Published by Phyllis Holman Weisbard Women's Studies Librarian University of Wisconsin System 430 Memorial Library / 728 State Street Madison, Wisconsin 53706 (608) 263-5754 EMINIST ERIODICALS A CURRENT LISTING OF CONTENTS

Volume 15, Number 4 Winter 1996

Periodical literature isthe culling edge ofwomen's scholarship, feminist theory, and much ofwomen'sculture. Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents is published by the Office of the University of Wisconsin System Women's Studies Librarian on a quarterly basis with the intent of increasing pUblic awareness of feminist periodicals. It is our hope that Feminist Periodicals will serve several purposes: to keep the reader abreast ofcurrent topics in feministliterature; to increase readers' familiarity with a wide spectrum of feminist periodicals; and to provide the requisite bibliographic information should a readerwish to subscribe to ajournal or to obtain a particular article at her library or through interlibrary loan. (Users will need to be aware of the limitations ofthe new copyright law with regard to photocopying of copyrighted materials.)

Table ofcontents pages from current issuesofmajorfeministjournalsare reproduced in each issue ofFeminist Periodicals, preceded by a comprehensive annotated listing of all journals we have selected. As publication schedules vary enormously, not every periodical will have table of contents pages reproduced in each issue of FP. The annotated listing prOVides the following information on each journal:

1. Year of first publication. 2. Frequency of pUblication. 3. U.S. subscription price(s). 4. Subscription address. 5. Current editor. 6. Editorial address (if different from subscription address). 7. International Standard Serials Number (ISSN). 8. Library of Congress (LC) catalog card number. 9. OCLC, Inc. Control Number. 10. Locations where the journal is held in the UW System. 11. Publications in which the journal is indexed. 12. Subject focus/statement of purpose of the journal.

Please note that in the actual text, only the numbers 1 to 12 are used to identify the different categories of information. ii.

Our goal is to have represented in FP all English-language feminist periodicals with a sUbstantial national or regional readership, with an emphasis on scholarly joumals and small press offerings. We do not include pUblications which, though feminist in philosophy, do not focus solely on women's issues. Nor, with few exceptions, dowe include newsstand magazines. We are also forced to omit periodicals which lacka complete table of contents. We encourage feminist serials to build a full table of contents into their regular format to facilitate the indexing feminist literature sorely needs.

Interested readerswill find more complete information on feminist periodicals in DWM: A DirectoryofWomen's Media published by the National Council for Research on Women (530 Broadway at Spring Street, New York, NY 10012); and in Women's Periodicats and Newspapers: A Union List of the Holdings of Madison Area Libraries, edited by James P. Danky, compiled by Maureen E. Hady, Barry Christopher, and Neill E. Strache (Boston: G.K. Hall, 1982).

Suggestions for improvements of Feminist Periodicals are gratefully received. We would particularly appre­ ciate assistance from readers in the UW-Systemwith our efforts to keep the holding information complete and up to date. Please let us know about new subscriptions, sUbscriptions we have overlooked, cancellations, or other pertinent infonmation. Feminist Periodicals is also available on microfilm at the library of the State Historical Society ofWisconsin.

Alternative Catatoging in Publication Data

Feminist periodicals: a current listing ofcontents. Madison, Wt: University ofWisconsin System Women's Studies Librarian


"Table ofcontents pages from current issues of majorfeminist journals are reproduced... preceded by a comprehensive annotated listing ofalljournals... " Frequently cited as FP.

1. Feminist periodicals--Directories. 2. Feminism-­ Bibliography--Periodicals. 3. Feminist periodicals-­ Current awareness services. I. University ofWisconsin System. Women's Studies Librarian.

(courtesy of Sanford Berman)

Feminist Periodicals (ISSN 0742-7433) is published by Phyllis Holman Weisbard, UW-System Women's StudiesLibrarian, 430 Memorial Library, 728 State Street, Madison, WI 53706. Phone (608) 263-5754. Compilers: Linda Shull,lngrid Markhardt. Graphics: Daniel Joe. Publications oflhe Office ofthe UW-System Women's Studies Librarian are available free ofcharge to UW Women's Studies Offices, UWCampus Women's Centers, and UWLibraries. Subscriptions rates: Wisconsin subscrip­ tions: $8.25 (indiv. affiliated with the UWSystem), $15 (organizations affiliated with the UWSystem), $16 (indiv. or non-profit women's programs), $22.50 (libraries or other organizations). Out-of-state SUbscriptions: $30 (indiv. & women's programs), $55 (inst.). This fee covers most pUblications ofthe Office, including Feminist Collections, Feminist Periodicals, New Books on Women & Feminism. Wisconsin subscriber amounts include state tax (except UW organizations amount). Subscribers outside the U.S., please add postage ($13 - surface, Canada, $15 - surface, elsewhere; $25.00 - air, Canada; $55 - air, elsewhere).

© Regents of the University of Wisconsin System 1995. iii.

AWlS MAGAZINE 5, Amna E. Sadri. 1. 1971. 6. Ahfad University for Women, P.O. Box 167, 2. 6lvear. Omdurman, Sudan. 3. $60. 7. ISSN 0255-4070. 4. AWlS, 1522 K Street N.W.• Suite 820, 8. LC sn85·23477, Washington, DC 20005. 9. OClC 12747640. 5. Sheila David. 10. Madison. 7. ISSN 0160·256X 11. ERIC, UMI. 6. lC 93·640724. 12, The Ahfad Journal's aim is "to publish scientific 9. OClC 23747329. research in women's development issues In 10. Milwaukee. Sudan and other African countries." 12. "AWlS promotes opportunities for women to enter the sciences and achievo thair career AnANTIS goals," 1. 1975. 2. 2/ysar. AFFILlA: JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND SOCIAL WORK 3. $20 (Canadian indiv.), $40 (Canadian inst,), $30 1. 1966. (U.S. indiv.), $50 (U.S. inst.), $35 (other indiv.), 2. 4/ysSf. $55 (other inst.), plus $5 for other foreign 3. $50 (indiv.), $145 (insl.), add $6 for foreign postage. postage. Single copy: $14 Undiv.), $33 (inst,), 4. Institute for the Study of Women, Mount Saint (California residents add 7.25% sales tax), plus Vincent University, 166 Bedford Highway, $6 surface fala, or $16 air mail rate for foreign Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3M 2J6, Canada, postage (Canada: add 7% subscription cost, 5. To be announced. OST). 7. ISSN 0702·7618. 4. Saga Publications, Inc.• 2455 Teller Rd., 8. LC cn77~32338. Thousand Oaks, CA 91320. Orders from the 9. OClC 3409640. U.K.. Europa. the Middle East, and Africa should 10. Madison; State Historical Society. be sent to: 6 Bonhi1l St.• London EC2A 4PU, 11. The Alternative Press Index; America: History and United Kingdom; orders from India and South life; Annotated Guide to Women's Periodicals in Asia should be sent to P.O. Box 4215, New Delhi U.S. and Canada; Bowker Serial Direotories; The 110046, India. Canadian Almanac; Canadian Periodical Index; 5. Carol H. Meyer. Canadian Women's Directory: Historical 7. ISSN 0866-1099. Abstraots; Index/Directory of Women's Media; 8. lC .n85·3234. International Directory of little Magazines and 9. OClC 12671650. Small Presses; RE/ACE Journal Index; Resources 10. Eau Claire; Green Bay; La Crosse; Madison; River for Feminist Research: The Serials DirectorYj Falls; Milwaukee; Oshkosh; Whitewater. Women's Studies Abstracts; Women's Studies 11. ASSIA: Applied Social Sciences Index of Index. Abstractsj Current Contents/Social & Behavioral 12. "Atlantis is an interdisciplinary journsl devoted to Sciences: Family Resources Databasej Health critical and creative writing in English or French Instrument File; Human Resources Abstracts; on the topic of women. Contains scholarly Research Alert; Sage Family Studies Abstracts; articles, review essays, book reviews, art and Social Scisearch; Social ptannlng/Policy & poetry. " Devalopment Abstracts; Social Work Abstracts; Sociological Abstracts; Women Studies AUSTRALIAN FEMINIST STUDIES Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. Also 1. 1965. available on microfilm from Univ. Microfilms, Ann 2. 2/year. Arbor, MI. 3, Australia: $45 Aus (indiv.), $80 Aus. (lnst.): 12. "This journal is committed to the discussion and North America: $46 (indiv.), $136 (inst.): development of feminist values, theories, and elsewhere: £28 (indiv,), £72 (inst.). knowledge as they relate to social work research, 4. Carfax Pub. Co.• 875·81 Massachusetts Ave., education, and practice." Contains articles, Cambridge, MA 02139, or P,O. Box 25, reports, of research, essays, poetry, and literary Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX 14 3UE, England, or pieces. Dedicated to "the task of eliminating P,O. Box 352, Cammeray, NSW 2062, Australia. discrimination and oppression, especially with 5. Susan Magarey. respect to gender, but including race, ethnlcity, 6, Research Centre for Women's Studies, University clas8, age, disability, and sexual and affectional of Adelaide, GPO Box 498, Adelaide, South preference as well." Australia 5005, Australia, 7. ISSN 0816-4649. THE AHFAD JOURNAL, WOMEN AND CHANGE 9. OClC 16151617. 1. 1984. 10. Madison, 2. 2/yaar. 11, APAIS; Alternative Press Index; Australian Serials 3. $25 (indiv.), $40 (inst.). Single copies: $15 in Print; Studies on Women Abstracts; Women's (indiv.), $25 (inst.). Studies Index. 4, Business Manager, The Ahfad Journal, Suite 12. .. Australian Feminist Studies publishes 1216,4141 N. Hendarson Rd., Arlington, VA transdisciplinary scholarship and discussion in the 22203. fields of feminist research and women's studies i v.

courses. In addition, it aims to attract and Berkeley, CA 94720. encourage discussion of government and trade 7. ISSN 0882-4312. union initiatives and policies that concern 6. lC sn85-985. women; examination of the interaction of 9. OCLC 11830558. feminist theory and practice; comment on 10. Madison. changes in curricula relevant to women's studies 11. Alternative Press Index; Annotated Guide to and feminist studies...: reviews, critiques, Women's Periodicals: Current Index to legal enthusiasms and correspondence." Periodicals. 12. "The Berkeley Women's law Journal is guided by AUSTRALIAN WOMEN'S BOOK REVIEW an editorial polioy that distinguishas us from 1. 19B9. other law reviews and feminist periodicals. Our 2. 4/year. mandate is to publish research, snalysis, 3. $24 Aus. (lndiv.), $18 Aus. (unwaged indiv.), narrative, theory, and commentary that address $40 Aus. (air mail) Single copy: $4.95. the lives and struggles of underrepresented 4. AWBR, Faculty of Arts, St. Albans Campus, women. We believe that excellence in feminist V.U.T., P.O. Box 14428, MMC, Melbourne 3000, legal scholarship r&quirea critical examination of Victoria, Australia. the intersection of gender with one or more other 5. Barbara Brook, Michela Grossman. axes of subordination, including, but not limited 7. ISSN 1033-9434. to, race, cla8s, sexual orientation, and disability. 8. LC .n91-26809, Therefore, discussions of women's issues that 9. OCLC 24488443 treat women as a monolithic group do not fall 10. Madison. within our mandate. Because conditions in 11. "Feminist reviewing of books by women in inequality are continually changing, OUr mandate Australia (some occasional overseas is also continually changing." publications). Each issue has a series of feature review articles on a particular topic, e.g. 'Imaging BRIDOES, A JOURNAL FOR JEWISH FEMINISTS AND OUR Asisn Women,' 'Women & the Environment,' FRIENDS etc." 1. 1990. 2. 2/yesr. BELLES LEITRES 3. $15 (indiv.), $25 (inst.). 1. 1985. 4. P.O. Box 24839, Eugene OR 97402. 2. 3/year. 5. Ruth Atkin, Debra Crespin, Rita Falbel, Toby 3. $21 Ondiv.), $15 (student), $40 (inst.). Sample Finkelstein, Sarah Jacobus, Clare Kinbero, Ruth issue: $5. Add $5 for foreign postage for Kraut, Shlomit Segal tova. Canada: add $20 for all other foreign postage. 7. ISSN 1046 8358. 4. Karen T. Jenkins, P.O. Box 372068, Satellite 8. LC .191-92391. B"ch, FL 32937-0068, 9. OCLC 20542141. 5. Janet Palmer Mullaney. 10. Madison. 6. Janet Mullaney, 11151 Captain's Walk Ct., N. ll. Index to Jewish Periodicals. Potomac, MD 20878-0441. 12. "The editors bring to Bridges a commitment that 7. ISSN 0884-2957. combines traditional Jewish values of justice and 8. lC sn85-6513. repair of the world with insights honed by the 9. OCLC 12357950. feminist, lesbian and gay movements." 10. Madison; River Falls. 11. Book Review Index: available in University BROADSHEET Microfilma Underground Press Colleotion; 1. 1972. Women's Studies Index. 2. 4/year. 12. "Founded in 1965, Belles lettres is a quarterly 3. $NZ 27.50, $NZ 40 (overseas surface), $NZ 60 magszine devoted to literature by or about (overseas air, Europe), $NZ 56 (America/Asia), women that inoludes reviews, interviews, $NZ 45 (Australia/South Pacific). redisooveries, retrospectives, essays, theme 4. WomanFile Inc., P.O. Box 56-147, Auckland 3, sections, and columns on publishing news, Aotearoa/New Zealand. reprints, and nonfiction titles. Multicultural, 5. The Broadsheet Collective. independent press, and international authors are 7. ISSN 0110-8603. frequently featured. Appeals to the general 9. OCLC 6578660. reader 8S well as the literary cognoscenti." 10. Madison. 11. Index New Zealand. BERKELEY WOMEN'S LAW JOURNAL 12. "Broadsheet is New Zealand's only feminist 1. 19B6. publication. We provide a forum for women to 2. Annual. debate the issues from a feminist perspective." 3. $17 (indiv.), $9 (student), $36 (inst.). Add $4 for foreign postage. CAFRA NEWSINOVEDADES CAFRA 4. Berkeley Women's law Journsl, Univ. of 1. 1967 (CAFRA News): 1990 (Novedades CAFRA). California Preu, Periodicals Dept., 2120 Berkeley 2. 4/year. Way, #5812, Berkeley, CA 94720-5812. 3. $20 (indiv.), $25 (inst.). Caribbean: 40 units of 5. laura Beth Nielsen. local currency and not exceeding $20 U.S. 6. Boalt Hall, Rm. 2, Univ. of California at Berkeley, lIndiv.), 50 units of looal currency and not v.

exceeding $25 U.S. (inst.), elsewhere: $20 US Index. (indiv.l, $25 US (inst,), 12. Film theory and history; feminist theory; 4. CAFRA, P.O. Bag 442. Tunapuna, Trinidad & psychoanalytic theory; Marxist theory; Tobago, West Indies. photography; video and performance. 5. Avian Joseph. 7. ISSN 1016-9741. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND THE LAW 9 OCLC 26343925. 1. 1985. 10. Madison. 2. 2/year. 11. "CAFRA News is the quarterly newsletter and 3. $21.40 Cdn. (studentllow-income), $42.80 primary networking tool of the Caribbean Undiv.), $69.55 Cdn. (inst.). Outside Canada: Aasociation for Feminist Research and Action add $10 (U.S.), $36 (international). Prices include (CAFRA),8 regional network of feminists, GST. individual researchers, activists and women's 4. P.O. Box 450, Station A, 575 King Edward Ave., organizations, which seeks to channel the Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5, Canada. collective powers of women for individual and 5. Josh Bouchard, T. Brettel Dawson. 80cieta1 transformation. Its main purposes are to: 7. ISSN 0632-8781. inform members and other interested persons 9. OCLC 13902155. about the activities and programmes of the 10. Madison. 8880ciation; provide 8 forum for discussion and 11. Canadian Feminist Periodical Index; Canadian debate on key issues of concern to women in the Periodical Index; Index to Canadian Legal region; promote the sharing of experiences and Periodical Literature; Index to Legal Periodicals; foster links among individual feminists, activists Studies on Women Abstracts; Women Studies and women's organizations; assist In breaking Abstracts. down language barriers in the region; stimulate 12. "The CJWL is the only Canadian legal periodical women's creative expression; and contribute to dedicated to providing in-depth, feminist analysis the development of the women's movement of legal issues of concern to women." regionally and internationally." CANADIAN WOMAN STUDIES/LES CAHIERS DE LA CALYX FEMME 1. 1976. 1. 1976. 2. 2/year. 2. 4/year. 3. $18 {indiv.l, $22.50 (lib. & inst.>. $15 (low 3. Canada: $32.10 Cdn. (indiv.), $42.80 Cdn. income). Single copies: $8. (lnst.). Outaide Canada: $42 Cdn. (indiv.), $52 4. P.O. Box B, Corvallis, OR 97339. Cdn. (inst.) Single copies: $8.56 + $2.50 5. Margarita Donnelly. postage Cdn. (Canada), $9 (international). 7. ISSN 0147-1627. 4. 212 Foundera College, York University, 4700 8. LC 77-649570. Keele St., Downsview, Ontario M3J 1P3, 9. OCLC 3114927. Canada. 10. Madison. 5. Luciana Ricciutelli. 11. American Humanities Index; The Annual Index to 7. ISSN 0713-3235. Poetry in Periodicals; The Index of American 9. OCLC 9951504. Periodical Verse. 10. Madiaon; Milwaukee; State Historical Society. 12. "Calyx publishes literature and art by women. It 11. Canadian Periodioal Index; Women Studies exists to nurture women's creativity through the Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. wide promotion and publication of women's 12. "CWSlof is a bilingual. interdisciplinary, feminist finest work." journal that brings exciting scholarship about women to non-scholars, broadcasts our diverse CAMERA 08SCURA experiences and bridges the gap between 1. 1976. Canada's languages and cultures." 2. 3/year. 3. $25 Undiv.}, $45 (jnst.). Add $10 (surface), $20 COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF GENDER AND LAW (air mail) foreign postaga (GST #R126496330), 1. 1991. 4. Journals Division, Indiana University Pr., 601 N. 2. 2/yeat. Morton St., Bloomington, IN 47404. 3. $15 (student), $25 (indiv., public interest org.>. 5. Constance Penley, Elisabath Lyon, Lynn Spigel, $40 (inst.). Add $4 (surface), $6 lair) for foreign Sharon Willis. postage. 6. The Managing Editor, Camera Obscura. Film 4. Columbia Univ. School of Law, 435 West 116th Studies Program, Unlv. of California, Santa St., New York, NY 10027-7297. Barbara, CA 93106. 5. Editorial Collective. 8. LC sc79-4979. 7. ISSN 1062-6220. 9. OCLC 4818143. 8. LC K3.0348. 10. Madison; Milwaukee. 9. OCLC 24786087. 11. Alternative Press Index; Arts & Humanities 10. Madison. Citation Index; The Film Literature Index; 11. Wilson's Index to Legal Periodicals. International Index to Film Periodicals; 12. "The Columbis Journal of Gender and Law was International Index to Television Periodicals; founded to publish legal snd interdisciplinary Studies on Woman Abstracts; Women's Studies writings on feminism snd gendar issues and to vi.

expand feminist jurisprudence. Both national and matters and job discrimination, and international in focus, the Journal is intended to announcements of feminist conferences, calls for serve aa a forum for topics inadequately papers, research in progress, and publications." addressed in most law journals and reviews, including issuea concerning women, children, CONNEXIONS: AN INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S fsmily, sexuality. reproductive rights, and QUARTERLY violence. The articles in.J..g..!: approach legal 1. 1981. issues from a variety of disciplines. We aim to 2. 4/year. promote an expansive view of feminism 3. $17 (indiv.l, $30 (inst. & lib.). $20 (indiv., embracing women and men of all colors, classes, Canada & Mexico), $20 (Indiv., overseas sexusl orientations, and cultures." surfsce), $35 (Indiv., overseas air mail). Single copies: $4. COMMON OROUND 4. People's Translation Service, P.O. Box 14431, 1. 1985. Berkeley, CA 94712. 2. l/year. 5. Claudia Schaab, Donna Scism; Christel 3. $12 (indiv.), $17 (inst.). Back issues: $10. Vestweber. 4. P.O. Box 454, Sautee-Nacoochee, GA, 30571- 7. ISSN 0866·7062. 0454. 8. lC 83·645901; sn83·11831. 5. Lilith Quinlan. 9. OCLC 6015674. 9. OCLC 23150159. 10. Madison. 12. "A journal where grassroots women speak from 11. Alternative Press Index; Women's Studies Index. the heart. By putting the power of the press in 12...... the collective product of feminists of diverse the hands of poor women, Common Ground nationalities and political perspectives committed helps them break the silence that perpetuates to contributing to an international women's oppression... movement." Each issue focuses on e specific theme through feature articles, interviews and COMMON LIVES/LESBIAN LIVES personal narratives, often translated from 1. 1980. foreign-language publications. 2. 4/year. 3. $15 (indiv.>. $10 (hardship), $25 (inst.), free to CRITiCAL MATRIX: THE PRINCETON JOURNAL OF lesbians in prisons, mental institutions, and old WOMEN, OENDER, AND CULTURE age homes. Add $7 for foreign postage. Single 1. 1965. copies: $5. 2. 2/yr. 4. P.O. Box 1553, Jowa CitY,lA 52244. 3. $15 (indiv.), $12 (student), $28 linst.). Add 5. Editorial Collective. $4.50 (Canada and Mexico) or $7.50 (other 7. ISSN 0891·6969. international) foreign postage. Single copies: $8. B. lC sn84·1 0345. 4. Program in Women's Studies, 113 Dickinson Hall, 9. OCLC 8234014. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544·1017. 10. Madison. 5. Cynthia Cupples and Heather Hadlock. 12. History; biography; correspondence; journal 7. ISSN 1066·266X. entries; fiction; poetry; visual art... Common 8. LC 86·642566. lives/lesbian lives seaks to document the lives 9. OCLC 13313631. of ordinary lesbians, and to reflect the diversity 10. Madison. of the lesbian community··lesbians of color, of 11. MlA International Bibliography; Women Studies age and of youth, fat lesbians, disabled lesbians, Abstracts. poor and working-class lesbians. ClIll wishes to 12. "Critical Matrix is a forum for research, criticism, insure access and visibility to lesbians who have theory, and creative work in feminism and gender never thought before of publishing their work." studies. Seeking connections among academic, creative, and political approaches to gender, CONCERNS: WOMEN'S CAUCUS FOR THE MODERN Critical Matrix brings together written and visual LANOUAOES materials that explore, redefine, or reach across 1. 1970. traditional disciplinary boundaries. Edited by 2. 3/year. graduate students, guided by an advisory board 3. Graduated dues schedule for the Women's of nationally recognized scholars, and published Caucus for the Modern languages. twice yearly by the Program in Women's Studies 4. Diana Bowstead, WCMl Treasurer, English Dept., at Princeton University, Critical Matrix solicits Hunter College, 695 Park Ave., New York, NY new work by authors from multiple disciplines, at 10021. any stage in their careers, with or without 5. Joan E. Hartman. academic affiliation." 6. Joan E. Hartman, Dept. of English, College of Staten Island, Staten Island, NY 10301. DAUOHTERS OF SARAH 9. OCLC 2259670. 1. 1974. 12. "Concerns publishes essays on the professional, 2. 4/year. political, and curricular concerns of women in the 3. $18. Add $5 for foreign postage. disciplines of modern languages, including 4. 2121 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, Il60201·2926. English. It also publishes news of the national 5. liz Anderson, Cathi Falsan!. and r&gional Caucuses, features on academic 6. 2121 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, Il60201·2926. vii.

7. ISSN 0739·1749. 5. Sue Wilkinson. 8. lC 8083·8089, 6, Dept. of Social Sciences, Loughborough Vniv., 9. OCLC 2254361. Loughborough, Leicestershire LEll 3TU, United 10. State Historical Society. Kingdom. 11. Index to Book Reviews in Religion (BRR): Religion 7. ISSN 0959·3535. Index One: Periodicals (RIO). 8. LC 91-649264. 12. "We seek to educate and sustain Christian people 9. OCLC 23367452. to change and transform church and society on 10. Madison. issues of mutuality, justice and equality." 11. ASSIA; Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences; Human Sexuality; IBZ; PsychiNFO; DIFFERENCES: A JOURNAL OF FEMINIST CULTURAL PsychLlT; Psychological Abstracts; Research STUDIES Alert; Sage Family Studies Abstracts; Social 1. 1989. Science Citation Index; Sociological Abstracts; 2. 3/yssr. Studies on Women Abstracts; Violence and 3. $32 (indiv.), $60 Unst.). Add $10 for foreign Abuse Abstracts; Women Studies Abstracts. postage. Single copies: $10 (indiv.), $20 tinst.), 12. Feminism & Psychology aims "to foster the plus $1.76 postage. development of feminist theory and practice in ~­ 4. Journals Manager, Indiana University Press, 601 and beyond ~- psychology, and to represent the N. Morton St.• Bloomington, IN 47404. concerns of women in a wide range of contexts 5. Naomi Schor, Elizabeth Weed. across the academic-applied 'divide,''' 6. Box 1958. Brown University, Providence. RI 02912. FEMINIST BOOKSTORE NEWS 7. ISSN 1040-7391. 1. 1976. 8. LC 89·850873. 2. 7/year. 9. OCLC 18507940. 3. $70, plus $9 Canada or $19 other international. 10. Madison. Oshkosh. Single copies $6. 11. Sociological Abstracts; Studies on Women 4. P.O. Box 882554, San Francisco, CA 94188- Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. 2554. 12. "d iff ere" c e 8: A Journal of Feminist 5. Carol Seajay. Cultural Studias is affiliated with the Pembroke 7. ISSN 0741-6555. Center for Teaching and Research on Women, a 9. OCLC 10196440. nonprofit educational organization, at Brown 10. Milwaukee; State Historical Society. University. The journal brings together cultural 11. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI. studies and feminism and aims to provide a 12. "Trade magazine for booksellers, publishers, forum for an examination of cultural politics and librarians, and all who care passionately about discursive practices informed by feminist feminist and lesbian books." criticism." FEMINIST COLLECTIONS: A QUARTERLY OF WOMEN'S EVERYWOMAN STUDIES RESOURCES 1. 1985. 1. 1980. 2. 12/year. 2. 4/year. 3. U.S.: £40 (indiv., air main, £65 (inst., air mail); 3. University of Wisconsin: $8.25 (indiv.), $15 Great Britain: £24 (indiv.), £37 (lnst.); Europe: (organizations). Wisconsin subscriptions: $16 £30 (indiv., air main, £44 (inst., air mail): outside lindiv. & non-profit women's organizations), Europe £40 (indiv., air main, £30 (indiv., $22.50 (libraries & other organizationsl. Out-of­ surface); £65 (jnst., air mam, £45 (inst., state subscriptions: $30 (indiv. & women's surface). Single copies: £1.95 (Greet Britain), programs), $55 (inst.). Foreign subscribers pay £5.50 (U.S.). postage: $13-surface (Canada), $15-surface 4. 9 St. Albans Piace, London, NI ONX, England. (elsewhere); $25-air mail (Canada), $55·sir mail 5. Louisa Saunders. (elsewhere). Fee covers most publications of the 7. ISSN 0287·2294. Office of the Women's Studies librarian (See p. 9. OCLC 15471308. m. Single copies: $3.50. 10. Madison. 4. 430 Memorial Library, 728 State Street, 12. Everywoman seeks "to celebrate women's Madison, WI 53706. achievements, campaign for women's rights and 5. Phyllis Weisbard, linda Shult. forge links between grassroots feminism and 7. ISSN 0742-7441; 0742·7433, 0742-7123. mainstream culture." 8. LCsn84·10183. 9. OCLC 6467769. FEMINISM &. PSYCHOLOGY: AN INTERNATIONAL 10. Baraboo; Barron Co.; Eau Claire; Fond du Lac; JOURNAL Green Bay; La Crosse; Madison; Milwaukee; 1. 1991. Oshkosh; Pafkside; Platteville; River Falls; Rock 2, 4/year. Co;; Sheboygan; Stevens Point; Stout; Superior: 3. $51 (indiv.), $154 Hnst.), or £32 (indiv.), £96 Washington County; Waukesha; Whitewater. Hnst.). 11. Women's Studies Index. 4. Sage Publications Ltd" P.O. Box 5096, Thousand 12. Editorials, features, news, bibliographies, book Oaks, CA 91359; or Sage Publications Ltd., 6 reviews. Focus on feminist librarianship, Bonhill St., London EC2A 4PU, United Kingdom, publishing, bookselling, archiving, vi i L

researching··both in Wisconsin and nationally. Studies, clo Women's Studies Program, Review essays strive to provide a guide to the University of Marylsnd, College Park, MD 20742. literature on a particular topic, (e.g. sociobiology; 5. Claire G. Moses. women in development; western women; lesbian 7. ISSN 0046-3663. studies; Bisek women; feminist science fiction), 8. LC 78-645276: sc76-192. 9. OCLC 1632609. FEMINIST ISSUES 10. Eau Cisire: Green Bay; La Crosse, Madison: 1. 1980. Milwaukee: Oshkosh; Parkside: Pfatteville: River 2. 2lyesr. Falls: Stevens Point: Stout; Whitewater. 3. $36 (indiv.), $72 Unst.). Single copies: $18 11. Academic Index; Alternative Press Index; (indiv.), $36 (inst.). Add $14 (surface) or $26 America: History and Life: Applied Social Science (air mail) postage outsida U.S. Index & Abstracts; Bulletin 4. Transaction Periodicsls Consortium, Dept. 8010, signaletique-sociologie; Current Contents on Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903: Social & Behavioral Index; Expanded Academic European and Israeli orders: Swets Publishing Index: General Periodical Index: Historical Service, Heereweg 347, 2161 CA. Lisse, The Abstracts; Index to Poetry in Periodicars; Netherlands. International Bibliography of Book Reviews: 6. Elizabath Fox·Genovese, Women's Studies International Bibliography of Periodical Literature; Program, 210 Physics Bldg., Emory Univ., Inventory of Marriage & Family Literature: Literary Atlanta, GA 30322. Criticiam; Modern Language Association 5. Elizabeth Fox-Genovese. International Bibliography; Newsreach; Periodica 7. ISSN 0270·6679. Islamica; The Philosopher's Index: Poem Finder; 8. LC 82·641422; .n80-13352. Sage Family Studies Abstracts: Sage Human 9. OCLC 6462659. Relations Abstracts: Social Sciences Citation 10. Madison: Milwaukee: Oshkosh. Index; Sociological Abstracts: Studies on Women 11. Alternative Press Index: Periodica Islamica: Abstracta: Womfln Studies Abstracts; Women's Studies on Women Abstracts; University Studies Index. Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI; Women Studies 12. "Feminist Studies was founded to encourage Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. analytic responses to feminist issues and to open 12. feminist Issues offers"a forum to open debste new areas of research, criticism and speculation. on feminism, women's issues, and women's lives The editors are committed to providing a forum throughout the world." for feminist analysis, debate, and exchange. The feminist movement has demonstrated that the FEMINIST REVIEW study of women is more than a compensatory 1. 1979. projact. Instead, feminism has the potential 2. 3/yesr. fundamentally to reshape the way we view the 3. North America: $42 lindiv.), $110 (inst.), $12.95 world. We wish not just to interpret women's sIngle copy. UK/EEC: £24 (indiv.), £68 (inst.), experiences but to change women's condition. £9.99 single copy (bsck issues): Overseas: £30 For us, feminist thought represents a (indiv.), £74 (inst.). transformation of consciousness, social forms, 4. Trevina White, Routledge Journals, Cheritan and modes of action." House, North Way, Andover, Hants SP10 5SE England. FEMINiST TEACHER 5. Editorial Collective. 1. 1984. 6. Feminist Review, 52 Featherstone St., London 2. 3lyear. EC1Y 8RT. Engl.nd. 3. $lB (indiv.), $32.50 (inst.). Add $15 for foreign 7. ISSN 0141-7789. postage. Single copies: $8 lindiv.), $12 (inst.). 8. LC 80-647745. 4. Ablex. Pub., 355 Chestnut St., Norwood, NJ 9. OCLC 6191763. 07648. 10. Madison: Oshkosh. 5. Editorial Collective. 11. Alternative Press Index: Social Science Citation 6. Wheaton College, Norton, MA 02766. Index; Social Science Index: Women's Studies 7. ISSN 0882-4843. Index. 8. LC sn85-1018. 12. Feminist Review is a "major women's studies 9. OCLC 11660672. journal in Britain committed to publishing the best 10. Madison: Milwaukee; Oshkosh; Parkside: of contemporary feminist analysis and always Platteville; Stevens Point: Whitewater. informed by an awareness of changing political 11. Alternative Press Index; Studies on Women issues." Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. 12. "Feminist Teacher is a multidisciplinary magazine FEMINIST STUDIES committed to publishing articles thst challenge 1. 1972. traditional teaching practices, disciplinay canons, 2. 3lyear. research methdologies, & approaches to day-to· 3. $30 (indiv.), $20 (students with copy of dated day classroom interactions." proof of student status), $70 (inst.). Add $6 foreign ($40 air mail). Single copy: $12 (indiv.): FEMINiST VOICES $25 (inst.). 1. 1987. 4. Claire G. Moses, Editor & Manager, Feminist 2. 10/year. ix

3. $15 (indiv.), $25 (inat.). Free to women in prison 8. LC sc78·317. and other institutions. 9. OCLC 2586280. 4. P.O. Box 853, Madison, WI 53701-0653. 10. Eau Cisire; La Crosse: Madison; Milwaukee; 5. Editorial Collective. Psrkside: Platteville: Stste Historical Society; 9. OCLC 25927620. Stevens Point; Whitewater. 10. State Historical Society. 11. America, History and Life: American Humanities 12. "Feminist Voices is an Open forum by and for Index: Current Contents/Social and Behavioral women with a commitment to supporting Studies; Historical Abstracts: Human Resources women's choices and the freedom to shape our Abstracts: The Literary Criticism Register; The own lives. We wish to reflect the diversity of MLA International Bibliogrsphy: PAIS: Social women's lives and experiences, as well as our Welfare: Sage Family Studies Abstracts; Socisl common struggles, and to provide a space in Sciences Citation Index; Sociological Abstracts; which women can shsre, dialogue and debate, Studies on Women Abstracts; Women Studies question and creete. We see openness to growth Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. and change as an essential element of feminism 12. Feature articles; poetry; black and white and strive to be a part of this process. Feminist photography: short fiction. Each issue focuses Voices will not consider for publication any on a theme, e,g., women's oral history; mothers material that perpetrates patriarchal stereotypes and daughters; Chicanas; Native American or other oppressive ettitudes." women; women 8S verbal artists: who speaks for tha women's movement: lesbian history. FIREWEEO Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies is a bridge 1. 1976. between the community and the academy, 2. 4/year. featuring both scholsrly snd literary work, the 3. Canada: $20 (indiv.), $30 (inst.). Outside parsonal essay. as well ss the latest theoretical, Canada: $28 (indiv.), $42 (inst.) Single copies: polemic, exciting artwork alongside importsnt $7. contributions in the social sciences and critical 4. P.O. Box 279, Station a, Toronto, Ontario, M5T thought. Frontiers is also one of the few feminist 2W2, Canada. journals to feature work by women of color and 5. Fireweed Collective. focus on women in the West. 7. ISSN 0706-3657. 8. LC cn79-30301. GENDER AND EDUCATION 9. OCLC 4677989. 1. 1989. 10. Madison; State Historical Society. 2. 3/year. 11. Canadian literary Index: Canadian Women's 3. North America: $78 Hndiv.), $292 (inst.l: EU; Periodicals Index: Sociological Abstracts; Studies £42 Hndiv.), £148 (inst.): Outside EU £42 on Women Abstracts. (indiv.), £162 (inst.). 12. Fireweod is a "feminist quarterly of writing, 4. Carfax Publishing, P.O. Box 25, Abingdon, politics, art, and culture committed to the diverse Oxfordshire OX14 3UE, United Kingdom. cultural expression of women." 5. Rosemsry Preston, Christina Hughes. 6. Continuing Education, Univ. of Warwick, FRIENDS OF WOMEN NEWSLETTER Coventry, CV4 7AL United Kingdom. 1. 1992. 7. ISSN 0954-0253. 2. 2lyear. 9. OCLC 19946660. 3. U.S.: $15: Thailand: $4. 10. Madison. 4. 1379130 Soi Praditchai I Phaholyothin Rd., 11. Academic Abstracts: Contents Pages in Sammsennai, Bangkok 10400 Thailand (checks Education: Educational Technology Abstractsj and money orders should be made payable to Multicultural Education Abstracts: School Ployjew Sunan, FOW Scretary. Organization & Management Abstracts: 5. Karilyn Buck, Ampiwal Sakmusng. Sociologicsl Abstracts: Sociology of Education 8. LC sn94-43643. Abstracts; Special Educational Neads Abstracts; 9. OCLC 30866940. Studias on Women Abstracts; Technical 10. Madison. Education and Trsining Abstracts: Women's 12. "Friends of Women Newsletter is a grassroots Studies Indax. publication promoting public awareness of 12. Gender and Education focuses on "gender snd women's issues in Thailand." feminist knowledge, theory and debate ss thase ralste to sll aspects of educationel development FRONTIERS, A JOURNAL OF WOMEN STUDIES and its effacts." 1. 1975. 2. 3/year. GENDER & HISTORY 3. $24 (indiv.), $33 (inst.). Single copies: $9 1. 1969. (indiv.), $11 (inst.), 2. 3/year. 4. Frontiers, University Press of Colorado, P.O. Box 3. North America: $53 (indiv.), $141 (inst,) 849, Niwot, CO 80544. (Cansda, please add 7% GST). U.K.: £31 5. SUe Armitage. (indiv.), £89 (inst.); rest of world: £37 (indiv.), 6. Frontiers, Women's Studies Program, Washington £108 (lnst.). State Univ., Pullman, WA 99164·4032. 4. Journal Marketing Manager, Blackwell Publishers, 7. ISSNOI60·9009. 108 Cowley Rd., Oxford OX4 1JF, United x.

