1. When hot water is added to starch, the cells swell and burst. What is the process known as? a. Hydrogenation b. Gelatinization c. Polymerization d. Water absorption

2. Hydrogenation is carried out in the presence of a catalyst. Name it? a. Nickle b. Cadmium c. Iron d. Barium.

3. Name the Coloring matter present in wheat? a. Gluten b. Testa c. Epicarp d. Bran

4. Fat used as a frying medium must have. a. A high smoke point. b. Low moisture content & high stability. c. High melting point d. High clarification point

5. What is the other name for Sponge and dough method of making bread? a. Slack dough method b. Continuous dough method c. Chorleywood process d. Lean dough method

6. Which frozen is similar to an ice-cream and is made by layering 3 different kinds of ice-cream with a layer of Genoese sponge? a. Gelato b. Bombe c. Spuma d. Casatta

7. Percentage of bran present in a wheat grain. a. 10 % b. 15 % c. 13 % d. 9 % 8. Name the process by which yeast changes sugar into carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol? a. Kneading b. Proofing c. Fermentation d. Knocking back

9. Which family of grasses does wheat belong to? a. Triticum b. Compactum c. Durum d. Spelta

10. Which are the insoluble proteins that are present in flour which give strength & elasticity to the dough? a. Gladin and Glutenin b. Gluten and Gladin c. Glutenin and Gladin d. Gluten and Gladin

11. What is Glucose also known as? a. Maple syrup b. Corn syrup c. Malt syrup d. Chocolate syrup

12. Which of the following syrup is obtained from barley? a. Malt syrup b. Maple syrup c. Lactose d. Invert sugar

13. Creaming of fat and sugar will be termed as aeration by? a. Chemical leavening agent b. Lamination c. Combination of leavening agents d. Mechanical leavening agent

14. What is yeast termed as? a. Bug b. Virus c. Bacteria d. Fungi

15. Which chemical raising agent is known as VOL? a. Sodium carbonate b. Ammonium carbonate c. Calcium carbonate d. Potassium carbonate

16. What is another name for creaming method of cake making? a. Flour method b. Sugar batter method c. Boiled method d. Blending method

17. What is the right temperature for hard crack stage of sugar craft? a. 159 °C b. 145°C c. 129 °C d. 150 °C

18. With what is Dutch-processed cocoa treated with? a. Cream of tartar b. Acid c. Alkali d. Alcohol

19. Which sugar is poured into moulds, and is almost always used for the base and structural elements of showpieces? a. Pulled sugar b. Moulded sugar c. Blown sugar d. Cast sugar

20. Which is the first country to introduce chocolate in Europe? a. Britian b. Spain c. Switzerland d. Portugal

21. Egg whites will whip into better foam if, they are? a. They are at room temperature. b. They contain some bicarbonate of soda. c. They are made using a small amount of oil. d. They are chilled.

22. In one of the following, cocoa butter is replaced by hydrogenated fat and a stabilizer. Which one is it? a. Couveture b. Compound chocolate c. Bitter chocolate d. Sweet chocolate

23. What are whipped egg white sweetened with sugar called as? a. b. Italian c. d. Sabayon

24. Meringues are usually left on top of the oven for drying. What are they known as? a. Butter cookies b. Forgotten Cookies c. Bachelor buttons d.

25. which one of the following products do not contain meringue? a. Key lime pie b. c. b. Baked Alaska

26. Liquid glucose is used in the manufacture of which product? a. Gum paste b. Flower paste c. Fondant d. Royal icing

27. Which chocolate must have cocoa butter and sugar added to it, but should contain at least 35% chocolate liquor? a. Dark chocolate b. Sweet chocolate c. Semi-sweet chocolate d. Milk chocolate

28. Which confectioner’s chocolate does not contain cocoa liquor in it? a. Milk chocolate b. White chocolate c. Dark chocolate d. Semi-sweet chocolate

29. In the manufacturing process, chocolate is rolled and buffeted for hours to ensure perfect smoothness and flavour. Which stage is it? a. Tempering b. Sorting c. Conching d. Grinding

30. Which is the largest cocoa growing country in the world? a. Brazil b. Mexico c. Ivory coast d. Indonesia

31. What did the Aztecs used cocoa beans as? a. Break fast b. Currency c. Animal feed d. Barter system

32. What does resistant to decolorization mean? a. Alkali fast b. Acid fast c. Having a right PH value d. Heat resistant

33. A cookie or dough with a high proportion of butter or fat to flour. Name it? a. Short crust b. Short dough c. Short cake d. Short batter

34. What is a thick sauce made from puréed and strained fruits called as? a. Compote b. Cobbler c. Coulis d. Nigella

35. Which one of the following is used for coating tablets? a. Dyes b. Additives c. Pigment d. Lakes

36. It literally means ‘pick me up’? a. Ciabatta b. Battenburg cake c. Banoffee d.

37. Which one is a mother sauce used in bakery and confectionery? a. Crème Chantilly b. Crème anglaise c. Creme Patisserie d. Crème caramel

38. Saffron is obtained from the stigmas of the "crocus' plant. It is mainly grown in the Cornwall district of which country? a. England b. France c. Spain d. Portugal

39. is a traditional buck wheat served with caviar, originally from which country? a. America b. Germany c. Denmark d. Russia

40. Which one of the following German bread is first poached and then baked? a. Rye bread b. Kuglehopf c. d.

41. They are thin, watery icings which form a hard, crisp shell when poured or brushed over and usually made with a fruit flavour etc. a. Glazes b. Rush c. Milk wash d. Egg wash

42. What is a mixture of cream and chocolate in the proportion of 1:2 to which 40% butter is added known as? a. Truffle b. Ganache c. Couverture d. Compound chocolate

43. What are concentrated flavors of fruits, nuts, spices and other plants, in a solution of alcohol known as? a. Essences b. Extracts c. Pulps d. Syrups

44. What is French bread also known as? a. Baguette b. Ciabatta c. Panini d. bread

45. Another name for bubble bread. a. Panettone b. Epi bread c. d. Stollen

46. Which pastry is used in the making of ? a. Short crust pastry b. c. Phyllo pastry d.

47. Which one of the following is a yeast cake that is soaked in syrup and garnished with cream? a. Baba b. c. Stolen d. Brioche

48. A traditional dessert served during Christmas season, especially in France. a. b. cake c. Boûche de Noël d. Stollen

49. Name of the French patron saint of bakers and pastry chefs. a. St. Patrick b. St. Honore c. St. Anne d. St. Paul

50. Which is a Greek bread which has coloured boiled egg placed in it? a. Simit b. Tsoureki c. d. Bread of the dead