Mulholland/advertising director iat known since 1983 of the homosexuality the chairman of the House Fish and ents are more concerned about whether Ken Boge/account executive fall Reagan gets us into a war in the (Per- ray of eight-term Rep. Gerry Studds, who Wildlife Subcommittee, who was first POSTMASTER: Send address corrections to 408 Avon- rct- was censured by the House of RRepre- elected to Congress in 1972. sian) gulf, stopping aid to the Contras, dale, Houston, TX 77006-3028 sentatives for having a sexual relation- Studds, who admitted he made a mis- reducing the budget deficit in a respon- Subscription rate in US (by Voice carrier or US Maif): rd- $1.25 per week (up to z issues), $65peryear (52 weeks) , or en. ship with a teenage male page several take with the male page but never apol- sible fashion and providing catastro- $32.50 per six months (26 weeks). . years earlier. phic health insurance to the elderly," he Nations/advertising representative: Rivendell Marketing, ogized, was re-elected in 1984 with 56 P.O. Box 1268, Plainfield, NJ 07061, (201) 754-4348 vet Four-term Rep. Barney Frank, repres- said. Final advertising deadline: All display ads 5pm 2 days es, percent of the vote. He was returned to enting the adjacent congressional dis- Frank was first elected to Congress in prior to publication date. All classified ads 2pm 1 day prior Its. office in 1986 with 65 percent. to publication date. 13- 1980, then defeated former Rep. Mar- trict, which stretches from Fall River to Other Republican leaders, including Notice to eavenisers: Advertising rate schedule Eight-A the Boston suburbs, acknowledged his several from Bristol County, quickly garet Heckler (now U.S. ambassador to was effective April. 11, 1986. Ireland) in 1982 after their congres- Responsibility: We do not assume financial responsibility homosexuality last month in a news- disavowed Wing's comments. for claims by advertisers but readers are asked to advise paper interview. "Frank Wing's statements do not sional districts were merged. He faced the newspaper of any suspicion of fradulent or deceptive "There are only two congressmen in only token opposition in both 1984 and advertising and suspicionswttl be investigated. I a reflect the Republican Party's stand- News service: United Press International. nd the entire country who announced they ards for congressional candidates," '1986. n- are gay and both are from Bristol or said state GOP Chairman Ray Shamie. County," Wing said in an interview. "I don't think that's a comment that "That is not very good representation should come from us," said state Senate for the people of (the) county." Republican leader John Parker ofTaun- "It is more appropriate that they be ton. "Any comments relative to congressmen from San Francisco than anyone's lifestyle or political compe- Fall River or New Bedford," Wing said tence should be judged by the people." l:t'5 your Money ••• in reference to the large number of gay ASSIstant House Republican leader

Community News from Neighborhood & Community Groups ttGP9 Cancels July Meeting Houston ..•Ga.y~olLtic.aLCaucus~wiILnD.t...hoJcL'Qou!arJ:v~<:c.hAdu.lAd~•.•.•",,,,H,,a.<:_;.o1.'-1.1.\./'- •.• are gay ann Do'th are trom tsns saia state GOP-Chainnan Ray Sliamle. County," Wing said in an interview. "I don't think that's a comment that "That is not very good representation should come from us," said state Senate for the people of (the) county." Republican leader John Parker of'Taun- "It is more appropriate that they be ton. "Any comments relative to congressmen from San Francisco than anyone's lifestyle or political compe- Fall River or New Bedford," Wing said tence should be judged by the people." It's your MoneY.~1i in reference to the large number of gay Assistant House Republican leader

Community News from Neighborhood & Community Groups ttGP9 Cancels July Meeting Houston Gay Political Caucus will not hold regularly scheduled meetings in July. Caucus members, who met the first and third Wednesdays in June, voted to cancel the July meeting because of lower attendance during summer vacation months. HGPC will meet again August 5, 7:30 p.m., at the Travelodge Hotel (formerly the Vis- count), 2828 Southwest Freeway. The October March on Washington will be discussed. ttWomen's Network July Schedule On July 8, the Montrose Counseling Center's Womens Network will present Judy Hatfield to discuss "Legal Issues". The July 15 meeting will haveVlrqinia Young discussing women and addiction. "Imtimacy and Bonding in Women's Relationships" is the topic of the July 22 You can't take itwlth you, meeting presented by Carmen Zepeda. The month concludes with Lorraine Bartos pres- enting a session on financial planning. but you ~ decide who gets it. The Women's Network is a support and educational group established to service (but not exclusively) the lesbian and bisexual community of Houston women. For more information, call the Montrose Counseling Center at 529-0037. ings. B'e a Hero!. Neighborhood Sports Sports News from Montrose & Community Groups Remember the Community. ttHou~Tex Tennis Strawberries and Cream Prepare a Will today. The Hou-Tex Tennis Club will host a Wimbledon Strawberries and Cream outing this Sunday, July 5. The finals party will be held at a member's home beginning at 8:00 a.m. More information rs available by calling Donny at 789-2110 or Lou at 528-4839. Results from recent club action are: Eddie C. over Steve Bearden in two sets. Israel Z. A community service message from this publication and the losing to Randy M. Randall holds on to his No.1 ranking with a win over Jim M. National Association of Black and White Men Together. In doubles, Donny K. and Jolie H. defeated the team of Steve B. and Tim S. tt611, Rench Lead Summer Pool League After four weeks of play in the summer season the 611 "Prime" lead Division A of the Montrose Sports Association Pool League. The Ranch Rustlers lead in Division B. BE FAMOUS. BE SEEN. In Division A "Prime" is followed by Bacchus I and Mary's Mercinaries, respectively. ~ The Bunkhouse 5 and Bubba and the We Bods follow in Division B. , ADVERTISE IN THE MONTROSE VOICE. · ,


Gay Pr-ideAcrossthe U.S.

By United Press Internati&nal march, Mayor Harold Washington told Among the marchers was a man ence to the San Francisco man who FOR THE MONTROSE VOICE the crowd the gay and lesbian, commun- wearing fairy wings who danced down gunned down gay politician Harvey Many thousands of gay people, includ- ity had "come into their own in my opin- the avenue in toe shoes. Another man Milk and later killed himself. .! '7 1....__ . 1.... ~~ _ __.._+,.,. __...,..L_••.•_. inO' l,::.ghi~n 1'l'l()t.or('"'vrliRt.~: UAV ROURrp. ''', ------~-.-.-..• ,I "Gay Pride ,Across the U.S.,

By United Press Internati&nal march, Mayor Harold Washington told FOR THE MONTROSE VOICE Among the marchers was a man ence to the San Francisco man who the crowd the gay and lesbian, commun- Many thousands of gay people, includ- wearing fairy wings who danced down gunned down gay politician Harvey ity had "come into their own in my opin- the avenue in toe shoes. Another man Milk and later killed himself. .ing lesbian motorcyclists', gay square ion. You have become more outspoken dancers and men dressed in drag, who identified himself as Sybil Brun- "Shame, shame," responded some and more articulate in your communi- cheon, crowned this spring Empress of paraded last Sunday through the ties." marchers, with banners for groups streets of several cities across the coun- the Imperial Court of New York, drew including AIDS victims, gay police An estimated 11,000 West Hollywood whistles and cheers as he posed in a try to mark the 18th annual Gay Pride gay people, some dressed in cheerlead- officers, psychologists, trade unionists white strapless dress and flexed sub- and teachers. Day. ing outfits and other costumes, strolled The occasion was celebrated with a stantial muscles. or road on dozens of floats down a 11/2- Andy McCauley, a member of the flourish of marching bands, floats and A group of gay square dancers, mile stretch of San ta Monica Boulevard including a man in a blond wig and pink Catholic War Veterans,said his group banners under sunny skies through bedecked with flags and balloons and was protesting "sexual perversion, sod- New York's Fifth Avenue, San Francis- skirt with a petticoat, two-stepped down lined with 200,000 supporters. the parade rou te to the strains of a omy, child molestation and forms of co's Market Street, Chicago's Lincoln sexual depravity." Park and West Hollywood's Santa Mon- In San Francisco, a parade up Market swing band from the nation's capital. ica Boulevard-in addition to Hous- Street to City Center was led by 'about The marchers drew jeers from about But Hal Gooden, 50, a Manhattan ton's Montrose neighborhood. 300 lesbian motorcyclists calling them- 40 anti-gay protestors, who held signs psychologist, said "Why respond to But the festive atmosphere of the selves "Dykes on Bikes." An estimated saying "Quarantine Manhattan that? The fact is the largest group who parades was overshadowed by the toll 100,000 people lined Market Street to Island" and "Dan White Lives," a refer- molests children is heterosexual men." AIDS has taken on the gay community watch the procession, which included across the country. gay marching bands, about 100 floats In Washington, an estimated 2,500 and antique automobiles. people took part in a 6-mile walk-a-then Some 10,000 people, many of them '1 ·o~'l· around the Capitol and Washington dressed in gian t condom packages bear- ~Q'5'e\\0'" c;\\ Monument to raise money for the treat- ing the message "Fun to Use," danced, O~ ~ .~:'\ ~'O- ment of AIDS victims and for education roller-skated and strolled-up the boule- , • ~'~ &.~ and lobbying programs. vard during the three-hour parade. ~&~ ••• , .•. ".,~ ~,0' ~e ''''~OO~ ~c..~.~ "'~,'V';'~~1:'t>~..."~-.l\G fought back. the wackiness and outlanish costumes ~ ~ /\0~q,~~~~ "We are proud to be gay," chanted than there were in past years." e~%00~••\\ \~~':&"~~;~~~,; many ofthe 50,000 people who marched In New York City, a contingent of , "\~e,,,e'<'~r:,.•, ~o 'o<.,~ ~\J "sl't~ 0'1~~O~'~~"'e0~~ ,\' ~ v-: ~ 4J ~ },v'" ~(:..o~s\\~o- ,u- ~ holding hands through Chicago's some 40 lesbians on motorcycles, ~. ~e G\e'O'f:..-.\0 'V ~ 01 ~Q ~S'~~ '..t! bt'O, North Side to Lincoln Park in a parade known a~ "The Wild Cats," led a march e$~:. ~?l- c'011F i-~'0\~- ~01~'0~~\~0('\ that included more than 80 floats. by at least 20,000 gay men and women ~~~r:,,~ee~ ",,~~~~~\t>v~0-t\~'0~~018l, Speaking at a rally at the end of the down Fifth Avenue. -~--.----- .---:-..- . - " ..,-- ... -.- ~.. - - . -


An Editorial " e've·Had Enough"

To our mayor and he or she is not doing the job that your taxes are Affairs complaints against officers who abuse paying him or her to do. citizens (including just being discourteous) or our city council File a complaint with Internal Affairs. You otherwise violate civil rights. Many of your constituents have been telling never know who else has also filed complaints on 3. Support opponents of and work against you something for a long time. And you just listen. this officer. And the complaint stays in his or her political candidates who do not take an active, And you usually agree. And then it seems you go record. results-producing role in cleaning up the cause and your way and nothing ever changes. the current result of police misconduct. I'm going to tell you again. This time in print Switching for all to see. And I'm speaking for a grassroots movement that is going to be speaking from now Have you been. a until after election day. badge numbers Certain police officers in HPD operate with Would you believe it if I told you some officers witness to a recent their own set of rules. They don't obey the laws switch badge numbers so that if someone files a that other government employees-and other complaint and only the badge number is the abuse by a law citizens-obey. identifier, then the complaint is against the wrong They routinely abuse citizens. They routinely officer. It's then easily dismissed. enforcement officer? call citizens derogatory names. As a matter of routine, certain Houston Police officers are abusive Verbal insults? Use of force beyond that to Houston citizens. Thanks for your support necessary to subdue? Antagonistic attitude And as a matter of routine, most of the rest of I have received far more support than I toward citizens? the police department covers up for them. anticipated after last week's article. I'm sure now The Montrose Voice wants to help you-and Both actions are illegal-and immoral. that I have hit a strong nerve. I'm not the only help Houston. We have arranged for volunteer As our elected officials, it is your responsibility one who is fed up with certain police officers attorneys who will advise you on your options of to clean up the Houston Police Department. abusing citizens ... and our politicians doing a) filing Internal Affairs complaints (your word is We don't want a lot of "I'm looking into it and nothing about it. sufficient, proof of the abuse not usually I'm glad you called." We want you to act. I've decided to name this new movement the necessary), b) filing criminal charges, and c) filing "Campaign to Clean the Apple Barrel." civil lawsuits for monetary damage. There's too many bad apples in the barrel and We have volunteer journalists who will I have respect ... they're causing a terrible stink. Now I can't interview and help you tell your story in an ... for many officers. What is being said in this personally march down to the police station and accurate manner. (Your identity can be kept editorial is not meant to mean that every officer completely clean out the barrel. But what I can do confidential.) acts in these ways. . is publicize the various civil rights abuses by our Demand respect and professionalism from Being a police officer is a tough, and often cops-and publicize our elected officials' efforts- Houston Police. Don't accept coverups. And help unrewarding, profession. Many of you perform and lack of efforts-to perform their public duty. us force the politicians who won't act to clean up admirably. Many perform in a average fashion. Elections are this fall and I don't care how this proverbial apple barrel. But many, many didn't do their homework in friendly an official has been in the past with \/ h I American History and don't understand the Houston's various liberal communities. If I don't lOU can e p an American system of justice. Or they do understand see immediate progress in cleaning up the Houston • • and don't care. Police Dept., I and thi~ new~paper will not .only officer do a better 1.00 T'h'Q AAitn.~la.l'c! ta.llriT't1Y Ohn.Ht th£lo'l"l"'l not p.ndOTR.p. _y.on_w.p._w_l1LR.",tt~.,Lv_""oJ01L17.QlJ.u:, ..••t •. . ~------the p~ik;d~;:;t~;~t~~~;;;~';;p·i~~~th~;~~·-.-~--.~ anticipated after last week's article. I'm sure now 'I'he Montrose Voice wants' to Jietp you'::::':ana Both actions are illegal-and immoral. that I have hit a strong nerve. I'm not the only help Houston. We have arranged for volunteer As our elected officials, it is your responsibility one who is fed up with certain police officers attorneys who will advise you on your options of to clean up the Houston Police Department. abusing citizens ... and our politicians doing . a) filing Internal Affairs complaints (your word is We don't wanta lot of "I'm looking into it and nothing about it. sufficient, proof of the abuse not usually I'm glad you called." We want you to act. I've decided to name this new movement the necessary), b) filing criminal charges, and c) filing "Campaign to Clean the Apple Barrel." civil lawsuits for monetary damage. There's too many bad apples in the barrel and We have volunteer journalists who will I have respect ... they're causing a terrible stink. Now I can't interview and help you tell your story in an personally march down to the police station and accurate manner. (Your identity can be kept ... for many officers. What is being said in this confiden tial.) editorial is not meant to mean that every officer completely clean out the barrel. But what I can do Demand respect and professionalism from acts in these ways. is publicize the various civil rights abuses by our Being a police officer is a tough, and often cops-and publicize our elected officials' efforts- Houston Police. Don't accept coverups. And help us force the politicians who won't act to clean up unrewarding, profession. Many of you perform J and lack of efforts-to perform their public duty. admirably. Many perform in a average fashion. Elections are this fall and I don't care how this proverbial apple barrel. But many, many didn't do their homework in friendly an official has been in the past with American History and don't understand the Houston's various liberal communities. If I don't You can help an American system of justice. Or they do understand see immediate progress in cleaning up the Houston and don't care. Police Dept., I and .this newspaper will not only This editorial is talking about them. not endorse you, we will actively work against officer do a better job your re-election. How? By making eye contact with his name There are other important issues, to be sure, tag and/or badge number. The Body Slam but the issue of police abuses should of been And if he or she does'tgive you the Here's just one example of the mentality I am settled years ago. opportunity, you have every right to ask. Police speaking of. officers are required to present identification if Do you know what the Body Slam is? It's Thanks.to the officers asked upon encounters with citizens except in when an officer throws a citizen against the wall emergencies. or on the ground. It's very often not done as a who've called A quick flash of the badge may not be matter of protecting the officer or trying to control sufficient for you. Take as long as necessary to a violent citizen. It's done because the officer just There have been some Houston police officers read his or her badge and name tag. feels like it. He thinks it's his job to institute some who've called me saying they agree they've got If you find an officer will not properly identify sort of punishment. some really bad apples in their midst giving himself, you may still be able to identify him. They do this so often that they've named the everyone a bad image. I hope, though, that you'll There are ways to trace. action-The Body Slam. get the nerve to stop as a matter of routine covering up every action committed by another officer. Thank you "You AIDS- Some of you will eventually stop the coverups Please send me your correspondence, your " and that house of cards will come tumbling down. ideas, and a dollar or two. infested faggot" And if you witness an abuse by a law Conveniently for other minorities, certain cops enforcement official, it is your duty as a citizen to The fund take action. If you don't, then you are allowing the now have a new whipping boy. It's gay people. If you would like to make a donation to this The words "faggot" and "queer" are used routinely officer to abuse the next person. fund, you can mail your check to the Campaign to, If you need assistance or a referral, phone me. by certain officers when dealing with people in Clean the Apple Barrel, c/o Montrose Voice, 408 Montrose or those they perceive to be gay. Avondale, Houston, TX 77006. This conduct by them is immoral. And it's illegal. You can consider us a Political Action Committee. We'll use your donation in a very f " aggressive manner. I /~... "'7" r d (1 You don't need proof All who donate and give their names and /'i.((/¥VV""1 j-' vl. :~ addresses will be invited to attend a meeting to create a steering committee. r- to file an Internal So far, we have a number of volunteer lawyers and volunteer journalists. But there will be some Henry McClurg Affairs complaint incidental cash expenses (such as court filing fees) Publisher, r If an officer has been abusive (even just that we'll have to pay. Montrose Voice slightly), or non-cooperative, file a complaint with As I said, this is a grassroots movement and Internal Affairs at 61 Reisner. I'm not sure where it's going to lead. But we are Have you ever tried to tell an officer going somewhere. something (such as a crime you just witnessed) and he started talking, wouldn't let you talk, then he literally walked away? The purpose otour This is just a tactic used by many to get out of having to take a complaint. new committee Stop the officer. It is his or her job to take 1. Help educate citizens of the responsibilities your complaint. Arid it is his or her job to do it. of Houston and other police officers. politely and efficiently. If he or she doesn't, then 2. Help citizens prosecute and file Internal -- JULY 3,19871 MONTROSE VOICE 7 , ~ Time to Address Racism in the Houston Gay Community Something Commentary by Gene Harrington vote for their own rights in that election. attorney for a board seat 'to gain his If during Gay/ Lesbian Pride Week Such rationales would logically lead to experience. The. AIDS Foundation there was an award for insensitivity it gay / gay fag bashing as vengeance openly solicits politicians and develop- Different: would surely go to Mary's- against ourselves. Mature civil behav- ers for their im pu t on their board. THRF ,'naturally." ior is never predicated on retribu tion for has also rightfully solicited board On the day that the Texas black com- percei ved past slights. members to give geographic and gender munity traditionally celebrates freedom But while it is important to publicly balance. from the oppression of slavery, the man- - chide such irresponsible insensibility it When blacks and Hispanics are self- agement of one of Houston's most his- is certainly hyprocisy for anyone in our righteously denied the same opportun- toric gay bars sponsored a cruel community to become self-righteous in ity to share their experiences and needs, parody-replete with mimicing black thei indignation. Our community's tol- such actions are hypocritical at best face, grotesque characters, and offen- erance of racial insensitivity didn't and racist at worst. This further sive stereotyping. begin last Halloween and is only spo- explains the lack of minority interest in If running full page ads anouncing tlighted by the Mary's event. our organizational efforts and high- Superior the event in our local press was not There is probably not a single gay lights the intensity of racism in our com- . injury enough, further insult was added activist in Houston who has not sat on a munity which Mary's and the Magnolia by racist characters on their front win- community board that was lily white. Ball only spotlighted. Service dow for all Houston to see ("Uncle The Houston Gay Political Caucus has To fight for human rights for gay men Remus and Aunt Jemima"). neither a black nor Hispanic board and lesbians in a vacuum is to energize This followed just weeks after the member. The AIDS Foundation has no a lost cause. Until the totality of each of AIDS Foundation Houston hosted a black or Hispanic PWAs on its board: us is accepted as a valid concern of our similar event. The First Annual Magno- The Texas Human Rights Foundation communal; extended family, our "fam- lia Ball was a successful fundraiser run has never had a .black board member ily" is incomplete and our cause will fal- by the Foundation's Events Committee. and only recently added a Hispanic and ter.