Kingdom, or 238 Main St" Suite 501, Society is committed to an evaluation policy that Cambridge, MA 02142. does not preclude any of the feminist 5. Leonore Davidoff, U.K. and Grey Osterud. U.S.A. perspectives." 6. Keith McClelland, School of History & Politics, Middlesex Univ., White Hart Lane, London N17 OENDER. PLACE & CULTURE BHR, United Kingdom, or Schlesinger library, 1. 1994. Radcliffe College, 10 Garden Street, Cambridge, 2. 21year MA 02138. 3. North America: $72 (indiv.), $192 (inst.); E.U. & 7. ISSN 0953-5233. outside E.U.: £:42 (indiv.), £:112 (inst.). 9. OClC 19587394. 4. Carfax Publishing Company, P.O. Box 25, 10. Medison; Platteville. Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX 14 3UE, United 11. Women's Studies Abstracts; Women's Studies Kingdom, or 875-81 Massachusetts Ave., Index. Cambridge, MA 02139. 12. Gender and History is "the only specialist journal 5. Liz Bondi & Mona Domosh. for research and writing on historicsl questions 6. Liz Bondi, Dept. of Geography, Univ. of about femininity and masculinity and relationships Edinburgh, Drummond St., Edinburgh EH6 9XP, between women and men in the PBst. The or Mona Domosh, Dept of Geography, College of journal covers all historicsl periods and 8 wide Liberal Arts, Florida Atlantic University, 2912 spectrum of societies." Colege Ave., Davie, Fl33314. Books for review: Cindi Katz, Environmental Psychology OENDER & SOCIETY Program, Graduate School & University Center, 1. 1987. C.U.N.Y., 33 W 42nd St., New York, NY 10036· 2. 6/year. 8099, or Caroline Mills, Dept. of Geography & 3. $54 (indiv," $165 (insl.), Add $6 outside the Geology, Cheltenham & Gloucester College of U.S. Single copies: $15 (indiv.), $31 (inst.) Higher Education, Francis Close Hall, Swindon (California residants please add 7.25% sales tax). Rd., Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 4A2, Add $12 for foreign postage. United Kingdom. 4. Sage Publications, 2455 Teller Rd., Thousand 7. ISSN 0966 369X. Oaks, CA 91320. Orders from the U.K., Europe, 8. LC an94-43357. the Middle East, and Africa should be sent to 6 9. OClC 29760407. Bonhill St., London EC2A 4PU, U.K.; orders from 10. Madison. India should be sent to P.O. Box 4215, New 11. Sociological Abstracts; Studies on Women Delhi 110048, India. SWS membership Abstracts; Geo Abstracts: UNESCO DARE information: Shirley Scritchfield, Dept. of Database. Sociology, Creighton Univ., Omeha, NB 68178. 12. "The aim of Gender! Pface and Culture is to 5. Margaret Andersen, Beth Schneider (Editor Elect) provide the focal point for recent work concerned 6. Dr. Beth Schneider, Editor, Dept. of Sociology, with gender issues in geography and related Univ. of California, Santa Berbara, CA 93106. disciplines. Key concerns in this aree include the 7. ISSN 0891-2432. following: geographical variations in gender 8. lC 86·003081. divisions and structures of patriarchy; the cultural 9. OClC 14687475. construction and the cultural politics of gender; 10. Eau Claire; Green Bay: Madison; Milwaukee; the intersections between gender, 'race', Oshkosh; Parkside: Stout; Whitewater. ethnicity, netionality, sexuality, class, age and 11. ABC Politicsl Science; Academic Index; African other social divisions. The journal will provide a Urban & Regional Science Index; America: forum for debate in human geography end related History and life; ASSIA: Applied Social Sciences disciplines on these themeS. By drawing together Index & Abstracts: Current Contents/Social & these contributions, the journal will highlight the Behavioral Sciences; Current Index to journals in relevance of geographical research to feminism Education (CIJE): Family Resource: Health and women's studies." Instrument File: Historical Abstracts: Periodica lslamica: PsycALERT & PsychlNFO datsbases; OENDERS Psychological Abstracts: Risk Abstracts; Sage 1. 1988. Family Studies Abstracts: Social P1anning/Policy 2. 2/year. and Development; Sociological Abstracts; Studies 3. $35. Single copies: $9 (indiv.), $14 (inst.). Add on Woman Abstracts; University Microfilms, Ann $5.50 (subscriptions) or $3 (single copies) for Arbor, MI; Violence and Abuse Abstracts; foreign postage. Women Studies Abstracts; Women's Studies 4. New York Univ. Press, 70 Washington Square Index; Work Related Abstracts. South, New York, NY 10012-1091- 12. "Gender & Society focuses on the social and 5. Ann Kibbey. structural study of gender as a basic principle of 6. Dept. of English, Campus Box 226, Univ. of the social order and as a primary social category. Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309. Emphasizing theory and research from a micro­ 7. ISSN 0894-9832. and macrostructural perspective, Gender & 8. LC an87-1919. Society welcomes studies in sociology, social 9. OClC 16388863. psychology, political science, history, economics, 10. Madison; Oshkosh: Whitewater. and anthropology that are framed by a social 11. Abstracts of English Studies; America: History & analysis and a feminist perspective. Gender & Ufe; American Humanities Index; Arts and xi.

Humanities Citation Index; Current ContentslArts 11. BIOSIS; Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied and Humanities: Film literature Index; Historical Health Literature; MEDlARS; MEDlINE: Nursing Abstracts; Institute for Scientific Information; Abstracts; Sociological Abstracts: Studies on linguistics end language Behavior Abstracts; Women Abstracts: Women's Studies Index. MHRA Bibliography of English language and 12. "The journal provides an international, literature; MlA International Bibliography: interdisciplinary approach to health care for Research Alert; Studies on Women Abstracts; women. The editors accept research reports and Women Studies Abstracts: Women's Studies clinical and theoretical papers about a wide Index. variety of women's health issues." 12. ~publishes"...diverse scholarship on issues of gender in the fields of history, art, HECATE: A WOMEN'S INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL literature, cinema, and society." 1. 1975. 2. 2/year. HARVARD WOMEN'S LAW JOURNAL 3. $20 Aus. tindiv.), $60. (indiv., sustaining), $40 1. 1978. Aus. (jnst.), (institutional rate will be $60 Aus. 2. Annual. from January, 1995). Single copies: $6 lindiv.), 3. $15 Undiv.}, $17 (foreign, surface), $18 $7.50 (jnst.). (Canada), $27 (foreign, air mail). 4. P.O. Box 99, St. lucia, Brisbane, Queensland 4. Publications Center, Hsrvard law School, 4067, Australia. Cambridge, MA 02136. Back issues: William S. 5. Carole Ferrier. Hein & Co., Inc., 1285 Main St., Buffalo, NY 7. ISSN 0311-4198. 14209, 9. OClC 2530248, 5. Peggie R. Smith. 10. Madison; Oshkosh.. 6. Articles Editors, Harvard Women's law Journal, 11. Alternative Press Index; Women Studies Harvard law School, Cambridge, MA 02138. Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. 7. ISSN 0270-1458. 12. Historical and critical articles; creative work; 8. lC 80-843769. graphics; bibliographies; reviews. "~prints 9. OClC 3967304. material relating to women. We are interested in 10. Madison; Aatteville. contributions which employ a feminist, msrxist, 11. Alternative Press Index: Current law Index; Index or other radical methodology to focus on the to legal Periodicals: PAiS. position of women in relation to patriarchy and 12. "The Harvard Women's law Journal is devoted capitalism." to the development of a feminist jurisprudence. The main purpose is to provide an in-depth HERESIES: A FEMINIST PU8L1CATION ON ART & POLITICS exploration of the impact of the law on women 1. 1977, and of women on the law. Political, economic, 2. 1-2fyear (irregular). historical and sociological perspectives are 3. $27/4 issues (indiv.l, $38/4 issuss (lnst,). combined with legal ones to present a realistic Foreign: add $6 per 4 issues. Single copies: portrait of women's legal status." $8.00 (current issue), $6 (back issues). 4. P.O. Box 1306, Canal Street Station, New York, HEALTH CARE FOR WOMEN INTERNATIONAL NY 10013. 1. 1979. 5. Heresies Collective, Inc.; Jean Casella, Mansging 2. 6/year. Editor. 3. U.S.: $69, U.K.: £54 (indiv.·-home addresses 6. 280 Broadway, Suite 412, New York, NY 10007. only): U.S.:$190, U.K.: £115 (inst.). For details 7. ISSNOI46-3411. on membership in the International Council on 8. LC sc77-704. Women's Health Issues contact Sharon 9. OClC 2917688. Wilkerson, Secretary, 1337 Johnson Hall of 10. la Crosse; Madison: Milwaukee; Platteville; Nursing, West layfayette, IN 47907~1337. Stevens Point. 4. U.S.. Canada, & Mexico: Taylor & Francis, 1900 11. Alternative PreSs Index; American Humanities Frost Rd., Suite 101, Bristol, PA 19007; India: Index; Women's Studies Index. Universal Sub. Agency, Pvt., Ltd., 101-102 12. "Heresies is an idea-oriented journal devoted to Community Ctr., Malviya Nagar Extn., Post Bag the examination of art and politics from a No.8, Saket, New Delhi: Japan: Klnokuniya Co., feminist perspective. We believe that what is Ltd., Journal Dept., P.O. Box 55, Chitose, Tokyo commonly called 8rt can have a political impact 156, Japan; U.K. & all others: Taylor & Francis and that in the making of art and all cultural ltd., Rsnkine Rd., Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 artifacts our identities as women playa distinct OPR England. role. We hope that Heresies continues to 5. Dr. Phyllfa Noerager Stern. stimulate dialogue around radical political and 6. Phyllis Noerager Stern, Professor and Chair, aesthetic theory as well as to generate new Parent·Child Dept., School of Nursing, Indiana creative energies among women. It is a place University, 1111 Middle Dr., Indianapolis, IN where diversity can be articulated. We are 46202·5107. committed to broadening the definition and 7, ISSN 0739·9332. function of art." 8. lC 8n83-8667. 9. OClC 9837689, HERIZONS 10. Eau Claire; Madison: Milwaukee: Oshkosh. 1. 1992. xii

2. 4/year. 5. Linda lopez McAlister. 3. $29,50 Cdn., or $23.50 U.S. Canada: $23.50 6. Linda lopez McAlister, Hypatia, University of Cdn. (includes GST): international: $32.50 Cdn. South Florida, HMS 413, Tampa, FL 33620­ 4. P.O. Box 128, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 2G1 8350. Cansda. 7. ISSN 0887-5367. 5. Penni Mitchell. 8. lC sn86-1213. 7. ISSN 0711·7485. 9. OClC 13312118. 8. lC 8094-31959. 10. Eau Claire; la Crosse; Madison; Milwaukee; 9. OClC 28686487. Oshkosh; Platteville; Stevens Point; Whitewater. 10. State Historical Society. 11. Academic Index; Alternative Press Index; The 11. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI. Philosopher's Index; The Philosopher's Index 12. "Herizons has a feminist issues slant and writes Database, file 57 of DIALOG; Sociological about news, includes book reviews, carries Abstracts; Studies on Women Abstracts; Women interviews, includes lots of photos, and boasts a Studies Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. full-color coVer and lively design." 12. "~is the first journal in this country dedicated to the publication of scholarly research HIKAN~: THE CAPA8LE WOMON: DISABLED WIMMIN'S in feminist philosophy. Articles in Hypatia MAGAZINE FOR LESBIANS AND OUR WIMMIN AlliES provide both authors and readers a context for 1. 1989. understanding feminist philosophy that is 2. Irregulsr. unavailable in other women's studies journals or 3. For women only. Sliding scale, or $14 suggested in mainstream philosophy journals." donation (indiv.), $18 suggested donstion (groups), $24/4 issues Onst.). HYSTERIA: WOMEN, HUMOR & SOCIAL CHANGE 4. P.O. Box 841, Great 8arrington, MA 01230. 1. 1993. 5. Jodi. 2. 4/year. 10. State Historical Society. 3. $18, Canada: $24 U.S., International: $30 U.S. 12. "Hikane" is a word from Ancient greek VKQVl1) 4. Box 8581 Brewster Station, Bridgeport, CT which means 'sufticient', and 'the capable 08605. woman.' Hikane: the Capable Womon exists for 5. Deborah Werksman. the networking and empowerment of disabled 7. ISSN 1065-9633. lesbians, our non-dyke wimmin allies, and non­ 8. lC 94-648367. disabled sisters who are in solidarity with us and 9. OClC 26819861. our concerns. We are a forum for the expression 10. State Historical Society. of the politics, experience, creativity & culture of 12. "Hysteria is a women's humor magazine disabled wimmin. The word "hikane" is dedicated to celebrating women's progress pronounced "HEE·kan-AY." towards equality and to giving us a forum for our joy and laughter." HURRICANE ALICE 1. 1983. IKON 2. 4/year. 1. 1982/83. 3. $12 (indiv.), $10 (students/low-income/seniors), 2. 2/year. $20 (in st.). Add $5 postage (Canada), $9 (other 3. $12 (indiv.), $15.00 (inst.). Single copies: $6 foreign). Single copies: $3. (#12/13, $9.951. 4. 201 Lind Hall, 207 Church St., S.E., Minneapolis, 4. P.O. Box 1355, Stuyvesant Station, New York, MN 55455. NY 10009. 5. Martha Roth, Patricia Cumbie, Executive Editors. 5. Susan Sherman. 7. ISSN 0882-7907. 7. ISSN 0579-4315. 9. OClC 10741971. a. LC sn65-19052. 10. Stata Historical Society. 9. OCLC 13460423. 11. American Humanities Index. 10. Madison. 12. "The mlasion of H,A. is to read and write 12. "IKON is about 'creativity and change'-·the women's experience fully: to evolve a new prose inseparability of the creative process and social form that integrates personal voice snd personal change. It is a cultural magazine, a political experience Into critical reviews of our arts and magazine, a feminist magazine, which shows the culture. Our aim is to reflect the diversity of experiences of third world women, lesbians, human experience; therefore !::LA:.... etrives to Jewish and working women, women in all our include in each issue work by people of various diversity. " racial and ethnic heritages." INITIATIVES: JOURNAL OF NAWE HYPATIA 1. 1937. 1. 1988. 2. 4/vear. 2. 4/year. 3. $40, $50 (foreign). Single copies: $13. 3. $35 (indiv.), $60 (inst.). Single copies: $10 4. NAWE, 1325 16th St. N.W., Suite 210, Hndiv.), $20 (inst.). Add $12.50 for foreign Washington, DC 20036-6511. surface postage. 5. Patricia A, Farrant. 4. Journals Manager, Indiana Univ. Press, BOl N. 6. c/o American College Testing, P.O. Box 166, Morton St., Bloomington, IN 47404. Iowa City, IA 52243. xii i.

7. ISSN 1042·413X ignores, and succeed in raising the political 8. LC 9Q.641397. awareness of our subscribers," 9. OCLC 18509875. 10. Eau Claire; La Crosso; Madison: Oshkosh; ISiS INTERNATiONAL Platteville; Superior; Whitewater. 1. 1984. 11. CIJE; Education Index; Higher Education 2. 4/year. (Women In Action, appears in English and Abstracts; University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI- Spanish.) 12. "Initiatives. the award-winning journal of the 3. $20 Undiv. or groups), $30 (inst) .. English National ASBociation for Women in Education, edition, Women in Action; $35 _. Spanish edition, publishes articles on Bubjects of concern to Women in Action). women in all 8spects of education. The journal 4. Women in Action (English edition): Isis has 8 special interost in significant, timely topics International, 85 A East Maya St., Philamlife that have not yet received substantial attention in Homes, Quezon, Philippines, or P.O. Box 1837, the professional and popular literature. In recent Quezon City Main, Quezon City 1100, yesrs, special Issuos of Initiatives have focused Philippinas; Women In Action (Spanish edition): on such diverse themOs 89 feminism on 8 leie Internacionsl, Casilla 2067, Correo Central, Catholic (lampus, men's studios, gender equity in Santiago, Chile. math and science, sexual harassment, women's 5. ISiS International. centers, and black women in higher education. 7. lSSN 0176·8497 (Women in Action, Spanish Articles in nontheme iasues have ranged widely: edition). for example, women's education internationally, 8. LC .n84-10908. mentoring, pay equity, campus climate, women 9. OCLC 4286732. in aviation education, journal keeping, 10. Madison. professional development, leadership, teaching 11. Women's Studies Index. young Native American women, duel career 12. ISiS International's Women in Action "gives in­ families, and self·defense training for women." depth coverage to the issues women around the world are working on: development, health, IOWA WOMAN work, violence against women, media, 1. 1980. communication, methods of organization, models 2. 4/year. for action, networklng and more.... Each issue is 3. $20, $24 (Csnada), $26 (Latin America), $29 produced jointly by Isis International and one or (Western Europe), $32 (international air mail). more Third World women's groups." Articles, Includes newsletter, Iowa Woman Endeavors. editorials, conference reports, resourca guides. 4. P.O. Box 680, Iowa City, lA 52244-0680. 5. Msrianne Abel, Editor; Sandra Adelmund, Poetry ISIS·WlCCE IWomen'. Internationol Crots-Culturl!ll Editor. Exchenge) 7. ISSN 0271·8227. 1. 1984. 9. OCLC 6685646. 2. 2/year (Women's World). 10. Madison. 3. $20 (indiv.), $40 (inst.), $50 (supporting). 11. Abstracts of Popular Culture; Alternative Press 4. ISIS·WICCE, Women's World, Box 4934, Index; American Humanities Index; MLA Kampala, Uganda, East~Africa. International Bibliography. 5. Gladys Siwela. 12. "Iowa Woman is a nationally distributed, award· 11. Women's Studies Index. winning quarterly of fiction, poetry, essays, 12. "International feminist magazine providing news feature articles, Interviews/profiles, book reviews, about women around the world from a feminist and visual art by women everywhere. perspective and focusing particularly on the link Subscribers also receive a quarterly newsletter between women in developing and industrialized about Iowa Woman Endeavors, an independent, countries. " nonprofit organization, snd its public events for writers and artists in Iowa." ISSUES QUARTERLY tlQ) 1. 1994. IRIS: A JOURNAL A80UT WOMEN 2. 4/year. 1. 1980. 3. Issues Quarterly only: $35 Undiv.),!!!!!.M 2. 2/yesr. Quarterly and Women's Research Network News 3. $9 Undlv.}i $40 (inst.). Single copies: $5.50. (see below): $50, $100 (inst.). 4. Women's Center, Box 323, HSC, University of 4. National Council for Research on Women, 530 Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22908. Broadway, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10012. 5. Rebecca Hyman. 5. Marina Budhos. 7. ISSN 0896-1301. 7. ISSN 1072·1762. 9. OCLC 12588752. 8. LC 8n93-5134. 10. Madison. 9. OCLC 28873689. 11. Directory of Women's Media; Women Studies 12. Issu8s Quarterly "serves as a forum in print for Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. linking research, policy, and practice, with the 12. "!ill! is a fully inclusive journal: we aim to provide goal of expanding cross-sector networks and information to women sbout issues which affect encouraging cross-sector dialogue and them, across race, class and sexual preference. exchange... We try to print information the mass media xiv. JOURNAL Of fEMINIST fAMilY THERAPY' AN scholarship in religion and a forum for discussion INTERNATIONAL fORUM and dialogue among women and men of differing 1. 1989. feminist perspectives. The::l§..EB has two 2. 4/year. parents: the academy, in which it is situated, and 3. $40 (indiv.), $60 (inst.), $125 (Iibr. & the feminist mOVement, from which it draws its subscription agencies). Foreign (outside Canada nourishment and vision." and Mexico) add 40%; add 30% + 7% GST (Canada). JOURNAL OF 4. The Haworth Presa, 10 Alice St., Binghamton, 1. 1991. NY 13904 2. 3/year. 5. Janine Roberts. 3. North America: $30 (indiv.), $156 (inst,): EU & 6. School &. Counseling Psychology Program, 360 elsewhere: £18 (indiv.J, £92 (inst.). Hills South, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, 4. Carfax Publishing Co., P.O. Box 25, Abingdon, MA 01003. Oxfordshire OX14 3UE, United Kingdom, or 875­ 7. ISSN 0895·2833. 81 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139, 8. lC 89-857282. or P.O.Box. 352, Cammeray, NSW 2062, 9. OClC 16545991. Australia. 10. Madison. 5. Jenny Hockey. 11. Abstracts of Research in Pastoral Care & 6. Department of Social Policy & Professional Counseling: Alternative Press Index: Family Studies, University of Hull, Hull, HU6 7RX United Violence & Sexual Assault Bulletin: Index to Kingdom. Periodical Articles Related to Law: INTERNET 7. 0958-9236. ACCESS: Bulletin Board for Libraries, INTERNET, 8. sn91-26591 JANET, et aLi Inventory of Marriage & Family 9. DCle 24317037. Literature: Mental Health Abstracts (online 10. Madison. through DIALOG): Social Work Abstracts; Studies 11. Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences; on Women Abstracts: Violence and Abuse Research Alert; Social Scisearch: Studies on Abstracts: Women Studies Abstracts. Women Abstracts. 12. "The Journal of Feminist Family Therapy provides 12. "The Journal of Gender Studies is an a multidisciplinary forum to further explore the interdisciplinary journal which publishes articles relationship between feminist theory and family relating to gender from a feminist parspective therapy practice and theory. Articles include covering a wide range of subject areas including those of a theoretical nature, as well as those the social and natural sciences, arts, and popular focusing on empirical research and clinical culture." application. The Journal seeks to critique family therapy concepts, including the field as a whole JOURNAL Of WOMEN & AGING and ita institutional structure, as well as feminist 1. 1989. approaches to fsmily therapy training and 2. 4/year. supervision, and to apply 8 feminist-oriented 3. $40 Hndiv.l, $90 (inst.), $120 (Iibr. and sub. perspective to treatment issues of particular agencies). Add 40% for foreign (outside U.S.): importance to therapy with women." add 30% plus 7% G&S tax (Canada). GST #R129786984. Back volumes; add 30% of JOURNAL Of fEMINIST STUDIES IN RELIGION above subscription rate. 1. 1985. 4. The Haworth Press, 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, 2. 2/yoar. NY 13904-1580. 3. $18 (indiv.), $14 (students), $30 (inst.>. £12.50 5. J. Dianne Garner. (foreign, indiv.), £17.50 (foreign, inst.). Single 6. Dept. of Social Work, Washburn University, copies: £8.85. Single copies: $15.50, from Topeka, KS 66621. Professional Book Distributors, P.O. Box 6996, 7. ISSN 0895-2841. Alpharetta, GA 30239-6996. 8. lC 89-656519. 4. Membership Services, Scholars Press, P.O. Box 9. DClC 16546320. 15399, Atlanta, GA 30333-0399; UK & Europe: 10. Madison; Oshkosh; Stout. T. &. T. Clark Ltd .. 59 George St., Edinburgh EH2 11. Abstracts in Anthropology; Abstracts in Social 2LO Scotland. Gerontology; Current Literature on Aging: 5. Elizabath Schussler Fiorenza, Emilie M. Townes. Abstracts of Research in Pastoral Care & 6. Elizabeth Pritchard, Harvard Divinity School, 45 Counseling: Academic Index (online); Agelnfo Francis Ave.• Cambridge, MA 02138. CO-ROM: Ageline Database: Behavioral Medicine 7. ISSN 8755-4178. Abstracts; CNIEP Reference Guide: Chinese 9. OClC 11309512. National Directory of Foreign Periodicals; 10 Oshkosh: Madison: Stevens Point. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; Clinical 11. Guide to Social Science and Religion in Periodical Medicine/life Institute for Scientific Information; Literature; Religlon Index One: Periodicals, Combined Health Information Database (CHID); Religious and Theological Abstracts; Sage Human Guide to Social Science & Religion in Periodical Relations Abstracts: MLA International literature; Human Resources Abstracts: Index to Bibliography: Women's Studies Index. Periodical Articles Related to Law; Institute for 12. "The Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion is a Scientific Information: INTERNET ACCESS: channel for the dissemination of feminist Bulletin Board for libraries, INTERNET, JANET, et xv.

al.; Inventory of Marriage and Family Literature 3. $12.50 (indiv.). $21 (inst.). Foreign: add $6 for (online and hard copy): Mental Health Abstracts subscriptions; $2 for single issues, $3 for double (online through DIALOG): National Clearinghouse issues. Single copies $4 (Vol. 1 no. '·-Vol. 9 no. for Primary Care Information (NCPC): New 2), $7 (Vol. 11 no. 2--presant), $8 (Vol. 7 nos. literature on Old Ago: Periodical Abstracts, 1/2, Vol. 8 nos. 1/2). Research 2: Periodical Abstracts Select; Silver 4. F.C.C.J., 3939 Roosevelt Boulevard, P1atter Information, Inc.; Social P1anninglPolicy & Jacksonville, FL 32205·3056. Development Abstracts (SOPODA); Social Work 5. Mary Sue Koeppel. Abstracts; Sociological Abstracts (SA); Studios 7. ISSN 0735-7885. on Woman Abstracts; Women Studies Abstracts; 8. LC 84·647165; sn 82-7891. Women's Studios Index. 9. OClC 8981808. 12. "This timely journal enhances the knowledge of a 10. Madison. wide variety of professionals who are concerned 11. American Humanities Index; Index of American with the health snd wall-being of women 8S they Periodical Verse; Poem Finder. age. In order to deliver quality care and services 12. "The purpose of Kalliope is to offer support and to older women, practitioners, researchers, and encouragement to women in the arts, to promote educators need access to the most current the pursuit of excellence in both verbsl and visusl information--informstion that they csn find in tho art forms, and to provide a medium of Journal of Women & Aging." communication through which women artists may share their work, ideas and opinions." JOURNAL OF WOMEN ANO REUOION 1. 1981. lAYA: FEMINIST QUARTERLY 2. Annual. 1. 1992. 3. Availabte only with membership, Which includes 2. 4/yesr. monthly mailings and a bibliography of women 3. $35 tindiv., North), $15 (indiv., South): $50 and religion. Subscription/membership rates: $20 (inst. North), $25 (lnst., South), Philippines: (student/low income), $35 (indiv.), $50 (lnst.), P20Q-·matte paper, P120·-newsprint tindiv.). Single copies: $3.50. 4. P.O. Box 4386, Manila 2800, Philippines. 4. c/o Center for Women & Religion, Graduate 5. Eden Corcuera Casareno, Managing Editor. Theological Union, 2400 Ridge Rd., Berkeley, CA 6. #35 Scout Dalgado St., Roxas District, 1103 94709. Quezon City, Philippines. 5. Kathryn Poethig. 7. ISSNOI17-4134. 7. ISSN 0888-5821. 10. Madison. 8. lC 8n82-20870. 11. Alternative Press Index; University Microfilms, 9. OClC 7883189. Ann Arbor, MI. 10. Madison: Oshkosh. 12. Laya soeks "to promote gender consciousness; to 11. Wornon's Studies Index. develop and refine the concept and 12. "Each Journal's focus differs. We have covered understanding of the feminist movement: to areas such as women & power, women & publish studies on women's conditions and peace." experiences, and articles on the theory of women's liberation." JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S HISTORY 1. 1989. lEOACY 2. 4/year. 1. 1984. 3. $35 (indiv), $60 (lnst.). Add $12.50 for foreign 2. 2/year. postage. Single copies: $11.75 (indiv.), $21. 75 3. $12 (students), $20 (indiv.), $30 (inst.). Foreign: (inst.). $23 (indiv.), $35 linst.). Single copies: $9. 4. Journals Manager, Indiana University Press, 601 4. Journals Dept., Penn State Press, Suite C, N. Morton St., Bloomington, IN 47404. Barbara Bldg., 820 N. Vniv. Dr., University Park, 5. Christie Farnham, Joan Hoff PA 16802. 6. Dept. of History/Bsllantine Hall 742, Indiana 5. Martha Ackmann, Karen Dandurand, Susan K. University, Bloomington, IN 47405. Harris. 7. IS8N 1042-7981. 8. Karen Dandurand, Dept. of English, Indiana 8. lC 8n89-8827. University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA 15705 9. OClC 19219902. (manuscript submissions and information for 10. Eau Claire; La Crosse; Madison; Milwaukee; "Notes and auories"); Martha Ackmann, Oshkosh; Parkside: River Falls; Stevens Point: Women's Studies Dept., Mount Holyoke Collego, Whitewater. South Hadley, MA 01075 ("Profiles"). 11. Alternative Press Index; Historical Abstracts: 7. ISSN 0748-4321. Women's Studies Abstracts; Women's Studies 8. LC sc84-2143: sn84·8795. Index. 9. OClC 10881450. 12. International women's history. 10. Madison. 11. Abstracts of English Studies: America: History and Life; American Literary Scholarship; Book KAlUOPE: A JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S ART Review Index; Book Reviews in the Humanities; ,. 1979. Information America: lSI; Literary Criticism 2. 3/year. Register; MLA International Bibliography; xv i .

Recently Published Articles -- American History College, P.O. Box 3153, Manila, Philippines. Association; Women Studies Abstraots. 7. ISSN0117-343X. 12. ~ explores the rioh and diverse traditions 10. Madieon, of American women's writing, offering esssys in 12. "b!!.! publishes studies and articles on women and oriticism, biography, literary history and women's isaues in the Asia Pacific region." bibliography, as well as reprints of texts: scope includes women writers from the beginnings LILITH MAOAZINE through the first decades of the twentieth 1. 1976. century." 2. 4/year. 3. $18 (indiv.L $24 (inst.). Single copies: $5.00. LESBIAN CONmADICnON: A JOURNAL OF IRREVERENT Add $6 postage (Canada), $8 for other foreign FEMINISM postage. 1. 1982-83. 4. Lilith Subscription Services, Box 3000, Dept. L1L, 2. 4/year. Denville, NJ 07834 3. $10 (indiv.), free for women prisoners. Single 5. Susan Weidman Schneider. copies: $2.50. 6. 250 West 57th St., New York, NY 10107. 4. LesCon, 584 Castro St., Suite 356, San 7. ISSN 0146-2334. Francisco, CA 94114. 8. LC 83-640809: sc77-511. 5. Jan Adams, Rebecca Gordon, Angie Fa. 9. OCLC 2694720. 9. OCLC 11086337. 10. Madison: Milwaukee: State Historical Society. 11. Alternative Press Index. 11. Index to Jewish Periodicals~ Univ. Microfilms, 12. LesCon aims to print lively, thoughtful, Ann Arbor, MI; Women's Studies Index. controversial, and/or humorous writing and 12. Lilith "addresses women's issues from a feminist graphics that contribute to the development of a perspeotive within the Jewish community, and is deeper, more inclusive feminist vision. No fiction, a Jewish voioe in the general women's no poetry; no "news" or items of purely local movement." interest. Non-lesbians are welcome to submit work; LasCon is "women only," not "lesbian LOLAPRESS only." 1. 1994. 2. 2/yesr. LESBIAN ETHIC8 3. U.S. & Australia: $25; Europe: 20 OM; Eastern 1. 1984. Europe: $15 U.S.; Latin America: $10 U.S.; 2. 1-2/year. Afrioa: $10 U.S.; Asia: $20. 3. 3 iuues: $14 lindiv.), $18 (inst.). $16 (foreign 4. U.S.lEurope/Africa/Asia: LOLApress Berlin, indiv., surface), $24 (foreign indiv., air), $20 Friedriohstr, 165,0·10117 Berlin, Germany; Latin (foreign inst., surface), $28 (foreign inst., air). America: lOLApress Montevideo, Eduardo Single copies: $5. Acevedo 1320 Apt. 102, 11200 Montevideo, 4. P.O. Box 4723, Albuquerque, NM 87196. Uruguay; Afrioa: LOLA press Windhoek, P.O. Box 5. Fox. 11402, Windhoek, Namibia. 7. ISSN 8755-5352. 5. Pro-Revista e.V. 8. LC .n94-1726. 6. LOLApresa Berlin, Friedriohstr. 165, 0-10117 9. OCLC 11337345. Berlin, Germany, or LOLApress Montevideo, 10. Madison. Eduardo Acevedo 1320 Apt. 102, 11200 11. Women's Studies Index. Montevideo, Uruguay. 12. "A journal of lesbian feminist ethics and 12. LOLA press focuses on women, feminism, and philosophy, with a focus on how lesbians behave developmental politics. with each other." MS. MAGAZINE THE LESBIAN REVIEW OF BOOKS 1. Ms. Magazine: 1972..1989; Ms. Magazine: 1. 1994. 1990. 2. 4/year. 2. 6/year. 3. US: $12; Canada: $25 Cdn.; UK: £14; Germany: 3. $45, $52 (foreign, surface), $88 (foreign, air 36 OM: Australia: $22 Aus. mail). Back issues: $9 (prepaid). 4. P.O. Box 6369, Altadena, CA 91001. 4. Ms.Magazine, P.O. Box 57131, Boulder, CO 5. Loralee MacPike. 80322-7132. 7. ISSN 1077-5684. 5. Marcia Ann Gillespie. 8. sn94-2763. 6. 230 Park Ave., 7th Floor, New York, NY 10169. 9. OCLC 30835592. 7. ISSN 0047-8318. 10. Madison. 8. LC sn90-1205 12. The Lesbian Review of Books publishes "reviews 9. OCLC 22202699. of books by, for, and about lesbians." 10. Eau Claire; Fond du Lao; Green Bay; La Crosse; Madison; Marinette; Milwaukee; Oshkosh; LILA: ASIA PACIFIC WOMEN'S STUDIES JOURNAL Parkside; Platteville; Richland Co.; River Falls; 1. 1992, Stout; Superior; Washington Co.; Whitewater. 2. 2/year. 11. Book Review Index; Women Studies Abstracts; 3. 120 U.S. Women's Studies Index. 4. Institute of Women's Studies, St. Scholastica's 12, "Ms.. The World of Women is a bimonthly, mass xv i i •

circulation magazine (now free of advertising) TOOey's mission is to return midwifery care to its covering international and national IU.S.) news, rightful position in the family; to make midwifery the arts, books, popular culture, feminist theory care the norm throughout the world: and to and scholarship, ecofeminism, women's health, redefine midwifery as a vital partnership with spirituality, and political and economic affaira; women." .M.!.:. also publishes fiction, poetry, photo essays, and cartoons." MINERVA: QUARTERLY REPORT ON WOMEN AND THE MILITARY MANUSHI 1. 1983. 1. 1978/79. 2. 4/year. 2. 6/yesr. 3. $25 (students/cadets and limited income 3. $25 (indiv.), $36 (inst.). Indis, Nepal & Bhutan: (household under $15,00), $50 (indiv.), $75 Rs. 90 Ondiv.J. Rs. 120 (jnst.): Bangladesh: Rs. (inst.). 110 (indiv.), 150 (inet.); Australia: $Aus. 30: 4. Linda Grant DePauw, President, The Minerva Canada: $ean. 30: Germany: OM 40; Great Center, 20 Grenada Rd., Pasadena, MD 21122· Britain & Ireland: £15; Other European countries: 2708. $US 25: Japan: Yen 2500j New Zealand: $NZ 5. Linda Grant DePauw. $30; Pakistan & Sri Lanka: Rs. 220 Undiv .• , Rs. 7. ISSN 0736·718X. 280 (inat.): Other (Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa & 8. lC 83·644761: on83-249. Latin American countries): $US 15 (indiv.), $36 9. OClC 9201074. (all foreign inst.). Single copies $3. 10. State Historical Society. 4. C/202 Lajpat Nagar I, New Delhi· 110024, India. 11. America: History and Life: Current Military 5. Madhu Kishwar. Literature; Historical Abstracts; Women's Studies 7. ISSN 0257·7305. Index. 9. OClC 10639386. 12. Minerva provides "international interdisciplinary 11. Women's Studies Abstracts: Women's Studies coverage of service women, women veterans Index. (both military and civilian) and military wives." 12. Manushi: A Journal About Women and Society is "dedicated to social justice issues with a special NWSA JOURNAL focus on women." 1. 1988. 2. 3Jyear. 3. $30 (indiv. member), $45 Undiv.), $50 Unfit. MEDIA REPORT TO WOMEN member), $115 (inst.). Foreign, add $10 to 1. 1972. Canada, Mexico, and overseas surface. Single 2. 4/year. copy: $16 Undiv.), $40 (inst.), plus $1.75 3. $30 (indiv.), $40 (supporting), $50 (jnst.). postage. Foreign, add $10 for surface rate, $20 for air 4. Indiana University Press, 601 N. Morton St., mail postage. Single copias: $10. Bloomington, IN 47404~3797. 4. Communication Research Associates, Inc., 5. Patrocinio Schweickart, Dept. of English, 10606 Mantz Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20903­ Hamilton Smith Hall, Univ. of New Hampshire, 1228. Ourham, NH 03824. 5. Sheila J. Gibbons. 7. ISSN 1040·0656. 7. ISSN 0145·9651. 8. LC sn88-2059. 8. lC 80-640489: '077·865. 9. OClC 18305154. 9. OClC 2360896. 10. Eau Claire; Green Bay; La Crosse; Madison; 10. Madison (Library Schoon: Marinette; Milwaukee; Milwaukee: Parkside; Whitewater. Oshkosh: Parkside. 11. America: History and Life: ERIC Clearinghouse; 11. Women Studies Abstracts: Women's Studies Historical Abstracts; The Left Index; Literary Index. Criticism Register; Sociological Abstracts; Studies 12. Madia Report to Women focuses on the on Women Abstracts: Women Studies Abstracts; "relationship between women and media, Women's Studies Index. especially journalistic coverage, depiction in 12. "Reflecting two decades of feminist scholarship news, programming and advertising, and media's emerging from and supporting the women's influence on women and girls." movement, the NWSA Journal. a scholarly publication of the National Women's Studies MIDWIFERY TODAY Associstion, publishes research which continues 1. 1987. to link feminist theory with teaching and 2. 4/year. activism. The Journal will raise critical and 3. $35. Foreign: $42 (Canada & Mexico); $47 challenging Questions in women's studies for the (other foreign); add $15 foreign air mail. Single decsdes ahead." copy: $8.75. 4. P.O. Box 2672, Eugene, OR 97402. NORA: NORDIC JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S STUDIES 5. Jen Tritten. 1. 1993. 7. ISSN 0891·7701. 2. 2/year. 8. lC .n86·2624. 3. $37 (indiv), $55 (inst.). Nordic countries: NOK 9. OClC 14991213. 210 (indiv. lSEK 230 in Sweden)), NOK 315 12. "Through networking end education, Midwifery Hnst. ISEK 340 in Sweden}); outside Scandinavia: xviii.

