July 23, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9747 wonder how they are going to be able so he could them. The London-based prostitutes taken off the Internet, complete to afford rising college tuition, which human-rights group Indict said Odai ordered with handwritten ratings of each. in many cases has doubled in the last prisoners to be dropped into acid baths as There were bags and boxes of pills and couple of years. Look at the disabled punishment. medicines everywhere—ginseng sexual for- The Caligula-like Odai seemed proud of his tifiers, heartburn medication, the anti-de- who are being fired to cut health care reputation and called himself Abu Sarhan, pressant Prozac—and an Accu-Rite HIV insurance, and they are not being re- an term for ‘‘wolf.’’ Antibodies Screening Test Kit was in Odai’s hired and people are not reaching out But his tendency toward erratic brutality office. the hand to hire people with disabil- even exasperated Saddam, who temporarily Nearby was a domed house believed to be ities because of the rising cost of banished Odai to after the the residence of Odai’s concubines, a bastion health insurance, and the pressures are younger killed one of his father’s fa- of bad taste with statuettes of couples in growing to cut Social Security and vorite bodyguards in 1988. foreplay, couches with fluffy pillows and a The bodyguard, a young man named Kamel swimming pool with a bar. Medicare as these deficits grow. Gegeo, arranged trysts for the Iraqi presi- Only an ideologue who thinks of dent—notably with one woman who later be- QUSAI HUSSEIN, YOUNGER SON OF SADDAM shrinking Government, whatever the came Saddam’s second wife. Worried that his , .—Qusai Hussein, Saddam cost, could possibly think we are on father’s relationship with the woman could Hussein’s younger son, held wide-ranging the right path. As Congressman threaten his own position as heir, Odai beat powers over the nation’s ruthless security SPRATT in the House has said of the Gegeo to death with a club in full view of apparatus that made him one of the most policies of this President and what the guests at a high-society party, according to feared men in Iraq. Congress is now following: some reports. Other reports said Odai killed Qusai is No. 2 on the U.S.-led coalition Gegeo with an electric carving knife. forces’ list of the 55 most wanted men from There seems to be no shame, no shock, and Odai has once been a strong candidate to the former Iraqi regime, behind only Saddam no solution. succeed his father, but he was badly injured himself. He is also on a Bush administration in 1996 in an attempt by gun- We must reject these policies. We list of former Iraqi regime members who men who opened fire as he drove his red must reject the economic malpractice could be tried for war crimes. Porsche through Baghdad. The attack left of this administration and move back Quiet, handsome and every bit as brutal as Odai with a bullet in his spine that forced to economic sanity in our country. Saddam, the 37-year-old Qusai headed Iraq’s him to walk with a cane. Younger brother intelligence and security services, his fa- I yield the floor. Qusai was instead groomed to succeed Sad- ther’s personal security force and the Repub- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- dam, worsening already uneasy relations be- lican Guard, an elite force of 80,000 soldiers ator’s time has expired. Under the pre- tween the two brothers. responsible for defending Baghdad. vious order, the Senator from Ken- Odai owned Iraq’s most widely circulated He stayed out of the public eye and led a daily newspaper, Babil, which he used as a tucky is recognized. substantially more subdued private life than platform for regime propaganda, published f his older brother Odai, who collected luxury signed editorials full of bombastic rhetoric. cars by the hundreds and had a habit of or- THE DEATH OF QUSAY AND UDAY He also oversaw Al-Zawra, a weekly pub- dering his guards to snatch young women off HUSSEIN lished by the journalists union that he head- the street in order to rape them. nick- ed, and owned the popular Youth TV. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, Much of Odai’s notoriety abroad stemmed named Qusai ‘‘The Snake’’ for his blood- normally in our country we don’t ap- from his position as head of the National thirsty but low-profile manner. plaud the death of anyone. We value Iraqi Olympic Committee, which was ac- Qusai was far more trusted by his father life greatly. But today we do indeed ap- cused of torturing and jailing athletes. and appeared to be his heir before the regime plaud the death, the removal, of two of The London-based human rights group In- crumbled. In televised meeting with top se- dict said the committee once made a group curity and military men, Qusai was seated the most vicious criminals who ever next to his father, wearing well-tailored lived. Yesterday we heard confirmation of track athletes crawl on newly poured as- phalt while they were beaten and threw some suits and dutifully noting his father’s every that the 101st Airborne—I can proudly of them off a bridge. Indict also said Odai ran word. say headquartered in Fort Campbell, a special prison for athletes who offended An exiled dissident told The Associated KY—in a raid on a house in , him. The International Olympic Committee Press that only Qusai and Saddam’s private killed Uday and , two of in Lausanne, Switzerland, said earlier this secretary, al-Tikriti, the biggest monsters who ever walked year that it was investigating the allega- who was captured in June, were kept in- the face of the Earth. tions. formed of Saddam’s whereabouts. Odai was One defector told Indict that jailed soccer thought to be too reckless to be trusted with Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- such information. sent that two obitu- players were forced to kick a concrete ball after failing to reach the 1994 World Cup Experts do not believe Qusai played a sig- aries be printed in the RECORD at this finals. Another defector said athletes were nificant role in the of 1991. But he point, but I want to take a look at dragged through a gravel pit and then was a leading figure of terror in the con- those obituaries because I think they dunked in a sewage tank so infection would flict’s aftermath, using mass executions and tell you a lot about what this war was set in. to crush the Shiite Muslim uprising all about. Army officers also were fair game for after that war. There being no objection, the mate- Odai’s outbursts of violence. In 1983, Odai re- Qusai also helped engineer the destruction of the southern marshes in the 1990s, an ac- rial was ordered to be printed in the portedly bashed an army officer unconscious when the man refused to allow Odai to dance tion aimed at Shiite ‘‘’’ living RECORD, as follows: with his wife. The officer later died. Odai there. ODAI HUSSEIN, OLDEST SON OF SADDAM also shot an army officer who did not salute The marshes—roughly 3,200 square miles— BAGHDAD, IRAQ.—Odai Hussein, the mur- him. had provided the necessities of life for tens of derous and erratic oldest son of Saddam Hus- Things were hardly better on the family thousands of marsh dwellers for at least 1,000 sein, controlled propaganda in Iraq and al- front, where relations between Odai and his years. The area was destroyed through a legedly oversaw the torture of athletes who uncles were especially bad. Oadi reportedly large-scale water diversion project intended failed to perform. divorced the daughter of one uncle, Barzan to remove the ability of insurgents to hide The 39-year-old is No. 3 on the list of 55 Ibrahim Hasan, in 1995 after she complained there. most-wanted men from the former Iraqi re- of being beaten. Odai shot and wounded an- Qusai also oversaw Iraq’s notorious deten- gime—only Saddam and younger brother other uncle, Hasan. Both tion centers and is believed to have initiated Qusai ranked higher. The three also are on a uncles were captured after the war and are in ‘‘prison cleansing’’—a means of relieving se- U.S. list of former regime members who the custody of U.S. coalition forces. vere overcrowding in jails with arbitrary could be tried for war crimes. While millions of Iraqis suffered dire pov- killings. As head of the paramilitary Fedayeen Sad- erty, Odai lived a life of fast cars, expensive Citing testimony from former Iraqi intel- dam paramilitary unit, Odai helped his fa- liquor and easy women. When U.S. troops ligence officers and other state employees, ther eliminate opponents and exert iron- captured his mansion in Baghdad, they found New York-based Human Rights Watch said fisted control over Iraq’s 25 million people. a personal zoo with lions and cheetahs, an several thousand inmates were executed at The eldest of Saddam’s five children, Odai underground parking garage for his collec- Iraq’s prisons over the past several years. was elected to parliament in 1999 with a re- tion of luxury cars, Cuban cigars with his Prisoners were often eliminated with a bul- ported 99 percent of the vote, but he rarely name on the wrapper, and $1 million in fine let to the head, but one witness told the Lon- attended parliament sessions. wines, liquor—and even heroin. don-based human rights group Indict that in- Iraqi exiles say Odai murdered at will and Odai’s obsession with sex was evident ev- mates were sometimes murdered by being tortured with zeal, and routinely ordered his erywhere: The house was adorned with paint- dropped into shredding machines. Some pris- guards to snatch young women off the street ings of naked women and photographs of oners went in head first and died quickly,

