An Evolution of Environmental Health: NEHA Adapts and Embraces Change
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YOUR ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT ’S MESSA GE An Evolution of Environmental Health: NEHA Adapts and Embraces Change Alicia Enriquez Collins, REHS ave you ever read the book, Who ing contributions to public health, especially Moved My Cheese? by Spencer John- in New York City. She is best known for her H son, MD? It is a simple story about NEHA is thriving part in the epidemiological investigation of two mice and two miniature people who are Typhoid Mary (Mary Mallon). She tracked faced with making choices once their cheese and is prepared Mary down twice and was helpful in getting supply within a maze is exhausted.The cheese her quarantined. Dr. Baker was also respon- represents something they all want and need for changes, sible for vastly improving hygiene within the for survival. The mice, Sniff and Scurry, ven- new challenges, immigrant communities of Hell’s Kitchen. ture without hesitation into the maze to find At that time, hand washing education was more cheese and the two other characters, and new severely lacking. Hem and Haw, hang back and discuss and Dr. Thomas Palin (1916–2006) is consid- debate what they should do next. The mice opportunities. ered the Father of the DPD test. He devel- quickly find their pot of gold while the peo- oped analytical methods using the indicator ple struggle with making a move as they are diethyl para phenylene diamine (DPD) that paralyzed by their fear of the unknown and many of us use in our day-to-day work to test their lack of courage to take the next steps who identified a particular public health and ensure appropriate chlorine residuals in necessary for survival. The status quo in their problem, quickly proceeded to investigate water supplies and swimming pools. case would set them up for certain failure— the problem, and sought interventions to Today, we are often faced with difficulties they would surely starve. save lives and/or protect our environment. that challenge the survival of our programs. Some would say that the mice were too Here a just a few examples of notable pub- While these challenges are not unique to hasty; they moved quickly without a lot of lic health figures who have acted in the face environmental health, they cause us to look thought behind their decision to take the of a problem and had significant impact on for creative ways to continue our quest to risks of perhaps getting lost or not finding environmental health practices: achieve greater environmental health protec- more nourishment. Their willingness and Dr. John Snow (1813–1858) is considered tion. Major funding cuts in programs and readiness to act, however, led them to a suc- the Father of Modern Epidemiology for his decreases in our workforce are two major cessful outcome. Eventually, Haw leaves Hem quest to discover how cholera was transmit- challenges. As leaders and problem solvers, behind and reconnects with the mice who ted and his theory that it was transmitted by we look for innovative ways to sustain pro- share their bounty—a life’s supply of gour- contaminated drinking water. grams—whether it is by way of more fee-for- met cheese. Dr. Samuel J. Crumbine (1862–1954) service programs, grant funding, reorganiza- I recalled this story recently while reflect- worked to prevent the spread of tuberculosis tion, and/or the use of technology. ing on the many changes I’ve experienced by his campaigns to replace common drink- In the midst of our challenges with in my personal and professional life during ing cups with paper cups (especially on rail- supporting our traditional programs, we the past several months. Its lessons of tak- roads and public buildings) and promoting grapple with the emerging environmental ing necessary action for survival also brought the slogan, “Don’t spit on the sidewalk.” In health implications of climate change, green to my mind the changes our profession has 1905, he invented the flyswatter to help com- chemistry, bioterrorism, all-hazards emer- endured. Over the brief history of the pub- bat the spread of disease. gency preparedness, and environmental lic health discipline there are many examples Dr. Sara Josephine Baker (1873–1945) justice as well as responding to changes in of individuals who made a difference—those was an American physician notable for mak- public health regulations on menu labeling 6 Volume 76 • Number 2 YOUR ASSOCIATION requirements, trans fat bans, and genetically ship as changes occur in our profession and modified foods. The “think globally and in industry. When Haw finally took the ini- In the book, Who Moved My Cheese? act locally” sustainability trend has created tiative to explore the maze on his own, he by Spencer Johnson, MD, the charac- issues related to community supported agri- wrote bits of advice on the walls of the maze ter Haw writes several lessons learned culture; home preparation of foods for retail as he hoped his friend Hem would be close on the wall of the maze following his sale (cottage foods); expanded products at behind: “Movement in a new direction helps successful quest for a new supply of cheese. Can we relate any of these sim- farm stands; and urban farming, poultry you find new cheese.” “If you do not change, ple lessons to environmental health or raising, and herd sharing. With so many you can become extinct.” Fortunately, Haw to our everyday lives? changes at the local, state, and national learned a lesson from his earlier lack of level, it can be daunting just to try to keep initiative and courage. When finding the The Handwriting on the Wall up with the new risks to public health. As cheese palace, he did not allow complacency Change happens environmental health leaders and as the to overtake him and he continued to explore They keep moving the cheese largest environmental health association in the maze in order to remain familiar with Anticipate change the nation, it is critical that we lead not fol- his environment and aware of his options Get ready for the cheese to move low by staying ahead of trends and emerging should another emergency occur. Like the Monitor change issues. These challenges and changes pose mice in this short story, NEHA is thriving Smell the cheese often so you know an opportunity for us to lead as a profes- and is prepared for changes, new challenges, when it is getting old sion and to adapt quickly. NEHA’s team of and new opportunities. Adapt to change quickly highly qualified technical advisors provide I encourage you to contact your regional The quicker you let go of old cheese, advice to both the NEHA staff and our board vice president if you would like input on an the sooner you can enjoy new cheese as we advocate for enhanced environmen- issue that is impacting your state or your area. Change tal health, prepare for our educational con- Contact information for your board mem- Move with the cheese ferences each year, and publish the highly bers and technical advisors can be found on regarded Journal of Environmental Health. NEHA’s Web site at Enjoy change! These advisors are NEHA’s key to adaptation html and within this issue on page 60. Savor the adventure and enjoy the taste of new cheese! and survival; their expertise is critical as we react to the challenges and changes our pro- Be ready to change quickly and enjoy fession is experiencing. it again and again Unlike Hem and Haw, NEHA quickly They keep moving the cheese adapts and continues to serve our member- [email protected] Become a NEHA Member! hy? Because the National Environmental Health Substantial Savings with Member Pricing on W Association (NEHA) is the only association at the • NEHA’s Annual Educational Conference (AEC) intersection of the environmental and health professions! • NEHA credential renewal and exam fees Nowhere else will you find representatives from all areas • Resources from NEHA’s Online Bookstore of environmental health and protection, including terror- Opportunities for Important Professional ism and all-hazards preparedness, food protection, haz- Education Programs ardous waste, onsite wastewater, air and drinking water • NEHA workshops at little or no cost quality, epidemiology, management, etc.—in both the • NEHA Sabbatical Exchange Program public and private sectors. Discounts on • Rental cars AS A NEHA MEMBER YOU RECEIVE • Air express services Journal of Environmental Health • Freight services A subscription to this esteemed, peer-reviewed journal, Eligibility for published ten times per year to keep you informed, is • Professional liability insurance included with your membership. • Metrum Credit Union Visit for an application. Copyright 2013, National Environmental Health Association ( September 2013 • Journal of Environmental Health 7.