$37 (indiv), $55 (inst.). 2. 4/year. 4. Scandinavian University Press, P.O. Box 2959 3. $14.95 (indiv.); $24.95 (inst.). Foreign, add $4 Teyen, 0608 Oslo, Norway. postage (Canada). $7 (surface, elsewhere), $20 5. Torill Steinfeld and Hsrrlet Bjerrum Nielsen. (air mail, elsewhere). Single copies: $3.95. 6. Center for Women's Research, University of Oslo, 4. P.O. Box 3000, Dept. OTI, Denville, NJ 07834. P.O. Box 1040 Bllndern, 0315 Oslo, Norway. 5. Ronni Sandroff. 7. ISSN 0803-8740. 6. 97·77 Queens Blvd., Flushing, NY 11374-3317. 8. LC sn93-17671. 7. ISSN 0895-6014. 9. OCLC 28566695. 10. Madison; State Historical Society. 12. "l:!2!! is a new Interdisciplinary journal of 11. Alternative Press Index; Dlrectory of Women's women's studies, published in English and Media, The National Directory of Magazines, Of A international in scope, which Is to be 8 channel Like Mind Annual Directory; Women's Studies for women's research from all disciplines. Index. Emphasis is placed on showng a Nordic profile in 12. "A feminist, humanist magazine of critical women's research, with regard to both content thinking, dedicated to fostering collective and methologlcal approaches. !f2r! aims to responsibility for positive social change." discuss and examine the realities and myths of women's lives in the Nordic countries, historically PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S STUDIESIALAM-E­ and today, while at the same time offering a NISWAN forum for theoretical debate, dialogue end 1. 1994. Information on research of a general interest to 2. 2/year. feminist scholars snd scientists. Nora 3. International: $US 30 (indiv., surface), $US 36 encourages papers that have e comparative and (indiv., air mai!); $US 36 (Inst., surface), $US 42 interdisciplinsry perspective and are theoretically (inst., air maUl; Pakistan: Pk.Rs. 250 Hndlv.), self·reflectlve." Pk.Rs. 280 (inst.). 4. C·12 Staff Town, University of Karachi, Karachi OFF OUR 8ACKS 75270, Pakistan. 1. 1970. 5. lahare Afteb. 2. 1l1year. 7, ISSN 1024-1256. 3. $21 (indlv.), $16 (school year, for students), $33 8. LC 94-930286. (inst.), $6 (trial sub..• 3 Issues), prisoners: free. 9. OCLC 31702342. Foreign: $22 (Canada & Mexico), other foreign: 11. Index Islamlcus. $30. Single copies: $2.50. 12. "Pakistan Journal of Women's Studies is an 4. off our backs. Inc., 2337 18th St., NW, Interdisciplinary journal which aims at Basement Office, Washington, DC 20009. disseminating and sharing women's studies 5. off our backs Collective. research globally. It also publishes curricula, 7. ISSN 0030-0071. course outlines, reading lists, reviews of books 8. LC .n78-1596. and films, seminar and conference reports, etc." 9. OCLC 1038241; 5729287. 10. La Crosse; Madison; Milwaukee; Oshkosh; PEACE AND FREEDOM Parkslde; Pfatteville; State Historical Society; 1. 1970. Stevens Point; Superior; Waukesha; Whitewater. 2. 6lyear. 11. Alternative Press Index; New Periodical Index; 3. $12 (indiv,), free with membership of $35 Publisher's Index (197Q-.1974)j Women Studies (indiv.L $40 (household), $50 (supporting). Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. 4. 1213 Race St., Philsdelphia, PA 19107. 12. "off our backs Is the oldest continuously 5. Wendy Rosenfield, publishing feminist publication in the United 7. ISSN 0015-90. States. It is unrivalled for the quality of its g OCLC 13148785. articles and the breadth of issues it covers: up-to­ 10. State Historical Society. date comprehensive news on abortion rights, 11. Alternative Press Index; Directory of Women's health and reproductive technology, lesbian Media; University Microfilms In Ann Arbor, MI. rights, anti·pornography actions, comparable 12. "Articles and news notes covering the worth, child care legislation; in-depth coverage of international women's peace and justice all major women's conferences in the U.S.A. plus movement. Emphasis on racism, disarmament, international conferences such as the Feminist and U.S. global Intervention, Special emphasis Bookfair, Global Reproductive Rights, Latin on using resources to fill human needs, especially American Encuentro; interviews with gra8s roots thoso of women." feminists, provocative reviews and commentaries. off our backs is open to all PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMEN QUARTERLY feminist sides of an issue, committed to full 1. 1976. factual reporting and to the development of 2. 4/year. feminist ideas in the widest possibla contaxt." 3. $42 (jndiv., U,S., Canada & Mexico), $113 (inst., U.S., Canada & Mexico); £31 lindiv., U.K, + VAT elsewhere), £77 (inst., U.K. + VAT ON THE ISSUES: THE PROORESSIVE WOMAN'S elsewhere). Single copies: $29 (U.S.); £20 (U.K. QUARTERLY + VAT elsewhere). 1. 1983. 4. Cambridge University Press, 40 West 20th St., xix.

New York, NY 10011, or C.U.P., the Edinburgh 3. £18/$30 (indiv.), £6/$10 (reduced rate for those Bldg., Shaftesbury Rd., Cambridge CB2 2RU -. primarily in developing countries .. who cannot England. afford the full rate or are unable to pay, or have 5. Nancy Felipe Russo. Ph.D. no access to, international currency), £24/$40 6. Psychology Dept., Arizona State University, Box (inst.). 871104, Tempe, AZ 85287-1104. 4. 29·35 Farringdon Rd., London, EC 1M 3JB, 7. ISSN 0361-8843. England. 8. lC 76-12952, 8076-790. 5. Marge Berer, T.K. Sundari Ravindran. 9. OClC 2529664. 7. ISSN 95·840784. 10. Eau Claire; La Crosse: Green Bay; Madison: 8. lS 95·84-784. Manitowoo; Milwaukee; Oshkoshj Parkside; 9. OClC 29940332. Platteville; Stevens Point; Stout; Suparior; 11. PopUlation Index, Waukesha; Whitewater. 12. The aim of Reproductive Health Matters is "to 11. Abstraots in Anthropology: Adolescent Mental promote laws, policies, research and services Heslth Abstraots; ASSIA: Chicorel Abstracts to that meet women's reproductive health needs Reading and Learning Disabilities; Child and support women's right to decide whether, Development Abstracts and Bibliography: Current when and how to have children.... (its) women· Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences: Current centered perspective...allows us to identify and Index to Journals in Education (CIJE); Current understand women's reproductive health needs, Literature in Family Planning, Development and and therefore evaluate and improve on existing Welfare (India); Human Resouroes Abstraots; policy and practice to women's benefit.... To Human Sexuality Update; Linguistics and this end, the journal explores what is meant by Language Behavior Abstract; Marriage and Family women's needs and how these can best be met. Review: Multicultural Education Abstractsj h addresses fundamental values, concerns and Psychological Abstracts; Research into Higher dilemmas, acknowledging the multi·faceted Education Abstracts: Sage Public Administration nature of problems and solutions. Finally, it Abstracts: Sage Urban Studies Abstracts; reflects on commonalities and differences in Selected List of Tables and Contents of goals and points of view among those involved in Psychiatric Periodicals: Social Sciences Citation the field •. in order to foster increased Index: Social Sciences Index; Social Work communication and cooperation, new thinking Research and Abstracts; Sociological Abstractsj and action, and new forms of consensus." Special Educational Needs Abstracts; Studies on Women Abstracts: Women's Studies Abstracts; RESOURCES FOR FEMINIST RESEARCH/DOCUMENTATION Women Studies Index. SUR lA RECHERCHE FEMINISTE 12. The Psychology of Women Quarterly is sponsored 1. 1979. by Division 35 of the American Psychological 2. 4/year. Association. Empirical studies, critical reviews, 3. $32.10 Cdn. (indiv., Canada), $64,20 Cdn. theoretical articles, and invited book reviews are (inst., Canada) .. GST included: $40 (indiv., published in the Quarterly.... The kinds of elsewhere), $78 (ins\., elsewhere), $26.75 problems addressed includa: psychological (student disoount rate'-include school and factors, behavioral studies, role development and student no,), change, career choica and training, management 4. RFR/DRF, O.I.S.E., 252 Bloor St. West, Toronto, variables, education, discrimination, therapeutic Ontario M5S lV6, Canada. processes, and sexuality. 5. Editorisl Board. 7. ISSN 0707-8412. RADIANCE: mE MAGAZINE FOR LARGE WOMEN 8. LC 84-841838; cn79-31948. 1. 1984. 9. OCLC 5585549. 2. 4/year. 10. Madison; Milwaukee; Stoutj Whitewater. 3. $20. Foreign: $26 (Canada), $34 (other foreign). 11. America: History and Life; American Humanities (U.S. funds only.) Index; Canadian Eduoation Index; Canadian 4. P.O. box 30246, Oakland, CA 94604. Feminist Periodicals Index: Canadian Magazine 5. Alice B. Ansfield, Catherine Taylor. Index; Canadian Periodicals Index: Historical 7. ISSN 0889-9495. Abstracts: Left Index; Ny litteratur om Kvinnor: 8. lC 86-648615. Sociological Abstracts; Women Studies 9. OClC 14104912. Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. Also available 12. "Radiance: the Magszine for Large Women, now on microfilm from Mioromedia Ltd., 20 Viotoria in its tenth year in print, is one of the nation's St., Toronto, Ontario M5C 2NO CANADA. leading rasources in the Size Acceptance 12. Abstraotsj book reviews: bibliographies; Movement. Each issue profiles dynamic large periodical resource guide. An interdisciplinary, women from all walks of life, along with articles international periodical of researoh on women and on health, media, fashion, and politics. We sex roles. document and celebrate women's growing body

acceptance in the 90s.It ROOM OF ONE'S OWN 1. 1975. REPRODUCTIVE HEALm MATTERS 2. 4/year. 1. 1993. 3. $22 (indlv., Canada), $25 (inst., Canada) (GST 2. 2/year. #R1119292421), $32 (indiv., outside Canada). xx_

$38 (inst., outside Canada), Single copies: 8. lC 75·646987. $7.50 (Canada), $8 (outside Canada). (Back 9. OClC 2243426. iS9u8s available in microform from Micromedia 10. Eau Claire; Green Bay; La Crosse; Madison: Ltd., 158 Poarl St., Toronto, Ontario, M5H 1L3, Milwaukee; Oshkosh: Parkside; Platteville; Canada.) Sheboygan~ Stevens Point; Stout; Waukesha; 4. P.O. Box 46160, Stn. Of Vancouver, B.C., Whitewater. Canada V6J 505. 11. Abstracts on Criminology and Penology; 5. Growing Room Collective. Adolescent Mental Health Abstracts; ASSIA; 7. ISSN 0316-1609. Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts; 8. lC·33152. Child Development Abstracts and Bibliography; 9. OClC 2248303. Contemporary Sociology; Current Contents; 10. Madison; Milwaukee. Current Index to Journala in Education; Excerpta 11. American Humanities Index. Medics; Family Planning Perspectives; Health 12. Room of One's Own seeks "to provide 8 forum Instrument File; Higher Education Abstracts; where new and established women writers can Human Sexuality Update; Mental Health publish their creative work." Abstracts; New Society; Preview: The Family Media Journal; Psychological Abstracts; SAOE: A SCHOLARLY JOURNAL ON 8lACK WOMEN Referativnyi Zhurnal; Sage Family Studies 1. 1984. Abstracts; School Organization snd Management 2. 2/yesr. Abstracts; Social Sciences Citation Index: Social 3. $15 (indiv.), $25 (inst.), plus $6 for foreign Work Research & Abstracts; Sociological postage. Single copy: $8. Ceases with Vol. IX Abstracts; Sociology of Education Abstracts; The no. 2, Summer 1995 (sse page 76). SIECUS Report; Studies on Women Abstracts; 4. P.O. Box 42741, Atlanta, GA 30311-0741. Women's Studies Index. 5. Patricia Bell-Scott, Beverly Guy-Sheftall. 12. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research is a forum for 7. ISSN 0741·8639. the publication of original research articles and 8. LC sn83·5428. thaoretical manuscripts concerned with the 9. OClC 10219211. underlying processes and consequences of 10. Green Bay; La Crosse: Madison: Milwaukee: gender role socialization, perceptions, and Parkside: Platteville: State Historical Society: . Topics include developmental, Stevens Point. cognitive, and social·personality factors in 11. Alternative Press Index: MLA International childhood; child-rearing practices, family Bibliography; Psychllnfo; Sociological Abstracts; organization, and parental behaviors and Women Studies Abstracts; Women's Studies attitudes; social influences (e.g., madia, schools, Index. peer group, community); acquisition, 12. "This journal is an interdisciplinary forum for maintenance, and impact of stereotypes; social discussion of issues related to Black women contexts; adulthood life stage concerns and wherever they reside. Issues include feature social policies and practices; effects of articles, interviews, profiles, documents, book contemporary social change: social, economic, reviews, and bibliographies." legal, and political systems and policies; employment and work environments; personal SAOEWOMAN MAOAZINE and interpersonal relationships; sexual preference: 1. 1986. victimization; health concerns: and research 2. 4/year. methodological issues. Submission of papers 3. $18. (19.50, California). Add $6 for foreign that address gender role socialization and postage. Single copies: $6.50. cultural, racial, ethnic, and class diversity are 4. P.O. Box 641, Point Arena, CA 95468. encouraged. The journal also publishes critical 5. Anne Newkirk Niven. reviews of research and book reviews. 7. ISSN 1068·1698. 9. OClC 16164078. SIONS: JOURNAL OF WOMEN IN CULTURE AND SOCIETY 10. Madison. 1. 1975. 12. "Celebreting the Goddess in every woman, 2. 4/year. Ssgewomsn is a gentle, uplifting msgazine of 3. $27 (students, with copy of 1.0.), $31 (indiv. women's spirituality and wisdom." NWSA members), $38 (indiv.), $100 (inst.). Add $6 for foreign postage (Csnada: add 7 % GST to SEX ROLES: A JOURNAL OF RESEARCH subscription price). Single copies: $8.50 (indiv.), 1. 1975. $25 (inst.). 2. 12/year. 4. The University of Chicago Press, Journals 3. $37.50 (indiv.), $262.50 (lnst.), $44 (foreign Division, P.O. Box 37005, Chicago, IL 60637. indiv.), $307.50 (foreign, inst.). 5. Carolyn Allen & Judith Howard. 4. Plenum Publishing Corporation, 233 Spring St., 6. Box 354345, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA New York, NY 10013. 98195. 5. Sue Rosenberg Zalk. 7. ISSN 0097-9740. 6. Ph.D. Progrsm: Social-Personality Psychology, 8. lC 75-649469. Graduate School and University Center, City 9. OClC 1362618. University of New York, 33 West 42nd St., New 10. Bsraboo; Fox VaHey; Green Bay: Eall Claire; La York, NY 10038. Crosse: Madison; Marathon Co.; Marinette Co.; 7. ISSN 0360-0025. Marshfield; Milwaukee; Oshkosh; Parkside; xx i.

Platteville; Richland; River Falls; Rock Co.; Il61801. Stevens Point; Stout; Superior; Waukesha; 7. ISSN 1072·4745. Whitewater. 6. LC 94-644139. 11. America; History and Life; American Humanitios 9. OClC 28959388. Index: Current Contents; Historicsl Abstracts; 10. Madison. Modern Language Abstracts: Psychological 11. Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences; Abstracts; Social Science Citation Index; Social International Bibliography of Periodical Literature; Science Index; Sociological Abstracts; Women Research Alert; Social SciSearch; Studies on Studies Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. Women Abstracts. 12. Feature articles; research; review esseys; reports; 12. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, book reviews; letters/comments; archival notes. State & Society "features articles on gender and social policy, citizenship, and the role of the SINiSTER WISDOM: A JOURNAL FOR THE LESBIAN fsmily: interdiscilinary, international, concerned IMAGINATION IN THE ARTS & POLITICS primarily with gender studies but also covers 1. 1976. history, sociology, political science, economics, 2. 3/year. philosophy, and law." 3. $20 (indiv.), $33 (inst.), $5(}.$200 (sustaining), $8-$12 (hardship), $25 (foreign, indiv.), $40 SOJOURNER (Canada, inst.), $46 (other foreign, inst.). Single 1. 1975. copies: $6. Free to women in prisons and mental 2. 12/year. institutions. 3. $21 Hodiv.}, $31 (inst.), free to prisoners. Add 4. P.O. Box 3252, Berkeley, CA 94703. $10 for foreign postage. Single copies: $3 ($5 5. Elana Dykewomon (Changing editors, with #55, before 1991). Available on 4·track cassette tspe to Aklba Onads-Sikwoia, Kyos Featherdancing, fot' blind and print-impaired women. and Janet Wellace). 4. 42 Seaverns Ave., Boston, MA 02130. 7. ISSN 0196-1B53. 5. Karen Kahn. B. lC B2-640638: 8n79-8096. 7. ISSN 0191·8699. 9. OClC 3451636. B. LC sn79-2799. 10. Eau Claire; Madison. 9. OClC 4656277. 11. Alternative Press Index: Directory of Women's 10. Madison; Oshkosh. Media; Women's Studies Index. 11. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI: Women 12. "A journal for thelesblan imagination in literature, Studies Abstracts. art, and political theory." 12. "Feminist social and political analysis, news, and arts/cultural coverage." S\STERSONG: WOMEN ACROSS CULTURES 1. 1992 TESS ERA 2. 3/yeer. 1. 1962. 3. $16 Undiv.}, $28 (inst.). Foreign: $24. Single 2. 2/year. copies: $6. 3. $18 Cdn. Undiv.l. $20 Cdn. (inst.); add $4 Cdn. 4. P.O. Box 7405, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. international postage. Single copies: $10. Add 5. Vel erie Stsots. $1.26 Cdn. (indiv.), $1.40 Cdn. (inst.), $.70 7. ISSN 1063-214X. Cdn. (single issues), OST. 8. LC 93-641920. 4. Tessera, c/o Jennifer Henderson, 350 Stong 9. OClC 25929461. College, York University, 4700 Keele St., North 10. Madison. York, Ontario M3J 1P3 Canada. 12. Siatersong seeks to "explore the conditions of 5. Editorial Collective: Katherine Binhemmer, Ann­ contemporsry women's lives, across cultures, Marie Gauthier, Jennifer Henderson, Lianne through literary and viaual arta." Sistersong is a Moyes. non-academic, theme journal, working with such 6. Tessera, c/o Lianne Moyes, Department d'etudes themea 8S friendship, travel, dwellings, identity, anglaises, Universite de Montreal, CP6128, work, body, memory, handwork, etc., and Succursale centre-ville, Montreal, Quebec H3C publishes fiction, poetry, journsl entries, 3J7, Canada. memoirs, experiential essays and letters, 7. ISSN 0840-4631. translations, photographs, prints, line drawings, 8. LC ce89-33801. etc. 9. OelC 20493998. 10. Madison. SOCIAL POLITICS; INTERNATIONAL STUDIES IN GENDER, 11. Canadian Women's Periodical Index (CRIAW, STATE & SOC len' Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta); MLA 1, 1994. International Bibliography. 2. 3/yesr. 12. "A bilingual (French, English) periodical, ~ 3. $22 (indiv.), $40 (inst.). Foreign: add $6 surface was begun to publish the theoretical and rate or $12 air mail postage. experimental writing of QuebaQoise and English­ 4. University of Illinois Press, 1325 South Oak St., Canadian feminiats in the form of creative and Champaign, IL 61820. critical texts that cross genre boundaries." 5. Barbara M. Hobson, Sonya Michel, Ann Shola Orloff. 13TH MOON: A FEMINIST LITERARY MAGAZINE 6. Sonya Michel, Dept. of History, 309 Gregory 1. 1973. Hall, Univ. of Illinois, 810 S. Wright St., Urbana, 2. 1Jyear. xx i i.

3. $10 (indiv.), $20 (inst.). syllabi, and resource lists are also included." 4. 13th Moon, English Dept., SUNY-Albany, Albany, NY 12222. THE TRI6UNE 5. judith E. Johnson. 1. 1976. 7. ISSN 0094·3320. 2. 4/year. 8. LC 76·647817. 3. North America: $12; Europe, Australia, New 9. OCLC 2587697. Zealand, Japan: $16. Single copies: $3. 10. Madison, Milwaukee. 4. INTC, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 11. AtTA; American Humanities Index; Index of 10017. American Periodical Verse; MLA International 5. Anne S. Walker. Bibliography; Poam Finder. 7. ISSN 0736-9779. 12. Features theoretical and critical articles, poetry, 8. LC sn83-4308. fiction, art, reviews, and translations of women's 9. OCLC 8339405. writing. "13th Moon is the oldest continuously 12. "The Tribune is a women and development published feminist literary magazine of those quarterly. It is a clearinghouse of information on founded in the 1970's revival of feminism. Its women's issues and concerns, with a focus on field of scholarship is literature and graphic art by the global south." contemporary women...." 13th Moon provides a forum for material often neglected by the larger TRIVIA: A JOURNAL OF IDEAS culture which does not bear women'a concerns in 1. 1982. mind, and by translators of foreign language 2. 2/year. literatures who overlook the work of 3. $16/3 (indiv.), $20/3 (libr. & inst.). Add $2 for contemporary women writers. It is committed to Mexico & Canada (indiv.): add $4 for other publishing the work of minority women, lesbians, international (indiv.): add $2 foreign (libr. & inst.). and women of color, and has published "...alarge Single copies: $5. aelectlon of writers who are either 'new 4. P.O. Box 9606, N. Amherst, MA 01059-9806. formalists' or experimentalists..." 5. Kay Parkhurst, Erin Rice. 7. ISSN 0736·928X. mADESWOMEN MAGAZINE: A MAGAZINE FOR WOMEN 8. LC 83-841534; sn83-1973. IN BLUE·COLLAR WORK 9. OCLC 9247235. 1. 19B1. 10. Madison; Milwaukee; Pfatteville. 2. 6/year. 11. Alternative Press Index; Women's Studies Index. 3. $35 (employed indiv. membership), $20 12. Women's and lesbian issues, predominantly non­ (unemployed indiv. membership), $50 (inst.), plus fiction, with a focus on art, $5 postage (Canada) or $10 postage (other foreign). Single copies: $4. TROUBLE AND STRIFE: A RADICAL FEMINIST MAGAZINE 4. P.O. Box 2622, Berkeley, CA 94702. 1. 1962. 5. Molly Martin. 2. 3/yesr. 7. ISSN 0739-344X. 3. £:8.50 (Britain & Ireland, indiv.), £:101$19.50 8. LC .nB3-2244. (indiv., surface worldwide), £:13/$24.50 (indiv. 9. OCLC 9726358. air mail worldwide), £:25 (inland inst.), £:35 10. State Historical Society. (overseas inst.), 12. "Tradeswomen Magazine is the only national 4. P.O. Box 8, Diss, Norfolk IP22 3XG, England. publioation about women working in 5. Editorial Collective. nontraditional blue-collar jobs. It is written and 9. OCLC 16406843 produced by tradeswomen who know their 10. Madison. subjeot first hand. We provide support to women 12. "Publication of readable and insightful articles on currently working in blue-collar jobs and areas of current concern within radical feminism. information to women considering entering the To record the history of the current wave of trades." feminism worldwide."

TRANSFORMATIONS: THE PROJECT TULSA STUDIES IN WOMEN'S LITERATURE JOURNAL 1. 1982. 1. 1990. 2. 2/year. 2. 2/year. 3. $12 (Indiv.), $14 (inst.), $10 (student), $15 3. $15 (indiv.), $40 (inst.). (foreign, indiv.l, $16 (foreign, inst). Single 4. The New Jersey Project, 315 White Hall, William copies: $7, $8 (foreign). Oklahoma residents, Paterson College, Wayne, NJ 07470. please add 8% sales tax. 5. Donna Crawley & Frances Shapiro--Skrobe. 4. TSWL, University of Tulsa, 600 South College 6. Ramapo College, Mahwah, NJ 07430. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74104-3189. 7. ISSN 1052-5017. 5. Holly A. Laird. 8. LC .194-91834. 6. Editor, TSWL, The University of Tulsa, 600 South 9. OCLC 22296121. College Ave., Tulsa, OK 74104. 12. "Transformations provides scholarly articles, both 7. ISSN 0732-7730. theoretical and practical, that help faculty at at! 8. LC sn82-3788. levels to integrate issues of gender, race, class, 9. OCLC 8426594. and culture into the curriculum. Book reviews, 10. Eau Claire; La Crosse; Madison; Oshkosh; xxiii.

Whitewater. Periodicalsj Westlaw. 11. Acedemic Abstracts (EBSCO); Book Review 12. "We established this journal to sustain and Index; Humanities Index; MLA International enlarge the forum for discussion of the impsct of Bibliography; Modern Humanities Research law on women's lives. We publish so that the Association Annual Bibliography of English best of what is thought and said about women language snd literature; Women Studies and the law is no longer ignored or relegated to a Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. 'special issue,'" 12. "Tulss Studios in Women's literature is "a scholarly journal that publishes articles, notes, THE WiSE WOMAN archival research, and reviews desling with the 1. 1980. life and work of women writers of every period 2. Quarterly. and in all languages." 3. $15. Single copy: $4. 4. 2441 Cordova St., Oakland, CA 94602. U.S.-JAPAN WOMEN'S JOURNAL: ENGLISH SUPPlEMENT 5. Ann Forfreedom. 1. 1991. 7. ISSN: 0883·119X. 2. 2/year. 8. LC sn85·7514. 3. $35 Ondiv.}, $70 (inst.). Foreign, add $3. 9. OClC 12067355. 4. 926 Bautista Ct., Palo Alto, CA 94303·4046. 10. Stae Historical Society. 5. Yoko Kawashima. 11. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI. 7. ISSN 1059-9770. 12. "The Wise Woman is a feminist journal that 8, lC 92-848350. focuses on feminist issues, Goddess lore, 9. OClC 24838451. feminist spirituality, and Feminist Witchcraft. This 12. U.S.-Japan Women's Journal focuses on journal includes women's history/herstory, news, "Japanese Women's Studies, Asian Women's analysis, critical reviews, art, poetry, photos, Studies and comparative studies of women." It cartoons by Bulbul, exclusive interviews, and fosters "the exchsnge of scholarship on women original research about witch hunts, women's and gender between the U.S., Japan and other heritage, and women today." countries." WOMAN AND EARTH tZHENSHCHINA I ZEMlIA) UNCOVERINGS 1. 1979 (Previous name: Woman and Russia). 1. 1981. 2. lIyear. 2. lIyear. 3. $10 per issue. Free copies sent to women in 3. $18, plus $2 shipping & handling; add $.75 per Russia/CIS/NIS and Eastern Europe. each additonal copy. 4. 70 Terry Road, Hartford, CT 06105. 4. American Quilt Study Group, 660 Mission St., 5. Tatyana Mamonova. Suite 400, San Francisco, CA 94105·4007. 10. Madison. 5. Virginia Gunn. 12. Woman and Earth is an "international eco­ 6. Virginia Gunn, 819 Quinby Ave., Wooster, OH feminist magazine in English and Russian." Its 44691. focus is on women (globally) and Russia and the 7, ISSN 0227·0628 (IS8N 1-877859·07-9). environment, and it also features art, music, 8. lC 81-649486. dance, poetry and fiction, as well as gender and 9. OClC 7495216. health issues. 10. Madison: State Historical Society. 11. America: History and Life: ARTBibliographiesj WOMAN OF POWER MAGAZINE Bibliography of the History of Art; Clothing and 1. 1984. Textile Arts Index; Historical Abstracts; MlA 2. 4/year. International Bibliography; Sociological Abstracts. 3. $30 (indiv.), $40 (Canada), $52 (other foreign). 12. "The purpose of Uncoverlngs is to carry out Single copies: $9. AQSG's mission to encourage, present, and 4. P.O. Box 2785, Orleans, MA 02653. preserve accurate research on quilts, quiltmaking 5. Charlene McKee. and related textiles, and to provide an accessible, 7. ISSN 0743·2356. enriching connaction from the past to the 8, LC sn84-9796. future." 9. OClC 10546363. 10. Madison; State Historical Society. WISCONSIN WOMEN'S lAW JOURNAL 11. Women's Studies Index 1. 1985. 12. "A journal of feminism, spirituality, and politics. 2. 2/year. An inspfring international women's quarterly that 3. $16 (indiv.), $30 (inst.). Special Nationsl features feminist visionaries and activists in each Women Law Students Assn. Conference Edition: theme-related issue." $8. 4. clo University of Wisconsin law School, 975 WOMAN'S ART JOURNAL Bascom Mell, Madison, WI 53706. 1. 1980. 5. Darcy Haber, Hayley Peterson. 2. 2/year. 8. lC 86-644116; 8n85-23805. 3. $16 (indiv.), $25 (jnsL), plus $4 surface rate or 9. OClC 12192424. $9 air rate for foreign postage. Single copies: $8. 10. Green Bay; Madison; Stevens Point; Whitewater. 4. 1711 Harris Rd., Laverock, PA 19038-7208, 11. lAC's Current Law Index; Index to Legal 5. Elsa Honig Fine. xxiv.

7. ISSN 027CJ.7993. (online and hard copy); National Criminal Justice 8. LC 8CJ.647891; .n8CJ.1207. Reference Service; PAIS Bulletin; Periodica 9. OCLC 6497652. Islamica; Sage Public Administration Abstracts; 10. Green Bay: Madison: Platteville: Stevens Point; Social Planning/Policy & Development Abstracts Superior. (SOPODA); Social Work Abstracts; Sociological 11. Art Index: Artbibliographies; Arts & Humanities Abstracts (SA); Studies on Women Abstracts; Citation Index (lSI): BHA: University Microfilrms, Violence and Abuse Abstracts; Women Studies Ann Arbor, MI; Women's Studies Index. Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. 12. Critical articlea and reviewa pertaining to women 12. "Women & Criminal Justice is the only periodical In the visual arts. "We are interested in a devoted specifically to interdisciplinary and r&-int01pretation of art history from our new international scholarly research and criminal awarenoss os women.... Woman's Art Journal Is justice practice dealing with all areaa of women a vehicle for the exchange of ideas and for and criminal justice." honest criticism." WOMEN & ENVIRONMENTS WOMEN: A CULTURAL REVIEW 1. 1976. 1. 1990. 2. 4/yoar. 2. 3/year. 3. $21.97 (indiv.l, $31.97 (inst.), plus $5 overseas 3. £21 (lndiv., U.K. & Europe), £48 (inst., U.K. & postage. Single copies: $4. Europe), $39 (Indiv., U.S. & elsewhere), $90 4. 736 Bathurst St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S (inst., U.S. & elsewhere). Single copies: £8 2R4. (Indiv., U.K. & Europe), $15 (indiv., U.S. & 5. Editorial Collective. elsewhere); £18 (lnst., U.K. & Europe): $34 7. ISSN 0229-480S. (Inst., U.S. & elsewhere). 8. LC c081-30452. 4. Journals Subscriptions Dept., Oxford University 9. OCLC 7966483. Press, Walton St., Oxford OX2 6DP United 11. Alternative Press Index, Canadian Periodical Kingdom. Index; Social Sciences Index; Women Studies 5. Isobel Armstrong and Helen Carr. Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. 6. Women: A Cultural Review, c/o Dept. of English, 12. Women & Environments provides "8 forum for Birkbeck College, Malet St., London WC1E 7HX, feminist and environmental communication on England. issues related to development, urban and rural 7. ISSN 0957-4042. planning, health, ecology, and social action." 9. OCLC 22349229. 10. Madiaon. WOMEN & HEALTH 12. "Women: A Cultural Review is a new initiative in 1. 1976. feminist thought and culture. It explores the role 2. 4/year. and representation of women in arts and culture, 3. $45 lindiv.L $190 (inst.), $225 (Iib.l. Canada: past and present, taking up the challenging add 30%. then 7% GST (GST #R1297869841. debates on sexuality and gender." outside U.S. & Canada: add 40%. 4. The Haworth Press, Inc., 10 Alice St., WOMEN & CRIMINAL JUSTICE Binghamton, NY 13904-1580. 1. 1989. 5. Jeanne M. Stellman, Ph.D. 2. 2/year, 6. School of Public Health, Columbia Univ., 600 3. $40 (Indiv), $60 (inst.), $90 Wbr. & subscription West 168th St., New York, NY 10032. agencies). Canada: add 30%. plus another 7% 7. ISSN 0363-0242. G&S tax (GS1 #R129786984); other foreign: add 8. LC 76-648355. 40%. 9. OCLC 2337206. 4. The Haworth Press, Inc., 10 Alice St., 10. Eeu Claire: Green Bay, Madison; Milwaukee; Binghamton, NY 13904. Oshkosh; Parkside; Platteville: Stevens Point; 5. Donna C. Hale, Ph.D. Whitewater. 6. Dept. of Criminel Justice. 210 Horton Hall, 11. Abstracts in Social Gerontology: Current Shippensburg Vniv., Shippensburg, PA 17257­ Literature on Aging; Academic Abstracts/CD­ 2299. ROM; Academic Search (EBSCO Database); 7. ISSN 0897-4454. Biology Digest; c/o CAB International/CAB 8. LC .n88-381. ACCESS; CINAHL; CNPIEC Reference Guide: 9. OCLC 17501958. Chinese Directory of Foreign Periodicals; Child 10. Madison, Platteville. Development Abstracts & Bibliography; Combined 11. Alternative Press Index: CNPIEC Reference Guide: Health Information Database (CHIP); Criminal Chinose National Directory of Foreign Periodicals; Justice Abstracts; Criminology, Penology and Criminal Justice Abstracts: Criminal Justice Police Science Abstracts; Excerpta Periodical Index; Criminology, Penology and Medica/Secondary Publishing Division; Family Ute Police Science Abstracts; Family Violence & Educator "Abstracts Section": General Science Sexual Assault Bulletin; IBZ: Index to Periodical Index; General Science Source (EBSCO Articles Related to law; International Bibliography database); Health Planning and Administration of Periodical Literature; INTERNET ACCESS: (HEALTH) Database; Health Promotion and Bulletin Board for Libraries, INTERNET, JANET, et Education Database; Health Source (EBSCO); al.; Inventory of Marriage and Family literature Health Source Plus (EBSCO); Higher Education xxv.

Abstracts: Hospital Literature Index: Index (indiv.), $12.50 linst.). Add $1.50 postage Medicus/MEDllNE: Index to Periodical Articles (Canada), $6 for other foreign postage. Related to Law: Industrisl Hygiene Digest; 4. Women & Performance Project, Inc., NYUITlsch Institute for Scientific Information: INTERNET School of the Arts, 721 Broadway, 6th Floor, ACCESS: Bulletin Board for Libraries. INTERNET, New York, NY 10003. JANET, et al.: Inventory of Marriage and Family 5. Editorial Coil active: Amanda Barrett, Judy Burns, Literature (online and hard copy): MasterFILE Jennifer Fink, Viii lane, Judy Rosenthal, leslie (EBSCO); Medication Use Studies (MUST) Satin. Database: Mental Health Abstracts (online 7. ISSN 0704-770X. through DIALOG): NIAAA Alcohol and Alcohol 6. LC sn83-4500. Problems Science Database (ETOH): Periodical 9. OCLC 9855579. Abstracts, Research 1: Periodical Abstracts, 10. Madison: Parkside. Research 2; Periodical Abstracts Select; 11. Alternative Press Index: The Left Index; MLA POPLlNE: Population Index: Psychological International Bibliography: Women'a Studies Abstracts (PsychINFO); Public Affairs Information Index. Service Bulletin (PAIS); Referotivnyi Zhurnal 12. "Women & Performance is a feminist journal (Abstracts Journal of the Institute of Scientific devoted to the study of theater, dance, film, InfOfmation of the Republic of Russia): Sage musio, video, ritual and performance art. It Family Studies Abstracts: Silver Platter includes discussiona of feminist aeathetics, photo Information, Ino.; Social P1anninglPolicy & essays, interviews, historioal material, reviews Development Abstracts (SOPODA); Social and scripts. 'YY.!!:f. encourages dialogue among Sciences Index; Social Work Abstracts; performers and theorists." Sociological Abstracts (SA): Studies on Women Abstraots; Women Studies Abstracts; Women's WOMEN & POLITICS Studies Index. 1. 1980. 12. Feature srtlcles: researchj bibliographiesj book 2. 4lyear. reviews: news and notes. 3. $40 (indiv.), $160 Hnst.), $200 (lib.). Canada: add 30% & then 7% G & S tax (GST WOMEN & LANGUAGE #129786984)j other foreign: add 40%. 1. 1975. 4. The Haworth Press, 10 Alice St., Binghamton, 2. 2/yeer. NY 13904·1580. 3. $10 (indiv.), $15 Unst.), $13 (indiv., Canada & 5. Janet M. Clark. Mexico), $18 (international Indiv.), $20 6. Editor, Women & Politics, Jsnet M. Clark, Dept. !international Inst.). Single copies: $6: 7 for of Political Science, West Georgia College, special issues. Add $1.50 for postage (Canada & Carrollton, GA 30118. Mexico) or $3 (other intI. mailing). 7. ISSN 0195-7732. 4. Communication Dept., George Mason Vniv., 8. lC 80-644752; sn79-8972. Fairfax, VA 22030. 9. OClC 5661577. 5. Anita Taylor. 10. La Crosse; Madison; Milwaukee; Oshkosh; River 7. \SSN 8755·4550. Falls; Whitewater. 8. LC 88·859507; .n84-1701- 11. ABC Political Science: A Bibliography of 9. OCLC 11313029. Contents: Political Science & Government; 10. Madison: Milwaukee; Oshkosh; Parkside. Academio Abstracts/CD-ROM: Academic Index 11. MLA: Women's Studies Index. (online); Aoademic Search (EBSCO); America: 12. "Women & Language is an interdisciplinary History & Life; Current legal Sociology; Historical research periodical and newsletter, associated Abstracts; IBZ International Bibliography of with the Organization for the Study of Periodical Literature: Index to Periodical Articles Communioatlon Language and Gender. which Related to law; Institute for Scientific seeks to provide a feminist forum for those Information; International political Science interested in communication, language and Abstracts; INTERNET ACCESS: Bulletin Board for gender. It raises questions on the constuction of libraries, INTERNET, JANET, et aLj MasterFILE gender and the interconnections among sex, IESSCO): PAIS Bulletin; Periodica Islamica; gender, race, cless, and heterosexual hegemony Periodical Abstracts, Research 1; Periodical with regard to symbolic communications and the Abstracts, Research 2; Political Science Impacts of masculinist communication paradigms. Abstracts; Social Planning/Policy & Development Women & Lsnguage welcomes completed Abstracts (SOPODA); Social Science Citation research, essays, personal narratives, poetry, as Index; Social Work Abstracts; Sociological well as work in progress and Information sharing Abstracts (SA); Studies on Women Abstracts; on conferences, publications. and so on. It Urban Affairs Abstracts; Women Studies includes contributions from all disciplines, and Abstractsj Women's Studies Index. particularly looks for interdisciplinary work." 12. Women & Politics is "dedicated to uniting the field of women's studies with political science, WOMEN & PERFORMANCE: A JOURNAL OF FEMINIST sociology, and psychology. Interdisciplinary in THEORY scope, the journal draws articles from a wide 1­ 1983. spectrum of methodological approaches, with a 2. 2/year. comparative perspective." 3. $14 (indiv.), $25 Hnst.). Single copies: $7 xxv i .

