R . I . Jewish 11istorical Association ll 130 sessions Street .,:.._ P rovidence , RI 0290 6 Support Jewish RHODE Read By Agencies More Than 40,000 With Your ISLAND Membership People THE 0Nl Y ENGl/SH JEWISH WEE Kl Y IN R I AND SOUTHEAST MASS

VOLUME LXV II . NUMBER 44 TH URS DAY. S EPTEMBER 11, 1980 30¢ PEA COP Y Bernard Segal Dies; Was Hadassah Elects -New President Longtime Herald Columnist Several hundred friends and rclallvcs or lkrnard "Beryl"· Segal. 80. whod1cd last weekend . .illcndcd funeral Krviccs held at Temple Bcth-U lasl Monday noon Bunal was in Lincoln P.irk Cemetery. ~ Those who p.trt1c1patcd in the service: in­ cluded Rabbi Leshc G utterman of Temple Bcth-1:.1, Rabbi Will iam G. Braude and Rabbi Meir Lasken o f l'h1ladelph1a, w.ho J,tave the l:u logy. Cantor Ivan Perlman chanted several psalms dunng the 5ervicc: Mt. ScJ;tal, who d1cd at his home on 0vcrhi11 Road, was the husband of Irene fhe rC1..1p1enl of the Brov.n Bc.H A"'ard "Chaya" (Waxman) Segal from Brov.n UmHn1t). he rcce"cd "•mo~ B~rn 1n Ru.s~ia, he was a son of 1he late ,1v.ard, from the State of Bonds. the Aaron I. and Rachael (L1ebcnon) Segal, and I .irb;md Poalc Zion. lhe Je,..1,h lhslortc.11 had hvcd in Providence most of his life SlX.1c1y , the Or(t..1mLa11on' of Rehab1lttat1on He was chief pharmacist at the: M1nam rhroup:h Tra1n1nr., lhe Bureau of Jcv.1.sh Hosp1lal for over JO years. Lducat,on. Temple Beth-LI and the Rhode lie taught Yiddish al the Workman'~C1r­ hland 131ccn1en1mal Comm,ltcc clc School, later teaching llebrew at the lks1dcs his v.1rc he lc:,\·cs 1... 0 dau11hters, l cmplc lkth-t l Rchgious School and the M n Annelle S llod,man of l",ior1h M1am1 1icbrcw High School of the Rhode Island Beach, I la, and Mn Geraldine R l·os1er B ureau o f J ewish tducat1on of Prov1dcncc, a brother. Mordecai Sc:g.1! of LOSA ' GEl.f..S, Calif/. -rJ,"ried1 S. U'"i.s. or Grn l , tt,,.,/,·k,N,w , ork . h1sbt-cn cl«t"led .pr,si­ " In ad di 110n to writ ing the column ' 10ne hracl; and 1ouirandch1ld rcn dffll or 1-la4nuh, CM larJffl " omm's , olunctt.r orr; aniurlon in che country, by 3,000 d, leg1 tes Man·s Op1mon"' for the R.I. Herald, he was I uncral arr.in(temen1., v.erc: m:.de b) the 11 I~ OrJ•niiaUon''i four d1) 1nnu1I mmin1. Piccu, ed 11 ldi " ich h . L,wi" i.s Bernie, S. Tan• tch author of m:my published slones :rnd Ma, Suparman Mcmonal Chard "fflbaum, or/''lo "", or k Cil), "ho hHjuSI compl, ced four )Hrs H lladauah'.1 n11ion1I pru id <'nl . pla)'~ for child ren, wri tten in Yiddish I h: brew and Enghsh. He wrote a tut book for the R.I. IJureau o f Jewish Education en• li lled " K now Your Community" and also Begin To Meet With Carter wrote a column for lhc Providence Jo11rnal­ /J11fletin entitled "'Your Medicine he.st." lie did cx lcns1ve research a nd wntmg for Autonomy Talks Scheduled To Resume 1hc h1~1o n cal notes of the R.I. Jewish JI-RUSALLM (JTAJ - Premier There ha1 alrcad) been some uncertainty formal one It v.as not 1mmed1atcly clear lt i-.toric,11 Society. of which he wa-. a 1\-lc:nachem lk11in ... ,II call on President tar• surround1n11 this point, v.1th officials m ..,..hcthcr Carler ..,..ould turn the v1s1t into the fou ndi n~ me mber tc:r :it lhe White House ii ... cc:k aflcr the Cauo quoted as ~,,n,r. that the a,11rccmen1 lnpurlltc ~umrmt that Israel. E,r.ypt and the Mr. Sc~al was educated ll l the Kamcnct­ Prcs1dent1al clec11ons C.:artcr 1nv11ed him .irmed at b) U.S special en1ro)' Sol U.S ha\C pledged to hold under the new ll.:r Yc~ hi va in Russia, lalcr rccc1vmg his B.S when Beiz.m phoned 10 conp;ralulate the L 1nov. 111 did no1 ncccssaril) s1J,tnal an early Lmow1t1 talks- resumption agreemcnl . from llrown University in 1927, hi~ M.S. Pres1den1 on the aJ!r«ment to resume 1he resumption or the talks Israel, ofric1:il.s, for Asked tn a TV mterv1ew when this from the University of Rochester m 1932. autonom· alk~ 1he1r part, hJ\e bcc:n JI pains to st ress 1ha1 summpl was hkcly to take place, Bc:11,in said whe re he wa~ inducted in to Sigma X1, and llc:J!1n ulso phoned Prcs,dcnt Anv.ar Sada1 l~r.iel ,:a\e no conccss,ons or ",11.esturcs·· to that v.a~ up to Carter as host. But he eer­ Ph.d . from the Rh ode Island College of for the sa me purpo\C', and lhe tv.o leaders persuade S.idltll to .i,11rcc: to the resumption taml) supposed thut the "intention is not to Pharmacy in 1940. Uj!.reed to issue dm:CII\C5 to 1he1r autonomy BcJitin·s \1s11 to the U.S in No\cmbcr has hold 11 before Novcmbc1 fourth" (Election One of the firs, members o f the Board of ncp;otmtors on hov. 10,r.o about renev.,n,r. the bcc:n planned for some time. l h: w,11 take Day) the Bureau of Jewish Education, Mr. Segal lall.s lmual repor1~ of the phone con\ersa­ part ,n cc:lcbrat1ons there mark,nj!. the ccn­ Meanwhile, Begin a'ld top orficials arc wa~ also a member of the T emple Beth-El. t1on p;a1,e no "ord. ho"e\er. of ... hen the tenar) of l.cc:1r Jabotinsk)°s birth l hs \1s11 stressmg that Israel made no concessions If\ the Jcwbh Ho me fo r the Aged, the Arbiter tails are Iii.cl) to restart lo Carter v.111. thercfore. bca private and not o rder to secure the L1nowitz agreement on Rin~. and the Brown Club. the resumption oft he autonomy talks. Begin told TV interviewers that Israel's posi tions remained unchanged. There was no need to change them, he said. Arens Rejects Offer of Did this mean, he was asked, that Sadat had not obtained any of the condi tions he had earlier stipulated for a resumption oft ht Defense Ministry Portfolio talks'f "Quite true.'" Begi n replied. Sadat had been demanding that Israel shift its stand o n J E R USA LEM (JTA) - Moshe Arens, of report s m the press that the Prime Minis­ but I am sorry to say that this is not the Jerusalem and the settlements, o r at least ch:1i rma n of the Fo reign Affairs te r was about to ask Arens to join the Cabi­ case." pronounce these two vexed issues o pen· to and Defense C ommittee, has rejected an net as Defense Minister, Arens wa nted to A rens said Begin could continue to se rve negotiation. o ffer by Premier to be­ notify Begin that due to political d ifferences as Defense Minister and there was no justi­ But, as Begi n himself no ted in the in ter­ come Israel's new Defense Minister. with the government he could not accept. fi ed criticism o f the way the defense estab­ view. Sadat d id leave a way o pen to the The o ffer came three months after Ezer " To day. the Prime Minister and A rens lishme nt was functionin g si nce Begi n resumption o f the ta lks by persistently Wei zm;in resigned fro m the ministry. Begi n met fo r a personal ta lk to d iscuss the issue. assumed the po wers o f the Dd ense Minis­ demandini,i: a tripa rtite summit. Li nowitz has served in this capacity ever since. Arens The Prime Minis ter told Are~s tha t a num­ t ry. Arens said he wo uld suppo rt any can­ seized upon th is as the basis for the com­ rejected the offer because he basically ob­ ber o f fri ends had told him that they ha ve d idate o f the Premier for lhe Defense promise document he worked out duriag his iccl s to the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty in talked with Arens and were under the Ministry including Ariel Sh aron who was visit here last week a nd which he announced ·it s present form "in which we give too much impression that this time he wo uld be ready "a very good candidate."' in Alexandria after meeting Sadat. for too little," he said. Arens had voted to join the government if he were orfcred Arens said there was no contradiction The document specifics that the talks will against the signing of the treaty. the defense portfolio. between his membership in and his be resumed ·•at a mutually agreed date" Ht repeated his known views in a meet­ The Prime Minister informed Arens that objectio n to a central feature of the present while at the same time there will beconsulta• ing with Begin recently. He said in a radio if that impression was correct he was ready government's policy such as lhe peace tions on "the preparation, venue and 1imin,1t interview that he did not enter the meeting to make the orfer. Arens explained to the agreement with Egypt. A Knesscter could of a summit meeting.·· Thus, Israel got the determined to reject the offer. He said he Prime Minister that he has not changed his disagree with cer1ain elements of the gov­ resumption it was insisting on, and Sadat got was ready to hear Begin's arguments in views, and due to differences with the gov­ ernment's policy, he said. "However. a the summit he was urging. favor of accepting the job, but after hearing ernment and ils policy he could not join it. member of the Cabinet would have to iden­ Despite the Israeli denials, assessments what Begin had to say, he was still of the The Prime Minister look note of this state­ tify with all the basic points of the govern­ persist among observers in Jerusalem that opinion that as a person holding negative ment." ment's policy." there were some Israeli covert si,1tr1al s to views about the peace treaty, he could not In a radio interview following the meet­ Haim Corfu. chairman of the Likud coa­ Egypt. conveyed throuiz.h Linowitz, that hold the position of Defense Minister. ing, Arens said: •·The Camp David agree­ lition, said Arens· refusal to accept Begin's would fit into the designation. in the At the end of the meeting. Begin and ment and the peace treaty with Egypt are offer has made it embarrassing for the Pre­ Linowitz document, of undertakings "to Arens issued the following joint communi­ regarded by the Prime Minister as one of mier. But Avraham Sharir, chairman of the strenj!.thcn the foundation of mutual trust que: "The Prime Minister met today with the major achievements of its rule. It is no Likud Knesset faction, praised Arens· and friendship in the coming weeks." The Kncsseter Moshe Arens. The Prime Minis­ secret that I opposed both agreements and I "courage," noting that it is a rare phenom­ speculation here is that Begin has in fa ct ter reminded Arens of his visit two months have not changed my mind. One could have enon in politics for a person to adhere to a given Egypt and the U.S. to understand that ago to his aide, Yehiel Kadishai. Arens in­ assumed that in the course of time events principled position. he wi ll not press ahead with movini,i: his o f­ formed Kadishai at the time that in the face would have caused me to change my mind, fi ce to East Jerusalem at this time. 2- TH ~ RH OD E ISLAND HERA LD TH URSDAY SE PTEM BER 11 1980 A New Year Message Obituaries From T he Rhode Island Board Of Rabbis E,cr) Jc..., should go to Shul. He or she When Jc111s art in trouble, the) kno" 1he SAM UE_L DOM ES memhcr of NA WCt\S and the Ledgemont ma) \'ar) ..,..uh reason. Jc...,s .il111ays did. address. When they "ant to celebrate the life Counlr) (.luh. C)cle.1he) kno" lhc proper consultanl . But PROVI DENCE - Samuel Bomcs, hus­ There 111ere the intense Dancncrs, whose b,rnd of Anna ( Ro 1hs1 ei n) Domes, 10 ll·II HIOn uf four Jcru,•lcm neighborhoods mduded duc1ed by 11s Houston, Tuas faci li ty to the Woonsocket a nd Mrs. Mimi Horovitz of RcgulJr 1981 c:i mpa11n pledgo announ• m 1hc rene111al prottr•m The mtt1mgs frccl) 80\'ernmcnt of Kuwait" when the violation occurred. The Pace Company was asked by Fall River, Mass.: and fou r Jl.randch1ldren ccd m 1hc presence of Premier and Mrs .11red lhe hopa and concerns of the res•• the go ... ernment of Kuwait to "furnish a The funeral service was held at the Ma;i1: Menachem Begin totaled Sl 5.6 m,lhon, dcnl\, .1, "'ell as the adv.tnccs made and slatcmcnl" specifying "that you ha ve no Su~arman Memorial Chapel. Hope St.. from con1nbu1ors 111h ose g,ru for the rrohlem) cncoun1crcd m c.trr) mg 11 o ut. deahngs wha1socver with Israel," The Pace Providence. Burial was in Lincoln Pa rk prevmu-. cu mp1ugn ..,..ere SI I 4 m1lhon The The m1\'IOn. for 111h1ch Lee Scheinb.1rt or Cemetery. Warwick. Comp.1ny 1w1cc after that, in 1978 and 1979, J7 per cent 1ncre.1~ t'i the h1ghcs1 m the IJo,con scr1rcd as progr.1m and recruitment h1 ,;1ory of1he annual Pnmc t,n,stcr') M,s­ 1,:h.11rman. v.Js the first of the annual Pnme replied 1hat 11 "acknowledges that no SAUL t ERMAN .. ,on-.. v,.h1ch began short I) aOcr the S1,-0-a) \t1n1,1er's 1nv11 111,onal event.s v,-11h a SI00.- business of any nature ,s presently conduc­ ted with Israel," the Department reported. WORCESTER, MASS. -Saul Lerman, War 00) m1mmum pledge qual1ficat1on The 100 74, of 120 Newton Ave., North, fo rmerly or Pledge~ for Project Renewal. for III h1ch J)Jrllc1p.1n1~ reprcsc:ntcd the largest group of P:1wtuckc1, died Monday. September 8, UJA 1s scc:k,ng contributions o,·cr and i!I\Cf\ m that categor) e,cr brought 10 Israel Camera Club Opens Season 1980 al Miriam Hospilal. He was the hus­ ahove rcgular g1vmg. registered c,cn greater un ;,1 UJ \ m1ss1on hand of the late Claire (Goldenberg) Ler­ gain!>. A total of Sl5.J m,lhon m Project The Camera Club of Providence will open m:m . Rcm:111al pledges 111as announced to Bcgm, 11 ~ I-all season on Monday, Sept. 15 with a M r. Luman was a manufacturer's "'ho -.ct lhc progrnm in motion three: )cars otice-- shde show prcscnlalion by Wi lliam H. Grif­ rerre!'>ent ative un til reti ring nine years ago. aii:o" 1th a call for u massi,e international cf. 111 r..... pon..c tu the mJn) requcsb received fin. a three Siar photographer, who will pre• l k was :1 member or Roosevelt Lodge F.A. fort ~hared cquall) by ...,orld Jcv.ry and the IH 1he Je...,,,h Tdq;raphu: Agenq about a sent a program of prize winning slides. & M . an d was a Jlnd degree Mason. rcorlc of lsrucl . This represents an 86 per repon 111 the JI A lommun1I) Ne"~ Repor• The public 1s invited to attend. The He was a member of the Aleppo Temple: cent mcrcase over the S8 .2 million ,,.·r ,..,n,.'\:rnlllg the formation of a National mecling ,s slated to begin at 8 p.m. at the the Women's Apparel Club; a membcrofthe previuu!>ly pledged by the same con- ' 1Jll1 ~h Hmil I ,,.·h.1ngc. lhe add re ~, of the Ccnu al Congregational Church, Angell St., Jewish Ho me fo r the Aged, Providence; a 1ributors. C\d!Jn~c 1, P.O Ho, 969, Amherst, Mass. Providence. Entrance is at the rear of the rncmher of To uro Fraternal Association: a Accordmg to UJ A na tional chairman 1111101 Church, on Stimson St.

WE WISH TO THAN K OUR PAINTING RELATIVES AND MANY -;;, int• rio, o, FRIENDS FOR THE KIND EX­ .I Phone 861-9513 PRESSIONS Of SYMPA THY ~ ~~~I c·~;~~~ r------AND THOUGHTFULNESS IN 1 No .._. To , ..... lo - Y..t • ._ If Ifs MEMORY Of . PAPER' HANGING games c5ll,. [J\(icholas I VEltA CUTlfR . low Pril.lme re4u1nnJ1. a mm1mum m\-cslment or JS 5,;11d 1he future of lsrach se11lcmcn1s on the JcruSJlcm must be decided b) ncgo1iations. mcnt strategy. ir you're m the middlc­ 1111k a, Sl.000, ,...h1lc others require a con­ West Bani,. and of E.as1 Jerusalem must be The Umtcd States "ill supporl free and incomc-and-up brackets and you seek both "derahly lar,cr ln\CSlmc:nl And there 1s 1hc decided b) nc,:011at1on. But he s.11d ontt a ummpedcd .tcccss to Jerusalem's holy liquidi ty and a hillh dcjlrec or sarcty. But ,.1me l1nd orv;.mat1on m the m1n1mums re- final sc1tkment "as reached. the Umted places b) people o f all faiths. Jerusalem I here a rc a mere handful of these funds now 4uired for subsequent ln\-CSlmcnt.s The: Stales should mo\C its cmbass) 10 Jeru­ should remam an open and undivided ci 1y. available; 1he almost su re growth lrtnd 1s fH0\J)C..""CIU~ .... 111.stale the fac1s salem Al the conclusion o f the peace-making pro­ 1us1 emerging; 1herc arc s,gmficant d,r­ (S) Other rcaturcs T J,-frcc monc) funds The platform ,...a.s 1.ssucd b) Anderson cess and as a final act of settlement. "c .... ill fcn.:nces bcl"cen the funds. offer other wJncd sc-rv1CC!'i "h1ch should be and his runnmJ mate. former \\ 1sconsm rccoi,!nite Jerusalem a.s the capital of Israel The only sound pohcy ,s to get all the full) mv-,;11ga1ed You should. for m!itantt. Gov Patnd. Luce). for their .. national and mmc the U.S. embass) there."' htcra1ure on all today's funds and then, to find OUI JboUI ,he l)pe and C\lent of toll-free um1y campa1Jn ·• The platform stressed In a scpante statement. Anderson c~­ µct ans"ers to at least these qucst1om, rhone -.er vice a,..;ulablc. d1vtdcnd policy and thJI ;in .. urJent ob,ccll\c·· of an Anderson presscd d1sma) 0\Cr the rcnc,...cd opprcs­ (I) Liquidity. 1-lowqu,ckly will your funds re1n\e,1menl pr1v1lcpes; check v.r111n,z Adm1n1strat1on v.1II be rcatt m lhc Middle smn or So\1c1 Jc"r} and s:11d such opprcs­ he available to you should you need lhcm for rm,..1lcp ...~. and c\Chanpe pn,..,lc,cs v.11h l:.J\I smn "mus1 not go unchallenged by the planned or unexpected personal business ,,1hc r fund,; .. ;\ IJstmll sct1lcmen1 musl cncompau United Sta10 I bcl1c,c thJt lhe United needs? What prehmmary a rrani;tcmcnts arc (f>) I. ,pen~ Whal do the fonds chJrgc 1hc prmoples affirmed 1n the Camp Oa...-1d St;itci, must m.ikc clear to the Sov1c1 Umon ~red? Arc automat1c plans available fo r for their services" While mos1 npttt 1t.c1r accords:· 1hc s1;.11cmen1 .u,d "Our Admm- thJt resumed grov.th or trade "ill be makinll transrcrs to your checkinll account? 101al charics and npcnscs to amount 10 1slrat1on .... ,11 supporl 1hc rcco,:01t1on of dependent upon practu.•es by the So, ict C,1n you order payments by check d1rcetly about one-half or I per ttnt of their a\eraic Palcs11n1an uJhl.s u embodied in the Camp jW\Crnmcnl ,... h,ch arc consistent " 1th rcc- 10 yourself or others? annual a.s.scls. you on )Our ov.n should D,1\ld JO.:Ords.but ,..,11 opf)OS(: the creation 011,m1.cd stJndards or hum,1n nghts, cspeci• (2) Purcha,;ing. What options arc carc:rull) compare !he lc,..c:ls of upcnsa and or ,1 PJ!cs11n1an stale be1 .... een Israel Jnd all) the treatment of So\ 1et Jc"s seek mg to available for rci;tistration or shares? How charics Jord,1n emlJ,?Tate quick ly and m what amounts can purchases Pl Yield\ The10\C.\lmen1 mcomeoq1cld .. The l.Jn,tcd St;,atcs ,... ,11 not r«oJ.!mlc or Anderwn underscored th1~ pomt b) stal­ be made and how quickly do your invest­ "111 \Jr) from fund 10 fond ,rnd rrom day to nqiot1;;11c v.11h the Palestine L1bcrat1on mJ that the US .. must not be s1len 1 no", ments start carnin11, intercsl? With some da). Compare the 1ncomeor )lcld. b-"Cd on Or,:aniut,on unless 1ha1 or1an1Lat1on .... h1lc innocent rcfusmks arc being tried for funds. your investment wi ll start earning m­ lht: md1v1dual fund·11nvt:lfmcnt policy and repudiates tcrronsm. C\pholi) rccoimtcs 'paras111sm' and wh1le fo rmer Prisoners or lerc'it the nc .. 1 day. o,..er a reasonable penod of lime. such as a l~rJel'\ r!J!hl to e\lSI and aC'CCpt.s Sccu­ Con~1encc arc sHII being harassed and (J) Capital s1ab1 l1ty. There arc two con­ 30-or-60 day period o r e"cn lonicr nl" ( ounc,I Rc~olu11on 2J2 and .HS refu~\I\Js·· ,1dcra11on'i here. hrsl, wh1k taA•excmpt (10 T J\Jhle v, 1a,-frcc income bcn ,r money funds generall y mve\l m short -term )<.m·re m 1he )2 per cenl rcderJI mcome lJ\ municipal bonds and notes wh ich become bracket, eamm1t S27.000 and film• a 10ml U.S. Moves to Suspend worth thetr full va lue when they mature. the relurn. a S per ttnt ta.ublc rc1urn is portfolios o r the va n ous funds vary on equ1\alenl lo 7 4 per 1:cnt ta,-free Al the4) maturities, with some ha vin11, a wcil{hted ('\:f ...· cnl hraclc:1. 5 rcr cent IS equ1\alent lo Defense Dialogue averaitc maturity or o ne year o r less. whi le K K per l.-C:n l Al lhc S4 per ttnl brJcket. 5 per ot hers stretch o ut to more than two )"tars. 1:cnl Al lhe S4 per o::nt hr Jekel. S per ttnl {JTA) - The Un11ed States months .... 1th 1he U.S team headed by As­ Also. absolulcly vu al arc the ra tmisor1hc e'!ual, 109 rcr txnl has ad,..,scd hr.ad that 11 "ould hkc to sus­ ~1s1an1 Sccrciar) or Ddcnsc Andrew Mar­ investments m lhe various fund portfohos Ir )ou·re .i h1Jh ta, brJckct IO\CSI0r pend 1t.c strategic dialogue 1ha1 1s camcd shJII and the Israel, group headed by Dep­ Bo1 h Moody',; and Standard and Poor's rate "11hout lhc 1,me. 1nform,111on or melmJt1on on be1,..ccn top Pentaion officials and the UI) Defense M1n1 stcr Mordccha1 Z1pori. 1hew taA-e:,x,ou, Country Horne 30' GENER AL DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOG Y low,ng room. lormol d,n•ng - gregation Agudas Achim, North Main St .• Maternal jl.randparcnts arc Mr. and Mrs. West Hartford, Conn'. room, lom•ly room w11h F red Dundcr o f Cranston. Paternal li,eplo<:e ond (Othedrol <••I• D:mcing will be to the music of Anthony's jl.randparc:nts arc Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 1ng1, eno,moui mo1ter 111 PLAW STREET, PROV10£NCE . ff .I. 02903 Trio and refreshments will be served. bedroom 1u!le plu1 3 od· Galkin o f Cranston. d,1,onol bed,oom1, I 82 ,xrft.. (401 1421-2776 Cocktails will also be available. Paternal Jl.rCat-11,randparcnts arc Mr. and Proceeds from the affair wi ll go to the S\.S,000. Mrs. Ira Galkin o f C ranston and Mrs. 884-1030 B'nai Zion Home for Retarded C hildren at Emanuel Breilkopf o f Hijl.hland Park, Ne" Kfar Hash"'·edi, Jerusalem. Jersey. 272-6200 Wiciier "Y_T,~M•,,,,.,...k

