Dotre Dame Scholastic •Dl 9VA5I Vlct\Yr\/S- OVASI- RA5- Moieitvrvs* •Se Mpei^- •Vive- 1
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-JJ.-^ Dotre Dame Scholastic •Dl 9VA5I VlCT\yR\/S- OVASI- RA5- MOieiTVRVS* •se mpei^- •Vive- 1 VOL. XXXVI. NOTRE DAME, INDIANA MARCH 7- 1903. No. 23. AN. MDCCCLXXXIir » 1883 * lUSTITIAM colui; certamina longa, labores T HAVE loved justice, therefore have I borne Ludibria, insidias, aspera' quaeque tuli; Conflict and labor, plot and biting scorn. At fidei vindex non flectar; pro grege Christi Guardian of Faith, for Christ's dear flock would I Duke pati, ipsoque in carcere dulce mori. Suffer with gladness, and in prison die! * Inscripsit sub imagine sua, cum S. Gregorii VII. dicta _ * Lines written under his own portrait as" he recalled the meminisset: Dilexi iustitiam et odivi iniquitatem, propterea saying of St. Gregorj- ^^I.: "I have loved justice and hated morior in exilio. iniquity, therefore I die in- exile." HOC IN HONOREA\ S. S. D. N. LEONIS PAPAE XIII • FELICITER CORONATl AC GLORIOSE REGNANTiS OB RENOVATOS PETRI DIES NOSTRAE DOAMNAE UNIVERSITATIS PROFESSORES ET ALUA\N1 .' AUSPIGATISSIAH. CHRISTI MCMIII ANNI V IDUS MARTIAS TOTO CORDE ET ALACRl ANIMO OBSEQUU VENERATIONIS AMORISQUE OFFEREBANT TESTIMONIUM. D. D. D. Cur domus late resonat canoris Quid? doces semper vigilans gregisque A'^ocibus, cur tot iuvenes renident. Anxius, prudens ovium saluti Gaudio, et votis redolent utrumque Consulis, nunquam teneros ineptus Templa per orbem? Neglegis agnos. Hanc diem fecit Dominus Deoque . Quid quod iniuste spoliatus inter Optimo grates meritas ubique . Principes mundi et populos coruscas Solvimus, Christi ut celebret perennes Arbiter, nee non loqueris vel ipso' Sponsa triumphos. Carcere liber?. Ouippe cui frustra minitentur hostes:- Quid quod excelsum e tenebris scholarum Stat gubemator LEO, dum procellae Angellim ad lucem revocas, alumnis Saeviunt; ventisque agitata Petri. Alma divinae Fidei rhagister Cyinba quiescit. Dona refundis? Quem quidem ornatum triplici corona-. At magiSjjCe:rte vitiis moveris Vidit, et Papam senio cadu'cum '• - Divitum, et durum miserans laborem - Esse, miratur viridi iuventa ^ . "; Pauperes aequo sociare velles Roma vigentem. • ' ;_ - .Foedere iamoris. Stare qui solem valuit, repente Quin laborantes manibus necesse-est Temporis gradus rapidos mdrari ; Filium fabri meminisse IESUM, Possit, et-mortem iubeat LEONIS Ac vel in terris homines ad altum Parcere vitae. Tollere vultus. > Par adhuc Petro superest, et annis Ut tibi et.caro capiti, O. Pater! qui " Tardus, etsi vel tenuato adhaerent Regnat in caelis faveat precamur, : Corpori vires animi,micatque . " Christus et tutae populo rependat .. •:. :M^ .. :.; .. ;Munera pacis! " caelo" merito vocaris, . Sefus in caelum redeas beatus: ,. QUI Sacrarn Legem, Venerande Pastor,. Longius natos dqceas diuque .-':Fortis expla;nas, hoiriinum-.Deique iPontifex saxo Capitolii stes - ; lura.tueris. " ' \ ; Papa, Leo, Rex! <. NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC. 367 Church." Truly, all power was given to the Leo xm.—the Great High Priest.* pastors of the flock, who must teach us "to observe all things whatsoever Christ has Thou art Peter, and upon this rock-1 wiU build My, Church, commanded" (Matt, xxviii, 29); but there is and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Matt, xvi, iS). only one to whom it was said "to confirm his N the 7th of February, 1878, brethren" (Luke xxii, 32) and "that the gates Pius IX. died after a reign of of hell shall not prevail against the rock," thirty-two years, the longest and that one is Peter, who lives in the Pope; in the history of the Popes, and he being invested with a divine authority and on the twentieth of the would be able, I dare say, to create the Church same month Cardinal Vincent again, were it possible for it to be destroyed Joachim Pecci was elected by by any power. the Sacred College to fill the Chair of Peter, If the Church of God is above all a teaching Yet, it was only on the third day of.March body animated by the Holy Ghost, the first and privately in the balcony overlooking the and most conspicuous function of the Pope interior of the basilica, that took place the cor must be to carry the divine light of faith. onation of the Pontiff who was to be the great Who can doubt that Leo XIII.-still now and glorious Leo XIII. To-day, throughout the gloriously reigning, is one of the many popes Catholic universe is celebrated the twenty-fifth in whom that heavenly light shines far and anniversary of that memorable event, and this wide with a marvellous splendor? First of morning I am expected to give you a sketch all, was it not truly providential that the of the grand things accpmplished during his personal infallibility of the Sovereign Pontiff pontificate by this venerable old man, the Vicar should have been defined as an article of faith of Christ, the two hundred and sixty-second but a few years after Pius IX. had been successor of the Prince of the Apostles.