WOMEN & THERAPY 12. "Review of relevant books on the arts. women 1. 1982. artists and women's issues." 2. 4!year. 3. $40 (indiv.), $120 (inst,), $190 (lib.). Canada: WOMEN IN FRENCH STUDIES add 30% plus another 7% G&S tax (GST 1. 1993. #R129786984): add 40% for other foreign 2. llvear. postage. 3. $5; Women in French members: $15 for volume 4. The Haworth Press, 10 Alice St., Binghamton, and newsleUers. NY 13904-1580. 4. Women in French Studies, Colette T. Hall, 5. Ellen Cole, Esther D. Rothblum, Ph.D. Ureinus College, Collegeville, PA 19426. 6. Esther D. Rothblum, Dept. of Psychology. John 5. Colette T. Hall, Dewey Hall, Univ. of Vermont. Burlington. VT 7. ISSN 1077-825X. 05405. 11. MlA Bibliography. 7. ISSN 0270-3149. 12. Women in French Studies seeks "to publish 9. lC 82-845807; .n80-13045. research on women writing in French, on women 9. OClC 6394106. in French or Francophone cultures and other 10. Eeu Claire; Madison: Milwaukee; Oshkosh: River domains of feminist criticism." Falls; Stout; Waukesha. 11. Abstracts of Research in Pastoral Care and WOMEN IN SPORT & PHYSICAL ACTIVITY JOURNAL Counseling; Academic Abstracts/CD·ROM: 1. 1992. Academic Index (online); Alternative Press Index; 2. 2/year. Current Contents: Clinical Medicine/Life Sciences 3. $16. eCC: CM/LS) Digest of Neurology & Psychiatry; 4. Fay Klein. Business Editor, 400 Antique Bay St., Expanded Academic Index: Family Violence & las Vegas, NV 89128. Sexual Assault Bulletin; Higher Education 5. Marlene Adrian. Abstracts; Index to Periodical Articles Related to 6. 421 Sandy lane, Fort Worth, TX 76120·1717. law: INTERNET ACCESS: Bulletin Board for 7. ISSN 1063·6161. libraries, INTERNET, JANET. et al: Inventory of 8. lC 93-664159. Marriage and Family literature (online and hard 9. OClC 26085230. copy): Mental Health Abstracts (online through 12. "The purpose of Women in Sport & Physical DIALOG): PASCAL International Bibliography Activity Journal is to provide a forum for women­ T205: Sciences de I'information Documentation; centered issues and approaches to sport and Periodical Abstracts, Research 1: Periodical physical activity." Abstracts, Research 2; Psychological Abstracts (& PsycINFO): Sage Family Studies Abstracts; WOMEN'S ART MAGAZINE Social Work Abstracts; Studies on Women 1. 1983. Abstracts: Violence and Abuse Abstracts; 2. 6/year. Women Studies Abstracts: Women's Studies 3. U.S: £38 lindiv.), £53 (inst,); United Kingdom: Index. £18 (indiv,), £33 (inst.): Europe: £23 (indiv.), 12. "Women and Therapy is the only professional £43 (inst.); elsewhere: £28 surface, £38 air mail journal that focuses entirely on the complex (indiv.), £43 surface, £53 air mail (inst.). Single interrelationship between women and the copies: £2.75, or $10. therapeutic experience. The journel is devoted to 4. Women's Art library, Fulham Palace, Bishops descriptive, theoreticel, clinical, empirical, and Avenue, london SWG 6EA United Kingdom. multicultural perspectives on the topic of women 5. Heidi Reitmaier. and therapy. Women comprise the overwhelming 7. ISSN0961-1460. majority of clients in therapy. Yet there has been 9. OGlC 24481379. little emphasis on this area in the training of 11. 8RAD. SWET. therapists or in the professional literature. 12. "The magazine attempts to stimulate debate in Women & Therapy is designed to fHl this void of art history and to promote the work of women in

information." the arts. If

WOMEN ARTISTS NEWS BOOK REVIEW WOMEN'S EDUCATiON DES FEMMES 1. 1975. 1. 1982. 2. l/year. 2. 4/year. 3. $4 copy, pIus $1.50 postage. 3. $18.19 (indiv,), $32.10 (inst.J +- prices include 4. Midmarch Assocs., 300 Riverside Dr., New York. GST. NY 10025-5239. 4. CClOW/CCPEF, 47 Main St.. Toronto, Ontario, 5. Judy Seigel. Canada M4E 2V6, 7. ISSN 0149-7081. 5. Christina Starr. 8. lC 81-642200; .e78-127. 7. ISSN 0714-9786. 9. OClC 3534670. 8. lC cn83·30467. 10. Madison; Milwaukee: Parkside. 9. OClC 9457228. 11. Alternative Press Index: Art Index (England); 10. Madison. H.W. Wilaon Co. Index (print & electronic); 11. Alternative Press Index; Canadian Women's International Reperatory of the literature of Art; Periodicals Index. RllA. 12. "To provide a feminist perspective on the world xxvii.

of learning and education in Canada through WIN News serves the general public, institutions articles, interviews, book reviews, and and organizations by transmitting internationally commentaries and to facilitate exchange and information about women and women's groups." dialogue between learnera and practitioners across tho country." WOMEN'S RESEARCH NETWORK NEWS 1. 1966. WOMEN'S HEAL1M JOURNAL 2. 4/year. 1. 1967. 3. Women's Research Network News only: $35, 2. 4/yoar. Women's Research Network News and ~ 3. $40. Quarterly (see above): $50 (indiv.), $100 (insL). 4. Casilla Postal 50610, Santiago 1, ChUe. 4. National Council for Research on Women, 530 5. Lozak Shsllat. Broedway, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10012. 12. Women's Health Journal aima "to promote 5. Lorraine Kenny. women's health and quality of lifo; to promote 7. ISSN 1072·1770. women's rights, especially their reproductive and 9. OCLC 23208599.

s~xual rights. II 12. "To disseminate news about and promote the visibility of research, policy, and educationsl WOMEN'S HISTORY REVIEW resources on women in the U.S. and 1. 1992. internationally. " 2. 4/yesr. 3. $52 (Indiv.), $130 (Inst.). THE WOMEN'S REVIEW OF BOOKS 4. Triangle Journals Ltd., P.O. Box 65, Wallingford, 1. 1963. Oxfordshire OX10 OYG United Kingdom. 2. 11/year. 5. June Purvis. 3. $20 (indiv.), $35 (inst.). Add $5 surface; $20 air 6. Or. June Purvis, School of Social & Historical rate for foreign postage. Single copies $3. Studies, University of Portsmouth, Milldam Site, 4. Wellesley College Center for Research on Burnsby Rd., Portsmouth POl 3AS United Women, 828 Washington St., Wellesley, MA Kin(ldom; for North America: Dr. Phillippa Levine, 02161-6255. Dept. of History, U.S.C., Los Angeles, CA 5. Linda Gardiner. 9OO89j for book reviews: Prof. Penny 7. ISSN 0738-1433. Summerfield, Centre for Women's Studies, 8. LC s083·9538. Lsncaster Uolv., Lancaster LA 1 4YL United 9. OCLC 9529447. KJf1lJdom. 10. Green Bay; Madison; Milwaukee; Parkside; 7. ISSN 0961-2025. Platteville; River Falls; Stevens Point; Superior; 6. LC 8n92-25164. Whitewater. 9. OCLC 25943276. 11. Alternative Press Index; American Humanities 10. Madison. Index; Book Review Index; Left Index; Univ. 11. America: History and Life; British Humanities Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI; Women's Studies Index; Current Contents: Arts & Humanities; Index. Historical Abstracts; Studies on Women 12. "In-depth review of current books, in all fields, by Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. and/or about women." 12. Women's History Review "publishes contributions from a range of disciplines (women's studies, WOMEN'S RIGHTS LAW REPORTER history, sociology, cultural studies, literature, 1. 1970. political science, anthropology and philosophy) 2. 4/year. that further feminist knowledge and debate about 3. $15 (students), $20 (indiv.), $40 (inst.). Add $6 women and/or gender relations in history. The for foreign postage. Single copies: $6 (indiv.), time span covered by the journal includes the $12 (lnst.). twentieth century as well as earlier times." 4. 15 Washington St., Newark, NJ 07102. 5. Isiris Isaac, Meeta Gamande. WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NETWORK NEWS (WIN 7. ISSN 0065-6269. NEWS) 8. LC 74-647333. 1. 1975. 9. OCLC 1795617. 2. 4/year. 10. Eau Claire; Green Bay; Madison; Milwaukee. 3. $30 (indiv.), $40 (inst.). Foreign subscribers pay 11. Alternative Press Index; Current Law Index; Index postage: $4 (surface), $10 (air maill. Single to Legal Periodicals; Legal Contents; Legal copies: $5. Resource Index: Public Affairs Information 4. 187 Grant St., Lexington, MA 02173. Service (PAIS); Sociological Abstracts; Women 5. Fran P. Hosken. Studios Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. Also 7. ISSN 0145·7965. available on microfilm from University Microfilms, 6. LC 77·641756. Ann Arbor, MI. 9. OCLC 2694733. 12. Full-length and feature articles, comments, 10. Madison; Milwaukee; Oshkosh; Whitewater. review essays, book reviews and bibliographies 12. "WIN News is a worldwide, open, participatory on all areas of the law affecting women's rights communication system by, for, and about women and sex discrimination. of all backgrounds, beliefs, nationalities and age groups. Dedidcated to women's development, xxviii.

WOMEN'S STUDIES: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL communication, the mass media, and rhetoric." 1. 1972. 2. 6lvear. WOMEN'S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM 3. ECU 30, U.S. $35 (indiv. Society rate, incl. MLA 1. 1978. membera), ECU 91, U.S. $118 (lndiv. whose 2. 6lvear. library subscribes or for whom journal is for their 3. $75 (indiv., North, Central, and South America), own use & provide home address); institutions: £47 (indiv., elsewhere), $303 (inst., North, "Please write for details or contact your Central, and South Americal, £190 (inst., subscription agent," Outside Europe & U.S.: elsewhere). (Sterling prices exclude VAT.) contact publisher. "Members of the National Women's Studies 4. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, clo STBS Assoc. may order personal subscriptions at a Ltd., P.O. Box 90, Reading, Berkshire RGl 8Jl concessional rate; details of these rates are U.K" or P.O. Box 786 Coopar Station, New York, available upon request." NY 10276. 4. Elsevier Scienco, Inc., 660 White Plains Rd., 5. Wendy Martin. Tarrytown, NY 10591; or Headington Hill Hall, 6. Wendy Martin, Dept. of English, Claremont Oxford OX3 oaw England. Graduate School, McManus Hall, 170 E. Tenth 5. Christine Zmroczek, Managing Editor. St., Claremont, CA 91711-6163. 6. Dept. of Women's Studies, Roehampton Institute, 7. ISSN 0049·7878. Southlands Collage, Wimbledon Parkside, london 8. lC 74·641303. SW19 5NN, England. 9. OClC 1791887. 7. ISSN 0277·5395. 10. Eau Claire; Green Bay; Madison; Milwaukee: 6. lC 62-643363; sn81-1570, Oshkosh; Parksido; Platteville; Stevens Point; 9. OClC 7590245. Whitewater. 10. Eau Claire; Madison; Milwaukee; Oshkosh; 11. Abstracts in Anthropologv; Abstracts of Popular Parkside; Stevens Point; Whitewater. Culture; Communication Abstracts; Humanities 11. Alternetive Press Index; America: History and Index; lSI Current Contents; International Ufe; Annotated Guide to Women's Periodicals on Bibllographv of the Social Sciences; Soclel the U.S. and Canada; US/Canada; ASSIA; British Science Citattion Index; Studies on Women Humanities Index; Current Contents: Social and Abstracts: Women Studies Abstracts. Behavioral Sciences; Current Contents: Social 12. "Women's Studies provides a forum for the Sciences Citation Index; Expanded Academic presentation of scholarship and criticism about Index; Familv Studies Abstracts; Film literature women in the fields of literature, history, art, Index; Historical Abstracts; PsychiNFO: sociologV, law, political science, economics, Psychological Abstracts; Research Alert; anthropologv and the sciences." Also includes Sociological Abstracts; Studies on Women poetry. Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. 12. Research communications: review articles; book WOMEN'S STUDIES IN COMMUNiCATION reviews. The journal strives to reflect the 1. 1977, multidisciplinary, international field of women's 2. 2/year. studies, both inside and out of academia. It also 3. $15 (student), $25 (indiv.), $40 (inst.). Single aims to acknowledge cultural differences and at copies: $10. the same tim a to encourage an international 4. For regularlstudent subscriptions: Belle Edson, exchange based on a shared feminist framework. Dept. of Communicstion, Arizons State University, Box 871205, Tempe, AZ 85267­ WOMEN'S STUDIES QUARTERLY 1205. For institutional subscriptions and single 1. 1981. (Previous IV published as Women's Studies copies: Karen Rasmussen, Institutional Subscriber Newsletter, established 1972.) Coordinator, Women's Studies in Communication, 2. 21vear (double issues). Dept. of Speech Communication, CSU-long 3. $25 (indiv.), $35 (inst.). Add $10 for foreign Beach, 1250 Bellflower Blvd., long Beach, CA postage. 90840. 4. Circulation Manager, The Feminist Press at the 5. Sharon D. Downev. City University of New York, 311 East 94th 6. Sharon Downey, Chair, Dept, of Speech Street, New York, NY 10128. Communication, California State University, long 5. Florence Howe. Beach, 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, CA 7. ISSN 0732·1562. 90940. 6. lC sc82·7058; sn82-20062. 7. ISSN 6749·1409. 9. OCle 7367695. 8. lC 8083·9998. 10. Baraboo; Eau Claire; laCrosse; Madison; 9. OClC 8648461. Milwaukee; Oshkosh; Stevens Point; Stout; 10. Madison; Oshkosh; Parkside. Whitewater. 11. Index to Journals in Speech Communication; 11. Alternative Press Index; Women Studies Matlon; Women Studies Abstracts; Women's Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. Studies Index. 12. "Women's Studies Quarterl'{ covers recent 12. "To publish materisl related to gender and developments in women's studies and feminist communication deriving from anv perspective, education, including in-depth articles on research including interpersonal communication, small about women and current projects to transform group communication, organizational traditional curricula." xix.

WOMEN'S WRITINO 1. 1994. 2. 3/year. 3. $52 Undiv.), $120 (inst.) 4. Triangle Journals Ltd., P.O. Box 65, Wallingford, OXfordshire OX 10 OYG, United Kingdom. 5. Marie Mulvey Roberts, Janet Todd. 7. ISSN 0969-9062. 8. lC .n94-26737. 9. OClC 30983772. 12. "The aim of this international journal is to open up a forum for dialogue, discussion and debste about the work of women writing in the Elizabethan to Victorian period. The editors welcome theoretical and historical approaches, multidisciplinsry perspectivas and contributions which are concerned with gender, race, and cla88. From time to time the journal publishes special issues devoted to particular themes."

YALE JOURNAL OF lAW ANO FEMINISM 1. 1989. 2. 2/year. 3. $16 (indiv.), $12 (students--ID required), $28 (inst.). Add $10 for foreign postage. Single copias: $10 Undiv.), $8 (students), $16 (inst.). 4. P.O. Box 208215, Yale Station, 433 Temple St., New Haven CT 06520-8215. 5. Editorial collective. 7. ISSN 1043-9366. 8. lC .n89·6191. 9. OClC 19571969. 10. Madison. 11. Current law Index; Index to legal Periodicals; Infotrac. 12. "The Journal provides a forum for the snalysis of women, society, and the law. We are committed to expanding the boundaries of traditional legal discourse, and plan to publish a wide range of legal and non-legal work, including articles, fiction, criticism, poetry, and autobiography." Association for Women in Science 1


Scientific Literacy in the Science Education: 6 United States 15 The National Context by Donna ShalaJa, Ph.D. by Donna Gerardi Volume 24 The National Imperative for The Educator's Portfolio 8 Reform in the 19905 18 by Ray Shackelford, Ed.D. Number 5 b~" Jaleh Daie, Ph,D. 20 Science Education Contacts September/ 10 Checking the Rearview Mirror by Kimberly A Markert Before Driving Into the Kids & Chemistry October Year 2000 27 by Cheryl L. Marks, Ph D. by ,Vice G. Reinarz, Ph.D. 1995 Sisters Spell Success in Science 12 by Norean Radke Sharpe, Ph.D.

Of Interest:

Funding for Science and 27 Kids Komments! 26 Technology in the 104th Congress or Judith A. Bany. Ph.D National AWlS:

P~esiaent's Column AWlS Celebrates The First 2 b~' renelope 24 25 Years .'.-egei-Flom, Ph.D. b.~· Jaleh Daie, Ph.D. Ediro(s .\ioles Chapter News 4 :-3mae Maeda Wong. Ph.D. 29 hi' Janec Joy. Ph.D. \alional News 5 :::~. Cuherine J. Didion ~Iemormq Moments 22 b.I' KimberJy A. ,Harken In Every Issue:

Honormg the Best lntormation Resources 3 C\· HaJeh V. Samiei, Ph.D. 31 Resources for Reading 4 ;"etters [0 the Ediwr Bulletin Board Grants and Awards Boot;, ReVIew Resource Order Form 28 0\' ,'.Iargarer A Hell/I: Ph.D ~Iernbership Form InternatIonal Relation<; Employment Ads 30 ~\' Domi/llque Hamberger. Ph,D. Association for Women in Science 2

FOCUS: Women in the Physical TABLE OF Sciences and Engineering CONTENTS 4 EdilOr'S Notes 12 STS Calling by Tamae Maeda Wong, Ph.D. by Taft H Broome, Jr., SC.D. Volume 24 Graduate Students; Too Many Catalytic Chemist 6 and Too Narrow? 14 by Kathleen Koman Number 6 by Matye Anne Fox, Ph.D. November/ Improving the Climate for 8 Women in Physics Oecembef brJudV Franz, Ph.D., .~lildred S. Dresselhaus, PhD. 1995 and Bunny C. Clark, Ph.D. Of Interest:

ElectiorvVoting Supplement Affirmative Action and an 17 • 1996 Executive Board 24 Opportunity to Pursue a Career Elections by Florence P. Haseltine, • Bylaws .If.D., Ph.D. National AWlS: President's Remarks AWlS Seeks Corporate Sponsors 2 b~' Penelope 25 br Jaleh Daie, Ph.D, ,l.:egei-Flom, Ph.D. ~:aljonal News Win a Trip to !he AWlS 5 b!' Catherine Jay Didion 25 25th Anniversary Celebration! Highlights from the June AWlS Chapter News 16 EX€CUliv€ Board !\'leeting 30 bV Janet JoV, Ph.D, b!' L~llne Friedmann ).!eet Incommg Presidem 23 Jaleh Oaie

In Every Issue:

Honoring the Best lnforma!ion Resources b" Halefl V. Samiei. Ph.D. 32 3 Resources for Reading Science in the Community Bulletin Board b!" Bear Preece. Ph.D. 26 Grams and Awards Book ReVieW Membership Form VI' .\Iarqarer A. ReilJ\', PhD. 28 Resource Order Form Employment Ads Association for Women in Science 3

TABLE OF FOCUS: The Fourth UN World CONTENTS Conference on Women

Back from Beijing: Women in Science Worldwide Volume 25 14 A Call for Action 21 by Kathy Michels, PhD, by Penelope Kegel-Flom, PhD Anne-Marie Schmoltner. PhD, Number I NGO Forum: Looking at the and Haleh V. Samie( PhD 16 World (and Science) An Interview with Chinese January/ through Women's Eyes 25 Physicist Prof. Xide Xie bV Kathy Michels, PhD by Shang-Fen Ren PhD and February Mentoring Workshop at the Anne-Marie Sehmo/roer, PhD 1996 18 NGO Forum Gender. Science, and Technology: by Joan Sulewski, MD 28 Platform for Action DOE Exhibit at the NGQ Forum by Kathy Michels, PhD 20 b~' Linda Cain

Of Interest:

Teaching the Majority Women in South Africa: 8 b~' Sue Rosser, PhD 29 Their Place in Science Soothing the Establishment: The by Evelyn Mauss, SeD 10 Impact of Foreign-Born Scientists Science Education and Engineers in America 31 by Donna Gerardi bi' Davia'S Norrh Systematic Reform in The Environment and the Undergraduate Science 12 Political Process Education by Denice D. Demon PhD b~' Judlrh A. Barr}', PhD

National AWlS:

President's Remarks Celebrate AWlS's First 2 b~' Jaleh Daie, PhD 7 25 Years 5 Editor's Notes Chapter News Tamae ,\!aeda Wong, PhD 36 by Janer Joy, PhD 6 National News bl' Carherine J. Didion

In Every Issue: Honoring the Best 4 Information Resources bi' HalelJ V. Samiei, PhD 38 Resources for Reading 33 Book Review br Margaret A Reilly, rhO Bulletin Board 25th Anniversarv 34 International Relations Commemorative's Order Form Dominique Hornberger, rhO br Resource Order FOrm "-lembership Form Grants and Awards Employment Ads AFFILIA 4 Journal ofWomen and Social Work

Volume 11, Number 1, Spring 1996 5 In Memoriam Remembering Liane Vlda Davis Jan Hagen 8 Editorial Imagining the Impossible Carol H. Meyer Articles 11 Debunking the Myth of Progress for Women Social Work Educators MarciJl K. Petchers 39 Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse: The Case of Mormon Women KJlren E. Gerdes, Martha N. Beck, SylviJl Cowan-Hancock, and Tracey Wilkinson-Sparks 61 Women Vletnam Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Implications for Practice David H. Price and Jo Knox 76 Rural Elderly Women's Attitudes Toward Professional and Governmental Assistance Sandra S. Butler and Elizabeth DePoy 95 Women, Poverty, and Welfare Reform: AChallenge to Social Workers Mary E. Swigonski 111 On the Bias FemSchool: A Work in Progress Ti,e FemSchool '95 Writing Circle 124 Book Reviews Women of Color: Integrating Ethnic and Gender Identities in Psychotherapy. By Lillian Comas-Diaz and Beverly Greene. Reviewed by Gayle f. Cox Eight Bullets: One Woman's Story ofSurviving Anti-Gay Violence. By Claudia Brenner with Hanna Ashley. Reviewed by Carol T. Thlly Subversive DiJllogues. By Laura Brown. Changing Our Minds. By Celia Kitzinger and Rachel Perkins. Reviewed by Ellyn Kaschak 130 Poetry Her OWn Choice Linda Sejfulla Charlotte S. Gray Editor's Note Edith H. Grotberg Using Anger Management for Eva L. Feindler the Prevention of Child 5 Cynthia B. White Abuse. Temisaren Ebijuwa Abortion, women and 'National 33 Development: The Nigerian Exper i ence.

Siddigjl Washi The Impact of Mother's 44 Donna Cowan Education on Indicators of R. Dale Terry ~chool Performance of First Through Third Grade Primary School Children Living in Low Soc1o-aconomic areAs in Khartoum, Sutan. Abdel Hadi Mohammed Dmer Studies in Socio-Linguistics: 56 < Prejudice (SeKiem) in Language. ?- SUINta PI tlllllber Research Notes 72 o idltor z ~l Khe;aly El Nour Study of aUddlilm ' ..ult.e 72 ? ou-kalthoum El Haj Farah Chemical CompOsition and rearla Mam,a their suitability for Juice, and Jam Processing. w C Haelll Khlcttr 841ih Egg Shell Quali~y and its Z Mlllllk Abdtt1 Att,. 9msr Influsnce on the Shelf Lif. rn , DoIllillla Ho~d it. El Hassan of Eggs, , I

Man1· ,.., T

Khadiga Balla Dmer The Effect of Peers and 77 Maoal Mahmoud Mahgoyb and Refef'el~(.';: ~f..:...... a "I) Omaima P.ohammed Ahmed Consumption Patterns; Case Rtthab Badenen Mahmo,..d Study Ahf·ad i,;niversity for Women. Tafaoul Babiker El Tinay The Follow \,JP of the Graduat.es of 18 the Sc.hool. of Or9anizationa.~ Management. Nawal Mahgoub Amin The Role of Women in Agricultura·j 79 Production. Intisar Adam Ishag Traditional Methods of Eman Mohammed Ahmed Angal Controlling Insects/ Pests of creps 80 in selected villages in Darfur State, Mona Mohammed eabike, Ahmed The use of Biogas Technology in 80 Rural Areas; A field experiment in El Abeadya Villags, Northern State. Awatif Mustafa Ahfad News Editor lman Mohamsd Ahmed Book Reviews 84 Editor Books Received VOL. 10 NO.2 December 1993 6 he hfad Journal Womell and Change

Amna E. Badri Editor's Note 1 Editor

Edith H. Grotberg Promoting Reselience in Children: A New Approach 5

Amna E. Badri AIDS And Women Edith H. Grotberg In Sudan. 15

Siddig E. Muneer The Urban Bias of Socio-Economic Development in Sudan: The Case of Women's Education. 27

Irena Knehtl Land is Democracy: Debate on Formulating of Economic Policy in the Republic of Yemen. 35

Danjuma A. Maywada Research Notes 41 Guest Editor

Iman Abugarja Mohd. Effect of Acacia Naglaa Salah Haeab Honey on The Blood El Raaoul Glucose Level and Urine Sugar of Non­ insulin . .. Dependant Diabetics. 41

Ama! Widaa Mohammed The Causes and Effects Gha!ja,Hamza Mustafa of Protein Deficiency Among Children Under Five Years of age. 41

Jamila Abdalla Mohammed The Impact of Street Food On the Public Health. 42

Marwa Taha Psychological, Social Sumia Abdel Satter and Econontic Factors Rihab Mohd. Taha Influencing Prostitution Among Women in Khartoum Province. 43 VOL. 10 NO.2 December 1993

The Ahfad Journal 7 Women and Change (continued)

Afat Rahmatalla Pioneering Women in Aisha Awad El Bsloula the Field of Journalism. 43

Nagls Nour El Din Orner Pioneering Sports Amel Mohd. Rahmatalla Women in Sudan. 44 Hanadi Ismsil Salah

Hagir Saad El Din Critical Analysis of Omsima El Kheir Ali Passenger Transport Nagla Abdel Rahman Policies and Methods Sumia El Tahir Osman in the Three Towns. 45

Amira Mustafa Khalafalla Managerial Problems Raeha Abdel Gadir Facing Medical Amal El Khsir Ali Directors: Case 9tvdy of Kh..rtoum Teaching HospItal.

Hager Ahmed Ibrahim Women In Industry in Fatima Sid Ahmed Ahmed Greater Khartoum. 46 Igbal Mubarak Hassan

IkhIas Abdel Rahman The Role of Extension Suleiman in Providing Agricultural Services for Women Farmers.. 47

Anisa Thabu Ajameng Married Women's Contribution To The Household Economy in Malakal. 47

Awatif Musw!a Ahfad News 49 Editor

Iman Mohammed Ahmed Book Revie"'s 54 Editor Books ReceIved 58 VOL 11 NO.1 June 1994 8 The hfad Journal Women and Change

Amna E,Badri Editor's Note Ed i tor 1

Gasim Badri The Impact of Cultural Edith H.Grotberg Factors on Children's Creati\'it~· 4

Sllni ta Pi tamber Women's Income Generation Shahira Osama Activities in Merowe Province. Northern State, Sudan. 16

Danjuma Maiwada Impact of Television Violence on Children and Youth. 27

Sunita Pitamber Third World Crisis and the Role of Women in adjusting to Structural Adjustment Programs in Sudan. 34

Hiam Salah El Din Research Notes 50 Editor

Ame1 Abdel Bagi The Importance of Mothers Abdel Ghaffer ~otherls Milk for Infant 50 Alawia Mohmmed EI-Hadi

Rachel D. Fu1i The Effect of Smoking on Some Quality Characteristics of Ground beef Sausage 50

Rihab E1 Tayeb Food Quality of Sudanese Staple Bread "Kisra" Prepared from different Cereals 51

Sawsan Abda1 EI-Sadig Moth~r's Attitude and Zeinab bashir EL-Malik Awareness Towards Family Planning 52

Egbal Mohamed Salim Helping Behavior Comparison Between City and Town Male , and Female. 53 San& Abdel Rahman Society's Attitude Towards Aisha Mustafa Mental Retardation 54 '

Sana Salah El-Din Noah Identification on Job Performance of employees in Government and Private Organizations 55 VOL 11 NO.1 June 1994 The Ahfad Journal 9 Women and Change


Afra Gasim El-Sid Women Street Food Seller In Umbadda Area. Omdurman 56

Rogaya A. Babiker Women's Perception of the Environment and Interaction With Emphasis On Water Hygiene. 57

Amira Abuzaid El-Mekki The Effect of Seasonal Water Availability on Farmer's Income Along The Atbara River Area 58

Ikhlas A/Rahman Sulieman Extension Role in Providing Agricultural Services for Women Farmers 59 Awatif Mustafa Ahfad News Editor 61 Iman Mohmmed Ahmed Book Reviews 66 Editor Books Received 71

• ):J"'-~_A.;~-;JIJ 61."...... JI VOL 11 NO (2) December 1994 10 The hfad Journal Women and Change

Atma E. Badri Editors Note 1 Editor Selaa Ahmed Nageeb The Question of Women and Environment in Sudan: Inquiries into £00­ Feminism and Feminist Environmentalism. 4 Nadia Kaaal Khalifa Reasons Behind Practicing He-circumcision among Educated Sudanese Women. 16 Farouk A/Aziz Education and the Professionals: Some aspects of innovation in Medical Education adopted by Ahfad University for Women\ 33 HaJa Kashif Bedri Political participation of Sudanese Women. 41

Hiaa Salah El Din Research Notes 50 Ilditor

Hanedi Babiker Nutrition and Social Misery as Sawsan'El Tayeb Factors of Stone Formation among Children Living in Slums Area around Omdurman. 50

Nawal Mohamed Family Planning Methods and Practices. 51

Walla Ahmed Mohd Plants Commonly Used as Medicine Abdel/Mageed by IIATTAREEN"in the Three town Spepial References to Spices.51

Suaad Talab The Effect on adolescents by Father's Migration. 52

Fadwa Hayder Psycho-social Constraints that Restrict Females from entering nursing Job in Sudan. 53

Hanan Fahmi Hamed The Importance of Play and its Psychological Effects on Pre­ School Children. 54

Limia A/Mageed Advertising and its Affect on Sales. 54 VOL 11 NO (2) December 1994 The Ahfad Journal II Women and Change (continued)

Amna Farouk Women and Aids 55 Amani Khafafalla Hai Ahmed MHheseni A/Salam


Asma Tiya Gibreel Indigenous Medicines Among Rural Women in Rural Kadugli Area Khazzan Mirri. 57 Nahid Ibrahim The Role of the Cottage Industries In the Economic Development of the Nomadic Women, 58

Amirn Daw EIBait Impact of Jabel Marra Rural Extension and Education Development. 59

Awat.if Mustafa Ahfad News 61 Edi Lor

Iman Hohd. Ahmed Book Reviews Edit.or Books Received 67 Vol 12 No.1 June 1995 12 The Ahfad Journal Women and Change

Amna E. Badri Editor's Note Editor Awatif Mustafa Girls' Education And Their Change Of Attitudes: A Case From Sudan. 4 Amna E. Badri Women and Mass Media: Shahira Osama A Critical and Analytical Study of the Portrayal of Sudanese Women in Printed Media. 24 Deborah Kasente The Gap between Gender Research and Action in Uganda. 63 Nafisa M. A. Bedri Grand Mothers Influence on Mother and Child Health. 74 Riam Salah El Din Research Notes 87 Bditor Safwa Al Hadi Mohamed Socio-Economic Status in Relation to Birth Weight. 87 Haram Omer Blhaj Psycho-social problems Magdoleen Gasam BISeed of AIDS Patients. 87 Somia Sid Ahmed Aisha Ishag Ajib Types and Aetiology of Bhsan 'Mohammed Fadlala Anaemia in Sudanese Manal Ahmed Yousif Pregnant Women. 88 Amani Osman Ssnhori Women and Deviant Nahid Ishag Rahamtalla behavior. 89 Kawther Bl Sheikh The Impact of Illegitimacy: Study of the Unwed Mothers and Illegitimate Children in Khartoum State. 89 AZZIIl Taha The Role of Physical Sarra Hamza Appearance in Job Opportunities Among Female Secretaries. 90 Vol 12 No. I June 1995 The Ahfad Journal 13 Women and Chang... (continued) Madina Mirgani Ahmed' Marketing Problems in Weaving Industry in Sudan. 91 Asma Abd Bl Atif Hamza The Development Role of the Industrial Bank of Sudan. 92 Mary Gideon Langa Bffectiveness of Community Development Officers . 92 Mona Yousif Bljack Taha The Role of Wheat Production in Food Security of Khartoum State. 93 Awatif Mohamed Babiker Study of the Bffectiveness of ParticipatorY Research in Raising Women's Awareness with Special Reference to Income Generation Activities At Bl Hamdab Town. 94

Awatif Mustafa Ahfad News 96 Bditor Iman Mohammed Ahmed Book Reviews 102 llditor Books Received 14 Australian Feminist Studies No. 22 Summer 1995

EDITORIAL ...... iii

ARTICLES Kathleen Townsend Women and Labour I Sara Ahmed Theorising Sexual Identification: Exploring the Limits of Psychoanalytic and Postmodem Models ...... 9 Alison Lewis The Art of Ventriloquism: Feminism and the Divided Self in the Works of Irmtraud Morgner ...... 31 Margaret Henderson Magical Transformations: Angela Carter's The Passion ofNew Eve and Nights at the Circus ....59 Esther Faye Psychoanalysis and the Barred Subject of Feminist History 77 Christine Everingham Individuating 'Other': Re-Defining the Citizen of the Liberal State 99 Pauline Johnson Does Poslmodem Feminism have a Future? 121

CONFERENCE REPORTS Susan Magarey Looking at the World through Women's Eyes ...... 139 Sarah letJein and Heather Brook The 5th Women and Labour Conference...... 155

REVIEWS Jennifer MacCulloch Barbara Caine and Rosemarv Prinele. eds. Transitions: New Australian'Femi;;isms ..... 161 Kylie O'Connell Peta Tait Converging Realities: Feminism in Australian Theatre 163 Chris Dew Pauline Johnson Feminism as Radical Humanism 164 Belinda Sanders Denise Russell Women, Madness and Atedicine 166 Christopher MacLean R. W. Connell .'vlasculinities 168 Robin Haines Margaret Maynard Fashioned from Penury: Dress as eU/lUral Practice in Colonial Australia 169 Carole Ferrier Joy Damousi Women Come Rally: Socia/ism. Communism and Gender in Australia. 1890-/955 171 Leigh Dale Susan Sheridan Along the Faul/lines: Sex. Race and Nmion ill Australian Women's Writing. 1880s-/930s ...... 173