MOUNT SHALOM SINAI •l G MEMORIAL l AND GOOD HEALTH 0 C FOR THE NEW YEAR w CHAPEL I 331-3337 u• I DOROTHY ANN WIENER N• s Reusable Color Plastic Plates SANDY WI ENER • s• SA UL BRESLOW • 7 colors - 4 sizes CA ROL A. SIRAVO Colors: Yellow-green-blue-ivory H SELD A STR UMPF Red-b rown-orange For over 100 years, ou r director, Mitchell, 'l 0 his father, and grandfather have been I IRENE SOLMONSO N T Sizes: Lunch-dinner-snack-dessert T 12 to pock MIXIE FAMIGLIETTI helping Jewish fami lies of Rhode Island. •l L- Good from 5_!pt. 11 to Sept. 30, 1980 825 Hope at 4th St. -·s JUDITH CA RNEY s Personal Service With Integrity. '"""'" Party Warehouse Jj!t,'.)l,'..[PAl'l'TUO.(T Jewish New Year Hl ',()..lQI Calendars Now Available '\vteiier :,_ ... ,, .~ .. ,~ ~f N6 HOPI: ST., ll"tl:OVIO II NC■ - 272-1200 4-THERHODE ISLAND HERALD TH URSDAY SE PTEMBER 11 1 1980 Before B'nai B'rith Convention Reagan Addresses Issues WASHI NGTON (JTA) - Republican Copies of Rcagan·s prepared speech v,cre toward peace." Presidential candidate Ronald Reagan ha.s made available to the media about fi,.c Speaking of Jcrusalem·s ··ccntralit) to On the question of Palestinian refugees. decla red that Israel and Jordan arc the pri­ hours after President Carter announttd Jc-. ish life.'' Reagan said ··unlike the da}S Reagan read from the Declaration of the mary parties for sellling the futu re of the that Egypt and Israel ...,.ould resume their pnor to 1967. Jerusalem is one and -.1II con­ Establishment of the State of Israel of May ··unallocated territories" in what was Pales­ au1o nomy negotiations and that a summit tmue to be one cit). und1,.idcd -.11h free 14, 1948 appcahng to the "Arab inhabitants tine and suggested negotiations between meeting ...,.ould be held sometime later this access for all.·· He said the Carter Adm1n1)• or 1hc State of Israel to prcscPe peace and }tar. them to resolve the West Bank-Gaza St rip trat1on ,. as C) nical ··1n pledgmi to prcscn,e to part1c1pate ,.,. ith us in the upbuilding of Di scussing the ··unresolved question of problems. the sta!Us of Jcru.salcm in 115 part) platform 1hc State on the basis of full and equal ci ti­ He also stated, in a recent address to the terri torial rights resulting from the 1967 and 1ts undercuuang Israel. and Jerusalem zenship and due representation all its provi­ B'nai B'rith International convention, that war,"' Reagan sa1d. -.1thout u.smg the term can be sol,.cd by men of good -.,It as part of sional permanent mstllutrons.'' there should be no more wi thdrawa l of ··occupied'" area, that the question should a permanent se11lcment. The 1mmed1ate ··Trag1call).'' Reagan obsened. this ap­ Israeli troo ps or changes in it.s security posi­ "be decided m acc.ordancc with Sccunt) problem 1s to male 11 easier for men of peal -.as reJc:.cted . People left their land and tion " unt il Jordan and other neighbon: Council Resolutions 242 and 3J8 We 1o1,1II good -.1II 10 come to the pcacc table " their homes confident Israel ,.,. ould be make peace." He declared, too. that while 1olcrate no effort to supcrttdc those resolu­ Sa)inf!: ··President Carter refuses 10 da1ro)cd in a matter of da)·S and they President Carter refuses lo brand the Pales­ llons. We must -.c1gh the future ut1ht) of brand the PLO as .a terron.st org3n1ution. ·· could return. Israel -.as not dcstrO)td and tine Li beration Organiz.ation as a terrorist the Camp David accords against that pos1- Reagan declared " I ha,..c no hes11at1on m the refugee problem is ...,.Ith us 1oda):· One or~~nization, ·• 1 have no hesitation in doing 11 on." domg so. We 11,.c 1n a -.orld m -.h1ch an) solution to the refu@cc problem, he said. There: arc, Reagan declared, ··basic so band ofthug.s clc,·cr enough to get the -.ord "could be ass1m1 la1 1on in Jordan. designat• Departing from the Ca rler Administra­ amb1g u1t1cs 1n the documenu Camp David 'hbera11on' into 11s name can thereupon cd b) the UN as the Arab-Palestinian tion's pursuit of an Egyptian- Israeli auton­ produced, both m the hnks bet-.een the murder school children and ha,..e 1u dttd.s state ·· He also spoke of the ··long agony of omy agreement, Reagan appeared to side­ lsrach-Egypuan peace, and m the pro­ con1.1dered glamorous and gloriou.s. Terror• Jc-.s m the So\let Union" and pledged track Egypt from the settlement procedure vision, for an autonomous regime 1n the 1sts arc no1 guerrilla!!. or commandos, or "the) ,.,..u not be forgotten b) a Reagan for those areas and put its basis on United West Bank and Gaza Strip. These amb1gu• freedom-lighten or anything else The) arc Admin1s1rat1on .·· Na tions Security Council Resolutions 242 1t1 cs have now brought ncgollat1on1 to a terrorists and the:.) should be 1dent1fied as and 338. He sa id ··amb1guit1cs·· m the dangerous impasse 1uch If others -.15h to deal -.uh lhcm, Reagan -.arncd thal ··no pohcy. no mat­ Camp Da vid " documents" hae resulted m "Ncgot1at1ons be1-.een Israel and Jordan atabhsh d1plomat1c rcla11ons -.1th them, let ter ho-. heartfelt:· can succeed if the U.S. the prese nt Egyptian- Israeli dangerous cou ld result 1n long and crcal1\-t 11cps 11 be on 1hc:.ir heads And let them be ...,.,lhng ··continues 11s descent mto economic impo­ impasse on West Bank-Gaza Strip autono­ loward resolving these problems." Reagan to pa) the price of appeasement ·· tencc and despair" and that neither Israel's my. added "Israel and Jordan arc the t-.o "The PLO 15 u1d to rcprcscn1 the Palcs- surv1\al nor the ab1ht) to help ··dissidents Reagan·s strongly pro-Israel 3000-word Palcst1m an slates c:nv1s1oned and author­ 1in1an rtfu,l!c:.cs:· Rta,l!an continued " It against t) rann) can become rea li stic policy address before an over0ow audience o f ucd by !he United N111on.1 Jordan 11 now reprCK.nU no one but lhc leaders -.ho choices 1f our American economy continues some 1500 guests, was punctuated at least recognized as .50,ere1gn m iQme 80 per cent cs1abhshcd 11 u a mcan1 of organwng ag­ to dclcnorate under Carter policies of high 30 times by applause, in addition lo three or the old lcmlory of Palc.itmc luael and grcu10n agamsl Israel" and "h.as murdered uncmplo)mcnt, Uues and in0atio n.'" standing ovations whictf included an Jordan arc lhc part1c.i primarily authoru:cd more Palcs1m1ans lhiln 11 has l.srachs ·· "enco re" suggested by B'nai B'rith presi­ to Kttle the future of the unallocated tc:rri­ No1m,: tha1 the U S made an agreement While spcalmg of •·a moral 1mpcra1i\•t" de nt J ack Spitur. Reagan charged toncs m accordance w11h the princ1ple1 of ,..1th lirael 1n 1975 concernmp. rcla11ons tn 1hc lsrach-Amencan "bond.'" Reagon President Carter wiih •·undercutting"' Israel the mandate and the provmom, of Resolu­ -.11h lhe PLO. Reagan u1d "1hu Admm1s­ added " The touchs1onc of o ur relati onship by his Mideast policies, including U.S. ab­ tions 242 and J38 trat1on hu nolalcd that agrccmenl ·· -.uh lsrJel 1.s that a secure, lilrong lsrnel is &tentions in the United Nations Security "Thus, the autonom)' plan called for m "We:. .arc concerned not onl) -.1th m AmencJ·\ \Clf-mtercst. Israel 1s a major Council and the sa le of military hardware !he Camp David agree.menu must be mtc:r­ ,..helhcr lhc PLO renounces 11.s chanc:.r s1ra1eg1c 11.ssc1 to Amcnca. ls;ael is not a to Jordan. Saudi Arabia and Iraq , and with prc1cd 1n accordance with the 1-.0 Security calling for the datruct1on of Israel. we are cl1c:.n1. but a ,er) rchablc friend "h1ch is not having opened the way for Soviet m0uencc Council resolut1on1, -.h1ch rcmam the: dea­ equally conccrncd "'•th -.hcthcr 11 1s lruly somethmg th:11 can al-. ays be sa id of the in the midcast. s1vc: and authontatl'e rules go,ernmg the rcprcscnlat1\e of !he Palcs11man people,"' U.S under 1he Ca rter Administration:· The heaviest applause for Reagan came s1 1uat1on The amp David agrcc.ments Rcai.an ia1d after his remarks about Ca rte r's attitude cannot and should not lead to fundamental towa rd the sta tus of Jerusalem and his changes m the KCunty pos,11on. or to the:. slas hing condemnation of the PLO. Albert -.11hdra...,.als or lsrac:.h troops. until Jordan Spiegel. a Loi, Angeles auorney, who heads and ot her nci@hbou make peace·· "Letter From Israel" the coalition for Reagan and hi s Vice Presi­ Reaga n. 1n this conncct1on. recalled lhat tOITOM: dential running mate George Bush, intro­ "an autonomous Palcstmrnn Arab rea1me duced Reagan as being "pro-Israel si nce for the West Bank and the Gau Strip -.as I -.ould hlc to tell )OU ho-. much your happened once, to you, you mi J,? ht win~. nc-.lipapc:r 1s .appreciated by those or us -.ho lsrne l" s creation in 1948." an lsrach proposal - a mlJ0r conccs.s,on \-.car :a bit or shruJl 11 off wi th anJ,?cr. Let me nn Israel 's part m the intcrt.$1 of progrcu arc here It 1s II ver) pos111,·c conneclion fo r tell you that we have been getting these ho-. else an -.c ,11.c:.1 the Jltncral nc-.s from shocks rather oflen. and we arc J,?ettin,K hJcl home numb. This 1s our way of hfe today and it is Following Carter Meeting Al1hou11:h I do not hJ\C much use for )Ou r rouJ,?h, I must admit. My elect ric bill of last financial columns anymore I do cn1oy SelrJl )car, for 1-.0 months, was on the ave rage Grcc.nber,i;·s shtell stones and those very m• about JOO hrot. Now it runs more th an 2,000 formatl'C 11rt1clc:.s 1ha1 Or. Jav t- "hhc,n hrot. Jews Voice Satisfaction -.nics I am sure 1hat he JlOCS to Jlrtat This 1s 1ust one example of how it is. Israel len,11.ths. 1n research. to produce them . is blccdinJ,!: but we realize that the economy I lino I arn ao1e 10 keep up wit h temple ac- must be saved . This is a wa r. too - a ve ry With Israel Policy 11\'IIIC!i JS -.di as or,i;an1la t1ons and I find 11 important one. I hope. when you will buy an plcasinJ 10 sec some of my old rncnds still Israel bond or donate to the U.JA . yo u will WASHINGTON (JTA) - In a recent ccononm;: and m1l1tary :11d to Israel and "domJl- th1nJl.S for the community as ,.,.ell as apprc:.ctatc how much easier your lives are meeting of politica ll y act ive Jewish citizens support or UN Council Resolution 242 for lsr:tel . and you r way of livin;c. with Presi dent Carter at the White House, Howard Samuels, former New York off­ My c1J,?ht yea rs here h:ave nown by, as time 20 from the New York City area met with track betting commissioner, said eJ.pli c1 tl y does for all. I have lived through a lot and him in anot her hour-long session and that Israel should apolol{izc to Carter for even touched what is now history. I even ap­ afterward several expressed complete soti s­ criticizing him . "The political sense -.as to Editor's preciate my litt le apartment that I moved fa ction with Cu rler's policy toward Israel. veto the resolution but the President took a into ...,.hen there was only sand around the incl uding the U.S. abstention on the Jeru ­ ve ry courageous position which is in the lonl{• bui ld mJ,?. no street lip;hts and not a back salem resolution in the United Nations term interest of Israel by abstaininJl." Mailbox street ei ther. It's a far cry from my home on Security Council . · Samuels said. " Israel o-.es him an apolOJlY ElmJ,?rove Avenue. And I wonder, ir the for the positio n they ha ve taken in Oncc in a while I receive a letter from America n hasn't got it too easy. Stanley LoWcll , former head of the attacking him because they have bocn Yes, I miss a lot that was home before, National Conference o n Soviet Jewry, insensitive to the role of the President in the someone in Rhode Island and although I haven't met these people ... I hope to, in fam il y and friends, and yet so meone has to speaking apparently on behalf of the Jewish long-term interest of Israel.'" wa tch the store. Not too many have this group, said its members would return to Samuels said a U.S. veto ·•would ha ve the future. Those who are not up to what it is like here ask me to tell them and of course I dcdic;i tion . It is so easy to be a patriot. from New York to o rganize ··a strong ca mpaign·· given (Egyptian President Anwar) Sadat an afa r. · for the Carter-Mondale ticket. The Presi­ opportunity to move out of the nego­ could wri te a book.Let me say thi s, I haven't hea rd one anti-semitic remark during my C HARLES GARBER P .0 . 8 . 298 dent "has not recei ved credit"' for his efforts tiations" with Israel. He said '" America A s hkcl on. I s ra e l for "Israel and America in particular" and cannot be independent .. on th e issues eight years in Isra el and fo r that reason alone the campaign for the Carter-Mondale ticket because of the energy situation. rm happy to be here. I have made some will attract "hundreds of thousa nds of Rabbi Usher Kirshblum or Kew Garden good friends, even among my neighbors. 1.0 . , (}//:: Re(ll/t•n cir,• i11ri1e,I /11 .lt'llll i11 voters" for the Carter-Mondale ticket, Hills. N. Y.• said he has backed Carter since and I compare this to Providence, where 1/11·11· , 01111111·1111 lo L1•11,•r.1 To .,1,e Ediltlr. Lowell said. 1976. ••1 have not been di sappointed in any neighbor co n1 act meant •·good morning." //1,· R.I. llaald. 1,11,1 JVi•h,11a Street. Pm,·• Lowell said he was "not free to tllplain" way," he oddcd. "He was not being politi­ Herc one visits and shares. 11,.J., •1. ll.l . 1/l.Vf,/_ the President's purpose in directing the U.S. cal," Kirshblum said of the President in I must tell you a story that happened to abstention at the Council but he left the discussing his abstention position. "For the me. Some years ago we had the "Coastal impression that it was related to the posi­ U.S. to have vetoed the resolution would Massacre" and when a rubber raft was tion or ••various Arab countries and Egypt" have done a lot of harm and allowed Sadat found on the beach in Ashkelon all Civil ···· ··. :LtJ_:11 • and "'how important it was to abstain to beg out of Camp David.'' Guard men were called to active duty, as the fear was that some of the terrorists had lan­ rather than veto." Lowell said that "over Kalman Sultanik. a member of the pre­ (U■P■ 464-790) ded here. All civilians were ordered into the .....,...._,.._.,TM the long range, what is best for Israel and sidium of the Confederation of General ...... c....., the United States was abstention." Zionists, disagreed with other Jews at the block bomb shelters. where they lived . Being in the Guard, I was posted on the street Pressed on the JCrusalem issue, Lowell meeting. He sa id ··President Carter was LYNDA KENNEDY-DIAS Editor said, "You do not take the most dirticult very convincing" but "I am not satisfied where I li ve. So there I was, all alone, with my rinc for issue and put that up to the top and kick the regarding Jerusalem. It is not a political ■ AILIMQ ADDlll!U. .._ IOA, ~ IU. 02140 company. When my male neip;hbors realized T...,._(401)nMl'JIIO other side in the face." He said that the question. I do not ai,?rec with Lowell about l'UJff, ...... , ...... -..,.... 11211, Knesset adopted the Jerusalem law "for the Knesset. The Knesset can do what it my situation they came out or the shelter. OFFICE: 111 T__, A-.._...... _, IU. fmH reasons incomprehensible." wants. It is in a sovcreii,?n state." raced to our local Civil Guard station and Asked specifically if he backed a unified Sultanik added "I am not content·· with drew rifles. returned and joined me on the street. ~~:~-=#::'£!:!~~ Jerusalem as Israel's capital, Lowell replied Secretary of State Edmund Muskie's recent ::1~,m:::.~U:. ~~:':U_,m:,~~ ··Jerusalem must be united under Israeli statement to the Security Council. ··What I won't ever forge t this incident. This is a ...... sovereignty." He said "we made that clear counts is, he did not veto the Jerusalem res­ different world we li ve in here. Our li ves de­ Th• H• r&ICI •HuriiH no l!n1ncl1I r11ponslblllty lo, to President Carter" and "he was very olution and this is what counts. As friends pend on each other. ~.;IJ'!~=~n~~~~~~ How would yo u lik e to wake up in the cu,. . ~_,,,wllp11■-noll!ythem~1m. understanding." but that "'what happens to of the President, it will be ve ry hard to mee1111191y ol.,,,, error which m■ y occur. Jerusalem should be between the parties." explain the position taken by the United morning and find utility costs up40 per cent, He said the President pledged continued States" at the Council meeting. gusoline 30 per cent. food 25 to 30 per cent THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 , 1980 . and so on and so ··unfortunately on."- If it For Jews In Need New Year Services Organized Throughout U.S., World NEW YORK (JTA)-For the rirst 11mc Jc~ ,sh patients in VA hosp11als arc bedrid­ since the Islamic revolutio n m Iran. tho u• den, the cassc11 cs Jrc often pla)cd 0\er VA sands o r Iranian Jews in the United States as hospital nc1v.o rks Scrv1ccmcn ~ ho cannot ~Uher rdugecs or st udents arC' among Jew s get home for the Hol) Da)S arc offered m America fo r whom planning or special home hosp,taht) b) local Jc~1sh fam1h cs, events has been part or the annual efforts by JW8 s.a1d Jewish communal agencies 10 arrange op­ Sam Rothberg. Israe l Bond Organ,zauon por1u~1 tics ro r High Holy Day observa nce. president. sa,d 100,000 Guardians of As m pasi yea rs, many agencies, mcludmg Jerusalem (Shomrc1 Yerushala)lm), a the National Jewish Welfare Board (JWB); dcsign;:11on fo r 1hosc bu)mg a m1n,mum ,n 1h e cw York Assoc1at1o n fo r New Bonds ofSIOOO. arc being sought durmg the Americans; the National Federatio n of High Holy Da)S In response to mounung Temple Brotherhoods. .ind l- cdcra 11 ons and mlerna11onJI pressure on Israel. part,cularl) their afliliated service agencies throughout on Jerusalem. 1he Bond orian1z.a1 ,on h;u Nor1h America, have worked mtens1\cly for dedtca1ed this )eJr's lhgh llol) Day appeal weeks lo provide opportumt,cs for some 10 Lecpmg Jcru~Jcm ··united fo rc\Cr .. b) • BEAI.ITFUI. BERMUO• l#flt',il hV~------'392-'681 form of part1c1p:111 on fo r Jews un able to at• s1rengt henmg Israel's econom) 1 da,,_ J e ....,...u ~~tr. _.'-•. 1.iec-.M 111 deH & ...... ho, .... tend ,;erviccs because of illness or 1nl'irm111es 11,gh Holy Da) scrHttS fo r colle@e !11U· MAHY MEALS. n.-n 1w,.t.de . -po,, I hol .. 1ranspon•11on. dt-1 f o, a.-1 c:ruoa. • ,.., dub .,.__ pool Meeh. ,...nn•. 1...... 1 coun ■• Rabbi Judah Nad1ch. chairman of the dents. ra1dent doctors. medical •nd nurs,ng 9uu.-,.-. i...11 M a. .._.. W ....ty 6-n.... ALSO 7 DAY / 8 NtGHT Commission on Jewis h Chaplaincy, repor­ \ludenls and Je-s m lhe armed fo rce\ arc Bl.fllMUOA BAJIIGAIN FOfl S31M - ted th at Jewish m1 l1tJry pcuionncl and their Jg,un being sponsored in lhe ,e~ Yorl JTt.l VETERAN 'S DAY SPEClAL ,... ., .,.,,_...... ,,,.._ _, families ,n such d1s1anl places as West Ger• by the \ictropoht Jn Conrcrcna of the many. Gn.-cce. Turkey. Ital) and the l·ar NJt1onal I cdcrJllon of Temple • PATRIOTS FOOTBALL 1111 Ml.AM ------•~'434 l:a~t. as well as those on duty in the Umled I.Jr o1hcrhoods. mJde up or JO Refo rm 0- &-I 15 • .,.. , , .....,. , - flound u• - ,...-• • ~ -t.on, holM•. • •• ~ , ... d ··•I ., o, ... g. ao-1 l o, P•Hlo•• / Oolphlr,• g•m•. Slates. will observe the High Holy Days hr o1 herhoods in \I Jnhallan. BrooLl )n and 19i,-pon / ho1 .. / 91 ...... , .. through arrangements by Jewish chaplains u )c.lr ~tion· -· Queens Th,j the 13th or j Uch and the JWB commission arraniicmenl\ Scr\-1ttS ~ 111 be held ,n • SP£CIAL AAA CARIIIIEAN CRUISES------SAVE$$ Because thrcre arc onl y 55 full -time BrooldJle Cen1cr at ,..,,c_ Yorl Lm\eO!I) Jewish m1l 11ary and Vc1erans Admm1stra• and tickeh Jrc not nccas.at) 1,on chaplains, Nad1ch said , the JWB com­ This )tar'i R~ h Ha~hanah card from nuss,on wi ll help 10 mob1hzc civ1han and UN IC.L I-' 1s m 1he r"'rm ofa gold menorah. rese rve rabbis to conduct Rosh Hashanah rcprodua:d h orn J 141h Cent UT) Sephardic and Yorn K1ppur services al every base manuscnpl by courtay of 1he Na11onal where Jews serve. L,brJr) or Portugal 1n Lisbon -here the ,1 - Robert Ad ler. JWB president. said both lummalcd book ,s prcscr\·ed . UNICl::.f of­ the JWB commiss1on and thcJWB Women's l'ic1als sa1d TllAVEl£AS CHEOn of the luaeh U . for use on the High Holy Days, Succoth, IC l:I· Comm11tcc, met ~,1h UNICEI· of­ Shemini At ze reth and Simchat Torah. l'i c,als fo r a d1.\Cuu1on or the a,cncy's chi ld Adler said se rvices wi ll range fr om large care program.s around the - orld and the assemblies in base chapels 10 small gather­ common inlcrcsts of the American and ings al isolated sites or on ships at sea, m the lsraeh comm1 11 ce:s. (Sa:: Sepe 4 1uue o f The early snows o f Fairbanks, Alaska, and 1n the Herald) tropica l heat of the ·Philippines' Sub,c Bay. In 1heir cw Year grcc1,ng.s, Jc~1sh The l'irst service will be held at Guam.Just leaders e.\ prcsscd lheu hopes and dccpcncd across the internatio nal dateline. and, concerns 0\'er the erosion of suppor1 for starting from there. wi ll fo llow the su n. The Israel and ,ts severe economic problems --- Cloook.-..17-799-- 99 ....,. I ____$617-$819 JWB chaplaincy commission worked wi th Some cited the pres.sing problems racing the ------$999 the placement se rvices o f the (Reform} Cen­ American Je~1sh co mmunity, ~,1h the: tral Conference of American Rabbis, the growth or such nega t1 -.e factors as ,ncrca.s1ng -. •------t132H1350 CAllallEM II.A IAVOI Clll.llll (S.W-. to 11732 per couplal (Conserva ti ve) Rabbinical Assembly and divorce. decreasing b1r1hr.11 n . mixed the (Orthodox) Rabbinical Council of ma rnap:cs and lhc steady increase. ,n lhc ~-CfflZENIDIICOUlfT ~ ~-CfflZBDIICOUlfT America. number of Jcw,sh singles, for ~horn S) O· - ~ALFAll:f: IMQUII Traditional Scl ic hot prayers and High agogucs and Jcw,.s h communal agencies IN. y_*219 -98; """'- *215; _, t279-98 Roonl Trip) Holy Day liturgies arc ava ilable on three agrun made special H1gh Hot) Day arrange­ -SEMOII cmzENS TOUR DISCOONT IN EUROPE commission-made tupc cassettes. Where ment s. 0.:-WHK IAKAMAS I IUI-..OA Clll•H - SI ROTTtRDAM' IAVI: .._. TO tMl.)O AW: 1US - 3rd I 4dl POISON FRU 11111 CAIIIII. Olim Agree To Postpone BAilUUNGfON .JOO Co.,nry Rot 1 0!>1 CJIAiNSTON 1Ul!> Re a e,....ou A,.q e 944 7]00 J •LL RIVER 10 N ""'''" S• • b7'J 8]Jl N(WPORT 11 Loow Wh ■ r'I MtU • 847 6]84 Upcoming Protest PROVIDlNCI 41 Wewbo n •• So • JT1 &l~l WAM.lllllO &l To-•• M,11 Ro, JOmtl) by the Tarbuth Foundation. the and statue11c.s. fi ll ing ent ire frescoes, can •ed Hebrew Arts School and Yeshiva Uni\t"r­ in 1\0r) and moulded 1n pottery. Slt) Mu.scum. "1II open Oct. 14 al 1he Dr Emil Lehman, Ta rbu1 h Foundation Succot Luncheon Abraham Goodman House m Manhattan. c.\CCUII\C \ICC president. said this " rich and Dr Abraham Goodman, Tarbuth Foun­ vaned collection" "a.s enha nced by such Slated At Temple dauon president. s.a1d lhc c\htbll, formshcd d1,crsc instruments as raulc.s, sistra. cym­ Beth Am-Beth David b) lht" Music Mu.scum of the Cit) of H:11fa. bals. be.Us. flu tes, conchc.s and .s hofars. The 1s made up of archacolog1cal finds and re­ rccon)truct1ons "ere made on th e. basis of Temple Beth Am-Beth David wi ll hold its conslruct,ons of musical ms1rumen1.S. He 1conogrJph,c-archacological data. supple­ 8th Annual Succot Luncheon o n Thursday, s.a,d the c\h1b11 "111 rt'mam 1n the Goodman mented b) c, 1dem."C from a ncient \\Tili ngs September 25 immediatel y following Family House until tht" end of Dc:ccmbcr and \\ 111 and b) up-to-date research. Services. then be mo,cd 10 tht' Ycsh1,a Um,c.rs1t) Goodman said that. \\1 th the goal of prc.­ Reserva tio ns arc required and mus1 t,(: s.cn11ng to tht" pubhc as vivid a nd comprc­ made by Sept. 17. Cost is S5 fo r adults and hc.nsnc a representa tion as possible. SI .25 for children. He. said archaeolog1al e\ldcna 1s the pho10.s. pam11ngs and rchc.fs hu vc ~ n Fo r reSt: rvalions call the Temple o ffi c.c al corncrsconc of the c\h1b1t He added that added to the collcc11on . Together with 463-7944 . the ~I prescr\cd archaeolog1cl find.s re­ archaeological finds and reconstructed m­ lated to mu.sic unco,c.rcd in hrad and s1rumcnts, the) re fl ect m a concrete way the Katharine Coken a1,a1lablc. 1n mu.scums and private collcc­ mu.sic-al culture of anc,cnt Israel, purlicu­ t1on.s, had been brought 1ogcther for the c, ­ lurl) 1he nchncss and manifold ,aricty of Honored By Sisters h1b1t v.h1ch he also sa,d had been cnnched that culture, he .satd b) the a.snuanoc of mu.scums ,n ,anou Goodman commenlcd tha t "it is a The Whal Cheer Temple No. 14 Pythia n parti of the. \\Orld un ique cult ural c\·cnt that the thrtt spo n­ Sisters o r Rhode Isla nd ho no red o ne of its Goodman, "ho 1s trc..uurcr of the Je\\ 1.sh sors of this e,h1 b1 t arc bringmg to New o riginal members, Mrs. Ka th arine Coken. Tclcgnph,c AxcnC), wud the archaeolog­ York's Jc\\1sh and general community." I-l e with a receptio n at 1he ho me of Ethel Mrs . ical evidence "a.s 1ttr} d1 \ en1fied, cn­ said the e,h1b1t '·has been shown wi th cx tra­ T ro berma n. o f Warwick. o n Tuesday, compa.umg a v.1dc range of man1fcstat,ons ordinar) success in , a n ous parts of the August 23. In !i" U ring In ttnmonies hd4 rttm lly in of matcn:al cul1urt' :and md1c::aung "rcm:arl­ \\Orld, adding tha1 the Ta rbu th Foundatio n Mrs. Coken has been active in the What rro,i4mcr O ry H ■ U , M ■ }O T Vil'K'flll A. ablc." an1st1c crcat1v1t) F-1gurcs of male. and had talcn the m1 11 all\c fo r prC.St'n ting it in Cheer Temple Pythi an Sisters fo r over 50 ( i snd, righr 1ppointed Alan [. KOO™t"i n H female. mu.s1c1am and .singu1. dana: groups the United States years. It was her grandmo ther, Mrs. Rachel A ss isr ■ n t (il y Solicitor ■ nd Lq1I Council Mi st o hk y, a nd m o the r , Mrs. M ary for 1h r Pro,i4r ncr Fi rr Ot' p1rlmrn1. Mushnick who, alo ng with fo ur a unts, star­ ted Chapter 14. Kotn!i lrin. "ho is • rHi4m t or Pro•tdmt"I', i~ 1 2ndu11r of l'ro•idr-ntt Coll t'lt' u cl tht' Hebrew Day Schools Open Doors The committee fo r the receptio n included Mrs. 1.:.thcl Trobc•ma n, chairpe rson. M n John M ■ r41 ■ 11 L■" School. C'hica i;:o, Il l. fir Celia Hochnc r, Ruth Stone a nd l:1hc1 i., • mt"mbt° r or both cht" lll inob ■ ncl Rhodt" For New School Year Kapla n. l !i l ■ nd fb r A :. !ollei ■ r lon s. Sc,cn nt"- l lcbrc\\ Dii} Schools 1nclud1ng mum11cs. cJllcd attcnt1on to lhc fact th at all 1.. 0 .11 the high \C'hool le,cl --.h1ch ha,c been or the nc\\ ~hool.s \\ere c.swbhshcd o utside c-.lJbh\hcd rcan1h 1n ,anou, parts o r the or Ne" 'I ork Jnd 1ha1 the 473 schools Un11 cd S1a10 "'II open this month in lime hx:,1tcd m J6 stJ tcs and about 179 com­ fo, 1hc nc .. ,chool }t.lr. ,1 .. all Jnnounad b} mumt1c, compn.sc 322 elemcntar) schools Tor..ih l :mcsorah. Jt1on.1I Sooct} for Jnd 152 h1~h schools "Th,~. mdccd, 1s an I lcbrt\\ Oa} Schooli Jch1t\-Cmcnt cons1dcnng the fac t that the According to a report l\5Ucd at the start or national Hebrew O.1y School movement lhc nc"' ~hool )CU b) Mr SJmud C. began onl) 35 ycan ago w11h To mb I c.ucr\lcm. President of Tonh Umcsorah, Umcsorah's cs1abl1s hment 1n 1944. There the w:,cn nt\\ Khoo!, bnng the IOta l number "ere lhcn o nl y aboul 30 schools in thret" GRAND OPENING SPECIAL of I lchrcw DJ) Schooh m the Una led St:atcs ~ta lcs .. the report states. to 473 \\ 11h an add1 t1onal 56 m Can:ada It 1s According 10 R:abb1 Be rna rd Goldenberg. c, pcc1cd that lhc. enrollment 1h11 )car m Chairman of the Torah Umc.sora h Ex• North Amcnca \\Ill reach a 101:11 of about cculive Staff and D irecto r o f School Shaver - Overhaul 94,(Q) studcnb of \j,htch about 11 ,000 a rc O rgan1Lat1on, the new elementary Hebrew Canadian Hebrew D a} School Jludents, Day School\ were cs1ablished in the fo llo w• REMINGTON, NORELCO, SCHICK The l-l cbrc\\ Da) School report. which mg communiltca: Albany, New Yo rk; Albu• detailed Torah Umc.sora h 'Ji involvement m quc rq uc, New M eii:ico; Annapolis, RONSON, SUNBEAM, ELTON, & the va n ous Hcbrc" Day Sc hool com- Ma ryland: Sharon, Mass.: and Ri chmond, 13nt1.sh Columbia, Canuda. The two new BRAUN high schools arc localed in Da llas. Teii:as and Blind Jews Mi lwaukee. Wisconsi n. A major pro blem confro nting the Hebrew Day Schools is t he ever increasing financial crunch. Although most schools have raised Form Active tu1t 1o n ft"cs by a bo ut ten per cent , th is by far Charlie Cahn, farme, ly docs not meet the inflatio nary spiral. al PraYiden(e Electric Ca .• In addition, Rabbi G oldenberg al so announces the openin!iJ of a N.Y. Club reported tha t there is an increasing number new SASCOA Sha,,.,, and FAR ROCKAWA Y, N.Y. (JTA) of si ngle pa rents, a ll worki ng mothers, Applian(e Service Cenler Th1rt ttn blmd \\ Omen and five blind men. a l 881 Wo!erman AYenue whose children attend Hebrew Day Schools most of them elderly Jt \\ S, have celebrated in Ea11 P,o,,idence, R,I, as we ll as child ren from Russian immigrant the eighth anniversary of their "visua ll y fam ili1..-s a nd some Iranian students- a ll of ha ndicapped·· club of 1he Gusta ve Harl• who m a rc recipients of fu ll or partia l man YM-YW HA in the Far Rockaway sec• SASCOA will affer 1.ervice and repair on all brand, schola rships. al eleclrkal ShaYe isolated fro m the Women Voter~ wi!! disc 11 ~~ Non•P!misan 10% DISCOUNT ON All SHAVING HE ADS commu nity mainstream. She sa id dub G11idelines in a Poli1icol Year. The panelists members have ··contributed grealty, ·· serv­ will incl ude Elizabeth I-l ead, president of the ing as o ffi cers of the senio r ce nter and on its R.I. League of Women Voters; Kay Kaplan, SASCOA program and advisory committees. She said public relations chairperso n for the R.I. 881 WATERMAN AVENUE the b li nd members a lso have helped to raise League; and Carolin Gold ma n. voter service EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I. 02914 "considerable funds .. fo r the Y thro ugh the co-chairpe rson fo r t he Warwick- East annual sale of arts and craft s o bjects " they Greenwich League. 434-3777 produce in leather. ceramics. knitting, sew­ Topics for discussi0 n will include ERA, HOURS ing and crocheting." the Electoral College, and the voting process Monday thru Friday- 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM The club meets twice a week at the Y but in Rhode Island. Saturday - 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM members may take part in any Y activit y Sisterhood members are cncouraged to at• thro ug hout each week. tend and men arc al so welcome. T H E RHODE ISLAND HERALD T H U RS DAY SEPTEMBER 11 1980 7 Successful Taking Stock 8}' o,o r ■ W ■ ) sm a n rcJlizc that )OU love him. bery )'Ca r. before Rosh Hashanah, Jcu.s Israel Cu es Investing 1rad11 1onall) prac1icc a kind or spiritual Wi1h that realization, comes another. stod.1ak1np: These arc the days when u.c You knou. that if you arc ever sick o r in ______by David R. Sargent look ,nward - assc:ssin.11- v.hat happened 10 need, )OU arc amonJl )'our own people. who last )car's dreams. askm.it pardon for 1hc care about )Ou. There is nowhere else in the New Bu y For more than Ion~ 1crm rates. and this 1s 1,ery u. ronjls u.c comm1t1cd and hop1 n.11 by rcpcn• u.orld where people 1akc so much rcspon- Investment Club apparent m the six-month cer11fica1cs. 1ance. chant) and pra)crs, to be v.rntcn s1b1ht) for each other - who care so much. 11110 1hc Book or Life for the com1n_1t )Car. bt:comc m\oh·cd so much. Q- We are new members in • rela1i,ely To secure a higher yield I would switch to a no-load income fond. namel) Rou.c Pncc I doubt 1f )OU u.ould find many people in Nor is there any other country in the successful imestment club. The club now holds Israel u.ho v.ould say 1ha1 5740 v.as a JZOOd u. o rld u.hcrc the )Outh arc so ma.11-nificent. eight stocks (Stt encloSfi! list ) and as ne-w New Income Fund. Managcmcnt'sobJcct1\.C ts to !iCCurc lhc h1,hcst income 01,cr the Ion~ }CJr The fac1s speak for 1hcmsclvcs - At an a.11-c u.hcrc )'OUlh elsewhere may be members we nttd lo suggtst one to fit - ·ich this rampant mna11on. d1.scnchan1mcnt v.ith sou.1n.11 their u. ild oats and arc thei r parent's portfolio. What would you suggtstr J .A. term consistent wi1h preservation o f cap11al The bulk of holdm,:s a rc h1,:h quahl) and J!0\crnmcnt poliC). hnlc process, s11nmJl dcspa1r. our bo)'s and JZirls arc pullinJl on California burcaucrnC). West Bank \1olcncc. mtcr• uniforms. and Quietl) dcvotinJZ the fun A- Your club holds some uccllcnt. fa st as.se ts arc sw11c hcd bc1u.ccn short term. in• 1ermcd1atc 1erm, and Ion,: term holdings as na11onal 1sola11on, 1ncrca.sc:d ")'cnda.' These: )Cars or their li\cs 10 scrvin.it lhcir country. moving growth issues, in the fields of oil St:r• Jrc the hab1h11cs. and lhcy arc no1 fiJmcnu The) arc 1101 paid for ii, 1hcrc is no fanfa re vice, electronics. communica11ons, hand chan,:1n,: condn1ons 1nd1ca1c. Mana,:cmcn1 recently mo1,cd hcav1l) from short term or 1hc 1ma~1nat1on - the) arc: real and hove o r c,traordmar) praise. They do ii as a tools and stock brokerage. One ,ndust ry that led 10 a fall in the JlCncral mornlc dul). consc1cntiousl), modestly. They arc is not represented, yet has above-average .sccun 11 cs 11110 bonds -1hus, the yield based on latest 1u.clvc months. d!itnbu11ons A.swts Israel's nchcs that no inna1ion can ever growth potential, is hospital management. But u.hat 1s there to put 1n the asscu dc\.iluc. the) arc our hopes and our foturc. In this group l like Humana (NYSE). ( 12.51\) 1s no1 a rcJhs11c cst1ma1c For com• plclc 1n fo rm a1 1on )Ou can u. rite 10 the fond column' There mus1 surel) be som~thinx 10 lqael 1s a umQuc ethnic mosaic. II has whic h is vying with l-l osp1 tal Corporation of bJlancc 1hc account Othcru.1sc u.h, arc tJ._cn 10 Jcu.s or C\cry bockJlround. America fo r industry leadership. Humana at 100 l:.ast Pratt S1rttt. Bah1morc. MD 21202 there ·ohm' (imm1j!.rant.s) u.ho sU) on ,car IJn_1t.uaJ1:c and social lc\cl: 11 has provided a has 9 1 hospitals in the U.S. a nd one m Lon­ Jhcr )car. neu. ones mol1\a1ed 10 come. home for the homeless; a rcfU.itc for 1hc pcr- don, for a total of about 16,500 beds. Capital Cranston Chapter lsrJchs u.ho .110 on lf\lnJl to find solutions ,;.ccu 1cd ii doesn't osk an 1mm1j!.ran1 : outlays have been running al v.cll over S 100 for \CCmlnJlh mM>lublc problems. both on '" \\ hat Jrc )OU br10Jl to us - v.hat ski ll s, million a year, a.s the company ha.s phased Of Hadassah 1hc pcrsonJI and on the national planes v.h.11 cap1tJ1'" Those u.ho brtn.it little o r oul marginal un11S, butlt replacement I canno1 den, that 1huc u.cre times dur• no1h1nj!_ arc no lcs.s u.clcomc. Yous«. Israel hospitals, expanded and updated older To Meet '"' 1hc l.rn ,cu u.hcn I. alw u.a.s 1cmp1ed to as J u.holc cares foc1ht1e s. dntwr Bui c,cn ,U I ~1d the 11>ords, I \\ ith and \\ i1 hou1 Rising occupancy rates and growth man• The firn mtttm.11 oft he Cranston Cha pier ._nc:11> I u..un·1 rool10J an)one. Jca.s1 of all HK' 8/cmishe:s cil1ary services have brought leveraged carn­ of IIJdJssJh will be held on "-lond.t). Sept m\sclf Ba:..&usc 1he f)O"ltl\C th1np I ha\C \nd 11 1s J beautiful countr). no mancr mg, gains. l·or the }Car cndmg this month 22 at 7 .'W fl m JI Temple Sm.11 found 111 l\rJcl I kno11> c.anno1 be duphco11cd u. here )OU trJ\el lla1fa seen JI night from The pro_1tr.1m. cntrtlcd If net , ho uld be about S2.90 J share. up from hoir 6oirrnmr"t .amu.hcrc cl« 1n the u.orld \\1 Carmel 1s diamonds '-CJttcrcd on blocl,; Sl .94 in fiscal 1979 Th1, v.ould give 11 11 , 0111.,01' v.1II rcalurc ( laudme J 1r,t. I h.i,c found ,1 fam1h - the u.holc \cl\cl The GJlllcc•lcrraccd rou.s or p:rc\- Hurnan,1 a five )Ca r JnnuJ1 average grov.lh ~chnc1dcr. cand1dJIC for the R I Hou§C or hou\C of hrael Hou. u.ondcrfol to u..111,; the )Hccn ol1•c tr«,; and tu.sh H_1tcta11on or RqiracnlJl11,c,,_ I lc:anor SuM>. R I Slate ra1c of 44%. I 1scal 198 1 should \CC ano1hcr ,1rcc1, Jnd J.no11> th.11 C\c:no ne u ,our datc•oJlms Cosmopol11.ans1dc .. al._ cafcs 1n ScnJIOr. Ann Mooradian, C.ran11on C11, n:,,c Ill profits 10 \he SJ.80 a share area hro1hcr Ofcoursc.1u,1hlc1n1rcalfom1h. Tel \\1\ S1h,cn npolcs on Lake Kin- C.ounc1I member. and ..._ a) Kapl,m or the Unhke o lhcr prominent chains, Humana there .arc 11mes that this same brolhcr 1\ ncrc1h ScJrlct ,unscts O\C:f 1hc Dc;1d Seu Le.ip:uc or Women Vo1crs conccnlralcs ~olcly on ov.ned or leased rude or J""rC\..\I\C and \OU rc.1C1 u.11h hll· and det'O md1_1to t .. 111 j!.h l 31 blot. The ma- ho\pila ls. Throu.ith a ccntrah1,cd control 11.imell Kos1ou. v.,11 ~ru: Js pro11ram lc:rne,;s to .. ud\ his manners. his op11110ns. ,c,1, and ~plcndor of Smiu so soon to bt: ;ha1rpcu:on Arlene Buckler 1s e, Offic,o :,,ystem, ii has achieved unequaled levels of hi, bchJHOr Bui u.h1lc \Ou fttl rrtt 10 JllHn to l:.it)PI And Jerusalem - always to efficiency and quality of se rvice 10 all 11.s Desert .ind coffee will be sc:,-..cd cr111c11c him. let J slnnJer do II and \Ou be ours - the special. ~pmtual. ab1din.1t hospi 1als. Buy. 1umo to hu; defense ,c .. cl 1n o ur crou.n Sackin-Shocket Post You ar,uc that he h,es 1n continual 1cn • Yet )OU arc s11II not finished . So many Q- Both of us in our e ■ rl )' tKhl with are Commander 11 :uold J ink has a llcd 3 'I0n. u.caucd from fiJlhlmJl rhc: .. ars. has 1hm_1t.s )Ou can add - rcall) there ,s no end most of our as!tt' h in six-month sa,ings cer­ special mcclmg or the Sackm-Shockcl Po I lo t man) de.at ones. and must alu.a)'s be to them It 1s o country of enormous tificates. S hould ,•rt renew them al much low·er No. 533 Jewish War Veterans 10 d1Kuu orcPJrcd to cope u.1th terrorist a n ack.s and ach1c,·cmcn1 - m a,1tncu11urc, m science, in rates or can you suggest 5-0 me other ■ li e r • fund raisi ng and hosp,1a\ v1s1u The mcclmg 1hc 1rauma of an uns1able cronom)' And, the Jrts. II 1s a country u.bcrc every rcstival nath·e? D.J. Florida will be held Sunday, Scp1 14 at 9 JO a m at u. h1\c ,ou arc C\pla1n111,1t him and dcfcndinJl - rchJZ1ous or secular - 1s really celebrated St ., Provi dence .,;.;.;..,;• .;.;,_,______.. A- Declining inlcrcst ralcs have made It Lester Kessler's Rcstauranl, North Mam him - JU\! liJ.c m a real fam1I) - )OU b) the whole country d ifficu lt fo r in vcswrs who must maximize their income. Short term m ies have d ropped

STAY INFORM ED . Read the Herald. Fabulous Cape at Glenwoods -s..'o, in Cranston CLEARANCE SALE TBUTlll".I .


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The Rhode Island Herald Fall Fashion Preview Guide

Accessories after the fact finish off the {'{'preppy" look

Af1cr you've bought your Mbul thtrc:'s rcally no ,..ay 1ha1 finis hing uhool bluer, after this year, rudy-10-v.car will Murncn lhii year lean 10 i v.cater. and look for all the llnpn and arc often v,orn m you've acquired your parochial achieve th e prcscnbc:d look "' orld u 1hough 1hc , ..,.cater 11 school pl a1d kilt, afur you've with last yur's wide, hard• pain for double "'armlh and bc,ng 111oom oH:r a blouse inves ted in the classic Shetland double efrect, ... cncu lcalhcr bc:lt , l.argc-tc.a lcd Jc"'cl­ To ppin& o rr the look t wcatcr, do you have: 1h11 Sta· ry or rnlct10 hcc:li .. Scan,,e1 haH: mi1de a great so n's all-important " Prep py" comeback w11h1henc-vr.a1 onc1 The hau 1ha1 go 111o11h the look? Nowned:wur small and rectangular Thq look arc. as might be.expected. Not reall y, according to Loii can be v.om a.sco1-fuh1on. the bcan,e1 or pnm lt11le felt, Zu:gh:r, Fashion Director for High on the h11 of "musu" bov,cdon1mply1uckcd mtoa that v,ere once pnutc school the JC Pcnncychain. This fuh­ to be really Mprep py" arc the sv,calcr or shirt n«khnc venue But. abo h1jh on 1hc ion expert feels t he look ,s new n«kv.c.ar looks. These in­ Other ncckv.-car ra::ommcnd­ required h.\1 arc bc.rcu 1n dass,c o nl y half-fi mshcd until you·n clude 1my bow-t1a.1hm nbbon ed for ach,c,,mg the much­ BuqucSC)lc. or larFr ,cn1o n1 added the proper acccuoncs ucs. long. shm murnen v.om dcrncd schoolgirl look arc rmatw"oommg01ou nanow ba.n

ACCEVTON ACCESSORll::S tocomplc1c 1l1 c .. Preppy Look'. for f ■ II : (11 o ing r lod,wi11e ) 11 c l111111 ic l c■ 1h c r envelop bag. na t• hcdrd killir 11 11 04" 11 .. oru with lrncc-hi11h ribbed 110ck 11, an r n ■ md cd kill pin. da1111 ic hc:.ret wi1h plain band, pendant heart hrlr:-f' lcl. 01hcr pre ppy acccuoric11 to acquire - tiny ribho n bo ..- , lo .. ,ar in the h air o r in pin-form al the collar and narrow leather or 1tretch bclt1. All accc,,o rice available in mo81 J C P enncy fu hio n 1tore1.

we ll -bred wi1h preppy outfils (sometimes graduated) look predicated upon blazers or right with classic sweaters. Shetland or Fair Isle sweaters. Handbags runlo fineleathen and suedes, newly prim and More assertive styl ts pro per. There arc also some For t he slightly mo re asser­ fabric bags in plaids. quilts o r ti ve approach, try a felt fedora wools that blend well with the wit h crown softened and brim classic trend. Where Autumn begins turned down. It is sli ghtly un­ Acet:Uories afoot expected and therefore effec­ with a prophecy ... tive. accord ing to Penney's Afoot, the proper shoes are Directo r. who a lso suggests loafers, flats. oxford s and The Prophecy Collection head bands and barettcs as ac­ pumps with modified heels. cessories to match the look. Colored legs via tights o r knee­ from the Narragansett In jewelry, the prescri bed high socks complete the look look is toward classic fin e gold which will probably be the Begin with a two--piecc challis eve n when the pieces are just most pervasive on this year's gold -filled. Mo nogrammed fashion scene. in the opinion print shirt and blouse pins and bracelets and simple of the woman responsible for sparked with a pert white collar pins add the right accent. the giant chain's fashion collar and cuffs. Mix with a Pearls in small millimeter direction. great corduroy jumper or skirt and top it all off with a coordinating blazer. A smart way to dress, a great way to look and a wonderful way to build a beautiful fall wardrobe - with separates by Prophecy from the Narragansett. Available in grey or chamois, sizes 4-14. Shown: Dress $86. Jumper $70. Nor shown: Skirt $44. Blazer $90.

We welcome Visa, Mastercard and American Express or invite you to open a Narragansett charge. 467 Ancell St, Wayland Sq, Providence Memorial Boulevard and Bannister's Wharf, Newport Belmont Shappen Park, Wakefield_ East India Square Mall, Salem, Mass i':!!'!~Tfa~~i~~!!!,5:1~~~i~;:.n..:id1!::1~C::1 t~!:~ cabled knit eweatcr ,ct wilh pocketed pull-on s kirt of merino wool wonted jersey. Swcater•dreHing, from Bonnie Cashin'• fall collection for C.,hin Country. Fall '80 fashion report: Paris, the long and short of dressing


As WC head toward CCO· signed Versatile sponswca r Dr~"" - featuring dro pped cases. Shoes ,.,ere flat and nomic una:rt ai ntics coupled wi th herringbone short jackets, waistlines, hip yokes and low jewelry Jess flashy than in su- with double digit inflation, argyles, knee length pants, btlts; Ou1uw.-~o, - jackets 1oru past. S1ockings were col­ even the French had a dirfi­ dropped waisu and flounces: 1honer. boxier, narrowu; ored tighu or argyles. cult time displaying the usual Chloe was the csscna: of grace major coat statements in• Fabrics returned 10 a more fri voli1 y. and frmi ninity with hip yoke eluded narro .. er shoulders. conurva11vc trend including The Italians joined the blousons, gathered pants and wider lapels and shoncr wool Jerseys. plain or striped French in th is mood of uncer­ quilted evening looks; G1\'cnchy lengths, with quilts every­ wool flannels, mohair and \ 'cl• tainty by showing clothes that mas1crfolly combined velvet where; and finally - Knus - vc1 for evening. inse ru on pnnl dresses or were both very lo ng and very by far the most exciting Ci te• Colors follo,.'Cd suit - lodcn short, and everyone hedged miHd plaids, ph:a11 and gory to emerge for fall '80. leather; St. Laurent was opu• green. loden brown, charcoal. their bets wi t h pa nts a nd Altttna.te dreuin& white, a splattering of brights, culottcs1 lent wi1h layered and rurned velvet dresses tnmmcd w11h K mu arc an alternate way and most important of a ll ­ From the dn icne n rhinestones. of dressing because 1hcy arc: bta.ck Basically,dcsigncn did wh..at The real fashion ua1cment cvery1h1ng from a sweater, to All an an. the European fall they always do best: Chanel for the scuon revolved around a tumc, to a drcu. read) •to-wear collcct1oru ,.·ere portrayed undcntatcd clcgantt fou r categories: Spo r1,-..~a, - Overall, acccssones v.c:rc long and short. uh a.nd pep­ in a gray mohair cape over more relaxed, \en nrucwred; undentated Hau were less per, hot and cold. good and flannel cants; Valentino de- skirts narcd. pleated and short, cv1dc:nt and smaller 1n m05t $0met1mcs no1 ,o Jood. On-the-job f ashwn oudook for /all: well-dressed, subde and soft are fr in"

The young American woman Season'• color1 trad111onah - n&vy, bordcauJt . black opaque hose Tex1urc:d will be working in classics this loden. brown and camel - cum or nbbcd lcp arc an autumn fall - classics wi 1h a diHcr­ Autumn 1980 colon arc O\.Cr a nc:w leaf with pimento, mu,L ence, according to G1amou, Mom bred~ ... think of t he grad..,. pumpkin, ochre. teal. cobah. Sc.arvmaaddsa speaalsnap maga1.inc. tio n of colon an an India n turquouc and amcth)'lt aax:nlS to fall dras,ng. Rich mohain summer sunset o r a snowy, New details, new colon and Jackets an llgh1wc1ght -..o\-c:n frame the face challis r«· cloudy scene. Black and grey new lengt hs update autumn's wools and kn111 lake: on an tanglct knot 11 the ncckhne continue 10 be important neu­ classics a nd give them fresh unm111akablc frahnas this ~uarc sc.af"\cs add dash 10 a trals that add a touch Of toph1s­ life. The finished look is under­ autumn w11h new ncckhnc bluer fnngcd ,.oolcns a.nd tication to any wardrobe:. stated, soft and always wcll­ 1rca1menu S1and-up. funnel. suedes add tu1ure and a touch dressed. And, the qumtessent1al fall notched even '"collarlc,sM ofclau collars arc ntWI Tc,;turcd 1urfaocs and inter• Sk.1rt.110rten th11M2Son with cstmg buckles character11e au1umn bc:lt1n1, Worn O\Ct a .L ga1henng al the Wllll and • bias-cul pleats cue: 1n wnh sweater or Jackel pulhn1 to­ gcthc:T a blouse and trou1

Now you can ,nake Jus t what you Want Lo Create a n ew wardrobe! Make !hose special pieces that can tie together those "same old things" and • Pierre Cardin coordinate a whole new you! The Ann Person"' method is • Christian Dior last, easy, and economical. Call 944-2540 Today! • Adolfo ClaM starting Datn: Ann Par90n Method Part 1 Mon., Oct. 6 9:30-11:30 a.m. • Oleg Cassini Wed .. Oct. 15 9:30-11 :30 a.m. Wed ., Sept. 17 6:30-8:30 p.m. • Ruth Saltz Thurs., Sept. 25 6:30-8:30 p.m. Sat., Oct. 4 10 a.m.-12 a.m. Specialty eta.... linge rie Sept. 22 6:30-8:30 p.m. FrM DemoMb'ations Fri. 10:00 a.m. SaL 1:00 p.m. STRElO-l&'x.W r.1,,;,.C- 726 ResimirA~., ·Cranston . HOURS: 9-.9 Moi:i.-Thurs .• 10-5 Fri. & Sat. 10 - T HE RHODE ISLAND HERA LD, TH URSDA Y1 SEPT EMBER 11 1980 bnghtly colored taffeta. His knits >A'Crt terrifi c:. Winter wh ite MBritish SchoolgirlM look, com­ alpaca coats were pure lu xury. plete with ties , long blazers and cardigan jackets. was a Sensations in bl ack What's in store from knockout. J ean Claude de Lu c: a·s Ba varian-inspired suits we re sensational. His black satin evening dresses which end in French designers for fall t >A o short transparent nounces 11> ere fa, orites. Th ie rry Mugle r's fo rm-fil ­ By ANNETTE PETR USA ung Oanneland gabardine suits made neVt"S . France And revic showed wrts For fall , 1980, the French ·hos. His ballerina-kngth black Show hic.hli&ht.s 1h 1gh hig h. Her silhoueue has designers arc feat uring fa sh­ velvet sui ts with fuller skirt 1 softened h om last season and ions that arc easy. co mfortable featu ring shorter and boxier the Ba,·arian-inspired suits and casual. jackets were applauded. The ..., ere win ners. At the Paris Rcady-10--Wea r 1ent dress returned at his col­ shows, Yves St. Lauren t int ro­ lection in a prett y range of Pro,-incial pri nts duced an exciting collection of daytime plaids and black taffeta free and easy clothes. His bril ­ fo r even ing. Chantal Thomaudehghted liantly colored Peruvian fo lk­ the aud1cn~ with a group of Karl Lagerfe ld for Chloe pr oHnc,al pnnt peasant cos­ loric print motifs for daytime presented a creative contempo­ and evening we re sho w­ tumes mixed 11>ith rich tonu rary collection featuring Io ns of\Ch•et stoppers. or above 1he knee len gths. Waists we re dropped and the Sonia R) k.el's fem1mnescal• FHhlonablt revivals lop•tnmmed kmu and her new hip-fl ounced blouson wa.s O\em1.cd s.and

l \ l--~fiif. LAL Rt '\T-T h.- :: ~ .. r1i:: t; ;'1 rl ~,:~~I:~ ~1.;; t>ui l lr ■ m"d .. h t.. hi p lf'nalh j•(' ~ f' I. Cla ude Monta na 1ho 'A ed a group of , upc.r kmtt ed d rCSK.) m Mondnan-hke patterns Hu pale gray km u 'Allh bngh1 CIII..OE - A ne .. ,lirrrlio n 11r1pn and hu animal prmt ~~:u~:'!; 11~';.~'i'[.n,r:1;~~~:1~ EVEN ING wi th • feminine blouse and REVEA L new MMed1c1"' collar wu a FA HION h1 ghhgh1 The lame e\emns dreu with qu 1h ed bochcc wu SPLENDO R ou tstandma. Ext~\apn1 e\enmp, v.here For the ultimate 1nekgantt. Hubert de G1ve nchy offered :;~;{;~n!r ~i'~~;\o,/l~a~:~ tu tcful 1equ1ned t ilt 1erw:y the rule for fall dreHCI . Back -pleat~ lode n There·, ~o-- for -bro ke glam• coau and , hm co,,u wett beau• our m bnlhanll} color~ tulle tifull y tail ored . cloud-drencs. mtr1 ca1e plea1 - m1. bc.adma. pauementene, Variety or 1171n Je11>·eled colored Hims. bnght Valent.mo presented a d1\er- 1afre 1a plaids and laces la\• 1ified collecuon. ll u 1l1m coau Lt hed V. 1th 1panglC1 to hgh t up AMERICANA CO t ORS TIIE MOO D FOR FAtL . .. T here', the night were applauded. The argyle • s rc•t u11 p•n1e of color out lhere. j u1l wa iling lo be twin-s weater wit h pleated The e,·en ingscparatcs · a be.· di1covued. A COHl-lo-eoa1t k ■ l ei d o1co pe of color which cu lott es was a ravonte. For Je 11> eled sweater wnh a \ U•id evening tne 1ho r1 , rufned­ sat,n 1k1n , the plaid taffeta !!!1!~•1~~1 '::1:1~1A~ 1rrc~.i;h•: ; ::~~J'uh1 '.~;~::: ~~;h8cu~ :~ THE SWE ATER SET MAKES A COMEBACK - From trimm~ taffeta dreucs we re pant 1ui t, the V1cto nan la« Wei t Color1 1uch H Prairie Mauve • nd New-We11 Rose; The youthful. blouse wit h a plaid taffeta 0 1 fJ: :r:k; :~'1°;',:~f~•u:C:~~~:~~:J :~t.:~1::k•j~~1 ~;;!: t~~ Marc Bohan fo r Dior showed wool skin , lopped wuh a shawl ~:~o;a1i: ' ~~; i~~,c'Ct:1oir: ~r;r,Jcnhs;: ; ~~ i~yit~i~! : ~aj Righi •ny time 0 £ 1h c d•y o r nig h1. For r. n. 1980. dropped waistline dresses in or ve h·et jacket. P ina P lum. America. T hi! Bc.utiful; Becau11c it i11! NOW YOU CAN FALL INTO FINE WOMEN'S FASHIONS AT MR. KLOTHES SAVE 30%to 50%- off on Designer Label merchandise in all Jr. and Misses sizes


Come in and see the difference our discounts make.

