Planning & Development Committee 5 July 2018
PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 5 JULY 2018 REPORT OF THE SERVICE DIRECTOR, PLANNING PURPOSE OF THE REPORT Members are asked to determine the planning application outlined below: APPLICATION NO: 18/0314/34 (DJB) APPLICANT: Transport for Wales DEVELOPMENT: Hybrid Planning Application to deliver a rolling stock depot on the existing Garth Works Industrial Estate site comprising of the following: Part A: Full planning application for the demolition of existing warehouses on the existing Garth Works Industrial Estate site. Part B: Outline planning application to provide a rolling stock depot comprising of a warehousing building, stabling area accommodating rolling stock, substation, wash down point, sanding facility and delivery tracks, ancillary workshop and offices, decked car parking providing a maximum of 214 car parking spaces, demolition and relocation of existing railway footbridge and platforms, and associated landscaping, highways and access infrastructure works. LOCATION: LAND AT THE GARTH WORKS INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, TAFFS WELL, DATE REGISTERED: 03/04/2018 ELECTORAL DIVISION: Ffynon Taf RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE REASONS: The proposed development forms an important element of the development of the South Wales Metro Phase 2, which focuses on the Core Valley Lines (CVL). This important commercial/industrial site, which is currently partially vacant and of a tired and run-down appearance, lies adjacent to the A470 on an important gateway into Rhondda Cynon Taf. The proposal to develop the site as a major Transport for Wales Rail Depot is a positive boost to the regeneration of Rhondda Cynon Taf which will also have a significant impact on growth in the Cardiff Capital Region. It is considered that this investment will lead to new employment opportunities in the area and also improve access to employment for commuters in the region by its contribution to the South Wales Metro as well as a significant improvement and modernisation of the Taffs Well Station and the associated Park and Ride facility.
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