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1963 Edition CONTENTS


After a Campus Concert 6 After an Evening Concert in Town 7 After the Opera 9 After the Recital-Friends Calling 11 Evening Snacks with Friends 15

II. TEA-TIME After a Fall Football Game 20 Professors and their Wives for Tea 21 A Student Comes in to Visit ...... 22 To Celebrate the Publishing of a Book-Tea for Two 23 The Christmas-to-New Year Holiday 24 The Coffee Hour 27

III. DINNERS Sunday Night Supper for Two 30 A Leisurely Week-end on Campus 34 Sunday Noon 38 Dinner Before an Evening Class 42 The Dinner Hour 45 Hot-weather Cool Suppers 47

IV. THE VIENNESE WAY Vanilla Sugar 54 Vienna Coffee 54 Hot Water Bath " 54 Dough and Fillings 54 and 55 Grillage Cream 55 Viennese Sauerkraut 56 Sugar Cooking 56 Coffee Icing 56 [ 2 ] ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

I want to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Milton Koslow for his sketches and cover design and Mrs. Nathan Gerrard for her in- valuable assistance in the compilation of STELLA LEHNER'S VIENNESE COOKINGS. Mrs. Philip Angel


Stella Badio Lehner was born in Trieste, Austria in October, 1890. In the early years of her youth her family moved to Vienna. She was reared, as was the custom of her day, in the fine "womanly art" of becoming a good home-maker. With the greatest efficiency she could sew and crochet, she could mend, clean and cook expertly. When she married Dr. Frederick Lehner she was able to fit into the role of a gracious helpmate for the renowned Professor who was teach- ing both at Vienna State College and at the People's College for Adult Education. Stella Lehner's home was often the rendezvous for many notables of Viennese cultural circles, for her husband was also an author and a literary and theatrical newspaper critic with a wide circle of associates and friends. There were soirees and coffee parties, and besides, "Fritz", a prolific writer, would bring home many an unexpected guest to discuss one of his books or articles. Stella was always equal to the task of providing the perfect "trimmings" of Viennese delicacies for every occasion. (Her pastries especially were the source of delight, with such great eye and taste appeal as to warrant the acclaim of her guests.) She always remained in the background, quietly engineering all the required necessities geared toward providing the ideal atmosphere in which her husband's ideas and thinking could best flourish and be projected sans interference. In the Vienna of the 20's and 30's, the name of Frederic Lehner was appreciated and respected among the highest echelons of intellect as an established scholar and as a critic of note. The Lehner's sphere of associates and friends included the great men of letters of that time. Dr. Lehner had been decorated by the French Government as an Officer of the Academy with the "Palmes Academique" award. Ultimately, from the scene of such stature and recognition, world circumstances wrought a complete transformation, wrenching the Lehners from security in Austria, supplanting it with the stark be- ginning of life anew as completely unknown strangers on foreign soil [ 3 ] at the campus of West Virginia State College, Institute, West Virginia, U.S.A. Athough the pattern and program in the new setting had changed and the success and achievements previously attained in pre- war days were replaced, the role of Stella Lehner at her husband's side did not waver. She never ceased to provide the behind-the-scene "climate" for the great professor's labors. She typed his books and papers, typed his reams and reams of correspondence, ministered to his needs, and even in their twenty years in the dormitory on the West Virginia State Campus never once relinquished the task of making a wonderful home for her "Fritz". Although their living quarters did not provide a scene similar to the days in Vienna for entertaining, there were many times when college events lent themselves to inviting friends and guests, and it was always a treat to taste of Stella Lehner's "Viennese Cookings", as she often called her tasty creations. The following compilation consists of Stella Lehner's own recipes which were found after her death neatly tied together between a flowered cloth-bound cover which she herself had fashioned. It seems fitting that, even as she went through life, the constant companion of her brilliant and remarkable husband, providing nourishment and supplying hi'S wants and needs, so also, in this same manner of help- fulness this booklet is being published. Its chief purpose is to provide additional funds from its sale to supplement the "Doctor Frederick Lehner Loan and Scholarship Fund" at West Virginia State College. May it reflect, however meagerly, the rare spirit of the Frederick Lehners who in their last twenty years, as American citizens, left a rare and lasting imprint on their 'Second homeland.

[ 4 ]

After a Campus Concert BROWN APPLE STRIPS 314 cup butter Filling: 1 314 cup 1 tblspn water 5 tblspns grated chocolate 112 cup sugar 114 cup sugar 112 tspn grated lemon peel 113 cup grated almonds, 1 112 to s sliced apples unbalanched Topping: 2 egg yolks I egg white mixed and sugar Mix butter, flour, chocolate, sugar, unblanched almonds and egg yolks into dough. Roll out 114 inch thick on bread board. Cut in half in two equal squares. Bake one square on ungreased baking sheet 20 minutes (300 degree oven). Filling: Bring water, sugar, lemon peel to boil. Add apples and cook just until tender. Spread on baked and cover with uncooked square. Brush with egg white. Bake 20 minutes longer. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Cool, then cut in strips.

HUSSAR COOKIES 112 full cups flour 113 cup almonds, blanched 213 cups butter and chopped, or pecans 113 cup sugar 3 tblspns sugar 2 egg yolks 3 tblspns jam 1 egg white Make dough from flour, butter, sugar and yolks. Form small balls. Place on baking sheet; press small indentation in middle of each. Brush with egg white; sprinkle with nuts and sugar. Bake 300 degrees until cookies turn a little yellow. Cool; fill in center with jam.


cup sugar M:lk 112 to softened butter 2to stemmed, pitted black 5 large eggs (or 6 average or cherries small eggs), separated 2 tblspns Kirsch 314 cup ground almonds 4 tblspns cream 6 . pieces stale white bread 114 tspn cinnamon

[ 6 ] Mix butter, sugar and egg yolks. Add almonds. Soak bread in milk and press dry. Add dry bread, cherries, Kirsch, cream and cin- namon. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into buttered spring form. Bake 1 114 hours (350 degrees) until straw inserted comes out clean. Dust with sugar and cool.


112 cup butter (scant) 3 tblspns vanilla sugar 1 cup flour 1 egg yolk 3 tblspns grated chocolate chocolate icing 1 cup grated hazelnuts 112 tblspn chopped pistachios Make smooth dough by mixing butter, flour, chocolate, hazelnuts, vanilla sugar and yolks. Place in refrigerater 20 minutes. Roll into small crescents and place on unbuttered cookie sheet. Bake 10 minutes (325 degree oven). Cool. Frost with chocolate icing. Sprinkle with pistachio nuts. LIVER PATE

2 Ths calf's liver 1 tblspn soft butter 4 chicken livers 2 slices bread, milk to soak 1 chopped 2 eggs 2 tblspns butter Grated lemon rind, scant 20z Sherry tspnsalt, pepper to taste 2 slices crisp bacon Rinse livers in cold water, wipe dry. Saute onion in 2 tblspns butter. Add livers, Sherry and cook, covered, 10 minutes. Drain and chop livers fine with bacon. In pan with Sherry and butter add bread which has been pressed dry, softened butter, eggs, lemon rind and seasoning and and bacon. Mix all well together. Press into buttered mold and cover tight. Steam in boiling water 314 of an hour. (Can be served hot as main dish, but slices easier cold. Serve also as an Hors D'oeuvre.)

After an Evening Concert tn Town TEA COOKIES

1 egg 1 112 tspn grated orange peel 2 egg yolks 314 cup flour 314 cup confectioners sugar 2 egg whites dash salt 112 cup sugar [7 ] 1. Beat egg and egg yolks, confectioners sugar, salt. Fold in flour and orange peel. 2. Beat egg whites until foamy; add sugar and continue beating until it stands in stiff peaks. Fold into first mixture. Press through pastry tube 314 inch in diameter on cookie sheet one inch apart. 3. Sprinkle 112 cup sugar on top and let cookies stand 4 hours. Bake 15 minutes (300 degree oven).


5 tblspn butter 2 tblspn chopped citron 314 cup sugar 112 tblspn grated lemon rind 4 egg yolks 4 stiffly beaten egg whites 1 cup ground poppy seeds 1 tblspn sugar Beat butter and sugar until light. Add yolks, poppyseed, citron and lemon rind. Fold in egg whites. Pour into buttered and floured cake form. Bake 45 minutes at 300 degrees. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.


1 3 oz pkg softened cream 1 tspn sugar cheese 112 tspn salt (scant) 114 cup softened butter 1 cup flour Thoroughly blend cheese and flour. Add sugar and salt. Beat until smooth. Add flour; blend. Place scant tblspn of dough into 1 314 inch un greased tins. Press dough against bottom and sides, evenly. Fill, then bake 18 minutes in preheated oven (400 degrees). Cool 15 minutes before removing from muffin tin. Serve cold with prune filling; top with whipped cream.

Prune filling: 114 tspn cinnamon 16 oz pureed prunes grated rind of 112 lemon 114 cup sugar (scant) egg yolk juice of 112 juicy lemon Simmer all ingredients except egg yolk over low heat 5 or 10 minutes. Stir occasionally. Remove from fire, slowly blend in egg yolk.


5 egg whites Cream: 314 cup sugar 2 tblspn butter 112 cups ground walnuts 114 cup sugar 114 cup sugar 112 cup ground walnuts Beat 2 egg whites with 314 cup sugar until fluffy. Add walnuts. Beat 3 egg whites separately until quite stiff. Beat in 114 cup sugar. Fold 2 mixtures together. Spoon into pastry tube. Press small mounds onto either a wet wooden board covered with paper or onto baking sheet covered with wax paper. Sprinkle with a little sugar. Bake 30 minutes (250 degree oven). (If surface isn't a little crisp, continue to cook another 5 or 10 minutes). Cool, then sandwich each two cookies together with cream. Cream: Cream sugar and butter together and add nuts.

