HOME DELIVERY? ADVERTISING? Call (713) 529-8490 Rights Groups montrose Line Up . Against Bork News, inside HOUSTON WEEKEND WEATHER: Partly and hot with a 30% chance of afternoon showers Saturday. Day highs 95, night lows 75. Happy Independence Day. ~ JULY 3, 1987 ISSUE 349 [JIID I I Gay Pride in Montrose PHOTO SOUVENIR EDITION LATE NEWS ... * Scientists: 'No Evidence' Mosquitoes 'I'ransmit AID"SVirus * New AIDS Commiasion Chief Wants Independence" * Voters Stand by Gay Congressmen * AMA Almost Endorses Ban of TV Alcohol Ads * Gay Pride Across the U.S. FOR ALL THE BAR ADS, SEE ~~LiJE3~~LiJ IN THE BACK OF THE MONTROSE VOICE I JULY 3, 1987/ MONTROSE VOICE 3 I ill montrose Voters Stand by Gay Congr-essmen VOICE HOUSTON, TEXAS ISSUE 349 FRIDAY, JULY 3,1987 Published weekly By Andra Varin people living in the California city. FOR THE MONTROSE VOICE Kevin Poirier of North Attleboro also Community Publishing Company But Frank's constituents in Fall said Wing was off base. "If we are going FALL RIVER, Mass. (UP 1)-Voters in 408 Avondale River, an old mill town populated lar- to go after Barney Frank we should look southeastern Massachusetts, home to Houston, TX 77006 gely by descendants of Portuguese at his voting record as a member of Con- the nation's only two acknowledged gay Phone (713) 529-8490 immigrants, said they do not believe gress," he said. people in Congress, seem unfazed by a Contents copyright 1987 homosexuality will be an issue in the Frank said he decided to discuss his GOP leader's remark that "it is more Office hours: 8am-6pm 1988 elections. sexual orientation because of the appropriate that they be congressmen Henry McClurg/publisher-editor "I think he's right for here," resident media's scrutiny of Gary Hart's roman- from San Francisco." Linda Wyche/managing editor Hilda Silvia said of Frank. "I think he's tic relationships and the death in April Other top state Republicans also a good representative. That's his per- Donald Upchurch/office manager g of Rep. Stewart McKinney, R-Conn., James Lewis/production quickly distanced themselves from the sonallife." who died of complications from AIDS. remarks by Bristol County Republican Bi II.O'Rou rke/reviews all Frank's homosexuality "doesn't "There are more important issues to no. Committee President Frank Wing, say- bother me if he does the job," said resi- people than the sex life a middle-aged SUBSCR IPTI ONS ing he spoke only for himself and not dent William Brouillard. "If a guy does politician," Frank said after Wing's (713) 529-8490 ioo the party. im, a good job, that's what matters." remarks were published. ADVERTISING SALES DEPARTMENT In the fishing port of New Bedford Voters in Studds's fishing-port dis- (713) 529-8490 liet and on nearby Cape Cod, voters have trict obviously feel the same way about "My impression is that my constitu- Jerry Mulholland/advertising director iat known since 1983 of the homosexuality the chairman of the House Fish and ents are more concerned about whether Ken Boge/account executive fall Reagan gets us into a war in the (Per- ray of eight-term Rep. Gerry Studds, who Wildlife Subcommittee, who was first POSTMASTER: Send address corrections to 408 Avon- rct- was censured by the House of RRepre- elected to Congress in 1972. sian) gulf, stopping aid to the Contras, dale, Houston, TX 77006-3028 sentatives for having a sexual relation- Studds, who admitted he made a mis- reducing the budget deficit in a respon- Subscription rate in US (by Voice carrier or US Maif): rd- $1.25 per week (up to z issues), $65peryear (52 weeks) , or en. ship with a teenage male page several take with the male page but never apol- sible fashion and providing catastro- $32.50 per six months (26 weeks). years earlier. phic health insurance to the elderly," he Nations/advertising representative: Rivendell Marketing, ogized, was re-elected in 1984 with 56 P.O. Box 1268, Plainfield, NJ 07061, (201) 754-4348 vet Four-term Rep. Barney Frank, repres- said. Final advertising deadline: All display ads 5pm 2 days es, percent of the vote. He was returned to enting the adjacent congressional dis- Frank was first elected to Congress in prior to publication date. All classified ads 2pm 1 day prior Its. office in 1986 with 65 percent. to publication date. 13- 1980, then defeated former Rep. Mar- trict, which stretches from Fall River to Other Republican leaders, including Notice to eavenisers: Advertising rate schedule Eight-A the Boston suburbs, acknowledged his several from Bristol County, quickly garet Heckler (now U.S. ambassador to was effective April. 