Holiday Bazaar Mi.Ssion." Ister

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Holiday Bazaar Mi.Ssion. '■V’6 I 1- a ' c , ■ ' ' ' ;TEEN MONDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1961 f<aU' Avorace Daily Net Preaa Rlin ^nrtrPBt^r ^tt^nfng lii^ r^ T|m Waatlier r Fwr UU W«Ms Badeil October 28, 1261 fforeoMt of D. a , W eeta* Bafeaa ManchssteriAssombly, Order of Fartljr eloady ami OM ta r bo- Rainbow for Oirla, will hold a moth­ Halloween Party May and Wallace Officers Elected i 1 3 , 4 ? 0 j About Town er-daughter banquet tonight at 6 night, Low bi 46a. Tocnonrow geo> at the Masonic Temple. ' HeldbvMAHRC At GOP Party By GFS Seniors Member of the Aodtt I erally flBlr, bnwqr. aad a o ^ . Th* •nnwit *emi-fortnM ball I Bureoa of dtcedqtlosi High In AOo. f aponi crtd btr tbe Ladiea of St. TOe Highland Park PTA will (Photo on Page 5) More than 100 persona, in the Miss sbsan Kopplin w u elected 3idmcheHer-~~A City o f Village Charm •Tanea wi1 lie held at Manchester hold an annual poUuck pnd mem­ About 60 children attended a guise of beatniks, characters from president of the Girls Friendly Cnvktry Club on Saturday, Noy. bership drive Wednesday at 6:30 Society Seniors at a recent meet­ p.m. in the school cafeteria, Hallo'vveen party yesterday after- the Roaring 20s, Indians, artists 11, and not NOv, 4, as prev-toualy nobn at the Bunce Center on Ol- ing at St. Many’s Episcopal Cffiurch VOL. LXXXI, NO. 26 (FOURTEEN PAGES—P ^ S TWELVE PAGE TABLOID) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1961 (Clnaalfled Advertising on Pisgo 12) PRICE FIVE CENTS advartised. » and .such famous names as Castro, Arthur Raymond Nielsen, son of coU St. The Manchester Associa­ parish hall. ■ tion for the Help of ^tarded Chil­ Sammy Davis Jr., May Britt and Other new officers are Miss Rob­ 'iltty. and Mr*. John Uoyd, for­ Mr. and >Mrs. Arthur Nielsen. 60 erta Eagleson, vice president; Miss Spring St., has been elected sports dren sponsored the annual party. Abe Lincoln, attended theisaturday merly of Manchester and now of Smokey the bear greeted the Sue Hansen, secretary; Miss Jean Miami, Fla.' are gucstR at the editor of Archway, the campus night masquerade dance mf Man­ children as they arrived and gave chester Republicans at the Rose- Kelsey, treasurer. Committee State News Auto Firm home of Mrs. Uoyd'e sister. Mra newspapef, at Bryant College, chairmen are Miss Jouine Nielsen, Providence, R. I. them lollipops from a pumpkin mount In Bolton. Jennie Vecchiola. 48 2 'W. Middle head. Mr. Clown lead the children Honor guests were Republican worship; Miss Lorraine Yaworskl, Tpke. The Lloj'ds were in charge In the "Hokey-Pokey” dance, and State Chairman and Mrs. Edwin publicity: Mis* Sue Trotter and R o u n d u p of tha Bolton Ivike Playhouse. handed out licorice sticks. The H. May Jr. of Wethersfield, and Miss Elaine Dagget, social; Miss Stalls Talk U.S. to Vote Against Atty. Uoyd is special council for Winners Named children . sang songs and played Rep. Anthony Wallace, speaker of Arlene Kilby,- service, and Miss the d ty of Miami. Mrs. Uoyd is LECLERC games. the House in the (.enerai Assem­ Janet Carey and Mias Joan Carey, FUNERAL HOME social, advisor for Gamma Alpha Mrs. John McElraevy, Mrs. Ed­ bly, and Mrs. Wallace of Simsbury. ihlasions. Search Stepped-Up Psi Chapter of the University of In Paint Test Soviet Threat ward Llghtbody. and Mrs. Ray­ May and Wallace serv'ed as The next meeting will be Tues­ With UAW Miami, and is mentioned In “W'ho'a mond Colpltts Judged the costumes judges and selected as "best cos­ day,. Nov. 7, at 7 p.m) in the old FUNERAL Who of American Women." Atty. The annual Halloween Window F o r 4 F u gitives in the grand march. tume" winners Mrs. William Troy, ' : .vii. parish hall of St. Maty* Episcopal Soviet series which Uloyd li mentioned In "Who’s Painting Contest conducted by the Washiiiffton, Oct. 81 (A>)— Masts in the ; Detroit, Oct. 81 {IP)— r*rize8 were awarded to the fol­ dressed as a Chinese 1 coolie, and Church. Girls between the ages SERVICE began S<ipt. 1. Who" of the south and southwest recreation depai;tment and spon­ lowing: Nancy Leemon, most like He6.ds O pticians Truman (Jrandall, who wa* a very Jotei>h Jay Stodlo of 12 and 18 are'welcome. Russia's huge nuclear burst— Enfield, Oct. 81 {IP)— Con­ .Chrysler Corp. held bac^ for section of Florida. Mrs. Lloyd is convincing Abe Lincoln. -------------^ ----- [WALTER N. ^UntU yiseterday’p exp^lon, the the time being today its an­ sored by the Chamber of Com­ Flippy the CloWn; David Babcock, Harold L. Davey of,Jhe Optical which may double the