2 SIGIITS UNSEEN, by Kaye Gibbans 24 BE1WEEN FRIENDS: THE CORRESPONDENCE OF RECKLESS DRIVER, by Lisa Vice HANNAH ARENDT AND MARY MCCARTHY, 1949-1975 NECESSARY LIES, by Janice Daugharty edited by Carol Brightman ... Tess Lewis AMNESTY, by Louise A. Blum IJTTLE JORDAN, by Marly Youmans 26 GALLERY OF POETS: BY LYNDA KooLISH ... Cale Harris Portraits ofJune Jordan, Judy Grahn, Adrienne Rich, Marilyn Hacker, Carolyn Forche, , 4 ANAIs NIN: ABIOGRAPHY, by Deirdre Bair Maya Mgelou, and Carolyn Kizer ... Boyd Zenner 34 SPECIAL SECTION: POETRY 5 AREBECCA HARDING DAVIS READER: Recent work by Phebe Davidson, RoseUen Brown, Annie "UFE IN THE mON-MILLS," SELECTED FICTION, DiIIsrd, Chana Bloch, Marilyn Hacker, Ruth Stone, Rachel AND ESSAYS, edited byJean Naeker HadM, Jan Beatty, Teni Brown~Davidson, Linda Lee ... Laura Hapke Harper, Kim Roberts, Ruth Dalgon, Anne F. Walker, Denise Duhamel, Kathleen Noms, Lynda Hull, Lucille 6 FIELD NOTES: ANATURE COLUMN Clifton, Crystos, and Crace Cavalieri AMERICAN WOMEN AFIELD: WRITINGS BY PIONEERING WOMEN NATURAUSTS 42 REDISCOVERY: POEMS BY EPHELlA edited by Marrkl Myers Bonia edited by Maureen E. Mulvihill MY DOUBLE UFE: MEMOIRS OF ANATURAUST, ... Janet Ruth Heller by Frances HaTTlffStrom ANOTHER WILDERNESS: NEW OUTDOOR WRITING BY 43 PICTURING US, edited by Debarah W,1bS WOMEN, edited by Susan Fox Rogers ... J. Elizabeth Bryant ... Dianne Ganz SCheper 44 BRIEFLY NOTED 8 CHOICES, by Mary Lee Seffle Fint novels by A. J. Verdelle, Pagan Kennedy,Abigaii ... Gale Harris Stone, Mary Momssy, and Melanie Sumner. New fiction by Lorrie Moore, Nina Fil2palrlck, Carolyn See, Susan 9 INTERVIEW: LUISA VALENZUELA Howatch. Alice Hoffman, Jane Smiley, Marion Zimmer ... Merilyn Jackson Bradley, and Ann B. KnOx. Plus the New Woman, the "",iewing woe.s of Erica Jong, and recent books by Belles 11 HALF AREVOLUTION: Lettres contributing editors CONTEMPORARY FICTION BY RUSSIAN WOMEN editedand tronslaled by Masha Gessen 52 UNQUIET MIND: AMEMOIR OF MOODS AND MADNESS M- Gwenan Wilbur by Kay RedfieldJamison UNDERCURRENTS: ATHERAPIST'S RECKONING WITH 12 COME AND GO, MOLLY SNOW, by Mary Ann Taylor-Hall HER OWN DEPRESSION, by MarthaWannmg ISABEL'S BED, by Elinor Lipman ... Sarah K. Ball LADDER OF YEARS, by Anne Tyler M- Joan Mooney 54 THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE, by Doris Grumbach 13 THE RELENTLESS READER WE CAME ALL THE WAY FROM ,., Acolumn by Bettina Berch; featuring Dawn Powell, CUBA SO YOU COULD DRESS Ruth Rendell & other mysterians, and children's books LIKE THIS? by Achy Obejas SlHE, by Minnie Bruce Pratt 20 INTERVIEW: MARYSE CONDE ... Viola G. Thomas ~ Deanna Kriesel




FROM THE EDITORS 3 Jewish Women and Ecofeminism LETTERS AND RESPONSES 4 Carey Glass Morris 74 My Vision of ShalomlPeace with Justice IN MEMORY Dorothy Goldiu Rosenberg ...... 80 Mary Khass "What, You're an Ecofeminist and You Don't Reeua Bemards 7 Practice Mikvah?'l Leah Moussaioff Ireue Diamoud 85 tova 9 Mayi", Chayi111 "Rosh Hashanah 1994" Susau Rothbau/ll 89 Liza Raukow 13 Fertile Ground: Women, Earth and the Limits "What Passes for Love, These Days" of Control by Irene Diamond Elizabeth Mary Larsou 14 reviewed by David Mevorach Seidenberg 90 "Ceremony" "Water Lily" and "Transplanting Lettuces 'l Youit Kosovske 16 Judith Wemer 92 JEWISH WOMEN ON LAND Pioneers and Homemakers: Jewish Women in Introduction 17 Pre-State Israel edited by Deborah Bernstein ·'I'll Tell You WhatMy People Know ofthe Land" ! reviewed by Hauuah Ashley 94 Judith Arcaua 18 Books and Resources for Further Reading.. 101 Fuu di oysyes koyekh shepu/Drawing Strength ! "You Know the Killing Fields" from the Letters Willa Schueberg 102 Elleu Rifkiu 20 In Honour of Our Grandmothers: Imprints of Nadie La Time: Land, Ecology and Nationalism Cultural Survival by George Littlechild, Aurora Levius Morales 31 Linda Spaner Dayan Frime~ Reisa Smiley Ice Skating Across California: Adventures of a Schneider and Garry Gottfriedson Roving Yid reviewed by Beth Hege 103 Hiuda 40 Jewish Cooking in America by Joan Nathan DesenHome reviewed by Elleu Garvey 107 zaua 46 Notes on Jewish Vegetarian Cooking The Lost Tribe tova 112 Thyme S. Siegel 49 BOOK REVIEW "The Woman with Israel in Her Head" Found Treasures: Stories by Yiddish Women Netta Blatt 54 Writers-edited by Frieda Forman, Ethel Working Class Words on Tenements and Gardens Raicus, Sarah Silberstein Swartz, and Merrill Black, Gail Simou, tova .... 56 Margie Wolfe "Stone on Stone" reviewed by Elaua Dykewomou .. 114 Judith Arcaua 68 "Planting" SELECTED BOOKS 123 Nadell Fishmau 69 COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD .. 125 Tu B'Shvat: A Different Women's Seder CONTRIBUTORS ,. 127 Claire Shermau 70 17

SummerlRaumati 1995 ISSUE 208 Regula's 1 COLLECTIVE COMMENT 3 YOUR WRITE 3 HERSPECTIVE 4 BROADCAST 40 NELSON NOTES 41 A SPORTING CHANCE 42 OVERAGE 43 GRIPES OF ROTH 44 AMNESTY COLUMN 64 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Fealres 7 SUBVERSIVE SUCCULENCE: Three Marslck women bring us a feminist cookery page 9 THREE WOMEN IN CONCERT: Fern Mercier Interviews three musicians 17 DOMESTIC DRAMA IN KIRIBATI: Claudia Pond Eyley Interviews Linda Warren 21 CIRCE SOCCER: Deborah Mann and Ruth Renner write about CIRCE Ii Lesbian soccer team , 23 LIBERATING EDUCATION: / Linda HIli reports Jane Thompson's visit I' 26 THE GOOD KEEN KIWI SHEILA: - Sylvia Baynes discusses women's humour , 31 NEWS FROM BEIJING: . , Brief reports from delegates to Beijing and Hualrou 36 MURDER IN THE WOMEN'S MOVEMENT: Jocelyn Logan Interviews Gillian Hanscombe 45 HANDS ON GUNN, CAMERAWOMAN: Sylvia Baynes Interviews camera operator Malri Gunn . 49 NATTERING WITH DALE SPENDER, ' . Fe Day reviews the book and talks with Dale Spender" - strokes em Art Altacks 53 TANK GIRL: Jane Marsick reviews the film 54 CAN YOU LEARN TO BE LIKE SOMEONE LIKE ME? Disney Films for Feminist Children 57 I DO, 125 YEARS OF WEDDINGS IN NEW ZEALAND: Sandra Coney's book reviewed by Usa Howard - Smith 56 TOI WAHINE: Mel HIli writes about this stunning collection by Maori women writers 60 WOMEN COMPOSERS FESTIVAL 62 SHORT STORY· LOVE A RAINY NIGHT by Glenda Laurence CALYX 18 A JOURNAL OF ART AND LITERATURE BY WOMEN

volume 16 number 2 \Vin,er 1995/1996

PROSE M. Evelina Galang 7 Her \Vifd American Se!/ Brenda Lee Buttner 40 Marv's Toes Hollis Seamon 57 GYP~ies in the Place of Pain Marcia NewfielJ 75 Linda Srein: Machete Biadl's and Bey'07ul Dee Axelrod 88 River

ART M. J. Anderson 20 Sacro~Feljce 21 Gaia '5 Last Song Aimee Bon 22 Holding Something I Cannot See 23 Resisting Something 1Cannot Hold Manya.Shapiro 24 Red Dress Carolyn Zarr 38 Antique Loveseal~Ntlclear Family 39 Antique Lollesear-Siblin.'ls 11 Sarah Teofanov 54 OUT Morner the Ear/h 55 Global Woman: The Ancestress 56 Demeter Linda Stein 77 BlMes 190 78 BlMes 198 Lynn M. Randolph 80 Alone in rhe \Vetlands of Desire 81 So? 82 Venus 83 Excessil'e Eruption POETRY Elizabeth Tibbetts 25 Fill/as Pie 26 Ordering Hens JoAnne McCarthy 28 Learning to Swim Andrea Potos 30 Yaya's Sweets Judith Arcana 31 Apple Juke Gray Davis 32 Living Alone: IVhat 1Lef' Behind Jane Bailey 34 It Is Easy To Believe in the Love of Trees 36 Visionary DdXlrah A. Miranda 48 Srories 1Tell My Daughter Claudia Van Gerven 50 Sunbonnet Sue Signs on at Three Mile Island 52 "Get Plarh Out of Your Poems!" ~'laureen Seaton 53 Sin Cunnie Voisine 67 Blue Hat Maggie Ann Grace 68 Holding Fonn Katherine Harer 70 Remembering Music Deborah Pope 72 The Call Nancy Roxburv Knutson 74 My Sisrer1in-Law DecU:1es Rachel Rose 84 Seale men! 85 Rerum to Your Skin Beverly Ball 86 We Take a \Y,!alk Afrer Dinner and Drinks Averill Curdy 87 Apricots

REVIEWS Bilt Russ 100 A Silence Opens hy Amy Clampitt Lannie Cubley 10/ The Book of Lig}n by Lucille Clifton Sandra Cookson 10J The October Palace by Jane Hirshfield Christine Schleh 105 Daih Bread by Safiya Henderson-Holmes Suzanne Kamata 107 A Long Rainy Season Edited and translated hv Le:a Lowitz, Mivuki AUy(lma, (lnd Akemi T~mioka ' nia akimbu 109 The Heinemann Book of African Women's W'n'ting Edited hy Charlotte H. Bnmer camera obscura 19 Feminism, Cultur~, and Media Studi~s /33-34 1995

Lifetime: A Cable Network "For Women" Special Issue Editor: julie D'Acci

7 Introduction by julie D'Acci

13 Once in a Lifetime: Constructing the "Working Woman" through Cable Narrowcasting by jackie Byars and Eileen R. Meehan

43 Lifetime's Feminine Psychographic Space and the" Mys­ tery Loves Company" Series by Eithne johnson

77 Veronica Clare and the New Heroine by Susan White

103 Upscale Feminine Angst: Molly Dodd, the Lifetime Cable Net­ work and Gender Marketing by Pamela Wilson

133 Feminism on Lifetime: Yuppie TV for the Nineties by jane Feuer

147 War and Remembrance: Televisual Narrative, National Mem­ ory, and China Beach by Sasha Torres

167 Stripping on the Girl Channel: Lifetime, thirtysomething, and Television Form by Laura Stempel Mumford

193 Smokin' Tokens: thirtysomething and TV's Queer Dilemma by joe Wlodarz

213 Mission Accomplished? Profits and Programming at the Net­ work for Women by Carolyn Bronstein

243 Audience Theory and Feminism: Property, Gender, and the Tele­ visual Audience by Thomas Streeter and Wendy Wahl

262 Contributors

264 Books Received 20 Canadian Journal of Women and the Law Revue Femmes et Droit

The Legalizatioll of Respollses to Violellce Against Women L 'encadremellt juridique de la violence Jaite aLL'( femmes

1995,·Volume 8 Number I/ 1995 Volume 8 numero I

v EditoriauEditorial


t10gefTribllte Bloge it la professeure Marlene Canol Tribute to Professor Marlene Cano

Dianne L. /vlartin and 3 Unkept Promises: Experiences of Jallel E. Alosher Immigrant Women With the Neo- Criminalization of Wife Abuse

S/lerene Razack 45 Domestic Violence as Gender Persecution: Policing the Borders of Nation, Race, and Gender

Josee Bouchard 89 La personne raisonnable en matiere de harcelement sexuel : une appreciation feministe

Jlllie SlIIbbs alld 122 Race, Gender, and the Battered Woman Julia Tolm;e Syndrome: An Australia Case Study

Sanda Rodgers 159 Health Care Providers and Sexual Assault: Feminist Law Refonn?

Ruth Busch. 190 The Gap: Battered \Vomen's Experience of Neville Robertsoll lind the Justice System in New Zealand Hilan' Laps/e.\'

Katherine Arnllp 223 (Des meres tout commc les aUlres» : les lesbicnnes. Ie divorce et la garde d'enfants au Canada Case Comments/Chroniques de jurisprudence

DOIIJla F. Johnson 241 QUl of the Icy Waler: Regina \. Doug/as X

Shahnaz Khan 249 Race. Gender. and Orientnlism: Mula and the Canadian Legal System

262 About the Contributors/Quelques mols sur nos collaboratrices

264 Information for Contributors

269 Renseignements generaux

273 Editorial Policy

274 Politique editoriale 21

Winter 1995 Volume 16, Number 1

Women In Central and Eastern Europe

Editorial: Women on the Pon·Communilt RoUerCOl1ncrlLes femmes da.ns let 1M1UIIptI nmtS du communiamc:

Identity and Representation 8 Tnday: Changa and Experiences by lrilW NwiIt..., 27 The Representation ofFem.ale Bodie. in Romanian Journals for Women byM.tUJiIWNkDIus

Women, Work, and Marketlzatlon Women in Rw.sia: The More Things Change the: More: Things Stay the: Same: 48 Women Under Ptrtttrot'1tA and Dol' Mo;: A Comparison of Marketization in Ruuia and Vieuwn by Ann Hilmn Kobli,. 54 Women in Ukraine:: Trends and Tendencies in the labour Market by Swrf,z1W V. KuprytUhkilW 60 Women Amid Social Traruformation: The: Dual Traruformation in Germany and its Ambivalent Consequences 64

Organizing for Change Rapporu ouvc:ru, socl~~ fc:rm~. Lcs consequences politiques de l'echec du mouvement des femmes est-allemandes par U/riM &urrJtht/ 70 Women', Aetivitm in RlWia: Loues and Gains 1989·1993 by Ytvp1f;" Issr"/y4n 75 Unapressionism? Challenges 10 the Formation ofWomen's Groups in Hungary by KAlIliin Fdum 80 How and Why Do Cuch Women Au.ocia(e~ (Ahos, Sopranos, and a Few DiKordan, Voices) by E... H.""" 85 Do Polish Women Need Feminism? Recent Activity ofthe Parliament Women's Group by Eva C. iGJrpirnki 91 F,minu, Organizing in Semi., 199()"1994 by DonlW M. Hughes.oJ Up4 MlnJjtn

(continued, next page) 22

Winter 1995 Volume 16, Number 1 (continued)

Poetry Who, 0-It Mean to Ugh, • Lampl A Belgrade Dialy .,e-.IIL Klrin 9 Rape. in BolOn .,'l,. Lifihin 14 Stefanya, A Poli&h Girl .,L,. Lifihin 21 Sadie SaY' Goodbye .,L,. Lifihin 26 Blood Flowe" bJ &uNN W.m."" 31 Pean bJ SiHI4n F_ 31 Od< '0 my Suetth Mar'" bJ Alison NtW4!J 42 She Said Oh I Know It', AIm"'t Midnight bJ L,. Lifihin 47 Dorati', Mother bJ L,. Lifihin 53 howewife bJ a..mn.. D. 1- 63 Self.lndulgen« bJ SfU4If McQJ/in 78 Iltinc

Book Reviews Womm in Ruui4: Ii Ntw ET4 in RussMn Fnninimr bJMaryAJlm 106 Th< Sp.i4.fFrttJ.m: Psyt'-fl4iY'" andhminism Aftinslfi 107 &twtm th< Fk44 and th< City: W.mm, W.rk, andFami" in RutSUt. J86J-J9J4 by1a«jW/iM M Pmugm 107 Th

Front Cover Alina Ailinca.i. "Clay Tableu." 1m x 5Ocm, 1993. Photo: Arina Ailincai

Back Cover Arina Ailincai, "Intcrgahctic." 50cm diameue, 1988. Photo: Arina Ailincai

"My point ofdtparturt is a" MSthttk mponu fq my inttllt

Anna Ai/iMai btu btfflliving in Toronro sin« 1988. Sm WaJ tht artist·in~midtn


Wanted--A Secretary for the WCML 3 Letter from the Treasurer, Diana Bowstead 3 Caucus Sessions at the December 1995 MLA Convention 5

On Recipes, Reading, and Revolution: Postboom Parody in Como agua para chocolate, Kristine L. Ibsen 7 I Brake for Feminists: Debates and Divisions within Women's Studies, Ruth Perry 21 Remarks on Attending to Early Modem Women, Virginia W. Beauchamp 35 Surviving Tokenism, Kathleen M. Balutansky 41

Regular Features Treasuerer's Report 47 NEMLA Minutes 48 Ms. Mentor 49 O~! W Announcements and Calls for Manuscripts, Papers, Proposals W Research in Progress 64 Recent Publications 64 Reporting Research in Progress and Recent Publications 67 CRITICAL 24 MATRIX VOLUME 9 NUMBER 2 1995

From the Editors Page 1

"Working on Truth": An Interview with Nell Painter Page 5

Isms Lidia Yukman Page 19

Breast-feeding, Sexual Pleasure, and Women's Rights: Mary Wollstonecrafl's Vindication Corinne Field Page 25

Poems from Uncertain Territories Nan Byrne Page 45

Unimagined Communities: Women and Education in the Late-Ottoman Empire, 1876-1909 Elizabeth B. Frierson Page 55

Mrs. Doc Warner: An Epistemological Western Deborah Meadows Page 91

A Case of Mistake!s i]n Identity: Bearing Witness to the Montreal Massacre Wendy Hui Kyong Chun Page 117

The Ideal Daughter Kelly Searsmith Page 141

Notes on Contributors Page 143

Calls for Papers Page 145

Index to Previous Issues Page 147 25

• d I f f e r e n c e s

Volume 7, Number 2

Summer 1995

JANE GALLOP 1 The Lecherous Professor: A Reading

FELICITY .-\. ~l'SSBAL'.\1 16 One Part of Womankind: Prostitution and Sexual Geography in Memoirs of a Womon of Pleasure

DANIEL BOYARI:': -/1 Homotopia: The Feminized Jewish Man and the Lives of Women in Late Antiquity

FRANCES E. DOLA.' 82 "Ridiculous Fictions": Making Distinctions in the Discourses of Witchcraft

KARl WElL /11 Romantic Exile and the Melancholia of Identification

YICENTE L. RAFAEL /27 Mimetic Subjects: Engendering Race at the Edge of Empire • • 26 emlnlsm i===+-_& C;;;....;;;.O...;.N.;..T.;;,..;;;;E...:;.N.;..T,;;...;;;,S clwlogy Volume 6, Number I, 1996


5 Edilorial Note ______ARTICLES

7 A MetalMulli-Discursive Reading of 'False Memory Syndrome' Joan SCHUMAN and Mara GALVEZ

31 Daring 10 Presume Anna LIVIA ______SPECIAL FEATURE

Representing the Other - Pan One 43 Edilor's Introduclion Sue Wilkinson 45 I. The MOlher of Invention: Necessity, Wriling and Representation Liz STANLEY 52 II. Bearing Witness: Represenling Women's Experiences of Prenatal Diagnosis Barbara Katz ROTHMAN 56 III. Waking from a Dream of Chinese Shadows Magdalene ANG-LYGATE 61 IV. Voices in Ihe Winds of Change Amanda KOTTLER 69 V. Able-Bodied Dilemmas in Teaching Disabilily Studies Deborah MARKS 74 VI. Infertilily: From 'Inside/OUl' 10 'Outside/In' Anne WOOLLETT 79 VII. Represenling Gay Men wilh HIV/AIDS Ad rian COYLE 86 VIII. The Seduction of Sameness: Similarily and Represeming Ihe Other Tracey L. HURD and Alice MciNTYRE

-----,-,..--:----:--0:-----:--:;-----:----:-:0:--:-:---:::,---;:-- SPECIAL FEATURE Mothering SOilS: A Crucial Feminist Challenge 93 Edilors' Introduction Robyn ROWLAND and Alison THOMAS Personal Accoums of Mothering Sons: 100 I. Ewan - It means 'Heart and Mind' and Heart Comes Firsl Be\' THIELE 103 II. Ram or Rambo? MOlhering a Son in a Bicullural Comext Indrani GANGULY • • emlnlSm 27 e===+-_& ..;.C....;;O..;.N----'-T..;.E;,..;;N..;..T..;;...;;;,S r:hology Volume 6, Number I, 1996


106 III. 'It's a Boy' Robyn ROWLAND III IV. Rethinking the Oedipal Complex: Why Can't I Have Babies Like Mummy? Sonia LIVINGSTONE 114 V. 'Boys Will Be Boys'? Resisting the Myth of 'Essential Masculinity' Alison THOMAS 118 VI. Circumcision: A Jewish Mother's Dilemma Zara McQUEEN 121 VII. Birthdays. Gaydays Elsie JAY 124 VIII. Working With and Against Male-Dominated Culture Arlene McLAREN 127 IX. Feminism and Mothering of Sons Louise ENDERS 130 X. 20 Years of Motherhood Anna MacGARVEY 133 XI. Male Consciousness Raising: Family Snapshots Janet SAYERS 136 XII. Memory Work: Wilderness and Holy Ground Maggie HUMM 139 XIII. Good Mother and Feminist: A Contradiction in Terms? Dorothy BROOM 142 Editors' Commentary: Pulling Together the Threads - The Way Forward Robyn ROWLAND and Alison THOMAS (eds) 28 Feminist Bookstore News I; 11:111:

Volume 18 Number 5 January/Pebruary 1996

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S VOICES Fem Books: The Feminist Store in Taiwan .17 Women in Translation ...... 23 Unspoken RUles/Global Lesbians .27 Feminist PUblishing in the Third World " .29 Heinemann's Women Writers Series ... .33 Finding the Authors, Choosing the Books .37 Women's Voices from Around the World .41 ARTICLES Bookstore News ...... 13 News/Short Stories ...... 7 Pat Barker Wins the Booker· Virago Press Sold • Charges Dropped Against ABA·2 • Court Approves InBookIWomanSource Sale to Login. Koen Launches Magazine Distribution Program • Houghton Mifflin and Penguin SeUle with ABA • Inland Bankruptcy Fallout. Clothespin Fever Closing Dewn Selling A Feminist Bookstore ...... 45 DEPARTMENTS Ad Index . 111 Announcements . .46 Back to Press & Other Good News .48 Classified Ads ...... 112 Letters ...... 5 Subscription Information .22 They Went That-A-Way .47 Writing Wanted ...... 49 THE BOOKS Art Books ... .63 Canadian Books .61 Gay Men's Lit. .67 Humor ... .54 Music News .65 Mysteries .. .57 New Media . .51 Our Own Presses .71 Publisher's Row . .99 Science Fiction . .59 Sidelines .55 Small Presses .. .77 University Presses .91 29

Feminist Collections A Quarterly of Women's Studies Resources

Volume 17, No.1, Fa" 1995

From tbe Editors ii

Book Reviews Reclaiming Our Sexuality by Suzanne C. Griffilh 1 Teaching in tbe Promised Land: Ideals and Limits on Feminist Pedagogy by Tracy McCabe 5 Figbting tbe Good Fight: Two Play Antbologies by Women by Tess Osonye Onwueme 8

Feminist Visions: Humor in a Science Video? by Cheryl Ney 12

Women and tbe Internet at lbe NGO Forum for tbe Fourtb World Conference on tbe Status ofWomen by Janice M. Bogstad 13

Arcbives 16

Feminist Publisbing 17

Wisconsin Bibliograpbies in Women's Studies 17

Computer Talk 18 Compiled by Linda Shull

New Reference Works in Women's StUdies 23 Reviewed by Phyllis Holman Weisbard

Periodical Notes 30 Compiled by Linda Shull

Items of Note 34 Compiled by Renee Beaudoin

Books Recently Received 37 30 FEMINIST STUDIES

I Volume 21, Number 3 Fall 1995

Preface 465

Susan E. Ben Ge'ndered Medical Science: Producing a 469 Drug for Women Judith Kegan Gardiner Can Ms. Prozac Talk Back? Feminism, 501 Drugs, and Social Constructionism (Review Essay) Frances Webb Four Stories: Search; A Question; 519 A Discovery; Hope (Fiction) Nancy Fried Art Essay 541 Angela Bourke Reading a Woman's Death: 553 Colonial Text and Oral Tradition in Nineteenth-Century Ireland Susan Brown Alternatives to the Missionary Position: 587 Anna Leonowens as Victorian Travel \Vriter Elaine Maria Upton Born to the Struggle, Learning to Write: 615 An Interview with Lindiwe Mabuza Lindiwe l\ilabuza For Quincy (Poetry) 628 Elaine I'vlaria Upton story; South AfricaiAzania (Poetry) 632 :\Iaxine i\Iolyneux Gendered Transitions in Eastern Europe 637 (Review Essay) Hideko Nornes Abe From Stereotype to Context: The Study of 647 Japanese 'Vomen's Speech Notes on Contributors 672 Notes and Letters 675 Publications Received 678 Feminist VDiceS'

Volume 8, Humber 9 December 9, 1995­ February I, 1996


Gender Equality: Moving Is Feminism a Movement-or Beyond the Framework of Just a BeUcf System? Can the 60'. Feminism Include Low­ by Holly Laux Income Women? by Pat Gowens 9 Get Political. Have Fun. Be an Avenger. Clouds by Ranee Zaporski by Ingrid Marie Ordal 10

Guerrilla Girls Strike Eye.1I Klckll Kneell Agalnl by X. Fayen 11

Letters 2 Book Reviews: A review of Nothing to Lose: NEWS BRIEFS 3 A Guide to Sane Living In a Larger Body Notes from a Dramatic by Kate Moran 13 Feminist By Sarah Thomas 4 Loot Bird of Wounded Knee:Splrlt o!the Lakota THE FEMINiST DANCE by Elizabeth Newcomb' 13 By Meghan Saur 4

.. Grnl Club" : Madison's NETWORK 14 Young Feminist Organization CALENDAR 15 by Amy DeBower 5 CLA8SIFIEDS 16

And So She Sold... 6-7

Her First Lady by Megan Lemke 7

YOUNG BOYS by Gabrielle Dinur-Loranger 8

An Ungrateful perspective to Bome lesbians' so-called 801uttoDs to clasoiom bv Claudine O'LearY 8 32 Feminist Voices

I IVolume 9, Number 1/2 February 2 - April 4 1996

Sworn Sisters and Marriage . Reaisters Focus on iV1irinative by Carolyn Gage 7 Action, pages 8-9 Where Are All tIle Women?: Contents Affirmative Action Needed in UW-Madison's Political NONA: Croatian \Vpmen's Science Department CenterHelpa Women by Tracy Wahl 8 Expreu and Heal from Wounds of War Are All Feminists Pro­ by Susan Soric 1 Affirmative Action? by Nadine Pelling 8 I WONDER: Unanswered Questions and Never-to-be­ Connterlng the Threat to .known Facts about Colored Affirmative Action: UW People, Negroes, Blacks Students Form Civil Rights and Mrlcan Americans Defense Coalition by Marilyn Little 1 by Erin Raether & Leigh Klonsky 9 Letters 2 And So She Said... 10 Newa Briefs 3 Ravings of a. Mad Woman Two By Award-Winning by Angel Puddin' 12 Writer Linda Hogan: Dwellings Ilo Solar Storms Of Sluts and Bastards by Cynthia Green 4 by Ranee Zaporski 13

Lesbian Space: The Right A Letter to the Women of of an Oppressed Minority Madison by Bea Loud 5 by Robin Rice 13

IM U, UR ME Network 14 by Dana Dea 6 Calendar 15 Classlfleds 16 INlROOUOTlOI 4 33 5 ABOUT THE AEW BOARD OF DIRECTORS 6 ERRATA I LmEAS






13 LOYERS Rebekkah Alexander

16 IROTHER LIMP SHIRT Donna I. Waidllow

29 THE LOGIO Of OEFERSE Theresa Smaleo

30 NIMING THE TREE Palrioia Abram

32 PAnI SMITH Lisa Ries




26 IN AREFum CAMP; EXlRAOlS fROM AOIARY Parvalhi Arasanayagam




71 SOARS OF 1I0HT I BETH OOOBIE Rilz Chow Special Thanks 5 34 From the Editor 6 Gender and Emotion in the Advocacy for Breast Cancer Informed Consent Legislation THERESA MONTINI 9 Lesbians and Doctors: Experiences of Solidarity and Domination in Health Care Settings PATRICIAE. STEVENS 24 The Problematic of "Experience": A Political and Cultural Critique of PMS SUSAN MARKENS 42 "You're Not Just in There to Do the Work": Depersonalizing Policies and the Exploitation of Home Care Workers' Labor JANE ARONSON and SHEILA M NEYSMfTII 59 Research Report Gender and Family Effects on "Second-Shift" Domestic Activity of College-Educated Young Adults 'C H. WESLEY PERKINS and DEBRA K. DBMEIS a. 78 a. ,- Book Review Essay ~'"' Women ofthe Mexican COImtryside, 1850-1990 ... edited by Heather Fowler-Salamini and Mary Kay Vaughan ~ .0" Gendered Transitions: Mexican Experiences ofImmigration ~ " by Pierrelte Hondagneu-Sotelo f-4 Patriarchy on the Une: ~ Labor, Gender, and Ideology in ~ llie Mexican Maquila Industry by Susan TIano U FRANCES ROTHSTEIN 94 Book Reviews 0 Women Prisoners: 00 AForgotten Population edited by Beverly R. Fletcher, ~ Lynda Dixon Shaver, and Dreama G. Moon Women in tlie Criminal Justice System ~ by Clarice Feinman l:> REBECCA REVIERE and VERNETTA YOUNG 98 ~ .0 El Q Z" Motliers on the Job: Maternity Policy ill 0 the U.S. Workplace by Lise Vogel Z ROBERTA SPALTER·ROTH 100 -" ~ El 71le First Slrallge Place: ~ '0" Race and Sex ill World War II Hawaii :> by Beth Bailey and David Farber JOYCE N. CHINEN 102 71leory in Its Feminist Travels: Conversations in U.S. Womens Movemellts by Katie King \\~NI BREINES 103 Gender & Society is partially supported by the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the University of Memphis Gender, Place and Culture 35

Volwne 3 Nwnber 1 1996

Sarah A, Radcliffi'. Gende-red ?\atiom: nostalgia. dl'\'dopnll'111 and (erriHll:" III Ecuador :)

Clare Leu.:is & Sterf Pill'. "'oman, Body. Space: Rio Carnival and the politics or performance 23

Alison iHurrqr & Tess Robinson. ~'Iinding Your Peers and Queers: lemale sex workers in the AIDS discourse in Australia and Somh-east .\sia -13

Elisabeth Sundin. Gender. Technology and Local Culture: tradition and transition in a Swedish municipality 61

James A. 7)ntr. Constructions of Filipina ~\ligrant Entertainers 77

R£\'IEW ARTICLE Ga)' .New York: gender. urban culture, and the making qf the gq}' mall' u.'orld. 189(}-1940 (George Chauncey The l'l'linnesota Geography Reading Group 9';

BOOK REVIEWS Researching J'~ome7l''.s Livfsfiom a Feminist Perspective (Eds ~.fary )'Ia~11ard &June Purvis,: reviewed by Annie Hughes 103

Gender in Urban ReJearch (Eds j. A. Garber & R. S. Turnerl rc\iewed by Briavel Holcomb 10';

Women and Ilork in South Asia (Eds S. Raju & D. Bagchi, re\iewed by Anoja Wickramasinghe 106

Gender and Slum Culture in lirball Asia IS. Tharbeck) reviewed by Becky Elmhirst 108

HOUSlJ.g Women (Eds R. Gilroy & R. \I'oods) reviewed byJenny Seavers 110

~J;orkerJ not ~J;a.slerJ: masculine reJpedabili~, cOllJumption and unempl' (D. Wight) reviewed by K. Housiaux 112

Gender on Ice: Ammcan ideologil'J qfpolar expedilions (Lisa Bloom} rc\iewcd by Andrew Kirby I I,

&owgical Feminism lEd. K. J. Warren) reviewed by Noel Sturgeon 116 36 Health Care for Women International

CONTENTS Volume 16 / Number 6 / 1995




Following page 600: Title Page to Volume 16 Contents of Volume 16 Author Index to Volume 16 Health Care 37 for Women International

CONTENTS Volume 17 I Number I I 1996



Letters to the Editors 2

NEWS Government Sort ofComes Out in Support ofLesbians 6 Indigenous Women Dumpon Nuclear Waste Storage 8 ImmigrationRulesAgainstWomen 10 Feminist Choirs Sing Out 13 Pharmaceutical Abortion Advances Choice 14

------FEMINISTVIEWS------24 FEATURES When Parenting is Political byMiriamTJd,IJon 15 ~j J The Power ofWriting: Deena Metzger • by HeatherCOml 20 1111\1 Backlash & False Memory , byLynCOck/!lInt 24 KitchenTrappings I I~.. I bySharonSinger 28

KAllLOO~A REVIEWS :/1 Iltf Kabloona in the Yellow Kayak l:El! ll\'i/ KA\ AK Rtviewby NelleOoJltrom 30 Music Usa Marie Serafin.Joys Dancer & Marcia Beck :; q ReviewJby Fiona Middmv 31 To be real: Changing the Face ofFeminism ReviewbyCharmagnedeV 32 Changing OurMinds: Lesbian Feminism & Psychology Revinvby LYJ SOIl/Jimne 33 WhoStoie Feminism: How Women have Betrayed Women Reviewby Peg Tillie 34

COLUMNS THE BUZZ by1rsh"dM"nji 39 BODY WISE by V"I p""pe 40 ONTHEEDGE byLynCockblint 41 COLE·SNOTESbySflJf1I1G. Cole 43 a feminist quarterly ...... e' Fallj\Vi"ter 1995 ZU< • ,s u Ii Boundaries ofFeminism

Interview with Poetry Contest When She Went Winner Amy Schutzer Poem by Pamela Gemin p. 9 IntelView 1'. 1 Interview with Lorna Simpson The ShellIngofFava Beans IntelView by Ronica Sandel~ SlIlIlcker p. 10 ~~;s~hutzer p. 1 Guidelines for Romance­ Purple Sweater A Found Poem Poem by Poem by Susan Mcl.ean 1'. 11 VIcki Reltenauer p. 3 pedalinlf, Uvingwithout Horses Poem by ~~'J.scba Bntckner p. 12 Judith Banington 1'. 3 Toyland A GoodJob Poem hy Pamela Gemin p. 12 Story by Debt Kelly-Van Cleave p. 4 Frozen Wieners: Burning Up on Re-Entry Not So Long Ago They Burned Review hy Witches at the Stake Slul/l1/(!Il Olson... . 1'. 13 Poem by Alyce Miller p. 5 OUr Stories Need to Be Told Heidi-Go-Seek Review by Sheny Lee ·· p. 14 Story by Wayne Nelsen. 1'. 6 Announcements 1'. 23 Shut Him Up Story by Contributors 1'. 23 Carolyn Altman p. 7

Mercy Story by Lynne Hugo deCourcy p. 8

Waking Up to Remember Poem by Elizabeth ClllI/llIlI 1'. 9 40 HYPATIA

VOL. 10, NO.4 FALL 1995

vii Preface Amy Mullin Selves, Diverse and Divided: Can Feminists Have Diversity Without Multiplicity! 32 Wendy Lee-Lampshire Decisions of Identity: Feminist Subjects and Grammars ofSexuality 46 Katherine Arens Between Hypatia and Beauvoir: Philosophy as Discourse 76 Ping Xu lrigaray's Mimicry and the Problem of Essentialism 90 Rosemary Keefe Curb Amazon Intertextuality and Sinuosity in Sandra Shodander's Angels of Power 104 Mary Rosner and T.R. Johnson Telling Stories: Metaphors of the Human Genome Project

Review essay 130 Megan Boler Situating the Self: Gender, Community, and Postmodernism in Contemporary Ethics by Seyla Banhabib Re-Educating the Imagination: Toward a Poetics, Politics, and Pedagogy of Literary Engagement by Deanne Bogdan

Book reviews 143 Cheryl Hall The Man Question: Visions ofS"bjeetivity in Feminist Theory by Kathy K. Fetguson lSi Susan Hekman Unbearable \Veight: Feminism, \Vestem Culwre, and the Body by Susan Bordo and Bodies That Matter by Judith Butler

157 Ewa Plonowska Ziarek Reading Kriste,,": Unraveling the Double Bind by Kelly Oliver 161 Mary Ellen Waithe Hypatia ofAlexandria by Maria Dzielska HYPATIA 41

VOL. 10, NO.4 FALL 1995



169 Claudia Card Joyce Trebilcot: Member of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Outsiders On the Occasion of the Publication of Dyke Ideas and of Her Retirement from Teaching at \X1ashington University in S.. Louis

Index to Hypatia. 1990-1995 176 Author{ntle Index. General 200 Author{ntle Index, Books Reviewed

206 Notes on Contributors 208 Guidelines {or Contributors/Call {or Papers 213 Announcements

215 Books Received 217 Recent Back Issues 42 HYPATIA SPECIAL ISSUE The Family and Feminist Theory

VOL. 11, NO.1 WINTER 1996

vii Preface 1 Ellen K. Feder and Eva Feder Kittay Inrrodl«:tion 4 Manha Minow and Mary Lyndon Shanley Relational Rights and Responsibilities: Revisiolling the Family in Liberal Political Theory and Law 30 Susan Moller akin Sexual Orientation, Gender, and Families: Dichotomizing Differences 49 Amy R. Baehr Toward a New Feminist Liberalism: akin, Rawls, and Habermas 67 Kelly Oliver Antigone's Ghost: Undoing Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit 91 Hilde Lindemann Nelson Sophie Doesn't: Families and Counterstaries ofSelf-Trust 105 Saba Bahar Human Rights Are \\'lomen's Right: Amnesty International and the Family 135 Karen Struening Feminist Challenges to the New Familialism: Lifestyle Experimentation and the Freedom of Intimate Assocation