- Hard unjustly deprived of his earthly possessions? would be my task, if I had to draw out even Was it not very opportune, nay more, neces the main lines of his august person and simply sary, to proclaim solemnly before the face of to paint the prominent features of his splendid the whole world that violence and treachery character. But leaving to others the privilege might rob the Pope of his temporal estates, of describing more graphically the scholar, but that neither the fury of passions nor the the statesman and the sociologist, I will plots of anarchists could ever prevent the content myself with portraying briefly for Bishop of Rome from issuing final decrees you the High Priest, the Holy Father, as in matters of faith and morality? Indeed, far representing on earth the only begotten Son above the merely human authority of any of the living God—Jesus Christ, supreme court, whose decisions can always However great a Pope, however illustrious be reversed, stands the divinely constituted Leo XIII. may be, there is something greater tribunal of the Pope, whose dogmatical judg and mightier than any human genius—and ments addressed from the Chair of Peter to that is the Papacy. For whereas all the other the whole Church can never be changed. institutions, founded and orgianized by men— Now, wonderfully strengthened by that unique kingdoms,' empires or republics—are of the privilege, Leo XIIL, without using it even earth earthly, the Church, created by the will once, feels that a new prestige has been of the God-Man, is immortal. The Catholic? added to all that he says or writes as teacher Church is essentially a theocracy, and though of mankind. Prominent among the masterly the apostles were sent out "to teach all documents issued from his fruitful pen is the nations," and !'are set up to rule over the encyclical letter on Philosophy and Higher Church of God," still, they, are all subordinate Studies. It was a sublime inspiration on his to one man, Peter, who alone possesses the part to raise from the darkness of a deep fulness of jurisdiction, and whose name was oblivion the two immortal "Summas" of the mysteriously changed by Christ to signify Angelical Doctor, reinstate on its glorious his supreme office, which consists in being pedestal the name and fame of St. Thomas himself and becoming in his successors the Aquinas, and, declaring his works, system and corner-stone of the whole edifice. "Thou art doctrine to be the safest guide of Christian Peter, and upon this rock I,will build My education, proclaim their sound and spotless author " the Angel of the- Schools." Owing, to *~ Delivered by the Reverend S. Fitte, C. S. C, in Sacred Heart Church, March' 3.' ^ this stroke of genius a new renascence toolc 368 NOTRE DAMh SCHOLASTIC place in all universities and seats of learning; "Which of you loves Me more than the the golden chain^of sacred traditions formed others?" And twenty-five years ago a large by the Fathers and Scholastics was welded majority of the votes declared that that- man again; Theology and Philosophy, separated was Vincent Joachim Pecci. He it is who for three centuries, were more closely united, for twenty-five years has heard the same and once more an alliance being effected mysterious question: " Lovest thou Me more between faith and reason, a centre of har- than these?" Has he been true to his office monious unity was pointed out for all the and loyal to his Master? Consult history; for developments of the present and the future, love is proved not by words but by deeds. Lastly, far from wishing us to go back to Three great dangers threaten the human bygone ages, the Pope, who has at heart the race at the beginning of the twentieth century, genuine progress of the human mind, most and no man has presented better remedies earnestly advocates the cultivation of natural than the present Pope for the cure of these sciences; himself a brilliant writer, he favors moral diseases. The first is that which gnaws literature, linguistics philology and other at the heart of the family, and that is divorce, modern investigations. With a warm heart Out of all religious denominations in the and generous hand he throws open the universe, the Catholic Church alone professes precious archives of the Vatican to all the and defends the unity and indissolubility of scholars of the world; full of admiration for . the marriage tie. From the dawn of Chris- the inventions and discoveries of our day, he tianity down to our day she has taught that sincerely encourages and promotes all original when the consent of the two parties has researches, firmly convinced that, if "the Lord been full and free, there is no power on earth is the God of all knowledge" (I Kings, ii, 3), capiable of "putting asunder what God has true science can never clash with revelation; joined together." The history of the Papacy he thinks that history derived from the bears witness to the fact that neither bribery primitive sources must of necessity redound nor violence, neither loftiness of position nor to the glory of Christianity.