Horses in History Bibliography: Welfare Information Center

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AWIC Resource Series No. 44 August 2009

To The *

In Passing let us give a moment of adulation to THE HORSE. How vitally has he been a part of the history, wars and romance of nations. With that intrepid courage has he stormed over the most sanguinary battlefields! What wise or stupid or or tyrannical rulers has he served with equal patience, endurance and steadfastness? What great lovers has he borne swiftly to their tryst? But a few years gone we were told that the day approached that marked his banishment from those realms wherein he has reigned supreme for thousands of years, and lo! he is now even more securely enthroned. smiled and opened a when she gave to man THE HORSE. Should we not cherish him, nourish his fiery strength, him to sweet water, and when his eyes have dimmed and only his great heart leaps with undying ardor, humbly care for him until he reaches that pasture of eternal green that God reserved for man’s noblest friend.

James A. Watson, Major U.S. Army

*Forward to the book: Harrison, Jack (1933). Famous Horses and Distinguished Horsemen - A Historical Narrative and Personal Rememberences, St. Louis, 448 p. NAL Call Number: 42 H242.

Table of Contents

About this Document


Bibliography by Author's Last Name A-C D-L M-T U-Z

USDA Publications, 1863-1955

Selected Websites

About this Document

The equine related books, reports, etc. listed in this compilation are in the collection of the National Agricultural Library (NAL). They are mostly from the older materials in the collection and some are from the “rare book” collection. Most items listed are from English or American publishers. The titles chosen are in English and are from 1600s to 1980.

The authors attempted to list books on a wide variety of topics related to equines: the development of the horse in , veterinary care, , horses, , asses, wild horses, and burros in the American West, equines in the military, various types[9/1/2015 11:55:48 AM] Horses in History Bibliography: Animal Welfare Information Center

and of horses, racers, trotters, horses in competition, training horses, etc.

The for each published item includes the author, title, publisher, NAL call number, and descriptors. Many citations also include links to a full text version of the document available online. The descriptors provide a brief/general description of the content of the piece. Some books cover many topics and can only be described in general terms.

The compilation is not a comprehensive listing, but a sampling of a very comprehensive collection of equine related documents at NAL. Hopefully, the items referenced will satisfy those who are interested in reading about these from a personal interest point of view as well as those who are interested in more in-depth research.

Most of the books are available on library loan, but some documents can only be used on site as they are in the rare and valuable books collection.

The library is open to the public during the week and anyone is welcome to come and use the general collection or make arrangements to use the rare books. Information about Visiting the Library and Requesting Library Materials is available on the NAL web site.

Enjoy, Jean Larson

Compiled by:

Judith Ho, Jean Larson, and Kristina M. Adams USDA. NAL. Animal Welfare Information Center.

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Introduction - A Horse is a Horse By Kristina Adams, Technical Information Specialist USDA. NAL. Animal Welfare Information Center.

The U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the National Agricultural Library (NAL) got underway in the late 1800’s, when horsepower was at its height to assist farmers. Consequently, NAL contains many books and other collections related to horses. This bibliography on horses in history is an attempt to give the reader an idea of the nature and scope of these collections. It does not list every title and collection on horses in the library, but tries to list some of the more important ones. The collection includes books on the history of different breeds, breeding techniques, farrier or blacksmith skills, health and veterinary medicine, and general horsemanship. Additionally, many texts contain beautiful drawings and pictures or original poems. Some of the texts are now digitized and being made available through such sources as the National Agricultural Library Digital Collections (NALDC), Google Book Search, and the Internet Archive. When possible, links to the digitized versions are provided.

Note: This introduction is not meant to be comprehensive. Rather, it touches on some of the interesting information about horses that the compilers learned while exploring the NAL collection.

Early History

Studies about the of the horse helped shape our understanding of long-term evolution in an animal species.1,2 Horses were first domesticated in the central Eurasian about 6000 years ago according to estimations. Archaeologists found early dating to 4000 BC in Eastern as well as antler cheek-pieces and toggles for mouth pieces north of the Black Sea. Initially, these animals were used for food but at some point their strength was directed towards being led carrying goods, ridden to help hunt game and engage in warfare, and driven to work in the fields.3 By 500 BC, horses and their ability to carry men great distances at a quick speed had begun making their way into legend.

In the Near East, small horses were used for pulling and carrying goods. Most horse people will tell you that these Arabian horses were the first modern riding horse, although the ’s exact origins remain a mystery. Marguerite Henry’s tale of the in King of the Wind,4 highlighted the stamina, spirit, and intelligence of these horses. While some authors, such as Spencer Borden5 and Ridgeway6 suggested that Arabians originated in Africa (Libya specifically), it is commonly believed that Arabians were developed by nomadic Bedouin people in desert environments somewhere on the . Bedouin horse kept meticulous records of their horses in to keep bloodlines pure.

One of the oldest texts providing a complete discourse on horse care, health, and training was written by between the years 431 and 350 BC in Greece. The title is translated into English as “On Horsemanship”7 and the information he provided, although geared toward the development of warhorses, continues to serve as a basis for horse selection, management and training today in all areas of horsemanship. Xenophon’s love and respect for horses was evident in[9/1/2015 11:56:56 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, Introduction: Animal Welfare Information Center

his writings. For example, a translation of one of his writings is “A horse is a thing of beauty... none will tire of looking at him as long as he displays himself in his splendor.”

Note: Since Xenophon’s time, many other books have been written about the selection, training, and care of horses. Texts of authors such as Margaret Cabell Self (horseback riding), James Harvey Sanders and John Wall (), Daniel Rupp, W.C. Spooner and Edward Snape (farriery), and John Henry Walsh and Wiliam Youatt (horse health and care) are available in the collection of the National Agricultural Library.

Riding horses opened up the world to humans who could now travel further and faster than they could while using an -. Horses played a role in the ability of Alexander the Great and his armies to conquer millions of square miles between 330 and 323 BC. Alexander the Great’s horsemanship skills were well known. In one story, vividly retold in the 1979 movie The Black (based on a Walter Farley book8 by the same name), horse traders brought a fiery horse named Bucephalus into a ring to be shown as a prospect to King Philip II, Alexander the Great’s father.9 King Philip expressed no interest after seeing the , but Alexander asked for the horse if he could tame it. Amid much laughter from the crowd, Alexander soothed the The Taming of horse, tamed it, and together they survived many battles. Bucephalus by Andre Castaigne

Horse Collars and

During the Medieval period, people increasingly used horses for ploughing at the same time they continued riding them. During this period, horsemen developed a few items that are indispensible today, including the , , and nailed . The stirrup provided extra security and comfort for the rider, the horse collar allowed horses to pull loads with great efficiency, and the nailed horseshoe permitted riders to travel large distances. Horses were important to individuals and entire countries in terms of their use in warfare, transport and agriculture, and remained unrivaled until the invention of the steam engine and later, automobiles.

European horses were heavier than their desert counterparts. These larger breeds were used for ploughing fields and pulling . They were hardy animals who could withstand the cold, damp climate of northern Europe. Arab warriors began arriving in Europe to spread the word of the Prophet Mohammed around 600 AD. Soon after, Arabian horses began breeding with heavier European breeds. The mix of lighter breeds with the heavier plough horses resulted in horses that were heavy enough to carry heavily armored riders into war and agile enough to move gracefully and quickly during battle. Horses at this time were often described by their use rather than their breed.

American Working Horses

Early in the exploration of the Americas (beginning with Columbus' voyage in 1493), Iberian horses arrived on Spanish galleons.10 Some of these barb horses escaped and became . Today's relatives of these escapees are the found in the western .

Later, when European settlers began arriving in the Americas, they brought with them, among other things, horses. Due mostly to weight and size limitations imposed by ships, these early horses tended to be small or medium-sized. Larger draft horses from Europe began being imported from Europe to the Americas in the middle of the 19th Century. The first set of draft horses to arrive were imported from Normandy, France to a Mr. Edward Harris of New Jersey.11 These horses were smaller , a breed that originated in Le Perche, France. In a letter reproduced in “The Horse in America,” Mr. Harris describes the fair in Normandy where he found and purchased the Percherons. Mr. Harris’ horses and their offspring were bred, sold and used by farmers who valued their weight and strength. Following the success of these horses in America, during the 1870s and 1880s, thousands of draft horses of various breeds began arriving, mostly from France and Great Britain.

Horses and the U.S. Department of Agriculture

In the United States, ranchers, farmers, armies, and other people requiring transportation between locations depended on horses. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) maintained breeding herds of horses on experiment stations throughout the early part of the 20th Century. These programs bred horses as mounts for the military 12 (remount horses) and in an effort to preserve American breeds of horses, such as the Morgan, American Saddle horses, and the .13 The research stations also conducted experiments on reproduction, nutrition, growth and development, and athletic performance (as measured by endurance and speed trials)[9/1/2015 11:56:56 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, Introduction: Animal Welfare Information Center

of horses.14,15

Originally started by the USDA's Bureau of Animal Industry in 1912 in cooperation with the War Department, the remount program produced good light-type horses suitable for riding that were useful for and light artillery use.16 Most of the horses in the program were , American Saddlebreds, , and Morgans. The remount program focused its activities on acquiring sound, studbook-registered and breeding them to select . Congress transferred the remount horse to the War Department in 1920.17

In 1907, the USDA established the U.S. in Middlebury, Vermont on land donated by Colonel Joseph Battell for the purpose of perpetuating and improving the Morgan breed. After acquiring a group of mares and stallions, the farm began breeding horses, recording pedigrees, and measuring the performance of individuals in each generation. The breeding program aimed to produce horses that were “sound, sturdy, active, well-mannered individuals, capable of performing well either under saddle or in harness.18 Speed and endurance were of particular importance. The horses bred by the USDA became know as Government Morgans and their relatives are still bred by Morgan sport-horse breeders today. The Morgan Horse Farm Morgan Stallion was transferred from the USDA to the Vermont Agricultural College (now the Troubador of University of Vermont) in 1951 by Public Law 26 (S. 271), approved by Willowmoor* Congress on May 7, 1951.

The U.S. Range Experiment Station in Miles City, became the second Government Morgan Horse breeding program and also bred draft horses, Thoroughbreds, and crosses. In 1924, an act of Congress created the station19 when the Military Reservation was transferred from the War Department to the USDA. Between 1925 and 1935, the station produced 93 Morgans, 77 Morgan-grade crosses, and 1 Morgan-.20 In addition to the breeding program, the station conducted studies on the reproduction of horses. Researchers examined fertility in mares, the use of chemical tests to detect pregnancy in mares, and semen production in stallions and jacks. Scientists at the station conducted early experiments on the collection and storage of semen and subsequent techniques.21 In

1940, one (Irma) in Miles City, Montana was bred with semen shipped by airplane from Beltsville, .22 The U.S. Range Livestock Experiment Station in Miles City, Montana dispersed its Morgan breeding program after 1935 and maintained a Thoroughbred breeding herd until 1964. Breeding of Belgian and other draft horses also ceased although it is unclear exactly when.

After funding for horse breeding programs ended in the 1950s and 1960s, horse and activities of the USDA were limited to a small nutrition project in Beltsville, Maryland, a cooperative project with mules in Tennessee, and to the answering of routine correspondence with farmers and the general public. A 1951 USDA Bureau of Animal Industry publication discussing the Fiscal Year 1951 stated that “Although horse numbers have declined materially in recent years in the United States, numerous requests for information on them are received each year since they continue to be maintained on 60 percent of the and in this country and have an inventory value in excess of $300,000,000.00.”23

Census Information

In 1911, the Department of Agriculture reported the total number of horses in the United States to be over 23 million.24 1927 statistics indicated that the aggregated value of horses and mules was more than one-fourth the estimated value of all livestock and that in seven states, the value of horses and mules exceeded that of all other livestock combined. Interestingly enough, the 1926 Yearbook of Agriculture reported that horses were worth less that year than in any of the prior 60 years.25 The decrease in horse numbers and value was attributed to the popularity of the automobile and auto truck following the end of the first World War. Cars and trains became more important modes of transportation, especially after World War II as the changes in industrial processes marched on and horses became less important to the economy. In 1946, Americans owned only 8 million horses, the smallest number in 75 years. The last USDA horse census was taken in 1959 and counted only 4.5 million horses. By the late 1960s, however, the number of horses had risen again to more than 7 million. A 1968 article in Time magazine26 suggested that as horses became less important as modes of transportation or as useful agricultural animals, they became a new status symbol for suburbinites to own. This led to the breeding and development of sport horses which required different characteristics than agricultural animals. In general, sport horses over the last 50 years have been bred for easy-going temperaments and athletic ability, depending on the sport.27

Today, many Americans still keep horses for racing, showing, competition, sport, breeding, recreation, and work. A study released in 2005 by the American Horse Council reported that there 28[9/1/2015 11:56:56 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, Introduction: Animal Welfare Information Center

were 9.2 million horses in the US. Horses remain a pastime for many Americans even if their role in transportation, war, and farming has diminished. For this reason, in 2006 the Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC) put together a comprehensive resource on the Care and Welfare of Horses that updated a 1994 document on the Housing, Husbandry and Welfare of Horses. Together, the documents cover research published from 1988 to 2006 on subjects including anesthesia and analgesia, behavior, environmental enrichment, housing, law and legislation, nutrition and feeding, pasture, equine ranching, safety, training, and transportation of horses. to Top


1 Hunt, Kathleen. "Horse Evolution." January 4, 1995. (accessed August 15, 2009).

2 Museum of Natural History. "Fossil Horses in Cyberspace." (accessed August 15, 2009).

3 Anthony, David W. and Dorcas R. Brown. "The Earliest Horseback-Riding and its Relation to Chariotry and Warfare." 2007. (accessed August 15, 2009).

4 Henry, Marguerite. Kind of the Wind: The Story of the Godolphin Arabian. Macmillan, New York. 1976 reprint. 172 p.

5 Borden, Spencer. The Arab Horse. Doubleday, Page & Co., New York. 1906. 104 p. (accessed August 15, 2009).

6 Ridgeway, William. The Origin and Influence of the Thoroughbred Horse. University Press, Cambridge, England. 1905. 538 p. (accessed August 15, 2009)

7 Xenophon. On Horsemanship. Translated by Henry G. Dakyns. (accessed July 21, 2015)

8 Farley, Walter. The Black Stallion. Random House, New York. 1941. 275 p.

9 Felando, Andrew. "The Legend of Bucephalus." page=bucephalus (accessed August 15, 2009).

10 Bennett, Deb. "The Origin and Relationships of the , Barb, and ." 2008. (PDF | 4.2 MB) (Accessed August 15, 2009).

11 Weld, Mason Cogswell and Charles du Haÿs. The Percheron Horse in America. Orange Judd Co. New York. 1886. 142 p. (accessed August 15, 2009).

12 Reese, H.H. Breeding Horses for the . In: 1917 Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Washington, D.C. 1918. p. 341-356. (PDF | 1.1 MB) (Accessed August 15, 2009).

13 Rommel, G.M. The Preservation of our Native Types of Horses. In: U.S. Department of Agriculture Twenty-fourth Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Year 1907. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C. 1909. p. 85-143. NAL Call Number: 1An5.

14 Jackson, W. Horses and Mules. In: 1943-1947 Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Washington, D.C. 1943. p. 239-244. (PDF | 376 KB) (Accessed August 15, 2009).

15 Horse and Mule Investigations. In: Program of Work of the United States Department of Agriculture. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C. 1916. p. 65-67. (Accessed August 15, 2009).

16 Williams, J.O. and H.C. McPhee (1936). Bureau of Animal Industry program for horse improvement. Journal of Animal Science 1936b(1): 141-143. (Accessed December 19, 2014).

17 Williams, J.O. Our Work Stock. In: The Extension Animal Husbandman. U.S. Department of[9/1/2015 11:56:56 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, Introduction: Animal Welfare Information Center

Agriculture. Washington, D.C. 1927. p. 2-6. NAL Call Number: Reserve 1.9 An528.

18 Anonymous (1942). The United States Morgan Horse Farm. The Morgan Horse Magazine 1(5): 77-79. NAL Call Number: 42.8 M82.

19 Quesenberry, J.R. (1950). Livestock Breding Research at the U.S. Range Livestock Experiment Station.Agriculture Information Bulletin no. 18. 12 p. (PDF | 882 KB) (Accessed August 15, 2009).

20 Newmann, S. "Genetics Research at Fort Keogh: A Historical Perspective." 1993. (Accessed August 15, 2009).

21 McKenzie, F.F., J.F. Lasley, and R.W. Phillips (1939). The storage of horse and swine semen. Journal of Animal Science 1: 222-225. (Accessed December 19, 2014).

22 McKenzie, F.F. (1940). Recent reproduction studies on equines. Journal of Animal Science (1): 98-102. (Accessed December 19, 2014).

23 Anonymous. Bureau of Animal Industry. In: Explanatory Notes for the Department of Agriculture, Fiscal Year 1951. Volume 1. p. 298-386. NAL Call Number: 1.9 Ag81Exp.

24 "Horse Census of the World; Hand Book Just Issued Gives Interesting Statistics." The New York Times, June 9, 1912, p. x16. (Accessed August 15, 2009).

25 Sarle, C.F. Horse Production Falling Fast in the United States. In: Yearkbook of Agriculture, 1926. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Washington D.C. p. 437-439. (Accessed August 15, 2009).

26 "Return of the Horse." Time Magazine. May 17, 1968.,9171,838380,00.html (Accessed August 15, 2009).

27 Zettl, Walter. The Circle of Trust: Reflections on the Essences of Horses and Horsemanship. Half Halt Press. Boonsboro, Maryland, USA. 2007. 176 p.

28 American Horse Council. "National Economic Impacy of the U.S. ." 2006. (Accessed August 15, 2009). Back to Top

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Adams, John William. Horseshoeing. Farmer’s Bulletin ( United States Dept. of Agriculture) no. 179. 1903. 29 p., ill. NAL call no.: 1Ag84F no.179 Descriptors: horseshoeing, farriers, types, shapes, materials, how to do it, correcting leg and problems, anatomy of the foot and hoof.

Adams, Ramon . The Horse Wrangler & His Remuda. Encino Press. Austin, [ Texas]. Note: With pictures by William D. Wittliff. 1971. 51 p., ill. NAL call no.: F596.A325 Descriptors: saddle horses, wrangler cowboys, hands, horse care, horse herds, remudas, USA.

Adye, Frederic. Horse-Breeding and Management. R. A. Everett & Co. Ltd. . 1903. xvi, 332 p., incl. front., ill., plates. NAL call no.: 42 Ad9 Descriptors: horses, breeding, studbooks, stallions, brood mares, , colts, fillies, , mules, asses, jenny asses, horse breeds, shires, Arabians, Clydesdales, riding horses, hunters, steeple chasers, race horses, cavalry horses, draft animals, ponies, trotters, farm work.

Albaugh, Reuben. Horses & Men. Davis, Calif. 1974. 164 p., ill. NAL call no.: SF285.A4 Descriptors: horse evolution, history of how horses have served man over the centuries, rodeos, , pack horses, the early uses for cross country communication via the Express, Indians use of horses, famous horses, behaviors, feeding, training, USA.

Alexander, David. The History and Romance of the Horse Told with Pictures. [2 nd ed. rev.] Cooper Square Publishers. New York. 1965. 128 p., ill. NAL call no.: SF283.A4 1965 Descriptors: founding of Thoroughbred horse lines, blue mares, Arabic and Greek horse gods, horses in myths and legends, Eohippu, evolution of , mules, asses early breeds, using horses in travel, transport, exploration, and war.

Allison, William. The British Thoroughbred Horse. His History & Breeding Together with an Esposition of the Figure System. E.P Dutton and Co of New York and Grant Richards of London. 1901. 360 p., ill. Note: Includes additional lists of winners of several of the famous English races. “ Derby Winners” from 1790 through 1899. “Winners of the Oaks” 1779 through 1899. “Winners of the St Leger” 1777 through 1899. NAL call no.: 42 AL5 Descriptors: the original breeding mares in the development of the Thoroughbred , theories of breeding race horses, famous English horse breeders, Galton’s law of heredity vs experience, “The Figure Guide System”, proved merit of mares, purity and vigor of ancestral animals and descendants, Bruce Lowe’s figures, 5 brood[9/1/2015 11:57:45 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, A-C: Animal Welfare Information Center

mare families have the most race winning descendents, “No 1” family Tregonwell;s Natural Mare, “No 2” family Burton’s barb, “No3” family dam of the Two True Blues, “No 4” The Layton barb Mare, “No 5” daughter of Massy”s Black Barb, “No 6” Old Bald Peg, “No 7”Black Legged Royal mare, “No 8” Bustler mare, “No 9” The Old Vintner mare, No 10” daughter of Gower stallion (out of Childers Mare), 50 mare-based families listed with race winning descendents, descent of the male, breeding in Europe, Australian blood stock.

Amaral, Anthony A. Mustang: and Legends of Nevada’s Wild Horses.Lancehead Series.Nevada and the West. University of Nevada Press. Reno, Nevada. 1977. xiv, 156 p., [5] leaves of plates, ill. Note: Illustrated by Craig Sheppard. NAL call no.: SF293.M9A45 Descriptors: wild horses, U.S. Taylor Grazing Act of 1934, stories, mustang fever, wild horse roundups, wild horse capture, behavior, American wild horses evolved from Spanish horses of the colonial period, Indian ponies, American horses, Nevada, USA.

Ammon, Karl Wilhelm and translated by H. Staubli Hildsheim. Historical Reports on Arab Horse Breeding and the Arabian Horse: Collected Reports from Early Travelers to Arabia. Olms Presse, New York. 1993. xvii, 325 p., ill. NAL call no.: SF293.A8A4413 1993 Descriptors: Arabian horses, characteristics, conformation, coat colors, breeding, history, reports from early travelers to Arabia, breeding, mating, training, racing, war’s influence on the breed, veterinary medicine, Syria, , Mesopotamia, Iraq.

Anderson, Edward Lowell. Curb, snaffle, and . A method of training young horses for the cavalry service, and for general use under the saddle. By Edward L. Anderson. Illustrated by thirty-two photographs from the life. Little, Brown and Company. Boston. 1894. 132 p. illus. 21 cm. NAL call no.: 42 An2 Online: Descriptors: horsemanship, horses, training horses for riding, mounted soldiers, double , snaffle bridle, gaits, halting, backing, jumping

Anderson, Edward Lowell. Horses and Riding. U.S. Cavalry Association. Fort Leavenworth, . 1909. 68 p. Note: Illustrated with forty half tone plates. NAL call no.: 42 AN2HO Descriptors: horse breeds for riding, military horses, horsemanship, treatment of young horses, , , , use of the , first enlisted Cavalry, forerunner of , riding schools, riding matters, USA.

Anderson, Edward Lowell. Modern Horsemanship, Three Schools of Riding; An Original Method of Teaching the Art by Means of Pictures from the Life. Putnam. New York. 1889. 164 p. illus. Note: New edition, re-written and re-arranged. According to the book’s preface, “Modern Horsemanship was the first work in any language in which Moment- Photography was employed to explain and teach a physical exercise.” NAL call no.: 42 An2H Online: Descriptors: training horses for riding, saddle, snaffle bridle, curb , , curb reins, jumping, dealing with difficult horses, gaits, progressive training, cavesson.

Anderson, Edward Lowell. On Horseback, In the School and On the Road. H. Holt & Company. New York. 1882. 218 p. 19 cm. NAL call no.: 42 An26 1894 Online: Descriptors: how to ride a horse, saddle, bridle, bits, exercises for horse and rider, gaits of the horse, vices, schooling the horse.

Anderson, Edward Lowell. Riding and .Riding, by Edward L. Anderson; Driving: Hints on the History, Housing, Harnessing and Handling of the Horse, by Price Collier. The Macmillan Company. New York. Macmillan & Co., Ltd. London. 1912 [c1905]. xiii, 441 p., front., plates, ill. NAL call no.: 42 AN2R 1912 Online: Descriptors: saddle horse breeding, handling young horses, saddle horse stock farms, general horsemanship, US Cavalry, American horsemanship, riding horses, driving horses, equipment and handling, history, USA.

Anderson, James Douglas. Making the American Thoroughbred, Especially in Tennessee, 1800-1845. Including Reminiscences of the Turf, by Balie Peyton, with Notes by the Author. The Plimpton Press. Norwood, Massachusetts. 1916. xv p., 2l., 300 p., front., 15 pl. (incl. ports.), ill. NAL call no.: 42 AN27 Online: Descriptors: American Thoroughbred horses, raising and racing the Thoroughbred, breeding, training for races, 8 famous races, famous horses, horse history, letters by Andrew Jackson on horses, Tennessee, 19 th Century, USA.[9/1/2015 11:57:45 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, A-C: Animal Welfare Information Center

Appaloosa Horse Club. The Horse. [Moro, Oregon. 1941?]. 19 p., ill. NAL call no.: 42 AP4 Descriptors: appaloosa horses, physical description, characteristics of the breed, behavior, build, color patterns, breeding, history of the breed.

Arabian Horse Club of America. Arabian Horses. [Arabian Horse Club of America, Chicago, Illinois. 1946]. 31 p., ill. (part col.). NAL call no.: 42 AR12 Descriptors: Arabian horses, physical descriptions, characteristics, typical behaviors, uses in driving, riding, cavalry, pleasure horses, stock horses, the Arabian Horse Club of America founded in 1908.

Archer, Rosemary, Colin Pearson, and Cecil Covey. The Crabbet Arabian . It’s History & Influence. A. Heriot. Northleach, [ England.] 1978. 352 p., [4] leaves of plates, ill. Note: Foreword by Princess Alice of Athlone. NAL call no.: SF293.A8A83 Descriptors: Arabian horses, history of import into England, early important stallions, , breeding Arabians, influence of the breed on other the development of other horse breeds, comments the English stud by Princess Alice of Athlone, England.

Armatage, George. The Horseowner and Stableman’s Companion; or, Hints on the Selection, , and General Management of the Horse. F. Warne and Co. London and Scribner, Welford and Co. New York. 1869. viii, 120 p. NAL call no.: 42 AR5HO Online: Descriptors: horse selection, how to evaluate a horse for purchase, assessing age and soundness, temperament, management of , stableman’s guide, care, training, feeding, housing, equipment.

Armatage, George. The Horseowner and Stableman’s Companion; or, Hints on the Selection, Purchase, and General Management of the Horse. Frederick Warne and Co. London. 1904. viii, 120 p. NAL call no.: 42 AR5HO 1904 Descriptors: horse management, how to evaluate and select horses for purchase, assessing age and soundness in horses, past treatment and the affect on behaviors for future owners, vices, temperament, Turkish or Roman baths for washing horses after hunting, arrangement, equipment, stable management, horseshoeing, disease prevention.