Unfortunately' the committee's hard women. I'm sure the same is 'true for Gene Harrington is a professor at the Texas Southern work and inventiveness in re-creating most other gay/lesbian service/ social University Thurgood Marshall School of Law. the Old South was marred by some groups. volunteers and at least one board The rationale that is sometimes member who dressed in costumes to par- offered for such a lack points to the The Pest Control ody black female slaves-complete with absence of minority participation in black face, bandanas and exaggerated such organizations. ("If they want to be Montrose body stuffing. (A welcome sign at the' on the board let them come to us"). Such 223-4000 entrance stated "Ya Mama's Cotton rationalizers are shallow however, Voice Pickers"). since they do not investigate why there Irs The Place to Licensed & Regulated Last Halloween one of our communi- is minimal participation by blacks and Advertise by ty's most visible activists caricatured Hispanics in our community affairs nor Call 529-8490 and Structural Pest Control black womenhood in his dress. Even in does it point out the hyprocisy that sur- our gay/lesbian parade at least one rounds how most organizations solicit You will be in Next Board of Texas marcher believes his pride had to be prospective new board members. Week's Newspaper of shown by ridiculing his black brothers The failure of blacks to participate Montrose and sisters. probably reflects the failure of our com- To put things in perspective one can munity to address the issues which they imagine the rightful indignation if the feel are important. A parallel to the I I AIDS Foundation had a military ball issue of sexism in our community could A and board members dressed as Jewish be instructive. death camp prisoners with yellow stars It was not too long ago that "gay" and false noses ... or our own communi- rights meant "male" rights and issues ~ • rT1 ty's outcry if a local black bar parodied that were essentially men's issues (bar ~l _I_a Gav IL'LeshiaILEri.wLllaY_wit~a--"Ea _'b_""" """_.,. ...••• .••• 4.-..'""'--__ ~ ""' ~_\_ .•_• ~1_1_ •._ . -- ~- e~~~ ~------~ .• ,----- • •••• ..,....•..,': 4 bMeK race, Danaanas ana exaggenlLeu ou\,;~. V.l.ISGJ.J..l£l:tL.l.U.lJ.it5. \ .1...1. •••.l.lt:::.Y VVOI.l" LV U~ body stuffing. (A welcome sign at the on the board let them come to us"). Such Voice ~~~-·q.uuu entrance stated "Ya Mama's Cotton rationalizers are shallow however, Pickers"). since they do not investigate why there It's The Place to Licensed & Regulated Last Halloween one of our communi- is minimal participation by blacks and Advertise by ty's most visible activists caricatured Hispanics in our community affairs nor Call 529-8490 and Structural Pest Control black womenhood in his dress. Even in does it point out the hyprocisy that sur- our gay/ lesbian parade at least one rounds how most organizations solicit You will be in Next Board of Texas marcher believes his pride had to be prospective new board members. Week'sNewspaper of shown by ridiculing his black brothers The failure of blacks to participate Montrose and sisters. probably reflects the failure of our com- To put things in perspective one can munity to address the issues which they imagine the rightful indignation if the feel are important. A parallel to the AIDS Foundation had a military ball issue of sexism in our community could and board members dressed as Jewish be instructive.' death camp prisoners with yellow stars It was not too long ago that "gay" A and false noses ... or our own communi- rights meant "male" rights and issues ty's outcry if a local black bar parodied that were essentially men's issues (bar Gay I, Lesbian Pride Day with a "Fag harassment, entrap merit) totally Piece To Contest" (Come Nellie or as a Dike!") . eclipsed the gay I lesbian agenda. Our e When challenged on these actions the sisters' issues were not on "our" agenda response was even more insulting. .and" our agenda" was not in their prior- Treasure Rather than acknowledging a lapse of ities. It took a long period-which is still taste, justifications were offered as continuing-to sensitize gay men to the · Paul or Dave excuses. Reminescent of the '50s, the needs of lesbians. And it took a mutual 1848 Westhelmer 529-4443 two most common defenses for the desire to understand each other in order offensive actions were that the activi- to confront the breach that still divides. ties were done in jest, and thus accepta- Men had to learn that, for our lesbian ble, or that since Blacks parody sisters, sexism was a great or a greater A Unique Combination of themselves the actions complained of threat than homophobia. Thus any gay were justtified. Neither excuse, is accep- agenda that omitted issues such as Oriental and Antique Furniture table. reproductive rights, rape and child cus- including Sideboards, Dining Sets, Deco-Bars, To exonerate these actions as being tody was an agenda with minimal rele- Cabinets, Occasional Tables, Dressers, acceptable because they were attempts vance to lesbians. Armoires, etc., etc., etc. at humor the obvious point that humor Unfortunately, for us all we must can be cruel and racism can be covert. learn this same lesson with the issue of Collectable Porcelains and Glassware The second justification is based on minority participation. It is probably the dubious assumption that self depre- true that for a black or Hispanic gay or cation in the black community takes the lesbian, racism has proven a greater form of minimizing slavery and diplay- indignity and barrier than hostility ing stereotyping. Even assuming, towards their sexual orientation. Thus a arguendo, that such is true, it is no justi- gay/ 'lesbian agenda which omits fication for others' mockery. Taking racism is probably a luxury that our such an argument to its logical conclu- minority brothers and sisters can 'not sion the gay I lesbian community afford. Thus until we learn that racism should be expected to merely laugh at is just as an essential gay lIes bian issue Eddie Murphy's "fag" and "AIDS" as sexism, we will not get-nor do we jokes since we as a community "camp" deserve-the active participation of a ourselves. large segment of our community. Another less openly stated justifica- In light of this the failure of our com- tion for such racist behavior is the lack munity organizations to openly solicit of black support the gay community black and Hispanic participation is received in the past referendum. Such a unacceptable. ("We should not solicit rationale, if one is logical, means racism someone just because hel she is black, "Silk Floral Arrangements by Craig" as re~ri1tultionis acceptable ..Th~s also etc.") Historically our community both Ignores the overt campaignmg for organizations openly solicit new board us by every black leader in our commun- members for the interests and varied ity and conveniently forgets that 75 per- breadth that they can bring. The GPC Stop By...For a Piece \ cent of our own community didn't even just recently solicited an outstanding () ...,,,.r"'\1 ~...,r"'tnTI)!I,""".A , ~nr'l'" o \'11 II 8 MONTROSE VOICE / JULY 3, 1987 at stake." Bork, testifying before the Senate Civil Rights Groups Judiciary Committee in 1981, said he thought the Roe vs. Wade decision legal- Lining Up Against Bork izing abortion was unconstitutional, "a wholly unjustifiable judicial usurpation WASHINGTON (UPI)-Civil rights, to reach out from the muck ofIrangate, "There is no question that a very sub- of state legislative authority." abortion and women's groups vowed to reach into the muck of Watergate, and stantial majority of the civil rights com- Sen. Robert Packwood, R-Ore., a lead- wage a fierce and fractious fight Wed- impose his reactionary vision of the munity will strongly oppose the ing supporter of legal abortion in the nesday to defeat the nomination of fed- Constitution on the Supreme Court and nomination of Robert Bork," said Senate also expressed concern over eral appeals court Judge Robert Bork to on the next generation of Americans. NAACP chief Benjamin Hooks and Bork's staunch anti-abortion stance the Supreme Court. No justice would be better than this Ralph Neas, executive director of the and said he would give the nomination "The damage that President Reagan injustice." Leadership Conference on Civil Rights his "highest scrutiny." will do through this nomination if it is A spokesman in Cox's Boston office in a joint statement. Eleanor Smeal, president of the not rejected by the Senate could live on said Cox would have no immediate com- "The confirmation of Robert Bork, an National Organization for Women, said far beyond the end of his presidential ment on the nomination. ultraconservative, would dramatically women's groups and civil rights "are term," said Sen. Edward Kennedy, D, alter the balance of the court, putting in going to fight it and very very heavily." Mass. Sen. Paul Simon, D-IlI., a contender jeopardy the civil rights achievements "This will be amending the Constitu- Bork's nomination brought universal for the Democratic presidential nomina- of the past 30 years. Well-established tion by the appointment of one individ- condemnation from civil rights, abor- tion, said, "I have some concerns: Is he law could overnight be substantially ual," Smeal said. tion rights and women's groups but was too rigid an idealogue? Is he open- eroded or overturned," they said. But the anti-abortion National Right welcomed warmly by conservatives. minded? Is he sensitive to our traditions Kate Michelman, executive director of to Life Committee welcomed the nomi- Nearly all cast the forthcoming con- of civil rights and civil liberties? Until I the National Abortion Rights Action nation, saying Reagan. had fulfilled a firmation debate in momentous terms. 'answer those questions, I cannot say League, also promised a fierce cam- 1984 campaign promise to appoint Senate Judiciary Committee Chair- how I will vote." paign to beat the nomination. judges who would give a pro-life reading man Joseph Biden, D-Del., said he Marc Nuttle, a spokesman forevange- "The nomination ... is the greatest to the Constitution. would not take a formal position on list Pat Robertson, who is considering a threat to safe and legal abortion," she "Apparently the pro-abortion mOVEl- Bork's nomination. But he added he met run for the Republican presidential said. "The vote to confirm Bork will be ment fears Roe v. Wade will not survive with administration officials and told nomination, said Robertson believed the most important vote the Senate may an honest reading ofthe Constitution," them to nominate "someone in the mold Bork "will be an excellent constitu- ever make. The health and well-being of said Douglas Johnson, legislative coun- of Justice Powell-conservative with an tional advocate." American women and their families are sel of National Right to Life. open mind." "I told them I wasn't at all certain Justice Bork fit that mold," Biden said before a debate with other Democratic presidential candidates. "I told them I ( {==-: -;:r 1 had serious doubts and I was concerned t if the nomination of Justice Bork would cause a very contentious and serious ~ fight in the Senate over his' nomina- tion." ' He said the court has decided some critical issues on a 5-4 vote and, "unless Justice Bork can demonstrate to me that he comes to the court with more of an open mind than I think he has, I will have some problems." JEFFERSON MEMORIAL . LINCOLN MEMORIAL The vote "may be the most important vote that I and 99 other members of the Senate will cast during our time in .~ Washington," said Sen. Alan Cranston, SUPREME COURT , D-Calif. r Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, considered Bork's chief rival for the nomination, praised the selection, saying Bork is _ L "on" of t.h" t.on 1"0"<11 thpori ••t., 1<1'" nro- cause a very contentious and serious fight in the Senate over his' nomina- tion." He said the court has decided some critical issues on a 5-4 vote and"unless Justice Bork can demonstrate to me I ,]IU1~UI. that he comes to the court with more of an open mind than I think he has, I will have some problems." JEFFERSON M~LN MEMORIAL The vote "may be the most important vote that I and 99 other members ofthe Senate will cast during our time in

Washington," said Sen. Alan Cranston, .I SUPREME COURT =S D-Calif. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, considered Bork's chief rival for the nomination, praised the selection,· saying Bork is "one of the top legal theorists, law pro- fessors and now circuit court judges" but he predicted "a very bruising, hard set of proceedings." Kennedy, a Senate Judiciary Com- mittee member, recalled Bork's role in lY}ARLe~I9Z7 the firing of Watergate special prosecu.- 1I1E: AfLAbJ:(A wNSTt1U11oN tor Archibald Cox. REAGAN Mf:t:.·MORIA L Reagan, he said, "should not be able BorkOffers- Conservatives the Crucial Swing Vote By Henry J. Reske both O'Connor (1981) and Scalia (1986). ture or history of the Constitution" is term for following precedent. UPI Supreme Court Reporter Just how important Bork's vote could there a right to privacy that protects Leon Friedman, a law professor at FOR THE MONTROSE VOICE be might be illustrated next term when homosexual behavior. Hofstra University, noted judges like WASHINGTON-Robert Bork, the the court considers an Illinois case con- Daniel Popeo of the conservative Bork who believe in judicial restraint third judge nominated for a Supreme cerning a law that restricts a minor's Washington Legal Foundation, said "are also very reluctant to take giant Court vacancy since President Reagan access to abortion. In the court's last after Bork's nomination Wednesday steps backwards or forwards." came to Washington, offers conserva- abortion ruling in 1986, the justices that he would "ensure that Ronald Rea- Howard disagreed in Bork's case, say- tives the crucial fifth vote that some upheld a woman's right to abortion on gan leaves his mark on the Supreme ing, "I don't think he will be afraid to hope will overturn decades of rulings on the familiar 5-4 vote. Court well into the next century." reverse precedents. Ifhe think the prece- abortion, affirmative action and the Bork could change that. The judge "(Bork would) ensure that capital dent got it wrong, I would think Bork separation of church and state. who now sits on the U.S. Circuit Court punishment will be upheld, and there is would be willing to overrule that prece- In all those areas, Justice Lewis of Appeals for the District of Columbia every likelihood that Roe vs. Wade dent. Powell, who announced his retirement has noted his disdain for abortion in would be reversed and every likelihood "I think the more liberal Democrats last week; was frequently the key vote opinions and interviews regarding the the affirmative action decisions may be on the (Senate) Judiciary Committee as that gave slim 5-4victories to the liberal right to privacy-the constitutional reversed as well," Popeo said. well as civil rights lawyers view this. wing of the court led by Justice William underpinning for the 1973 Roe vs. Wade Dick Howard, a former Supreme seat as being crucial," Howard said, ref- Brennan and joined by Justices Harry ruling that legalized abortion. . Court law clerk now a professor of law erring to the committee that will hold Blackmun, Thurgood Marshall and Bork, who subscribes to President at the University of Virginia, agreed the confirmation hearings on Bork. John·Paul Stevens. Reagan's strict constructionist view of "replacement of Powell by Bork is going If confirmed by the Senate, Bork's the Constitution, has said the privacy to accentuate the court's slide to the "The replacement of Powell by Bork addition to the court should change that right has "no intellectual structure" right in some very important areas." invites a revisiting of several major margin in favor of the court's conserva- and has "little to do with the intent of It is important to note, however, that areas. I think the liberal critics see a tive wing, led by Chief Justice William the framers" of the Constitution. while Bork is a conservative who has historic moment in which ...the reach of Rehnquist and joined by Justices Byron In a 1984 ruling from the appeals made his views known, there is no way the Reagan administration will be there White, Sandra' Day O'Connor and court that involved gay rights, Bork to predict whether he would ignore the for years long after the 1988 elections," Antonin Scalia. Reagan has appointed wrote that nowhere in "the text, struc- strong pull of "stare decisis," the Latin he said. JULY 3, 1987/ MONTROSE VOICE 9 Jack Murphy, a spokesman for the group, called Thursday's ruling unjust Gay Groups Denounce Supreme and a defeat for freedom of speech. He said his group will continue plans to hold Gay Games III in Vancouver, Brit- Court's 'Homophobic Bias' ish Columbia, in 1990. Justices William Brennan and Thur- By Andrea Neal our efforts on behalf of thousands of involvement in healthy endeavor." good Marshall dissented from the FOR THE MONTROSE VOICE American amateur athletes." 'The competition was to be called majority ruling. Justices Sandra Day WASHINGTON (UPI)-The group The case arose in 1982, when San "Gay Olympic Games I," but planners O'Connor and Harry Blackmun dis- spurned by the Supreme Court in a bid Francisco Arts & Athletics held its first changed it to Gay Games I after they sented from the part of the decision to call an international sports event the quadrennial sports competition for ath- were barred from using the word "Olym- holding the Olympic Committee could "Gay Olympics" is denouncing the letes of all sexual orientations to show pic" by a lower court. Gay Games II not be sued for discrimination because it broad ruling as the blatant product of a the gay community's "non-commercial were held in 1986. was a private group. "homophobic bias" in five of the justi- ces who decided the word "Olympic" has exclusive ownership. And in the wake of the ruling June 25, organizers of the sporting contest for gay men and lesbians pledged to lobby Congress to change the 1978 Amateur Sports Act, which gave the word "Olym- pic" trademark status. The high court, on a 7-2 vote, upheld provisions in the 1978 law that give the U.S. and International Olympic Com- mittees control over commercial and promotional use of. the well-known word. The justices split 5-4, however, on whether the U.S. Olympic Committee had discriminated against homosexu- als in the enforcement of the trademark. "This is not a ruling based on the law ... but is the homophobic bias of five members of the court," charged an angry Mary Dunlap, the lawyer who argued the case before the high court for San Francisco Arts & Athletics Inc.' The group brought its appeal to the court after it was barred from using the name "Gay Olympics," arguing that the word is a part of the public domain. Writing for the court, Justice Lewis Powell disagreed. "Congress reasonably could conclude that the commercial and promotional use of the word 'Olympic' was the pro- duct of the USOC's own talents and energy," Powell wrote, "the end result of much time, effort and expense. «Because Congress reasonably could conclude that the USOC has distin- guished the word 'Olympic' through its own efforts, Congress's decision to grant the USOC a limited property right in the word. 'Olyrnpic' falls within the Th~ group-brought its appeal to the court after it was barred from using the name "Gay Olympics," arguing that the word is a part of the public domain. Writing for the court, Justice Lewis Powell disagreed. "Congress reasonably could conclude that the commercial and promotional use of the word 'Olympic' was the pro- duct of the USOC's own talents and energy ," Powell wrote, "the end result of much time, effort and expense. "Because Congress reasonably could conclude that the USOC has distin- guished the word 'Olympic' through its own efforts, Congress's decision to grant the USOC a limited property right in the word 'Olympic' falls within the scope of trademark protections and thus certainly within constitutional bounds." The court concluded there was no basis to arguments the USOC discrimi- nated against homosexuals by prevent- ing them from using the word, while allowing others such as sponsors of the Special Olympics and Junior Olympics to do so. Because the USOC is a private group and not a governmental agency, the jus- tices decided, it is not subject to federal anti-discrimination law. USOC Executive Director George Miller hailed the court's ruling, saying it allows the committee "to protect our rights under federal law." "Those rights, particularly as they apply to the control of Olympic emb- lems and terminology, are our lifeblood in the area offund raising," Miller said: "The decision will enable us to continue