{Mll2. IKIL()lflHIE~) HOURS 1408 :\1 wood .-\\·cn uc. Johnston Mon.-Tues.-S.it. 489 RESERVOIR AVENUE (R! ~. ) '.\"o t to C.umrro Ltd.I 10 lo S: JO CRANSTON, RHODE ISLAND Hou r<: \ lon. .S: 11 . 111-.'-: \tl Wrd.-Thurs.-Fri. Thur<. & t" ri. l(l.Q 10 lo 9 467-8120 Tl-11:RHODE IS LANDHERALD. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 11 1980 11 Rabbi At Random . . If Jerusalem is Truly One, Texas Synagogue Plans Why Does Begin Want to Move Parallel Study Programs HOUSTON. Texas (JTA) - Congrega­ c hildren ve ry often do not receive any direct by Rabbi lr, ing Rosenbaum tion Beth Ycshurun, a leading Conscr.,,ati.,,c encouragement or stimulation fro m their congrega tion. plans 10 offer parcms of parents." If, in fa ct, Jerusalem, both lc,i;t , ·· 1, ·-. not that I can con­ ,amc propens111es as Bill) c hildren atte nding first grade in the Declaring that ··children love to work cast and wcsl-the Old City trol my~lf. I don'1 "ant to!" (arter. Ishmael. as )OU S) nagoguc schools opportunities to learn "1th 1hcir parents and to show them how and lhc new-1s o ne un­ Remember. tho ugh. I'm 1ust r,:mcmhcr. "as the presumed enough about Judaism to pro.,,1de their much the) kno"' :· Segal declared th at "the divided city. there seems 10 me prop:en1tor o f our Arab a~l.mJ! . child ren encouraJ!emcnt and help. \llSt maJo ril) of our children cannot receive 10 bi: something wrong with an) assistance fro m their families in regard Mcnachcm Begin's logic. Un another su b1ect- the The plan "as announced b) Rabbi Ja ck Then 1hcre was the father S~JI m a recent ,ssue of the s}nagoguc·s to their Hebrc" studies and 1hc accurate pcr­ WhJt difference does it make U1II )· Carter mailer I SUllJ,?eSt of the 12 mbcs o f Israel. our bulle1m. '"The \1 cssagc." The S)nagoguc formJ.nce o f the rituals." which part o f J e ru sa lem Iha\ befo re all the evidence 1s Jncestor. JJcob. the J!ent le houses 1hc \\1lham M ale, School for \\ hat often happens, he reported. is 1hat ho uses the prime mm1ster's m , none of us arnve al any ..cholar, "ho hJd to suffer Religious Studu:s. a Solomon Schechter children asl. a \'Cr) logical questio n: " Why office'!lf ii ism the New City, fin al conclusions. While I am from the e,.cesses of his demcnlar) da) school. u "ell as 11s o" n af­ should I put so much ttme into my Hebrew ii is -. 1ill in Jerusalem. If it is not Pre,.1dcnt Ca ner ·s hrnther, l:&Ju-lhe .,,1olent ternoon school and religious st udies when I almost never moved lo the Old Cit y, 11 1s !,! reatc<.I " ha .. 1d ."" and while and eternal enemy of the Segal said the Parent Opportunit) sec them used outside of my classroom?" i. lill krusa lcm. Indeed, by the Bro the r Billy 1s probabl) a k" 1<.h people Program Encouraging Y1dd1.shkc11 Educa- To ans\\cr "thi s pcrccp1ivc qucs1ion," he ve ry acl of moving the o ffi ce. fool. and pos<.1bly a knave as So. 11 seems to me. 1h at 1f 11on "ill be 1mplemen1ed for 1he first ttme at reported. Beth Ycshurun "'ill introduce the 1hcr c is an i mplied "ell. thi .. ts hard!) <. ufJicienl the s1an of1hc ne" school )e3r He said the ne" program "for parents whose children acknowlcdi;tcmcnt o f a dif­ J!round for condemnrni President C.Jrter turns o ut to purpo.sc of the program "as "10 encourage "111 be entering 1he first grade in the day fe rence in status bct~ccn the Ji mmy. II m1jtht be well to haH been iuihy of "ronjt• recall some famous bro ther do mi that 1s one 1h1nJl Bui 10 our §OnS and daughters to " ant to stud) m school o r entering 1hc firs, grade (A lep h two sect ions. Surely, the p,llor) him for whal his our rcl1g1ous schools, 10 pursue d1hgcntl) cla.s.s) m lhe afternoon Hebrew school."' prime ministe r docs not comhma11ons from o ur o"n hro1her has do ne-

NEW YORK (JTA) - Hardly a week duccd 1n this country by Hitler-like clones C-JUS l .... as a m)lh fund-ra1smg groups hke the National Con­ goes by without some anti-Semitic incident but b) men an ired 1n ~rtorial splendor car­ A nev. pubhca11on, lns11tutc for H1 s1on­ scn.HI\C Poliucal Action Committee, taking place in some "civilized" traditional ry in~ auachc cases bul~1ng w11h "scientific·· cal Review. published m Torrance, Califor. 1hmk-tank outfits hkc the Heritage Foun­ liberal Western country, let alone the Soviet 1hcones about the Jewish bankers and Je,... n1a , ad .. ert1sc:s m a n)cr sohciting subscnp­ d.won and fundamen talist religiou s­ Union and Arab countries. Rarely do these 1sh pubhc1sts who control or seek 10 control uons that armed "-A 1th this Journal "patriotic poh11cal groups h~c The Moral Majorit) . incidents merit more than one-column the economy and the media of this country Amcncans can no"" s« through the -.ar­ From onl) a handful of groups that, headlines on the inside pages or maJor mongers' h) per bole \\ e can spot the same according to 1hc Cpngrcss1onal Quarterly. newspapers in this country and abroad. AN ANTI-SD1I T IC FRONT mlcn-ent1omst formulas bcmg dusted orr raised some S250,000 in the 19 72 ·cam­ Rarely, ir ever, do newspapers bother to and -.httled out )Cl again. \\c can learn 10 paigns, the Ne "" Ri ght 1s no" an ultra­ report anti-Semitic incidents in this Far too many Jc,..1sh leaders expend pre­ 1dcnllf) the 'planting· of s-toncs 1n da1I) wph1st1cJtcd nct\i\or~ of 60 organizllt1ons . country. cious energy 1rying to determine which nc...,spapcn." It then calls attention to such that ma) d1rcctl) and 1ndircctl) pour some The maior headlines and news reports in group is most dangerous to Amcncan "1n-dcp1h 1mc.s11ga11ons·· b) con1nbu1ors SJO m1lhon mto the 1980 1:ampaign. the media deal with social upheav:.1)s in Jewry: the KKK , the ultra-consen,a11\.C 10 the Journal as •'The fict1t1ous ·Holo­ Reports from around the countr) Poland. Iran, Arghanistan and Latin Amer• cvangchcals, the New Ri ght or 1hc nco­ caus1· and 1u role as a Z1on1s1 proraganda indicate a stead) mcrca~c in the number of ica: the Presidential race; urban tensions; Naz1s. The fact 1s tha1 all these groups, ,..capon The absurd11) or 'gas chambers · S) nagoguc and ttmcter) desecrations and racia l violence. individual violence; mihtary organized along the lines of giant conglo­ Anne Frank'~ d1ar) - a fake .. s"" a.s11\.a and Nazi slogan daubmgs on pub­ budgets; and economic arnicoons in indus­ moratcs, arc equally dangerous. The) cross­ The Janua11 12 , 1979 \\ a,man poll Ire buildings trialized nations. pollenale their ,..1e...,s. thcu resources and found that 51 per cent of the people 11 Amcncan Nazi leader Harold Co\mgton The gangs or ruthless and evil men who 1hcu organ1z.a 11 onal staITs. cons1ttu11ng m polled ...,ere no1 oppo~d to '1u1 groups rcce1\ed .IJ per cen t of the \Ole m the orth commit ant1-scmnic deeds would 1ust as eITcct on an11-sem111c front tx,ng g1.,en pc:rm11.s to march Carohna Republican pnmar) fo r Attorne) soon have it this way. Their ndanous acts Many oflhesc groups arc far more .sub1lc General la.st MJ) can thus go unnouced and unchallenged and restrained m their ant1-Scm111c propa­ '\[0-'\AZISA'\OTl-1['\[\\ RIGHT KK),,. leader Tl"'.., Mct1.:gcr \\ On the Fortunately. American Jewish leaders k«p ganda 1han thcu countcrparu durmg 1he DcmocrJt1c nomm.,• in for Congress m abreast of ant1-sem11ic incidents taking 19J0s. and many or them d1sgu1sc 1hc1r anti• The '1a11onal Caucus of Labor Commit• CJhforma·s -O rd D1 s1nc1 place abroad and duly make their protesta• Scm1t1sm b)· rcfcmng to the "mcna~ o f tee\ ( '-i CLC) and 11.s dtttonl rront. the More ~pie reported!) arc md11Tcrcnt to lions to the ambassadors or consulate offi­ Z1omsm " The many faces of the an11- l, S Labor Part) (US LP). has an c.st1mated 1hc Just ice Department's eITorts to locate cials of the countries where these incidents sem1t1c front constitute a d1vmon of labor membership of 2.500. cells m JJ c111es. elec­ Jnd deporl former J1.:1s no" 11\lng m 1h1 s occur. 10 auract d1ITeren1 scgmcnu of the popula­ tion mach1n

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Y om Kippur Services Congregation Sons Of Jacob ProYidence Temple Beth Torah Cranston Fnda). Scp1. 19 Yorn Kippur Eve. Mincha Service ..... 2:00p.m. Friday, Sept. 19 Light Candles ...... 6:27p.m. Kol Nidre ...... 6:30p.m. Kol Nidrc, ...... 6:J0p.m. Saturday, Sept . 20 Saturday, Sept. 20 Shahar11 . 900a.m. Yorn Kippur ...... • •• • • ,...... 8:00a.m. Yizkor ...... 2:00p.m Yiskor ·· 1'-·lemonal Scr\'ice'' .... 11 :00a.m. Mincha-Neilah . 4 4S p.m. Mussaf following Y1skor Junior Congregation mee1s at Twelve Noon. Si11ers arc available for toddlers M 1ncha Service ...... 4:J0p.m. from 9 a.m. 'e1lah Scr,..ice ..... 6:J0p.m. Congregation B'nai Israel Blo"1ng the Shofar ...... 7:S0p.m. \\ edncsda). Sept 24 Woonsocket Eruv-Tavsh,lhn 1s performed before shul 1-riday. Sept. 19 L1gh1 Candles ...... 6:l9p.m. Minha .. 61S p.m. Scn,ccs ...... 6:2S p.m. Kol Nidrc ...... 9 00 a.m. Thursda). Scp1 2S Saturday, Sept. 20 F1rs1 03)'5 ofSukkos ...... 8:JOa.m. Sermon . 11 JO a.m Mincha ...... 6:2S p.m. Yizkor .. 12 ·00Noon Light Candles ...... 7:2S p.m. Rabbi Rotman and Cantor Macktaz will conduct the services w11h Mrs Fnda). Sept 26 Joan Carey, organist. Break-Fast. sponw rcd by the Suilerhood. will be served at hrs1 Da)sofSukkos • ...... 8:J0a.m. lhe conclusion of Yorn Kippur Services. Candle L1ght1ng ...... 6:1S p.m. \1incha ... 6:2S p.m. Temple Beth Am SJ1urday.Scp1 27 ...... 8:J0a.m. Warwick \lincha ...... 6:2S p.m. 1-riday, Sept. 19 Sabbath Terminates . 7:21 p.m. Kol Nidre . 6 I Sp m SundJ), Sept 28 through Tues(ia), Sept 20 Saturday, Sept. 20 Shachnth ...... 6:J0a.m. Schachril . 8a m \1incha .... 6:1S p.m. Junior Cong. & Pre- Hebrew School .. . 10.J0a.m -12 .ISp.m Lase D•)S of 1-t ofida)S Yiskor . . 10 30a.m. Mincha) Neilah Services . 4 J0pm toShorar Wednesda). Oci I Hoshana Rabbah .. 6:00a.m. Succoth Eru,-Ta,sh,lhn ~fore shul Wcdne~day, Sept. 24 L1~h1 Candles ... 6:06p.m. Mincha-Maariv . 6 I Sp m. Scrv1ca .... 6:ISp.m. Thur~day. Sept. 2S Thursda). Oc-1. 2 Family Service . 10 00• m Shemin1 AtLercs . 8:J0p.m. Jumor Congrcgation . 10 OOa m Y11.kor Scn,oe: 10:00a.m. Succah Luncheon 12 30p m 1inch a Service ...... S:SOp .m. Mincha-Maariv . 6 !Sp.m Light andles ...... 7:IJp.m. 1-rida y, Sept. 26 Arter M1ncha Refreshments Family Service . ... 9a m. Ma:mvScn1oeand llakofos ...... 6:4S p.m . Mincha-Maariv . . 6.ISp m Temple Sinai Tempie Beth-Israel Warwick ProYidence 1-rida), Scp1 19 Services .. 8:1S p.m. Yorn Kippur Friday, Sept. 19 Sa1urda). Sept 20 Kol Nid re . . 6:00p,m. Adult and Youth Services . ... 11 : 1S a.m. Sa1urday. $cpl . 20 Ch1\dren'1Scn,cc(grades 3 and bclo") ...... 2:1S p.m. Morning Services . . 8 30a.m. Memonal Service ...... 4:00p.m. Nci lah . . S J0p.m. Concluding Sen 1cc . S:OOp.m. Rabbi Jacob Handler will conduct the services with Cantor Herbert Rote. ~edncsda) , Sept. 24 Children's Services will be held in the Chapel a( I LOO a.m Sukkot Services ...... 7:J0p.m. Thursday, Sept 25 Temple Beth- El Services ..... 10:J0a.m. ProYidence Inda), Sep!. 26 Frida y, Sept. 19 Shabbat Services ...... 8: 1S p.m. Rabbi Gu\lerman will speak on " Promises to Keep" . . 8: IS p.m. SJlurdJy, Sept. 27 Sa turday, Sept. 20 Services ...... 11 : IS a.m. Rabbi Gutterman wi ll speak on " Life is Givinj!. and Forji!.ivinji!." . 10:00 a.m. Services w,11 be conducted by Rabb, George J. Astraehan and Cantor Remmie Children's Service ...... I :JO p.m. Brown Afternoon Service ...... 2:JO p.m. Yi zkor Service . . .. 4:J0 p.m. Rabbi Gutterman will speak on " Life Arter Grief Congregation Ohawe Sholam East AYenue Frid;1y. Scp1. 19 Kol Nidre ...... 6:1S p.m. Salurday, Sept. 20 Yorn Kippur . .... 9:00a.m.

Congregation Shaare .Zedek Sons of Abraham-Providence the Versatile Beauty ... Friday. Sept. 19 Lighting of the Candles of the September birthstone First Light YahrzeitCandlcs ..... 6:29p.m. Kol Nidre ...... 6:40p.m. enhances any occasion. Sermon ...... 7:00 p.m. :S aturday, Sept. 20 ·shacharith . . 8:00a.m. Sermon . . .. 10:J0a.m. Yizkor (Memorial Services) ...... 11 :OOa .m. Musaf ...... 11 :J0a.m. Minch a . . . 4:30 p.m. N'eelah . . ... S:30 p.m. Sueeolh ednesday, Sept. 24 • LightingoftheCandles . ... 6:17p.m. Mincha-Maariv . . . 6:J0p.m. hursday. Sept. 2S Shacharith .. . 9:00a.m. Sermnon . . .. 10:J0a.m. ' Musa f ...... 11 :00a.m. Mincha-Maariv . . ... 6:]0 p.m. Lightingof1heCandles. . . 7:J0p.m. Classic Dining Elegance Friday', Sept. 26 Corner Dyer,& Pine, Providence Shacharith ...... 9:00a.m. Mu saf . ..11 :00a.m. Luncheon, Dinner, Cocktails Mincha-Maari v . . . . 6:]0p.m. Reliable Gold, Ltd . Alf Major Cards I Entertainment Lighting of the Candles ..... 7:J0p.m. 181 Wayland Ave., Wayland Square Doonnan Parking 1421-1320 Carter Concerned Over Jewish Emigration Decline

\\ASHl"IGTON. (JTA) - President RcJgan reported!) nprcsscd dccp con• CJ rt er has ,01ccd concern o,c:r the decline or l'Ctn Jbout contmuc:d So,1c:t ,iolat1ons or Jc:v.,sh c:m1gr:uro n from 1he Umon and said humJn nghh Jnd JS.Sured Le, in son and 1he Un11ed States v.ould raise the is.sue at an \I J,"ell Grttnberg, chairman or the Anli• m1crna11onal mttllng ,n l\13dnd 1n o,em• Dcfomalion Lc:J~uc of B'nai B'rith, ... ho bcr where comphancc v.1th the Hclsmk1 ac• Jl.-.o Jllended 1he mc:ctmg. that frc:c: Jc"ish cords will ~ re, 1c:v.c:d Carter made those cm1gra11on rc:mJms a cornerstone of the remJrks at a m«ung v. 1th a delc:!allon from Rcpubhc-Jn PJrt} 'sforcign policy goals. 1he Na11onal Conrcrcncc on So\lc:t Jc: ... f} In his mtttmg "1th the NCSJ delegation. (NCSJ) v.ho called on him to :uk for help m Carter 1,a1d ··we arc in1c:rcs1cd in the view of nc:v. Sov1c:1 rc:s1nct1ons on the num• frttdom of Jc:...,s throughout the ... o,ld. par• bcr of Jc... s .sec:kmg to emigrate: 11culJrl} those ..,,ho \\Uni to lca..,c the Sovie! Burton Lc: ,..1nson. chairman of the NCSJ, Umon for hr Jc! . We arc \Cf} dc:c:pl) concer­ v.ho led 1hc dc:lc:gat1on. met pnvatc:I) v.1th ned JboUI th,s." '-- -1 Repubhan Prcs1dent1al slandard bearer CJrtc:r said he and h,s Secretary or State Chmura Raises $10,000 To RonJld Reagan pnor to his address to the brought up the problem of Jc ... ish c:migra• B'nJ1 e·n1h ln1erna11 onal con ... cn11on to 110n from 1he USSR eHry time they met d1scus.s lhc dec,mmg Soviet Jc: ... ish em1gra- v.1th So\11!1 President Leonid Brcthncv or Benefit Miriam Hospital 11on figures the So,1c1 Umon·s Foreign Mm1ster. l·or the third consecullvc year, Woon­ progr.im will nov. be known as The Mmam socket's polka disc jockey Ted Chmura has I losp11 al Cancer Rc:h ab1h1a1ion Pro(!ram succeeded in raising SI0,000 in his one-man Bo1 h aspects or I he program 1n,..oh c RICAS To Offer Far.dly campaign against cancer. The funds 1h1) dcmonstrJl10n cl101cs and profnuonal yea r. as in the past four years of the crusade, education componc:n1.s. The ostomy ocntcr 1s 1teared to a 1dm_1. persons whose bov.eb or have been given to The Miriam Hospital in Support Project Providence. bladders arc su r_1.1cally rcmo,..cd. mainly die Chmura feels a special closeness to the to cancer. an operation that 1s performed on appro,;1matc:ly 700 Rhode Island rcs1• Rhode Island Center for At11tudmal Sup, am )Cars. his 1cchn1qucs ha,,esho..., n results hospital and an even more special scnt1mcnt and arc accxptcd in tc:achin,: and medical in­ dents each )'ear port (RICAS). a special pro,ect or the fo r one of its.surgeons. Dr. Stanley Simon. II Pro,1dcnor: Section, a11onal Council o f slllullons ... 1th mountm11 enthusiasm. The Th~ dm1c .SC:f'\-CS all ostom) pat,c:nu ,n the was Dr. Simon who operated on Chmura 1n Jc:v.1sh Women, m con1unct1on with Hosp1cc: Rhode lslandCenter for Attitudinal Sup­ \IJIC, au1stmg them and thcu fam1ha ..,nth 1973 and again in 1974 when the Cum­ Care of Rhode bland. will hold the lint of porl IS one of a rapidly ,:rowinp, number of o,1omy care. cmo11onal adJuslmcnt and berland resident was fighting his own baulc lil\ trammg K:Sj1on1 on September 16th support cen ter s being eslablished rehJb1l11Jt1on through a professional 1um. with cancer. Cons1dcrcd cured now, The jitoal of the cc:.ntc:r 1s lo ere.ate a model throu,:hout the countr) mdudmg Jn enlcrostomal 1hcrap1st. ,ooal Chmura has expressed his gra111udc for his for children and lhcu f:tm1hcs w11h The pubhc ,s mv11ed to mc:c:t with Dr. worker and surgeon Dirc:c1or or The recovery by raisin,11. funds to aid others who c.alast roph,c 1llncssc:s ... ho ... ,sh 10 take an Jampolsk). There 1s no charp;c for admis­ Mmam's (anocr Rchab1h1a11on Pro11ram 1s arc undcr,11.oin,11; treatment and to support act,,..e part m thcu ov.n pos111,c health CJrol 1-ain and nurse/educator is Sut.an smn cancer research. prol'ilc as ... en as 1ncrcuc their paocof m,nd Stuar1, R .N t.T In his fi rst rund raising effort 1n 1976. b) lc.iirn1njit from each other on a hontontal Mrs. h11n c,i;prcs.sc::s her gratitude to C hmura raised just more than Sl,500 and basis Chmura .. for cnabhn,: ui to pro\·,dc the .set• Swiss Refuse To 1he following year succeeded m his at1cmp1 To help better unden1and the ph1losoph) vica or an cntcroitomal thcrap,s1 10 1n• lo double that figure by raising more than and lcchn,quu of a111 1ud1nal supporl Sign S.S. Agreement PJl1cnts al hospita ls \acltinJ such KfVIOCli S4,000. For the pust three years. Chmura haJi 1troups. RICAS v.111 ... c:1come Dr Gerald and lo non-ambulatory paticnu be1n1t cared sci his sights even higher, 10 SI0,000, and Jampolslcy 10 Pro,..,dcnoc 10 m1t1a1c the In Jerusalem for at other hcallh care rac, h11cs or a1 each year has achieved his mark . faohlaton tramm,r, pro,:ram on the evemng home" Gl:.Nl:.VA (JTA)- Jewish orgamza1ions Chmura. credits his radio audience with or September 16th a t 815 pm at the Jewish The Miriam Hospllal Cancer Rchab1l1ta• hJ,..e protested the refusal of the Swiss contributinJt the majority or fonds. He Community Center, 401 Om1trO,..'C Avenue, 110n Program 11 plannmg a 1ympos1um for ,:o,..ernmenl 10 sip.n :i reciprocal social no tes tha t the p, rcatcst rcspon~c 1s in the Pro,..,dcncc prorcss,onal.s m 1hc fidd of anccr 1reatmcn1 sccunty a,:rccmenl w11h Israel in Jerusalem. fo rm of memoria ls to contributors' friends Dt Jampobk) . a Pli)C hialnst. has ... nttcn Jnd prcvenlton at a dale 10 be announced rhc ,1p.recmcn1 was to be signed in Jerusalem o r rela tives who have died of cancer. counllcu ar11dcs pc-rtamm1t to te,1ch1n,t l he c,..cnt .,.111 be named 1hc: Ted Chmura Aug 11 IJul fol\owmg Israel's adoption of Chmura, who hosti; the polka music tcchn,quc:s used ,n dcal1n,: with S) mpm1um JS an cspcaal tnbutc 10 the 1hc Jerusalem La..., , Sw1t1erland announced program over WWON every Sunday from ca1:u1 roph1cally 111 children In 1975 he thJI 11 v.ould s1gn the accord only m Tel Aviv 10:30 a.m. to noon, also succeeds m makmg roU,J disc Jocke) founded lhc c:nler for A1111ud1nal lleahnj! W11h more lhJn SJS.000 ra1Kd for cancer or Dern his listeners more aware of the prevention in Tiburon, Cahrorn1a and on behalf of th1s rchJh1l1IJl1on. (hmura contlflucs to uphold The Jp.rcemcnt assures Swiss citiLens who and treatment of cancer. Center has appeared on national 1c:lc:v1s1on h11 plcdJtc of five )Cars a,:o to ass1s1 others move to Israel the con11nuat1on of their The work of The Mi riam Hospital's Os­ pro,:rams 1nclud1n11 the Ph,I Donahue Shov. , ... 11h "the b1_1. as he rdc:rs lo cancer As wc1JI i,ccu nty right,;. The same applies to corny Rehabilitation Center, which was slar• C." the Today Shov. and most recently PUS. he tells h,.s radio audience. "The hrc )OU hrJd the con1mua1rnn of their social tcd with Ted Chmura fonds. has received the r ucnds. Nev. h1ends -.ccu nty nghls. The ~amc applies to Jsrac:lis n.-cogn ition of the National Cancer In• .save could be )Ours or that or a loved one Dr Jampolsky's techmqucs v.ere v1cv.cd hvmJI. in Sw111crland, although there arc less sti1u1 c. With the support of the lnst1tu1c. the .. Won'I )'OU share )Our blCSSIOjtS so that ... 11h slccpt1c1sm a few )Cars a,:o. But m re- of them 1nvol vcd m 1his situation. program has been expanded to mcludc others less fortun:11c ma,Y also 1,,c:1" breasl cancer rehabilitation. The combined

PHOEBE'S 336-6295 Restaurant---THE WORLD 633 Fall Rlv•r Avenue, S..konk Fish and Chips $1.99 1 Wednesday only GO id e FINE ~~ODS , Rice can be cooked with many different cook-in New Japan Restaurant flavors ... For inst:rncc: subs, ii u1 c Vi cup 11-1-11'30-9 • Sat . S-10 • Closed Sundoy maraschino cherry liquid for ½ cup of water ... Use 145 Wothlngton Strwt, Provid.nc., R.I. chicken broth (homemade, Tel. (401) 351-0300-0301 ~ canned or made with bouillon cubes or envelopes) for the waler ... Sprinkle cooked rice wi1h paprika before servin,11. ... Sub­ stitu1c 'h cup orJnge, apple or tan,11.crinc juice for \11 CHINA JADE cup of the water ... Sub­ stitute 1 cup canned lomalo THE TRUE GEM OF THE ORIENT iu!cc or cocktail vcgelable juice for 1 cup of the water IS OUR FINE FOOD! ... · Rice provides he~rly, ddu;:ious eating al relatively low cos1 ... 11 combines readily with 01her foods ran,11.inl! in navor from sw~t to savory ... We "elcome you :rnd your f~m.i ly 10 enjoy del i,11.htful d1111n,ll al THE BO CCE SPECIAL Of THE WEEK C LUB. We feature family THI style roas1 chicken as our Ch0 ,·"u- . ,qoo•~- ~•o• o•d faci li ties: ca pacity 25-450. ho,l,90,<1,n,ol<,d Casua l a11ire en hances our DOWNSTAIRS PUB GOOD FOOD at our relalled atmosphere. Tha t's ROAST STUFFED • MODHATElY PRICED T H E BOCCE CLUB. 226 East Prov. Location , ...... '""" ,.,~.. TURKEY MENU St. Louis Ave .. Woon• CHINA JADE COCl(TAIL S! sock e1 , R.I. Tel. 762-0 155. ;.:.:::.:~.. :::-::::' .$ 0EUCIOUS HANO-CARVED ,_,•u•iquo,l,.peo,, 4 9 5 Visit our ot he r fine 1511 ATWOOD AVE., JOHNSTON DEll SANDWICHES! 9ob'-t9,0.-,.c,.... . res taurant. TH EODORE'S OPINOAIIY7 0Jr,'l'S fa0Ml l.t..M !Ou

In today's sophisticated Bridge, more and the finesse to East. more Conventio ns arc being int roduced. And that actually wa.s the case. Declarer Alm ost every pl ayer uses t he Blackwood was able to draw Trumps, take that Club Conventio n and most probably 1hc ncxl finesse and then. after losin,z 10 that Kin,z. most popular is Stayman. There arc hun­ di.sea rd his losmg Spade on the 01hcr Clubs. dreds more making the game quite dirficult He had more than he nccdcd now. for th ose who opt 10 use many of them. Most As )OU can 1«, to sci the hand a Spade a rc used in the bidding but there arc Dcfcn• must be led from East before Clubs arc sivc Conventions, too. Today's hand dis­ touched but to do that Ea.st must get m firs1 . cusses o ne of the belier and easier ones to use The only ...,ay ,s for Y,, est 10 undcrlcad h,s even th ough it docs not come up that often. Di amond Aoc at tnck 1..-0 but no one •ould · North be brave enough to do that unless he •ere • Q 6 2 ccrlam h,s partner -.ould ••n that tnck . • K 9 6 Herc 1s where that Con\ent1on comes m . ♦ 10 3 When a Kmtt 1s led, to tell )our partner ♦ A Q J 10 7 you hold the Quttn and Jack both. play that Quttn nght then. Th,s tells partner tha1 u 1s Wttl Ea,t safe to under lead h1s Ace 1f he ...,ants to, thal ♦ K98 53 • 10 7 4 • l 4 • 8 3 )Ou guarantee to •m the nC\t tnd: ,f he docs. This means )'OU either hold the Jack o r ♦ A K 8 2 ♦ QJ975 your Queen •as a smglcton EVER play ♦ 9 4 ♦ K 6 2 South that Queen to sho• a doubleton unlcu, of ♦ A J course that other card 1s the Jack A pla-i•1 eot11111icltt mttfiq of Ind~ of the 't• Ulgland 1-"rifflfhofthe Jewish Tlwological • A Q J 10 7 2 In 1h1s hand, Wt •111 get 1n to lcad back a Semin.ary of Amttia •as hdd ttttnl.l) at rhe hofM of Mr. and Mrs. Mehin A. ROS$ of Newlon. ♦ 6 4 Spade to set up the sc111ng trid: •h1lc he n,11 \1 ut.., • ·Mre pn~paracions wen made for rhe Odobff 21 informal d.inner re-cq,tion lo grc-tl 1he ♦ 8 5 3 has that Club Kmg ,n reserve An) other 1980 Snliury •Ciou.l Communily Stt,ia A•ard rttipieau. Among those prC:Sffll were, front South wad Dealer, East-West vulnerable sequence 1s too late ro•.lert 1orip1: R•bbl Yuko, C. ROSffibffc, Via Ch•ncellOf'ofcheScminaryand pWSfM'•kH; Moral This ,s another of those s1tua 11on.1 with this bidding: MHfrecl Weil, Pr01~t. Snti•ar) Pa1roa ; Jeanne Well, Pro,klena; Ruch Alperin. Pro,ideaa, 1hat )OU Just ha.,e to remember but )'OU also SeiniUr) Patron; Mu Alperin. Pro,idffla. Seminary Pa1ron: Rabbi UMrilus.. and EU A. s w N E musl alert )'Our partner to JU.II •ha1 this play ~. TnnPff Ea.Mt-0, Pro,tdeaa. - IH IS 2C p by )'OU means Back ro•. ltJt 10 rip1: Da,id Wllioa, Wn, Newton, Mu,.: Millon Borenstein, c:bestnul Hill, 2H p 4 1-1 E,d \lua., Scmiu,r P•troa: R•blli hlMI Lebuu, 5Piritual lt:•der, Temple Beth EJ, IAwell . M•ss.; and lben \ akn. Btooldine, M•ss... Seminary P•tron. The bidding was no problem at all as far as Children's Items Nor1h and South were concerned. The only Sought For change was whether West sho uld make a Shamir To Meet With vulnerable ovcrcall with such a ragged suit . I J CC Flea Market felt he sho uldn't. bul many of them did. It didn't effect the outcome at all as both sides Good u.scd ch1ld rcn'11tem1 arc no• be1n11 Washington Leaders could do the same thing regardl c.ss. 50ugh1 for a children·, nca market 1la1cd for At most of the tables the pl ay wenl as October 19 at the Jc...,1sh Commum1yCen1er of Rhode hland, 401 Elmgrove A .. e ., JERUSAll· M (JTA)- l·omsn M1mstcr 15 fore1~n m1msters. Sources in Je rusalem follows: West led the Diamond King with \ 1t1hJl Shamu w,11 lea\e anc.r lhe High ~.11d he would seek lo meet with diplomutic encouraging with the 9. West would Provide.nee East t-l ol) Da,, on a lengthy tour. His first stop rcprescntutucs of lhe USSR. continue with his Ace and now Declarer Sufilgestcd 11ems include cloth1n11. boob. ... ,u Ix Wruh1ng1on. • here he,, scheduled to E;1rl) Oc1ober he ..-111 par1icipate in the would ha ve no pro blem making h,scontrae1 bikes. Rames. 1oy1, furniture and collec11. meet •1th Admm1,tra11on luder, lie •111 -.c'I\IOn of the i:.uropcun Economic Com­ No matter what West played at trick three, blcs, slamps and ba.scball cards •hen p.o to Ney.. Yorl 10 part1c1pa1e ,n the muml) council. Declarer was in control. A Spade gave him a Proceeds from 1he e.,ent will ,io to•ard opc:mni of the UN General Aucmbl) SC.S· free fin esse int o his own lenacc, a Trump Ch1 ldren·s Ocp1 pro,irammm" 11 the Cen• tcr. \1on He alrud) has mcclmg, lined up ..,,1h was no harm al all and a Club would dear Folk Dancing out East's Kinit a nd set the whole suit fo r For mforma11on about dropping o(T artl• Declarer. clcs call Paula Goldbcr,i al 861•8800 Cocktail Party Slated Instruction At this time West's only hope was lo play 80% Grow Plants Ava ilable a Spade hoping his partner happened to STREAMWOOD, Ill.­ By Jewish Singles With increasing numbcn of have something there or possibly Declarer The Rhode Island Jewish S1n,iles wi ll hold /·or those• ith an interesl in ln1ernatio nal plants being kcpc in homc:1 , lhc would not go up wit h the Queen. l·o1k Dancing classes wi ll be held fro m 8 109 horticulture martcct conunucd to a Cocktail Part) on Saturday, Sept. 13 As far as Clu bs go, ei ther Declarer had the grow last year. A IW'VCY found bcjZ.mnmg at 8 )0 p m at Bro..-n University p.m. every Monday at Hillel House, 80 King himself o r if not, he cert ai nl y would that moR: than 80 percent of Hillel House. 80 Brown S1rc:c1. Providence. Brown S1.. corner of Anp;ell. Requests will score the remainder ofthc trickshafter losmg U.S. households gro"'' plants. Pro~r drcu 1.s required and the $4 admis­ be acknowledged from 9 to It p.m. or the estimated 236 million sion fee includes drinks. refreshments and l·or more information contact Judi M. plamcn bought in the U.S. dur­ music. Schrier at 75 1-4 554. mg 1979 , moR: than half ""c:rc ATTENTION plastic. =, M~ than 53 pc:rcem of the East Greenwich YOURS TRULY respondents said they kept more European Shirtmaklng B SAFEGUARD USERS planlS in 1979 than during 1978. Hill side Knoll made to order tor men 6 women 8 On avenge, Americans kept a 200 fabric samples to choose 2 WEEK SHIPPING ON CHECKS total of 21 pl anters in their Ph1pp1 11:eolty pret.enh I 0 S Teokwood Cl, wrrovnd.o' by Mon . • Wed . • FOml, 2 l'i bath1, ►,zzn•z•t said they expect to kc.cp even lo~,_,,,..;,t,1,,..pioce. ;I ON JOURNALS AND CARDS morc:inthefu1urc:. 1,eo,;"'til 1one1. deck o.,., dou­ WE ALSO FURNSH COWLETE SYSTIMS · 'Plamerwarc continues 10 be ble 90,o~, $138,000. wm, F CHECKS. llJ .... PROVIIENCE BUSNss fOIIMS CO. 472 SMmt ST.• PROVIJEHCl. RJ. 0290I SEASIDE r Watch your FISH CO. $5grow! WANTED E. Providence 9 Warren Ave. Yo,.,r,:if,olirtt1plan1cd inl>rad p.,,,,.n"f"C' 1tib,11( 101hr peuplr Open Mon. 8-4, Tues.-Thurs. 8-4:30 ,....,·...,,.'fflt'fflbo,in1. WhnhYeufl000 Fri. 8-5. Sat. 9-3 (,01unl1J'\OOO,y,,,,r,cihbrin1111hc! ~,huflif~,.,,,,,..11nd,cvnal­ R.I.J .8.C. Knights of Pythias Bowling League iU11htratej!tC purpose for mdusuy and for the cconom) J1.'"C'ompl1~h good \\111 for the U.S. 1f...,tdcalt Ande rson to ld the 1400 delegates and or a Chcduled on this WORK : spec:ioh1ing •n kitchens, bringi ng the to1a l fo r the 1980-81 academic e•Otol'l, dolhwo.hen P,omp1, d,.n, be91nn1n through od­ both, ond boi.emenh. We de· ye;1 r to 60schools,onc more than the total or )Car', agenda " L.s1abh.shment ora ~uclcar reotonobte, 9uorontNd ..n,,c., "onced 331-6833 9/11/80 s•vn to your needs. Panelil'lg, 59 fo r the p ri o r school year, according to I rec / onc1n 1hc Rcg1 onof1hc M1dc.a11 " and 713-0557 9/1 I, 80 wollpoper a nd point•l'lg. Fr ee 0 VtoUN ANO PIANO lnllru<­ ' hr;1d 1 uclear Armament- Rcpon ofthe Joseph Lo rch , chairman or thcConscrva 11 ve tion Sy Sophia Hermon ond •"•mot... No 10b too smo11. Secretary General" Day School Association . ludm•lo liiKh•tz, con

PRICE TRAVEL SERVICE Corp. East Greenwich Pinewood RATES PAYMENT Sponi•h inllu,nce is visible Payment MUST be received by Tuesday Mildred Chase* Ann Cook .. Barbaro Flynn Jhroughoul thi s stucco 3 15 words for $3.00 afternoon, PRIOR to the Thursday on bedroom ,on-ch. Arched doors, Notolie Higgins .... Robert Remington tu•urious sunken living room 12~ per word which the ad is to appear. 5% dis• ond over•i1ed Kreened porch. each additional word count for ads running 6 mo. con­ Joyce Salemi .. •• Nonc.y Urbon and ¼ acre. $86,900. tinuously (2 copy changes allowed). Oscar and Martha Finger Phipps Realty Mvil bot rotcotivotd by 10% discount lo, ads running con- .,.J~or noon lo run in - tinuous/y lo, r yr. (4 changes al copy 884-1030 "You, Pleasure is our Business." followrng T/,vriday paper permitted). ~ L: , U . JEWISH HERALD, P.O. ioa 6063, Providence, A.I. 02940 ·------THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 11.1980 17




Happy New Year

Each day is the On these High Holy Days in the prisons of Siberia, from Maine to San Diego ... birthday of the world. we renew our faithfulness in the slums of Baghdad, everywhere, Each day is the to the Jewish people, in the hills of Ethiopia, always. first day of li,ing. oppressed or rree, in Sao Paulo and Bombay rich or poor: and Paris.

