Velindre NHS Trust

Temporary Construction Access (Haul) Road For nVCC

Transport Statement

August 2019




Site Location ...... 3 Public Transport ...... 4 Bus ...... 5 Train ...... 5 Walking ...... 6 Cycling ...... 7 Road Casualty Data ...... 8 Traffic Survey Data ...... 11

3 POLICY ...... 16

National Policy ...... 16 Planning Policy Wales (Edition 10) ...... 16 Technical Advice Note 18: Transport ...... 16 Local Policy ...... 17 Local Development Plan 2006-2026 ...... 17 Cardiff Local Transport Plan ...... 17 Managing Transportation Impacts (incorporating Parking Standards) Supplementary Planning Guidance ...... 17


Planning History ...... 19


Main Site Access Arrangement ...... 21 Emergency Access ...... 21 Pedestrian access ...... 21 Potential Access Routes ...... 22 Constraints ...... 22


Current outline planning permission ...... 24 Asda Roundabout and Access Road Enabling Works ...... 25 Main Access Bridge and Emergency Access Bridge ...... 26 Construction of the nVCC ...... 27


Proposed Routing Options ...... 30 Revised Internal Route Within Whitchurch Hospital ...... 31 Revised Internal Route Within the Site Boundary ...... 32


Proposed Temporary Construction Access Road ...... 33 Proposed Delivery Route for the Southern TCAR Route ...... 39


Trip Generation ...... 42 Traffic Effect ...... 44


Summary ...... 50 Conclusions ...... 53


Figure 2.1 - Site Location Figure 2.2 - Public Transport Links Figure 2.3 - Walking and cycling routes in the area Figure 2.4 - CrashMap Extract Figure 2.5 - Flow Profile for Park Road (A4054) Figure 2.6 - Turning count summary for Park Road / Whitchurch Hospital access Figure 2.7 - Northbound Flow Profile for Park Road (A4054) showing HGVs Figure 2.8 - Southbound Flow Profile for Park Road (A4054) showing HGVs Figure 5.1 - Masterplan layout of the nVCC Figure 5.2 - Proposed Access routes Figure 6.1 - Construction access routes Figure 7.1 - Alternative construction route changes for consideration Figure 7.2 - Suggested Highway improvements at existing hospital access Figure 7.3 - Connection between internal road and site boundary Figure 7.4 - Proposed Junction Arrangement for TCAR Figure 7.5 - Proposed TCAR within Whitchurch Hospital to the nVCC site Figure 7.6 - Community highway facilities Figure 8.1 - Potential Holding Area Figure 8.2 - Northbound Flow Profile for Park Road (A4054) showing HGVs & Construction Deliveries Figure 8.2 - Northbound Flow Profile for Park Road (A4054) showing HGVs & Construction Deliveries



Appendix A - Collision Data Appendix B - Traffic Survey Data (2019) Appendix C - Traffic Survey Data (2015) Appendix D - Planning Decision Notice Appendix E - Temporary Construction Access Road Route Drawings (Outline Planning) Appendix F - Proposed Temporary Construction Access Road Route Drawings Appendix G - Traffic Assessment Data



1.1 Vectos are retained by Velindre NHS Trust to provide transport and highways advice in relation to a proposed temporary construction access road (TCAR) serving the proposed new Velindre Cancer Centre ( nVCC ), via the main entrance to Whitchurch Hospital off Park Road, Cardiff.

1.2 The nVCC will be designed with the needs of the patient as it core focus, building upon the reputation of the current Velindre hospital as an institution of excellence for cancer treatment. This new facility intends to make Velindre an international focal point for Research and Development, placing particular importance on the expansion of clinical trials. Thus, included in the planning application, is also a centre for learning, research and development, and teaching.

1.3 Alongside the nVCC, a Maggie’s Centre facility is planned on the site, working in partnership with Velindre in order to offer free, practical, emotional and social support to individuals with cancer, as well as to their families and friends.

1.4 The new Velindre Cancer Centre (nVCC) has obtained Outline Planning Consent for a design which provides approximately 39,000m2 of health floor space. Services such as Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Pharmacy, In-patient Beds, Out-patient services, Support Services and Imaging are set to be offered to patients.

1.5 A Scoping Meeting was held at Cardiff Council with officers on Wednesday 26th June 2019, to discuss the scope and principles of the Transport Statement, the proposals and access options.

1.6 This Transport Statement (TS) examines the opportunities to improve construction vehicle access from both the north and south of the nVCC site. The TS seeks to address capacity restrictions in place on the northern (Asda) access that would otherwise impact adversely on the programme of delivery for the nVCC. Thus the southern access and extension of time for use of the southern TCAR with some alignment changes is the subject of this TS. The Council has had prior involvement with the site as part of the outline planning process (17/01735/MJR).

1.7 This report has been produced in accordance with, and in recognition of, contemporary local national government guidelines.

1.8 The remainder of the Transport Statement is as follows;

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• Section 2 – reviews the existing conditions, provides a brief overview of accessibility for all viable modes of transport and provides an overview of the current traffic demand and collision history; • Section 3 – Reviews existing local and national policies; • Section 4 – Briefly reviews the current hospital and site access and the current planning constraints; • Section 5 – describes the proposed hospital development, including details of the proposed access arrangements for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists and the parking space provision; • Section 6 – provides an overview of the current proposed temporary construction access road; • Section 7 – Considers the Proposed temporary construction road being taken forward • Section 8 – Considers the trip generation and effect of the proposed temporary construction access route and any likely effect of these trips will have on the local highway network; and • Section 9 – provides a summary and concludes.

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Site Location

2.1 The proposed nVCC development site is located in the north of Cardiff in Whitchurch and situated approximately 2km north of Whitchurch Village and around 6km north of Cardiff City Centre. To the north of the site is the residential area of the Hollybush Estate, Clos Coed Hir and just to the northeast. ASDA and Coryton House are located north of the residential areas, with Coryton Interchange, connecting to the M4, A470 and the local highway network, approximately 400 metres from the site. Immediately to the south of the site is Whitchurch Hospital and its playing fields.

2.2 The site is not currently accessible by vehicle from the highway network. Pendwyallt Road and Park Road, situated to the east of the consented nVCC development, are the closest public roads, which also connect Whitchurch village to Coryton Interchange. The nVCC existing planning consent allows for the nVCC Northern Meadows site to have a new main access via Asda onto Longwood Drive and the M4 Junction 33 Coryton Interchange. This is to provide direct access for the majority of patient traffic using the nVCC (circa 80% from the north), reducing the need to use Park Road for access.

2.3 A site location plan is shown in Figure 2.1.

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Figure 2.1 – Site Location Plan

Public Transport

2.4 Existing access to public transport to the site has been considered in detail as part of the outline planning permission 17/01735/MJR.

2.5 For the purposes of this report, it is acknowledged that there are local rail and bus services that provide an opportunity for construction workers to access the site using public transport. However, in terms of materials and general construction related activities and deliveries, the use of the local highway network will be the focus of attention.

2.6 The proposed link section of the Whitchurch Hospital TCAR (between the site boundary and Whitchurch Hospital) will not be open to the public, or hospital site staff. It will also not be used by construction workers, unless related to transporting goods, supervising the transportation of goods entering/leaving the site during the construction of the nVCC and associated enabling works.

2.7 Existing walkways and pedestrian routes are provided within the hospital site that will be signed appropriately to warn of the HGV delivery traffic. Appropriate signage will be used to highlight pedestrian routes to deter pedestrians using the current one-way system that will be

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used as part of the TCAR route. Appropriate risk assessments and existing access will therefore be reviewed as part of the Construction Management Plan.

2.8 Pedestrian workers access routes will be developed as part of the Construction Travel Plan.


2.9 The site benefits from bus services operating within its vicinity and a number of bus stops located on Park Road and Pendwyallt Road. Bus stop on Park Road near the existing Whitchurch Hospital access along with stops near the Hollybush Inn on Park Road, are accessible from the site’s eastern access point.