~ ~ We're Houston's Largest Gay Audience. ~~ .. We're the readers of the Montrose Voice. to buy it. Maybe all you have to do is ask-by advertising We're the people you reach when you advertise in the to us through our newspaper. Montrose Voice. ~PI3;V. We're about 27,000 readers weekly. (There's still another 26,870 of us not pictured above.) The Montrose Voice You know what else? We, the readers of the Voice, THE NEWSPAPER OF MONTROSE ~Safe! DIAL 529-8490 for ADVERTISING or HOME DELIVERY spend somewhere around $6,000,000 weekly on' the things we buy-clothes, partying at night, apartments, cars and Here's how we figured the figures. Base distribution: 10,QOOcopies Friday. (5000 copies Tuesday temporarily suspended.) Assumed "pass on" rate factor: 28 Thus. estimated repair, hair care, serious things and silly things. (Yes, readership: approx. 27,000 (5% allowed for returns). If we assume the average among us spends that's $6 million weekly.) $225 a week (on everything in life), then we collectively spend 55.985.000 weekly. .•.. THESE FIGURES HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED FROM EARLIER PUBLISHED FIGURES WHICH HAD ALSO ------~ Got something to sell next week? We've got the money REFLECTED THE TUESDAY EDITION. THESE FIGURES REFLECT ONLY THE FRIDAY EDITION. 10 MONTROSE VOICE I JULY 3,1987 Illinois Lawmakers • J r.

Approve .Contact Tracing CREmATIon SERVICE InTERnATIOnAL ~,>,:}*#.g:, er-tornH:!r~nust)ana In Septem .~~~. 6, Assistant U.S. Attorney John Mark- .San Diego Superior Court Judge Dou- ham said Monday. glas Woodworth dismissed child- so LaRouche, 64, of Leesburg, Va., told stealing charges against Mrs. Batey reporters he was not been subpoenaed to May 18, minutes before the jury was to appear before the grand jury, but begin deliberations. 5.:1 decided to testify voluntarily to thwart In her criminal case and in previous negative publicity surrounding the case child-custody hearings, Mrs. Batey's lawyers argued that she had taken r.. as he continues his fringe campaign for the Democratic presidential nomina- Brian because she feared for his safety in a gay household. :cJ, tion. "Without deprecating the other candi- Although Batey was never charged dates on the Democratic line personally, with any crimes and was given custody politically in the way they're campaign- of Brian by two judges, contentions of N. ing they're a bunch of clowns," he said. homosexual orgies and drug use were "I see no good Democratic candidate made in court by his ex-wife although ~r , qualified for the job coming up. she admitted that she had never been to "So it's important that I be president, the Palm Springs residence.' 10 §AMEDAY "Betty was the criminal but it was not because I'm so very good, but n, because the others are so very bad in always my lifestyle on trial," Batey said terms of qualifications for the job," said after Woodworth dismissed the case LaRouche, who returned last weekend against Mrs. Batey. He added that he after six months out of the country. was concerned it would send the wrong TYPE~ message to non-custodial parents who "I have a name recognition among illegally take their children: Democratic candidates which is only Corbett said that the Desert Business equaled by that of Jesse Jackson," he Association Sunday would dedicate its said .. "Gay Pride Day" to the memory of LaRouche said last week that his plat- SETTERS Batey. Corbett and Batey were honored form for fighting acquired immune defi- A NI<-:;W'DIVIRION OF THE MONTROSE VOICE last year by the Association for their ciency syndrome, including a proposal "years of personal hardships and sacri- for the mandatory quarantine of AIDS We'll typeset your Flyers, Menus, fices and for having paved the way for victims, would make him a "national thousands of gay parents," Corbett hero." Business Cards, Letterheads,' said. Resumes, Brochures, Forms, Ads- and hundreds of other items- '0 Q. the Same Day ::J (Sometimes You Just Want It Right NovVJJ w ii• BETTER LAWnS Z o Get it to us by Noon (or call for a pickup by 11am) ::J o & qARDEns and we'll have it ready by 5pm (size of the job permitting) ~ Z ~ 2" Total lawn maintenance Z -I Commercial Residential o s • Landscape ~ Salutes ~ NO MINIMUM TIME LIMIT! • Trash Removal If your typesetting really only takes 10 minutes. ,frl Z • Chirnne u Sweep you'll only be charged for 10 minutes) ~Gay and Lesbian C). • Tree Service • Stumps Removed 81 TVPESTY'LES • Complete Sprinkler Sqsterns Pride Week FREE ESTIMATES! TO CHOOSE ."ROM . 1987 BEST PRICES! Pick Up and Delivery Available ($5 charge) 523-LAWN 408 AVONDALE - 529-8490 1411 Taft (•• , 522-2~90 TRANSMISSIONS 12 MONTROSE VOICE / JULY 3,1987 New AIDS Commission Chief Wants Independence By Steve Gerstel sion on AIDS, wants to chart his own the panel just because heis homosexual, preliminary report within 90 days after FOR THE MONTROSE VOICE course, siding with neither of the admin- a stand that has drawn protests from it begins its work. A final set of recom- WASHINGTON (UPI)-Dr. W. Eugene istration's camps warring on how to some public health officials and from mendations is due within a year. Mayberry of the Mayo Foundation, the deal with the epidemic. ' gay people; the group hardest hit by the Reagan told the commission to advise new chairman of the national commis- Mayberry, 57, an endocrinologist at epidemic. the, administration "on the public the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota since "We'll pick people on excellence and health dangers, including the medical, 1960, said Thursday he was not "philo- the expertise they bring to these areas," legal, ethical, social and economic Scientists: 'No sophically closer" to either Education said White House spokesman Marlin impact" of acquired immune deficiency Secretary William Bennett, who has Fitzwater. "Just like in the rest of syndrome. . Evidence' pushed for mass blood testing and the society, people mayor may not be gay." ,The panel's broad mandate includes Mosquitoes preaching of abstinence, or Surgeon Mayberry, who is chief executive evaluation of public and private infor- General ,C. Everett Koop, who has officer of the Mayo Foundation, when mation efforts, research and prevention Transmit AIDS stressed education and the use of con- asked about putting a gay person on the programs, identification of promising doms. panel, said, "I am so new to these mat- drugs and vaccines, and study of both Virus "I haven't taken a position," Mayb- ters, I haven't given that a great deal of the long-term impact of the AIDS epi- erry said at a news conference June 25 thought." demic on the nation's health care sys- WASHINGTON (UPI)-A mosquito just after he was named chairman of the Reagan created the commission by tem and the legal and ethical issues bite can transmit malaria but not the commission by, President Reagan. "I executive order and directed it to have a involved. AIDS virus even though the insect can don't relate to either one of those, and I be infected with the disease by drinking think it's appropriate that I don't." contaminated blood, researchers say. By not taking a position in advance, ;j~----=-~ . Scientists have found AIDS virus in Mayberry said he could work toward mosquitoes and in a new experiment "some consensus and direction for the It's Springtime again and time to do have even transmitted the virus, HIV, president." those projects you've been putting of/. to the insects by feeding them infected . Mayberry said that during a 15- human blood, but population-wide stu- minute meeting with Reagan, the presi- Call dies indicate if the virus really were dent gave him no guidelines or transmitted by the pests, AIDS would directions. HSK CONTRACTING be much more widespread than it is "I feel we are free to make any recom- today. mendations which are appropriate," he A Full Service Contractor "We have no evidence to support or said. suggest that mosquitoes can or do trans- Reagan announced the appointment • Roofing (All Types) • Tree & Trash Removal mit the AIDS virus under laboratory of Mayberry more than seven weeks • Remodeling • Insulation conditions," Dr. Robert Gallo of the after he announced plans for a high- • Sheetrock/ Painting • TIle/ Masonry • Plumbing/ Electrical • Cabinets National Cancer Institute said Tues- level commission to help map strategy • Foundations Repaired • Decks/ Hot Tubs against AIDS. No other members have day. "Furthermore, epidemiological No Job Too Big or Too Small (statistical) studies of AIDS do not show' yet been named to serve on the Presiden- that the virus is transmitted by mosqui- tial Commission on the Human Immu- 520-9064 toes or any other insect." nodeficiency Virus Epidemic, as the Or Emergency Pager Gallo said in a telephone interview commission is formally called. the AIDS virus does not reproduce in The White House stressed Thursday 891-4053 mosquitoes, something it would have to that a homosexual will not be named to ~f._---, do to be transmitted. The dose of the virus, if it did enter humans, would be too low to cause infection, he said. In the latest experiment, mosquitoes , , If I· , collec.tedfromseverallocationsin~outh you IVe, you re Fl or id a were fed AIDS VIrUS- contaminated blood in the laboratory. • r t 1-1' , ., ~~~naly~isby::.~~.!:~~!!!.~al.lo's !!01nl!_:O I!e.. o~. . .-_ ..... _a ... ". ~_ conditions," Dr. Robert Gallo of the after he announced plans for a high- (r . PI eeb'"!JcI;cTrfO',aiiil.lng • TIle7 Masonry 17\'\'I . ., . . um inS a:;, ectrical • Cabinets National Cancer InstItu.te SB;IdT~es- leve~ cornrmssron to help map strategy () • Foundations Repaired -Decks; Hot Tubs day. "Furthermore, epidemio log ical against AIDS. No other members have N Job To Bi To S II (statistical) studies of AIDS do not show yet been named to serve on the Presiden- 0 00 g or 00 ma that the virus is transmitted by mosqui- tial Commission on the Human Immu- 520-9064 toes or any other insect." nodeficiency Virus Epidemic, as the Or Emergency Pager Gallo said in a telephone interview commission is formally called. 891-4053 the AIDS virus does not reproduce in The White House stressed Thursday ~ mosquitoes, something it would have to that a homosexual will not be named to .:--:::=:::::-- ~t::"':------, do to be transmitted. The dose of the virus, if it did enter humans, would be too low to cause infection, he said. In the latest experiment, mosquitoes collected from several locations in south Florida were fed AIDS virus- "If you live, you're contaminated blood in the laboratory. Later analysis by researchers in Gallo's' laboratory showed that live AIDS virus going to get old." was in the insects. French researchers earlier reported How many of us ever consider isolating HIV from mosquitoes in areas Lon~ Time pasSln~: of Africa where the acquired immune what that means? And how Lives 01Older leSbIans deficiency syndrome virus is rampant many older lesbians are show- but reported they could find no evidence ing us the way? of transmission by mosquito bite. The NCI finding, not yet officially Twenty-four older women reported in medical literature, is preli- share their lives in Long Time minary, said Dr. Jai Nayar, an insect specialist at the Medical Entomology Passing, this long-awaited look Laboratory in Vero Beach, Fla., which at lesbians and aging. They provided the mosquitoes for the experi- give us first-hand accounts of ments. lesbian life in decades past, of TIfE BEST LnTIE GUEST The issue came to public light because the struggle to build a com- • HOUSE IN TOWN! LOCATED ON URSULINES AT of scientific attention paid to the south munity, of surviving the loss Florida migrant farming town of Belle RAMPART WHERE TIfE Glade, which has the highest AIDS rate of a lover, of growing older, FRENCH QUARTER BEGINS 1411<.1~ RFA<;()NABLE RATES in the nation. and of facing their own mor- Marcg 40Clman. Ph.D. Some researchers contend the town's tality. CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST slums, poverty, poor nutrition poor san- ROOMS WITH INDMDJJAL itation and actively breedin~ mosqui- CLIMATE CONTROL AND PRIVATE BATIfS toes may contribute to the spread of the • LONG TIME PASSING FREE PARKING illness which destroys the body's ability to fight infection. LIVES OF OLDER LESBIANS FOR RESERVATIONS CALL The federal Centers for Disease Con- (504) 566-1177 . trol in Atlanta has maintained that no 111& LJRSULINE..'ISTREET evidence exists to prove that insects can' edited by Marcy Adelman, Ph.D. NEWORLEANS, LOUISIANA 70116 transmit AIDS, although mosquitoes and other insects are known to spread $7.95 in bookstores, or mail this form. several other diseases. Sci~ntists say that if mosquitoes.' Enclosed is $8.50 (postpaid) for one copy of Long Time Passing. could mdeed transmit AIDS, the disease w~uld be ~~ch more common among name address _ children living in mosquito-infested areas. - city state zip _ The Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta says that as of June 19, 1987, Alyson Publications, Dept. P-5, 40 Plympton St., Boston, MA 02118 37,386 cases of AIDS had been reported in the United States. JULY 3,1987/ MONTROSE VOICE 13 Sex and Politics: No New Deal m Commentary By Arnold Sawislak ~s- UPI Senior Editor Furthermore, the cycle of these stories But no one in living Washington dal, in monitoring Congress's struggles FOR THE MONTROSE VOICE hardly could be said to have begun with memory has (1) publicly denied sexual with the budget deficit or in bird- WASHINGTON-The question is Hart. The bedroom antics of a long list misconduct, (2) challenged the press to dogging the painfully long process of heard, "Why did the press suddenly of politicians, ranging from Adam Clay- check it out by following him around, U.S.-Soviet arms control negotiations. decide to start reporting about the sex ton Powell to Wayne Hays, Wilbur and (3) showed up in public within The press also covers those relatively lives of politicians?" Mills, Dan Crane and John Jenrette, weeks with a young woman not his wife. unsensational stories, and generally That inquiry often is followed by has been in the news at various times in None of the foregoing is intended to they are in your daily paper. If you want another question, "How come you the last 25 years. make the argument that reporting on to test the effectiveness of that work, singled out Gary Hart and never wrote In any case, the press did not single the bedroom capers of politicians is the ask your neighbor how the Gramm- .about the extramarital affairs of John out Hart. Hart singled out Hart. Many highest expression of the First Amend- Rudman process is progressing in Kennedy, Dwight Eisenhower or Frank- of the politicians mentioned above have ment's guarantee of a free press. Washington or the START talks are lin D. Roosevelt?" been indiscreet about their affairs, That argument could better be made doing in Geneva. The answer to the first question is showing up in places where they were for the performance of the press in pur- Did you get a blank look? Try, "Who is simple: The press did not suddenly likely to be well known with their ladies. suing the Iran arms-Contra aid scan- Donna Rice?" decide to start reporting on the sex lives 11 of politicians. ~:::: In fact, the American press has been 'i?' doing this kind of reporting for more MAR~l9g7 than 150 years, going back to Thomas .-;-iJE A1UINfA ~N Jefferson if not George Washington, //' although there does seem to be some ~I // a kind of cycle for popularity of such sto- ,// o· o Q ,// o/,;\i ries. !! 0/' To the personal knowledge of the wri- I,,;1 ~0 ter, there were contemporary rumors and gossip about both JFK and Ike dur- ing their presidencies, but nothing spe- cific was' published about their activities until after they left the White House or died. Why? Because most of the information was unsubstantiated or because editors did not want to print or broadcast such stories at the time. As for FDR, it has been said there were press people who were aware of the paraplegic president's continuing rela- tionship with his wife's former secre- tary. But considering the kind of off-color stories that were openly circulated about the Roosevelt family during FDR's four terms, it would be amazing if there was no gossip about the presi- dent's sex life. If the press ignored politicians' hanky-panky in the relatively recent ~,~~ C4"L'IiWIIII'~1II .1.1 II past, that does not mean it was always so. Jefferson's claimed long-term rela- /'~~ _ :5:Y?' -:;-~ '.. U JI/li!'ll1.llli;lllll tionship with slave Sally Hemmings; I Andrew Jackson's bi~~m?~s ma~a.~~; \\ HAVE.N'-r WE: MEr..B~J;'l1RJ;e --.CQME~l:LbO~~ ~L~ ••.Lc"" ---' __ ---' 'As for FDR, it has been said there ~ ,\.~ were press people who were aware of the paraplegic president's continuing rela- ~ tionship with his wife's former secre- ~-\ tary. But considering the kind of off-color ~ stories that were openly circulated about the Roosevelt family during FDR's four terms, it would be amazing if v- there was no gossip about the presi- dent's sex life. If the press ignored politicians' hanky-panky in the relatively recent ~ < I uudl~~1,1,1\ past, that does not mean it was always so. Jefferson's claimed long-term rela- :~~.;!~~l,- ~l!llilllllll;1 tionship with slave Sally Hemmings; , - Andrew Jackson's bigamous marriage; Grover Cleveland's illegitimate child; \\ HAV6N'T WE Mer BEFORE? .. COME. HERE OF'fEN ?...WHA1'S YOUR 5IGN~ .. Warren Harding's extramarital CAN I BUYyou A DRINk ? .." affairs-all were grist for the press of the time. People------