Asmus, Henry. of Interest to Veterinarians. [ Tampa, Florida. 1946]. c1945. 24 p., ill. Note: Republished by Dr. R.A. Asmus, Son of Henry Asmus who originally published this work in 1935. NAL call no.: 42 AS5 1946 Descriptors: horse shoes; various types, shapes; materials; modifications for correcting hoof and leg problems; shoes shapes and modifications for: draft horses, mules, light harness horse, hunters.

Axe, John Wortley. The Mare and . J. Murray. London. 1898. 58 p., ill. NAL call no.: 42 AX2 Descriptors: horses, treatment of brood/breeding mares, raising foals, female equine reproduction structure and function, ovaries, ovum, , pregnancy, pregnancy indicators, abnormal presentations, delivery of foals, weaning young animals, diseases of foals, general care and management.

Axe, J. Wortley (Editor). The Horse. Its Treatment in Health and Disease. With a Complete Guide to Breeding, Training and Management.Divisional volume 1. Gresham Publishing Company. London. 1906. 162 p., ill. photo. NAL call no.: 42 AX2H Descriptors: internal and external anatomy; descriptions of parts of the body; head; body line; chest; abdomen; flank; groin; genital areas; legs; conformation defects; withers; distribution of weight on the body; breeding, training young animals, general management, common diseases and suggested remedies; varieties of horses: Thoroughbred, hackney, pack horse, Cleveland , , Hunter, saddle horse, harness horse, Pony, UK.

Bach, F.W. How to Judge a Horse: A Concise Treatise as to Its Qualities & Soundness. Jenkins. New York. 1893. 180 p., ill., pl. NAL call no.: 42 B12 Online: Descriptors: horses, bits, saddles, driving, body conformation, judging soundness, behaviors, indicators of good care and management, breaking horses, training young animals, Rockwell & Rapey’s methods, stables, behaviors.[9/1/2015 11:57:45 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, A-C: Animal Welfare Information Center

Baird, Eric. The . B.T. Batsford. London. c1982. 128 p., [16] p. of plates, ill. NAL call no.: SF293.C65B3 Descriptors: Clydesdale horse breed, early history of the breed development and refinement, master breeders, super studs, uses for these large horses, draft horses, war horses, harness equipment, , prize stallions, (1836-1892), Clydesdale Studbook Society Presidents, bibliography, UK.

Barnhart, James M. A History of the Percheron in America. J. M. Barnhart. Butler, Missouri. c1998. x, 357 p., ill. ref. Note: Pages 356-357 provide a chronology of Percheron horse history and a list of International Grand Champions. NAL call no.: SF293.P4 B27 1998 Descriptors: Percheron horse breed, development of the breed, early imports into the US, conformation, history of introduction, breeding, sires, care and management, behaviors typical of the breed, France, USA.

Bartlet, John. The Gentleman’s Farriery: Or, a Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Horses: Wherein the Best Writers on the Subject Have Been Consulted, and M. La Fosse’s Method of Trepanning Glandereel Horses Is Particularly Considered and Improved: Also a New Method of Nicking Horses is Recommended; with a Copper-plate and Description of the Machine. 7 th ed., rev. Printed for J. Nourse. London. 1770. xxviii, 370, [10] p., [5] leaves of plates (some col.); ill. NAL call no.: SF951.B3 1770 R Descriptors: horses, historical document, diseases, care and management, method for trepanning glandereel horses, nicking or tail breaking methods and equipment described, common diseases and remedies, UK.

Bartlett, Jane and David Gibbon. Animal Draught : An Annotated Bibliography. Overseas Development Group of the University of East Anglia. IT Publications, London. 1984. 76, [14] p. NAL call no.: Z5071.D73B3 Descriptors: draft horses, technology of draft animal use, tillage techniques, implements, types of activities, cart horses, equipment, harnessing, training, draft horse organization list.

Barton, Frank Townend. Horses and Practical Horsekeeping. Jarrold & Sons. London. [1911]. 643 p., front., plates, ill. NAL call no.: 42 B28HO Descriptors: horses, shire and cart horses, Clydesdale, Thoroughbreds, breeding race horses, hunters, ponies, antiquity of the horse, many aspects of care, breaking, handling, training, obnoxious behaviors of horses, structure and anatomy, breeding, care of brood mares and foals, diseases and treatment, drug uses, doses, and recipes, history of some celebrated horses, England.

Barton, Frank Townend. Ponies and All about Them. J. Long. London. 1911. xvi, 17-506 p., incl. front. pl., ill. Note: With 28 illustrations principally from photographs by Gilbert H. Parsons. NAL call no. 42 B28P Descriptors: ponies, points of a pony, conformation, Thoroughbreds, history of , harness pony, saddle pony, , Wilson pony, children’s ponies, Welsh pony, , pony societies, age, stable management, diseases, care. UK

Barton, Frank Townend. The Horse in Health, Accident & Disease: A Thoroughly Practical Guide for Every Horse Owner. C. Arthur Pearson. London. 1920. 235 p., [8] leaves of plates, ill. NAL call no.: 42 B28HE Descriptors: horse care and management, draft horses, cart hauling horses, Clydesdales, Percherons, various diseases common diseases described, recommended treatments, injury treatment and repair, horse hygiene, keeping horses healthy, feeding, stable management, UK.

Battell, Joseph. American Stallion Register: Including all Stallions Prominent in the Breeding of the American Roadster, Trotter and Pacer, from the Earliest Records to 1902: and this Includes Nearly All Imported English Thoroughbreds, and Their More Distinguished Get, Together with Many of the English Stallions from Which They are Descended Compiled from Original Sources. Vols. 1-5. American Pub. Co. Middlebury, Vermont. 1909-1936. 5 v., ill. NAL call no.: 42.9 B32A Descriptors: horses, American stallion register, historical information, early American horses, horse breeding, various horse types, American roadsters, trotters, pacers, imported English Thoroughbreds, descendents, English stallions, American stallions, famous horses, USA.

Beatie, Russel H. Saddles. 1 st ed. University of Oklahoma Press. . c1981. xiv, 391 p., ill. Note: Foreword by Dean Kratel, Jr.; drawings by Nancy Niles and Judy Osburn. Note: Very well illustrated. NAL call no.: SF309.9.B42 1981[9/1/2015 11:57:45 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, A-C: Animal Welfare Information Center

Descriptors: saddlery, riding equipment, Shipley saddle, Western stock saddle, history and development of saddles, modern horses, chariots, cavalry, designs of the dark and , types from Columbus to 1800, 1800-1920 styles, parts of the saddle (trees, horns, cantles, stirrups), English saddles, saddle pads, saddle care, saddling a horse, early saddle makers, saddles in art, bronze saddles.

Bernhardi, Friedrich von (General Freiher) and translated from German by Major G. T. M. Bridges. Cavalry in War and Peace. U S Cavalry Association. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. 1910. xxxii, 368 p. front. (port.). Note: With a preface by General Sir J. D. P. French. NAL call no.: 42 B452 Online: Descriptors: war horses, horse types used, choosing and training horses, cavalry, U.S. Cavalry Association, German cavalry, military history, reconnaissance, squadron patrols, military raids, horses used in combat training, USA.

Bentwright, Jeremiah. The American Horse Tamer Showing How to Cure the Wildest & Most vicious Horse in the World of Kicking, balkin, and other Bad Habits: Also Direction to Purchasers, Hints on Stable Economy and Remedies for all Diseases to which Horses Are Liable such as Spavin, Distemper, Ringbone, &c. &c. A. O Moore. New York. 1858. 86 p. plates. Note: Contents arranged in alphabetical order. A lot of topics addressed in 86 pages! NAL call no. 42 B44 Descriptors: horse and mule care, management of the horse, diseases of various organs, injuries, founder, management of the feet, mange, rabies, recipes, horse structure, stable management, teeth, development, behaviors, scaring, training horses to pace, and bow, breaking young horses, managing balking.

Biggle, Jacob. Biggle Horse Book; a Concise and Practical Treatise on the Horse, Original and Compiled. Adapted to the Needs of Farmers and Others Who Have a Kindly Regard for this Noble Servitor of Man . W. Atkinson Company. Philadelphia. 1894. 3 p. l., [9]-121 p., ill. NAL call no.: 42 B48H Online: Descriptors: horses, horsemanship, care, handling, humane training of horses, diseases and treatments of common diseases and conditions in horses, breeding, husbandry, care of feet, educating a , farm horses, plow horses, wisdom of John Tucker, saddle horses, stables, USA.

Biggle, Jacob. Biggle Horse Book; a Concise and Practical Treatise on the Horse: Adapted to the Needs of Farmers and Others Who Have a Kindly Regard for this Noble Servitor of Man. 10 th ed. W. Atkinson [Co.], Philadelphia 1913, c.1906. 136 p., ill. NAL call no.: 42 B48H 1913 Descriptors: horse care, handling, humane training methods, diseases and treatments, breeding, husbandry, wisdom of John Tucker, saddle, farm and plow horses, stables, USA.

Bindley, Charles. The Stud for Practical Purposes and Practical Men, by Harry Hieover [pseud.]. 2 nd ed. London, [U. K.]. Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts. London. 1858. xiv, 205, [1] p. front., pl. NAL call no.: 42 B51 Ed.2 Descriptors: horses, horse breeding farms, breeding, care, husbandry and management, mares, stallions, horse diseases, internal and external abnormalities, habits, behaviors, stable economy.

Bindley, Charles. Things Worth Knowing about Horses, by Harry Hieover [pseudo.]. T. C. Newby. London [ U.K.]. 1859. iv, 266 p., ill. NAL call no.: 42 H53T Descriptors: horses, feeding, care, management, behaviors, breeding, diseases, uses, training horses for various uses, trotting horses, draft horses, driving horses, stables, stable management.

Blew, William Charles Arlington. Light Horses: Breeds and Management. Vinton. London. 1894. 226 p., [30] leaves of plates, ill. NAL call no.: 42 B61 Descriptors: various horse breeds, characteristics, behaviors, uses, Thoroughbreds, Hackney ponies, Cleveland Bays, Yorkshires, coach horses, Arabian horses, American trotting horses, hunters, hacks, ponies, asses, mules, horse management, diseases and injuries typical of these equines.

Bloodgood, Lida Fleitman and Piero Santini [Compilers]. The Horseman’s Dictionary. Dutton. New York. [1963]. 214 p. NAL call no.: SF278.B55 Descriptors: alphabetical listing of terms related to various topics relevant to horses and horse care, equestrian activities, horsemanship, horse management and horse care.

Blunt, Anne, Lady. Bedouin Tribes of the Euphrates. J. Murray. London. 1879. 2 vols., [13] leaves of plates (some folded), ill., col. map. Note: With a preface and some account of[9/1/2015 11:57:45 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, A-C: Animal Welfare Information Center

the Arabs and their horses, by W. S. B.; with a map and sketches by the author. NAL call no.: 127 B62 Online: Descriptors: Bedouin tribes described, Arabian horses, care, uses of horses, importance of horses in the Bedouin culture and society, horse racing, Arabian horse breeding, Euphrates River area, authors travel descriptions, mules, camels, desert horse history, Middle East.

Blunt, Anne, Lady Wentworth. Stock and its Ancestors: The Authentic Origin of Pure Blood. Allen & Unwin. London. 1960. xvi, 556 p., [392] p. of plates (some col.), ill., map, ports. Note: With additional chapters from the notes of the late Lady Anne Blunt (16 th Baroness Wentworth) and (1840-1922), on the Arabian breed. NAL call no.: 42 W483 Ed.2 Descriptors: history, development of the Thoroughbred race horse in England, origins of the “pure blood,” Arabian horses, racing stock, UK.

Borden, Spencer. The Arab Horse. Doubleday, Page & Co. New York. 1906. xx, 104 p., front., [23 pl.], ill. Note: Many illustrations and photographs. NAL call no.: 42 B645 Online: Descriptors: Arabian horses, horse types, early history and families, Arab horses outside Arabia, Bedouins, Arabian horses in Americas, Godolphin Arabians, how horses were obtained from the Arabs, use of Arabian horses in breeding.

Borden, Spencer. The Arab Horse. Reprint edition. Borden Pub. Co. Los Angeles. 1961. 104 p., ill.

NAL call no.: SF293 A8B6 1961 Descriptors: Arabian horses, early history and families, Arab horses outside Arabia, Bedouins, Arabian horses in Americas, Godolphin Arabians, how horses were obtained, use of Arabian horses in breeding.

Borden, Spencer. What Horse for the Cavalry? J. H. Franklin Co. Fall River, Mass. 1912. vi, 160 p., front., ill. Note: Many illustrations from fotografs (photographs). NAL call no.: 42 B645W Online: Descriptors: cavalry horses of Holland, Germany, Austria, Lippizans, German horses, Hungarian horses and studs, Hussars; stallion stables, paddocks, war horses. Europe.

Bosworth, Clarence Edwin. Breeding Your Own: How to Raise and Train Colts for Pleasure and Profit. The Derrydale Press. New York. [c1939] x p., 1 l., 245 p. incl. front. plates. Note: Illustrated with photographs. NAL call no.: 42 B65 Descriptors: breeding horses, mare management, colt raising, colt training, selling, horse businesses, horses, care and management.

Boucaut, James Penn, Sir. The Arab, the Horse of the Future. Gay and Bird. London. xx, 249 p., front., 7 plates, ill. 1905. Note: Preface by Sir Walter Gilbey, bart. NAL call no.: 42 B66 Online: Descriptors: Arabian horses, role and use of horses in ancient times, breeds developed in other countries, horse breeding, Queen Victoria’s favorite Arabian horse, Australian .

Brady, Irene. America’s Horses and Ponies. Houghton Mifflin. Boston. 1969. 202 p., ill. NAL call no.: SF284.U5B7 Descriptors: horses, ponies, types, breeds, history of import and uses, prehistoric horses, light horses, draft horses, donkeys, , USA.

Bradley, Melvin and Duane Dailey. Recollections of Missouri Mules. Extension Division, University of Missouri-Columbia in cooperation with the Missouri Mule Skinners Society, c.1991. 8 vols., ill. Boxes 1-4. NAL call no.: SF362.B73 1991 R Descriptors: Missouri mules, oral histories, letters, recollections, Missouri mule industry, breeding of mules, varied uses of mules, interviews with mule farmers, Missouri Mule Skinners Society, USA.

Bradley, Melvin. The Mule Industry of Missouri Remembered: A Key to Transcripts from 130 Interviews Contained in Volumes One through Eight of Recollections of Missouri Mules by Melvin Bradley. University of Missouri Press. [ Columbia?] Mo. 1991. v, 48 leaves. NAL call no.: SF362.B732 1991 R Descriptors: mules, mule industry; historical interviews; mule breeding; jack stock breeding; mule marketing; uses in farming, mining, logging, levee building, and uses in cities; showing mules, behavior and psychology, in the military in WWI and WWII; Missouri, USA.[9/1/2015 11:57:45 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, A-C: Animal Welfare Information Center

British Museum (Natural History). Dept. of Zoology. Guide to the Specimens of the Horse Family (Equidae) Exhibited in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). Printed by order of the Trustees of the Museum, London. 1907. 42 p. plates. NAL call no.: 42 B77 Online: Descriptors: fossils,horse family, , , ancestors of the horse, extinct horses, skulls, feet, hoofs, cave horses, Mongolian wild horses, Arabian horses, Thoroughbreds, breed, , , zebras, asses.

Brooke, Geoffrey Francis Heremon. The Way of a Man with a Horse: A Practical Book on Horsemanship. Seeley, Service & Co. London. 1929. 2 p., 7-288 p. front. (port.) plates. Note: Veterinary notes by Col. Todd, & a chapter on pig-sticking by Arthur Brooke. With over ninety illustrations. NAL call no.: 42 B793 Descriptors: horsemanship, veterinary notes, handling, training, care, management, breeding, raising.

Brookshier, Frank. The Burro. [1 st ed.]. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman, Oklahoma. [1974]. xiii, 370 p., ill. NAL call no.: SF361.B76 Descriptors: burros, heritage from the Middle East, the Chinese burro, Persian and Hindu trails, Greco-Roman theater, following the , used by prospectors in the expansion of the US West, Mexican burros, use as pets, pack burros, other uses, donkeys, depictions in art and religion, USA.

Bruce, Benjamin Gratz. of . [n.p., 188?]. 51 p. Note: B.G. Bruce was the editor of the Live Stock Record. NAL call no.: 42 B832 Descriptors: Lexington (race horse), 4 mile races, Dr. Elisha Warfield, accounts of Lexington’s races, newspaper articles, letters, offspring, dam and sire, Lecomte, match race, blindness, first horse to run 4 miles under 7:20, resemblance between the career of John Milton as a poet and Lexington as a race horse, 1850-1875.

Bruce, Sanders Dewees. The Thoroughbred Horse: His Origin, How to Breed and How to Select Him; With the Horse Breeders’ Guide. New York. Turf, Field and Farm. 1892. xii, 316 p. Note: “Embracing one hundred tabulated pedigrees of the principal sires, with full performances of each and best of their get, covering the season of 1892.” NAL call no.: 42 B83 Descriptors: Thoroughbred horse, horses, breeding, pedigrees, stallions, dams, stud book, racing , hereditary soundness, conformation.

Buffum, David. The Horse; his Breeding, Care and Use,by David Buffum. Outing Pub. Co. New York. 1911. 160 p., ill. Note: Illustrated with diagrams. NAL call no: 42 B861 Descriptors: description of a good horse, influx of Arabian blood, breed choice, principles of breeding, shying behavior, stabling and feeding, training young horses, shoeing, management of horses, equipment, draft horses, evolution/development of the trotter, horsemanship, USA.

Burke, Fielding. The Welsh Pony, Described in Two Letters to a Friend, by Olive Tilford Dargan. Privately Printed for C. A. Stone. Boston. [c.1913]. xiii, 52 p., front., plates. NAL call no.: 42 D24 Online: Descriptors: Welsh mountain pony, physical characteristics, behaviors, uses, harness ponies, descriptions in two letters, stallions, mares, breeding, pedigrees.

Busbey, Hamilton. The Trotting and the Pacing Horse in America. American Sportsman’s Library. Caspar Whitney (Editor). Macmillan Company, New York and London. 1904. xii, 369 p. illus. Note: Many photographs of famous trotters and pacers in the USA. NAL call no.: 42 B96 Online: Descriptors: racing horses, history of import of horses in the Americas, colonial period, early race tracks, time records for mid to late 1800’s, 1903-2 minute mile trotting race results, driving equipment, champion mare “Lou Dillon,” “Major Delmar,” “Cresceus,” “Dan Patch,” famous breeders, growth of horse shows, amateur driving clubs, Narragansett pacers, “Star Pointer.”

Busbey, Hamilton. Recollections of men and horses. Dodd, Mead and Company. New York. 1907. xii, 354 p. front., plates, ports. 21cm. NAL call no.: 42 B96R Online: Descriptors: , , thoroughbred, trotting horses.[9/1/2015 11:57:45 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, A-C: Animal Welfare Information Center

Carter, William Harding. Horses, Saddles and Bridles,by General William H. Carter. [3d. ed.]. The Lord Baltimore Press, Friedenwald Company. Baltimore. 1906. 2 p., [iii]-vi p., 1, 405 p., ill., glossary. Note: Very extensive book on all topics related to horses. NAL call no.: 42 C24 1906 Online: Descriptors: cavalry horses, cavalry equipment, saddles, bridles, injuries, horse care and management, veterinary supplies, transport of horses at sea.

Carter, William Harding, Major General and National Geographic. The Horses of the World; the Development of Man’s Companion in War Camp, on Farm, in the Marts of Trade, and in the Field of sports. The National Geographic Society. Washington, [D.C.] 1923. 3 p., 118 p., ill. (part col.). Note: Paintings by Edward Herbert Miner. With 95 illustrations, including 24 pages of color. NAL call no.: 42 C24H Descriptors: horses, uses in a variety of human activities, uses in war, on the farm uses, trade activities, sporting horses, various breeds of horses, wild horses, zebras, , wild asses, , ponies, Clydesdale, Hackney, Arabian horses, German coach horses, American saddle horses, Percherons, Thoroughbreds, Morgan horses, polo ponies, mustangs, draft animals, pleasure animals.

Clabby, John. The Natural History of the Horse.World Naturalist Series. Published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson. London. 1976. xii, 116 p., [8] leaves of plates, ill. NAL call no.: SF285.C5534 Descriptors: horses, natural history, origins, behaviors, habitat, herds, stallion’s role and behaviors, foraging behavior.

Clark, Bracy. An Essay on the Bots of Horses, and Other Animals. London: Printed for the author and sold at no. 17, Giltspur Street. 1815. 72, 81-94, [6] p., 2 leaves of plates: col. ill. ; 30 cm. Note: Caption title: On the bots, or Oestri. T. Owen engraver. Bound with: An appendix or supplement to a treatise on the Oestri and Cuterebrae of various animals/ by Bracy Clark. [London?, ca. 1845]: p. 81-94 and supplementary sheet: Discovery of the fly of the white bot: p.[3-6] at back. NAL call no.: QL537.O4 C63 1815 Descriptors: horses, botflies, cuterebra, horse diseases oestrus (insect).

Clark, Bracy. Hippodonomia, or The true structure, laws, and economy of the horse’s foot: also, Podophthora; or, A ruinous defect in the principle of the common shoe detected; and demonstrated by experiments: with a proposition for a new principle of shoeing, which abundant practice has since confirmed. 2nd edition, enlarged and improved. London: for the author. 1829. 140 p. 6 pl (incl. front); 28cm. NAL call no.: 42 .C54 Descriptors: hoofs, horseshoeing, structure of the horse’s foot, natural function of horse , shoeless hoofcare.

Clark, Jefferson K. The Percheron Horse. R. P. Studley & co., Printers and Lithographers. . Missouri. 1869. Cover-title, 8 p., ill., 3 pl. (1 fold.) NAL call no.: 42 C543 Descriptors: Percheron horses, uses, history of the breed, import into America, characteristics, structure, behaviors, breeding, drawings.

Clarke, William H. Horses’ Teeth:A Treatise on their Mode of Development, Anatomy, Microscopy, Pathology, and Dentistry; Compared with Teeth of Many other Land and Marine Animals, Both Living and Extinct; with a Vocabulary and Copious Extracts from the Works of Odontologists and Veterinarians. 4 th ed., re-revised, with second appendix. W. R. Jenkins. New York. 1893. xxx, [31]-308 p., ill. NAL call no.: 42 C55 1893 Descriptors: horses teeth, numbers, types, species comparisons to aquatic and land animals, embryonic development, microscopy, micro and macro structure, tooth diseases, dentistry, treatments, terminology, stages of tooth development, normal and abnormal tooth development, veterinary instruments.

Clutton-Brock, Juliet. Horse Power: A History of the Horse in Human Societies. Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Mass. 1992. 192 p., ill. (some col.), maps. NAL call no.: SF283.C63 1992 Descriptors: horses; , uses over the centuries of domestication, role in the expansion of cultures in many parts of the world, uses in: war, transport of goods and people, sport, and food, horses in human history, relationship between people and horses.

Coates, Henry Troth. A Short History of the American Trotting and Pacing Horse. The American Trotting Turf in 1899 and 1900, by A. M. Gillam, and What to Do before the Veterinary Surgeon Comes, by G. Fleming. Coates & Co., Philadelphia. 1901. 148 p., front., pl., Ill. NAL call no.: 42 C63 Online: Descriptors: horses, American trotters and pacers, racing in 1899-1900, diseases and[9/1/2015 11:57:45 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, A-C: Animal Welfare Information Center

various health and structural conditions, treatment and restraint of horses before veterinary care, remedies, veterinary care, historical information, veterinary surgery, pedigrees of famous horses, training and conditioning, USA.

Cochel, W. A. and B.O. Severson. Developing Draft Colts. Bulletin. Pennsylvania State College Agricultural Experiment Station; no. 122. 1913. 13 p., ill. NAL call no.: 100 P381 no. 122 Descriptors: young draft horses, colts, feeding, diets, care, training, economic value, handling, husbandry, USA.

Coleraine, George Hanger, 4 th Baron. Colonel George Hanger, to All Sportsmen, and Particularly to Farmers, and Gamekeepers. Above Thirty Years’ Practice in Horses and Dogs; How to Feed and Take Care of Them, and Also To Cure Them of All Common Disorders. Effectually To Allure and Catch all Vermin. The Rat- Catching Secret. To Breed and Feed Pheasants, and Cure their Disorders. On Fowling-Pieces, Rifle-Guns, and Muskets. To Which Is Added, a Plan for Training and Disciplining a Corp. Printed for the author and sold by J. J. Stockdale. London. 1814. 1 p., l., [5]. 226 p. NAL call no.: 40 C67 Descriptors: horse care, dog care, feeding, curing common diseases, rat catching, breeding, caring for pheasants, fowling pieces, rifle guns, muskets, training and disciplining a corp, England.

Couste, Henri Jean Paul. Mechanics Applied to the Race Horse. (Une Foulee de Gallop de Course). 2 nd ed. With a Study of the Construction and Functions of the Hind Legs. Replies to Criticisms. By Colonel H. Couste; translated by E. B. Cassatt. 1914; New York 1916. 80 p., ill. NAL call no: 42 C832 Descriptors: race horses, locomotion, movement mechanics, anatomy of rear legs, bones, muscles, parts of the rear leg, analysis of the gallop motion.

Cowan, Bud. Range Rider. Doubleday, Doran & Company, inc., Garden City, NY. 1930. x p., 1 l., 289 p., ill., front., plates. Note: With an introduction by B. M. Bower. Illustrations by Ross Santee. NAL call no.: 138 C83 Descriptors: horses, cowboys, American range land, management of grazing, American West, USA.

Culley, John Henry. Cattle, Horses & Men of the Western Range. The Ward Ritchie Press. Los Angeles, CA. [1940]. xvi, p., 337 p., ill., front. (port.), plates. NAL call no.: 43 C894 Descriptors: cattle, horses, stockmen, broncos, cowboys, rodeos, Western sections of the USA.

Cullum, Grove. Selection and Training of the Polo Pony, with Comments on the Game, by Grove Cullum. C. Scribner’s sons. New York and London. 1934. xv, 253 p., incl. front., ill. NAL call no.: 42 C89 Descriptors: polo ponies, polo games, selection of a polo pony, polo pony training, temperaments, conformation, stable management, breeding lessons with stick and ball, striking, combination play, rules of the game, care and management.

Culver, Francis Barnum. Blooded Horses of Colonial Days; Classic Horse. Matches in America before the Revolution. Published by the author. Baltimore, [MD.]. 1922. 5 p. l., [13]-96, [15], 100-156 p. 4 l., ill., plates, facsims. NAL call no.: 42 C892 Descriptors: US Colonial period, pre-revolutionary war, 1745-1775, racing horses, famous races, blooded horses, ancient horses, horse races, some farming horses, horse , Maryland Jockey Club, , The Carolinas, New York, Pennsylvania, , USA.

