March 22, 2013
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THE CATHOLIC PAGE 11 Pope’s first message MarchC 22, 2013 Vol.ommentator 51, No. 3 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1963 To: The Clergy, Religious and Lay Faithful of the Diocese of Baton Rouge Dearly Beloved in Christ, March 13, 2013 marked a historic milestone for the Catholic Church, and became an especially ecstatic moment for all who witnessed its unfolding. The papal election of the first Jesuit, the first serving in the Western Hemisphere, the first from Latin America, and the first choosing the name “Francis,” (after Francis of Assisi) – these were ecclesial benchmarks reminiscent of “ The head of a household who brings from his storeroom both the new and the old” (Mt. 13:52). In his first public appearance from the balcony of St. Peter’s square, Pope Francis won the hearts, captured the imagination and gained the goodwill of the 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide and countless others. He did this by demeanor, symbol, gesture and word. His presence was authentically spiritual and prayerful; his formal clerical dress simplified; his countenance serene; his humility and Pope Francis, left, receives his ring from Cardinal Angelo Sodano, dean of the College of Cardi- compassion uplifting; his approach inspiring (manifested by nals, during his inaugural Mass in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican March 19. Photo Paul Haring | CNS his request for the people to pray to God for him, before he imparted his apostolic blessing to those assembled – physi- cally and electronically); his message clear and reassuring; Pope begins ministry with biblical his lifestyle unassuming. He piqued interest and curios- ity not only about who he is, but about what the Catholic Church of 2000 years is, and about her founder, Jesus. symbols, signs of universal ministry Already he has brought a new face to the renewal that the Church must always seek, and sincere attention to the poor, By Cindy Wooden As the Mass began, tens of thousands of pil- alienated and marginalized. Catholic News Service grims, faithful and tourists continued to arrive, The adage: “You never get a second chance to make a filling St. Peter’s Square and crowding around first impression” favorably comes to mind. Clearly Pope VATICAN CITY — Although attempts were the large video screens placed along the boule- Francis is a man of God, a man of the Church and a man of made to simplify the ceremony, Pope Francis vard leading to the square. By the time of Com- the people. As Vicar of Christ on earth, he represents Jesus officially inaugurated his ministry as pope and munion, the Vatican said there were between Christ, “the same yesterday, today and forever” (Heb. 13:8). bishop of Rome in a liturgy filled with biblical 150,000 and 200,000 people present. As such he is also the living embodiment of the message symbolism and signs of the universality of his In his homily, Pope Francis asked prayers of Jesus himself, who said: “Whatever you do for my least mission. that he would be able to protect the church like brothers, you do for me” (Mt 25: 40). But before the solemn rites began March St. Joseph protected Mary and Jesus, “discreet- I take this opportunity to particularly congratulate 19, Pope Francis – known for choosing public ly, humbly and silently, but with an unfailing and thank the Jesuit Fathers who serve in our diocese at transport over chauffeur-driven limousines – presence and utter fidelity, even when he finds Immaculate Conception Church, Scotlandville; Southern took his first spin in the popemobile, blessing it hard to understand.” University, Baton Rouge; and Manresa Retreat House, the tens of thousands of people who arrived in He said in the Gospels, St. Joseph “can look Convent; the 1500-2000 members of the Catholic Hispanic St. Peter’s Square as early as 4 a.m. to pray with at things realistically, he is in touch with his Community of our area; the innumerable served by our him. He waved and, at one point, gave a thumbs surroundings, he can make truly wise deci- St. Vincent de Paul Society (diocesan and parochial) and up to the faithful. He also kissed three babies sions.” Catholic Charities; and those who comprise our Catholic held up to him by the chief of Vatican security, But more than anything, he said, the schools and education ministry. Domenico Gianni, and other officers. church’s patron saint teaches Christians that As we approach Holy Week, the Sacred Triduum and But he climbed out of the open jeep used as the core concern of their lives must be Christ. Easter, may we not live as those “of little faith” (Mt. 14:31), a popemobile to kiss a severely disabled man. “Let us protect Christ in our lives, so that we or those “who have no hope” (I Thess. 