2.10 There are a number of train stations within a convenient walking distance from the site.

2.11 The closest station to the proposed development is the Coryton Railway Station. The station is located 300m east of the site; it is served by two trains an hour from Cardiff Central Railway Station, which offers good connections to the wider Rail network.

2.12 A plan indicating the public transport links in the area is shown in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2 - Public Transport links

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2.13 Existing opportunities for walking to the site has been considered in detail as part of the outline planning application (17/01735/MJR) supporting information.

2.14 Most of the surrounding area particularly to the east of the site is residential. The roads in the residential areas around the site benefit from footways and street lighting, with the speed limit being at or lower than 30mph. This means walking can be a safe and enjoyable mode of sustainable travel.

2.15 Several pedestrian crossings can be found along both Pendwyallt Road and Park Road. The crossings are ranging in type, from dropped kerbs with refuge islands to crossing lights, to zebra crossings. These aid in connecting pedestrians to bus stops for bus services running both ways. Traffic calming is also present that assists in maintaining appropriate vehicle speeds.

2.16 A school crossing patrol also operates at the crossing facility adjacent to the Holybush Estate and across Pantmawr Road.

2.17 As the proposed development benefits from a good network of footpaths, it can be accessed via several Public Rights of Way (PRoW). Whitchurch 12 (reference) footpath offers access into the middle of the site through its southwest boundary. Once in the middle of the site, it becomes an informal route, allowing pedestrians to walk through the site.

2.18 Whitchurch 12 footpath is linked to several other Public Rights of Way, which offer access north, to Longwood Drive, and south, into Longwood Nature Reserve, through Whitchurch footpaths 13-16. Whitchurch 11 footpaths links the southwest and southeast site boundaries, allowing access to the site.

2.19 There are many other pedestrian walking routes that provide easy access to the site and public transport opportunities that do not have official walking route or PRoW status making the area highly accessible.

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2.20 Existing access to the site by bicycle has been considered in detail as part of the outline planning application (17/01735/MJR) supporting information.

2.21 The site benefits from a number of cycling routes, leading into the city centre and railway stations, meaning that there is a wider choice of sustainable travel options connecting the development to the different districts within Cardiff. A designated cycle lane can be found on the northern section of Park Road, and (), offers a traffic-free route south, into Cardiff City Centre, and north, towards .

2.22 The use of sustainable modes of travel by staff is encouraged by the Velindre NHS Trust. The NHS Trust have produced their own Travel Plan and currently have a Travel Plan Coordinator overseeing the process and carrying out annual staff travel to work surveys. The Travel Plan contains provisions which cover all the NHS Trust’s facilities, including the Velindre Cancer Centre, the Welsh Blood service, as well as several subsidiary organisations associated with their services. This Travel Plan will be updated accordingly in order to also cover the nVCC and done so separate to this application.

2.23 The planning permission cites cycle parking provision at the site as one of the conditions for permission being granted. Cycle parking spaces shall be maintained, and implementation of this condition will take place before the development is put into beneficial use. Such a condition being imposed on the development shows the Council’s determination to ensure the option of sustainable travel is available to those who wish to make use of it.

2.24 A plan indicating the walking routes and cycle routes in the vicinity of the site is shown in Figure 2.3.

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Figure 2.3 – Walking and Cycle routes in the area

Road Casualty Data

2.25 An assessment of the road casualty data was undertaken as part of the Transport Assessment associated with the outline planning permission17/01735/MJR.

2.26 The assessment considered Longwood Drive, Coryton Gyratory and the Coryton Gyratory to Whitchurch (Pendwyallt Road/Park Road). The time period considered was 2011 to 2016. General injury and damage only incidents were included in the assessment, along with slight, serious and fatal injury related incidents. For the purpose of this report, only Slight, Serious and Fatal are considered.

2.27 In respect of Park Road/Pendwyallt Road, the assessment output can be summarised as shown in Table 2.1, although this considers areas beyond the temporary construction site access points for the south.

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Table 2.1 – Summary of Slight, Serious and Fatal collisions extracted from TA Year Slight Serious Fatal Total

2011 0 0 0 0

2012 2 0 0 2

2013 1 0 0 1

2014 2 1 0 3

2015 7 0 1 8

2016 1 0 0 1

2.28 The TA report concluded that “The area located within the immediate vicinity of the proposed site access on Longwood Drive presents minimal concern with regards to collision data results, with 9 damage only and 4 slight incidents across the total latest 5-year period, with no injury, serious or fatal incidents recorded at the requested site. Any increase in traffic flow from the nVCC would not be expected to adversely affect the accident rates in the area”.

2.29 The access points to the site, in respect of the southern temporary construction routes, have been considered in respect of the most recent collision data. The online collision software package ‘CrashMap’ was interrogated and identified that there have been no additional collisions recorded in the vicinity of the Whitchurch Hospital Access since the assessment was undertaken, the data set has changed to 2014-2018.

2.30 The output did identify some incidents that were included in the time period of the previous assessment, where there has been 1 serious incident at the Whitchurch hospital site access point and 3 incidents, 2 slight and 1 fatal, near the railway cutting (Lady Cory) access point near Pantmawr Road. These collisions are shown in the illustration extracted from the Crashmap website in Figure 2.4.

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Figure 2.4 – Extract from CrashMap Website

2.31 The collisions can be summarised as follows:

• Near Whitchurch Hospital Access – Serious incident occurred 17/07/2014 on a Thursday afternoon in dry conditions. Where a vehicle collided with an 8 year old pedestrian on the zebra crossing; • Near Railway Cutting Access – Serious incident occurred 02/09/2015 on a Wednesday afternoon in dry conditions. Where a vehicle turned from the Pantmawr Road junction into the path of a cyclist; • Near Railway Cutting Access – Fatal incident occurred 11/11/2015 on a Wednesday afternoon in dry conditions. Where a pedestrian stepped into the path of a vehicle on Park Road; and

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• Near Railway Cutting Access – Slight incident occurred 28/10/2014 on a Tuesday early afternoon in dry conditions. Where 3 vehicles collided with each other. There are no details to identify how the event took place.

2.32 Based on the collisions that have taken place and with the knowledge that Park Road currently benefits from traffic calming measures, there are no concerns or apparent trend in collisions that would suggest significant deficiencies in the highway layout. On this basis, no further investigation is deemed necessary.

2.33 The output of the CrashMap collision data is available in Appendix A.

Traffic Survey Data

2.34 As part of the Transport Assessment for the outline planning permission (17/01735/MJR), several traffic surveys were undertaken in the vicinity of the site. This included Automatic Traffic Counts (ATC) and classified manual traffic counts at various junctions (JTC). Some queue surveys were also undertaken at some junctions.

2.35 The traffic surveys were undertaken on Velindre Road, Park Road, Longwood Drive and Asda access road during November 2015, March 2016 and June 2016.

2.36 For the purpose of this report, only the surveys relevant to Park Road are considered.

2.37 An ATC survey was also undertaken on 18th June 2019 to 24th June 2019 between the Clos Coed Hir and the Whitchurch Hospital site access, where the 5-day average 85th percentile speed of 28.4 mph was recorded southeast bound and 28.3 mph north west bound.

2.38 A summary of the observed 5-day average peak hour traffic flow is shown in Table 2.2.

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Table 2.2 – Traffic Flow (ATC June 2019) Southeast bound (vph) Northwest bound (vph) 2-Way AM (08:00-09:00) 718 551 1269 PM (17:00-18:00) 550 694 1244

2.39 The full traffic survey output is available in Appendix B.

2.40 The weekday traffic flow profile for Park Road is shown in Figure 2.5, using the traffic survey data extracted from the ATC survey undertaken in June 2019. This considers all observed traffic travelling along Park Road.

Figure 2.5 – Weekday Traffic Flow Profile for Park Road (A4054)

Traffic Flow Profile 1400




600 Vehicles Vehicles



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hour (ending)

Flow 2-way

Based on ATC survey June 2019

2.41 It can be seen that the daytime traffic flow volumes average in the region of 900-950 vehicle movements per hour after the AM peak (circa 1250 per hour) and increase in line with the school peak and the PM peak in the afternoon to circa 1250 vehicles per hour.