Cunninghame, Graham R. B.; Denhardt, Robert Moorman. The Horses of the Conquest. [First American edition] University of Oklahoma Press. Norman, Oklahoma. [1949]. 145 p. illus. NAL call no .: QL737.U6G7 1949 Descriptors: horses, role of horses in conquest of the Americas, colonial history, 2 styles of riding in , interaction of men and horses, post-conquest horses multiplied in the Americas.

Curryer, Joseph Curtis. Horse Sense. A Practical Treatise. By J. C. Curryer. Minneapolis, MN., Farm Stock & Home Company. Minneapolis, MN. 1900. xvi, 226 p., front. (port.), ill. NAL call no.: 42 C93 Descriptors: conformation of legs, intelligence of horses, judging horses, soundness, lameness, selection a stallion, care, use in breeding, selection of brood mares, hereditary traits, draft horses on the farm, educating horses, humane treatment, restraint suggestions and equipment, bridle and bits, care of the feet, shoeing, nutrition, feeding and feeds, controlling strategies, common diseases and treatments.[9/1/2015 11:57:45 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, A-C: Animal Welfare Information Center

Curryer, J. C. Some of the Natural Laws and Principles of Horsemanship, with Kindergarten Work for Little Colts. [ St Paul, Minn.], c1902. pp. [227]-245 ill. NAL call no.: 42 C93S Descriptors: younghorses, horsemanship, colts, early training, behaviors, teaching young horses.

Curtis, George Washington. Horses, Cattle, and Swine. Origin, History, Improvement, Description, Characteristics, Merits, Objections, Adaptability, etc., of Each of the Different Breeds, with Hints on Selection, Care and Management, Including Methods of Practical Breeders in the United States and Canada. 2 nd ed., rev. and enl. The Rural Publishing Company. New York. 1893. vii, [8]-343 p., ill. NAL call no.: 40 C94 Ed.2 Online: Descriptors: livestock breeds, cattle, sheep, swine, horses, origins of various livestock and horse breeds, merits of breeds, methods of breeding, US, Canada. Back to Top

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Dadd, George H. The Advocate of Veterinary Reform and Outlines of Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse. Also, a General History of Veterinary Science in England, with Practical Observations on Feeding, Watering, Grooming, Shoeing, &c. Containing, also a Veterinary Dictionary Selected from the Works of R. White. With Selections from the Works of Youatt, Percival, and Curtis, Together with Observations on Bloodletting, and the Use of Poisons. George H. Dadd (publisher). Boston, [MA.]. 1850. 307 p., ill., 2 fold. pl. NAL call no.: 42 D12 Online: Descriptors: horses, anatomy and physiology, veterinary dictionary of terms relevant to horses, horse care and equipment, veterinary practices, care, husbandry, feeding, watering, grooming, diseases, blood letting, use of poisons as treatments, includes selections from R. White, Youatt, Percival, and Curtis, England.

Dadd, George H. The Modern Horse Doctor: Containing Practical Observations of the Cause, Nature and Treatment of Disease and Lameness in Horses. Embracing the Most Recent and Approved Methods, According to an Enlightened System of Veterinary Therapeutics, for the Preservation and Restoration of Health. John P. Jewett and Co. Boston. Jewett, Proctor & Worthington. Cleveland, Ohio.Sheldon, Lamport & Blakman. New York. 1855. 432p. ill. NAL call no.: 41 D12M 1855 Online: Descriptors: horses, nature and treatment of diseases of the horse, agriculturists, horsemen, sanative and rational system of medication for those treating their own horses, disease lameness cures, know when medicines are needed, hygiene, veterinary medicine, neurological diseases, concussion of the brain, respiratory organs, pneumonia, strangles, coughing, roaring, tracheotomy, urinary diseases, digestive tract diseases, liver diseases, eye and eye membranes, fevers, mouth problems, teeth, wounds, lameness, long bones, joints, founder, muscle spasm, strains and sprains, hoof and laminae, wounds, worms, nicking, glanders, disinfection of stables, cautery, parasites, gadflys, bones.

Deacon, Alan. Horse Sense: A Complete Guide to Riding and Horse Management. Frederick Muller Ltd. London. c.1971. 164 p., index p. 161-164, ill. (drawings). NAL call no.: SF285.D4 Descriptors: horses, care, husbandry, diseases, breeding, training, riding, equipment, horse shoeing, horse shoes, jumping, hunting, pony club, equestrian teams, buying a pony, advice for parents buying ponies for childres, stable management.

De Grey, Thomas. The Compleat Horseman and Expert Ferrier. Printed by T. Harper. London. 1639. 15 p. 356, [5] p., ill. (port.). NAL call no.: 41.D34 Descriptors: horses, care, husbandry, breeding, training, equipment, building, horse shoes, horse shoeing.[9/1/2015 11:58:23 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, D-L: Animal Welfare Information Center

Denhardt, Robert Moorman and The Association. The Quarter Horse: A Varied Assortment of Historical Articles, Equine Biographies and Characteristics, Sketches of Horsemen and Other Lore, All Pertaining to the Quarter Horse. Penned up by Bob Denhardt. The American Quarter Horse Association. Fort Worth, Texas. 1941. xxvi, 229 p. incl. front., illus. plates. 24 cm. NAL call no.: 42 D41Q Descriptors: quarter horse, history of breed, characteristics, behaviors, stories of famous horses, people who ride quarter horses, selection of articles, American Quarter Horse Association, 1941.

Denhardt, Robert Moorman. The Horse of the Americas. New ed., rev. and enl. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman, Oklahoma.[1975]. 343 p., ill. appendix, maps. Note: Forward by J. Frank Dobie NAL all no.: SF284.A6D4 1975 Descriptors: prehistoric horses, transportation of horses by boat in 16 th Century,, palominos, pintos, Pony Express, Spanish horse in North America and South America, the American horse today.

Dent, Anthony Austen. Donkey: The Story of the Ass from East to West. Harrap, London. [1972]. 175 p., ill. NAL call no.: SF361.D37 Descriptors: donkeys, Nubian asses, organization of the American Pack Train of the U.S. Army, mule trains, mule carts, animal in active service, history, donkey import into Europe, uses in , , Somaliland, Persia, , Brother of the Ass, the ass in Medieval life and legend, Roman goddess protecting mules, the donkey in the .

Dent, Anthony Austen and Daphne Machin Goodall. The Foals of Epona: A History of British Ponies from the Bronze Age to Yesterday. Galley Press. London. [1962]. x, 305 p., ill., maps, plates. NAL call no.: 42 D43 Descriptors: ponies, Roman Britain ponies, Viking, Ermon foals, Roman postal service, monastic horses, horses of the Middle Ages in Wales, Ireland, goddesses, poems.

Des Farges, George with C.B. Pitman [Translator]. Race Horses, Pedigree—Description— History, Translated from French C. B. Pitman; Sixty Coloured Plates by V. J. Cotlison, L. Penicaut, and le Nail, Also One Hundred and Thirty-Four Vignettes in the Text by Crafty, Cotlison, le Nail, Arsenius, Penicaut, Cousturier, etc. Coloured by Hand. J. C. Nimmo. London. 1890. xxv, 165 p., col. ill., 60 col. pl. Notes: Author's pseud., S. F. , at head of title. Each plate accompanied by leaf of descriptive letterpress. Added t.p.: History of Celebrated English and French Thorough-Bred Stallions and French Mares Which Appeared on the Turf from 1764 to 1887, Preceded by a Preface from the Duke of Beaufort, Translated from the French by C. B. Pitman. London, J. C. Nimmo, 1890. NAL call no.: 42 T64 FO Descriptors: race horses, Thoroughbreds, racing history, celebrated stallions and mares, 1764-1887, descriptions, pedigrees, English, French.

Dines, Lisa. The American Mustang Guidebook: History, Behavior, State by State Directions on Where to Best View America’s Wild Horses. Willow Creek Press. Minoqua, Wis. c2001. 150 p., ill., maps. NAL call no.: SF293.M9.D56 2001 Descriptors: wild horses, mustangs, history of introduction in the American West, habitats, behaviors, guidebook with directions for observing wild animals, state by state information, burros, mustang and burro organizations, American mustang, domestic Spanish mustangs, mustang and burro trainers, USA.

Dimon, John. American Horses and Horse Breeding. A Complete History of the Horse from the Remotest Period in His History to Date. The Horseman’s Encyclopedia and Standard Authority on Horses, Embracing Breeds, Families, Breeding, Training, Shoeing, and General Management. The Modern and Practical Horse Doctor on the Cause, Nature, Symptoms, and Treatment of Diseases of All Kinds. J. Dimon (Publisher). Hartford, Conn. 1895. 449 p., front. (port.), ill., plates. NAL call no.: 42 D59 Online: Descriptors: horses, breeding, history of horses, descriptions and histories of various breeds, families, general care, husbandry, feeding, training, breeding horses, shoeing, common diseases, symptoms, injuries, treatments, remedies, Arabian horses, Morgan horses, Thoroughbreds, draft horses, coach horses, race horses, trotters, USA.

Dobie, J. Frank, Mody C. Boatright and Harry H. Ransom [Editors]. Mustangs and Cow Horses. Folklore Society. Austin, Texas. 1940. xi p., 429 p., ill. (incl. map, music). NAL call no.: 42 D65 Descriptors: mustang horses, cow herding horses, mustangs of the Southwest, Texas, Plains mustangs, nicking, horses, mules, horses lore and legends, horse heroes, Texas, Mexican horse breaking, caballeros, mustang stampede of train,[9/1/2015 11:58:23 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, D-L: Animal Welfare Information Center


Dobie, J. Frank. The Mustangs. Boston, [MA]. Little Brown. Boston. 1952. xvii p., 376 p., ill. Note: Illustrated by Charles Banks Wilson. NAL call no.: 42 D65M Descriptors: mustangs, history of the mustang, behaviors, progenitors of mustangs, Indian horses and horsemanship, Indian horse stealing and mustanging, mestenas, wild mustangs, legend of the white mustang, the coyote dun and other cow horses, under saddle, Western US range lands, USA.

Dobie, J. Frank. A Vaquero of the Brush Country by J. Frank Dobie, Partly from the Reminiscences of John [ Duncan] Young 2 nd ed. The Southwest Press. Dallas, Texas. 1929. xv p., 314 p., ill., facsim. Note: Illustrated by Justin C. Gruelle. NAL call no.: 120 Y83 Y Descriptors: life as a vaquero in the West, anecdotes and stories, range lands, USA.

Douglas, Charles. Shetland Pony: With an Appendix on the Making of the Shetland Pony by J. C. Ewart. Blackwood. Edinburgh. 1913. 172 p., ill., pl. NAL call no.: 42 D74 Descriptors: early history, early Norwegian rock drawings of horses, pony development on Shetland Island, harsh environmental island conditions, effects on genetic selection, Highland Society’s Report of 1801, management of the modern pony, uses of the ponies.

Du Hays, Charles. The Percheron Horse. Translated. from the French of Charles Du Hays. Private printing. Baltimore, [MD.]. 1886. 128 p., ill., incl. mounted front., 32 mounted pl. NAL call no.: 42 D88 Online: Descriptors: Percheron horses, location in France where breed developed, Percheron country, characteristics of the breed, color, size, temperaments, ancestors of the breed, uses, pulling , cart horses, selection of brood stock, limited numbers of breeders in Perche, losses of breeding stock, began to introduce heavy draft horse genes, suggestions for breeding to regenerate the original type, discussion of interbreeding, 3 types of Percherons—light, draft and intermediate, discussion of crosses, Arab crosses, English horse crosses, recommended stud books, speeds of mounted and harnessed percherons for 1 ¼ mi 1 5/8 mi 2 mi, 2.5 mi, endurance.

Edwards, Elwyn Hartley. The Complete Book of the Horse. London, [U. K.]. Ward Lock Ltd. London. [1973]. 319 p., col. ill. NAL call no.: QL737.U62E3 Descriptors: , history and development of breeds, horse types, donkeys, mules, Arab, Anglo-Arab, English Thoroughbred, British heavy horses, draft horses, the hunter, hacks, the , riding ponies, history of horsemanship, horse health, equestrian sports, care and management, Britain.

Ensminger, M. Eugene. Horses and Horsemanship. 4 th ed. Interstate Printers and Publishers. Danville, Ill. 1969. 906 p., ill., photo. NAL call no.: SF285.E5 1969 Descriptors: history and development of the horse industry, distribution and future of horse industry, anatomy, conformation, judging horses, types of light horses, draft horse, mules, jacks, breeding, origins and domestication of the donkey, breeding, feeding health, training, management, uses of horses for food, military purposes, recreation and sports, agricultural and commercial pursuits, early history in the USA, US horse and mule production, horse and mules in WWII, horse health, diseases and parasites, horsemanship, tack, equipment, clothing, boots, how to ride, rules, horse drawn vehicles, cleaning grooming.

Flower, William Henry. The Horse: A Study in Natural History. D. Appleton and Company. New York. 1901, c1891. xiv, 204 p., front., ill. NAL call no.: 42 F66 Descriptors: taxonomy of horses, natural ancestors, nearest taxonomic relatives, types, ranges, habits, where found in the world, descriptions, anatomy, structure, evolution.

Frame, B. H. (Benjamin Harrison). The Horse and Mule Outlook.Circular [series] ( University of Missouri, Agricultural Experiment Station); 157. University of Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station. Columbia, Missouri. 1927. 12 p., ill. NAL call no.: 100 M693 no.157 Descriptors: horses, mules, economic factors, numbers, values, Missouri.

Galtrey, Sidney Capt.. The Horse and the War. Country life. London. 1918. 130, [2] p., col. front., ill. Notes: Illustrated from drawings by Captain Lionel Edwards and from photographs. With a note by Field-Marshall Sir Douglas Haig. NAL call no.: 42 G132 Online: Descriptors: horses, 1 st World War, uses, types of horses, importance in war and battles, care and management, equipment.[9/1/2015 11:58:23 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, D-L: Animal Welfare Information Center

Galvayne, Sydney. The XXth Century Book on the Horse. by Sydney Galvayne. Also a Practical Treatise on Training Ponies and Playing Polo by Fred. Galvayne. 3 rd ed. Bailliere, Tindall and Cox. London. 1912. xxv, 346 p., ill., incl. front. (port.), plates, plans, charts. NAL call no.: 42 G13 Ed.3 Descriptors: horses, ponies, coat colors, descriptions of breeds and types, terms, definitions, bits, bridles, shoeing, stable care, Galvayne method of training, colt management, soundness, dealing with bad habits and vicious horses, curing horse fallacies, foaling management, training ponies for Polo.

Gamble, James A., I.P. Earle, and Paul E. Howe. Rearing foals and lambs by the use of colostrum, blood serum, and substitute milks. Technical Bulletin ( United States Dept. of Agriculture); no. 661. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 1938. 35 p., ill. NAL call nos.: 1 AG84TE no.661 and Fiche S-69 No. 661 Descriptors: feedingyoung horses, lambs, diet, milk substitute formulations, colostrum, blood serum, growth effectiveness.

Gay, Carl Warren. Productive Horse Husbandry. 3 rd ed., rev. J.B. Lippincott Co. Philadelphia & London. 1914. xv, 331 p. col. front., illus.(incl. plans, facsims.) 22 cm. In the series: Lippincott’s Farm Manuals. NAL call no.: 42 G252 Online: Descriptors: Percheron brood mares, horse structure and function, mules, various breeds, heavy harness breeds, draft horses, horses in service, interaction between horse and master, , harnesses and saddles, transportation, effects of the development of the automobile.

Gay, Carl Warren. Productive Horse Husbandry. 3 rd ed., rev. Lippincott, Philadelphia. 1924. xvi, 335 p., ill. (some col.). NAL call no.: 42 G252 1924 Descriptors: Percheron brood mares, horse structure and function, mules, various breeds, heavy harness breeds, draft horses, horses in service, interaction between horse and master, equitation, harnesses and saddles, transportation, effects of the development of the automobile.

Gianoli, Luigi. Horses and Horsemanship through the Ages. New York. Crown Publishers. New York. [1969]. 441 p., ill. NAL call no.: SF309.G52 Descriptors: horsemanship, early history, Middle Ages, Renaissance, horsemanship schools, horses in sports like polo and hunting, Equestrian Olympic games, Thoroughbred racing, harness racing, use of horses in circuses and rodeo, horse drawn vehicles.

Gilbey, Walter, Sir. The Great Horse; or, the War Horse: from the Time of the Roman Invasion Till Its Development into the Shire Horse. 2 nd ed. Vinton & Co., Limited. London. 1899. vi, [2], 69 p., ill., 17 pl. (incl. front.). NAL call no.: 42 G37G Online: Descriptors: large horses, draft horses, war horses, breeding for large horses, Roman invasion period to the Shire horse breed, characteristics, behaviors, structure, Germany in armor, horses of the ancient Britons, shire horses.

Gilbey, Walter, Sir. Horse Breeding in England and India, and Army Horses Abroad. Vinton. London. 1901. 56 p., ill. NAL call no.: 42 G37 Descriptors: exporting of horses, horses bred for sport only,horses for the British army, race horses in the 18 th and 19 th century, breeding in various countries, Europe, Russia, Turkey, India.

Gilbey, Walter, Sir. Horses Past and Present. Vinton. London. 1900. 89 p. illus., 9 plates. 23 cm. Note: History of the horse in England arranged by reigns. NAL call no.: 42 G37H Online: Descriptors: horses, William the Conqueror, William Rufus, Saxon, war horses, Henry VII, Richard I, Duke of Newcastle, farrier, Arabian horse, race horses, cart horses, Newmarket, foxhoundsGreat Britain.

Gilbey, Walter, Sir. Ponies: Past and Present. Vinton & Co. London. 1900. 4 p., 112 p., ill., 8 pl. (incl. front.). NAL call no.: 42 G37P Online: Descriptors: ponies, pony types, England ,Welsh pony, pony, , Cumberland pony, Westmoreland pony, Conemara pony, Shetland pony, Scottish pony, characteristics, polo ponies, uses of the ponies, breeding, history of use[9/1/2015 11:58:23 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, D-L: Animal Welfare Information Center

from Julius Caesar to Henry the 8 th, Great Britain.

Gilbey, Walter, Sir. Small Horses in Warfare. Vinton [& Co.]. London. 1900. 49 p., ill., 5 plates (incl. front.). NAL call no.: 42 G37S Online: Descriptors: breeding small horses, horses in the Crimean War, Cape horses, Sudanese ponies, Burnaby’s ride to Khiva, post horses in Siberia, ponies in India, ponies in Northern Africa, ponies in Morocco, ponies in Eastern Asia, ponies in , ponies America and Texas, Army horses in the future.

Gilbey, Walter, Sir. Thoroughbred and Other Ponies with Remarks on the Height of Racehorses since 1700; being a Rev. Ed. of Ponies: Past and Present, by Sir Walter Gilbey. Vinton [& Co.]. London. 1903. 156 p., ill., plates. NAL call no.: 42 G37T 1903 Descriptors: ponies, race horses, Thoroughbreds, size, height, conformation, history, early racehorses, early British ponies, Arabian ponies, breeding polo ponies, asses, characteristics of ponies, breeding in general, conformation, England.

Gleason, Oscar Rudolph. Gleason’s Horse Book: The Only Work by America’s King of Horse Tamers; Comprising History, Breeding, Training, Breaking, Buying, Feeding, Grooming, Shoeing, Doctoring, Telling Age, and General Care of the Horse. Crowell Pub. Co. Springfield, Ohio. c1892. 8 [11], [9]-416 p., ill., [3] leaves of plates, port. NAL call no.: SF285.G5 Online: Descriptors: saddlehorses, harness horses, Oscar Rudolph Gleason’s approach to managing horses, history, breeding horses, breaking to saddle and harness, training, handling, horse behaviors, bad habits, intelligence, feeding, teeth, medicines, care and husbandry, grooming, shoeing, diseases, treatment of disease and conditions, age determination, USA.

Gocher, William Henry. Pacealong. Published by W.H. Gocher. Hartford, Conn. 1928. 456 p., ill., incl. front. (port.), plates, ports. NAL call no.: 42 G53P Descriptors: pacing colts, racing colts, poetry, pacers, characteristics of pacers, history, U.S.

Gocher, William Henry. Trotalong. Published by W. H. Gocher. Hartford, Conn. 1928. 487 p., ill. NAL call no.: 42 G53T Descriptors: American trotters, trotting horse register, farms, equipment, wheels, , history, match racing.

Goldschmidt, Sidney G. Lieut. Col. Stable Wise. C. Scribners Sons, New York [N.Y.]. 1929. xv, [1], 17-176, ill., incl. front. Note: J. McNeil illustrator. NAL call no.: 42 G57 Descriptors: skeletal structure, comparative anatomy, stabled horses fighting, exercising horses, grooming, shoeing, ailments, hunters and polo ponies, saddlery, stable design, duties of owners and grooms, wages and cost of keep.

Goubaux, Armand, Gustave Barrier and Simon J.J. Harger. The Exterior of the Horse. 2 nd ed., with 346 figures and 34 plates, by G. Nicolet. Translated and edited by Simon J. J. Harger. J. B. Lippincott Company; [etc.] Philadelphia. 1892. xxviii, 916 p., ill., incl. plates, diagrams. NAL call no.: 42 G72 Online: Descriptors: horse mechanics, definitions, anatomy and parts of the head mouth and neck, sections and description of the parts of the body, how the legs move, musculature, locomotion, proportions, defects, age of the horse, teeth, coats colors and differences, race horses, coach horses, saddle horses, cavalry horses, vicious horses, draft horses, abnormal behaviors, what to look for in choosing a horse.

Ringwalt, Samuel Col. The horse—from practical experience in the Army. Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for the year 1866. Government Printing Office. Washington, DC. 1867: 321-334. NAL call no.: 1 AG84 1866 Descriptors: use of horses, war horses, horses in the U.S. numbers in 1860, wild horses, Native American and horses, racing horses, European (France, England, Prussia, Austria) governments studs for cavalry horses, US government breeding programs, types of horses needed, uses in the Civil War, differences in endurance, selecting horses, vices and faults, treatment, difficulties of finding food for service animals, bales hay for the

army, grains of barley, corn, wheat, rye, diseases related to poor conditions of war, uses of fallen/killed horse body parts.

Great Britain. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. Board of – Ponies, Committee on[9/1/2015 11:58:23 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, D-L: Animal Welfare Information Center

Improvement of Mountain and Moorland Breeds of. Report. [S.l.], 1912. 41 p. NAL call no.: 42 G79 Descriptors: Board report, mountain pony breeds, moorland pony breeds, breed improvement recommendations, stud and brood mare selection, Thoroughbreds, Hackney ponies, hunters, polo ponies, registration of stallions, Great Britain.

Greene, Edward H. The Law and Your horse. A.S. Barnes, South Brunswick and New York. [c1971]. NAL call no.: SF57.G7 Descriptors: horses, statutory and regulatory laws regarding the keeping and use of horses, 50 states of the US., trespassing horses, owners liability, insurance, security agreements, lease agreements for mares, contracts, transport of animals Act, warranty agreements, US.

Gregg, Josiah; Quaife, Milo Milton. The Commerce of the . Citadel Press. New York. Note: Reprint. NAL call no.: F800.G7 1968 Descriptors: horses, pioneers of the American West, organizing expeditions, thirst and water, Nation Americans, economic conditions, Comanche, Cimarron to Santa Fe, visits to silver mines, horses, buffalo, mustangs, early mules, settlers, traders.

Haddelsey, Vincent. The Horse our Heritage. Hastings House. New York. [1971]. 104 p., ill. (part col.). NAL call no.: GT5885.H3 Descriptors: history of horses, Royal Mews, household cavalry, mounted police, donkeys, saddlery, traveling stallions, horse dealers, horse care traditions and superstitions, pit ponies, trotters.

Hanover, M.D. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Horses, Embracing the Law of Bargain, Sale, and Warranty of Horses and Other Live Stock; the Rule as to Unsoundness and Vice and the Responsibility of the Proprietors of Livery Auction, and Sale Stables, Innkeepers, Veterinary surgeons, Farriers, Carriers, and The Law of Negligence in the Use of Horses, Including the Rule of the Road, and the Responsibility of Owners for Injuries caused by Vicious and Unruly Animals. 2 nd Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Robert Clarke & Co. Cincinnati. 1875. Note: 12 chapters on various laws. Includes 34 pages of cases. NAL call no: 42 H19L Ed. 2 Descriptors: horses, transfer of chattel, property and contracts for such, Statute of Frauds, auction and sale stables, list of unsoundness indicators and vices, express warranties, fraud, breach of contract, responsibilities of innkeepers and others caring for horses, carriers, negligent care of animals, injuries to animals, US.

Harper, Merritt Wesley. Management and Breeding of Horses. Orange Judd Co. New York. 1913. xix, 466 p. illus. 20 cm. NAL call no.: 42 H23 Online: Descriptors: draft horses, horse breeding, anatomy, history of the horse, breeds of horses, Arabian, Thoroughbred, American Saddle horse, Standardbred, Hackney Coach horse, French Coach horse, German Coach horse, , Percheron, French Draft, Clydesdale, Shire, Belgian, Suffolk, ponies, asses, mules, foals, brood mares, mule breeding, feeding horses, grain and hay, barns, veterinary medicine, stallion laws and regulations, National Association of Stallion Registration Boards

Harper, Merritt Wesley. Raising Colts.Bulletin 403 ( Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station). Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 1920. (Jan. 1921 on piece.) 49 p., ill., [2] folded leaves. NAL call no.: 100 N48C (1) no. 403 Descriptors: raising colts, feeding, feed for pregnant mares, foaling quarters, mares and foal care, weaning, care of colts, colts rations, costs of veterinary care, insurance, USA.

Harrison, Jack and Wm Rufus Jackson [Editor]. Famous Saddle Horses and Distinguished Horsemen: A Historical Narrative and Personal Reminiscences. St. Louis, [ Missouri]. c1933. xv p., [1] 448 p., ill., front. NAL call no.: 42 H242 Descriptors: horses, horsemanship, horse shows, origins of the American saddle horse, First International , early day show rings and fairs, Thoroughbreds, American Saddle Horse Register, descriptions of distinguished horsemen, past and present, portraits and summary of accomplishments for each, President Roosevelt with his saddle horse “New Deal” and with other horses, famous saddle horses, US.

Hayes, M. Horace. Among Men and Horses. Dodd, Mead & company; [etc., etc.]. New York. 1894. xiv p., l., 358 p., 1, ill., incl. front., ports. Note: Illustrated by reproductions from photographs. An autobiography detailing the author’s life with horses, includes reports of travels to many lands, NAL call no.: 42 E32AM[9/1/2015 11:58:23 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, D-L: Animal Welfare Information Center

Online: Descriptors: horses, history of uses and interactions with humans, equine lore, horses he has known, care, military uses, schooling horses, anecdotes, many countries visited— Ireland, India, China, Malta, Africa, diamond mines of Kimberly, gold fields.

Hayes, M. Horace. Among Horses in Russia. R. A. Everett. London. 1900. xiv, 214 p., [7] leaves of plates, 53 ill. NAL call no.: 42 H32 Online: Descriptors: horses, Russian military life, remount depots, Germans in Russia, Russian Cavalry, Cavalry officers, Russia.

