Food and Agriculture Department for Organization of International The United Nations DFID Development SUSTAINABLE FISHERIES LIVELIHOODS PROGRAMME GCP/INT/735/UK Poverty profile of riverine communities of southern Lake Volta by Fabio Pittaluga (ed.) L. I. Braimah Alabi Bortey Noble Wadzah Awadey Cromwell Maria Dacosta Chiara Seghieri Nicola Salvati January 2003 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS DFID/FAO ~ FLP/FR/18 i The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization or the financing agency concerning the legal status of any country or territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Bibliographic reference: Fabio P., Braimah L.I., Bortey A., Wadzah N., Cromwell A., Dacosta M., Seghieri C., Salvati N., Poverty profile o7f riverine communities of southern Lake Volta (January 2003). Cotonou, Sustainable Fisheries Livelihoods Programme in West Africa, 70p., SFLP/FR/18 Programme PMEDP/SFLP FAO 01 B.P. 1369 Cotonou, République du Bénin Fax : (229) 33.05.19 Tél.: (229) 33.09.25 E-mail:
[email protected] ii DFID/FAO ~ SFLP/FR/18 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. THE POVERTY CONTEXT IN GHANA 2 3. METHODOLOGY 4 3.1 Sampling strategy 4 3.2 Data collection instruments 5 3.3 Data analysis 6 4. POVERTY PROFILE OF LAKE VOLTA COASTAL COMMUNITIES 8 4.1 Causes of poverty as perceived by Institutions and by Beneficiaries 8 4.2 Poverty distribution between villages 9 4.3 Classification into socio-economic groups and characterized 13 4.4 Proportion of people belonging to socio-economic groups 16 5.