2.42 The traffic flow surveys undertaken for the TA for the outline planning application have been obtained. The ATC survey was undertaken in November 2015 and the output is shown in Table 2.3.

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Table 2.3 – Weekday Traffic Flow (ATC Nov 2015) Southeast bound (vph) Northwest bound (vph) 2-Way AM (08:00-09:00) 658 691 1349 PM (17:00-18:00) 503 545 1048

2.43 The difference in the traffic flow as indicated below in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4 – Weekday ATC Traffic Flow Comparison (between 2015 and 2019 data) 2-way flow 2015 2-way flow 2019 Difference AM (08:00-09:00) 1349 1269 +80 PM (17:00-18:00) 1048 1244 -196

2.44 A manual classified turning count survey was also undertaken at the Whitchurch Hospital junction in November 2015 to determine the volume of traffic entering and exiting the site. A summary of the turning movements is shown in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6 – Weekday Turning count summary for Park Road / Whitchurch Hospital Access

2.45 The 2015 turning count and ATC data associated with the nVCC TA (for Park Road) is available in Appendix C.

2.46 The ATC survey that was undertaken in June 2019 included vehicle classification. On this basis, the proportion of HGVs currently using Park Road is summarised in Table 2.5.

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Table 2.5 – Proportion of existing HGV traffic (Weekday)

2019 Average Weekday ATC Daily 09:00-15:00 07:00-10:00 15:00-18:00 Vehicles 14802 5598 3168 3631 HGVs 1100 495 259 231 HGV % 7% 9% 8% 6%

2.47 The weekday traffic flow profile for Park Road including the proportion of HGV traffic is shown in Figure 2.7 for northbound traffic and Figure 2.8 for southbound traffic. This is based on the traffic survey data extracted from the ATC survey June 2019. This considers all observed traffic.

Figure 2.7 – Northbound Flow Profile (weekday) for Park Road (A4054) showing HGVs

Based on ATC survey June 2019

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Figure 2.8 – Southbound Flow Profile (Weekday) for Park Road (A4054) showing HGVs

Based on ATC survey June 2019

2.48 As part of the original assessment work undertaken as part of the outline planning application, traffic queue length surveys were undertaken at various junctions.

2.49 The Velindre Road / Park Road / Ty’n-Y-Pwll Road / Kelston Road / Penlline Road junction was included as part of this queue survey, although the Whitchurch Hospital access was excluded.

2.50 The queue length survey identified a maximum queue length of around 11 vehicles in the AM peak around 11 vehicles in the PM peak. The maximum queue length recorded was 13 vehicles just before the AM peak. For the queue length to reach the Park Road / Whitchurch Hospital junction, a queue of around 80 vehicles would be required (based on a distance of around 490m and a car length of 6m). On site observations in June 2019 confirmed that during the AM peak at the Whitchurch Hospital access, it was noted that the traffic was busy but steady moving.

2.51 A copy of the queue length survey is also included in Appendix C.

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National Policy

Planning Policy Wales (Edition 10)

3.1 Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 (PPW) sets out the land use planning policies of the Welsh Government.

3.2 Section 3 of PPW concerns Strategic and Spatial Choices. To achieve sustainable development it states that, design must go beyond aesthetics and include the social, economic, environmental, cultural aspects of the development, including how space is used, how buildings and the public realm support this use, as well as its construction, operation, management, and its relationship with the surroundings area.

3.3 Transport Assessments provide the basis for negotiation on scheme details, including the level of parking, and measures to improve walking, cycling, and public transport access, as well as measures to limit or reduce levels of air and noise pollution.

3.4 Transport Assessments should cover the transport impacts during the construction phase of the development, as well as when built and in use.

3.5 During the construction stage, mitigating measures will be considered to reduce the impact on the general public. This also includes the introduction of a travel plan for construction staff to reduce car borne journeys to the site.

Technical Advice Note 18: Transport

3.6 TAN 18: Transport describes how to integrate land use and transport planning and explains how transport impacts should be assessed and mitigated.

3.7 As part of mitigation measures, Transport schemes should where necessary provide mitigation measures to minimise the impacts caused by the construction and operation of transport infrastructure. Such mitigation measures should be secured by the use of planning conditions or obligations. Specific advice has been provided on the construction and maintenance of roads in upland and lowland areas of Wales, which should be taken into account when considering the choice of route and design of road proposals.

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3.8 During the construction stage, mitigating measures will be considered to reduce the impact on the general public and a drainage strategy and Environmental Impact Assessment will be undertaken.

Local Policy

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006-2026

3.9 Cardiff County Council (CCC) Local Development Plan (LDP) 2006-2026 was adopted in January 2016. This document guides developments for up to 2026.

Cardiff Local Transport Plan

3.10 CCC’s Local Transport Plan (LTP) identifies key transport issues relevant to Cardiff and the improvements needed to address these issues.

3.11 The proposals within the LTP includes walking and cycling infrastructure, bus networks and junction improvements, 20 mph limits and road safety schemes.

Managing Transportation Impacts (incorporating Parking Standards) Supplementary Planning Guidance

3.12 This SPG sets out Cardiff Council’s approach to assessing and managing the transport impacts of developments and supplements the transport and other related policies in Cardiff’s Local Development Plan 2006-2026. It applies to all categories of development for which planning permission is required, including new developments, extensions, redevelopments and material changes of use.

3.13 Section 7 refers to Rights of Way must remain open and unobstructed at all times until the necessary statutory procedures, which authorise closure or diversion or the path/s, are completed as confirmed orders. Obstructions to the rights of way network, even in ignorance, may lead to enforcement action, prosecution and blighted property.

3.14 Temporary Diversions/Stopping up orders can be applied for from the Council, to allow works to be undertaken or prevent a danger to the public. This restriction is only temporary and the route must be reopened. These orders cannot be used in lieu of a permanent order and again the developer will be expected to pay the costs of producing and implementing the order. A

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temporary diversion/stopping up does not allow the original definitive path to be obstructed or damaged during the development.

3.15 Developers are responsible for ensuring PRoWs are managed and remain unobstructed throughout the construction process. Failure to meet this responsibility can result in the Council taking enforcement action:

• Even where planning permission has been granted, or is not required, this does not entitle a developer to obstruct, interfere with or move a Public Right of Way; • Under the Highways Act 1980 Section 131 clearly states “if a person, without lawful authority or excuse (b) removes any soil or turf from any part of a highway, except for the purpose of improving the highway and with the consent of the highway authority for the highway is guilty of an offence.”; • The Council may take proceedings in a Magistrates’ Court against any person obstructing a Public Right of Way. The Countryside Rights of Way Act 2000, Section 64 under section 137ZA of the Highways Act 1980, where there is penalty for wilful obstruction provides the court the power to order the offender to remove the obstruction; • The Local Authority has the power to require the developer to reinstate the right of way, even where development has already occurred; and • Temporary Diversions/Stopping up orders can be applied for to allow works to be undertaken or prevent a danger to the public (see 7.9).

3.16 Section 4 refers to the TA Guidance checklist, that states that under 2.1 ‘Baseline data, existing site information and proposed development’, for Existing site access layout and access constraints, Traffic impact of construction work should be considered.

3.17 The transport impacts of site construction, including the requirements of abnormal loads in the construction, use and decommissioning the present development must also be considered.

3.18 During the construction stage, mitigating measures will be considered to reduce the impact on traffic travelling through the local highway network. The coordination of construction traffic movement outside of the network peak hour operation aims to reduce impact at the more sensitive times.

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4.1 As identified within the TA for the outline planning permission (ref: 17/01735/MJR), the site of the nVCC is not currently accessible by vehicular modes from the local highway network.

4.2 The closest roads to the site are Longwood Drive to the northwest and Pendwyallt Road/Park Road (A4054) to the east of the site.