fallout Soviets were estimaited to. have necticut 'and Massachusetts chairman of the Ymmg Demo- second Flippy; Bill Carroll, best Tables were decorated with paper E n g a g e d LECLERC swer to a United Auto Work­ crat'a national convention. merce, proved to be an outstanding Style Bar, 763 Main St., was elect­ pumpkins made Into whimsical * Director coming from all current So­ detonated bombs with a total yield state police widened their boy, as a shah; Wendy Keegan, ed president of the Connecticut The engagement of Miss Dolores Reception Slated of more than 50 megatons of en- ers new contract nroposal. affair. best girl, as a gypsy; Robert imaginative faces, and Hallowlsap viet tests has been denounced search today for four inmates . r Opticians Association at it.s con­ masks and Qrepe paper covered'the Holly Wengzn to Robert Minnich ergy yield — including the |Mg The company said It required The Kdffee Klatsche RToup of There were 12^ windows painted. Berthiaume. funniest boy, as big vention Saturday night at Waver- Call Ml 9-5869 by the White House as a de­ who escaped last night from ceiling and walls. A .buffet supper has been announced by her par­ For Scotts Today 23 Main Street, Manchester Oct. explosion which U.S.^ sei- more) time to study the union pro­ the TWCA wtll meet at the Com- With over 300 children participat­ nose; Jeanne Kenneally. funniest ly Inn, Cheshire. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. vice to incite “fright and entiats now eetinuite at 35 mega- Enfield Prison Farm. One of posal. Top-level negotiations, mtmity Y Wednesday at 9:30 a.m._, girl, a.s/fccal; Bobby Balboni, most Le.slie F. Christensen of was served. Music was provided ing. Tile contest was in three age by the Ken Morgester quartet. Wengzn, , 41 Bliss St, East Hart­ panic." the prisoners, Howard Hough, scheduled for 9 a.m., were delayed Move Gains Mra. Norbert J. Carney will speak originsl^oy, as 5ft. Donat: Debbie Hartford, a partner with Davey ford. I ' ‘ A s a 1 8 t a n't Superintendent of The Immediate fallout from the brackets: Group 1. ninth grades: Schools Ronald P. Scott and his (Cqntinued On Page Seven) 51, of Everion,'Pa., was serv­ until an undetermined later hour. on AfriOan violets. Group 2. eighth grades, and Group Damato^Tnqgt oij^nal girl, as an ' and Andrew Lindberg at Optical Her ffance is the son of Mr. and blast is expected to reach North Time was a factor in the talks. angel. j Style Bar, was re-elected treas- wrife will be honored at a reception ing a life sentence for killing 3, seventh grade.s. Mrs. Michael Minnich, 73 Bridge given by the Manchester Educa- America in three to five days. The union had said it will take Dilworth-Comell-Quey Post, Also, George Taflln. scariest boy, I ufer. Supreme Officer' St., Manchester. A U IN ONE STORE The White House .atatement, ob- a Hartford man. The escapees action tonight tantamount to Support of American Legion, will meet at the ' The winners of Group 1 weiT as a skeleton; Patty Malina, scari­ ! The new state president was non Association tonight. Talking Pumpkin Stephen TurcoUc. 59 Ale.xancier Miss Wengzn Is a graduate of \-ioualy issued iwlth President Ken­ were trusties at the prison ordering a strike unless an agree­ Legion Home tomorrow at 8 p.m. | est girl, as a witch; Calvin Maku- I bom In Hartford and grad­ Will Visit Club East Hartford High School and is Members of the board of educa­ SHOP FOR A U YOUR nedy’s approval, said the So'viet ef­ farm, a minimum security in­ ment has been reached by that St., and Dave Hall. 45 Morse Rd. lis. ninner-up for most original uated from Weaver High School. tion. the school administration and pupils attending Barnard School, employed by the Hartford Elec­ fort to spread fear will be repelled Will Be Big Treat stitution. 'time. » UN Faction A Halloween party will be held | bky. as a jet pilot; Bobby McNeill, Davey started in the optical in- tric Light Co. Mr. Minnich, a teachers will welcome the couple — "Not only by the steadfastness who painted House * Hale's, Sec­ du.stry in 1939 with the American Manchester Emblem Club will at the event, scheduled ^or 7:30 at MATERNITY NEEDS However, all of the fugitives are UAW President Walter P. at the Salvation Army Youth Cen-1 r|mner-up for best boj', as a skunk; graduate of Manchester Hig'h of free men but by the pohrer of Reuther said the proposal to ond place, William Vincent and Janice Douton, runner-up for best Optical Co. laboratory in Hartford. observe district deputy night the Illlng Junior High School cafe­ Washln^n, Oct.
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