* * 18 - THERHODE ISLAND HERALD, THU RSDAY SEPTEMBER 11, 1980 Reagan's Issue A Very Happy, Healthy, A Happy. Healthy, Prosperous Ne" Yea r Prosperous New Year 10 Our Friends and Customers to Our Friends ond Customers Rosh Hashan·ah WALDORF TUXEDO CO. Lloyd Long Oldsmobile, Inc. Message Cumlxrland, East Providence. Provid~ncc. 99 Jefferson Blvd., Warwick WASHI NGTON,(JTA}­ pcc1ally mindful ofthc unique Smithfield. and Warwick 463-7500 Republ1 can Prcsidcnlial bond bct .... ecn the Jewish peo­ nominee Ronald Rca,Jan and ple and 1hc holy city of his wife Nancy said in a Rosh Jerusalem and fervent I) hope H as h anah meua,:c to th:11 strife and bloodshed ....- 111 American JC"Ns that they arc end m 1hc troubled Middle "especiall y mindful of the uni­ Eas1. We 101n )'O u m askin,: Best Wishes que bond bct""ecn 1hc Jewish God's blcss,n,: on our ,:rcat For a Healthy ond Happy Best Wishes people and 1hc holy city of country For a Happy, Healthy New Year Jcru.salcm:• Followin,J is lhe New Year lcJ.I of1hc mcss.a,:c released by .. In this season of family lhc Rca,:an-Bush Campa1,:n reunions and cclcbrat,ons. ""C J. A. Siravo Fruit & Produce Comm11tec: arc also \.Cry aware of 1hosc ATLAS INC. 189 Cole Ave., Providence "Nancy and I want to u­ who arc ,n cap1,,.,11y and op­ SOUND & COMMUNICATION tcnd our best wishes for lhc pressed by l) ranny. NanC) 274-2828 comm,: year 5741 A.1 lh1.1 1s and I share )Our hopes and the 5CUQn for re0cct1on and dreams for evcrlast,n,: peace: • ~ SANYO fOUlPMENT reded1ca11on ""c 1Om )OU m throu,:hout the ""orld, and 414 Sil~r Spring St., Pro,.,;dence prayer for peace and harmony wish )Ou all a prosperous and 421-4183 thrOUJ:h the "'orld. We arc cs- hcal1hy ntw )Car."

floppy New Year to With Best Wishes Our Friends and Cwtomus for o Year of Peace ond Prosperity

Senator John J. Bevila

------~i-,·:s let the light of Shabbat and Yorn Tou into your home

Jf flOII will observe tltt lijltti1t!I of tltt Sltabbat ea1111/t Vo11 will mtrif to s« tltt li!lltts of tltt ltttitmptio11 of tlte · /ltwislt Peoplt. Yalllut Shimoni The Proper Blessing ... Bo-ruch A-toh Ado -noi E-lo -hei-nu Me-lech Ho -olom a-sher Ki-de-sha• nu Be-mitz-vo -sov Vi -tzi -vo-nu le-had-lik Ner Shel .. (Friday evening add) ... Shabbos Kodesh. English Translation Bleswd art You . G-d our l -rd. King of 1tw, univent who has hallowed us through Hiscom­ mandnwnu. and has commanded m '10 kindl, 1hf lights of the holy Shabbos. Holiday Schedule DATE HOLIDAY BROCHO ENDING ·Sept. 10 First eve of Rosh Hashona Yom Hatikoron• .. Sept . II Sec . eve of Rosh Hashona Yom Hazikoron• The Proper Procedure ... • .. Sept. 12 Eve of Shabbos Shuva Shabbos Kodnh Unm.u~d eirls shoukl ltCht one candle. and uy • .. "Sept. 19 Eve of Yom Kippur Shabbos V' shel the proper blnsin1. Marrted women should l'lhl II Yom Hakippurim• le-Ht two c.indln. •Sept. 24 First Eve of Succos Yom Tov• · As soon H a younc cirl un say the blnsine, her parenll should provide a Rparate candlntkk for her .. Sept. 2S Sec. Eve of Succos Yom Tov• and IHch her to kindle the Shabbat candln. .. "Sept. 26 Eve of ·shabbos Chol Shabbos Kodnh It is prtfenble for the sniall eirl to litht her candle Hamoed before her mother, so 1ha1 her mother may Htisl "Oct. I Eve of Shmini Atzern Yom Tov• her. if necHHry. ..Oct. 2 h is customary lo put a frw coins into a "Tzedob Eve of Simchas Torah Yom Tov• Pushkll'" (Charity bo,) befor< lithtina th• candles. ... Oct. 3 Eve of Shabbos e· reishis Shabbos Kodnh The proper procedure for kindlina the Shabbat ..April 18 first Eve of Pesach Yorn Tov• c:udln is H folows: ... April 19 Second Eve of Pesach YOm Tov• For Shabbat:. fif1t lieht 1he candln. then cover ... 'April 24 Seventh Eve of Pesach Shabbos V'shel Yorn Tov your eyn with your hands to hKle the fl,me. At this • 'April 2S Eiahth Eve of Pesach Yom Tov point you recite the blftline. • June 7 First Eve of Shavous Special instructions for Fridays: Yom Tov• ..June 8 Sec. Eve of Shavous Yom Tov• DO NOT., lipt the candln after sunwt (which is lO minutes after the limn indicated) so as not to •fflithtintMl".,...lifhtonlylrom., dnecrMe the Shabbat. h is forbidden to lieht the ptt"""""lbmr- • "Oo nol lfchl bdott !ht limft indic,tfd 11,-rwit•.AM-- ,,4-tdt .,u,.,.,;, f·ll·ltti.,,. .Mt·ltdt JI•· cMdtn after fUnwt. Ind .... only lrom, pn'fli91'"1 bmr.' ""1a Sltt-l1dt-dtt·J"'1·1111 Vi·h'#r·#liJ•n Jlt-l1t•lf•6· • • ' liaht onty lrom, ptt-nhlin1 bmr. /f#Ca•-JIJNrJ, •• ••Dono1liaht1fl1JUlMI. ------·------THE RHODE ISLAND HERA LD, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 11 1 1980 19

Happy New Ycir New Year c;,.eetir,gs lest Wishes for a Numbers Of Yordim CIZl.AR[LU .SHORE'S MARKET Happy Healthy ELECTRI C SHOP New Year Cause Worry; In Vogue 1590 Mineral Spring Aw. North Provide nee Town & Country To Leave 353-J9.2Q. Women's Apparel TEL A VIV - The figures Alfiv coast, long lines of 2099 l'o,t load, coming out or recent surveys Israelis from as early as) a.m. New Year GrNtings Warwick 13 South Angell here arc demoralizing the na• behind the 1ouris1 section. MARY'S 731-7000 110n : betv.cen 3,000 and 4,000 Although consular officials YEAR Wayland Square GREETINGS BEAUTY SHOPPE Jewish hracli citizens arc demand slrong evidence that Tty Ou, Pro.,idence ANGfll ST . 7 Carney Road lca.,ing 1h1s country each lsr.ichs arc lca.,ing behind Warwick l'olyn•,ion O.lir,hts 421 -8458 AT (Cor. Strowberry Field Ad .) mon1h . So serious is the precious as.sets. the officials WAYLAND problem or )'C n da (or cmigra- adm11 that man) Israelis go to 14-SQUAii 737-7156 Grening.v for a 11on from Israel) that Jewish the U.S. as lourists and stay lle,,lthy. Pro.,·peru/lf New Yea r Agency c hairman Aryc on to become illegal ahcns. A HAPPY NEW YEAR Dul1.1n, following a rcccn11np In contrast to the less Best Wi&hes tor a 10 the U.S .. demanded an Henry A. L. Brown educated Israeli. who ldt the H-yl HNHIIJ NARRAGANSETT Endorsed Republican Candidate urgcn1 mct11ng o r 1hc Cab1ne1 country follov.mg the 1973 N.. Yeer to deal v. it h 1hc is.sue. v.ar, today's emigrants in­ Senate, District 16, Warwick LUMBER CO. The star1hng figures. v.hich clude a higher percentage of R. I. METPRO, INC. ha "c many here v.orned, seem profcs.s1onals, doc1or.s. ac­ 139Jeff«.008Nd. Wetwlck All Types of With Best WishH for a Happy & Healthy New Year 10 be reaching an all-time countants. bu.s1ncumen and ...... Building Mat..-iots from high. compclmg v.1th 1hc white collar v.orkcrs. number or Israelis who lc0 the They arc lca.,mg for a 550 Jefferson Blvd . J. Mancini Hardware Co . Jewish slate dunng the coun­ vanct) of rca.sons. Some say Happy New Year Warwick, R.I. 386 Dyer Ave., Cranston try's dark pcnod following thty arc s1clt and ured of the 1hc Yorn K1ppur War. high cues, while others blame CIOWN SUl'PlY 739-4000 944-2740 Tho.IC who emigrated dur­ n on general 1mpudena: and CO ., INC. ing that period blamed their cflronlcry. the 0\er 133 per 26 Silver Sp-ing Street Happy New Year c:1111 mainly on the months ccn1 1nna11on ra1c, the bur­ 161-6329 and mon1hs or con11nu1ng densome 4S-day rescf'-c duty NEW YUi Gl[[TIN6S Atlas Chain Co. reserve duty that v.cn, rc­ each )ear and. finally, the lac.k ST. ONGE'S 175 Dupont Drive quned or them un1il 1hc or faith 1n a go.,cmmcn1 HAl'PY NEW YEAR Boyl' Providence 02907 m1hlary conflict more or ICSJ -. hOK: popularny has been ond Men', Store 943-2800 sct llcd do11o' n Today·s falling since 11s election three M.-. Cart, Coiffvres 1127 Main St. emigrants arc lu.,1ng for )Can. ago. Man) luaelii say 236 W.stmlnster St . w. wo..., id, 01hcr re.a.sons and at a 11mc lhcy arc lookmg for a bcucr ,.,ovkJenc• S6 Hilhide Rd ., when Israel 1s a l pc.ace wit h 11J life 11ylc . 421 · 1173 With Be.f l Whhe, /or a largest Arab neighbor Say1 one l uaell a ul o Cron1ton l·fralt/11 ·. Pro.1pnu111 New Yrar One high Khool teacher mtthamc v.ho 11 awa1tmg an H)'S the problem has gotten so cm11 r:uion affida.,,t from h11 Rober, 8 . 8 0/1 011 out or control ,hat parcnu or- brolhcr hvmg ,n Los Angeles. Councilman. Ward 2 1cn threaten to lca"c thccoun- "You v.orlt 11,i; days • v.eck Best Wishes for Cranston 1ry with then fam1hcs 1r thcu for a m1n1mal salary and when a Happy and Healthy New Year children do no1 reanc bcncr )OU look around. )OU find grades " Ycarsago11wasout­ lhal the mollC) .• not v.or1h ragcous for anyone to admit RALPH HOFFMAN Best Wishes for B -.,ha l 11 was last v.·eclt You sec Healthy and Happy New Year 1hat 1hcy had plans to leave thal you havc.n·1 "cry much to Democralic Candidole #or the coun1ry. Today Clfcryonc show for all 1h11 labor ·• Edward J. Ferns seems 10 fl aunt 11 1n your More and more ads ,n 1hc Councilman-at-Large Councllman Ward 1, Crans1on face." says the educator, who cla.mficd KCl1ons of1hc daily Cranston has been teaching 1n the Tel pra.s ad"crllsc "muse - leave• A.,,., Khool syslcm for some the• counu y" ,-ala or homes, 20 )C3f) furniture and cltt1ncal ap­ Rcsuh1 or a rcan1 poll phancc1 One ad even in­ published 1n lhc daily H:urctz cluded brand-n.amc tennis d1Kloses 1hat "4.9 pct c.cnl r•cqucu and an cnurc hnc of (98,000) or1hc Jc,,.1sh popula­ camp,ng cqu1pmcn1 al fast­ llon over the age of 18 sclhng prices And lsrachs arc declared 1ha1 they arc plann­ lc41\'1n& the counlf) with hard BEST WISHES ing 10 emigrate and settle m cash 1n their hands a no1hcr country in 1hc Aflcr sell mg a decent lhrce­ foreseeable future." Another bcdroom apanmcnt 1n a good s i:,; per cc nl answered Tel A v1" o r Jerusalem "maybe" lo 1hc qucmon nc1ghborhood, a car and asked or 1,200 adults around other "lu.,uncs:· an lsrach FORA the country. The same poll can be c:\pcctcd to come to the no1cs that in 1976 only 2.2 per U.S. w11h at lca.s1 SI SO,OOOor - cent were planning to more m his pockets. cm1gra1c. v.hilc 2.8 per ccn1 A recent article pubhshcd v.crc considering lhc motion. m Time magazmc stated that HAPPY, Data provided by El Al , some 250,000 Israelis a rc now Best Wishes for Israel's national ai rline, show residing in New York. Some, th .1 1 there has been a signil"i­ continued the story, have tu r­ a New Year of Peace and Prosperi1y cant jump in the number of n cd into over ni ght Robert Carley Israelis purchasing one-way m1lliona1rcs. while olhc rs J. tickds. especially to the Big have found work in their HEALTHY AND Representative District 39 Apple - New York . va rious professions or arc At the America n embassy's making a li ving hustling as Warwick and W. Warwick temporary visa office. housed cv. York laxi drivers. in a downtown building In downtown Philadelphia, several blocks horn the em­ many or the slcrco and clcc­ bassy complc,i; along the Tel Continucd on ncd page PROSPEROUS

My Best Wishes for Sincere Best Wishes for a Happy, Joyous New Yeor NEWYEAR! a Happy Peaceful New Year Representative Senator Donald R. Hickey MARION G. DONNELLY District 1 District 29, Warwick Providence

Happy New Year Sincere Wishes for 'outlet GENERAL TREASURER a Year of Heallh and Peace AND department swres Kevin D. McCarthy MRS. ANTHONY J. Representative, District 34 SOLOMON • Warwick State of Rhode Island 20 T H E R HODE ISLA N DH E RAL D, TH U RSDA Y,SEPTEMBE RII 1980

Our Since re Best Wishes Numbers. New Yeor G-eetings A VERY, HAPPY NEW YEAR for o Joyful New Yeor Continued from prttccdmg page JENNIE' S BEAUTY SHOP AINOlD'S MOTOICYCLE CO .. INC. tron,c equipment stores arc need of a s1rong poli1ical 9 South Angell Slrfft Mo r in■ Oi-,iJion Councilman and Mrs . OIA ncd and operated b) leader S1 1d one la1A·)er· Jenn.e Sole tnik, Pr oJ)f'ietor 516 Brood StrNt Carlos Spirito, Jr. lsr.ichs. Each 1s said 10 be ··\\ h) do )OU think IAC \Olcd 421 -3391 421 -7868 bringing 1n 1housands or for Begin" E\ef)onc thought dollars of rc"cnuc C'-cry da) he 1AOuld ta._e the countr, 1n Allhough ortic1al lsrach hts h:inds and lead lns1ead he But wishl!S ,or Bes/ Wishes f or a Happy New Year sources put the 10131 number (8q!1n)1pcnds all his 11me Ir)• o New Yeor ol Heolfh ond Happiness Cha rl es R. Healey Sr. of lsrachs l1Hng abroad at mg 10 ._ccp his go\ernment .ibout 400,0(X). one go\crn• from falhng ·· Do niel M. Crowley Endorsed Democrati c Representative ment orftCJal 1h1nks that 1s a A look al the J0\ernment"s Re presenlotive Democratic Candidate District 34 Warwi ck modest figure ·"Thcre·s more record 1n its parhamcnlar} Dis trict 33, Warwick hkcl) to be a half m1lhon .ipproach to I he problem of Israelis l1vmg 1hroughout the )Cnda ma._cs Jn obsencr U .S. Canada. and Western 1AOndcr Al1hough most Mrs. Joseph Belin sky & Family Europe 1oda)." he said m1n1S1cr1 p3) pubhc hp scr• Wit h Best Wishes for a Joyous Ne w Yea r Wish to extend Besides a large number of ,,cc 10 the causes or and em1gran1S moving lo CIA Frank Maslrati, Jr. New Year Greetings remedies for em1grat1on. fclA York. a rca-nt poll in the ha\C sho1A•n up for the Councilman Ward 3 lo family and f riends c,enmg \ faanv rc\calcd 1hat Kncssc:t session debates deal­ Cranston many or 1hc lsrachs 1AhO arc ing IA uh the problem plannm,: 10 scnle in the U S Proud Israelis and hard­ .ire sct1m,: their s1gh1.s on such ~orc: Z1onn:u. ho1Ac,er. brush A Very Happy Healthy Holiday US allcs as Lo~ Angela. Best Wishes to our friends and Custome rs lhc ne1A IA;nc of )enda aside To All S:.an I r.1nc1sco, Chu:ago and for a Happy Ne w Year ThC) Y) 1ha1 cm1grat1on has \11am1 Helena E. McDermott allA:.l)S bcc.n J dilemma. e\cn OAKlAWN HARDWARE CO. One poht,aan Q)'I a great Re presentative District 33 before the stale IAJS crc;.11cd, 711 Ooklawn Avenue dc;il of the blame for th< prc:­ Warwick Jnd IAIII al...,.a) be Cranston i,cnl cm1grat1on horror should 942-0600 be pl:,ccd on lhc Bqm ad­ ThC) strongl) bc:heH. that Greetings for a Heohhy, Prosperous Ne w Yeor m1n1\Hal1on The officu1I, a hracrs sons and daughters Charlotte and Bill Orlec:k member of 1hc opJ)(K1t1on •111 C\enluall) ··come home·· Best WishH to all Our Friends & Custome rs Myrna Orleek Labor PUI), Wl)S lhe pnme for a ,ancl) of na11onllll or for a Happy New Year \OClllll mot1\c, Bui most agree Rona and Gary and m1nu1er', new economic Fred & Larry Cohen pohC) hu helped cre.ite the 1ha1 em1gra11on proportions Anita, ond Morty Webber IA 1dcsprcad rcehn@ •mong ha\e ne\er kerned so gra,e Twiny's Diner Karen, Lore n and Marci c1111ens here 1ha1 ··1omorro• Said one. Israeli IA ho 29 Manton Avenue, Providence 831-9571 IA 111 not 1e1 better. 11 an only .studied .1nd h\cd m the US Best Wishes for a Healthy, Happy Ne.,., Yea r gel •orsc ·· The 1nna11on fuel• for 10 )eJrs and who 1oda) 11 mg ··a1. dnn._ and be mcrf) a succeHful Tel A\t\ Kay's ewport for tomorr0IA •c •1ll die .. bu.Mn~man '" If these fi1ure1 46 S)'ndromc has been referred to don·1 slop cl1mb1n1 2nd this :r:v73:~C:'· as 1he true breeding ground pcuod of bad fccl1ng doesn't Our rery Best Wishes for 421-9043 for cm1gr-at1on sub.side. •e an onl) rcmmd a floppy and Hea/1hy New Year Others W) 1hat 1he count') the l;ut ona herc101...,.11choff .ind 11, people arc m dcspcnle the hghu IA hen thC) lc.1,e" Thin Foods of R.I. " Home of Thin's Inn" Airport P laza Greetings for Kibbutz Adamit: Warwick a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year Michael A. Traficante A Diversity Of Councilman-at-large Cranston Strengths HAll-'A - If thlJ k1bbuu We do fa.1rty IA'cll m agncul­ could ialk (•nd 1A ho U)'I • turc. but 1Ae (eel the need to Greetings tor ki bbutz cannot talk~ 11 would dl\'Cnlry our economy We arc probably hne the foi101Am1 one of the perhaps three or a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New louy- fou r k1bbu1nm 1n the entire Year Wc (every k1bbut1 tal._ s m country ..,. hid, have no domes­ t he collective plural) arc K1b­ tic 1ndu.stl'). EVcn ncv, k1bbut• bu1 1. Adam 1t We arc located nm these days begin w1th some Senator Richard R. Patterson on l hc upper udgc of the branch of infant industry, and District 10, Providence Wcs1ern Galilee, along the some or our collcaaucs ha,·e ~wg~ Lcbanest: border. and from our d eveloped plants of maJor mountai n lo p 1A e command a importance rn the national view o f a lmost a third o f the econo my. It may surprise o ur counl ry. We h a ,e se ve ral fn cnds abroad , wh o have Best Wishes tho usand duna ms o r la nd, o ld-fashioned conceptions o f about half o f which arc in va ri­ the kibbutz, 1f IA C reveal tha t o us fruits, hke appla, pears the kibbutzi m o f Israel today for a nd a vocadocs, a nd the re• derive some 60 per cent o r thei r /i)~~~ maindcr in con o n. We raise income fro m some for m o f Health and Happiness chickens fo r the market. Conunued on nc, t page V'.J. DRUG l!ll ~ - extends greetings from Our Bes/ Wishes for a lar a Happy, Heallhy , Prosperous New Year happy holiday HEAL TH FOOTWEAR 187 Westminster Mall MICHAEL J. ROSSI, Providence Reg . Ph. Lie. #41 331-4337 1288 Oaklawn Ave. Cranston, R.I .. We have KOSHER WINE

~r(S CANDIES GUIDO'S RUSTCRAFT CARDS Ifll'sGENUINE On the Historic East Side For All

2-11 p.m. OosedTues. DaiJy 5 P••· to 10 p.m. ao-1 Moa. A Tues. JEWISH 100 & 102 HOPE STREET, PROVIDENCE 273-5812 SPECIAL OCCASIONS S..IWisli.iFo,A HGppy New Y..a , HOLIDAY GREE TINGS Kibbutz Adamit ... Continued from prccccdmg page Best Wishes For a Happy SANTAGATA Garden City lanes, ..,, . Healthy New Year Equipment Co., 115 Sodton.MtC,.. Ids. indusiry, and the remainder 4. Quantiucs required should from agriculture. not be beyond our production Senator Wm . B. Zuccarell i Inc. C,anston, •.1. 430 Atwood A,,.. And so ~c too arc looking capacity. Dis trict 6 - Providence Cron ~ton 785-9050 94,4..1772 for an industry. Whal do ~c We find thal some or our offer? sister oollcagucs arc producing Firs1ly, "'c arc a communi• 1hmgs like plastic and mc1al HOLIDAY G REETI NGS A HAPPY NEW YEAR ty , 1hc greater number of products, television sets NEW YEAR GREETINGS NEPCO PRODUCTS CO. M•S. DAVID WOODMAN whom arc 1mmigran1s from (assembly), packing car­ e1ndfomity English-speaking countries. tons, dctergcn1s. irrigation "of'{k,J,.d. " I I Tmth St. and more 1han hair or them equipment. etc. We loo want OK,,1,eago t•, Apt. l ◄ H A.IA. £.st Pro,ldmct 670 No.- th Main St. holders or uni,.crsuy degrees. to add lo the productive econ• 7 0.,, 12 Nooo "' 1 4J&..4550 P'rov.d•nc• We may no1 all be engineers, omy, and so ~c rule out an) but (modestly) ~c have a high quick-profil gimmicks. 215 South - -· mtdkclual capacity, and ..,.hen If our un1,ers1t) graduates we took to agncuhurc. we could devise nc~ methods or BE ST WI SHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR sho~cd ..,.ha t brains could do. picking frui1. or could There arc 44 more members au1oma1c the deaning out o f Best Wishes for a New Year m trammg to ,om w next )e.tr. chicken manure. ~c arc sure SAMMARTINO DIAMONDS We arc a highly motivated they can apply thcmsch-cs to of Health, Peace and Prosperity group. Our 40 children provide machinery and equipment 1n 1468 ELMWOOD AVENUE, CRANSTON one of our greatest mttn11,.cs any mdustr,al hnc GEOFFREY A. SCHOOS to want to sucoccd Herc. mecl some of our Demou otic Candidate for U.S. CongreH We have a stable labor foroc. )OUng pcopk:. Bvban.. dc:51.gru 2nd District Kibbutz members never go on alld ~ ·s most oflhc do1hing st nkc for the kibbutz children She Sincere Best Wishes f or We arc auurcd of financial 1s s till nursing her own bad:1ng from 1hc govcrnmcn1 J-month-old Cory. but "'llcn the coming New Year and from the Jewtsh Agency the infant requires a fcec:hng Robert V. Bianchini for construc11on and she 1s summoned to the ch1l­ equipment fo r our new 1ndu.s-­ drcn·s hous,c b) the buwng Representative tnal operation . ..,.hen we find call on hc.r personal beeper one su11ablc . Sec1 Th1r1 what v.c mean District 23 We arc lookmg for an idea. about u1n1 your you­ My Ve ry Best Wishes for a prodoa.10n bnc, and pahapt kno"'•what ' Cranston a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous Ne w Year JOmC profCIAOnal uusc.anoc m Oncapfs rcpn:::sent.alJva at gc111ng sllncd. We ha ... c s,ct Adam11 arc Mi.rt Broudo and cntcna for the 1dc.al line, rcal­ Barbara Katz. now Ben• Senator J. William lnglesby mng 1ha1 no ideal can C\'Cf be A,..raham District 16, Warwick fu lly rcahtcd. Richard ll kibbuUIOO'T:t.al) . which 1s equivalent to 1cncral I The raw materials re­ manager Hc·s the one who 1s quired should be av,11lablc m looking for an 1nd~uy for us h•t Wk he1 for brad DoCI an)body ou1 there have o N• w Y.ar of H.alth & Prospe,ity 2. The product should be a pracucal ,du that "'C can for opon. or 10 replaa: 10m> back up ..,.Ith proper hclp1 If Edward Martin, Representative thing now imported so. write to us . R1ch1rd Endorsed Re publican J. Production should be Bambc.rgu, Kibbutz Adamu. District 32, Warwick Best Wishu for a New Year of largely autom11cd. rcquinn1 Doar a Western Gahlcc. a m1n1mum or labor brul Health, Hoppinffs and Prosperi ty hom AIRPORT HEARING CENTER 25 Airport Rd . Warwick 739-3880 Sincere Wishes fora New Year of Health, Peace and Prosperity EDWARD J . WALDMAN Endorsed Republican New Y.ar Grffling, lo Our Friend, and Custom• " Candidate Representative District 39 A HAPPY ANO HEA LTHY NEW YEA R RICHARD LONG'S Warwick and West Warwick FROM THE ,AUL HEYMANN FAMILY ¥ox Kou 676 WASHINGTON ST . SCHMIDT SO. ATTLEBORO, MASS. Rte. l Ele

New Ye&r OreeUncs DAVIS CUT RATE STORE With Best Wishes '5 Wasblncton St. f or a Happy and Healthy w en Wanricll "ffi ~ YOO be VAile,- 1-8989 New Year in~dfor A HAPPY AND HEALTHY a good year" NEW YEAR RHODE ISLAND AND SOUTHEASTERN ~J MASSACHUSETTS ' COMMITTEES FOR

STATE Of ISRAEL BONDS ''VJ~~WEDDING CAKES ...,...... ~~ol~~~wall- hcpmaldl7eemlll0rheli'lld\ croepentyald~ in thewo1d. t BAKESHOPemER ==~:=~kr~wtl;IIdti-en's l1ltten.Sheklm. ' Greetings & Best Wishes :m 1111111 sr .. fllCMaCl for a Happy, Healthy New Year .....117 - The Stop & Shop Companies, Inc. Paul V. Sherlock ooo~~i:iJx,~s We've now wan our Representative District 30 36th Bakery Award for Warwick ~ BRAIJLEES DEPARTMENT STOIES fine quolity and MQ ~~~~O~CT\JR1NG CO. decoration 22- TH E RHODE ISLANDHERALD TH URSOAY SEPT EMB ER II 1980

Best Wishes for a Happy New Year Hol iday Gr&etings PHOEBE'S FISH and CHIPS Rosh Hashanah lo our Friends ond Customers Fresh Sea Food and Sa/ads Gara's Men's and Canterbury Shop OIH" Tunday thru Soturday - Wn,h and Dinn« New Year 17 Washington St. 633 Foll River AY,nue, Seekonk, Mo». West Warwiclc 02893 336-6295 5741 - 1981 828-1005 By M rs. O.•rlou~ J.cobson, Ch1irm1n 11 11/, Bt'\I It n/,r, for a llappr Neu rear World Zioni st Org1ni u 1ioo-A mc.rkan Sttcion " Majestic Senior Guild This -as the )car or the or lav. and democratic pnnc1- Andrew E. McConnell Ella S werling, President ca1,c-1n. ¥.hen t he United ple Israel couru hHc Representatiie Oistricl 77 and Board Members States and 1hc W cs1ern Euro­ dcmons1r.11ed 11mc and again Pawtuckel wish all Members pcan nauons bcga n to bctt3) 1hcir JUd1c1al v.1sdom A Happy Healthy New Year." their democratic ideals and \\e must rccogn1te 1h:11 allcg,ancc by s ua:umbmg to iQ\Crc1gnt) is 1he c•clus1\e th, subvcrs1v e, Arab­ pro\.'1nce or the c1t1tcn-pcople rinanccd, PLO.d1r cctedeffort or Israel It 1s therefore 1m• to unra,.cl Camp David·, proper for us. no mailer hov. Greetings for a Happy, Healthy Best Wishes to all Our Friends and Customen carefoll) kn11ted promise or o1rdcn1 our de,.011on and sup­ for o Happy New Year Middle l:ul peace and porl. to rcson 10 1he media 10 and prosperous New Year prosperity It 1s the )car that ,nnucnce Israel's go,.ernment Vincent's Marcello's Restaurant s;iv., humamt) 's crucial need m mauers 1n\oh1n,: the lire 146 Gonsett Ave., Cranston for a v.orld parhamenl foun­ and death secufll) or 1ts peo­ Senator and Mrs. ded on mor.iht) and 1mpar­ ple 942-6666 llaht) bctra)ed b) energy­ Dcsp11c: lhc host,hl) or the Richard A. Licht hungry and econom1cally Ar.ib \\ arid and uncertamt) Dr . and Mrs. Joseph Jay Fishbein squeeted U N members and mconsmcnC} 1n the: U.S seduced b) Arab 011 and Adm1n1s1r.111on, care.fol s1c:p­ Dr. and Mrs. Alex Mandel lucrat,,.e contract, b)-step nq01,a11on according Master Ernest Mandel Indeed. American Jcv.ry 10 the Camp Dn,d Accords huJUSI MXn the crumphngor b) l:up1 and Israel otTers the Dr. Keith J . Fishbein lls high hopct, for pro-Israel bc\1 prospect for the grov.th A Very Happy, Healthy New Year Dr . Nancy L. Feldman ac11ons by the U.S Ad· •nd e\.'ohc.mcn1 or peace Janni Fishbein m1n1s1rat1on bucd upon The dire lime m v.h,ch v.c: Amenca·s h1stonc suppor1 or find ouf)Chc.s rcqu1rcs the lo my friends and neighbors Amy Fishbein ,u only M,d l:auern mobll1ut1on or the democra1,c ally In 1h1s dire Amcncan-Jc.v.1sh commun1t) EXTEND BE ST WISHES FOR A VERY HAPPY, c1rcums1;intt or Israel and 1h,s )car. and through us 1hc: HEALTHY ANO PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ..-arid JC"t'>f) ba1eged by foes American pc:opk and ,ts TO THEIR FRIENDS ANO RElA TIVES bcarmJ ,:,Os and $0-0illled lc:.1dc:1"1 ai.11ns1 the allads on alho v.how: allcg1anoc and /,omsm v.h1ch arc also at• State Representative mor.11 principles arc 10 readily lad.son 1hc: lc:1111maC} of the for ialc. v.,hat doo thccommg Jcv.1sh S1111e and homc.bnd HOLIDAY G REETINGS )e.ir por1cnd. and ..-hat '-' rt· \\ c musl rc:•ffirm Zionism quired orus to prC:5Cf'\,c the in­ and our allq.iance loll as lhc TO OUR FRIENDS ANO CUSTOMERS dependence or Israel. to central mo,..emcnl of 1he FROM enhance ,u sccunt) and v.cll• Jc:v.1 h people We mus1 re­ Joseph A. Delorenzo, Jr. being and to rurlhcr 111 echo t-l c.rtl's ....,ords "Lei hu:1onc datmy as the Jc,,. ,sh everyone rind ou1 v. hal CAMILLE'S ROMAN GARDEN n;i11on and homeland"' bonam re.all) 11 a moral, 71 Bradfo,d St., P,ovtdence We must reply 10 raolu• l;1,,.fol, human11an;lln mo\'C• t,ons 1ha1 pcrven the truth mc.n1 directed tov.ard the Iona 751-4112 v.,1th lhe ,ndchblc r1e1 that - )Urned• for goal or our pc:o­ 0 i1trict 2.S Israel sovereignty u 1d­ ple" mm1stered by a 110,.ern mcnt We ha,.c seen our dire: Cron1ton Con11nued on nut paac Rosh Hashanah Greetings 1980 - 5741

BEST WISHES ~ '-:. FdR A We wish all HAPPY & HEALTHY our friends NEW YEAR A Happy, Healthy JOSEPH W. WALSH ., and Prosperous MAYOR City of Warwick New Year

lhefriendmakers .. '.' ' THE RH ODE ISLA ND HERA LD. THU RSD A Y, SEPTEMBER 11 , 1980- 23

Rosh Hashanah ... A Happy New Yea, Consumers' Motiing Co. Contmucd from prcettdmg page MRS . MAX I. GREENBERG Complete Household Moving fo rcbochngs or the disastrous and social g.aps ,. it hm he r and Family decline m Sov1c1 Jc..., 1sh im­ SOClel) Jnd deal .. ith other 282 Chatham Circle 785-0152 m 1g ra 11 on come 10 pass. long-term hum:rn problems. Wethersfield Commons NEW YEAR GREETINGS American Jc,,.ry needs 10 act T his Rosh Ha.s hanah ,.e Warwick v1gorouSI) lo n:vcrse this sad c-Jn reaffirm our commitment NEW YEAR GREETINGS foc1. 10 the cause of Israel through II is al.so mcumbcnt upon us membership m a Z1onu1 A Very Happy, Healthy New Year EDGEWOOD BEAUTY SHOP lo sec to 11 that ttlc U.S. organ1z.a11on, participation 1n 1132 Broad StrHt dclegauon 10 the: Hclsmk1 Ac­ lhc: fundra,smg efforts orUJA Joseph R. Croce Cron1ton cords Confrrcncc 1n Madrid and 1he Israel Bonds Councilman - Word S puts forth our cause. orgJnlZJII0n and 3Cll\-e In· 781-5677 Cranston Per haps the time has come 11ohemen1 m our commumly for ano1hcr Brussels Con­ prog_rJms We mus t be fe rence 10 be con\cncd. 111g1lan1 1h1s Prcs1 den11al c:lec- Mrs. Solly Fink This wi ll bc a lumg )Car 11on )car 1n responding 10 HOLIDAY GREETINGS and Son, Donald Stephen fo r lsracland for,.orld Jc,.I) . pohllc-a l dc:\dopmc:nt.s m this Tho Kaplan Family WhatcHr the Ne,,. Yea r br• count') as the) afTcct lsrac:l"s Best Wishes /or a Happy New Year mgs J\ong lsraers frontiers. Stt\lfll) and the ~dopmcnl of Ta Their Friends and Relatives and she must rem:11n slrong or rc-.tl peace 1n 1hc: Middle enough lo deter any rc:ne,.cd l:..asl RAINBOW BAKERY a11 emp1s JI au·rcss1on b) her h n.ill). ,.c: reaffirm our 9_.1 Withe, for ci Hoppy New Yeo, neighbors, Israel must still comm11ment 10 the ouSC' or BEST YIISHES ~ A HAPPY NEW YEAR dCJI ,.,th the problem of at,. l uJc:I through ,nncased E.P. Anthony, Inc. ~ 4t ~ Seth Lewi, Shoes .\Orbing ne,.. 1mm1gr.in1.s. both Jh)ah from the frtt ,.orld and from "- e,om ,.11h Jc,.s lhc: ""orld Apolhe

MARC I COIN CO. Best wishes for o Happy New Year 1191 MAIN ST ., WIST WARWICK Jim's Hair Re placement Studio 828-5880 706 Reservoir Ave . Cranston, R.I. 02910 BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR 942-9856