4.3 Longwood Drive is connected to Pendwyallt Road and Park Rd via Coryton Interchange. The Interchange also provides access to the M4 and A470. The existing alignments of Longwood Drive and the junction with Coryton Gyratory are described in detail in the Transport Assessment associated with the development's outline planning permission. Access to Asda via road is via roundabout at the junction between Longwood Drive and Asda.

4.4 The site is accessible via the informal footpath network surrounding the site that have public Right of Way (PRoW) status and a plan indicating the local highway network, cycle routes and public right of way is shown in Figure 2.3, as demonstrated within the TA for the outline planning permission.

Planning History

4.5 The proposed development benefits from planning permission, which was granted on the 27th of March 2018, by Cardiff County Council (ref: 17/01735/MJR), subject to a number of conditions being fulfilled.

4.6 The conditions relate to several construction activities and site considerations, however the main point identified is that the construction of the nVCC main hospital cannot proceed until the enabling works and main access bridge via Asda are in place.

4.7 A drive through coffee shop was proposed and implemented at the Asda petrol station. This was referenced as, “Asda FILLING STATION, LONGWOOD DRIVE, WHITCHURCH, CARDIFF, CF14 7EW Case Reference: 16/02186/MNR”.

4.8 There have been no other significant applications since 2014 or that can be considered as committed development.

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5.1 As provided in the outline planning permission (ref: 17/01735/MJR), the proposed development consists of a new (Velindre) cancer centre (nVCC ) and associated infrastructure including site main access, emergency access route, internal site roads, a new pedestrian access, pedestrian linkage to Coryton railway station, vehicle parking, internal pedestrian routes and associated utilities infrastructure, public realm and landscaping.

5.2 Through the planning permission, the site has been allocated a maximum of 773 car parking spaces, of which 36 are to be allocated for users with disabilities.

5.3 An illustration of the Masterplan layout is shown in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1 – Masterplan layout of the nVCC

5.4 It is stated in the outline planning permission that access to the site from the bridge in the NE corner of the nVCC site adjoining the Hollybush Estate is only to be used in an emergency and cannot be used as a regular access point into the site. The Council’s reasoning for this was to ‘ensure the amenities and traffic within the Hollybush Estate are protected in accordance with Policy KP5 of the adopted Cardiff Local Development Plan (2006-2026).’ Therefore, the option for using this access for public transport/sustainable access is discounted, as access into the

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site at this location is for the purpose of emergency access only and with a gated and locked fence preventing pedestrian access also.

Main Site Access Arrangement

5.5 The main site access to the nVCC is to be provided from the north west of the site via a route that connects by a bridge link over the disused railway line to join with the Asda main road. This connects then with the existing roundabout on Longwood Drive and Coryton gyratory. To accommodate the traffic and vehicle movements to and from the development, a series of highway improvements are proposed. These include upgrading the Asda/Longwood Drive roundabout, the ASDA link and the link between the roundabout and the Coryton Interchange. A new access road will spur off from the upgraded access at Asda, and cross over the disused railway cutting to the north-west site boundary. The width of the existing Asda access road varies between 5.5m-6m. It is proposed that this will be widened to 6.5m.

Emergency Access

5.6 An emergency access will be constructed by forming a vehicle-only bridge link through the north eastern boundary of the site. This route will be via the Hollybush Estate, using the existing highway that dissects Sycamore House and Poplar House. A single span bridge is proposed to enable the access to cross the railway cutting. This access will be gated and locked preventing pedestrian access.

Pedestrian access

5.7 An adopted highway (not currently used as a road) accesses the site at its most easterly point off Pendwyallt Road. The surface of this will be upgraded to provided improved pedestrian access. The new main site access route will include a pedestrian / cycle way. A new pedestrian route will also be created between the nVCC site and Coryton Railway station.

5.8 A plan indicating the proposed access routes is shown in Figure 5.2.

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Figure 5.2 – Proposed Access Routes (Pedestrian and vehicular)

Potential Access Routes

5.9 The focus of this TS is to consider the options available for accessing the site by construction vehicles in order to construct the nVCC and to extend the use of the currently approved TCAR from the south of the site, via the main Whitchurch Hospital TCAR accessed from Park Road.

5.10 The extended use of the Whitchurch Hospital TCAR during the full construction period of the nVCC will be considered. This is to shorten the overall build programme, by reducing time delays that would otherwise apply if only the main Asda access was used for Construction Traffic for the nVCC.


5.11 A number of constraints placed by Cardiff County Council on the proposed development and the required traffic movements during construction have been identified and must be considered prior to works commencing on the development. These constraints are contained within the ‘Permission for Development’ Report. A copy of this report is provided in Appendix D.

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5.12 An example of a notable condition is as follows:

• To protect the amenities of occupiers of other premises in the vicinity attention is drawn to the provisions of Section 60 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 in relation to the control of noise from demolition and construction activities. Further to this the applicant is advised that no noise audible outside the site boundary adjacent to the curtilage of residential property shall be created by construction activities in respect of the implementation of this consent outside the hours of 0800-1800 hours Mondays to Fridays and 0800 - 1300 hours on Saturdays or at any time on Sunday or public holidays. The applicant is also advised to seek approval for any proposed piling operations

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6.1 To facilitate the construction of the hospital and its two access points (termed the ‘Enabling Works’), it is necessary to provide a means of accessing the site for construction purposes and deliveries.

Current outline planning permission

6.2 The current outline planning permission highlights these activities as follows:

• The Enabling Works, comprising : • Asda Roundabout and access road enabling works; • Construction of the two bridges from the northern side (simultaneously); • Construction of the foundations for the two bridges via the Lady Cory disused railway cutting from the east (Pendwyallt Road); • Construction of the two bridges from the southern side (simultaneously); and • The main Hospital Construction: • Construction of the nVCC (via the northern main access route).

6.3 Access from the south will be via the Lady Cory temporary construction access road (TCAR) and the Whitchurch Hospital TCAR for the purpose of constructing the Enabling Works sections. These routes and those approved under the extant outline planning permission are shown in Figure 6.1.

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Figure 6.1 – Construction assess routes (as per outline planning permission)

6.4 Construction vehicles associated with the hospital construction are likely to remain within the site during the construction period.

6.5 A series of swept-path drawings indicating the TCAR routes that were agreed under the outline planning permission are provided in Appendix E.

6.6 Access is also governed by planning conditions governing the works restricting works to daytime operating hours that can only be varied by the specific consent of the Local Planning Authority (see Section 5.12).

Asda Roundabout and Access Road Enabling Works

6.7 As stated within the outline planning permission TA, to facilitate the nVCC, alterations to Longwood Drive, the Asda roundabout and Asda access road are proposed. These ‘enabling works’ will need to be in place, prior to the use of the main access bridge.

6.8 During the enabling works, part of the Asda carpark will be used as a stores/compound area.

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6.9 As stated within the TA associated with the outline planning permission, on average, it is envisaged that there will be 5-6 HGVs per day, although typically, there are likely to be less. Less than 20 workers are anticipated on site each day during these enabling works.

6.10 The bridge construction would take approximately 9 months to complete.

6.11 It was stated within the TA associated with the outline planning permission that deliveries should be outside of ASDA’s main trading times as follows:

• Thursday & Friday – 16:00 to 20:00; • Saturday – 09:00 to 21:00; • Sunday – 10:00 to 16:00; and • Avoid public and seasonal holidays.

6.12 More recent information in respect of the trading hours and use of the northern access route during the construction stage has been made available. This is contained within the Section 4 (Traffic Management Plan) of the Construction Contractors Performance Obligation (CCPO) document forming part of the Development Agreement between the Trust and Asda.