Review Essays 155 Michele M. Moody-Adams Feminist Inquiry and the Transformation of the "Public" Sphere in Virginia Held's Feminisr Morality 168 Virginia Held Reply to Moody-Adams 175 Nkiru Nzegwu Questions of Identity and Inheritance: A Critical Review of Kwame Anthony Appiah's In My Father's House

202 Notes on Contributors 205 Guidelines for Contributors/Call for Papers 208 Announcements 21 I Books Received 2I2 Recent Back Issues ~~UME 1~ AUTUMN IOWA AN 1 9 9 5 43 COVER ART Hcnd

ARTWORK 15 Untitled Alesia lacina 27 Ginkgo Constellation Nancy l. Purington 27 The Ginkgo leaves Are Mine Nancy l. Puringlon 56 Untitled leslie Ann Gearhart 57 Untitled Ruth Keipp 71 Give Her Thorns and She'll find Roses Emily J. G. Vermillion 78 Untitled Michelle Edwards 89 Untitled Amy Sabrina 90 from Touch and levitation Jean Graham 108 Untitled Marilyn Cathcart 131 Mom's Iowa Pie Ellie Simmons 131 The Good Wolves Ellia Simmons 131 loving Cups with Sisler's Toil Ellie Simmons 151 Untitled Marilyn Cathcart 172 Untitled Sandy louise Dyos 173 Elizabeth/Divided Child Joan liffring·Zug

FEATURES 7 Raising Women's Voices Valerie Stoats 22 Portrait of on Iowa Poel; Mary Swander Reflects on Her Poetry and the Creative Process Joyce Dyer 64 One Orange for Christmas: An Interview with Meridel La Sueur Nancy Jo Hoy 145 Q & A with Jean 8erry lisa Phillips

ESSAYS / CREATIVE NONFICTION 18 Oronges and Sweet Sisler Boy Judy Ruiz 36 Ethiopia-1975 Elizabeth Robertson 54 Cricket Beth Simon 60 Madras on Rainy Days Zainab Fatima Ali 74 Flying Jo Ann Beard 82 lettuce Bouquets for a Dry Country Linda Hasselstrom 93 Wanderings Natalie Kusz 107 The Mammoth and the Buttercup Liane Ellison Norman 109 Animus Jocelyn Barlkevicius 124 Stone Women Susan Power 134 Apprenticed Dione Horton 138 Afterthoughts Jean Ervin

POETRY 8 Piece Work Alice Friman 9 Footprint lake, Canada 1985 Alice Friman 17 Aunt Emma Collected Teeth Sheryll. Nelms 28 Vinton, Iowa c.A. Carlson 34 Booting an Walden Pond Ann Struthers 35 The Kitchen of Truth and Righteousness Ann Struthers 45 Shopping Rochelle Nameraff VOLUME 15 WINTER 44 NUMBER 4 IOWA WOMAN 1995

COVER ART "Animal" Kelly Murray

PORTFOLIO 24 Hause / Home Kelly Murray

ESSAYS / CREATIVE NONFICTION IS Forgive Me liz Coile 30 Raising Ellen Connie Miller

POETRY 14 Search for Ihe Albina Deer Barbara D. lou 22 Winler Times Winler, 1875 Barbara Seaman 23 The 8argain Vear Diane Kerr 28 How We lost Ihe 8aby Sheila Sinead McGuinness 29 Not in a Mausoleum Waking Sheila Sinead McGuinness 35 Vears Kalhleen Spivack 36 Dar a luz Jackie 8arlley 40 Jadwiga Mary Ann Moran 41 First love Poem Mary Ann Moran

FICTION 7 The Angel Effect lisa Borders 37 The Greal House Diane Glancy

DEPARTMENTS 4 Foremothers: Emma Horvat Jean Florman 42 Book Reviews: June Owens on Between One Future and Ihe Next Joanne Keoton on Indiana Winter Jacinta Hart on Climbing Ihe Mississippi River Bridge by Bridge 45 Index for Volume 15 Merry Ford Smilh 48 Maxinel Comix Marion Henley 49 Contributors ~"tI'S World 45 No. 291995

Editorial 1

About The Isis - W1CCE 1994 Exchange Programme 2

Keynote Address: Exchange Programme Inauguration 5

An Aspect of Women's Health Care: Problems of Poor Women 8

The Dominant Paradigm: Primary Health Care. 13

Welfare Reform Through Birth Control 18

The Meaning of Women's Empowerment 23

The Challenge of Popular Medicines 29

Immunological Contraceptives 35

Gender Relations and Reproductive Rights 39

Women's Health In Context 42

Women's Reproductive Rights 44

Women's Health Statement 47

"Global Feminism" 45

Women's Health Statement 47

Participants in the 1994 Exchange Programme48

Isls-W1CCE Women's International Cross Cultural Exchange 49 46

Maklllg Research, Polley, alld Activism Wo,k fa, Women & Girls


Affirming Diversity Policy in Action Building a National Community We Are Family that Works 16 I Girls Report Eye Openers Minding Her Own Business: The Evidence is In: Girls Invest in Their Economic Futures The Case for Affirmative Action 18 6 Money Exchange Points ofLaw Lending More than a Helping Hand: 7 Women Business Owners Access Capital Perspectives 19 10 Bookshelf Special Report 20 Holding the Line: Californians Seize the Initiative Organizational Resources on Affirmative Action 2S 12 Sources Working Trends 27 Counting an the Nation's Women 14 Journal of Feminist Family Therapy 47 An International Forum

Volwne 7, Numbers In 1995

Introduction: Attending to Absence 1 Kathy Weingarten

Radical Listening: Challenging Cultural Betiefs for and About Mothers 7 Kathy Weingarten Story 9 Discourse 10 Sue's Story: Silencing to "Protect" a Child from Oneself 13 Connie's Story: The Irony of Powerlessness 15 Therapist Responses 16 Conclusion 21

Out of Objectification: Comment on Kathy Weingarten's "Radical Listening: Challenging Cultural Beliefs for and About Motbers" 23 Laura Benkov

Fathering Our Sons; Refathering Ourselves: Some Thoughts on Transforming Masculine Legacies 27 Terry Real TI~ D The Myth of "Masculine Identity" 29 Traditional Fathering as Psychological Violence 32 Active and Passive Abuse 34 Conclusion 40

Boys Will Be Men: A Response to Terry Real's Papel' 45 Virginia Goldner Lesbian and Gay Parenls: From Margin to Center 49 Laura Benkov Pan I: Finding an Approach to Research 50 Pan D: A Question Emerges: What Is a Family? 58 Conclusion: Research and Clinical Practice in a Changing Social Context 62

Response to Laura Benkov, "Lesbian and Gay Parents: From Margin to Center" (,S- Joan Laird A Narrative Approach to So-Called Anorexia/Bulimia 69 David Epston Fran Morris Rick Maisel Steps in the Process ofGening Free of Anorexia/Bulimia 71 Breaking the Spell of Anorexia/Bulimia 71 Turning Against Anorexia/Bulimia 75 Reclaiming a Life and Making an Appearance in It 78 Post-Liberation 80 From the Archive of the Anti-Anorexia (Bulimia) League Correspondence Between Fran Morrill and David Epston R2 (continued, next page) Journal of Feminist Family Therapy 48 An International Forum (continued) Volume 7. Numbers 1/2 1995

A Letler 10 David Epslon 97 Peggy Penn

The Discourse on Thomas v. Hill: A Resource For Perspeclives on Ihe Black Woman and Sexual Trauma 103 Jessica Henderson Daniel History of Sexual Violence 106 Race vs. Gender and the Silencing of the Black Woman 108 Social Construction of the Black Woman 110 The Reconstruction of the Black Woman 112 Case Examples 114 Conclusion 115

The HilllThomas Debale as Source For Underslanding Ihe Black Woman and Sexual Trauma: A Response 119 Elai/le Pinderl/llghes

Opening Therapy 10 COllversalions wilh a Personal God 123 Melissa Elliott Griffith The Entrapment of Knowing 125 From Certainty to Wonder 127 Conclusion 137

Response 10 "Opening Therapy 10 Conversalions wilh a Personal God" 141 Sall)'ann Roth

From Sluck Debale 10 New Conversalion on Conlroversiallssues: A Report From lhe Public Conversalions Projecl 143 Carol Becker Lallra Chasin Richard Chasin Margaret Herzig Sall)'ann Roth The Dominant Discourse in Polarized Public Debate 145 Dialogue as an Allemative 10 Polarized De hate 146 Bringing Clinical Skills to Work on Dialogue 147 Background on the Model 148 Outline of the Model 149 Guiding Objectives 151 Preparing PlU1icipants for a loumey into the New 152 Creating a Safe Context 153 Avoiding die Old Debate 154 Fostering Co-Creation of a New Conversation 155 Dialogue in Democracy 159

Commentary on "From Stuck Debale 10 New Conversalioll on Conlroversiallssues: A Report f.-om rhe Public Conversations Project" 165 MichaellVhite Journal of Feminist Family Therapy 49 An International Forum



Introduction 3 Joan Laird Robert·Jay Green

Special Double Issue Lesbians and Gays in Families: The Last Invisible Minority

Transgeneralional Homophobia in the Family: A Personal Narralive 15 Meme English

Reflections on "Transgenerational Homophobia in the Family" 29 Raben-Jay Green Joan Laird

Lesbians Choosing Children: Creating Families, Crealing Narratives 33 Cheryl Muzio

Two Moms: The Contribulion of the Planned Lesbian Family to the Deconstruction of Gendered Parenting 47 Valory Mitchell

Boundary Crealion and Maintenance in Male Couples 65 Thomas 11'. Johnson Michael S. Keren

Addressing Heterosexlst Bias in lhe Treatment of Lesbian Couples with Chemical Dependency 87 Sandra C. Anderson

Lesbian Couples and Childhood Trauma: Guidelines for TIlerapiSls 115 SllOshalla D. KerelVsky Dusty Miller

(continued, next page) Journal of Feminist Family Therapy 50 An International Forum


(continued) BOOK REVIEWS

Adoption and the Family System: Strategies for Treatment, by Miriam Reitz and Kenneth W. Watson 135 Family Bonds: Adoption and the Politics ofParenting, by Elizabeth Bartholet 135 Reviewed by Patricia Gorman

The Mother's Voice: Strengthening Intimacy in Families, by Kathy Weingarten 139 Reviewed by Thelma Jean Goodrich

The Courage to Raise Good Men, by Olga Silverstein and Beth Rashbaum 142 Reviewed by Susan J. Kraus

The Effect ofChildren on Parents, by Anne-Marie Ambet1 144 Reviewed by Joan Friebely

In Our Fifties: Voices ofMen and Women Reinventing Their lives, by William Bergquist, Elinor Greenberg and Alan Kiaum 146 Flying Solo: Single Women at Midlife, by Carol Anderson and Susan Stewart 146 Women Growing Older, edited by Barbara Turner and Lillian Troll 146 Reviewed by EI/en M. Berman

Letters of Correction and Apology 155 Journal of Gender Studies 51

Volume 4 Number 3 November 1995

Gail L. HawkfS. Dressing~Cp ~ cross-dressing and sexual dissonanct' 26]

Chris HopkifIJ. Elizabeth Bowen: realism. modernism and ge-odered idemi~· in her novels of the 19305 2i 1

Gabn"ella Lazaridis. Sexuali~' and its Cultural Construction in Rural Greece 281

Eiiem Grem & Ltwnt Cohm. ,,,,'omen's Business': afe women entrepreneurs breaking

new ground or simply balancing the demands of 'women' 50 work' in a new way? 291"

James Hanlon. The 'Sick' ',",oman: pregnancy discrimination in employment 315

Sobhlla Poona. Two Poems 325

REPORT Sheila Cunnison. Trade Unions and "'omen"s "'ay of Organising: a case from Northern Ireland 327

REVIEW ARTICLES Qilter Thea/)' (and Oscar Wilde): review essq)' by Roger Luckhurst 333

Feminism, Science and Technolog)': i"{conolable streams? by \Vendy Faulkner 3.1

BOOK RE\'1EWS Engendenng China: /L.men, culture and the SUIte (C, Gilmartin, G, Hershatter. L Refel & T. White, Eds) reviewed by Shirin Rai 3.9

CUlling Down Trees: gender. nutrition, and agn!ultural change in the JYorthml Province of Zambia, 1890--1990 (Henrietta L. Moore & Megan Vaughan! reviewed by Johan Pottier 350

The Bisexual Option (Fritz Klein), Bisexuality in the Ancient World (Eva Cantarella) reviewed by Sue George 351

Female Fetishism: a new look (Lorraine Gammon & Nlerja Makinen) reviewed by Sarah J Wilde 353

Crossing the Border: all erolic jOllmey (Kim Chemin) reviewed by Stevie Davies 354

Antisemitism, .lJisogyny, alld 1m Lagic of Cultural Difference INancy Harrowitz) reviewed by Derek Duncan 355

Shifting !dentltus-Shijiing Racisms: afeminism and pSJchology reader IKum-Kum Bhavnani

& Ann Phoenix l Eds) reviewed by Brec'hed Piette 357 (continued, next page) Journal of Gender Studies 52

Volmne 4 Number 3 November 1995 (continued) 77u l!mami(S if iRace~ and Gender-some feminist inten:entioTlS (Halch Afshar & ~lary \[aynard, Eds) rf\;ewed by Tineke E. Jansen & Garjan Sterk 358

Engmden·n.~ Business: mm and womell in Ihe corporal< '!ffice. 1870-1930 (Angel Kwolek- Follandl re,;ewed by Rosemary Pringle 359

Labollr's Dilnnma: Ihe gender politics 'If anlo u'orkas in Canada, 1937-1979 (Pamela Sugiman I, , J10men Challenging [nions: feminism. democral)' and mi/ilaJlry (Linda Briskin & Patricia \JcDennott. Eds) re,;ewed b\' Sheila Cunnison 361

Gendtr and Trade Lilions (Elizabeth Ll\\TCnce) reviewed by ~Iargaret Todd 363

Gmder Issues and Consumer Behaviour Uaneen Arnold Costa. Ed,) re\~ewed by Hazel Qureshi 364

Tourism: a gender mla{~'sis iYivian Kinnaird & Derek Hall. Eds) reviewed by Kate Purcell 365

["/lcmai" L;Iions and Brokm Lit'is: mamagf and d,l:oTa in England 1660-1857 (Lawrence Stone fc\iewed by Amanda Capern 366

fromen. Crime alld the Courts in Ear!r .\Iodem England Jenny Kennode & Garthine Walker. Eds re,;ewed by Elizabeth A. Stanko 368

77/t .'f;tage and SOfial St11lggle in Ear!)' .\Iodem England Jean E. Howard1- Gender and .-luthoritr in Sixteenth (~!ltll1)' AI/gland (.-\ruanda Shephard: re\;e\fed by Alison ~~~ ~

Class and Gmder in tarb' English Literature: intersections Britton j. Harwood & Gillian R. O,·ering. Edsi re,;ewed b,· Y.\1. O'\[ara 371

Liberating Literatlift. Feminist Fiction in Amenea .\lalia Lamet" re\lewed by Karen Kilcup Oakes 372

Publif Bodies--P,imte Stnlt'.}' Jane Brclue & Sally Rice, Ecis'! re\lewt'd by Elizabeth Chaplin 373

floml'll /i.-i,it Di,wbilities:jilllfld toias .\far:, \\'illmmh & Lillian Holcomb. Eds! re~ \icwC'ri by \ "irginia }. Iogg-ridge j 7S

Falhers and Dal/ghlers Sue Sharpe' te\;e",ed b," Sue Lees 376

Cm?JTontinl!. Rape: lhf jimini,f! anti-rapt" nlO/'fml'lII and thf Statl' :.'\ancy A. ~Iatthe\\'s re\iewed In' Susan }'[illns 377 Journal of Gender Studies 53

Volume 4 Number 3 November 1995 (continued) Singk WomfIL' on the margins? (Tuula Gordon) reviewed by Jane MiUar 378

lVomm in Pain IKaja Finkler) re"ewed by Jenny Hockey 379

Sati, the Bksrin.~ and the ClIrse: the bllming ofwives ofIndia (John Stratton Hawley, Ed.) re"ewed by Bhikku Parekh 381

Goingflr Gold: men,. mines and migration Cf. Dunbar ~.foodie & V. Ndatshe) reviewed by Angela Cheater 382

Made to PI~>' HOllse. Dolts and the Commercialization ofAmencan Girlhood, 183(}-1930 .:Vliriam Formanek-Brunelli re"ewed by Karen Kileup Oakes 38+

In a Chanot Drawn br Lions: the searchJor thefemale in dtl!y !Asphodel P. Long) re"ewed bv Audrev Dunne 385

The Discollrse ofSlmm: _·Iphra Sf/III 10 Toni MOITison I Carl Piasa & BettyJ. Ring, Eds: reviewed by John :Vlowat 386

H'omen Hhling Childbirth: modem discourses if motherhood ,Tess Cosslett) reviewed by :Vlaureen T. Reddv 387

TIle Hi/bu Cixous Reader' Susan Sellers. Ed.1 rc\i.cwed by ~Ierl Storr 388

Illegitimate Pou:er: bastards ill RmoisJollfe dramaAJison Findlay) reviewed b\' Lisa Hopkins 389


:\OTICEBO..\RD 395

:,\01'E5 0:\ CO:\-rRlBl"TORS 399

\ULL',\lE CO:'\TE.\:TS .-\.."D ..... LTHOR L"DEX TO \"QIX~IE -to 1995 Journal of 54 WOMEN &


Volume 7 Number 3 1995


FROM THE EDITOR Multiple Jeopardy or Multiple Resources? The Intersection of Age, Race, Living Arrangements, and Education Level and the Health of Older Women 5 Judith M. Hammond, PhD Caring for a Memory-Impaired Spouse: A Gender-Sensitive Perspective 25 Deborah L. O'Connor, MSW, CSW, DSW (candidate)

Women's Employment History and Their Post·Retirement Health and Resources 43 Judith H. Hibbard, DrPH

Older Unemployed Women and Job Search Activity: The Role of Social Suppon 55 John C. Rife, PhD

Long-Term Elderly Widows and Divorcees: Similarities and Differences 69 Namkee G. Chai, DSW

Ranking of Words Chosen to Describe Older Women in General and Older Female Relatives 93 Shirley A. Waskel, PhD


The Validation Breakthrough: Simple Techniques for Communicating with People with Alzheimer's·Type Dementia, by Naomi Feil 105 Reviewed by Liz Kendall

Providing Community·Based Services to the Rural Elderly, edited by John A. Krout 108 Reviewed by Linda E. Piper 55


8 THE DECEMBER DILEMMA 30 SAVING DINA 2 FROM THE EDITOR by Sandell MOISe by Jean Shikman 3 LETTERS When her jewish son's Mayflower "I may not have room in the girlfriend draws him away from his apartment. but I have room in thE 4 KOL ISHAH-NEWS OF tribe, the author suddenly won­ heart." LILITH kicks off a new JEWISH WOMEN ders, "What was in my head when occasional column--Attruists- AROUND THE WORLD Ihung up Christmas stockings for with an account of the adoption, •A Tel Av"N museum paints them when they were kids?" So 50 years ago, of a Jewish war women out ofthe picture (literal­ what's Nu? Our children, as orphan (the first child su/Vivor to ly!) and three Pennsylvania artists always, are our best teachers. make it to America). Dina Rom's mount a counter-exhibit· Sexual courageous, empathic. worlkng- hanrassment in the Israeli worlk­ class "Mom," Frieda Shikiman, is fonce • Brown U. stages a night of 12 GENDER REBELLION still doing good deeds at 88. Jewish women's POWER! • In IN YIDDISH FILM Washington, and (IT'S MORE THAN two dozen other powerbrokers 34 "LA GRANDE RACHE.l li_ VICTOR/VICTO RIAl) court women donors to the UJA THE TRAGIC MUSE OF by Eve Sku/ar 27 THE CREATIVE EDGE THE COMEDIE FRANCAISE "Trouser roles" aren't just the Arts and crafts you can order by Rachel Kadish property of Marlene Dietnch and 38 NEW & NOTEWORTHY julie Andrews. Read here about Another jewish foremother who LILITH Reviews Rachel Calofs needs reclaiming, Rachel Felix Molly Picon's popular crossdress­ Story-from Russia to Devils (1821-1858) was Europe's first ing-and what the droll. surpns­ Lake, North Dakota in 1894; Ingly subversive world of Yiddish real theatrical star. Proud of her Ruby of Cochin; Dr. Ruth's jewlShness, wntten about by film reveals. What's gender Heavenly Sex and more. anxiety got to do with JeWISh Charlotte Bronte, Virginia Wool1 anxiety?? Lots. and Henry James, painted by 42 TSENA RENA Delacroix, she scandalized LILITH's tenrific resource guide to France (no easy feat) and new projects, videos, places to 18 THE EXPLOSION IN 1\ redefined theater. volunteer, anthologies looking for JEWISH WOMEN'S )1 ( your story, and more. POPULAR MUSIC .. by Rahel Mus/eah 44 THE WAYS WE ARE: Why? How? When? And-most SPILLING OUT impOitant-who? A joumalistJ THE WINE musician surveys the scene and by Deborah Eisenba

contenido contents

En realidad no nos lIamamos LOLA 2 Our name Is not all LOLA La subjetividad femenina La teoria y la politica de Ia diferencia sexual Helke Kahler! 4 Female SUbjeclivily The "alian Theory and Politics of Sexual Difference De la costa africana a las aguas brasileras La inmigrante Iemanja Neuza Maria de Olivera 8 From the African coast to Brazilian waters The immigrantlamanja GiobaJizaci6n y politicas de ajuste en Centroamerica Marla Rosa Renzi 12 Globalization and adjustment policies In Central America Bailando con el genero Sigrid Leitner, Katharina Seifert 16 Gender Dance lAla? lAla? lFrescia? Cabildeo, tecnologi8 e in·comunicaci6n Astrid Bant 20 Hellol Hellol Frescla? Lobbying, technology and in-communication EI discurso no pronunciado Gina Vargas 22 The speech wich was not said Gracias aDios se acab6! Historias y Geografias de Beijing Sonia Correa 24 Thank God, It's overl Histories and Geographies of Beijing La elica de Ia diversidad Rebeca Sevilla 28 The Ethics of Dlversily Autopista inform~lica Steffi Engert :It Information Superhighway Poder y competencia Entrevista a Caroline Abiodl1l1·llPY~Macualey, feminista de Sierra Leona ..' _.. :';'.>J:~_ .. :~':\;.~ii:'. Power and Competence Interview with Caroline Abiodun Roy-Macauley, feminist from Sierra Leone Transfonnar la utopia en realidad Feminismo como- proyecto emancipador Maja Wicki-Vogt 40 Transforming utopia Into reality Feminism as a project of emancipation Feministas en Iran Malena Laucero 46 Feminists In Iran No es no 47 No Is no El salvador en tiempos posguerra Clara Murguialday 48 EI Salvador in post-war times No solo una imagen... PeHculas de directoras arabes de cine 52 Not only one picture... Films of Arab women directors Discutir nuestras diferencias Sunila Abeyesekera 56 Dealing wilh our differences 57


JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1996 features WOMEN OF THE YEAR: 42 Myrlie evers-Williams br Jill Pe/0' 44 Candace Gingrich by Adele M. Stan 47 Oseola McCarty by Marcia Ann Gillespie 48 Shannon Faulkner by Claudia Smith Brinson 50 Mimi Ramsey by Rita HenfeyJensen 53 Susan Sarandon by Gloria Jacobs 54 Anna Marfa Nieves by Carmela wgrorio Guerrero 56 AUllg San Suu Kyi by Gayle Kirshenbaum 58 Willow farey by Teresa Moore 61 Pre rna Mathai-Davis by Kristen Goldell 62 by 64 Marcia Clark by Kate Rounds

66 MAOE IN THE U,S,A,: ASpecial Report on Sweatshops by lie/en lia news 12 What Went Righi and Wrong at the Women's Conference in Beijing b.Y Robin Morgan 21 NEWlWATCIl 22 OPINION: Out of Step with the Million Man March by .IIi,hele Walloce 23 Good News 1995: The Year in Review 27 NEWSMAKER: Will Shih Chi-ching Be Taiwan's Next President? by Gayle Kirshenbaum 28 CLIPPINGS by Kale Round, your health 30 Having OUf Soy by Adriane Fugh·8emwfI 31 PROFilE: Debra Fraser-Howze 32 HIV Tesling: Keeping II Confidential b, lihitn,,' Walker 33 HEALTH NOTES your work 34 Blue-Collar Workers: Breaking Through the Brick Ceiling by Patty Canlrf/t 38 FIRST PERsa" Julie Randolph 39 WORK NOTES arts 74 Divas Declare a Spoken-Word Revolution br £!'t'~\'n ,!fcDollnell 79 Esther Hynemall"s Lire Studi" 80 ARISWATCII byJenrllla BaWl/gUill/fa books

86 How the West Was \Vritten 0.\ JrJ:r1 UaUlt'1I 90 RE\lEWS departments

1 EDITOR"S PAGE by J/mfia AWl Gil!i'~Dit! 4 LmfRS 7 BlUETI:i BmRD 40 POETRY: The Sad History of the Sole-Pasting Woman by ClJwrol C/;Oflg 81 (JR.\pnl\E by Julie Fe/fler 82 Flcrto:i: freitod by Ursula Hegi 92 COi\~£rrlO;;s: The Second TillH' Around by Peat! Cleage 96 GlbT ROO\1: It's a Dirty Job but Everybody's Got To Do It by £Ii:abetll CJ'. LllflkiorJ \'0 Co\l\\UiT (inSide bock cover) .,.....; 58 .'!" " .. ' . -:i,;~,~·u's . _ :; ."}{;'. . I , A Journal abou(~men.md Society

I believe that cunning is not only morally wrong bill also politically inexpedielll, and have therefore always discounte­ nanced its use even from the practical standpoint. Mahatma Gandhi

NUMBER8l March-April 1994

2. Kirin Narayan Women's Songs, Women's Lives A View from Kangra

II. Madhu Kishwar Public Interest Litigation One Slep Forward, Two Steps Backward

24. Karen Gaul Exploding Myths WomenMen & Work in a Himachal Village

30. Film Review: Raja

31. Leela Gandhi Book Review: Women's Writing in India

33. KG Kumar Poem: Debauchery

'34. Ajeet Cour Story: Bloodhounds

43. Letters to Manushi MANlJSHI 59 \." , A JOllrnal ~bhl.li1V3~~

.. We are not born equal; we become equal as members ofa group on the strength ofour decision to guarantee ourselves mutually equal rights. "

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

No. 90 September-October 1995


2. Readers Forum

5. Sita Fights While Ram Swoons A Shakta Version of the Ramayan Thomas B. Coburn

17. Rejoinder: The Rani ofJhansi Not a Reluclanl Rebel Vljaya Mulay

20. Health: Handling Childbirth A Common~sense Approach Nutan Pandit

26. Folktale: The Girl who Brought Rainseed

28. Nutrition: Amta A Concentrated Energy Source Paige Passano

31. Report: Confidential and Secret The Sardar Sarovar Project & Access to Infannaticn Shripad Dhannadhlkary

35. Book Review: Goddesses: Textual and Spiritual Sarban! Sarkar

39. T.Y. Review: Much Sound, Little Sense Sevanli Ninan

oj I. Responses to Manushi 60 I . ' ) ·,,~i<:"U: AJournal abouf~4)mehand Society

'This is myselfand this is another. ' Be free ofthis bond which encompasses you about, Andyour own selfis thereby released

Saraba's 'Treasury ofSongs'

No. 91 November-December 1995


2, Readers' Forum

5. A Himalayan Catastropbe The Controversial Tehri Dam in the Himalayas Madhu Kishwar

17. OfPirs and Pandits Tradition of Hindu·MusJim Cultural Commonalities in Orissa Frederlque Apffel·Marglin

27. Tbe Motber in tbe "Fatber of tbe Nation" Vlnay Lal

31. Nutrition: Tbe Many Uses ofMethi Paige Passano

35. Film Review: Galige In Search of an Indian Identity Renuka Viswanalhan

37. Book Review: Verse and Worse Women's Poetry fron. Writer's Workshop Ruth Vanita

39. Folk-Tale: A Wortby Daugb'ter

~1. Responses 10 Manusbi 61

Global media monitoring study released t 4 Donna Allen: free speech does not mean freedom to harm 5 Men dominate discourse on religion 6 ~ Kids speak up about TV and its shortcomings t t 8 Dilemma: Correcting media images of women 12 62

MEDIA REPORT TO WOMEN Covering all the issues concerning women and.media

Volume 24, Number 1 Wlnler1996

Women candidates still receiving less than serious coverage 4 Donna Allen: World's women ask for guidelines on portrayal 5 NY AFTRA panel hits continuing stereotyping on TV...... 6 Rising influence of women on films, TV production. For real? 7 Women, minority reporters slide into background on TV networks 12 ifery 63 -""-;;;;;;~-::;:;.p'aod ch2Q~Y OO~ On lh. 17 Predous essence. by Marie Micmk

Prematurity EssentiJlJous{orlalwrand birth. 19 Poslerlor labor. A pain In the bad< by Valerie El Halla Number 36 Ways to rorrecllhe condition with minimal inleroenlion. Winter 1995 22 Making a difference by Betty E. Walter An at-home mom is themost ctntral rolemodtl inherchild's life.

29 The role of nutrition In preterm labor by Anne Frye

Prelerm labor and inadequate malernal nutrition are linked.


6 The Night of My Labor by Linda Kemp 3 Editor's Page A humorons take-cff on the classic holiday poem. 4 Poetry 14 Death before life by fennifer Hall 7 Networking A midwife cares for a rouple wilh an intrauterine death. 15 No more cranberry juicel by Sharon Glass fonquil 10 Tricks of the Trade A teen-ager pregnant wilh twins is diagtwsed wilh pyelonephritis. 11 Marion's Message 24 Tragic histories by Candace Whitridge PremciollS communimtors Safe environments help teen-flgers open lip to caregivers. 12 Question of the Quarter 26 Slopping the cycle by O,ellisa Brown by Lani J. Rosenberger Domestic violence and teen mothers. byMarfaCadaxa 31 Prematurity by Sharon Glass 'onquil Risk factors, callSes atld treatments. 44 Media Reviews 33 Premature babes by fudy Edmunds 46 News Birth slories from a Iwmebirth midwife. 48 Journal Abstracts Too small, too soon by Valerie £1 Halta 35 49 Calendar Identifying the loo,nan at risk for prematurity. 50 Classified AdverUsing 38 Island hopping by Toni Romp-Fnesen This Hawaiian midwife has the best of both worlds. 54 In My Opinion 41 Little Btack Book by Sharon Glass 'onquil The "M" word Pre/enn labor page for your no/ebook. by Sue LaLeike 42 Weaving a web of birth information by Donn. 001"",1 Zelzer 55 Photo Album Birtll infantlalion on the World Wide Web. 43 The most supportive things by Gloria ,. Lemay Women refled 011 the things tllat helped durillg their labors. 52 Posterior or Iransverse by Marjorie Dacko We "listened in" 011 an onlille chat. 53 Courageous or foolhardy? by '"de Kllrokawa Hallds-oll "practice" with a precipitous breecll birth. 64 MINERVA: Quarterly Report on Women andthe Military


Volwne XIII, Nwnber1l 3 & 4 FallIWinter, 1995


NOW HEAR THIS: SELF PUBLISHI Marie Bennett Alsme>",r I





Reviews 97

Peter A. Soderbergh. Women Marines In the Korean War Era. By Joanne E. McFadden

Stephen B. Oates. A Woman olValor: and the Civil War. By David A. Rubenstein.

Maria Graeff-Wassink, Women ar Armse: Is Ghadaji a Feminist? By William H. Foster III NWSA 65 Journal

Vol. 7, No.3, Fall 1995

"G.I. Joes in Barbie land": Recontextualizing Butch in Twentieth.Century Lesbian Culture SHERRIE A. INNESS and MICHELE LLOYD.

A Source for Stowe's Ideas on Race in Uncle Tom's C'lbm JOSEPHINE DONOVAN . ... 24

"Handing the Power-Glasses Back and Forth": Women and Technology in the Poems of Adrienne Rich AUDREY CRAWFORD...... JS

Voltairine deCleyre: Sexual Slavery and Sexual Pleasure in the Nineteenth Century CATHERINE HELEN PALCZEWSKI ...... S4


Why Did We Not Become Feminists? Women in Poland EVA STACHNIAK .69

Mills-For Women Again: The Role of Women's Spirituality in the Effort to Remain a Women's College LINDA A. MOODY. . 81

On Learning and Teaching

In the Wake of Whispers: Formulating a Response to a Student Narrative on Abortion CAROL HAWKINS...... 95

Review Essays

Physicians, Science, and Women's Health LINDA A. BERNHARD .. 108

Margaret Fuller PATROCINIO SCHWEICKART .... 115

Book Reviews

A Poetics of Resist/wee: Women Writing in £1 Salvador, South Africa, and the United States by Mary K. DeShazer MARiA ROOF.. . 125

The Fiflies:!\ Women\- ()rallliqoI.l' hy Brett I \;\fvcy Un-AlIlcrit'tl/l Activi/ic\: A Mellioir of flw Fifties hy Sally Bl'lfwgl' YOUJ1){, W/lilL', and Ali.~('rill)]l': (:rowing (Jp "'1'JllI//e ill ,IJe flit/e's hy Willi Rrcines LORETTA STEC. . .. 127

['olilin rllld :';dJO]rllSlJip: fl'lllini.... 1 l\('al!ellJic 1t/1I1Iled,\ (lnrllhe [Jmclllc!it)/j of KI1fI\\'I(''',~e hy Paltic(' /\!d)\.'lllllllt LINDA SIIlHT LU

(continued, next page) 66 NWSA Journal

Vol. 7, No.3, Fall 1995 (continued)

Amerh'on W()mCll Writers: A CritiC/II Reference GuM/! {rom Colonial Times to rIJe PIC.~Cllt edited hy Carnl Hurd Green ami Mary Grimley Mason Modem American Women Wrilen: NoJile... ofT/wit Live,,, //nd Works-From Ihe 18705 to tile 11(/.'.'1/.'111 edited hy Elaine Showalter, Lea Hacchlcr, and A. Walton Lilz The Oxford Comptlllifll1lu Women's Wr;tjn~ ill the United Slllle.~ edited h}' Cathy N. Oavidson and Linda Wa~l1cr-Marlin NICOLE TONKOVICH...... 1.14

OUllaw eU/fIlfC: Ucsi,,,till,l{ RCpU'sCllllltitm.<; hy hl'll hOllk~ CARA I MARIANNA . 140

An Anthology of UUSSilltl Women's WTitill.~, 1777-1<)92 edited hy Catriona Kelly Dialogues/Dialog;: Litewly and Culturd} ExdwJl.'<:l's hctwecll (Ex-)Soviet and Americall Womell edited hy Susan Hardy Aihn, Adele Marie Barker, Maya Kore!leV;l, and Ekaterina Stetsenko Wom/'ll in UII.~Sjll: A Nt,\\, Fw ill UlI.~shllJ Pl'l1liniml edited hy Anastasia I'usadsk'lia Women jll UlIssia tllld the .)lIl'il't (Inion __ A/1 !\IJI/III//it'd HifJli(J,~ral'1J~'hy Rm:hdle Cohlhl'rg Rutlu.:hihl BARBARA EVANS CLEMENTS.. 142

Back Talk: l/.'ileMn,!:. Lmt Scit'es to SJlcah hy 10;11\ Wdmn MIRIAM KALMAN IIAltRIS...... 14H

Who CaresI Women, Carl'. lind ell/tllTC hy 'utia T. Wood Moral J>ilcnlHllIs of h:lIlilJi~lJI: "mstitl/lion. At/Ill/ell', (/WII\1lflftifJlI hy Lauric Shrage Feminist Theological Ethics edited hy lois K. Oaly Leshian Choices hy Claudia C:m! GAIL ,. STEARNS...... ISO

1995 NWSA Awards & Scholarships. IS(,

NWSANews...... IS7

Contributors .. ..1.'19

Announcements...... 162

Books Received. . .. 163

Index. ..166 67

december 1995 volume xxv, number 11 ac.tivism Protesting Playboy at Cornell University I Access to abortion: Weave 4 Girl speak: inteview with Liz Quinn on empowering girls 6 Creating a lesbian separatist strategy 8 My new thing: reflections on being an activist. 11 Feminist organizing in Nicaragua 12 Teaching selfdefense: the Santa Cruz Cooperative 16

special feature oob readers show their support ...... 20

regular News 3 Chicken Lady 19 68

january 1996 volume xxvi, number 1

conference coverage Women's Ordination Conference: Discipleship of Equ<1ls ..,. I

commentary Non-Negotiable Feminism . . 5 Fashion Take: Republicans on Pari\de . .. 9 Ungrateful: Words from a Working Class Lesbian ... 18 A Discouraged Activist ... .. 19

activism No More Shame: Marie Cartier and the Ditndelion \Varriors 6


Voices Unheifrd Sisters Unseen: A Video all Domestic Violence 8 The Prostitution of Sexuality. 14 Can Lesbians be Happy and Gay? . 16

regular News 3 Chicken Lady 20 Letters ZZ 69

february 1996 volume xxvi, number 2

contents coverslorv Listserves on the Internet for Women 12 analvsls Medical Research Excludes Women 1 commenlarv Is Feminism a Movement? 11 Women Can Stop Rape 15 Inlervlew Karla Jay speaks about Dyke Life 8 review Virtual EquaJlty by Urvashl Vald 10 regular News 3 Chicken lady 18 Letters 20 70 off urbacks a women'oS newsjournal

march 1996 volume xxvi, number 3 . THE INTERNATIONAL ~ WOMEN'S ISSUE ~


CHINA: TheReal Story at Belling 1

NIGERIA: The Women's Peace Movement •..•...... 7

CANADA: Macho Economics 12

EJ SALVADOR: War, Women and Sexuality 14

RWANDA: The Lessons of Genocide ...... •...... 16


Lfstserves on the Internet for Women 15 commenlary

Juggling the Family and Feminism 20


News•...... •.•...... •...... ,..•.••.•...... •...... •...... 3 Chicken lady \ 28 Letters ...... •.•.•....•...... •...... •....•.•...... 30 Pakistan Journal of Women's Studie~: 71 Alam-e-Niswan

'.Olur.1E-l. twr.1BER-l


Nans Sadik Women, Population and Development. 1

Ishrat Shami Domestic Violence and Legal System: Critique ofState 5 Discrimination and Role of Feminist Groups (Bangla­ desh).

