By Abigail Ann Hamblen Have Stood in the Van of Every Moral Conflict, and Achieved All That Is Noble in the History of the World
Quaker Thought and Life Today VOLUME 7 NOVEMBER 1, 1961 NUMBER 21 IN THIS ISSUE Aaron's Golden Calf f!l:a cho<en huoes of by Henry T. Wilt this earth have been in a mi nority. There is not a social, political, or religious privil ege that you enjoy today that Affirmation of Life: The John Wood was not bought for you by the blood and tears and patient Case suffering of the minority that . by Abigail Ann Hamblen have stood in the van of every moral conflict, and achieved all that is noble in the history of the world. Friends Conference in Ghana Discusses -J. B. GouGH Education and Religion • by Paul Blanshard, Jr. The Churches and the Voluntary Migrant THIRTY CENTS • . by Richard Feree Smith $5.00 A YEAR New York and Iowa Yearly M·eetings 438 FRIENDS JOURNAL November 1, 1961 Roger Clark FRIENDS JOURNAL D OGER CLARK, who died on August 28, 1961, at White R nights, England, was born at Greenbank, Street, England, on April 28, 1871, the second son of William Stephens Clark and of Helen Priestman Bright Clark, daughter of the Rt. Hon. John Bright, M.P. In 1888, Roger Clark began his business career at Northover with Clark, Son and Morland, where he learned the practical side of sheepskin dressing and rugmak ing. He also studied the subjects of chemical dyes, leather Published semimonthly, on the first and fifteenth of each dressing and tanning at the Yorkshire College, Leeds. Partner month, at 1515 Cherry Street, Philadelphia 2, Pennsylvania (LO 8-7669) by Friends Publishing Corporation in the Northover business in 1896, he became an original WILLIAM HUBBEN director of Clark, Son and Morland, when the limited company Editor MILDRED A.
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