6.13 It slightly alters and updates these timings and states that Asda confirm details of the peak periods of its operations and the Contractor shall comply with the vehicle restrictions when using the Access Road. These periods are highlighted as:

• Weekdays - 16:00 until 18:00; • Saturday - 06.00 until 22.00; and • Sunday 09.00 until 17.00

Main Access Bridge and Emergency Access Bridge

6.14 To construct the main access bridge (via Asda) and emergency access bridge (via Hollybush), it will be necessary to access the bridge locations from both the Asda north link and via the SE links via Lady Cory TCAR discussed railway cutting and from the Whitchurch Hospital TCAR. The two bridge will be constructed simultaneously. This will reduce the time needed to access the railway cutting during the construction period, therefore reducing inconvenience to current footpath users.

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6.15 The access to the southern side of the two bridges to form the bridge abutments and site access road will be via the Whitchurch Hospital TCAR as shown in Figure 6.1.

6.16 The main access bridge will be predominantly pre-fabricated and subject to ‘special wide-load’ requirements.

6.17 As stated within the TA associated with the outline planning permission, on average, it is envisaged that there will be 20 HGVs deliveries per day associated with the construction of the bridges from the north, although typically, there are likely to be less. It is anticipated that there will be less than 30 workers on site each day during this phase.

6.18 For the construction of the bridges via the Lady Cory (TCAR) disused railway cutting and from the Whitchurch Hospital TCAR routes to the south, it is envisaged that there will be 20 HGVs deliveries per day. There will be less than 20 workers on site each day during this phase.

6.19 It was stated that these routes would be in place to allow construction up to 9 months duration with minimal utilisation as plant (cranes and foundation machinery) once delivered would remain in the site compound.

Construction of the nVCC

6.20 As stated within the TA associated with the outline planning permission, the nVCC was scheduled to take around 3 years to complete, following the construction of the enabling works and bridges.

6.21 The construction compound will be within the main site area and a ‘construction’ travel plan will be developed for construction staff. Typically, there will be around 100 workers per day, increasing to around 500 during the final fit-out stage.

6.22 It was stated that the primary construction route will be via the Asda access and new Velindre bridge with typically 100 HGV deliveries per day. There may be occasions when this is exceeded on a specific daily basis.

6.23 To understand the typical number of deliveries, the above information has been summarised in Table 6.1.

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Table 6.1 – Summary of Construction Route Deliveries

Duration Activity Location HGVs/Day workers Route (Quarters) Roundabout/Signal Asda / 5 to 6 20 North 3 Enabling Works Longwood Construction of Asda North - Asda 6 Main Bridge 20 30 Construction of Hollybush North - Hollybush 6 Emergency Bridge Estate Construction of South - Railway Asda 6 Main Bridge cutting / Park Road 20 20 Construction of Hollybush South - Railway 6 Emergency Bridge Estate cutting / Park Road Construction of 100- Main site 100 North - Asda 12 nVCC 500** *TA Report states Q2 2019 but includes bridge crossings ** TA report states up to 100 typically with up to 500 during final fit- out stage.

6.24 It can be seen that the anticipated deliveries for bridge construction stages are spread over both the Asda and Hollybush estate for the construction of the northern abutment and also between the Lady Cory TCAR via the discussed railway cutting and southern access though the existing Whitchurch Hospital site and TCAR off Park Road.

6.25 The timeline of the construction period (extracted from Table 6.1), has been illustrated in a Gantt Chart format in Chart 6.1 in order to give an indication of constructions timescales extracted from the TA for the outline planning permission.

Chart 6.1 – Timeline of construction

nVCC Construction programme (As per Outline Planning Permission TA) Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Quarter 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 Enabling Works Northern access route

Bridge Construction (both bridges) Hospital Hospital Construction

6.26 Since the outline planning permission was granted, the anticipated programme will be updated to reflect operational requirements. The civils contract for these works will be procured on a design and build contract and the final sequencing of works and deliveries to site and access points to be utilised will be agreed in advance of works.

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6.27 The Whitchurch Hospital extended TCAR would cease to operate after an agreed date within the programme. The final 6 months of nVCC construction will take access solely via the Asda access

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7.1 Outline planning permission (ref: 17/01735/MJR) was obtained for the nVCC, which was based on the construction route and parameters as defined in the associated TA and EIA work. Details of the agreed outline construction routes have been summarised in Section 5 (see also Appendix E), however the details of the current proposed TCAR, that has received outline planning permission, will now be considered in greater detail.

Proposed Routing Options

7.2 Since the outline planning permission was obtained, alternative construction routes have been identified, that may be considered as an improvement to those outlined within the TA. These are outlined as follows and shown in the illustration Figure 7.1.

• Altered internal route within Whitchurch Hospital; and • Altered internal route within the site boundary.

Figure 7.1 – Alternative construction route changes for consideration

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7.3 In addition to the routing options, the extended use of the southern route will also be considered.

Revised Internal Route Within Whitchurch Hospital

7.4 The current route within the Whitchurch Hospital site utilises an existing 1-way system road that follows the northern side of the Whitchurch Hospital site and enters the nVCC site boundary adjacent to the City Hospice building, which is a palliative care centre, formerly known as George Thomas Hospice.

7.5 The current route connects via an existing gated access at the western side of the Whitchurch Hospital site, adjacent to the eastern boundary of the City Hospice, as shown in Photograph 7.1 and Photograph 7.2.

7.6 In view of the buildings use and the care it provides, an alternative route has been suggested that will reduce the impact construction traffic will have on the patients at the hospice, as well as staff undertaking their duties.

Photograph 7.1 – Link to gated access to site boundary area (facing west)

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Photograph 7.2 – Link to gated access to site boundary area (facing southwest)

7.7 The suggested alternative route will run parallel to the cricket pitch boundary but will retain the existing tree line. It will be necessary to remove vegetation to accommodate the haul road, access point and to ensure visibility spay is maintained. This route is considered in greater detail within this section of the report.

Revised Internal Route Within the Site Boundary

7.8 The final recommended change that is to be considered is the position of the internal construction haul road within the extent of the site boundary.

7.9 The current route that was identified under the proposed construction route drawings within the outline planning permission followed a direct route to the emergency access point. However, this route overruns the approximate location of the proposed nVCC. On this basis, should access not be possible from the northern route, then deliveries would not be able negotiate the full extent of the site.

7.10 On this basis, it is suggested that the route is altered so that it follows the southern boundary of the site and avoids the footprint of the building, as shown in Figure 6.1. This will mean that the temporary haul road can be utilised over the duration of the building of the nVCC and can be used from both the northern access or the southern access point.

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Proposed Temporary Construction Access Road

7.11 As per the previous outline planning permission, access for the southern access route that will be used to construct the southern abutments and decking of the two bridges will be via the existing Whitchurch Hospital access on Park Road.

7.12 An assessment of the visibility splay at the hospital access was undertaken and took into consideration the observed 85th percentile speed of traffic, as per Section 2.37. This recent ATC survey revealed a 5-day average of 28.4 mph southeast bound and 28.3 mph northwest bound.

7.13 This assessment concluded that there is insufficient visibility available at the existing Whitchurch hospital access. The swept path analysis undertaken as part of the outline planning permission, shows HGVs travelling into oncoming traffic.

7.14 On this basis, it is suggested that highway safety improvements are introduced at the junction to increase the visibility splay, whilst addressing the issue of poor facilities for pedestrians at the junction/access and space for HGVs to manoeuvre safely.

7.15 The existing junction benefits from a tabled zebra crossing that has been built-out on its eastern side, however the build-out does not provide any significant benefit to users. By removing the buildout on the eastern side and building-out the western side of the zebra crossing, the hospital junction can be brought forward so that the visibility envelope is increased. This also has the added benefit of widening the waiting area for pedestrians on the western side of the junction which are currently sub-standard and obstructed by the belisha beacon pole.

7.16 The existing zebra crossing arrangement and the sub-standard waiting area is shown in Photograph 7.3 and Photograph 7.4 respectively. An illustration of the suggested highway improvements is shown in Figure 7.2. These improvements will also improve pedestrian access into the Whitchurch Hospital site.