Hayes, M. Horace. Among Horses in South Africa. R. A. Everett & co. London. 1900. 1 p. l., v-x, 231, [1] p., front. (port.). NAL call no.: 42 H32A Descriptors: horses, an account of travel experiences, voyages, horse racing, traveling and horsemanship, playing polo, South Africa.

Hayes, M. Horace. Stable Management and Exercise. A Book for Horse-Owners and Students. Hurst and Blackett. London. 1900. viii, 424 p., ill. NAL call no.: 42 H32S Online: Descriptors: theories of exercise, feeding and watering, stables, bedding, handling of horses, grooming, cleaning carriages, management of horses on ships, exercise of hunters, stable servants, summering hunters and wintering polo ponies, Great Britain.

Hedges, David. Horses and Courses. A Pictorial History of Racing. A Studio Book, The Viking Press, New York. 1972. 220p. Photographic plates. Note: Many photographs by Fred Mayer and a foreword by John Hislop. NAL call no.: SF334.H38 Descriptors: international scope, history of racing, 12 of the best horses in Turf history, St. Simon, , , crime associated with racing, traveling with horses, races, race tracks, Thoroughbreds, famous horses, racing industry, jumping competition, profile of those who bet, racing in countries around the world, jockeys, France, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Russia, Hungry, Scandinavia, South America, India, Japan, Australia, New Zealand.

Helm, Henry T. American Roadsters and Trotting Horses. Being a Sketch of the Trotting Stallions of the United States, and a Treatise on the Breeding of the Same. Rand, McNally & Co. Chicago. 1878. viii, 9-552 p. front., plates. NAL call no.: 42 H363 Online: Descriptors: breeding, heredity problems, cross-breeding, in-breeding, trotting philosophy, racing bloodlines, pacing elements, Everett and Hambletonians, descendants, Alexander’s Abdullah and descendants, Justin Morgan and his descendants, approaches to the selection of breeding mares and stallions.

Herbert, Henry William. Hints to Horse Keepers: A Complete Manual for Horsemen; and Chapters on Mules and Ponies by Henry William Herbert (Frank Forester) with Additions, Including “Baucher’s System of Horsemanship”. Also, Giving Directions for the Selection and Care of Carriages and Harness of Every Description, and a Memoir of the Author. O. Judd Company. New York. 1882 [c1859]. 425 p., ill., front., 23 pl. NAL call no.: 42 H41H Descriptors: ponies, mules, grooming, feeding, breeding, training, driving, racing, horsemanship, horse related equipment, selection and care of carriages and harnesses, horse shoeing.

Herbert, Henry William. Hints to horse-keepers: a complete manual for horsemen ... and chapters on mules and ponies / by the late Henry William Herbert. New York: C.M. Saxton, Barker & Co.; San Francisco: H.H. Bancroft & Co., 1860. 425, 6 p., 24 . of plates : ill. ; 19 cm. NAL call no.: 42 H41H 1860 Online: Descriptors: horse breeding, mares, stallions, Canadian horses, Arabian horses, ponies, mules, nutrition, feeding horses, how to buy a horse, grooming, training, farriery, shoeing horses, driving, racing, veterinary medicine, carriages

Herbert, Henry William, Sanders Dewees Bruce, and Benjamin Gratz Bruce. Frank Forester’s horse and horsemanship of the United States and British provinces of North America. G.E. Woodward. New York. 1871. 2 v. illus., plates. 24 cm. Note: Rev., cor., enl., and continued to 1871, by S.D. & B.G. Bruce. With thirty original portraits of celebrated horses. NAL call no.: 42 H412H Online: Descriptors: , Godolphin Arabian, Thoroughbreds, , Lexington, Grey Eagle,[9/1/2015 11:58:23 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, D-L: Animal Welfare Information Center

Hawk-Eye, American Jockey Club, four-mile heats, Darley Arabian, pedigrees

Hiatt, James M. The National Register of Norman Horses: With a General History of the Horse-Kind and a Thorough History of the Norman Horse. National Norman Horse Association, [ Bloomington, Ill.]. 1881. vi, 283 p., ill. NAL call no.: 42.9 N212 Descriptors: the five original prehistoric races/types of horses; Norman horses national registry; history of breed; war horses of the Medieval times; equipment; horse characteristics; coat colors: bay, dun, white, black; Norman draft horses; Norman horse in America; The Register is in 3 volumes, National Norman Horse Association.

Holmes, Charles M. The Principles and Practice of Horse-Shoeing. The Farriers’ Journal Publishing Co. Ltd., Leeds. 1928. 251 p. ill. Note: A textbook on horse shoeing. NAL call no. 42 H732 Descriptors: horse shoeing, structure/anatomy of horses legs and feet, joint, ligaments, tendons, the hoof, preparation of the foot, shoeing for various structural and disease conditions, shoes for certain activities, kinds of shoes, feather edge shoe, shoes for lameness.

Hunt, Frazier and Robert Hunt. Horses and Heroes, the Story of the Horse in America for 450 Years. Scribner’s Sons. New York. 1949. xii p., 306 p., ill., ports. NAL call no.: 42 H91 Descriptors: 40 chapters on many aspects of horses in the US, history of introduction of the horse back to Americas, Father Kino’s mustangs, George Washington, and , George Washington as a mule breeder of importance, the horse Justin Morgan, Custer’s favorite horse, many other famous horses, unique characteristics and famous horses and their owners, quarter horses, rodeos, cowboys, long rides, USA.

Hunt, Vere D. The Horse and His Master. With Hints on Breeding, Breaking, Stable- Management, Training, Elementary Horsemanship, Riding to Hounds, &c. Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts. London. 1859. x, 151 p., ill. NAL call no.: 42 H912 Online: Descriptors: horses, husbandry, breeds, breeding, care, stable buildings and management, behavior, training, powers of the horse, limits of horse abilities and power, handling the colt, breaking horses, riding to the hounds in , UK.

Huntington, Randolph. History in Brief of “Leopard” and “ Linden,” General Grant’s Arabian Stallions, Presented to Him by the Sultan of Turkey in 1879. Also their sons “General Beale,” “Hegira,” and “Islam,” Bred by Randolph Huntington. Also reference to the Celebrated stallion “Henry Clay”. Printed for the author by J. B. Lippincott Co. [ Philadelphia.] 1885. 66 p. front., 4 pl. Note: This collection of unbound pages is for use onsite with permission only. NAL call no.: 42 H92 Descriptors: Arabianhorses received by General Grant, famous American horses, Turkish gifts, Randolph Hunting, progeny from Arabian stallions “Leopard” and “ Linden”, USA.

Huth, F.H. Works on Horses and Equitation : A Bibliographical Record of Hippology. B. Quaritch. London. 1887. x p., 1 leaf, 439, [1] p. ; 22 cm. NAL call no.: 241 H97 Online: Descriptors: horses, bibliography, equitation, veterinary medicine, calvary, natural history, anatomy, physiology, laws relating to warrantry, acts, uses after , carriages, driving, coachbuilding, harness, bits and bitting, horse shoes and shoeing, racing, taming, breaking, stable management, breeding, brands and marks, mules and asses, chariots, age of horse

Illinois. The Law Regulating the Public Service of Stallions and Jacks in Illinois and Enforcement of Lien, in Force July 1, 1917. Schnepp & Barnes, state Printer for Dept. of Agriculture, Division of Animal Industry. Springfield, [ Illinois]. 1917. 16 p. NAL call no.: 42 Il6 Descriptors: laws in Illinois, an Act to regulate the public service of stallions and jacks in Illinois, how to obtain a license certificate,how to obtain a lien, information on sales of animals, State of Illinois, USA.

Johnstone, James Hope Stewart. The Horse Book; A Practical Treatise on the American Horse Breeding Industry as Allied to the Farm. Sanders. Chicago. 1908. 229p., 50 plates. 20cm. NAL call no.: 42 J65 Online: Descriptors: stallions, breeding, broodmare management, pedigree and heredity of horses, Percheron, draft horse, Thoroughbred, Cleveland Bay, mare, lien, veterinarian, foal, sidebones, register of deeds, Stud Book, , Hackney pony, East Friesland,[9/1/2015 11:58:23 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, D-L: Animal Welfare Information Center

Jordan, Rudolf. The Gait of the American Trotter and Pacer: An Analysis of their Gait by a New Method and an Investigation of the General Principles Concerning the Proper Balancing of Motion Action and Extension. W.R. Jenkins Co. New York. 1910. x, 324 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. NAL call no.: 42 J76 Online: Descriptors: harness racehorses, training, racehorses, humane care of the horse, balance, hoof, gaits, trotters, pacers

Karr, Elizabeth. The American Horsewoman. Houghton Mifflin. Boston. 1884. xviii p., 324 p., ill. NAL call no.: SF309.K3 Online: Descriptors: horse origins, earliest biblical scripture mentioning the horse, Roman ’s horse, horses in the Middle Ages, The Arab horse and descendants, horse conformation, trotting, Thoroughbred horses, selecting a horse, riding habits, saddles and bridles, mounting and dismounting, seat I the saddle, reins and managing a horse, gaits.

Kays, Donald J. The Horse Judging, Breeding, Feeding, Management, Selling. Rev. ed. A. S. Barnes, South Brunswick [N.J.?] [1969]. 439 p., ill. NAL call no.: SF285.K32 1969 Descriptors: interactions of man and horse through the ages, show classes of horses, judging livestock, unsoundness in horses, illness, feeding, various breeds, draft horses, saddle horses, ponies, stallion management, broodmares, general management, horse schooling, equitation, horse parasites.

Kelly, J. F. Dealing with Horses. Published by Paul. London. [1972]. 159, [4] p., ill. Note: Rev. ed. brought up to date with footnotes. Illustrated by John T. Kenney. NAL call no.: SF285.K36 1972 Descriptors: the horse dealer, horse dealer business, experienced and novice buyers of horses, theory on breeding a show jumper, early schooling for show jumpers, cause and prevention of bad behavior habits, curing bad habits, clipping and trimming of hooves, suggestions for winter care, management of foals, mares.

Knight, Lewis Washington, 1816-1904. The Breeding and Rearing of Jacks, Jennets and Mules. The Cumberland Press. Nashville, [ Tennessee]. 1902. 111 p., [6] leaves of plates, ill. NAL call no.: 42 K74 Descriptors: mule breeding, jacks, jennets, care, selection of breeding stock, husbandry, reproductive success, care, training, rearing.

Koogle, J.D. The Farmer’s Own Book: A Treatise on the Numerous Diseases of the Horse, with an Explanation of Their Symptoms and the Course of Treatment To Be Pursued; also other Useful Information. McCoull & Slater. Baltimore. 1857. 226 [4] ii-iii p. 17cm. NAL call no. 41 K836 Descriptors: horses, diseases, symptoms, regular course of medicines, treatments, disease, spadmodic colic, glystering, bots, grubs, brood mares, chest founder, chronic cough, ears and eyes, inflammation of many organs and parts of the body, injuries, rabies, madness, taming of horses, sprains, staggers, broken wind, wards.

Lawrence, John. The Horse in All His Varieties and Uses: His Breeding, Rearing, and Management Whether in Labour Or Rest; with Rules, Occasionally Interspersed, for His Preservation from Disease. M. Arnold. London. 1829. xix, 315 p. NAL call no.: 42 L43H Online: Descriptors: horses, horse genera, Equidae, breeding, rearing, management, disease prevention, hunters, pacers, draft horses, carriage horses, ladies horses, diseases, accidents, treatments, handling stallions and brood mares, shoeing, exercising, driving, riding, rights of animals.

Linsley, D. C. Morgan Horses: a Premium Essay on the Origin, History, and Characteristics of This Remarkable American Breed of Horses : Tracing the Pedigree From the Original Justin Morgan, Through the Most Noted of His Progeny, Down to the Present Time : With Numerous Portraits to Which Are Added Hints for Breeding, Breaking, and General Use and Management of Horses, With Practical Directions for Training Them for Exhibition at Agricultural Fairs. C.M. Saxton and Company. New York. 1857. 340 p. NAL call no.: 42 L65 Online: Descriptors: Morgan horses, pedigrees, historical information, origin of breed, development of the breed, characteristics, size, uses, breeding breaking, general use and management, training for exhibition at fairs, list of Morgan horses and non-Morgan horses, USA.

Linsley, D. C. Morgan Horses: a Premium Essay on the Origin, History, and Characteristics[9/1/2015 11:58:23 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, D-L: Animal Welfare Information Center

of This Remarkable American Breed of Horses : Tracing the Pedigree From the Original Justin Morgan, Through the Most Noted of His Progeny, Down to the Present Time : With Numerous Portraits to Which Are Added Hints for Breeding, Breaking, and General Use and Management of Horses, With Practical Directions for Training Them for Exhibition at Agricultural Fairs. Moore. New York. 1858. 340 p. NAL call no.: SF293 M8L56 1858 (Special Collections 5 th Floor, Non-Circulating) Descriptors: Morgan horses, historical information, origin of breed, development of the breed, characteristics, size, uses, breeding breaking, general use and management, training for exhibition at fairs, list of Morgan horses and non-Morgan horses, USA.

Loomis, Frederic Brewster. The Evolution of the Horse. Marshall Jones Company. Boston. 1926. 233 p., ill., front., plates. NAL call no.: 42 L87 Descriptors: horses, evolution of equines, various genera, domestication, behaviors, ranges, different breeds.

Lupton, J. Irvine. Horses: Sound and Unsound.WithThe Law Relating to Sales and Warranty. Bailliere, Tindall and Cox., London 1893. 211 p., ill. NAL call no.: 42 L972 Descriptors: horses, structures, bone diseases, injuries common to: tendons, fibrous tissues, lungs, feet, skin, eye, brain, lymphatic glands, contagious diseases (animals) Act of 1878, prevention of , prohibition of sealing and dealing with diseased horses, asses, mules, glanders, farcy, public warnings, regulations, disinfecting facilities, compensation for slaughter forced, disposal of carcasses, England.

Lydekker, Richard. The Horse and Its Relatives. G. Allen & company, Ltd. London. 1912. xii, 236 p., ill., xxiv p. NAL call no.: 42 L98 Online: Descriptors: the horse, forerunners of the horse, taxonomic position and structure, wild tarpon, ponies and horses of the British Isles, foreign breeds, Arab stock, feral horses, Kiang, onagers, Granger, zebras, , asses, mules, other hybrids.

Lyon, William Edgar Major. [Editor] In My Opinion—: Being a Book of Dissertations on Horses and Horsemanship. C. Scribner’s Sons. New York. 1929. xvi p., 308 p., ill. NAL call no.: 42 L99 Descriptors: horses, horsemanship, care, husbandry, handling, training, illustrations and photos, race horses, the , the pony, polo ponies, other topics. Back to Top

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Magner, D. The Art of Taming and Educating the Horse. A System That Makes Easy and Practical the Subjection of Wild and Vicious Horses, Heretofore Practiced and Taught by the Author as a Secret, and Never Before Published. Review & Herald Publishing House, Battle Creek. Michigan 1884. 1088 p., ill. NAL call no.: SF285.M185 Online: Descriptors: horses, wild horses, vicious horses, breaking, training, schooling horses, restraint methods, how to tame and gentle difficult and unmanageable horses.

Magner, D. The Standard Horse Book. Werner. Chicago. 1895. 643 p. NAL call no.: 40 M273 1895 Online: Descriptors: a pictorial encyclopedia, photos, drawings, principles of treatment, training, colts, teaching to lead, draft horses, carriage horses, determining age, shoeing, diseases and treatments, difficult behaviors, kicking, biting, many topics.

Markham, Gervase, G. Jeffries, and experienced Indians. The Citizen & Countryman’s Experienced Farrier--Together with a Valuable Collection of the Best [R]eceipts in the Known World for the Cure of All Maladies and Distempers Incident to Horses of What Kind Soever, with Directions to Know the Ailment, or Disease. Printed and sold by S. Sower. Baltimore. 1803. 349 p. NAL call no.: 41 M344 1803 R Descriptors: horse diseases, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, remedies, 19 th century historical information, diets, exercising, cleaning, breeding, restoratives.

Marshall, Francis Cutler. Elements of Hippology, by Major F. C. Marshall. Prepared for the Department of Tactics, United States Military Academy. 2nd and rev. ed. Hudson Press, Kansas City, Kansas. 1908. 224 p. incl. front., illus. 21 cm. NAL call no.: 42 M35 Ed.2 Online: Descriptors: horses, hippology, horses in the military, uses, training, management, equipment, USA.

Marshall, Francis Cutler. Elements of Hippology, by Major F. C. Marshall. Prepared for the Department of Tactics, United States Military Academy. 6 th and rev. ed. Hudson Press, Kansas City, Kansas. 1919. 224 p., ill., incl. front. NAL call no.: 42 M35 Ed.6 Descriptors: horses, hippology, horses in the military, uses, training, management, equipment, USA.

Marshall, Francis Cutler. Elements of Hippology, by Major F. C. Marshall. Prepared for the Department of Tactics, United States Military Academy. 5 th and rev. ed. Franklin Hudson Publishing Company, Kansas City, Kansas. 1925. 1 p. ., 5-170 p. illus. 21 cm.[9/1/2015 11:58:52 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, M-T: Animal Welfare Information Center

NAL call no.: 42 M35 Ed.4 Descriptors: horses, hippology, horses in the military, uses, training, management, equipment, USA.

Martin, George A. The Family Horse: Its Stabling, Care, and Feeding. A Practical Manual for Horse-keepers. North River Press. Croton-on Hudson, New York. 1977. 153 p., ill., 4 p. NAL call no.: SF285.3.M37 1977 Descriptors: horses, family horse manual, care, husbandry, feeding, diets, stable design, practical guide, uses, equipment related to horses and horse management, USA.

Marvin, Charles and Leslie E. Macloed [Editor]. Training the Trotting horse: A Natural and Improved Method of Educating Trotting Colts and Horses, Based on Twenty Years Experience. 2 nd ed. The Marvin Publishing [ Co.]. New York. 1890. xxiv, 352 p. [11] leaves of plates: ill., plates, ports. NAL call no.: SF341.M32 1890 (Non-circulating) Online: (1893) Descriptors: biographical sketch of Marvin, trotting horses, racing horses, saddle horses, training methods, equipment, USA.

Mason, Richard and Samuel Wyllys Pomeroy. The Gentleman’s New Pocket Farrier: Comprising a General Description of the Noble and Useful Animal, the Horse: Together with the Quickest Mode of Fattening; Necessary Treatment While Undergoing Excessive Fatigue, or on a Journey. Also, a Concise Account of the Diseases to Which the Horse is Subject, with Such Remedies as Long Experience Has Proved To be Effectual. 8 th edition, with Additions. To Which Is Added, A prize Essay on Mules; [by Samuel Wyllys Pomeroy]. Also, An Addenda, Containing Annals of the Turf, American Stud Book, Rules for Training, Racing, &c. Grigg & Elliot. Philadelphia. 1841. 419 p., ill., front., plates. NAL call no.: 42 M38 Ed.8 Online: Descriptors: general description of the horse, treatment for fatigue, treatment during long distance journeys, essay on mules, horses diseases, remedies.

Mason, Richard, Samuel Wyllys Pomeroy and John S. Skinner. Mason’s Farrier and Stud-Book- New Edition. The Gentleman’s New Pocket Farrier: Comprising a General Description of the Noble and Useful Animal, the Horse; with Modes of Management in All Cases, and Treatment in Disease by Richard Mason. To Which Is Added, a Prize Essay on Mules; An Appendix Containing Recipes for Diseases of Horses, Oxen, Cows, Calves, Sheep, Dogs, Swine, etc., etc., with Annals of the Turf, American Stud-Book, Rules for Training, Racing, etc. With a Supplement: Comprising an Essay on Domestic Animals, Especially the Horse; with Remarks on Treatment and Breeding; Together with Trotting and Racing Tables, Showing the Best Time on Record, at One, Two, Three, and Four Mile Heats; Pedigrees of Winning Horses, Since 1839; and of the Most Celebrated Stallions and Mares; with Useful Calving and Lambing Tables, &c., &c. By J. S. Skinner. J. B. Lippincott & Co. Philadelphia. 1858. 415, 101 p. front., ill., plates. NAL call no.: 42 M38 1858 Descriptors: horses, other livestock, oxen, cows, calves, sheep, swine, dogs, disease remedies, calving and lambing tables, general description of horse management and training, shoeing horses, ferrier/farrier and stud books, treatment, breeds, trotting and racing records, most winning horses, famous mares and stallions, diseases and disease treatments.

McClure, Robert. The Gentleman’s Stable Guide: Containing a Familiar Description of the American Stable; the Most Approved Method of Feeding, Grooming and General Management of Horses; Together with Directions for the Care of Carriages, Harness, etc. Porter & Coates. Philadelphia. [c1870]. ix, 184 p., ill. NAL call no.: 42 M13A Descriptors: horses, stable facilities, feeding, care, diets, training, grooming, husbandry, equipment, care of carriages and harness equipment, USA.

Medd, W. H. B. Care of the Foaling Mare, Care of the Foal. Care and Management of Stallions. The Thoroughbred Record Company. Lexington, [ Kentucky] [1939?]. 15 p. Note: Articles written for the Thoroughbred Record during 1935. NAL call no.: 41 M463 Descriptors: horses, mares, foals, stallions, husbandry, care, feeding, management, veterinary obstetrics.

Merry, Thomas B. (“Hidalgo”). The American Thoroughbred. Commercial Printing House. Los Angeles, CA. 1905. 244 p.: ill. ; 26 cm. NAL call no.: SF293.T5 M47 1905 Online: Descriptors: Thoroughbred horse, horse breeding, horse racing, United States

Merwin, Henry Childs. The Horse, His Breeding, Care, and Treatment in Health and Disease. A. C. McClurg & Co. Chicago. 1917. 281 p., ill.[9/1/2015 11:58:52 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, M-T: Animal Welfare Information Center

NAL call no.: 42 M552 Descriptors: horses, selecting a horse, work horses, breeding, care, husbandry, grooming, diseases, description of diseases and treatments, injuries, stallions, foals, colt raising, grooming, feeding, hay, grass, vegetables, watering, salt sugars, carriages, care in hot weather, care of feet and teeth, stables, US.

Merwin, Henry Childs. Road, Track, and Stable: Chapters About Horses and their Treatment. Little, Brown and Company. Boston. 1892. x, 334 p., [3] leaves of plates : ill. ; 20 cm. NAL call no.: SF285.M57 R Online: Descriptors: trotting families, Hambletonian, Blue Bull, Sunol, Thoroughbreds, trotting races, Smuggler, Edwin Forrest, Florence, Narragansett pacers, Morgan horses, Justin Morgan, roadster, cart horses, draft horses, shires, Percherons, Arabian horses, Bedouins, Nejd, barefooted horses,

Meysey-Thompson, Richard Frederick. The Horse, Its Origin and Development Combined with Stable Practice. E. Arnold. London. 1911. xii, 436 p., ill., front., plates. NAL call no.: 42 M573 Descriptors: historic overview, Thoroughbred horses, carriage horses, cart horses, foreign horses, origins of American trotting horses, conformation, breeding, breaking young horses, stable management, simple ailments, disinfectants, examining for soundness, training for racing, race riding, driving, hunting, horse shows.

Miles, William. The Horse’s Foot, and How to Keep it Sound. 3 rd Edition. Longman. London. 1846. 59 p. NAL call no.: 42 M59Ed.3 Descriptors: navicular bone, coffin bone, race horses, veterinary medicine, horse shoes, hind foot, beeswax, lateral cartilages, horse shoe nails.

Miles, William J and J.I Lupton. Modern Practical Farriery: A Complete Guide to All That Relates to the Horse; Forming a Complete System of the Veterinary Art by W. J. Milles; with Numerous Illus., and a Series of Anatomical Plates by Benjamine Herring; to Which Is Added an Essay on the Diseases and Management of Cattle, Sheep, and Pigs by J. I. Lupton. W. MacKenzie. London. [1874]. vii, 536 p., 96 p., ill., [40] leaves of plates. NAL call no.: 42 M59M Descriptors: farriery, horses, veterinary science, anatomical illustrations, disease management, cattle, sheep, pigs, shoeing horses, stable management, veterinary medicine, recipes, history of horse racing, laws of horse racing, training the hunter, diseases of cattle, sheep and pigs.

Miles, William. Remarks on Horses’ Teeth, Addressed to Purchasers.2 nd Edition. Longman, Green. London. 1878. 48 p. NAL call no.: 42 M59REd.2 Descriptors: permanent teeth, horse’s mouth, corner teeth, lateral nippers, milk grinders, lower jaw.

Millard, F. S. A Cowpuncher of the Pecos. [S.l., 1910?]. 47 p., ill. Note: An autobiography. NAL call no.: 120 M612 Descriptors: horses, Texas cowboys, cowpunchers, trail drivers, Pecos area, West Texas, personal antidotes, USA.

Mills, James. The Horse-Keepers Guide: General Directions in Reference to the Duties Appertaining to Stable Management, with the Care Required before and after a Journey. The Treatment of Diseased Horses; with Useful Hints and Suggestions Relative to Their General Management to which are Prefixed, Plain and Practical Directions in the Choice, Purchase, and Management of Horses, Whether Intended for Saddle or Harness, with Directions How To Ascertain the Good Qualities, and Detect the Faults, of Carriage, Gig, Cart, and Saddle Horses. 1 st American ed. James Mowatt & Co. New York. 1834. 86 p., ill. Note: Rare book that is very fragile. NAL Call no.: SF285.M5 R Descriptors: saddle horses, draft horses, cart horses, stable management, post-travel care, diseases and treatments, purchasing horses, judging sale horses, husbandry, anatomical illustrations, formation of the foot, determining age by teeth, treatments for 10 diseased horses, USA.

Mischka, Joseph. The Percheron Horse in America. Heart Press. Whitewater [ Wisconsin]. c1991. ix, 162 p., ill. NAL call no.: SF293.P4M57 1991 Descriptors: Percheron horses, history of breed, development of the breed, uses, importation into the USA, sires, champion stallions, history of Oaklawn Farms, Wayne Ill. history of the Percheron Horse Association, 1876-1991.

Moore, Elaine Therese. Winning Your Spurs. Bramhall House. New York. [c1954]. 123 p., ill. NAL call no.: SF309.M6[9/1/2015 11:58:52 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, M-T: Animal Welfare Information Center

Descriptors: care of the horse, , competitions for horses, preparation for the horse shows, what to do during and after a horse show, American Horse Shows Association Rule Book, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Morris, Francis. Cavalry horses in America. Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for the Year 1863. Government Printing Office. Washington, DC. 1863: 159-190. NAL call no.: 1 AG84 1863 Descriptors: horses in the Civil War, The War between the States, cavalry troops, cavalry officers, railroads, Grierson, Southern raids using Mississippi blood stock horses, importance of horses to the military, horsemanship at the times, horse racing in England and America, excellence of the Southern horses and horsemen compared to the North, origins of the thoroughbred, superiority of the English thoroughbred, some individual horses discussed, discussion of breeding and , mustangs, recommendations for production of “good cavalry horses”, care and management, buying cavalry quality horses by the government, descriptions of the horses “Slasher” and “Eclipse”.

