1 Exotic Tree List Tree Number Botanical Name Afrikaanse Naam

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1 Exotic Tree List Tree Number Botanical Name Afrikaanse Naam Exotic tree list Tree Botanical Name Afrikaanse Naam English Name Origin Number X58 Abies concolor Witden White Fir N.Amer X59 Abies magnifica Rooiden Red Fir N.Amer X60 Abies nordmanniana Kaukasiese Den Caucasian Fir Turkey, Iran X61 Abies pinsapo Spaanse Den Spanish Fir Spain X62 Abies procera Edelden Noble Fir N.Amer Raspberry X486 Acacia acuminata Frambosewattel Aust Wattle X487 Acacia baileyana Bailey-se-wattel Bailey's Wattle Aust Knife-leaved X488 Acacia cultriformis Mesblaarwattel Aust Wattle X489 Acacia cyclops Rooikrans Red Eye Aust X490 Acacia dealbata Silwerwattel Silver Wattle Aust X491 Acacia decurrens Groenwattel Green Wattle Aust Gossamer X492 Acacia floribunda Spinnerakwattel Aust Wattle X493 Acacia longifolia Bleekwattel Sallow Wattle Aust X494 Acacia mearnsii Swartwattel Black Wattle Aust X495 Acacia melanoxylon Swarthout Blackwood Aust X496 Acacia pendula Treurwattel Weeping Myall Aust X497 Acacia podalyriifolia Vaalmimosa Pearl Acacia Aust X498 Acacia pycnantha Gouewattel Golden Wattle Aust Port Jackson X499 Acacia saligna Goudwilger Aust Willow Peppertree X500 Acacia terminalis Peperboomwattel Aust Wattle X658 Acer buergerianum Chinese Ahorn Chinese Maple China X659 Acer campestre Veldahorn Field Maple Eur, Turk, Iran X660 Acer circinatum Wingerdahorn Vine Maple N Amer Ash-leaved X661 Acer negundo Essenblaarahorn N & C Amer Maple X662 Acer palmatum Japanse Ahorn Japanese Maple Japan, China X663 Acer platanoides Noorse Ahorn Norway Maple Eur, Turk, Iran X664 Acer pseudo-platanus Valsplataan Sycamore Maple Eur, Asia 1 X665 Acer saccharinum Witahorn White Maple N Amer Acoelorrhaphe X131 Silwersaagblaarpalmetto Silver Saw Palm C.Amer wrightii Acrocarpus X539 Dakspaanboom Shingle Tree India, Burma fraxinifolius Dominikaanse Dominican X222 Acrocomia aculeata Domin Ghroeghroepalm Grugru Palm Mexikaanse Mexican Grugru X223 Acrocomia mexicana Mex Ghroeghroepalm Palm' Aesculus Common Horse- X667 Gewone Perdekastaiing SE Eur hippocastanum chestnut Indian Horse- X668 Aesculus indica Indiese Perdekastaiing Himal chestnut Red Horse- X666 Aesculus x carnea Rooiperdekastaiing N Amer chestnut Queensland X16 Agathis robusta Queenslandse Kauri Aust. Kauri X240 Agave americana Garingboom Century Plant Mex X850 Agonis flexuosa Wilgermirt Willow Myrtle Aust X851 Agonis juniperina Jenewermirt Juniper Myrtle Aust X590 Ailanthus altissima Hemelboom Tree-of-Heaven China Chinese False- X480 Albizia chinensis Chinese Valsdoring China, India thorn Australian X481 Albizia distachya Australiese Valsdoring Aust False-thorn X482 Albizia julibrissin Syboom Silk Tree Asia, Japan X483 Albizia lebbeck Lebbeckboom Lebbeck Tree Trop Asia Trop Asia, X484 Albizia procera Basterlebbeck False Lebbeck Aust X614 Aleurites fordii Tungboom Tung Tree Asia X615 Aleurites moluccana Kersneutboom Candle-nut Tree SE Asia X281 Alnus cordata Italiaanse Els Italian Alder Medit X282 Alnus glutinosa Swartels Black Alder Eur, Asia European White X283 Alnus incana Europese Witels Eur, Asia Alder American Red X284 Alnus oregona Amerikaanse Rooiels N Amer Alder X452 Amelanchier Kanadese