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Photograph 7.3 – Existing zebra crossing layout

Photograph 7.4 – Existing zebra crossing – showing substandard footway (western side)

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Figure 7.2 – Suggested highway improvements at existing hospital access

7.17 The suggested highway improvements will provide a visibility splay of 2.4m x 43m which include the retention of a raised speed table at the zebra crossing to maintain low vehicle approach speeds. The improvements will also provide better connectivity for pedestrians by widening the western side of the crossing and improving pedestrian movements across and into the access by setting back the existing wall/pillars and providing a traffic island/refuge.

7.18 Within the site, as per the outline planning permission, it is proposed to direct traffic along the existing 1-way system in a temporary contraflow system. This will only be available to the HGV deliveries and will be managed by lining, carriageway markings/text. Parking restrictions will be provided along the route, or refreshed where applicable, with associated warning and enforcement signage.

7.19 This route will continue within the confines of the Whitchurch Hospital site to a point just west of the existing cricket pitch.

7.20 A photograph of the entry to the 1-way system and the general route is shown in Photograph 7.5 to Photograph 7.7 respectively.

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Photograph 7.5 – Existing exit of the 1-way system near Whitchurch hospital access

Photograph 7.6 – Proposed route within the hospital site (midway - facing west)

Photograph 7.7 – Proposed route within the hospital site (near cricket pitch facing west)

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7.21 The construction route will require a new internal junction to connect the existing internal road within the Whitchurch hospital site to the site boundary.

7.22 The junction will be set west of the cricket ground which is currently covered by vegetation as indicated in Figure 7.3 in the annotated aerial photo from Google Earth. The area was clear of vegetation/trees according to Google Earth imagery in 2009.

Figure 7.3 – Connection between internal road and site boundary

7.23 The vegetation will need to be cleared for the route of the construction haul road and to maintain visibility. Vegetation will be retained where possible, including the treeline adjacent to the western boundary of the cricket pitch.

7.24 Gated access will be provided, including where the TCAR passes over the existing public footpath that runs along the edge of the boundary and Whitchurch Hospital. The gated area adjacent to the footpath will be setback to provide appropriate visibility.

7.25 An illustration of the proposed junction to connect the TCAR route within Whitchurch Hospital to the Site boundary is shown in Figure 7.4 and Figure 7.5.

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Figure 7.4 – Proposed junction arrangement for TCAR (within Whitchurch hospital)

Figure 7.5 – Proposed TCAR within Whitchurch hospital to the nVCC Site

7.26 A full set of drawings indicating the proposed TCAR and its 2-way operation is shown in Appendix F.

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Proposed Delivery Route for the Southern TCAR Route

7.27 Deliveries that will serve the construction of the nVCC, construction of the bridges and the TCAR, from the Whitchurch Hospital entrance, will be limited to a route that originates from the north via Coryton interchange. There will be no HGV construction vehicle deliveries from the south. Deliveries will continue along Pendwyallt Road and Park Road, then enter the site either at the Lady Cory TCAR using the disused railway cutting access (for the duration of the construction of the bridge foundations and superstructure) and the existing Whitchurch Hospital access located on Park Road, acting as a TCAR. The return journey for construction delivery vehicles will be the reverse of this route i.e. delivery construction traffic will enter from the north and exit to the north. No construction traffic permitted to enter the Whitchurch Hospital access via Whitchurch village or its associated routes (from south of the Whitchurch Hospital access).

7.28 There is existing HGV traffic travelling along this route as shown in Table 2.5. This is most likely serving the village or travelling through to reach other destinations including domestic deliveries.

7.29 Park Road and Pendwyallt Road benefit from many existing features that make the road safer for pedestrians and cyclists through former road safety and safe routes to schools initiatives.

7.30 Coryton Primary School is also accessed off Pendwyallt Road into the Hollybush Estate. The school opening hours are as follows:

• Core opening time - 8:55 to 15:30 • Breakfast Club time - 7.30 to 8:55 • After school clubs time - 15:30 to 16:30 • After school care 15:30-18:00

7.31 A school crossing patrol also operates during school term time at the pelican crossing facility on Pendwyallt Road adjacent to the Hollybush Public House and also on Pantmawr Road at its junction with Pendwyallt Road/Park Road.

7.32 This can be seen in Figure 7.6 that illustrates some of the local facilities and highway features that assist vulnerable users within the community.

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Figure 7.6 – Community Highway Facilities

7.33 Other than the benefits being provided by the suggested improvements being proposed at the Whitchurch hospital access associated with the extended use of the TCAR, an assessment of the route has identified that there is limited space to provide any long-term benefits above those already in place. However, there are some low-cost improvements that can be achieved to mitigate some of the concerns as a result of the temporary increase of HGV traffic along the route during the construction programme.

7.34 These are as follows:

• Signing and lining – an appraisal of the road to refresh existing road markings and provide additional ARAF/SLOW markings and ladder markings (or similar treatment) on the approach to the school area if appropriate; • To provide, where appropriate, construction traffic warning signs and no construction vehicles beyond this point along Park Road; • The removal of guardrail in the vicinity of the Pendwyallt Road / Village Hotel junction and Pendwyallt Road / Whitworth Square junction to reduce the risk of crushing/collision incidents with cyclists; and

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• Liaison with the local highway authority to ensure street lighting is cleared of vegetation and crossing points are clear of obstruction or vegetation during the construction period.

7.35 These improvements can be delivered through a Section 106 planning provision, subject to agreement on the level of financial commitment for the suggested improvements.

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8.1 Whilst the site benefits from good accessibility to amenities, this chapter of the Transport Statement considers the likely traffic effect resulting from construction traffic associated with the nVCC gaining access to the site using Park Road (via Coryton Interchange) and the access into the Whitchurch Hospital site.

8.2 This section of the report considers the worst-case scenario of using the Whitchurch Hospital TCAR road for construction of the two ‘enabling works‘ bridges and roads as well as the continued use of the Whitchurch Hospital TCAR route to construct the main hospital.

Trip Generation

8.3 The TA associated with the outline planning permission provided the typical deliveries per day, as highlighted in Table 6.1. This information has been repeated in Table 8.1 for ease of reference.

Table 8.1 – Previously proposed programme and likely deliveries (as per Table 5.1)

Duration Activity Location HGVs/Day workers Route (Quarters) Roundabout/Signal Asda / 5 to 6 20 North 3 Enabling Works Longwood Construction of Asda North - Asda 6 Main Bridge 20 30 Construction of Hollybush North - Hollybush 6 Emergency Bridge Estate Construction of South - Railway Asda 6 Main Bridge cutting / Park Road 20 20 Construction of Hollybush South - Railway 6 Emergency Bridge Estate cutting / Park Road Construction of 100- Main site 100 North - Asda 12 nVCC 500**

8.4 Since the outline planning permission was granted, the anticipated programme will be updated to reflect operational requirements. The civils contract for these works will be procured on a design and build contract and the final sequencing of works and deliveries to site and access points to be utilised will be agreed in advance of works.

8.5 The Whitchurch Hospital extended TCAR would cease to operate after an agreed date within the programme. The final 6 months of the nVCC construction will be undertaken solely via the new Velindre main access bridge linking to Longwood Drive through the Asda main access road.

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8.6 The volume of HGV deliveries will be similar to that of the outline planning permission, however the HGV deliveries to the site via Asda will be restricted to 4 deliveries per hour (and no deliveries during Asda peak trading hours i.e. after 16.00 M-F or anytime Saturday).

8.7 For the construction of the nVCC, an annulised average of 100 deliveries per day are still expected during the peak construction period. This peak demand period will occur after the Enabling Works when the nVCC main access bridge via Asda is open for construction traffic, and will extend for a period in the region of 12 to 18 months. The peak delivery period can be expected to be split between the 32 deliveries per day via Asda with the remaining capacity taken via the Whitchurch Hospital extended TCAR from Park Road.

8.8 The delivery programme will include both the Lady Cory disused railway cutting TCAR and the Whitchurch Hospital extended TCAR. It will highlight its extended use, along with the sole use of the northern Asda access once the Whitchurch Hospital TCAR and Lady Cory Disused railway cutting TCAR cease to be used.