By William C. Trott TOM CRUISES TO 14TH-PLACE FIN- crew did not edit out that segment. "It was PEOPLE: There's another Vietnam United Press International ISH: Tom Cruise's racing debut was shattering for me and for my family," she movie coming-"Bat-21," starring Gene FOR THE MONTROSE VOICE hardly flawless but he did manage to said. Walters responded by saying, "I Hackman and Danny Glover and being GROUPIE DROPOUT: The golden ageof finish 14th in a 44-car field at the Road think that Angela Lansbury's feelings' shot in Malaysia. "Bat-21" is military groupie-dom is long gone because of Atlanta race. Cruise's inexperience was were absolutely valid. And if I saw her talk for a pilot, in this case Hackman, AIDS, security threats and evil women, obvious in the television coverage as he now I'd put my arms around her and say, shot down behind enemy lines ... says Pamela Des Barres, once the queen bumped first one car, then another and 'I'm sorry the interview pained you." of the groupie set. Des Barres writes spun out on one ofthe course's less diffi- Other celebrities said they.found Walters about her romances with royal rockers cult turns. Cruise also had problems get- warm and extremely professional'. "She's like Mick Jagger, Keith Moon of the ting his Nissan 300 ZX refueled during less interested in sensation-alism," says Who, Waylon Jennings and Jimmy his 97 laps around the 2.52-mile course. Patrick Duffy of "Dallas." Page and actor Don Johnson. "Not only Cruise's new wife, actress Mimi Rogers, PEACE AND STUFF LIKE THAT: do we have AIDS and herpes, you can't and. his pal, Paul Newman, greeted Sherry Lynn Biedrzycki, 12, of St. Fran- get near these guys anymore," she says. Cruise after the race. Newman also was cis, Wis., has picked up Samantha "Security has gotten much tighter since on the road, finishing seventh in the Smith's crusade. Sherry arrived in Mos- the death of John Lennon." Just about GTO competition of the Kuppenheimer- cow Monday for a two-week tour as the the time Des Barres was getting burned Camel GTO-GTU Challenge. guest of the Soviet government and out on the scene; along came singer TALKING ABOUT THE INTER- hopes to meet Mikhail Gorbachev. "If I Michael Des Barres, who she eventually VIEWER: Angela Lansbury says she get to meet him I will tell him how much married. "In the heyday, there was a lot didn't like the treatment she received in a I want peace in the world," she said. "I of camaraderie among groupies," she Barbara Walter s interview. Lansbury will tell him how much we need peace in ······.···.·.···.ii.··· .....•f. iI says, "but in the '70s there were some had said she did not want to discuss cer- . the world and stuff like that." Sherry's pretty hideous little girls coming on. tain aspects of her family life-such as arrival coincided with memorial servi- They called me an old bag when I was her children's drug use-but Walters ces at Soviet summer youth camps to 23." Des Barres, 38, still keeps up with managed to steer the conversation into mark what Radio Moscow said would pop musicand says her current favor- the forbidden territory, leaving Lansbury have been Samantha's 15th birthday. ites are Prince ("There's no one like to choke back tears and unable to con- The Soviets took a liking to Sherry him"), Dwight Yoakum, ("I've always tinue. "I said at that moment, 'Turn the Lynn in 1985 when she sent a cassette of had a country streak") and U2 (lead sin- tape off,''' Lansbury told TV Guide, "and her song, "We Can Walk in Peace," to ger "Bono is saying relative, important they said, 'We can't' They wouldn't do it." the Kremlin and Gorbachev's office things"). She was especially upset that the Walters sent four record albums in return. 16 MONTROSE VOICE / JULY 3,1987 Unconvinced Ir------:=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·:------~IFields Mailing N Jury Convicts HENRY'S AIDS . Man of Newsletter tl HUMBLE, Texas (UPI)-Congressman Drunken Jack Fields is mailing his 269,000 South Driving 1 Texas constituents an informational PHOTO newsletter on AIDS in an effort "to get WEST BEND, Wis. (UPI)-Valentine people to understand the facts." Platek's attempt to prove he could still TT '""T"I' The Humble Republican said he function normally after four gin and decided to mail the basic, non-emotional tonics convinced the jury of one thing- letter on the spread and prevention of he was guilty of driving while intoxi- WE'VE MOVED AIDS because he was concerned about cated. the misconceptions of the virus aired at Platek, 60, who'defended himself on Now located at 408 Avondale town meetings. charges of drunken driving, consumed --The Montrose Voice Building- "I am repeatedly asked if you can get four gin and tonics at a nearby tavern AIDS through mosquitoes. I suppose during a brief court recess. Around the corner from our old location it's because we're in an area that gets a "I am not an alcoholic and I thought, OPEN DAILY 9-6 lot of rain and has lots of mosquitoes," well, I hope, I sound reasonably clear," he said. No such cases have ever been CLOSED WEEKENDS Platek told the jury Thursday after recorded. admitting he had a cheeseburger and Fields said Friday that he is con- four drinks for lunch. "Please don't vinced public education is the only judge me on this 0.273 percent. My toler- means to combat acquired immune defi- ance is way above that." ciency syndrome, which weakens the Platek then asked West Bend Police body immune system and makes it Sgt. James Vetter, who arrested him CASA vulnerable to infections and diseases. Aug. 8, 1986, for drunken driving, to' A SPECIAL HOSPITAL Fields notes in his mailing to resi- give him a Breathalyzer test. dents of the 8th Congressional District Jack However, Washington County Judge that AIDS is a threat to the general pub- (Meg J. Tom Merriam refused to allow the *Full Furnished Apartments lic, "a danger to virtually every adult of th demonstration, telling Platek, "No, that engaged in non-monogamous sex." The will not be done." issue,he says, "is simply too important Hous Authorities said Platek's blood- *Licensed Professional Staff· to ignore." Montr alcohol level registered 0.273 percent The virus is spread through blood and Perso when he was arrested for drunken driv- *Aggressive or Supportive ,Therapy the exchange of body. fluids. The Sur- Pythr ing in August. A level of 0.10 percent is geon General has recommended that of the considered legal evidence of intoxica- *Short & Long Term Stays people who engage in non-monogamous broth tion in Wisconsin. sex use condoms to protect themselves in Lc After 27 minutes of deliberation, the ARE from the virus. gradt jury found Platek guilty and he was NO Visit 1803 Old Spanish Trail The mailing avoids explicit recom- good sentenced to 10 days in jail, fined $585, UPPORT FOR or Call 796-'CASA mendations on how to protect oneself ing p had his'driver's license revoked and was IDS from the disease, such as condoms, but Tht ~ CASA Is Now Hiring RN's/LVN's ordered to ge.t alcohol counseling. refers those desiring such information life oi But Platek's trouble didn't end at the to a more detailed free mailing from the charr courtroom. Surgeon General. . acted On his way home from the trial, West The issue .of government-provided also' Bend police cited him for driving with- education on AIDS has been controver- wait 1 out a license. sial because the virus traditionally was Jut linked to homosexual males and bisex- from ual males. Paint "I expect to get a lot of criticism. Some tress Would-Be CRAB LICE STIJDY ) ,:ow:, < will say it's not specific enough and tutes. t:oPs:lln~ some will say a congressman shouldn't coinc: ••.....,..&-.--~-~.c.l.'CI.lU. 'XIZRJI ecoUiiIJetiUeu tliBe considered legal evidence of intoxica- people who engage in non-monogamous tion in Wisconsin. sex use condoms to protect themselves bl'O' After 27 minutes of deliberation, the ARE from the virus. in 1.0' jury found Platek guilty and he was NO Visit 1803 Old Spanish Trail The mailing avoids explicit recom- grad' sentenced to 10 days in jail, fined $585, UPPORI FOR mendations on how to protect oneself good or Call 796-CASA ing p had hisdriver's license revoked and was , O~ from the disease, such as condoms, bu t CASA Is Now Hiring RN's/LVN's The ordered to get alcohol counseling. i refers those desiring such information life But Platek's trouble didn't end at the to a more detailed free mailing from the ot chard courtroom. Surgeon General. acted On his way home from the trial, West The issue of government-provided also v Bend police cited him for driving with- education on AIDS has been controver- out a license. wait ~ sial because the virus traditionally was Juli linked to homosexual males and bisex- from' ual males. Paint "I expect to get a lot of criticism. Some Would-Be CRAB LICE STIJDY ) .:W: i < tress l will say it's not specific enough and tutes. ' some \\!ill say a congressman shouldn't coinci Cocaine address this kind of this type of issue," Sh~ Smuggler he said. she h- As a member of the Health Subcom- natio Pleads AIDS mittee of the Energy and Commerce More Committee, Fields said AIDS is an her ell BOGOTA, Colombia' (UPI)-Narcotics appropriate topic for his newsletter. it. Th' police thought the woman's warning "The most effective way of slowing ands~ about having AIDS was merely a ploy down the spread of AIDS is education," Shel to dodge arrest for trying to smuggle he said. "Every person can be protected, she se cocaine, but her confession turned outto this can be prevented." Baylor College of Medicine Alec l be true. "If one case is prevented and there- commJ "Don't touch me, I have AIDS," Department of Dermatology is fore one life is spared, then this is worth flew ~ Maria de los Angeles Valdes Ugarte, 32, it," said Fields. clad iJ shouted at narcotics officers at Bogota's plays 1 El Dorado Airport. conducting a study of a new about~ Officials said they thought Valdes crab lice treatment. Volunteers D. Sclj Ugarte, a Spanish national booked on a Zippidy Duda's who tl flight to Miami, was using a trick to has al avoid arrest when they detected 1.4 may be male or female, between is Man's New The~ kilos cocaine in her luggage Saturday. 18-65 years old, and diagnosed placeq But her shouted confession, which Name rally g caused panic among passengers and as having crab lice within the DECATUR, Ga. (UPI)-Zippidy Duda and v~ bystanders at the airport, turned out to is Gary's new name. It b~ be true, other officials said Wednesday. Gary Eugene Duda, called Zippidy would] Two different blood, tests for the last 24 hours. Volunteers will be most of his life by friends and family glanci acquired immune deficiency syndrome after the catchy tune "Zip-A-Dee-Doo- inside, turned out positive, said Alba Lucia compensated. Call 799-6137. Dah" from Walt Disney's "Song of the their' Tello, warden of the Buen Pastor South," won the right Thursday in harmll women's prison. DeKalb County Superior Court to offi- Valdes Ugarte probably will be freed cially change his middle name. In tl this week or deported back to Spain "I just think it's wonderful it finally missed under a new Colombian law that stipu- happened," said Duda, 35, who had literal] lates release for persons suffering from expected some objection from the Walt film's. "incurable diseases." Disney Co. standE "I have nothing to lose. I am dying Duda, a wholesale jeweler, said he hypro( and I need the money to pay for medical thinks the name change will help busi- In kef attention," Valdes Ugarte was quoted ) ,J£, ,J£, < ness. After his brief court appearance, treatec as telling police. "Besides, I'd just as he handed out pens and business cards naked soon die stoned on drugs. They are my bearing the new name-G. Zippidy Our only relief." Duda, unblen


JULY 3, 1987/ MONTROSE VOICE 19 OOA.IYH Fortunes --rn(;A11ArJf4 Co/IJ~IffTON - Express Yourself Vocally, Cancer By Mark Orion Your Horoscope from the Montrose Voice For Friday evening, July 3, through Friday morning, July 10, 1987:

ARIES-Don't let a day go by without doing something that you want to do. You have the energy and confidence to turn ~ most anything in the right direction, You're in charge, you're in command of. your needs, your desires, 'your life, TAURUS-Workaholic tendencies could blind you to romantic difficulties, As in don't bring your work home with you. Your lover or close one may be inter- ested in it, but needs some special atten- tion. Take some of that 'work energy and put it in your love, GEMINI-The past can haunt or reward. Right now, it's reward time for you, Something or someone from your past is giving you a very fine gift that's special. You're reaping the benefits of seeds you may have forgotten, Now you'll remember them gladly.

" tURN WliH US NOW IN YOUR SPEClAt- LEArHeR-BOUND, EMBOSSEDJ GDLD- CANCER-Add to that recent take LEAf ~DI110N,UfE:TIME PAR1NER, BIBL.ES et..eV~N! •..11 charge attitude a deep emotional involve- lry P1L TO···CHAP1'ER ment, and whoever's on your receiving he end is going to get a lot of love and loving, Express you rself vocally as well as physi- . cally. Bakkers Ask Bankruptcy LEO-Joint efforts are so much more fun, aren't they? And you thought you had to do it all by yourself, You're finding Court to Name Examiner a heck of a helping hand, and you're more than greateful for the assistance, Who a new television ministry patterned By Doug Mauldin ership. They are preparing for a July said you can't combine work and play? after the PTL, which went into Chapter" FOR THE MONTROSE VOICE 4th rally at Heritage USA. 11 bankruptcy protection June 12 with VIRGO-There's a woman in your life COLUMBIA, S.C. (UP I)-Lawyers for Gene Ervin, security chief at Herit- debts reportedly about $70 million. that you're having a hard time with, A Jim and Tammy Bakker want a federal age, who met with the group to discuss U.S. Attorney Vinton Lide would not serious fight is in the picture that may be bankruptcy court to name an examiner the rally, estimated from 200 to 600 peo- comment on reports that a special avoided with some help from a family whose "unpartial scrutiny" will protect ple would participate. The association' grand jury would be convened to launch member, You'll need someone who the 120,000 PTL life partners now under claims thousands will be on hand. a criminal investigation of mail and tax , knows you well to get you out of this, the reign of the Rev. Jerry Falwell. fraud in the PTL while under Bakker's Trust leads to release, The U.S. Bankruptcy Court petition On the PTL Club show Wednesday, 1"/ leadership. co-host Doug Oldham appealed to PTL !/ asked Judge Rufus Reynolds Wednes- LIBRA-Your creative energies are I Lide's office assumed responsibility supporters to write cable companies and ~ hiQh._e.s~_e_claJlv...in..lbe-.O..e~daliewvs. ---: day to name Columbia attorney- Wil- I 0:: £1:\~i-b_A.L.R.a_lr_'k.o._o..a..a.a....l_Qo_+"o_l\Jf-l:'ll.rt._d....o_'U'~'';~:M-O o-->L4..' 1__ .L~'------...L-~ ------~.~.~~~~--~~ .~ catty. HaKKers ASK HanKruptcy LEO-'Joint efforts are so much more fun, aren't they? And you thought you

