ICE of the OVEMENT Volo I July 16, 1961 ^ No, 11 the VOICE OF
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f"**0** ICE OF THE OVEMENT Volo I July 16, 1961 ^ No, 11 THE VOICE OF THE MOVEMENT is an official exoression of the Student Central Committee and of the Nashville Christian Leadership Council which together make up the Nashville Nonviolent Movement. "The Movement"- is composed of inter-racial,, inter-religious people striving to live democracy and to cooperatively improve the Nashville community. This letter is published to inform the entire community of the purpose and activities of "The Movement". James V. Bevel., Chairman, Central Committee^ Kellv Miller Smith, President, N.C.L.C, ?? WHAT WILL YOU DO ?? America has been a child much too long. II LET'S MAKE AMERICA AMERICA II A child that-dreams and brags of what it is going to be someday, but continues to As we all know America is known all crawl and nurse its immature and stubborn over the world as the bastion of democracy. fixations. I have heard it said that It is true that this democracy doesn't China thinks of the United States as a exist for all Americans, Other countries baby chick trying to show a mother hen throughout the world have become more and what to do. Though the vision of a frol more aware of this fact. An American icsome and daring child is "cute," the citizen who realized his moral obligation child in reality, must grow up. There to make America better by participating in is no guarantee that this growth process the Freedom Ride has been unduly punished will be easy or without very upsetting for it. His name is Allen Cason, a student moments. But, the growth process is in at A & I State University. Cason was re evitable. The sooner America (YOU and I) leased from Hinds County Jail in Jackson, wakes up to the fact that our fixations Mississippi and en route to his home in are sure to be our destruction, the Georgia he was arrested on the train for quicker we are on the way to maturity as being intoxicated. Whether or not Cason individuals, as a nation, and as a United was intoxicated we have no way of knowing, World. The time to act is now, and it is we the students in the movement who know our responsibility to be the "action him well, don't believe he was. He was makers". We must advance from the crawl convicted in tho land of "democracy" and ing sta'e and take direct steps to a^h- "justice for all" and given a sentence of eive what we brag aboutj what we profess, one year of manual labor. Had Cason been but fail to practice. Progress will not intoxicated on the train, let's extend it wait for us—we must adjust to it. The and say he was under the influence of ever advancing minds will pull us alongj alcohol and was acting in a disorderly whether or not we are ready. We must be manner, would a sentence of one year of willing to be ready. We must realize manual labor be a just one? This is that we have in our power the ability to Am rica, are we as American citizens, as make this world, for succeeding genera truth seeking human beings, as people who tions, an easier world or a further ex- want America to be America, going to sit tention of frustration and prejudice. We idly by and let this flagrant miscarriage must out-grow our hates and prejudices of justice go unprotested? As each day before we are brutally forced to do so, goes by Allen Cason, ulcerated stomach or worse, before wc destroy ourselves with and all, is probably subjected to insult, our daring foolishness. The world we brutality and back breaking work. Now live in is physically small, but it is you've read this article, you say it's our duty to allow the peonies of the too bad, you call the Geor-ia officials a earth to walk with pride in a beautifully few uncomplimentary names, you say some big world. And the beautiful, big world day it won't be like this. That DAY can is in the hearts and minds of human be be TODAY if YOU write to the President, ings. I want your children and mine to the Governor of Georgia, and the local prow up loving one another, never knowing officials in Donaldsonville, Georgia, and the ugly side—only the beautiful. It is let them know that America must become uo to you and me to realise this dream. America. Will YOU help me? ?? THE PROFIT AND LOSS OF DESEGREGATION ?? BATES TO REMEMBER by V.W. Henderson The weekly Mass Meeting on July 17, -It-is at best •difficult to develop 1961, will be a tribute to Rev. C.T. reliable data on the operation of indi Vivian, It will be held at trie First vidual* eating and drinking places without Baptist Church on 8th Avenue at 7s30 pm. examining the books of the firm and the Sneakers are Dr. Matthew Walker and tax and revenue reports of the firm. I Rev. James Lawson. PLEASE ATTEND I Hi have not engaged in such examination rel ative to the firm in quest* on. With the above in context, the follow ing observations are submitted relative to the economic consequences of restau rant desegregation. 1„ The experience of local places during the past year with non-discriminatory policies indicates that ing. It will now reach down into its bis- no loss of oatrona££ resulted from oper bag of tricks for a new skinning km<'e. ating on a non-discriminatory basis.'There The so-called hunger strike, which appar are approximately 25 non-discT^rottvvfc'ory ently doesn't include soda-pop and crack eating places in Nashville today that " ers, is the latest maneuver"'to regain formerly did not accent Nero patronage ground lost by the half-hundred self- a few months ago. 2, Based upon reports labelled "F.R.'s" who apparently think coming from the desegregated eating places they are just as privileged in jail as it appears that an increase in sales they were in plotting to break the law. volume would be expected with the accep Second, Bob Kennedy, U.S. Atty. General, tance of Negro patronage. This would who has designated himself as the black approximated 6.5 percent. 3« Five years man's "Moses" can't abandon his charges no ago 1|^2 eating and drinking places in matter how many "golder calves" he casts Nashville had an average sales volume of along the march against Mississippi. The $37,188*00. It is estimated that today minute a rider squeals, "Mr. Kenned}'", I've the average volume would have increased been slugged," here comes the F.B.I. to approximately $51,250.00 anually. Ii. A May Cotton An example of untruths foist major factor in desegregating eating ed by the "riders" was one of their number facilities in the Vanderbilt-Peabody- reporting that he had been forced to pick Scarrett area is that substantial income cotton in 95 degree weather, during the in sales would result from the conveni short stay at the county farm. If this be ence of accessibility of non-segregated true, then the farm official who managed to eating facilities for the large number of get cotton ready for picking in flay should Interracial grouos that convene and util be, in my opinion, secretary of Agricult ize the facilities of the academic com ure. Perhaps then, with sufficient gov munity in that area. At present the ernment grantsj he could figure out a way Methodist Board of Education (19th.and to air-condition cotton fields so prison Grand Avenue) and the facilities at pickers could pick in comfort comparable Vanderbilt absorb such groups.: Without to Kennedy's office. But despite his lies question, substantial increase in sales like this, the only people I've heard to volume and patronage would flow to a be given the slightest hard time were our restaurant operating on,a non-discrim own, who were doing the best job they knew inatory basis in that area, Ti us I would how. Our top officers should know that estimate at lea st a 10 percent increase Mlssissippians are backing them to the in the patronage to non-discriminatory hilt, believe and trust them. There is no eating places in the Vandcrbilt-Pea- reason to hit the panic button when feder bodv-Scarrett area. al officers come into our local jails and penal farms for "-Investigations."' Tu.<j-of- The following article appeared in the War Those in charge and those who decide' Jackson Daily News and the Clarian policy in our local government should un- Ledger. This article is opposed to"the avergingly support their subordinates just opinion of the persons who so willingly as those some subordinates loyally carry sacrefIced school, homes, and life had out their orders. This is a f^dc al-state it been necessary, in order that they tug-of-war, and Mississippi must first might erase the evil which has been look to Its own. This is not to insinuate covered by a veil of hatred, misunder that any of our people have been deliber standing and ignorance for 100 years. ately deserted, but we can't be forced The story reads as follows. into a panic by federal badges, coddle our Courthouse Comments "Don't Beat Mule prisoners-of-war and spank the guards. If Pulling The Plow" bj Edmund Noel everyone is equal before the law, then I've never had the honor of beinr a certainly there is no inequality for vio law enforcement officer unless a dog- lators.