Anne McGown Working Chasing Shadows: AlIenation in Working 13 Women.

Shaheen Sardar Ali Are Women also Human? Women's Rights in Tribal 21 Areas: A Case Study of the Provincially Administered Tribal Areas ofPakistan.

Rahman, Islam & Haque Women in Family Decision Making in Rural Bangladesh.

Siti Rohani Yahaya Employment Patterns ofWomen in Malaysia, 1980-90. 39

Nausheen Ahmed The Postition ofWomen with reference to the Criminal 57 Justice System in Pakistan.

Book Reviews

M.A. Siddiqui Feminism· Rationale and Issues. A Review article. 65

Shaikh Aziz Shah Lateef Ji Shairi Mein Aurat Jo Roop (Images of 67 Women in Shah Latirs Poetry).

Views and News 71 Pakistan Journal ofWomen's Studies: 72 AIam-e-Niswan YoU, No.1, 1995

Harris Khalique From Writing to Direct Social Action: 1 Jilani Bano Speaks about herself and her Mission

CM.Naim Some other Man's Home: 5 A Short Story by Jeelani Bano

CM.Naim Parveen Shakir: 15 A Note and Twelve Poems

Perveen Shakir Women Poets of Pakistan 23

Asif Aslam Farrukhi An Evening of Caged Beasts: 27 Post-Modernist Women Poets in Urdu

Frances W. Pritchett An Evening of Caged Beasts: 33 and AsiC Aslam Farrukhi Post-Modernist Women Poets in Urdu (Translation)

Zeenat Hisam Fahmida Riaz: Life and Work of a Poet 43

Asif Aslam Farrukhi and A Meeting Place ofConquests: 53 Shah Mohammad Pirzada A Selection from Women Poets in Modem Sindhi

Akram Khatoon Role of First Women Bank Limited 67 for Development of Women Enterprises

Liu Chung-Tung Nursing and the Neo-Patriarchy in Taiwan 71

Jamal Khan Women at the Geneva Camp, 85 Mohammadpur, Dhaka: A Fight for Living

Zeenat Sulaiman Seasonal Patterns in Women's and 99 and Farid Midhet Infants' Mortality in Rural Pakistan

Shakila A. Rahman Maternal Mortality, 107 Maternal Health Care and Culture

Mehreen I1ahi' Behind the Veil: A Report' 121

VIews & News Campus Focus 123 Working Together Resource Centres and Libraries Journals and Newsletters Notice Board Reports PSYCHOLOGY 73 OF WOMEN QU~~RTERLY

Volume 19 Number 4 1995

Measuring Gender Discrimination and Its Impact Featured Article The Schedule of Sexist Events: A Measure of Elizabeth A. Klonoff 439 Lifetime and Recent Sexist Discrimination in Hope Landrine vVomen's Lives

Physical and Psychiatric Correlates of Gender Hope landrine 473 Discrimination: An Application of the Schedule Elizabeth A. Klonoff of Sexist Events Jeannine Gibbs Vickie Manning Marlene Lund

Gender Role Stress and Eating Disorders The Relationship Between Feminine Gender Role Denise M. Martz 493 Stress, Body Image, and Eating Disorders Kevin B. Handley Richard M. Eisler

Depression and Relationships The Relationship of Cender and Ethnicity to Linda Vaden Cra/ch 509 Self-Silencing and Depression Among College Margaret E. Bassett Students Sharon l. Anra

The Dependency Needs and Perceived Brenda J. Benridge 517 Availability and Adequacy of Relationships in Olga Eizner Favreau Female Adolescent Suicide Attempters

Work and Career Measuring Perceptions of the Working Joseph Stokes 533 Environment for Women in Corporate Settings Stephanie Riger Megan Sullivan

Mentor Relationships and the Career Elena L. Klaw 551 Development of Pregnant and Parenting Jean E. Rhodes African-American Teenagers Sexual Behavior Women's Perceptions of Female Contraceptive Michaela Hynie 563 Behavior: Experimental Evidence of the Sexual John E. Lydon Double Standard

Reviews The FeminiSt Classroom, by Frances A. Maher Carla Golden 583 and Mary Kay Thompson Tetreault

White Women, Race Matters: The Social Audrey J. Murrell 585 Construction of Whiteness, by Ruth Frankenberg

The Lenses of Gender: Transforming the Debate Margaret L. Signorella 586 on Sexual Inequality, by Sandra Lipsitz Bem

Emotional Abuse, by Marti Tamm Loring Suzanne Mann Zilber 588 74

Volume 17, Number 4 December 1994

Gayla Reid 1 Introduction

Byma Barclay 3 Where My Mother Goes

Meredith B. 17 Degrees of Darkness Woodward

J[aggie Dwyer 22 Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams

Barbara Schott 32 The Farmhouse Poems

Margaret Schmidt 41 The Flood

Sa Croll 64 Billy Club Days

d.m. blals 75 real worlds/unknown citizens

J M. Bridgeman 81 Lines from the Coast (Canada Day, 1991) 83 Wreck Beach

Arlene Zide 87 Space 90 Summer Afternoons

Karen Abrahamsot/ 93 Making Maasai

jat/lce Wllliamsot/ 98 Pumps

106 Contributors

108 Cali for Submissions

Rom,ie R. Browt/ 109 17,e So,md ofLivit/g TIIit/gs, by Elise Turcotte, translated by Sheila Fischman

Rom,le R. Brou", 110 A Possible La,uiscape, by Maureen Harris and SfealJl- Cleat/it/g Love, byJ. A. Hamilton

Wet/dy Palmat/ 111 Fami(y Scat/dais, by Sharon H. Nelson

Rot/nie R. Braum 112 Amazot/Story Bot/es, by Ellen Frye

lVet/dy Put'nat/ 114 A Baker's Dozen

123 Have we got some Room for you!

124 1995 Subscription Prices Volume 18:4 Winter 1995 75

Ritz Chow you touch the page and 1am 3 uyou touch me and i arch into 1Never Liked 4 paragraphs"

Diane Joyce Borderland 6 "She slipped between the cenwries into Soulhouse 7 the midwifels hands II Emain Macha 9

Susan McMaster Sleet 10 "such potent imaginings Addicts of the New Age 12 are stronger than nicotine"

M. Alfano Bread For Your Children 14 Creative documentary on ltalo--Cana· dian women Cathryn Dimock Hot Chocolate 19 "smooth hot chocolate running The Woman Who Wants 21 down her throat . .. the eat's tail flicking time" Linda Browne Cowboy 23 cowboys as you've only imagined them

Katherine Dodds Assumptions of the Virgins 2S sex and the feminist princess

Nancy Harvey Mary 28 "if you build a temple! Her Mother 32 thieves will find it"

Nancy Robertson The Mount 37 "he cannot take her home for Christmas ll Elizabeth Hoynes Hands 38 ghostly hands and an out-of-this-world massage MIchelle Bellrose The Conversation 42 "a mouthful of cold tea in The Sweater 43 a black cup" On Meeting with Desire 44

Margo Wheaton By a Bridesmaid 46 IIwe want to draw our fingers Jealousy 49 across her/like icing"

Lucy Jane Bledsoe Soldier Girl 51 a girl on the brink of womanhood

Contributors' Profiles 61

Calls for Submissions 63

Back Issues 78

Subscriptions 80 76

AScholarly Journal on Black Women Vol. IX, No.2 (Summer 1995) EDITORIAL Jacqueline Jones Royster Capping a SageStone: The Final Issue 2


PHOTOGRAPHIC ESSAY Jacqueline Jones Royster ACentury of Struggle in Defense of Ourselves 7 and Evelynn Hammonds


Anne Yentsch Hot, Nourishing, and Culturally Potent: The Transfer of West Mrican Cooking Traditions to the Chesapeake 15 Nick McCarthy Authority, Orality and Specificity: Resisting Inscription in 's "Ar'n't IAWoman?" ..30 Susannah B. Mintz A"Descent Toward the Unknown" in the Poetry of Ai.. 36 Natalie Hevener Kaufman Cleaning Up the Dirty Image: An African American FeminisVDomestidDetective on the Move 47 and Shirley Tolliver Geiger CLOSE-UP PERSONAL NARRATIVES Opal Palmer Adisa 1Must Write What I Know so I'll Know that I've Known It All Along 54 Andrea Benton Rushing Becoming Feminist: Learning from Africa, Part 1\\'0 , 58 Adele S. Newson Fulbright Narrative: The South African Experience 63 Elizabeth Briscoe-Wilson R\\'anda and Uganda: Contrasting Images ,, 67 Heather Neff Now That I Am Forever With Child 72

INTERVIEWS Brian Ward Sandi Russell: Rendering Her Song ,." ,",,," ,, , 76 Christine Loflin An IntelVie\v \vith Flora N,,'apa "" " "" 80 I\evin f'.1eehan "This Language Taking Shape"; An InteTView with r.1erle Collins 82


Sylvia rot. Jacobs The Sons and Daughters oi Africa: Nancy Jones, i'olissionary in Mozambique and Southern Rhodesia, 1888-189i 88


CONFERENCE REPORTS Martha L. Wharton Conierence Report on Black Women in the Academy: Defending Our Name, 1894·1994 90

Akua Duku Anokye Conierence Report on the Conierence ,, 92


Janel Sims-Wood and SAGE: A Sellen·} i!ar flldex, Volumes V.2·IX.2 """ 95·113 I(athy I. Jenkins 77


The Gift - artwork by Nanry Bright Outside Front Cover In the Beginning - po,m by Lallrel Sager Inside Front Cover Birthing Goddess - artwork by C.at Stone 5 The Goddess Ungirdled - by Lisa Sarasohn 6 Reclaiming Sacredness - by Diana E. Montalion 11 Mter the Full: A Celebration of Menopause - by Trtbbe Johmon ...... 14 Finding Wholeness in Roundness: AJourney to the Goddess through the Venus ofWillendorf - by Faith Benedllli 18 A Natural Breeze - by Jan Henrikson 24 Eagle Feathers - by Lynne R. Lmvrenre 25 Photographying Mary - by DeoneJahnke 28 Loving My Body - by Mary HlInter C.arini 29 Listening to Glowing Embers- by ,'laynekoenigsberg Inside Back Cover Tower Moon - artwork by Sandra Stanton Outside Back Cover

SPRING Seasons of Light and Darkness: The Return ofSpring - by Barbara Ardinger. . 33

IN EVERY ISSUE Business Notes - INFORMATION FOR OUR READERS 2 Living the Dream - MUSINGS FROM ANNE ' .- 3 One of Ten Thousand - GODDESS LORE & R,TUAl. - by Diana Paxson 37 The Cauldron of Changes - by D".Anna Alba 45 Sacred Herbs - GIFTS 'ROM THE LAND - gllest coillmn by Diane Darling 48 Crone Eyes. Crone Heart - INNER JOURNEYS - by Alln Kreilkamp 52 The Serpentine Path - THEALOGY FOR A NEW WAY OF BEING - by Carol P. Christ 55 Into the Green - WHERE TO BEGIN - by Elizabeth BarTelle 58 A Circle is Cast - IOEA.."i FOR RITUAL WORK , 60 Leaves of Sage - BOOK REVIEWS 62 Tools for Transformation - PRODUCT REVIEWS 65 The Rattle - THE WISE WOMAN COUNCIl. 70 IsSlI' #33 \Vomen at the Well -A MARKETPlACE OF GOODS, SERVICES & IDEAS 75 \Veaving the Web - NEn\'ORKJNG INFORMATION & REsOURCES 79 !ofi Sftrillf< 1996 ~ A Pinch of Sage - WORDS OF \VISOOM 80 SEX ROLES 78 A Journal of Research

Vol. 33, Nos. 3/4 August 1995


Attribution of Gender to a Gender-Unspecified Individual: An Evaluation of the People = Male Hypothesis 145 Rebecca Davis Menitt and Cynthia 1. Kok

Less is More: The Effects of Sexual Experience on Judgments of Men's and Women's Personality Characteristics and Relationship Desirability 159 Lucia F. O'Sullivan

Revisiting University Student Gender Role Perceptions 183 Sue Street, Ellen B. Kimmel, and Jeffery D. Kromrey

Parental Attachment and Gender-Role Identity 203 V. F. Haigler, H. D. Day, and D. D. Marshall

Gender Differences in the Value of Contributions to Intimate Relationships: Egalitarian Relationships Are Not Always Perceived to be Equitable 221 Pamela C. Regan and Susan Sprecher

Toy Selection for Children: Personality and Toy Request Influences 239 Donna Fisher-Thompson, Angela D. SallSa, and Teni F. Wright

Predictors of Conflict Over the Household Division of Labor Among Women Employed Full-Time 257 Joanne Hoven Stohs

BRIEF REPORTS Feminist Ideology as a Predictor of Body Dissatisfaction in Women 277 Michelle Dionne, Caroline Davis, John Fox, and Maria Gurevich

Women as Cues for Men's Approach or Distancing Behavior: A Study of Interpersonal Sexist Discrimination 289 Renee N. Saris, Ingrid Johnston, and Bemice Lott

The Association Between Gender Scale Measures and Gender Clustering in Recall 299 John Archer, Jane Smith, and Gwen Kilpatrick SEX ROLES 79 A Journal of Research

Vol. 33, Nos. 5/6 September 1995


Gender Differences in Parent-Child Conversations About Past Emotions: A Longitudinal Investigation 309 Susan Adams, Janet Kuebli, Patricia A. Boyle, and Robyn Fivush Gender and Computers. II. The Interactive Effects of Knowledge and Constancy on Gender-Stereotyped Altitudes 325 Leonard S. Newman, Joel Cooper, and Diane N. Ruble Gender Differences in Attributions About Microcomputer Learning in Elementary School 353 Miranda D 'Amico, Lois J. Baron, and Mary Elizabeth Sissolls Self-Disclosure and Listener Verbal Support in Same-Gender and Cross-Gender Friends' Conversations 387 Campbell Leaper, Mary Carson, Cari/yn Baker, Heithre Holliday, and Sharon Myers The Relationship of Gender Discrepancy to Eating Disorder Altitudes and Behaviors 405 Courtney E. Johnson and Trent A. Petrie The Body-As-Object Versus The Body-As-Process: Gender Differences and Gender Considerations 417 Stephen L. Franzoi Women's Perceptions and Labeling of Sexual Harassment in Academia Before and After the Hill-Thomas Hearings 439 Mollie L. Jaschik-Hennan and A/ene Fisk BRIEF REPOKf Sexual Coercion in High School Dating 447 rn:ndy Patton and Mary Mannison

BOOK REVIEWS 459 80 SEX ROLES A Journal of Research

Vol. 33, Nos. 7/8 October 1995


The Double Bind of Caregiving: Representation of Gendered Emotion in American Advice Literature 467 Stephanie A. Shields. Pamela Steinke, and Beth A. Koster Successful Women and Women's Colleges: Is There an Intervening Variable in the Reported Relationship? 489 Robert E. Ledman, lHarianne Miller. and Darrel R. Brown A Preliminary Scale to Measure Connected and Separate Knowing: The Knowing Styles Inventory 499 Kim H. Knight, Morton H. Elfenbein, and Jlllie A. Messina Dreams of Traditional and Nontraditional Women: Are Dream Aggression and Hostility Related to Higher Levels of Waking Well-Being? 515 Diane Handlin and Ross Levin Implications of Sex and Gender Differences for Self: Perceived Advantages and Disadvantages of Being the Other Gender 53 I Amie Conn and Elizabeth D. Vimn Ratings of Gender Appropriateness of Sports Participation: Effects of Gender-Based Schematic Processing 543 Nathalie Koivllia The Numbers Game: Gender and Attention to Numerical Information 559 Linda A. Jackson, Rllth E. Flellry, Jennifer L. Girvin, and Donna A. Gerard Right-Wing Authoritarianism, Political Affiliation, Religiosity, and Their Relation to Psychological Androgyny 569 Gidi Rllbinstein BRIEF REPORTS The Assessment of Gender Role Stress for Chinese 587 Catherine SO-klllll Tang and Bill Han-bill LOll Differential Gender Effects of Exposure to Rap Music on African American Adolescents' Acceptance of Teen Dating Violence 597 James D. Johnson, Mike S. Adams, Leslie Ashbllm, and William Reed BOOK REVIEWS 607 Sex Roles A Journal of Research 81

Vol. 33, Nos. 9/10 November 1995


Gender Differences in Coping: A Further Test of Socialization and Role Constraint Theories 565 Sandra T. Sigmon, Annette L. Stallion, and C. R Snyder Romantic Partners and Body Image Disturbance: Further Evidence for the Role of Perceived-Actual Disparities 589 Stacey Tantlelf·Dunn and J. Kevin Thompson

Gender Role Conflict: The Interaction of Gender, Gender Role, and Occupation 607 Helen Luhaorg and Marilyn T. Zivian Gender Differences in Depressive Symtomatology: The Role Played by "Anxious Somatic Depression" Associated with Gender·Related Achievement Concerns 621 Brett Silverstein, Joanne Caceres, Lauren Perdue, and Verena Cimarolli Desirable and Undesirable Gender Traits in Three Behavioral Domains 637 Lina A. Ricciardelli and Robert J. Williams When Illness Is Perceived as Controllable: The Effects of Gender and Mode of Transmission on AIDS·Related Stigma 657 Jill Borchert and Cheryl A. Rickabaugh Preferential Selection and Stereotypes: Effects on Evaluation of Female Leader Performance, Subordinate Goal Commitment, and Task Performance 669 Kay E. McGlashan, Patrick M. Wright, and Blaine McConnick Parents' Gender·Stereotyped Perceptions of Newborns: The Eye of the Beholder Revisited 687 Katherine Hildebrant Karraker, Dena Ann Vogel, and Margaret Ann Lake Sex Roles 82 A Journal of Research

Vol. 33, Nos. 11/12 December 1995


Children's Appraisals of Sex-Typed Behavior in Their Peers 703 Kelllleth J. ZlIcker, Debra N. Wilsall-Smith, Jallice A. KlIl1ta. alld Allita Stem Stereotypes About Children with Traditional and Nontraditional Gender Roles 727 Carol Lyllll Martill The Influence of Social Comparison with Less Fortunate Others on 1hsk Performance: The Role of Gender Motivations or Appropriate Norms 753 Pascal Hllgllet alld Jeall-Marc Mollteil Dating Characteristics Leading to Unwanted vs. Wanted Sexual Behavior 767 Roseallll Halllloll, David S. Hall, Todd Kllntz, Sonja Van Laay, and Jellllifer Williams Men's and Women's Perception of Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse 785 Allgela T. Hat/ery Freetly and Emily W Kalle The 1990s: Gender Differences in Parenting Roles 803 Diane E. Wille Effects of Modeling on the Use of Nonsexist Language Among High School Freshpersons and Seniors 819 Chl1stopher Crall in and Sawsan Jreisal Masculinity and Hockey Violence 831 Marc D. Weinsteill. Michael D. Smith, and David L. Wiesellthal ANNOUNCEMENT 849 SIGN S 83 Journal of Women in Culture and Society


277 Edirorial Lisa Disch and Mary 278 When a Looker Is Really a Bitch: Lisa Olson, Jo Kane Sport, and the Heterosexual Matrix Dawn Skorczewski 309 What Prison Is This? Literary Critics Cover Incest in Anne Sexton's "Briar Rose" Barbara Kosta and 343 Interview with Jutta BrUckner Richard W. McCormick Constance \Y.!. Hassett 374 Siblings and Antislavery: The Literary and Political Relations of Harriet Martineau, James ~lartineaul and Maria Weston Chapman


Ann Waltner 410 Recent Scholarship on Chinese Women Lisa D. Brush 429 Love, Toil, and Trouble: Motherhood and Feminist Politics

Bool( RnlEWS

Sandra Gunning 455 The Coupling Convention: Sex. Text, and Tradition in Black Women's Fiction by Ann duCille; Written by Herself: Literary Production by African American Women, /746-1892 by Frances Smith FOSler; Domestic Allegories of Politkal Desire: The Black Heroine's Text at the Tum of the Century by Claudia Tate Fr"ln'Yoise Lionner 459 The Politics of the Essay: Feminist Perspectives edited by Ruth-Ellen Boetcher Joeres and Elizabeth Mittman; Telling Women's Lives: The New Biography by Linda Wagner·Martin; Recdsting Autobiography: Women's Counter Fictions in Conte,.nporary German Literature .md Film by Barbara Kosta

Kathy Alexis 463 Victorian Heroines: RepreseNtations of Psomiacles Femininity in Nineteenth-Century l.iteralure and Art by Kimberly Reynolds and Nicnla Humble; The Afterlife of Property: Domestic Security and the Victorian Novel by Jeff NunokaW3j Outside the Pale: CU/ttlrtlt Exclusion, Gender Difference. mId the Victorian Woman Writer by Elsie B. Michie

(continued, next page) 84 S IGNS Journal of Women in Culture and Society


(continued) Stanlie M. James 467 Making Stories, Making Selves: Feminist Reflettions on the Holocaust by R. Ruth Linden; White Captives: Gender and Etlmicity on the American Frontier by June Namiasj Barred: \'(Iomell, \Vriting. and Political Detention by Barbara Harlowj The Politics of Cruelty: An Essay 011 the Uterature of Political Imprisowne1lt by Kate Millcu Sandra Morgen 472 Visible Women: New Essays on American Activism edited by Nancy A. Hewitt and Suzanne Lchsock; W011lell, Community. ami the Hormel Strike of 198.\-1986 hy Neal• .I. Schleuning

Lydia Hamessley 475 Cecilia Reclaimed: Feminist Perspectil1es 011 Gender and Music edited hy Susan C. Cook and Judy S. Tsou; Musicology and Difference: Gender and Sexuality in Music Scholarship edited by Ruth A. Solie Judith Roof 478 Wild Desires and Mistake" Identities: Lesbianism mId Psychoanalysis by Noreen O'Connor an(1 Joanna Ryall; The Prtlcficc of Love: Lesbian Sexuality and Perverse Desire by Teres~ de Lauretis Nina Pelikan Straus 482 Fruits of Jler Plume edited hy Helena Gosdloj A lJistory of Russi,m Women5 \'(Iriti1lg:, 1820-1992 by C.rrion. Kelly; Dialogues/Dialogi: Literary and Cultttral Exchanges hetweelt (fx)Sovief and American Women hy Susan J Inrdy Aikt'I1, Adde Maric Bnrker. Mayn Korencva, and Ekaterina Stetsenko; Red Women on the Silver Screen edited by Lynne Attwood Janet Shibley Hyde 488 Practicing Feminisms, Reconstructing I's)'cholog)' by Jill G. Morawskij On the Sholliders of \'(Iomen hy Ilene J. Philipson Jean Quataert 491 Romanticism ami Gender by Anne K. Mellor; Feminism. Socialism, and French Rommlficism by Claire (;oldhrrg Most·s alld Leslie \V'nhl Hahille

Shirley (lcok~lil1 I.illl 494 Crith",lIPcrs/l('ctillcs WI Natillc American Fictinn edited ilnd compiled hy Richard F. F1cck; All My 1~l'!l1li/'('s: C0I1111l1mil)' in CoWelll/mrllry Ethnic American l.iteratHres by Bonnie TuSmith; Mulcs (/nd J)rag01/s: Po/mlar Cultural Images in the Selected Writi1lXs oj" S IGNS 85 Journal of Wornen In Culture and Society


(continued) A{r;Cclu-Amcrict111 and Cbilll'sc-AJlIcrica1l Women Wr;It.'rs by Mary E. Young Jennifer Glass 499 Beyond Economic Man: Feminist Theory and Economics edited by Marianne A. Ferber and Julie A. Nclsonj The Economic Status of Wome" ""der (:a/J;talism: l11stitutionaJ Eomomics aud Feminist Theory edited hy Janice Peterson anti Doug Brown; Unequal nurdcJ/: Economic Crises, Persistenl Pfwerty aud WOlHl'IIS Work edited hy Lourdes Belll'ria

Birgitre Soland 502 Between the Fields and the City: Women, Work, aud Family in Russia. 1861-1914 by Barbara Alpern Engel: Civilization without Sexes: Reconstructing Gender ill Pastu/ar France, 1917-1927 by J\·lary Louise Roberts; Making Peace: The Reconstruction ot Gender in Interwar Britain by Susan Kingsley Kent Catharine Randall 507 Textuality and Sexuality: Reading Theories and Practices edited by Judith Still and Michael Wonon; The Language o( Sex: Five Voices (rom Northern France around 1200 by John W. Baldwin Gail Kligman 509 Women in the Face o( Change: The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and China edited by Shirin Rai, Hilary Pilkington, and Annie Phizacklea; Cinderella Goes to Market: Citizenship, Gender and Women's MOlJements in East Central Europe by Barbara Einhorn; Gender Politics and Post-Communism: Reflections (rom Eastern Europe and the Fonner Soviet Union edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller


Yvonne Zylan 515 Comment on Fraser and Gordon's "A Genealogy of Dependency: Tracing a Key"vord of the U.S. Welfare Srare" Nancy Fraser 531 Reply to Zylan

537 United States and International Notes 541 About the Contributors 547 Notice to Contributors 86 Social Politics


Volume 2 Number 3, Fall 1995

Introduction 241 SONYA MICHEL

Family Policy and Women's Citizenship in Mitterrand's France 244 JANE JENSON AND MARIETTE SINEAU

Legitimate State and Illegitimate Parents: Donor Insemination Politics in Sweden 270 PETRA LILJESTRAND

The Predicament of New Rights: Suffrage and Women's Political Power from a Local Perspective 305 MAUREEN A. FLANAGAN

Perspectit ." The Culture of Politics: Traditional, Postmodern, Cold-modern, and Warm-modern Ideals of Care 331 ARLIE RUSSELL HOCHSCHILD

Contributors 347

Index 349 -0- -o-u-r-n-e·r 87 TbeWomen's Forum December 1995 Vol, 21, No.4



MUS IC I11III MUSICAL MUSES OF 199~ IIItII by Jennifer Einhorn 88 -0- -o-u-r-n-e-r TheWomeWs Forum


FEMINIST VOICES IN THE MEDIA III By Karin Aguilar-San Juan, Mary Ann Crayton. Pagan Kf'mredy, Rosario Morales, Holly Sklar, Lfmise Sloan, and S'1rah Wright REWIND AFTER VIEWING mfly Stephullie 1';10 POE TRY


M GHOST STORIES liM BY E. M. BROHER HCI'lcllled hy Kirsten narkltmm








OUR HISTORY IN NEW YORK BY LINSEY ABRAMS Ra'ieflled by /)0/11111 '\//fgrl/ CALENDAR HOT PICKS, COMMUNITY BUllETIN BOARD. mGROUPS • 90 -0- -(tU-f-n-e-f TheWomen's Forum March 1996 Vol. 21, No. 7



Kate Abbe Closet 5 Lori Anderson Reading Chora? (A Condensed Duet) 6 Marilyn E. Carmen For Our Grandmother Who Was Committed to the Harrisburg State Hospital ,,.,,, 10 Jeanette Clough Cain ." "."" ,., .. 11 Eurydice's Song ,,,, .. ,,. 12 Frances Driscoll Difficult Word ,, , 13 Here, Among Old Roses ,,,,,,,. 14 Shannon Ebner .,,,, My Portuguese Desert Poem ,, .. , .. , ... 15 Belle Gironda """ smoke burbles below the ladder , .. , .. 16 jil hanifan ... , .... , aha now I see .', ", .. ', ".. 17 unfinished ,' , ,. 18 Jane Hilberry Dreaming of Where He Could Carry Them , 19 Lori Horvitz ',,,. Dreaming in Tongues ."""""., 20 Life Inside a Dixie Cup ... ,' .... , 21 Abigail Howell ... ," The Husband Tries to Explain the Disappearance of His Wife """""" 23 Tess Lecuyer """ The Woman Who Swallowed ,,. 25 Susan Luzzaro Comrade "'" ,,,,.,, 26 Peggy Munson ,., .. My Sister and I Talk About the Divorce, ,,. 27 Eileen Myles , .. Autumn ,.,,,,,, 28 An Explanation , .. ,,,,,,. 30 The Open & the Close , ', 31 Jo Roberts .... , ... I'd like to kiss your belly sail . .,,., .. 33 Cornelia Maria Savu . Between Parallel Mirrors .,,,,, .. , .. 34 A Hazy Morning , ,,., .. 35 A Locket ..... ", ,., ,., ..... 36 Love Poem at the Foot of the Deforested Hill 37 Love Poem at the Mirror .. , ... , .. , .... 38 A Morning Fit for Writing Your Memoirs .. , 39 Susan Sindall . ,', .,. Under the Big Top, My Swing Waits. ,.,,. 40 Phyllis Stowell ...... The Mare 42 Susan Terris The Thread 44 Rachel Webster A Mother's Death-the Soundings 45 Elizabeth Wright She-Crab Soup 46 Katharine Wright In the Unit ,, 49 Knife Meditation 50


Janice Eidus The Murder of Juanita Appel 52 Katharine Haake The Land of Scutpture 61 Joyce Hinnefeld ..... Jump Start 80 Fanny Howe As Like As Not , 86 Janet Kauffman ..... Angelo's a Hero Here 88 The High Romance of Four , 89 The Privacy of a Gtobat Thing 90 The Water Tabte, There /Its , .. 91

(continued, next page) 13th Moon A Feminist Literary Magazine 92 Volume XIII Numbers 1 & 2


Nancy Krusoe and Jan Ramjerdi excerpt from Geosynclines 93 Nadya Lawson Journal Entry, 29 July t994, France 104 Ursula K. Le Guin Sunday in Summer at Seatown 107 Laura Marello Revani ...... 109 Cris Mazza excerpt from Dog People 112 Ilene Miele Seaspeak 120 Ursule Molinaro Architecture of Intelligence 133 Lou Robinson and Ellen Zweig excerpt from Surveillance 138


Carolee Schneemann Until/ed and Images from Fresh Blood- A Dream Morphology 144


Linsey Abrams Varied Prospects 148 Perle Besserman .. .. Wyoming 158 Lucinda H. Coffman . Space People 165 Jenny Cornueile Red Shoes 175 Kathleen de Azevedo. The Life of Catherine Falletti: Women Walling in the Fourteenth Century 190 C. Anne Fisher One Among Four 197 Adrienne GreenHeart . Kathy Acker 203 Mina Kumar There's No Place Like Home 204 Lori Sambol Building Pyramids 215 Susan Volchok Nanny Rose 224 Esther Wiilison Fairy Tales 229 Marianna Wright Lichtenberg's Flowers " 240




266 93

Contents No. 32

Winter 1995/96 ~ Strife

Letters . . 2 Twin Leaks and Hackney Outings Jill Radford on the Jane Brown affair . . 3 Zero Commitment Liz Kelly alerts feminists to some little-publicised legal changes affecting the treatment ofdomestic violence 9 ClarNa mEan Women's Agenda for Peace in Northern Ireland... . 17 Lost in Translation: Non-Sexist Language Debbie Cameron is irritated by a new crop of language guidelines.. . 20 Redstockings Manifesto We reprint a radical feminist classic.. .. 29 Straight Talking Stevi Jackson charts a course through the debate on feminism and heterosexuality.. . 31 Screening Women Out Dee Dee Glass explains why feminists get a raw deal in TV...... 39 Survivors and Supporters: Working on Ritual Abuse Kate Cook and 'The A-Team' take up the issues surrounding satanic ritual abuse ...... 46 Fundamental Questions: From Southall to Beijing Rachel Wingfield interviews Hannana Siddiqui about the UN Women's Conference ...... 53 Equality Now: Update Tess Rumble reports ...... 63 Feminist Political Consciousness vs. Ideology An extract from Kathleen Barry's new book The Prostitution ofSexuality . .. 67 From the Ediror 239 94

~ ARTICLES It'I On Not Being La Malinche: Border 243. 0- 0- Negotiations of Gender in Sandra Cisneros's .... "Never Marry a Mexican" and lIWoman Hollering Creek" j ~ Jean W,'at< ...... ~ Queering The Yellow Wallpaper? 27J and the Politics of Form ",V') Jonathan Crewe

IIOedipal \\'ith a Vengeance"; Narrative, Desire, 295

The Three Faces of June: 309 Anai's Nin's Appropriation of Feminine Writing .S L,netle Fdber N Between Science and the "New Psychologyll: 325 .. An Examination of H. D. 's Sociohistorical Consciousness

  • e S,nanne )oung :::l Z iC/) ..f.... ARCHIVES
  • - George Haggerty Z \'(Iritten fry Herself: Literary Production by 384 Afrkan American \'(Iomen, /746-1892. ~ ...l'l> ~ By Frances Smith Foster. Minnie's Sacrifice, Sowing and Reaping, Trial N and Triumph: Three Rediscovered Novels fry S· Frances E. \'(I. Harper. Edited by Frances Smith Foster. Maryemma Graham and Gina Rossetti Cmwenions and Vi~ions in the \VririnK5 of 387 African,American \'Vfmlen. By Kimhcrly Rae Connor. Kimberly N. Brown

    The Real Life of Mary Ann Evans: George Eliot, 389 Her Leucrs and Her Fiction. By Rosemarie C/)"" Bodenheimer. Christine L. KTtu!~er L~ The Christina Rossetti Exhibition. National 391 'T1 Portrait Gallery, London. ~ Joseph A. Kestner -'" The Apparitional Lesbian: Female Homosexuality 392 '"\JI and Modem Culture. By Terry Castle. I Sharon Marcus ~

    The Practice of LJVe: Lesbian Sexu"lity and 395 and Pen)er.~e De.~ire. By Teresa de Laurclis. Paula Bennett



    ( :l)NTR IIII In)RS 96 U.S.-JAPAN W01\1EN'S JOURNAL A Journal for the International Exchange of Gender Studies ENGLISH SUPPLEMENT NUMBER 9 1995

    Special Issue: Writing Japanese Women/Japanese Women Writing edited by Sandra Buckley

    Introduction Sandra Buckley 3 --(";/I-O!>f9~3";/

    Literature and the Institution: Erasure ofWomen in Schools' Kokugo Chieko M. Ariga 7 - Jt!j!: aUJ!l : lEii!i~'t('FfIr.:l"d It7.> :ofRJm(7) "-k"

    Bound by Blood: Female Pollution, Divinity, and Community in Enchi Fumiko's Masks Nina Cornyetz 29 -*~:~.Jt~(7)r-kIDJ~:l"d~7.>-k(7):of~.N~. ~~~=~~-

    Sexuality, Textuality, and the Definition of the "Feminine" in Late Eighteenth-Century Japan Susan Griswold 59 -181!ttc1Jt¥ 13:$:1r.:l"dlt7.>t 9 ~ ~ 71) ~ ~ -. ~~A~~71)~~-. 7~~=";/(7)~~

    The Gendering and Regendering of Medieval Japan Thomas Keirstead 77 - y~";/,y-1t. fI}Y~";/!>f-1t

    "Poison Woman" Takahashi Oden and the Spectacle of Female Deviance in Early Meiji Christine Marean 93 -~~:~~:td~~~~mM(7)~~~R-k(7)A~9~9N

    Positioning Subjects Globally: A Reading of Yamada Eirni Richard Okada III - ::l:J*:a:7"o-/{}\/Ir.tiLlil--5lt7.> : ilJS3M:~H~u WOMEN 97 a cultural review



    WOMEN THINKERS The Fiddler, the Angel and the Defiance of Antigone: A Reading of Edith Simcox's 'Autobiography of a Shirtmaker' 143 NORMA VINCE Passion, Politics, Philosophy: The Work of Edith Simcox 166 GILLIAN BEER Introducing: Love between Us 180 LUCE IRIGARAY Berthe Monsat: Inventing the Psyche 191 MARY JACOBUS Testifying Theory: Womanist Intellectual Thought 200 VALERIE LEE Gender Uncertainties and the Limits of Psychology 207 LYNNE SEGAL The Women Fellows' Jubilee 220 JOAN MASON \'Vhy Female Intuition? 234 MIRANDA FRICKER

    REVIEWS Kate Fullbrook and Edward FuUbrook, Simone de BeauvoirandJean~ Paul Sartre. The Remaking ofa Twentieth-centur)' Legend. Toril Moi, Simone de Beauvoir: The Making ofan Intellectual Woman 249 MARY EVANS Diane Elam, Feminism and Deconstruction: Ms. en Abyme 253 JANE MOORE


    Compiled by BARBARA ROSENBAUM 256 "Everything You Need to Know": How Women's Magazines 98 Structure Prenatal Diagnosis for Women over 35 59 Anile Beaulieu, MA Abby Lippmall, PhD


    Fluid Intake in Women with Premenstrual Syndrome 75 Margaret Mareall, MEd Ceillwen E, CUllllllillg, PhD Eugene E. Fox, PhD David C. Cummillg, MBChB

    BOOK REVIEWS Charles R. King, MD, Editor The Doctor's Guide to Chronic Fatigue Sylldrome, by David S, Bell 79 Reviewed by Don Purcel/, MD Volume 23 Number 3 . Ullequal Treatmell/, by Eileen Nechas and Denise Foley 81 1995 Reviewed by Judy Norsigiall

    UII/il the Cure-Caringfor Women with HIV, by Ann Kurth 85 Reviewed by Robert Jacobsoll, MD Abandolled to Their Fate: Social Policy and Practice Toward Severely Retarded People in America,IS20·1920, by Philip M. Ferguson 87 Reviewed by James W. Trell/, PhD Surrogates and Other Mothers: The Debates over Assisted Reproduction, by Ruth Macklin 90 Reviewed by Nallcy E. Reame, RN, MSN, PhD