" .~/ had to do it all by yourself. You're finding :// Cour-t to Name Examiner a heck of a helping hand, and you're more a new television ministry patterned than greateful for the assistance. Who By Doug Mauldin ership. They are preparing for a July \/ after the PTL, which went into Chapter" said you can't combine work and play? FOR THE MONTROSE VOICE 4th rally at Heritage USA. ~ 11 bankruptcy protection June 12 with i~'/ COLUMBIA, S.C, (UP I)-Lawyers for Gene Ervin, security chief at Herit- VIRGO-There's a woman in your life ,,(- debts reportedly about $70 million. Jim and Tammy Bakker want a federal age, who met with the group to discuss that you're having a hard time with. A U.s. Attorney Vinton Lide would not ~/~ bankruptcy court to name an examiner the rally, estimated from 200 to 600 peo- serious fight is in the picture that may be comment on reports that 'a special / /f whose "unpartial scrutiny" will protect ple would participate. The association' avoided with some help from a family grand jury would be convened to launch the 120,000 P'I'L'life partners now under claims thousands will be on hand. member. You'll need someone who ~, the reign of the Rev. Jerry Falwell. a criminal investigation of mail and tax t knows you well to get you out of this. fraud iiI the PTL while under Bakker's Trust leads to release. / , The U.S. Bankruptcy Court petition On the PTL Club show Wednesday, / leadership. co-host Doug Oldham appealed to PTL asked Judge Rufus Reynolds Wednes- LIBRA-Your creative energies are / / Lide's office assumed responsibility supporters to write cable companies and day to name Columbia attorney' Wil- very high, especially in the next few days, liam E.S. Robinson as examiner to for the Bakker case late Monday after a urge them to keep the show on the air. -> jurisdictional dispute was resolved by when you have time to concentrate. Mak- '/ represent lifetime partners who have "We've got another freedom in danger ing something lovely is your own reward / / each paid $1,000 to the PTL. the Justice Department in Washington, ~ .. of being taken from us," Oldham said. for you, but your talents won't go' unrec- . The Bakkers-founders of the PTL according to Lide spokeswoman Freda /'{ //' "If you and I don't help them realize ognized. What's pleasurable could / empire, with its television ministry- H. Lynch. ' // / that we need and want our religious pro- become profitable. said the 120,000 lifetime partners "fit Walter Theus, one of several PTL / attorneys, said Wednesday that federal gramming, it won't be long before there SCORPIO-Share it with someone you / into the spirit and intention of unse- won't be any there." ..r• .J cured creditors." investigators are still poring over lovee old advice with a strange twist. If ??to records at the PTL offices in Fort Mill. The PTL promoted its own Fourth of you've been tempted, now's the time. It , I' "With the media attention generated July festivities, showing people arriv- I V', by this case and the obvious public con- Pro-Bakker supporters in the Associa- may turn your head around. If not, you'll " ing at the Heritage USA front gate for ~c9. cerns, it is in the interest of creditors, the tion ofPTL' Partners, meanwhile, participate in something pretty far out the planned weekend celebration .. together. f"~:3 court, the public and the judicial system remain dissatisfied with Falwell's lead- that there be a perception 'of unpartial SAGITTARIUS-Your thoughts are .of scrutiny of the matters of this case," Condom Vending Machines your home these days, but the problem attorney W. Ryan Hovis said in the peti- ",,'2. that needs your attention there is easily tion. for Women's Restrooms solved. Your mental powers are high,and Bakker turned over the PTL to Fal- your close one, who's responding to well in March, following disclosure of a DETROIT (UPI)-Two suburban from vending machines for years, they things strictly emotionally, needs the 1980 sexual encounter with a church women are setting up a business called said dispensers normally are not found kind of input you'll be good at giving. secretary, and Falwell has since refused. Condom Queens in a bid to forge new in the women's toilets. ' ~ to return control of the ministry. marketing frontiers by placing condom The machines-painted pink for CAPRICORN-The love light keeps on burning. You've got so much to say to this A PTLpartner is someone who has vending machines in women's res- women's restrooms and gray for donated at least $1,000 to the P'I'L'min- trooms at college dormitories and busi- men's-are expected to arrive from a new person that your day-to-day respon- sibilities seem like so many unwanted - istry. Falwell's fundamental Baptist nesses. California company in two weeks, they interruptions in this fine affair. A mutual doctrine is generally at odds with that of Although no one has signed up for the said. friend may be jealous, though! the charismatic, Pentecostal PTL service yet, Gabriele Paxton and Linda Paxton, 32, a legal secretary from members and he recently enraged the Gagniuk, who have invested $20,000 in Rochester, and, Gagniuk, 39, a Troy AQUARIUS-Looks like you got more partners by suggesting that PTL would the dispensers, said Thursday they are homemaker, said they had been think- than you bargained 'for in this one. Ifthis no longer honor the promise of three free I optimistic they will sell the 50 machines ing of buying an ice cream parlor until heavy-duty lover is coming on too strong nights a year at the Heritage Grand they have ordered. Paxton saw a newspaper ad promoting for you, telling you what to do and what Hotel for every partner. "Let's face it," Paxton said in an the company that makes the condom- not, and how to do it,you're going to have The hotel is part of the PTL empire's interview with the Detroit Free Press. dispensing machines. to stand up and tell it like it is. Fun should Heritage USA, a 2,300-acre recreational "This is the coming of the age of the The two women conceded they chose be fun for two, complex at Fort Mill. condom. They are no longer an incon- the name Condom Queens for their busi- PISCES-You have a secret admirer While some lifetime partners have venience; they're an absolute neces- ness to make people to do a double take. who's just about ready to burst out of the monetary interests in the bankruptcy sity." closet at you. Stay open to warm signals hearings, the primary issue is seen as They plan to sell the dispensers of $1 "People might start 'out having a few . chuckles '" but that's one of the main and then indulge yourself in the fun this who will control PTL: a fundamentalist condoms in Oakland County, neighbor- could bring. The person is shy and gen- like Falwell or a charismatic like ing Detroit, at both men's and women's reasons we chose' the name," Paxton said. "If people can joke, then they'll be tle, so your intensity is just what's Bakker. bathrooms of bars, college dormitories, ordered. Now living in Gatlinburg, Tenn., the businesses and other public place. able to talk about what used to be a Bakkers have' announced plans to start' Although condoms have been sold sensitive subject." <>'987 MONTROSE VOICE JULY 3,1987/ MONTROSE VOICE 21 Busby Berkley. Wear your bathing suit to get in free. New Comedy Releases 'Service' Greener Pastures (Channel 8, 8, 8:00 p.m.)-a story of the Norwegian emigra- tion to Bosque County the '' _ Come and See (Rice M.C. 9 and 12)-A young boy witnesses Nazi atrocities in tn Byelorussia. th Light and Magic effects are gorgeous al but are always secondary to the people. ~t It is their story and it never really gets out of hand. Hansen: End' The background, when it is not filled !Ie Government al with machinery or innerds is filled with of all those great character actors whose 'Nazi ut names-like Kathleen Freeman, Orson at Bean, Henry Gibson-might escape you Mentality' but whose faces are always a welcome signal of a warm, human-sized show. By Carolyn Click et FOR THE MONTROSE VOICE ~e Dennis Quaid plays Lt. Tuck Pen- PETERSBURG, Va. (UPI)-Former a dleton. This down on his luck jet jockey , Rep. George Hansen, R-Idaho, returned " is test piloting a new craft which minia- to prison for violating parole, said Mon- en tirizes. The plan was to inject him into a day he has filed a lawsuit to end "the rabbit. When the project is brutally Nazi mentality" of the Justice Depart- n- raided by international industrial spies, Iy ment and Attorney General Edwin the project head tries to hide him by Meese. fi- injecting him into a human bystander The former seven-term congressman, le instead. who was convicted in 19840ffilingfalse it Martin Short plays Jack Putter, a financial disclosure statements, held a proto-nerd. He cannot function happily n- news conference in the recreation area and efficiently as a grocery store clerk. of the Federal Correctional Institution ct Jack Putter (Martin Short, left) congratulates bride and groom, Lydia Maxwell It turns out, of course, that what he's in Petersburg. b- (Meg Ryan) and Tuck Pendleton (Dennis Quaid, right), on the happy occasion really suffering from is ennui, not ten- Hansen, who said he is not seeking a lIt of their wedding in "Innerspace" sion. But he isn't quite sure about that e specific monetary award or release from when he starts receiveing signals from prison, said he filed the suit to stop the t Houston Screens by Bill O'Rourke and all. Chrsitine's unthinking, the craft inside of him and finds, at the government from violating his rights Montrose Voice unspokeness is outragreously charm- same time, that he is being chased by and to prove he has been mistreated by d Personal Services, directed by ex-Monty ing, but it's also partly responsible for killers. r- the government. Python Terry Jones (who directed most her break-up with her family. Tuck is pining after a lost lady love- it "When you have this kind of Nazi of the Python movies), is the story of a Situations get the same piecien treat- Lydia Maxwell (played by Meg Ryan), a mentality in the attorney general's 1S brothel. It's not Best Little Whorehouse ment. Often, they start out funny and reporter. Whe the boys run to her for ss office, I think it's not going to wash with in London in that the focus is on the end up maddening, only to turn hilar- help, they develop an odd triangle. Will a Congress that has to represent the gradual opening of the house and the people," he said. (l- good times when everything was work- If Hansen, who was released last ing properly rather than the demise. December after serving six months of a ~t .n The movie is very loosely based on the maximum 15-month sentence for violat- life of Cynthia Payne, England's most ing the Ethics in Government Act, said le charmingly notorious madame. She the Justice Department had no business acted as a consultant for the film. She's ld treating him as an "international fugi- also written an autobiography I can't tive" when he was returned to this pri- r- wait to read. son 120 miles south of Washington in ls Julie Waters, who you may remember April. s- from Educating Rita, plays Christine The conservative Republican was Painter. Christine starts out as a wai- serv;ing as a consultant on tax and pri- t~ tress who sublets apartments to prosti- son issues, but he refused to release I't tutes. Soon, however, due to a chain of financial information to his parole ______coinci.rlen.ces~sheJ>_e.comes.hersel£ .. _ offi.r.pr _ . ~ OI rne ryt:non IYlOVleS), IS crre auor'y 01 a rrrerrcan uy une m;~t~Oft~~, ~they-;t;~t-~;t-f~~~y- ;:p;rt;~~-Wh-;;" th~-b~ys-~~~-to~h;;-fo-; In artorriey general's s brothel. It's not Best Little Whorehouse ~~d office, I think it's not going to wash with s in London in that the focus is on the end up maddening, only to turn hilar- help, they develop an odd triangle. Will a Congress that has to represent the gradual opening of the house and the people," he said. I- good times when everything was work- Hansen, who was released last f ing properly rather than the demise. December after serving six months of a t The movie is very loosely based on the maximum 15-month sentence for violat- 11 life of Cynthia Payne, England's most ing the Ethics in Government Act, said e charmingly notorious madame. She the Justice Department had no business acted as a consultant for the film. She's treating him as an "international fugi- :l also written an autobiography I can't tive" when he was returned to this pri- wait to read. son 120 miles south of Washington in s Julie Waters, who you may remember April. from Educating Rita, plays Christine The conservative Republican was Painter. Christine starts out as a wai- serving as a consultant on tax and pri- e tress who sublets apartments to prosti- son issues, but he refused to release :l tutes. Soon, however, due to a chain of financial information to his parole t coincidences, she becomes herself. officer. She isn't very good at the sex part, but Because he would not release that she has an open mind, an active imagi- information, the officer denied him the nation and a flair for organization. privilege of traveling out of state-an e More important, she truly cares about order Hansen ignored. 1 her clients as people and lets them feel Hansen contends the travel was vital ,. it. They rarely have to leave without tea to his job, and that "what they did was , and sympathy and perhaps a bite to eat. put you in a Catch 22 position. " .~ She pleases everyone so much that "They try to make you look like some she soon attracts her own helpmeets. kind of international fugitive and they Alec McCowen plays a retired wing kidnaped you in Omaha without a commander who often boasts that he Shirley (Shirley Stelfox) and Christine (Julie Walters) with their client Mr. search warrant," Hansen said. 1 flew 21 missions across German lines, He added that he was "spirited back clad in a bra and panties. S. Strelfox Webb (Anthony Collin) in "Personal Services" in the dead of the night on a Lear jet at plays Shirley, who teaches Christine all great expense to the taxpayer-in ~ about the odalisque side of operations. ious again moments later, very like a Lydia get back together with Tuck or irons-dumped me in the Alexandria D. Schiller plays Dolly, Shirley's maid, life lived to the fullest. fall for the man he's inside of? jail in solitary confinement and expect 1 who teaches her the pimp's side. Dolly As quotable as many of the lines are, The violence is minimal, the laughs you to take that. I don't have to take has a secret, too. the visuals hold their ·own. Some of maximal. All systems are green, not that, and that's why I'm suing them." They attract a large number of well- them are sheer poetry. Take, for exam- only for this but for a possible sequel. Hansen said his suit, which was filed i placed regular fans. The business natu- ple, one policeman watching as another As for Innerspace, three out of four in U.S. District Court in Alexandria last i rally grows too big for their apartment chases a naked fat lady with huge stars. week, does not ask for monetary dam- a and voila! The house is born. impractical wings through a garden ages but that a jury could award some. 1 It becomes kind of a magic place. You that was transferred from a mud pit to a o Incoming Attractions He said he wants an end to what he y -c wouldn't know it was there just by thing of beauty by "slaves" who paid to considers his illegal treatment and vio- y Alex Cox directed Sid and Nancy and glancing at it from the outside. But be allowed to do it. In context, it means lations of his constitutional rights. )- Repo Man. His latest, Straight toHell, is inside all the kinky people come out of everything at once. For instance, Hansen said he grew a Ie a takeoff on spaghetti westerns. their closets and party happily and Out of four stars, Personals Services beard in jail because he was not given n Ken Russell's latest=- Gothic -is harmlessly together. gets three. his own razor-and that he was afraid i- finally here. As is the long-awaited of catching AIDS by sharing one. In the meantime, Christine has just o Innerspace Adventures in Babysitting. "I feel there is a gross Violation of my y missed love several times. Once she On the art scene: rights," he said. d literally sleeps through her chance. The Innerspace has one of those plots that Bring Up Baby; His Girl Friday (Rice It was Hansen who went to Iran in It film's major point is that the old double sound like just so much shlock. But it is Media Center, 3)-Cary Grant with 1979 in an attempt to negotiate the standard and all other forms of sexual so well done, with such a dry wit, that it Katherine Hepbrun, then with Rosalind release of U.S. Embassy hostages. He re hyprocrisy should be done away with. actually comes off more like one ofthose Russell once met with former Nicaraguan I- In keeping with that stand, we are French comedies, like the Tall Blond Band of Outsiders (Rice M.C., 4)- Anastasio Somoza while former Presi- e, treated to just as many handsome Man with One Black Shoe. Goddard goes camp with this lyrical dent Carter was trying to persuade him ls naked men as we are naked ladies. This is hardly the first science fiction tragi-comedy. to voluntarily relinquish power. y Our heroines and heroes are not 's directed. He helmed Grem- Million Dollar Mermaid (The Orange Hansen is scheduled to be released in unblemished. They are human, warts lins and Explorers. Here the Industrial Show, 4)-Esther Williams meets October. ,~ 22 MONTROSE VOICE / JULY 3, 1987 o Museum of Fine Art Local Characters Join for a For the next several weeks there will be three major exhibitions showing at the E M.F.A. all at once. Two ofthem, the His- Wonderfully Gay Musical panic art and the Chinese ceramics, are magnificent fun. The drawings by Hol- BYl Houston Live by Bill O'Rourke optimism and boyish charm of this o LUV bein are a little bit of a disappointment. FOR Montrose Voice gangly youth as he falls head over heels It has nothing to do with the man's GULP, the gay beach musical (Kindred for Father William. LUV(Chocolate Bayou) and I are child- artistry. His fully realized faces and Spirits) is a triumph of silliness and sen- Buzz Belmont is in fine voice and as ren of the sixties. It was first produced detailed bu t sketchy clothes sty le is very in - 1964, and I graduated from high telling. school in the magic year, 1969. We're The problem is that it tells too much. both funny and we both talk way too This is a period, the reign of Henry VIII, much when we rhapse philosophic. One which many of us have romanticized. of lIS, I'm afraid, did not age nearly so Very few of the people actually looked well as the other. as noble, handsome, etc., as we want an LUV is an extended comic strip come them to have looked. Many of them, re to life. There are moments of pure slap- clothes aside, look like street ruffians. go stick, what with people being thrown off One of those who doesn't disappoint is a bridge, etc. But most of the time it is Richard Rich. This early morals squad ~i~ like loquacious Pfeiffer, much more vice cop whose perjury helped assassi- lOr j than the pithyness of a Bloom County. nate Saint Sir Thomas Moore has oily yea In the sixties, life was philosophically charm and looks just too good to be true. S very serious and deep. Everything had If you want to preserve your fanta- ro~ to be relevant and meaningful. Hippies sies, it might be just as well if you skip ba~ took drugs either to escape or to grok the these two rooms. tall situation. Horse lovers, especially, will be glad "D1 Now life has gotten so damn frighten- of the extra time for the Chinese exhibit. shJ ing that so long as we are surviving and dealing with survivor's guilt we have no o Notes ol~ left over desire to plump deeper unnec- ~ The Houston Center of Photography cesarily. coIl, In those days, people from both sides has awarded its 1987 fellowships to Jill rep could make fun of people being too Goodman, Elizabeth Grant and Carol Di~ serious. People who are being too Vuchetich. Cn serious were aware of it, too, and often Long time readers of this column may bei be aware that this should havebeen the made fun ofthemselves. There wasa lot enj of mock seriousness flying around. day for our quarterly arts calendar. hoi Nowadays, when we rarely get 'Having considered this move for a long V serious, and when, when we do, it is time, I hereby announce that these ore, calendars have moved to the first Fri- about things much more immediately nes life and death than the mere possiblity days in February, May, August and ) of global nuclear war, we are very earn- November. The Best of the Year Awards cra est about it. Anyone who would ligh- column will be next week. hm theartedly mock us for no greater fen purpose that a good, put-it-in- o Celebrate! F perspective laughare irredeemably Independence Day! Freedom ring! And obnoxious. on July 4, 1855, Walt Whitman pub- This is quite difficult for even sea- lished the first edition of Leaves of soned performers as Ellen Swenson, Grass. . Jeff Baldwin and Eoghan Ryan to catch B'days: 3-William Henry Hurlbert, ____,:". :":,;,{%PfW%¥i%4%~wx;1ittPwr,,.M.fM~_~~ ,,)r:,~> the right mood for this show. They do Tom Cruise" Dorothy Kilgallen. 4- (left to right) Top: Randy Jobe, Buzz Belmont; middle: Michael Wilson, catch it intermittently, however, and Gene Elder, Michael Giametta, Ann Richard Hezlep; bottom: Larry Finnegan, Richard Alan in "GULP," playing at Kindred Spirits when they do one can easily understand Landers. 5-P.T. Barnum, Katherine why this script was so beloved in its aelronnd.~ShirleY~Knil!hL6 T,aY-erne ! ._ Nowa,days, when we rarely get avrrrg' conSIdered thIS move tor a long serious, and when, when we do, it is time, I hereby announce that these ora about things much more immediately calendars have moved to the first Fri- days in February, May, August and rres life and death than the mere possiblity 1 of global nuclear war, we are very earn- November. The Best of the Year Awards column will be next week. cro est about it. Anyone who would ligh- h01 theartedly mock us for no greater fer! purpose that a good, put-it-in- o Celebrate! }o perspective laughare irredeemably Independence Day! Freedom ring! And obnoxious. . on July 4, 1855, Walt Whitman pub- This is quite difficult for even sea- lished the first edition of Leaves of soned performers as Ellen Swenson, Grass. _ Jeff Baldwin and Eoghan Ryan to catch B'days: 3-William Henry Hurlbert, (lertio right) Top: RandyJobe, Buzz Belmont; middle: Michael Wilson, the right mood for this show. They do Tom Cruise, Dorothy Kilgallen. 4- Richard Hezlep; bottom: Larry Finnegan, Richard Alan in "GULP," catch it intermittently, however, and Gene Elder, Michael Giametta, Ann playing at Kindred Spirits when they do one can easily understand Landers. 5-P.T. Barnum, Katherine why this script was so beloved in its Helmond, Shirley Knight. 6-LaVerne day. timent. Characters we've seen else- sexy as ever as Manny, the tender red- Andres, Janet Leigh, Della Reese. 7- This is scheduled to be Chocolate Bay- where join together like they never have neck. We must have seen his type in Marc Chagall, Doc Serveririson, Ringo ou's final play and more than makes up before for a rousing romp. Grease. Now he's older but not much Starr. 8-Percy Grainger, Marty Feld- Those of you who have been staying wiser. His lifelong dream has come true. away from shows at Kindred Spirits He's won so much money at the horse . because you couldn't hear what was track that he doesn't know what to do \ going on may come back now. They've with it all and has loaded it up in his finally solved that problem in a most little red wagon and brought it to Coney ingenuous way. You won't miss a word! Island toss it into the sea. Tall, slender Richard Alan packs a In a previous column, it was stated most engaging bassi baritone voice. He that Randy Jobe was in P.S. YourCatis plays Homer, the lifeguard. He should Dead! (Houston House). Oops. Sorry. be happy. He's very well loved by Chris He's actually the head looney in GULP. (played by Laurence Richard, a short Randy plays the wise drag queen, curly-haired cutie with a sweet, if some- bitch-mother of us all. Given enough what thin, voice). But Homer is stuck in time and make-up, Teddy could set his closet. By the end of this beautiful anyone's problems in order. Randy is Fourth of July, he'll either be out of it, one of our true local stars with a large dead or both. You see, the whole thing personal following. has him so depressed that he's taken out If you haven't caught that bug yet, a contract on his own life. this might do it for you. In spirit, he's The neophyte hit man, Father Wil- sort of like a male Carol Channing. His liam, shows up hours early and makes sinigest moment here is an audience friends with everyone. The closeted pri- sing-along number about Marlene Die- est is a stock character in many gay trich. comedies, a situation this character The music, most of it by John Glines, alludes to by mentioning colorful bits of has a wide variety, all of it good. They his past which turn out to be from other also throw in the official pride week plays. Unfortunately, Houston has song, Spirits for Pride, for good mea- been missing out on an awful lot of good sure. It's an inspiring song and this is a gay comedies. Our local theater groups good place to hear it. The drummer, have been fairly good about keeping us Brooke McDonald, wrote it and it talks up to date with the serious dramas, but about kindred spirits. this is the first major bit of gay fluff in Michael Bailey is on the piano. Bob far too long. Michael Wilson does an Pavey choreographed. And Joe Watts, interesting job with this role. bless his pea-pickin' little heart, Ellen Swenson, Eoghan Ryan. and Jeff Baldwin in Chocolate Bayou's Bouncing directly out of The Desert directed. A great good time was had by "L UV" by Murray Schisgal Song, a cub reporter from a gay news- all: paper arrives happily on the scene. Don't forget. This one plays Mondays .in historicai interest for its occasional Richard Hezlep captures the infectious and Tuesdays for the next month. .lapses in aesthetic interest. i' -'---- - i.