After the Opera LINZER

cup butter 6 tblspn grated chocolate 314 cup sugar 3 egg yolks, hard-boiled, 112 cups flour mashed 213 cups almonds, grated 314 cup raspberry jam egg egg slightly beaten

Work butter, sugar, flour, almonds, egg, chocolate and egg yolks into a dough. Press 213 of dough into greased 9 inch cake pan. Cover with jam. Form several thin rolls and one thick one from remaining dough. Press thick roll against sides of pan. Top cake with lattice of thin rolls. Brush surface with egg. Bake 50 to 60 minutes (325 degree oven).

BLITZ TORTE 112 cup butter 5 tblspns rum 112 cup sugar 1 cup powdered sugar 4 eggs, separted 112 cup grated or finely 1 cup flour chopped almonds 1 112 tspns baking powder Cream butter and sugar, add egg yolks. Sift baking powder and flour together. Add to first mixture, alternating with rum. Spread on bottom of 2 greased cake pans. Beat egg whites stiff; add powdered [ 9 ] sugar mixed with 112 tsp baking powder. Spread on top of mixture in cake pans. Sprinkle each layer with 114 cup almonds. Bake 375 de- grees for 25 minutes. Remove from pans. Spread filling between layers and as frosting on top of cake. Keep in ice box. Filling: 2 eggs, separated 112 cup sugar 1 cup cream, whipped pinch salt 2 tblspns rum Beat yolks until light yellow, add 114 cup sugar. Beat egg whites very stiff, add sugar and salt. Fold into yolks. Fold in whipped cream. Lightly fold in rum. Spread.


4 egg whites - Pinch salt 114 cup cream of tartar 1 cup sugar Beat whites and salt stiff but not dry. Beat in sugar, a tblspn. at a time; add cream of tartar. Arrange on baking sheet lined with wax paper 2-inch circles 2 inches apart, like nests - 1 inch high, 1 inch thick. Bake 30 minutes (250 degrees), until lightly brown. Remove with spatula. Cool and fill.

FILLINGS Chestnut Whip

3 cups soft chestnuts maraschino and vanilla 112 cup sugar flavoring. 1 cup whipped cream Mash chestnuts through sieve. Add sugar and stir to a smooth paste to which add flavors. Fold in cream and fill .

Lemon Cream

egg yolks 2 tspns grated lemon rind 112 cup sugar 1 cup whipped cream 3 tblspns lemon juice Beat yolks with sugar. Add lemon rind and juice. Cook over hot water, stirring until thick. Cool; fold in cream and fill meringues.

[ 10 ] Chocolate Cream

1 112 cups scalded milk 4 egg yolks 2 inches vanilla bean cup flour 2 oz melted baking chocolate cup whipped cream 112 cup sugar Scald milk with vanilla bean; add chocolate. Beat sugar and eggs; add flour. Stir two mixtures together and cook over low heat, stirring to boiling point. Do not boil. Remove vanilla bean and strain through sieve. Cool. Fold in cream and fill meringues.


114 cups flour 314 cup butter 113 cup sugar 3 egg yolks 314 cup blanched, ground pinch salt almonds Filling: Topping: 3 stiffly beaten egg whites 1 egg white 3 egg yolks 3 tblspn ground almonds

Make dough by rmxing first 4 ingredients. Place in refrigerator 20 minutes. Roll on board 118 inch thick. Cut round shapes with cookie cutter or small round glass. Cover half the rounds with filling. Place remaining circles over filling and press edges together with fin- gers to seal the almond mixture inside. Top by brushing with egg white and sprinkle with almonds. Bake on ungreased baking sheet 30 minutes (275 degree oven).

Filling: Mix yolks and sugar; stir in almonds. Fold mixture into stiffly beaten egg whites.

After the Recital-Friends Calling SACHER TORTE

314 cup butter sweetened to taste 6 112 oz semi-sweet chocolate 2 tblspns apricot jam 314 cup sugar Icing: 8 egg yolks 1 cup sugar 1 cup flour 113 cup water 10 egg whites, stiffly beaten 7 oz semi-sweet chocolate 112 pint whipped cream, [ 11 ] Cream butter. Melt chocolate. Add chocolate and sugar to butter. Add one yolk at a time. Stir in flour. Fold in egg whites. Pour in buttered 9-inch cake pan. Bake 1 hour. (275 degree oven). Coolon board. Cut in 3 layers. Cover two middle layers with whipped cream. Heat jam to make it easier to spread, then cover top layer with the warm jam. Pour icing on top of jam. Icing: Cook sugar and water to thin thread. Melt chocolate over water. Add sugar gradually to chocolate. Stir until it coats spoon.


Macaroon ring: 1 tspn almond flavor 1 cup blanched almonds 6 egg whites 1 114 cups sugar 1 tblspn flour 3 tblspns brandy Grind almonds and mash to smooth paste. Work in sugar, brandy, almond flavor, 3 egg whites unbeaten (one at a time.) Fold in 3 stiffly beaten egg whites and flour. Draw 12-inch circle on brown paper. Pipe through pastry tube to cover circle. Bake 30 minutes (250 degrees) . Tear paper from to cool. Moisten paper if necessary to remove.)

Cake: 3 egg yolks 314 cup sifted cake flour 213 cup sugar tspn grated lemon rind 314 cup blanched almonds, juice of 1 lemon ground 3 egg whites, beaten stiff Beat yolks and sugar; add almonds, lemon rind and juice. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites and flour into other mixture. Pour into butter- ed lO-inch spring form. Bake 25 minutes (375 degrees) or until cake tests done. Cool, then split across the middle. Spread macaroon ring with seedless raspberry jam and cover with one cake layer. Spread a thick layer of jam on cake then cover with other cake half. Frost with lemon fondant. Can be decorated with rosettes pressed through pastry tube on the bottom macaroon border and around on top of frosting. Dust rosettes carefully with powdered sweet chocolate.

[ 12 ] Lemon Fondant: 3 cups fine white sugar 114 cup water 114 cup lemon juice pinch cream of tartar Heat sugar, juice and water in double boiler slowly over steam. Add cream of tartar. When icing sticks to back of spoon it is done. If it gets too thick, add little more lemon juice. Spread at once. Vanilla Butter Cream for Rosettes:

1 cup sugar 1 113 cups butter 213 cup water 2 tspns vanilla 4 egg yolks

Boil sugar and water until syrup spins a thread. Pour onto well- beaten yolks. Beat until cold. Cream butter and beat with vanilla into yolk mixture. Beat only until blended.

NUT CRESCENTS 1120z yeast 1 1\3 cups sugar 114 cup cold water 3 cups finely chopped or tblspn sugar ground walnuts 112 cup butter (heaping) 1 tblspn candied orange 1 to flour peel - pieces 114 tspn salt 1 tspn lemon rind, grated 1 egg yolk 1 tblspn butter Filling: Topping: 1\2 cup water 1 beaten egg

Dissolve yeast in water with sugar. Mix into butter and flour, salt and egg yolk to make dough. Knead thoroughly. Place on bread board for 45 minutes. Roll out and cut into strips 4 inches long and 3 inches wide. Put 1 tblspn filling in center of each strip, roll up in crescent shape and place on greased baking sheet. Brush with beaten egg. Let rise in warm place 30 to 40 minutes. Bake 25 minutes or until light brown (350 degree oven).

Filling: Bring water and sugar to boil. Add nuts, organge peel, lemon rind, butter. Stir together 2 or 3 minutes. Remove from flame.


314 cup butter 1 tblspn white raISInS 2 cups flour 2 tblspns sugar 114 cup sugar 2 tblspns chopped almonds 3 tblspns sour cream 1 tblspn rum 112 tspn grated lemon peel Topping: Filling: 1 beaten egg yolk 5 medium sized cooking 1 heaping tspn sugar apples, sliced Mash flour and butter together with fork. Add sugar, sour cream, lemon peel. Thoroughly mix. Divide dough in half and roll one of the pieces into a thin layer the size of baking sheet. Bake 20 minutes (300 degree oven). Cover with apples, raisins, almonds, rum and sugar. Roll second piece of dough thin and cover the filling. Bake 20 minutes longer. Sprinkle with sugar, cool, then cut in strips for in- dividual servings. CRUMB CAKE ()

10z yeast 2 cups flour 1 full cup flour 1 tspn salt 112 cup grated blanched 112 cup milk' almonds 3 egg yolks 114 tblspn grated lemon rind 2 tblspns melted butter 114 tspn cinnamon 1 tblspn sugar 113 cup sugar 1 tspn grated lemon rind 5 tblspns melted butter 112 tspn grated lemon rind Dissolve yeast in 2 tblspns warm water; add 2 tblspns flour, 1 tblspn sugar; stir. Let rise. Mix flour, salt, milk, egg yolks, butter, sugar, lemon rind and yeast mixture. Beat dough until it loosens from beater. Let rise until twice the size in warm place. Press dough 314 inch thick onto greased bak- ing sheet. Let rise again until double its size. Sprinkle streusel topping over entire cake. Bake 45 minutes (350 degree oven). Streusel: Mix flour, almonds, lemon rind, cinnamon, sugar and butter. Rub with tips of fingers into small crumbs.

[ 14 ] Evening Snacks with Friends COFFEE MERINGUES 6 egg whites 1 113 cups sugar 112 cup black coffee Beat ingredients together in double boiler until thick. Remove from fire; continue beating until cool. Again place over boiling water and beat again. Remove again from fire and continue beating until thick enough to press through pastry bag. Cover cookie sheet with wax paper and press small meringues onto paper. Let dry in oven with lowest possible amount of heat.

CHEESE AND OLIVE LOAF 112 to blue cheese 1 tblspn minced chives 112 to 1 tblspn cognac 114 cup butter toasted almonds, chopped- 314 cup minced ripe olives watercress Cream cheeses and butter together. Stir in olives, chives, cognac. Form into a roll. Cover with almonds; chill. Garnish with water- cress. May be glazed with aspic No.1.

ASPIC NO.1 3 cups chicken stock-Dissolve 4 envelopes gelatin in 1 cup cool stock then beat in other 2 cups hot chicken stock. Cool. Brush on slowly-letting each layer set before adding more.