Happy New Year 10 Our Friends & Cuslomers • wholesale/reliul WITH BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR CASA • ra v,ol, / mantco!II RAVIOLI WEXLER'S INC. 471'/2 alwood avenue • st uff shelh/ 11 3 TAUNTON AVENUE cranslon, rhode island 02920 pasta products SEEKONK, MASS. 401 - 944 -9163 • i1a lian delicadu ~580-.5741 336-9103 ed martino richard martino ~I~ N,• w r t'or Grt•e1i11g5 l o our Frin,d.5 aml Clie111s Sincere New Year's Greetings If 11/r /J~u U ishet from ROBERT J . GULLA VIC E .. AE SIOU H .. fo r a } mr of Peare the Providence office of Al: S OOl:H T WAHA01:A aml l'rtM{Wn/1• ~ utton GREENVILLE X-RAY 2414 Hospital Trust Tower Kidder. Ped b ody & Co. ,o oo"'"'"'"c1: ••An, Providence. Rhode Island 02903 ln c o.-pou,1ed PAOVICCNCC , A I 01903 595 Pulnam Pike 9--W-,NJ 278-4242-43 Greemille. H.J. 02828

My Wishes ALL THE KAPLAN'S .. . . Jim • Melba • Jerry e Sheila • Dick • Nancy for a Blessed and Peaceful Mindy Beth • lonnie • Donna • Lori And the Entire Staff At

New Year JAMES KAPLAN, INC. JEWELERS 72 HILLSIDE ROAD GARDEN CITY CRANSTON Claudine Schneider Holiday Greetings and Best Wishes CRANSTON For a -New Year ol GARDEN CITY SHOPPING CENTER Health, Peace and Plenty 944-S270

To my Friends and Constiluents My Best Wishes for a Healthy and Happy New Year A Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year William P. McKenna Irving H. Levin Representative from D.. trict 28 Cranaton Representative from District 27 Cranston

A Healthy and Happy New Year Sincere Best Wishes for a Happy New Year from from Senator David Sholes Senator Richard McAllister Cranston District 12 Cranston -----·n _ TuC'nu,...,.,...- ,,. , ...... ··-- .. - -··· - __ ----·


HAPPY NEW YEAR Reconstructionism: BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR JAY'S SUBS 'n' STUFF Opening Up :New ARNOLD'S APPLIANCE SERVICE Elaine and Joy Gert and Percy WASH £RS. DRY£RS. RA NG£S 7 68Hope Street, Providence 521-4512 An>' make or model serviced Paths Aurlioriud Norge Serviu NEW YEAR GREETINGS e RCA • Kenmore • Westinghouse e GE TO FRIENDS ANO CUSTOMERS In Judaism • Whiri~ and oll popuku mobs PETROLEUM HEAT & POWER CO. By Rabbi Arnold Rachlli 29 Greenslitt Avenue Pawtucket, R.I . 375 Allena Avenue Providence Sometimes at a wedding. or oongrcgaoons and havurot. Call 723-3305 941-0050 often after a Shabbat service, a ROCOI\Stru<.1.10,ust RabblnlCill constantly after a bar or bat college (in Philadelphia). a m1tzva. people approach me MR . and MRS . JEROME HOROWITZ magatine. a press and an A Healthy and Prosperous lllNfflthStrMt and ask : ·· 1 knov. about Re­ cducat1onal foundation Ml. ond MIS. STEPl1fN IAUTISU. form, Connrvat1vc and Rec:ooSlru<.1.t0nlSITI has been New Year to All [rom Ml. ond MIS. SIDNEY CAil HOeOWITZ Orthodo,; Judaism: 50 tell me considered contro,ersial at Snoron hth ond Jefh.y Ocrtkl rabbi, what is Rccons1ruc- tames because o r the rchg1ous and Ml. ond MIS. SffVfN HOIOWITZ 11omsm""" J.,""'Y ond JoniQ humanism 11 espouses At the Antonio's Coiffures, Inc. E.tend &.ii WlU'>fl for o Happy ond Pro'fl'9'rovi ...,._ Teo, In good rabb1n1c 1rad1t1on. same 11me Dr Charles "on one foot," I explain Liebman. an Onhodo, Jc• G-d • Torah - brad· ritual· and soc1olog11t. dc.scnbci 837 HOPE SfREET HOLIDAY GREETINGS hturu •phdosoph) from a Rccon1n ruc11on11m as rep• VY 'S BEAUTY SALON RoconstruaJOntSI pcnpcctJvc. mcntaovc or the actal bdids PROVIDENCE The rcsponK I rccc=,"c: ,s of mm.I Amcncan Jc-..,, 373 NARRAGANSETT PARKWAY usually grat,f)·mg Apprc­ Reconstruc11on1su bchc,.c 861-8887 WARWICK aall\lC:, noted. and somduncs 1h11 G-d 1.s a term that ...,e use 781 -7450 CGlallC., 1hcy· AY I can't bd~ to dcicnbc those: thmp w11h1n 11. I gucu r,'C ah"•)·s bttn 1 u.s lhal make us lovmg and Rcconst ruct1onist Jcv. ·• cann,1 people G-d IS that VERY BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY Alv,ra)'I SU$p100US ofmst.anl po•-cr •1thm us 1h 11 ...,c per• MR . and MRS. SOL SELINKER convcrs1on1, I 1ugga1 a fcv. oc1,-c through ruson. eApcn­ AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ., books and art,dcs and ad"uc cncx and m1u1t10n - that urges from Bernard Green PROVIDENCE thcx pcopk to "'go and Rudy •• us tov,--uds sc1r-rum11mcn1 and Mon1hs later, I frcqucr'lll) hear ethical behavior We find G-d and BUSINESS FORMS CO. rrom tttc.m at another tcrv1cc b) undcnundmg ourxhu. b) Samuel Green or by phone or lcuer con• bcmg mo111II) concerned and 472 Smith Street rirming wha1 thq b) being .sclf-mo11vated to ovidence Providence, R.I. 02908 spontancou1ly uttered url1er .s1udy and hvc: as Jc•--s Recontlruct1omsm. lhey t.a). ~ I.S no 1u1hontanantsm hun·1 changed 1he1r 1de11. m Rccon.struct,omsm While 467-3242 Wish their relatives ond friends rather 11 h1.1 articulated 'A-hat many 1111d111ons arc prcscncd ~~~- · o Happy and Hea lthy New Year they·,.e alwa)s bcl1c,cd but on :a con1rcgat1on11l level Cranston, Rhod• lsl1nd 02910 nc\"er found oprC$SCd ...,,thin (Shabbat. kuhrut, •canng or other Jc.,{1sh movcmenll lupot. etc). no 1111bb1.1cacher. So .... hat II ReconltrUC· or te,1 atn ot should a:,mmand BEST WISHES NEW YEAR GREETINGS t1on1sm" Or1g1nally 11 •u the 11 particular ntual bcha"1or or TO OUR FRIENDS & CUSTOMERS ph1\osoph)' or the hbcral wing theological po1111on for any FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR or Conservative Judaism 1nd1v1dual Rather. each per• e,.prcucd b) Rabb, Mordecai son 1s actwc:ly urged to study HARBAR'S SHOES Kaplan It round man) adhcr­ che trad1tt0n and then 10 sdect 190 WAYLAND AVENUE 274-3666 cnu ...,,thin both Reform and those m1m·ot that arc pcqon­ DeBLOIS Consc.rv1111ve Jud:usm H •ell all) and lf)lnlually mcanmgrul "Shop for Pappo11allo" as ,n progreu1\e and Ztom.st There II also no 11 nglc der- cm:lcs Over the last re .... dec­ 1n111on or a --good Jc• " - ades 11 separated from Comcr­ some •di find meaning ,n ASSOCIATED MR . and MRS. ALBERT HANZEL vat,vc Judaism and became 1u &uhrut and Shabbat, others and BARBARA own mo,.emen1 w11h a Re­ ,n study. still other, 1n Jewish cons1 ruc11on1s1 rcdcra11on Con1inucd on nut page OIL COMPANIES 722-8000 Dependable Service Greetings from the Fuel Oil • Heating • Air Conditioning


136 Route 5 187 Weybouet St. Warwick Providence 731-8700 272.0101

30B County Raad We wish our friends and clients Barrington a Happy & Healthy New Year 245-5350

ALLSTATE AMBULANCE SERVICE, INC. Our Very Best Wishes For A Happy & Healthy OUR SINCERE • IUFFID IT IIIEIG!NCY MEDICAL IECHNICIANI BEST WISHES New Year FOR THE • 24 KDUI U:IYICE NEW YEAR To All Our Relatives & Friends • APPROVED FOi MEDICAIE-WHFAIE SEASON • FULLY EQUIPPED FOi EVEIY EMEIGEJtCY Jerry & Sheila Shaulson and sons, 20 PrtSru OR. MELVIN HA NZEL sonal meanings to the h1ston­ of each Je• as authentic for cal ones. Such a ptrson might him/her. Senator & Mrs. John C. D' Amico EXTEND BEST WISHES say: " I do II so that all Jews At the Jcwuh Rccon• may cat m my ho me" or " Ir I 11ruct1on11t Congrc:ga11on. v.c FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR District 13, Cranston TO TH EIR RELATIVES AND FR IENDS care so much about the •ay attempt 10 acoomphsh thcsc an animal 11 slaughtered. how goals through a ru11 program much more will I care about of Jc-v;uh cducaoon for all age the way human bonp h\~ and locls. through services 1ha1 die" or .. , enJoy the sclf­ bknd 1rad1t1onal pra)cn wnh Happy New Year d1sc1phne.. o r " I feel that poetry, muSK, da.ncc, has1d1c kashrut makes the act of cat• stones and rmk>d~ samon­ We wish our friends and dienh mg sacred." d I a Io g u cs and an open a Happy and Healthy New Year to all my Friends These rcuons. once: art1cu­ a tmosphere: of part1opa1,on from la1cd, make a ntual ""trampar• Mcmbcn of our oongrcgallon CRANSTON SURGICAL ent:.. 1hat 1s , they allow one WJ'C rcspoM,1bd1t) for bd1n& to look through and bq-ond KfVlOCI usmg the opportumty CENTER Anthony Deluca the ccrcmon1al act to a high­ to opn:$.1 not onl) the trad,­ ,t0f. l,tS,l J. MIGN.A CCA. ,us. er, pcr1onal, self- Inn• llon but ah,o thc:u ov.n deepest EndorHd Democrat Repr... ntatlva KCndcnt le vel of awarcncu Contmucd on ne.1,1 page HOSl'tT Al EQUIPMENT lrom But 10rm will rqc,d kuhrut REN1 ALS SALES Dlatrk:t 22 and other rnual1 ancr go,ng • WHHL CHAIRS • OXYGEN through 1h11 procas of upcr• • WAU

last Widm lo "' frianis ' CuslOffllrl lot I KNl!hy ' , rosptlO ltS .... '"' MAJESTIC Gin BASKETS • 43 ltcHMOND STRHT • PROVIDENCE Healthy Neu· Year •21-1971 • AINOlD J. KLBNMAN GIFT FRUIT BASKE1S • FRUIT HAMPERS SHIPPED • WE DEUVER MASTER CHARGE & VISA ACCEPTED

Sincere Best Wishes for a Happy New Year from \S.Yc=B? Bruce B. Daniel WOONSOCKET SAVINGS and TRUST Representative Dlatrk:t 26, Cranaton "We Take Pride In Serving You" Wishing You Visit any of o.ur Peace, Health and Prosperity Ten Bonlcing Offices In Northern Rhode Island

Cumberlond: Woonsocket: in the New Year 1975 Mendori Rd. 25 Cummings Woy 2061 Diamond Hill Rood 14' Main StrH t Walnut Hill Plaza Johnstan: 2020 Diamond Hill Rd. Gerry De Celles 1414 Atwood AYenue 1416 Par!: AYerwe Smithfield1 N. Smithfield, Republican Candidate .UO l\ltnom Pih Slale,s...;lle Plaza for WOOHSOC«ET INSrmmoH FOi SA,VIHGS,IWOOHSOCUT IHSrmmoH 1'1USr CO. Lt. Governor MEMIEIS F.0.1.C. ~t, THI.: RIIODE ISLAND HERA LD THURSDAY,SEPTEMBER 11 1 1980

BE ST WISHES FOR A Reconstructionism ... Happ) New Year VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR Continued from prccccd1ng page to all o ur Friends & Relati,,es from CENTRAL SCALE CO. foehn~ and ideals. E\ICI'} other wa)S in ,,.h1ch we are creallng month. ,,.e break 1he congrc• a communl1 } of mutual shar­ Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Flescher ga1ion up mto clusters of 4 or ing and t rust at the Jewish 2027 Elmwood Ave., Warwick 467-7500 5 families and share Shabba1 Reconstructionut Con­ and Family at each others' homes - w11h grcga tion. Our religious a meal. blcs.s.mgs. songs, Rud) humanism has made us NEW YEAR G REETINGS and fellowstup. Every June, wc rcspectfol of Jc,,.ish tradition. COUNTRY CASUALS leave the city for a ,,.eckend but also has given us the 00U r­ N•w Y.ar Greeting, to share a kalla of study, ,,.or- age and dctemunat1on to open MR . and MRS. JOSEPH SALTZMAN Governor Froncit Shopping Center ship and friendship together. up ne,,. paths 1n ntual, ttrc- Warwick Thcsc are onl} 10mc of the mon) and ph1losoph) . "New Arrivo/ of Foll Fashions" Dr. and M.. . Paul Feldman, u.., and Adam Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lubin, Scott and Allison MRS. ISRAEL 8. DICKENS Mr. and Mrs. Richard Saltzman Evan Brian DR. and MRS. MAYNARD S. BURT The Evils of Being and Famity Wish Their Relatives ond f-dends o Happy ond Prospero..n New Year "Number One" MR. end MRS. IRVING A. ACKERMAN 200 Hoffm•n Avenue, Cren ■ton By R1.bbi M•rti• C. BrOMnberc Happy New Year Wish all their If the Dccla.-.t1on of lndc­ d1ametncall) oppo$Cd 1n the relatives and friends to A II our Friends and Clients pc:ndentt ,,.·ere ,,.ntten toda}, ,,.-orld oolSfdc the arena, -.hen: the preamble ,,.ould set forth 11 becomes sinister. a healthy and happy the propos111on 1hat all men It all began mort: than .5700 New Year Colonial Printing Co., Inc. arc ent1Ucd 10 the nghtJ of l.J fc. ye.an ago. about the )c&r 20. Libert) and lhe Pursuit of ,,.hen Cain and Abel brought Being Number One their oHcnngs of thanks 10 E,cr s1ncx the Stank) Cup G·d Abel's ofTcnng wa.s ,,.di Best Wishes for a Year of 1053 Reservoir Ave. wu captured b) the Ph1la­ rc:covcd, but Cam·s wu foond Cranston. A.I. delph11 A,-en. thu nh1lan111- v.an11ng T-.o human traits Health and Prosperity 942-3833 mg 0) tw entered C"U) -~u, 1nst1nct1\"d) spran,; to the fore of hre to,,.ards a1ta1n1ng this ,,.1thin Cam One .,,...s the ~ cro,,.·mn.c 1ouch of p)I). It hu 10 be Number One. and lhe spilled over mto 1hc commer­ l«ond -.a.s 1hc capacil) of 301~11d. aal, wltural and 50CW v.-orid. extreme crudt) agamsi h1 1 -....,.R.L and hu become a chant to ~r compclllor for the umc pntc 2.45-9271 us on 1n our continuous Jfmth - 1n .short. he discovered the New Year's Greetings to all my Fr ie nds cndc.ivor to ach1c,,-c: our JUSl concept or p lo usy 111S.Hllllca-fri. share of lhc ear1h·s bount1- About I 500 years later. this INTERIORS HIii. fulnas l)ndromc or human behavior Bambino Schiapo .. We arc number one:" h:u ,,.u more dramat1~II) etched a bcaut,ful 50Und. ll hai a ra­ mlo our h1stor} when our onancc that make. e,ery Unck E.5:lu K:OfTcd al his pn­ Best wishes for a Happy Representative from District 21 Cranston hard-earned 'ilctory ,,.·orth} of mogcmture and wld 11 to h1.s and Heallhy New Year the slrcu and strain that ,,.ent brother J.IOOb for a pot of por­ into its accomphshmcnt ndae. In true Arab fas hion he If indeed 1his 1s lrue, how later ,,.elched on the sale and then do ,,..c ucnbc to 1t the \O,,.·ed lo murder Jacob and ncgat1v1sm of ··cv,r· referred documcmcd thlS forn-cr, n-cn tom our utlc, and how do w< A very Happy Nrw Year to 1his day tn the Wamic creed, $Cl OUI 10 declaim 1h:11 " W e: to our Friends & Customers tha t lhe Jc,,. may never be Are umber One .. 11 at the Number One. he may never root of all man·s crudty to his h~ m any 1.slamic land accpt ~~Cranston 02920 ff'££ TUXEDO ,c~cc fellow man? as a " Dh1mm1," a sooond-da.u First. let us say that thlS IS c1t1tcn subsu v1cn1 to t he 942-1280 not true m the sports arena. Moslem and tolerated by the /. ·: F~~:'!~ ; -,; Here 11 docs attain the wcll­ gratt of his mdulgentt. Bndal Salon . , dcsc:r~d explosion of JOY in " We Are Number One" is , ., I\ by Maryann / achievement - there's not.hmg a real rc:d-wh1tc•and-bluc A Happy and Heaflhy ~ ratal about being Number Two Amcncan slogan, standing for 1\I\~ OIi YOUMAYCHOOSE \ and no li ves arc lost; and o r all the glo rious blessings and New Year to our course there is always next things wc enjoy a.s citizens or Friends and Customers 'b.f,_i_ ~\' ~- •so. GncamtAn t~- , · year. to tr)' again. the greatest land in the world, .:.YJ lo,,v•dl 1111daot1P1recodng Howe ver , the sto r y is Continued on nut page Iv: . :.1 ;:~~:.mr-h ARDENTE SUPPl Y CO., INC. ''AU.I.NDOl«flOOI-MMlSOE~ PLUMBING & HEATING SUPPLIES Bridal Salon Vin Donnelly . by Mary Ann Formals lnfW!Wtforth.,._wYeo, Happy 191 OMLAWN Avt., lllt. I , CRANSTON Nl-3100 fYB9IQlta.t,M.11Af. fl.l,M. VIENNA BAKERY New Year 404 VAUEY ST ., PROV ., R.I. 110 Mop'8 Aveni,• 861-1324 Sincere Greetings lorrington BRANCH to our Friends and Clients 245-2355 281 RAILROAD ST., WOONSOCKET, R.I. RAY for a Joyous Holiday 1-767-1727 MULLIN I

Tucker Anthony & AL Day Inc. MUSIC BEST WISHES lnvHtment Brokera /rmrldltlJ

145 Bmgrov• Ave. 88-100 FOR A HEALTHY 331-5573 Broad St. 1610 Hospital Trust Tower Pawtucket, RI Ext«tnds Best Wishes 02860 AND Providence 02903 for a Very 456-1900 Happy New Year 725-9139 HAPPY

NEW YEAR New Year's Greetings to our Friends and Customers LEAVITT/COLSON TRISHA E. BLICKER, L.E. The Lighting Experts Licensed Electrologist 521-8800 Where the Architects & Designers Shop 883 Hope St. A Complete Selection of the Usual, Un usual. Unique and Boutique Providence, R.I. 02906 LAMPS, FIXTURES, ALLIED ACCESSORIES Staff or Four Certified Lighting Consultants Including Interior Designer 274-7182 359 EDDY ST., PROV. CONVENIENT PARKING THE RHODE ISLAND HERAL D, TH U RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1980- 27

HAPPY NEW YEAR Happy New Y•o r Being Number One .... Best Wishes for a Happy Holiday AU.TnDGr MR. and MRS. HOIII: UMOI.DDfG Con1inucd from precccdmg page to our Friends &: Curtomers A. LAUOlf MORTON YOUNG the greatest way of life that Carvao'1 Continental ANtaurant OOlfTIIAoro& 7 4 Sargent Ave . declared its suptriority in the 24 7 Valley St. • Providence 02909 man has be.en able to fashion world. enforcing its intcntfon 421-7800 711-71,0 Providence for the human being, a land 10 contend fo r the Number that is like no other place on One. posuion. earth, where every brain and A Hoppy New Yeo, HAPPY NEW YEAR Happy New Year sinew or the human being has The dcfin1t1on of "We Arc ASSELIN EAST SIDE a chance to develop into a PRESCRIPTION CINTH Number One"' look on its Aborn Window Shade Mfg. Co. CHEVROLET CO. glonous noble monument to other rncamng - the meaning 137 ChUd St. ( ELGIN PHARMACY) man's skill. his geni us and the of the Carn complu - m 144 Broadway Wonen 632 HopeStrHI materialization or man's ..,..hich MNumber 0nc·· Stgmfics Provtdenee, R.I . 245-3500 751 -1430 greatest dreams. "he ,. ho has the capacit) to 861 -18"2 "We arc number one .. here destroy." In the 1973 • -ar, the means that v,.c arc ready 10 Thud World rcahzcd that the. share our good blcu1ng.s with entire econom) or the United Wishes their friends /lest Wish es Jo ,. a New Year the rcsi or the ..,..orld - "Gu,c of Prosp erity & /Jf'ace Scates 1s founded upon IO)"S ond clients us your poor. your tempest and b.lublcs A IO) 11 some­ o Happy New Year Anne Mooradian tossed ·• - v,.c share our thing other nations gtl along good ronunc with others Council-at-la,ge Crantton v,..11hou1, hke an au1omobde or Then came the revolution tdcphonc or ""-uhmg madunc - the w:u or 1973, when tt.c or tclcvmon Thq kno"" ""c Thud Workl nations somehow don'1 ""-ant 10 JJYC up our IO)'l. peter pots flowers With 8 eJI Wi.Ihf'J for a bchc .. cd they ,.-ere v1ctonow and bc$tdcs. 1f ""'C slop produc­ New Year of J/ ealth & Hoppines.f They aho rcali:.r,cd that ,.-ar ,.-as '"I our uncucnt1al1 our Flowe·rs·--·-- delivered for High Holidays not lhcir bag. but that they compkte structure ..,, ould col• ANTHONY'S IMAGE p0S,K:S,§Cd a ,.·capon v,.h,ch ,.'U ,. .,.. 2990 '°'t Id., WorwKk 1051 HOPE ST., PAOYIDENCE, fl.I. greater than the 110m bomb, Thus. havmg full control 737-9033 becauic ll didn't require any o,cr the oil gives them acacss • 272-3237 fig.htmg. They dlt00VCf'Cd lhat to ou r Jugular vc.m Being they had the wo rld 1n 1hcu Number One means ac:tJvalJng grup with 01 L They thcrd'0tt lhc:ir pov,-cr ofdatr\lcoon and S..t Wi1het for a Year became a contender fo r the d1ctat1n1 the. terms of occup)'• New Year Greelings "We Arc Number One•· pos:1• 1ng that pos1t.1on of Health and Prooperity 110n . S1m1la rdy, the 1ccond They could have gone the conlendcr for the Number One FROM route or pcaacful dtvck>pmcnt; 1pot 11 the. USSR Aflcr 60 10 rake 1n the b1lhons and years of1he grut Commun1s:t LILA and JOHN develop then nations and the uptnment. with all I.he. natu• people thercor. If I .. ere ..,..nl• ral raourocs of thar land. the. 7-~ mg a fa iry talc, I ..,..ould have. grutc,t ptc:tt or car1h 0 s land, GALLERY SAPINSLEY the Arabs chOOK to use. thc.u 1mpc:nctnblc. from ouu1de gr0 of providence by cmana­ fo rcc.s, with und1.sputable pallng all their people and authonty vested in one. system bu1klmg an Amcnca over t.hcrc or go,,arimcnt. they woukt ~ with all the toys and baubles 11vc the.It pc.ople freedom . we have here. . But Man docs coukt ~ find a Wlll)' todc-.dop not work that way When hit •hat they h.M:I or advance thar Best Wishes for s by the Number One syndrome., standard or hv1n1 My Best Wishes he. opts for dom1na11on to What they d1d.Jla,e was an Happy, H&allhy New Yssr dominate his fellow man or 1dcolo&1, the aim of ""'h1ch 11 follow nauon and to make sure. to s pread Communism Frank J . Fiorenzano for a Very Happy of this domination by dcmon­ throuJhout the "" Otkl Th.ts""'" s1ra11on of his capacity 10 lhe11 ..,..,, of sc.dan1 to be dC$ troy thosc. who rC$1.SI Number One They couldn'1 RepreNntatlve Olltrk:t 13 And so the Third World do 11 the glonous ""ii) , so they and Healthy devised ,u 01 1 pohc1e1 and Continued on not page Providence - Cranston New Year Robert F. Burns Greetings Secretary ofStat e For a Happy, Healthy New Year Joseph Deluca Warm wishes for peace Democratic Candidate for Senator District 6, Providence in 1he New Year

Susan Farmer 272 THA'l'ER ST .• PAOV10£HCE BE ST W ISHES FOR A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 331-5544 Republican Candidate ARMBRUST CHAIN CO. for 73S Allens Ave., Provtdence 781-3300 Secretary of State

NEW YEAR GREETINGS - Sincere Greetings to Our Friends and Clients • COCKTAILS 8 EXOTIC DRINKS

•Vlll•...-a.,.. Shearson Loeb Rhoades Inc. ·-­ lnvntmenl Securitin JAPANESE STEAK HOUSE 1270 MINERAL SPRING AVE. -- NOITH PROVIDENCE 02904 fUf l'AltlCING WITH BEST WISHES 155 Westminster St. FEATURING ...... ~ Sleali, O.lcken, Slwlmp. FOR A 272-1160 . lfsiaVAJ'IOl'II 728-7970 HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR 28 TH ER HODE ISLAND HERALD TH URSDAY SEPTEMBER II, 1980

Ml. ond Mts. Being N umber One .•• New Yeo, Gteeti,., Happy New Year VICTOR GOLD Con1in ucd from prccccding page Ch.n's lo our ond OMW,en Friends and JUDE chose the way o f the Third umber C1ne because she has r... 0rietrtol 0in"'I Workt, i.e. to dcm onstra1c1hc.r Customers SHARI e1crtcd a ll of her financial 32 Dartmouth Rood P0"" er to destroy the human resources. not 10 elevate the Open 7 days RESTAURANT ANO United Camera CroNton race . hvmg standards of her people. but to be able 10 wr"cak 267 Main St. COCKr All LOUNGE ML ond MIS. They now have thcgrca1est 297 Elm wood dcs1ruct1on RESERVOIR AVE. DAVID GOLD naval powcr.grca ICSI military Woonsocket Opposite Gorde n City Provide nce Joshua Martin ma npower, great est nuclear 467-5600 Da niel Reuel pov.-cr. They haw: nngcd Lhcir 762-1364 942- 1211 forces around eve ry sec1or of A l·lniitiyul"11.,,r or NEW YEAR GREETINGS N-Vnr the world and can cut oITraw 76S-1900 materials from any nation which nccds them. cspcaally National Con,-.,enc• of ChrittNlns New Ye ar G reetings on the oontmc:nt of Afnca.. And and Jews from they have invok cd the slogan fdenck Hew Yeo, G,-Pi"91 With The SiM.,.. HOfH Custom Auto Serv ice "We Arc NumbcrOne .. m 1Ui rho, rite Yeo, .5740 - 197'-1910 Wilf a,;"9 '-e '1,,w/ Undert,ondi1t9 re A.II~ OI rite Wo,ld l070 Broad St. altcrnat,vc anslauon Providence 461 - 1800 .. We Can Destroy" the Human CHA RLOTTE I. PENN, Di rector Race " Thus the age-old syn­ Souri>eo,tetn N E Rev'°" drome of Cam lives agam

8ul Wis hes for o Very Happy New Yeo, For SOOO )'Cars 11oc ha.,.e NORTH CENTRAL AIRWAYS, Inc. explored the earth. and ha"e f nl on 467-7706 pro11ram. the compuler. 1he 'U) important "ork But \loh) Cton,ton, I .I. 01910 Appointmelll Sen·ice On/11 mcanJ of communu:auon ~~~h:?'c~:~~ •::ci:,:a~; ~:_-_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_-_:_.::•~6:7_•:;:3~8-3:_0:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_-_:_:.,J \lolll 1hco be Number One Wh y Ralph D. Martino \loOUld IR)0ne \lolnt lo be Hoppy N•w Y•ar 'umber One" Simply because, 1f)ou arc umber T-o. then RHODE ISLAND TREE SERVICE ROM Interior Designers Number One 11o1II k1U or 11 bst 275 SOUTH MAIN STREET cn.1la.,.e you fl 1s the chief COVENTRY, RHODE ISLAND - 821 -8998 Rn ldentl1I • Commercial charac1cn.111c of the human bc1n1 cithcr )OU dominate or Offices in Providence and New York arc dominated r, .. c thounnd )can ha\c A Happy, Healthy New Year 260 Geo. Waterman Ad . passed \l+c ha,~ hca"") cnq­ Johnston, A.I. clopcdnu crammed "11h to our friends & Customers h om aa:ounu of the a.re;;ncst b1'.lm 231-8221 In all this time. ho"'aU. llo'C e.,.er kno,,..n We no lonacr ha~ not been •bk to d1KO,u mancl at the "Ondrous mu• Doyle's Sport Centers the gcn1u1 to spht the human aclC$ lhc brain h.u "rought -_...... - -1--- l.,l'IIMI component and xpanuc &ood We'1,c had man) grut '° WARWICK With Best Wishes for a New from evil. both of ... h,ch e,1,1 1hmkcn "h)' didn't the)' ,..,w,ucKn s1 de b)' si de. and for man·• devote thcu 1en1u.1 10 con­ 463-7230 Year of health, happiness and purpose on carth be able to WARWICK AV(. 723-66S5 quering lhc behavior of the GOV. fllANOS llllltOA0 Sf, choose I he good and to resist human being' After all. ""ho SHOfflNG ClNTH prosperity the c..-,1 nocd.1 a man on the moon­ Sphttmg the atom and space th1.1 tuck d11ouf.s ml o a ch1ld'.1 Senator tra..-cl arc the greatest ac­ to) compared lo wlvmg con- comphshmcnu of the human trol or the hum:1n bang's dnvc James S. D'Ambra brain, but how much of 11 1s for the c,,ils of domm:1hon An used for good and ho11o much Happy Holiday Dl1trlct5 era ... h,ch allo11o•s for the n.sc fo r 111? Obviously 11 1s the bad of a Khomc1n1 ha.1 httlc to Providence, ~o. Provld&nce, John1ton or evil which gives II 11s pur­ boast about 1f1t can't h:1rnes5 Silverman's Swan liquor Store pose: the ability of nuclear fis­ lhe C1<1I impulses of men who 8 13 Hope St. (Corne r 4th and Hope) sion 10 dcslroy OUl\loClghs ,u ha\C risen lo t heir Number influence fo r good . The One pos111on :1nd sn 1dl)' b)' greatest «pcnditurc of money wh ile the 11o orld surfers from Complete /in• ol Israeli Wines & Cordials Best Wi shes and effort ,s to insure the the dommal100 caused b) their We olso hove imporled and domesfic wines for a New Year nuclear po"cr to destroy our­ greed and ambition to be seh·cs. Russia has become Number One. 421-S760 of Health, Happiness and Prosperity John J. MacDonald, Jr.

Endorted Senetorlal Republican candidate Best Wishes for a Happy New Year Flowers delivered for High Holidays Dl1trlct 17 Warwick !:Shana Tovaltl0-5741 Ice House Flowers

New Year Grwting• 655 Washington St. A very Joyous Our ,eputoria,n lid.. _.,....,1,q-ci.. Rte. 11 7 "LESH ANA TOVA" New Year f rom. Coventry, R.I. 028 16 &.Jlr •· 822-2529 f kXJ BEN EFREOM formal WNr for Hire ~ 5 127 School St. --"- Our Best Wishes For a Pawtucket ams -- ~·- Elllrdlllff- Healthy & Prosperous New Year Endoned Democrat Open Monday thru Frida State Senator 10 o.m. till 8,30 p.m. District 16, Warwick Sat. tilt 5 p.m. Barrett & Co. ( 401.) 727-0800 lnveetment Securities

...... i. 5. lO • Y" Happy New Year 0Adultffl-c-,ci.. 1130 Ho_spital Bldg. Prov. ..,, Check to our Friends & Cu sto m ers 2 locations 41 4 Warren Av• nve ~~ Flowers O.livorod lor tho Holidays East Provide nce, R.I. 278-4900 , ~ 342 Public St., Providence 02905 Washington Plo :r:a . 331-8984 Sovth Attleboro THE RHODE ISLAND H ERALD, THURSDAY.SEPTEM BER 11 1980 29

BEST W ISHES FOR A HAPPY ANO HEALTHY NEW YE Reagan's Closest TO ALL OUR FRI ENDS ANO RElA TIVES MR. and MRS. MAURICE LEACH and FAMILY MR. and MRS. JOSEPH ACKERMAN Jewish Friend An 39 Creston Way and Family WISH ALL THEIR RELATIVES AND FRIENDS Old-Time Yiddishist A HAPPY AND PROSPER.QUS NEW YEAR WASHINGTON {JTA) - an engineer. ~as drafted into HAPPY NEW YEAR The A mencan Jew who is the Aus1rian Arm) in World Best Wishes for a Happy New Year probably closeu to the \\ ar I J.'i an officer - an un­ Republican presidential u.'iual tnbutc 10 a Jc" ,n those to our Friends ond Client.'i PARK AVE. DELI nominee as a friend and as an )cars. Captured b) the Rus­ advisor is a s1lvc:r-haircd Los s1an.'i, he ~as scn1 10 Siberia Paramount Sales Angeles financier who started 840PARK AVE., CRANSTON where he died. The famil) 475 Mine ral Spring Ave. hfc m Amcnca 1n Nev, York's later mo1i,cd to Holland and 785-0020 Yiddish theater and made his Hungary bcfo~cm,gratmg 10 Paw tucke t 02860 fortune m southern Cahfornia Amcnca 728-4400 as a food retailer In I cw York, Cummings· Theodore Cummings. first occupation was 1n the whose home 1s in Bc"crly famou.'i Yiddish theater of the Hills. docs no1 seek out time. ,..orkmg with such per­ MR . and MRS . BEN ASKINS cclcbr1t1C1. They come 10 him, formers as the Adlcrs, Lee Best Wis hes for like former Secretary of Slate Strasbcrg and Paul Muni of Ea st Provid ence Henry Kissinger and Sen Bncn )cars la1er, he mo\'cd MR . and MRS . FRED MARGOLIS a Happy Hea lthy and JacobJav1t1(R NY)d1d...,.hcn 10 Los Angeles 10 Join an un­ of Newport a nd Gra ndchi ld ren Prosperous New Year they arrived at the suite m lhc cle m the retail food business Detroit Plaza Hotel where the -..h,ch he dc,cloped into a Scott, Seth, Wayne nauonal coahoon for Reagan cham of markets ,n • cor­ and Staci Margolis DR . and MRS. DENNIS S. FORMAN was founded on the firs1 aflcr­ porate empire hstcd on the noon of lhc Republican cw York S1od: E,changc £.tend Best Wishes For A Happy New Year To All Party's convcn11on last Cummings' sland1ng vnth month Cummings and Republican lc.idcrs "8.'li 1n­ Dctro11'1 Mu Fisher arc the d1catcd lu1 Fcbruar) "hen coaht1on's honorary chau­ the Cedars-Sinai \1cd1cal mcn - "h1ch 1nd1cata the Ccn1cr conducted a s1her Holiday Greetings IJ.((JJ,u,~DIU level of 1mponancc of both in tribute to his 25 )tars of MUUUY the Republican Par1y·s cam­ dcd.cat1on 10 11 The 1uau in­ Plli!n this )car cluded Ru1an. K1u1n1er. "' ...... ~ • New law"' . r ... s.n-. ROTELLl 'S DISCOUNT CENTER lep °"-'l"I ....-.... 228 Atwood Ave., Cranston S.lec:t NurMry Stoel!: Mlniaturfl Nov•lfie.s 942-7450 BEST WISHES la,. Nonh

.. FOR A a Famum Street, Powtvcbt ··J prefer a lo-.. profile," HAPP Y NEW YEAR 726-~05 former Prc11dcn1 Gerald C.umm1ng.s told the Jc"•sh I ord. former California 1 elegraph1c AgcnC) .,. hen he Go"crnor Edmund Br o-..n was ai;ltcd to ta lk about h11 and Dcmocra11c .S Sc.nator BEST WISHES .scrv1cc.s and contr1but1ons 10 Alan Cram,ton inst1tut1ons in Cahforma and The center 1.s only one of FOR A HAPPY AND HEALTHY Jcwnh causes Whde he Cummm,:.ii .special m1erQU NEW YEAR r~pondcd bnc:Oy, m qu1e1 li e 11 a founder of the tones, to ques1101'1s about him­ Theodore Cumminp Col\cc, .self, much of the information 110n of llcbr-au:-a and Jud11ca LOUISQUISSET GOLF CLUB about him c.ame from others at 1hc UmH'.t ,1, of allforn111 at the founding meeting alien• ,n Los Angeles and u the fin:1 800 WOODWARD RO., NO. MOY,. fl.I. dcd by prom1ncl'lt Jewish Jewish tru.'ilcc of the Un11i,er­ Amcncans across 1hc coun­ s1t) of Southern California RHODE ISLAND'S FINEST "Y ~here he rou~hl the cond1- 333 NIANTIC AVENUE Now a Cahforn1a c1v1c t1ons connected ~llh a huge PROVIDENCE PUBLIC GOLF COURSE leader. ph1 lan1hro p1.s t and an SJud1 Arabian gran t The ln\cstor, having .sold his ret:ul American College o f Car­ 944-2S00 food cham m 1959. Cumm­ d 10101) prcscnu the EXT ENDS BEST WISHES BE ST W ISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR ings came 10 New York in Theodore Cummings FOR A 1920 as an Aus trian 1m­ t-l uman11anan Av.ard an­ m1grant ~,1h his w1do~cd nually for O\cr.scas 1c.achmg HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR mother. Cummings· father, Continued on nc\l page Ct,tty'tMIH£1£t1h~EmAN·~ , ... ' ~,n·Je~, HOWARD & FHDDA csf410·4ttf TOLMAN TRY OUR 15 JUDY THIA.CE I ALL l'lfW LUNCH MENU I WEST WARWICK BEST WISHES FOR WISHING ALL OUR FRIENDS SERVEO FROM 11 :30 TO 3 EXCEPT SUN • • HOll)AYS A HAPPY NEW YEAR


_HIGH SPIRITS Holiday PERLOW'S DISCOUNT SHOES SPECIALIZING IN Greetings from . MP~RTED WINE 23 Dexter St. Pawtucket, R.I . JUG WINE • RAVH 726-8937 r:; EER & LIQUOR 34#f Founta in Street HARRIET COHEN Trave l Cons ulta nt AND STAff SYLVIA • ARLENE • MARTY . . We Are Com~etely Phone 274-4790 Automated BEA• LIL a nd We Are bonded and inaured Mon .. Tues., W ed. 9.o Thurs., Fri., S.t. 9-10 for S 1,000,000 for University Heights Shopping Center your protection. You con lrusl Aylsworth 331-1300 331-4700 JO TH E RHODE ISLAND HERALD TH URSDAY.SEPT EMB ER 11 1980