t,...,:.._ .•

JULY 3, 1987/ MONTROSE VOICE 23 Chorus Line's rr~ ~~~h Bennett Dead 8~~ of AIDS (!ltJssic qJcsign5 a/Wolls/an NEW YORK (UP I)-Director and cho- reographer Michael Bennett, who FLOWERS &GIFTS staged the smash hit "A Chorus Line," died Thursday at his Arizona home of European and Tropical Cut an AIDS-related cancer at the age of 44, Flowers, Plants, Fruit & Gourmet' his lawyer said. Baskets, Imported Chocolates, Bennett's lawyer, John Breglio, said anci Stuffed Toys Available. he died in his home at Tucson "of lym- phoma as related or caused by AIDS." 1811 Indiana "Bennett knew he had AIDS for some at Dunlavy time," Breglio said. 523-3791 In May, it was disclosed Bennett was Voice/ TTY Machine being treated for "a life-threatening dis- ease" that was not identified. Bennett's Major Credit Cards Accepted .longtime personal secretary, Robert Herr, said that since December 1986 the choreographer "has been and is now under treatment for a life-threatening disease." Menudo will perform along with La Mafia at Southern Star on July 5, 7:UU The statement was contained in an p.m. affidavit filed May 22in New York State dlultlttlt's4am Supreme Court by John Breglio in man, Steve Lawrence. 9-M.G. "Monk" Houston Saxophone Quartet (Loos- response to a suit brought by Bennett's Lewis, David Hockney, H.V. Kalten- can Branch Library, 6, 11:00 a.m.)- former manager, Marvin Schulman. ~ltterprts.es born. especially for kids. Freebies. aNa! Schulman claimed a 1961 oral agree- "Tact consists in knowing how far to Leslie Litt (H.C.C. Gallery II, 7)-:- ment entitled him to 5 percent of Ben- Service Plus go too far."-Jean Cocteau (born July 5) selected acrylics and watercolors by a nett's future profits, including those Houstonian woman. from Bennett's sale of a New York build- A Quality Cleaning o Openings Views of Round Top (Meredith Long ing in 1986. Service Gallery, 7)-paintings by William "A Chorus Line" was the pinnacle of Residential- Roel Castillo, Bill Frazier, Frank Isaac, Anzalone Bennett's career. It was about Broad- Commercial David Portz (Houston Center for Photo- FUR with Origami (U. of St. Thomas way dancers and Bennett conceived, graphy, 3)-winners of the 1986 fellow- Hauling Etc. Bookstore, 9, 11:00 a.m.)-Art paper choreographed and directed it, winning ships Pick Up-Delivery folding with Marvin Pfarr. a slew of awards, including a Pulitzer The Family/ Extensions (H.C.P. 3)- " Hauling Enchantment and the Growing Child Prize for drama in 1976. examines how the family unit has (U. of St. Thomas Bookstore, 9, 7:00 "A Chorus Line" became Broadway's evolved p.m.)-Barbara Samuels longest running musical in 1983when it Bonded Holiday Eve Concert (Miller Outdoor, Lance Letscher, Dennis Olsen (James surpassed the 3,388 performances 3)-H.S.O. Freebies. Jeff Cunningham oxo; Schubert Gallery, 9)-works on paper racked up by "Grease" to top a list that Fourth of July Spectacular (Miller and canvas by both and sculpture by included "Fiddler on the Roof," "Hello, (713) 522-3451 Outdoor, 4)-H.S.O. with fireworks. Letscher Dolly," and "My Fair Lady" in the Top 5. "_ Bennett was born Michael Bennett "-:------:r , DeFiglia on April 8, 1943, in Buffalo, J 00 I N.Y. His father, an auto factory .• mechanic, and his mother, a secretary, I I .." ~~:!:.'f%0t!:~!.,SctL) II:~:o~et~::~~~i~a~~:~~g;;;o;~:~!$10 ! un wi tb OngamC(U. of St. Thomas way dancers and Bennett conceived, FW· graphy, 3)-~~;';~th;'i986fellow- Haullnq Etc. ships Bookstore, 9, 11:00 a.m.)-Art paper choreographed and directed it, winning folding with Marvin Pfarr. a slew of awards, including a Pulitzer Pick Up-Delivery The Family/ Extensions (H.C.P. 3)- Enchantment and the Growing Child Prize for drama in 1976. Haulinq examines how the family unit has "A Chorus Line" became Broadway's evolved (U. of St. Thomas Bookstore, 9, 7:00 p.m.)-Barbara Samuels longest running musical in 1983when it Bonded Holiday Eve Concert (Miller Outdoor, 3)-H.8.0. Freebies. ONO! Lance Letscher, Dennis Olsen (James surpassed the 3,388 performances Jeff Cunningham Schubert Gallery, 9)-works on paper racked up by "Grease" to top a list that Fourth of July Spectacular (Miller and canvas by both and sculpture by included "Fiddler on the Roof," "Hello, Outdoor, 4)-H.S.O. with fireworks. (713) 522-3451 Letscher Dolly," and "My Fair Lady" in the Top 5. ._ Bennett was born Michael Bennett re= ------__ .., DeFiglia on April 8, 1943, in Buffalo, I I N.Y. His father, an auto factory $1' 0 mechanic, and his mother, a secretary, I 00 I The Law Offices of enrolled their son in dancing school at I ' I age 3. He studied dance in New York Daniel W. Lowe, P.C during summers and at age 16 quit high I I school to go to London for a year to I 0ff I appear in "West Side Story." Practice Limited After dancing in Broadway shows he I I began collecting Tony nominations for I . I Injury the choreography of "A Joyful Noise," CLIP THIS A£? and attach It to J' to Personal "Henry, Sweet Henry,',' "Promises, J your next order for S 10.00 off (\ Promises," "Coc~" and "Compan~." I·any of the following items: I Bennett won hIS first Tony for direct- I ,and WorkerJs Compensation ing the Stephen Sondheim musical (MinimumOrder $50) "Follies" in 1971. He earned another for • Letterheads • Postcards I choreog~~phing "Sees~w.:: " • Brochures. Multipart Forms, I After A Chorus L~ne c~e Bal- • 2-Color Printing. p.lers I lroom" and "Dreamgirls," which won , ,,'Y . six Tony awards in 1982. • Contracts • Menus I James S. Walker "A Chorus Line" had its premiere off- • Resumes. Envelopes I' Broadway at the Astor Place Theater. Announcements. Invitations . Attorney at Law and was an instant hit. It then moved to • BusinessCards • Door I Broadway, maintai.ningits:':ehe~rsal" Hangers. Report or B kl t I atmosphere by havmg musicians-in the . .. 00 e 4515 Yoakum Boulevard orchestra pit concealed beneath a black COPYIng. Irvotces 1 scrim.' MONTROSE BUSINESS GUILD I Houston 526-4300 Bennett declined offers to direct a MEMBERS may Substitute movie version. of "A Chor.u~ Li~e." ~:... 10% Discount I Statewide 1-800-833-0250 Eventually the Job went to British direc- --. ' tor Richard Attenborough, and the pic- _ . SPEEDY I Se Habla Espanol ture was released in 1985 to luke-warm . --=- PRINTING SERVICE I reviews. OF TEXAS Bennett began work on a new musi- Fast. Re'iab,'e Service. ! "Ch "b t d d t f th W'W.'_o' Excellent Quality. Low Cost caI, ess, u roppe ou 0 e ~ ~ I show in January 1986.as it was being 4:$.» 5400 BEUAJRE 1 Located in the Ross Sterling Mansion, readied for a London premiere.- BLVD. in the Historic Montrose, Museum District. The Shubert Organization the . Convenient Southwest location I • ' • block ~MI 0' Chi~ flock ~I MIIp~ show's producer, said an attack of angina had caused Bennett to suffer CALL 667-7417 I Not Bd. Cert. Tex. Ed. Leg. Spec. severe chest pains. Bernard B. Jacobs, PICK UP AND DEUVERY I president of the Shubert Organization, MEMBER GREATER MONTROSE BUSINESS GUILD; said Bennett was not "fully satisfied" GREATER BEllAIRE CHl'MBER OF COMMERCE l with "Chess" but dismissed as "a lot of Please, one coupon per customer and/ororoo; camof [ nonsense" any suggestion that Bennett .I~ combinf'rl with otrer discounts or spec"" o~. had doubts about the show's future. L - - -l ,..) 24 MONTROSE VOICE / JULY 3, 1987 A Star-Spangled Fourth in Montrose

"Soap" by the Staff of the July 10 and the Breakfast Club cele- Manhattan Cards and Hair (on Jon Barton (hair fame) was offin San Montrose Voice brates its first anniversary on August 8. The Curve) has added the latest in Francisco marching in the Gay and Les- It's the Fourth of July in Montrose. Kilroy's Military Fashions has rel- records. Dave and the gang are waiting bain Pride day parade there. What's the difference? There's always ocated to 1609 Westheimer next to Mr. with a wonderful selection. fireworks in Houston's best neighbor- Peabody's. They're having a grand hood. opening Saturday with four live bands. The Second Annual Texas Invita- The Pot.Pie has introduced two new tional Bowling tournament is this wee- seafood items to their menu-more good kend. Registration will held tonight, food at great prices. John and his staff July 3, at the Travelodge (formerly the really know how to fill up the empties. Viscount) on Southwest Freeway from 7:00 p.m. until midnight. . The tournament opens Saturday at 9:00 a.m. at Stadium Lanes when all teams must register. There is a $35 per- son entry fee for the four person teams.

Jim (Mitzi), bartender at The Ripcord

Jody and Curt getting to know each other Tony, one of the Ranch's hot bartenders Place a The Houston Chapter of T.G.R.A. meets this Sunday, July 5, at The Barn 'Personal at-2:00 p.m. This Saturday, July 4, The Venture- Ad'in David, Rod & Trey at Exile II N is hosting the Intergalactic Gala Ball and Benenfit for Omega House and NeXt were Mary's is holding a benefit show for' Stone Soup. Antique Car auction is paraR the infamous Torchy Lane (Tom Lid- noon-3:00 p.m. The Show and Ball beg- tions~ dell) tonight at 9:00 p.m. ins at 8:00. Week's tary. The 611 is making changes once A Piece to Treasure is now open at. Bu again. They're adding a wide screen 1848Westheimer.PaulDeWolfis owner Tom bartender at E.J.'s Montrose stori T.V. and video room where the leather with silk floral arrangments by Craig. ' abou shop was. The uniform party will be Their motto: Stop by ... for a piece. Voice FDR' there dent' Dallas AIDS If hank' Complex Gets past, so. J. Protested MONTROSE VOICE tions " DALLA~ (UPI)-A woman prot~st~ng • And ;:.....- __ +_l..._ ••.•.•.....,.._~ . ~,~_.-.-_...,.. ..,. __ + """,.•'..'''''.I.]"•.'''_.•_..•]•_A_ .•_...,.._CJI._ ~L ~TOV David, Rod & Trey at Exile II N is hosting the Intergalactic Uala Ha and Benenfit for Omega House and Mary's is holding a benefit show for' Next Stone Soup. Antique Car auction is WI the infamous Torchy Lane (Tom Lid- noon-3:00 p.m. The Show and Ball beg- parap] dell) tonight at 9:00 p.m. ins at 8:00. Week's tionsh The 611 is making changes once A Piece to Treasure is now open at. tary. again. They're adding a wide screen 1848 Westheimer. Paul De Wolf is owner Tom bartender at E.J. 's Montrose But T.V. and video room where the leather with silk floral arrangments by Craig. ' stories shop was. The uniform party will be Their motto: Stop by ... for a piece. Voice about FDR's there Dallas AIDS dent's Ifi Complex Gets hank) past, j Protested MONTROSE VOICE so. Je DALLAS (UPI)-A woman protesting tionsh the opening of an apartment building Andre for AIDS patients ran in terror when Grove: one of the 20 residents of the building Warr, touched her on the arm. affairs Carrying signs reading, "The only the till safe sex is abstinence," protesters got into a shouting match Saturday morn- • ing outside the apartment building in p, Dallas' Oak Cliff section. No arrests Our Guide' to Montrose Nightlife. were made, police said. Fewer than a dozen protesters pick- "Now I'll Always Know What's Happening at the eted the $325,000 building owned by the Venture-Nil -Alfred E.Newman People With AIDS Coalition. Organiz- ers had hoped to draw more than 100 people for the demonstration. Sherri Leach, representing a group calling itself Citizens for Moral Govern- ment, said her group remains uncon- -v in ced that Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome cannot be trans- In a distant time mitted through casual contact. . Leach has been trying to get the city and a far-off world ... to close the apartment house because it does not meet city requirements for a Eleven top science fiction writers give their medical facility. visions of what it could someday mean to People With AIDS Coalition said the be gay or lesbian, in this widely-acclaimed house is a private residence and that no new anthology. Contributors include medical care is provided. Samuel R;Delaney, Joanna Russand Standing on the sidewalk outside the Edgar Pangborn. building, Leach, a 36-year-old house- wife, quarreled with a resident of the building, Richard Dolinski,' and ran VVbRLDSAPART from him when he touched her shoulder edited by Camilla Decarnin, Eric Garber and Lyn Paleo with his hand. $7.95in bookstores,or.clip this ad to order "He was trying his best to scratch me," Leach said, "His motive was to o Enclosed is $8.50 (postpaid) for Worlds Apart. transmit his disease to me." name address _ Dolinski, 26, said Leach is ignorant. "It is AIDS hysteria, not AIDS, that city state zip _ can be transmitted through casual con- tact," he said. Alyson Publications, Dept. P-5,40 Plympton St. Boston. MA 02118 ~\