CRAB MEAT AND ALMOND HORS D'OEUVRE IN CHAFING DISH 4 tblspns butter 113 cup cream 1 to crab meat 3 tblspns chopped parsley 213 cup sauteed, halved salt almonds Cook crab meat in butter 5 minutes. Add other ingredients and cook 2 more minutes. ( and cheese and wine could be added)

CHEESE SPREAD - BIERKASE 40z butter 1 112 tspns paprika 4 oz Roquefort 112 tspn salt 40z Parmesan 114 cup sour cream 40z Edam Mash all ingredients, snrrrng in sour cream last to form a smooth mound. Serve with small pieces of rye bread. [ 15 ] RASCAL COOKIES (Spitzbuben)

112 Th butter 2 egg yolks 2 cups flour 1 egg white 112 cup vanilla sugar apricot jam 114 tspn grated lemon rind

Work butter, vanilla sugar, sugar, flour, egg yolks, lemon rind into dough. Roll until 114 inch thick. Cut cookie shapes with cookie cutters. Brush with egg white which has been slightly beaten. Bake in 325 degree oven until light brown. Make sandwiches of each two matching shapes filling with small spreading of jam.

CHEESE CAKE 2 full cups flour 114 cup vanilla sugar 1 cup butter 113 cup raisins 1 egg 114 tspn grated lemon rind 1 tblspn rum 213 Th cream cheese 2 tblspns sour cream 114 cup sour cream 114 cup sugar 2 stiffly beaten egg whites Filling: 3 tblspns butter Topping: 2 egg yolks 1 beaten egg

Mix flour, butter, egg, rum, sour cream, sugar into a dough. Let stand 30 minutes. Divide in half. Roll into 2 liS-inch thick rectangles. Bake one on ungreased bake sheet 15 minutes (300 degree oven). Remove when lightly brown. Cover with filling. Filling: cream butter; add yolks, vanilla sugar, raisins, rind, cheese (which has been mashed through a strainer), and sour cream. Fold in egg whites. Place unbaked rectangle on top. Brush with beaten egg. Bake about 15 minutes until light brown on top (325 degree oven). Cool. Sprinkle with sugar.

[ 16 ] SALAD

5 large salt several drops Worcester- 2 to s potatoes, diced shire 2 apples, diced 2 tblspns plain vinegar juice of half lemon 1 tspn tarragon vinegar tomato sliced in small pieces 1 tspn capers Sauce: 2 tspns salt 112 cup oil cup sour cream Soak herring 12 to 15 hours in cold water. Skin and half length- wise. Cut into 112 inch pieces. Boil diced potatoes and mix with herring. Combine oil, sour cream, vinegars, salt, Worcestershire, capers. Stir in apples, tomato, lemon juice. Cover and keep in ice box 2 or 3 hours. Serve garnished with olive slices, parsley, and hard-boiled egg slices. CHESTNUT ICE CREAM

112 cup milk 2 tblspns chestnuts, chopped 3 egg yolks 2 tblspns maraschino 3 tblspns sugar 1 tblspn gelatin 1 tb chestnuts 114 cup water 1 cup sugar 2 tblspns rum 113 cup water 1 112 cups whipping cream Beat milk, egg yolks and sugar in double boiler until thickened. Boil and mash chestnuts in ricer. Boil 1 cup sugar with water until it spins a light thread. Cool. Soak chopped chestnuts in maraschino and combine with sugar and chestnut mixture. Dissolve gelatin in 114 cup water with rum. Whip cream and fold all mixtures together. Pour into rinsed bombe mold. Freeze, then unmold on serving dish by rapidly dipping in hot water.

[ 17 ]

\ I

--,T / After a Fall Football Game WASPS' NESTS (W espennester) 1. II. 1120z yeast cups blanched slivered 2 tblspns butter almonds 1 egg yolk tblspn chopped citron 114 cup sugar 2 tblspns white raisins pinch salt tspn cinnamon tblspn grated lemon rind 3 tblspns chocolate chips 314 cup lukewarm milk III. 2 114 cups flour 3 tblspns melted butter Dissolve yeast in 2 tblspns warm water; add 2 tblspns flour, 1 tblspn sugar; stir. Let rise. Beat butter until creamy; add yolk, salt, sugar, lemon rind, yeast mixture, milk, flour. Beat until loose from beater. Let rise until twice the size in warm place. Roll out on floured bread board. Cut in two strips 12 inches wide and sprinkle each with all ingredients listed above in II. Roll each strip around (like a jelly roll) then cut into separate 2-inch slices. Dip in melted butter; place on buttered pan, round side up. Let rise again in warm place half an hour. Bake 30 minutes (350 degree oven). GRAPE CAKE (Kleintraubkuchen) 2 scant cups flour 112 cup apricot Jam 314 cup butter 314 cup sugar 113 cup sugar 1 cup water 113 cup grated almonds 1 Th grapes 1 tblspn lemon juice few drops maraschino 1 tsp lemon rind, grated 113 cup slivered almonds 2 egg yolks 114 tspn pistachio nuts, blanch- 2 egg whites ed and peeled Work flour, butter, sugar, grated almonds, lemon juice, lemon rind, egg yolks to a dough. Roll out thin, line bottom of large pan with dough. Form small roll of dough and press onto borders. Brush with egg white. Bake 20 minutes (300 degree oven); do not brown. Brush with small amount of jam. Cook sugar and water; add grapes and bring to boil. Remove from heat. Strain and spread over cake. Heat rest of jam with maraschino. Brush over grapes. Sprinkle center of cake with slivered almonds. Return to oven and bake 5 minutes [ 20 ] or until almonds turn yellow. Sprinkle around edge of cake with pistachio for decoration.

LINZER T ARTLETS 213 cup butter 112 cup cake or bread crumbs, 112 cup flour mashed fine 113 cup sugar 2 tblspn grated chocolate 213 cup ground hazelnuts or 314 cup raspberry jam almonds Mix dough by mixing first 6 ingredients. Place in bowl in cool place half an hour. Roll on bread board 118 inch thick. Shape in rounds with cookie cutter. Bake 10 minutes (300 degree oven) on ungreased cookie sheet. Cool. Fill each two cookies with jam. Cover with chocolate icing and sprinkle with 1 tsp. ground pistachio nuts. Chocolate icing: 4 112 oz chocolate I cup sugar 1 tblspn butter 112 cup water Cook sugar and water until it spins a heavy thread. Melt chocolate and butter over hot water. Slowly add sugar syrup, stirring until smooth and mixture coats the spoon. Professors and their Wives for Tea SUGAR BUNS (Buchtehn) 10z yeast 112 tspn lemon rind, grated 3 cups flour 114 cup sugar 114 tspn salt 112 cup butter, melted 314 cup milk 112 cups prune or apricot jam 2 egg yolks 112 cup butter, melted 1 egg 2 tblspns sugar

Dissol ve yeast in 2 tblspns warm water; add 2 tblspns flour and 1 tblspn sugar; stir; let rise. Mix flour, salt, milk, egg yolks, egg, lemon rind, sugar, butter and yeast mixture to a dough. Beat until it loosens from beater. Let rise 1 112 hours. Roll out on floured board 1 112 inches thick. Cut rectangles 3 inches long, 2 112 inches wide. Cover with jam, roll, dip in butter. Place close together in greased pan. Let rise until doubled in size. Bake in 350 degree oven until dough leaves pan (30 minutes). Turn out at once. Separate when slightly cooled. Sprinkle with sugar. [ 21 ] LOGANBERRY DRINK 1. II. 112 cup lemon juice 112 pint loganberry syrup or 1 cup orange juice juice 1 quart water 112 pints water 1 cup sugar quart gingerale Several slices of lemon and orange 1. Cook sugar and water 5 minutes. Cool. Add juices. II. Add syrup, water, gingerale. Serve in cold punch bowl with fruit slices floating on top.

MARZIP AN WITH EGG WHITES 2 cups blanched, grated 2 egg whites almonds chocolate icing cup sugar Work almonds, sugar, egg whites into dough. Form small balls. Dip some in icing, some III chopped pistachios. Chocolate icing: 4 112 oz chocolate 1 cup sugar 1 tblspn butter 112 cup water Cook sugar in water until spins a heavy thread. Melt chocolate and butter over water. Slowly add hot syrup, stirring until smooth and coating the spoon. A Student Comes in to Visit CARPENTER CURLS 5 eggs 1 cup flour 1 114 cups sugar Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy. Add flour. Beat. Spread dough thin on buttered cookie sheet. Bake 10 minutes (250 degree oven). While still hot, cut strips 314 inch wide and curl over wooden spoon handle. PLAIN ALMOND COOKIES

cup flour (heaping) egg yolk, raw 3 tblspns butter hard-boiled egg yolk, cup sugar mashed cups ground almonds egg white, raw tspn grated lemon peel sugar [ 22 ] Make dough by mIxIng flour, butter, sugar, almonds, lemon peel, raw and mashed egg yolk. Roll out on board 114 inch thick. Cut into different shapes with different cookie cutters. Brush with egg white and sprinkle lightly with sugar. Bake on ungreased cookie tins 15 minutes (300 degree oven). Watch so cookies do not get brown.


4 egg whites 1 112 cups chopped pecans 213 cup sugar 113 cup chopped citron Beat egg whites and sugar in double boiler until thick. Mix with nuts and citron. Form small round cookies with 2 teaspoons. Press lightly on well-greased baking sheet to form a mound. Bake 15 minutes, or until light brown (250 degree oven).

To Celebrate the Publishing of a Book-Tea for Two ISCHL T ARTLETS

2 cups flour 4 tblspns raspberry or apricot 1 114 cups butter jam 213 cup sugar 2 tblspns powdered sugar 314 cups ground almonds dash cinnamon Mix flour, butter, sugar, almonds, cinnamon; roll out onto bread board liS inch thick. Cut circles about 2 inches in diameter. Cut three 112 inch holes in half of the circles with small cutter. Bake all cookies on baking sheet 12 minutes (325 degree oven). Remove from oven before they become brown. Cool slightly; spread jam on all circles which do not have holes and place the circles with the holes on top. Sprinkle with small amount either of plain sugar or cinnamon sugar. Note: can be covered with chocolate icing.