New Year's Greetings Reagan. M,. &Mn. au, Wi1he1 hdWiUtfl Abe w-.n,tein For Th• N• w Ytor lrom Ft,, n.. N•w Yu, Con1inucd from precttding page .r . AUBURN RADIO C.W. Miller Co. Family Care He is 1hc head of the Los WBNSTEIN'S ond TV CO. l0051118onk &vildlng in the Lak ,de Countr) Club S.m1re Suunne About .SO pronounced " Dunng 1he S1,­ 3 1 Dryden Lane, Provtdence 331. 3101 COMPANY )ear) ago. she had an uncle Extend Best Wl&bes D a) War." Cummings recalled. ·· 1 called Reagan to .. ho .. u act,,e 1n lhe 121 Mathewson St. For A Happy H1s1adrut To nusc mone) for speak at a rall) m the New Year 11 . the "'orkmen's circle Arden Engineering 331 -0589 Holly,.ood Bo"I m support Co. of Israel It .. as a .Mand1ng - rnhc11ed garment industr) ..,._2500 ,.or .. ch 10 11:1,c a dollu at a room - onl) cro,.d Rcag;rn"s 60 Tarlo, Drift Eul ProYldence D'AMBRA TEXACO STATION spttch for luael ,.as fan. 1,me Cummmtts had a d1f­ 1ast1cally bnlhant ·· fcren1 idea " 11h the help or BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY, HEALmY film JCl(CS) Trudi 1'-h rshall. 761 HOPE STREET 621 -2348 In 197S. as chairman of the AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Cumm1np sponsored dm• regional leadership con­ a WISH TH EIR CUSTOMERS ner and ral.Kd more than rerenoe for the Stale of Israel A HAPPY NE W YEAR Other J c,.uh Bonds, Cumm,n,:s as._ed S80.000 Reagan·, help " Reagan did or,r.an1a11ons as._cd for his coopcr.,11on and he con• ,,.o thmp.'" Cummmp s.a1d 8-11 Wilh.l For ll1• ,.,..,,. V.o, lmued h1 aC-IIHIIC.S e,er ·• He told u.1o 10 use his name Power Lawn Mower for an hrael Bond dinner and 1ntroduoed an amendment m A \ ahforn1a delc@atc to the I Taylor Drive the Cahforni• lcg1 latu~ that la.st four GOPcon,ent1ons for Rumford , I.I. 02916 enabled banks and uvmp Ragan 1n 1976 u -.e11 as 1h11 434-4616 a nd loan auoaat1ons to bu) )CU. Cummings fccb m "1h1s Israel Bonds f- or the dinner, c1111cal time .. Reagan c.-in he urged pohual leaden to provide "a more sensible BEST WISHE S F~ A HAPPY NEW YEAR allend By his r,cnonal effort. foreign polic). a sound the non•J~1.sh commun1I) economic- pol,q and the To Our Many Friends VITI BROS., INC. bought ten m1lhon dollan strength and v.,Wom 10 ma._e ond Clients o Very Happy ,.onh or hrael Bond.s ·• decisions " e need 11:ood New Year from MOVERS " There'• 10meth1ni el.sc:."" lc.1denh1p Rc.a1an c.in g1\·c. 11 Cummtnp added •· When a 10 us I ha,c. all the confidc.na United Surgical Centers COMMERCIAL AND HO USEHOLD Jew "' 'U refuScd membcr1h1p 1n the ,.orld 1n him ·· 68S Po,lc Ave. Mo1hopoug StrHI. Providence 02907 Cranston, R.I. 781-2550 A Rosh Hashanah 781-2166

JOE MARZIW'S BEST W ISHES FOR Memory New Year Greetings ...1-A HA~Y- HOLIDAY hA I n By Allffl Rabh,owl11. EDWARD D. ROTMER. ARTHUR M. ACKERMAN. f.LlllllllttNC. You could alv.,1y1 le.II lhe bre.ak into • Y1dd1.~h ballad. Ut:a a pproach or Rosh Hashana h ,ome11mn humm1n1t lhc & STAFF AT a l o ur houK I ran11c cner11)' melod)'. l()mcumc,; sm1t1 n,i: :lam=-· ITAUAN RESTAURANT "'ould mhabn e~cr) corner of the v. orch Paramount Office ITALIAN •DINNERS every room .\I) mother \\ hen the tai~ ,.as kosher- 751-5544 -.ould ,i:o on a mamc clcanm,i: 1nJ1 1he meat, her ~nJt '-Cl«• ~prcc, v.:irmn,i: us 10 sund 110n "'ould ch;1n,i:e lni;1cad or Supply Co., Inc. LOBSTERS - STEAKS ek ;u o r her al 11 11 times She the duJi;a and lullab1c,; from WEl, TNIINOI. 819 Westminster Street, c J\led 1hem her "C ruy her 1lr1r1/ )OUlh, 11.ould come 120 ATWELL$ AVE., PROV., R.1. CUl9 TIU. - Da,-s" 1he popular h11s or 1hc teens Providence, A.I. The hum or the ~a cuum Jnd '20s, ~pnJi;htl) tunes 11._e cle.rncr \.\OUld under5eore lhc )f'1. li e> J/01~ \ o Bonunu, Old Counlr) tunes m) \\ hen !ihe 100._ a brc.a~. these CENTRAL DIRECTORY ,i:randmother "' o uld sm,i: to wnjll "'ould inspire 5ton c.s hcr,;el f as she made the Ji;cfi he abou1 the old da)!i; her occ;m FOR NURSES fuh There \,\ ould be a i:ross1n11 and early da )s m cho reo11raph) 10 her mo\e• Amcrn.:a, o r Slonc.s of m) mcnts bct,.ccn the smk and mother. aunt, and uncle \,\hen THE FAMILY s10,..e. f- o r musical accom­ 1hc1 \,\ere my aJlc. At these AT pJn1ment to the a remony or 11mcs, she "'as at her hap­ 17 EXCHANGE STREET clcanm11 and choppmJt the piest John luk• ond Mo.. Ho, PROVIDENCE \.\h1tc fish and pike for that But 1hcre "'as ano1her s1Ji;n 421-S056 11lonous dish. she \.\ Ould Conlmucd o n nCAI page China Palace Would Like To Take This Opportunity Brown's Auto Body Works BEST WISHES FOR CollrMOn Work • Auto Polntin9 To Wish All Their Friends A HAPPY AND • lnturanc• Ap-pral1al1 A PROSPEROUS & HAPPY NEW YEAR HEALTHY 433 lroadwoy, Pawtucket Catering for all occasions 438-5227 722-2119, SYD BROWN We Now Serve Yovr Fa vorite Coclctoils NEW YEAR New Year Greeting1 332-334 Warren Avenue E. Providence

A HAPPY NEW YEAR DA PONTE BROTHERS FURNITURE CO. GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES US Child St,, Warren FOR A NEW YEAR OF New Year 245-6743 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY rnEETINrn Best Wishes For A from the Happy And Healthy New Year EPSTEIN and DUPUIS MORAN TRANSPORTATION Pet0B..HfN FAMILIES INDUSTRIES, INC. Wampanoag Mall F. AoberlBIKk Dupuis - Penna Chairman ot ff-. Board Gilbane Oil C0.- 17 EXCHANGE STREET PROVIDENCE. RHODE ISLAND 02903 599 Main Street, Pawtucket (401) 456-18DD 722-0080 wampanoag Mall. East Providence, Al 02914 • (401) 434- 1070 THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 11 1980-31

MR. and MRS. MAX TIPPE Rosh Hashanah . . . HOLIDAY GREETINGS 20 Sparrow StrNt Continued from prcccc:ding page RAPHAEL PAOLA, INC. Wish R~atiV'N and Friend• of 1hc season 1h a1 went hand hfe under the Czar. Ove r the Insurance for Every Need A Happy and in hand with 1he smell of fish decades they had built that pervaded 1hc house. The famihcs m lhe new country, Pro,perou1 Mew Y.ar annual argum e nt would adapted 10 1he American cn­ 611 PAIi AVENUE 711~ CRANSTON Jlways come at this umc. Yi ronmcnt: but amid all the ··Mama. arc you going to the chanj,!c and confusion, there BEST WIS H ES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR old neighborhood for Yorn was still a constant. a Tov?" m y mother rcfcrcntt pomt, in their lives: HAPPY NEW YEAR EXCELL Manufacturing Co. would ask over late afternoon the shul. They might be older, STANDARD BEAUTY SALON - CHAINS - coffee. She dreaded the and 1herc migh1 be fc•cr of 897 BROAD ST ., PROVIDENCE positive response she knew them. but there ""asn'1 a syn­ CAU 785-9823 WINIFRED H. COMSTOCK 421-SHl would come. ap:og uc in Brooklyn. let alone The old neighborhood was the _.hole United Stales of 1hc section of Brooklyn America. that could match &EST WISHES AND known as Bedford• them 1n their dcvot1on. A HAPPY NEW YEAR S1uyvesan1. more commonly There the sc:rviccs "" ere from known as Bcd-Stuy. In an uid m Hebrew. none of this HALL'S DRUG, INC. c.irlicr day, it •as a clean, Enp:hsh 1ha1 my parents Modtouudt P'Ntcription & Surgical Center well-kepi neighborhood of preferred. They said their the FOUR WALLS apartmen t buildings and bruchas in the o riginal Extends Best Wishes For and small shops. populated by IOnJtUC. •hich 10 their opi­ 11 ;,ihans. Poles, a nd East nion -.as the way God \1130• A Happy and Healthy New Year European Jews. It had 1urned tcd 10 hear them Thcu 1hul 149 ELMGROVE AVENUE .i• Jed•~"'-" Decorators into one of the more pathetic •as old and dark, the out.side scc11ons of New York. a desecrated b) the spray­ PROVIDENCE, R.I. 1240 Oaklawn Ave., Cranston Black-Hispanic ,:hello that p.unlcd \o,:os of the local 463-6080 was always a menac1ni .Hory 1«n•a1tc p:anp and profc:s­ 861-5200 m the nNs It alwa,·s made s,ons of true lo\C bet-.ccn my molher sad 10 think of Anlomo and Wanda. whal 1hc happy platt of her 11 •as a 1inrc 1hul. ••lhout e.uly hfe had become rancy plaques a.nd stained &EST WISHES FOR A HEALTH Y, " What's wronjl with the ,:lau The rabbi ,..asn·t M>mc BEST WISHES HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR FROM FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR Bernard and Harriet MR. and MRS. Gladstone AND FAMILY



DR. RENEE VOGEL EVERGREEN TREE & LANDSCAPE SERVICE 144 Waterman St. Providence; RI 02906 shuls m the neighborhood?" hol shot un1vcn1I)' graduate SEEKONK, MASS. my mo1her would ask. Year who dur11rd 1n I H11 h aflcr yea r, the same question Church AnJhcan accent. but 761 -5505 725-1550 would be met by Grandma's " fandJma11 fr om Bialystok s1ony jllatc. Ir she felt like it who was 1ra1ncd by h11 father she would answer 1h11 the and uncles as a pan of a long With Best Wishes local congrcgat1ons •ere too hne of rabbis. He 1ave his for a New Year of "America n." too fancy for sermons m Yiddish and ke pi her simple form of worship. the scrYiCCS 10mg al a steady With Best Wish es Health & Happiness The new, polished wood pews pa«. His 0ock might be ad• and stained Jllass windows YWnccd m years. but they For A Very Happy New Year were an affront lo her mode prided themselves on the fast of res pecting God. The pa« they set, as if their words wo r s hippers w ere t oo we re reaching God's car BAXTER BEST WISHES FOR THF. HOUOAY nouveau riche for her lastcs; fas 1er 1h an those fr om any "fancy ladies with fancy other shul. "SPECIALISTS · 1NCHOICE AREAS"• ho irdos" she would sneer. G randma would make ELECTRIC The l-l iRh Holidays had tur­ arrangements to stay two ned into a fashion show. a blocks away from the shul CO., INC. su~ sign of a lack of piety. wi1h her old friend Monya. The two had been friends for No. her holidays were 10 be E11 tabli11 hed 1901 spent fa r from the semi• close to 50 years, my mother suburban gentry. in the old remembered her as Tantc 24 HOUR SERVICE shul o n Hart Street with the Monya. the name she was 8 WARREN AVEN UE ~RUTH RIDDILL lOFfH/ AIAIED J. IIOFfH [B other true believers. The con­ loYin~ly called by our fami ly. ESTELII RIDDILL RESNICK j,!rega nts were old Russian They had raised each other's East Provide nce REALTORS AEAUOII. Jews, survivors of the hard Continued on ncxl page 434-3081 COMl'l.ffi IEAL ESTATE SEIVICE State Wode

-8814 .MJ:\r,:: NEW YEAR GREETINGS 421. Service c:!t~:g:,TI' ~:J:.;~22 .... WIGWAM 1074 HOPE ST., PROVIDENCE, R.I. • 421-1814 Sport Center

915 Chari.. St. North Providence WE EXTEND BEST WISHES And 727-0160 353-1260 Gail Rubenstein FOR A VERY HAPPY Wish You A AND HEALTHY Best Wishes For Happy and Healthy The New ! ear New Year NEW YEAR Charles J. W-helden ~ Company, Inc. •BARRINGTON-JOO County Rd. • 245-1050 CRANSTON-1035 Reservoir Ave. • 944-7300 61 Pilsudski Street FALL RIVER-10 North Main St.• 678-8333 Providence, R. I. NEWPORT-27 Long Who,f Moll • 847-6384 PROVIDENCE · 42 Weybosset St • 272-6353 944-4000 WAKEFIELD-- 63 Towe, Hill Rd. • 789-9701 32-T H E RHODE ISLAND H ERALD, T H URSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 1980

HE.w YEAR GIEfTIMGS HAPPY NEW YEAR Rosh Hashanah New Year's HOOICNB l'LOIIST Continued from precttding page Greetings OAKES ON THE HIU _,_Al<>a... @ children, co"mforted each place v.as . like:· she "'ould Libby, Steven, WEIii B£1111 olher in the solace or say. ··1 don·t 11,ant to sec v. hat at 10 "-'icn Sfrfft and Matthew widowhood. Bui. as close as •2121N-­-2n1 - 1s1-ssn 421 -1213 ~md or Jungle 11 really is - NI Suppl;., - . p- the 1v.o J!:rande dames had now." She v.ould tell her 10 been, 1he) s11II addressed 11:ive Mon)a her lo.,,e, kiss her each 1n 1he s1 1fT. fo rmal tones J!:oodb)e. and return 10 the Best wishes for But Wishes For or their ,:enerauon. Never k11chcn 10 cry until ou r NEW YEAR GREETINGS BEST WISHES ~. the New Yea r FOR A , 1j A Healthy and " Molly"" or '"Monya." but return. always H .. Mrs. Bogen·· and VIVIAN WILLY HAPPY AND HEALTHY Happy New Yeo, Grandma v.ould be. silent & Aaron Cohen NEW YEAR ··Mrs. Lichtenstein.'" dunnf!:, the trip My father. 60 8ro.adw1y or the pa1r. my bro1her. and I v.ould take a SCHLESINGER Apt. Ill Prov1dcnoe: COIIERT'S SICURITY j!.randmo1her wu the more lour :u v.c. dro,e. Dad v.ould SIRVICIS INC. dommJnt pcrsonali1y. She point out the. pl&)J!:rounds v.·ould order the d1m1nu1i .. e, and candy s1o res or his 11m1d Mony ■ ■ round. My 1SO Corolino Ave. boyhood. each one having a HOLIDAY GREETINGS BEST WISHES ~ ra1her v.ould call hc.r ""The. spoaal e,ent to 1tne 11 legen­ Woyklnd Sq,.,0111, Providence FOR THE HOUDA YS 4l1-66ll I Scr,:c.an1 .. and Monya "'The dary importance. We ""ould Prom '67-n90 Private·· But II v.as a gentle alv.a)S pa.ss by our old apart• dommat1on In moments or ment bu1ldm1t We mo,c.d Concord A.PRIMIANO - d1src.spcctfol obscrva11ons, I ""hen I was fi,'C. but I s111l Manufacturing v.ould sec 1hc.m as a remale. remembered 11 m 1trea1 detail & SON New Year OreeUnc:• Corporation elderly Laurel and Har­ \ty brother had been a tod­ O.C:oroting NEW YEAR GREETINGS dy. Tvr.o simple souls faong a dler v.hen v.e mo,cd. so in - CHAINS - P'roducts C.n.., 1q1n,: ""orld. sometimes the supcriont) or age. I Copaldi Bros. GAMACHE bumblin,: 1n their attempt. v.ould lake p.rc.at pride in IN Butt St.red 211 but alvr.a)s coming out on sho...,,n, him v.here our old Prn1dir.ntt. L 1. Waseca Avenue Corporation COSTUMES, INC. lop ap•r1men1 v.a 411 - lftt Barrington, R.I. 23 BROAD STREET Afler a period oryc.ars. m) There v. H one point 1n the mo1her had lc.arnc.d no1 to Contra.et.on - En.,tneen PAWTUCKET 1np "'hen my ra1her v.ould fi,:ht 100 hard about II o p.ro""' remorscrul About 1v.o ma11c.r how hard 1he dTor1. WITH BEST WISHES I Wubln,t.on HlchW&Y 725-9119 block.s from our dcs1mat1on or conv1nc,ng the ar,;umc.nt. New Year Greeting, SMITHFIELD, R. 1. wu a magnificant bricl FOR A NEW YEAR Of she knew 1ha1 Grandm•·s bu1ld1ng It ..,.as lhe syn­ 231-1350 decision ,.u r,nal and .iJO(IUe 1hat his ,:randrather HEALTH ANO HAPPINESS 1rre,ocabk But she had lcar• had founded The site or h1.1 nc.d 50me or the lttck.s to be.­ p.ucn1.1· v.cdd,n,:. orh1s Yom CABCO RUFFUL'S Beat Wiahea Por A ...... ,_ in,- a Jev.1sh mother The. K,ppur bris. and his bar ENGINEERING RESTAURANT Happy New Year .. roles v.erc fC\'erscd, she plan• m1llV~ Thac da).s 11 ""'H a v.. , ...... ned and fussed over black Bap1,s1 Church co. Rogowin Grandma·s v1s1t as she ,.ould 'J:01 Wayland Avenue Where my rather wu 372 & for my brother or me,-01n1110 do"'ncas1 at 1h11 11,:ht. Provtdenc• William J. lynch Tennar -- c.tmp She v.ould always Grandma was hauJhly Her CENTRAL AVENUE - v.arn. "Be careful mama. ,rs 421-2712 & San con1reJ1111on hid alwa)s PAWTUCKET, R.I. PMNTS Are You? a dantterous place. arc )OU be.en 1he Number T-oshul 1n WALLPAPER sure ,-ou'll be. all n11ht., .. the nc1,:hborhood The other 1 ,An ,u,a I GOVERNOR STREET My p.nndmother v.ould one had allt ■ Cled lhe NEW YEAR GREETINGS 725-2220 turn to her. throw one or her ""c.althter Jc-1, v.ho a1 1he PROVIDENCE tount Rushmon: looh and Nrw Ymr rirsl lide or black p,cne1r1111on DYNAMIC AUTO PARTS .. ,....., Gruttn,, .-nsv.er her 1n Y1dd1sh 1n10 Bcd-Sluy had run off to 479 SMITHRflD AVE., ,AWTUCKET " You should look out. )OU Queens and Loni Island l-lcr 725-3444 JOI a husband and children to poor, but pious shul had sur• 126 l'OST IIOAD WARWICK NEW YEAR OREETINOB look arter Oon·1 v.orry ""c.d The) ""eK 11ron1 m 715-2334 aboul me I came here from lhe C)CI or the Lord SGAMBATO BROS. Russia I raof'd1hrcech1ldren As my father carried durm,t a depression It's ,-ou Gnrndma·1 rood. 1un.1 and NEW YEAR GREETINGS 603 WooDa$41uatucltd Annue North ProYidcnce lh,H \hould ""orry .. Then, bc.lonp..mµ up thrc-c unhl. NEW ENGLAND FINANCIAL GROUP v.11h a 1numph;rn 1 ,tlam m ZJ J-9761 sllnlfillcd n1p.hlJ. or SlllU'S 10 and her e)e, w11h a 50hd. rcsolu1e t onya's apartment. my m111:1ure or pride and accom­ brother and I v.ould wail 1n KATES PROPERTIES NEW YEAR GREETINGS pl,shmenl. ihe v.ould end the the t1p.htl) •locked, double 1« WESTMINSTER STREET 751-1600 ELMGROVE BEAUTY SALON con,·ersa11on parked car On 1he seal '"God 11,,II look afler me "" ould be a Willie Ma)'s AU Branche, of Beauty Culture lie kno""s who the faohfol model "Lou1sv1lle Slugger .. NEW YEAR GREETINGS 421 -3274 bat and a lat"jl:e tire iron The 141 Elmgrove Ave. Puer10 R,can kids "'ould PAGODA INN !aunt us 1n Sp,Jn1sh, ask us Coditail lounge ancl Dining Room qucs11ons and call us names. ConfOMM and Polynesian Dishes BEST WISHES POR A HAPPY NEW YEAR Early on the afternoon or We had been !aught not to 7315 Post load, North King ..town , I.I. 'J:9•-9900 Erev Rosh Hashan1h. my ans"'er, no1 10 provoke any 01D1e M I.I' TO fAQ OUT ASQUINO'S RESTAURANT father would load us into the action. c.ir for the dnvc to Hart When my ra1her would 584 North Broadwa:, East Pro't'ldence Sire.ct. My mother would rc1urn he would have a Best Wishes For A GE 4-9710 a lways claim some lasl "'ornc.d look on his race . .. It 's mmu1e detail 10 avoid being Jelling worse every year. Happy New Year lhcre. '" I'll ""orry enough on Your grandmother has to be. my memory or vr.hat that Con1inued on next page BETTY SCHLOSS FrH ln,1ruction1 by Ruth •nd H•II• 187 WESTMINSTfR STREET (3rd floor) Wish their friends PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND and clients 421 -4586 a happy & healthy New Year Happy New Year Cesspool Cleaners Barrington JutCHI Eltttric 245-56B6 133 Bah,., 'Ottk ••· • Burton-Sultzer I Warwick. R.I. Palumbo Sanitation .. 737-1978 30 Maple Avenue & Associates, Inc. NEW YEAR GREETINGS EXCESS, SURPLUS AND SPECIAL TY INSURANCE Holiday Greetings From . . · . Best Wishes "PROFESSIONAL SERVICE FOR SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND For a Healthy AGENTS ANO BROKERS" FLOYD L. BURTON, President and ARTHUR SULTZER. Vice President Bache Happy Bache Halsey Stuart Shields Incorporated Wish thei; friends, New Year relatives and clients Members All Leedlng Exchanges Since1B79 David a happy, healthy 20 Westminster Street New Year Providence, RI. 02903 Newman (401) 274-3130 and 274-5240 251 WAYLAND AVENUE PIIOYIDfNCE, R.I. Albert C. Libutti Re$ident Manager Family T HE RHODE ISLAND HERA LD TH URSDAY SE PTEMBER 11 1980 - J3 LARCHWOOD Rosh Hashanah . MR. oncl MRS. ANNA DEL SANTOS INN NEW YEAR GREEnNGS Continued from prcettding page IRA S. GALKIN and AU THE GI RLS of U.S. a.,,-1A BEAUTIFY COZY CORNER the stubbornest woman on m) mother ht candles and and Family Walcefield, YOUR HOME earth."' he would say . BEAUTY SALON said l+.addis h. and that 1hc Wish Their Relatives lhodo loland WITH FLOWERS '" T hey're a nima ls there, l+.indn. as she always called 22•• Cof>l,lono Av.. and Friends 783-5454 from animals!" He would grow us. had got ten some religion. Cranston solemn and implore us, She ,.orried that -ithout her ~ Happy 942-985 1 FRANCIS CLARK'S a nd Prosperous WiP, their t";",ends J. "Don't !ell you r mother, it presence a nd guidance my BROWNING Rower Shop, Inc. would break her heart.'· brother and I v.ould g row up New YNr 0 Hoppy New Yeor !!'nkeef>8, 294 Tha yer Stree t lo ht: gO)'lm. Arter the queriu were Best W ishes 421 -6700 NEW YEAR G•EETINGS lo, the HoUd= ans,.ered 10 her satisfaction. We were not members or my mo1her ,.ould begin the 0 . AHLBORG any particular congregation. losing task of 1rying 10 1alk & SONS, INC. East Avenue Bakery My rather. being a local Grandma out of returning to tradesman, tried 10 be Bed-Stu) for Yorn K1ppur . It CONTRACTORS 463 EAST AVENUE, PAWTUCKn diplomatic about it . " l!'s bad was more for show than a 41 Molter SttMt, Cranston 467-6300 fo r business:· he'd say . .. If I wholehearted allempt. The 728-0260 belonged to one. then the Rosh Ha.shanah battle had BEST WI SHES FOR THE NEWYEAR others ....,ouldn"t give me their ,.eakened her. She didn't AL' S SHELL SERVICE business. I let them ..,,ondcr ha .. e the stamina 10 It) again. ....,here I belong." BATTERIES & ACCESSORIES. We would wa lk around the FIRESTONE TIRES. TU BES WITH BE ST WISHES '°' • NEW YEAR I OF HEALTH. HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY ne111:ht>orhood after lunch. 120 HOP£ STIIEET \621 -0060 my parents dropping ,n on One da) ,..,h,lc ""orl1ng ,n BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR fncnds, ne,ghbon; and clients her garden. Grandma fell :1nd s;\!anJlnuJ\u n H1t6 10 wish 1hem a Good Yom broke her h1p The surgery Tov. We ,.ould hear d1fTeren1 "".U successful. bu1 from then 1 S0 7 POST RO AD, WARWICK SEASON"S OR.E!rrINOS 739-0053 parls or lhe Rosh Hashanah on she ""as confined to a service at various shuls, ,.alker 1ltc .small At1.sfae11on CARD Best Wishes For A Happy Hol id ay nolmg lhc d1fTcrcncc bct,.ccn m) mother got from the acct- AMERICAN co., INC. 1h, Reform. 1h, Conser- dent ... that Grandma 15 BAltER STREET, PROVIDENCE vat1vc. lhc Orthodo,. 1hc Conimicut couldn't go 10 Bed-Stu) for HOpiltlna 7~U71 Pharmacy, Inc. 739 Wt'1t Sh&rt' Rd .• Warwick 737-6525 --- BE ST WISHES FOR A 1/ERY HAPPY NEW YEAR VI C GEMMA'S NEW YEAR OREI.TINO B 'They might be older, and there might be GRAND JEWELRY 1912-I NO 421 -2400 fewer of Chem, hue the.re wasn't a synagogue in DIAMOND APPRAISERS y- °"'""' Brook lyn , let alone the -.hole Uni led lates of 117 W"tmins,., StrNlt, Providence 421-4051 America, that could match them in C.he.ir de~o- Cion.' _.nrruti MRS. HARRY A. SCHWARTZ and FAMILY YARNS AND NEEDLECRAFTS 71 Harl1horn load WISH llfLATMS AND F•tENDS A HAPPY. HEALTHF UL Sephardic. ,nd wha1 the hohda), •n)'morc 59 Putnam Ave., Johnaton ANO Pt!OSPEIIOUS l',EW YEA• 231 -1570 ""ould call the ' 0 Cad1llacs:··"' "'God hc..ard m) pra)crs," BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR lhe ostentat1ous rich whose ,he ,.ould U). but alwa)S ad- s11m ofrcl1g1ous dcvo11on ""l!i ded. ··1 ,.,sh He d1dn '1 ha"'e parluntt their new Coupe de to hurt her lo win the ar11u- HAPPY NEW YEAR V111a 1..... 0 block.I awa) from ment ·· i;hul Grandma NEW YEAR OREETINOS 1111 cooked lhal The most solemn part or mcred1blc gefihe fish. bul HELEN OLEVSON DORIC DAY SCHOOL our fami ly obKrvancc: ,.,, no,. 1he da1v-ri,d m 1he house. 1he ,.alk lo the pier We ta.,ing a pan of the hv1ng Ga rden City 274-9554 Providence \l,ou ld sland m si lence and room for her sanctuary. E"'en 145 PONTI AC AVENUE, CRANSTON . M1-I051 1011 our 1ms mto the pollut,.'1 1hou11h m) ra1her had gollen waters or Jamaica Bay I lhrcc rabb11 10 ,.nle kiters BE ST WISHE S FOR A HAPPY Accredited by R. I. Board or EducaUon would somc11mc.s imagine s:tat1ng 1ha1 God ""ouldn'I & HEALTHY NEW YEAR STATE LICENSED that my tninsgreu1ons ,.ould mmd ,r she ,.ere dnven to be. washed ashore in Europe. shul for scrv,ca:. she slubbor- WEBBER CHEVROLET where some haplcu 11:oy nly refused That was not hitr 885 QUAKER LANE, WEST WARWICK ,.ould be. stuck with them. J ud1.111m . This wa.s a 1cs1 from 884-5800 My mot her would give a God. She had never f;ulcd sip. h of relief when my father H,m before. ,.oul d rclurn with Grandma. Q " How·s M o n ya mama? HAPPYN EW YEAR How's Mrs. G luck and the HER8ERT and LEE ROTHSCHILD A HAPPY AND HEALTHY others? Were you a ll n ght? Among the things I have Did you have a good lime?"' inheri ted from my ancestors Children and Grandchildren NEW YEAR G randma shrugged as she is a wanderlust. a need 10 11:avc her answers: " Monya mo\·e. My grandparents lcfi and everyone arc line. The Ru ssia lo escape the harsh schva rt zcs lefi us alo ne. And Czaris1 tire for the gliu ering New Year Greetings VICTORIA and SEYMOUR what do you mean "'good promise of America . My lime"? We do ~ r,~d. that's parents escaped fro m the Abby Construction Company what kind of time we had." decay and danger of Bed· LEDERBERG She turned the tables Stuy fo r the security of the 1 Kane Road, Smithfield around with her own series of suburbs. I lcrt a dyi ng New 331 -4555 questions. making sure that Continued on next page

Warwick 739-3332 A. Happy New Year


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211 ANGELL STREET, PROVIDENCE 811-1923 -- . - 34-TH ER HODE ISLAND H ERA LD THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 11 1980 I HOU0AY GREETINGS HOLIDAY G REETINGS Rosh Hashanah . Our lest Withes For A McCOY Continued from precceding page H.aht,y ond ' GANNON Hoppy New Y.or CHELLEL' S OIL & York for the greater poten• tha1 her moments of lucidit)' MR. and MRS . tials of the South. At each occur when she da~~,u. E.,,er) SUPER MARKET COMPANY SCOTT port of call. \/IC have sculcd day ma)' be Rosh Hashanah MORRIS 156 COUNTY ROA[ INC. down and improved our lots 10 her now, but she still SATLOFF 1n life. But always the stories kno\llS ,he "Our Service "Aalinen ol pra)ers. Letter ond Sons, David Paul BARRINGTON, R. I. and 1radi1ions have follo..,cd. perfect. Is The Reol McCoy"' Gold & Si/,..r" Lewis Marc and 245-4900 My brother li.,,cs m Texas Robon la"'f 213 lrood St. 530 WeNingten A"•nu• now. bul \/IC Sllll laugh O',,Cr Holiday Greetings C,o,-ton, I.I. 1hc phone about those days. 19 Roy StrMt Cumberland ,rc,..,iclenc:e 722-1920 711 -2230 Ulughlcr mixed with a strong On my las1 v1s11 home. a respect ,nd love for our business trip brou1h1 my 1randmothcr. father and me back into Bed· Holiday Greetings She II in a nursing home Stuy . Few or the old 8-11 WiW>e1 lo, a now. After her fnend Monya landmarks remain. c11hcr With Best Wishes NEW YEAR GREETINGS Happy New Yeo, I County Road died, Grandma realized her 1hey burned do,.n or ,.ere For A own vulncrabil11y. She sank picked clean, hkc the pictures lancelotta Pharmacy, Inc. Happy and Healthy ,nto a protcc11vc shell of r"c seen of 1hc c111cs of A. RICCI, Paving, Inc. Prescription memories. 11 was always a Europe after the bomb1np of New Yeor DeHvery iambic whether or not shc"d World War 11. remember who I ...,as. On An open lire h)dn1nt made INC. 6SS Commonw ..hh Av•. WINDOW Service every vmt. she '40uld confuse us 1urn down Hart Street. We Warwidt, I.I. FASHIONS, INC. 225 Dean Street CAU 245-4412 me for my uncle or brother or paucd Grandma·s shul. O.,,er some long dead cousin bad: 11 was a large colorful sign ,n 1195 N. Moin St. Providence, R.I . 737-9477 222 County Road m 1hc Old Country Sp.,n,sh. procla1m1ng 11 to be She still 1mg1 ff'J . w, lhc .. Juan Bap111ta Iglesia de 421 -3955 Barrington 421-0261 J/01y No BanartaJ and tells Jesus,·· a Puerto Rican ~tones or the anccstral home church m Stolov1IL Only now lhc There '4U a tc=.ar m m) NIW YIAI OIIITINGS stones have go11cn more ra1hcf1 C)C. Even I felt 10me TOWN ELECTROPLATING CO. Ml. and MltS. splcnd,fcrou.s; details ha.,,c udncu al the 111n . After a 178 Ge-of,ge Wotermon Road, John, ton been made more grand,oK. loni. silent m o mcn1 . m) LOUIS HANDWERGER more: dramallt". and there u fa1hcr gni.,,cly turned 10 me 231 -5011 cvcrchan11n1 CUI or .. Don·, tell )Our mother:· 18 Stadium Rd ., Provtdenc:• 02906 NEW YEAR GREETINGS '"ch; uac1cu, the stones he u,d "11'11 bruk he, 11111 gel told ""'The nur,cs Ui) he.u-1·· BEST WISHES POR THE NEW YEAR lfST WISHES K>t1 A HAPPY NEW Yf.AR BARNES RUBBER CO., INC. --= Moritz Beauty Salon AUTMOIIDD DUlll JOI INOOt lllAMO 91 New London Ave. naESTONE T Iii.ES (ranslon , I.I. 02910 7_50 lleNrvoh A~nue, C,an,tan 943-1616 Rosh Hashanah 944-9717

BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR Reveals Secret of A HAPPY ANO HEALTHY NEW YEAR MR. and MRS. HARVEY PABIAN Existence: JAY and AUDREY H. CARR &SONS,INC. MR. and MRS. EDWARD SWERDUCK Jewish Love Of Life JODI, JEFFREY ond MAIC By A•bbl Oa,W Potbtl MR . and MRS. ALLAN PABIAN INTERIOR CONTRACTORS WENDY and 811AN When we Jcw1 1.ucmble m .. Re.member us for Life:· SINCE mult11udcs m our synagogue "Ute Book of Life ," the slory 1930 on Rosh Hashanah. 1hcrc ,.,111 of 1hc 1paring or l"ac·s hfe. be many reminders or the ··Do nol cul u.s aside 1n the PROVIDENCE, R. I. SAMSAN co. holiday·, meaning - the 11mc of old age:· ..... be.ginning of 1he New Year. On the most ,acned hours WHITE MFG. 1hc sound of 1he Shofar, the m the Jewish calendar. when J.J. co. consciousacss of guilt. the c.,,c.n indifferent Jews reach Oivilian of the SAM!>AN CO. cvcni.s or the pasl yea r 1hat O"' to eternity. they still 136 COIUSS SHEET, PROVIDENCE 331-6024 have left 1hcir mark on us as manifest their longing for the IEST WISHES fOII A HAPPY NEW YEAR EXTEND BEST WISHES FOft THE HOLIDAYS individuals and as mcmbc.rs rc.altzation of hfc - now and GENERAL GLASS CO. r of the Jewish people. All here. Unhkc many other these arc or su preme impor• cultures that ha ve dC$piscd • Ahlfflinuffl Doon GM fntronc.et lance. Yet there is an added hfe and have sou1ht compcn• • S.O,. Fronts • Minon theme which re.sounds con• HI ion for it in another world, IEST WISHES FOi A HEALTHY sistently in the liturgy of the Jews have not abandoned the SID ALTMAN. - AND HAPPY NEW YIAI occasion and which even the other-worldly hope, but at the lOOC.W..- 467-6650 most uninformed Jew in• same time have clung J. w. CORR AGENCY, INC. 1uitivcly grasps. It is the passionately to human U • Iheme of life. One nttd onl y istcncc BJ a supreme value. 97 fllNCHTOWN ROAD, IAST OIIIINWlCH \car th rough the machzor to Few civi liza tions have had as be reminded or this theme - Continued on next page A Complete Insurance "'9ency For You Thank Yc:AJ For Yew, Potronoge BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR O..,,ing The Post Yeo_, •· 184-0400 KING AUTO PARTS CORP. Good Heollh, Hoppineu l'onir,,, and Oon,.,.. -. And Prosperity In The Coming Year J. Wllllam Corr, President 935 High St-t 725-1291 Harold & Mary fre-Jonl,le ,l\ntigues C.ntNtl Falla Sonfonl & fNtnclne 274-1322 The Staffs BENEFICENT CHURCH FRED WCHESI And Management 300 W•yi,osMt Street, Providence 736 Hope St,.. t, Providence, R.I. Op.n Mondoy-Saturday, 10 to 5,30 Congregation draws people from all lands of the lo 1erve the present day Wayland Square Office Best Wishes for o Heohhy ond Happy New Year for and the New Year Greeting• Best Wishes a Hope Street Office TOURTELLOT & co., INC. of Happy New Year Harris Avenue Providence, R. I. from the Citizens ,i'"'• ~ ..,,,,. NST wtStflS fOI A HAPPY, HEALTHY NIW YlAI of the Mr. ■nd Mrs. .. GERAID S. GOIDSTEIN ond Jill of extend sincere City Cranston • KINT • Dlll ON • JOWN& THI SQUAii CLEANSERS COUNTRY •wu1,11uo. New Year's Greetings , ••na111sa. CUANSIRS NOWINIKI EDWARD D. DiPRETE, to their • TOWN UNIFORM •lUIW=•ot .,..... st. Mayor ...... •Dt'll'lttmAYl. Friends ond Customers •:!:fs -


BEST WISHES arteiian wells Jewish Love Of Life . NEW YEAR GREETINGS Continued from prccccding page MR. and.MRS. FOR THE NEW . YEAR before dec:id_i!lg D.'IW1tekh•Mlrrlltt call I!! for an much reason to despair or the 10 the pleasure-seeker. An MURRAY FREEDMAN human ventu re as has 8F Lrlll"I You, H~~ ltach You accurate, sincere authentic Jew could not have and Son...._BRIAN Judaism. ...,rii,en. as did Edna St. Vin­ 23 Tanglewood Dr. analysis of Yc1. almost perversely. rcw ccn1 Milla) " I burn m) ca n• West Warwick your weU problem c1v1ltzat1ons have fostered die al bo1h ends. ll .... 111 not "'' 433-1515· and _ wm. c. such a zest for hrc, and c\.Cn IJSI the mght, but ah m) foes more. hat.c transmitted the GERTRUDE EKSTROM northup & son and ah m) friends. 11 makes a sense or 1u sanctity. There arc ""'ondrous hght." The Jc.,..1sh CE ntredale 1-6S90 momcnu when the best or ...,oman lit candles nol o nl) 10 WE SEU l. 5UV1Cf JACVlZI people arc templed rcJcct bccau.sc that .... ,u a milZ\3 but Best Wishes For a Happy New Year i.rc as unredecmably evil. )Ct Noo~ PUMP~ lANIU WELL W,1'1.!U bccau.sc she pra)cd 0\er them D,uv"W sc1,ooe Judaism has taught the lesson 1ha1 the life or her famil) MR. and MRS. EDWARD SEGAL 2)0 ,..._...... ;.i. ••- of o..,crcom1ng despair ""'ould sun1\c the mght or and JAMES ··Y1dcn. ZCI I ml mc)OSC:Sh Best Wishes For lroublc and depma11on ~ (Jc.,..s. don't despair}" .,..as Of cour~. hfc has bttn MR. and MRS. JOEL SEGAL A Happy, Heahhy and 1hc message of a rabbi to his precio us no1 onl) 10 the Jc.,. 15 w,,..,c,w Svut, Eut Proo-., ~I JOSHUA and BRIAN Prcnperous New Year people .,..ho .,..ere 1hc pariahs bu1 to the Jc.,..tsh pcople. fc.,.. and the""' rc1 ched of the earth peoples could hJ\C sul'\-1\cd DR . and MRS. KENNETH SEGAL And the contemporary lsraeh the Sho.Jh This 1s not mcrcl) vc rMon 1s .. Y,h)'eh lov, lh1np; an achtC',Cmenl IO h1SIOI) It will be: good .• rcprcsenu an act of in • ,:ln:ln i'\:l'" i'\1\ll, This 1s not merely a form du-1dual and collc:ct1\e .... ,11 THE BUREAU OF of sclr deception; 111s !he ... ual The .,..111 10 outht.-c 1he pc.r­ energy .,..h,ch has enabled sccutor The .... ,u 10 fulfill the BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR JEWISH EDUCATION Jc.,.., 10 leep going, 1he prophCC') " I shall not die but Jew1 sh people to surv1t.e. h\e •. OF RHODE ISLAND Jc.,..1sh families 10 rash1on In an age ..., hen 11 1s con• light and splendor out of 1he 130 Senions Street, Provid ence s1derod • l;av. of nature for MAGCO PLASTICS INC. squalor m ..., h1 ch they hved. C1\1hu11ons to noun h and Jewish doccors to pl•) • di_.. E.. t•r,,ch S.11 W,1he1 For A "°9Pr New Yeo,_ die. !here arc nations 1n 1he 4 Mill St ., Cumberland lo The fn10,e Commun,t,, And Cordoolly tn.,.le1 .tJI proportionate role 1n healing \' cstcrn "' orld 1ha1 arc sc..., - To Moke Uw 0t 111 Foc:,l,1,., Fo, The affi,cted h\CI. and Jewish ,ng lheir o•n shrouds rn 723-8200 Advoncemenl And Enuc:hmenl 01 J.w"h Edl.l

New Year Greetings From . . .