26 MONTROSE VOICE / JULY 3, 1987 J am 22_ *Norma's 5611 Club: Gentlemen's Chapultepec Mexican Restaurant, La night, happy hour prices to 813 Richmond, 522-2365 gentlemen . . *Rock 'N' Horse: MSA Pool Night Charlles Club, 1100 westhelmer, At *Mary's: MSA Pool Night 527~8619 «coustns: MSA Pool Night Charlie's Restaurant, 1102' Gr *Heaven: 10¢ well.9pm-2am, cover, Westheimer, 520-5221 ByRi after-hours, biggest Wednesday Chutes, 1732 Westheimer, 523-2213 crowd In Houston BOST We do our best to make this list *Norma:s 5611 Club: Beer bust Mon.-Fr!. *Brazos River Bottom: Amateur Cousins, 817 Fairview, 528-9204 Lynde as accurate as possible but there 6-10pm «Hunenn Inn Chinese.Restaurant: Night with Brazos River Band E/J's 2517 Ralph 527-9071 before may be some errors. Call the bar ·*Mary's: Free BBC) tpm . Chinese lunch buffet 9pm-12:30am . ' , ing cl or restaurant to confirm an *Venture-N: . Intergalactic Galas 11am-2:~Opm *E/J's: Liquor bust 9-12pm EXile II, 302 Tuam, 528-9809 event. Ball & Benefit 8:30pm *Hunt Room: Lunch special $4.95 *Michaels: Amateur male strip Club Flamingo, 907 Westheimer, paign «Roc« 'N' Horse: Live band *K.J.'s: Happy hour 5-8pm 10pm 527-8830' $1 mil "Choice" 9pm-1am Always *Heaven: 50¢ well 9-11 pm, Mon.-Sat. Wed.-Thu. French Quarter Theater, 3201 Hel *The 611: 75¢ draft beer after-hours, cover *Exile II: Happy hour 10am-7pm *Better Days: Open 10pm LOUISiana, 527-0782 telling *Pot Pie.~Open +Chutes: Freedom Party, free well «Cnutes: Beer bust 3-9pm Galleon, 2303 Richmond, 522-7616 and Sl *Charlie's Restaurant: Open drinks 11:30pm-12:30am *Mary's: Happy hour 7am-noon, Thursday . ..' .. or pen *The 611: Premium liquor well L J'Sh . ht 10 6-8pm (ex. weekends) *Brazos ntver Bottom: Dollar Heaven, Pacific at Grant, 521-9123 in ere drinks :~6~a~/s: Zt:s~Tes in ~~tion with * The 611: Open tam Day," $1 beer, well, shots, Hunann Inn Chinese Restaurant, *Mary's: Pouring doubles & 75¢ Maude, 1Opm, midnite *The Barn: 75¢ bloody marys & noon-2am . . 800 Elgin, 522-6650 goven draft "No *.J.R.'s: Pacific Coast Dancers screwdrivers 7am-noon " *Club Bod;: Center. Half price day Hunt Room, 3404 Kirb , 521-9838 j Dally 10:30pm *Mary's: Open tam with $1 screws noon-mldnlte. , .. ' Y engaG *Spanish Flower Restaurant: *K.J. 's: Amateur male strip 10:30pm & bloody marys to noon *Club Romeo. $1.50 well J.R. s, 808 Pacific, 521-2519 tice i~ Luncheon special 11sm-Zpm *Cousins: Open 7am *The 611. BBa from 6pm Kindred Spirits, 4902 RiChmond, Tuesday . *Bacchus: Steak night 7pm it's a 1 *Briar Patch: Happy hour Sat.-Sun. *Sally's: 25¢ draft noon-midnite, *Mary's: Rick Klyne's pool tourney 623-6135 All' noon-8pm +Cneouttepec Mexican Restaurant: oldies DJ Dennis McGinnis 7:30pm K.J.'s, 11830 Airline Rd., 445-5849 +Cemp Closet: Happy hour charg! Brunch special 11am-2pm 9pm-2am *The Ranch: Beer bust & dance Knew Mood Nu-Bar, 1336 noon-8pm contriJ *Club Body Center: BBa and +CbutestBeer bust 4-10pm lessons Westheimer 529-3332 *Galleon: Happy hour 2-8pm tial refreshments 1-3pm *Club Romeo: $1 beer *Preferance: C&W music, no cover, ' cs *Montrose Mining Co.: s-tn-t *Mary's: $2 beer bust 2-8pm +Cousins: Pot luck buffet $1 longnecks, 50¢ draft, pool Lazy J, 312 Tuam, 528-9343 2,0001 happy hour 4-9pm *Sally's: Liquor. bust 4-7pm *The Barn: Steak night 7-9pm tourney Los Jorges, 5605 Washington, than ~ *Venture-N: Beer bust 4-10pm +Brezo« River Bottom: C& W dance. «Norms's 5611 Club: Amateur 869-5599 +Ttie 611: Beer bust 4pm-2am LatE *Norma's 5611 Club: Happy hour Sunday lessons, biggest Tues. crowd in _ musician night Mary's 1022 Westheimer 528-8851 LaRoi *Hunt Room: Brunch 11am-3pm Houston *Galleon: Buffet 8pm, "Brothers" . ' 5-7pm *The 611: Brunch 12 noon with *Ripcord: $1 canned beer 8pm-2am 9pm Mecca, 2401 San Jacinto, 655-0769 enaedJ +Club Romeo: Happy hour 5-9pm mimosas +Norme's 5611 Club: Ladies night, *Exile II: Moldy oldies night, Michaels, 428 Westheimer, 529-2506 ants f *Hunt Room: Happy hour and hors *J.R.'s: 75ft bloodys, screws, cods, happy hour to ladles jitterbug dance contest M'd S 3100 F . d'oeuvres 5-7pm testi9 shots ' *Rock 'N' Horse: $2 pitcher beer *Cousins: Games tourney I towne pa, anrun, *J.R. 's: 3-in-1 Happy Hour largel *K.J.'s: Beer bust noon-3pm, BBa +Preterence: New wave, no cover, *Sally's: Male dance night, 10pm 522-2379 opening-10pm Two 5pm, $1 bloody marys noon-7pm $1 well 8pm-2am *Michaels: Talent night, 1Opm, with Montrose Mining Co., 805 Pacific, *Sally's: Prycene's $1 bloody marys comrJ *Michaels: $1 white well liquor *The Ranch: Beer bust & dance Cassandra Landa 529-7488 7am . vidu-al 12-8pm lessons +Cnutes: Male strip contest 10pm Mother's 402 Lovett 520-7935 Nightly *Chutes: Beer bust 1-7pm, food, *K.J. 's: Bar & restaurant employee *K.J.'s: Nexus Naughties 10:30pm ' , ters J *Montrose Mining Co.: Beer bust live band "Choice" 4-8pm night *EIJ's: Dance contest 10:30pm, Norma's 5611 Club, 5611 Val Verde LaRo 4-10pm *EIJ's: Beer bust 1-9pm, $1 fajitas, *E/J's: Pool tourney8pm cash prizes The Outlaws, 1419 Richmond, Assis1 *Charlie's Restaurant: Dinner and volleyball * Venture-N: Pool tourney 8pm 528-8903 midnite specials ' *Montrose Mining Co.; Biggest *Galle~m: Twisted Wheel of Fun 9, Thu.-Frl. . . . ham ~ *Mary's: Happy hour Sunday crowd in Houston 10 & 11pm *The Outlaws: Ke o k i Kona Pot Pie, 1525 Westheirner, 528-4350 Lall 11 :30pm-12:30am, after-hours +Preterence: $2 beer bust, $1 *Exile II: "Disco Down," $2 beer 5pm-8pm Preferance, 911 W. Drew, 522-7524, reportl 2am-till margaritas 2-8pm bust 9-11pm, $1.50 well all day Here's the BAR-ZAAR list: places 522-0281 appe *Charlies Club: After-hours 2am-till *Briar Patch: "Suck 'em Up T F . you might consider for drinking, The Ranch 9150 S. Main 666-346.1 decid Sundays" 2-8pm, 25¢ draft, 75¢ ue.- n. dining and sensual pleasures. ' , Friday bloodys screws cods *Bacchus: Happy hour Ripcord 715 Fairview, 521-2792 nega *E(J's: Beer bust 4.'10pm and $1 *Mary's:' Rick Klyne's pool tourney opening-9pm The 611, 61.1 Hyde Park, 528-9079 Rock .~, Horse, 5731 Kirby Dr., as he falltas, , 2:30pm *Club Flammgo: Happy hour 5-9pm Bacchus, 523 Lovett, 523-3396 520-9910 the D *Rock N Horse: Free chances for *Exile II: "Afternoon Delight" beer Tue-Sat The Barn 710 Pacific 528-9427 . tion. madonna concert tickets drawing bust 4-7pm, Country Express *ci b FI . . C mercial Art ' '. Club Romeo, 903 Richmond, July 17 ' Band Lady Z Show . u arrunqo: om 1 ~n Better Days, 4705 Main, 527-8765, 528-9110 "wi , live entp.rt~lnmpnt Q·<\nnm- -: <1m 29 8 56 *Club,ROmeo.: TGIF party 5-9pm *Rock 'N' Horse: Live band jam 5 - 7 Sally's, 220 Avondale, 529-7525 dates *Sally s: Hank s TGIF party, buffet, session, all musicians welcome, Wednesday Brazos River Bottom, 2400 Brazos, S . h FI R t t 4701 N politi happy hour 4:30pm *Sally's: Wednesday Afternoon 528-9192 parus ower. es auran , . ing t *J.R. 's: Pacific Coast Dancers *Brazos River Bottom: Steak night Drinking Society, tiauor bust B I P h 2294 H I b Maln,869-1706 "I s 6-9pm 6pm, Brazos River Band 8-12pm 9pm-midnite . r ar atc, 0 com e, Studio 13, 1318 Westheimer, quali " *Cousins: Win cash contest 6:30pm *Club Romeo: Hangover Blues beer *Club Romeo: Vodka specials 665-9678 521-9030 "-- ••••..:r-h .••••..C•.L •.•.•...•..••.O•.."•. __ , .•••_ •.••.•u-,-O...L.. ••• ...L •••• _ t _v--.'~""~k .•.l.i,~.'-'_L:\_r~b,J~_tJ/L7 1_1_ClrrJ 1"'!!._. __ -'-e....II_I \_"-I I.\_I..o.b.o."""".a.La .•~bof:'\,b,o,r.:d __ "So *Montrose Mining Co.: Beer bust liveband-"ChOice"~4~gpm nigh? *~s:-Dance contes :3V"j5rff~T.-O·rm·a-Ir'tJO--"-IV1U-D700''--I--V.:lT-V-era-e N. CaM *E/J's: Beer bust 1-9pm, $1 fajitas, 4-10pm *E/J's: Pool tourney 8pm cash prizes The Outlaws, 1419 Richmond, volleyball Pool tourney 8pm *Charlie's Restaurant: Dinner and +venture-N: 528-8903 Assist midnite specials *Montrose Mining Co.; Biggest *Galle\!>n: Twisted Wheel of Fun 9, Thu.-Frl. • ham s +Mery's: Happy hour Sunday crowd in Houston 10 & 11pm *The Outlaws: Keoki Kona Pot Pie, 1525 Westheimer, 528-4350 LaR +Preterence: $2 beer bust, $1 5pm-8pm 11:30pm-12:30am, after-hours *Exile II: "Disco Down," $2 beer Preferance, 911 W. Drew, 522-7524, reportl 2am-till margaritas 2-8pm bust 9-11pm, $1.50 well all day Here's the BAR-ZAAR list: places 522-0281 *Charlies Club: After-hours 2am-till *Briar Patch: "Suck 'em Up you might consider for drinking, appeai Tue.-Frl. The RanCh, 9150 S. Main, 666-346.:1 Sundays" 2-8pm, 25¢ draft, 75¢ dining and sensual pleasures. de~idei Friday bloodys, screws, cods *Bacchus: Happy hour Ripcord, 715 Fairview, 521-2792 negatil *E/J's: Beer bust 4-10pm and $1 *Mary's: Rick Klyne's pool tourney opening-9pm The 611,611 Hyde Park, 528-9079 Rock 'N' Horse, 5731 Kirby Dr., he~ fajitas 2:30pm *Club Flamingo: Happy hour 5-9pm Bacchus, 523 Lovett, 523-3396 as *Rock 'N' Horse: Free chances for 520-9910 the a *Exile II: "Afternoon Delight" beer Tue.-Sat. The Barn, 710 Pacific, 528-9427 madonna concert tickets drawing Club Romeo, 903 RiChmond, tion. bust 4-7pm, Country Express *Club Flamingo: Commercial Art July 17 Better Days, 4705 Main, 527-8765, 528-9110 Band, Lady Z Show live entertHinment q<~nnm-1·<\n"m "WH *Club Romeo: TGIF party 5-9pm 529-8756 «Roc« 'N' Horse: Live band jam Sally's, 220 Avondale, 529-7525 dates' *Sally's: Hank's TGIF party, buffet, session, all musicians welcome, Wednesday Brazos River Bottom, 2400 Brazos, politi happy hour 4:30pm «Setiv:«: Wednesday Afternoon Spanish Flower Restaurant, 4701 N. 528-9192 ing thl *J.R. 's: Pacific Coast Dancers *Brazos River Bottom: Steak night Drinking Society, liquor bust Main, 869-1706 . Briar Patch, 2294 Holcombe, 6-9pm 6pm, Brazos River Band 8-12pm 9pm-midnite Studio 13, 1318 Westheimer, "I se~ 665-9678 *Cousins: Win cash contest 6:30pm +Club Romeo: Hangover Blues beer *Club Romeo: Vodka specials 521-9030 quaIifl «Tne Barn: Steak night 7-9pm bust 5-9pm *K.J.'s: $5 liquor bust 7-11pm Cafe Edl, W. Alabama at Shepherd, Venture-N, 2923 S. Main, 522-0000 "So *K.J.'s: Liquor bust 7-11 pm, $5 *Sally's: Meals on Wheels, BBQ *Camp Closet: Pot luck supper 7pm 520-5221 not b' +Cemp Closet: Steak night 7pm Joe,5pm *Exile II: MSA Pool tourney 8pm, Viet Nam Restaurant, 3215 S. Main, Camp Closet, 109 Tuam, 528-9814 becaui *Heaven: 50¢ well, after-hours, +Cernp Closet: Pool tournament Talent night, 9-12pm 526-0917 cover 5pm *The 611: MSA Pool Night Club Body Center, 2205 Fannin, terms *Mecca: 50ft well drinks *Heaven: Free weIl7-9pm, free draft *Preferance: Dance music, no 659-4998 LaRo *Exile II: James Bolden "Mr. Blues" all night, cover, after-hours cover, '/2 price drinks, 8pm-2am after s & Deep Blue Band 8pm-midnight *Bacchus: MSA Pool Night : +Getteon: $1.25 margaritas & chips, f\' ~ «Exite II: Country Express Band steak night 8pm «venture-N: MSA Pool Night \~ 8:30pm-til *K.J.'s: Talent night, MC Zonda K.J.'I § *Norma's 5611 Club: Teresa Lynn, guest Nite w Mauney 9pm en Club Body Center *Michaels: Sunday Show & the ([ +Geneon: Crazy hour 9-10pm, $1 "Seductive 5" male dancers, 10pm t;:

well, beer, shots I- *Mecca: Donna Day, Hot III§ " Brazo. River Bottom \\ / *Mary's: Torchy Lane benefit 9pm Chocolate, Tasha Kohl, Naomi «cousins: Pool tourney 10pm Sims 10:30pm z *Michaels: Men of Montrose with w "vonlu«,e-N ~~o'o, \1 Sun.-Thu. ~I ~ \I\~~ <0 Maude, lOpm, midnite UJ ';i ~~\~ U >- I I ~4r'J /e +Cnutes: U.S. Male dance group *Hunt Room: Dinner special, $6.95 Cl a: ..... / rr E/J', , t tpm ;; -- Monday . I I WESTHEIMER I. • '!-"-\' e-. • Fri.-Sat. *Club Body Center: Locker special Chutn/ . -7 (O~ *The Outlaws: Drag shows noon-midnite ,JSludlo 13 'I ' +Brezos River Bottom: Brazos River «Roc« 'N' Horse: closed Pot Pie Knew Mood Nu-Bar

Band *Cousins: Happy hour all day, all L-CaleEdl night *Preferance: Dance music, .1' HunlRoom ·1 after-hours, cover +Cbutes: Free pool, beer bust I ~KlndredSplrlls RICHMOND *French Quarter Theater: Videos on 4-10pm, happy hour to 10pm ", • -G.l1eon The Oullaws ~..• -. the big screen to 3am *Club Romeo: $1 rnarqarttas, $1.50 B *Chutes: After-hours 2am-till bloody marys «Settv's: Beer bust 6pm-til FrI.-Sun. *Camp Closet: Buffet 7pm *Better Days: Open 10pm *Mary's: Pickles' slop shot pool T~ Saturday tournament cd *Hunt Room: Brunch lOam-2:30pm *Ripcord: $1 margarittas 8pm-2am «tctnarea Spirits: The Group's *Venture-N: Antique Auto and Art Rock 'n Horse cJoUSlns JcampCI • d "Gulp" 8pm Show noon-6pm, parking lot FAIRVIEW 1\ AlJcord ~ /' / E.•iiecllset *: Kilroy's Parking Lot Party, 1609 *K.J.'s: "Airlina'' night ./ :~ H J.R:,.-. --.. / Luy • Westheimer, 1-7pm, 4 live bands *Exile II: Pool tourney 9pm, rock and roll, beer bust 9pm-midnite YDE PARI( --Yi- .T;'0611 •• _/ .. • 11 *Rock 'N' Horse: Hamburgers & hot ~ Heaven ~.. .~ .._ Th.e-- Barn PACI•FIC dogs for 4th of July party *Galleon: Male strip contest lOpm, • s biggest Monday crowd in Houston Mary's Z -, • J.O.E. *Venture-N: "Pig Party" and pool AVONDALE • tournament 4pm «Norms's 5611 Club: Closed !....'... g /oIonl,o,oMlnlnaCo. *Preferance: closed I UJ • Sail,. *Brazos River Bottom: BBQ 4-9pm, ~\ r/) _ WESTHEII·'Er; TGRA guest bartenders Brl.rPalch 10pm-2am Mon.-Tue. -: Cha:""'s7Coli-•• \-~ ROOSl.;:--CIUb Flamingo ., , *Better Days: Closed *E/J's: Liquor bust 4-7pm Shop i I- .• LOVETT -. *Michaels: Happy hour all day, all • BElLAInE-HOlCOMOE Bacchus +Ctub Romeo: $1.75 Coronas, 75ft Club Rcndczvo~s schnapps night :62 JULY 3, 1987/ MONTROSE VOICE 29 *"~.

,enate aid he i legal- nal, "a pation a lead- K.J.'s in the lover stance Ilation Wednesday rf the n,said $5 Liquor Bust s "are rvily." 7-11pm nstitu- ldivid- Friday' Right $5 Liquor· Bust. nomi- illed a ppoint 7-11pm lading Thursday-Nexus Naughties- move- Join Us for Our Show Time 10:30pm urvive ition," No Cover scoun- Annual 4th of July Bar-B-Que , 4-9pm Saturday: Amateur Strip Night f;;:j Guest Bartenders on The,Patio' , Cash Prize- . Saturday Night Sunday-Bar-B-Que 5pm All You Can Eat T.G.R.A. Houston lOpm-2am Happy Hour 12-7pm Daily . 11830Airline 445-5849 (2 blocks south of Aldine Bender) Drink Specials ~rr · . ~ The Legend C:;8~~Sti!lxas Tradition. . All Weekend 302 Tuom-S28-9809 ---- __ .~ •• T• _ .,....~~~. . • nou-s~On~Oplll~a;lll I-II Happy Hour 12-7pm Daily

11830Airline 445-5849 (2 blocks south of Aldine Bender) Drink Specials ~ The Legend ~~8~~Sti!lxas Tradition. All Weekend 302 Tuam-528-9809 Exile II proudly presents James, Bolden "Mr. Blues" and the Deep Blue Band Friday, July 3, 1987 -4"J. Coming: July 26 8-12pm First Time Ever- -4th Annual Enjoy Our Evening of Rhythm and"Blues Saturday-Burgandy Woods Showcase of Stars, 9pm sharp. ssor at ERB Denim Party bs like Sunday-Afternoon Delight $3 Beer Bust, 4-7pm. straint Country Express Band 3-7pm and Lady "Z" Variety l giant Show se, say- raid to We Support the Intergalactic Gala Monday-Pool Tournament with Prizes and Trophy, sprece- Rock and Roll with D.J. "BurgandY" 9pm k Bork , Ball Be Benefit. ~prece- 4th of July-Venture-N Tuesday-Disco Down with D.J. "Burgandy" $2 ~ Beer Bust-Draft-9-11pm $1.50 Well Drinks All Day, iocrats Happy Hour Prices All Day ittee as rw this lid, ref- Welcome to All Participants of Texas Invitational Wednesday-Showtime Drag Talent Night, MC ill hold Bowling 'Tournament Brittany Paige, 9pm-midnight. MSA Pool Tournament 8pm y Bork major Thursday-Moldy Oldies Night with Jitter Bub s see a Dance Contests each of Iethere Open lOam-2am HAPPY HOUR 75ft Draft Beer tions," Mon.-Sat. EVERYDAY $1.50 Well Drinks 2400 BRAZOS 528-9192 Noon-2am Sunday 10am-7pm 25ft Pool Tables JULY 3,1'987/ MONTROSE VOICE 31

i3- l2~r=~l2A~C~\

··::···":-.:::·:::·;·.;::.:~~::~iii;:·:·· .' ·.::i;·,,::':,;·::~:;;!i~'¥~:t~'."! ...... UQI W ~~';:~.:'~~~~;.".,: ''. :: :'. • ~~~pr ~ ~~~~~.'.~1~" ; . .:.. . -' fand •w~;1M:~::··:<~~~~i.S)\.' ::::·;.:::··':.. :.;·:.i . '. .: : r ·-;~T(,:~::":·.:·::·.:::\:\/:::(~":~1J,;)~}...... :.. Celebrate Your Independence on

::,."i~~~\ii'i'{~ "<;.~;: Sunday, Jul~51. 'r.; ·".h. '\~':',;;•. ·'0·"'~"::',':~.. ,': ..••. " ••'1Ji?~!' . .Weekly Specials. ~'~'~':"~:'" ,4"':'" Tuesday: N~wave Night and $1Well

"~~ ~ti wed~~~~: 1/2 PriceDrinks d .. ··':·":·~·':'iii~~:.:;';i:::.:-:,'" '~~'.'\~;~'i::;r:.:::·~<.?"·(·",:'-::.,:.:...Thursday. 50¢ Draft and $1 Long . .'. :.::".': ·,l.iL-, ~:.:.' .'.' .. ;) :...... ' '-:~'<.:;'" .: of ,'. .':,§~" IS Necks ling Pool Tournament with $1 Entry . Winner Takes All plus $25 Bar Tab

~ m 3 Tables Availabfe Starts 9pm ~~

I ~ .. ?>-~. d .''.Thursday: 50¢ Draft and $1 Long of 'l-',,~" Iis Necks ing Pool Tournament with $1 Entry . Winner TakesAll plus. $25 Bar Tab p tp 3 Tables Availabfe Starts 9pm ~~ ti"