    Sexual Cultllres and the COllstructioll ofAdolescelll Idell/ities, edited by Janice M, Irvine 93 Reviewed by Lore Nelsoll, MD

    Depressive Symptomatology in Single Women Heads of Households in Puerto Rico: A Comparative Analysis Nilsa M. Burgos, DSW Mal)' Clare Lellllon, Phd Milagros Bravo, PhD Josue Guzm{lII, PhD

    The Influence of Demographic Characteristics, Menopausal Status, and Symptoms on Women's Attitudes Toward Menopause 19 JoEl/en Wilbur, PhD, RN, CS Arlelle Miller, PhD, RN, CS Alldrew MOil/gamelY, PhD Role Strain and Psychological Well-Being in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 41 Alisoll Karasz, BA Suzalllle C. Ouellette, PhD Women &. 99

    TherapyDl Volume 17, Numbers 1/2 1995

    Feminist Foremothers in Women's Studies, Psychology, and Mental Health Part I

    Editors' Note xxi UFag Hags," Firemen and Feminist Theory: Girl Talk on Amtrak 195 Foreword xxill Judi Addelston Phyllis Chesler Michelle Fine Esther D. Rothblum Ellen Cole Lesbian Feminist Fights Organized Psychiatry 205 Nanelle K. Ganeell A Leader of Women Phyllis Chesler Interviewed by Ellen Cole A New Voice for Psychology 213 Carol Gilligan Incest: A Journey to Hullabaloo 25 Lori Farnsworth /...Quist: Armstrong On Being a Feminist and a Psychotherapist 229 Working with the Light: Women of Vision 33 Miriam Grunspan Nancy Azara Roxonne M. Green Judy Hennan: Cleaning House 243 Judith L. Herman Working on Gender as a Gender~Nonconfonnist .43 Amy J. Ojerholm Sandra lipsitz Bern Revolutionizing the Psyche of Patriarchy 251 By My Siste" Reborn 55 Shere Hlte Teresa Bernardez Melissa J. Perry Feminism: Crying for Our Souls 265 Women's Psychology, Goddess Archetypes, and Patriarchy: bell hooks A Jungian Analyst, Feminist Activist, Visionary Feminist Foremother 71 Progress Notes 273 Jean ShJ'noda BoJen Ellyn Kaschak JoAnn Clausson Pauline Rose Clance: The Professor from Appalachia 155 Notes of a Feminist Therapy "Foredaughter" 87 Pauline Rose Clance Laura S. Brown Amy J. Ojerholm

    Spiritual Dandelions 97 Feminist and Activist 163 Zsuzsanna Ernese Budapest Florence L. Denmark Kathryn T. Downey Fighting Sexual Abuse 171 The Fitting Room 103 Andrea Dworkin Sandra Butler Teri Brooks

    "Weak Ego Boundaries"; One Developing Feminist's Story 113 Bridging Feminism and Multiculturalism 187 Paula J. Caplan Jessica F. Morris Oliva M. Espln Judy Chicago, Feminist Artist and Educator 125 Judy Chicago Laura Meyer

    Becoming a Feminist Foremother 141 Nancy J. Chodorow 100 Women

    Th:apy" Volume 17, Numbers 3/41995 Feminist Foremothers in Women's Studies, Psychology, and Mental Health Part II

    Editors' Note xv Reminiscences, Recollections and Reflections: The Making of a Feminist Foremother 407 Foreword xvii Lynne Bravo Rosewater Phyllis Chesler Esther D. Rothblum From Suburban Housewife to Radical Feminist 419 Ellen Cole Florence R/lsh Nicole Rich Working with Feminist Foremothers Politicizing Sexual Violence: A Voice in lite Wilderness 425 to Advance Women'5 Issues 283 Diana E. H. Russell Gwendolyn P. Kelto Adele Jones A Feminist in lite Arab World 435 Nawal El Saadawi Enlightened, Empowered and Enjoying III 291 Mary E. IVillmlllh Jane Knowles

    Feminist Reflections from the Wheat Fields 301 A Late Awakening 443 Harriet Lerner Rachel Josefowilz Siegel Dana Osowiecki Elisabeth Traumann

    Who Ever Thought I'd Grow Up to Be Count Me In 459 a Feminist Foremother? 309 Theo B. Sonderegger Bernice Loti Reclaiming the Sacred 469 Starhawk Jennifer Connor When Aphrodite Called I Listened 325 JoAnn Lolilan Steps Toward Transformation: A Conversation Jeanine C. Cogan wilh Gloria Steinem 477 Gloria Sieinem Learning from Women 335 Jean Baker Miller Anna Myers-Parrelli Amy S. Welch Catharine R. Stimpson: Charting the Course of Women's Studies Since Its Inception 489 Adventures of a Feminist 347 M. Kay Jankowski Kate Mil/ell Betsy Hinden A Woman Undaunted: Bonnie R. Strickland 495 Kalhleen M. Shanahan Foremothers/Foresisters 361 Ginny NiCarIhy Some Contribulions to Feminisl Research in Psychology 507 Sandra Schwartz Tangri Testing the Boundaries of Justice 373 Suzanne Pharr The Transmogrificalion of a Feminisl Forcmother 517 Diane M. Felicio Lenore E. A. Walker Words of Honor: Contributions of a Feminist Art Critic 383 An Unlikely Radical 531 Arlene Rm'en Elizabeth Friar Williams Jean Pieniadz

    Feminist Anthropologist Anointed Foremolher! 391 Ruby Rohrlich WOMEN IN FRENCH STUDIES 101 Volume 3, Fall 1995

    Foreword 1 Colette T. Hall

    Introduction , 3 Colette T. Hall


    Who was Jeanne Flore? Subversion and Silenced 7 in Les conIes amoureux par madame Jeanne Flore Carolyn M. Fay

    Rethinking the Universal, Reworking the Political: ..... 21 Postmodem Feminism and the French Enlightenment Natanio Meeker

    Why Write as a Woman?: The Riccoboni·Lacios _ 34 Correspondence A.ntoinette Sol

    Reconsidering Flora Tristan's Narrative Art 45 ,\fary Rice~DeFo.ue

    Identity Politics and Confessional Acts: . .. 55 Suzanne Voilquin's Souvenirs d'une fllle du pellple AllnieSmart

    Unica ZOrn et un Surrealisme affolant . .64 Alanine DelmlLt

    Eurydice et Persephone: paradigmes revisites . . 82 par Cixous et Chawaf .\felka Zupantif

    Breaking the Silence: Michele Sarde's. . 90 Ifistoire d'Eurydice pendant 10 remontee Liedeke Plait!

    Revision and Revolution: Writing Women. .100 into M~1h and History Patrice J. Proulx

    Re",riting the Story in Tassadit Imache's . . 112 Vne Fille sans histoire SUlanlreland

    Le Passe: Point focal du pre.ent dans. . 12J I'oeuvre d'Annie Emaux Claire·Lile Tondeur

    Espace (eminin et image divine: vers . . 138 une definition de la religion dans Pluie el vent slIr Teillmee Miracle de Simone Schwarz-Bart Maria A1UlgTlOltofJQUlou·Hiellcher

    WIF Membership . . 148

    WIFStudie. Order Form . .. 150 102

    VOLUME 4 • NUMBER 2 • FALL 1995

    ORIGINAL INVESTIGATIONS Scholarly Productivity as a Function Of Graduate Training, Workplace, and Gender Dr. Susan K. Kovar and Dr. Virginia Overdoif 1

    Exercises in Empowerment: Toward a Feminist Aerobic Pedagogy Leslie D. Haravon 23

    A Comparison of Fat Utilization During Exercise: Walking and Swimming Dr. Laurie M.Grubbs .45

    Coincidence-Anticipation Timing Harry J.Meeuwsen, Sinah L. Goode, and Noreen L. Goggin 59

    REPORT ON CONFERENCES 1995 ICHPERSD World Congress 77 WISE Conference Review 83 Conference Announcements 112

    BOOK REVIEWS Women and Sport: An Interdisciplinary Perspective 113 The Secret Between Us, Competition Among Women 123 Women, Sport, and Culture 127

    INFORMATIONAL ITEMS IAPESGW Membership Application Forms 131 Wishperd 133 Women's Sports Foundation 135 Invitation to Apply for Editor 139 Special Call for Manuscripts 140 WSPAJ Author Guidelines 141 Bijaper Subscription Order Form 145 WSPAJ SUbscription Order Form 148 WOMEN'S ARTi 1m A WOMEN'S ART LIBRARY PUBLICATION No 68 January/February 1996




    Text, Textile, Sex and Sexuality 5 Janis Jefferies on fibre art

    Glass Celling in Cyberspace? 10 Shirley Read on new technology


    Things you always wanted to do but were afraid to 12 Heidi Reitmaier talks to Georgina Starr


    Trans·Atlantic Metamorphosis 16 Penelope Curtis on Jana Sterbak

    Painting Transformations 18 Libby Anson on Nicky Hodge

    JlnlSterbak IWoMYC

    Playing to the Gallery 19 Nancy Proctor on GraVity'S Angels Silhouettes 29 Dalia Manor on Varda Getzow I 00,1 Don't 22 Janice Cheddie on the Frith Street Gallery exhibition Wildflowers, Women and the Law 30 Alison Rowley onJo Darbyshire Making landscape 24 Sally Rice on Jane Brettle Look Both Ways 31 Althea Greenan on Interference ...The Wearing of Beasts Heads... 26 or nothing new under the Sun Life? or Theatre? 32 Mary Sara on Sandy Sykes Astrid Schmetterling on Charlotte Salomon

    An Uncanny Sense 27 Sometimes the First 34 Melissa feldman on Wendy McMurdo Hiroko Hagiwara reports on the Korean Biennale

    Hidden Garments 28 Caryn Simonson discusses the performative LISTINGS 36 104 Women's History Review

    VOLUME 4 NUMBER 41995

    Randl Davenport. Thomas Malthus and Maternal Bodies Politic: gender, race, and empire 415 Linda Rozmovlu. New Woman Meets Shakespeare Woman: the struggle over the figure of Portia in England in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries 441 Carol Dyhouu. The British Federation of University Women and the Status of Women in Universities, 1907·1939 465 louise Ryan. Traditions and Double Moral Standards: the Irish suffragists' critique of nationalism 487 Nicky Hallett. Anne Clifford as Orlando: Virginia WooJrs feminist historiology and women's biography 505 Rebecca Rogers. Schools, Discipline and Community: diary·writing and schoolgirl culture in late nineteenth-eentury France 525

    BOOK REVIEWS Women's Studies in the 1990s: doing things differently? (Joanna de Groot & Mary Maynard, Eds) and Introducing Women's Studies (Diane Richardson & Victoria Robinson, Eds) reviewed by Gabriele Griffin, Julia Bush & Lesley Holly 555 Husbandry to Housewifery: women, economic change and housework in Ireland 1890·1914 (Joanna Bourke) and We Are But Women: women in Ireland's history (Roger Sawyer) reviewed by Margaret Ward 556 Parachutes and Petticoats: Welsh women writing on the Second World War (Leigh Verrill·Rhys & Deirdre Beadoe, Eds) and Comrade or Brother? The History ofthe British Labour Movement, 1789·1951 (Mary Davis) reviewed by Hilda Kean 559 Medieval London Widows, 1300-1500 (Caroline M. Barron & Anne F. Sutton, Eds) reviewed by Ann Kettle 560 After the Victorians: private conscience and public duty in modern Britain (Susan Pedersen & Peter Mandler, Eds) reviewed by Helen Jones 561 Wisps ofViolence: producing public and private politics in the turn.of.the·century British novel (Eileen Sypher) reviewed by Sally Ledger 563 The Art ofMidwifery: early modern midwives in Europe (Hilary Marland, Ed.) reviewed by Alison Bashford 565

    Title·page and Contents, Volume 4 567 105



    3 • 8 WOMEN AND THE UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY 50th SESSION: Spt.• Dec. 1995, New York COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN, 40. SESSION, March 11 - 22, 1996 CEDAW: Commi"ee on the Elimination of Discrimination of Women, 15th Session IWRAW: Int. Women's Rights Action Watch: Report to CEDAW NGO·FORUM FOURTH WORLD CONFERENCE ON WOMEN, Report available Infernationol Women's TRIBUNE Centre USA Commitments at 4th World Conference on Women - reports UNEP - UN Environment Programme: 'Women need to be Equal Partners at UN' INSTRAW: Towards a fair portrayal of women In the media II Publications Status of ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH at UN questioned UNDP: Women and the new Trade Agenda II ILO: Protection of Home-workers 9 • 10 WOMEN AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS: CLEARINGHOUSE VACANCIES I EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: WHO· World Health Organization II FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization II UNAIDS II UNESCO· Educa­ tional, Scientific and Cultural Orgo.nizotion of the UN II UN SECRETARIAT and more II • 20 WOMEN AND DEVELOPMENT WOMEN ARE CHANGING THE WORLD -A 20 YEAR RECORD: A Conversation with Dr. Krishna Ahooio-Potel, Presidenl Women's World Summit Foundation TRANSFORMING DEVELOPMENT: Women, Poverty and Politics by Margaret Snyder. Book Review by Fran P. Hasken DAUGHTERS OF THE EARTH: The Environment and Development collaborative Web WOMEN'S WORLD SUMMIT FOUNDATION: Prize for Creativity in rural life BRIDGE - Briefings onDevelopmenl and Gender 21 • 25 WOMEN AND HEALTH WOMEN'S EXPERIENCES OF ABORTION IN THE WESTERN PACIFIC REGION: World Health Organization Regional Office, Manila The MICRONUTRIENT Experience 2nd REGIONAL WOMEN'S TRADITIONAL MEDICINE WORKSHOP: Proceedings The Papers Project WOMEN and PHARMACEUTICALS· A Healthy Balance RESOURCES: Mothers and Children II Report: Campaign against Maternal Mortality II Reappraising Population Policies Asia and Pacific II International Midwife /1 Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights /1 Africa Women and Health 26 • 28 FEMALE GENITAL AND SEXUAL MUTILATION SUMMARY OF FGM LEGISLATION in USA: Federal and State FGM a Public Health Issue also in ITALY New CANADIAN Criminal Code Amendment on FGM proposed FATWA issued in CHAD against film-maker showing excision 1ESOURCES: STOP Female Genital Mutilation II The Childbirth Picture Book 29 • 31 WOMEN AND VIOLENCE PLANETARY VIOLENCE against women ~ 50S Sexism/ France PAKISTAN: A Study of Domestic Violence :"The Hoven becomes HeIP' USA: Domestic Violence alarmingly .high (continued, next page) 106


    (continued) 32 38 WOMEN AND MEDIA UNESCO: Jounalists look at Woments Issues 1/ MEDIA Technology II International Women's MEDIA FOUNDATION II WOMEN'S PUBLICATIONS AND JOURNALS from EUROPE, ASIA and PACIFIC. AFRICA, CANADA, USA ond more 39 • 48 REPORTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD: MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: The changing Status of Women, on Overview. ISRAEL: The status of women IRAN: Country Report for Fourth World Conference on Women AFRICA: Gender in Africa: the Issue~ on ECA (Economic Commission of Africa) view BURKINA FASO: Analysis of the status of women The GAMBIA: Meetings and Reports for Fourth World Conference on Women UGANDA: "Visible ot Last" • NGO Contributions II ZIMBABWE: WILDAF Bulletin SOUTH AFRICA: Program for Development 1/ ZAMBIA: Infant mortality growing 49 • S8 REPORTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD: ASIA AND PACIFIC INDIA: Country Report for Fourth World Conf. on Women II Women's Voices NEPAL: legal Rights of women, a summary PAKISTAN: Discrimination and Abuse of Pakistany women AUSTRALIA: Office of the Status of Women II Women's Book Review CHINA: Program of Development of Women: 1995-2000 II The Situation of Women JAPAN: The Status of Women and Work II Yokohama Women's Forum


    EUROPEAN UNION: Women in the ECE Region - Fourth World Conference "Call for Adiont! II Women of the European Union, an overview II WIDE: living and Working II Towards alternative economics NORDIC COUNTRIES: Women make Decisions SWEDEN: Shared Power I Responsibility: National Report for World Conference NORWAY: An overview of Women's status and health FINLAND: The Slatus of Women· Council of Equality TURKEY: Women in statistics II FRANCE: Women's Alliance for Democracy RUSSIA: Women face violence and corruption II Men abandon wives and children 70 • 76 REPORTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD: AMERICAS ARGENTINA: CEM· Centro de Estudios de 10 Mujer - Program and Publications TRININDAD and TOBAGO: More Women are elecled • CAFRA reporls HAITI: The Status of Women: Report to Fourth World Conference on Women UNITED STATES: The President's Inter-Agency Council on Women II Affirmative Action a Women's Issue II Seventh International AWID Forum Sptember '96 1/ Women's Research and Education Institute· W.R.E.1. II Women Alumnae act against discrimination at Harvard II Sixth Annual Women's Studies Conf. Oct 1/ Notional Women's Studies Assoc. Conference, June. II Girls kept out of school by Arab parents in USA 77 • 80 INFORMATION OF INTEREST: INTERNATIONAL World Federation of UKRAINIAN Women's Org. Fourth World Conference Stalement WllPf . Women's International League for Peace and Freedom II Homeworker'S Association II Internationol Clr. for Restarch on Women II WISTAT • Women', Indicators and Statistics Data Base II CLADEM: Human Rights for the 21st Century II Int. Partnership Network II Inl. Centre for Cross Cultural Research on Women 107

    1 Margo Culley' Silver Rights: A True Story From the Front Lines ofthe Civil Rights Struggle by COllStance Curry 4 Letters 5 Irene Elizabeth Stroud. Virtual Equality: The Malnstreamlng ofGay and Lesbian Llheration by UrvashJ Vaid 6 Gail Pool. The Diaries ofDawn Powell: 1931·1965 edited by Tim Page; My Home Is Far Away by Dawn Powell 7 Diana Postlethwaite· Our Vampires, Ourselves by Nina Auerbach 8 Edith Milton· Writing and Being by Nadine Gordlmer 9 Meryl AJunan • FemlnisllnterprelatlonsofSimone de Beauvoir edited by Margaret A. SImoIlS; Simone de Beauvolr: The Making ofan Intellectual Woman by TorU Mol; Hipparchla's Choice: An Essay Concerning Women, Philosophy, elc. by Mlchtle Le Doeujf 11 Elizabeth Deeds Errnarth • George Eliot, Voice ofa Century: A Biography by Frederick Karl; The Real Life of Mary Ann Evans: George Eliol, Her Lellers and Flcllon by Rosemary Bodenheimer 12 Rebecca Steinitz • An Obsession with Anne Frank: Meyer levin and the Dwry by Lawrence Grayer; The Diary ora Young Girl: The Delinltive Edition by Anne Frank 13 Isabelle de Courtivron· Elnslein's Wife: Work and Marriage In the Lives of Flye Greal Twentieth·Cenlury Women by Andrea Gabor 14 Nan Levinson. Sex Wars: Sexual Dissent and Political Cullure by Usa Duggan and Nan D. Hunter; XXX: A Woman's Righi 10 Pornography by Wendy McElroy 15 Linda S. Kauffman· Femlnlsms In the Cinema edited by Laura PietropaoUJ and Ada Testa!erri; The Unruly Woman: Gender and the Genres ofLaughter by Kathleen Rowe 17 Elsa Dorfman· Unlilled by Diane Arbus 18 Sharon Sievers' Japanese Women: New Feminist Perspectives on lhe Past, Present, and Fulure edited by Kumiko Fujimura·Fanselow and A/suko Kameda 18 Barbara Cully' Two Poems 19 Madelon Sprengnether' Freudians and Feminisls by Edith Kurzweil; New Maladies of the Soul by Julia Kristeva 20 KayaM Short· The Cook and the Carpenler by June Arnold; Sisler Gin by June Arnold; Riverlinger Women by Elana NachmanJDykewomon; Lover by Bertha Harris; Giye Me Your Good Ear by Maureen Brady 22 Patrice Clark Koelsch. Cultural Sniping: The Arl ofTransgression by Jo Spence I 24 Books Received 108

    Vol. XIII, No.5 Fabro; 1996

    1 MaIy Lowenlhal Felstiner· A Cross ODd a Star: Memoirs oIaJewlsb GlrilD Cblle byMarjorie Agosln; Recovered Land by AUcla Niuck;; A WomOD In Amber: H08llDg \be Trauma 01 War and ExIle by Agale Nesaule 4 leiters 5 ludith Grossman • The House on the Lagoon by Rosarla Fm' 6 Elayne Rapping' The RoosIer', Egg: Oil \be Perslsten« 01 PreJudk:e by Patricia Willianu 7 Emily Toth. Swindler, SP1, Rebel: \be c...rldence Woman la NlDeleenth·Century Amerlal by Kathleen De Grave 8 Sharon Uebennan • Informed Constat bylohn A. Byrne 9 Vivian G

    1 Carol Stemhell • The Adoption Reader: Birth Mothers, Adoptive Mothers and Adoptive Daughters Tell Their Stories edited bySusan Wadia-Ells 4 Lellers 5 Margaret M. Russell· Arrlean American Women Speak Out on Anita Hili-Clarence Thomas edited by Geneva Smitherman; Race, Gender and Power In America: The Legacy ofthe Hili-Thomas Hearings edited by Anita Faye Hill and Emma Coleman Jordan 6 Rebecca Gonion. Unspeakable: The Rise ofthe Gay and Leshlan Press In Amerlca by Rodger Streitmaller 7 Janette Turner Hospital· ForeIgn ParIs by Janice Galloway 8 Leora Tanenbaum· The Centerfold Syndrome: How Men Can Overcome Objectification and Achieve Intimacy with Women by Gary Brooks; Male Mylhs and Icons: Masculinity in Popular Culture by Roger Horrocks; White Guys: Studies In Postmodern Domination and Difference by Fred Pfeil 10 Judith Banington • Blue Pastures by Mary Oliver 11 Carol Anshaw • Another Mother by Ruthann Robson; Toward Amnesia bySarah Van Arsdale 12 Diana Postlethwaile' From the Beast to the Blonde: On Fairy Tales and Their Tellers by Marina lVa,ne, 14 Marge Berer' Doclors of Conscience: The Struggle 10 Provide Abortion Before and Arter Roe v. Wade by Carole Joffe; The Story ofJane: The Legendary Underground Feminist Abortion Service by Laura Kaplan 15 Maggie Garb. Women Builders and Designers: Making Ourselves at Home by Janice Goldfrank 16 Bettina Aptheker • From Wedded Wife to Lesbian Life: Stories ofTransformation edited by Deborah Abboll and Ellen Fa,mer; Joining the Tribe: Growing Up Gay and Lesbian in the '90s by Unnea Due 17 Jennifer Komreieh • Runaway: Diary of a Streel Kid and Fresh Girls and Olher Stories by Evelyn Lall 18 Bea Medicine· Lost Bird ofWounded Knee: Spirit ofthe Lakota by Renle Sansom Flood; Compleling the Circle by Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve 20 Francine Prose· Arranged Marriage by CMtra Banerjee Divaka,uni 21 Sheila Bienenfeld • The Cosl ofCompetence: Why Inequailly Causes Depre".ion, Eating Disorders, and Illness In Women by Brell Silvers/ein and Deborah Perlick 21 Miriam Levine' Two Poems 22 Jamie Owen Daniel· Resident Allen: Feminist Cultural Criticism by Jane/ Wolff 23 Books Received 110


    Volume 16, Number 2 CONTENTS Winter 1994

    ARTICLES: Supreme Court Reaffirms Meritor and Refines Requirements for Hostile Work Environment in Sexual Harassment Suits: The Impact of Harris v. Forklift Systems, Inc. Stuart L. Bass...... 53 Eugene T. Maccarrone Speaking Up! Speaking Out! The Power of Student Speech in Law School Classrooms Rita Sethi ...... 61

    The New Jersey Equal Rights Amendment: A Documentary Sourcebook Robert F. Williams ...... 69 NOTES: The Reasonable Woman Standard After Harris v. Forklift Systems, Inc.: The Debate Rages On Sharon J. Bittner...... 127

    The 14th Amendment and Sexual Consent: Statutory Rape and Judiciary Progeny Luisa A. Fuentes 139 111 165 You Can Heal Your Life: The Invention of New Subjectivities in a Brazilian Landscape ...... Claudia de Lima Costa Miriam Pillar Grossi < Z~ 0 c::r- 177 Recipes for Change: Weekly Help for Indian Women ~ nO tT1 O~ Radlta Sarma Hegde ~ co ~m z ~Z 189 Helping!?: Images and Control in Japanese Women's c:: Magazines ~ C:vi Reiko Hayashi '"tT1 ZVl ;:0 ...... , N 'T1 nc: 199 Codependence and the Politics oflnner Resistance :> r- ~Cj r- Maria Mas/ronard; ...... ~ ...... '" m '"U1 0 Vl 209 I Don't Have a Great Body, But I Play One on TV: The Celebrity Guide to Fitness and Weight Loss Z in the United States

    Elizabe/h Arveda Kissling

    217 A Feminist Critique of Self-Help Books on Heterosexual Romance: Read 'Em and Weep

    Vic/aria Leta DeFrancisco Penny O'Collnor

    229 Talk, Sex, and Self-Help: Hite and Men's Power Anxiety

    Cheris Kramarae

    107 Helping Our Selves: An Introduction Vic/aria Leta DeFrancisco

    III OIT the Shelf Salvation: A IlcllIinist Critique of Self-Help Maureen Ebben

    123 Women Reading Self-Help: Themes of Separation and Connection Debra Orodin

    135 Lifting the Curse of Bve: Women Writers and Advice Literature on Childbirth Cheryl Rose Jacobsen

    153 Mothers as Others: The Construction of Race, Ethnicity, amI Gender in Self-Help Literature of the 1940s Julie H. Weiss WOMEN'S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM 112 VOLUME 18 NUMBER 3 1995 MAY-JUNE


    JANE RIOBENS 247 lntroducing qualitative research on women in families ROSALIND EDWARDS and households

    10 VANEvERY 259 Delreconstructing gender: women in antisexist living arrange­ ments

    ANDREA DoUCET 271 Gender equality and gender differeoces in household work and parenting

    MIRI SONG 285 Between "the front" and "the back": Chinese women's work in family businesses

    TINA MILLER 299 Shifting lx>undaries: exploring the influence ofcultural traditions and religious beliefs of Bangladeshi women on antenatal interactions

    NATASHA S. MAlm-fNER 311 Postnatal depression: the significance of social contacts between mothers

    LINDA BELL 325 Just a token commitment? women's involvement in a local babysitting circle

    DIANE REAY 337 A silent majority? mothers in parental involvement

    CAROL-ANN HOOPER 349 Women's and their children's experiences of sexual violence: rethinking the links

    JACKIB BARRY 361 Care~need and care~receivers: views from the margins


    CELIA HAWKESWORTH 375 Cinderella Goes to Market. Citizenship, Gender and Women s Movements in East Central Europe by Barbara Einhorn

    PATSY HALLEN 375 Ecofeminism by Maria Mies and Vandana Shiva

    JEONG-LIM NAM 376 Women i" Korean Politics bv Chune.hee Sarah Soh

    MARISA ANNE PAGNATTARO 377 Women in the Criminal Justice System, 3m ed. by Clarice Feinman

    LAURAA. WAcKwm 377 A Straighl Woman:' Guide 10 Lesbianism hy Mikaya Heart

    CELESTE MICHElLE CONDIT 378 An Unfinished Revollftion: Women and Health Care in America ediled by Emily Friedman


    MARY KENNEDY 381 A review of selected UK Women's Studies texts

    385 Biographical Statements

    Feminist Forum: News, Conferences, Reports WOMEN'S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM 113 VOLUME 18 NUMBER 4 1995 JULY-AUGUST


    JUDITH S. LEWIS 387 Princess of parallelograms and her daughter: math and gender in the nineteenth century English aristocracy

    DoNNA M. HUGHES 395 Significant differences: the conslruction of knowledge. objectivity, and dominance

    ALISON ADAM 407 Artificial intelligence and women's knowledge: what can femi~ Dinst epistemologies tell us?

    MIRIAM CHING Y OON LoUIE 417 Minjung feminism: Korean women's movement for gender and class liberation

    COUMBA MAR GADIO 431 Survival or empowennent? crisis and temporary migration among CAlllV A. RAKOWSKI the Serer millet pounders ofSenegal

    BRENDA S. A. YEO" 445 Childcare in Singapore: negotiating choices and constraints in a SHIRlENA HUANG multicultural society

    BARBARA L. MARSHALL 463 Communication as politics: feminist print media in English Canada

    BEVERLEY SKEGGS 475 Women's studies in Britain in lhe 1990s: entitlement cultures and institutional constraints

    BIRGIT BROCK-Urns 487 Feminist Didaktik - the why, what, and how to teach women


    ANNETfE BURFOOT 499 In-appropriation - a critique of Proceed with Care: final report of the Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies BOOK REVIEWS

    ARLENE GRIFFEN 507 Daughters of the Pacific by lohl de Ishtar

    JANE CAFARELLA 508 Weddings and Wives - Many Women Want to Have Weddings, Few of Them Want to be Wives edited by Dale Spender

    MARIAN SAWER 508 Trust the Women: Women in the Federal Parliament by Ann Millar

    JOYA MISRA 509 The Nordic Countries - A Paradise for Women? edited by Brit Fougner and Mona Larsen·Asp

    511 Biographical Statements

    Feminist Forum: News, Conferences, Reports 114 WOMEN'S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM VOLUME 18 NUMBERS 5/6 1995 SEPTEMBER-DECEMBER


    LYNNE AnwOOD 513 Men, machine guns. and the mafia: post-Soviet cinema as a discourse on gender

    CEllA ROBERTS 523 Faking it: the story of "ohh!" SUSAN KJppAJ( CAllfERINE WALDBY JUNE CRAWFORD

    GRAZYNA ZAJoow 533 Caring and nurturing in the lives of women married to alcoholics

    JULIE MELIA 547 An honest human body: sexuality and the continuum of resist.ance

    MEG MAGUIRE 559 Women, age. and education in the United Kingdom

    CLARA H. GREED 573 Public toilet provision for women in Britain: an investigation of discrimination against urination

    MARY MADDEN 585 Necessary narratives: Toni Morrison and literary identities

    ANITA HARRIS 595 If I had a hanuner: violence as a feminist strategy in Helen DIANA BAKER Zahavi's Dirty Weekend

    ELiZABE11-1 SAKELLARIDOU 603 The Kaie of the Kare - or Persephone's optics: the case of Pam Gem's Deborah:SO Daughter RESEARCH

    ISABEL DVCK 611 Women talking: creating knowledge through difference in cross­ luDm'! M. LYNAM cultural research JOAN M. ANDERSON

    CA'rnLEBN ARMSTEAD 627 \yriting contradictions: feminist research and feminist writing


    RACHEL L. OSBORNE 637 The continuum of violence against women in Canadian universities: Toward a new understanding of the chilly campus climate

    647 Biographical Statements

    Feminist Forum: News, Conferences, Reports

    xvn Volume 18 Contents and Author Index , ill n s Wo e 115 Q ~-a-~--:~t~d--e-ir-i-;

    Volume XXIII. Numbers 3 & 4 Fail/Winter 1995 •

    3 Editorial

    NEW DffiECTIONS FOR FEMINIST PEACE STUDIES 9 Women's Studies, Peace Studies, and the Difference Debate, Linda Rennie Force)' 15 Engendering a Peaceful Planet: Ecology, Economy, and Eco· feminism in Comtemporary Context, Yllestra King 22 New Historical Perspectives on Gendered Peace Studies, Frances H. Early 32 's Peace Activism, 1914-1922: A Model for Worn· en Today? Kathryn Kish Sklar 48 Introducing Feminist Perspectives into Peace and World Secu­ rity Courses,j. Ann Tickner

    GENDER AND THE CUlTURE OF MILITARISM 58 Feminism and Militarism: A Comment, bell hooks 65 "The Great War in Modern Memory": What Is Being Re· pressed? Claire M. Tylee 78 "I Am Loath to Recall"; Russian Women Soldiers in World War II, Svetlana Alexieuich 85 Another Record: A Different War, Margaret R. Higonnet 97 Forging a New Army out ofOld Enemies: Women in the South African Military,Jacklyn Cock I 12 Soldaderas: New Questions, New Sources, Elizabeth Salas I I7 Gendered Identities in Conflict: The Israeli·Palestinian Case and Beyond, Simona Sharoni 136 Riding the Hyphens ofFeminism, Peace, and Place in Four· (or More) Part Cacophony, Christine Sylvester

    POETRY 147 In San Salvador I & II, Grace Paley 150 Don't Destroy the World, Ellen Bass

    (continued, next page) 116

    Volume XXIII • Numbers 3 & 4 Fall/Winter 1995 •


    152 Wheat and Dried Flowers 153 Into a War 154 Birthing, Rochelle Mass TEACHING: REFLECTIONS, RESOURCES, AND REFERENCES 155 Daughters, Fathers, and Vietnam: Reflections on Teaching the War at a Women's College, Susan Zeiger 170 One Woman'sJourney into the World ofWomen's Peace His· tory. Harriet Hyman Alonso

    Syllabi 183 Women, War, and Revolution, Roxamze DUllbar 188 The Promise and Pitfalls ofTeaching Feminist International Relations 189 Syllabus: Gender in the International Political Economy, L. H. M. Ling 193 U.S. Women: War, Peace, and the Military, Amy Swerdlow 198 Militarism, Pacifism, and Feminism in Modern History. Blanche Wiesen Cook and Sandi E. Cooper

    Bibliography 214 Teaching about Women from a Peace Studies Perspective: An Annotated Bibliography ofResources on Conflict, Peace, and Justice, Lynne M. Woehrle 249 Newsbriefs

    Correction Due to a typesetting error in Women's Stndies Quarterly 1995:1&2, the source of the photograph of Maida Springer·Kemp et al. on page 70 was omitted. The photograph is courtesy of the George Meany Memorial Archives. Also, on page 42, the heading should read "School and Community." Women's Studies Quarterly and AeroType, Inc., sincerely regret these errors. Announcing a special issue (voL 17, no.2, 1996) of FEMINIST COLLECTIONS A Quarterly ofWomen's Studies Resources

    .' :.: ,. . G" ~,_.. • ~t./"t.o~ • This special issue on "Women's Studies and Information Technology: Reports from the Field, " includes such topics as:

    Reconsidering authority in the multimedia classroom Using electronic discussion groups across institutions to increase diversity Negotiating authorship in cyberspace Using infonnation technology in feminist research The changing gender gap in attitudes toward computers Interactive video teaching Using the Web as a women's studies resource Linking women in East Central Europe and the former Soviet Union Using the Internet to expand the horizons of a rural campus Developing library skills and research strategies for re-entry women Issues of privacy and the Web

    There's much more in the issue, too. For a subscription to FEMINIST COLLECTIONS (which also includes regular issues of FEMINIST PERIODICALS and NEW BOOKS ON WOMEN & FEMINISM), send $30 (for individual or nonprofit women's program) or $55 (for institution) to: UW System Women's Studies Librarian, 430 Memorial Library, 728 State St., Madison, WI 53706. Single copies are available for $3.50. (Outside u.s., additionalpostage is needed; inquire about rates.) For information, call 608-263-5754 or send email to wiswsl@ doit. wise. edu. The ultimate women's studies resource: Women's Resources International CD-ROM

    Women's Resources International (l972-present) is a new CD-ROM ofover 116,000 records drawn from a variety ofessential women's studies databases. Enjoy unprecedented access to all of these databases exclusively on a NISC DISC'.

    Women's Resources International provides all of these databases: Major topics 9 feminist theory Women Studies Abstracts (l984-present) is edited by Sara Stauffer Whaley and provides more than 30,000 9 feminist history records. Approximately 2,500 records are added per year. 9 family rVomen's Studies Database (1972-present) is compiled by Jeanne Guillaume, Women's Studies Collection 9 employment Librarian of New College, University of Toronto and provides more than 52,000 records drawn from 125 9 mental health journals worldwide. Coverage includes humanities, social sciences, health, law, and information on grassroots 9 physical health feminism and feminist organizations. About 4,000 records are added per year. 9 psychology 9 reproductive rights Women Studies Librarian: 4 jiles from the University ofWiscomi,,: 9 family planning New Books on H0men & Feminism (1987-present) is the complete guide to feminist publishing provides 9 Victorian period 22,000 citations. About 2,800 records are added per year, 9 Modern period WAVE: Women's Audiovuuals in English: A Guide to Nonprinr Resources in Womens Studies (1985·90) is a 9 literary criticism guide to 800 feminist films, videos, audiocassettes, and filmstrips. Includes distributor contact info, 9 art, language & culture 9 sports & physical activities Women, Race, and Ethnicity: A Bibliography (1970-90) is an annotated. selective bibliography of 2,400 books, journals, anthology chapters, and nonprint materials. 9 politicaVsocial activism 9 grassroots movements The History ofWomen and Science, Health, and Technology: A Bibliographic Guide to the Profeuions and the 91aw Disciplines (1970·95 ~ selective coyerage) is an excellent tool for curriculum development: over 2,350 records from biographical and hislOrical books and articles. 9 child abuse 9 domestic violence Women ofColor and SOli them Ilbmen: A Bibliography ofSocial Science Research (I975-present) is 9 lesbianism produced by the Research Clearinghouse on Women of Color and Southern \'fomen at the University of 9 developing countries l\\emphis in Tennessee and provides over 7,600 citations on eighteen different ethnic groups. About 500 9 raciaVethnic studies records are added per year. 9 prejudice & sex discrimination JVomen's Health and Development: An Annotated Bibliography (1995) provides 200 records drawn 9 immigrant experience mainly from English-language journals and other holdings of the World Health Organization library in 9 women in development Geneva. The bibliography was compiled by of Publishing, Language & Library Services, Office of 9 international feminism Library & Health Literature Services. and is dedicated to the memory of the late chief of the library, Dr. Deborah Avriel (1935-95). 9 women's liberation movement

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