Mullins, B. G. Horse Management in Australia. [1 st ed.]. Horowitz. London. [1965]. 97 p., ill. NAL call no.: SF285.M8 Descriptors: horses, common descriptive terms, prehistoric horses, war horses, work/draft horses, distinctive Australian breeds, selecting your horse, management and feeding under Australian conditions, grooming, gaits, riding illnesses, clubs, shows, Australia.

Murray, W. H. H, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, Hon George B. Loring. The Perfect Horse: How To Know Him; How To Breed Him; How To Train Him; How To Shoe Him; How To Drive Him; byWilliam H. H. Murray, with an Introduction by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, and a Treatise on Agriculture and the Horse, by Hon. George B. Loring; Containing illustrations of the Best Trotting Stock-Horses in the United States, Done from Life, with Their Pedigrees, Records, and Full Descriptions. J. R. Osgood and Company. Boston, Mass. 1873. xi, [2] p., 1., 480 p., ill., front., plates, tables. NAL call no.: 42 M96P Online: Descriptors: horses, understanding behaviors and needs, training, shoeing, driving correctly, uses in agriculture, trotting horses, pedigrees, records, champion stock.

National French Draft Horse Association. Evidence Presented by the National French Draft Horse Association before the Illinois State Board of Agriculture at Springfield, Ill. Jan. 4, 1888, on the Breed and Breeding of the Draft Horses of France. Tribune. Fairfield, Iowa. [1888]. 2 p. l., 60 p. NAL call no.: 42 N21 Descriptors: French draft horses, breeds and breeding, question regarding the Percheron and the French Draft Horses are the same breed, evidence to settle 2 rival societies, remarks by several persons before the Illinois State Board of Agriculture, USA.

Norton, Doreen Martin. The Palomino Horse. [1st ed.]. Borden Pub. Co., Los Angeles. [1949]. viii, 265 p., ill., col. plates, photos. NAL call no.: 42 N82 Descriptors: palomino horses, history of the breed, 18 bloodlines, uses, showing palominos, horse shows, USA.

Nye, Nelson C. Outstanding Modern Quarter Horse Sires. W. Morrow. New York. 1948. 221 p., ill., blk & wht photos. NAL call no.: 42 N98 Descriptors: quarter horses, studs, outstanding breeding stallions, American Quarter Horse association, National Quarter Horses Breeders Association, founded in 1945 in Texas, sires and offspring, tables of bloodlines, USA.

Orr, G. A Treatise on the Cavalry and Saddle Horse. With Remarks on Pacing and Leaping; Observations on Breeding etc. D. N. Shury. London. 1803. 223 p., col. ill. NAL call no.: SF285.O7 R Descriptors: saddle horses, parts of the horses, coat colors, cropping the foxing, the gaits, lameness, differences between stallions, mares, and geldings for service, restless and how to correct it, horseshoeing, saddles, stables, breaking cavalry and saddle horses, choosing horses for breeding, riding and jumping, deception in horse trading, England.

Palmor, Joseph Hill. Stallion Register and Mating Book and a Visible Index to Bloodlines. By Blood Horse. Lexington, Kentucky. 1 vol. (loose leaf). Note: Kept up-to-date by annual supplements which are inserted. NAL call no.: 42.9 P182 Descriptors: stallion register, index to blood lines, alphabetical folders by name of horse, breeder, owners.

Parlin, S.W. The American Trotter. A Treatise on His Origins, History and Development. American Horse Breeder Publishing Co., Boston. 1905, viii, 320p., ill. Note: 22 portraits of the most important and famous lines of trotters.[9/1/2015 11:58:52 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, M-T: Animal Welfare Information Center

NAL call no.: 42 P23 Descriptors: The English race horse, earliest trotters, Hamblitonian and sons, Mambrino family, Clay family, Morgan family, extinct trotting families, Narragannsett pacers, the Hal family of trotters, Thoroughbred and pacing crosses, influences of Thoroughbreds and Arabians.

Phillips, Greta M. Horses in our Blood. A History of Horses and Ponies of the British Isles and Their Uses. Turf Newspapers. London. [1974]. 311 p., ill. NAL call no.: SF285.P4 Descriptors: horses, ponies, history, breeds, various uses, short history of fox hunting, horse trains, , saddle horses, carriage horses, draft horses, British Driving Society, British Horse Society & Pony Club, British Isles.

Plumb, Charles S. Types and Breeds of Farm Animals. Ginn. Boston, New York. 1906. 563 p. Note: The National Agricultural Library also has a Russian translation of this book. Part 1 covers the horse, ass, and mule. NAL call no.: 40 P73 Online: Descriptors: prehistoric horse, Arabian (Arab) horse, Thoroughbreds, horse racing, American saddle horse, roadster type horses, harness horses, American trotters, pacers, Orloff trotter, coach or carriage type horse, Hackney, French Coach horse, German Coach horse, Cleveland Bay, Chapman or pack horse, draft types, Percheron, French Draft horse, Clydesdale, Shire, Belgian, Suffolk, Shetland pony, asses, mules, breeding, famous stallions, pedigrees

Pocock, Roger S. Horses, by Roger Pocock. With an Introduction by Professor J. Cossar Ewart. J. Murray. London. 1917. x, 252 p. NAL call no.: 42 P75 Descriptors: origin of the horse, ancestors, horse varieties, , , , asses, wild horses and impacts of various environments, humans cross horse types, colors, habits and behaviors of wild horses, graving, riding in rough terrain, conquest of the horse, travois, carts, chariots, interactions with Native Americans, horses roles in various cultures, clothes, pack horses, trail riding, military uses.

Raswan, Carl. The Arab and His Horse. Carl R. Raswan. Oakland, California. 1955. 148 p. illus., map. Note: Many photos of Bedouins and horses. Includes a list of Bedouin words concerning horses, tribal. NAL call no.: 42 R182 Descriptors: Arabian horses, Arabia, Bedouins, classic types, Abbas Pasha type, Ali Pasha Sharif types, Davenport Arabians, Blunt Arabians, Muniqi strains, Syrian horses, How to return to the ancient classic type, Arabian horse in America, tragedy of Arabian horse breeding in America.

Reeves, J. H. The Orange County Stud Book: Giving a History of All Noted Stallions, Bred and Raised in Orange County. To Which Is Added a Complete History of the Horse, in All Countries, in Health and in Sickness, with a Thorough Treatise on his Breeding, Breaking, Shoeing and Curing. Added to Which Is Given a List of the Best Trotting Horses and Famous Races in the United States. J. H. Tuttle. New York. 1880, c1879. 181 p. Note: Contains a catalog of veterinary instruments and medicines. Call no.: 42 R25 1880 Online: Descriptors: Hamiltonian, list and description of some famous studs descendants, horse history, English horse history, Smithfield race track in London, 12 century, introduction of Eastern horse blood, various types and breeds of horses, general aspects of conformation, breeding stock, feed rations, stable management, diseases of the horse, the American trotter, trotter origins and development, English imports, and descendants, Bellfounder, many other horses named, pacers, list of horses by , vices of horses and how to stop them, breaking to harness, Orange County, New York.

Reynoldson, L. A. Influence of the Tractor on Use of Horses.U. S. Dept. of Agriculture.Farmer’s Bulletin no. 1093. Washington, DC. 1920. 26 p., ill. NAL call no.: 1 AG84F no. 1093 Descriptors: draft horses, impact of development of tractors, replacement of draft animals, exclusive and combined help of tractor and horse, displacement of horses, Corn Belt farms, USA.

Richardson, Charles. The New Book of the Horse, by Charles Richardson, with Twenty Nine Coloured Plates and Numerous Photographic Illustrations and an Extensive Veterinary Section. Cassell and Company, Limited. London, New York, Toronto, Melbourne. 1911. 2 vols., ill., col. fronts., col. plates. Note: The focus of the book is on the development of the horse in England with the introduction of Arabian horses. NAL call no.: 42 R39 Descriptors: English varieties of horses, early British horses, Roman introductions, pony tribes, early 12 th century horse racing, transport of people and things, tournament and[9/1/2015 11:58:52 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, M-T: Animal Welfare Information Center

battle horses, Henry VII and Henry VII protections against export and horse stealing, history of coach horses, Royal use, shire horses, hunting sports and famous hunters, Thoroughbred development, Eclipse, Flying Childers, Marske, Darley Arabian, Byerly Turk, pedigree charts. Eclipse line, King Herod line, Matchem line, the turf, racing during Roman occupation, Roodeye oldest race course, Newmarket races, studs, clubs, racing methods, royal Ascot race course, descriptions of many famous horses, steeple chasing, Hackney British horse, the Cleveland Bay developed for chariots, polo ponies, ponies, small breeds, New Forest pony, Highland ponies, British Isles.

Ridgeway, William. The Origin and Influence of the Thoroughbred Horse. University Press, Cambridge, England. 1905. 538p., illus. Note: There are 143 illustrations that include photographs, drawings, horses and wild horse types, works of art, ornaments, ancient spurs, horse shoes, etc. NAL call no.: 42 R43 Online: Descriptors: ancestors of horses, Equidae, existing equines, ponies, asses, zebras, onagers, , horses of prehistoric and historic times, many breeds mentioned origins of the Libyan horse, development of equitation.

Roberts, Isaac Phillips. The Horse. The Macmillan Company. New York, London. 1905. xi, 401 p., ill. with many drawings and photographs. NAL call no.: 42 R54 Descriptors: brief history of the domesticated horse, horse breeds in the America, breeds, sub-breeds, families, variety , cross breeds, trotters, pacers, American saddler, coach horses, the Hackney hunters, types of ponies, draft horses, breeding suggestions and concerns, judging horses, training and education for a variety of uses, military horses, facilities, care and management, feeds, rations.

Robertson, William H.P. The History of the Thoroughbred Racing in America. Bonanza Books, New York. 1964. 621p. Illustrated with many photos of horses, horse owners, races, jockeys, etc. Note: The book is very well illustrated and organized by chapters that roughly are by years. No table of contents. Contains charts of various data from 1900­ 1963: leading money winners, jockeys, owners, breeders, sires, sold and prices, American time records for various distances, Man of War’s racing record, Jockey Club Scale of weights /age, category listing of champions by seasons. NAL call no.: AF335.U5R6 Descriptors: racing in the America, history of the sport, biographical information about several hundred famous horses, owners, trainers; jockeys, pre-Civil War racing, Post Civil war racing, early import horses—Lexington, Fashion, American Eclipse, Planet, breeding farms, race courses in the US, Triple Crown winners, major races in the USA.

Roe, Frank Gilbert. The Indian and the Horse. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman, OK. [1968]. 434 p. map, ill. NAL call no.: E98.H55R6 1968 Descriptors: influence of horses in the Plains, uses and importance to Native American tribes, horses and tribal psychology, nomadic life, hunting buffalo, dogs, wild horses, USA.

Roosevelt, . Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail. Arno [Press], New York. 1970 reprint ed. (orig. publ. 1901). American Environmental Studies Series. 186 p., ill. NAL call no.: F596.R62 1970 Descriptors: horses, ranching use, hunting on horse back, line riding in winter, horses of the Canadian Northwest, training cattle, cattle round ups, Indian ponies, horse herds, roping in a horse corral, USA, Canada.

Rupp, I. Daniel. The Farmer’s Complete Farrier: Comprising a Historical Description of All Varieties of the Horse; Giving Instructions in All Things that Relate to Him; with a Description of All the Diseases to Which He Is Liable and the Best Remedies To Be Applied; Accompanied with the Annals of the Turf, American Stud Book, Rules for Training, Racing, &c; With a Prize Essay on Mules and Their Comparative Value, Interspersed with Notes; With an Appendix, Containing an Additional Number of Receipts for the Cure of the Various Diseases in Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Dogs and Poultry. Also, Addenda, Describing One Hundred & Fifty Plants and Medicines. Illustrated with Several Plates – Selected, Compiled and Translated from the best German and English Works Extant on the Subject, with Numerous Additions, &c., &c., by Israel Daniel Rupp. Gilbert Hills. Lancaster Pa. 1842. 416 p., ill.: [5] leaves of plates. NAL call no.: 42 874 Descriptors: horses, mules, cattle, sheep, swine, dogs, poultry, diseases, treatments, medicines, cures, remedies, types of horses, stud books, training, racing, value, medicinal and healing plants.

Salensky, W., Captain M. Horace Hayes, and O. Chamock Bradley. Prjevalsky’s Horse ( prjevalskii pol.) by W. Salensky. Hurst and Blackett, Limited. London. 1907. xv, 65 p., ill., fold. front., plates (3 double) fold. tab. Note: Translated by Captain M. Horace Hayes[9/1/2015 11:58:52 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, M-T: Animal Welfare Information Center

and O. Chamock Bradley. With an Introduction by J. Cossar Ewart. Also there is a long fold out chart of skull measurements different species of Equus. NAL call no.: 42 SA3 Descriptors: Prezwalski horses, description of the wild horse, Equus prjevalskii, 1902 import into Europe, use of the horse in development of the English shire horse, characteristics, body measurements tables, coat color, conformation, zoological specimens, stripping of the coat, skull measurements, teeth, vertebra, geographical distribution and habits, Gobi desert, neighs.

Sanders, Alvin Howard. A History of the Percheron Horse; Including Hitherto Unpublished Data Concerning the Origin and Development of the Modern Type of Heavy Draft, Drawn from Authentic Documents, Records and Manuscripts in the National Archives the French Government; Together with a Detailed Account of the Introduction and Dissemination of the Breed throughout the United States; to Which is Appended a Reflecting the View of Leading Contemporary Importers and Breeders Touching the Selection, Feeding and General Management of Stallions, Brood Mares and Foals. Compiled Under the Personal Direction of Alvin Howard Sanders in Collaboration with Wayne Dinsmore. Breeder’s Gazette Print. Chicago. 1917. 602 p. front. plates, ports., maps (1 double), facsims. NAL call no.: 42 SA52 Online: Descriptors: Percheron horses, dissemination in the US, 4 cycles of breed history, French chargers of the Middle Ages, heavy coach horses pre-railroad, plow horses, cart horse of modern commerce, general management of the breed, Perche Province, France.

Sanders, James Harvey. Horse-Breeding; Being the General Principles of Heredity Applied to the Business of Breeding Horses; with Instructions for the Management of Stallions, Brood Mares and Young Foals, and the Selection of Breeding Stock By J. H. Sanders. 7 th ed., with Appendix. J. H. Sanders Pub. Co. Chicago. 1889 [c1885]. 273 p., ill. NAL call no.: 42 SA5 Descriptors: horse breeding, care and husbandry, feeding, diseases and injuries, stallion management, brood mares and foals, selection of breeding stock, reproduction.

Sanders, James Harvey. Horse-Breeding; Being the General Principles of Heredity Applied to the Business of Breeding Horses; with Instructions for the Management of Stallions, Brood Mares and Young Foals, and Selection of Breeding Stock. J.H. Sanders Pub. Co. Chicago. 1905. 428 p. NAL call no.: 42 SA5 1905 Descriptors: horse breeding, care and husbandry, feeding, diseases and injuries, stallion management, brood mares and foals, selection of breeding stock, reproduction.

Schreuder, Pieter Juriaan van der Heyde. The Cape Horse; Its Origin, Breeding and Development in the Union of South Africa. Norton Printing Co. [ Ithaca, New York]. [1915]. 122 p. NAL call no.: 42 SCH7 Descriptors: Cape horse, history, origins, importation, management, diseases, various types of the Cape horses, development, breeding, characteristics, uses, South Africa.

Seidman, Lawrence Ivan. Once in the Saddle: The Cowboy’s , 1866-1896. Illustrated with Contemporary Prints and Photos. Knopf; (distributed by Random House). New York. Living History Library Series, 199 p., ill. NAL call no.: F596.S35 Descriptors: horses, cowboys, life on the American frontier, cowboys and prostitutes, songs on the train, blizzards, first real Western the Virginian, cowboy dances, USA.

Self, Margaret Cabell. Horsemastership; Methods of Training the Horse and the Rider. A.S. Barnes. New York. [1952] 440 p. illus. NAL call no.: 42 SE4HOR Descriptors: history of training, training the horses, lunging, schooling, mounting, controlled movement, working in lines and circles, dressage, jumping, training the riders, instructors, pupils, principles of horsemanship, reins, hands, legs, back progression from novice to advanced riding, stable management, USA.

Self, Margaret Cabell. The American Horse Show, With the Official Rules and Regulations. A.S. Barnes Watts. New York. [1958]. 292 p., illus. NAL call no.: 42 SE4A Descriptors: American Horse Show Association; types of shows and riding competitions; hints for exhibitors, divisions: Arabian, horses, dressage, hackney, equitation, hunter, jumper, Morgan, palomino quarter horse, saddle horse, Shetland pony, , Western, an appendix with notes on dressage, gymkana events and equipment.

Self, Margaret Cabell. The Horseman’s Encyclopedia. A.S. Barnes and Co Inc , New York.; Thomas Yoseloff, LTd, London and Toronto. [1963]. 428 p. illus. Note: New and revised[9/1/2015 11:58:52 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, M-T: Animal Welfare Information Center

edition. NAL call no.: SF278.S4 1963 Descriptors: horses; encyclopedia, horse related facts, terminology, definitions, A-Z, many photos and drawings of: items, movements, anatomy, care, breeds, events, games.

Self, Margaret Cabell. The Nature of the Horse. Arco. New York. [c1974]. 217p., illus. ISBN 0­ 668-02993-5. NAL call no.: SF285.S43 Descriptors: horses, origins, physical aspects, body systems, instinctive behavior patterns, horse communication, mental attributes, emotions, individual personalities, and breed differences.

Sidney, Samuel and George Fleming. The Book of the Horse. Class Edition. Bonanza Books, New York. 1985. 680p, [24] p. of plates, ill. Note: Originally published in the 1880’s as The Book of the Horse: (Thoroughbred, Half-breed, Cart-breed) Saddle and Harness, British and Foreign. This volume includes a section on Veterinary information by George Fleming. With a new foreword by Herm David. Illustrated with full page plates and numerous wood engravings. Includes a caution that the veterinary care is of the 1880’s era and one should consult current methods. NAL call no.: SF285.S52 1985 Descriptors: horses, oriental blood horses, origin of the English Blood horse, modern horses, draft animals, asses, mules, purchasing horse, carriage horses, Phaeton steppers, equipage, saddles, bridles, bits, martingales, managing harness horses, hunting horses, driving horses, training for hunting, hounds, stables and coach houses, breeding, conformation, shoeing, diseases and treatment, wounds and injuries, care and handling of hunters before and after the hunt, vivid descriptions, veterinary advice of the era.

Simpson, Joseph Cairn. Horse Portraiture: Embracing Breeding, Rearing, and Training Trotters; with Their Management in the Stable and on the Track, and Preparation for Races; Including Histories of the Horse and Horsemen; with an Appendix Containing the Performances of Dexter and a Portrait by Scott. W. A. Townsend & Adams. New York. 1868. 2 p. l., 458 p., ill., front. NAL call no.: 42 SI5H Online: (1867 edition) Descriptors: trotters, breeding, raising, training trotters to race, building speed and stamina, management in stables and on the track, racing, preparing for races, some famous trotters.

Slatta, Richard W. Cowboys of the Americas. Yale University Press. New Haven, Connecticut. c1990. xiv, 306 p., ill., [104] p. of plates, (some col.). NAL call no.: E20.S57 1990. Descriptors: cowboys in the saddle, ranch work, ranchers and cowboys, history of cattle trails, how cowboys looked, equestrian fun and games, drinking, gambling, other entertainments, relationships with Indians, race relations, cowboy myths, cowboys in popular culture, Americas.

Smith, Bradley. The horse in the West.Gemini-Smith Book Series. World. New York. [c1969]. 255 p., ill. NAL call no.: SF284.U5S62 Descriptors: spread of the horse in the Western World, vaqueros and conquistadores, horses in history and art, movement of the horse breeds from Europe and Asia, Arabians, Thoroughbreds, mustangs, quarter horses, appaloosas.

Smith, F. ( Frederick). A Manual of Saddles and Sore Backs. Printed for H.M.S.O. by Harrison London. [1891]. 50 p., ill.: 13 leaves of plates (some folded). NAL call no.: 42 SM52 Descriptors: horses, saddles, equipment, proper use to prevent sores on the horse, proper use of saddles and blankets, saddle designs.

Snape, Edward. A Practical Treatise on Farriery Including Remarks on All Diseases Incident to Horses. Reynell. London. 1805. 152 p. Note: From Snape’s manuscript. NAL call no.: 41 Sn1 Descriptors: Snape was farrier to the 2 nd Troop of Horse Guards, symptoms of all horse diseases, approved cures, recipes for various medicines, list of medicinal ingredients.

Speed, John Gilmer. The Horse in America: A Practical Treatise on the Various Types Common in the United States, with Something of Their History and Varying Characteristics. McClure, Phillips & Co. New York. 1905. 6 p., l., iii-xii, 287 p., ill.: col. front., 16 pl., 1 col. pl. NAL call no.: 42 SP3 Online: Descriptors: horses, breeds, types, history, breed differences, characteristics, structures, comparisons, horse behaviors, uses, horses used in a variety of ways, USA.

Splan, John. Life with the Trotters. With a Chapter on How Goldsmith Maid and Dexter were Trained. (From information Furnished by Mr. Bruno Doble.) H.T.6 White,[9/1/2015 11:58:52 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, M-T: Animal Welfare Information Center

editor and Publisher. Chicago. 1889. 448 p. 1 portrait plate of John Span. NAL call no.: 42 SP5 Online: Descriptors: history of light harness racing, trotters, trotting turf, Budd Doble, John Splan, sulky driver, Dunbar, Robert Bonner, driving horses, personal stories of racing many horses, old time methods for training trotters, rehabilitating injured horses, records, various race tracks across the US, seasonal care differences, Splan’s experiences buying and selling trotters, descriptions of great races, some great trotting horses: Kansas Chief, Rarus, Wedgewood, Charley Ford, Bonsetter, Maud S. Guy, Nobby, Goldsmith Maid, Calmar, Dexter, feeding watering, taking care of feet, shoeing issues, breeding, handling mares and foals, early training of colts, New York owners, trotting records, harnesses, carts, preparing for trotters for races, USA.

Spooner, W.C. A Treatuse on the Structure, Functions and Diseases of the Foot and Leg of the Horse; Comprising the Comparative Anatomy of These Parts in Other Animals, Embracing the Subject of Shoeing and the Proper Treatment of the Foot, with the Rationale and Effect of Various Important Operations and the Best Methods of Performing Them. 1840. Longman, , Brown, Green, and Longmans. London. 337p., ill. NAL call no.: 42 SP6 Online: Descriptors: horses, anatomy of the foot, structure of the foot, tendons, ligaments, vascular system, physiology of the leg and foot, compared to various other animals (lion, dog, elephant, goat, chamois, deer, camel), aspects of shoeing, diseases, founder, strains, navicular disease, fractures, operations, neurotomy, some case studies.

Stewart, John, Veterinary Surgeon and A.B. Allen. The Stable Book: Being a Treatise on the Management of Horses, in Relation to Stabling, Grooming, Feeding, Watering and Working. Construction of Stables, Ventilation, Stable Appendages, Management of the Feet. Management of Diseased and Defective Horses; with Notes and Additions Adapting It to American Food and Climate, by A. B. Allen. C. M. Saxton. New York. 1864. 378 p., ill. NAL call no.: 42 ST4S Online: Descriptors: horses, stables, stable management, grooming, feet and hoof management, disease management, management of horses with defects, feedings, diets, water, training of stable workers, training and driving, cavalry stables, building construction, ventilation, out buildings, USA.

Stillman, J.D.B. The Horse in Motion as Shown by Instantaneous Photography, with a Study on Animal Mechanics Founded on Anatomy and the Revelations of the Camera, in Which Is Demonstrated the Theory of Quadrupedal Locomotion. Executed and published under the auspices of Leland Stanford. J. R. Osgood and Company. Boston, Massachusetts. 1882. viii, [9]-127 p., ill., CVII pl. (part col., incl. front.). NAL call no.: 42 ST52 Descriptors: horses, mechanics of horse movement, anatomy, four footed movement, theory of quadrupedal locomotion, photographic studies, muscle function and analysis, gaits, gallop, trot, walk, canter, pacing, comparison with other quadrupeds.

Taplin, William, Dk. The Gentleman’s Stable Directory; or, Modern System of Farriery : Comprehending of the Most Valuable Prescriptions and Approved remedies. 15th ed. rev. Printed for G. G. and J. Robinson, and G. Kearsley by J. Crowder and E. Hemfted, London. 1803. xvi, 502 [10] p., ill., port. NAL call no.: SF955.T3 1803 R Descriptors: horses, horse related equipment, stables, stable management, horse shoeing, shoes to correct a variety of hoof and leg conditions, common diseases and conditions, remedies, medicines, horse management and care, restraint of horses, England.

Taplin, William, D. The Gentleman’s Stable Directory; or Modern System of Farriery. Vol. II. 6 th ed. Printed for John Stockdale. London. viii, 416 p. NAL call no.: SF955.T3 1805 R Descriptors: horses, horse related equipment, stables, stable management, horse shoeing, shoes to correct a variety of hoof and leg conditions, horse management, medicines, horse management and care, England.

Tattersall, George. The Pictorial Gallery of English Race Horses; Containing Portraits of All the Winners of the Derby, Oaks and St. Leger Stakes, during the Last Twenty Years; and a History of the Principal Operations of the Turf. Illustrated with Ninety Engravings, Chiefly on Steel, after Paintings by Cooper, Harris, Hancock, Alken, Hall and others.Royal Gallery of English Race Horses Series. Henry G. Bohn. London. 1850. viii, 336 [i.e. 386] p., ill., [70] leaves of plates. NAL call no.: 42 T18 Descriptors: winning horses, names and portraits, the Derby race, Oaks race, St. Leger[9/1/2015 11:58:52 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, M-T: Animal Welfare Information Center

stakes race, listing of winners from 1827-1850, England.

Taylor, William George Langworthy. The Saddle Horse, His Care, Training, and Riding. H. Holt and company. New York. 1925. 270 p., ill. NAL call no.: 42 T21 Descriptors: saddle horses, stables, horse yards, feeding, watering, exercise, grooming, riding, training, horse/dog interactions, health, care of lameness, ailments and illnesses, remedies.