I l/i I r!'!/ I I =:..=- ~ Outback Now Open 4pm-2am . 1 -n i Main Bar Open 7pm-2am "p, I ! ~ ify Sunday July 12 ~ \ ~ ~ WE OFFER TWO SEPARATE BARS-A DANCE BAR WITH HIGH TECH LIGHTING ~ AND QUIET BAR AREA - AN OUTBACK PATIO AND CASUAL QUIET BAR. TRY p~ '. THEM BOTH THIS SUNDAY i ~ .0 , he j DON'T MISS A PERFORM.ING .1 e. I· s(\ THE SHOW! AT8 P.M. 1 C .w. 1 d I A-----.: WELCH W. DREW Coming Soon Amateur Night JACKSON i« PARKING .. '7 I w ~ I en ~ I 0 I s I~ 0 I !Z a: l?~r=~l?A~(:~~ 0 0 . ::i: I~ . "Every night is Ladies Night" WESTHEIMER

-----.- 91·1 W. DREW. 522-0281 -_.._.__.. 'i- In the HEART of Montrose - I ~ 32 MONTROSE VOICE / JULY 3, 1987 JULY AT CHUTES

Daily Specials: Beer Bust: Mon.-Sat. 4-10pm Sunday 1-7pm .. Happy Hour: Noon-lOpm --daily Drink Specials: 75¢ Vodka Drinks, noon-6pm everyday





CREMATION SERVICE STEVE D. MARTINEZ, M.D., 12 Oaks INTERNATIONAL, 692-5555, 363-9999 Tower, 4126 SW Fwy #1000, 621-7771 PSYCHICS TRAVEL SEE OUR DISPLAY AD NEW ORLEANS GUEST HOUSE, 1118 FURNITURE MILITARY CLOTHES Ursulines, (504) 566-1177 Iffi1IDlD SISTER SUE SEE OUR DISPLAY AD KILROYS, 1723 Waugh, 528-2818 FRANKLIN GUEST HOUSE, 1620 ODEON GALLERY, 2117 Dunlavy, SEE OUR DISPLA Y AD Palm & Tarot Card Readings 521-1111 , Franklin, Denver, Co., (303) 331-9106 SEE OUR OISPLAY AD ~~!~r~i~I~~~lb~~~Si~~t~~alt ~~~ h~~nr~~ ~~~! SEE OUR DISPLAY AD about your friends. enemies and rivals. whether MODELS. ESCORTS, your husband. wife, sweetheart is true or false, 31FTS MASSEURS how to gain the love of one you most desire. f~~~~o~~il~:I~e:;a~~ ~h~i~;t~env~:_ra~X~~eade~~~ CHRISTMAS CRITTERS, 1318 Nance upon all matters of life, such as love. courtship. FRANKLIN SEE OUR DISPLAY AD Handsome, healthy, honest, masculine. Husband Wanted Masseurs by Marc. (713) 521-0425. ~~~~~~ene~~rof;~'t~~~~~Stsh~r~~~:~~~~~~cO~u~~ -_._HOUSE.. ------Apply in person to David, speedy and happy marriages, overcome enemies. Handsome, hunky, hairy, muscular, mas- DENVER HAULING your waiter, at Charlie's g;,;~~'s~~deb~d~~;~rg:sall ~i~lds~~b~~~'ei~t~~~~~~ --" -- culine body rubs. (713) 278-7380. so. sad or home so dreary that I cannot bring Anytime. Coffeeshop, 11pm-7am. sunshine into it. In fact. no matter what may be 30:V:1:1I -9106 HAULING, ETC. your hope, fear or ambition, I guarantee to tell it Pick up and delivery, hauling, bonded. A PERSONAL TOUCH atJbefore you utter a word to me. 520-8108 in Jeff Cunningham, 522-3451. Soothing, luxurious, relaxing deep mus- 1516 W. Alabama Houston cle body rubdown by hairy-chested, For appt. 523-5823 moustached Italian. Out/In. Warren 278- RULES FOR THE PERSONALS: Person- for info HEALTH als (and other advertising) Should not OPEN 8 DAYS A WEEK 7412. A Guest House at CENTERS, GYMS describe or imply a description of sexual Relieve your tension. WM, 5'6", 135, .orqans or acts. No Personals should be 1620 Franklin swimmers build, smooth end. Weekday directed to minors. Advertising must be CLUB BODY CENTER, 2205 Fannin, evenings, weekends. Marc 523-8938. "positive," not "negative." (If you have PSYCHOLOGISTS Denver, CO 80218 659-4998 certain preferences in other people, list Halos: $14-$IH Single. SEE OUR DISPLAY AD THOM OF HOUSTON 523-6577. the qualities you desire. Please don't be DR. NICHOLAS EDD, 2128 Welch, From $~O Double HEALTH 'AND HEALING MEETING EUROPEAN' EXPERIENCE negative by listing the kinds of people or 527-8680 "METAPHYSICAL" CALL DENNIS FOR Transcend the threshold to euphoria. Hot qualities you don't desire.) Thank you, SEE OUR DISPLA Y AD DETAILS. 520-8232. oil rubs 24 hours. 526-3711. and happy hunting. TYPESETTING HOTTEST IN HOUSTON ATTENTION J.O.E. MEMBERS GLENN F. STERNES, Ph.D. Body nib by GWM, 6'2",170, swimmer's Meetings will resume shortly under judi- Clinical Psychologist HOUSTON SAME DAY TYPESETTERS, 408 body, 24 hours. 526-3711. cial and adminstrative protection against 622-7806 Avondale, 529-08490 STOP GETTING RUBBED illegal police actions. In the meantime, Specializing In: SEE OUR DISPLAY AD f('~CLUB BODY please continue to Play Safe. And cele- • Assertiveness-Confidence THE WRONG WAY Carl 713-622-3942. Fri., Sat., Sun., Mon. brate Gay Pride I • Stress Reduction • Sexual Problems VIDEO ru CfNTfR Hot 'n Healthy. Lee 353-0226. CONFIDENTIAL PHOTO FINISHING 3233 Wesleyan 2205 FANNIN 77002 Henry's One-Hour Photo has moved tc (at Richmond) GAY PRIDE PARADE (713) 659-4998 SMOOTH RUB BY HARD BODY. 408 Avondale, in the same building as the Suite 205 VIDEOTAPES 24 HRS. 526-3711. Montrose Voice. Open Monday-Friday Only $14.95. Call 521-3055. 9am-6pm. . Body rubs by handsome well-endowed LOBO VIDEO, 1424-C Westheimer, 522- G/W/M 24 hrs. Early evening specials SAFE SEX? UCORDS .,.." INSTRUCTION lalmm 5156 529-3970. For your mental health, have sex. For your SEE OUR DISPLA Y AD CAREER INSTITUTE, 3015 Richmond, MUSCLE MASSAGE, SENSUOUS physical health, make it safe sex. Safe sex VIDEO TAPE COpy INC., 3013 529-2778 FULL BODY EXHILERATION, is where there are no bodily fluids Fountainview, 781-0033 SEE OUR DISPLAY AD 24 HRS. 529-3970. exchanged. The virus which leads to an .MAN~AnANSO U~ I) SEE OUR DISPLAY AD AIDS condition is believed usually trans- Specializing in dance' music, soul, PARALEGAL 'CLASSES Hot oil massage. 461-8490. mitted from one person to another from blood or semen. Those who are "recep- jazz, sound tracks, Latin, top LP's Body rubs by handsome well-endowed • TEA Approved tive" are especially at risk. Do condoms 'and 12" singles G/W/M 24 hrs. Early evening specials protect? They cartainly help. But con- • Tuition Financing 529-3970. 1412 Westheimer ~ • Placement Assistance doms MUST be used with a water-based lubricant. Petroleum or vegetable-based on the Curve 522-2822 CAREER INSTITUTE MOVERS lubricants will actually dissolve the con- a u",e~cv. 529-2778 dom and eliminate the protection. Please ,- ~.." 3015 Richmond Ave. MOVEMASTERS "Play Safe." Boxes, tool! Visa, MC, Amex welcome. A CLASSIFIED AFFAIR? RESTAURANTS 1925 Westheimer. 630-6555. John Preston and Frederick Brandt can <;.e\\ ~\~~c:, ••c:,b INSURANCE show you how to have active fun or play HUNGRY INTERNATIONAL, 2356 Rice passive games with the personal ads. In Blvd., 523-8650 PAPER HANGING SEE OUR DISPLAY AD '«\~~ GUARANTEE ISSUE HEALTH their book, "Classified Affairs," they'll tell doc:,'l-~~\\" INSURANCE ALL AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION. you how to write an ad that really stands CHARLIE'S, 1102 Westheimer, 522-3332 SEE OUR DISPLAY AD o\\ ~ ~ including Rx plan. No one turned down. 827-1422 or 497-5228. out, what to expect when you place or . G Call Bill 469"7793. SEE OUR DISPLA Y AD respond to an ad, and even what all those CAFE EDI, W. Alabama at Shephard, \0 funny little abbreviations mean. Send $8 520-5221 AL'S INSURANCE SERVICE, 4108 Fan- to "Classified Affairs," Alyson Pub., Dept. SEE OUR DISPLAY AD nin, 529-0140 . Paper Hanging and Vinyl SEE OUR DISPLAY AD P-5, 40 Plympton, St., Boston, MA POT PIE, 1525 Westheimer, 528-4350 02118.(Also included will be a coupon for SEE OUR DISPLAY AD CYNTHIA H. MANSKER INSURANCE, Resiqenlial and. Commercial $5 off on your next Personals in your. VIET NAM RESTAURANT, 3215 Main at m b:%'~~~~~:D(100, 522-2792 All Types Remodeling choice of 25 publications, including the YARD & GARAGE SALES Voice.) ~J~igu~2~s~I!~AD All AMERICAN Yard sale Fri. & Sat., July 3 & 4, 4301 Rose 'Are your tired 01 struggling with CONSTRUCTION the high cost 01 Insurance? Call PEST CONTROL (Shepherdl Washington Ave. area) today for a free competitive quote. 497-5228 ~ H E "'0"'" '91E HAVING A YARD SALE? Cynthia H. Mansker TEXAS TERM 0 PEST, 526-5111 .r a. Announce it here ... then stand back for Insurance Agency SEE OUR DISPLAY AD 0 - 24'H D the crowd. Call 529-8490 or visit the Voice PERSONALS RESUL TS HOME CHEMICAL & PEST pen o~rsa ay at 408 Avondale to place your yard sale 522-2792 announcement. I A.uto--..H_ •••••..R•.•••!__ ._~ .'!l..~BiWU~<1-Ll_br.D.i,,,,- •••i.,..o..•.•••.•,,•,•,,•.•..,.. ~•••._••I__.---t .: 9-'2~::r:~Q.'=.....?23.:.4000 __ ~.§2~WestbaimAl' _ P"'IBcernenl A83'3UIII,",'C' lubricant. Petroleum or vegetable-based f on tne l;;urve 0""-"15"" , CAREER INSTITUTE MOVERS lubricants will actually dissolve the con- iv-' OU'( U t;tr:i o.c,'V-. 529-2778 dom and eliminate the protection. Please "Play Safe." 3015Richmond Ave. MOVEMASTERS RESTAURANTS I!.., e\\ ~ ..,...e'EJ~ Boxes, too!! Visa, MC, Amex welcome. A CLASSIFIED AFFAIR? .~ cSJ.-"" ~ 1925 Westheimer. 630-6555. John Preston and Frederick Brandt can HUNGRY INTERNATIONAL, 2356 Rice show you how to have active tunor play ~o9J \p;;?'I.?b INSURANCE Blvd., 523-8650 &- PAPER HANGING passive games with the personal ads. In SEE OUR DISPLAY AD GUARANTEE ISSUE HEALTH their book, "Classified Affairs," they'll tell you how to write an ad that really stands CHARLI E'S, 1102 Westheimer, 522-3332 co.\\ ~~e\O'\'EJ INSURANCE ALL AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION. SEE OUR DISPLA Y AD including Rx plan. No one turned down. 827-1422 or 497-5228. out, what to expect when you place or . CAFE EDI, W. Alabama at Shephard, \0'( Call Bill 469-=7793. SEE OUR DISPLAY AD , respond to an ad, and even what all those funny little abbreviations mean. Send $8 520-5221 . AL'S INSURANCE SERVICE, 4108 Fan- to "Classified Affairs," Alyson Pub., Dept. SEE OUR DISPLAY AD nin,529-0140 ' Paper Hanging and Vinyl P-5, 40 Plympton, St., Boston, MA POT PIE, 1525 Westheimer, 528-4350 SEE OUR DISPLAY AD 02118.(Also included will be a coupon for' SEE OUR DISPLAY AD Resiqenlial and. Commercial CYNTHIA H. MANSKER INSURANCE, $5 off on your next Personals in your, VIET NAM RESTAURANT, 3215 Main at YARD & GARAGE SALES b~t;b~~!~':D(1 ~O, 522-2792 All Types Remodeling. , choice of 25 publications, including the m Voice.) fJ~igu~2g,s~~1~AD ALL AMERICAN Yard sale Fri. & Sat., July 3 & 4, 4301 Rose Are your tired of struggling with CONSTRUCTION (Shepherdl Washington Ave. area) the high cost of insurance? Call PEST CONTROL today for a free competitive quote. HAVING A YARD SALE? 497-5228 -tHE .PO-r '9IE Announce it here ... then stand back for Cynthia H. Mansker TEXAS TERM 0 PEST, 526-5111 SEE OUR DISPLA Y AD the crowd. Call 529-8490 or visit the Voice Insurance Agency PERSDNALS Open 24 Hours a Day at 408 Avondale to place your yard sale RESULTS HOME CHEMICAL & PEST announcement. 522-2792 CONTROL, 223-4000 1525 Wesfheimer Auto. H_1Ien • Ren!••.•• Ln. 35, BiWM, submissive, seeks strict domi- SEE OUR DISPLAY AD He.1Ih• C_rclal nate for training your way. Interested in 528-4350 everything except heavy S/M,in unsafe PETS ADS BY practices. Gender of dominance is not important. But willingness to train relative TOM'S PRETTY FISH, 224 Westheimer, THE WORD beginner is. Let's explore and expand lim- 520-6443 Rate': 40¢ per regular word per its together. Reply Blind Box 3497-0 clo SEE OUR DISPLAY AD Voice. '. ~ week. Bold headline (up to 4 CoHf'~ Shop words) $3 per week. Blind ad -.tt) )0 DADDY, CALL ME PET CARE 1102 Westheimer I'm just one of 1,000's of horny boys wait- number assigned $3 per week that ing for-DADDY to call me on the Private, PET PLEASERS, 8787 S. Gessner, Doil\) Spe(iul~ ad runs. '(Responses will be Low-Cost, Sex-Link. For Free Info Call 776-3383 forwarded indefinitely.) Run 415/346-8747. SEE OUR DISPLAY AD 522-3332 identical ad for 4 weeks and TWO SEEK THIRD deduct 15%. For 13 weeks deduct YGWM seeks young hung WM, 5'11" or PHOTO FINISHING OURS DOES! shorter for 3-way seduction of lover. All 25%. Individualorgroup rates. expenses and drinks included. Very cute, 1 HOUR QUALITY PHOTO very fun. Phone 10-6, Mon.-Fri. 529-2454. WE DO IT ALL! Printing and developing, THE VIET' enlargements, jumbo prints, film, Kodak 529-4MEN ADS BY THE. INCH paper, 2615 Waugh Dr. 520-1010. NAM I 961-5700 GWF, intelligent, attractive, witty, north In addition to our regular HENRY'S 1 HOUR PHOTO, 408 Avon- RESTAURA.NT suburban, fem, interested in meeting dale, 529-8490 . classified rates of paying "by the mature, stable, and responsible, 35-45 SEE OUR DISPLAY AD 3215 Main at Elgin word," you can purchase space woman. Enjoys romance, home and out- 526-0917 ' INVESTORS WANTED doors, Reply to Blind Box 346-B clo . here "by the inch." Since these are .! Voice. PLUMBING considered "Display Ads," not - Needed. Investors for Houston's newest "Classified Ads," you can include and most unique limosine service. Con- THE GAY MEN'S tact David Walker, 526-LlMO. DIRECTORY. ,667-9211. SELF HELP special art, logos or fancy THE RIGHT CONNECTION, 976-9696 typestyles. ' Gay Men's Network. Rob-526-9064, SEE OUR DISPLAY AD BILL'S LAWN CARE Steve-869-995:2, Terry-622-3956 REGULAR RATE LIVE ACTION NETWORK, 976-8500 f 1" $34 2" $44 3" $54 SEE OUR DISPLAY AD PLUMBING SUPERIOR LAWN AND GARDEN 1 AD PER WEEK for 4 WEEKS CARE.' LANDSCAPING. 520-9700. THE MEN'S CONNECTION, 976-2MEN' SEE OUR DISPLA Y AD (i SUPERMARKETS 'RATE REASONABLE RATES. SERVICE I All - 1"$29 2"$39 3"$49 BETTER LAWNS & GARDENS, KROGER, 3300 Montrose commercial ~ SEE OUR DISPLAY AD 1 AD PER WEEK for 13 WEEKS 523-LAWN LISA'S RECORDED And SEE OUR DISPLAY AD RATE Residential STIXX AND CHIPS INC., 665-6294, TIRES 1" $24 2" $34· 3" $44 LOVE STORIES Plumbing 'A 332-4443 ~ 1 AD PER WEEK for 26 WEEKS SEE OUR DISPLAY AD SHE WILL t WHISPER Repairs \!J * * THE TIRE PLACE, 1307 Fairview, RATE * SWEET NOTHINGS IN * 529-1414 MEDICAL CARE 1~19 Commonwealth SEE OUR DISPLAY AD 1" $19 2" $29 3" $39 * YOUR EAR. * Houston, Texas 77006 CALL 1-900-410-3600 528·2151 The SUMMIT AREA * * DIRECT 1-900-410-3700 •• ~ 529-1414 CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC * * NOW! 1-900-410-3800 Montrose Open 7 Days * * '~'HE 1'" E PlA.CE Multiple Doctors and Techniques PRINTING * NO MEMBERSHIP NECESSARY * ALL BRANDS Voice so. :011 llf" mlnule. 963-9143 SPEEDY PRINTING, 5400 Bellaire Blvd, 1307 FAirview ,_. 35' e,en .JOdltlQnal ",.nule It's The Place to 3222 Marquart, Houston * * 667-7417 ' SEE OUR DISPLA Y AD >i hlks WI"sf r-! M~lntf(\sc * * * * * * * * * Advertise •

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