VerDate Jan 31 2003 03:26 Jul 24, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G23JY6.017 S23PT1 S9748 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 23, 2003 while others were put in feet first and died virtually all of the movements were under the citizens of Iraq for their own screaming. The witness said that on at least his supervision. amusement. No longer will Iraqis live one occasion, Qusai supervised shredding- This man was a complete monster. in fear of night-time visits from the machine . Thanks to the 101st Airborne, he is no On another occasion, a witness said, an in- Fedayeen and the secret police. No mate’s foot was cut off in prison torture longer able to terrorize Iraqi citizens. longer will Iraqi athletes fear being room while Qusai was present. ‘‘The amputa- Let’s take a look at Uday, No. 3 on the list, tortured for failure to win a soccer tion had been carried out with a power saw the murderous and erratic oldest son of Sad- game. No longer will young Iraqi brides during his torture under the direct super- dam Hussein. be forcibly taken from their families vision of Qusai,’’ the witness told Indict. He controlled the propaganda in Iraq on their wedding day to be exploited by Qusai was made chief of the army branch and allegedly oversaw the torture of . for the ruling Baath party in 2000, meaning athletes who failed to perform. Talk Knowing what we now know about virtually all the army’s movements were under his supervision. Just before this year’s about an incentive. In Iraq, if you were the regime and its war began, he was put in charge of defending an athlete and you didn’t measure up, penchant for brutality, it is abun- the nation’s capital and heartland. you got to meet Uday Hussein, No. 3 on dantly clear that as a result of ridding Qusai was spared any real combat during the most wanted list, only eclipsed by Iraq of this evil Iraqi, the world is a the 1980–88 Iran-, although state tel- his younger brother, whose activities I better place. evision showed him conferring with com- just described, and his father, who is Are we finished with the job in Iraq? manders. He did not do any of the compul- No. 1 on the list. Not yet. But yesterday was a day of sory military service required of most Iraqi great progress. No. 2 and No. 3 are no men. Uday was head of the paramilitary Qusai wed the daughter of a respected sen- unit. Uday helped his fa- longer available to prey on the citizens ior military commander. The couple, who ther eliminate opponents and exert iron- of Iraq. We believe No. 1—Saddam Hus- later separated, had two daughters. fisted control over the 25 million people in sein—is still alive. And we are on his Iraq. Iraqi exiles tell us that Uday murdered Mr. MCCONNELL. First, let’s take a trail. And he will been brought to jus- at will and tortured with zeal— look at Qusay Hussein. Qusay was No. tice. 2 on our list of 55 most wanted men Murdered at will and tortured with I yield the floor. from the former Iraqi regime, behind zeal, and routinely ordered his guards Mr. President, I suggest the absence only his father Saddam. He is also on to snatch young women off the of a quorum. the Bush administration list of former streets—routinely ordered his guards The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Iraqi regime members who could have to attack young women on the clerk will call the roll. been tried for war crimes. Let’s take a streets—to bring them in for his per- The assistant legislative clerk pro- look at what he did, not only to help sonal pleasure. So he was raping them. ceeded to call the roll. control the regime but apparently also Uday was fascinated with prisoners Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- for his own personal amusement. The as well. Like his younger brother, he imous consent that the order for the AP says: would order the prisoners to be dropped quorum call be rescinded. into acid baths as punishment. His The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Quiet, handsome, and every bit as brutal as Saddam, the 37-year-old Qusai headed Iraq’s tendency toward erratic brutality even objection, it is