Rotsmispel Canadian Shad N Amer 2 canadensis Bush X453 Amelanchier laevis Rotsmispel Shad Bush N Amer Burmese Flame X512 Amherstia nobilis Birmaanse Vlamboom Burma Tree Anacardium X633 Kasjoeboom Cashew Trop Amer occidentale X793 Angophora costata Appelmirt Apple Myrtle Aust X395 Annona cherimola Vla-appel Cherimoya Trop Amer X395.1 Annona reticulata Bulhart Bullocks Heart Trop Amer Tasmanian X406 Anopterus glandulosus Tasmanlourier Aust Laurel X17 Araucaria angustifolia Paranaden Parana Pine Braz, Arg X18 Araucaria araucana Kandelaarkroonspar Monkey Puzzle Chile X19 Araucaria bidwillii Boenjaboenja Bunya-Bunya Aust. New Caledonian X20 Araucaria columnaris Nieu-Caledoniese Den New Cal Pine Araucaria X21 Hoepelden Hoop Pine Aust. cunninghamii Araucaria Norfolk Island X22 Norfolkeilandden Norf.Is heterophylla Pine X899 Arbutus unedo Aarbeiboom Strawberry Tree S Eur Archontophoenix Club-foot King X205 Klompvoetkoningpalm Aust alexandrae Palm Archontophoenix Ring-step King X206 alexandrae var Ringtrapkoningpalm Aust Palm beatricea Archontophoenix X207 Koningpalm King Palm Aust cunninghamiana India, SE Asia, X901 Ardisia crenata Koraalbessieboom Coralberry Tree Japan Arecastrum X215 Koninginpalm Queen Palm Braz, Arg romanzoffianum Dwarf Sugar X156 Arenga engleri Dwergsuikerpalm Taiwan Palm X157 Arenga pinnata Suikerpalm Sugar Palm Mal. X332 Artocarpus altilis Broodvrugteboom Bread-fruit Tree Mal. Artocarpus X333 Nangkaboom Jack-fruit Tree India,Mal heterophyllus 3 X648 Astronium balansae Rooi Quebracho Red Quebracho S Amer Old Man's Salt X370 Atriplex nummularia Oumansoutbos Aust Bush Gold Spire X748 Azara integrifolia Gouespits-asara Chile Azara Lance-leaved X749 Azara lanceolata Smalblaar-asara Chile Azara Box-leaved X750 Azara microphylla Buksblaar-asara Chile Azara X226 Bactris gasipaes Perskepalm Peach Palm Peru X227 Bactris guineensis Tobagoriet Tobago Cane C.Amer X228 Bactris major Doringpalm Prickly Palm C.Amer X103 Bambusa arundinacea Steekbamboes Thorny Bamboo India Common X104 Bambusa balcooa Gewone Bamboes India Bamboo X365 Banksia grandis Reusebanksia Giant Banksia Aust Common X366 Banksia integrifolia Gewone Banksia Aust Banksia X367 Banksia menziesii Oranjebanksia Orange Banksia Aust X368 Banksia serrata Bloubanksia Blue Banksia Aust Fragrant Orchid X520 Bauhinia blakeana Geurorgideëbome China Tree Thorny Orchid X521 Bauhinia forficata Doringorgideëboom S.Amer Tree Butterfly Orchid X522 Bauhinia purpurea Skoenlapperorgideëboom India, Mal Tree White Orchid X523 Bauhinia variegata Witorgideëboom India, China Tree X276 Betula albo-sinensis Chinese Berk Chinese Birch China X277 Betula alleghaniensis Geelberk Yellow Birch N Amer Betula X278 Koningsberk Monarch Birch Japan. maximowicziana X279 Betula papyrifera Papierberk Paper Birch N Amer X280 Betula pendula Silwerberk Silver Birch Eur.,W.Asia X745 Bixa orellana Orleaan Annatto Trop Amer X714 Bombax ceiba Rooikapok Red Cotton Tree Trop Asia Brachychiton Australian X722 Australiese Vlamboom Aust acerifolium Flame Tree 4 X723 Brachychiton discolor Pienk Vlamboom Pink Flame Tree Aust Brachychiton X724 Koerajong Kurrajong Aust populneum X126 Brahea edulis Guadalupepalm Guadalupe Palm Mex Australian X874 Brassaia actinophylla Australiese Kiepersol Aust Cabbage Tree