October 20, 2000 Vol
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Inside Archbishop Buechlein . 4, 5 Editorial. 4 From the Archives . 9 Criterion Question Corner . 15 TheCriterion Sunday & Daily Readings. 15 Serving the Church in Central and Southern Indiana Since 1960 www.archindy.org October 20, 2000 Vol. XXXX, No. 3 50¢ Vice president sees Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Italy ‘common ground’ on abortion issue Jubilee visit affirms faith Editor’s note: Catholic News Service recently interviewed presidential candi- By Greg Otolski dates George W. Bush, Al Gore and Patrick Buchanan. The Bush interview ROME—Christians have been mak- was published in the Sept. 29 issue of The ing pilgrimages to Rome since the Criterion. The Buchanan interview will be early days of the Church to pray and to printed in the Oct. 27 issue. celebrate the Catholic faith in the same places where St. Peter and St. Paul did. DETROIT (CNS)—Vice President Al Pope Boniface VIII declared the Gore said he sees hope for “common first Jubilee year in 1300 to inspire ground” on abortion at the grassroots Christians to come to Rome to pray at level and said the effort should be the tombs of the apostles, martyrs and respected and empowered. saints and to receive forgiveness for In a wide-ranging 25-minute interview their sins. with Catholic News Service on Oct. 14, Seven hundred years later, in the Gore also said he is against a moratorium spirit of renewal, 67 pilgrims from the on the death penalty in federal cases until Archdiocese of Indianapolis traveled to more evidence shows it is warranted. Rome last week, where Archbishop Gore also discussed whether he would Daniel M. Buechlein led them on a spir- sign a ban on partial-birth abortions. He itual journey of personal conversion. said some people on both sides of the The group, which included mem- issue are more interested in maintaining bers of neighboring dioceses, prayed conflict than in accepting wording that he each day for the spiritual welfare of all said would make enacting and signing members of the Church in southern such a ban possible. and central Indiana, as well as the Gore, the Democratic nominee for faithful departed of the archdiocese. president, also discussed his opposition to Shortly after arriving in Rome, the voucher programs that bring tax money to CNS photo pilgrims descended a narrow staircase Pilgrims gathered for the Jubilee for Families cheer as Pope John Paul II makes his way through parochial schools, as well as his support below the multicolored marble floor of St. Peter's Square on Oct. 15. for expanding partnerships between the St. Peter’s Basilica into a corridor federal government and faith-based orga- lined with dozens of grottos housing “I was just awestruck during the Mass,” studying at the North American College nizations and for improving how the the tombs of the popes. Two bishops said Father Michael Fritsch, pastor of in Rome, assisted with the liturgy. United States treats immigrants. and five priests concelebrated a Mass St. Paul the Apostle Parish in Greencastle. Seeing St. Peter’s Basilica for the Gore said he sees a burgeoning grass- for the pilgrims in the chapel in front “You really felt like you were touching first time and participating in Mass roots movement seeking common ground of the Tomb of St. Peter. eternity. You looked in one direction, and there was also an overwhelming expe- on abortion. there’s the tomb of St. Peter. You looked in rience for pilgrim Judy Love, a mem- “The truth is, the vast majority of those another direction, and there’s the tomb of ber of St. Joseph Parish in Corydon. who are pro-life and those who are pro- Pope John XXIII. The past, the present and “I was in tears when I saw choice actually agree that certain common- the future of the Church all came together St. Peter’s, and I was misty-eyed sense steps should be taken to reduce the for me at that moment.” throughout the Mass,” Love said. “I number of abortions by reducing the num- Father Fritsch concelebrated the Mass became a Catholic five years ago. It’s ber of times women feel like they’re in a with Archbishop Buechlein—the principal hard to explain. Intellectually, I know situation of such anguish that they have to celebrant—and Bishop J. Peter Sartain of that this is the One Church, but there’s contemplate that choice,” he said. Little Rock, Ark.; Father John Beitans, pas- also this feeling I can’t describe that By talking with participants in that tor of St. Lawrence Parish in Indianapolis; pulled me to become Catholic. All of movement, he said, he knows “there are Benedictine Father Gregory Chamberlin of that was intensified and came pouring ways to sharply reduce the number of Evansville; Father Gordon Mann of