Tegetmeier, William Bernhard and C. L Sutherland. Horses, Asses, Zebras, Mules and Mule Breeding. H. Cox. London. 1895. viii, 166 p., ill. NAL call no.: 42 T23H Descriptors: Przlevalski horses, Przewalski horses, African wild asses, wild asses of Somalia, Asiatic wild asses, zebras, Grevys zebras, Burchell’s zebra, quaggas, mules, breeding for mules.

Thomas, Arthur C., and William H. Shields. Care and Training of Trotters and Pacers. Horseman and Spirit of the Times [series]. 3 rd ed. Chicago Horseman Newspaper Co. Chicago. 1915. 176 p., ill. Note: Prepared by Arthur C. Thomas and Wm. H. Shields from information furnished by the leading trainers and drivers of the day. NAL call no.: 42 H783 ed.3 Descriptors: colts, weaning shoeing of colts, trotters and pacer type shoes, shoeing famous colts, feeding, grooming, 6 defects in gaits, lists of famous trotters and pacers, 1911-1921 time period.

Thorp, N. Howard (Jack) and Neil M. Clark. Pardner of the Wind: Story of the Southwestern Cowboy. Caxton Printers. Caldwell, ID. 1945. 308 p. [21] leaves of plates, ill. port. Note: A number of ballads are mentioned by name. NAL call no.: 138 T39 Descriptors: collector and published of cowboy songs, music, banjos, anecdotes about cowboy life and adventures, notes about “Jack” Thorp’s life, Nigger Add, the importance of the horse, horses trained for various jobs--roping, cutting, riding circle, standing night guard--, horses as life savers and good friends, cowhands, history of the introduction of horses, Don Diego de Nicues introduced Arabians 1515, other who shipped in horses into the New World, development of wild bands of horses, Spanish thunderbolts, Indian horses, mustang, Bar W Ranch, (New ?), remuda tales, horse behaviors, racing horses, an account of a 500 mile horse race, starting in Deadwood, South Dakota and finishing in Omaha, , Jack Best and his horse Johnnie Dun, men on the dodge, Billy (the Kid) Bonney’s life, cowboy/range humor, herding cattle with horses, the chuck wagon and gear, USA.

Timmis, Reginald Symonds Major. Conformation and Appointments of the Horse, with Notes on Purchasing, Telling the Age and Breeding. F. Groom & Co., Ltd. London. 1926. 138 p., ill., front., pl., diagrs. Note: Foreword by Major General J. H. MacBrien. NAL call no.: 42 T48C Descriptors: the horse as a nation asset, light horses, Hackney, trotter saddle horse, heavy horses, coach horses, structured examination, comparative dimensions, anatomical conformation in detail, colors, markings, size and weights, purchasing a horse, age and teeth, clothes, vehicles, breeding and care of mares, foals.

Timmis, Reginald S. Modern Horse Management. Stokes. New York. 1915. 233 p., ill., pl.NAL call no.: 42 T48 Descriptors: light horses, horse care, training, riding, driving, shoeing, uses of medicines, disease, feeding, exercise, grooming, stable management, history of horses.

Tolley, H. R. and W. R. Humphries. Tractors and Horses in the Winter Wheat Belt, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska. US Dept. of Agriculture. Washington, D.C. 1924. 60 p., ill., 1 map, tables, black and white photographs, USA. NAL call no.: 1 Ag84B no.1202 Descriptors: description of horses, numbers of working stock, farms operating with tractor and horses, type of work done with horses, work done with tractors, cost of keeping working draft horses, cost of tractors, changes between 1918 and 1921.

Tozer, Basil. The Horse in History. Methuen. London. 1908. xx, 304 p.: plates; 20 cm. NAL call no.: 42 T66 Online: Descriptors: horse breeding history, famous horses, Bucephalus, Norman Conquest, race horses, war horses, Xenophon, Belisarius.

Tweedie, William. The Arabian Horse; His Country and People, with Portraits of Typical or Famous Arabians and Other Illustrations. Also a Map of the Country of the Arabian Horse and a Descriptive Glossary of Arabic Words and Proper Names, by Major-General W. Tweedie. Blackwood and Sons. Edinburgh, London. 1894. xix, 411 [1] p., ill., col. front., pl. (part col.), fold. map in pocket. Note: Many plates missing. NAL call no.: 42 T91 Descriptors: Arabian horse certificate in Arabic, method of transcription from Arabic to[9/1/2015 11:58:52 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, M-T: Animal Welfare Information Center

Roman letters, glossary of Arabic words and proper names, home of the Arabian horse breed, breeders of Arabians, famous horses. Back to Top

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United States Bureau of Animal Industry, Animal Husbandry Division and S. R. Speelman. Stallion Enrollment and the Horse-Breeding Situation. US Department of Agriculture. Washington, D.C. 1935. 25 p. illust, photos, color drawings. Note: A US War Department document. NAL call no.: 1.9 An52St Descriptors: horse stables, manual for US Sergeants, anatomy, physiology, conformation, stable hygiene, control of animals, uses of medicines, diseases and injuries, list of authorities consulted, USA.

United States Congress. House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Subcommittee on Public Health and Welfare. Horse Protection Act of 1970 Hearing,Ninety-first Congress, second session on H. R. 14151. H. R. 15261. S. 2543. September 21, 1970. US Govt. Printing Office. Washington, DC. 1970. 143 p., ill. NAL call no.: SF56.U5 Descriptors: laws protecting horses,horses used in shows, racers, trotters, competitive events, travel, care requirements, treatments in training, of horses, USA.

United States National Guard Bureau. Care of Public Animals and Leather Equipment Issued to the National Guard Prepared by the Militia Bureau February, 1920. US Govt. Printing Office (GPO), Washington, DC. 1920. 36 p., ill., col. pl. NAL call no.: 152.21 C18 Descriptors: military horses, horses used in public situations, horse care, stable management, equipment, saddles, USA.

United States. War Dept. Manual for Stable Sergeants. 1917. US Govt. Printing Office, Washington, DC. 1917. 219, [1] p., ill., col. pl. Note: War Department no. 611. NAL call no.: 152.21 M31S Descriptors: horses in the military, anatomy, physiology, conformation, stable hygiene, control of animals, illnesses, uses of medicines, diseases and injuries management, quarantine, USA.

Vernam, Glenn R. Man on Horseback. Harper and Row. New York, Evanston, and London. 1965. 436p., ill. Note: Drawings of horse related equipment by the author. NAL call no.: 42 V592 Descriptors: horse use through many ages, types and breeds of horses, prehistoric distribution, several migrations across the Strain to Asia, in North America, horses as food for hunter gathering peoples, origins of modern strains, domestication of horses in parts of Asia and the Middle East 6-7,00 B.C., expansion of range to Asia, Africa and Europe, Phoenicians in horse trading, the evolution of the ass in North Africa, used for milk and riding, mules, development of horsemanship, the horse in ancient cultures and myths, horses in sports, religion, war, and literature, reintroduction to the New World, clothing, horse riding and military equipment through the ages and from different cultures, saddles, stirrups, boots, bits, muzzles, stockman, Native[9/1/2015 11:59:19 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, U-Z: Animal Welfare Information Center

Americans, warriors, explorers on horses, cowboys, U.S. Pony Express, mounted postmen, horse racing, horse women, redeos, horses in contests and competitions.

Vernon, Arthur. The History and Romance of the Horse. Waverly House, Boston. 1939. 525 p. Ill.. Note: Illustrated by Ernst John Donnelly. NAL call no.: 42 V59 Descriptors: horse evolution, domestication and uses by early humans, horse in ancient myths and relations, use of horses, Assyrian chariot design and equipment, Persians venerated and lived closely with horses, different characteristics of early horse breeds, Bedouin horses, care and pampering, horses in hunting wild animals, Roman chariot racing as sport, wild horse types, , behaviors, mustangs in the US, bronco busting, Medieval horses and , armor, chargers, crusades and horses, horses for transport, Conestoga wagons, Native American relationship with horses, U.S Pony express, Polo ponies, use of horses in movies, Cavalry horses, fire engine horses, early retirement farms for horses, , Henry Bergh and horse protection laws, Thoroughbreds, Eclipse, turf and track race horses, steeple-chasing, flat racing, trotters, light and draft horse breeds, donkeys, mules.

Vosburgh, W. S., Charles D. Lanier, Frank J. Bryan and James C. Cooley. Thoroughbred Types, 1900-1925; Photographic Portraits of Notable Racehorses, Steeplechase and Cross-Country Horses, Hunters and Polo Ponies, with Descriptive Texts. Private Printing. New York 1926. 277 p., ill. Note: Sponsored by The National Steeplechase and Hunt Association and the Masters of Foxhounds Association of America. NAL call no.: 42 T392 Descriptors: races horses, steeplechase horses, cross country horses, hunters, polo ponies, thoroughbreds, names of horses, owners and trainers, riders, USA.

Wall, John F. A Horseman’s Handbook on Practical Breeding. Thoroughbred Bloodlines. Myrtle Beach , S. C. 1939. 310p. ill. Note: Photo. Some pedigree tables. Map of U.S. mule and horse populations. NAL call no.: 42 W152H Descriptors: biblical references to the horse, ancient horse centers, breeds of horses in the 1930’s, breed descriptions and characteristics, light breeds, Arabs, Barbs, Thoroughbred, stud books, Matchem line of American Thoroughbreds, War Admiral, Sea Biscuit, Standard Bred, trotters, American Saddle horse, Hackney, Tacky ponies, mustang, Chincoteague pony, Welsh pony, Shetland pony, draft horses, Clydesdale, Shire, Percheron, Belgian, Suffolk, many individual horses listed/pictures, hybrids, principles of mating, selection of breeding stock, the horse farm, building, equipment, staffing, pastures, forage, paddocks, broodmare, foals, management and care, breeding hygiene, parasites, veterinary care, confirmation examples.

Wallace, John Hankins. The Horse of America in his Derivation, History and Development… New York: The author. 1897. xiii, 3, 575 p. front. (port.) pl., maps. NAL call no.: 42 W15 Online: Descriptors: Hambletonian, thoroughbred, filly, Arabian horse, Godolphin Arabian, bay horse, Kentucky, pedigree, Blue Bull, mare, Narragansett pacer, George Wilkes, Orange County, Morgan horse, breeders, Long Island, Andrew Jackson, Ethan Allen, stallion, Woodburn

Walsh, John Henry, Ellwood Harvey and John Elderken. Every Horse Owners’ Cyclopedia: Diseases, and How to Cure Them by J. H. Walsh. The American Trotting Horse, and Suggestions on the Breeding and Training of Trotters by Ellwood Harvey. The Turf and Trotting Horse of America by John Elderken. The Percheron Horse etc. With nearly 100 fine Engravings. Porter & Coates. Philadelphia. [1871]. xii, 13­ 582 p., ill., plates. Note: Well illustrated with about 100 engravings. NAL call no.: 42 W16 Online: Descriptors: horse history, general characteristics, anatomy, horse breeds of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, breeding brood mares, colt care, breaking the colt, stables and stable management, riding, diseases and disease management, medicines, shoeing, trotting horse pedigrees.

Walsh, John Henry, Ellwood Harvey and John Elderkin. The Horse in the Stable and the Field: His Management in Health and Disease by J. H. Walsh (“Stonehenge”) with An Essay on the American Trotting Horse, and Suggestions on the Breeding and Training of Trotters by Ellwood Harvey, and the Turf and Trotting Horse of America by John Elderkin. Illus. with Eighty Engravings. Porter & Coates. Philadelphia. c1871. xii, 582p., ill. Note: Well illustrated with about 100 engravings of anatomy, equipment, and famous horses. Lists race times for 1 mile, 20 miles, 40 miles and 100 miles. NAL call no.: 42 W16H 1871 Online: Descriptors: horse history, general characteristics, anatomy, physiology, horse breeds of the East and Western Hemisphere, breeding brood mare and colt care, breaking the colt,[9/1/2015 11:59:19 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, U-Z: Animal Welfare Information Center

vices, behaviors, stables and stable management, equipment, riding, diseases and disease management for all parts of the body, teeth, joints and muscle, medicines, shoeing, trotting horse pedigrees, essay on the American trotting horse and its breeding and training, history, pedigrees of famous trotters, origin of the Percheron breed.

Walsh, John Henry. The Horse in the Stable and the Field: His Varieties, Management in Health and Disease, Anatomy, Physiology, etc. by J. H. Walsh ( Stonehenge). With One Hundred and Seventy Illustrations by Harrison, Weir, Zwecker, and others. G. Routledge and Sons. London and New York. 1880. x, 622 p., ill. Note: Many illustrations. NAL call no.: 42.W16H 1880 Descriptors: horse history, general characteristics, anatomy, horse breeds of the East and Western Hemisphere, European horses, French stallions of 1858, origins of the English Thoroughbreds, half breeds, cobs, ponies, horses used in agriculture, dray and cart horses, anatomy, breeding principles, brood mare and foal care, food and water, remedies for vices and bad habits, colt care, breaking the colt, diseases and disease management, medicines, stables and stable management, equipment, harnesses, saddles.

Walsh, John Henry. The Horse in Stable and Field: His Varieties, Management in Health and Disease, Anatomy, Physiology, etc. by J. H. Walsh (Stonehenge); Rev. by Harold Leeney; with 213 Illus. by Harrison Weir, Zwecker, and Others. 15 th ed. G. Routledge. London. 1889. xiv, 700 p., 1 leaf of plates, ill. Note: Includes many illustrations. NAL call no.: 42 W16H Descriptors: horse history, general characteristics, anatomy, horse breeds of the East and Western Hemisphere, European horses, French stallions of 1858, origins of the English Thoroughbred, half breeds, cobs, ponies, horses used in agriculture, dray and cart horses, anatomy, breeding principles, brood mare and foal care, food and water, remedies for vices and bad habits, colt care, breaking the colt, diseases and disease management, medicines, stables and stable management, equipment, harnesses, saddles.

Ware, Francis Morgan. Our Noblest Friend the Horse. L. C. Page & Company. Boston. 1903 [c1902]. vi, [3] p., 1., 11-368 p., ill., front., pl. NAL call no.: 42 W22 Online: Descriptors: horses, characteristics, schooling and breaking horses, vices, choosing and using horses, riding and driving, driving tours, humane treatment, shoeing, pasturing, treating diseases, stables, equipment.

Ware, Francis M. First-Hand Bits of Stable Lore. Little. Boston. 1903. 297 p., ill., pl., phot. Note: All but one chapter appeared in the journal Coach and Saddle [Chicago]. The author was the editor for the magazine. Regarding this book, Ware states that “the chapters epitomize 30 years’ active personal experience with every kind of horses for every conceivable purpose, and the deductions drawn are in no sense theoretical.” NAL call no.: 42 W22F Online: Descriptors: horses, soundness and buying horses, stabling and stables, conditioning, dealing with “green” horses, training horses, foot care and problems, various uses: saddle, hunter, steeplechaser, driving skill, driving equipment and appointments and ornamentation, coach horses, riding for women and children, four-in–hand driving.

Wasson, Bryan. Horses and Horsemen. Abilene, Texas. [c1965]. 122 p., ill. NAL call no.: SF301.W3 Descriptors: Appaloosas, Quarter horses, Clydesdales, Indian Paints, mules, hennys, donkeys, breed description and characteristics, uses, jokes about, competing in rodeos, “Zebra Fantasy” show, famous rodeo stars, USA.

Weight, Hardd O. Twenty Mule Team Days in Death Valley. Southwest Panorama no. 3. [1972, c1955]. 44 p., ill., parts., maps. Note: The publisher is Calico Press. Twentynine Palms, California NAL call no.: F868.D2W44 1972 Descriptors: anecdotes, borax ore transport, Death Valley, various mines and road construction described, description of a twenty mule team, horses a the wheel position, mule skinners, wagon trains, wagons pictured and described, Harmony and Amorgosa and the Great Borate mine in Calicos, Mojave Dessert, Western American history, photos, includes a map of the more used roads.

Weld, Mason Cogswell. The Percheron Horse in America, by M. C. Weld. In France by Charles du Hays. Orange Judd Co. New York. 1886. viii, 9-142 p., ill., incl. front., 9 pl. Note: An English version of the book by Du Hays is preceded by 34 pages describing the breed in America by Weld. For the Du Hays book, see the citation for that book above. NAL call no.: 42 W45 Online:[9/1/2015 11:59:19 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, U-Z: Animal Welfare Information Center

Descriptors: importation of the Percheron in the America, first recorded 1825, Washington county, NY, the McNitt horse, breed into the trotter, “Norman” was stylish trotter, 1839 imported into Moorestown, New Jersey, first horses died, 2 nd set Dilligence, Bonapart, Joan and Dapple, physical descriptions, letter of Edwin Harris, owner, Fullington and Martin of Union co Ohio, “ Louis Napoleon,” “Normandy,” Thomas Motley of Masschusettes, “ Orleans”, “Conqueror,” Maryland importations, 1866 William T. Walter of Baltimore establish first breeding stud, Pennsylvania importations, 1868, Samuel Holman, “Duke of Normandy,” American Percheron Horse-Breeders’ Association, stud book development, of the horse in France.

Wentworth, Lady (Lady Ann Blunt). Thoroughbred Racing Stock and Its Ancestors. The Authentic Origin of Pure Blood. George Allen & Unwin Ltd. London. 1938. 471p. ill, col. plates., photographs, maps, tables. Note: There are 269 plates and illustrations through the book and 116 “Supplement” photographic plates. The book is a tour de force covering the development of the racing Thoroughbred. Contains many quotes from ancient texts from various countries. Has many plates of famous horses in England and the US, 33 page “table of classic winners and their tap roots.” NAL call no. 42 W483 Descriptors: EnglishThoroughbred : Prehistoric European great horse, Mongolian pony, Celtic horses, Shetland pony, Arabian horse; horses of the world; stone age art of horses; Chinese horses; Persian horses; Indian horses; American horses, racing bulls of Madura; horses used as food; chariots, draft horses, horses in ancient art, coins, and building decorations; horses in ancient Greece and Rome; chariot horse racing; commerative objects for wining horses; horses in Semetic history; asses and their locations and uses; Egyptian horse mummy; slitting nostrils; Arabian horse of Arabia; Darley’s Arabian of the Managhi strain; different strains; “true and false Arab horses”; Arabic terms; shires and Clydesdales; “World’s best racing stock;” the , the Old Morrocco Barb, common Barb; English Royal studs; Godolphin Arabian; comments on horse portraiture; Turkish horses; Persian horses; Barbs in Africa; Spanish horses; Jenet; Darcy Arabiana; Marske sire of Eclipse; winning race horses—England 1800’s; Crabbet Park Stud; breeds of Europe, Napoleon’s horses: Marengo; Wagram, Emir, L’Intendant.

Wentworth, Lady (Lady Ann Blunt). The Authentic Arabian Horse and His Descendants. Three Voices concerning the Horses of Arabia: Tradition ( Nejd, Inner East), Romantic Fable (Islam), The Outside World of the West. Crown Publishers, Inc. New York. 1963. 368p. half-tone and col. pls., illus., diag. map. Note: A new edition revised by the author, up-to-date facts and figures. Foreward by H.H The Aga Khan. Contains quotes from Lady Ann’s diary. Many drawings and paintings by the author. An Appendix with many plates of race winners, and listings of pedigrees. NAL call no. 42 W483A1963 Descriptors: Crabbet Park Stud’s stormy history, status of Arabians, degeneration of the breed in England and in Arabia, preservation of best of the breed, Thoroughbreds, race horse speed, foundation stock in England, Godolphin and Darley Arabians portraits, Morocco Barbs described, mixed breed, Royal studs, pedigrees and horse types discussed, heavy horse types—draft animals, Henry VIII laws prohibit small sized animals, 16 th century, ponies, artists who painted horses, biographic information on Lady Ann Blunt and Wilfred Blunt, their impact on the development of the Thoroughbred, travels to Arabia, Persia, India, and other countries, Nejd traditions, life in the desert, charts of strains and names of Arabic horses, El Kelbi’s stud book, Abbas Pasha’s horses, conformation and action, joints, feet, tail carriage, coat colors, movement, form, trotting, riding and breaking horses, humane treatment and training methods, England.

White, James. A Treatise on Veterinary Medicine: Containing Practical Observations on the Digestive Organs of the Horse. 7 th ed. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Ome, Broron, and Green, et al. London. 1825. 384 p. NAL call no.: SF753.W85 1825 R Descriptors: horses, gastrointestinal system, digestive system organs, stomach, structure, diseases of the digestive system, parasites, remedies and treatments.

Williams, J. O and Earl B. Krrantz. Care and Management of Farm Work Horses.Farmer’s Bulletin. no. 1419. US Department of Agriculture. Washington, DC. 1924. 18 p., ill. NAL call no.: 1 AG84F no. 1419 Descriptors: draft horses, keeping a horse in good physical condition, seasonal dietary requirements, feed rations and feeding, regular grooming, fitting harnesses, harness repair equipment, caring for shoulder, feet and teeth, stable, shed, paddock, bedding, hay, night pastures, when to water, 10-12 gallons/daily, salt, wintering idle horses, preparing for spring season work, USA.

Williamson, Charles Owen. Breaking and Training the . Claxton Printers, Ltd. Caldwell, Idaho. 1950. x, 89 p. illus. 26 cm. Note: Sihouettes by James Wallis. Sketches by Carl Hoobing. NAL call no.: 42 W67 1950 Descriptors: stock horses, cutting horses, general horsemanship, equipment, saddles, bits, careful handling of the horse, training, the riding seat, breaking the horse to saddle, braking a wild range colt, lunge line training, the “running W”, various types of[9/1/2015 11:59:19 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, U-Z: Animal Welfare Information Center

movements—, side pass, trot, changing leads in gallop, backing up, rope work, action for parades, hind feet sliding stop.

Woodruff, Hiram and Charles J. Foster (Editor). The Trotting Horse of America: How to Train and Drive Him. With Reminiscences of the Trotting Turf. 1874. John C. Wilson Company. Philadelphia. Xvi, 477p. ill., pl. Note: “Includes an introductory notice by George Wilkes and a Biographical sketch of Woodruff by the Editor. Revised and Enlarged with a new appendix and a copius index.” Includes black and white plates of famous trotters. NAL call no.: 42 W86T Descriptors: trotting horses, training and driving horses, English system, equipment, training and handling a colt, feeding for animals of different ages, risk of over training, conditioning, caring for the legs, races, Woodruff’s remembrances, famous trotters and their races, Dutchman, Lady Suffolk, Washington, Ripton, Lady Moscow, Mac, Grey Trouble, Grey Eagle, Flora Temple and horses she ran against, Ethan Allen, Morgan breed, Lancet, Princess, George M. Patchen, Dexter, USA.

Youatt, William. The Horse; with a Treatise on Draught; and a Copious Index. Baldwin and Cradock, Paternoster-Row. London. 1838. viii, 472 p. illus. Note: Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. NAL call no.: 42 Y8 Descriptors: history of the horse, different foreign breeds,history of the development of the English horse, breeds of English horses, zoological classification of the horse, anatomy, diseases of organs and body structure, breeding, shoeing, vices and bad behaviors, soundness, draft horses, medicines for diseases and conditions, England.

Youatt, William. The Horse, New Edition with Numerous Illustration. Together with a General History of the Horse; a Dissertation on The American Trotting Horse, How Trained and Jockeyed, and An Essay on the Ass and the Mule by J.S. Skinner. Lea and Blanchard. Philadelphia. 1846. 448 p. Note: An American edition that includes 58 illustrations. An introduction by J. S. Skinner includes: a short note on Lindsey’s Arabian; data for the best races in the US for 1, 2, 3, and 4 miles (1830-1843); information about the history and description of the American trotter, rules of trotting, trotting tables for 1, 2, 3 and 4 mile heats. NAL call no.: 42 Y8 1846a Descriptors: detailed anatomy, organs, bony structure, descriptions of diseases, parasites, insect pests, functions of structures, legs, feet, shoeing, treatments for diseases, bad behaviors, care, feeding exercise, breeding and care of mares and foals, etc. Skinners essay on the ass and mule includes information on why they should be appreciated, uses and usefulness; different races of jacks, use of asses in biblical times, Jacks in colonial America, G.W. Park Custis comments on development, George Washington’s Maltese jacks, “Royal Gift” and “Knight of Malta,” Knight sired superior mules up to 16 hands high, descriptions of various types of Jacks, the Maltese jack, American history.

Youatt, William, and Walker Watson. The Horse by William Youatt: With a Treatise on Draught. [4 th ed.], Revised and Enlarged byWalker Watson. Longmans, Green. London. 1880. vi, 589,[2]p., ill. Note: This Watson revision of the Youatt’s 1831 book was written after Youatt’s death (1776-1847). Watson states the Youatt’s original intent is followed keeping in mind the changes in veterinary science. Some items are unchanged. Changes include “a thorough revision and arrangement, many fresh diseases have been introduced, and the nature and treatment of other considered in accordance with the principles of veterinary science at the present day.” A lot of technical language and lengthened anatomical details have been removed. NAL call no.: 42 Y8 Ed.4 Descriptors: history of the horse, fossils, biblical references, middle eastern cultures, ancient cultures use of the horse, Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, riding styles, racing competitions, description of many types of breeds, the Godolphin Arabian, Persians, Chinese horses, Indian horses, Australian horses, European horses, New World horses, history of the English horses, racers, draft animals, coach horses, anatomy musculature, diseases of all parts of the body and organs, symptoms, poisons, vices, treatise on draft horses, equipment design, harnesses, physics of leverage.

Youatt, William, W. C. Spooner, and Henry S. Randall. Youatt on the Structure and the Diseases of the Horse with Their Remedies. Also, Practical Rules to Buyers, Breeders, Breakers, Smiths, etc.; Being the Most Important Parts of the English Edition of “Youatt on the Horse” Somewhat Simplified; Brought down by W. C. Spooner; To Which Is Prefixed, an Account of the Breeds in the United States. Comp. by Henry S. Randall. Judd. New York 1882. xvi, 483 p., ill. Note: The publication is based Youatt’s much larger original work The Horse, but is significantly reduced and simplified. In Spooner’s introductory remarks, he states that the size of the volume “rendered it too expensive for general circulation, and it is too minute and voluminous in its details for ordinary readers.” He also seems to have changed veterinary terminology to for common and less technical language that can be understood by those in the Americas. The alphabetical listing of medicines is 28 pages long.[9/1/2015 11:59:19 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, U-Z: Animal Welfare Information Center

NAL call no.: 42 Y8Y Online: Descriptors: horse types in the US (English racers, Arabian, Canadian, Norman, Morgan, Cleveland Bay, the Dray, trotter), zoology, anatomy and diseases, organs, head, neck, chest, gastro intestinal system, legs, fracture, skin, feet, shoeing, surgeries, behavior vices, general management, soundness the purchasing, list of medicines. Back to Top

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USDA Publications, 1863-1955

Morris, F. (1863). Cavalry horses in America. In: Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for the Year 1863, Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, p. 159-190. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84 1863 Descriptors: horses in the Civil War, The War between the States, cavalry troops, cavalry officers, railroads, Greirson, Southern raids using Mississippi blood stock horses, importance of horses to the military, horsemanship at the times, horse racing in England and America, excellence of the Southern horses and horsemen compared to the North, origins of the Thoroughbred, superiority of the English thoroughbred, some individual horses discussed, discussion of breeding and inbreeding, mustangs, recommendations for production of "good cavalry horses," care and management, buying cavalry quality horses by the government, descriptions of the horses "Slasher" and "Eclipse".