PEACH BOWL 1. II. 1 112 to s peeled peaches 2 or 3 soft peaches 1 cup sugar 112 cup white wine 4 cups white wine 6 ground seeds (or 1 cup soda water (or "almonds") from center champagne) of peach stones. 2 tblspns crushed ice

[ 23 ] 1. First mixture: Slice peeled peaches and place in layers with sugar in a bowl; let stand half an hour. Pour white wine and soda water (or champagne) in bowl and cover with ice. Place in refrigerator for one hour. II. Second mixture: Chop soft peaches into small pieces. Add ground seeds and 112 cup white wine. Place in refrigerator one hour. Strain into first mix- ture. Serve in champagne-type glasses.

NUT CAKE (Nusstorte) 213 cup sugar 114 cup sifted cake crumbs 6 egg yolks 6 egg whites, beaten stiff 1 112 cups walnuts, grated Beat yolks and sugar until light. Add nuts and crumbs. Fold in egg whites. Butter and flour cake form and pour in mixture. Bake 45 minutes (375 degree oven). Cool; remove from pan and cut into two layers. Fill with grillage cream; then frost with coffee icing. The Christmas-to-New Year Holiday LEBKUCHEN cup honey Filling: 1\2 cup sugar 1 cup ground almonds or 112 tspn cloves hazel nuts 3 tblspns cinnamon 213 cup sugar 1 tspn allspice 2 tblspns citron pieces 2 112 cups flour 1 tblspn candied orange 2 eggs rind pieces 3 tblspns melted butter 2 eggs 112 tspn soda Topping: tblspn water 1 egg, beaten 2 heaping tblspns almonds Heat honey; stir in sugar, cloves, allspice, cinnamon. Cool. Dissolve soda in water. Add flour, eggs, butter, soda to honey and sugar mixture. Mix all together into a dough and let stand for 2 hours. Roll out liS inch thick and spread filling on half the dough. Filling: Stir all ingredients together thoroughly. Cover filling with remaining dough. Brush top with the beaten egg and decorate with blanched almond halves. Bake 30 minutes (325 degree oven). Cut in slices around the almonds while warm.


cup red wine (Claret 4 cloves suggested) 1 stick cinnamon slice lemon 113 cup sugar Mix ingredients. Boil 15 minutes gently; strain. Serve hot in punch glasses. SOUR CREAM APPLE TORTE

5 cups apples 112 tspn salt 114 cup butter cup sugar Torte Topping: 112 cup sour cream Mixture of sugar, cinnamon, 8 eggs, separated grated bread crumbs, shredded 2 tblspns flour almonds, whipped cream, and 1 lemon, grated rind and vanilla flavor. juice Peel, core, slice apples to make 5 cups. Cook in butter in covered skillet over low heat until tender. Stir often. Combine sugar, sour cream, flour, 8 egg yolks, lemon rind and juice, and pour over apples. Stir and cook over low heat until custard thickens. Cool. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites to which salt is added. Pour into baking dish and cover with torte topping. Bake 45 minutes (325 degrees) until firm. Serve hot or cold with whipped cream.

HOME PUNCH 1 lb cubed sugar 2 cups tea 4 oranges 114 cup rum (optional) 1 cup water l-Inch piece vanilla bean 4 tblspns lemon juice Rub sugar cubes on three (3) oranges. Peel fourth orange and boil rind with sugar and water until it spins a light thread or forms a very soft ball. Combine with juice of all 4 oranges, lemon juice, tea, rum (optional) and vanilla bean. Strain. May be served warm or chilled.

[ 25 ] FROSTED FRUIT CAKE 112 to butter 4* tblspns citron 314 cup sugar 4* tblspns orange peel 3 eggs 3 cups flour 114 cup milk 1 tspn cinnamon * 314 cup currants 114 tspn allspice * 314 cup of white raisins 113 cup shredded almonds Cream butter and sugar. Beat in one egg at a time; add milk. Sprinkle all fruits with flour until all are lightly coated. Fold flour, cinnamon and allspice into butter mixture. Stir in fruits and nuts. Pour into buttered cake pan lined with buttered paper. Bake 2 hours (2S 0 degrees). Cool in pan before removing to frost.

* Cover with flour


112 cup grated blanched 2 egg yolks almonds almond flavoring 112 cup sugar 114 cup butter Beat all together until 114 cup rum smooth.


2 egg yolks 113 cup rum 1 tblspn sugar 114 cup curacao 114 cup light cream, heated lukewarm Beat egg yolks and sugar until light yellow .Combine with luke- warm cream, rum and curacao. Place in double boiler; beat until thick.


1 cup butter 2 tblspns citron, chopped 3 egg yolks dash cloves 1 egg 1 tspn orange rind, chopped 2 cups sugar 1 tblspn orange juice 1 cup raisins 1 112 cups sifted flour 2 tblspns candied orange peel, 2 egg whites chopped [26 ] Cream butter, add yolks, egg, sugar, raISInS, orange peel and rind, citron, clove, juice. Stir in flour. Fold in egg whites beaten stiff. Line 2 cake tins with enough wax paper for a 3-inch rim. Pour mixture in tins. Bake at 325 degrees one hour. Fold paper over top. Keep in wax paper two weeks before serving.


213 cup sugar 1 213 cups grated chocolate 4 egg whites 2 112 cups grated almonds

Beat egg whites stiff; add sugar, chocolate, almonds. Form small round cookies. Place on greased baking sheet. Bake 300 degree for 20 minutes. (Hazelnuts may be used for different flavor, instead of almonds.) VANILLA CRESCENTS

114 cups flour 2 egg yolks 314 cup sweet butter 113 cup sugar 112 cups ground, blanched 114 cup vanilla sugar almonds Mix flour, butter, almonds, egg yolks and sugar thoroughly. Roll into small cookie-size crescents. Bake 15 to 20 minutes in 300 degree oven. Immediately roll in vanilla sugar while hot.

NUT COOKIES 4 egg whites candied cherries, nuts, 1 cup sugar angelica 2 cups ground nuts lemon icing 2 tblspns jam Beat whites with sugar until fluffy. Add nuts. Stir 10 minutes. From pastry bag (or cookie press) press small flat cookies onto butter- ed cookie sheet. Bake 10 minutes (300 degree oven). Loosen while warm and soft. Turn flat side up to cool. Spread jam on flat side. Cover with lemon icing. Decorate with half cherry, half a nut and small piece angelica.

Lemon icing: 1 314 cups powdered sugar Stir ingredients until 113 cup lemon juice smooth. 112 egg white [ 27 ]


~. ~' ./JJtnn~r% Sunday Night Supper for Two BEEF-STUFFED PEPPERS 1 112 to s meat loaf mix 5 tblspns butter 112 cup rice 4 tblspns flour 320z can tomato juice 113 cup sugar 8 large green peppers salt to taste Cook and drain rice. Mix with raw meat. Add salt. Stuff peppers after removing top and seeds. Melt butter until brown. Add flour for roux. Brown roux but do not burn. Pour in tomato juice. Stir. Add sugar and salt. Place peppers in kettle, meat side up. (The tops can be replaced on meat stuffing if desired.) Simmer for 1 112 to 2 hours. If sauce is left over, can be used for rice or spaghetti.

MUSHROOM (Pilzschnitzel) 1 to fresh mushrooms parsnip, grated 1 heaping tblspn flour egg 2 heaping tblspns butter f at or oil for frying 1 carrot, grated Chop mushrooms, stern and cap, into little pieces. Melt 1 tblspn butter and saute mushrooms in it for 5 minutes. Toss well then add other tblspn butter. Add carrot and parsnip. Toss and stir over low fire 5 minutes. Beat egg and stir in flour. Pour over vegetables. Dip hands thoroughly in flour and shape small cakes out of the mixture. Let fry until well browned on both sides in very hot or oil. Can be served with a lemon or hollandaise sauce.


Almond milk: 114 cup water 213 to almonds 113 cup cream 2 tblspn sugar Grind blanched almonds as fine as possible. Add sugar, cream and water; thoroughly mix. Strain through fine sieve. Cool in refrigerator. One tblspn gelatin, vanilla bean, or 2 tblpsns rum. Mix almond milk with gelatin. Flavor either with vanilla bean or rum. Pour into individual molds. Refrigerate. Unmold. Serves 2 generously. [ 30 ] WIENER SCHNITZEL 3 to s leg of veal cut 2 eggs (or 3 to s veal cutlets) I cup fat (for frying) salt 1 cup bread crumbs 314 cup flour 1 lemon, sliced

Salt cutlets. Dip III flour, then in eggs which have been slightly beaten with fork. Dip next in crumbs. Fry in hot fat until golden brown on both sides. Drain on paper. Serve with lemon slices on top of each cutlet. Note: same procedure for lamb cutlets.

POTATO DUMPLINGS-NO. (Kartoffelklosse )

5 raw potatoes, grated 2 beaten eggs 1 112 cup bread crumbs 1 tblspn flour milk salt, pepper 2 tspns grated onion

Drain grated potatoes, mix with bread crumbs. Moisten with milk; add onion and eggs. Stir in flour, seasoning and mix well. Flour hands well and form mixture into nutsize balls. Dust balls with flour and drop into boiling salted water or stew or gravy and cook, covered, 15 minutes. If cooked in water, drain and serve with hot browned butter. Sprinkle with 112 cup fine bread crumbs browned in butter.

RED CABBAGE Sweet and Sour

Grated red cabbage head 2 tart apples, peeled, sliced 2 tblspn fat or butter thin 112 cup tarragon vinegar 2 tblspn currant jelly 112 cup red wine 112 tspn powdered cloves 3 tblspn sugar, 3 tblspn water 112 tspn caraway seeds Sprinkle grated cabbage with salt. Melt fat or butter in pan. Add cabbage and vinegar. Stir, press down cabbage over low heat; add 112 cup wine. Dissolve sugar in water; cook until syrup turns brown. Add to cabbage; cover pan and simmer 1 112 hours. Add apples, rest of ingredients; simmer 20 minutes then drain and serve hot.

