TRIBUNE, 27. 19U3. 2 — — NEW-YOKK DAILY MONDAY. JULY »- — .. .• „-\u25a0. -v^— to to tie conclave. Cardinal Gibbons willreceive mother of dead empires.- the lesson should certain- herd. Organized Protestantism is fast going FLOODS IN fleeting. pieces, and the next opens wide the LONDOX no one except until the ly be Impressed, that political power Is unless they STARRER. cardinals after con- evanescent, unsatisfactory, crippling. NEVER DIES door of the Church to the wandering flocks MANY SEEK clave. entangling, THE PAPACY will be led away Into poisonous pastures. The Other sermons on Pope yesterday included next Pope should have an Intimate knowledge of — the races, Great Damage in City the following: the great English speaking where the luue of HIGH MASS INMEMORY OF THE POPE. Church is as strong as it is anywhere else In the One Hundred Italians Scour Woods THE BJEV. I>K. F. L IGLEHAItT. AT PEEKS- Method Electing the Successor to world. Leo frequently recognized the strength of Newspapers KILL—Kveryman's face is the material expression of Catholicism among the English speaking people, Retarded. of the thought** that have been conceived, of the nnd frequently affirmed that "America Is the -Wound Said To Be Fatal. Representatives France, One the London, July 26.— Heavy rains on of and Aus- sentiments mat have been entertained. is the Chair St. Peter. future." A mere nationalistic Pope, who would revenge, Batartfav sheli where avarice is incased; another the den of not be able to rise above the provincialism of his One hundred Italians, bent on night over .the south of England Services inBeverly, Mass. where malignity riots; another la the throne where At the present writing the question of choosing own race, would be, humanly speaking, a disaster. caused sertou! tria Attend rules, where charity dwells. The ablo searched for two hours last evening- in New-Ro- floods and great damage in London. honor the palace a successor to Leo XIIIin the Pontifical chair is The next Pope should be one who would be Ths> an fftftly, July high face of I'opc Leo Xlil was the throne on which to open out the resources of truth anil the wealth a Is of hav- derground railway was flooded, Maas.. 2H.—Solemn mass the temple where love and *f paramount importance. For this reason the bosom of the chelle for young man who accused and Man requiem honor sat- it was faith of religion that there Is in the put an printing rooms of of was c-lebrated in the Catholic were enshrined. Leo was a man of brains, and traditional method of selecting a Pope is a topic Church, and bid all nations come unf> her, es- ing stabbed another there. Darkness London newspapers, built % church morning memory Pope brail rule the world. He stood strong competi- ordinary Interest, says "The Catholic pecially those who are without a knowledge of end is that the fugi- th« underground district this In of Leo to position justly by of more than to the search. It believed between Fleet-it tions and arose his exalted may die, God. to drink of the livingfountains. Embankment, XUI, and was attended by the representatives a mastery. He had tact as well as talent World" for August. but the The names of Gottl and Seraflno tive got away, although the Italians and the and the were flooded and gj/ mental in princes Rampolla and •f the Trench, Italian and Austrian govern- in a remarkable degree that aided him his Papacy lives for ever. With temporal Vannutem and toll) and Sarto and Ferrara are police watched lor him all the evening. able to print Sunday editiona unti! late humbler position And served him well when he their succession may come to an end. most frequently mentioned. this ments. The church was in mourn- with the kinds of the world. He had Rampolla. present Secretary of In the afternoon Francesco Donoflra, sixteen afternoon. The heavy rains coincided decorated came to deal Reigning may become exhausted; Cardinal the with 4 \u25a0ing* colon;. a splendid education and demanded the highest families State, has been an alter ego of Leo. Is in touch years No. New-Kochelle, high tide of Thames, priests, and his rule but by old. of 525 ifihift. the inundating ]«_ education en the part of his dynasties have come and gone; with his Ideas, and Is intimately acquainted with lying sevtral Among those present were the French Am- witnessed a marvellous advancement in this regard. most moreover, a man and some other young Italians had been play- districts. losing itself divine right the line of the Popes willlast till the his secret policies. He I- bassador, 11. Jtaa Juseerand; the Charpe ! If Mm intellect was like a mountain the of profound piety and deep religious spirit. He cards in the house of Donofira's parents. Italian In the blue sky. his affections were like a deep end of the world. The methods of electing may be depended on to carry out the projects of d'AiTalref, the Austrian Minister, Baron yon blue boundless sea. It Is sometimes thought that successor of St. Peter have changed In the nineteen all detail. Were he elected his Among the players was Nlchola Sylvestro. H« FKLNCE DECLARED Grißlta, ladies, clearly give Leo XIIIin their DEGENERATE. their and several attaches. the one who can see an idea most and centuries that the Popes have reigned, but as soon reign would be in touch. with progress. is to be two years older than it appropriate expression, who can lay down prob- Carmelite, a man who has said Donofira. them, cnnonically he assumes unto Cardinal Gotti is a lems for solution and solve is the greatest as one is elected been trained to the religious life. All his life he Late in the afternoon there was a quarrel and man. Tnis is a mistake. The greatest hearted man all prerogatives of the Papal chair. prayerful Heir to Servian Throne Examined by REQUIEM MASS