4:12) or those “who Before entering St. Peter’s Square, he ad- can protect others, so that we can protect cre- have not love” (I Cor. 13:1-3). Rather may we live as people dressed by satellite thousands of his fellow Ar- ation,” Pope Francis said. whose faith is defining and vibrant, whose hope is dynamic gentines gathered in Plaza de Mayo in Buenos He called for special efforts to protect “God’s and reassuring, whose love is animated and infectious. Aires, where he had been archbishop before plan inscribed in nature” and to protect one Happy Easter, everyone! Regards, grace, peace, blessings his election as pope. He thanked the people for another, especially children, the aged, the poor and prayers. their prayers and told them: “I have a favor to and the sick. ask. I want to ask that we all walk together, car- Although according to church law he of- Affectionately yours in the Risen Christ, ing for one another ... caring for life. Care for ficially became pope the minute he accepted the family, care for nature, care for children, his election in the Sistine Chapel March 13, care for the aged. Let there be no hatred, no Pope Francis received important symbols Robert W. Muench, Bishop of Baton Rouge fighting, put aside envy and don’t gossip about of his office just before the inauguration anyone.” SEE POPE PAGE 13 2 The Catholic Commentator March 22, 2013 | IN THIS ISSUE | DID YOU KNOW Catholics from throughout the Diocese of Baton Rouge participated in the produc- Exultet invites church to rejoice tion of this prayer. PAGE 10 On Holy Saturday night, One part of the Exultet A FEW WORDS IN A TEENAGER’S LIFE as the faithful gather to that had been omitted in CAN makE A trEMENDOUS DIFFER- celebrate the holiest of all previous years, but was ENCE. The effect might be for the good, nights, a beautiful hymn restored in the revised Ro- or for called the Exultet, or the man Missal, brings back THE UNITED STATES INVADED IraQ the bad. Easter proclamation, is the role of the bees in mak- 10 YEARS agO. Many church leaders Walter sung to the Easter candle, ing the paschal candle. warned that this was unwarranted under Ryan which symbolizes the light “O holy Father, accept the just war criteria. Today this nation Adams Christ brought into the this candle, a solemn of- has responsibilities to make reparations. writes world by his resurrection. fering, the work of bees PagE 4 about Sung at the Easter vigil and of your servants’ the by a deacon, priest or can- hands…” THE VATICAN COUNCIL II pastORAL positive tor, the Exultet invites And later the Exultet CONSTITUTION, The Church in the effect a fellow student had on his life. heaven and earth to join again refers to the light of Modern World, is as relevant today as it PAGE 15 with the church in joyful the candle, “fed by melt- was almost 50 years celebration. It comes as ing wax, drawn out by ago when it was ap- | INDEX part of the Lucernarium, mother bees to build a proved by the council or service of light, at the torch so precious.” CLASSIFIED ADS 20 fathers who called for beginning of the vigil ser- One of the more widely a public statement of COMING EVENTS 20 vice. quoted lines of the Exultet the church’s posi- ENTERTAINMENT 17 The Exultet begins with a series of speaks of the motive for Christ’s passion tion on social justice, FAMILY LIFE 5 exclamations inviting all corners of the and death, which is redemption, not only evangelization and INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL NEWS 4 earth, the church and heaven to rejoice the sin of Adam, but that of all human- world peace. PagE 9 LETTER TO THE EDITOR 19 in the glory of Christ. kind. The Exultet then journeys through a his- “O truly necessary sin of Adam, de- SPIRITUALITY 7 THE DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET HAS tory of salvation from Adam, through the stroyed completely by the Death of BECOME A TELEVISION SHOW that will VIEWPOINT 18 Passover of the Israelites from Egyptian Christ, O happy fault that earned so be broadcast on Catholiclife Television. YOUTh 22 slavery to Jesus’s own passion and death. great, so glorious a Redeemer.” | PRAY FOR THOSE WHO PRAY FOR US Please pray for the priests, deacons and religious women and men in the Baton Rouge Diocese. March 23 Rev. David E. Allen March 30 Rev. Msgr. Robert H. Berggreen Dcn. Joseph M. Scimeca Dcn. Alfred P. Zeringue Sr. Beth Lieux CSJ Br. Will McCue SC March 24 Rev. Joey F. Angeles March 31 Rev. Donald V. Blanchard Dcn. Rudolph W. Stahl Dcn. Henry J. Zeringue Br.