[ 31 ]

1 314 cups flour 114 cup sugar 2 cups milk salt 2 egg yolks

Beat flour and milk until smooth. Add yolks, sugar, pinch of salt and blend. Cover frying pan with melted butter. Cover with thin layer of batter. Brown both sides over medium flame. Repeat for each .

Fillings: l.Spread with raspberry, strawberry or apricot jam; roll; sprinkle top with sugar. 2. Pancakes with cream. Cool 12 pancakes, fill, roll, place on buttered platter, cover with caramel icing. Keep in ice box before serving.

Filling: 314 cup (coffee) cream 112 tspn cornstarch 314 cup sugar cup butter 4 egg yolks 2 inch strip of vanilla bean

Beat all ingredients except butter over boiling water until thick. Remove vanilla bean. Beat butter until creamy. Combine. Cool thoroughly in ice box. Icing: 1 114 cups sugar. Heat in skillet until golden, stirring con- stantly. Pour immediately over pancakes.


4 to filet of sale, salt small amount of water 2 tspns chopped shallots Sauce: 1a peppercorns 2 tblspns butter 1 cup white wine 2 tblspns flour Stock: 1 cup stock 1 cup soup greens 2 egg yolks 1 oman 114 cup cream 1 tblspn vinegar

Wash filets, sprinkle with salt. Line bottom of casserole with shallots and peppercorns. Cover with filets then pour over wine. Cover with greased paper. Bake 10 minutes (325 degree oven).

[ 32 ] Stock: Boil greens, onion, vinegar then strain. Sauce: Melt butter, add flour. Pour in 1 cup of stock and juice from the casserole. Add egg yolks, cream and stir until thickened. Remove paper from casserole. Pour over sauce and serve.


2 cups peas 2 tblspns butter 24 large mushrooms 2 tblspns Madeira wine salt, pepper, sugar grated Parmesan tblspn shallots melted butter Puree peas and season Chop mushroom stems; saute in 2 tblspn butter with shallots until golden. Add to puree; add wine. Brush mushroom caps with melted butter then fill with puree in generous heap. Sprinkle with Parmesan, pour little melted butter on top; bake on buttered baking pan until brown (375 degrees). Serve with Monsseline Sauce.


F old together equal parts of Hollandaise sauce and whipped cream.


Apples (enough for 1 cup 3 eggs separated strained puree) powdered sugar 112 cup macaroon crumbs Sauce: 2 tblspns brandy whipped cream 6 tblspns butter brandy, powdered sugar 6 tblspns sugar to taste Wash, quarter apples and cover with water in pan; stew until tender. Strain or mash into puree. Combine 1 cup puree with macaroon crumbs soaked in brandy. Cream butter and sugar; stir in 3 beaten yolks and apple-macaroon mixture. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Butter baking dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Pour in souffle, bake 40 minutes (350 degrees). Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve with sauce. BANANA HARD SAUCE

3 tblspns butter small banana, mashed 314 cup powdered sugar tblspn lemon juice Beat until smooth. Place In serving dish in refrigerator.

[ 33 ] A Leisurely Week-end On Campus SAILO RS' BEEF 3 to s tenderloin tip basil, a pinch butter or fat to cover meat 112 tspn capers, chopped salt 112 cup liquid (either water or 112 cup butter or fat bouillon) 114- cup flour 112 cup sour cream 112 tspn lemon rind, grated

Cut one inch slices meat and pound. Spread with butter or fat, sprinkle on salt and dip in flour. Fry in 112 cup of butter or fat until medium rare. Remove meat. If some flour remains, pour into pan along with grated lemon rind, capers, basil, 112 cup liquid. Stir well then return meat to gravy and simmer 10 minutes before adding sour cream. Bring to boil; serve.


Boil diced carrots in 2 cups water 12 minutes. Melt 1 tblspn butter in pan; add 1 tblspn flour and heat until brown. Pour in carrot water, stirring until smooth. Add carrots and 114- tspn caraway seeds and 1 tblspn chopped parsley.


6 bananas, mashed 112 cup sugar grated rind and juice of 1 3 tblspns ground almonds orange 4- egg whites juice of 112 lemon pinch of salt Mix bananas with lemon and orange JUIce, sugar and almonds. Beat egg whites stiff with salt. Fold in with grated orange rind. Turn into buttered and sugared souffle dish. Bake 30 minutes (350 degrees). Serve at once.


cup orange juice 1 egg 114- cup lemon juice 3 egg yolks 112 cup sugar (heaping)

Mix all together. Beat while heating in top of double boiler until thick. Serve hot or cold.

[ 34- ] VIENNESE SHRIMP 2 to s shrimp 114 tspn sugar 2 shallots tblspn tomato puree 114 cup oil seasoning 114 cup brandy tblspn butter 112 cup white wine tblspn flour Shell, devein shrimp. Fry chopped shallots in oil until soft. Add shrimp. Pour in brandy and light with match. When flame burns low add wine, tomato puree, sugar and seasoning. Simmer 15 minutes. Remove shrimp. In a different pan melt butter, add flour and then 3 tblspn of juice in which shrimp was cooked. Stir and combine the two sauces while both remain hot. Bring to boil and strain at once. Add shrimp and reheat them in sauce.

POTATO DUMPLINGS-NO.2 2 to s potatoes 118 tspn cinnamon 2 eggs 118 tspn nutmeg 314 cup flour 112 tspn sugar 112 cup farina 314 tspn salt Peel, then boil potatoes. Mash or rice; let cool. Stir in remairnng ingredients and beat together thoroughly. Roll into balls one to one- and-a-half inch in diameter. Drop into kettle of boiling salted water. Simmer 20 minutes. Remove from water and serve at once sprinkled with topping.

Topping: 1 _ cup bread crumbs 114 cup butter 2 tblspns chopped onions Brown together until crumbs are crisp.

SPICED TOMATO SLICES 3 to s tomatoes, thinly sliced 114 tspn fresh parsley, finely Dressing: chopped 114 cup oil 5 or 6 drops W orcestershire 112 cup vinegar sauce 114 tspn 112 tspn salt 114 tspn sugar dash cayenne pepper paprika Add all dressing ingredients together in jar. Cover tightly and shake thoroughly. Pour over tomato slices in deep dish. Cover with parsley. Refrigerate an hour before serving. [ 35 ] FILLED ROASTED BEEF ROLLS 1. 3 to s round steak egg seasoning seasoning 114 cu P chopped parsley Filling: 4 tblspns fat 1 grated onion 1 cup soup stock 1to ground beef 1 tspn flour 1 tspn fresh chopped parsley 1 cup sour cream 2 pieces bread soaked in seasoning water, squeezed dry II. Soup greens: 112 cup celery, 1 small grated carrot 1. Cut steak in I-inch slices. Pound and season. Spread filling on meat. (Filling: mix all ingredients together.) Roll and tie with string. II. Fry soup greens slowly. Add then brown meat rolls. Add 114 cup soup stock. Simmer 50 minutes (or until tender). Add another 114 cup soup stock. Remove meat. Add flour to pan, blend, then add rest of soup stock and sour cream. Stir until it boils. Strain gravy. Cut each roll in half. Serve in gravy. VIENNESE GREEN BEANS 1 to green beans 112 tspn (fresh) cut parsley 1 tblspn butter pieces 1 tblspn flour 114 cup soup stock 112 grated onion tsp vinegar heaping tspn dill (powder- salt ed or chopped) 112 cup sour cream Cut beans and cook in salted water 20 minutes. Melt butter, lightly brown onions, then add flour. Stir in hot soup stock and bring to a boil. Stir in vinegar, sour cream, then add beans. Stir all together until it comes to a boil. WINE SOUFFLE 113 cup sugar 113 cup cake crumbs 4 egg yolks 114 cup white wine 114 tspn grated lemon rind Sauce: grated clove 1 cup white wine cinnamon 4 egg yolks 4 egg whites, beaten stiff 112 cup sugar

[ 36 ] Beat sugar and yolks until light. Add lemon rind, dash of clove and cinnamon. Fold in crumbs and stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into buttered (or oiled) sugared mold. Cook in hot water bath 50 minutes. Turn onto platter. Pour 1/4 cup white wine over the top. Serve with sauce. Sauce: Place all ingredients in top of double boiler and beat until thick. (Can be served either hot or cold.)


4 bunches leeks 1 boiled potato, peeled and 1 cup olive oil sliced juice of 1 lemon 5 cups water salt and pepper 1 cup cream 2 cups shredded spinach 3 tblspns chopped parsley 2 cups shredded lettuce 5 tblspns chopped mint I cup sliced carrots whipped cream, lightly 3 stalks celery and tops salted Wash and cut into one-inch lengths the bottoms of leeks (should make about 4 cups). Combine olive oil and lemon juice in kettle. Heat over medium heat until oil bubbles. Add leeks, salt and pepper. Simmer slowly 30 minutes. Stir several times. Add spinach, lettuce, carrots, whole celery stalks and potato. Stir until vegetables are coated with oil. Add water; simmer 15 minutes. Remove celery but puree rest of vegetables through strainer together with broth. Add cream; stir in parsley and 3 tblspn mint. Serve in cups. Garnish with whipped cream and dash of chopped mint.

VIENNESE BAKED ALASKA (Gebackenes Gefrorenes)

Step One: 6 eggs, separated 1 pint ice cream (either 213 cup sugar vanilla or fruit flavor) 213 cup flour vanilla Beat egg yolks and sugar until light yellow. Add flour, vanilla. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake 45 minutes (300 degree oven) in greased and floured loaf pan. Cool, then remove from pan. Cut thin layer from top, leaving 112 inch margin all around. Scoop out center

[ 37 ] of cake. (May be used in other recipes as cake crumbs). Leave 112 to 314- inch base. Place on oven-proof board or platter. Fill with ice cream. Replace top cake layer. Cover with souffle. Bake in 4-50 degree oven until brown - about 5 minutes. Serve at once.