11, 1986. Ireland) in 1982 after their congres- Responsibility: We do not assume financial responsibility homosexuality last month in a news- disavowed Wing's comments. for claims by advertisers but readers are asked to advise paper interview. "Frank Wing's statements do not sional districts were merged. He faced the newspaper of any suspicion of fradulent or deceptive "There are only two congressmen in only token opposition in both 1984 and advertising and suspicionswttl be investigated. I a reflect the Republican Party's stand- News service: United Press International. nd the entire country who announced they ards for congressional candidates," '1986. n- are gay and both are from Bristol or said state GOP Chairman Ray Shamie. County," Wing said in an interview. "I don't think that's a comment that "That is not very good representation should come from us," said state Senate for the people of (the) county." Republican leader John Parker ofTaun- "It is more appropriate that they be ton. "Any comments relative to congressmen from San Francisco than anyone's lifestyle or political compe- Fall River or New Bedford," Wing said tence should be judged by the people." l:t'5 your Money ••• in reference to the large number of gay ASSIstant House Republican leader Community News from Neighborhood & Community Groups ttGP9 Cancels July Meeting Houston ..•Ga.y~olLtic.aLCaucus~wiILnD.t...hoJcL'Qou!arJ:v~<:c.hAdu.lAd~•.•.•",,,,H,,a.<:_;.o1.'-1.1.\./'- •.• are gay ann Do'th are trom tsns saia state GOP-Chainnan Ray Sliamle. County," Wing said in an interview. "I don't think that's a comment that "That is not very good representation should come from us," said state Senate for the people of (the) county." Republican leader John Parker of'Taun- "It is more appropriate that they be ton. "Any comments relative to congressmen from San Francisco than anyone's lifestyle or political compe- Fall River or New Bedford," Wing said tence should be judged by the people." It's your MoneY.~1i in reference to the large number of gay Assistant House Republican leader Community News from Neighborhood & Community Groups ttGP9 Cancels July Meeting Houston Gay Political Caucus will not hold regularly scheduled meetings in July. Caucus members, who met the first and third Wednesdays in June, voted to cancel the July meeting because of lower attendance during summer vacation months. HGPC will meet again August 5, 7:30 p.m., at the Travelodge Hotel (formerly the Vis- count), 2828 Southwest Freeway. The October March on Washington will be discussed. ttWomen's Network July Schedule On July 8, the Montrose Counseling Center's Womens Network will present Judy Hatfield to discuss "Legal Issues". The July 15 meeting will haveVlrqinia Young discussing women and addiction. "Imtimacy and Bonding in Women's Relationships" is the topic of the July 22 You can't take itwlth you, meeting presented by Carmen Zepeda. The month concludes with Lorraine Bartos pres- enting a session on financial planning. but you ~ decide who gets it. The Women's Network is a support and educational group established to service (but not exclusively) the lesbian and bisexual community of Houston women. For more information, call the Montrose Counseling Center at 529-0037. ings. B'e a Hero!. Neighborhood Sports Sports News from Montrose & Community Groups Remember the Community. ttHou~Tex Tennis Strawberries and Cream Prepare a Will today. The Hou-Tex Tennis Club will host a Wimbledon Strawberries and Cream outing this Sunday, July 5. The finals party will be held at a member's home beginning at 8:00 a.m. More information rs available by calling Donny at 789-2110 or Lou at 528-4839. Results from recent club action are: Eddie C. over Steve Bearden in two sets. Israel Z. A community service message from this publication and the losing to Randy M. Randall holds on to his No.1 ranking with a win over Jim M. National Association of Black and White Men Together. In doubles, Donny K. and Jolie H. defeated the team of Steve B. and Tim S. tt611, Rench Lead Summer Pool League After four weeks of play in the summer season the 611 "Prime" lead Division A of the Montrose Sports Association Pool League. The Ranch Rustlers lead in Division B. BE FAMOUS. BE SEEN. In Division A "Prime" is followed by Bacchus I and Mary's Mercinaries, respectively. ~ The Bunkhouse 5 and Bubba and the We Bods follow in Division B. , ADVERTISE IN THE MONTROSE VOICE. · , JULY 3, 1987 / MONTROSE VOICE 5 Gay Pr-ideAcrossthe U.S. By United Press Internati&nal march, Mayor Harold Washington told Among the marchers was a man ence to the San Francisco man who FOR THE MONTROSE VOICE the crowd the gay and lesbian, commun- wearing fairy wings who danced down gunned down gay politician Harvey Many thousands of gay people, includ- ity had "come into their own in my opin- the avenue in toe shoes.
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