so ordered. intelligence and security services, his fa- eclipsed his father’s. That is pretty Mr. REID. Mr. President, what is the ther’s personal security force and the Repub- hard to imagine—that you could be so regular order? lican Guard, [which we all know was sup- outrageous and so brutal that you The PRESIDING OFFICER. One posedly] an elite group of 80,000 soldiers re- could outrate Saddam Hussein. But ap- minute 45 seconds remain under the sponsible for defending Baghdad. parently that is what happened. He was control of the minority. That was his portfolio in the regime. temporarily banished after he killed Mr. REID. I yield back that time. Iraqis nicknamed Qusay ‘‘The Snake’’ for one of his father’s favorite bodyguards f his bloodthirsty but low-profile manner. He in 1988. CONCLUSION OF MORNING was a leading figure of terror in the conflict Much of Uday’s notoriety abroad stemmed BUSINESS aftermath of the gulf war in 1991, using mass from his position as head of the National executions and torture to crush the Shiite Iraqi Olympic Committee, which was ac- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Muslim uprising after the Persian Gulf war. cused of torturing and jailing athletes. The the previous order, morning business is The AP says Qusay also helped engi- London-based human rights group Indict closed. neer the destruction of the southern said the committee once made a group of f marshes in the 1990s aimed at Shiite track athletes crawl on newly poured asphalt Marsh Arabs who had lived there for while they were beaten, and he also threw DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SE- over 1,000 years. some of them off a bridge. Indict also said CURITY APPROPRIATIONS ACT, Uday ran a special prison for athletes who 2004 Qusay also oversaw Iraq’s notorious deten- offended him. tion centers and was believed to have initi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ated ‘‘prison cleansing’’—a means of reliev- This was Uday Hussein. the previous order, the hour of 10 a.m. ing severe overcrowding in jails. One defector told Indict that jailed soccer having arrived, the Senate will resume That is a unique way to deal with jail players were forced to kick a concrete ball consideration of H.R. 2555, which the overcrowding—the way they did it in after failing to reach the 1994 World Cup clerk will report. finals. Another defector said athletes were Iraq—by eliminating the prisoners. dragged through a gravel pit and then The assistant legislative clerk read Citing testimony from former Iraqi intel- dunked in a sewage tank so that infection as follows: ligence officers and other state employees, would set in. A bill (H.R. 2555) making appropriations New York-based Human Rights Watch said While millions of Iraqis suffered dire pov- for the Department of Homeland Security for several thousand inmates were executed at erty, Uday lived a life of fast cars and expen- the fiscal year ending September 30, 2004, and Iraq’s prisons over the past several years. sive liquor. When U.S. troops captured his for other purposes. One of the things Qusay liked to do mansion in Baghdad, they found a personal Pending: in overseeing these prison executions zoo. Reid amendment No. 1318, to appropriate was to feed the prisoners into shred- The man had his own personal zoo $20,000,000 to the Office for Domestic Pre- ders. The lucky prisoners were the ones with lions and cheetahs— paredness to be used for grants to urban who got fed into the shredders head and an underground parking garage for his areas with large tourist populations. first because they died quickly. The collection of luxury cars, Cuban cigars with Mr. REID. I suggest the absence of a unlucky prisoners were the ones who his name on the wrapper, and $1 million in quorum. were fed into shredders feet first. fine wines, liquor, and even heroin. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The This was Qusay Hussein—eliminated This was Uday Hussein. clerk will call the roll. by the 101st Airborne yesterday, No. 2 In this country, we rarely applaud The assistant legislative clerk pro- on our list of most wanted from the the deaths of anyone. But these two ceeded to call the roll. Saddam Hussein regime. monsters—No. 2 and No. 3 on the list of Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I ask Qusay was made chief of the army branch the regime that we are tracking in unanimous consent that the order for for the ruling Baath Party in 2000, meaning Iraq—will no longer be able to prey on the quorum call be rescinded.

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