Step Two: Souffle: 5 egg whites, beaten stiff 314- cup sugar 2 egg whites cup apricot jam Beat 5 egg whites stiff. Then beat the next three ingredients to- gether until stiff. Fold egg whites into mixture. Spread at once over ice-cream filled cake.


112 lb dried apricots 2 tblspns rum 112 cup sugar Soak apricots 2 hours in water. Bring to boil and simmer until fruit is soft. Rub through sieve; add sugar and reheat until sugar dissolves. Stir in rum. Sunday Noon HABSBURGER SOUP I. 3 tblspns butter 112 cup pureed peas 4- tblspns flour egg yolk 2 112 qts 114- cup cream II. 4- cups diced cooked chicken 4- sliced mushrooms 1 tblspn butter I. Melt butter, add flour. When it bubbles, stir In chicken soup gradually, stirring constantly. II Saute mushrooms in butter. Mix pureed peas with egg yolk and cream; add, with mushrooms, to soup and stir in diced chicken. Do not cook, just heat to serve. Note: Dumplings go well with this soup.


213 cup butter, melted 4- eggs, separated 2 112 cups mashed potatoes salt and nutmeg to taste

[ 38 ] Stir butter, potatoes, egg yolks and seasoning together. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into pudding mold which has been buttered and sprinkled with flour. Simmer 45 minutes in hot water bath: Cover mold with tight lid or foil. Place mold in pan deep enough so boiling water covers 2]3 of the mold in height. Un mold on platter. Cover with 3 tblspn melted butter.

COFFEE CREAM BOMBE tblspn gelatin several tblspns candied 114 cup hot strong coffee fruit (optional) 1 pt whipping cream 113 cup sugar Frosting: 114 cup whipping cream Dissolve gelatin in coffee. Strain and cool. Whip 1 pt cream. Add sugar and gelatin mixture. Rinse bombe mold and pour in the coffee mixture. Place in freezer several hours, until frozen. Swiftly dip mold under hot water. Unmold on serving dish. Frost or decorate with sweetened whipped cream (into which candied fruit may be folded if desired.) POTATO SOUP 1 to potatoes 1 tspn chopped parsley 2 qts salted water 1 tspn chopped onion 3 tblspns butter salt, marjoram 3 tblspns flour 114 cup sour cream Peel, dice potatoes and cook in salted water. Drain; save water. Melt butter, add flour, then onions. Cook until onions turn yellow. Add parsley, then gradually the hot potato water. Bring to boil. Simmer 5 minutes. Add seasoning, then rice potatoes and add to soup. Blend in sour cream by adding small amounts of hot soup to the cream, little by little, until well mixed. Bring quickly to a boil just before serving. Garnish with fried croutons or parsley.

BREAST OF CHICKEN 3 chicken breasts Sauce: 1 tblspn butter 2 tblspns butter 3 sliced fresh mushrooms 1 tspn flour salt 1 cup soup stock [ 39 ] Wash and skin chicken. Salt to taste. Brown slightly in butter. Sauce: Saute mushrooms in butter. Blend in flour until starts to turn brown. Add soup; simmer until blended. Pour over chicken. Cover and simmer 45 minutes until tender.


112 tblspns fresh marrow 213 cup cracker crumbs ( from beef bone) pinch baking powder tblspn butter salt, pepper egg yolk and 1 whole egg tblspn fresh chopped dash of nutmeg parsley

Mix all ingredients well. Form tiny balls like marbles. Cook slowly in chicken broth or bouillion 12 minutes. Serve with meat or chicken or in soup.


6 medium sized tomatoes egg yolk 120z cooked spinach salt to taste 1 tblspn butter bread crumbs 112 cup cream Cut tops off tomatoes, remove pulp, sprinkle inside with salt and invert to drain thoroughly. Mix spinach with remaining ingredients. Place over flame until it starts to simmer. Fill tomatoes. Top with heated, lightly browned buttered bread crumbs. Bake in greased pan 20 minutes (325 degree oven).

BOILED BEEF 3 to s 1 celery root 20z beef liver, diced 1 omon soup greens 1 parsley root 3 carrots, cut In julienna 2 112 qts water strips salt Brown meat in small amount of fat. Pour off fat and place in boiling water with all ingredients. Boil about 3 hours until meat is tender. Skim fat before serving. Note: meat can be removed and browned again in oven before serving.

[ 40 ] PAPRIKA POTATOES 2 to s potatoes 1 cup bouillon Sauce: 1 cup sour cream 2 tblspns butter 112 tspn salt 2 tblspns onion heaping tblspn tomato 1 tspn paprika puree 2 tblspns flour Boil then peel potatoes; chop and mix with sauce. Sauce: saute onions in butter until soft and light brown. Add flour and paprika. Mix well. Stir in bouillon, then sour cream, puree and salt. Bring to boil.

COOKED CUCUMBERS 1 tspn minced onion salt, pepper, dill 3 tblspns butter 3 cucumbers cut in 112 inch slices, peeled Saute onion until golden. Add cucumbers, salt, and pepper. Cook and turn cucumbers often for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with dill before servmg. Variation: Add 2 tblspns flour to sauteed onion. Stir in 2 cups bouillon, 1 cup sour cream. Add cucumbers and proceed as above.

BANANA RUM MOUSSE 1 cup milk 2 cups whipped cream 1 cup cream 2 cups banana puree 4 egg yolks 2 tblspns rum 112 cup sugar

Scald milk and cream m top of double boiler. Stir into milk and cream egg yolks beaten light with sugar. Cook, stirring constantly over hot but not boiling water until custard coats spoon. Strain through fine sieve and cool. Fold in mashed bananas, rum and then whipped cream. Freeze in mold.

LEG OF LAMB 4 to boned leg of lamb 1 tblspn flour salt 12 sliced mushrooms (fresh) 3 tblspn fat 1 112 tblspns butter 112 cup soup stock 112 cup sour cream tblspn butter [ 41 ] Rub lamb with salt and sear in hot fat. Roast 2 hours (325 degree oven). Baste with juice in roasting pan or soup stock every 20 minutes. Remove fat from pan gravy. Sautee mushrooms 20 minutes before serving. Blend butter, flour, gravy in pan, sour cream and mushrooms.

MUSHROOM PUDDING I. 1 tspn onion, grated 1 tspn salt 2 tblspns butter 5 egg yolks 1 tspn chopped fresh 113 cup flour parsley III. 112 to chopped fresh mush- 5 egg whites, beaten stiff rooms IV. II. 2 tblspns butter 3 tblspns butter 1 tblspn bread crumbs 112 cup sour cream Before cooking, prepare a mold by generously buttering and then sprinkling on all sides with bread crumbs. I. Slightly fry onions and parsley together in butter. Add mushrooms and simmer 7 minutes. II. Cream butter. Add egg yolks, sour cream, flour and salt. Add to mushroom mixture. III. Fold in stiff egg whites. Gently pour into mold and cook in hot water bath 45 minutes. (Hot water bath: Boil water in pan large enough so mold will have water covering it two-thirds its height. Cover mold with foil. Simmer.) IV. Fry bread crumbs in butter. Sprinkle over pudding. Serve.

Dinner Before an Evening Class BROWN BEEF SOUP (Braune Rindsuppe)

1 tblsp fat small onion, sliced 2 oz beef liver soup greens: crushed beef bones 2 carrots 2 112 qts water 114 celery root 2 tspns salt 112 parsley root 2 112 to beef Melt fat. Fry diced liver, crushed bones, sliced carrots, celery and parsley roots. When celery turns yellow, add onion. Cook until onion is lightly brown, then pour off excess fat and add mixture to salted [ 42 ] cold water. Bring to boil. Add meat. (For strong soup: add meat before boiling.) Simmer 3 hours. Strain and skim fat. Variations: 1. Beef Soup with Farina 2 112 qts soup 2 eggs 2 tblspns butter 112 cup Farina Fry farina in butter until light brown. Add a little soup, stirring constantly. Bring to boil. Pour into soup. Beat eggs. Add 2 cups hot soup gradually, stirring constantly. Then stir into full kettle of remaining soup 2. Beef Soup with Tapioca 1 112 qts. beef soup 114 cup Tapioca Cook tapioca in soup for 15 minutes.

CONSOMME WITH TOMATO SOUFFLE 2 qts brown beef soup 1 egg Souffle: 3 tblspns tomato puree 114 cup milk salt 3 egg yolks

Beat milk with yolks, egg, salt. Mix with tomato puree. Pour in small buttered mold. Cook in pan of hot water, with water 314 way up on mold. Turn out; slice. Serve in each individual soup bowl or cup. PANCAKES FOR SOUPS

1 cup milk 6 heaping tblspns flour 2 eggs 1 tblspn butter Make smooth batter of flour, milk, eggs. Let stand one hour. Melt butter and leave in cup. In small frying pan pour small amount of butter. Add only enough butter to cover whole pan when tilted. Brown then turn over to brown other side. Remove to cool. Cut in thin strips and add to soup before serving instead of dumplings.

BEEF SOUP WITH MEAT DUMPLINGS 1 112 quarts brown beef soup 112 tspn fat or butter Dumplings: 2 cup ground beef 112 tspn grated onion salt 112 tspn parsley 113 cup white bread crumbs 3 tblspns butter pinch of marjoram 2 egg yolks [ 43 ] Slowly heat onion and parsley in fat. Cream butter. Add egg yolks, meat, marjoram, salt. Stir in onion and parsley. Add bread crumbs. Shape into round dumplings; 15 minutes later cook in salted water for 5 minutes, then drop into hot soup. Serve.


I. II. 6 hard-boiled eggs, halved 112 pt sour cream 1 full tblspn fresh toasted tspn melted butter bread crumbs 114 cup flour 1 anchovy Mix: 2 tblspns sour cream 2 tblspns Parmesan cheese salt, paprika 1 tspn bread crumbs T. Remove yolks from halved eggs. Mash yolks and anchovy through strainer. Mix with bread crumbs, sour cream, salt and paprika. Refill egg whites. Place in Pyrex dish. II. Blend flour into sour cream. Pour over eggs. Cover with melted butter. Sprinkle with cheese and bread crumb mixture. Bake 10 minutes in 450 degree oven.