ON WEDNESDAY. dwell justice, himself the has been a close student and a man of a fight, and Sylvestro is alleged to have drawn Orfc* is the greatest mar. In the h^nrt 'mere no prince in all whose power and devout spirit. He las held many high and re- and bravery, and honesty, and fidelity, and purity, is Christendom pursuit duty he lias \u25a0 knife and stabbed in the right side. of the Russian Court. greater. Vicar Christ is sponsible positions. In the of Donoflra and love. Leo was great In dealing with Gladstone Is The influence of the of visited our Western world: at one time v. as Dele- said be almost certainly Archbishop Farley to Bismarck, but greatest in the purity of his not any The wound is to Jntal. St. Petersburg July L'H-A specialist Celebrate It for Re- and for confined to race or people. Itis not exer- gate Apostolic to Brazil. Though he has not been la character and in the love he had his people and high politics us some of his con- Drs. and Codding, who attended the treatment of tha mankind, in to bless the poorest of cised by force of arms, nor is It maintained in touch with Littlewood backward children, at til* pose of Pope Leo's Soul. and hla efforts freres in the have bean, still Injured boy, did not think he would live long. etna- his spiritual children. through the civil power. His jurisdiction is over it Is said the has expressed the great- mand of the imperial government, examined a The- AT ST. PATRICK'S that Kaiser it that In the excitement following the stabbing Syl- a! Rev. Dr. McMackJn celebrated high mass FATHER LAVELLE. the hearts of Ma.lll.Ms, and his word is .obeyed est admiration for him and has given out observed Prince George, the eldest of Kfcg yesterday Cathedral. The pulpit, CATHEDRAL.-TIIW was no country so great or with far alacrity and he would be pleased if Cardinal Gotti was the one vestro way out of son. hi M Patrick's spot lonely that his heart did not go more submission than are ac- very loins of made his the house and ob- Peter Karageorgevitch of *iurt, and organ loft, so small and selected. Gotti has come from the Servia. for the Us* together with the twenty- out to it In and sympathy. We would be corded to any other ruler In the world. He is the people, and ifhe were the next Pope it would tained a start of twenty minutes. It is said he week, four columns, solicitude to the and has reported to th« Emperor massive will remain draped in black lens than human should we not have a tear shed successor of the Prince of the Apostles. He holds be altogether likely strong sympathies would went toward the woods, and there the that th* and purple over th« death of such a father, whose life was and the common peo- Pelham bey la a degenerate until the election of a new Pope is an- calling to all the faithful the place of the , be established between him nounced. Two spent for us and who to Joyed In the little ple. The many social questions that need the bold search was made. The crowd was armed with black and purple mourning flat:* school around him and Joining in their In- and they acknowledge his Infallibilityin matters leadership solution may George - hang children hand of religious for their clubs and revolvers and threatened to kill the Prince was burn In 1888. He was M from staffs on either side of the main <•..- nocent and hearty laughter. His final words were a of faith morals. give to find such vigorous Cardinal Gotti. l blessing prayer all humanity. and These facts alone treatment \r\ theologian, having fugitive, but they were either misled as to which practically under the direction of the Kusslaa trance to the* Cathedral, and the episcopal residence and his final talk a for the election of the Pope importance that Is Cardinal Satolll is a profound way cost* In At the time of Pone Leo's election to the pontifical an of his life a He has. more- way he went or he made his through the and In a report printed Just after th* Madison-av.\ is drared in mourning. every not any been most professor. Italian, fxlamfe chair he found his Church opposed by almost attributable to other event in history. been in touch with life other than woods in safety. said he educated < It was ennounced the solemn to-day he gone over, It tragedy that was to -oupy Mm yesterday that government on earth, but has to his In the first place, it Is a condemned proposition and he professes to love America very much. When the police arrived at the house where of Servia. On 12 pontifical God and left his Church at peace and friendly with this country throne June a Berlin dispatch t» mats of requiem for the rei»ese of the to maintain that the laity have any strict ri^ht Is quite certain that his residence in the stabbing took place the father and mother "The London Times'* said that King Peter aright *-*»ul Pope all civilization. Pope Leo read the truth of the given him larger knowledge of the great races boy begged them, police say, of Leo willbo celebrated next Wednes- social situation and declared himself favorable to of suffrage In the election of the Pope. In ancient baa close stu- of the wounded the abdicate in favor of his son. day at a. m. by which of the world. Moreover, he has been a not to search youth who 10:30 Archbishop Farley, at republics, and when he difd he saw one of his most times the vote of the Roman clergy, cast in the dent of Leo, and he has absorbed not a little of his for the stabbed their time Monsignor Mooney, vicar metal of the heart cherished plans under way—the tearing down son, as he would be taken care of by their arch- walls dividing presence of the faithful, was the elective power; broad and comprehensive spirit. NO FLEA FOE FRENCH MEDIATION of the secular humanity and the to all these vain prognostications. friends. This caused the police to turn out the