8.9 An indicative programme showing the key construction durations are illustrated in Chart 8.1.

Chart 8.1 – Indicative Timeline of construction

8.10 This report therefore considers what the likely effect will be at the Park Road / Whitchurch Hospital junction under a worst-case scenario. This could be if deliveries were not possible via the north due to an incident on the network, or if a proportion of deliveries were transferred to the southern access, to either accelerate the construction programme, or due to a need to have materials delivered to the southern area of the site.

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8.11 Typically, 100 deliveries will be spread across the day. Should a time restriction apply, for example between 8am and 6pm (restricting deliveries from 10 hours to 8 hours use), this would equate to around 13 deliveries per hour, or 1 delivery around every 4 – 5 minutes during this period.

8.12 On this basis, a scenario will be tested using a proportion of delivery traffic during peak periods as it is highly unlikely that all 100 deliveries would occur at the same time.

Traffic Effect

8.13 Delivery traffic associated with the construction of the enabling works/bridges and nVCC was distributed at the Whitchurch Hospital Access at its junction with Park Road, using the 2015 traffic data collected from the turning count survey.

8.14 The number of deliveries to serve the southern access via the existing Whitchurch hospital site were obtained from the Transport Assessment for the outline planning permission for the nVCC. The typical peak volume of deliveries reported within the report was 100 deliveries per day, albeit via the northern access. (This equates to a 200 vehicles per day as a 2-way movement).

8.15 Assuming that deliveries will be made to the site between 8am and 6pm (as per the planning requirements (see Section 5.12)), the access into the Whitchurch hospital site was tested using 20% of the 100 deliveries (20 HGV construction delivery vehicles) during the AM peak hour, which can be considered as a worst-case scenario. It is assumed that the remaining deliveries will be spread across the rest of the day.

8.16 In terms of distribution, all deliveries to the Whitchurch Hospital TCAR will be expected to travel to the site from the north via Coryton Interchange and Pendwyallt Road and also return via the same route to the north ( no deliveries will be permitted to access the Whitchurch Hospital from the south)

8.17 A growth factor of 10% has been applied for the 2015 to 2020 period to provide a robust assessment.

8.18 The queue survey for Park Road / Velindre Road roundabout was checked and confirmed that the queues are unlikely to affect the access. During the site visit, the traffic was generally free moving.

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8.19 The traffic effect at the Whitchurch Hospital access was assessed using the junction assessment software PICADY and considers:

• 2015 base conditions • 2015 base conditions + Development (20% HGV Deliveries); and • 2015 base conditions (+10% growth) + Development (20% HGV Deliveries)

8.20 The output shows that the access/junction will have spare capacity, although queuing does increase on Park Avenue. It should however be noted this is due to a very robust assessment that takes into consideration a 10% growth to the 2015 data and the assumption of 20% of deliveries being made during the AM peak.

8.21 To consider variations in traffic flow between the AM and PM, the PM period was also considered. This output also confirmed that the junction would still be within capacity.

8.22 It is likely that the vast majority of deliveries will be made outside the peak and spread across the day.

8.23 On this basis, 100% of the 100 deliveries could be readily accommodated throughout the day via the Whitchurch Hospital TCAR, with 20% allowance made during the AM peak and 20% during the PM peak. Any subsequent split between the northern Asda access and southern Whitchurch TCAR access can be made based on operation requirements of the site and take into consideration the retail peak at ASDA and School peak periods on Park Road.

8.24 The output from the assessment is shown in Table 8.2.

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Table 8.2 – PICADY output for park Road / Whitchurch Hospital Access


Q (Veh) Delay (s) RFC Q (Veh) Delay (s) RFC 2015

Stream B-C 0.1 8.28 0.05 0.3 11.67 0.24

Stream B-A 0.1 19.63 0.12 0.7 25.56 0.43

Stream C-AB 2.6 8.27 0.56 0.9 6.45 0.32

Stream A-BC 0.7 3.45 0.42 0.8 3.66 0.46 2015 + Development

Stream B-C 0.1 11.68 0.13 0.4 12.51 0.27

Stream B-A 0.2 24.29 0.15 0.9 28.73 0.48

Stream C-AB 4.8 13.76 0.72 1.0 6.51 0.34

Stream A-BC 0.7 3.45 0.42 0.8 3.66 0.46 2015 (+10% Mainflow) + Development

Stream B-C 0.2 12.73 0.14 0.4 13.99 0.29

Stream B-A 0.2 29.86 0.17 1.2 37.07 0.55

Stream C-AB 8.8 23.18 0.83 1.4 7.06 0.41

Stream A-BC 0.9 3.69 0.46 1.0 3.99 0.50 Arm A: Park Road (S), B Site Access & C Park Road (N)

8.25 Based on the above assessment, there are no capacity concerns associated with the southern Whitchurch Hospital TCAR access receiving 100% deliveries throughout the day. Therefore, it is clear that there is flexibility to split the deliveries over the duration of the construction of the enabling works, bridges and nVCC, operational requirement, or on a time basis. The operation requirements cannot be determined until a later date when a more detailed construction programme is developed. However, in terms of the anticipated time constraints, Table 8.3 shows a proposed delivery time schedule that can be adopted and the operation requirements derived from these times.

8.26 Whilst the above assessment tests a maximum of 20 deliveries during the AM and PM peaks (20% of the 100 deliveries during the AM and PM peaks), a scenario of 30 deliveries during the AM and PM peaks was also tested. This output identified that outside the AM peak, there is no capacity concern, as deliveries are unlikely to occur on Park Road during the AM peak.

8.27 A copy of the modelling output files are included in Appendix G.

8.28 It is therefore projected that by removing the constraint of the restricted delivery access to the site from the north via the Asda access during the construction of the nVCC, there will be beneficial time and cost savings.

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Table 8.3 – Proposed Delivery Time Schedule Time Location/Route Day Comment 08:00 to 09.15 Asda Monday to Friday Avoiding AM School Peak 9:15 to 15:15 Park Road or Asda Monday to Friday Outside School and Asda based on operational retail Peaks requirement 15:15 to 16:00 Asda Monday to Friday Avoiding PM School Peak 16:00 to 18:00 Park Road Monday to Friday Avoiding Asda Retail Peak 08:00 to 13:00 Park Road Saturday Avoiding Asda Retail Peak N/A N/A Sunday No deliveries

8.29 Access is also governed by planning conditions regulating construction activity to daytime operating hours (8.00 am to 18.00 pm M-F and 8.00 am to 13.00 pm Sat) that can only be varied by the specific consent of the Local Planning Authority (see Section 5.12).

8.30 Whilst HGV deliveries occurring on a Saturday have been shown above, the assessment did not include an assessment of the junction during a Saturday period.

8.31 It is understood that the Whitchurch Hospital grounds are used for a number of sporting events and leisure activities associated with the cricket pitch and playing fields. Typically, construction deliveries are likely to occur from 08:00 to 1300hrs on a Saturday. A Construction Traffic Management Plan will need to be agreed to ensure that when more significant sporting events are being held, deliveries will be scheduled to suitable times avoiding when participants or spectators are attending events.

8.32 Should there be a requirement to hold back deliveries for operational reasons, two locations have been identified where HGV deliveries could be potentially held on a short-term basis. These are located at the Coryton Interchange and include land currently operated by Welsh Water and a lay-by area operated by Welsh Government. These two locations will require further investigation and assessment for suitability and the contractor would need to enter into negotiations for consent. These locations are shown in Figure 8.1.

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Figure 8.1 – Potential Holding Area (subject to negotiation) – Extracted from Google Earth

8.33 To visualise how the traffic flow profile could change for Park Road, Figure 8.2 and Figure 8.3 show the northbound and southbound traffic flow profile extracted from the ATC Survey June 2019 respectively, along with the proportion of existing HGV traffic and the additional 100 HGV deliveries. As per the impact assessment, 20% of the daily HGV deliveries have been applied to the AM and 20% to the PM peak, with the remaining 60% distributed between these peaks. It should be noted that these are for illustrative purposes, to demonstrate a worst case scenario, as the northern Asda access will be utilised to avoid school peak times on Park Road and it will also be necessary to split the deliveries over the duration of the construction of the enabling works, the bridges and nVCC and based on operational requirements or restrictions.