FRIED CAULIFLOWER Large head cauliflower or wine batter: 112 cup beer or wine I tblspn oil cup flour 2 stiffly beaten egg whites 112 tspn salt Cook cauliflower 10 minutes in salt water; drain, then separate in bite-size flowerlets. Dip in batter and fry in batter to a golden brown. Drain on paper. Batter: mix beer or wine with flour, salt, oil. Fold into egg white.

STUFFED EGGPLANT 3 uniform, medium-sized 1 tblspn bread or cracker eggplants crumbs 3 tblspns butter salt to taste Filling: Topping: 6 or 8 fresh mushrooms, diced I tblspn bread or cracker 1 tblspn fresh parsley crumbs . 1 tblspn onion, diced 2 tblspns grated cheese 3 tblspns butter butter [ 44 ] Peel and halve eggplants. Pierce with fork several places in center seed section. Melt butter in pan and cook eggplants slowly on top of stove, with cover, for 20 minutes, turning eggplants so that each side browns for 10 minutes. Remove from fire. Hollow out center seed sections and chop before mixing with filling. Filling: saute mushrooms, parsley, onion and crumbs in butter. Fill eggplant halves with filling and chopped eggplant mixture. Place in buttered flat casserole or pan and cover with topping of crumbs and cheese. Dot with butter. Bake 20 minutes in 350 degree oven.

The Dinner Hour CARAWAY SOUP (Kummelsuppe )

1/3 cup fat 112 tspn salt 213 cup flour 1 112 qts. water 112 tspn caraway seeds Melt fat; add flour; brown. Stir in water gradually; add caraway seeds and salt. Cook 10 minutes. Strain, serve with fried croutons to which 112 cup parmesan cheese is added. Sprinkle with dash of paprika.

CHICKEN IN TOMATO CREAM 3 fryers quartered 2 chopped shallots 114 cup oil 114 cup white wine White Sauce: 3 tblspns tomato puree 2 tbJspns butter 2 tblspns butter 2 tblspns flour 5 chopped mushrooms 112 cup soup 2 tblspns butter Season chickens; fry in oil. Blend white sauce. Saute' mushrooms in butter; add shallots, wine, white sauce, chicken, tomato. Simmer 30 minutes, serve with 6 baked eggs around platter. Baked eggs: Drop eggs, one by one in hot oil. Fold egg whites over yolks with spoon. When whites are set remove to platter. (yolks should remain soft. )


1 to lentils 2 egg yolks 3 tblspns butter 1 cup cream 112 tspn sal t, dash pepper lumps of butter [ 45 ] Wash lentils; cook in unsalted water until soft, at least one hour. Mash through strainer. Add butter and seasoning. Stir cream with egg yolks and blend into lentils. Dot with butter lumps after placing in double boiler to keep warm until time to serve. Note: a good side dish for game and poultry.


114 lb butter 1 cup bread crumbs small chopped omon Filling: 314 cup flour 1Th ground meat (lean beef 1 cup warm milk or ham) 4 egg yolks 3 egg yolks 4 stiffly beaten egg whites 1 cup sour cream 1 112 cups pureed cooked 114 cup chopped nuts (pecans broccoli, salt or pistachios) 112 cup grated cheese (Parmesan or yellow) Melt butter; stir in onion until transparent, not blown. Add flour; stir until flour is yellow. Add warm milk; stir until smooth and simmer until thick. Cool 5 minutes; beat in yolks. Add broccoli, salt; fold in egg whites and cheese. Butter cookie pan; add bread crumbs and shake to cover whole inside of pan. (Add more crumbs if necessary to fill pan 112-inch thick with crumbs.) Pour and spread broccoli mixture. Bake 12 minutes (350 degrees). Spread with filling: Mix meat with yolks, cream and nuts. Spread over roll at once. Roll the long way in pan and return to oven 5 minutes.

Sauce: 1 box fresh mushrooms, 1 lemon, juice chopped 2 cups soup stock or 1 112 tblspns butter consomme 1 112 tblspns flour 2 tblspns melted butter 112 cup white wine Melt butter, blend in flour; gradually stir in stock. Keep hot. Meanwhile melt additional 2 tblspns butter and slowly cook chopped mushrooms until golden. Add lemon juice and wine. Bring to boil and at once stir gradually into hot sauce. Add salt to taste. Serve hot for Broccoli Roll.


10 organges Chocolate cream: Orange cream: 112 cup sugar 1 cup orange juice 114- cup water 5 egg yolks 5 oz melted chocolate 1 cup sugar 2 tblspns hot water 1 tblspn gelatin 1 tblspn gelatin 2 tblspns hot water 112 cup whipping cream 112 cup whipping cream Cut tops from oranges; set aside. Scoop out all pulp. Stuff half of each orange with orange cream, then fill the top half with chocolate cream. Replace ora.pge tops and set in refrigerator 3 hours. To serve cut into quarters.

POTATO PANCAKES 2 to s potatoes 1 tspn salt 1 medium grated onion dash nutmeg and pepper 2 tblspns flour 2 tblspns fresh chopped 4- crisp pieces bacon parsley 2 eggs butter (for frying pan) Peel, then soak potatoes in cold water. Drain thoroughly, dry, then grate. Mix with onion, flour, eggs, seasoning, and bacon which has been crumbled into small bits. Heat enough butter for 1\4- inch or more in frying pan. Measure 113 cup batter for each pancake and drop into pan. Mash each one flat and cook each side until brown and crisp. Drain off butter on paper and keep warm until time to serve. (Should make one dozen pancakes.)

Hot-weather Cool Suppers SPRING EGGS

10 hard-boiled eggs. Filling: Icing: 3 tblspns butter, soft 2 tblspns mayonnaise 1 tspn lemon juice 112 tspn basil and chervil 1 tspn parsley mixed 112 tspn mixed basil and tspn parsley chervil 112 cup aspic No.1 (Page 15) 112 tspn salt

[ 47 ] Cut slice off bottom of egg. Remove yolk. Rub yolks through strainer and mash with butter. Add lemon juice, salt, herbs, parsley. Refill egg whites with mixture. Stir all icing ingredients and spread over eggs.


2 tblspns butter 112 cup grated blanched 2 tblspn flour almonds 112 cup warm milk 112 tspn salt 2 cups grated or mashed 4 eggs, separated cooked carrots 112 tspn grated onion Melt butter; add flour. Gradually blend in milk and bring to boil. Simmer and stir 5 minutes. Add carrots, almonds, salt. Stir in lightly beaten egg yolks. Simmer 5 minutes and cool. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites and pour into well-buttered 9-inch ring mold. Place mold in pan of hot water and bake 50 minutes (350 degrees) or until firm. Let stand a minute or two then turn onto platter. Fill with peas and mushrooms. SALAD EGGS

6 hard boiled eggs dried tarragon, chervil mashed avocado chopped chives 2 tblspns mayonnaise aspic Salt and pepper

Cut eggs in half lengthwise. Sieve yolks. Add equal amount of mashed avocado to yolks. Add mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Fill whites. Sprinkle with herbs. Coat with aspic No.2. Chill.


3 cups chicken stock salt and pepper to taste 1 cup tomato juice 2 tblspns white wine 1 tblspn tarragon vinegar 4- tblspns gelatin 2 egg whites, beaten stiff 2 crushed egg shells Combine all ingredients in pan. Heat slowly; stir constantly until it boils. Remove from heat for 10 minutes. Strain through sieve lined with flannel cloth which has been soaked in cold water then wrung dry. . i

[ -48 ] OLD VIENNA SALAD I. II. 4 oranges 8 apples (small) 112 cup sugar apricot jam 2 tblspns orange juice vanilla sugar 2 tblspns lemon juice butter 1. Peel oranges and slice. Carefully remove seeds, Arrange in layers in crystal or glass bowl, sprinkling each layer with sugar. Pour over orange and lemon juices. II. Peel and core apples. Stuff with jam and sprinkle with sugar. Dot with butter and bake in buttered pan until soft. (250 degree oven). Cool. Place apple on top of oranges. Refrigerate and serve chilled.


10 hard-boiled eggs, halved 1 anchovy lengthwise 1 tspn W orcestershire sauce Filling: 1 Bismarck herring, cut in 1 small can salmon 20 pieces 112 cup soft butter, creamed Drain salmon and remove large bones. Rub in with egg yolks and anchovy through strainer. Add butter and remaining seasoning. Stuff egg whites with mixture (use either spoon or pastry tube). Decorate with piece of herring. Serve on shredded lettuce with mayon- naise. CUCUMBER SALAD WITH POTATOES

5 cucumbers, peeled, sliced salt, pepper, paprika to thin taste 112 cup oil 112 to s cooked potatoes, sliced 112 cup vinegar thin

Salt thin cucumber slices. Cover and let stand 30 minutes. Drain and combine with potatoes. Mix oil, vinegar, pepper and paprika. Stir' into cucumber-potato combination. Serve chilled.

FRUIT AND CAKE DESSERT Cake: 8 eggs 2 cups flour 1 cup sugar 114to butter

[49 ] Beat 8 eggs in double boiler on stove with sugar until very foamy and 3 times the original volume. Remove from heat and beat until cold. Gradually add flour, folding in with spoon. Add butter which has been melted and cooled. Pour into large flat pan to make . Bake 30 or 40 minutes (350 degrees). Remove from pan. Cut into squares or rounds for individual servings. 12 stewed, drained whole pears or peaches. Place 1 pear or peach on each piece of cake.