132 Gonsett Ave. B. F. ROSEN 942-8300 Cranston, R.I. Wholesale Linens for Bed and Bath 1875 Mineral Spring Avenue Mid-East 'Illusions' North Providence - 353-2628 455 Main Street Influencing Policy NEW YEAR GR~ETINGS To Our Jewish Friends & Customers East Greenwich - 884-9577 Decisions EW YORK. N.Y. - St:\ ccrns or the U.S .• Western BEST WISHES "1 llusions" abou1 the Middle Europe and Japan. t he CUMBERLAND COIN 325 Main St., Woonsocket FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR East arc in0uendng foreign Lc.aguc asserts. policy deci s ions in The analysis. published as 767-3S30 Washington and other Free an AOL "Intern at io na l ·wARWICK FEDERAL \'lo rld ca pilals. ac:c:ording to a Re port" under the direction We buy, sell & appraise recent Anti-Defamation of Abraham H. Foxman, • Rare Coins • Stamps • Gold & Silver Leag ue o r B'nai B'rith associate national director or SAVINGS :.rna1ysis. 1he League and head of its In­ Large Selection ol Coin & Stamp Supplies The "illusions," described ternational Affairs Division, and Loan Association 3.s "glib and superficial diches was prepared by Jerome H. Harold F. Chorney, A.N.A. divorced from realities in t he Bakst, research director for area," endanger not only 1he agency. 1050 WARWICK AVENUE Israel but the security con• Continued on next page 467-6100 Best Wishes For A leonard A. Rotenberg and Harry Umer 685 BALD HILL ROAD Happy And Healthy DR. and MRS. 828-7900 New Year MILTON LEVIN -of- Dr. and Mrs. Will tam Allen Levin Dr. Larry RELIABLE GOLD LTD. ·~ UNITED . Robert Levin ANTIQUE and UNUSUAL and Joan ·s..san JEWELRY and SILVER BEST WISHES FOR A o1 110 Savoy s_, SUPPLY Providence CHINA HAPPY NEW YEAR co. DR. and MRS. HENRY LEVIN 361 . Unda Beth, Lori Ann £ VALLEY GAS and Steven Irwin Jefferson Blvd. of 81 Rockridge Road 181 WAYLAND AVENUE Warwick, R. I. lincoln at WAYLAND SQUARE CUMBERLAND, RHODE ISLAND Wish Relatives and Friend WISH EVERYONE A HAPPY, A Happy and Prosperous PROSPEROUS AND HEALTHFUL 739-8000 New Year NEW YEAR 36- THE RH ODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY SEPTEM BER 11 1 1980

NEW YEAR GREETINGS Mid-East Influence NEW YEAR GREETINGS CEDAR FENCES Con11nucd from prcettdmg page FURNITURE - GARDEN HOUSES UNIVERSAL WIPING CLOTH COMPANY CEDAR CRAFT CO. No11ng 1hc ·· PLO ­ This 1s mistaken because 25 Morris Lane, East Providence manipula1cd gangups against Saudi Arab1a·s01I production 421--0841 1400 Bald Hill Road , Warwick 821-8500 Israel in lhc United at1ons polic1cs a rc based on BARRY LEVINE .ind the deepening Sov1ct economic sclf-1nlcrcs1 and pcnc1ra11on of the Middle 1cchnolog1cal considerations Lut."· Foxman said 1ha1 limi1 bo1h their HAPPY HOLIDAYS .. mistaken assumptions at 1h1s v,1lhngncss and ab1lil) to in­ from AMY and FARIDA of 11mc can be extremely crease produc1ion bc)ond ccr• Besl Wishes For A d,mgcrous.·· 1a1n clcarl)•dcfined lim11s and WAYLAND YARN SHOP The s1:t ··1llus1ons" hsted m JI the same time hmll their HAPPY & HEALTHY NEW YEAR 201 WAYLAND AVENUE the report, and ADL·s rebut• .&b1h1y to w11hhold 011 from tals. arc as follov.s; the Western economics m PROVIDENCE , ..., hose survival 1hcy have a \CSted interest Saudi Arabia. I. Th.al tM PaJescinian issue SENATOR & MRS. Ku-.-.a11 and 1hc Un11ed Arab 861-4437 is the core of I.he Ara ► lsruti l:.m1ra1cs. the so-alled .. con­ conflict. sen-at1vc .. Arab 011 regimes, The core 1s not the Pales11- RICHARD LICHT nttd a s:trong U .S and a &EST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR n,,m problem. but ··1hc refusal strong Western Europe 1n of C\'ery Arab Slate, eAttpt view or 1hc mounting Soviet .______. MR. and MRS. IRVING PALOW i:gypt, and of the Krcmhn·s and aon, BOBBY PLO ally, 10 end lhc1r thlrt) 1hrea1 to their o-.-.n survival. ,------­ not to mention the b,lhons 1194 South Broadway, E ■■ t Prowklence )Car war lo destroy l~.racl and BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR the) ha"e 1n\-CSled m the ncgo11r.1e peace MR. and MRS. GARY DREYFUS American and Wcs1crn ESCO DRUG BRIAN LEE and STACY LYNNE economies. and then m1hlat') Oahkoah, Wlac:onaln 2. That the PLO hu bttome "ulnerab1hty more moder-ale and no longu COMPA,JY !ittk S 10 destroy Israel throuJb EQU IPMENT & SUPPLIES armed conmc:1 alld ln-rorism. S. Tltat So,if-1 Uaion in,ohr­ Far from moderating its mm1 i• tbrr pntt pro«M will PRESCRIPTIONS go.tb. "1he PLO. Al Fa1ah. ,:uaramer • pnc:rful sntlr­ BEST WISHES FOR and 1hcu leader. Ya.m Ararat. menl and rururr stabilit). 421-1887 THE NEW YEAR only rcccntl) reaffirmed thc.u "'Sovtcl m1o-ohcmcnt m the Physiclan 's Office Bulldlng comm1tmen1 10 'hqu,date the \hddlc E.ti1 ~cc ncgo11a- Zion1s1 en111y politically. 110 LOCKW OOD STREET PROVIDENCE 11on, guarantees failure cconom1call). m1!11ardy, ,u Oaklawn Animal Hospital cultur.&tly and 1dcolog1cally,' The K remhn ros:tcn 1urmo1I Jnd 1ni1ab1ht) 1n the region to J PLO formula for gcnoadc 655 Oaklawn Ave. , Cranston 1ncrcaJC 111 m0ucncc ... uh the NEW YEAR GREETINGS Jnd for anolher an11-Jcwu;h PLO and 1he rnd1al Arab llolocausl. lh1s time m the 943-0500 Middle l:.ast rcg1mo and II not • partner for pcacc It 1s a part of 1hc PROV Middle Eu1 problem, not IDENCE PAPER CO. J . That an Arab Palrscinlan part of the 50Jut1on Printi ng Poper - lndu1trtal Paper en1i1y. Mair or homrbnd. on BEST WISHES 1he Wrsc Bank and Gau •ill OH; ee Equipment ond Supplies brlnJ about pe.acr. FOR A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 6. That H o,cnU or "l'Om­ Pre sumably PLO- preheHhl' .. tl'll lemenl h 100 Boyd Awe f,om domma1ed. such an entity achlr-ablt' · DO• and mU54 be East Prov.de "v.ould merely be ano1hcr ... \OUJh1 -.o•. ~· K rcmhn base ,n the heart or Sterling Engineering and lhc re810n thal ~ould e\lcnd An ovenall Kii lemcnt 1s no! even forther lhc already possible now because ••v,uh dangerous Russian pcnctr•• 1he e,ccp11on or l:op1, 1here BEST WISHE S FOR A HAPPY & HEALTHY YEAR Construction Co., Inc. llon 1hcrc With prcd1c1ablc "no e"1dcncc that an) Arab 38 North Court StrNt, Providence Sov1el :mpporl. a PLO slate Sl.&le. let alone lhc PLO, 1.s -.-.ould threaten the k'CUnty of read) 10 accept 1he lcg1t1maC) Louis Fink & Co., Inc. MARC J. PEARLMAN bo1h lsrnd and Egypt (nol 10 of Israel u a 50,crc1gn Je.,..1sh " J unk is our business men11on Jordan}. Israel and Slollem !he Middle l:..ast and to 0 ur truclcs will call" tg)pl arc Amcnca·s bcs1 and end lhc 1h1rty )car Arab v.ar st rongcs1 fnends m the Mid• of dcs1ru<:11on by ncgotrn11ng 2 Amb rose St. DE- 1-6135 die l:as1 and 1ogc1hcr form a pCJcc with Israel. once and for firm foundation for counter­ alt The illusory qucs1 for .i Mr. & Mn. JACK FINK m[! the ~v1ct lhrcal m lhc ·comprchens1vc· settlement & family We Extend Our undermines the Camp 0.&, 1d pc.ice process 1ha1 hu 61 Sheffleld Road , Cranston produced the Egyp11an . Best Wishes for a 4. Thal tht- West Bank / lsrJch peace treat) and that Arab Palrscinian .. enlil)··· offers the only ra11onal foun• v,ould assure • Mudy now or d.i11on for further progress NE W YEAR GREETINGS Happy, Healthy and Arab oil, prts11mably al lower IO,.,,J rd broader a!lrccmcnt prke,s. to 1he United Scala. and .i wider peace m 1hc M1d­ Prosperous New Year Japan and Weslern Europe. dlc i:ast ... INDUSTRIAL SH OE REPAIRING


- ~ PAULA'S PLACE OF BEAUTY ' Fine Travel Inc. Ntw Year Greetings To Our Man y Friend, And Customers 105 Medway StreE!I Providence Specializin Rhode Island 02906 gin (401) 274-2255 • PERMANENTS • COLORING - • BLOW DRYING • PRE CISION HAIR CUTS HOURS Tueadoy & Wednesdoy­4:00-4:00 Thundoy- 9:00-7:30-Coll for appointment Friday-9,00-6:00-Coll fo, appointment HAPPY HOLIDAYS Saturdoy-9:00-4,30-Coll for appointment - 1076 HOPE STREET, PRO VIDENCE, R. I. ' • 274-748 7 THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD T HURSDAY SEPTEMBER 11 1 1980-37

NEW YEAR GREETINGS Mn. Gomotoin. Beat Wlahes Por The New Year Yeshiva University "'°ny CALUORl'S SHOES WilNs All Her Fr.e.Ads Providence Wotch Hospitol 6140 ,_t lood And Reloti-..s 69 Dorrance Street, Pro"riclence An Authentic North Kingstown A Happy and Healthy Jewish H-4-2452 New Yea r IIEST WISHES FOIi A HAPP\' NEW YEAR Ml. and MIS. IIVING DICKENS of BEST W ISHES FO R A HAPPY NEW YEAR Environment TO OUR CUSTOMERS & FRIEN DS BELWING TURKEY FARM Yeshiva University, special communal services for 773 TAUNTON AVENUE preparing 10 enter ll.S 951h !he afcd, )Outh, 1hc handicap­ CHASE AUTO BODY WKS. )CJr ,n September, conunucs ped. the Scphardu: com• SEEKONK, MASS. 336-9142 to allr.ict a select group of mum!), and for Jc,.-uh com­ 318 WEST FOUNTAIN ST. )Dung men and women from mun111e.s abroad. PROVIDENCE throuihou·1 lhc nation and Marla S,hcr, 20 )airs old. BEST WISHES FOR A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR mJn) par1s of the v,orld who from Springfield , beh~c that a commitment 10 MJssachusc1u, feels 1h111 THE MILLERS 274-3684 Jc,. ,sh leadership and a "The obsc~ant ,.oman of the profcss,onal career arc co­ ·30s has a ncvo role 10 phi.) ·· Miller Corrugated Box Co. equals. Jnd that the dual Prcs1dcn1 of her Junior class 289 Kilvert Street, Warwick 739-7020 pro1HJm or Judaic sctud1cs, :rnd a tcchmcal cd11or of the Jnd liberal aru and 50cnccs Stern CoUqe ne•spapcr. Tit, offered al 1hc Umvcrsll) O/u,nv-r. she IS prcpu1ng for BEST WISHE S JIIO"S them to rcah.u bo1h J c-Jrecr m 11d,crtlS.l ng de.sign BEST W ISHES FOR A NE W YEAR obJCC11"cs 1hrough the Shaped Ma.Jar al FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR Yeshiva Un1vers1t). 1he Collqc. •h1lc al lhc.u.me OF HEA LTH , HAPPINE SS AND PRO~PER ITY Amcnca·s oldest and largot llme g;unmg e\lCnS1\e Rolo Manufacturing Co. unncrsit) under Jc,.ish lno,. lcdgc and 1ns1ght m10 Jusp1ccs, approtichcs ,u 10th her hcma@eby "'•> of Stern's ;})e Un 274 PINE STREET dcadc ,.,1h an enrollment or m1ens1fied Judaic .1tud1cs ,;omc 7.000 men and • omen pra,ram Providence, R.I. 02903 on four campUJCS 1n Manha\• Smee childhood \1 arla ha.s 521-0800 IJn .ind the Bronx. AmonA 1U bom aci,,e ,n Jc,. 1sh clubs &aul'i Salon 1563 CRANSTON STREET CRANSTON 942-2660



Pontiac-Buick-Volvo-Datsun - m Soles & Service ~ ~ 166 Conne ll Highway "'W"=' Newport, R. I. 847-5600

BEST WISHES lfi:Ail FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR 1980 5741 ♦: The CITIZENS BANK acJdcm1c programs leading 10 Jnd )O ulh groups m her bachelor's, master's and doc- homclo•n. "'here she atten­ We Try To Do Th ings Your Way OPUient 1oral degreCJ, arc ncwl y­ ded a Heb~,. day school for rcg1s1c rcd programs for un­ e1gh1 )cars and then a pubhc 26 CONVENIENT BANKING OFFICES dergraduates m nursing, at h1th schoo l. She firml) Owl Stern College for Women , belic,e.s that the committed ,rnd m accounting al Ye.sh1 va ca reer "' oman or the '80.s can Colkll'e and Stern . The Un- mamtam the traditions or WISH OUR MANY 1,ers1t) provides a myriad of Conunucd on nc,1 page FRI EN DS A HAPPY AND PROSPEROU S HOLIDAY GREETINGS FROM NEW YEAR Al(Ntlt~ RESTAURANT HAPPY NE W YEAR IN ISRAEL? 280 THAYER STREET PROVIDENCE Anywhere in the W orld! 295 South Main Street Specializing in ttalian-Ameriean Cuisine We 'll Help You Get There Providence, R.I. Loc:ated on the Eost Side 621-5397 Open Monday Through Sotvrdoy LOTTE POVAR DIANE AND RICK ROSENSWEIG 11 A.M. to 9 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAYS 328 WARREN AVE EAST PROVIDENCE


THE NEWPORT East Providence, R. I: NATIONAL BANK 751-4771,- 434-0551 Oven-King Products· -

Th,• B•·~I to iou Yeshiva University NEW YEAR GltfETINGS Our Best Wishes NEW YEAR GREETINGS Con1in ucd from prcceedmg page for a Happy and Healthy New Year ta all H. G. DYER, Jcv. 1sh family life a nd, a t the phase of his devotion to Our Fr i end s and INC. same time, express another Jc:v. ,sh ideals. He: plans to at­ Rela tivt!l s ATLANTIC dimension of herself 1hrough tend denial school upon STEEL SHELVING pro fessional accomplish­ graduation. 1h en to make DR . and MRS . COAL CO. mcnlS. .tli)ah and practice his profes­ 157 Crory Strffl ··s1crn College is an c.,tcn­ sion JO Israel. ROBERT DUCOFF s,on of my constant involve­ Providence, I .I. ··Noualgia abou1 our MICHELLE FUELS ment 1n Jewish activn1cs. Yet, hc:mage 1sn·t enough to hold Ginnie m add1t1on, by virtue of 1hc 1he currc:n1 generauon. We and 421 -6586 Shap(:d MaJor, which h a.s hj,e lo reach out. and learn PATTI OIL BURNERS allov.cd me to fashion an ...,,th unaffiliated Jew,sh JcJdcm1c prog r am college studc:n1s so the:) can 521-5229 ~pcc11ically designed to mcc1 3pprc:Ctale the beaut) of our 77 PILSUDSKI ST my needs and 1n1crcs1.S, I'm trad111on. The facull) here Jerry's Service Station 944-9000 able 10 pursue my career .. ho 1cach and encourage: 1h,s Tony 's p,oals •· Marla 1s 1akJOg ad­ I rend 1.s or1~mc:ndous help.'· 1101 Hope Strffl 9SS Hop•- Srr,·••t ,an1age of the 1n1ens1fied Dana S-a)S ··1 feel r ,·e come Jev.·1sh s1ud1cs program. home:·· Tel.: 831-9268 wh1c-h v.1II go 1n10 eIT«I JO Dana shares v,,1th his un­ NEW YEAR GR EETINGS Scp1cmbcr, v.here all s1udc:n1.s dcrgradua1c: collc:agucs al Wishes To Extend Greetings and Best Wish~s , s1udy Tanakh and Halak.ha as ) nh1v11 College: one: or the For the New Year "" ~ p,ir1 of 1he nc:v. co r e highest acccp1antt rates to MOB/lGAS ., c-urnculum medical and denial schools 1n . . The core: c:n1a,l.s 10 10 lhc: 1'-a11on Yea r aric:r )car90 hour.s of sludy spread over per ttnl and more of Ycshwa 1hrec: mornings per v.·ec:k. and l oUcgc: 1radua1es arc accc:p­ E. L. Freeman Co. hin!~~~!~~ conttnlralcs on bas,c tutual t c:d by 1he na11on's lop PILINTEBS AND STATIONERS Restaurant S.-...... _ et, "-ideflce, llawhxhr 1 8 West Shore Road, lint ~ . w._..ti.,, Newpt,rt, Wolc•Mlcl r Warwick, R.I. 33 i-3400 434-7370 RTE. 117 738-9861 Bcs1 Wis hes For A Happy New Year

BEST WISHES FOR A. HAPPY NEW YEA R Best Wishes For A Happy & A VERY HEALTHY NEW YEAR Clarke, Kendall and from Bradley, Inc. UNITED SURGICAL CENTERS and its employees Insurance Service Since 1872 685 Park Ave., Cranston, R. I. 781-2166 1216 MAIN STREET WEST WARWICK "HMJdquorlers For All Your Surgical Needs" THE OTHER DOOR THE COOK'S STORE BE ST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR sk ills and analysis Gener.al mcd,al and dental schools IIAINTODIM 50 BAY SPRING AVE. studies courses arc not oITcred T he ,uu c of J ewish BARRINGTON during the: '3me hours a.score leader hip hu been ingrained ALBRIGHT AUTO -.C[!mc:nl courses To furt her 1n the: upbringing of 21-)Ut• 246-0242 1mplcmenl lhe program. nine: old MarcSchne1er.SC1onofan DRIVING SCHOOL EXTENDS BEST WISHES FOR nc..., facu ll ) members ha .. e 1llustr1ou.s rabb1mc family been added ' I arc's father 1.s Rabbi Arlhur O.-. ol tit. lo(Vflt end Old.st Sin(• 1941 A HAPPY AND HEALTHY O...ol S1-i..e c.,,,,.,. • lnwrortc. Dkc.vnl C.rtlficolM D,ma Kaplan. a 20-)c&t• Schnc1cr. a d1stinguuhcd c.m.,.,.,,,, C..Vrt-..• Mf"IIH • ~y At Yov t.Grn NEW YEAR old s 1udent at Yeshiva alumnus of Yeshiva Um,er­ College .. ho SCf\CS as prCSl• SII) ..., ho 1s sprn1ual leader of Tel. 274-0520 dcnl of his 1umor class, came the: Park. Eas1 Synaaoguc m " Gtft c.rtlfic:otn AvoilabJe" 10Yesh1 ,aUm,ers1 t) a ri cr at­ MJnhattan and ch:urma.n or tend,n(I. a private school in 1he American Scc11on of the Best Wishes For A \\ a1e rbu ry. Connect1c u1 , \I. orld Jcw,sh Congress because he wanted "an ,\fare .. as highly ac11,c ,n Happy and Healthy New Year ,1u1 hen 11 c Jew ish environ• studl!nl governmen t as an un• menl. " Dana S3)S th at com- dcrgr.tduate. serving as prcsi­ CAROLYN and CO. 111 (1. 10 Ycsh1,·a 1s but the fi rst Continucd on next page 2401 Hospital Trust Building SYDNEY SUPPLY CO. TAKE TIME Providence, R.I. Toke Timt 10 think- It is 1h,sour1,ol power. 331 -1932 Tokelim1toplor-Uis1h1m11tofp1rpetual you th. &ottOPtS ...._~":: Toke Time lo reod - 11 is lhe founloin of wisdom. MICHAEL. DONNA, JODI, ROBBI , ARI Toh Time lo pray - It is lhe greo lesl power on eorlh. U LEHNER Tok1Tim1tolov1ondheloved - ll is0God•given privileg1. P "W•AIIW.0,1....;," TakeTimetobelrien dly -llislhtroadlohoppiness. WISH YOU A JOYOUS NEW YEAR Tokelimetolaugh-ltislhemusitofthesoul. Toktlimelogive- ltistooshortodaytobeselfoh. Take Tim, to work - II is the p1itt of suueu. Tokelimetodo,hority -- ltis th ekevtoheaven. The Sydney Family

1:'..!:tc'..~~~NG M~w!!.•,~6PIASTIC ~~ HAPPY NEW YEAR SUPft.lEIS OF LNOWJINCl,u. . ACttATI MAffllAU BEST WISHES FOR Priwtefacilitics A HAPPY NEW YEAR and The Perfcct Setting For Showers & Weddings BEST WISHES FOR THE 333-1300 NEW YEAR 22,0QO titles • Come in & browse irl 8ra~<> > Brown country club > Bookstore Old R...- Rood. Llncdn, Rhode Island 244 THAYER ST., PROV. 863-3166 THt:RHODE ISLANO H ERAL D, TH U RS DAY SEPTEMBER I I 1980-39 Yeshi va Uni versity .. BEST WISHES FOIi A HAP!'Y BE ST WISHES FOR ANO HEALTlf( NEW '/tA!I Con1mucd from precttding page A HAPPY NEW YEAR SECURITY CLEANSERS, INC. GEORGE ARPIN MOVERS Inc . denl or the Yeshiva College d1rec10r 9f Emmanuel Syn• NINE CONVENIENT S1udent Council in his senior a101ue . ...,,111 propel her into a 85 Carlsbad St., Cranlfon 02910 942-61S 1 LOCATIONS year. A graduate of the career combin1nJ political MAIN PLANT, 821~150 College las1 June, he's s1udy- science and Jev.ish com• 1ng ro, Scmikha (ordination) fflUOII) ln\·Olvemcnl. at the University's afTilia1ed A skilled p1am.'il. a regular MR. and MRS. SAMUEL WEINBERG Rabbi I saac Elchanan pJrt1cipan1 in Torah MR . and MRS. and son DR . MARC WEINBERG Theological Seminary, and Leadership programs, and THOMAS H. ROSENRELD also plans 10 earn a law h11hl) act1,e 1n student gover• 17 Tulip Circle, Garden City and Oliklren, JOEL, JAY and USA Best Wishes for o Happy and Heohtty Me-w Year degree. early 100 per oent of nancc. she focls 1hat the ,n. rt.k,tt,.., ond fr•flOs Ycsh1"a College graduates arc d1v1dual allention from W.,,.. n. .. C'ach )Car acocplcd in10 the fJcuh) members she rccc1.,,ed A Hoppy, ~~y= ,-.ospefOUt na11on·s lop law schools. :11 Siem. and lhetr encourage• ··M) pnon1y 1s not being ment. helped her to make the BRAE CREST SCHOOL OF BALLET c11her a rabbi or a law)cr:· most of her college )cars and Marc says, "but an cITecti.,,e focu.'i clearly on future asptra• BEST WISHES HOME OF THE Je"'1.'ih leader. As a pulpit 11ons ... The) ga,e me thecon­ STATE BALLET OF RHODE ISLAND rabbt rd have the proper lld

S.11 Wi~ For Extend Their G reetings A Happy ond Prosptrou1 To Th e Entire Jewish Community New Year For The New Year Edray Whirlpool Service

BEST WISHES FOR A HEALTHY ANO HAPPY NEW YEAR 1808 Sm ith Street 231-6730 "For a new Cadillac o, a line one own•r•Criss Used Car of your choice" SEE NEW ff.U GIEETINGS JIM BEATTIE GISO BROS. WHOWALERS 81 -85 ROLFE ST. .l .4. Criss Cadillac Company CRANSTON 1 01 Cadillac Drive 401-467-7810 Providence ,..-.,-,. IMold,&"- ..., _ .....h& J /@/ 467-6600 _.. ... -.. /= ttajlpl(neuf lJear T T TEL. 9-42-7106 BEST WISHES FOR THE ~alt~~ NEW YEAR at COMMUNITY FRUIT



~---.-..;. .. -----' \...... ~ ...... -. , ,, . . , ......


NEW YEAR GREETINGS Yeshiva Uni versity .. . NEW YEAR GREETINGS Continued from prccccding page T. W. ROUNDS CO. I PARTY WAREHOUSE and 334 East Avenue, Pawtucket hved for four )eaJS m Israel, '\CCI ion oft he Yeshiva Um"er­ T. ,1udying a, Ycsh, va t Hako1cl. undergraduate student W. ROUNDS Jeanne Stein "'Y Jnd ~rxn1 a yea r at the Un- bod). prorcss a desire for ma­ TRAVEL SERVICE 11.-('f',IIY or Maryl and pnor to JOr roles in Jewish i:nrolhng al Yes h1va Umver- org.1niza1ional and com­ BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR NEW YEAR OREETIN08 "'Y· An cconom, es maJor. he munal life. They consider it ,,. Jbsorbing the t rammg he'll l~-.cn 11a/ th al Jc-.1sh s1ud1cs NEW ENGLAND EGG SERVICE n1.-ed for a career in banking · Jnd ac1iv11ics play a s1gmfi- EASTERN SCIENTIFIC CO. while nu1unng h 1.s hopes for c-an1 rote 1n their educa1,on Scientific Apparatus and Hospital Supp~es '257 Jewett StrHI future Jewish communal Aaron summed II up when he r1.-..pon!i1b1h11cs. 267 Plain Strfft 421-4600 521-9170 ,.;ud 1ha1 he once considered Already an cnl crpusmg en- r,rorcss,onal and Jewish tra1n­ lrepreneur, he o pcrated a car- 1ng "mutually c:cclus1\e" pcl ~hampoo1ng service for '\o-., he h:u learned. "10 be BEST WlSHES POR A HAPPY . NEW YEAR G REETING S lhr« )Ca rs and h as served as 'iUCttS.Sfu l ,n bolh. )OU mu.s1 Hr.ALTBY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR BEIMONT FRUIT MARKET Jdm1n,strat1vc d, rCC'l or of the he educated in both at ona." Hnc, Alova chap Yeshiva Un11.-crs1t), m 11.s DURASTONE _fO., INC. Featurin~ Highest Quality Frulh And Spring. 941h )Car, 1.s America's oldcs1 Linco,n, I . I. Vegetab" At lowffl Possible Pricff " I used to belt e\C that )OU and largcsl un1ven1I) under Wakefield, R.I. 783-4656 had 10 make a ch 01cc bc1-.ecn Jc-,,, 1sh auspices J primary com m1tmcnt to An ,ndcpcndenl 1ns11tut1on Jewl\h leadership or a profCl­ char1ercd by 1he Slate of New Judge and Mrs. Jacob J. Alprin -.,on:· Aaron SB)'i "I finall) York. 11 1.s accrcd,1cd by the and FAMllY MONARCH INDUSTRIES, INC. re-ah,ed tha1 10 succeed 1n \t,ddk States ASSOC1a11on of 200 Hoffman Ave., Apt. 505, Cranston t)o1h )OU had 10 be educated (. ollegcs :.nd Schools and by Harbonide Boulevard E.xt11nd Best Wishes _,:, r o 467-2500 m ho1h 10 prep.i re for lhcsc \p«1ahzed profcu,onal ap:en­ Hoppy ond Prosperous New Yeor Providence, I .I. 02905 c4uJlly 1mponan t goali al 1he nr. The Un1\•ers1I) ·s ii.-. un­ EXTEN DS BEST WISHES Yme llmc ·• derJ!raduate collcge.1 and FOR A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR AJron 1.s certa,n· that the c1Jthl graduate and GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES opportumty to SI udy1n Israel. profeu,onal schools. -.uh FOR THE NEW YEAR \Uch .a.s offered by Yeshiva full-1,me fac:ult1c:1 of 1.200. of­ Um1.-ers1ty, helps studcnu 10 fer prog rams leadmg 10 PROVIDENCE CHAIN CO. mJlure Jnd devcl opa sen~ of hJchclor's. mas1e,·1. Best Wishes For A l'C"pc:CtlVC " T he sludenl profeu1on:1I, and doc1oral 2 25 Carol ina Ave., Prov. 781 -1330 Happy and Healthy New Year -.ho relurns fro m study m de,rca for an enrollment of hr Jd bcncfiti th c n11.-er111y 7.COJ men and •omen J\ a ,...hole, s1nce.1 ludents lend Gr..duale and Professional 10 rel urn w11h a bcnerscn.scof p1op:rams arc offered 1n Bes t Wishes For A Kelley Metals Corp. dm:,:1100 and ap prcc,allon of mcd,c,ne. I•"'· MK1a l -.ork, Happy and Prosperous New Year lhe cduci11,onal o ppor1un111cs l't'>cholOI)', educa11on, and .11.-a1 lablc lo lhcm Ult1ma1dy. Judaic s1ud1cs The Un,vcr­ 115 Volley Street J more senou.1 sl u dent body,s ~••> ·s M11n Center ,s localed East Providence, R.I. lrcaled wh,ch 1.s helter able 10 m Manhatta n·s Wuhm,:ton Equitable Ele

Best Wishes For A Ho ppy New Yeor Highlights of The Hadassah Mclaughlin & Moran, Inc. -fer/ams- DRUG 175 Terminal Road Providence Convention LOS ANGELES. Calif. - The Proclama1ion was ac­ Extends Best Wishes DISTRIBUTORS OF Standing before a cheering cepted by national conve ntio n "ANHEUSER BUSCH NATURAL LIGHT" assemblage of 3,000 delega tes co-chairman Edith Zamost of and g ues1s. Mayor Tom Hip:hla nd Pa r k. NJ : Los for A New Year Bradle y o f Los Angeles Anl,!elcs co-chairman Enid w.s_.. , proclaimed Henrielta Szold Younp;: a nd Beat r ice I. "IIIICHELOB LIGHT" Month in honor of the foun­ Feldman of New Yo rk City, of Health, Happiness and "BUDWEISER & MtCHELOB" der of H adassa h . which na tional Henrietta Szold An­ o ptned its a nnual national ni versary Cdebra1ion Com­ convent ion here last week . mi ttee cha irperson. Prosperity Conl inued on next page

MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE Hoppy New Yeot CIANSTON FENNER & SMITH, INC. FANCY WIH CO. 1 0 I ~ Street 1812 HOSPIT Al TRUST TOWER 331 -2500 HARBOURS/DE PROVIDENCE, R.I. - 861-4000 -- LOBS TERMAN/A Extends a..t Wish• To their frie_!ldt and customen Water Street Happy Nrwi Year far a· East Greenwich WOONSOCKET GLASS and MIRROR 884-6363 _HAPPY AND CO., INC. Best Wishes For a HEALTHY NEW YEAR Mr. &l\tn. Sheppie Dreuler and Healthy and Prosperous Memben of the Now Yo,k one! Family New Year J7C-.,,S1.,lf'~1 -·· - Exchanges THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD THURSDAY SEPTE MBER 11 1980 41

HAPPY Ml. and MIS. NEW YEAR WAIJ.A.Cf H. GfNSE.I Hadassah Convention MewY.arGl"Ntlr191 MR . and MRS. AIM! Fomily Andre Contmu:_d from precccd1ng page HAROLD E. ARNOLD FEIT AL 40 c.dor ,and Or. on


GARY, MICHAEL, JAMIE Best Wishes For A Happy and Healthy New Year

Having A Party? SQUIRES SERVICES LTD. '-C:)' conducted for Haduuh u,unlr), 1n I srael and for HAIR AND SKIN CARE CALL STONE h) an independen t agency 1h roughou1 1hc -orld repor1 s 1h a1 lhe pnmc: reason Ale, Ihle) . author of the 10 Euclid Ave ., Providence, R.I. RENT-ALL CENTER for Jommg lladauah ,s us ~H,dhn@ book Roou p,ud a Toltles Clioln Dhlios /1oms1 comm11men1 , "htch tnbutc: to \\ olpcr " ho had 274-5660 underg1rd11 .,II or its programs produced the a"ard -li't1nnmJl ~~ m hracl and in the Umtcd 1c:lc:H\10n ioeflCI ba.scd on h,s S1111 ci. buul HAPPY NEW YEAR 726-2900 Mrs Tannenba um e,. . BEST W ISH ES FOR pre~ d1sma) a, 1he Un,1cd III GIILIGIITS o..- MONTGOMERY A HAPPY & HEALTH Y NEW YEAR S1a1cs abs1e n11 o n o n the 1 AN"l.'RiH JM R£PORT Sccunt) Council rcsolu11on DISTRIBUTORS INC. ccn~urmg Israel. she " arncd " Ant1-Scm1t1sm 1s on the Auto Parts ;1g:11n 111 nsmg 11 n11-Scm1usm, mcrcasc. d1sjlu1scd as ant, New Year and ---- d1sgu1.scd as an1 1-Z1omsm and /1oms .ind an11- lsrad1sm, 11 Greetinl(S a nt1 -l~rac:l 1sm: and she rc:por• appears 1n the vanous inter Accessories 1ed o n the rc: cen1 U .. na11ona1 political fronts CLOTH I NG FOR T HE 135 BROADWAY, l'IIOV. ENTIRE FAM I LY Women ·s Conference ,n opcra1ing :tS bodies of the Copenhagen " here she said U N - )UC h as the General 421-4253 TWICE AS NICE lha l even the Secretariat Slaff A"cmbl). UNESCO a nd 110 BROADWAY, PAWTUCKET (( "'JS biased m favor or the even lhe Sccunty Council 724-7050 263 ACADEMY AVENUE PLO. Conunued on nut page PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND 33 1-621 1 r.;c,lfSl' WISHES FOR A HAl'l'Y NEW YEAR ., RESALE CONS IGNMENTSHOP The Claflin Company • C LOTHING • ACCESSOR IES • G IFTS -NEW YEAR GREETINGS Happy New Year '-'1al, mecfocal and ,urvia,1 wpplies SCHOOL BUS bntal, & Otart•ing ... fflOWBRAY c.w. · ..,._, Christy's Li~uors 467-8844 579 Reservoir Ave., Cranston, RI UNITED TRUCK FINE PRll'ITING Monischewitz Mogen David Carmel PLATES Mother Goldettein & BUS THAT COST LESS! 467-4700 SERVICE CO. Highest Quality 325 Molr--.il!fft of Photo E119rcrving ,..,___ R.l. 02907 And Lithogn,phy With Best Wishes for a UN&on l-llM New Year of Health & Happiness ... BEST WISHES FOR A itAPPY AHO PROSPEROUS GREETINGS ' N'!:W YEAR FOR THE NEW YEAR

Your IE5T MoYe Our Sincere Best Wishes For Health, COMPllTE HOLIDAY GREETINGS MOVING SERVlCE Happiness arid Prosperity From the Citizens l.ANS WARBIOUSE CO. of the City of Pawtucket of WA Yi,ANO $Q. - 17 Seekonk St. Provl..._ DENNIS M. LYNCH Congressman and Mrs.