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Figure 8.2 – Northbound Flow Profile for Park Road (A4054) showing HGVs & Construction Deliveries

Based on ATC survey June 2019

Figure 8.3 – Southbound Flow Profile for Park Road (A4054) showing HGVs & Construction Deliveries

Based on ATC survey June 2019

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9.1 Vectos are retained by Velindre NHS Trust to provide transport and highways advice in relation to a proposed temporary construction access road (TCAR) at the proposed new Velindre Cancer Centre (nVCC), Whitchurch, Cardiff.

9.2 The nVCC has obtained Outline Planning Consent for a design which provides approximately 39,000m2 of health floor space. Services such as Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Pharmacy, In- patient Beds, Out-patient services, Support Services and Imaging are set to be offered to patients.

9.3 The proposed nVCC development site is located in the north of Cardiff in Whitchurch and situated approximately 2km north of Whitchurch Village and around 6km north of Cardiff City Centre. To the north of the site is the residential area of the Hollybush Estate, Clos Coed Hir and Coryton railway station just to the northeast. ASDA and Coryton House are located north of the residential areas, with Coryton Interchange, connecting to the M4, A470 and the local highway network, approximately 400 metres from the site. Immediately to the south of the site is Whitchurch Hospital and its playing fields.

9.4 The site is not currently accessible by vehicle from the highway network. The closest roads are Pendwyallt Road and Park Road which are situated to the east of the proposed development. Longwood Drive to the north is the proposed new permanent access road through Asda and then by a new bridge across the disused railway cutting to access the Northern Meadows site where the new hospital to be constructed.

9.5 The proposed development consists of a new cancer centre and associated infrastructure including the site main access through Asda, emergency access route through the Hollybush estate, internal site roads, a new pedestrian access, pedestrian linkage to Coryton railway station, vehicle parking, internal pedestrian routes and associated utilities infrastructure, public realm and landscaping.

9.6 Outline planning permission was granted for the nVCC on the 27th of March 2018, by Cardiff County Council (ref: 17/01735/MJR), subject to a number of conditions being fulfilled.

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9.7 This report considers the effect of the HGV / large construction vehicle deliveries to and from the site that are associated with a) the existing planning approval for construction of the enabling works from the Lady Cory TCAR access and the Whitchurch Hospital TCAR access and b) the new proposal for the extended use of the Whitchurch Hospital TCAR to enable construction access of the nVCC for an extended period. This report considers how the HGV/large construction vehicles used during the building of the nVCC main hospital can use the Whitchurch Hospital TCAR Access from the south in combination with the Asda main hospital access via the new bridge route from the north. This is in order to avoid delays and associated costs if construction access for the nVCC Hospital was restricted to only using the main Asda north bridge access

9.8 As well as proposing an extended use of the Whitchurch Hospital TCAR, an amendment is proposed that includes rerouting the TCAR away from the City Hospice to an area adjacent to the western side of the cricket grounds. This is proposed to reduce the negative impact of the delivery traffic on the care being undertaken at the hospice. Additionally, the temporary construction route within the main nVCC site has been altered to accommodate the use of the TCAR during the construction of the nVCC buildings.

9.9 Within the site, as per the outline planning permission, it is proposed to direct traffic along the existing 1-way system in a temporary contraflow system. This will only be available to the HGV deliveries and will be managed by lining, carriageway markings/text. Parking restrictions will be provided along the route, or refreshed where applicable, with associated warning and enforcement signage.

9.10 Access to the Whitchurch TCAR Route will be via the existing Whitchurch Hospital main access on Park Road. As part of the assessment of the TCAR route, improvements have been identified at the Whitchurch Hospital access. The suggested highway improvements will provide an improved visibility splay of 2.4m x 43m which will include the retention and redesign of a raised speed table at the zebra crossing to maintain low vehicle approach speeds. The improvements will also provide better connectivity for pedestrians by widening the western side of the crossing and improving pedestrian movements across and into the access by setting back the existing wall/pillars and providing a traffic island/refuge.

9.11 The most recent delivery programme has identified that construction of the initial Enabling Works is due to commence 01/04/2020 when both the Lady Cory disused railway cutting TCAR

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and the Whitchurch Hospital extended TCAR will start to be formed and will become operational to construction traffic by 01/06/2020. The Enabling works construction (Roads, Services and Bridges) will be complete by Oct 2021. The southern Whitchurch Hospital extended TCAR will be operational along with the northern Asda access until Nov 2023. From Nov 2023 onwards all construction traffic will take access only via the main Asda northern access. The construction of the nVCC will extend to May 2024 (Phase 2 Practical Completion).

9.12 The outline planning permission identified that typically, a maximum of 100 deliveries will be made, which is associated with the construction of the nVCC. An assessment of the Whitchurch Hospital access was undertaken using the junction assessment software PICADY. 2015 turning count data was used and a 10% growth was applied with an increased scenario uplift of an additional 20% of deliveries being made during the AM peak.

9.13 The output of the assessment identified that 100% of the 100 deliveries could be accommodated throughout the day via the Whitchurch extended TCAR access point, even with 20% allowance made during the AM peak and 20% during the PM peak (equating to 20 construction vehicles per hour with the potential to readily accommodate up to 160 deliveries over 8 hours – therefore able to accommodate the maximum of 100 deliveries expected). A further assessment also identified that up to 30 deliveries per hour could be easily accommodated outside the AM peak (which when spread over 8 hours, would equate to around 160 to 240 deliveries per day being accommodated if necessary).

9.14 It is intended that the northern ASDA route will continue to be used for deliveries and that total construction activity will be shared between the Asda northern access and the southern Whitchurch extended TCAR access. This will be based on operation requirements of the site but will avoid the retail trading peak times at ASDA and the School peak periods on Park Road. Full account will be taken of the need to accommodate seasonal/sporting activities on Saturday at the cricket pitch and sports ground in Whitchurch Hospital.

9.15 By removing the constraints of access to the site from the north during the construction of the nVCC, there will be time and cost savings that will become apparent during the reserved matters stage.

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9.16 The proposed nVCC and its construction will introduce positive effects for the local economy and employment opportunities. The creation of the new centre will continue to provide essential health care and support ongoing research with improved health outcomes for the population of Cardiff and the wider SE Wales region.

9.17 This Transportation Statement provides the evidence base to support the proposed planning application for the extended use of the Whitchurch Hospital TCAR access.

9.18 The outline planning Transport Assessment showed that the site is ideally situated for the needs of a regional Cancer Centre with good vehicular access via the road network and sustainable transport infrastructure. The infrastructure improvements included as part of the proposals enhance the accessibility of the site.

9.19 In the short term, the extended use of the Whitchurch TCAR access will enable the earlier construction of the nVCC, sharing construction traffic access with the Asda northern access. In the medium and longer term, when the hospital is built, the use of the northern main access via Asda will allow circa 80% of patient traffic arriving from the north to avoid the use of Park Road, improving traffic conditions for residents and travel times for patients.

9.20 Velindre NHS Trust are committed to providing good access to the site by all modes for staff and patients. This will enable the new Velindre Cancer Care centre to meet the Welsh Government and NHS Wales requirements for Cancer Care for south east Wales and the Welsh Government and Cardiff Councils objectives for transport provision.

9.21 It is considered that the positive effects of extending the use of the Whitchurch Hospital TCAR outweigh the minor short-term effects the construction delivery traffic will have on Park Road that will in any case be split with the ASDA access for operation requirements. As such, in highways and transportation terms, it is considered that there are no technical transportation reasons why the proposed Whitchurch Hospital extended TCAR should not be granted planning consent.

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