Sauce: ~o. ()ne: 1 112 cups milk 4 egg yolks, 1 tspn vanilla 1 egg white 1 cup whipped cream 112 cup sugar 114 cup powdered sugar 112 cup flour Beat together egg yolks and 1 egg white; add flour; beat until smooth. Bring milk and vanilla to boil; slowly pour while stirring into egg mixture. Heat in pan and boil 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Chill. Fold in whipped cream to which powdered sugar has been added. Beat gently until smooth. Pour over fruit and cake. Chill. Sauce No, Two: 2 tblspns apricot brandy 1 cup apricot jam 1 tspn lemon juice 2 cups apricot puree 114 tspn almond flavor sugar to taste (very little) cup thinly chopped blanch- ed almonds In double boiler melt jam, add puree and sugar. Add almonds and cook over slowly boiling water one hour. Just before serving add brandy and flavors. Pour (either hot or cold) around base of cake. Top of fruit may be decorated with whipped cream or chocolate butter cream.

GREE~GAGE COMP()TE 12 large greengage 1 tblspn creme de men the 2 cups water green coloring 112 cup sugar sugar to taste juice of 112 lemon, rind lingonberries or cran- of 1 lemon, grated berries grapefruit rind, grated

Cut plums in half. Remove seeds and crack. Skin kernel. Place plums and kernels in water with sugar. Simmer 15 minutes until [ 50 ] soft. Remove plums; chill. To syrup add lemon and grapefruit rinds, Creme de men the, drop of green coloring and sugar to taste, if needed. Stir well over heat then chill, pour over plums and decorate with a ring of berries. Can be served with following Sauces.


8 tblspns butter tblspn lemon juice 112 cup thinly sliced nuts Saute nuts in butter. Add lemon juice. Serve hot with fish or vegetables. VANILLA DESSERT SAUCE

1 112 cups milk 4 egg yolks 2 inch piece of vanilla bean 114 cup flour 112 cup sugar Scald milk with vanilla bean. Beat yolks and sugar until light yellow. Add flour to blend. Stir in scalded milk and cook over low heat, stirring constantly until ready to boil. Do not boil. Strain and cool; stir from time to time so crust will not form. Cover with wax paper and refrigerate.

[ 51 ]

Vanilla Sugar (Vanillezucker)

In a jar place one whole vanilla bean and fill the container with sugar. Keep at all times in kitchen and use in all recipes which require vanilla sugar.

Vienna Coffee Make after-dinner coffee. Serve in demi-tasses. Top with sweetened whipped cream.

Hot Water Bath Boil water in deep pan. (Use shallow pan only when mold to be placed in pan is small.) Cover mold with metal lid or foil paper and place in hot-water bath so the boiling water reaches up to 213 height of mold. (the bath can be covered but this is not necessary.) Simmer length of time required by recipe. Note: This process is used for , certain cakes, vegetable molds and rings, etc.

Strudel Dough 2 cups flour 112 tspn lemon juice or 1 egg yolk VInegar 114 tspn salt cup melted butter 112 tspn butter or oil tblspn sugar 114 cup lukewarm water Pour flour onto bread board. Indent center and place in it the egg yolk, oil or butter, water and lemon juice. Mix with knife at once, then knead until it leaves bread board and becomes elastic. Cover with hot bowl and keep it warm 30 minutes. Place dough on well-floured tablecloth on large table; cover dough with flour and roll with rolling pin. Brush dough with 114 cup melted butter. Place hands under- neath dough, holding dough in palms, pull and stretch it until dough is transparent. Cut off thick edges. On two-thirds of dough spread filling, leaving one-third of dough all around. Spread the third with one-quarter cup melted butter. Start rolling the strudel from the end where the filling is placed. Hold tablecloth high with both hands so the strudel will keep rolling over. Trim edges. Twist roll into

[ 54 ] greased pan and brush with rest of the melted butter. Bake 45 minutes (350 degree oven) when it should be brown and crisp. Sprinkle with 1 tblspn sugar.

Fillings: Apples (or see with Dough) 4 tblspns melted butter 2 tblspns raisins 112 cup bread crumbs 112 cup sugar 3 sliced apples Melt butter; lightly brown crumbs. Sprinkle on top of strudel. Add apples, raisins, sugar.

Cheese 5 tblspns butter 112 tspn grated lemon rind 113 cup sugar 4 stiffly beaten egg whites 4 egg yolks 2 tblspns white raisins 114 cup sour cream vanilla cream sauce 1 Th Beat butter with sugar and yolks; add sour cream. Rice cottage cheese; add rind. Fold in beaten egg whites. Add to first mixture. Sprinkle with raisins. Roll. Serve with vanilla cream sauce.

Fruits 3Th fruit (grapes, pitted plums, 213 cup bread crumbs strawberries, raspberries 4 tblspns butter or mixed sweet and sour 213 cup sugar cherries) Brown crumbs in melted butter. Sprinkle over strudel sheet. Cover with fruit and sugar.

Grillage Cream (Grillagecreme)

113 cup sugar 1 cup butter 314 cup hazel nuts, peeled 3 tblspns sugar whole 3 tblspns coffee Heat sugar in iron pan to brown. Fry nuts until sugar coated. Cool on buttered board then grind. Cream butter; add sugar, nuts, coffee. Keep in refrigerator until time to spread between layers.

[ 55 ] Viennese Sauerkraut 2 lOs sauerkraut 1 large grated potato 2 tblspns butter 114 tspn caraway seeds 3 tblspns flour 114 tspn salt 112 tspn chopped onion Cover sauerkraut with cold water. Cook 1 hour until soft. Brown onion and flour in butter. Mix all into sauerkraut and add potato. Bring to boil and add salt. Turn down fire and simmer 5 or 10 minutes (If more liquid is desired, water or bouillon may be added.)

Sugar Cooking

1 cup water-2 10s sugar Use aluminum pan. Stir either with wooden or silver spoon (a) cook and skim foam with spoon. (b) For fruit canning and to brush cookies while baking; cook a few minutes longer. (c) For icings, ice creams, candied fruits and nuts; continue to cook to soft ball or thin thread stage. Test by dipping spoon in sugar. When spoon is held down it should form small thread. (d) For chocolate icings and fondants; cook longer to hard ball or heavy thread stage. Test with spoon. It is done when sugar removed from spoon with finger forms long thread when moved between thumb and index finger. ( e) To cover orange sections or dates or as spun sugar decoration; continue to cook to crack stage. Test by dipping spoon in sugar then in cold water. It is done if sugar on spoon becomes hard and cracks. Note: liS cup water should be added to 4 tblspns vinegar and 1 cup sugar to avoid sugar crystallization.

COFFEE ICING (Kaffeeglasur)

1 314 cups confectioners sugar 112 egg white 113 cup strong coffee Stir ingredients until smooth.

[ 56 ] INDEX Hors D'oeuvres Cheese and Olive Loaf 15 Cheese Spread (Bier Kase) 15 Crabmeat and Almond in Chafing Dish 15 Herring Salad ...... ••.•••.•• 17 Liver Pate ...... •...... ••..... 7 Soup and Soup Garnishes Beef Soup (with meat dumplings) 43 Brown Beef (with Farina) 42 Brown Beef (with tapioca) 43 Caraway Soup 45 Consomme (with tomato souffle) 43 Habsburger Soup 38 Marrow Dumplings 40 Pancakes for Soups 43 Potato Soup 39 "Spanische Suppe" 37 Meat, Fish, Seafood and Poultry Beef - Stuffed Peppers 30 Boiled Beef 40 Filet of Sole in White Wine 32 Filled Roasted Beef Rolls 36 Leg of Lamb 41 Sailors' Beef 34 Viennese Shrimp 35 Weiner Schnitzel 31 Eggs Salad Eggs 48 Salmon Eggs 49 Spring Eggs 47 Stuffed Eggs au gratin 44 Vegetables Broccoli Roll (meat filling) 46 Carrots with Caraway Seeds 34 Cooked Cucumbers 41 44 Mushroom Pudding 42 Mushroom stuffed with peas 33 Paprika Potatoes 41 Potato Pancakes 47 Potato Dumplings No.1 31 Potato Dumplings No.2 35 Potato Dumplings 35 Potato Pudding 38 Puree of Lentils 45 Red Cabbage - sweet and sour 31 Stuffed Egg Plant 44 [ 57 ] INDEX Stuffed Tomatoes 40 Viennese Green beans 36 Viennese Sauerkraut 56 Salads Cucumber Salad with Potatoes 49 Salad Eggs 48 Salmon Eggs ...... 49 Spiced Tomato Slices 35 Beverages Egg N og for Two 26 Holiday Punch (gluehwein) 25 Home Punch 25 Loganberry Drink 22 Peach Bowl 23 Apple Macaroon Souffle 33 Banana Rum Mousse 41 Banana Souffle 34 Blanc Mange for Two 30 Chestnut Ice Cream 17 Coffee Cream Bombe 39 Dessert Pancakes 32 Fruit and Cake Dessert 49 Greengage Plum Compote 50 Stuffed Oranges 47 Viennese Baked Alaska 37 Wine Souffle' 36 Cakes, Blitz Torte 10 Cheese Cake 16 6 Crumb Cake , 14 Emperor Torte ...... • ...... 12 Frosted Fruit Cake 26 Grape Cake 20 Linzer Tartlets 21 Nut Cake 24 26 Cake 8 Sacher Torre 11 Sour Cream Apple Torte 25 Pastries Apple Strips 14 Strudel Dough (apple, cheese, fruit fillings) 54 Brown Apple Strips 6 Nut Crescents 13 Sugar Buns 21 Wasps' Nests ...... •...... •...... 20 [ 58 ] INDEX Cookies Almond Rissoles 11 Carpenter Curls 22 Chocolate Almond 27 Cloister Crescents 7 Coffee Meringues 15 Flora Cookies 9 Hussar Cookies 6 Ischl Tartlets 23 Kisses 23 Lcbkuchen 24 Linzer Torte 9 Nests 10 Plain Almond Cookies 22 Rascal Cookies 16 Nut Cookies 27 Tartlets 8 Tea Cookies 7 Vanilla Crescents 27 The Viennese Way Brazil Nut Butter Sauce 51 Hot Water Bath 54 Grillage Cream 55 Strudel Dough and Fillings 54 Sugar Cooking 56 Vanilla Dessert Sauce ...... 51 Vanilla Sugar 54 Vienna Coffee 54 Coffee Icing 56

I 59 ]