Harbaugh, W.H. (1887). Investigation of the disease known as "staggers" among horses in Virginia and . In: Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Years 1886, Government Printing Office: Washington, p. 209-238. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5 Descriptors: staggers, symptoms, horses, blind staggers, brain lesions, post-mortem examinations, hypostatic congestion, series of correspondences with horse owners and horse doctors, apoplexy, rapidly fatal.

US Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. (1890). Special Report on Diseases of the Horse. Prepared Under the Direction of Dr. D.E. Salmon, Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry., Rev. edition, G.P.O: Washington, 560 p. Online: Descriptors: diseases, glanders, horses, shoeing.

Folsetter, W. (1891). Glanders among horses and mules in Texas. In: Sixth and Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Years 1889 and 1890, Government Printing Office: Washington, p. 393-398. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5 Descriptors: glanders, horses, number of cases, quarantine, De Witt County, Texas.

Martin, G.A. (1891). The Chicago Horse Show of 1890. In: Sixth and Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Years 1889 and 1890, Government Printing Office: Washington, p. 349-360. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5 Descriptors: Chicago Horse Show, Cleveland Bay, November 1890, lists of winners, coach horses, French coach, German coach, hackney, draft horses, Clydesdales, , Percheron, Belgian, American Trotters, Shetland pony, shoeing contests, names of owners.[9/1/2015 11:59:40 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, USDA Publications: Animal Welfare Information Center

Romaine, H. (1891). Exhibition of the Vermont Trotting Horse Breeders' Association. In: Sixth and Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Years 1889 and 1890, Government Printing Office: Washington, p. 441-448. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5 Descriptors: Rutland, Vermont, Vermont Association of Road and Trotting Horse Breeders, Morgan horses, list of exhibitors and horses exhibited.

Romaine, H. (1891). Horse Breeding in New Jersey. In: Sixth and Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Years 1889 and 1890, Government Printing Office: Washington, p. 385-386. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5 Descriptors: New Jersey, breeding of horses, New Jersey Association of Trotting Horse Breeders, market value of horses.

Williams, W.L. (1891). Infectious abortion of mares. In: Sixth and Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Years 1889 and 1890, Government Printing Office: Washington, p. 449-456. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5 Descriptors: infectious abortion of mares, Mississippi Valley, Illinois, observations, experiments.

Faville, G.C. (1893). Supposed maladie du colt among horses in Nebraska. In: Eighth and Ninth Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Years 1891 and 1892, Government Printing Office: Washington, p. 359-366. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5 Descriptors: maladie du colt, dourine, Nebraska, horses, history of cases, stages of disease.

Jones, J.L. (1893). The mule: Its uses, how to breed, grow, prepare for the market, and sell. In: Eighth and Ninth Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Years 1891 and 1892, Government Printing Office: Washington, p. 335-342. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5 Descriptors: mules, , characteristics, number of mules foaled by state, types of mules, physical appearance, temperament, uses, selecting breeding animals.

Schroeder, E.C. (1893). "Bottom-disease" among horses in South Dakota. In: Eighth and Ninth Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Years 1891 and 1892, Government Printing Office: Washington, p. 371-374. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5 Descriptors: South Dakota, bottom-disease, description of the disease, lesions, association with pasture.

Faville, G.C. (1896). Extirpation of maladie du colt. In: Tenth and EleventhAnnual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Years 1893 and 1894, Government Printing Office: Washington, p. 62-65. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5 Descriptors: maladie du colt, horses, Nebraska, history of cases, period of incubation, eradication of disease, dourine.

US Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. (1896). Special Report on Diseases of the Horse. Prepared Under the Direction of Dr. D.E. Salmon, Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. By Drs. Michener, Law, Harbaugh, Trumbower, Liautard, Holcombe, Huidekoper, and Dickson., G.P.O: Washington, 576 p. Online: Descriptors: diseases, glanders, horses, shoeing. Notes: Reprinted by Order of Congress.

Smith, T. (1897). Cirrhosis of the liver in horses. In: Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Fiscal Years 1895 and 1896, Government Printing Office: Washington, p. 180-183. Online: Descriptors: cirrhosis of the liver in horses, equine mycosis, bottom disease, South Dakota.

Fish, P.A. (1897). Leeches: A histological investigation of two cases of an equine mycosis, with a historical account of a supposed similar disease, called Bursattee, occurring in India. In: Twelfth and Thirteenth Annual Reports of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Government Printing Office: Washington, p. 229-259.[9/1/2015 11:59:40 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, USDA Publications: Animal Welfare Information Center

Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5 Descriptors: leeches, leeching, Florida, horse disease, bursattee, rain sore, description of the disease, historical background of the disease, tumors on , face and scrotum, histology of leeches, distribution of cases, pathology, mycosis of horses, nodules, fungus, no treatment known, includes illustrations of pathology slides.

Rommel, G.M. (1902). Market Classes of Horses, US Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry - Bulletin No. 37, Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C, 32 p. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5B no.37 Descriptors: horse breeds, horse breeding, draft horse, London vanner, Scotch or Glasgow vanner, express horse, roadsters, coach horses, Standard-bred horse, Thoroughbred, hunters, polo ponies, cavalry horses, ponies, range horses.

Adams, J.W. (1903). Horseshoeing, Farmers' Bulletin No. 179, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 29 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.179 Descriptors: horseshoeing, farriers, types, shapes, materials, how to do it, correcting leg and hoof problems, anatomy of the foot and hoof. Notes: Contribution from Bureau of Animal Industry.

Langworthy, C.F. (1903). Principles of Horse Feeding, Farmers' Bulletin No. 170, Government Printing office: Washington, 44 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.170 Descriptors: horses, feeds, feeding, grain, hay, pasture.

US Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. (1903). Special Report on Diseases of the Horse. By Drs. Pearson, Michener, Law, Harbaugh, Trumbower, Liautard, Holcombe, Huidekoper, Stiles, and Adams, Rev. ed. edition, G.P.O: Washington, 600 p. Online: Descriptors: diseases, glanders, horses, osteoporosis, shoeing. Notes: An entirely new article on "The examination of a horse," by Dr. Leonard Pearson, State veterinarian of Pennsylvania, is included; and the chapter on shoeing in this edition is written by Dr. J.W. Adams, professor of surgery and lecturer on shoeing, veterinary department, University of Pennsylvania.

Experiment Station Work, XXVIII Compiled From the Publications of the Agricultural Experiment Stations: Home Mixing Fertilizers, Grain Rations, Sweet Corn in the South, Horse Feeding, Kherson Oats, Classification of Swine, Cowpea Hay, Silage for Dairy Cows, Weight of Feeds (1905). Farmers' Bulletin No. 222, Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C, 32 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.222 Descriptors: classification of swine, cowpea hay, dairy cows, grain rations, hay, home mixing fertilizers, horse feeding, horse nutrition, Kherson oats, silage, sweet corn in the South, weight of feeds.

Rommel, G.M. (1905). Government encouragement of imported breeds of horses. In: Twenty-Second Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Year 1905, Government Printing Office: Washington, p. 147-159. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5 Descriptors: importation of horses, government policies, breeding horses.

Melvin, A. D. (1906). Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry for 1906. [From Annual Reports, Department of Agriculture]. Washington: Government Printing Office, 56 p. NAL Call Number: 1 An5A Descriptors: bottom disease of horses, zebra hybrids, glanders, horse breeding, inspection and quarantine of imported animals, scabies in horses. Notes: Includes chapters about veneral disease of horses, glanders, so-called bottom disease of horses, horse breeding investigations, and breeding zebra hybrids.

US Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. (1907). Special Report on Diseases of the Horse. By Drs. Pearson, Michener, Law, Harbaugh, Trumbower, Liautard, Holcombe, Huidekoper, Stiles, Mohler, and Adams, G.P.O: Washington, 608 p. Online: Descriptors: Diseases, glanders, Horses, osteoporosis, shoeing. Notes: From the introduction: "As the work was thoroughly revised in 1903, it has been found necessary to make only a slight revision at this time. A brief chapter on "Osteoporosis, or bighead," by Dr. John R. Mohler, Chief of the Pathological Division of this Bureau, has been added.".

Experiment Station Work, XLIV Compiled From the Publications of the Agricultural Experiment Stations: Distributing Manure and Fertilizers, Cooking Cereal Foods[9/1/2015 11:59:40 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, USDA Publications: Animal Welfare Information Center

Silage Making, Winterkilling of Peach Buds, Horse-Feeding Tests, Color of Apples, Supplements to Corn for Hogs, Ringing Herbaceous Plants, Tankage for Hogs Following Cattle, Potato Scab, Gas Injury to Trees, Hoppers for Poultry Feeding, the Tuna or Prickly Pear (1908). Farmers' Bulletin No. 316, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture: Washington, D.C, 32 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.316 Descriptors: cereal foods, choice of apples, fertilizers, hoppers for poultry feeding, horse- feeding tests, manure, silage making, supplements to corn for hogs, tankage for hogs following cattle.

Hickman, R.W. (1908). Epizootic Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis of Horses. In: Twenty-Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Year 1906, Government Printing Office: Washington, p. 165-172. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5 Descriptors: horses, cerebro-spinal meningitis, staggers. Notes: Issued February 28, 1908. Also issued as Circ. 122.

Mohler, J.R. (1908). Osteoporosis or bighead of the horse. In: Twenty-Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Year 1906, Government Printing Office: Washington, p. 173-179. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5 Descriptors: osteoporosis, bighead, horses, also known as: swelled head, bone softening, osteoclastia, enzootic ostitis, rarefying ostitis, osteomalacia, fragilitis ossium, and osseous cachexia. Notes: Issued February 28, 1908. Also issued as Circ. 121.

Rommel, G.M. (1908). The Preservation of Our Native Types of Horses, Department Circular No. 137, Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, NAL Call Number: 1 An5C 137 Abstract: Reprinted from the 24th Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry (1907). Descriptors: light horses, Narragansett pacer, Morgan, Standardbred, Saddle horse, draft horses, Conestoga draft horse, pedigrees, Hambletonian, imported horses, breeding carriage horses. Notes: Issued October 24, 1908.

Rommel, G.M. (1908). Suggestions for horse and mule raising in the South. In: Twenty- Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Year 1906, Government Printing Office: Washington, p. 247-261. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5 Descriptors: breeding, raising, horses, mules, selecting a stallion, feeding, lists of certified studbooks.

Rommel, G.M. (1909). The Preservation of our Native Types of Horses. In: Twenty-Fourth Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Year 1907, Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, p. 85-143. Online: NAL Call Number: 1An5 Descriptors: Morgan horses, American Saddle horses, Standardbred, breeding. Notes: Issued January 20, 1909. The author discusses the breeding programs for American Saddle horses, Morgan horses, and the Standardbred. He provides pictures and pedigrees.

Mohler, J.R. (1909). Infectious Anemia or Swamp Fever of Horses., Bureau of Animal Industry Circular 138, Government Printing Office: Washinton, 4 p. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5c Descriptors: American surra, anemia, horses, malarial fever, no-name disease, pernicious anemia, plains paralysis, swamp fever, the unknown disease, typhoid fever of horses.

Beal, W.H. (Editor) (1910). Experiment Station Work, LIX: Tillage V. Sod Mulch in Orchards, Blackleg of the Irish Potato, Ear Characters of Seed Corn, Progress in Horse Breeding, Seed Disinfection, Sweet Potatoes, Farmer's Bulletin No. 419, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture: Washington, D.C, 24 p. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.419 Descriptors: agriculture, United States, horse breeding update. Notes: Compiled from the publications of the agricultural experiment stations. Horse breeding notes are on pages 19-22.

George M. Rommel (1910). The Regeneration of the Morgan Horse, Department Circular No. 163, Government Printing Office : Washington, DC, 14 p.[9/1/2015 11:59:40 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, USDA Publications: Animal Welfare Information Center

NAL Call Number: 1An5C 163 (UA A59) Descriptors: Morgan horses, breeding, USDA's Morgan Horse Farm. Notes: Issued August 18, 1910. The author indicates that the Morgan horse breed was declining in the early 1900s, possibly due to Morgan breeders trying to breed for speed and racehorses. He provides a history of the Morgan horse, and the best methods to revive the breed, based largely on the writings of Linsley (1857). The current breeding methods and status of horses at the then USDA's Morgan Horse Farm in Middlebury, VT are outlined.

Mohler, J.R. (1911). Dourine of Horses: Its Cause and Suppression, Bulletin (US Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry) 142, Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C., 5 leaves of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm., 38 p. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5B no.142 Descriptors: horses, diseases, dourine, Trypanosoma equiperdum, other names include "el dourine," "maladie du colt," covering disease, equine syphilis, genital glanders, breeding paralysis, chancrous epizootic, epizootic paraplegia, and "beschalkrankheit". Notes: "August 3, 1911".

Mohler, J.R. and A. Eichhorn (1911). The Diagnosis of Glanders by Complement Fixation, Bulletin (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry) 136, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry: Washington, D.C., 32 p., 5 leaves of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm. p. NAL Call Number: 1 An5B no.136 Descriptors: glanders, diagnosis, complement fixation, controlling glanders in an infected stable. Notes: "April 7, 1911".

Pearson, L. (1911). Special Report on Diseases of the Horse, Rev. edition, Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C., plates (part. col.) ; 24 cm., 614 p. Descriptors: horses, diseases. Notes: At head of title: U.S. Department of agriculture Bureau of animal industry.

Rommel, G.M. (1911). The Army Remount Problem, Bureau of Animal Industry Circular No. 186, Government Printing Office: Washington, 21 p. Online: NAL Call Number: 1.9 An5C Abstract: It is pointed out that although the mounted service of the U.S. Army is now being furnished in a fairly satisfactory manner with horses purchased and developed under the remount system, the price of remounts is high. The plan devised by this Department and the War Department, previously noted to encourage the breeding of horses is deemed necessary, because horses of the proper type are not sufficiently numerous to supply the army in case of war, and the time may soon come when it will be difficult to supply those needed in time of peace. Previous to the Civil War most of the horses bred in the United States were of the light type, but in the last 40 years the heavy draft horse has been bred for farm use. Although the number of horses has increased, the proportion suitable for remounts has appreciably decreased. There is a brief account of the mounted service in the militia and of police in large cities. Specifications for saddle horses purchased in 1910 for the use of the New York mounted police, a brief account of the horse breeding work of this Department, and an outline of the plan for encouraging the breeding of horses for the army, are also given. Descriptors: remount horses, U.S. Army, horse breeding. Notes: Issued December 15, 1911.

Melvin, A.D. (1911). Animals Imported for Breeding Purposes for Which Certificates of Pure Breeding Have Been Issued by the Bureau of Animal Industry: Horses, January 1 to March 31, 1911, Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C, 16 p. NAL Call Number: 1 An53 Abstract: Beginning with January 1, 1911, the customs officials of the Treasury Department have required certificates of pure breeding issued by the Department of Agriculture for the free entry of animals imported for breeding purposes. This publication contains a list of the horses imported for breeding purposes from January 1, 1911, to March 31, 1911, inclusive, for which certificates of pure breeding have been issued under the provisions of B.A.I. [Bureau of Animal Industry] Order 175 of this department. Descriptors: Belgian draft, Clydesdale, date of entry, Hackney, importer, name of animal, Percheron, ports of entry, registry numbers, Shetland Pony, Shire, Thoroughbred, Welsh pony. Notes: A.D. Melvin, the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry wrote a Letter of Transmittal at the start of this document to the Secretary of Agriculture, James Wilson. In it, he indicates that this is the first publication with this information. "As this information is needed by breeders and importers and for the use of employees of the bureau, I respectfully recommend it's publication. It is proposed to issue a similar list quarterly or at other suitable intervals. The details of the examination of pedigrees and of the certification of pure breeding of animals offered for importation are in charge of the Animal Husbandry Division of this bureau, with the assistance of inspectors in the[9/1/2015 11:59:40 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, USDA Publications: Animal Welfare Information Center

inspection and quarantine service at ports of entry and at other places as needed.".

Melvin, A.D. (1911). Animals Imported for Breeding Purposes for Which Certificates of Pure Breeding Have Been Issued by the Bureau of Animal Industry: Horses, April 1 to June 30, 1911, Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C, 11 p. NAL Call Number: 1 An53 Abstract: This publication contains a list of the horses imported for breeding purposes from January 1, 1911, to March 31, 1911, inclusive, for which certificates of pure breeding have been issued under the provisions of B.A.I. [Bureau of Animal Industry] Order 175 of this department. Descriptors: Belgian draft, Clydesdale, date of entry, Hackney, importer, name of animal, Percheron, ports of entry, registry numbers, Shetland Pony, Shire, Suffolk, Welsh pony.

Melvin, A.D. (1911). Animals Imported for Breeding Purposes for Which Certificates of Pure Breeding Have Been Issued by the Bureau of Animal Industry: Horses, July 1 to September 30, 1911, Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C, 22 p. NAL Call Number: 1 An53 Descriptors: Belgian draft, Clydesdale, date of entry, Hackney, importer, name of animal, Percheron, ports of entry, registry numbers, Shetland Pony, Shire, Suffolk, Welsh pony. Notes: During this time period, 586 Percheron stallions and 164 Percheron mares were imported for breeding purposes.

Mohler, J.R. and A. Eichhorn (1912). Various Methods for the Diagnosis of Glanders. In: Twenty-Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Year 1910, Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, p. 345-370. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5 Descriptors: glanders bacillus, glanders, horses, disease symptoms. Notes: Issued February 10, 1912.

Rommel, G.M. (1912). The Army Remount Problem. In: Twenty-Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Year 1910, Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, p. 103-124. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An5 Abstract: The Calvary Bureau was established in 1863 because of the need for Army remounts during the war. 6 remount depots established, one at Giesboro Manor (north bank of the Potomac river) - all established around 1908. Vermont Work: The work at the Morgan Horse Farm is progressing satisfactorily, and each successive year's foals by General Gates show the wisdom of his purchase as the leading sire. Descriptors: carriage horses, General Gates, Morgan horses, trotting horses, Army remount horses, horse breeding. Notes: Issued February 10, 1912. Other horse topics covered include: "Horse breeding work"in the introduction on pages 25-27; "Breeding Horse for the United States Army" is also found in the introduction, pages 21-22, 34-46; Classification for American Carriage Horses on page 27; Work: The work in carriage horse breeding at the Colorado Experiment Station has been much more satisfactory than during the previous year; Provides a plan for breeding horses starting on page 41; Talks about the waste of horseflesh during war, specifically mentioning the Civil War starting on page 38. .

Melvin, A.D. (1912). Animals Imported for Breeding Purposes for Which Certificates of Pure Breeding Have Been Issued by the Bureau of Animal Industry: Horses, October 1 to December 31, 1911, Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C, 16 p. NAL Call Number: 1 An53 Abstract: Beginning with January 1, 1911, the customs officials of the Treasury Department have required certificates of pure breeding issued by the Department of Agriculture for the free entry of animals imported for breeding purposes. This publication contains a list of the horses imported for breeding purposes from January 1, 1911, to March 31, 1911, inclusive, for which certificates of pure breeding have been issued under the provisions of B.A.I. [Bureau of Animal Industry] Order 175 of this department. Descriptors: Belgian draft, Clydesdale, date of entry, Hackney, importer, name of animal, Percheron, ports of entry, registry numbers, Shire, Suffolk, Thorougbred, Welsh pony.

Melvin, A.D. (1913). Animals Imported for Breeding Purposes for Which Certificates of Pure Breeding Have Been Issued by the Bureau of Animal Industry: Horses, 1912, Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C, 52 p. NAL Call Number: 1 An53 Abstract: This publication contains a list of the horses imported for breeding purposes during the year 1912, for which certificates of pure breeding have been issued under the provisions of B.A.I. [Bureau of Animal Industry] Order 186 of this department. Descriptors: Belgian draft, Clydesdale, date of entry, French draft, Hackney, importer, name of animal, Percheron, ports of entry, registry numbers, Shetland Pony, Shire, Standardbred, Suffolk, Thorougbred, Welsh pony. Notes: Instead of being published quartely, the list was published just once for all of 1912. Nearly 2000 Percherons were imported during the year 1912 (1104 stallions and[9/1/2015 11:59:40 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, USDA Publications: Animal Welfare Information Center

859 mares).

United States Bureau of Animal Industry (1914). Horse and Mule Raising in the South, Government Printing Office: Washington, 4 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag863H Descriptors: mules, horses, breeding animals, southern states. Notes: Prepared in the Bureau of Animal Industry. At head of title: Special US Department of Agriculture. Office of the secretary.

Melvin, A.D. (1914). Animals Imported for Breeding Purposes for Which Certificates of Pure Breeding Have Been Issued by the Bureau of Animal Industry: Horses, 1913, Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C, 46 p. NAL Call Number: 1 An53 Abstract: This publication contains a list of the horses imported for breeding purposes during the year 1913, for which certificates of pure breeding have been issued under the provisions of B.A.I. [Bureau of Animal Industry] Orders 186 and 206 of this department. Descriptors: Belgian, Clydesdale, date of entry, French draft, Hackney, importer, name of animal, Percheron, ports of entry, registry numbers, Shetland Pony, Shire, Standardbred, Suffolk, Thorougbred, Welsh pony.

Anonymous (1914). Farmers should raise well-bred horses for increased European demand. US Departmentof Agriculture Weekly News Letter to Correspondents Vol. II(No. 12): 2-3. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84w Descriptors: American horses, European wear, breeding horses, exporting horses, high- quality animals.

Bell, G.A. (1914). Breeds of Draft Horses, Farmer's Bulletin No. 619, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 17 p. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.619 Descriptors: draft horses, horse breeds, Belgian, Percheron, French Draft, Clydesdale, Shire, Suffolk. Notes: Originally issued Nov. 16, 1914.

Anonymous (1914). Imported draft horses no longer necessary. US Department of Agriculture Weekly News Letter to Crop Correspondents Vol. II(No. 15): 4. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84w Descriptors: draft horses, effects of war on importations, Percheron, Belgians.

Melvin, A.D. (1915). Animals Imported for Breeding Purposes for Which Certificates of Pure Breeding Have Been Issued by the Bureau of Animal Industry: Horses, 1914, Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C, 22 p. Abstract: This publication contains a list of the horses imported for breeding purposes during the year 1914, for which certificates of pure breeding have been issued under the provisions of Bureau of Animal Industry Order 206 of this department. Descriptors: Belgian draft, Clydesdale, date of entry, French draft, Hackney, importer, name of animal, Percheron, ports of entry, registry numbers, Shetland Pony, Shire, Standardbred, Suffolk, Thorougbred, Welsh pony.

Stambaugh, V.G. (1915). Breaking and Training Colts, Farmers' Bulletin No. 667, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., ill. ; 23 cm., 16 p. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.667 Descriptors: horses, training.

Anonymous (1915). How the farmer can use the facilities of the Department (information from the Animal Husbandry Division in the Bureau of Animal Industry). US Departmentof Agriculture Weekly News Letter Vol. II(No. 38): 8. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84w Descriptors: imported animals, breeding horse, Morgan horses, remount horses.

Anonymous (1915). Breaking colts: First steps in gentling, breaking to lead, teaching colt to obey commands, steps preliminary to hitching to a vehicle. US Department of Agriculture Weekly News Letter II(No. 41): 2-3. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84w Descriptors: horses, training, young horses, colts, harness training.

Bell, G.A. and J.O. Williams (1916). Feeding Horses, Farmers' Bulletin No. 1030, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 24 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.1030 Descriptors: horses, feeds and feeding.[9/1/2015 11:59:40 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, USDA Publications: Animal Welfare Information Center

US Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry (1916). Special Report on Diseases of the Horse. By Drs. Pearson, Michener, Law, Harbaugh, Trumbower, Liautard, Holcombe, Huidekoper, Mohler, Eichhorn, Hall, and Adams, Rev. edition, G.P.O: Washington, 628 p. Online: Descriptors: diseases, examination of a sick horse, horses, infectious disease, lameness, shoeing. Notes: "Since the original edition issued by the Department in 1890 several editions have been printed by order of Congress. The work was reprinted in 1896, and revised and reprinted in 1903, 1908, and 1911. In accordance with the foregoing resolution it again has been revised so as to embody the latest practical development of knowledge of the subject." D.F. Houston, Secretary, Department of Agriculture.

Anonymous (1916). Horse and Mule Investigations. In: E.H. Bradley (Preparer), Program of Work of the United States Department of Agriculture for the Fiscal Year 1917, Government Printing Office: Washington, p. 61, 65-67. Online: Abstract: This Program represents an attempt to forecast the work of the department for an entire fiscal year. Information on horse and mule investigations was filed by the Bureau of Animal Industry. Descriptors: feeding, breeding, management, horses, mules, farm work animals, American carriage horses, Standardbred, Carmon, Colorado Experiment Station, Morgan horses, New England, U.S. Morgan Horse Farm, breeding horses on Indian reservations, South Dakota, breeding horses suitable for military purposes, certification of pedgirees, imported animals.

Melvin, A.D. (1916). Animals Imported for Breeding Purposes for Which Certificates of Pure Breeding Have Been Issued by the Bureau of Animal Industry: Horses, 1915, Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C, 7 p. NAL Call Number: 1 An53 Abstract: This publication contains a list of the horses imported for breeding purposes during the year 1915, for which certificates of pure breeding have been issued under the provisions of Bureau of Animal Industry Order 206 of this department. Descriptors: Belgian draft, Clydesdale, date of entry, French draft, Hackney, importer, name of animal, Percheron, ports of entry, registry numbers, Shire, Standardbred, Suffolk, Thorougbred, Welsh pony.

Cooper, M.R. (1917). Cost of Keeping Farm Horses and Cost of Horse Labor: A Study of Records for 316 Horses on 27 Farms in Illinois, Ohio, and New York, Bulletin (United States Department of Agriculture) No. 560, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture: Washington, D.C, 22 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84B no.560 Descriptors: costs, horses, Illinois, New York (State), Ohio. Notes: Issued July 9, 1917.

Reese, H.H. (1917). Horse-Breeding Suggestions for Farmers, Farmers' Bulletin No. 803, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture: Washington, D.C, 22 p. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.803 Descriptors: Breeding, feeding, Horses, mating considerations, raising foals. Notes: Contribution from the Bureau of Animal Industry.

Reese, H.H. (1917). How to Select a Sound Horse, Farmers' Bulletin No. 779, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture: Washington, D.C, 27 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.779 Abstract: This gives concise information on the selection of sound horses by thorough, systematic examination, and points out by means of illustrations how to observe blemishes, vices, faulty conformation, unsoundness, general characteristics, and the indications of age in horses. Descriptors: horses, judging, purchasing.