Scarlet Flame X514 Brownea coccinea Rooivlamboontjie Venez Bean Rose-of- X515 Brownea grandiceps Roos-van-Venezuela Venez Venezuela X516 Brownea macrophylla Rooikwas Rouge Puff C.Amer Brugmansia X965 Engeltrompet Angel's Trumpet Braz suaveolens X964 Brugmansia x candida Maanblom Moonflower C Amer Buckinghamia Ivory Curl X345 Ivoorkrulblom Aust celsissima Flower X927 Buddleja asiatica Asiatiese Saliehout Asian Sagewood E Asia Chinese X928 Buddleja davidii Chinese Saliehout China Sagewood Buddleja Madagascar X929 Madagaskarsaliehout Madag madagascariensis Sagewood Flame-of-the- X573 Butea monosperma Vlam-van-die-Bosse India, Burma Forest X216 Butia capitata Jeleipalm Jelly Palm Braz X217 Butia yatay Jateipalm Yatay Palm Arg X630 Buxus sempervirens Gewone Buksboom Common Box Eur Brazilian X547 Caesalpinia ferrea Brasielysterhout Braz Ironwood Lemon X853 Callistemon citrinus Lemoenperdestert Aust Bottlebrush Yellow X854 Callistemon salignus Geelperderstert Aust Bottlebrush Albany X855 Callistemon speciosus Albany-perdestert Aust Bottlebrush Weeping X856 Callistemon viminalis Treurperdestert Aust Bottlebrush White Cypress X72 Callitris columellaris Witsipresden Aust. Pine X73 Callitris endlicheri Swartsipresden Black Cypress Aust. 5 Pine Common X74 Callitris preissii Gewone Sipresden Aust. Cypress Pine Dune Cypress X75 Callitris rhomboidea Duinesipresden Aust. Pine X78 Calocedrus decurrens Wierookseder Incense Cedar N.Amer Common X728 Camellia japonica Gewone Kamelia Japan Camellia X729 Camellia sinensis Tee Tea E Asia Uganda X602 Carapa grandiflora Oegandese Aaphout E.Afr Crabwood X755 Carica papaya Papaja Papaw Trop Amer Carpentaria North-Australian X191 Noord-Australiese Veerpalm Aust acuminata Feather Palm Common X273 Carpinus betulus Gewone Hagebeuk Eur.,W.Asia Hornbeam X271 Carya illinoinensis Pekanboom Pecan Tree N.Amer, Mex Ring-step Fish- X153 Caryota cumingii Ringtrapvisstertpalm Phillip tail Palm Clustered Fish- Burma, India, X154 Caryota mitis Boskasievisstertpalm tail Palm Mal, Phillipp Common Fish- X155 Caryota urens Gewone Visstertpalm India, Mal tail Palm X578 Casimiroa edulis Wit Sapot White Sapote Mex X526 Cassia brewsteri Sigaarkassie Cigar Cassia Aust Crown-of-Gold X527 Cassia carnaval Gouekroonboom Arg Tree X528 Cassia fistula Gouereën Golden Shower India X529 Cassia grandis Perdekassie Horse Cassia Trop Amer X530 Cassia javanica Pienkreën Pink Shower SE.Asia X531 Cassia moschata Bronsreën Bronze Shower C.Amer X532 Cassia multijuga Brasielreën Brazil Shower Braz Burmese X533 Cassia renigera Birmareën Burma Shower X534 Cassia siamea Kassodboom Kassod Tree SE.Asia X535 Cassia spectabilis Lekkerruik-kassie Scented Cassia Trop.Amer American X292 Castanea dentata Amerikaanse Kastaiing N Amer Chestnut 6 X293 Castanea sativa Soetkastaiing Sweet Chestnut S.Eur Castanospermum Australian X551 Australiese Kastaiing Aust australe Chestnut Casuarina X245 Kasuarisboom Beefwood Aust cunninghamiana Casuarina X246 Perdestertboom Horsetail Tree Aust, SE.Asia equisetifolia X247 Casuarina glauca Moeraskasuarisboom Swamp She-oak Aust X973 Catalpa bignonioides Wes-Indiese Boontjieboom Indian Bean N Amer X331 Cecropia palmata Slanghoutboom Snakewood Tree W.Ind, S.Amer West
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