1. Introduction 1. Willa Cather, Not Under Forty (London, 1936), P. V
Notes 1. Introduction 1. Willa Cather, Not Under Forty (London, 1936), p. v. The Nation, 117 (1923), 236-8. 2. Granville Hicks, 'The Case against Willa Cather' in English Journal, November 1933, reprinted in Willa Cather and her Critics, ed. James Schroeter (New York, 1967), pp. 139-47. Lionel Trilling, 'Willa Cather', New Republic 90 (1937), reprinted Schroeter, pp. 148-55. Harold Bloom, 'Introduction' to his collection, Modern Critical Views: Willa Cather (New York, 1985), pp. 1 and 3. 3. MS. letters to Kate Cleary (13 February 1905), to Carrie Sherwood (1 September 1922; 27 January 1934; 9 June 1943), Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial Collection, Nebraska State Historical Society, Red Cloud, Nebraska (hereafter abbreviated as WCPM). The other letter to Dorothy Canfield Fisher (15 March 1916) is in the Dorothy Canfield Fisher Collection, Bailey/Howe Library, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT (hereafter abbreviated as UVM). These letters are sum marised in Mark J. Madigan's valuable work, 'Letters from Willa Cather to Dorothy Canfield Fisher 1899-1947' (unpublished MA dis sertation, University of Vermont, 1987) - abstracts of letters from the Canfield Fisher papers. 4. Ernest Hemingway to Edmund Wilson, 25 November 1923, Selected Letters 1917-1961, ed. Carlos Baker (London, 1981), p. 105. 5. 'Willa Cather' in Schroeter, pp. 154-5. 6. Sacvan Bercovitch, 'The Problem of Ideology', Critical Inquiry 12 (1985-6), 631-53 (635-6). Allen Tate, 'Religion and the Old South', Essays of Four Decades (London, 1970), p. 568. 7. 'Problem of Ideology', 645. 8. Hicks, 'Case against', Schroeter, p. 147. 9. Other articles from this period which condemned Cather for evasion, nostalgia and the flight from modernity were as follows.
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