Reese, H.H. (1918). Breeding horses for the United States army. Yearbook United States Department Agriculture 1917: 341-356. Online: (PDF | 1.1 MB) Descriptors: cavalry horses, types of horses, production of light-horse stock, Congressional funding, horse breeding.

Reese, H.H. (1918). Breeds of Light Horses, Farmers' Bulletin No. 952, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture: Washington, D.C, 16 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.952 Descriptors: horse breeds, horses, physiology. Notes: Contribution from the Bureau of Animal Industry.

Rommel, G.M. (1919). Live Stock and Reconstruction. In: Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1918, Government Printing Office: Washington, p. 289-302.[9/1/2015 11:59:40 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, USDA Publications: Animal Welfare Information Center

Online: (PDF | 525 KB) NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84Y Descriptors: cattle, horses, livestock industry, pigs, postwar livestock numbers, sheep, World War I. Notes: George M. Rommel was Chief of the Animal Husbandry Division in the Bureau of Animal Industry, US Department of Agriculture. Information about the numbers of animals pre and post war in Europe and America is contained within. There is also some information on horse numbers and breeding, including notes about the Percheron breed becoming more popular in Britain after the war.

Bell, G.A. and J.O. Williams (1920). Cottonseed Meal for Horses, Bulletin No. 929, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 10 p. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84B no.929 Descriptors: horses, feeds and feeding, cottonseed meal. Notes: Caption title. "December 17, 1920.".

Mohler, J.R. and H.W. Schoening (1920). Dourine of Horses, Farmers' Bulletin no. 1146, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., ill. ; 23 cm., 12 p. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.1146 Descriptors: horses, feeds and feeding.

Reynoldson, L.A. (1920). Influence of the Tractor on Use of Horses, Farmers' Bulletin No. 1093, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 26 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.1093 Descriptors: draft horses, impact of the development of tractors, replacement of draft animals, exclusive and combined help of tractor and horse, displacement of horses, Corn Belt farms, USA.

Anonymous. (1920). The Bureau Range Finder: A Reflection of Current Public Opinion Regarding Activities of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Based on , Correspondence, and Kindred Sources, for the Week Ended -- January 10, 1920. NAL Call Number: 1.9 An5B Abstract: Under the section titled "Specific Support and Approval" there is the following: "In a 300-mile endurance contest with horses of the purest Arabian breeding, 'Castor,' a Morgan bred by the U.S. Department of Agriculture at its Middlebury (Vt.) Morgan Horse farm, was the only horse with a clean speed record at the end of the grueling contest. 'Castor' won third place for speed at the end of the contest, notwithstanding the fact that he fell in the deep on a bad bit of road, injured his nose, and made the last 5 miles in a walk. This is an indication of what has been accomplished by the Department of Agriculture in the rehabilitation of the Morgan breed during the few years since the work was undertaken." -- Semi-Weekly Farm News (January 6).

Reese, H.H. (1921). Breeds of Light Horses, Rev. December 1921 edition, Farmers' Bulletin No. 952, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture: Washington, D.C, 16 p. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.952 Descriptors: horse breeds, horses, physiology, Arabian, Thoroughbred, Standardbred, American Saddle, Morgan, Hackney, French Coach, German Coach, Cleveland Bay. Notes: Originally issued June 1918.

Williams, J.O. (1921). Developing an American Utility Horse, Department Circular No. 153, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 22 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84D no. 153 Abstract: This is an account of the progress of a horse-breedig project begun in 1904 in cooperation with the Colorado Experiment Station at Fort Collins, Colo., and transferred in July, 1919, to the United States- horse breeding station at Buffalo, Wyo., which is conducted in cooperation with the State of Wyoming. The object is to develop a distinct breed of light utility horses from native American breeds, viz, the Morgan, the American Saddle horse, and in particular the Standardbred, which has furnished all the stallions and most of the mares. Eleven stallions are leased or available for lease to citizens for service on private herds or for community breeding. Two others, including the famous Standardbred stallion Carmon 32917 which headed the stud from 1904 until recently, are also allowed to serve a limited number of mares brought to the stations. Descriptions and pedigrees are given of the stallions available for public service and also descriptions and breeding records of the foundation mares. Descriptors: horses, breeding, American horses. Notes: "Contribution from the Bureau of Animal Industry."

Reese, H.H. (1921). Breeding Morgan Horses at the U.S. Morgan Horse Farm, Department Circular No. 199, Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, 18 p. NAL Call Number: 1Ag84D no. 199 Abstract: Morgan horses are generally , brown, bay, or black, and extensive white marks are not common. A little under 15 hands is the average heights, with the[9/1/2015 11:59:40 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, USDA Publications: Animal Welfare Information Center

average weight around 1,000 pounds; but, as in all breeds, considerable variation is to be found, some very attractive individuals weighing rather more than 1,200 pounds. This breed has always been noted for smooth lines, good style, easy keeping qualities, endurance, and docility - the latter, however, not being obtained at a sacrifice of ambition or courage. Small ears, full eyes with great width between them, crested necks, well- sprung ribs with the last one close to the point of the hip, deep barrels, fairly level croups, full quarter, and enduring legs and feet are the quality that have made Morgan horses famous for a century. (Includes pedigree of Troubadour of Willowmoor) Descriptors: Morgan horse, breeding horses. Notes: "Contribution from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry."

Cooper, M.R. and J.O. Williams (1922). Cost of Using Horses on Corn-Belt Farms, Farmers' Bulletin No. 1298, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 16 p. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.1298 Descriptors: horses, Middle West, working animals, draft horses, tractors, mechanization, production costs.

Williams, J.O. and E.B. Krantz (1922). Stallion Enrollment As Related to the Horse-Breeding Situation, May 1, 1923 edition, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 11 p. NAL Call Number: 1.9 An524 Descriptors: horses, stallions, registries, names of stallions, enrollment. Notes: Also,see Stallion enrollment and the horse-breeding situation, by J.O.Williams and S.R.Speelman... June 14,1924. 11 p. catd. under U.S.D.A. B.A.I. An.husb.div.

Stambaugh, V.G. (1923). Breaking and Training Colts, Farmers' Bulletin No. 1368, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 21 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.1368 Descriptors: horses, training. Notes: "This bulletin is a revision of and supersedes Farmers’ Bulletin 667." Bibliography: p. 20.

US Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. (1923). Special Report on Diseases of the Horse / by Drs. Pearson, Michener, Law, Harbaugh, Trumbower, Liautard, Holcombe, Huidekoper, Mohler, Eichhorn, Hall, and Adams., Rev. Ed. edition, G.P.O: Washington, [D.C.], [42] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm., 629 p. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 An52M 1923 Descriptors: horses, diseases.

Williams, J.O. (1923). Mule Production, Farmers' Bulletin No. 1341, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 28 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.1341 Descriptors: mules, breeding.

Reese, H.H. (1923). Breeding Morgan Horses at the U.S. Morgan Horse Farm, Department Circular No. 199, Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, 22 p. NAL Call Number: 1Ag84D no. 199 Descriptors: Morgan horses, breeding program. Notes: Contribution from the Bureau of Animal Industry. This circular was first issued in November 1921 and revised September 1923.

Williams, J.O. and E.B. Krantz (1924). Care and Management of Farm Work Horses, Farmers' Bulletin No. 1419, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 18 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.1419 Descriptors: draft horses, horse husbandry, feeding, farm work, keeping a horse in good physical condition, seasonal dietary requirements, feed rations and feeding, regular grooming, fitting harnesses, harness repair equipment, stable, shed, paddock, bedding, hay, night pastures, when to water, 10-12 gallons daily, salt, wintering idle horses, preparing for the spring work.

Asmus, H. and J.O. Williams (1927). Farm Horseshoeing, Farmers' Bulletin No. 1535, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 13 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.1535 Descriptors: horses, horseshoeing. Notes: Contribution from Bureau of Animal Industry.

Williams, J.O. (1927). Morgan Horse Record. In: Yearbook of Agriculture 1926, US Department of Agriculture: Washington, p. 526-529. Online: (PDF | 226 KB) NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84y Descriptors: Morgan horses, temperament, description of the history of the breed, United States Morgan Horse Farm, breeding Morgan horses, Morgans as ranch horses.

Williams, J.O. (1927). Our Work Stock. In: The Extension Animal Husbandman, Serial No. 5, US[9/1/2015 11:59:40 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, USDA Publications: Animal Welfare Information Center

Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Husbandry and the Office of Cooperative Extension Work Cooperating: Washington, DC, p. 2-6. NAL Call Number: Reserve 1.9 An528 (also found separately at 1.9 An524W) Descriptors: Morgan horses, colt clubs, mules, number of horses and mules on farms, city's work horses, shoeing, endurance riding, big hitch demonstrations. Notes: Opens with a poem by Will Chamberlain entitled "The Horse." This issue discusses horse and mule production. The introduction provides some statistics, including the fact that the aggregated value of horses and mules is more that one-fourth the estimated value of all livestock and that in 7 states, the value of horses and mules exceeds that of all other livestock combined. Interesting, something called a Colt Club is mentioned at the end- clubs in various states designed to teach kids how to care for animals and build character! The author reports at the U.S. Morgan Horse Farm in Vermont a stud of about 60 pure-bred Morgans is maintained for the purpose of obtaining information on breeding, feeding, and management practices. The U.S. Range Livestock Experiment Station at Miles City, Mont., is being utitlized in conducting studies on raising horses under range conditions. For this purpose over 100 head of animals, about half of which are draft horses and mules and the balance light horses, are being maintained. This work is in cooperation with the Montana Experiment Station. Work on breeding remount horses was started by the Bureau of Animal Industry in 1912 through the donation of two Thoroughbred stallions to the bureau by the noted horse fancier, August Belmont. The idea involved was to make available to farmers in light-horse-producing sections, the services of high-class stallions for grading up purposes and thus produce foals that might be suitable for remounts for the Army. Owing to lack of funds to meet the expansion of this project, the work was transferred to the War Department in 1920. Over 450 stallions of the Thoroughbred, Morgan, and Arabian breeds are now distributed throughout the country under this plan.

Reese, H.H., J.O. Williams and S.R. Speelman (1929). Horse-Breeding Suggestions for Farmers, Rev. Mar. 1929/ by J.O. Williams and S.R. Speelman edition, Farmers' Bulletin No. 803, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture: Washington, D.C, 18 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.803 1929 Descriptors: Breeding, Horses. Notes: Originally issued May 1917.

Reese, H.H. (1931). Breeds of Light Horses, Farmers' Bulletin No. 952, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture: Washington, D.C, 16 p. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.952 Descriptors: American saddle horse, Arabian, Cleveland Bay, French coach, German coach, Hackney, horse breeds, horses, Morgan horse, physiology, Standardbred, Thoroughbred.

Speelman, S.R. (1933). Stallion Enrollment and the Horse-Breeding Situation, United States. Bureau of Animal Industry. Animal Husbandry Division: 24 p. NAL Call Number: Reserve 1.9 An524 Descriptors: horses, breeding, stallion enrollment, names and addresses of State and National officials in charge of stallion enrollment and registry, number of licensed stallions and jacks, number of horses and mules on farms, imported animals.

Bell, G.A., J.O. Williams and S.R. Speelman (1934). Breeds of Draft Horses, Rev. Sept. 1934 edition, Farmer's Bulletin No. 619, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 17 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.619 1934 Descriptors: draft horses, horse breeds. Notes: Rev. by J.O. Williams and S.R. Speelman. Originally issued Nov. 1914.

Reese, H.H., J.O. Williams and S.R. Speelman (1934). Horse-Breeding Suggestions for Farmers, Rev. Oct. 1934 edition, Farmers' Bulletin No. 803, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 20 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.803 1934 Descriptors: horses, breeding. Notes: Originally issued May 1917. Bibliography: p. 22.

Mohler, J.R. and H.W. Schoening (1935). Dourine of Horses, Slightly rev. Aug. 1935 edition, Farmers' Bulletin no. 1146, Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C., ill. ; 23 cm., 10 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.1146 1935 Descriptors: horses, dourine, diseases. Notes: Originally issued Aug. 1920; rev. Dec. 1929.

Speelman, S.R. (1935). Stallion Enrollment and the Horse-Breeding Situation, United States Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. Animal Husbandry Division.: Washington, DC, 25 p. NAL Call Number: 1.9 An52St Descriptors: horses, breeding, stallion enrollment, names and addresses of State and National officials in charge of stallion enrollment and registry, horse stables, manual for[9/1/2015 11:59:40 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, USDA Publications: Animal Welfare Information Center

US Sergeants, anatomy, physiology, conformation, stable hygiene, control of animals, uses of medicines, diseases and injuries, list of authorities consulted. Notes: A US War Department document. Includes photos and color drawings.

Williams, J.O. and W. Jackson (1936). Improving Horses and Mules. Yearbook of Agriculture: 929-946. Online: (PDF | 1.2 KB) NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84Y 1936-1937 Descriptors: breeding, horses, mules. Notes: The authors describe the research conducted by the US Department of Agriculture on horses and mules.

US Department of Agriculture (1938). Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, 1938. Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C. 85 p. NAL Call Number: 1 An5A Abstract: Horse breeding investigations include studies of light horses at the Morgan Horse Farm, breeding of purebred Nonius, Nonius x Thoroughbred, and of draft horses at Miles City, Montana. The physiology of reproduction in mares and stallions was studied at various Stations. Chemical methods of pregnancy diagnosis in the mare are being developed at Columbia, also a simple method for the preparation of concentrated gonadotropic hormone from pregnancy serum. Descriptors: horse breeding, horse breeds, pregnancy, pregnancy diagnosis, techniques, temperament, thoroughbred, horses.

Williams, J.O. and S.R. Speelman (1938). Mule Production, Rev. Feb. 1938 edition, Farmers' Bulletin No. 1341, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 28 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.1341 1938 Descriptors: mules, livestock. Notes: Originally issued Aug. 1923.

Krantz, E.B. and S.R. Speelman. (1939). Nutrition of Horses and Mules. In: Yearbook of Agriculture 1939, US Department of Agriculture: Washington, p. 763-786. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84y Descriptors: requirements, practical feeding under different conditions, need for research into nutritional requirements.

Speelman, S.R. (1941). Breeds of Light Horses, Rev. Sep. 1941 edition, Farmers' Bulletin No. 952, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 13 p. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.952 1941 Abstract: CONCISE descriptions of the origin, development, general appearance, and adaptability of the Arabian, Thoroughbred, Standardbred, American Saddle Horse, Morgan, Hackney, French Coach, German Coach, and Cleveland Bay, with illustrations of each breed.. Descriptors: thoroughbred, horses. Notes: Contribution from Bureau of Animal Industry. "A revision of former editions by H.H. Reese." Originally issued June 1918.

Speelman, S.R. and H.H. Reese (1941). Horse Breeding Suggestions for Farmers, Rev. Aug. 1941 edition, Farmers' Bulletin No. 803, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 21 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.803 1941 Descriptors: horses, breeding. Notes: "Revision of former editions by H.H. Reese." Contribution from Bureau of Animal Industry. Originally issued May 1917. Also -- NAL Fiche S-70 no.803 1941.

US Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. (1942). Special Report on Diseases of the Horse/ By Drs. Pearson, Huidekoper, Michener, Harbaugh, Law, Trumbower, Liautard, Holcombe, Adams, and Mohler, Rev. ed. edition, Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C, viii, 584 p. NAL Call Number: 1 An52M 1942 Descriptors: diseases, horses.

Bishopp, F.C. (1942). Some Insect Pests of Horses and Mules. In: Yearbook of Agriculture 1942, US Department of Agriculture: Washington, p. 492-500. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84y Descriptors: mosquitoes, sand flies (punkies), houseflies, horseflies, deer flies, buffalo gnats (blackflies), fleas, lice, ticks, methods of insect control around horses.

Phillips, R. W., Spencer, D. A., Speelman, S. R., Black, W. H., Williams, J. O., & Earle, I. P. (1942). The United States Morgan Horse Farm: An Outline of Experimental Work in Progress or Recently Conducted With Horses, Sheep, Cattle, and Pastures. A.H.D. No. 52. 12 p. NAL Call Number: 1.9 An52Ah no. 52[9/1/2015 11:59:40 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, USDA Publications: Animal Welfare Information Center

Descriptors: , animal production, breeding programmes, breeds, cattle breeds, Corriedale, crossbreds, crosses, ewes, fertility, foals, harness, history, income, lamb production, lambs, livestock farming, mares, mating, Merino, milking, pastures, pregnancy, rams, research, seasons, sheep breeds, sheep farming, Shorthorn, cattle, horses, sheep. Notes: BRIEF accounts are given of the foundation of the Morgan stud, the breeding programme followed, and the tests used in assessing performance in saddle and harness. Data on fertility of 223 mares bred during 1928-39 are tabulated according to numbers of services, age and fertility, and gestation periods (144 mares). Older mares tend to produce heavier foals; [male] foals were heavier, but not significantly, than [female] [female] at . For the Morgan Horse Farm, this publication contains information about founding the stud, the breeding program, measuring performance, fertility in the stud, gestation records, birth weights and sex of foals, and exercise vs. non-exercise in colts. The report also contains similar information for sheep, dual-purpose cattle, and pasture investigations. The introduction to the document is as follows. "The United States Morgan Horse Farm, located in the town of Weybridge, VT., two miles north of Middlebury, was established in 1907 for the purpose of perpetuating and improving the Morgan breed. The original farmstead consisted of 400 acres and some buildings and was given to the United States Department of Agriculture by Colonel Joseph Battell of Middlebury. Colonel Battell was a life-long, ardent admirer and breeder of Morgans as well as founder and publisher of the Morgan Horse and Register (now called the American Morgan Horse Register), official stud book of the breed. The area of the farm was increased by a subsequent gift from Colonel Battell in 1908 and by purchase of a large tract (about 550 acres) from Middlebury College in 1917. In all, the United States Morgan Horse Farm now comprises approximately 1,000 acres of gently rolling land, underlain with limstone, which is particularly adapted to the raising of pasturage and hay and is suitable for the production of light-type horses. Animals maintained at the U.S. Morgan Horse Farm for experimental purposes at the present time include approximately 75 Morgan horses of all ages and 165 mature sheep."

Jackson, W. (1943). Horses and Mules. In: Yearbook of Agriculture 1942, US Department of Agriculture: Washington, p. 239-244. Online: NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84y Descriptors: research on breeding and nutrition of horses, measuring equine performance and utitlity, Morgan horses, pulling ability of horse teams, dynamometer contests, artificial insemination.

Williams, J.O. and N.R. Ellis (1945). Feeding Horses, Farmers' Bulletin No. 1030, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 18 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.1030 1945 Descriptors: horses, feeding and feeds. Notes: Originally issued Dec. 1916.

Krantz, E.B. (1946). Morgan Horse Perpetuated and Developed. U.S. Agricultural Research Administration Research Achievement Sheet 53(A): 1-2. NAL Call Number: 1.96 R31 no. 53(A) Descriptors: Morgan horses, breeding program. Notes: Issued March 20, 1946.

Bureau of Animal Industry. US Department of Agriculture (1948). Explanatory Statements of Work Under Appropriations and Supplemental Funds, Fiscal Year 1948, Vol. Volume I, p. 167­ 221. NAL Call Number: 1.9 Ag81 Exp Notes: On page 170, there is discussion of horse and mule husbandry investigations: Improvement of Morgan horses: The rapid growth of public interest in the use of light horses as a popular means of recreation in recent years, and particularly during the last two or three, has broadened materially the practical application and usefulness of the Bureau's light horse investigations with Morgans at the U.S. Morgan Horse Farm, Middlebury, Vt. In this work, the old type Morgan has successfully been improved in both size and quality through the application of linebreeding and improved methods of selection. Members of the stud today are not only considerably taller and heavier on average than their predecessors, but such increases have been attained without any sacrifice of quality. Continued efforts to improve the general riding qualities of Morgans are also resulting in the production of individuals having better performance at the walk, trot, and canter and the popularity of the improved type has been spreading rapidly to other sections of the country beyond the traditional New England stronghold of this breed, particularly to the Middle West and the Pacific Coast areas. Minimum roughage levels for preganancy and growth studied: Results of studies on the minimum bulk suitable for horses have shown that it is possible to maintain adult horses or ponies, either idle, or, at work, on rations which supply roughage at a level as low as one-fifth of that customarily used. As the roughage level has been reduced the efficiency of utilitization of concentrate feed has increased. A study to determine whethere minimum roughage levels suited to maintenance and work are adequate for pregnancy and growth has now been in progress for approximately 2 years. It appears from results[9/1/2015 11:59:40 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, USDA Publications: Animal Welfare Information Center

thus far obtained that the requirements for the successful completion of pregancy are probably greater than for maintenance and work. Foals carried to term by mares on low roughage rations have been strong, healthy animals which have grown out at greater rate than in the case of two control animals at the usual roughage levels. Although in localities where roughages are produced there is greater economy in the utitlization of large amounts of roughage, in those areas such as are found around large cities along the eatern seaboard bulky feeds are sometimes expensive beyond their real value.

US Department of Agriculture. (1948). Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Agricultural Research Administration, 1948. 104 p. Descriptors: animal breeding, animal feeding, animal nutrition, animal production, Morgan horse, performance rating. Notes: Horse. U. S. Morgan Horse Farm. Performance tests of 3-yr-old Morgan horses under saddle [see A. B. A., 17, No. 813].

Williams, J.O. and S.R. Speelman (1948). Mule Production, Slightly rev. July 1948 edition, Farmers' Bulletin No. 1341, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 28 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.1341 1948 Descriptors: mules, breeding. Notes: Originally issued Aug. 1923; rev. Feb. 1938.

Reese, H.H. and S.R. Speelman (1949). How to Select a Sound Horse, Rev. edition, Farmer's Bulletin No. 779, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture: Washington, D.C, 22 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.779 Descriptors: horses, judging, soundness. Notes: Also Fiche S-70 no.779 1949.

Dawson, W.M., R.W. Phillips and E.B. Krantz (1950). Performance of Morgan Horses Under Saddle, Department Circular No. 824, US Department of Agriculture: Washington, DC, 36 p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84C no.824 Abstract: At the U.S. Morgan Horse Farm in Middlebury, Vermont, tests consisting of 1 mile under saddle at the walk, 1 mile at the trot, and 11.35 miles across country at the walk, trot and canter were carried out with 68 three-yr-old Morgan horses, the progeny of 8 sires. The association of a great many factors with performance is discussed; their relation to sire and sex are indicated, and measurements and scores are compared and tabulated. The results indicate that such characters as speed at the walk and on the cross-country course, height to floor of chest, length from point of shoulder to point of hip, style and beauty, slope of croup and shoulder, and action at the trot are controlled by hereditary factors. Length of stride at the trot and general conformation in relation to performance differed significantly between the sexes. Until further investigation has been made regarding the relationship between form and function, breeders are advised to select for performance in accordance with the findings of the present study, and to breed from horses with proved ability to transmit performance. Descriptors: animal breeding, body measurements, conformation, crossbreeding, heritability, progeny, thorax, horses, Morgan horses, versatility, trotting, performance measures.

US Department of Agriculture. (1951). Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Agricultural Research Administration, 1950. 105 p. Abstract: Horse. The inheritance of performance ability in Morgan horses is indicated by the results of performance tests of progeny of different sires. [See A. B. A. 19, No. 499.] Descriptors: Morgan horse, performance testing, performance traits.

Anonymous (1951). B.o.A.I. US Department of Agriculture Explanatory Notes for the Department of Agriculture, Fiscal Year 1951, Volume I edition, p. 298-386. NAL Call Number: 1.9 Ag81Exp Descriptors: Morgan horses, transfer of the USDA Morgan Horse Farm to the Vermont Agricultural College, budge information, breeding light horses, Middlebury, Vermont, Beltsville, Maryland, horse and mule activities. Notes: Discussion of the budget - including increases and decreases for various animal husbandry and disease programs. On page 301, there is a note indicating a decrease of 19,000 resulting from closing out the horse breeding work at Middlebury, Vermont. On page 306, there is a more detailed discussion: The Budget estimates propose a decrease of $19,000 under the project "Horse and mule husbandry investigations" due to the discontinuance by December 31, 1950, of research at the U.S. Morgan Horse Farm, Middlebury, Vermont on breeding of light horses. The station at Middlebury comprises 987 acres, about half of which were donated by Joseph Battell in 1907 for investigations of Morgan horses. The Morgan horse has been used for experimental studies, the results of which are applicable to horses of all light breeds and much of which has been applied to draft breeds as well. The particular field of study was the heritability of performance characteristics, which provide a basis for the application of genetics to horse breeding. With the closing of this work, horse and mule activities will be limited to a small nutrition project at Beltsville, Maryland, a cooperative project with mules in Tennessee and to the answering of routine correspondence with farmers and others. Although horse numbers[9/1/2015 11:59:40 AM] Horses in History Bibliography, USDA Publications: Animal Welfare Information Center

have declined materially in recent years in the United States, numerous requests for information on them are received each year since they continue to be maintained on 60 percent of the farms and ranches in this country and have an inventory value in excess of $300,000,000.

Speelman, S.R. (1954). Breeds of Draft Horses, Slightly rev. Apr. 1954 edition, Farmer's Bulletin No. 619, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture: Washington, D.C., 16 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. p. NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84F no.619 1954 Descriptors: draft horses, horse breeds. Notes: Originally issued Nov. 1914; rev Apr. 1941. "A revision of former editions by G.A. Bell." Back to Top

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Selected Websites

International Museum of the Horse at the Kentucky Horse Park Online: Description : Provides educational online exhibits about horses in history, sport and pleasure, and art.

The Horse . American Museum of Natural History, New York. Online: Description : An online version of the exhibit available to the public from May 17, 2008 until January 4, 2009. Includes sections on domestication, the evolution of horses, and the nature of horses. A special interactive page on Horse Biology gives detailed information about equine eyes, ears, legs, and the digestive system.

Fossil Horse Cybermuseum . Florida Museum of Natural History. Online: Description : This site explains difficult evolutionary concepts such as the difference between even- and odd-toed , scientific and common names of members of the horse family, and the breadth of horse species over evolutionary time.

Horse Project. Online: Description : This project is a collaborative international effort to define the genome of the domestic horse.

Institute for Ancient Equestrian Studies. Online: Description : This institute conducts research on the domestication of the horse and early horseback riding.

Equine Studies Institute. Online: /knowledge_base_intro_choicepage.html Description : This link takes you to the Knowledge Base section of the web site and provides papers with detailed information on horse evolution, the origin of various breeds, and anatomy.

The Horse: A Mirror of Man: Parallels in Early Human and Horse Medicine. National Library of Medicine. Online: Description: This online exhibition includes some illustrated rare books from the National Library of Medicine’s collection dating from 1500 to 1704 and featuring the history of horse veterinary medicine. Back to Top[9/1/2015 12:00:13 PM] Horses in History Bibliography, Selected Websites: Animal Welfare Information Center

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