MAYOR Fernand J St'. Germain 861-1110

~--~~-=·~-- ..::-. .,,.. --~-·..------~ ... ----'-'•---- . , 42 '' TH t ~ Hb DE ISLAN D HERA Lb' 'r'HU RSDAY SE PTE>1BE R II is..,

Holldoy Gl'N'tin;, MR. a.nd MRS. MR. ond MRS. Hadassa h Convention . New Year Greetings Continued from precccding page lrom BERYL SEGAL SPECIALTY LOUIS I. SWEET Children and And family "hue: attcmpu arc being reahs11c· and damaging to MARTHA, NATHAN Grandchildren CLEANSERS mJdc:101urn Israel m1oanon• prospects for peace m the and STEVEN LURY East Provide n()9 .. o-hllJ Rood nation by quest 10n1ng IIS Middle Eas1, bu1 11 undcr­ GAIL BRUCE INC. and Wish Their Relatives Ex te nd Best Wishes For n,H,onJI lrg111ma C) To den) m,ncs lhe U . S . ro le 1n GUNTHER 1241 Smith _St. the C'USIC:ncc of II s Na11onal rromotmg the Camp Oa\·id and Fri.end$ A Happy New Year JOSH and ZACK 861-4844 Movement. Zion ism. 1s 10 t\grccmcnls. A Hai,py New Year den) lhc C:\ISICn cc of 1he "As for Jerusalem, 11 1s d, k" 1sh people for-to the cap11al of Israel. and Sett W ishes For The New Yea r " In the So\·1e1 Union, m JS :1 united cny II hn. under MR. and MRS. JOSEPH W. RESS AUTOPARTS INC. Islamic coun1nes and m Latin Israel, adm1nis1rat1on. no1 Amet1ca. there 1s open anll• and Fa.mU, 21 Mauotoit Av•., Eost P'rovidenc• on ly been presened and Sem111sm man1feued by rcs1 o rc:d. bul 11 has been open 438-2 100 486 COLE AVEI\'t.lE widespread d1sto rt1ons 1f nol 10 people of all fa11hs . No Jame. J. Brady outr1gh1 denials of 1he Arab coun1ry. and most of EXTEND BEST WISHES FOR Holocaus1. E\en m Western 1hosc: member states 1n the A HAPPY NEW YEAR Eu rope 1here have: been anti• who routinel) \·otc GREETINGS AND BES T WISHES FOR ~m111c mc1dents aga1n51 Israel. have a reco rd THE NEW YEAR "The PLO s«ks 10 crca1e a of due process and o f NEW YEAR G REETINGS PETTERUTI MOTOR SALES slate: on the ruins of Israel. pro1ce11ngcP.-1I nghuand O\oll STATE LINE and 1he "orld acapls al the hbcrt,cs that qualifies them to 1051 Challutone Ave ., Prov ., R.I. 02901 \Jmc: time 1he premise of the leach hrael about plurahsm RESTAURANT 805 Bfoadway, Pawtud,et 131 - 5400 ··modcra1eneu" o f PLO and !he n1thts of minor111cs. lcader1 While: 1n 1\,,..r,.,,J. .. This resolutio n makes :1 723-9800 f- aroult Kadoum1 , a PLO ad­ mockery of the Camp DaHd NEW YEAR OR.EETIN08 v1wr 1s quoted "We an "'-.Ill Accords and Knousl) under• J hundred )cars unul ¥>-e mines Israel's s1a 1u s m BEST WIS HES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR l.a Point's Wheel ond Broke Service rel urn lo JarTa and Jerusalem Jerusalem b) calling on all Bocce Club - lh1s Z1on1s1 ghello named countries 10 "'-llhdravr, thetr HO BARTON STREET, PAWTUCKET 226 SI . Louis Avenue. Woonsockel. A.I. lsro1el must be hqu1da1cd cmba.u,cs from Jeruulcm (e«nel' of Den« BL ) 1U - U5' .. J us1 before con\en11on -- we "Ould also hope that Theodore's Landing opened 111oe 111oa1chc:d 111o11h d1s­ Pra1dc.n1 Carter will chan1te Rt. 1, Pla1nv1lle, Mass. m•) a l the United S1a1c:.s his po11tt0n and honor 1he MR . and MRS. .ib,1en11on a t the Sccurit) pl.a1form :adopled b) the NEW YEA R GR EE TI NGS IZAK BERGER C.ounc1I II ,, diffic ult 10 O\etwhc:lm1na ffilJO fll) of his r«onc,lc Sccrelar) of Slate o"n part). -.h1ch rcco1n1lCS /? I from MRS. ROSE HEUMAN Mu\k1c·\ strong cr11 1c1sm of ':Jab•,.,,,.a.n.n 65 Mitch~I StrHt, ,rovW.nce ,upporls lhe nlabh.shed 1hc Sccunl) Council's latQI Wi1h All Th• ir Friend, and Reloti"'•• ,1a1 us of Jerw.alc.m u :1 um led QUA LI TY PHOTOGRAPHERS ccn\urcof Israel 111o11h thc sub­ A Happy and Prosperous New Yea r c11y and the cap1 1al of I rad 331 -5948 uqucnl U .S abstcn11on . \1 u T annenbaum a tio 136 WESTMINSTER STREET "hen log1cally his -.-ord1 reporlcd on the U.N Mid• NEW YEAR GR EETI NGS ,hould h.a\C bcc:n rt:1nforccd Deca de Conference on b) J S \CIO " omen v.hich she sllendc:d NEW YEAR GREETINGS DR . and MRS . LEONARD W. LABUSH .:Nol onl) dOQ 1hc abltcn• .along ,,,..1,h 1hrcc Hadauah 9nd Children 110n d1m1n1s h the meamn1t o f members "The npcncncc WEINTRAUB'S DISCOUNT STORES lhc Sccrc1.1ry's o"n mcu.i,:c. "JS shallenna:· she s;ud " I KAREN GALE and MATTHEW EZRA m "h,ch he all5 1he tC$Olu- ,anno1 nprc.u m "Ord.s the WARWICK PAWTUCKET 11on ·fundamenu1lly n.1"cd , hod I felt at lhc 1remcndou5 Po.t Road 4 67-8963 320 De xter St. 726-91 70 unbalanced and un• NEW YEAR GREETINGS from Continued o n nc\l page NATHAN SAMDPERll, Pni.W.nt NORTH KINGSTOWN ALAN M. SAMDPERIL, VKe Prnide nt 6135 Post Rd . 884-9656 New England Metal Co., Inc . NfMCO 66 8,anch Ave nue Provide nce B EST WIS HJJS FO R A HAPPY MR. ond MRS. EARL J. RESNICK NEW YEA R &FAMILY Elizabeth

51 lkhlan4 l cf . c...... Webbing Mills Co. Wi.ti Th.ir friend1 & ...icm .... o Hoppy, H.olt+,y, New Yeor 521 Roooevelt Ave. Central Fallo 723-0500

NEW YEAR GREETINGS To Our Friends and Customers ~. SETIAN A Very Happy and Heolthy New Year ·_ HAIR DESIGNERS May the sound of the shofar 806 RESERVOIR AVE. signal the beginning · The ' CRANSTON of a year of Golden ' SUPER CUTS & P~RMS peace, health, and happiness. The Ultimate in Hair Care Lantern f4Mffl f42-fSff

A Happy New Year 1S57 Said Hill Road, Best Wishes for a PAYETTE TRUCK Warwick BODY MFG. CD. -828-2100- New Year of 6J Dp,yMle ""·• John•ton Ut-0711 Health, Happiness & Prosperify Best Wishes For A Healthy And Happy New Year

SFERLANDO MANY WAYS TO MAKE YOl: FF.fl. AT H<»!f. Four S.non1 OU...-ltentals Amoriggi Seafood Swimml"S pools • t•nnl1 • alr-condl­ .A,T.~,~ tlonN tKrutlonal bvlktlllp :=c:.::..::1.3~ .':T11 All UtllltlH lnchtdedl Room Uftfll awallable as ...,. c--.iw... ,,. m.1m IIIIIIC- .,\';;., A'!!r.Af} 1401 Park Ave. ,1 lootll ·-· 16J,7111 111111- Cranston • 943-6030 •s fast ltst ,,..._, Ul-2111 W.oHw_,....,,. ~~ ...... ,... •• price .·,11 ~ im,- \u•.. l'ru• .. U ...'._: ,1 Wnl Wnl Wnd ti..- toftt-,,...... Ou! .. r T.,,.., f:11 111 :,.11, -,·1 6 Bowen St. FERLAND MANAGEMENT CO. WITH sesr WISHE S Johnston • 231-8200 180 Armistice Blvd., Pawtucket • 728-4000 FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR . TH E RHO DE ISLA ND HERALD, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER I J. 1980 43 - Hadassah Convention NEW YEAR GREETIN08 BARRINGTON LIQUORS INC. Continued fro m precccding page 618 WARREN AVE. EAST PROVIDENCE E. P. FOURNIER CO .. INC. 434-9556 outpouring or vicious am,. U.N. Sccretaria1 personnel New England', No. I Americon Mot0t- Dealers BEST WIS HES FOR A HA PPY NEW YEAR Amencan \enom. The coun­ "ere openly biased: one 939 Newpori An., Pawtucket '1!5-"556 tries v,h1ch prae1icc the vilest chairman e\en refused to 111 .,,e kind~ or d1scrimina11on and lhe lsraeh dele11a1e the fl oor cHn genocide were the ones NEW YEAR GREETINGS ' Yoho Y.erc 1he o nes who Y.ere ~~~=hft~~r 0: 3~~e \l,I~:, •:; A HAPPY NEW YEAR holdes1 in 1he.rcondemnat1on s,,c.km" 1he ,ess,oe. ,ad IZZI & SONS MARBIL CLEANERS or truly democra1ic rqi:1mes ~~:~1~1~: not one dele11a te HM ting, ven tilating and air conditioning SHOPP ERS' TOWN , TAU NTON AVENUE or ...,h1ch there are such a 1 EA ST PROVIDENCE precious re ... lefl . \ l rs. Tannenbaum con- 181 VALLEY STREET 43 4-6 155 "Furthermore. the PLO ~1 ~~~ ~)de~~Jinct~~~u~:~~ ._____ ••_ o_v_,o_,_N_CE.;.•_•.;.-' ·--__;.'..;.5;_1· .:.:.:-1860.:.... ____J dominated the Conrerencc so 1 0 1hJI )OU ...,ou ld think there BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR mumt) ""h1ch staged a rell) in "ere no other refugees 1n the Bu t W ishes lo, o Happy & H@a/fhy New Yeo, RHODE ISLAND front or Bella Center, .,..here v,orld, the ma.sscsfrom the ln­ 1hc Forum met_ The) ca med QUALITY CARE NURSING SERVICE ELECTRIC PROTECTIVE CO. d1Jn sub-continent. the Viet• Israel, and Dani.sh nags and Elaine Josephson, RN, Director 111 Mathewaon Street 274-0250; 274-1270 namese Boat People, the v,ore )ello" Stars of Da1to1d to BURGLA R and FIRE ALARM SERVICE Cambod1an§.onl) t he Palest•• 1111n 1fy theu 1dent1fica11on 187 Westminster Street, Providence, R.I. 02903 Richard P. Clark, Pres. mJns 1a.ere singled out for v,,11h Jev,~ 1us1 as the} did 274-7300 concern .. durm,: World V. ar II ·· ··While 1he Conrerence. She al.so mentioned S1 ters Happy New Y.ar composed of official j!O\ern­ \l ,&rgare1 Traxler and Ann BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR MR . and MRS. EDWARD 0 . ADLER men1 ddeJat1ons, v,as con­ Gillen of 1he at1on:1I Coah- Elon and Suton ducted with a h 11 k more 11on or Amcncan ' uns. "'ho UNION TOOL CO., INC. decorum than the Forum. the appealed 10 v,omcn of all 387 CHARLES STREET, PROVIDENCE MR . and MRS. ETHAN J. ADLER chips we re $1 1II 51acked r,rnhJ 10 dialogue abou1 lhc Je nifer Hof"' ancl Dori Kay• a11am!.t Israel and aJt,a1ns1 the lrue •omcn·s agenda. 3nd 421 -8696 1mall cont1 n Jcnt of "'ho :.11 press conrcrence. democra11c countries The pubhcl) qua11oncd d1stor- commmcc chairmen and the BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR 11ons or facts abou1 brad BEST WISHES FOA A HAPP't' NEW YEAR VITI BROS., INC. (©) C.t,' Gur~ ,f '11/ewidt ' COMMERCIAL AND HOUSEH OLD 506 WARWICK AVE. 1 Maahapaug Street, Providence 02907 WARWICK, R.I. • 785-1122 781-2550 OPEN DALY I to I P.M.

WITH BEST WISHES PHONE FOR A NEW YEAR OF HEAL TH , Ross 942-2310 GIUIERT DUBUC HAPPINESS AND PEACE BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR B.S., R.Ph ., ...... DRUG C CHINA STAR 0.INC. 140 NEWPOIT AVENUE William K. EAST PROVIDENa, R.I . Toole Co. 438-5359 Industrial Supplies THE ~ and Hardware HST WISHES FOR A HAPPY HOLIDAY STUDENTS. FACULTY, AND BOARD 6S HilhiM I~. GtirNII City, Crast•, R.1. 50 Division Street Pawtucket OF 723-9000 NEW YEAR 'S GREETINGS from THE PROVIDENCE HEBREW DAY SCHOOL EXTEND SINCEREST WISHES TO TH E ENTIRE COMMUNITY ,., ~arvel's FOR A DELUXE HAPPY, HEALTHY. & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ,, ICE CREAM VillAGE RowH shop Edward P. Aronson. President 1803 Cranston Street Greetings and Best Samuel M. Shlc:vin , E.11.ccuti,·c Director Cranston, A.I. 02920 Tel. (401 ) 942-8550

Wishes Edward P. Aronson, Prcsidcn1 CALL TO RESERVE YOUR DATE Samuel M. Shlcvin, b ccutivc Director FOR YOUR SPRING, SUMMER for the New Year OR FALL WEDDING 1775 Poat Road, Warwick B84-7480 1101 Park Ave., Cranston 943-7293 Best Wishes fora I LABOR . Happy New)mr I POOL ~ 82-84 RICHMOND ST. PROVIDENCE Columbus INDUST.fUAL DIVISION Men and Women lmmediotely AYOiloble For All Types of Tem­ National Bank porary Auignmenh. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 421-4886 and F,de,-al Resm,e System

NEW YEAR GREETINGS ...... , -=- ,-oa::~ru:1t1tKA[D-:-TH tJR DA Y SEPTEMBER II 1980 Sincere New Yeor Greetings May God Have A Heohhy, Happy, Prosperous New Yeor A. DALE MATHURIN JOSEPH QUATTRUCCI District 3 7, Powtudi:et Nachas From Re presentative District 83, Endorwd Re publican for State Senate Ea st Provid e nce His Children By Rabbi William L1lud coali1ion has brought The Hau1dim tell abou1 an no credit to Israel . The abuses New Year's Gree1ings THAYH AT 1lhtera1c Jev. v.ho. unable 10 Jnd recnminauons ..,,hich to Our Friends and C/iems Ifftir/ ~~~Y~AR read the Hi gh Hohda) h.t,..e marked the con1cs1 for pra)eri. observed Rosh lc.idenh1p in the Labor Parl) Jfr ~ ANGEU STREET H.tshanah 1n a unique man­ arc most distressmg fr om Bill Pearson ner He filled tv.o glHSCS v.11h The in-lightins ..,, 1thm the schnapps. one for 1hc Creator v.orld-w1dc Onhodo, com­ Plantations Travel Service and one for h,msclL raised his munity reached such propor• Regenc) Ea.sc- Pro,idence PAWT\KlO, U. ClANSTOfll , U. glass and said " L'cha}1m. 11ons dunn11he pas1 )Car that mc~si . JHAt.... ,.-. . \h!iler or1hc Universe' \\ hat .1 fa.s1 day was proclaimed 272-7 100 411 -llf.S.._ ..lHUtlt ,hould I v.1sh }OU for the ncv. ...,,,h pra)'ers for d"·1ne 1n1er­ )Car" Should I v.uh )OU ccss1on for peace among His THE YARN OUTLET lcng1h of days" You arc etcr, children. The vendetla of the nal Prospcrn)"Theeanhand Satmar Hauid1m against Extends Best Wishu the fullness thereof are Yours those of Lubavi1ch and Beltz for o Happy, Heolthy ond Prosperous New Year Honor" Yours, O Lord.are all hJs taken on violent propor- SHI Wishes glol') and po""er All I an 11ons. The conflict bctv.ccn v.1!i h You 1s what ""e monals '°me rash yeshiva 1n Israel for • Ne" Year of ltOCCI that there 15 nolhm1 )ah,va dcnym& another the and Prosperity thit our un1,..enal Father r1gh1 IOUISI "" ould enJOy more than peace The emu1encc of ,al')·1n1 Jnd harmony amon1 the ,..1cv.s on lhe Arab-Israel con­ children of H 1i people fl1ct among Jc,,,,s hu led to an 8f'fl IVishf's For BLUE POINT RESTAURANT We arc kno,..n for our grut unpreceden ted dqpce of o llappr. /1 ,-ohhy Nf'w Y,-a , concc.rn for Jcv.·s e,erp• here bclllgercnC) a mon1 the .tnd, ,..hen the need an)O. fee.I proponents of opposite pos1- rupons1ble for 11 ... u and 1,on, ln arett.ntlctterlothe 99 No. Main St., ..,,clfare of ou r fellow Jews Jerusa lem Po11. a Jc.,..uh Yet. a glance at 1hc con1em­ o r,-an1z1t1on in one of MICHAEL V. D'AM BR A Providence pont) Jcv.1sh Kc.nc maka Amcna·s largcr c1 11cs labeled one ""onder ..,,,helhcr. m one 1he 56 American Jcv.uh 272-6145 rapccl, our Father hu much lc;idcn v.ho wucd lhc much­ nJchas 1hoc days The pubhc d11.cusscd statement cn11al or Endorsed Democrat h,ckcrmJt, ""11h1n the ruhn1 e,1rcm1sm 1n brad as "an11 - Scm,1cs" Rqardlcn or one's Represenlati, e Dis1ric1 J2, pol,11cal ..-1cws, lherc should Warwick be an ou1cry agains1 1uch an trr~ponsible aaault on some of the m01t dechcatcd Jewish Cook's Continued on nc,t page Connection Our Sincere W is hes for Peace and Prosperity in the New Year

Congressman ond Mrs. EDWARD P. BEARD

Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year MOSELEY, HALLGARTEN, ESTABROOK & WEEDEN INC. la,estmeabSlnce 1850

Me■IIINI' N- Y.t St.ell Exct.ap,, 1-. _...,. ,,_.,.. exdlaaen 320 The Turks Head Bldg., Proridence, R.I. 02903

Best Wishes for a N- Year In Rhode Island of Health, Peace, and Prosperity 1-8~2-5043 158 Wlekenden Street Provldenee In Providence 272,)Ne 401-351-6000 111...... n ■raAFrldle •-1... All Moulry difflt au_,, pratr~tnl.,, ta Jj()(),000.

...... ■e,INl'UI- Gib C:erdllea&- ~~all ■•le Copyripu 1980 Mo...ky. Ha~1arten, El!.abroo\) W~cn, In,:. Membe, Securilics ln•.. 10, P,o,cc,..,n CO'l'<><>ll oon (S IP(') T H E RHO D E ISL AND HERALD, TH U RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 111 1980 45

Continued from prccccd1ng page NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO Children • • • A Ve ry Happy OUR MAN Y FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS leaders who, in the past, ha,..c alM> have lo be more un­ and Healthy New Year to All ~rformcd vi tal services on dcrs1and1ng ""hen. c1o-cn at this TAI-DEE GARDEN behalf of the Jewish state and cr111cal Juncture 1n our Maureen E. Maigret the Jc"" 1sh people. h1stOr), some Je""s question RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE Of course. the hea t which cer1a1nground1>. actssomething on moral the .__ Repre______sentative District 37 Warw__ick _, these contro,..crsies engender 1134 Bald Hill Road 1s indica11,..c of how strongly Propheu of Israel d1d m the Warwidc, R.I. Jc""s feel abou1 these cr111cal da}s of an11qu11y. ISSUCS Ho"" evcr, when ¥,e On the 01her hand those begin name-calling. the fabric ""ho call for a mo{e 0euble bOhe ,olynaion Orinlrs 828-2311 of fam1har relations becomes policy should ha\e no Conlonese and ,o1y,,.,;on Food endangered. lfwe arc 10 mam­ problem appreciating"" h), af­ lJm the framework. of a close ter 1hc 1-lolocau.st and thee.\• fcllo""sh1p, we wi ll ha\.C to ob­ per1cnces 1n recent )ears. serve certain ground rules of m.tn) Jc""s arc afraid 10 1akc civ1 l11y and mutual respect chances and tend to adhere to No one hu a monopol) on J mu.1mahs1 pos111on . BE ST WISHES 1ruth Is this a nal\c hope, an 1m• FOR A HAPPY N EW YEAR ~o one has a monopol) on possible dream" For the sake fear of the Lord and ded1ca• of Zion and of our people 11 110n to 1hc Jewish people must not be. At a time -.hen Extends His Exce ll ency J. Joseph Garrahy, Governor o one has a monopoly on -.e arc largcl) isolated -.c Best Wishes Hi s Honor Thomas R. Oiluglio, Lt. Governor lo,..e of Zion must k.arn ho-. to disagree " 1-lardhners" wi ll ha1o-c 10 rcspcctfull) and1om hands on fo r the Hon. Robert F. Burns, Secreta ry of State undcrs1and lhal others ma) 1hos.c fundamental 1.ssucs of Hon. Dennis J. Roberts II , Attorney General ,..1cw some acts by cert.am cle­ Israel's and Je-.1sh sul"\'1\al on New Year 5741 ments m Israel and abroad as -.hu.:h there is a strong con• Hon. Anthony J. Solomon, Trea surer polcn11ally most harmful to scnsus Hon. Claiborne de 8. Pe ll , Senator the long range 1ntcresu of the \ h)' all of us be 1nscnbcd 1------...t Jc""tsh s1a1e and feel dut) Hon. Fernand J. St. Germain, Congressman bound to 1o-oia: thei r deeply ~::r a health) and pe3ocful ------, 1 Hon. Edward P. Beard, Congressma n fell concern And the y will L'shana 10"• t1kate1o-u Greetings and Best wishes A New Danger For a Ne w Year of In American Health, Happiness and Prosperity PAINE i\ llCII AEL J. FAR INA W EBBER HA PP Y Politics JACKSON NEW YEA R Hy Or . \lark M . Kn11 Helms of Soulh Carohna did &CURTIS nol h0111atc 10 tell lhe COO• The Republican con .... en• ,cn11on that G-d has sc.lcctcd Ot•1nuf' r o l 110n was ra1 hcr dull and II Ronald Rca,-an to sa\e w~ d11Ticult 10 watch 1U Amenca In a tclev111on inter• Counf' il -A t-Lo r1,t f' mostly mc a n1n g leu 1o-1c: "". llclm1, -.-ho ,._as 1he C run t'l lon procecd1nJtS But 11 wu clear "Gr.i) l:.m1nencc" or 1he con• I 520 HOSPITA L TRUST TOWER thal these prosperous lookm1 \Cn llon and the ch,cf author overw h clm 1n 1 l y w h ite of the: an 11 -abor1,on pla n k. PROVIDENCE, R.I. 02903 delcjla lcs -.ere nol onl) af- told the 1ntcrv1e-.cr that all L------.J 0ucnt and very conservative " the Chmt1an people" ,..,111 hut thal many or them -.ere \Ole for ReaJan an, malcd b) a new 1pmt of Governor Rcajlan par• cvanj1.cl 1ca l, rel11pou1 t1c1patcd ma nilly or the fun­ (40 1) 27 4-6000 rev1va hsm The lcadc.r of the damentalist rcha1ou1 new Best Wishes con.serva11vcs, Senator Jcssc: Conti nued on nc.\ t paae

Belt Wi,he, For A for the Happy, Pro,perov, New Yeor New Year New Year's Greetings to All My Friends VINCENZO'S L'shana Tovah and Custome rs Pers.o nol ized Ha ir Styling and Cutting for Men ond Womeao,dMo,ke,e I '6l""9d5'rwt GOVERNOR and MRS. P,o..,de«• , IU " Jake Kaplan" TM (.-01 ) 8l1•979J J. JOSEPH GARRAHY r.i 1.-01 1 1n-9)00

Jake Kaplan, Ltd . 206 Elmwood Ave., Best. Wishes Providence f·or a Happ_y and llealth.l' i'Vew Yea r COWESETT INN

226 Cowesett Ave ., West Warwick, R.I . 028_93 Happy New Year 828-4726 to Everyone from the Employees of


NEW YEAR GREETINGS ORIENTAL FOOD MARKET 1075 No. Main St., Joseph Bragga Provklence 10 A.M.-8 P.M. Mon.-Sat. 751-8220 HOT FOOD TAKE OUT SERVICE University Heights Shopping Plaza Telephone (:01) 521-0432


New V.oro...tino• New Year A New Danger IUSSO 1105. Continued from preceeding page Di1tributors of Greetings E. J. HACH CANIHIS o,- Oil CMp. movement called Moral Ma­ m part: 31 CoW., St., Clon1ton jority in which its leader "This nation devoutly Sincere Best Wishes 567 MJMral Sp,-. Ave. Reverend Jerry Fal-..cll, a recognizes the authorny of 1hc: 726-1500 942-5470 for a Good Year Southern Baptist television law or Jesus Chr~. saviour prcucher, assured him that 50 and ruler or nations." million evangehcals will vote The. amendment was Christopher Paul Buonanno Best Wishes for him. Reagan responded clearly m violauon of the "no by praising the old Christian establishment or reh1t1on For a Happy and Healthy New Year valu~ or raith and family. clause" 1n the Bill or R1Jthts Reponers ¥-ere quick to no1e a nd was rejected b) the 1hat Rcajl:an was a divorced House Judiciary Commutcc. SCURTl'S FORGE CAFE man and that his four Undaunted. Anderson 19S Forge Rood children v.ere r:uscd mostly in proposed lhe same amend• board1n11 schools Phyllis mc:nt ,n 1963 and 1965 John G,.. nwich , I.I. Eo,, 02111 SchaOy. 1he winner at the Anderson now s.t)S that he 814-9857 conven11on o n 1he an11-ERA b«:amc: more 1olcran1 and 1s plank. ,.1cdully boasted or embarrassed th111 he C:\er SINCERE WISHES FOR her mOuencc 01rer 30 million made such proposals. It A HAPPY, HEALTHY NEW YEAR devout Chrn,1,ans who can ,.,ould be easy to fo rjli\-e him either RO out and vo1e for hu firsl lllempl but 10 Rca11an . ,r he sclccu a truly fo r1u ve him for his lhroc mis­ conscrva1ve runnmR male or ,1tu1ded efTons to undermine: stay home rcad,nR the Bible. 1hc prmaple or separation or JOHN A. SABATINI The onl)' comparison that church and state 1s 10 ask for G REETINGS FO R A HAPPY, HEALTHY v.e can make to this rehgiou.s a ,:rcat deal or chanty. So far. PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR fervor of1hc 1980 Rcpubhc.1n Anderson has )·c1 10 C-\plam Convcn11on 1s 1he 1912 "Bull his suopon for const11Ut1onal Democratic Candidate Mook" - PrOJtrc:u,ve con­ amendmenls to allo,., pra)c:r S.nate- Dhtrict vent 1on which .s elected 1n pubhc schools. These cf­ 39 Theodore Roos,cvelt as 1t.s foru conunued un1 il 1971 . Pawtucket, Central Foll, RON PERILLO .standard-bearer and adopted The 1n_Jed1on or reh1uon "Onv.ard Christian Sold1er1" 1010 the Amcnc:an pohllca1 as 11, official hymn In the. proc.a.s and to the sclcct1on .S('llfll of 1h11 reh111ou1 UCIIC­ or the not prcs1dcn1 or the Republkan Cand~ate menl. lhe convention Un11ed S1a1cs 1s a clar and promptly revoked lhe crcden- present danM;cr lo lhu ,.. 1111l1 or all the black ddeptcs helerop:enous. plural1st1c Attorney General from the s,ou1h and Knl them coun1ry and JS par11cularl) back home danJtcrous for Amencan Jev. s Our Btsl Wishts We all know 1h11 Jimmy who arc dcvo1ed 10 the pnn­ Caner is a reborn Chri111an. e1plc or s,cpara11on or church For o Happy & Htallhy a v.cll pubhc1ted Sunday and slate. Ntw Ytar Khool Bible lcacher but. 1n The Found1nJ1; Fathers of fiurncu, It has to u1d that ,n 1h1s rcpubhc. the au1hors of h1.1 )ean 1n office. President the Oc:clara11on or lndept"n• MAX POLLACK & CO. Caner did no1h1ng to uplott dcnoe and the Con.1111u11on Since re Wilhes hu; personal rc:h,.1ow beliefs w.ould be appalled to sa th1.1 and for a Happy, Heohhy New Ye ar v.11h h11 rundamentah.sl con­ new dcvclopmcnl Thomas st,luency He can, hov.ever, Jefferson .,..H proud or bcmJt Mr. & Mrs. Bob Resnick be eApccled lo give Rea11 an a the aulhor or the rir11 statute funou.s bank for the \Otes or of rc:h,1t1ous frttdom wh,ch HOWARD LEWIS the evangehcal church mem• separated churth horn slate 45 Eagle St .. Office 272-5400 bcr and for 1he support or the poht,cs 1n VirJ1;1n1a and Provi dence. R.I. Home 331 - 1005 fundamc.nt1h.11 preacher . abolished rcllJl;IOU I IC.SU for John Anderson has told o ffice holders Jc.Herson 331-6950 reporlcn of h,.s 1raumat1c bcl1e\-cd m G-

A Happy New Yea r SUPREME Dairy Farms, Inc. 111 Kilnrt Street Warwick 739-8180

IW--DOOll17 South Providence 111111POSTIIOAD -l'WA Oil Co. Fine Italian Dining ( this pk ture i1 731-7300 not up lo dote) ICOVDfnY 293 Waterman Ave. Sincere Best Wishes For a Happy & Prosperous 232-0650 ~A.TTHE~ IZ14351 Wis-hes All Its New Year to All Our Friends & Customers Friends /t~DIET\ and Customers :e: A Happy and :CENTER• -.=- 177 A1wells Avenue, Providence, R.I. 02903 -­J11-711Z Prosperous· New Yeai Phone(401)751-3333 TH E RH ODE ISLAND HERALD1 THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 11 , 1980- 47

Happy New Year Happy New Year A New Danger ... Con1inucd from prcccedmg page NEW YEAR GREETINGS TOWN & COUNTRY Paul Goldman, Inc . HAIRDRESSERS Rt. 1 S.:nj:imin Frankl in ¥ias m­ and of rcli,:ious freedom. 70S Park Ave. South Attleboro, Mon. diffcrcnl to rcl iiion and During his •~o lcrms in office. LES PETITS FOURS Cranston Thomas Paine, who in his Washington very seldom at• PATISSERIE PARISIIENNE 941 -6690 (617) 761-5200 pamphlet .. The Age of tended church services. Reaso n .. attac ked all The nc~ inJcc1ion of CRotSSANTS • BIIOCHES orp:an1zcd relip:ions, was an rcliJious issues mto 1he 959 HOPE 5T . PIOVIOENa., I.I, 02906 presidential election must be aj!nost,c. Georp:e Washinp:1on TEL 131-1011 WE WISH OUR in his lellcrs lo the Jews. exposed and rcsis1ed . If JEWISH FRIENDS AND PATRONS Quakers and other minority reli,:ious bip.otry is allo-. cd to Q.OSED MONDAY A HAPPY AND HEAL THY NEW YEAR rel19-1ous p: roups asscn ed that play a role in American OPEN OPEN SUNDAY the p:overnment of 1he United poli1ia and influence 1he laws Slates has no rclip:ious of1h1s coun1ry the damage to 9 A.M . • 6:30 P.M . 9 A.M . TO 5 P.M. preferences of a ny kind. America would be in• TWIN OAKS Amcnca·s fi rst president was calculable. American Jc¥is "Where Good Friends Meet and Eat" :udcnl in his su ppor1 of mus1 be on gua rd against such church and stale separation a de,elopmcnl. 1500 OAKLAWN AVENUE CRANSTON, R.I. 463-6882 New Yeor Greetings 5741 On Aliyah . • • Ben-Gurion University Knl 1menu c.xprcsscd to me by of the Negev RV GAD FLAISHER New England Office On 1h1s oca.sion of Rosh some of the 122 cw Englan­ Sincere 6e,t Wilhe, for H.ishanah, I would like 10 utc ders who ha\C made Ahyah 1n 88 Tremont Street, the r,as1 )"car. a Happy New Year 1h1s column 10 share s.omc Boston, Moss. 02108 I houghts w r i 11c n by "faery )·car. before Rosh lo Our Friends and Clienh AlUITalian-born D vora lhsh;1nah. Jews 1radit1onally 1-617-723-5938 Waysman. one of the mosl praciitt a kind of spm1ual WEIGHT WATCHERS popular and widely pubhshcd s1od:-1akmg. These an: the Rhode l~and Committee Chairmon days ""hen ""·c look ln¥iard. Israeli writers in 1he Jewish S..-.ator Richard Licht 1296 Park Ave., Prcu of the Englis h-speaking assessing what happened to Cran, ton 02910 ¥iorld. last )ar's dreams, ask mg par­ In her reckoning w11h 10me don for the wrongs ¥IC com• 942-6900 ncga11,,c llnd p,05i 11ve aspects m111cd, and hopma by rcpcn­ of life 1n Israel. Ovora lencc. charity, and pra)ers, 10 Way,man rcnccumanyofthc be wr111cn 1nlo the Book of Life for 1hc com1n1 )'UT I doubt 1f )OU ..,.ould find Best Wishes for o Happy New Year man) people in Israel ""ho Very S.11 Wishes for a ¥iould WI) lhat 5740 was a LORRAINE KANE Jood )car The facts spak for Happy ond Healthy New Year Representative District 36 1hcm1ehcs. rampant 1n0a- Warwick, North Kingstown 11on. d11Cnchan1mcn1 ¥11th aovcrnmenl pohcy. \11lle MICHAEL J. SEPE proJrcu m lhe pace proccw. Di,trict 22, Cran,ton 11,0ing bureaucracy. West 8.ink \1olentt. 1n 1crna11onal Oemoc,atie Candidate A HEALTHY ond HAPPY NEW YEAR 1sola11on. 1ncrcucd ·•)cr1d1'' For State Rep,e1entative from These arc the hab1h11cs. and 1hc) lire not figmcnu of the SENATOR DAVID SHOLES 1mJimat1on. the) arc real and Cranston ha\c led 10 a fall in thcacncral mo111lc Bui what 1s I he.re to put m the auctscolumn1 Thcrc must BE ST WISHES TO OUR FRIENDS AND CLIENTS HAPPY NEW YEAR 11urd) be 1omf'tltifff( IO ba lance FOR A HAPPY, HEALTHY NEW YEAR the account Otherwise wh) TO All OUR JE WISH FRIENDS arc there "ohm" (1mm1grants) CARL ROSEN & ARMEN FARMANIAN ""ho 1il3) on )Car afler )Car, from the staff at nc¥i ones mol I\ ated to come. CRANSTON ,..OY1DINCI 1010 Pork Ave. ARMENS HARDWARE 70Slteod St. lsrachi ¥ih0 jO on lf)lnJ 10 PARADISE WORLD TRAVEL,INC. find solutions for seemingly ,nsoluble problems, both on 1500 Oakland Ave. (Rte . S) , Cran,ton, R.I. 1hc personal and on the 463·6S7S Our Best Wishes For o Very Happy New Year lo Our Friends ond Customers national planes. from I cannot den) that there COLONIAL PHARMACY,INC. ~ere ,,mes during the last )'car Ave., ¥ihcn I. also, ~as templed to 598 Elmwood despair But even as I said !he Providence 461 -1690 -.ords. I knew I wasn't fooling anyone, least of all myself. Because the positive things I have found in Israel I know Greetings and Best Wishes canno 1 be dup li cated / or a Happy. Healthy New Year anyw here else in the wo rld . First, I have fo und a fa mily. the whole house of Israel . Camp Ramah in New England wishes How wo nderful 10 walk the s tree ts a nd kn o w th a t you a very happy and healthy New Year. eve ryo ne is your brother. Of Debby Hirshman Green Alan Tichnor Continued on next page The 7.,,J/1, 1s,,<1t;;;;,~ ;,;~1 Ml . ...i MRS . put up ARNOLD SOKOLL

M■ . ...i ■RS. RICHARD SOKOLL job. Fondest Wishes .... for o Joyous New Year Ml . ...i MRS. of Health ond Peace NATHAN VILKER from the Stoff at and Daughters Al,ovho"'1todotlcols.lie-~ NARRAGANSETT TRAVEL HEIDI and ..._,..._..ilfot«tt•n..4000.Slie'l..,,.__.,...._,c,4 __ "the travel agency with a difference" DEBORAH

WkloAHn,,;, Located in the RACQUET CLUB 125 Sockanosett Crossroad,- Cranston A....,., ...i 463-7850 • Pnsp.rwtNewYNr--·­ Happy New Year On Aliyah . . . Continued horn prcceeding page Reliable course:, just like in a real behavior. But while you feel our hopes and our future. Ven~tian Blind Co. family, there arc times that fr« 10 criticiu: him, let a Israel is a unique c1hnic To My Mony Friends ond Clients this same bro1hcr is rude or stran~cr do it and you jump mosaic. l1hastakcn1nJc..,sof 1366 S,ood s,., a Very Hoppy, Heolthy New Yeor Providence aggressive and you react with to his ddense. C'vcry background. language HOl -2889 biltcrness towards his man- You argue that he li"cs in and social lcvd : 11 has from ncrs , his opinions. his continual tension . ,.caned provided a home for the r------, from fighting five wars, has homdess: a rcfogc for 1hc pcr- los1 manydcarones.andmus1 sccuted. h doesn'1 ask an 1m­ CHRIS TRAVEL always be prepared to cope m1gran1: "Whal arc you 269 So . Main St., Providence with 1crromt auaclu and the bringing 10 us ... what skills. 1rauma of an unsiablc v.hatcapitar?"Thosc:whobr- 274-2140 cconomy. And, while you arc m• llltlc or nothin• arc no c11plam1ng him and ddcnding less \l,clcomc. You sec, Israel him, just like in a real family. as a whole l'Olls you realize 1ha1 you Jove him. And 11 is a bcau11ru1 coun- W1th that realization, tr) , no muter where you comes another. You know ,ra .. cl. Haira seen at n1ght that 1r you arc ever i.ick or m from Mt. Carmel is diamonds For a Happy New Year need, you arc among your scallcrcd on black .. c1vc1. The With Best Wishes own people, who care about Galilee - terraced rov.s or to Our Many Friends you. There is nowhere else 1n grey-green olive trees and lush For o Healthy, Prosperous New Year the world where people take ,.cgc1a11on or date-palms. and Patrons so much rcspons1bih1y for Cosmopoli11n sidewalk cares each other. who cor~somuch. ,n Tel Aviv. Silvery npplcs on 2669 POST ROAO become involved so much. Lake K1nncrcth. Scarlet sun­ WARWICK. RHODE ISLAND 02886 sets over the Dead Sea and Systemized Copy or is there any other dttp indigo twilight at Eil:11 country 1n the world v.-hcrc The maJCIIY and splendor or Machines 1hc youth arc so maimficcnt S1na1,S0$00n to be:g11,cn bad:: At an IJ!.C where you th A very Happy, Heohhy ond to Eup1. And Jerusalem. clscv.-hcrc may be:M>w1ng their always to be: ours, the spcaal, Prosperous New Yeor to All from wild oats and arc 1hc1r spmtual, abiding JC"'cl in our Alon ond Sheryl, Michael and Shoron parcn1·1 despair, our boys,nd crown. 883 Waterman Ave., girls arc puttmg on uniforms, Yet you arc 11111 no1 Field and Fomily E. Providence 02914 and quietly dcvolmg the run finished. So many more things )c.ars or thcu 11 .. e1 to 1en-mg RANDALL HARDWARE CO . 1hcir coun1ry. The) arc not !:~ :~:C~~ ~~I! ::r:,~~ :~ .______.J paid for 11, 1hcrc 1.1 no ranrarc YOUR " EAST SIDE" HEADQUARTERS FOR oru1ra-ord1na rypnusc They coM,Lm "DO IT TOUIISllf'" AND INDUIIIIAl NODS :;~::~uur:. ;~h;";:~:~~~- 1~: .----~------~------do 11 as a duty, con1e.c.n- uts 11 1.1 a country v.hcrc 0 ,AINTS • U.WN & GAIOIN 11ou.ily. modestly They arc C\-Cry ra:tival, religious or •GIFTS • HOUSIWAHS lsr11cl'1 r,cha. that no mna- scc.ular,L1rcally cclcbratcdb) ~ • HICTIICAL •WAW'Arll 11oncan~rdcvaluc,thcyarc the v,,hok: country •l'lUM ..NG • WINDOW IUAIIS O PEN SUNDAY Tll 12130 PM (NI.JI! 10 ~Ulll' MUO•USj r\iq,\Qahi:;---:J:.7 - '41/10.U - CAUUI I ""' ~,,..,_ 1 Honda 331-0853 Fool.II•"- I Authorized 657 N. MAIN St '1tOVIOfNQ Best Wishes fo, 0 New Yoo, I Sales & Service I of Health, Pros~roty and Peace I EXTENDS BEST WISHES

BE ST WISHES I .., Blackboard Specials I HAPPY AND ~~~T~Y NEW YEAR TO OUR FRIENDS & CUSTOMERS I .._.llllr 333 NIANTIC AVENUE FOR A HAPPY, HEALTHY & PROSPEROUS I Fridly Special PROVIDENCE NEW YEAR from I FISH and CHIPS I with a CIINESE TOUCH LENA'S laC~SA & STAFF I .,_,a...... For AI-Clliaoo 464 Silver Spring St., Providence Sincere Worm Wishes 621-9400 ~AKE OOTm-aoo] For o Joyful New Yeor from the new management _111.,11•AA. u..... u... u. U,._...... ,..,.,.,._...... ,._Ill John A. Holmes, Jr. and Staff of ------Center Travel of Barrington Best Wishes For A Hoo/thy and Happy New Yea, To Ou, 245-3020 Friends and Relatives MR . AND MRS. HAROLD N. WINKLEMAN AND FAMILY


New Year to our friends and customers WISHES Featuring a selection of fine Italian dishes NEW ENGLAND JEWRY and. Seafood Kitchen- open Fridoy and Saturday till 12 midnight 1ln,n ill1U i].JU,} All other days 11 p.m. 1doysaWHi Yedidio Katz 134Atw... Av•., l'Tevidenco • 521-9459 District Manager New Englond - I I I I I I I II ti I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I II I ft a"nd his staff