Chris- out of me by being here. times a woman ever expresses a desire for ney, Ind.; and Father James Stewart of “There’s a lot I still don’t understand an abortion by reducing the number of Memphis, Tenn. Three seminarians for the about being Catholic, but this pilgrim- situations that lead to it.” Photo by Mary Ann Wyand MaryPhoto by Ann A statue of St. Paul greets visitors to the archdiocese—Christiaan Kappes, Justin age has made me want to know even Gore added that the number of abor- Basilica of St. Paul Outside-the-Walls in Rome. Martin and Jonathan Meyer—who are See PILGRIMAGE, page 2 tions has declined in the last eight years, and “that’s a good thing.” Gore said his willingness to sign a law banning partial-birth abortion—provided Ugandans struggle with poverty, disease it allows exceptions when the life or health of the mother is endangered—is By Brigid C. Ayer See GORE, page 3 In her ministry to the poor as a Missionary Sister of Our Lady of Africa, Sister Demetria Smith of Indianapolis spent 18 years helping people with critical needs in impoverished African countries. Sister Demetria’s present ministry as the mission educator for the archdiocesan Mission Office enables her to share stories of hope and need in the midst of Third World poverty. She tells those stories in archdiocesan parishes and schools to educate World Mission Catholics about the importance of sup- Sunday will be porting the missions. This year, World observed this Mission Sunday will be observed in weekend. parishes on Oct. 21-22. The theme is “Jesus Christ, the one Savior of the World.” After her recent mission trip to Uganda, Sister Demetria said that, “Yes, there are starving children, dismal living condi- tions and many other challenges facing those living in poverty.” However, she said, there also is “hope, peace and joy among the Ugandan people.” Sr.Photo by Demetria Smith Sister Demetria returned to Uganda last summer to measure School children at St. Cecilia Transitory Home for AIDS Orphans in Kitovu, See MISSIONS, page 12 Uganda, raise their hands in excitement to answer the teacher’s question. Page 2 The Criterion Friday, October 20, 2000 including Pope Sixtus II (257-258), who PILGRIMAGE was beheaded by Roman soldiers while continued from page 1 celebrating Mass in the catacomb. Early Christians were forced to cele- more.” brate Mass in secret, often underground in By the end of last week, the pilgrims had the catacombs during the persecutions of passed through the Holy Doors of the four the third century. The use of the catacombs patriarchal basilicas of Rome—St. Peter’s, was made unnecessary after the Emperor St. John Lateran, St. Mary Major and Constantine allowed worship by all reli- St. Paul Outside-the-Walls. gions in 314. Not long after that, the These doors, like the Holy Door at Catacomb of St. Callistus and other cata- SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Indianapolis combs became pilgrimage sites. and the doors of the indulgence churches “You can read about the catacombs and throughout the archdiocese, are reminders see pictures of them, but nothing compares that our ultimate journey is through the Holy to walking down those steps and getting into CNS photo Door that is Jesus Christ. this underground maze,” said Annette Pilgrims pray at the tomb of Pope John XXIII below St. Peter's Basilica. He was beatified along with The group also visited holy sites in “Mickey” Lentz, secretary for Catholic edu- Pope Pius IX in St. Peter's Square on Sept. 3. Assisi, Monte Cassino, Florence and Milan cation and faith formation for the archdio- before returning to Indianapolis on Oct. 17. cese. “Then you realize that you’re walking and cardinals from around the world sat on magnificent.” “Our destiny is the kingdom of God,” on the same ground where many early the main platform with the pope. John Paul The Basilica of St. John Lateran, for the archbishop told the pilgrims during a Christians gave everything to keep the faith II publicly recognized Archbishop Buechlein example, houses a reliquary containing the Mass at the North American College in alive.” and the pilgrims from the Archdiocese of heads of St. Peter and St. Paul. The main Rome. “Rome is called the Eternal City, Lentz was making her first pilgrimage Indianapolis. He greeted the archbishop pri- altar contains the wooden portable altar but the earthly places and things we will to Rome. vately following the public audience. said to have been used by St. Peter. The see on this pilgrimage won’t last forever. Although the obstacles Catholics face Nothing symbolizes the reign of table used by Jesus to celebrate the Last What’s everlasting is God’s love and salva- today to keep the faith alive seem minor Christianity like the majesty of St.